#🐠 } Flying Fish
silusvesuius · 1 month
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testing out drawing maormer 🪸🐚🪸 and a nelvas 🧣📜🩷 i'll ramble about maormer a bit in the tags
#tes#skyrim#my art#do you like my nelvas emojis🧣📜🧣📜 get it? scarf🤗 and scroll🤗 Everything hurts sofucking bad#anyways i talked about them wif my friend quite a bit i basically 'agree' w/ everything that is written about them && their biology in -#- canon; except tes is very much all Talk and no good actual visual presentation of what it's talking about#cus all of the maormer look like garboooo likeee what am i looking @#but since this is just a first test i think i'll keep playing around with their looks later; they are most close to altmer obvi in the -#- sense of how 'mutated' they r. however maormer are more gross looking for the typical human#they do have flat faces and alldat in canon already but i want them to just have nostrils and no real nose bridge#and they have no lips😝 they also have very visible gums. && have anglerfish teeth#what would be fur on other mer is just scales on them and is placed is scattered in the same places#i was thinking of making swimming most comfortable for them so i gave them more fins#they'd have them on arms and legs and the hair on the tail for them is just a big fin🐠#as for hair i'm thinking of them having none of it at all bcos it looks sooooo ugly on them it's very unnerving to see hair on fish#either no hair at all or something with a different texture. like slimy silky thin seaweed#or the hair that m*necraft striders have LMAO#webbed fingers is cuuuute they'd have webbed armpits like they're those flying rodents🐿 lol#i'd place their gills on both the neck and their ribs#whenever they wear clothes they tie their arm and leg fins up ; i think from birth they just stay in water until they hit puberty and -#- r able to actually walk around#another cute fact is that males and females wud look literally the same almost (women are flat chested too)#fish fish fish#maybe i'll rethink some stuff. i still wanna draw fish babies#but in reality i think even the mere existence of maormer is very pointless bc they don't really matter at all do they#tes lore is soooo overstuffed that's why i don't know anything about it my time is so valuable to meLMFAOAOOO#saw a typo in this sorry i'm just chill like that
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minty-mumbles · 3 months
LU Mer AU - Harsh Reality
Summary: The story of how Wild's fins got scarred
TW: Violence and blood
AN: @breannasfluff some fish for you 🐠 🐟
(Read this and the rest of the AU on AO3)
Ever since Wild and Wind had joined up with another loner- an octopus Mer named Hyrule- things had been smooth sailing. It still wasn’t exactly easy, but with two hunters in the group instead of just one, it was significantly simpler to fill everyone’s bellies. 
With Hyrule there, Wild didn’t have to leave Wind alone when he went to hunt. Hyrule also had magic, a fact he’d hesitantly revealed to the pair three weeks after joining them in their travels. Wild was hesitant to ask Hyrule to use his magic, as he didn’t want to frighten the octopus away, but when one of them did get hurt, there was less for Wild to worry about than before. 
Not having to worry so much about getting food or any injuries they might acquire had lulled Wild into a false sense of security, something he wouldn’t realize until it was too late. 
For the past day and a half, the three of them had been traveling along a sharp drop-off that led to the deep waters Wild himself had been raised in. The cold waters that rose from the depths were rich in nutrients, which allowed a flourishing ecosystem to thrive along the cliff’s edge. It was more than enough to sustain at least a small pod, but the cold waters chased away many nearby tropical Mer pods that might have been looking to expand their territory. 
Wind was amusing himself by seeing how far he would dare to dart out over the open waters before getting too nervous and fleeing back to the safety of the cliff. Both Wild and Hyrule were keeping a lazy eye on him while chatting about their next move. Wild might be comfortable staying here for a while, but the cold water wouldn’t be good for Hyrule or Wind long term. They would have to move on eventually. 
But for now, it seemed safe enough.
Being able to reassure himself that there wasn’t any danger of attracting unwanted attention from other Mer put Wild’s mind at ease. Probably for the first time since he had found Wind. he was truly relaxed. 
Dropping his guard was a mistake, one he didn’t recognize until their peace was broken by Hyrule letting out a warning screech that had Wind darting toward the relative safety of the cliff. 
Wild was caught off guard by the warning call, twisting in the water to try and pinpoint what Hyrule was alerting to. It didn't take much time to locate the threat- rather, it didn’t take long for the threat to locate Wild. 
A sharp blow to his side sent him flying into the side of the cliff. Stunned for a moment, Wild opened his mouth- to shriek, or call for Hyrule, or something- but all the water had been knocked out of his lungs. A sharp edge of the rocks dug into the gills on his chest, making it harder to breathe. Slowly, he rebounded back away from the wall, unable to control the direction he was drifting. 
Gills fluttering, he desperately tried to reorient himself. Slowly, the world came back into focus, and now that he could breathe again, other things started to filter back into his awareness. Hyrule yelling, Wind wailing, and a deep, unfamiliar snarl. 
“We’re sorry! We didn't know this was someone’s territory! I swear we’ll leave right away, we’re sorry!” Hyrule’s attempt at placating the strange Mer was lost to Wild as he managed to twist around to take in the threat, wincing as his ribs screamed in protest.
Before him, Hyrule had placed himself in between Wild and the new Mer, and was staring them down. His arms were spread out to the sides as if to block the larger Mer from swimming around him to get to Wild and a faint green shimmer in the water told Wild that Hyrule was casting a shielding spell as well. Thankfully, Wind was nowhere to be seen, and had stopped wailing after seeing that Wild was still well enough to move on his own.
For a moment, Wild could only feel gratitude that Hyrule would throw himself in the path of danger for Wild, someone who he’d only known for a few months at best. That feeling was quickly shoved aside. He would have time to be thankful after they got away. For now, he had to focus. 
He swam up behind Hyrule, presenting a more united front. The other Mer seemed hesitant to attack right away when they saw Hyrule’s magic, which gave Wild enough time to observe them. 
They were clearly a deep sea Mer like Wild, with a black tail with jagged stripes of dark purple covering their fins. The most important thing about them though, was how large they were. They were a fully grown adult, likely over seventy based on their size alone. 
And they did not look friendly.
Oh, that’s not good, Wild thought. He might have even said it out loud, but it was lost as the Mer seemed to grow tired of hesitating. In a swift movement, they twisted their body, coiling up tightly and then striking out with their tail against the barrier Hyrule had erected. Hyrule’s magic was no match for the harsh strike, and the green glimmer in the water shattered upon impact. 
That must have been what they did to me, Wild realized absently as he grabbed Hyrule and dove straight down, out of the way of the strike. He propelled them down- five feet, then ten, then twenty. 
When he finally let go of Hyrule, they were a good twenty-five feet below the other Mer, who had twisted to watch them move further away, but didn’t pursue them. Their eyes glinted harshly in the low light, and Wild shivered as he realized that the only reason the Mer wasn't following was because they were heading deeper into the Mer’s territory. There was no reason to follow because they were running away. They were just heading into more familiar waters to the other Mer.
Wild gave Hyrule a shove to get the octopus to stop clinging to him. Hyrule withdrew quickly but with clear reluctance. Quietly, Wild hissed, “Stay here. If things go bad, take Wind and get as far away as you can.” Hyrule looked like he wanted to protest, but he gave Wild a firm nod and a sharp click of agreement.
With Hyrule’s confirmation that even if things went south, Wind would still have a chance, Wild darted back up through the water toward the larger Mer. 
Attacking from below was hardly ever effective unless the one you were attacking didn’t know you were coming, and the other Mer definitely knew Wild was coming, but there wasn’t much to do about that. He had to distract them for long enough for Hyrule to slip around the side and find where Wind had hidden himself. Wild was under no impression that this would go well for him. The other Mer was half again as long as he was, and clearly much older. Wild would need a miracle to fight them off. 
As he swam upwards, he stretched out his fins as much as he could. The drag of the extra width slowed him down a little, but he knew it was worth it for the effect.
Wild knew from experience that his larger-than-average fins gave even the largest Mer pause when they saw his threat display. This time was no different, the other Mer’s eyes widening for a second. They righted themselves quickly, preparing for the initial clash, but that split-second delay was just what Wild needed. It threw them off balance, making it easier to predict their next move. 
They curled up again, clearly trying to use the same smacking move they had used to break Hyrule’s shield, but Wild was prepared, ducking around their tail. He reached out a hand toward the other Mer’s chest, claws bared, aiming for their gills. Injuries to the gills were a quick way to incapacitate someone. It was usually considered a dirty move to go for the gills, but Wild couldn’t afford to fight fair.
Border skirmishes were quick and violent affairs, and usually left one party grievously injured, if not dead. Wild knew he couldn’t hold back. He had to use every trick in the book to get the upper hand. 
His slash was knocked off course by the Mer swinging an arm out, catching Wild in the shoulder and swatting him away easily. The strength of the blow made pain bloom in his shoulder, and he hissed loudly, drawing his arm close, cradling it to his body.
The pain distracted him, and his hiss quickly turned into a shriek of agony as new pain bloomed along his fins. 
Blood flooded the water as he quickly retracted his fins toward his body, twisting around to face his opponent again, who had moved off a few feet. The Mer grinned at him with a mouth full of sharp teeth, looking not at all sorry. The claws on both hands glistened with blood- Wild’s blood. 
Wild’s dorsal fin and one of his pelvic fins burned. Every movement through the water caused the pain to flare up further. 
This time the other Mer moved first, no doubt thinking they had just guaranteed their victory. Wild wasn’t ready. He felt like he could barely move with the burn in his fins, but he didn’t have a choice. 
He waited until the last second, then flung himself out of the way of the blow, using his momentum to drive his claws into the Mer’s hip- then rake them halfway down their tail before his momentum pulled his claws right out of their flesh. The Mer howled as blood flooded the water. 
It was coming faster than Wild expected, even with the long ragged cuts his claws had left. Had he hit an artery? 
The other Mer seemed to have the same thought, hands coming to cover the wounds, their face shifting from a victorious smile to a horrified wide-eyed look. Their hands did nothing to stop the outpouring of blood. 
Abruptly, they turned and dove, sinking faster and faster through the water. For a moment, Wild was worried they were going to go after Hyrule where he was clinging to the cliff, but they fell straight past him. 
In moments, the murk of the depths obscured them. There was startling silence, unsettling after the shrieks of battle. The only proof there had been a battle at all was the blood lingering in the water and the wounds littering Wild’s body. 
He hesitated for a moment, staring down into the darkness. He half expected the other Mer to come barreling back up out of the depths, but they didn’t. 
It felt like an eternity later when a soft touch on their arm shocked them out of their staring contest with the abyss. Slowly, Wild turned to stare at Hyrule. Hyrule looked worried. His arms were full of a nervously clicking Wind, who WIld noted looked blessedly unhurt. One of Hyrule’s tentacles was stretched out to caress Wild’s shoulder.
Still, Wild felt frozen. He couldn’t move, couldn't speak. He could feel himself slowly drifting downward as he continued to not move, but he couldn't convince his body to move. 
Slowly, he could feel more of Hyrule's tentacles wrap around him, as the abyss rose up to consume his vision and the sweet blackness of oblivion washed the pain of his injuries away.
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pimosworld · 1 year
The story of us chapter 6
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Pairing-Triple Frontier boys x f!reader
Summary- Set before you and the boys are officially together and how it all came to be.
CW-18+,MDNI, angst, fluff, comfort, illusions to sex,mentions of ptsd, slow burn, mutual pining, eventual poly relationship. No further warnings as to not spoil the story.
Chapter summary- Will gives you a hand and Santi wrestles with his angsty brain.
Notes- See Masterlist for full story notes. This is definitely Wills chapter but you can’t spell Santiago without a.n.g.s.t.
[Series Masterlist][Main Masterlist]
Not beta read
Chapter VI- I can fix that
You never thought you’d say it was a relief to get back to work, being a trauma nurse meant most days weren’t easy going. Work was definitely easier than navigating the thoughts in your brain about your new relationship, relationships?
  You had promised to call them but all of you were so busy you didn’t have a chance to. You managed to send a few texts, Frankie was busy with his first week back and Benny and Will were busy training for Benny's fight out of town this weekend. 
  You did manage to confess to Frankie about your sex dream, you couldn’t resist and you felt bad for leaving him high and dry the day he took you flying. You were sure It would make its way back to Benny. It was all but confirmed when he texted you later that week. 
  Benjamin: I guess I’m the man of your dreams 😜
  I guess catfish truly has a big mouth
  Benjamin:I assure you sweetheart he does 
  Sounds like you know from personal experience 
  Benjamin: Sounds like someone is jealous 
  Maybe you were a little jealous but you didn’t have time to think about that right now. 
  You hadn’t heard much from Santi since that night other than to call him if Mike tried to bother you. You hadn’t so much as heard a whisper of him. You don’t know what they said to him but you could imagine it was enough to keep him far away from you. 
  You knew that it got bad but you didn’t realize how bad until you told your coworkers you broke up with Mike and the collective cheers from the break room echoed through the hallways. 
  “Are you finally gonna make a move on one of those guys attached to your hip?”  Your coworker Angela had no idea how ironic her question truly was. 
  It had only been three days and you somehow managed to accomplish that ten fold. Your body and your heart were telling you to go for it but your brain was still on the fence. Society was so unforgiving to anything different. But when did society ever grant anyone any favors? 
  Golden Girls
  How are things at the commune?
  The kid 🥊: Never better 
  Will: We’re good here haven’t heard from you though? 
  I’m fine So things haven’t come to blows yet?
  The kid 🥊: Maybe for Fish
  🐈🐠: Shut up Ben
  I see Will is the only voice of reason
  The kid 🥊: He’s going to patch her holes tomorrow 😜
  Will: You’re disgusting 
  🐈🐠: jajajajajajaja
  I had faith in you Will
  The kid 🥊: You’re the holy man among us 
  Will: That asshole put a hole in her wall I’m just going to fix it. 
  🐈🐠: Don’t explain yourself to this pendejo who can’t return any calls. 
  Sorry been busy let’s get drinks after you fix her wall we need to celebrate fish getting his license 
  The kid 🥊: Finally you’re making sense 
  See you fools on Friday
  The kid 🥊: Fools in love 
  After a busy but short work week you found yourself nervously cleaning your house in preparation for Will to come over. You spent most of the morning and afternoon trying not to overthink things. He was always handy around your house, helping out wherever he could. 
  You knew he liked to do these things to keep himself busy, it’s why his house was so meticulously maintained. It was the only way to calm his racing thoughts. 
  Your Will, the man who always needed to be in control. Some part of you knew he needed that to keep himself from losing grip again. 
  His life slowly fell apart before Colombia when his fiancé Amanda abruptly left. You always asked what happened and he always told you it wasn’t meant to be. You tried getting to know her but it seemed she never wanted to reciprocate. 
  Even more questions were stirred when she stormed out of the annual 4th of July barbecue screaming about not being able to compete with her. The guys all exchanged knowing glances when he returned to the backyard looking like he saw a ghost. 
  You didn’t have time to unpack what that meant when days later Santi came to you all with a proposal that would change all of your lives. Change your lives. 
  A knock at the door brings you back to the present moment as you make your way to the front door to let Will in. He’s standing there in a white v neck and paint stained jeans slung low on his waist. You don’t realize you’re gaping at him until he clears his throat. 
  “I promise I have a change of clothes.” He awkwardly scrubs the back of his neck revealing the toned curve of his arms.
  “Oh…it’s not that, you look great. I mean you like fine…” Okay you were officially losing it as you feel the heat creeping up your neck. You don’t miss the smirk as you step aside to let him in. 
  He sets down his backpack on your loveseat and brings you into a hug as he kisses the top of your head. You linger in it longer than necessary as you take in his scent, his musky cologne mixed with a hint of sweat. You can feel the way his back flexes under your touch as your hand instinctively slides up between his shoulder blades. 
  “I missed you.” It slips out before he can second guess himself. You don’t think he’s referring to the 3 days since he’s seen you last. There’s a deeper meaning behind it. It’s the first time you’ve been alone with him in months. 
  “I missed you too.” You look up at him, willing your eyes to say everything your mouth can’t. He can sense it and reluctantly pulls away. The struggle is piercing through his blue eyes, grappling with the inner workings of his mind that says he can’t lose control again. 
  As he turns to walk towards your garage knowing full well that whatever he needs is there because he brought it at some point and left it to do various repairs and updates to your home. It was so domestic that it takes your breath away. 
  It takes you a moment to gain your bearings as you head to the kitchen to get some water to try and quench your thirst. You pour him a glass for good measure assuming he’s having the same predicament as you. 
  He returns from the garage tool belt on and bucket in hand as he sets everything down by your front door next to the dreaded reminder in the wall that was your awful ex. He picks at the drywall with his fingers as he stares at it like it personally offended him. 
  You slowly approach with the glass of water and he turns to look at you, he couldn’t school his expression in time for you not to see the regret burned through his pupils. You know he’s found someway to blame himself for not being here or for not noticing the signs. He happily accepts the glass from you as he tries and fails to smile, his lips pulled into a grim line. 
  “You read my mind sweetheart.” He tips his head back and you can see the way his Adam’s apple bobs with each drink. Suddenly you’re feeling parched again. 
  “I can in fact read your mind and I need you to stop beating yourself up.” 
  “Is it that obvious?” He sets the glass down on the side table as he resumes his stare off with the hole.
  “Well I know you like the back of my hand and yes…it’s that obvious.” You place your hand on his arm gently, still giving him space but steadily grounding him. 
  “It’s not your fault, we all were in a bad place.”
  He can’t help but think how much it was his fault. If he had told you a long time ago how he felt about you none of this would’ve happened. Amanda was right. She can’t compete with you. If he had told you before going off on that suicide mission to Colombia maybe you would’ve come back different. Here you are still looking out for him despite it all. 
  “Hey…what’s going on behind those eyes again?” Everything. 
  “Nothin’ sweetheart…just thinking how lucky I am to have you and how we’ll never get out of here if I don’t get to work.” The pet names they all call you have perpetually driven you to insanity and yet you’d be lost without them. 
  You plop down in the loveseat with your legs draped over the side facing the back of it, watching him work was better than anything on your tv and it would give you a chance to catch up. 
  He gets down on one knee to get a closer look at the hole perfectly level with the door handle. If you weren’t watching you would’ve missed the precise square he makes with his knife around it to clean the edges. 
  You watch as his deft hands make steady work of the sandpaper. So precise and sure of his movements. You wonder what it would feel like to have his hands all over you, his hand behind your neck while the other grasps your waist pulling him into you. 
  “Honey?” Was he saying something?
  “Yes.” His back is to you but you can see him laughing at your expense. 
  “I asked you how work’s been.” 
  “Oh it’s been great actually.” He stops what he’s doing to look at you with a quizzical expression on his face. 
  “Oh the trauma unit has been great?” 
  “Well, yes and no. It’s been great being able to focus on doing my job again.” You always took pride in your work and lately that’s been slacking. You can’t properly take care of patients and have a tumultuous home life. 
  “I still think you could use a vacation.” He’s resumed his almost complete  work and you aren’t sure if he’s very quick with his hands or perhaps you were daydreaming about them for longer than you thought. 
  “We all could use a vacation, just don’t let Santi plan this one.” You let that last part slip and instantly regretted it until Wills booming laughter filled the small living room. 
  “I trust your planning skills honey so just let me know when and where and I’ll be there.” There’s a seriousness to his tone that you don’t miss. You certainly all could use a break. 
  “I’m pretty much done, we just need to let this dry overnight. The paint in your garage is too old so I’ll pick some up this week and finish it.” He stands from the ground dusting the drywall off his jeans.
  “Will I can paint…” He cuts you off as he stands over you on the loveseat with his hands on his hips. The look in his eyes is daring you to challenge him again. 
  “I don’t do anything halfway.” There it is again, that double meaning that you can’t possibly miss. You know deep down you’re not reading into this the wrong way. 
  Unlike Ben, the man of many words. Will communicated so well non verbally, he was a man of action. So much can go unspoken between the two of you and yet things still felt normal. 
  “Why don’t we head to the bar early before those knuckleheads get there.” That sounded perfect and you didn’t want your one on one time to end just yet. 
  “Why don’t you get cleaned up while I sweep this stuff.” Gesturing to the drywall on the floor, he moves to clean but you hop over the loveseat before he has a chance. 
  “No way William…bathroom, now.” You shove his backpack into his chest and usher him down the hallway as you both giggle at the absurdity. 
  You quickly clean the remnants of the last pieces of your ex and breathe a sigh of relief. You can hear the water running as you run down the hall to change out of your leggings and freshen up to meet your boys. A warm feeling you haven’t felt in a while working its way through your chest as you swell with pride taking in your appearance in your floor length mirror . 
  It’s not what you’re wearing or how your hair is done but the way you’re carrying yourself again. The brightness has returned to your features, your smile reaches your eyes again and you're standing a little taller. You went months avoiding your reflection not fully recognizing the person looking back at you. 
  Not wanting to waste anymore time you spritz some perfume and head out of your room to find Will in the kitchen rinsing your glasses of water. The sleeves of his gray Henley are rolled up to the elbow and he has on a pair of dark blue jeans. How he managed to make washing glass look sexy is beyond you. 
  “Ready sweetheart?” He turns to you as he dries his hands on the dish towel and you know he’s asking if you’re ready to leave but your answer means so much more. 
  “Yes I’m ready.”
   You slide into your booth as you wait for Will to bring your drinks. He insisted on getting them and at this point you should just get used to doing whatever he says. 
  He makes his way over with something that doesn’t look like your regular beer, two short glasses with a honey colored liquid inside. He’s got this mischievous look that you’ve only seen reserved for Benny in his eyes and it makes you slightly nervous. 
  “I hope you don’t mind, I got us something a little stronger before the guys get here.” Liquid courage
  “I don’t mind, but can I ask what it is?” He holds the glass out to you while he holds the other up in a toast. 
  “Whiskey and what?” You sniff the glass immediately regretting that decision.
  “Just whiskey babe.” That babe shoots straight to your core and you have to clench your thighs as you adjust in the seat. 
  You clink the glass and down the liquid before you can second guess yourself. It’s sweeter than you thought it would be and it warms you from within as you feel it travel down and settle deep in your stomach. You notice he didn’t finish his but it’s too late now. 
  “So…your dates have gone well.” So this is why he got whiskey. 
  “Oh god you know?” You groan, placing your head in your hands. 
  “I’m just teasin’ sweetheart.” Will always gave the best advice so you might as well use him while you can. 
  “Can I ask you something?” You would feel a little shy asking him but whatever was in that glass has you feeling bolder than usual. 
  “Sure, pretend I’m a therapist.” He puts his arm around you as he relaxes against the booth. Again with the pretending. 
  “This is weird right? He half chuckles to himself as his thumb rubs mindlessly on your arm. 
  “Weirder than putting your life on the line for the US government everyday for little to no pay.” Okay he had a point there. 
  “I just don’t want to be judged.” You pick at the old grooves in the wooden table, anything to distract you from this conversation. 
  “It seems like you’re judging yourself. I think you deserve a break so why don’t you cut yourself some slack.” If there was a word for relief and frustration that’s what you would be now with all of his perfect answers. 
  “How do I choose?” He takes a moment not having an answer prepared and you think you’ve finally stumped him. 
  “What makes you think you have to?”  Your heart flutters in your chest at the deeper meaning in his tone. He’s so close to you now as you turn to look into his pale blue eyes, his pupils so blown you can barely make out the color. 
  “If it feels right just go with it.” The last words ghosted over your lips as he leans in waiting for you to pull back, but you don’t. He places a gentle kiss on your lips, almost experimenting with what you want. 
  You would have gladly accepted that as the one and only but you don’t have a chance as he deepens it,placing his hand behind your neck to tilt your head up. He’s kissing you like it’s the only thing he’s ever wanted, stealing any breath you might have. 
  You knew he was precise in his everyday life, right down to the kiss that would’ve had your knees buckling if you were not already sitting. 
  Either this was an invasion of the body snatchers or Will…your Will just kissed you in a public bar. 
  “William Miller what has got into you.” You’re panting against his lips as you try to catch your breath. 
  “I’m done running from something that feels right.” Your hand is resting on his chest and you can feel his rapidly beating heart. 
  He kisses you again somehow already learning what drives you crazy as his other hand grips your exposed thigh under the table. You can taste the honey sweet whiskey as his tongue gently prods your mouth for entry. This is certainly too hot for the public but you could care less. 
  “This is an inappropriate patient-therapist relationship.” 
  “I resigned 5 minutes ago.” His soft pillowy lips meet yours again and it’s dizzying the way you feel all consumed by him. He’s a drug you’re having for the first time and you know you won’t be able to quit. 
  “Oh how convenient for us.” You say in between kisses as you bite his bottom lip gently pulling it between your teeth. 
  The growl that leaves him is faintly interrupted by the tell tale sound of Benjamin Miller entering the bar. He doesn’t pull away quickly, setting your heart at ease. He places one last kiss to your cheek as a to be continued.
  Benny is practically skipping towards the booth with Santi in tow. Will gives your thigh one more squeeze before tipping his chin at his brother. 
  “You better get up and hug him before he has a meltdown.” He whispers a little too close in your ear sending shivers down your spine. 
  You slide out of the booth before he all but pulls you out and scoops you up into a hug. Your eyes go wide as Santi chuckles from behind him. 
  Frankie makes his way in and can’t help but laugh at the sight of you hoisted several feet in the air by the human golden retriever begging to be put down. 
  You see Frankie approaching and thank your lucky stars since Santi and Will seem to be no help, completely amused with the entire situation. You mouth help me as he taps the younger man’s shoulder. 
  “Put her down Ben.” He dramatically lets you slide down, knowing full well what it’s doing to you and your shorts. He seems so much taller than you as you're placed gently on the ground. A quick kiss to your forehead before he turns to slide into the booth next to Will. 
  “What was all that?” Benny gestures to you while you hug Frankie and Santi.
  “Relax bro I’m just teasing…you deserve to be happy too.” He’s heard that before 
  Benny slides out of the booth not wanting to be left out of any interesting conversation for too long. Not wanting to be far from you. 
  Maybe he should take a page out of his own book and relax a little. Frankie didn’t mind and his brother didn’t seem to mind. He’s trying hard to force back the intrusive thoughts creeping in of what would people think? What would they say?
  Honestly who gives a fuck what people think. As many times as the group of you have almost lost your lives it shouldn’t matter what he does going forward. 
  Santi uses this opportunity to occupy his brother's seat next to Will as he watches Frankie and Benny leave dueling kisses on your cheeks. Your squeals of excitement make him feel something akin to happiness with a tinge of jealousy.
  “So you’re fine with all this.” Will still hasn’t looked away from you. The way you’ve always opened your heart to them suddenly filling his chest with pride.
  “Ya man…I’m fine with all this.” 
  “Te has vuelto loco.” Santi chuckles as he crosses his arms. 
  “I don’t know what you said but it’s probably true and I could care less.” Will eases back into the booth smiling at the three of you telling some secret he wishes he was in on. 
  You turn and plop your hands on the table “I’m buying the first round and I don’t want to hear any grumbling from any of you.” You point to each of them. 
  “Yes ma’am.” They all say in unison.
  “Wow… I didn’t actually think that would work.” You hold the back of your hands dramatically to Frankie and Bennys  foreheads. 
  “You must be sick to agree that quickly.”
  “Ya they’re sick all right.” Santi mutters under his breath as you walk away towards the bar. Narrowly missing the middle finger Frankie shoots him.
  You can feel their eyes on you as you walk to the bar. It’s a little unnerving but exhilarating knowing how you can captivate them by simply walking away. You might as well sway a little since they obviously want a show. 
  You lean a little against the bar while you wait, drawing your jean shorts a little higher to show off the swell of your ass. The drink you had with Will giving you a boost of confidence,emboldening you a little more. 
  “Jesus Christ, how is she gonna do that after dropping that bomb on us?” Ben adjusts a little in his seat to get a better view.
  “What bomb?” Santi looks at Ben who has yet to meet his gaze.
  Frankie seems just as transfixed on you and he raises an eyebrow at Will who takes the final sip of the whiskey in the glass. 
  “Oh nothing…she just had a sex dream about me and Fish.”
  Will sputters across the table as Frankie pats him on the back trying to contain his laughter. Santi gapes at them eyes wide in utter shock. 
  “What did she say?” Santi almost whispers as he turns to look at you not so innocently leaning on the bar and now is definitely not the moment to be adjusting himself under the table. 
  “Sorry,hermano, no details for you.” Frankie winks at Benny as you make your way back with a pitcher of beer and 5 glasses. 
  Several rounds later you made your way to the makeshift dance floor with Frankie and Benny. 20 dollars in the jukebox went quite a long way as you alternated spins and dips between the two men. The three of you blissfully unaware of the conversation being had about you just a few feet away. 
  “Admit it.” It’s almost as if Will can feel the envy radiating off his body. 
  “Admit what?” That he loves you.
  “You want her…what they we have.” Santi clenches his jaw at the thought. 
  “Don’t try and shrink me Will, I don’t want any of this, it would never work.” 
  “Oh is that why you haven’t been on a date in months.” Fuck he hated how observant he was sometimes. It was very useful in the military but very annoying when you’re trying to hide your true feelings for your best friend. 
  Maybe if he let that part of himself go he could see how badly he wanted this but he knew inevitably he would mess it up just like everything else. 
  You were too perfect, too good. He almost broke you once and he vowed to never let himself be so weak as to do it again. 
  “I'm not trying to pressure you, I’m just saying you’ve wasted enough time not telling the person you’ve been in love with for the last ten years how you truly feel.” Santi looks at him as if he’s told some deep dark secret and not stated the most obvious thing a blind man could see it. 
  “We all do.” 
  “We all do what?” You slide into the booth next to Will obviously tipsy as you lean into his shoulder reaching to steal the rest of his beer. 
  “We all love the way you dance when you’re drunk.” He holds his beer just out of reach as you pout up at him. 
  “What… like she has two left feet.” Benny slides in next to you and pours you another beer much to your approval.
  “Unless you plan on spending the night with us I suggest you slow down sweetheart.” Will slides your fresh beer to Santi and you scoff in his direction. 
  Frankie slides in next to Santi as a smug grin crosses his face. 
  “Oh…now this is interesting, where will you sleep?” He’s too proud of himself to notice your lack of awareness of the question. He could be very annoying and borderline mean when he was being smug. 
  “Well I usually sleep in Frankie’s bed.” You start to play with the hem of Benny's shirt completely oblivious to the brewing heated conversation.
  Santi looks at Frankie as he scrubs his palm across his face. 
  “So where’s Benny in this scenario?” Santi crosses his arms leaning back in the booth.
  “I’ve shared a bed with Fish, it's not a problem.” Benny is doing his best to ignore him as he continues the innocent game with you, tracing his thumb along your jaw. 
  “So Will…where do you sleep?” They all look to Santi as you are too distracted by Benny playing with the hair at the nape of your neck. 
  Frankie leans into him so only he can hear. “I know what you’re doing so I suggest you knock it off before she figures it out.” 
  “Don’t worry boys, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself.” You look Santi directly in the eye as he averts his gaze to the table, slightly embarrassed at the way he was goading them on.
  You were very much aware that he was acting like a petulant child but you weren’t gonna let him rain on your parade. If he wanted to be a dark cloud he could do that on his own.
  You all finished your drinks and began your goodbyes. Will took Benny home to get some rest for his fight out of town the following evening.
  Frankie offered to take you home before dropping off Santi. He had several flights booked for the next day so he didn’t have much to drink that night. 
  The drive was mostly in silence as you hummed innocently along to some tune on the radio. 
  There was however a silent war brewing in the front seat amongst the two men that you were completely oblivious too in your happy,hazy state.
  Frankie pulls up to your home and hops out to open the truck door for you (always the gentleman).
  Before getting out you lean forward towards the front seat behind Santiago. “I hope you sleep well now that you’re not worried about my sleeping arrangements.” You plant a kiss on his cheek and slide out, not noticing the way heat creeps up his neck. 
  If it was his plan to make an ass of himself tonight, he definitely succeeded.
  “Goodnight cariño.” He knows you can’t hear him anymore as you and Frankie make your way up the path to your house, hands interlocked. He still has to say it all the same.
  He watches as Frankie leans down to plant a kiss on your lips which you happily accept. Something deep in his chest stirs as he watches his two best friends embrace. 
  Frankie makes his way back to the truck with a bounce in his step. He missed seeing him this happy, it’s been so long for all of them. The energy in the truck has shifted during the short drive to Santi’s house as Frankie nervously taps his fingers on the steering wheel.
  He pulls into the parking lot of his apartment and turns the truck off as they continue to sit in awkward silence. 
  “Just say it Pope.” Santi finally turns to look at him and open the floodgates but instead he takes in his odd appearance with his standard heating oil cap missing. 
  “Where’s your hat Fish?” Frankie narrows his eyebrows at him as he pats his head oddly feeling his hair. 
  “That little brat took my hat.” He’s grinning to himself while muttering curses in Spanish under his breath. 
  As if you knew what could break the tension between the two of them, Santi finally laughs and Frankie can’t help but join him at the ridiculousness of it all. 
  “Look Fish, I’m sorry I just wonder how it’s all gonna work. What if someone gets jealous? How is she gonna split her time? What are people gonna say?” Frankie is sarcastically nodding his head at each one of his questions seemingly waiting for him to finish spiraling. 
  “You done hermaño?” He asked himself all these same questions and still couldn’t come up with a reason to not take a chance. 
  “I don’t have any answers for you. All I know is we love that girl, we’ve never been jealous of each other, she seems to be splitting her time just fine seeing as we all hang out almost everyday and who gives a fuck what other people think.” It’s the first time he’s really said it out loud but Santi is speechless, maybe for the first time in his life. 
  “You deserve to be happy.” Suddenly everyone is so concerned with his happiness. 
  “You may be right… That scares me a little.” Frankie flips him off playfully as Santi opens the passenger door. 
  “Have fun getting your hat back.” 
  “I’ll get it in a few days, I don’t trust myself to go back right now.” Santi closes the door and pats the hood as he walks toward his apartment.
  Ya I wouldn’t trust myself either. 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
@luciferiorbxtch @alwaysdjarin @meveispunk @casa-boiardi @evyiione @littlenosoul @the-fox-den @saturn-rings-writes @romanarose @wandasbitch22 @spngingerbread21 @spookyxsam @summer-may @imonmykneessir @avastrasposts @fishingforpike
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theteleterrestrial · 8 months
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the flying fish dream 🐠
what should I name her? she’s a sort of priestess from an icy seaside village who goes on a quest to discover why the fish - the main food source of her people - are dying.
27 notes · View notes
summerf0x · 7 months
Splatoon dashboard simulator
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🖌 GhostOfInkblotAcademy
god I fucking hate school first my teacher drops a ton of extra homework on me right before the exam then the Horrorbouros comes to town and forces me to evacuate in the middle of an exam and then a Grizzco employee sends a Booyah Bomb DIRECTLY into my dorm so now I have to replace all of my furniture
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🐻 mr-grizz’s-favorite-child-soldier follow
why don’t you complain AFTER you spend all night trying to clear Salmonoids out of the city
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🖌 GhostOfInkblotAcademy
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37,597 notes
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Day 137 of posting photographs until my boss comes back
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#at least I don’t have to deal with the other guy here anymore all he did was complain and ask me to listen to his mixtape #then again I did stuff him in a snowglobe so maybe it’s justified
4 notes
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🐟 chum1738292 follow
ω-3 fans will be like “You should listen to Fishing Frenzy it’s so good!” And then the entire song will be composed of doorbell noises and choppy cello and it’ll be the best thing you’ve ever heard.
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🔁 🐠 flyfish893
The Valiant Green Flame Born in Jigokudani could slam his head through the drums and still make anything leagues better than Wet Floor or whatever weird music the land-dwellers listen to
436 notes
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🐚 selfishshelfish
“Muck Warfare is actually about Marina Ida’s past as a weapons engineer for the Octarian army” yeah and Ink Me Up is actually about Marie Cuttlefish’s secret job as a special agent
#honestly *ff *he *ook fans scare me #like I love their music but there’s no way I’d ever interact with their fandom outside of existing on the same social media platform #next thing you know they’re going to say Fly Octo Fly’s actually about an amnesiac soldier escaping to the surface #or Nasty Majesty is about lesbian sex
0 notes
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🎱 applicant-10008
I’m glad I never have to deal with the Deepsea Metro ever again
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🎱 applicant-10008
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🎱 applicant-10008
Ok ok ok ok I just need to get out of here and Pearl is here so things can’t be too bad
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🎱 applicant-10008
3 notes
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♠️ TopTableturfTactics follow
Something that’s always bothered me about the Alterna Adventures card packs is that they feature some guys I haven’t seen anywhere else.
Like the other expansion packs always have some sort of connection with other creatures (EX: Zapfish Zeal’s titular Zapfishes and other electricity-based creatures) or brands. But these guys are brand new! I’m starting to wonder if they’re original characters but DJ Octavio apparently has some sort of historical significance I’m currently looking into.
If anyone has any information, please DM me or send an ask in!
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🏹 NEOthree follow
#might want to keep an eye on this one, boss
231 notes
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alwaysbethewest · 1 year
Triple Frontier fic: Put Yourself in My Place
It's a fishben body swap fic 🤷‍♀️ This is for the @pedrostories 1000 follower celebration 🥳 I was browsing the prompts last week and felt a little overwhelmed by how many great options there were, but when I saw body swap listed in the tropes I knew that was what I had to choose. I also worked in two of the dialogue prompts but I don't want to spoil which ones.
Title: Put Yourself in My Place Pairing: Frankie Morales/Benny Miller Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3.1k Content/warnings: Friends to lovers, body swap, big dick Frankie, oral sex, anal sex (the sex is while body swapped, just to be clear), mysterious magical objects, Pope gets threatened with bodily harm, brief cameos by Frankie's ex-wife and daughter, food, just absolute nonsense. Unbetaed (please let me know if you spot any typos!) I had a lot of fun writing this, lol, so I hope it will be a fun read.
The phone buzzing on the nightstand awakens Frankie. Groggily, he grabs it and checks the caller ID.
It’s a glitch. His own image fills the screen, an old picture of him with the baby sitting on his shoulders, matching sunglasses and baseball caps atop their heads. She’s grabbing his hat, twisting the brim so it’s nearly covering one eye, and he’s trying to keep a straight face for the camera as Benny gets the shot.
In his half-asleep state he’s so distracted by the picture that the call times out, only to start up again vibrating in his hand. This time he notices the caller’s name: 🐠Fish👨🏻‍🦱. Someone’s fucking with him.
He hits answer.
“Very funny,” he mumbles into the phone. His voice sounds strange in his own ears and he clears his throat.
“Dude,” the caller says, urgent. The voice is familiar but he can’t place it. “This is fucked. Up.”
“Who is this?” Frankie asks. He still sounds off and he’s got a bad feeling brewing down in his gut, well-honed instincts starting to scream for attention as he blinks fully awake. Something isn’t right.
The walls are the wrong color. Sunlight is filtering in from the right instead of the left. There’s a poster of Georges St-Pierre hanging nearby.
He’s in Benny’s room. In his bed.
Had he blacked out last night? He could swear he’d gone to bed in his own house.
“Dude,” the man on the phone says again. The voice almost sounds like— “It’s me.”
Frankie closes his eyes. He’s starting to feel a little lightheaded.
“I don’t understand.”
“Francisco,” the voice says, “Go look in the mirror.”
Dumbly, Frankie stands and steps in front of the full-length mirror mounted on the wall by the closet. He looks at his reflection—and finds Benny’s shocked blue eyes staring back at him.
“I’m you,” Benny tells him, in Frankie’s own voice. “And you’re me.”
“What the fuck,” Frankie breathes. There’s a moment of silence between them as he tries to absorb the vision of himself standing here in someone else’s body.
“You know whose fault this is,” Benny starts.
Frankie blinks, curling Ben’s long fingers into a fist. He thinks about it, just for a second.
“Pope,” he says. There’s a sigh on the other end of the line.
“Fucking Pope,” Benny agrees.
Benny-in-Frankie’s-body drives Frankie’s car over to his own apartment, where Frankie has the bizarre experience of opening the door to find himself standing in front of him. After a brief discussion in which Benny insists he probably could fly a helicopter, no problem, Frankie puts his foot down and hovers over his shoulder as Benny calls him in sick to work.
Then they get Santiago on a video call. He’s sitting at his kitchen table and he answers them casually through a crunchy bite of cereal. “Hey, fellas. What’s happening?”
“You’re an asshole,” Benny tells him flatly. Pope raises an eyebrow and takes another bite of cornflakes, waiting for elaboration.
“I told you there was something hinky about that shit you had us moving yesterday,” Frankie says, “and you swore up and down everything was fine.”
Pope tilts his head, confused. “I thought it was just Fish who was complaining about it. You didn’t say anything.”
“Exactly,” they say in unison.
“It was Fish,” Benny says.
“Me,” Frankie continues, pointing to himself. He gestures between them. “We woke up… like this.”
“I think I’m missing something, boys,” Pope says. He sets down his spoon and picks up a mug from the table.
“We fucking swapped bodies,” Benny exclaims, and the whole thing is almost—almost—worth it to watch Santiago choke and splutter on his mouthful of coffee.
“Okay,” he says, still coughing but mostly recovered. His eyes shift uneasily. “Okay, uh. Okay. I need to make a phone call. Do you… do you remember anything you… touched?”
They’re both silent for a beat, staring at him like he’s stupid.
“We touched everything,” Frankie says finally. “That’s the point of moving shit from point A to point B.”
“Right. Okay. Right.” Pope lets out a nervous laugh. “It’s probably—I’m sure this is going to be fine. I need to call—” and he’s hung up before he can even finish the sentence.
Fucking Pope.
“Do you wanna have sex with me?” Benny asks.
They’re still at his place. Pope had texted a little while after their phone call, Looking into it. Sit tight. Maybe an hour, and then, like a coward, left them on read when they’d replied with more questions. Frankie has been spending the time rifling through Ben’s kitchen—his metabolism is higher in this body and once he’d gotten past the initial shock of their situation he’d been hit with the kind of hunger he hasn’t felt since his active service days. Benny has spent most of the time looking at his own reflection, poking and prodding at his face and fussing with the texture of his hair.
(“What if I shave my head while I’m you?” he’d mused earlier.
“What if I rob a bank while I’m you?” Frankie had countered.)
Now, Frankie stares at him over his bowl of oatmeal. “I don’t think I heard you right,” he says.
Benny stretches a leg out to hook under the crossbar of the chair across from his, looking annoyed when he doesn’t quite make the distance. “I’m not short,” Frankie says preemptively, for the third time this morning. Benny pulls a face.
“No but—haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to sleep with yourself?” he asks earnestly.
Frankie looks at him—at his own face, the full curve of his bottom lip and the broad stretch of his shoulders under the old t-shirt Benny had put on—and he does start to wonder. He clears his throat, shifting his weight.
“I haven’t really thought about it.”
“Well. I’m just saying. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.”
“Unless we’re stuck like this forever,” Frankie says, and Benny gives him a look that says that’s not helping.
“Maybe if we come at the exact same time it’ll switch us back,” he suggests.
“Benjamin. What??”
Benny shrugs, but he’s laughing, too. “If I was an ancient evil wizard cursing an amulet that’s how I’d configure it. Just to fuck with people.”
Frankie shakes his head at the absurdity of this entire day, and the last two minutes in particular.
Benny’s eyes shift.
“I just thought—remember? We touched it at the same time when I was showing you the design. And it had that inscription we couldn’t make out.”
“Jesus,” Frankie says. “Yeah. You didn’t want to mention this earlier?”
Benny shrugs. “I didn’t think of it until just now.”
Frankie unlocks Benny’s phone with facial recognition and texts Pope again. We think maybe it was an amulet?????? Blue stone w strange writing around edge. Tarnished chain.
Together, they stare at the screen for a minute until Pope sends back a thumbs up reaction.
“I swear to god,” Frankie says, “If he doesn’t get us switched back I’m never speaking to him again.”
Benny nods distractedly and drums his fingers on the table. It’s as if the movement catches his own attention, because he looks down and rubs his thumb over the bullseye tattoo on his hand.
“So do you want to?” he asks. Frankie cocks his head and Benny offers up a vague, filthy gesture by way of explanation.
“You want to blow me?” Frankie interprets. He’s still not sure if Ben is serious or just fucking around. But his response is an enthusiastic nod, warm brown eyes widening earnestly, and Frankie feels a hit of arousal course through him.
He hesitates. “Wouldn’t it be kind of… narcissistic?”
“So what? When has a little narcissism ever hurt anyone?”
Frankie laughs out loud. “Well—for one, there was Narcissus.”
Benny is already sinking to his knees.
“Wait,” Frankie says. “Don’t do that.”
He hesitates, looking chastened.
“You’re gonna fuck up my knees,” he tells him.
“Old man,” Benny grumbles, but he carefully gets to his feet and heads down the hallway towards his bedroom.
And Frankie gives in and follows.
Benny takes a long time getting acquainted with his dick before he ever gets it in his mouth. He’s touching it lightly, moving it around, inspecting it from every angle. He runs his fingertips down the length, making Frankie tense up and shiver.
“It looks different from down here,” he observes. “Never realized that vein looked like that.”
When he finally does it—
It’s surreal watching his own mouth close around the head of his cock—like watching a porno of himself. He’s holding his breath, and it comes out shaky when Benny works his tongue over the tip.
Benny’s gaze flicks up to meet his and they lock eyes. Frankie lets out a breathless, nervous laugh and it sets Benny off laughing too, a shared moment of euphoric insanity, but then he surges down onto the length of Frankie’s cock again and Frankie’s no longer laughing.
He’s called Ben a cocksucker before—a crude, boys will be boys insult among friends, and Benny’s called him worse things in return with no hurt feelings between them. Now that it’s come true, he’s surprised to find Benny’s not half bad at this. At least, not while equipped with Frankie’s mouth. He can’t help but wonder if they might do this again so he can compare, if they switch back.
When. Not if. Under the haze of arousal that’s overtaken him, there’s still a knot of anxiety sitting in the bottom of his stomach, distracting him.
Ben presses a knuckle behind his balls, nudging into the space there and using his other hand to push Frankie’s legs open like he wants to reach back further. Frankie hesitates, shifting away, and Benny looks up at him.
“Uh—that doesn’t really do anything for me,” Frankie explains.
“What d’you mean?”
“Like…” He wiggles his forefinger. “Anything with my ass. My ex tried to finger me one time because she said it was going to be the best orgasm of my life and it just—felt like a visit to the proctologist.”
Benny is silent, looking at him thoughtfully from between his legs. Frankie’s cock is starting to feel neglected.
“What if… since you’re in my body, it feels different this time? Can I try?”
Frankie shrugs his assent.
It turns out that, kind of like the active metabolism thing, the nerve endings in Ben’s body are sensitive in a way Frankie’s not used to.
“I’m so—fucking jealous of you,” he gasps, when Benny has two thick fingers buried deep inside him. “I never knew it could feel like this.”
“I knew you’d like it,” Benny says smugly, a little muffled with his mouth hot against Frankie’s balls. “Do you wanna find out what your dick feels like?”
With Benny’s fingers inside him and his face between his legs, Frankie feels tingly all over, almost dizzy from it so that it takes him a moment to answer the question.
“I—yeah, kind of. That’s weird, right? This is weird.”
“Super fucking weird,” Benny agrees with a laugh. It’s funny to see his smile lighting up Frankie’s face. He wonders at it, while Benny’s focused on grabbing the lube stashed by his bed, trying to work out which parts of his face are his and what is Benny shining through. Transforming him into someone altogether new.
“Oh shit, that’s big,” Frankie gasps when Ben pushes into him, clutching hard onto his forearm.
Benny laughs silently. “How many girls have you heard that from before?”
“I always thought they were—stroking my ego,” Frankie says, breathing out a laugh. Benny grins, cheek dimpling.
“Try to relax,” he says. “I’ll go slow. Tell me if you want to stop.”
They’re not making love—that would be beyond the level of super fucking weird they’re already at—but it’s what Frankie would call this if they were a couple. Benny fucks him slow and careful and full and distracts him by leaning in for a kiss. It’s totally surreal, and somehow oddly comfortable at the same time, kissing his own mouth. Realizing he’s tasting Benny on his lips and deepening the kiss without even thinking about it. Feeling the anxious tension in his gut dissolving into something hot and dangerous, pleasure like the high of a drug.
“Don’t stop,” he whispers, and Benny makes a low noise in his throat and hides his face against his neck, tickling Frankie’s skin with the brush of his mustache. He closes his eyes and gives himself over to the waves of euphoria, and in the end, improbably, they do come together at the exact same time.
It doesn’t change them back.
Frankie’s phone lights up with a text. They both scramble to look, hoping to see Santiago’s name on the screen, but it’s from Laura, Frankie’s ex-wife.
Stuck at work, she’s written, adding a dismayed emoji. Any chance you’re able to do the preschool pickup and watch M for an hour or two? I can get her from your place.
“You’ll have to come with me,” he tells Benny. “They don’t hand over the kids to any random guy that shows up.”
His daughter grins when she sees them, but she falters as she draws closer, looking between the two of them skeptically like she can tell something is up.
“Hey, Minneola,” Benny greets her. She wrinkles her nose at the nickname and gravitates towards Frankie, who picks her up. There’s not even a twinge in his lower back, he realizes. He might be happy stuck in this body after all.
“You have a good day, baby?” he asks her. She rides comfortably in his arm, talking his ear off about the butterfly-themed craft her teacher had led the class in, and Benny saunters along beside them as they make their way back out to the car.
Whatever intuition his kid has that the man who looks like her daddy isn’t actually him today, her mother does not share. Laura barely spares him a glance when she swings by the house, a little flustered at the late hour as she collects her daughter and grills Benny on what he’s given her for her afternoon snack.
“Thanks again,” she tells him, leaning in to peck him on the lips, and she’s out the door again before she can notice the dazed expression on Benny’s face.
“I can’t believe I got lucky with two Moraleses in one day,” he says, when she’s gone. Frankie smacks him upside the head and then tousles his hair back into place, with a little more affection than he’d like to admit.
They’ve demolished an extra-large pizza and googled “body swap,” “body swap magic,” “body swap real,” “body swap historical,” and, in an act of desperation, “freaky friday real life,” to no avail when Pope finally—finally—calls them back.
“So my guy looked into it—” he starts.
“What do you mean, your guy?” Benny asks.
“My occult guy,” Pope says, as if that’s a thing. “The guy who owns the amulet you touched.” Frankie swears under his breath but Pope continues on as before. “So, it took him a while to track down the information about that exact artifact, but he found it and it’s good news.”
The ball of anxiety that has been twisting itself up in Frankie’s system all afternoon as the hours had passed very slowly begins to unwind.
“It’s like a 24-hour bug,” Pope continues brightly. “You’ll just switch back again by tomorrow. No harm, no foul.”
Benny and Frankie exchange a look that makes it clear they both still fully intend to exact revenge on Pope for putting them in this position to begin with.
“Between you and me,” he continues, oblivious, “this guy is a little out there—”
“No shit,” Benny says dryly.
“—he kept saying something about a ‘soul bond’ that I didn’t totally understand, but the final word was, like I said, everything will be back to normal.”
Soul bond is a heavy phrase to hear mere hours after having what was supposed to be very casual, platonic sex with a friend while he just so happened to be inhabiting your own body. Frankie feels Ben’s eyes on him and busies himself by gathering the mess of pizza-stained paper napkins on his coffee table into a single, scrunched up pile.
“Thanks, Pope,” Benny says after a moment. “If your guy is wrong, just so you know, we’re gonna kill you.”
“10-4,” Pope says, and makes quick work of hanging up the phone.
“Maybe I should sleep here tonight?” Benny suggests. “So we know it works. Like. In case there’s a… proximity thing,” he finishes lamely.
“Yeah,” Frankie says. “That makes sense.” It doesn’t, really, since they were in their own houses for the first switch, but he feels antsy with anticipation and, if he’s honest, he doesn’t really want to be alone right now. He thinks Benny doesn’t either.
The sun is barely risen when he wakes up, just dim light starting to break through around the edges of his blinds. His heart is racing, like the adrenaline rush when your body jerks awake from falling in a dream. There’s a dull ache in his lower back and a familiar curve to his nose when he lifts a hand to grope at his face. Next to him, Benny is back in his own body too, one long leg draped heavy over Frankie’s. He looks younger, asleep like this—deceptively innocent, Frankie thinks wryly.
Benny’s eyes flutter slowly open and Frankie can’t quite look away. They stare at each other for a long moment and Benny gives him a small smile.
“Well that’s a relief,” he murmurs, voice all early morning deep. “I was starting to miss your face.”
“Yeah,” Frankie says. “Me too.”
Benny’s smile widens and he rolls closer in the bed, face tucked next to Frankie’s shoulder and the whole length of his body pressed up against his side.
So just like that, just like Pope’s guy had said, they’re totally, completely, thoroughly, unquestionably, and entirely—back to normal. Not a soul bond in sight.
Benny’s hand finds its way onto Frankie’s thigh.
“I’m glad we switched back,” he rumbles sleepily. His breath is warm on Frankie’s skin, mouth nearly touching him. “But it was kind of cool, I guess, getting to be you. Anyway—now the next time someone tells me to go fuck myself I can say, I’ve been there, done that.”
“Jesus Christ,” Frankie groans, appalled at the bad joke. Benny laughs, setting his teeth into Frankie’s flesh when he tries to smother him with a pillow, and Frankie finds he likes that a little too much, so maybe—it’s a slightly new and improved normal, after all.
(mini taglist of a few fishben appreciators: @loversandantiheroes @littledozerdraws @littleferal @thirstworldproblemss @green-socks)
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pearlymermaidscales · 3 months
Notes to keep in mind when making underwater buildings🧜‍♀️🩵
🫧If you have any tips too, please comment!🫧
🐠this is for novel-making, not architecture🐠
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
1) Water pressure
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How deep is the building? The deeper it is to the sea-floor, the higher the pressure becomes.
Walls and doors become thicker, and glasses may not be able to withstand its heavy pressure.
2) Water current
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How powerful is the water current in that area? If the current is strong, then buildings are round and/or slanted to prevent from it collapsing.
The base of the buildings are also to keep in mind. The stronger the current, the larger the base has to be to ensure the safety of the mermaids.
⚠️ Ignore this note if your buildings float.
3) Location and area
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Are the mermaids in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, or perhaps Mediterranean? Also, which area are they located in?
Coral areas are colourful and bright, deep sea is dark so lamps are necessary, and seaweed areas are spooky and dim.
4) Are they influenced by humans?
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Mermaids who have a good relationship with humans will adapt to some human creations for cultural exchange, like Atlantis.
However, if they are hiding from the humans, then there will be no cultural adaptations and the buildings will mostly be built by sandstone, corals, shells, and other sea rocks.
5) Fishes and Sea Baterias
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Humans hate flies and mosquitoes entering their houses, so they put windows to prevent them from flying in. What about mermaids?
Mermaids who hate fishes and sharks swimming into their house to eat their food will build windows which can close, while the ones who don’t care will not bother to have windows at all.
⚠️ Sea creatures also carry diseases!
6) Doors, Lamps, and EROSION
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Fire cannot survive under the water, so fire-lamps are unlikely to exist in a mermaid society.
Also, doors with hinges are extremely difficult to open underwater (I’ve tried it too).
⚠️ Be careful of using materials that can erode overtime under the sea.
7) Colours underwater
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Colours changes the deeper you go underwater, except for white because white will simply become transparent and unnoticeable to a human’s naked eye.
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spore-loser · 4 months
ACOTAR Ask Game:
Thanks for tagging, @sunbrightheart 😁
Who is your favourite ACOTAR character?
Lucien for fav male and Nesta for fav female.
Who is your least favourite character?
Readers hate Nesta for things she said, but Amren is wildly worse. SJM’s writing of her in ACOSF makes no sense to me. She told Cassisn to keep reaching out his hand but did nothing herself except demean Nesta. Also, she showed that she ultimately only sees the Archeron sisters as pawns for the IC, talking about how they could make Rhysand high king - something he didn’t even want.
Say something nice about your least favourite character?
No. 😐
Ok, just kidding. She made a sacrifice to save everyone.
Who is your favourite high lord?
Tarquin for his convictions and ambition to make a difference. 
Tamlin for his coming through several times in ACOWAR, saving Feyre and co. at the camp and then dragging in Beron against Hybern.
Favourite minor character?
Gwyn for her optimism and determination. Emerie for her fortitude and resilience in a culture that demands her subservience. Eris for his actual moral grey-ness that Rhys stans wish he has.
Favourite ship?
For canon: Book One Feylin
For fanon: Neris
For upcoming: Elucian
Favourite court?
Autumn has the scenery of my fav season and very much intrigued me with its huge royal family and Eris’ plotting against Beron. SJM not giving the Lady of Autumn a name (and so many besides) is just 😑
Make up a brand new court - No prep, just vibes!
An undersea court? 🐡🐙🦑 With merfolk and other oceanic aquatic beings.
What relationship would you have liked to see more of in the books?
The Archerons! Wish there were sister bonding moments instead of what we got 💀 If we don't see Lucien and Eris *Vanserra Bros* moments in an upcoming book I will be so annoyed.
What is your unpopular opinion?
For Pro-Nesta spaces: that she verbally abused Feyre in their cabin days. (I know they were described as at each other’s throats but we weren’t shown Nesta internalizing things the way Feyre did.)
For Pro-IC spaces: basically everything. I don’t think of Azriel except for his relation with others (Gwyn or Eris). Cassian was rude to Nesta first, became a stalker who ignored her boundaries, then became a horrible partner. I don’t consider Elain IC because she is infantilized and kept out of everything they do. Feyre’s character post-Book One completely changed. Mor is inconsistently written and was out of line with how she treated Nesta because of Cassian. Rhys is neither a ~feminist king~ or morally grey, he is an unintentional walking red flag 🚩 on SJM’s part that had intended softboi moments which were only cringe to me.
What is your favourite headcanon?
That “Sellyn Drake” is Helion’s pen name. ✍️🏾
If you were swept away to Prythian, what’s one thing you would want to do?
See what an Autumn Equinox celebration is like. 🍁🍂🍺
If you could have one faerie ability seen in the books, what would it be?
Winnowing for instant travel is the best to me but Tamlin’s shapeshifting is a close second. It would be so cool to fly as a bird 🦅 and swim as a fish 🐠 and all that.
Tagging: @blueinkn, @ennawrite, @gwandas, @jon-snows-man-bun, @msbrownwithacrown, @washmchineheart, @wingsdippedingold
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greyskyflowers · 2 years
✨🌙 Magic AU ideas for fun ✨🌙
~ Please credit me if you use any of these.
🕸️ Ink spiders
Spider like creatures that tend to live in places with lots of ink (think libraries, book stores, antique shops, etc).
Most people think the black spindling legs are the creature and it's made of ink (hence the name), but the spiders are actually made of the spaces between words, the black ink is the shadow. They're very thin and you have to get close and look sideways at them to faintly see their actual bodies, which almost look like very thin glass threads. More of a distortion in the air than an actual image. Leave ink splatters when startled and make little clinking noises like tea cups when they get curious enough to climb something you've left close enough to the page.
**Think that photo of camels in desert where people think shadows are the camels
🚪Little shops in between the books on shelves in antique and bookstore.
They look like little miniature houses/apartments but they aren't fond of people lingering so if you look away they'll shut the doors and windows by the time you look again.
Some even take their welcome mats back inside.
🌌 Planetary rings can be bought for an unbelievable price but only the best magic users have them. They make amazing engagement and/or wedding rings.
🐠 If you find the right crosswalk in the rain, you will loo down between the painted line over a mirror image of the city, see fish swimming, leaves floating, etc. Stepping on the blocks gets you across but stepping in the water spins you around and you end up in the city. If you look up you'll see the blocks in the sky and fish swimming high above like clouds. You can watch people walking across the street above you.
This is the only way to find certain magic market places and it can be hard to find the right crosswalk. People usually end jumping in lots of puddles trying to find the right one.
**You leave the same way
🌧️ Kitchen clouds that rain spices
🌊 The most expensive and rare lace is foam from the sea pulled off at high tide under a full moon. White with the gentlest hints of blue, perfectly imperfect in it's details. They say it smells of salt and feels cool against the skin.
**Sold by mermaids, sirens, ocean nymphs. If you buy if from someone else it's probably fake
💡Sting lights that fly off the string when not in use and flicker on and off around the room. When you ask for light or turn it on, they all come floating in to sit on the string at their spots.
**Like lightning bugs but just little puffs of light
🌱 Rooms where grass grows on the floor or up between floorboards. Wildflowers and clover joining it. Sometimes sunflowers pop up to keep depressed or sick people company, common in hospitals
🛁 Night bath bombs: Black ones that turn the water black and silver dust forms accurate constellations in the water.
Cloud bath bombs: White ones that cover the top of the water in rolling puffs that look like cotton but dissipate like fog when you wave your hand through it.
Ocean bath bombs: Blue ones that foam and make small waves, sea salt scent and the grit of sand at the bottom of the tub.
Rain bath bombs: Grey ones that smell like rain and look like puddles, the occasional leaf or two floating by, and the perfect warm summer rain feel and smell.
🎨 Colorful butterflies like paint chips travel together and always form beautiful murals when they land. They usually stay for awhile before getting up to move their artwork to somewhere else.
🐙 Upside down flowers that move like octopus, the petals like little legs they scurry around on. They sometimes produce pollen puffs when startled or angry.
🦷 Dentists that do teeth whitening for vampires
👗 Dresses with flower edges, the skirt made of stems all going up to form the waist with leaves occasionally helping to cover and the flowers all at the bottom. Living dresses.
Along the same thought, flowers that weave in your hair and stay, Ivy, lavender, gardenia, etc.
🥪 Swamp houses on giant lilly pads with monsters that lives in the muddy waters, ancient beings that adore grilled cheese and will accept it as an offering of friendship.
🐾 Veterinarians that can speak multiple animal languages and can ask animals what's wrong as well as follow up on any neglect or abuse claims
⚓ Tattoos that move and change as the person does. Flowers that go through blooming and wilting. Words that change fonts. Animals that wonder around the body. Anchors that sink down to the feet. Watercolor that leaves the skin damp
🛒 Groceries that pop into your kitchen as you order them.
**They keep putting the milk in the wrong place and at this point you think it's just to fuck with you.
🪞 Store changing rooms have two types of rooms available, with mirrors that flatter and support, or mirrors that are brutally honest and occasionally hurtful.
💉 Werewolves that need to stay up to date on their rabies/disease shots instead of their flu shots.
💰 The best thieves and scammers are fae because they're amazing at getting information, names, numbers, etc. Also kitsune because of their remarkable cuunning and playfulness.
💧 Depression medicine that shoos away the rain clouds over your head
Calming tinctures that literally stop your head from spilling
Warming spells that start at you toes and roll up your body like sinking into warm water
Cooling spells that run down from the top of your head like a cool shower
💀 Classroom skeletons that teach their own classes and love dad jokes. Real ones that tell stories from their lives, or died very recently but it was in the middle of the semester and they still have shit to do. Fake skeletons that like to pretend they were famous/fictional people and spread completely ridiculous and often hilarious rumors.
🏘️ Ghost towns/neighborhoods like spirited away. Quiet and empty during the day but bustling streets and shops as the sun goes down. They aren't on maps for a reason - tip your hat or nod your head and remember your manners while quickly passing through
🌫️ Spells that hide your home from those with ill intentions. Sometimes they can't see your house or it looks abandoned. Sometimes it switches the roads around so none ever lead to you. Those with good intentions will always find their way to you, even if they get lost.
**Think irish proverb about the road rising up to meet you vibes
🗑️ The creature that lives in the break room trashcan always has the latest gossip and will gladly trade you some in return for some old coffee or a snack from the vending machine.
🐌 Sea slugs as street cleaners, make their way through the streets at night in slow wiggles like how they clean the bottom of the ocean.
**Often cause traffic delays if they get behind and can stay out til morning, so listen to the local morning radio to make sure to avoid any road closures due to slug
👁️ Seers make the best personal assistants, front desk, nurses, etc. Catch things right as they fall, will call and reschedule appointments before people know they need to, can make sure messages get where they need to go exactly when needed.
**Fake seers will sometimes try to pose as weathermen or similar to get some fame and money. They usually get booted quickly.
🌿 Eucalyptus that grows in the shower and greets you in the morning with happy waves and wishes you good night in the evening. Moss that grows on the floor like a rug and sprouts like flowers when it thinks you need some cheering up.
⌛ Time delays are a thing, however they must be approved by the time equality agency. You can request to change the hours in your day. For example, a student might request to have more time to study before their 7am final. If approved, they might have say 5am last 4 hours before time resumes as normal. However they'll have 4 hours removed at the end of their day.
**Kind of like daylight savings where the clock jumps forward and backwards
Usually this is reserved for very special situations as there's a lot of paperwork and requirements involved.
🚀 Spaceships gets stars stuck on the side, like boats get barnacles stuck to them, and they have to be scrapped off and throw back up into the sky
**Stars also go too low sometimes and get stuck in tree branches and gutters
🍄 Giant mushrooms used at part of the structure and/roof in forest homes. Living homes.
🌳 Willow trees are incredibly protective. If someone gets a willow whip mark (snapped a branch at them like a towel) it usually means they were somewhere they shouldn't have been.
🦋 Some butterflies have extra pollen on their wings that gets shaken off. This can be gathered and used in magic makeup - doesn't harm the butterfly as they shake it off themselves when it gets too heavy.
🐉 Fire flowers that burn blue at the base and end in flickering flames. Little embers in the middle like pollen. Very small dragons take the embers and soot like bees.
Please note that it's illegal to take anything from a dragon, including fire honey, but sometimes if you befriend them they'll trade you. Maybe a shell of honey for something shiney. They're fond of things like tinsel and shiney confetti, it's easy to carry and they sometimes wrap it around them like little scarves.
🗺️ Physical maps that direct you like Google maps but also refuse to ask for directions if they themselves get lost. Sometimes they fold on the sides like little arms on their hips when they're mad.
**Map: don't you dare pull over, take the turn in .5 miles.
Driver: There is no turn!
Map: Take the turn!
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diamondcrownacademy · 11 months
DCA Info Part 29: Meet Cerule Oceana 🐠
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Cerule Oceana (セルール・オセアナ, Serūru Oseana) is the dorm leader of Coquille. She is a oarfish mermaid and is the daughter of the Serpent King, ruler of the Serpent Sea. She desires independence and has a love of collecting shiny things.
Cerule was born and raised in the Serpent Sea and is the only daughter of Charbyss and Caeta Oceana, the King and Queen of the Serpent Sea.
Due to being serpent royalty, Cerule was tutored by adults who didn't know much about the concept of fun and Cerule desperately wanted friends, but due to her father's reputation, people were too afraid to even approach or befriend her.
While accompanying her father during his visit to the Coral Sea, Cerule met and befriended Azul Ashengrotto, as well as his friends, The Leech Twins, Floyd and Jade, with the former of the twins she enjoyed engaging in conversations with the most. While the three were giving Cerule a tour of the Coral Sea, Floyd suggested that they explore a shipwreck and Cerule, though reluctant at first agreed to sneak off with him upon the mention of treasure.
While exploring the ship, Cerule laments over her fathers overprotective nature and bonded with Floyd. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst when Floyd's tail was stuck in a fish net and after Cerule aided him in getting free, they realized that they accidentally lured a shark into the area, which resulted in the two proceeding to escape. Cerule pushed Floyd into some seaweed to save him, but this resulted in her leaving herself vulnerable to the shark's tackle, which sent her flying towards some rocks and in the process knocking the daylights out of her. As the shark taunted Cerule by swimming toward her slowly, Floyd proceeded to throw a rock at it and mock it to keep it distracted. Upon Azul and Jade's arrival, Jade began panicking since he knew Floyd wouldn't be able to distract the shark forever, and unfortunately Floyd eventually got tired and failed to notice that he was swimming near a bed of sea kelp which tangled his tail. Fortunately for him, the shark's side was pierced by a large pointed rock, which temporarily paralyzed it, thanks to Cerule. This in turn bought Cerule time to free Floyd and fast since the shark was shaking to regain consciousness, but luckily for them Azul managed to spray a cloud of ink on the shark and thusly managed to free Floyd.
After successfully escaping, Azul angrily scolded the two for wandering off, Cerule apologized and this resulted in her tearing up. Cerule's crying resulted in Azul laughing, which was quickly interrupted when Floyd started to cry in pain. As it turns out, Floyd had a large cut on his tail while though minor was beginning to sting due to the saltwater seeping around them. Cerule used her unique magic and Floyd's injury was gone. After Cerule explained about what her unique magic does, Azul was shocked as it was rare to encounter people who had powerful healing magic as there were not many who possessed the ability to heal, this in turn resulted in Azul's annoyance and frustration turn into realization. Azul thought that this encounter was fate for him as he wanted to become a powerful individual like the sea witch, he wondered to what capabilities could those pearls possess and if he could use them to make a very rare potion that no one ever heard of. This was a golden opportunity for him. Azul and Cerule then make a deal, she would give him a bottle of the healing pearls in exchange for him and Jade's permission to explore exciting places, under the condition that they all go together to ensure that an incident like this doesn't happen again. After this deal, Cerule embraced him resulting in Azul's face turning red after pushing her away. When it was time for Cerule to return home, she slipped a bottle of her healing pearls into his hands that were folded behind his back.
After Cerule and Azul returned to their respective homes, Azul hid the bottle in his bedroom drawer and started thinking back to the events that transpired them to become "friends". He thought to himself that she was the one who said they were friends but she was just an opportunity he took advantage of.
Cerule is described as stubborn but free-spirited and is someone who can't stand things she obviously despises. Throughout the course of her life, Cerule desperately wanted friends, so much so that she would be willing to be friends with anyone because her dad was always scaring them away. Initially, Cerule didn't realize that people were using her for her status and exploiting her desire for friends. It was only after meeting and befriending Azul that she started to notice who's merely interested in befriending her for her status.
Due to spending time with Floyd, she became more playful and mischievous.
Cerule harbors insecurities in regards to her long tail. In fact, part of why she hates social gatherings so much is because of her tail as due to it's length it can knock and shove her surroundings unintentionally. Whenever she feels anxious or upset, she'll coil like a snake and lay on the bottom to hide her upper body in her coiled tail.
Cerule is a girl in her mid-teens. She has red eyes and long white and red hair that is commonly kept in a braid due to its length.
Aquatic Form
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While in her aquatic form (as shown above), Cerule sports a red bodice with a triangular neckline, red fingerless gloves with orange cuffs that resemble circular fins with lighter orange spots with red filaments. At the waist, Cerule has an orange waistline that resembles skirt ruffles and also has lighter orange spots and outline much like the glove cuffs. Likely the most noticeable part of Cerule's aquatic form is her long tail, which is white in color with a red fin that has a light orange outline.
2020 School Uniform
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In her first school uniform, Cerule wears a purple shirt with a red scarf tie worn underneath a seafoam green jacket with a lighter shade of green lining the lapel. The jacket itself has purple trimming, blue buttons with silver outlines, purple shell shaped buttons and red ruffle cuffs. The bottom half of Cerule's uniform consists of deep teal shorts with a two ruffled seafoam green overskirt. For footwear, Cerule sports a pair of seafoam green boots with purple soles and ruffle cuffs. There is also a yellow starfish button and pearl chain on the cuff of each boot.
Cerule accessorizes with a red headband attached to three gold seashells and a pearl bead chain that has four slightly large pearls. She also has a headpiece that resembles a round fish fin and includes what resemble 5 flower filaments. The fin is red in color with orange spots and an orange outline while the filament parts are a deep red in color. Cerule sports has a necklace that features four silver pearls and a gold seashell, with three of those pearls forming a shape that resembles a "Hidden Mickey". On her jacket, Cerule has a gold seashell button that includes her brooch with three pearls lining the bottom and two strands that sport three pearls each. At her waist, Cerule wears a deep teal belt with the center portion being seafoam green and includes red ribbon in the shape of an X. Cerule also sports a green and purple bracelet.
In this variation of her artwork, Cerule is shown with a pink bag with a purple ribbon and pearl bead strap.
2021 School Uniform
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Like with a few of the characters, Cerule's outfit was changed. Her headband is now purple and her fin headpiece now includes 4 filaments and are black in color. The items from Cerule's original necklace were converted as a brooch for her tie. Her jacket no longer had the red ruffle cuffs but now has salmon colored lining. The most notable change is the lower half of Cerule's uniform, which now has a wrap that is transparent and resembles a mermaid's tail fin. Cerule's shorts are now black and have pearl buttons on them.
Dorm Uniform
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While in her dorm, Cerule wears a pale turquoise dress that includes various pearl strands, with the bodice having four, two on each side and the skirt having two. The skirt also has an ombre effect and fades to a slightly darker turquoise shade and has a purple ombre interior. The dress has an off-shoulder neckline with purple ribbon trim on it, with her brooch being in the center and also has purple puff sleeves with pearls on them and transparent purple ruffle cuffs. For footwear, Cerule sports a pair of silvery purple kitten heels with pearl ankle straps.
Cerule's accessorizes with her headband from her uniform and her necklace from her original school uniform. The fin headpiece is turquoise while the filaments are purple.
School Statistics
Cerule is a 17 year old 2nd year student. She is classified as Student #7 and is in Class 2-A. She is a member of the Roleplay Game Club and her best subject is Music. Her favorite school subject is Study of Magical Relics due to her love of interesting objects. Her least favorite school subject is Incantations because she gets tongue tied easily.
For her idol performances, Cerule has a excellent vocal range that is capable of reaching nearly impossible pitches. Though she needs to be more aware of her voice since she might create whirlpools with it if she isn't aware.
For her choreography, Cerule is actually skilled enough to memorize dance moves easily, despite having legs for a short while. But if it's too fast then it takes a bit more time to memorize.
Cerule has a good relationship with her parents but both have different ideas about Cerule's future.
Charbyss cares very much for his daughter, he even allowed his  daughter to swim around his leviathan form during childhood. However, because Cerule is his only child, he's overprotective at times, He is just unable to accept that she's growing up and would one day she would mark her own path but away from her parents' side.
In contrast, Caeta gives Cerule a lot more freedom to explore and states that it would shape her to be a good ruler, keeping her sheltered won't develop her skills and confidence as a ruler.
Cerule has a pet seal named Bobble and he is chubby and squishy. She named him Bobble because the way he bounces around on land makes her heart clench from the cuteness. Bobble sometimes goes treasure hunting with her out on the sea.
Fellow Students
Cerule is known to personally vent about her tail issues with Jinlong and does question Perrine's tastes.
Night Raven College Students
Azul's known Cerule in his elementary school days. She was the second royal he remembers visiting the school other than Prince Rielle. At first, he envied Cerule because compared to him, she was adored and admired by the merfolk while they look at him in disgust. Azul's opinion and views of her changed after she healed Floyd's tail wound. It was then that he started to get along with her, but he was still the cunning person he is, so he befriended her for the sake of obtaining the pearls made from her tears. Currently, he thinks that Cerule hasn't changed and just hopes that if she and Floyd ever hang out, either he or Jade won't need to clean up trouble. He has a babysitter-like relationship with her and maybe he'd trick her into a contract if its just to stop her from doing something reckless. But knowing her home life, he won't do that. He's aware that it'll upset her, so he just sends Jade to deal with the two.
Floyd was always interested in something that would catch his attention. And Cerule certainly did when she arrived in their class. Initially, he assumed she'd be the goody-two-shoes royal who would stay in line and obey the rules. But as soon as he realized she's a bit wild and that set off dynamic duo of trouble makers. He's ecstatic that he has a friend that he can be reckless with, although they'd get scolded by Azul or Jade, he had Cerule to drag with him. Floyd is somewhat envious of Cerule's ability to crush rocks with her tail and would try it himself for years. He's only managed to break a small chunk but he won't give up. He did get good at strangling though, that's something he takes pride in. He likes to tease her a bit, like tugging on her tail or sometimes pulling her in the water when she's on land. Sometimes he feels she's like a sister he never knew he wanted. He would sneak under her coils because it was so comfy and he couldn't help himself. Cerule just let it happen but she reminds him not to be rough in moving her tail because his nails are sharp as needles and it's pierced her tail more than once.
Jade acts as an exasperated mother to Cerule. He feels like there are now two Floyds in his care. But Cerule can behave a bit unlike Floyd but he still thinks that they are eerily similar. He started a grounding method where if they are going to do something reckless he'd separate them for almost an hour before sternly reminding them that they better not go through with their schemes or else the both of them are getting wrung like rags. He does find it amusing at how hard she tries to be careful of her surroundings when she's in her oarfish form. He'd tease her as revenge but he'll word it in a way that Cerule knows exactly what he's talking about. Jade is curious of the culture in her kingdom though, he would like to visit the Serpent Sea one day. Cerule was generous enough to send him some souvenirs from her kingdom. Most of them were unique colored shells and even some nice oyster pearls.
Cerule desires a partner who will just let her do what she wants and possibly show her something interesting. She'll treasure the person who can convince her father that she's allowed to make her own decisions while also acknowledge that she is capable herself.
Powers and Abilities
• Magic: Much like her fellow students, Cerule can use magic.
• Underwater Breathing: As a mermaid, Cerule has the ability to breathe underwater.
• Flexibility: Cerule is said be very flexible due to her long tail.
• Singing: Cerule is said to have a beautiful singing voice, but unfortunately doesn't have the confidence to sing unless someone is on stage with her.
• Weather Manipulation: It is stated that Cerule inherited her mother's ability to manipulate weather though her voice.
• Crafting: Cerule is skilled at making makeshift-tools and jewelry with seashells.
Unique Magic
Cerule's unique magic is called "Tears of the Sea" (真珠の癒しの奇跡/ティア・オブ・ザ・シー, Tia Obu Za Shī; lit. "Healing Miracle of Pearls"). With this, Cerule can willingly turn her tears into pearls that are brittle enough to turn to powder that can be used to heal wounds almost immediately.
For Cerule to activate it, she is to speak the following incantation: "Mother of the sea... Hear my voice... Tears into shiny luster... Healing gems that glimmer... Tears of the Sea."
According to her bio, Cerule would be voiced by Azusa Tadokoro, known for her roles as Aoi Kiriya in Aikatsu!, Kaoru Seta in BanG Dream!, Phino Bloodstone in Yu-Shibu, and Chtholly Nota Seniorious in WorldEnd. Apart from voice acting, she's also performed anime openings and has a vocalist career.
• Her birthday is on October 8th, making her a Libra.
• She is 178 cm tall.
• Her favorite food is Ocean Candy while her least favorite food is Caviar. She dislikes people's overprotective nature, especially her father's.
• She enjoys doing exciting yet dangerous things.
• Her preferred Styling Jewel Outfit Styles are Cute, Cool and Quirky.
• For her casual attire, Cerule would mostly wear clothing commonly tailored for warm weather such as tank tops, vests, shorts and sandals.
• Her favorite colors are red and sea green.
• She is dubbed "Little Ce" (セちゃん, Se-chan) by Floyd due to knowing her on a personal level and via Azul.
• Cerule got her herbivore trait from her mother who is a herbivore serpent.
• In her spare time, Cerule likes to explore and find things.
• Cerule’s Overblot would occur if her father goes too far with his overprotective tendencies.
• Cerule wants to be a traveller but she has to inherit the throne.
• Being a mermaid, Cerule loves ocean themed desserts or raindrop cakes, which is a dessert made of water and agar that is supposed to resemble a raindrop.
• Cerule would smell like ocean breezes.
• Cerule’s signature scent would be ocean water.
• Cerule hates being stuck in small spaces for too long. She feels like a prisoner.
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littlepadika · 2 years
what about papi namor teaching his little how to swim? 🥺
ahh this is such a perfect idea!!! Being in the open ocean is scawwy but i wouldn't be scared with papi namor hehe 🐠 💕
Warnings: DDLG, fem little, a lil fear of swimming
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He picks out a quiet cove where the waves are tamer. He promised you it was a short swim to the coral reef he wanted to show you. Problem was you weren't comfortable snorkeling out that far. You were embarrassed to admit you'd never been without floaties except for the pool. You are able to dog paddle but when you're about neck deep you start to splash and panic.
"I- i don't think I can go-" You grip his shoulders and hold on like a koala.
"Itzia... you're doing great. Just don't think about how deep the water is."
"I can-can't" you shake your head.
"What about floating on your back."
"I don't know how, papi! I'm scared!"
"I won't let anything happen to you. Remember that, itzia." he slowly detaches you from him and helps you onto your back. "Close your eyes... Now pretend you are as light as a feather." He holds you up then slowly moves away his hands. Instantly you panic and start sinking.
"It's okay. Let us try again."
"I know you can do it." He coaxes. You try again, really focusing on being as light as a feather. you imagine your stomach is filled with air like a balloon. you realize he's not holding you up but now lying on his back. next to you in the sun.
"Papi I'm doing it!"
"You are." he smiles. "I'm proud of you."
You kick your legs a little to propel you forward. The water sounds weird in your ears but it doesn't bother you as much as you thought it would.
"that's it, itzia. Keep kicking and papi will guide you." he takes your hand and he tugs you out further into sea. You feel very calm and especially safe with your papi. You had seen him dive and fly through the water and air. He would never let anything happen.
"Wanna see fishies, papi." You smile.
"We're almost there." He chuckles. "And you will be able to stand up and see all the fish and turtles."
"Faster daddy!" you're now feeling very confident on your back and you giggle as he pulls you a bit faster, but not fast enough to get water in your eyes.
You start getting tired and to your great surprise papi comes over and pulls you onto his chest and glides through the water on his back. His skin was warm and smooth. His big arms wrapped around you as his wings did most of the work. He placed a kiss on the top of your head.
"We like da sea otters, papi." You giggle.
"Yes. Intelligent girl." Namor laughed. "I must keep an eye on my baby sea otter so she is not swept away in the tides."
Papi masterlist
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sighonaraa · 8 months
Sweet Sid!
I wish I could give you the squishiest of hugs!! Unfortunately that’s tricky to do online so I come bearing stupid jokes instead 😅
🐮Where do cows go for entertainment?
(The moo-vies)
🏖️What did the beach say to the tide when it came in?
(Long time, no sea)
🌋What does one volcano say to the other?
(I lava you)
🐓What do you call a hen who counts her eggs?
(A mathemachicken)
🐠What did you call a fish without eyes?
🐾What happens when it rains cats and dogs?
(You can step in a poodle)
🍦Where do you learn to make ice-cream?
(Sundae school)
☃️What did the snowman ask the other snowman?
(Do you smell carrots?)
⏰I spent five minutes fixing a broken clock yesterday
(At least, I think it was five minutes…)
🧀What does cheese say when it looks in the mirror?
🦩My friend told me to stop acting like a flamingo…
(I had to put my foot down)
🚲What’s the difference between a poorly dressed man on a tricycle and a well dressed man on a bicycle?
🪶Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
(If they flew over the bay, they would be bagels)
🦖What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?
(A dino-snore)
my love!!!!! thank u so much for these, they made me smile very very hard. giving u the squishiest internet hug right back <3
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hangup119 · 2 months
🐠- TRUST that once i finish writing my first ever series (laufey songs turned into one shots 😁☝️) ill show u who i am so u can see how cutesy my leehan fish theme is ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
and ofc my first ever series is going to be boynextdoor focused ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა
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hi 🐠 anon!!! can't wait to finally know who u are hehe... better tag me in that laufey series u have because i do eat up her songs like its my last meal ☝️also so excited to see ur awesome leehan fish theme!!! i am quite enjoying my ocean theme as well hehe
+ thank you so much for reading and support join game orz! as well as for anticipating when pigs fly 😿this won't be the last of my bnd works too... just wait for my one shots because im about to deliver them in the next few months LOL i cant ever finish my fics yet huhu
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the-converse-high-top · 6 months
would you rather be a bird or a fish? and why? 🤔
also for the longest time i thought your pfp was like a baseball helmet or something 😂 i am a dum dum
i think it depends on the environment 🤔
if i were someone's pet who was well taken care of, i think id rather be a fish 🐠 because i could swim all day and not have to worry about finding food and i can be carefree and play with my little rocks and whatnot :3
but if i were a wild animal i think id want to be a bird 🐦 because then i can fly anywhere i want to go and i wont have to worry too much about becoming some animal's next meal :p
also yeah no XDD its a birb :3 i can sort of see how somoene could mistake it for a baseball helmet tho 🤔
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wystaria-garden · 1 year
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"The fish in my heart is flying toward you"
Jeon Somi - Pisces
🐠 | 🐟 | 🐠 🐟 | 🐠 | 🐟 🐠 | 🐟 | 🐠
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lilgreenfox · 1 year
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Flygon [Flying Fish Variant], the Silver Stream Pokemon 🌊🐉🐠
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