#( Wake Up The Hero That I Need To Be! ; Burning Like Fire Is Taking Over Me! | BNHA AU )
kibonosentoki · 2 years
" l-look at me... hey, look at me... this wasn't your fault. " - ryukyu!
the cost of victory // Accepting
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Like hell, it wasn't! If he hadn't been as beat up as he was, he could've taken care of that explosion without dropping a sweat. But as it stood, the Saiyan Hero was too busy getting his breath back while laying on the ground, with cuts and scrapes all over his face and arms. Though his injuries and pain came second, his main concern was Ryukyu, the one who'd shielded him from said explosion. He couldn't help but remember how Piccolo had almost died from doing the same thing for him, all those years ago.
He groaned and dragged himself closer to her. He just needed a few more seconds, a few more seconds and he'd get his strength back... Once he was close enough, he spoke. "W-we both know that's not true. It's my fault, you shouldn't have gotten hurt on my account." It should've been the other way around, he was supposed to protect others.
"C-come on, we gotta get out of here. Get you someplace safe. After that... After that, I'll come back and rip their heads off."
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tenderleavesbob · 1 month
If someone asked the chain about which era they hated the most, Warriors thought almost everyone would say Hyrule's era. Warriors? He hated Wild's era. He hated scrambling to get out of his armor so he wasn't struck by lightning. He hated the lack of memory about the time he was too slow to strip. He hated the sudden rainbursts and what they did to his hair. At the moment, Warriors hated the cold and snow the most.
Wind was dozing on Warriors's back as he trudged through the thigh-high snow. If it wasn't for the vicious cold, Warriors thought Wind would have dozed off by now, but the boy's shivering kept waking him up. He had wrapped his scarf around the boy and Wild had offered some of his special jewelry, but it didn't change the fact that it was freezing.
Time was in the front and helping the others walk through the thick snow. Warriors was normally in the rear to keep an eye on everyone, but due to Wind on Warriors's back, Twilight walked in the back now. Legend and Hyrule huddled together as they walked, and Sky carried Four on his back. Wild was helping Time in the front.
Wild insisted that there was a cabin close by. Warriors hoped so. He felt numb and his legs felt dead from the cold. Dragging them through the snow was a nightmare and Wind's weight on his back was making it worse, although he would never let Wind know that. They had encountered some of Wild's monsters, too, and there were two black-blooded lizalfos in the group. One had struck Wind with ice before Warriors cut its head off. He wished he had moved faster. He wasn't sure about everyone else's injuries, but there were various bloody tracks in the snow. It made Warriors feel sick. He couldn't do a thing to help anyone right now beyond carrying Wind. It didn't feel like enough.
"You're limping," Twilight said worriedly behind him. "Are you okay? I can take Wind."
Warriors grunted. Was he limping? He lost feeling to his legs a while ago. "I'm okay. How does Wind look?"
"Cold," Twilight said. "Are you sure --"
"Smoke!" Four shouted. He yelled right in Sky's ear and made the other hero yelp. While Four apologized to Sky, Time nodded and pointed.
"Right there. That must be the cabin. We're almost there."
Warriors could have cried. He hated the cold so much. He couldn't check on Wind, he couldn't make the chain stop so he could check on them, and his burn scars felt like the cold air was shrinking them. His skin felt too sensitive and tight where he could feel it at all.
Twilight hovered by Warriors's shoulder as they hurried forward. Warriors half-expected him to bound forward to Wild's side, but he stayed close. If a monster appeared right then, Warriors wouldn't need Twilight's help: he would pull out Legend's fire rod and burn everything down.
One by one, they stumbled into the cabin. Wild confirmed it was his friend's cabin as they collapsed inside. Wild started a fire while Hyrule fussed over injuries and Legend and Time ordered everyone to start changing into dry clothes. Sky hauled Four onto one of the couches and then sat on the floor in a tired heap.
Warriors knew he should help, but he was so exhausted he thought his legs would give out. He almost tripped over his own feet as he stepped out of the snow and into the cabin. Twilight stayed close to him to make sure he didn't fall or drop Wind.
Legend glanced at him and his mouth parted to say something guaranteed to annoy Warriors. To Warriors's confusion, his mouth opened and shut several times before the Vet glared at him and put his hands on his hips. "Why didn't you say you were hurt? You should have had Twilight carry Wind, you idiot!"
Hurt? Warriors frowned at him and carried Wind over to the couch. Wind grumbled on his shoulder. He thought Wind had fallen asleep after all. Twilight helped him put Wind down before he started looking Warriors over. "I'm not hurt. I'm just --"
"Bleeding," Twilight said flatly. He pointed at Warriors's leg. Warriors looked down, too.
Snow was melting off his legs. Under his right foot, the growing puddle was a distinct pink. Warriors could see where his pant leg was torn with fresh red blooming on the skin. Warriors leaned down to poke it.
Twilight slapped his hand away. "Stop that!" he snapped. "Sit down. Let me see it."
"I can't feel it!" Warriors protested. He went to poke it again, but Twilight stopped him by shoving him to sit beside Wind. Wind scowled in his sleep and curled up into the couch.
Hyrule glanced at his leg but hurried to Wind first. Warriors tried to help, but Twilight smacked his hands. Annoyed, Warriors smacked his hands back. This started a small slapfight as Time sighed and knelt beside Warriors.
"This looks deep, Captain," he said. Time ignored the faces Twilight and Warriors made at each other. "Your leg is also freezing. You need to strip and warm up."
"That's what I was trying to do," Warriors grumbled. Just to be an ass, he went to poke his leg again. He was starting to warm up and feel the wound. Warriors preferred it when it was numb.
"Idiot," Legend was saying on the other side of the cabin. "Walking around not even noticing he was hurt."
His back was to Warriors. Warriors was tempted to stick his tongue out at him.
"Now, now, children," Sky sighed. He had finished helping Four change into warm clothes and was now changing his own. He looked exhausted. It was almost enough to make Warriors feel guilty. Sky normally refrained from being snarky.
"Yes, children. You're all idiots," Four chimed in. Warriors's remorse died a quick death.
"I didn't --"
"He was --"
"Less complaining and more changing, Captain," Time droned. "You're bleeding all over the floor."
Of all the eras, Warriors knew without a doubt that he absolutely hated Wild's the most.
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moonsvillain · 2 months
hotwings au where hawks is a fallen angel who happens to crash-land in dabi's backyard on his way down.
hawks' wings are from his status as an angel rather than a separate quirk
i'd like to imagine that quirks aren't really a thing that they're up to date on, as well as being pretty behind in, like, everything else
imagine hawks going into this with an ariel-like disposition
anyway this kicks off with hawks crashing into dabi's backyard in the middle of the night
dabi, who's obviously awake, gets up to go investigate what the fuck that was (naturally assumes someone's here to kill him, as any normal, not-paranoid-at-all person would think)
hawks is very upset (landed on his wing wrong and maybe broke it, which, like, "OWWW...." this guy has never felt pain before and now he's human, which is cool conceptually but why do humans feel pain?? are they like this all the time?? who would do this to them??)
which leads to dabi finding hawk in a pile of limbs armed with a broken wing tangled in the clothes lines that he never bothered to take down after he finally saved up enough for a washer-dryer unit
at this point in time, dabi hasn't been scouted by the league yet, but he's not struggling to survive. he's found a small townhouse to reside in, one story, one bedroom, and a small backyard
(the backyard was an important detail to him—sometimes dabi needs to just. bask in the sun. feel warm when he can)
hawks sees dabi and assumes that he must be someone from hell, and it was some sort of cosmic fate that brought the two together
(hawks has always been the hero-type, even as an angel. he doesn't want to defeat people, rather, he wants to help them.
(hawks is just terribly naive, which impedes this goal of his by a lot)
dabi drags hawks inside once he's figured out that he isn't with the hero commission after threatening to burn the rest of his feathers off (which, the fire isn't helping hawks' case against him)
hawks can't really just say he's an angel, mostly because he gets the feeling that saying as much to someone like dabi would go very sideways
so he spins a story about being kicked out of his home and having nowhere to go and no family to take him in even if they wanted
which, it's not really stretching the truth at all. that is what happened. he just omitted a few details
dabi is stabbed by a violent wave of sympathy that he tries to suppress at first, until remembering that he'd have done anything to have support from someone like dabi is now back when he had been scared, alone, confused and hurt
and even though hawks is cheerful enough, dabi can see the mask he's wearing—he's hiding something. something that hurts
so dabi nods, accepts this answer, and offers hawks the couch for the night, which hawks gladly accepts (and ignores the way his eyes get wet)
the next day both wake up, remember the night before, realize it wasn't a dream and think, fuck
dabi's gotten himself saddled with a roommate—cuz even if he wanted to ignore him, it's too late now, he spent the whole night turning the situation over in his mind and kicking him out would make dabi's already fragile emotional stability skew out of control
and its finally settling into hawks' head that he's been kicked out and he doesn't know where he's going or if he'll ever get the chance to go back even if he wanted to and he's doomed to spend the rest of his life wandering the earth looking for acceptance that will never last
tldr both are having mild panic attacks
dabi finally tries to address the situation by like, asking what hawks plans on doing or if he knows anyone that could help him out
which gets dabi a look so pathetic he immediately regrets asking
("fuckkk he's so sad and lame. what am i supposed to do. it's like staring at a miserable puppy with a bag full of treats in your pocket and pretending you don't know they're there.")
dabi grits out an offer:
stay here and figure out a way to pay rent, and dabi will do his best to fix up hawks' wing so he can fly again but also so it doesn't cost a million dollars to pay for the treatment in the first place
(dabi's plans consist of roaming the underground to find a doctor that could help the both of them out and threatening them—dabi's been putting off finding one for himself after his skin grafts start looking nastier than they should and this is the push he needs to get to it)
hawks, oblivious to this, agrees pretty readily
dabi nods
a moment of silence. then:
"is your real name dabi, or—"
"i'm not hearing this from you, hawks."
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It Hurts
For @epiclamer , who evidently is in dire need of Hero whump with a Villain caretaker!
"Hero, Hero! Calm down, what's wrong?"
Hero's sobs could be heard on the other line.
"I-it hurts," Hero cried, "Villain, it hurts!"
Villain clutched the phone tight in their hand as they made their way out the front door.
"Where are you?" Villain asked.
"S-somewhere in the city park."
The line went dangerously quiet.
"Hero, stay on the phone. Keep talking to me. What happened?"
"Other Villain- *hiccup*- Other Villain, they jumped me, injected me with something. Villain, it burns."
Villain's heartrate picked up at the sound of Hero's sobs. They got in their car, completely disregarding the speed limit in hopes that they'd reach Hero soon.
Hero writhed and thrashed on the ground. Their injection site stung and burned, but all of their veins felt like they were truly on fire. Hero didn't even register the footsteps rapidly approaching them.
Villain dropped to their knees and cradled Hero's head in their lap.
"Hero, I'm right here, it's gonna be okay."
"Make it stop," Hero begged, "please."
Villain didn't know what to do. They could take Hero to a hospital, but then their identity might be compromised. There was only one thing they knew to do to ease Hero's pain.
"Hero, I've got a sedative in my belt," Villain said slowly, "it'll put you to sleep until whatever this is wears off. Do you want it?"
Hero only howled in response, tears streaming down their face. That was enough for Villain. They took the syringe out of their belt pocket and gently brought the needle into Hero's skin, injecting the contents into their system.
Hero still felt pain, but it was becoming more distant as their eyes grew heavier. They felt Villain lift them up into a bridal carry before the world went dark.
The first thing Hero felt upon waking was a faint burning in their body. The next thing they felt was a hand carding through their hair. They opened their eyes and turned their head to the side.
"Villain?" Hero asked dazedly.
"Hey there," Villain said, "how are you feeling?"
"It still hurts but... not as bad."
Villain looked visibly relieved.
"Good," Villain said, "that's good to hear."
"Where... where am I?"
"My base."
Hero looked around. They were in a large, plush bed in an even larger room. The curtains were drawn shut, and only a sliver of light trickled through.
"Try to rest," Villain said, "now that you're awake, I have some business to attend to."
Villain started to leave.
Hero swung their legs over the side of the bed and stood to follow them, but they overestimated their ability to support themselves. Their shaky knees buckled. Villain whipped around and dove to catch them.
"You were sedated, remember?" Villain asked.
"I wasn't really paying attention," Hero admitted.
"Well, you're still gonna be weak and out of it for a while," Villain said, depositing them back in the bed, "just rest and wait for me. I'll be back soon."
"Where are you going?" Hero asked.
Villain pulled the covers back up to Hero's chin.
"To take down Other Villain, of course."
Villain planted a small kiss on Hero's forehead, then left to get their revenge. After all, no one hurts their Hero and gets away with it.
Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88  @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld
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hylianmewmew · 4 months
burnt toast: ravio x link (ravioli)
Today was going to be just great. Link huffed as he let his body thump back down on the bed with a painful thud. His joints were on fire and his muscles throbbed from past injuries. The gentle patter of the rain outside only made the deeply embedded pain hurt more. Deep breaths Link. He rummaged on his nightstand in the still dark room for his rings, hoping that the small amounts of magic would help ease the pain. Tears encroached the edge of Link’s vision, being forced to spill over from the amount of pain he was in. 
A hand snuck around his waist from the opposite side of the bed, Ravio pressed a cool hand to Link’s skin who rolled over to Ravio’s side and clung onto the merchant. He wanted nothing more than to melt into his partner and not have to feel the oncoming chronic pain episode. He sobbed softly into Ravio’s shirt, today was going to be a particularly bad episode apparently. Ravio got up without a sound, causing Link to whine and reach for him.
“It’s ok bunny, I’ll be right back. I’m going to grab a potion and make you some food and tea. You need to keep your strength up to cope with this episode. Do you want one of the muffins I made yesterday or toast?” Ravio paused and held a hand out for Link to tactile sign his request on. Link signed the word for ‘toast’ on Ravio’s hand and buried himself in their blankets once more. “Toast it is! Have Sheerow yell for me if you need me, I’ll be as fast as I can.” 
Ravio scurried off, leaving Link alone with his pain and Sheerow curled up in the crook of his neck, acting more cat-like than bird. Being left alone in the silence of the bedroom was a fate worse than death to Link’s overly dramatic pain-addled brain. Downstairs he could hear Ravio rushing around the kitchen, humming as he clanked around. The smell of burnt toast and almost too strongly steeped tea wafted upstairs as Ravio yelped and let loose a string of profanities to which Link couldn’t help but snicker at. Ravio’s one talent in the kitchen was the ability to burn almost anything despite his best efforts. 
A particularly nasty wave of pain hit Link leaving a bitter taste in his mouth, coating his joints in mind numbing pain. He hissed, “Fucking shit that’s bad.” 
His head rang, the darkened room spinning. Link wanted to scream, rip and tear at his own flesh, to bash his head in until the pain receptors ceased to work. But he knew better than that, he knew to ride out the pain, to wait until his body returned to that dull, aching, nagging sensation that plagued his waking hours. The kind that not even a fairy or strongest healing potion could solve. Link was used to this, he could get through this again.
That was it. Hot, acidic tears burned on his skin threatening to tear his body apart limb from limb. He’d saved worlds innumerable times, anything Hylia threw at him he handled. He was a fucking hero, a legend to the people, the kind of person who small children looked up to and used as a character in their play pretend games. Link had to be stronger than this; it wasn't an option.
“Oh bunny, it’s gonna be ok. Here, let me help you sit up a bit so you can drink this.” Ravio had appeared by Link’s side, tray of food and drinks in hand. He set the tray down on the nightstand and helped scoot Link up in bed and tried to hand him a potion.
Link shook his head, boring holes into the glass of the potion bottle. “Never helps enough, don’t wanna.” 
Clicking his tongue Ravio cupped Link’s face, brushing the tears away with his thumb. “Does taking a potion help at least a little bit?”
Link nodded slowly, knowing exactly where this was going.
“That’s good, now can you please take the potion? Any little bit of relief is worth it. Don’t punish your body further.” Ravio’s voice was gentle and soothing as he coaxed Link into taking the potion.
Link grumbled before finally caving and downing the potion, tingles spreading through his body as the potion did its job. He hated the way potions felt, the pins and needles sensation made Link want to peel off his skin. It was almost worse than experiencing the pain alone. It was a little dramatic of a statement but that wouldn’t make him change his mind on how much he hated potions. He chased down the potion with his tea, heavily sugared with lots of cream still grimacing at the sensation the potion left behind.
“I deserve a kiss and a day’s worth of cuddles for that.” Link signed as he pouted and puckered his lips playfully. He yelped slightly when Ravio followed through with his playful demand, climbing into bed carefully and pressing a kiss to Link’s lips. Ravio scooted closer to Link, squeezing him gently but firmly holding him close.
“I love you so much bunny. You’re being so strong right now, kick this pain flare up in the ass.” Ravio rested his chin on Link’s shoulder, “I believe in you.”
Link couldn’t help but cry even more, those words meant so much coming from Ravio meant the world to him. He flipped over to face Ravio and buried his face in the merchant’s scarf, inhaling his scent of cinnamon and cloves. The pain hadn’t subsided nearly enough but the potion did take the edge off enough for Link to finally relax and melt into Ravio’s embrace. Somehow that made everything better.
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munchcorner · 1 month
Hawks has been assigned to Osaka for a month and deeply misses his family. He calls them every night, and sometimes, he calls in the middle of capturing a villain.
During his last week in Osaka, Dabi forbade him from contacting them. Hawks tried to ask him for an explanation, but Dabi put down the call and blocked him.
First ending:
Although sad, Hawks didn't have any other means of contacting Dabi, so he went to work, sulking. Later that night, Hawks was notified of an intrusion into his hotel room. He quickly returned and found Dabi fighting with authorities.
"You dumb fucks, don't you know we're married? We have a daughter, for fuck's sake!" Dabi yells, showing his wedding ring while protecting their daughter's identity.
"We've heard that story multiple times. You aren't the only person claiming to be married to him." The police say as he pulls out the handcuffs.
Hawks chuckles at the absurdity of the situation.
"Ah, Hawks," The chief officer says upon seeing him.
"Hey," Hawks greets and walks toward them, a genuine smile plastered on his face as he approaches.
"This is a minor problem. There's no need to worry yourself over it," Another officer reassures.
Hawks ignores him and walks toward Dabi, wrapping his arm around his shoulder and kissing his neck, "well, there's really nothing to worry about here because he's telling the truth,"
"See?! You stupid police officers! You never get anything right!" Dabi continues to scold the officers while Hawks bends and greets their daughter, who is hiding behind Dabi.
Hawks scoops her in his arms and shields her with his wing before telling the police to leave. Dabi is still fuming when they enter the hotel, and the Hawks do their best to appease him.
Second Ending:
Although sad, Hawks had no other means of contacting Dabi, so he went to work, sulking. Later that night, Hawks is asked to respond to an attack at the airport. Upon arriving, he sees a familiar blue flame surrounding the area.
"What's happening?" Hawks asks, panicked. He can feel his heart rate racing.
"There was an attack, and someone had been fighting the attacker," A hero explains.
Hawks feels his heart drop. He rushes into the fire, not caring if he's burned, "Dabi!" Hawks screams his name repeatedly until he finds Dabi in the middle of the fire with their daughter crying beside him.
"Papa," Their daughter cries as she continues to cool Dabi's body, "Daddy isn't breathing,"
Hawks gets on his knees, taking Dabi in his arms. " Dear, listen to me," he says to his daughter. We're going to play a game. So, listen carefully, okay?"
Their daughter hastily nods, "okay,"
"Let's race out of the fire. The first one out wins; if you win, papa will buy you the latest merch you want. Is that a good deal?" Hawks asks. Their daughter nods, "Yes,"
"Okay, on the count of three. One, two, three," Their daughter quickly dashes out of the fire, leaving Hawks with Dabi's burnt body.
"Stay with me for a while. I'll get us out of here," Hawks whispers as he flies through the fire with whatever feathers he has left.
After getting out, he finds their daughter standing in the crowd, waiting for them. Hawks sighs in relief and sends his last feather to her before rushing Dabi to the medics.
"Papa!" Their daughter yells, running to them after following Hawks' last feather. "I won," she whispers.
"I know. You did well," Hawks whispers, calming her.
"I'm sorry," their daughter apologizes. It's because the bad guy took me away; that's why Daddy's like that."
Her tears continue to fall as she cries into Hawks' shoulder. Hawks shakes his head, "No, it's not your fault. Daddy will scold you if he hears you saying that. Besides, Daddy is strong, isn't he?"
Their daughter looks away, guilt written all over her face. Hawks cup her cheeks, forcing her to look at him, "Don't blame yourself. Why don't we follow Daddy to the hospital and tease him about it when he wakes up?"
Their daughter continues to cry but nods and follows Hawks to the ambulance, praying that both her dads would be okay.
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automeris-io-moth · 1 year
Stupid and Stranger
Much too many people believed Hero to be the least bright of the bunch. 
Tall, strong and stupid, the media described, and even when their pictures flooded the magazines and the cover of reports, they were rarely invited to an interview or allowed to speak with the press. 
They did not have the gift of the word, their manager said, others would elaborate better, explain themselves more effectively and avoid a misunderstanding, they affirmed. Hero said nothing against it, conscious of the clumsiness of their speech, how their words stumbled when they got too excited, and, embarrassed, they stayed quiet. 
And Hero tried, they tried once and again to change such an image of themselves, to strategize, to plan ahead and reduce the damage as much as they could. They tried to sound smart too, but unnecessary words lasted little in their mind, the pompous inflation of the speech felt as such an idle tool to earn respect, and they felt simply ridiculous speaking like that, it fitted others, but not them. 
Perhaps it was that need to know that not everyone thought they were as dense as the media made it seem, the yearn for validation and respect being exactly who they were, and not some elegant made up version they had to force. 
Perhaps such was the reason why they had so eagerly accepted the attention of that stranger at a nightclub. A charming one, certainly, all nice, flirty smiles, and quite a pleasant conversation. An actual, true exchange of opinions, of interests and cheerful chattering, Hero felt embarrassed, not knowing well enough how to handle the true interest of someone in what they had to say, yet, amazed at how easy the conversation flowed. 
When waking up the next day, with a new contact on their phone, and a goodbye written on paper over their kitchen counter, Hero smiled, they felt lighter.  
Videocalls, messages and meetings kept getting more recurrent, Hero spent less time at their agency trying and failing to avoid the cameras, and more at their own place, at coffee shops, cinemas and bookstores, visiting parks and…
A picture of themselves stared right back, smiling awkwardly on one of their first dates.
Hero sighed out, leaning back. 
“Everything all right?” 
“It’s nothing, just…” Hero smiled from the couch, “no, I’m fine, tell me, how was your day?” 
Lover plucked the magazine from their hands, taking a few steps away, and read it. 
“Assholes,” they said, skimming over the first pages “this is bullshit, look at this, they’re attributing your last mission success to Other Hero, my guy couldn’t even walk straight that day.” 
Frowning, Lover closed the magazine with disdain, as if the paper was guilty for the words on it written.
“Don’t throw it away, I was reading it.” 
“You were, love, not anymore, it’s not worth your time. Come on, I brought Italian.” 
Lover was truly a blessing.
And, after some months, Hero started to believe what they told. 
They were not careless, unplanning, they were quick, they could take the decisions that needed to be taken when no one else dared to deal with the consequences
They were tall and strong, of course, but they were not stupid, Lover said one night, they were the least injured after a fight, the more conscious about their body, about their movements, they knew how to use what they were taught. 
But overall, Lover promised, they were kind. 
Lover liked kind. 
Hero loved Lover. 
Perhaps that was why their chest physically ached with pain when they stood before the burning remains of their apartment complex. 
Sirens flashed and blinked around them, thick, dark smoke rose with the night smoke. 
Their lover’s eyes shone under the light of the fire. A sad glance was the last they spared before fleeing the other way.
Hero’s mind went everywhere for a moment, nowhere then, more a longer time. 
The flash of a camera pulled them out of their thoughts. 
Maybe they were right, they were stupid.
‘I’m sorry love, I was getting too close.’
Do I love it? no
Do I like it? not really
I'm trying to get out of my writers block (unsuccesfully, send help)
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trektraveler · 1 year
My Hero
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Summary: Doctor Sam WInchester had fallen hard for the woman living just down the hall. She was easily the most adorable and the most accident-prone creature he had ever met! Yet for all the times he came to her rescue, he was too shy to make a move. Maybe he could work up his courage, if he got just one more chance...
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader, Sam x Reader, Doctor!Sam Winchester x You
Characters: Sam Winchester, Reader, Garth, Dean Winchester
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, fluff
One Shot
Word Count: 3700
Author’s Notes: I swear, every time I get sick all I want is a Winchester to come and take care of me. Is that really so much to ask?? I think not! This is my very first Sam x Reader fic! I have a few more ideas rattling around for the youngest Winchester brother, but this is decent practice. For now. Enjoy!
     Bang.  Bang.  Bang.
     “Coming, coming!”  Sam pulled t-shirt over his head as he trotted to the front door.  He’d been getting ready for bed when the insistent knocking started.
     The door swung open to a very nervous young man in a Wong’s delivery uniform.  Sam recognized him from the few times he ordered from them. 
     “Hey, its Garth, right?”
     “Yeah,” he shifted on his feet, his eyes round with worry, “You’re a doctor, aren’t you?”
     Sam’s instantly shifted into his professional mode.  He was currently an attending at Lawrence General Hospital, having just moved back a year ago from L.A.  It had been an adjustment, but a welcome one.  Big city life didn’t suit Sam at all. 
     “I am.  What’s going on?’
     “I was dropping off an order down the hall to the lady in 302 and I heard this thud behind the door and now I can’t get her to answer.  I think something’s wrong.”
     Sam was already grabbing his medical bag, “Show me.”
     302.  He knew the woman who lived there.  More or less.  They kept running into each other.  He first discovered her fighting with the soap dispenser in the laundry room.  Then again when she locked herself out of the building during a thunderstorm.  And then last week when the elevator got stuck between floors.  He always seemed to be wandering by when she needed a rescue.  She was funny, smart, accident prone, and completely adorable. 
     Sam had been working up the courage to ask her out, but something always seemed to crop up.  An extra shift at the hospital or a birthday party for a colleague.  He knew it was an excuse.  For all of his professional success, Sam was, and always had been, extremely shy.
     “Y/N?”  He knocked loudly on the closed door, then tried the handle and found it locked. 
     “Alright, stand back,” he said to Garth.  In one powerful move, Sam kicked the door in, the heel of his foot landing in just the right spot to splinter the doorjamb. 
     “Damn,” Garth blew out an impressed breath, “You aren’t even wearing shoes.”
     You were laying in the foyer.  Curled on your side with your hair spread out like a halo.  A wallet sat a few inches away from outstretched fingers. 
     Sam was at your side in an instant, gingerly turning you over and searching for a pulse, “Y/N?  Can you hear me?”
     Garth hovered nearby, nerves in his voice, “Is she okay?”
     Sam ran a hand over your forehead, “She’s burning up.  Go see if you can find a washcloth and a glass of water.”
     His worry only grew when he carried you to the couch and you still didn’t come to.  He held your limp body up with one hand while he worked your hoodie off with the other, leaving you in a tank top and yoga pants.  He’d strip that off you too, if he had to.  Every inch of bare skin he touched felt like it was on fire! 
     “Why isn’t she waking up?”  Garth asked handing Sam a kitchen towel.
     “Dehydration.  With a fever this high, it can happen quick.”  Sam dipped the towel in the water filled coffee mug and bathed your face and neck.  Sure enough, his efforts were rewarded.
     You groaned, even that soft sound reverberated through your pounding head.  Everything hurt and all you wanted was to slip back into the blankness of sleep.   But it was so noisy!  Someone kept talking, like the parents in a Snoopy cartoon.  Unintelligible, insistent, and so annoying!
     Sam gently tapped your cheeks, “Y/N.  Come on, darlin.  Open your eyes for me.”
     With a bit of coaxing, you did as he asked.  Everything around you swirled and slowly came into focus.  Your head felt heavy and fell to the side, Sam was there and smiled down at you.  As a reflex, you smiled back before your fevered brain could catch up and tell you who you were looking at.
     “Hey… it’s my hero.”
     Sam chuckled in relief, “Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty.”
     “You’re here.  That’s so nice… why are you here?”
     “You passed out,” he replied, pressing the cool cloth to your brow.  “Do you remember what happened?”
     You tried to search your memory, but everything was so fuzzy!  “Um, I came home from work… I was sick.  Felt really bad.  Everything hurt.  Achy and cold.  Headache.  Then I ordered soup from the place down on Main Street.  I dunno…I feel a little out of it.”
     There was a blood pressure cuff wrapped around your bicep that was inflating.  Where did that come from?  Sam was doing that doctor thing where they listen to you talk while taking vitals at the same time.   
     How did doctors do that?  Did they teach that in med school?  It seemed especially confusing to you as your thoughts kept skipping away and going down rabbit holes.
     Cool fingers felt under your jaw, pressing against swollen lymph nodes.  He always had such a gentleness about him.  Such grace.  Surprising for a man of his size, but he seemed to take such care with you.  Like you were the most rare, delicate creature in the world.
     Last week when you found yourself stuck in the elevator, it was Sam who answered your call.  He muscled open the doors single handed and lifted you up though the opening without breaking a sweat.  You were more than a little awe struck by his display of strength and chivalry.  If you’d had half a brain, you’d have invited him for coffee as a thank you.  As it was, you were preoccupied with being late to work.  A sadly missed opportunity with your handsome neighbor.
     “You came home from work, was that last night?”
     “Um, yeah.  Yes.  As if Mondays aren’t sucky enough.”
     Sam’s eyebrows rose, “That was two days ago.”
     “Today’s Wednesday.”
     That information had you on the move.  You sat straight up and instantly went white.  The room titled and if it weren’t for Sam’s hands steadying your shoulders, you probably would have slid right off the couch.
     “Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Not so fast,” Sam advised, forcing you to recline.
     “I gotta go call work… or… somebody.”
     “The only place you are going is to the E.R.”
     “No, I can’t go to the hospital.”
     “Y/N, listen to me.  You’re dehydrated to the point that you fainted.  Your fever is 103, that’s dangerous territory.” 
     Sam tried to be stern, but he just didn’t have it in him.  You looked so pitiful with your hair sticking to the sweat slick skin and the dark smudges under your eyes.  You were desperately sick and he wasn’t going to simply leave you without treatment.
     “I know a lot of people are scared of the doctor, but I promise I’ll be right there with you.”
     You swallowed, wincing at the feeling of knives in your throat.  “I’m not scared, I’m uninsured.  My job is new, benefits don’t kick in for thirty days.”
     Garth piped up, “You’re a doctor, can’t you just prescribe something and treat her here?”
     “It’s not that simple.  She needs to be admitted so they can get an I.V. going and get some fluids into her system.  And bring that fever under control.”
     He felt your head loll against him.  He looked down in alarm and found you’d lost consciousness again. 
     “Y/N?  Wake up, Y/N!” 
     This time no amount of effort would bring you around. 
     “Damn it,” Sam growled as he got to his feet.  He grabbed a notepad from your entry table and scribbled a list down.  “Do you know that walk-in clinic on 42nd street?”
     Garth followed him, “Yeah, I pass it on my way to work.”
     “Great.  My brother is on call there tonight, go in and ask for Dean.  Tell him it’s for me, he’ll help you.”  Sam tore off the list and thrust it into Garth’s hand, “Get everything and hurry!”
     Garth shoved the paper in his pocket, “What if they don’t believe me?  That clinic isn’t in the best part of town, junkies hassle them all the time.”
     “Dean will believe you but in case he doesn’t say Poughkeepsie.  It’s our go word, means drop everything.”
     “A secret code word, you guys must be brothers,” Garth muttered on his way out the door.
     You woke feeling warm.  Bundled up in something soft and secure.  Your eyes stayed closed as you enjoyed the luxurious feeling.  Most mornings you woke up stiff with your muscles complaining about the ancient futon you had yet to replace.  It was left over from college and the wood slats dug into your hips, but moving to a new town was expensive!  Anything like a proper mattress would have to wait until you had a few more paychecks under your belt.
     You stretched a bit, content to roll over and fall back into your dreams, but something tugged on your hand and pinched.  You frowned and tried again; it was like you were caught in a fishing net. 
     “What the hell…?”  You grumbled unhappily, determined to keep your eyes closed out of stubbornness.  You blindly felt around and found a tube and tape attached to your right hand.
     Your eyes popped open.  An I.V.?
     You weren’t in your bed.  You weren’t in your room!  Where the hell were you? 
     The dimensions matched your bedroom, but it wasn’t bare bones like yours.  This one was painted a lovely smoke grey.  Bookshelves lined one wall and a mahogany dresser matched it on the other.  The bed was the biggest you’d ever seen.  The headboard was massive and intricately carved.  The mattress was firm but yielding. 
     The bedside table housed bottles of medication, a stethoscope, a digital thermometer, and a glass of water.  You remembered being sick.  Sicker than you’d ever felt.  You remembered your boss sending you home then… nothing.  Just a blur. 
     You sat up slowly.  When the room didn’t spin, you decided to press your luck.  You pulled back the covers enough to dangle your feet over the edge.  Your toes found plush carpet.  You felt weak, but not dizzy.  And you were cold without the blankets.  Looking down you found bare legs.  You were wearing only your tank top and Wonder Woman underwear. 
     Fuck.  Where the hell are my clothes?!
     With a quick yank, you pulled the I.V. out and headed for the door. 
     “Yeah, Dean I know.  If I promise to wash and wax your car, will you get off my case?”
     “No way in hell you are waxing my Baby, do I need to remind you about Liza Raffaella in the eighth grade?”
     “Please don’t,” Sam groaned into the phone. 
     “It’s wax on, wax off.  Not wax on, go chat up a nerd girl for three hours while the wax bakes on in the sun!”
     Sam spun at the raspy voice behind him.  You were standing in the hall, your hand braced against the wall for balance.  You looked a little wobbly, but far better than you had in hours.
     “I gotta go,” he told his brother before ending the call.  “Y/N, hey.  How you feeling?”
     “Confused.  How did I get here and where are my clothes?”
     “Oh!”  Sam’s cheeks colored instantly as he grabbed a soft, woven throw from the back of an over-sized chair.  He draped it over your shoulders and ushered you to the sofa.
     “Sorry about that, your fever was sky high.  Needed to bring it down in a hurry.  Here, sit.”
     You sank down onto a couch that was just as comfortable as the bed you’d woken up in.  Sam disappeared into the kitchen then returned with a glass of ginger ale and some crackers.  He was rattling off something about Chinese takeout and your pants being in the laundry.  All the while he was fussing over you.  His long fingers found the pulse point on your wrist, and he produced a pen light from somewhere to check your pupils.
     After a few minutes, he realized you were staring at him, “Y/N?”
     “Sam, grateful that I am for your hospitality and bedside manner… I still don’t understand why I’m here.” 
     “Well, I figured it would be a better place for you to recover… with all the construction.”
     Now you were really confused, “Construction?”
     Sam rubbed the back of his neck and embarrassment turned his ears pink, “Yeah.  I ah… I kinda broke down your door.”
     “You weren’t answering!  I just had a really bad feeling, and I would never have forgiven myself if something happened to you.”
     His gaze traveled your face then locked on your eyes.  “I was worried about you.”
     You looked at him, really looked.  He was beautiful, as he always was, but there was an edge of exhaustion to his features.  His five o’clock shadow was darker than you’d ever seen it.  The fine lines around his eyes and lips were etched deeper and his hazel eyes were slightly red.  Even his enviable hair was disheveled. 
     “So, you committed destruction of property to save my life?”
     “I did.”  He gave a nod, his tone teasing, “You gonna turn me in?”
     A small smile played around your lips, “Nah.  I might need your services again.  I have a habit of getting into trouble.  Nice to know I’ve got my own personal hero on call.”
     “You call, I’ll come running.”
Two Years Later:
     “That was not our first date!”
     “We spent the entire weekend curled up in my bed, it counts.”
     “I was unconscious!”
     “Not the whole time,” Sam countered, threading his fingers through yours, “Sometimes you’d wake up.  Of course, you were delirious.  You did have some of the most creative fever dreams… what was that one about the Catholic church hiding the existence of extra-terrestrials by dressing them up like the clergy?”
     “They were hiding dinosaurs, not aliens.  Tiny dinosaurs under their creepy old lady robes.  And still, not a date.  I think you’ll find most dating experts would agree with me on this.”
    “Dating experts?”
     “Your brother.”
     Sam huffed out a laugh, “Don’t be fooled by the rumors, he’s not the Casanova everyone thinks he is.”
     “I dunno, guy gets a lot of dates.”
     “First dates.  Ask him about his batting average for second dates.”
     “Oh yeah?  Got him beat, do you?”
     “Hands down.”
     Sam curled a finger under your chin and brought his lips down to meet yours.  You hummed happily as an electric spark zinged all the way down to your toes.  It was crazy that even after two years he still managed to excite you with just a touch, or a look.  You never had to doubt his feelings for you, he wore them openly and proudly.  He never missed the opportunity to hold your hand in the grocery store or to wrap his arm around your shoulders at the movies.   A kiss to the temple, a hand at the small of your back.  Every touch was filled with the warmth of the sun on a summer’s day.  Every night was filled with the heat and passion of desire that could never be sated. 
     You leaned into Sam’s side as he guided the two of you down the winding path that cut through the willows.  “So, tell me Doctor Winchester, why haven’t I been to your family’s estate before?”
     “I wouldn’t call it an estate, it’s just a few acres.”
     “I don’t care if it’s a patch of dead grass… you have horses!  Horses, Sam!  I’ve wanted to go horseback riding since I was ten.”
     “We might be able to squeeze in a lesson for you before we head home.”
     “I’ll bet you’re a natural, you’re already an expert with a riding crop,” he whispered in your ear.
     “Sam!”  You admonished him, instantly turning red, “That was a one time!”
     “Best birthday ever.  And to answer your question; you haven’t been here before because I was waiting.”
     The path curved and opened up to a decent sized pond.  A dock jutted out onto the clear, still waters and ended in an elaborate gazebo.  Painted a picturesque white and topped with a copper finial, hundreds of tiny fairy lights hung from the rafters glittering with magic and romance. 
     “Oh wow,” you breathed, following Sam down the planks.  “This is like something out of a book.  God, it’s beautiful!”
     “My parents built this place from the ground up.  Mom had this vision in her head about a pond where she could come and watch ducks.  Teach her kids to swim and fish.  So, one summer, Dad started digging.  I don’t think he even had a plan, all the neighbors thought he was crazy!  But he was stubborn and determined.  And he loved my mom more than anything.”
     You walked out to the end of the platform and leaned out on the railing.  Dragonflies danced along the surface of the water as the sun began to set and the crickets started to sing.  “He did a great job.  Did he build the gazebo too?”
     “Anniversary present,” he confirmed, joining you by the railing.  “This was my favorite spot when I was a kid.  Dean loved the garage, hanging with Dad and tearing apart trucks with the radio blasting.  I couldn’t stand the noise, so I’d come out here.  Even in the winter.”
     Suddenly, a swan flew down and landed in the middle of the water.  Graceful and noble, it glided across the water sending the slightest of ripples out in its wake.  As it turned, you could see a single black feather against the white of its tail. 
     “Oh!  I’ve never seen a swan with one black feather.”
     “He’s always had it, never could figure out why.  He showed up when I was ten and just never left.  I call him Solomon.”
     “Is it just him?  I thought swans always paired up?”  
     “Well, that’s the thing, they do have mates for life, but he showed up alone.  And I know it sounds silly, but he was mopey.  He didn’t take a lot of interest in anything; he didn’t interact with the ducks or even pay any attention to me when I tried to feed him.  He was sad.  Some animals grieve and I think he was grieving for his lost mate.”
     “Poor guy,” you murmured, watching as Sam took a packet of birdseed from his pocket and tossed a bit out on the water. 
     “When I left for college, Solomon migrated and didn’t come back in the spring.  I thought I’d seen the last of him, but then I got a call from Mom this past summer.  He was back and he brought someone with him.”
     As if on cue, a second swan swooped down and landed beside Solomon.  Pure white and just as lovely.  They looked like a postcard, gliding on the sunlit water.
     “You’re kidding!  He found another mate?  I didn’t know swans would do that!”
     “Some do, special cases.  And Solomon’s no fool, he might have been content to be alone forever, but when that right one came along, he snapped her up.”
     “That’s amazing!”  You turned to Sam with a beaming grin, but stopped short when you realized he wasn’t standing there beside you.  He was kneeling. 
     He took both of your hands in his, tipping his face back to gaze up at you with such tenderness and devotion it made your breath catch.
     “I’ve been thinking about this moment for a long time.  I knew what I wanted to do and how I wanted it to look, but the words never came.  Everything I wrote seemed inadequate.  Even the word love falls short.  It’s not enough, it’s not big enough.  Being with you is a revelation, Y/N.  You call me your hero, but baby… it’s the other way around.  You rescued me.”
     Tears had already gathered in your eyes when he pulled out a blue velvet box.  A diamond solitaire sparkled inside like a star in the sky. 
     “I don’t know if I’ll ever have the words, but I swear to show you.  To treasure you, to make your happiness my mission.  To answer your call and to love you for all my days.”
     You dropped down to your knees and tackled him.  Your arms flung around his neck, nearly knocking him over in your enthusiasm.   He caught you with a laugh and kept the two of you from tumbling off into the water.  You kissed every square inch of the face you’d loved since he first rescued you.  And you laughed.  Joy bubbled up from your heart like effervescent Champagne.
     “You astonishing,” Kiss. “Brilliant,” kiss. “Romantic,” kiss, kiss. “Beautiful,” kiss, kiss, kiss.
     “Y/N… baby…”
     “Yes?” Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.
     His hands wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you back slightly so he could look into your eyes.  He traced the curve of your face, fondly tucking your hair behind your ear.  You were always moving, always racing towards everything in life.  It was something he loved about you, your exuberance.  Your passion!  You burned so bright, his light even on the darkest days. 
     “Will you marry me?”
     Your brow creased in confusion before you realized, he didn’t actually say the words a moment ago.  You been so excited that he never got the chance. 
     “Yes,” you nodded, your forehead coming to rest against his. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
     Sam slipped the ring onto your finger, “Will you look at that?  Perfect fit.”
     “Guess that means you’re stuck with me now.”  You shifted so that you were sitting in his lap, your hand cupped his jaw, “I should tell you up front that I tend to get into trouble, there’s a good chance that you’ll be required to rescue me from time to time.”
     “Good thing rescuing you is my second favorite activity.”
     “Second favorite?”
     “Yeah,” he murmured against the curve of your neck, “Let me show you the front runner.”
     Before long, Sam had swept you away in a haze with his deft fingers and clever tongue.  The title of Hero that you bestowed on him became a running joke through the years and then a loving nickname.  But that didn’t make it any less true.  He’d always been a hero, and now he was yours. TAGLIST @deans-baby-momma @muchamusedaboutnothing @peterpangirl21 @ficbreaks @teresa-67 @sacriceria @verytoadpapersoul @heartbreak-of-a-marauder @savspersonalproperty @deanwanddamons @jenwinchester40 @perpetualabsurdity @starryeyeseunbyul @sexyvixen7 @katsbratsupernaturalwhore @agirlwithdemonblood @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @imthedoctorlove @roonyxx @smellingofpoetryy @deanwinchesterswitch @thinkinghardhardlythinking @pink-sparkly-witchly-witch @barewithme02 @deadlynightshadeindustries @jc-winchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @kinderousmaster @lyarr24 @aphorism-001 @onlinecemetery @allonsy-yesiwill @myeagletoadmaker @panicking-outside-the-disco @haylie-spnfam4evr @lauraashley93 @foxyjwls007 @bluedragonflylady @foxyjwls007
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mha-haikyuu · 1 year
Happy life, Happy...Daughter?
Dad Katuski x mom reader ~~~~
Name: Y/n Bakugou
Quirk: fire
Draw backs: major burns on skin and sun burns.
Daughter name: Kimiko Age:3
Warning: swearing {um well it's Bakugou}
You and Katuski had your daughter when you were both young, 20 to be exact, which meant that you both had to immediately stop all of your hero work well any hero work to take care of her.
Kimiko was the light of your lives though and you wouldn't trade her for anything, but today your husband was supposed to be taking her to the agency with him but there was always that last minute call and well he had to go on patrol with Kirishima to catch this really dangerous villain that was setting things up in flames.
Not that he couldn't handle anything in his way but in the process that meant having to break the news to his daughter. It all started at 12AM.
~~ Y/n and her husband were sleeping in the comfort of their bed when Katsuki got a phone call. He was determined to let whoever was calling call and stop calling after the 3rd ring. However, when it got to the 3rd ring, they just kept calling and didn't stop.
Y/n rolled over and hit her husband on the chest and mumbled "Katsuki get up and get your phone, they are not going to stop"
"No, they can wait till morning" "No, it is morning already, get it!"
"Whatever woman" He grumbled turning over to the nightstand and picking up the phone. He looked at the phone and noticed it was his agency.
"What!" He yelled into the phone causing you to hit him again. I was to early for him to be yelling like that and you did not want him to wake up your daughter.
*On the phone*
Agency: You need to be here exacty at 8 in the morning Ground Zero! Katsuki: Ok and why are you calling me to say that you nerd! Agency: Whatever just be here on-
*Hangs up phone*
He proceeds to lay back down while y/n sits up.
"I have to leave early" He says "What! but you were supposed to take Kimiko with you to the agency tomorrow? You know I can't stay home!" You say
"Well you are going to have to please babe, we are so close to catching this villain" He says
You sigh, Staying home from work is always hard because you both decided to alternate days when you take Kimiko to work with you and the days you didn't have her were normally patrol days vs days with her were days filled with meetings.
Today was supposed to be your husbands meeting day and you had patrol, but of course he needed to go on patrol so you had to take Kimiko, and today was not the day to take her to the agency because well it's not toddler proof so you had to stay home with her and call in.
"Ok, I will call in later but you owe me" You say
"Mmhm" He says, yanking you down and wrapping his arm around you. "I love you y/n" "Yeah I know you do"
You both got out of bed and Katsuki went to shower.
You on the other hand went to make so breakfast for when your husband came out to the living room.
When he came out you gave him his breakfast and lunch for the day.
"I will see you too later ok?" He said giving you a kiss on the lips.
"Yeah go catch kick so bad guy ass for us" You said quietly
"Hell yeah I will!" He said walking out of the door.
While your daughter was still sleeping, you decided to go and call your agency and let them know that you couldn't come in today because of some issues. After the brief call you went to do some cleaning around the house and pick up some things off of the floor.
"MOMMY!" you heard from down the hall, You dropped everything you had and and to your daughters room. She was sitting up in her bed with her little ground zero stuffed doll. She looed it because it reminded her of her papa when he was gone on missions and she took it everywhere.
"Kimiko baby?" You said "How was your sleep?" You walked over to her bed
"Good, where's papa?" She asked. She had gotten used to the switching days of going to you guys agency and knew that since she went with you yesterday it was time to go with her dad today.
"He had to leave early" You said picking out her some clothes' for the day.
"But he leave without me?" She said making you sigh.
"He will be back before bed time, but today you and I are going to do whatever you want" You say
Doing whatever she wanted was the easiest way to avoid a tantrum so even if that meant going to her and her papa's favorite cat café just without her papa you would do it.
"But I want papa, our day?" She said getting ready for a melt down.
"I know baby but he will be home later, how about we go to your favorite café? Then you can get your favorite food" You said to her helping her get into her outfit. 
"KATSUDIN!" She yells running to put her shoes on then sitting on the couch.
You nodded and went to get dressed as well. 
15 minutes later you guys were sitting in the café with your food. 
"Mommy? get cat?" Kimiko was holding this really fat black cat that had spots of blond all over it's body. 
"Um I don't know, your papa and I work a lot" You said looking down at you cut but when you looked up the cat and your daughter were staring at you. 
"Uh ok fine." You said getting up to go sign some adoption papers.
A cat, a coffee, and a shopping trip later you guys were home and by now it was 7:00PM and you had just feed Kimiko dinner. Both of you were sitting on the couch with your new cat Aniko when the door jiggled and the the door opened.
"Brat and woman! I am home with a surprise" Katsuki said closing the door.
"PAPA!" Kimiko said running over to where your husband had sat down a large moving bag, he picked her up and hugged her.
"I missed you so much baby" he said giving her a kiss on the forehead. 
You walked up and gave him a hug as well "I missed you too..... king explosion murder" you said laughing casing him to playfully push you.
"I bought you a gift" He said putting his daughter down and picking up the bag. 
"What is it?" She said.
"It is a...." He pulls something out of the bag and your smile drops
Another.... black cat with a ....blond spot...
Kimiko gasps and runs back to the couch and grabs Aniko 
"LOOK MAMA AND PAPA THEY CAN BE SISTERS!" she said making your husbands smirk fall, and he sighs
..."another cat?" He says and you give a sheepish laugh.
"Surprise, Hehe?" 
"I'm gonna call you Mika!" 
Part 2 out soon
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across-violet-skies · 4 months
Febuwhump day 16: came back wrong
Whumpee: Wild
Whump Rating: 2/10
TWs: isolation/otherness
From the second he awoke in the Shrine of Resurrection, Link had felt… off.
Sure, maybe he had no memory of his time before waking up, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t tell something was weird. His body ached and his joints didn’t meet up quite right and his whole left side tingled and nipped at his very core. His throat was rough and every word he spoke felt like fire. But he didn’t have a choice but to keep going, because Zelda and the spirits of the Champions he had failed one hundred years ago needed him to finish the job.
So he did. Link took back the Divine Beasts and sealed away Calamity Ganon like he was supposed to, freeing the Champions’ spirits and rescuing Zelda from her endless battle. For the first time since he awoke, Link was able to rest and tend to himself the way he should’ve been doing all along.
And then the portal came and took it all away.
Link, now called Wild, was sent on a new adventure just days after finishing his first one. This time, he wasn’t alone– eight other reincarnations of the Hero’s Spirit joined him to take down whatever evil was plaguing their Hyrules. Still, Wild’s bones clacked and his muscles ached and his scar tissue felt like pins and needles.
He wasn’t sure what was wrong with him, because the rest of them seemed fine, more or less. Wild assumed it had something to do with his unnatural revival– like he had come back wrong, or at least fundamentally changed. It was shameful, knowing he was held back by pain while these other heroes, if they dealt with it too, acted like nothing was wrong. Maybe they couldn’t feel it the way he could. Maybe they were better at hiding their emotions. Maybe Wild was just… less of a hero than the rest of them.
Wild grimaced, pulling back the string of his bow. Today was a Bad Day. His elbows felt like they were on fire with each draw of the bow, burning and aching relentlessly as he pushed through it.
Twilight hummed, watching. “Your aim is a little off today,” he observed. “Why don’t you take a break?”
Wild lowered his bow with a huff, pinching it between his chest and arm to free up his hands. ‘I’m fine. No break,’ he signed, fingers trembling slightly. Hylia, even his hands were achy!
“Cub, take a break. It’s okay if you’re tired,” Twilight insisted, waving a hand. “Take a nap if you need.”
The Champion remained stubborn, shaking his head. ‘Not tired. Can continue.’
The rancher sighed. “Well, I’m taking a break. I think Legend is over by the fire too.”
Wild watched as Twilight sat down near the Veteran, both resting by the fire. Legend had been out all day, grouchy and grumbling as he smoothed creams and salves over his skin. The dark circles under his eyes spoke of sleeping problems (which Wild could relate to) and only served to make their grumpy Vet even grumpier.
Wild exhaled, putting his bow away as he gave in. Walking back to the fire felt more like retreating than he would’ve liked, but it was too late at this point. He sat in the dirt between Twilight and Legend, groaning at the way his joints protested every movement.
Legend eyed him critically, eyebrow raised. “What’s your problem?” He asked, squinting suspiciously.
‘What’s yours?’ Wild signed back, huffing.
“Forget it.” The Vet rolled his eyes, curling back in on himself.
“Cub,” Twilight started gently. “You’ve been acting off all day; is something going on?”
Wild hesitated, mentally debating. He lifted his hands, frowning as he signed slowly: ‘It’s a bad day.’
The rancher nodded. “How come?”
Wild scrunched up his nose. ‘Hurts. Aches. Joints.’
Legend raised his eyebrows, reaching for his bag. “You too, huh?” He commented, pulling out a jar of green paste. “This stuff’ll help.”
The jar was handed to the Champion, who sniffed it before scooping some out with his finger. The paste was smoothed over skin; elbows and knees and knuckles and anywhere else that hurt. Wild sighed with relief as his aches were soothed; fiery skin cooling down to low heat.
‘Thank you,’ he signed, passing the jar back to Legend. ‘You hurt too?’
The Veteran shrugged, shoving the paste back into his bag. “Yeah. It’s worse when it’s going to rain soon, so we’ll probably want to find shelter,” he replied. “Pretty shitty, but hey– at least I can predict the fucking weather.”
“I’m sorry,” Twilight murmured, sighing. “Both of you. That must suck.” He paused, frowning. “You know… it’s okay to say something if you don’t feel good. We can always take a break.”
Legend stared at the rancher for a moment, considering his words. “Hm. Maybe.” He shrugged, turning his gaze to the fire as it popped and crackled.
Wild hesitated, nodding. ‘I thought there was something wrong with me,’ he admitted, signing slowly. ‘I thought I came back wrong. Wake up in weird body.’ The Champion sighed, shrugging. ‘But I guess it’s not so weird?’
The Veteran snorted, nodding. “You are weird,” he replied, smirking. “But not because of the pain. You got some other things going on.” He rolled his wrist, gesturing in Wild’s general direction with a sly grin.
‘Ass,’ Wild signed, sticking his tongue out at Legend. ‘But thank you. For jar.’
The Vet shrugged. “Don’t worry about it,” he brushed off, shaking his head. “My roommate makes it, so it’s basically free.” Legend paused, humming. “Well, the price is putting up with him. But either way, it’s fine.”
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” Twilight murmured to Wild. “Don’t feel like you have to push through it if you’re in pain. It’s okay to rest sometimes.” He paused, glancing between Wild and the Vet. “I’m serious– if either of you ever needs to stop, or rest, or anything, just say so. I’ll back you up.”
Legend nodded at the rancher as Wild signed. ‘Thank you.’
Twilight grinned, ruffling the Champion’s hair. “Of course. I care about you guys, y’know.”
Wild hummed quietly, leaning into Twilight with a soft sigh. The rancher beckoned Legend, who rolled his eyes but stood up anyway, moving to lean against Twilight’s other side. They rested like that for a while, just cuddled up together by the fire, until the time came for Wild to make dinner.
He decided on meat-stuffed pumpkins– Twilight’s favorite– and veggie rice balls– Legend’s favorite. It was Wild’s favorite way to show his gratitude, after all.
–> support me on ao3!
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moonshine999 · 10 months
The Crows as Taylor Swift albums (pt.1)
because why would we have a sane method of characterisation
Kaz Brekker : Midnights 
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♟️”And I wake up with your memory over me // That’s a real fucking legacy to leave” - Maroon 
♟️”Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism // Like some kind of congressman? (Tale as old as time) // I wake up screaming from dreaming // One day I’ll watch as you’re leaving and life will lose all its meaning” - Anti-hero 
♟️”And the touch of a hand lit the fuse  // Of a chain reaction of countermoves // To assess the equation of you // Checkmate, I couldn’t lose” - Mastermind
♟️”Do you wish you could still touch…her? // It’s just a question” - Question…? 
♟️”Uh oh, I’m falling in love // Oh no, I’m falling in love again // Oh, I falling in love” - Labyrinth 
♟️”Spider-boy, king of thieves // Weave your little webs of opacity// My pennies made your crown” - Karma 
♟️”Passing by unbeknownst to me // Life is emotionally abusive// And time can’t stop me quite like you did” - Snow on the Beach 
♟️”All that bloodshed, crimson clover // uh-uh, sweet dream was over // my hand was the one you reached for // All throughout the Great War // Always remember// Uh-uh tears on the letter // I vowed not to cry anymore // if we survived the Great War” - The Great War
♟️”I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone // You said I have to trust more freely // But diesel is desire, you were playing with fire” - The Great War
♟️”Every single thing I touch becomes sick with sadness // ‘Cause it’s all over now, all out to sea” - Bigger than the whole sky
♟️”If I was some paint, did it splatter // On a promising grown man? // And if I was a child, did it matter // If you got to wash your hands?”- Would’ve could’ve should’ve
♟️”And now that I’m grown, I’m scared of ghosts // Memories feel like weapons” - Would’ve could’ve should’ve
♟️”Dear reader // Burn all the files, desert all your past lives // And I’d you don’t recognise yourself // That means you did it right “ - Dear Reader
♟️”Dear reader // The greatest of luxuries is your secrets // Dear reader // When you aim at the devil, make sure you don’t miss” - Dear Reader
Inej Ghafa : Speak Now
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🪷”Left yourself in your warpath // Lost your balance on a tightrope // Lost your mind tryin' to get it back” - Innocent  
🪷”Oh, who you are is not where you’ve been // you’re still an innocent” - Innocent
🪷”My mind forgets to remind me you're a bad idea // You touch me once and it's really something “- Sparks Fly 
🪷”Maybe this is wishful thinkin' // Probably mindless dreamin'” - Back To December 
🪷”Miscommunications lead to fall out // So many things that I wish you knew // So many walls up I can't break through” - The Story Of Us
🪷”The battle's in your hands now // But I would lay my armor down // If you'd say you'd rather love than fight “- The Story of Us 
🪷”But I never thought I'd live to see it break // It's getting dark and it's all too quiet // And I can't trust anything now” - Haunted 
🪷”but Sophistication isn't what you wear, or who you know” - Better Than Revenge 
🪷”The playful conversation starts // Counter all your quick remarks // Like passing notes in secrecy” - Enchanted 
🪷“same old tired, lonely place // walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy // vanished when I saw your face // All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you” - Enchanted
🪷”The crowds in stands went wild // We were the kings and the queens// And they read off our names” - Long Live 
🪷”And the cynics were outraged // Screaming, "This is absurd" // ‘Cause for a moment // a band of thieves In ripped up jeans got to rule the world” - Long Live 
🪷”Don't you think I was too young to be messed with?” - Dear John 
🪷”Well maybe it’s me // And my blind optimism to blame // Or maybe it’s you and your sick need // to give love and then take it away” - Dear John
🪷”Memorise what it sounded like when your dad gets home // Remember the footsteps // Remember the words said // And all of your little brother’s favourite songs” - Never Grow Up
(Nina, Matthias, Jesper and Wylan are already posted)
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kibonosentoki · 2 years
BNHA Verse (Under the cut for length)
Gohan is a hero, he's in the top 20 heroes, quickly rising to the 10s. I'm still undecided on the name, but I wanna use "The Great Saiyan Hero!" as a sort of moniker for him.
His "quirk" is basically his whole half-alien biology, so very much like in dbz proper, he's tougher, faster and stronger than most. He can still fly and has a natural inclination towards the use of Ki. The quirk's name? "Saiyan Power!".
In true Gohan fashion, his whole hero debut was a) an accident and b) because he saw someone in danger and couldn't let it slide. He quite literally introduced himself as "The Ultimate Savior!".
Like in the future timeline, Doctor Gero exists and due to the Red Ribbon Army's destruction (which is an old villain group) he ends up making 17&18, in this case they are super prototypes of the later mass produced Nomus. So 17&18 kill Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin and the rest with Gohan being the sole survivor.
And just like the future timeline, Goku is dead... Unlike the future timeline, Goku didn't just die due to the heart virus. In here, Goku went out fighting All For One, Goku already had the heart virus but thanks to his Saiyan biology he could tough it out for a while. However, this fight with AFO was the last straw for Goku's body and shortly afterwards, he died. It was during this fight that AFO came to know about the existence of the Saiyan Quirk but couldn't get his hands on it.
Gohan doesn't really have an agency or anything like that, he's a solo hero for the most part, though he's not opposed to teaming up with others and does so quite frequently. He's also not averse to taking students as his pupils
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uniquevoidflowers · 4 months
For @hyrulesunworthiest
This is for @zelinkcommunity’s Loftwing Letter Exchange!
Hope you enjoy!
Ao3 link: The Aftermath
“The fate of Hyrule, rests with you!” Zelda shouted and glanced back at her kingdom.
Fires spreading throughout town as the guardians climbed over the destruction. The now red divine beasts wreaking havoc in the distance. Zelda looked down at her hand, staring at the glowing mark on it. “For Hyrule.” She took a deep breath and sprinted towards Calamity Ganon.
The beast sneered and lunged at her, and Zelda raised her hand, the golden power surging through her and flying off of her fingertips. Malice, magenta and black darkness filled her vision.
It killed my friends…
Light exploded and fought against the darkness. Now all she could do was wait for Link to arrive.
Pain. The malice was painful as it wrapped itself around the light, trying to overcome it. The pain grew the longer the light fought. 
“Give up.” The malice demanded.
She was so exhausted. The darkness was held back but Zelda didn’t know how long she could take this.
Beyond the fight within Hyrule Castle, Zelda could hear water draining and she called out uncertainly. “Link. Link. Open your eyes. Wake up, Link.”
It caused pain in her throat to speak but she continued calling until she heard a grunt.
Zelda’s light glowed brighter, and she nearly cried from relief. She heard footsteps and a hesitant tap. She guided the hero through the Shrine of Resurrection. Zelda could only hear but she had spent hours researching the shrine. She knew what Purah had did and how it worked. 
The hero was alive.
She wrestled with the darkness for longer, knowing Link would be able to come and save her.
“Link…do you really remember me?” Zelda asked.
Link answered by running to her and wrapping his arms around her. Zelda felt tears welling up in her eyes and rested her head on his shoulders. After a few moments she pulled away. “Are you hurt?” She asked, quickly wiping away the tears from her eyes. 
“I’ll be fine.” He reassured.
Zelda eyed him. “Okay. If you say so.”
“I’m just glad you’re okay.” Link murmured. 
She smiled as she heard the honesty in his tone and the happiness in his eyes and her heart pounded against her chest. “I think we should make our way to Kakariko first…” Zelda paused. “If you’d like.”
“Sure. I can teleport us.” He hummed and tapped the slate.
“Wait what—“
Zelda’s vision was filled with blue light as she felt lighter. After a few moments her vision cleared and she was standing on a shrine. An awakened one by the looks of it, considering its exterior was covered in blue light and its door had been opened. “Is that…” Zelda saw the symbol of the Sheikah and stared in awe at the slate.
She had never known the slate was capable of such a thing!
“Kakariko Village?” Link looked amused. “It’s teleportation.”
Zelda felt her cheeks burning a little. “Well I—“
Link chuckled. “No need to explain yourself.”
Link was so…different now. Different from that stoic knight who would only talk to her privately. Even then he rarely spoke, he mostly listened. “Impa will want to see you.” Link murmured.
“Impa! She’s okay?” Zelda gave a sigh of relief. 
“Yeah. I…don’t remember anything about her.” Link admitted.
“Really? Just how much memory did you lose?” Zelda mused.
The hero winced. “Everything. I regained as much as I could in the last few years but…some people or things aren’t familiar to me.”
“You remembered me though?” She blinked, a little surprised.
He nodded. “You were a main part of my quest after all…I thought you hated me for a while, but then I knew you didn’t.”
Zelda sighed. She had been envious at the time of how he had gotten his part of the plan finished and she had still been struggling. She thought he hated him for not being able to awaken the sealing power, yet he proved otherwise. The princess fell in love with the hero. What a cliche.
“I’m glad you know I don’t hate you.” Zelda murmured keeping her past feelings to herself.
Link hummed in reply, looking deep in thought. “Were you…in love with me?”
The princess’s face began to burn. “I…Yes…”
There was something guilty in his tone that gave her pause. Why was he feeling guilty? “Well, let’s go to Impa. I don’t want to keep her waiting.” Link mumbled and started walking.
Zelda’s lips pressed into a thin line as she followed him. How strange…
“Hey Li—PRINCESS ZELDA!” One of the Sheikah cried out.
Immediately all of the Sheikah paused what they were doing and looked at the pair, wide-eyed. Zelda fidgeted with her long hair, a little uncomfortable. “Someone go get the elder! Link survived! Zelda’s here!” A man shouted. 
“Is it that much of a surprise?” Link scoffed.
“It is.” An old woman with a large hat walked slowly over to them. “Is it really you, princess?”
“Yes.” She answered uncertainly.
The old woman visibly relaxed and smiled softly. “Do you recognize me, Zelda?”
Zelda took a moment but she gasped. “Impa!”
Impa chuckled. “You haven’t changed one bit.” She turned to Link. “Ah, Link, are you hurt? Are you hurt, princess?”
Link bit his lip and nodded. “I-I’m not sure.” Zelda admitted, frowning.
Impa gave them an unimpressed look. “You didn’t think to check?” 
“I…” Zelda was rather embarrassed but she felt her knees buckle and suddenly her body felt like it was on fire.
Zelda drifted.
“Hey.” Urbosa stopped Zelda with a hand on her shoulder.
The princess looked at Urbosa shakily. “Don’t push yourself too hard. If you get no response, that’s not your fault.”
Zelda looked away. “You don’t believe me.” Urbosa observed, sounding a little sad. "Why don't you believe me, princess?"
"I have to go now, spend as much time and effort I can into fulfilling my duty. We haven't much time left until the Calamity comes and I won't fail my kingdom. So...I'd rather hope it does work instead of focusing on the other outcome." She replied, not answering the question as she glanced up at the mountain.
Urbosa sighed. "Alright, little bird." The gerudo champion hesitated. "Are you sure you don't want any of us to come with you?"
Zelda gave a nod. "I'm sure."
Urbosa gave her a hug. "Remember, I'm here if you need anything.
"Thank you." The princess replied quietly.
"C'mon, let's go already." Revali huffed. "It's not the end of the world. Well, yet anyway."
Urbosa glared daggers at the rito champion but Zelda just nodded and began walking away, Link quickly following her.
The trip was cold. The mountain loomed over her, but she just kept walking. She walked along the path, arms curled up around her, and she wished she had brought a coat. She wanted this to be perfect, though. To meet the goddess's expectations, whatever they were, and gain the last key to defeating Calamity Ganon.
Link quietly wrapped an arm around her and she smiled slightly. "Thank you. I was foolish not to bring a coat. Are you okay in that tunic?" Zelda asked.
The hero gave a nod. Zelda was satisfied with that. When they arrived, she was met with a familiar sight even though she had never been there. It was too similar to the other springs for Zelda to react at all. Link stayed behind as he always did, and kept guard. Not before giving her a worried glance. She took a deep breath and stood in the freezing cold water, making eye contact with the Goddess Statue.
She gave her prayer, trying to mean every word she said. She tried to sound passionate, but she sounded desperate. She finished off her prayer and waited, still keeping eye-contact with that statue. For a minutes, nothing happened. The goddess statue remained still, Zelda felt nothing new. Tears welled up in her eyes.
"What do you want from me?" She choked out. "I've said everything I can, I've done everything I've can. What am I doing wrong?!"
"What did my mother and my ancestors do that I'm missing? I've gone to all three springs, prayed and prayed, and yet no response. None of that damn sealing power."
"I apologize." She ducked her head, but her voice was bitter. "For interrupting the prayer with my emotions."
Zelda resumed her prayers, kneeling in the water now.
"Goddess Hylia, I pray you use your remarkable generosity and aid our people from the upcoming Calamity, by giving me this sealing power..."
By The Three, this was frustrating.
"I devote myself to this role, fulfilling the prophecy given to us..."
"...I devote myself to Your Kingdom, and Your people. I ask for guidance, wisdom, courage, and power..."
"If there is anything I must do to earn this, I will do it..."
She felt a tap on her shoulder and saw Link standing there. He hesitated and then pointed outside the spring.
"No, I'm not leaving." Zelda instantly rejected the idea. She still had daytime. She needed to use it.
Link shook his head.
The princess thought for a moment. "A break?"
He nodded.
"I don't know..." Zelda furrowed her eyebrows.
Link's pleading gaze made her falter. "Okay. I'll take a break. Only for a few minutes, though."
The hero led her just outside the spring, and rolled out a blanket. He sat down and she followed in suit. "I haven't heard anything yet." Zelda mumbled.
Link hummed sadly. She sighed. "I don't think I'm going to hear anything, honestly."
That was terrifying to her. Failure.
The destruction of the world could be caused by Zelda not hearing Hylia.
"A few more hours." She murmured, and stood up. "I need to do this."
Link gave a nod and Zelda walked back to the statue, arms at her sides.
The princess prayed. For hours she knelt in that cold water, hoping something would happen. Nothing did.
Frustrated tears fell out of her eyes and she heard soft footsteps approaching her. Link helped her up, and guided her out of the spring. “Link, nothing’s working.” Zelda sobbed.
The hero led her back down the mountain, hand in hers. The princess wiped away her tears before they arrived back down at the gate. The hopeful but worried expressions on the champions faces nearly broke her but she didn’t cry.
When Zelda woke up, she saw light.
Am I still fighting Ganon?
Her arm felt heavy but she raised it up, hoping to contain any malice.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay princess.”
Zelda blinked and suddenly a room came into view. A Sheikah girl was standing by her side. “Oh, you’re awake!”
“She’s awake?!”
That was Link’s voice. She saw him rush over and grab her hand. “Zelda?”
“Link?” Zelda replied, voice almost in a mumble.
The hero smiled and nodded. “How are you feeling, princess?” The Sheikah girl asked.
Zelda shifted where she was, a little confused. “I, uh, feel exhausted.”
“Are you in any pain?” The Sheikah girl questioned, looking concerned.
Zelda paused for a moment and Link gave her hand a light squeeze. “Zelda?”
“Yes.” She answered quietly.
“Okay. I’ll get you some water.” The Sheikah girl left.
Link hummed. “I’m glad you’re awake. It’s easier to tell you’re alive now. That we won.”
It was kind of strange to hear Link talk so freely and casually, but it was nice. “What happened exactly?” Zelda asked.
“Impa asked if we were hurt and then you collapsed suddenly. The Sheikah carried you to Impa’s house and took care of you. I was tended to as well…but you were unconscious, for days. Impa constantly worried but she wouldn’t send for any Hylian medics, not wanting anyone to spread rumours about your return.” Link explained. “Fighting Calamity Ganon took a huge toll on you…” He trailed off.
Was that…guilt in his tone? Did he blame himself for everything?
“Anyway, Impa wanted me to give this to you.” Link pulled out a journal and handed it to her.
She accepted it, with a thanks, and looked at the cover. It was her favourite colour. She smiled softly. Impa still remembered.
“It’s to record your thoughts each day. You know, like a diary? Impa gave me one too.” Link pulled out his own.
It was blue. Almost the colour of his tunic.
The Sheikah girl came back with a glass of water and Zelda took it gratefully. She looked back at the journal and knew she would use it a lot. “If you need anything let me know.” The Sheikah girl murmured and left again.
“It wasn’t your fault.” Impa said to Link, as the hero looked guilty.
“And it wasn’t your fault either.” Impa turned to Zelda.
The princess gave a nod.
“The one you should blame is Calamity Ganon.” Impa finished.
“Now that I’m better, I want to fix things. I’ll announce my return, and then help rebuild everything.” Zelda informed the Sheikah elder.
“I see. Do what you think would be best.” Impa nodded.
“Link.” Zelda turned to him. “With your duty fulfilled, you can resign and live your own life.”
Link shook his head. “I want to stay with you. I’ve explored Hyrule enough, and I’ve got a house but no one to share it with.”
Zelda was surprised. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Link affirmed and knelt.
“Alright then. No need for the formalities. We’re equals now.” She helped Link up. “I want to be friends, at least.”
“Okay.” Link grabbed her hand.
“Ah, young love.” Impa hummed.
“What?!” Zelda blushed furiously while Link looked away.
Impa chuckled as Zelda began sputtering and Link let go of her hand.
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unholywriters · 1 month
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Golden branch
Summary: Yunho always wanted to protect his family and sector from those coming to try and teat the kingdom down in teh early days of construction and team building and was seen as a hero for helping the small army take out of hte enemy leaders when he was small, keeping them from burning down hte sector and killing more to make a statement and decided to become one when he was old enough in order to take care of his mother and sister. Becoming someone who was still able to be ruthless warrior but still a caring son, brother, and partner. he was supposed to be with mingi since he was the dresser to Yunho, and the two started to flirt every time Yunho would go since mingi was very open but there was one more strike from an enemy kingdom, who had mingi in one of hte hostage cages and planned to burn them all as a warning sign, but one thing about Yunho is he was trained under the tiger general, he knows when to make your death a show and incredibly painful. This is gonna be in yunho’s pov
Previous series Tigers prey - Hongjoong x male reader
WC: 3.7k
Tags: fluff, soft dom Yunho, stern hongjoong, soft mingi, some mentions of blood and gore, smut towards the end (minors Dni)
Tag list: @holybibly @shinestarhwaa @seonghwaddict - let me know if you want to be included in a tag list I’m slowly getting used to posting here
No one can ever prepare you for something so sudden that you need to be fast for. Even when you’re just simply sleeping away, but when you hear someone scream, you know it shouldn’t be so. Waking up I remember running to the window and seeing strange figures trying to help get the gang leader over the wall and setting things on fire, burning down everything and trying to take it all a way from those in their way. I remember seeing people rush towards him in an attempt to hold them off till the knights came in order to help us with this problem but there wasn’t much they could truly do without the proper helpwho was just underneath me struggling with the men in training, I had to do something in order to save everyone else before me right? So I did. I remember I grabbed a Little Rock and I jumped as far down as I could while trying to make sure he didn’t move, which was hard because this man, this filthy man was trying to squirm everywhere before I managed to fall on him with that small rock in my hands. it killed him on impact and those who were there to see it managed to get those who caused this small invasion tied up.
I remember seeing a man with a scar on his face, on his left eye and he looked like someone who just given him sugar and he was on a sugar rush. But filled with adrenaline he never thought he would be able to get in his lifetime. He looked at me, the right side of his face covered in blood while he gave me a smirk before helping me up. My hands were shaking along with my knees. I had just killed a man who would’ve killed thousands more if he could’ve. “You’re smart…” It was like watching a tiger look at their prey, trying to circle around it and drowning out the cheers of everything else. “How old are you.” He asked me, but before I could answer I saw my mother and my sister running towards me. My mother was the first to hold me, I could feel her tears on my shirt and my sister was holding my leg. I knew I scared them, something I wasn’t proud of doing but someone needed to do something in order to help out right?
”Yunho Jeong I swear on the emperor’s scales if you ever do something like that!-“ “Careful miss.” The attention was drawn back to the man, my mother gasped as my sister hid behind my leg again with my mother trying to shield me. Everything was happening so fast that my body wasn’t fully able to process everything. “No need to be so scared, I’m the general, well. Soon to be general and I wanted to praise you for raising such a… brave young man. By the looks of it he was more worried about saving you, your daughter and everyone else before we finished the job I wanted to…offer something when you were ready that is.” He started, I was more so looking around and trying to feel like I was able to breathe once again that it was scaring me. “Oh… apologies- what offer are you talking about here?” She asked, I was watching teh men being taken up to the bloody gates, with their leaders body being dragged, a sign of disrespect with the way he was being dragged and anyone who tried to get themselves free, their bones were cracked before they could even register it was happening.
”When he is of age. I want to find him, and see if he can handle being a guard. Obviously he has a heart where he would do something like this, and even then if he passes, you can rest assure you and your children will be safe with the best we’re able to give you. Living safety with the best of what we can give and begin to explore. If, you want him to that os.” it was like hearing that, a switch went off in my mind. My mother was a strong women who was working in a. Brohel since it was small enough to make enough money. She hated it but there was barely any jobs we could work, she would steal food and give to us whenever she was able to get home early or late enough and she still made sure that she sung us to bed just to do it all again. I wanted to do something for her, after all I have to protect her to. But she would’ve said no.
”I’ll do it!” I remember saying, because I wanted to protect my family. Is anted to take care of them so they can finally rest and that’s what I was determined t do, even when my. Mom was trying to stop me. I remember the nights when I would come home late because I was trying to learn as much a s I could from the school we had, where I was going to have to learn how to wield a weapon one way or another. I never told anyone, well not the instructor as to why I was suddenly now interested in my katana, but I was determined in order to go and make sure I was doing good before anything else. And now, here we are.
I can’t seem to believe it. I’m standing in the courtyard around others from the finished sectores and those that were still getting built. They had to sleep in a temporary house, and from what I heard those were like sleeping outside, the only difference between those two were that the bugs couldn’t get you for some reason. But other than that, it was painful but we were all here for a reason. We had to do one thing, and that was fight the general to see who could stand before they give up. And it was said that he was brutal and that’s why no one was allowed near the walls, no family or partners were allowed in or told if you were killed. If you died they would say it was because of something else, unless the general liked the smell of fear and hatred from everyone. I was standing close to the furthest wall, with the general being in the center, it was easy to point him out because of the bright orange outfit he had, everyone had to keep their eyes on him. But I was here in order to protect my family, and I was going to make them proud one way or another.
“All of you are here to prove something to me and the growing emperor here watching you all today.” He started, anyone could hear his loud voice from outside the walls, it was something people would try to drown out with their drums or their work in order to get their things done and not have to listen to this mans voice in their ears. It was something even I could understand since after all, there was just something within his voice, something that would pull those along and cut those who were too scared of the dark side. “All you have to do is manage to get passed me and up the stairs to ring that bell. of course in order to get up there, you can either climb those gates, with the thorns sharp enough to bleed you dry. Or you can try your luck and fight me.”
I knew there was something here that none of us were seeing, after all why else would this man just make it look easy? And even then. Looking at those staris, you could see the emperors cold gaze that you could turn to ice if you managed to even get passed. There was no simply ringing that bell, if you made it passed him, you would be bleeding and if you managed to get up there you would still have to take on the emperor. Your clothes were almost useless when trying to get over the fence- “Begin!”
You don’t have any weapons, there are none to ever be used and there is almost nothing anyone could’ve do fast enough. I knew I had to move since there were also people around the walls and back, they might’ve killed me if I didn’t start to run and get away as fast as possible but I kept a slow pace. His movements were almost faster then the human eye could track and there was almost no way you were getting tat key that was hanging on his neck. He was moving his hands faster then most people here, almost seeming like they were blinding in the wind and his feet were shuffling around, it was like watching a hyper child or a cub run around as if they were in danger.
Some just tired to run straight to the gate anyways, but they weren’t just met with the sharp thorns of the metal bar, but there was the sound of slashes, someone had to be waiting down there and was cutting anyone’s hands before anything else could happen. But I was able to see something, that shine that was lost on the floor. No one was looking down because it was also shining on his neck. Maybe this was a test to see if anyone would be paying attention to their surroundings and see if anyone is looking and using their senses in order to sense other things. Plus it was hard to do that when there's feet running around and stomping at every given time, making it hard to get to anything.
Not only just the feet, but you're always getting pushed around before you could even start to put your feet down and there was nothing one could do to truly be able to think. But this wasn’t something I was just going to let go or get pushed around for no reason. Taking a quick breath I was able to roll and start to quickly crawl under all the feet before getting that key. This one was real, but as much as I wanted to feel and tell the difference between the keys we still had to keep running, and so we did just that and we were going for as long as we could.”The key has been taken!” I heard him yell with a loud chuckle, I turned around while watching people get confused and looked around, seeing who had managed to get the key before I was able to open the gate, swinging it open and looking back to see everyone running to me, but I was more focused on running past the emperor. Being so close was like both a blessing and a chilling curse that was going to slowly kill me, or anyone who messed with his way and didn’t deserve to get that.
Those stairs were slippery, I don’t know if it was to make sure no one could just easily get up here. But somehow, I feel like it either happened too fast or I blocked out but I was there hitting the gong before feeling someone push me into the wall. Of course I wasn’t going to cry, because everything on me was hurting in my own ways, my legs were tingling and my hands were burning and sore. Maybe from all of the steeping and trampling of others feet and my lungs feeling like I couldn’t breathe. But before I could even look at my little attacker, we heard the sound of his cries before I saw red, and the person holding their leg. The emperor had cut the back of his leg, letting him cry out in pain while the medics were slowly walking over since they knew if they were to rush they could get cut as well.
”You lost. You lack honor for those who played fair. I will not have someone like that using my code for their own dishonoring deeds.” His sword was lowered and one medic was rushed over to him and the other was rushing to me. I made it in, this meant that he would uphold his promise and my family was safe from harm now. But my only fear is my mom own’t be able to look me in the eyes anymore, but if she and my sister are safe, I can take it all.
“Jeong.” My back was hurting but the pains as always there. I never thought that training under a man who looks so happy and innocent would make me question just how far my body was able to go before I had to break something. He still had tat scar, his hair was growing longer, it was reaching past his shoulders if not reaching his middle back. But those eyes are always going to be something that people have considered and taken into consideration, he can make them seem so happy and full of life and energy but he can also switch those off and show you nothing but dead eyes that make you want to freeze in place.
”yes Captain?” Jumping down from the tree branch and landing closer to him, watching hm keep his arms crossed and his back facing me before he slowly turned around. It’s been 2 years since he took me under his wing, and he warned me that no matter how hard I tried to run I was stuck here now. Which was something most people didn’t take him seriously when he said so since those who were able tog eat in close behind me, minus the man that punched me. I remember watching him try not to scream around the emperor before he was getting treated, apparently now he has to walk with a cane because the nerves in his legs were damaged from the blade. We all knew that blade was enough to cut trees, so the fact that it could cut through someone’s nerves just based on the tip was just an understatement.
”It’s time for you to get fitted, you’ve been missing going there a lot recently.” He answered, keeping his arms crossed before he started walking, with me trailing close being him. He took me to the second sector to get fitted a month ago and I met the most handsome male I think I’ve ever seen. I still remember the way he looked even when he was trying to hide from the dark gaze from the captain, but when we were just left alone, he was open. His voice was calming even though we stood almost toe to toe, his hands were gentle like the calm waves of the water and I wanted to return that feeling like nothing more. But of course, given everything that I have to do in order to keep track with my training, the enemies still trying to invade to erase us before we even start, we need to protect our home first before we’re allowed to get tied to someone, the emperor's own words when we all were sworn in.
I was trying to hide my excitement when we got to the sector, everyone was clearing the path for us before we reached the building. Most of the buildings had a limit of only two feet high to make sure we weren’t going over the tree lines so no one could see it and all of our plans, which granted the wall can kinda stick out but we’re having to make sure we have trained archers that are ready to strike anything and anyone that isn’t from us or is written down on the paper. The windows were always covered since some people would try to look in, and when it’s a warrior having to change and get fitted its seen as improper and disrespectful to them when someone is looking at them in their most bare style while someone trusted is here trying to make sure all of the measurements are in order and have the right colors ready. Last Time I was here, he had to measure my feet to make sure they fit and I can make sure no one can tell the exact traces of them. “Today you’ll be getting your actual body fit. Your helmet is something that will be different, if you choose to have one since most of the time you won’t need it until we have an actual battle. Get inside.”
He gave me a look, it had a small smirk on his face and then on top of that he raised his left eyebrow. I stood and bowed with my waist (if you know you know), trying to hide the smile on my face before I walked inside and carefully walked up the wooden stairs. The wood was dark, making it hard for the enemy to see in the dark and wonder if their next step will have them falling into something or setting off a trigger alarm. But I walked inside of the door and the smile came back. Mingi was setting out the shoes before looking over to me and giving me the biggest smile before we were standing closer to each other. “Looks like someone was enjoying the outside today a little too much.” Motioning for me to stand in the center of the room, he took his little string of measure and some clips to make the markings, keeping the room lit by the candles in their little screens so nothing catches on fire before holding my arms.
”It was a long day of learning how to walk and jump on trees, my hands burn like hell fire. I’m surprised they're not bleeding or worse at this point.” “Then again you do somehow manage to defy most laws when it comes to you and your ways of getting around.” I wanted to roll my eyes playfully at the gesture, but I only chuckled at his words and watched him continue to work, clipping down the clippers before kneeling down. “Don’t get a boner mister, I can’t help you if you ever did.” “Not in my position, no you couldn’t.” He tried not to laugh, something that always made me want to laugh with him but that would make the general come upstairs trying to see what we were laughing at and if we were actually doing our and whatnot.
He did last time and it took everything in us to not laugh with him right there, which made it even funnier and the moment he went downstairs we started to actually laugh. I had to train in the rain for an hour which was hard to do sinc everything is slippery but it was making me learn how to balance myself and make sure I have control over my body and my weapon when it comes to handling anyone else who’s at the opposite side of my own, which I can’t wait to have for myself, but it’s still taking time to mold, after all we have to make sure everything else within said blade is feeling natural and nothing wrong or like I’m being forced to handle it, which makes it easier for people to cut me down.
“You’re gonna get yourself in trouble mister and you know that.” “Awe my dresser is worried about me? Should I bring over flowers next Time with a proposal?” Standing up, he was careful about each sting he had and even Made sure the clips were on the string and he was a carefully placing them on the table before turning to me with a curious look on his face, and that smile that still tugs my strings in a soft way that make me feel like I’m on the clouds and nothing more. “I wouldn’t mind the warrior in training asking me out that way, just not in public, I’ll definitely kick you.” I couldn't stop the smile before I winked at him, watching some red appear on his cheek before I had to leave, after all I knew he was waiting and probably even coming inside to see if everything’s alright here. “Be safe. Princess.” I teased him, watching him gasp and turn to me before I was walking down the stairs and towards the door, opening it to see the captain with his arms crossed and standing in front of the door.
”You’ve got to pick a different time to flirt, we all know what’s happening up there since you always come out of here with a smile.” He returned his smirk before we had to walk back, after all it was getting dark and we needed to be back in order to complete our nightly rounds and patrols. After all we still need to make sure the archers are standing their ground and post, after all anything not taken seriously can cause serious injuries to us along with losses. “I wasn’t flirting, captain, we were just having fun and trying to make things feel lighter.” I didn’t want the attention all on me before we could even make it home, after all this is basically my break time and I still have the night training to go through. After all, it helps make sure that I can see and hear everything in the dark like he can. We stay around one of the walls and we stay quiet and listen, only doing certain knocks on the trees and hope the other can hear and respond.
Then again, mingi tries to stay up at night and hopes he can see me from wherever I am, wanting to just sit there and watch me. It makes me flustered and nervous when I know someone that isn't the captain watching me. After all, who doesn’t get that flustered when someone you like is watching you train or do anything basically? Maybe that’s just me. “Besides, don’t you like anyone, captain?” I asked in more of a playful manner as we walked up the stairs to the large red doors. He had his hands behind his back while his ponytail was swaying with each step he took, but he didn’t stop till we got to the doors. “I’m feared Jeong, people aren’t going to like me without fearing me first.” He turned to look at me, he had a smirk on his face, some of his strands of hair hovering over his eyes that still had a dark stare in his eyes. It was something I grew used to seeing but of course, from others it wouldn’t be as easy to get past his scary demeanor even when you were this close.
But he has trained under the emperor for all I know, and he was raised to be as gentle and handsome as water and the sky, but also deadly and dangerous as the high tides and the damaging storms. And he has passed that down to the man who has to teach us everything we need to know in order to be able to protect the palace we all know and are starting to love, after all we need to expand, and the only way we can safely do that, is for everyone else to know we aren’t just a place you can walk over. And if you try then it will end poorly for the remaining parts of their own home. “You do enjoy a long thing of cat and mouse, anyone who easily listens to you, you lose interest since you can’t mold them.” We walked inside of the grounds and I can see his back moving as he chuckled, it was also a dark little giggle to me.
“Enough talk, we have archers to make sure they're in place while you do your runs. No resting until you know for a fact there is nothing wrong.” I could only bow from my waist down, waiting till I could no longer hear the sounds of his footsteps.
I don’t think I have ever cursed as much as I did now. The archers on the east side were all shot and were either killed from the arrow, or killed from the quick slashin of swords, all I could do was run as the bell was ringing. My mind was full of the same thoughts I had when I was small, is everyone alright? But what made me run faster while I held the sword in my hands, was if Mingi was safe. Even in the dark I could see people trying to charge at me with their swords or arrows while I could hear the sounds of the others who were on my side. The flames were slowly rising and you could hear the screams of anguish, fear and pain when you were getting closer. I don’t remember how many I had killed on my way to the center, but I could tell there was blood on my sword and some on my face. When I got to the center of the town, a few people were tied to a large stick with fire spreading on some of the other buildings, I could see the captain enjoying his thrill while stabbing every single one while he was running. He could see me, and his dark smirk only grew before he cut someone’s throat. But I heard a cry that sounded familiar and Looking over, there was mingi getting dragged and tied to a pole of wood.
I think during this, I finally understood what the captain meant when he mentioned that everyone has a rage that can never be filled. A rage that felt like a simple start of a match that led to something else. “Let. It.Out.” It was like he was right beside me but he was still slaughtering people left and right before even the emperor could come and make sure everyone else was safe. All I remember was that I was running and there was nothing more in my eyes other than...nothing. I was so angry that there was nothing in my eyes while I ran and spun around, slicing people left and right to the point all I could feel were splatters on my face before I could see mingi’s eyes, part of them were joyful, the other was filled with fear while he was trying to get lose from the robes. He was bleeding from the left side of his lip, his clothes had some slashes and some of his chest and legs were exposed, but I could see more blood.
I couldn’t hear anything, even when I was sure he was trying to scream my name before I moved to the side, I saw a large ax hitting the ground next to me, this had to be the ringleader. He knew how to handle his axe in ways that some say is too hard to handle since his were crafted to be large, double sided and sharp enough to cut anything. I could only imagine what he was saying to me, probably wanting to taunt me but all I kept hearing was ringing in my ear. Spinning around while obtaining one cut on my side, it was like it was a feather tickle before the next thing I knew, the sword was cutting his hands off, kicking his crying head back and watched as his proud axe cut into his head, it was like watching the downfall of a building and seeing water fly everywhere as the blood was pouring out of the cuts. And all everyone could see was his body falling down on the ground, leaving a large stain where his body landed and nothing more. Those who were alive on his side were frozen in fear before they were held down to the ground.
I don’t remember much after that, because when everything was coming back, the sounds, teh screams of my name and the light, I could feel myself falling and my sword falling out of my hands. Yet I as being held by someone before I could hit hte ground.
Waking up was like waking up from a nightmare. I opened my eyes fast and sat up from whatever I was laying on, it had to be a bed. I remember gasping for air while trying to calm down before I could hear voices. It was my mom and sister. My mom had held my cheeks and moved my eyes to her face, she looked like she hadn’t slept in a while. She was relieved and kept trying to calm me down. “Yunho, Yunho breathe with me, okay?” She kept repeating while I was nodding my head, my shaking hands holding onto hers before she embraced me in a tight hug, it only made me hiss in pain before she was quick to let me go. My sister, who is now 15, jumped on my lap with tears in her eyes. I felt so bad that they were just here waiting for me to make sure I was okay. She held onto me like she used to do when she was little, holding onto me and not wanting to let go while she cried. But I was holding her, rubbing your back for a while before wiping her tears. “I’m okay, I’m ok Ji-a, hey hey hey.”
She was going to shake me for a while whenever she got to see me, I’m guessing the pain I was feeling was from my side. No one really said anything while my mom and my sister were crying till they had cried it all out once again. I remember rocking my sister just a little before she wiped her tears and managed to stop. I knew she was done crying when she smacked my shoulder, not as hard as she could but enough for me to understand that I was in trouble in her books. “You scared everyone you know that mister!” She said, holding her hands up before swinging them down to the thin mattress under me with a pout on her face. “You even had the nice tall man worried and and and your boss was even worried about you!” I always smiled whenever she started to stutter, not to make fun of her but because I knew she was serious but given how small she was to me, it was cute to see. I never wanted her to change for anyone but herself, and even then I loved listening to her stutter when she was either angry or excited. Is that weird to say as a brother when watching my sister grow?
But a nice tall man? She must mean mingi because the captain isn't that tall, even compared to her. “I know I know and I’m sorry okay? Tell you what, I’ll bring home all the sweet cakes I can get and tuck you into bed before coming back, deal?” “Deal!” She gave me a high five before giving me another big hug before slowly getting down, allowing me to be pulled into another hug by my mom. “I’m alright mom, It just stings.” I didn’t really try to move, after all this was something she needed after a while and I was alright with doing that. “Your lucky your sister is excited to go somewhere in order to get you gifts, she was determined to get them before you woke up. You’ve been asleep for two days.” She was back to jumping around when mom stood up, I was just in shock that it was two days since I was asleep.
My sister promised me that she was going to get the best thing she could get before walking out of the room, but someone else came in and it was the captain. He looked relieved to see me before walking over. But he also had flowers in his hands, I was surprised because he was never one to give flowers to anyone. “Don’t get the wrong idea, your little boyfriend kept giving me flowers to give to you when he had to go. You scared him shitless.” I started to laugh before hissing, which made him go back to being worried before he set the flowers down on the foot of the bed before kneeling down next to me. Lifting up my torn shirt to look at the cut. “You kept swinging and moving like you weren’t bleeding.” He started, letting go of the shirt before standing up, looking at me before doing his famous small head till. “But you managed to pass the last lesson, Turning off all emotions and canceling out everything that isn’t really important and let your body move as needed. Which is most likely why you fainted afterwards. Everything came back once you knew he was dead, which was a fantastic show. Sad you didn't get to see the execution of the others, it was a… very thrilling show for those who wanted to watch.”
Knowing him, he was doing it in a slow way as a way to make sure one person would know better. It’s said he heard one person alive and took them back to their home as a way to show the message. Keeping the head of the ringleader and taking them all back. “Apparently they were from the kingdom of the dark, and the ring leader you so carefully cut was the emperor’s only son, who was unaware of his son's plans till the terrified little soldier had shown everyone the head and had to confess to the sins. They told me he was so distraught he said that he is to be nothing more than a fuck hole for the soldiers till he dies. They are allowed anything and everything they want, but they can’t kill him. They say he cried and begged for forgiveness as he was dragged to the outhouse.” It always makes me wonder how the captain had grown to enjoy things like this, because hearing things like this makes me want to squirm and shiver at the thought. you don’t get a break, you barely get fed anything and you’re left to only let people use you as they see fit no matter what you say, no matter how many times you cry, scream, and beg.
The emperor doesn't do that though, he doesn't want anyone that low to be touching him. Which is why finding him a lover is so hard even now, he knows what he wants, from how they act to how they look and he refuses to settle for less till then. “But, that is all. Mingi usually comes around during this time to talk to you about his day before leaving to do what he needs, he finishes your outfit.” He started to walk back to the door, opening it before stopping, moving to the side before I could see mingi slowly looking over. When he saw that I was awake, it was like he dropped whatever was in his hands, I’m hoping it wasn’t his lunch or anything before he ran over, I blinked and he was holding me. His face was in my left my shoulder while he was holding onto me, I could feel tears slowly falling on my shoulder before he had done anything. I bit my lip before I held him, rubbing his back and watched how his back was shaking while he was trying to breathe. “You scared the shit out of me and I swear if you weren’t probably hurting right now I would shake you!”
He pulled away before looking at me, the captain had left his flowers on his lap before walking away and closing the door. I was just staring at him as he started to talk, after I was taken away they had to pause on the sector building to rebuild the fashion building, before everyone had to return to building the main four sectors, since they would be where most of the important things were going to be stored and made. The others are going to be for collecting and farming and water harvesting. That’s what I was told and there will be a selection from each sector in order to make sure we are getting the best from the best from each sector before we were to do anything else. Which makes sense and gives everyone a fair trade every now and then.
“Yunho… you’ve been staring at my lips since I started talking… Are you alright?” I started to blink before I found myself actually kissing him. I’ve only known this man for a month and I was head over heels for him. At first he didn’t do anything and just let me stay there. Before I could feel him actually kissing back. My eyes were closed and I was holding his cheeks as careful as I could before I could feel his hands on my own before we slowly had to pull. “Looks like I’m not being single for long now am I?” “With me now truly being sworn in and can you move in with me? Absolutely not.”
“I’m hooome.” I was excited to say this while leaving my shoes by the door. I was back from a little… battle we had to go to, it was 5 years after I asked mingi out and it was the best Time of my life. I loved when I got to come home and would see him in his night clothes and seeing me with a bright smile on his face. But the house was silent, almost as if he was sliding when I knew for a fact he would be the most excited one to see me. I was quiet when walking through the dimly lit house before slowly pushing aside the curtains to our bed before I froze. Mingi was on his back, well it looked like he had taken a bath and just fell on the bed, he was dry I could tell but the way no matter how many times I see him in a bare state, it makes me just want to ravish in what I’m seeing and nothing more other then just that. I watched as he slowly opened his eyes and gasped before jumping up on his feet. “Oh my goods- Yunho! wait- I don’t have-“ “You say that like I’m not about to rip those clothes for and make sure we don’t have to leave this bed.”
H started to laugh as I walked over, undoing the belt around my waist before taking off my shirt before falling after him and capturing his lips in a heated kiss, letting my eyes closed while I felt his wandering my back and chest while my hands stayed on the side of his head before I could feel his tongue trying to wrestle with mine while he was trying to scoot up further on the bed where the pillows were. I could hear his faint moans and whispers of my name before I was sucking harshly on his neck and shoulders, his body was try to arch up to my own while his hands were going to tugging on strands of my hair to scratching my back, to rubbing my chest in a way to feel everything. He hands were trying to to down my pants, it made me smile on his shoulder before pulling away just to look down at him. His eyes were filled with desire, want and need but they looked so beautiful while they kept shinning, his hair was somewhat messy but I always loved that when it happened and his mouth was somewhat opened while panting.
I let myself stand up to the foot of the bed and let my pants fall down to the ground with my underwear, he sat up so fast and crawled over to me like someone dying of thirst. There would be no paintings in the world that can describe just how breathtaking he looks just by crawling to me with his mouth hanging open. “Awe you need something to drink now don’t you?” Running my fingers through his tangles hair he nodded his head while taking my dick inside with no struggle before starting to bob his head. All I could do was moan while holding his hair and looking down at him. His eyes were closed but I could feel his tongue swirling around like he was trying to lick me clean of something.
His hands moving my thighs for something to grab onto, whilst he continue to bob his cute head, tilting it from side to side,while letting out his muffled sounds of both gagging and moaning before I had to pull him away, watching a trail come from his tongue to my tip while his eyes opened and instantly looked at me while drool started to fall on his chin. “Sir… I wanna do the work..” Talking between pants while trying to get closer, it made me want to smile more before letting myself lay down on the bed. He always did this whenever I got home, knowing who my captain is and just how brutal the training can be along with the battles.
Watching him move his legs over my waist before sitting on the tip, he was holding the rest in his hands to make sure it was straight in before slowly sitting on the rest, all I could do was watch as he did so. His eyes rolling back and fluttering opened and closed while meeting my hips with his. I could see the bulge in his stomach, he would always move his hands down just to feel it even when he was bouncing. My hands would always move to his sides just to hold him, along with rubbing his Lower back while he started to bounce. All he could do was just let out the sounds and despite his deep honey voice his moans can get high while he makes sure I’m not moving an inch. “Have to thank whoever made you because I swear…” He moved both his hands to my shoulders and just kept bouncing if not trying to make himself faster, closing his eyes and letting out little cries and mixed moans and whimpers. Letting my hold him closer while his head laid on my shoulder.
”BEcause there’s no way anyone could replace this fucking dick!” His nails scratching my chest while all I could hear was his endless moans of my name, so happy that no one needed me after everything was done, because this would make me want to make a statement about something and that would really leave this little princess like this, it’s for me to see. “Yunho!” I think I Was too far into my own thoughts because when I started to blink I could see my hips were moving faster, the sound of our skin was at its loudest and he was squealing at this point. Watching mingi trying to steady himself while he was squeezing. I didn’t get to tell him much before I could feel it all let out before feeling some on my own stomach.
He looked so dazed just from that, his body gave out as he just laid ontop of me just panting. “Istg if you try to move… I’m going smack you.”
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gryphonlover · 9 months
Whumptober 2023 Day 2
Prompt: Delirium
Victim: Hyrule
Words: 918
Notes: I have 0 experience, so I just Googled everything.
Hyrule doesn't know how alcohol works. He's a sweet summer child.
In hindsight, perhaps taking Hyrule to the bar had been a bad idea. Wild had lost track of him for literally 5 minutes— okay so maybe it wasn't 5 minutes, but the point was that he hadn't even looked away for that long! He just turned around to see Hyrule slumped over the counter with a cup in hand that was tipping dangerously close to the edge and still half-full of…
Wild seized the cup and gave it a whiff. Oh, boy, he'd had the strong stuff. Wild wrinkled his nose and slid the cup away. The smell was practically burning his nose, he didn't know how Hyrule could stand the taste of it plain.
Clearly, telling him to order for himself had been a mistake. Goddesses, he was never going to live it down if he got Hyrule's hero half-dead out drinking.
Wild paid the bill and left a hefty tip for the server before trying to wake up his companion. He shook Hyrule's shoulder roughly. "Time to go."
Hyrule just blinked up at him from where his face was smushed against the wooden counter. "Mm?"
Wild gave his shoulder a squeeze. "It's time to go back to the inn. You need sleep."
Hyrule giggled drunkenly. "I can sleep here, silly."
Wild stared at him. "You want to sleep… in the bar."
Hyrule grabbed Wild's face and pulled him close. "I wanna sleep with you and you are here."
Wild could feel his face turning red. He knew Hyrule didn't mean it like that but he was already in a relationship! A secret relationship, but it was still a relationship!
Hyrule giggled again, face landing against Wild's shoulder as he began to tip to the side. Wild slipped an arm underneath him to keep him from falling to the ground and faceplanting into the cool stone.
"We," he said as he hoisted Hyrule up to look him in the face, "are never, ever going to talk about what happened here, okay?"
Hyrule's eyes were already slipping shut. It seemed that holding even a simple conversation was too much for his poor, alcohol-soaked brain right now. Wild let out a deep sigh and shifted his stance so that he could get a better grip on his drunk brother. This was going to be such a pain to deal with.
Actually getting Hyrule back to the inn proved to be both easier and harder than expected. Hyrule was… enthusiastic… about be up and around with Wild, unfortunately, he wanted to go in every direction except towards the inn.
Cute bunny? Let's go!
Pretty flower? Come on!
Weird rock? Gotta look!
Wild was beginning to sympathize with Twilight. It was hard to deal with Hyrule when he was drunk enough that he couldn't stand on his own, he couldn't imagine how hard it was to handle managing the traveler's impulses when his brain was actually working properly.
By the time they finally reached the inn, Wild was starting to use up the last reserves of his patience. He was trying, honestly, he was! It was just that, well… there was only so much a guy could take. He was going to scream into his pillow once he got Hyrule settled in bed for good.
He pushed the door open the best that he could and tried to get Hyrule inside the building. It took a couple tries, but after a few attempts it was successful.
The stairs, on the other hand, were a whole other story. Wild managed to drag him over to the steps, but them Hyrule just up and stopped, staring stubbornly at them like they had personally killed taken all the joy in his life and stuffed it in a basket to set on fire.
Not that Wild had any experience with that.
Definitely not.
He just had to get Hyrule up the stairs and in bed before anyone came back. He pulled the traveler closer to the steps, but at this point he'd just gone limp and refused to move.
Wild was going to scream into his pillow and then maybe light something on fire.
He hoised Hyrule up and over one shoulder a little more, trying to balance out the weight of another person across his shoulders like he'd seen Twilight do before with goats. It was… harder than it looked.
After a full 5 minutes of manhandling a giggling Hyrule who was spouting nonsense about how everything was secretly a sandwich, he finally got the hero into a position where he could effectively carry him up the stairs.
One cautious foot after the other, he made his way up, dumping his brother onto the bed in one of the rooms that they'd booked. Finally, they'd made it!
He faceplanted into the bed, too irritated and tired to change out of his day clothes and properly get ready for bed. There was a soft thump, and something warm snuggled up against him. Hyrule.
A small smile sneaked its way across his face. He couldn't stay mad at his brother. He wouldn't say that he enjoyed bringing him back from the bar, but that was part of having brothers, right? Dragging their sorry butts home when they get into trouble?
The smile grew into a devious grin. Part of having brothers was also blackmailing them later about getting drunk and being an adorable idiot.
Maybe it hadn't been such a bad night, after all.
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forgedroyalseal · 3 months
A worthwhile fight:
The bruise on his eye was a mottled pattern of black and indigo, with yellow just starting a creep in on the edges. The orange glow of the fire did nothing to warm the battered skin. It was violent and harsh and it made Alyss’ stomach flip every time Will turned his head. Like now, as he looked over at her and offered a grin that split his face from ear to ear, smiling as if he wasn’t in the aching pain she knew he had to be in.
“Come join us ‘Lyss.” He extended his arm towards her and his sleeve slipped down his arm, revealing a wrist ringed in roped burn. She hesitantly sat between him and George, careful to not bump into him. As Will launched into another story, Alyss tried to force her trembling hands to still. But all she could think about is how close they had been to losing Will for good. How if Horace had arrived just a few minutes later, they’d be standing around his casket. And how none of the others seemed to care. How Will didn’t seem to care.
It was suddenly too much to bare and she stood abruptly and made her way into Will’s cabin. She ignored the calls of her friends as she let the door fall shut behind her. A moment later, she hears Will slip inside after her.
“Is everything okay love?” He asks gently, wrapping his arms around her from behind. Instead of melting into him like she normally would, she shrugged out of his grasp and moves away from his warmth.
“Why does it feel like I care more about your life than you do?” She bites out.
He frowns in confusion. “Alyss, of course I care-“
“Then why don’t you act like it? You are constantly putting yourself in danger. Is it some kind of hero complex? Or a guilt thing? Trying to be like your father, like Halt? What are you trying to prove? What is it will?”
“It’s my job Alyss.” He spoke calmly, with none of the anger she felt, which only made her angrier.
“But it doesn’t have to be! You don’t have to be putting yourself in constant danger. You could step back, be a strategist, take Cassandra up on her offer to have you work at Castle Araluen. With a mind like yours Will, you don’t have to be out in the field all the time.”
Will looked at her with a hurt expression. “I could never live my life locked up in some stuffy office Alyss, you know that. And I certainly couldn’t make plans that put other in danger while I sat back and watched.”
“You could. You’re just choosing not to.”
Disappointment leaked into his sigh. “Alyss, I don’t want to fight with tonight. I just got back. Can we just, enjoy the evening with our friends?”
“No. I can’t just enjoy the evening. Because everything time I look over at you and see your battered face, I’m reminded of the fact that you don’t care enough about me to keep yourself safe.”
“Alyss, I get that you’re upset, but you’re not being fair. You have a dangerous job. You’re sent away on assignment for months at a time with zero contact. You think I don’t worry about you every waking moment? That I don’t have nightmares of you getting hurt or dying? But I know that you love what you do. How could I ever ask you to give it up just so I feel better?” Will rubbed a hand across his eyes. “I couldn’t ask that if you. I love you too much to ask you give up such a fundamental part of yourself. I guess I just thought you loved me like that too.”
Alyss stares at him in shock. “It’s, it’s not the same.” But even to her, the defense fell flat.
“Maybe not.” Will admits. “But it’s not that different either. Alyss, we are engaged. I don’t want to go into our marriage with you holding this resentment against me and my career. I think we need to take some time to seriously talk about what each of us thinks our future together is going to look like.”
Alyss leans against the wall and lets her knees fold under her. Will joins her on the floor, so close that she can feel him pressed up beside her from her shoulder to her ankle. “I can’t lose you Will.” She rests her head on his shoulder.
“I wish I could promise you that you won’t.”
“You could.” Alyss knows she sounds like a child, but she can’t find it within herself to care. She knows she’s fighting a losing battle, but that doesn’t mean she’s willing to just roll over and accept defeat.
She feels him shake his head, “Alyss, I could die tomorrow. I could fall from Tug and hit my head. I could trip and break my neck. I could be attacked by a mugged. We can’t know how or when we’ll die. But I do know that there are two things in this world I can’t live without. You, and this.” Will’s hand dips under the loose neck of his shirt and he pulls the silver oak leaf pendant up.
Alyss glared at the piece of silver. “You are so much more than that Will.”
He shakes his head and presses the pendant against his chest with reverence. “Being a ranger gave me a purpose. It gave me a place in this world. I didn’t know who I was, who I could become, before Halt offered me an apprenticeship. I don’t know how to make you understand that I can’t, I won’t, walk away from this.”
Alyss didn’t understand, and perhaps she never would, but what she did understand is that she wanted to spend whatever amount of time she could with Will by her side. “Okay.”
He looked at her, eyes wide with hope. “Okay?”
She nodded, “I’ll never like seeing you in pain or risking your life, but when you proposed, I agreed to love you forever, all of you. Even the parts I don’t understand.”
Will turns her head and kissed her lightly. “Thank you. And I promise to be as careful as I can be. I don’t want to leave you any sooner than absolutely necessary. I’ll always do my best to come back to you.”
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