#'staying social is difficult for everyone!' not for little fucking shit like this!!!!
bl00dw1tch · 1 year
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charliehoennam · 5 months
Pairing: Louis Bloom (nightcrawler) x F!reader A/N: i blame jake for this. lou bloom is a fucking psycho, stay away from people like him. this is purely fictional, people. this was named out of inspiration from angel by massive attack, so kudos to them as well.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, smut, NON-CON drug use and NON-CON intercourse, unprotected sex (wrap ur willies, kiddies), crime, language, somnophilia. (consent is EVERYTHING, yall. again, this is fictional)
Word count: 5,900+ ( i think this might be the most i've ever written)
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It’s early morning as you’re carrying a box into your newly rented apartment.
Louis is stunned when his eyes land on you, forgetting about the water he’d been using to hydrate his plant until it drips onto his foot and snaps him back to reality.
“Ah, shit” he hissed, quickly lifting the glass up. 
Turning his attention back to the window, he watches as you enter the living room. It’d been empty for a long time; he was curious as to who would move in there. All the apartments were pretty much the same. What made this apartment so special was that it was directly across from his. With uncurtained windows, he could look right inside from his.
Hypnotized by you, he’s frozen in place. The feeling is all too foreign for him.
Louis isn’t exactly a social butterfly. In fact, he always found easier to avoid people as much as humanly possible. Not out of fear, but out of disdain. At the height of his career with Video Production News taking off, he strongly believes he’s learned to manipulate normal human emotions which he’s almost never felt.
There’s just something about you that brings out some of those unfamiliar feelings in him and floods him with desire. Attraction surely has a hand in it. No one could deny your beauty, and your body makes only more difficult for him to ignore you.
Infatuated by you, he watches you attentively from the corner of his window. He can’t let you see him. He can’t let you catching him staring at your ass curve as you bend down to pick up a box outside. The leggings you wear provoke him further, outlining your panty on the back and mound in the front.
He doesn’t even know your name yet, but you already have his imagination going wild. It’s almost like you’re calling for him.  
With his blood flowing straight down to his cock, he zones out daydreaming about what you’d look like on all fours, bent down with your face buried in his sheets. He thinks about how round your ass would look perched in the air for his gaze; how inviting your pussy would look from behind; how soft your skin must feel despite the goosebumps he’d make you feel.
Such a pretty little thing for him to violate.
His hand seems to have a life of its own as it reaches his crotch, palming his twitching cock over his gray slacks. He knows, right there and then, that he has to have you and his devious mind is already churning with a plan.
He decides to wait until the people helping you - who he assumes are your friend - leave. In the meantime, he times his exit to the precise moment everyone’s in your apartment having pizza to make a quick run to Bob’s Market around the corner.
He needs an excuse to approach you without raising any alarms in your mind. He needs you to feel safe around him; make you think he has only the most genuine interests at heart.
Chocolate chip cookies should do just that. Who doesn’t like chocolate chip cookies?
The warm L.A. sun shines down on him, illuminating his deviant plan. He wonders how he got so lucky to be at the right place, at the right time. He knows he has to do whatever he can to make you his.
No one will love you like he will. No one can take care and protect you the way he can. He would kill for you. How many people could do that without fearing the consequences for you? How many would devote themselves to you and do absolutely anything to keep you, even if he has to harm you?
Entering the store, he wanders around for a minute before opening the refrigerator door and grabbing a package of the ready-to-bake cookie dough. You really should be grateful. You got him baking before he even knows your name.
Fidgeting with his keys in his pockets, he eyes the supply store across the street. A lightbulb lights up in his head with an addition to his plan.
With the cookie dough in a plastic bag, he strolls over to the supply store. The ropes on display make him stop in his wandering stride.
“Not yet,” he tells himself.
Convincing himself to control his impulse, he picks up the silicone putty he came for and purchases it with ease.
“Locked myself out of my car the other day. Gotta make sure to a get copy of it made today, but I also got some errands to run. Life in L.A. never sleeps, does it?”
With his chin tilted down and eyebrows narrowed, his chuckle unsettles the cashier although the poor terrified man nervously smiles back. There is no ignoring the chills Louis gives him.
Unsettling people is in his nature and Louis hasn’t quite learned how to tweak that part of him. He supposes he has to practice his smile a little more in the mirror.
As he arrives back to his building, he overhears one of the guys coming out of the building to collect another box. You’re nowhere in sight thankfully, so he lowers his head and pushes the sunglasses perched on his nose up along its bridge.
Once inside, he heads to the bathroom for a quick piss. As he’s washing his hands, his stoic gaze lifts. He stares at the mirror emotionlessly.
He knows right from wrong. His methods may be questionable, but they’re not done without thought and calculation.
Opening the medicine cabinet, the transparent orange bottle of sleeping pills seems to glow at him. He knows he shouldn’t. It’s morally wrong, but when has moral high ground ever stopped him before?
Tucking the bottle into his pocket, he closes the cabinet before staring at his reflection. He’s determined to do whatever he has to. He needs to have you. This is hopeless love at first sight. Many people wish for love like his.
Once the cookies are baked and cooled off, he’s stood in the kitchen assembling them into the nicest plastic container he owns when he overhears you saying goodbye to your friends down below. He rushes to the window.
If anyone of the people assisting you are in a relationship with you, this would be the time to find out, right? A kiss on the lips or – if the man is anything like the boyfriend you should have – he’d offer to stay and help you unpack. Maybe christen the new home.
Louis doesn’t even realize how he’s holding his breath until it finally fogs the glass when he breathes out. You hug the men one by one. There’s no kiss on the lips. His hopes get higher as he smirks to himself.
Your conversation is distant, but he can hear better after he cracks his window open just a little bit.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to stay and help you unpack?” Matt asks.
He freezes and deception grows in his chest along with a pang of anger.
“Yeah, I’m sure. You guys have done so much already with the packing and carrying all the boxes.”
“We wouldn’t mind staying longer to help you,” Tyler joins in.
“No, really. I’m good,” you chuckle at their insistence. “I got this, guys. Don’t worry.”
“Alright. Just call if you need anything else. And thank you for the pizza and beer,” Matt smiles at you. “And I’m really sorry about all this mess.”
“Will you stop apologizing? I understand entirely. Just make sure you take care of my best friend and her baby and we’re good” you smirk moving to hug Matt after hugging Tyler. Relief washes over Louis. He concludes they’re only friends.
“I’ll see you later then. Take care.”
You nod and wish the same back to Matt. You watch the boys head out towards their car as you stand in the entrance's doorway.
While you begin unpack in the early afternoon, Louis realizes he needs to wait until it’s early evening for his plan to be precisely timed with the darkness of the night.
The cookies are done and now, he has to wait.
The move was smoother than you’d expected.
You had to move out when your roommate Cara told you she’d be needing more room since she found out she and Matt were expecting a child. With him moving in and a baby to prepare for, the apartment would be even more crowded than it was at the time. And you couldn’t agree more.
It was a sudden bomb, sure, but the fact that they knew that and were willing to do whatever they could to help softened the blow a whole lot. Matt even offered to pay for the entire move, but you couldn’t let them do that. Especially with a baby on the way.
Time was all you asked for and they made sure to give you plenty of it. So, instead, he offered to help with the move physically with the assistance of his younger brother Ty.
Once the brothers drove off safely, you walk back to your apartment. Thankfully, there are only two levels to the condo, and your apartment is on the ground level.
You look around your new home as you think about where to start so you decide to set up your sound system to get some music playing. Music always helps to provide a sense of company and pass the time.
You begin with the bedroom since you figure it’ll take most of your time. Besides, it’d be nice to not have to worry about where you’ll sleep when you’re too tired to continue and decide to call it a night.
Afterwards, you move to the kitchen to start organizing everything into its rightful place. You want to make sure you have your flow down. Coffee powder, filters and mugs go above the coffee maker. Plates, bowls and silverware go near the stove. Glasses go next to the fridge. Dish towels go in the drawer by the sink.
With every item neatly and strategically placed, the feeling of independence blossoms. This is your home now. Your haven. The very air you breathe smells of freedom. You can’t help, but smile as you look around and admire the apartment, although you realize it definitely needs more furniture.
Now that you don’t have to consult anyone anymore about placing artwork on the walls or buying an armchair, you can gradually work your way into giving the apartment a more personal touch.
Soon after you set all the pots and pans in a cabinet below the counter, you hear a knock at your door. You frown as you hesitate for a moment, thinking about who it could be.
Maybe it’s Matt and Tyler coming back to pick something they’d forgotten up. It has to be; you told very few people about your move and even fewer knew your new address. You weren’t expecting to have any guests over either.
So, you walk stealthily quiet towards the door to peer through the tiny peephole.
There’s a man standing on the other side of the door. You don’t know him. You’ve never seen him before, but the plastic container in his hands intrigues your curiosity.
“He’s probably just a neighbor”, you reassure yourself.
Louis notices your shadow casting underneath the door from the other side. The simple fact that you’re already acknowledging his existence has his heart thrumming with adrenaline and excitement, which he forces himself to contain.
“She knows me now,” he thinks to himself.
Watching him glance down at the foot of the door, you realize he must already know you’re at the door. He can see you. At this point, it would just be rude to pretend you’re not home, but you’re not sure who he is.
All you can tell is that he seems pretty attractive through the peephole which isn’t really helpful, but it does entice you to open the door.
“Can I help you?”
“Uh, hi. I couldn’t help but notice you just moved in earlier today. My name’s Louis. I’m your neighbor. I live in the next building in apartment 3F.”
He doesn’t sound threatening. His voice is actually softer than his appearance. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but something about him gives you the chills and you can’t figure out what or why.
“I’m not a raging psycho killer if that’s your concern,” he chuckles eerily. “I’ve just lived here for a few years. I always bring cookies to new neighbors,” he lies.  “Just a modest way to welcome people, I suppose. The city of Los Angeles is harsh enough. Why must we be the same?” he smiles strangely, making for an awkward moment of silence.
“Would you like me to leave them by the door?” he continues.
It’s like he can almost smell your hesitance through the door.
How does he know?
Not wanting to seem rude on your first day on the block, you unlatch the locks on the door and open it up with a tight-lipped polite smile.
God, you look even prettier up close. It’s hard for him to hide his admiration. You could never tell, but he’s battling the impulse to pin you down and fuck you senseless.  You’d look so lovely all tied up for him.
You can’t deny he has some of the most beautiful features you’ve ever seen. His clean-shaven face flaunts a few brown freckles. Faded smile lines curve around his long nose and thin rosy lips, making the latter more inviting they already are. His jaw is prominent from his tall, slim build. Large doe eyes as blue as Neptune are framed by a pair of thick eyebrows that makes his gaze even more intimidating. Dimples depress into his hollowed cheeks as he smiles charmingly at you, revealing his perfectly lined teeth.
“Thanks. That’s very thoughtful of you,” you respond with a soft voice, reaching for the container. “I’d invite you in, but my apartment is a mess right now. I’d rather you see it when it’s less chaotic.”
“Yeah, it’s no problem,” he affirmed with a sinister smile. “Like I said, I just wanted to welcome you to the block. If you need help with anything, I’d be more than pleased to assist you in any way possible.”
He looks very friendly and very well-spoke, but you can’t shake how his vacant his eyes seem to be.
Maybe it’s the slightly greasy medium length brown hair parted to the side and tucked behind his ears. Maybe it’s how he towers over you with hunched shoulders and casually scans the apartment behind you between his words. Maybe it’s the outdated button-down shirt he’d worn that made it seem like an attempt at dressing formal.
You’ve only just met the man, but something about him has your squeezing your thighs together. Someone about him draws you in and turns you on in a way that you simply cannot explain.  
“Thank you. I will do that,” you assure him. “Sorry, what’s your apartment again?”
“I live in 3F. It’s located in the neighboring building just across.”
“3F,” you repeat making a mental note of his home number. “Yeah, I’ll stop by if I need anything.”
“Please don’t hesitate. I’m always happy to be of service. I will let you return to your previous engagement, I’m sorry if I’ve interrupted anything.” He knows he hasn’t, but he needs you to believe this wasn’t planned. “I look forward to seeing you around, Y/N. It was a pleasure meeting you.”
 “Yeah, same to you, Mr. Bloom.”
You hold your hand out to shake his. He almost swoons at your formality. Manners mean everything to him, so he reaches out and shakes your hand with gently firm grip.
The veins on his pale hands have your pussy growing wet at the thought of them inside your cunt. You’re sure he could reach your special spot with such long slender fingers. You wonder how many of them you could fit inside your pussy simultaneously.
“Please, call me Lou,” he grins baring his perfect teeth.
“Lou, then,” you smirk correcting yourself. “I will see you around. Thanks again.”
“Enjoy the cookies.”
He turns around with a smile and calmly walk down the hallways towards the exit. His hand burns with the shadowing touch of your hand lingering on his skin.
You close the door behind and lean against the wood with a curious frown. You had expected him to live on the same floor or at least in the same building.
You shake off the thought as you lock your door and admire the cookies he’d brought on your walk back to the kitchen. It really is a kind gesture, one you thought only happened in movies. And you just happen to love cookies.
The pieces of his plan have all been set and now he can only wait.
To make his time useful, he decides to sit and think about every single process of his plan. He cannot be unprepared. There cannot be any surprises.
He starts with the locks and walks to his door, standing still and hollow as he stares at the rusty and faded golden locks. Assuming all the apartments are the same, he closes his eyes to remember the details of your encounter. He remembers hearing a chain slide open and the mechanical twisting click. They appear to be the same as the locks on his door.  
He opens his eyes and studies them carefully, thinking about how to get the chain open believing it to be his only obstacle. The twist lock would be easy. His thieving days have been behind him for a while now – his company is doing great enough; he doesn’t have to steal anymore – but breaking and entering is still second nature to him. Picking a lock is hardly a challenge.
Sitting at his computer, he researches ways to unhook the chain. He quickly finds a quick and simple method that doesn’t involve leaving any evidence behind, so he grabs his tool kit and searches for the only two object he needs.
Once he’s confident enough after a few successful attempts from inside his home, he proceeds to lock his door once more and climbs out an open window. With his apartment at ground level, it allows him to climb out with ease. He leaves it open just in case his practice test turns out unsuccessful.
He walks around to the building’s entrance with the kit, a small roll of duct tape and a rubber band.
After successfully picking his twist lock open from the outside this time, he opens the door to the extent of the chain. His long arm allows him to reach inside. Once the rubber band is hooked through a link of the chain, he tapes the other end of the rubber band to the door. That way, when the door closes, the chain slides to the furthest end with the movement, unlocking itself and falling to the side to hang freely.
A grin creeps onto his lips, stretching grimly as pride fills him. Old habits die hard; he giggles knowing he can still be the sneaky thief when he needs to be.
Meanwhile, you decide to indulge on a short coffee break, so once your coffee is made, you sit on your couch to enjoy the sweet treat your new neighbor was kind enough to gift you with.
If he hadn’t already been infatuated by you before, he is now in love with you. He can’t stop thinking about your sweet nature and manners. His heart races as his mind lingers on your smile and the thought of your voice. He’s eager to learn every single detail about you.
Despite being a workaholic, he decides tonight is a special exception because you’re just special like that.
Back inside his apartment, Louis calls his second-in-command of Video Production News to inform his team he won’t be joining them on the hunt for coverage tonight.
“A more important and rather urgent setback has presented itself and, in order to prevent further undesired and unpredicted hindrances, I have to eliminate them now.”
Having worked closely to Louis, his team knew better than question him. His strict tone while reminding them to be on their best behavior only enforces that he is not to be disappointed.
It isn’t even 9 p.m. but you’re feeling beyond exhausted at this point. The coffee you had a couple hours ago was in vain. It seems to have given you the opposite effect.
You try to persist on unpacking, but your body feels so heavy already. It must be from all the exercise of moving. Lifting heavy boxes, walking up a couple flights of stairs, kneeling and standing. It’s been a very busy day and you’re just tired.
You make your way to the bathroom for a quick shower.
Due to the weight your tired limbs and their dragging, you opt to not wash your hair. It would take too much energy that you simply don’t have. You can barely keep your eyes open as you rinse the lathered soap off your body.
You don’t even bother putting on underwear. Just a t-shirt will have to suffice because that’s all you muster before you collapse on your bed.
Its’ cozy embrace enraptures you into a deep sleep and, within seconds, you’re out cold.
Louis watches you exit the bathroom from his window. His breath hitches when he sees you drop your towel on the floor of your bedroom.
The medicine is kicking in as he predicted.
He smirks to himself, proud of his achievement. Excitement floods through him when he notices you didn’t bother much with clothes. That’ll make his job so much easier.
His true self comes forth, shedding him of his friendly – or his attempt at it - facade.
He ties his hair into a small bun behind his head.
He planned this already to make sure he wouldn’t need much. Just his camcorder, latex gloves, a key mold. This may be the first time, but it certainly will not be the last. The last object he takes along is a pocket knife that he strongly hopes he won’t have to use.
His stride is calm though his heart pounds in his chest. He prays the got dosage just right enough so you don’t wake up.
His eyes scan around as he crosses the small courtyard to your building. No one is outside; no one has seen him.
As he reaches your door again, he slides the gloves onto his hands. It doesn’t take him long to enter your apartment with quiet footsteps after all the practice he’s had.
He’s never felt closer to anyone in his life than right now.
The apartment has you all over it. These are your belongings. In a way, he feels as if he’s penetrating his way into your intimacy. The thought is enticing enough to make his cock harden a little in his pants.
He wanders around your new home with his camcorder already filming, opening boxes and cabinets and drawers as he roams. He needs to record every detail about you. What do you like to eat? What are your movie preferences? What music do you listen to? Do you read? Reading is important to him. It is a sign of intellect.
You don’t seem to have any pets. If you had a dog, it would’ve been aware of his presence already. There aren’t any bowls of food and water set out. Much like him, you seem be a loner.
The apartment is much like his. Small enough for one. No bedroom. Just a kitchen near the entrance with a window at the other end. A small bathroom and closet for your clothes.
He wonders what you usually smell like as he enters the bathroom. He finds your shampoo and condition and raises each to his nose. Then your deodorant. And your perfumes. He closes his eyes, admiring how heavenly you smell.
He makes sure to film the label of your perfume to buy one later and spray it against his pillow so he can sleep with the scent of you every night.
Can’t you see how much he loves you?
As he silently makes his way towards your living room, he gulps with anticipation. His palms grow clammy as he stares at you, asleep in your bed.
Despite his excitement, his hand reminds steady as he focuses the filming on you. For a couple moments, he stands at the foot of your bed just watching you sleep.
You look so pretty. So peaceful.
He would slaughter whoever attempted to disturb you. He knows it’s rather ironic, but he’s so captivated by you.
He can’t stay away. He wishes he could climb into your bed; that he could wrap his arms around you, inhale your scent, touch and kiss you over every inch of your body to worship you as you deserve to be worshipped.
That’ll take time, but he will make it happen somehow.
Eventually snapping out of his daydream, he moves to the dresser and pulls open a couple drawers.
The first has your jewelry and accessories. He studies them to better understand your taste hopefully for future reference. He’s encouraged to take a ring, so he could wear it around and take a part of you with him everywhere he goes.
He finds a small one that is big enough to fit on his picky. It’s nothing too special. Just a thin silver band that you happen to have a few of in different size. It would be easy for you to assume it got lost in the move, if you notice it at all.
The second contains what he is looking for: your panties. His eyes grow darker as he rummages through them, picking the sexiest ones to lay out on the wooden surface of the dress to film them better.
The thought of you wearing them for him has his cock hardened completely and leaking with pre-cum. He can feel the wet spot soaking his underwear. He would give anything to have you wear them, rubbing the lacy fabric against his face and cock with your pussy.
He takes turns smelling each of them, inhaling the sweet intoxicating scent of your pussy and fabric softener.
He finds a sexy lacy pair in his favorite color as he sets the panties back in their drawer. That one belongs to him now.
The urge to rub his cock to completion gets harder to control as he tucks the panty into his pocket. A dark thought blooms within his mind as he focuses back on your sleeping figure.
You’re so unconscious that you don’t even feel him lifting the covers. He has to bite his bottom lip when he sees you’re in the perfect position for him.
“Such a little fucking whore. Bet she loves getting rammed. Probably loves doing what Nina rarely ever did,” he thinks to himself.
You’re on your side with the top leg bent up and spread against the mattress. With your other leg stretched out underneath, providing Louis with the perfect shot of your bare pussy.
He lifts his camera to pan the frame slowly onto the sight of your pretty little puffy pussy displayed just for him.
He can’t help but palm his cock through his trousers. He needs to cum. It’s starting to hurt. His balls are just so full and his cock, so painfully hard.
He growls lowly at your exposure and freezes instantly, watching if he woke you up. You don’t stir in the slightest, not even when his long slender fingers gently part your plush lips to spread them open for his private little video.
Licking his gloved fingers, he savors the taste of your cunt and hisses contently. He smiles devilishly when you don’t react to his fingertips slowly probing your entrance. Until the moment you finally turn onto your back, unconsciously spreading your legs even wider.
He wonders if you’re awake and enjoying his little teasing, but judging by your steady breathing, you’re sleeping like a rock.
He licks his lips at the pussy opportunity splayed out in front of him.
His menacing gaze narrows on the sight between your displayed pussy as he unbuttons his pants and pulls them down enough to let his cock spring free. He thinks about penetrating you and fucking you with just his tip. Would it wake you up?  
He carefully climbs onto your bed and positions himself on his knees between your legs with his camera back in hand. He spits in his gloved hand and gathers his leaking pre-cum to lube his cock up. The slick latex against his skin makes the stroking even easier.
Staring down at your beautiful folds, he wishes he could take his time, but truth be told, he’s so fucking hard already and he needs to get it out of his system.
Your cunt looks so pretty and juicy that he wishes you could use his face as a seat all day.
His cock throbs in his hand as he gently pressed his tips between your folds, pausing only to zoom the camera in on your pussy and his cock now perfectly aligned and connected.
God, it feels so perfect like your pussy was made for his cock. So warm and soft against his. He can’t imagine what you feel like inside. He wants nothing more than to pump you full of his cum until it drips out, just so he could push the leakage back inside with his cock.
The thought alone is enough to get him close. He has to be careful and slow.
He pushes his cock past your pretty lips slowly. With his mouth hanging open in an O, he closes his eyes as he fights back a moan. You feel so deliciously good and tight around him. He doesn’t want to cum to just yet though.
The movement of his hips is slow as he takes his time pushing in and pulling out. He could swear you’re wet, but he assumes it’s just his eager cock.
Carefully setting your legs to drape around his thighs for a better position, his pace picks up a little.
At this point, the friction of his cock and your perfect pussy is audible to him, but it doesn’t seem to even bother you. He doesn’t even care about anything other how deliciously heavenly your cunt feels.
He’s close. So fucking close. He pauses his movement, holding his cock inside your walls to reach up and gently push your shirt up past your chest.
He toys with your exposed tits. He needs to feel you.
Hooking his teeth under the rim of the glove at his wrist, he uses them to remove his hand from the glove. Once it’s tucked into his pockets, he reaches up to continue playing with your breasts.
He licks his lips imagining them wrap around your nipples, suckling and biting your tender flesh to mark you and let everyone know what a whore you are, but most importantly his whore.
He just has to get his mouth on them. They look too irresistible to miss what could be the only opportunity he has.
He sets the camera on the bed beside you to film himself fucking you while simultaneously sucking on your tits, kneading them each in his large hands.
He’s balls deep in your tight cunt now. You must be so damn drugged because your eyes aren’t even moving and your breathing is still steady. Even if you were dead, it wouldn’t stop him for fucking you. He just loves you that much.
After giving your breasts the well-deserved attention, he can’t hold back anymore and believes he doesn’t have to.
If you haven’t woken up by now, then pounding your pussy raw definitely won’t wake you up.
So  he grabs the camcorder again and starts fucking you harder and faster like a filthy little slut with his hand groping at your tits, making sure to get your pussy and tits all in one angle.
He wants to watch your tits bounce as he pounds your cunt mercilessly when he jacks off to the video later.
Sliding his hand to your hip to hold you steady, he relishes how the wet slap of skin-on-skin echoes through your apartment.
He wishes you could be awake to scream his name until your neighbors complain with fists to their walls.
It’s all too much.
He soon pulls out just in time to coat your pussy with his pearly white load.
You just look so pretty painted with his cum.
“My Mona Lisa,” he thinks to himself. “That’s what I’ll name this footage.”
Pulling his cock away, he lowers the camera for a close-up of his masterpiece taking his time to get every single angle of the white streaks on your flesh.
Staring intently at your cunt with wide eyes as he films, the feeling that floods him is the same at the one he felt on the night of the car crash in Benedict Canyon. This is another of his greatest accomplishments. He pants with adrenaline.
Curiously, he dips two fingers into his bodily ‘paint’ and toys with it, enjoying how slick your lips feel on his fingers. If he wasn’t so spent right now, he’d go at again and again.
He wonders how he’s going to clean you up now. He made a mess on your pussy. He can’t leave you in this state. It’ll be too obvious when you wake up in the morning.
Setting his camera on your bed to get him in the shot once again, he scoots down your bed and aligns his mouth to your coated pussy.
Snaking his arms under your thighs – letting them dangle over his shoulders – his hands reach your breasts to gently knead them. He wants to squeeze them hard, but he’s worried that might be the final drop that wakes you up.
He doesn't mind that his cum is all over your. It's really an excuse just to get his mouth on your cunt.
He takes his time letting his tongue explore your pussy, swiveling over every mound of your lips and dipping into every valley. Using his fingers to pry your pussy open, he stretches you enough to delve his tongue into your used hole.
He was careful not to cum inside you, but he yearns to taste you.
Deciding you’re clean enough, he carefully removes himself to stand and takes his camera to record each angle of your used naked figure, carefully circling around your room and zooming in your pussy, tits and face.
You look so pretty and innocent in comparison to he violated you.
Taking the advantage of your position, he quickly sets his camera on your nightstand and rushes to the bathroom to find something to clean you up with.
Locating some wet wipes under your sink, he turns the hot water to warm a couple sheets and heads back to clean you up.
He thoughtfully lowers your shirt and covers your body back up. He’s not a complete monster; there is genuine care for you in him.
He kisses your head gently before stepping back to look for any further evidence.
Heading towards the door, he finds your keys handing up on the wall. There aren’t many. Just three. So, he tests each one out to find your apartment key. Once he does, he takes the silicone putty he’d placed in an old and empty Altoids metal container.
He stamps the key into the mold twice, making sure to get both sides of the key perfectly imprinted.  
His copy of your key has to be perfect to save time for the next time.
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mtomauw · 9 months
The 'just move to a different website' crowd really is annoying the shit outta me. Imagine a website as a public park: The park is made, the park attracts people, people start using the public park. So many people start using the public park some people decide to set up shops around the public park. Little donut stands or an art stall or a clothing shop. Things work well around the public park, people from the park stay there and walk around and see new shops and businesses they haven't seen in any other public park. The park and the 'town' around it is now fairly popular. Now the new shitlord moves into the public park and owns it and starts banning people and asking entree fees and doing all sorts of dumb shit. Literally everyone in the park hates the choices he's making. Telling people to just 'move their business' is fucking difficult. People are used to going to the park, everyone who leaves moves do 7 different towns, starting shops in all 7 new towns costs an amount of energy which is exhausting to keep up with. All other parks are run by similar soulless shitlords who can also on a dime decide to start doing the same dumb inspired shit the shitlord from park number one is doing. Some people move from the park and don't decide to follow the businesses they like again. It's exhausting and frustrating and telling people to 'just move' is unproductive. And yes I am aware you shouldn't put 'all your eggs' in one basket but every basket that's 'good' will rot the second a platform gets successful enough to attract a new shitlord. And to attract an audience making your own website is even fucking harder. What we need is to acknowledge the internet and social media isn't just entertainment for many people it's their sole source of income and just 'moving' when your entire customer base scatters to 7 different platforms is really difficult.
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luwritesomething · 2 years
ah, love of my life. this man right here got me years ago into learning more about the batfam and now here i am. you can say it’s kind of his fault. anyways,,, no one asked for this but my brain did. 
requests are open! hit that anon button and tell me your idea!
warnings: swearing, hadn’t been proof-read.
damian’s head is a MESS. don’t get me wrong, the guy is a little genius, but imagine the chaos of languages he has -- arab, english, chinese, i’m a hundred percent he knows russian, urdu is nanda parbat’s official language... 
because of this (^^) he just sometimes shuts down and stays silent. he can’t even think.
he loves all animals but he can’t handle insects. jason found out, and damian bribed him with a collectors special edition of classical books. nobody must know his weaknesses.
he writes in cursive, i have no clues but also no doubts.
words are difficult for him, that’s why he talks the way he does -- so professionally, like he is from another age. 
can stand tim (in small amounts) but no longer they will always have an intellectual rivalry -- it’s probably more from damian’s side rather than tim’s.
he still feels like he has to hide that he looks up to dick.
damian searched what fanfiction was. he’s scarred for life now. 
he’s straight up bored of paparazzi. he’ll go lady gaga on their ass and stare at the ones that are hidden in a bush trying to take pictures of him in secret.
also he will go full cole sprouse on the people trying to take pictures on him while he’s walking through gotham (this means he will snap pictures of the civilians before they snap a picture of him. camera duels, that’s the name)
listens to A LOT of music. everything his siblings listen to, he does too. classical music is his favorite, however. (also enjoys jazz).
taking care of his animals and his duties as robin are his favorite activities.
doesn’t understand social media, but still uses it. he’s too stubborn to admit he’s bad handling that.
too lazy to figure out how to cook, but if he tried in the slightest, he would be an amazing cook.
damian is an incredibly fast learner. it amazes the fuck out of bruce how many new things he can learn in just one day. 
he grows to be an actually very kind person, but his snarky remarks and dry humor never disappears.
likes the addams family. what a surprise.
doesn’t get horror/slasher movies. he keeps getting bored and doesn’t react to the jumpscares. jason says he is dead inside, which everyone agreed on.
they don’t know (^^) that damian is making a superhuman effort to not kick someone when the jumpscares occur because this little guy has his senses to the maximum all the time.
can’t be bothered unless someone is being ignorant or trashing about his family. he’s the only one that trashes about his family >:(
texts like a grandpa but at least he knoews what’s happening (most of the times)
like jason, damian has been kicked out of the wayne family chat numerous times.
has an elderly person soul except for when he’s fighting. then he’s a vicious little shit-
plays piano. no, i will not elaborate.
will correct your grammar in a condescending tone of voice.
“don’t patronaze me.” @ everyone.
has general knowledge about a shit ton of things. and since he doesn’t know how to properly socialize (canon) will spill those facts in order to start a conversation during galas.
has threatened the police -- 10/10 will do it again.
damian couldn’t care less about gossip but since he’s a good listener he always ends up knowing the tea about  E V E R Y T H I N G.
cocky bastard. that’s it, that’s all i’m saying.
he has no idea how to handle compliments. it still makes him freeze whenever someone says he’s cute or has pretty eyes.
“no.” (damian’s answer every time someone calls him cute).
believes in soulmates and in love at first sight, not as a superficial concept but as a ‘i’m clicking and mystically attracted to this person rewardless of their looks’.
reads A LOT.
never as much as jason, and also he doesn’t just read like narrative books -- he reads those thick books about how to do things, biographys, and studies about subjects he randomly knows about.
barely sleeps, if he ever does. 
sleep is for the weak™
(^^) proceeds to randomly fall asleep during patrols or family dinners.
acts like a brat but he actually isn’t -- it’s so complicated to explain, i hope someone just gets it.
at 17 he’s taller than dick and almost as tall as jason. suck it, @ everyone who mocked his height.
jon kent is his Best Friend™
(^^) damian told me himself.
he’s very handsome (canon lolz)
no but like, i mean, he will actually be one of those men you think ‘good fucking lord, he’s handsome’
damian thinks selina is cool.
has a lot of anger and frustration inside. it calms him down knowing jason also has problems like those because it makes him feel more... normal.
because normal is something damian would have liked to feel if he hadn’t been conceived to be perfect.
he would love six of crows -- would really like kaz brekker.
secretly enjoys the ya genre, will never admit it out loud.
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adelaidedrubman · 8 months
every fucking wednesday huh
tagged today by my dears @socially-awkward-skeleton and @direwombat to share something for wip day!
on this second nanowrimo wednesday (boo!) i give you a VERY rough excerpt of a hl&s scene i had envisioned in my mind’s eye for quite some time and banged out during the early november sprint before i immediately lost steam. very sloppy and very long (as always no pressure to Read All That) but here is a bit of jessie answering john’s questions about what is so special about fishing
“Everyone who actually has to live in the real world finds some way to kill all that angry static buzzing around in their brains. Something that sets off that click —” she snapped her fingers, then curled the hand back into a tense fist, “that shuts it all down to go peaceful for a while, without just making you feel dead. Lotta folk turn to drink. Real simple folk find the Lord. Me?”
She smiled, huffing out a gentle, breathy laugh.
“I go fishing.” The calm she had described now belatedly slipped into the even pace of her words. “Because everything about the world that pisses me off, fishing is the exact opposite. It’s a challenge. A battle of wits. You gotta work to catch a fish — real work, not just doing shit because somebody decided you gotta to take home a paycheck. With fishing, you gotta think, you gotta feel, you gotta use your hands. Stay alert to every little movement in the water. Know what’s gonna catch a fish’s eye, and have the skill to do it right. Know how to think like a fish. Appreciate ’em so you can lead ’em to their doom. Feel the tension in your muscles as you fight against a big one on the line. Your heart racing at the thrill of finally reeling it in. You’re using your brains and your body to wrestle for control with the fish — and if you do it right, you actually get it. It’s work, but it’s also —”
Her fist unclenched, tension easing from her shoulders.
“Calming,” she concluded, almost under her breath. “It’s so simple, but you’re accomplishing something. You’re part of the world around you, and for once it all means something. For once, it’s not a world I hate being in. It’s a world that’s just the sun beating down on your back, the wind in your hair, the sound of water beating against the dock. And beneath all the equipment and technique, it’s just you and the fish. It’s engaging, but peaceful. Fishing is —”
She looked down at her feet, her nose crinkling with an almost lazy, half-hearted irritation. “When I’m fishing, I feel real. I feel free,” she said softly, resolutely. “You wouldn’t fucking get that.”
John didn’t bother to hide the way he slowed his stride this time, nor the way he looked at her — drawing in a deep breath before coming to a complete stop, then turning to face her. He allowed himself a moment to rake his eyes along her profile, bask in the sense that he was truly seeing her for the first time — all that high-strung energy, all that barely contained fury packed into the tense ridge of her jaw, begging for release.
“I get it more than you would ever know,” he told her, heart pulsing an extra beat at the responding jitter of starlight glittering golden eyes towards him, before she stubbornly looked away again. Such a fragile flutter, a baby bird’s wings just beginning to beat against its breast.
Human — she was so undeniably human. In a way most people weren’t, in a way that managed to burrow itself down to that deepest, most difficult to reach part of his soul that was still soft and warm and a place where joy could spread. A place someone could nestle into and make a home. As if she’d snagged her fishing line at the depths of the lake, and managed to hook a long-lost sunken treasure.
“It’s exactly how I feel when I’m flying,” he explained, looking up towards the skies. “It requires complete concentration. If my focus slips for one moment — if there’s a single shift of the wind I fail to account for, I could go hurtling to my death. Just as easily, send every sin —” He caught himself, “...single person beneath me to theirs. I hold all that destruction within my grasp. I’m powerful. I’m in control. I’ve bested fate.”
He paused, finding only the slow building chirp of crickets filing the silence — for once, she wasn’t interrupting him, wasn’t rushing to fire back some clever insult. For once, she was hanging off his every word.
And looking at him. Hard as she tried to hide it — tucking her chin down and pressing her ear near towards her shoulder as she twisted at the waist to face him without facing him, the lingering of deepening tawny at the corner of her eyelids betraying her facade of detachment.
“But more than that…” He dared to take a step towards her, to turn himself so they were just a sliver closer to facing each other directly. “When I’m up in my plane, I feel —” A smile. One that felt natural spreading across his face. A smile just for her, the kind of smile he so rarely ever got to give — one given knowing that the person on the receiving end of it would actually understand why he was smiling. “Free. The world and every horrible thing in it is miles away from me — and if I want to, I never have to come down without bringing hellfire with me. When I’m up there, nothing can reach me.”
He dropped his voice to barely above a whisper. “I’m in control, but I’m free.” He let the revelation settle in the air between them — it was odd, he didn’t know if he would have ever been able to vocalize it so clearly, without her. “There are very few things in this world that can really give you that feeling.”
Jessie lifted her jaw — so strong, so proud, always. Imposing enough it had caused him all this time to overlook just how delicate her features really were. Those soft, rosy lips; her round little button nose; those wide doe eyes framed by darling doll lashes, taking him in so fully.
Yes, there it was — her eyes met his, she was looking at him.
It was just as he’d dared to hope. She saw him, she saw everything.
He was seen, and she kept looking.
She stepped closer. Her eyes trailed along his face at a leisurely pace. She finally blinked, slowly, but never looked away.
She inhaled, deeply, her eyes not wavering as her chest rose.
“That’s nothing like fishin’, dumbass,” she said decidedly, craning her neck back and shaking her head back and forth, as if in complete disbelief at just how ridiculous his statement was. “Flying planes is a dumb rich people hobby,” she dismissed with a wave of her hand, looking back over her shoulder at him as she walked past him in the vague direction he’d been leading them. “Those aren’t the fuckin’ same.”
sending no pressure tags out to @unholymilf @belorage @florbelles @g0dspeeed @josephslittledeputy @afarcryfrommymain @poetikat @just-another-wasteland-merc @voidika @captastra @confidentandgood @deputyash @blissfulalchemist @shellibisshe @thedeadthree @nightbloodbix @ladyofedens-blog @miyabilicious @simplegenius042 @henbased @clicheantagonist @firstaidspray @strafethesesinners @quickhacked @jackiesarch @v0idbuggy @orionlancasterr @stacispratt @8bitpizzacoupons @strangefable @shallow-gravy @roofgeese @inafieldofdaisies @corvosattano + anyone with things to share + opt in here!
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unluckyhoneybee · 1 year
Hello! I love your work sm! I was wondering if I could request j.hughes x f1driver!reader? Maybe where their relationship was private and it got exposed or maybe reader is super badass, idk you can take it anyway you want!
Note: it was such a weird thing to mix them.
Jack was half hidden in your garage, the relationship was still private. There were rumors and theories because out of sudden, Jack Hughes was really interested on F1. He had been on the Canadian GP and one of the USA's too. Now, it was the second USA GP of the season and he was more than used to the atmosphere.
This time, he had brought a couple of his teammates. Luke, John and Nico were with him also half hidden from the cameras.
The race was intense and you were dominating. Until George took a turn way too wide and you couldn't avoid hitting him. Jack had loudly gasped when he saw your car hitting the barriers and then spin. But luckily, it stopped before things got worse.
"Wow, that was..."
Luke patted his shoulder. "She is good, man"
They watched in awe how you pulled your car back in the race, having gone from P5 to P11. You tried to focus on the 15 minutes left in the race to try and at least get in the points. What you didn't know is that during those 15 minutes, pictures of Jack and the guys appeared all over the internet. People started posting more and more, somehow your relationship with Jack was exposed, people had caught you having dinner with him last night and you hadn't even notice.
You could make it to P9 and climbed down your car slightly pissed. You could have finished almost on the podium but no. Russell had gone wide and fucked your race.
You could feel the eyes on you as you walked around the paddock. You hadn't even seen Jack yet. You had only talked to your media assistant and engineer. And she had told you to take deep breaths and not react.
"What does it mean?"
"YN, your relationship was outed during the race"
You gasped.
"People started posting pictures of you while you were driving"
"Shit" You ran your hand over your sweaty hair. "Have you seen Jack?" You asked suddenly worried.
"We told them to stay on the hospitality for a bit. We rather have them there for a little bit. Be ready for the questions and please, deep breaths"
You nodded and sipped and your drink.
"Let's go, it's your turn"
"Hi, YN. Unfortunate race"
You nodded.
"Yeah, you can say that."
"Some rumors have been running this last weeks. We know this kind of things can affect mentaly. Has this been the case? Pictures of you and Jack Hughes are filling social media right now. Has this affected your concentration during the race?"
"No. It's illegal to check the phone when you drive" You said deadpan.
Jack snorted a laugh. He loved you so much.
"So... You relationship with Jack didn't affect the way you raced today?"
"I had an amazing quali, a good start and a good race. It was George Russell who affected my race, not my boyfriend. And now, I'd like to hear you ask everyone else about their relationships. Are you going to do that too?"
Your media assistant pinched you, but she was smirking. You were a professional.
"Are you confirming Jack Hughes and you are dating?"
You rolled yours eyes. "Enough questions"
When you arrived to your motor home, Jack was there first to see you.
You sighed and hugged him. "It's so difficult being a girl in a men dominated sport" You groaned on his chest.
"You are a badass. Queen of sarcastic remarks" He said and kissed your temple. "That's why I love you"
You giggled and looked up at his blue eyes. "Because of my passive aggressive comments and 0 patience?"
You chuckled and pecked his lips. "I love you too"
He cupped your face and kissed you deeper.
"Guys, your relationship is public now, but your sex life should stay like that" Luke groaned from his place on your sofa.
"Shut up, moosey" you said. "I'm very affected"
Jack chuckled and hugged you tight. "No matter what they said, you raced well. And that George Russell guy..."
You rolled your eyes. "He is not a bad guy, he is a friend. No need to worry"
"He better not push you like that again" He muttered and kissed your nose.
"No need to worry, just think of it as one of your fights."
"We don't fight at 300km/h"He said truly worried.
You sighed and kissed his cheek. "I'm fine, it was just racing"
"They are being disgusting again" John whispered.
"Shut up, Marino."
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effervescentism · 1 month
I have… so many thoughts about Harry Potter it’s actually embarrassing so I’ll be spewing them here 🫶
FOR REFERENCE: Fuck (is cursing bad here??) JKR. Her ideology is shit and I hate her but I will be talking about HP because the character building is decent and interesting to build off of
With that in mind: Tom Riddle & Voldemort (I’m separating them since I will talk about both differently)
TOM RIDDLE: Honestly Tom is one of the most interesting characters in HP solely because of the information given about him. The only time we see him in childhood is completely through Dumbledore (who I don’t hate but definitely is a capital b biased person that I also wanna explore in another post but).
The memories mostly comprase of the whole wardrobe on fire scene (awful way of introducing magic to a child btw) and Tom’s penchant for stealing items from children at Wools Orphanage and harming Billy’s rabbit as revenge. For me, this set the scene as a child that is trying to gain and find power wherever and however, possible. I think that his experience in Wools formed him into a Survior, willing to do anything to find power he feels he was deserved. We also see this kind of behavior when he goes to Hogwarts, forms the Knights, and so forth. This blatant disregard for everyone around him and his singlemindness to get to the top does kind of resonate of ASPD (Anti-social personality disorder) to me (not like a medical professional so take lightly).
I do think that Dumbledore’s whole thing about Amortentia and unable to feel love is kind of B.S. because it feels like a cheap way to say that he was doomed from the beginning. It doesn’t make sense considering how would it even work to create a child incapable of feeling just love? (Weirdo magic thing probably since potions usually aren’t based on a lot of logic) but you would think that it would be illegal, not just banned at Hogwarts if creating it in the first place if that’s a possible side effect. It seems like an excuse of why Dumbledore fundamentally thought something was wrong with him even as a small child (more of dumbledore’s rigid thinking). Also, there was little to no mental health services in the world as far as aware- especially in 1930s it was greatly unlikely that either world would have any access to them. This makes Tom’s conditions, whether it be a mental disorder or just traumatic issues from growing up feeling unwanted and both of his parents gone, difficult to understand especially for a man terrified of making the same mistakes from his youth.
Only other information that we have is from the diary, which does not actually reveal a lot about his exact life or memories. We can see that he is clearly a charming, influential person, although some of the influence might be a side effect from the horcruxes nature, and we see that he obviously knows how to manipulate people and get what he wants. He has a clear blood bias that we see, and he also clearly detest being a half blood in contexts when he talks about his “filthy” muggle father. He also seems to kind of have a superiority complex that only gets further in as he goes farther in the horcrux path, (greatest wizard of all time, etc). Although it’s assumed that he’s already created his first horcrux and the after effect is the diary, but we actually don’t know. I do wonder if this kind of overly confident shade of him was done after he split his soul in a two or if it was him naturally.
He also, has this clear fear of death that is why he created the horcrux assumably, but this is likely onset by the blitz and his want to stay at Hogwarts full-time (which is such an interesting parallel between him and Harry it’s obvious that they are supposed to be parallel characters, but the direct comparison between two scared children is truly fascinating and how dumbledore deals with it is eye-opening).
All that I have talked about are most of the actual facts surrounding Tom Riddle and his youth, but I also do have opinions. It’s clear that because of his Muggle-sounding name (riddle isn’t on the pure blood 28 list and likely not recognizable to purebloods) that he was probably treated badly in his first years before he could gain real power (from his studies and his heritage). I do wonder what he did if there was people that did that to him? Did he try to take revenge on them, or did he just rely on the fact that he is superior to them (in insert ways) so he cannot be harmed by them. 
What i find interesting, that I feel like a lot of fans misinterpret, is his personal beliefs. It’s assumed that he hated muggles & muggleborns to an extent, he talks about filthy Muggles, blood purity, and all of his politics hinge around those ideals. He clearly goes with pureblood ideology, and he leads a pseudo cult that is about exterminating muggles & muggleborns from society. But, he is a halfblood. which makes me wonder what was his true reason for doing all of this. Since to truly believe these ideals, he would have to consider himself lower than purebloods, something that he would never do. Was it for power, a mix of both or did he just kind of turn insane after too many splitting of a fundamental part of him? Also ends up working with multiple magical creatures, such as werewolves, and dementors making me believe either that was a false agreement, or he believes them to be semi-equals, which is also contradictory to the rest of the pure blood beliefs. It’s a question I can’t answer but undoubtably his blood & origin makes a major impact on his decisions, especially regarding Halloween and the prophecy.
Overall, he is a fascinating character to examine in his youth, and although I think we make too much distinction between him and Voldemort, since they are truly two sides of the exact same coin and acting like they are different people is smoke and mirrors, I feel that if we don’t distinct between them, we will lose a lot of interesting discussions. Tom did make the decision to split his soul, but did he actively participate in some of the stuff father along when more horcruxs were made? Or was that only Voldemort? When does the line between Tom riddle and Voldemort begin to blur and when does it fade? Ultimately, Tom is a good jumping point to wonder about choices in life. For how much emphasis Dumbledore places on the power of love, I truly think choices and decisions ruled the difference between Harry and Tom because they were in essence so so similar yet so different and that’s what makes me interested in the both of them.
if any of you liked this one, I’ll do dumbledore and Voldemort (or I’ll do it out of my own volition when I get too bored lmao)
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kissesforsatoru · 1 year
Also, to add to my previous ask. What If socially anxious darling was wearing headphones and ear plugs to block out noise bc she's hypersensitive to noise. And then when she tells baji that she dislikes noise, watch him literally shoo the crowd away [as in giving LITERAL DEATH GLARES that promise you the ruin of everyone you love if you don't FUCK OFF] bc he doesn't want to growl and potentially trigger darling. It works like a charm bc people [bar chifuyu and kazutora if they're with him] get to stepping like mad.
Also, when she tells him that she dislikes getting her ears cleaned bc of the noises, then I feel like he'll do his best to eliminate it so she doesn't have to worry. And then when he finds out that her family/brother has been intentionally triggering her late at night, and that's why she sometimes comes to school tired. Watch her brother be put on the news, and baji basically adopts [read:kidnapping] his darling onsight.
She won't have to deal with that shit again if he has anything to say about it. [It got a little bit specific there bc I've been through the last scenario, and I just wanted baji to comfort me and act like my knight in shining armor.]
in regards to this ask.
i say this a lot but baji is incredibly conscious of his darling. he thinks of the smallest things to accommodate your needs and comfort, even if it means he has to control himself to do it. not growling to keep darling content is literally the perfect example of this. also not starting fights with dumbasses that mess with you to not draw attention is another example. and it’s not difficult for him to do either. baji will naturally fall into the nurturing attentive roll just for his darling. only for his darling. if it were anyone else then baji probably really wouldn’t give a shit to not cause scenes or be quiet.
as for if your family is intentionally doing stuff to trigger your sensory sensitivity, then baji would be pissed, but we knew that already, didn’t we. he knows how upsetting it can be for you because he’s seen first hand how worked up and freaked out you get at school, especially assembly’s. he hates seeing you like that, hates knowing that you get like that just as much. baji would threaten your family, break your brothers bones maybe and ruin something of your parents, a project or something expensive. and then baji will start letting you come home with him during lunch and after school to take naps so you can get the proper rest your family deprives you of.
bajis mama is genuinely shocked for once about something he does when he brings you over. the fighting, the yelling, the getting into trouble she expects of him, but to bring someone over and be quiet for them, be the proper house guest he’s never been before by getting you food and drinks and taking care of anything you may need. she expected him to get antsy and start acting out, but no. no matter how long you stay, baji will remain quiet, and he’ll even let you lay in his lap and he’ll gently run his fingers through your hair and on your back. ryoko never expected anything like that from her son, it was a miracle.
but yeah anyway! baji just,,, takes care of you 🤷‍♂️
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onlyjaeyun · 5 months
jaemin foul for cheating but he kinda valid for speaking up about not feeling loved?!? Idk I mean ofc he shouldn’t have cheated and there should have definitely been more communication to help them but is he so wrong for feeling neglected? Idk idk I just idk sympathize with him but still fucking hate that he cheated as way to be validated!!
I think I sympathize because my ex bf was the same where there was a lot of priority given to everyone but me and I was kinda just there to nurse his ego and make him feel good but never vise versa and that shit broke me the difference being I accepted that as my fate and he would tell me it’s because I’m “hard to love but he’s trying his best to love me” and like I carried that with me everywhere and I was always like … dang and idk i stayed in that cycle until he broke up with me but I feel like if jaemin didn’t cheat he might have been in the same place I was idk?
Sorry for the random trauma dump
noo dont ever be sorry baby!!!! what im about to say is in absolutely no way belittling or disregarding your experience because i myself know exactly how you feel/felt and the cycle you are talking about and even if i didn't i'm pretty sure i can somehow phathom what you went through. (i'm so proud of you btw!🥺🤍)
now onto COLD HEARTS!jaemin however, he's just..not in that position. i've tried my best to depict him rather toxic and manipulative but i have realised that i should have made it more obvious or like out in the open to give his charcter the light i needed him to have.
ofc he's absolutely valid for feeling neglected, however – and this will be revealed in future chapters – he was never really neglected in the first place. he simply hates everyone in y/n's life and wanted her all to himself all while maintaining his own social circle as usual. on top of it all, he was actually the one in your ex bf's position since he constantly told y/n things like "nobody can put up with an attitude like yours" or "you're so difficult to talk to i feel like i can't ever have a normal conversation with you" when he simply didn't like her responses in the sense of its meaning and not even necessarily her tone.
you will understand the type of person he is the more chapters come since, yes they broke up, but he'll remain a firm part of the story till the very end!
i hope this somehow makes it a little more understandable which pov i wrote jaemin from.
sympathising with him in that matter is absolutely understandable bc we all would feel the same way, but i can reassure you that CH!jaems isn't one of us 💀
oh also, additionally i gotta comment here that y/n had to raise herself and her siblings and grew up in a very difficult household which lead to her having said attitude jaemin complains so much about. he knew this and basically – as the boys state in chap 5 – has made it his challenge to see if he can have her submit to him and prove himself that he can handle every type of woman.
i hope this all makes sense, i sometimes tend to forget that you guys cant actually look into my brain so i gotta type these thoughts and behind the scenes out every now and then! thank you sm for your feedback baby, ily 🥺🤍
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Looking for: not sure maybe just venting, a response if you want.
Idk if there’s tw
I want to know if anybody else has been through similar? I’ve been revictimized a lot in my life I choice to stop socializing and going to events just isolating now because I don’t wanna be abused again…
I had two abusive exes. And after the second one which was pretty bad too, I chose not to date again.
I’ve had some toxic friends but nothing too bad but they do talk a lot of shit about me and spread rumors.
Ive dealt with abusive parents which is probably what set me up for failure in other relationships.
Ive dealt with being bullied by friend groups and by classmates. A lot of people stayed away from me because they heard rumors and some people asked me weird questions like Ik they heard rumors about me.
I feel like it is never ending. And I’m just destined to be abused no matter who I meet it’ll always happen. I always feel like this’ll follow me from lifetime to lifetime and god is punishing me.
I honestly feel like I’m not traumatized or it should’ve been worse for me to complain. Idk if I have any disorders I’m not diagnosed and I can’t find a doctor because I don’t have money. I’m just depressed ig. Kind of numb most days.
It almost feels like im playing victim card or something but Ik what I’ve been through. Like it feels like everyone hates me and they must be right about me. I mean Ik everyone hates me. Nobody wants to go near me. There must be a reason im avoided, there must be a reason im hated, they must’ve seen something broken in me that I couldn’t see and they’re just doing their duty as people to cast me out or bully me. My parents were so happy to have a kid and the picture of them holding me as a baby they look so happy and so caring in those pictures. I must’ve fucked up at a young age and that’s why they didn’t want me anymore. It’s my fault and I know it. Idk what to do anymore. I’m sorry you don’t have to answer this.
Hi anon,
It's entirely up to whether or not you want to date. However it's worth considering that life is a risk and you deserve the possibility of being loved to a degree you've never experienced before. That also extends to social gatherings - human beings are social creatures and need interaction to survive and thrive. Your past experiences do not deserve to steal your ability to have joyful and meaningful connections and memories. There are ways to enjoy a social life and love life without fear of abuse.
It also sounds like you're dealing with "mythologization" which is a common experience among survivors of complex trauma. Mythologization is a term I use to describe the feeling that the abuse you've experienced is on a cosmic or spiritual level, like feeling as if your abuse was predestined by god. Especially when you've been revictimized and polyvictimized, it's even easier to feel this way.
Going drastic lengths to avoid abuse is traumatized behavior. It's also common for trauma survivors to victim-blame and gaslight themselves as you've outlined in your last two paragraphs. It's okay to acknowledge that you have trauma, but it's understandable to find difficulty in accepting this due to the consequences of being traumatized.
It's important to remember that trauma is not defined by what happened, but instead by how we are affected. This is because there are various factors that affect one's resilience - the ability to recover from an adverse experience. Everyone is dealt a unique set of cards which means that everyone had varying degrees of resilience. So what may be traumatic to you may not be traumatic to someone else, but that doesn't mean you aren't or shouldn't be traumatized. It makes sense given the hand you were dealt and that's okay. This also means that it makes little sense to compare your trauma to those you feel have it worse - because they have a completely different life, with a completely different set of cards.
A difficult part of healing is acknowledging the severity of your past while giving yourself permission to be happy and enjoy the present moment. You do not have to be miserable to be a valid trauma survivor. You deserve to be happy in spite of everything that has happened.
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docholligay · 10 months
Ep 5: Jackie
Hello! This is about up to Episode 5 of Yellowjackets, and ONLY episode 5 of Yellowjackets. I have not seen beyond the fifth episode, at all, and know NOTHING about this show. Please do not spoil it for me.  Things that are spoilery in nature, for me, include: saying things like  “Just wait!!” confirming or denying anything I put forward, outside information about the cast interviews or creator statements, leading questions like “Do you think “blank moment” means anything?” etc. Remember  that Y’ALL HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND I HAVE NOT. This informs the way you  talk about things relating to the show. Just be really careful is all  I’m asking. Also: If there is LITERALLY any stance I  could take on this show or character that would make you upset, please  just fucking block the tag
If you WOULD like to discuss the show and my takes on it, the Discord is right here! I don’t go there, so it’s a great place to get every emotion out.
Please thank @sailorsunspot and @moonlight-frittata for backing this odd way of doing a liveblog, and remember my tip jar is always open
I don’t think we’re supposed to love Jackie in this episode, and boy does that work for me. I am who I am, and I come bundled in with my own assumptions, values, adn experiences, and with all of that as knowledge, I say: Jackie is fucking lazy, and I would be losing my absolute shit if I had to deal with her. 
I live a more communal life than many, and while many people have a very romanticized view of what that means, as a practical matter it means that everyone pulls their weight. Sometimes that involves doing jobs that are not so much fun or are difficult or whatever, but in all cases it means that you gotta work. Jewlet helps set the table, for God’s sake. We all have a piece. 
And I’m not even in a situation where SURVIVAL ITSELF is at issue. We see that all the rest of the team is hard at work doing the things that are necessary for them to survive, and they are getting tired of Jackie’s bullshit, and for good reason. Jackie was a leader for a specific time and place, and that specific time and place was within the social norms and softhanded lifestyle of New Jersey. She has never had to measure out the things she is capable of doing, never had to do something physical and not fun. There’s a lot oif fair criticism of all the hard work you have to do as a kid in the country, but I tell you what, mucking out a stall at a young age, learning how to chop wood,. All of that teaches you that yes in fact you are capable of doing work. She’s even bad at GETTING WATER OUT OF A LAKE. ANd yes, water’s very heavy, and yes they should look for a large branchthey could carved to hold it over your shoulder, but at the very least, Jackie could walk out a little bit into the lake to lessen the chance of sediment. 
In Jersey, she was smart, but here she has no goddamn sense, and the rest of the team is having a crisis of faith with her. Jackie is no longer any kind of a leader. 
Shauna is showing so much love in trying to help her find something that she’s capable of doing, of trying to make her a part of the team when she is very obviously separating herself from the work of staying alive. Shauna has seen the way the girls are looking at her, and she knows Jackie may become a sacrifice, either figurative, or, maybe even at this point, literal, if she doesn’t prove that she has use and value. She could end up as broken from the team as Allie, for the crime of her own weakness. 
On the one hand, Jackie knows that she’s terrible at this, and that she doesn’t like it and that she’s not cut out for it, but on the other hand, she is absolutely incorrect to characterize everyone else as “enjoying this boring back to the land bullshit” liking something is totally fucking irrelevant at this point. It’s what you need to do in order to survive. THe other girls understand that. But Jcakie can’t get with the program. 
Shauna tells her she’s so great at cheering people up and making people feel like things are going to be okay just by showing up, but is she actually good at those things? I think if she were actually great for morale, the girls wouldn’t resent her for being so lazy in the physical department, because frankly if she were providing a necessary service like that, they wouldn’t be thinking it at all. What does she do when Shauna is pulling for something she’s better at? Makes her feel small and useless. Even though Shauna is putting in far more work than she has since day one. 
“I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this” Think very carefully about your other option, Jackie. 
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tojisbbg · 2 years
❀ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 ❀
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❝we fell in love in october, that’s why, i love fall.❞  
♡ ryuguji ken ♡
a/n: guys, it’s missing draken hours right now and i’m not okay.
content: just straight up fluff, sick draken, ft. mikey, maybe slightly suggestive (?), kissing, not checked for grammatical errors. 
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fresh starts were always hard. 
moving on with life no matter how good or bad your past was, meeting new people and learning new things was difficult. 
which is why you envied those who were naturally able to fit in. 
it’s already inching towards the end of september and you still struggled to learn the names of your classmates. the most you would ever speak was during icebreakers, and that’s because you were forced to talk to all these strange humans for the sake of your participation grade. maybe it was because your social skills sucked, but you couldn’t help it. 
your social battery depended on your mood, and most of the time you were trying your best to keep your heavy eyelids open while the professor lectured. sleep was something that you had always fought with like a foe ever since you stepped into high school. 
now it just got worse as you rolled into college. 
your third class of the day has just begun, and it was unfortunately the subject that you dreaded the most. 
your attention span was lower than a child’s, how could you possibly remember all these different formulas and equations that were scribbled onto the board in less than seconds? 
yeah, i think it’s time to give up. 
you thought to yourself, placing your arms on your desk to lay your head down as your gaze was glued on the window. the weather outside was always beautiful when it was fall time, and you enjoyed seeing the leaves change their color from a summer green to a crisp orange. 
“alright everyone, we have a new student who’ll be joining our class.” the professor announced, which caught your attention as you looked up front. on cue, the door opened, revealing a tall and muscular guy. 
he was wearing black slacks and a white button-up shirt with some of the top buttons undone, the sides of his head shaved while the rest of his black hair was tied into a ponytail, revealing the tattoo of a dragon inked onto his skull. 
“ryuguji ken but call me draken.” he bluntly said, walking past the teacher with both hands in his pockets as his eyes scanned for an empty seat. you could hear whispers and a bunch of murmurs buzzing around all over the classroom. 
“hey, isn’t that one of those toman guys? you know, that one dangerous gang.”
“oh shit, you’re right. make sure to stay away from him, he’s bad news.”
you couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. this draken guy didn’t seem to give two flying fucks about anyone’s words. hell, he didn’t even spare the teacher a single look once he entered the classroom, which is why you thought that maybe he was an arrogant jackass. 
but it seems like everyone in the class feared him, including the professor. 
“settle down everyone, class is still in session.” the professor cleared his throat before scolding the class for all the gossips. your blood ran a little cold once you heard shuffling noises besides you, the sliding sound of the chair next to you being pulled out. 
with a side eye, you looked to see draken calmly sitting down and taking his necessary books out. he didn’t speak a word to you and you didn’t say anything either. 
i’m just gonna continue to mind my own business. 
you continued your daydreaming in the back of the classroom while the lecture about chemical bonds continued, not a single word of chemistry knowledge penetrating through your thick skull. 
occasional sounds of pages being turned and scribbling noises with a pen would ring in your ears. 
he actually cared to learn? damn, could never be me.
now that the stupid lecture was over, the hardest part came. and that was classwork, to make matters worse, it would be graded for correctness. 
and you were absolutely shit at it. your chemistry grade was hanging onto dear life because of how horrendous your marks were.
welcome to college, folks. 
“uh, your paper fell on the floor.” you heard the deep voice next to you finally speak after a good thirty minutes. 
“don’t care. it’s not like i would do it anyways.” you mumbled, closing your eyes as you could hear the chatter of the students rotting your ears. 
so noisy. 
“do you need help with it? i don’t mind working together.” draken offered, making your head turn to the side to look at him. 
“you understand this shit?” you spoke with awe and he shrugged. 
“it’s pretty easy, so yeah, i guess.” he replied, making your eyes light up. you quickly bent down to pick up the long worksheet that was previously littered on the floor. 
“okay, teach me.”
class finally ended and you just finished submitting both yours and draken’s paper. as you walked back to your seat, you saw him packing up his stuff. 
“thanks for helping me with the work today, you explained it way better than the teacher could’ve ever done.” you spoke with gratitude, offering him a small smile. he looked at you with a blank expression before nodding. 
“no problem.” draken kept his words short before slinging his bag over his shoulder, leaving the classroom. you let out a heavy sigh, regretting for not walking out of class with him so that maybe you could speak about other things that didn’t involve chemistry. 
but then again, you didn’t want to seem like a nuisance to him. 
draken was a pretty chill guy. although his words were dry and short, he was great at getting his point across without taking you through so many loops. he was straight to the point and you liked people like that. 
no bullshit. 
also, not to mention that he was extremely attractive. his facial features, his voice, his style, his tattoo and the way he presented himself stood out to you a lot. 
if only you had the chance to get a hold of his number.
oh well.
“fuck, it’s so cold.” you shivered, leaving the gates of the campus, cursing yourself out a million times for showing up to class with just a thin shirt and a skirt. 
you thought of running home in attempts to reach there faster and keep your body warm through such intensive actions, but executing it seemed too embarrassing. 
suddenly, you felt something being draped over your shoulders. it was a black cardigan that had white geometric shapes sewn onto it. you looked up at the figure who was kind enough to provide you with it. 
“draken?” you were surprised to see him. 
“thought you might need it.” draken said, waving you a small goodbye before turning his heels in the direction of where students parked their bicycles. there you saw draken hopping onto a motorcycle, putting on the helmet before starting the gear and driving off. 
he was strange. 
one moment he showed you this cold and unapproachable attitude and then the next moment he would give you all these kind gestures. it confused you as you couldn’t figure out if maybe this was the start of a fruitful friendship or just him being a good samaritan. 
you decided to drop it and began to walk home. you could smell the scent of his cologne and it smelled pretty strong compared to other colognes that you’ve smelled before as guys walked past you. nonetheless, you didn’t mind it. 
after reaching home, you dropped your bag in the living room of your small apartment that you moved in during the summer, going straight into the bathroom to have a nice hot shower. 
once you finished, you decided to wash draken’s cardigan, hoping to return it to him tomorrow and thank him for letting you borrow it. 
it was currently seven in the evening and you couldn’t help but be on the verge of tears. 
the chemistry assignment was so hard, all these numbers and letters made your head spin in circles. your temple was so hot from overthinking, completely disregarding everything that draken taught you earlier today. 
“why am i so fucking stupid. at this rate, i’ll never even have the chance to graduate. i’ll just be a failure for the rest of my life.” angry tears began to pour down your cheeks out of frustration, and this wasn’t anything new. 
having this complete mental breakdown over shit like this was a very frequent occurrence. it just felt so tiring if you were to honestly speak. living far away from your parents, having no friends, and now failing most of your classes. 
fuck this. 
you thought as you threw your pencil across the room, standing up to search for your coat and house keys. 
“i need a breather.” you sighed out, wiping away your tears before pulling on your coat. 
the air was refreshing, feeling like a thousand pins were hitting your damn face, as you breathed out and saw the condensation of the air you released. you had your airpods in, listening to we fell in love in october by girl in red, as you faintly hummed it while walking the block. 
you decided to stop by the convenience store to grab some ice cream, maybe that’ll successfully cool you down. 
you entered the store, curious eyes looking for the dairy section and you eventually found it. you grabbed the strawberry flavored ice cream before walking down the isle. 
while you were too busy reading the packaging, you accidentally bumped into a hard chest. 
“sorry.” you quickly mumbled before looking up to see the person. 
“y/n?” draken looked at you with wide eyes, one of his hands holding onto a blue basket that was filled with all kinds of noodles, snacks and drinks. 
“hey.” you sheepishly smiled at him, a little embarrassed that you kept on encountering him and it almost made you feel like you were some kind of stalker. 
“what are you doing here?” he asked, a little concerned since it was getting dark outside and you were out here all alone. 
“oh, i just came to grab some ice cream. the chemistry homework was being a real pain in my ass, so i decided to go out for some air.” you explained, rubbing the back of your nape since your reasoning sounded pretty stupid. 
“well, that’s not good. do you need some help with it?” draken questioned and you quickly denied. 
“no, no, it’s okay. i’ll try to figure it out somehow or ask the teacher about it tomorrow. i feel bad for bothering you so much. thanks, though.” you gave him an awkward smile in hopes to reassure him, but he shook his head. 
“you’re no bother. sorry if i come out as a little rude, i have a really hard time with my social skills. anyways, i’m free right now, so if you want i could help you with the assignment.” his lips curled upwards to a friendly smile, making your cheeks tint with a small hint of pink. 
“are you sure?” you asked for certainty. 
“positive. let me just check these out real quick and we could get going.” draken insisted, giving you a small smile that made your heart flutter.
his eyes disappeared when he smiled.
you both walked to the register and you waited for draken to finish paying for his stuff so that you could pay for your ice cream. 
“oh, and this too.” he swiftly took the ice cream packet out of your hands and handed it to the cashier to scan it into his bill. 
“you didn’t have to.” you tried to argue, offering to pay him with cash but draken refused. 
“take it as a way of paying me back for letting you have my cardigan.” draken smirked, seeing you become quiet as he handed you the ice cream. 
“you’re so sneaky.” you commented, making him chuckle. 
the walk to your place was pretty short, both you and draken had small talks here and there, which were pretty short-lived and got awkward quickly. 
which is why it was hard to maintain ongoing conversations since both of you sucked at communicating. 
“make yourself at home.” you chirped after unlocking your door, draken following in after you as you locked the door behind while he placed the bag of his groceries on your dinning space. 
“you have a nice place, it’s so spacious.” he complimented, making you giggle. 
“thanks, my mom got it for me last minute.” you replied, hanging both yours and his coats on the coat hanger. draken trailed behind you like a lost puppy, making you feel a little nervous since you’ve never brought anyone over, so you couldn’t help but feel a little insecure and uneasy. 
“sorry, am i making you uncomfortable?” draken quickly backed away and your eyes quickly darted at him as you shook your head. 
“no! not at all, i’m fine, really. it’s just that i don’t really have friends, so it’s my first time having someone over.” you shyly spoke, making him raise an eyebrow. 
“oh? so, we’re friends?” he narrowed his eyes with a grin plastered on his lips. 
“we’re not?” you questioned with a frown, you’re heart dropping a little. 
“i’m just teasing, y/n. of course we’re friends.” draken laughed, pinching your cheeks playfully which made you wince. 
“ow! jerk.” you mumbled, swatting his hand away. 
“when they ask you about bond polarity, always remember that you have a cheat sheet with you. the table behind the periodic table has all the electronegativity numbers for each element, so you could calculate it based off of that.” draken explained, his voice so smooth just like honey and you couldn’t help but feel mesmerized by it. he noticed that you weren’t paying attention, suddenly leaning close to your face. 
“you in there, y/n?” he whispered, his minty breath fanning over your face as you looked at him in awk. 
“huh?” you dumbfoundedly blurted out, making him smirk. 
“explain bond polarity to me.” draken sternly asked, crossing his arms over his chest. you bit your lips, begging your brain to recollect any of the words he said earlier that might’ve been hiding in the back of your head right now. 
sadly, nothing came to mind. 
“sorry.” was the only thing that you could say, and you genuinely meant it. he was kind enough to help you this late at night as it was nearly ten o’clock right now but you could barely even get one question done without asking for clarification. 
“don’t apologize, you can’t become einstein over night. let’s take a break.” he softly spoke to you, eyes holding so much patience for you. your heart swelled with warmth and you nodded your head, grabbing his hand as you led him to the kitchen. 
“sit, i’ll make us something to eat.” you made him sit on the stool before opening your fridge to gather the necessary ingredients to make some fried rice. 
“you know, i thought you were a weirdo at first when i entered the classroom.” draken suddenly threw the bomb at you, making your head spin around like a bullet to shoot him a glare. 
“jeez, how nice to know, asshole of the year.” you snickered, roughly stirring the mixture in the pan on the flame. 
“says the one who was shitting their pants when they made eye contact with me.” he sneered, making you scoff. you turned around, one hand on your waist while the other held the spoon as you pointed it at him. 
“you know, it’s not like any other average day when some random gang member suddenly sits next to you. who knows if i’m next on your hit list or whatever the fuck it’s called.” you grumbled, seeing him look at you with a look of disbelief. 
“i was in a gang not the mafia, dumbass.” draken argued, making you shrug. 
“same shit, idiot.” you dismissed, making him sigh out in defeat. 
after you finished cooking, you brought the pan straight to the table, not caring too much about plating it since fried rice tasted better when eaten straight out of the pan. 
also, less dishes to wash! 
“in all honesty, i didn’t expect you to be so bright in the head. i was impressed to say the least because you don’t seem the type to care about school. no offense.” you muffled out since your mouth was filled with rice. 
“i was left back only for a year since some shit was going on in my life during that time. but, i brushed myself off and got back on track.” he explained, going in for another bite of his food as he chewed while his eyes were on the table. 
“oh, sorry to hear that.” you murmured, not knowing how to respond to that. 
“don’t worry about it, i’m over that now.” he gently placed a hand on top of yours to pat it. 
“anyways, i’ve been thinking about tutoring you everyday. my place is much closer to campus, so if you’re up for it, i could help you with your assignments after school is done. i’ll walk you home afterwards.” draken generously proposed, making your eyes almost pop out of your sockets and roll out. 
“you’re kidding.” you stared at him in utter shock. 
“we’re friends now, aren’t we? friends help each other during hard times.” he smiled, making you jump out of your seat as you lunged towards him for a hug. 
“you’re the best!”
october finally arrived and excitement would be an underestimate to explain how you felt. 
it was your favorite month in the whole year! 
every corner that you lurked you saw people putting up halloween decorations, the smell of the fresh crisp autumn air, crispy orange leaves crinkling under ever step and of course all the storms that came with it. 
the vibes were just perfect. 
things were slowly falling into place, you no longer felt loneliness swallowing you every night nor did you ever have to face those red failing marks taunting you anymore. 
you and draken grew really close over time, labelling you both as best friends would be pretty fair. you guys met up with each other between every class that you didn’t share, ranting about work or people, walking home together consisted of huge fits of giggles and bickering, and of course, study dates at either his house or yours were always comforting and chill. 
as for your grades, you’re doing much better than before. there was major improvement, although you still have room for a lot more. you haven’t scored a perfect score yet, but draken continued to encourage you to not lose hope and motivation. 
“ryu!!” you called out, seeing him busy as his eyes were glued onto his phone while he sat on his bike waiting for you. 
“took you long enough, you little slimy snail.” he scoffed, putting the helmet on your head as he clasped the belt. 
“meanie, i had to go get some paper real quick. i’m hungry, ryu.” you whined, wrapping your arms around his waist while leaning your cheek against his very muscular back. 
“i already told remi we’re on the way, you little vermin.” he nagged, making you pinch his sides as he flinched. 
“i’m not!”
“you so are!”
you both giggled which came out a little muffled due to the helmet as the small glass fogged up a little. 
getting around draken’s place was basically muscle memory now, as you felt like you could come here with your eyes closed. 
you guys entered the brothel, hitting the fourth floor button of the elevator as you waited for it to open on the designated floor. 
“y/n!!” the familiar blonde exclaimed, quickly pulling you out of the elevator and into the lobby, welcoming you with a bone crushing hug as per usual. 
“i missed you, y/n!” she cried out before landing a small kiss on your cheek, making you laugh. 
“you literally saw her yesterday.” draken complained, apologizing to the customers who were patiently waiting on the chairs for their service. 
“well, you don’t get to speak since you see her throughout the whole day. don’t be so greedy, kenny.” remi sneered, possessively laching onto you. 
“you know that i’ll always love you more than ryu, remi.” you whispered to her before patting her head. 
“i heard that!” draken scoweled, making you both chortle. 
“i’ll see ya later, y/n! oh and i got you udon and dumplings, it’s in ken’s room.” she waved you goodbye before ushering to one of her customer’s to follow her into one of the service rooms. 
you walked into draken’s room, seeing that he’s nowhere to be found, an indication that he’s probably freshening up in the bathroom. you fell flat on your face on his bed, crashing right on his pillow that smelled like his shampoo. 
you couldn’t help but have your eyes move to the picture of the blonde with amber colored eyes. 
emma, draken’s first love. 
draken had no problem with telling you about his past after you guys began to hang out together more often. he liked how laid back you were and how you didn’t care about hanging out with him, despite knowing his background. 
not to mention that the girl’s at the brothel absolutely adored you. 
but, you couldn’t help but feel a slight sting in your heart when he talked about emma. you saw how his eyes sparkled with love and adoration for the girl as he spoke about all the things she used to do for him and how much of a jerk he feels like for never being able to confess his feelings for her. 
he loved her then and still loved her till this day, even though she passed away. 
his feelings for her were genuine and strong, he took note of everything about her. he loved her flaws and features, his eyes were meant to be only for her. 
not for you. 
it made you wish that it was you instead. having feelings for draken was hard to hide since you were basically like an open book from how obvious your body reactions were. 
these lingering feelings kept on growing more and more every day and you were afraid to confess because you didn’t want to lose draken as your friend. you really cared about him and you liked having him around. 
you didn’t want to be selfish. 
you knew well enough that you’ll never be her, no matter how much it hurt for you to admit. 
you felt a harsh smack on your ass, startling you as you were pulled out of your trance. 
“ouch! bitch, that hurts!” you rubbed your ass cheek from the impact, looking up at draken with a glare. he just wore a pair of black sweats, his hair wet as little beads of water rolled down his neck, bare chest completely exposed as he was shirtless. 
“not my fault that you were luring me in.” he sneakily responded, making you smack his ass even harder as payback while he tried to dry his hair. 
“you little shit, come here!” draken tried to grab you but you were quick enough to run inside the bathroom and shut the door in his face. 
draken smiled on the opposite ending, hearing your laughter erupt from the other side of the door. you were a handful to bare, but he had no problem in handling you in the most gentle and patient way as possible. 
he’s been with you for every tear that you shed from pain, anger, sadness and happiness. 
halloween was only a week away and you were exploding with adrenaline as you were eager to dress up. draken was dressing up as frankenstein and you were going to be the mad scientist. 
it was going to be perfect! you sucked at chemistry, so you were sure that if you were ever a scientist, you would’ve fucked something up pretty bad. 
your last class was chemistry, but it should end pretty quickly since the professor had some important meeting to attend. he just needed to hand out the test results for last week’s exams. 
you haven’t seen draken anywhere today and he was absent for the classes that you both shared too. you couldn’t help but become worried, blowing up his phone with calls and texts under the desk and during breaks. 
but it was no use, there wasn’t a response back. 
“good job, y/n! you score the highest in the whole class.” the professor happily congratulated you as he handed back your test paper. 
you nearly smacked him for potentially lying to you (but then coming back to your senses quickly since he’s your professor), hands shaking as you took a hold of your paper that had a huge ‘100%’ circled on the top. 
“i fucking did it!!” you screamed in joy, not giving a shit about cursing out loud. 
i can’t wait to show this to ryu.
you smiled, feeling like you were on cloud nine. you were thinking about how you should deliver the news to him. 
should i prank him and say that i failed? yeah, i should!
you giggled to yourself, only to be interrupted as your phone buzzed. you looked at the screen in hopes of it being draken, instead, it was remi? your heart was beating fast, thinking about all the worst case scenarios that could involve draken. 
“hello?” you whispered, trying to not get caught by the professor. 
“y/n, you need to come over right now! ken isn’t waking up!” she sobbed, making your body lose control of every movement. you stayed quiet for a few seconds, trying to process what you just heard. 
without any hesitation, you hung up the call and ran out of the room, not caring about the weird stares of your classmates or the calls of your name from your professor. 
you were out of breath by the time you reached the brothel, never running as fast like this in your life before. you nearly got hit by a car like three times because you ran on the running road, but you were too emotionally unstable to care. your vision was horrible from how your tears blurred it. 
you saw a man getting on the elevator, begging him to keep it open as you got in. you mumbled a quick ‘thank you’ before patiently waiting for your stop. after getting on the fourth floor, you quickly made your way to draken’s room, not bothering to knock. 
you saw remi by his bedside, crying into her palms as she finally looked up at you. 
“y/n..” she whimpered, breaking your heart to pieces. 
you looked at the pale body in front of you that wasn’t moving at all. your hands were clammy and your breathing became irregular as you felt like your knees were ready to give up any moment. 
“ryu?” you stammered out, placing an ear on his chest, only to sigh out in relief to hear the beating of his heart. 
“he’s alive, remi.” you cried out, hugging the boy. you placed a palm on his forehead, nearly screaming at how hot it was. 
he’s not dead, it’s just a stupid seasonal cold. 
“he’s burning up so bad. quick! get me a wet cloth and tell yuri to run to the pharmacy to get some medicine.” you ordered, the blonde quickly nodding her head as she rushed into the bathroom to prepare what you needed. 
“ugh..” you heard draken groan in pain, his eyes twitching as he struggled to open his glued-shut eyelids. 
“ryu?” you called out his name as a whisper, leaning closer to hear his words since whatever he was trying to say only came out as whimpers. 
“water..” draken requested, making you quickly jump to your feet to grab the bottle of water on his lamp table. you helped him sit up before opening the cap, bringing the plastic bottle towards his mouth as he took a few sips. 
“how long have you been feeling like this?” you asked while screwing the cap back on, watching him use his sleeves to wipe his mouth. 
“since yesterday.” he breathed out, holding his head in pain. 
“and why the hell didn’t you tell me or someone around you?” you angrily scolded him, watching him give you a half-lided grin. 
“aww, were you worried about me?” he cooed, making you mentally note to slap that stupidly hot grin off of his face once he feels better. 
“yeah, i totally didn’t almost come face to face with death three times while crossing running roads.” you sarcastically snickered, making him chuckle. 
“i didn’t wanna fuss over something as small as this. also, why the hell were you panicking so bad? what did remi tell you?” he raised an eyebrow. 
“that you were dead.” you deadpanned, making him choke on his spit. 
“what?! that idiot, she never really shuts up.” draken grumbled, cursing the stupid blonde in his head. 
“whatever, i’m glad that i know now at least since my best friend wants to keep shit to himself now.” you mumbled under your breath, aggressively stripping away your coat as you neatly folded it on his table. 
“gonna be my little nurse, y/n?” draken taunted, enjoying the sight of seeing you getting annoyed over such a small matter, and he can’t deny that it filled his heart with joy to know that you cared this much about him. 
“of course, i’ll make sure to sedate you forever if you keep pissing me off, ryu.” you gave him a fake smile, going through his closet to find something comfortable to wear. 
for the rest of the day, you spent it with draken. yuri stopped by shortly after with some food for the both of you and medicine to help draken fight off the cold. 
“ken.” you sternly said, making him nearly spit out the soup in his mouth. you never called him by his actual name before. 
“what.” he coughed out, grabbing the napkin from your hand that you offered him to wipe his mouth. 
“asking for help doesn’t make you weak. i used to think that way, i thought that i was just this stupid good-for-nothing piece of trash in this world. i was afraid to ask for help because i didn’t want to become a laughing target for people.” you admitted, stirring your spoon around in circles as you watched the small pieces of green onions trail the swirling motion. 
“i’m fine, y/n. it’ll be gone by tomorrow.” draken smiled, trying his best to lift up the sappy mood. 
“it’s not just that. ryu, if you ever feel like your mind is heavy with troubles, pour them on me. let me carry the burden with you. if you fall and scrape your knees, let me bandage them for you. if you fall sick again, i’ll nurse you back to health. i don’t care if you’re involved with the most dangerous gang of all time. to me, you’ll always be the sweet guy that tutored me in chemistry, my best friend.” you looked at him deep in the eye, trying to contain yourself and not break down into an ugly sob. 
draken stared at you astonished with the sudden paragraph of words, not knowing how to respond. he cleared his throat, moving the empty bowls of soup from his bed to the nearby table.
“y/n, i don’t know what to say. that was so sweet of you, thank you for thinking of me like that.” he looked at you with soft eyes, making your heart melt. 
“i like you, ryu.” it was like you had no control over your mind or body, your lips automatically opening as those forbidden words slipped out of your mouth. you waited to be slapped by the harsh reality of facing rejection, maybe he’ll even laugh at your face and tell you to leave. 
however, no such thing ever happened.
draken suddenly grabbed both of your wrists before pulling you with him as he fell back on his bed. you yelped from the sudden action, now being mere inches away from his face. a pair of big strong arms wrapped around your waist as you laid on top of him, absolutely struck. 
“i know you do.” draken chuckled, bring a hand up to tuck in a piece of your hair behind your ear. you looked at him with eyes the size of two full moons. 
“huh?!” you gasped, a smirk dancing on his lips. 
“y/n, you’re the most easiest person to ever read. i knew you were into me the moment you invited me at your place that night.” he cockily remarked, making your cheeks burn in embarrassment. 
“you jackass!!” you screamed, burying your face in the crook of his neck as you could feel the vibration of his laugh hitting your ears. 
“just waited till you gave up and finally confessed.” draken admitted, now shifting to a position were you were now under him as his tall and broad figure hovered above you. 
fuck, he was so hot. 
“took you long enough, i’ve been waiting so patiently, baby.” he whispered in a low voice, sending chills down your spine. 
“ryu-” your words were cut short as draken shushed you with a kiss, nearly knocking the air out of your lungs. you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in even closer if it was physically possible. 
his hair was draping over the sides of your face like a curtain, soft plumpy lips moving against yours. your fingers threaded through his hair, feeling his tongue swiping at your bottom lip. 
“oi, ken-chin!! open this damn door before i break it.” a furious, squeaky voice yelled from the other side of his door. draken pulled away and sighed in annoyance, looking at you as your face was completely flushed while you were trying to control your breathing pattern. 
“damn you, mikey.” he cursed under his breath, sitting up as he gently caressed your thighs. 
“ugh, you’re gonna get me sick now, ryu.” you complained, realizing that he was still sick and you guys just had an intensive makeout session. 
“don’t you make that pretty little head of yours worry, i’ll nurse you back to health.” draken kissed your forehead, making you roll your eyes. 
“i’ll be the only gamma ray that you need in your life.” he winked at you, diverting your attention. 
it took you a second to understand what he meant. 
gamma rays are the only form of radiation that’s able to penetrate through the human body. 
“you’re so gross!” you squealed after realizing what he meant, slapping his chest as he grabbed one of your hands before kissing it. 
“i love you.” you spilled out with a lovesick expression, feeling like you were over the moon. 
“i love you too, y/n.” he leaned down to give you a short peck on the lips before the banging noises on his door became louder. 
“i’m still here, you know?!”
“i’m coming, you little shit!” 
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krucid707 · 2 years
How Shayne feels about his Friends, Dorm Leaders, Vice Dorm Leaders and ETC.
Riddle RoseHearts
He's Kinda Scared of Him, Riddle Reminds Shayne of a certain Trainer he knows about back at Sinnoh.
He's genuinely scared of Riddle no Joke-
Shayne kinda relates to his need for perfection, the Parental Issues, and a little bit of the Anger issues-
He was a child of an Irresponsible and a perfection obsessed Father-
Shayne kinda hated Riddle during the incident. Mostly because his Pokemon nearly got IMPALED.
He was SUPER Satisfied with what he did to Riddle during the incident. he actually passed out shortly-
Shayne is weary of Riddle a lot, but his fear still stands.
He gets Jealous when His Budew console and comfort Riddle.
Shayne likes him a lot more After the Incident, though he'll appreciate it if he doesn't try to take Budew away from him like 24/7- 8/10 over all
Trey Clover
Man is instantly fucking friends with him.
Alcremies' new Baking buddy.
Shayne's new Baking buddy.
The Favourite out of all Heartslabyul Members.
He Would Help out sometimes in the Kitchen
Brother Figure IMMEDIATELY.
Once Shayne saw Trey, he immediately jinxed himself that Trey's gonna be his Brother Figure-
Favourite outta everyone in Heartslabyul 10/10 Alcremies love him so much they wanna stay with him forever-
Cater Diamond
He tries to get along with Cater a lot.
He never understands most of his words-
He's unfamiliar with most of them.
Is literally trying to understand what the hell the shortened words and acronyms people are saying-
Cater teaches Shayne the Ropes of social media.
RotomPhone really helps him out when Cater's small teachings of Social media is too difficult for Shayne.
Shayne knows how the internet works, he just doesn't know how communicate-
He likes Cater and wants to be friends, 9/10 but he's still confused- also no pictures of the Pokemon Cater-
Deuce Spade
This. Man.
I hate/Love him.
Shayne kinda hates Deuce, only for his stupidity. But also because he nearly killed Grim-
Cough cough Chandelier Incident. Cough Cough
Shayne forgave him, but he didn't forget so he's a little more protective when Deuce does magic.
Deuce and Shayne are similar, sometimes. Deuce is trying to Change his old personality. And be a better person, but would still ram someone's face into the ground if provoked.
While Shayne's just caged his old personality, in a rusty cage and will break if needed. Always ready to fight every time he's provoked.
Deuce absolutely did not even guess it was Shayne who beat up 3 SavannaClaw students.
And Worsen their condition during the SavannaClaw Incident.
Deuce idolizes Shayne for his Bravery, and Strength. Minus the Scariness-
Shayne and Deuce have one mutual understanding. And they get it even if they're not even talking.
C O S T .
And they like to be Dads to Baby Pokemon
Would make Deuce be the first person he let in the basement.
Would let him look at the incubator area for the baby pokemon
Shayne and Deuce are a duo I never knew I needed- 10/10 They're awesome.
Ace Trappola
I'm pretty sure Shayne had an entire Revenge plan in his head after the damn Statues Incident
He Will kick Ace for free entertainment.
He despises Ace a LOT.
Ace is on his black list of Annoying people
Also in the 'I will kick their nose in their skull' list.
Shayne had grown attached to the idiot
And he hated it
He will literally grab Ace by the NRC Uniform's collar and Drag him away from trouble.
His least favourite of Heartslabyul.
But He will do everything in his power to beat the shit outta anyone who talks shit about Ace.
He gets how Trey feels now-
6/10 still hate him but he got attached. he mad that one of his Eevees also got attached to Ace
Leona Kingscholar
He hates him.
No no, he gets how he is. But he will still despise this mfker.
He was the mastermind of Trey's injury and now Shayne will hate him, For eternity.
The only thing he'll do for the Pyroar looking asshole, is he'll take care of his Nephew, if he gets money in return.
Cheka is his friend, and will give him boxes full of PokePuffs if he could.
He's fine with Leona now, he still hates him but he's fine with him
It's like being able to take a Persian and a Pyroar. And fusing them. Because this dude will kick ass if he wanted to. Like a Pyroar.
And he is Lazier than anything. Like a Persian.
Shayne will call him a Persian sometimes and piss him off along with Ruggie.
8/10 the +4 points are bc of Cheka. Nothing else. Also please give the desserts to Cheka in the holidays
Ruggie Bucchi
Genuinely likes and hates him
He hurt Trey, therefore he's up in his Hate list.
Will cook for him, if he got the ingredients,
Literally got called 4 times to Savannaclaw just to cook for the entire dorm...
And after that he just sends them bentos so they'll leave him alone-
Will absolutely go grocery shopping with him
His opinion on Ruggie will go to 'I despise you' to 'I despise you, But you're my cooking buddy now.'
Would definitely teach Ruggie how to cook Pokemon desserts for free.
Gave Ruggie 7 boxes full of pokemon pastries for his home town-
8/10 Still hate him, but he's Shayne's cooking buddy now. Also please stop trying to grab my pokepuffs when I'm not looking I can make you some if you asked-
Jack Howl
Genuinely likes him out of all the first years and SavannaClaw students.
Shayne will sometimes train with Jack, especially during the SavannaClaw Arc.
He sometimes just makes him a bento full of nutritional foods mostly from his world but he also tried to make him some desserts as well, nutritional ones of course
During the SavannaClaw Arc he actually just trusted Jack from just his attitude. Not giving a shit at all just, trusted him outta the blue.
If Shayne is the therapist of the School then Jack is his emotional support best friend also Shayne lets Jack near his Cacti pokemon. Even let him in the basement-
He would make him custom made pokepuffs in shapes of cacti or decorate it with cacti decorations
Would make him desserts for his siblings at any time. Even in 3 am-
10/10 Would try to be Bffs if he had a chance.
Azul Ashengrotto
Despised this Grapploct looking Asshole
He genuinely felt pure hatred when he saw what he did to the Students (Only the Trio he wasn't empathetic to the other students)
He was reminded of someone and now he feels Genuine hatred for Azul. Especially during the Octavinelle Arc-
He doesn't like his deals
He pulled a prank on them in revenge of evicting him
He and Grim tried to hide their laugh at the Octavinelle Trio when they went to school all messy and tired
Shayne had to resort to personally dealing with Azul during the Incident.
Shayne feels empathy for Azul especially his reasons for doing his bad deeds.
And also he softly smacked Azul after the Incident and when he woke up-
Shayne fucking fainted when the battle ended- Mans couldn't even fight that much because he had to clean up his nose bleeding continuously-
He still hates him a lot. But he feels a lot more chill with Azul still hates him but they're more chill with each other now
He likes Azul's old self, because he looked like his old friend in his childhood
He sometimes cooks for the Lounge but only when Azul really needs help.
He still declines Azul's recruitment.
He gets a lot of Thaumarks after his shifts
6/10 he's okay with Azul he just hates his Deeds also STOP TRYING TO GET ME IN A CONTRACT FOR GARDEVOIR-
Jade Leech
Oh god no-
He's more scared of Jade than he is with Floyd
Would rather be squeezed by Floyd than taste Jade's random mushrooms-
Shayne immediately knew which mushrooms he was about to consume because of his Alchemy sessions with Azul and ran to Heartslabyul immediately-
Shayne likes Jade for his calm demeanor, and genuinely hates his height and ominous smile-
He saw Jade and Floyd in the Hallways once and Ran like a Rapidash in the hallways
He hasn't got caught even to this day-
He sometimes does the Dishes with Jade or Floyd when the Lounge is full
Shayne sometimes joins Jade in his mountain hikes reminds him of his Adventures..
Shayne likes Jade's terrariums he actually made one for him once- with a mushroom that he found somewhere inside
7/10 terrifying but he's okay- also please get away from my Mushroom pokemon-
Floyd Leech
Please god no
T e r r i f i e d .
Floyd is at least the most sane in the Octavinelle trio in Shayne's opinion
He's scared of him a lot.
He got squeezed once and had to get healed by Blissey and Chansey for an entire day-
Actually likes Floyd's company
He sometimes just watches Floyd's shenanigans
Shayne runs with Riddle when they both see Floyd running towards them-
He had to run and hide when Floyd saw him during school after the prank he did to them
Would sometimes help Floyd with his Mood swings with desserts or just let him squeeze Shayne's ribs out-
7/10 he's scared of Floyd please get away from the baby pokemon they're terrified-
Kalim Al Asim
Is Kalim the favorite out of all favorites?
No questions asked
Shayne absolutely would trade any type of fucking Desserts he have just to let Kalim in his world
He trusts him so muchhhh
Was very confused when Kalim was being moody
Genuinely debating whether or not the Kalim he sees was the real one or an imposter
When the Scarabia incident happened Shayne comforted Kalim to the best of his abilities
He wanted to smack Jamil for making Kalim cry and was gonna do it-
But He knew Jamil was Kalim's best friend so he let him be
Would make Kalim desserts a lot
He sees Kalim as a second brother and so does Kalim
Shayne wanted to meet Kalim's family but since they're basically Royalty he didn't try to ask
10/10 would let Kalim near every single one of his Pokemon. Minus the poison types-
Jamil Viper
He despised him a lot.
He was already weird for Shayne in the beginning
And now he was more wary of him when the Scarabia arc happened.
He hated how badly he was treated but also hated how he fought back at it.
Shayne gets how exhausting Jamil feels, and yeah sure you get pressured a lot, but then again
Having the more chill and nicest person as your master, couldn't you at least communicate?
Kalim and Jamil got counseling, like the others
Shayne likes Jamil and sometimes trades recipes with him
He's fine with Jamil now
Though good luck with his Bug Pokemon hehe
Shayne brought Kalim a bug Pokemon and Jamil freaked out and Shayne found out his weakness lol
8/10 he's fine for Shayne, though Jamil please communicate with Kalim more, you don't know him enough. Are you really best friends?
Vil Schoenheit
He's okay-
Yeah he's fine
I definitely didn't nearly pass out when he first saw Vil-san.
Definitely did not.
I swear this man is so beautiful he nearly made me pass out.
VDC was my favourite and i just agreed immediately when i found out RSA is gonna be there.
I want a rematch with Gary ofc.
I was fine during the practices I even made some nutritional food for them
(Vil-san's request-)
I like Vil-san, he helps fix up my hair :D
During the incident, I felt a lot of Deja vu.
I relate to nearly all of the people who overblotted. I'm not surprised.
After the incident, I finally know the real name of my friend!
Also the students made me an entire birthday party once I told them my birthday just passed.
They got mad at me for some reason?
I mean they never asked!
Well back to Vil-san!
He's amazing!
He tutors me with Alchemy!!
I finally understand a few of ittt!!
In exchange I let Vil-san with the most normal looking pokemon I have, and let him take them on photoshoots! They're mostly TalonFlame, Pidgey, and Arcanine. Vil-san likes Arcanine, as he doesn't do anything that is unprofessional, or move around too much.
Arcanine is his favorite to Photoshoot with, but when its non-normal looking pokemon, it's Vulpix. Alolan Vulpix.
I always go with him to his Photoshoots to Guard him, and because I know Yuki will go off on her own.
Vil-san is amazing on his own, he even taught me a few tricks to hide eyebags, and how to fix my messy and tangled hair!
He's amazing!
9/10! He's amazing!! I hope he tutors me more about Alchemy :D
Rook Hunt
Is it prohibited to not rate him..?
It is.??
Yeah uh-
Long story short
I'm genuinely afraid of this man-
I'm grateful someone else can speak my native language... But why the hell does he keep stalking me-
Someone help he just keeps watching me😭
One time he went a little too close near my Vile plumes in the garden..
He got hit with stun spore-
He accepted the apology but I feel guilty not saying anything-
I placed a sign in the front of the Dorm after that
It said "Please do not get near the Little Grass monsters They will attack without hesitation "
Rook did get away from them but now he just stalks me and sometimes asks permission to see my other pokemon..
This man is the equivalent of an Decidueye.
And I'm scared
It's a personification of a Decidueye.
I'm not kidding I'm scared now-
He praises my pokemon a lot
He helps me get my little Feebas' Self-confidence up!
He helps me a lot with my Low self-esteemed pokemon
I just let Lucas find him and ask him for help with my pokemon's self esteem and he helps.
Of course with a price.
I had to let him observe my pokemon for an entire week.
And I had to tell my pokemon not to hurt him bc of it ;-;
7/10 helpful. But please for the love of Arceus STOP TRYING TO TOUCH RAPIDASH'S MANE PLEASE YOU'LL GET ATTACKED😭
Epel Felmier
We're absolutely besties
We met once during one of Lessons in PE
And also during Arc 2
We both know the pain of being called a girl.
Because we're both feminine looking😃
Not to mention, the only reason I'm known to be a guy
Is because of my Clothes
Not much but I look more masculine with my clothes (given by Crewel)
I help him a lot with looking more Masculine
And I sometimes give him bentos with meat hidden.
Vil-san never found out and I kept making him some
He likes my more "Manly" Pokemon, especially Gallade
But then Arc 5's incident happened.
And his view of Masculinity.
His new favorite is now Gardevoir.
Gallade is still his favorite but Gardevoir dethroned him lol
He saw me training my flexibility and reflexes with my pokemon once and was immediately concerned with the other first years.
Until I told them it was training they immediately asked to watch
12 minutes of Dodging later
They're just praising me
It's unreal
He's immediately intrigued when I told him I had apple-like pokemon
10/10 he's the best! He's awesome! He even let me watch his Magic Shift practices! Leona allowed me so at least I didn't get in trouble :')
Idia Shroud
Someone help him-
Idia ran away from me once
And that was during Arc. 2-
Me and Idia are not that similar
He does like it a lot when I show him some performances from my world.
He and I both have a favorite performer.
And it's the same one.
Which ngl I don't blame him, she was BEAUTIFUL in every aspect of performances.
That's why he's a lot more chill with me than before
Though I still have to knock and let him know I'm there
Or else I'm gonna get smacked/blasted by Ortho-
He likes Luxray, reminds me of a certain gym leader I'm familiar with.
He definitely tried to be friends with my cat pokemon. Especially Torracat-
He likes some of my electric pokemon though mostly Rotom and Luxray-
But hey he still likes them!
During the incident, I had definitely not gotten a huge breakdown in tears.
Definitely not..
Idia reminded me of how naive I was before.
I tried to console him along with Ortho,
Thank Arceus he accepted the consolation
When he heard about what happened to my sister, he was definitely feeling bad for me.
He did cheer me up with some few funny pictures.
8/10 hope we can talk more, just please. Stop petting Litten without permission- He'll definitely try to roast you alive ;CryingFaceEmoji;
Ortho Shroud
Best boy
He's a favorite!
I absolutely would like to see how he interacts with pokemon!
Ortho doesn't usually go and see animals, since he is busy taking care of his brother.
So I asked Idia if he could let me borrow Ortho for a bit
Which he actually allowed
As long as I don't put him in trouble or danger
Ortho reminded me of my sister,
When Ortho found out what happened to her, he tried his best to cheer me up.
Which worked-
He and RotomDex were definitely best friends. Which doesn't help because he keeps teaching him detective Laki stuff!
Even Idia is taking drastic measures to stop the madness!
9/10, Ortho. Please stop learning weirder stuff from Rotom ;Cri;
Malleus Draconia (Tsunotarou)
My first normal friend in TWST!
His voice is soothing!
His height is amazing
His horns are cool!
His eyes are like a dragon I like em!
He's cool!
He likes Gargoyles, I like him :DD
He seems scary but he's super cool
I showed him one of my Dragon Pokemon once and he was fascinated!
He's sooo cool! (>u<)
Turns out he was the feared Malleus Draconia!
Who cares :DD
He's Tsunotarou to me
And no one can stop me
He's amazing!
We are best friends™.
10/10! Best friend! Most amazing person I meet :DD
Lilia Vanrouge
Mr. Music Teacher
Yes he teaches me music sometimes :D
He's cool, but I'm getting jump scared every 5 minuted-
He definitely was surprised about Fairy types but he didn't show it
He is super cool!
I told him some stuff about the Ancient king, that made the Ultimate Weapon 3,000 years ago
I didn't tell him all the details but only some stuff that I thought was important
He was genuinely surprised
I mean I wouldn't blame him
I didn't tell him that one part of the parade-
But then again, he did thank me for telling him some history from my world
Though Vivian did help with most of it
Did I tell them about the life threatening near wipeout of a plan Team Flare was doing?
N o
If they knew I would just sit there and cry inside
I already had Mom, Vivian, Sadie, and Kiki yell at me for even trying to stop such a destructive group
I do not want another 😃
One good thing that I learned from when I visit Diasomnia is.
Bring. M u k.
Those dudes have been genuinely begging me to come to their dorm and let Muk eat all of Lilia's food, while me and Silver cook for the whole Dorm
Which is uh
It worked-
It actually fucking worked-
Lilia didn't even mind he wasn't feeding the dorm
He just liked the fact at least one Person liked his cooking-
Fair enough-
10/10 he feeds Muk good food apparently, but then again Muk now refuses to eat anything besides my Pokepuffs, And Lilia's cooking. Well at least the picky eater got a new favorite dish-
Cool dude!
I would totally recommend him and Sebek to Wikstrom
Sometimes I take a nap with him, but most of the time it's just me trying to wake him up because Professor Crewel is trying to get him-
Snorlax's nap buddy.
Komala's nap buddy.
Basically this man is just every single one of my Pokemon's nap buddy
He makes them feel more calmer
Which is why most of them like him!
I haven't talked to him much
But I like his cooking
I tell him about Muk's liking to Lilia's food and everyone in Diasomnia just cried and thanked Muk over and over again
Silver and I make them food, I only help when I visit the dorm
Which is like.. 2 times a week-
I don't have much to talk about him, he's amazing at being a guard too!
9/10 please stop getting me in trouble with you... Stop sleeping in the middle of nowhere too I suddenly found you in my lounge asleep-
Sebek Zigvolt
He's loud
Would probably be as loud as a Loudred.. Or WORSE
For some reason he lowers his voice around lil' Hatsu.. He just does??
Anyways immediately up in my "You're okay" list.
For an odd reason.. Sebek gets along with my Garchomp... HE JUST DOES
I'm scared
Malleus help me
I'm so confused...
I'm so damn confused
I'm scared
Most of my dragon Pokemon like him
I'm so scared rn I'm crying
Malleus help me out
He and Escavalier are rivals and fight each other like each time they meet..
I'm scared as hell Arceus help me..
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symphonicmetal101 · 2 years
I used this picrew to do it, but you totally dont have to if you dont want to. What was your mcs first impression of the brothers? I might do a part two with everyone else.
Ok I'm stealing Ivy's idea- and Inky's and Max's
This is when Viz first came to Devildom
Lucifer and Viz had a rocky relationship. Viz had no fucks left to give so if Luci killed her, she didnt care. She called him out on all his shit, and of course, she also had Diavolo's favour...so Lucifer was always hesitant to retaliate. When he did, she had a comeback right away. They've since become friends and call each other out on their overworking and when perfectionism becomes harmful.
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She hated Mammon because of a conflict they had in the human realm years prior, and she wanted nothing to do with him even if he wanted to try and apologize.
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Levi has long hair-
but these two were so awkward with each other. Painfully so. Asmo shoved them into this picture. It wasn't until Viz learned he had a pet snake did the two start to talk more. She loves to hear him ramble, but cannot keep up for the life of her.
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Satan picked up on Vizzie's suppressed wrath, and helped her work through it after getting to know her fairly quickly after she came to Devildom. The two have become and stayed (yes, even over the Asmo arc, which if you're 18+ and a sucker for angst you can dm me) very close. He continues to help her, and she helps him with calming him down.
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She and Asmo had a difficult, but not a bad start. Upon first impressions, Viz saw right through the facade that Asmo had in regards to his confidence and how he saw himself in regards to "Im the Avatar of Lust" to "I'm a demon just like my brothers, and I'm allowed to not always be perfect especially at home where Im safe", and again with no fucks to give she told him exactly what she thought of him/the truth as she saw it when she got to see him in private. The way Satan helped her, she tried to help Asmo...except she was a bit rougher. Only because she didn't have very good social skills for people she cared for...customers and strangers are different.
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Beel pretty much adopted Viz as a little sister. And she liked it. The two just kinda enjoy each others company.
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So Vizzie didn't go through the whole "being killed" thing to uh...balance out what I had happen to her later on, also she didnt live at HoL for the exchange program
Belphie's just a little shit and likes to bug her as much as he bugs Lucifer
He likes to mess with her placement of stuff and whatnot, and her perfectionism screams every time
And then he would play it off like he did nothing wrong
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No pressure tags: @raccoon-carson @obey-r-us @reclusiveprincessofsharks @inkysninky @asmo-ds @ash-the-nekogirl @moemoemammon @undertaker-02 anyone else who wants to join! My brain died I cant remember any other URLS sorry fjdjdjdj
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zaenight · 1 year
Crazy but she's mine ch5
Tw : mentions of things said in the last chapter.
"Jackie wake up!" Illiana exclaimed shaking the girl awake.
"Oh my god your awake , the doctors said you were most likely stressed out or somthin' ." Jackie rushed out.
"I feel fine." Illiana said stretching.
"I- you know while you were out social workers came." Jackie started to say.
"What,what did they say!" Illiama stammered.
"Don't stress yourself out, they said you could stay with me,your so called foster parents were gonna put you bsck into the system,came to visit too,but I stepped up." Jackie said as Illiana hugged her.
"Why are they here?,why is HE here?" Illiana questioned pointing a finger at the Mayans.
"Dios, niña, nos tenías asustados, Ez tuvo que evitar que Jackie se lanzara contra el obispo." Hank said to the girl.
(Christ kid you had us scared, Ez had to hold Jackie back from lunging at bishop)
"Why do you guys care." Illiana said with narrowed eyes.
"Cause we fucking do." Bishop stated.
"Fuck you asshole!" She exclaimed flipping the bird.
"Because your family,you AND Jackie,your bishops kid,
hate him for all we care,but you two are under our protection." Ez explained.
Bishop glared,it was his kid,he made the mistake of not being a decent dad,he knows he had no right to treat her like that , but to keep her safe,he had to push her away.
"What the hell do you mean "under your protection" , the hell did you do now!?" Jackie said with a growl.
"Illiana is the kid of a former king,the ex president of our charter,your my old lady,the other charters also know that Illiana lives with you,so to them she's my kid,the kid of an ex king and adopted by another." Ez said with a shrug.
"The hell do you mean adopted?" Illiana said lookking towards Jackie.
"They didn't think I could care for you alone , So Ez stepped up,the ass said he was my fiance." Jackie said.
"Ain't you an ex con that shot a cop?,also WHAT?!" Illiana said before snapping her head towards Jackie.
The group gave her strange looks.
"And yes! I did my research on you numbnuts,speaking of which, dude did you really
piss in a water fountain?" She said looking towards Creeper.
"I was drunk!" He defended himself.
"I had a friend who was more than willing to help,speaking of pack your shit,your living with me." Ez said not skipping a beat.
"The hell we are!,and don't you live in that shitty trailer?" Jackie said getting in his face.
"I got a house, not too big or small." He stated grabbing her arm,The group and the two girls walked outside,the boys getting on their motorcycles.
"Get on,Illiana can ride with Angel." Ez said hand her a helmet.
"Hell no!,Illiana don't you dare get on that ,you barely got released!" Jackie said with her best mom look,damn she sounded like her bitch of a mother.
"Please,im wearing a helmet!" Illiana begged.
"For fuc- Fine,fine you win." Jackie said snatching the helmet from Ez.
"Move,im not riding bitch." Jackie said.
"Get on the damn bike Camila,do you even know how to ride one of these." Ez said raising a brow.
"Im not riding bitch,and yes I know how, Ezekiel." Jackie said matching his energy.
"por que tienes que ser tan dificil chica?" Ez said as the others started riding off.
(why do you have to be so difficult girl)
"I don't know, why do you think you can control me?,I mean you tell everyone im your old lady,when are you gonna learn nothing is ever gonna happen betweeen us,I mean seriously." She scoffed getting on,His hands on her waist.
"Move those hands any higher,I'll push you off." Jackie muttered.
"Were did you learn to speak spanish?" He asked changing the topic,truth is she's so diffrent,than gabby,than sofia,than emily,it scares him.
"Stanford,on a scholorship,got kicked out for beating up a chick for talking shit,still a little rusty."
She explained starting to drive.
"I went to stanford too,killed a cop,ruined my chance,you know there was a fight now that I remember,but for some reason its unclear,which it strange for me." Ez said , his hands tracing shapes on her waist.
"Yeah your brother said you were smart,suprising, he also said you remember everything." Jackie said pulling up to the clubhouse.
"This is-how'd you afford this?, Ez this is- how much drugs did you sell,who'd you kill,oh my god!,you totally paid off your so called friend so we could adopt Illiana." Jacke rambled as the young teen ran around the house.
"It's awsome!" Illiana said hugging Ez and then rushing upstairs.
Well Jackie's not wrong , working in the drug trade with Soledad was a good pay.
"I have no Idea what your talking about." Ez said grabbing her hand.
"This is our room." Ez said as they entered the decent sized room,luckily it had two beds.
"Why do you have to stay in here." Jackie said raising a brow.
"Illiana needs her own space,Its only two bedrooms,plus there are two closets in here,one for you , and one for me,plus easier access to get to you and Illiana in case somthing happens." Ez said leaning against the wall.
"I-you,jesus im taking a nice - HEY! I was going in there!" Jackie exclaimed as Ez blocked off the restroom.
"I need to talk to you about somthing,Me and Angel found some of your old police reports,we read em'." Ez said as Jackie's face fell.
"You read my Police reports?!,you saw shit you shouldn't have!" Jackie said pushing him.
"Yes I was Abused,yes my step dad did shit to me,yes my ex pushed me down the stairs,what the hell do you want from me goddammit!,you help adopt a kid together,say we're engaged,said im your old lady!,why whats so special about me!?" Jackie said.
A kiss on her lips snapped her out of her rage as she fell to the floor, tears flowing,memories coming back.
"Hey,hey,shit!,im sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." Ez said cradling her in his arms.
"Shut the fuck up!,for once just shut up,why does every man think they can control me,why Ez!,how come you act so sweet and than get so dark,is it being the president of the gang?" Jackie cried.
"Club,and I can't say anything,but I liked you the moment you stepped into the clubhouse,i had to have you,you were so different." Ez explained feeling her hand grip his kutte.
"Im not yours to have,or own,or break,you want me?,fucking show me like a damn man and not a little boy wearing a crown too heavy for his head." Jackie said wiping her face.
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A03: zae_night
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Illiana is okay,Ez and Jackie kissed,their relationship is slowly getting there,Ez has to show her he isn't like all the men of her past.
also bishop is an ass, to him, pushing Illiana away is to keep her safe,but in reallity its stressful and painful for her because she just wanted a father.
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mercuryislove · 2 years
Happy Friday Lynn! I am here with my little grocery list of questions :)
12 for Sonam
14 for Anwei
19 for Azetahn
20 for Josef
29 for Yixing
happy friday but also saturday and sunday since once again I'm slow as hell to respond (I don't have a good excuse ._. i just wanted to sleep all day today)
12. How does your oc handle talking to somebody they can't stand? What if it's a situation where they're forced to work with this person?
Sonam has an excellent “customer service” voice/personality and can trick people into thinking she's on friendly terms with them when she secretly hates their guts. Like making excellent conversation and smiling to their faces but clenching her fist behind her back the whole time. She learned to put on a pleasant face because, well, she has to work with a lot of stupid people and knows that being a dick won't get you hired again. BUT she does like to give people the benefit of the doubt because she too was once an idiot that had no clue how to show up on time, negotiate a contract, read a fucking map, etc etc etc. Being with Yixing for so long rubbed off on her though because as the years go by, her patience gets worse and worse to the point that she gives up the fake kindness and will tell someone to their face that she doesn't have time for their stupidity. She has a hard time making friends as she gets older lol
14. If your oc spent one day free from any consequences or recognition for their actions, how would they act?
Um, Anwei would just want to be left alone for a day. Like interact with Nobody. She is always busy and people always ask her for shit and she just wants to like. sleep late and eat a fucking cheeseburger or something without anyone interrupting her. She's kind of boring. Having shit to do 24/7 makes a girl want to lay in the sun far away from everyone else on earth. Maybe go see a show. Some live music or something? But that would require interacting with people and she does enough of that every day, so maybe not. Let her be alone in the middle of nowhere and she'll be happy enough.
19. How would an enemy describe this oc?
They wouldn't have the chance to describe him because unfortunately they would be dead. But if they actually had the time to describe Azetahn, they would call him a brat and a daddy's boy. A cry baby. A tattle tale. “Daddy, daddy, these people looked at me the wrong way. I need you to punish them.” He has that vibe. He always gets what he wants and it has spoiled him beyond belief. But that doesn't mean he's a weak little shrimp. He's a notorious sadist (and coincidentally one of like three people that thinks adrenaline makes blood taste better), so people try to stay on his good side since it means either dealing with the Sovereign or dealing with the Sovereign's fucked up little son who was never taught not to play with his food.
20. What's a superpower or magical ability this oc would hate having?
Immortality lol. Josef is a simple man and the thought of never dying is really unpleasant to him. Partially because he thinks it would be boring to live forever (he isn't even that old and feels like he's seen Enough of the world), but mostly because he can't imagine how lonely the neverending passage of time must feel.
29. What's your least favorite thing about this oc?
You know that one guy at a party that is unbelievably depressed and wants everyone to know it through the self-deprecating jokes they make? Yixing is that guy. It's like “haha we get it you're miserable but can you socialize like a normal person without trying to bring up your daddy issues to the rest of us who are trying to have a good time????”
Honorable mention to him hating conflict so much that he just fucking uhhhh LEAVES when things get too tough. Packs a bag and moves across the continent to avoid having a difficult conversation. This will come back to bite him on the ass more than once.
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