#💚⥽ answered asks ⥼
teenageanalyst · 7 months
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@toranoya sent: “i’ve got you.” (From Hawks)
hard-to-find hurt/comfort sentence starters (accepting)
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"Wha-...? Analyst trailed off in genuine surprise. "Where-...where did you come from?" They're trying to catch their breath, their attire being slightly torn and ripped. They were trying to keep themselves standing without falling over. "I can handle this myself."
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franeridart · 2 months
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The Housecat Philosophy - Ep 53
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an-albino-pinetree · 2 months
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From the studio that brought you Kinger, I bring you Longer
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fiona-fififi · 2 days
Please may I have "Your hands are warm."?
Picture me asking like this btw
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Well, this took me absolutely forever, but here's a silly little something that is basically just exclusively Buckley-Diaz family fluff. I know this probably is not what you had in mind, but this is where it took me. Hopefully, it's something. 💚
Title: Warmth
Rating: G
Fandom: 9-1-1
Pairing: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Summary: A tiny little fluffy snapshot of a Buckley-Diaz family camping trip and a chilly night out by the campfire. (Just fyi, the whole camping thing is mostly just vibes, I never actually really incorporated it in any significant way.)
Notes: The prompt "Your hands are warm" is from this list of Dialogue and “Scenario” Prompts.
Buckley-Diaz family, established relationship, fluff, ficlet, prompt fill
Read on Ao3
“Mmm, stay?” Eddie requests, snuggling down into the blanket wrapped around his shoulders and nuzzling into Buck's touch. “Your hands are warm.”
Buck chuckles at that, shifting his hands from Eddie's neck to cup his jaw and tilt his chin back gently, leaning over until they're practically nose to nose. “Don't you think maybe it's time to head inside? You're freezing.”
“Can't,” Eddie teases, grinning up at him with that silly smile Buck adores, “Chris isn't ready to head in yet.”
“Do not drag me into this,” Christopher argues from his spot by the fire. When Buck glances up at him, he is very obviously avoiding even a glance in their direction, and Buck can't help but snort a laugh.
“Your excuse just sold you out,” Buck teases, fingers still against Eddie's jaw. Eddie grins, big and goofy, and Buck can't help but tilt his chin back a little further until he can press a kiss to that pretty mouth.
“Mmm,” Eddie murmurs through a grin as they part, lips so close they brush Buck's as he speaks, “your lips are warm, too.” Buck huffs a laugh against Eddie's mouth at that as Eddie's grin grows and Buck tries to turn it back into a kiss, even as they both succumb to ridiculous giggles. 
“Ew.” Christopher's voice breaks their spell, the disgust dripping from his tone written all over his face in the scrunch of his nose and the grimace of his mouth. “NO.” He commands, as he launches a marshmallow at Eddie's head in response to their sappy display. It nails him directly in the nose, bouncing off both of them before it falls to their feet.
Eddie and Buck both only manage to dissolve into further giggles in response, Buck's shoulders shaking enough that he has to bury his face in the crook of Eddie's neck to keep himself upright. 
Christopher groans in annoyance and rolls his eyes. “Next time, I'm staying home,” he threatens, with a shake of his head, before he busies himself loading another marshmallow onto the roasting stick in his hand.
Buck barks a laugh at that, forever charmed by Christopher's teasing. “Oh, please, you're having a ball,” he counters, all smiles and red cheeks from some combination of the chill in the air and the warmth in his chest.
“I was until you started making out in front of my marshmallows,” Christopher shoots back, face serious as stone.
Buck full-body cackles in response, throwing his head back and straightening up in the process, and Christopher's face breaks into a grin at that.
Eddie grumbles, Buck's warmth suddenly too far away, and tugs at his arms to bring him closer again. Buck grins, a big, happy smile that stretches wide as he lets Eddie guide him back until he's draped over Eddie's shoulders, and Eddie's wrapping Buck's arms up under the blanket he's still cozied up under. Buck gives him a squeeze, and Eddie lets a hand grip tight to Buck's forearm, leaning back into him with a pleasant shiver. Buck presses a surreptitious little kiss to Eddie's temple, soft smile still dancing on his mouth. 
“Okay, kid,” Buck announces after a few pleasant moments of quiet snuggling, keeping himself draped around Eddie, “finish that one up, and then it's time to head inside. Don't want your dad to freeze.”
Christopher gives him a side eye, but he's very clearly trying to hide a grin, and Buck can't help the way his heart swells at just how well they all fit. He's not sure he'll ever get over just how much happiness their little family brings him.
Eddie, always the mind reader, squeezes his arm again to draw his attention, and when Buck shifts to meet his gaze, Eddie is giving him that soft smile Buck loves so much. “I love you,” Eddie mouths, barely any sound to avoid a scolding from Christopher, and Buck's own smile turns soft again for Eddie as he leans in to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
“Love you, too,” Buck promises, whisper quiet, nuzzling back into Eddie's warmth as they watch Christopher continue to pretend to ignore them.
Buck's not sure he's ever been happier. 
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axellis · 2 months
Now I'm wondering how tf peppermint fudge pulled a powerful beast jester and a powerful stoic king! Like how did he draw them both to him and how tf did he manage to (accidently or on purpose or idk) get em to poly!
Also can't get one skit out of my head so gonna vent it here incase ya want dark cacao x peppermint fudge x shadow milk ideas.
Evil/mean monster/cookie: *attacks peppermint fudge.*
Shadow milk and dark cacao: ah...so you've chosen death.
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a king always has the final word, but it's up to the advisor to make sure it's the correct final word. the difference between challenging vs outright refusing a kings word is also a fine line to walk on . peppermint fudge was always a bit of an annoying case to those who just wanted to blindly follow their new ruler's word-- but to dark cacao, these are the moments that he cherishes the most
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for shadow milk, it started out as simple intrigue! when a random cookie just appears and looks to be intending to stay- of course you wanna watch! so shadow milk did .
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&& as for how they got to be polyam in the first place........ if shadow milk didnt think itd be fun it probably wouldnt have happened at all...
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hanafubukki · 9 months
chaos hype anon: i have seen your reply and i am giggling as more time shenanigan weirdness comes to play.
imagine crowley now having to deal with the husbands now that MC is married and he’ll have hell to pay if the husbands caught wind of Crowley overworking and underpaying their wife
also that reminds me, would everyone in NRC actually know that MC is married to 2 wonderful men and Silver is her kid? The chaos that unfolds would be hilarious if that’s the case.
(References: Fanfic, Ask 1, Ask 2, Ask 3, Ask 4)
Hi Chaos Hype Anon🌻🌺🌷
The way I evil laughed when you brought up Crowley Anonie 😂😈, now he can’t get away with doing whatever the hell he wants.
I mean here you have a well known General of the Faes and in parallel Knight of Dawn, who is just as respected. And then you have, Dire Crowley. Even if Crowley is strong, just the…respect and reputation from both Lilia and Dawn will have him cowering especially if it affects NRC somehow.
Lilia’s threats would include either the mischievous sort or a shadow version of himself during his general days. He still has the abilities of one after all.
The Knight of Dawn is the quiet and straightforward type, so I can see him acting/talking in a way that makes you feel guilty for doing a wrong or literally ready to fight for his loved ones.
As for the NRC students, I want to say those closest to YN would know. It would be funny just the way they would react to the whole situation 🤣
For example:
Riddle, how will he treat you now? Are you technically older? Does he use other honorifics?
Vil and Rook finding out the age of Lilia, Dawn, and Silver. Vil asking Dawn and Silver their skin routine only to have a near heart attack when they give bare minimum answers.
Octa trying to somehow make money out of having two historical figures at school. Just good old NRC shenanigans.
Trein now having not only Lilia and Malleus telling him that history is wrong, you have the Knight of Dawn as well. I can just imagine his headache and need to retire lolol
And then we have our Mob students, oh our lovely mob students. The ones who likely don’t know or don’t care. They are going to regret it if they try to pick a fight with our lovely YN 🤭💞
I can see the mob students picking fights with the Knight of Dawn just like they do with RSA students.
Thank you for sending this in Anonie 💞🌺
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
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The blankets for the bros as babies is a really cute concept
referring to this
Awww this is so adorable 🥺
I will never be over the idea of the baby Bros snuggled up in those blankets never ❤💚
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zepskies · 4 months
Hi! I would love to hear what Ben thinks of the reader's music and what HIS favorite music is. Just picturing a grumpy, old Ben grumbling about "music nowadays" 😂
Hey there, lovely Anon!
Ohohooo, what a great question. 😂 I too can imagine Mr. Grouch trying to understand modern music:
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I briefly explored this in Part 5 of Break Me Down, when they're (playfully) arguing about music:
And you talked—about the old-ass TV shows he never got to see the end of, and the new music he hated. You’d enjoyed (gently) teasing him about being an old man who didn’t understand Cardi B when you played it on his phone. You suspected he didn’t quite understand how all the bells and whistles worked on an iPhone yet. (But he’d taken it back from you before you could text anyone.) “In my day, there was a little more fucking class,” he’d said. “Sinatra. Nat King Cole. Christ, the fucking Beatles.”  You’d rolled your eyes at that. You liked all those guys too, actually. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t bang out all the words to “Bodak Yellow” and “Please Me.”
😂 A little more fucking class indeed, Benjamin.
As a more general Soldier Boy (Ben) x Reader situation, I explored Ben vs. 90s music in this imagine: Taking Ben to a 90’s themed club.🕺🏻
A highlight from that one:
For a while he just sits at the bar with you while you catch up with your friends. You're so damn excited, he can tell. The inside of the club is interesting, he supposes, with dim lighting and a DJ on the stage with a very sophisticated looking setup that Ben finds wholly unfamiliar. The music, however, is ass so far. What the fuck is this, Hip Hop? Rap? R&B? He can't tell, and he doesn't know any of the songs. It sounds like a bunch of fucking whining. And don't get him started on whatever you call grunge.
But as for Ben's favorite music...
It's my headcanon that he personally identified with the likes of Frank Sinatra ("My Way"), Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Mel Torme, Nat King Cole, etc. He definitely would've come into adulthood on that and sought to emulate their lifestyle, not just like their music.
Him coming up in the 40s, he probably would've (secretly) liked a bit of Doris Day and Ella Fitzgerald. (In BMD world, it would probably remind him of his mother.)
But there's also some edge to him. He would've embraced some "free love" to to speak lol, so getting through the 60s and 70s, I think he would've liked the Beatles, Rolling Stones, maybe some Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, and Aerosmith coming into the 80s.
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Interestingly, from that scene in the Legend's penthouse we know he had Air Supply on in the background, so maybe he's secretly into some classic love songs from the 70s/80s. 😂 Maybe some Bee Gees, Spandau Ballet, stuff like that...
Though God forbid someone try to tease him about it.
Especially when he starts to dip into some of your music when you're not looking. 😏
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 6 months
Top 5 Scenes to GIF
Thank you for this ask and I am sorry it took me so long to answer, but life 😅 and I want to take my time and think about the answer. This year had so many beautiful moments in our beloved shows and there were a bunch I loved to gif and the decision was really difficult 🙈
The first one I chose because I loved the whole scene, but especially this exact moment:
Love Tractor
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The way YeChan looked at Seon Yul after the kiss is so beautiful. I could look at this gif for hours to take in every little detail and never get tired of it. This kiss was one big surprise for me, it was a solid and good kiss, but this little moment... I needed to capture it!
Next we have another little moment I needed to get as a gif:
I Feel You Linger In The Air
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And again, I loved this whole scene and it left me speechless and as a muddly pudding on the floor. But this exact moment was the cherry on top for me! Yai just used every little opportunity to kiss, touch and feel Jom. This little kiss felt so real, so intimate, so perfect.
In third we have a scene that was just breathtaking:
The Sign
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I didn't expect such a scene! I saw the trailer, but still this scene came as a big surprise. I was watching with my jaw dropped to the floor and I loved to gif it. This whole scene was so good. This series is so good and visual stunning! And I can't wait to see more of it!
In number four I honor the best use of lightning:
Kiseki: Dear To Me
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This scene in the car was perfection. The talk about who is allowed to die first and how long one can survive without the other... it was so weirdly romantic and the lightning was so good in this scene! I had so much fun to gif this whole scene. And AiDi's hair looked so freaking good in this lighting! The way his hand is wandering to hold ChenYi, it looks so soft and tender. Such a beautiful moment!
Last but not least, the scene I was just screaming "FINALLY" at my screen:
Wedding Plan
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I did love to gif this show. Sailom and Namnuea have a special place in my heart and every little interaction gave me so many butterflies and heartbreaks. When they finally talked and could just want each other without regret and Namnuea understood how much Sailom indeed liked/loved him was so good and this scene was everything for me. And it still is.
Ask me Top 5 BL Anything from 2023
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More or less an unofficial announcement: my hiatus from direct involvement in the the Invader Zim fandom is over. I will be progressing with Space Trash in the coming year, my art, as well as various other side projects
I look forward to sharing my ideas with you all!
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teenageanalyst · 8 months
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@sleepdeprxved sent: “  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ”
"who did this to you?" prompts (accepting)
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"It's--fine...it's fine, things are totally fine! Just some...criminals that got the jump on me, caught me off guard. They--...they almost took me." Analyst held a hand up to their nose and mouth, trying not to show how much pain they're in. "They really got a number on me..." As much as they'd like to tell the other directly on who hurt them, they were too focused on trying to patch themselves up.
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boiling-potato · 30 days
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No :))
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oflostinfound · 2 months
Grimbright A2
Outfit Meme || Not Accepting
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Someone's dying tonight
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fiona-fififi · 2 months
🔥 for whatever you want to talk about
You already know about this unpopular opinion, but that post I made about Maddie scolding Eddie every time they've interacted on screen is currently going around, and everyone's like "we need Maddie Eddie bestie-ism" in the tags, and I am still SO against that. I find it so much funnier that they barely interact and Maddie treats him like just her little brother's annoying best friend, and I love the idea that they butt heads regularly when they're in the same space. Like, Maddie just wants that man to stay OUT of her house. She knows how much he loves Buck, and she absolutely trusts him with Buck 100% (and she'd even trust him with Jee, no question), but when they're in the same room together (especially when Buck is present because Buck and Eddie together are just SO stupid), he annoys the absolute hell out of her, and she mostly just wants to throttle him.
So I am very against Maddie and Eddie interacting more. They would NOT be having wine nights together or hanging out on the regular. Though if they ever somehow ended up, like, full on drunk and in the same space, all bets are off, they'd have a ball, but ONLY in that specific circumstance, and then they would never speak of it again.
Send me a "🔥" for an unpopular opinion.
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hals-homo-blog · 3 months
hello. it’s me, your husband, apparently. can you give me your credit card information.
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“Of course, Pookie! Here you go!”
[Also my iPad is down and I can’t get my tablet to work with my new computer so. 👏 Back to the Sketch Book.]
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hanafubukki · 11 months
Lilia would also be like ‘executive decision! I am carrying you’ to the Diasomnia boys. They’re his kids and he can and will carry them around
Omg Anonie I love you for sending this. 🌺🌷💕 When I woke up this morning and read this, I had the biggest smile on my face throughout the day because I can clearly see the image in my head of the kids’ reactions 😂😂
Lilia would do exactly that and he would adore it. The other three will too as well but they won’t admit it (well, Silver will since he’s such a dear).
Lilia would also do it because he’s the Father and as the Father, one of his jobs is to embarrass his children 💚
With Malleus:
I have the greatest laugh because Malleus is so tall with or without his horns and then you have Lilia 😂😂 can you imagine how Malleus will look in his arms?? It’s cute and funny. Lilia with his wide smile and Malleus with his pout and arms crossed but you can see a slight smile hinting at his lips.
“Lilia, is this necessary?”
“Fufufu of course it is! This brings back memories of when you were still in your egg. You were such a big egg!”
Malleus would just close his eyes as he listened to Lilia, leaning against him knowing that Lilia was more than able to support him as he always has.
(But no seriously, this image??? It’s so cute. Malleus with his stature and then you have the opposite of that Lilia carrying him. Can you imagine the whiplash people will have?? But the fondness is there, you can see it and feel it. The years that Lilia cared and loved the egg can be reflected here in the way he holds Malleus so preciously).
With Silver:
I imagine that Silver would be very comfortable in Lilia’s arms and wouldn’t wake up initially until he heard his father’s voice talking to him, after all this comfort he felt was as if he was still a child and his father was carrying him again.
I can imagine Silver falling asleep and Lilia fetching him to go back to the dorm. With this image, any NRC student would think it would be strange, but the two are so naturally comfortable it comes off as an everyday occurrence.
“This brings back memories~”
“Sleep, we are almost home.”
And Silver would do just that, on the edge of going back to sleep…only for Lilia to mention how he made dinner and that would startle Silver wide awake.
With Sebek:
Oh, I just love the image of Lilia and Sebek. You can tell that Lilia will have fun teasing Sebek and Sebek’s reaction would be adorable. Sebek would be flustered with red hinting at his face or just so unnatural and robotic in Lilia’s arms, not daring to move.
“Hold still Sebek,”
“Master Lilia why?”
“It’s a great work out for my arms, got to keep strong in my old age you know?”
(You know Lilia would give a ridiculous excuse like that and Sebek would believe it, just so he can have fun 😂)
[Dias boys carrying Lilia Fic]
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