#❆° story extra
〈 ᴏᴅᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ ᴏɴᴇ 〉— Sakamaki Richter
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Important Notes:
Yes I am aware that I wrote this instead of answering the scenario asks already in my ask box. However, I hope you all enjoyed this regardless^^ I’m mostly testing out how I want to organise these short stories, with this little set; so feel free to give feedback. And tell me if anything doesn’t make sense. :)
Now on a more specific note: I had fun doing this. I’m always looking for excuses to explore Richter and Karl’s characters, so little stories like these are giving me the opportunity to do that. I hope you enjoy!^^
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Soft locks of green swished and swayed in the outside wind, individual strands flowing like vines, ready to strangle whatever they touch. The individual connected to such flowing locks stood tranquil, hands dove deep into spacious pockets. His gaze was peaceful, and his stood in the heart of growing winds— It would storm tonight, he supposed. One of the most violent the Makai had seen in some time.
The silhouette stood strong, though was as graceful as it could be. As if were ready to blow away in such a harsh breeze, at any given moment. How far would he fly, he wondered. He wondered if he would be swept away, long passed the borders of life, death, and whatever lies in between. The man wondered how far the wind would take him, if he were to just fall into it’s arms.
Tired eyes scanned the valley he had wandered to. His days of wandering the Earth, hoping that his memories would long fade, have returned. The days of wishing that time would consume the darkest depths of his mind, have come to say hello again. If only life could be reset. A fresh start, from the dawn of time. Wipe his slate clean, and start anew. What choices would he make, if he would even do anything differently at all.
❝ What would you do in this situation, I wonder…❞
It was like his vocal cords were failing to register the vibrations, struggling to push out the man’s voice. It came out scratchy, and rough, like a broken record. The sandy dunes of the unknown wasteland he had stumbled upon were being swept away in the wind; sandy particles and bits of debris stabbing at his skin, leaving him with numbing pains. Though not running, he instead embraced. Back hitting the soft terrain, a dull thud sounding in its place. He traced the patterns the wind was choosing to show him, as if he were watching some child’s puppet show. Sand blowing this way and that, almost like magic young ones would see in children shows. He almost couldn’t believe it, how fantastical the world could be, in its most natural state.
However for every fantastical element Mother Nature decides to bestow, thus comes something wicked to keep the balance. Whether you were in the Makai, or on Earth, any sentient being could tell: The world reeks of death. Natural disasters, and even the smallest of substances, ready to take a life at every corner. Any person who realises this fact knows to heed its warnings, succumb to Mother Nature’s mercy.
❝ But you didn’t… You would defy the universe itself, if you had to…❞
The forest of green atop the mans head spiralled out like tree roots. Like the very veins that run through the world around him. How childish of him… A grown man, having run away from home for the evening. A grown man sprawled out in sandy dunes, in god knows who’s territory. He was like a small boy, all over again. Though right now, not a single thought crossed his mind. All except for one.. That person. The person he had lost so long ago, yet the same one who was defying time itself. No matter how long he waited, how long he suffered… He wouldn’t leave his mind. The individual wished to give up his bodily autonomy. Give up the right to think, the right to feel. Let numbness set in, as time and time again death fails to embrace him into its arms. He was so tired… And simply wished to dry up. Dissolve, in the sand he now called his bed for the evening. But as always, only one thought remained. The culmination of everything he’s ever wanted to say, yet the words he never knew he had the courage to speak.
Was he hallucinating? Was sand building up in his eyes, or has the dry substance absorbed all the blood from his head? For before his eyes, he noticed a figure, being formed in sand. An all too familiar figure, as if it were being probed directly from his subconscious. How convenient. Almost as if he were blissed out of his mind, the man’s head cocked. His eyes were softened— Colours desaturated as the life threatened to drain from him. Despite everything. Despite the numbness, the exhaustion, the need for release… The corners of his mouth curled. If he was going to speak, now should be the time. Then maybe, hopefully, he could let go. He could let himself rest, and his eyes would close just one last time…
❝ My light, my…. friend, are you listening… For this, is my ode to you. ❞
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lemongogo · 2 years
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deathnote days
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i love how after all this time we are all still in love with elizabeth swann and just simply never stopped thinking about The Pirate King
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buckypascal · 3 years
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Take a good hard look at what you see
I've lost all my hope and all my faith
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Sometimes y'just gotta… what even happened here.
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excaive · 2 years
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can you tell what bloody (heh) thing I spend the most time on? I hope you do
Anyway, just a short comic where Mark runs into (toku)Kenji unexpectedly - but then again you should expect terrible things when you willingly go down a dark hallway lmao
You can also view this comic on my website if u want to
Here’s their spotify playlists as well if you want to listen to their vibes, I’ve been vibing the past week between the two Kenji | Mark
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gunthermunch · 2 years
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marblerose-rue · 2 years
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click for better quality!!
rosetail + bonus kits / request
name one thing better than a good story . ill wait . there isnt
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luv-tiffanyblue · 2 years
(Y/n)’s Powers, Potentikinesis, Explained
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Potentikinesis: the power to manipulate the abilities and talents of a vampire or vampires
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⚜️Abilities of potentikinesis⚜️
ability easer: to remove powers/abilities of a vampire withone look or touch
Activation/deactivation: put power back into person
Statistics Amplification: to enhance the power/ability of themselves or others
Breakdown: reduce/weaken the powers ability of others or look
Power distortion: mess up others powers such as exchanging them or making them loose control
Ability borrowing/mimicry: take one's power for their own use
Immunity: block other's power towards them
Power opposition: to quickly use a talent to block another
Redirection: reflect to another person with a look
Ability intuition/learning: recognize others powers and learn control and utilize
Intuitive Aptitude: instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of the subject/object without the need of long-term or special education
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
not to be basic but 😳 do you have any thoughts on the demon brothers courting MC? Like any specific Devildom culture aspects that come into play? (Maybe something SUPER important that MC writes off as “oh huh. wonder why my ~friend~ is all nervous today”.) wink wink romantic demon tension wink wink.
Apologies for the long wait on this but YES, we love thinking about Devildom culture(s) and possible traditions, and courting ones are certainly fun to imagine!
We've come up with a handful here (plus a special bonus at the end), so we hope you enjoy them!!
(You can see a follow-up of mini-stories with the characters we missed here!)
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Sharing Bloodseed Fruit
There are a few different kinds of fruits in the Devildom that can have romantic meanings when shared with someone you're interested in.
Bloodseed fruits, which vaguely resemble human-world dragonfruits on the outside and pomegranates on the inside, are the most popular of these by far.
The number of seeds you each eat is meant to be representative of how long you will stay in love with one another.
The average bloodseed fruit has around 1,000 seeds in it, with especially large ones able to have up to 1,500 seeds.
Which of course means the demon brothers and royals aren't going to settle for anything less than the largest ones they can possibly find to share with you.
Favored by: Diavolo, Lucifer, Beelzebub
It's not uncommon for Diavolo to invite you over for tea. Today, however, you've scarcely seen any sign of his loyal butler, aside from a single moment where he delivered both tea and a much smaller plate of sweets than usual.
"Does Barbatos have a lot going on today?" you wonder aloud.
"Oh, no," Diavolo laughs. "He's keeping his distance today out of respect for me. You see, I invited you over for...something rather special."
He takes your hand then and places a massive, spiky-looking fruit onto it. "I suppose you wouldn't be familiar with this, but this is a bloodseed fruit. They're rather rare, but we have a legend here in the Devildom that lovers who share one will stay in love for how many seeds they each eat," he explains. "And so, MC...would you do me the honor of sharing this with me?"
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Matching Makeup
In the Devildom, there are certain patterns that one paints on their face that are based on their yearnings or desires, or signify something about the wearer.
These looks are usually only worn for special occasions -- and there is one event in particular where if you wear a certain matching makeup look with another, it signifies being together.
The Bacchanal of Illumination is a special time in the Devildom, where a variety of colorful demonic flora bloom and glow with an ethereal light once every few centuries.
Since ancient times, it has been customary to celebrate the three day window in which these flowers bloom with great revelry, parties thrown throughout, and imbibing an intoxicating drink created from the sap found in these flowers from past seasons.
It is considered good luck if a couple finds a flower in these fields the exact shade of the makeup they are wearing, signifying a healthy and long relationship.
Favored by: Lucifer, Asmodeus, Barbatos
"There we go, now we match!" Asmodeus giggles with delight, finishing the last flick of makeup over your cheek before turning you around to his mirror with a flourish. "Let's go show the others, hm, darling?"
You nod enthusiastically, excited to head out for this festival that everyone has been talking about lately. You've hardly taken two steps into the common room, however, before the rest of the brothers alternately gasp and/or pounce on the Avatar of Lust.
"ASMO, WHAT THE FUCK!" Mammon shouts. "Why the fuck does MC have that makeup, you bastard --"
"Because they're mine, of course," Asmo just grins back cheekily, draping himself possessively all over your shoulders. "Should have done it yourself if you wanted them!"
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Offering a Passiflora Hellbloom
Purple and white with a crown of barb-like vines around a protruding spike ending in an eye-like orb, these Devildom flowers can look quite bizarre to humans at first glance.
However, if offered to a love interest, they represent passion, affection, sweetness -- and agony, if the recipient refuses it.
You see, giving a single flower of this kind to someone is seen as equivalent to asking them to be in a relationship with you, and accepting the flower is to accept the relationship.
The giver can also cast a spell before giving it, where if accepted, the flower will then actually undergo a second blooming where it sheds the vines, and the spike opens up into a set of brilliant petals.
Favored by: Mammon, Diavolo, Leviathan
"Ahhhh, that was fun!" you exclaim with a stretch, ready to head to bed after a long night of gaming with Leviathan. "It's late though, I should probably get to sleep. Good night, Levi!"
"A-a-ah, MC, wait!!" he calls out to you just before you reach his door, his voice unintentionally almost a shout with nervousness. "Wait, I have something for you." He pulls a long, thin stem of a bizarre-looking flower from somewhere in his room and thrusts it towards you.
"Oh, what a...nice flower," you smile politely, taking it from his hands.
"Y-you'll really take it?! I know you probably don't want this from me, but you'll really accept it?" His words are gushing out with excitement.
In his excitement, sadly, he forgets to tell you what the flower actually means. But Asmo will be sure to tell you when he sees it in your room tomorrow.
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Passing a Red Candle
Candles can often be symbolic in magic, and the Devildom is no exception.
Red candles, in particular, are known for representing the fire of love and passion.
For this reason, when a demon gives someone a red candle, it's akin to a confession -- essentially, they are "giving the fire of their love" to another.
The House of Lamentation, by the way, has a lot of red candles that just happen to be sitting around all the time...
Favored by: Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan
"Oh, Lucifer, perfect timing," you say as he enters the dimly lit library. You quickly thrust the plate of the red candle you were holding into his hands, explaining, "Would you hold this for me for a sec? I'm trying to get this book out, but it's so firmly wedged in here, it's a bit stuck, and I didn't want to put the candle somewhere where it could fall over."
The barest hint of a blush crosses his expression before it's quickly replaced with a mischievous smirk.
"Oh? MC, you ought to be careful who you give a candle like this to in the Devildom," he murmurs, placing a finger under your chin to turn your gaze back to him. "Or I'll have to take this as a sign you mean to surrender yourself to me."
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Written Story
For demons, giving someone their grimoire is the ultimate sign of trust, as it is akin to surrendering complete power to that person.
Long ago, demons sometimes actually gifted each other their grimoires as part of marriage ceremonies, though it has generally fallen out of practice at this point.
However, the sentiment of the act is still quite popular, and as a symbolic equivalent, nowadays demons will sometimes write down a story from their life as a gift to their beloved.
Especially popular is for couples to choose a story about each other, such as when they met, a special date, etc.
Favored by: Satan, Belphegor, Barbatos
Come up to the attic, the text you get reads. I have something for you.
Even after everything, it's still one of Belphegor's favorite places to nap. You gently push open the door, half expecting him to already be asleep, but even though he's sitting comfortably on the bed, he's definitely awake and looks uncharacteristically nervous.
"What's up, Belphie?" you ask, taking a seat next to him.
"I told you, I have something for you." He passes you an envelope patterned like the worn cover of an old leather-bound book.
Inside, there's a single slip of paper, with just a short handwritten story describing the night he made the pact with you. You tilt your head at him with some confusion. "Thanks...? It's very sweet, but...what's this for?"
"Trust." A small smile tugs at his mouth, though he himself hardly even notices. "I told you I believe actions speak louder than words, didn't I? So here it is. All of my trust."
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Gifted Locket
A much more direct way of courtship, some demons have partaken in the tradition of gifting a locket to their intended partner.
While this might sound rather ordinary on the surface, there is something particularly special about these lockets -- they are imbued with a special, intimate magic.
When one opens the locket, it pulses with the other's heartbeat -- mirroring it in real time.
It also feels warm, as if you are holding the other's hand instead of the locket.
Favored by: Mammon, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Beelzebub has never really been one to particularly fuss about with over-the-top romantic gestures, but with his brothers all fighting over you all the time, he wants to do something to express his feelings to you too.
"I wanted to give this to you," he says sweetly, handing you a lovely red jewelry box.
Inside, you find a beautiful, intricately designed locket, and to your surprise, it quickly warms in your hand when you click it open. And even more surprisingly, it begins pulsing as well.
He holds his hands over yours, mirroring the warmth from the locket. "So you can hold my hand any time you want," he explains with a gentle smile.
"Thank you, Beel. It's wonderful." You rest your head against his chest, feeling how the rhythm of the locket perfectly matches the reassuring, steady beat of his heart.
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The Boutonniere's Challenge
At high-class Devildom weddings, it's common practice to serve something called a boutonniere elixir, a special kind of sparkling demonus with a single flower floating atop.
On its own, the drink tastes somewhat plain, much like any other kind of sparkling demonus.
However, if two individuals hold the chalice at the same time, even for just a moment, the cup reacts by warming up to represent the strength of their connection -- the hotter it becomes, the better a match they are.
The demonus inside, in turn, also transforms, lighting up and bubbling over, and becomes infused with the taste of the flower inside.
It is considered incredible good luck for both the pair and the marrying couple when a chalice of boutonniere elixir is spilled from the abrupt searing heat.
However, due to the pain of burning their hands on the goblet, it is often referred to as the "Boutonniere's Challenge."
Favored by: Satan, Asmodeus, Barbatos
"What a beautiful wedding!" you remark, clinking your glass against those of the others around you.
Just then, someone bumps your arm, causing the cup to start to slip from your fingers when one pristine butler quickly rushes to catch it. But, at the sudden feeling of searing heat against your fingertips and blinding light against your eyes, it only serves to make both of you drop it. "Ow!" you cry.
To your utter confusion, this somehow sends a wave of applause rippling through the entire wedding crowd.
With an apologetic smile, Barbatos takes your hand and pulls you towards him, completely ignoring the fallen chalice. "My apologies, MC, I should have been more careful, but it would appear that the cups think we're a good match. Now...let me heal that burn on your fingertips. Perhaps with a kiss?"
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BONUS: Ceremonial Proposal Knives
When one wants to propose in the Devildom, they do so with beautiful, intricate ceremonial knives.
At the base of the blade, the proposing demon inscribes their personal sigil on one side and the intended recipient's sigil on the other, making each knife unique to the pair.
The handles, which can be made of various magical materials -- bone, onyx, gold, the wood of a special tree, etc. -- are personalized with engravings.
These engravings can tell a small story, or just be very symbolic of the relationship the involved parties share.
What makes these knives most special of all is that it is customary to infuse a part of oneself into the knife -- whether it be a feather, a scale, their venom, or blood, they are giving a part of themself to you.
If the recipient chooses to accept, the two of them hold hands over the blade, cutting their palms open to form a blood pact in the shared wounds.
The shared blood then seeps into the blade, imbuing it with both their magical energies.
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
Irondad fic ideas #58
You know that trope where a rogue sorcerer knocks Peter's astral form out of his body during a fight, and Tony finds him and thinks Peter's dead? Fic where the roles are reversed: Tony's astral form is knocked from his body, and Peter is the one to find him there. Tony has to watch from the astral plane, completely helpless, as Peter breaks down worse than he has ever seen. The kid is holding onto him and sobbing. (Bonus if he's saying something like: "Not you too, not you too," and Tony realizes he's also thinking about Ben.)
Somehow the other Avengers get Peter away. In some of the Peter fics, Tony carries Peter's body from the battlefield back onto the jet. Peter is definitely strong enough that he could do that too, if he still couldn't bear to let go. Tony follows them all onto the jet, still invisible in his astral form. He sees the shock and grief in his team, and it's more than he was expecting, but nothing is as bad as watching Peter stare down at his motionless body, believing that he's just lost another father.
Back at base, Dr. Strange shows up for some reason and realizes what's going on. He does the big reveal / sudden fix and gets Tony back into his body again. The first thing Tony does is reach out for his kid, who is immediately hugging him so tight and breaking down.
Extra points if the dad thing is explicitly stated, either with Peter calling him Dad or with the Avengers understanding the whole time that this is Tony's son.
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Hi there! I wanted to make a requests if it’s possible, since today Harry’s House got leaked, could you do a one shot/blurb of Harry and Y/N finding out that the album got leaked and how would Harry react and how would YN try to console him?🥺
Thank you for your request lovie, I am very sorry it took me so long, I was out of town and didn't have my laptop with me 🤍 I am still appalled at what happened and my heart hurts for Harry, I am glad this happened while I was asleep and that by the time I logged into Twitter links were taken down. Please remember that this was years of work by Harry and his team, so the least they deserve is the respect by the fans.
Through the Hardships
April 20,2022.
Los Angeles, California. 4:45 AM
I shushed once more and closed the nursery door making my way back to our room. The transition from the bassinet to the crib was progressing, but I was just tempted to bring them in with me. I closed the door to our room and laid down next to Harry.
I was just beginning to fall into a deep sleep when I was rudely woken up by the shrill ringing of Harry’s phone, he groaned before answering, “Hello?”, a few seconds later he sat up fairly quickly, “Shit, how?”, that made me sit up too, he sighed pulling a hand through his hair
“Okay, send the invite and give me five”, he hung up and took a shuddering breath, I reached to squeeze his arm before speaking, “Hey, what’s going on?”, “They leaked it, they had so little respect for me and my personal things that they went through and leaked it”, “What are you talking about H?”
He pulled back from me and stood up from the bed, “God are you stupid? The album Y/N, they leaked my album”, I was shocked and trying to process what he told me, he reached to squeeze my hand, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have called you stupid love”
I nodded, honestly, I hadn’t realized he had called me that, “How can I help H?”, “I have a meeting in a few, I’ll let you know what we decide, how about you get a little sleep huh? We have had a few rough nights”, he kissed my forehead and left the room.
Los Angeles, California. 9:45 AM
A few hours later I woke up, after sitting down I realized that since putting Lovebug down I hadn’t fed them, so I started making my way to the nursery, when I opened it my heart both broke and started beating with love.
Harry was sitting on the rocking chair humming under his breath and holding little love who by the looks had just woken up and was in between sleep and waking up, he kissed their little head before turning to look into the door where he saw me and gave me an apologetic smile, “Hi baby, I’m sorry, I needed a cuddle”
I laughed a little before sitting down on the floor by them, “You don’t have to apologize honey, I understand and I got to say, that first cuddle is the best”, I squeezed his knee, “How did the meeting go?”, he sighed, “It was rough, my team is still trying to figure out how it happened, we’ve taken the links down but they are out there”
“And you? How are you?”, he looked at me, “Honest?”, I smiled, “Always”, he reached for my hand and gave it a squeeze, “I’m bummed, I am sad, angry and I feel helpless; this was the album I was the most excited to put out there, and for them to just steal it? I mean, I understand ‘Medicine’, ‘Anna’ and even the One Direction songs, but the album, why?”, I stood up a little to wipe the tears that were starting to fall
“I read some of the tweets and reactions, they are all really positive which makes me excited, but there were others who expressed their sadness and disappointment because they were waiting for the release, and they listened to it by accident”
I stood up and hugged him, “I’m sorry H, really sorry”, he kissed my neck, “I am too, but what is done is done”, we pulled back a little, when we did, I could feel my breasts were swollen and in dire need of a feed, and he noticed too because he stood up and said, “Here, why don’t you sit down and nurse? I will take a bath”, I nodded and when I received the baby, I kissed him before he exited.
When Lovebug finished feeding they were ready for their nap, so I laid them down, I exited the nursery and I went into our bedroom where I saw that Harry was still on the bath, so I took the opportunity to prepare some things to help him feel better.
I went downstairs and started preparing toad-in-the-hole, along with a brew of his favorite coffee, while that finished cooking, I went into the linen closet where I had hidden the blanket I had knitted for him a few days ago, I guess this was the perfect moment to give it to him.
I then went into the garden where I pulled a little lavender for a lovely finishing detail, I went upstairs and set up everything in the bed along with a little card and returned downstairs to finish preparing breakfast,
Harry. Los Angeles, California. 10:30 AM
The bath had helped me relax and I exited the bathroom, when I looked into the bed and I found a knitted blanket along with some lavender and a lovely letter by my girl, I opened the letter and tears returned to my eyes, This too shall pass, I am proud of you rockstar, you will do great things, through the good and bad it’s you and me, -Y/N
I went downstairs where I was met by the smell of my favorite breakfast and my love finishing plating it up, when she saw me she smiled, “The bath did you well lovie, come here, breakfast is done”, I smiled and helped her bring everything to the table and just before she could sit down I pulled her in for a hug and nuzzled into her neck.
She affectionately started rubbing my hair, after a few seconds I spoke up, “Thank you, I don’t know what I did to deserve you”, she kissed my temple, “I love you H, always together”, I whispered, “Even through the hardships?”, she squeezed me harder, “Especially through the hardships”
Taglist @tinydestinybear @amyleeeee @harry-is-my-sunflower @beachwoodcaferryy @dirtytissuebox @msolbesg @clarawolf22 @harrysficreblog @infinitely-yellow @cherrylovesblog @wherethehellhaveyoubeenharry @harryspirate @kaitieskidmore1 @michellekstyles @qualitygiantshoepsychic @irelilien @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @shawnsblue @behindmygreyeyes
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no-psi-nan · 3 years
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K: Extra Stories of Psychics (Light Novels)
Chapter Masterlist
Written by: Hinata Shou (ひなたしょう)
Translated by: Corredor1230 – Juan Pablo Corredor
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>>> Translation Complete <<<
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Extra Stories of Psychics Volume 1
Chapter 1: Try to guess the ESP cards!
Saiki Kusuo’s Interlude No. 1
Chapter 2: Get them back! The Lost Memories
Saiki Kusuo’s Interlude No. 2
Chapter 3: All you can eat! Hinoki Ramen
Saiki Kusuo’s Interlude No. 3
Chapter 4: Tell us! The Black Wings
Saiki Kusuo’s Interlude No. 4
Chapter 5: Avoid it! The Worst Ending
Extra Stories of Psychics Volume 2
Chapter 1: The Disaster of Toritsuka Reita (This chapter was translated by @uten4!)
Intermission Guest Chapter 1: That person right now
Chapter 2: The Disastrous Life of Teruhashi Kokomi
Intermission Guest Chapter 2: The Detective’s Melancholy
Chapter 3: The Disastrous Life of Saiki Kusuko
Intermission Guest Chapter 3: The Disastrous Life of Saiki Kusuo — The Regular Person
Chapter 4: The Disastrous Life of Saiki Kusuo
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stinkrascal · 2 years
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more sims who will eventually be featured in my sim story wip, heres werewolf siblings frankie and beatrice krause ! they are gay and stupid and i love them dearly
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strqyr · 2 years
jinn: "salem jumping into the pools of grimm made her into a being of infinite life with ~a desire for pure destruction~"
salem: proceeds to live her life in solitude in a house that's seen better days for however long it took for ozma to reincarnate and find her at which point they fixed up the house and—
wait. this is just the story of the seasons all over again. what's up with that.
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bridgeportbritt · 2 years
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Destination SimDonia - Learn. Explore. Stay.
Parkshore - Swim. History. Nature.
Parkshore may be known as a military town, but there is so much more to explore. Head for a dip in the Evergreen Quarry where you'll find locals and tourists taking in the scenery. Don't think touring a cemetary would be fun? Think again. The Henford Historical Cemetary is one of the oldest and  many Military heroes are laid to rest here.
Hallow Slough - Industrial. Education. History.
Home of The Margaret Royal History Museum which brings in millions of visitors per year, is lovely Hallow Slough. After your museum visit, hop on the Magnolia Ferry and tour the scenic SimDonia Canal or get a special tour of SimDonia's most prestigious schools - SimDonia Prepatory.
Umbrage - Cityscape. Gardens. Culture.
The beautiful state of Umbrage gives you variety. Spend the morning admiring the beatiful gardens at Creeksbrey Palace then head to Downtown Umbrage for shopping. Be sure to check out the new Royal Jacoban Church of Umbrage where you might spot a member of SimDonia's Royal Family!
Ophelia - Arts. Culture. Travel.
Coming in from the Duke Frederico Train Station? You've got options! Visit the Lima Beans Farmer's Market during the day to do some shopping. After, you can't miss a show at the popular Winston Theatre of the Arts. Either way, you'll fall in love with Ophelia!
Sage - Education. History. Beaches.
In the Heart of Sage is SimDonia's biggest attraction, Willington Palace where the monarch resides. But, head North or South and you'll find nothing but beaches and pretty scenes. Don't spend too much time at the beach because you can also visit the Winston Royal Jacoban Church or the Britechester University of SimDonia for history and culture.
Cypress - Nature. Scenic. History.
Touring the SimDonia Parliament Building is an incredibly unique Cypress experience, but in the rest of Cypress, you'll find rural, scenic land. The Lima Beans Winery Barn is a fan favorite along with the  breathetaking Cypress Falls. You'll love it here!
Destination SimDonia
SimDonia is the perfect place to live, work, and visit. You can find activities for ever interest and every member of the family! From historical attractions like the Margaret Royal History Museum to fun experiences like the Magnolia Ferry, you'll enjoy your time!
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