princekaiofstars · 4 months
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Tfw you only like one version of a character and ship with them exclusively don’t beat me up guys, Ice King just wasn’t my jam. Lol
But yeeeeeaaaah, I’ve had these sketches for a while and eventually(probably sometime tonight if I’m ambitious) I’ll finish them. They’re ship name is MorningDew or Ocean/WinterBlooms(because I like to think Simon is more in tune with water/rivers, he tends to go with the flow, motion of the ocean kinda character. Then this girl just comes in, annoying him at every turn but she loves him. And she’s also shipped with IcePrince/mixes the two up)
Plus it makes sense, going from a water Prince to an Ice King, don’t question the logic too much. I’m headcanoning
Anyways enjoy the sketches and if you’re also into it, id love to make OC interactions, I love characters meeting each other and gushing 👉👈
Art/OC(Blossom/Spring Princess) belongs to me @princekaiofstars / @princekaistar
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acoraxia · 1 year
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I swear I’m working on this au’s actual plot but she has me in a chokehold so.. oops
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pluralquotebook · 2 months
"Can you not read smut fanfiction about me?"
"we literally used to be married, [sourcemates name]"
Claiming this if no one else has 🌺❄️
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ameyumez · 1 year
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🩵 — Replycons image mask credits ♡ ’
Bold — favorites! ♡
Itallics + small text — additional info! ♡
⟨☄️› What and how to request ♡
Icons (matching, pride, themed, shaped, hair and eye color changes... ask and i'll see what i can do!), headers, banners, moodboards, layouts, stimboards (current preference!), simple replycons (may be selective on these!), wallpapers, song mv gifs, psds (for a character or a card set !)
Please specify the website for layouts and the dimension for wallpapers!
For layouts and icons, specify whether you want simple ones (no editing necessary, just a psd), intermediate ones (some overlays on top of official art + psd, not much editing besides that) or complex ones (might take a bit longer, will only accept 3 requests of these at a time!) Also on these, please say if you'd prefer transparent versions of it and i'll make sure to include one of each for layouts and three for icons! If there's nothing specified, I'll do what I feel would look best ^^
Also on the topic of icons, if you go to ‹🩵//: ame templates you can get some templates I have for icons! Since the only thing I have to do in these is to arrange the png and then psd, they might get done quicker than others :3
⟨🪐› What sources do I work with?
Enstars, d4dj, Paralive, Hypmic, A3, Charisma House, Love Live, Milgram, Fragaria Memories, Alien Stage, Project Sekai, Obey Me, Idolish7, Twisted Wonderland, Limbus Company, Bandori, Honkai Star Rail, most vocaloid song mvs (exception for Evillious as I don't personally think I can work well with it), Nu Carnival, certain rpg maker games such as Hello Charlotte or 1BitHeart
I may sometimes work with genshin, however, i am extremely selective on what characters to edit, please be aware of that.
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⟨💎› Blacklist ♡
What in Hell is Bad, Izumako, Ramujaku, romantic Ibahaji, Rei Amayado, any franchise that is anime only (i can't quite edit it properly, so i'd rather not deliver something of lower quality), problematic content and ships in general. I'm still in my right to deny requests and add other stuff to this list at any point, so please be respectful. In general, if someone requests something from there or when requests for something are closed, ill immediately delete the ask, sorry! Otherwise, I shall give an explanation ^^
⟨🪽› Whitelist ♡
Eden, Knights, CrazyB, Undead (Enstars), Rondo, Merm4id, Abyssmare, Lyrical lily, Noa, Esora (d4dj), Goku luck, Bae, Cozmez, 1nm8, Akan Yatsura (Paralive), Fling posse, Sasara, Kuko, Jyushi, Matenrou (Hypmic), Summer troupe, Itaru, Sakuya, Taichi, Winter troupe (A3!), Diverdiva, Guilty kiss, You, Aqours third years (Love live), Mahiru, Kotoko, Es, Mikoto, Mu (Milgram), 25ji, Shiho, Ichika, Kohane (Project sekai), Asmodeus, Mammon, Barbatos (Obey Me), Trigger, Riku, Iori, Tamaki (Idolish7) Lilia, Idia, Heartslabyul, Octavinelle (Twisted Wonderland), Any of the sinners, Dante, Charon (Limbus Company), Aster, Rei, Blade, Kuya (Nu Carnival)
Pastel or really saturated colors! Also, eye edits!!!! Ask me to change pupils or add eyelashes and highlights!
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⟨❄️› DNI ♡
- basic dni criteria. any sort of homophobe, racist, pedo etc.
- proshippers.
- anti mogai.
- anti kins.
- endogenic systems.
just don't be an asshole and it should be fine otherwise!! ;3
⟨☁️› Rules ♡
I will not use any fanart for editing. This is more of a personal preference thing but yeah!
Anything I'm uncomfortable with doing will be denied. Please be patient after requesting! While some requests are easy for me to do, others take a little bit more from me...
Always credit if you're using something and ask if you want no me/id or f/o tags!!! Sometimes, requests from the whitelist may have priority, but i usually try to go in order!!!
When requesting, please try to type properly and with no typing quirks. Mod has a hard time understanding some of them, so it'd be appreciated if you could do so! ^^
Finally, no reposts!
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⟨🩵› About me ♡
Hello, hello!!!! I am Chii or Cheren, but here you may call me Ame! I use any pronouns and my current preferred neos are pup/pups and fang/fangs! I've been editing since 2017 and finally made an editing blog to archive my stuff. Please don't be afraid to talk! ^^
I gif stuff to use in stimboards at @sleepuppy and stitch cards + post renders of games at @idolstitching! ♡ my main is at @vampuppyy!
You can bet I don't support any of the problematic parts of the franchises I edit for (glaring very strongly at the project moon staff) and if anything just claim them as my own ocs if anyone is worried about me supporting their actions
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batgirlkirb · 1 month
hi! do you have a masterlist or a tag for your fics?
hi there! i don’t yet, just because i still haven’t written a lot of longform stuff over here, but i probably will at some point!! when i do, it will definitely be put in my pinned intro
i do have a little bit of a basic tag system though:
🌺.moots, for anything involving my mutuals
🌷.games, self-explanatory
🌸.kirby’s spring, ❄️.kirby’s winter, 🍁.kirby’s autumn, for reblogs and art that i find aesthetically pleasing/fit the season
“kirby chats” is just me talkin’/headcanons
🎁.jayby, 🎁.hashiby, and 🎁.kirbō are my selfships
and as for fics, just typing in character x reader or the character’s name should help you pretty easily. but like i said, there’s not a lot here yet since these past few months have been the busiest of my life.😅
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boiling-potato · 1 year
Idk why but I felt compelled to do this. Ignore it if u would like. But here is some oc of urs that I think just rlly rllllyyyyy reminds me of your friends group.
@startheimpactfangirl w/ Lunie
@thekinderwizard w/ Trickster
@feelin-lo w/ Chaoxiang
@aesopsbaby w/ Casimir
@hanawrites404 w/ Rosemary
Hahah! Well this is interesting! I also can see why you'd think that! (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)✨✨
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Also Let me continue that for you if you don't mind! ^^
@alcohol1maid w/ Penelope
@rgg-draws w/ Hayden
@naciela w/ Willow
@googlyeyes-blogs w/ Heaven
@brianzdraws w/ Nevaeh
@chisekai w/ Luke
@mystique-flowers-and-sibling-duo w/ Ink
@stillreadingfanficsat10pm w/ Salem
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brainslushee · 2 days
❄️ Been so out of it lately. You'd think today would be a "good one." I got some people to hang out with me, and it went well, I guess, which is rare for me. I listened to most of an album I like with a girl we know, and nothing is more wrong than usual. People listened to me talk, and they """liked me.""" Whatever that means.
And yet. And yet. Ugh, who gives a shit.
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momdstadt · 3 days
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Do you think anyone is going to notice she's sneaking a fungi into the Akademiya? Regardless she's carrying one in her arms, careful not to move around the blanket poorly disguising the creature to wary eyes.
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sinjhopokedex · 4 months
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Anonymous asked: Curious question, who's gonna receive the most chocolate in Valentines day? Who's the most popular hottie~?
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"I made some for everyone, so no one would feel left out!"
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"But barring that..."
[Insert a pause here]
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"He is rather popular, isn't he?"
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"I'm really not--"
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"Oh, please. We've all heard plenty of members of the castle's cleaning staff, knights, or whatever giggling and fawning over you."
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"Not to mention all the chocolates, candy, and other gifts piled up outside your bedroom door on every Valentine's day. And Christmas. And your birthday. And whatever other day they can use as an excuse to give you gifts..."
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"It's actually kind of a nuisance... It's not like I can--"
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"Just face it, dude: You're easily the most attractive person in this castle! Not even Veera can compete!"
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"Right? It's gotta be his angelic beauty shining through!"
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"W-What are you even talking about--??"
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ballpit-bakery · 5 months
'Twas me who send you that anon-message >:3 Because I am right, and you deserve it
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auroragalaxyblair · 9 months
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Season Foxes!
Spring Fox 🌸
Summer Fox 🌺
Autumn Fox 🍁
Winter Fox ❄️
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softangelkisses · 5 months
— 👸 (she/her)
— 🌿
— 🫦 (she/her)
— 🫠 (he/him)
— 💜 (they/she)
— ❄️ (she/her)
— 🍂 (they/them)
— 🌺
— 🪿(she/they)
— 🎮 (he/him)
— 💥 (she/her)
— 🦢 (she/her)
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acoraxia · 1 year
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Bad, bad news One of us is gonna lose I'm the powder, you're the fuse Just add some friction
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fangaminghell · 1 year
Some heights ( for now)
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Rejuv trio and Reborn Trio. Flynn smoll.
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Asra is also smol. Look at the height difference between them and Cande goddamn. They're gonna put that parasol to good use, I swear. Also Philomena height <3
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For fun, I did Richard and leo's future bfs. Taka is the tallest of all of them. Cain is talker with his boots on. Leo is sadly smol compared to them, so he gotta go on his tippy toes to give them kisses :( ( yes, including Richard but let's not think about him).
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thicckennugget69 · 1 year
Based on the Vampire AU 🌺❄️
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winterchimez · 8 months
I need to know about BOTH of the eric wips NOW
bar!! it's so nice to see you in my asks hehe i present to you my eric wips!! ✨
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summary: you thought you and Eric would become the next hot couple on campus. little did you know that the male had other intentions in mind and was determined to have you to himself for good.
pairing: werewolf Eric x f!reader
genre: werewolf au, angst, slight suggestive, slight yandere
a/n: this is from my ongoing 100 followers event that i'm doing! the anon who requested this asked for a little yandere (which i have never written before) so i'll try my best to fulfil to the best of my abilities >< but judging from the lyrics of the b-side track and from the album's vibes, i'm thinking of a werewolf au for this 👀 i haven't written this yet so the summary is just a vague idea of what i have in mind for now
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Untitled (Eric Sohn)
genre: crime, angst, fluff, some crack & humour
a/n: so this is actually part of the tbz x genshin impact series i have in mind!! for eric's i'm thinking of writing him in Fontaine's world, and since this area is all about justice, i'd imagine Eric getting caught up in either a theft/murder that he is wrongfully accused of, and it is up to you to help prove his innocence. so there would be crime & angst throughout the fic, but also some fun and funny moments as well cs hey. it's ✨Eric Sohn✨
(not me doing him dirty again after what i did to him in my hyunjae series help—)
ask me about my wips!
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