#'oh well that's sad. yeah you fucked up big time and fully realize how much you've hurt me'
minus-plus-zer0 · 8 days
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Catching Him in His Celebrity Disguise
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♡ Genre: Fluff ♡ Pairing: Bakugou x Reader ♡ Tags: Aged up
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There were only a handful of people walking around the park, even though it was such a lovely day outside. You had a small lunch packed in your bag and you headed over to your favorite bench to eat when you realized a certain man was already occupying the space.
He wore a baseball cap that couldn't fully flatten his blonde spikes that poked out from all sides. His face mask obscured his expression and his tight black shirt showed off his fit body quite well. He briefly whipped off his sunglasses to see his phone better. You approached him and sat down, and when you caught his red eyes, that's when you knew you were in the presence of the Pro Hero, Dynamight.
He caught the flicker of realization on your face. He silently panicked for two reasons. One, you recognized him. Two, you were the most gorgeous person he'd ever seen.
"...Dynamight?" You must've looked like a deer in the headlights.
"...Hi?" You could tell he was shocked too.
"Oh, you're much more awkward in person! Haha! That's so cute! I'm such a big fan!"
"Lower your voice!" Dynamight said through gritted teeth, pulling off his mask to reveal his slightly pink face. "I just wanted some peace and quiet out here, don't announce my presence to the world!"
"Sorry!" Your hands flew up to your mouth. "Is it okay if I sit here? I really love how secluded this spot is. Though, I don't really mind if you're here."
"You're already sitting," he said, furrowing his brows. "Keep sitting if you want, I ain't gonna stop ya..." He glanced at you, nervously. "Do ya come here all the time?"
"Yes! But I have never seen you here before." You dug out your small lunch box from your bag. Most of your food was homecooked, sweet to the taste, and pink. Bakugou wrinkled his nose at the sight. "I didn't think you liked this city. You're always complaining about it on the news, which makes me kinda sad since it's my hometown."
"I didn't mean that shit!" Bakugou cried, putting his phone away. "I say bad things about everyone, everywhere. Don't take it personally."
"Well it's very nice of you to clarify that!" You started munching on one of your pink macaroons.
"Do you like it here?" he asked. "You think I do a good job of protecting your hometown?"
"Yeah, obviously! You saved my favorite bakery last week!"
Bakugou looked thoughtfully into the distance of the park, recalling the scene. "I remember that shit. The owner gave me such a big hassle for not defeating the villain before they wrecked the front entrance."
"Well they were able to recover anyways. I swear their food is really good, you should really go sometime!"
"You wanna go with me?" he asked, his head turning a little too quickly.
You gulped down your macaroon. "...As a date?"
"No! I--I don't fucking know! You wanna go or not?"
"Calm down. I'm only teasing you, hero. I'll go with you, okay?"
"You could've just said that from the start!"
A few nearby civilians peeked at your increasingly loud conversation and Bakugou shut up immediately, keeping his head down. You giggled.
Bakugou didn't speak until they fully passed by. "Can't believe you're laughing at me. I'm one of the top Pro Heroes of the damn country, and you're laughing at me!"
"You're not a top Pro Hero right now, are you?" You poked his cheek. "You're just an ordinary, aggressive guy hiding in plain sight."
"I am anything but ordinary."
Bakugou's stomach growled loudly. He grasped the offending thing like he could hide the noise.
"Poor hero! You must be so hungry. Here, I have some grapes you can eat!" You took out a grape from your lunch box, offering it to him. He popped it into his mouth.
"Thanks," he said between chews. "You sure you don't mind sharing?"
"I would never mind sharing with you," you said, handing him another grape. He gratefully accepted it. "You're the hero this country needs. Your face is all over our TVs when you come here to save us. And... well... you're even prettier in-person to boot."
You hid your face a little when saying that, but you wanted to take a chance to say it to his face while he was still here. He averted his eyes too. You hoped you didn't make him uncomfortable, or maybe just the right kind of uncomfortable in a good way.
You took out another grape. "Besides, you can make it up to me on our next date, alright?" You held out the grape for him.
Instead of taking it with his hands, Bakugou took the grape with his teeth from your fingers. You almost gasped.
"Tasty," he said, chewing with a smug grin. Your mouth was still agape. "Do you hand-feed all the other Pro Heroes you meet?"
You couldn't believe he just did that. He was so bold. But you wanted to be bolder.
"...No, just you," you said, your heart racing. You took out another grape. "Want some more?"
Despite his smugness, his voice was a little wobbly when he said, "Keep 'em coming."
On that day, Bakugou got to meet his belated first love.
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Years later, you and Bakugou happened to pass by the same park bench in the same lonely park. You clung to Bakugou's arm, holding his hand as he strut around in public like he was on top of the world. He always felt like that when he had you around.
You pointed at the bench and elbowed Bakugou. "Look! This is where we met, right?"
"That's why I fucking brought ya here," he said, kissing your temple. "Was wondering if you'd recognize the damn old thing.
"You're such a romantic," you said.
Bakugou led you over to the bench and sat down, with you cuddling up beside him.
"You never visit this park even though we live close enough," you murmured.
"That's 'cause I wanted to take you back here with me," Bakugou said. "I've always made sure the city kept this place nice though. After all, this is our spot."
"Yeah, our spot."
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forgottenfourr · 1 year
i saw you in a dream - university smau
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chapter eleven - not off the hook
word count: 656
a/n: tbh i have been awake for 43 hours so this shit has not been proof read. so if it doesn't make any sense i will fix it once i wake up from my slumber.
it has come to my attention that a lot of you probably think i am female. i am not. i am male. gay man. homosexual. blue green pride flag. trans flag too. my pronouns are he/xe and i’m a dude :)
jeongin’s pov:
being emotionally vulnerable is something he never lets himself be. it doesn’t matter if it’s with his family or a professional therapist. he doesn’t do it. so now that he’s come to a head with felix, his best friend, he feels like he is going to bust at the seams at the thought of explaining everything to him.
though felix is a complete and utter asshole for what he did, jeongin feels like he is partly to blame. in felix’s eyes, his behavior the other day wasn’t much different from how he and his friends usually act. jeongin is sure that if felix truly did know just how serious the situation was, he wouldn’t have spilled it to everyone and furthermore breaking jeongin’s trust.
he could feel his breath hitch in his throat as he heard the front door of his apartment click open. his freckled blue hair friend weakly making his way through the door, his usual sunshine demeanor clouded and dazed. even though he tried his best to hide it, guilt and sadness was evident on felix’s face, pinging jeongin in the heart.
one thing felix isn’t is, and never will be, is a bad person. that is something jeongin is 100% sure of. there is not a single bad bone or intention in his body. not even if he tried. jeongin always admired that about him.
that’s why it is almost impossible to stay mad at him. there was no malice or hatred behind felix’s actions.
the air in the apartment was still and almost chilling. even on a warm day like today.
“hi” felix says, almost inaudible.
“hey lix,” there is a smile laced in jeongin’s tone. causing felix to turn to face him almost instantly. the familiar nickname making him feel once again comfortable in his own home.
there is a brief shared moment between them. a collective acknowledgment that things were going to be okay.
“aye-“ felix begins to call out, guilt straining through his voice. but his words became muffled in jeongin’s shoulder and he gets wrapped into a tight hug.
jeongin isn’t one for physical affection so the embrace is taken fully after felix’s initial shock.
felix breaks the hug.
“ayen i am so fucking sorry i didn’t realize how serious it was and i never met to hurt you.-“
“lix.” jeongin tries to cut his best friend off.
felix continues to ramble on. “if i knew i would’ve never said anything in the first place and-“
“FELIX.” jeongin calls out again, admittedly way louder than he was meaning.
felix stopped talking.
“i know you and i know you didn’t mean any harm.” jeongin says in a reassuring tone and felix finds himself releasing a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding in.
“you fucked up big time. but you’re aware of it.” he takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the emotional vulnerability he knew had to come. “but i don’t blame you for it. well i do. but you didn’t know anything other than what i let you know. and that wasn’t much. if i was in your shoes, i’m sure i wouldn’t have taken what i said seriously at all. because frankly, it sounds ridiculous.”
felix finds himself chuckling at jeongin’s words. “yeah, it’s not everyday your best friend tells you that he has strangely realistic dreams and simultaneously has fallen for the person who has been showing up in them.”
jeongin could feel the tips of his ears warm at felix’s statement. he really did sound insane.
“oh fuck off would you?” jeongin says in a teasing and fake annoyed tone. felix just gives him a deadpanned expression before breaking into a smile.
“for the record though,” jeongin adds on. “you’re not off the hook. you’re doing my apartment chores for the rest of the week.” felix groans in response, dramatically throwing himself on the couch.
it was impossible to stay upset with felix.
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bookofkatherine · 1 month
Chris Hemsworth: First to Return from the Otherside
Thursday, August 15, 2024 Dear Journal,
What a morning. What a night! I can't believe my life. And no one else can either. Well, no one except for Stephan, Gustaf, the wizard Merlin, Dumbledore, the Lord, Amy Adams... Okay, okay. So maybe I'm the only one who can't believe my life.
But... can you blame me?
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I mean, let's just take the song that's playing on my phone right now: Livingston's The Ending You Deserve. It's a love letter the angel Chris Hemsworth wrote me when he was trapped on the Otherside.
And now that he's home again, he is filling my world with his music again. And God, how I have missed his music.
Sigh. See that!? Right there. Right there! I just skipped over the fact that Chris has returned from the Otherside like it's no big deal.
It's a HUGE deal!!!
Did you know? He is the first ever in the history of the Otherside to be released back into the land of the living!? The moment I released him, all the angels kind of shook my house in shock and amazement. When I asked, "What?" they all said, "It MUST be the End!"
And you know what? I was so busy with other shit that I didn't even stop to ask them why! Oh no! I ended up making a note in my phone to ask them what they meant hours later, when I was alone and had time to ponder the events of that afternoon.
And as I did so, I realized that - once again - my team knew something I didn't. And that's not good, when you're supposed to be their leader. So! I added it to my list of questions to ask the next time I could talk to all of them at once.
And when I did, I learned that no one - but NO ONE - comes back from the Otherside.
I had just snapped Chris Hemsworth back without a thought. I asked the Lord if I could. He said, "yes." Then I asked if it was best and He said, "yes!" And that was all I needed.
"Chris!!!" I called.
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Yes. I can talk to people on the Otherside. I can talk to people just about anywhere across the multiverse. Think Galadriel in Lord of the Rings. Kings get bashful around me as I give them gifts and speak to them with my mind or out loud, depending on which is best for each situation.
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And yeah- if you're being a dick and fucking your people over, I'll see it when I look at you. So straighten the fuck up, okay? It's The End. You don't want to go the place you're working so hard to go to, okay? Satan lied to you. Get used to it. The Deceiver doesn't tell the truth to his own troops. And definitely not his own wives. He's the Deceiver for fuck's sake! Learn!
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"Babe?" he said. And that smile peeled across his lips. He gets a little smirk- a tiny upturn on one side of his mouth- and there his smile begins. But then it slowly and, goddammit, quite sensually, opens wide in a slow roll across his lips.
But his eyes say something else. They have ever since I found him on the Otherside. (Yes, yes, I know. The rumors are true. I did kill him! I'm the reason he's there! But that's a really long story, ok? He doesn't even blame me. And the fact that he didn't die, the fact that he wasn't sent to the Pit like most Fallen Angels, especially ones who put so many hexes and curses on my body, means the Lord planned for us to be reunited.
Satan lied to Chris, just as he lies to all of his Fallen Angels. He promised Chris he could procure me for Chris alone, not to be shared with anyone. Ha! Now that's one hell of a lie. Satan himself wants me for his own! As if he'd ever share!!!)
So - Chris' eyes tell another story. His smile may be soft, sensual and wide when its fully open, but his eyes are looking at me with a bittersweet symphony of emotions. They are bright and sparkle because he is so happy to hear from me. And not just because the Otherside sucks, but because my time is so very limited, he knows its costing me a lot to call on him and him alone - no one else on the line.
But, bright as they are, they are also poisoned with sadness. He knows how much of my daily pain, suffering and agony was his doing. And he knows that - though I love him deeply - I no longer look at him with the unbridled trust I once did. He sees the pain of his betrayal in my eyes. Oh, I still love him. I adore him.
I even feel safe with him. But I know he's dangerous now. All of the angels/gods are. And where I was once totally unguarded with him, there is a very slight change.
He knows that I know... and the knowledge just opens up possibilities in my head I never had before. To protect the world and the Order, I have to consider all possibilities at all times. And the thought of him being a liability ever in any way was never a thought, until I learned the truth: the Second of the Fallen had trapped and used him.
In some ways it's better. We are more open and honest with each other, and our love has deepened greatly.
Which is why there's hope too. In the background, his eyes are lifted up by hope. And that's because he can see that I am not lying. I hide nothing when I look at him. He can see the pain of his betrayal because I love him - I love him so much that I don't want to lie to him ever. I am an open book. He sees it all in my eyes. And that honesty is what he clings to. For Truth is Love. And where there is Love, there is always hope.
Case in point.
"Would you like to get out of there?" I asked Chris. I love doing that. I love saying big huge life-altering proposals to my loved ones as if I'm ordering take-out. It's just my sense of humor. Very, very, very dry sarcasm.
Merlin hates it. But I gave him the Urban Dictionary. He understands us all a lot better now. For a man (technically, he's an angel who just take the shape of a man here on Earth) who can translate more languages than anyone in 3500 years, he cannot translate sarcasm. It has 100% stumped him. For sarcasm is basically saying one thing but meaning the opposite. And the poor man can't tell when I switch between the two.
If I say, "Then just fucking kill the guy already!!!" Merlin will always think I mean I want my troops to kill the guy. Sigh. In reality, I only mean I want some guy dead about 20% of the time I say something like that. The rest of the time I'm just being sarcastic. I'm making a joke. Merlin?
Merlin doesn't think it's so funny.
Ah well. Heavenly problems. Jesus had them too. He had to zapp the asses of the twelve apostles every now and then, I've heard. I can honestly say I don't blame him. I would've singed their beards.
Come to think of it, I've actually taken the hair off the balls of a few guys as a threat! No one from my team, but definitely from others! It's a great way of getting a man's attention. One moment they're ready to nuke their next door neighbor, the next their plutonium has gone missing, as well as the hair on their balls.
Suddenly, just like that, they realize they aren't in control. God exists. And He is not happy with them. It can be life changing, little zapps like that. :)
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Anyhow, back to Chris on August 12. Let's reveiw:
"Chris!?" "Babe?" "How would you like to get out of there?"
There. We're all caught up.
Chris broke out in a huge grin. "Really!?"
"Yup!" "Yeah!" "Okay!"
I snapped my fingers and he was back. And I felt his love - I felt his presence - immediately. He sat right next to me on my bed, and everything felt right again.
And then I sent Tom Hiddleston to the Otherside.
But that's another story. You can read about it on Twitter. I already journaled about it there. Sigh. It made Chris happy, I can assure you! Those two have been fighting over one woman or another for at least 4000 years, or, as Merline put it when I asked him how long they'd been going at it, "eons!"
Oy vey.
Anyhow, when I brought Chris back, all the angels said, "It MUST be the End!" But Chris hadn't said anything. Nothing at all. So I ignored what they said and moved on.
Looking back, it's a testimony to our love and our relationship that he didn't say anything.
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"Want to get out of there?"
Here are the things Chris didn't say, but that others would have and qutie often do:
-"How!? -"But that's impossible." -"No one leaves. I'm stuck forever." -"Don't tease. That's mean." -"You're aiming too high." -"What are you talking about!?!?!!?"
Get the gist? If the Lord wants me to do it, I can do it. I've destroyed the entire Dreamworld (aka Spritiual Realm, Astral Plane, etc. Different names in different cultures but all referring to the same place) and rebuilt it in less than 60 seconds. (That impressed Merlin. That's why I remember it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have thought anything unusual about it.)
No, my team is often just as incredulous about my abilities as those outside of the Order - the muggles, as I like to call them - those who live outside the glory and splendour of the Lord.
Oh, all are welcome. But few actually seek the Kingdom of God. Most create their own kingdom and dedicate their lives to suffering for it, despite the lack of fruit such efforts bear.
Anyway, Chris didn't even try to stop me. When I asked if he wanted to come back from the Otherside, he had faith in me. He believed.
He knew:
-I would never fuck with him over such a serious subject
-I could do it, even if it had never been done before
-I had already gained permission from the Lord- I never would've brought it up otherwise
And of course, he knows my sense of humor. I was being casual about a giant move - taking him from the dead to the living- despite his sins, despite what got him there in the first place, despite everything. I was being super casual.
And that gave him more hope than anything. Chris didn't hesistate when I asked him if he would interested in coming home to me.
And in that one word, in that one reaction, his love and trust in me spoke volumes.
I love that man.
You have no fucking idea.
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That was August 12. It's August 15 now. It's been three days. Three wonderful and blissful days. I am floating in the clouds.
Yes, I miss Tom. He broke my heart, but he still has it. And we talk everyday. But I miss writing him everyday. But - like Chris before him - he fucked with my protections in order to have me to himself and no one else.
He turned my own husband against me.
God, Nick and I are past that, for the most part, but the Lord didn't send Tom over to the Otherside for no reason. I hope it sobers him up soon. But he's Loki, dammit. I think it will take more than a day or two.
And yet.
And yet, I have Chris Hemsworth back. My Chris. My first Chris. And my God, the skies shine bright in my life once more.
I feel lifted up, light. Say what you want about that man, but he loves with a strength and purity rarely found in all the kingdoms these days. The Otherside has changed him.
Now he just wants me. He doesn't give a fuck about the others in my life. He doesn't compete with them. He doesn't attack them. He just stays next to me, and loves me.
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And one way he loves me is through his music.
Even now, an hour after I began writing this journal entry, his music is still playing on my phone. I know which songs he has written and which ones were written by other angels.
Note: if a song or a movie is universally known and famous, if people across all ages and empires know the beat, the lyrics or the characters, then you can bet it was written by an angel. They take their creatiohs and drop them in the heads of writers, producers and studio execs they've taken a liking to or have a great deal of influence with.
J.K. Rowling said that Harry Potter walked into her head in a cafe. Yeah. The angel Gustaf was passing through Scotland, spotted her and thought she was perfect for telling the story he wanted told. So he blessed her with the story, fully formed.
It's no different for hit songs or hit movies.
And Chris Hemsworth is the angel behind some of the most amazing songs. I've come to know his style, feel and messaging this past year. Now, if I hear a song, I can often guess which angel was involved: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Ryan Gosling, Paul Rudd, Chris Evans, Gustaf or the very human Kyle Redd.
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Well, I've been writing for a while now. I should probably go. As I write this I'm listening to Scars to Your Beautiful (Alessia Cara) right after Chris played Broken (Isak Danielson). He knows I listen to the lyrics now, and - I don't know - he's divine.
Literally and figuratively.
Until next time, my dear journal, over and out!!!
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teabookgremlin · 1 year
hello little gay people who live in my phone, here are my thoughts on yellowjackets 02x03. spoilers below cut
first of all! lets talk taivan bc i feel like we got some good stuff from them this week so i’m starting there bc i love them
- i felt so bad for tai when she had the realization of what happened. like she had no idea and it’s so upsetting like she had to process that not only did she do that but everyone else did it willingly! also how van just immediately tells her that she ate the face, van, baby, i love you but maybe don’t immediately tell your gf that she ate someone’s face in her sleep. also interesting to me that she went for the face given that in 02x01 she tries to eat van’s face in her sleep
- van following tai when she sleepwalked, she’s so so so worried for her and i feel like in this episode she really fully sees how bad it is. finding out about the man w/ no eyes, sleepwalking tai not being tai, it’s all super wild and i want to learn more i wanna know what her connection to the supernatural is and being drawn to the rune was interesting
- during the bird scene when van was collecting them like lottie said, the way tai was looking at her made me sad. like we know the cult shit is causing issues between them but i don’t like seeing it. i do think i read somewhere that tai ends up getting more into it to stay closer to van so that’ll be interesting to see
- ok now onto the big moment for the taivan girlies: THE FUCKING MIRROR SCENE i’m obsessed mirror tai mouthing “go to her” and forming the doomcoming mask with her hands oh my god i can’t. and then her immediately running out at taking her assistant’s (or advisor or whoever that lady is) and calling jessica roberts (rip). i wanna know how she ends up finding van cause we know jessica can’t help anymore but yeah just the desperation to go find her in that moment was a lot for me and i cannot wait to get adult van next week
alright now onto some more general thoughts that aren’t taivan
- once again feeling terrible for our doomed king, ben. the scenes where he was remembering paul and imagining having gone to him instead of getting on the plane… my poor guy :( also him hallucinating rabid gen was great and honestly valid. at this point i honestly feel like ben’s gonna end up killing himself, whether he just like stops eating or like full on commits suicide i honestly think he’s just gonna die then get eaten rather than being killed for food
- i loved the scene of nat just staring at jackie’s body. her guilt and shame was so clear and just demonstrated well between that scene and what she said to the bones after dropping them off at the plane
- i don’t trust walter. the way he instantly jumped to flattering misty in exactly the way that works on her makes me suspicious and i wanna know what he’s up to. other than that mostly didn’t care about him and misty’s shenanigans except that its leading them to lottie and therefore our mistynat reunion
- lottie telling shauna that jackie would’ve wanted shauna to eat her and shauna saying she wanted to eat her… the homoeroticism of cannibalism my beloved
- loved loved loved the bits with akilah this episode, her and tai talking, her talking about her nephew, it was just SO sweet and so wonderful and i love her
- misty and crystal agreeing that jackie was tasty, crystal telling misty about absorbing her twin in the womb, these two are enabling each other’s weirdness and i’m obsessed with their loser girl friendship
- nat hallucinating the moose was interesting bc she’s one of the few main girls that hadn’t hallucinated yet so wonder what that means
- listen. shauna threatening the dude was incredible, i love my unhinged milf, but like the car theft thing took up too much time and also we got too much jeff this episode
- misty’s gift at the baby shower killed me. loved nat, tai, and van talking shit about it that was great but like what the fuck misty why are you like this
- adult lottie seeing the hives bleeding and bees dead was really interested and i wanna know what it means
overall a pretty strong episode. i’m glad that in the wilderness they had a fairly chill time given everything, like we don’t need a big shocking scene each episode and this one was more about dealing with shit and i liked that. my biggest issue this week is, as many people are saying, too much men (ben is the exception bc he’s the only man on this show i really care about)
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tarabyte3 · 2 years
I Want You to Show Me Weak
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Fandom: Andor
Pairing: Kino Loy/F!Reader
Chapter 6/27 (2.5k words)
->start at chapter 1<-
<- Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 ->
Summary: You're pretty sure Kino Loy hates you. He screams at you, grabs you, and shoves you against the wall, and it's becoming a problem because, well...it shouldn't fluster you as much as it does.
Warnings: Explicit rating, Smut, Prison, Prison sex, minor non-graphic injuries, Dom/Sub, sexual tension, dirty talk, praise, hair-pulling, light choking, unprotected sex, oral, angst
A/N: This is, tragically, a smut free chapter. I promise 7 will make up for it. Kind of. 😇 Work title is from "Poison" by Vaults. Chapter title is from "The Chemicals Between Us" by Bush. Previous chapter links up above.
AO3 Link
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Chapter 6 - And I Want You to Surrender
The next morning, you stand next to Threl in the cellblock hall as you're waiting for everyone to finish getting ready for your shift. At first you don't say anything. You just stand next to him, both of you content with the silence. Probably because he thinks you're still miserable and need the comfort. Because he's a bro like that.
"You were right," You finally admit quietly, staring straight ahead.
He looks down at you, wary, but curious. "Right about what?"
"He doesn't hate me." You try to keep your voice flat.
"Oh," he says, surprised.
"Yeah." You wait another moment until you can't contain it anymore, and then you smile up at him, wide and blinding.
He spins towards you with excited trepidation, suddenly far more curious. "What?! What happened??"
"He came to talk to me." You keep grinning, unable to stop yourself. He grabs your arms then, though very gently, and hunches forward to give the both of you some semblance of privacy.
"And?? Details, kid!" You swear he's about to shake you, like he can just rattle the words out of you.
"Well, he definitely doesn't hate me. Quite the opposite. But," your grin turns roguish, "I don't kiss and tell."
"I told you!" He shouts, but then he quickly lowers his voice and leans in farther, and tries again. "I told you he didn't! About goddamn time he listened!"
You narrow your eyes suspiciously at him. "Did you do this?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." He looks at you with false innocence.
"Yes, you fucking do." You point a finger into the center of his chest, your anxiety getting the better of you. "What did you say to him?"
He releases your arms and holds up his hand to placate you. "I didn't tell him how you feel, if that's what you're worried about. I left that your business." You immediately sag with relief. "I only said I didn't know what happened, but whatever it was, he fucked up big and he needs to fix it before Sorrek beats his ass." You snort out a laugh. "I'm not kidding." Threl looks serious. "He's been pissed. Jevid had to talk him down when he heard you crying."
"What? No! Poor Sorrek. I made sad dad even more upset?" You feel terrible all of a sudden.
"He's fine! Don't worry about him. He's tougher than he looks. He's just…protective, you know? And besides, I told Kino that he also owed it to you to make things right. I didn't understand how he could stand to watch you like that because I sure couldn't."
You don't want to say, 'because he thought I was playing the part. That I was behaving. He didn't realize I was genuinely miserable.' So instead you say, "I think he just assumed I was being sulky and dramatic, and can you really blame him?"
Threl sighs and shakes his head. "No, I guess I can't fully blame him. At least not for the first few days, but still. I'm glad it all worked out. Or…is working itself out." He winks at you and you're immediately back to grinning. "He actually asked me to distract Sorrek yesterday, so I was really hoping he got his head out of his ass."
"He what?" You blink in surprise. "Why?"
"Because he wanted to talk to you without Sorrek hovering and glaring at him. Makes it difficult to have a conversation, I imagine. And I guess he really wanted that alone time." He nudges you with his elbow. "And you know I'm going to need more details than 'he doesn't hate you,' come on!"
"There's really not that much to tell." You get a dreamy look on your face. "He told me how much he fancies me." Technically the truth. "I told him how much I fancy him." Understatement, but still the truth. "He apologized." Also true. "And then he kissed me." Overall, you're satisfied with the half truths of your answer because it's the only version you can tell. The technically true version.
"I can't imagine Kino being sweet."
"He's not sweet, per se, but he is…" Down the hall, Kino starts shouting for everyone to get lined up. "He's considerate." You move to get in line in front of Threl.
"Yeah," he says, straightening up, "That I can see."
Everyone else files into the line around you, and you do your best to settle down so you can get through the day with as few distractions as possible. Because you just know it's going to be a very long shift.
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Everyone is standing around the table, staring at you in disbelief, as you hum a song you used to hear all the time on the holonet while you prep all of your tools. When you're finished, you smile at them and rub your hands together in excitement. "Who's ready to get to work?"
The only person that isn't shocked by the sudden swing in your mood is Threl, who had the benefit of knowing ahead of time. And Edii because, well, it's Edii. He's also busy prepping his workstation, as if your new found good mood isn't anything surprising or out of the ordinary.
"Nope. You got switched. Who are you? What is this?" Taybus takes a step back with a look of distrust.
"Yeah, hey, I also have to ask. Uh…what the fuck?" Alis gives you a critical look over, like he missed something.
"Are you okay?" Sorrek asks cautiously.
"Guys, I'm fine." You chuckle. "I'm better than fine! I'm just in a great mood today." You still can't stop smiling.
They continue staring and then Kino sweeps by the table with a glare and barks, "Get to work!"
"Yes, Kino! Sorry, Kino." You respond automatically while everyone else jumps. You look at Jevid expectantly. He doesn't look down at the panel, preferring to look at you in suspicion instead, but he hits a button and the first part raises in the middle. They all continue watching you to the sounds of the gears whirring.
When it clicks into place, next to you Edii says suddenly, "Kino visits her cell last night. I hear."
You feel like someone splashed ice water on your head. You turn and look at him in wide-eyed mortification. "You what?"
"I am above you," he responds, seemingly unbothered.
No one says anything at first, the combined shock of Edii contributing to the conversation and the implications of said contribution is too much to digest immediately.
Then hell breaks loose as everyone begins whispering loudly at you and to each other all at once.
"Are you fucking Kino?" Alis hisses.
"Saw that coming." Jevid grunts, now unconcerned, and excuse you?
"Did you know?" Alis turns on Threl.
"I'm gonna kill him." Sorrek growls.
Jevid puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him from stalking away from the table with a, "No you're not. Calm down. She's an adult."
"No way! Gross!" Taybus whines.
"She likes him." Edii shrugs, like he doesn't get what the fuss is about. You grin at him.
Finally Threl holds up a hand. "Okay, that's enough! We gotta work or we're gonna get our asses chewed and then fried later." He picks up some tools and hands one to Taybus. "And let's not bombard the poor woman, my god."
"Thank you, Threl," you say gratefully. Because this isn't how you imagined them all finding out. You hadn't prepared for this moment and you need a second to figure out how to handle it. But it's done now. God, you make a huge mental note to never assume Edii isn't paying close fucking attention to everything around him. Maybe you'll even have to move to Kino's cell. Though yours being at the end of the hallway is a hell of a lot more private, even with Edii above you…
You all settle in to work, and you're happy to have something to focus on while your mind wanders, both to your predicament and to Kino. But you can still feel everyone glancing up at you every few minutes.
"Okay, fine, ask your questions," you sigh and continue to work on preparing the joint on the second piece as you talk. "One at a time starting on my left, and I reserve the right to decline an answer."
"Did you get some?" Alis doesn't look up from helping you on the other side of the joint.
"Nope, next question."
Sorrek pales. "You're good now? Are you happy?"
"That's two questions, but I'll let it slide. Yes and yes." He gives you a relieved nod.
Jevid grunts. "You done moping?"
"I also reserve the right to mope whenever necessary because I am a complex human being with feelings. But for now, yes. Next question."
Threl pauses what he's doing to think for a moment before returning his attention to his work. "I just know you want to gush about him. It's gotta be killing you. So…what's he like?"
You immediately blush as that one catches you off guard, and you don't know how to answer him.
"He's…passionate. Intense, but," you shift awkwardly, "gentle." Your hands get back to work as you consider everything Kino Loy is. You know Sorrek has turned a shade of red further down the table, but he has to get used to it at some point because it's happening. And will continue to fucking happen. "I mean, he's Kino," you say, as if that explains so much, and honestly, it probably does. You wait a beat and then add, "Plus he's so fucking sexy."
Sorrek drops his drill onto the table and fumbles with it while Taybus pretends to gag. Jevid just looks across the room at where you imagine Kino is likely glowering, as if he's trying to see it himself, but he just grunts and looks back at his panel. Alis gives you a light punch on the shoulder with a, "Hell yeah!"
Threl laughs. "I'm happy for you, kid. Really."
"It's my question now," Taybus interrupts before you can respond. "Can we never talk about this again because it's fucking gross? I don't want to think about you and Kino, ugh."
"Bet you're glad you stopped spying on me, huh?" You raise an eyebrow at him in challenge.
He blanches. "You knew?"
"You're like six foot four, are you even serious? So if you saw something that would have traumatized you, it would have served you right!" You point an accusatory finger at him.
"Okay, fine. Point taken and I retract my request. Karma is real because I had this coming and this is my punishment. Please, continue talking about how hot he is. Maybe we can see who throws up first, me or Sorrek."
"No, because it's Edii's turn to ask a question."
Next to you, Edii looks up from his task and stares. "You would like me to go from my cell when Kino visits?"
"Oh, no, Edii! Absolutely not. I won't kick you out of your own cell. We can…keep it down." Your face burns with embarrassment.
"Edii, you can come hang out with us if you want," Alis offers, "waay the fuck down the hallway."
"It does not bother me," Edii shrugs. "You are happy. That is beautiful. But also, I would like hanging out."
You feel an overwhelming swell of affection and joy listening to Edii talk because he's talking. You're having a conversation! That's huge! But there's also sadness there because…how often had you all excluded him because you thought he wouldn't be interested in chatting or telling jokes? Just because he's quiet. And how often had he wanted to join in? But he didn't ask because maybe he thought you guys didn't want him there? Or maybe he didn't know how. You have the sudden urge to hug him tightly, to apologize and promise it will never happen again. But you aren't sure he would appreciate it. Yet. Instead you reach out and pat him on the shoulder, the same way you do to Alis at least once a shift. He smiles back at you.
You glance over to see Threl giving you a knowing look and you realize he's going through the same range of emotions about this moment.
"Hell yeah, man! We can grab you when we see Kino come sniffing around." Alis grins.
"So does that mean he's not going to yell at you anymore?" Taybus speaks up, finally having thought of a real question.
"I mean, I am still me," you laugh. "I think that's inevitable. He kind of has to if I open my mouth. And it's my own damn fault every time I do, let's be honest." There are mumbles of agreement around the table and you try not to get offended by them. Because that's fair. "But now we have an…understanding." You blush, thinking about what sort of punishment he might come up with when you eventually do.
"Nope, regret having asked that." Taybus shakes his head.
"What! I just mean now I know he isn't doing it because he hates me. Get your mind out of the gutter." Then you wink at Alis, who stifles a laugh.
"I guess, now that I've thought about it, it makes sense." Alis sets the cap over the joint and quickly sets to work tightening it. "A few of those times he was pissed at you, it looked like the two of you were about to jump each other's bones right in front of everyone. Real intense shit."
"Yep," Jevid agrees as he sets up the center drill.
"Alright, what the fuck. Did everyone notice he doesn't actually hate me except me?"
"I thought he hated you." Taybus responds as he braces against the drill handle. You all pause the conversation to get the center bolt tightened.
"I never once thought he hated you," Threl says when the drill stops.
"Like you say, you deserve it." Edii nods. And okay, again, fair.
"I just thought he was an asshole," Sorrek adds.
"Woah, let's not say things we can't take back." You pretend to act offended. "Because he IS an asshole."
Everyone at the table laughs as you all grab the heavy, finished part and lift. It takes you a minute to walk it over, but you get it set on the rack and slide it to the back. One down, way too many to go.
"So! Who wants to try for first place today?" You all glance around at each other, the excitement from second place the day before settling back over the group. Alis moves to scramble to the table first and the rest of you lag after him. The remainder of the day goes by in a flurry as you all work as quickly as you can, only stopping to speed walk to the hallway for bathroom break.
You notice Kino walk by your table several times, and he gives you a pleased, heated look.
You're behaving.
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a-sexy-asexual-658 · 2 years
The Twin Sister (Part 15)
I woke up to Sophie, as usual, hugging my side as she slept. I groaned from a headache and turned toward Sophie, fully planning to skip school today. The door quietly opened, clearly by a master of people who sneak into the rooms of twelve-year-old girls while they are sleeping- I mean of sleeping people. I would have not heard it if it weren't for the fact I am sensitive to any noise so can hear almost anything. I could tell it was Edaline by her soft footsteps and whispering voice.
She shook Sophie lightly, clearly not wanting to wake me. "Sophie, Sophie wake up."
"Hmm," Sophie hummed slightly forcing herself a wake.
"C'mon you have school, (Y/N)'s staying home after what happened yesterday."
"M'kay." She tried getting out of bed but I just tightened my grip wanting to stay comfortable.
"No leave," I said and they both deadpanned, Edaline tried to help Sophie out but I went as far as to hiss at her. After a few seconds, Edaline sighed.
"Fine Sophie you can stay home today." A satisfied hum left me and they realized I was awake the whole time. Edaline left the room and we slept for a good six more hours until Grady came in yelling.
"Come on! It's two in the afternoon, get up!" He said impatiently tapping his foot. We groaned and he did the worst thing possible, open the shades. He clapped his hands and they opened. Sophie yelped and fell off the bed and I full-on screamed 'BLOODY MURDER' while simultaneously trying to claw my eyes out and pull the blanket over my head. Fucking asswhole that's what Grady is. A fucking asswhole. "Murder of what?" He said trying to pull it off me and Sophie who had crawled back into the safety of the dark sheets from the toxic sun that kills us. Unfortunately for him, we had a death grip on it.
"OF US!!!" We both yelled at the same time. Why we always in a mood. Goddamn, I'm always so rude, sister always gotta keep me under control. Don't ask just came to mind.
"Oh don't be so dramatic!" He laughed trying to pull the blanket off us. It took him six gnomes and one and a half hours to pull it off us. I screamed again and threw whatever was the closest thing to me at Grady, which just so happened to be a knife. Wow. He screamed and ducked, if he hadn't it would have nailed him right in between the eyes. "(Y/N)!" He yelled at me and there started a lecture. Ugh.
Anyway boring so let's skip to something else.
Bianna cornered us in a hallway weeks later. "Are you guys mad at me?" She asked, uh let's backtrack, what?
"What? No. Why?" Oh, it's one of those conversations where you ignore I exist, yay.
"You haven't come over in at least three weeks. It was before the school was evacuated."
"Sorry. I've been super busy."
"Do you want to come over this weekend?"
"I don't think we can." Speak for yourself.
"How about next weekend?" Insistent much, I don't even got plans for today, cool down.
".... uh sure," Sophie said.
"Cool I'll tell my parents so they know to be over," Bianna said then turned to me.
"Your not busy right?"
"Nah, I'll always make time for you, Bi." I winked, finally a successful flirt! Her cheeks turned pink slightly and she turned on her heel and left. Sophie turned to me with a raised eyebrow and an amused look on her face.
"Shut it, at least I flirt with my crush, unlike some people."
"Yeah, and are they even good flirts?"
"Insulting me with big human history words is not only sad but just proves you're a nerd."
"Shut up."
Let's skip again since I'm bored. Except for Dex giving Sophie some elixir and almost killing her with me doing the same thing that happened when she fell unconscious but this time the teacher actually left me to sit with my sister, knowing she almost died, nothing happened.
Wait- you actually want to hear about that?
Well, come back next time to hear about it folks. Good day and good night, guys!
Oh what's that author, I'm going to get kidnapped soon, ok. . . . . . . . . . WAIT I'M GOING TO GET KIDNAP–
829 words 
Well you heard the girl tune in next time! Also you can't honestly tell me Sophie wouldn't insult someone with big human words and am I the only one that thinks she would start yelling and screaming in random human languages when she's mad, and it would be funny to watch. The Tiktok audio that goes 'I'm going full on Mexican on your bitch ass' just came to mind, help! 
Anyway the chapterly threat, eat real food, drink real water and get real sleep not a few minutes or hours actual sleep or I will kill Stinky.
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zwiebelii · 2 years
This boy I swear to god
He breaks up with me in THE shittiest way possible for THE SHITTIEST REASON the whole world has ever seen. And from what I have heard from other people he DOES acknowledge that what he did was supreme shitty
But now he's acting like HE'S the victim bc i called him an asshole for, well, being an asshole
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
One Misunderstanding
Bucky x Reader
Summary: You struggle to fix Bucky's first impression of you. Bucky struggles with his own feelings.
Warnings: angst, Hydra things- like brainwashing and torture, a few curse words, panic attacks, anxiety
Word count: 5609
a/n: this idea came to me very suddenly, but I'm in love with it. Hopefully whatever I just wrote does it justice.
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"Everyone, meet Y/N. She's the newest member of our little group, bringing in a whole new level of hacking and tech skills. Y/N, meet the team." Tony introduced you to everyone, eager to share your skills.
You turned to the group, getting ready to introduce yourself further, but instead tripped. You shrieked as you fell down the small set of stairs you were at the top of.
Sam, being the closest, caught you. "Good thing you've got tech skills." He chuckled as you righted yourself, firmly planting your feet on the ground.
"Haha, yeah. I'm not a big fan of violence." You winced as you said it, wishing you could take it back. You didn't want to get into the reasons as to why you don't like violence.
To your surprise, nobody asked why. You would have guessed they would have questions, but maybe they weren't interested in your past. They all had their own issues to deal with afterall.
"Eh, we don't need anymore people for fighting anyway. Welcome to the team." Steve greeted you warmly, as you would have expected from America's golden boy.
You gratefully shook his hand, glad to not have to talk about anything yet. Unfortunately, you tripped again when you tried to move back, falling into the one and only Bucky Barnes.
His hands steadied you, dryly laughing at your clumsiness. "You really are clumsy."
You did you best to not show how embarrassed you were. You couldn't deny the claim. Unless you were fighting, something you vowed to yourself to never do again, you were clumsy.
Being abducted and tortured by Hydra may have made you a competent fighter, but your aptitude for tripping over nothing never left.
"Right, sorry!" You greeted everyone else quickly, eager to get situated in your room. "I'm just going to unpack everything." You waved as you backed out of the room, bumping into the wall as you left.
You had just finished putting away your stuff when you heard a knock on your door.
"Come in!" You figured someone would have questions for you.
Unsurprisingly, Natasha was the one to step into your room. Of everyone there, you expected her to have learned about your past. It comes with the territory of being a spy.
"Hi, I was hoping to talk to you." Her tone was friendly, but clearly she was skeptical of you. Again, you weren't surprised.
"I thought you might. I'm assuming you read my file? Honestly, I thought everyone would." You laughed gently, shaking your head at yourself.
"I did. Your file is pretty bare bones though. I did some extra digging... Not everyone else is as nosy as me." She grinned, already pleased with your openness. "So, why'd you pretend to be clumsy?"
"Oh, it wasn't pretend. I've always been clumsy. When everything happened, and I learned how to fight, I thought my newfound agility would help. Turns out, it didn't. The only times I'm even the slightest bit coordinated are when I'm fighting or training, but I wasn't lying about that either. When I escaped, I promised myself I wouldn't hurt anyone else."
"Why join the Avengers at all then?" She looked curious, still unsure if she could trust you.
"I wanted to help people. I just didn't want to use the skills they gave me to do it. So, I learned how to code, figured I could help behind the scenes."
She smiled, letting down her guard. Clearly it would take some time, but you could easily see the two of you being close friends.
"So, nobody knows about what you went through?" She couldn't help but be curious about your past.
"Nope. I don't talk about it much, but it's not a secret. I'll answer anything you want to know." You smiled, eager to try and make a real friend here.
You spent the next few hours answering every question Natasha could think of. You told her about being abducted and experimented on.
That lead to even more questions, basically boiling down to the fact that you're not a super soldier, but you do have enhanced senses- and seemingly enhanced clumsiness for when you're not using them.
You told her about learning how to fight, and the punishments you would endure if you got it wrong. The two of you bonded over the shared experience.
Finally, you told her about how you escaped. When the Winter Soldier escaped, every Hydra effort possible was made to find him. That included you. Resources were spread thin, trying to cover more areas. It was the perfect opportunity for you to get out.
"Really, I owe my freedom to him. Even if he doesn't know anything about me." You felt the tears in your eyes, too many emotions swirling through you to keep it all in anymore. "Since then, I've learned everything I could about technology and coding, which pretty much brings you up to date."
Before she could ask anymore questions, there was another knock on your door. Quickly wiping the tears from your eyes, you called another "come in!"
Steve poked his head in the door, cautiously looking between you and Nat.
"I've been sent to stop the interrogation." He grinned, stepping farther into the room.
Nat rose from her spot on the bed, kissing him on the cheek while rolling her eyes. "It wasn't an interrogation. We were bonding."
"Yeah, over what?" He chuckled, trying to figure out what the two of you had in common.
Maybe it was the look in your eyes, or maybe Nat just likes knowing more than everyone, but she smiled conspiratorially at you before responding. "Girl stuff, babe. Just girl stuff."
You smiled as the couple left the room, grateful for not having to explain everything again.
Over the next few weeks, the team constantly teased you for your clumsiness. Well, not the whole team. Nat knew the truth, so she never said anything. Peter never teased you either, although that is likely due to the teasing he endures as well.
Weirdly enough, you bonded with the kid over it, eventually telling him about your past as well.
Normally you could shake it off. They clearly didn't mean anything by it. Except Bucky.
Whenever he said anything, he stared you down. His eyes felt like they were piercing your soul. You're not sure exactly why, but he didn't seem to like you much.
Which wouldn't be an issue if you didn't have an embarrassing crush on the man.
Really your infatuation started when you first escaped Hydra. His own escape lead to your freedom, so you admired him. When you found out he was working with the Avengers to help people, you admired him even more.
Watching him on missions is really what caused the infatuation to blossom into a full blown crush.
You, however, would adamantly deny that if anyone ever asked. Which is what just happened.
"What?!" You nearly tripped, again, with how quickly you turned to look at Wanda and Nat.
"You heard me." Nat stared at you, a neutral expression on her face. "When are you going to do something about your crush on Barnes."
"I, I don't- I don't have a crush on Bucky." You stuttered, a lackluster job at denying the truth.
"Please, Y/N. It's so obvious!" Wanda joined in.
The three of you hung out a lot around the compound. It was nice to have a support system to lean on when things got hard.
"Well, even if I did, which I'm not saying I do! He doesn't like me. I don't know what I did, but his eyes feel like daggers whenever we're in the same room." You started out strong, but quickly morphed into a sad resignation. It genuinely upset you that Bucky didn't like you.
"I think I might know what that's about..." Wanda bit her lip, immediately feeling guilty at having said anything.
"What!?" You eagerly turned to her, needing answers. You shuffled your way across the room, never fully rising from your seat on the ground.
"I don't know if I should tell you! I'm not even supposed to know, but sometimes his thoughts are really loud!" Her guilt multiplied.
"You have to tell me now! Then I can fix it!" You were practically begging at her feet from your position on the floor.
She looked at Nat, who just shrugged in return. "Not my place, although I would love to hear it."
"Ugh, fine. But you can't tell anyone I told you!" Wanda glared at the two of you, unable to say no to your pouting face. "The first day we all met you, do you remember what you said?"
Your face scrunched as you tried to remember. "I'm not a big fan of violence?"
She nodded, looking at you as if she just told you everything.
"So?" You asked incredulously, unable to follow her train of thought.
She rolled her eyes, having to spell it out for you. "He kind of took that personally..."
Immediately, you sunk completely to the floor. "Oh, god. Fuck! That's not what I meant at all! I just meant I don't personally like using violence! Shit, shit, shit." You continued to mutter to yourself as Nat and Wanda shared a look.
"Why don't you like using violence?" Wanda asked, intrigued by your reaction.
You thought back to your conversation with Nat the first day you got here. You told her it wasn't a secret, it just wasn't something you brought up.
"Can you just look in my head? I don't really wanna explain it, but I want you to know." You asked, glad to share you past with another friend.
Wanda nodded, seemingly doing nothing until realization dawned on her.
"Oh shit." She whispered, not even realizing she said it out loud.
"Yeah." You huffed out a dry laugh.
"Y/N... I'm so sorry." You smiled at her, having worked through most of the trauma already. "You totally have a crush on Barnes though."
That earned a real laugh. "Hey, that's not what you were in there for!"
"It's not my fault! You were thinking it really loudly!"
The three of you laughed together until you sunk back into a pit of despair.
"What do I do? How do I fix this?" You whined, laying back on the ground like a child.
"I think you just need to talk to him. Explain what you meant." Wanda shrugged, unsure of any other advice to offer you.
"She's right. Just talk to him." Nat nodded along as you whined on the floor.
After a few days, you finally worked up enough courage to try and talk to Bucky. He had just finished training, so you knew exactly where he'd be: in the kitchen.
Walking in, you were glad to see him pulling ingredients from the fridge.
"Hey Bucky, can I, um, talk to you for a minute?" You stuttered through the words, nervous about what he would say.
He barely looked at you, nodding his head for you to continue.
"I just, I wanted to apologize." You trailed off when his head snapped up.
"For what?" Well shit. How are you supposed to explain this one without ratting out Wanda.
"Oh, well, um... I just thought maybe I said- I did something that upset you. Uh, you just don't seem to like me very much, which is totally cool, you don't have to like me if you don't want to. I just didn't want it to be my fault... Fuck." That went horribly. Taking a deep breath, you started over. "I didn't mean it."
Bucky is looking at you like you have three heads. "Didn't mean what?"
"That I don't like violence."
"So you do... like violence." He'd somehow grown more confused.
"Well, no." You paused, unsure of how to explain yourself.
"Then you did mean it." His soul piercing stare is back.
"It's fine, save it. Some people get to choose not to be violent." And with that, he left the kitchen, abandoning his post workout smoothie.
You stared at the doorway, in shock over how poorly that went. You stood there , unaware of the 25 minutes that had passed, trying to figure out how it could've gone better when Steve found you.
"Y/N? What are you doing?"
You didn't hear him, too lost in the memories. Memories of Hydra, forcing you to do things you never wanted to. This happened from time to time if something triggered you into remembering, otherwise you had a handle on your emotions.
"Y/N?" Steve said your name again, concern evident in his voice. He gently laid a hand on your shoulder, trying to get your attention.
Everything happened so fast after that. The feeling of someone's hand on your shoulder caused you to panic. With all the memories of Hydra in your head, your training kicked in instinctually.
You grabbed Steve's arm, pulling him closer to you for better leverage. Before he could question your moves, you flipped him, pinning him to the ground.
The second you made eye contact, you realized what just happened. Horror and regret flashed in your eyes.
In an effort to get off him, you threw yourself backward, knocking into a cart full of pots and pans. The clanging of metal hitting the ground echoed through the small room.
Steve sat up slowly, trying to register the turn of events. You sat in a ball on the floor, tears pooling in your eyes, mumbling apologies over and over again.
Sam, having heard the commotion from the pots and pans, ran into the kitchen ready to fight.
"What- What happened?" He asked in confusion, lowering his arms from their defensive position.
"I don't know." Steve looked at you, still trying to figure it out.
"Y/N?" Sam's voice was gentle, but it still startled you.
You jumped from the ground, rushing to help Steve get up. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to. I never wanted to hurt anyone again." Your breathing was picking up, short bursts of air leaving your lungs. Your hands were shaking as you pulled him from the ground.
Your panic increased as you took in their concerned expressions.
"Hey, look at me." Steve's Captain voice, came out, urging you to make eye contact. You followed orders, breathing rapidly, your whole body shaking.
"I'm going to touch you now, is that okay?" His words were gentle, but commanding, causing you to nod in response.
He pulled you into a tight hug, rubbing soothing circles on your back.
You wanted to explain, to tell them what happened, but all that came out was a pitiful "Bucky".
"Do you want me to get Bucky?" Sam asked, trying to understand you.
The idea of Bucky coming back caused your panic to increase. You shook your head rapidly, "No! No no no no no." You kept repeating the word, shaking in Steve's arms.
"Okay! Okay, no Bucky." Sam reassured you, voice calm and soothing.
You’re not sure how long you stood like that. Sam moved around the kitchen, cleaning up the pots and pans you had knocked over.
When your breathing steadied, Steve asked, "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
You nodded, leading the two men to the couch in the adjacent common area. You sat for a minute, unsure of where to start.
"Why don't you just lead us through it all?" Steve suggested, still rubbing your back.
You nodded, grateful for the starting point. "I went to the kitchen to apologize to Bucky."
"What for?" Sam interrupted, already confused.
"Sam! Just let her talk." Steve muttered, slightly annoyed.
"Sorry!" He glared back at Steve before turning to you, "Sorry, please continue."
You couldn't help but laugh at their banter.
"Right, I wanted to apologize for what I said the first day I met you all. I realized how it sounded, so I wanted to try and fix it." You paused, waiting for the recognition to hit them.
It didn't take long. The two men nodded, silently urging you to continue.
"Honestly, Wanda told me that was why he always seems mad at me. You have to know, I never meant for it to come across that way! It's more of a personal, 'I don't want to be violent' than shunning others for doing what's necessary." You took a deep breath, not eager to relive the conversation.
"Anyway, I told him I didn't mean it. I just couldn't explain it right, and he got upset, which makes sense!" You turned to look between them, not wanting them to think you were insulting Bucky in any way. "I don't hold what he did against him. It wasn't his choice, and I completely understand that. I just couldn't put that into words when I was talking to him, and I made everything worse."
Tears popped into your eyes again, upset at what he must be going through. You weren't with Hydra for but a tenth of the time he was, and you didn't endure the same level of brainwashing.
"He said something about some people not being able to choose not to be violent, and then he left. I don't know how long I was standing in the kitchen replaying the conversation, but it brought up bad memories for me." You sighed again, working up the nerve to tell them everything.
"Wanda and Nat already know, but I guess it's your guys's turn. This was so much easier to just have Wanda read my mind." You laughed at your own joke, the two men sharing a concerned look.
"I was taken... by Hydra. They experimented on me, gave me enhanced senses, trained me to fight, and punished me when I did something wrong." Again, tears sprung into your eyes, occasionally falling down your cheeks.
"Why wasn't this in your file?" Steve questioned, more to himself than you.
"I haven't got a clue. I guess nobody knew about me? But, I escaped. They didn't brainwash me like they did Bucky, because I don't have the serum. Or, at least, I think that's why." You shook your head, refocusing on the important parts.
"When every available Hydra agent was tasked with searching for the Winter Soldier, I took it as on opportunity. Their resources were spread thin. I was able to getaway."
You went onto explain your reasoning for joining the Avengers as a tech specialist, trying to convey the same earnestness you did with Nat.
"You can ask Nat or Wanda too. Nat found out day one, Wanda a few days ago." You wiped your tears, hoping they believed you. "Actually, Peter knows too."
"I was stuck in all those memories when you came into the kitchen. I didn't even register that you were in the room, so when you touched me I freaked out. I never meant to hurt you!"
You looked at Steve fearful that he would be upset.
"Y/N, I believe you." You cried tears of relief at his statement, genuinely exhausted from the day. "It's not your fault, and you didn't hurt me. Just caught me off guard. You're surprisingly agile when you want to be." He tried to lighten the mood, glad to hear you laugh.
"Well, I train in the middle of the night sometimes. I- I want to be able to get out if I'm ever forced back there." Your voice was quiet, admitting a secret you hadn't even told Nat.
"We won't let that happen." The sternness of Sam's voice surprised you.
"Thank you." You wiped your tears a final time, looking between the two men. "Now, what do I do about Bucky?" You refocused your energy on fixing your relationship with the super soldier.
"He never would have said what he said if he had known." Steve started the conversation, defending his friend.
"I know. I don't hold it against him, I just wish I could explain. I get so nervous when he looks at me like that." You rambled, too tired to filter your thoughts.
"Like what?" Sam asked, eager for more information to tease Bucky with.
"Huh? Oh, I don't know. Like he can see into my soul." You deadpanned, earning a laugh from both men. "I just want him to like me." You nearly whined, upset by your poor relationship.
"Like you, huh?" Steve grinned. Nat and Wanda chose that exact moment to walk into the room, eagerly joining the conversation.
"Barnes? Did you tell him how you feel?" Wanda squealed with excitement.
You buried your head in your hands, avoiding the knowing looks the four of them were surely sharing. "Not exactly." You gestured to your head, hoping Wanda would figure it out and share with Nat.
"Ooh... It didn't go well, basically Barnes got upset, Y/N flipped Steve and had a panic attack, then told these two everything." Wanda explained to Nat quickly, trying not to make you relive it.
"We need a plan." Nat declared.
"No, I just need to learn how to have a conversation with the man." You rolled your eyes at yourself. "I'll try talking to him again." You went to leave the room, turning around to glare at them. "And none of you can say a word of this to Bucky."
Despite you request, Steve still tried to talk to Bucky.
"What's up with you?" Steve questioned, trying to subtly pry into Bucky's thoughts.
"Nothing. Why?" Bucky answered in a questioning tone, trying to figure out Steve's motives.
"I heard you talked to Y/N is all. How'd it go?" He gave up on the subtle approach pretty quickly, knowing Bucky wouldn't answer a question that wasn't asked.
"How did you even hear that, punk?" Bucky deflected.
"Not the point. Answer the question."
"Not great. I messed it up." Bucky sighed, annoyed at himself for barging out of the room. "She said wanted to apologize, that she didn't mean what she said." He ran his hands through his hair, struggling to explain where it all went wrong.
"Would've been fine if I could follow what she was saying. She was rambling about me not liking her, which you and I both know isn't true. Ugh, i've never been mad at her. I'm mad at myself! At Hydra for making me a monster! How could she ever like me if she doesn't like violence? My entire past is violent." He huffed, having worked himself up again.
"You're not a monster, Buck." Steve started gently.
"I know you think that." Steve gave him a pointed glare. "I know, okay? But what does she think?"
"Maybe you should try talking to her. You might be surprised by what you learn." Steve clapped him on the shoulder, trying to reassure him, before leaving the room.
Everytime you tried to talk to Bucky, something got in the way. The first time, he was called in for an emergency mission before you even got the word hello out.
The second time, Tony walked into the common area, completely oblivious to the tension, and put on a movie.
The third time, Steve and Nat interrupted you. You were just about to apologize again after an awkward greeting when the elevator doors opened. The sounds of the cheerful laughter and stolen kisses didn't really set the mood for confessing your past with Hydra.
The fourth, and final time, was the most embarrassing.
You walked into the room on a mission. You were going to talk to him, no matter who decided to walk in.
"Bucky, I really need to-" and you tripped on a toy Morgan left out, causing you to tumble to the ground. That would have been embarrassing enough, but there's more.
In your effort to get up, you tripped again, hitting your head on the coffee table, causing you to bleed profusely.
"Shit." You cursed yourself, holding your hand up to your bleeding forehead.
"Are you okay?" Bucky rushed to you from the other side of the table, concerned with the amount of blood spewing from your head.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." Unfortunately, you chose that moment to jokingly reference your past.
Some of the people who tortured you had a sick sense of humor. Whenever they would hit you hard enough to make you bleed, they said something about only having one head. A play on words because of the greek serpent with multiple heads.
"Head wounds bleed a lot, I'm lucky I only have one." You froze instantly, unsure if he would have had a similar experience. Slowly, you looked up in an effort to make eye contact.
Bucky was also frozen in place. Clearly he understood the reference.
"Wh- where did you hear that?" Bucky struggled with his sentence, trying not to flashback to his time at Hydra.
"Oh my god. I'm so so sorry." You instantly started apologizing, trying to backtrack. "I really need to learn when to stop fucking talking." You said more to yourself than him.
"Where did you hear it?" He asked again, putting more power behind his words.
"Um, well, i've been trying to tell you for weeks now, but um, I also kind of, have, um, well, you see-"
"Just spit it out." There was the slightly miffed Bucky you were used to.
"I was taken. By Hydra. 9 years ago. Um, they forced me to learn how to fight. Tortured me if I did anything wrong. Forced me to do things..." You trailed off, realizing you didn't need to give him many details. He has first hand experience.
"Y/N, I-" You cut him off before he could say anything else.
"That's why I don't like using violence. I only know how to do that stuff because they made me learn it. I didn't want to use the skills they gave me." You took a deep, grounding breath.
"I don't blame you for anything you were forced to do. It wasn't your choice. You're not a violent person, and your past actions don't define who you are. You're here to help people. That's what you chose. That's who you are."
You made eye contact before you continued. "I've actually wanted to thank you for the longest time."
"For what?" He was incredulous, wildly caught off guard by everything you've said.
"The only reason I had an opportunity to escape was because 2 years ago, you escaped. If Hydra's resources hadn't been spread so thin trying to find you, I probably would've never got out. So thank you. For being strong enough to fight back."
You smiled at him, still unsure of how he was feeling.
"I... I'm so sorry." To say you were stunned was an understatement. What the hell could he have to be sorry about? Sure he was a little rude, but from your point of view he was completely justified in hating you.
"Bucky, you have no reason to be sorry. You didn't know, and I couldn't get out of my head enough to tell you. You just make me nervous." You clapped a hand over your mouth, shocked at having said what you just said.
You could see his face fall ever so slightly, causing you to jump back into your explanation.
"Not because I'm scared of you or anything! Hell, I could probably take you in a fight." You winked, trying to lighten the mood. It seemed to work, judging by the slight smirk on his face.
"I just, I've looked up to you for so long. Your determination to do good after everything you've been through is really inspiring. It's actually why I wanted to join the Avengers in the first place. I never would have-" You would have kept rambling if he hadn't stopped you.
"Y/N, I am sorry, and I do have reason to be. There's no excuse for what I said to you in the kitchen that day. Even if I didn't know, I threw everything you've been through back in your face. If someone had done that to me, I probably would have had a panic attack." He tried joking, but by the way you froze he could tell he struck a nerve.
"You had a panic attack? I'm so sorry! God, I just left you all alone and-"
It was your turn to cut him off. "Actually, I was kind of frozen in place until Steve touched me and I maybe threw him to the ground... Then I had a panic attack..." You smiled, trying to convey the joke. "So, I wasn't alone. Sam was actually also there. If anything, it made me better friends with both of them because I told them everything. So I have you to thank for that to." You playfully nudged his side.
He ran his hands through his hair, then down his face, clearly trying to deal with his own guilt.
"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. You didn't know. It happened. We're good now, so we can move on." You smiled, trying to cheer him up.
"How are you so relaxed about all of this? You were tortured for years... I..." He was genuinely curious, trying to find a way to cope with his own pain.
"Well, even before that I always thought therapy could be helpful for me, so I really jumped in full force when I was free. Plus, if you can't joke about something, you haven't really moved on. Some days are harder than others, but I just try to appreciate the people I have now and the good experiences I've been lead to." You kept the tone light, trying not to get too emotional.
He just stared at you for a few minutes, making you questions everything.
"I mean, it's totally different for you though! I was only there for 7 years, you were forced into all that for like 10 times as long. I didn't mean to belittle-"
"I think you inspire me just as much as you say I've inspired you." He cut you off again, a small smile growing on your lips.
"Well, in the spirit of our newfound friendship, can I be totally honest?" You bit your lip, nervous about telling him the truth.
He looked nervous as well, but nodded anyway.
"I kind of, maybe, sort of have a crush on you." You watched his expression carefully, although there was really no need. His face easily gave away his surprise.
"You..." He stuttered, moving his fingers between the two of you. "Me? But, I was so mean!"
"What can I say, I saw through the facade... Well, really Wanda accidentally read your mind and told me why you were so upset around me when her and Nat teamed up to get me to tell you how I feel." You rambled again, realization dawning that you accidentally outed Wanda.
"But you can't tell her I told you that! She didn't mean to! She just said you think really loud sometimes and it's hard not to hear it! She did it to me too actually, I mean I told her she could look in my head so I wouldn't have to explain everything again, I know so lazy, and that's how she confirmed my crush on you." You said it all with wide eyes at a rapid speed, unable to control yourself around Bucky.
You slapped your hands over your mouth, forcing yourself to stop talking. Bucky looked on in amusement, slowly reaching to pull your hands away from your face.
"I won't tell her, if you get dinner with me tonight." He smiled cheekily, relishing in your blush.
"That's a deal I'm willing to make." You reached your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek before running to get ready.
Sam whined playfully as he looked at the high scores. "Whose username is 'God is a spoon' and how did they get so good at this game?"
He looked around the room, eying any suspicious candidates. Everyone denied it, throwing out accusations left and right.
It was another of Tony's team bonding nights and he chose VR games on the oculus. Obviously, Beat Saber was a top contender amongst the group.
You walked in with Bucky, unaware of the conversation going on, but immediately joining it.
"Peter! I bet it was him!" You playfully nudged the younger Avenger, having formed a close friendship in the early days. "What am I betting on?" Everyone laughed, happy to see you in a good mood after being so stressed for so long.
"Whose username is 'God is a spoon'." Sam chuckled after filling you in. You and Bucky settled on the couch, cuddling next to each other.
"Oh, that's me. Why?" You looked around curiously, trying to figure out what they wanted. "Is it a weird username? It was actually one of the catchphrase things in Just Dance on the switch, I didn't just think of it." You tried to justify yourself, causing more laughter.
"You?! How did you get all the highscores on this game? I thought you were the clumsy one."
You made an exaggerated face to show how offended you were, playfully swatting at Sam.
"I'll have you know, 7 years of Hydra 'training' and experimentation has its perks." You joked with the room. "One of them being I can beat your ass at pretty much any video game."
"Oh, you're so on." Sam smiled, glad he could joke around with you about it.
Meanwhile, Tony looked incredulously around the room, being the only one in the room who hadn't heard about your history, he was rightfully confused.
"I'm sorry, 7 years of WHAT?"
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oomisluvr · 3 years
sakusa's first blowjob, part 1/3
synopsis: sakusa wants to take the next step in your relationship. who are you to deny him of such a request?
warnings: handjobs, blowjobs, cursing, minors do not interact.
sakusa likes to believe that he’s a confident person. he dominates the court, confidence oozing out of him in just about all he does, but he’s never given much thought to his physical attraction. sakusa gazes at himself in the mirror, gently batting a stray curl from his face.
suddenly, he doesn’t like his appearance so much.
what kind of guys did you like? should he cut his hair? straighten it? maybe he should dress differently than usual today? do you even like him to begin with?
six months. you've been together for six months and not once has he asked you to engage in anything remotely sexual. according to his teammates, that isn't normal. apparently, he's supposed to have fucked you a million different ways by now, ruining your ability to walk for days at a time.
what if you want that? is he failing as a partner?
his frown deepens. it's not that he does't want to have sex with you, it's just that, well,
he's kinda scared.
what if he's bad at sex? what if he isn't big enough? what if he can't make you finish?
he sighs, no longer wanting to look at his reflection or think these thoughts. shoving his phone into his pocket, grabbing this keys and wallet, he heads out of his dorm room to the other side of campus.
the walk to your campus apartment is uneventful, but he feels stressed nonetheless. stopping by the mini-mart to buy you some snacks, his mind wanders once again.
i shouldn't rush this, he thinks, we can take baby steps. start with some smaller stuff and work your way up to the big event. a plan, yes, a plan is what he needed.
thanking the cashier, he checks out and heads your way, suddenly feeling inspired. he checks his phone to see the time, changing his direction to your apartment.
upon his arrival, he raises a fist, giving three light raps to your door.
"it's open!" your voice calls, muffled through the thickness of the wood. he opens the door, stepping into the gentle air conditioning of your place.
"it's me."
"oh! kiyoomi, hi!" you walk over to him, kissing him on the cheek, "i wasn't expecting to see you today."
he frowns, "you need to lock your door, then. what if it wasn't me coming to visit you?" your eyes lock on the grocery bag he's carrying.
"yes. lock the door." you reach out to grab it.
"i'm serious, y/n. you need to be more careful," sakusa pulls it away from your reach. you groan.
"okay, okay, i'll be more careful. happy?"
"mm, give me another kiss and i'll think about it."
you make a show of rolling your eyes, leaning up to give him a quick peck to his lips. he smiles when you snatch the bag out of his hands, walking towards the kitchen to put the snacks away. he awkwardly follows you, wordlessly putting the goodies when they're supposed to go.
"so what's up with you? you're acting weird, did something happen?" your small hands dig through one of the bags, latching onto one of the candies he bought you.
"i just wanted to see you, believe it or not."
"that sounds even more suspicious," you begin, tearing apart the twisters he brought for you, "are you sure that's all?"
"yeah, i-" he eyes scan over your appearance, the old shorts you're wearing are suddenly looking very sexy. he wonders if you think the same way of him, "i just missed you, is all."
you take a bite of 3 twizlers at a time, hoisting yourself up to sit on the counter space by the stovetop, "you're lying. c'mon, be real with me, oomi."
he scowls, moving from his position in the kitchen to where you sit. sakusa stands above you, towering over you even while perched on the counter. he kisses your forehead, placing his calloused hands on the plush of your thighs. you know him so well. patiently, you wait for his response, chewing happily. sakusa fiddles with your skin, feeling very bashful in your presence. he thinks back to the thoughts he had earlier; he should communicate with you and tell you how he feels.
"i was wondering if you wanted to take our relationship to the next level."
"what do you mean?" you still nibble on the twizlers, finishing the last one in a single bite.
"like..." he wraps his finger around the stray thread on your shorts, "...if you want to have sex. and stuff." he cringes at the words coming out of his mouth.
"and stuff?" you giggle, poking his cheek.
"sorry, that sounded weird. it's just... we've been together for a while and we've never really talked about this kinda stuff. i know you're more... experienced than me and i don't want to disappoint you."
you reach out to stroke his face, palms resting just under his jawline. you smile when he leans into your touch, "no, no, never. i'm sorry if i made it seem like i didn't want to have sex with you, oomi. i thought i was respecting your boundaries, is all. losing your virginity can be a big deal, and i didn't want to pressure you into something you weren't ready for. i'll wait for you, though, for whenever you are ready," his skin feels soft under your thumb, a sad expression on your face.
"i-i think i'm ready, but..." he feels his blush deepen further, realizing how vulnerable he felt in the moment, "... but maybe not for everything, a-at least not right now. i think we should take baby steps."
"baby steps?" you softly smile.
"yeah, like the smaller stuff so we can get comfortable with each other before we do the big stuff."
"like... we can, uhm, touch each other," god, this feels embarrassing to say out-loud, "and do things with our hands and mouths," your fingers comb through the thin hairs at the base of his neck; sakusa feels like he's floating. you feel so soft.
"touch each each other?" you lightly push him off of you, sliding down from the countertop. still maintaining eye contact, you slowly move to pull your hair into a high ponytail, "i mean... there's no time like the present, right?"
sakusa feels an inkling on where you're going with this, and plays into your advances, not wanting to come off as desperate, "i- yes, but, no. i mean, not if you don't want to. me personally, i-" his throat closes up when he feels your soft hands run over the waistband of his sweatpants.
you sink down to your knees, batting your lashes up at him, "are you sure, kiyoomi? we don't have to do anything, you know."
"please, yes," his voice squeaks when you run your palm over the print in his sweats, "this is fine. "i-it's okay. i like when you touch me."
you smile at him, your grip on him getting tighter. sakusa has to stifle a whine the threatens to spill out of his lips. playfully, you tug down the front of his sweats, lightly running a finger over his dick, feeling his erection strain against his boxers, "baby steps, huh? i'll take things slow then, just for you."
finally pulling down his boxers, you mentally celebrate at the sight before you. his dick stands hard against his toned abdomen, a pearly bead of pre-cum bubbles at his tip.
you take him into your hands, running your index finger across his slit, collecting the pre that's accumulated during the time you've been teasing him. he feels so embarrassed; you hadn't even begun to do anything, yet he's fully erect, dribbling pre-cum. he wants to cover his face, but kiyoomi can't seem to pull his eyes away from you.
you pull your hand back, spitting in it, and grabbing the base of his dick, building a languid, slow pace that knocks the wind from his chest. holy shit, he thinks, this is really happening. he has to remind himself to breathe when you focus your hand movements to his tip, maneuvering your hand in circular motions and rolling your wrist to keep the fluidity. your other hand finally comes up, moving to quickly pump the rest of him.
"o-oh, fuck," sakusa has to grip the counter, thighs shaking, "holy shit, that feels good," his voice cracks, but he can't bring himself to care, throwing his head back and releasing a series of moans.
"can i use my mouth?" you sweetly ask, now solely stroking his shaft, leaving the tip alone as to not deliver too much stimulation at once.
"mm, ye-yeah," sakusa squeezes his eyes tightly at the thought, "yeah, go for it. please."
you stop your movements and sakusa forces himself to choke down a whine. he's breathing heavy, eyes still shut because he knows that opening them will bring him to an orgasm. the vulgarity of the situation makes his dick twitch in your hands.
lowering his head, he finally opens his eyes, feeling blessed by the sight he sees. your pretty mink lashes make you look like an angel, your small hands wrapped around such an intimate area, fingers just barely touching. your eyes carry so much weight behind them; promises of what you want to do to him, the millions of ways you'll make him yours. gently, he brings a hand up to your head, thumbing the hair of your ponytail.
"look at me, kiyoomi," you voice sultry, yet demanding, and sakusa can't help but listen to you, pupils blown wide.
you lick his slit, dragging your heavy tongue across one of his most sensitive areas, your right hand moves to deliver long strokes. not wanting to make him wait any longer, you put your lips around him completely, hollowing your cheeks as you take him as far as you can go, the fine hairs of his pelvis tickling your face. relaxing your throat muscles, you swallow around him, once, twice, constricting his dick with the smooth muscles of your throat.
"oh my god, baby, just like that," you feel the hand on your ponytail tighten, but kiyoomi doesn't force you down, "yeah, yeah, fuck, you're so good to me, shit," he moans through the pleasure.
seeking oxygen, you come up for air, the wetness from your saliva giving you the slickness to jerk him at a faster pace, your grip on him tightening. his stomach clenches as he fights back an orgasm, mind clouded with thoughts of you.
diving back in, you bob your head up and down his length, your hands working what doesn't fit into your mouth. sakusa's hands fly up to grab the counter, his knees threatening to buckle.
"s-shit, y/n, ah, fuck," he groans over the sounds of slick, "i-i think i'm gonna cum, y/n. wait, i'm gonna cum."
you move your head back, opening your mouth right below his tip, sticking your tongue out flat; a silent invitation to cum in your mouth. your right hand stays where it is, speeding up the pace of your strokes, your left hand moves back, massaging his balls between your fingers. sakusa's face is beet red, your generosity getting the best of him. throwing his head back, he groans loudly, stomach tensing as white ropes of cum paint your face and tongue.
"o-ooh, fu-u-ck!"
you deliver tightened, heavy strokes, slowing your movements to not overstimulate him, milking him of everything he's worth. looking down at you with lidded eyes, even kiyoomi is surprised at how much he came. semen is sprawled from your chin to your cheekbones, the whiteness of himself stands out against the pink of your tongue, thick cum pooling down your fingers and forearm, almost reaching your elbow.
grateful that he's an athlete, you swallow everything he gave you, enjoying the delicate taste. tucking him back into his clothes, he helps you stand from your position on the floor. you notice a sheen a sweat on his hairline.
"god is a woman and her name is y/n. i think you took my soul."
you laugh, he smiles, "you almost got cum in my eye, you know."
sakusa's ears turn red, suddenly worried about your comfort, "sorry, you made it pretty difficult to focus," using his thumb, he swipes the cum that missed your mouth, collecting it on his finger and holding it in from of your mouth. moaning softly when you shift forward to suck away the cum, he brings his free hand to pull you in by the waist, "thank you, y/n, seriously. let me return the favor, yeah?" bringing his face closer to yours, he slips his tongue past your lips, tasting himself through a deep kiss. his hand rises to caress the side of your face, tilting his head for a better angle.
"i blow you once and now you think you can handle me?" you mumble against his lips, "you aren't ready for it," you tease, your words making his body feel hot. he is ready; he's been ready, sakusa thinks, but waiting for the right moment makes it that much sweeter. patting your ass, he pecks your lips once more for good measure. oh, that reminds him.
"i wanted to talk to you about that, actually." you shoot him a questioning look, maneuvering around him to wash your hands.
"yeah, what's up?"
"i have a plan."
"a plan? for what?"
"for how we're gonna have sex."
you grimace, "gross, don't plan it out! that's what old people do!"
"stop," he whines, "i thought really long about it. i just need to ask you a few questions."
"okay, okay," you dry your hands with paper towel, using the wetness of the paper to wipe away any sticky spots still on your face, "what do you need to know?" he walks closer to the calendar you have on the wall in the kitchen area, whipping out his phone to compare dates, you assume.
"are you free next weekend?" you think for a moment.
"yeah, i think so, but i have a baby shower at 10."
"who throws a baby shower at 10 in the morning?"
"that's what i said! she really thought that it would be a good i-"
"wait, don't get side tracked. i still have more questions."
"kiyoomi, what are you even planning to do?"
"well, i cant show you all the cards in my hand! i just need you to answer the questions."
"okay, damn! ask away then." he taps through his phone.
"do you have a preferred place to have sex?"
"uhm, not really? just not in a car or shower, at least not for the first time." he types frantically.
"okay, next question. what are your thoughts on pubic hair?"
"kiyoomi!" you laugh, "what the hell?"
"i need to know! it's for science!"
"jesus, man. i guess, it doesn't really matter? it's natural, so who cares? as long as i'm not flossing with your pubes while i go down on you, i have no issues."
"that's disgusting. you know i would never do that. i need a serious response, y/n."
"okay, okay fine!" you laugh, "not too much but also don't just have nothing. bald dick is weird."
he nods his head, considering your answer, he types into his phone, repeating your words aloud to himself, "okay, last question for now. would you prefer sex in the morning or the evening?"
"it depends on the day, but considering this would be out first time as a couple, i wouldn't want to ditch you to go to lab after we fuck. late afternoon to evening would be the best time i think." he's silent, walking over to the calendar once again.
"okay," he nods his head, squinting his eyes in thought, "okay, yeah this totally works."
"it does?"
"yes, everything is coming together."
"so can i expect to have my back blown out in the near future?"
"if by 'back blown out' you mean gently and passionately make love, then yes, expect it."
"great," you clap your hands together, "i look forward to it," your stomach growls, the angry rumble echoes throughout the kitchen."
"don't tell me those 3 twizlers is all you've had to eat today."
"no," you smile, a laugh threatening to rip from your chest before you even have the chance to finish your sentence, "i had your kids for lunch."
"y/n!" he gasps.
this is my first time writing smut, so please let me know what you think! leave a comment so i can improve; i plan to make this a series, so give me some criticism to improve the story <33 thank you for reading :)
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Ok going back to the FaceTime thing imagine Vampirerry calling y/n butt naked with a rose in his mouth and she picks up sobbing in the break room about a shitty customer. And he’s just there like oh shit um just a second. 😂🤣
Harry poses himself on the bed with his ankles crossed and his arms folded behind his head, making sure that his biceps are flexing and that she can see his toned chest glistening with oil in the dim lighting of his room (he’d rubbed himself down for the sake of production quality, well aware the whole wet look aesthetic is a big factor in visual stimulation these days). He props his phone up nicely on its side so it gets the width of the shot perfectly, opting to entertain himself as he waits, humming through the rose stem in his mouth and wiggling his toes impatiently as the call rings periodically.
When Y/N finally picks up, his excitement gets the better of him, and he immediately speaks up with a seductive twang echoing within the syllables of his suggestive words. “Thought I’d do something extra special for our daily break chat today, since I know how much you love it when I put on a show—”
Harry is only halfway through his sentence when he registers her puffy eyes and the faint sniffling sounds permeating through the speaker. The image of his crying girlfriend materializes across the screen, tears rolling down her dewy cheeks as she wipes at them with the sleeve of her sweater, her waterline irritated and red as a result of her emotions. His jaw drops open in horrified surprise, the flower falling from in between his teeth and plopping onto his bare chest with a pathetic thud. “Oh, fuck.”
“Hey, H.” Y/N’s voice comes through as a weak, trembling murmur, which gives away that she’s obviously trying to hold back more tears. She’s yet to realize the atrocity she’s about to encounter. “Just give me a second, I had a fight with a customer earlier and I’m just processing it so I can— what the fuck?”
The young woman’s eyes blow wide as saucers, her brain throttling as it absorbs the preposterous image before her, leaving her disoriented as she gawks at the nude vampire in appalled shock. All her motions freeze as she takes in his exposed frame and the romantic candles littered around his bedroom, her hand suspending in midair during its route towards her leaking nose, only to go slack in disbelief as the reality of the moment begins to fully set in. Harry blinks at her blankly in return as he sits there absolutely naked, extended sultrily over his silk sheets with a wild and stunned expression painted over his handsome features, his reaction analogous to that of a deer caught in headlights. The pair contemplate each other in awkward silence, and all that can be heard is the sound of the cash register dinging in the background of her call.
Harry pipes up first, his voice panicked, embarrassed, and rushed. “I can explain.”
Y/N’s arm drops into her lap hollowly. “I don’t think I want you to.”
“Just— Just give me a second, I— hold on—” He immediately scrambles to grab the comforter, yanking it over his groin in an attempt to regain his modesty, as well as to respect the atmosphere of the room. It’s evident he’s caught her at a bad time, and the last thing she needs is to have his dick slapping her across the face while she’s bawling her eyes out in the back room of her workplace. “Sorry, I just— it was meant to be a surprise, I didn’t know you were— like, I assumed you were alright so I figured, ‘hey, why don’t I do a boudoir type thing to spice up her day and give her something to think about for the rest of her shift,’ but obviously that isn’t the mood right now ‘cause you’re sad and you’ve got a bit of snot running across your upper lip there— no, along your Cupid’s Bow, babe— a little to the left and— yeah, you got it. God, this panned out way better in my head.”
Y/N finishes wiping below her nose, sniffling lightly as she watches her boyfriend fumble and grumble to himself, evidently struggling to find something beneath his duvet. “Harry—”
“Just give me a minute, sweetheart, I had my boxers laying around here somewhere. I tossed them off before I called you but I don’t know where they landed…” He’s clawing at the sheets and whipping his head back and forth, spewing flower petals everywhere (he’d set them up as supporting decorations to his softcore erotic scene) as he rummages through his bed, his temper flaring as he desperately skims his hands over the mattress. He grunts in mortification as he pauses for a moment, reminiscing through his prior actions as a means to find his misplaced briefs. He mutters to himself in thought as he uses the knuckle on his thumb to scratch above one of his furrowed brows, almost as if to help pry the vague memory loose from whatever crevice it’s chosen as a hiding spot. “Fuck’s sake, I know I threw it somewhere on the bed. Christ, you’re an idiot— you should have asked first. What the fuck is wrong with you, anyway? Who the fuck calls someone with their balls out like that in the name of romance? Especially without permission? Bloody moron.”
Y/N’s tone weighs in soft and quiet as she repeats her previous statement. “Harry...”
The immortal bends over the side of the bed, reverting to scouring the floor for his underwear in a futile aim to patch up the exasperating circumstance. His accent carries over his broad shoulders, the muscles of his back shifting and contracting as he coasts his palms blindly along the carpet beneath his bedpost. “Hold on, love, I—”
The newfound adamance behind her attitude snaps him out of his frantic stupor. He jolts his gaze back towards his phone, and what he sees makes all of the burning humiliation funnel straight out of his system.
Y/N’s face, by some miracle, no longer looks exhausted and somber. Though her eyes are still swollen and her lips are still raw, the watery frown that had been etched across her cheeks has practically dissolved into smoke, replaced by a faint, amused smile and an oddly bright sheen across her glossy irises. Tears have stopped streaming down her nose, and the gentle sobs that had been forcing their way out of her throat have faded away, replaced by the unmistakably familiar sound of her sweet giggles. It’s like a switch has been flipped, and it startles his flustered mind beyond understanding.
The vampire ogles in foolish awe as his partner’s woes melt away like snow under a radiating furnace, her laughter rising in giddiness the longer his face remains contorted in absurd wonder. He slowly rectifies himself back atop the sheets, slouching his back in hesitant surrender as he wrings his large hands nervously, his curls mussed and tangled from his frenzied treasure hunt, blown across his forehead in the heat of battle. He swallows thickly, raising an eyebrow gingerly in plain confusion. “Why are you laughing?”
“Because you—” Y/N’s snickers interrupt her sentence, and she clutches over her stomach in overwhelmed glee, taking a few moments to compose herself accordingly before attempting to continue. “Because you really called me naked in the middle of the day, and then your face when you saw me crying— it was— Oh my God, it was priceless! And the way the rose just fell out of your mouth— you looked like you were about to barf! And then you started throwing pillows and shit everywhere trying to find your underwear, and I could see your bare ass peeking out from under the comforter when you bent over, and it just— it’s so fucking funny!”
The girl proceeds to indulge her humor even more as a result of his comedic disgrace, and Harry finds himself chortling along with her. He’s not usually too keen on being the punchline a joke, but when it comes to Y/N, his habits have been disproven more times than he can count. He’s more than happy to be a court jester at the moment, especially if it’ll help tide over the self-loathing that he’s feeling as the aftermath of his clumsy mistake, and even moreso if it’ll cheer her up after a shitty shift.
He speaks through bundles of boyish giggles, rubbing at his temples in order to calm the last of his nerves, his words sheepish and delicate as they crackle through the speaker, reiterating his previous points. “I’m so sorry, I should have asked first.”
Y/N shakes her head at him mockingly, rolling her eyes towards the ceiling. “Oh, y’think? I have no problem with you playing camboy, but maybe don’t do it while I’m at work, yeah?”
The corners of Harry’s lips drop into a deadpan scowl, releasing a peeved whine that insists on his innocence. “It was meant to be a gift! A nice little surprise.”
The human juts her chin towards the camera at a downward angel, emphasizing something that lies off the bottom of the screen. “There’s nothing little about that surprise.”
Harry glimpses towards where she’s signaling, his sight landing on the area between his thighs. The region is still covered by his duvet, but there’s a prevalent print showing through the fabric, courtesy of the pregaming he’d done before the call, which he’d preformed solely for her viewing pleasure. Sort of. It had been for his pleasure, as well, but mostly for hers.
He glances back up at Y/N with a sly smile, his front teeth digging into his bottom lip as he keeps a cap on all the filthy comments threatening to spill over his tongue. “I suppose not.”
“So what did you have in mind, exactly? A virtual lap dance?”
Harry’s attention momentarily slips towards his peripheral vision, where an array of sex toys lies atop his nightstand, arranged in a neat line and coordinated by size, color, and mode of stimulation. “I was thinking more of a ‘choose your path’ type of experience.”
“Ah, gotcha.” Y/N leans forward closer to the phone, balancing her elbow on the table before her, propping her chin in her awaiting palm and tapping her fingers playfully across her jaw. Her voice drops in volume and pitch, taking on a lascivious tinge as she gazes at him through heavy lashes. “So what are my options, then?”
“I’m so glad you asked.”
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insertdisc5 · 3 years
Hi!! I wanted to ask, in celebration of Deltarune CH. 2, do you have any updated thoughts and head canons about the game?? Like, y'know, similar to a previous ask about Kris in your Deltarune tag? Thanks!
thoughts on kris part 2 i guess???? (part 1 from ch1 here lol)
spoilers for deltarune like woah. this wont be kris focused just random thoughts on everything. thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk
not that many thoughts for this chapter tbh! EDIT LOL: this was a lie i have a lot of thoughts
-just in general i feel like the player isn't the only one controlling kris... like yes the player forced kris to do what happened in the snowgrave route but AT THE SAME TIME idk it feels like there's someone else too. just because of the terrifying voice i suppose. and also the jerky movement kris does every time they get their soul out? unless there's another reason for it... maybe getting your soul out means you walk weird lol
-BUT ALSO i feel like kris is 100% in control when they create fountains. idk it just makes sense kris would create them. to create another world, a better world, A WORLD WHERE THEIR BROTHER IS HERE PERHAPS? i do wonder why they get their soul out then though. i'm all for it sweetie! do whatever! i support you!
-(i am and will be playing deltarune with only kris' best interests in mind. i will not hurt anyone unless kris wants me to. dont worry my little meow meow im on your side! talk to me! no? okay ill stay under the sink its fine)
-kris misses their brother so much it's so sad. if you make kris steal 5$ from asriel they take it "reluctantly"? talking to asriel online so often even alphys knows?? the google search?? GOING INTO ASRIEL'S GOOGLE SEARCH ROOM WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED BECAUSE THEY'RE CONVINCED THEY ALREADY KNOW WHATS IN THERE? THAT ONE IS LESS OF A MISSING THING BUT IM LIKE OH MY GOD
-the city walk with susie at the end makes it clear to me that kris really values susie's friendship... kris even sits with her if you spend long enough near the lake like aaaaah ;_;
-and even in snowgrave you spend your last acts with the final boss calling for your friends like YES there's a way bigger creepy aspect to this (kris as more of a Leader who Commands and commands their subjects to come) but still :'0 (and then noelle answers oh my god noelle im so sorry for the trauma)
-berdly. listen. listen. listen. liste
-berdly sucks but [berdly hurts his arm in the battle against queen if you don't save him because he doesnt want to hurt you] [berdly realizing smg's wrong in snowgrave and immediately taking steps to save noelle] berdly is my little crumb nugget. i will protect him.
-noelle. noelle. girlboss!
-like ooooh listen. hearing about the genocide path for undertale. made me go "that is SO COOL. i HAVE to experience it myself this is great. hehehe killing time" and like no regrets. i was fully enjoying the experience knowing i was an awful person. SNOWGRAVE THOUGH. i will never try this myself its too fucked up. casually grooming your childhood friend to murder people <3 and also acting like a weird stalker towards her <3 stockholm syndrome speedrun i will get all the info i can about this but i will never do this myself
-people remarking the kris/player>noelle relationship is similar to the relationship between player>chara in genocide path is like yes. chefs kiss. don't worry we just are making you stronger and everything will be fine "you made me kill my friend? and for what?" this is fine sweetie don't worry about it!!!!!!
-like the amount of details added to snowgrave, like if you equip noelle's watch she notices later? and her battle animations change as time goes on, she gets an ice shield and stops sighing in relief after battle? oh my god? oh my god.
-also why didnt he turn into dust. so many possible reasons. is magic a thing in the normal world and perhaps no magic means no dust (theres graves). maybe he isnt dead. maybe hes braindead. maybe he'll come back. either way that boy is now in the closet big enough to put someone in
-also dess' name probably being december AND THATS WHY NOELLE LOST THE SPELLING BEE?!?!??! FUCK ME UP!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!
-also so many good pixel art this chapter. too many? i didnt need pixel art of cardboard noelle falling on the statue. like thank you but please. please it hurts my game artist brain.
-the expressions in this chapter were also top notch. all the unsettling noelle expressions like (i fall over face first)
-i threw away the ball of junk (which i already tried in ch1) and this time the game was like "ARE YOU SURE BC THIS IS A BAD IDEA" and kris felt bitter :'( (it deletes all your items in the dark world)
-i uh fucked up and skipped the susie+noelle scene bc listen last time ralsei mentionned seeing what susie is doing we missed some PRIMO LORE. turns out it just makes you skip the scene and you dont get anything new. welp
-speaking of ralsei well you know. he exists. but im stuck on him going "i just wonder what being ralsei-like even is...?" ralsei my dude there's so much i could say about this. do you feel like you can't be ralsei-like because you feel like you have to be asriel-like
-but also that makes no sense bc susie hasnt even mentioned ralsei looks like asriel. and i cant imagine asriel being so meek. so WHAT GIVES
-ralsei as kris’ “i wish i was a monster just like my bro and family and i’d look like asriel but with red horns [THE HALLOWEEN COSTUME] and my name would be something cool like ralsei instead of a boring human name like kris and im sweet and cute because thats how i act with asriel because ASRIEL MADE ME” theory because that would be cute.
-kris definitely has a connection with the big red door in the city, judging by what the kids say they probably went there... i feel like this place's dark world will be the Final Dungeon you KNOW some shit happened there. also the sounds you hear when you go there is the phone dark world call's sound slowed down? AND AFTER SNOWGRAVE APPARENTLY YOU CANT HEAR IT ANYMORE? HUWAH?
-speaking of songs the songs were all so good, My Castle Town rules, the berdly snowgrave music is stuck in my head, flashback is uwah wuahah, Until Next Time is so good, AND ALSO A FRIEND NOTICED THE DARK WORLD CITY THEME IS JUST tHE SONG 74 (MOST NOTICEABLE WITH THE SNOWGRAVE VERSION)?????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN????? it might be just "hey its just reuse" BUT MR FOX YOU KNOW WE'RE GONNA READ INTO THIS IS NOELLE THE ONE SINGING IDK BRO!!!!!!!!!!
-asgore dreemurr fired from the force what happun!!!!! game theory is that asgore is related to dess' death/disappearance but eh who knows
-you start the chapter at lvl2 and get to lvl3 after the final boss, a friend mentioned this is probably because we destroyed a world and im :0
-to go back to kris it's still so interesting to figure out who they are based on how they act/people mention them. like kris shaking the ferris wheel car? yeah makes sense i can imagine a pranking kid do this. kris' dance? yeah thats a little silly but i can buy it. doing cool anime poses? well i dunno this doesnt line up PERFECTLY but sure. BUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN SNOWGRAVE... especially >proceed like that is such a weird thing that i can't imagine them doing, but i can't completely see the "player" doing either (compare with going to sans -which kris doesnt know- and going "SANS!" because of course the player would know sans), like THATS one of the reasons i feel like there's someone else in there. the weird robotic merciless actions. if im going super meta it feels like there'd be someone else like writing the choices into existence for us to pick you know? gaster probably? god i need to read more gaster theories i completely sidestepped the gaster shit bc i wasnt interested. anyway just spitballing
-(looks at big shot guy) please dont make him the next tumblr guy i beg you
-obligatory "queen was great" mention if only because this part made me laugh a little bit too hard
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that was a lot. thank you for letting me talk
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
So I Take What I Want - Jake Gyllenhaal smut (ft. Tom Holland)
The one where Jake finally lets Tom watch him fuck you
Warnings: smut, cuckold!tom, mean!jake, voyeurism, overstimulation, possessiveness, cuck humiliation, name-calling, p in v, dacrophylia, light choking
Word count: under 2k
A/N: thank you to my lovely @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog for reading this over to me. As you might already know, this is part of my do it universe, and although it can be read by itself, I highly recommend you go read the other stories first.
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
The first thing I remembered was feeling a gentle kiss pressed to the back of my hand, gently awakening me as two hands softly cradled my face, brushing the hair away from it.
“How are you feeling, beautiful?” Blinking a few times, I was able to focus on the familiar bearded face that was patiently waiting for my answer, prompting me to try to sit up so I could give him one.
“I’m alright,” I assured him, although every single muscle in my body ached. It was a good king of hurt though, the kind that you had after a great workout session… which I supposed was more or less what had happened.
“Good,” Jake smiled, kissing me unexpectedly, and my eyes widened before I closed them to accept his gesture. Sure, this was still a bit surprising - I associated such an intimate act as something to be shared between two persons with actual feelings for each other, but after everything Jake had done to my body, I couldn’t very well feel shy about him pressing his lips against mine. “Because I need to have you again.”
I gasped when I felt his hands yank my ankles so I was on the edge of the bed, my legs dangling from it. “W-Wait,” I asked as his hands kept me spread open for his gaze. I wanted to cover myself in an effort to hide from precisely that, especially since I could feel his spent threatening to fall from me, drip onto the hardwood floors beneath us. “What about Tom?”
Jake snickered, eyes still fixated on the apex of my thighs, before finally raising them to meet mine. “He’s right there,” he informed me, nodding towards the other side of the room, where there were a couple of lounge chairs by the wall.
Craning my neck to look behind, I found my boyfriend sat in one of them, chewing on his bottom lip nervously as he took in the image of me being slowly spread open by his best friend. I took notice of how his cock strained against his pants and how once Jake was fully in, Tom leaned his whole body towards us, like he wanted to be as close as possible to the action.
Jake climbed onto the bed, adjusting me so I’d be underneath his warm body and started moving. My head swirled with the overwhelming emotions and sensations coursing through my body. While the man on top of me - and inside of me - worshiped every inch of my skin with his tongue and beautiful lips, the man I loved - the man staring at us from a distance - seemed to be stuck between pain and pleasure, desperate to keep watching and pause the scene at the same time.
“Tell him,” Jake panted in my ear, calling out for my attention. I already knew he was a sucker for it, already knew he didn’t like me to focus on anything else than him and the way his cock made me feel as it dragged along my walls.
What I didn’t know, however, was what he wanted me to say. I was fucked out and sensitive, yet still taken to the edge of desire. I couldn’t think, only feel. The only thing I truly wanted at that second was to keep climbing higher and higher until I had met bliss once more, and I knew I’d never get there if Jake stopped moving because he was unsatisfied with my answer.
Thankfully, he seemed to be in a giving mood. His nose rubbed against my throat as he kept pounding me, his words pressed against my skin, “Tell him what you tell me when we’re alone.”
I froze. Not even he would be that cruel, would he? But… maybe Tom would like it? I really couldn’t think. And in the silence that followed, I knew Jake’s mean dominant demeanor would grow to fill it, even before his dark chuckle resonated across the room.
“Don’t be shy,” he mocked, gripping my cheeks and shaking me still somewhat gently (for what I was expecting of him). “Tell him how you beg for my cock like a fucking whore.” And still, I remained silent. Well, that wasn’t accurate at all, actually. Moans and whimpers flowed freely out of my lips, taking over the words Jake longed to hear so badly.
“Fine,” he relented. “Perhaps you need to be closer to your beloved.” I didn’t understand what he meant until his cock left me, making me whine like a wounded beast. His chuckle didn’t sound mocking this time, but the entire situation made it seem like that to me.
“C’mon,” he smacked my ass as I finally made my way out of bed, utterly confused about what he meant until he took me by the arm and dragged me all the way across the room, until I was standing just before my boyfriend. “Let me teach him how to really please you.”
A shiver went down my spine as I realized what was his plan all along. I gasped when I felt his hand pushing down on my lower back, making me fall over the arm of the chair where Tom was resting.
Before I could even adjust myself, Jake resumed his thrusts, even more punishing and quick than before. All the while, my boyfriend was just there, staring at me with wide eyes, almost as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing - even though it was something he himself had told me that he wanted.
A hand covered the one with which I held the chair, and I looked up to meet Tom’s soft brown ones. He smiled - it was a small, tentative smile. A smile that seemed to say, ‘this is a bit too much, but I’m okay. Are you okay?’
How could I tell him that I was beyond that? Would that be crossing a line? All I knew was that Jake’s cock was filling my abused pussy perfectly, hitting that spot deep inside of me, making my eyes roll to the back of my head, and that was all I could focus on.
Until my hands were captured and pulled behind my back, forcing me to separate from Tom once more. Tom looked confused, but I knew what this was. I already knew Jake was possessive, he hadn’t even tried to hide it, but I think until that second, I had allowed myself to believe that at least in front of my actual boyfriend he’d relent.
I was wrong. Instead, Jake sat down on the bed once more, spearing me open with his cock, forcing my legs to stay spread for Tom’s view. It was so fucking deep, much deeper than I was used to. The pleasure and sensitivity from my previous orgasms became too much.
Tears started streaming down my face, and upon seeing that, Tom’s voice resonated in our bedroom. “Jake, stop.” He’d never seen me cry for anything other than sadness and pain, but this was something more.
This was bliss. And Jake knew it, so he let Tom’s pleas go unanswered, his big hands forcing my hips to keep riding him as he mocked. “Oh, tell him, sweetheart. Do you want me to stop?”
But I couldn’t speak. All that left me were loud whines - whines that apparently terrified Tom because he insisted, now looking at me, “please tell him to stop, please.” Jake’s fingers found my clit, making me shudder in his arms.
The moment felt too real, too heavy. I didn’t know what Tom was referring to anymore. Did he want Jake to stop fucking me because he thought I was hurting, or was he the one hurting from seeing me getting fucked by his best friend?
He didn’t say, so all I could do was answer the question Jake had made. I managed to spit out a “N-no,” shocking Tom, his wide eyes making his surprise clear. Behind me, Jake just laughed.
“That’s right, tell him how happy you are. Tell him how needy you are for my cock.” I was so fucking sensitive, but I was relishing in it. I was not used to having such long sex sessions. My nights with Tom were always satisfying, but they were short - and I think that was something he was thinking about too, as he watched me fuck myself on Jake.
“She becomes such a whore when I’m near,” Jake informed my boyfriend. “Well, I guess you’re seeing it now.” Just then, he covered my throat with one of his hands, squeezing a bit, not enough to fully choke me, but enough to make it hard to breathe and have my pussy clamping down on him.
Jake’s P.O.V.
“Oh, fuck,” she cursed, making me grin behind her shoulders. “Oh, Jake…” My eyes were focused on Tom’s, making sure he was taking in the entire scene, the way she was the one who was really controlling it, fucking herself on me while I just held her up. The slip of my name from her lips embarrassed her though, so she move her hands over her eyes, much to my displeasure.
“No, don’t cover your face,” I ordered, taking her wrists and pulling them behind her back. “Let him see you. Let him see how well you take me.” Her pussy clenched around me once more, undeniably showing just how aroused she was at her boyfriend watching her giving herself to another man.
It had me moaning, fingers burying deeper in her supple skin, my hunger for her insatiable. “Yeah, you made a mistake letting me into your girlfriend’s pussy, pal.” I didn’t even look at Tom anymore, eyes too transfixed at the way her ass shook each time her hips met mine. “Now that I know what she feels like, I’m never gonna stop fucking her.”
He knew I meant it. I didn’t have to look at him to feel the fear rolling off of him in waves, egging me on. And it was all the more powerful because now that he had seen what she looked like succumbing to my desire, he would forever be scared that she would give in to me.
He could see the effect I had on her just as well as I could feel it. The juices running down her thighs, the gasps of pleasure, the way her fingers scratched on my arm that held her by the throat.
It was very clear that she liked this. And knowing that only left me more insatiable. “I’m done desiring her from a distance, wishing I was buried in this delicious cunt,” I warned my friend, not knowing if he’d believe me or attribute this entire confession as part of the scene. Either way was good enough for me. “I have her now and I’m never letting her go.”
Raising my gaze to meet his, I made sure he was looking at me as I pronounced my final words. “I’m making your girlfriend my fucking bitch. My cum is all she’ll ever know.”
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
Can we get some follow up for that one involving Jaune breeding Nuts and Dolts. Maybe either Ruby’s turn or the Bees getting bred while the three already breed ladies watch.
Part 2 to @dam1994s original ask!  This time its Ruby’s turn, also the reason I didn’t label the first as NTR.
This didn’t feel right, it hadn’t felt right for a while now, but now that he actually got the chance to take a look at Ruby’s face he felt torn up about it.  “I’d let things get too far…”  
She couldn’t even look him in the eyes, staring lifelessly towards her sheets.  Patting the sheets in front of him he called his young friend over, “Come here.”  He’d have to fix this, “Sorry Penny, we’ll continue later if time allows it.”  He’d have to take control of the situation, things had gotten far too out of hand.  
“No problem, friend Jaune!  Come Ruby it's your turn!  Oh I can’t wait!  I can’t wait till we’re both big and pregnant!  Round bellies with wonderful life in them!”  
Jaune rolled his eyes, but left a pleasant smile on his face, that was till he saw how demure Ruby was.  The once adventurous team leader was disheartened, broken, just sad.  He felt like he’d kicked a puppy, though maybe it was better to say Weiss had.  Who was simply smiling at him, to which he shook his head in disappointment.  “Ruby, sit now.”  
 And like the broken puppy she was, she made her way over to him, slowly meandering forward until she was kneeling a foot away.  “Look at me.”  When she didn’t respond, he simply grasped the bottom of her chin, lifting it slightly so she could shift her gaze to match his.  “Ruby.”  
“I’m ready…”  
He could tell how unready she was, the dark bags under her eyes from crying or with how red her sclera was.  She wasn’t doing well at all.  “Ruby, you’re not, and you’re not okay.”  He took a deep breath as he brought his right hand to her cheek, gently sliding his thumb beneath her eye and clearing the falling tear.  “Ruby, if you didn’t want this, you should have said no.”  
It took her a moment to start speaking, her lip trembling as she did.  “But… but… I would have… everyone would have been disappointed in me.”  
“I would not have!”
Penny spoke up, dancing over next to them, thick droplets of semen dripping from her pussy as she landed next to Ruby.
“I wouldn’t have either.”  
It looked as if Ruby wanted to say something, but Jaune spoke before her.  “She really wouldn’t have.  Weiss is just a…”  He turned towards his wife, who simply smiled at him, like the princess she knew she was.  “A sadist, a very hardcore sadist.”  
“You know it~”  
“But… she said… and…”
“Ruby, if you didn’t want you or I to get pregnant you should have said something!”  
“Ruby, it's okay.  We can stop here, I...”  He scratched the back of his head as an uncomfortable silence followed.  “I’m sorry Ruby.  You shouldn’t be.  I should have noticed you weren’t feeling great.”  
“I should have more so.”  Penny once again chimed in.
“I just… I want Penny to be happy… but watching her being taken by you… and seeing her face… she was…”  
“Oh Ruby!  I’m sorry!  It was just my first experience with a cock and… and it FELT REALLY Good.”
“Penny not helping.”
“And Weiss was saying…”
“Sorry Ruby, I tend to get REALLY into it when Jaune starts to fuck other women.  I do care for you… but it's really hot.”  
Again he rolled his eyes at his wife.  “And… I don’t think you’d want to have sex with me.”  
“Wait no I-”
“HAH!  Jaune not wanting to have sex with you?!  Are you serious!?”
His face started to flash hot as a sudden realization began to dawn on him.  “Weiss, you better not.”  
However, that didn’t stop his wife.  “Ruby!  He’s had a HUGE crush on you for as long as you knew each other!  Did you think he just had a thing for Pyrrha and me?  Ohohohohoho!”  
Jaune felt his face flash really hot.  “Weiss, that's enough.”  
He tried to sound as threatening as he could, but Weiss was having none of it, instead she simply smirked and nodded, “Okay~”  He didn’t like the way she said that.  Either way this was a moment for Ruby, not for his wife, he’d get to dealing with her later… he hoped.
“Right, well… Ruby I think you’re insanely attractive, I actually thought I’d be having sex with you first.”  He couldn’t help but scratch the back of his head as Ruby turned her attention back to him, her eyes widening at the sudden realization.
Gone were her previous fears, the strange sensation she felt in her belly from watching her wife being bred by a man… by her best friend, instead a new strange flitty feeling filled her.  She felt a little woozy as she began to finally take in Jaune’s form for the first time.  She’d known he’d gotten rather muscular back during their adventures but… looking at him now well… she liked what she saw.  And when her eyes fell a little lower?  She found she REALLY liked what she saw.  So much so she had to fight back the urge that pulled her towards reaching out and stroking it, all on her own.  
“Can you… can you go slow?”  
Then he smiled at her, and this time, instead of the rotten feeling that had overwhelmed her earlier, she felt a genuine sense of warmth fill her.  
“Of course Crater Face.”  
“Hah, thanks Vomit Boy.”  
She allowed his fingers to run through her body, gently coasting down her back and curling at the soft swells of her rear.  A small shudder ran through her spine, and a soft gasp escaped through her lips.  A sudden lightness filled her as he drew close, the edge of his p...dick pressed against her already moist sex.  “You sure you want this?”  
“Ye...yes please.”  
Her lower body tensed as the sharp pain struck from her crotch, her tight slit began to unfold before the firm strength of his shaft pressing further inside of her.  “O...Oww…”  
“I can stop.”  
“N...no keep going…”  
She did her best to ignore the cheers coming from the side, Penny obviously fully in the mood.  Or the snide smile coming from Weiss as she watched her ‘man’ have his way with another woman.  She knew her friend meant well… but she wasn’t going to concentrate on her wife or Weiss at the moment.  
She wanted to concentrate on the fullness running through her.  Through his hands gently running against the back of her head, stroking through her dark locks.  She wanted to concentrate on the sudden bulge in her belly that slowly rose to the top of her stomach and the new sensation of the tip pushing against her cervix.  She felt fuller than she’d ever felt, her body, finally easing into a pleasurable sensation.  “Oooph~  Okay, I think… I think I’m good.”  
“You sure?”  
She nodded back to Jaune, who pressed forward, his body suddenly towering on top of her.  Her body began to sink into her mattress as he applied all his weight down upon her.  Her legs pulled back as he shifted his thighs to pry them forward.  She… she’d looked it up before, but she realized this was a mating press.  “Sorry Rubes, I may get a little crazy but I re-”
“He wants to breed you so badly Ruby~  He wouldn’t shut up about it all the way here.”  
“Weiss!”  He hissed at his wife.
A fiery blush kissed Ruby’s cheeks as she realized both Weiss and Penny were now surrounding her.  “Nope~  I’m going to tell her all about it… besides, it's not like you can do anything, you’re cocks all nice and warm inside her tight little cunt, you probably don’t want to pull out huh?”  
She looked back upon him, her silver eyes scanning his suddenly reddening chest.  She felt a mighty feed of satisfaction fill her as he simply began to gyrate his hips, grinding their crotches together as he buried his cock deep inside of her tight little hole.  Her pussy tingled, the brustling of his pubic hairs scritching at her entrance was doing funny things to her, and she really liked it.
“Did you know Ruby?  That he used to have a crush on you at Beacon.”
“Wei-s.”  She felt him try to pull out, her body wanting more of him instinctively reached out, her arms wrapping around the tall of his back, her legs tightly winding around his hips pulling him down.  Besides… she kind of wanted to hear the story.  
“Well~  You see, he would tell me about what he thought about you… especially when you wore those cute little pajamas, the ones that hugged your tush.”  
Weiss ignored him,  “He’d tell me about how he used to imagine, pushing you down, taking you away, dragging you to some closet far away where Yang couldn’t get to you.  To pull your clothes down, sliding his big ol cock into your cute little slit.  How he wanted to breed that cute little pussy of yours, you REALLY turned him on, you know that?”  
“Ye...yes…”  She could tell he tried not to admit it, but the twitch inside of her sent little happy feelings through her.  
“Not… not Yang?”
“Yep~  He wanted YOU, wanted to breed you, to pump you full of his seed.  He’d tell me about how many times he just imagined putting a baby into lil old you back in Beacon.”  
“Tut tut tut~  Not done.”  
She felt a low growl erupting from within Jaune, his chest vibrating as he suddenly pulled up and then THUMP she felt the air knock from her lungs as he rose up and slammed his massive cock inside of her.  Her body suddenly aching for an all new reason as her insides were split apart, her womb shifting upwards against her stomach.  She felt him pull back again as he prepared to lunge back in once more.  
“You know~  He used to tell me, that when RNJR went out, you guys had food problems sometimes, and well you were a growing girl so-”
“Weiss stop!”  
“He would sometimes cum in your soup, you needed protein after all… that of course didn’t stop even as we went on… sometimes I would help pump his cock, make sure you had all the energy a growing girl needed.”  
She felt REALLY hot all of a sudden, all those tasty meals she had… that salty sweet flavor she used to love… it all made sense, and… and she tried to look back at Jaune, but then his chest pushed down on her, his hips reeled back and- THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP. 
Like a wild beast he’d lost control, his hips now jackhammering into her.  Any and all resistance proved futile against his powerful strikes, her rear bounced off the bed, as his heavy balls smashed right into her plump ass.  Her cheeks turned a bright red as the heavy set orbs smashed into her with every lunging thrust.
Her insides churned, and her womb began to beg for more!  A new experience began to overwhelm her.  His arms tightly wrapped around her back, draping downwards as his fingers sunk into her fatty ass.  She gasped again, biting into his musculature as he continued his relentless pace.  
She couldn’t keep a hold of herself anymore, even more so when Weiss began talking again.  “You remember how a few of your panties went missing?” 
He slammed into her again forcing her further into her bed, his thrusts having enough force that she was afraid he’d break it!  Or worse, break her at this rate!  
“Well~  He has a collection at home, most of them were used of course.”  
She screamed out in pleasure, as he violated her insides, her cervix turning black and blue from the relentless beating he placed upon her.  His nails started to carve into the soft round curves of her bottom, digging into her fleshy exterior as he tried to practically fuse the two of them together.  
She wanted to cry out, a mixture of pleasured pain swirling inside of her.  She wanted to say something, but her throat burned, his aura seeping into her body sending violent chills throughout.  She received no warning as he pushed himself down, pressing ALL of his weight down on her small sleek figure.  She couldn’t tell what was happening at first, her pussy numbed from the sheer force of their sexual escapades, but when her womb began to fill her ovaries hungrily drinking the new found liquid spreading within her.  She knew he’d cum inside, that the reason he was clinging to her so tightly was to make sure that not. A . single. Drip. would. Spill. Out.
Her toes curled as SPLURT SPLURT SPLURT SPLURT SPLURT He unloaded gallons of spunk within her.  Her body shook to its core as a powerful orgasm filled her, the new sensation of being filled, the womanly parts of her finally over joyed to have fulfilled their mission.  She lost it.  “AaaHhHahaha!”  She held on, her fingers sinking into his back, clawing against the strong musculature, holding onto dear life all while her eyes rolled back, her tongue hung out and her everything started to collapse.  
“Oh dear~  She couldn’t handle it…”  
“Ah… dang… damn it Weiss why’d you have to say that.”  
“Oh please!  You WANTED to do that.”  
Jaune rolled his eyes again at his wife, though he didn’t deny her claim.
“Sorry Penny, we may have to wait ti-”
“Breed her more!”
“But sh-”
“She’s stuck to you!  Make sure she’s all nice and knocked up!  Do it!  Do it!”  
Jaune felt a new found fear for the plucky Orangette… maybe there was something up with the color Orange.  
Well, he felt bad for Ruby, but he DID have a job to do.  “I’ll go again.”  
And so he refused to let up, even as Ruby hung tightly to him on nothing but instinct, her senses frayed and broken.  He’d have to make sure she was nice and knocked up, after all an Arc always kept their promises.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Never Have I Ever - Harry Styles (part 3)
i did not expect this to turn into more than just a oneshot, but here i am, posting a part 3?? and there’s more to come??? lmao, im a mess, having a million wips at a time, whatever. enjoy this DIRTY piece in the world of Harry and Actress!Y/N hehe!
pairing: Harry x actress!reader
word count: 3k
warning: NSFW content (we are taking a dirty turn in this part babes)
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“But are you really sure you’re fine?” Florence asks for the millionth time over the phone. “You know, I could come over anytime, have a few drinks and forget about the idiots who decided you don’t deserve that Emmy.”
“I’m very sure,” you chuckle, sinking further down on your couch, kicking your heels off your feet. “It’s not a big deal.” “Oh it is, but you are trying to act all tough, though I know it bothers you.”
“I didn’t say it doesn’t bother me, but there’s nothing I can do about it,” you tell her truthfully.
“You know, sometimes I forget that you are this wise ass bitch, not some petty loser that I usually am.”
You snort at her words laughing loudly. Florence is by far one of the funniest people you know, she never fails to make you laugh, no matter what’s the situation.
“It’s sad that I didn’t win, but I’m fine. Really. Maybe next time it will be me,” you say, genuinely hoping this wasn’t your first nomination.
“Okay, I’ll stop bugging you, but call me if you change your mind and want company.”
“Thank you, Flo. Talk to you later.”
Once you end the call you let a long, heavy breath out that feels like you’ve been keeping in all night. Walking into your closet you stop in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, taking a look at yourself, still wearing the burgundy pant suit you wore for the award show. You were the only woman in pants all evening and you felt more powerful than ever. You’ve always loved to make a statement with your fashion choices and tonight you feel like you definitely succeeded in getting the message through: you are a bad bitch.
Stripping out of the outfit you hang it carefully before putting on some sweats and an oversized vintage t-shirt, feeling so much more comfortable already. Your hair is still in loose waves and you kind of like the texture, so you just leave it like that, moving into your bedroom to check up on some emails.
Cozied up under your duvet, laptop resting on your thighs, you start replying to some emails, updating your schedule for the next week. You almost don’t notice the text you get, barely catching the lit up screen from the corner of your eyes. Grabbing the device from the night stand you smile down at the series of messages from Harry.
“Bunch of idiots,” the first one reads.
“I’m suing them. All of them.”
“You looked fucking unreal by the way. Couldn’t take my eyes off you.”
Biting down on your bottom lip you read the last one over and over again. It’s been weeks since your number landed in Harry’s phone and you’ve been texting nonstop since then. Whenever you pulled your phone out to check if someone had tried to reach you, there was always a text rom him waiting for you, making you smile most of the time.
“Thanks Xx,” you reply shortly, not sure how to react to his heated words of calling the whole Television Academy a bunch of idiots, though it surely warmed your heart.
“Enjoying the after party?” his next text comes fast.
“Nope, I’m home already. Didn’t feel like partying.”
“What?! You not winning is not an excuse to skip celebrating. You still got nominated!”
“Already celebrated that, so I’m out of occasions.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do that. Text me your address, I’m going over with wine and takeout.”
His bluntness in flirting and shooting his shot has been amusing to you since the moment he sat next to you on The Ellen Show. Harry Styles doesn’t shy away to try and show his attraction, or at least not towards you.
You hesitate a little, not sure if you want him here, but something deep down in your guts is telling you that you definitely want him to come over, some dirty thoughts already popping into your mind, but you are quick to get rid of them.
You send him your address and he tells you he’ll be over in twenty. You use that time to clean up a little around your apartment. You left in kind of a rush earlier, being a little late with your glam team, so you didn’t bother to leave the place in a decent state. It doesn’t take long though to clean up the mess and checking the time you see that you still have a little time until Harry arrives. As you walk past one of the mirrors in your hallway, you take a look at yourself, debating whether you should change or stay in your comfy homey outfit. At last you drop the idea to put on a different outfit, not wanting to look desperate when Harry arrives.
Not long later you get a notification from downstairs that a so called Mr. Styles has entered the building and is heading up to your floor. Running a hand through your hair you walk over to the front door and opening it you stand there, waiting for the elevator to arrive. When the familiar ding hits your ear you notice how your heart skips a beat upon seeing him walk out.
“Hi,” you smile at him holding the door open for him. He looks amazing, as always, wearing a pair of brown high-waisted pants with a loose white shirt tugged into it, a teal denim jacket topping the outfit. He looks comfortable, but still well put together, something you have always admired in his style.
“Hello, Love,” he smiles back at you and pulls you in for a short, one armed hug before walking fully inside. “Didn’t know what stuff you fancy, so I got a bunch,” he admits with a chuckle, holding up two plastic bags completely stuffed.
“You really shouldn’t have,” you shake your head at him smiling as you lock the front door and lead him into your open concept kitchen.
“But I should have,” he argues, setting the bags down to the counter, packing out everything he brought.
Three bottles of wine, all of them different kinds, snacks, both sweet and salty, topped with an insane amount of Chinese takeout that could feed a whole family, not just two people. You put the wines into the fridge though you know they won’t get chilly enough by the time you open it. Turning to Harry you smile at him shyly, only just now realizing that he is in your home for the first time.
“Want a tour?” you ask, pulling your shoulders up to your ears.
“Would love that,” he smirks and lets you lead the way.
The modern apartment in Manhattan has been your home for a little over a year now. One of the first things you invested into once you started earning like an A-list celebrity. It’s spacious, you did the interior over once you bought it, formed it a little more to your taste. You walk Harry through the living room, the three bedrooms from which one is yours, the others function as a guest room whenever a family member of one of your friends needs a place to stay. There are three bathrooms in total, a study room that’s always a mess, your desk filled with scripts and books most of the time, but Harry tells you it suits your vibe.
“And this here is my wardrobe,” you end the tour, flicking the lights on in the walk in closet, probably your favorite part of the place. It’s bigger than your bedroom, but it’s exactly what you and your passion for fashion needs.
Harry curiously walks inside, his eyes immediately stopping on the burgundy pant suit you wore earlier that night.
“This, Darling, was an excellent choice,” he smirks over at you, his fingers dancing over the soft fabric of the pants.
“Felt amazing in it,” you nod smiling.
“I bet you did,” he chuckles softly.
The two of you head back to the kitchen and sit at the kitchen island, roaming through all the food Harry has brought. A short silence comes over the room that’s broken by Harry first.
“So how are you really feeling about tonight?”
“I’m fine,” you shrug, but then feel his hand on your knee that’s closer to him and your eyes flicker over to him, his gaze burning down on you intently.
“No, I’m asking fo’ real. You don’t have to mask your disappointment.”
Licking your lips you look back at your plate filled with dumplings and you start to just poke them around with the chopsticks in your hand.
“Of course I’m disappointed. Who wouldn’t want to win? But there’s not much I can do about it, right?”
“Still, you shouldn’t push it all down.”
“I’m not the type to rage very publicly, if you haven’t realized that,” you chuckle, diverting your eyes back at him, catching a soft smile on his lips.
“That I know of. Miss No Beef,” he teases you, even though you could pretty much say the same thing about him. “I was properly screaming at the screen when they said someone else’s name over yours.”
“Yeah?” you chuckle.
“Mhm. I was rooting for you big time.”
“Well,” you sigh turning back to your plate. “Sorry to disappoint.”
“Nah-ah, none of that crap, Y/N,” he protests right away, dropping his chopsticks to his plate as he slides off his stool, stepping closer to you, one hand lying flat on the counter, while the other one finds the underside of your stool and he easily turns you so you are facing him, your knees involuntarily parting so he could stand between them. “I’m not letting you think of any less of yourself because of some stupid award.”
“The Emmys are not stupid,” you correct him, but it seems like he doesn’t even hear you, staring down at you with a smug grin, his hand moving from the stool to your waist.
“Mhm, they are. They made the most talented and beautiful woman think she is not the best of all.”
You can’t push down the smile that tugs on your lips as you watch him slowly lean closer. Heart beating faster, you let him do whatever he has on his mind, not finding the will to push him away. Not that you want to do that, you’d be stupid to say no to this man.
“Who’s this woman we are talking about?” you breathe out with a teasing smile. Harry smirks back at you, his hand squeezing your waist gently as his other hand moves up to the base of your neck, his thumb running along your jawline.
“The woman I’ve been fantasizing about lately.”
A desperate whimper tries to escape your lips, but you bite it back in time, feeling so lost how much effect he has on you with just a simple sentence.
“What are these fantasies about?” you find yourself asking as he leans closer, his nose brushing against yours.
You’re aching for his lips, to feel him touch you everywhere. You want to come undone under his hands and the breaking point where you won’t be able to mask up your desperate feelings is threateningly close.
“I’ve been thinking about making her feel real good. Watch her fall apart under my touch,” he murmurs lowly and this time, you can’t hold that moan back. Your lips brush against his, but he pulls back smirking, not kissing you.
“Fuck,” you breathe out when you feel his hand move from your waist to your stomach, cheekily teasing you as he is drawing circles around your belly button over the soft fabric of your shirt.
“Can I touch you, Y/N? I really want to make you feel appreciated and good. Will you let me do that?”
Not able to find your voice you whimper out something that’s close to being a yes, but it’s not enough for him and while you are losing touch with what’s really going on, Harry is very much enjoying seeing you like this, all for himself.
“Use your words, Love. I wanna hear you say it.”
“Yes!” you choke out and luckily, he doesn’t waste any more time.
You feel his lips connect with your neck as both his hands work on the waistband of your sweats, pushing them further down a little before his right hand taps on the top of your lacy underwear, the one you wore under your suit tonight, the one Harry definitely thought about when he first saw you through his screen.
You gasp when his hand slides into your underwear, fingers finding your sensitive bud of nerves, pressing down on them softly. You desperately turn your face, eager to meet his lips, but he pulls back for your dismay.
“Not now, Love,” he tells you and though the words sting a little, you don’t have much time to dwell on them when you feel his fingers slide back and forth between your soaking wet folds. “So wet for me, aren’t you?” he smirks while you’re trying to breath evenly, though it’s quite the challenge.
His lips return to your neck and your hands fly up to grab onto the back of his neck and shoulders, his fingers teasing you around your hole, not entering just yet. You start buckling your hips, desperate to get him take the next step and he is surely enjoying the show you are putting on for him.
“Ready to feel good?”
“Yes,” you breathe out, hands grabbing onto his hair roughly and a loud moan escapes your lips when he pushes two of his fingers inside you.
“Fuck, this feels so nice,” he groans, lips nipping on the soft skin under your ear. He is quick to take up on a pace, moving his digits in and out, his thumb circling on your clit, adding that extra magic most men always forget about. But not Harry, he is eager to please you the best he can and if you weren’t sitting, you’d be on your knees for him by now.
“Yeah, tug on my hair, Darling,” he growls, his voice sending chills down your spine as you tighten your grip in his hair just as he asked, while you feel your climax building up.
He picks up his pace, curling his fingers inside you every time he thrusts them in, making you almost see stars. Your legs fly around his waist, ankles crossing above his bum as you bring him closer, and a whimpered groan bursts out of him, probably because his erection just got squeezed against his hand by your action, his nonstop moving hand now stuck between your heated core and his throbbing member. When his head pulls back you quickly look at him, about to ask if he is alright, but he just presses a soft, lingering kiss to the corner of your mouth as his unsaid answer that he is perfectly fine.
His forehead comes to rest against yours as he adds a third finger, making you moan his name in ecstasy. Your mind is starting to completely shut down, the sensation of utter pleasure taking over your whole body as you can feel your orgasm just a few thrusts away.
“C’mon, Love. Let it go for me,” he mumbles, his free hand sliding to your back so he keeps you flushed against him, your heaving chest touching his upper body with each drawn breath.
“Fuck, I’m so close,” you pant, eyes screwed shut, tipping over the edge of your climax. “Please don’t stop!” you beg whining.
“Never, Darling.”
And he keeps his words. He keeps going and going until your walls close up around his slick fingers and your thighs tremble around his waist. You tug on his hair once again, pulling his head back just enough so your eyes meet right when you come undone. His fingers keep moving a little longer, bringing you down from your high before the last wave of your orgasm dies down and you are brought back to reality.
When his fingers slide out of you, the feeling of emptiness makes you breathe out in dismay and it brings a smile to his lips as he licks his fingers clean and you swear that’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen, watch him taste your pleasure on his own fingers.
Glancing down you see the very visible bulge in his pants and you reach down to return the favor you just had the pleasure to get, but his hands wrap around your wrists stopping you, your eyes snapping up to meet his.
“Not now, Love. This was all about you. I’ll be fine.”
“But—“ “No,” he cuts you off shaking his head gently. “Seeing you like this was more than enough for me.”
Biting down on your bottom lip you feel yourself blushing at his words, the whole situation that just went down dawning on you just now. Harry really did just finger you on one of your kitchen stools and it was one hell of an experience for sure.
When your gaze wanders over to his lips you remember how he refused to kiss you and now you actually have the chance to pay more attention to this tiny detail.
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” you ask him, legs falling from his waist as he goes to sit back on his stool. He glances at you, a soft smile on the lips that never touched yours.
“I wasn’t planning to do this, but I just couldn’t stop myself. However, I’m still trying to be a gentleman, so I won’t kiss you until I’ve taken you out on a proper date.”
“I can’t believe you,” you chuckle shaking your head at the absurdity of what he just said. “So you are fine fingering me shamelessly, but you won’t kiss me without a date?” you ask, rephrasing his words.
“That’s right,” he nods, his smile growing into a smirk now. Shaking your head you turn back to your probably cold plate of food, chuckling to yourself.
“Harry Styles, you are… something else.”
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gangrenados · 4 years
Yandere Jason Todd
I have to say that these are a bunch of multiples ideas, so it might a little bit dispersed.
Warning: murder, kidnapping, manipulation
I don't condone any of this behavior, we all know this is a really shitty thing to do.
Matthew Daddario as Jason fancast cuz I like it!!
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▪Let's start with something simple: Jason is a very possessive and over protective yandere who doesn't fear to kill whoever dares to put themselves between him and you, especially if they're rivals.
▪There's a big difference when it comes to how he'll be with you depending on what state of his life he's in.
•Fresh of out of the Pit Jason will obsess over you for the sole reason that he wants to posses something in order to feel like he has gained some control over his life.
° Jason doesn't love you, you're just an object that he use to feel in control so he will manhandle you and break you as he pleases.
°It's hard for him to realize that what he's doing is wrong and by the time he finally accepts it, you'll probably be death or in a terrible mind state.
°Jason will have succeed in breaking you and he will punish himself about it.
•Arkham Knight Jason see you as a something that he needs to possess in order to feel human and loved again. He almost worships you as a higher being.
°Jason will hold on you in dear life, hoping that your company will make him feel better.
° Jason is more mindful over your needs and what you might feel about him and being held hostage, those thoughts makes him deeply insecure and sick to his stomach. However, Jason can't bring himself to let you go, he needs you.
°He wouldn't hurt you on purpose, but rather will choose to threaten you with breaking all your bones or killing those you love.
°This applies when he's jealous. Jason will pin you up against wall and point a gun at you as he cries and screams why was the cause for you to betray him.
°You always knew Jason was by far more strong than you but having him towering over you in the middle of a breakdown as he waves around a loaded gun is making you panic.
°Jason wouldn't kill you, but he know where to shoot without killing. You're gonna suffer with him if you don't start to give him answers.
°This version of Jason is mentally and emotionally unstable, he's more likely to breakdown and cause chaos since he can't fully control what he's feeling or how to process it.
°Jason might worship you and treat you as if you were made of glass, but he might kill you in one of his anger rampages.
• Red Hood Jason in the other hand is in a better mental place so it's less likely that he'll hurt you out of an emotional decontrol.
° Also there's the fact that, as that his Arkham Knight version, Jason prefers to use threads to keep you under his control rather than physical punishments. However, he'll use them if your being too defiant.
His punishments tend to be: isolation, spanking, making you use a collar shock, etc
°Jason doesn't see you as an object that will make him feel better, he genuinely loves and cares for you.
°He's deeply afraid that something bad will happen to you if he's not there to protect you.
°Jason see you as a defenseless, naive person who needs him to survive. He's gonna be your savior and lover even if you don't want him to.
°Oh don't try to escape, he'll find you pretty easily and drag you back to the safe house as he scolds you for being such a stupid brat. And if someone else was helping you escape? Jason will kill them in front of you to show you a lesson.
°He might nice and caring to you, but Jason doesn't tolerate when a darling talks back or defy him.
He doesn't like a bratty darling since it makes him think you don't trust him enough. Jason truly believes he knows what's better for you, so it's not gonna end well if you question his decisions.
°Might pull up a dirty move to make you stay, like hiring some goons to scare you if you decide to leave him. So Red Hood can come, kill them and be your hero!
°One thing to keep in mind is that all of his version are deeply insecure and touched deprived. They might want to hold you and kiss you, but it's gonna be a long way until they finally don't hesitate to do such thing.
°Their distan and pretty close to you at the same time. This goes more with the Arkham Knight and Red Hood though.
I'm gonna keep talking about the Red Hood version, so keep reading!
▪Jason wants you and will have you, he doesn't care how far he has to go for that to become true.
▪He wants to know every little single detail about you, it doesn't matter if they're insignificant.
▪So he will study you and take notes about your preferences, your weaknesses, what you like and what not and what are those little habits you have so internalized that you don't even notice you make.
▪It will lead to a point that Jason will know you better than you think to know yourself.
▪He will set cameras and a security system in your house and you will notice that Red Hood has been appearing too much near your neighborhood lately...weird.
▪Also the crippling sensation that someone is watching has been being so persistent when you go out.
▪You have tried to calm yourself down saying that it's normal since you live in a city like Gotham, but that doesn't make it any better.
▪Also lately you don't feel alone when you're in your apartment. You don't feel alone at all to be honest and it's creeping you out.
▪And what about this new guy in your life? He looks so mysterious and bad boy-ish, also wow he's pretty damn handsome and easy to talk to! How this guy can be friend of yours!?
▪Yeah, Jason got over his doubts and went out of his way to reach to you and be part of your life (with you knowing this time)
▪There's something we have to address here: at the beginning Jason couldn't accept that what he was doing was wrong. He didn't even want to acknowledge that he was deeply infatuated with you.
▪Jason didn't mean for this crush to go that far and the idea of what he's really doing, looking through the cameras he installed in your room, was making him sick.
▪However, he couldn't be away from you for long, if something happened to you it would drive him crazy, since the idea that you weren't there was enough to make anxiety paralyze his entire body.
▪Jason needs to protect you like he needs to breathe. It's not an option but a vital necessity.
▪What happens is that Jason's mind is torn between the voice that tells him to watch you closely and the one who's screaming at him and begging to stop all of this.
▪ Jason wants to possess you so he can keep the dangerous world away from you, is better than the rational part of his mind that tells him that what he is doing is foolish and will end badly.
▪But to be honest here, Jason doesn't pay much attention to the rational side of his brain unless he has a breakdown since he's more sensitive and open to those sad thoughts.
▪During one of those breakdowns were the main reason why he took you one night after about a month of overthinking every decision he has made so far and the numbing that he might lose you if he doesn't do something drastical.
▪So during a seemingly normal night in Gotham, when the rain soaked everything in it's path and made your warm bed even comfortable than ever, an exalted Red Hood broke into your apartment to kidnap you.
▪He didn't leave any space for doubt, so without hesitation he pricked your neck with a needle and carried to one of his safe houses.
▪Jason feels like he can breath again now that you're on his bed, sleeping fondly thanks to the tranquilizer.
▪You look so beautiful and innocent, it only reassures Jason that what he did was the right thing.
▪You need him to protect you from the horrible things of the world, it's more than obvious that you can't take care of yourself and Jason is more than glad to keep you safe.
▪Yeah, that's all he wants in reality. Jason doesn't give a fuck if you don't love him right away since he have the hope that one day you'll understand and finally accept his love and devotion for you and you'll do the same.
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andvys · 3 years
Fine line part eight
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warnings: fluff, angst, violence
pairing: ellie williams x reader
Ellie didn’t even register the sound of thunder rumbling or the rain pattering against the window in the early morning hours.
The first thing she noticed was the comforting feeling of you clinging to her as her arms were wrapped safely around you. You were laying on top of her, with your head on her chest.
This wasn’t the position you were in last night, no, this was much more intimate but Ellie wasn’t complaining, she liked the feeling of having you in her arms, the urge to protect you was big, to give you comfort and warmth.
Looking down at you, she wondered how she could ever hate you, you looked so sweet and precious, as if anyone could actually hate you.
But you didn’t just look that way, you were sweet and precious. You always helped everyone around you, you cared for other people more than you cared about yourself, you always put the needs of others first. You didn’t care about yourself and that worried her, she knew you would sacrifice yourself to save others. You were always out there, looking for supplies, looking out for people who needed saving but you always neglected yourself, you wanted to do good for others. You always had to be the hero.
Maybe that’s why she tried to convince herself that she hated you when in actuality she cared deeply about you and she knew this would get her heart broken because you were gonna get yourself killed sooner or later.
So she thought, pushing you away and hating you to get rid of her feelings was the only way not to get her heart broken but she was wrong, so wrong. The more she pushed you away, the more she tried to hate you, the more intense her real feelings have gotten. 
Ellie was snapped out of her thoughts when you began to stir in your sleep. Her heart began to race under your palm, this time you were gonna wake up together. The few times you ended up cuddling in your sleep, one of you would always be up first, so it was never weird or uncomfortable between you but this time there was no running away from it.
“morning Ellie.” she heard you whisper softly as you stayed in that position.
“morning y/n.” Ellie whispered back, nervously.
‘that’s not what friends do right?’ Ellie thought to herself.
‘we weren’t even friends and we cuddled already..’
“it’s still storming.” you pointed out when you heard thunder crashing.
“yeah.. we’re still gonna be here today.” Ellie said.
You didn’t know what it was about her but she made you feel safe and warm like no one else did before. You weren’t one for cuddling or hugging but when you woke up in her arms for the first time, it felt like the most comfortable place in the world.
You never thought you’d end up in the arms of your enemy and yet here you were and you wouldn't want it any other way.
Well, you weren’t enemies anymore you were friends now but still.
Two days later you were on the way back home to Jackson, the storm hasn't fully passed yet but just enough to drive, luckily it wasn't raining too heavily.
You and Ellie spent the past two days playing cards and talking about everything and nothing. You thought it would be boring and dreadful being around her for this long but you were surprised to find out that you actually liked talking to her and spending time with her. Maybe you even liked it a little too much.
“so.. you excited to go home?” you asked. 
“uh yeah.. I guess.” Ellie said “what about you?” she asked.
“not like I'm gonna stay for long.” you shrugged, looking out of the car window.
Ellie furrowed her brows, a dreading feeling set in her stomach.
“what do you mean?” she asked.
“I mean.. I’ll probably rest for a few days before Maria sends me off again.” you told her, looking at her you noticed she had a frown on her face.
“we found the supplies though, it’s enough, you don't have to go out there anymore y/n.” she stated anxiously. She didn't want you to go. Especially not alone.
“it’s never enough, Ellie.” you said “besides.. I don’t really have a home anymore and it’s not like anyone is waiting there for me.” you shrugged. Just thinking about being back in Jackson made you feel alone and miserable. 
You were surrounded by a lot of people in Jackson and yet you felt more alone in there than out here. 
Outside of Jackson, you knew there wasn't anyone but you, so it was okay to be alone, it’s what you chose for yourself but you had no one in Jackson.
No friends, no family, nothing.
Sure you got along with Dina and Jesse but they were Ellie’s friends and you only went on patrols with them. 
You were alone. 
No one would mourn you if you would ever die out here and no one would come looking for you if you went missing.
“that’s not true y/n.” Ellie sighed, looking over at you she noted the sad expression on your face. “there are people waiting for you.” 
You knew she was just trying to make you feel better but it was okay. You have made peace with the thought of being alone and dying alone.
“it’s okay Ellie.” you assured her. 
‘it’s not okay.’ Ellie thought to herself, she hated that you felt this way.
“y/n it’s- oh no fuck.. you gotta be kidding me.” she mumbled in anger, when the car began to slow down, indicating that you ran out of gas.
“shit.” you mumbled, looking out of the window, you realized you were in the middle of nowhere, it was a wooded area and you had no gas left. Great.
“that’s just great.” Ellie muttered under her breath.
Ellie grabbed the map, looking at it in concentration. 
It was raining outside and didn't look like there were any towns nearby or a gas station or something.
“there's a cabin close by and the next town is a few miles away from where we are right now.” she told you, showing the marked up area in the woods where the cabin was. “i bet we’ll find some gas there.”
“can we leave the car here?” you asked, worried about the supplies. 
You haven't run into anyone in the past few days but you could never know, people are everywhere. 
“we have no choice, staying in here isn't an option, we gotta go get some gas anyways, if we’re lucky we’ll make it back by tonight and if not then we stay in that cabin overnight and then come back here.” she said, eying you, she noticed that you were worried. 
“okay..” you sighed before you opened the car door, to get out. Luckily the rain wasn’t too heavy but you’d still be drenched by the time you’d come back.
Ellie opened the trunk and started to put some supplies into her backpack.
You came up next to her and started doing the same.
“here..” she offered you a switchblade, it was a black one. You looked up at her before you accepted it, eying it. You talked about needing a new one a few days ago.
It warmed your heart that she remembered it.
“thank you.” you smiled at her, noticing the blush on her face.
“it’s nothing.” she said, smiling back at you.
You were walking for an hour now, your clothes were wet, water ran down your hair and your face and you just felt very uncomfortable. Luckily it stopped raining a few minutes ago but you were sure it wouldn’t be long until it would start raining again.
You managed to find the cabin and checked it out to make sure that it was safe for later before you kept walking towards the town.
You were finally getting closer when you saw the first buildings up ahead.
“look..” Ellie said, pointing to the first store. It was a clothing store or at least it used to be one.
Sighing out in relief, a small smile appeared on your face “we should get rid of these clothes and get some new ones.” you said, walking inside the store.
“yeah..” Ellie mumbled, following you inside.
After you made sure the store was safe, you started looking at the different types of clothes. A dress managed to catch your attention, a smile broke out on your face before you started chuckling to yourself. The thought of wearing a dress in this world, while killing some infected seemed ridiculous to you.
“you okay?” Ellie chuckled, when she saw you laughing while holding a dress in your hands.
Looking over at her, you noticed she had a slight smile on her face.
“yeah it’s just..” a smirk appeared on your face “i’m trying to imagine you in this dress right now.” you said as you began laughing when a disgusted expression appeared on her face.
“please don’t.” she groaned as she rolled her eyes.
You chuckled at her before you put the dress back and started looking for something useful.
You managed to find some suitable clothes, you were about to ask Ellie if she was done when something else caught your attention.
You picked the items up and held them up in front of you.
“hey Ellie.”
“yeah?” she asked, turning around to face you, her eyes widened when she saw the lacy underwear in your hands.
“the black ones or the blue ones?” you asked, smirking at her when a blush appeared on her face.
“uhhh-“ she started, scratching the back of her neck “black.” she mumbled before she turned around again, closing her eyes, she took a deep breath.
Now she couldn’t get the picture of your half naked body out of her head.
You chuckled to yourself at how flustered she’d gotten. You never thought you’d see a blushing Ellie someday, let alone you being the reason for it.
You put your backpack down and took your wet flannel off, cringing at the feeling of wet clothes against your skin.
“ugh.. i’m so wet.” you mumbled as you grabbed the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head, leaving you in a black bra.
A smirk appeared on Ellie’s face at your words “are you now?” she chuckled turning around to look at you, her eyes widened once again when she saw you pulling your shirt off.
She couldn’t help but stare at you, at your soft, beautiful skin. Eying you up and down, she gripped the shirt tightly that she held in her hands.
Your eyes widened as well, when you saw the way she was looking at you. A weird feeling shot through your body.
But for some reason you didn’t mind having her stare at you.
“we uh- we should-..”
“yeah..” Ellie mumbled, turning around again.
Leaving the store, there was a weird tension between you and Ellie, something that hasn’t been there before.
You tried to ignore it and rather focused on trying to find gas but you weren’t that lucky this time. You tried to siphon some gas from the cars that were left standing around but they were all empty.
You were beginning to get frustrated, if you wouldn’t find any gas you would have to keep going into the next towns and you weren’t sure if there was any gas.
Ellie was about to say something when you heard the sound of car coming closer.
You and Ellie looked at each other wide eyed before she grabbed your hand pulling you behind a car. You crouched down and gripped your shotgun tightly in your hands.
You hoped whoever was coming your way would drive by but you weren’t as lucky as you hoped you would be, the car stopped close to where you and Ellie were.
Peeking out from behind the car, you could see four men getting out of the car, a dreading feeling set in your stomach. Running into a group of men never ended good. 
“shit..” you mumbled, you felt your heart beginning to raise, this reminded you to a similar setting when you and Ellie ran into a larger group back in Colorado when you were on your way to Texas. You almost got yourself killed trying to keep one of the guys off Ellie when he tried to throw his knife at her and instead threw at you when you moved in front of her, the blade pierced through your shoulder. The wound was still healing and you knew it would leave a big scar.
“it’s just four y/n.. we fought more before.” Ellie whispered behind you as she put her hand on top of yours, squeezing it.
You nodded, trying to calm your racing heart. 
It’s not that you were scared to fight them or kill them, you’ve done this a dozen times before. You were worried that things would go sideways and they’d manage to hurt Ellie or worse. You knew she could handle herself but still.
That’s why you liked doing these things alone, you didn't have to worry about anyone else, you could just focus on yourself and get it over with.
“spread out.” a voice shouted “find them.” 
You and Ellie glanced at each other in curiosity. Who were they looking for? They couldn’t be looking for you could they? As far as you knew, no one was after you. But something told you these men didn’t have good intentions.
You saw all the men, going off into different directions, this would make it easier for you to kill them.
You and Ellie nodded at each other before you went to get up but Ellie put her hand around your wrist and pulled you back making you look at her “be careful, please.” she whispered, looking at you with a worried expression. 
You nodded, “you too Ellie.” you whispered, smiling at her before you got up to follow one of the men who went into the gas station. 
You saw him going into the backroom so you went inside hiding behind the large shelves to avoid being seen, pulling your shotgun back by the sling you grabbed the new switchblade Ellie gave you earlier. 
You walked towards the backroom slowly, you could hear the guy opening the drawers in the room, clearly searching for something. 
Taking a deep breath, you looked inside but you couldn't find him, furrowing your brows you turned around only to run into a hard chest, startled you stepped back and looked up to see the tall man in front of you.
“looking for me?” he smirked at you. 
You didn't even hesitate before you tried to stab him but he managed to catch your wrist, gripping it tightly, you tried to pull your hand back but he overpowered you in strength. He put his other hand around your throat and pushed you into the room harshly, throwing you over the table. 
You fell off the table, down to your knees, you grabbed your shotgun quickly and turned around, falling back against the floor the man was about to shot you but you beat him to it, the loud shot went off, throwing him back against the wall as blood splattered everywhere.
“fuck..” you mumbled, this alerted the others. 
You quickly got up and grabbed the man’s gun before you ran towards the entrance of the store, you peeked out to see one of the men running towards the gas station. 
You didn't hesitate to get up and aim your gun at his head, he looked at you with eyes, clearly not expecting that but before he could react you already shot him.
His body dropped to the floor.
You heard a shot go off not too far from you. Your heart began to race at the thought that it might be Ellie that got shot instead of one of the men. 
You ran out and hid behind one of the cars, trying to find the rest and Ellie. You looked around but you couldn't see anyone. 
Your hands started shaking and your breathing got heavier by the second. For some reason you felt the deep fear of losing her all of the sudden. All sorts of pictures started running through your mind.
This moment reminded you of when you lost your mom, it happened in a similar setting, you were looking for her but couldn’t find her until you heard that gunshot.
“calm down y/n.” you whispered to yourself, trying to take deep breaths. 
You heard glass smashing in one of the old stores on the other side of the street, you got up and ran towards it. 
You ran inside to find Ellie standing over the dead body of one of the men, looking into the corner of the room you found another dead body with a bullet in his head. 
You felt relieved to see that she was alright but you had to make sure.
You didn’t know what came over you but you couldn’t help but run towards her, hugging her from behind.
She stiffened at first but relaxed once she realized it was you. Warmth engulfed, feeling your arms wrapped around you but she asked herself what caused you to hug her, you were never the one initiating the hugs, she was the one that pulled you in at night.
“y/n?” she whispered, putting her hand on top of yours that were resting on her stomach, she grabbed them and turned around to face you, looking at you in worry as she noted the anxious look on your face.
She grabbed your face gently “are you okay?”
You were about to respond when you noticed the fresh cut on her face, blood was running down her cheek. Anger and worry filled you at the thought that one of them managed to get this close to her.
You put your palm against her cheek, eying the wound. “Ellie..” you whispered.
“it’s fine y/n.. it doesn’t hurt.” she assured you “are you okay?”
You didn’t respond and instead pulled her into a hug, hiding your face in the crook of her neck. She put her arms around you, holding you tightly against her.
You calmed down when she held you, she gave you the warmth and the comfort that you so desperately craved all these years, to think that it was her who made you feel this way overwhelmed you, you could’ve had this a long time ago and yet you decided to waste all these years.
You decided that you wouldn’t waste them anymore with acting like you hated her or with trying to push away your true feelings.
“come on, let’s get out of here.” Ellie whispered, rubbing your back softly.
You nodded before you pulled away from her, she grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the store, leading you towards the car the man came with.
You looked up at the sky, noticing the dark clouds, it was about to start raining again. This day just kept getting worse.
Ellie opened the trunk and sighed in relief when she saw a two gallons of gas standing there.
“fuck yeah.” she breathed grabbed one of them handing one to you before she grabbed the other one.
You siphoned the rest of the gas out of the car, you needed all you could find. Before you left to get back to the cabin.
Once again your clothes were drenched from the rain as you ran inside the cabin. Ellie shut the door and locked it. Darkness engulfed the room, the only source of light were the bolts of lightening.
Both of you were shaking from the cold rain and you didn’t have any spare clothes with you.
Ellie walked towards the fireplace and crouched down to start a fire.
Light appeared in the room after a few moments. The flames in the fireplace made the room appear warm and cozy unlike how you were feeling right now. You were shaking, water was dripping from your clothes and hair.
Ellie noticed the state you were in, she wasn’t feeling any better but you were out of clothes but she knew you’d get sick if you didn’t get rid of the wet clothes.
“take your clothes off.” Ellie told you.
You looked up at her, a surprised expression appeared on your face “huh?”
“take them off, we’re gonna get sick.” she said before she started taking her clothes off.
You looked at her with wide eyes as she took off her shirt, showing off her toned stomach and her strong arms before she started taking off her shoes and her pants.
She looked so beautiful, the light from the flame highlighted her beauty even more.
The rumble of thunder snapped you out of your thoughts, shaking your head at yourself, you looked down, hoping she didn’t catch you staring at her.
You bend down to take your shoes off before you started taking your clothes off as well.
You could feel Ellie’s eyes on you but you didn’t mind. You looked up at her, noticing that she was staring at you.
You looked at the open cut on her cheek, remembering that you still had to take care of it.
You grabbed your backpack and two blankets from the couch, handing one to Ellie. You sat down on the soft carpet in front of the fireplace and looked up at Ellie, motioning for her to sit down in front of you.
She sat down and put the blanket around her shoulders, still shaking from the cold rain. She eyed you as you poured some alcohol on a cloth. She couldn’t help but stare at your beautiful face, the way you hugged her earlier made her want to feel you even more. Her eyes fell to your lips.
You grabbed her chin softly and started to clean the wound on her cheek, making sure to be gentle.
Your heart began to race when you felt her hand on your thigh, biting down on your lip you looked at her to find her staring at your lips.
“all done.” you whispered, glancing at her lips.
She moved closer and grabbed your face gently.
You gazed into each other’s eyes before you both leaned in, smashing your lips together.
You were overwhelmed with emotions the moment you felt her lips moving against yours. The kiss was passionate yet gentle, her lips were so soft and the feeling she left you with was unlike anything you have ever felt before.
She deepened the kiss and pulled you into her even closer. Caressing your cheek with her thumb.
You pulled away from her, the kiss left you breathless.
Leaning your forehead against hers you opened your eyes to look at her, you didn’t even know what to say, the kiss left you speechless and by the way she was looking at you, you knew she felt the same way.
You didn’t need to say anything to know what the other felt, right at this moment.
Looking at each other was enough.
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