#( all awful but as much as today I had a lot of fun making them. )
wizardinggirl · 2 days
The Snake & The Raven
Summary: It’s been 2 years since Severus confessed his sin to you, his deepest, darkest secret. After the initial shock and betrayal, you have forgiven him and now the two of you have gotten together. (With much approval from the headmaster. You were beginning to think this was his plan all along.)
Warnings: none
Parts: Prologue (1/2) || Prologue (2/2) || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 (I will link the rest as they’re posted)
Part 4: Tea Time
Word Count: 2.8k
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2 years later…
Severus had changed. It took him a long time to heal, and it took him far longer to forgive himself than it took you. You don’t think he will ever fully forgive himself. He felt responsible for Lily’s death and that her son was now an orphan in an awful muggle home. He would have been taken into the care of Sirius Black, but you didn’t want to think about him and what he’d done.
You had decided to stay on as a teacher at Hogwarts after the first few months when the Ministry asked when you would be returning. Of course you loved your job as an Auror and it had been hard work to get there, but being here to mold these witches’ and wizards’ minds was far more rewarding. Additionally, it was a preventative measure. If you were able to be a good influence to some potential future Dark Wizards/Death Eaters, then it was worth it.
“Marrow, fix your stance or Edward’s is going to knock you off your feet. We’ve talked about this.” You twirled your wand in your hand as you watched two of your students duel, ready to intervene if needed. You’d seen a lot in your two years at Hogwarts, and learned the hard way that when the young upstarts dueled that you needed to be ready for anything. The other students cheered and you turned the other cheek at the few that had bets going. It was a hard class, more work than leisure, so you let them have fun in it when they could. You wanted them to still enjoy the class, after all.
“Whoa!” Marrow went flying off the dueling table.
“Arresto Momentum!” You cast on your student, it slowed her down enough to where she was placed on the ground rather than slamming into it.
“Thank you, Professor.” The class laughed and others cheered as Edwards strutted around the table, his fists pumping in the air with victory.
“Alright, Edwards. Off the table, one point to Gryffindor.” There was more cheering from the members of the respective house and you smiled. You decided that whenever they would duel, to add even more stakes, the winner would gain one point for their house. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to give them a competitive edge. You made your way up the steps to your desk and faced the class.
“I’m sure we all saw what Marrow could have done differently.” There were giggles as the students took their seats. “Your stance is very important, not just in dueling. It can even affect other spells as well.” The bell rang as you finished your sentence. “Good job today, class. I will see all of your Monday.” The sounds of shuffling, books being put away and chairs scraping on the floor as the students left and some waved goodbye. As the last student left, a familiar shadowy figure strode through the door. “Hello, love.” You smiled as he approached.
“Good afternoon, Professor.” You raised a brow with a playful smirk when he was finally in front of you, raising lightly on your toes to peck his cheek.
“We’re far past ‘Professor’ when we’re alone, Severus.” A pink hue dusted his cheeks as he cleared his throat, keeping a neutral expression as he looked around the room to make sure there were no more students present.
“We are still on school grounds, y/n.”
“We’ve been on school grounds whe-” he shot you a look and you laughed. “Alright alright.” You tidied up your desk, pushed your chair in then went back to his side, leading him out of the classroom. “Let’s be off then, Professor.” You said the last part with a more suggestive tone as you nudged his arm with your own. He grumbled at you. As the two of you continued down the hall, Snape seemed more rigid and quiet than usual, and that’s his natural state. “Are you alright, Sev?” You asked sincerely, placing your arm on his as you walked. He looked down at you and gave the smallest twitch of a smile.
“I’m fine.” Then he turned his attention forward again. It wasn’t odd for him to deflect when you questioned him about his feelings, but something felt different about this time.
The two of you sat together at the professors’ table and quietly chatted like normal, but you could tell there was something off. You placed your hand on his thigh and he stiffened then relaxed. That was odd… you leaned over and sniffed. He leaned away, his head snapping to you with a shocked expression on his face.
“What are you doing?” You actually couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. You leaned back in your chair, your hand still resting on his thigh.
“I’m just making sure I didn’t smell any knotgrass or fluxweed on you.” You shrugged and took a sip of water from the cup in front of you.
“Why would I-” he paused, returning to his normal position then leaning slightly towards you. “Were you smelling for Polyjuice?” Your eyes looked at him then back to your drink and you shrugged letting out a ‘hmph’, setting your glass back down.
“Just making sure it was you.” He let out a sigh then took the hand that was on his thigh and placed it on your own, leaving his hand on top of it as you took a bite from your plate. He leaned in to whisper so only you could hear.
“I’ll prove to you it’s me tonight.” You nearly choked. Severus rubbed your back and patted it lightly as you coughed. You narrowed your eyes at him, but he was just giving you a concerned look. He had no idea what he just implied.
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Later that night you and Severus were walking around Hogsmeade, enjoying the cool night air before your u had to be at the tea house. You’d chosen to wear a flowy dress with short puffed sleeves. It had a blue floral design on the body and pure white on the skirt and sleeves. Along with a simple silver chain that had a small sapphire set in the middle. Something Severus had gotten you, knowing your affinity for your house colors, as a thank you for being there for him. The two of you had been together officially for over a year now. You had told him you wanted the two of you to do something special together, nothing big, just special. But, both of you were so busy you hadn’t had the time until now. He had come to your quarters a few days prior with a look in his eyes that you couldn’t quite place.
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“Y/n?” His hand still on the doorknob and not leaving the threshold.
“Yes, Sev?” You make your way down the two steps from where your bedroom was and wrap your robe around yourself tighter. You had already changed into your nightgown and it was quite sheer. “You can come in.” His eyes scanned you from head to toe then he cleared his throat and looked the other way.
“I won’t be long.” He looks back to your eyes, you were directly in front of him now, him looking down at you. “I merely had a question to ask you.” you smiled and placed both hands on his abdomen, letting your robe open slightly.
“Well, you are always welcome to stay.” He gives you a closed lip smile and brings one of his hands to yours and squeezes it gently.
“I have some matters that need attending to. Someone’s been stealing from my inventory.”
“And you wanted my help?” You ask, smirking up at him. He deadpanned.
“No, I can handle it quite efficiently on my own thank you.” You let out a laugh.
“Then what is it you needed to ask me?” He was trying to keep his eyes from looking at your nightdress, a slight blush ghosting his cheeks.
“Are you available this weekend?” He moves his hand to tuck a stray hair behind your ear.
“I am, did you have something in mind?” You ask, straightening the front of his robe.
“We’ve been busy and haven’t been able to celebrate like you had wanted. I may not understand it, but if it means something to you it does to me. I’ve made reservations on Friday at Madam Puddifoot’s Tea House for us.” To say you were surprised was an understatement. Sure, he was romantic, but it was more in small gestures. A potion for a hangover or a snack if you looked peckish. There were those few times where he did pick you a flower, but that was pretty rare. He’d done nothing quite like this. You couldn’t help but tear up. His eyes widened and he cupped your face with his hands. “I’m sorry, I didn't mean to overstep. I just thought-” you shake your head and smile at him, wrapping your arms around his neck, his instinctively going to hold your waist.
“They’re happy tears, Severus. This is so sweet of you.” He blushes and looks away, affection and closeness was still something new to him. Something he was slowly warming up to. “It’ll be fun, I can’t wait.” His mouth turned into a closed lip smile as he looked back to meet your eyes. You lean up to press a soft kiss to his lips. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” You ask, raising a brow. He brings his hand up to cup your jaw and ran his thumb over your cheek.
“I want to, dear, but I should get to the bottom of this before the week’s end.”
“Alright then.” You press one more kiss to his lips before he pulls away.
“Goodnight, love.” He went to turn away, but stopped and faced you again, studying your face then leaned forward and kissed your forehead. You smiled up at him then his retreating form and closed the door.
**end of flashback**
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The two of you walked into the tea house, a little bell ringing as Severus held the door open for you. Madam Puddifoot looks up from her current table and smiles, excuses herself from them then wipes her hands on her apron.
“Hello, hello, welcome. Come in, come in!” She ushers the two of you inside. “Mr. Snape, it’s good to see you again. I have the private tea room ready for you and your lovely lady.” You couldn’t help but smile at that. As she started leading the two of you up the narrow steps up to the second floor you looked up at Severus.
“Private room?” You asked, wiggling your eyebrows.
“You said you wanted something special.”
“I did.” You smile, he must have put a lot of effort into this. You followed Madam Puddifoot up the stairs. Severus put his hand on your lower back to make sure you didn’t fall backwards. You couldn’t help the way it made you tingle. Not only were the stairs narrow, they were fairly steep too. He wasn’t about to have the night ruined because of a nasty fall. After walking down a short hallway at the top of the stairs the Madam opened the double doors at the end of the hall.
“Here we are.” She steps aside to let the two of you in. “I’ll be back in a moment with a fresh pot of tea.” Severus guides you into the room and to your chair, pulling it out for you.
“Thank you.” You lean up to kiss his cheek then take a seat and he pushes your chair in for you. “Such a gentleman tonight.” You tease and he lets out a grunt in response as he takes his seat across from you. You laugh and take the napkin from the table and place it on your lap. “Truly, though.” You reach your hand across the table and place it on his. “This is lovely, Sev. Thank you.” He takes your hand and places a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
“You deserve the best.” He practically whispered. You smile brightly at him. He’s really laying on the charm tonight. The two of you sat there for a moment, enjoying each other's company while he watched as he ran his thumb over your knuckles, deep in thought. He let go of your hand and sat up straight when Madam Puddifoot came back into the room.
“Here we are.” You moved your arm out of the way as she filled both of your tea cups. When you looked back to Severus he was staring into his tea with that same look in his eyes that he had when he came to your room a few days ago. Almost as if he was unsure about something. “Please help yourselves to any of the sandwiches and pastries on the table there.” She motions to the long table on the wall to your right with a large assortment of goodies. “They were freshly made for you. If you need anything else, just ring the bell.” She exited the room and closed the doors gently behind her. Once she was gone you took a sip of your tea and hummed contently, closing your eyes.
“This is lovely.” When you opened your eyes, Severus was staring at you. “What?” You ask with a smirk on your face.
“I’m admiring.” He stated simply, then broke eye contact and took a sip of his own tea. You smiled to yourself and the two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a while. The two of you simply enjoyed each other's company. Eventually, you had gotten up and grabbed a plate of pastries for you and Severus. The two of you ate and chatted and about some of your students and about current events. When the two of you had your fill, you left, thanking Madam Puddifoot on the way out.
“Shall we head back?” You ask, arms lacing through his, leaning your head on his shoulder. He placed his free hand on yours.
“I have one more thing I would like to do.”
“Oh?” You ask, lifting your head to look up at him. “Lead the way.”
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Severus led you to a concrete balcony that overlooked the highlands. It was dark now, the street lamps dimly glowing around you. The moon was full and the stars were twinkling, it was a gorgeous night. You let out a sigh and turn to face him to hug him around his middle.
“Thank you for such a wonderful date, Sev. It was perfect.” He looks down at you, bringing one arm to rest on your shoulder and the other to your cheek, you leaned into his touch. “I really do love you.” He stiffens at first then kisses the top of your head.
“I love you too.” He whispered into your hair. “I know I’m not worthy of it,” he lifts his head to look back into your eyes. “Or you.” You give him a sad smile then take his hands to hold them in between the two of you.
“Don’t say that, Severus. You’re more worthy than any man could ever be.” His eyes started to tear up at that. He searched your face for any sign of dishonesty, that maybe this was some long running joke that James and Sirius were pulling on him. There was no way someone so kind and loving was real. Not to him. He slowly sank in front of you to one knee, keeping your hands in his. “Severus?”
“I'm not the man that you deserve, y/n.” He turned his gaze to look at your hands in his and ran his thumbs over the back of them. “I’m stubborn, selfish, damaged, but you see the good in me, even when I cannot see it myself.” Your eyes began to water. Was this really happening? “Y/n.” He let go of your right hand and reached into the inside pocket of his robe to pull out a small velvet box. He looked at it for a moment before opening it and presenting it to you. When his eyes met yours again, he was the most sincere you had ever seen him. “I love you. I thought no one could ever love me, that it was simply my lot in life. But you showed me otherwise and pulled me from my darkness. You are my light. Will you marry me?”
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Thanks for reading! If you’d like to be added to the tag list for the next chapter please let me know!
Tags: @lizard-zombie @liviacarol88-blog @johnmurphys-sass
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Make Me Write ask answered
162 📖 for @inell!
When they arrive at the fire station, Eddie is indeed in rough shape. Scratched, damp, and wearing a heating blanket. 
“Buck, why is my dad dressed like a baked potato?” Chris asks nervously when he sees him. 
Eddie is sitting in the back of an ambulance, looking a little sleepy. The other paramedic - the one that isn’t Chimney - is talking to him. 
“It’s keeping him warm,” Buck explains. “Why don’t you go see him? That’ll make him even warmer.”
“DAD!” Chris calls out, heeding Buck’s advice. He picks up his pace a little in Eddie’s direction. 
“CHRISTOPHER!” Eddie calls back once he sees him. He hops out of the ambulance, dropping the warming blanket, and runs across the engine bay floor towards his son. When he reaches him, he scoops him up into the biggest, tightest, most loving hug Buck has ever seen. Buck honestly feels a little choked up, watching it. 
He doesn’t want to intrude on their moment, so he hangs back, holding onto Christopher’s backpack. After a minute of this hug, of Eddie speaking quietly to his son, he finally looks in Buck’s direction. He sets Christopher down, strides over to where Buck is, and hugs him too. Just quick, with a clap on the back, but it’s still a hug. It catches Buck off-guard a little.
“Thank you,” Eddie says emphatically. “Thank you so much for taking care of him.”
“No problem, really,” Buck says when Eddie pulls away. “Chris kept me in line. Made sure I knew the right answers to American history. Really he did me a favor.”
Eddie’s smile in response is practically glowing. “I owe you one, man.”
“Hey, don’t mention it. Just glad you’re okay.” Buck says. “Is Carla good? I couldn’t reach her either.”
Eddie nods. “Her dad isn’t well. She was visiting him today.”
“Oh,” Buck replies. “That’s… That’s too bad.”
Eddie takes a deep breath. “Listen, man, can I buy you a beer sometime? As a thank you?”
Buck… Well, for some reason, even though it’s totally not necessary, Buck really likes the sound of that.
“Yeah,” Buck nods. “Yeah, that’d be great. My number should be in your phone from when I tried to call you.”
“Perfect,” Eddie smiles. 
It’s way too much fun. 
Buck meets Eddie at a sports bar. They grab beers. Watch a game. It’s probably the most fun Buck’s had in a while. Without work or a kid in between them, they connect as just people. And it turns out, they connect pretty well. They have a similar sense or humor and like a lot of the same things. Eddie listens when Buck goes on accidental tangents about subjects he finds interesting. Buck is genuinely delighted with stories about Christopher. They just sort of… Mesh?
By the end of the night, they’re making plans to hang out again, and Buck’s stomach can’t quite shake a fluttery, swooping feeling. Something that he’s only really felt before… Well, on dates. 
Which is strange for Buck because, well… Eddie is a man? And Buck didn’t know that another man could make him feel that way. 
Which probably means… Something. 
Buck and Eddie manage to hang out two more times by themselves, and once with Christopher, even, before the world shuts down. And Buck goes from the exciting thrill of a new friend/maybe crush to working alone in an empty library, filling online orders, and putting them in sterile pickup areas, with nothing at all to look forward to. 
It’s awful. It’s depressing. Buck genuinely struggles to get out of bed in the morning for the entire month of April. 
His sister is pregnant, and she can’t even stay with Chimney because of the risk. She’s alone. Buck’s alone. Everyone is boxed off from each other. 
They keep in contact. Eddie and Buck. Text. Social media. Buck does a few virtual homework help sessions with Chris out of working hours. But it’s weird. It’s like they almost had a friendship or something, and it just kind of gets stalled. 
All the nothingness means Buck has time. On and off work. He has nothing but time. It reminds him of the early years of his undergrad, where the coursework wasn’t challenging or interesting enough to keep his mind busy. He’d had to find ways to fill the time. Partying. Drinking. Sex. Working out. Those had been his options, then. Apart from working out, he doesn’t want to replicate the rest in a global pandemic. Which means Buck is left with way more hours to fill than even in undergrad. 
And he’s a librarian. So… One of the things he does to avoid going crazy? He reads. He researches. He learns. And one of the things he starts going all in on learning about? Human sexuality and attraction. Because the distance from Eddie doesn’t make Buck stop thinking about him. Doesn’t quell the curiosity, the thinking. The excitement each time a notification from Eddie lights up his phone. So Buck researches, and he tries to figure himself out. 
So, in the middle of a pandemic, where everyone is quarantined, and Buck is completely alone, he discovers he’s bisexual. Stellar timing. Really great work. Had he uncovered this little tidbit of identity earlier in his life? Maybe he’d be quarantining with a boyfriend or a husband or something cool like that. Since he’s historically fumbled all the women in his life. Who is he kidding? He’ll probably be the same with dudes. But until proven otherwise, he imagines he’ll be very smooth.
So. Bisexual. Alone in his studio apartment. Living through an unprecedented global emergency. Kind of thirsting over a man he won’t be able to see for months, and who he doesn’t even know is queer, so probably has no chance with. 
Buck is frustrated. 
He learns to cook. He buys a variety of plants. Tries and fails to learn to draw. Impulse adopts a cat; a Burmese he renames Begonia. Her previous name was Princess and to be honest she is way too relaxed for that designation. 
Nothing makes the sense of restlessness building in his chest go away. 
It’s late summer by the time he and Eddie can hang out again. At a distance. Outside, on a hike. Masks on if they get any closer. Eddie has a higher chance of infection on his job, and Buck wants to be safe. 
They fall back into their easy pattern of conversation and humor. It’s like whatever paused between them at the beginning of the year picks right back up without any issue. And Buck is relieved. Relieved and excited. Like they’re pointed towards a direction he hasn’t seen before, but is desperate to discover.
Buck tells Eddie all about the ever-changing library policies regarding the virus. Eddie tells Buck about childcare struggles. 
“With Carla caring for her dad full time, and my Abuela back in Texas, it’s been insane,” he admits. 
“And no aftercare programs at the library,” Buck says. 
“Or anywhere,” Eddie says. 
“Man, that’s rough. I’m sorry.”
“It’s… Well, single parenting is never easy. But global catastrophe certainly adds to it.”
“Hey, if-if I can help…” Buck offers, a little aimlessly. 
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “Is the library open to visitors yet?”
“Well, no,” Buck admits. “Soon, hopefully? But I mean, I can ask the head librarian - Janine - if he can, uh, sneak in. Masked up, of course.” “I mean, if he could. That’d be really helpful. He could do class from there, right?” Eddie asks. ”Only if it wouldn’t put you out!”
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I ran this morning AND wrote some AND made art and I’m so proud of me
#didn’t get any of my actual office work done oopsies#but in my defense it’s a Friday and also I did allot time for it I just ended up not doing it#anyways still proud of me!!! guys art is so so important and I know that and I preach that but I haven’t been doing it#and I just picked up a blank sheet of paper and did it#and is it good or anatomically correct? no but it was so FUN#and I’ve been working thought Tim Clare’s writing stuff and it’s been GOOD#I like this new series of exercises a lot better than the couch to 80k#they’re. the same honestly and I don’t actually care about his commentary all that much#maybe I’m just more present or more invested in them#I only ran for 15. min and then I had to call my brother to pick me up because the heat was gonna make me pass out :/#but also I TRIED#I fucking tried today#also did u know running is utterly miserable.#runners high is def a thing#felt amazing afterward#but holy shit it’s awful in the moment#my roommate ran a 25k recently and I talked to her about it and she said it never gets better#which is. not very encouraging#but also I Want To run as much of this 5k as I can#maybe I’ll be dead after but it’s fine I have a couple days to recuperate before the eclipse#WHICH IM ALSO EXCITED SBOIT. I’ve never seen a total eclipse before#goddamit my brain jumped to too many places#delete later#anyways. if u didn’t u should acknowledge ur accomplishments today#even if they didn’t feel like much#now I’m gonna go read a 115k fanfic that’s gonna wreck me#that’s my treat to me#I HAVE ACTUAL BOOKS TO FINISH. but NO. THIS is how I’m spending my time. and it’s fine I’m valid#I’ve been talking to all the lesbians about running too#and they’ve been so encouraging too!! I love my coworkers and very distantly related coworkers sm
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gyusrose · 5 months
➵ how they would punish you during sex -> hyung line
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lost this request my bad!!! but here it is :)
✎ smut! (mdni)
⚠︎ spanking, degrading, denying orgasm, nicknames like good girl, baby etc. , hair pulling, cursing, blowjob.
summary: while it’s fun acting like a brat, regret swallows you whole soon.
( hyung line x fem.reader)
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heeseung -> this man would NOT let you cum for fucks sake. heeseung is very determined, even your glistening tears rolling down your cheeks, begging him to let you come would not change his mind.
he knew you did it on purpose, acting like a brat all day, even in front of his friends. he had to put you in your place. as soon as the both of you got home, he was already balls deep inside of you, knowing that’s what you wanted, what you didn’t know though is that he would pull his fingers away from your pussy as you were about to reach your climax, how he would retract his cock as soon as he saw you about to cum, this lasted for hours. it turned into to something you would usually enjoy to complete torture.
“please hee i need- please i need to cum.” you said desperately. barely being able to form a sentence.
“aw is my little baby frustrated? should’ve thought about that before acting the way you acted today huh?” he chuckled, he’s come many times so he doesn’t mind keeping you like this.
“please please i promise to be a good girl, please i just need to..”
“just because you apologized, cum baby, cum all over that cock.” you didn’t have to be told twice.
jongseong -> jay is normally a very passionate lover when it comes to sex, gentle and sweet, making it all about you. yet when you start acting up, he knows how to fix that.
he becomes a lot more aggressive, spanking you over and over as he fucked you from behind. leaving his hand marks tattooed on your throbbing red asscheek. pulling your hair making sure he could see you fucked out face. he would not allow you to touch him in any way shape or form. even when he switched positions, now fucking you in missionary, your hands would automatically got to his biceps and back, jay instantly smacked your hands away earning whining from you. you needed to touch him, and he sure as fuck knew that. his face cold and emotionless, a complete different person than he usually was.
“aw fuck!! a-ah” another slap on your ass echoed through the room, you know damn well you won’t be able to sit tommorow.
“that’s for flirting with that asshole, acting like a slut in front of me.”
“please baby, let me touch-“
“what did i fucking tell you? no touching, or do you not want to cum?” your fingers tangled through your head in frustration.
after though, jay knows you’ve learned your lesson, and his kind, gentle persona comes back, making sure to run you a hot bath and making you something to eat after.
sunghoon -> please sunghoon would be so cocky. after wearing the skirt he explicitly told you now to wear in front of the other guys, he knew you wanted to tease him. he could not handle the stares his friends would give you when you walked. they all wanted to fuck you. you knew that. having sunghoon and you leave early and pretty much throw you into bed, manhandling you like a rag doll.
this is what you wanted, right? wrong, completely wrong, this is not what you expected at all. sunghoon was thrusting painfully slow. taking his sweet time entering inch by inch. going in and out of your cunt slower than a snail, driving you insane. you had very little patience, sunghoon, on the other hand did.
you tried moving your hips, trying to fasten the pace, but sunghoon gripped them, stopping them. you groaned, begged even to the point of tears. wanting, no, needing more. sunghoon only laughed in amusement. he rarely saw you like this, so submissive.
“hoonie, i’m begging please, just move a little more, please please i can’t take it anymore!” you begged for maybe the 100th time.
“awe, since you asked so nicely baby, i’ll grant you that wish.” he said before he slammed into you full force, fucking deep into you, sending you into oblivion. you could see stars.
“promise you’ll never act like that ever again.” sunghoon said.
“no hoon, i’ll never do that again, ever!” you’ll probably do it again.
jaeyun -> he normally wouldn’t punish you but, jake still knew how to frustrate you and ruin sex for you. when he saw you laughing so closely with his friends while practically ignoring his existence, he couldn’t wait to get you home, gagging on his cock, gasping for air as he fucked your face.
and that’s exactly what he did.
it was a lost cause, you felt his tip at the back of your throat, making you gag, while jake would normally not push you all the way, he did today. not caring that you obviously couldn’t take him whole and just using your mouth as a hole he could fuck into. the lewd noises of your gagging and moist from all the saliva around his cock drive him insane. but that wasn’t it .
while sunghoon moved slowly, jake would not move at all. making you do all the work. at some point it was alright, but you started giving out later. jake knew how to hit the best spots, you couldn’t yourself. while riding him, your thighs were burning, not being able to keep up. you collapsed on jake’s body, more tired than ever. you had yet to cum but your body could physically not do it.
“is my babygirl already tired? “ jake said in a mocking tone.
“mhm please baby, help me.” you said breathing heavily in his ear. sending that you’ve reached your limit jake finally moved his hips into you. soon grabbing your waist as he thrusted deep inside you, sending you over the edge in just a couple of minutes.
“you’re only mine, got that? don’t ever ignore me again, it’ll be worse the next time.”
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 5 months
You asked for Spencer Reid and Reader requests, particularly plus size, and I am so down bad for that man! Especially later seasons him.
Could I have one where he and the reader are intellectual peers but also enemies? Like she's on the team and just as wicked smart as him and into old literature and languages but they constantly butt heads? And the team knows they really just have feelings for each other, but they'll never admit it. Maybe the reader admits it to Penelope or someone one night drinking that he's hot but she never thought he'd actually sleep with her bc she's fat, but she'll take his attention any way she can get it. Maybe Spencer overhears and proceeds to show her just how hot he finds her arguing with him? 👀 Thank you in advance, girlie!
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༉‧₊˚. 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 || 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝
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— pairing: spencer reid x plus size!reader
— summary: you and spencer hate each other, that much is obvious... right?
— warnings: very surprisingly crude language in this, self-doubt, implied insecurities, misunderstandings, e2l, they're in love and everyone else knows besides them, i made them dorks i don't apologize, mentions of wet dreams, mentions of male masturbation, dirty thoughts, kissing, stripping, vaginal fingering, spencer's dirty mouth, lots of reassurance 'cause i'm a sap, spencer reid #1 consent king, missionary, unprotected sex, sex god spencer?!?! (he does his research), pleasure dom!spencer, switch r & spencer, heavy praise, and a fluffy ending to tie this all up in a nice little bow!
— wc: 3136
⋆ a/n: okay i do admit that this is RIDICULOUSLY long, but i knew exactly what i was getting into writing this and honestly i had so much fun! i don't think i've ever created such characters that have so much chemistry with each other, so cheers to that! (unedited unfortunately :[)
masterlist | AO3
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As soon as you hear Spencer’s voice, you make a point to groan obnoxiously loud.
“And just to think I would be able to go home without a headache today.” 
You could feel the glare from said man burning a hole in the back of your head, so you swivel your chair around in order to face the music – in a pleasurable masochist kind of way. His annoyingly handsome face was twisted up in irritation – much to your glee – his eyebrows turned down, and his perfect, plush lips pulled into a deep frown. 
You could tell you had interrupted him saying something that he deemed important, most likely a fact that you and him would go back and forth on, and you couldn’t be more pleased with yourself.
“Funny you mention that seeing as though your voice is the cause of mine.” He bit back, his eyes narrowed into slits. “Aw, you think of my voice?” You tease. “Only in my nightmares.” You wink at him. “You still think about me.”.
“You know what this reminds me of?” Luke piped up from his own desk, drawing the attention from your other intrigued co-workers in the bullpen. “Oh here we go.” Tara said in amusement at Luke’s rambling.
“Back when I was a kid there was this girl that I went to school with, and I would always tug on her hair or try to trip her,” His voice was almost reminiscent. “Everyone thought I hated her, when in reality I was just trying to get her attention.”
“Ah,” Matt said with a smile, “The classic ‘boy bullying the girl he likes,’ or in this case, it’s the girl this time.” Your cheeks began to heat and your eyes went wide, Spencer’s own face and the tips of his ears turning an admirable pink hue.
“Absolutely not -”
“What? No -”
Both Spencer and you stumbled over each other to try and defend yourself, but you didn’t have a chance because Emily’s voice cut through whatever was about to be said next, the woman making haste from her office and into the room with the round table.
“Alright you guys, enough. We’ve got a case.”
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“To a job well done!” Penelope cheered as she held up her citrusy alcoholic beverage in the air, signaling she wanted to toast.
You smiled indulgently at the woman sitting next to you, clinking your glass with hers noisily and flickering your eyes over to where a disheveled Spencer Reid sat. You didn’t say anything to him though, because you’re a big ol’ softie and like to let the boy wonder rest before you have him back on his toes.
His eyes met yours the same time your glasses collided. You wish you could say that the vibrations from the clinking was the cause of the shiver that forced its way down your spine, but you knew better. 
It was like the rest of the bar disappeared, the sound of the others joining in on your rejoicing fell on deaf ears. You could have sworn his dark brown puppy-dog eyes drank you in before he looked away and cleared his throat, taking a rather comically large gulp of his water.
Your eyelashes fluttered like a thousand butterflies wings as you rushed to drink your own beverage.
“Okay, what was that!?” You felt Penelope’s finger poke at your ribs before you actually heard her. 
“Ow - fuck! What was what?” You yelped quietly, your hand reaching down to bat away her stabbing digits. “The - the -” She fought to portray her words before her face lit up when she found the correct ones, “The eyefucking!” 
Your stomach erupted in butterflies, “Eyefucking? What eyefucking?” You asked with a scoff, hiding your blush behind the rim of your mug. 
“Oh, please, don’t give me that.” It was Penelope’s turn to scoff at you. “Everybody knows that you and Spencer like each other.” She said it almost like it was a fact, leaning forward to take a smug sip of her drink through the miniature black straw.
Spencer knew listening in on Penelope and your conversation was inappropriate; but in his defense, you guys weren’t really quiet about what you were talking about.
“I -” He heard you begin, “It’s one-sided.” Was all you said before draining your beer. “So you admit it!” Penelope exclaimed with a gasp.
Spencer felt his eyes go wide at her words, but there was this desperate feeling that spread throughout his body; one that caused his fingers to twitch and the hair stand up on the back of his neck.
“When you put it like that it sounds childish!” You complained slightly, biting at the meat of your lip. “I… I’m just not his type you know? Like - you know better than anyone that guys don’t pay attention to girls like us, so you have to learn to improvise.” You were cringing at your own words, but the liquid in your cup was enough to loosen your tongue and lower your inhibitions.
“Was me choosing to constantly argue with him the smartest way to try and peak his interest? No, but I knew he liked a challenge and well… it definitely wasn’t the proudest conclusion I ever came to, but what was I supposed to do? It isn’t like Spencer would date me let alone actually want to sleep with me.”
Spencer wanted to argue with you about how wrong you were, to tell you about every thought he’d ever had about you.
He wanted to tell you about how much you frustrate him, how at first, he thought he hated you and it took him an embarrassingly long time to realize he hated how badly he wanted you; hated how many dirty dreams he had included you and that plush body of yours. He’d wondered how soft you were, how you smelled and tasted. 
Did your moans and whines sound as enchanting as your laugh? Did your eyes twinkle the same way when you were about to cum? 
Those thoughts kept him up at night and his hands in his pants, stroking himself to his unlimited imagination all revolved around you. Those were the days that he was more prone to pick fights with you, mostly because he was embarrassed, ashamed, and quite frankly plain ol’ horny.
Spencer thought you were just so sexy, especially when he had managed to light that fire under your ass that really got you going. He wasn’t a sadist or a masochist by any means, but he loved when you yelled at him. So, for you to think so lowly of yourself it almost drove him mad because you didn’t know.
But you were going to.
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You were going to kill whoever was bothering you on your day off.
The knocking was unexpected, but so was who was responsible for the noise.
“Spencer?” You asked in surprise. 
Usually you were prepared for your exchanges with the man, but if your pajamas were anything to go by, you were anything but. Spencer felt his mouth go dry at the sight of your tits sitting braless in a thin undershirt, your soft tummy slightly straining against the cotton material and a pair of shorts that look like they were practically strangling your thighs.
The only thing he could really say was… “Do you know how infuriating you are?”
Your eyebrows furrowed and you crossed your arms over your chest, and little did you know the action pressed the tops of your breasts over the hemline. “Excuse me?” You almost scoffed, “Please don’t tell me you came all the way here just to argue with me.”
“No I - fuck just let me finish.” This was not how he wanted this to go. You looked like you wanted to say something but your curiosity made you choose to stay silent.
“Do you know why you’re so infuriating?” He asked, taking a tentative but careful step towards you. “Because you haunt my every living thought. I see you when I’m awake, I see you when I’m asleep. I can’t… I can’t escape you! I can’t escape how I feel about you.”
Your eyes were wide and your brows were furrowed; it looked like you almost couldn’t breathe.
“But you want to know the worst part?” His hand lands on your cheek and his thumb gently caresses the skin there. “You have the audacity to think that I wouldn’t want you.” 
“You want me?” You asked in disbelief. “But I… but I thought you hated me? I mean - I haven’t been all that nice to you.” You attempt to joke weakly, but your body is on fire; your stomach is tangled up in knots. You were trembling in excitement at his words but in disbelief too.
“Do you have any idea how much I love arguing with you?”
You laughed at his words, your lips slipping into a small smirk as you threw your arms around his neck in an act of boldness. “Oh yeah?” You hummed seductively. “You wanna show me how much?”
“Yeah,” He replied breathlessly. “I do.”
And just like that his mouth was on yours and a long leg shot out behind him to shut your front door. The slam made you yelp, but it quickly melted into a giggle against his lips when he reconnected them.
Spencer tugged you closer to him, and God the feeling of your body was so much better than anything his subconscious could have conjured up. You felt so soft and the front part of your torso pressed against his chest in a way that if he didn’t have you naked under him soon he was going to go crazy.
“Where’s your bedroom?” He didn’t want to pull away from you, but he wanted to do this right.
“I didn’t know you were a gentleman, Reid.” You teased with a dazed smile on your face. “There’s a lot of things that you don’t know about me.” You quirked a brow. “Oh really? How about you tell me?”
“Later,” He said with a lazy shake of his head, “Later.”
His hand reached down to cup your ass, your crotch rubbing on the large boner restrained by his pants. You moaned quietly at the feeling, and found yourself saying, “Down the hall and to the left.”
When you arrived, he couldn’t keep his hands off you; they grabbed at your back, ass, waist, hips. There was so much of you that he had no idea where to start. All he knew is that he wanted all of you right now.
“Can I take your shirt off, please?” His words almost came out as a whine and it welcomed a fresh wave of arousal in your panties. “Take off whatever you want, I’m yours.” A reassuring confession that Spencer had no idea he needed to hear. 
His lithe, veiny hands tugged at your top first, dragging it over your head and throwing it somewhere random. Your pants and panties were next to go and you couldn’t help but shiver at Spencer's intense stare.
“I’m uh- feeling a little vulnerable here, could you lose a layer or two?” 
The man blinked rapidly, his fingers shooting to undo the buttons on his cardigan. “Yes, yeah of course, sorry I -'' You grabbed the shaky digits. “Calm down, take it slow. I’m not going anywhere.” It was a light jab meant to ease his nerves. For a moment he looked unsure but you gave an encouraging smile.
After his clothes disappeared he held you by your waist, walking you backwards until your calves hit the bed. You quickly hurried to scale the mattress until your head hit the pillows.
“God,” Spencer gulped. “This is so much better than what I imagined.” You giggled slightly. “As much as I appreciate your flattery, I want you to fuck me. Now.” You said it with such simplicity that his eyes nearly bulged out of his sockets at your crudeness.
He swallowed his shock. “Whatever the lady wants.”
He hurried to crawl over your leaning body; you cup his cheek in an act of haste, dragging him down to lay on top of you. His own hands didn’t stop their determined trail, tracing the soft planes of your plush body until he reached your wet cunt.
You whine loudly at the feeling of Spencer’s fingers stroking your damp slit.
“So responsive.” He murmured with delighted smirk. You go to say something snarky but you’re quickly cut off when he begins to rub tight circles on your clit. “‘M sensitive.” You gasp against his lips, your back arching and pressing further into him.
His body falls to the side, laying next to your naked one with a cheek balanced on his fist. “I’m gonna make you cum on my fingers first,” Spencer whispers into your ear. His ring finger entered your warmth slowly and he felt himself choke on his words. You mewled, a hand shooting up to tangle in his long, curly hair, the other grabbed at his wrist.
“Then, I’m gonna make you cum on my cock.” After a few experimental twists of his wrist, his middle finger joins the first. Your breathing speeds up with every movement of his digits. 
“Afterwards, ‘m gonna clean you up and take you out to eat.” Your brain could barely process what he was saying, but every word that left his mouth added to the swarming butterflies in your gut – which felt so juvenile seeing as though he was already knuckle deep inside you.
“And when we get home, I’m gonna eat this sweet pussy for dessert.” 
Your eyelashes were fluttering rapidly, your hips moving frantically on his fingers in an attempt to try and get him deeper. Spencer must have sensed what you needed, because with a few firm swipes on your sensitive clit sent you spiraling over the edge.
“Spencer, Spencer, Spencer… I - I -” Your gummy walls squeezed his digits, and the only thing keeping you grounded was the heat coming from his body.
“Wow.” You laughed breathlessly. “Wow indeed.” He mimics with the same amount of amusement.
“Are you okay to keep going?” He asks. 
“Are you kidding?” The look on his face was almost laughable, and you gave his naked chest an encouraging pat. “Hell yeah I’m good, how about you?”
“If I told you I could cum just from watching you, would you believe me?” You roll your eyes and snort. “We’ll find out later, loverboy. Get up here.”
He scrambles to get on top of you, but then stops. “Wait, wait,” He reaches behind your head and grabs a pillow. “Lift your hips up for me.” Your eyes go wide, because who in the fuck taught him that? Though you move a bit slowly through your surprise, he manages to get the soft thing under you, your lower back now elevated.
But all excitement dies out when he realizes there might be no protection, he looks like he could almost cry.
“It’s cool, Spence. I’m on the pill and I… I haven’t had sex with anyone in an embarrassingly long time.” You admit shyly, your eyes casting to the side nervously. “I’m clean too. I don’t really remember the last time I’ve had sex either.” 
You guys make eye contact and erupt into a fit of giggles, “To relearning the art of sexual intercourse then.” Spencer scrunches his nose up at your wording, but you don’t give him any time to retort because you’ve already placed two hands on his face, tugging his head down to kiss your smile-split lips.
He takes the time to kiss you for a moment before reaching down to line his dick up to your entrance. You both shiver at the sensation. You guys disconnect your lips to watch him enter you, your foreheads pressed together and breaths mingled in anticipation.
You moaned in unison when he slowly but surely seethed himself in you fully, and your body tensed at the long awaited intrusion. “Gimme a sec.” You gulped. “Yeah, yeah, of course.” He panted.
You allowed yourself a moment to relax, brushing your fingers through his curls as a way to comfort Spencer as well. After taking a few more seconds to enjoy the raw, intimate moment between the two of you, you said, “Okay. Okay, I’m good.” 
Spencer licked his lips and rolled his hips tentatively, and your breath hitched. A string of whimpers were soon to follow with every drag of his cock against your sensitive inner walls, the leftovers of your previous orgasm leaving your body feeling electric.
Your mouth drops open into an ‘o’ shape when his tip brushes your g-spot.
“Right - right there Spence…good boy - fuck - good fucking boy.” 
The term of endearment was an accidental slip of the tongue, but it had frayed some nerve in his body, because the groan that left him was guttural and hungry.
“Say -” He huffs. “Say it again, please.” The pace of his thrusts speed up as he begs, and your nails drag down his back. “You’re my good boy, Spencie.” His eyes flutter shut at the praise and he doesn’t bother to be gentle anymore.
“Mphm! More - I need more.”
“Okay, okay.” He rushed to balance on his elbow so that his other arm could slip between the two of your bodies to rub at your clit. Your back arched, and Spencer all but throbbed inside of you, his balls tightening and threatening to cum right then and there; but ever the gentleman, he waited, his stomach sucked in tightly and his body jolting quivering.
“I - I’m gonna cum.” 
It didn’t take much to pull you into a kiss. It was sloppy, and messy, and lewd and all of those other wonderful synonyms. Spit dribbled down your chins and with one last hard thrust that almost sent you up the bed, you gripped onto the older man for dear life.
Everything went white as you came; your hearing, your vision, every single cognitive thought you had pretty much flew out the window.
It was Spencer gently wiping the sweat off of your brow that brought you back down to reality, your lungs finally opening up and expanding for that much needed air.
“Hey,” He cooed. “There you are.”
“Hi,” You sighed with a ditzy smile on your face.
There was a moment of silence before you said, “How about we save the oral for breakfast?” Spencer laughed, but nonetheless nodded in agreement. “That sounds perfect.”
“So, what’s for dessert then?” He couldn’t help but ask. “Hm…” You pondered for a moment. 
“How about ice cream?”
“I like ice cream.” But then he added, “But I like you more.”
“Ugh, you’re the worst.” You groaned, covering your eyes, but your grin gave you away. “I like you too, I guess.”
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @celtic-crossbow @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @alixwriter @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus @khxna
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smutoperator · 8 months
King Of Oshiri
Miyawaki Sakura, Nakamura Kazuha, Minatozaki Sana, Myoi Mina, Hirai Momo x Male Reader
Tags: A2M, (lots of) anal, asses, butts, culos, creampies, facefuck, hotwife, japanese, (a little) lesbian, orgy, reverse gangbang, rough sex
Word count: 12911.
You had a longtime fascination for Japanese idols in K-pop. From the first time you saw a cute Japanese girl saying "shy, shy, shy" back on TV, you fell in love with every single one of them. Today, that love reached its biggest point, as you were about to secretly marry your favorite among them all: the queen herself, Miyawaki Sakura. When you first discovered her on Produce 48 and knew her long history in Japan, you thought it would be impossible to even meet her, yet here you are today with the wife of your dreams and all her friends attending the ceremony.
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The honeymoon night was the most intense of your life. Sakura was really into some bed-breaking sex and rocked the night. One day into your marriage, you already had questions about whether you could satisfy such a crazy sexual appetite. Sakura had never shown it to you when you guys were dating, but as soon as she became a married woman, she flipped a switch.
The next day, you found out Sakura wasn't going to lift her foot off the gas. The tiring night before meant you were late to wake up, but Sakura had no issues, showing up at your door wearing just a garter belt tied to her stockings and nothing else. Her tits were completely uncovered, and so was her pussy, meaning she had already graced you with an almost nude frontal sight first thing in the morning. With you still naked in bed and looking at your morning wood under the sheets, you assumed Sakura would be starting the day with a morning sex session. But she had different plans.
"Get up and come here," Sakura asked you, who did it just as she had ordered it. "Let's go downstairs," she said. Sakura grabbed your hands and showed you the way towards the gaming lounge. That confused you. Even though you knew she was very much into gaming, why would she need to play video games wearing barely anything on a cold day? But soon her plan would start to make sense as you saw a fit, tall woman lying on the couch Sakura normally plays video games.
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Sakura greeted her younger groupmate, Kazuha, with a kiss. A little embarrassed, you tried to cover your genitalia in front of Zuha, but she barely looked at you as Sakura kept kissing her. "What are you doing to me today?" you asked, still very confused. But both of them could only laugh before Sakura actually said, "It's a surprise." Trying to break the ice, you complimented Kazuha, saying she was beautiful. "Yes, she is gorgeous," Sakura said, gleefully taking Kazuha's jeans out and unveiling her fit and toned body for you. "Look at her body, baby, isn't it amazing?" Sakura asked you as Kazuha turned around and took off her shirt as well, showing you her sexy back and especially her great ass as she bent over in your direction.
"Good God, you got such a great ass," you told Kazuha. "It's beautiful; it's truly my inspiration," Sakura said as she gave Kazuha's left cheek a kiss. "It's so sexy when you kiss her," you told Sakura. "I can see you like that," she replied. "I love seeing beautiful girls having fun," you said as Sakura pulled Kazuha's bra to the side and started kissing her cute little tits in front of you. It didn't take long until both got very touchy and kissed each other while grabbing their asses. Then it was Kazuha's turn to suck Sakura's healthy tits. "Let me see these hard-trained asses," you asked both as they turned around and flashed them in front of you, grabbing each other's cheeks. Kazuha gave Sakura's butt a little spanking as they giggled with you in awe at both's asses.
Sakura got on top of Kazuha, stacking their asses up. You could see your wife's meaty pussy you had pounded so hard the night before rubbing against Kazuha's white panties. "Maybe we should get her naked," you asked Sakura, but before you had even finished, she had already taken Kazuha's bra off. Both laughed when you started stroking your wood in front of them like a dirty pervert. Sakura kissed Zuha's neck while you looked at the youngster's body. Reaching under Zuha's angelic-looking panties, Sakura started fingering the youngster's pussy in front of you while spreading Zuha's long legs. Mouth in her neck, right hand in her tits, left hand in her pussy, Sakura was doing everything to get Zuha wet as quickly as possible, as the youngster enjoyed her unnie's magical touch.
After a while, Sakura stopped, and Kazuha bent over on the couch, with her unnie taking Zuha's panties off. Her meaty slit, just like Sakura's, showed off, but what drew your attention was the butt plug shoved on Zuha's rectum. "That's beautiful!" you exclaimed. "So shiny and pretty," Sakura added, showing her tongue and putting it close to Zuha's anal plug while fingering her pussy. Kkura then moved towards the plug, trying to take it out of Zuha's tight hole. "Look how shiny it is, baby," Sakura said. Zuha's young butthole as just as tight as you would expect. After both tasted the plug with their mouths, Sakura put it back inside Zuha's anus at your orders, as you wanted her hole to remain a surprise to you, but not before giving a few licks on Zuha's ass and putting her index finger up there. "Her asshole is so nice, tight, and warm," Sakura described.
"Look at this gorgeous body; do you wanna touch her?" Sakura asked you as she placed her thumb in Zuha's clit. You started touching Zuha's firm ass, and your thumb fingered her already wet pussy, thanks to your wife's efforts. "Let me slap it," you asked Kazuha, spanking her beautiful ass multiple times and getting impressed at her overall fitness. You grabbed her butt plug once more, removing it on your own to take an extra look at her beautiful asshole. "Spread it open for me," you asked Sakura, who grabbed Zuha's cheeks before inserting it back in. "Oh my God, this is amazing." You were in awe at Zuha's sexy ass but also at her very enticing pussy right in your eyesight. The only thing preventing you from fucking her right away were the second thoughts you were having about cheating on your wife in front of her on your first day of marriage.
"Stand up and shake your ass for me," you asked Kazuha, who now looked even more beautiful. Her tall frame looked very amazing, and her legs were to die for. Sakura wasn't lying when she said her body was her inspiration. Zuha bent over and started shaking her fit butt in front of you. "Wanna see her pink pussy?" Sakura intervened, spreading it as Zuha finished twerking. "Look how pink it is," Kkura said, but you only had eyes for Kazuha's ass. "Keep shaking. Shake it for me, my  baby, you ordered. Zuha started laughing as her ass bounced. "You're getting him harder," Sakura told her, as both of them were now laughing. "You know, hubby, she's only the first," Sakura said. "What do you mean?" you asked, but both just kept giggling and getting touchy with each other. "Come to the kitchen, baby; there are more delicious dishes waiting for you," Sakura continued, taking Zuha by her hand and moving towards the kitchen. As you three arrived, an angelic, cute woman in white lingerie was waiting for you.
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"Oh, my God," you said as a very recognizable face appeared in your sight. Sana really knew how to fit in everywhere she went. If Sakura and Kazuha were in a group of fallen angels, she made sure to match them perfectly. Sana's giggle was one of the most unique you ever heard of. She was really the only girl that could pull stuff like "shy shy shy" and look like a total hot bombshell the next second. Her amazing duality was now fully on display to you. Sakura got in front of her, giving Sana a few kisses. "She's so pretty." Even though you had known Sana for a long time, all you could muster was a reaction that made you look dumb. They just ignored you as your wife continued kissing her unnie while Kazuha watched.
Sana turns her head and grabs Kazuha's, kissing the youngster while Sakura moves to play with her torso, licking it from top to bottom and giving special attention to Sana's navel, knowing it turns her unnie on a lot, as she moans as soon as Sakura lands her tongue on Sana's belly button. As Kazuha turns her attention to Sana's white bra, Sakura goes even lower and starts kissing Sana in areas close to her pussy, but taking care to avoid it so she can tease her. "Lick it," you order Sakura, who puts her tongue into Sana's fabric while Kazuha teases Sana's bra, moving to take it off but backing off at the last second to tease her unnie.
"Let me have a taste of her," you ask Sakura regarding Sana. "Wait," she answers back. "Stand up, show him your full body," Sakura orders Sana, who shows you her striking beauty. Sana then turns around and showcases her ass. Just like she did to Zuha, Sakura grabs and spanks Sana's cheeks and shows them to you. "That's a beautiful ass that she has," you compliment Sana. Kkura and Zuha touch her together for a bit, and then Sakura moves to take Sana's panties off. "Slip those panties off," Sakura says as she does it, unveling Sana's anal plug.
"Wow, she has it too?", you ask after playing with Zuha's plug a while ago. Sana's butt plug isn't an ordinary one; she has a custom-made plug crafted by Graff, which she endorses, with multiple diamonds that spell her name in Japanese (サナ). Some have diamonds in the sky, in their eyes, but Sana has them up her ass. "Spread her ass; let me see it," you demand. "Those diamonds are such a nice touch," you say, unaware of how expensive they truly are. "You wanna see what her holes look like?" Sakura asks. "Yes, let me get in there," you immediately answer, but Sakura is very protective of her unnie and covers Sana's plug and pussy with her hand.
Sakura then tries to remove Sana's anal plug, but she struggles. Her butthole is just too tight and clenches at the minimal sight of any air entering its insides. The tip of the plug inside Sana's anus bulges as Sakura tries to push it out, changing the tone of Sana's skin around her rectum to an even pinker shade. "It doesn't wanna come out," Sakura says. It takes a while until she finally manages to do so. But your look at Sana's stretched butthole is short-lived, as it quickly clenches just a few seconds after the plug is off her hole. "Such a pretty butthole she has," you compliment as Kkura and Zuha taste Sana's plug and laugh. "Put it back inside," you ask as Sakura tongues Sana's tight anus for her own enjoyment before meeting your demand as Kazuha spanks Sana's butt.
"Turn around for me; I wanna see her titties too," you ask, taking a frontal look at Sana's sexy body. She takes the initiative herself, pulling her bra to the side and showing you her perky tits before Sakura takes it all off. "May I touch it?" you ask her. Kkura and Zuha quickly take advantage of it, with the older Le Sserafim girl licking Sana's left nipple while the young one licks her right nipple. Sana giggles at her boobs being stimulated, and you tell them it's beautiful. Wisely, Sakura also places her hands on Sana's pink slit when you feel jealous of them. "So nice and hard," Sakura says about Sana's nipples while you stare at their hands covering Sana's vagina. "Incredible pussy," you tell Sana while Sakura fingers it. You'll really have to fight your own wife to get it.
"It's so wet," Sakura says as she spreads Sana's pussy lips. "Touch her for me," you ask as Sakura keeps playing with Sana's clit and cunt. Sana squeaks a little as Sakura places her fingers inside her unnie's clit. "Check that beautiful pink pussy", Sakura says, leading all three of them to giggle. Her inner lips are very meaty, while her outer lips are perfectly shaped for Sakura to place her fingers between them. "I love that pussy," Kazuha says as they keep giggling while Sakura keeps circling her fingers around Sana's pink hole. "Let's put both pussies next to each other," you ask Sakura, wanting to compare Sana's and Zuha's breeding holes. Sakura touches both of them; they are similarly shaped, but Sana's a little meatier, especially on the inner lips. You touch Zuha's pussy while Kkura keeps playing with Sana's. "I think we should eat both of these pussies," Sakura says as she dives into Sana's clit and takes Zuha's pussy away from you. Your wife is truly leaving no crumbs, as she sucks both dry and gets them wet. "Such a good tongue," Sana praises Kkura, moaning hard as Sakura effectively sucks her cunt like a vacuum cleaner. "Sakura-chan, you're so good, fuck," Sana screams as Sakura sweeps her tongue on her.
"Now it's my turn," you tell the girls. "Sit them on the chair," you ask. Sakura does sit Kazuha in the chair and moves to eat her pussy now while Sana kisses the younger one. The teasing continues as they leave you out of their little menage. Zuha gets ganged up with Sakura tonguing her clit while Sana uses her hand on it and gives a little tap on Zuha's honey thighs. "Alright girls, turn around and put your knees in the chair to show me those asses," you ask them, to which they finally oblige. "Now this is what I want," you say as Sana and Zuha get on their knees with their buttocks facing you. Sakura gives Sana's ass some hard spankings while going soft on Zuha's, who is also the first girl you grab to get eaten out.
You dive between Zuha's cheeks, first licking the base of her anal plug. Sana and Sakura kiss the youngest up top while you yank her plug with much ease and start fucking her ass using it, moving the accessory up and down Kazuha's shithole. You move to Sana and do the same thing, but this time sniffing her cheeks. You get amazed at her rose-scented smell and the care Sana takes of her body, to the point that even her dirtiest holes are good-smelling. Just like Sakura before, you struggle to take Sana's plug out of her asshole. "Oh my God, you're really holding onto it," you tell her, leading Sana to gush out a loud giggle. She really does her best to keep it tight, doesn't she?. "Take your time," she tells you, not long before you finally manage to take it off. Her butthole is so small you could struggle to fit a marble inside, let alone a thick cock like yours.
You savor your reward, diving your face straight into Sana's asshole. "Tongue that asshole," Sana orders you as you grab her cheeks while she dunks your head towards her butt. "Bury that face in that ass, baby; it's where it belongs," Sakura tells you as Sana gives a little ass shake. You go deeper, taking not only your tongue but also your nose as you smell Sana's rectum. "That's where your face belongs, right between those ass cheeks," your wife keeps going, demanding you to keep eating Sana's bumhole as you pick up the pace. "That's right, put that tongue in that fucking little asshole." It's Sana's turn to heat you up as she moves her cheeks left and right as you continue to tongue her anus.
"How does that ass taste?" Sakura keeps teasing you, but you don't hear her. The smell of Sana's ass penetrating your nostrils gives you a primal urge to fuck her. Sana can sense it as she puts her head on the kitchen table, bracing herself for an intense anal penetration. However, you surprise her by pointing your massive, thick cock towards her tight, wet cunt. "You can put it in," Sakura says, giving the green light, and any second thoughts you had disappear as you attack Sana's poon hard from the start. Her moans are soft and almost childish; in a way, she's like one of the few girls that can still do aegyo while a massive meat rod stretches her out.
"Let me help spread her ass for you," Sakura says as Sana clearly struggles with the way you stab her tight pussy. Even for a seasoned veteran girl like her, your cock was in the top 1% of intensity, length, and girth, giving her a pounding she had rarely taken. "FUCK! GOSH!" Sana is already screaming as she tries to please herself, placing her own fingers in her clit. Even though Sana is the fucking subject, your eyes are on your wife's. You really don't want Sakura to feel jealous for fucking another girl in a way you had never done to her, even on your honeymoon. "Don't you like how that tight pussy grips your cock?" Sakura asks you. And indeed, you loved it. Sana's pussy really didn't let anything in besides your cock. No queefing was heard, as no air could even get in. The permanent friction makes her hole super wet, but the tightness means your cock fills her to the fullest in a way even she wasn't accustomed to, as she just closes her eyes and rides the pain of each thurst.
You pull out of Sana's pussy and let Kazuha taste the juices out of your cock; her sloppy sucking provides you with the extra lubrication to go back inside Sana's tight hole and also helps her unnie. With a wetter cock and Sana now acclimated to your big prick, your poundings don't result in her feeling pain and almost crying, but rather make her smile and feel delighted. Sana's juice provides the wetness your cock needs, and after a few thursts, you switch to Kazuha's. Unsurpringly, her young pussy is also very tight, but even with an easier entrance, it proves to be a challenger, as she's much less experienced and doesn't have many reps taking a girth 8-inch like yours, unlike Sana.
Luckily for Zuha, you are kinder to her than you were to Sana, grabbing her hot body and providing her a firm grip to hold onto while not going as hard in her pussy. Her biggest challenge is actually taking her unnies and overstimulating her, as Sakura kisses her while Sana sucks her perky little tits. You three provide Kazuha with a rough but passionate experience, with you increasing the pace as Zuha feels more comfortable while Sana kisses her and Sakura now fingers her pussy down under. "Unnies, I think I'm going to cum. Ahhhhhhhh!" Kazuha moans. Indeed, such ovverstimulation was new to her, as she juices flow into your massive instrument and you pull out of her. She feels overwhelmed but smiles at you, especially as you are a gentleman to her, and you help her get out of the chair.
There is more waiting for you, though. Sakura grabs the two other girls by her hands, guiding them towards your house's main hall. You follow them from behind to keep catching a glimpse of their bouncy asses. Just as you guys enter the hall, a fourth woman appears sitting on a chair while fingering her pussy, probably having impure thoughts of all the noise you four had made in that kitchen.
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Mina appeared in white lingerie similar to Sana's, but she had already taken her panties off a long time ago. The pillow under her chair was already wet with her juices. She also holds a dildo, which she licks while staring at you with naughty eyes. "Do you like her?" Sakura asks you, but you have no time for talking. Noticing her meaty cunt as she already has her legs spread and also the butt plug she has craved in her shithole, you get on your knees and eat Mina's clit right from the start. "That pussy is so sweet," Sana tells you while Sakura kisses Mina up top. I guess she has lots of experience tasting it.
As you keep sucking Mina's insides, Sakura takes Minari's bra off, with her still holding the dildo in her mouth. Sana watches you, probably ready to pounce as soon as she gets a chance. For now, she takes Mina's mouth and grabs her tits instead. Sakura and Kazuha are now having fun together as Zuha eats her unnie's pussy, leaving the affair with Mina as a little menage à trois between you, her, and Sana. "Put that ass up," you order Mina, wanting to see her anal plug and cheeks up closer. Mina's ass is so big, it was almost burying the plug out of your sight. You take Mina's perfectly shaved pussy and eat it out, while Sana now holds Mina's dildo and rubs it against her groupmate's clit as you switch your attention to the plug.
You play with Minari's plug, putting it in and out of her ass; meanwhile, Sana shoves the dildo back into Mina's pussy while kissing her. You look up top and see your wife orgasming with the young Kazuha working her tongue in her pussy. As Sakura climaxes, your eyes set sights back into Mina, who grabs your wife's tits while taking the dildo back from Sana and fucking herself in the pussy. You start tonguing Mina's little anus. "Let's eat her out together," you tell Sana, who takes her tongue out like a maniac and vigorously licks Mina's pussy, who now shoves her little toy into Kazuha's mouth. "Let me get a taste of that ass," Sakura tells you as she joins the fun, and Mina now fingers herself, even putting a tad of her fingers in Sakura's mouth while Kazuha is now the one sucking her tits.
Sana leaves her sloppy marks in the dildo, which Mina grabs back and shoves in Kazuha's mouth. As Sakura puts her middle finger up Mina's anus, Sana spits on her groupmate's cunt. Kkura wants more of it, as she now stretches Mina's asshole with two fingers. Sana does the same, but inside Mina's pussy, with the big-assed Japanese-American girl now getting double penetrated by a pair of fingers. Sakura is the first to pull out, making Mina taste her dirty shithole, to which she laughs. Kkura also gives Zuha some sloppy seconds while Sana takes full control of Mina's pussy, as Sakura also spits on it. You then grab the dildo from Sana's hands, who asks.
"What are you gonna do to her? Are you gonna fuck that ass?" Sana asks. Indeed, you were, but first with the dildo shoved up Mina's rectum. "Yes, spit on it; put it in there," Mina orders as the dildo easily slides inside her butthole. "AHHH FUCK!" Mina screams as once again she gets double-stuffed, this time by the dildo and Sana's fingers. "You like how her ass opens up for you? You like how it's getting ready for that dick?" Sakura kisses you, while Mina enjoys the kisses of both Kazuha and Sana. As these two move down to Mina's nipples, you start thursting the dildo up her ass. Now Mina is the one stuffing her fingers inside her own pussy.
"I think it's time to put my cock in there," you say, removing the dildo and feeding it into Kazuha's mouth, then Mina's, finally handing it to Sana as she fucks Mina's face with it. "Which hole do you wanna put it in?" Sakura asks. You choose the asshole. "Yes, put it right there," Mina cheers as you insert your tip in while Kazuha and Sana overstimulate her sucking her tits. Mina asks you to push it deeper as you finger her pussy. It turns out she has a lot of experience taking even the biggest cocks up that fat ass. Sana spanks Minari's pussy and gets some kisses from Sakura as you conquer Mina's anal cavity. "Oh my God!" you scream as Mina's butthole presses hard against your cock while Kazuha and Sana keep sucking the fat ass girl's tits.
"Everybody, let's spit on this dick," Sakura orders, starting it herself, followed by Zuha, Sana, and Mina herself. The three keep trading spits, turning Mina's thighs into a sloppy mess. "Who wants to suck it?" you ask, pulling out of Mina's asshole. Sana is the first to volunteer, as she really enjoys a dirty ass-to-mouth. She grabs your balls and sucks your prick all the way deep, rewarding you with a huge throatfuck that almost makes you cum when Sakura presses Sana's head into your crotch. Thanks to her help, you go back inside Mina's rectum with much more ease. Mina smiles as you stretch her out with an extra spit added by Sana. All three girls team up to help you two, as Kazuha fingers her pussy, Sana kisses her groupmate, and Sakura dives under you to suck your balls as you thurst in and out. Zuha and Sana then trade positions, with the latter spanking Mina's pussy.
"Baby, you're gonna make me cum," you say as Sakura keeps warming up your testicles, getting you ready to release. You have to pull out of Mina's asshole, but Sakura taking your cock in her warm mouth as soon as you do doesn't help much. You put her finger on Mina's pussy while holding herself back from bursting inside your wife's throat. "So you want the best of both worlds," Mina tells you when you pull out of your wife's mouth and put your cock in her pussy. But knowing you were about to explode, Kkura sets you up as she keeps massaging your balls anyway, leading to a very short stint inside Mina's cunt as you release your seeds inside it, taking her by surprise, but she loves it anyway. Lucky for you, Sana is right there to scoop the cum that keeps glued to your cock, taking it in her mouth and leading to you not deflating as soon as you burst.
Sana giggles as she slaps your cock in her face and jerks you off, helping you regain the erection you had just lost. "Come here, I have some more," Sakura says, with you still recovering with Sana's help. It turns out she isn't even halfway done, leading her convoy of girls towards the living room, where a fifth woman, already on all fours on the couch and wearing sexy red lingerie, waits for them.
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Momo's body never ceases to amaze you. She was so small yet could pack a punch that very few idols could. No wonder Sakura's first question as you four approached the living room was a quick "Do you see her ass?". Of course, you did. "Look at this," Sakura said as the four girls surrounded Momo. Her ass was already on full display, and just like everybody else, she had a butt plug in her bumhole. Momo laughed as the four girls praised her body, gifting the young Kazuha her first kiss while Sakura grabbed her ass and her two groupmates watched from above. Sakura, Mina, and Kazuha were the first three to give Momo a lick in the ass, while Sana kissed her and gave Momo a big smile.
"Let's make her wet," Sakura ordered. You're still out of frame trying to recover yourself while watching the girls make out with each other. Kazuha, as the first to also give Momo's pussy a lick, seemed like she really wanted to prove herself to her more experienced unnies. Momo was already being touched left and right like the main course of a buffet, but as Sakura was kissing her, Sana took the initiative and removed her groupmate's anal plug. Momo wasn't very fond of it. "Put it back in," she ordered, as if she were still saving her anus for something bigger. Sana obliged, but not without saying. "Sorry, baby, I just wanted to see how big that asshole is." Indeed, Momo's asshole was the most stretched out of the five, thanks to her longtime reputation as an anal queen. In the naughty underworld of K-pop, every single one of those girls had already been penetrated by multiple cocks at the same time, with the exception of the still-young Kazuha, including a few times when they had two in the same hole. But Momo is one of the few who once endured having three big rods stretch her ass at the same time. You weren't aware of it, but knowing her reputation, the bar to set was really high.
Sana kept plugging in and out of Momo's asshole while Kazuha fingered her pussy and Mina kissed her, then going further and fucking Momo's mouth with her hands and then spitting on her throat. "Show me the fucking whore you are," Mina told her, fisting Momo's throat deep while Sana spanked her butt and Kazuha tongueed her plug. Sana was particularly obsessed with Momo's asshole. "Make it gape," she ordered Kazuha. "One. Two. Three," she counted after Zuha put it back in, and she ordered another removal to spit on Momo's asshole. "Right down that fucking hole," Sana said as she watched her saliva disappear inside Momo's anus. "Such a nice butthole," Sakura said, which made Momo burst into laughter. "I love watching you girls have fun," she continued as once again her groupmates spread Momo's asshole wide open, and it was Mina's turn to spit inside of it.
"Take it out; we are all going to spit in there," Sakura told Kazuha, who held Momo's butt plug. The girls counted to three and spread Momo's ass, hitting her gaping anus from all sides, laughing at her (literally) sorry ass. Sana and Mina were the ones having the most fun. Sakura spiced things up as she did her classic special of putting your middle finger up a girl's pussy once more, leading Momo to let out a few moans. "Oh, yes, please do it," she demanded. "Do it, do it, do it," Sana added. "Spread that fucking asshole. She fucking wants it," she continued. "What she wants is that fucking cock deep inside her," Sana giggled.
Sakura sat on Momo's face, letting her unnie eat her bushy pussy. "She's a hungry slut." Mina and Sana continued to mock her groupmate as they overwhelmed Momo. "Hmm, look at those titties," Mina said as she slapped them while Sakura continued to ride Momo's dumb face, making her moan. "YESSSS!" Momo screamed as Sana put her thumb up her cunt. Momo then bounced Sakura's ass down her face and started eating her butthole as well. Meanwhile, Mina and Sana continued to go out of their minds, with the former conguing Momo's asshole while the latter was eating her pussy, while Sakura took Momo's bra off. Soon, Momo had girls teaming up in her fuckholes. Mina and Kazuha took her big gaping anus, with Sakura following it later, while Sana had her pussy all by herself. The other four girls knew they could go rough on Momo, and she would take it. She was Japan's top fuckhole, the #1 sex toy, and the girl with millions of followers who would do the wildest things just to get a day or night with her.
I guess the wildest thing you did was marry one of her friends. As you reappeared in the frame fully ready, your cock thobbing harder than ever as you watched this whole debauchery between five hot girls. "Open that ass." You already started giving Momo an order, to which she obliged like the good fucktoy she is. "Bring her closer to me." You continued to give orders, which the other girls followed. For the first time, your massive tip appeared in Momo's eyesight. In a rare thing for her, she looked frightened, blessing herself not to get ripped apart by your massive member. Whatever Sakura may have told her, it truly made one of the fearless girls you've ever met scared. Momo backed off a little, with the girls having to send her back in your direction.
Sana gave Momo a little hug as she spat on Sana's pussy and then started fucking Sana's mouth with her hands. Until she suddenly screamed. "YES. Yes, yes," she said as a tsunami of sensations emanated from her asshole. It was just the tip of your cock getting inserted in her. You couldn't say you didn't feel a bit pressured watching Momo feel so scared of your pole, to the point where you now wanted to confirm her fears and much more. "FUCK!!!!!" she screamed and dove into Sana's pussy to cope with the pain, even though out of your 8 inches, only a quarter were even inside her. Mina was the one enjoying a privileged view of it, as she grabbed both Momo's cheeks and stared at your crotch.
Your dick slipped out of Momo's butthole, giving her temporary relief. It didn't last long. "Come on, Momo, don't be shy, and bounce on his cock," Mina told her. You firmly grabbed Momo's ass and managed to put your length halfway inside as you started drilling her asshole. Momo truly had guts made of steel, given that as soon as your cock entered inside her, the gaping anus she once exibited immediately shut down. Mina dove into Sana's pussy, leaving Momo to fend for herself against your monster cock. "OH GODDDDD!" Momo screamed as you now had 6 out of 8 inches inside her. Just like with Mina, Sakura provided the heat on your balls as you kept pumping, but even though Momo's ass was a little smaller than her younger groupmate, it proved to be a much tougher challenge.
The stimulation Sakura provided to Momo's pussy was what eventually made things easier for you. Your wife's magic fingers made Momo weaker, and her asshole started caving as your cock kept pounding. "Please, please, please," she begged at the same time Sana was having an orgasm in front of her, thanks to the intensity with which Mina was eating her pussy. You pulled out of Momo's asshole for a second and let Kazuha clean your cock, as it seemed she was enjoying tonguing her unnie's ass. Momo tried to recover as the Le Sserafim angels teamed up on your cock, joining Mina on the stimulation of Sana, effectively splitting them into their groups. But it wasn't going to last long, as the only thing that was going to be split were Momo's holes in half.
You put your cock inside Momo again, but this time switching holes. Her pussy was very easy to enter compared to her asshole, but she was still screaming, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" Momo yelled as you now stretched her vagina, her ass cheeks full of hands as Sana's and Mina's joined yours. "Stretch that cunt wide fucking open," Mina demanded while Sana moved back and kissed Momo passionately. Momo kept praying to God as Sakura now appeared under her and licked her clit and your shaft at the same time. "Yes, hit those balls on her chin and Momoring's pussy." Mina kept cheering as she used Momo's ass like a pillow. "Let me suck the cock; I wanna suck it", Mina demanded as she licked Momo's anus.
"God, that hole is so fucking warm," you exclaimed as you pulled out of Momo. Mina was quick and took your cock for herself while spitting on Sakura's mouth just under her. "Oh, nice," you said of Mina's blowjoy, which Sakura joined with her classic ball-sucking move. Momo tried to stay out of your range, but Mina kept pushing her, knowing you were a raging bull ready to enter inside her slutty groupmate at any moment as she worked to keep your cock ready. Mina got surprised by a "helping" hand that dunked her head against your crotch, which turned out to be Kazuha's. At the same time, Momo turned around, making it the first time you had a sight of her body frontally. Her big tits and toned abs had you throbbing even harder.
Momo pushed Mina to the side and decided she too wanted to have a taste of herself. "Yes, you slut; taste your dirty holes." Mina talked dirty to her as Momo bobbed her head on your cock while Sakura still tongued your balls. Momo dropped your shaft from her mouth and spat on it. Your out-of-control pole took a swing, hitting Mina's left cheek as she kissed your ball-sucking wife. Sana took advantage of the scuffle and stretched her head out to suck your tip without using her hands, before Mina took it back to herself and resumed to stroke it hard. Momo and Kazuha tenderly kissed each other, not caring about the trio of whores fighting for your cock.
After Mina was done, Sakura took the turn, taking your cock deep in her mouth while Sana licked her neck. Mina kept moving like a maniac, now dunking your wife's head on your shaft. Sana licked her chops as Mina kept shoving Sakura against your crotch. Your wife eagerly took it until she gagged, then swept your cock on her face. "Let me see all these assets; come here; let me see them all," you told them, eliciting a loud cheer from all five. You put Sakura on the couch like she was your personal trophy, grabbing her waist while Mina and Kazuha traded kisses to the right of her. "Line up, ladies," Sakura instructed them as she took the far left side of the couch as you gave her anus a tonguing. "Oh yeah, I love when hubby eats my ass," she said. "Tell me how that tastes; I bet it's dirty," she continued.
You started working your mouth on Kkura's ring, but she would only be the first of many. Kissing and tonguing and giving her a little spanking as you moved to Sana's beautiful tiny asshole, you led her to shake her butt left and right as you licked it. "Eat this dirty fucking ass," Sakura kept saying. All the way on the right side of the couch, Mina and Momo enjoyed each other's mouths. Kazuha was next in the center of the couch. "Why do you still have this stupid plug?" you asked her as the other four laughed. "Let me take it off," you said, staying true to your words as you slowly took Zuha's plug out, unveiling her very tiny hole in the open. "God, look at this tall girl with such a small asshole," you said as you dug your head between Zuha's toned butt cheeks and aggressively tongued it. "Isn't it good?" Sakura asked as she led the girls. Mina was next. Her big fat ass was probably your favorite, diving at full speed to taste it as she also moved it left and right and clinged herself to a needy Momo waiting for her turn.
"Oh My God," you were enchanted by Mina's firm ass and top-notch butthole, but more girls were waiting for you. "The last of the assholes," you said, referring to Momo's, looking at her pair of cavities you had just stretched out a few minutes ago. Momo moved her ass back in your direction and placed her head against the couch's arm, closing her eyes just in case you happened to shove your big cock inside her again while grabbing her cheeks. Your cock truly had inflicted fear in a way she hadn't seen in a long time. But all she got was just a tonguing, just like the other four girls. As you finished the ass-eating session, Mina started twerking, which gave you an idea.
"Shake it for me; shake those asses," you said, spanking your wife's ass first, followed by Sana's. The five girls shook their asses on the couch. It was hard to pick which one did it more enthusiastically, but you really enjoyed Momo, Sana, and Sakura's shakes the most. But all that shaking would be pointless without more fucking. You served your wife first, rubbing Sakura's pussy, which you had used all night long the day before. "Stretched that butt for me," you demanded of Sana, who was right on her side. "In the ass?" you rethorically asked Sakura as she spread her anus with her left hand. "Yes, I wanna see that fucking whore take it in the ass," Sana said as you gave Kkura a little tease with your tip. before finally sticking your cock in the hole she denied you during that almost perfect night yesterday.
Sana gave Sakura's butt a bite as you shoved your cock in. "What a beautiful fucking sight," Sana said as you made Kkura scream with your girthy cock, as Sana muffled it with a kiss for your wife. Sakura truly hadn't saved her ass for no reason, as her hole looked super tight. "Spread it open," you ask Sana, who now serves as your assistant right beside Sakura. Sana placed her hands on Kkura's ass while also licking her armpits. "In and out of your whore wife just like that," damn, Sana was good at dirty talking, and you reward her by shoving your cock on your mouth to taste Sakura's dirty butthole. Sana retributed by spitting on Sakura's ring as she kept repeating those words while Mina was having fun eating Kazuha's ass in the background.
You grabbed Sana's neck and put her back on the couch. "Spread her asshole." You gave the command for Sakura while still fucking her, setting the tone for who was next in line. It turns out your wife is the only one that can gape Sana's tiny o-ring. "Let me fuck it," you say as Kazuha rests on Sana's ass. "Look at that beautiful asshole," the youngest says. However, even with Sakura's help, you struggle to hit Sana's hole, which quickly clenches, leading you to miss your first attempt at reaching paradise. But with a little help from Kazuha's spit and you firmly grabbing Sana's butt, you finally get there. Sana squeezes you from the start with barely the tip in; fucking her ass will be like drilling a steel wall.
Sana smiles as you insert your big prick inside her. She loves taking it up in the ass and starts moving her hips as soon as she spots a cock inside her holes. But this time you want to be the one doing the pounding, pushing it with all your might against her steel-esque cavity. You can barely put half your length in as Sana's hole shuts down around your tip immediately, crushing it in a way that would make any ordinary man cum at the spot. But you're different from the rest, and you keep pushing despite the resistance her tight hole gives you. "So good, so good, so good," you keep repeating almot as a coping mechanism to not cum, while Mina and Kazuha make sure to please Sana and finger her unnie's cunt.
"Okay, your turn next." You give up trying to stretch Sana's hole; there is still lots of time to go. Kazuha is next in line. If her ass is like her pussy you just fucked, you're in for a treat. But first, you make sure to sniff her clean hole, which she loves. Mina spreads Zuha's ring open, as it offers little resistance to your cock. "Holy fuck, that's so fucking good," Kazuha says as all her unnies make sure to help her, with Mina and Momo fingering her pussy, Sakura giving her a good rest on her shoulders, and Sana licking your tip alongside Zuha's ass, showing she was truly a fearless cock-lover and didn't bother putting herself on the line against your throbbing dick pounding any girl hard.
"That's fucking sexy," Sana says as you stretch Zuha's ass. "Hmmmm," all girls react at Sana's words; they love the way she talks dirty, don't they? Sana and Mina trade smiles at each other while Momo sucks Zuha's little tits as the Twice girls take care of their flexible angel friend. Sakura chimes in as she kisses Momo, while Sana sticks her tongue, ready for another ass-to-mouth from a Le Sserafim girl. "Let me fucking taste it; let me taste that asshole from your fucking cock," Sana asks and promptly receives, bobbing her head on your big prick as soon as you pull out of Kazuha.
"Let me get her next," you say as you're ready for a second round at the biggest butt of the quintet. The little Minari is ready; her eyes brighten as her turn comes, giving you her signature twerking as you eat her asshole. Mina moans as you insert your tip in her butthole, while Kazuha comes under her to eat her pussy. The girls cheer as Mina meets your thrusts with more twerking. Momo wants a taste of it as she rests her head on Minari's big, fat butt, begging for it. But you ignore her, focusing on Mina's ring as you keep clapping her cheeks.
Momo finally gets her wish but wants you to bring it back as soon as possible, taking a privy view of the anal pounding you give to her younger groupmate. "I want to taste that ass so bad before you fuck me," Momo tells Mina. Damn, this dumb bimbo is insatiable, you think to yourself. Mina's ass is an easy one to fuck, but you love how round and fat it is—truly a work of the gods. You pull out a little to tease Momo but deny her request, putting it back on for a few extra pumps; after all, there is never too much when it comes to Mina's butt.
You give Momo's ass a little tap, signaling she's next. The final girl on this anal casting couch had to get something special. And you made sure to give it to her. Momo pushed her body closer to your cock, giving it easy entrance as you had already gaped her hole. But she didn't see what was going to come next, as you mounted on her like a bull does to a cow, taking even Mina, who was to the side of her, by surprise. At that point, Momo knew she'd regret asking for that cock. "OH MY GODDDD!" she screamed as you took her hard from the start. No one was gonna help her except for a sneaky Mina who decided to lick her unnie's stretched cunt. Momo was all yours—the perfect submissive sex toy, like she is always ready to be. She can only pray as your monster cock fills every inch of her asshole. Momo loves the pain. "It feels so good," she says, as you increase the pace while Mina heats your balls up before you get so rough that you insert your whole sack deep inside Momo's sore butthole.
"AHHHHHHH~" Momo screams as her voice cracks. Your bull is worth the same as a trio of cocks stretching her ass out. The tiny dancer can only brace herself as you continue the rampage. You don't want this bitch to walk after this, and if you didn't have the other four horny girls to please, you'd probably stay the whole way, just fucking her shithole. "OH, OH, OH," Momo screams as you finally pull out of her ass, ripping it apart as your cock leaves her swollen hole. Sakura is there to taste her best friend's dirty asshole as soon as possible, diving into your cock. Momo also gets on her knees to taste herself, paying special attention to your now dirty balls, which makes Sana let out a huge laugh as she watches both team up on your cock as she kisses Kazuha. Mina soon joins in and wants a taste of Momo as well. They really like that little dancer, don't they? But Momo is the one who wants it the most, taking your whole shaft all by herself and pushing the other four aside.
"I wanna hear you choke on that dick Momoring," Mina tells her as Momo deepthroats you like a maniac. "Give me those balls." Sakura acts like a jealous wife and takes your cock away from Momo, who gets up just fine from your hard pounding. Maybe you need to go harder next time. "Let's suffocate him with our oshiris," Sakura tells them as she puts her ass in your right cheek, with Momo joining from the other side, Kazuha in your forehead, and Mina at your chin. Sana tries to sneak in, but she can't; these butts are just too big and leave her twerking in the air, but you still make sure to find hers. Sakura gets the privileged spot as the wife, fully twerking on your whole face now. "So many asses; that's a lot of asses for one lucky guy," she giggles as you take Mina's big butt for a treat too.
"I want to get smothered," you tell them. "As you wish," Sakura replies, as Mina and Kazuha are the ones taking the most of your face now. You sniff their butts in a clockwise direction, starting with Mina's, followed by Momo's, Zuha's, Kkura's, and finally Sana's, only interrupting them as you ask the next question.
"So who wants to suck my dick?" you say as all five girls answer positively. "Gives us that dick, please, please," Momo is the biggest beggar, as the girls now sit on the couch. All five girls get on their knees, but Momo and Sakura start ahead, with your wife taking her preferred spot at your balls while Momo sucks your shaft. But there is room for everybody as they move to the side for Kazuha to suck it, Mina emerges sucking your balls, and Sana appears at the bottom of the pile, rimming your asshole. Somehow they managed to have all their mouths at the same time, sucking that pole, despite the very confined space. Soon you find out what a dream Misamo triple blowjob looks like as the first two take on your dick by the side while Momo emerges like a thirsty whore to suck that tip.
You can't help but feel overwhelmed as Sana almost rips your balls apart while Momo engulfs your massive sword like it's nothing. Soon Kazuha emerges as the main cocksucker, with Sana bobbing her head against your crotch. Finally, Sana gets her turn to be the main girl, and you regret not doing it earlier, as her no-hands blowjob makes you tremble, especially with the aid of Mina licking your shaft beside her, before she lets Mina take her turn and dunks her head just like she did to Kazuha. "Look at that fucking slut gagging on that cock," Sana says as she and Mina get between your legs once more, and bubbles come out of Minari's mouth as Momo holds her younger groupmate's nose while she gags.
"Let me stand up," you tell them, but as you do, Sana is already backing down and sucking your dick once again without needing her hands. You're soon fully surrounded again, with Momo and Mina to your left, Sana in the center gagging on your cock, and Kkura and Zuha to the right. "You like that, hubby? Five mouths all over your dick and  balls."Sakura asks. "Oh, yes, so good," is all you can say, your head empty of any thoughts at this point. "Fuck her pretty face," the girls tell you as Sana's mouth is too hard for you to resist and you push your cock deep in her throat. You then start passing your cock around each girl's mouths as if they are glory holes to stick your dick on and nothing else. They might be.
"So many warm mouths," you tell them. But there is much more to go. "Get on the edge of the couch," you tell them as they line up once again. This time the couch is empty, and you'll be the only one using it. You start right where you finished last time, mounting on Momo this time to fuck her slutty face. Sana's eyes brighten as you top her whore groupmate while she sucks Momo's big tits. But Momo looks so dizzy that her mouth shuts as soon as you get in. You move next to Sana, who's much more eager to take a pounding until your cock bulges in her throat. Next is Kazuha, who, it turns out, has a pretty flexible throat as well. Minari follows suit as she bubbles all over your dick. For your wife, you decide to be different and just kiss her tits, already having your next move in mind.
"Who wants to make my wife cum?" you ask all the girls. "YESSSS!" they scream in unison, surrounding Sakura as Mina licks and spits on her pussy. Sana follows suit and eats Sakura's ass. Soon, Momo kisses Sakura while Kazuha sucks her unnie's beautiful boobs as you just watch, getting ready for another round. "HOLY FUCK. What the  hell?"Sakura screams as Mina and Sana tongue her pair of fuckholes to perfection and soon find themselves sticking their fingers on them. "Fuck her cunt and asshole," you tell both as they stick their fingers deep into Kkura. "Oh God, I wanna fucking cum," Sakura says as Momo looks at her romantically and gives her a triple kiss alongside Kazuha. "OHHHHH HOLY FUCK!" Sakura screams as her juices fly into Mina and Sana's mouths, and she orgasms.
The girls laugh as they successfully please your wife. Sana pulls one of her dirty little tricks and kisses Sakura's butthole, making her scream. "You girls did a good job; now it's my turn," you say as Sakura lies on the couch, Mina still with hands on her pussy. Sakura lifts her legs as you take her in the ass, with Mina still in your cock's line of sight as she remains addicted to your wife's pussy. Sana keeps her fearless spirit as she sucks on your balls even with your relentlessly pounding your wife's rectum, making Sakura scream as if she were some elite vocalist.
"You like it?" you ask Sakura as you choke her. "YESSS!" she screams, looking at you with her eyes full of lust. "FUCK. FUCK ME HARDER," she keeps screaming. Mina and Sana are the most enthusiastic, as they share a privileged view of you manhandling Sakura, spitting at every opportunity they can. You give your wife hot kisses as a depraved Momo now licks Sakura's dirty toes. "AHHH, THAT'S SO FUCKING HOT!" Sakura keeps screaming as Mina puts the heat up and finger fucks her. "Suck it, suck it," you tell the Twice pairing as Mina tastes Sakura's asshole while Sana literally grabs you by the balls with her nasty mouth.
"Let's bring the next fuck, Momoring," you say. Judging by the last few times, the girls know something insane is about to happen. And they were right, as you quickly smashed into Momo's worn-out butthole balls deep from the start. It truly is your favorite hole of all the 15 you have at your disposal. Mina and Sana stay down low and finger her groupmate's cunt. Momo gets jackhammered as you pump in and out of her rectum more than five times each second while groping her cowbells up top. Kazuha joins the remaining Twice girls under Momo, and they take turns fingering her pussy as your balls smack her clit full speed. "OH GOD," Momo begs as you spank her tits, while Sakura sits on her face to let Momo scream all over her wet cunt.
"You fucking like that in your ass?" Sakura asks Momo, who screams just like she did before. Her big tits are now your playground as you smack, suck, grope, and spank them with no regard. Momo is almost falling out of the couch, holding herself by her right leg as you continue to destroy her. "Fucking hot that whore getting pounded like that," Sana laughs as she taps Momo's pussy while Mina is now the one getting smashed in the face by your hammering balls. "That fucking asshole will never be the same," Sana says, impressed at the speed with which you pound Momo even after many minutes. "Pound it, pound it, pound it," both Sakura and Mina say. Japan's top sex toy, Hirai Momo, is all yours, and you can't help but feel on top of the world as you give her an anal orgasm with one final deep and long thrust.
Sana is already waiting with her mouth as soon as you pull out, taking on her favorite butthole like a champion. "Who wants to go next?" you ask as Sana still hogs your cock in her mouth. "I think Minari should go now; that fat ass needs a hard pounding," Sakura says as Mina takes the same spooning position on the couch as Momo and her. "Give it to me," Mina begs as she rests her head on Momo's tummy while her groupmate is fingering Mina's cunt before you even get in her asshole. You slip a little trying to get in, but Sana's helping hand ensures it isn't long before you're pounding Mina's fat ass once more. You give Mina no rest, fucking her as if you were going for another round with Momo. Big asses ask for rough pounds after all. Sana loves it the most as she licks Mina's pussy while your flying balls hit her cheeks multiple times.
"Can you take this dick like a good submissive whore?" Momo asks Mina while slapping her face, bragging that she survived the rampage you gave her just a couple minutes ago. "Yes, Momoring, I can take... FUCK." Mina can't finish the sentence as you turn up a notch. As Momo shuts Mina's screaming mouth down, Sana and Sakura giggle at each other as they team up on your cock. Holy shit does Sakura love licking her hubby's balls because she's doing it again? Mina has to use her whole strength to survive the four whores surrounding her and your big cock obliterating her rectum. Momo and Kazuha join and help you grope her little tits. "FUUUUCCKKKKK" is all she can say. Her rodeo with your bull doesn't last long as you finish her just like you did Momo, a deep thust that makes her cum.
This time, Sakura is the one who arrives first at the crime scene and does the traditional ass-to-mouth greetings. "Fuck yes, that was insane," Mina says as she steps down. "Alright, who's next?" Sakura asks, acting as the leader of the five whores. "I want the best rider on the team; who is she?" you ask. "SANA! SANA! SANA!" the other girls start to chant as this time you sit on the couch with your pole fully erected. Sana's tight hole has been a challenge for you all day, so much so that even she misses it. "Please put it in," she says, using her cute aegyo voice, and lets Mina insert that throbbing dick in her anus. "Spit on it," Sakura orders, as she and Momo also give Sana a helping hand.
You finally manage to impale Sana, as the surroundings of her asshole quickly turn red with your dick under it. But she bounces hard on your erection nonetheless, even attempting a little twerking and tilting her butt a little to hit the best spots of her rectum. Mina chimes in and licks your shaft while Sana's cute ass smashes her face, before moving up and licking Sana's cock-filled butthole. "Let's fucking do it!" Sakura cheers on Sana, who now takes your cock full length in her ass. You can't resist and try to do your best to drill her tight butthole, as you now thurst upwards and make Sana squeal at each pounding. Momo appears and sits on your face while silencing Sana with a few kisses, making you have a used-up asshole to eat with your tongue and a tight asshole gripping your cock at the same time.
Sakura appears suddenly and is now the one sitting on your face as you eat her cunt, which you used up so well last night, while Sana resumes her ride with the help of Momo. "Yes, spread my asshole," she begs as Momo pushes her down your pole until your cock finally slips out, letting Mina take a turn sucking Sana's anal juices. Mina tries to put it back in as Sana commands, but she almost puts it in her pussy instead, trying to find the already shut-down hole. "Come on, Minaring," Momo says as the Twice trio works together for Sana to have another ride as you two challenge each other with you impaling Sana from down low while she bounces as hard as she can from up top.
"Take it, take it, take it," Sana orders as soon as she pulls out, letting Momo have her moment with her clean asshole as Mina is right there for some sloppy seconds, the Misamo trio working as a perfect unit. "Give it back to me," Sana orders, still not done with your cock. "It's so fucking deep; keep pounding; pump it until I cum," she says until you finally manage to reach the depths of her anus and make her cum, as she instantly puts her hands in her asshole right after. It had been a while since a cock had made her this sore.
As Sana finishes her insane ride and Mina tastes Sana's butthole from your cock, before Sana does it herself as well, while Sakura continues to ride on your face, you start wondering something. "Where is Kazuha?" you ask, but it gets muffled under Kkura's cunt before trying a second time but not finishing as Mina and Sana team up on your cock and make you groan. As the least experienced of the five, Zuha has barely appeared in your sights lately, with Sakura and the Misamo trio handling most of the action. You finally find her, as she looks a bit lost trying to sneak between the Twice girls and suck your dick.
"Come here, baby girl," you tell Kazuha, kissing her in an almost consoling manner for leaving her out of the action. Mina comes under Zuha's tall body and licks her asshole, preparing the youngester for the upcoming pounding. Zuha turns around and sits on your lap as Sana guides your cock towards the youngster's tight ass. Zuha pants as your cock starts impaling her insides as Momo tries to comfort her by fingering her pussy. The girls cheer as your length disappears inside Kazuha's ass, Mina once again appearing to lick more pussy. "Yes, fuck that ass," Sakura commands as you push your dick up Zuha's hole. Meanwhile, Sakura and Sana take some time to have fun together as your wife sits on Sana's beautiful face.
Zuha struggles with your massive cock, twisting and screaming at each strike as you go harder and harder on her. Mina and Momo laugh at her as they are the experienced ones who have taken many of those poundings. Momo now kisses Zuha while Mina takes on the duties of fingering her pussy and grabbing your thursting cock by the balls. You take a much slower approach with Zuha, but her lack of experience shows as she feels the heat in her ass in a much easier way than the other four girls. Sakura then lifts Zuha's legs, leaving her even more defenseless. Zuha approves of it despite never taking such a rough fucking before. The girls really treat it as her innitiation, as Mina places her full hand inside Kazuha's tight pussy while Momo fingers her clit, making Zuha scream even harder.
"OH MY GOD, PLEASE KEEP GOING!" Kazuha screams as your cock and the girls' hands overwhelm her. "Look at that slut being destroyed by hubby's big cock!" Sakura cheers and laughs at her groupmate. Mina and Momo keep providing full stimulation, as the former now sucks Zuha's perky, erect nipples while Momo kisses the youngster's neck and keeps fingering her cunt. "SHIT!" Kazuha curses as Sana caresses her thighs before penetrating her as well, her long nails hitting the depths of Zuha's orgasming pussy. The Misamo trio keeps bringing the heat, as all three now have their hands touching Zuha's vaginal area.
"Make this slut cum," Sakura orders as the three Twice girls continue to work on Zuha's body. Momo now kisses her tits while Mina keeps penetrating Zuha, while Sana now kisses and chokes the youngster. "You fucking dirty slut," Sakura says as she now takes on the role of choking Zuha while Mina and Momo take turns rimming your asshole. It isn't long before they make your wife's order come true as Zuha finally cums, leading to a fight to see who will taste her ass. Sana arrives first, but it's Momo and Sakura who take the most of it before they leave Zuha for a few sloppy seconds as she bobs her head hard on your dick.
"You want another turn?" you ask Sana, feeling like you have unfinished business inside her tight hole. Sana spreads her legs as the other girls surround her. Mina keeps being the nastiest as she spits on her unnie's pink pussy. You finger Sana's butthole, attempting to loosen it up. Momo tries to help, but you decide you have no more time to wait, pushing her to the side as you stick your cock back inside Sana's asshole, struggling to stick even the tip. Mina watches from a panoramic view, her head right at Sana's tight cunt. "God damn it," Sana curses as she starts fingering herself, waiting for your hard pounding.
"I fucking love that," Sana says as Momo is now the one sticking her hands in her pussy. You and Momo move in perfect sync, penetrating Sana as she giggles at every kiss you two give her. You grip Sana by her thighs as you increase the pace, while Mina joins Momo to put a second hand inside Sana's pussy. You finally manage to hit full speed as Sana's butthole loosens up just enough for you to drill it deeper, her face and skin turning redder than her anus as you keep going. Sana becomes a screaming machine as Sakura somehow manages to sneak her hand inside her pussy as well.
"Please give me, give me, give me," Sana continues as your cock goes in and out of her tight shithole in full swing, taking long but fast and deep thursts each time. Her tight hole squeezes you so hard you have to stay collected, not cum, using Mina's mouth as a relief a few times as you pull out of Sana before sticking back in for a harder pounding. Mina now has full control of her unnie's meaty pussy, making sure to eat out every single one of Sana's folds until she cums. Mina spreads Sana's pussy lips and tongues her pussy even deeper as you stay put. You two are now working in tandem to make Sana reach her orgasm.
Sakura joins in as the helpful wife, kissing you as you continue to stretch Sana's asshole out. "Hubby likes this dirty slut's tight hole," she says, now resting her arms on Sana's head as she provides her with a cushion for your rough pumps. As Sana finally cums, you dive to taste her tight, squirting pussy, not giving a waiting Mina a chance to be the first as you reward the beautiful Osaka girl with licks that make her gush more and more juices out of her babyhole. You finally give Mina a chance to lick it as you move to Sana's red and sore asshole, appreciating the work you just did in there. "Put your tongue in there," you then order Mina as Kazuha's large hands now rest under Sana's pussy.
Mina makes sure to eat Sana's anus as much as possible, searching for the taste of your cock there. You give the girls some time to enjoy themselves, as Sakura is now eating Sana's pussy while Momo sucks her tits and Kazuha kisses her. Seeing your wife on her knees while eating another pussy makes your primal instincts take over you as you shove your prick inside Sakura's asshole without warning. "WHAT? AHHHHH  FUCKKKK! Sakura screams as your thorbbing tip pokes her hole. You go all-in from the start, doing to Sakura what you just did to Momo the first time. Sakura spreads her ass, trying to loosen it up, while Mina, always her, is right there to watch.
Dueling screams ensure in your couch as you drill Sakura's ass while Momo and Kazuha eat Sana out and attempt to make her cum again. "FUCK, YOU'RE SO DEEP IN MY ASS," Sakura says as Mina now kisses and bites your wife's shiny butt. You want to make sure to make up for the lost time, ramming Sakura at full force. She has to cling to Momo's big tits in her face, biting them so hard that Momo lactates on Sakura's mouth. "Look at that fucking little asshole taking that whole big cock," Sana says dirtyly as she watches you destroy Sakura. "Look at her taking the whole fucking thing," she continues as she rests her head on Sakura's shaking butt, giggling with her tongue out while Mina fingers your wife's cunt.
"Keep that fucking asshole; stretch it out to the fullest," Sana adds. "Show your hubby the fucking whore you are," she keeps going while Momo now dives under to eat Sakura's pussy. You let her and Mina taste your dirty cock before going back inside Sakura's used-up cornhole. Mina swaps her saliva with Sana while Kazuha spits on her unnie's ass. "Put it back in her," Momo demands, enjoying the pounding she once took, and now you're delivering it to your wife. But you have different plans and want them to make your wife cum. "Lick her pussy," you ask Momo, who's followed by Mina and Sana eating Sakura's ass. Sakura and Momo now perform a 69 with your wife on top as you enjoy them licking each other.
"Fuck, you're making me so wet," Sakura tells the other girls as her hands fist Momo's meaty pussy. Mina now licks Sakura's ass by herself, and you decide to push her deeper into it as you start pounding her massive ass. The chain is now complete as Sana kisses Sakura, then Kazuha sucks her groupmate's tits, and Momo eats your wife's pussy while you bury Mina's mouth in Sakura's asshole at each thurst you give in her ass. It doesn't take long until Sana abandons the other girls to watch you destroy her little fucktoy groupmate, licking her chops as her nails finger Mina's pussy and she spits on her ass cheeks.
"Get on the floor. Let's play a little game," Sakura says as she takes your cock out of Mina's butthole and puts you to the ground. "You're gonna get 4 levels of riding: easy, medium, hard, and extreme, and you can't cum or you'll have to clean up this whole mess we're making. Let's start". Momo is the first to sit on your hard cock as the easy challenger, as you already had loosened up her butthole so much. Her ass is extremely sore, and she can barely walk, but she takes on the challenge of getting impaled. "Put that dick in that fat ass and ride that cock," Sakura says as the girls spank Momo's big butt. "Fucking juicy ass bouncing on that dick," Sana follows.
Momo doesn't last long before she collapses, her asshole completely sore after taking so much of your big cock. Mina tastes her unnie's dirty asshole, and then Momo rewards you with a deepthroat. "That's a great fucking cock," she says. Sakura steps up next, right after you have already used her worn-out hole a lot, but not as much as Momo's. "Spread that ass," she tells the other girls as you impale your hot wife. "Tell me how good this feels," Momo asks. "It feels like my hubby has such a massive cock," Sakura replies. Mina and Kazuha team up to do the spanking while Momo pushes Sakura's ass down your crotch.
Sakura quickly ends her run, tasting her hole alongside Mina right after. "So Sharon is the ass taster of the group," you say as Sana spits on your meat for Kazuha to be the next. Her tight, young ass could be the one that makes you cum. "She's got such an amazing ass," Momo says as she spanks Zuha's cheeks, and Sana and Mina take a bite of it as Kazuha starts to ride. Momo pushes Zuha's ass down as the young girl starts to scream. Kazuha gets too carried away as your cock ends up slipping out of her asshole, leading to a queefing sound coming from her tight ring. Momo and Mina are right there to taste it, but Kazuha wants something as well.
You start to pant and wonder if you could survive the extreme level as Sana prepares to sit on your boner. "Poke this slutty asshole," Momo orders to Mina, who spits on Sana's tiny body while licking your tip at the same time. Mina keeps missing Sana's tight entrance to the point where Sana takes control and puts it in herself. She's so eager that your cock slips out after just a couple bounces, forcing Mina to push it back in with a little sloppy help from Momo. Sana twerks on your cock as Mina decides to be her ass-kisser and worship her butt. The more the other girls spank Sana, the harder she bounces.
"Are you gonna cum all over this fucking dick?" Momo asks but at the wrong person. You're now the one who has to use all your strength not to fill Sana's tight butthole with your seeds. "Cum, cum, cum, cum," Momo repeats, but instead of Sana, he is inducing you to think about it nonstop. You pull out just in time to escape a romp of cum coming out of your canal, getting eased up as the five girls surround your cock to suck it. Mina and Sana take the most of it, like usual, as they warm up your cock for the grand finale.
"Time to empty those balls in your hot wife or you'll be sleeping in the cold," Sakura says as Sana sucks your shaft while Mina puts the heat on your balls. Sana guides your cock right into Sakura's butthole. "Shove it as deep as you can," she says as she starts eating Sakura's pussy. You are very close but want to last a little longer, taking pauses to feed Sana's mouth with your cock. Meanwhile, Sakura is having her best time as Mina now sits her fat ass in her face while Kazuha licks Minari's ass. Momo is now completely out of the picture, dealing with her sore asshole.
You come close once more but use Sana's mouth to bail you out at the last minute, teasing Sakura that she'll need more to earn your cum. But Sana is selfish and takes your cock deep in her throat, making you almost give in on the spot, leading you to take the safer route and pound Sakura as hard as you can. Sana finger's Sakura's now squirting cunt, sticking her tongue out to taste the juices. Your wife's orgasm is too much for you to handle, as her clenching butthole makes you finally cover her anal walls with your white paint.
Sakura releases the cum out of her ass into your recently bough carpet as the four girls fight among each other for a taste of it. Sakura gives you a big smile and licks your shaft before you request something from them.
"I wanna see the girls asses one final time," you say as the girls now get on their knees on the couch. "Yes, you are the king of our asses," Sakura responds as the girls line up. You compliment all the girls.
"Thanks for such a tight hole, Sana. Sakura, you're the best wife ever. Mina, I... don't even have words to describe that ass. Zuha, you're a star in the making. And Momo, it should be illegal to have an ass so dangerous." 
"Stand up," you ask the girls as they gape their pounded asshole for you to check. Sana's butthole is completely red and stands out the most, but Mina's and Momo's aren't far behind. "I think that's it for today, hubby," Sakura says as the girls bow to your cock and crown you their oshiri king.
"Only for today; tomorrow is a different story." Momo finishes as the girls head towards the shower, disappearing from your view. "I'm truly a lucky bastard," you think as a familiar voice interrupts your thoughts.
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ellecdc · 7 months
I have been summoned by the Poly!Wolfstar notification!!!!
I’m always a goner for brother’s best friend trope and this time it’s best friends so literally double the fun ☺️ This is just so soft and adorable pls you’re spoiling us, queen!
Part 2 where they tell Jamie and he actually already knew? Cause the joke is always James can be oblivious most of the time, but they don’t know it doesn’t apply to his sister so he already knew, most likely even before she knew herself cause he’s a sweet brother like that.
*sigh* I want a big brother
Love you queen! 💕
hahaha awe you're so right babes. it's really funny because I have this request and then the exact opposite version of this request - so it will be fun to write the other one too! it'll take me a lot longer though, angst always does.
part one here - but can be read as a stand alone
poly!wolfstar x potter!reader - you & the boys tell James
“You’re going to wear a hole in the rug there, dolly.” Sirius drawled in faux nonchalance as the two of you waited in the boys’ dorm room for Remus to return with James.
You were going to do it. Today. You were going to tell your brother you were dating his two best friends.
No big deal, right?
Except it was a big deal and you were absolutely losing your bloody mind.
And then your boyfriend had the audacity to be sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard, casually telling you to relax like he wasn’t also shaking in his boots Doc Marten’s. 
Remus had volunteered to be the one to retrieve James for the lot of you. Mostly because you would have likely broken down in a mental state if it had been you, and Sirius likely would have blurted it out on his way up the stairs.
The door clicked and you could hear the quiet mumbling of your boyfriend and the much louder mumbling of your brother as the two entered the room. Based on the smiles on their faces, particularly James’ who eyes crinkled in delight, they were talking about something funny.
“Oh! Hey bug.” James called to you, seeming surprised you were here but not perturbed. “Hey Pads; Moony said you guys wanted to talk?”
Remus stayed standing near the door and you paused in your nervous pacing whilst Sirius scooted to the end of his bed, elbows on his knees and feet resting on his school trunk.
James didn’t look at all disturbed or uncomfortable. In fact, he looked completely at ease, here in the room with three of his favourite people in the whole world. Remus, the person who he goes to when he needs to feel grounded. Sirius, his best friend and partner in crime. And you, his twin sister and other half.
What were you doing here?
Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe you shouldn’t tell him. This could ruin him; this had the potential to ruin three of James’ most precious relationships. How could you have been so selfish? He didn’t need to know, the least the three of you could do is keep this to yourself. Abort, abort, abort.
“So?” James asked, looking around at everyone with a raised eyebrow. “Are you finally going to tell me the three of you are dating?”
You were sure your heart stopped. Remus blew out an exasperated laugh and Sirius choked on air. 
“You knew!?” Sirius screeched.
James smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah?”
“How?” You whispered.
James’ face softened significantly when he took in your face that was drained of all colour. “Well, Pads here is about as subtle as an erumpent. Moony has been mooning over you since like third year. And I’d have to be blind – do not joke about my eyesight – not to notice the way you look at them.” He offered simply.
“So, you’ve known all this time and just let us tiptoe around?” Sirius asked, sounding a little miffed – at his friend for allowing him to make a fool of himself, or at his apparent lack of discrepancy, you weren’t sure.
“I figured you guys would tell me when you were ready.” James said simply again.
“Are you mad?” Remus asked quietly, pointedly looking at you ask he asked. He knew this was your biggest fear, the potential fallout. You weren’t sure what you’d do if James refused to accept your relationship with Remus and Sirius. You couldn’t bear the thought of breaking up their friend group; three people would lose if that was the case, but it would only hurt you if you were the one to step away. 
“No.” James said as he moved his head back and forth slightly. “I guess I was hurt you didn't tell me, but I could also understand why you didn’t. But no, I’m not mad.”
You blew out a breath at that, but it came out incredibly shaky. Unfortunately for you, no one in the room missed it.
“Awe bug. I’m sorry.” James said as he stood and offered his open arms to you. You took him up on his offer and accepted his hug, leaning your head onto his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Jamie.”
“Don’t be, yeah? I’m happy for you, really.” He assured, rubbing roughly on your back. 
“Yeah?” You asked as you pulled back to look at him. You couldn’t see any contradictions on his face, only love.
“’Course. You’re the best, and I want the best for you.” He shook your shoulders a little, smiling like ‘did you seriously think otherwise?’
“Are they good to you?” He whispered, and though you knew your werewolf boyfriend and your canine animagus boyfriend could both likely hear the conversation, they allowed this moment to be yours and James’ alone.
“So good, Jamie. Promise.” You said, feeling tears prick at your eyes. 
“You’ll tell me if they’re not?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, but James wouldn’t let you pull away as you wont to do. “I wouldn’t involve you in it, James. They were your friends first; I’m not going to come between you.”
James’ brows furrowed a little as he seemed to ponder your words. “Perhaps...but you were my sister first. If anything, they’d be coming between us.”
You opted to smile at your brother and pinch his side like you knew he hated. “Never. That’s impossible.”
At that he finally let you go, returning your smile ten-fold. “That’s what I’ve been trying to say! So? Are we good?” He asked, turning to the rest of the room.
Remus had a proud and slightly emotional smile on his face while Sirius just stared between the two of you, eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed. 
“I’m sorry. What just happened?” He finally spat.
Remus groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. “Sirius, please. This went about as well as we could have hoped.”
James’ head popped up at that. “Oh! Sorry, did I make that too easy on you all?”
Sirius let out a scoff that sounded like “uhm, duh?”
“I could make it harder on you?” James offered.
“Please do.” Sirius said eagerly, causing you and Remus to groan in sync. 
James offered a quick ‘okay’ and cleared his throat, allowing silence to settle throughout the room as he picked up a stray book off his school trunk. 
Suddenly, he threw the book onto the ground, creating a booming thump. “MY SISTER!? ARE YOU KIDDING? YOU’RE DATING MY SISTER!?”
“JAMES PLEASE, JUST HEAR US OUT!” Sirius shouted back just as passionately. 
James scoffed in derision. “HEAR YOU OUT? HEAR YOU OUT. I THINK I’VE HEARD ENOUGH!”
“IT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME!” Sirius called back, dropping to his knees on the floor in front of James. 
You shared a look with Remus as the theatrics continued, knowing this could go on for hours.
“Should we leave them to their drama?” Remus asked you.
“Please.” You nearly begged, taking his hand and exiting the dorm, catching one last sentence before the door clicked shut behind you.
“I DON’T CA- wait are you really? That's so cute!”
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bunnys-kisses · 1 month
bunny, dearest!! i’ve truly been craving some spicier brownies lately, perhaps with a side of coffee. oh, and a mocha, too, for max ☕️ xx
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want to submit your own order? then hit up the menu! there's tons of options to choose from! so please, check it out! i also accept prompts outside of f1! i've recently added some new prompts, so i hope you enjoy them! as for this anon, thank you for the lovely request! it's a lot of chocolate (yum)! i hope you enjoy!
and check out the master-list
brownies ("you're so much more agreeable when you have something to occupy that mouth of yours.") + coffee (rivals au) + mocha (breeding kink) served by max verstappen (formula one)!!
cw: smut/pwp, rivals au, ferrari driver!reader, breeding kink, pregnancy, dirty talk, rough sex, mean!max, doggy style
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max had his fair share of rivals. from being the best along side lewis hamilton to the childhood rivalry he shared with charles leclerc. while he was able to brush those off, laughing about how it was all in good fun. part of the game was to be able to go wheel to wheel with another driver.
you, on the other hand. ferrari's little trail blazer. needed to be put in your goddamn places. especially when you made him dnf at the dutch grand prix.
"you're a bitch."
"and you apparently don't know how drive." you shoved max away from you. you could feel the anger radiating off of him.
"they should've never let you on the track. not when you're driving like a madwoman. they should revoke your license, you bitch."
this was the face of mad max. the stubborn, aggressive, almost insane driver that they let on the track at seventeen. but you held your ground as you spat back, "aw, is someone made that daddy was watching you spin out? is that why you're getting in my goddamn face you fucking prick!"
max could feel his lip twitch. he grabbed you by the front of your ferrari shirt and kissed you deeply. you were both in your hotel room, which max bulled himself into. now you were pressed against the back of the door with max's hands digging into the front of the shirt.
there was a moment of silence, the two of you looking at one another. two rivals till the bitter end. then it happened. you kissed one another with a hot fever.
when you pulled away, you saw the tension leave his shoulders. you said, "you're so much more agreeable when you have something to occupy that mouth of yours." then ran your thumb across his soft lips, "is that all you needed? a kiss. what are you twelve?"
he exhaled deeply through his nose before he said, "no, i need to fuck you." then he took your shirt from the bottom and started to get you undressed.
sneakers kicked off by the door. your shirt over the couch, his jeans thrown in the direction of the window. your panties ended up over the nightstand and the rest of your clothes were in various places around the room.
max had you pinned under him, your ass up against his hard cock. the rush of today's race still sparked in your minds as he rubbed his achy cock against your wet cunt.
"you're a bad girl." he said.
"oh yeah? what does that make you, verstappen? god of the track? coming to give me salvation?" you groaned as he he pushed his achy cock inside of you. you exhaled deeply and arched your back.
he chuckled as he sank in all the way, his breath came through his teeth, "yeah. i am." he sounded almost cocky and it made a shiver run through you. he watched you hold onto the white sheets of the hotel bed. you felt good.
you have had sex before. this wasn't a new thing for either of you. he had multiple times buried his cock into your pussy and fucked you until the headboard put a dent in the wall. until the likes of your teammate (max's other rival) was banging on the shared wall to get you to shut up.
max's grip was possessive, there was little tenderness between you two as he rutted against you. he could feel the heat bloom in his face as he curved over you. making sure that his cock got into the softest parts of you. he was going to make sure that he kept you under him. and off the track, not when you felt this good against him.
your pretty cunt clung to him like a vice as he felt the heat flare up to his ears. he panted heavily like a dog as you whined in response like something more needy. his pace was erratic and the throb in his chest was noticeable. it all felt so hot and it burned both of you.
"you look good under me. where you belong. right at the bottom of the grid." he laughed, a little darkness to his tone. he could feel the sweat on the back of his neck as he continued to move. it all felt painfully hot for him.
you hissed between heavy thrusts and gripped onto the covers under you. you replied, "i want to see your downfall, verstappen."
he chuckled and kissed at you neck. he held onto you tightly and pressed more of his weight onto you. he said, "right, right. you want me to crash, you want me to retire. i've heard it all. but, i'm not retiring." he kissed the shell of your ear and said softly, "you are though."
"in your dreams." you arched your back a little bit. you panted heavily, "not until i get my world championship."
max snickered to himself as he continued to move against you. moving your hips alongside his cock. you gasped into the covers at the sensation and knew that your career was going to be swift and short. after all, who was going to take care of his baby?
he didn't want to leave his child with you alone with nannies. no, they had to be with their mother. which meant hanging up the helmet and picking up toys. the thought excited him as he continued to bully his cock up against your pussy.
he let himself indulge in your sweetness. it all felt so good.
"you're a sick fuck." you whined, "next time i'll make sure you dnf again. i'm going to snatch that trophy out of your hand."
he pressed himself up against, you almost bending you in half. his weight left you squirming pathetically under him. he chuckled, "right, right." he almost laughed at the thought. you with the world champion trophy.
the only thing you were going to be a champion at the end of this season was how good you could take max's cock. but that's alright, if you do a good job, he'll get you a little trophy.
you groaned into the covers soon after, the pleasure washed over you. and you almost hit your fist against the covers. you felt the heat in your brain as you groaned into the pillows. max only took it as a sign to fuck you harder. he watched your ass bounce as he fucked you with a renewed energy. when he came he grit his teeth and panted heavily against you.
he could feel his cock throb inside of you as he came. cum being spat out into the back of your womb. part of him prayed that this time it would take. but then again, you two had a whole rest of the season to make that happen.
you may not be getting your trophy at the end of the year. but max will let you kiss it after he holds it over his head. he had to be a good husband after all.
"you're insane if you think i'm wearing the red bull logo." you held your head high. your arms crossed over your chest.
max crowded into your space with one of his shirts in hand. he said lowly, "well the ferrari ones aren't fitting anymore are they?"
you placed a hand on the middle of his chest to get him to step back. you said, "i can always ask charles or lewis to give me a new size." you were currently almost seven months pregnant with your first child.
apparently the hate fuck after the dutch grand prix resulted in a little accident. in the heat of it all and the insanity of the week's race, you were basically without protection. and thus the next generation of racer was conceive.
even though you and max were about to get married, you refused to wear the gaudy colours of red bull. just because you retired early to have you son, didn't mean you were max's kept woman. you already had plans to work with mercedes after the birth of your son. anything but red bull.
he reached for your belly and gave it a rub, "just make my life easier."
you stepped towards him, now crowding his space. you took him by the jaw and made him look at you. you chuckled a little, it was amusing, "max, if you wanted a woman that wasn't going to bust your balls. then you shouldn't have gotten your rival pregnant."
even as his future wife, you still got under his skin. as he wrapped his strong arms around you, he said, "you're going to be the death of me."
you smiled at him, "good, i bet the insurance check will be lovely." <3
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mattyriddlesbitch · 4 months
cliche but I’m a sucker for those tropes where she’s the dare matheo’s friends made him bet on and she finds out
I love those tropes too, it hurts, but is so good. Thank youuuuuu! <3
Mattheo Riddle x F!Reader
Warnings: Angsty, one use of 'shitty', I think that's it.
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You and Mattheo had been dating for just 3 months now. It had been going great. Your dates were always really fun and nice. You always seemed to be hanging out and kissing and holding hands and just being a regular grossly cute couple. It was all so perfect.
That was until you were coming up the stairs of the Astronomy Tower to hang out with the boys. They were up there already and talking and you heard your name so you stopped to listen.
“It's been 3 months with (Y/N). I guess that means you win.” You heard Enzo say, just making you confused.
“I can't believe you did it. I thought you'd get bored of her after 2 weeks.” Theo added.
“You guys should already know how seriously I take bets. I like proving you guys wrong.” Mattheo, your boyfriend, said.
“I think you just like taking our money.” Draco said and the boys laughed.
You felt sick. You were a bet?
You stood on the stairs for a moment, just taking in the conversation and if you paid attention, you could even hear the money being exchanged, the little clinking of coins as they were being passed.
You turned around, hurrying down the stairs as quietly as you could. How humiliating. How could you face any of them again?
You actually really liked Mattheo. He was so sweet and made you laugh and made you feel appreciated. And now you just felt sick and horrible. How could someone fake all that?
You went back to your dorm, unsure if you should hurl or cry. Instead, you settled for going to sleep, not even bothering to change as you settled into your bed, hiding under the blankets. Was it embarrassing to throw yourself a pity party over a boy toying with your feelings? Yes. But right now, you didn't care. You just wanted to sleep and hopefully wake up to either that conversation being a cruel dream or Mattheo never existing.
It took a lot of tossing and turning, but you managed to get to sleep. You woke up in the morning all sweaty and still upset. You didn't wanna get out of bed. You knew getting up meant that you'd have to see him and probably confront him and you didn't know if you were ready for that.
You forced yourself out of bed anyways, knowing there were still classes today, and as much as you would've loved to sulk in bed, you couldn't miss lessons. You got ready for the day, showering and getting dressed in your uniform before heading out.
Only Mattheo was in front of your door when you opened it, holding a pastry and some drink with a look of concern. You froze, not sure what to do.
“Morning, princess. We missed you last night.” He said, offering you the food and drink.
“I was too tired.” You lied, stepping out of your dorm and closing the door. You accepted the food and drink knowing you'll probably just end up throwing it away anyways. Your stomach still felt too sick to eat.
“You could've told me, angel. I would've just spent the night with you. You know I'd rather spend time with you.” He said with a soft smile.
“Sorry. I wasn't really thinking.” You said and started making your way to your class.
Mattheo was quick to follow. “It's alright. I was just worried. Plus, I missed you.” He said as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
The contact made you feel gross. It didn't feel right anymore. But you kept your mouth shut for now. You didn't want to make a scene before classes. You were already embarrassed as is, if everyone knew you were just a bet because you fought with Mattheo in front of everyone, you'd probably die.
Classes were awful. They probably would've been normal, even good, if that pit in your stomach would've left. You felt too sick to eat other than a few bites at lunch. You locked yourself in your dorm after classes and tried busying yourself with schoolwork. It was really hard to concentrate, though. Merlin, in only 3 months, you had a few pictures of him in your dorm. Not to mention a shitty necklace he bought that hung around your neck. You took it off and tossed it to your bed so you wouldn't be seeing it every time you looked down at your work. Even put the pictures away in a drawer so you could focus. 
You got so focused in schoolwork, a good distraction from your asshole boyfriend. You still felt horrible, but at least you weren't thinking of him as you answered questions about the history of magic. You didn't even notice you missed dinner as you sat at your desk, throwing yourself into work instead of sulking.
You got pulled out of your little world as someone knocked on the door. You looked at the door for a second before standing up and opening it to see Mattheo again, standing there with a plate of food and a smile.
“Hey, princess. You missed dinner, so I brought you something. I don't want you starving.” He said.
“Thanks. I was just caught up in some schoolwork.” You said as you took the plate, this time it was the truth. Even just looking at the food made you sick. Why was he being so sweet when this is all a lie?
“Is everything okay?” He asked and you noticed you were making a sour face at the food.
“I don't feel like eating.” You said simply.
“Why? Are you feeling sick?” He asked, reaching a hand out to feel your forehead for a fever.
You stopped his hand by pushing his arm away. “I'm not sick.”
He frowned at you not letting him touch you. “Then what's going on?” His eyes looked over you, stopping around your chest. “You aren't wearing my necklace.” He noted, knowing you haven't taken it off since he gave it to you.
You couldn't do it anymore. “Was I just a bet?” You asked, matching his frown.
His face softened slightly as his mouth opened to say something, but no words came out. He didn't wanna say ‘yes’ but he didn't wanna lie either.
It answered your question anyways and you felt tears stinging your eyes at the confirmation. “Don't bother me ever again.” You said and shoved the plate of food at him, letting go before he could even react to grab it, making it fall to the floor as you closed the door on him.
He stood outside your door, trying to gather his thoughts as to what to do next. You may have been just a bet to start with, but, Merlin, help him, he was falling hard for you.
You curled up in your bed again, too depressed to even think about continuing your schoolwork.
The next few days were spent trying to avoid Mattheo and his friends while getting through classes. You saw him try to approach you several times, but you dodged him every time. You missed him and you hated yourself for even thinking that. He hurt you. Why did you miss him?
It wasn't until almost a week later, when you came back to your dorm after classes, you opened the door to see Mattheo leaning against your desk, looking at one of the pictures you shoved in a drawer. You dropped your bag to the floor beside you with a sigh as he looked up at you, standing up straight as he put the picture down.
You crossed your arms as you looked at him. “I told you not to bother me again.”
“I'm sorry.” He said, taking a few steps towards you. “I'll do anything you want but that. I know you're upset. Kick me, punch me, hex me. Do whatever will make you feel better. But I can't just leave you alone.” He looked like he wanted to touch you, but put his hands in his pockets instead.
“I don't care, just leave.” You said, gesturing to the open door.
He went over to the door, but instead of leaving, he just closed it. “I'll be honest, completely honest. Yes, you were a bet. It was supposed to be something fun for me and my friends, but instead, I ended up getting feelings for you.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “So what? You want me to forget that what you did hurt me? You want me to pretend that you didn't have the intentions to play with my feelings and use me for fun?” The hurt and anger was obvious in your tone.
“No. You're right. What I did was awful and I shouldn't have done it.” He said, running a hand through his hair as he looked at the floor.
“So what do you want from me?” You asked, your tone was still harsh.
“You. I want you.” His answer was immediate as he took another step towards you.
You looked away, sighing again in frustration. “I can't just forget and ignore what you did.”
“Please, (Y/N). I'll do anything.” He said, now reaching out for your hand but you step back out of his reach.
“How much?” You asked.
“What?” He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he let his hand fall by his side again.
“How much? How much did you get from the bet?”
He hesitated before answering, obviously not fond of the question. “100 galleons.”
“Did you get it? You win?” You asked, the harshness in your tone causing him to shift uncomfortably.
“Yeah.” He said, putting his hand back in his pocket.
“You mean it? For real? About you catching feelings?” You asked a little softer.
“I do.” He really didn't wanna say more than you asked in case he said the wrong thing, so he bit his tongue to not ramble about his feelings towards you.
You stared at him as you thought about what to do. He hurt you, but you actually had feelings for him too. “Was anything else a lie?”
“No. Everything I said and did was all me. No lies, no acts. I was being me. The real me.” He took another step towards you.
You let out a long exhale as you thought. If he was being genuine, then you guys could restart properly. But he wasn't genuine before, so why should you believe him now?
“Please.” He said softly as he stepped towards you again, nearly toe-to-toe with you.
You closed your eyes and sighed, knowing what you were about to do was stupid. “On conditions.” You say and open your eyes to look at him.
His face immediately lit up as he nodded. “Anything.”
“I want the money.” You said and he smiled ever so slightly and nodded. “Not fair you played me and got money for it. Not fair for your friends to get it back either since they made the bet with you.”
“Absolutely. I was gonna take you somewhere nice with it and maybe buy you something, but whatever you want.” He said.
You almost smiled at the thought, but wanted to keep up being angry with him. “I want an apology and love letter. Handwritten until your hand hurts.”
“Fair.” He nodded, his smile getting bigger.
“I want apologies from everyone involved with the bet too.” You added.
He tilted his head in thought. “I can do that.”
“Better get started.”
“Right after this.” He said and cupped your cheeks, leaning in and kissing you gently. “You're so cute when you're upset.”
“I'm about to be downright adorable if you don't get to work now, Riddle.”
“Fine.” He said, stepping back towards your door. “You're gonna love me tomorrow, though! Just wait!” He smiled at you as he left your dorm.
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Let me know if you wanna be added!
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phyrestartr · 5 months
Divine Favour | Sukuna x Kitsune!Reader (Pt.2) NSFW
W/C: 3.2k #NSFW, THEY FUCKIN', bottom!reader, top!sukuna, mild yuuji/reader, yuuji and gang are v early 20s, heian sukuna, male reader, typical kitsune shapeshifting, canon typical violence, morally grey reader, sukuna ignores feelings through the force of sheer willpower, unhealthy relationships, power imbalance, dubcon elements, blood as lube (SORRY), Sukuna unhinged horknee, ABO elements
A/N: I wanted to make this include more parts, but I am so flabbergasted and in awe of the response to this fic that I feel the need to feed y'all feral creatures LMAO. JKJK but 👀 Thank you for all the feedback and support! It really gives me the motivation to continue writing and to interact with the JJK community. I'm having a lot of fun!
tags: @kamote-kuneho @kamote-kuneho @nyanwko @kamote-kuneho @better-imagination-9 @3zae-zae3 @chibiduck @kiiyoooo @lukaijah
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“What the fuck is this?” Sukuna drawled, an intense fury simmering through his being. His gaze couldn't tear free from you, not even to size up the blindfolded weirdo watching him intently. 
He shattered the coffin, freeing you from the makeshift cursed bath some freak had forced you into. He smoothed damp hair from your sickly face and searched for sparks of life somewhere in the cold stillness that'd overtaken you. And there was something. He found it, a little glimmer of vitality in the smallest, shakiest inhale. 
“Good,” he praised, brushing your hair back more and more to get a better look at your face. You looked like the frail little thing he saved all those decades ago.
“You know,” Gojo interrupted, but Sukuna paid him no mind, “If I didn't know any better, I'd think you actually cared about that kitsune.” 
“Then you don't know what this is,” Sukuna decided blandly. “Figures.” Kenjaku kept him off the record, huh? Guess that's a bonus.
“Oh? Do you wanna enlighten me before Yuuji comes back?” Gojo smiled, as if he really expected Sukuna to play nice and be honest with him. “Come on, come on, it's your chance to be vulnerable~” 
“Tch. Pretty damn sure the fox'll be the one to tell you.” His hand smoothed over your stomach and rubbed slow, gentle circles against your skin as reverse technique sought to bring you all back to him. “He yaps about as much as your insufferable ass does. Granted, he talks a lot nicer.” 
“Wow, rude.” Gojo sighed and clapped twice as if clapping on a light. “Okay! I've had enough bullying. Yuuji–” 
“Brat, don't you fucking dare–” 
Yuuji inhaled sharply. He blinked owlishly at your calmed expression, your eyes now closed and breathing now steadied thanks to Sukuna's aid. 
Aid. That wasn't something the king did. 
“Sensei,” Yuuji managed, voice quivering under the weight of memories’ emotion. “Can you fix this?”
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Somehow, you were stuck in the throes of flirtation with the malevolent king of curses. 
“It may be courtship,” Uraume guessed, soft smile brightening their cold exterior. 
(They'd been smiling more recently, actually, ever since you completed that overcoat and presented it to them. Nary a day went by when they did not don the sentimental garb.)
But you weren't so sure; the event of courtship was serious business across all lucid creatures. Animals and creatures of primal existence sought out partners with favorable genes and strong constitution, whereas humans and the like yearned for merit or love in their coupling. You didn't quite grasp the way humans thought. Not yet. 
Well, save for flirting. You decided it was a sort of pre-courtship where nothing became serious and nothing was on the line, but frivolous touches and haughty words of praise ran rampant when those concerned crossed paths. 
Much like today.
(Much like the days before and after.)
You walked along the stone-paved path most mornings, lost in thoughts and mumbling to yourself bits and pieces of poems. Most were unfinished, but in their own time, verses would find one another and complete the incomplete. 
A groggy yawn hummed from the palace entrance. And moments later, Ryoumen Sukuna fell into step with you, grumbling and mumbling complaints about the nippy Spring morning while he tucked his arms away into his sleeves. 
He followed you, idly looking around the expansive space you'd helped curate and maintain when you weren't busying yourself with the girls or decorating clothing. The gardens weren't a mess before, not at all, but now they had a certain taste–trees and flowers were planted with specificity, stones were moved, paths reworked. You took the outside over completely. The king didn't mind. 
“Sukuna-sama,” you said, voice melting in kind with the morning frost. “I'll need to leave for a short while.” 
Sukuna quirked a brow and looked at you. You gazed upon the large, thick koi flashing their beautiful scales and ornate patterns of orange and white as they swam and followed you. Tch. How come even the fish were drawn to you? 
“And how do you think you'll accomplish that?” Sukuna tossed a rock into the koi pond, making the fish scatter. “Getting away from me isn't something you can do.”
You huffed and looked at him. “I understand. I simply seek your permission.” 
“Ah.” You deadpanned. “Why?”
“You're mine; I decide where you go, how you breathe, if you eat. Or are you forgetting that?” 
You sighed and let your ears droop sadly with your tails. “Surely you jest.” 
“Are you laughing?”
You whined like a sad, sad street pup before cozying up to him, slipping your hands up his stomach and chest like you were supposed to. “Please?” 
You chittered and pressed your face against him, but didn't protest and complain much more. 
Sukuna’s thoughts whirled. The show was amusing, sure, but you didn't do anything without reason, especially when it had to do with breaking character and acting out like this out of–
Sukuna leaned down and sniffed you, searching for the intriguing coil of flowery citrus he nearly missed on the warming breeze. It was so, so faint, but decadent and alluring in a way that made the master of toxins cautious–most poisons tasted sweet, after all. 
You pulled your head back, shrinking down the slightest bit with your ears flattened against your skull. Your eyes, wide as a full moon, stared up at him, expectant. The touch of your hands on him never left, though.
“Brassavola nadosa.” Sukuna tilted his head. “You smell like it.” 
You blinked curiously, relaxing. “Is that so?” 
We don't have that orchid in the garden. Sukuna hummed and lifted a lock of your hair, catching another weak waft of the flower's faint scent. 
It's coming from him, then. Hm. 
“Tell me again why you want to leave the palace?” Sukuna asked on a hunch.
And that hunch doubled down when you fidgeted with the cloth of his haori and looked aside. 
“I wish to bear children," you admitted, shy and quiet. "To try, at the very least. Perhaps find a mate, too.” 
Children. You wanted children. After everything those sorcerers put you through for who knows how many years, you still wanted to mother a runt of your own. And you were willing to run off into the wild to, what, let some random man knock you up? Fill you with seed of unknown origin, unknown value, unknown potential?
Sukuna's ego flared. He leaned down to you, tilting your chin up to make you look him in the eyes regardless how small you felt in that moment. He deserved to witness you. You deserved to witness him. 
“You're not leaving,” he breathed, and he swore he could hear your heart break. “If you want a brat, you'll get a brat–only if you stay here 'n give up on those shitty thoughts of finding a sire out there.”
Your eyes scanned his face, tracing over serious lines and honest creases. Clearly, you searched for an answer–
–one that Sukuna didn’t have. Or maybe he did. Perhaps he just couldn't find the words for it. 
He scoffed and ruffled up your hair, unable to answer you. “You're not leaving. Not unless I say so.” 
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The first time he let you go, he left scars. 
He found you in your chambers come early evening. Your tails swished and flicked as you sat amidst a nest of his robes and the missing linens from his chambers while you futzed over the embroidery of another haori, this time adorning the plain thing with the darkest scarlet one could find. Sukuna could already guess why. 
Your being burns as wildfires do. Lively. Emphatically. Devouring more and more so long as the earth lets you. Yet where you do not lay ruin, you grant warmth and light in a divine way. Wildfires are not such horrible things if one stays a respectable ways away. 
Your poetic nonsense irritated him to no end, but he fell enamored all the same; you spoke to honor him with every utterance of his name. You didn't try to kiss his feet nor did you bask him in compliments–you only spoke into existence that which hummed through your mind, unprovoked. It just so happened to be everything Sukuna liked to hear. 
So when he found you secluded away, beckoning so sweetly with intoxicating scents of citrus and gardenia, what choice did he have but to lay claim, to give you the brat you so sorely yearned for?  
You sensed him. Your gaze flicked to him, stoic and unmoved as ever, as the energy in the room built into suffocating silence, something like tectonic plates caught in deadlock, holding their disastrous energy, waiting for the right moment to devastate the world with a single, cataclysmic shift.
And of course, it was the impatient predator that moved first, setting a catastrophe into motion. 
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The hours blurred together. 
Every minute of the chase was thrilling, invigorating, surprising–you were filled with tricks and traps, never slowing down for a second to think or doubt as the beast of a sorcerer pursued you through his palace, through the city below, and now into the looming forest in the mountains. 
Admittedly, he'd gotten carried away. He lost himself in the rush of it all, the adrenaline and pure, destructive desire pushed his self-control into unraveling just the slightest bit; honest attacks tore through space and time, hoping to maim and cripple you if they were to hit. And, honestly, the way you avoided his attempts to strike you down enthralled him as much as it enraged him–he was seconds away from unleashing his domain until a less-than-satisfying ripple of cursed energy tore across your thigh and put you down.
It was then, walking up to you, to his prey, that Sukuna remembered you weren't a sorcerer. Most would be able to stand and walk it off, maybe even heal with reverse technique, but you could only grasp at your weeping wound and grimace. Because you were not a sorcerer, you were a kitsune: a trickster, a creature full of mischief and void of cursed energy. 
Yokai. Not a human. Not a curse. Not like the rest of the boring souls wandering his earth. 
Sukuna pinned you the second you tried to make a break for it. Fangs and claws gnashed and tore into him while his hands strained to keep you down and rip those damn clothes free from your burning skin. 
Mating's never a pretty thing when it comes to nature. Humans like you made it something more.
Sukuna clasped a hand over your mouth and forced his weight onto you, ripping reedy yowls from your core as you twisted and turned, primal mind urging you to run, run, run, don't make this easy, make him prove his worth–
Ribbons of what were once your robes fluttered to the ground, useless and unsalvageable. They were plain black, so unlike what you usually wore. You wouldn't miss them. 
“Make this as difficult as you want, pet,” Sukuna whispered as he loomed over you. His hand slid from your mouth to your throat when you stilled.  
“You know how this ends.” 
His pants were pulled down while another hand wiped slippery blood against your pliant entrance–and that was the only warning you got before he pushed into you. 
Where you should have screamed, you instead sighed. Your back arched off the ground like a work of art. Two hands gave up on holding you down in favour of gripping your waist and hips, pulling you closer to him, forcing you flush against his body. 
He noticed it then: a litany of old scars and discoloured marks shining against your skin. Marks left by those who did not deserve to taste such a delicacy. 
Blood painted the grass. Cleaves and slashes ate away at those tainted scars, painting over the ugliness left hidden for too long–now, his marks would decorate you. Now, those hidden scars would mean something. They’d mean everything. 
Yet Sukuna's selfish maiming wasn't fitting the bill, and your antsy-ness was proof of it. You tried for the last time to pull from him, but his grip tightened around your throat. You gazed at him, then, eyes so wide and hungry, eager to fight or fuck–whichever came first. 
He braced over you and nearly winced as he dragged out of your suffocating heat. A sharp snap back inside loosened you, the glide of blood and slick aiding him. 
“I'll take you the way you need it,” he drawled as he built the pace quickly, already feeling his own obsession and excitement reverberating through his body, filling every fibre of muscle with electricity.
“Then,” he growled, leaning closer to your face. “I'll fuck you the way you want it.”
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“More,” you sighed, digging your nails into the pillow you had your face buried in while the beast fucked you from behind. Sukuna groaned in compliance and lanced into your guts deeper, harder, faster than before–you were the only one that could handle the brutal way he let loose, and he was more than willing to indulge in that privilege. 
The hands all over you rose to the occasion, too; one had your tails fisted in his ruthless grasp, rudely holding you still and pulling you back against his hips; another rested on the curve of your ass, only moving to give a sharp slap or to knead your soft, perfect skin; the last two held your hips in a crushing force, his calloused fingers digging into your plush sides and sharp hip bones like you might disappear at any second. 
A sharp, sweet whine signaled the beginning of the end, as did the restless fidgeting and shifting in the king's grasp. Seeing you, a poised, powerful, mischievous being, come undone beneath him came to be one of Sukuna’s favourite sights, especially knowing it could only be because of him--only him. 
He leaned over you, his heavy chest pressing into your back as one hand released your waist in favour of fisting in your hair and tugging your head back and out of the futon you so desperately clung to. 
“Ah-ah,” he scolded breathily. “No hiding.” It was a familiar sentiment, one he had no problem reminding you of now and again. You had a horrible habit of trying to vanish when overwhelmed, after all. 
“Terrible beast,” you snapped back, scoffing indignantly when the deep bassy laugh of the man rolled through your body. “Horrible.” 
“You love it,” Sukuna growled back, grinning through every word. 
Something about it clearly struck a chord with you, judging by how fast you choked on your voice and came undone, legs trembling and body tightening around the too-big intrusion. The king groaned and bit at your neck, licking whatever blood beaded at the surface in between rushed, hushed words of praise for you and your efforts–most, if they heard the things he said, would call it out of character for the beast. Most didn't get to see beyond his raw power and crippling cruelty, however. 
Sukuna grunted and spilled inside you, pulling you back by your hair, hips and tail to ensure he forced every bit of his offerings deep into your core. Your body rocked and twitched against his, accepting all he had to offer you at the end of yet another coupling, before he let go of your locks and let you collapse face-first into the futon. 
He pulled out slowly, watching as every inch slipped from your abused hole before popping free and uncorking a dribble of whiteness from inside. He tutted and scooped it up with two fingers before stuffing it back in. 
“Oi, oi, are you even trying to keep it in?” He teased, smirking as you huffed. 
“You've exhausted me. I have no energy to attempt the impossible,” you lamented, nuzzling your nose further into the soft sheets smelling of cedar and fresh blooms–something so uniquely Sukuna. 
Your king sighed and gave your ass a firm few pats. “Guess I'll have to spoil you even more.” He settled onto his back and easily pulled you onto him, yanking you up to straddle his waist right where that second mouth laid open and eager to taste you. 
“This is uncouth,” you sighed. But you rocked back against the thick, heavy tongue pressing into your pliant heat, licking deep into you with a mind and hunger of its own. 
“Seems couth enough for you,” he commented, watching you ride his centre with rapt attention. “Little harlot's getting off on this, hey? Such a needy little brat.” 
His hands smoothed up and down your legs and sides as you shamelessly chased a second high. Your hands clasped over his as he took you into his hand and stroked you back to ample stiffness, the soreness of too many rounds of fucking making you far too sensitive to touch. 
“S-Sukuna-sama,” you stammered. “I can't–”
Sukuna's head tilted with a pleased smirk. “Ho? I thought you wanted to bear children? Are my offerings not enough for you?” 
You scrunched your face up into something of a prissy glare, but the shine clinging to your lashes and the shuddering of your body against his betrayed your crumbling demeanor. Of course, he was impressed with how his fox was fairing considering everything he put you through. 
He maneuvered you onto your back, grinning as you growled and weakly struggled against him. You looked perfect–stomach swollen, hair fanned out behind you, eyes teary but unable to tear away from the creature that’d tormented you for hours upon hours with no desire to give you a break. 
“Greedy god,” Sukuna lamented. One hand came to rest on your bruised neck again, fitting around so perfectly. “Nothing’s ever fucking good enough for you.” 
“You are.” 
That gave Sukuna pause. He stared down at you, all eyes looking over you with rapt attention as he tried to think. Tried to understand. Tried to parse those words and uncover what exactly you tried to convey. 
But it didn't click. 
“Tch. You're lucky I'm a generous god,” he scolded, releasing you from your torment in favour of collapsing down beside you for some much-needed rest. Not only did your beautiful body wear him out (not that he'd admit it), but your whimsical words wore his sanity thin. The worst part was you didn't even intend to damage him so. 
“I am truly honoured to merely be in your presence,” Your voice, light and dreamy as petals fluttering, laughed, and Sukuna's soul did something odd. 
He stared at the ceiling as you shuffled beside him, quickly returning to his side, donned in one of his haori and determined to make a comfortable nest of blankets and clothes around you both for the rest of the night–ah, morning? Huh. What an ordeal. 
You curled up next to him, shoving your back firmly against his side the way you often did when resting as a fox, and Sukuna huffed. 
“Turn to me,” he commanded, and you obeyed. 
He, too, turned to face you to envelope your lithe form with invincible arms and divine protection. Your soft purrs rolled through him, settling his wild spirit into a lazy tempo of an early morning stroll through a garden filled with one sort of white orchid: 
Brassavola nadosa. “Lady of the Night.” Your calling card. Your divine essence.
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"Brassavola nodosa (Lady of the Night) is a medium-sized epiphytic or lithophytic orchid species boasting extremely fragrant flowers throughout the year. The blossoms, 4 in. across (10 cm), emit a citrus fragrance at night. Each flower features long, slender, pale green or creamy-white sepals and petals and a large, heart-shaped lip sometimes adorned with purple or dark red spotting." - gardenia.net
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ultrasharpy12345stuff · 6 months
SUCCESS STORY (manifesting)
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OMFG you guys! I did it! I made it to my desired reality! I'm living my desired life!
All I did was decide it's done. More specifically, I just did Angel's fulfillment challenge (which you don't have to do). Everyday I just decided to live like I was in my desired reality right now as often as I could and whenever I wanted to.
If I vented, I vented. If I ranted I ranted. If I sabotaged my manifestation I just decided it wouldn't matter and that nothing would ruin my manifestation and everything was ok and fine.
And this is totally optional but I affirmed sometimes. I just did to remind myself that it was done.
My affirmations were:
-I'm living my desired life
-Nothing can ruin my manifestation
-I'm in my desired reality
-I'm in my desired reality in my penthouse in Tokyo
-I have all my desires
-The 3D conforms instantly
And it worked! And now I'm happy! I woke up today IN my penthouse in Tokyo! The view of the city is amazing. I checked my bank account and it turns out I'm super rich! Like I literally have BILLIONS of dollars. And it's like I always get millions of dollars out of nowhere! So it's like I get paid just to exist!
Also life in this reality is soooooooo different than on Earth. Like the people in the city are nice... but they aren't just humans beings. I'm seeing Japanese monsters walking around wearing uggs! I can also see Godzilla walking around in a place in the city it's so cool! (don't worry, they made a place in the city specifically for her)
I can also enter the void anytime I fall asleep. Like everytime I go to sleep I wake up IN the void state completely aware. I know this because I just decided I would go to sleep and I did! (one of the things I also manifested, to fall asleep instantly)
And guess what? I also revised my ENTIRE life. Like all the shitty, terrible things that happened to me and all the awful things I've done are GONE! They never happened. All the arguments I had with people on Youtube are gone, they never happened. I never met those people. All the people who I argued with on Discord, well I never argued with them. All the problems with my family are gone.
I also have new memories of me being in Highschool. It went great! I made some friends, they never got angry at me, I got to play my videogames, and I never had to deal with any kind of stress. And I also have my college degree even though I never went to college.
Also let me show you what I look like:
This body:
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This is my hairstyle (except it's white colored):
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This is my face (trigger warning: AI art, also dw I'm black):
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And I'm like popular on Twitter. I'm as popular as @rariatoo. People follow my art and they love drawing my OCs and characters, it's so much fun. Plus I have a patreon and a redbubble. I get to make my OCs as plushies and stickers and ship them off.
And the best part is that there's no wars! No covid, no genocide in the Congo or Palestine, no racism, no problems. And there never will be, everything is fine! Its literally a Utopia.
Summary of what I manifested:
-Desired life & reality
-Freezing Time
-Revising entire life
-Different family (same soul but different looks (slightly) and better personality)
-Entering the void whenever I fall asleep and at will
-A butler friend who I can summon and make disappear at will (he's super nice and never have any problems, perfect personality, kinda shy, and we just had some woopie 🥵🤪)
-Magic (I can do LOTS of crazy stuff)
-Being able to shift realities at will
-Visiting my family through a magic door (my family lives in what I call, "Reality # 3 and I can visit them anytime I want)
-Spawning groceries and food whenever I want (I still go out, dw)
-Friends on discord and some IRL
-Money money monayyyyyyyyyyy
-Perfect health and mental health, no problems with my body
-Never getting yelled at ever again or abused/nobody gets abused/abuse doesn't exist. Yellers don't exist.
& a lot of other personal things
You guys got this! You can get your dream life! Go for it! *I didn't get my dream life yet, that's why the title reads:
"SUCCESS STORY (𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴)" When you put "manifesting in the title it means you haven't gotten your desires yet but you're doing it to help you live in the end. SO please don't be angry or offended.*
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remuslupinslittleslut · 8 months
poly!marauders getting mad at reader for not letting them study for an upcoming test, and she’s needy and whiny but when they go and help her she’s trying to get herself off so they punish her but after they punish her, they finally give her what she wants
OH this was so much fun!!!
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You knew the rules. Not to touch yourself and not to disturb your daddies while they were busy studying. Sometimes, it was just so hard to follow these rules. Laying splayed out on James’ bed, watching your three boyfriends sitting on the floor, studying. There was a big test coming up, but you already knew you’d ace it – you were awesome at potions and rarely had to study for the tests. Your boys, however, usually had to study a lot – even Remus had a hard time preparing for these tests.
“Daddy,” you whined, not being able to hold it any more, “I need love and attention.” You allowed your head to fall off the side of the bed, making up-side-down eye contact with James, your safest bet, as he usually caved first. “And I need it now.”
Unfortunately, even James was stressing over the test and allowed Remus to chastise you.
“Darling, don’t disturb your daddies,” he said, not even looking up from his book, “we only let you stay here if you promised to behave, don’t make me kick you out.”
Huffing, you closed the curtains around the fourposter, turning your back to them, even though they couldn’t possibly see that.
It was so unfair, they could come to you for sex pretty much whenever they wanted – and there were four of them to satiate. But when you needed to relieve some tension it was suddenly a crime to be horny. You knew how upset they would be if you touched yourself, but you really needed it. To your credit, you held out for all of twenty minutes before you caved, dipping a hand into your panties, pushing a finger in between your wettened folds.
Unbeknownst to you, your daddies did want to help you out, and they had secretly agreed to only make you wait for a little while longer. It was truly unfortunate, as the curtains were pushed open, revealing you toying with your own clit.
“Hah! Knew she couldn’t wait for that long,” Sirius mocked.
Ignoring him, Remus sat down on the side of the bed (also ignoring James’ sniggering that you had chosen his bed to get off in), rubbing your calf comfortably. “Now, now, little one,” do you remember the rules you promised to obey?”
“Yes daddy, I remember them,” you said, confidently, happy that he didn’t seem too angry at you.
“Awe, what a good girl, can you tell them to me?”
Nodding, you happily listed them: “don’t disturb daddies, don’t leave the room, don’t touch myself.”
At your words, Remus’ demeanor changed in an instant, hand slapping your naked thigh. “And what did you do? Huh? What did the little slut do?”
“I’m so sorry daddy, but you said not to interrupt and it was an emergency,” you cry out, shame coloring your cheeks red.
“An emergency?” One of his eyebrows shot up, questioningly.
“Yes, daddy, it really hurted I only had to relieve some tension, it was really uncomfy.”
“What punishment should she get today?” Remus asked, turning his body away from you and facing your other daddies.
You laid perfectly still, waiting with anticipation as they discussed your following punishment in hushed voices. Normally, you’d get punishments you actually really enjoyed, like being spanked, overstimulated or wearing your collar, making you extra bratty sometimes, so you could enjoy some of that kinky stuff. Therefore, you were very excited as they turned back to face you, having decided on a punishment for you.
“Hands up and legs spread apart, love,” said James, before being handed handcuffs from Sirius, who had gone to get the big box of fun.
You obliged, letting James tie your hands up against the headboard, as Sirius tied your legs to either side of the lower end of the bed. Before deeming themselves done, they both tugged lightly at the cuffs, making sure they wouldn’t hurt you.
“Now, little one, you’ve been very bad. First, you tried to interrupt daddies studying, and when that didn’t work you touched yourself,” Remus said, towering before you. “You need to be punished for this, you do understand that, right?”
You nodded, not wanting to break any more rules by speaking out of turn.
“You’re going to stay here, and we’ll put a blindfold on you. Then, we’re going to go down for dinner, and when we get back we’ll each take turns using you, and you may not come during this time.”
The air left your body, disappointment filling you all the way up. Remus made Sirius put the blindfold on you, kissing your head softly before you heard them all leave the dorm, closing the door and leaving you behind.
They usually didn’t take that much time eating dinner, but this day it felt as though they ate every bite in slow motion, chewing all their bites one hundred times and making small talk with everyone in the great hall. You despised them in that moment, hating this new type of mean punishment. It felt as though hours had gone by when the door to their dorm was finally opened. With your senses finely tuned for their return, you made out three sets of footsteps entering the room.
“Have you learned your lesson, little one?” Remus asked you, hand coming down to squeeze your tit.
Not sure if you were allowed to speak, you nodded your head, vigorously. This earned you a slap to the tit.
“Use your words, little slut,” Remus said.
Feeling anger rise back up inside you, you quickly had to swallow it down, not wanting to get into more trouble.
“Yes daddy, I learned my lesson, I will not play with myself without permission again,” you said, obediently.
In return, you received only a hum. They made you wait, laying there, legs spread and arms tied up, all for their pleasure, for a few minutes more, just appreciating your delicious body.
Then, someone joined you on the bed, and by the heat of their body, you figured it was James.
“Hi little baby,” he cooed, kissing your nose and patting your cheek.
“Hi daddy,” you breathed, happy to be touched.
His hand reached down between your legs, spreading the wetness around your pussy, making sure you were ready for the penetration that was undoubtedly about to come. Indeed, a few seconds later, his girthy cock pressed into your little pussy, your walls squeezing tightly around him. He stayed still inside you for a few moments, adjusting to the feeling of your warm cunt hugging his cock. You let out a hiss as his hips started moving, thrusting into you slowly, sensually.
You wished so badly that your arms could wrap around him, holding him close, tugging at the ends of his hair, making him moan into the crook of your neck. The perceived loss made you want to cry, you knew how soft his back was, how lovely it was to run your hands up and down it as his cock continuously pushed against your g-spot. Unable to hold it, you cried out, tears starting to form in your eyes as your body shook through your orgasm.
Thinking the punishment was over, you relaxed your body, letting James chase his own orgasm. They had, however, decided to be extra cruel on this day and so – knowing how much you loved the feeling of them coming inside you, pumping you full of their cum – James pulled out in the last second, cock covering only the outer parts of your glistening pussy in cum.
By now, the tears had saturated the blindfold and started to run down your cheeks, hitting the hair around your face. This didn’t stop them however, as you soon felt Remus join you and James on the bed, lightly pushing James away from you, and taking his place.
“Oh no, our little crybaby can’t even handle some cock, what a shame…” he said, placing his arms on either side of your head, pushing his body up and hovering right above you. “I was going to fuck you, but since you can’t handle it, I’ll just do this instead.” He thrust his hips, cock swiping along your pussy, lubed up from your juices mixed with James’ seed.
Even this was torture for you, it felt amazing to have the head of Remus’ cock push against your clit with every stroke, but you missed the feeling of him inside you. With an arched back and tears streaming down your face, you bucked your hips up to try and make him slide in. This made Remus laugh at you, mockingly and pinch your thigh. “You’re such a little baby,” he mocked, “just a little cockwhore.”
It was like he got off on your tears, hips snapping against yours faster, bringing himself closer to his orgasm. “You love this, don’t you, little crybaby, love taking cock, don’t even care where it goes, as long as you get it, so good f’me, little whore.” You knew he got off on degrading you, knew he loved tearing you down before building you up, but it was hard to remember as he kept throwing insults at you. You almost reached your breaking point as he grabbed a hold of your chin, holding your mouth open and spitting in it. It felt so degrading, but also so hot, you felt overwhelmed as the tip of his cock against your sensitive nub sent you over the edge, both of you coming at the same time, his cum blended with James’ as it ran down your cunt, pooling beneath your bum. Patting your cheek, Remus leant down, kissing your forehead. “Good girl.”
Your body was spent, legs aching, face irritated from the tears, pussy oversensitive from all the fucking. But you knew you had one more daddy to please. Feeling yourself enter another headspace, you braced yourself for Sirius to use you, as the two others had before. “Hi little baby,” he said, softly, wiping the tears from your cheek. “Are you sensitive here?” He pinched your clit, eliciting a very loud noise from the back of your throat. “Hmm, better use this little hole then,” he said, thumb pushing past your lips.
Climbing over your body, he placed his knees on either side of you, fore and middle fingers pushing into your mouth, pressing against the back of your throat, making you drool all over your chin and throat. “Yeah, that’s a good little slut,” he said, as his fingers left your mouth, cock pushing into it instead.
You lost all perception of reality as your head went deep into subspace, mouth falling open, all for your daddies’ pleasure. You trusted them completely, and knew they’d take care of you, so you allowed yourself to let go, filling your head with only daddy Sirius, and, most importantly, his cock, sliding in and out of your open mouth. You had no idea how much time passed until he pulled out, jerked himself a few times, and then spilled over your face, fingers coming down to spread the mess around.
Somewhere in the background, you heard a camera snap, but you couldn’t be sure, as you had lost all touch of reality. You didn’t even notice your hands and legs being untied, didn’t feel the soft, warm hands rubbing the points that had been tied. When the blindfold was pulled off, you weren’t at all prepared for the ache in your eyes as light hit.
“Hi baby,” James said, kissing you all over your face, brushing the teary hair away.
“Sit up love,” said Sirius before pulling one of Remus’ shirts over your head, helping you put your arms through the holes. He then scooted himself behind you, letting your back fall against his chest. James still caressing your face, kissing you and whispering sweet words.
“Here you go, love, open up,” Remus said, pushing a straw into your mouth, helping you drink water. When you had swallowed the water, he lifted a fork up to your face. They had brought you dinner.
Once he had made you eat a few bites, he put the plate away for a little bit, taking your hands in his and rubbing them softly. “Are you with us, darling?”
You giggled, “Yes daddy, I’m right here.” Still lost in subspace, you didn’t understand the silly question.
“That you are, love, my bad,” he said, kissing your hands. “I love you so much, little one, you did so well for us.”
“You really did,” Sirius agreed from behind you, “such a good girl.”
“Thank you daddy,” you said, feeling yourself become shy at their kind words.
“Let’s get some rest,” James said, moving you from Sirius’ lap and pulling you into his body. Your hands instinctively went around his neck, fingers burying themselves in soft locks of messy hair.
“Love you daddies,” you said, contently, before you fell asleep in the arms of your lovers.
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thrillered · 2 months
Spencer at a " Y/N L/N is dead | The funeral roast" pretty please🫶
(Bonus points if after roasting reader he gets all sentimental and reiterates that he CANNOT live without them or he'll just die on the spot)
"Y/N is dead. | The funeral roast" | Spencer Agnew x Reader
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this was so fun to write! I hope you enjoy it!
You were sitting in the blue velvet coffin, a bouquet of fake black roses in your hands and tears in your eyes. You were in the middle of shooting your funeral, surrounded by your friends and coworkers as they roasted the hell out of you. Right now Shayne was playing the CEO of converse, crying over who was going to keep them in business now that you were gone. You looked down at your pair of custom smosh platform converse you were wearing that Ian had bought you for your 3 year ‘smoshiversary’. 
Shayne finished his bit, earning claps from throughout the room. You peaked one eye open, looking to see who was going next. Tommy was stepping up to the podium, his signature lace funeral hat on. 
“Friends, coworkers… those who somehow managed to deal with Y/N, I am here to read the final will of Y/N L/N.” He began, pulling a piece of paper out of his long black leather jacket; a dig at your favorite coat you thrifted. “She left a lot of things for those she loved, I will not be reading those today.” 
You laughed, peeking at the offended looks on everyone's faces. 
“Courtney, Y/N leaves you her sense of humor. There wasn’t much of it but it was stolen from you to begin with.” Courtney gasped while Shayne let out a pfft. He turned his attention to Shayne, “Shayne, everyone knew of the “fake” beef the two of you played up on camera… so to you she left her 17 pairs of platform converse, this way you don’t have to look up to her… maybe now you'll see eye to eye.” 
You pulled a hand over your mouth, attempting to muffle the loud cackle that was escaping you. “Well damn.” Shayne sputtered. 
“To Angela Y/N leaves her entire Le Creuset cookware set. Everyone knew you were jealous of it.” 
“Okay that’s not fair, it’s literally all light blue, it's gorgeous!” Angela exclaimed.
“And finally Y/N leaves Spencer her heart… and yet he’ll still probably ask if she actually loves him.” 
“That's crazy…” You huffed, through fits of laughter. The entire crew clapping and ‘ohhh’ing at Spencer. 
Tommy left the podium, grabbing your knees as he walked by the coffin, knowing you hated it. “I gotcha!” He sneered, making you yelp.
The only person left to speak was Spencer. He was in a full suit and tie, dressed for an actual funeral. He looked really good, you just wanted to stare at him. He approached the podium, a large binder in his hands. 
“In honor of Y/N’s memory I would like to start by going through some of my favorite memories with her in this photo album.” Spencer declared, opening to a middle page of the album. “This is when Y/N and I met.” He turned the binder around, showing a picture from your first day at Smosh. 
Awe’s could be heard around the room. You scrunched your brows, not trusting Spencer to only be nice. “Then I got to know her…” He hesitated, pulling an awkward and tight grin across his face. “Then she passed. That’s my favorite” He showed a picture of you sitting in the coffin, clearly taken today.
“What the fuck?” you asked, “How did you print that so quickly?” 
“The dead don’t talk.” Erin reminded from the seats, earning a middle finger from you. 
“Anyway, time for the eulogy.” Spencer continued, tossing the album away from him, a loud clap echoing in the room as the binder hit the ground. “The world went quiet when Y/N died… mostly because she couldn’t cackle like a banshee anymore… frankly? Pretty peaceful.” 
“Oh my god.” Amanda laughed, covering her face.
“I think we can all agree that Y/N was an integral part of this company and an integral part of this cast.” Everyone nodded, Angela pretending to wipe away tears. “I mean.. Who else is gonna be worse Courtney? Or shorter Amanda? Or Taller Angela? Or less clever Arasha? Or Shayne if he was a lady barista who wanted to be a skater?” 
“Jesus Christ man.” Shayne said, shaking his head in confusion.
“He’s not wrong.” Courtney agreed, putting a hand on Shayne’s shoulder.
“But things will never be the same without her. I am reminded of her constantly… mostly because her hair is everywhere. I don’t know how she still has hair, she literally sheds like a husky; whines like one too.” 
You were shaking your head, holding in a laugh, not wanting to give Spencer the win of your laughter. 
“But seriously, I love you Y/N. I don’t know what I would do without you, I think I would actually die. Please don’t make me sleep on the couch tonight.” Spencer admitted, making eye contact with you, a smile on his face. “You mean the world to me.” 
Spencer sat down. You waited a dramatic few seconds before sucking in a large breath of air, pretending to wake from the dead. “How long was I out for?” you asked, making everyone laugh. “That was some… nice?... things you guys said about me, thanks guys.” 
“Luckily I just came from hell so I can handle the heat… I wonder if you guys will do the same,” you smirked, pulling a folded piece of paper out of your bra, unfolding it and reading it aloud, “Call me sometime, satan? Oops, wrong paper!” You joked, tucking the paper away. 
“Man what the hell?” Spencer asked.
“Well that's where she was apparently.” Shayne reminded, making himself laugh. 
“Okay this is the right one,” You began, unfolding a larger paper. “Tommy… ur gay. Courtney… ur gay. Shayne….” You stopped, staring at him for a moment before simply moving on. “Angela… me and your mom genuinely text, and I want you to think about that.” 
“That’s actually devastating.” Shayne cackled.
“Amanda… we need to hang out more.” You insisted. “But maybe just at my house, I’m tired of having to climb a beanstalk to come see you” You joked, turning Amanda's sly grin into a face of shock. “Erin… Erin Erin Erin….I lied when I said I lost that blue shirt I borrowed… I still have it and wear it regularly.” You admitted. “And you’re not getting it back.” 
“You bitch!” Erin gasped, disgust crossing her features as you blew her a kiss. 
“Last.. and least!” You emphasized, “Spencer.. My best friend, my boyfriend, and my other half… if I’m gone you’re a glass half empty. If you’re gone, I’m a glass half full.” You informed. “That’s all to say: You’re Y/N L/N’s boyfriend, and that’s your most impressive accomplishment.”
Everyone laughed, teasing Spencer with an eruption of ‘ooh’s and agreements. 
“Seriously though, I love you all so much. Honestly the specificity of each roast made me really happy, you guys really know me and that means a lot to me.” You smiled, looking around the room to each and every one of your closest friends. “And a special thank you to Spencer for loving me, even through all the quirks and flaws that were mentioned here, I love you.” You finished, suddenly pretending to have a hard time breathing before collapsing into dead weight. Then quickly waking back up, “You’re still sleeping on the couch though.” You noted, staying ‘dead’ this time.
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waffledforbreakfast · 1 month
Staring: Rin, Shidou, Sae,
pt2: Niko, Kaiser, Ness,
pt3: Otoya, Karasu, Reo
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: heavy ooc, bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, cringe, scuff, etc.
[Horror Movie in theaters]
Rin doesn’t see himself as someone who freaks out or panics a lot, he likes to think he’s pretty chill
And yet here he was, preparing for a date ,8 hours before the arranged time. 
He pulled out a first outfit and stared at it, “I shouldn’t pick anything too fancy, it’s just a movie anyway…” he muttered to himself while pulling out more clothes
He finally had everything prepared, his fanny pack with all necessities, and his fit simple and practical
Now all he had to do was wait for the time… which was two hours from now
Rin ended up getting there 30 minutes before the arranged time…
“Hey Rin! Sorry if I’m a bit late…” you laughed awkwardly. You were not late, in fact, you were 5 minutes early. “Were you waiting for a long time?”
“No, not at all” he put his ear buds away and gave you his full attention “You ready to go?”
The two of you slowly made your way over to the theater, chit chatting about all kinds of things
“You wanna sneak some food in?” you grinned at him while pointing at a convenience store to your left
“That’s not legal is it….”
You were in charge of grabbing snacks, and Rin grabbed drinks. He browsed the shelfs for a bit before grabbing four different kinds, including your favourite that you had mentioned on the walk
“Four?” you questioned the boy holding the bottles 
“Yea. I got your favourite and some others.” he held them up to show you, as if it was perfectly normal
“Won’t that cost a lot…?” she stared at him, slightly concerned as he placed the items on the register, the total was going much above what you’d thought
“I’ll pay.” he insisted. And pay he did, you didn’t even had time to respond before he tapped his card on the reader
“The only problem” he started, gathering the items “Is sneaking them in…”
“Oh, I can do that” you offered with a smile, sifting through the objects “I’ve got experience”
Rin nodded before pulling out his phone to check the time. Once he had put his phone away, all foods and drinks were out of sight
You just smiled at him as he just stared at you with wide eyes, as if he’d just seen a magic trick “Where did…” he looked you up and down, trying to figure it out
“Experience.” you gave a smug nod
The two of you made your way over to the cinema, successfully passed through security, and sat down into your seats [for the sake of the plot, it’s a pair of chairs that aren’t separated, so there’s nothing between you two😏 ]
You pulled out the snacks from who knows where and handed some to him
“So, what are we watching?”
“The Shining” he answered shortly, opening a bag of popcorn, silently wondering where you hid that much food
As the movie started, the two of you shared the snack and watched carefully, few words exchanged at first 
If you disliked the horror parts, he put an arm around you and hid your face into his neck. If it got really bad, he’d put his hands over your ears and smile at you to try and comfort you. 
Or he’d just whisper to you over the movie “It’s alright, I’m here.”, “Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon”, etc. Wouldn’t make fun of you if you cried (the first time LOL), he’d just hug you tighter 🥹
If you were fine with gore, or even as far as being interested in it (how do yall do it-), he just stared at you in awe.
It’s not like he’s bad with it, he’s just shocked that someone else enjoys it too, silently running through a list of movies you two could watch together in the future.
Not too many words were exchanged during it, but you two had lots of fun nonetheless.
“Thank you for bringing me today!” you smiled at him, making your way outside
“No problem, thank you for joining me.” Rin nodded while disposing of the snack wrappers and bottles
“Let me walk you back to the train station, it’s dark out.” he grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers with his before leading you through the night
“Thank you” you gave a bow as you reached the station “I had fun tonight”
“Yea, me too…” he said, slowly realizing how beautiful you looked in the moonlight. He hoped the darkness of the night hid his blush
You leaned in and gave him a quick kiss while slipping a button from you shirt into his hands, a common way of expressing love in Japan
He covered his red face with a hand, while looking at the floor in embarrassment 
He took off his jacket just as you were about to leave and shoved it into your hands, “Don’t want you getting cold…” he barely mumbled, before preparing to leave
You gave him one last thanks before putting the jacket on as he left
As he walked home, he wasn’t actually that cold. Maybe it was because of the extra sweater he had underneath, maybe it was because he was hoping you’d ask for it and prepared earlier that day, maybe it was because his face was so hot from the interaction, who knows :x
He was smiling the whole walk home, and even took a wrong turn because he was so distracted, didn’t even put his earbuds back in because he was so focused on the memories of that day
Once he got home he texted you to make sure you did too
The two of you will 100% be going on another date, and this time, you’ll get to choose where ;) (just please don’t make him watch like, mlp… or do, that’d be pretty funny- )
[Arcade/just around the block]
How Shidou managed to convince you to go out with him? I have no clue.
This man was running around the house grabbing his things 5 minutes before you were supposed to meet up. It’d take 10 minutes to get there.
You were just scrolling as you waited for him, already 2 minutes late. You weren’t all that surprised, he was that typa guy after all. But you were surprised when he crashed into you, panting as he tried to catch his breath 
“I’m- *wheeze* sorry that I’m- *wheeze* late-” he was hunched over with sweat dripping down his face
How fast did he run??? You thought to yourself while silently facepalming.
“Here” you said, pulling out a plastic water bottle and handing it to him “Take a second to catch your breath”  
“Thank you- my goddess” he said, before chugging the whole bottle. Shidou finally gained his composure “You know, that was technically an indirect kiss” he teased while giving you back the bottle.
You threw it out.
He pouted for a second before following you down the street, “Sooo, where do ya wanna go first?”
“You don’t have anything planned?” you questioned him
“Nooo…. Was I supposed to-??” he didn’t realize he actually had to do anything-
“Well- you were the one who asked me out…” you mumbled more to yourself than him, “Nevermind, there’s a big arcade around here, wanna play a few rounds?”
“Hell yea!” he said excitedly 
Once you two had arrived, he bought you both a bunch of tokens (as an apology for being late/wanted to show off) and I mean a bunch.
You watched him play a few games, and you were pretty shocked with how good he was with some of them, I mean, how much practice could someone really have with Flappy Bird?? The chance-based games though- don’t even get me started LOL he’d either get really lucky, or really unlucky.
Eventually, you guys found the strength/reflex based games. The ones with hammers, buttons, etc.
He tried the one with the hammer first. It was a simple one, all he had to do was hit it as hard as he could, the harder the better. Shidou picked up the tool, and slammed it down on the sensor. You could’ve swore he broke it.
He turned at you and smiled brightly “Jackpot!”
“Damn, you’re good” you stated, gathering the tickets as you ignored the scared children in the background. “Let’s try Whack-a-Mole next!” He dragged you over to the minigame.
He won again.
As you gathered the tickets again, you thought you should show off a bit too…
You grinned before grabbing his hand and leading him over to a certain stall you saw on your way in. It was one you played many times and you could constantly score well on. 
You placed your belongings on the floor before starting up the game and stretching your fingers while Shidou just stared at his hand like he’d been touched by an angel
As the game started, you mashed buttons with your eyes focused on the screen at an alarming rate. Shidou’s eyes couldn’t even keep up, his jaw on the floor
Finally the game ended, with you beating the top score on the machine. You collected your mass amount of tickets and smiled at the boy “Jackpot!”
Shidou pouted “When were you going to tell me you were so good with your fingers~?”
You sighed as you continued to look around, “Hey Shidou look, if we beat these bots in a shooter game we get free pizza” you pointed at an advertisement stuck to the wall
He glanced at the poster quickly before giving you a devilish grin “You down?”
“Hell yeah.”
You picked up the prop gun in the booth and pressed the “Ready” button, waiting for the simulation to start. You closed an eye and pulled the fake trigger, shooting the zombies coming at you and Shidou.
You could hear his trigger-happy laughs from beside you as he one-shotted the enemies. Needless to say, you two won. Shidou stepped out the booth with a smug smile as you redeemed your free pizza, “You’re not bad~” he teased
You laughed “You’re pretty good too, Shidou”
You two sat down to eat as you chatted, “Thank you for coming today! I was really worried you were gonna ditch LOL” Shidou said nonchalantly as he scarfed down a slice 
“Is that why you were late….?” you asked, picking up your own slice
“Nah, I just forgot!” he smiled
After lunch, you played a few more games, amassing a very large sum of tickets. You and Shidou now stared at the prizes, thinking about what you wanted. “Hmmmm” he thought out-loud, “You can have all the tickets.” he looked at you with a smile 
“Really?” you asked skeptically “You sure? That’s a lot-”
“Yea, 100%. I don’t mind” he handed you his tickets “Just one thing in return…” he smirked at you mischievously
You hesitated but took the tickets anyway, “What is it…”
He pointed at his cheek, “Gimme a kiss” 
You gave him a very quick one before going back to looking at the prizes, Shidou smiled and buried his face into his hands, looking up at you with hearts in his eyes 
You placed a huge plushie of your favourite animal on the table for the worker to scan, and you brought out the tickets to pay. Shidou came up to you from behind and clung onto your waist as he buried his face into your neck
The worker laughed as she handed you your plush, “Your boyfriend?” she questioned,
“Not quite-” you started, before getting cut off by Shidou,
“Soon.” he still latched onto you
After that, he walked you home and wished you a good day, he also asked for another kiss, it depends on you if you actually give it to him or not tho ;)
He’d plop himself on his bed and just think about everything that happened, and now he’s sure he wants to go out with you again, it’s not much of a choice ;)
[Fancy Restaurant/late night car drive]
This may be the fanciest date you’ve ever been on- never had you dressed up so formally. 
You took a few breaths while waiting at the door for Sae to pick you, checking your phone every 2 seconds. And finally you got a next, “I’m waiting for you outside”
Sae walked out and opened the car door for you, holding your hand while escorting you in. As he closed the doors and started up the engine, he pulled out a small bouquet of flowers, “This is for you”
You took the flowers in your hands and blushed, you had only mentioned your favourite type briefly, and yet he still remembered. “Thank you, Sae.” you gave a short reply while looking at him brightly 
He couldn’t help but smile a bit at your reaction, silently freaking out about how good you looked
At the restaurant, you two were seated almost immediately, thanks to the reservation. He was a gentleman and everything, pulling out your chair for you, and kissing your hand lightly. 
“Hello! What can I get started for you?” a waiter came by with a notepad, ready to take your order, even though you’ve only had the menu for like 40 seconds. You’d need much more time than that to decide, but you didn’t want to bother them, so you flipped through the menu quickly trying to pick
“We’re still deciding.” Sae stated directly, putting his hand over yours which was tapping lightly on the table, a habit you developed when anxious. 
You gave him a thankful nod and smile, to which he blushed lightly
“Pick whatever you want” He said, “I’ll pay.”
You would’ve insisted on paying for yourself, but looking at the menu, there was no way you could afford it, so you thanked him and continued browsing 
After a bit, you decided what you wanted. You looked up at Sae and he was… looking at the kids menu-
I mean, who were you to judge? We love the kids menu, you just didn’t expect Sae Itoshi of everyone to look thought it
He eventually noticed you staring at him, and flipped to another section “Sorry..” he mumbled, slightly embarrassed. You had to hold in a laugh at the scene, and Sae only frowned playfully at you. “My little brother used to always get something from there.” he stated, “Anyway, have you decided what you want?”
He called the waiter over and you both imputed your orders.
While the two of you waited for your food, you started a conversation, which soon led to another, and another. You were teasing him about not knowing anything other than soccer, and you even managed to get a few jokes and affectionate eyerolls out of him, and finally your food arrived.
As the waiter put the plates down, your jaw dropped as your mouth watered, it was the best food you have ever seen. Your entire face lit up as you grabbed a utensil and started going at it, not thinking about anything other than the delicious taste.
“You look like you’ve been starved” Sae laughed as he picked up his own fork and knife, and started cutting his stake like a proper person, especially compared to you who had sauce by your lips
He grabbed a napkin and wiped it off, smiling at your flustered reaction
The two of you ate, occasionally exchanging words, but you were much too busy appreciating the food, and he was much too busy appreciating your beauty
You let out a content sigh as you put your fork down and smiled “That was good food.” you said, expression like you’ve just been blessed by the heavens
Sae silently laughed, he used to come here pretty often with his family, so things like these weren’t anything special to him, but you made it memorable.
He paid the bill and led you out the building, a small smile on his face.
“Where to now?” you asked as you got in the car “You said you wanted to show me something?”
“Mhm.” Sae nodded as he drove out the parking lot “It’s a bit far, but we can get there quickly” he had the tiniest grin on his face, his eyes hiding a bit of mischief 
You looked at him hesitantly, wondering what he was about to do. But you didn’t even have a second to adjust before he suddenly accelerated, much higher than you could’ve anticipated.
“AIDUSGFLAUEGF-” you let out a string of swears as you were pushed into the seat by the speed you were going while he laughed
If there were cars around, he would’ve crashed into one by now, or got pulled over. Luckily, it was pretty late at night and no one was around, so he could go however fast he wanted.
“Are you sure this is safe??” you yelled as Sae rolled down the windows
“Trust me.” he replied, before drifting 90° to turn
“See?” he said with a smile “Perfectly safe” 
The car was now going at a slightly more normal pace as he held one hand on the steering wheel and intertwined the other one with yours as you tried to comprehend what happened. “We’re almost there” he smiled
As you arrived, Sae helped you out as you looked around. I was just a huge empty parking lot, with seemingly nothing around, “What did you want to show me?” you asked
“Look up” he nodded at the sky
As you turned to face it, big fireworks of every colour shot up, lighting up the night sky.
You smiled, you always loved fireworks after all “They’re so pretty..”
 Sae pulled you in with a smile, “Not as pretty as you”. Sae leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, a sweet feeling engulfing you both.
As you finally pulled away, you buried your red face in his chest, still flustered. Sae smiled, as he put a hand on your hand, and another around your waist “Let’s get you home, my love”
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A/N: jsut hit me that i have to put "SEPARATE" in the title or it sounds like a harem
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jester089 · 11 months
I have a request for the tdac characters to fall in love with child reader(platonically) and basically be attached to them like their younger sibling figure, and now imagine the reader starts to slowly get insane in some way and abstracts, and they just watch in horror as they see their practically younger sibling abstract and taken away to the black hole(I forgot what its called), and they get out of character, I need some angst and out of character mfs
So young
Now I have done multiple things on this type of idea so it's probs gonna be really similar to some of my past works. I'll still do my best though. For future reference in requesting please specify if you want a oneshot or headcannons. I did a little of both for this one but it was tiring, so please specify.
TADC Crew x Child Reader Who Abstracts
You were by far the youngest in the Digital Circus. Out of everyone you actually enjoyed it there, it was colorful, safe, had plenty of things to do. And had people who actually cared about you. It was a place of respite for you after you're awful family. Well awful isn't the right word they weren't abusive or anything. Just neglectful. Caine was a lot like a weird uncle to you. Always had some kind of gift for you when he saw you and despite what he says you know he cares about you. You were just about the only person who genuinely enjoyed his little adventures and jokes so he ended up getting kind of attached to you. As much as an AI could at least.
Gangle more often then not wasn't around you. She didn't avoid you or anything but she didn't go out of her way to be around you. One time when her mask broke and you saw her crying you went to Caine to ask if she was ok. He explained as best he could to you that she isn't really sad, just her mask broke. So you asked Caine to help you fix it. A few hours later you're at Gangle's door with a fixed mask in a present box. Once she saw that you of all people, the youngest one here went out of your way to help her she started to warm up to you.
Zooble most definitely didn't enjoy being around you Lies. She always acted like you annoyed her and she wanted to be anywhere else. But the few times you two have been alone she's surprisingly nice. She taught you how to make a paper hat one time then for the next few weeks you were never seen without one on.
Kinger took on a much more loving approach with you. He saw you as young and in danger and with no one to guide you. And if you were just left alone Jax would probably swoop in like a vulture and corrupt you. So he half took you in and did his best to raise you and teach you. It was hard as their isn't anything for learning in the circus but he did his best. It annoys him to no end when he hears a censored word come from you only to learn that Zooble's been teaching you swears behind his back.
Ragatha did her best with Kinger to raise you so you had some kind of future ahead of yourself. Despite the fact that they no one ages they still want you to be prepared. She took on a very "over protective older sister" kind of way with you. You're young, weak, and gullible so she's constantly worrying about you. Enough for her to set up a bed for you in her room. Plus side is she'll read you bedtime stories.
Jax's sole goal since he found out Kinger and Ragatha were teaching you and keeping you away from him is to taint you. Whenever you're left alone he kind of just appears and offers you something fun to do with him so you'll follow him. He has fed so many lies to your malleable young brain. Like "Hey kid. Did'ja know that Ragatha loves centipedes? I actually caught one earlier today. Why don'cha give it to er?" so naturally you did. You got grounded for that. Pomni is the one you feel closest too. You're innocent and kind nature help her keep calm(er). And her being around your height makes you feel more comfortable around her so you're always seen dragging her around to do something silly. You help her look for the exit, kind of. Your different way of seeing the world has helped her find many things out though. Did you know that their's a secret building at the bottom of the the digital lake? She only found it cause you mentioned said something about Atlantis while swimming then proceeded to dive under the water scaring her.
All of them started to get worried when your usual energetic and optimistic self started to act tired, all the time. Even someone as at your age who seems to be the perfect fit isn't immune to the problems the circus has it seems. When you started to get depressed it freaked Ragatha out causing her to be more strict with you because she didn't want to see you hurt. That only made it worse though. None of them take you abstracting well. Even Jax, despite being a jerk he ended up getting kind of attached to you. Cause no matter how mean he was you were always nice to him. "Wonder if their still causing chaos in the afterlife..." Caine being the ring master was always trying to cheer everyone up and get their mind off you but it never really worked. It slightly affected him too, not because he was attached to you. But because you were so young... "Couldn't even keep a kid alive..." Ragatha after losing you would either lock herself in her room staring at your old bed trying to decide on if she should or shouldn't take it down. It the only thing she has left to remember you by. You had your whole life ahead of you. But she ended up not being able to help. Just like with all those others... "Is it even worth the effort at this point. Am I even helping..." Kinger had already lost Queenie his S/O... Now you, the one he was actually starting to see as his kid. That is what pushed him over the deep end. You two his family, both abstracted. At least he'll get too see you two again... "I'll be there soon love, just have to grab Y/N's books..."
(Idk if this is good or at all what you wanted. But I tried. Hope you enjoyed it. Also if you all could please check my request rules before requesting. It would make my life much easier. Thanks. Also I kinda wanna re-write this without the abstraction part.)
xoxo, Jester
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stevie-petey · 10 months
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episode five: the flea and the acrobat
“Steve, what-” He pushes past you in a frenzied hurry to get to his car, but you grab his jacket and force him to stop. “Answer me! Is Nancy okay? Was Jonathan with her?” Steve whips around and sneers at you. “Why do you even care about them? About him?” “Because we’re friends,” you say, and for the first time you really mean it. Nancy has become someone you’d call a friend.  Another cruel laugh escapes Steve’s lips. “Friends, huh? Yeah, those two looked real fucking cozy in her bed.”
summary: you and dustin have a long overdue Sibling Moment, at will's funeral you and jonathan exchange information and surprise ! it's all horrible news ! nancy has awful timing and when you leave her alone with jonathan one damn time you and steve end up trauma bonded on her front porch #bffs.
rating: general, though there's the use of guns in here for plot point sake, as well as cursing
warnings: use of guns, cursing, fem!reader, and use of y/n.
words: 14.4k (whew)
before you swing in: i'm back gang ! fall semester is almost done and i am in the trenches, so i leave y'all with this monster of a chapter before hell week (i have three finals in one day next week, no i don't want to talk about it). please enjoy this beauty, i had so much fun messing with character relationships in this and it was very ;)
With how many times you’ve knocked on the Wheeler’s door this week, you’d think that Mrs. Wheeler would stop looking so surprised when she answers. 
You give the woman a small smile. “Hi, Mrs. Wheeler. Is, uh, Mike home?”
“Yes… he stayed home today because of Will. Is there something you need?” The usually friendly woman seems beaten down from this week’s events as well, which you’re understanding of. 
“I was wondering if I could come in and see how he’s doing? Dustin is really shaken up about it, so I figured…” You shrug, trying to come across as a concerned older sister figure rather than a worried and horrible babysitter who should really retire. 
Mrs. Wheeler places a hand over her heart. “Oh, Y/N. You’ve always been so good with the boys, of course you can check on him. It means a lot that you care.”
Oh, no problem, but if we’re being honest I’m here because I’m scared I accidentally let your son get involved with the supernatural and dangerous monster men thingies that I honestly can’t wrap my head around!
Of course you can’t tell the woman this, so instead you thank her and let yourself in. Immediately you head towards the basement and fling the door open. You like Mrs. Wheeler, but the amount of times her son has snuck out of the house without her noticing honestly concerns you, so you’re a bit unsure if Mike even is home.
You get deja-vu from a few days ago as you head down the basement steps, once again hearing the three boys panicking as they try to hide El. Unlike last time, which had only annoyed you, seeing them scramble to hide the girl makes you relieved. 
They’re here, alive and well. You’d let Steve distract you from your worrying on the drive over, so the relief hits you like a damn truck. 
“Oh god not again!” Dustin groans when he sees you, worried that he’s once again going to get yelled at for being at the Wheeler’s with El. 
You ignore his theatrics and walk over to the girl, who is laying face down on the couch. You notice that she’s dressed in one of Nancy’s old costumes and a blonde wig that suits her well. What the hell did the kids get up to today? 
“Do I want to know why El is dressed like a doll and almost passed out on the couch?” 
“That depends on if you’re going to yell at us again,” Mike says. 
You shoot him a glare, but you guess he has a point. The last few times you’ve been with the kids you’ve ended up yelling at them one way or another. You feel bad about that, but then again: they won’t stop getting into trouble. 
El manages to raise her head from the couch, “Hi, Y/N.”
“Hi, sweetie,” you approach the couch and gently nudge her to the side so that you can sit down and place her head on your lap. She nuzzles into your warmth and lets out a sleepy sigh. “And to answer your question, Mike: I’m not here to yell at you guys. I just… Please tell me what’s been going on. I know I haven’t been here for you guys like I should’ve, but-”
“Your boyfriend needed you more,” Mike quips, though there’s some resentment in his voice that causes you to feel even worse.
Dustin hits his shoulder against the boy. “He isn’t her boyfriend, but she couldn’t just abandon him; he needed her. Besides, we have been sneaking off without telling her anything.” 
You cast an appreciative smile at your brother, thankful that even though he’s a pain in your ass, he always has your back like you do his. It’s something he’s always done with you and Mike; being so similar, you and him are constantly butting heads, yet Dustin has always been the first to defend you against his friend (even if you’ve never needed it in the first place). 
“I’m sorry, okay? I messed up, but I’m here now and I really, really need to know if I’m being paranoid. What mess did you dweebs manage to get into?”
The three boys suddenly can’t look at you. Their heads turn in different directions, Lucas scratches the back of his neck, Mike kicks at a board piece on the ground, and Dustin whistles a tune. 
Your shoulders slump. “Is it that bad?”
“It started this morning,” 
“Mike, she could help us! The weirdo clearly likes her,” he gestures over to El practically asleep in your lap, “plus, she’s the only sane one left in this group. I need backup.” 
“Backup?” You ask. 
Mike throws his head back in annoyance and lets out a groan as if he’s dying. Truly, this kid is the most dramatic person you’ve ever met. “Fine, we’ll tell you everything if you agree to stop hounding us for sneaking around. Will is missing, he’s our friend, and no one in the party gets left behind.”
You think this over for a moment, weighing the pros and cons in your head. “I will agree to those terms if you guys agree to keep me updated on everything at all times.” 
The boys try to argue, but you don’t let them. 
“I mean it, another person is missing. Nancy’s friend, Barb, was in the same woods that Will was, the same woods that you guys keep insisting on trekking through without supervision. This is serious, guys. Whatever, or whoever, is out there… it’s dangerous, and I-” You swallow down some tears that claw against your throat. “I can’t lose anyone else, okay?” 
The mood in the room is solemn, the three boys silent as your words hang in the air. Naturally, you try to lighten things up. “I’ll deny this if anyone asks, but unfortunately I love you boys.” 
As expected, they immediately begin to gag and pretend that they’ve been impaled with something as they all scream “ew” and “yuck” at your words. You laugh, which causes El to laugh as well, and for a moment it feels like nothing has changed. 
“So?” You ask after the boys have finished their gross theatrics. 
Dustin is the one who makes the decision for them. “We promise to keep you updated, for real this time.” 
“Good, now again I ask: why is El dressed like a doll and half asleep on my lap as we speak?” 
Lucas, Dustin, and Mike begin to talk all at once. 
“Mike radioed for me to head over, claiming he heard Will on the walkie.”
“Yeah, and then they radioed me to join. Sorry, by the way. I would’ve woken you up, but you and Jonathan looked so cozy in your bed so-”
“I thought you said they weren’t dating?”
“Not now, Mike.”
It continues like this for a while as they explain everything they did today. Sneaking El into the school, having to to talk to Mr. Clark, attending the assembly for Will, Mike fighting some idiotic kids for making fun of him before El made the head bully pee himself. 
You look down at the girl in your lap. “You can really make people pee themselves?”
“Sometimes,” she shrugs. 
“That’s what you focus on, Y/N?” Mike asks you, and you simply shrug your shoulders in response. Sue you for still having doubts about Will being alive, you’ve gotten your hopes up one too many times. 
“Are you suggesting I believe that you heard Will through your cheap little walkies?” 
Dustin puts his head in his hands in defeat while Lucas gestures over to you. “See, she’s the sane backup I need.” 
Mike groans at you once more. “No, that’s why we snuck El into the radio room and used the heathkit that Mr. Clark got us. Keep up!”
“What, did you tell the guy that El was a new student?” 
“Don’t be stupid, we told Mr. Clark that she’s my cousin.” 
“Uhh, Y/N,” Dustin laughs nervously, motioning for you to stop talking. “You promised you’d be cool about everything if we told you.”
Knowing that your brother is right, you deflate a bit against the couch and start playing with El’s hair. “I am being cool, I just have so many questions.”
“Oh, just wait.” Lucas snorts. 
Mike now crosses the room to stand in front of you, as if he’s gearing up to tell you some major news. “We heard Will on the heathkit. El, she managed to use her powers to communicate with him.”
Like always, the seriousness in his voice concerns yet intrigues you. “Lucas, do you really believe that it was Will?”
The boy nods at you, his face grim. You don’t like how scared he looks, because out of the entire group he’s the one who is always the most reasonable. If he’s willingly telling you that he thinks it was Will, then you have to start taking the situation at hand seriously. 
“Okay, tell me exactly what you guys heard.”
And they do. One by one they tell you about Will’s pleading for his mom, telling her that it’s like home but cold and dark, the banging that followed after his words, how El had used so much of her energy trying to maintain the communication before the radio caught fire and she was too exhausted to do much else. 
“So, you believe us now?” Mike asks after you’re silent for a moment. 
You look down at the girl in your lap, in awe that someone so small and shy could hold so much power. This time you believe what the boys tell you without much conviction. Now that you know that Barb is missing as well, lost in the same woods as Will, the same woods where you found El, the photos from Nancy and the figure she claims she saw… It’s all starting to come together. 
You’re not sure exactly what you’re caught up in, but you know it’s too late to back out. Whatever is going on, whatever thing took Will and transported him to some unknown place with possibly the same powers that El has, you know it’s your responsibility to handle it. 
“Yes,” you respond, and the boys all sigh with relief. “Just one question though,”
Dustin sighs. “Yes, Y/N?”
“How did it take you guys so long to set fire to the school? Honestly, Jonathan and I thought it’d happen sooner.” 
“You’re hilarious.” Mike deadpans, which only causes you and El to giggle together again. 
“I hate to ruin the good mood, but we seriously need to figure out what Will meant when he said that wherever he is ‘is like home’.” Your brother interrupts. 
Mike spins to face him. “He said, ‘like home, but dark’, right?”
“And ‘empty’.” Lucas adds. 
“‘Empty’ and ‘cold’. Wait, did he say cold?” Dustin asks the group.
You nod your head. “You mentioned cold earlier.”
Lucas throws his hands up in the air in frustration. “The stupid radio kept going in and out!” 
“It’s like riddles in the dark…” Your brother sighs, which you hum in agreement to. 
Will’s words were pretty vague, but you wish you had been there at the middle school as well. Maybe if you had heard the tone of Will’s voice, you’d be of more help.
Mike continues to mumble about “like home” and “dark” for a few more seconds, now pacing around the room. You watch from the couch, El still resting with her head in your lap, and as you’re playing with her hair she finally speaks up after having been silent for a while. 
“Upside down.”
“What’d she say?” Lucas asks.
“Upside down? I guess?” Is all you can tell him. 
While you, Dustin, and Lucas are confused by El’s words, Mike rushes over to the forgotten board from a few days ago and sits down. He frantically flips it over and motions for you to come and join him. You hesitate for a second, but he only doubles down on his waving you over, so you gently lift El’s head up and walk over. 
“God, took you long enough.”
“I was literally three feet away from you on the couch, why did I have to move?”
Mike ignores your question and begins to explain the thirty million thoughts flying through his head at the moment, “When El showed us where Will was, she flipped the board over, remember?” 
You nod, slowly understanding where he’s going with this. “She flipped it upside down.”
“Exactly! Dark. Empty.” 
Lucas looks over at you and Dustin, unamused. “Do you understand what he’s talking about?”
“No,” your brother says at the same time as you saying “the upside down part? Yes. The dark and empty part? No.”
Mike tries to explain further. “Guys, come on, think about it. When El took us to find Will, she took us to his house, right?” 
“You mean last night when they found Will’s body in the water?” You ask, not really understanding where Mike is going with all this. 
“Like Y/N said, he wasn’t there.” Lucas reminds everyone, but Mike still tries to get his point across.
“But what if he was there? What if we just couldn’t see him, what if he was on the other side?”
You think about Jonathan’s words from earlier today in the car while on the way to the funeral home, trying to calm down from his fight with his mom. He had told you about how Joyce was convinced that Will was in the walls within their home, that the body they saw in the morgue hadn’t been his. 
“Hold on,” you interrupt Mike, “you guys said that there was some, like, banging where Will was, right? And that he had been begging his mom to come get him?” 
“Yeah, it was like some sick sci-fi movie!” 
You glare at your brother. “Ignoring you. Anyways, did you guys hear Mrs. Byers on the radio as well?” 
Mike shakes his head. “No, all we could hear was the banging and something... Growling, I guess.”
Knowing Joyce, you’d bet money that the banging had been her. You know that the next time you go over to their house, the walls might actually be destroyed, but she’d been right all along. Will is alive, he has to be. The pieces that you’ve slowly been collecting this past week fall together one by one. 
“That explains the walls and the weird monster thing in Jonathan’s picture,” you mumble to yourself, but Lucas hears you. 
“Do I wanna know?”
You purse your lips. “Let’s focus on figuring out where Will is, then I’ll tell you guys what I’ve been up to this week.” 
“Okay, so,” Mike begins again, now grabbing the board game and flipping it onto its normal, light side. “What if this is Hawkins,” he flips it upside down onto its dark side, “and this is where Will is?” 
“The Upside Down.” You finish for him. 
“The Upside Down.” Mike confirms. 
Slowly Dustin follows along. “Like the Vale of Shadows.”
Somehow you always end up the one confused when it comes to these damn kids. “The Vale of Shadows? What the hell is that?”
Dustin runs over to the bookshelf and pulls out a thick binder full of paper, but as he flips through it you realize it’s a rulebook for Dungeons and Dragons. He lands on the page he’s looking for, and you feel your shoulders drop. Great. More confusing terminology ahead. 
“‘The Vale of Shadows’,” he begins to read, “‘is a dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of our world. It is a place of decay and death. A plane out of phase. A place of monsters’.”
“Wait, didn’t you say something about a monster, Y/N?” Lucas asks, but you shush him so you don't miss whatever else Dustin will say next. 
“‘It is right next to you, and you don’t even see it’.” He finishes. 
His words hang in the air for a moment, but Mike, always somehow three steps ahead, pieces it together. “An alternate dimension.” 
Lucas finally accepts what’s happening. “But how do we get there?” 
“I’m sorry, we?” You look between all three boys, their faces still young and holding the childish innocence that you once had yourself. “No, there’s no ‘we’ in this. I may not know much about alternate dimensions, but there’s no way I’m letting you guys try to find and go to one.”
Mike rolls his eyes at you. “Well what choice do we have? Do you want to tell that mean police chief about this?”
“I…well… I mean-no.” You sink down in the seat, annoyed that Mike is right. No way Hopper believes any of this, you hardly believe any of it. 
“Can we cast shadow walk?” Dustin focuses back on the conversation at hand.
You don’t bother to ask what that means. 
“In real life, dummy.” Lucas reminds him. 
“We can’t shadow walk, but…” Your brother’s eyes land on El, who is still laying on the couch, silent and unmoving. “Maybe she can.”
The four of you turn towards the girl, and Mike voices his own question. “Do you know how we get there? To the Upside Down?”
El meets your eyes, and you can see that she’s hesitant about something. She’s been quieter than usual, almost suspiciously so, and you know that the more Mike figures things out, the more hesitant she becomes. She shakes her head at you, and you give her a sad smile. 
Lucas flings his head back and groans. “Oh my god!”
Mike and Dustin seem to be thinking the same thing, disappointed by El’s lack of help. You don’t blame them, also frustrated by the fact that it feels like you guys are so close to discovering something big. You can feel hope reignite in your chest; you haven’t been this close to an explanation about Will all week. This has to be it. It’s the only way you can explain everything that’s been happening lately. 
Speaking of which:
“Remember how I mentioned Barb and a possible monster?” 
You tell them everything, about Jonathan’s worry for his mom, how their phone got charred by lightning, Hopper’s theory that Will had been running from something, Nancy and Barb attending Steve’s party and how Barb had been on her own near the woods. You tell them about how Barb has been missing ever since and the photos Jonathan took (leaving out the horrible ones of Nancy) that Nancy brought to your attention at the funeral home. The figure in the background, looming over Barb, how it didn’t seem to have a face.
Then you tell them about Joyce and her spiral, though now you know she actually wasn’t crazy. You tell them about the Christmas lights and Will communicating with her through them. How she claimed that she could hear him through the wall and that the body in the quarry hadn’t been him. 
When you’re finally done catching them up, they stare at you with their jaws open. 
“Dustin,” Mike says, “remind me to never leave your sister out ever again.”
The events from the day had left El exhausted and she refuses to say anything else after you explain everything to the boys. Her eyes droop while Mike interrogates you for answers you can’t give him, so finally you take pity on the poor girl and tell him that you’ll talk more in the morning. 
Mike isn’t too happy about being shut down, but when you point towards a half asleep El he reluctantly gives in. “Fine, but as soon as the funeral is over we’re discussing this further.”
Right. Will’s funeral is tomorrow. 
“Yeah, sure,” you tuck your hair behind your ears and motion over to Dustin. “We need to go, it’s late and mom will be wondering where we are.” 
He tries to argue with you but you just gather your things and head for the stairs. There’s still a lot you need to think about and a million things you need to sort before the funeral tomorrow. Did Jonathan even buy the coffin? Who had made the arrangements after you and him left the funeral home with Nancy?
There’s a lot you need to talk about when you call him tonight. 
The bike ride home with Lucas and Dustin is a quiet one, both boys understanding that you need some time to think about everything you learned tonight. 
You make a list in your head of what you do know, but it’s a frustratingly short list. 
1) El, one way or another, has powers that enable her to communicate with Will in some weird upside down universe that you can’t actually get to (can you even count this as something you know?)
2) Hopper was right: Will went missing because he was running from something (probably the same faceless thing that’s in Jonathan’s photo). 
3) Whatever took Will also took Barb, bringing Nancy into this wonderfully confusing mess (you still don’t know if her involvement is a good or bad thing). 
Everything else? You have no fucking clue what’s going on. 
When you get home with Dustin, it’s late; the two of you have to sneak past your mom, who fell asleep with Mews on her lap in the living room. Dustin heads straight for his room but you stop him, motioning for him to come into yours for a second. 
“Shh!” You quickly shut your door to ensure that your mom won’t hear anything. 
Dustin groans. “I thought you said you weren’t gonna yell at me?”
You roll your eyes at him. “I yell at you guys twice after years of patience, now suddenly I’m a screaming monster,” he doesn’t say anything and flings himself onto the bean bag by your bed. “Anyways, we’re long overdue for a code blue.” 
Your brother shoots up from the bean bag, eyes wide. “No.”
“Yes,” you join him on the bean bag. “Code blue time, we’re going to talk about our feelings after the hellish week we’ve had. C’mon, you know the drill.” 
Code blue was something the two of you came up with when your dad left. You had been twelve when it happened, Dustin had been nine. It’d been a really rough few months for you guys, dealing with the betrayal of your dad while also moving away from your hometown in Virginia all within a year. Neither of you had adjusted well to the sudden changes, and though you were angry and bitter about what had happened, the moment you saw that it was affecting your brother you decided to implement code blue. 
It’s simple, really. Whoever calls for a code blue gets to talk about or ask whatever they want while the other is required to answer. Originally it was so that you could force Dustin into telling you his feelings, but over the years it’s become a way to bond with each other and know that no matter what you’ll be there for one another. No half truths or a vague “I’m fine”; it’s a time for you guys to be vulnerable with one another without using it as leverage against the other. 
Dustin plops his head back down. “Fine, but I’m tired so can this be quick?”
“Hey, no complaining during code blue. That’s like, rule number one.” 
“Y/N.” His tone is one of annoyance and you know that if you don’t start talking soon then you’ll lose his interest.
“Right, sorry. Okay,” you clear your throat and face your brother. “Today’s code blue topic is this: I’m worried about you getting your hopes up about Will. We don’t know that he’s alive just yet.” 
As expected, Dustin is unhappy with what you’ve said. “We do know that he’s alive, I heard him on the heathkit. He’s alive, Y/N.” He sees the uncertainty on your face and doubles down on what he’s saying. “He is.”
You bite your lip, scared that you’ll say the wrong thing. “Dustin, nothing is certain. Even though we’re definitely onto something, and while I believe that you heard Will on the radio, that doesn’t change the fact that there’s something else out there that wants to hurt him. I mean, he’s trapped in some weird alternate dimension that we have no idea how to even get into. I just… I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”
You think about the way your brother’s face fell when they pulled Will’s body out of the water. How the hope that had been in his eyes immediately died alongside his childhood naivety. He had built all of his hope upon a shaky foundation; the moment it collapsed he fell apart. 
“Look I know you’re trying to look out for me, but Will is a part of the party. He’s our friend, we can’t just lose hope and leave him behind. He needs us.” Dustin speaks with so much certainty and an aura of maturity that almost makes you forget that he’s twelve. 
“I’m not saying it’s dangerous to have hope, but I need you to promise me that you’ll protect yourself from whatever happens next. How’s that sound?”
Dustin thinks for a moment, tapping a finger against his chin. “Hmm, I think I can make that deal if you promise the same thing. I mean, c’mon, it’s obvious that you’re the sensitive one out of the two of us. You and hope? Doomed.” 
You laugh, knowing he’s right. You’ve always been branded by hope; hopeful for love, for dreams, and for those who may not always deserve it. You and hope haven’t always gotten along, but she’s become a familiar friend. 
“I think you’ve got yourself a deal. Now, it’s late and I have to call Jonathan and catch him up on everything, so let’s conclude code blue with its mandatory hug.” 
“Woah woah woah, I don’t think we gotta-”
Dustin’s words become muffled as you throw yourself on top of him and squish him into a hug. He squirms against you for a second, claiming he can’t breathe, but you shush him and force him to accept the hug. Though you won’t ever tell him this, losing Will has only made you more appreciative of having a wonderfully annoying little brother. 
After code blue, Dustin goes to his room claiming that “alternate dimensions are super draining”, and before he leaves you tell him to be ready tomorrow by nine for the funeral and that your mom will take him. You’ll be at the Byers’ helping Jonathan. 
Once he’s gone you give yourself a few moments to sit in silence, letting the events from today settle over you. It seems like all you’ve felt this week is exhaustion and hurt and at the rate everything is going, there’s no telling how long you’ll feel this way. 
The moment you’re done wallowing you roll off the bean bag and walk over to your desk to call Jonathan. You’re honestly not sure what you’ll even tell him tonight, there’s no way you’ll be able to cover everything before the night ends. The two of you have a long day tomorrow, so you figure you’ll have to make do with the limited time you have and summarize. 
Jonathan answers after a few rings. “How’d your little secret mission go?”
You make a face. “Is it even a secret mission if I told you I was going on it?”
“It is if you refuse to tell me what you did during it.” 
“Touche, bee.” 
He laughs, which sends a cascading warmth throughout your body. You can envision him perfectly on the other end of the line, leaning against his kitchen wall with the phone wire wrapped around his finger as he absent mindedly fiddles with it while he talks to you. 
You clear your throat and shake the thought from your mind, you called him for a reason. “Anyways… we need to talk.”
Jonathan is silent for a moment and you can feel the playfulness fade away. “Yeah, you first though. You already know what Nance and I were up to.” 
Awesome. Cool. Totally not going to be consumed by that later. 
“Right. Uh, well. I went looking for Dustin because the other night when I was with the boys we stumbled upon this, well, this little girl.” 
“A girl?”
“Yeah, she’s bald.”
“Okay… is that important or…?”
“Unsure, but it felt important to tell you. Sorry,” you take a deep breath, “I’m not sure why I’m so nervous right now.”
“It’s okay, bug. It’s me, you can tell me anything.” 
No I can’t.
“Sure, yeah, totally. Um, so anyways we found her, her name is El, and she’s our only connection to Will right now.”
A beat of silence. “What do you mean?”
“Well, she kinda has… powers?”
You hear Jonathan sigh on the other end of the call. “Bug, you’re not seriously telling me that the boys have somehow dragged you into one of their little schemes, right?”
Yeah, he’s reacting exactly how you figured he would. 
“I know what it sounds like, but Jonathan… How else would you explain everything going on? Will disappeared, Barb did too, your mom and her lights. Now that thing Nancy saw in the woods, which I know you definitely have an update that will only further prove how weird this all is.”
Again Jonathan is quiet, and this time you envision him pacing little circles in the kitchen as he carefully thinks through your words, trying to piece it all together. “We developed the photo again and you’re right, there’s something behind Barb in it.” 
You close your eyes and exhale. “So, you believe me now?”
“Guess I don’t really have a choice.”
“You don’t.” 
“Then we’ll talk about it after the funeral tomorrow.” He concedes. 
“Yeah,” you let out a shaky breath, “the funeral. I’ll make my way over the second I wake up tomorrow to help with everything.” 
“You don’t have to-”
“I know.” 
More silence settles over the two of you. It’s still hard to wrap your head around the fact that it was only a week ago where everything was normal. No disappearances, no weird feelings, no heartbreak and confusion. 
“Bug?” Jonathan is practically whispering. 
“Lonnie is here.”
The words hit you hard. Why the fuck is Lonnie back in Hawkins? “Do you need to spend the night? I can finally bake those cookies for your mom and we can watch whatever you want.” 
“No,” he sounds exhausted. “He hasn’t been a problem yet, and I can’t…” 
“Leave your mom with him?” You finish. 
“He thinks she’s crazy and her axing down one of our walls doesn’t help-”
So you were right, Joyce did indeed break down her wall to try and get to Will.
“Jonathan, it’s okay. I understand, stay with her and get some rest. Sleep, that’s an order.”
He lets out a weak laugh. “I love you, bug.” 
Like how I love you?
“I love you too, bee.” The words burn your tongue. 
“Sleep well.”
You’re up before the sun this morning.
You spent hours tossing and turning last night, hardly getting any sleep. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t seem to turn your mind off. All you could think about was Jonathan, his smile and his voice and the way he kisses your forehead whenever you’ve done something especially endearing to him. You were surrounded by him last night. 
Now you stand outside his front door holding a tin of cookies, dressed in a simple knitted black dress and tights with mary janes that used to belong to your mom for Will’s funeral. The shoes are your favorite, but now you’re afraid they’re tainted by the occasion you’re wearing them for. 
It’s Lonnie who opens the door. “Well if it isn’t little miss Henderson. I missed ya, sweetheart.” 
You haven’t seen the man in two years, having been fourteen when he left Joyce and the kids. Since then he’s only aged horribly, his eyes slightly yellowed and his beer gut now more prominent. Clearly he still prefers alcohol over human company. Figures. 
“Can’t say the same about you.” Your shoulder hits his as you walk in and he lets out an annoyed huff. 
The man follows you but you pay him no attention. Instead you head straight towards Joyce and the second she sees you she runs into your arms; you only have a few seconds to place down the cookies before she’s in your arms. 
“Y/N! You’re here!” She squeezes you tight and you melt into her embrace. She’s always given the best hugs whenever you’ve needed the comfort, but now it’s your turn to be the one offering the support. 
“Of course, Mrs. Byers. Who else will make sure Jonathan is ready on time?” You mean for it to be a joke, but the way that Joyce’s eyes harden tells you that the funeral is a sore topic for her. She still doesn’t believe that Will is dead and it breaks your fucking heart that you can’t tell her she’s right. 
Joyce wipes away a tear before pulling away. She goes to say something before seeing the tin of cookies on the counter; she immediately pulls you into another hug. “Oatmeal raisin,” 
“They’re your favorite.”
“And Will’s.”
“And Will’s favorite. You know I gotta take care of my Byers.” You whisper into her ear, feeling Lonnie’s eyes on you during the exchange. You have to bite back your tongue, though his presence always makes you feel a type of anger that’s normally foreign to you. 
Joyce pulls away and you know it’s taking everything in her to give you a smile. “You’re too good, sweetie,” she tucks a loose strand of hair that came out of its braid. “Jonathan’s in his room.” 
You grab her hand and give it a squeeze, trying to convey just how much you love and admire her into a simple gesture, before letting go and walking over to Jonathan’s door. 
He’s struggling with his tie when you let yourself in. He’s dressed in the only nice white button down he owns, something he bought for his aunt’s funeral a few years ago that now hardly fits. You can tell that he’s getting frustrated with the tie, so you walk over and help. 
“Here, let me,” you wrap your fingers around the piece of cloth and quickly fashion it into a tie. The two of you don’t talk while you fix the clothing and you know that today will be a wordless day with Jonathan. 
When you’ve finished, you begin to pull away before he places his hands around yours. He cups your hands at the base of his neck as they rest against his collarbones; your fingers are still wrapped around his tie. He squeezes your hands and brings them to his lips and kisses your knuckles so softly that you feel all the love within you simmer.
You know he’s only trying to express his gratitude for you but the butterflies in your stomach make you feel faint. 
You’d do anything for him. 
The funeral has a surprising turnout, not because you ever doubted Will’s incredible ability to be loved by anyone he meets, but because you see faces in the crowd who you’ve never seen before. 
You stand behind Jonathan during the funeral with your hand on his shoulder as he sits with his family in a weak attempt to provide comfort during the service. It’s really fucking bleak. Your other hand is on Dustin’s shoulder as he stands next to you while Mike and Lucas are to the right of him.
Your mother is in the back of the crowd having known she’d cry the entire service, and faintly you can hear her blow her nose into a tissue and sniffle. 
The pastor drones on for a while about how a tragedy like this won’t separate everyone from God’s love, but if attending the funeral for a twelve year old boy is how God shows his love then you want no part in it. Joyce sits stoic alongside Lonnie, Jonathan hasn’t moved at all since the service began; they’re a family brought together by grief. This isn’t love. 
“Just wait until we tell Will that Jennifer Hayes was crying at his funeral,” Dustin snickers, effectively breaking you from your thoughts. You hit his shoulder and shush him as Mrs. Wheeler reminds the boys to be quiet. You flash her an apologetic smile for your brother’s actions. 
You know how firmly the boys believe Will is alive and you honestly can’t say you don’t think so as well, but nothing is certain. Even if he’s alive there’s no way you guys can get to wherever he is; you wish the boys would use some caution with how quickly they’re building their hopes up. 
After the service you walk up to Will’s grave and bend down. You bring one of the yellow roses from the funeral director up to your lips and whisper, “If you’re out there little bee, please, come home.”
Before dropping the rose in you give it a gentle kiss, inhaling its sweet scent and watching as it falls down onto his coffin. Jonathan finds you there crouched down and sees the rose right as it lands. He doesn’t say anything, he just grabs your hand and helps you stand up to bring you over to where Nancy is waiting a couple yards away. 
“Hey, Y/N.” 
You don’t have it in you to do anything other than wave at the girl, but she seems to understand and gives you a sympathetic smile. 
Soon the three of you are settled on the ground with your backs against an old rickety fence behind some tombstones. Jonathan is in the middle of you and Nancy and you rest your head against his shoulder, already exhausted from the day. It’s not the coziest spot to be sitting, but at least you’re away from prying eyes. 
Once you’re seated, Jonathan finally talks for the first time today. “Alright, I already told you this over the phone last night bug, but Nancy was right. After we redeveloped the photo there’s definitely some kind of figure behind Barb, and we thought maybe if my mom has been right all along about some monster-”
“Then she’s right about Will being alive.” You finish for him, having already come to the same conclusion yourself.
“And Barb has to be alive if Will is.” Nancy says, and there’s a spark of hope in her voice that surprises you. You’re ashamed to admit that you didn’t think her and Barb were that close, but seeing how worried she’s been for the girl makes you realize that you’d been a fool not to have seen it sooner. Barb was Nancy’s closest friend. You don’t know what you’d do if Jonathan ever disappeared like Barb did. 
Jonathan pushes your head with his shoulder. “Anything you want to share with the class?”
You look between him and Nancy and try to decide how much you should tell them. While you’ve already told Jonathan a little bit about El, you’re not sure if you can trust the information with Nancy. However, seeing her urgency to find her friend leaves you feeling a bit safer disclosing the information to her. 
“It started the night after Will disappeared…”
It takes a while to tell them everything, and while Jonathan butts in a few times to ask questions, Nancy remains silent and eagerly listens. She nods when she’s supposed to, engages with the story as if her life depends on it. You’re incredibly impressed by her intelligence and openness to the situation at hand. Had it been anyone else they would’ve scoffed at you and called you insane. But Nancy? She holds onto every word and trusts that what you’re saying is true. 
You’re starting to admire her, as painful as it is to admit. But Nancy Wheeler is fucking brilliant, there’s no denying that. 
When you’re finally done explaining El and the Upside Down, Nancy finally speaks. “Let me make sure I’m understanding correctly, you’ve been helping my brother harbor a girl with superpowers in my basement?”
You hadn’t thought of it that way. 
“Ya know, you make a good point.”
Thankfully she laughs and doesn’t seem too upset, which relieves you. You reassure her that they’re fine and that El is someone you trust, and Nancy seems to take comfort in your words. It’s not that you purposely hid the situation from her, but looking back you definitely could’ve used her help now that you know how cool she is. 
As the two of you are laughing, Jonathan pulls out a piece of paper. 
“What’s that?” You ask. 
He shows you. “I printed out a map of Hawkins and drew x’s on every place we know for sure the monster has been.” 
“Two questions: one, so we’re officially calling it the monster now? And two, why don’t you ever put in this much effort for school projects we do together?” 
Jonathan flicks the paper in your face. “Funny. And yes, we’re calling it the monster now. Can you pay attention please?”
Nancy shuffles in closer and her head is practically on Jonathan’s shoulder as well (you’re choosing to ignore that) and she studies the paper and points to one of the x’s. “So that’s-”
“Steve’s house,” Jonathan points to another x, “and that’s the woods where they found Will’s bike and where Y/N last saw him,” the familiar feeling of guilt washes over you, “and that’s my house.” 
Nancy reaches over Jonathan and grabs your hand, surprising you both. “You saw Will last?”
“Yeah,” you swallow, your mouth now suddenly dry. 
“I’m sorry,” her tone is sincere.
“We should get back to the map…” You dodge, highly uncomfortable with Nancy’s comfort. You appreciate it, but you’ve never been good at accepting help from others. 
“Right, sorry,” Nancy clears her throat. “The x’s, they’re all so close.”
Jonathan observes the interaction with slight confusion but decides not to say anything besides, “Yeah, exactly. I mean, it’s all within a mile or something. Whatever this thing is, it’s not traveling far.”
There’s a look in his eyes as he speaks, one of determination and disdain for whatever that thing is, and before you can tell him no, it’s Nancy who voices your concern first. “You want to go out there.”
Jonathan nods and you feel uneasy. “I trust you won’t try going alone again, right?” It’s a question, but he hears the underlying try and I’ll kill you hidden beneath your words.
“No, not this time… but we might not find anything.” 
“I found something,” Nancy reminds him, which you nod at. She’s the only one out of the three of you who has seen the monster in person, and if you had to place any bets, she’s the one who will be able to figure out what the fuck to do with it. 
Actually, what are you guys going to do?
“Do we, like, have a plan for after we’re done monster sightseeing? Or are we just going to take a look at it and call it a night?” You ask the two of them. 
Nancy bites her lip and looks down, also unsure what exactly the three of you are supposed to do. It’s Jonathan who remains stone faced, and there’s a newfound sense of confidence within him that you’ve never seen when he boldly states, “We kill it.”
“Alright there tough guy,” you hit his chest with your hand and snort. “Sure, we kill it. Obviously.”
“Well, do you have any other ideas? For all we know, Mike and the others will be out there in those woods later looking for Will.”
“We don’t know that-”
“Bug, humor me, how did they find El again?”
You’re silent. He’s right, if you guys don’t go and find this monster before tonight then there’s a high chance the boys and El will find it themselves. Fuck. 
“Nancy,” you say to the girl, “it seems like we’re now officially monster hunters.”
Of course Lonnie has a goddamn handgun just casually stored in his glove box.
You’re not entirely on board with this whole gun situation and apparently Nancy isn’t either, immediately questioning Jonathan when he picks the lock to get the gun.
“What, you want to find this thing and take another photo? Yell at it? Better yet, why doesn’t Y/N just round up the boys and El and have them take it down.”  
“Okay, hey,” you point at Jonathan. “Out of line.” 
He mumbles an apology under his breath while Nancy claims that this is all a terrible idea. You’re not sure where you fall in regards to what’s happening, but you’d say at the moment you’re a solid mix between Jonathan’s no time for nonsense mood and Nancy’s hey let’s slow down hesitation. 
You kick a rock and watch as it dings against Lonnie’s car, which pleases you. “Oh it’s definitely a terrible idea, Nancy. Unfortunately it’s all we have going for us at the moment.” 
Jonathan nods at your words. “She’s right, no one’s going to believe us if we tell them. You know that.” 
“Your mom would.” Nancy responds, jutting her jaw out in defiance. 
You cringe, unsure how Jonathan will respond to what she’s said. Joyce is a sore topic for him, he’s always been so protective of her.
“She’s been through enough,” he sighs, and you hum in agreement. 
Nancy grows more frustrated. “She deserves to know!”
You step in between them. “Look, you’re right. Mrs. Byers deserves to know, but right now she isn’t well enough to handle the idea of her only remaining son actively seeking out a monster that may have taken her other son who could possibly be alive. If we’re wrong or Jonathan gets hurt, it might actually kill her.”
“Yeah, we’ll tell her when this thing is dead.” You note Jonathan’s word choice, saying “when” instead of “if”. In the four years you’ve been his friend, you’ve never seen him so self-assured before. You’d be proud of him if the circumstances weren’t so damn grim. 
“What about the kids?” Nancy finally says after a few seconds of silence. 
“They can’t get involved, I won’t let them.” You tell her and she nods as if expecting you’d say that. 
She gestures over to the funeral home where the crowd of attendees are now gathered for the post burial service. “I know my brother, so you better go and tell him that they need to stay at our house while we deal with the monster. They like you better than they like me, they’ll listen to you if you explain what we’re doing.” 
You’re flattered by her words, honestly. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas listening to you about staying put while you guys go monster hunting? They’d be out the door before you’d be even able to finish saying the phrase “monster hunting”. No way they’ll listen, and you’re about to say exactly that before catching the look Jonathan is giving you. 
You groan at him. “You don’t actually believe they’ll listen to me, right? C’mon, you know those boys as well as I do. This is just a giant DnD game for them at this point.” 
He shrugs, “It doesn’t hurt to try?”
Nancy gives you a hopeful look and bats her eyelashes at you, which, okay, shouldn’t work on you but does. Jonathan does the same, except instead of batting his eyelashes he winks at you and suddenly you’re very confused by the onslaught of emotions that wash over you.
“Ugh, fine. But when they show up in the woods later you guys are on your own!” 
When you step inside the service hall, everyone is gathered into small groups talking amongst themselves. You scan the room for the kids and spot them across the room sitting at a table with Mr. Clark. He’s talking to them about something while holding a paper plate up. You’re not sure what exactly he’s saying to the boys, but they’re leaning in close to him and are listening intently. 
This worries you. 
You try to make your way over as quickly as you can, but being Jonathan’s best friend has some challenges. Every few steps you take you’re stopped by an extended family member of the Byers to ask how you are or a stranger stops to offer you their condolences because you’re close with the family. You do your best to make small talk and thank the people, but you don’t have time to say much else besides, “thank you” or “you were Will’s favorite great aunt”.
By the time you finally get to the table with Mr. Clark and the boys, the man has folded up the paper plate and stabs it with a pen. You really, really don’t want to know whatever the hell this man is explaining to the kids. 
“You create a doorway,” he explains, holding up the plate and smiling at the boys. 
Dustin looks enthralled. “Like a gate?”
“Sure, like a gate. But again, this is all-”
“Theoretical.” Lucas says, nodding his head.
A gate?
What are the odds the boys are talking about a gate to Disneyland?
You sigh, not liking the odds at all.
You slide yourself into Dustin’s chair and force your brother to share with you. He squeaks in surprise and you flash him a tight lipped smile, which causes him to gulp. He knows he’s been busted. 
Mike scoffs at your arrival. “Gee, wonder why you’re here Y/N.”
“Go on, continue this conversation with Mr. Clark here. I wanna hear it.” 
Mr. Clark looks at you uncertainly but Mike simply carries on with the conversation as if you aren’t even here. “But what if this gate already existed?”
“Well, if it did I think we’d know.”
You snort. “Wanna bet?”
Again the man looks at you uncertainly and clears his throat, uncomfortable by your presence. “What I mean to say is that it would disrupt gravity, the magnetic field, our environment.”
“So if there is a gate, it’d be really bad?” You ask, but you already know the answer. 
“Oh, definitely. It might even swallow us up whole!” 
You and the boys look around the table at one another, not at all liking what Mr. Clark is saying. Swallow you guys up whole? That’s not really something you’re interested in. 
Mr. Clark sees your nervousness and shrugs. “Science is neat, but it’s not very forgiving.”
Silence falls upon the table. 
Mr. Clark is such a peachy person.
“Well!” You throw your hands upon the table and the loud noise causes everyone to flinch. “Thank you so much for that lovely information, Mr. Clark. It was truly riveting, but would you mind giving me and the boys a second alone? I just, I want to make sure they’re doing okay after today.” 
You bat your eyes at the man, something you never do, and he clears his throat and excuses himself. The second he’s gone you snap your finger in the boys’ faces. “Hey, listen up. Whatever you guys are planning? Don’t.”
As usual, Mike is the one who argues. “But-”
“You don’t even know what we’re-”
“Can you at least let me-”
Lucas and Dustin watch the interaction with slight pleasure, amused by your ability to shut Mike up, but when he turns to them for help they reluctantly give in. 
“Y/N,” Dustin sighs, “honestly, how many times are we gonna do this whole ‘we’re not allowed but we’re going to do it anyways’ bit?” 
You glare at your brother. “However many times it takes for you guys to finally listen.”
“Cool. Then we’ll expect you to bust down Mike’s door later tonight.”
“I’m not kidding,” you face all the kids and make sure they’re listening. “Whatever you’re trying to do, don’t. Jonathan and I-”
“You told Jonathan?” Mike exclaims but Lucas shushes him. 
“We’re going to handle it, we already have a plan but whatever you do: stay out of the woods from here on out. We think… We think there’s a monster out there hiding. I just want to make sure you guys are safe.”
“Monster hunting?” Dustin’s eyes light up and you silently curse Jonathan and Nancy for even suggesting you do this in the first place.
“Technically… yes, but you guys absolutely have to stay put.”
They stare at you as if you’re insane.
“You do realize who you’re talking to, right?” Dustin asks. 
You flick his head. “Yes, and I’m putting a lot of trust in you guys right now. I’ll let you guys do whatever you want so long as it doesn’t include the woods. Until you get an all clear from me, it’s off limits.” 
Mike thinks this over. “Can we look for the gate then?”
You sigh. There’s no other way to appease them. “If you don’t go near the woods… then fine.”
The boys begin to cheer, which causes several funeral guests to stare at you with judgment. You realize now that this probably hadn’t been the right setting to have this conversation in. Oh well.
You don’t let the boys cheer for long. “However-”
“There she goes,” Lucas sinks into his seat and squeezes his eyes shut. 
“I get full updates whenever I please. I don’t care if I have to track you guys down from the gates of hell itself, but I will find you and you will tell me everything. Deal?”
Lucas, Dustin, and Mike gather close together and duck their heads down so whisper to one another. You roll your eyes but wait for them to finish. When they’ve reached a decision, Mike interlocks his fingers and places his hands on the table. “You’ve got yourself a deal.” 
As soon as you’ve changed out of your funeral clothes and into a simple pair of jeans and a sweater, Jonathan arrives at your house. You kiss your mom’s cheek before leaving and shout over your shoulder, “Remember the deal, Dustin!” 
You don’t quite catch what your brother responds with but you honestly don’t care enough as you run over to Jonathan’s car and hop into the passenger seat. 
“You certainly didn’t waste any time getting here,” you say in lieu of a hello. 
Jonathan shrugs. “No time to waste when it comes to monster hunting.”
“You do realize that we’re only scouting out the woods tonight, right?” 
You, Jonathan, and Nancy had decided earlier to simply go and explore the woods for any clues of the monster and then figure out how, or even if, you can kill it. 
“I know, but monster hunting sounds cooler.”
“Bless you, bee.” 
The two of you get to the field in no time. Jonathan had been the one to suggest the spot a few yards behind his house for target practice and Nancy had agreed to bring a bat just in case you needed more protection. 
And you?
You’re bringing the cans to serve as targets for shooting. Your family has never owned a gun and last time you checked, Dustin doesn’t play any sports, so all you can offer is your emptied recycling bin contents. 
It doesn’t take long for you and Jonathan to set up the cans on top of the tree trunks before he begins shooting. Jonathan takes a deep breath and holds the gun up so it’s eye level and looks over at you. “Ready?”
You take a deep breath as well and prepare yourself, knowing it’s about to become loud. “Yeah, start shootin cowboy.” 
The first shot hits a tree behind the can, nowhere near its intended target, and you wince. It’s looking like the monster might actually win at the rate Jonathan’s aim is going. 
“It’s okay,” you tell your friend. “The tree looked at me funny, he had it coming.” 
Jonathan snorts. “You’re laughing now, but I can’t exactly hunt a monster if I can’t even shoot it.” 
“Maybe you could talk nicely to it?”
“And say what, exactly? ‘Hey, Mr. Monster, where are you hiding my brother?’”
You step closer to him so that you’re now side by side and you nudge his shoulder. “Hey, you never know. It could work.”
Jonathan readjusts his grip on the gun and aims it once more. He takes another shot, this time it lands a bit closer to the can, but not by much. He lets out an agitated, “Fuck!”
He tries shooting again and again but each shot is as unpredictable as the last. After his sixth round of firing you can see how tense his shoulders are and the way he’s clenching his fists against the weapon. You remember how he acted earlier today, the newfound anger and resentment within Jonathan that had originally impressed you. Now it only frightens you. 
When he goes to re-aim the gun for the seventh time, you grab at his hand and stop him. 
“Bug, what are you-”
“Let’s go for a walk.” 
Jonathan looks at you like you’re crazy but you simply take the gun from his hands, click the safety back on, and then walk over to the tree stumps to rest it against one of them. When you’re done you walk back over to the boy and interlock your fingers with his to drag him along. 
There’s not a whole bunch of room in the clearing for a walk per say, but there’s enough to go a few laps around for Jonathan to take a breather. You’re not sure exactly what’s going on with him but a walk has never hurt anyone. 
Jonathan’s silent the first lap around. You’re content with this and you admire the fall weather and enjoy the slight warmth from the sun as it kisses your face. When you’re on the third lap you decide to ask a question that’s been on your mind since yesterday when Nancy showed up at the funeral home. 
“Do you really believe Will is alive?”
Jonathan thinks the question over for a moment, and as he’s lost in thought you notice that he begins gently swinging your hands back and forth absentmindedly. “I can still feel him.”
“Feel him?”
“Yeah, I know it sounds crazy but…”
“No, I think I get it. I mean, I’d be able to feel if something bad happened to Dustin. I know I’d be able to, even if there’s not necessarily a science behind it. It’s like there’s a lifeline connecting us, like some unspoken sibling thread that neither one of us can sever.”
“A sibling thread?” Jonathan asks, a slight laugh accompanying his question. 
“Oh, you know what I mean, bee.” 
“No, no. I wanna hear all about this thread theory of yours.” 
Jonathan’s bright mood is back, reminiscent of the boy you once believed you knew better than you knew yourself, so you entertain his teasing if only to sustain his light a little longer. “If I explain this theory you have to promise not to laugh at me.”
“I promise,” he says and he gives your hand a light squeeze. 
“Alright, but if you decide I’m insane after this, just know that you legally cannot leave me. You signed a contract.” 
“Oh, did I?”
“You sure did, bee. Anyways, back to me,” a slight breeze surrounds you for a moment and you let the crisp air fill your lungs. “I have this theory that we’re all connected to each other in some way by different threads. Some threads are older than others, stronger, or maybe even more rigid, but they’re there. Whether it’s a thread between you and your family, the love of your life, or a stranger you happen to pass on the street one day, none of it happens by accident.” 
“The threads are the reason it all happens?”
“Not necessarily, but yeah. To put it simply, I guess you could say that.” 
“So, for our thread,” Jonathan stops walking and tugs at you to stop as well. “After everything we’ve been through, all that we’ve done for one another, what thread would you say our’s is?”
His question catches you off guard; you can hear your heart beating within your chest. There’s so many things you wish you could tell him.
Our thread is one of romance, of lovers, of soulmates, even. 
The feelings build within you and the words threaten to spill out. The November sun is beginning to set and everything is golden in its light and Jonathan is a part of it all. His brown eyes are like warm honey on a cold winter morning and his hair is slightly ruffled from the wind that leaves his cheeks flushed and rosy. 
“Our thread,” your voice catches in your throat for a moment. “You know what our thread is, bee.”
He pulls you closer to him and in this moment all you can focus on are the slight freckles that dot across his face and neck. “Do I?”
Jonathan has never, ever looked at you like this before. There’s an intensity within his eyes that frightens you and leaves you feeling bare before him. Does he know? Has he figured it all out?
“I…” You can’t form the words you want to say; the three words that have been weighing upon you feel even heavier than before. They’re thick on your tongue, syrupy and dense and you feel as if you can’t breathe.
“Y/N?” He whispers, but you can only shake your head. 
It’s too much. It’s all too much. 
And then suddenly Jonathan leans in. 
Maybe you’re imagining it. 
Maybe you’re delirious after almost a week of sleepless nights and exhausting encounters. 
Or maybe, just maybe, he feels the same way about you. 
You lean in as well and allow yourself to close your eyes; you believe that just this once you can be selfish and accept more than you may deserve.
“Hey! Guys!”
Nancy’s shout causes you and Jonathan to spring apart. 
You want to scream. 
Of course it’s Nancy fucking Wheeler. 
Jonathan drops your hand and waves the girl over while you stand there, trying to collect yourself. As she walks over, you have just enough pride left over to say, “You know I’d do anything for you, right?”
The question is one Jonathan isn’t expecting. He steps back a bit, now even more aware of the close proximity the two of you had only seconds ago. “Of course I do, bug. You’re my best friend.”
Best friend. 
The words hurt more than they should, really. 
“Right. Best friend, ha.” You step even further away from Jonathan, which he raises his eyebrows at. 
“Did I miss something or…?”
If you had the time, you’d ask him why he wanted to know about the thread between the two of you. Why he looks at you like you’re the most precious thing in the entire room. Why, just minutes ago, he leaned in as if to kiss you. 
But Nancy is now only a couple feet away and it wouldn’t be fair to ask her to give the two of you some privacy. You spot the bat in her hand and it serves as a reminder of what the three of you are here for in the first place. 
Will, Barb, the monster. 
“No, of course not,” you clear your throat and greet Nancy as she arrives. “Hey, Nancy.”
She smiles at you and then says hello to Jonathan. “Hey, where’s the gun?”
You point over to the cans and the tree stumps. “Over there, we just wanted to go for a little walk after shooting a few rounds.”
Nancy nods and walks over to inspect the undamaged cans. “You said you already shot a few rounds?”
Jonathan ducks his head down. “Yeah, well. It’s not as easy as it looks in the movies.” 
“Y/N, did you try shooting?” 
“Pfft, I’m definitely not a weapons kind of girl. I prefer to use my crippling good looks instead.”
While you and Nancy talk, Jonathan walks back over to the gun and reloads it. He motions for the two of you to step back and he shoots a few more times. Not once does he hit the can. You pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh. 
“You’re awful at this, bee.”
“Yeah,” Nancy agrees.
Jonathan looks over at her. “Have you ever shot a gun before?”
She scoffs. “Have you met my parents?”
“I don’t know, Mrs. Wheeler seems like the type to have a hidden gun.” You say, and Nancy waves you off. 
“Well, I haven’t shot one since I was ten. My dad took me hunting on my birthday and made me kill a rabbit.” Jonathan’s words make you frown. Every day he gives you another reason to hate Lonnie. 
Nancy sympathizes with Jonathan and the two of them fall into an easy banter that you’ve never seen before with him. He’s comfortable around her in a way that makes your stomach twist. He tells her about his parents and how they may have loved each other at one point but now no longer do. He’s opening up to her after only a few days of really knowing her. 
Nancy shares some details about her own family and how she believes her parents never loved each other, which you can relate to. You watch as Jonathan hands her the gun as she explains how her mom had been younger than her father. “He had a cushy job, money, came from a good family. So, they bought a nice house at the end of a cul-de-sac and started their nuclear family.”
“Isn’t it funny how the fathers never seem to suffer the same fate as the mothers?” You ask, and Nancy looks over at you in confusion, so you explain further. “My own parents, they were like yours except the moment my mom was no longer young, my dad left. Found a newer and cheaper model back home in Virginia.” 
“I didn’t know that, I’m sorry Y/N.” 
You shrug. “It’s not like I go and advertise it. Besides, he was an asshole anyways and my mom is better off without him. She’s the sweetest woman in the world who was forced to run back to her family in Hawkins. Nuclear families aren’t all they’re cracked out to be.”
Jonathan ruffles your hair to get you to laugh, which he succeeds in doing. “Screw that.”
 Nancy raises the gun to eye level and closes one of her eyes, her beautiful face now scrunched in concentration. “Yeah, screw that.”
And with that, she shoots a perfectly aimed shot and knocks the can off the stump. You and Jonathan look at her, stunned, but she can only laugh. 
“Damn, Jonathan. Remind me to never piss Nancy off.” You say, still staring at the fallen can. 
Only he doesn’t hear what you’ve said because he’s too busy staring at Nancy. You can tell he’s impressed by her hidden shooting talent and the way she holds herself with such confidence. His eyes shine as he stares at her and he almost seems to come to life whenever she looks back at him. 
Jonathan looks at Nancy and you know he sees what everyone in Hawkins sees: a beautiful, fierce, and incredible girl. 
Nancy Wheeler, the perfect enigma.
Suddenly it clicks. 
Jonathan is in love with her, or at least he’s beginning to fall in love with her. 
You want to hate her. Afterall, she already has Harrington head over heels for her, and yet you can’t blame either one of the boys. She’s perfect and brilliant and everything you’re not. You’d fall in love with her too if you weren’t already in love with someone else. 
You watch as Nancy and Jonathan become lost in their own little world, him helping her reload the gun as she flashes him a shy smile, and you no longer exist near their presence. It feels like a fucking stab to your already open wound of a heart. You watch the way he ducks his head down whenever she looks at him and the way she stares at him when he isn’t looking. 
Nancy shoots a few more rounds and each shot feels like a hammer coming down onto your own coffin. Each time Jonathan looks at her you feel another nail enter. 
Clearly there’s no room for you here. 
Which is fucking ironic given that you’re in a giant field outside. 
You reach for Jonathan’s hand and tug him forward. He gives you a look as if asking is everything okay? and you wish more than ever that things were different between the two of you. You give him a soft shake of the head. “I can feel a headache coming on and I just remembered that I have a shift tonight, so I should get going.” 
He frowns. “But what about the monster? We can’t look for him without you.”
“You’ll be fine without me,” to your horror you can feel tears forming, which you quickly wipe away before Jonathan can notice. “I doubt I’d be any help, anyways. I suck with guns. Nancy’s the professional here.” 
“I mean, I guess, but…” He looks over at Nancy, who is busy firing the gun and hitting every target she aims for, before pulling you even closer to him. “Are we okay? I feel like, I don’t know… like I’m losing you.”
Your breath catches in your throat. He could never, ever lose you, but if you don’t leave now then you’re afraid that maybe you’ll lose yourself. 
“Don’t be silly, bee. You’re not losing me, no matter how much you may want me to.” You try to tease him, but your heart isn’t in it. 
“You didn’t answer my question, Y/N. Are we okay?” He’s looking at you with so much adoration and concern in his eyes that it almost makes you sick. 
“Of course we are. I promise. I think it’s all just catching up to me, if I’m being honest. Between finding Will and tracking down my own brother, I think this monster hunting business may break me.” 
Jonathan eyes you for a moment as if to try and catch you in a lie, but while you’re only telling him this as an excuse to get away from him and Nancy, it’s not technically a lie. You are exhausted. Plus, you really do have a shift. 
The boy scans your face once more before deciding that you’re telling the truth. You know he suspects there’s something else behind your words, but thankfully he doesn’t pry. “Let me tell Nance that I’m driving you home,” 
And there it is again. 
The nickname is like a punch to your gut and only solidifies that you should go. “It’s okay, bee. It’s still nice out, figured I’d walk home and get some sun before winter officially takes over Hawkins.” 
“You can’t expect me to let you walk alone now that we know there’s a monster out there taking people, bug.” 
You kiss his cheek, letting your lips linger for a little longer than necessary. “I’ll be careful, I promise. Stay with Nancy and call me tonight after you guys are done scouting around. We’ll figure out where to go from there. Okay?”
You don’t give Jonathan time to argue because you pull away and inform Nancy of your departure. She also frowns at the idea but has already learned that you’re not one to be told what to do. She understands this aspect of you, and you understand it within her as well, so she wishes you goodbye and tells you to stay safe before going back to shooting.
As you leave, you feel Jonathan’s eyes follow after you. 
The walk ends up being more than enough to clear your head. You haven’t had any time to be alone in god knows how long, so it’s nice to have some time to just think and enjoy the quiet. There’s a lot you need to think about, but at the very forefront of your concerns are Will and El. You still have no idea how they’re connected or how the monster comes into play.
Then there’s Steve, oddly enough. 
You’re not really sure why he’s in the midst of your thoughts, but there he is. Smiling at you and laughing at your jokes and telling you that you’re pretty as he instills a carefree sense within you that feels foreign to enjoy. 
As his words ring through your head, you find your thoughts drifting towards Jonathan and the way he holds your hand every time you’re worried about something and the way he kisses your hair after a particularly hard day.
You’re not sure why the two boys almost seem to clash within your mind, but you don’t have time to look into it. Your shift starts soon and god knows how long your coworker Alex can survive on his own if you’re late. 
Work is slow as usual tonight, but you find the downtime a pleasant relief. It gives you the opportunity to skim some new books that shipped in and catch up on some Spidey storylines. In between stocking books and arranging comic displays you find yourself wondering just how true to his word Dustin stayed earlier. 
Like hell those kids really stayed out of the woods. 
Your question is answered as soon as you get home and find your brother crying in his room. Panic immediately swells within your chest and you run over to him.
“What’s wrong?” You check Dustin’s body for any sign of injury and he lets you as he cries, too upset to wave you away. When you’re assured that he’s okay, you feel your heartbeat calm down again. 
Christ, everytime you see this kid he takes ten damn years off of your life. 
You pull a chair from his desk and sit in front of him. “Dustin, do we need to have another code blue?”
“Maybe,” Dustin sniffles, wiping away a few tears. 
“Okay, then code blue. What happened? Is everyone okay? Is it El?” At the mention of the girl’s name, Dustin flinches. Your blood runs cold. “Dustin, what happened with El?” 
“You won’t yell at me?”
You smooth down his always wild hair. “Never during code blue. Please talk to me, bud.”
Dustin explains how he and the group had gone looking for the gate like they told you they would. He explained how they’d followed the train tracks throughout Hawkins for what seemed like hours. 
“The train tracks that go through the same woods I told you not to go in?”
“Like hell we were gonna listen to you.” 
“Yeah, I know.”
This gets Dustin to laugh a bit, which you’re relieved to see, before he continues his story. When he reveals El’s weird behavior and the way she seemed to be hiding something from them, you feel dread creep in. “Did she… Did she do something to prevent you guys from finding the gate?”
“She used her powers to mess with the compass. Lucas found the blood on her jacket.”
You sense that there’s more. “And then?”
“Mike and Lucas… they-they started fighting.” Dustin’s voice breaks, “they started really going at it, and I tried to stop them. I swear I tried, Y/N!”
“Shh,” you reach for his hand to try and calm him down. “I know you did, but I also know how Mike can get when he’s protective of someone and I know that Lucas isn’t El’s biggest fan. It was a recipe for disaster.”
Dustin snorts, “No kidding.” Then his face darkens once more, “but they wouldn’t listen, and that’s when El screamed.” 
“She screamed?”
“I think she was overwhelmed, but she used her powers on Lucas and flung him across the yard and he hit his head pretty hard…”
“She what-”
“She didn’t mean to! She looked really upset after, and Lucas was fine after he woke up-”
“He was knocked unconscious?”
“And then he stormed off and El ran off. We searched for her, but…” 
You stare at your brother in shock. That definitely hadn’t been what you were expecting. El never struck you as a violent girl, but she knocked Lucas out with her mind. Sure, she may have been trying to break up the fight, but you’re willing to bet that she lost control for a moment and Lucas ended up getting hurt as a result.
Maybe you don’t want superpowers. 
“Y/N, have I lost all my friends?” Dustin asks. 
You shush him once more. “No, of course not. You three boys have always been so drastically different from one another, and this week has been one from pure hell. It makes sense that Lucas and Mike finally snapped, but I promise you that they’ll bounce back eventually.” 
“And El?”
“I’m not sure what to make of her,” you admit. “She isn’t violent, I know she’s not. But we also clearly don’t know her as well as we think we do. I just, I need you to be careful around her, okay? Fight for her, defend her like you would for the boys, but be cautious as well.”
“Cautious, got it.” He cocks his head at you, “but what about Lucas and Mike? They’re still friends, right?”
“Of course they are. Just… sometimes friendship can be hard, but it’s almost always worth fighting for. It’s rare to find friends as loyal as Mike or as brave as Lucas or even as sincere as Will. Yet look at you guys, all together; you’re all incredibly lucky to have one another.”
“Lucky like you and Jonathan?” Dustin asks, a sly glint in his eyes. 
You smile, even if he’s teasing you. “Yeah, like me and Jonathan.”
Dustin returns your smile and you squeeze his hand. “Anyways, I say give Lucas some time to calm down. I think he was scared, more than anything. Tomorrow you can try to talk to him again.” 
Your brother nods at your words and he seems better than he did when you first started the conversation, so you open your arms wide and engulf him into a hug. 
“Code blue concluded, I guess.” Dustin mumbles against your chest, which causes the two of you to laugh.
After your talk with Dustin, you head back to your room and wait for Jonathan to call. You glance at the clock and figure that maybe him and Nancy were still out scouting for clues, so you busy yourself with some homework.
When it nears ten at night and the phone still hasn’t rung, you sigh and reach over for the phone on your desk. You dial Jonathan’s number and hope he simply forgot to call, but when no one answers after your fifth time calling: you begin to worry. 
Ya know, maybe it wasn’t your best idea letting him and Nancy go off alone with a monster on the loose. 
You find yourself frantically biking to the Wheeler’s house before you can even think about it. The night blurs past you and as you walk up their driveway and try to rest your bike against their mailbox, a familiar BMW parks next to you. 
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this, Henderson.” Steve says as he sends you a wink. 
You almost greet the boy before Tommy’s head pops out from the passenger side window. “Hey good lookin.”
You hear Carol berate him and the two begin to bicker as Steve gets out of the car. 
Great. He brought the idiots.
Steve walks over and takes your bike from your hands. After a couple seconds of repositioning and balancing, he finally manages to get the bike to stay upright. “Tada!”
“I almost had it,” you glare at him. 
“Sure ya did.”
Steve’s presence is frustrating as always, but you spot Jonathan’s car parked down the street and Carol’s shrill voice becomes increasingly irritating. You don’t have time for this right now. “What are you doing here, Harrington?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” When you glare at him, he finally says, “Nancy promised she’d call me but hasn’t, so I wanted to check on her.”
His sincerity is why you say, “I’m here for…” You realize you can’t necessarily tell Steve about Jonathan possibly being here. You have a feeling it wouldn’t end well, but you’re also not keen on lying to the boy. You’re already keeping secrets from practically everyone in your life; you don’t want to add Steve to the list. Not when he doesn’t deserve it. 
“I’m looking for Jonathan,” you confess, worried about Steve’s reaction. 
He frowns. “Why would Byers be here?”
“Him and Nancy have this… thing for english. Due tomorrow. A big thing. Like, huge. So they’re working on it together. In the house. Where Nancy lives. Here.” You stumble over your words, more nervous than usual, but you weren’t expecting Steve to be here or that you’d need a cover story. 
“Uh huh,” something almost aggressive flickers across Steve’s face and you silently curse to yourself. You said the wrong thing. 
“Funny, Nancy told me she was only helping Byers for the funeral.” 
Tommy and Carol watch from the car, obviously amused by the whole situation. 
“Right! She was, now she’s working on an assignment with him.” Technically not a lie, you’re just omitting the fact that the assignment in question is monster hunting. 
“You’re really bad at lying, Henderson.” Steve walks past you, now over the conversation, and you struggle to keep up. You try to block his path, assuming that he’ll use the front door, but as you near the front step he side steps you and starts heading towards the bushes. 
“What are you doing?” You whisper loudly, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself. 
Steve ignores your whispered yelling and jumps on top of the radiator. Once he’s up, he begins to pull himself over the overhang and up onto the roof. There’s a window just above the ledge with a light on, which you presume to be Nancy’s room due to the practiced ease in which Steve scaled the house. 
You don’t try to climb up after him in fear that you’ll only end up embarrassing yourself. “Ya know, Mrs. Wheeler loves me, I could’ve just knocked on the door.”
Steve peers down at you, an easygoing smile now back on his face. “Relax, this is quicker. Besides, you gotta admit it was impressive to watch.”
Again he winks at you and you feel your cheeks flush. He’s right, it had been impressive to watch; he had made it look so easy. While you struggle to come up with a witty retort, Steve almost knocks on Nancy’s window before his smile drops.
You notice the way his face hardens. “Steve?”
He doesn’t respond, which only concerns you more. You begin to think about the millions of possibilities surrounding Nancy, Jonathan, and monster hunting; fear creeps in. “Is Nancy there? Is she okay?”
“Of course you’d be worried about Nancy right now,” Steve laughs bitterly. You frown at his words, unsure what they mean, but before you can ask anything else Steve angrily climbs back down.
“Steve, what-” He pushes past you in a frenzied hurry to get to his car, but you grab his jacket and force him to stop. “Answer me! Is Nancy okay? Was Jonathan with her?”
Steve whips around and sneers at you. “Why do you even care about them? About him?”
“Because we’re friends,” you say, and for the first time you really mean it. Nancy has become someone you’d call a friend. 
Another cruel laugh escapes Steve’s lips. “Friends, huh? Yeah, those two looked real fucking cozy in her bed.”
A wave of nausea hits you.
“W-what?” You drop your hand and release his jacket. 
“It’s incredible, really. Byers has some fucking nerve.” Steve runs a hand through his hair in agitation and begins to pace. You’re too numb to stop him. “I mean, look at you! He has everything he could possibly want, but he decides to go after my girlfriend.”
“It’s not like that-” 
“Did he tell you they’d be in her room, alone in her bed, underneath her blanket?”
More nausea hits you. “No,”
They were supposed to look for any signs of the monster in the woods. That’s all he told me, you think. 
“So he’s a liar, too.” Steve scoffs, “you deserve better, Y/N.”
And with that, he heads back to his car and drives away, leaving you standing alone once more in the Wheeler’s driveway. You get a sense of deja-vu, watching Steve’s BMW descend down the street, but only this time there’s no warmth fluttering within your stomach as he leaves. 
All you feel is nausea. 
You don’t remember the bike ride home; you’re not sure how you even made it back safely without crashing into anything. All you remember is that you cried the entire way. 
You’ve lost Jonathan, there’s no denying that now. He’s Nancy’s, wholly and truly, he’s hers. 
He was never yours in the first place, you remind yourself. 
But if he was never yours in the first place, then why does it feel like you were almost something?
You don’t want to think about it that way. 
Yours or not, you can’t afford to lose Jonathan. 
Something or everything, you’ll take whatever you can when it comes to him. 
Everything, anything, nothing. Whatever he gives you, you know you’ll cling onto it with all that’s within you.
But your friendship with Jonathan is too precious to lose, too meaningful to let stupid feelings ruin it. You refuse to let anything come between your friendship with him, and you swear to yourself to shove everything down. Every hurt feeling, all the pain stabbing within your chest, you force it all down to focus on finding Will. 
He’s all that matters right now, even if it feels like the thread connecting you to Jonathan has begun to wither.
Will has to come first. 
You have to find him, something good and lovely has to come from this. You can’t let this all be for nothing.
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