#'your grandma is so nice' yeah to everyone but her own family until those people inconvenience her slightly and then she holds a grudge
grandtheftpoptart · 1 year
All my efforts go unnoticed. It doesn't matter what I do, all she sees is what I don't do. And then gets mad when I say how it makes me feel bad when she ignores that I'm trying.
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cactikiki · 7 months
GGY headcanons because I've been thinking a little...
Greg met Tony and Ellis in September, right at the start of the school year. He was alone and didn't know where to go, but Tony was there like, "Hey, this new kid's lonely. I think we should check on him."
Tony is nice, but also nosy. He likes knowing people, inside and out
Tony finds new kids especially interesting. There's usually more to them being there than others, who just go to the school because they live nearby or thought it was a good school.
This kid, their family, moved here for a reason... Why?
Hurricane doesn't have anything much going for it. While yes, it's the birthplace of Fazbear Entertainment and has the very first, original Pizzaplex, people don't usually move to the town just for that. Parents wouldn't usually do that.
So there's a story there! Everyone has a story.
As for why Gregory's parents moved at all... He has well-off parents who wanted to work with Fazbear Entertainment. Huge economic opportunity. So they moved in from Salt Lake City, you go to Hurricane now my boy
The whole reason Gregory gets glitchtrapped is because of his parents. Karma got them in the end ig....
Gregory is a good friend to both Ellis and Tony. They click immediately, like they've known Greg for years. They know his full name, but Gregory never really went by it back then, sticking with simply Greg (he would've went by 'Gregory' in SB because he forgot he even had that nickname at all.... and while in and out of consciousness before that, even. So Cassie only ever knew him as Gregory)
Rab wasn't around the whole time, lucky for Gregory. He got to know the duo for a few months before that, got close, and clicked super well with them. So he did have a close connection with them before things went wrong, unlike Cassie who he would've gotten less connection with since he didn't really know her (and when he'd met her, he'd just broken free of being controlled for a few hours, with no memory of any events).
Summer came, and Gregory got to test a Freddy's VR game bc of his parents. He would've begged them too, "It's the least you can do for me. You guys don't spend any time with me! Let me come with you to the company building and test the game, pleaseee?"
Something went wrong at the target audience testing. One of the QA testers kept watching him, a blonde woman with green eyes... She was odd, but Gregory brushed the thought away.
That was, until a sharp migraine hit his head, and everything started to go fuzzy from there.
School came back around in September, and GGY happened. Greg acted slightly differently after summer, but it was probably just normal stuff. Right? It's not like there were any stark differences in personality. That's what Tony thought at least, until he dug too deep and... yeah.
To Ellis, his two best friends just went missing. That's all there was, forever, and he just had to deal with that. They were never coming back.
As for Tony, he'd haunt Greg and probably can't quite believe there's life after death
Gregory, at this point, he doesn't remember. So shit falls off shelves, and he hears his name whispered, and he's like, 'huh. must've been the wind... unless, maybe Vanessa's grandma is here? omg Ness, holy shit come here. I think your grandma's ghost is here??"
But it'd get serious when he finds out the truth. When he realises. When he starts getting hurt by this ghost. He tries to communicate (since my Greg is a paranormal believer and Tony owned a DR60 recorder because of him, while Greg owns a REM-pod). Tony is always angry. He's always upset. Gregory finds himself permanently haunted by him.
Rab racked up a few bodies while he was controlling Gregory; therapists, Tony, his parents, and two random kids he didn't even know the name of. Vanny dealt with the rest. Those mostly went to the Tangle, though; Tony was the only one to have a close enough connection to get stuck attached to Greg.
That's all I really have rn, idk I wanted to post this somewhere sjhdjbrkfnfm I had thoughts. Many thoughts. I will continue to have thoughts.
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
i really really really wanna see deuce’s mother because she’s sounds nice and the way he talks about her is just- JSISKSOSKSOSODKDK
i saw ONE fanart of them and i 🧎🏾‍♀️ . I FEEL LIKE MAMA LEECH WOULD BE LIKE JADE AND PAPA LEECH LIKE FLOYD BUT SUPER CURIOUS ABOUT MC ????? LIKE A POOR HUMAN ACTUALLY MANAGED TO GRAB THE ATTENTION OF THEIR PRECIOUS CHILDREN ???? LET ME AT THEM-also they probably are tall as hell so the whole meeting with them and mc is like “sir please bend over my neck is stating to do things it’s not supposed to do-“
azul’s mother gives me sweet but sharp women ? like a bit like ursula but more kind ? if that’s makes sense- AND HIS STEPFATHER IS SUPER SUPPORTIVE OF AZUL AND IS SUPER PROUD OF HIM-
no thoughts epel’s grandparents coming to see him but then getting lost and brought back by mc to epel BUT THEN epel’s grandma grabs both their hands and asks when they’re gonna marry epel-
SEBEK’S MAMA AND PAPA (am i fawning over a couple that never got an apparition in the game? yes i will do it again) IMAGINE IF HIS MOM IS LIKE “ following in your parents footsteps huh ? you have good taste son !” AFTER SEEING MC-
i feel like she would be kind of awkward? but she’s trying her best ! and she is so proud of malleus and talks to mc about the achievements he has done over the years and just height a sweet grandma overall-
i wanna see ace’s mom because i know she’s the type to EMBARRASS her son in front of mc “oh ace dear do you remember that one time you ate a worm and then cried about it ? i still have the video let me search for it-“ and ace is like “mom what- STOP” and mc just sipping on the tea collecting blackmail material
KALIM’S PARENTS WOULD PROBABLY TAKE ONE LOOK AT MC AND BE LIKE “do you wanna marry my son he’s very handsome” “ma’am who are you-“
important note if mc is meeting riddle’s mom and jamil’s parents it’s to fight them to death-
tl’dr : mc’s ending up with a bit too much of marriage proposals
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! [PSST!!! You can find the continuation h e r e !!]
DEUCE’S MAMA 🥺🥺🥺💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
I 100% AGREE!! I wanna meet her so bad! She sounds so gentle and caring, I just wanna thank her for everything idc 🥺
“Deuce, hi! Oh, is this your mother, Mrs. Spade?!” MC bound up to him, quite eagerly, might he add.
“A-Ah, [Name]... Yes *ahem* Mom, this is [Name]. [Name], this is my mother.” The Heartslabyul student awkwardly introduced.
the woman’s face lit up, “Oh dear, oh my! This is your friend [Name]?! Hello, dear! I’ve heard wonders of you from Deucey here~!”
MC looked at their friend with a teasing smirk, “Oh, has he?”
She giggled cutely. “Indeed he has, and allow me to say,” Those same peacock green eyes they knew from Deuce looked into theirs, “Thank you for taking care of my son. You’re a wonderful soul, from what I know.”
The tender look in her eyes, her gentle smile and soft voice... MC’s heart sparkled with some sort of nostalgic feeling.
They suddenly bowed, startling the mother-son pair. “N-No, I should be the one thanking you, Mrs. Spade!!”
-- --
I’ve seen two iterations of their personalities: Mama being playful and at-her-own-flow like Floyd, Mama being elegant, proper and mysterious like Jade while Papa is a more... controlled version of Floyd (same goofy smile and carefree demeanor, but not as easy to lash out as Floyd)
BUT ABSOLUTELY!!! Imagine Mama Leech approaching them like a sophisticated lady, making such comments that just due to her tone of voice and the look in her eyes have MC blushing and trembling in fear and shyness
Papa Leech almost kabedoning them to have the little trembling shrimp still for him to observe: “My sons... interested in such a tiny shrimp... so small and magicless...” A shine in his eyes as he smirked that familiar pointy-toothed smirk at them, “Interesting enough to have us up in the surface like this~ ...Don’t you think so, Darling?”      “Indeed, My Love” Much similar to the eel twins, they chuckled sinisterly
-- --
What if Granny Ashengrotto also comes with? 🥺 THE MOST WHOLESOME MEETING (of course, after the whole family [including stepdad] celebrates Azul’s accomplishments with Mostro Lounge and his contracts, both parents being HELLA proud of their little baby octopus ❤️)
Then MC will notice all of them CODDLING Azul, pinching his cheeks and reminding him of how squishy and chubby he was when young. Look at him now!! A proper business man with a bright future!    MC giggles at the dorm leader’s bright blush, and the attention immediately shifts to them
“Oh, Azul~ Is this the [Name] you’ve talked so much about~?”
“Ohoho~ Look the the bumpkin he’s managed to score! Our little Azul definitely has an eye for beauty!”
“G-Granny-! *ahem* Grandma, please!”
“Say, did you ever get to see how utterly cute and fluffy Azul was as a baby? Oh~, the absolute cutest, my dear!” The lady glowing with happiness immediately pulled her phone out and scrolled through some photos. Little baby Azul, Azul in middle school, tiny Azul celebrating his birthday as he sat on Granny’s lap while admiring all the food on the table... Each picture showcasing more and more of the merman’s charm.   And all he could do was hide away in his office out of shame.
-- --
Maybe MC has see some movies after arriving to the Wonderland, isn’t Vil’s father an actor too? What if he starred in some of those movies?!
Imagine all the stories he can tell about the whole recording period and the behind the scene tricks!
Perhaps both Schoenheits have inside jokes about their line of work, and they let MC in on them!
“Say, are you not interested in becoming the face of a new beauty product? It’s from a partner company, and they’re searching for new talent. You have a certain charm to you, a beauty that many can identify with.” The man offered, taking out a spare free sample of some lip/cheek tint.
Vil took a look at the product, “Oh, they came out with new things already?”
“And they followed your advice to heart, their new formula seems to be all natural and friendly with different skin types and tones.”
Both actors looked at you, “What say you, [Name]?”
“I can hook you up with an interview.” Stated the older man.
“And I can train you.” Vil quickly added.
-- --
“G-Grangran, Pops! W-What are you doing here? Isn’t it... peak apple season?” The lilac haired boy was startled at seeing his family.
Granny quickened her pace to go to her grandson, “Oh, shush, little apple! Here, I brought you some homemade apple pie to share with friends.” She looked back at MC as they and her husband came to stand by her. 
“Epel, dear,” Her wrinkled hands came to take one of his and one of MC’s, “Your friend here guided us to you. They’re so kind, a wonderful candidate for spouse, right Honey?” She teased, looking at Epel’s grandad while they shared a laugh at how the young boy was blushing profusely at the comment (and at MC’s cute nervous smile from the slight embarrassment they felt after Grangran’s words)
-- --
Honest question: Which of us ISN’T daydreaming about Sebek’s parents? jkdskdsdf (his mom’s a MILF 100%)
“SON!” A firm yell startled both 1st years. “Headmaster Crowley notified us about a Family Day going on in your school, we were allowed to drop by today to greet you and meet your friends!” A tall lady with long, messy green hair approached them.
“Mother!” A bright smile graced Sebek’s lips, turning around to engulf his mother in a hug. “Father!” He shook the man’s hand firmly. “It’s an honor to have you here! Would you like to visit the novel Diasomnia dorm of which I’m part of and is led by out Lord Malleus?”
It was the human man who peeked over his son’s form who noticed them, “Oh, hello there! You must be one of Sebek’s friends, I presume?”
The mature woman promptly pushed past her son, taking a gander at the human who was with him. She remained silent, eyes shifting from MC to Sebek, so on and so forth... until...
A proud smile brightened her face, “Ah, my little Crocodile is following along Mama’s path~💕” While her son and husband let out a surprised babble of words at her insinuation.
-- --
Malleus’ Grandmother... A figure that has everyone bowing with her mere presence in a room
“Grandmother, this is a very important person I want you to meet.” It was strange of Malleus to be this eager, let alone about someone. 
The Queen (she’s the current queen of VoT right? aaa) walked along her grandson, holding onto his arm as he led the way to a... rundown building?
“Ah! Tsunotarou, hello!” A human greeted them. “O-Oh!” They bowed hurriedly at the regal presence that accompanied their friend today. “P-leasure to meet you, your Highness.”
A look of utter surprise crossed her face, “Malleus..! A.. human?!” The tense atmosphere made MC straighten up and nervously look at the fae in front of them. “And that nickname?! Young one, do you know who you are speaking to?!” Anger flashed in her eyes as she addressed MC.
“Yes, they do.” The crown prince stepped in, shielding MC behind him, “And I allow them to use that nickname... After all, fae can’t lend their name, or can we?” She remained on defense, giving her grandson’s friend a disparaging look. 
"They were lost, and so was I... Along the way, we found each other. This is a friendship I treasure with all my being, and you have been a very important figure through my life... Would you give them a chance?” He tried to bargain.
The Queen kept her stance, looking at the human, who smiled uncertainly and waved at her. Strangely, she felt no threat coming from them, only warmth, a feeling of being welcomed. Her heart was filled with that warmth for a moment.
Clearing her throat, she relaxed. “Very well, only for you, Malleus... So, who must your friend be?”
-- --
“Say, do you remember when you took a bite out of my decorative soaps thinking they were jellies? You looked like a rabid dog with all the foam!” The woman openly chuckled, much to her son’s chagrin.
“And that one time you came running and crying to your brother’s arms after a beetle ‘launched and attacked you’ as it flew to your face? You became scared of them for a whole year!” MC laughed along with her.
“Oh, please, tell me more! I’m delighted to know more about Ace’s childhood from you, Mrs. Trappola, since he seldom talks about it himself.” They looked at Ace with a mocking smile, enjoying hos his mother openly provided such wonderful blackmail material.
-- --
Kalim is SO EXCITED to present you to his parents! Look, mom, dad! I made another friend aside from Jamil! :DDD
The bright ray of sunshine bounded up to MC, with an equally as bright couple behind him. “[Name], [Name]! Come here! I want you to meet my parents!” Kalim took their hand and quickly dragged them over to where his parents were.
“Mom, dad! This is [Name]! They arrived at NRC unexpectedly, but I very much enjoy their presence and companionship!” That toothy grin so characteristic of him found his way on his lips.
MC bowed slightly in greeting. “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Asim!”
The older couple shared a look before coming up to MC, with the man shaking their hand and the woman pinching their cheek. “Hello there, young one! Kalim seems to be very fond of you! Say, would you mind joining the family? I’m certain Kalim approves!” His father hurriedly spoke.
“H-Huh?! What?!” MC could only accept their coddling and affection as they blushed and looked at their white haired friend for help... But he was busy blushing himself~
-- --
Leona is NOT AT ALL happy to have his family visit him in the ONE PLACE where he’s away from them
"Leona-ojitan! [Nickname]!" The little bundle of joy sprinted the pair's way, eliciting a groan from the 3rd year.
"Not that brat again." Leona rubbed his temple.
MC giggled, "C'mon, Cheka isn't that bad! I can take care of him."
"Brother!" Now, that certainly startled MC... Because not only was the exclaimed name all there was, no no, a redheaded lion beastman wrapped his arms around Leona's torso from behind and lifted him some centimeters off the ground. "Long time no see, Leona! Isn't it wonderful that your school's holding a Family Day?! As soon as we got word of it, we came to visit!"
"Fareena... Put. Me. DOWN." Savanaclaw's dorm head growled. Thankfully, the overexcitable man followed through, laughing at his brother's antics.
"[Nickname], can you see how much I've grown since last time! I'm half a centimeter taller!" Cheka giggled as he climbed up MC's leg, ultimately reaching his goal to be carried by them.
"A-Ah, that's wonderful!" They laughed awkwardly at the kid.
The cub was removed from their person by someone. "Apologies, dear, Cheka can be a handful sometimes." A lioness woman smiled gently at you. "Tell them you're sorry, Cheka. You know better than to use people as jungle gyms."
The boy became crestfallen, ears flattening as he fumbled with his fingers. "Sowwy, Mx. [Name], I shouldn't have done that."
MC chuckled a bit. "Apology accepted."
"So you must be this mystery person Cheka rambled about after spectating the Magift tournament." An older woman approached, pinching the child's cheek.
"Yes yes, gramma! [Nickname] played with me when I visited ojitan! They're my other favorite friend here at NRC, they took great care of me!"
At that, both lionesses perked up. Even Fareena approached the circle after his boy spoke so fondly of MC right now.
"Oh, I see~" The younger of the two ladies giggled, accompanied by Fareena's loud laughter.
Leona had a look of utter terror at what was going to be said next. Eyes wide, ears flat, he looked ready to run away from the scene at a moment's notice.
Who they assumed to be Leona's mother approached MC, placing a hand on their shoulder. "A natural ability with kids... Son!" She looked at leona now, who flinched at her call, "I see you've chosen a great mate!"
As MC and Leona were taken into a family hug, they only remained stunned as the words completely registered in their minds.
-- --
Oh, I absolutely agree with that!! The atmosphere with Riddle's mother and Jamil's parents will be HELLA TENSE
If anything, I feel MC would potentially get along with Jamil's younger sister, enjoying the friendly banter they have as siblings. But even more so, liking how Jamil shows he cares and how he genuinely smiles while his sister is with him.
I feel she'd also tell him in private:
"So~, that friend of yours..."
Jamil only raised an eyebrow at her words, leading her to sigh, "[Name]! The magicless prefect!"
"Uh-huh, what about them?" The boy inquired, wanting to hear her say it earnestly and not go the "you know what I'm talking about" way.
"Yeah... I think they're pretty cool..." Jamil smiled slightly. "Oh, what's that~? I knew you seemed way too close!" She chuckled after noticing the tiniest change in his expression.
The brunet ruffled her hair, "Nothing, it's nothing at all..."
"Say the one with a lovestruck face!"
-- --
Not to mention Jack's little siblings, and Trey's too! Cater's older sisters!
Hope you enjoy! Visit the askbox once more whenever you like, Anon ❤️!!!
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whadd-up-babie · 3 years
✨🥺🥰 Sykkunos Sister 🥰🥺✨
Part One
Author's Note: Fuck time lines. I don't care if time lines don't add up. I mean on any other occasion I would care but right now at this exact moment in time, I couldn't fucking care less.
Word-count: 4k
Warnings: idk
You walked into your new apartment, your two roommates and life long friends by your side.
You smiled and turned to the two, “You see this ladies?” You said with a satisfied smirk on your face, “All of our hard work finally paid off.”
“I can’t believe we’re actually here.” Addie said with stars in her eyes. “A couple of years late maybe, but still here in L.A”
You chuckled “I can't believe we wanted to move here as soon as we got out of highschool.”
“Yeah imagine how horrible that could've gone?” Your other friend Selena spoke up.
You visibly shuddered at the thought of how bad that could've been. You felt a buzz in your back pocket and looked down at your jeans.
“Me and Selena are gonna check out this place before we start bringing the boxes in.” Addie told you as her and Selena walked off.
You nodded your head as you pulled out your phone from your jeans. It was a text message from one of your brothers' roommates.
Toast Are you in L.A yet?
You Yeah, I just walked into my new apartment
You quickly typed out and hit send. You’ve been in contact with your brothers’ friends for a while now. You haven’t seen Thomas, or Sykkuno, in years and you wanted to surprise him during one of his streams.
He was streaming Proximity Chat Among Us with; Toast, Lily, Poki, Rae, Ludwig, Dream, Brooke, Jacksepticeye and Corpse. You were a fan of all of them.
You lived a couple blocks away from your brother and his friends which was very convenient for you, considering as the younger of the both of you it is your duty to be the most annoying human being possible. So random pop ups at his home would be much much easier.
Toast I told the lobby that I ordered delivery so they expect an interruption
You Ooooh big brain moment
Toast But I did actually order pizza, it’s pick-up so can you do me a favor and pick it up on your way
You I revoke my “big brain moment”
Toast sent you the address for the pizza parlor and the OfflineTV house.
“I’m gonna go surprise Thomas.” You called out into your apartment, “I promise I'll be back to help unload the stuff.”
“You better, considering you're the strongest one here.” Selena responded.
You chuckled and walked out of the door and into the hallway that led to the exit of your new home.
Your apartment only had two floors, you were lucky enough to score the bottom floor. It was two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The three of you slept in the smaller guest room. You had bought two bunk beds from Ikea that you planned on placing in that room.
In the master room was where everything Important was. Selena wanted to be a streamer, so her gaming set-up was in that room. Selena wasn't one of those well known streamers but she had a following. Addie wanted to be a model, so the majority of her clothes were in the master bedroom closet, whilst you and Selena shared the smaller closest in your shared room.
You on the other hand wanted to make music. All of your instruments were in the master bedroom. You owned an electric keyboard, a guitar, a bass guitar, a cello, and you just started learning how to play the ukulele.
The room set up plan was simple. You had two desks on opposite sides of the room. Selena would get the wall with the window if she ever planned on using more natural light. Selena's desk would hold her gaming set-up, she currently had two monitors, but she's saving up to buy a third.
Your desk had the latest IMac, it was a moving away gift from your family, everyone pitched in. You had an inexpensive but high quality microphone to record vocals.
In between the two desks you had a futon and coffee table gifted to you guys by Addie's grandma. Noise cancellation foam pads would coat the walls.
But you haven’t done any of that stuff yet considering everything was still in the U-Haul truck.
You walked out of the apartment whilst typing the address to your brothers home in your Waze app, you added the pizza parlor in as a stop.
You got into your SUV and started the car. You connected your phone to the bluetooth and shuffled one of your Spotify playlist.
White Tee by CORPSE began to blast through your speakers. You bopped to the rhythm and began to lip sync the lyrics.
It took you 30 minutes to collect the pizza and drive to your brothers house. You stood outside the door with the pizza balanced in your hand as you attempted to ring the doorbell.
You texted Toast beforehand so you hoped he was prepared and wouldn’t make you wait outside. You didn’t like being outside, it meant that people could see you. And you didn’t like that.
You stood outside for a couple of seconds before Toast finally opened the door.
“Finally!” You exclaimed as you pushed past him to enter his home.
“Welcome.” He said sarcastically.
“Where’s my brother's room!?” You asked excitedly.
Toast pointed you towards the direction of Sykkunos’ room and you went running.
You stood outside of his door all giddy and happy, apparently they were playing proximity chat among us. So if Sykkuno was next to anyone in- game they would surely hear you, as well as the rest of the offlinetv house.
You took a deep breath and shouldered the door open.
“I’VE GOT A PIZZA DELIVERY FOR THE BESTEST BIG BROTHER IN THE ENTIRETY OF THE WORLD!” You all but shouted, scaring him off of his chair.
He turned to look at you and his face of fear quickly morphed into one of pure happiness.
“I call him Thomas but apparently his stage name is Sykkuno. I wonder where he got that from.” You said, this time more calmly.
“Y/N!” Sykkuno said happily. He quickly got himself off the floor and tackled you in a hug.
“You know I would hug you back but like… I’m holding a pretty big pizza.” You told him. The smile on your face was so big it began to hurt your cheeks.
Sykkuno brought his hands to your shoulder and held you at arm's length. He looked you up and down.
“You’ve really grown.” He told you.
“Yeah.” You agreed, nodding your head, “You still look like a ten year old.” You said jokingly.
You laughed and he joined in. You placed the pizza down, and he led you towards his set up.
“We’re gonna need another chair.” He said looking around.
“No we don’t,” You said plopping down into his chair.
He gave you a weird look.
“I’m the guest.” You said waving your hand.
He didn’t say anything, he just looked you dead in the eyes. Right into your soul.
You felt a shiver run down your spine.
“I don’t like it when you do that.” You said as you stood from his chair.
“I only ever do it to you.” He said as he walked by you to reclaim his chair.
“That’s why I don’t like it.” You grumbled.
A couple of minutes later you got your own chair, they were even nice enough to give you a water bottle. You sat next to Sykkuno with one of his earbuds in your ear so you could hear what was happening in his game.
So far you’ve run into Rae, Poki, Toast and Lily and you told all of them about your relation to Sykkuno though Toast and Lily already knew.
Sykkuno passed by Jack and you were about to scream in the mic, but someone reported a body.
“Well now I’m disappointed.” You mumbled to yourself.
“The body was i-“
“What! Toast is dead!” You said shocked, “We were just with him.”
There was a moment of silence within the game.
“Who’s that?” Jack asked.
“Yeah,” The other players muttered in agreement.
“That’s my sister, Y/N.” Sykkuno said.
A gasp could be heard from almost everyone
“Sister!” Ludwig shouted over the gasps, “Sykkuno you didn’t tell me you had a sister. I thought we were best friends.”
“I’m not really his sister.” You told them.
“Yeah she’s my foster sister.” Sykkuno explained.
“When I was younger Sykkunos' family was my foster family, until I was adopted by a lovely couple in Chicago.” You said.
“We haven’t seen each other since her adoption.” Sykkuno continued.
“And that was. What? 10-ish years ago?” You finished turning to Sykkuno.
“Yeah around that time.” He answered.
You brought your water bottle up to your lips and began to drink.
“Well it’s great to meet you Y/N!” Brooke said excitingly.
A chorus of “nice to meet you” entered your ear, but a very distinct “what up baby” caused you to spit your water back into its bottle.
“What’s wrong?” Sykkuno asked as he looked towards you.
“That did something to my stomach.” Was all you said.
“The water?” Sykkuno questioned further.
You felt your face heat up.
“Yeah.” You said nodding your head. “It’s totally the water. It couldn’t possibly be for any other reason.” You said bring your hand up to hide your smirk with your knuckles.
You turned your head and saw the chat exploding with the word SIMP in all caps.
You were at Sykkunos house a couple of days after that incident. He was streaming Proximity Chat Among Us with the same lobby again. They were playing in Polus.
Corpse was telling the lobby about his day when you thought to yourself, “I wanna wake up to the sound of your voice.”
You scrunched up your eyebrows wondering why it got quiet all of a sudden before Sykkuno bursted into fits of laughter as well as the rest of the lobby.
It finally dawned on you that you said that out loud. Your eyes widened and your face began to heat up.
“That sounded so suggestive, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know I was speaking out loud.” You began to laugh with the rest of the group and Corpse joined in quickly after.
The game started and you were all calmed down.
“I still can’t believe I said that out loud.” You announced to the group. A few giggles left their mouths as well as your own.
“No but just imagine waking up at 7 am to Choke me like you hate me but you love me! Every single fucking day.” You said before bursting into laughter, the lobby joining in soon after.
Sykkuno was doing his tasks in O2 before he announced to his stream he had to use the bathroom.
“I’ll watch the game for you but I won’t play because… I don’t want to.” You told him as he muted his discord and got up from his chair.
“That’s fine.” He said and left the room.
You turned to his chat. They started bombarding you with questions.
“What’s your Instagram.” You read aloud.
“Oooh shameless plug, follow me on all of my socials @y/n, also subscribe to my YouTube channel “Y/N L/N” I make music…sometimes.” You answered.
“Do you simp for Corpse.” You read another.
You pursed your lips. “I’m not gonna answer that question, but I will confidently admit that I simp for Rae and Poki.” As you finished that statement, Corpses avatar walked into the room.
You reached over to Sykkunos Keyboard and un-muted his mic.
“Hey Corpse!” You chirped.
“Hey Y/N.” He replied. “Where’s Sykkuno?” He asked you.
“What, am I not good enough?” You asked with mock offense
He chuckled before speaking up. “No, I was just wondering.”
“He’s in the bathroom.” You answered. “I’m all by my little old self. Minus the stream of course.” You turned to smile at Sykkunos camera before focusing your attention on the game.
“Would you like some company?” He asked.
“I would love some company, thank you Corpse.”
He brought his Avatar to stand by Sykkunos.
“How’s your day?” He asked.
“Not very fun.” You answered thinking back to what happened this morning. “We were finishing building the second bunk bed, but I dropped one of the heavier parts on my foot, so that hurts.”
“Oh that sucks.” He stated.
“I know. How’s your day?” You asked him.
“Very uneventful, just writing some potential lyrics and stuff.” He said.
“Oh yeah you write your own music.” You responded. “How did I forget that.” You mumbled to yourself.
“What do you like to do for fun?” He questioned.
“Oh I make music, or do covers. Depends on how lazy I’m feeling.” You told him.
“You make music?” He asked. You could hear the shock in his voice.
You hummed in response. “Yeah I dabble in music production. I write a nice chunk of the music, but I have some other musical friends help me with other stuff. It’s not enough for me to be noticed by the big producers or record labels though.”
“You think you could show me some of your stuff?”
“Yeah!” You said excitedly. “Do you want me to send it through Discord, Insta or Twitter.” You said as you fished your phone out of your back pocket.
“Do discord.” He told you.
“Got it.” You pulled up your discord app as Sykkuno got back from the bathroom.
You already friended the lobby Sykkuno was playing in after your first meeting.
Sykkuno got back in his chair. “Alright I’m back.”
“I unmuted your mic by the way.” You told Sykkuno, your eyes glued to your phone. You had to send Corpse the perfect snippet. So far all your options were shit.
“Oh hey, Corpse!” Sykkuno said once he got situated.
“Hi Sykkuno.” Corpse replied, “I was just talking to Y/N, she’s great company.” He complimented you.
“I am good company,” You said looking up from your phone, “I wish my roommates thought that.” You muttered to yourself, apparently louder than you thought because Corpse began to chuckle.
You smirked slightly. The sound of Corpses’ laugh caused a blush to spread to your cheeks.
“Shouldn’t you two finish your tasks.” You coughed up, trying to hide your blush. “I mean you’ve wasted enough time already.”
“Does anyone ever do their tasks when they play proximity?” Sykkuno asked.
“Exactly.” Corpse agreed.
“I’m a very work oriented person so I probably would.” You told them. You finally found the perfect audio file to send Corpse.
“I hope he likes it.” You thought to yourself. You sent Corpse the file the same time a body was reported.
“I found Luds’ body in decontamination.” Rae said.
“Sykkuno and Corpse did nothing in o2 practically the whole round.” You told the lobby. The lobby has gotten used to you speaking up while they played.
“I was keeping a new friend company that's not exactly nothing.” Corpse said, trying to defend himself.
“It meant nothing to me.” You said, you were quiet for a few seconds before you spoke up again, “I’m sorry! That was mean! I didn’t mean it! Thank you for disregarding your tasks just to keep me company!”
The lobby broke out into laughter while you continued spewing out apologies.
The game ended quickly, turns out Poki and Rae were the imposters. You decided then to make your departure.
“I should probably head home.” You told the lobby, “The only food the girls know how to cook is pizza rolls, pizza bagels and ramen. And we promised each other we would start eating healthy.” You got up from your chair as the lobby was saying their goodbyes.
You exited Sykkunos room and walked towards the exit. You ran into Michael and Lily and said goodbye to them on your way out.
You reached your car and pulled out your phone, checking for notifications. You usually stay off your phone whenever you watch your brothers’ stream so you never know what's happening.
It turns out you had 10 missed calls from Selena, and over 100+ messages of her asking you to answer the phone.
You quickly got into your car and called your roommate.
The phone only rang twice before she answered.
“YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT I JUST DID FOR YOU!” She screamed into the phone.
You brought your hand away from your ear and cringed at how loud she was being.
“That’s fun.” You muttered to yourself. You put your phone down in one of the cup holders and put it on speaker.
“What did you do exactly.” You asked aloud as you put your key into the ignition.
“So you remember that cute guy we ran into-” She began but you interrupted.
“NO!” You shouted. “I am not in the mood to go on dates. We are here in L.A to focus on our careers. I don’t have time for dating.”
Selena was quiet for a few moments before she spoke up.
“Okay, but if you meet him and start catching feelings but it's too late, just know it's not my fault.” She said before she hung up.
You sighed to yourself. You were not ready to go out on dates. Especially not after your last relationship.
You drove in silence for the majority of the way home until you got a discord notification on your phone. You waited until you reached a stop light to look at it. Apparently it was from Corpse.
CORPSE I loved the vocals I honestly wasn't expecting this type of music from you
You quickly typed out a reply while still paying attention to the road ahead of you.
You Thanks! I just thought you would like that type of sound so I decided to send that one
You hit send right as the lights turns green. You placed your phone back into the cupholder and began to drive. You got another discord notification, you assumed it was Corpse.
“He can wait 5 minutes.” You thought to yourself. Corpse may have peaked your interests but that doesn't mean you were willing to get into a car crash for him.
You quickly pulled into your apartment complex and ran into your home, phone in hand. You had gotten 3 discord notifications whilst you were driving. You quickly sat down on your couch in the living room and propped your feet onto the coffee table.
CORPSE I like how this is mixed and produced You have a great tone throughout the song Would you want to collab sometime?
You felt your heart leap into your throat.
“This couldn't possibly be happening.” You thought to yourself.
Corpse was very relevant in the music industry, he had told you during one of the Among Us games that many labels were reaching out to him. This collaboration with Corpse could make you a star!
You A collab with one of the most trending people in the world? Count me in!
CORPSE Great! we can meet up whenever you want to work out some lyrics
You smiled to yourself thinking of how many doors this could open for you. This could make or break your career.
“Holy shit.” You mumbled under your breath.
“Me and Corpse are making a song together!” You thought to yourself.
“What kind of Wattpad fanfic is this?” You said out loud as Selena and Addie came out of the Master Bedroom.
“Oooh what about Wattpad fanfics?” Selena asked, as she headed towards the kitchen.
“My life is a Wattpad fanfic.” You told her. You furrowed your eyebrows in thought, “Is this my existential crisis?”
“What?” Addie asked, very confused as she sat down on the arm of the sofa.
“What am I rambling about.” You turned to your roommates. “You’ll never believe what I just scored.” You told them excitedly.
“What?” Selena asked as she exited the kitchen a bag of chips in her hands.
“I’m going to do a collaboration with Mr. Corpse Husband himself.” You said proudly.
“No way!” Selena shouted, dropping her bag of chips on the floor. “You lucky bitch.” She said.
“You guys have only known one another for like 3 days.” Addie said.
“We’re making a song, not getting married.” You told her.
“Yet.” Selena said with a smirk.
“I’m going to bed.” You told them as you stood up from the couch.
“What!?” They said in unison.
“But it’s like 8 o'clock.” Addie finished.
“I know but I’m not in the mood to put up with the both of you.” You said as you left the living room.
“I only said one thing!” Selena complained.
“One too much.” You told her.
You walked down the hall and entered your shared room. You sat down at the foot of your bed and sighed.
“This is not at all what I expected when I told mom I was moving to Cali.” You threw yourself backwards.
“How are we gonna go about this?” You asked yourself. Were you and corpse gonna work together in person, were you gonna work over a discord call? You haven’t seen his face, you’re not sure if he’s seen yours yet. All these thoughts came and went inside your brain, it was starting to give you a headache.
You grabbed your pillow and brought it down on your face. You made a noise somewhere in between a groan and a whine when you heard you got another discord notification from your phone.
You reached around for your phone until you finally grabbed it and brought it up to your face. It was another message from Corpse.
CORPSE For making the song I was thinking maybe you could come over to my apartment because I remember how you once told the lobby that your roommates are very loud
YOU They are very loud And thank you for the invitation, I was just starting to wonder how we were gonna work together
CORPSE Here’s my address and number Wanna meet up on Sunday 3 o’clock?
“Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.” You thought to yourself, You’re pretty sure you don't have any plans that day. You typed out a quick reply before turning off your phone and going to sleep.
It was Sunday 12 o’clock you left your house with a nice hot cup of joe in your hands. Corpse lived 2 hours away so you wanted to leave early to hopefully grab some breakfast.
The night prior you placed your guitar in the back of your car, knowing you wouldn't remember to do it the morning of.
You got into your car and pulled out of your apartment complex. It was a long drive filled with random songs. You pulled into the first McDonalds you saw and ordered your usual.
When you were back on the road you had about 30 minutes before you would arrive at Corpse’s house. Which meant, using the power of mental math, you would get there 30 minutes early.
You grabbed your phone out of your bag keeping your eyes on the road. You opened up your contact list and scrolled through looking for Corpse. You found his name and gave him a call. You put your phone on speaker and put it into your cup holder. The phone rang about eight times before he answered.
“Hello.” He answered, his voice was deeper than usual.
“Did you just wake up?” You asked as you turned off the highway.
“Yeah, I got a good… 35 minutes.” He told you with a chuckle.
“Make yourself some breakfast. I should be there in about 30 minutes.” You told him with a smirk.
“Yes ma’am” He told you before he hung up.
“This is gonna be a long day.” You muttered to yourself.
Sykkunos Sisters Master list
Story Snippets/Master list
I couldn’t tag some people, if you are one of those people message me so we can hopefully tag you successfully. If you want to switch lists just ask :)
All Corpse fics:
@carlosoliveriaownsmyass, @cookiewhoree, @zunmie, @phriendophphrogs,  @i-love-stamps-blog, @cupidsloverr, @cassie12435, @fivedicksinatrenchcoat, @mythicalamphitrite, @wiseflamingoqueen, @cherry-piee, @mono-has-a-gun, @ilovepizzaandimhot, @rambling-rabbit, @thecanterburywitch, @daisiesandmarvel, @brooklyn22, @and-claudia, @captainbuckyy
Sykkunos Sisters:
@punnypuppylove, @emsies-dream, @bbecc-a, @soft4kei, @penflop
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prettyboyjackhughes · 3 years
-Little Crosby- |D. Cozens| [Part 1]
It’s finally here! @workhorsefromwhitehorse24​ and I have been working on this for a while now and I can honestly say that this is probably my favorite thing we’ve collaborated on! This was a little outside my comfort zone but I enjoyed writing it so much! Hope you enjoy! Let us know what you think!!
“Ava Grace I’m home!” Dad calls from downstairs. I sit up and grab my sweatshirt off of the floor. 
“Coming!” I say as I pull it over my head and run out into the hall. I attempt to make it down the stairs without dying but almost fail as I get to the bottom step. “Whoops! Sorry!” I yell as I knock one of the pictures off the wall. He stands in the kitchen doorway and watches me, amused, as I fix the picture then turn to face him, a grin on my face. He had been gone for 2 weeks on a 5 game road trip, resulting in the Penguins going 4-1. Dad scored a pair of goals in the first two games. But sadly, it wasn’t enough of a push to get them to the playoffs. 
“Hi Daddy!” I say, running to hug him. He lifts me off the ground and kisses the top of my head. Dad and I have always been super close. It’s been just him and I for years. Ever since I was born, it’s just been Dad and I. Grandma and Grandpa were always in the picture too, along with Aunt Taylor. The 4 of them have been my entire world and my family for the past 17 years. My mom has never been in the picture since she and Dad had me when they were super young, before Dad was in the NHL. Dad had moved from Nova Scotia by himself when he was 15, down to Faribault, Minnesota. Mom and Dad met within his first week of school. Dad tells me I look just like her but from what I can tell, the older I get, the more I look like Dad. But basically one thing turned to another, Dad had his first taste of freedom, being away from his parents and all, and 9 months later, I was born. As soon as Grandma and Grandpa found out, they moved Taylor and everything else down to be with my dad and help out with me. But one Saturday, Mom dropped me off with Dad and told him she had decided she wanted more than raising a baby and my dad so she left me with Dad and left. I’ve never heard from her, except for one birthday card when I turned 6. Grandma and Grandpa raised me alongside Taylor until Dad’s first season in the NHL. That’s when he moved me to Pittsburgh with him. I mean, before he was in the NHL, he made sure that he was a part of my life and made sure I knew that I was his little girl. But it hasn’t really been that big of a deal that Mom hasn’t been in the picture since I’ve had Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, and Aunt Taylor, plus all of Dad’s teammates through the years. It’s been a ride, having a dad like I do. I mean, he’s pretty much the face of the NHL and one of the greatest players to ever play hockey, being Sidney Crosby and all. Everywhere we go, he gets recognized so it was always hard for him to come to my things as I was growing up. But he always made sure that someone was there for me, whether it was one of my grandparents or Aunt Taylor. But even through all of that, my dad is my best friend. I’ve never needed anyone else. 
“I missed you so much!” He says, setting me down and looking at me. I smile and nod.
“I missed you too! Nice set of goals by the way. Sorry about the playoffs...” I say, smiling as he walks into the kitchen. He shrugs as I follow him into the kitchen and sit down at the table, watching him wander around the kitchen, making one of his shakes he always drinks.
“It was a long two weeks for sure, but I’m glad I have you to come home too.” I nod and smile.
“Oh Sweetheart, before I forget, we’re going up to Toronto next weekend for the Leafs’ first playoff game, for your birthday. We’ll spend two weeks up in Toronto.” The Penguins missed out on the playoffs, ending their season early. But my Leafs made it to the first round of the playoffs. He smiles as my face lights up. The Toronto Maple Leafs are my favorite team. As disappointed as Dad was in me when he found out, he still supports it, just happy that I like hockey. My favorite player is Mitch Marner, which is a player Dad approves of. He raised me on the ice, around his team and made sure I loved hockey as much as he does. I played for 6 years but I decided I liked watching hockey better than playing. 
“Really? We are?” I say, giddy. 
“Yep, I think Tanger and Geno are going to come with us. I invited Taylor too, figured we could make a whole vacation of the trip. We can go out to dinner, shopping, all the fun, girly stuff you love. Oh and there’s a surprise flying out to see you too.” Kris Letang and Evgeni Malkin are Dad’s alternate captains and my honorary uncles. Up until about 4 years ago, I had 3 honorary uncles. Marc-André Fleury, the Penguins' goalie and now the Vegas Golden Knights’ goalie was the third. He and Dad are still close which means he still claims the third honorary uncle spot. When he got married in 2012, I was the flower girl. I’ve actually been in all 3 of my “uncle’s” weddings. They’ve been a huge part of my life since I was little, even when Dad was trying to keep me out of the spotlight.  I smile, pushing my hair out of my face. I think the thing that everyone always finds so interesting about Dad and I, is that he did such a good job keeping me out of the spotlight up until I was old enough to understand what was going on. But as soon as I started going to events with him, everyone knew I was his daughter. I mean, I look and act like a female version of Dad so it makes perfect sense that I’m his daughter.
“Ava girl, do you want to see if one of your friends wants to come with us? Might be a little boring to spend your birthday weekend with a bunch of old people.” Dad says, finally sitting down with his gross shake. I nod and laugh, thinking of who I could invite. I go to Shady Side Academy in downtown Pittsburgh, which is a big, fancy private school. There’s a little over 1,100 kids that go to my school, but only about 70 of them are in my grade. 
“Oh, I’ll invite Carter. Let me text her and see if she can go.” Carter James has been my best friend since 2nd grade. She’s my total opposite and somehow, it works. 
“Okay Honey. I’m going to go lay down for a little bit. Our flight left pretty early this morning so I’m pretty tired. Go ahead and order something for dinner. Anything but pizza please.” I pout a little, my bottom lip jutting out. He smiles and drops a kiss on the top of my head as he walks out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I walk out to the living room and flop on the couch, getting on my phone to watch Tik Tok for a while. Suddenly, the door to the house flies open and my Aunt Taylor waltzes in.
“Hello my absolute favorite niece in the entire world!” She calls, dumping her purse and everything in her hands onto the bench by the door. Grandma decorated the entire house. Dad was going to hire a decorator but Grandma insisted and somehow, Dad ended up liking what she did with the place. 
“I’m your only niece so I hope I’m your favorite. But hey Aunt Tay. What’s up?” I asked, sitting up.
“Nothing much. Just came home to drive my big brother crazy and talk about your birthday trip with you. How excited are you? Hey wait, isn’t it your 18th birthday?” I smile and nod again. Aunt Tay is a little scatterbrained and once forgot how old I was turning and bought me a 13th birthday card. I was turning 11. But of course, she always means well and loves me a ton. 
“Carter is coming with us. Do you know what the surprise is? Dad just told me there is one but didn’t say anything else.” Taylor grins as she nods.
“I’m not telling you but just know this, you’re gonna be really really excited.” She says, sitting down on the couch by my feet. 
“So how’s things at school? Still thinking about going to UPenn?” She asks, tapping her thumb against my knee. I sigh.
“Ugh I don’t know anymore. I fell in love with UPenn when I visited there with Grandma last fall but I don’t know if I want to be that far away from everyone. I mean, it’s only 4 hours but going from how things are now to that? That’s a lot to process.” She nods, watching me. 
“Well Honey, you know your dad would make sure you had a car on campus and everything. So you can always come back home and visit. But I mean, it’s been you and your dad since you were a baby. Maybe it’s time to go out on your own a little?” I cringe a little at the thought.
“I don’t wanna leave!” I say, falling into Taylor’s lap and drawing out the end of the word. She laughs and smooths my hair down. 
“We’ll figure something out. You’ve still got time, Ava Grace.” She says and somehow, those words make all the anxiety I have about college and everything else coming up in my future fade to a dull roar instead of the screams it has been for the past couple weeks. I’ve always been able to talk to Dad about anything which is why he and I have such a good relationship now. But the one thing I haven’t been able to talk to him about is college. Dad went straight from high school into the NHL. He always claims to understand but I’m pretty sure it just confuses him sometimes. 
“Okay you two, it’s very hard to sleep when all I can hear is laughing and carrying on.” Dad says, coming back downstairs. 
“Yeah yeah, keep it down, Patrick.” Taylor says, looking up at Dad. Dad hates being called by his middle name which is why Taylor calls him that. He rolls his eyes and bats her hand away as she reaches up to poke him. When the two of them are together, Grandma always says they act like they did when they were little. 
“Have you girls figured out everything for us leaving on Thursday? Ava, is Carter going with us?” I grab my phone off the arm of the couch and turn it on, quickly reading the notifications on the screen.
“Yeah she’s going. And she’s gonna be here in 3, 2, 1!” I count down as the door bursts open again. Carter and my Aunt Taylor are two peas in a pod. They’re practically the same person which is why I love them both so much.
 “Hello Crosby family!” She shouts, sliding across the floor and landing on top of me.
“Oh this is going to be a long two weeks.” Dad says, laughing and rubbing his forehead. 
“So we’re going to Toronto for your 18th birthday? And to see the love of your life? Hell yeah this is going to be a great trip.” Carter says, looking up at me. 
“Okay, Carter James, slow down please.” I say, patting her head. 
“Wait, isn’t the legal drinking age in Canada, 18?” Carter asks, sitting up and looking at Dad.
“Oh my God Sidney Patrick. You’re taking your daughter to Canada to drink for her 18th birthday?” Taylor says, looking over at Dad with a smirk on her face. 
“Taylor Jane, you’d better cut it out or you’re not going anymore.” He says, shaking his finger at her. Carter and I laugh and Taylor rolls her eyes.
“She’s responsible enough to handle this. You two are the ones I have to worry about.” Dad says, pointing at Carter and Aunt Taylor. 
“Tanger and Geno are going too? Oh this is going to be a blast!” Taylor says, rubbing her hands together and grinning evilly. Dad’s head drops into his hands and the 3 of us burst out laughing. Carter and I spend the rest of the evening planning our trip out while Dad and Aunt Taylor watch the St. Cloud game. The week leading up to our trip to Toronto flies by, but my excitement for the game only builds. It’s not the first time I’ve been to a Leafs game, nor is it the first time I’ve gotten to watch my favorite player play. But it’s happening on my 18th birthday and that makes it even more exciting. 
Thursday morning, two days before my birthday, Carter wakes me up by bouncing on my bed. 
“We’re leaving today!” She sings, bouncing more. I roll over and groan. 
“Carter James, it’s too early!” I say, shoving her. She laughs at me and I sit up.
“Come on, we’re going to dinner with the love of your life tonight!” She says. I jump out of bed and look at her, eyes wide. I’m 100% a Mitch Marner fan girl. Carter thinks it’s hilarious but she’s the exact same way for Patrick Kane. We ran into him at the Stanley Cup Finals one year and she was speechless. 
“What are you talking about? Dinner with who?” I ask. Dad walks in and is now standing in my doorway.
“I called in a few favors and we’re going to dinner with Mitch Marner and Morgan Rielly tonight. How does that sound?” He says, as my mouth drops open.
“Oh my God thank you thank you Daddy!” I say, running over to hug him. He smiles and Carter laughs. 
“She’s gonna faint as soon as she sees him. Total freak out.” Carter says, crossing her arms and laughing. 
“I am not! I’ll be perfectly fine. It’s just another hockey player. Not like I’m in love with him or anything.” I say, pointing at her. She rolls her eyes and we both laugh.
“Where my favorite birthday girl?” I hear a deep voice call from downstairs.
“Geno, it’s too early for you to be this loud. Shut up.” I hear Taylor say.
“I take it G and Tanger just got here?” Dad calls and Taylor groans in response. 
“Alright girls get ready and we’ll leave in a little over an hour. Go down and say hi to everyone first though.” I nod and follow Dad downstairs, Carter tagging along behind me. 
“Hi Uncle Geno, Uncle Kris!” I say, running to hug both of them as they stand up from where they were sitting on the couch. Taylor is taking up the other end of the couch, facedown in a pillow. “Are you excited for your birthday trip?” Kris asks, patting my back as he hugs me.
“I’m so excited. Do you know what my surprise is? Dad still won’t tell me.” Geno laughs, still too loud for Taylor apparently because a pillow goes flying across the room and just misses his head.
“Tay, go drink some coffee please, you’re being a brat right now.” Dad says, patting her head.
“I know surprise. You like a lot.” Geno says, crossing his arms and looking down at me. I raise an eyebrow. I’ve been the victim of one of Dad’s surprises before and let’s just say he doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to surprises. 
“Is it bad that I’ve been your best friend for 12 years and I still can’t understand what he’s saying?” Carter asks, leaning over to me. I laugh and Geno looks between the two of us.
“Who you? You Ava’s best friend?” Carter rolls her eyes and nudges Geno, who laughs again and hugs her. “Alright, Little Crosby, let’s get this show on the road.” Kris says, pointing towards the stairs. I smile and rush upstairs to get dressed and grab my bags. I pick out a pair of black leggings and a peach colored Adidas sweatshirt. I change into the clothes and put my pajamas in the dirty clothes. I put on mascara quickly, finishing everything off with some lip gloss. I grab my Birkenstocks and slip them on. 
“Okay, I’m ready!” I call as I drag my bag down the stairs behind me. I again attempt not to die on my way down the stairs. But yet again, I fail.
 “Oh God, Little Crosby.” Kris says, somehow managing to catch me as I trip down the last 3 steps. 
“Your daughter is a human wrecking ball. You know that, right Sid?” Dad laughs and nods.
“I haven’t killed myself yet. So far, we’re safe.” Everyone laughs and I smile. All these people filling this house are my entire family. They’ve raised me and I wouldn’t be who I am without all of them. 
“Okay, let’s get going! Our flight leaves in 45 minutes!” Dad calls, attempting to herd us all towards the door. Taylor has finally had her coffee and returned to the world of the living. 
“Toronto here we come!” She calls as we all get out the door and into the two cars we’re taking. Dad locks the door behind us and turns to look at me.
“You excited, Ava Grace?” I nod and he hugs me to his side.“I hope this lives up to your idea of the perfect 18th birthday.” I laugh and nod again as we head to his car. 
The drive to the airport and the flight to Toronto are pretty boring but Kris and Taylor keep everyone entertained the whole trip. Carter finally crashed after the Red Bulls she had while we were waiting for our flight to get called in the airport, leaving me to my own thoughts pretty much the entire flight. When we land in Toronto, everyone is pretty excited for the next two weeks. 
“Little Crosby surprise time!” Geno calls from the back of our group.
“Geno, we’re still in an airport. Keep it down a little please?” Carter says, patting his arm. Dad scoffs and looks between me and Carter.
“He’s right though, your surprise is right through those doors.” Dad says, pointing towards the exit of the airport. I see Taylor pull her phone out of her pocket and start recording me. I hand my bag to Kris and look over at Geno who motions me towards the door. I walk towards the doors, which slide open. I glanced around then back at Dad and Taylor who followed me out.   
“Little Crosby!” I hear a very familiar voice yell over the buzz of the airport.
“Oh my God! Uncle Flower!” I shout, rushing towards my uncle Marc and hugging him.
“Surprise!” Dad calls, smiling as I hug Marc.
 “So you were my surprise?” I say, stepping back and looking at him.
“Yep, I was the big wonderful surprise. Hope you weren’t too disappointed.” He says, smiling as his arm rests around my shoulders.
“I figured you’d want all of your uncles here for your big 18th birthday. So we worked it out and got him here for you.” I smile, quickly hugging Dad before returning to hug Marc again. 
“Alright well, it’s time to get heading to the hotel. We’re going to dinner at 6:30 tonight. Geno, Flower and Kris are taking Tay to something that I know nothing about. And you’re okay with Carter going with us?” I nod as Marc leads us and the rest of our group to the waiting van. 
“I’m taking a nap when we get to the hotel. You woke me up too early this morning.” I say, nudging Carter as she slides into the van next to me. 
“Sounds like a plan. The Red Bull ran out.” She says, laying her head on my shoulder. The two of us manage to fall asleep on the 20 minute drive to the hotel. Geno shakes us both awake when we get to the hotel. We sleepily wander into the hotel and wait in the lobby while Dad and Tay get everything figured out. The adults herd us all over to the elevator and into it, somehow managing to get us all to the conjoined rooms we have for the next two weeks. As soon as we make it into the rooms, Carter and I collapse onto the bed we’ll be sharing and fall asleep. 
About 2 and a half hours later, Dad comes in and wakes us up.
“Girls, we have about an hour before we have to leave for dinner. Go ahead and start getting ready.” He calls as he closes the door behind him. I sit up and stretch, the excitement building in my chest all over again.
“Okay, I think I’m gonna curl my hair and wear that frilly, layered red skirt with the white sweater and my little brown boots. What about you, Carter?” I ask, looking back at her who is still laying in bed. 
“So I have to dress nice right? I think the army green pants romper thing with my jean jacket, Vans and straight hair. Sound good?” She asks, finally sitting up. I nod and get started curling my hair. She gets started on doing her makeup while I work on my hair. Somehow, we both end up being done with plenty of time left to spare. So we do what typical teenagers do and spend the extra 15 minutes we have, on our phones. Dad comes in and the two of us follow him down to the elevator and out to the car. It’s some super nice, fancy car; just like the one that lives in our garage except on home game days. Dad lets Carter play music which automatically, I can tell, he regrets as Cotton Eye Joe plays for the third time. Carter is having the time of her life and I can’t help but laugh along with her. When we get to the restaurant, it’s one Dad and I came to, back when we came to Toronto for some charity event a few years ago.
“Alright, how excited are you?” Dad asks, as he parks the car and we climb out. I squeal a little and Carter laughs. Dad smiles, draping his arm around my shoulders as I link arms with Carter. The 3 of us waltz into the restaurant and walk up to the hostess.
“Hello, Mr. Crosby. Your two guests are already seated.” I squeeze Carter’s arm and we squeal a little together. As we follow the hostess to our table, back in the back, we pass a table with two teenage boys. One looks Carter up and down, obviously checking her out, while the other locks eyes with me. I smile, forcing myself to look away as we disappear into the back, private room Dad reserved for us. 
“Holy crap, did you see those guys?” Carter whisper-yells into my ear. I nod, trying to focus on the fact that Mitch Marner is standing a few feet away from me, a grin on his face, instead of the guy I just saw.
“Hey Sid. This must be Ava and Carter. Nice to meet you girls.” Mitch says, reaching his hand out. I shake it, the smile on my face impossibly large. Morgan Rielly stands next to him and shakes our hands as well. As we all sit down, I happen to glance around the room and see that both of the boys are looking into the room. As much as I want to pay attention to what Mitch, Mo and Dad are talking about, I can’t. I’m too distracted by the boy I saw. Carter, apparently can’t either. 
“Ava, they were literally so hot. Can I please go get their numbers?” She asks, nudging me when she catches me staring again.
 “No! Dad will kill me if he catches me talking to a boy!” I whisper-yell, glancing up at Dad and Mitch. 
“Ava Grace, that could be your freaking soulmate and you’ll never know because you won’t let me go get their numbers!” I roll my eyes and glance over my shoulder at the boys’ table. Sadly, they’re gone and I sigh, looking over at Carter.
“They’re gone anyway. Not like we’re ever gonna see them again anyways.” I say, glumly, resting my chin on my hand. She shakes her head. “There went your soulmate.” I sigh, knowing she won’t let me live this down. Dad clears his throat, pulling Carter and I back to the conversation happening at the table.
“So Ava, I hear you’re a pretty big fan of mine.” Mitch says, leaning on his elbows against the table. I smile, taking in all of his features.
“Yeah, you’ve been my favorite since you came into the league. Dad’s always a little disappointed when I don’t tell people he’s my favorite player.” Mitch and Mo laugh. The rest of the evening, conversation flows easily and Carter and I both have a blast. As I glance at my Apple watch and see the time, Carter nudges me again. 
“Your dad is looking at you funny.” She says, nodding her head towards Dad. I look up, my eyes meeting my dad’s gaze.
“It’s getting late, are you girls ready to head back to the hotel? Your aunt and uncles should be getting back soon too.” Carter and I nod and I turn to look at Mitch.
“I’ll be wearing your jersey on Saturday night. Don’t disappoint me. Also it’s my birthday so a goal or two would be nice.” Mitch and Mo laugh as Dad smiles down at me. 
“I will try my hardest. Glad we could spend the evening with you lovely ladies. See you on Saturday after the game? There’ll be passes for your whole group at the ticket desk.” My face lights up and I know Carter’s does too.“Okay great! See you then! Good luck!” I say, standing and hugging Mitch. Mo shakes Dad’s hand and then the two of them head out. 
“You two seemed very distracted all during dinner. Was everything okay?” Dad asks as the 3 of us head back out to the car after he pays.“Yeah everything was fine. Dinner was super good and fun. Carter just saw some cute boy and wouldn’t shut up about him.” Dad laughs and rolls his eyes.
“Hey, in my defense, your daughter was looking too so it wasn’t just me.” Carter says, crossing her arms. Dad’s head whips around as we climb in the car.
“A boy? What?” I groan internally and elbow Carter. I’ve never been that into boys. I mean, I’ve thought plenty of boys were cute and had quite a few guy friends but I’ve never had the time or the effort that comes with having a relationship. So it’s never been a topic of conversation for Dad and I. 
“Nothing, it was nothing. Don’t worry about it, Dad.” I say, trying to avoid the topic. 
“It’s interesting though. I was just talking to your uncle Kris about how you’ve never had a boyfriend or anything like that. Which is fine with me because I know what boys are like.” Dad says as we drive back to the hotel. Carter is dying sitting next to me, her hand pressed against her mouth to avoid laughing out loud.
“I-I know...I’ve just never had the time or wanted one.” I say, burying my head in my hands. 
“Well you don’t need one. You have all the guys you need in your life. Me, your Uncle Geno, Uncle Kris, Uncle Marc, and Grandpa.” Carter finally bursts out laughing and Dad looks in the rearview mirror at me. 
“I’m serious, Ava Grace. Why do you need a boyfriend?” Dad has never really been the overprotective dad. He’s protective for sure but he kind of lets me do my own thing most of the time. He knows if I need to, I’ll come to him or one of the other main adults in my life. But he lets me make my own decisions and figure life out by myself. This whole ‘no boyfriend’ thing that he’s doing right now is new. 
“I guess I don’t. You’re right.” I say, putting an end to the conversation by turning and looking out the window. Thankfully, Dad doesn’t push any farther. The 3 of us ride in silence, the radio off, the rest of the way back to the hotel. Once we get into the hotel and up to our rooms, I tell Dad goodnight, give him a hug and a kiss then follow Carter into our room. Carter distracts me from the disaster of a conversation that was with Dad and forces me to watch some cheesy rom-com with her. I fall asleep midway through and sleep in late the next day. Taylor takes Carter and I out shopping all day on Friday while my dad and the uncles do who knows what. The topic of boys is avoided all day, All night at dinner on Friday, we catch up with everyone. I fill Marc in on what Dad’s latest old person moment was, even though he’s only 33. Everything seems so perfect and happy but I keep replaying the conversation with Dad over and over again in my head. 
Saturday morning, my birthday morning, Carter wakes me up with cake in bed. It’s a tradition we started when we were 12. Every year on our birthday, the other girl brings the birthday girl cake in bed. It’s one of my favorite birthday traditions. 
“Happy birthday Little Crosby! You are adult now!” Geno calls, leading the rest of my family into my room. Dad brings up the end of the line and walks over to the bed. He hugs me, pressing a kiss to my forehead.“Happy birthday my sweet girl.” He says, smoothing my hair down and getting all teary-eyed. 
“I can’t believe the young lady you’ve grown into. You are beautiful, strong, independent and so responsible. I...I didn’t think things would end up this way, especially with your mom not being in the picture. But I look around you and I see all these people who helped raise you and I know, you’ve turned out more than okay. I love you Ava Grace and will always love you. Happy birthday.” Dad says. I take another bite of the cake Carter brought me and smile up at him.
“I love you so much, Daddy. Thank you for everything. Thank you everyone for everything you’ve done for me. I love all of you.” They all share a sappy smile and I keep eating my cake. The rest of the day, we hang out at the hotel, lounging around before the game tonight at 7. Marc and Geno see how many pieces of pizza they can eat while Dad keeps score. Taylor paints Carter’s nails and I pick at mine. Kris sneaks out to buy me ice cream and comes back with at least 10 different kinds, all of them my favorite in one way or another. 
Carter and I start getting ready around 4:30 so we’re ready to leave by 5. I straighten my hair and do just light makeup. I dig my Mitch Marner jersey out of my bag and put it on with some black leggings. Carter wears the jersey of the only Leaf she likes, Frederik Andersen. She opted for black ripped jeans instead of leggings. Everyone else is just dressed casual. Marc did wear a Leafs hat just to please me. The drive to the arena, Carter gets to play music again. She plays our ‘Hockey Game Hype Up’ playlist, something we made a few years ago. Even though I’m the music person, she’s much better at putting playlists together. I’m only really good at finding one or two songs I love and just playing them over and over again. As the songs ‘Auston Matthews’ by Svdvm and ‘Toronto Maple Leafs Anthem’ by JDME play back to back, we pull into the arena parking lot. No matter how many times I’ve been to Scotiabank Arena, it never ceases to amaze me. I think I’ve been here a grand total of like 15 times in the last 10 years, solidifying it as my favorite arena. 
“Come on Ava, let’s go watch your boy play.” Carter says, linking her arm through mine. She leads me and the rest of our group into the arena. Everyone else heads to the box but I decide to stay down in the main area and wander around a bit, making sure I get the full experience again. All around me, Leafs fans are hurrying to one place or another. I take everything, wanting to remember this for the rest of my life. As I’m walking down a small set of stairs, I collide with a pretty solid body. And of course, with my human wrecking ball abilities, I manage to take both of us down, all the way to the ground. “Shit! I’m so sorry, are you okay?” I ask, sitting up and looking at the boy I collided with. He sits up, looks at me, down at the ground, then back up at me. His eyes are huge.
“I-Oh my God. Yeah-Yeah I’m okay! Are you?” He asks, jumping to his feet and reaching his hand out to help me up. I take his hand and he pulls me to my feet. “Yeah I’m all good. Sorry for taking you out. I’m known for being clumsy. Like the jersey by the way.” I say, pointing to where the number 16 is stitched into the arm of his jersey. The same number sprawled across my back.
“Hey, I like yours too. Marner your favorite player?” I nod, pushing my hair back out of my face.
“Yeah, I grew up a Penguins fan because of my dad but the Leafs are my favorite team.” He smiles and nods. He looks so familiar but I can’t place where I know him from. Talking to him comes so naturally and it seems like the world just goes on around us while we stand there and talk. Before I know it, they’re starting the lineup announcements.
“Oh shoot, I gotta get going. Enjoy the game!” I call over my shoulder as I run back towards the box we’re all sitting in. Of course, I trip up the steps and almost fall. As I glance over my shoulder, I see the boy with a smirk on his face. I blush and mentally kick myself for first off accidentally tackling a cute boy then tripping and almost falling in front of him. As I rush back into the box, Dad eyes me with a raised eyebrow. I huff and flop into my seat next to Marc and Carter. Carter glances at me out of the corner of her eye and smirks.
“Why are you all red and bothered about?” I bite my lip and Marc looks over at me.“I accidentally tackled a cute boy…” I say, burying my head in my hands. Carter and Marc laugh and Marc pats my back.
“There there, Little Crosby. I did much worse to your aunt Véronique.” I laugh and lean my head on his shoulder. Geno and Kris are behind us, teasing Taylor as Dad watches what’s going on down on the ice. His hand is resting on my shoulder, absentmindedly squeezing and releasing in a protective way. As I sit there, watching the game, all I can think about is the boy. But as I do, I think about the conversation Dad and I had last night in the car. Did he really mean what he said? Would he really get upset if I did ever decide to have a boyfriend?
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davidsons89 · 3 years
Toxic Turner - part 18
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WARNINGS: this story contains signs of a toxic and manipulative relationship. also contains smut, mentions of drugs and alcohol. some scenes contain forms of abuse. read at ur own risk :)
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y/n’s birthday
a couple weeks went by, maybe 4 or 5. you’ve spent the majority of summer with your family and alex, having barbecues and going on day trips. this summer was much better compared to last years, alex was insecure back then and hated you going anywhere so you were basically isolated inside. you felt free now, though he’s still clung to your hip like a child. all summer you counted down the days until your birthday, and it finally arrived.
alex woke you up bright and early this morning to wish you a happy birthday and give you your gifts. he always wanted to be ahead of everyone else, he’s the light in your life. you spent the morning opening your gifts and responding to birthday messages from family and friends, now it’s just past midday and you’re getting ready to go for a special family meal.
“look at you, you’re so pretty” alex shocks you, standing in the doorway of the open bedroom door as you try on your dress in the mirror. you jump a little, and look at him. “stop doing that” you chuckle, putting your hand on your heart to calm yourself. he’s a sucker for it, creeping around and catching you off guard, maybe he’s aiming to catch you doing something out of the ordinary.
“that dress is beautiful on you” he smiles, looking up and down at your figure. “thanks, i’m not sure i like the color though” you shrug, looking at your body in the mirror, trying to decide whether to go for a different dress or not. “i like it. it’s a nice color” he nods, non-stop gazing at your cream colored dress.
“i want to go for something brighter. like orange or yellow, for the summer” you say, walking over to the closet to pick out a different dress but he discreetly follows behind you. “maybe this one” you say, grabbing your flowery dress from the rack, turning around to show him, to only be shocked by the sight of him standing right in front of you.
“the one you’re wearing is better” he says, reaching his hand over to yours to snatch the dress from you. “why?” you ask, frowning. “this one doesn’t look nice on you” he admits, tossing the flowery dress aside so you wouldn’t swap over. “why not?” you ask, frowning again. “it just doesn’t. now stop asking so many questions, come on” he impatiently says, grabbing your hand to pull you out of the closet, closing the doors behind you.
“it’s my birthday i can wear what i wan-” you begin to say, but don’t quite get to finish. “shut up. you’ve wasted too much time, now get your shoes on and let’s go” he cut you off, dropping your hand so it flops by your side. “fuck you then” you mumble to yourself as you begin walking to your bed to grab your cream heels from underneath. “what did you say?” he laughs at you, giving you the look of audacity as he watches you bend over to grab your shoes, noticing your underwear almost right away.
before you can answer his question, he talks again. “i can see your underwear” he sighs through his nose in annoyance, watching you stand up straight to sit down on the edge of the bed. “yeah, it’s almost like i’m wearing a dress” you say with total sarcasm as you roll your eyes at him, he’s acting stupid. “don’t talk to me like that” he says with calm aggression, slowly walking over to you on the bed.
“or what?” you look up at him after slipping your feet into your heels and tightening the straps so they won’t fall off. “or you won’t go to your own fucking meal. don’t think you’re special because it’s your birthday, and certainly don’t think you can talk to me like that” he says, reaching his hand down to grab your face, forcing it up to look at him. he gripped your face a little tighter towards the end, hoping you’ll understand him before he hurts you.
“the other dress is much shorter than the one you’re wearing, you just want attention huh?” he scoffs at you, laughing to put you down. “no i just prefer the other one” you furrow your eyebrows at him, he’s acting insecure for no reason. “you want to wear it because you’re a whore. you’re lucky i’m letting you wear that one” he says, roughly letting go of your face to point at the dress on your body. “now hurry up, we can’t be late to your own event” he chuckles, walking out of the room to leave you alone.
another 20 minutes goes by, you’re finally ready. you spent that time doing your hair, styling it to perfection. you grab your phone and purse and make your way downstairs. you’re immediately greeted by the sight of alex standing in the kitchen eating an apple. “i’m ready” you smile at him, hoping his reaction is good. he looks at you, and is amazed by your beauty. “you’re so beautiful, aren’t you?” he smiles, placing his half ware apple down on the counter to get a proper look at you.
“thanks” you giggle, admiring yourself as he walks over to you. “turn around” he says, motioning his fingers in a circle for you to face the other way. he pulls out a necklace from his pocket, and carefully places it around your neck, doing it up for you. it’s one of the gifts he bought you, which is a heart with angel wings around it. you glimpse at it in the kitchen mirror, smiling. “it’s so pretty” you face him, giving him the look of admiration now too.
“for a pretty woman, fits perfectly” he grins, grabbing his car keys and wallet from the kitchen counter as the two of you finalize everything. you make sure the house is tidy before leaving, because you’re actually having a party here afterwards with your family and friends to celebrate being on the earth for another year. you both leave, locking up the house and getting in the car to head downtown.
mid way into the drive, you get a phone call from your mom. “hello?” you answer. “where are you? we’re all here” she says. “we’re about 5 minutes away, we won’t be long” you let her know. you quickly say your goodbyes and hang up the phone as alex turns a corner. “i’m nervous” you quietly giggle. “why, darling?” he asks, glancing at you then at the road. “it’s embarrassing being the centre of attention” you snicker, looking down at your lap to fiddle with your decorated nails. “it’s your day, don’t be scared of anything” he tells you. “yeah i know but...” you start to say, not knowing how to finish your sentence.
“but nothing. today is your day, and we’ll make it special. don’t be nervous” he reassures you, reaching his hand to your leg to glide his thumb across it, making you smile and place your hand on top of his for a moment. the drive was precisely 5 more minutes, and you finally arrived. you see your family’s cars parked outside, meaning there’s a few people here with you today. you and alex get out of the car and walk inside together while romantically holding hands, making your way to the reserved table.
you spent the first minute or so greeting your family and receiving their gifts and birthday wishes. you shared thankful hugs before sitting down together as a family. you begin opening the gifts from your relatives, which were various different kinds of things. you received jewelry, alcohol, flowers, perfume, clothes and birthday carts etc. you thanked each family member individually and showed your gratefulness, you couldn’t be happier right now. the waiter soon came over to take all of your orders, now you played the waiting game.
you all found yourself in multiple different conversations as you patiently wait for your food to arrive. you’re currently talking to your cousin, while alex is distracted by talking to your mom. “so, how are things?” he asks. he’s been wary over you these past few weeks, he keeps checking up on you to make sure alex hasn’t fucked you over again. “fine. and yourself?” you ask him, noticing him giving you a weird look. he was glancing at the upper half of your body to look for things such as bruises or marks. he has his reasons to believe that alex hurts you, even though you won’t admit it or talk about it.
“i’m good” he nods. the drinks arrived at the table mid conversation, so everyone handed them to each other and resumed waiting for the food. alex interrupts your chat with your cousin to get you to try some of his drink. “y/n, have some” he says, sliding his glass over until it was in front of you. “no i don’t want any alcoh-” you begin to say, shaking your head innocent to deny it. your cousin looked away but eavesdropped on your conversation. “just taste some” alex interrupts you, cutting you off. “i don’t want alcohol until later” you say slowly but quietly, trying to get those words to sink into his brain.
“you’re so fucking boring” he chuckles at you, snatching the drink away to take a sip for himself. “asshole” you roll your eyes and look back at your cousin, but alex slyly gripped your leg under the table to hurt you discreetly. you quickly turn your head back towards him and shift your leg away. “what?” you whine, looking at your leg then looking at his face. “don’t speak to me like that, ever” he whispered in your ear as he leaned over to you, digging his nails into your leg. you nod and put your hand underneath the table, grabbing his hand to push it away.
he resumes his conversation with your mom as she stopped talking to your grandma, so you resume yours with your cousin. “what did he just say to you?” your cousin asks, giving alex evil daggers to the side of his face. “nothing, don’t worry” you say, lightly nudging him so he’ll stop looking at alex. “y/n i know he’s your boyfriend, but i fucking hate him” he whispers angrily in your ear. “why though?” you wonder, frowning at him.
“i see the way he treats you, the way he talks to you. i know something goes on when nobody’s around, you just won’t admit it” he says quietly, alex hearing none of this as your mouths are too quiet. “nothing goes on, you’re just paranoid. i’m fine” you chuckle and shake your head at him to make it seem like he’s crazy for making things up. “i’ll be watching him all day. all day” he whispers, looking at you to reassure you on the last part. you nod to show your understanding, but it made you worried a bit.
you knew alex wouldn’t last a whole day without being mean to you, and now you know he has a pair of eyes on him all day. you don’t want your cousin to hate alex, but he has perfectly good reasons to. he can get violent when it comes to family, so you feared something happening on your own birthday. alex will get caught out one day, whether that be today or years from now. it’s all down to your cousin.
an hour later
the food arrived after 10 more minutes of waiting, where you all started to dig in and enjoy your delicious meals. now, most of you are done or nearly done with your food, and are chatting amongst yourselves to wait for the others. “why’re you eating it so slow?” alex asks, furrowing his eyebrows at you. he’s recently made comments on the way you eat, so it started to affect you. “because i’m not that hungry” you lie, dropping your fork on the plate, not feeling an appetite which annoyed you. “bullshit, the whole way here you were saying you’re starving” he says, looking into your eyes with his evil glare.
“yeah, i’ve ate a bit. just not hungry anymore” you sigh at him, seeing him roll his eyes. “just eat it” he quietly demands, but you’re having none of it. “i don’t want to eat it” you demand back at him. “stop being such a fucking child” he quietly says as your family chat with one another, but your cousin secretly eavesdropping. he isn’t going to say anything for a while, he’s going to let it build up so he can lash out later.
“i’m not being a child i just don’t want it” you sigh, feeling bad because you had no appetite. “i’m paying for this meal for you, so eat it” he sighs through his nose to stop himself from getting angry as he gestures with his hand. “you eat it, if it bothers you that much” you say, giving him a sarcastic look as he’s getting on your nerves by trying to force you to eat. you slide your plate over to his side, not aware of the drink beside you. your plate hit the drink and knocked it over, causing some to spill on you.
you gasp as some of the drink spills onto your dress, but luckily most of it only tipped onto the table. “oh my fucking god” you exclaim with annoyance as you stand up from your chair, and storm to the restroom. alex loudly sighs and stands up, following you moments later. your relatives quickly clean up the mess and move on, continuing their meals and waiting for you to dry your dress off. your cousin has been listening this whole time, and even watches alex follow you. he doesn’t want to kick up a fuss, so he leaves it and waits like everybody else at the table.
after storming into the ladies restroom, you walk over to the sinks to get some paper towels, ripping some pieces off to wipe your dress with. less than a minute later, alex walks in after you. “this is the ladies room, get out” you frown, giving him a weird look. “does it look like i give a fuck?” he says, closing the door and storming over to you. “stop being a little fucking brat” he says, gripping your face to force you to look at him. “go away” you say, shoving him away harshly, but it only made him madder. he quickly and roughly grabs your throat, forcing your head up to look at him again.
“stop being a spoiled brat, you’re ruining this day for yourself you fucking idiot” he says aggressively as his hand is wrapped around your throat tightly, his other hand gripping your waist to keep you close. “i’m just not hungry” you frown, trying to push him away but he doesn’t let you. “i don’t care, we’re all here for you, stop fucking showing off” he says, inches away from your face as he intimidates you. he raises his voice at the last part, causing you to flinch as he curses at you.
“i’m not showin-” you struggle to say as his hand is blocking your voice, you can hardly breathe. “yes you are. if you didn’t kick up a fuss, we’d still be out there enjoying our meals with your family” he cuts you off, staring into your eyes to intimidate you with his own. “then let’s go back out there” you suggest, coughing ever so slightly. “are you gonna eat your food?” he asks, speaking as if he’s talking to a child, raising his eyebrows at you. “yes” you nod and furrow yours, giving him puppy eyes of fear. “good, now fuck off” he says, roughly letting go of you to shove you in the direction of the door. you sigh and storm out, letting the door slowly close behind you.
alex stays there for a few moments, ripping off a piece of paper towel to wipe off the little spillage on himself too. he’s wearing black, so fortunately it’s not noticeable. after wiping himself, he throws the used paper towel in the bin and walks towards the door, exiting as a woman entered at the same time. “sorry” he says, sighing through his nose showing ignorance. he joins you back at the table again, where he sees you force feeding yourself because you don’t want him to yell at you again. “good girl” he whispers in your ear as he sits down beside you, you frown and ignore him, looking away from his direction.
around 20 minutes later, everyone had finished their meals and drinks and are now ready to head out. you all paid for your meals, and made your way to the cars after exiting. “can we come in your car?” your cousin asks, speaking for him and his mom, which is your favorite aunt. “of course” you say and smile as alex opens your car door for you. “my lady” he smiles, holding your hand as he helps you sit down. “thank you” you smile at him. he closes the car door and walks over to his side, as your cousin and aunt get in the back seats.
“how did you get here?” you ask, making small talk as alex drives back to the house. “in your moms car, but it’s too cramped with all of us” your aunt shrugs. “oh ok” you nod, turning on the radio so you can listen to some music on your peaceful drive home, with the windows rolled down for the cool breeze to enter the car. it’s the middle of summer, so it’s boiling hot outside and will be for another month yet.
the rest of the drive home was entertaining. all four of you talked and laughed with one another, until you finally reached the house less than 20 minutes later. you and your aunt exited the car and made your way into the house together as you giggle and joke with each other, leaving alex and your cousin alone. alex awkwardly coughed as he got out of the car, and your cousin followed along. “so.. what you say to her in the bathroom?” your cousin awkwardly asks, making small talk. “yeah, i hit her” alex very sarcastically says as he rolls his eyes, walking straight past him to get into the house. he knows how suspicious your cousin is, and how he assumes alex is violent towards you, so he feeds on the topic to wind him up.
you waited a few extra minutes for the rest of your family to arrive, and when they did, the party finally started. the music was turned on and up, the alcohol was brought out and poured, now the fun can really start. as everyone was doing their own thing in different rooms, you found alex in the back yard smoking a cigarette. “hey, are the guys coming over?” you ask him. “mhm. they’re on their way now” he nods, outing his cigarette on the wall and tossing it aside. “ok, cool” you smile up at him, hooking your hand around his arm as you walk inside together.
the guys arrived shortly after, and you greeted them as soon as they walked in. they individually wished you a happy birthday and handed you gifts and birthday cards, then you all made your way into the living room where alex was drinking with your relatives. “yo, alex” matt says, greeting him. “oh what’s up guys” he says, giving them all quick ‘bro hugs’ as he hasn’t seen them in a while. “already on the booze?” jamie jokes. “yeah, here have some” alex chuckles, shoving his opened bottle in his face for him to drink it.
while alex was occupied with his friends, you made your way to the kitchen to open your extra gifts. the house was getting filled overtime as family friends enter, and even friends of friends and so on. your hands overflowed with gifts and cards as more people came in. you received hugs and birthday wishes from everyone who walked through the door, this was your queue to stop greeting people and finally open your gifts. sat on the kitchen counter alone, nick walks in to grab a drink. “hey y/n” he says, watching you read the birthday cards from people.
“hey nick, you ok?” you ask him, he nods and walks over to you after grabbing a fresh beer from the fridge. “i’m good, who’s that one off?” he asks, making small talk as the guys are in the next room playing a game involving alcohol with your family. “you” you giggle as you read ‘from nick x’ at the bottom. he didn’t know what gift to buy you, so he put money in your card. “thank you” you smile, pulling him into a friendly hug as you lean forward a bit, still sitting on the kitchen counter as he stood in front of you.
“i need more alcoh- oh” your aunt says as she enters the kitchen to see you hugging one of your boyfriend’s best friends. you pull away from nick as your aunt walks over to the fridge to grab what she needed and be on her way, but she always kicks up a fuss when she’s drinking. “didn’t expect to see you in here with another fella” she joked, picking up a bottle of beer and exiting the room. “alex, your girlfriend’s getting all touchy with another man in there” you hear your aunt say as she walks back into the living room, which makes you sigh and roll your eyes. she’s only messing around, but alex takes this stuff seriously. way too seriously. “wow” you scoff and shake your head. “go, i’ll be there in a minute” you say to nick, motioning your head to the door as you finish opening your cards and gifts. as soon as nick walked out of the kitchen, a very annoyed alex walks in. great, what now?
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whocalledhimannux · 3 years
@peregrer the What. 👀👀👀 *insert John Mulaney gif of "say more right now"*
ok so when I say "the extent to which I've fleshed out the QT GBBO AU in my head is getting to be embarrassing," I truly and deeply mean it, please enjoy 1,900 words of utter ridiculousness.
first, our competitors:
Legarus - performs so poorly that viewers are a bit confused how he got on the show in the first place, a la Jamie (series 10) or that one guy who made a lime and chocolate cake in the first week.
Chloe - nice flavors and good ideas for decorations, but pretty sloppy. was up for elimination in the first week but came back with a great showstopper.
Melheret - good but not as good as he thinks he is (hence his bread week elimination because of sloppy technique), heavy-handed with the alcohol flavoring
Agape - solid competitor, not flashy but tasty + pretty results. I haven't worked out exact week-by-week themes (that would indeed be Too Much) but I imagine this is something like "Dairy" or "Caramel" or "Vegan," some particular element she just happens to not be strong on. viewers are disappointed by her early elimination
Teleus - Dad contestant. brings in a bunch of weird pans and gadgets he made up himself, does pretty well until it comes to Fiddly Foreign Foods he doesn't know (probably eliminated in French or Patisserie week)
Laela - typically has good flavors and pretty designs but technical knowledge is a bit lacking, so there are usually some flaws in the execution and she's often in the bottom half of technicals
Phresine - Grandma contestant. nails the classics but ultimately isn't creative enough to make it further.
Magus - the "Ian (series 6)" flavor of Dad contestant, often brings in foraged ingredients or eggs from his own chickens or whatnot and revives old recipes/flavor combinations no one else knows about. one week, some of those turn out to just be too weird, leading to his elimination.
Sophos - pretty elaborate decorations and good flavors (on the border of classic and new), but he tends to try a million different embellishments on everything and struggles with timing, occasionally to the detriment of technique.
Kamet - always has really interesting and different flavors and tends to do well in technicals especially, assuming he doesn't get overwhelmed. which is... an assumption (Finalist)
Costis - leans towards classic and indulgent flavors, although sometimes a bit sloppy--the kind of contestant where the judges look at his dishes and say "it's a bit of a mess" and then Paul Hollywood starts laughing because it still tastes delicious (Finalist)
Irene - absolutely stunning visually, queen of the technicals, occasionally gets the "style over substance" warning (Winner)
more details below the cut
I've gone back and forth on whether Eugenides should be in it but ultimately I decided no because I wanted to maintain a pre-show relationship between Laela + Kamet (I thought otherwise at first but then I realized I hadn't left Kamet any longterm friends or family for his finalist video and that's depressing af) and Irene and Sophos which to my knowledge hasn't happened once on the show so far? so having a married couple on top of that seems like it would be a stretch, and also then I think I'd need to make Eugenides the winner on principle and you know what? he can stand to be second fiddle to his wife for a little bit. My alternate backstory for him is that he was actually the winner of MasterChef one year (good with knives), so in the first episode Irene's first little chat to camera is something like "my husband's been bugging me for years to try out and I keep telling him he's got a skewed perspective on cooking competitions, finally I applied just to shut him up... and here we are." Her little video introduction is about how baking is a stress relief from her bigshot job. Her decorations tend to be abstract and gorgeous rather than cutesy.
Kamet, likewise, was nagged into applying by Laela, but she very cleverly framed it as she wanted to apply and wanted him to do it to for moral support. both were confident the other would get in and surprised that they did themselves. This is one of those series where everyone's friendships are immediate and obvious and super adorable (cast of series 10 my beloved...), and in particular these two are holding hands in episode 1. Laela's deep blue robe from TaT sticks in my head for whatever reason so I imagine her making an elaborate blue peacock cake or something one week that wins her star baker. somebody always does a peacock something and it's always impressiev.
Phresine is cool as a cucumber under pressure, always has lovely things to say about everyone else's bakes, and is the go-to last-minute helper because she usually comes in under the time. Irene starts out similar but as the weeks go by she starts to feel the pressure a bit more and cuts it a bit close. Sophos is the worst on timings, and mentions his wife at least once an episode. (I also played with him being single on the show and meeting Helen later through Irene and Eugenides, but this idea is too cute to pass up tbh.) Teleus lives with Relius, a fact that isn't mentioned until a few weeks in when he comments that Relius likes a recipe or gave him an idea for a flavor or something (Relius does not bake himself but will happily sample practice bakes), to the surprised delight of every viewer whose favorite contestant is the oldest gay in any given series (me, me, that person is me).
Costis tends to use a lot of chocolate and, as I said, pretty "classic" flavors--one of those people who makes a full English savory bake at some point. He's usually in the top half of the competition but doesn't get the top until one of the later weeks in the competition, which is a Honey themed week, and he absolutely nails it. The delicate decorations of his honey nut cakes and his use of honeycomb are particularly praised and that's the week he gets star baker. One of those bakers who flirts with elimination the first few weeks but noticeably improves over the course of the show.
My most, like, plot-y ideas are about Kamet (SHOCKER). I imagine he was born in Setra (I usually make Setra a non-autonomous region in my AUs) but arrived in Britain as a child due to [Unspecified Crisis] and ended up with foster dad Jeffa, who was roughly from the same region but not Setra itself; whenever Kamet wanted Setran food as a kid, Jeffa would take him to the library to find recipes and that was what sparked his love of baking. He's well-read on the subject and knows about foods from a lot of different cultures, so he's usually heard of the technical challenges even if he hasn't made or eaten them. He does a lot of fusion flavors, and is ALL ABOUT bread week.
I don't usually make the his-relationship-with-Nahuseresh-is-romantic leap in modern AUs but I think it works for this one because of the nature of the format--Nahuseresh doesn't actually appear on camera but is alluded to once or twice, ends up being Very Displeased that Kamet is doing something for himself, and during the week following Laela's elimination they have the fight that makes Kamet realizes this is actually a terrible relationship and he needs to leave now. He calls Laela to let her know what's up and mentions that, since he'll need to stay in a motel and has presumbly lost his job as a secretary (yeah working for your boyfriend is Bad, he's realized that now), he's going to have to drop out of the show. Laela, despite living in a studio flat without room to host him, immediately thinks "um fuck that" and calls Costis, and within an hour Costis and Aris and a few rugby buddies have moved all of Kamet's things into Costis and Aris's flat, where Costis insists that he'll squeeze into Aris's room (they've shared before, it's fine) and that Kamet gets first dibs on the kitchen for all bake off practices.
None of them actually reveal any of this to the show's producers. Kamet gets a little overwhelmed the following week and nearly walks away from the tent, but Costis jumps in to keep his bake from being ruined, and some soothing words from Irene + the hosts calm him down and he returns to finish. The only mention of the Drama comes in the finale, during the longer video clips they do on each of the contestants. Kamet is deliberately vague about the details of the situation, but Aris shows up in both Costis's and Kamet's videos and references the fact that having TWO flatmates in the bake off is a bit difficult because they only have a standard size kitchen, so he hasn't cooked for himself in a month and has been living off cake and savory breads. one of the hosts talks to Kamet in the tent after that clip is shown and he still won't talk about it in more detail, but says that he wanted to tell people so they could appreciate why Costis hasn't practiced as much the last few weeks (the judges scolded him for winging it a couple of times), and admits that he totally copied some of Costis's techniques for honey week based on watching him at home.
I imagine the finale task is something like an illusion cake--probably with a bunch of additional required elements because the show has been going bonkers with the finale showstoppers in the newer seasons--and Irene wins with a jewelry box containing, among other things, ruby earrings made out of candy. Kamet does a stepwell, and Costis does something architectural (I was thinking castle but something visibly Greek-ish so maybe a temple or a megaron? idk). Irene wins but they're all BFFs and that's obvious, so everyone's delighted for her. The little montage at the end reveals that Irene + Gen are expecting twins, that everybody hangs out all the time, and that Costis + co recently helped Kamet move into his own flat where he's now working on a novel (Immakuk and Ennikar inspired, obvi, leaning heavily on the honey-shared-on-the-road thing and including some recipes that actually work in the narration, albeit still written in an ancient-novel-like-way).
[Obviously not part of the show, but when Kamet mentions that it's time for him to look for his own place, Costis tries to v awkwardly invite him to stay forever and Kamet is like "nope I've got to try this on my own but yes we will go on a date once I've moved out and see how it goes from there."]
[This is so far beyond the scope of the show but also several of them go on to have more baking-related careers and have active social media presences and at one point they're all hanging out and Eugenides pulls out a camera and demands they all produce baking pick-up lines. Teleus refuses and also doesn't believe anyone knows baking pick-up lines off the top of their head or could make them up on the spot. Sophos sort of proves him right by coming up with "you're the apple of my pie," which Eugenides instantly mocks because Sophos's three greatest loves are baking, Helen, and poetry, and that's the best he can do? Helen comes up with "I like my cake the way I like my men--rich, sweet, and bright red," to which Sophos blushes on cue. Irene's is "when I'm with you, I feel like chocolate heated to 50 degrees--I struggle to maintain my temper." Eugenides protests this is more like an anti-pickup line. Irene insists this is the most accurate marriage-related baking pun anyone could ever come up with.
[Laela's is "You and I are like custard--I hope we never split." Kamet's is "You remind me of bread, because I knead you." Costis freezes for a minute and finally comes up with "Fancy a cream horn?" which produces a lot of giggling and makes Kamet slap his arm in such a way that, hen Eugenides posts this video to instagram, fans of the show all go WAIT ARE THEY DATING NOW] [by this point, yes they are] [I didn't even have to google baking pickup lines for this, guys, I legit came up with them on my own, please clap.]
am I obsessed? I might be obsessed
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mypassionsarenysins · 3 years
Acceptance and Love.
Bucky Barnes x Reader 
Author’s Note: This is based on something that happened with my family. Just some angsty, fluffy, fit. Also Body image issues. 
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It was that time of the year. 
You always dreaded going back home, specially since you never fit in with your family. It’s not that there was no love and support, it’s jus that, well, they always brought out your “differences”. 
Those difference being that your family was all fit and tall and well, beautiful, and you where average. Not ugly or anything you had your own, you where just on the “bigger” side, and you enjoyed eating and having days of doing nothing. 
So, when it was time to go home you always had to prepare yourself for comments like so, you gonna go on a diet? Or you’ve gained some weight since last time we saw you? And the one you hated the most how are you going to find a man if you don’t take care of yourself? 
This holiday season though would be the first one you’d be introducing your boyfriend of almost a year, James Buchanan Barnes, a god amongst men. And ultimately the love of your life. 
It was one thing when people in the street would look at you and question what Bucky saw in you, but you couldn’t imagine what your family would think about the two of you. 
You take a deep breath looking at yourself in the vanity mirror when you hear a knock on the door. You turn to see Bucky leaning again the door frame and your heart swells. 
Bucky Barnes was a vision black leather jacket, black button up, black denim jeans, and black boots. His hear swept back, and that smile that could give you a heart attack at any moment. 
“It’s almost time doll,” He said as he stares at you and his eyes shine. 
“I know you keep stalling,” he says as he walks towards you and lifts you up with his hand, grabbing your hips and giving them a squeeze. 
He kisses you softly in the lips. 
“I’m just nervous,” you say and drop your head on his shoulder. 
He hugs you and whispers, “I love you (Y/N), I would never change anything about you, you are my girl, the most beautiful girl I could wish for, my beautiful, strong girl.” 
You look up to him tears forming in the corner of your eyes. 
He kisses your forehead softly, then your nose, and finally your lips. 
“Now let’s get going, I don’t want to make a bad first impression.” He winks and you giggle. 
“ Okay, okay, let me fix my make up and we can go,” you say as you turn to the mirror and look at yourself with a smile. 
Bucky always knew how to lift you, and you admire yourself. 
The black velvet dress that hugged your body nicely, the simple make up, and your hair loose really did complement you nicely. 
You put you comfiest heels and grabbed your coat and purse smiling at Bucky as he grabbed your hand. 
As you arrived at your grandma’s house you take a deep breath and look at Bucky in the driver’s seat. 
He looks at you and grabs your face in his hands softly and softly says, “everything is going to be okay, I’m here.” 
You kiss him and get out of the car grabbing the presents in the trunk of the car. 
Knocking on the door you wait nervously until your grandma opens the door and smiles at you. 
“Darling!” She yells and lets you and Bucky in her smile growing as she stares at Bucky. 
“(Y/N) is here!” She yells as she leads you inside towards the living room where the giant Christmas tree is with a bunch of gifts on the bottom. 
Your aunts, uncles, parents, and your grandpa are all there conversation suddenly stopping when the see you and Bucky hands still connected. 
“So this is Bucky?” Your mom asks as Bucky puts down the gifts and taking yours while the rest of the family just blinks at him. 
“Oh yes! Mom, dad, family, this is my boyfriend, James Buchanan Barnes.” You say proudly as you grab Bucky’s hand one more time and he steps forward extending his hand towards your mom and dad. 
“Nice to meet you ma’am, sir,” he says as he shakes you mom and dad’s hand. 
“Wow (Y/N) when you said you where bringing a boyfriend I never thought you’d bring an avenger,” Said one of your aunts with a smile on her face. 
“Yeah well I’m the lucky one here ma’am” Bucky says firmly while his hand wraps around your waist. 
You then introduce Bucky to the rest of the family, and so far everything had been going great until your grandma told everyone that dinner was ready. 
You got yourself a nice plate filled with all the yummy thing your grandma cooked, and you take a seat your uncle says, “You gonna eat all of that, in front of your boyfriend, I thought you’d take better care of yourself now that you had a reason too.” He says in a joking mayor, but the words drop to your stomach. 
You look at your plate, then at the table, and then at Bucky which makes you stand up and run towards the bathroom where you lock the door. 
Bucky takes a deep breath and takes a moment to calm down. 
Your aunt smack her husband in the back of the head, and he says “What? It was a joke.” He shrugs and Bucky flares up. 
“It’s not a joke to her you know.” He looks sternly at your uncle. 
“We’ve been together for almost a year, and she didn’t want me to meet you because she is insecure all the time, about herself, and about what people think about her. And it hurts me because all I see is this beautiful person, who is beautiful not just on the inside, but on the outside too. You know she would’ve loved to introduce us sooner, but she’s been starving herself, so you would approve me being with her, not the other way around. She is my only family besides the avengers, I have, and they know her and lover how she is. So, no its not a joke to her or to me.” He says and looks at everyone one last time before hw goes to find you. 
“Sweetheart we can go if you want?” Buck says softly. 
You open the bathroom door and he can see some red in your eyes indication that you where crying. 
You can hear murmurs in the background and your grandpa appears from the doorway. 
“You know we love you right, I know that sometimes they can be mean, but we love you, and we never knew how hurtful we could be.” Your grandpa says as he opens his arms and hugs you. 
“You are my granddaughter, and I love, with everything I have.” He kisses your forehead like he does all the time. 
As you walk back to the dining room everyone is silent, until your uncle steps forward. 
“I’m sorry, I never realized that we where hurtful, that we where wrong. That I was wrong. And I’m sorry. I love you.” He says proudly and you hug him. 
All your family starts hugging you and Bucky smiles when you reach a hand for him, and he joins you and your family. 
“That’s a good man you got there,” your dad says as he smiles at you, looking at you proudly. 
“No sir, Its the other way around.” Bucky says as he kisses you softly and everyone awww. 
It was the best Christmas you’d ever had, until the next year where Bucky proposed, but that, is a story for another time. 
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madsdefencesquad · 3 years
another kevison fanfic none of you asked for (also on ao3):
[Thread] Who's the nicest celeb you've met in real life?
Kevin Pearson. Was an extra for one of his movies and couldn’t be any nicer. Chatted with us even though technically you weren’t supposed to. He joked around a lot and showed us pics of his family. Real top bloke.
I met this guy once on vacation in Italy. We were at a table next to him and my newborn was screaming bloody murder, mom was in the bathroom. Couldn’t quite calm my son and I was getting real embarrassed with the loud noise. Some of the waiters came over to their table to ask if they wanted to move but Kevin shut them down immediately. Actually got a bit cross that they even suggested it. His wife suggested to rock my baby on the side to make him stop and he did! She knows a few tricks having twins and stuff. Also shared that joy/misery thing of being first time parents. Anyway, they left first (they got there earlier) and we learned after that they paid for our meals too. Couldn’t believe it.
replied: Wow. That’s the so fucking nice of them.
replied: Yeah made my wife cry haha
I’ve heard only good things about him too! My mom lives in Philly and his brother was running for city council a few years back and he was there and took photos with all the Korean mamas including my own and my grandma! apparently he smells really expensive :P
Didn’t know that I was fully chatting up his wife at Starbucks until I saw a pic of them at the premiere for one of his movies. I’d be embarrassed by my god she was fantastic! 10/10 would’ve gone for it if I wasnt such a potato
replied: And wasn’t married.
replied: That too
My daughter was an extra on one of his movies and says he’s the nicest guy and “such a dad” lol! And her dad’s a real “dad” dad so for her to say that about a famous actor is funny
I used to teach his kids in my kindergarten class. Daughter’s wicked smart. I can tell you all the mothers would have a fit every time he’d come by to pick them up and if it’s not his wife or them together, it’s him. Very hands on. I’d say that counts for nice.
Rocked out to a Lady Gaga show with him and his wife in Vegas. His wife and I are practically best friends now! We’re on first name basis ;)
replied: Sounds fun! What were they there for if you don’t mind me asking? Coz isn’t he like sober now?
replied to a reply: I think it was for a niece’s birthday or something? Couldn’t remember, was pretty wild night :P And I didn’t see any drinks.Even his wife wasn’t drinking I think? They were literally there to enjoy Gaga like the rest of us
I love hearing stories about him like this because it always looks like he’s such a pretentious pretty boy jerk especially back in the day
replied: Getting your life sorted can change a man
replied to a reply: Yeah he’s pretty mellowed out since getting sober. He’s had that DUI and rehab stint but now he’s a real family man and seems to love his wife very much. Good for him.
Doesn’t he remind you of George Clooney? Got married late and had boy girl twins and is loving life!
replied: True!!
Not sure if everybody knows but his wife Madison is pretty big in the interior design space especially coz she like pretty much runs their fam construction business. I follow her on Insta and I know everyone has a crush on Kevin but I’d pick her over him any day!
replied: OMG YES SAME! She puts together these amazing DIY palettes and I’m obsessed! I’d also pick her over him any day even just to pick her brain
replied to a reply: She also recommends the best books!!!
My mom’s in the planning side of construction and met his wife in West Chester. She did a presentation and afterwards her and my mom shared parenting tips like they’re in some mom club. Apparently she was the sweetest and her babies are adorable and also Kevin calls a lot lol
Met him at the airport, wife’s a huge fan of the manny so sucked my gut to ask for a pic. When he found out it’s for the missus, he recorded a special vid saying his iconic line. Missus was over the moon. Real good fella
replied: That’s so nice
replied: He did for my mom as well! All the moms love him!
Kevin Pearson helped re-build my grandparents’ burned down convenience store. Couldn’t thank him enough even if I tried
replied: Wow, that’s real generous. How are the grandparents?
replied to a reply: Thanks! They’re over the moon. They have a house near the area but gran said he’d come by with his kids from time to time. Even if gran didn’t want to, they always insisted to pay for whatever the kids wanted.
Delivered the cake for his uncle (grandpa’s?) wedding and he gave a seriously generous tip. Oh and his wife packed me pigs in the blanket.
replied: Pigs in the blanket?! What in the middle school
replied: Apparently it was the uncle/grandad’s favorite or something and they double ordered. But who cares free food!
replied to a reply: Did it come with ketchup?
replied to a reply: Hot, wrapped in foil and handful of ketchup packets. I felt like one of the kids
Not him but his brother who’s like a big shot in politics right now. Real top guy and had the best laugh
This doesn’t sound real but I’ve bumped into him literally five times over the past year he’ll probably think I’m some stalker. Rarely saw him without his family and once his kid threw a ball at me. He apologised but c’mon you either throw a ball or bounce it no big deal. Besides, that kid has David Beckham’s kids manners. Real like English folk polite it’s insane
replied: That’s always nice to hear that celebrity kids aren’t spoiled brats. We know a few good of them are
replied to a reply: Celebrity kids are different from kid celebrities though
replied to a reply: Didn’t say they were the same? Just saying that for a kid of someone so rich and famous you’d think they’d be a bit more spoiled but they weren’t at all and was beyond respectful and that’s a testament to the parents.
replied to a reply: Agree. I’ve met this particular celebrity’s kids and mind you they’re teens now but god they were just awful and pretentious. Even more than their famous parent which is saying something
Not him but I did meet that actress that was so embarrassingly flirty around him during the press conference of hat film he did a few years back. She’s a real bitch and so fake and I’m so glad she’s been dropped from the sequel
replied: Oh god yeah I remember her. She was so obnoxious laughing at everything he said like stfu it’s not that funny!!!! The secondhand embarrassment watching her and him being all polite about it *chills*
replied: She’s the worst. No talent
replied to a reply: I was an extra for some scenes in that movie and she was WAY worse and such a diva for someone unknown. Kevin’s a real nice guy though and just let her be. He talks about his wife and kids a lot but she would not take a hint!
replied to a reply: That is just embarrassing
Alright story time. Was working as a barista at a cafe and it was one of those really shitty days. He came in, ordered and waited and was all nice and took some pics with fans. Anyway, like I said shitty day so I mixed up his coffee order and got him two lattes instead of cappuccinos. Mind you, it was a busy asf day as well and I was the only one making coffees. He comes over and tells me and I apologise but by this time my manager’s already all up on my ass for serving Kevin Pearson incorrectly. He kept apologising to him and berating me till Kevin himself stepped in and told the manager off. But like calmly and stuff like it’s no big deal and people make mistakes whatever and I kid you fucking not he apologised to me too and said I was doing a good job. He probably won’t know how much that meant to me after an already shitty as day but it did. I made sure to make him the best fucking cappuccinos
replied: I’ve met him in irl too and he is this!
I saw him sitting at a cafe with his daughter. Super nice. Asked him if I could get an autograph for my mom who’s a huge fan. He asked me some questions about her and wrote a really nice autograph, for her. His daughter stuck one of her stickers on there too and my mom loved that even more. I told him where she works (at a grocers) and he went out of his way to shop there the next day and made a point to look for her and chat. Great, great dude
replied: That is so fucking cool man. And your mom must’ve been so happy!
replied to a reply: She was over the moon! She loves his wife too! Apparently she was even chattier than Kevin haha
Met him at the airport. I was an employee and he had some TSA questions. Genuinely nice and friendly, chatted for about 15min. After he was set, we shook hands, he had his kids say thank you individually with a high five. Adorable. His wife was super nice and friendly too. Very good social interaction, would participate again
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yeah-all-of-it · 3 years
I wrote a fic the other day (my first!) that included a brief appearance by an original character named Rhonda, who is Ian and Mickey’s neighbor across the hall. Decided to write a bit of a prequel, exploring how they came to be friends with her. It’s 2 parts because it’s 4.7k and I don’t have an Ao3 account. Link for part 2 is here and at the bottom. Hope you enjoy!
Spill Your Guts: Part I
“Mickey, shut the fuck up! We’ve only lived here for like four days!” Ian whispers, dragging his slightly inebriated husband down the hall toward their apartment door. “We don’t want everyone to hate us already!”
“No, you don’t want everyone to hate us. I don’t give a fuck.” Mickey replies.
Ian’s trying to convey irritation, but the truth is, he’s so giddy about the evening’s surprise anniversary party, he’s struggling to come off as anything other than completely fond of his loud-ass, thoughtful husband. He’s a little drunk himself which isn’t helping matters.
“What? The only person I want to like me is you, Gallagher,” Mickey says, trying to be only slightly quieter.
“And I do like you, very much. But it would be nice to make a couple friends here too. Waking people up at 2 am probably isn’t the best way to do that,” Ian explains.
Mickey stops walking and gently pushes Ian up against the wall, holding him in place with a hand on his chest. Mickey says slyly, “Oh, you like me, huh? How much? D’you like me… this much?” Mickey plants a soft kiss on Ian’s neck.
“Umm, yeah, I like you that much,” Ian responds.
“Okay. What about… this much?” Mickey steps closer, placing his hand on the side of Ian’s face and softly kissing his lips, just barely slipping his tongue in.
“Mmm, yeah,” Ian replies once Mickey pulls away. “I definitely like you that much.”
Mickey steps right up to Ian, pressing his body into the wall with his own. Their faces are so close, they can feel each other’s breath hitching. He slowly slides a hand down the front of Ian’s jeans.
“You like me this mu-,” he doesn’t even have the words out before Ian is devouring him. Bodies pressed together, hands gripping each other’s hair, tongues tangled together.
Things are so intense that they didn’t realize that they have somehow moved and are now up against their across the hall neighbor’s door.
The next thing they know, they are both plummeting toward the ground. It takes them a moment to realize that their neighbor, apparently hearing strange noises coming from her door, had opened the door they were leaning against.
Ian is flat on his back on the floor and Mickey is directly on top of him. Their arms are still wrapped around each other and it’s blatantly obvious what they’ve been up to.
“Do you know what time it is? I thought someone was trying to rob me! Scared the life outta me!” a slender lady, likely in her late 60s who had clearly been in bed based on her attire, yells at them.
The two men scramble to their feet, Ian panicking when he realizes that at some point Mickey had managed to undo his belt and his zipper. His plaid boxers were on full display as well as an obvious display of what’s underneath them.
“We’re… so, so sorry, ma’am,” Ian says sheepishly as he pulls his pants closed. “It won’t happen again.”
Ian grabs Mickey by the jacket and yanks him out the door and across the hall. He pulls out his keys and unlocks the door as quickly as he can, the neighbor eyeing them suspiciously the whole time. Once she’s presumably satisfied that they do actually live there and aren’t burglars, she closes the door to her own apartment.
They stumble through the doorway, slamming the door behind them and Mickey bursts into laughter.
“Holy shit, that’s one way to make friends, Gallagher! Wonder how long it’s been since that woman’s seen a dick?” Mickey laughs, as Ian’s face turns the same color as his hair.
It’s been almost a week since Ian inadvertently flashed their new neighbor and so far, they’ve managed to avoid running into her in the hallway.
Saturday morning, Mickey is sleeping in and Ian goes for an early run. He sneaks out the door, hoping the lady across the hall is still in bed, and walks quickly down the hall to the elevator. He manages to evade her again but when he returns, she opens her door before he’s able to get his key in the lock.
“Well, hello there,” she says cheerily. “Long time no see, neighbor!”
“Um, hi there,” Ian nervously replies.
“So, the name’s Rhonda. I figure we should be on a first name basis, you know, since I’ve seen your penis and all.”
Ian blushes and chuckles uncomfortably, but for some reason, finds himself feeling a little less embarrassed. He likes this woman already and they’ve barely spoken. She seems like a pretty no-nonsense, calls a spade a spade type of person.
“Oh, uh, I’m Ian. Ian Gallagher.”
“Well, Ian Gallagher, I was about to head out to the pool to get a little sun. Care to join me?” Rhonda inquires.
Ian looks down at his watch and figures Mickey will be asleep for at least another hour. And he does want to make friends.
“Umm, sure. That sounds nice,” he ultimately decides.
“Well, let’s get goin’ then!” she exclaims, linking her arm with Ian’s as they take off down the hall.
Once they reach the pool, they find two lounge chairs. Ian drags a patio umbrella over by his.
“Ginger,” he points to his hair. “I fry in the sun, even in the morning.”
Rhonda nods understandably as they kick back in their chairs.
“So,” she begins. “What’s your story, Ian Gallagher?”
“Umm, my story?” he answers, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He’s just met this woman and his “story” is… a lot. They’d be here all day if he told the whole thing. He decides to stick to the basics.
“Well, I’m from the Southside. Born and raised. Have a huge family, five brothers and sisters. Got married last year and moved here with my husband a couple weeks ago.” He decides that’s enough of an introduction for now.
“That’s all? That’s your story? I imagine it’s way juicier than that, but I get it. You don’t know me. I’m sure we’ll get to the good stuff eventually,” she winks after she says it.
This Rhonda, there’s just something so warm and vibrant about her. She has long wavy hair, white with a little gray mixed in. She has on a bohemian style dress and some turquoise jewelry. Ian imagines she’s had quite a life, well traveled and all that. Probably been outside of Chicago more times than he’s been to the Alibi. Her laugh is melodious, and her voice is cheerful and friendly. She’s one of those people you instantly like, that makes you want to open up and share your deepest secrets with.
“So that man that you were ravaging in the hall the other night. Your husband?” Rhonda asks.
“Yeah, yeah. That’s Mickey,” he replies. “Sorry again, about the uh, disturbance that night. We had just come from our first anniversary party and were, um, celebrating. Mickey planned the whole thing as a surprise for me.”
“A surprise anniversary party? Well your Mickey sounds like an absolute gem.”
“Yeah, he really is.” Ian can’t hide his sweet smile and look of adoration in his eyes. It makes him so happy when others notice the goodness in Mickey.
“So, how’d you two boys meet?” Rhonda asks, like she’s waiting for Ian to give her the real dish.
“Uh, well, we’ve known each other since we were kids. Grew up around the block from each other. I didn’t even know he was gay too until we hooked up as teenagers. The rest is sort of complicated, but that’s the gist of it”, Ian replies, and hopes that satisfies her curiosity. He’d love to tell her more but the whole unvarnished truth is a lot to unload on someone you’ve just met.
“Another Cliff’s Notes version, I see, but I’ll accept it for now,” she laughs.
Ian glances down at his watch and notices the time. Mickey is surely awake by now.
“Listen, this has been really great but I need to get back upstairs. Mickey is probably awake and we always make a big breakfast together on Saturday mornings. He’ll be pissed if I’m not there to flip the banana pancakes.”
“Oh I understand! This has been lovely and we should certainly do it again soon, Ian Gallagher!” she says with that cheery voice. Makes it hard to say no.
“Absolutely, Ms. Rhonda. That sounds great.” Ian rises from his chair and heads back inside, offering her a friendly smile that she returns.
“Where the fuck you been?” Mickey inquires as Ian walks through the door, not heated, just a question.
“Good morning to you too,” Ian replies teasingly. “I went for a run, then I was sunning by the pool with Rhonda.”
“Rhonda? Who the fuck is Rhonda?” Mickey asks, confused.
“Uh, the lady that lives across the hall from us.”
“The lady that liv- the one that caught us the other night? The one that saw you with your cock out?” Mickey is growing slightly agitated.
“Yeah, that’s her.”
“What’s she want with you? She tryin’ to pull some Mrs. Robinson shit on you? Saw somethin’ she liked?”
“Relax, Mickey. She’s just a friendly older lady. She didn’t do anything, we just talked for a bit. She’s nice,” Ian tries to assuage the situation. “Plus, you are aware I’m not attracted to women, right? And she’s old enough to be my grandma. Don’t think you have anything to worry about.”
“Whatever, man. Come in here and flip some fuckin’ pancakes.”
The next Saturday morning, Ian decides to skip his run and knock on Rhonda’s door to see if she wants to take a walk with him. He really enjoyed their chat last week; it felt good to talk to someone new, someone who had no preconceived notions about him or his life. He wanted to continue that.
He knocks on the door and Rhonda answers, dressed in lilac colored athletic wear, long hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was in remarkable shape for her 65+ years.
“Well hello, handsome. I was just getting ready to go do some yoga on the roof. Would you like to come?”
“Uh, sure,” he replies. “I was actually going to see if you wanted to come on a walk but yoga sounds nice. I’ve been wanting to try it but didn’t wanna go alone, and yoga’s not really Mickey’s thing so…” he drifts off.
“I have an extra mat, let me grab it and we’ll head upstairs!” Rhonda says cheerfully.
Once they’re all set up, Rhonda begins, ”I like to start my mornings with something called sun salutation. Do you know what that is?”
“No. I don’t really know anything about yoga, just that it’s supposed to be good for you. Always wanted to try it, especially since moving here. Show me?” Ian requests.
She walks him through step by step, reaching up to the sky and back down. They go through some basic flows, downward dog, warrior, tree pose, cat-cow. She makes sure he concentrates on his breathing.
“All done!” Rhonda chirps and they sit up from their final shavasana position.
Ian feels amazing. Relaxed and limber and strong. He’s surprised how difficult some of the poses are, especially because he’s always considered himself to be in pretty good shape. Yoga is definitely something he wants to continue. Rhonda really knows her stuff, too. Maybe he could convince Mickey to do yoga on the roof so he wouldn’t have to go to an actual class with people.
“Wow, Ms. Rhonda, that was incredible. I see why people love yoga. I feel amazing.”
“We can make this a regular thing, if you like,” she offers.
“Sure, I’d love that. Maybe I could bring Mickey sometime?” he asks.
“Sure thing, handsome!” She smiles at him.
“So, your Mickey. Tell me about him. What made you fall in love with him?” Rhonda asks casually, like she’s just making conversation but he knows she’s trying to dive deeper, get to know him better. He can’t figure out why she’s taken such an interest in him but she’s just so sincere. He can’t help but feel a connection with her.
“Well, Mickey is… complicated. He’s rough and tender. He’s vulgar and beautiful. He’s tough but so kind. He’s… everything.” Ian pauses and Rhonda doesn’t say anything, indicating she wants him to continue.
“He had a rough upbringing. I did too, actually, but not nearly as rough as his. I had druggy, absentee parents and was mostly raised by my older sister Fiona. Struggled to pay bills. Had to steal to survive sometimes. But Mickey…” Ian drifts off, not sure how much deeper he should go. There’s just something about this kind, welcoming woman in front of him that makes him want to open up. He wants to be careful though, as Mickey’s story isn’t entirely for him to tell. He wants to be respectful of that.
“Mickey was raised mostly by his dad who was in and out of prison. His dad was homophobic and violent and was awful to Mickey. Obviously he didn’t support us being together. Mickey had to hide who he truly was for so long which made it tough on our relationship. But we survived all that and Mickey now is just… he has rough edges. Anyone that is around him can see that. He’s Southside through and through. But when you really get to know him… he’s the best person I know. I guess that’s why I love him. Because he’s just… good. And he’s always had my back no matter what. He’s damn good in bed too, so there’s that,” he laughs.
“Oh trust me, I can tell you boys have no trouble in that department!” she cackles and Ian blushes.
Her tone turns a little more serious after that. “So when you say his father was homophobic and Mickey couldn’t be who he really was…” she leaves it open ended for Ian to fill in the blanks.
He sighs, “Yeah, um. His dad had threatened to kill him. And me. Actually tried, after our wedding. He caught us together once, years ago, naked in the living room. It was… really bad. Traumatizing but I won’t go into details. Mickey spent his whole life hiding deep in the closet because of his dad. My family always supported me and loved me no matter what, but Mickey didn’t have that. We had to hide our relationship for years which was tough. I just wanted to be a normal couple, be able to hold his hand in public, shit like that. But he was scared. Wanted to make his dad proud. He finally came out… I kinda pushed him which wasn’t my proudest moment. But he came out and his dad beat us up. It was awful, but he was out so it was kinda freeing too, I guess? I don’t know. Then there was my diagnosis in the midst of all this. I don’t really tell a lot of people about it but I’m bipolar. Did some crazy shit when I was in a bad manic state several years ago. Then spent some weeks in bed, couldn’t even get up. Mickey never left my side. I’m really not sure where I would have ended up if it wasn’t for him. He saved my life. I’m stable now, on meds that are working well for me. Plus Mickey is really good at picking up on shit, like if he thinks I’m starting to get depressed or something. He’ll say something or do something to help me through it, but like, subtle.” It’s all coming out like word vomit. But it feels so therapeutic at the same time, like just saying these words out loud lightens the weight of them.
“I don’t know. We broke up a few times over the years, forced apart by circumstances out of our control. Oh, and we were in prison together for awhile. We’ve been through some shit. We’d be here all day if I told you even half of it. But despite all that we found our way back to each other and never have to let go again.”
“How long have you two been together?” she asks.
“On and off for ten years. Since we were just dumb teenagers, banging secretly in the walk-in cooler at work,” Ian answers.
“Well that’s one hell of a story, Ian. I’m sorry things were bad for so long but I’m so happy you are in a good place now. Your Mickey sounds just wonderful though and I can’t wait to get to know him better. Maybe we could do dinner one night! I’m a pretty fantastic cook.”
“That actually sounds really great, thank you. I’ll check our schedule,” Ian replies.
“Anytime next week works so just let me know.”
They get up and begin to roll up their mats.
“You know, I just realized,” Ian states. “I don’t really know anything about you. I’ve just been droning on about myself. What’s your story?”
“Oh, Ian. I promise, we can discuss my wild life at dinner,” she laughs.
“Sounds perfect,” Ian smiles.
“We gotta do what?” Mickey complains.
“We are going over to Rhonda’s for dinner this Friday. It’ll be fun. She’s wonderful. You’re gonna love her. She’s really excited to get to know you better.”
“Better? You’ve already fuckin’ told her a bunch’a shit about me, haven’t you?” Mickey grumbles.
“Listen, Mick. Yes, I’ve given her the gist of our lives and our relationship, nothing too in depth. I didn’t go into great detail about your history because I didn’t think it was my place,” Ian explains. “Just told her how rough we had it in the past. She’s just so kind, and she really listens, no judgment.”
Mickey hesitates. “Alright, fine. I’ll go. But if this woman isn’t as amazing as you say she is I’m leaving. Unless the food is really good or there’s free booze. Then I’ll stay.”
Ian just rolls his eyes and gives him a hug, whispering a quiet “thank you” in his ear.
Friday is here before Ian knows it. He’s chatted more with Rhonda this week, seeing her for a few minutes in the laundry room, waiting for his clothes to dry. Then again out by the pool when he went to swim some laps. They were both looking forward to dinner.
“Mick, you about ready? It’s almost 7,” Ian yells back to the bedroom from the living room.
Mickey walks out into the living room wearing his black skinny jeans with the ripped knees and a gray long sleeved waffle knit shirt with his black boots.
“Wow, Mickey, you look really nice.” Ian walks up and kisses him on the forehead. “You smell great too, what is that?”
“Some cologne I found at some fuckin’ hipster shop the other day. Thought it smelled nice. Wanted to make a good impression on your new best friend,” Mickey states, with a slight hint of feigned attitude.
“You’re my best friend, Mick. Rhonda’s just a nice lady that I enjoy talking to and hanging out with. She’s definitely a friend though, the only friend I’ve made here and I really like her company.”
“If you insist. Let’s go, I’m fuckin’ starving.”
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mcwriting · 3 years
The Marriage Project (7)
IT’S FINALLY HERE! MY FAVORITE CHAPTER OF THIS SERIES!!! Consider it a little Christmas gift from me to y’all :) there’s plenty more to come, but I loveee the vibes of this one so much
Story Masterlist
Word Count: 3491
Warnings: Some language but I’m pretty sure that’s it
% approximately the end of the 2nd week of October %
You stood on the Holland’s front porch Sunday afternoon holding a rust red jumpsuit over one shoulder and your volleyball bag on the other. 
It was nippy out, probably 50-something fahrenheit, but you’d tucked your long sleeved jersey into some black sweats and tossed on your letterman. You had decided to wear your favorite jersey, which was black except for the stripe down each sleeve in your school colors and the white words and number on the torso.
Since you were taking pictures, you straightened your hair again and put on some light makeup to complete the look.
Paddy opened the front door, looking star struck.
“Oh, hey Paddy. How are you?”
He stared up at you, flustered.
“I, um. Good?”
You gave a big smile.
“Good to hear. Mind if I come in? It’s kinda cold out.”
“Oh, yeah. Sure.”
He stepped out of the way and shut the door behind you. Inside, Tom was running around frantically, grabbing various clothing items and stuffing them in a bag. He noticed you as he passed by.
“Hey, y/n. Sorry, just trying to get all my football stuff together. It just came out of the dryer.”
You watched in amusement as he rushed back and forth. Nikki came and stood next to you.
“I love my sons, but they can be a real mess sometimes,” she joked. “Let's go put your things in the car while he gets himself together.”
You set the bag in the back of her SUV and hung the jumpsuit hanger on a loop to prevent it from wrinkling. You were talking in the garage when Tom burst through the door, a duffel bag on his shoulder.
“Okay, sorry. I couldn’t find one of my cleats,” he explained, tossing his own bag in the back. He didn’t yet put on his uniform since the pads would get uncomfortable, so Tom just wore some jeans and a tee for the ride.
“Y/n, do you want to hop in front? I’m sure Tom wouldn’t mind,” Nikki said, raising her eyebrows at her son.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind either way.”
“It’s fine. We can just switch on the way home,” Tom replied. You found it odd that he didn’t press but assumed it had something to do with his mom standing nearby.
With that, you loaded up and started the hour long drive. The time passed quickly as you conversed with Nikki, telling her about your plans for after high school. In the backseat, Tom dabbed a little bit of his mom's foundation over the still-discolored parts of his cheek.
Eventually, you got to a small neighborhood and pulled up to a cute cabin. As you and Tom retrieved your things from the trunk, an elderly couple appeared on the front porch.
“Hey, mom. Hey, dad,” Nikki began, hugging them. She gestured to you, “This is y/n. You might recognize her from Tom’s soccer games and some academic things, she’s on the girls team and very smart.”
You blushed at the compliments.
“Why, yes, I have seen you. It’s nice to meet you, dear. Just call us grandma and grandpa,” Nikki’s mother said as you were shaking hands with her husband. 
She walked up and enveloped you in a hug. As you awkwardly wrapped your own arms around her, you looked over her shoulder to find Tom shrugging sheepishly at you.
She pulled away, holding you at an arm's length.
“Well you are just the prettiest thing, aren’t you?” You blushed at her kindness and thanked her. “Now what are we all doing standing around out here? Come on in! I made cookies while you were on the way so they’re still warm.”
She ushered everyone in, Tom holding open the screen door for the group. Tom directed you to a spare room to set down your bags and hang your jumpsuit while Nikki got her camera things together.
You were sat around the dining room eating cookies discussing the afternoon’s timeline. You and Tom would take your sports pictures, then everyone would eat around five, and then you’d go back out in regular clothes for golden hour at around six.
After a few minutes, Nikki finished getting her lens ready.
“Okay. Tom, why don’t you go put on your football uniform and meet us down at the dock. Y/n, do you need to get anything else for your volleyball pictures?”
You answered yes, walking with Tom to the room to grab your volleyball shoes and ball. You were waiting to take off your sweatpants until you got outside for two reasons: it was cold, and you felt weird about walking around his grandparents’ house in only spandex shorts.
The dock wasn’t far, you could see it from the top of the wooden staircase built into the side of the hill the cabin sat on.
You and Nikki conversed as you walked down, discussing ideas of poses and where you’d stand.
You shimmied out of your sweats once you got to the dock, draping them over a metal chair covered in dead leaves. The cold air gave your legs goosebumps, but you sucked it up. You were just glad you’d remembered to shave your legs above anything else. 
Nikki directed you around some trees, had you toss your hair over your shoulder, and took a few pictures with you in your letterman. It had been about 15 minutes when Tom came down in his football gear, helmet and ball in hand.
“Oh, perfect. Tom, would you mind tossing some leaves for me? I have a neat idea for a shot.”
She had you stand in front of the water and palm the volleyball as Tom sent a handful of leaves in the air around you. You tried a few with a serious expression and some while laughing. After a few more shots that included you sitting on the dock, she had Tom jump in next to you.
“Okay, y/n, I want you to stand with the ball on your right side like that, and then Tom, get on her left and hold the helmet by the facemask,” she pointed around, guiding you. “Good! Okay now y/n, put your weight on your left leg and Tom, raise your chin. Serious faces people!” 
There were clicks and flashes as she continued to direct you in slightly different poses. One cool shot had each of you palming your respective sports balls in front of you.
“Okay, are you good with those, y/n? Is there anything else you want in your jersey before I start working on Tom’s?” 
You shook your head and gestured for her to move on with Tom’s pictures. By now your legs were used to the cold, so you refrained from putting your sweats back on, instead just standing behind Nikki watching Tom model like he’d been doing it his whole life.
Oh right… he has
His mom and he worked together well, as if they were reading each other’s minds. 
You studied the way Tom looked. After all these years, you’d never really looked at him intently enough to see the way he filled out his uniform so well. 
His biceps bulged when he moved his arms to flex for a couple shots, and the tight pants and pads around his legs gave the illusion of massive thigh muscles. As you looked back up, his necklace caught your eye. 
He hadn’t tucked it in completely, instead letting it dangle over his jersey, the red “ruby” glinting in the afternoon sunlight. You smiled at the fact he’d left it on, then looked down at your own hand. You’d forgotten to take yours off, too.
Would it be noticeable in the pictures? Was there a possibility family members would start asking if you’d secretly gotten engaged when you eventually shared the shots online? Maybe, but you decided it wasn’t a big enough deal to worry about. Some had already pestered you Friday at dinner.
You didn’t realize how long you’d been out there when a cowbell began ringing from above you. 
“Oh! That’s mom. Dinner must be about ready. Let’s head back up. I think we got enough, Tom,” Nikki explained.
She started heading up the stairs as you grabbed your ball and sweats, and Tom was waiting for you at the bottom, holding his jersey and pads so he was only left in a compression shirt on top. He started up a few steps ahead of you. 
Woah. His ass looks really nice in those pants was the first thought that popped into your head when you looked up. Oh wait. Shit, what am I saying?
You tried to avoid looking as you continued up the hill. By the time you reached the top, Nikki was already entering the house and Tom was again waiting for you. You passed right by him when he spoke up.
“You’re really gonna go in the house like that?”
You stopped and turned back to face him.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you really want to walk into the home of my elderly grandparents with your ass hanging out?”
Right. The whole point of the sweats.
You set the volleyball down while you pulled them on.
“Now I’m not going to say that I minded the view or anything but-” you slapped him in the chest before you tugged on the waistband, hopping a little to make them sit just right and tightening the strings, then picked your ball off the ground.
“Don’t be talking about my ass that way! Nasty.”
“Sorry, sorry, I had to say it.” He put his hands up in mock surrender.
“Well if you’re gonna say that, then I’m allowed to do this,” you said, right before giving him a light slap on his own butt and darting to the house.
“Ohhh, I’ll get you for that!” he cried, following you in.
You were both chattering as you entered the dining room, where Nikki and her parents were setting up the tableware.
“Alrighty, we have some roast chicken and potatoes and green beans tonight. Hope you all enjoy!” the older woman said before sitting down. The smell made your stomach growl quietly.
You all made up plates and chowed down. Tom’s grandpa sat at the head of the table, with his wife and daughter on his left, and Tom and you on the right.
You and Tom were talking about school things when his grandma addressed you.
“So, y/n. How long have you and Tom been dating?” 
You furrowed your brows, then looked between Tom and her, an awkward tension filling the room.
“Um, grandma… she isn’t my girlfriend,” Tom said for you. You gave him a light squeeze on the thigh to signify thanks.
“Oh! Oh my goodness I had no idea! You two just seemed so close that I just assumed you were together. Sorry about that!”
You talked a little bit longer as you finished dinner, but now things felt a little uncomfortable. 
What were we doing that seemed couple-y? Could they see our little spat outside?
You took your plates to the kitchen before heading back with Tom to change into your other clothes. Since it was already almost six, you both just changed in the room, backs to each other.
You slid out of your sweats and tugged off the jersey, leaving on the spandex shorts under your jumpsuit since they didn’t show through. It was sleeveless, so you needed to change into a different bra. You glanced behind you quickly to make sure Tom was still turned around.
He was, but he was butt ass naked. You turned back towards the wall quickly, eyes wide. You assumed it had to do with the fact he wore a jockstrap under his uniform, but dear God did he have to take off everything at once?
You were scarred to say the least.
You ripped off one bra and fumbled to put the other one on before sliding the shoulder straps of your outfit on all the way. By the time you were done, Tom was at least wearing jeans and tugging on a white tee.
You finally slipped on some wedges and refixed your hair in the mirror. 
“Ready to head down?” you asked.
“Why don’t you go on without me. I’ll be down here in a few. I need to restyle my hair,” he explained, sliding his own letterman jacket on. 
You accepted that and headed back outside and down the steps where Nikki was waiting, shooting pictures of the lake.
“Oh, I love that color on you, it compliments the autumn theme well,” Nikki said as you began taking pictures. Eventually Tom appeared, too. He had another shirt in hand for when he was done with his letter jacket.
You let them take those pictures real quick, and then Tom changed, buttoning up a flannel that’s colors matched your own outfit. You were sitting on the dock balcony posing when Tom appeared next to his mother, who noticed the coordination immediately.
“This is amazing! Tom, go stand in front of y/n and cross your arms, and y/n, drape an arm over his shoulder… uh huh just like that… yes that’s good!” she directed you.
Tom helped you hop down after a few different shots and you went to stand with Nikki as she took more photos of her son.
The sun was setting quickly, so she was about to call it a night.
“Okay, you two, I just need you to get together for a couple final pictures. Act like you like each other for at least a few minutes.”
You couldn’t help but snort as you stepped up next to Tom, him putting an arm over your shoulder as your arm snaked around his waist. She was taking pictures when Tom muttered out the corner of his mouth,
“Your hand’s a little close there.”
Knowing exactly what he meant, you slid your hand down his back, resting it on top of his butt.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you feigned innocence. 
He gave you a look that said “I’m onto you,” so you did what any rational person would do in that scenario. 
You squeezed his buttcheek. 
It must have scared him or tickled or something, because he about jumped from his skin, jaw dropped.
“Oh I’ll get you for that now!” he exclaimed, picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder.
You squealed and laughed and kicked your legs as one hand traveled along your waist tickling you. In the chaos, you didn’t notice the rapid clicks of the camera shutter. He kept you off the ground for a few more seconds before finally setting you down carefully.
“Rethinking that now?” he asked, eyebrows raised in amusement as you stared up at him, pouting. 
“I’d do it again just to see your jaw hit the floor honestly.”
He rolled his eyes when some lights around the deck kicked on, not adding much brightness to the darkening sky.
“Well that looks like our cue to wrap things up. The lights going up the stairs won’t be much better, and I don’t want anyone to fall,” Nikki explained.
Once again, she headed up first, leaving the two of you somewhat alone. Now that it was dark, the air made you grab your upper arms and shiver.
“Here, put this on,” Tom said, holding up his letter jacket.
“Oh, I’m fine. It’ll only take a minute to get to the house.”
“No seriously, you look like you’re freezing. Plus, I won’t have to carry it,” he joked.
You rolled your eyes and snatched it from his hand, sliding your bare arms into the sleeves. His jacket was at least a size bigger than yours, so it basically swallowed you. He chuckled.
“Come on. I don’t want you getting lost up the stairs since you’ve practically disappeared under my jacket.”
He put his hand between your shoulder blades, guiding you to step ahead of him as the darkness began to set in.
You’d changed back into your sweats and put on a tee and your own letter jacket and were now loading up Nikki’s car to head back home. 
After walking back to the house, you had all sat around and visited a bit longer until realizing it was half past nine and there was an hour’s drive ahead of you.
“Come back anytime, dear. You were a real delight,” Nikki’s mom said, squeezing you into another hug. 
“Thank you, grandma. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Will you be at Tom’s senior night here in a few weeks? I’d love to see you there,” she said, holding your hands in hers.
“Yeah, I always try to go to the games. I’m hoping to be on homecoming court this year, too, so fingers crossed.”
“Oh, sweetie, if they don’t vote you queen, I’ll personally come count the votes myself,” she joked, shaking her head. 
You laughed and after final goodbyes, climbed into the back seat, expecting Tom to go up front. Instead, he slid into the other side of the back row.
“You can sit up front, Tom. I’m happy to stay back here,” you explained, showing that you’d already buckled in.
“Oh it’s alright. I’ve already sat down, we can both stay.”
You again found it odd that he was willing to do so, but didn’t push the matter.
Having spent most of the afternoon with Tom’s family, you hadn’t looked at your phone much as not to seem rude, so you immediately began responding to snaps and scrolling through social media.
Tom, on the other hand, was watching Tiktoks. 
“Hey, watch this,” he said, unbuckling his seat belt and sliding into the middle spot next to you, refastening himself in.
“You could have just given me your phone,” you said, eyebrows raised.
“Like I could trust you with that.”
He handed over an AirPod and you watched together, laughing. He continued to scroll through his for you page while you looked on. 
After a while, your neck became strained, so you resorted to leaning your head on his shoulder. He didn’t say anything, instead only tilting his cheek to rest on your head as you continued in silence. 
A little bit later, he left the app and went to Spotify, turning on a playlist containing songs with soft beats that made you sleepy. 
You didn’t realize how tired you really were until you were being shaken awake by your nemesis, sitting up straight in realization of what happened. 
“Hey, we’re about to pull into my neighborhood,” he whispered. You just nodded in response, trying to compose yourself.
Nikki pulled into the garage and you began collecting your things from the back.
“Y/n, would you like to stay in the guest room tonight? It’s almost eleven and I wouldn’t want you to feel unsafe going home.”
You thought about it for a moment before realizing you had no extra clothes and well… Tom.
“Oh that’s alright, my house is only 10 minutes away. Thank you though,” you told her as the three of you entered the home. 
Nikki said her goodbyes and disappeared up the stairs for the third time that day, once again leaving you and Tom alone.
“Why don’t I walk you to your car?” Tom offered, opening the front door. You unlocked the car and Tom opened the back door for you to set your things in it. You were about to leave when something popped into your mind.
“Thanks again for clarifying to your grandma earlier. I didn’t want to break her heart but I wasn’t sure how to let her down nicely. She seemed so excited,” you explained.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m pretty sure she would have asked any girl the same question. But she really did like you, grandpa too. He doesn’t quite show it like her.”
“That’s sweet. I enjoyed hanging out with them this evening, and the food was incredible.”
“She does make some of the best food you’ll ever eat, but you should taste grandpa’s grilled steaks. Those are a real treat.”
“Well, you’ll have to bring me again some time. Oh, and thanks for letting me use you as a pillow in the car. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
You knew your face had turned pink, but you could see Tom’s redden as well.
“Don’t mention it. I actually ended up sleeping for a little bit, too.”
A silence fell around you, so you eventually said your goodbyes and hopped into your driver’s seat. 
You watched in your rearview mirror as Tom stayed standing on his sidewalk until you had driven a few yards off, eventually meandering back to the house.
There was a familiar flutter in your stomach as your lips turned up into a smile.
Maybe he’s not as bad as I always thought.
A/N: omg I’m so happy to finally post this y’all have no idea. Hope you enjoyed! As always, feel free to send asks about anything or just say hi!
Send a message or ask if you’d like to be added to my permanent or series taglists so I can verify you’ve been added!
Story tag list: @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @l0lmk, @primadonnasdream, @bookworm06, @thenoddingbunny-blog, @agentnataliahofferson, @spider-babe, @stxfxniexreads,
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat - Chapter 15
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Summary: Veterinarian Olivia Tran has zero time for bullshit. After becoming a mom at age twenty three, the one thing she wants is a good life for her daughter Vanessa. Her ex didn’t want anything to do with her nor the baby and she decided that man are officially banned out of her life. But then she meets Henry Cavill at her clinic and her ban slowly starts to crumble apart. Henry on the other hand is looking for one thing: a family. And when he meets Olivia Tran, he finds just that.
Henry Cavill x Olivia Tran (ofc)
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 2.2k
A/N: This isn’t a very long chapter, but a very important one for the story. I wanted to add this part to yesterdays chapter, but figured it wouldn’t necessarily fit there. Also, I don’t know whether or not I’m going to post a new chapter until the first of September. My new academic year is going to start pretty soon and though I’m really looking forward to it, I’m also a bit stressing out (since it’s going to be online and I have a new class with people I know absolutely nothing about) and when that happens, my writing isn’t the best. I know I have been spoiling you guys with a new chapter every day, but I want to produce the best work I can, so I’m not going to force myself with new chapters. I hope you guys understand 🥰
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
‘Okay, sunshine,’ Henry says, after he scooped up Vanessa up in his arms. She has grown a bit since the beginnings of this year and he notices that she is slowly catching up with her mother. He always thought that she was really tiny for a kid who is almost seven, barely reaching up to her mom’s hip, but now she is slowly moving up to Olivia’s waist.
He walks toward the big poster on the wall. Vanessa and Olivia made that, when he was at the gym yesterday. Olivia wanted something where Vanessa could see how many days until Henry would officially adopt Vanessa. She wanted to make it for her daughter, but Henry notices that he is maybe the one that loves this poster the most. ‘Can you tell me how many days until you are officially my daughter?’
Vanessa wraps her arms around his neck and says to him: ‘Ten days. I can’t wait for those days to be over.’
That last comment alone, makes his heart melt. ‘Me neither,’ Henry admits, bumping his nose against her cheek, causing her to chuckle. Ever since they arrived back from their trip, Vanessa seemed like she had grown up a bit more. He thinks the time spend apart from Olivia was good for her. Not that he is going to force Vanessa to sleepover at his parents every weekend, but it sure eases his mind that he can always rely on his parents and brothers and that Vanessa doesn’t mind.
He hears a plate shatter in the kitchen. With Vanessa still on his arm, he walks towards the kitchen, to see Olivia staring hopelessly at the shards. From the looks of it, she hasn’t placed any of the bacon or eggs on it, so that’s a win. ‘Love, are you alright?’ he asks.
Olivia rubs her face. ‘It just slipped out of my hands,’ she says, her voice trembling a bit. ‘Just stay there, I’ll clean it up.’
Henry frowns. He is aware that she hasn’t been sleeping well these past few days, but when he looks at her, he sees that the fatigue is now really catching up with her. ‘Sweetheart, let me take care of it.’
‘Yeah, mommy,’ Vanessa says. ‘You are not wearing shoes and whenever I drop something of glass and I’m not wearing shoes, you carry me to the couch, so I don’t get shards in my feet.’
Olivia sighs. ‘I can clean it up,’ she mumbles, but that doesn’t convince no one, not even herself.
‘Vanessa, sunshine, you go sit on the couch with Kal and wait for mommy, okay?’ Henry says.
The little girl nods and ushers Kal with her, so they can both sit on the couch. Henry carefully walks over to her and lifts her up in his arms. As he steps over the shards of the plate, he whispers: ‘I love you.’ He feels like she needs to hear it.
‘I love you too.’
He gives her a big kiss, before he helps her on her feet again. ‘Go sit with Vanessa, I’ll finish up breakfast.’
Olivia simply nods and when she plops on the couch, she pulls Vanessa on her lap. Her daughter can’t stop smiling, because she is always happy to cuddle with her mom, so she doesn’t mind at all.
Henry however is still worries about her.
He vacuums up the shards, after he picked up the biggest one and places everything on one big plate, so they can all—expect for Kal of course—eat of it.
‘Mommy,’ he hears Vanessa ask, as he walks up to them. ‘Are you tired?’
‘I am,’ Olivia admits and Henry sits next to them. Vanessa takes a piece of bacon in her hands and bites something off of it. ‘I haven’t really slept well in these past few days.’
‘You want to sleep with my bear tonight?’ Vanessa asks. ‘He always helps me to fall asleep.’
Henry watches closely, to see what kind of reaction she’ll have. And then she lets out a sob.
‘Mommy, don’t cry,’ Vanessa says, shoving the piece of bacon in her mouth and while she is chewing loudly, she wraps her arms around Olivia, who buries her face in the soft hairs of Vanessa.
‘I don’t know why I’m crying,’ Olivia admits in a hoarse tone, before she softly cries.
Henry places the plate on the coffee table, forbids Kal to even look at it and wraps an arm around her shoulders. He doesn’t know what to say to her. It kills him to see his beautiful girlfriend like this. The permanent tears in her eyes finally running over her cheeks and he knows that this is not only bothering him, but also Vanessa.
It’s funny actually, come to think of it, that the mood in the household, is always according to how Olivia feels, which is an indication on its own that Olivia is the most important factor. He shouldn’t be this surprised, since this was also the case back when he grew up. Was his mom annoyed, angry or a bit depressed, the entire household morphed into her mood. If a certain mood would hit his dad, no one seemed to act like him.
Olivia takes a deep breath and announces that she is going to take a shower. She gives Vanessa not one, not two, but five kisses, before she places her daughter on his lap. The two of them watch Olivia walk out of the living room, up the stairs. The second they hear the shower run, Vanessa asks: ‘Why is she like this?’
‘I don’t know, sunshine.’
‘Is it something I did?’
At this point, he doesn’t even know anymore. ‘I have no idea, sweetheart. I don’t think so.’
‘Is it something you did?’
He shrugs.
Vanessa places her head against his. ‘Maybe she doesn’t want you to adopt me anymore.’
Henry isn’t necessarily sure if this thinking in doom scenario’s is a quality he wants for his daughter. ‘I sure hope that is not the case. Maybe your mom just has one of those days where you don’t feel too good. That can happen you know.’ Is he saying this to comfort himself or Vanessa? ‘I think when we are at grandma and grandpa’s place, she’ll feel better.’
‘I hope so,’ Vanessa sighs. ‘I don’t like it when she is like this. That makes me sad.’
He presses a kiss on her temple. ‘Yes, sunshine, that makes me sad too.’
Olivia’s mood is a bit lighter already when Henry stops the car and they get out to walk to the Cavill residence. Henry sends Vanessa a wink, who seems to notice the difference too. She carefully grabs her mom’s hand as they walk towards his parents’ place.
Olivia looks at Vanessa and smiles. ‘What’s wrong, sweetheart?’ she asks, when Vanessa won’t stop looking at her.
‘Are you okay?’ Vanessa asks.
They stop walking at the beginnings of the path and Olivia crouches down. ‘I was acting a bit weird this morning, wasn’t I?’
Vanessa agrees. ‘I don’t like it when you are like that.’
‘I don’t like it when I’m like that either,’ Olivia says. ‘I’m really sorry. Sometimes you feel like this and you haven’t got a clue why. That happened to me this morning.’ She wraps her arms around Vanessa’s waist, who is more than happy to hug her back. ‘I’m so sorry, sweetheart.’
‘It’s okay, mommy. It can happen to anyone.’ Vanessa gives her mom a kiss, before she rushes towards the door with Kal.
Henry holds out his hand for Olivia to take and he pulls her up.
‘I’m sorry,’ Olivia says to him.
He simply shakes his head. ‘Don’t feel sorry.’ He pulls her into a tight hug and kisses her forehead. ‘Are you sure though everything is fine?’
‘I am,’ she says, nodding in the process. She stands on her tippy toes, so she can give him a kiss. He hums against her lips, because he missed this.
‘Disgusting people at the end of the path,’ Piers yells, causing them to look up. He leans against the doorframe and says: ‘There are single people around here, who really don’t need to see that.’
Henry chuckles, taking ahold of Olivia’s hand as they walk together to the house. He always likes it when he can bring the two most important people to his parents’ place. Vanessa feels so at home here and ever since Belle started to date his brother Simon, she’s here a lot and it’s nice to see Olivia being so happy to see her friend here.
The Cavill family is slowly but surely expanding and he is not complaining at all. This is what his mother wanted and he is happy to help out.
‘Is Olivia okay?’ his mom asks, about an hour after they arrived. Everyone is spread around over the house.
Belle and Olivia are talking in the corner of the room, as they stare at pictures, Simon, Niki and Charlie are gaming and his dad and Piers are the victims of Vanessa’s make-up kit.
‘She just has one of those days. It was worse this morning, but she is better now.’ Henry wraps his arm around his mom’s shoulders. ‘Ten days until the adoption,’ he says, not wanting to talk about Olivia’s behavior anymore, since he can’t seem to wrap his own mind around the issue. ‘I can’t wait anymore.’
‘Oh honey, it’s practically the only thing your dad and I can ever discuss nowadays. We are so happy that it’s going to be official.’ Mom pats him on his chest. ‘I always knew that you would make an excellent dad,’ she admits. ‘And you are doing such a good job.’
‘Thanks mom.’ He rubs his face and clears his throat. ‘They are the best that could ever happen to me.’
‘Thank God for you overfeeding your fat dog, otherwise you would’ve never met Olivia.’
‘Mom, he finally has reached a healthy weight,’ he defends himself. ‘Don’t call him fat anymore.’
‘Just messing with you, my dear.’
Since it’s April, they go outside. His brothers, Henry himself and Vanessa are running over the grass with a ball. His parents, Belle and Olivia are sitting on the porch drinking tea, but even from here, Henry notices Olivia’s mind is somewhere else.
When Vanessa trips, all the Cavill men gasp and are ready to lift her up again. Like the real trooper she is, she stands up and looks at them with a frown. ‘I can get up myself. I don’t need help for that. I’m not a baby anymore.’
Belle applauses from the side and yells: ‘Yeah girl, you tell them that. You don’t need no man!’
‘See?’ Vanessa asks with a sassy tone, causing them to laugh. She kicks away the ball, but then looks at her mom, who seems to simply stare at her shoes and didn’t notice what just happened. It’s obvious that Vanessa seeks much approval from her mom, who is the best role model she could’ve imagined. Her heart is broken and that breaks Henry’s heart. He knows that it’s not Olivia’s intention to hurt her daughter.
‘Sunshine,’ Henry says, crouching down in front of her, placing his hand on her back, hoping that it brings a bit of comfort.
‘She didn’t hear,’ she mumbles, obviously distraught.
‘I know, but we’ll tell mommy about it when we are back home, okay?’
Vanessa sighs, but nods anyways. ‘Yeah, you are right.’
They watch as Olivia excuses herself and she walks inside. He stares at his beautiful girlfriend and he leans over to Vanessa. ‘How about I talk to mommy right now?’
‘Could you do that?’ Vanessa asks, a hopeful glimmer in her eyes.
‘Of course, because I’m a bit worried about her too.’ He gives her a quick peck, jokingly pulls her pigtail, causing her to giggle and he walks inside. Henry can’t seem to find her right away, but then he hears the flushing sound of the toilet. He recognizes the door opening with the well-known creak, something that hasn’t changed in all those years and Olivia’s footsteps.
She yelps when she notices him. ‘Oh shit,’ she says, looking paler then before.
‘Are you okay?’ he asks. He doesn’t even try to hide his worries anymore, because she should know how he feels.
‘I’m fine,’ she says.
He doesn’t believe her and he walks up to her. He holds her tiny hands in his and wants to lean in, giving her a quick kiss, but she pulls back.
She never pulls back.
‘Don’t, sweetheart, I’m disgusting.’
He truly needs to check what’s wrong with her, because this is an upright lie. ‘You are never disgusting.’
‘I just puked,’ she groans.
‘Are you sure you okay? You think you got a stomach ache?’
Olivia sighs deeply. ‘Henry,’ she says, ‘you know I love you right?’
This is giving him a minor heart attack and he squeezes her hands. ‘Is this a break up?’
Her eyes widen and she shakes her head. ‘No, no, no, of course not sweetheart. I have something to say to you, but first I need you to know that I love you.’
That is slightly easing his mind. ‘What do you think, sweetheart?’ he chuckles. ‘Of course I know that you love me and please know that I love you a lot.’ He leans in and gives her a kiss on her nose. ‘Are you sure you’re alright?’
‘Henry,’ she whispers, ‘I think I might be pregnant.’
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prismatales · 4 years
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Through our lifetimes
Word Count: 2.7K
Bingo slot: Reincarnation
Pairings: Kirishima Eijiro x Reader
Tag/Warnings: Fluff, Slight Angst, Soulmates AU.
Synopsis: According to legends, when both soulmates turn eighteen, they start remembering their past lives together. You’ve known about that story ever since you were a small child. The question is....are you ready to meet your soulmate?
Another entry for the bingo event, hosted by the @bnhabookclub ! This time with the Reincarnation prompt! This is also a birthday present for my dear friend @pixxiesdust , who’s one of the most precious friends that I’ve ever had the chance to meet! Happy birthday Zeze! We love you! 
Beta readers: @todoscript & @etegomanere
Credits for the Kirishima cap goes to @eraserhead-transparents!
There’s an old myth about soulmates. One, that only a handful of people could tell you about. 
An old story your grandparents have always talked about ever since you were but a small child that was just starting to learn how to speak, let alone memorizing things.
According to the stories, when both soulmates become close to turning eighteen, they start to remember their past lives together. They’ll keep seeing glimpses of these moments in the past the closer they get to this age, and when the day finally arrives they will start to remember each and every single moment of their past lives.
How was it possible that an old couple that always showed their family nothing but unconditional love and support, was able to tell you about this old myth like it had been something that they had experienced themselves?
It was pretty simple...It was because they had experienced it themselves.
Every single summer, you’d spend it visiting that small, cozy home in the fields. It almost felt like you were living inside one of those fairytale books that your parents would always read to your younger self before going to bed. 
The days would go by listening to the stories about their past lives. You’d enjoy the nice breeze of summer, accompanied by an ice-cold pitch of sweet, tangy lemonade your grandfather would happily prepare for his two favorite ladies in the world.
It was a routine deeply engraved into your memories. Two tiny hands holding a glass way too big for them, filled to the brim with the sweet drink while you sat over your grandmother’s lap. Her wrinkly fingers would always caress the top of your head softly as she kept talking, and talking, and talking about the memories of her past lives with enthusiasm.
Despite being ridden to a wheelchair, your grandmother always made an effort to help her husband in their beloved fields. She would always help out by holding this huge basket over her lap, a way to help out the man standing in front of her, who was too busy choosing the best of their crops for their daily meals.
If there was something they took pride in, it was teaching you not to be a picky eater. There was something about their crops that made them so delicious, so different from the ones that your mother would always bring home from the supermarket.
It created some precious memories for everyone in the family when they saw the pictures of a small toddler, barely learning to walk, yet she already had her tiny, chubby face buried in a tomato.
As you grew up, it became a habit to come back during summer with the happiest smile on your face while helping out, carrying that huge basket filled to the brim with the delicious crops.
And many years later, once you finally started visiting them on your own, the habit of visiting the old couple every summer never died down. Some people your age would rather go to parties during the summer, or vacation to relax somewhere else.
But not you. 
Each summer break would be spent visiting that same house, enjoying the nice breeze with a glass of tangy lemonade, smiling at the old couple as they kept telling you about the stories of their past lives.
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Sighing deeply, you stared at the sliced tomato in your fork. Its color is pale in comparison to the ones from your grandpa’s fields, but even if their taste doesn’t even come close, food must never go to waste, so quickly, you start eating the delicious meal.
It’s just a typical lunch; a plate of pasta laid before you, carefully served in the shape of a small spiral, covered with a fine portion of tomato sauce, a sprinkle of parmesan cheese, and basil adorning the plate as the finishing touch. 
The dish came accompanied by two slices of bread, toasted to perfection with a nice touch of melted, garlic butter. 
Lastly, a nice portion of salad drizzled in balsamic vinegar as a side dish that, even though it was delicious, it couldn’t come even remotely close to those hand-picked crops back at those precious, grassy fields.
The taste of the salad may be bland in comparison, but it’s the company all around you that made the meal taste way better than what it was. 
After all, it’s your very first get together after graduating from UA a few months ago. And the best part? It’s all happening during your birthday.
Being surrounded by your former classmates was always a nice way to pass the day. After mentioning how this would be the first summer you’d be unable to visit your grandparents, all of your friends came up with a plan to cheer up the dejected, young woman patrolling the city with a melancholic smile.
It was expected that you would feel this way after spending years visiting the old couple in that lovely house, but you knew it was bound to happen the moment you chose to become a hero.
So the morning your birthday came up, everyone had quickly dragged you out for the day, barely giving you the chance to get ready before being taken to one of the longest outings you’ve ever experienced.  
From shopping sprees to a nice restaurant for lunch, and many other kinds of activities, the day literally flew by surrounded by those that could be considered a second family. 
But as much as you adored the effort they put to raise your spirits, nothing could distract you from the dreams that you kept having for the past days.
Like the one where a young woman kept sneaking out of her house at night. A beautiful dress, that judging by the intricate design and the puffiness of the skirt was from the victorian era, was carefully dragged around as she walked cautiously through the dark, empty streets. She just kept walking, occasionally turning into a different direction, until a hand shot out through an alleyway, dragging her yelping self with little effort. 
As terrifying as the gesture seemed, nothing but warm laughter came out of her lips when a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her, holding her body against a firm chest.
“You’re late!” A voice exclaimed from above, resting their jaw against her head lovingly, their bodies swayed together as they enjoyed the other’s presence in their little hiding spot. “Did you have a good day?”
Pulling her head back, she looked at her lover’s face with a tender smile, wrapping her own arms around the stranger’s waist. “Much better now that I am with you.” From the way she stared at this man, the love they shared was more than obvious before they shared a soft, tender kiss. 
But through your eyes, it was impossible to see what this stranger looked like because every time you had one of these dreams...there was a black blur over his face.
And of course...not all of these dreams had a happy ending.
Like that one couple, that despite trying their hardest to be together, their love became impossible the day she was betrothed to someone else in order to pay off her family’s debt. Her beloved, in a fit of heartbreak, went traveling overseas...and he was never seen again.
And then there were others, where the lovers never got a chance to meet, spending their whole lives waiting for the moment they could finally meet their special someone, just to realize, that in the end, faith had taken their loved one away before they could finally find each other.
“What do these dreams mean exactly, grandma…?” You asked this to your grandmother during a sunny day, pushing her wheelchair around the fields while she carried the same, worn-out basket in her wrinkly hands that were still full of strength. In the meantime, your grandfather was too busy picking some crops.
The moment you mentioned these strange dreams to the older woman, her face lit up with the same brilliance as that of a lighthouse in the middle of the darkest night. The basket fell out of her hands from the surprise, much to her husband’s surprise.
“Oh, my goddess! Honey! She has a soulmate! Our little girl has a soulmate!” She almost hopped out of her wheelchair from the joy. Seeing her being so excited that she almost stood up despite her legs being so frail, made the news even more exhilarating for the family.
You snapped out of the little trails of thoughts by a hand waved in front of your face. Blinking in surprise, you came face to face with a pair of red eyes and a slightly concerned face.
“Everything okay?” Kirishima asked, standing by your side while everyone else was engaged in their own conversation. “You’ve been spacing out for a while now.” 
Warmth began creeping up your whole face, embarrassed about spacing out on your friends. You smiled awkwardly at the red-headed guy at your right side before giggling softly as you looked up at the vast and clear orange sky, filled with some of the fluffiest clouds you’ve ever seen as they took different shapes, some of them being cuter than others. It was amazing how fast time would pass by when you were surrounded by good company; it was already starting to get dark.
“Sorry, I was thinking about my grandma. We usually sit in the garden at this time of the day while she tells me this story.”
In the middle of your little speech, you failed to notice the way Kirishima kept staring at you fondly, knowing from past conversations at high school just how much you adored the old couple.
“You really look up to them, don’t you?” 
“Yeah, I do.” Looking back as everyone kept walking in their own groups after today’s outing, your attention then shifted back to the guy walking alongside you.
Who just happened to be your high school crush, but after all the hardships that occurred three years ago; such as the constant fighting against groups like The League of Villains, The Shie Hassaikai, and others. Dating became the least of your worries. 
Especially now that you were on your way to become official pro-heroes, starting out first as sidekicks, of course. Your love life could probably wait...and hopefully, your future soulmate would understand…
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“It’s getting pretty late, let me walk the birthday girl home!” He offered with that characteristic smile of his that could light up an entire room by itself.
“You really don’t have to!” 
“I insist! What kind of guy would let a girl walk alone at night?” 
Sighing in amusement, you gave in to his offer. Aftersaying goodbye to everyone else, both you and Kirishima began walking together in the direction of your small apartment.
The sky had already turned dark by the time you reached a small lake near the building.
“Hey, Kiri…Do you believe in past lives?” It was his turn to look back at the sky, stretching his hands behind his neck with eyes closing deep in thought and eyebrows half furrowed as well.
“Well...It’s not something I’d lose sleep over, but it could be interesting!” He opened a single eye and looked in your direction, the small grin together with those cheerful, red eyes could easily rival the beauty of the sunset itself. “You believe in them?”
“Well, yeah! I’ve heard so many stories about people who are able to remember their past lives, I think it would be amazing to know about ours!” He hummed quietly, nodding to himself in thought.
“What kind of stories have you heard?” He was genuinely curious. That, and seeing the joyful look on your face the moment he asked about it made it all worth it because seeing his crush happy was enough to make Kirishima equally joyful.
“Oh! This is my favorite one! According to the stories, when both soulmates turn eighteen, they see their past lives together!”
You kept explaining every detail to him, unaware of just how quiet he had become the moment you mentioned that once both soulmates turned this age, the hidden faces from their dreams, belonging to their lovers from a past life could finally be seen.
“What if they had an age difference? Say, five years?” He was starting to become more interested in the idea of these soulmates.
“Then they’ll start having the dreams once the youngest of the two also turns eighteen!”
“But what if one of them...dies before meeting each other?”
“Well...they’ll never know their soulmate...not all lives have a happy ending…”
“Oh, that’s...pretty sad.”
“Yeah, it is.” You looked back at the street, muttering softly to yourself. “Hope I can find mine, though…”
“Did you say something?”
“Ah! N-nothing important!”
After some slightly awkward silence, you finally came close to the building where you lived. 
“Well...Here we are!” You stood in front of the gates. A bright smile was directed to Kirishima, who stood a few feet away, but still close enough that if he lifted his hand, it could easily brush against yours. “Would you like to come in? I have some matcha cake waiting inside!” 
“You sure it’s okay?” 
“Of course, silly! I’m a firm believer that birthdays must always be celebrated with cake!” He couldn’t help laughing at your enthusiasm. 
But you didn’t get the chance to say another word before something flashed before your eyes. A burst of images began flashing at an overwhelming pace, different memories began coming all at once at an alarming rate that made you hunch, leaning on the gate and holding your aching head, throbbing painfully from the sudden wave of memories coming at all once.
Everything came so suddenly; all those dreams from your past lives came rushing like an avalanche.
That couple embracing each other in the darkness of the alleyway. The one that got separated because of a family dispute and the one that ran away together, everything just kept coming back. 
And when they finally stopped, the very first one that you remembered stayed still before your eyes. The couple from the victorian era were embracing each other tenderly before he grabbed his lover’s face by their chin to give them one of the sweetest kisses you could ever witness.
His face was no longer hidden by shadows, and it was like a burst of colors painted this seemingly dark room filled with nothing but black and white with the brightest of shades. Like the sun itself had stepped inside that room.
Because that smile, that bright smile that could easily rival the sun...it was Kirishima’s smile.
Turning your head back slowly with eyes wide open, the first thing you noticed was that your so-called friend was hunched over, holding his head painfully before slowly opening his eyes to look at you, with the same look of absolute shock in those bright red orbs that were always full of life, despite everything he had gone through.
Neither of you moved for a solid minute and just stayed in place looking at one another before a tearful smile began appearing on your face.
“It’s you…!” 
Carefully, your hands pushed against the wall for impulse, at the same time that he took a single step, before breaking into a short sprint until he reached you, taking you into a heartfelt embrace that was eagerly reciprocated.
“How did I ever get so lucky?” He whispered, voice nearly breaking from everything he felt in that moment. Neither of you had the willpower to let go, not caring about anything, or anyone else. 
“All this time...all this time, you were always right in front of me.” You whimpered. “We’ve been having the same dreams for a whole year and didn’t know it!”
“You’re not going to leave this time, are you?” You nuzzled closer to him, hugging him as tightly as possible and completely afraid of losing your soulmate all over again like in those past lives.
“Never, I could never do that to you!” He kissed your temple lovingly. “Nothing will tear us apart. I promise!”
@bnha-ra @bnhabookclub @gallickingun @godtieruwu @hanniejji @mysticalite @savagetrickster @shoobirino @songsforbnha @sugacookiies @unbreakableeiji @wesparklebitch @pixxiesdust @hawks-senseis @yikerb​ 
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whack-ed · 4 years
Between (Fred Weasley x Slytherin Reader!) Part 1
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Synopsis: Y/N Y/L/N never quite understood why all these things always happen to her. Nobody understood why she was put in Slytherin. But in her fifth year at Hogwarts, many things were cleared up. Your parents, your friends and also, that one should not be named, all these things explained the why. Her blood was stained, but she could not disagree more with the philosophies that made it like this. Between blood and love. Y/N had to make a choice.
Warnings: agnsty; mentions of death; sad reader.
Reader: Female
Words Count: 1.5k
Author's Notes: Am I doing my first imagine? You bet I am. This plot was from a fiction that I wrote on wattpad, but I decided to turn it into a imagine here on tumblr. The  idea of this imagine is that it has some chapters, so if you want to be taged in the next chapters, comment "i solemnly swear that i am up to no good" here. Also, and also, the names of your family members are fixed. So let's go to the history.
It was a rainy sunday morning at the Y/L/N family mansion. The house was known to many in the magical world. There had never been an owner who was not a family wizard, the mansion was always passed down from generation to generation, there is no Y/L/N who had not lived under this enormous roof. It is a typical English mansion, made of stones in dark brown tones, with three floors (visible to the naked eye, at least), small trees symmetrically cut to follow the same straight lines as the mansion, filled the front garden and, a considerably large staircase leading up to the huge entrance door. Y/N never really liked the place, she thought it was too big and not very welcoming, especially now. As much as the house was always full of relatives and employees, to the girl it always seemed very empty.
Y/N grew up inside the Y/L/N mansion, along with all her family members who lived there, she detested most of them, especially her parents. They had an obsession with blood purity and maintaining the family's reputation. She did not agree at all with the philosophy of her parents, and the rest of the family. The only person she had ever been able to talk to, the only person who really understood her, was her paternal grandmother. Harriet Y/L/N was a very friendly lady, with a wide nose and a small smile, very delicate blue eyes. Mrs. Harriet, or as she likes to be called, Grandma Harriet, did not match the layout of the mansion. She was always wearing loose white clothes and a witch hat adapted for those who care for plants, Y/N reminded of the hat that Professor Sprout wore. Everyone in the house always saw Grandma Harriet as a basketcase, thought she was crazy, but Y/N always thought she was the wisest person in the family.
Despite the presence of her grandmother, the year that ended was not easy for Y/N. She had finished her fourth year at Hogwarts, together with the Triwizard Tournament, and also with Cedric Diggory, who was to be her best friend. After the unfortunate event, the information that the Dark Lord had returned came as a bonus. Many said that Harry Potter was lying and that Dumbledore had gone mad. How Y/N wanted these people to be right. She, more than anyone, knew that the Dark Lord had indeed returned, and her family ... She would rather not even think about it. All the girl did during the winter break was to advance reading the fifth year books, so she could even for a moment forget everything that happened and everything that was going to happen. He exchanged letters with his friends too, including Draco Malfoy. Draco's family was very friendly with Y/N's family, as they shared the same ideals. Although Y/N thought completely different from Draco, the two had a great friendship. They were in the same house at Hogwarts, they were the same age, and despite their regrets, they had a good laugh together when it came to making fun of teachers.
- Daughter, dinner is ready. - Said Eva, her mother, when opening the door to her room.
Y/N was lying on her bed reading a letter she would receive from Draco in a few minutes. The boy was just saying that he was about to go crazy, as the climate inside his house was getting heavier and heavier. Y/N knew, and so did Draco, where all of this was going to take him, all these meetings at the Malfoys' house, was not a good thing.
- Letter from whom? - Asked his mother entering the room.
- Draco - Y/N replied without taking her eyes off the letter.
- Draco? I like his family a lot, I'm glad you are friends, he ... - Said the woman standing in front of him looking directly at a photo in which Y/N was with Hermione Granger. She hated the fact that her daughter was a friend of a mudblood. - It's a good influence for you.
- Yeah, I agree with half of what you said - Y/N said finally looking at her mother, with a sinus smile on her face.
The rest of the night spent slowly at the Y/L/N house. Y/N couldn't bear to hear the prejudiced comments from Klaus and Hanz, her uncles. Usually whenever the girl thought about saying something, her mother looked at her with an explicit disapproving look. But lately, even that the girl was not doing, she was quiet, something in her will fade. Since Cedric died she had not argued once with her uncles and cousins, which was the custom for a girl. Everyone had noticed the difference, but no one dared to say anything, they preferred it that way.
At the dinner table her father, Petrus, commented on the change in the Hogwarts faculty, that Dumbledore was a scum, that it was absurd that no one had done anything about it yet. Nothing new to everyone at the table. As soon as dinner was over, everyone went to their corner of the house, and before Y/N could go up to her room with a jar of caramels, the doorbell rang. As she was closer to the door, she went to answer it before Pugsley, one of the mansion's house elves, did so.
- Okay Pugsley, I tell my dad that you were busy polishing his shoes, he won't be bothered by that, will he? - The girl laughed.
- Thank you my mistress - The elf smiled making a short bow - You are the cool soul of this house.
- Coolest, Pusgley, coolest soul of this house. We need to improve your vocabulary huh, I'll help you later. Now, I need to answer before someone sees us, you better go.
And so the Elf went to enjoy the rest of the night somewhere, until he was asked again.
Y/N opened the door and was surprised, she just couldn't tell if it was good or bad. In front of him were Lucio, Narcissa and none other than Draco Malfoy. The girl smiled when she saw the boy.
- Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, what a surprise to see you. - He smiled politely at the couple in front of him, pretending the best he can. - Draco - He nodded and gave a half smile. - Come on in - Y/N gave the couple and their son a ticket to their mansion.
- Very good to see you Y/N, you are more beautiful every day - Narcissa said sympathetically.
Lucio was about to say something to Y/N when Petrus arrived against the couple, greeting them like the great friends they are. If the friendship of the two families was not based on horrible concepts, they would even look like nice people. Draco's parents were accompanied by Y/N's parents to the living room to talk. The boy stayed behind with Y/N.
- Hey. How are you? - Draco said with a loose smile on his face, he knew his friend was not doing well.
Y/N didn't say a word, just indicated for stairs and the two went up to the girl's room. Once there, Y/N closed the door and simply burst into tears while hugging his friend. She had been holding them for almost a month. Draco could be insensitive to many people, but with Y/N it was different, he really cared about the girl. As much as he didn't like her friends, including Cedric, he would never deny her a hug of comfort. And deep down, even though he didn't want to admit it, Draco wanted that hug to last forever.
While Draco and Y/N were in an affectionate and personal moment up the stairs, their parents had other plans for this meeting.
- So you really saw him, Lucio? Petrus asked the blond man in front of him, pouring him a glass of whiskey.
- Yes, he is stronger than ever, he thanked me for being one of the only ones to be on his side, it was an honor - Lucio replied, even though he knew it had not been so.
- Merlin! It must have been wonderful - Eva said with a smile on her face.
- And as it was, finally after years of waiting he finally came back. I can't stand to see Hogwarts in that state anymore, full of ... wizards of an impure lineage. Teaching that we can mix, what will become of our race in this way? - Lucio commented with disgust in his voice.
- Don't even tell me, every day I have more problems with Y/N, she insists that we can mix with these people. But I know she says it out loud, we created it so well, it's just a phase - Eva said, wanting to believe her own words.
- When the time comes, she'll have to make a choice, you know that don't you, Petrus? - Said Narcissa sitting like a lady on the dark sofa in front of the fireplace.
- Yes. And certainly she chose the family, I have no doubt that she will be a great diner - Firmed Petrus.
The truth is that none of the four adults there believed in it very much, but none of them would have the audacity to speak out loud, that perhaps, when the time came, Y/N would be a traitor to her own blood.
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astraeagreengrass · 4 years
exile [the woods part 1]
When you wake up in the floor of your apartment, you have no idea of how much the world has changed
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Word Count: 2.708
Warnings: angst, mentions of death and death-related themes, PTSD, brief allusion to a panic attack.
A/N: A month ago, Taylor Swift released her eight studio album folklore and, unsurprisingly, it took over my life. The stories Taylor beautifully narrates in her songs inspired me to write something of my own: the woods is a four-part, post-Endgame story, with some slight changes to the canon, featuring Steve Rogers. Updates will be every Friday. Thank you to @xbuchananbarnes for proof-reading this and @thegetawaywriter for encouraging me to write. The banner picture was found here. Dividers are from @writeyourmindaway. Here is exile. I hope you like it ♡
i think i've seen this film before and i didn't like the ending you're not my homeland anymore so what am i defending now? you were my town, now i'm in exile, seein' you out i think i've seen this film before so i'm leavin' out the side door
Being pieced back together was like a hangover.
Like drinking too much wine one evening and then waking up on a foreign bed, not knowing how you got there. It was a pounding headache, a churning stomach, a dry throat. The back of your teeth were sensitive and the sound of sirens rung too loudly on your ears.
In the aftermath of your intoxication, the city is deafening.
You groaned at the light - you must’ve been so wasted if you’d forgotten the blinds. Every breath took a toll of your lungs, stretching your muscles beyond their strength, creaking your joints as you exhaled.
Someone gasped, startling you.
The familiar floorboards of your apartment greeted you when your eyes opened. Timeworn almond timber, the New York staple. Craning your neck, you saw a foot. Shit. You weren't one to bring one night stands home, or actually have them in the first place. Little ol' you was a little too square, a little too cautious, struggling to keep her trust issues from spilling out of her hands. Definitely not the best candidate for loose-stringed affairs, but your grandma always told you there was a first time for everything.
The foot’s owner nudged you, and you groaned again.
“Miss?” they said. “Are you alive?”
I don’t know.
Your gaze focused and you noticed the person was a boy of eleven or twelve, with a beautiful dark mop of curls and soft brown eyes. What the...
“Who are you?” you managed to croak. There was an ashy taste in your mouth, as if you’d swallowed dust.
The boy looked up and across, and you noticed that, on your left side, his father was crouching beside your body. He looked just like the kid, except a couple of decades older, so you assumed he was the father.
“My name is Cal,” the man said, spacely, as if he’d might frighten you if he spoke normally. “This is my son Daniel. We’re not going to hurt you.”
"Nice to know the invaders won't hurt me," you tried to say, but it came out a jumbled, messy current of words, like a baby first learning to communicate.
"Invaders?" the boy exclaimed, insulted. "We live here!"
"Daniel!" his father chided. "Miss, what is the last thing you remember?"
You pressed a palm to the ground, trying to lay your weight on it so you could stand up. You weren't about to answer an unknown man's questions while laying face-down on your own apartment floor. You might be hungover, but you had more dignity than that. When your body crumpled like a twig under a boot, Cal held you up, helping you to a seating position facing the window.
Craning your neck to shield your eyes from the sun, you noticed it.
Golden brown leaves.
Golden brown leaves that shouldn't exist in May.
You clearly remember opening the windows yesterday to green, lively foliage. New York was many things - loud, chaotic, more often than not dangerous - but it’s seasons were consistent, enduring. Through the tempests and disturbances, nature persevered in her year-long cycle, living and dying and living again.
These particular leaves belonged to October, perhaps even early November, never May.
Something was terribly wrong.
“What day is it?” you whispered, wide eyes going from the window to the man aiding you.
Cal grimaced. His boy was suddenly very quiet.
When you were a child, you used to have nightmares: a ghost in the attic, a wolf haunting the woods outside your house, an IED blowing up your father's convoy in Iraq. They'd trap your consciousness, suffocating your mind with fear and panic, and no night light or teddy bear could stifle the onslaught of relentless screams that rattled the walls and hallways of your childhood home, until your frantic grandmother shook you awake. The reality that greeted you on the floor of your apartment was that Twilight Zone all over again.
“Please,” you pleaded, perhaps to the man, perhaps to yourself.
Cal sighed.
“Today is October 17th, 2023,” he said and you learned that the only thing scarier than a nightmare is life itself. “You’ve been dead for the past five years.”
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“We could go to the house in the woods,” you mumbled to the warmth of Steve’s chest.
He tightened his hold around your body, pressing a feather-light kiss to the crown of your head.
“Whatever you want,” he said. “You’ve got me for the weekend.”
“The whole weekend?” you smiled at him, finding the reassurance you needed in his indigo gaze.
Steve kissed you again, a fierce press of lips this time. Mouths and tongues and teeth intertwined, your hand finding hip, his hand finding you thigh.
“The whole weekend,” he breathed in the shell of your ear, right before the two of you became nothing more than a mess of pillows and sheets, drowning in love and want and lust. “And then forever.”
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When the world ended, several hospital units closed down due to lack of patients.
When the Avengers managed to reverse the effects of the Snap - no one knew how they did it, but everyone knew it was them because of course it was - the mayor of New York declared the interruption of all kinds of activities in the city in order to help those returning. It was in a campaign hospital in Bryant Park that Steve Rogers found you, sitting up cross-legged and wrapped up in a grey blanket, having your temperature checked by one of the volunteers.
Wearing dark clothes and a cap, Steve was nothing more than a shadow behind the woman's shoulder. A lesser-trained gaze would glide past his figure in a quarter of a second, but not you. Never you. You'd recognize him in a sea of people, as if the blood that sustained you and the bones that built you knew exactly where to find him.
Steve had the decency to wait until the woman was done to approach you. With slow, clearly measured steps, he came closer, taking a seat at the foot of your stretcher. If he reached out his arm, he'd touch you, but he refrained and you were glad he did. In your mind, you saw him days ago, but reality told you differently. The calendar at the nurse's station, the newspaper you got a hold on, the constant broadcast of news: all of them mocked you, tormented you. Five years had gone by - more time than you’d ever had with the man across from you. And if there was ever any lingering doubt in your mind that this was some elaborate trick to fool you, they faded when you noticed the modest signs of aging that nothing but time and grief could inflict on a Super Soldier.
Again, a lesser-trained gaze probably wouldn’t catch them, but that would never be you when it came to Steve Rogers.
The two of you stayed in silence for minutes, watching a CNN report of a family reuniting in Idaho. The mother snapped right after the birth of her daughter - now a little girl with ginger pigtails, hugging her legs and kissing her hands. Everyday since you woke up on the floor of your apartment, there'd been thousands of stories such as this: parents finding children, husbands finding wives. The fallen - that's what the press called people like you, the dead that weren't really dead - all had the same lost look in their eyes. You supposed that's what happened when your clock was five years too late.
“What happened?” you finally asked when the broadcast changed to twin brothers reconvening in Hawaii. “What went wrong?”
Steve didn’t look at you, instead he kept pulling at a loose thread on the hem of his shirt.
“He was too strong,” he sighed. “And I thought I could fight him without Tony, but…”
You nodded.
“One of the nurses said he was badly wounded in the battle upstate,” you mentioned.
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “But he’ll recover. Banner is looking after him. He’s got a kid now, you know? Tony. Her name’s Morgan.”
“Wow,” you smiled genuinely. “That sounds unbelievable and incredible at the same time.
“She’s a good girl,” Steve said. “Keeps Tony on his toes.”
On the TV, the two brothers embraced with a beautiful sunset as background.
“What about Sam and Nat?” you wondered.
Steve's fidgety hands stilled. With the left one he rubbed his mouth and chin until his skin was reddish.
"Sam was like you," he muttered and the implicit words hurt more in his voice than anyone else's. "Natasha… She didn't make it."
She didn't make it.
Natasha Romanoff. Natalia. Your mentor, your friend. The strongest woman you'd ever met. She didn't make it.
"What?" you gasped. "What do you mean 'she didn't make it'? Didn't she come back?"
Like Sam and the mother in Idaho and the twins in Hawaii. Like you.
Steve shook his head.
"It wasn't like that," he said. "She survived the Snap. Spent years trying to find something, anything, even the smallest possibility of getting everyone back and when we finally did… She sacrificed herself so we could have the Soul Stone."
"Sacrificed herself? For a stone?" you were extremely agitated now, the grey blanked falling from your shoulders as you looked at Steve searching for any sign of emotion. "Steven, look at me!"
 His eyes were glazed, a big blue sea threatening to spill over in waves of sadness.
"It wasn't a simple stone, Y/N. I'd rather not explain to you here, people can't know about this," he whispered, looking over his shoulder for anyone that could be listening.
"You mean they can't know why they disappeared and were brought back together like broken toys?" you exclaimed. "Toys that the Avengers can grab and then toss aside however they please? I'm not your toy, Steve!"
You knew you could be cruel. Ruthless. A child yelling ferociously at the top of her lungs until she got what she wanted. An angry teenager. An intelligence officer with obscure morals. But even when he left you without a goodbye, you'd always kept your forked tongue away from Steve Rogers.
Until now.
"Please," Steve pleaded. "Let's go home. I'll explain everything to you when we get there."
"I have no home," you spat. "I had a home three days ago when you came in saying something bad would happen, only to leave me again. Now I have nothing!”
Your tears were hot when they streamed down your face.
“I don't even know myself anymore,” you admitted and somehow that was worse than knowing you were alone in a world you didn't recognize. "All I know is dust. My bones were dust and now they're not. My heart was dust and now it's not. Everyone keeps telling me that I'm safe and that 'it's all over', but what is?"
You gasped, trying to breathe in some tranquility and breathe out some of the agony twisting your insides, but all that came out was a distressing wheeze.
"How do I know that I will not disappear again?" you cried and there was no more Steve, just a curtain of water contorting his figure, like one of those paintings he loved and you never understood the meaning.
The stretcher creaked when Steve pulled you to him, rubbing your arms back as he whispered your name.
"Breathe, Y/N. Breathe."
But you were so scared of breathing. So scared that you'd taste ash again and your lungs would collapse in dust, leaving not a shred of the person you were for people to remember you by. So scared of losing a game you didn't even know you were playing.
"Steve..." You weeped, gripping his shirt tightly.
"I'm here, my love. Just breathe."
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You weren't expecting him.
After two years, the hope that kept you up at night waiting for him grew tired, dwindling until it was mere utopia. So you shut the windows, changed the locks and turned off the bedside lamp. Perhaps that's what brought him to your door, you thought. Maybe, wherever he was in the world, he felt your devotion waning, so he returned to haunt you.
You had to admit, though, that of all the ways you imagined Steve Rogers coming back to you, him ringing your doorbell at midnight wasn't one of them.
He looked handsome, with shaggy blonde hair curling at his ears and a beard, and it hurt like a punch to the stomach.
It's hard when the one that hurts the most you looks so unfazed, meanwhile you're just a shell of what you used to be.
"You've lost weight," was the first thing he said, as if he'd left to grab groceries instead of becoming an international criminal.
"What are you doing here?" you replied, ignoring his greeting. If that could even be a greeting.
He sighed, mentioning with his head to the hallway behind you.
“Can I come in?”
You stepped aside, letting him walk through. You didn’t bother turning the key because if anyone really wanted to get to him they wouldn’t be worried about leaving your door in one piece. Steve stood in the middle of the living room, his hands on his waist. An onlooker would never guess that he once belonged there.
“Did you hear about Tony?” He asked when you sat down at the armchair next to the window. The one you bought together in Ikea and Steve insisted he could assemble on his own.
“Yes,” you said. Tony Stark went missing after an alien ship appeared in Midtown. It was exactly the kind of disaster that would bring Steve Rogers to New York. “Have you found him?”
“No,” he replied. “But the same aliens that took Tony attacked Vision in Edinburgh. We managed to stop them from killing him, but he’s badly wounded. When he heard about Tony we flew to the Compound.”
You nodded. It was strange how you could feel so detached from these people- Vision, Wanda, even Tony in a way. They were once your friends, your colleagues. Now they just felt like characters in Steve’s tale - no longer part of your life, only his.
“And why are you here?” you asked.
Why did you come to the home we used to share? you meant to say. Did you miss it? Did you miss me?
He shrugged.
“I thought maybe you could’ve found something on Tony and…”
“If you went to the compound it means you saw Rhodey and Rhodey has most definitely told you that I quit my job when the Avengers split,” you interrupted him. “I have no tech, no machinery, no means whatsoever to find Tony here, nothing that Rhodey has at his disposal Upstate. So why are you really here?”
He was a stranger. Cold and detached, like the house that once trapped him. There was no tenderness in the blue of his eyes.
“Something bad is coming, Y/N,” he said. “I’m not sure what it is yet, but I… I wanted to see you. I wanted to know that you were safe.”
You thought Steve Rogers was done breaking your heart. You thought that when you stopped expecting his return you’d go back to who you were before him, even if you couldn’t find that girl amongst the mess he made of you. You thought you’d be safe from love, and trust and kind soldiers with blue eyes, but you’d never be safe from him - your fellow and your foe.
“Is that all you wanted to say?” you croaked, holding back the tears swimming in your throat with a cough.
Steve fisted his hands, and for a moment you swore that he was stopping himself from holding you. But he just hung his head, tearing his gaze from where you were sitting by the window.
“Just stay home, ok?” he stated. “Try not to leave the house until this situation is resolved.”
Then he turned around and left again.
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pocketmouse18 · 3 years
For @agentsofchallenges​ : A Study in Socks and Subterfuge
(warning, this was hastily written and even more hastily edited... also TW for swearing, mention of death/‘crossing off,’ Hydra)
If it hadn’t been for a particularly muddy patch of Malta beach, Skye probably would have never known. She didn’t make a habit of looking at people’s feet, for one. Sure, you could tell a few things about a person from their shoes. She’d picked that trick up ages ago while living on her own – undercover cops all wore the same boots, people with money gravitated towards certain brands while people with less money than they were pretending to have gravitated towards other, that one brand of sneaker that ended up in donation bins more than the others – but she had thought she wouldn’t need it much now that she had gone legit at SHIELD. All the field agents they’d met so far had worn standard-issue SHIELD gear, and she didn’t need to check Coulson or Fitzsimmons’ shoes to learn what she needed to know about them. So she never expected to learn something about her SO from his feet.
They were back on the Bus after the Malta mission. She had flubbed in a few places (chickening out straight into a pool wasn’t her proudest moment), but overall she was pleased with what they had accomplished, and she was celebrating at the bar. Everyone else had retreated to their pods, or the cockpit, in May’s case, so it surprised her when Ward stomped into the room, scowling at a boot in his hand. He didn’t even realize she was there until he had nearly bumped into her.
“Do you usually take your boot for a drink after missions?”
Ward looked up, blinked, registered she was sitting just a few feet from where he had been rummaging around behind the bar.
“That’s classified information, Agent Skye.”
“You seriously can’t be telling me that your boot – your dirty, more than a little smelly, combat boot – has a higher clearance than me.”
Something softened slightly in his face. That had been happening more and more, now that they were spending so much time together, training. Skye had to admit it certainly was an ego boost to know that her wisecracking was starting to wear her SO down, bit by bit.
“I can’t get the damn beach mud off the toe,” he admitted, holding it out for her to see. There was a miniscule patch of greying mud near the toe that she probably would never have noticed. “I was looking for some distilled water to help. I think the minerals in the stuff we keep in the tanks is strengthening the dirt molecules or something.”
“I’m gonna check with Fitzsimmons, but I’m pretty sure that’s not how water – or mud – works,” Skye smirked. “It’s just a little bit of dirt. It’ll flake off in a day or two.”
“It’s critical that a SHIELD agent’s gear is in top condition at all times,” he said sharply, snapping back into SO mode. “Consider that a bonus lesson for today.”
“I don’t even have gear,” Skye shot back playfully, undaunted by his cold shift in demeanor. She was getting used to his moods. She sighed, got up from her seat and came around to help him look.
Oddly, Ward backed away as she rounded the bar, and tried to hide his leg from view. He wasn’t quite fast enough.
“What’s—Are you hurt?” Skye jumped forward, ready to inspect for damages and delighted at the opportunity to get on his case a little. Upon closer inspection, it wasn’t a wound she found. It was—
“I swear to god, if you laugh,” Ward warned, “I’ll throw you out of this plane and call it parachute practice.”
“Where did you get those socks?” Skye asked, biting down hard on her lip to keep from cracking up. The foot that wasn’t encased in a boot was clad instead, unmistakably, in a thick, woolen sock adorned with brightly-colored polka dots.
“I’m serious, Skye, jump school is about to be in session.”
“They’re just so… not you,” she grinned. “All fun and colorful and warm. Oh my god, they’re like anti-Grant Ward socks.”
“They’re not anti-Grant Ward socks,” he protested. “They’re socks. My socks. My Gramzy made them for me, if you must know.”
“Your Gramzy?” Skye had managed to reign in the urge to laugh, but the smile was still there. “That’s really sweet, actually.”
“I know you think I’m a cold, boring guy,” Ward sighed, “but it’s my job as an agent, as your SO, to be like that. I’m not always on the clock, though. Sometimes…” he hesitated. “Sometimes I’m a guy who wants to wear something cozy that his Gramzy made for him. Sometimes I’m a guy who likes spotted socks.”
“That is… definitely good to know,” nodded Skye, still smiling in disbelief. “You’ve got layers. I see you, Grant Ward.”
“Don’t read too much into it,” he warned. Skye could see him fighting a smile of his own, though, and she knew she had cracked him, just a little bit. Her SO was a warm and fuzzy spotted sock kind of guy. Well, a secret one at least.
Grant Ward was having a good day. Hydra had successfully taken down SHIELD in dramatic fashion, he had reunited with Garrett for real, crossed off Victoria Hand, and managed to maintain his cover with Coulson’s team. A great day, really, when you thought about it. Until, that is, he went to pack his bag for the trip to whatever secret base Coulson’s team had managed to stumble into.
“Damn it,” he hissed, yanking the zipper of his duffle shut.
“What?” called Garret from the shadowy side of the room. “You’re not blown are you? Because I trained you better than to blow your cover from a distance.”
“No, I forgot the spotted socks.”
“The what?” Garrett wore an expression of amused incredulity.
“The spotted socks. It was a tactic to soften Skye to me. She was a loose canon, and an unpredicted factor on the team. I had to come up with some creative ways of getting her to trust me.”
“You won the heart of the doe-eyed hacker with a pair of socks?”
“I pretended like she accidentally caught me wearing this god-awful pair of socks. Horrible, spotted things. Acted all embarrassed, told her they were from my grandmother.”
“And she bought that?” Garrett asked.
“Hook, line, and sinker,” Ward smirked. “I think it played into the idea she wanted to have of me. Tough guy with a secret heart of gold inside.”
“Well, that’s disgusting,” scoffed Garrett. Both men shared a laugh at that. At the naïveté and stupidity of the sheep Ward had so successfully shepherded straight into Garrett’s hands over these last few months.
“Do you need the socks to get back in?”
“No,” Ward decided. “I can play the loss for leverage. She likes it when I’m vulnerable about my family.”
“Good,” Garrett said. “Go. Use it. Report back when you have the drive.”
Skye wasn’t too proud to admit she was relieved to see him limp through the door of Providence. He looked terrible, bloodied and bruised and beyond exhausted, but at least he was alive. His news wasn’t great, either. Garrett, gone. Victoria Hand, dead. Hydra, heads still growing back at an alarming rate. But at least he was safe, at least he was here. She knew it was a bad idea, but Skye had grown… fond of Ward the last few weeks. Not that she was ready to marry the guy or anything ridiculous like that, but still, the kiss in the supply closet had been… nice. Nicer than she was expecting. She had no idea what it meant, or where it might lead, but at least Ward was still here, living and breathing, and they could figure it all out once things calmed down.
They finally got a minute alone hours later, once Ward had gone through the trippy lie-detector and gotten his official lanyard from Koenig. Skye was giving him the tour of the base, ending with the corridor where the bunks were waiting.
“We didn’t have time to bring much along,” she explained, showing him the empty room. “And we were traveling on foot through the snow, so we had to pack light.”
“It’s fine,” he said flatly. “I wasn’t expecting cushy accommodations. We have bigger things to worry about. Hydra’s out there. We should be spending our time working to stop them, opening up that hard drive. The hominess of my bunk is pretty much the lowest thing on my priority list.”
“You didn’t let me finish,” Skye told him, teasing. She tugged open the drawer from the wall and proudly brought forth her prize.
“You brought my socks.” Ward looked shocked. Totally caught off-guard. Skye didn’t know what to make of it.
“Well, yeah,” she said, offering him a half-smile. “You barely have any personal items in your bunk on the Bus to begin with, but I knew… I knew these were important to you. Plus, I wanted to give you something to help you remember the other side of you. The fluffy one. The world’s falling apart, everything sucks, Hydra’s back, but… you can still be a polka-dot sock guy, if you want to.”
“Spotted,” Ward breathed, taking the socks lovingly. “They’re spotted socks.”
“Okay,” Skye conceded. “Spotted. Whatever. I just don’t want you to cut yourself off from the guy who wears his grandma’s socks. There’s a lot to process right now, and we’re all feeling like we failed—”
“Because we did, Skye.”
“But that doesn’t mean we have to lose the parts of ourselves that still make us human,” Skye insisted, cutting him off. She reached out and took his hand. “SHIELD is down, but it’s not out. And SHIELD needs real, human people, people who have families and feelings and wear goofy socks, to keep fighting. Not cold, slithering squid Nazis.”
Sometimes in life, people surprise you. Sometimes a person who seemed cold and prickly has something warm and nurturing hiding underneath. Sometimes that person turns out to be a mentor, a friend. Agent May had surprised her in that way. Other times people surprise you by turning out to be disgusting, murderous traitors, and the guy you thought might be your first real shot at a boyfriend since you dumped stupid Miles turned out to be one of those slithering squid Nazis you had recently dedicated your life to fighting.
Honestly, Skye wasn’t too upset about losing her opportunity with Ward. He would have been a pain in the ass to date, way too controlling and buttoned up. Plus the combined murderer-Hydra thing was a big draw back. Mostly she was upset with herself for falling for him. For falling for his absurd tricks. She was usually so good at reading people, at trusting her instincts about people. She had been duped by him so easily, and frankly, it was embarrassing.
That was why, after Centipede had been squished, Garrett evaporated, the Petersons reunited, she had found herself outside Providence, building up a roaring bonfire in the Canadian wilderness. It was why, once the flames had gotten hot enough, she and Simmons had set to work systematically erasing all traces of Grant Ward from their history and their base. It was why the first thing to go up in smoke was an ugly, garish pair of spotted woolen socks.
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