#😅😅😅😅i did and well..z yeah
when I say that the cuteness agression is so real I mean
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luffyvace · 8 months
BSD character’s reactions to screwing up they’re first date with you ( T_T)\(^-^ )
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Includes (most) the ada and port mafia <3
they’ll be pretty short since it’s a lot of characters :P (these exclude kyoka, Q and lemon thing aka kajii)
Fukuzawa 🗡
he’s probably slightly embarrassed but knowing him I’m sure it wasn’t too bad of a screw up
in fact it was probably a minor embarrassing moment that happened
it was silence for a split second before you two changed subjects from what happened
the date went pretty smoothly after that
the typa detail that gets left out when you talk about how the date went
Ranpo 👓
he’ll probably realize what’s gonna happen to ruin the date before it does, and either act to make sure it doesn’t
or smoothly addresses it and moves on
just cuz he’s like that 😎🤷‍♀️ (LOL)
but if something he doesn’t predict happens that crashes your date he’ll be pretty butt hurt
like? How come the worlds greatest detective didn’t see through this??
you likely end up assuring him it’s fine and continue the date
he sulks and eats snacks when he gets home
your probability of still going on the next date anyway is 89% but he’s still mad that happened
she will be pretty bummed out and will starting drinking wine mid date
she may ask if you want some
she’s not sulking or anything but if like where y’all was gonna go is booked/closed you end up just going to some open public area and talking
about how this sucks, what you’ll do next date, if you can do something last minute, that you both doubt you’ll try and go there for a date again and eventually to lighter topics like your hobbies n such
but yeah the date decently recovers
in all seriousness he’s s t r e s s i n g
he kinda panics because he planned this out so perfectly and now it’s ruined??
over course he has a back up plan down to z but it’s was supposed to go PERFECT.
(if dazai ruined it for you two he’s gonna choke him out as soon as he sees him)
eventually he stops mumbling and pacing and just takes you to plan b
which actually goes really well!
thankfully it ended in his favor but he’s still gonna spend everyday of his like repenting his first date
because you were his first date with anyone ever
and it was….spoiled. 😀
you already know mr. slick bounced back immediately
like he went “oh well” and took you to do something else without batting an eye
made it just as fun as the original activity was gonna be
you’d think he had a plan b in mind but he indeed did not
he just had the money to make it look like it 😉
smooth operator 🤪😚
apologizes like a million times
he didn’t mean to ruin it!!
especially if this is your first date too
cuz this is definitely his seeing as though Naomi won’t let him date nobody else 😃😅
(you only got away with him bc Naomi likes you /j)
you guys probably end up walking around and get some ice cream
sitting on a bench and talking
a cat came up to you two and you pet them
All in all it ended peacefully !! <3
(he sulked to Naomi but was grateful things still went alright)
she went “awwww” 🙁
you all likely end up in a arcade and eat some snacks too
You guys use the money you were gonna spend at the original place
it still ends up being pretty fun but you can tell she’s bummed out
you give her a kiss on the cheek at the end of the date to make her feel better 💖
(she immediately perks up)
he was kinda like “that stinks” but didn’t even seem sad about it
you two rerouted but couldn’t find anything to do
so you pretty much ended up wandering
not either of you mind, passerby we’re really kind to you and gave you free stuff
At least you didn’t leave empty handed 🤷‍♀️😋
your his first ever date- canon.
so when he realizes he (wasn’t his fault but he feels like it anyway) blew it, he’s utterly disappointed
he explains this is his first date and he wanted it to be special, even more so since it was with someone so cool like you
you hear him out, patting his back and giving him head pats to make him feel better
he even went out of his way to buy some new clothes 😞
you tell him it’s okay but he doesn’t feel that way
he asks if there’s anyway he can make it up to you and insists to buy you something before you go
he gets you something you picked out from a shop
although he’s practically hyperventilating over whether you’ll ghost him or not since he screwed it up
another smooth one
i doubt whatever store/place you were trying to go to was closed because he could just pay to open it back up
so it’s likely something embarrassing/awkward happened instead
if so he immediately corrects her then deactivates his ability……
he wanted her to come on the date so he could take her in the future and have you be used to it
clearly that talk he had about not saying private stuff went in one ear and out the other
he apologizes for whatever inconvenience happened and does what every rich man does :)
throws money at the problem :)
no fr y’all went to every shop and he bought you what you wanted from it
(Hey just the for the record I don’t condone mori’s behavior and i genuinely don’t know why the creator did that—they coulda just left that out he coulda been so much better🧍‍♀️)
he doesn’t let little things bother him, but a date with someone that’s important to him?
and it gets ruined??
now that’s kinda disappointing
he formally apologizes and asks if there’s anything you have in mind or like to do for compensation
or maybe if it’s not that drastic he’ll just apologize and try to direct the conversation else where
he isn’t sweating it or anything but the blunder was a pain for a hot second
either way he gets through it without letting it stop the entire date as a whole
is really embarrassed for 3 hot secs before she collects herself, sighing
Is blushing a bit when she asks if your upset and apologizes
she likely planned this date and told you not to worry about it because things like this wasn’t so supposed to happen
luckily for her she switched from her original idea to something else, so now that that hasn’t worked out she can go back
from there the date returns to smooth sailing
she spoils you and tries to get you forget as much as possible
she especially doesn’t want that getting on her reputation if you work at the PM as well
really irritated and swears under his breath while facing away from you
tries to make it look like he has it under control but he’s kinda freaking out
he liked you so much he really wanted this to go well :/
In the end he can’t think of anything and ends up muttering an apologizing before suggesting to go get some wine together
gets even more embarrassed if your not a drinker
he’s mentally slapping himself at this point
you probably end up pitching in and throwing an idea out there yourself, to which your idea works and the rest of the night is really fun! ;3
he keeps mentioning how good your idea was because it totally saved him
He’s happy when he walks through the door of his place, but when he remembers he blew it he gets upset again
spends the rest of the night drinking and thinking about it hoping you still wanna date him
she is a lover who wants to do everything for the one she loves
so finally landing a date with you and blowing it is like her whole world exploding 💥
she becomes frantic in apologizing asking how to make it up to you
even if it was just a minor thing
if she can turn things around she still feels successful but makes precautions not to let that happen again
if not she’s totally bawling her eyes out to gin about it
she does her best to get on your good side before asking for another date
gets a bit flustered and sheepishly looks at you to see if it bothered you
his reaction depends on yours
if you start complaining about how much of a bummer it is he’ll start to feel bad
he tries to cheer you up and suggests to move to something else
but if your calm n cool about it so is he
he kinda shrugs one shoulder and says “so what now/wanna do somethin’ else instead?”
”err..guess the place is closed. I checked yesterday and they were open so this must be a fluke..”
he probably awkwardly stands there from there
if your response is too negative he’ll apologize for wasting your time and offer to drive you home
he will likely hesitate before asking you on a date again and makes sure everything is perfect this time
”curse the weretiger” (you hear him mumble this like it’s a swear word before you close the door to your house)
If you don’t mind as much you two will probably just end up chatting somewhere
it ends with him apologizing anyway
(say you enjoyed talking with him and you might be met with wide eyes and a little blush on his face <3)
blushes, stammers and apologizes like crazy
she feels really ashamed since this is your first date and something went wrong
she covers her mouth with her hand to sort of “hide” out of embarrassment
she even took off her mask and dressed up all cute for you!! :(
luckily! She brought you a gift !
you ended up really liking it and you hugged her for it, which made her feel a bit better
you ask to return the favor by buying her something too
she insists you don’t have to but you end up doing it anyway
you wrap your arm around each other’s waist while you walk which was pretty romantic :)
you kiss her atop her forehead before separating to head home
(if your not in the PM or can’t physically hand yourself—she probably follows you home from a distance, BUT NOT IN A CREEPY WAY. In a ‘she wants to know your home safe’ loving way)
she squeals when she gets home and tells ryuunosuke about the highs and lows of your date 💗
yes as I said pretty short but these were mostly a trial run for fun :)
again this is just me branching out and expirmenting ;P hopes to you enjoyed!!
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
This might be a tad controversial to say but ... I understand that Sam's team is attempting to slander Z, which is terrible. However, I'm glad that article confirmed they are no longer close. She was so deeply and emotionally invested in Euphoria/Rue that it didn't seem healthy for her to be consumed by it all the time. During the pandemic, she would discuss the S2 script with Sam everyday. That was the moment I thought 'Oh honey you need to stop'. Yeah, she's a workaholic, but it's important to balance work with your personal life. She was restless during the pandemic, It seemed like she was experiencing separation anxiety from the Euphoria world. When she appeared on Variety's Actor on Actor, she was legit almost in tears talking about Rue. The closer she got to Sam, the more she became consumed by the Euphoria realm and obsessing over Sam's work. Their friendship even led to the creation of Malcolm and Marie, which had fans defending her online for months. Now, post-Euphoria, she is glowing, taking time to treat herself, and traveling with her loved ones. I love how much she's grown beyond Sam and Euphoria. She looks happier and she is branching out. I hope to see the Euphoria chapter closed for good. The cast seemed to have moved on as well just I want to see Z happy and away from that man.
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GIRL YES!!!!! ALL of this! 👏🏾
I've honestly been feeling this way for a long time, but I just didn't wanna say anything. 👀
She was so deeply and emotionally invested in Euphoria/Rue that it didn't seem healthy for her to be consumed by it all the time. During the pandemic, she would discuss the S2 script with Sam everyday. That was the moment I thought 'Oh honey you need to stop'. Yeah, she's a workaholic, but it's important to balance work with your personal life. She was restless during the pandemic, It seemed like she was experiencing separation anxiety from the Euphoria world. When she appeared on Variety's Actor on Actor, she was legit almost in tears talking about Rue. The closer she got to Sam, the more she became consumed by the Euphoria realm and obsessing over Sam's work.
#REALTALK I think Z did get kinda consumed with her work on Euphoria, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was probably one of the reasons for the Tomdaya split. 👀 I think sometimes, actors can get so caught up in their work or a specific role because they know it's their one chance to really prove to the public and the industry that they can branch out and do some "serious work" (or, in Z's case, not just be seen as a "Disney Girl" for life), and I think it gets to the point of obsession because there's so much pressure and anxiety tied up into it. 😔 Meanwhile, your loved ones around you are confused and like.... "Yo...maybe you need to take a break....It's just a role.... It will be okay...hey, when are we gonna see each other..." LOL 😅
Z was definitely swept up into the Euphoria Hype/Sam Levinson World for a while. When she was talking about her character Rue like she was a real person, I was like... "Oh girl.... you've gone to the deep end..." 😔 But I had compassion for her, cuz I know this role meant a LOT to her, and it really allowed her to prove to people that she can do more than just comedy, and little wholesome Disney roles. I don't blame her for getting caught up, because it can happen to ANY actor out here. ❤️
But like you, I'm just glad that she has finally started to DISTANCE herself away from Sam.
Now, post-Euphoria, she is glowing, taking time to treat herself, and traveling with her loved ones. I love how much she's grown beyond Sam and Euphoria. She looks happier and she is branching out. I hope to see the Euphoria chapter closed for good. The cast seemed to have moved on as well just I want to see Z happy and away from that man.
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Girl YES.
The sooner she can get away from that man, the better! And I totally agree with you! I think her being away from the obsession of Euphoria (like in S1) has been the best thing for her! She seems so much more at ease, happier, more carefree, etc. I'm glad she learned that she doesn't have to be a work-a-holic either.
Don't worry....Our girl is good and she will be fine! 🥰 Getting too deep into a role is something that happens to a LOT of actors (believe it or not - many have discussed this). I think instead of blaming the actor, fans need to have more compassion (jmho), because it can happen to ANYONE! But I believe she learned from her experience, and also learned not to trust Sam lol (especially his deadlines 👀), and so she's moving on and more than likely won't make that mistake ever again. 🥰
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mirum-wonder · 1 year
TADAM! Letter Z for this years #36daysoftype
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And this time it is in the style of Star Wars as well 👽 Hope you like it
And with this artwork I`m finishing my marathon of the Letter shaped spaceships completing the set of all letters in the English alphabet form A to Z 😁 Yes, I know that 36 days of type include extra 10 symbols (numbers, from 0 to 9) but I decided not to do them, somehow after my try to do some artworks for March Of Robots 2023 and now these 26 new spaceship designs I decided to give myself a break and go and enjoy my favorite time of the year and perhaps even finish a book I was trying to finish since last summer. Plus all the other projects I have obligations for and my day time job are still a thing so I`ll still post artworks here and there, but a bit less rapidly. Participating in 36 days of type mostly was fun, and sometimes it was challenging but for now I think I`m done with it, and numbers... ? naaah... I hate numbers since high school because I suck at math😅
So...yeah.... instead of 36days of type it basically turned in to 26days of spaceships ... sorry for that 🤪But any way, I really hope you enjoyed this marathon as much as I did😊
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By the way I noticed that somehow my artworks for #36daysoftype turned darker and darker with every piece ... So the first version of the background for the Letter Z was this one, with the big spaceship in the background, but I decided to make something a bit brighter so it would not look pitch black in the overall feed of the pictures I did ... 🤔 Not sure which one is better though ...
But any way, big thanks for your support, likes and shares, I`m really flattered to see your interest in the stuff I do. That motivates me to keep on going and doing the stuff I do 😊
For more of the art stuff I do feel free to check out my Linktree
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jaeger-pups · 4 months
Zekeren scenario: Secret’s out?
Cw: just some femboy!eren, anti grisha, and brocon zekeren. if those aren’t your things that’s cool :)
E: So um. 😓
E: Dad saw the skirt.
E: The pretty pleated one you got me that came w the leg warmers?
Z: Ah. 🫤Uuh… everything ok?
E: Well he didn’t blow up
E: but he did ask a lot of questions
E: mom was folding laundry and… idk. I guess I didn’t think to get it out to tuck away in my room before he got in from work?
Z: What’d he ask?
E: I mean just like… the obvious things at first. Whether I’ve been sneaking anyone over; that kinda stuff.
Z: Reasonable.
E: right, which I told him I wasn’t but.
E: the thing is… I told mom. Last summer. About the whole… you know.
Z: About how you like skirts.
E: Yeah. Well just uh… like wearing pretty, aesthetic things in general ig. From time to time.
Z: Right, you’ve told me.
E: Yea. I was nervous but she let me talk around it for a bit before i finally told her
E: Dunno why I was so worried. she was more open minded ab it — even if she knew dad wouldn’t like it.
E: anyway, mom‘s keeping it secret (i told her I bought it myself last time I went out w Mikasa and Armin), but that’s what made it harder to lie to dad.
Z: Think you should’ve told him the truth? 😉
E: And give him reason to forbid I ever speak to you again? 😳
E: hard pass.
Z: Lol, So what’d you actually tell him?
E: At first that I didn’t know what he was talking ab
Z: He read thru that though.
E: ofc, and after so many questions I just told him it was Mikasa’s
Z: Decent save, at least
E: you’d think. Except Kasa and Jean have been dating for almost like six months now.
Z: Lol ur telling me our dear old man is aware of things that *don’t* pertain to his career? 😂
Z: I’m actually impressed.
E: Well he seems to be aware of that much, at least. Prolly doesn’t help Jean’s been over w her when we’ve hung out here a few times.
Z: Ah, so he didn’t believe you.
E: Worst. He literally asked me outright if i was hiding something from him😩
Z: Oh. 😶 what’d you tell him?
E: …I got kinda stuck ig. Couldn’t come up w/ a better lie.
Z: something happen?
E: I finally told him it was mine
E: but there was a lot of pressure, mind you! 😫
E: I didn’t wanna put mom in a tough spot if he asked her
Z: He flip out?
E: By that point he may as well have. He didn’t yell, but I could tell he was …surprised.
E: Or like idk, disappointed…? 😔
Z: hm …I’m sorry.
E: I mean it’s fine. It’s not like I expected him to think it was ok
Z: Still. If Carla could find a way to understand, he can too
E: yeah but I knew what to expect well before this point
E: I should’ve been more careful honestly. Secrets out now ig.
Z: His loss. Nothing wrong w what you wear. I liked the pictures you posted. You seemed happy.
E: I was. I mean it’s not like it hurts anyone. Mom even helps me w my hair for certain styles sometimes.
E: I think he’s more concerned abt his reputation 😓
Z: Isn’t he always?
E: yea but… this kinda like, stings? 😅 idk
E: I’m used to him being on the opposition when I wanna do anything different
E: but *this* makes me a little more self conscious I think?
E: idk what he’s more upset abt; that my clothing preference just isn’t 100% masculine or that I told him it’s not the first time I’ve worn something like it.
Z: lol trying to give the old man a heart attack?
E: Not even 🫤 Really thought I was just being transparent, if anything. Anyhow, *that* pissed him off.
Z: Oh? Things get bad?
E: He was all, “I won’t pretend it’s something I understand,” and all this crap ab generational differences. 🙄
E: then went all totalitarian on me w, “as long as you live in *my* home, you’ll dress aPPrOpRiAtEly.”
Z: Good god, Grisha😮‍����
E: Right? 🫣 Is it *really* that big a deal?
Z: Not the way he’s making it out to be.
E: I didn’t expect him to be okay w it. I’m not stupid. But like,,,, the gender conformism I can do w/o.
Z: I hear you.
Z: you looked comfortable in the leg warmers in the pics.
E: I was actually. Thank you for getting them for me. It gets cold fast in Paradis in the Fall.
Z: Yeah ofc.
Z: I know what you mean; Winters are brutal here. Trust me any Marleyan would prefer a winter in Eldia
E: Yeah? lol I felt pretty :)
Z: You were.
E: 🫶🏻hehe.
Z: Don’t worry abt what Grisha thinks tho
Z: it’ll be easier once you’ve moved out; able to make your own decisions
E: Yea I know. I’m not gonna let it stress me out.
E: it’d just ruin the whole concept for me. the whole reason I like it in the first place
Z: understandable.
E: at least you and mom have been open minded. Mikasa and Armin, too.
E: even *Jean*, Zeke lol
E: And he’s a dickhead. I don’t make the rules. 😅
Z: lol, healthy circle
E: Exactly 😌 so dad can just deal w it or fuck off.
Z: Seems like you’ve made your mind up then 😉
E: yea, I can be compliant while I’m still living at home; it’s fair
E: meaning I’ve just gotta be stealthy until I’m in my own place
Z: I feel a little bad
E: for? :o
Z: 😅well for setting the old man off w/o meaning to by buying you something he doesn’t approve of for one
E: 😕you got me a gift, Zeke. Me personally. I do not need his consent to accept or appreciate a gift from my brother?
E: Also he doesn’t even know it was from you. Mom, either. We can definitely keep that between us.
Z: And then thinking the gift was harmless in encouraging and supporting how you prefer to dress?
Z: Maybe it was over the line. I didn’t think it was a bad gesture
E: I’m seventeen, and as the person it was intended for, it wasn’t a “bad gesture” imo; I loved the skirt. I love the warmers.
E: I’m not letting him dictate how I should feel abt this. I can like things.
Z: ofc you can like things, Eren.
Z: I just feel a little guilty to think I’m getting you in trouble over something like this
E: lol me and dad bump heads often enough for one thing or another anyhow
E: esp after I told him I don’t wanna go to med school so…
E: you’re not upsetting any kind of balance trust me
Z: Well just so we’re clear I’m fine w you dressing the way you please when you visit
Z: wear what you like. I don’t have a reputation I could prioritize over you.
E: lol aw he’d hate that, thank you.🤭
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purplerose244 · 1 year
Watched the ninth episode of LEGO DreamZzz: LOVED IT!
So, I might be crazy, but I think I saw a video on Youtube saying that... there are episodes after the tenth? Like another set of ten episodes? Is this for real? I'D BE VERY HAPPY IF IT WAS BUT I'M NOT SURE IF IT'S TRUE 🥹
I'm curious on how the finale will play out, I'm pretty confident Logan will do something stupid as it is basically his meme at this point, as for the rest do we have enought time to meet the Sandman at this point?
Alright, my guess is that the title is a play on words with the fact that it's sheep week... but I can't tell what it is so I guess I'll move on 😅
I was wondering why choosing this animal, lol, and the Wolves are the enemies so yeah that makes sense 😂
Back to Logan making very questionable choices, including breaking in!
He might actually have less self esteem than Mateo at this point, which is a pretty low bar if I may say. While Teo is getting more confidence, it looks like Logan is losing it, interesting parallel
Also I just noticed that Lance got Kai's LEGO hair model, kinda funny seeing this with Vincent's new character
No I will not stop talking about Vincent Tong I love him and he deserves it ❤️
Not sorry
I don't think I'll get over having the Nightmare King going bro or dude 🤣
Aaaand the boy got taken
I think Logan improved some, I scream at him mostly because he's a doofus that needs some judgement
Maybe that's why he hangs with Cooper lol
Yooo look at Coop not taking any more of Logan's crap, I'd say he's forgiven a gargantuan amount of flaws in that guy so it makes sense for him to be at his tipping point at last 🤷🏻‍♀️
Wait wait WAIT did he say "at the Hamptons with his moms"? Like a couple of moms? I don't wanna read this wrong and maybe it's mom's for some reason, but if it was it would be AWESOME 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Izzie got powers beyond our imagination, and I don't know if I wanna know what she said to the coach 😂
Pff Z is just there eating chips
Heeeeeyyyyy Zoey!
After hearing that bit of backstory I feel sorry for her, but I agree with Mateo, she should do something other that plan revenge all night 😅
Aaaand she got offended. Plan was good Mateo, I was on board
I mean, we knew Lunia's hourglass was broken, I don't know why they thought it would work just like that
I just realized that the Night Hunter's VA is Alessandro Juliani, and I'm still amazed by this guy because he is seemingless! I can never recognize him on my own, he blends with his characters so well it's so cool 💚💚
TEO IS SO SWEET I SWEAR 😭😭 I like that at first it seemed like him and Zoey had nothing in common, but in fact they both have problems with people
I love this sassy girl so much
Huh, I... huh. I did not expect Logan to actually befriend one of those creatures, but I think it has a nice sense to it. If there is someone treating the whole dream situation chaotically, it has to be him
Aaaand they're gonna use that against him. Great 😰 Also do all creatures form the Dream World like chips?
Yeah, sorry Teo, but if you wanna be the protagonist you gotta learn how to make inspiring speech during difficult times. That's just the rule 🤷🏻‍♀️
Logan is still looking for ways to dream craft, huh? Poor guy just wants to be part of the team... he has a bit of a confused perception of how to be a team player, granted, but poor Logs 😅
Nuuuu don't make Logan fight his new friend, why?? Is crafting without a hourglass even useful, like, it's possible and we saw it but I don't really know to which extent it can be brought without hourglass
... that's actually an interesting thought 🤔
Cooper is the goal keeper then?
Why are these kids playing dirty and why does it make sense this is middle school?
Yeeeee, that's it Mateo! That's how you inspire people! 😍 Of course he got mad after they went after Zoey 💕
THE FLIPPING CHICKEN 😂😂😂 Mah boy here is creative everywhere
AAAAAAAAAAA LOOK AT THOSE HUGS OMG AAAAAAAA 😍🥰🥰🥰😍🥰🥰😍😍😍🥰🥰😍🥰😍🥰 You don't understand, I LOVE LEGO hugs for whatever reason! Cooper hugged Izzie and made her swirl!! 😍😍😍😍 ZOEY PICKED UP MATEO!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Zoey is a strong girl, Mateo got great taste
Aww, Logan gave up on the power! Good on him... after making a HUGE mess, but baby steps as always 😅
Oh yeah you guys should head to where Logan is, only to tell him you won... no other reason other than celebrating... no reason at all... did I say no reason?
Okay maybe one reason
So the finale is saving Logan? I mean, they're pretty good at saving people, I'd say it can end pretty well! 💪💪
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A, K, Y and Z for the fandom asks!!! <3 :)
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Oh honey.
I mentioned them before but Lanjuls from @tinfcomic . They're SO cute!!!!!!
From OFMD: steddyhands, and any side of the triangle that is not Ed x Stede. Blackhands? Delicious. Gentlehands? Hell yeah!!!!!!!!!
As for two people that have been making me insane consistently for the longest time out of all of these, it's
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Adam (left) and Rahim (right) from Sex Education aka Adahim aka i did my waiting!!!!! 30 years of it!!!!!!! When are they coming back to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're feeling a bit too mentally stable and haven't exposed yourself to either one of these, I absolutely recommend it.
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
SUNNY!!!! (yes I needed to start off with you, did you think I'd forget about you? 3:)) you are a wonderful, funny, sweet and talented person, and without you my experience of the OFMD fandom would be so much worse!!!! Ilu!!!!!!! 🩷🩷🩷
@whiteasy you are such a talented writer, I am obsessed with you!!! Here's hoping we're getting the air date of the 4th season of Sex Education very soon 🤞🏻
@sluttymickey Drish!!!! You're in a bunch of fandoms so I'm not going to refer to just one, but please know that I adore you and I love seeing you on my dash and in my notifications, always 💕💕💕
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
So many!!!!!
Doctor Who (I've seen <10 episodes)
Succession (I'm working on watching it okay!!!!!! Still it might not count since I post something here and there about it even without watching it. I'm invested 😭)
Countless Thai BL dramas courtesy of @dreamedofyou 😁
Interview with the vampire (was it raining Louis???? That's about as much as I know. And that it's gay)
Severance (I should get around to watching it tho, it seems freaky)
And many more I probably will remember the moment I post this and look at my dash again 😅
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
Well you didn't give me a prompt so!!!!
The most universal fandom truth I can bestow upon ye is that fandom is an exercise in customizing and adjusting your experience online. Stick to the people you like, don't be afraid of the block button, learn to enjoy things even if others might not like them. It's your life after all.
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over the last few days, i’ve been thinking about how i hate how people always bang on about “younger millennials/elder gen z/gen z in general never move out nowadays! don’t they understand the importance of moving out and looking after yourself??!! the lazy cretins!” or whatever the fuck….. when like we’re trying to move out. we want to. oh god we want to in some circumstances.
so, when when not addressing impossibly high rents for single appartments or even share houses; it’s becoming common from time to time on my local uni’s buy & sell page; that people are requesting “please no people who’ve never lived out of home before! only seasoned renters allowed!” and stuff like that i’ve seen. and i find that so fucking frustrating. because i want to move out. i’ve wanted to move out for Y E A R S, since i started uni in 2015, for instance. i’ve had some of my friends offer for me to move in with them before in the past. but due to personal circumstances, i couldn’t move out (ie helping another family member with their living expenses such as water bills/energy bills/car insurance etc etc back then).
like yes. don’t get me wrong. i wasn’t particularly great back then at household chores like laundry and washing the dishes and doing the garbage each thursday night- mostly bc my parent kept excusing me from all house work since “this is your home and you don’t have to do anything”. but i still was doing the house chores from time to time anyway, despite them telling me house chores weren’t specifically my “responsibility”.
because i understood that if i ever moved out to a share house, that i didn’t want to be that one absolutely pain in the ass roommate who NEVER contributes anything to the house, always saying bs like “well MY parents never excepted me to DO ANY chores. you guys can do it instead. and i don’t understand why i should do anything to help. *dumps dirty dishes in the sink while someone else is doing them and walks away*. or something i’ve always imagined more well off people would say is “well i never had to do that since we had a maid!” but you get my point. i did NOT want to be THAT brand of Shitty Housemate™️
so whenever i stayed at a friends place, i would always offer to help with dishes or cleaning up or whatever else, because for fucks sake. i wanted to feel like a functional human being. so, i always offered to do stuff. but anyway. this isn’t the point of the post. my point is that it’s becoming increasingly harder for people who’ve never left home to move out in general, when even some people who are looking for new housemates are specifically requesting that people who have never left home shouldn’t apply for their spare room that their old housemate has just left. like how the fuck am i meant to get a rental history when even ~nice housemates~ “who are always up for a chat, a cheeky bevvie or 5 and good party times 😅👌🏻✌🏻” are also trying to block my chance to get into the market????
like sorry i’m 27 and i’ve never left home. why the fuck are you turning my chance to leave the house into a job selection pool that i’m already automatically disqualified from, all because “pls no one who has never left home before apply for this!”???? okay yeah. it could obvs be about that maybe we won’t remember that we have to pay the rent every week (this is important) because we’ve lived at home for far too long…. and our parents didn’t want us to pay any sort of board once we were over 18. maybe it’s because we don’t know how to live with other people outside of our family. maybe, like i said a couple of paragraphs ago, it’s that we might struggle with the day to day minutiae of laundry/cooking dinner/paying bills on time (ok this is important)/cleaning etc etc depending on how we are at home.
but still. the above shouldn’t mean that i don’t get to rent outside of home in a share house all bc ally, kayla and wren insist that it’s bc i’ve never left home that i can’t be a helpful, useful and respectful housemate. obviously the main thing would probably be that it’d look bad on their real estate lease application or whatever, that they have someone with zero rental history along with their, let’s say, 3 years worth of rental history between them. but that shouldn’t mean that you try to disqualify an entire subset of people who want/need/are desperate to leave where they are, all because “oh you’re 27 and you’ve never left home?! yeah nah we won’t take you as a roommate.” bc like. i thought we were all on the same footing here as young people: that the private rental market is a fucking scam, and that landlords are shitty. but apparently not. bc. just fucking. how the fuck am i meant to get a rental record of any sort when even people in my own age group won’t even take me into a sharehouse all because “oh you’ve never left home?! you’re obviously going to be a shitty housemate! goodbye!”????
when these 21 year olds (sometimes) are suddenly acting like a landlord over their rented $120 per week room in their shitty sharehouse??? you are NOT the landlord kayla, whose probably just spent your equivalent rent on the so-called “cheeky bevvies” and club nights this week, so YOU’VE missed YOUR rent and bills this week/month. but i, as a 27yo whose never left home, doesn’t know how to manage any household expenses like rent and bills at all??? how fucking rich. how fucking ironic and hypocritical.
just let me fucking view the room at the very least, wren, so i might get to meet you instead of going off of your rude asf fb post and obnoxious assumptions. because maybe then you’ll see that im a serious applicant; and that i know how to manage some of my household expenses: eg. afterpays and paypal pay in 4s (always paid on time or early- which i’d like to ask: are yours ever paid off or are they always late so you’re also always paying the $10 late fee???), my recent car loan (paid on time each month and i’m trying to pay the interest on time as well each month) and soon to be phone bill (obvs i’m ignoring my HECS bc in still not paying that off lmao). but you see my point. i also buy my own groceries, meds and chemist shit. and i also manage to save $60 a fortnight. how are none of these things considered as financially responsible??? for fucks sake. but i reiterate my point: you are NOT the landlord/s, wren, kayla and ally. or tony, sadie and dean. for gods sake. stop unnecessarily blocking people out of the market with your absolutely batshit bullshit requests of “don’t apply if you’ve never left home!”
anyway. all i’m saying is that people now frequently stating in their ~funny sharehouse ads~ on my local uni’s buy and sell group, and i’m also assuming gumtree etc as well, that “PLEASE NO PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER LEFT HOME APPLY FOR THIS ROOM, THANKS 😊😊😊!!” are also hindering people like myself (as well as many others, no matter their family background); and making it increasingly harder for anyone in their 20s or maybe even 30s now (but since it’s a uni page im talking about it’s usually 20somethings posting) to move out into shared accommodation; so that they can finally have a place other than home to be. so that they can begin their rental history and feel independent. and i’m rating this just as bad as any rich kids who tell people that “it’s just so easy to buy a house! my parents paid most of the like $60,000 loan down payment. then i worked from my very first high school job to save for a house myself, and that paid the rest of the 60 grand. it’s just that easy!!! anyone can do it!!” just everywhere you turn, it feels like it’s getting increasingly impossible to do shit.
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bunnygirl-titties · 2 years
I ain’t exactly sure how long I’ve been watching your blog? Guessing a month then?
I don’t follow you. I follow people that do reblog from you and I just come a check every now and then.
You are just so god dammed pretty.
You can can just call me Z.
I ain’t sure where you are but I live in the us. I just work nights so I sleep in the day mostly. Plus I don’t get on tumblr much.
But ya seem to really like this attention sweetheart. So I guess I can stick round.
I don’t know what you mean by that last bit? I wouldn’t confess to liking you if I didn’t. Obviously I like you. Seeing how hot and angry you were about them anons was fucking sexy as hell.
Ok! Z it is!
So you don’t follow me, but have you still liked or reblogged something of mine?
I’m trying to think of all the people that reblog from me specifically, cuz a lot of my notes come from someone else Reblogging my stuff.
Hardly anyone ever reblogs directly from me.
That’s the part I don’t understand?? How?? All you’ve seen are my boobs and some of my body??? How do you know I’m pretty????
I’m in the US as well, we are probably just in opposite sides of it. I’m in the west coast. Well there isn’t a coast here, but still. And I have never worked a night job, I usually do morning shifts so that I can have most of my day to do stuff without a time restraint.
What do you do for work, if you don’t mind me asking?
What do you do for fun? Like what are your hobbies?
Is there anything you want to know about me?
I would be lying if I said I didn’t like the attention. Well I like the attention you give me at least.
A friend of mine was having… I guess an issue, with anons yesterday. It started out fun, and I egged the anons on. Cuz I’m a terror and like to fuel the flames. But it ended… badly, now we are both being harassed by anons.
Luckily mine have stopped once I said “fat” wasn’t an insult.
This is my third blog. I’ve been run off multiple times by anons and I don’t want to start over. So I’m just deleting the bad ones and answering the nice ones.
Problem is, I don’t get nice ones often.
Have you sent me asks before you started identifying yourself with 🐾?
Why did you specify the Princess femme and butch knight thing? Is it because I made a post about being called princess? Or is it cuz I posted a chapter of a story I’m writing about a princess and her butch knight 😅
I was mostly making a joke at the end of my last reply. Ashton Kutchar had a prank show, kinda like ridiculousness?? I can’t remember if it was on MTV or not?? But there is a bit in The office where a guy goes “nope it’s not Ashton Kutchar, it’s Kevin Malone! Equally handsome, equally smart” so I was making not one, but two tv show references in one 😅 I think I’m funny. I watch The Office a lot, but mostly while I’m cooking.
Also yeah, all through my childhood people only asked me out as a joke. No one actually ever liked me. It’s also happened in my adult life too so??? Idk I’m not use to someone being genuine??? It still feels like a trap. Like you are gonna reveal who you are and than just be like “Jk it was all just an elaborate lie”
I’m afraid that’s why you are staying on anon.
Wow this ended up so long I’m so sorry!
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bubacorn · 7 months
Music ask! 3, 4, 11
I also kinda just want to know your 3 favorite Metallica songs too 😅
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with
Recovery by Birdmask - the entirety of Tristan is perfection, and there are some themes that really resonate with me. plus Manuel's voice is just really good
Bow by Zeal & Ardor - again, Manuel, and again, the whole album is *chef's kiss*, i cannot even tell you how many times i played it through daily since i discovered them
Man or Ash by Corrosion of Conformity - it's just so catchy and i like the singer's voice in this one. i don't listen to CoC, and discovered this song only because James did backing vocals on it. their voices sound really good together and it all has a bit of a grimy feel. (i have a playlist of songs with James' backing vocals titled 'Man or Ass', don't ask, my brain just said 'that's exactly what that song is called')
4. three songs that you know thanks to your parents
hm. thanks to my parents. i can't really name any. my parents aren't/weren't that big on music (they listened to some music but didn't get into favorite genres/artists). when i was little, it was mostly cassettes with random popular songs from the 80s/90s, and the radio and later 'wedding pop' (i'm not sure if it's the right expression. crappy Hungarian songs that were big once, or music from popular bands that are pretty terrible). but it turns out one of them listened to rock/metal, too, once upon a time, so that's kinda cool (they can't really name anything, so it was more casual listening i think). sharing music with each other isn't really a thing, even though i played music from a young age and got into different bands growing up. but of course, those are silly and also no one cares
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack
Think by Kaleida - it's in John Wick and it's so catchy and just. wah. it's so good.
Guns Go Bang by Kid Cudi & JAY-Z - The Harder They Fall soundtrack in its entirety and the movie fuck so hard. i remember seeing the trailer before it came out and being so excited because it looked great cinematographically and also the music sounded really cool. it is, and it became one of my favorite action movies.
That Which Binds Us Through Time: The Chemical, Physical and Biological Nature of Love; an Exploration of The Meaning of Meaning, Part 1 by well, technically Wyld Stallyns - it's Bill & Ted. the third movie is so fucking sad, but it's also really pretty and-. yeah. i have very normal thoughts and feelings about it if anyone's interested.
+ ooohh, that's a dangerous inquiry (i'm not gonna be able to do just 3, i apologize in advance, and also for the rambling. i started writing out my favorites and narrowed it down to this. the purples are what i would say are the contenders for top 3 at this moment, but it's always changing)
Atlas, Rise!, Halo on Fire - one of my favorite 'modern' songs, especially the live versions of the latter with the additional intro James does
All Nightmare Long, Cyanide, The Unforgiven III, The Judas Kiss - Death Magnetic is full of such ominous songs, but people shit on it because of the whole compression issue, but i still like it. i even wanted to embroider the album cover onto my jacket (with cool, small stitches for the dirt and all that), changed my mind (or did i?) since, because i like the album but maybe not that much. i don't know, we'll see
Until It Sleeps, Bleeding Me, The Outlaw Torn - i think my all time favorite album is Load. i could ramble about each song for a while, it's such a great era, i adore James' vocals, the songwriting was top notch, and let's not get into the emotions and themes
Sad But True - this one was one of my first favorites and the only more popular/'classic' favorite of mine. i always forget about the existence of it, which is so funny, because i have the Pushead art shirt (also one of my favorite shirt designs from Pushead/for the band) and also because it's popular and it goes so hard, but for some reason my brain forgets it. then i listen to it and fall in love all over again
Devil's Dance, The Unforgiven II, Prince Charming, Low Man's Lyric, Fixxxer - right up there with Load. they are twin albums, i love them both, again, the vocals, the feels, the self-loathing, the grime. adore it
No Leaf Clover, - Human - S&M, my beloved. these two are up there with my all time favorite songs of theirs. they are truly bangers, the themes, the lyrics, the energy. the symphony compliments them so well
St. Anger, Dirty Window - the entirety of St. Anger is really close to my heart. i know people hate it, although i can't understand it. it's raw, it's painful and ugly and really, really angry. the album cover embroidery that i did for my battle jacket is i think my favorite design that i've ever done (even though it's wonky and not at all square-shaped)
The Call of Ktulu - my favorite instrumental, the bass is *mwah*
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taleforquill · 1 year
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As promised, here's my very belated April 2023 wrap-up. I originally posted this to my Instagram in early May, but I forgot I could post it to Tumblr too 😅.
I read 13 books in April. Quite a lot, but many of them were audiobooks and manga volumes (which I always get through faster).
In April I finally started my Hunger Games reread and I really, really enjoyed it. 13 year old me thought the first book was okay, and the rest sucked. But 13 year old me was also completely incapable of media literacy. 22 year old me thinks the books are mindblowingly good.
During April I also continued the Shatter Me series (which I still do not enjoy), and I decided to read some books I'd been hyping up in my mind. Mainly: The Turn of the Screw and Red, White and Royal Blue.
I'll start with Red, White and Royal Blue.
God... What a disappointment. I was a bit hesitant about it to begin with because it's a mlm story written by a non-man (as far as I'm aware). And while I do think that people can write about whatever they want, I prefer to read own-voices when it comes to queer books.
This book is disgustingly millenial. It centres 2 Gen Z kids who prefer to calls themselves millenials "because the press likes them better that way." Which is such bullshit (avocado toast, anyone?) that my brain can't even comprehend it.
It is also filled to the brim with H*rry P*tter references. This book came out in 2019! R*wling's TERF behaviour was well-known, even then. Millenials really need to let that series go. Get a fucking grip.
The author is projecting their own Millenial thoughts on Gen Z kids and it just doesn't work. It feels wrong. I'm reading about people in their early 20s, who think and act like they're in their mid-thirties.
No fucking self-respecting Gen Z would say "wow, you're definitely a Hufflepuff". Not even ironically. Yet it happens in this book. Multiple times.
They call a dog a Slytherin for fucks sake.
The way Alex interacted with his siblings also gave me the ick. Besides, he had no reason to hate Henry. And the press acted quite unrealistically and was only a problem for the characters when the plot demanded it. I'm also a bit too cynical to believe in a world where a divorced female US president with an interracial family could exist.
So yeah, rant over. But the Turn of the Screw was kind of disappointing too.
I expected to get the Haunting of Bly Manor in book form. And I kind of did? Even the lesbian tension was there. It just wasn't as good as the show. And I still highly prefer the show over this book.
I also finished the Attack On Titan manga, which I've been reading on and off for 10 years. I haven't liked it much since the Marley arc started and I still have very mixed feelings about it. I'll never forget how mindblowing the anime was when I was 13. And how much I enjoyed the first ±90 chapters.
But then it turned kind of meh and everything started dragging on for way too long. And the blatant imperialism and possible fascism and antisemitism came up. And just no.
So yeah, now that I've finished it, I'll let it go. Maybe I'll think about it once or twice but I definitely won't post about it (not in a positive context anyway).
ART: A Thorn amidst Roses by James Sant (1887)
Edit by me.
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
Yeah I agree some couples use their relationship to help with their partner project or PR like you said.
But the weird contract explanation you see in every fandom when the person don’t like who their fave is with. Chris even, Timothy with Kylie. Recently with TZ. How Z is only with Tom because of the backlash she would receive if news of their breakup comes out. They are good friends but it is in the contract that she show up for RJ show. I am sorry but who think of this stuff? How does that make logical sense to anyone for them to even voice it out is my confusion. This can’t be how a real person think right?
Sadly, this is how some fans think. But I wouldn't focus too much attention on stuff like this Anon. Let some fans think whatever they want to think. 🤷🏾‍♀️ It doesn't have any bearing on the couple in the long run. If these couples last/get married, great?? If not.... Oh well! On to the next! 😅 This is how I view most celebrity couples in Hollywood honestly. I've lived to see so many different couples in Tinseltown get together, then break up, then go on to date multiple people after. Lots of these relationships are short-lived or good for a moment in time, and then, NOT lol. It's just the way of the world. You can't take these relationships too seriously or be TOO invested in them tbh. Otherwise, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.
Even with Tomdaya, I just enjoy the journey. Whatever happens with them, happens! 🤷🏾‍♀️ If they ever did break up again, I would just trust that they knew what was best for them, and wish them each the best in their future lives and endeavors.
I only worry about my own relationships...not the relationships of others lol. 😅
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Being MSBY's Manager
Relationship Troubles with Sakusa
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Sakusa Kiyoomi featuring MSBY x Female Manager
Warnings: Swearing (mom drops the f bomb alot 😅 we shall call it a "sentence enhancer" 💅🏼), Sakusa being an absolute ass, major angst to fluff, Sakusa is toxic but I'm making him work on himself 🥰, suggestive ending
A/N: I 💙 emotional pain 🥲 so let's do Sakusa! A big shout out to Gen Z anon for helping me with the ending 😘
Ope 😶
I think we are about to really feel this one
Sakusa can be a little... brash
He's a Pisces/Aries cusp- two very emotional signs
And I totally see him being a "tell it like it is" type character
So being his partner might be kind of tough
I do think this man loves just as hard as Bokuto and Atsumu- but he definitely needs time to himself
I mean we all do- self 👏🏻 care 👏🏻
So let's get into this heartbreak shall we 🙃
First off, you met him at some random place ✋🏻
Sakusa probably isn't the type to date online
But 👀 hear me out
You are in the laundromat doing your laundry
You had just graduated and moved to a new city
Your ex boyfriend, a complete POS, had found you clingy and annoying
Spoiler alert: you aren't, men just suck 😒
He had cheated on you numerous times because he said you were "too needy and not giving enough in return" 🙄
Can we all say Toxic?
Your friends told you it wasn't true and you knew it wasn't
But your past relationship had really affected you
So you decided to start anew in a brand new city 🙌🏻
Honestly goals!
You have a load going and decide to clean out the lint traps of some of the dryers
I mean 1) it's a fire hazard 2) it's just a nice thing to do 🤗
And that's our sweet bby YN
A gorgeous, sweet, caring woman who always wants to help
While you're throwing the lint away, you see a tall man, wearing a mask watching you
He has gorgeous dark curly hair and dark eyes
And his dark eyes lock on yours
You gulp and blush because like, someone's watching you AND he's hot 🥵
Being Sakusa he walks up to you
"What are you doing?"- Sakusa
You 👉🏻 👁👄👁 huh-
"Why are you cleaning the lint traps out? That's not your job"- Sakusa
Ok then- forward much?
"Oh I- I uh like to do nice things. And you never know, it could make someone's life a little easier"- you smiling up at the tall man
He totally just narrows his eyes at you- and turns to leave
Ok then 😐
You turn and walk back to your clothes, moving them from the washer to the dryer
You proceed to wipe down the washer you used with a sanitizing wipe
Again, we are in a pandemic and it's just nice to do!
Sakusa gets up, approaching you again
"Now what are you doing?"- he questions, looming over you
You look up at him, eyes widening 😳
"Uh I'm wiping down the washer I used"- you answering the question
"I didn't know people did that"- Sakusa looking at you
"Well most don't but it just seems hygienic to me. Like common sense I guess"-you shrug
"Mind if I have some of those wipes"- Sakusa asks, mouth still covered by his mask
"Of course! Help yourself"- you hand them to him as you turn to continue your crusade
Sakusa is intrigued by you
An absolutely stunning women doing laundry alone in the laundry mat
Yet you take time out of you day to help others 💙
When your laundry is dry, you take it out and begin to fold it
"Why are you doing laundry in a laundromat alone? Isn't that dangerous?"- Sakusa blurts out, still watching you
"Umm well I don't think it's any more dangerous than walking thought a convince store. I mean there is cameras. Plus I start a new job tomorrow and I need clean clothes"- you say, shrugging as you fold your leggings, putting them in the basket
"Yeah but still anything could happen. I mean you are a stunning women"- Sakusa
Honestly fire signs are way to blunt for our own good
It enters our brain and comes right out our mouths 🙃
"Well thank you, you are a very good looking man as well"- You, winking 😉 at Sakusa
Please this makes him smile behind his mask 😫😫😫
You pack up your clothing and turn to face Sakusa
"Well it was nice meeting you-"
"Sakusa- Sakusa Kiyoomi"
"Kiyoomi, I'm LN YN!! Good luck with your laundry"- you say smiling as you walk out of the laundrymat
Smooth YN, Smooth 😏
Sakusa debates for a few minutes if he should go ask for your number
He ultimately decides not too
But believe me when I say he kicks himself over and over again for not doing it
However, lucky for him, I'm writing this 🙌🏻
And in my world, we grant 🎆 second changes 🎆
Which is EXACTLY what happens 🤩
Sakusa walks into training the next morning tired
He was beating himself up last night for not asking you for your number
He may of thought of a plan or two to try and find you again
Which included swinging by the laundromat daily to check for you
And/or leaving a note on the laundromat bulletin board addressed to you
He thought about it as he stepped into the locker room, hearing Atsumu talking
God it was too early for that 😒
"Did you guys see the new manager? She's hot as hell!"- Atsumu
"Don't even think about it Sumu, Captain already said she's off limits"- Barnes said laughing from his locker
"Hey a man can dream right Omi?"- Atsumu says as Sakusa set his gear down
"Dream big Sumu"- Sakusa said as Bokuto and Hinata came leaping into the locker room
"New manager day!"- Bokuto shouted
"Please take it easy on this one Bo. We'd like to keep her for more than a week"- Inunaki said walking out into the gym
Sakusa changed and made his way out to the gym
He say Meian talking to a women who was facing away from the team
Her hair streamed down her back as she looked up and laughed at something Meian had said
The men lined up as Meian addressed the group, the woman turning around
Holy shit- 😳
Her eyes widened when they met his and he couldn't help but smile
Yn Ln, the weird laundromat girl, was their new manager 😱
The interaction was not missed by Thomas who elbowed Sakusa
"Hey Omi, you know her?"- Thomas probed
"Wait Omi knows that hotty?"- Hinata
Sakusa glared at Hinata as YN approaches him
"Kiyoomi! How nice to see you again. I didn't know you played for MSBY?"- you asked, your smile so bright it almost blinded everyone in the gym
Pure perfection YN 💅🏼
"Yeah, I'm a uh- wing spiker. I didn't know you were a manager?" Sakusa questioned, rubbing the back of his neck
"Yeah I was for my college team! I just graduated a few months ago and this job came up and I figured I'd try for it! I'm so glad we will be working together"- You, so excited and bubbly
"Wow that's awesome"- Sakusa says, smiling down at you
Please all the guys are like 👁👄👁
They've never seem their Omi Omi so happy before
During training, you proved yourself worthy of the title of MSBY's Manager
Practice was ending and Atsumu was still serving
You step under the net and get in position
Everyone watches you in fascination as you get in a receiving position
"Umm- YN what you are doing?"- Meian asks, curious
"Yeah YN, don't you know my serves are deadly"- Atsumu 💅🏼
You just roll you eyes 🙄
"Trust me Atsumu, I'll be fine. Just send it up"- you, getting a perfect receiving stance
The guys all watch you, Sakusa intrigued but also nervous
"Suit yourself YN"- Atsumu says sending up the ball and slamming it into the opposite court
Only it doesn't hit the floor 👀
Because you pulled off a perfect receive, sending it right to where the setter would be
"Holy shit YN that was incredible!"- Hinata shouts as he runs towards you
Sakusas eyes widen and his mouth gapes
Man just fell harder for our Queen 🥰
"I'm betting YN use to play. Libero perhaps?"- Inunaki announced
"You caught me"- you laugh putting your hands up
"That's so cool YN!!! Did you ever make it to nationals??"- Bokuto
"We did, my third year! We were in the top 8 but then got eliminated unfortunately"- you ask smiling at the fond memory
Sakusa walked over to join the team who was now surrounding you
"Atsumu that is one wicked serve you got there"- you, looking at a now sulking Atsumu
"I can't believe you received that"- Sumu said as he looked at you with narrow eyes
You just shrug and smile
"Ok ok- practice is over. Time to get out so YN can do her job"- Meian says, ushering the men to the locker rooms
Sakusa watched you as you went about your duties, taking down the nets and cleaning the floor
It was obvious you were a pro when it came to cleanliness and your job
"God she's even hotter than I imagined she'd be"- Atsumu said, taking off his sweat dampened shirt
Pls at this point I'm writing drabble/hcs and turning it into soft-core smut 🤣
"I wonder if she has a boyfriend"- Hinata
"Nope- she's single"- Meian said interrupting
"And you would know because..."- Thomas
Please Meian is one of those guys you just instantly trust 🤚🏻
I'd spill all my secrets to that man without a second thought
Meian shrugged "she just told me she moved here alone a few months ago. A bad relationship or something"
"Damn well maybe I'll ask her if she's interested in seeing the town"- Atsumu
Before anyone could say anything, Sakusa walks up to Atsumu
Stared him dead in the eyes 😐 and says "stay away from her Miya"
Possessive men am I right 🥵🥵🥵
Please these nosey bitches are like ope- 👀
"Does Omi have a little crush?"- Bokuto
Please Sakusa glares at him and it makes Bokuto so nervous 😅
"Alright alright, Sumu stay away from YN. And Sakusa-" Meian says looking at him
"Don't kill Atsumu"
Please Sakisa grabs his towel, walking to shower saying "I make no promises" ✌🏻
Over the next few weeks, you got accustomed to your job as MSBY's Manager
You learned the quirks of the guys, their likes and dislikes
You realized that Bokuto needs constant praise or you'll be dealing with emo mode
And Bokuto emo mode is the WORST
Please Bokuto laid, face down on the gym floor for 2 hours after practice because he kept getting blocked
You had to drag him across the floor in order to clean said floor 🤣
You also learned a lot about the guys eating habits
You'd often have to set timers to make the guys get off the court to eat
"Ok time for lunch" you announce as Sakusa, Meian, Barnes, Thomas and Inunaki come off the court
"Sumu, Shoyo and Kotaro, I'm talking to you three! Get off now!"- you say, hands on your hips, mom voice radiating
"Make me"- Atsumu
Please, move over Iwaizumi because there's a new sheriff in town 💅🏼
You whip a volleyball straight at Atsumu as it hits him, causing him to fall forward
"Ouch YN"- Sumu
You channeling Dadchi 👇🏻
Tumblr media
Please Atsumu practically trips running from the gym
"Geez YN's a bad ass"- Inunaki says as you walk by
You do a hair flip and walk out
Please these boys are SO WHIPPED
Sakusa especially 😏
He would love a partner who can handle themselves and Atsumu
As the weeks continue into the regular season, you start to get more busy
The Adlers and MSBY are scheduled to have a practice match this afternoon and you are so excited 🤗
You are bouncing about, hair in a cute high ponytail as you go about your duties
"YN in leggings is my new favorite view"- Thomas says as the team watches you fill up water bottles in your leggings and MSBY t-shirt
Sakusa glares at Thomas who just smirks back 😏
Please these boys would never infringe on their teammate
But that doesn't mean they can't annoy them a little 🙃
Sakusa would happily admit your outfit is one of the highlights of his day
But then again, everything you do is Sakusa's favorite 😍
Please this man is such a simp for you I CANNOT 🤚🏻
But as much as this man had been crushing on you, he hasn't worked up the nerve to ask you out
Part of him doesn't want to make it awkward if you say no
You'd definitely NEVER decline YN let's be real
But also, Sakusa is a bit self-concious of his social skills
I mean, he knows you're easy to get along with
But like what if you don't find him as charming
Even thought you have numerous conversations during practice 🤔
And you always sit next to him at meetings
And stand next to him on the sidelines 🤨
😐 can it be more obvious that you like this man!?!
He's like 92% sure you like him, still he's nervous
So let's give him a little push shall we 🙃
A push in the form of a certain stoic member from the Adlers 👀
Because you see, I think Sakusa would really be bothered by Ushijima
Like he'd see him as a true rival
So when the Adlers show up for a practice match, and Sakusa sees Ushijima watching his YN
Yes HIS 😤
All bets are off!
Mans will be glaring 😑
At this point, it's clear that Sakusa has a huge crush on you
But also, you only have eyes for Sakusa 😍
Sure Ushi is good looking but Sakusa stole your heart from the first look at the laundromat
Ushijima walks up to you and introduces himself
He's just that type of a guy ok 🤚🏻
"Hello, I'm Ushijima and you must be YN? It's very nice to meet you"- 😐 Ushijima
"Hi!!! Its so awesome to meet you finally!"- you 🤪🤸‍♀️
Sakusa does not like this one bit
Once again, you have zero interest in anyone but Sakusa
Not even Meian has caught your eye
Honestly what is wrong with you YN istg- 😐
Anyways, the teams settle and you begin your work
You notice Sakusa is watching you alot
Particularly when a certain someone is near 👀
"YN might you be able to fill this up for me please?"- Ushijima handing YN his bottle and accidently skimming his hand with yours 👀
Ohhh Omi is NOT happy about that!
Please something about that act alone just pushes Sakusa over the edge 😅
Sakusa will march up behind you and just loom
"Can't you do it yourself? You're use to not having a manager"- Sakusa 😑
🌳 🐜 🌳
👆🏻you right now YN
"I merely asked YN if she could, if she's unable to that is also fine"- Ushijima, still just as stoic as ever 😐
"Kiyoomi knock it off! Ushijima I would be happy to help"- you, glaring as Sakusa and turning your head to face Ushijima
You walk off shaking your head, wandering what would prompt Sakusa to behave like that
Sakusa full on growls at Ushijima
Yes G R O W L S
Again, possessive men 😏
When you return, you walk into a heated rally happening between the teams
Nobody is letting the ball even come close to hitting the floor
Suddenly, Ushijima spikes the ball and it deflects off Inunaki's arms
"YN! Watch out!"- Barnes, yelling as you see the ball headed right for you
You scream and try to cover as fast as you can only to be tackled to the ground by Sakusa right as the ball slams past you
"Shit YN, are you ok?"- Sakusa says, bracing himself over you as he tries not to put his weight on you
You peek out from behind your arms, eyes wide as you lightly shake your head
Sakusa grabs you and pulls you close, lightly kissing the top of your head as he holds you
🥺🥺 please I'm such a sap
"YN I'm so sorry! I thought I had a handle on it"- Inunaki says running up to you
"It's ok! I should have been watching more"- you say, still in Sakusa embrace
Please that mans never letting you go again
"YN my apologies for hitting the ball so hard"- Ushijima says walking up to you
Sakusa pulls you up and in close to his chest and glares at Ushijima
"It's ok Ushi, I know you didn't mean to"- You, now holding onto Sakusa
"Come on Yn let's get your checked out"- Sakusa says, pulling you away from the group as he guides you to the office
Sakusa picks you up, sitting you on the exam table as you speak
"Omi really I'm- hmmpf" you say before your words are literally taken away by Sakusa himself planting his lips right on yours
He moves away, his forehead going to yours as you both breath
When he backs away, he looks at you and says "now let's get your checked out"
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 ok-
Seriously what just happened??
I have no idea, you have no idea, hell idk if Sakusa even knows 🤣
"Kiyoomi, what was that?"- you finally asking the big question
"Something I should have done at the laundromat a long time ago"- Sakusa, putting his hands on your face and kissing you again
Please say less sir 😫
After that, your relationship with Sakusa just kind of happened
I mean, you would hang out during practice and after practice
Kissing and other things 👀
Like playing volleyball 🙃
I know what you all were thinking 😏
Sakusa wasn't much for PDA which was honestly fine with you
Like he would hold your hand after practice sometimes or kiss your forehead inbetween sets
When Atsumu was annoying you, Sakusa would assert his dominance and lay his claim
"Atsumu leave my girlfriend alone before I spike a ball right in your face"- Sakusa, about to channel Iwaizumi for moral support
Your nights were spent most of the time with Sakusa, either at your place or his
You told him all about your previous relationship and why you had moved
Sakusa was very understanding and supportive of you
You had established a great routine 👏🏻
Honestly it was perfect
Until it wasn't 🙃
Because we are here to shatter dreams and break hearts
It happened gradually
You could tell Sakusa was getting frustrated during practice
He would withdraw from you and the team
He wasn't able to hit as many spikes, his receives were off
He was just having a rough time
You figured it was the stress of the olympic try outs approaching
He has told you that this was his one chance to make it big and to compete with the best
He was working so hard and you knew it
Unfortunately, all your efforts at trying to help him, only set him off more
"Hey Omi, why don't you take a break?"- you suggested after another failed spike
"I can't just sit on my ass all day like you YN, I have to practice if I'm going to make the Olympic team"- Sakusa, glaring at you as he turns to walk back to the line
Ouch ☹️
Hinata notices your eyes dampen as he looks from Sakusa to you
"Hey YN-" he starts to say as you stand up
"Im going to do some office work. I forgot I have some- uh some papers to fill out"- you say, forcing a smile as you turn to run to the office
The next day, you arrive at the gym to see Sakusa serving
You walk in and wave at him just as he's tossing the ball up, causing him to hit it straight into the net
"FOR FUCKS SAKES YN CANT YOU SEE IM BUSY?"- Sakusa says yelling at you
You flinch as your eyes widen
"Im- I'm sorry Omi-" you, apologizing for something you don't need to apologize for
Sakusa ignores you as he goes back to the end line, tossing up another ball
Atsumu and Bokuto watch your lip quiver as you run go the office, shutting the door behind you
They look at Sakusa who looks back at them
"What are you two looking at?"- Sakusa
"You're such a jerk Omi"- Bokuto, walking away as Atsumu shakes his head
Sakusa rolls his eyes and goes back to serving
Honestly how hard is it for you to just leave him alone 🙄
Oh idk Omi try communicating 🗣
Men istg-
A week goes by and you've seen the bare minimum of Sakusa
You've asked him over for dinner, out for dinner, over to watch TV, offered to help him practice
He's done nothing but said "not today YN" all week
It's made you feel unwanted and unloved
All you want is a little time with your man
Is that too much to ask?
Spoiler alert: it's not
Thankfully today is Friday and you are determined to have time with Kiyoomi
He promised you a few weeks ago you'd go to see a movie you've been dying to see
You bounce into work, excited and ready for the day
The Adlers are coming for a practice match
You fill water bottles, ready towels and prepare as the Adlers arrive
You run up to greet them and help everyone settle
"You are in a cheery mood today YN?"- Kageyama says
"I am!! It's Friday and I'm so excited for the weekend!"- You, bouncing with joy
Please how could anyone be mean to our precious YN!
Sakusa has yet to say anything to you as you bop around the gym, getting ready
You can't help but feel a little unwanted but you hope after the match, Sakusa's mood with change
Honestly it's a pipe dream YN 😔
The matches start and Sakusa just isn't on his game
He's hitting out of bounds, his serves are crap and his receives just aren't it
You sigh as the second set ends, while MSBY won, you notice how angry Sakusa is
You decide to see if there is anything you can do to help
Because that's who you are YN
Our sweet angel bby who is always here to help
"Hey Omi, you did great out there"- You, trying to encourage our little germaphobe
Sakusa doesn't say anything, he just glares at you
You decide to proceed
"Hey, don't look so down. We can go have dinner tonight and to the movies. It will be so fun-" you, right before your world shatters
"Will you just SHUT UP YN!"- Sakusa, screaming at you
You flinch, backing up as your eyes widen
The gym suddenly quiets
The Adlers and MSBY watching you
"Omi, I'm-"
"Yeah yeah YN I know! You're sorry! Well how about instead of being an annoying fucking baby like you constantly are why don't you try actually helping me and leave me the fuck alone!"- Sakusa, now getting in your space as you keep backing up
"Kiyoomi, please-" you say, tears filling your eyes
"You know Yn, I get it now. I understand why your ex fucking up and left you. You are so annoying and clingy that it's almost impossible to deal with! You literally can't do anything on your own without needing some kind of attention! God it's exhausting being around you!"- Sakusa, now heaving and yelling as your body goes numb
Your eyes brimming with tears, some now falling as your heart shatters in front of not only MSBY but the Adlers as well
"SAKUSA ENOUGH!"- Meian yells as Sakusa looks down as you, his anger brimming as your heartbroken state hits him
With your tears falling, your look to see the players staring at your and Sakusa
Your face heats with embarrassment as you feel your body break down
You run past Sakusa and the guys as you start crying, the sounds of your sadness filling the gym
"Fuck"- Atsumu says running after you as Bokuto and Hinata follow
"What in the hell was that!"- Hirugami says as Meian glares at Sakusa, crossing his arms over his broad chest
"Sakusa your a fucking asshole"- Inunaki says walking past Sakusa out the door to find you
Ushijima stares at Sakusa before he shakes his head
"You don't deserve YN Sakusa"- Ushijima says, the words hitting Sakusa right in the chest
Sakusa's emotions are all over as he walks past the teams, heading to grab his things
Meanwhile, you run from the gym to the parking lot to find your car
You sit down, your eyes flowing with tears as you start to shake and cry frantically
How could Kiyoomi say such horrible things to you?
How could he stoop so low as to point out your biggest insecurities?
He knew exactly how much your relationship with your ex affected you and there he was, throwing it in your face
You put your head on the steering wheel, crying uncontrollably as you turn the car on
Just as you look up, you see Atsumu, Bokuto and Hinata running towards you with Ushijima and Inunaki behind
"YN come on you can't drive"- Atsumu, trying to open your car door
"Just leave me alone Atsumu"- you, crying harder as Hinata and Bokuto watch
"YN please let one of us take you home at the very least"- Inunaki says, managing to open your side door
"Please just leave me alone. I'm so embarrassed. Those things he said-" your tears are now flowing uncontrollably, your body shaking
"YN please don't be embarrashed. None of this was your fault"- Bokuto, his hair deflated
Our sweet little empath 🥺
"He knew about my biggest insecurities and he just threw them right in my face! Right in front of everyone"- you say, crying harder as you gasp for air
"YN come on- its not safe for you to drive right now"- Inunaki says as he reaches for you
You look up at him, tears streaming down your face
"Please, please just leave me alone"- you say whispering
Their hearts break for you as they watch helplessly as you cry in your car
"Maybe we should just back off?"- Hinata
"Yeah I don't think she's going anywhere"- Ushijima says, standing back
"If you need us YN, we'll be inside ok? But please don't drive right now"- Atsumu
You nod a little, the numbness of everything hitting you hard as the men give you one final glance before returning inside
Meanwhile, Sakusa is in the locker room gathering his gear and shoving it in his bag
He grabbed a quick shower and is ready to leave
One thing about Sakusa is that he definitely knows he overreacted
He also knows what he said to you was not ok
But he's not going to apologize until he's fully ready
Because he knows he needs to mean it and think it over
Dick move? Absolutely but at the same time, a half assed apology doesn't mean shit
And he's still mad
He can hear the guys talking in the gym as he throws his bag over his shoulder
"Is she ok?"- Meian says
"She's sitting in her car, she won't let us take her home but we also don't want her to drive"- Atsumu
"Poor girl, what the hell got into Sakusa?"- Romero
"Who the hell knows but man was he ever a fucking dick!"- Hoshiumi says
Sakusa's heard enough as he walks out into the gym and past his team mates who pay him no mind
He walks into the parking lot, straight to his car
The problem is his car is parked right next to yours...
However when he approaches he only sees your car and not you
Deciding he can't be bothered right now, he leaves, heading home
Meanwhile, Atsumu receives a text from you saying you took the train home
You knew it wasn't safe to drive but you couldn't stay there any longer
You knew if you saw Omi come out, you'd cry even more
Once at home, you lock your doors, shut your blinds and crawl into bed
You spend most of the sleepless night crying and replaying the awful words Sakusa said to you in your mind
The next morning, you get up and make coffee, mopping around your apartment
Your phone has been going non-stop with incoming texts from the team making sure your ok
You opt to write a short message and shut your phone off
After a long weekend of crying and thinking, you decide the best thing you can do is hold you head high and walk into the gym with dignity
Because we will NOT let a man define our worth!
You get dressed, do your best to look presentable and head to work
You pull into the parking lot, parking as far away from Sakusa's car as you can
You notice him sitting inside, watching as you get out and make your way to the gym
Little do you know that Sakusa has spent all weekend thinking about the huge mistake he made
He barely slept, choosing to spend most of his time at the gym or running to try to distract himself
He realizes what he's done and how big of an ass he was
But still, apologizing doesn't come easy to Kiyoomi
Once in the gym, you go about your daily tasks
You try to act like nothings wrong but you admit it's hard seeing Sakusa
You try and ignore his presence
He only looks at you, but has yet to approach
And he probably won't 😔
"Hey YN, can you help toss up for spiking please?"- Meian
"Sure"- you say smiling as you take your position to toss
The guys line up beside you as you toss
When Sakusa comes up to spike, he watches you intently
You however, ignore him 💅🏼
As 👏🏻 you 👏🏻 should 👏🏻
Because you see, the anger is now starting to set in
How fucking rude and unwarranted Sakusa's comments towards you were
You toss the ball up as Atsumu sets and Omi spikes
"Nice kill"- you say as you prepare for the next spiker
Sakusa looks at you as you go about your duties
That night, you pick up your bag and head out of the gym
You say goodnight to the team as you make your way to your car
You can see Sakusa watching you from his car but you say nothing and quickly get in, driving off
Honestly ignoring Sakusa is probably going to irritate him the most
Again, AS 👏🏻 IT 👏🏻 SHOULD 👏🏻
The week goes by and you have zero interaction with Sakusa
You still miss him and care very much for him
But that doesn't mean his words didn't hurt
Sakusa on the other hand, is going insane 🙃
He was actually waiting to see if you gave him anything to work with
And YN gave nothing 👏🏻
You gave him no chance to speak with him alone, you barely even glanced at him all week
Honestly, he doesn't blame you
He's starting to realize how badly he fucked up and the man is suffering now
Good! Let him suffer!
The following Monday, Sakusa decides he's had enough
He misses you and the man is willing to admit he's done FUCKED UP 👏🏻
Unfortunately for him, it's too late
He steps out of his car only to see you hugging Ushijima at the entrance to the front of the gym
Oh the rage he is feeling right now 🤬
He's about ready to blow
But then you laugh at something Ushijima says
And your smile just digs the knife penetrating his cold heart deeper
You're vibrant smile and beautiful eyes that Sakusa has grown to love so much
Only you're now giving it to another man
Please we are about to see some jealous Sakusa
Sakusa is going to get out of his car, rage walk up to Ushijima and shove him away from you
"Get away from my girl"- Sakusa says, pushing Ushijima
Ushijima barely budges
Mans is a brick wall 🧱
"Kiyoomi what the hell?"- you getting in between Ushijima and Sakusa
"Back the fuck off of YN- she's mine!"- Sakusa growls as he pushes into you getting into Ushijima's face
"Kiyoomi stop it!"- you now shouting
Atsumu, Kageyama and Bokuto come rushing cover and pull Sakusa back
Please Ushijima is just like 🧍‍♂️😐 the whole time
I can NOT 😫
"Sakusa what the hell man?"- Bokuto
"Omi dude chill out"- Atsumu
"I was merely talking to YN Sakusa"- Ushijima
"Talking my ass! I saw you hugging her!"- Sakusa
"It wasn't anything more than a hug Kiyoomi! And I'll have you know as far as I'm concerned, we are no longer together so what I do and with whom I do it is my business and my business only!"- our queen asserting her dominance
"The hell we aren't! We never broke up YN! Just because I'm an idiot and said some stupid shit-" Sakusa
But oh no no no, YN is not letting this happen
"NO! You don't get to come over here and barge in on my personal life when you made it VERY FUCKING CLEAR Kiyoomi that I'm a burden on your life! I will absolutely not stand here and take that shit from you or any man! I trusted you and YOU KNEW! You knew what I went through. And you threw it right in my fucking face in front of everyone!"- You now screaming
Bokuto, Atsumu and Kageyama are scared 😅
Ushijima is just like 🧍‍♂️ 😳
And Sakusa, well Sakusa is breaking apart
Because everything you said, every single word is true
And he knows it
You're eyes start to fill with tears as you stomp your way into the gym, slamming the doors behind you
Seriously nobody better get in the way of YN
Our bby is on the war path
Sakusa doesn't say anything, he just stands there stunned and broken
The full effect of his words are now hitting him
The fact that there is no fixing this and that you are done
How could he have taken you for granted?
How could he have treated you this way?
Sakusa says nothing as he makes his way into the gym and prepares for practice
The next few days, Sakusa is on auto mode
Spike, sleep, eat, repeat
Literally he doesn't deviate, he says nothing to anyone and has completely withdrawn from the team
You have also pulled away from the team
It's become increasingly uncomfortable for everyone
Finally, Meian decides he needs to intervene
After practice, Sakusa is sitting in the locker room, packing up his bag
"Team meeting"- Meian says as Barnes, Thomas, Inunaki, Atsumu, Bokuto and Hinata surround him
"About what?"- Sakusa, oblivious
"It's time you swallow you pride and get your girl back"- Barnes
"Yeah, honestly I'm sick of sappy Sakusa"- Atsumu
Sakusa glares at Atsumu but says nothing
"Come on dude. You and YN are fucking miserable without each other"- Inunaki
"You heard her! She's done with me. And honestly I don't fucking blame her. I'm the biggest asshole ever"- Sakusa, deflated more than Bokuto during a bad emo mode
"Well then you need to do whatever you can to win her back! Beg on your knees if you have too"- Thomas says
Sakusa is so deflated
Pls Bokuto's emo modes have nothing on this man's current state 🤚🏻
"But what if she doesn't want me back? I mean I really fucked up guys. Like REALLY"- Sakusa
"Then you learn from it. Listen, you love YN right?"- Barnes
"Yeah- yeah I do"- Sakusa, finally admitting he's deeply in love with you
"And YN is in love with you, trust me. You've got alot of work to do but you need to prove to YN that you are willing to change"- Barnes
Sakusa nods and stands up
He knows he has to make this right in any way he can
Now I don't think simply apologizing in this situation is enough
Sakusa was a complete ass and said some really hurtful things
I also think he knows this and he's willing to do what he can to change
Even if it means attending therapy to help him deal better with his emotions
Honestly we love when people take accountability for their actions 👏🏻
If you make a mistake, you fix it! And that's what Sakusa wants to do
He makes an appointment with a therapist for the following week and goes to work on his plan to win you back
Meanwhile, your heart is slowly healing
You love Sakusa and that's just not going to go away anytime soon
He's been helping you process and deal with your fight with Sakusa
You've found a great friend and companion in Ushijima
Your relationship is strictly platonic and honestly, Ushijima is fine with that 👌🏻
Ushijima is one of those logical guys
He can see things from both sides and provide a very honest and unbiased opinion
At your apartment, you cook as Ushijima sits and talks with you
It's become a weekly thing that you and Ushijima hang out, making dinner and chatting
Tonight, you are making homemade Ramen
Ushijima is sitting at the table as you bring the bowls over
Unfortunately for you, you trip, sending the bowls tumbling on you and Ushijima
"Oh shit! Omg Im so sorry Wakatoshi! Are you burnt?"- You, tearing up because you messed up
"YN I'm fine, are you ok?- Ushijima
"🥺 I keep messing up Waka, no wonder Omi said the things he did"- you, now crying as you sit down at the table
"YN, Sakusa was a complete jerk. And while I know he is stressed, it doesn't ever give him the right to say those things. You did not mess up YN. It was an accident"- Ushijima
You sniffle and nod your head
"I have to clean this up. I think Omi left a shirt here that you can borrow for now. I'm going to go and change"- you, getting up and going to your room
Ushijima remives his shirt, revealing his muscles and broad chest
You pay no mind because Ushijima isn't Sakusa
It's fine YN, move aside and I shall oogle on your behalf 😍🥵
When you are changing, the doorbell rings
Ushijima answers it as you emerge from your room, wearing a crop top and shorts
On the other side is Sakusa 👀
Now remember, Ushijima has no shirt on, as in ZERO top clothing
Nothing, nada, it's completely GONE
And you are wearing the bare minimum
Sakusa's eyes widen in shock as Ushijima stands at the door and you appear next to him
"Kiyoomi? What are you doing here?"- You say, shocked
"I uh- I uh- I came to talk with you"- Sakusa 👁👄👁
Please it hasn't hit you yet the situation you are currently in
"Is everything ok?"- you, still oblivious
Sakusa is just staring, mouth agape 😲
Ushijima is just like 🧍‍♂️ 😐
"YN I uh- I wanted to apologize but I see you've already moved on"- Sakusa, his eyes now filling with tears
"What are you-"
DING DING DING it finally hits you 😃
"Omg Kiyoomi no-"
"YN PLEASE LISTEN TO ME! IM SO FUCKING SORRY"- Sakusa is now inside the apartment, begging on his knees, holding your legs
"Kiyoomi what-"
Ushijima 👉🏻 🧍‍♂️ 😳
You bend down, tears pooling in your eyes as you kneel in front of Sakusa who now has tears all over
"Kiyoomi you love me?"- You, tearing up
Please I'm such a sap 🥲
"I do YN. I love you so much. And everyday I think about how much I hurt you. I want to make myself a better man for you. So I called a therapist and I've been seeing someone to help me control my emotions. You didn't deserve any of that yn and I know that. Please- just please know how much I love you and how much on a idiot I am!"- Sakusa, looking into your eyes
"Kiyoomi you are the biggest fucking jerk I know and I love you, you big fucking idiot"- you, grabbing Sakusa's cheeks and kissing him as he holds you close
Ushijima 👉🏻 🧍‍♂️ 🥲
Sakusa pulls away and puts his forehead on yours
Then it hits him and he stands up, pulling you towards him in an embrace
"What the hell are you doing with YN?"- Sakusa says, pointing at Ushijima
"I was having Ramen with YN when she spilled it on herself and me"- Ushijima 😐
"I was getting a new shirt for Toshi when you knocked Omi! It's nothing. Toshi and I are only friends"- You
Sakusa 👉🏻😐😑
Ushijima 👉🏻 🧍‍♂️ 😐
"I think it might be best if I leave YN. It seems you and Sakusa have worked out your issues"- Ushijima
"You definitely should leave"- Sakusa 😑 our jealous bby
"Omi knock it off! Toshi let me grab you a shirt at least"- You
"It's fine YN, I have an extra shirt in my car. Thank you for Ramen"- Ushijima, turning to leave
Please he just walked out without his shirt on 😫😫😫 I love him so much
"Well that was awkward"- you 😅
Sakusa closes the door and locks it as he turns to you and grabs your hips
"Whats more awkward is that you and I are both standing here, fully dressed"- Sakusa 😏
Say less sir 🤚🏻 we have a whole lot of making up to do 🙃
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jechristine · 2 years
Honestly I'm not expecting multi millionaire celebrities, especially actors, to talk about politics. It's for sure great when they use their platform to raise awareness about something, but I'm never never gonna sit there and think "Oh wow why so and so didn't post about this socio-economic event that just happened, this is criminal". Simply because, no offense but, most of them live in a bubble made of gold and don't know what they're talking about and I would rather inform myself on my own.
That being said, Dom telling Tom to never post express his opinions about things non-work related is dumb (but not surprising coming from him). And yeah I think he used to follow that advice up until maybe his 21-22. But not anymore (hopefully). Ultimately, I definitely dont think Tom is a far-right Tory (as some people may think) just because of his father. I don't think Z would be dating him if that was the case, and generally speaking I never heard about him saying doing anything deeply problematic. His friends as well, from what I've seen from them on social media, seems to lean to the left.
All I can think of is that one time he was in Korea and asked the interviewer "Where did you learn english?" even though the guy was actually American. It was no evil intended but came up as a micro agression. Other than that nothing about him screams Tory to me
I don’t think Tom is a secret Tory either, Anon😅
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pls author can u tell us how would ro rect to this? (stole it from other blog, haha. a bit nsfw tho.)
ROs in the mood for their first sexy times with MC: Do you prefer top or bottom? / Oblivious MC not getting what they're asking: Well, bunk beds are fun either way, so...
Haha 😅🤣
That's a funny one because I can def see that scenario happens for real depending on which MC you play.
Under the cut spicy 🌶🌶🌶🌶 but mostly some fun innuendo.
A: rolls her eyes. "Babe... I was not talking about bunk beds, now enough with this, I'll be on and top that way you can enjoy the view."
MC: "..."
A: "Oh Gee! Do I really have to teach you everything?"
MC: "..."
A: takes a deep breath, "Okay, babe. This is how it goes... When two people love each other..."
L: Slightly blushing, "Yeah... bunk beds... they fun..." another wave of blushing "But... thinking about that same analogy... what would you choose?"
MC: "Hmm... I don't know... I've never really slept in a bunk bed before."
L: Scratch their head, "How do I put this... well for me it's bottom. I don't top, only bottom."
MC: "Wow... you don't want the top bunk bed? I think that's the coolest spot to sleep in."
L: awkwardly giggle, "Well... it's yours if you want it. Please tell me you'll Top because two bottoms don't work."
MC: "Okay, top it is."
L: happily blushing, "Awesome, so you're ready?"
MC: "Sure, I'll take the top bunk bed, anytime."
L: Pulls down their beanie and throws it away, "No, MC. Not the bunk beds."
M: "Bunk beds? You're so cute, but that's not what I meant."
MC: "Oh... What did you mean?"
M: starts to take his shirt off as he makes his way to MC, "How do I explain this... Me Top... doing all the giving... You bottom doing all the receiving."
MC: "What... how does that even work?"
M: gets dangerously close to MC and places his palm on the wall just above MC's head, "There's only one way for me to show you."
K: Nervous laugh, "Oh... bunk beds. Hmm... me I like both. Top or bottom, I don't mind."
MC: "I guess that's fair... but I don't know which one I like because I've never really slept in a bunk bed before."
K: runs a hand through their blue hair. "So... let's say... we are cuddling..."
MC: The bunk beds are so small, why would we cuddle in one. There's a reason there's two of them so we can each get one."
K: another nervous laugh, "Right... why would we..."
MC: "..."
K: "..."
MC: "..."
K: "..."
MC: "..."
K: "Hmm... do you know the saying Netflix and chill?"
Z: "Bunk beds? I don't even know what that is... plus I was only asking because well... I was curious."
MC: "What are you saying? If you weren't talking about bunk beds, what were you talking about?"
Z: smirks "I could show you, but you might end up liking it too much. Let's save it for another time"
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purplerose244 · 1 year
Watched the eighth episode of LEGO DreamZzz: Loved it!
EVERY NEW EPISODE IS MY FAVOURITE EPISODE! I feel very attached for all five of them, I want Mateo to keep working on his confidence, I wanted Cooper to keep walking his own way, I want Izzie to save her friends, I want Logan to better himself, I was Zoey to have more friends I... I... 😭😭😭
Also side note, the how to draw videos are super cute, Mateo is super good and also...
Mateo: I'll make a tutorial on how to draw all of these wonderous creatures, quite fascinating right? Anyway TODAY I'M GONNA DRAW MY VERY COOL FRIEND ZOEY
Yeah I'm pretty sure this guy has a crush 😂 And he thinks her eyelashes are pretty 💕💕
I'm super curious! ONTO THE EPISODE
(Yes I watched the whole first season already, and I was wondering if anyone knew where the second season is? I know someone on Youtube post it, but how? Where did it come out?)
THE THUMBNAIL IS SHOWING MATEO AND ZOEY! ARE THEY FINALLY INTERACTING?!? I feel like we got lots of time to define Zoey's character, so I wonder if we'll see Teo showing more of his crush
Lol Mat dedicated two whole pages to Zoey and Zian, sweetie you're no subtle, it saves you only your shyness 🥰🥰
I know that he got a crush and obviously that's a major reason, but I really like how it's so simple. Mateo thinks she is really cool, she wants to talk to her. He really reminds me of me a lot 😅
Ah, the whole important milestone for every artist in school: having the courage to show his art to someone else
So not even Coop saw these comics? Only Izzie did? Interesting...
Logan is up to stuff apparently?
LOL we're finally seeing other professors aside from prof Oz and that one jerk coach! Interesting change from sensei Wu from Ninjago and sir Brickland from Nexo Knights, she seems nice
Awww, he did have a bit of a change of heart! Did he realize Mateo is actually kinda great at leading and wants in? Or just really likes the team? Whatever the reason, welcome back mah dude! 💪💪
Gotta say that Izzie got great instinct, whenever something is wrong she feels it right away, so I'd trust her about this Insomniac Club
... or maybe it's a bunch of people playing Spyro or Ratchet and Clank, who knows 😂
Noooo stealing is a bad idea
Vincent's characters are quite different from each other, but they do have a common pattern: they make some pretty amazingly bad decisions 😂😂
My baby got confidence only in the Dream World while not in the real world COME ON SWEETIE YOU CAN DO IT
Oh so we are using that locator thingie! It seemed very useful when they found it in the Night Bureau, even though the discarded it so easily
Is that thing not enough to find the Sandman? I guess not?
"Hey broseph, que pasa?" I just love these little spanish snippets, love to see some rep, especially in a LEGO show!
Interesting this aspect of this world, I thought that dreams were just the people landing on these realms and exploring, but I wonder if these worlds change according to the influence of the person dreaming
Julia seems like a very sweet lady... unfortunately she teaches math, therefore making her the evil incarnate 😡
I hate math sorry miss school memories
Zoey playing the guitar 😍 Well she has always showed she was a musical person, between the song and recognizing music notes in the seashell message, I didn't realize to which extent! It fits her
Is the Rad Radioactive some sort of narrative about drinking junk stuff before going to sleep? 😂😂
I... did not expect the Nightmare King to straight up say "dude-bro" 🤣
Awww, is Logan becoming self-conscious over causing so many troubles? I realize I've been very against him in the past but in retrospect, that must have been tough
Hey Nightmare Kin- I mean, Lance
Dude you're seriously using his insecurities against him? HE IS A KID DANG IT
I LOVE MATEO SO MUCH I CAN'T EVEN I SWEAR 😭😭😭😭😭 We got so many wonderful protagonists in the past but all with ego, with confidence, with inner strength, which is great. Then there's this kid who struggles so much into the real world, he's self-conscious about his art, he can't even talk to the girl he's into and he feels so little about himself
Also can I just say, love me a guy who thinks his girl is the coolest person ever 👌👌
Fun fact, in the English dub Mateo says "T-That was amazing! Your song, I mean...", while in the Italian dub he says "Beautiful, amazing... your song!". It makes his feelings even clearer 💕
WELL HELLO MORE ANGST FOR ZOEY? Gotta be honest I did think that the song debacle was a big weak, but I didn't think there was a whole thing about losing everything, included a best friend! My poor super cool girl 😢😢😢
... is... is Zian the best friend? Did the Night Hunter hit the best friend, making it a night terror, but managed to break free and now he looks like this?
Now I get why Zoey was adamant over Izzie not calling her her friend... but I think this group is making her change her mind 💕
Logan, sweetie, why did you think rapping was a good idea? 😅
Okay, new theory... what if Ms. Castillo is Lunia? Maybe when defeated, Lunia retreated into the Waking World and stayed there. She seems to be always there to help, I kinda think it could be true
I know you're trying but come on
"That's what friends are for, right?" I'm super happy for her but also I love that Mateo is not smiling, he looks genuinely shocked like "DID I MANAGE NOT TO MESS IT UP?!" 😂😂
Julia seems like another stressed character, she just wants to play her music and relax for once in her life... yeah, she teaches math, that's understandable
Okay, see, Castillo is the first one to clap! I feel like she knows more than what she lets on and after my experience throught Ninjago and master "there's something I should've told you" Wu, I don't trust old LEGO people not to know stuff
They got the answers... still bad idea 😅
Yes I might be shipping them, we'll see what happens but so far I like what I see 🥰🥰
Ah, so the answers were useless I see
And Teo knows they screwed up, alright that's nice that he didn't loose his integrity over something like this 👌👌
Okay but did all the other people hyped up the Destroyers the entire episode to troll them or because they actually fear them? Just how mean are these middle school students, seriously 😅
Yeah Teo needs to train, my son sucks at sports just like moi 😅😅
Nice to see Cooper is not letting Logan off the hook on this one! And still Teo is kind enough to apologize for being hard on him... even though he had rights for it 😅😅
Noooo Logan don't do something stupid
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