#'she NEEDS a new fashion doll every week?'
graveyardcuddles · 7 months
girl!dad Astarion fans don't talk enough about the fact that his daughter would literally just be a lil dhampir Angelica Pickles and I need others to see the vision.
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be-missed · 9 months
Find You Again
Jenna Ortega X Fem!Reader
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(pictures not mine)
Summary: Reuniting as stars, former high school sweethearts stage a fake relationship to boost their public image. Navigating the scripted romance, sparks fly. The big question: can this staged connection reignite their real love?
Warning: curse words, notify me if there are any. Credits to the owner for the picture that I used below the cut.
A/N: I'm so excited to write this, enjoy. New series for y'all.
Song: I Can See You // Taylor Swift
Chap 1
Flashing lights are all that Y/N can see, facing all the cameras in different angles, her name being shout by different people, and different set of eyes are focused on her. Walking the red carpet was one of the things that Y/N enjoys when she is invited for an event like the MET Gala; the other things that she enjoys, well, the women who walks with their wonderful dresses. Men? Not really, but the press and the people doesn't need to know that.
"You are staring" a voice from behind her said—her publicist, Emilia notified her when she was staring far too long to the woman that was in front of her. Y/N just shrugs and shakes her head, waiting for her turn to be interviewed.
A few minutes have passed, she is now the next in line to be interviewed, "So Y/N, what a lovely fit you have. Can you tell us who you are wearing?" the interviewer asked, and Y/N answered, "I am so honored to be chosen as one of Givenchy's Ambassador for this event, honoring one of the most prominent person that anyone knows in fashion..."
Y/N's voice got buried with a loud screaming from the bottom of the stairs. Fortunately Y/N got to finish her answer before she looked down. Then there she was, looking like a doll, dress to kill, looks that can melt; Jenna Ortega was standing in the bottom of the stairs, posing for every camera that she caught.
A smile creeping in Y/N's mouth has been caught by the reporter and the camera, this gave the reporter a chance to segue a hot topic that you and Jenna dance around, answering yet not giving the exact information that the people want, "Looks like Jenna Ortega arrived in the house, there have been rumors going around for quite some time now, that the two of you have a history?" the reporter asked with a malice on his voice.
Y/N smiled and answered "Well, we were uhm, friends way before our careers, so yes, we did know each other and yes I can say that we have a great history, but there's no bad blood between us" and chuckles, that leads to the reporters new question "So, if that's what it is, is she the muse for the new single titled 'I Can See You' that you dropped a few weeks ago and will perform later?"
Y/N chuckles and rubs her chin, trying to think of a way to dodge the question, "I mean, Jenna is a wonderful woman, I can't deny that, WE can't deny that. But you know, where is the fun of writing songs if I'm just gonna admit who I'm writing for, right?" Y/N leaves with a wink to the camera and entering the venue.
"That was fucking close. What's with the media trying to come up with something between me and Jenna? It's been going on for months" Y/N whispered to Emilia, trying to find a champagne that she can drink. "There are photos that are circulating in the internet from when you were in High School with Jenna" her publicist answered.
This statement made Y/N look at her publicist with a questing look "Okay, now what? I mean what can they make out of the pictures? I'm pretty sure Jenna is denying it for sure" and got the chance to seat at their designated table. "Yeah, she's totally not denying it, the both of you kept on giving vague answers. But they are the media and your fans, connecting every song that you write and the events that happens to your life and Jenna's life," Emilia said with a knowing look and sipping a champagne.
"How? I mean, I kept on using a he/him pronouns on my song to lower the connection. Don't tell me they are that smart to know and connect things, don't you?" Y/N said to her publicist, looking so worried about the on-going rumor that can't seem to die.
On the other side of the venue, Jenna was taking a seat with Enrique trying to hide an annoyed look. "What's with the rumors and Y/N, they kept on reoccurring, why can't it die?" Jenna said trying to fidget with pearls that on her dress. "You know that the both of you aren't denying anything, right?" Enrique said to the girl.
Jenna then send Enrique a look that can kill and said "I am denying it, that's for sure. While HER, she keeps on dancing around it" Enrique then shakes his head "Oh no darling, you weren't denying it, the BOTH of you are dancing around it. Please don't deny it" then Jenna answered him so quick "I am denying it, I kept on saying no..."
Enrique just chuckles and said "See, the both of you aren't denying anything. You and Y/N always say that the both of you are 'good friends' and for the record, the both of you are always in the same event" and ended his sentence with a shrug trying to prove his point.
Jenna just rolled her eyes and tries to listen to whoever is speaking. While Y/N got called backstage to get ready to perform.
The host announced that Y/N was about to perform. Lights were dimmed and a shadow in the middle can be seen, the intro starts, and the crowd began to applaud and scream for Y/N's name.
Jenna noticed the intro and looked at Enrique and said "Really, she's gonna sing this? Out of all the songs?" and Enrique chuckled at the comment and replied "Well that's her new song, what can we do but to listen and enjoy, right?"
The performance ended with pyrotechnics in the stage and a wild crowd.
As the host again took over the stage, Jenna decided that she needed another drink, because what the fuck was that lyric, it just added gas to the burning fire, nice move, she thought in a sarcastic tone.
"One sour whiskey please" Jenna said to the bar tender, wanting to seat in the bar stool but sadly, her gown is restricting her. While she was waiting for her drink, whispers can be heard from behind her, not wanting to know the drama she still decided to maintain her focus on the bar.
"Nice dress you have there"
Once the voice registered, her eyes widen and her hand clenches into fist. Thinking if she ignores the voice, it will just go away, because if she faces the other girl tonight, she don't know if she will make a scene. But to no avail, the voice speak again, now beside her.
"I said you look good in your dress, Miss Ortega" Jenna heard, now feeling a smirk plastered on Y/N's face. With all her might Jenna faced the other girl with a tight smile, her hand clenched by her side and said "I heard you the first time, you know?" with an eyebrow raised, "Oh so you were just ignoring me then?" Y/N said now trying to make a sad face.
Jenna's jaw clenched, how can Y/N take this like a joke, "Yes you are right, I am ignoring you" focusing back on the bartender, "But I thought we were 'good friends', right" Y/N answered while trying to tease Jenna, "In case if you didn't notice, I say that for us to have neutral grounds, now can you please piss off?" Jenna answered and thought that it might be a little harsh but she really just want to be away from Y/N.
Before Y/N got to say something, the bartender gave Jenna her drink, and when she's ready to walk away, a photographer got in her way and said "Hey Y/N and Jenna, can you please pose so that I can take a shot"
Y/N greeted the photographer with a smile and accepted the request, she pulls Jenna near her, while Jenna tries to stay her ground, "Come girls closer" the photographer again said and Y/N thought, "This man surely knows how to stir the pot"
The both of them smiled for the camera, closer than they have been for 5 years. This was the first picture of them that they were this close to each other after their career boomed and well, after what they had.
"Thanks ladies, enjoy the night" the photographer said and left the duo. "Okay you can let go now" Jenna said, "For your information, I also don't like being linked to you, so I came here to clear things out, yeah?" Y/N said with a nod in her head.
That surprises Jenna "Okay, I get that, then go on and deny that we had a history" Jenna said challenging Y/N, "You first, you are always out doing interview, unlike me, I don't have any premiere shows or any other events like this" Y/N smirked.
It made Jenna's blood boil again, inhale and exhale, she reminded herself. She doesn't want to make a scene and be banned to this gala, this is her second time, she doesn't want it to be her last she thought.
Y/N walked away and left Jenna stunned with her drink on hand.
After the MET Gala, of course there would be an after party, Jenna was invited to many but decided to go to the nearest one to her hotel.
Trying to fix her make-up inside the car that she is on, she hears Enrique say, "Okay, slow down with the drinks, we don't need you going around the place" with a knowing look, Jenna then replied "That was ONE time oh my god, please let that go" with an annoyed tone.
Her car stopped at the entrance, looking outside through her window she saw a dozen of paparazzi trying to get a picture of none other than Y/F/N Y/L/N.
"Fuck, no fucking way" Jenna said to Enrique, still looking at the window, "What? What's the problem?" Enrique asked her worriedly, "Y/N is here, I can't stand another minute of faking smiles with her, every time I see her I fell like my stomach churns and I want to vomit so bad. Enrique please, let's go to another party" Jenna pleaded that earned a shakes to Enrique's head.
"Nope, can't be, your manager chose this party so you can mingle with different artist. I can't say no to that, and you know it" Enrique stated with a stern look, not giving Jenna a chance to say another word.
With a grunt Jenna whispers to herself "Here goes nothing" and exits the car. Another set of cameras are now trying to capture Jenna and her outfit for the afterparty, looking at the entrance, she saw Y/N rolled her eyes, Jenna thought "The fucking nerve of this girl t roll her eyes"
Now that they are in the same vicinity again, the paparazzi wasted no time and asked for a picture of them together, which they don't say no, since they don't want to cause another issue.
Y/N greeted Jenna with an open arm and huge smile, when Jenna got situated next to Y/N, she heard the other girl say "Are you stalking me?" which made Jenna look at the girl, with the heels that she is wearing, she stepped on Y/N's toe that made Y/N jerked in pain, with a worried voice Jenna said "Are you okay?"
With that, the security ushered the cameras away and assisted the both of them inside.
"DO you really need to step on me?" Y/N said, "Oh, I didn't mean to, really" Jenna answered, voice filled with sarcasm. Y/N have a deadpan look not believing what Jenna said "Yeah? You sure there?" Y/N said challenging Jenna, and that made Jenna smile "Of course not, I would do it again and again."
With that, Jenna left Y/N speechless. Y/N thought to herself "Is she that fucking angry at me? What did I even do to her?" and proceeded to enter the party and mingle with other artists.
The party actually went well for the both of them, avoiding each other like a plague, Y/N performing in the party and joining the DJ in the booth while Jenna tries to expand her connections and tries to know new faces.
Another hour have passed and Y/N was now taking a break from all the mingling and faking smiles and went to the bathroom, as if like faith is trying to take the both of them as a joke, she saw Jenna bending over the sink.
"Are you fine?" voiced laced with worry as Y/N walked slowly towards Jenna, "Don't come near me" Jenna said head still hanging low. Y/N stopped in her track and said "You are tipsy... or like drunk? You need to go home."
The statement made Jenna look at Y/N and said "What now, you're my mom now?" Y/N just rolled her eyes knowing that it is impossible to argue with a drunk Jenna. Y/N fished out her phone and texted someone, "Come on, I'll bring you to your hotel, can you tell me where it is?" Y/N asked while staying on her track.
"No, I won't go with you, I don't want to go with you can't you see that? Leave me alone" Jenna said trying to fix her make-up in front of the mirror, "Why not? You clearly can't walk straight I bet" Y/N said and chuckled. Jenna hates it, she hates that Y/N is right, that is why she is in the corner holding herself through the sink and not moving an inch because she knows she'll stumble with her drunk state and her heels so high.
Y/N take Jenna's silence as a cue to go to the other girl and support her. Jenna then said "We can't be seen going home together, I don't wanna be seen with you" It made Y/N's heart ache, is she that fucking bad in Jenna's perspective to the point that she doesn't want to be seen with her? Y/N just swallowed down the pain that she feels.
"Yeah, I messaged Enrique, he will meet us at the entrance and I'll make sure to not be seen with you." with a heavy sigh, Y/N supported Jenna to walk out of the bathroom through the crowd of people inside the party and into the entrance.
"Jenna, Enrique said he'll meet us at the front" Y/N notified and it made Jenna shakes her head "No... Y/N Nooooo" Jenna whined, it made Y/N chuckle, if she can have Jenna like this every time, not wanting to cut her throat, or sending sarcastic comments, she would make Jenna drink alcohol for as long as she wants, but she knows she can't.
But like their situation right now, Enrique can't really enter so they need to meet him in front.
"Jenna, I'm very sorry but we really need to meet him in front" Y/N said and telling to the security that they will go out of the establishment, which the security ushered them to.
Flashes of light welcomed them to the outside world, not far enough Y/N saw Enrique waiting for Jenna. "Thanks, I'm really sorry I can't meet you inside" Enrique said which Y/N answered "It's okay, take care, I'll be back inside"
"WE CAN SEE YOU: Jenna Ortega and Y/F/N Y/L/N seen going home together after the after party for the MET GALA"
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Actress Jenna Ortega and Singer Y/F/N Y/L/N seen together leaving the after party hand in hand. But before this, they are also seen in the red carpet, fans capturing how the singer look at the actress. They have also been asked with questions pertaining to them being together but the both of them swam around the topic. Another photo of them was released mingling by the the bar inside the MET, having all smiles and flirting with each other.
Their fans have been speculating that they were together ever since High School and just kept it lowkey due to their reputation and their careers. The fans also tried to make sense of Y/N's released songs and connected it to the actress, which can somehow make sense, but we can't be for sure knowing that the singer also have a list of exes.
The fans and the media seemed to not disagree and hate their dynamic, instead they hope that what they speculate is real, knowing and seeing how beautiful they look together.
Stay tuned for the latest update towards our favorite couple, or may I say duo? Who knows, right?
A/N: Hope you enjoy this new series, thoughts?
Chapter 2
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Hello can i ask for the cullen with a female reader with a severe shopping addcition like Buys clothes for thousands of dollars even though she has a regular job thank you💜
The Cullens with a Reader who has a shopping addiction
Uhm this might be me but buying Draculaura dolls off of eBay…
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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#1 enabler
He loves you and he wants you to be happy
If going out and buying anything you want makes you happy, then by all means max out his cards
Genuinely tells you to quit your job
Why would you need to work at a McDonalds or smthn when your immortal boyfriend is rich?
If you insist on keeping your job, he’ll let you keep it
But he doesn’t let you spend your own money
If you want to buy stuff, use his
He has more than enough
And yes he wants to see everything you bought every time
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Twin flames
I mean, this ask is basically Alice
She buys all of the Cullens’ outfits
And they never re-wear anything
So she definitely has her own 1000 dollar shopping sprees
It’s your favorite date nights
I lied with Edward’s; she might actually be the biggest enabler
And you never have to spend your own money
She’s actually shocked you still have a job
Like wdym you haven’t quit yet? Your vampire girlfriend is literally rich go put your apron up for good
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He doesn’t really get it
But he’s been with Alice all of these years, so he knows to just let it be
Everyone has their hobbies
I feel like he still feels like an outsider to the Cullens, so he would feel weird offering you Carlisle’s money
Even if Carlisle has told him multiple times that he can buy whatever he wants
So since this is all on your dollar, he does ask you to ease up every once in a while
You know, maybe keep it to just once a month
Or multiple times a month but less money
He loves seeing what you buy though
You’re always so happy to show him what you got, how could he say no?
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She might come off as unapproachable and a little mean
But there’s nothing she loves more than a good shopping spree
She likes to come with you
And spend all of Carlisle’s money
In her eyes it’s the least he can do for turning her <3
She doesn’t let you use your own money when you’re together
If you go on your own then she doesn’t care
Nothing makes her more happy than buying you the shirt that you wanted or the laptop you were looking at
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Another one who just doesn’t understand
He finds simple things more appealing
He feels more satisfied when he gets to beat the shit out of something
But if you like to shop then you do you
He honestly doesn’t even think to offer up Carlisle’s money
Like it just doesn’t cross his mind
If you ask him to, he probably won’t
This is your thing, you have a job, and it’s not his money
Now if it was his, it’s all yours
If he has some money of his own to blow then it’s yours, he’s not using it anyway
And he definitely wants to see everything you buy
He thinks you look good in everything tho ;)
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She’s a little concerned
I have a feeling she grew up a little poor
And even though she’s lived in luxury with Carlisle for longer than she was alive, she’s still not used to it
She asks you to pump the brakes a couple of times
To ease up just a little
She helps you set up a budget if you’re willing
She genuinely thinks you might need an intervention though
She’s convinced it’s an unhealthy coping mechanism
But you’re an adult, it’s your money that you earned, and this is what you want
So she won’t stop you
But she is concerned
That doesn’t stop her from wanting to see a fashion show of everything you buy though
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Ultimate sugar daddy
Carlisle come home the kids miss you I miss you
He would fund any addiction you had
Unless it was like heroin or something
And then he would very kindly ask you to stop
But it’s nothing new to him to use his money on clothes
Alice does it literally every other week
So he doesn’t mind
And seeing how happy it makes you makes him want to do it all the more
Give him all of the hauls
All of the fashion shows
And don’t ever even think about getting your own card out
He gets you your own card that’s directly linked to one of his accounts so that you can use it whenever you want
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Vampire! Bella:
She doesn’t really get it
She was never very materialistic when she was alive
In fact, she hated buying and receiving gifts
Or anything in general
So she doesn’t get it
She straight up tells you that what you’re doing is irresponsible
Even if you can afford it
You need to be saving your money, not spending it
And she doesn’t feel entitled to Carlisle’s money enough to offer it to you
She’s a D1 hater
She’ll sit through your hauls, but she always has something to say
“Where are you even gonna wear that?” “Don’t you have something like that already?”
Hater 🙄
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theelvenhaven · 1 year
Unexpected Gift
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Little!Vanifinwe x Brothers
2.6k words
Make You Pretty | Enhanced Beauty | Breakfast Reveals | Unexpected Farewell | Unexpected Gift
* * *
Carnistir was silent as he looked over the new stuffed rabbit he had sewn together. Vanifinwe had lost hers… permanently. A pup of Celegorm’s had mauled Sir Rabbit to the point that he couldn't be fixed or saved, all of his stuffing ripped out, his face ripped apart and fluffy bits of fabric had been left everywhere. She had been an inconsolable mess when she had arrived back to see the said surprise. Only to find him in shreds. 
It had been something Carnistir had thrown together as just sewing practice, never intending for it to become Vanifinwe’s comfort item. Yet it had been her most precious possession, and now he was gone. So Carnistir had taken it upon himself to create a new Sir Rabbit. 
One that was much nicer than the scrap fabric one. Especially seeing her so sad and even heartbroken over the loss of her toy. Nothing so far could replace Sir Rabbit, their parents- try as they might- offered up toys of all kinds to soothe her. Yet it just wasn’t the same for the elfling, rejecting all of them no matter how soft and beautiful that they were. No matter how many rabbits or even bears…. And little stuffed animal doggies were an absolute no for now. 
Vanifinwe wouldn’t even see Huan, distressed by any dog that got near her and what dolls she would play with. Even if Huan wasn’t responsible, the damage had been done. Tyelkormo had even been making efforts to try and soothe Vanifinwe and entertain her feeling guilty that it had been one of his pups that had gotten ahold of Sir Rabbit. 
No one knew how to fix it, save maybe Carnistir. Who had made this stuffed animal rabbit, look strikingly like Sir Rabbit, save he was made from exquisitely soft velveteen. What fabric bits and glass eyes and nose was left over, Carnistir was able to fashion them to the rabbit. Hoping it would offer her comfort and familiarity. 
He even remembered Sir Rabbit’s proportions. Which at the time had seemed so foolish that he remembered something as silly as a stuffed animal's proportions. But never had he been more grateful that he had until now. 
No one, save Curvo, had known that he had decided to take on the task of trying to recreate Sir Rabbit. Having spent weeks on making sure he was just right, and even making little prototypes he could give to her later as well if she was receptive to this one. Though he wasn’t wholly optimistic of what the outcome would be, and naturally Curvo hadn’t been much for reassurance either. 
Telling him that it was a waste of time seeing as Vanifinwe was just going to reject it just as she had every other stuffed animal that had been given to her. Going on to add that even if there was a slim possibility that she would take it… It was far too nice and she’d just destroy the beauty of the rabbit. This one was incredibly nice. A labor of love, as others would say describing things they’ve created. 
But Carnistir didn’t care if it would drug through the mud by the elfling, he just wanted to see his sister happy again. Who had been incredibly difficult in these last few weeks without her comfort item. Only Atya could console her and even then she wasn’t wholly cooperative for him either, still putting up a weak fight and getting teary eyed and only going to sleep if it was with him and on him. 
Their Amme and Atya’s bed had surely been crowded over the last couple weeks, and she would only stay up all night if she was left to her own devices in her room. Making her a mighty terror the following morning and day. Her behavior was completely uncharacteristic and it didn’t seem like she was getting over the loss any time soon. 
Everyone needed a break from Vanifinwe, and Vanifinwe needed a break from her very big emotions for someone so little. 
Gently Carnistir ran his thumb across the reddish brown velveteen, looking into those little glass blue eyes that were chipped with a tooth mark or two and its little button nose. His hand squeezed making sure Sir Rabbit was fluffy enough, coming down to its feet where he had sewn a patchwork of the old scraps onto them. With a little star on the bottom in fine gold embroidery. 
Nothing like the Feanorian star, just something simple that he knew little Vanifinwe would enjoy once she saw it. He sighed out, before standing from his sewing table. Knowing he wouldn’t be fully satisfied until he knew whether or not his little sister was satisfied with the new Sir Rabbit. 
Leaving his room, Carnistir began to make his way through the hallways. Passing by maids and servants, ner and nis who were there for reasons Carnistir didn’t care about. So he paid them no mind, save for when they greeted him, he tried to at least nod in their direction. To have a semblance of courtesy towards them, though today that was not his sole focus. 
It was the sounds of Vanifinwe’s disgruntled voice that began to fill the hallway. Her little foot stamping down onto the floor and Carnistir could hear the pout on her lips as she spoke to Tyelkormo in a sad tone. Quietly he crept to the door of her room, passing by Huan who lay loyally outside the door even if Vanifinwe wouldn’t let him in. Only to find Tyelkormo dressed… interestingly…
A small satin cap was around his neck, and his platinum hair were in an array of numerous pigtails sticking off all around his head. Carnistir curled his lips inwards to see him, trying not to smile or laugh to see him in such a manner. It only added to the hilarity as he jingled when he moved, holding a doll in one hand with other hand on his hip, dressed with bangles on each wrist and jewelry draping from his neck. 
From what he could see there was red lipstick smeared across his face, and his eyes were hastily done with lots and lots of blush… In fact almost his whole face was pink. He really had been trying to do anything to make things better for their baby sister. Carnistir would certainly credit him with that much at least. Any other time he’d have a slew of insults and would laugh at him, but Tyelkormo spoke next;
“Vani, you are clearly tired. You need a nap.” Tyelkormo said in a firm but exasperated voice, but the little elfling only humphed out folding her arms even tighter across her wrinkled red dress. 
“I want Atya.” She rebutted in a sad voice, her little lip poking out and quivering slightly. Making Tyelkormo sigh out again, trying to reason with an elfling who had their mind set on something was impossible. Especially one with a will like their father’s. 
“Vani… Atya is busy working, he cannot be here for you today.” Tyelkormo tried to reason despite himself, knowing it was only going to fail. But Vanifinwe only began to sniffle, bringing her hands up to cover her eyes with the heel of her hand. Something she did when she tried not to cry, 
“Vani… Don’t cry…” Tyelkormo said in a surprisingly soft voice, moving to approach her with a little swoosh coming from his cape, Carnistir watched as he kneeled down and brought his hands to her shoulders. Trying to pull her into him for a hug, but he was met with resistance. Vanifinwe immediately began to pull away from Tyelko.
“I want Atya! I don’t want you!” The elfling rebutted in a weepy voice, Carnistir watched as his hasty tempered brother was quickly losing his patience and he found it was his cue to step in. Before Tyelkormo couldn’t handle anymore, seeing as he had been the sole person to spend time with her in an effort to make up for what his pup had done to Sir Rabbit. He knew when his brother was at his breaking point and Vanifinwe was quickly driving him there. 
“Vani-” But before he could say anything else, Vanifinwe was already there hugging his leg sniffling. 
“Moryo, tell Tyelko I don’t him, I want Atya.” He heard Tyelkormo groan and when Carnistir looked up at him he couldn’t tell if his face was reddened with frustration or not. For the love of Eru… Generous with the makeup had been an understatement of what was going on with his face. 
Regardless Carnistir began to squat down and held one arm out to coax her into a hug, and though she was reluctant Vanifinwe went into his arm immediately. Bringing Tyelkormo to both feel frustration that it was so easy for Carnistir, and relieved that she wanted someone other than him. Everyone had certainly shouldered some of the blame onto him, even if they hadn’t said it directly. 
So he went and sat down at one of the tiny chairs in the room, resting his head in his hand and watching Carnistir and Vanifinwe interact. 
“I know Vani, but Atya said he was busy today.” Carnistir said in a gentle voice, and he could hear her whimper out. Before burying her face into his chest, she was exhausted and it was clear in the way that she acted and from what he had seen on her face too. He only wrapped his arm a little tighter around her shoulders and hugging her close. 
For a long moment the pair stayed like this, with his arm wrapped around her letting her keep her face buried into his chest. She was unmoving from her spot, and after sometime Carnistir and Tyelkormo both shared a look, both wondering if she had finally fallen asleep before he felt her shift in his hold. Starting to fidget and bring her arms up to hug his neck, her little fingers fiddling with the collar of his tunic. 
“Vani, I have something for you.” Carnistir said softly, feeling her only continue to hold him for a long moment, before she finally pulled away. Her hand coming to gently wipe away the tears that wet her lashes, 
“You do?” She asked sniffling still, and Tyelkormo shot him a look telling him no. Due to the fact he knew where this was going, Tyelkormo didn’t want to deal with a full blown meltdown because the stuffed animal didn’t work out. He vigorously shook his head at Carnistir’s words in an effort to deter him. But it was too late. 
“I made this for you.” Carnistir answered, looking at his little sister who looked up at him with big blue eyes watching him with sleepy curiosity. Quietly bringing out the new floppy velveteen rabbit out from behind his back. For a moment there was silence as her big eyes moved to land on the rabbit that he was holding out to her. 
Like all the others for a moment she brought her hands up to her eyes, before Carnistir watched her peek out from behind them looking back at the floppy rabbit again. All was still as they both held their breath waiting to see how Vanifinwe would react to the rabbit, even Tyelkormo had to do a double take seeing as it looked strikingly similar to the last rabbit. 
But after a moment, Vanifinwe pulled her hands away from her eyes and gently reached out for the rabbit. Quietly she held the rabbit in her hands, looking down at it’s glass eyes before she began to grow emotional. Not because she hated it, because it was just like Sir Rabbit, except he was brown instead of blue and gray. 
“You made this for me?” Vanifinwe asked tearfully, slowly beginning to bring the rabbit up to clutch tightly to her chest in a hug. Carnistir began to nod at her words, letting a little smile come to his lips seeing that she was so accepting of the stuffed rabbit. Tyelkormo threw his head back, sighing in relief as he leaned back in the little chair. Finally the reign of terror from the inconsolable elfling was over. 
“Thank you hanyo, I loves hims so much.” She began in a weepy voice, starting to cry as she moved back in to hug Carnistir. Even hugging the rabbit, felt just like Sir Rabbit. Carnistir came and brought both of his arms around her, picking her up from the floor as she rested her head against his shoulder. Still tightly clutching the new rabbit. 
“Thank Eru Iluvatar.” Tyelkormo breathed out, relieved that finally someone had come up with something to soothe her. He didn’t even have the heart to chastise Carnistir for taking so long, just glad that it had finally been done. 
It took hardly any time for Vanifinwe to grow comfortable on her brother's shoulder, closing her eyes as the tears finally quelled themselves and growing limp in his hold as she fell asleep in his arms. Carnistir simply held her close before the pair looked at one another, 
“Don’t say it.” Tyelkormo said defensively, seeing the faint smirk on Carnistir’s lips. Knowing that he was going to tell him how he looked like shit, and that was perhaps the understatement of the century. Tyelkormo rose to his feet, his pigtails flopping about from the force in which he stood, ready to defend himself from his brother. 
“You look like shit.” Carnistir said it anyways and Tyelkormo shot Carnistir a glare, 
“I know. But what was I supposed to do, tell her no after what happened?” He grumbled out, folding his arms over his chest. Vanifinwe only stirred slightly in his hold, taking in a deep and shaky breath, squeezing the new rabbit in her hold even tighter to her. Both ner grew quiet for a moment, watching her on baited breath a little fearful she would wake up. 
“I am taking a break. To get this-” Tyelkormo began to wave and motion to his face that was slathered in makeup, “Off my pretty face.” Carnistir snorted at Tyelkormo’s words, 
“I don’t know, I think it is just better hiding what’s under there.” 
“ Watch it. ” Tyelkormo growled out angrily, coming to undo the tie on the little cape around his neck, making Carnistir release a breathy chuckle. Happy to see him so riled up and upset for once, rather than causing Carnistir to be so upset. 
Tyelkormo grumbled out, snatching the little cape from around his neck and setting it on the table, before he began to walk out of the room. While Carnistir began to move to the bed to sit on while Vanifinwe napped against him, he supposed he could take some time to cuddle with her. It wasn’t often Vanifinwe wanted anyone to cuddle with her while she slept- except Atya recently. 
Tyelkormo paused at the threshold of the door for a moment, debating on what he should say. 
“Thanks, I guess.” He said turning to look at Carnistir, who looked back at Tyelkormo as if he had grown a second and third head. Did he just thank him? For giving Vani her new toy? Or was it because it had spared him from having to argue with the elfling?
“Don’t look at me like that. And don’t get used to it, it’s the only thanks you’re getting.” Tyelkormo said in a temperamental tone, before he stormed out of the room with Huan right on his heels following him. Carnistir only leaned back against the headboard of the bed and closed his eyes, holding his little sister. Wondering if he too would be partial for a little nap with her. 
* * *
Tags: @saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandomhoe101 @celebrimbor-telperinquar @red-riding @miriel-estelwen @ta-ka-shi-ma @nerdysimpy @thegirlwithoutaname87 @anunexpectedsideblog @spidergirla5 @eunoiaastralwings @eternalabysss
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squaric-acid · 9 months
A Treat for the Eyes, Pt. 1
My contribution to the TCR Secret Santa 2023
I'm writing for @raythecomputerart, I hope you enjoy! I was going to write something short and sweet for the cozy tea party prompt but it got entangled with the high fashion prompt and this was the result.
“Here’s your next assignment,” Natoru, assistant to the editor-in-chief of Cat Kingdom Magazine, said nasally, holding the manilla folder out to Muta.
Muta reached across the desk with a grumble.
“Probably another toothpaste ad,” he muttered under his breath.
Toto elbowed him hard in the ribs.
“It’s for Baron’s new collection. You’ll need to find a suitable model. Yuki’s called in sick again.”
Natoru hid it well but both Muta and Toto had known their boss’s simpering secretary long enough to detect the disdain in his voice for the magazine’s top model. Who also happened to be the fiancée of the editor’s son. Thankfully, neither Muta or Toto shared Natoru’s disdain for the model.
“Well, if it’s Baron’s work then it should be interesting,” Toto said cheerfully as Natoru sashayed out of the small office Toto and Muta shared.
Muta gave a long-suffering sigh as he flicked through the folder.
“Where are we going to find a suitable model in this short of time?”
“A modeling gig?” Haru gave Hiromi a quizzical look across the cafe table she was bussing.
“Not just any gig. Look!”
Hiromi shoved the flier in her skeptical friend’s face.
“It’s for Baron’s new spring collection!” Hiromi squealed.
Haru removed the flier from her face and gave it a glance.
“That’s nice,” Haru said blandly. “When did you hear about it?”
“Someone just put up a flier on the bulletin board. Some fatso from the photography department. Just as I was leaving.”
“That’s nice,” Haru said, turning back to her task.
“Oh, come on Haru! This is perfect for you! I know you’ve been angling for a change to work with Baron since you first laid eyes on his work.”
“Okay sure, but-“
“But nothing. Why not try? Yuki’s out sick and Louise is still in Kyoto.” A wheedling tone had snuck into Hiromi’s voice.
“Get serious, there’s no way he’d select me to be his model for his latest collection.”
Why does this always happen to me? Haru asked herself as she sat curled against the hallway wall outside of one of the many studio spaces in the Cat Kingdom Magazine’s creative department. A dozen or so models lingered around waiting to be assessed for their suitability and worthiness to model for Baron’s newest collection.
“Why did Hiromi have to call in sick? Now I’m here on my own!” Haru grumbled to herself. 
In the week since Hiromi had shoved the flier in her face, Haru had learned little else about Baron’s newest collection. She and Hiromi had clamored for spots in the modeling audition, luckily Haru’s second job at the cafe was accommodating. Despite being models for Cat Kingdom Magazine, the competition for the best gigs was cutthroat and she and Hiromi were among the more junior models.
Haru surveyed the other models all awaiting their turn to impress the famed designer. Baron was somewhat of an eccentric recluse amongst the top players in the fashion world. He always chose his models with the utmost care. And he favored the infamous photographer and stylist duo, Muta and Toto, for his shoots with the magazine.
The models around her all knew what a shoot like this could mean for their careers. They were dolled up to the nines and for models that’s saying a lot. Every single one harbored secret dreams of becoming Baron’s muse.
Haru, for all her aspirations in the fashion industry, had hardly bothered. Hiromi had convinced her to wear virtually no makeup to accentuate her features, instead of hiding them.
Muta and Toto worked extraordinarily well together but were exceedingly picky. Hence their infamy amongst the models of Cat Kingdom Magazine. When not called upon to work with Baron they often were out on small jobs, like toothpaste ads. If they were working for Baron on this shoot it meant that the standards would be astronomically high.
Hiromi and Haru had both done a couple gigs each with Muta and Toto for small ads. Cat Kingdom had originally been a talent acquisition company. It still kept up those programs and lots of models hoping to join the fashion seems started in Cat Kingdom’s talent agency. Apparently that’s how the son of Cat Kingdom’s editor came to know Yuki, one of the magazine supermodels. Haru and Hiromi had both met Yuki before, despite her newfound fame she always had the kindness of a hopeful new model.
The next model was called in to audition and Haru was pulled from her thoughts. She wondered if either Toto or Muta would recognize her. She wasn’t sure she wanted them to.
One by one the models went in and then came out. Each one sporting the tight smile of one who had been let down politely but rather scathingly too.
Soon Haru was alone in the hall. She stood and smoothed the wrinkles of her long skirt. She’d worn her favorite lacy socks and a pair of sandals over them. In retrospect not the most fashionable choice for an aspiring model.
Haru hadn’t been terribly self-conscious before this moment but she was now. And as the previous model exited with a classless upturned nose Haru felt her stomach sink down to rest around her toes.
“He’s so uptight,” she heard the previous model hiss to her friends who were waiting for her at the end of the hall.
“No wonder Louise left him.”
Haru felt her mouth go inexplicably dry. 
I do hope you enjoyed this! Stay tuned for parts 2, 3, and 4!
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Bright souls have a dark side too
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A/N: This is a little fic i write for this festive holiday. Not always easy to introduce your boyfriend to the entire family. But hey, with Bucky at your side, why being afraid?
don't be shy to reblog, comment and like!
TW: tiny bit of angst if you squint closely, meeting the all fam (that's scary), fluff, bucky barnes (the romantic menace), smut (fingering (f receive) pinv (wrap it before you tap it)-established relationship
1909 words
divider by @firefly-graphics
not beta read, english is not my first language, all mistakes are my own.
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It’s Christmas eve, the worse moment of the year for you. You can’t quite understand the thrilled around it, but you like to see your friends and family happy. That all that matters to you on these days.
But this year…it’s special, you have someone special by your side. A dark brunette with blue eyes and a smile that warm your heart more and more every day.
This nickname, you always found it to be a bit cheesy, but since him? You find it endearing and you love to hear it…especially with his voice.
“Yes, my love?”. His warm smile comes to view, and you smile back to him.
“Are you ready?”, you can’t hold back the sigh, making him worried. “Doll? Are you okay?”. You nod.
“Yeah, yeah, just…anxious I guess.” He sits beside you and cradles you in his arms.
“About what?”
“I don’t know, my family? You not liking them, them not liking you…me panicking for being overstimulated?”.
He kisses your forehead and smiles against your skin. “You’re adorable.”
You huff at that, “I’m not, I’m… pathetic”
He holds your chin and looks into your eyes, making you feel so small, but so safe at the same time. “You’re not. I met only your sister, and she was already a bit shocked to see her little sister going out with The Winter Soldiiier”, he half jokes.
You glare at him, and he kisses you.
“I know, you talked about me, but to see me in flesh can be…intimidating? I mean I do have a reputation. And not always the best one.”
You want to say something, but he shushes you with another kiss. “No but’s, it’s true and I’m okay with it. I made amend, I know my worth…most of the time and I got you. I don’t need to be accepted by your all family, just hope your parents can see I will, and I am taking good care of you, that’s all that matter for me.”
You smile, you love when he gets a bit old fashion concerning your parents and the way they will see him. You secretly wonder if he will ask your dad first if one day he proposed.
He helps you dress, reassuring you that you look gorgeous and that you don’t need to put the most amazing outfit. “I mean for me…you could wear my Henley and I would say you can go on the catwalk”, he smiles at you in the mirror, and you giggle.
When you look up and meet his eyes…the blue is almost gone. You started to call him Jamie a few weeks back, and let’s just say…it always had an effect on him. His hands are on your hips, and he brings you tight against him. You gasp, because his hard, from head to toe, but damn the weapon between his legs is menacing you.
“Say that again”, he groans in your ear.
He holds you close, cuddling you, kissing your neck. “I love when you call me like that.”
You giggle and shake your head “And I’m amazed by how feral and cute you can be in a matter of seconds”, he smiles sheepishly at you.
“Well, I…we need to get going soon and I don’t want to ruin your hair and makeup…now”, he murmurs pressing against you.
“So thoughtful of you…Jamie.”, you reply in a seductive voice.
He hugs you tighter and bites your neck gently. “Please I’m trying to be a good man and not railed my girlfriend before I officially meet her parents.”
You laugh and rest your head on his shoulder. He smiles at you in the mirror and squeezes your waist. “It’s gonna be alright angel face”.
You nod and hold his hand, walking out of your new shared appartement. It’s serious between us, you think. He left the Avenger Tour to settle with me.
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Let’s just say, the lunch with your extended family was something. Shocked was written on all their faces when they saw who was the mysterious plus one your mother mentioned. Bucky put on his best smile and tried not to cringe when everybody looked at his arm. Especially when you were holding his left hand. Surprisingly, your dad was the nicest and asked him real question and was really interested about what he did now, not about his past. They bonded around mechanics when bucky explained that he helped Sam rebuilt an old boat.
At 7pm, you two are finally home. You feel bloated, exhausted and so relieved that Christmas is over.
“Come here”, murmurs Bucky when you go lay on the couch. “I want to cuddle in bed, it’s comfier”, he continues, starting to take off your clothes. You shiver, the appartement being a bit colder than the house of your auntie. James is quick to takes his Henley off and to put it on you, you smile at the gesture and inhale his scent in the crook of his collar. “I’m right here, sunshine”, he jokes. You turn and hug him.
“How do you feel? I’m sorry they were looking at you like that.”
He kisses your head and strokes your cheeks. “I’m alright, your dad made it all better and you did too. I’m used to people staring.”
“I don’t want you to feel like …I don’t know, but I want you to feel welcomed in my family.”
“And I will, look at your friends, they were a bit… cold at first and now, it’s alright.”
He kisses you before you can say something. A kiss that deepens, he holds you close to him, walking you to the bed, laying you down gently and hovering you.
“I had a nice Christmas lunch. I had the best Christmas in a long time, because I spend it with you”, he declares.
You smirk. “Cheesy, Barnes”. He glares at you, and you blush.
“I told you to not call me that…”
“I was only joking”.
“I know, but don’t call me that, please?”. You nod and pecks his lips.
“I won’t call you that again, promise, Jamie.”
This time, he smiles and kisses you deeply, holding you tight against his chest, not a single space between the two of you. You get worked up fast, he knows how to push the right buttons to make you feel hot and bothered.
“James…jamie…please”, you mumble between kisses.
“I need you, Jamie.”
He presses firmly against you, saying without words that he needs you too and you’re quick to get him out of his pants and boxers, he takes your panties too and his Henley of you and once again holds you tight against him.
You love how much he needs skin to skin contact. How he grew and let his need of physical touch overcome his fear that you’ll run away if his left arm touched you.
His right hand slides between your bodies and plays with your mound, you arch your back and let a soft moan leaves your lips. Bucky catches it with a soft and tender kiss.
“My beautiful and gorgeous doll”, he murmurs against your lips. You pass your arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. This man has ruined you for everyone else and you want to drown in his tender and rough touch.
You cum on his fingers first, shaking and eyes rolling back. You’re quick to press him for more. “I need you, Jamie.”, you whine. He smiles at that and nods, starting to kiss you tenderly, making you dizzy by how he plays with your tongue, how he’s nibbling at your lower lip and how cold and hot touches run down your skin.
When you feel his cock close to where you need him the most you press your hips down, making him chuckle.
“Eager, my doll.”
You nod, not ashamed of how addicted to him you are. You hold his head between your hands and look at him deeply. “I want you, Jamie, all the time, it’s crazy how I’m addicted to you”.
He thrusts in and bottoms out in one long thrust, making you moan deeply. You hold onto him, and he smiles, a smile so bright you feel his love pouring out of it. His warm against you, inside you…and in your chest the fire is burning.
He sets a pace that makes you loose sight of time and space. You can only see or hear him. His grunts, his hands caressing every part of you, his cock throbbing each time you clench. You can only see his blue eyes, saying thousand words and you understand each every one of them. You never had sex like that, with Bucky it’s always with this connection, a special one that make you think of him even when he’s just in the next room.
It’s a connection that make you see him, truly see him and he sees you too. It’s like your souls were connected before you cross each other path.
Bucky leans in and kisses you again, angling your hips in that way only him can do, the angle that makes you see stars in a matter of seconds. He rolls his hips deeps into you, kissing your cervix and rolling his pelvis on yours. You moan loudly, scratching his back entirely and holding his ass tightly after. He growls in your ear, speaking Russian lowly and you swoon at it.
“JAMES!” you scream a moan one last time and cum around him violently. He holds you tight when you start to tremble and makes little thrust and little roll of his hips to help you with your high. You clench hard one last time and he gasps before cumming too. He hides his face in your neck, tensing above you and relaxing after his own high.
He rolls over so you’re on top and holds you tightly, stroking your back and kissing your head. You pant, pressing kisses on his neck and drawing little patterns on his chest.
“I love you, doll”, he whispers after a while. You smile and kisses above his heart.
“I love you, Jamie.” He smiles brightly and scrunches his nose in a cute way.
After a few more comfortable minutes in silence, he pats your butt. “Your Dad said something to me, that…I can’t keep to myself.”
You frown, afraid… his smile reassures you.
“He told me that every bright soul have a dark side. He apologised for the looks some of your family sent me while eating. He said that my past, as the winter soldier, was the dark side of my soul. But that didn’t define it all. He saw the bright side and how I cared for you. He saw your smile change when we started dating.”
He stops, tearing up a little before continuing:
“he told me…that I made you and your soul shine again. And that together we were brighter and that made him very happy.”
You let your tears fall. Your dad always had a little philosophical way of thinking. And you loved that side of him. And to hear him say that to your boyfriend put your mind at ease, if your dad accepted your Jamie, the family would follow. That means you and Jamie could have you happily ever after.
Bucky kisses your tears away and then pecks your lips lots, making you giggle. “See Christmas magic” he chimes.
You laugh and kisses him.
mwaaaaah @chrisdrysdale for your christmas gift andddd 1 year celebration
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(I have clawed my way through another semester to bring you part four of my hero x villain story! They now have names. There are new characters with actual speaking roles. There is ✨Fashion✨.
beginning, previous chapter)
Phase 3: Walk walk, fashion baby~
"You know, I kind of wish we were the same size right now, because this room calls to my inner child's need to play dress up."
Dawn was bouncing from mannequin to clothing rack, trying to take everything in at once. The nature of my work meant that I needed to have an extensive array of outfits to choose from. Some of these outfits were scattered across different safe houses I own, but most of them could be found in The Closet. I built The Closet to be a costumer's dream.
Three floors. Temperature controlled. Organized by color, style, and event. And of course, there was Deji.
Deji was a tall person, never seen without a fantastic outfit and meticulously decorated afro. The day's look appeared to be small lights, turning their hair into a glorious halo of stars, and a comfortable maxi dress in black and midnight blue. I took a moment to appreciate their artistry.
"Rhe, sweetness, you brought me a new doll to play with!" Deji exclaimed.
Dawn turned to us, concerned. "Uh, doll?"
It was too late for him. Deji pounced, measuring tape in hand. Their rich, low voice filled the room with questions like "Are there any fabrics or textures that you can't stand?" and "Do you know how to walk in heels?", as they gently poked Dawn into optimal measuring stances.
"Deji, this is Dawnstar, as I'm sure you already know. Dawn, this is Deji, expert tailor and fashionista." I sidled over to a lectern on one side of the room. It had a tablet built into it, allowing the user to view a catalogue of every item in The Closet, as well as a detailed archive of fashion history and trends. Directly in front of me was a short pedestal surrounded by mirrors, reminiscent of a high end dressing room in a bridal boutique. I began to scroll through color pallets and fabric types as Deji herded Dawn over to stand on the pedestal.
"What sweetness fails to mention is that I'm her *oldest* and *dearest* friend," Deji playfully intoned, "and I got to bear witness to *all* her awkward stages growing up." I shot them a frosty glower, to which they simply blew a raspberry at me.
How dare they bring up my dark past.
"Rhetoric? Control queen, stone cold poker-face, no hair out of place *Rhetoric* had *awkward phases*? *Plural*?!" Dawnstar seemed to no longer be perturbed by Deji's maneuvering, too delighted at the concept of me having once been... cringe. "I know she can be dramatic, but even when she's going full ham it's in a weirdly graceful way?"
"I too, am human, and have thus have on occasion made questionable decisions. I have since trained myself out of my more... troublesome tendencies or overly emotional reactions." I knew that he was very aware of my levels of self control, having seen me once stare down a Strorix Game-Master during the Deathgame incident, without balking. The Game-Master looked away first.
I smoothly pulled out my phone and pull up the official wedding invitation he received, slaying that conversation before Deji could talk about my version of an emo phase.
"The noise from our confrontation has died down a bit, but there are still a few mentions of it here and there. This is perfect, given that we have only two-and-a-half weeks until the wedding. That should be plenty time for Deji to work their magic on our outfits."
Deji snorted, "*Plenty* she says. Plenty! Two whole outfits in less than two weeks, and for the event of the *year*!" They devolved into aggrieved ranting as they finishing taking measurements.
I began to read the wedding invitation aloud, to drown out their griping.
"Together with their families, Lady Rong Shih and The Rockin' Sorcha Darrow invite Dinari "Dawnstar" Seidu-Tinio, along with a guest, to share in their wedding celebration." A second page lists location, time, and preferred style of dress.
"They seem to be following the "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy rather than any real dress code, which leaves us plenty of room for creativity."
I looked back at Dawn to find him staring at me, eyes wide and his lips slightly parted. "You... I don't think I've ever heard you say my actual name before."
Oh, that was interesting. I decided to see what happened when I pushed this particular button.
"Well *Dinari*, you've never used my given name either. I'm starting to wonder if you even know it."
He made an interesting choking sound as I practically purred his name, it was even better than when I used pet names with him.
"W-wha? I mean- of course I know your name! It just- I got so used to calling you Rhetoric, and then Rhe - though that was more to try and mess with you early on and it didn't really work - but I *do* know your name, *Ms. Rhea Rivera*."
That... Alright, maybe I understood his reaction to the use of his name now. It felt... intimate, hearing that from him. Unlike him however, *I* was able to keep from showing much of a reaction. It did take me a half second longer to respond than normal however.
"Good, it would be rather embarrassing if we were to show up to the wedding and you started fumbling when introducing me to your ex. Hmm, the nickname Dawn suits you though... Perhaps Din as another nickname? Darling Din?"
A whirring sound interrupted any response he might have made. While we had been bantering, Deji had been using their portable controller to get clothing and fabric samples delivered to the dressing room. A panel of the wall smoothly opened up to allow a clothing rack to slither its way in. With the bounty of cloth and accessories came an excited giggling sound.
Perched atop the front of the serpentine rack was a 4 year old child, who's appearance could be summed up as Glitter. Glittery beads in her hair, glittery shoes, a slightly less glittery jumpsuit, and a cape decorated with glittery stars and planets.
Inanna was Deji's daughter, and she had made The Closet her playground. With all the poise of a queen, she skillfully kept her balance on the rack-turned-steed as it finished encircling the room. She quickly slid off her mount, little legs kicking in the air briefly before plopping down onto the carpet. I widened my stance and braced for impact.
36 pounds of gleeful child barrelled into me. I used her momentum to spin us both as I lifted her up to rest on my hip.
"*Titi*, I picked my clothes today! Look look look! I'm sparkly! I match Mr. Sparkly. Hi Mr. Sparkly!" She eagerly informed me on the state of her dress before waving her arms at Din. Such a well spoken and *loquacious* child.
"I see sweetheart. You may be the sparkliest child I have *ever* seen." I shot Din a look, and flicked my gaze towards the excitable little disco ball in my arms. He seemed to get the hint, and I could practically see him activate a mental switch labeled Child Mode.
"Hi there! Loving the outfit, I *wish* I had your sense of style when I was your age."
Inanna preened at his complement. "You know," Din tapped his chin, "I think I might just be able to help you add a little more bling to this situation!" With a twist of his fingers some of the light in the room bent around Inanna. Disco ball was an apt assessment, I needed to squint a little as Din's powers caused her outfit to light up in a stunning, multicolored display. Her squeal was precious, and near deafening.
I set her down as she began to wriggle, and she happily began to spin around. Din's face as he watched her toddle about was... soft. How dare he look so sweet?
I turned back to the tablet and started pulling up my dossier on Din's ex, Ezekiel Gray. My dislike for the man predated his relationship with Din, as his nosiness had resulted in unwanted scruitny on a few of my earlier schemes.
"Deji, I'm going to need you to scrap any designs that include bright yellows, beige, or salmon."
They turned their head towards me, owl like, a look of disgust on their face. "I'm insulted that you think that I would ever put you in *beige*."
"Right, right, my apologies for the insinuation. What color pallet would you recommend, oh great sage of fashion?"
Din raised his hand. "I vote watermelon!"
Both Deji and I paused to consider this.
"That..." I squinted, pondering viability of a watermelon color combo.
"...could work." Deji completed the thought.
They immediately start digging through the rack of clothes, quickly gathering items in pinks and greens. "Rhe, be a dear and punch in the codes for black beads, small black buttons, and white shoes please?"
I dutifully typed in the codes before grabbing a pink sleeveless top that had caught my eye. It had a high collar, though with a teardrop cut-out below where the collar bone would be. The color wasn't quite right, but I was sure that was an easy fix.
I sauntered over to where Din watched in fascination as Inanna used her kiddie tablet, creating outfit sets for her stuffed animals. He looked down in curiosity when I held the shirt up against his chest.
"Ooh, that's soft!" He delightedly stroked the top.
"This, with black accessories around the waist. And looser pants to even things out." I didn't need to turn to know that Deji had heard me.
Din seemed amused by my instructions. "At least I know I'm in good hands when you pick my outfits. I'll look good, *and* be comfortable." He was making that soft face again, but at me this time. That odd, warm and gooey feeling appeared in my chest again.
He liked the clothes I pick out for him.
He felt *comfortable* in them, and thus around me when I was taking care of him. And I... I felt more relaxed around him as well...
I'd been silent for 2.73 seconds, it was time to redirect before he noticed the effect that his damned dimples were having on me.
"As if I would be caught dead with my date looking uncomfortable because some scratchy clothes." I sniffed in mock disdain, turning to hand off the shirt to Deji. "We must be the most photogenic and comfortable looking people at this wedding!"
Inanna's head snapped up at my words. "Wedding!?" She looked to be vibrating with sudden excitement, looking like a puppy who just heard the word "treat".
Deji chuckled, "Now you've done it." The child began to emit a sustained, high pitched squeal. It was rather impressive, and I distantly wondered what kind of effect it would have on people with enhanced hearing. Still squealing, she began to flick her gaze between Din and I.
Oh dear. "Not *my* wedding sweetheart. Those heroes, the ah, magic sword lady and rockstar lady are the ones getting married."
One would have thought I had set fire to her plushy collection from the look of devastation on her face. "B-but... Uncle Sparkly...?" Her lip was wobbling. Those were *tears* in my precious niece's eyes. I thought fast, knowing I had a window of mere seconds to prevent the calamity.
"It's not my wedding *this time*. But you know," I rested my cheek on one hand and gazed thoughtfully into the distance, "I *could* bring back pictures for you, so that you can get inspiration for planning a wedding for me one day."
Her eyes widened at the prospect of event planning. She either did not catch, or did not care, that I had not specified a timeline or spouse; the joyous glint was back in her eyes, and she snatched up her tablet once more. "I'ma start now! You gotta have the *best* wedding, and then give me a little cousin as a present so I can dress them up." With that reveal of her plans for my future she bounded off to get a snack.
I was both immensely proud and slightly leery. Proud, because she clearly knew what she wanted and had no qualms about arranging the lives of people around her to fit her vision. Leery, because she was now locked onto the goal of marrying me off and drafting my hypothetical offspring as her dress up dolls.
Ah well, at least she wasn't crying.
Deji cackled from beside me. "HA! You know she's never gonna let that go right?" Still snickering they turned to Din, who was once more sporting an impressive blush. "Sorry hon, looks like you're trapped! Don't worry though, Rhe comes with perks. I'll give you the -*snrk*- the family discount on designs."
Din somehow went even redder at the mention of "perks". How cute.
I smiled a bit as I began to corral Deji back into finalizing our outfit designs. I'd give Din a bit of time to breathe before using this as teasing material. Even as we spent the rest of the day comparing the merits of different fabrics, debating appropriate amounts of glitter, and discussing ideal positioning of hidden pockets, an idle daydream began to take form in my mind. Nothing quite solid yet. Just a faint vision of wedding cakes, quite evenings spent in pleasant companionship, and a sly child with a disarming pair of dimples...
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jarchaeology · 2 years
Hi! Okay, i have just discovered your blog in the middle of a night...and..i mean...how..what...i am having a FUCKING blast! Even tho i can't pin my exact emotions: am i horny, sad, confused, shocked, hysterically laughing, having a fashion crisis, cringed all the way, crying because i can't even imagine the amount of shit young fruity jackles was thru because of his looks? Anyway this is super entertaining and it feels like a whole new universe i can explore. Thank you for your amazing skills and time that you are devoting to this, its A-mazing! I kinda want to be friends with you now.. I am also super interested on how did you started to collect this things, what was the motivation to dig, i understood that you are an avid explorer, i totally get that, its awesome, i mean why young era Jensen, what's the appeal for you in these things? I am just super curious, if you don't mind answering, ofcourse 💜 Sending you THE biggest hugs and 1 billion points to your karma for bringing us froofy jackles gifts ✨️
i'm sorry this took me forever! this was so sweet and i had to wait for the time to properly respond. thank you for the kind words. and your patience. 🥰
ok and on to your questions about why this blog and why this subject. someone on the dash asked for young jensen pictures and i decided to give it a shot. i sent what i found over anon. i was good at it, so i kept going.
i am, admittedly, the daughter of an amazing amateur sleuth. my mom is a badass. people think i'm lying when i tell stories about her. she has a personal letter from a US president thanking her for one of her valiant finds. one time, i told her that there was a cute customer at work. all i said was that his name was matt, he was gay, and he lived in the bay area. there are almost 8 million people in the bay area, but she found him within a day. he wasn't even on facebook.
so i've got that going for me. and also, life was really really fucking stressful for me at the time. i needed the distraction.
the narrow timeframe came later. i've said it before, but the people behind soaps weren't selling tv, they were selling a miniature hollywood that they created. a microcosm of celebrity culture that could fill the pages of multiple issues of soap opera magazines every single week. 
stars were contractually obligated to attend events and these events were a major portion of the actors' income. if a character did well, the networks rewarded the actors with more appearance opportunities. the show was filmed with lightning speed, and the rest of the week was for interviews and photoshoots and personal appearances. they sold cookbooks and board games and award shows and cds and dolls and cruises.
i saw all of this, and really latched on. it was a puzzle that i could put together. data points were available, and i knew i could find more. it got to the point where anything outside of the soap opera years just really wasn't interesting to me. but also, young jensen was very pretty. so that helped.
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iiotic · 8 months
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༻༉High school sweethearts
human! Alastor x Fem! reader
TW: None??
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"Can we just be honest?"
"These are the requirements."
"If you think you can be my one and only true love."
- Have you heard the rumours? - The girl whispered to her friend. Earning a confused look from their face.
- What rumours? - They looked at her with confusion, thinking what's she talking about.
- That she finally didn't reject this guy and they're together?
- I highly doubt that's true. - looking at you across the hall - She has high standards. I heard that those requirements are almost impossible to fulfil.
"You must promise to love me"
"And damn it, if you fuck me over"
"I will rip your fuckin' face apart"
You walked down the hall acknowledging that everyone was looking at you, whispering something.
"Another rumour, another day just great.." You thought and was about to walk into your classroom but someone stopped you.
- Hey doll - He said leaning against the door frame. This boys name was Daniel and he was quite attractive as many people say. The girls were practically fuming with anger. They definitely expected that he'd ask you out but still were visibly upset. - The prom is coming in like 2 weeks so i decided to give you a chance to go with me.
Step one
You must accept that I'm a little of my mind
- Why would i want to go with you? - You calmly asked, softly tilting your head to the side - Besides don't you have a partner? You're in a relationship with a girl in my class.
- Well yeah.. - He nervously chuckled - But-
- She would be truly heartbroken to hear the news that you're going to the prom with someone else. She's a very sweet girl and i wouldn't want to break her heart by saying that you don't love her anymore. So why won't you ask her out and get out of my way before she'll hear our conversation?
Step two
This is a waste if you can't walk me to the finish line
As days passed more and more people were trying to ask you out. You always very politely declined. Why? You knew people were just trying to go out with you because of your looks and popularity.
They would just use you for the reputation that you have. Then dump you as soon as you won't be needed anymore.
Step three
Give me passion, don't make fun of my fashion
However what you didn't know was a boy watching and admiring you from afar. He just like many others thought that you were attractive.
Alastor knew that he was out of your league. You didn't even know he existed but he knew almost everything about you. It's not like he was stalking you! Oh no no no..
Alastor knew that you and him lived quite close to each other and that you have a very good sense in fashion.. Well not many people knew that because everyone had to wear school uniforms.
Step four
Give me more, give me more, more
Some days ago you found an anynomous letter in your locker with a single rose attached to it. You weren't really surprised by it itself, however the letter was really well-written.
Saying how someone adores everything you do. They even complimented your handwriting which you thought wasn't really attractive.
From that moment every day you found a gift in you locker; Chocolates, little key chains, teddy bears. There wasn't always an letter but there was always a singular red rose with or without the gift.
If you can't handle a heart like mine
Don't waste your time with me
If you're not down to bleed, no, oh
One day a guy saw you pulling out books, letter and a rose. He thought that it was a perfect idea to make you think that he gave them to you.
Little naive you believed him and agreed to go to the prom with him. You thought that it was really sweet and romantic of him to write love letters. But oh.. then everything crashed down.
The prom night started and he came to pick you up. At first you were having a really good time however you overheard his conversation with his friends how he is only using and pretending to give the gifts you always received.
Heartbroken, you decided to go outside to catch some fresh air. The tears streaming down your cheeks as you thought that someone really cared about you. You sat on the edge of a fontann, your makeup completely ruined and your hair a mess.
Some seconds later you heard footsteps behind you. You didn't bother to look up who it is. The footsteps stopped and you felt a slight weight being put down beside you.
- Are you alright?
- do I look alright to you?
- My apologies, dumb question
You finally looked up to see a boy your age sitting beside you. Brown-ish hair, caramel skin and mesmerising chocolatey eyes. He was wearing black round glasses and a suit. You have never saw him before.
- This might seem rude but i saw everything what happened there and i have to say that the guy was just a waste of time. You deserve much better. - he stated and you agreed with him.
This was just a waste of time.
"If you can't handle the choking, the biting"
"The loving, the smothering"
"'Til you can't handle it no more, no more"
"Go home. "
You soon learned that the boys name is Alastor and you had to admit that you were very slowly falling for him. Thinking that he was quite cute.
As for the guy that you went to prom with? You surprisingly didn't saw him ever again.
You wondered where he went?
"Can we just be honest?"
"These are the requirements"
"If you think you can be my one and only true love."
You heard rumours that you have extremely high standards, so you decided to write down all of your requirements to be in a relationship with you.
You honestly didn't think you have very high standards. You truly just wanted to be loved and accepted.
"You must promise to love me"
"And damn it, if you fuck me"
"I will rip your fuckin' face apart"
Your notebook soon turned into your diary. You would write your secrets, likes and dislikes, how's your day been as well as you little crush that you've developed on your friend, Alastor.
"high school sweethearts, line up"
"They're trying to waste my time"
"high school sweethearts, shut up."
"If you're not my type."
You discovered Alastor's secret. He was the one sending you those love letters and gifts. However you decided to keep it a secret, you wanted to see when he will tell you it himself.
You wondered if he was joking about all of the compliments he gave you. Just lying, making fun of you. You really wanted to believe he was genuine about them.
After another tiring day of people trying to hit on you and hearing rumours about yourself. You went straight to bed. As you were about to fall asleep a certain diary caught your attention.
"Step five"
"You can't be scared to show me off and hold my hand"
"Step six"
"If you can't put in work, then I don't know what you think this fucking is"
"Step seven"
"This one goes to eleven"
"If you cheat you will die, die"
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(A/N) - Soo i never wrote anything like this before. Also I apologize if there's any mistakes English is not my native language. Didn't post anything in a while and I wasn't planing on finishing this 'cause it was just an experiment. So I decided to post this piece of trash.
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buckyshusband0 · 3 years
ᴅᴇʟɪᴄᴀᴛᴇ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴜʀᴇꜱ
Requested: Yes or No
Summary: When Sam had told Bucky about the amazing wonders of the internet, he didn’t expect to find something so pleasurable. Bucky Barnes so happens to come across your mature content, but there’s one problem. You’re his next-door neighbor... 
Pairing: Neighbor!Bucky Barnes x Camboy!Male Reader 
Word count: 5.7k+ // any mistakes I own
Warnings: +18, Fluff, Smut, slow burn(?), unprotected sex, breeding, sir/daddy kink, Bucky being shy and flustered around you (not really a warning tbh), praising, pet names (doll, baby boy), rough sex, recorded sex, bondage, mature themes. 
A/N: Thought this was hot in my head and I was like “Hey, I can just write it.” So, this is it I guess? I have so many drafts worth of fics so y’all should be expecting more and more. Enjoy my loves!! Reblogs and comments are appreciated💙!!
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THE sound of light — but also heavy — knocks could be heard from Bucky Barnes’s apartment. Ever since the events of his best friend, Steve Rogers, leaving, he moved into a nice — homey — apartment. 
Bucky turned away from the microwave, which was heating up his meal, with his icy blue eyes. He turned his attention to the wooden door, which was being struck with small knocks. His brows furrowed in confusion till he realized he had invited his good friend over.
Sam Wilson. 
Sam had been there for Bucky 24 hours a day, seven days a week since Steve left for Peggy. He made it a priority to drop by whenever he could just to hang out with his best friend. They're inseparable.
Bucky picked up his feet from one spot to another until he made it to the wooden front door. He licked his dry pink lips before opening the door — which he was greeted by the view of Sam holding a bag of chips and some sauce. Bucky let out a small chuckle. 
“Hey, Buck! I got us some chips & dip. Now let me in.” Sam urged the six-foot man who stood over him. Bucky shook his head and showed a grin before moving to the side to let Sam in his apartment. 
When Sam entered the flat, he was met by the same apartment look that never appeared to change. On the floor, an old-fashioned rug was placed. In their own way, the paintings were somewhat beautiful. Then there was the manly odor that assaulted his senses.
Bucky closed the door shut with his huge hand on the knob. Connecting his blue eyes with his pal's brown eyes. Sam was not new, so he entered the nice living room and switched on the flat-screen television. Bucky, on the other hand, returned to his meal.
Sam let out a heavy-needed sigh from losing his patience. He got up from the dark grey couch and walked his way into the — small-like — kitchen. He raised his eyebrow at the view in front of him. 
"Can you tell me what you're making?" The man who removed his dinner from his microwave was puzzled by Sam. He then laughed at the food that had been served. "Shut up..." Bucky mumbles.
After looking at the plate, Sam spoke up.  "Is that the chicken alfredo my sister prepared two days ago?" Bucky remained deafeningly silent throughout the altercation. "Hey, man, I've figured it out!  She's a fantastic cook!" Bucky's shoulder was slapped by Sam.
“Yeah, whatever.”
When Sam opened the fridge, he was met with the sight of — nearly nothing inside. He shook his head and let out a small chuckle. He returned to the living room with a couple of beers in his heavy hand.
As he carried the dish of food in his hand, Bucky let out a — heavy — sigh. He took a seat next to the brown-eyed man and looked at the television. Of course, it was a game of football. When it came to Sam and his football games, there was nothing new. "Can we watch something other than football?" Bucky decided to speak up.
Sam narrowed his eyes before letting out a deep grunt. He switched through every channel — which not to mention, they were all boring. After minutes of switching and switching, Sam’s eyes widen from an idea that sparked its way into his mind. 
"Hey, I've got an idea." "Oh no, you having ideas is never a good thing." Bucky shook his head in the direction of Sam, who had just licked his lips. "It's not horrible at all.  Consider it as assisting a friend in need." Sam made fun of him. Bucky nodded after rolling his eyes.
Sam could almost feel the excitement coursing through his blood. He grabbed the laptop from the desk and sat it down on the coffee table. “Since the last time you were really here, which was the 40s-” He was cut off by Bucky. “Are you calling me old?”
Sam looked puzzled before nodding. The blue-eyed man’s lips parted in shock, but he let Sam continue. “Back to what I was saying, I wanna show you a world full of imagination~” “Carry on....” 
“It’s called the internet.” 
Bucky pinched his brows at his hairline as he watched Sam's fingers type away on the computer. Sam exclaimed, "It has everything you could ever want." “Everything?” Sam smirked and nodded. "Yes, it has that-" Sam was interrupted by the sound of a man yelling.
He cocked his head from the — outrageously — loud man yelling. “Who the hell is that?” Sam murmured. Bucky shook his head before getting up from the couch. “I’m about to see...” 
Bucky strode to the door, his heavy feet lifted from the floor. When he opened it, he saw an elderly man shouting at a boy who held a small frame. Bucky's breath became hitched from the boy's beauty for a brief second before returning to reality.
“Listen here, I don’t know who you think you are, but just because you’re new doesn’t mean you have the right to blast music!” The man with grey shrieks of hair hissed. You rolled your eyes, not really caring what he was saying towards you. ‘New my ass’ You think.
“Look, the music wasn’t even that loud. Is there anyone else complaining?” You moved your hands gesturing to the halls. Not seeing no one else except for a blue-eyed man who stood still. 
As he got closer to you, the elder man let out a loud growl. His skunk radiates from his body and into your nose. You could have puked at that point, but you didn't. "I don't fucking-" The brown-haired man approached him to cut him off.
"Hey, hey.  Let's take a deep breath and relax. Okay?" The words flowed easily from his mouth. His voice was deep, and goosebumps ran down your spine. Your (e/c) eyes met his cold blue ones. 
“And who do you think you are?” The old man scoffed. 
“I’m James. My brother so happens to be the man who runs this complex. So, if I were you,” He poked the man’s chest. “I would advise you to walk back into your apartment without any issues.” 
Bucky lied. 
Before walking back to his apartment, the elderly man gave you and Bucky a harsh scowl. "I'm curious as to what got his pants all twisted up." You laughed. Bucky's lips were slightly parted as he gazed at you. Not knowing what to say to a boy who is as attractive as you.
“I-I’m James. But you can call me Bucky.” “I know, you said your name to that guy~” You teased him. Bucky felt heat rush to his face as he felt — butterflies? Ever since recovering from his past. Bucky hasn’t had the heavenly feeling of butterflies since the 40s. 
“Right, I apologize.” 
Bucky would be lying if he said he remembered the sensation of butterflies. From seeing you, all that was left on his face was redness. Your sly grin made him feel something — something questionable.
"Well, I'm (y/n), Mr. James, it was a pleasure to meet you." As you walked back into your flat, you winked. Bucky was only able to see the wooden door. As he shook his head, a smile appeared on his face. The feeling of love consumed his stomach and warm veins. 
“Someone’s got a crush...” 
Sam’s manly voice ringed through Bucky’s ears. He rolled his eyes from annoyance and decided to speak up. “No... no, I don’t.” Bucky lied to himself. James Bucky Barnes definitely has a crush.
  -- -- --- --- -- --
His thick fingers started to tremble.
As Bucky laid down in his — warm and comfortable — bed, with his laptop laying down on his thick thighs, his eyebrows furrow as his icy blue eyes inspects the bright laptop screen. Fingers became numb. 
He started to question whether or not if — what he was thinking was really a good idea. Sam did tell him that the internet had EVERYTHING. So why not see if they have what he really wanted to type in that search bar. Bucky’s brows furrow even more. 
He let out a — deep and raspy — sigh as he typed what he truly wanted — no. Needed to see. The words “Two men having sex” were typed onto the search bar. Waiting to show every single result. 
People weren't as accepting in his time — the 1940s — as they are now. Men were incapable of loving men, and women were incapable of loving women. People might even have considered it a sin to have sexual urges with someone of the same gender. Those wicked, corrupted thoughts were capable of killing a single innocent soul.
But Bucky remembered what his pal — Sam, said to him. It’s a new time. A new era. Most of the people accepted who others were. Whether they were gay, lesbian, bi, trans, etc. People had gotten more comfortable with their sexualities without having to be judged. 
So why should Bucky feel judged? 
His eyes narrowed at the computer screen. ‘Yeah, I shouldn’t feel ashamed of my sexuality. I am who I am.’ Bucky thought to himself. So, without waiting for another second, he pressed the enter button. 
There were so many links to choose from. A sly smirk grew onto the blue-eyed man’s face as he pressed a link. ‘So many fucking videos.’ He thought to himself after scrolling and scrolling. Videos from men giving blowjobs all the way to men breeding other men. 
Drool fell from his plump pink lips. 
“So, Sam wasn’t lying when he said it had everything?” Bucky mumbled to himself. He clicked on a video that intrigued him the most. As the video started, an ad popped up. 
There was a boy with a smaller frame in front of a camera, which captured a lovely shot of his body and chin. His face was hidden. Bucky's left brow raised as he studied the URL. "CLICK HERE: (y/c/n) is now live!" states the link. His blue eyes inspected it.
“What could go wrong?” Bucky sounded unsure for a — quick second. The link took him to a website where there sat the boy. He was patiently sitting there waiting for more people to join. 
Bucky licks his pink lips as he sees the number of views increase. What used to be 5 views — changed into 1.5k viewers in a span of 2 minutes. You let out a comfortable sigh as you saw enough people are there for you to start. You parted your plump lips. 
“Hi, my sweet daddies~” You teased out.
Bucky just watched you as you begin to take your shirt and underwear off — slowly but surely. Your body made him drool. You brought your hands to your chest as you twisted your hard nipples. 
The way you bit your bottom plump lip gave Bucky some type of indescribable feeling. Even though your face wasn’t showing, Bucky just knew you were perfect. The perfect little slut that can give him the pleasure he desires — The Desired Pleasure he desires.
“Thank you for the tips!” You pulled your hands away from your nipples as you buckle your legs up. Revealing your tight hole that begged to be fucked by a girthy cock. Bucky felt his pants become tight as his cock poked his pants. Wanting to be freed. 
He palmed his meaty cock through his — now tight pants. His eyes closed as his breathing became heavy. A sinful smirk grew on the one flesh-armed soldier. Fuck you were like a God. How could a faceless boy who had the hottest body give so much pleasure to the soldier?  
Without thinking for another second — he put the laptop to the side and unzipped his pants. His rough hand grasped his meaty 12-inch cock. The red throbbing tip leaked sticky — warm pre-cum. 
He took a bottle of lube from the side dresser. He wanted more, despite the fact that his hot pre-cum was plenty. He needed to be able to feel more. He slid his egg-sized balls into his now-lubricated hands and massaged them. He never looked away from the Screen.
You were fucking breathtaking to the soldier. 
You pulled out a dildo from the side of your bed as you showed it to the audience. You guided the dildo to your ass as you teased yourself. “I wish I could feel your real cock in my hole daddy~” 
Wait a second.
That voice. That angelic — but also raspy voice — that the unknown man spoke out of his lips. “Is that... (y/n)?” Bucky questioned himself as he kept hearing the boy speak. “No, it couldn’t be...” Bucky shook his head as he got rid of that unwelcoming thought. 
Bucky came back to reality when hearing small — but loud — moans come from his laptop. His lips parted as he stroked his cock from the view of you fucking your tight hole with the girthy dildo. 
“Mmmm-- Fuck-- P-Please daddy! You fuck my ass so good~” You managed to get out through the mewls and moans. “Yes, baby boy, fuck yes. Daddy wants to fuck that ass so bad!~” Bucky moaned out from his faster and heaving strokes. The sensation took over him. 
His eyes flashed with — dangerous and wicked lust. He imagined your tight hole swallowing his cock whole. The way his cum would paint your soaked walls with his veiny 12-inch cock. His imagination ran wild from hearing the now — louder moans escaping your lips. 
Sweat begins to flow down the blue-eyed man’s forehead. His bare chest heaving from his climax rising. “I wanna cum so bad in you baby boy~” He groaned and moaned from hearing you talk dirty. 
“Are you ready daddy? Do you want to cum in me? Give me your sticky and warm cum. Cum with me daddy!~” You both moaned from feeling your climax rising. “I’m cumming!” After those spoken words that left your lips, Bucky shot his huge load onto his broad chest. 
He stroked his cum covered cock a few more times while covering his — used to be bouncing balls. His toes curl from the overstimulation of cumming so much, his eyes in the back of his head.
Fuck, that was the most he ever came
Before the blue-eyed man could even take his lustful — dangerous gaze away from the screen, he made sure to subscribe to you. It wasn’t a want — It was a need to make sure he watched every future cam show you hosted. Your hot loud moans ran through his ear. 
As you cleaned yourself up, the comments flooded the live stream. Envy flowed through the brunette's blood after reading some of the sinful comments. Why was he envious of individuals who had never heard of the mysterious boy? That question was unanswerable.
“I cummed so much for you baby!” 
“I wish that tight hole was mine and only mine.”
“I need you so fucking bad.” 
The number of comments grew rapidly. You parted your plump lips. "It was a lot of fun. I'll see you all again soon!~” In a sing-song tone, you said. That voice... Bucky's thoughts were consumed by only one thought. He was going to find out who the faceless boy was.
-- -- --- --- -- --
A light knock can be heard. 
Bucky jumped from his current spot on the couch. His face twisted as he walked closer to the oak wooden door. As he opened it, the person who has been on his mind 24/7, appears in his icy vision. 
A sudden rush of panic gets sent to the blue-eyed man as he sees you. His metal hand grasped the door and slammed it shut in your face. You jumped from the sudden action and your brows furrowed. He blows out a shaky breath before widening his eyes. 
“Fuck...” He had realized he just slammed the door on you. He swallows a lump in his throat as he stands up straight. Trying to be the more confident man than you were. When he opened the door, he saw your confused face. He surely had to explain that action. 
“Are you okay?” You chuckled and Bucky just nodded. Red rushing to his face as his icy blue eyes connect with yours. “S-Sorry about that. I h-had saw something” ‘Fuck stop stuttering Bucky!’ He thought to himself. You really made the six-foot man nervous. 
You just nod as your face relaxes. “Well... I was just going to ask if you wanted to maybe get some drinks at the bar downtown?” A sly smile grows onto your face as you spoke to the — obviously shy brunette. 
Fuck that voice...
The same voice that escaped your lips rang through Bucky’s red ears. That voice that he heard from the wicked Livestream that occurred last night. ‘No, (y/n) isn’t that boy... stop thinking that.’ Bucky tried oh so hard to convince himself that you weren’t the camboy. 
Bucky hadn’t noticed, but his plump lips were slightly open as a result of not letting a word out. He instantly nodded at your question and grabbed his jacket from the — wooden coat racket.
  ● 20 Minute Time Skip ●
As you and Bucky walked into the — nearly worn-down — bar, the heavy scent of booze and — slightly good food — filled the air. The sight of guys of various ages cheering and watching sports twisted your face. You patted his shoulder, indicating that he should follow.
You both took a seat on the warm cushion stools at the bar. Bucky’s face was still painted with a deep red from the result of you touching his shoulder. Just the touch of you made him nervous. The bartender walks closer to you both and asks what you want. 
You ended up ordering a milkshake and Bucky ordered a beer — although it wouldn’t affect him. Being the super soldier that he is. After a couple minutes of silence, the only thing that filled the bar was music and men screaming — you decided to speak up to Bucky.
“So... James, tell me more about yourself. Like how old are you?” You puzzled the man right beside you. He looked at you for a second before opening his mouth to speak the unknown words. 
You let out a loud laugh. Bucky sent you an awkward smile and laugh from seeing you in the current state. He really wishes he was joking. You could sense that he wasn’t joking — At all. “Oh my God, you’re serious?” Your tone went from a joking one into a questioning one. 
Bucky scratched the back of his neck as you stared into his piercing blue eyes. As you put your index finger into the milkshake, your gaze was pulled from his eyes. Your finger went inside your mouth. Bucky began to feel — that dangerous sense that he felt all over again.
The way your lips sucked your finger. 
Bucky shook his head, attempting to clear his mind of lusty thoughts. But how could anyone not want to be touched by you? He understands that it would be the most delightful experience of his life. 'Fuck no, this is so wrong. For God's sake, he's your neighbor!'
You ordered a cheeseburger with a side of fries. That one bite that was taken from the juicy meat — made you let out a moan. Bucky’s breath became shaky from hearing the same moan from the live... If you were the naughty camboy — he was sure going to figure it out. 
That’s when the blue-eyed man got an idea. 
"Hey, (y/n)?  What do you do for a living, if you don't mind me asking?" Bucky questioned you. "I work at a cafe," you replied after raising your brow for a brief while. " It's only about four blocks away." You smiled at the man in front of you. 
But there was something strange about his expression.
He nodded his head. “Oh, okay.” He took the second beer in his hand to avoid another awkward talk between you and him. ‘Where the fuck is your game at Barnes?’ Bucky spoke to himself under his breath. He used to flirt so well with the ladies in the 40s, but now? 
He’s just a super-soldier who has no game. 
After a few more hours, you and Bucky decided to call it a day — a very awkward day — and leave the bar. You two returned to the complex and you stood next to your wooden door. 
“I enjoyed my night with you, James. I’ll see you very soon.” You gave a grin to the blue-eyed man and noticed his face turn red. It somehow amazed you how a boy like you — can have such a strong effect on the strong super-soldier. The way he blushes every time you’re around. 
“It was nice to see you too doll.” Bucky’s eyes widen from the sudden nickname that slipped from his plump pink lips. A sudden urge of fear surged through his body as he saw you smirk. “I-I’m sorry, that came out by accident...” He mumbled — but you could still hear him. 
“It’s all good James. I actually like it.” 
That was the last thing you said before walking back into your apartment. Bucky felt a sting in his chest. The feeling of love consumed him. Love is hard to find, but when it came to you, Bucky couldn’t just describe what ran through his cold veins. 
He walked into his apartment, took his jacket off, and set it on the coat rack. His phone made a ‘BEEP’ sound which caused him to pull it out of his pocket. “(y/c/n) is now live!” The notification stated. Bucky took a small bite to his lip before going into his bedroom. 
Bucky couldn't stop thinking about you being the boy on screen after you introduced everyone. It was something he didn't want to be true. But he couldn't ignore the moan he overheard from your lips today at the bar. He's hearing the same — wicked moan right now. He pulled his aching cock out, and it was time for another naughty session.
Bucky made it a promise to himself to figure out if you were the camboy or not. It was driving him insane from connecting all the dots. From the moans all the way to the voice. Bucky Barnes is — and will find out who the naughty boy behind the bright screen is. 
-- -- --- --- -- --
Bucky had begun to panic. 
He had invited you over for a date night — a real date night. Panic was the only thing coursing through his veins as he set his blue-eyed gaze onto the clock. It ticked and ticked which made him worry. 
“Fuck, Sam where are you?” 
Bucky had asked that his good old pal ask his sister, Sarah if she could prepare a delicious, warm, home-cooked meal for the date. Even though you were supposed to be at his apartment in a few minutes, Sam was nowhere to be found to deliver the dinner. 
He took a glance around his apartment.
It did not look appealing. 
There were clothes that were falling from the hamper. That same musky smell illumed through the apartment. Dishes were in the sink — yet to be washed. If the blue-eyed man wasn’t really panicking before, he sure was now. He hurried around to clean up the mess. 
The smell of Febreze took over the — used to smelly apartment. Bucky heard a knock which signaled him it was Sam. He ran to the door and was greeted by a smiling Sam. 
“Took you long enough!” Bucky took the food from Sam’s hands and set it nicely on the coffee table. “Hey man, not my fault you asked me last minute.” Sam laughed, and Bucky sent him an unknown glare. He let out a sigh as he put the red (or white) wine on the table. 
“Whatever, go. I have a date!” Bucky motioned Sam to the door and all Sam did was give him a sneaky grin. “You have fun with your date, Buck.” Sam bowed teasingly before leaving the flat. 
Bucky looked around checking if everything was good. Food: Check. Apartment clean: Check. Bucky being VERY nervous for this date: Check. Now, all the blue-eyed man had to do was wait. 
Wait for you...
 ● 30 Minute Time Skip ●
You sent a light knock to Bucky’s door. The door opened and the sight of Bucky smiling at you sent butterflies to your stomach. “Hi, James.” The way his name would flick right off of your tongue sent chills to his six-foot frame. He really loved the way how you said it. 
“Hi, doll.” His smile never left his beat red face. “Are you going to let me in or make me stand here~” You teased the man in front of you. Embarrassment took over him from realizing he didn’t let you in. 
“I am so sorry.” 
He moved to the side to let you in. You took a step inside of his apartment and were satisfied with the interior. It was clean — a little too clean. Bucky guided you to the couch and you smelt an amazing home-cooked meal. Your mouth watered from the scent. 
“Did you make this James?” 
“Yea.” Bucky lied to you. He wanted to impress you so much that he fucking lied about knowing how to cook. What can lying about cooking do? Nothing. He gulped from nervousness and took a seat next to you on his grey couch. He grabbed the remote. 
“So, what do you wanna watch?” Bucky questioned you. “Anything. I wanna see your taste in movies, James.” Bucky felt a lump in his throat since all he watched was old stuff. He finally ended up putting on Deadpool. Hoping you’ll like it since he never watched it. 
● 3-hour Time Skip ●
Once the movie was over, you were getting ready to leave Bucky’s apartment. But Bucky being the gentleman he is, offered to walk you to your apartment although it was only across from his. 
In a matter of a few seconds, you made it to your apartment door. You unlocked the door and opened it as it made a ‘CREEK’ sound. Bucky became somewhat nervous about what he was thinking about doing. Was he going to regret this decision? Probably... probably not. 
“Well, I enjoyed-” You were cut off by the feeling of a set of plump lips forcing their way onto yours. Your eyes widen from the surprise, but then you give in. Bucky leaned in more as you walked back into the flat. He closed the door with his strong foot — not leaving your lips. 
Your breath became hitched from feeling his warm tongue hit against your teeth. Begging to be entered. You let out a muffled moan which gave him the chance to enter your mouth. His hands roamed around your clothed body — the sensation sending chills down your spine. 
He pushed you down onto the couch of yours. You could only see one thing in his eyes — Lust. Lust was the only thing that consumed the blue-eyed man as he licked his lips. He leaned down and pecked kisses onto your neck. You let out moans and that was the same moan from the camboy. Bucky looked at you for a second before going back. 
He took your skin between his teeth as he nibbles on it. Making sure to leave hickeys. His hand roams around the rim of your shirt. He pulls it off of your body and his eyes end up gawking at you. 
Your body was the same as the camboy. The moans, the voice, and now the body? There were too many signs to ignore. But how could one stop a moment like this just because of their mind? Bucky shook the thoughts off for now as he takes his shirt off also. 
His chiseled abs were a sight to see. Bucky pulls your pants down slowly along with your underwear. You moan from feeling your cock bounce up from its freedom. Bucky looked at you again and saw nothing, but acceptance in your eyes. He turned you over. 
He laid his huge hands onto your waist as he moved your ass into the air. Your tight hole was exposed to him and him only. He slowly leans over and pecks small kisses onto your spine — sending a wave of goosebumps to your whole body. “So beautiful...” He praises. 
“Please Bucky...” Bucky guided his hands to your cheeks. He landed a hard smack to them which made you wince. He started to massage them in his rough hands. The feeling of the softness made his erection throb even more. His breathing became shaky from seeing your ass begin to jiggle in front of him. His lips parted and he smirked. 
“You’re needy... aren’t you baby boy?~” 
Where did this sudden urge of dominance come from? Where was the nervous Bucky at? Where did he go? You questioned yourself as Bucky brought you closer to his body. He pulled his cock out which seemed to be 13-inches. His cock was so girthy and huge. The veins poking out from the throb. His tip was red and pre-cum leaking down. 
You swallowed a lump from the sight. 
“You’re ready?” You nodded at the man, but then felt another smack to your ass. “Words baby boy~” “Y-Yes daddy.” You could hear him chuckle from hearing you submit to him. It’s like roles reversed. 
You were once the confident and flirty one, and Bucky was the shy one. But now? It’s like the roles were reversed. Bucky guides his fingers to your lips. “Suck~” You did as he said and took his — rather huge fingers in your mouth. Lubing them up for what was coming up next. You started to gag as saliva drooled down your chin. 
He rips his fingers from your lips and strokes his cock. He then slowly pushed his inches into you. Every inch felt like a pain, but you got used to it. You let out mewls and moans from feeling him go deeper and deeper. “Does that feel good baby boy?” 
“Yes..” You managed to get out. 
Once his cock was in your hole, he started to thrust his girthy cock into your walls. Pre-cum leaking from your hole onto the couch. The sound of sweaty skin-to-skin slapping against each other filled the apartment. Bucky grunted from feeling your hole clench around him. His toes curled and his arms wrapped around your lower body. 
His sweaty chest was against your back as he grabbed your smaller head into his hand. He nibbled on your ear and licked the side of your face with his warm tongue. Lust and Love were the only two things you both felt in your stomachs. “You f-feel so good...” 
Tears started to escape your eyes as the man who was fucking you went faster and rougher. His balls slapped against your ass from the motion of fucking you so hard. You grabbed your dick in your hand and begin to stroke yourself — only for Bucky to wasp it away. 
You let out a whine. 
“Don’t touch yourself unless I say to baby boy~” He managed to get out of his shaky—heaving breaths. You felt your orgasm rising and you were fighting the urge to touch yourself. Not wanting to break his rules. His throbbing cock penetrated your ass. 
Spots of sweat formed onto the couch from the amount of sweat that leaked from both of your bodies. His arms are still strongly wrapped around you. “Please let me cum..” Bucky smirked seeing you beg — Beg for him. It was a feeling he never thought he needed. 
After a few more — very hard and fast thrust — Bucky kissed your lips again. “Cum.” He stated as he connected his lips with yours. You stroked your cock in fast motions to add more stimulation to the orgasm. Your moans were muffled as you shot your load onto the couch. Cum leaked onto your hand as Bucky felt his rising also. 
“Ima cum baby boy~” 
“Cum in me please daddy!” 
Bucky smirked from seeing the naughty boy below him. His thrust faltered as he shot his huge, hot, white sticky load into your hole. Painting your velvet walls. The white substance leaked from your hole and onto his cock and the couch. His hair was silky from sweat. 
He collapsed next to you on the couch. Both of your chest heaving from the result of having hot and steamy sex. After a few moments of getting himself together, the thoughts came back. Bucky has had enough and needed to know. If you were the camboy or not... 
“Hey, (y/n)?” Bucky’s raspy voice grabbed your attention. You raised your eyebrow as you connected your eyes with his blue ones. “Yeah?” Bucky took a deep breath in and out before saying —
“Where do you work at (y/n)... like really.” You sat up from your spot confused. “I work at the cafe James. You know this.” You sent a sheepish smile to the man in front of you, but you could tell he was being serious — not wanting to play any games with you right now. 
“I know you’re the camboy (y/n). You don’t have to lie to me anymore.” Your face held some type of guilt? Why were you feeling guilty? It’s your business to tell. You let out a needed sigh and nodded your head slowly at the blue-eyed man that laid next to you. 
“I am the camboy James.” 
He smiled before also sitting up. Your head and eyes were pointing down towards the couch. He put his finger under your chin to make you look at him. “Don’t feel ashamed doll. I’m just glad that you told me the truth.” He kissed your lips and you kissed his. 
“I love you, doll.” 
“I love you too, James.” 
The only feeling both of you were feeling was — acceptance. Bucky had finally confronted you — which you were actually glad about, so you don’t have to lie to him anymore. Love consumed both of you. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
-‘๑’- Main Tag List: @wolf-knights @blurredx18 @jordan005 @marilynmonroefanfics @gayhopefullove @sebshusbando @geminiflanagan69 @sortzz @nostxlgia18 @dangerousstrawberryshark @gimmedatrn
-‘๑’- Bucky Barnes Taglist: @jjrevh​
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PSA on Britney Spears and the #FreeBritney movement for anyone that needs or wants more information on what is going on with her. It’s a fucking rabbit hole, so buckle up.
A little backstory first. Britney was a child star starting at the age of 4 years old on Broadway, and then worked her way to the Mickey Mouse Club, and eventually the solo career we know today. Her career has been on autopilot her entire life. If you look back at her music, she’s been telling everyone for years she’s too controlled and treated as a product if you listen to the lyrics of most of her hits. Examples include: Lucky, Overprotected, My Perogative, Circus, Piece of Me and Gimme More. Her music videos, social media posts, tour props and photoshoots regularly show her in a cage or in chains. If anyone has ever seen videos of her when she was younger, you’d know her REAL singing voice is very similar to Christina Aguilera’s. Her record label didn’t like it, as they were both on the Mickey Mouse Club and about to release their debut albums at the same time. So they had her voice retrained to sing in the baby voice we all know today because they believed it to be more iconic and would create a brand and career for her instead of her real voice. It’s unhealthy, and it’s been destroying her voice over the years, thus why she is known for lip syncing. She wanted to make an acoustic type pop album in 2006 titled Original Doll and reinvent herself using her real voice. The album was shelved and cancelled once her label realized she would be singing in her real voice. She isn’t allowed to sing live because she will either fail terribly, or she’ll have to sing in her deep voice that she isn’t known for. Her entire career she has been treated like a product meant to sell.
Now, for the real tea.
Everyone remembers the 2007 meltdown. Everyone. Leading up the meltdown Britney was going thru a public divorce, had two children under the age of 2 at the time and was VERY much the focus of the public. We all saw her on every magazine cover. We all also saw the photo of her with one of her kids on her lap while driving. Go on YouTube once and look up ‘Britney Spears paparazzi’. You’ll watch her be chased and followed by hundreds of them, even trying to get into a public restroom to photograph her, videotaping her in tears asking them to leave her alone, and even filming her thru the windows of an ambulance while she was naked being taken away for her final mental health hold.
After the public meltdown, shaving her head, locking herself in her home with her children, speaking in a british accent on regular basis, wearing the imfamous pink wig everywhere, and shopping naked, she was hospitalized twice. After the hospitalization, her father petitioned the courts to be a TEMPORARY conservator to her until she was mentally stable and for only one years time. 2 months after her hospitalization she did a guest appearance on How I Met Your Mother. 6 months after her hospitalization, she drops the Womanizer video and starts to promote her new album Circus with its worldwide tour that grossed $131.8 million. If she’s so unwell, why did she start working right away?
Her father after one year petitioned the courts for the conservatorship to become permanent due to her ALLEGEDLY having EARLY ONSET DEMENTIA in her TWENTIES. It passed and has been that way ever since. For 12 years to be exact.
Now for everyone that doesn’t understand what that means let me break it down for you.
Britney Spears is a now 38 year old woman who is not allowed to do the following without her fathers permission or he can legally lock her up in a mental health facility:
• drive a car
• vote
• get married
• have children
• see how her money is being spent
• see her children (she has 30% custody of both of her boys due to her dad assaulting one of her sons)
• leave her home
• hire her own lawyer
• have any control over her career
• speak about the conservatorship publicly
• do interviews that aren’t scripted and all final cuts are approved by her father as well
• use a cell phone without being monitored
• use social media unmonitored
• contact ANYONE without being monitored or having them extremely vetted. (Iggy Azalea allegedly had her house searched for drugs top to bottom when they collaborated on a song together)
• go shopping
• go for a walk
• get Starbucks
A conservatorship is meant for people with mental health issues or decaying health. Most likely grandparents or people with actual dementia etc. They are meant for people who literally cannot take care of themselves. If she is so unwell that she isn’t mentally capable of doing anything for herself, why is she still working? Since the conservatorship began 12 years ago she has:
• released 4 albums
• done 3 worldwide tours
• did a FOUR-year Vegas residency
• was a full time judge on X-Factor
• released multiple perfumes and a lingerie line
• made $138 MILLION DOLLARS or so A YEAR
In January of last year, Britney was placed in a mental health facility for 3 months after being seen driving her car to In-N-Out with her boyfriend without permission and for refusing to take the sedating medications her father has doctors prescribing her to keep her under control. She testified to a judge in documents that she was held there against her will by her father. After it was leaked to the press that she was there against her will, the Free Britney movement picked up speed causing a judge to open an investigation into the impact and legality her conservatorship has on her life. Britney’s mother Lynn was also liking and commenting on Free Britney posts saying she agrees that Britney is trapped by her father. Britney’s team had Twitter disable the Free Britney hashtag, and regularly threatens any celebrity that speaks out using the hashtag with a lawsuit if they don’t remove their support for the movement. She was seen shortly after leaving a hotel thru the front door (99% of celebrities park underground to avoid paparazzi unless they WANT to be photographed) stumbling while carrying her shoes, and out of it. Her team used that moment to justify to the public that she needs this conservatorship. She is not allowed to have any say in the hiring or firing of anyone on her team. Every year she pays $1.1 million dollars in fees for the conservatorship to continue, including paying her father a solid $100k+ salary and paying a lawyer she isn’t allowed to choose. She is allowed an allowance of around $1,500 a week for bills, shopping and essentials. Her net worth is $250 million.
So, when everyone sees her on Instagram walking up and down her hallways like it’s a fashion show. That’s all she is allowed to do. She has NEVER had control over her life. I don’t care if you personally like her or her music, NO ONE DESERVES THIS. All this woman wants is to see her children, make the music she wants to make, and go get a frappuccino in her car. She is a light of sunshine in this world, and we must protect her at all costs. So please, do not make fun of her, support the Free Britney movement, and send good vibes her way. She has a court date this month to review the conservatorship and decide if it is abusive or will continue to be in place. There are so many details to this that i left out that would make this post entirely much longer than it is, but a simple search will show you what else is out there. Spread this far and wide. ❤️ Free Britney
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yanderenightmare · 3 years
i have barbarian!bakugou with a princess/royal darling on my mind CONSTANTLYYYY i can imagine him proposing a marriage between their families for “strengthening allies” but is threatening her family if they don’t hand over their daughter
barbarian king ! BAKUGO KATSUKI
goodiebag WARNINGS: nsfw, dubcon/noncon, obsession, human trafficking ig, arranged marriage, condescension, degradation, some religious connotations, discrimination ig
She used to think she was so safe.
As safe as safe could be. The safest person in the world.
In her brick tower, in her pretty dresses, wrapped in Mulberry silk, bed made of Egyptian cotton, velvet pillows, diamonds around her neck, around her wrists, in her hair, decorating her gowns, studded on her shoes, telling a blinding story of how high above she sauntered over everyone else. 
Strictly untouchable. 
As soverign as the gods in the sky.
Bakugo had first seen her during negotiations between him and her father.
How could he have missed her?
With how she lit up the room like the sun, embroidered with silver and gold, lined with gems and stones, fabric sewn with threads of starlight, her hair thrown up and locked with what marvellous bejewelled tiara, her neck collared with jewellery of the same fashion, as were her wrists, and those crystal slippers of hers clicking on the stone-tiles, demanding his attention, eyes so very vainly unbothered and disgusted at the sight of his unkempt brute stature.
It amused him. 
He knew then, it wasn’t only their kingdom that needed conquering.
He had already taken every Kingdom south of theirs and would continue to take and strengthen his forces moving beyond their Kingdom into the north.
Looking at him she thought he was mad, amusing even, a tragic joke, a savage among savages, not a King. His forces lacking organization and therefor never able to topple a Kingdom such as her father’s. 
She felt safe.
Still she felt safe despite admitting he was scary, coated in blood he hadn’t bothered to wash off, maniacal grin stretched upon his face, eyes lustful and dominant as they met hers, hungry when looking her up and down, licking his teeth when smiling while eying her pretty pearls and pretty hair and pretty little face, not a single scratch on her, just pretty like a doll. 
She still thought she was safe.
She thought her father would laugh at the so-called barbarian King, tell him he was in way over his head, tell him to get his hooligan tribe out of their court, out of their land, never to show their miserable faces ever again.
But alas... her father did no such thing. 
She’d deemed it out of courtesy, her father was a man of honor, of decorum, and he wouldn’t ridicule a guest in such a demeaning way, despite the guest being but a peasant.
And as the weeks passed, days ticking away to what would be their second negotiations, she still felt safe, so wrongfully safe, thinking her father would finally put his foot down and declare war against the barbarian tribe. 
However, he was doing nothing of the sorts, instead he was… bargaining… begging, as though he with his golden crown was equal to what filth took presence in his court.
That’s when Bakugo proposed a new deal, his carmine eyes never once leaving her even as her father kneeled on the floor.
He said he would settle for joining his and their Kingdom, but only under the condition that the King’s daughter would be gifted to him in union, in holy matrimony, as a sign of respect and good faith, a peace-treaty.
That’s when she wasn’t feeling at all that safe anymore.
It wasn’t unheard of... Her parents had married for the same reason... but truly they wouldn’t give her away to some brute.
She couldn’t understand... why were they bending the knee?
How could this peasant barbarian scum pose any threat? How? How was this reality? How was this happening to her?
She cried into her Egyptian cotton bedsheets that night, balled up her velvet duvet, drowned herself in Mulberry silk pillows as she screamed in her brick tower. 
She had been prepared for being a bargaining-chip, groomed as any princess should be, but what she had imagined was to be given to some elegant prince of the same stature, who would kiss her knuckles and give her flowers and write pretty pages of pretty words all for her, like that Shoto from the Todoroki clan in the north, and not at all any blood-soaked battle-kissed scarred tattooed madman from nowhere with a Kingdom of dust and mud and blood and smoke.
The last of her hope was splattered like a dove shot down with an arrow.
Her father accepting the terms on the day of their third negotiations, accepting defeat, accepting an end to his reign, raising a toast to the new King, wishing him luck and peace and good health, hoping his daughter would not disappoint, because if she did, they were all as good as dead.
She didn't allow her mask to fall. Didn't allow for anyone to see her fear and how she pondered relieving herself of all duties to the King and her family and the Kingdom by throwing herself from her tower in the night.
She didn't dare nor care to look at the red-eyed man, not even to get a better image of what exactly it was she would be sleeping next to for the rest of her days.
All she now cared about was how and when was the best time for her to slip away.
She could become a seamstress or a barmaid somewhere... or she could train to hunt for her own food.
Granted... she wasn't allowed to learn how to shoot with the bow, nor had she ever been given enough time to fully learn to sow lest she get callouses, and nor did she know the first thing about mead or any other type of brew, not to mention the difference between a pint and a quart or what a bloody tankard even was.
She could at least mop floors...
Though... she failed to see how she would ever survive such a trait.
Prostitution would be among the only things she seemed well-adapt for it would seem....
Meaning... she might as well just stay...
And so she stayed, counting down what few days she had left of freedom, days she were still allowed to sleep alone in her bed without having to share it with some strange scary red-eyed man.
But then time did what it had done since the beginning of forever, and her freedom was spent as the special day dawned.
Her father had agreed to allow for the barbarian-traditions to dominate the wedding. An affair held outside in the wilderness, in the dark of night, beneath the moonlight, amongst the howls and the trees and the mud instead of in their glass-temple during the day, in the presence of god.
She wasn’t even allowed to where her own gown.
She didn’t need to spot her mother in the crowd to know if she was there, she could hear her, bawling at what disgrace her daughter was put through, seeing her draped in nothing but a shawl, thin fabric wrapped around her breasts and again around her nether regions, leaving her stomach and arms and thighs and legs and feet completely in the nude, like some harlet you’d find in the brothel, far from how the future Queen should be presented. 
She’d been decorated in barbarian customs too.
But, not in any silly trinkets such as jewels.
The butch females from the Boy-King’s army had instead spent hours painting wild cascading swirling roots across her limbs, jeering at her all the while they did so, not in any language she could speak but aloud and in her face, jiggling her wrists and manhandling her about in a way she understood what they were saying nonetheless, feeling it, how their shield-maiden statures loomed above her with a type of strength she’d never seen from any woman, how strong and tall and gorgeous they were, a type of beauty she hadn't thought even existed, though being right in front of her, mocking her, allowing for some words of her own language to seep in, warning her of how someone as dainty and delicate wouldn’t last a single week with their leader, how he would use her until she broke like any other dog would do when given a toy.
And, it was only further a strange affair.
Where, instead of her father leading her up to and giving her away to the ash-blonde for him to take, she walked beside the barbarian King, not behind him, not even with a single step, but side by side, as though they were something as ridiculous as equals.
Feet bare over the barnacles, she hissed every now and again as she walked, listening to his troops. Still strangely both men and women, whooping and cheering and whistling, raising weapons in the air, saluting and creating shattering eardrum-bleeding music with the harsh clanging of metal, like it was a battle-field and not a wedding, awaking whatever beasts laid hidden in deep slumber amongst the trees. 
He as well walked barefooted in the mud, though he didn’t seem to struggle with the task as much as she did. His broad muscled chest naked. His whole body nearly nude from top to bottom, if it weren’t for the cloth wrapped around his hips and the crown adorning his head, which the more she looked, more she grew certain was made up of bird-beaks, miles away from her mothers gold and ruby ornate diadem which now sat strangely atop her head, being the one thing she’d been allowed of her own traditions. 
He was painted too, similarly to her. Lined with red and black streaks, intricate patterns running along his limbs, even around his eyes, making the carmine blood-soaked look of them pop as though they were luminescent, like a wolf’s nocturnal gaze when eyeing his prey.
Looking down at her.
And she couldn't hope to look away when he took her arm, his large scathed overworked hands grabbing around her wrists, nodding for her to follow his lead as she stared at him wide-eyed with not a single clue as to what any of it meant.
She flinched as a woman drenched in black ink with eyes white like moons and fingers slender with nails just as long swirled a lock of leather around their conjoined hands. 
But as she eyed the strange ritual she was caught in the middle of, eyes shook with anxiety as her much smaller palm grew sweaty in the warriors grip, her focus was pulled completely at the oddity of the sermon the shadow priestess began chanting in their favor.
“Man and Woman Hands bound and two become one Minds become mind Bodies become body Hearts become heart”
He pulled on her wrist and she tripped a bit by the surprise, cheeks burning by the jeering crowd that stood like demons around them, laughing at how she handled the ceremony like a baby born deer, her small body steadying itself against his broad chest, whimpering as his lips pushed onto hers, with little regard to how it was her first kiss.
“God and Goddess Breaths shared and one becomes reborn Lives become life Spirits become spirit Souls become soul”
He pulled away with the chunk of her lips still caught between his teeth, a deep growl in his chest as he gazed into her terror-wide eyes with a crazed drunken look in his own.
“You are one above the earth Like dirt your union is a base of growth From which you have arisen”
She was caught thinking how strange it was to have the taste of someone else on her tongue, swallowing thickly as her cheeks burned even brighter, head going ditzy at the lude thought. 
“You are one below the sky Like stars your union is a source of light Where which you will ascend”
It had her brows furrowed, tremor, as she repeated the lines in her head. Ashamed at how she had to admit she liked those vows better than whatever surrendering promises she’d have to force out through grit teeth in the church.
However, where it did differ from the church in some ways, quite alike the events that would have occurred before the cross, it was still with those few words and that one brief kiss, that the deal was done.
And following it, the feast. Though, not decked in the great hall like she’d imagined each time she’d fantasised about marrying some handsome Prince Charming that’d vouched for her hand, but scattered around bonfires in the deep dark of the forest with the howling of both manly monsters and those other creatures dwelling amongst the trees.
And then there was dancing. But not ball-room dancing, not tame scheduled movements of hands and feet like she'd spent her whole life perfecting, but spiritual flailing around the fires, movements taken as though from the demons, casting eerie shadows onto the dirt. Figures moving not at all like any human should, wearing crowns of sticks and others of flowers, dark capes mocking the shape of crow and batwings as they seemed to fly around the raging roaring flames with not a shred of fear of catching fire.
There was music and song too. But, not from any orchestra or trained vocals, but dark rusts bleeding in with the other howling sounds that seeped form what beasts surrounded them beyond where their light was cast, ancient words she hadn't the clue as to what meant though felt the presence of either way, how they hung thickly in the air like a spell as they chanted them again and again, screeching and roaring, stomping and clapping and beating their chests.
She felt like she would pass out being caught in the middle of the fray as she was, being thrown from one person to the other, made to run barefooted around the fires with the rest of the maniacs, feeling her frail limbs and taunt muscles ache with the speed and turmoil of movement she was forced to endure. Sweat dripping down her like rain, smudging and smearing what precise paint strokes had been lining her flesh before, until it looked as though she’d simply been rolling around in the dirt like any other of the savages. 
She was at one point hauled up on his shoulders, feeling her hips ache and legs cramping at the blood pooling where gravity had it pulled as she held on for dear life in the whirl and twirl and turmoil of it all.
However, thrilling and unending as it all might have felt like in the moment, it had all gone by in such an overwhelming blur she didn't even remember when or how she’d been escorted back into the castle nor that her chambermaid had taken the liberty of scrubbing all hedonistic attire from her otherwise innocent body.
Placed back in the safety of her bedroom, waking up in the cloudy cake of her bed all silvery and soft and safe and rinsed clean of all paint and mud and sweat and grime and bitter stinking mead from the night before.
And she sighed, looking around her familiar chamber, her gowns and dresses hung up on racks circling the room, lining the walls, her shoes neatly stacked beneath her dresses, on display for her choosing. Feeling like it was all some fever dream, her heart beating like possessed by a humming-bird until she allowed herself a moment of peace, knowing she was alone and not hauled up in some cesspool of savage fuckery.
And she truly felt safe for a moment again.
Until, inevitably, coming to the dawning realisation that it was the last night she’d ever spend alone. Last night before she’d have to share her bed, her heart, her body, with the red-eyed demon she’d been betrothed to the previous night.
She knew the world was far away from fair, but in her ignorance she’d looked at herself as not part of what world transpired outside and beneath the thick thousand-brick walls of her tower.
And now, standing in her floral white virgin gown, a new dress which was rather an old dress made and kept for this exact occasion, pure angel-light like passed down from the heavens, skirt trailing behind her like a carpet of snow, her hair laid naturally and splayed thickly down around her shoulders where her chambermaid had brushed through it about a hundred times to make sure it was all silky and smooth, loose and fair and perfect like the virgin she was, given away to some barbarian who wouldn’t value what sacred place found between her legs, a madman who didn't worship the same gods she did, who hadn't the mind to appreciate that she’d been groomed entirely for this purpose, for this moment, to look perfectly innocent for a man that is anything but, a man who would most likely take, abuse it and throw it away once he grew bored, she wanted to cry and rip everything to shreds, screaming how this wasn’t fair, she wanted nothing more but to give herself away to her bratty nature, be the spoiled demanding princess she grew up to be.
But, she couldn’t.
She should have enjoyed it while it lasted, because when night arrived this day, she would no longer be a girl but a woman, no longer a princess but a queen, no longer free but collared and muzzled by the gold of a fucking wedding ring.
She had her back to the door once she heard it opening close to midnight, knowing it could only be one person, the one she was told to expect. 
She could hear him breathing. Her ears burning because of it. 
She’d stepped out of her shoes at some point before he arrived. Not that she had at all thought through exactly what she planned on doing with the heel she was clutching tightly in her hand, knuckles whitening as she bit her lip even harder, something else being kept tight in her other fist.
She must not have been thinking at all. Perhaps had the tight-lacing of her dress ceased the blood flow or was not allowing enough air to pass into her lungs. Regardless, nothing could absolve her from the fact that she’d just whipped around and chucked her shoe in the direction of the new King.
Nor could anything save her from herself as she screeched. “Stay away, you oaf!”
A smile stretched from the corner of his mouth, sly and amused as he eyed the tiny princess. His princess. Or actually... his Queen now. 
The room a dark ominous type of romantic, scented candles lighting the chamber with a glowing warmth, furs and quilts spread on the bed with fine silken pillows and undoubtedly soft Egyptian sheets. Her royal bed, how he couldn't wait to fuck her into a screaming mess in it.
“In the end… noble or not… crowned or crownless… we’re all made of flesh that can be torn and bones than can be broken…” He stated, voice dark and gruff. “Right, Princess?” 
He stalked closer to where she was hauled up in the corner of the room, on the other side of the bed.
“So you ask yourself, can your diamonds protect you from my teeth?”
She clutched what was in her hand even tighter, feeling her palm sweat at the look of the unsightly demonic smile carved on the face of the man before her. 
“Do you think your pretty silk dresses can hide you from me?” He taunted, thick-muscled fingers beginning to pop buttons to what white ceremonial shirt he’d been begged to put on. Throwing the fine-sewn piece rather unceremoniously into a heap on the floor. “Or are you praying I’d take pity on you?”
“Stay away.” She whimpered, pointing what metallic weaponry she’d swiped from her breakfast tray this morning in his direction, swallowing thickly as she shook.
“What’s that you got? A pocket-knife?” He chuckled, rounding the corner of the bed, stepping infinitely closer with only a few heavy steps.
Red eyes glowing with amusement at a closer look at what she held defensively in her small hand, teeth baring even wider as her breath shuddered.
“What you plan on doing with a cake-fork, Princess?”
She frowned, pointing the silverware even harder at him, trying to straighten out her trembling.
“Hit you were it hurts.”
Her other fist clenched at her side as she bit out her threat, standing stiffly as she shook in her defensive stance in her silly little virgin dress.
“So, the little brat wants to play?”
His eyes glinted at the defiant sparks the little thing in front of him cast his way. 
“I play with dragons that snack on puny things like you for breakfast, Princess, spitting out your bones to use as toothpicks.” He chuckled, taking yet another dangerous step forward, cornering his ridiculously rebellious prey. “But I’m sure playing with dolls have earned you some skills too.”
A mocking grin shaping his face as he cocked his head to the side, looking at her slyly, giving no indication that he was about to pounce and therefor catching her completely off guard when grabbing her wrist tightly, making bones pop as she immediately dropped the miserable excuse for a weapon, his dexterity flashed as he caught the falling fork without even looking, face amused as he watched the little bird try and shake free from his death-grip. 
“How ‘bout you quit stalling? And strip.” He demanded, voice roguish as he pulled her wrists forward, having her dainty poor footing slipping and tripping into his chest again like before. “’Cause I’m feeling less and less inclined to spare your pretty dress and more and more tempted to tear it off.” 
She winced slightly at how his rough hand twisted her arm, even though she was the once causing the pain with trying to force herself free.
Stopping at his words, she looked at him, eyes wide, pleading and anxious at the hands of his brutish strength and cruel command, feeling the hot sting of tears build up in her eyes, nose twitching upon the bite as she whimpered under his stoic features, feeling powerless and so very hopelessly small pinned beneath his superior scarlet-eyes.
Sniffling, she bowed her head, bleating in defeat.
“I need help...” She admitted with a sweet mumble.
“What?” He grumbled, looking down at how bashful she now seemed, not at all like the woman in need of conquering he’d first laid eyes on in the courtroom.
“It unties in the back…” She explained. “I… I cant do it on my own…”
She didn't even dare look up at him now. 
“I need your help...”
It was quite cruel if he thought about it. Putting a little lady in a dress she can’t take off without her man’s assistance, making her completely helpless on her own where she’ll most likely need help putting it on in the morning as well unless she’s to be kept naked and vulnerable in the room, her only purpose to please her husband.
He wouldn't lie, it had a certain attractive appeal to it, but he wouldn't consider himself that cruel to let his mate rot away in a tower for the rest of her days. He had plans for the inexperienced thing after all, wondering what adorable lost expression she’d give him when placed atop a dragon’s back.
His grin resurfaced, taken by surprise by how his heart seemed to warm with pride, the knots in his chest unwinding at the feel of how soft the skin beneath his scratchy fingertips felt, with the knowledge that it all belonged to him. 
“Turn around.”
He spun her around with a hand to her waist, fingering the lace and sequins, lusting to feel how soft and warm her bare skin would be against him and his battle-scars, balls tingling at the thought, a deep rumble rising in his chest like a growl from a hound as she felt her knees grow weaker, heart speeding and breath disturbingly struggling to keep from hitching in her throat as she felt the fabric around her waist loosen.
He didn’t think he’d feel this way. When he’d fantasized about it, a random slave girl glucking on his cock eager to please him, he’d thrown his head back and pictured the spoiled princess on her knees, put in her place, eyes bleary and defiant, staring up at him with such hatred as he held her freedom in a chokehold, stripping away her power one pathetic rhinestone at a time until she was nothing more than his cock-slave, but looking at her now… at how small she was, hearing her sniffle as each layer of clothing hit the floor, her stoic mask falling until she was left but a trembling little child at the mercy of his hands, he was feeling excited with an entirely different picture in his mind.
He’d seen her as this spoiled brat before, pretty girl who needed to be told a lesson or two about the real world, how unsafe and helpless and insignificant she actually was in the grand scheme of things, how breakable that silly tiara atop her head was.
He hadn’t really noticed how cute she was. How strangely untouched, how kept and innocent the little thing was, like a precious sheep raised for slaughter, wool as pure-white as pearls, now only to be snatched by the big bad hungry wolf.
She was so soft now, without the shrill sharp blinding protection of gemstones covering her like armor. She was in fact nothing like a princess at all, much less a queen. She was just a hopeless little girl who’d lived her entire life shelter under her father’s protection.
Now to be under his.
And there she was, naked and gorgeous like a nymph in the forest, though with not a smidgen of viciousness in her.
Who would've known softness felt that good?
He could drown himself in it as he breathed in her sweet scent by nudging his nose in behind her ear, arms having caged her against his chest, hand covering her stomach, the other placed on her neck, guiding her head back to rest against his shoulder as he started grinding into her precious goose-bumped ass from behind, and beside thinking about how warm and hard his chest was like pressed against her back, there wasn't much that could distract her from the way his pants was doing little to suppress the large bulge present and pressing into her, her stomach reeling and flipping with all sorts of brewing mixing contradicting concerns and passions.
She felt like she was burning once his lips kissed her neck, a flush running down her beck, or perhaps it was just the warmth of his breath tickling her. Everything was warm. Not just his breath, but his chest, his hands, his lips, the tongue licking up her throat, and her hands, her cheeks, her stomach, that something between her thighs.
She yelped once he maneuvered, quick and elegant, picking her up into a bridal-carry, one arm supporting her back, the other hooked beneath her knees as he carried her over to the bed, laying her down gently, though swarming her with warmth so hot she already felt the sweat start to seep from her pores, coating her skin like a thin sheen, glowing bashfully beneath him and the way he placed skillfully teasing bites and kisses down the valley of her breasts, hand large and strong using dexterous fingers to tweak her nipples into sprouting nubs screaming from the foreign stimulation, the other hand ghosting spidering touches between her thighs as he positioned himself between them, spreading her knees to either side of his hips, touching what pretty previously untouched precious sensitivity found at his mercy.
“My father told me the only place I'd ever find god is between a Queen’s legs.” He whispered softly, though his tone still gruff with a slight suppressed growl flavouring the words.
“That’s blasphemy, my King.”
She was tense beneath him, waiting for something she had no former knowledge of what was, having been kept completely in the dark as though not to taint her innocent mind, though having clung to rumors her chambermaid would tell her of how a man’s love can hurt.
“You fear the gods’ wrath more than you fear mine?” He coaxed, placing a kiss to the inside of her thigh, hot puffs of air hitting her in places that had her feeling kitten-soft and vulnerable, though strangely wishful and hopeful and excited.
“Naturally, my King.” She answered, looking up at him and how his hair looked soft in the moonlight shining in through her window, his mane falling forward, shadowing his eyes, though not able to hide the swirling predatory heat swimming about inside them, a look that had something equally warm and sticky pool in her gut.
A finger, a thick finger, swiped up her slit, flicking off at her clit, forcing her to jolt unexpectedly, gasping as her hands instinctively shot down to push at him, though doing little to make him move as his other arm had coiled like a cobra around her thigh, keeping her there as he continued playing with the soft warm flesh, utterly unbothered by the slight jolt of surprise. 
She knew she was in no right to deny him anything, backing down as soon as she could remind herself of her duties between softly whimpering at the strange sensation transpiring between her thighs beneath his hand.
“It’s Katsuki.” He said suddenly, looking at her. "My name." He explained. “You’re not gonna say it right, so better start practicing now.”
She wasn't sure if it was a title or an honorific, given it was unheard of for anyone to call on a King with anything but their respected epithet, where she’d never heard any name quite like it either, unsure of what letters would even go into such a word. 
“My... uhm...”
She was unsure whether she wanted to wind her thighs shut or spread them out further with how he was touching her. 
He chuckled at that.
“I like that better.” He rasped, bowing down to level with the sweet gem at his mouth, planning to not only taste but drink what ambrosia he’d bargained for through weeks of patient negotiations, feeling the beast within him start to grow restless with the naked perfection laid submissively in peaceful offering, spread without effort and just waiting for him to take a bite.
But before he dived, she let her voice carry another adorable little word of worry. “Will it hurt?” Voice strictly vulnerable.
Her question had him stopping, stark-red eyes snapping back up to look at her, slight crinkle between his brows.
“So, it’s true then.” He stated, though in slight disbelief of his own conclusion. “You don't fuck before marriage?” 
And though his words were crude, his voice was not, but a strange type of cautious before he offered a small smile, placing a small chaste kiss to her belly, drifting back to his previous conquest. 
“Little virgin...” He teased in sweet endearing mockery.
Placing another kiss, though this time lower, he had her breath shuddering. 
“I’m gonna show you the true meaning of God tonight.”
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luveline · 3 years
in the morning, afternoon and night [Fred Weasley x Reader]
tags: reader-insert, hurt/comfort, self esteem issues, low self esteem, reader has acne, sad reader, insecure reader
pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
word count: 1.8k
You glared at your reflection.
You'd think with such amazing magical medicine available, some witch or wizard would've invented a cure for acne, or at least a spell that covered it up.
You'd struggled with it since your third year. The muggle doctor you'd seen with your mother had suggested it was hormonal, and would calm down as you got older.
That was years ago.
It shouldn't have been a big deal. It wasn't, really. It wasn't usually very painful, though it was itchy as a stinging nettle and twice as unsightly. A large part of you knew it wasn't your fault, that acne was something that simply affected people at different times in their lives. You'd tried topicals and changing your diet, you'd tried losing weight and exercising and dermaplaning and everything they suggested in your mams fashion magazines.
Nothing worked.
Tears welled in your eyes and you sniffed them back, blinking rapidly.
It might've been silly, but it honestly made you want to hide away. You'd skipped dinner without really thinking, finding your way into the girls bathroom you inhabited now. You straightened your tie and robes, dusting down the sides. You leaned forward again, dabbing under your eyes with your sleeve.
The last thing you wanted was for anyone to know you'd been crying, because then someone might ask why. You didn't want to talk about it, ever.
If Fred saw you like this...
You and Fred Weasley had been almost dating for a few weeks now. Almost, because you hadn't talked about the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing yet.
It had been years of thinking he was the fittest boy in Gryffindor (besides George) and months of meeting his gaze in the corridors and catching his eye over dinner. Gradually it had become something more; he started carrying your books between classes and opening doors, touching your arms and your hair and your face.
You cringed at the memory. He had been so caring, moving to wipe an eyelash from the skin under your eye. You'd violently flinched from his hand, afraid he might feel the bumpy texture of your skin, feel the acne beneath your makeup. He'd been apologetic and a little confused, filling you with guilt. You hadn't been able to find a way to tell him it wasn't him, it was you. Of course you wanted him to touch you, the thought of him cradling your face had been the subject of many dizzy daydreams, but you just couldn't tell him this one thing.
It was your deepest insecurity.
The stress had only made it worse. Redness was easy to cover with muggle make up and even some wizarding tricks you'd learned over the years, but there wasn't a way to smooth your skin, and the acne was textured.
It was depressing. You didn't want to use that word, it felt ungrateful to compare your skin issues to something so severe, but it made you miserable.
You but down on your quivering lip, pushing away from the mirror unhappily and opening the bathroom door, a frown on your face.
"Y/N!" a familiar voice said.
You jumped, startled but unsurprised. Fred had a talent of always knowing where you were. You'd find it creepy if he wasn't so endearing.
"Fred," you said, plastering a smile over your frown. "I was just coming to find you."
"What a coincidence, ma chérie, I was doing the same."
"Well," you began, easily sidling into his space, "you found me."
"Yes, I did," Fred hummed, wrapping his arms behind your neck, grinning.
He took a long look at your face, his forehead creased. "What's wrong?"
"Nothings wrong, Fred."
He moved his hands to your shoulders, looking down into your face searchingly. "Have you been crying?" he asked.
You shook your head, lying without thinking. "Something in my eye,"
"Both of them?"
You stepped backwards. He let go of your shoulders accordingly.
"It's really nothing," you said through a forced laugh.
He frowned at you for a few seconds more and his face cleared. "Alright," he said slowly, rolling the words in his mouth, "if you say so, doll."
You opened like a blooming flower at the pet name, your whole face softening. You smiled, hoping he understood that the smile meant, oh I just so adore you, Fred Weasley.
He threaded his fingers through yours, dragging you down the corridor beside him and waxing poetic about their newest lot of Peruvian darkness powder as you went.
It got so bad you couldn't go to class.
Okay, so you definitely could've gone to class, but the thought of leaving your curtained bed was enough to make you sick with anxiety, so worried that everyone would see you - see your face.
NEWTs were coming fast and hard. Everyone who wanted to be anyone was working hard studying their asses of, on top of Professor Umbridge's million new rules you had to abide by, including her newest life-ruining rule: Boys and girl are not to be within 5 inches of each other.
What a joke. You struggled through classes, wrote essays so long your hand burned at night and now you weren't allowed to sit next to your almost boyfriend at lunch? It was miserable. It was making you miserable, and now you may as well have sharpied on your forehead how equipped your body was to deal with it.
Fucking badly.
You groaned to yourself, rolling on your side to face the wall. You were at your wits end. It felt endlessly unfair that the thing that was stressing you out most was getting worse from stress.
Your stomach growled hungrily.
You threw your arm over your eyes in defeat, eyes finally filling with tears. You felt so hopeless. There was nothing to be done except keep up your routine until the flare up was over, or until your mothers next 'miracle cure' popped into existence.
The tears felt too hot against your sore skin. You couldn't help but sob quietly to yourself in self-pity.
A knock sounded at the door. You gasped, wiping the tears away in panic.
"Y/N?" It was Alicia. "Are you alright? Can I come in?"
"Yes," you managed. "Yes, of course. It's your room too, after all."
The door clicked open. Alicia appeared, tanned skin completely clear and glowing, though each perfect feature was marred with empathy. "Fred's been begging every girl in the common room to come fetch you, but I told him to leave you be."
"Thank you," you said.
You cleared your throat. Alicia moved her weight from foot to foot, twisting her hands.
"I- Y/N. I won't pretend to know how it feels, but I promise you, Fred won't care. He's beside himself worrying that you're bedridden and dying or-" she laughed to herself, "or that you're still mad at him for the itching powder. What I mean is... he's a good guy, and you're upset. Maybe you should tell him what's wrong. He won't care."
You sniffed. "I know," you admitted, feeling the weight of her shifting the bed. "I know he's a great guy. I just wouldn't blame him if he, if he didn't like me anymore. If he found it ugly. I would understand it, and I think that makes it worse," you choked on your words, heat building behind your eyes.
"Oh, Y/N," Alicia said, placing a tentative but comforting hand on your shoulder.
You lay in quiet, listening to your own ragged breathing.
"I'll go talk to him," Alicia said.
"No! I mean, no. Thank you, but no. I... I'll speak to him myself."
Alicia nodded, rubbing your arm kindly.
The sound of the door clicking shut behind her finally spurred you into sitting up. You dressed in a hurry, chucking a wool jumper over last nights pyjamas.
He wouldn't care, would he? You cringed. Yes, he definitely would. Whatever was between you would stop. He'd have the grace to let you down slowly, drawing away his affections. He was a polite guy, he'd probably even say the whole spiel of "it's not you, it's me". But he would, eventually.
Well, you figured. Let it be quick. Like ripping off a bandaid.
You tread lightly down the steps, hoping to see him before he saw you.
Of course, when the slightest groan on the bottom step sounded, his lovely face whipped to meet yours. He smiled in relief, but it was mixed with something else. Disgust, your brain supplied nastily. He was disgusted. He rose to his feet, smiling smiling smiling. But something in his eyes was different, now.
"Y/N," he said.
"Hi," you said.
"Hi yourself, beautiful. Where've you been all day?"
"I'm... sick. Bad cold," you settled on.
He raised an eyebrow. "You sound okay," he said, not unkindly.
"I..." you looked down at your hands.
A siren was sounding in your head. You didn't think Fred had seen you without make up for the last 3 years. Fight or flight was leaning heavily towards flight.
"Well, are you hungry?"
You shook your head.
"Are you sure? You haven't eaten all day. You need something in your system if you're gonna fight this cold."
"I'm not actually sick, Fred," you admitted under your breath.
"I know."
You looked up. He was still smiling kindly. It was infuriating.
"Look," you said finally, rushed and all at once, "if you don't want to- if you're grossed out. Then it's fine, I'll understand if you don't want to see me anymore."
Fred was stricken.
"I know it's - ugly."
"Ugly? Nothing about you is ugly."
"Fred, my face-"
"No, listen to me, Y/N. It's not ugly. It's not gross. You're not any of those things, are you kidding?" he said, grabbing your hands. "You're beautiful. All the time, in the morning, afternoon and night. You're beautiful in charms and transfiguration and care of magical creatures. You were beautiful yesterday and you're beautiful today and you'll be even more so tomorrow." He stopped suddenly, looking down at your joined hands. His cheeks had turned bright red.
"Smooth, Freddie," came George's voice, from the sofa behind them.
"Shove OFF," exclaimed Fred, growing more red by the second. Heat filled your own cheeks.
"It's skin, Y/N. That's all it is."
"Okay," you said tightly, trying not to cry.
Fred breathed out, his hair shifting in response. His corded arms pulled you tight to his chest. You breathed him in. He smelled sweet and rough, like burning caramel.
He thought you were beautiful.
You smiled into his shirt.
tag list: @msmimimerton
if you’d like to be added to a tag list, please ask ! for in general or for specific characters, i don’t mind
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noisynaia · 2 years
We'll be the talk of the town
[Eddie Munson x Californian reader] Part 2
summary: Your new dealer becomes your first acquaintance after moving to the small town of Hawkins, Indiana only a week before starting your senior year of high school. The stress of beginning at a new school, with a new cheer squad, is stressing you out and you need some help to relax.   
word count: 3.4k 
rating: M
pairing: Eddie Munson x f!reader 
note: This has not been beta read. Mentions of drug use (weed). No use of (y/n). Reader goes by she/her pronouns. She is described as being shorter than Eddie and having hair (length, texture, or colour not mentioned) but no other physical descriptions are used. Both Eddie and the reader are 18+. I am not American, so I have no idea if this is even close to a realistic depiction of an American high school experience.  It’s the first time I’ve ever written a reader inset and I’m not completely satisfied, but I had fun writing it so all's good I guess. <3 
crossposted on my ao3   
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The goal is to look well put together, fashionable, but not like you are trying too hard. Which of course is ironic since you had gotten up an hour and a half earlier than usual to get ready. You turn to look in the full-length mirror. The current top you are wearing is cute, but it doesn't go super well with your skirt and you are not going to start looking for a new one to wear after finally deciding on the one you’re wearing after trying on every pair of pants and every skirt you own.
You pull the top over your head and fling it on top of the giant pile of clothes you already have tried on that has formed on your bedroom floor. You sigh and grab one of the last shirts from the closet in front of you that hasn't joined the ones on the floor you already had tried on, then stretch it on over your head.
It is pretty simple but it clings to your body nicely, showing off your figure and the material is soft and pretty comfortable. You make a quick decision and pair the top and skirt with white ruffle socks and your favourite pair of Mary Jane’s. You style your hair before applying your makeup and finish off with a couple of sprays of your favourite perfume. Taking a step back you take in your reflection. You look good, a little more dolled up than what you would on a normal school day, but it’s perfect for the first day of school in a new town, and it’s a nice feeling to be all dressed up. You double-check that you have everything you need in your bag before going downstairs for breakfast.
“Morning sweetie.” Your stepmother greets you from the coffee maker as you enter the kitchen. “Good morning.” You return as you go over to the cupert with the kettle to make yourself some tea, but you find the space it usually occupies empty. “Already boiled your water.” She tells you before you look over at the stove where the kettle is already standing, steaming from the spout. “So how are we feeling?” Your dad asks as he flips the pancake that is currently cooking on the other stove hob.
“Okay, kinda nervous though.” fidget with the string of your tea back as you pop it down your mug. “It would be weird if you weren’t a little nervous.” Your stepmom declares. “But I’m sure it’s gonna go okay, who wouldn’t want to be friends with such a cutie-pie as you.” She continues, popping a kiss to the top of your head as she walks by you to get the plates out.
“Well, the first day of school pancakes are done now, you better enjoy 'em kid cos it’s gonna be cereal from tomorrow on.” Your dad states. “Oh, Melvin my love, we all know you’ll get up early on Friday and make us waffles like you always do.” Your stepmom teases. “Well, Norma my beloved, I guess I just can’t help spoiling my girls.” You laugh at their loving antics and start digging into your pancakes.
An hour later you’re sitting on the passenger seat of your dad’s lincoln, in the parking lot of Hawkins High. You’re hugging your backpack close to your chest, not really wanting to get out of the car. Several students seem to have noticed the Californian licence plates, sending curious looks. You finally gather the courage to step out of the car after saying goodbye to your dad. You feel like a freshman on their first day, except you actually knew people when you had started high school.
The school office wasn’t too hard to find, the secretary was nice giving you all the information you needed including your locker number and your class schedule, she also told you when cheer tryouts were held. You thank her before stepping back out into the hall to find your first classroom, but as you leave you bump straight into someone on their way into the office. Your face collides with a chest covered by a familiar shirt. You look up and lock eyes with none other than Eddie Munson, the only person you know the name of at the school.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there.” He says, giving an apologetic smile. You smile back at him, which he seems, almost confused by. “Don’t worry about it.” You chuckle, surprised by how glad you are to run into him. Not that you actually know him, but he is the most familiar face at the place. “And hi again!” You smile at him.
He knit his brows for a second before his entire face lit up with recognition. “Hey! Sorry, I barely recognized you.” Makes sense, you actually look presentable now, unlike when you had knocked on his trailer door in the dark wearing joggers and shower damp hair. He, on the other hand, looks exactly as he had done that night. Another pair of ripped jeans, that same band shirt. Hellfire club, you had not heard about them before. Maybe Jacob knows them, you will ask him next time you get the chance. “Hope you enjoyed your purchase,” Eddie says.
“I did. I might have to come back and get some more soon.” “Well, you know where to find me.” He gives you the same crooked smile he gave you that night in the trailer. You really like that smile, and you really did like his product too. Maybe you should swing by his trailer and get some more soon. Would it be weird to ask for his number? It will be easier to plan a deal if you have his phone number. The only Hawkins number in your contact book currently is the one for the pizzeria, which is a bit sad. Adding your new dealer to the list wasn’t exactly less sad, but you go to the same school and he does seem genuinely nice, maybe he could be a potential friend. What the hell, if the first day of school isn’t the day to be brave then when is it?
“Can I maybe have your number?” You stammer. Eddie's eyebrows rise high up his forehead. “You know when I need some, uhm… Yeah, you know. ” You quickly add, hope you haven't made things too awkward. The clarification seems to calm him down.
“Of course. Makes things easier for the both of us.” He agrees. You quickly search your bag for a pen, grabbing the first one you come across, which just has to be a purple glitter pen, classy. He takes the pen, smiling at it. You feel your ears grow hot while ripping a little piece of one of the information papers you just had gotten. Why couldn't it just have been a normal pen? “If my uncle picks up, just tell him to write down your number and I'll call you back, okay?” You nod as he hands the pen and paper back to you, pulling yourself back together. “But no discounts next time.” You warn him, with what you hope is a stern look, but you fail to not smile back at him. Damn, that boy has a contagious smile.
He chuckles at your failing expression, slightly shaking his head. “Fine I won’t give any more, incredibly generous I might add, discounts to poor girls who have moved to the most boring town in Indiana, who need to combat her sorrows with a little green.” He is almost back to the whimsical tone you have gotten used to again. You like it, his cheerful, friendly demeanour has definitely helped you feel better. He might be your new dealer, but it looked like Eddie Munson could be a new friend. He clears his throat giving you yet another one of those smiles of his. “Well, I better get in there, gonna see if I can get some merit for last year. Since I, you know kinda did this whole thing already.” His cheerfulness switched out for a more sheepish manner, a pink blush creeping up his cheeks. “But uh, looks like we are seeing each other again in the last period.” He says after seeking a glance at the paper in your hand with all your classes on. You look down at the paper. Your last period, social studies in classroom 82 with Mr Owen. “Well, see you then.” You say before he disappears behind the door to the office.
You get to your first class, getting the terrifying, ‘oh we have a new student with us why don’t you get up and introduce yourself, part over with. People seem pretty interested when you say you’re from California and especially a big city like San Francisco. You really pull it home by telling them that your hobbies include cheerleading. Without even trying or even really wanting to you have become one of the popular kids. A couple of girls, who apparently are on the cheer squad, basically adopt you the moment you open your mouth. Tanya and Donna. They insist on introducing you to the rest of the senior cheerleaders at lunch.
“I think we are gonna be great friends!” Tanya chimes on the way to the cafeteria, when lunch break finally rolls around. You feel overwhelmed by all the attention. But it doesn't seem to bother the other girls that you don’t match her energy level as she keeps talking about the upcoming basketball game and which of the boys on the team is single so you could be introduced to them. You get by with a smile and nod. Till you finally get your tray and sit down at one of the long tables with a bigger group of girls that Tanya introduces you to. There is Donna who you also had the first period with, besides her, you also get introduced to Kathleen, Pamela and Chrissy. You sit on the other side of the table from the girl named Chrissy, extending your hand over the table to shake her hand. Which she answers with a sweet smile. She is nodding enthusiastically as you tell her it’s nice to meet her, making her strawberry blonde ponytail swing. You like her, she doesn't bombard you with questions like the other girls do but ask you in a way that makes you feel like she has a genuine interest in getting to know you as a person. The other girls seem a bit disappointed that you apparently rather want to engage in the conversation with Chrissy about the best places in town to buy music than gossip about people you don’t even know. You have just started talking about your opinions on Madonna’s newest album when a commotion at the other end of the cafeteria steals your attention. On top of one of the lunch tables stands none other than your good acquaintance Eddie Munson, in what looks like a deep conversation with the boys at his table. He is articulating with theatrical movements. It’s so flamboyant and you can’t help but think back to when you first met him and how excited you had been over finding someone in a town as small as Hawkins who was so confident in who they are.
“God, someone put a quarter in the freak.” Kathleen groans. Freak?! Is she talking about Eddie? “It’s literally the first day of school. Does he have to start acting like that already, it’s a bad look for new students! I just hope he won’t try to lure in any poor freshmans to his weird cult” Pamela chimes in. Cult… What is this girl talking about?
“I’m sorry about this, I promise that most people here are normal,” Tanya says looking almost apologetically at you, like Eddie's little antics were a personal insult against you or something. You don’t say anything, you are at a loss for words. Most people here are normal. What the heck is that supposed to mean? You don’t like the direction this conversation has taken. You notice Chrissy also seems uncomfortable with it, having her eyes down on the tray in front of her.
“I have heard they try to summon demons with this satanic game they play. It’s sick.” Donna tells. “Satanic?!” You say in disbelief, you knew that there was a satanic panic going around the country but you have never heard something so stupid, you were almost one-hundred per cent sure that Eddie Munson wasn’t trying to ‘summon demons.
“I've heard they have these books with, like, spells and stuff they use for it.” Donna continues. You have no idea what they are talking about until it hits you. “Wait, you mean that dorky board game?!” Olivia’s younger brother had tried to get the two of you to play with him all summer. He had almost sold the idea to you, but Olivia had insisted that you should spend your summer on better things. What was it called, something with dragons? You don’t know much about it, but one thing you do know it’s that it is definitely not an evil satanic ritual thing. “ Like, if he just was weird, that would be one thing, but I honestly think he is deranged. I hope the cops keep an eye out for him what if he ends up murdering someone for one of his ritual things?
The only thing deranged is this conversation you think. Being judgy is bad enough but accusing someone of being a potential murderer is another. Nothing of that sounds like the boy you met last week or this morning for that matter. You are really angry now. To be fair, you don’t really know him though. You had spent 10 minutes tops in his trailer, not enough time to get to know someone, but you had only known these girls for a couple of hours so the same could be said for them, and you had, unlike with Eddie, not gotten a good impression of them.
“I have only spoken to him briefly, but I actually think he seems very nice.” You say, a tight smile on your face. “You have spoken to him?!” Tanya asks in disbelief. All the girl's eyes are on you looking horrified except Chrissy. It might be known by everyone that Eddie sell’s, there were boys like that at your old school, but you don’t want to assume and out him, as a drug dealer if it wasn’t something others should know and these girls definitely give the vibe that it wouldn’t be a wise thing to mention. “I met him at the shop last week, he welcomed me to town.” You say in what you hope is a nonchalant way.
“He just walked up and started talking to you? Who does he think he is” Tanya almost snared the last part. You don’t like her tone. “No, I asked him for directions and he was kind enough to help me.” You try to say it in a neutral tone, despite the anger you feel rising in your chest. “He is such a freak, what if he now thinks he can just like talk to you or something, what if he has decided to sacrifice you for one of his creepy spells or something? You should be careful around him.” Kathleen warns you. You almost want to laugh at how ridiculous this whole conversation is, but the anger it also has awoken in you prevents you from it. “I think I will be okay. I have to go to the bathroom.” You say grabbing your stuff before standing up and rushing out of the cafeteria. Were these the girls you would have to cheer with? You find a bathroom and decide you want to touch up your makeup. It’s empty and you’re thankful for the brief moment alone, the moment really is brief though as a girl enters the bathroom while you’re reapplying your lipstick. Your eyes lock in the mirror. Chrissy.
“Hey.” She says in a kind of quiet voice. “Hi.” You say while putting the cap back on the lipstick tube. “I’m sorry about the others.” She came here to apologise for the behaviour of the other.
“It’s okay.” You say, which it actually isn’t, but you liked your conversation with Chrissy before it got interrupted by the other girls. “And, uh, I don’t think you have to worry about getting murdered or anything. I don’t know Eddie that well but I think he actually is pretty nice.” You giggle. “I think you are right. I don’t think I have to be afraid of being used to summon any demons.” Chrissy laughs at this too. “I know, I’ve been friends with most of them since elementary, but the things they say are sometimes… you know.” She makes a gesture with her hands. “Yeah, I think I get it.” you smile at her. Yeah, you like Chrissy you decide.
“I was thinking…” She says, looking a bit nervous. “If you maybe want to go to the movies with me on Friday. I was supposed to go with my boyfriend, Jason, but he wants to go to a party instead and so do the other girls, but I have really looked forward to this film.”
You feel bad that her boyfriend has decided to ditch her, but you are gladly surprised you were asked. Chrissy can become a friend, a real one. You tell her that you would be happy to join her. She gives you a big smile, not seeming nervous anymore. The two of you are talking in the bathroom for the rest of the break until you have to get to your respective classrooms. The time with Chrissy has lifted your spirit from the bad conversation in the cafeteria. The rest of the day goes relatively smoothly, mostly consisting of introductions to the various classes. You are finally entering your last class of the day, social studies with Mr Owen. And there, in the back row sits a familiar metalhead. The desk next to him is empty. You usually prefer to sit closer to the blackboard, but you are willing to make an exception for one class.
“Hey.” You greed Eddie as you sit down at your desk. “Well hello.” He smiles at you. You want to say something more, but you had a little trouble finding the right classroom so you don’t get the chance to before Mr Owen begins to welcome you all to the class.
You pull out your notebook and begin to write down the information Mr Owen tells you about your curriculum for the class. You are focusing on the board so you almost give out a little screech as a little scrap of rolled-up paper lands on your desk in front of you.
You recognise the handwriting from when he gave you his number this morning.
Hey :)
You add under the first hey before handing the paper back to him. A few seconds go by and a new piece of paper is landing on your desk.
No glitter pen this time? :(
You rummage through your pencil case before pulling out one of your glitter pens in magenta.
Happy now?
You write it down before handing the paper over.
You shake your head but a smile also creeps up on your lips.
Well, I’m gonna go back to focusing on the class, I think you should too!
You put your focus back on the blackboard but you keep using the pink pen for your notes. You try to keep focusing, but it has been a tough day with so many new people and impressions. You are tired and you still don’t sleep that well, you have not gotten used to your new bedroom yet. You get an idea, pulling out a side in your notebook you write.
Hey. Can I maybe come over and buy some “stuff” later?
You wait till mister Owens's back is turned as he writes something on the board before you pass the note. You get the paper back shortly after.
Sure, when can you come over?
You think about it for a moment. It will be easy to sneak out after dinner when your dad and Norma are watching their tv show. But you needed to drive to Eddie’s. You can probably think about some kind of excuse to borrow one of the cars that won’t be too suspicious.
The paper lands on your desk again.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Would You Rather?
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Tom mentions his crush on you during an interview and you respond
Authors note: this was requested by anon who gave a generous donation to the BLM fund. Thank you!
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“Would you rather fight a horse sized duck or a duck sized horse?” Tom read off a card as he adjusted the collar on his blue jumpsuit.
“I don’t know what situation I’d be in where I’d have to fight either of these animals.” He started as he looked at the camera. “I feel like I’d rather fight duck sized horse because that’s pretty small. I could probably defeat that. But a horse sized duck could bite me, you know?”
The crew nodded in agreement and Tom moved on to the next question.
“Would you rather lose the ability to read or the ability to speak?” Tom scratched behind his head as he thought about it.
“I barely have the ability to read as it is.” He laughed. “I’m an actor, so I feel like I need the ability to speak.”
He dropped that card on the couch and picked up the next one.
“Would you rather have Captain Marvel or Black Cat as your girlfriend?” He smiled as he read.
“I don’t know if they mean as my girlfriend or as Spider-Man’s girlfriend but I without a doubt would pick Black Cat.” Tom said confidently. “I was so upset when they cast Y/n L/n as the Black Cat and didn’t connect her movie to the Spider-Man universe.”
“Why were you upset?” A crew member asked.
“Because I’m in love with Y/n.” Tom laughed like it was obvious. “I must’ve seen every movie of hers 100 times. Especially the Black Cat suit because she looked so freaking hot in that.”
“She really did.” A female lighting director nodded in agreement.
“Right? If Black Cat was Spider-Man’s girlfriend and Y/n was my girlfriend I’d be a very happy man.” Tom sighed dreamily and toyed with the card as he day dreamed about you.
That video went up a few days later and made the usual headlines. You were well aware of Tom as an actor but completely unaware of his crush on you. Your heart stopped that first time you saw the headline:
“Watch Tom Holland gush over his celebrity crush, Y/n L/n.”
And yes, you did watch.
You watched many times in fact. The part where he said he was in love with you was your personal favorite. After getting sent the video by all your friends and fans, you decided to do something about it.
“@tomholland1996 you look pretty hot in your suit as well. And out of the suit. And in regular clothes. Damn dude, you’re pretty hot.”
You posted the tweet with a devious smile and shut your phone off. Whatever the world had to say about it, they could wait until the next morning.
You were woken up early the next morning by your phone ringing. You wiped the sleep from your eyes but kept them shut as you held your phone to your ear.
“Hello?” You said groggily.
“Y/n? It’s your manager. I have some exciting news.” Your manager sounded giddy on the other side of the line.
“So exciting that you had to wake me up?” You laughed sleepily.
“I don’t know.” She humored you. “Do you think the Russo Brothers emailing me and asking you to come to set is exciting?”
You sat up quickly as your eyes flew open.
“What?” You shrieked in excitement.
“They said they’ve been rewriting the script for Infinity War for the past few weeks and it’s finally finished. They added a scene with the Black Cat.” She said in a sing song voice. Your breath hitched in your throat as the news flooded into your ears.
“You’re kidding.” You gasped.
“Nope. Can you drive down to set at 1? I sent you the address.” She told you.
“I’ll be there.” You nodded as a wide smile spread across your face. Your manager hung up and you threw down your phone.
“AHHHH.” You screamed in excitement and immediately got dressed. It was finally happening.
You were finally going to be in the MCU.
You arrived at the address promptly before 1 and were led to set by an assistant. The Russo Brothers met you by the trailers and introduced themselves.
“Great to meet you.” Joe shook your hand, then Anthony. “How much did your manager tell you?”
“Just that you added a scene with the Black Cat.” You nodded as you relayed all the information you had.
“Right. We decided to add the Black Cat to the MCU now that her character has been established in your solo movie.” Anthony explained. “We had to keep it a secret until now to keep it from getting leaked. We have big plans for your character, starting with this movie.”
You smiled gratefully at the two of them and nodded enthusiastically.
“Thank you so much for the opportunity. I’m so honored to be here. What are the plans?” You asked as you twisted your fingers nervously.
“For starters, meet your new boyfriend.” Joe chuckled and turned around and pointed.
“Boyfriend?” You asked and followed his finger.
“Tom, get over here.” He called. Your eyes widened when you realized what name he called and you looked up to see Tom jogging over to you.
“What’s up guys?” He looked at the Russo bothers before his eyes landed on you. His smile faded and he blinked a few times to register the sight in front of him.
“Hi.” His face flushed and he smiled shyly at you.
“Hi.” You smiled back, still not believing what was happening.
“I’m- I’m Tom.” He fumbled over his words as he held out his hand.
“I know.” You laughed softly as you shook his hand.
“Right, sorry.” He shook his head in embarrassment. “Whats uh, what’s she doing here?”
“Change of plans.” Anthony smirked as he handed you and Tom a few pages of the script.
“You’re giving me a script?” Tom asked in disbelief as he ran his fingers over the crisp white pages.
“Yes. Don’t make us regret it.” Joe said sternly.
“Yes sir.” Tom nodded eagerly and began to flip through it.
“Peter is going to get thrown by one of Thanos’s men and Black Cat is going to catch him.” Anthony began to explain. “She saw the spaceship, came to help, and winds up in space with Tony, Steven, and Peter.”
“That’s awesome.” Tom breathed. “This looks really cool.”
You were so wrapped up in the excitement of holding a real Marvel script that you had forgotten the brothers original statement.
“Hold on. You said he was my boyfriend.” You looked at Joe and Anthony skeptically.
“Boyfriend?” Tom perked up from his script and looked between the three of you. “Me boyfriend? To her? Please say yes. I’m fine either way it’s just, I would really like you to say yes right now.
“Yes Tom.” Joe laughed. “Right as they’re falling in love, poof.”
“Dust.” Anthony finished. You and Tom shared a look, evidently impressed.
“That’s brutal.” You remarked.
“It is.” Joe agreed. “Until they’re reunited in Endgame in a similar fashion to the way they met.”
“And the crowd goes wild.” Anthony said slowly. You got chills just thinking about it and smiled as you rubbed your arms.
“I like it.” You nodded and Tom bit back a smile.
“Me too.” He said softly. “I like it a lot.”
“Great.” Anthony rubbed his hands together. “Rehearsal starts tomorrow.”
The brothers walked away, leaving you and Tom alone with each other.
“They don’t play around over here. I just got cast and already I’m on set.” You chuckled and shyly looked at Tom. He was so much cuter in person, the camera didn’t do justice to his freckles. Tom nodded and gave you a half smile.
“Yeah, they’re pretty unorthodox over here. I’d tell you you’d get used to it, but I’d be lying.” Tom shook his head and gave you a once over. “I can’t believe you’re here.”
“I can’t believe you told the world I looked hot in my catsuit but never dmed me to ask for my number.” You shrugged easily and Toms jaw dropped at your boldness.
“In my defense, you are way too cool to be interested in me. At least I knew my place.” He shot back and you laughed.
“Didn’t you see my tweet last night?” You asked coyly as you raised an eyebrow.
“What tweet? The one about you calling me hot? The one that I sent to every single contact in my phone, including my dentist?” He asked with furrowed eyebrows. “No, I don’t think I saw it.”
“Funny.” You folded your arms and gave him a sultry smile. “I never checked if you responded.”
“I’d rather if you didn’t. It wasn’t very smooth.” He admitted.
“Hey, Tom?”
“Yes?” He looked at you.
“Would you rather continue talking in the middle of a crowded set or go somewhere secluded to run our lines?” You made a callback to his interview that started it all and he noticed.
“Run lines please. I need to quit while I’m ahead.” He eyed you with uncertainty as he thought about his words. “I was ahead, right?”
“Yeah.” You smirked and linked your arm through his. “You were ahead.”
“Kid, what are you doing here?” Tony asked as he craned his neck to see Peter.
“On a field trip to MOMAAAAAA.” Peter yelled as he was flung into the sky. He flew through the air like a rag doll until he landed in your arms. You breathed heavily, you in your masks and suits.
“Hey there.” You smirked at Peter as you held him bridal style.
“Hi, I’m Peter. You’re really pretty.” He said through heavy pants. “Can you pretend I didn’t just say that?”
“Hi Peter.” Your wine colored lips tugged into a smile. “Should you really be telling me your name? I could be dangerous.” You pouted as you set him down.
“Oh, right.” Peter got back on his feet and brushed off his suit. “In that case, I’m not Peter. I’m…Pedro.”
“Mm, Pedro. I like it.” You winked and saw one of Thanos’s minions coming at him from behind. “Watch out.”
You spun around and kicked the minion in the face before hooking your legs around his neck and knocking him to the ground. One swift punch to the throat knocked him unconscious. You stood up and waltzed back over to Peter as you dusted off your hands.
“Woah, where’d you learn to do that?” The eyes of Peters mask widened as you impressed him with your skills.
“A woman’s got to protect herself, right?” You shrugged and popped gum in your mouth before eyeing him up and down. “And apparently, I have to protect you too.”
“I’m totally fine with that.” Peter answered honestly. “Do you have a name?”
You wrapped your arms around Peters neck and blew a bubble with your gum.
“Black Cat.” You said once it popped. The sent of bubble gum filled Peters nostrils and his knees weakened.
“That explains the catsuit.” He gulped. “What, no tail?”
“Tails are so cliche.” You whined and stroked his covered cheek with your hand. “I’m a cat burglar, not a halloween costume.”
“If this is how you go out on a normal day, I’d love to see what you wear in Halloween.” Peter attempted time flirt back with the mysterious woman distracting him from his mission. You leaned forward, close enough that your lips were almost touching.
“I bet you would.” You whispered. You patted his cheek and turned away swiftly, whipping his face with your long gray ponytail. Peter let out a throaty groan as the scent of your perfume enveloped him. You walked around him in a circle, dragging your fingernail along his shoulders as you went.
“Since you know my name is Peter, it’s only fair you tell me yours.” He said as he turned his head to look at you. You paused, standing directly behind him.
“You really wanna know my name?” You challenged.
“That’s what I just said.” Peter sassed you. You smirked and took a step towards Peter so you were pressed against his back, gripping his waist tightly.
“Hardy.” You said right in his ear and he shivered. “Felicia Hardy. I’ve seen you around, Spiderman. You’re pretty good.”
You finished your circle and stood in front of him now. He was grateful for his mask, otherwise you could see just how red he had gone. His heart was racing out of his chest just from the look of you. The white fur cuffs and skintight black suit were making it impossible for him to focus.
“Just pretty good?” He questioned. “I’ve taken down a lot of bad guys.”
“Mm, but never me.” You taunted as you twirled your gray hair around your finger, wanting to get a rise out of you.
“You’re a bad guy?”
“Depends on your definition of bad guy.” You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and let your teeth drag. “Do you think I’m bad?”
“Depends on your definition of bad.” Peter straightened up.
“This has been fun.” You smirked and tossed your ponytail over your shoulder. Nice talking to you, Peter.”
“You too.” Peter smiled under his mask until a Boulder was flung your way. “Look out!”
Peter shot a web at you and pulled you flushed against his chest. He pulled you to the ground and rolled on top of you as the boulder went over your heads. It was your turn to be blushing as you stared at Peter in amazement.
“How did you-“
“Spidey senses.” He answered before you could finish your question. He could feel his body beginning to lift into the air with you following. “Oh no.”
“What’s happening?” You asked as you and Peter lifted into the air. You clutched him tightly to keep from falling and Peter held on to you for support.
“Mr Stark!” He yelled. “I’m being beamed up!”
“And cut!” Anthony yelled. The wires holding you and Tom up slowly lowered you back down until you were back on the ground. Tom rolled off of you and fell on his back, breathing heavily from the scene. He pulled his mask off and rested it on his tummy.
“Whew.” He panted and looked at you with a tired smile. “Great work.”
You smiled back at Tom, still flushing from the flirty scene. You had done that scene many times from rehearsal all the way to production, but never that well. Your heart usually stopped racing by now, but something about the way he was looking at you kept it in rhythm.
“You too.” You complimented him as you sat up. You helped each other up and pulled each other into a sweaty hug.
“That’s a wrap guys. Great work today.” Joe announced. “Before you leave, I have the official version of the script. This is what we’re going to be filming tomorrow. We couldn’t give it to you until now in case someone spoiled it.”
Joe glared at Tom as he handed out the final scripts.
“I hate it here.” Tom mumbled as his ability to keep secrets was once again under fire.
“Great, thank you.” You smiled at Joe before he walked away. Tom came over to you, hitting his rolled up script against his hand.
“Do you want to go over our lines for tomorrow?” Tom asked.
“Sure. I’ll meet you there after I drop off my costume.” You told him.
Twenty minutes later, your wig and costume were returned to the costume department. You wiped off your makeup and changed into comfortable clothes before heading to Tom’s. You let out a shaky breath as you walked towards his trailer. You’d been in there a hundred times since production began a few months ago, but today felt different. There was something in the air between you and Tom that neither of you could ignore. You knocked on his door and heard your heartbeat in your ears as you waited for him to open. Tom gave you a shy smile as he opened the door of his trailer door for you and stepped aside.
“Sorry, it’s a little messy.” He apologized as he shut the door behind him. You looked around at Toms trailer, noting the clothes hanging off the ceiling fan and the pictures of the two of you taped to his mirror. You walked over to the mirror and touched the picture with a light smile. It was a strip of picture taken in a photo booth a few weeks into production. The photos went from you and Tom smiling, to laughing, to you kissing his cheek, to him kissing your cheek as you laughed. You had spent your only day off together, hanging out a a fair until the sun was coming up. After getting stuck at the top of the Ferris wheel for 15 minutes and clinging to Tom every time it shook, you ran to the photo booth to immortalize the night. You had the exact same strip of photos on your dresser at home, but you never noticed that he displayed them so proudly.
“It’s very you in here.” You looked at him over your shoulder and shot him a smile.
“Thanks?” He bit his lip in confusion.
“Don’t worry. It was a compliment.” You said pointedly and walked back towards him. “Should we look at the script?” You suggested and he nodded.
“Yeah. Here, take a seat.” He sat on his bed and patted the spot next to you. You sat next to him and folded your legs, beginning to flip through the script.
“This looks the same as the last script.” You realized when you recognized the words. Tom flipped through his script and came to a halt when he read something unexpected.
“It’s not.” He said with a dry mouth.
“What’s different?” You looked up at him in confusion.
“There’s a kiss.” He looked you to and saw your face go pale.
“A kiss?” You stammered and went back to your script to find what he was talking about.
“Right here.” Peter held out his script and pointed to the part. “Felicia kisses Peter before she turns to dust.” He read.
“So this is what they didn’t want you spoiling.” You laughed nervously as you read the stage direction over and over.
“They might’ve made a good call on that one.” Tom chuckled softly. “I’m really tempted right now to post a picture of the script on twitter just to rub it in everyone’s face.”
You looked up from the script and gave him a fond smile.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” You said softly.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized. “It’s not everyday you get cast opposite your celebrity crush.”
“How do you think I felt when I got cast as your girlfriend?” You pulled your knees to your chest and rested your chin on top.
“You...liked me?” Tom asked quietly. He didn’t let himself believe it, not wanting to get his hopes up.
“For a long time now.” You admitted. Production was about to end anyway. If he didn’t feel the same, there was nothing you could do about it, but at least he knew.
Tom blinked a few times as he registered what you said and smiled widely.
“I’m really glad I got to know you these past few months. You’re a lot cooler in person.” Tom said sincerely. “Honestly, I have no idea how I’m supposed to act beside you tomorrow knowing I have to kiss you.”
“Tom.” You said breathlessly at his words.
“I’m already a nervous wreck. My mind is in sicko mode right now. I can’t even read.” He put his script down and sighed.
“I think I might be able to calm you down.”
“How?” He wondered. He looked up at you for answers, but was met with a kiss. You tilted your head to the side and pressed your lips against his feeling his eyelashes brush your cheek as his eyes fluttered shut. Tom brought his hand to the side of your face for support and gently rubbed his thumb against your cheek. You smiled against his lips and sat up a little to get a better angle and kissed him deeply. You pulled away to catch your breath and rested your forehead against his. The only sound in the trailer was from your heavy breathing.
“You’re really smart.” He said quietly. “I feel significantly calmer.”
“I’m happy to hear that.” You chuckled softly. Tom pulled away and took on of your hands in his, rubbing gentle circles on the back of it.
“I have a question for you.” He said.
“Go for it.” You bit your bottom lip as you both spoke in hushed tones.
“Would you rather,” he began with a coy smile, “kiss me again or go on a date with me?”
“I can’t have both?” You pouted and a wicked flame ignited in Toms eyes. He hooked his pinky under your chin and moved your face towards his, leaning close enough that his lips brushed yours when he spoke.
“I think I can make an exception.” He whispered before kissing you again.
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 12
Dabi x Reader , Bakugo x Reader
Words : 4221
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together.
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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It had been a little over a week since the incident in the parking lot. You were more than eager to start your training with Dabi, but he kept insisting you needed to fully heal your ribs first.
Today you weren’t taking no for an answer. You had used your new fancy collar to call Katsuki and ask him to bring you some things. He made a few comments about not being your personal errand bitch, but he agreed none the less.
You were flipping through channels as you lounged on the couch when the doorbell rang.
Dabi immediately went on the offensive, hands lighting up as walked over to the security monitor to check the cameras. You made a mad dash for the front door. You knew it was Katsuki and you wanted to get to him before Dabi did.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Dabi’s hand that wasn’t currently on fire reached out to try and grab you as you ran by, but you easily avoided it.
“Relax it’s for me! It’s just Katsuki.”
“And that’s supposed to make me feel better?” You could hear how annoyed he was, but this is what he gets for refusing to start your training.
You opened the door to an equally annoyed looking Katsuki. “Hey! Did you bring the stuff I asked for?”
He rolled his eyes, “Do you think I’d come all the way out here if I didn’t” He handed you a gym bag that was way heavier than he made it look. You took it from him and almost toppled over with how heavy it was.
He smirked as he grabbed your elbow to steady you. “So… you’re getting back into shape? You know I wouldn’t mind training with you like we used to. You were always a good work out.”
You beamed at him, “Seriously? That would be awesome! Dabi said he doesn’t want to.”
Dabi growled in displeasure, “Oh fuck off. I never said that. I’m going to train with you AFTER your ribs are done healing.” He pointed to the bag that was now slung over your shoulder. “What’s in the bag?”
You started backing up towards your room. “Just some work out stuff. You know so Katsuki and I can start training.” You sprinted towards the room before Dabi could argue with you.
“FUCKING BRAT!” Dabi rolled his eyes before looking at an amused Bakugo. “I swear to god If you show up here unannounced one more fucking time, I’ll move us somewhere far away where you can’t find us.”
Bakugo crossed his arms over his chest and huffed, “Yeah good luck with that. Besides I was invited.” He gave Dabi a shit eating grin. “I know she only called me to get under your skin. She wanted something, you said no, and now here I am giving her what she wanted.” He shrugged, “And I’ll keep giving her what she wants. Again and Again. As long as I have to.”
Dabi’s nostrils flared as he attempted to keep his temper in check. “Sounds pretty pathetic if you ask me.”
Dabi expected that to light Bakugo’s infamous short fuse, but instead the man just chuckled. “No pathetic is what you’re going to be after she’s done with you.” Bakugo took a step closer and lowered his voice. “Take it from someone who trained with her almost every day for years… She will chew you up and spit you out.” He gave Dabi a cocky grin, “I wasn’t kidding when I said she was a good workout. I almost wish I had time to stick around and watch her kick your ass.” He checked his watch, “If she hurries I might have time to watch for a little while.”
“First you listen to us have sex, now you want to watch us work out. You are such a little perv.”
Bakugo opened his mouth but before he could make a retort you were skipping back into the living room doing a little twirl to show off your new workout clothes. You wore a matching burgundy sports bra and biker shorts, brand new black sneakers, and to Dabi’s surprise your collar. “Thank you so much Katsuki! They fit perfectly, even the sports bra!”
Dabi’s eyes cut to Bakugo’s, “Like I said… Perv.”
“My parents work in fashion idiot.” He rolled his eyes before turning back to you and giving you a genuine smile. “You look good. Remember to stretch, drink lots of water, and do a proper cool down. It’s been a long time since you worked out. Don’t try and go all plus ultra your first time.”
You returned his smile, “No promises. But I will try to go easy.” You leaned over and started to stretch giving Dabi and excellent view of your ass in your compression shorts. He was mesmerized by the way your muscles stretched and flexed under your skin. He knew you were strong, but he was about to find out how strong.
His eyes were glued to your ass until an annoying blonde boy cleared his throat. “What was that about me being a perv?” Bakugo quirked an eyebrow at Dabi. “If you can’t even watch her stretch… then you won’t stand a chance fighting her.”
Dabi scoffed, “No offense to you doll, but I think I have a little more composure then your pervy little friend here.”
You finished up your stretching and made your way to the backyard. “I don’t know… Katsuki may have struggled at first. But by the time we graduated he got really good at thwarting my attacks.” You gave Dabi a cocky smirk as the boys joined you in the yard. “I hope you’re ready because I can honestly say I’ve been looking forward to this for a while.”
Bakugo took a seat in one of the pool chairs and kicked his feet up like he was about to watch a movie, “And so have I.” He chuckled as he leaned back putting his hands behind his head, “It’s a shame Icy Hot’s not here to see this.”
You loved that Katsuki was so confident in you, but it was also making you really nervous. If the parking lot fight was any indictor, your fighting skills weren’t as sharp as they used to be. You slowly made your way to stand across from Dabi who was doing everything in his power to look unaffected and bored. His only give away was the subtle way his fingers twitched with your every movement.
You cracked your knuckles and took a fighting stance, “I’m not going easy on you.”
The look in your eyes was enough to make Dabi want to kneel at your feet. You looked dangerous and determined. You looked like a queen ready to hand out a death sentence. He closed his eyes for a brief second to collect his thoughts and in those few seconds you dove at him sweeping his feet out from under him.
You could hear Bakugo laughing loudly from his chair, “She hasn’t even activated her quirk yet and you’re already jelly!”
You quickly rolled on top of him using your knee to pin his shoulder down. You activated your quirk, “See isn’t it just easier to submit to me? You could just let me tie you up and-“
Your words swam around in his head, it was the only thing he could concentrate on. He could think of nothing else other pleasing you. Doing what you said. You were right after all. It would be so much easier to just lay here with you. He didn’t even want to fight you to begin with. NO! This wasn’t right. You wouldn’t get any better if he didn’t try. He couldn’t give up so easily.
His hand came up and covered your mouth rolling over and pining you down. “Damnit that’s freaky.” He was still trying to clear his head when your tongue darted out from between your lips and started licking his palm.”
Bakugo was practically hollering over in his chair, “Oh you fucked up now!”
Dabi’s hand started to go numb. “Wait what? What the HELL! I thought it was only if I like drank your blood or some weird shit like that! How- How are you-”
Your eyes locked with his and you began a mental battle of trying to push into his head. You hand pressed into his side and started to overwhelm him with feelings of regret. You found it was the easiest way to break someone. Lots of people could push through pain. Lots of people push through lust. But regret was an emotion that ate away at a person over time. It only grew and festered until it drove people crazy. You saw a flash of fear in his eyes and you could only imagine what memories it was bringing up. This was supposed to be fun. You didn’t want to traumatize him, so you changed tactics.
Things were about to get really uncomfortable for Katsuki.
You switched up the emotion you were flooding him with to desire, and almost immediately regretted it. His hips snapped forward of their own accord as a growl left his lips. “Fuck! You really want to do this in front of blondie?”
You saw his composure start to slip and you used it to push past that last mental barrier. “Sumbit DABI!” You clouded his head with memories of the two of you making love and pushed harder, “Submit to me. Come on baby I know you want to.”
Dabi’s hold started to loosen, but once again he was hyper aware that this was you underneath him. His goal was to protect you. Giving in now wouldn’t help. He needed to help. So he started repeating that like a life-saving mantra in his head, “I can’t give up, I can’t give up, I can’t give up.”
You snapped out of his head so quickly that is startled you. “What the-?”
Dabi jumped away from you and scurried backwards. “Come on baby girl. You got to do better than that? You thought making me horny would cloud my judgement? I’m basically horny all the time around you.” He got to his feet, dismayed that not only was his hand still numb but he couldn’t seem to get his quirk to work in that hand either. “Your quirk won’t always be able to save you. Fight me one on one. No quirks.”
You jumped to your feet as well. “Oh, but I thought we were trying to not hurt my ribs?” He could hear the sass in your voice, and it made him want to spank you. He used the hand that wasn’t currently paralyzed to create a ring of blue fire around the two of you. He focused on the sound of flames, the way it smelled as it burned the ground below. He looked at you but not in the eye.
You dove out of the way as he swung at you. It was like a dance between the two of you. His attacks came at you full force and it was all you could do just to avoid him. You were permanently on the defense. You could seem to catch your breath long enough to switch to offensive. You were getting tired and your sore ribs were screaming at you to stop. But you couldn’t. You needed to push through it. He must have seen the way you were wincing because his eyes darted to your ribs.
You screeched as he started to shrink the circle, dragging you closer to him. “You weren’t complaining about your ribs when I bent you over the kitchen counter last night.” He shrank the circle even more. You reached out desperately to touch him, but he moved out of the way. Swatting your hands away at every move. The fire was getting closer and you were starting to panic. He could see it on your face. He reached out and grabbed the back of your head and pulled you to him. Intentionally locking eyes with you. “There is nothing you could show me, say to me, or make me feel, that would break me.” Your hands darted out and cupped his cheeks. You tried to fill him with fear, but in your panicked state his emotions overwhelmed yours instead.
All you could feel was determination, defensiveness, fondness, and a deep-rooted need to protect. You locked eyes with him again this time you knew his weakness. You stared him in the eyes with yours full of fear. The blue fire inched closer and closer until it singed your back and you screamed out in pain.
There was horror in Dabi’s eyes as he looked at his hands. “I’m not doing this. Y/n! Y/n I promise I’m not doing this. He attempted to extinguish his flames, but they only got hotter and closer.
You were sobbing into his chest now. “Please put them out… please!” Your screams echoed in his ears and the only thing he could do was panic. He was hurting you. It was his quirk and yet he couldn’t stop it. “DABI IT HURTS!”
The pain in your voice was like a cold water in his veins. It pushed him into action as he managed to finally retract his quirk. He felt the flames smother out, he heard your soft sniffles. But something didn’t make sense… There’s no way Bakugo would have let this happen.
All of the sudden his eyes snapped open and you were sitting on top of him. Perfectly fine. It took him a minute to register what had just happened. “I didn’t mean to play dirty, but you’re one hard dude to crack.”
He gripped the back of your neck and pulled you down to him and smothered you with a kiss. When he pulled back your face was red, and your expression was flustered. “I’m just happy you’re okay.” He pulled you to him as he rocked you back and forth. “I thought I hurt you. Shit….” He pulled you away from him and gave you a stern look, “You’re a fucking asshole for that. What is your problem?! I already have fucking nightmares about this shit and you want to make it worse?!”
You didn’t know if you should feel ashamed or laugh. “Look I said I’m sorry! I knew that was the quickest way to get you to submit! Psychological warfare is my specialty.” His eyes remained cold, but his hands were reassuring as they traveled up and down your back. You pushed some of his sweaty hair away from his face. “I can admit I went a little too far.”
“I’m leaving before this gets too fucking sappy!” Bakugo patted your head. “Good job. You’re definitely a little rusty, but better than I thought you’d be.” He gave Dabi a sly smile, “As much as I enjoyed watching you toy with staples, I want to spar with you next time I’m here. For old times sake.”
You wiped some sweat off of your forehead as you nodded at him, “Okay! I’d love that. Maybe you could teach Dabi some of our old combo attack. Your quirks are a little similar, so some of them might work.”
Bakugo shrugged, “I doubt he could pull them off like I can, but we can try if that’s what you want.”
You nodded enthusiastically looking from Bakugo to Dabi. You were still sitting in his lap and he was suddenly feeling very territorial. His arms reached out and caged you to him, “If it’s going to end up in a pissing contest, I don’t want any part of it.”
You rolled your eyes, “Don’t be so broody. Gosh it’s times like this that you remind me of your brother.”
Dabi shoved you off his lap and started to make his way back to the house. “I’m not fucking broody. You literally just made me think I was burning you alive. So, forgive me if I need some time to get my shit together.”
He brushed past a smug looking Bakugo, “I tried to warn you. She’s ruthless man. I am impressed you figured out her loophole so quickly. Once you focus on a concrete goal it’s easier to tune her quirk out. I wonder what your goal was?”
Dabi glared at him, “Don’t you have someplace you need to be?”
Bakugo sighed, “Yeah, I’m actually going out of town. So, I won’t be back for a little while. I think Icy Hot wants to come visit soon though.” He nudged you with his foot. “So, you behave until I get back.”
You waved as he made his way back into the house, “No promises! Be safe on your trip!”
A few minutes of silence passes while Dabi still stood with his arms crossed refusing to look at you. “How long are you going to pout?”
“I’m not pouting. I’m resisting the urge to bend you over my knee, spank you, and edge you until you cry.” He finally looked at you, eyes not looking nearly as angry as his voice sounded. “But as a rational adult, I think I just might go drink until I forget what you made me see.”
You wrapped your arms around his middle and pressed your face into his back. “I’m sorry. I took it too far.” Your hands snaked under his shirt and pressed to his abs. You released a calm and content feeling. He immediately sank into your touch.
His breath hitched, “While I appreciate what you’re trying to do. I’d rather you not use your quirk on me right now.”
You reached up on your tippy toes and kissed the back of his neck. “Wanna go cuddle and watch TV?”
He took your hand from under his shirt and pulled you with him back into the house. “None of that romance shit.”
That’s how you ended up on the couch with Dabi laying on top of you with his head nuzzled into your breasts. His arms were tight around your middle and your fingers slowly trailed through his hair. You knew how exhausting it was for people when you messed around with their heads. It’s exhausting and disorienting, and while you weren’t at full capacity yet, you still had gone a little rough on Dabi today. You traced patterns on his shirtless back, and you listened to his steady breathing. He had passed out halfway into the first episode of whatever show he had insisted you watch.
You still had a lot of work to do to get back into shape. Not just with your quirk but physically as well. Dabi was right when he said you couldn’t rely on your quirk for everything. You’d have to start building your strength and stamina. You had a feeling Dabi might be hesitant to train with you again any time soon, but maybe you could convince him to do some cardio or something.
You softly chuckled as you imagined what kind of cardio he would have in mind. You felt him stir on your chest, his eyes remaining shut as he burrowed further into your chest. “What’s so funny?”
Your fingers kept playing with the ends of his hair. “What would you say if I asked you to do some cardio with me?”
He rolled over a little bit and bit your nipple through your shirt. “I’d say why are you still dressed.”
He was honestly adorable when he was this sleepy. It was the only time he seemed vulnerable. “I meant like going for a run.” His face scrunched up and your hand froze in his hair. “Oh, does that not sound like fun?”
His hand grabbed yours that had stopped, and forced it to keep running through his hair. “Not at all. Especially when there’s way better ways to get your cardio in…” He started kissing your chest, and then your neck. His hands moved to your ass picking it up off the couch to slot himself deeper between your legs. “We should test how far we can push you until your collar alerts me that you might need help.”
His fingers found the waistband of your shorts and started to pull them down. You hummed as his lips continued to mouth kisses at your neck. He was very affectionate and its not that you didn’t like it, you just felt like something was still bothering him. “Hey Dabi? What did you mean earlier when you said you had nightmares?”
He growled as he picked his head up to look at you, “You really know how to ruin the mood don’t you?”
You quirked an eyebrow at him, “We said we were going to open up more remember?” He shoved his head back to its spot on your chest, using you breasts as pillows.
“Ever since the pool incident… I get nightmares. I’m sure it fucked you with you too. I basically killed you. I honestly don’t know how you even come near me.” His voice was muffled and his grip on you tightened. “Today… what you did outside… please don’t ever do that again. I’m already a monster. I have enough nightmare fuel as it is. I’ve done really fucked up things and I can handle facing most of my demons. But whether I like it or not, you are definitely a soft spot for me.”
He kissed your neck as he made his way down lifting your shirt as he went. “You have gotten under my skin.” He kissed right above your still slightly sore ribs. “You have knocked down my walls.” His fingers found the waistband of your shorts again and yanked them down. “You drive me fucking crazy.”
In a burst of speed, he had your knees over his shoulders and your ass lifted in his hands. He kissed the inside of you left knee followed by the right. His kisses trailed down to the inside of your thigh giving it quick bite that had your hips bucking.
“I know that blonde idiot has confessed his feeling to you.” His thumb started rubbing circles into your clit. “So, I need you to know. That you are more than just a way to pass the time.” You felt a finger press at your entrance. “You are more than just some girl I’m supposed to protect.” His fingers plunged into you and started pumping. “You are more than some infatuation.” His fingers curled, hitting that spot inside you making you cry out. “You are more than I ever thought I deserved.” He gave your clit a hard lick. “But I have you now and I don’t fucking intend on losing you.”
Your fingers knotted in his hair as he began sucking your clit while he fucked you with his fingers. You instinctively knew how he felt. Of course you did, you’ve felt his emotions before. But to hear him say it made your heart skip, it made your head spin. He ate you out like he hadn’t eaten in days. One hand reached up and started pulling on your nipple and you lost it. Your hipped bucked up harshly and your legs shook. You came hard and he continued to lap up every last drop, riding you through it until you finally collapsed back onto the couch.
He grinned up at you, his chin still slick, “Good giiiiirl.” He sucked his fingers into his mouth cleaning them off before reaching for his belt. “Now let’s do some of that cardio you were begging for.”
Dabi was pressing his dick at your entrance when the doorbell rang.
You both froze.
Your shorts were yanked back up as Dabi grabbed his phone to check the security system. You watched his eyes narrow at his screen before his nostrils flared. “What the fuck!” Before you could even ask who it was the front door opened and in walked Shoto who apparently had his own key.
“Oh… Am I… Interrupting something?” He closed the door behind him, “Bakugo said he told you I was coming.”
“HE SAID SOON! NOT TODAY!” Dabi threw a pillow at his younger brother, obviously pissed off about the interruption.
Shoto ignored him and made himself comfortable on the recliner next to you. “Oh, well I wasn’t planning on coming today, but there’s been some developments you need to be aware of.”
You reluctantly sat up and separated from Dabi so he could face his brother. Dabi sighed as he gestured for Shoto to continue.
“There’s several people who are avidly looking for you. And some of them have gotten too close for comfort. That’s actually what Bakugo is doing right now. He’s hunting down a lead. He’s hoping to catch some of these so-called heroes in the act so we can start dismantling their accusations against you.”
The smell of smoke filled your nostrils as Dabi’s temper started showing. “What do you mean they’ve gotten close? How close? How many of them are looking?”
Shoto gave you a sad look. “They’ve made it a top priority. Your agency released a bounty to the underground. It seems every villain and crooked hero is currently looking for you. Shigaraki is one of them… and he somehow has a list of all of your safehouses.”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe @unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry @dabislittlemouse @aimee1602@pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop@bakubby99 @squichymochi
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