#🌸brightest sun🌸
hwaightme · 2 years
Like the cherry blossom falls
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🌸 pairing: yunho x gn!reader 🌸 genre: fluff, best friends to lovers, naturalism/slice of life 🌸 summary: every spring is a beginning, and you cannot imagine it without jeong yunho, your friend through the many years. but as the cherry blossoms fall, what will happen when you fall the same? 🌸 wordcount: 5.3k 🌸 warnings/tags: language, memories, mutual pining, from school to college, a lot of spring musings, barely edited mention of food/eating, banter between friends, mention of exams, waiting for love, discussion of love, time, hope 🌸 taglist: @doom-fics @legohwas @acciocriativity @justhere4kpop @honey-lemon-goose @byuntrash101 @shakalakaboomboo @starillusion13 @hongthoven @cqndiedcherries @uwuheeseungie @hoshischeekss @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts 🌸 a/n: happy yunho day! our ray of sun, our spring day, the one who gives and works so hard... thank you for everything you do, and wishing you the brightest, happiest days filled with love to come <3 much love, big hugs, all reblogs, notes, comments welcome <3
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It was the first warm day in spring. The breeze, which gently tousled your locks and made the bright green trees rustle, was still a little cool – the breath of nature after months of slumber, tucked under a snow-white blanket. The sun rays caressed your skin like a sweet embrace and turned the young flora into a glistening, gold toned paradise. It was a time for new beginnings, a time when dreams felt so marvelously within reach, and daily routines transformed into a pleasant waltzing sequence.
This bright spring day compelled one to metamorphose and take on change with newfound vigour – as you took in your surroundings, even though you were tucked away out of the action, sticking to the sitting area outside of your beloved convenience store, you could feel this energy buzzing all around. The enthusiastic chatter of locals resting under flourishing tree canopies, small groups ambling next to the picturesque riverbank, tired, but satisfied smiles on their faces, in wait for the offerings that the coming hours, days, weeks would undoubtedly bring. 
Your decision to move to Seoul for your studies had been nothing short of awe-inspiring – a gift that kept on giving. And any time you felt like you could not go on, and the gloomy weather settled into your heart and clouded your mind, you would remember the tranquil spring days which had been there for you through thick and thin, since the very beginning. Just like the dancing cherry blossom petals soaring into the skies after a mischievous gust of wind would invite them for a twirl, your worries would dissipate and join the floral confetti, nothing more than memories dotting your vision. Full stops over which you stepped towards another season.
This breeze that spurred you on, encouraged you, kept you going and became your pair of wings throughout your life took on many forms. One, the most important of all, was in the form of a boy, now a man who had grown from pulling your hair for fun to now making your heart flutter. The man who had just so happened to inadvertently plan his near future with you and made the choice to follow you to the big city. The man who was sitting across from you, his brown doe eyes glinting with gold from the sun that filtered through one of the pink-hued trees, it having left a gift atop his crown of dark, lustrous hair in the form of one petal. You were not exactly sure how you got here, and how the years had only made you closer, but you would not trade it for the world.
A tranquil late afternoon by the peacefully meandering river, cheeks stuffed with cheap ramen that tasted like memories and a hope for forever, tears springing to your eyes as you struggled to not burst out laughing while your best friend imitated one of your lecturers. His mischief and boyish eagerness to elicit the biggest reaction from you was enough to make your heart hurt, and the way he had to splay his legs out in order to not fall from the flimsy plastic chair – your spot outside the convenience store that had become your shared safe haven, was simply endearing. It was impossible to ever get tired of the radiance, the unfiltered, puppy-like energy that this wonderful man who you had the honour of having in your life exuded.
Had anyone told you five years ago, let alone ten that you would be in love with Jeong Yunho you would have laughed in the poor messenger’s face. Your shared path with him was more accidental than anything. Similar journeys home, similar interests. Even answering the question of how, or when you had become friends perplexed you to this day, with you being unable to pinpoint a specific moment. Sometimes, in him you still saw the excited school kid, clad in a crisp ironed navy uniform, running towards you to show off a particularly cool stick that was totally shaped like a laser gun from an anime, or the kid who dragged you to the arcade as soon as lessons finished. But with one spring replacing another, and with each new refreshed blanket of pink on the ground appearing more gorgeous than before, an innate, growing longing bloomed in your chest. And thus, you had come to treat what you had previously deemed an accident, a mistake or a coincidence as serendipity.
As your gaze followed the stubborn petal, Yunho’s movements grounded to a halt until he was staring right back at you, confusion written across his features.
“Hey, I’m not explaining maths or anything, why so spaced out?”
“Hm? No, I’m not spacing out… Actually, this will keep on bothering me, wait-” your body moved on its own accord as you set down your chopsticks and the foil which you had folded into a makeshift bowl onto some plastic packaging. Leaning over the table, you gingerly pinched the spring snowflake and held it out for Yunho to observe, smiling softly as he lifted one of his hands and cradled it.
“Well, would you look at that! I had a little hat on and didn’t even know about it!” and just like that, the petal ended up on your friend’s hair once again, only this time it was hanging on for all its worth as he launched into a seated fashion show, hands on hips and flaunting the new look. “So, how is it?”
“Stunning. Immaculate drip.” You responded without missing a beat and raised your eyebrows once in approval.
Yunho chuckled, picking off the petal and letting it fall onto the table, landing right by his bottle of water. He took his time with lifting his eyes to meet yours, wondering if the outwardly comical statement contained any element of appreciation. For as long as he had known you, there was one thing that remained constant, and that was that you were someone who was immensely challenging to learn and read, unless you openly wished for it to happen. But he would be lying if he said that it was not enthralling. As he let the breeze cool his lightly blushing cheeks – something of a permanent installation when he was around you, Yunho placed his elbows onto the table and cradled his head in his hands.
“Now you have to sign an NDA, you’ve seen the new spring collection.” He joked, a nod to the job that you had taken on prior to the start of the academic year, which had resulted in many midnight coffee runs, one conversation after another of Yunho keeping you sane enough to last until the end of particularly exhausting days, and a revelation that what you had been feeling was indeed, not an illusion. Fortunately for you, while you were afraid of misinterpretation, you sensed that what you had come to realise only now might just be reciprocated.
“Oh gosh one more mention of that and I will scream.” You shook your head, and dramatically stretched out your arm to lie on the table, hair cascading over the sleeve as a jacket, cushioning your temple. While the situation behind Yunho’s words was less than pleasant, he made it sweet by preserving it – like a pressed flower or leaf in a book, he kept a precious collection of your and his happenings. Yunho had a talent for remembering anything and everything that you shared with him, to the point where you were certain that there were a number of events that he probably could recall much better than you ever could.
“Come on, your internship wasn’t that bad.” a chuckle, a gentle tap on your hand that lasted a little too long, giving you ample opportunity to muster some courage and grasp at his jacket’s sleeve to prevent him from breaking contact. The barely audible gasp, replaced by a bashful silence and a return of the pressure of his hand on your forearm was confirmation enough that your spontaneity was right. Nonchalant, you continued.
“Except that it was like I was stranded in a deathmatch at the hardest possible level, overwhelmed inside, disconnected from outside.”
“I mean… in principle… that means you reached the match and hey, normally those maps are cool?” he seemed to have returned from his daze in record speed, though beaming a little brighter and perky from the game reference.
“So was that place… until- ah, too gloomy.” You attempted to lift yourself up, but one glance to Yunho’s resting hand had you forgetting that idea altogether, so you settled for a simple raising of the head, “Whatever, you heard me rant about all of this anyways. Let’s discuss the quality style instead.”
The action made Yunho retract nonetheless – ever so polite, and so you took to keeping your head in one hand, admiring your friend through blissful, lenses the colour of cherry blossoms. You noted how Yunho moved the feast that you had bought further away, and turned so that you would be facing each other directly.
“Yes please, I will have to ask you to expand on that wonderful statement.” He winked: a lighthearted ruse to keep himself together and not give away the kind of effect that you had on him.
“I am this close to taking my words back.” Almost pinching your thumb and index finger together, you shot back.
“Nuh-huh, I wore my special denim jacket today you can’t do this.”
“Yes, I can. And can remind you of your much more iconic looks.”
“Curious. Which one?” as soon as the question left him, you languidly pushed yourself from the metal, and leaned in close, closer, and closer until you were the reason for Yunho being on the verge of short circuiting. You were rarely this forward; any semblance to seeking contact was the odd accidental brush as you would walk side by side, but this, this was something else entirely and he was not prepared. If anything, this was reminiscent of what his imagination would conjure – so far removed from common reality that he was thinking spring itself was playing tricks.
“You… wrapped up…” your voice dropped into a whisper, and Yunho held his breath in trepidation, “in a duvet at the library.”
It was surprising just how much relief an unexpected humorous memory could bring. Recalling the basic fact that he was a human, and that he was to be socially appropriate even around the closest, most precious person in his life, he let out a sharp exhale and an airy chuckle. At least he had the time you were inferring as clear as day in his brain.
“Ah, you mean the time you were wearing the fuzzy onesie?”
“It was-”
“-finals week. Second year. We really popped off on those fits.” He completed your sentence smugly. Any other time, he would have probably crossed his arms or raised them up in a mock victory, but you kept him frozen in place.
A quietude washed over you. Muted, mutual reminiscing. Time to relive what had been, turning into awe at the fact that in the flurry of ponderings, of long gone snippets that twirled around in your mind palace, most were with this beautiful man.
“Yeah.” “Yeah.”
Was all either of you could utter, before falling back into an expectant silence. There was always a shift between the winter and spring, at least that was how you liked to describe it. It was in the scent that graced your room as soon as you opened the window. It was in the longer days, with somnolent darkness being replaced by a budding brilliance, reflecting in soft leaf buds and the beginnings of pollen – nature’s fairy dust. And just like this, from the slumber of a comfortable, amiable and cosy winter time, a shift between you and Yunho could be detected. On the first warm day in spring, as the blossoms rained down, the petal that was on your table now rejoicing upon having found an adventurous companion that landed only millimetres away. While you could never answer the question of how you got so lucky to have Yunho, you were inspired to guess how the continuation of what you had could unfold, if you wished for this flower to bloom and meet the coming seasons. The mere notion made you feel warm, unlike the rapidly cooling ramen that you were unlikely to return to any time soon. Last wisps of steam were escaping the containers, along with the illusion that this spring was to be just like any other.
“By the way, just for the record, banter aside, you do look really good, okay?”
He wanted to poke fun at you for your habit of playfully attacking and then immediately falling back into a truce – fearful of the possibility that you had hurt your interlocutor’s feelings, but found it to be too endearing to ever comment on. It was normally the time when you were most vulnerable, and the time when you had let most of your true feelings slip through your friendly, yet naturally reserved demeanour. Your expression was unreadable, but there was a tantalising tension that was luring him in. Suddenly, the table was very much in Yunho’s way, and led him to spontaneously rise from his chair, pick it up, flinching as he overestimated the weight and nearly hit himself with the back, and step around the picnic table to set it down next to you. You raised an eyebrow, puzzled, but your intuition was good enough to figure out the response, so you simply seized the chance to give your secret everything a onceover, as if you were seeking confirmation for the statement that had already been established in unwavering truth.
“It’s the jacket you picked out, so of course. But thank you.” Deflecting the generalisation, Yunho focused on the article of clothing, the tips of his ears turning a light shade of pink as he inspected it.
“Oh? OH! Yeah! I spammed you with the link to it!” you clicked the fingers of your free hand, agreeing.
“Yeah, but it was not on sale then, so I hunted it down until it was.”
“Well damn don’t I have good taste.” You mumbled, questioning your own ambiguity. Did you really mean the jacket?
“Yep, and in people too.” And that was your answer. Yunho mirrored you, setting an elbow on the table, a gleam dancing on his lips.
“How sneaky! But you do have a very good point, the universe did do good on this one.”
Unable to refrain from the gesture, you reached out to pat the top of his head. It must had been somewhere in the beginning of high school that Yunho became known as the ‘golden retriever’ type, the puppy boy, the energiser. And right about then, you had started to find immense joy in ruffling his hair, be it to praise, or in encouragement, or just because you had not done it in a long time. And while he would normally pout or roll his eyes, not once did he not tilt his head into the sensation. As you took your hand away, you noticed that he intuitively followed. A smile settled on your features as you sank into the indescribable unity. Not needing words to communicate, you sank into his dark orbs, their magnificent glint shining brighter for you than the afternoon sun and the glittering river.
Had you not been looking so intently at him, and had he been able to take his own eyes away, Yunho would have been pinching himself repeatedly to gain confidence that this was all real. You were the one who he had always quietly admired, the one who he always spotted in a crowd, his desire to achieve, to try his best, his confidence and his blue sky. You were the reason why he had so much focus. He had never experienced the tumultuous feverish youthful love – it was easy when only one person could ever be his motivation, inspiration, the keeper of his adoration. He tried to be with other people, tried to be close with other people. But that was all it was, some ‘other’, when all that mattered was ‘you’.
If one were to assess his situation objectively, Yunho’s feelings towards you were ridiculous. A mess of emotion that he could never untie, the beginning of the knot having faded into a distant oblivion, and him having no intentions of ever tearing the threads apart. Having only ever been acquaintances, friends, best friends, he had no foundation to build his romantic feelings on, at least that was what he repeatedly told himself, and yet, here he was, years deep and pining like a fool.
The spring only made him reminisce about how his feelings had grown in the shade of his turbulent, busy life, amongst the daily worries and a packed schedule, budding flower rising through the cracks to turn into a garden in his psyche. He almost did not want to unlock its gates out of fear that the beauty he had cultivated would be dispelled, and, considering you and him having your respective dreams and aspirations, he had previously felt it would be unjust to impose himself upon you. But much like the cherry blossoms that twirled and fell to the ground that still retained some of the February chill, he only fell deeper, and if he did not make the decision for himself, the garden would do it for him and more and eventually, the flowers of his fascination would consume him whole.
“Do you remember how we met?”
“Why are you asking me this out of the blue?” when you only received a motion with the chin to proceed, you pretended as if you were trying to remember, “That was so long ago-”
“But do you?” he persisted, frustrated at having to drag the answer out of you.
“Do I… Honestly? No. I tried to remember but my mind draws a blank.”
Just as he was expecting, middle school was one big void, out of which only one constant remained, and that one constant was currently stifling a chuckle. It never failed to amaze Yunho how you could quote show after show, novel after novel, occasionally refer him to a particular page in a textbook because, apparently ‘the shape of the text was kind of funny so it stuck in your head’, but when it came to people, you drew a blank. Maybe it was just him. Or at least that was the part that hurt him, and the part that he needed to bring to light if he was going to lay all his card out on the table and risk your friendship.
“Classic, Y/N, classic.”
“Well you are my brain cell after all. An unhinged one that has long lunch breaks, but I’m taking what I can get.”
“That is an interesting way to compliment.”
“And I have heard you on voice chat on Valorant so I think we are pretty even.”
Whether it was his nerves or his infatuation that made him so easily affected by you, he could not tell, but the comment was enough to make him break into a fit of giggles, calmed down only by him massaging the back of his neck and reclining into his chair to collect his thoughts. If he were to be any closer to you physically, he was not confident in how he would act. Narrowing your eyes, you detected the change in his behaviour, the subtle tint of worry, and bit back any remarks.
“Fair. But now, no laughing, okay?”
“Okay? That is ominous, but… go for it?”
Everything had gained an unexpected loudness. From the colours that you were bathed in to the symphony of sound that accompanied your conversation, your heart was accelerating. Finely attuned to a series of delighted shouts from afar – a pair of teens strolling down the pathway at the riverbank, you imagined it to be you and Yunho. In fact, that had been you and Yunho back in your hometown. While you could not pinpoint quantitatively, with ease you recollected the warmth. The giddiness of youth that had gradually matured into being each other’s number one fans. Much like those adolescents by the Han River, you had given each other pep talks, screamed your heads off for therapeutic reasons, and watched the sun lazily move across the sky, waving you goodbye as you entered first school, then university.
It was with Yunho that you understood the idea of someone becoming something like a limb. Or a part of your identity. It was so easy being with Yunho, that you simply forgot how time passed. Much like how one was not conscious of when they were using their hand, instead focusing on the words typed out on a phone screen, you had experienced life with, and through Yunho. He was always there – a constant in the chaos, and without being aware of it, you had flourished independently thanks to him believing that you could. The one supporter of your radical ideas. Number one fan. Reassuring you through actions time and time again that he was always ready to help, and you could only hope that you had done the same.
“So… um… Y/N.”
“Are you about to give me a speech?” you interjected, making the young man whine.
“Shut up for a second I am processing at high speeds here.”
“Okay, okay.” You at upright, placing your hands on the armrests, as though you were about to stand up. Perhaps it was to be the case, as you could barely hear Yunho over the sound of your pulse in your ears.
“Anyways, as I was saying. Y/N. We didn’t exactly meet. We uh… well I ran into someone, and you were walking by. At least that is how I see it.”
Yunho’s eyes fluttered shut as he visualised the scene in front of him. The chase, the hit, the whistle of the referee. How just as he was trying to stand up, a girl his age, one he had seen sitting on the other side of the classroom, was already rushing towards him and yelling that he should stop moving or his injuries will get worse.
“That time, I was in football practice and decided to, you know, touch some grass quite literally, but didn’t realise that grass and gravel would give pretty nasty cuts.”
“You gave me cool band aids.”
“Huh? Did I?”
“Yeah, it had like… superheroes on it and stuff. So, needless to say you got instant respect from me.” That interaction gave him band aids, a packet of wet wipes and an interest in you that he struggled to resist. As you left the field, he had watched the charm on your backpack swaying back and forth, a pendulum hypnotising him.
“Glad to know… Is that the whole meeting?” you asked, Yunho’s certain delivery and courage making you cower.
“Let me continue. Okay, going from there, you also shut down some rumours basically at their source. Oh, and you had brought me homework and notes for two weeks straight while I was sick.”
“You lived nearby so it made sense to do-” putting one of his hands over yours was only natural, and any prior tentativeness had dissipated.
“And let me say, this is all in the span of one term. One school term. Just freshly started the school year and you’re out here being cute and shit and then totally oblivious.” His speech accelerated to the degree that you wanted to remind him that he was not presenting in class and fighting a time limit. If he were to take the step forward, he needed to be sure that this was what he wanted. The wind picked up its pace, and the trees shuddered.
“What are you getting at?” to encourage him, you flipped your hand around and intertwined your fingers with his, the action sending something reminiscent of an electric shock through your system. But you were not about to expose your exhilaration.
“Mmm… I think you know.” He shied away, gawking at the palms pressed together as though it was a work of art. You did the same, though managed to utter:
“I might do but finish your point.” Yunho huffed in agreement and squeezed a couple of times, confirming that this was real.
“So, you tell me that you don’t deserve my help or that I do too much right?” a new wave of passion flared up in his tone, demanding your attention. The rays that melt away the winter chill prevalent in the voice, any argument not feasible. However, you were not one to not try leaving your two cents, especially not when you could count the number of barriers and filters that you relied on dropping to an unmistakable zero.
“Yeah, right, because that’s true.”
“No, because that is bullshit. I am basically paying you back, and never will be able to. Because you have given me nothing but kindness. And every single bit is like a petal.” Words spilling over one another, Yunho shared his soul. With one swipe, he picked up a stray petal from the table and lifted it: “Yeah, see? Like this one.” Shaking it a couple of times, he flicked it away to let it spin to join its family on the ground. “And they just keep on falling and falling and falling and falling and I am falling along with them too. These little gestures, how you stayed up to make sure I came back to the dorms safe, how you… seriously it is impossible to list everything okay?!”
It was as if someone had lit a match, and your body contained nothing but gasoline. Your suspicions had been proven right, and the words were heavenly music.
“Wait… come back to the falling part again. As you say. Expand on that?”
“Now that’s not romantic.”
“Oh, come on.” Yunho tried to pry himself away, awkward laughed bubbling up, but now that he had given you a glimpse into his feelings, you were not about to abandon them – not when he had recounted moments of when your actions were what reached his heart.
“Look, Yunho. We have known each other for long enough to read the vibe. And I can feel that you are terrified. Guess what. I am terrified too. In the same way. So, say it. For both of us.” You peered into his eyes, smiling, relieved that Yunho was more pleased than you imagined he would be.
“How about… we say it on the count of three?”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah. If we are about to ruin things, then let’s just say we crossed the finish line together.”
Ruin. If there was anything else to ruin, it was only the ramen that was definitely stale and soggy at this point. But love knew no earthly needs, only the game of chance and destiny.
“Well damn, okay. Fine. If that helps you.”
“One, two, three-”
“I like you.” “I like you.” The phrase resonated like a plucked guitar string, two voices turning into one, with neither of you capable of holding back laughter as the three words that previously were an unbearable load now joined the spring air, the vibrancy and rejoicing of nature, carried away by the breeze. Commenting on how both of you went for the safer option, you leaned closer to one another, a magnetism tugging you along.
“You look like you are debating whether to let your now-approved impulsive thoughts win or not.”
“And you look like you really want them to win.”
“You know it.”
“Are you su-”
Yunho’s eyes shot wide open as you leaned in and cut him off by locking your lips with his. Time stood still as he searched for any sign that he was dreaming, alas, none was to be found. It was your plush, rosy lips against his, a perfect harmony. Those lips that he had spent too long staring at, that haunted him, now capturing him whole. The brightest sun in his chest that rivalled the one that left your practically glowing. Relaxing into the newfound heaven, he brushed back a strand and returned the kiss, slowing its pace to a sultry exploration, a worship of the moment that, even compared to the years that had preceded it, was an eternity that he wanted to sink into and never come out of.
“Who’s impulsive now?” only when his, and your lungs were burning for oxygen did you pull away, and were face to face with a goofy, adorable grin, playfully taunting you.
“Not me. I am cool, calm, and calculated.” You replied, your voice still airy.
“And I waited long enough.”
This was you, in plural. Yunho guided you out of the white chairs and stood to wrap an arm around your waist. You had hugged before, as friends. As friends who wanted more. He wanted to scream out at every bird and passer-by that you felt the same as him. Elated, you melted into one another as your lips reconnected, the perfectly connected puzzle pieces. You tasted of memories and a hope for forever – also known as what you had been having for lunch, but suddenly, that interesting flavour choice was his favourite. Your arms snaked around him, and slipped under his jacket to protect themselves from the flurry of flowers. Even when you pulled away, your foreheads remained pressed together, eyelashes almost touching, and you rocked slowly, side to side, in a silent dance. Embraced by the spring of love. Yunho nuzzled into the crook of your neck, enveloping himself in all that was you. More than he could ever have hoped for. You wondered if he would tear up, but instead he mumbled, dumbfounded:
“So, we are like… a thing now.” You snorted, amused at the choice of words.
“Thing.” Yunho raised his head again to give you a worried glance.
“I am so scared to call you my girlfriend, I seriously think you will disappear if I do.” He explained, hugging you tighter.
It was charming, and simple enough to understand. Much like fearing snowfall in the early days of a floral reawakening, he could not bear the possibility of you fading into an extended frost. But now you were certain, that as much as he was your always, you were his. It could be that you had never considered romance before because you had already committed yourselves to one another so early, that they was never time to process. Hence why you judged your shared life only by the constant. By Yunho.
“But I was here the whole time?” you were no fool to believe that this was the same. Even in the year or so that you had carried the burden of hiding adoration, it was only yours to keep. You had been his, just the title and privileges were a little different.
“But now is even better. I get to call you mine officially.” After a pause where he got lost in his musings, he added, with a euphoric grin, “Too early to say I love you?”
“Ten years isn’t enough time?”
“I mean romantically…”
“Kiss me again and say the words, this is a threat.” You whispered, and pulled him in gently, your hands moving forward, and tugging at the collar of his jacket as you close the space once more, entranced by the magic.
Like the cherry blossoms fell around you, you fell for Jeong Yunho, and he for you. Through the years, you had seen one another’s ups, downs, spirals, and lines. You had adored the best and worked through the worst. No matter the season.
Spring was time for new beginnings. And while the comfort, the ease, the person were all the same, the future promised a myriad of fresh pink blossoms, the petals celebrating your new journey.
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annathefenecfox · 3 months
Symbolism of the Smiling Critters' necklaces.
☀️Sun☀ The sun represents vitality, passion, courage and eternal youth. It symbolizes knowledge, intelligence. As the brightest of all celestial bodies, the Sun is a symbol of royal greatness and imperial splendor, and in most traditions the Sun is a symbol of masculinity. The sun is often represented as the son of the supreme god, and sometimes symbolizes his gaze or his radiant love. The sun is the "world door", the entrance to knowledge and immortality.
🌘Crescent🌘 Its origin can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Sumerians, who used it as a symbol of the moon god Nanna. In some cultures, it is believed that it represents the passage of time or the change of phases of life. In others, it is a symbol of fertility and the changing seasons. Regardless of interpretation, the crescent symbol remains a constant reminder of the cyclical nature of life, which is constantly changing and in constant motion.
🌈Rainbow and flower🌸 The rainbow symbolizes transfiguration, heavenly glory, the throne of the god of Heaven, the meeting of Heaven with Earth, the bridge or the border between the worlds. In many cultures, it was a sign of God's infinite mercy and his love for people. The heavenly serpent is also associated with the rainbow, as it can also be a bridge between two worlds.
Flowers blooming in many colors and shapes symbolize beauty, fragility and transience. Their ephemeral nature embodies the fleeting beauty and cyclical nature of life, embodying birth, growth, reproduction and decay. Each type and color has its own symbolism.
💡Light bulb💡 The light bulb symbolizes the vitality and energy of life. Symbolism Meaning In general, a light bulb is a powerful symbol representing many important ideas and concepts. It is a reminder of our ability to create, innovate and understand the world around us. The invention of the light bulb by Thomas Edison in 1879 had a profound cultural impact on our world.
⚡Lightning⚡ Lightning represents spiritual enlightenment, enlightenment, revelation, the descent of power, the unexpected embodiment of truth, breaking through time and space, the eternal now, the destruction of ignorance, fertilization, sustenance, masculine strength. Like the rays of the sun, lightning is considered both beneficial and destructive. So was Achilles' spear, capable of inflicting wounds and healing. Lightning is associated with all the gods of storms and thunderstorms.
♥️Heart♥ The heart is a symbolic source of experiences - love, compassion, responsiveness, joy or grief, but also a source of spiritual enlightenment, truth and intelligence. It was often equated with the soul. Many ancient cultures did not distinguish between feelings and thoughts. A man who "lets his heart rule his head" was considered more reasonable than stupid. Symbolically, the heart was the sun for the body, animating everything.
🍎Apple🍎 The apple, as a symbol, means fertility, love, joy, knowledge, wisdom, deification and luxury, but at the same time, deception and death. The apple was a forbidden fruit of the Golden Age. Being round, it represents integrity and unity and is opposed to a pomegranate consisting of many grains. As the fruit of the Tree, the apple also symbolizes immortality. And to offer an apple is to make a declaration of love.
⭐Star⭐ In many cultures, stars are considered a symbol of hope, truth, and guidance. They can represent the inner light within each of us, leading us to our true life path. The shape of the star is also often associated with divinity, as seen in the Star of David and the symbols of the Star and Crescent.
(I hope that you will like it, after all, this topic is interesting to me. Plus, write what else I can find symbols for)
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🌸 for the dead boy detectives main cast!
🌸 Assign a flower with symbolism.
Oh, gladly! I'm sure there are many other flowers that would be great for these four but here's what I came up with.
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Charles: Sunflower - I wanted a cheery flower for Charles due to his friendly nature, and while I was going to avoid the obvious choice of the sunflower, it's really too perfect for me not to choose. Sunflowers are bright flowers; symbols of faithfulness, loyalty and devotion. They always turn to face towards the sun, the brightest light.
Edwin: Purple Lilac - Lilacs are symbols of young love, youth, and confidence. Purple lilacs are specifically representative of the shyness and intensity of a first love. Other stories about the flower link it to meanings of resilience and magic. I felt that encompassed Edwin's character arc very nicely, while also tying in his use of magic as a bonus.
Crystal: Pink and Purple Foxglove - Foxgloves are magic-associated flowers that have dual connotations of both protection and toxicity owing to the flower being used as both a medicine and a poison. Pink foxglove symbolizes healing from emotional trauma, while purple is a soothing colour associated with magic abilities and relieving the mind of tension and anger. Sounds like Crystal to me!
Niko: Yellow Rose - The quintessential flower of friendship, joy and optimism, they are also symbolic of support towards friends facing difficulties, and of courage and inner strength. They can also signify waiting for a loved one to return home. ...Niko, come back...
Original ask game here!
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 7 months
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Take what resonates! Leave what doesn't but always be open to new perspectives 🖤🩶🤍
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Crystal: Sunstone
Astrology: Leo♌️, Sagittarius♐️, Pisces♓️
Hi, pile one! The best way you can connect with the universe is to face the darkest parts of it (or yourself) head on. Meditating sounds like a perfect way for you to tap into Spirit’s voice. However, I can sort of tell you are very restless when you try to meditate. Your mind has a lot to say and it's not always fun to listen too. Remember they are just thoughts, my friend. They aren't representative of you or who you want to be because thoughts are just thoughts. The longer you sit with them, the easier it will be to connect to your spirit guides. Once you’ve embraced the storm of your mind, it will eventually aim you towards the eye of this storm. The calm will envelop you. Universe will be there in the eye of your mind. It will be ready to communicate clearly and it will be brighter and louder than the darkness you feel. It has so much it wants to tell you. Spirit really wants to show you the beauty of the world and the beauty inside of you. You shine so bright, you are like the sun. Remember the brightest stars cast the darkest shadows. Light cannot exist without dark. The darkness in your mind is just as beautiful as the cosmos above. I really love to appreciate the scariest parts of life and most people aren’t comfortable doing that so it will probably take a lot of repetition to make it through the storm. Just know the universe is smitten with every part of you. Allow yourself to be devoted to Spirit. Allow the universe to circulate warmth and tenderness to you.
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Crystal: Angelite
Astrology: Taurus♉️, Aries♈️, Capricorn♑️
Hello, pile 2! One thing I’d like to immediately mention about your reading is that there is a VERY heavy abrahamic religious vibe coming from these cards. The crystal you chose is a broken angelite tower and that makes me think you used to be christian, jewish or muslim. Alternatively, you could still be devoted to your religion but could be questioning your faith as of recent. To connect with your Deity better will take a bit of adjustment. You may feel alienated from your relationship with them. I suggest taking a more friend-like approach to connecting with your guide. They aren’t expecting you to put them on such a high pedestal anymore. Move away from the traditional approach of connecting with your God. They want to be your friend. Someone you can confide in when you are scared, sad, angry or betrayed. They do not want you to fear their opinion of you or your actions. They love you so deeply and truly. That means you can be yourself with them. You do not need to filter for someone who loves you so unconditionally. AND feel free to talk to them everywhere! Especially, when you are doing selfcare!!! If you are making a meal for yourself, reading your favorite book or taking a bath/shower. They want you to talk to them when you are doing everyday stuff. They are always with you but not in the sense that they are hovering over your shoulder waiting for you to mess up. They are with you as a companion. They see you as a dear friend. You are so important to them. You will not be punished for being yourself.
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Crystal: Amethyst
Astrology: Cancer♋️, Libra♎️, Aquarius♒️
Hey there, pile 3! You are incredibly spiritual and incredibly in tune with the universe. I see that you are an old soul. One that has seen many lives and you are probably aware of that fact. I also see that you have been stuck AF recently. You are so confused on how to take your spiritual path forward. You have been doing a lot of work without any reward. Which to be honest, sounds like a huge bummer and I’m so sorry you are feeling so frustrated with your spirituality. Before you continue reading this, know you are not gonna like this answer. My device crashed when I tried to write your reading down which tells me you might not be ready to hear this answer. The cards are asking you to do something kind of different and a little difficult. You can best connect with spirit if you ground yourself more in reality. Connect with friends, family, coworkers or literally anyone. Take a walk outside and do breathing exercises instead of meditation. Your soul is already so strongly connected and you keep trying to connect it more but I’m gonna be for real here. You have hit the ceiling when it comes to your upper chakras. If you were to continue it would be extremely detrimental to your mental health. The more you pull your soul to earth and the more you participate in the physical you will realize that the earth is magical! People are magical! Reality is magical! I know you want to escape from some things by pulling yourself into the astral realm. It isn’t going to move your spirituality forward. I’m really sorry I know it heckin sucks. I know this lesson all too well myself. I promise it’ll be worth your effort to spend some time in reality with your loved ones.
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Crystal: Howlite
Astrology: Scorpio♏️, Gemini♊️, Virgo♍️
Pile 4, you are an enigma for sure. Welcome to your reading. First thing I’m gonna address about your connection to spirit is that it is strongest when you are alone. All the chatter of everyone else’s souls’ block your soul from truly being integrated with the universe. You have such strong love for everyone around you despite the constant chatter. You care so deeply for your connections in reality. You really are the biggest sweetie pie ever. You might ignore Spirit by accident because you are so intent on listening to your loved ones. You adore talking with them. All you want is to give them gifts and you constantly think about them. Your cards are not telling you to stop loving and listening. They are instructing you to have time with yourself. Maybe setting aside an hour or two a day just for you. This does not have to be a consistent schedule you follow. Just whenever you start beating yourself up or you start to feel uncomfortable in any way, that will be your queue to stop whatever you are doing for others and start giving to yourself. You’ll know what you need if you allow yourself space to think and get away from the chatter. You don’t necessarily have to set boundaries with anyone around you because I think you are the only one who is crossing your own boundaries here. You love everyone so expansively and honestly. It is beautiful how deep your admiration can go. Please pay close attention to when you start stomping on your own boundaries. You don’t even really notice when you do it and that sounds like it’s gonna be the hardest part to get past. Keep a keen eye out for how you treat yourself when you are busy loving others.
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claykitty-studyblog · 4 months
june 8th, '24 📸🌸
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got out of bed at about 8:30 and i finished the remaining two assignments! today's lecture was on filipino komiks. it was awesome and i learnt a lot about the history of the philippines along the way. and now i have another assignment to write... went on a brief side quest on my way home to take pictures of the flowers:-D
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fun fact - out of the order passeriformes (meaning "sparrow-shaped" in latin), under which about 65% of all bird species fall, the smallest kind found in bulgaria is the goldcrest kinglet (regulus regulus - "petty king/prince") which weights about 6-7 grams.
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regulus is also the name of the brightest object in the leo constellation and the 21st brightest star on our sky. it may look singular, but it's actually a quadruple star system - though it is uncertain whether they are just four. originally the system was thought to have been fairly young, around 50-100 million years old. the later discovery of the fourth star, the white dwarf that orbits them, changes that estimate to being at the very least a billion years old! the regulus' primary star is egg-shaped and about 3.8 times larger than ours. its rotation period lasts a bit under 16 hours - that's very rapid compared to the sun's 25 days.
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foxlin-fantasia · 1 year
💫 14 associations : Hanaka Houjou
tagged by @archaiclumina & @reconditerune !! ty!
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🌸 animal: red squirrels. ( i genuinely couldn’t think of anything & asked my gf. it’s canon now ig /shrug ) for a ff based creature, she’d be a red chocobo or a tabby coeurl kit. 
🌸 color: pink! coral & rose pink are p distinct on her, but i also think pearlescent white, warm-toned colors, + gold accents are also fitting.
🌸 song: fellow feeling by porter robinson ( most things made by porter are a vibe tbh but THIS song?? oof from the lyrics alone; almost like i could hear the words being said as her own. the sound itself is v modern, but the initial calm that turns into chaos all contrasts so well against with what is being said in the song & kind of silhouettes what i imagine it must feel like for Hanaka to use her Echo / aetheric abilities?? it’s intense, maybe a bit scary to witness. she is incredibly strong when her power is wielded deftly, but it’s a painful process. also her h/c’d english VA* *subject to change is doing the speaking in the song! it’s all v good!! )
🌸 number: 2. She likes multiples of two. She usually prefers to go second in most things in her life, letting someone else take the lead so she can learn from their example. She is the kind to observe first, then act; always preferring a one-two step kind of plan.
🌸 day or night: she is the early morning, specifically the hours of 3~5 AM, when the world sleeps & the stars shine brightest. She is like dawn break over the horizon, shooing the stars to their beds with her sun-like smile. She is the comfort of knowing you’ve survived another night, the bleary sky a meld of purples & pinks into new day blues or early morning golds, dotted with flickering stars who will soon rest behind the fluffy clouds. Hanaka loves the night skies, but she herself is very much the dawn.
🌸 plant: victoria rose forget-me-nots; felt like a fitting plant, as a lot of her WoL narrative deals with remembering / seeing / sharing memories with others. pink flowers for bonus points!
🌸 smell: initially, she smells like the plum & cherry blossoms she likes to use as her daily accessories. Her true scent is of Othardian poppies, Doman black tea, ginger root, natural musk, & a touch of something sweet akin to a marshmallow. ( it’s my headcanon that Hanaka just… always smells good lol because of her ability to sprout flowers from her body to heal herself & she is also just very well-groomed when able! )
🌸 gemstone: angel aura quartz, pearl, or argyle ( pink ) diamond!
🌸 season: late winter to early spring, right after the deep winter frost thaws; still cold outside but the snow is melting, maybe an occasional snow flurry. The plum trees have blossomed & warmer seasons are on their way; bird calls return to the mornings again, signaling the end of hibernation. The crisp air smells of rebirth & sweetness.
🌸 place: Yanxia. She was born in a small farming village beyond the Glittering Basin, now lost to war & time.
🌸 food: hanami dango ( her favorite dango flavor is azim strawberry! )
🌸 eorzean deity: i associate her with Azeyma ( mostly due to aesthetics ), though her patron is Althyk! Althyk makes more sense for her narratively imo.
🌸 eorzean element(s): earth, the element of substance & endurance. Her abilities draw from this element the most!
🌸 drink: maehwa-cha ( plum blossom tea )
i tag: @uldahstreetrat , @crowdsourcedloner , @cindernet-explorer, @petitfarron , @gatheredfates , @evuniel & whomever else is wanting to! ( also no obligation to those tagged do this either ofc )
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leagueofdccm · 5 months
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🌸🌸. WHAT AM I ? WHO AM I ? 
 She wasn’t always thirsty for blood. Wasn’t always bound to the night. Trapped & forbidden to see the sun again. It’s heartbreaking to think….. the only time she’ll ever see that blazing sun again is in pictures. But it’s not the same. She doesn’t remember the feeling of WARMTH… doesn’t remember what it’s like basking underneath the sun and letting her hair loose while soaking up in the beach with her friends. The brightest of beams crossing their features. Eating ice cream and a couple of burgers and hotdogs! Eating up a storm like it was their last day. And it was. It was her last day witnessing the sun, sand between her toes. The last time she held her parents in her arms.. Wandering the streets at the dead of night. They tell you why you shouldn’t as a girl walk alone in the night. Bad people will hurt you, steal your money…. but no one ever tells you about the monsters that lurk the night and take you from your home and turn you into something you are not. Hands are cold, she’s hungry but burgers no longer interest her. Milkshakes make her gag… but blood? Blood fills her up.  You hear stories of those who thirst for blood and kidnap people, lure them in and drain their life….. or keep them as part of their… clan. Least that’s what they would say. Whether it’s true or not….. she hasn’t come across a single vampire since she’s been bitten. Least, not the one who turned her. Remembers so little of that night. Where she was, why she was there? What idea came to her mind to begin to think walking alone was a good idea. So stupid. Can’t go back in time, but can only look ahead. But… while she must look ahead, move on from her past. Move on from never seeing her family again, her friends. She wants to know who took her life away and why? A lost girl roaming the world. City to City. Small towns. The middle of nowhere. She’s lost and alone. Surviving on the blood of her victims. Has gotten used to feeding off people and stopped crying about it. Took a while for the guilt to pass by. Took a while for her to cross off any type of relationship/friendship. Lost already a couple of friends and romantic interest because of what she is, and what they are not. And that is immortal. Caging yourself, locking up your lifeless heart and luring your food by getting into their head and hypnotizing them. When she’s not doing her vampire duties or searching for the answers to her past. Betty sits most of her time wondering and asking herself.  Who was Betty Cooper? . Who exactly turned Betty Cooper into a thirsty vampire? Are those she cared about still out there looking for her? Or did they move on like the rest of the world? Will she ever get used to this life? Being immortal and watching the very world you live in change before you. Everything changing while you watch from the outside. Cutting yourself off from any type of love and real connection knowing you’ll never be able to have that. Those you love will die eventually. And who could love a monster anyway? The life of a vampire. Powerful yet lonely. NAME : Elizabeth Jane Cooper ‘ Betty ‘ FACE CLAIM : Lili Reinhart AGE : IMMORTAL GENDER : Female SPECIES : Vampire DATE OF BIRTH : sep 6th ( unknown year ) ACQUAINTANCES [ RELATIONSHIPS ] : Family & friends.
🌸🌸. BLOOD. BLOOD. BLOOD. BLOOD. NOTE .Werewolves / Ghost / Demons / Angels / Etc. Will be involved in this verse
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kelseyraeartistnpc · 8 months
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👑 Wear Positivity Like a Crown: Be Your Radiant Self! ✨💖 Hello radiant souls and positivity enthusiasts! 🌟 Let's talk about adorning ourselves with the most dazzling accessory—the crown of positivity. Be the best version of yourself, and let the world bask in the glow of your authentic brilliance. 👑💫 🌈 Positivity Persona: Imagine positivity as a regal crown, gracing you with its luminous presence. Wear it proudly, and let the radiant vibes define your persona. Embrace the power of optimism and kindness. 🌟🌈 💖 Authentic Brilliance: The best version of yourself is authentically you. Radiate positivity by embracing your quirks, strengths, and the unique mosaic that makes you extraordinary. Let your authenticity be the crown jewel that shines the brightest. 💎✨ 🌺 Blossom with Kindness: Like petals unfurling in the morning sun, let kindness blossom from your heart. Extend a helping hand, share a smile, and let the fragrance of your positive actions uplift those around you. 🌸😊 🚀 Soar with Self-Love: Elevate yourself with the wings of self-love. Recognize your worth, celebrate your achievements, and let the crown of positivity be a reminder that you are deserving of all the good that comes your way. 🦋💕 🎉 Radiant Impact: As you wear the crown of positivity, witness the ripple effect of your radiant energy. Inspire others to embrace their brilliance, creating a collective glow that lights up the world. 🌍✨ So, radiant beings, wear your positivity crown with pride. Be the best version of yourself, and let your light shine in every direction. You're a beacon of positivity, and the world is brighter with you in it! 👸🌟💖 #PositivityCrown #BeYourBestSelf #RadiantVibes #AuthenticBrilliance 👑💖🌈
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Good morning fellow wanderers 🌸 I offer my reading for today. May it resonate. Feel free to share......
An optimistic time, good news and all around happiness is at hand. Perhaps a spiritual realization/ awakening has begun. A divine marriage which is physical, mental or spiritual is coming. All things are illuminated and show themselves truly, revealed by the great light of your Sun.
New ideas, new paths, new insights have come to your mind and heart or have been presented to you. Now is the time to consider all options, what exists that you should build on or what new paths should be taken. A new business or enterprise may be in consideration.
Staying true to yourself in your choices will ensure support and co-operatiom from others willing to help you along the way. There is a creative blending of energy. You have moved from initial concept to planning and now time for action. Stay on the path, all is coming to fruition, a beautiful creation is at land, a Birth of Light!
For questions or needs, please contact me directly or email [email protected].
Brightest Blessings,
Calypso Dawn
#calypsodawnastrology #calypsodawntarot #calypsodawn #kindnessmatters #brightestblessings #theoneness #oneness #dailytarot #tarot
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aliengirl · 3 years
🍓name list for NotSoBerry!
this is a list i would like to find when i think about Not So Berry. I love the idea of the gen names being related with the gen color or with the gen theme, so here i am! Be free to comment your owns, im be glad!
I made half of this list some months ago, and I think its time to a update!
My fonts are Pinterest, google translator, and some baby-names-meaning-sites, sorry if have something weird or wrong, and please tell me whats wrong to me to fix, especially with other languages!
Gen XX; color
girl names - meaning
unisex names - meaning
boy names- meaning
but of couse use the one you like the most, dont limite yourself!
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🧪Gen 01; Mint🧫
Minze - mint in german / Luxembourgish
Minthe- mint in french
Menta - mint in Brazilian portuguese and Spanish
Minttu - mint (i discovered its also a Finnish peppermint liqueur)
Malisa- mint
Dhaani - light green
🌹Gen 02; Rose🥀
Rose/Rosie - the most commun; red flower can be nicknames for -> Roselle - Roselyn
Poppy - red flower
Cherry - 🍒:)
Scarlett - shade of red
Ruby - red stone
Marsala - shade of red
Sienna - "orange-red"
Adamina - "child of the Red Earth"
Nesrin/Nesryn - "wild rose"
Roux - "red"
Rowan - "Little red-haired one"
Garnet - redish stone
Phoenix - mystic fire bird
Rory - "red king"
Roy - "red haired"
Jasper - redish stone
Eros - greek god of love
Aiden - "little red"
Amor - love in brazilian portuguese
Lennon - Gaelic word for "lover."
Flynn - "red"
🌟Gen 03; Yellow✨
Chryseis - "golden"
Primrose - yellow flower
Daisy - 🌼🌼🌼🌼
Avalon - a specie of lemon (ty @ancenth )
Amber - jewel
Marigold - yellow-ish flower
Sunny - "cheerful"
Stella/Estella- "star"
Aurora - natural light display in the sky thxs @cupcakesimsworld
Alba - sunrise thxs @cupcakesimsworld
Saffron - yellowy spice
Blaine - "yellow"
Topaz - golden gem
Savyon - plant named Yellow weed(?)
Sol - sun
Xanthe - goddess Demeter, "golden or yellow"
Amarillo - "yellow"
Paco - "golden eagle"
Aurelius - "golden"
Astrophel - “star lover.”
🌫️Gen 04; Gray💪
Griselda - "grey battle"
Luna - "moon"
Selene - "moon goddess"
Brianne - "strong and virtuous"
Mercury - gray planet
Ash - happy, ash tree, ashes... *Can be short version of:⤵️
Ashe - Ashley - Asher - Ashton - Ashlyn
Grey/Gray - "king" (also, the color)
Weylyn - "son of wolf"
Bernard - "strong as a bear"
Orion - brightest constellation
Pluto - grey-ish planet
💜Gen 05; Plum🎶
Lila - like Lilac
Violet / Violetta - purple flower
Hortência - purple flower (hydrangea in BR)
Prunella/Prunellie - color of plum
Laysa - "dance"
Kaya - purple flower (very pretty)
Amethyst - purple stone
Lavender - purple flower
Lee - "plum"
Ione - purple flower
Aster - flower
Kaylo - "war dance(?)"
🧡Gen 06; Orange🍊
Clementine - orange fruit
Autumn - well, autumn, the most orangely season
Valencia - type of orange
Alani / Anani- the fruit orange or orange tree
Bronze - copper
Oakley - oak tree
Navel - type of orange
Copper - orange-ish metal
Laranja - orange in Brazilian portuguese
Rust / Russel - red haired in french and, well, rust
Auburn - autumnal shade of red
📔Gen 07; Pink🌸
Rosa - "rose" also pink in brazilian can be nickname for⤵️
Rosabella / Rosalind - beautiful rose --- Rosanna  - "Gracious Rose"
Blossom - "producing flowers" / also the PPG leader
Morganite - pink stone
Spinel - pink stone
Fuchsia - "vibrant shade of purple-pink"
Sakura - cherry blossom in japan
Taffy - shade of pink
Amaranth - "shade of pink, almost like purple"
🍑Gen 08; Peach🔎
Peaches - ya its a real name
Madison - a type of peach
Elberta - a type of peach
Coral - pink coloured marine plants and also a shade of pink; variants: ⤵️
Coraline - Cora - Koral - Coralyn - Coralee
Apricot - a similar fruit like peach (more acid)
Monroe - a type of peach
Prunus - the gender in peach scientific name
💚Gen 09; Green🍀
Jade - green stone
Emerald or Esme - green stone or "loved one"
Peridot - green stone
Serpentine- green stone
Olive - olive tree
Chloe - "young green shoot"
Midori - green in japanese
Viridius / Veridian / Veridiana / Viridis - "green"
Oran - "light, song, little green one"
Beryl - "sea-green jewel"
Vermont - "green mountain"
💙Gen 10; Blue💫
Sapphire - blue stone
Celeste / Celestia - shade of blue
Maya - "water"
Aqua - blue-green-sea
Neela - "sapphire blue"
Bluebell- blue flower
Kyanite - blue stone
Blue - can i say something?
Cyan - "greenish blue color"
Teal - grayish-greenish-blue
Indigo- shade of dark blue
Turquoise - shade of blue
River - waterish name :)
Ocean- waterish name :)
Lake- waterish name :)
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musette22 · 2 years
365 days in a year and i only care for one
One lovely summer day with the brightest shinning sun 
with beaming rays and softly kissing heat 
One perfect summer day that's kinda hard to beat
Mirth was aplenty all around 
No sorrow or sadness were there to be found
Peace reigned that day on the green blue sphere 
and so did bliss
When we welcomed this sweet little miss
And it was clear to see for the signs were there
That an angel was born amid men
Her smile wide. Her visage fair
Her eyes shined with a blinding glare
Her hair like silk. Her touch as well
An angel, from the skies above, she fell
To grace us and bless our weary souls 
With the kindness she had and the love she held
A love so strong that the deepest wounds, it could mend
We weren't deserving and we aren't still
Nor will we ever be
Of this perfect angel and her perfect heart
Of the joy she brought
To this world the day she came
She is a blessing and Minnie's her name. 
This is super silly but i couldn't help myself cause i'm a silly mess when it comes to loving you, Minnie Sweets 💕💕happy birthday, you beautiful bean 🥰🥰i love you with every inch of my heart 💛💛💛
Oula, angel, I am completely serious when I ask: is there no end to your talent and loveliness????? 😭🥺😍
This is SO LOVELY!!!!! Like you 💖 And if it's silly, it's silly in the most wonderful, heartwarming way imaginable 💫 I adore every single perfect word and every single second you've ever spent on making me and everyone else in this fandom happy and giddy with your stunning creations and endlessly creative mind 💛💛💛💛💛
Here's another little poem of my own for you in return:
Roses are (sometimes) red 🌹
Violets are (actually often purple rather than) blue 💜
Oula, you own the key to my heart 🗝
Please know that I will always cherish and adore you 🌸💖🥰
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hh0320 · 2 years
tagged by: @ughbehavior & @svintsandghosts 🤍 tysm!! i appreciate you 🥰
🐚🍂 favorite time of the year: mid summer!! I grew up around sea and sun, so my mental health depends on those things. ofc, moving to chicago was not the brightest idea… but fall (october esp. bday month!!) is also my fav. decorating for halloween is a lifestyle.
🍟🍝 comfort food: fries with mayo & ketchup, or chipotle pasta 🤤
🕯do you collect something: candles. so many candles. coconut & vanilla, or berry scented. obsessed!!
🧋favorite drink: iced matcha latte. it’s been my go to for the past couple months now.
🎵 current favorite song:
💜💛 favorite colors: purple & yellow.
🎶 last song:
🎥 last series: bob’s burgers! rewatching 😍
🍿last movie: thor, the dark world (my bf made me watch it)
🥵 sweet, savory, spicy: omg all!!!! absolutely cannot choose.
🥔 craving: barbecue chips,, listen—
📝 currently working on: a yeonjun x reader x beomgyu fic! it’s a polyamory, runaways story. 😊
tagging: @byskzfilms, @hwangsify, @violixs 🌸 and whoever else wants to do it, honestly!
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Congratulations on 40 followers my dear!! 🎊💖🎉
For the prompts- because we are now firmly on the Hualian train, (but also bc I am having trouble with decisions (what else is new lol)): Hualian and stars ✨ OR Hualian and cherry blossoms (or other flowering plants)!! 🌸 Whichever speaks to you more!
Love you!! 💖
*wheezes* This is a bit late...BUT HERE WE GO!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!! :D
Rating: T
Words: ~3200
AO3 Link
Just a few notes:
The small town outside of LA referenced in this fic is one I used to travel to for work that I loved. The mountains and thirty degree F temperature swings were amazing. <3
This was supposed to be a light and airy fic but some Angst snuck in because…*shrugs and points at Xie Lian* ya’know. I hope it’s still sweet though despite the dark undercurrent!
“Gege, have you ever seen the stars?”
The question came from Hua Cheng as he sat with Xie Lian on the latter’s poor excuse for a balcony. It was a concrete rectangle twenty stories above street level that was barely big enough for the two folding lawn chairs and small glass top table that sat between them. Despite its size, they sat on it almost every night, once the oppressive sun had dipped below the horizon, and talked, sometimes until the small hours of the morning.
“I see the stars every night, San Lang,” Xie Lian replied. His statement is not exactly a lie. A few stars, only the brightest, cut through the smog and light pollution that hugs Los Angeles like a thick blanket. Most of the time, though, Xie Lian just saw satellites and airplanes enroute to LAX. They’re a type of star, he supposed. Just like he used to be.
Bright. Artificial. Made to be seen and consumed, but never really valued.
(Read More Below)
Hua Cheng made a small noise of disagreement in his throat, one that was reserved for Xie Lian. If he was anyone else, Xie Lian knew he would not be respectful in his disagreement.
“Touche, gege,” Hua Cheng responded, sinking lower in his chair, his long, black jean-clad legs stretched out before him, the toes of his sneakers tucked under the bottom of the wrought iron railing. “But have you ever really seen them.”
Xie Lian chuckled, though it rang hollow in the concrete bordered box in which they sat. “You know I haven’t, San Lang. Why do you ask?”
Xie Lian had lived in LA all his life. It’s where he grew up, where he went to acting school, where he attempted to become famous. It’s where he failed, spiraled, and, eventually, picked himself up. It’s where he met Hua Cheng, where they wooed, where they fell in love. Now it was where they lived, though not together, not quite yet. But Xie Lian had dreams of changing that soon.
Next to him he heard Hua Cheng shrug against the brittle plastic of the chair. “Just wanted to confirm, gege.” Xie Lian then heard the gentle snap of Hua Cheng plucking at the elastic hair tie on his left wrist as he stared out across the tops of surrounding buildings, watching the last dregs of the sun disappear from the horizon before it turned a hazy dark blue. It was Hua Cheng’s tell when he was lost in thought.
“Can you tell me about your favorite type of sword again?” Hua Cheng asked after a moment.
It was a clear diversion, a complete one-eighty from whatever really occupied Hua Cheng’s mind. Xie Lian followed it willingly and recapped, for what must have been the thousandth time, his favorite historical blade and how it was perfectly balanced in every way. Hua Cheng turned towards him as he spoke, his single eye enraptured as he propped his chin on his hand and watched Xie Lian flail his hands as he explained how the forging method used was “revolutionary”.
“I love watching you be passionate,” Hua Cheng murmured after Xie Lian’s impromptu fifteen minute lecture drew to a close.
Xie Lian, now turned sideways in his chair, smiled as he leaned across the small space between the chairs. “And I love watching you watching me.”
Hua Cheng smiled, his left eye crinkling as he drew towards Xie Lian, the tips of his fingers of his free hand propping Xie Lian’s chin up slightly.
“And I love you.”
Their kiss was gentle, and sweet, but not the last they had that night. They talked, as they often did, until the street lights dimmed and the sky threatened to lighten.
Three days later, Xie Lian was elbow deep in soapy dishwater when his cell phone rang. He had it on the counter next to him playing music and when he glanced at the screen and saw “<3 SAN LANG <3” across it, he quickly wiped a hand on the back of his shorts and swiped to answer.
“Hello?” he asked as he placed it on speaker phone. Xie Lian went through phones like most people went through underwear. It would just be his luck that he would drop it in the sink while attempting to hold it to his ear.
“Gege,” Hua Cheng’s voice came through the phone, a warm purr that automatically made Xie Lian smile. “Are you home? And do you have any plans for the rest of the day or tomorrow?”
“I am home,” Xie Lian answered. “I just had lunch with Feng Xin and Mu Qing a little while ago.” As he talked he continued to scrub at the charred bottom of the pot in the sink. It was his attempt at making lunch that inevitably ended with them ordering food in. “But I am free this evening and don’t work again until Sunday, so I’m yours for the next few days.” Xie Lian felt heat rise on his cheeks. He would be Hua Cheng’s forever, if he would have him.
“Oh, excellent. Could you buzz me up when you get a chance?” In answer, Xie Lian heard his front door buzzer sound. He walked the few feet over to it and hit the button with a damp finger before returning to the sink. “Thank you, gege.”
Xie Lian chuckled. “Why are you here? Not that I don’t mind seeing you, San Lang, but you rarely drop over unannounced.” They saw each other almost daily, but Hua Cheng was respectful of his space and always asked before coming over, or vice versa if Xie Lian felt like driving in the hell that was LA traffic.
“Mm, be patient, gege. I’ll tell you soon enough.”
All the information Hua Cheng provided when he entered Xie Lian’s apartment was to pack an overnight bag.
“And a sweater,” Hua Cheng added as he watched Xie Lian crisscross from the bedroom to the bathroom as he lounged on the unmade bed. “I don’t want you to get cold.”
“Can I know what this is for?” Xie Lian asked, though he already knew the answer.
“It’s a surprise,” Hua Cheng answered, a devious smile stretched across his face as he tossed his long hair nonchalantly over his shoulders.
“Mmm, I figured,” Xie Lian muttered as he crossed to his nightstand to grab his mouth guard, stopping halfway to peck Hua Cheng on the nose. He felt Hua Cheng graze his long fingers along his bare thigh and under the hem of his shorts and slapped his hand away lightly. Xie Lian was not about to reward Hua Cheng for his secretive behavior. Hua Cheng just chuckled in response but he fixed Xie Lian with a look that he knew well: Hua Cheng would have his way with him, likely in the future. And Xie Lian would be more than happy to oblige.
Once Xie Lian was packed and the apartment was locked, they rode the elevator down twenty stories hand-in-hand. Hua Cheng had somehow managed to parallel park his red pick-up truck right in front of the building, a feat Xie Lian always marveled at considering the obscenely long bed it had.
“Who drives a truck in LA?” Xie Lian had asked when Hua Cheng had picked him up for what would be their first of many dates years prior.
“I do,” was Hua Cheng’s quick reply as he opened the passenger door for Xie Lian.
It had made Xie Lian laugh. It had also made him realize that really no one else drove a truck. It was one of the many things that made Hua Cheng special.
As Hua Cheng pulled away from the building, Xie Lian once again asked what was going on.
“Patience, gege,” Hua Cheng chided playfully as he patted Xie Lian’s bare thigh before returning his right hand to the steering wheel as he merged into a throng of traffic.
Xie Lian pouted. “I have been patient,” he said defiantly as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Hua Cheng chuckled. “Just be patient for a while longer.”
A while longer meant getting on the highway and leaving the palm trees and the city in the rearview mirror. It meant following the highway through the winding path it took through the mountains and taking an exit that Xie Lian missed the name of. It meant driving down a four lane road with desert on either side, the cool breeze of the coast replaced with the wind from the open cab windows.
Xie Lian’s faux exasperation at Hua Cheng withholding information faded as he leaned against the passenger door with his right arm out the window, catching wind and sunshine on his skin as his long brown hair was tangled into knots from the wind. The sun was warm and the sky was clear, a true sky blue.
It was late afternoon when Xie Lian noticed that civilization became sparse. They entered a small town, nothing more than a gas station, a strip mall, and a modest hotel to mark it on a map. Hua Cheng drove down what served as the main thoroughfare before he slowed and turned unexpectedly off-road. At least it felt off-road with how the truck rattled.
“Did you just go off the road?” Xie Lian asked as he held onto the pull down handle above the door.
“Yes,” Hua Cheng confirmed. “Are you worried, gege?”
“Is this legal?” Xie Lian asked. “Can you just drive in the desert?”
Hua Cheng laughed. It was his real laugh, the light one that only Xie Lian could elicit. “I’m sure it’s legal as long we don’t make meth.”
“Fair enough,” Xie Lian mumbled.
Eventually, Hua Cheng slowed. Then he stopped and turned off the engine.
“This’ll do,” he said as he opened his door.
“This’ll do...for what?” Xie Lian asked as he followed suit, pushing his door open and hopping out to the rocky sand below. He could feel the heat of the sun, long stored in the sand and rocks beneath him, radiate through the soles of his yellow Converse.
Hua Cheng unsnapped the edges of the fabric cover that stretched over the bed of the truck. “This’ll do as a place to make camp.”
“Make camp?” Xie Lian asked as Hua Cheng folded back more of the truck bed cover. Xie Lian stood on tiptoe to peer into the bed of the truck. It was filled with supplies: sleeping bags, pillows, a small gas stove and tiny gas cylinders, a cooler. Xie Lian was impressed, and now understood why Hua Cheng just had him deposit his overnight bag in the back of the truck cab in order to keep all this, literally, under wraps. But he was still confused.
“Why are we camping in the desert?”
Hua Cheng raised his brows at Xie Lian from across the truck bed as he secured a tie on the cover. Then he slowly pointed skywards.
Xie Lian looked up to the sky and squinted against the glare of the sun as he held his hand up over his eyes.
“The sky?”
Hua Cheng sighed and slowly crossed around the back of the truck.
“My beloved is so brilliant, but sometimes I wonder,” Hua Cheng said softly as he placed his hands gently on Xie Lian’s shoulder. When Xie Lian narrowed his eyes and scrunched his nose, Hua Cheng chuckled and ran a long index finger over his nose to smooth the wrinkles. “My love,” he said slowly, “we’re here to see the stars.”
Xie Lian’s brows remained furrowed for only a moment before his face fell slack, his mouth gaping as his eyes went impossible wide. He scanned the horizon around them. There were barely any buildings let alone street lights or airports or anything else that polluted the night sky with unwanted light.
Xie Lian looked at the truck bed, full of supplies, then back at Hua Cheng, who’s unbound black hair stirred in the wind, his left eye crinkled in adoration. He circled his arms around Hua Cheng’s waist and hugged him tightly.
“Thank you,” he said, muffled against the soft red v-neck shirt Hua Cheng wore, breathing in his scent of cinnamon and laundry detergent.
“Hah, don’t thank me yet, gege,” Hua Cheng said, his arms encircling Xie Lian’s shoulders as he pressed a kiss to the crown of his head. “We haven’t seen anything yet.”
Hua Cheng cooked up a quick dinner on the portable gas stove. He crouched on the ground like a caveman, poking at hot dogs with a pair of tongs until black grill lines appeared across them uniformly. Xie Lian set about making the truck bed comfortable, unrolling and layering the sleeping bags and setting the pillows against the back of the cab since he was shooed away from the stove almost immediately by Hua Cheng. It had nothing to do with his lack of cooking skills - Hua Cheng regularly ate and enjoyed Xie Lian’s cooking - but the fact that Hua Cheng did not want Xie Lian to lift a finger.
“This is all for you, gege,” Hua Cheng said, waving his tongs at Xie Lian for emphasis. “Just sit back and relax.”
They ate on the tailgate off of cheap paper plates that had hardly any structural integrity. Xie Lian swung his feet back and forth, the warm metal of the tailgate warning the exposed skin on his legs.
When they cleaned up dinner, the sky was turning the color of sherbet, orange with pink swirls. As the blue from the sky faded, so did the warmth and Xie Lian rubbed his bare arms against the breeze.
“Do you know now why I asked you to pack a sweater?” Hua Cheng smirked as he pulled on a black zip-up hoodie.
Xie Lian wanted to glare, but all he could do was laugh as he pulled on his favorite cream sweater, the one with the layered collar and the sleeves that were too long, resulting in perpetual sweater paws.
As the sky purpled like a bruise, they snuggled under a layer of sleeping bag, surprisingly comfortable despite the occasional brush against a rivet in the truck bed. Xie Lian hugged Hua Cheng’s left arm, their hands intertwined near his stomach as they shared a pillow and watched stars start to appear.
It was gradual, and Xie Lian was rendered silent. By the time the sky turned into black velvet woven with diamonds, the air was almost cold and he huddled closer to Hua Cheng, who dutifully pulled him to his chest and warped his left arm across his back. Xie Lian swallowed, twin rivulets of tears finding their homes on either side of his face, depositing salty offerings in his hair and ears. He pawed at his face reflexively and felt Hua Cheng stir in response.
“Gege?” he asked, his voice low and full of concern. “Are you crying?”
Xie Lian nodded and quickly removed his hands from his face so he could stare up at the blanket of stars once more. He felt Hua Cheng’s left hand squeeze his waist, a silent question.
“I’m fine, San Lang,” Xie Lian said softly after swallowing around the lump in his throat. “It’s just...so beautiful...OH!” Xie Lian bolted upright, pulling the top sleeping bag with him as he craned his neck back, eyes wide towards the sky. “Did you see that?! One of them fell! San Lang! One of them fell! I thought that only happened in movies!”
Hua Cheng laughed, a warm chuckle in the cold silence of the desert. “They’re real, gege. Stars fall every day, but you’ll never see them in the city.”
The irony was not lost on Xie Lian as he laid back down, curling against Hua Cheng’s chest. He rubbed his tear-streaked face into his chest and sighed as Hua Cheng pulled the sleeping back back around them. He then turned his face back towards the sky.
“There’s another,” Hua Cheng said quietly as another bolt of light streaked across the sky. “And another.”
Hua Cheng was right. Stars fell every day. But only some were caught.
When Xie Lian awoke, his nose was cold and he was shaking all over. Or rather, whatever he was laying on was vibrating. He blinked his eyes awake to a sea of lights, hundreds of thousands of light years away. He sighed and felt tears prick in the corners of his eyes again.
“Are you awake, gege?” Hua Cheng called softly from outside the truck bed, a crunch of rocks highlighting his location.
“Mn,” was Xie Lian’s response. He must have fallen asleep, and hard, if Hua Cheng was able to extract himself without disturbing him.
“Come on into the cab. I’ve warmed it up for you.”
“Are we going back home?” Xie Lian asked, sitting up slowly. He realized belatedly he should have said “his apartment” instead of home, but was too at peace to care. He did not miss the wide smile that Hua Cheng wore as he scooted to the tailgate and Hua Cheng lifted him unnecessarily to the ground.
“I booked a room at the hotel back in town,” Hua Cheng said as he shut the tail gate and walked Xie Lian to the passenger door. “If that’s okay.”
Xie Lian nodded. “Do they have free breakfast?” he asked as Hua Cheng opened the door.
Hua Cheng chuckled. “Yes, gege, there is free breakfast.”
“Good,” Xie Lian mumbled as he clumsily stepped up into the cab. “I love free breakfast.”
“I know,” Hua Cheng said softly. “And I love you.”
Xie Lian dozed as Hua Cheng unwrapped the truck bed cover and resecured it, only startling awake when he opened the driver side door. He felt careful hands adjusting him and heard the click of a seatbelt before the rocking of the truck lulled him back to sleep.
Xie Lian did not quite remember how he got into the hotel room - it very well may have involved Hua Cheng bridal carrying him past a very surprised desk attendant - but he woke up to the feeling of a soft pillow cradling his head. He then felt long fingers pulling at the laces of his Converse before gently removing them. He forced himself awake when he heard Hua Cheng cross to the other side of the bed.
“Mmm…San Lang?” Xie Lian asked as he felt the bed dip. Hua Cheng’s warmth was immediately at his side and he turned towards it, like a sunflower in search of the sun.
“Yes, gege?”
Xie Lian blinked open his eyes, his hands coming to either side of Hua Cheng’s face. His eyepatch was gone and Xie Lian gently rubbed his thumb under the empty right socket before pressing a kiss to Hua Cheng’s lips.
“Thank you...for the stars.”
Xie Lian felt more than saw Hua Cheng smile, his face muscles contracting under his hands. He then felt kisses placed to both of his palms, his nose, and, finally, his mouth with utmost reverence.
“I would give them all to you, if I could.”
“You did,” Xie Lian replied as he sunk down into the soft pillow, the siren song of sleep finally winning. “You did.”
You did, you did, you did. And you always will.
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sunlitsakuras · 2 years
And are you pretty or handsome? My words are on ransome!
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Main Tags:
🌸Sweet Sunlight☀️ - my posts
🌸Sunny Days☀️ - reblogs
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🌸Sun and Moon🍓 - things that remind me of us!
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Small disclaimer: please do not reblog or interact with my posts tagged as #🌸sweet sunlight☀️ if they are not maintagged! They're 100% meant for just my bloomfriend, @/lunar-eclipsings
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leagueofdccm-moving · 3 years
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🌸🌸. WHAT AM I ? WHO AM I ? 
 She wasn’t always thirsty for blood. Wasn’t always bound to the night. Trapped & forbidden to see the sun again. It’s heartbreaking to think..... the only time she’ll ever see that blazing sun again is in pictures. But it’s not the same. She doesn’t remember the feeling of WARMTH... doesn’t remember what it’s like basking underneath the sun and letting her hair loose while soaking up in the beach with her friends. The brightest of beams crossing their features. Eating ice cream and a couple of burgers and hotdogs! Eating up a storm like it was their last day. And it was. It was her last day witnessing the sun, sand between her toes. The last time she held her parents in her arms.. Wandering the streets at the dead of night. They tell you why you shouldn't as a girl walk alone in the night. Bad people will hurt you, steal your money.... but no one ever tells you about the monsters that lurk the night and take you from your home and turn you into something you are not. Hands are cold, she’s hungry but burgers no longer interest her. Milkshakes make her gag... but blood? Blood fills her up.  You hear stories of those who thirst for blood and kidnap people, lure them in and drain their life..... or keep them as part of their... clan. Least that’s what they would say. Whether it’s true or not..... she hasn’t come across a single vampire since she’s been bitten. Least, not the one who turned her. Remembers so little of that night. Where she was, why she was there? What idea came to her mind to begin to think walking alone was a good idea. So stupid. Can’t go back in time, but can only look ahead. But... while she must look ahead, move on from her past. Move on from never seeing her family again, her friends. She wants to know who took her life away and why? A lost girl roaming the world. City to City. Small towns. The middle of nowhere. She’s lost and alone. Surviving on the blood of her victims. Has gotten used to feeding off people and stopped crying about it. Took a while for the guilt to pass by. Took a while for her to cross off any type of relationship/friendship. Lost already a couple of friends and romantic interest because of what she is, and what they are not. And that is immortal. Caging yourself, locking up your lifeless heart and luring your food by getting into their head and hypnotizing them. When she’s not doing her vampire duties or searching for the answers to her past. Betty sits most of her time wondering and asking herself.  Who was Betty Cooper? . Who exactly turned Betty Cooper into a thirsty vampire? Are those she cared about still out there looking for her? Or did they move on like the rest of the world? Will she ever get used to this life? Being immortal and watching the very world you live in change before you. Everything changing while you watch from the outside. Cutting yourself off from any type of love and real connection knowing you’ll never be able to have that. Those you love will die eventually. And who could love a monster anyway? The life of a vampire. Powerful yet lonely. NAME : Elizabeth Jane Cooper ‘ Betty ‘ FACE CLAIM : Lili Reinhart AGE : IMMORTAL GENDER : Female SPECIES : Vampire DATE OF BIRTH : sep 6th ACQUAINTANCES [ RELATIONSHIPS ] : Family & friends.🌸🌸. BLOOD. BLOOD. BLOOD. BLOOD. NOTE .Werewolves / Ghost / Demons / Angels / Etc. Will be involved in this verse
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✨Alpha’s New Promo Card Intro✨
Howdy once again to all, new and current followers! I just wanted to go ahead and make a new promo post rather than constantly update the former one.
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The name’s Alpha, or Dany too, I’m 25, Hispanic, she/her/they/them petite little lass. I’ve been into self-shipping a lot without realizing there was a term for it. Self inserting has always just been a thing for me since I was in middle school and thought it was the coolest thing ever (I still do of course UwU) ~ 💖
Was officially made known about the community about a year and a half ago by amazing mutuals of mine and have really found a comfort and self love from my experience. Am truly grateful and hope to continue making friends and give support to all self-shippers and their precious f/o’s!
I am more than okay with sharing f/o’s; maybe slightly hesitant with newer people, but overall okay nonetheless! My main romantic f/o’s are Atsushi Nakajima from Bungou Stray Dogs and Jason “Jaystorm” Grey, who is the only f/o I won’t share due to him being my personal stories Oc ✨🐺⚡️
Please check out my Carrd if you’d like to know more about me or my f/o’s! It includes my DNI and other tumblr blogs! I will continue to gradually update! There is a new section for selfship commission and gift art for me 🥰💖 Definitely check it out, as well as the respective artists 💖!
I also do have a nsfw blog that is more for alpha's spicy thoughts and spicy art~ By all mean's you are free to DM me if you'd like to know! For those above 18+ only! Graci! 🌸
Any who, am in a constant state of growth and learning to self love with my F/o’s; everyday special than the last, I am grateful to have my precious Atsu-kun 🐯 and Jaystorm 🐺 in my thoughts and heart. I thank them for a lot, including to love and appreciate the flaws I find about myself 🌸 they are truly my source of comfort y son mis mejor amores de mi vida UwU
It is a pleasure to get to know others and I greatly support you and your f/os so much! You are darlings and very much canon!! 💖✨ always remember that! 😊💖💐
✨🌙 Atsushi Nakajima is my dearest Moonlight, Mi Tigre Precioso and I love him so much, to the stars and back | Jason Grey is my soothing gentle Storm, my brightest sun, and he is my sweetest wolf and my forever ⛈✨
Thank you! Feel free to ask, DM, or gush with me if your comfortable to talk about your f/o's!! I always look forward to making friends! 💖 May y’all have a beautiful one! ☀️⭐️🌙
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🍃🌷🍃🌷🍃 Updated Carrd: 07. 30. 22 💐🍃💐🍃💐
✨Updated some familial F/o’s, Commissioned Art, Social Media Links✨
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