#'sometimes when you talk i feel like i'm having a stroke' PLS
verysium · 7 months
attractive things bllk characters (unintentionally) do?👀
i received this ask and decided to write this entire thing through a caffeine-powered fever dream. may have gone a little overboard. please pray for both your sanity and mine. thank you anon for your strong sense of imagination (or delusion, whichever you prefer.)
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nagi lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and you accidentally (or not so accidentally) get a good look at the droplets running down his abs and v-line. he also does the doorway lean while waiting for you to get ready. since he's so tall, he puts his one arm up on the top of the door frame while scrolling through his phone. when he feels drained of energy, he clings to you like a koala, face buried into the crook of your neck.
rin pushes his hair back when his bangs get in the way, and it shows off his ridiculously sharp side profile. sometimes you have to pause mid-conversation because the direct eye contact gets too intense. he has the brightest turquoise eyes in existence, and they stare right into your soul. pair that with the height difference and him towering over you. hang onto your ovaries because this man is about to snatch them. if isagi or sae are anywhere remotely close within your vicinity, he will personally drag your chair closer over to him. you know, the whole nick jonas chair pull thing? he also unintentionally clenches his jaw when pissed, the vein popping out and everything.
barou is polite to his elders. he holds the door open for others. he tips extra at restaurants. he is kind to service workers. he's just a gentleman overall even though he likes to act tough. he rolls up his sleeves while cleaning or cutting up vegetables, and you can see the veins bulging in his forearms. wears those form-fitting aprons where you can see the outline of his waist and the muscles in his back. he is not immune to raging pit bull moments, but he will calm down immediately when you ask him to.
kaiser requires physical touch to function. all concept of personal boundaries goes poof in his little ego-driven brain. he holds your chin so you look up at him while he's talking. also has that husky growl when he wakes up in the morning. he speaks german. what else is more attractive than that? if you stroke his ego, he will puff his chest out like an emperor penguin and flash that movie star smile. does not slow down his pace for you, and will laugh at your expense when you trip in heels and fall. but then he feels guilty about it and begrudgingly picks you up and carries you home. however, before that he will make you swear on everything holy to never tell isagi about his moment of weakness. (tbh kaiser is a menace and has some serious self-esteem issues. pls avoid dating a man like him in real life until he is fully mature. i still love him tho.)
reo mansplains but not in the condescending way. he does so in the "omg i'm so excited to finally get to share something with you and you're never going to believe it" sort of way. rambles on and on about his interests and gets that little glint in his eye when he's passionate about something. also not sure if this counts but he gets extremely depressed when you don't message him back within five minutes. what do you mean you were busy? he was out here dying from a literal famine. he needs your affection to survive. last but not least, he is good at styling. he knows what colors work best for you, and he will put together three new looks for you in record time.
hiori dreams that you left him for good and wakes up crying with his arms around you. will refuse to let you leave the bed even if it is just to get a glass of water. his rare moments of emotional vulnerability are what gets to you.
shidou does not condone any of your bad decisions. you want to get shit-faced and party until early morning? no complaints from him. you want to wear sexy outfits to the club? say less because he's about to enjoy the view and knock out the front teeth of every guy who dares to ogle you. i don't know if this qualifies as being attractive, but he would never be the controlling type. you can dress and act however you want. unfortunately for you though, this is also a textbook case of the blind leading the blind. if you get horrendously hungover, so does he. if you get pulled over, he's going to be too blackout drunk to even comprehend the officer's words. you can count on him for a good time, but not anything else. do not take any of his advice at face value.
oliver likes to show you off even if he doesn't notice it himself. any talk with his team, and he will find a way to make the entire conversation about you. at this point, the entire u-20 team is done with him. they placed bets that you two wouldn't last more than a month due to his philandering reputation, but the universe seems to think otherwise because you and oliver hit the six-month mark and are still going strong.
ness guards your drink with an unnecessary amount of protection. while you left to go use the restroom, he was looking left and right, and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling every time someone even came close to your cup. he also shoos away any person who opens their mouth while standing next to your drink because apparently the condensation from their breath could be dangerous. definitely covers your cup with both hands even if it has a lid. no suspicious shit is happening on his watch.
yukimiya is well-read, and he wears glasses. he has a copy of every single classic out there in existence and will fangirl along with you over your virginia woolf collection. he was written by a woman with two cats and a wine glass. not much else to say.
loki absolutely clears the entire carnival/arcade game. you want that giant teddy bear that costs over three hundred ticket points? say less because he's about to win the whole damn pot. of all characters, i would say he's one of the only green flags. like celery green.
isagi always looks for you when he enters the room. intentionally or not, he always seeks your presence. if someone says a funny joke, he turns to you to see if you're laughing or not. also does that somewhat creepy stare thing where he just looks at you quietly while you do mundane tasks. internally he is screaming cus what do you mean you actually like him?
chigiri gives you that thankful little smile whenever you stand up for him. i feel like people don't understand how goofy he can get as he's canonically good at doing impressions/impersonations. also has the prettiest laugh. if he ever cuts his hair, i think i'm going to get a nosebleed.
noa unconsciously says yes to every question you ask of him. he'd be giving bastard münchen a hard time (and denying isagi's requests) but then immediately once you come over, he's automatically acquiescing to everything you say. the rest of the team is low-key shocked you can win him over so easily. when they confront him about it, he just shrugs and goes "y/n is always right."
kurona's entire existence is attractive. he's just perfect. nothing is ever wrong with him. will let you check out his shark teeth and lightly pokes your finger to leave an imprint. hopefully you'll always remember him that way. he's also quiet so he will listen to everything you say and give ample weight to your words.
sae is my baby girl so he gets a whole section dedicated to himself:
absentmindedly plays with your hair. when you're sleeping in his lap, he'll gently run his fingers along your scalp. sometimes in the morning when you're sitting up on the edge of your bed to do your makeup, he'll come up from behind you and brush back your hair. might also press a kiss to the back of your neck.
helps you put on your face mask. when he's shopping, he will buy you lotion along with his own skincare products. says that it was just a convenient store run but you know he personally made sure to get you the best quality ones.
this is canon because i said so: when he gets out of the shower, he slings the towel over his neck or his shoulder. he also involuntarily flexes his biceps when he bends down to grab something. has the world's most defined deltoids.
when you're stuck in large crowds at the airport, he puts his hand in your back pocket to keep you two from getting separated. if the TSA pat-down is anywhere too personal for his liking, he will openly glare at the officer once you've passed the security checkpoint.
bonus point: when you two brush your teeth early in the morning, he has that little bed head where his shorn-off bangs stick up in cute little tufts here and there. will have a dead look on his face, but his eyes soften when he catches your gaze through the mirror.
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aotprncss · 1 month
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CONTENT WARNING: begging, wrist restraints, rough (ish) sex
819 pm Los Angeles, Ca
"s....ugu.. pl...mmmgn" you protested, reaching your hand behind you, trying to push your 6'3 boyfriend off of you. he groaned, leaning his hips farther into yours as he held a firm grasp on your wrist, now holding it behind your back. 
"I thought you weren't gon' talk to me? you weren't gon' make noise babe? what happened?" he whispered, pressing his thumb into your lower back, forcing your arch up higher. "is it too much for you yn?"
741 pm Los Angeles, Ca
"you're getting on my nerves miss ..." suguru threw his head back, his fingers pinching his nose bridge, irritated by your attitude. 
"me? you come home late every night. you don't talk to me, you don't kiss me, you don't even look at me suguru. but I'm the one working your nerves yea ok" you scoffed, placing the dirty dishes into the soap-filled sink. 
you and suguru have been having issues for almost three weeks now. you just finished school, leaving you with too much free time on your hands. this wouldn't have been a problem if you didn't choose to move in with your long-term boyfriend, suguru. his loft was only a 10-minute drive from the college you were accepted into, so being able to live with your boyfriend and go to school was a win-win. 
lately, hes has been working ... very late hours. 6 am to 10 pm, sometimes even past midnight. of course, you tried talking to him about it, but with every attempt, he just blew you off. ever since then, everything he did when he was at home would just irk you. things aren't like they were before. 
"I am working. providing for you, keeping a roof over your head, and money in your bank account" suguru stood up, tying his shoulder-length jet-black hair up into a bun. he walked into the kitchen, grabbing hold of the towel in your hand. "I don't hear you complaining then do I?" 
"you're an ass!" you snatched the towel back, throwing it at his chest. wiping your hands, you stormed away annoyed at his stupid response. "Im done fucking talking to you, for the rest of the night you wont hear shit from me" 
820 pm Los Angeles, Ca
"mmng.." you muffled, stuffing your face into the pillow in front of you, leaving a small smear of brown foundation on the bright pink sheets you two shared. you rolled your eyes, feeling his thick tip ram in between your folds, hitting your cervix. 
"thats what I thought ... cmere" he reached over, grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you up to his chest. "I hear that pussy talkin' to me though don't I?"
"pl..pleasughh" your free hand reached back, attempting to do the same push as before. he grabbed it, your wrists now feeling small in the grasp of his one hand, his other still gripped around your neck.
"what you want me to stop?" suguru slowed the pace of his hips, now increasing into long, hard strokes. "that's not what she's telling me. all I hear is you want more" he laughed, whispering in your ear before shoving your head back down into the mattress. "keep that pussy wet for me yn...just like that"
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arminsumi · 9 months
what are ur thoughts on a submissive geto suguru?? 😭😭 ive been in a crave for some submissive men👹👹
𝐆. 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐔 — 夏油傑
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NOTE: oh i have some sub sugu thoughts to spare!! 🤭enjoyyy
🔞 mdni / 18+ content
SUMMARY — giving your sub bf some good good head😈
WARNINGS — lowercase used, pretend u never saw errors pls, fem reader, brief ear licking/sucking, pet names for sugu (sweet boy, good boy, etc) handjob, bj (incl. swallowing, cvmming without warning), begging, sub sugu and dom reader, grinding on his lap, dirty talk (incl. teasing), mention of reader using toys and him wanting to be used like one 🥴, sugu's got some hair down there because i SAID SO!!!!! + lmk if i've missed a warning mwa
PLAY ME ♪ music to watch boys to
🍒 𝐉𝐚𝐲 — サクランボ ⋅ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 !
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he so easily begs.
big hands pawing needily at your thighs, lips leaving encouraging kisses. "baby, touch me please. 'need you so bad, 'need some relief."
"oh yeah?" you smirk, "where exactly do you want me to touch?" you tease him.
his lips hover across your shoulder, pressing kisses to your skin like it was something he worshipped.
"t-touch my cock..." he muttered softly, voice barely audible.
"hmmm?" you maneuvered onto his lap, pressing your pussy right against the outline of his cock to earn a hiss from him. poor boy, he's so sensitive yet you're planning to tease him.
"could you repeat that?"
he looks up at you like he's starstruck.
"t-touch — ah — my cock." he repeats, hissing again when you start grinding into his lap. his head is fogging up with memories of all the things you two have done on this bed.
"ask nicely, sweet boy." you say, starting to pepper his face with kisses.
his heart lurches at the nickname. "please." he quickly says, "please touch me. i'll do anything for you."
"will you?"
"yes, yes i promise — hhh fuck." he whines when you suckle at his earlobe, soft tongue teasing it in a circular motion that reminds him of how you suck his cockhead before lowering your mouth down all the way.
"c-can you suck it too, please?" he asks breathlessly. "need to feel those lips around me, baby, please. please."
"only if you do what i say, m'kay?"
"ah fuck yes, of course." he replies.
you kiss him just how he likes — deeply, softly, sloppily — until his lips puff up and his cock beads with precum. he stains his sweatpants and slightly blushes when you tease him about it.
"remind me, baby, what're the rules again?" you ask him.
"good boys get rewarded." he chokes up, feeling you palm back and forth across the outline of his cock. you can feel the heat through the fabric.
"mhm, that's right. and...?"
"and bad boys don't get to c-cum." he chokes up again when you tug the hem of his pants down. cool air fanning his wettened tip, your fingers grazing over it with such light touches that it makes him buck his hips up. he's so needy that his body shows it — his cock jumps at the smallest friction you give him.
"mhm. you're not gonna be a bad boy, right?"
"no!" he gasps, feeling your finger slide over the slit of his cockhead. "no, i'm gonna be a good boy for you. i promise."
"good." you murmur. and it's that murmur of your voice that causes more precum to bead out his swollen tip. "such a messy cock, 'haven't been giving it enough attention, have you? tell me, boy. i wanna hear what you've been up to when i'm busy."
"f-fuck... n-no, i haven't — hahhh — i haven't given it e-enough attention. i j-just do it sometimes when i miss you too much, b-but i don't do more than that." he moans so softly and tilts his head back, eyes pinching shut for a moment when you start stroking in the slow, twisting motion that he loves. he taught you how to do that, he thinks proudly, he taught his baby what he likes, and she does it so good.
"in the shower... a-and after workouts."
"mhm, when you're wet? sweaty?" you tease, "bet you think of fuckin' me in the shower, yeah?"
"oh god yes i do — "
" — and when you're working out, hm? is that why you always text me at the gym? thinking hard about doing pushups on me, aren't you?"
your words are making him dizzy. he squirms his legs like crazy, toes curling in pleasure, and bucks his hips up staggeringly each time you stroke it just right.
"y-yeah, fuck i think about you whenever you're not around."
"so sweet."
"d-do you?"
"hm?" you pause to squeeze his tip in your fist, just how he likes. he nearly rolls his eyes back.
"do you think of me too, when i'm not there to touch you?" he asks, eager to hear your response.
" 'course i do. think about my pretty boy all the time. i miss this cock so bad sometimes, 'can't get off the same with any of my toys."
"fuck i wanna be your toy." he blurts out.
oh did he just say that? he really didn't mean to. you hit such a heavenly stroke that he lost all composure.
"oh do you?" you smile, stopping your movements. "do go on."
"f-fuck. no way." he chuckles embarrassedly. " 's embarrassing, forget i said 'nything."
"no, i wanna hear more. it's hot." you tell him, causing his heart to lurch. "tell me 'n i'll suck this pretty cock finally, m'kay?"
"goddd, yes fuck alright — i wanna be y-your toy. want you to use my body for your pleasure, 's for you after all. it's all for you."
"fuck, really?" now he's gotten you hot. mouth watering, eyeing out how delicious his cock looks — thinking about how you're gonna lick up all that precum and savor it.
"yeah. 'think about it a lot. want you to use me, please, just have me. i'm y — ohhh god, oh fuck me, y-yes please — fuck i'm yours!" he's dissolving now that you've lowered yourself to meet level with his cock. it throbs and jumps, looking so pretty with that curve you always feel pressing against your walls when he's balls deep inside your pussy.
now, suguru's got a little bit of hair down there. neatly trimmed. pitch-black. your eyes always skim over it when you go down on him, for some reason it's so hot.
"baby, th-that mouth's gonna kill me, i swear to god." he laughs because it feels so ridiculously good when you start licking and suckling the underside.
"quiet. toys don't talk." you tease. he groans, oh you really knew how to play into it — he was so screwed. happily so, of course. your tongue knew how to reduce his mind to mush both by swirling around his cock and uttering dirty talk onto it.
"f — fuck. 'so good..." he rolls his hips up in pleasure, back almost arching. now that's a first. usually when you give him head, he's just squirming and panting and muttering your name like crazy. but never arching his back for you.
you muffle erotic noises on his cock, knowing how those subtle vibrations of your vocals give him a rush of pleasure. lips wettened, tongue flattened up against the underside of his cock, gliding down down down until he gasps as you take it deeper than he expects. he's already melting under the influence of your butter-soft mouth, but when he feels his cockhead poke at the back of your throat?
poor boy cums without warning. a big, gooey mess spills at the back of your tongue, you swallow most of it but slide your lips right off so you can make it a messy show for him, just how he likes.
he's panting. hair strands stick to the sides of his flushed, damp cheeks. "god d-damn... s-sorry that felt too good." he groans apologetically, lips curving into a familiar suguru-style smirk.
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chososluv · 4 months
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𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡. . . poly!chosoyuki
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✎₊˚⊹♡ summary & note: in which you are in a beautiful poly relationship with yuki and choso. A FIC i've been sitting on for so long and I'm finally posting so I hope everyone enjoys!! also if anyone knows the owner of the chosoyuki image pls lmk so i can credit !
🏷 tags & warnings: smut 18+, established relationship, heavy on the pet names (pretty girl, peach, plum, pretty boy), tender sex, poly relationship, black fem!reader (referred to as pretty girl), cunnunlingus, dirty talk (teasinggg!!!), chosoyuki take such good care of you rsvp: - aka tagging: @anthoosies @stnexus
✎₊˚  word count: 7.4k
minors do not interact
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Intricate tangles of limbs is what you always wake up to in the morning. 
You feel your nose twitch after a soft tickle graces the tip of it. Mimicking that of a rabbit, your nose danced as you took a deep breath and a familiar scent of mint graced your senses. Without opening your eyes you knew your nose was buried in the dark strands of your boyfriend. His hand rubs gentle circles in your exposed thigh that hugged one of his legs tightly. His gesture arouses you from your sleep and you mumble softly, shifting but you feel another hand on your rear that holds you into place. You didn’t have to open your eyes to know that it is your girlfriend’s sneaky hand cradling your rear in her sleep.
“It’s time to wake up, my loves.” Choso’s soft voice cut through the morning air gently. Since dating it was nonverbally decided that Choso would always be the responsible one to get you two out of bed. If it wasn’t for him, you and Yuki would spend the majority of the day wrapped up in each other’s arms snoring and drooling away.
“Mmmm, Cho.” You softly hum into his hair, your legs squeezing tighter around his leg and your hand that rested on Yuki slowly moves across her body. You realize after a few moments that your hand was resting on her breast. The gentle stroke across her chest caused her to shift, eyes opening as she looked up to see Choso looking down at her. They both blush at one another, dusty rose painting their cheeks as she lifts her head from his chest. Choso smiles sleepily, letting the woman lean up to press her lips against his. They kiss back, but quickly pull away when they hear you let out a snore. 
You had fallen back asleep.
Yuki only smiles, her hand still on your ass and she gives it a squeeze. Your eyes open, jolting widely and you see your two lovers looking at you. You relax, letting your head fall back onto the pillow after sitting it up abruptly with Yuki’s gesture. You smile sheepishly as they grin back at you.
“Morning, my peach.” Choso says, taking his hand from your thigh to caress your cheek. You mewl, falling into his touch as you realize you couldn’t be luckier to wake up to such tender partners. He continues to rub your cheek as Yuki pats gentle on your ass. Both of them continue to coax you into staying awake. A usual part of the morning routine because you were susceptible to falling asleep the quickest and fastest.
Showers together are always eventful. It can be funny and full of laughter, it could be full of kisses and passion, or they could be very decompressing and healing. The three of you always looked after one another and cared for one another’s needs. This morning the shower was soft and tender as for some reason Yuki and Choso decided they both wanted to pamper their baby -- aka you. An occurrence that wasn’t out of the ordinary as that sometimes the two of you liked to hyperfixate on the third person. There wasn’t ever any rules or spoken agreement who would get the pampering when, but being so in tune with one another sometimes two of you knew when the third could use the extra worship.
Today, Yuki and Choso decided it would be you the moment you fell back asleep soundly. A direct result of your busy schedule that left you so horribly fatigued as of late. Your lovers hated seeing you so drained and today they decided they would remedy your stress and woes. 
Yuki places soft kisses on your collarbone as Choso massages soap onto your shoulders. You close your eyes, savoring the moment of Yuki’s lips on your skin and Choso’s skilled fingers working the soap all along your body. His fingers slide from your shoulders to the blades, kneading softly to ease the stress and tension from your muscles. Your head tilts back as he moves to your waist, massaging there as Yuki planted more kisses along your skin. This time she moves to your wet cheeks, peppering them and earning a giggle out of you. 
“What's this all about today?” You ask as Choso and Yuki rinse the soap off of you. Choso only responds with a kiss of your temple before Yuki speaks.
“You’ve been so tired lately, pretty girl,” Yuki pouts, looking at you in the eyes, “we just want to take care of you.” Yuki says with eyes that plead for you to let them continue.
“Yeah,” Choso kisses your temple again, holding you from behind, “let us take care of you, sweet peach.” 
Your heart swells full of love, feeling your eyes prickle at their tenderness and you’re thankful the shower can hide your tears that threaten to spill. You don’t verbally respond, only physically with a smile and a nod.
And you let your lovers continue to take care of you.
The day continues on with them continuing to pamper and spoil you endlessly. After the shower, Yuki cooked breakfast while Choso helped you braid your hair into plaits. You sit on the floor, braiding as you watch the show that was playing on the tv. Choso was a bit more focused, sitting on the couch behind you as he made sure he lathered your hair in product just as you taught him. The demonstration came promptly after he asked to help you since he knew you hated how long it took sometimes to braid your hair into sections. A question that never came up from previous partners of yours and you sat silent, stunned because you had never been asked before.
You think that was the exact moment you fell in love hard with the man.
“Cho, y/n, breakfast is ready!” Yuki sings as she enters the living room, two plates in hand. She sees you’re parked in front of Choso and places the plates onto the coffee table in front of you both. One plate held a delicious helping of eggs and bacon while the other held a generous stack of pancakes. Your stomach suddenly began to sing of its voidness. Yuki kisses the top of your forehead as you feel your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. You look up and offer your lips.
“Thank you, Yuki.” You say after she kisses you. She only grins and kisses you one more time.
“Anything for my pretty girl.” Yuki says. Choso offers his praises next after finishing a braid.
“Thank you, my plum.” He thanks Yuki and the blonde reaches over and kisses him. You can’t help but crane your head to watch them meet lips. The affection happening is so tender and casual, yet you find yourself trying to ignore the tingle that awakened within your belly.
“Anything for my pretty boy.” Yuki sultrily croons and it worsens that tingle for you. Choso says nothing as crimson dusts across his cheekbones. He only asks you to face forward so he can do the last section while you can start eating. You don’t argue and face forward, picking up a utensil and beginning to dig in. Your first target is a big cut of a buttered pancake. Yuki’s cooking sends your taste buds on a trip of delight and you moan at the deliciousness. Yuki giggles, entering the living room with cups of coffee and juice for you all. She joins you on the floor and cuts herself a piece of pancake as you nibble on a piece of bacon. She moans at the outcome, satisfied and you nod as you bring a forkful to Choso's awaiting mouth. He continues to braid your hair as he takes a bite from your fork.
“These are the best pancakes I ever made.” Yuki moans with a mouthful and Choso agrees the second the flavor hits his taste buds.
“Holy shit, plum.” Choso says and you nod as you take another bite of the pancakes.
“Mhmm, baby you cooked.” Taking another bite before you even swallowed the last and Yuki giggles at your antics.
“Slow down, pretty girl, I can always make more. There’s leftover batter.” Yuki says. Love fills your countenance.
“I’m so in love with you.” You sigh, chewing and then swallowing the pancakes. Yuki laughs, thumb reaching out to get the syrup stuck on the corner of your mouth. Choso laughs also, finishing the final braid before sliding down to the other side of you. You sat in the middle of Choso and Yuki now as you three enjoyed breakfast. You fell into a comfortable silence as you three devoured Yuki’s culinary masterpiece.
After eating, Choso cleaned up the dishes while Yuki helped you with the final step of your hair routine and oiled your scalp. Your eyes closed as you felt her gentle fingers massage the product in. You were humming involuntarily and Yuki giggled, reaching down to kiss your forehead. Your eyes open, locking eyes with her and you pucker your lips to her expectation. She’s already landing her lips on yours before you fully pucker them. You two kiss again and you pull away looking at each other before Choso re-enters. He wipes his hands with a towel before speaking.
“Mall date?” He asks and you and Yuki perk up.
“Mall date!” The excitement bursts from your lungs  Choso laughs at the two of you. Yuki and you jump up and throw yourselves onto him. He manages to catch you and throw you over his shoulder before catching and placing Yuki on his hip. He carries the two of you to the room while laughter echoes throughout the apartment. As a home filled with love should. 
The three of you get dressed, you finish first and then Yuki. This isn’t because Choso takes the longest, this is because Choso typically lets you and Yuki get ready first because he loves to watch you guys get ready. He can’t find the words for it, but he knows it feels like a garden of love showered with sunny skies erupts deep within his chest. He feels warm and he wears a lovestruck smile everytime he sees your serious face when you apply makeup or Yuki’s tongue peeking out from her mouth as she focuses on her blackheads. You two mean so much to him and the small things you do makes him love you two even more.
When it’s Choso’s turn, you and Yuki sit on the bed discussing where you were going to hit up first. A makeup store had to be a stop because Choso needed more purple eyeshadow and you needed a refill on your favorite cleanser. You and Yuki jotted that down before looking over in the bathroom at Choso. He was applying product to his hair and as a result the ends spiral into cute little curls. His hair was growing longer and longer these days and they almost dusted his shoulders. You and Yuki look at him, seeing his focused face and you turn to look at Yuki. 
“Our man is so fine.” You say to her and Yuki nods.
“So fine. I be ready to kill a bitch for him.” Yuki confesses and you nod, turning to look at Choso who is oblivious to the conversation right now. He holds a hair tie in his hand, trying to decide if he is going to place his hair in his buns or not. You and Yuki continue to hungrily gaze after Choso unbeknownst to him.
“Can’t play about our pretty boy.” You say and the nickname causes him to look away from his hair tie. He throws a puzzled expression to you and Yuki and you both can’t help but giggle. 
“What?” He asks, raising an eyebrow. Yuki only throws him a look that has his stomach tingling.
“Just talking about how sexy you are.” Yuki says and you nod.
“Yeah and how lucky we are.” You add, also lowering your eyes into that similar gaze Yuki has. You didn’t know you did it, but Choso saw it and it always left him growing restless in his pants.
“Y’all are too funny,” Choso shakes his head blushing, “but should I wear my hair up or down-”
“Down!” Both you and Yuki yell. He blushes more at the enthusiasm and tosses the hair tie back onto the counter. He walks out of the bathroom, dressed and ready to go. You three head out to the local mall, letting Yuki and Choso spoil you with everything from clothing, food, and plushies even. Yuki and you put on fashion shows with Choso who played the supportive boyfriend, grinning from ear to ear at the two of you being dramatic and strutting in the clothes you tried on. He even made you two pose for some photos he decided he needed personally in some of the outfits you both chose. And the mall visit had to end with trying on lingerie for Choso at one of those high end boutiques. 
“Peach, I think Cho would lose his mind if you popped out in this.” Yuki calls after you, showing you a dark green number that would compliment your pretty brown skin. You made a noise of awe, looking at the set that would surely leave him dizzy. You knew you needed to try it on and instantly put the other options you thought you liked back. However, a pretty fuchsia set remained as you handed it to Yuki. 
“And I would lose my mind if you popped out in this.” Yuki eyes at the set, seeing the intricate lace and her eyes lower into a seductive gleam before advancing towards you. You don’t move, letting your girlfriend walk up on you with that look still blazing in her eyes. She lifts her hand up and you think she’s about to take a hold of your chin. To your dismay, she tucks a stray hair behind your ear instead. You look at her as she grins, hearing the small noise that left your throat.
“Let’s try these on and show Cho, hmm?” She asks and you nod as if you were in a trance. Her warm hand takes yours as she leads you to the dressing room. Choso sat on a couch that was in the middle of the changing rooms and he looked up from his phone. He tucks it away when he realizes you two are about to try stuff on. He didn’t want to be distracted by anything else other than what you two had to show him. An eyebrow raised as he steals quick looks at the lace in your hands. You only wink and blow him a kiss before disappearing behind the curtain to try on your set with Yuki.
“Peach. . .” Yuki is in awe when she sees the set on you. The dark green lace swirling and laying elegantly and so sexily against your body. Your supple skin on display and your ass sat delicious and she licks her lips. She can’t stop herself and her fingers are kneading at your thick rear. She bit her lip as she watched it jiggle in her palm. You giggle, taking her hand in yours and she’s forced to look at the rest of the set and she only gets hungrier for you. Your breasts sat pretty and your thighs were calling for her name and you felt the exact same about her.
“Babe, you look so good.” You comment, seeing the way the lively pink complimented her physique. Her muscular thighs called to you, leaving your mouth watering and you only trail your gaze up to her equally as muscular arms. Some of your favorite features about her were those thick muscles, generous rack, and fit rear. You were eager to admit sometimes you acted like a brat to her as an excuse to see her exhibit her strength on you.
“We gotta show Cho.” Yuki says, making you do a 360 and you hear him clear his throat.
“Please. I’m waiting ever so patiently.” He says from the curtain and you two give him the okay to poke his head in. 
When he does, he never wants to poke his head back out.
“Oh fuck, my babies.” Choso steps into the fitting room, not caring if anyone saw him disappear in the room with you guys. Choso can’t figure out where to look first between you and Yuki. Yuki’s breast sat peaky but your ass also called out to him. He felt his crotch growing stiff as a look passed over him. 
“What do you think, Babe?” Yuki asks and Choso licks lips. His tattoo across his bridge grows darker by the seconds.
“I think my girls are trying to kill me.” Choso says and you and Yuki snicker. You step forward, walking up to Choso and placing your hands on his chest. He looks down at you and his look alone sends butterflies migrating south between your legs.
“You would be right, baby.” You say and Choso’s hand falls on your ass, giving it a squeeze as he smirks at you. You bite your lip, holding a moan as he pinches it. He looks at Yuki as she eyes at you two hungrily. You turn your head to look at her and then look back at Choso. 
“Doesn’t Peach look stunning in the set I picked?” Yuki asks, walking up behind you and Choso nods.
“Could eat our pretty peach right here.” Choso’s words cause your face to heat up and you aren’t given a chance to recover before Yuki has a hand on your ass cheek, giving it a squeeze.
“I second that.” Yuki says, coming beside you and you shake your head.
“But Yuki...” You’re stuck on your girlfriend with the sexy pink set she wore but Choso didn’t forget about her either. 
“I could eat her too.” Choso says, smirking and Yuki actually blushes at the forwardness. Choso hasn’t been subtle since he saw you two — the lingerie clearly has him acting up. You look between Choso and Yuki, enjoying the stunned look on her face. It was rare she wasn’t prepared with a quip but today was one of those rare days. But, she manages to get her composure together before that seductive look passes over.
“I’d bet you both would love that,” she takes control again and has both of you blushing, “but instead we’re going to feed our peach because that stomach is growling.” Yuki shoots you a look and you pout at her. 
“But wait I don’t even know how much this set cost-” Choso cuts you off.
“I don’t even care how much,” he’s quick to eliminate your concerns, “let's get them and go, so we can feed you.” 
Choso doesn’t need to tell you twice.
After the lingerie store, you three manage to have a romantic dinner on the way home. The entire dinner is thick with sexual tension, a direct result of moment in the dressing room. You sat between Choso and Yuki at the restaurant of your choice since today was still about you. Yuki had a testy hand on your thigh the entire evening but you can’t say you were any better. Your hand rested just as questionably high as you gave her doe eyes throughout the entire evening. Though Choso was better at keeping his composure he was still no better than you two. He had a hand up the back of your shirt tracing shapes along your spine and erecting goosebumps. You were tucked into his side as he and Yuki had verbal banter. Their personal way of foreplay as they touched on you gently. 
It was heaven, yet torture at the same time because you knew you grew increasingly aroused in your panties with the anticipation of being touched. You managed to survive dinner but only to have Yuki continue to touch you and flirt with you badly on the drive home.
“I wonder how wet our peach is, Cho.” Yuki had said on the drive back as her hands continued to trail along your thigh. Choso chuckles sensually, a deep rumble in his chest as he watches you two in the rear view mirror. You two were in the backseat so Yuki could keep her hands on you. She kisses along your neck as you let out a mewl.
“Can’t wait to find out.” He says and you feel your skin prickle all over.
You get back to your shared home before you know it. Yuki has your hand in hers as she guides you to the bathroom to freshen up. The two of you have a quick shower, prepping for the intimate night you had been anxious about for a few hours now. You took your hair from the braids, curls and coils springing loose and Yuki helps as she watches in awe. It’s been awhile since you two have been dating yet she never ceases to be amazed by your hair behavior. It’s flattering to see her resemble the look of a child seeing magic for the first time.
“My pretty girl always lives up to her name.” Yuki says, wrapping arms around you from behind when you two finished and you giggle at her compliment. You two sway lovingly as she kisses your shoulder before patting your ass. Choso enters the bathroom for his turn to shower, seeing you two in an embrace and he smiles lovingly to himself. 
“My pretty girls.” Choso says, kissing your foreheads before starting to shower himself. You two stare after him, seeing his muscular build and naked ass disappear into the shower. His semi-hard flesh did not go unnoticed and you and Yuki shared a look of lust. You two exit your embrace to finish getting dressed. You both exit the bathroom, leaving Choso as you two settle on the bed to face one another.
“Is it bad I can’t wait?” You admit shamelessly. Yuki only laughs sensually, she rises to her hunches and your breathing hitches. The sensual lighting in the room captures her fuschia set so well and you mentally pat yourself on the back for picking it out. The lace in the bust shows her pretty erect nipples and you feel a twitch beneath your thighs.
“It is your day, pretty girl,” Yuki grabs you by your face with one hand. She brings you close to her lips before speaking, “I’m happy to do the honors of spoiling you first.”
And spoil you first did she.
“Yuki.” You moan ever so gently, eyes closed tightly as you throw your head back. Her lips dance along the column of your throat, teeth coming out to suck on your sweet spot. You let a sharp breath of air as your back arches off the bed. The blonde smirks against your pulse, licking up the vein as a carnal hand finds home between your thighs. Another mewl leaves your lips as you feel pleasure on your clit, even if it's over your underwear.
“Soaked through already? You’re so good to me, pretty girl, thank you.” Yuki praises you as her fingers dipped down to find the cloth covering your hole soaked. You feel hot with her praises, that knot forming in your core and you only wanted Yuki to help you chase after it. Your hips move before you answer.
“Yuki, I need more, please.” The kisses and heavy petting wasn’t enough anymore you needed to feel her directly on you. Yuki only shook her hand, delivering an apologetic kiss to the bruising spat on your throat. 
“Cho would want you to wait for him, Peach,” Yuki says soothingly and suddenly the water cuts off in the ensuite, “only a little bit longer.” You want to whine but you hear the sliding glass door drawing back in the bathroom and you can only picture Choso is moving at the speed of lightning. The image of his semi-hard cock flashes in your brain the same time Yuki presses a hard circle into your clit. You whimper and arch off the bed.
“Need it now.” You mewl and Yuki moves her face from your neck. The bathroom door opens and you both turn to see Choso emerge, body dripping as he dries himself off. His semi-hard now completely hard and you can’t help but wonder if his thoughts got to him and he got busy in the shower.
“Need what now, peach?” Choso asks, smirking as he dries his hair and you and Yuki lick your lips at his hardened flesh.
“We need you, pretty boy.” Yuki says sensually, extending a hand out when Choso finishes drying himself. He tosses the towel to the side, hair still damp but down and long. His tattoo across his bridge looked so dark as he approached you two. He climbs on the bed, crashing his lips to Yuki’s and the woman moans. You join her, the sight hot and you bring a needy hand down to your panties. You slip a hand underneath the lace and moan the second the pad of your finger touches your swollen clit. The sudden melodic sound causes Yuki and Choso to break their kiss. They see you touching yourself and a lustful look passes over both their eyes.
“Let us do the work, Peach.”
“Yeah, pretty girl.”
Heaven felt like an understatement to what you felt.
The soft sensual kisses and gentle caresses left you chasing your ecstacy gradually with your lovers. Their hands all over your body as they slowly peeled you of your lingerie. Your panties were pulled to the side and straps of the bustier were pulled down, exposing your brown nipples to the air. Choso had your right nipple while Yuki had the left. Their hot tongues swirling along your sensitive buds as Choso’s thick fingers ministrated deep in your folds and Yuki’s nimble finger circles your clit. The stimulation left you singing praises as your thighs gradually began to shake.
“She’s shaking so bad, Cho.” Yuki teases, the other hand rubbing up and down your thigh and you mewl defensively. They both chuckle at you before he releases your nipple, a lewd pop as his saliva coated his pretty swollen lips.
“I feel her twitching and she’s sucking me so tight,” he looks at you but your eyes are closed, “I think Peach has been waiting for this all day.” He teases, feeling the way your cunt softly sucks him in and drenches him at the same time. His words about you only make you moan, sucking him in even tighter and he groans, cock twitching and threatening to pebble precum at any moment.
“I think so too. Look how big and swollen her clit is. I just wanna suck on it all night.” Yuki moans, rubbing her thighs together and before she can stop herself she’s pulling the panties off you. Choso takes that time to unclasp your bra to toss that off you as well. You’re naked before them and Yuki’s blonde locks are ducking between your thighs as she does just what she wished and sucks on your clit.
“Yuki!” Her warm mouth on your clit finally left you squirming, trying to get away from how fucking good her tongue felt but she hooked her strong arms on your thighs to hold you in place. Choso continues to shower your breasts with affection, teeth on your nipple as he sucked and between both of their mouths on you they were set to drive you wild. 
You let the sensation continue to elevate your pleasure. Yuki continues sucking on your clit, hips still bucking in her hold but she’s stronger. She keeps you in place and you helplessly whine out slurs of her and Choso’s names. The male nips at your breast, hearing the way you say his name before climbing up your body.
“So pretty when you moan, Peach.” Choso praises in your ear as he licks your shell. Yuki’s tongue circles your swollen flesh and both sensations leave you sighing.
“I need someone to fuck me.” You announce, whimpering pathetically but Yuki ceases her tongue on you and Choso moves his face from outside your neck. Yuki climbs up your body, licking your cum off her lips and the sight makes your stomach flip flop. They both come to opposite cheeks kissing them before Choso speaks.
“We won’t fuck you, but we’ll make love to you tonight, peach.” Choso promises and Yuki hums, kissing your shoulder. You look at Choso and Yuki, smiling softly.
“Then please make love to me.” Are the last words spoken before you three share a kiss. Yuki is shredded of her clothes and you take Choso’s lap, sheathing his thick cock in you and he lets out a sharp breath. You moan, letting him stretch and fill you as you watch Yuki mount his face and turn to you. Her clit brushes against Choso’s lips and opens his mouth, taking her pretty clit between his lips and sucking harshly. Yuki croons in pleasure and you join her. You begin sinking your hips up and down Choso’s length as every part of him hits that spot. You bring a hand to your clit, rubbing circles as you watch Yuki ride his face. She leaves a soft sheen on his chin from her wet cunt. The scene is too erotic for you and your folds quiver.
The three of you continue to make love. Your hips continue to rock in a sensual manner. Soft and tender moans pour out of you as the head of Choso’s cock nudged deep inside. Yuki continues to be consumed in her own pleasure, watching you gracefully rock on Choso’s cock. She lets out a whimper when Choso’s tongue flicks against her clit just right. The sound doesn’t fall on deaf ears and he repeats the motion again. Yuki moans, hips rocking faster and you grab her by the back of her neck to kiss her. Tongues are dancing, swirling as spit dribbles from the sides and Choso can only listen to you two kiss messily. His cock jumps in your cunt and he thrusts up in you. You moan against Yuki’s lips at the sudden motion and cry out when he does it again. He thrusts deeper and you break the kiss as you double over, losing your breath.
“Cho-So!” You squeal, his hips rutting up into you again and again. You didn’t expect him to start placing his attention on you, but when you saw Yuki dismount his face you couldn’t help but feel like this was planned. Suspicions confirmed when he sat up and merely twisted you two around. Suddenly he was on top as your head laid in Yuki’s lap. He thrusts into you gently, and tenderly, rolling his hips to earn a sensual cry from your lips. You throw your head in Yuki’s lap as she caresses your breasts tenderly. 
“You guys planned this!?” You accuse but pleasure does not leave your tone. Choso and Yuki only grin, stealing a look at one another before Yuki speaks.
“It was Choso’s idea to ambush you,” Yuki says, “now hush and let us pleasure you, baby girl.” A pinch of your nipple and roll of Choso’s hips left you asking no more questions. Choso moans, pelvis slapping against the apex of your thighs as you start to wet the sheets.
“Mmmnhgg—Fuck!” You’re a mess as you arch your back, the crown of his cock kissing further within you. That spot that left shocks radiating throughout your core. Your thighs were twitching and Yuki kissed all over your face as you chased that euphoria.
“Think our baby is close,” Yuki comments, “can’t stay still.” She points out your squirming. Your hips buck and when she places a finger on your clit you let out a cry as your legs start to shake. She circles feverishly, eager to earn mewls out of you and she is pleased when you sigh out her name. Between her quick fingers and Choso’s member deep in you, you knew you would be within reach of euphoria.
“Mmm–I’m so close!” You cry and Choso answers with a groan before speaking.
“Such a good little peach,” Choso suddenly draws his hips back, leaving his thick crown at your entrance before sliding back in and bottoming out, the sensation causing you to wail beneath him, “want you to cum for me and Yuki, hmm?” He repeats his stroke, sliding out almost completely to slide back fully in. The feeling of him leaving almost completely left you empty, but the moment he filled you to the brim you felt an indescribable sensation. A heavy euphoric feeling spreads throughout your core as you hear soft gushing from your cunt. Choso continues to grunt above you and it only makes you even more turned on. 
“Please, pretty girl. Been so good for us.” Yuki encourages you, licking along your neck before biting down. You cry out, back arching at the sting of discomfort that was steadily replaced with elation. Your eyes roll back and Yuki sucks on your neck. Her finger rubs faster and Choso decides to press your legs into the mattress, removing them from his waist and opening you up for him and Yuki. You whimper as you feel explicit, wide open and on display. The new placement allows you to feel the girth of Choso and you grip hard on his biceps. You feel so full.
“Cho–Fucknnng!” Choso stares at you falling apart beneath him, lips bruised and swollen from kissing and biting. Your eyes are screwed shut with your face twisted in raw pleasure. He bit his lip to keep from cumming, his body reacting to your expressions and sinful sounds pouring from your lips. Choso’s so in love with you, passion overtaking and he rolls his hips faster but still keeps the pace sensual. He’s still determined to make love to you tonight. 
“Grippin’ me so fucking tight, Peach.” Choso groans out, knowing you were fixing to come with the way your cunt hugged him tightly. Not only that but your clit was so pretty and puffy in Yuki’s fingers as she continued to rub it. You fight against his hold, thighs shaking as you want to wrap your legs around to brace yourself for the blinding release that was within your reach. You could taste it, goosebumps skating down your spine as you let out a lusty scream. 
“Chosyukii!” You slur both their names, eyes rolling back as release crashes into you. Yuki moves her fingers from your clit and Choso lets go of your legs. You immediately trap him in them, sinking and pulling him deep in you. He bottoms out, crown sinking in your pulsing walls that continue to squeeze him as you continue to cum around him.
“Fuck.” Choso sighs, feeling your cunt slowly let up on his cock but he doesn’t move. He knew if he moved the slightest bit too quick he would be spilling himself inside you. You let your last pants out and he manages to muster his composure enough to slide out with no incident. He looks down at you, seeing your eyes still closed as you collect your breath. He places a gentle hand on your cheek, grabbing your attention and you open your eyes.
“So good, Peach.” He praises you and you respond with a mewl. He leans down, kissing you on the lips twice. You hum, pulling him in to kiss him a third time before moving away from his face. You look up to see Yuki looking down at the both of you with all the love in the world..
“I love you two.” Yuki says and the two of you smile back at her.
“We love you, now get over here I didn’t forget about you.” Choso says, rising on his hunches and you roll out from underneath him. You two reach for Yuki at the same time, making her take your place on her back. Your mouth is on her nipples, kissing and sucking on them as Choso slips into her easily, cock still slick from you cumming on him. Yuki moans and judging by the octave alone you and Choso knew she wasn’t going to last long. Her pleasure stimming from taking care of you displayed as her cunt let out heavy squelching when Choso rocked into her.
“Mmm, oh my god.” Yuki moans, feeling the way Choso’s cock rocks into her and your hot mouth on her sensitive nipples. She looks down, making eye contact with you as you keep sucking on her softly. Her eyes drift down to see where Choso met her pelvis, cock disappearing between her folds as her lover panted out profanities. 
“Feel so fucking good, plum.” Choso grunts through clenched teeth and you nip on her bud. Your finger slips down to her engorged clit, massaging and causing Yuki to clamp down on Choso. He swears once more and Yuki arches.
“Gonna,” she moans, “fucking cum.” Yuki hisses out, strong thighs quivering and you move your mouth from her nipple. You look up at the woman, seeing her eyes watching your every move before you surge forward. Your lips are on hers and her fingers become tangled in your dense curls, pulling on the strands as she devours your taste. You let Yuki dominate you, tongue dancing in a passionate twist and you so desperately fought to keep up. You let out soft moans and she smirks against your lips. She pulls away from you, acting as if she were to speak but then a sudden cry ripped through. Her body twitched, back lifting off the bed and Choso’s moans got louder. 
“You cummin’, plum?” Choso asks and Yuki answers with an iron grip placed on his ass. She squeezes and begins slamming his hips harder against her. Choso lets out a whine at her force, dick becoming overstimulated with the feeling of Yuki’s soft cunt milking him as she came. He couldn’t hold back much longer and with Yuki’s demanding way of telling him to go faster he felt his head spinning.
“You cummin, Cho?” Yuki asks breathlessly, eyes low from her orgasm haze and you reach up, leaving Yuki to place kisses on Choso’s shoulders. Your fingers come to his pierced nipples, earning another moan from Choso. You roll the erect nubs and cold metal between your fingers as you zero in on his neck. You lick along his vein, causing the man to shudder as you slowly trail your muscle up the shell of his ear. You nip around the metal of one of his cartilage rings and he was set to lose his mind.
Then you spoke.
“Cum for us, pretty boy.”
And he does. Hard.
Choso moans, whining out Yuki and your names as he emptied himself inside her. The sounds are so sonically pleasing to you and Yuki, causing you both to smile. He bucks sloppily into Yuki as the pair hold eye contact. Her sultry expression caused him to swear. You start to plant kisses along his cheek then trail to his shoulder and then his bicep. He slides from Yuki, hissing as his cum dribbles out and she sits up. She grabs onto his cheeks, kissing him several times as you continue to shower him with gentle kisses. The both of you easing him out of his orgasm as he came back down from the euphoric high. He kisses Yuki and then you before sighing out dramatically. Yuki and you giggle pressing kisses to his cheeks as he wraps arms around you two. 
“Mhmm, love you, pretty boy.” Yuki ceases her kisses on his cheeks allowing him to turn his head to kiss her. A loud smooch sounding and you smile at your lovers.  
“I love you too.” Choso says and he turns to look at you, stars in his eyes before he speaks to you.
“And I love you, especially.” Choso kisses your nose and Yuki hums in agreement.
“Yeah, our pretty baby.” Yuki mimics those similar stars, leaving Choso’s side to join you at your vacant one. You feel that similar love you woke up to this morning. That gentle love and admiration channeled through generous affection. Kisses were placed at your temples that left you cheesing so hard it hurt your lips.
“I love you guys.” You beam, causing the two of them to coo over you and shower your face with kisses. You giggle, causing Yuki and Choso to laugh along with you. Choso finishes a wet smooch against your forehead before speaking.
“Why don’t I run a bath so we can use that pretty bath bomb you picked out earlier? How’s that sound, peach?” Choso rubs a soft circle in your back and you look up at him. You nod, smiling big once again.
“That sounds good, Cho.” You say as Yuki places a kiss on your shoulder. Choso places one last kiss on your forehead before departing from your side. Part of you yearns for him to come back, missing his warmth and presence next to you. It begins to make you feel empty to a degree.
“You feeling okay, pretty girl?” Yuki checks in, rubbing up and down your back. You look over at her, seeing her cast a caring gaze over you. Her other hand comes out to gently massage the bruises that slowly formed from where she or Choso might have gripped you too tight. You smile softly, seeing the way she looks after you and always checks in after sex.
“Yeah. I feel good, plum. Do you?” You ask and she smiles from ear to ear, grinning as she nods. She has to steal one more kiss from you before verbally answering.
“Always good when my pretty girl is good.” She smiles, placing a stray hair back into place before Choso tells you both the bath is ready.
The three of you settle into a roomy jacuzzi tub before Yuki and Choso place you between them. Choso has the front, washing your legs as Yuki has the back, washing your back and neck. You do nothing but sit there, allowing both of your lovers to wash your body. All the stress from the past week seemed to break down and completely dissolve as they rinsed your body. Your mind is easing to the highest form of comfort, drifting away as they continue to wash your woes away. 
“Yuki…” Choso is fighting a laugh, biting his lip and Yuki looks over your head to arch an eyebrow. 
“What?” She’s still rubbing soap in your shoulders.
“Y/n fell asleep…” A chuckle escapes but he quickly closes his mouth. Yuki, interested, manages to crane her neck around to catch a glimpse of your face. Her bottom lip wobbles, snort escaping as she sees your face completely slack. However, a silly smile is still on your face.
“Baby.” Yuki gently shakes you and you jolt.
“Huh!?” You realize you drifted off, looking up to see Choso laughing at you and Yuki bursts into giggles. You can’t help but laugh at yourself but you shrug.
“It ain't my fault Choso’s dick puts me to sleep.” You pout and your boyfriend smirks but blushes ever-so-slightly.
“Choso ‘bomb dick’ Kamo.” Yuki laughs as she rinses your shoulders off. You can’t help but giggle at that one and Choso blushes more.
“Ay thank you loves I aim to please.” He says humbly before rinsing your chest off. You and Yuki hum in approval before continuing to bathe.
You manage to survive the rest of the bath without falling asleep. After getting out, night routines were in order and pajamas were put on. You secure the bonnet on your head and settle on the bed with Choso and Yuki. They part one another, making you fall in the middle between them. Choso pulls you against his back, spooning you as Yuki settles in front. You and Yuki face one another and she throws an arm over both you and Choso before adding her leg to the tangle of limbs between you and Choso. 
You feel instant warmth and security from both of your lovers. Choso’s warm and strong back with Yuki’s tender strokes on your leg made you feel that love and comfort you only read about in books or saw on film. That love that was so rare and so pure, so raw that it felt unobtainable because surely no one was really made for one another, right? 
Before Choso and Yuki, you would have agreed. 
But now? You were a believer in soulmates. You believed you found your perfect lovers and couldn’t be happier with anyone else. You couldn’t imagine life with anyone but Choso and Yuki.
And you wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world. 
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©𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐯 ╰┈┈➤ MASTERLIST!
479 notes · View notes
obeymematches · 18 days
very fluffy and in depth hcs of a mc that basically lives off of cuddles? if you dont wanna do all of them can you only do lucifer, mammon, beel & diavolo? its fine if you dont wanna write this request tho! <3
i just need to snuggle up with them and maybe receive a forehead kiss yknow?
(also its def not bc of their man boobs wdym..)
thank you baby for sending in this ask, writing it cleared my skin and watered my plants- 💐🌸🌻
also your taste in men is very good 💯💯💯
this just teeth rotting fluff. GN MC.
❤️Cuddling HCs❤️
Cuddling can only happen at night / the evening. Even on the weekends he is too busy to be cuddling during the day.
When you get in bed next to him he usually smells like coffee & sweat ngl. At first he does try to hide it with a nice expensive perfume but it might be best to cuddle after taking a shower.
He loves it if you curl up against him, laying your head on his chest. He is surprisingly gentle with his strokes in your hair!
He prefers not to talk or just very short I love yous are accepted. This is his calming, recharging moment.
His arms are strong as he puts them behind your back, or under your head if that's what you prefer. His weakness is stroking his head between his ears and forehead.
He is very glad to kiss your forehead without you having to ask! He is actually very affectionate if he is with you, and only you! Prefers holding one of your hands the entire time.
My love... Holding you in my arms in this moment makes me feel tranquil. As if nothing could ever go wrong again... I am aware it only lasts such a short time... I'm truly sorry we can't do this more often. Can you forgive me, my dearest?
Here is some Mams cuddles
Cuddling Beelzebub feels like the most natural thing. You fit just right under his arms, his legs. He can go on like this for hours. Nothing else has to happen and he is the most content demon in the world.
Being so close to him makes you realize he smells like deodorant and grass.
Likes to eat as you cuddle! Always brings you your favourite snacks! He can fall asleep very quickly like this though. Please just stroke his back he is going to melt into your touch.
He is going to kiss you with his hand holding yours to the bed. He kisses you very passionately, towering over you, using his tongue as he should; gluttony gets the best of him.
Very gentle with you the entire time. Carefully moves every inch of his body not to hurt you.
If you decide to lay too far away from him he just sweeps you right where you should be; entirely next to him!
Skin on skin contact is very important for him, pls don't wear too many clothes!!
I'm stronger now, but I can grow even more if you stay by my side. I'll do everything to support you, and I hope you will continue to support me too. I love you. So very deeply. Thank you for being here with me.
I just think he enjoys being the little spoon. He can be the tiniest little spoon if he wants to!!
Loves to talk. This is no time to be quiet for more than 5 minutes. Something always comes to his mind which he wants to share.
His smell from up close isn't so easy to describe; it's a lingering smell of expensive parfume but also pine tree.
Can and will cuddle you in the afternoon if he/you needs it. Tea time can buzz off this is 300% better.
Talks about how nice it was to Barbatos. Poor Barb doesn't know how to react to this information.
Ah he definitely plays with the blanket; he likes to tuck you in real well, sometimes pull it over your head and kiss you in the dark.
Tickle fights are inevitable if you cuddle for too long. (He doesn't want to let you go pee but you must. So you tickle him.)
Sometimes he can forget how heavy he is though and if he falls asleep while on top of you, you'll be sore by the time he wakes up.
Ah just imagine the pure joy in his eyes the entire time.... sigh
My darling y/n... You are my most precious treasure in the entire world. You enchant and fascinate me, and each day, you ignite me.
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neochan · 2 years
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PAIRING | perv nerd!mark x popular!reader
SYNOPSIS | you invite mark over to study with ulterior motives and he happily goes despite having the filthiest thoughts of you.
WC | 3.8k
WARNINGS | big cock!mark, lower case intended, he's obsessed with your boobs, dry humping, choking, dirty talk, finger sucking, semi clothed sex, dom!mark, name calling, slight oral m receiving, breeding kink (no mention of kids or pregnancy), get's uncomfortably fluffy at the end.
A.N | this came out of nowhere hehe, but i hope you like! send me feedback per usual pls
"markieee" you drawl, skipping over to where he sat in the library, his textbooks scattered messily on the table in front of him. "i need your help!"
he doesn't look up when he responds, "with what."
"don't be like that! it's serious." you pout.
you pull out the chair next to his and sit down, one of your hands reaching underneath the table to grab his knee. immediately he jerks his head up to look at you, his round glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose. "wha- what can i help you with?" he stutters, pushing his glasses up with one finger.
"i need you to help me study. mr. moon is gonna kill me with this test tomorrow and i can handle d's but not for this class." you wink at him and watch as his face turns a bright red, "plus you're the smartest guy i know."
in an attempt to look anywhere but your eyes, he accidentally sets his sights on your breasts, which were practically spilling out of your t-shirt. he snaps his attention back to your face and grows small in his chair, "ye-yeah i can help you study."
he was just so gosh darn cute when he stuttered. you begin stroking his knee underneath the table, making him squirm in his chair, "okay that's great! i'll text you my address and you can come over tonight."
"wait tonight?"
your face falls, "oh, do you have plans already? never mind we -"
"no" he hurriedly exclaims, waving his hands in front of his face, "i'm free. i'll be over around eight."
"great!" you beam, giving his knee a squeeze before excusing yourself, "see ya then markie." with soft eyes he watches you leave the library, your too short skirt swishing behind you.
mark always thought you were hot, but you were so far out of his league it wasn't even funny, though that didn't stop him from getting lost in his head from time to time.
he knows its wrong, but sometimes when he can't sleep he's tormented by images of you bending over in class, that damn short cheerleading skirt exposing the bottoms of your panties. and the top left little to the imagination too. it was so tight he could see your breasts jiggle when you laughed too hard. oh god, and your lips. it was seldom you were seen without something shoved between them, whether that be a pencil or a cherry lollipop.
mark can feel himself growing hard in his pants. did he have to be such a perv? if anyone found out about the thoughts he was having he'd be even more of an outcast than he already was.
'quit it.' he tells himself, turning back to the textbooks in front of him, and while the thoughts of you have dimmed a bit, he can't help but find himself realizing that mr. moon never assigned a test for tomorrow.
your doorbell rings at eight o'clock on the dot.
smiling to yourself you leap off your bed and bound down the stairs to open the front door, revealing a version of mark you've never seen before. usually he wore khakis with a button up polo, like earlier in that day, but now he had on a pair of basketball shorts and a graphic tee that read out some scientific formula. he was still his nerdy self just more ... relaxed.
you open the door wider and wave him in, "i'm glad you made it!" you squeal. he stands there awkwardly before taking a hesitant step into your house. he pulls on the straps of his backpack while looking around.
"don't worry, my roommates aren't home." you purr, grabbing onto his wrist, "c'mon i'll show you to my room." mark slowly nods and you smile to yourself, quite amused.
he watches as you walk ahead of him, tugging you up the carpetted steps, the same skirt you were wearing earlier swaying with the rhythm of your hips. your ass looked so good, so round and... fuck.
mark gulps loudly, almost missing the next step when he realizes you aren't wearing panties. he's getting a wide shot of your bare ass, and he doesn't feel bad in the slightest. in fact, all he can think about it is ruining your pretty ass with his hands, grabbing you and pulling you apart while you sink down on his cock. gripping handfuls of the supple flesh while you climb in his lap . "shut up brain" he mumbles, drawing your attention to him.
"did you say something?" you question.
he clears his throat, "n- no, just wondering if you have a bathroom i can use?"
"yeah of course, here" you say, tugging him down the hallway now that you made it up the stairs, and into your room, "you can set your backpack there," you point to your bed, "and the bathroom is the door at the end of the hall."
"thanks" he mumbles, slinging his bag onto your bright pink comforter. he's dreamt of being in your room before and it looks exactly how he thought it would. and it smelled so good, like the cherry lollipops you were always sucking on.
when mark gets to the bathroom he hurriedly closes the door and leans against it, closing his eyes. he can feel the rising boner peaking through his shorts and he feels like throwing up. 'go down. go down. go down.' he chants over and over again in his head. why does this shit always happen to him! there was no way he could go back out there with a raging hard on. for a split second he wonders if he could jerk off really quickly, but squashes the idea when he hears you yell from your room, "come on markkkk! it's getting late."
"one second." he yells back, face heating up in embarrassment. he'd have to use the ole' waistband tuck and hope that it goes down on its own.
"fuck." he whispers.
you have chosen to focus on everything but the test material you were supposed to be studying.
instead your mind wanders to the way marks fingers delicately flip through the pages of his notebook, and how he sticks out his tongue between his lips in concentration. oh how you wished that tongue was on you right now.
you sigh and shut your textbook, pointedly looking at mark who only glances up, "i'm sick of studying."
"we haven't even studied." he mumbles, softly closing his own textbook and looking up at you, "and anyway, i know there isn't a test tomorrow. i looked through the syllabus and everything.
fuck. he caught on to you, "are you sure?" you scratch the back of your head sheepishly, "i coulda sworn i heard mr. moon mention one in todays lecture."
"y/n. why am i here?" mark let's his eyes wonder to your breasts when you lean over and grab your backpack. they were squished together, jiggling with your movement and he feels himself getting hard again. his mind drifts to the thought of tit fucking you and how pretty you'd look squirming underneath him while he painted your throat and face with cum.
shoving your materials into your bag you look at him through your lashes, "i think you're hot."
mark almost chokes when he hears the words leave your lips, "m-me?" he questions.
zipping up your back pack, you toss it in the corner of your room and lean forward onto your knees, crawling towards the stunned boy, "yeah, you."
"look," he says lowly, "if this is a prank or a dare by your friends-"
"it's not." you promise.
you come to a stop in front of him and stare into his eyes, watching the way his cheeks and collarbone flush deep red, "s- so you think i'm hot."
"mhm." you hummed, "and i want you to fuck me."
marks eyes grow the size of saucers when he processes what you said. he can feel all the blood drain from his face and rush to his dick so fast he feels almost dizzy, "f-fuck you?"
"you sure do stutter a lot." you giggle.
he brushes off the comment, "you want me to fuck you?"
you giggle again and lean closer to him, "yeah ... so will you?"
mark feels like this is a dream. it's too good to be true and at some point he knows he's bound to wake up. tentatively he reaches a hand out, cupping your soft cheek in his warm palm. you nuzzle against him and that's when he knows it's real life. without answering he pushes off the ground and stands up, "get on the bed."
you can feel your pussy clench at the way he commands you like he already knew what he wanted to do; like he's thought of this before. you follow his orders and sit on your bed gingerly, waiting for his next move.
"take off your top." he orders, pulling his own t-shirt over his head and tossing it on the floor.
"oh my god." you whine. who knew the nerdiest boy at your college was built like that. deep set muscles cover his lower abdomen, his pecs poking out a little more now that the shirt was gone. and here you were thinking he was scrawny underneath his clothes.
hurriedly ridding yourself of your top, you let his eyes wash over your body, drinking in what he's dreamed about for months. "you know, i should have known this was a set up when i saw you weren't wearing panties."
"it wasn't-" you start, but he cuts you off by sitting down next to you and pulling you onto his lap.
"it was." he breathes, hands running up and down your back. "and you wanted me to see, right?" you furiously nod your head yes. "that's what i thought. and don't think i haven't noticed how you act in class. bending over so i see your cute little panties and sucking on your lollipops so i think about how pretty your lips would look around my cock instead. you're not slick. you're just a slut who needs to be fucked, huh?"
his words have you rocking back and forth in his lap desperate for his touch, "mark please." you whisper.
his hands fumble behind your back for a second before undoing your bra clasp and sliding it down your shoulders, chucking it to the other side of the room. "that's better. you have such pretty tits." he marvels, cupping them in his hands, squeezing and kneading the soft skin. his thumbs jut out to flicker over your nipples, forcing you to arch up against him.
"god," you whimper, "that feel's good."
"hm." he hums, dipping his head down to take one of your nipples in his mouth. he rolls the sensitive bud between his teeth, harshly sucking while his hands slip under your skirt and grab your ass, pulling you closer to him.
"m-mark." you whine, eyes closed and hands finding their way in his hair, tugging on the roots.
"look who's stuttering now." he chuckles, detaching himself with a wet pop. he stares at you for moment, watching the way your nose scrunches and your lips purse before blurting out, "i'm gonna kiss you now."
'huh-" you begin, snapping your eyes open but mark is already on you, lips softly brushing yours before pulling you deep into a heated kiss. you tasted like those cherry flavored lollys you always had in class even though you hadn't had one today, it drove him mad. you push against him, grinding down on his lap repeatedly while hugging him close, fingers still tangled in his hair. his lips felt like heaven, soft and pillowy and perfect against your own and it made you dizzy.
you moan against him when he pinches your nipple, rolling it between his forefinger and thumb, his other arm wrapping around your waist so that you couldn't squirm as much. slowly he rocks his hips into you, pulling back so that only your foreheads were touching. "god, the things you do to me." he groans.
you giggle and untangle your hands from his hair, grabbing the sides of his glasses and sliding them off his face, "don't want these to get in the way." you lightly toss them on your desk and mark thanks you, "i never thought you'd be like this." you whisper.
"like what?" he leans down and nips at your neck, pressing delicate kisses along the side of your throat all the way to the spot just below your ear. "i'm not all books and brains you know."
"n-no i get that, it's just..." your hands fiddle in the space between your bodies, fingers playing with the waistband of his shorts, "i didn't think you'd be all commanding."
he gives a short chuckle before blowing hot air in your ear and making you shiver, "what? you thought i'd be shy? submissive?" he says the word like it's a dirty thing, something he can't even fathom becoming. "i mean, if you wanna tie me up -"
"no" you blurt, "i like this."
he smirks against you, his nose skimming your cheek and coming to fit right beside your own, lips matching yours like a perfect puzzle. he hovers over yours, "you like this?"
"yeah." you whisper, almost like a secret.
"what about this?" mark reaches around your body and pulls you back down against him, this time matching you and rutting up against your bare sex. a breathless gasp flies from your lips when he gently swivels his hips, the outline of his cock rubbing against your folds. you're pretty sure if he looked there would be a wet patch on the front of his shorts.
"shit." you moan, holding on to him while he continues to grind against you.
"you're so needy, huh?" he grins, pressing his lips to yours and melding into a kiss that has your legs shaking around him. his tongue swipes your bottom, teeth snagging and drawing you in. you whimper into the kiss and he does the same, loving the way you feel in his arms. he pulls back a bit, mumbling against your lips, "wanna feel it?"
"please." you groan, hopping off his lap and settling yourself on the bed, leaning down so that you were pretty much eye level with the front of his short now that he was stood in front of you.
mark still can't believe this is happening. was this a sick prank? a joke? was he sure he wasn't dreaming? here he had you eagerly awaiting his cock. it just didn't seem right, the divine universe had to have some explanation for this. 'shut up' he groans in his head.
slender fingers wrap around the waistband of his shorts and pushes them down so that they pooled around his ankles.
"no fucking way."
mark lee was huge. his cock sprung up against his abdomen standing tall and rigid, pretty pink tip collecting droplets of precum. he was thick too, a nice size that would feel heavy in your mouth if you took him there.
"what?" he asks, blushing and fighting the urge to cover himself, "i know it might not be that big-"
"not big??" you splutter, eyes incredulous at the sight in front of you, "it's fucking huge mark."
the compliment goes straight to his dick and now instead of fighting the urge to cover himself, he's fighting the urge to push you back on the bed and fuck you till you were screaming his name. "put it in your mouth then" he groans, taking a step towards you, "lets see if it can fit." your hand shoots out from under you and wraps around his length, warm and pulsing in your hand, his hips stutter into your touch.
"shit." he whispers, watching the way your tongue darts out to taste him, his hand stroking your hair, eyes twinkling with adoration, "don't just lick it. open up." you do as he says and open for him. he pushes into your mouth slowly until you're gagging and can't take any more, mouth too full, but with one look you realize you hadn't even gotten half way down his length. "that's it baby? god you're even more pathetic that i thought. can't even properly swallow my dick?" he pulls out, allowing you to catch a much needed breath, "lets see if your pussy can take it all instead." he pushes you backwards and climbs overtop you, knocking your thighs apart with his knee.
your mind is reeling from everything that's happening. it's been so much better than you could have imagined. he was bigger, cockier and sexier with his nose out of his books and clothes off. no one would believe you if you told them about tonight, not even your roommates.
mark shoves your skirt up until it's bunched around your waist, "mind elsewhere?" he questions, one of hands wrapping around your throat and squeezing slightly, "you thinking about someone else?"
"n-no mark, i'm thinking about you." you whine, hips lifting off the bed in anticipation.
"good. pay attention."
his hand guides himself, rubbing the tip against your clit before sliding it down between your folds. teasingly he barely pushes the tip in before pulling away. "mark!" you whimper, but all he does is squeeze your throat a bit tighter, "please" he pushes the tip in again, this time looking in your eyes, and he doesn't pull out. he thrusts into you, all the way in and you feel like you're losing it. your eyes flutter into the back of your head, nails finding his shoulders and gripping the soft skin, surely leaving marks. "f-fuck you're so big!'
it was slightly uncomfortable but the second he moved you felt overwhelming pleasure jolt through you, "mm, i knew you could take it." he grins, shallowly fucking into you, "and you're so fucking tight. gonna make me go crazy."
you squirm in his grip, "fuck me, please."
"whatever you say baby."
his hand leaves your throat and grabs at your waist instead, using the skirt secured around it as leverage. he wastes no time in slamming into you, thrusting with such fervor you can feel yourself losing your mind. "shit!" you squeal, nails digging even deeper into his shoulders. his eyes glance down, admiring the way your tits jiggled every time he pushed his hips into you. "right there, right there! god you're fucking huge." you scream, covering your face with your hands.
"look at me," he growls, and you have no choice but to move your trembling hands. two fingers press against your lips and into your mouth, gagging you. "if you can't take my cock down your throat, might as well suck on my fingers." his breathy is shaky when you swirl your tongue around his digits, sucking slightly and feels like he's going to faint. your pussy is sucking him in, walls spasming with each of his thrusts, and your gagging around his fingers. he wonders if you feel full. maybe next time you'll let him toy with your ass a little bit, so then you'll really feel full. 'get out of your head' he chastises himself. there might not even be a next time. after all, he was fucking one of the most popular girls at his college, he was kidding himself if thought this was gonna happen again. guess he had to make this time count.
"spread your legs a little bit more baby," when you don't he ends up pushing you thighs apart, finger digging into your skin and leaving indents. your head moves from side to side, legs shaking in marks grasp, "baby you're acting like you can't handle it. you're the one who asked me to fuck you!" he chides, laughing coldly.
"i can handle it!" you buck up against him, chasing your the knot that was tightening in your stomach.
"damn right you can." mark loves the way you fall apart underneath him... because of him. "just keep taking my fat cock baby. i bet you've wanted this for so long, huh?"
"i think about it every time i see you in class," you huff.
mark didn't care if you were lying just to please him, it makes him feel good. the fact that you've both thought about this and now it was finally happening. his thrusts become sloppy, hands roughly grabbing a handful of ass and tits, squeezing and massaging them.
"i think i'm gonna cum baby. ah shit, i'm gonna cum." he moans, hips stuttering into you.
"fill me up markie, pls i want it so bad." you whisper, the pet name being what he needs to finish, milky ropes of cum flooding your pussy in a way that has you following suit, the knot in your tummy unraveling. he holds eye contact with you the entire time, his brows drawing up in ecstasy when he watches yours disappear. when he's spent, he falls onto you, caging you in his arms. you pull him close for support, shallow thrusts into your cunt helping you ride out your orgasm. at one point he tries to move but you keep him there, tightening your arms, "please, don't move."
"i won't." he promise, "i won't, i'm here." he chuckles against the side of your neck, wet kisses being placed where he's buried in your arms, "the way your eyes roll back into your head when you cum is fucking hot."
you giggle, "thank you markie."
"so.." he questions, peaking his head up but still staying in your arms, "this wasn't a dare or something?" he still felt like this was too good to be true.
"mark!" you swat his shoulders and air hisses between his teeth.
"okay okay." he sighs defensively, "then i guess you wouldn't mind me taking you on a date?" you hesitate a bit and immediately he's apologizing, "we aren't from the same social circles, i know that but-"
"shut up mark. i don't care if we don't hang out with the same people. i genuinely like you." you smile at him.
"then ..."
"i would love if you took me on a date." he grins back at you before burying his head back into the crook of your neck. "who knew nerds fucked so good?' you blurt out, laughing.
"not nerds plural. just me." he mumbles against your skin.
it felt nice just laying in his arms, basking in the after sex glow with the boy you've been crushing on for ages. "we should get cleaned up, huh?" you whisper and he sighs against you.
"let's stay like this for a few more minutes. i like the way you smell... like cherries."
you smile to yourself, "just for you."
TAGLIST | @dearj43 @peachjaem00 @angelwonie @byunbaekcult @jaeminslut @svtrny @saintlyhyuck @tennieboiii @minisxng @rainyjeno
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ghouljams · 1 year
Hi can I pls make a request for our resident nasty boy König? Can we see him and Leibling on a date? She’s vehemently denying it’s a date while he’s just looking at her w heart eyes
Absolutely, absolutely you can. Here's their first date that Liebling insists was not a date.
"Fuck I am starved," You groan, laying your head against the counter. You shouldn't have skipped lunch, but the shop was so busy you didn't have a moment to sit down. König's big hand strokes your head sympathetically, warm and heavy, you pout so he doesn't think you're enjoying it.
"We could get dinner," He says, something silver and hopeful at the edge of his voice. Your hunger encourages you to ignore it. Dinner would be good, you like dinner. König hums like he can hear what you're thinking. He does that sometimes, makes you think he can read your mind.
You try to think of what would be good for him. König doesn't take his hood off, and though you're not sure the reasons behind that, you're not going to ask him to. So, something easy for him. You grumble to yourself, everything you want to eat seems like it would be a hassle for him. His thumb rubs the crease in your brow, easing you to stop scrunching your face.
"What do you want to eat?" You ask him, glancing up past his fingers. His eyes flash with something wild and dangerous before softening, you sort of like that, makes you feel all gooey inside.
"I'm not picky," He pulls his hand away, you almost miss the weight of it. "Let's get Chinese, you want noodles." König goes to turn the lights out in the back as you sit up to grab your keys. Bastard really is reading your mind, how often does he do that?
You get takeout, mostly because König looked nervous standing in the restaurant. You only laughed a little at his panic trying to figure out what to order, and insisted on paying because you're really not sure the fae even have human money. They never buy anything in your store, so you've made some assumptions.
You end up walking back to your flat on pure autopilot, too hungry to think of anything but getting seated and eating as fast as possible. König follows you, of course, which you'd be more concerned about if he didn't already know where you live and regularly follow you home. You should really talk to him about that, he doesn't really have stalker vibes but boundaries are still important. You'll do that later. You hold your door open for him and he freezes.
"Oh," you blink, not sure why you did that.
"Are you inviting me in?" His eyes are so big and hopeful, you feel like you can't say no.
"I guess I am." His hand presses over yours to hold the door as he passes through. You feel a slight pop in your ears, like a plane cabin being pressurized.
König swallows your entryway, impossibly big, an all encompassing presence that you can't take your eyes off of for fear it won't be the same when you look back. It's like he's trying to fill every corner, every speck of your vision, of your home. He smells like the forest after it rains, like wet dirt and decaying wood, like something earthy and primal that you lost when you moved to the city. You blink, and it's just König the same as he always is, staring at you like you hung the moon and every star in the sky.
"This is like a date," He says and you forget everything he just was in favor of your embarrassment. Your cheeks burn, your ears rapidly following them in lighting up red.
"It's not a date." You tell him quickly. He tips his head to the side, eyes smiling and patient.
"It could be."
"It's not."
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i23kazu · 2 years
DOMESTICALLY PERFECT (i'm blessed to have you)
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warnings – none. characters – zhongli, xiao, ayato, kazuha, childe, diluc x gn!reader. genre – romantic fluff. a/n – domestic boys!! | please reblog!! it rly helps a starter blog like me ><
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[zhongli. | 钟离]
— zhongli loves waking up before you — he takes the time to go on a walk — and he also makes tea while talking in the sunrise #girlboss — honestly zhongli is… so productive while you’re asleep…  — also will cook breakfast for the two of you before he makes his way back to your shared bedroom — “good morning, dear. i’ve prepared breakfast for us- hey, no more five minutes. you’ve slept in for almost three hours already. come on.”  — but he feels your hand tugging at the hem of his white nightshirt and he allows himself to be pulled back into bed :”) — the food will get cold, he thinks.. — but it’s alright. he doesn’t mind bc he’s spending time with you :) <3
[xiao. | 魈]
— the yaksha takes care of you when you’re sick — 100% will feed you almond tofu as a “sick meal” and an “every day meal” — also enjoys hugging you to sleep — xiao doesn’t cuddle but he will fall asleep with you hands intertwined <3  — will let you heal him (if you main a healer) and he won’t wince or anything  —  absolutely loves to stroke your hair as you fall asleep against him — lets you sleep in because he knows you overwork — anyways please take care of yourself u lil shits
[k. ayato. | 神里綾人]
— will order the finest things from you — likes getting exotic presents ;)  — “a bundle of silk flowers for his exellence’s partner”  — he also likes watching the smile on ur face hehheeh — will bring you to festivals as your escort ;)  — ALSO buys you bubble tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — he loves it when he comes home after work and you just jump into his arms — cuddle bear i swear <: 
[k. kazuha | 楓原万葉]
— stays up at night waiting for you to come home — also loves to bring u to the alcor and go to the birds nest!! you can see liyue and inazuma its so pretty — WILL WRITE SONGS FOR YOU/$&:;$&:&;&;&&; — i am a firm believer that he can cook — like fish? he likes cooking fish — yeah he’d cook fish for you :) <3  — i like the idea of cuddling with him and resting your cheek against his :,)  — HES SO CUTE he would hold ur hand when u guys cuddle
— an absolute snuggle bear — wakes you up when your alarm goes off and you didn’t hear it — also really enjoys baking with you — HE’S SO CUTE pls he would purposely put flour on you because he thinks your reaction is cute — licks frosting off your cheek — brings his siblings over sometimes because he loves seeing them interact with you and vice versa!!!!!!! — teucer loves sitting on your lap btw — childe will FIGHT for the seat on your lap — even though hes physically bigger than you
— diluc piano player agenda SO TRUE!!!!!!! — he LOVES after-dinners — you sit at the lovely armchair by the fireplace while he enchants melodies on his instrument — ALSO WILL MAKE YOU TEA SO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO DRINK  — he is so cute. so very cute. oh dear — he loves (if your hair is long enough) braiding and combing your hair through before bed — also loves cuddling you to sleep  — tells you stories of past adventures if you can’t sleep
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taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido@raincxtter@infinn-toru@ladyadii@soulsanta
please reblog if you liked it!! consider following me for more hehe
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tojigasm · 1 year
I was a little evil with this one, I admit 👩‍💻
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Sometimes it's still vivid in his memory. How cold it was that day, the ash, and harbored screams. He could remember how hard it was to breathe through the thick chunks of grey that littered the forest and how raw his hands and wrists felt. Had Pandora ever had a cold day? He can't recall.
Neytiri doesn't come to him in times like this. Where he sits by the stacked forest flowers and pretty stones that you'd collected. She knows na'vi and human grief is settled differently in some, Jake is one of them.
You're still there, in his memory. He can make out your pretty smile and hair, the shape of your lips when you talk – though he can't hear your voice. He'd forgotten the sound of it some time ago.
In the past several days he finds your face foggy, clouded by blurs and features he can't quite make out in the midst of his memory.
Hes terrified of losing you again.
He still remembers how you were laughing and smiling right before the troops showed up and how quickly that changed everything.
The two of you had gotten separated when Eytukan and Mo'at had tied he and Grace up. Forced to watch you and Neytiri run into the forest in pure horror of your mate.
And he still remembers the way Neytiri looked at him in fear when he'd found her. Asking where you were.
You were so cold in his arms, a bloodied wound sunken deep into your side, your skin turned a shade of purple almost. You had died alone and cold and afraid. Without your mates and anyone to soothe you.
Jake doesn't think he's ever cried harder than when he lost you. He and Neytiri had sat with your body for hours, hoping maybe it was a shock spell and you'd wake up and he could get you to Norm and the healers.
You didn't wake up.
He hasn't seen you in the spirit of Eywa. The thought of seeing you so close and so far away might ruin him. Though he knows you must miss him, especially when all who visits is Neytiri.
So it's on a whim, when Neytiri and the kids have gone to sleep that he goes to the spirit tree. Stroking his hands over the delicate branches and letting himself bask in the gentle air.
When he does connect, he sees you. Not the foggy memory he's made, but you.
He recognizes this memory. The sounds of the creak and the cooes of animals in the forest. It was the day you'd found out you were pregnant.
Your giggles are what draw him in, pulling him to kneel beside your seated form.
"Jake!" You squeal when you notice him, wrapping your arms around him, "Where have you been? I have something exciting to tell you!"
Jake tears at that, stroking a hand down your soft back, "m'sorry, kid. I've been busy." He pulls away to cup your cheeks in his hands.
"Oh... well that's okay," you're back to smiling, holding your small hands over his large ones, "why're you crying?"
Jake shakes his head for you to continue and you do, but not with out the signature eyebrow raise you'd give him whenever you'd think something was off.
It makes him chuckle momentarily, softening in the warmth of you, "you gonna tell me what's so exciting or am I gonna have to wait ti'll I'm fifty?" He jokes and you giggle, pulling one of his hands off of your cheek to rest on your tummy.
"M'pregnant." You look up at him so excitedly he feels his throat hitch with a sob. You were so happy and you had it ripped away from you only a few days after.
"you are?" He struggles and he knows you can tell. He blinks hot tears that roll over his striped cheeks and his hand shakes beneath yours.
"Are you okay–"
He cuts you off by pulling you into his arms, holding your heart over his own to hear it beat once more. Settling to keep you as close as he can before he has to leave. He feels you relax under him, pressing kisses to his skin.
Jake holds you like that for a while longer before pulling away and looking you over. Stroking his hands over your cheeks, he kisses the top of your head.
"Be good while m'gone, m'kay?" He keeps his hand on your chin and you nod with that pretty little smile. And he can't help but kiss you once more, whispering "that's my sweet girl." before he's disconnected from you and left in the cool forest again.
He doesn't go back to the tree of Eywa for a while after that and he doesn't tell Neytiri. Though a part of him thinks she knows. Knows in the way she's more gentle with him, she's more relaxed about pushing him to go see you.
He settles on your memory again, thinking of you in small moments and letting the soft memory of your lips settle him.
And it's not until Jake and Neytiri pack and leave for the Metkayina that he wonders if he'll see you again and when a sinking feeling settles into his stomach it's that he realizes he probably won't.
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mccn-bcys · 2 years
pairing: marc spector x reader, steven grant x reader, jake lockley x reader
summary: when you turn eighteen, an ink stain appears on your skin wherever your soulmate touches you for the first time. the boys each are dealing with their stain in their own way.
warnings: angsty marc, fluffy jake, soulmate au, DID (I don't have DID so I'm basing my knowledge off of what is in the show, please correct me if anything is wrong), I'm also not a Spanish speaker (I used Google translate please correct me if it's wrong)
authors note: as stated in the warnings, im not a Spanish speaker so pls correct me if it's wrong. I also do not have DID and am using knowledge from the show. There will be a part two to this soon, but I figured I'd go ahead and give you all a taste! I really hope you like it!Let me know what you think! Please like and reblog guys!
word count: 1,817
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when the black stain on their knuckles first showed, all three boys weren't sure what to make of its meaning. at first, they thought it was from holding their soulmate's hand, but that didn't make sense. the stain was just on the knuckles of their right hand. 
it wouldn't be until years later, as they all started getting older, till they started having their own opinions about it. and after the boys were all aware of each other, they would discuss it. well, jake and steven would discuss it.
marc didn't want to talk about it. 
steven wasn't fully convinced that he was destined to have a soulmate. maybe a platonic soulmate, but certainly not a romantic soulmate. surely they would've shown themselves by now, right? so steven decided it best to not romanticize the stain. he just settled on maybe it was a fist bump. or even a lighthearted shoulder punch. some sort of friendly gesture. 
jake was the opposite. this man may have a reputation for being bad and mean and evil, but jake lockley was a huge romantic. he was obsessed with love. of course, the only people who knew were marc and steven.
he loved the idea that there was someone out there that was made for him. he liked to believe that they would love him despite the things he's done, despite his past, despite having two other people that shared his body.
he'd played the scenarios around in his head. there was the classic accidental brushing of his knuckles against you, maybe as you passed in the streets. he imagined that when he'd feel you brush his knuckles, he'd stop and turn, grabbing your hand and stopping you, and then it would be love at first sight. something out of a rom-com, marc would scoff. or maybe for some reason, he would be gently stroking your face with his knuckles. or maybe you dropped something, like papers or books, and you both bent down to pick them up and reached for the same book at the same time, your hands brushing each other. 
jake would spend hours, just staring at his hand and the stain on it. whenever he thinks of his soulmate, he can't keep the giddy grin off his face. sometimes steven likes to indulge in jakes fantasies, just a little. but the fantasies piss marc off to no end. but all jake wanted? he just wanted somebody to love and somebody to love him.
marc didn't want to indulge in any fantasy, romantic or platonic. he'd convinced himself a long time ago that it was just a joke. he'd stare at the stain on his hand, but instead of with a smile like jake, he'd stare in disgust. disgust at the mark, at the world, at himself. 
see, marc had come to the conclusion that the stain was from a punch or some kind of hit. he convinced himself that he'd only hurt you from the beginning, whether on accident or on purpose. but he had no intention of finding out.
he could never hurt you, whoever you were, if he never touched you. he made it a point to not touch anyone. he'd even stopped doing work for khonshu, so he wouldn't risk punching or hitting his soulmate. 
he didn't deserve a soulmate anyways, romantic or platonic. he had done too many horrible things, there was too much blood on his hands. and he knew it was all his fault. he didn't deserve someone to love. he wasn't worthy of love. he was a monster. a killer. he always had been. 
so when he was walking down the streets, head kept low, as he made his way to the grocery store to pick up some milk — because jake had forgotten again — he thought he was going to die.
it was busy on the street. everyone must be getting off work and trying to get home. marc had really tried. tried so hard to squeeze through everyone without touching anyone.
"this is just ridiculous, mate," steven scoffed lightly. marc could see him throw his hands up in exasperation from the reflection of the window across the street. "do you realize how extremely unlikely it is that we'd brush against them on the way to get milk?" 
"not taking any chances," marc grunted, determined. 
"are you scared you're going to accidentally punch someone on the street? plan on fighting anyone who bumps into you?" jake rolled his eyes. he thought this whole "no touching" thing was a bunch of shit. 
jake had always tried to tell marc how ridiculous his thinking was. that even if their soulmate didn't like their night-time jobs or that they didn't want 3 soulmates in one, at least they'd be able to meet them, know that there had been someone for them. 
and marc knew he was right. but that's part of what scared marc. what if they didn't accept him or his alters? what if they only wanted one of them? what if they didn't want to deal with their past? their baggage? marc didn't want to risk it. 
"when you front, you are more than welcome to touch people on the street. but I will do whatever the hell I want while I front," marc scowled at his alter.
"mate...you could have worded that a bit better," steven cringed. 
and marc was going to respond, but before he could even start to think the words, he felt it. 
someone's hand brushed against his knuckles. against the stain. 
and marc was ready to just brush it off. maybe turn around tell them to watch where they were going and keep walking. but none of that happened. 
as soon as the person made contact with him, a shock went through his body and left a tingling sensation on his knuckles. he stopped dead in his track. jake was screaming at him to let him front — a request marc was adamant on denying. steven was suddenly nervous. 
but marc? marc was terrified. if he turned around to look at you, it would only make it more real. marc knew it was you. knew it was his soulmate, otherwise jake and steven wouldn't be freaking out. 
"oy, pendejo! si no los miras ahora mismo, nos tiraré de un edificio!" jake threatened, but it was falling on deaf ears. 
"marc...you don't have to talk to them, but a glance couldn't hurt," steven tried pleading. 
but how it could hurt. because if he looked at you, he'd be ruined. he'd want to talk to you. get to know you. but that came with the risk of you getting to know him. because what if you didn't like it? like him? or his alters? his past? his present? he didn't want to know what he could have with you if it meant he might lose you. 
he had wanted to just keep walking. he tried so damn hard to just keep going. act like it didn't happen. but damn it, lockley had gotten enough control and kept their feet glued to the ground. 
"míralas!" jake insisted causing marc to let out a groan. 
"fine, but just a quick glance," he finally caved, receiving an excited cheer from jake and hopeful sound of agreement from steven. 
taking a deep breath, marc finally turned around and for a second time, was frozen in place. even jake and steven were speechless. 
you were beautiful. the way the sun was hitting your face right now? breathtaking. and you looked just as stunned as he did. 
you had been dreaming of this moment since the stain appeared on your wrist. you — unknowingly like jake — had gone over every scenario possible for the black spot on your wrist. imagined what it'd be like to finally meet your soulmate. imagined what it'd feel like when they touched you for the first time.
never in your wildest dreams had you imagined it happening on your way home on the streets of london. never had you pictured being stopped on the sidewalk, staring at your soulmate just feet away as the world seemed to go on as if nothing was happening. 
he was so handsome. his golden skin shining in the sun as he stared at you in awe. as if his whole world had stopped. the way his curls framed his face. and his eyes. oh they seemed to hold a storm. he seemed to be going through so many emotions at once. 
you both stood there, staring at each other, seconds seeming to pass like hours. you weren't sure what to do and neither was he. neither of you had prepared for this. 
"hi," you finally said. it had been quiet, breathless, especially with the noise of the city, but he heard you loud and clear. 
"hey," he said back, making you relax a little. you were worried he wasn't going to speak to you. 
"are you—" you both started to ask, which made you laugh a little. oh what he'd give to hear that sound again. he didn't even know your name but he'd give you the world if that's what you asked for. 
"sorry," you quickly apologized before continuing, "do you mind?" you asked, gesturing to the stain on his knuckles, to which he lightly shook his head no. 
truth be told, marc was terrified to move. no sudden movements, he didn't want to scare you off. you sounded so gentle, so kind. jake was begging to front. but marc wanted to be selfish for just a bit longer. 
he watched as you took your stained wrist and brushed it against his knuckles again, both of you jumping slightly at the shock feeling coursing through you again. you beamed up at him. 
that's it, he was a goner. 
you introduced yourself, seeming a bit shy. all three boys repeated it in their head, loving how it sounded. marc had even repeated back to you and you were already addicted to how it sounded rolling off his pretty lips.
"i'm marc," he said, quietly, as if his name alone was too much information. 
"marc," you repeated gently. like if you said it too loud, you'd break whatever spell you two were under. he loved how you said his name. 
"well, I've just gotten off work, do you want to get coffee or a drink?" you offered, wanting to immediately get to know the man in front of you. 
and before he could turn down the offer, he found himself saying "yeah, i'd like that." the hell was he thinking? he should just go get the milk and go home. forget you and that this had happened. but that felt impossible now. he doesn't think he'd ever forget you. 
so before you both know it, you're walking side by side, going to get coffee, an easy silence falling over you as you walked together.
edit (bc I forgot my taglist):
taglist: @leoluved @howaboutcastiel @sir-knight-slytherdor
(if you'd like to be added to the taglist please let me know!)
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ginevrapng · 7 months
ur blog brings me so much comfort!! can i pls request james potter the man himself who’s so big and strong and he’s so attractive and people wonder why he’s with u but neither he no the marauders stand for it and he comforts the hell out of u when it insecure about how chubby you are and he thinks you’re the most beautiful girl and you body is honest to god a bonus
sorry i NEED comfort
love u
sometimes it's hard to stay positive about your body and self image, you try you best but you know people wonder how you're dating the famous popular james potter, why he's with you. sometimes you become insecure about your relationship, you know that people wonder why you're together because he can 'do so much better' and sometimes you wonder the same. james is popular for a reason, he's strong and attractive and charismatic so you wonder why he's even with you. why would he settle for the chubby girl when he can have anyone he wants?
little did you know the marauders do not stand by when they hear people talk negatively about you, they say to you they'll be more careful with pranks now they're older but they take that back when they overhear someone say something about your relationship with james, really those people are lucky that james doesn't hex them.
today's one of your worst days, you're more insecure than you normally are and you're overthinking your whole relationship. james spots you in the courtyard and he can practically see the cogs turning in your head, "are you alright sweetheart?" you jump as you hear james' voice.
"i'm fine james," you mumble and smile unconvincingly.
james' eyebrows furrow in worry. "c'mon love, let's go back to my room." he holds onto your elbow gently and pulls you along lightly. you can't help yourself but turn to the the windows that line the classroom walls where you frown as you see yourself in the reflection.
james is worried but doesn't want to push you in saying something you're not ready to say, he wants you to feel safe enough to tell him, he's in no rush so when you get back to his dorm he shuts the door and smiles sweetly at you before he sits onto the bed. you play with the sleeves of your jumper and look down. james pats the bed next to him as you stand above him not moving.
"okay," you say quietly and make your way to the bed, you lean on his shoulder and turn your head away from him before so he doesn't see your face. he holds onto you tightly to try and comfort you but you just think about how much bigger you are than him. "james why are you with me?" you whisper.
"what?" james says confused, maybe he's misheard you.
you repeat yourself, "why are you with me?"
"why wouldn't i be with you?"
"you could have anyone you want james why me?"
" 'cause i love you, you silly billy."
"don't call me that loser," you mumble. james grins as he hears you call him a loser. he lifts you up and pulls you onto his lap. "james what are you doing?! put me down, i'm too heavy!" you say loudly, already trying to get out of his grasp but he's holding onto your love handles tightly.
"is this what this is about sweetheart? you think you're too heavy." you turn your head away from him, not wanting him to see your face. james cups your cheek gently and moves you he can see you. you stay silent and james kisses you forehead, "you're not too heavy in the slightest. i could carry you with one hand." he strokes your cheek and kisses you again.
"you're wrong, i'm too heavy james i'll hurt you. i don't know why you're even with me i'm chubby and not thin like other girls," you let out your feelings.
"sweetheart do you really think i have a problem with your weight?" he says delicately.
"who wouldn't?" you ask, trying not to cry.
james tries to resist laughing at the notion. "i'm sorry love but that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard."
"what are you talking about?"
"i love you and your body. do you really not know how hot you are?"
you twiddle with your fingers, "james stop that's not true. not my body."
he can't stop himself from laughing this time, although he immediately apoligises after. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to laugh it's just hilarious that you think i have a problem with your weight."
you start getting annoyed now, you feel like he's laughing at you and not being genuine in his compliments. "what are you even talking about james? just stop it."
"i'm saying that i love you and i think you're beautiful, your body is a bonus, a big bonus," he says earnestly. before you can interrupt him with your insecurities and doubts he keeps talking about you and continues praising you. "you're super soft and i love hugging you, you're so squishy. when you sit down and your thighs expand oh my god, it's so hot and i love how i can lay down on them and you play with my hair, it's so comfortable i could fall asleep." your face heats up as you hear him ramble, you realise he's not even focused on comforting you at this point, he's just distracted about how much he loves you and can't help himself but talk about it. he's just carried away and in his own world talking about how perfect you are in his eyes and how your body in his words is 'a big bonus'.
"when you cheer for me in quidditch matches you whoop and cheer and jump up and down, i can't help but get distracted as i see your pretty face in the crowd and the upper half of your body, which i can see, jiggle as you jump. it's so hard as captain because i should have complete focus on the game but i'm just thinking about afterwards when i can see you and kiss you. oh and when i grab your love handles and pull you towards me at random moments of the day, bloody hell i love hearing your little gasp in surprise as i feel your plush body pressed against my harder and stronger one." you smile at that as he talks about his own body and his confidence, you really are complete opposites in that sense.
"your tummy rolls are super cute and your pudgy arms are so biteable, just wanna give 'em a big old bite and leave a pretty mark for my pretty girl. and don't even get me started on your stretch marks-" you start giggling at his rambling.
"don't get started on my stretch marks jamie," you interrupt and as he sees you cheerfully smile, he grins in return. "thank you james," you press your forehead against his and hold onto him.
"it's okay love, honestly i got super carried away and distracted and i just wanted to talk about you," he nuzzles the crook of your neck.
"i could tell," you giggle.
"it's all true though. i really do love everything about you, you're the sweetest inside and out." he squeezes you.
"i love you too james, you're the best boyfriend in the world." he smiles gleefully in return.
"let's get into bed," he says suddenly standing up and picking you with him.
you gasp not expecting it, "it's the middle of the day jamie."
"yeah but it's winter and i want a cuddle." you can never say no to a cuddle with james.
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i'm so glad my blog brings you comfort and i really hope you like this and brings you comfort too!! it brought me comfort and i wrote it asdfghjk. this became longer than intended but i got carried away a bit.
love you too<3
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chysalxsm · 2 years
Genshin men that love big boobies
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Guess which bitch is back? ME. I need some more big titty content so I made it myself cause girl there are almost none😔. Anyways I hope you enjoy it!!
Characters: Al-haitham, Childe, Xiao, Itto, Scaramouche, Venti, Albedo and afab/fem!reader
Cw: sexual thoughts about reader, boobjob, pervet!Childe;Venti and Albedo, tit slapping, dom/sub reader and character, groping, nipple play, mention of lactation (I think it's called that but I'm not sure? Pls correct me in the comments!), Handjob, nipple clamps and hickeys.
Let me know if I forgot anything!
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Not gonna lie, I actually also can see him liking ass and thighs so the full package but I just have a feeling that he loves big boobs the most. They are very soft and comfortable for him to lay his head down, but not only for that. He would never admit that he has sinful thoughts of fucking your tits, sliding his dick in and out your soft flesh while holding them close for his pleasure. It would hurt his pride too much so whenever he jerks off to the thought of you his thoughts always wander to your chest.
Childe LOVES big boobies and you can't change my mind. Man just wants to smother his face into them 24/7. Is a pervert to. He will always find a opportunity to look down at your chest when you wear a low cut shirt. He often grope your tits without any shame, even if you guys are public, he just loves them so much. Not only will he leave marks on your chest everytime, but also wouldn't mind sucking on your nipples for hours. It's a plus point if their sensitive too, only adds to the fun for the both of you. If your nipples are sensitive then he will try to make you cum from only playing with them and slapping them. He would lick, bite, flick, slap and suck on them till their swollen and too sensitive. Would also fuck your tits for his pleasure. If he's feeling soft or had a bad day, then he just wants to cuddle with you, his head laying on your chest while you stroke his hair.
Well he always knew that he liked boobs, but would never admit it, well at least not to others but you. He has a obsession with cumming on your chest. Just the way his thick cum runs down slowly your tits makes him crazy. He also loves it to palm at your chest, play with your nipples while you ride him. Makes him cum faster than he would like.
My man likes ass and tits. He just loves the plush feeling of them. Loves cuddling with you, no matter if your head lays on his chest or the other way around. He LOVES it when you ride him and your tits bounce up and down, the sight is just so sexy for him. Also wants to fuck your tits till their smeared with his cum. He would even be that nasty and slap his pre-cummed tip on your nipples.
Y'all can't tell me nothing, this man loves big boobs. Sometimes he just want to get babied, even if he's ashamed to admit it. If he's rather submissive on that day, he would love to just suck on your nipples. If you lactate then it's a plus! Would spent hours doing just that and don't forget to call him your good boy while you jerk him off! If he's feeling dominant though then be prepared for him to put nipple clamps on you, slap your tits, twist your nipples, leave bite marks and hickeys all over there. He would be so proud the day after!
Venti enjoys every boob size as long if there's something. Loves yours cause they remind him of a comfortable pillow. Loves to use his anemo vision to pull up your shirt and flash your tits to him on 'accident'. He's such a perv and won't even hide it. ALWAYS stares at your chest. If you talk, argue, have sex, etc. his eyes would always wander lower till he's greeted with your tits. Gropes them at random times too. When he's bored, you cuddle or talk. You're not even surprised anymore and just got used to it.
He's just a tit lover, no explanation needed. Stares at them when you don't notice him. Touches them 'accidently' and he's also such a slick fuck with it. Apologize and you always forgive him cause it was just an accident right? Well, no it wasn't and will never be. You're just too dumb to notice. So, when he has you where he always wanted you, Albedo is just lapping up at your nipples and massaging the other one. Will leave hickeys all over the place till you cry out that he should finally fuck you.
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lxdymoon0357 · 6 months
Hii Can I request A part 2 Of the where the reader Treats rashta like a human being rather than a slave ?
Pls take ur time
-Sincerely,📻😈 anon
(Heyyy 📻😈 anon! How have you been thank you again for requesting this and hopefully you enjoy your time here! Also don't know if you wanted it romantic or platonic, so made it neutral... Part 1 also I'm changing the fact that she didn't have any kids to that she only had Ian and she isn't pregnant Gloryem!)
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Rashta, their companion Pt.2
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◈ Rashta is always at your beck and call and always helps you in your work, she's waiting for you to call her when you need help while she is either doing something for her wedding clothes shops or dress shop and clothing shops (she sells everything a woman needs).
◈ Or when she is doing some resin art, she is sometimes hoping that you will call her because you missed her...She is very attached to you, emotionally and physically :))
◈ Whenever she is eating foods, you and all the servants together, she thinks of you all like a family and wonders if you all think of her as one too? Hopefully, cause she can now never bear to think about all of you not being with her!
◈ She is always happy to enjoy time with kids, even though her PTSD sometimes causes her to have panic attacks and push kids away, cause she gets scared and it always scares the kids as well, sadly...
◈ But their parents understand her situation and they are always happy to help her calm down, the kids don't mind either, cause their parents explained how Miss. Rashta has a bad past and an illness which causes her to be very scared around kids and so they try their best to not scare her.. :(((((
◈ She will always dedicate many of her works to you, designing them on your favourite colours, patterns you like, things you like, etc. She is always happy to see, how you enjoy her art, cause it means the world to her!
◈ She is so grateful for you, every season of her clothing shops, she will first and foremost release a season for you! and only after your season will she put out the other season! She is a trendsetter and many people like her works!
◈ She loves animals and love to care for them, she also loves spending ties with the kids in the manor, it's honestly makes her inner child heal and makes her feel better and refreshed! She will go to any length, she will be a princess or a dragon or a knight or a witch, she is just happy to be around the kid! And she loves to feed animals, groom them, brush their fur or simply stroke them.
◈ She will always have you take breaks by helping her in designing or doing resin art or something relaxing in general or talking a walk around the manor! She doesn't want you to overwork!
◈ She would always go picnics with you whenever she and you get the time, she always has the best treats and acquires the cheapest yet the healthiest foods! She sometimes even brings everyone in the manor, including the kids and servants and maybe even pets!!
◈ She is friendly and makes friends easily, and she can also easily test people unless they're her friend..then she can never know who is her fake friend and so she trust your judgement and hopefully your judgement is good, cause if not, then well....she doesn't care how many friend she loses, as long as you're with her...
◈ Rashta eagerly misses Ian and is always having nightmares about him, his birth and his killing...She can't ever forget about him, so you got her a HUGE portrait of her with Ian in her arms, and another where she said she wanted you to get one where Ian is all grown and head of your manor and he looks like a mixture of you and her!
◈ She got you to get a trainer for her so she could learn sword-fighting or hand-to-hand combat because she wants to be strong and it is quite of her interest! and she enjoys it and you can't say no to your girlfriend and so she's good at that as well, surprisingly!
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archangeldyke-all · 7 months
pls more about bodyguard!sev !!! them going public !!! the public loving them !! the wedding !!!!! help !!!
help is on the way babe <3
men and minors dni
funnily enough, your fans were the first people to suspect that something was happening between you and sevika-- only they suspected it months before you OR sevika even realized you had feelings for each other.
once you publicly announce your relationship, your fanbase goes crazy, absolutely ecstatic that you two managed to get your shit together.
sometimes, you and sevika will scroll through your #shipname on social media, watching corny edits of the two of you interacting. it always makes you both a little sappy and weepy-- you guys really are a cute couple-- even when you didn't realize you were a couple yet.
sevika keeps her position as your personal guard, but you add an extra personal guard to work with her on her shifts, to cover her watch when she's distracted by admiring you, or take over as first when you ask her to attend an event as your date.
of course, the media loves your relationship. sevika's comfortable with the cameras when she's working, when she's not the star of the show, but she absolutely hates the idea of all eyes being on her.
so you do one joint interview on night time television to address your relationship, and that's it.
sevika grips your hand the entire time, shaking in her boots. you answer most of the questions for her, and she spends the interview lovingly watching you effortlessly charm the crowd.
there is one question she takes though.
"when did you know you were in love with one another?" the old woman behind the talk show desk asks. sevika perks up with a smile on her lips and speaks without hesitation.
"first time i saw her sick." the audience laughs, but you don't-- you've never heard this before. "i'm serious. i knew i liked her for a while, but i thought it was just because she was always dolled up and on her best behavior when i was around. it's her job to be likeable-- i thought she was just good at her job. and she is, don't get me wrong. but the moment i knew, we were staying in thailand and she'd gotten horrible food poisoning. i remember coming to her hotel room to check on her. she answered in her pajamas, barf dried on her mouth, her eyes crusty from the nap she was taking-- she looked horrible. and when i saw her, i still felt that exact same relief and excitement i always did. and i felt it the rest of the night, too. even when she threw up on me." the audience 'awwww's. sevika smiles.
you promised her you wouldn't do too much pda in public-- it makes her uncomfortable to have so many people watching. but when you hear this, you just have to lean over and press a firm kiss to her lips. she doesn't seem to mind. the crowd goes wild.
your manager insists you have a big wedding. it's not sevika's thing, and it's not yours either. but you're a star, and sevika's the love of your life-- the people want a wedding.
so you plan something big. something wild and extravagant, with hundreds of paparazzi out front of the venue, and the most prestigious of your collages in attendance. your cake is taller than sevika, your dress is more a sculpture than a dress. it's all a lot. neither of you want it.
so the week before your wedding, you take sevika on a little getaway. you pack her favorite black suit, and your favorite white dress, and you drive her out to a small little retirement town where no one recognizes you.
you elope.
you marry in a tiny courthouse in the middle of nowhere, your witness being a grumpy old man who'd come to city hall to pay a parking ticket.
you both cry when you exchange ring pops (your real rings in your manager's possession until the wedding) and your kiss gets so nasty that your witness nearly has a stroke.
you spend the rest of the week in 'honeymoon' bliss-- fucking in the tiny hotel room you rented out, only leaving to hit up a greasy diner and nourish yourselves before returning to your love nest.
by the time your real wedding comes, you and sevika are both so fucked out and drunk off love for one another that you don't even notice all the fuss surrounding you.
it's just sevika, looking gorgeous as she stares at you on the altar. that's all you see that day. just. sevika sevika sevika.
the media notices. there's an article published about how there's only a handful of photos from your wedding and the following reception where you and sevika aren't lovingly gazing at each other, like you're the only two people in the whole world.
there's no photos from your real honeymoon... but there is a small gossip article where one of the housekeepers who was working in the hotel you both stayed in claims that you and sevika were, 'goin' at it like fuckin' rabbits.'
your manager tries to get it taken down, but you don't really mind... it's not like the kid was lying...
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
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rogerswifesblog · 1 year
hii! i wanted to ask a drabble from the bingo ‘strange to lovers’ where steve and reader meet like the characters from the movie 101 dalmatians. i know it sounds weird but i thought it could be cute (also sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language!)
Pls I LOVE this idea. It’s the cutest thing ever. I’m so glad you came up with that. Thank you for requesting!
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Btw, you can request ’strangers to lovers’ again, there are no limitations!:)
All drabbles will be posted with the tag “1 k followers special” just look for it on my blog:)
Love on the first splash
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Warnings: none! Just fluff:) and yes, Steve has a golden retriever because I feel like he’d have one
It was a warm and sunny day, perfect for a walk. That’s exactly what your girl thought, too, excitingly jumping up and down when you grabbed her leash. After letting you hook the leash to her collar you grabbed your black hat and put it on. One last glance into the mirror told you you were ready to go out. A simple, black dress with white dots and equally black heeled ballerinas. A bit ironic, since you had a Dalmatian girl.
“Come on Dotty, let’s go enjoy the amazing weather”, you smiled at your dog, leaving your apartment. Your well-behaved girl walked besides your legs, sometimes stopping to sniff something or doing her business.
You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling, unknowingly showing the man who was watching you from his window your beautiful smile.
Steve sighed quietly, averting his gaze from you and grabbing his protein shake that he mostly drank to fulfill all his needed calories.
He had noticed you quite often, especially in the dog park and even once in the café he sometimes got his coffee from. (Now more often since he had seen you there.)
But he started to feel like a creep. Never talking to you, just watching you from his window sometimes. He just never knew how to start a conversation with you. The most he achieved was a smile while jogging past you.
And whenever you smiled back, he nearly tripped over his own feet.
He took another sip of his smoothie, nearly spilling it when his golden retriever boy ran right into his legs with his leash in his mouth. Shaking his head he started assaulting Steve with his leash and hitting his legs. “Ouch! Ouch! Okay-I get it-you want to go out-fine, fine, fine just stop”, he immediately grabbed the leash. “Okay Buddy, let’s go out-but I should change. I'm still in my work out clothes so-Okay! Okay ouch! I get it. No changing I get it-“
With that the two left the building.
Within a few minutes he was already in the dog park, noticing you sitting on a bench, stroking your Dalmatian's head, while she leaned her head on your thigh. He smiled at you, but you didn’t even notice it.
Just then did you take a quick picture of your dog, before feeling someone’s gaze on you. You immediately looked up, meeting the blue eyes of an attractive man. It wasn’t the first time you had seen him here, but you never talked to each other.
The corners of your lips twitched upward, but you lowered your gaze again not wanting to stare at him. This would be rude.
Head shaking you decided to walk with Dotty one more round before going back home. Dotty seemed happy with the walk, especially when a bird started singing sitting at the edge of a fountain. You stopped to admire it, or well, Dotty did. A soft laugh escaped your lips. “What, you like it? Sounds nice, doesn’t it?”, you smiled, also listening to the pretty song.
Just then did a dog walk up to you, making Dotty walk behind you, him following. So did his owner.
The beefy blue-eyed guy.
“Oh no! Dotty, don’t do that!” You gasped when she walked around your legs again.
The leash being long enough for it to slowly wrap around your legs, while his dog still followed Dotty, now even circling the man himself. “Hey Buddy-stop it-I can’t move”, he gasped in surprise, feeling the rope tightening around his legs, making him step closer to you. At this point he could smell your perfume, feel the soft material of your dress tickling him.
“Stop your dog! The leashes are all tangled up now”, you said harshly, trying to push away the (good looking) man who was way too close at this point, your chests pressed against each other. From all the hectic steps and movements you’ve lost your hat.
“I’m sorry Miss, but I can’t do anything-it’s your dog-“ “my dog?! She didn’t do anything. Your dog started chasing her-” “he just wanted to greet her-it’s what dogs do-“ “don’t tell me what dogs do, I’m-oh god” You felt one of the dogs push against your legs, making you stumble forward and step onto the stranger's foot.
You both lost your balance, especially with Steve’s knees hitting the edge of the fountain, falling back and into the water. Being bound together you couldn’t do anything to provide falling onto the man. The last thing that you could hear was Steve’s ‘Fuck’ before falling.
Right into the cold water.
Gasping you tried to pull yourself up, unintentionally pushing steve into the water all over again, making him cough loudly. “Wait-stop your wriggling or you’ll drown me!” That’s when you finally stopped moving, letting the man sit up and unhook the dogs-both immediately starting running and playing together.
“I’m so sorry about all this”, Steve started apologizing, slowly unwrapping the leashes from around your bodies. Even though the water he was sitting in was cold, he felt his blood boiling. His face was covered with red color, the blush creeping up till the very tips of his ears. “I have no idea why Buddy did it- I mean he probably just wanted to get to know your dog-“ “Dotty.” “What?
“Her name is Dotty”, only then did Steve seem to understand, nodding slowly, while he threw both leashes out of the water. “I guess Dotty and Buddy are becoming friends-I’m pretty sure they’re chasing a squirrel”, this time you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing.
And Steve felt like it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, even compared to all those beautiful bird songs. Nothing was as beautiful as your laugh.
“I’m Steve”, he finally introduced himself, shaking your hand when you took it. “I’m Y/N”, with that he helped you stand up, the dress clinging to your body and pulling you down, nearly making you stumble again, but Steve’s quick reflexes allowed him to catch you.
Your breath hitched when you felt his big palms on your waist, your chest feeling tighter, your hands itching to touch him, but you managed to hold back. Clearing your throat you took a step back, making sure not to fall again. Steve helped you step out of the fountain, water still dripping from your clothes and hair, both of you completely drenched.
“That’s not how I imagined our first interaction to turn out”, you heard the blond mumble, making you look up in surprise. “What-what do you mean?” The blush reappeared on Steve’s cheeks, while he shrugged.
“It’s just…I’ve noticed you a few times but I was too shy to actually talk to you-but I wanted to-just without all the…chaos that came with it”, Steve said truthfully, picking up the leashes and calling for his dog. You did the same. “Well, since we’ve already talked..and our dogs are friends…we should keep them apart, you know”, you mumbled, feeling your own face heat up.
While you hooked Dotty at her leash you didn’t notice Steve’s big smile while he watched you. “So…you want for our dogs to have a dog-play-date?”, he laughed happily. Your own chuckle following.
You nodded and watched Steve’s smile turn into an even bigger grin. “Maybe tomorrow? Same time?”, he suggested nervously and you immediately felt butterflies tingle in your stomach.
“Tomorrow sounds great. It’s a date.”
Just when you turned around Steve called your name. “You forgot your hat!”, he jogged up to you with your hat. Smiling he put it on your head, not noticing the remaining water and coins in it, till it all dropped over your head, making you even wetter, the coins falling everywhere even your cleavage.
“Oh his Steve, that's cold!” “Shit-I’m so sorry”, he immediately apologized once again, trying to brush off the pennies from your shoulders, for a second looking down into your filled cleavage, feeling himself blush a deep red.
You noticed his gaze, smacking his hands away. “Don’t worry about the coins, Steve. I can take care of them myself”, you tried to sound serious, but you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing. Especially when both of your dogs tied you once again with their leashes, pressing you close against each other.
Bonus 2:
Next day
Reader: "What's his real name?"
Steve: "I call him buddy."
R: "Yeah but what's his name tho."
S: "Buddy."
R: "oh you mean... his name is buddy."
S: “okay, Technically it’s ‘slippers’ in his certificate, but I…don’t like it. Buddy is better”
R: “Why slippers?”
S: “It’s a long story…”
R: “we have time.”
S: "When he was young - even younger, like 40 days old, he slips through the bars of his cage, ran into a bowl of oil, and slide all the way from kitchen to the living room, and got his head stuck in a slipper"
R: “It makes sense you’re his owner.”
S: “what’s that supposed to mean???”
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Thank you for reading!
I hope you liked it! Leave some feedback and don’t forget to reblog!
Flood my inbox!:) I’ll try to post one or two drabbles everyday!:)
The second bonus is completely @jamneuromain idea! Give this amazing person some love<3
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haleyhunwritess · 2 years
Pls make more part for broken promise. Maybe until it got the ending that the reader is free or whatever you wanna make it. I just love everything about part 4 you just made. You're just sooo talented that your stories touch my heart sometimes it makes my heart flinch in sad or happy way. I just found your blog and you're starting to be my fav writter
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The Necklace
Warnings: Dark DD/LG themes, read previous parts of Broken Promises for more.
A/N: Ahhh omg, that's very sweet of you, I'm really glad you're enjoying my work, there is going to be more parts to Broken Promises, so she's not free...yet. But please DM me or send me an ask if you have any ideas about something you'd like to see!!
"No, no, no! You're doing it all wrong!!" Bucky chuckled softly as she pouted at him. He scooped her up and placed her on the counter after setting the pink frosting-filled piping bag down.
This had been going on for the past two hours ever since Bucky suggested that they try making Steve some cookies so he'll finally stop giving Bucky the silent treatment for bringing home a stray cat without even talking to him first. Steve was still a little apprehensive because of what Wanda said to him, even though things were beginning to improve after she had helped them. Bucky argued that Steve was being overly neurotic and said that this could be perfect addition to their little family and even help their girl adjust more if necessary.
Bucky decided to make him a special treat with his girl, who was overjoyed to have a new pet. Bucky promised to let her have some of the leftover cookie dough if she helped him, which she couldn't say no to.
"Okay fine, how should I be doing this then, princess?"
"Well maybe you should try to make them...I don't know...prettier?" Bucky fake gasped at her comment while trying to hold back a smile, making her giggle a bit.
"What do you mean? They're not pretty enough for you, doll?"
"They don't even look like hearts! It looks messy and there is frosting everywhere!"
"Alright, alright! Let's skip the frosting then, the cookies are sweet enough."
"No! I want frosting on them! Just let me do it please?" She sulked, wanting to get off the counter and towards him. She held out her arms for him, and he moved closer, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist and wrap her arms around his neck.
"Yeah? Do you want to try doing it all by yourself, doll?" She nodded and leaned in for a kiss.
"Yes! I promise I'll be good, Dada." She held out her pinky for him and he grinned softly before wrapping his pinky around hers.
"Alright fine, but are you sure you're up for this, princess? I don't know if my little girl can do this, she is such a little baby." He teased her, making her blush and whine lightly.
"Mhmm...little babies aren't supposed to help out in the kitchen, are they? I can't have my babygirl getting hurt." He leaned in to give her a kiss, making her blush even harder. She quickly covered up her face, feeling slightly overwhelmed.
"Hey, hey! Don't start now. No whining, okay?" His hand gently stroked her thigh before smacking it as he gave her a harsh look while gazing into her eyes.
"See what I mean? Such a little baby, oh my. It's okay, doll. I'll finish this, how about you go have some cuddles with our new kitty on the couch?" She quickly nodded, and he picked her up off the counter and put her down to go find Alpine.
"Alpine?" She called out for the cat a few times, while looking around the living room. "Dada, where is Alpine?"
"I don't know sweetheart, maybe check upstairs."
She began walking up the stairs, hissing at the cold hardwood flooring beneath her feet, and eventually made her way up to her bedroom in search of the cat, however, she still couldn't find her new beloved friend. With a pout, she decided to go down the hall and see if Steve was awake yet.
She was passing by Steve's office when she thought she heard Alpine in there. She knew she wasn't allowed to go into S's office unless he gave her permission. Maybe he was inside? She decided to knock on the door a few times before calling out for S to see if he was inside.
She hesitantly twisted the doorknob of Steve's office room, cautiously slipping inside, and quietly closing the door behind her. She grinned as she saw Alpine perched atop Steve's desk.
"Alpine! I've been looking everywhere for you!" She approached the desk and attempted to pick up the cat, but the feline leapt off and rushed towards the front of the desk, knocking over a sizeable box that held many files and a few other items.
"Oh no! Why did you do that, Alpine?! Daddy is not gonna be happy about this, and he already wants you to leave...Should I tell Dada? No...maybe Dada will think Daddy is right... I'll just clean it up..." She quickly crouched down to put everything back in the box so Steve wouldn't find out what happened.
She picked up one of the necklaces that fell out of the box. A beautiful small heart-shaped gold necklace with the initial P engraved on it. It looked strangely familiar, and it made her smile, but she couldn't figure out why.
She stopped dead in her tracks when she abruptly heard noise coming from Steve's room. She waited until it was quiet again before putting everything back in the box. For some reason, she didn't want to put the necklace back into the box when she realized it was the last thing left from the box.  She knew she should return it, but maybe Steve wouldn't notice? She hurriedly placed the box back where it belonged and slipped the necklace in the pocket of her pants.
"Alpine, come on let's go, we'll go find Dada and bring some cookies upstairs for Daddy!" The cat left the room as soon as she opened the door. She sighed in relief and swiftly exited the room, firmly closing the door behind her as she followed the cat downstairs to go see Bucky.
"There you are, doll. I thought you were going to cuddle with Alpine on the couch." Bucky grinned when he saw his girl making her way downstairs. She smiled back at Bucky, but her smile instantly changed into a pout when she saw him pick up Alpine and snuggle her close to him.
"Yes, princess?" Bucky answered his girl without even turning to look at her, instead smiling down at Alpine and softly playing with his new cat.
She pouted a little more before deciding to return upstairs and look for Steve. It wasn't fair that Alpine was suddenly receiving more attention than her. As she recalled how Bucky used to pick her up, spin her around, kiss her, and cuddle with her on the couch, a few tears started to fall down her cheeks.
"Sweetness, are those tears I see?" She looked up to see Steve emerge from his room and rush towards her, a concerned expression on his face.
"Daddy" Her lower lip trembled slightly as he lifted her up and rubbed her back, trying to silence her cries.
"Oh bubba, what's wrong? Come on, tell Daddy what's wrong so I can make it all better, please?" She shook her head and continued to cry on his shoulder.
"Bucky, get up here!" She began to cry louder when she heard Steve yell for Bucky. Steve instantly started to whisper apologises and sweet words in her ear, thinking she was crying harder now because of his loud voice. "Bubs please, what is it? You know I hate seeing you so upset."
"I-I sowwy...pwease..."
"Oh sweetness, it's okay you didn't do anything, alright? It's not your fault, okay? If you don't wanna talk about it just yet it's okay."
As if on cue, Bucky came striding upstairs, still holding Alpine in his arms. As soon as he realized how upset his little girl was, his facial expressions quickly changed to a distressed one. Bucky approached her and stroked her hair in an effort to comfort her.
"Princess, what's wrong?" As soon as she saw the cat in his arms, she felt herself becoming angry. She couldn't help herself and attempted to push Alpine away from Bucky as soon as she heard the cat purring in his arms.
"Hey! Stop it! We don't hit or push others. Now, I know you're feeling upset about something but there's no need to push Alpine, okay?" Bucky glared at her and took a step back to put Alpine down, who decided to return downstairs. He frowned even more when he looked up and saw Steve smirking at him.
"What are you smiling about?"
"I think someone is a bit jealous, and doesn't like sharing her Dada." Steve gazed down at his girl, who blushed at his remark and turned to bury her face in the nook of his neck.
"What? That's not true. Right, doll?" Bucky attempted to move her away from Steve's neck in order to force her to look up at him. Still feeling embarrassed, she whimpered slightly while keeping her face covered from him.
"Oh no, doll, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm so sorry, princess. Please forgive me?" Bucky gave her a sad smile as she reluctantly turned to face him. She shifted her head away from Steve's neck and reached out to Bucky, who scooped her up in an instant. "Aw I'm so sorry, babygirl. How about we go cuddle downstairs on the couch, huh?" She nodded before smiling and resting her head on his shoulder. Bucky chuckled slightly, amused by her jealousy, and turned to face Steve, who was still smirking.
"I told you so."
Bucky rolled his eyes before leading his girl downstairs. He noticed her yawning and her eyes becoming heavier. While walking to the kitchen to get a bottle for her, he began to gently bounce her in his arms. He made sure she couldn't see the little pill he put in her drink before handing it to her and heading over to the living room. She was placed in his lap as he sat down on the couch and carefully let her sip the drugged milk till she ultimately nodded off.
She slowly stirred in her sleep as he took the bottle from her and moved forward to set it on the coffee table. As he moved back, he gently stroked her hair while admiring how peacefully she was sleeping.
"Bucky, come here for a second." He groaned quietly as the precious moment was abruptly destroyed by Steve calling him. He carefully moved her from his lap to the couch, then reached down to cover her with the couch's blanket. Then he saw something hanging out of her pocket. He knelt down to take it from her pocket to see what it was.  His eyes widened as he realized where she got that from. He hurriedly made his way upstairs to Steve's office, where he was met with a distressed Steve.
"Hey Bucky, did you come in here today? My files are all out of place, and for some reason, I can't seem to find the necklace." Steve was looking around the room, trying to look for the necklace.
"You mean this one?" Bucky held up the necklace while glaring at Steve. Steve immediately sighed in relief, reaching for the necklace.
"Yes, oh thank god. Where was it?"
"She had it." Bucky threw it onto his desk and sat down in a nearby chair.
"I swear if this is Alpine's doing then-"
"No, Steve. I mean our girl had this. It was in her pocket. Please explain to me how the fuck she was even able to get in here. I thought we both agreed to keep this room locked at all times."
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