#'you fuckmother'
teamdarkweek · 7 months
I do not believe that Eggman swears, nor sees that his machines should ever need to swear (he never plans for them to fail or get frustrated).
I do not believe the Ultimate Life Form was taught bad words on the Ark. I just cannot imagine Gerald and the scientists seeing that as something to do, but maybe he heard some. They definitely weren't in his vocabulary.
But it is my firm belief that between Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog '05 both Shadow and Omega have been taught to swear. We know who. We know she enjoyed it.
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keepthetension · 9 months
watching the last twilight behind the scenes and i have a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION
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was jimmy in tears after the kiss scene???? i thought maybe it was just dust but p'aof asks him about sadness??? DID HE CRY AFTER FILMING THAT SCENE????? I'M GOING TO CLAW MY FUCKING FACE OFF GOODBYE
posting the rest of this from the floor, but. something to balance out the emotional damage:
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no clue if the subs are mistranslated, or if this is what the line was originally and they changed/improvised later, but this is so fucking funny. mhok, did you steal those bracelets?
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also, please enjoy this shot of sea giving jimmy a weird pole dance
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ogdegenerate · 1 month
Fuck it I cant sleep so here ya go
Werewolf x BAMF Human thingy prt1(?)
This will be very gay cuz fuck hetaronortivity and long cuz i’m a complex fucker
You are deceptively strong and durable on a supernatural level.
And by on all means you shouldn’t be, as far as you know you’re 100% human, it was just very easy to get strong to you.
You live alone in a cottage in the woods, traveling to a nearby town (which would take hours by vehicle but only a few minutes for you on foot) for groceries or any other supplies isn’t really an issue, you just enjoy the solitude.
While hunting for dinner, you find a black wolf who’s unconscious and heavily wounded. Maybe poachers nearby lost their score? They better pick a god and pray that they don’t run into you.
Because of your bleeding heart and to fuck over the dickwards who wanted to skin the pup, you decided to bring the wolf back home and nurse them back to health
In hindsight, the biggest red flag was that this certain wolf was bigger and heavier than the average lupine, then again it’s nothing you cant handle and there’s not much of a point to body shame a wild animal.
You bring the suspiciously-bigger-than-normal-wolf back to your humble cabin and nurse them back to health with the power of a first-aid kit and your know-how of animals.
The night goes by and you awoken to your fridge being ran through, the door wide open, and the wolf-who-was-way-too-big-to-be-a-normal-wolf no where to be seen.
You fear that the poachers mightve somehow found where you live and captured the wolf, but there’s no signs of a struggle anywhere.
This leads you to deduce that the fuckmothering wolf you decided to bring to your house and deemed safe to sleep under the same roof in WASN’T your run of the mill wolf and never was.
Atleast the fucker could leave a thank you note or something.
Few days go by where you have to go deeper into the woods due to the sudden raid of your consumables. You were chasing down a moose because why not? It’s been a week and it looked at you funny.
You only manage to loose sight of it for a few seconds before you come to see that your bounty got slain by a pair of huge brown wolfmen. One of them even spots you and gives you a snide grin.
Try as you back away, you bump into something hard (STOP IT) and fuzzy, and to your distain it was a gray werewolf -being accompanied by its blonde friend- blocking your path.
Ambushed and surrounded by a quartet of lycans, the one that smiled at you graciously informed you that you’re currently hunting within their turf. You apologized like the good man mother raised you to be and made it clear that you will make sure not to make the same mistake again as you try to move away from the wolves who towered over you by a foot or two.
The gray wolf clarified that a simple apology isn’t going to cut it and that they would be willing to forgive and forget if you “have some fun with them”
A small part of you is quite curious and maybe a bit excited of the “invitation”, but you ultimately give your answer by unrooting an entire tree with your bare hands.
Cue little red riding good by cupcakke as you chase down the small pack while carrying an entire tree over your head.
You don’t see those werewolves again for a while and you’re free to get some meat (SHUT UP) without any interruptions for about a week
Until one quiet night of stargazing, the same werewolves you terrorized way back when came back with some friends.
Geez guys atleast fight your own battles.
Good thing you got your trusty shotgun because if you’re going to taking on 14 or more werewolves, you’re not going down without a fight.
The blonde one you remember seeing pointed at you and shouted at something behind them about an intruder who threatened then
Ok they’re not wrong but it was all in self defense
The werewolves part way for whoever blondie was talking to, and you can’t believe to see the consequences of your own ignorance.
The ALPHA wolf (as the yellow one described him) is bigger and bulkier than the rest of the company. But this isn’t any random alpha werewolf. This werewolf was covered in black fur. Fucker still even has the bandages around his beefy arms.
As the alpha walks towards you, you decided to meet him there halfway, yelling at the wolf on how rude of a guest he was and that none of this would even be happening if he didn’t steal his meats.
As the wolf opens it maw, you cut them off that leaving them alive doesn’t count for shit and nobody here is entitled to anything of yours just because you’re big and scary and weirdly handsome
Before you can say another thing, the wolf discards something off their back and drops it in front of you, the huge and meaty thud breaking your train of thought.
You behold the object infront of you and see it’s a giant willdboar. Somehow even bigger than the moose from before.
In shock, you look back up to the black wolf who’s now kneeling down at eye level to you. His red eyes, unmistakably wolf like, still has a strange humanity to them. And yet they magically sparkle like jewels under the moonlight.
“Thank you for saving my life, I do hope this will make up for all of the trouble you went through”
His voice was deep, gruff, and manly and still so soft and calm. There was no hint of anger or malice in his voice compared to the others, actually, maybe there even was hint of guilt as well?
The black wolf stood back up to their full 8 foot majesty, adding on that he will personally talk to the lycans who made an attempt on your body personally and make sure that they wont bother you again.
The alpha began to walk away, but your voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Don’t be a stranger!”
The big black wolf turned to you with his ruby eyes wide at you, he looked surprised, confused even, it’s clear that he wasn’t expecting this to even happen and neither were you.
The alpha’s maw opened, but no words came out, not even a sound. All he could do was look to the side and give a nod.
As the werewolf walked away with his pact following suit, you couldn’t help but notice as his black tail sway side to side, dare you say it was… wagging?
No, it cant be. You must be very tired. It has been a long week
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wastingstarlight · 2 years
💀🧼 drabble for the lovely @empresscirque and their prompt: "ghost playing guitar and soap liking it" 
pairing: john "soap" mactavish/simon "ghost" riley rating: T length: ~1k CWs: brief canon-typical violence A/N: ft! price/gaz mention for funsies, light angst, & a dash of hand kink bc of who i am as a person. thanks for the prompt and hope you enjoy! 💜
Soap is right fucking knackered.
The op had gone to shite as soon as the last two men guarding the garage pressed a silent alarm before Soap could dispatch them, summoning a small army of backup that had not been in the intel brief. 
It takes all his years of training, Ghost on his six, and sheer bloody luck to make it out in one piece. To top it off, since the place is now crawling with hostiles, exfil has been pushed back; they have to bunk in a safe house until things settle.
Soap barely fights the urge to groan as Laswell relays that charming detail to them. All he wants is a hot shower, a cold glass of water, and eight blissfully uninterrupted hours of shut-eye in a bed he knows he won’t get shot in. 
Well, as long as Price doesn’t figure out that Soap’s been the one deliberately shrinking his shirts, that is. What can Soap say; the man needs to get laid. He’s seen the way Gaz has been gawking at the captain, the way Price sneaks his own looks when he thinks no one’s watching, and Soap is more than happy to be their fairy fuckmother or whatever. He just wants someone to be getting some, is all. 
“Chin up, Sergeant,” Ghost—speak of the fuckin' devil—deadpans as he sets the course towards the coordinates Laswell had provided. “Least I’m not pullin’ a bullet outta your arm this time.”
“There’s still time,” Soap grumbles. “Think we’d get exfilled faster if ye were?”
Ghost snorts. “Not with the way our luck’s been goin’ tonight, Johnny. Let’s get the fuck outta here.”
The safe house is standard; utterly ordinary, out-of-the-way, lightly stocked with food and gear. Working electric too, so Soap helps himself to a glass of cold water. That’s one thing off his checklist, anyway, and he’s already eyeing the washroom where a shower beckons. Maybe the night won’t be all bad.
“Go ahead,” Ghost says, like he’s reading Soap’s mind. “I’ll check the supplies, figure out something to eat.”
“Have I told ye how much I love ye lately, Lt?” Soap breathes, hardly thinking before the words are out and he’s brushing past Ghost and into the washroom. 
Soap stands under the blissfully hot water with his eyes closed and pretends he’s in a swanky spa in Glasgow instead of The-Middle-of-Fucking-Nowhere, Russia. It works, almost, but his grumbling stomach reminds him he has other things to tend to.
He switches the shower off with a sigh and towels off before tugging his base-layers back on. He especially hates this part—having to return to dirty clothes—but at least they’re quick-dry
Soap opens the door to the washroom, halfway to feeling like a person again, and then he hears it.
He thinks it’s the radio at first, on some weird Russian instrumental channel, but as he draws closer, he picks out little pauses, little imperfect scratches of fingers on strings, and he realizes right before he sees it that it’s not the radio; it’s Ghost.
Soap is not ready for the sight or what it does to him.
A single lamp casts the scene in gold and banishes the shadows to the corners of the sitting room. Ghost is down to his balaclava, t-shirt, and tactical trousers, cross-legged on the ground, a worn acoustic guitar in his lap. He watches his fret hand as he plays, his movements a bit slow but smooth, careful, practiced. Soap doesn’t know the song but he doesn’t really care; his eyes are fixed on Ghost’s hands. 
Big, scarred, powerful hands that Soap has seen slit throats, crush windpipes, disassemble and reassemble sidearms in under thirty seconds. Hands that are just as much a part of Ghost’s kit as his throwing knives. And Soap can’t stop watching those hands as they dance nimbly across frets, strum a precise rhythm that leaves Soap breathless for a reason he’s not allowed to let himself think about.
It’s over too soon.
“Ah didnae ken ye played, sir,” Soap murmurs, scrambling to fill the sudden silence before his traitorous thoughts do.
Ghost shrugs and ducks his head. He plucks a few more notes in a half-melody. “Dad taught me. ‘S been…a while since I’ve practiced,” he replies, voice rough, and Soap knows better than to push. 
There’s something desperately close to vulnerability in the air as Soap kneels in front of Ghost. Ghost’s eyes, honey-gold in the low light, track him the entire time, and curse that fucking mask because Soap would kill a thousand men to see Ghost’s face right now, to touch—
Soap swallows the want with practiced ease and fixes a smile to his face. “Y’know any other songs, Lt.? Closest I’ve been to a proper concert in ages.”
Ghost rolls his eyes but plucks out a few more notes before starting a new song in earnest. 
And the moment passes, like all these moments pass, because Ghost is Ghost and Soap is an expert at dealing with wanting things he’ll never have.
Soap tugs his knees to his chest, leans back against the sofa, closes his eyes, and lets the raspy acoustics wash over him.
He doesn’t realize he’s dozed off until he’s being woken up by Ghost pressing a mug of steaming soup into his hands.
“Eat this and get to bed,” Ghost says. Any vulnerability is gone, replaced by the Lieutenant’s gruff commands. “Long day tomorrow and I need you sharp.”
Soap knows the drill.
“Yes, sir,” he replies, stifling a yawn, and accepting the soup gratefully.
Soap’s sleep is as fitful and light as it always is in the field. 
But he dreams of music.
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perelka-l · 10 months
All the moments Light and Near would probably kill each other if given a chance to be within vicinity of less than 20km of each other that I find amusing (when I think about it, Near is at least a continent across from Light at most of the time so that distance could be bigger, and we all know what happened when they ended up in the same room).
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Let's start with the classic. First sentence and guy was itching for a pen.
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Bitch thought he was the boss hilarious ain't it
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"Who is this guy" and thus Light will spend pondering on this next *checks timeline* a bit over two months, wow
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Anyway I wanna see how you fuck this up good luck
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As a side note I deeply believe Rester is deeply unappreciated in terms of *makes swooping movements with hands* everything. Dilfery. Anyway, here he serves as a translator of Near's thoughts into polite.
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hey bitch how are you doing with this mess
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I would elaborate here but there is a fuckmothering missile in play so yanno.
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Near is like ayyyyy casually getting people in to question them, the famous hobby of his, meanwhile Light is back on his "oh no if i say x he will think i am kira" let's give him a bit of time
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and you fucked up, "L". everything is your fault. sucks to be you.
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(I probs would also fuck up but you were the one to do the fuckup so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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ngl i feel like he is mocking Light here a lil' and it's not a genuine plan, especially considering that within next two pages he grills Yagami senior for confirmation that yep, it was Mello
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sucks to be you,, gotta suffer
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anyway i don't need you anymore "L". Light itching for that notebook so hard.
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you haven't done shit so basically I used you when it was convenient for me LOL
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hilariously light is very pissed even though like. That's why he was L for all those years. And yet he still gets furious. Just amazing.
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Light gets owned by a froggy Near and it's a true delight to watch how Near just casually belittles him like that. Peak entertainment.
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He was so happy to hear Near miserable after THAT exchange like wow you got fucked a lil' you dumb kid (he doesn't know he's a kid yet)
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"see this is what happens when you ignore the power of the notebook lol" "hey i wonder who is a dumb bitch who lost it" PEAK
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who are you where is light what have you done with him
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"L2" he ain't backing up that easily, he had to let out that one little snark huh
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Geee Light I wonder why people assume that
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Honey calm down I know you just got dick sucked by president of USA but calm down
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Anyway few explosions and some troops being thrown back and forth later, Light has to get used to Near being annoying. Again.
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Week is a long time tbf like you have this little guy calling you every day while you are trying to not have your evil plans backfire into your face smh
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give him time babe, he'll get there
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"my sus detector is ringing like crazy"
Anyway, allow me to continue later.
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rakruined · 1 year
The Religious Implications of GotG vol. 3
So, it's Easter, and while I've got a lot of stuff to work on and things to do, I wanted to take the time to discuss the utterly insane things Guardians of the Galaxy volume three has done to my brain chemistry. After seeing @adamwarlock's post here, I've been thinking about just how many religious themes there seem to be in James Gunn's magnum opus. From a villain with a god complex to Rocket Raccoon becoming my new favorite satanic archetype maybe, this is gonna be a deep dive into everything I've picked up from the trailers so far.
So, let's start with the implications of that post I linked: "some corners of the galaxy consider (The High Evolutionary) God".
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Now, the High Evolutionary has always had a theme of 'playing god' in the comics, what with his whole deal being creating sentient life from animal experiments, but in the MCU, his connections to Christian notions of religion are a lot more fascinating. For starters, his goal is stated to be wanting to create a "perfect society", which you'll notice looks a lot like suburban Bible Belt America, albeit with a lot more hybrid animal-people.
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Now, in the comics, he uses Earth animals as a basis for his new lifeforms because he was once a normal human named Herbert Wyndham. He eventually traveled into space to continue his experiments on his own world, later adopting Adam Warlock (this will come back later). Given his desire to make himself more powerful in the movie, this makes him an interesting counterpart to MCU!Peter Quill, who was born with Celestial (ie. godly) power and left Earth not by choice.
Now, there are a few things they changed from the comics, his connection to Rocket being the most significant in the context of this story. While Halfworld performed similar experiments on Rocket and the other uplifts, the H.E had nothing to do with the planet. And while I'll get back to why his connection to Rocket is significant, as well as what I said about Adam, I want to get into another major change: his design.
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Here we have the comics design on the left and the movie design on the right. But isn't his movie look almost priestly? Almost... familiar...?
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Okay, JoJo references aside, the High Evolutionary's connections to Adam Warlock definitely add to the whole religious overtones. I mean, a guy who's considered God has a perfect creation literally named "Adam", trying to create a perfect world? This shit writes itself. But if you consider a few additional facts, this takes on a pretty wild meaning. For starters, Adam has been stated to be relatively naive and innocent, unknowledgeable of the universe.
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But where this gets interesting is that, based on Rocket's absence from most group shots during what is clearly being billed as the midsection of the movie (spacesuits scene, that fight where they're all in orange, the team arriving on Halfworld) that he possibly is captured by Adam and brought back to his creator for additional experimentation. Shots of someone implied to be Rocket on the operating table and Gamora carrying him to the ship half-naked serve as further evidence of a rescue mission.
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But if he's captured by Adam Warlock, that means he has the opportunity to tell Adam what his creator is really planning. He has the chance to tell him how he was made and what the High Evolutionary's "perfect society" is built upon: the blood of innocent creatures he'd deemed imperfect. This could be what changes Adam, what makes him turn against his god and his Garden of Eden.
The voice of the devil on his shoulder.
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Edit: I forgot to mention this wild coincidence! Gunn once said Rocket was inspired by Frankenstein's monster. It makes sense on the basic level of a tragic science experiment abandoned by his creator, but it gets even more bizarre. In the novel, the monster identifies with Satan in the book Paradise Lost, making him the same sort of tragic figure as Lucifer. Rocket too was an imperfect creation cast out by the "god" who made him. In this light, it's undeniable that yes, Rocket Raccoon is as much a satan figure as Adam Warlock is space Jesus.
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voidsentprinces · 5 months
Making an OC for Voidsent AU and making it your problem.
The Dwarves dug too greedily and too deeply and discovered THEM:
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Kubrick faked the moon landing but he was such a perfectionist, he had to film it on the moon. And from there he witnessed a being of this height:
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The crowd agreed this was, indeed, the breast they could think of:
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You think Hildibrand is this universe's Nicolas Cage? if so, whos John Travolta? And would they have chosen 3 for Face/Off?
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Something witty about the number 6 and skin care...MOVING ON
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Now time for hairstyle...hope you all aren't tired of Rows and Columns!
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but also
Captain John fuckmothering Price
In a tasteful lace number straight from pinup pictures
Fur on them titties and thighs and happy trail and 80's porn bush
mmm going microwave hairy burly man in lingerie mmm
Not in lingerie
But in a matching pink workout set
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
This is the race to end all races.
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Probably a good idea. Fortunately, he's a useless dipshit so he's entirely willing to hang out and wait for me to finish chatting with you.
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Yeah, I guess you're right. Given what's at stake, I should take this seri--WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?
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You just swooped in and fucking stole is while Bottom's Tight wasn't looking? That's amazing. You're my favorite person, Shopkeeper.
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Oh. That's disappointing. I was hoping something would eventually come of that.
In any case. Okay. Focus up. This guy doesn't have shit.
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I can't fucking believe the kind of turnaround he's made.
Get back here you little shit and--
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HAHAHAHAHAHA Get fucked and choke you persistent little shit
Goddammit, is there anyone more frustrating in this entire fucking world!? I was so close about four rounds ago and then everything goddamn went to shit.
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Don't think you can run from me. Your stupid, ugly face has a date with volcanic glass!
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YOU stay out of this. This is between me and him. He knows what he did. This is going to be therapeutic.
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Wait, is that why he missed his last jump at the end? He fucking let me win!?
Shit. I thought I was just cool.
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Don't you fucking dare
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Go away, I have more obscenities to shriek and you're ten.
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Right!? I hope you guys have a plan because I am so fucking lost right now and all I can think about is my overwhelming urge to start stabbing whatever's nearby.
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The fuck are you talking ab-- Oh wow, that's very nice, actually. The way his horns cut through it and then wrap around to bind it to his head is a nice touch.
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YES. His hat may be impressive, but its power is paltry compared to the power of two hats. Uh, sorry we don't have a spare for you Artificer, but... you're a little too young for hat mojo. But hey, now you have something to look forward to when you're older.
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While I get to play Punch-Out with this dipshit's face. Better focus the fuck up, Little Mac, 'cause Mr. Sandman's here to clean your clock.
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masonshmason · 10 months
a'ight but why'd you say he'd be dying soon? dontcha think we should first figure out what the fuck happened to this man to make him A) an imp supremacist despite clearly being a hybrid B) hate royalty so fuckin much?
abuse and trauma are both consistent themes in the show and i bet money we'd need at least two eps to figure out why this rootin' tootin' fuckmother is such a friggin hypocrite
Not every bully has to have a tragic backstory to make him a bully. This isn't Steven Universe.
One of the other big themes in Helluva Boss is classism, and the devastating effects it has on everyone involved. Striker already gave his reasons when he was having fun torturing Stolas. He's lived a hard life and the royals represent everything he despises. Stolas was just the recipient of all of his anger and frustration at being lower on the totem pole of Hell. Striker's ego has him to the point where he doesn't consider himself an equal to the aristocracy, but above it. Hence him being a supremacist.
I really think Mastermind is going to be Striker meeting his demise, but we'll see.
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ooo-protean-ooo · 2 years
Update: the cunty mcCunt CUNT fuckmother has lightened up. And I’m not being so dramatically kicked out of my house.
And while It is still my full intention to be moving PRONTO IMMEDI-FUCKING-OTO
*deep exasperated exhale*
I think I can get back to writing some. SO. Yeah, working on that today.
Works in progress:
✨my gift fic for one of my wifeies✨ @eddiemunsonfuxks
Their Glistening Whore part 2
Your either a coward or a god part 3
And MAN do I have so many other WIP ideas. But those aren’t getting attention yet. These first ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you guys for supporting me, I’m having the best time being your story teller♥️♥️♥️
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thereyvan · 2 years
hey y’all i’ve been a meteorology nerd since i was 8 so i’m gonna talk about the cool meteorlogical shit i like
sundogs!!! this is when the sun looks like it has a smaller sun on each side of it like a little whore(affectionate). these happen when light refracts through ice crystals. the sun has to be on the fuckin horizon for this shit to happen, so this shit only happens at sunrise and sunset 
circumzenithal arcs! these happen when you take a rainbow and turn it ass-over-tits. these little fuckers are also caused by light refracting through ice crystals and they happen really fuckin high up in the sky 
fuckign. solar tornadoes!!! they’re caused by the sun’s hot flowing gas and magnetic fields. these fuckers are really goddamn fast- as in, they can reach speeds upwards of 180-FUCKING-THOUSAND MPH!!! they’re also the size of the gotdamn EARTH 
rogue waves! these fuckers are a singular wave that’s at least twice as tall as the significant wave height(that’s the mean wave height for the area). they can be caused by one wave catching up to another, a wave reconnecting on the other side of an island, and plain old high-ass fuckin wind gusts 
volcanic weather! some volcanoes create such a large cloud that they can cause their own weather! these include tornadoes and even fuckmothering rain 
fire whirls! also called “firenadoes”, these little shits are caused by some of the same fuckery that causes solar tornadoes: hot-as-shit whirling gases. though these bitches also need some wind and a body of water covered in a flammable liquid to get going 
THUNDERSNOW. yes, you read that correctly. thundersnow happens when the ground temperature is unusually warm during a snowstorm. there’s an epic video of well-known meteorologist Jim Cantore going absolutely batshit over experiencing this in Boston 
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nautilusopus · 2 years
what other weird shit have i read
there was the one with the tooth fairy, where tooth fairies just lay eggs in the wild, and he lives in a can of tuna or something. aside from the initial premise that one was honestly a pretty bog standard children's fantasy novel
"the day my butt went psycho" got a lot of mileage at book fairs on the title alone but was honestly kinda mediocre as a book. gets points for the body horror
there's the one with the mouse detective (NOT the movie) that solved murder mysteries that, in retrospect, was absolutely some furry shit, like not even cloaked
fuckmothering CORALINE come on guys you had one job
there are so, so many weird fantasy books that aren't just more tolkien clones or harry potter clones or stardust clones (and even stardust didn't codify weird fae shit either) and it's actually really disappointing to see everything that isn't those three things flat out ignored
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diffxrentwxrlds · 2 years
Alucard, YOU'RE a vampire. A fuckmothering vampire to be fair, but still.
{{ L }} "Yes, thank you captain obvious."
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morgue-xiiv · 5 months
hi thank you so much for FAYDE but i was wondering if you could give me tips on how to extract the full text (ideally including languages other than english) myself? i'm a huge noob when it comes working with game files though i've done text extraction & formatting from one gigantic file in txt-editor before. i've found the assets/ress files already and can work with those but is there text elsewhere like in the level files? and how can i open the other language files? thanks in advance!
Hey! I'm sorry this was a million years ago. Hopefully you've sorted this but I'll try to anwer because I think it's gonna be really funny and demonstrate why I didn't.
I used a program called (this is the hard part I only know the name has some combination of the words asset unity studio explorer or other words. I check the discord messages for the person who put me on to it but they seem to have deleted uhhhh)
So once you have (I'm sorry it's on my gaming laptop which I never use cos I switched to a new one then a steam deck I'm not at home right now) open, go in the disco elysium files somehow. The main game text is in a nightmare hellscape JSON which is easy to find because it's called Disco Elysium (truly the heart of the game) and it is somewhere between 250 and 300 fuckmothering megabyes. 250mb. A. Text. File. 8mill lines of json. Even opening it makes your computer start to sob quietly. I used to run regex find and replaces on it just to punish my pc for it hubris.
The languages other than English are all in reasonably sized files with the word "lockit" in the name. I can send them to you by electronic mail or something if you PM me a way to contact you. And you're still looking for them (sorry) IF I manage to find them ammongst my own files *gestures at 3 different laptops, 3 back up drives, 16 pen disks and several micro SD cards*
good luck, and did I say sorry?
oooh I could probably just send you the FAYDE database if that's better. I can't lose that it's on the.... wait how to I SFTP into the new server? why do I not know my private key password? I mean I thought I did but it's telling me that's not it. *screams into pillow*
I'm fine.
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knifebucket · 4 years
this is just me but I think it should be illegal for news agencies to hide their stories behind subscriptions
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