#( looking for light | answered | frigga )
salvagedsouls · 2 years
tag dump five!!
ft. bucky, dugan, frigga, & jack ♥
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Dirty Work 19
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: in the words of Miley, we won't stop.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You stare at the mirror, at the woman you don’t know. The faucet runs as you’re tempted to splash the water over your face and wash away the stranger. As another diner enters, you twist off the tap and shake off the trance. You grab a strip of paper towel and dry your hands, tossing it before you exit.
The interior of the restaurant is just as pleasant as the outside. The back wall has flowers and vines painted across it as all the others stand it bright pure white. The tables are thick wood and edged with matching benches and chairs. You’d almost rather be inside than out.
As you come outside, the sun glares in your outline. You approach the archway that opens onto the patio and stop short as another figure meets you there. The new arrival is only a tall silhouette as the daylight stands at their back.
“Pardon, ladies fir–” The nicety is swallowed down halfway and your name bubbles up in its place. You don’t recall Mr. Laufeyson even saying your name; it was always ‘maid’ or nothing else. “Ah, there you are.”
Silence. The light limning his figure shifts and he comes clearer. His sights narrow as he considers you and he runs a hand down his lapel. His lips part slightly as if he means to say something but his teeth snap shut at second thought. He flutters his fingers, speechless and you wilt. You know you look silly, like a little girl wearing her mother’s pearls.
“Uh, Mr. Laufeyson,” you address him awkwardly and glance around. You can feel him staring as you clutch the seams of the dress and rock on the balls of your feet, “we… we’re just over there.”
You point through the archway then follow the gesture. You step through as he follows, his soles softly touching the boards of the patio. You pull your fingers from around the fabric and ball your hands to fist.
As you near the table, he gets closer. You can feel him looming as a growl grits from his throat; ‘what is he…’ He doesn’t finish the question and instead clears his throat.
“Allow me,” he goes to step forward as your eyes meet Frigga’s glittering green irises and Thor cranes to follow her gaze. He stands as you close in, waving away Laufeyson’s reach as he grips the back of your chair.
“Lady,” Thor bows his head gallantly, “we were worried you got lost, rather you’ve found my brother.”
“I might have this seat,” Loki insists before you can sit, “why don’t you sit with my mother?”
“She’s fine as she is,” Frigga insists, “all her things are there.”
Your barely touched cranberry juice weeps in the tall glass and the shopping bags clutter under that side of the table. You peek at Mr. Laufeyson but only get a glimpse of his throat as it tightens. You quickly put your head down and sidle around to sit in the chair. Thor pushes it in under you.
“Well, sit, we’ve been waiting,” Thor insists as he draws his hand away to clap his brother’s shoulder. You only catch a sliver of Laufeyson shrugging him off before stomping around to the empty seat. “We’re starving.”
“And what is he doing here?” Laufeyson asks his mother as he ignores his brother.
“Loki,” she reaches to touch his sleeve, “please, you two are too old for this.”
“For what? You didn’t tell me he was coming. It’s only decent–”
“Brother, please,” Thor leans forward as he clasps his large hands together, “I’ve come to make amends. I’m not too sure what I’ve done, but whatever happened at father’s, I never meant to drive you out.”
Laufeyson lashes Thor with a venomous look. His jaw ticks and his cheek twitches. He's about to boil over, as if the apology is an insult in itself. He takes a breath and lets it out, unlocking his jaw.
“I apologise for keeping you all waiting,” Laufeyson evades a direct response, his eyes flitting over to you, “I lost track of time.”
Your eyes cling to his as the tension drains from his brow and he tilts his head slightly. Again, he seems as if he means to say something, and unlike himself, he restrains his thoughts. He looks down at the waiting menu and you do the same. You imagine there will be a lecture for overextending his mother’s generosity.
As you peruse the selection, a tense silence invades the table. You all focus on the listings, a necessary distraction. As you keep your eyes on the menu, hiding from the other diners, you feel a tickle along the side of your leg.
Thor’s hand rests on his thigh, knuckles pressing against yours as he sits wide on the seat. You try to ignore the touch, assuming it's unintentional and focus on the menu. He slowly shifts and turns his hand, brushing his fingertips along your skirt. You squirm and bend your leg over the other to elude him.
You settle on a simple dish; caprese on a croissant. You sit up and reach for your drink, Thor’s hand lingering on the edge of your chair. What is he doing?
Your ears are alight and you feel the sweet about to break through on your forehead. You sip and your eyes meet another pair. Laufeyson has a finger pressed to the menu but he’s unbothered by its contents. He’s watching you.
You bite your cheek and put your glass down. There’s a sheen of gloss left on the rim. You take the folded cloth napkin and dab your around mouth, paranoid of a smear. You ring the fabric as you lower it to your lap and glance over at Thor’s tapping fingers, crawling closer yet again.
The table jolts suddenly. Frigga gasps and Thor grunts. He sits up and rescinds his hand, his attention flashing across to his brother. The two glare at each other.
“Apologies,” Laufeyson makes a show of rubbing his thigh, “I had a cramp. Did I get your toe?”
“Eh, it’s fine,” Thor grumbles, his thumb circling against the side of his knuckle.
“You two,” Frigga tuts, “please, you’re making a scene.”
“It was an accident,” Laufeyson insists, “I was in a car for far too long and now my muscles are all knotted.”
“I keep telling you, you need a proper regiment,” Thor intones, a taunt in his tone, “at our age, we need to stay active.”
“I’m active,” the black-haired brother rolls his eyes, “don’t presume you know anything about me or my life.”
“Hm, your house may be big but roving the halls like a ghost isn’t exercise,” the blond chortles.
Laufeyson huffs and shakes his head. He returns his attention to the menu as you stare at the table. You don’t quite understand. You don’t have siblings so you don’t know where this kind of animosity would come from. While your dad isn’t entirely loving, you know why he is the way he is. 
But these two, they have everything anyone could ever want and they only seem bitter. They have a family, they have wealth and all that comes with it. All that and they expect even more.
“You know, Loki, it would do you well to get out more,” Frigga suggests, “it’s a lovely house but so… grim, these days. Perhaps you might consider an update. That might help–”
“I get out,” Laufeyson insists, “please, have I only been invited to be lectured?”
“Well, darling,” Frigga squeezes his elbow, “we didn’t see you for a whole year after the divorce. We worry–”
“Don’t,” he commands, “I’m fine. The divorce is well past done. I’m over it, so why can’t you move on?”
“Ah, but it is hard to get over a lady like Sif–”
“Shut up!” Laufeyson snaps at his brother, “don’t–”
“Loki,” Frigga girds, “please.”
“No, I do not want his opinion on my wife. On my marriage. Can we stop beating this dead horse, already?”
You make yourself as small as you can. You shouldn’t be there. You’re hearing things you have now business knowing. You look around and the image of running out of the restaurant glints through your mind. It’s tempting even if it would be a bit insane. 
“So let’s talk about something else,” Laufeyson sighs, “how was your day, mother? You two seem to have been quite successful.”
“I’d say,” Thor agrees as you feel him look at you.
“Oh, it was wonderful. Eliana took care of us, isn’t her hair lovely?” Frigga preens, “and she’s such a sweet girl, isn’t she? Everything looks so lovely on her. Dear, didn’t you have a good day?”
You gulp and peek up. You pick your nail and nod, “yes. Thank you. It was… very nice of you to include me.”
“Ah, she is so polite,” Thor booms as his hand once more goes to the back of your chair. “How do you put up with him, sweetheart?”
You frown and shake your head, “huh?”
“My brother? How can you do it?”
“She is rather adept at her work,” Laufeyson sneers, “I am the least of her tasks.”
“I wasn’t asking you, was I?” His brother retorts.
“I… I do my job,” you press your palms flat to each other.
“I’d call him hard work, indeed,” Thor guffaws.
“Thor,” Frigga hisses, “be nice.”
“I am,” Thor says defensively, “I kid. Gods, it isn’t my fault he cannot take a joke–”
He grips the chair as he lets his thumb stroke the back of your collar. You sit forward slightly, wiggling to the edge of the chair. You bring your hands to hug your glass. Laufeyson fidgets with the cutlery wrapped in a napkin.
“Jokes are usually funny,” Laufeyson utters and shifts in his seat, “where is the damn waiter?”
No words are exchanged as you approach the car. Mr. Laufeyson is particularly dour as he opens the door for his mother, then you. He sweeps around to claim the driver’s seat and turns the engine so it whirs softly. He steers out into the lull of traffic, twisting his hand on the leather wrapped wheel.
“That was a lovely lunch,” Frigga breaks the frigid sheet of silence, “wasn’t it?”
“Food was good,” Laufeyson agrees.
She exhales as you shrink down, hoping to blend in with the shopping bags.
“I’m sorry,” she says, “I thought you two could make up. After what happened–”
“Mother,” Laufeyson breathes and his eyes glance in the mirror, “we’ll talk about this later.”
“And what about your father?” She prompts.
“I said, later.”
“Mm, yes, sorry, darling,” she apologises again, “why don’t you leave me off at the house and take her home? It’s been a long day.”
“It’s only four-thirty,” he replies.
“Yes, well, we did a lot of running around. I’m certain the darling could use some time. She has her father to worry about.”
“It’s alright, I don’t–”
“No, no, you’re right, mother, it has been a very long day already,” Laufeyson interjects.
You clamp your mouth shut. You’re a marionette being pulled between their strings. It’s not about what you want. You’re not heard. They take you out and put you away like a toy.
“Dear,” Frigga chimes, “thank you so much for today. I had a lovely time.”
You don’t realise at first she means you, not until Laufeyson says your name. Again. Maid. Call me maid, that’s all I am.
“Oh, no, thank you, Frigga,” you say, “it was really nice of you to bring me. I…it’s really too much.”
“Not enough, dear, not enough. I hope the next time I’m in town, we might have another day out,” she trills.
“If you like,” you concede.
The rear view mirror stares back at you. Laufeyson’s snakish gaze makes you squirm as he idles at a light. Have you said the wrong thing? A honk comes from behind him as the light turns green and he quickly presses on the gas.
You sink back into silence, this one airier. You watch out the window as the car rolls through the streets and you take it all in. You’ve lived in this city your whole life and you haven’t seen half of it.
He arrives at his gates and opens the gate with the switch clipped behind the rear view mirror. He drives through and the doors unlock loudly. Frigga gets out and he does the same as he helps her sort through the bags on the other side of the back seat.
You’re startled as Laufeyson bends to peer through, saying your name a third time. You flinch and look at him as he holds a cluster of bags.
“I’ll be only a moment to get mother settled,” he explains, “feel free to move to the front.”
He closes the door and leaves you to mull his unprompted explanations. You could stay as you are but that feels weird. He would be like a chauffeur or taxi driver. That’s awkward and you’re already torturously strange.
You let yourself out of the car and slide into the front seat. Frigga’s perfume clings to the suede as you pull the seat belt down. You watch the leaves of a lush tree rustle as you wait. As the driver’s side opens, you let out a squeak.
Laufeyson swings inside and pulls the door shut. He adjusts himself as he fits his long legs under the wheel and grasps the wheel with one hand. You turn your head straight and stare off at the house’s facade.
“Thank you for driving me, Mr. Laufeyson,” you murmur.
“Mm, it is no issue,” he assures as he slowly shifts into gear, the car lazily following the arc of the driveway back to the gate.
You flick your thumb nervously against your index. Your foot wiggles and your knee jitters. You can’t sit still.
“I hadn’t a chance to mention…” he begins, pausing to consider his words, “you…” he leans forward to look both ways before continuing onto the avenue, “you look very… nice.”
“Oh,” you still yourself and focus on the dash, “thank you, Mr. Laufeyson. You’re mother’s a very kind woman.”
“She is,” he says, “I… I knew she would know best.”
“Um, if it’s too much, erm, you can take the clothes back–”
“Nonsense, keep them. They are for your work,” he rebuffs coolly.
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson.”
He doesn’t reply. Only sighs. You carry on without speaking. You wouldn’t want to distract him from driving. You're still waiting for that lecture. You steel yourself for the words; ungrateful, selfish, lazy...
The car grows suffocating. He pulls into your neighbourhood and slows before your house. You swiftly hit the button on the seat belt, ready to run inside. 
“I could help with your bags,” he offers.
“N-no, Mr. Laufeyson, that’s… okay,” you say a bit too quickly. You wouldn’t want him to see more than he already has. Besides, your father was never fond of visitors. “Thanks.”
“Right, yes,” he accepts, “regular hours tomorrow.”
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“Hm,” he hums but does not comment. He sounds almost disappointed.
“Have a good night,” you say as you climb out of the car.
“You too,” he mutters so quietly you’re not even sure he truly spoke.
You open the back door and gather up the remaining bags. It’s awkward as you slide them out with a loud crinkle. It feels unearned.
“You know,” he turns, his hand on the headrest of the passenger’s seat, “I did tell you a dozen times about the clothes.” He looks you up and down, “much better.”
He unhooks his arm from the seat and turns back to face the windshield. You nod, struck dumb and mute, and elbow the door shut. You turn and head down the overgrown walk and climb the creaky steps of your father’s porch. You pause at the top and glance back as the car remains unmoved.
Through the tint, you can see Mr. Laufeyson’s shadow. It looks almost as if he has his head on the steering wheel, gripping it as he hunches forward. The light must be playing tricks on you. You turn and continue on to the front door.
You hesitate to enter as the dingy siding feels you with guilt. Here you are with a handful of shopping and a belly full of gourmet food. Don’t forget where you come from, it’s where you’ll always be. Fancy clothes or not.
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fanficshiddles · 2 months
The Voice, Part 1 of 2.
Summary: After the events of Loki allowing Jotuns into Asgard and finding out his true heritage, as punishment for trying to kill Odin and Thor, he’s sent to the far end quarters of the house of Odin, stuck in his Jotun form, until Odin deems him worthy enough of being allowed back into society. When Princess Halle visits Asgard with her parents for a few months, in search of a Prince to be wed to, she finds Loki and they form an unlikely relationship.
Halle wandered through the house of Odin late one evening, she’d just been in the hall with many Asgardians plus guests from other realms, mainly Princes, before she managed to excuse herself from the party. She wasn’t fond of big gatherings, but now as she made her way back to her chambers, she found herself a bit lost.
She made her way through the winding corridors and came to an area of the palace she really didn’t recognise.
‘I’m definitely lost now.’ She sighed to herself.
There was a large golden door she came across with intricate runes on it, she saw a bit of light emanating from under the doorway. She knocked loudly, hoping someone was there and she could ask for directions, but no one answered.
She figured it maybe wasn’t anyone’s chambers, since it was a strange door compared to the rest. Giving it a push, the door creaked open and she peeked inside. Her eyes widened as she took in the room, it was a library, there was a fire roaring at the side with a chair, and only a small gentle lamp on a small table by the chair.
‘Hello?’ She called out and took a few steps into the room.
She noticed the library was a bit dusty and looked like it needed some TLC. There must’ve been about a thousand books in there, though.
‘What are you doing in here?’ A voice growled at her from behind a bookshelf.
She jumped and looked in the direction of the voice. ‘I… I’m sorry… I’ve gotten myself lost.’
‘Well, you won’t find what you’re looking for in here.’ The voice snarled at her.
‘Is there any chance you can direct me back to the main hall? Or the guest chambers?’ She asked and began walking towards the bookshelf where the voice was coming from.
She stopped in her tracks. ‘Oh… Ok… Well, thanks for nothing, I guess.’ She scoffed and turned around to leave.
‘Wait.’ The deep voice barked at her. ‘You’re Princess Halle from Midgard, are you not?’
‘That’s me.’ She confirmed, turning back around.
‘Shouldn’t you be at the party?’
‘I left early. Being around people isn’t really my thing.’ She shrugged. ‘I was trying to get back to my chambers, but got lost.’
‘I can relate…’ The voice hummed. ‘Turn left when you leave here, at the end of the corridor take another left, then the second right. It’ll take you back to where you need to be.’
Halle felt so much relief now having directions. ‘Thank you… What’s your name?’
‘My name isn’t important.’
Halle frowned a bit, but figured she’d best leave. She thanked the voice again, then made her way out of the library and headed in the directions she’d been given. She found herself back at the guests’ quarters, and managed to find her room with ease from there.
The next day, she couldn’t stop thinking about the suspicious voice from the library. Though she discovered it must be an old library, because she was shown the proper library that day, which was ten times bigger and it was bright and airy.
She had an idea mid-afternoon, she managed to excuse herself from afternoon tea with her mother and Frigga. Instead, she grabbed one of her favourite books from her chambers, then tried to find her way back to the abandoned library.
After re-tracing her steps, and making one or two wrong turns, she found the familiar golden door. She knocked a few times, but there was no answer like last night. She ended up letting herself in, the fire was still going and it was cosy.
‘Hello? Are you here? The voice from last night?’ She called out as she walked over towards the fireplace.
‘What do you want?’ The voice rumbled at her, from behind a bookcase again.
‘I uh, just wanted to say thank you for helping me out last night. I also brought a gift.’ She held up the book she’d brought, then placed it down on the table.
‘Why would you bring me a gift?’
Halle shrugged. ‘You helped me out. Besides, I’ve read it a few times now. I thought a fellow book lover might enjoy it.’
‘What makes you think I’m a book lover?’
‘You’re hiding out in a library.’ Halle commented and folded her arms across her chest.
‘Well, you were here last night and are still here today. I’d think that would make you a bookworm.’
The voice chuckled a little, sending a nice little shiver down her spine. She liked the voice, it was smooth and charming. She just wished she could see who the voice belonged to.
‘I guess you’ve caught me.’
‘Well, I hope you like the book.’ She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. ‘It’s from Midgard. I figured you’ve maybe not read it.’
‘Do you miss Midgard?’
Halle perched on the arm of the chair, looking in the direction of the voice. ‘Not really. It’s beautiful here, all the realms we’ve been to so far have been, but Asgard is something else.’
The voice chuckled again lightly. ‘The realm I’m from is far from beautiful.’
‘You’re not from here?’ Halle asked.
‘No… You don’t want to know where I’m from.’
‘Try me?’
‘No.’ The voice said firmly.
‘Alright… well, I guess I better be getting back. Thanks again for the directions last night.’ Halle stood and made her way over to the door.
‘Thank you… for the book.’ The voice called to her.
‘You’re welcome.’ She smiled over her shoulder.
Two days later, Halle heard a knock on her chamber’s door. When she went to see who it was, she was confused as there was no one there. Though she looked down and found a book by the door, with a note stuck to it.
I am engrossed in the book you gifted me, can’t put it down. As thanks, I thought you might like this one from my library.
Halle had a goofy smile on her face as she took the book into her chambers to read it straight away.
She visited the voice a few times over the following week, just for short periods of time, very brief conversation every visit. Plus, they continued to exchange books.
It was late one morning when she visited again. As usual, she knocked but there was no answer until she walked in and she heard the voice in his usual hiding place.
‘What’s a Midgardian Princess doing spending so much time in a stuffy old library with something she hasn’t even seen the face of? Aren’t you supposed to be mingling with Thor and the other Princes of the realms?’
‘I’m supposed to be, yeah. I don’t want to, though. My parents are so desperate for me to wed a Prince, of any realm. I just haven’t clicked with any of them though. They’re all so stuck up and showing off.’ She sighed.
She was leaning against the chair by the fire place.
‘Parents are often quite fond of pawning off their kids for their own gain, huh?’
‘Sure are.’ Halle nodded. ‘Hey, you know quite a bit about me… but I don’t know anything about you, apart from your voice and you like books. I don’t think that’s very fair? Why don’t you come out so I can see you?’
‘You don’t want to see me.’
‘I do.’ Halle said determinedly.
The voice chuckled. ‘You’ll be scared, and you’ll run away.’
‘No, I won’t… Come on, please?’ Halle pleaded.
The voice sighed.
‘Very well. As you wish… Princess.’ He said reluctantly.
Halle’s heart began racing with excitement as she heard heavy footsteps walking down the book aisle. Then, finally, a figure emerged into the light on front of her.
Her eyes widened as she craned her neck to look up at the giant being. A Jotun. He was just over seven feet tall, had long black hair and the most beautiful piercing red eyes. His markings were prominent on his cheeks. Though while he was a Jotun, he wore Asgardian clothes.
Then it suddenly dawned on her who this was.
‘Loki!’ She gasped out.
Loki raised an eyebrow. ‘You’ve heard of me?’
She quickly curtseyed and bowed her head. ‘Prince Loki… I’m sorry, please forgive my rudeness this week… I had no idea it was you.’ She blurted out quickly.
Loki frowned in confusion. It had been a long time since anyone had classed him as a Prince.
He stepped closer to her and reached out, gently cupping her chin to raise her face up to him. Her cheeks turned a little red, even though his touch was cold.
‘How do you know who I am?’
‘Of course, everyone knows about you… the two Prince’s of Asgard. There were then rumours about you, about what happened. I heard many versions, though I heard one where you were actually a Jotun. I didn’t know what to believe… until now. You still look similar to old paintings I’ve seen of you and Thor.’ She rambled quickly.
Loki was surprised as he dropped his hand. ‘You don’t fear me?’
It was Halle’s turn to look confused. ‘No… Should I?’
Loki laughed and shook his head as he walked across the room, hands behind his back as he started pacing. ‘Probably. I’ve been told my whole life that Jotuns are monsters, to be feared. To then discover I am one. I tried to kill Odin, did you know that?’
Halle nodded. ‘And Thor.’ She whispered.
Loki nodded and smirked a bit. ‘Yet, you’re still not running.’
‘Well… With all due respect, if you were going to try and kill me, I think you’d have done it by now. I’m merely a human, after all. If you wanted to hurt me, running would do nothing. You’d catch me in seconds.’
Loki paused and glanced over at her in slight wonder.
‘Besides… you’ve been kind to me. I have no reason to be scared.’ Halle shrugged and clasped her hands together on front of her. ‘I’ve come to enjoy coming here, to talk to you… The voice. It’s nice and peaceful here, plus I like talking about books with you.’
Loki slowly walked back over to her, taking large deliberate steps, till he was right on front of her. She had to crane her neck a bit to look up at him, her breathing deepened a bit, but not with fear.
‘Do you not find me repulsive?’ Loki asked.
Halle shook her head and Loki noticed her cheeks turned red again as she looked upon his markings on his hands and face.
‘On the contrary… I think you’re… rather beautiful.’ She whispered shyly.
Loki’s eyebrows shot upwards in surprise. ‘What?’ He laughed. ‘A pretty Princess such as yourself, should not be finding a monster like me, beautiful.’
Halle frowned. ‘You’re not a monster. You’re a Jotun. They’re not monsters, just another living being. Like Asgardians and Midgardians are different. Or Vanir, or any of the other hundreds of species in the universe.’
Loki tilted his head slightly. He couldn’t wrap his head around why this little human wasn’t just screaming and running for her life from him, like most people did.
He was snapped from his thoughts when he could hear someone down the corridor, shouting for Halle. People were looking for her.
‘You best get going. I can hear them looking for you.’ Loki coughed to clear his throat and he stepped aside.
‘Oh, great. No doubt trying to get me out horse riding with Thor.’ She scoffed.
‘Rather you than me.’ Loki chuckled a little.
‘I’ll be back tonight… If that’s ok?’ Halle asked Loki when she paused at the door.
Loki looked surprised yet again. He nodded once.
‘If you’ve not come to your senses by then, I shall await your return.’ He said softly, with the smallest hint of a smile on his face.
‘I already have come to my senses.’ Halle smiled brightly at him. ‘I’ll see you later.’ She promised.
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jayden-killer · 10 months
Unforeseeable incident.
(Loki x fem!reader).
summary: you agreed with your best friend Thor to come to Asgard, expecting you could take well the interdimentional voyage. Well, you didn't. And now you're stuck in a certain prince's bed...
warnings: none. This is a LOKI AU!! This takes place in an universe where Loki was never traumatised by Odin and the events of the first Thor movie don't happen!!!
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What I felt on my skin was a suffocating heat that left me no time to breathe.
I could feel the drops of sweat on my forehead, and my breathing was straining as I regained consciousness. Until I opened my eyes with a startle. As if I were drowning in the open sea my lungs filled with all the air possible; I inhaled, I exhaled. I did it a second, then a third time, until my breathing settled. My first thought, looking around the room decorated with antique ornaments, illuminated by the light fire from the fireplace, was that it was certainly not on Earth. Had I been abducted? By aliens? Perhaps I sounded tempting for dinner.
All the thoughts in my head distracted me from the slender figure and well dressed in green and golden armor. The raven hair was well combed backwards. And those aquamarine eyes that reminded me of the salty expanse that I loved so much. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw me awake.
"My apologies, young lady, I didn't mean to startle you" was his kind voice.
"I am.. where?" That’s all I could say in the throes of curiosity and fear. If I was kidnapped, I had to at least know the name of my kidnapper.
"I offer you my sincere apologies on behalf of Loki, God of Mischief, son of Odin, and Frigga, brother of Thor and future King of Asgard". He bent down at the bed foot, his face quite close to mine. I could see the delicate features of his face, his lips rosy and thin...
Wait a second. Asgard. Thor..
Now my little neurons were connecting.
My hand hit my forehead hard, making the slap ring throughout the room. The raven-haired boy let out an amused laugh. "Your brother is an idiot if he thought I would survive the Bifrost trip," I said, rolling my eyes.
"My brother is many things. Among these, he do not have any sense". He smiled again. "Foolish brother..."
Sitting down, resting my head on the soft (royal) pillow, I still looked around the lost room. It was clear that Asgard, one of the worlds of the Nine Kingdoms, had just come out of a chapter of the ``Lord of the Rings``. Everything seemed so... medieval.
"Make me guess, Prince Loki..."
He raised a hand in dissent and laughed. "I do not approve of the use of real titles, I find them retrograde. We may also be a different people from you Midgardians, however..."
This time it was my turn to interrupt him. "Midgardians?"
"Ah, yes," he smiled. "Mortals. Humans. Earthlings. Which one do you prefer?"
"Every of them, as long as you don’t use earthlings. It looks like I'm talking to an alien." I shuddered at the idea and he couldn’t help but laugh. He moved to the edge of his large bed, standing beside me, while maintaining a distance between us. "I will never do it again, I swear to the gods."
"But you are a God," I pointed out.
"Ah, correct answer, but I am not a superior God."
My eyes shrunk into two small slits, confused. "Okay, go ahead."
"As I said, you mortals are not accustomed to the use of our means of transport. It was clear that you would not be able to pass out at the end of the journey. No wonder my bum-head brother didn’t show you the instructions".
Now I was more confused than before. "Are there any instructions on how to cross it?"
"We’re not barbarians!" he replied, offering me a mischievous smile from those who knew each other. Then he stood up, not looking away from mine. He kept his smile curved towards the corner of his cheek, turning the bed and walking towards the door. Meanwhile I remained on the bed, never breaking the visual contact between us. It was intense, a visual contact that implied that between us it would be a deep future connection.
"Your Asgardian clothes are resting on the chair at the bottom of the room," he said softly, keeping the gold-plated knob in his hand.
"I’m going to have a chat with my stupid brother. You, instead, take it easy, Midgardian."
I think he meant the change of clothes.
Before he could let me fight with my thoughts soft eyes turned towards my direction with a mixed look of curiosity and malice, saying with confidence: "I expect to see you take part in the annual welcome back ceremony of the eldest son tonight. Don’t be late, Odin doesn’t like to wait". With this, he closed the door behind him, and I swore on my life to hear him sniggering. I think it was the third or fourth time I turned to look at the room I was in, in a state of confusion. As much confusion when I wondered aloud if Thor, in another universe, had measured his boldness better.
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perseephoneee · 7 months
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓘
In which, you, a lady of the ton, are forced to participate in courting season. Except that courting season comes with one particularly silver tongued Prince who is making it his mission to drive you absolutely insane.
↳ fic masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist
a/n: this is such a filler chapter, and it's also terrible, and i hate it.
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While you knew the Odinsons, you didn’t know the full extent of their history. That is until you made it home from the dance, and your sister demanded you tell her about your rendevous with Thor. You were so exhausted you could barely get the answers she yearned for.
Lady Frigga, the mother of Thor and Loki, was originally a lady of the ton but married Odin, a Prince of Norway at the time. After Frigga’s passing, Odin moved the family back to London in honor of her spirit. You found it surprisingly romantic. 
You awoke late the following day, finding the night before's events tiring. Social situations constantly exhaust you. Going through your closet, you put on a green gown, ignoring any help that could be given to you. You resented having someone else dress you. You were so in your own head as you bounded down the stairs to your sitting room that you barely noticed the man taking up space on the couch. 
“Your Highness,” you bowed, eyes wide as Thor sat up to greet you with a bright smile. Your Grandmother was perched on one of the other setees, an excited sparkle in her eyes. Oh, how you wished to squash that gleam. 
“Lady Chilton, how do you fare this morning?” Thor asked, hands clasped behind his back. He was ridiculously tall, and you had to tilt your head to take him in. 
“Well, I wasn’t taken in my sleep, so I would hazard that I’m doing well,” I said, taking slight glee at the glare my Grandmother shot me. Thor let out a hearty laugh, though. 
“I’m glad you are still in our presence,” Thor answered earnestly. “I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the races today?”
“Races?” You dared a glance toward your grandmother before looking back at Thor’s icy blue eyes. You clasped your hands before answering. “Absolutely. That sounds wonderful.” Thor perked up at your answer, as did your grandmother. 
“Splendid, do you need a second before we leave?” he asked. You shook your head no, letting yourself be ushered out with his hand on the small of your back. You didn’t bother looking back at your grandmother; you knew she would be ecstatic. 
Of course, the carriage that Thor showed up in was immaculate, and he helped you into one of the seats. You settled yourself, adjusting your skirt as Thor joined you in the carriage and closed the door. Your hands sat in your lap, anxiously twiddling your thumbs. 
“Have you been to the races before?” Thor inquired. 
“Heavens, no,” you chuckled, catching yourself. Your insubordination was going to get you in trouble someday. Thor seemed to find it charming, though, so he just laughed. “I prefer a good book.”
“So does my brother,” Thor sighed, glancing out the window. The sounds of the ton and nature were fast approaching, and the mention of Loki changed your mood. He was an enigma to you, something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. “We’ve arrived.”
You glance out the window, taking in the scenery. The races were held near the lake, with green pastures surrounding its perimeter. Many members of society were there, and the available men were already courting some eligible ladies. Pastel colors and parasols obscured much of the natural sites you would’ve loved to see. Still, maybe you’d have time later. 
A light conversation occurred between you and Thor as he led the way to the stadium. He was attentive to your words, asking probing questions that let you know he was listening. Unfortunately, you didn’t have much in common. Still, he was kind. He respected that you weren’t a ‘typical’ lady of the ton. If you had to marry, it wouldn’t be a wrong choice. 
The truth was, you had yet to learn how races worked. You had the general idea, but you had never attended one. Thor seemed excited, so you tried your best to adopt his enthusiasm. Unfortunately, your seat had to be next to his brother's. 
“What brings the fair lady out to join us today?” Loki coos, a teasing tone evident. You rolled your eyes as you and Thor approached. Thor left to place his bet, giving you a second alone with the raven-haired prince.
“Your brother invited me,” you smile, tilting your head. 
“Looks like you found someone who enjoys your wit,” Loki says, looking out over the fields slightly teasingly. You bristle, eyes narrowing. 
“If only you could find someone who enjoys yours,” you mumble. Loki looks at you through narrowed eyes, biting his tongue as Thor returns. 
“Apologies for the delay, m’lady,” Thor says, leaning down to your height. “Hope you were able to stay entertained.”
“Conversation could be better, but otherwise, I’m fine,” you glanced at Loki, raising your eyebrows in amusement. He crossed his arms, indifferent. Thor chuckled, leading you to your seats. 
The race was about to start, and all the horses and their riders lined up. At this point, the event was beginning to feel like a Venetian breakfast– way too long. Like all the other sensible ladies, you wished you had brought a fan to stave off the heat. That would mean conforming, though, something you never excelled at. You found yourself much more interested in the race than you thought. When the horses took off, you were on the edge of your seat. One would pull in front of the other, then fall behind. You found yourself rooting for the grey-dappled horse; something quiet about its demeanor drew you in. It would’ve won; you believed that if it wasn’t for the Palmano next to it that distracted your chosen horse enough that it ended up only placing second. 
“Oh, come on!” you exclaim, standing up in a huff as the stadium erupts in cheers or disappointment.  “That was–”
“Perposterous,” Loki finished your sentence, indignation in his tone. You made eye contact, resenting the way his green eyes made your heart skip a beat. 
“What’s wrong?” Thor asked, concerned but still joyful. 
“That wasn’t very sportsmanlike,” you mumble to him, brows furrowed. 
“Life isn’t always fair,” Thor says. “Sometimes what we think is right isn’t always.”
“Sounds like something that a man who just won a race would say,” Loki sighs, sprawling out in his seat. You hide a hint of a smile, refusing to acknowledge either brother's words. 
“You two are too similar,” Thor huffs, causing you to chuckle. Too similar or too obstinate, you couldn’t tell. You did know, though…you didn’t want to spend more time with Loki.
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taglist: @eleniblue @iwrite-things @youneedanap @huntress-artemiss @linaax @pisces-celeste @marygoddessofmischief
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mochie85 · 1 year
To Have and To Hold - Chapter 9 (Finale)
THaTH Masterlist Complete Masterlist
Summary: Loki and Violet finally get a chance to talk. The final conclusion to this series A/N: I wanna give a big thanks to everyone who has helped me with this series. I couldn't have survived without you! Pairing: Loki x OFC/Reader Word Count: 3278 Tags/Warnings: Fluff, light angst Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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Loki sat by the soul forge, staring at the two babies in front of him. They had turned and hugged each other. Latching onto an arm or the other’s head, as if they were still inside the womb. Twins! He should’ve known. To his credit, he probably would have if you didn’t hide the fact that you were pregnant.
He heard his mother’s footsteps before he saw her in the dim light. She walked up behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders. “They’re beautiful, Loki.”
He reached for her hand and held it on his shoulder. “Thank you, Mother. I just hope they’ll be all right. Five months is too soon for them to be born.”
“A gestational period for any Jotunn is a lot shorter than an Asgardian, or a Midgardian, for that matter. It’s not all dire.”
“I somehow feel like it wouldn't have happened if Violet hadn’t traveled through the Bifrost. I don’t blame her, of course. She did it to save me.”
“I hope you don’t blame yourself for this,” she rebuked.
“Well, then who can I blame?”
“Do you need someone to blame?” She asked. Loki sighed, not wanting to argue with his mother. He rubbed his face with his hands, fatigue setting into his shoulders. How could he explain all he felt? All his fears at now having to be a father when neither of his fathers wanted him.
“I wanted you,” she expressed as if she could read his mind and answer his questions. “I saw you coming. And I had wanted nothing more than to hold you in my arms the moment I laid eyes on you.” Frigga cried as Loki looked up at her.
She held his face in between her hands. “Odin had brought you home, bundled up in burlap. Then Thor saw you. He was so excited. He had always wanted a brother. He was lonely, and he secretly wished for you.” Loki held his mother’s hands to his face as she gently placed her forehead to his. He nodded as tears fell down his cheeks in silent cries.
“You are wanted, my dear boy. And by no one more than the woman you have chosen. And pretty soon the two miracles in that forge.” Loki let out a sob and cried in his mother’s embrace. She comforted him as she always did whenever Loki came to her in pain.
“Why haven’t you told us about her, dear? About the situation? We could’ve helped you from the beginning.”
“It was one thing after another. We never got a chance to talk about it ourselves.” He answered, wiping his eyes. “This is the first time I’ve been in the same room with her in over two months.”
“Ah. Then perhaps I shall leave you two to reconnect,” Frigga said looking over his shoulder. Loki turned around to see you leaning against the threshold of the room, hiding patiently and not wanting to ruin the moment between him and his mother.
“Violet. You should be in bed. What are you doing up?” Loki said coming over to you.
“I was just…I couldn’t sleep. I needed to see them.” You explained. You wiped the tears off Loki’s cheek in silent recognition.
“Your body has just gone through something amazing and has departed with a piece of your soul. It is craving to be near them.” Frigga enlightened. “It misses them.” She held her hand out to yours, beckoning you closer.
“Can I- hold them?” you said in wonder as you watched your little miracles sleep inside the soul forge. They were loosely swaddled in green muslin, holding onto each other so tightly. “Are they warm enough?” They were so small and so fragile looking. You were afraid they would break if you even so much as breathed too hard on them.
“Why don’t you get in with them, darling? Lie down and maybe the forge can help you too,” Loki suggested. Without taking your eyes off the twins, you carefully got in and lay beside them. You put your arms protectively over them, cradling them gently.
Your body visibly relaxed. You let out a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding as you sunk into the plush cushion of the forge. Neither of you noticed Frigga walking out of the room, stealthily. Smiling to herself at the wonder Loki had made for himself.
“They’re beautiful, Loki!” you whispered.
“Just like their mother.” He said sitting on the opposite side of the forge facing you. Loki reached in and swiped the hair off your face. You had changed. Life alone had hardened you. You were no less beautiful. But you had a solemnity in you that Loki could see. “Why, Violet? Why did you run away?” he questioned softly.
You looked into his eyes. They were unguarded and in so much pain. “I- I honestly can’t even remember now, Loki. All I remember is the feeling of regret for having done so. It was so consuming that it outweighed why I left. Then I came across the napkin you had written.”
You took out the napkin, the one you always kept with you, from your pocket and showed it to him. It was wrinkled and almost see-through. The edges were nearly torn from all the time you had opened it to read it. “I couldn’t believe that you would still love me after I hid the fact that I was pregnant. So I ran.”
Loki conjured your letter. His note, too, looked weary and torn from all the times he’s tried to make sense of your logic. “I don’t understand. Why would you think you weren’t worthy? ‘You were meant to be with someone who can be your queen? Your equal?’” he read aloud. “Darling, I-”
“Loki. You were livid! When you found out I was pregnant you basically alluded to me being a social climbing schemer!” Loki looked contrite, laying his head down on the cushion.
“You will never know how sorry I am for the way I made you feel. If I have to spend the rest of my life making it up to you I will. I will, Violet. Just…I’m so sorry.”
“Then when I spoke with Thor, he reminded me that you were a prince. This wasn’t just about us anymore. It was about a whole kingdom. A different culture. There were different rules now. I didn’t realize…I mean I knew you were a prince. But to me, you were just…Loki. The man who gave me roses and who would sneak out to the back glades with me. The man who put his arm around me when I got cold. Or steal kisses from me when no one was looking.”
Loki smiled. You never once thought about his position and rank or what he could do for you. It was always just about him and you. The only one who ever saw him as Loki, not the god of mischief or the Prince of Asgard.
He grabbed hold of your hand and squeezed it while laying his lips on your fingers. “I promise, Violet. I will never take that for granted. I realized too late that, in my own self-absorbed world, you only ever saw me as me. Thank you for that.”
“Loki, I love you. I still love you…”
“I love you too, Violet.”
“…It hurt me to write that note. And to leave you. Looking back, I know I shouldn’t have left. I should’ve talked to you first. But I didn’t know how. You were so angry about the baby. And then Thor said that your father would take them away and at that moment, I made a split decision to just run. I didn’t know I wanted them until the thought of taking them away hurt more.”
“Vee, I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you or support you.”
“And I’m sorry I ran away and hid the pregnancy from you.”
Loki laughed, “Imagine to my surprise that you were still pregnant when I found you. And with twins, no less.”
You smiled back, holding your tears from escaping. “What happens now?”
“I don’t know, darling. But I do know that I want to be a part of your life if you’ll still have me. And a part of their lives too.”
“Will Odin keep you here?” holding onto his hand tighter. You were afraid he would suddenly be taken away if you let go.
Just then, the doors swung open, Odin burst through the doors with a line of Einherjar soldiers behind him. Loki stood to shield you, blocking you and the babies from Odin’s view. Loki’s face was stoic and hard, trying to anticipate what his father could be doing.
“Stand down, my boy,” Odin said coming closer to the forge. “I only came to see my new grandchildren.” The warmth of his tone left Loki stunned. He did not show it, however, and stood in place refusing to budge.
You gathered your babes, closer to your chest. The small, fragile babes were easily secured in one arm, as your other arm covered them. “You will not take my children away from me!”
“Rest child. I will do no such thing. I merely wish to see them.” Odin reassured you again.
“Father, what exactly are you trying to see? The resemblance? Because I assure you they are every bit as mine as they are my own body. Just because they do not resemble a frost giant, doesn’t mean…”
“Of course, they don’t look like a frost giant. They haven’t seen one yet. Have you changed in front of them? Or perhaps they are still too young to see.” Odin hypothesized. “Have you given them names? Have you called them yet?”
“No. No, we haven’t discussed it yet.” You answered. A thoughtful hum escaped Odin’s lips as he nodded. “Wait. I’m confused. Thor said that you would take the children and raise them in your ways until they are of age. I mean, isn’t that what you did with Loki?” you asked holding onto Loki’s hand.
“Loki was found on the steps of a temple. He was smaller than the other frost giant newborns I happen to come across and realized that he was left there abandoned.” He turned to Loki and said, “I heard your mother’s voice in my head then. She would’ve never spoken to me again if she found out I had left a small infant alone to brave this harsh world by himself.
“So I took you with me. The moment you opened your eyes and saw me, you had changed. Your markings had disappeared. Your skin, your eyes- they mimicked my own. I knew right then that you were going to be a force to be reckoned with.”
“Have you gone soft, Odin? Where is all this sentiment coming from?” Loki provoked.
“Don’t try my patience, boy.” Odin turns to you and says, “Now, tell me all that has transpired, and we shall see what is to be the outcome.”
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Five months had passed, and you remained on Asgard with Loki and your new family. Part of the reason was that you were still healing, and Loki loathed to have you travel through the Bifrost in your condition.
You didn’t mind staying though. It was nice to have help and people to watch the kids from time to time. You doubted you could get that back home.
The other reason was that Loki wasn’t necessarily welcome back to Earth after the alleged attack on the air force base in France.
“Both Thor and I were there. So was Cal and Rhodey.” Bruce said through the holographic communication device. He and Thor had gone back to try and smooth things over with the United Nations and U.S. officials. “I know Rhodey might’ve been apprehensive, but facts are facts. Loki didn’t hurt anyone or do any harm. We were there to look for you because we thought you were in danger.”
“Thank you, Bruce.”
“No problem. It’s the truth. So, how are you getting along? How’s Vallen and Minerva?”
The thought of your twins brought a smile to your face. “Vallen is clingy. He is always holding onto his sister,” you laughed at how, even at his young age, Vallen is already protective of his sister.
“And Minerva looks just like her father. She prefers to be in Jotunn form, and I can only hold her temporarily before I need more protective clothing.” Of course, that means that she is always being held by Loki.
“Ah! So how is Loki?”
“He’s…” How would you describe him? The determination in his eyes when he wakes up in the morning, knowing he has a purpose in his father’s court made him look invincible. The smile he gets when he sees you and the babies after a long day in the high court was heart-warming. The nights you spent together reminiscing about old memories and reacquainting yourselves with each other were sensually and emotionally awakening. “…Happy. He’s happy.”
“Good. Listen, I’ll talk to you later. Tony wants to get started on making space for you and the babies when you return.”
“Thanks again, Bruce.”
“Hey, that’s what god-uncles are for.” He blushed and quickly disappeared from the holographic communicator.
“Are you leaving?” Loki’s voice echoed in the empty chamber. You turned quickly to find him leaning against the bedpost, a stunned look on his face.
“Loki! It was supposed to be a surprise.” You said walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his waist. His reluctance to hold you conveyed more than what he wanted to say.
“A surprise? Are you running again?” settling his hands on your arms. “Did I not spend enough time with you and the children? I knew I shouldn’t have agreed so quickly to father’s offer. I’m sorry Violet, please...”
“Loki! No! I’m not running! Not ever. Never away from you. And I would never take the kids away from their wonderful father.” You said kissing him on his lips.
“Then why?”
“I wanted us to have a home to go to when we were on Midgard. A place to call our own. I know the sanctions on your banishment haven’t been made clear yet, but when they do, I want us to have a safe place to be a family. It’s the least Tony could do after he reported the quinjet stolen. I mean honestly, so dramatic,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes at Tony’s actions.
“So you aren’t… going away?”
“No! And if I do, I’m taking you with me.” You said wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him all over his face. “You, me…and the kids.” You corrected, laughing.
“Running alongside each other, forever.” He agreed. Forever. That was a word that had a different meaning for him and for your children. It could never be forever for you could it? You were only mortal. But Loki, and the children, had Jotunn blood. His immortality runs through their veins.
“Thank you,” Loki said shaking you from your spiraling thoughts. “For making a home for me…”
“For us!” you corrected.
“For us…wherever we may be,” he said kissing you passionately. He pulled your body closer to his and you melted right there in his arms.
“I have a surprise for you too.” He said coming out of the heated daze you two found yourself in.
“A surprise?” you said with a smile on your face, your worries all but forgotten.
“Yes, come on it’s out by the gardens.” He said grabbing hold of your hand.
“But the twins…”
“Are being watched by mother tonight and her ladies in waiting. They can’t get enough of them. Come. It’ll be like before- when we used to sneak out to hide our courtship.” Loki led you through the castle, hand-in-hand. Your soft giggles followed you through the hallways as servants bowed to both of you in your passing.
“Not so secret now, are we?” you laughed.
The jasmines were in bloom tonight. You could smell their sweet fragrance as you ran past them through the thicket of fruit trees. In the center was a blanket laid out with a large picnic basket. Books were stacked hurriedly in the corner as floating candles wafted by, giving the whole clearing an ethereal glow.
“Ta-da!” Loki exclaimed spreading out his arms.
“Loki! This is beautiful! It’s like…like…”
“Like the picnics behind the compound we used to have?” he finished your sentence. You walked towards the blanket, looking around at the floating candles of light. You were always amazed at Loki’s magic.
Turning back, you finally focused on him, with one knee on the ground. He smiled as he pulled a small velvet box from his pocket and opened it.
“Violet, will you make me the happiest man, in all the nine realms and be my wife?”
“Loki…” his question was a shock to you. You stared at the ring, an oval shard of different colors, set in a gold band. It shone so brightly, even under the darkening skies. “Loki is this what I think it is?” You looked into his eyes. You could see the sincerity and love in them.  
“It’s a piece of the Bifrost, faceted with diamonds around it. I wanted to give you a reminder, that wherever you are, my heart will always find you and take me to you.”
“Loki.” Your eyes spilled tears and small sobs began to wrack through your body. “You know that you don’t need to do this. I love you.”
“I love you too, Violet…don’t need to do what, exactly?”
“Get married.”
“But, we love each other. Is that not why we should be married?” He asked standing from his kneeling position on the ground.
“Yes, but…”
“Vee, stop it.” He commanded. You looked up into his eyes, tears staining your cheeks. “Stop overthinking this,” he charged.
“I don’t want you to feel obligated…”
“With the kids, Loki. You don’t need to do this just because we have kids?”
“How is it never easy with you?” He said throwing his hands in the air. “I love you, you frustrating woman!” he cried holding your face in between his hands. “I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you and I have never stopped.” His emotions overtook him and he kissed you zealously.
“I want late-night dances…” he paused his kiss to say. “…and early-morning trysts with you,” Loki murmured in between lips and tongue. You remembered those words so ardently. They were the same words he said when he confessed his love to you all those months ago. A lifetime and heartache ago.
“I want to be yours! Your friend. Your husband. Your god!” he growled holding you tighter. His lips found the soft spot right under your ear that made you a quivering mess. “And I want you to be mine. My queen…” he kissed your neck. “My goddess…” kissed your cheek. “My wife.” He said taking your lips.
“Marry me,” he said breathlessly. “Bind my life with yours.”
You cried. The overwhelming emotion and love you felt for this man would never let you turn him down. You would do anything and everything for him. “There’s nothing I want more than to be yours. In front of everyone. In front of the whole world.” You said, repeating the same answer you had given him all those months ago. Loki’s smile grew as he picked you up and twirled you around the haze of light and trees.
“To have and to hold,” he breathed, kissing you one more time.
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⬅️Chapter 8 | Epilogue ➡️
🏷️ @emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @vickie5446 @psychospore @mukagentropy @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallows @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @n3rdybirdee @melsunshine711
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Immortal she, return to me
Loki x female reader
18+ | contains a lil angst and smut
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“Come on Loki, what’s a little mischief?” You giggled, grabbing his hand as you ran through the flower garden. This part of the palace was strictly forbidden for you both to venture to especially when you weren’t with Frigga but the autumn leaves had a way of lulling you in.
You learnt the palace rules from a young age after being sent to live in Asgard by your mother who was a friend of Friggas. After displaying what your parents could only describe as a miracle, which you now knew was simply your Seiðr, they decided it’d be better to be raised by others who shared your gifts. This meant being taught alongside Loki by his mother who helped you learn how to control your magic. During your time with the young prince, you found yourselves growing close, close enough to consider each other friends, a term neither of you had anyone else to use on. This friendship was often the reason you’d both be reprimanded. Loki liked to read, you liked adventure. Loki liked obeying rules, you loved breaking them. This was the reason he was running through the flower garden after explicitly being told not to. How could he deny you?
“Look out!” You called to Loki as you noticed a bird on the floor. It looked still, lifeless. Crouching down, you got a better look at it, Loki doing the same as his face fell slightly, the dead bird stirring a sadness in him. He decided very young that he didn’t like death.
“How long do you think it’s been dead for?” Loki asked, not too sure what to say as he watched you observing it. “What are you doing?” He added as you placed your hands over it, closing your eyes as you whispered something. “Y/n?”
You continued to chant, quiet words slipping from your lips as you focused on the incantation you had read up on. This type of magic was one you were warned about, one you had never practiced before. You knew the implications of trying new spells unsupervised but you wanted to try nonetheless. The worst that could happen would be you being successful. You tuned Lokis voice out, visualising the outcome you wanted.
“Y/n stop, I think I hear mother.” Loki warned, tapping your shoulder.
“Just a moment longer.” You strained, still focusing.
“What are you two—” Frigga began with a stern tone before she looked down at what you were doing. Quickly removing your hands, you looked up at her, shocked when you heard a small whistle from below you. The three of you gasped, the small bird springing to life as it took a few steps.
“Wow.” Loki exhaled, eyes wide as you grinned at the bird.
“Loki, to your chambers now.” Frigga ordered, eyes still on the bird.
“But mother—”
“Now!” She insisted before Loki rose to his feet, bidding you a goodbye leaving you and Frigga alone.
“I did it.” You spoke excitedly as you looked up at her.
“This is forbidden” she started, eyes narrowing “how did you even—? You’re far too young.” She rambled.
“Maybe you underestimated me.” You answered coyly.
“The allfather must hear about this.” She declared, grabbing your hand harshly as she took you to the Allfather. It was rare for Frigga to be so firm with you, you didn’t know why she seemed so angry. In hindsight, it wasn’t anger, it was fear.
Later on that day, Loki made his way to your chambers, having not heard from you since you were both in the gardens. Nightfall was approaching and not a sound nor light could be seen or heard from your room. He grew worried the closer he stepped to your door. Knocking it, he awaited your reply. Getting none, he knocked again.
“Go away.” You sniffled from the other side, rolling your eyes when the door began to open.
“What’s the matter, why is it so dark?” Loki asked, entering your room before making his way towards you “you can light candles with a mere flick of the wrist and yet you sit in darkness.” He continued, igniting the flames himself, face falling slightly at seeing your puffy red eyes. “Oh y/n, what’s wrong?” He spoke, sitting next to you.
“I’m not allowed to practice my Seiðr anymore unless I’m under threat.” You replied quitly.
“What, why?”
“The allfather said my magic is manifesting too quickly, that I’m too powerful for my own good.” You began to sob.
“We’ll then” Loki smiled, removing your hand from your face as you wiped at your tears “we’ll just have to practice in secret then.” He decided.
“Loki no.”
“Come on, what’s a little mischief?” He grinned.
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“Such innocence” you chuckled, remembering your youth “perhaps we should have quit whilst we were ahead” you added, smiling at Loki “I mean, come on, of course we were heading here.” You finished, gesturing to him, dagger in hand.
“I was trying to make you happy.” He answered.
“And look where it’s gotten us” you snorted “I’m practically moments away from being devoured by dark energy and you’ve been sent under strict rules by the king to kill me with that blade.”
A pregnant pause settled over both of you as you remembered your childhood together, all the things that lead up to this exact moment. You should have known it would all end this way, you and Loki were doomed from the start but you just loved adventure, thrill, power. Your eyes met Lokis before his fell. Following his gaze to your wrist, you saw the veins there turning black before you caught his eye again, using it as an opportunity to speak.
“I can feel it you know” you started, observing his reaction “it doesn’t hurt, it’s like a rush of adrenaline. Sometimes it consumes me but not right now, right now I just feel like I’m waiting with baited breath so go on, do it.” You insisted, knowing exactly why he had to do what he had to do. The allfather had seen the vision and so had you. You didn’t want to bring death or ruin unto Asgard, you didn’t want to be a beacon of darkness but your own greed had altered you, this was the only way. Lokis grip on his dagger tightened as he raised it slightly before his hand dropped again.
“I can’t”
“Do it!” You ordered, grabbing his wrist and bringing the dagger to your throat “please, I don’t want to hurt them, I don’t want to hurt you,” you begged, the dagger beginning to draw blood before it disappeared, Loki storing it in his vault as he reached forward, placing his lips on yours as he kissed you passionately, taking you by surprise. There were very few times you and Loki had ever been intimate with one another, your intimacy never exceeding a small brushing of the lips or lingering touch unlike this time. You kissed him back, hands roaming each other’s bodies as he pressed you against the wall, barely breaking for air as his tongue pushed passed yours. Your back arched off of the wall as his lips left yours, deciding to roam your neck instead. You had of course taken lovers before, as had Loki but this time, together, felt different.
Picking you up, Loki carried you towards your bed before dropping you against it, kneeling between your legs as he kissed you again. Your hips lifted slightly, wanting to grind against him as his hand smoothed over the contours of your body. His lips ventured lower again, teeth grazing your neck as you granted him further access. Your pussy clenched in anticipation as his lips left your neck, his head moving lower as he moved down the bed. You bit your lip as you felt him kissing your thighs, pushing your dress upwards as he reached higher. You bent your knees, widening your legs as he settled between them, kissing your clit over your underwear. Your eyes fell closed at the feeling as he tore your panties off of you before his lips wrapped around your clit. You had heard others whispering about Lokis silver tongue but nothing could have prepared you for this.
“Lokii” you moaned, hips lifting from the bed as his tongue moved through your folds, exploring your cunt. His tongue flicked ardently against the bundle of nerves as you ground your hips against his face, a mixture of your arousal and his saliva coating his skin.
“So sweet” he praised, releasing your clit with a pop leaving you reeling as your climax approached you.
“Keep doing thatt.” You begged, focusing on your release. Loki continued circling your clit before you came, walls clenching around nothing as you orgasmed, more of your arousal decorating his face. He rode you through your high, tongue rolling over your clit gently before he kissed your thighs, making his way back up to lace his lips with yours. You could taste yourself on him, it was sinful. Reaching between you both, you could feel how hard he was. “I want to feel you.” You urged, looking up into his eyes.
Before long, Loki was lining himself up with your entrance before his hips were slamming into yours. You wrapped your legs around him, ignoring the loud sound of skin against skin and the headboard banging against the wall as you swam towards your next orgasm. You had almost dreamt about this day, finally being so connected with Loki. You felt him everywhere, he was everything and for a while, this all almost felt normal. You felt normal.
Loki leant down, murmuring how good you made him feel into your ear as your nails dug into the leather coating his back. His voice was so sexy like this, gruff moans and whispered praises. He swivelled his hips, his own peak fast approaching as your walls begun to flutter around his cock.
“Y/nnn” he groaned, stilling as he came, prompting your own orgasm.
He waited for you both to come down before he pulled out of you, a mixture of both your slick trickling down from your centre. You quickly grew tired, not having been properly handled in a while as Loki stood to get a towel. By the time he returned, you seemed asleep, soft snores leaving your lips as you laid on your side. He got into the bed too, one of his arms around you as he kissed the back of your neck, savouring this, savouring you. Why couldn’t things have been different he cursed internally, the words from his father coming back into focus again. He had a clear mission, a goal and he had to fulfil it. He had to ensure the safety of this realm, it was his sworn duty as its prince. He kissed your neck again, saying a silent prayer, the dagger reappearing in his empty hand again before he plunged it into your back causing you to yelp; the power draining from you as well as your life.
“L-Loki” you croaked, your final word being spoken before you saw darkness, an endless nothingness.
Once it was done and he was fully dressed again, having completed his mission, he allowed himself the stolen gift of looking at you again before tears begun falling from his eyes. You were his friend, his only. He looked at the dagger in his hand, the jewel adorning the bottom now glistening with new power. In times like these ones, it was customary to burn the corpse but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Instead, he tucked you underneath the duvet despite knowing the king would probably just send someone else to do it instead. He glanced at you again, it was like you were still sleeping.
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“It’s done.” Loki confirmed, handing the dagger to Odin.
“You’ve done well Loki.” Odin answered, taking the dagger.
“Why did it have to be me?” Loki queried, the question nagging him. Odin grew these at the question, Loki sensing his apprehension. “Tell me!” He shouted, hurt, he had just been sent to murder his best friend. “WHY?”
“Because I couldn’t endanger the heir.” Odin finally answered, Loki stepping backwards as if he had just been impaled. He opened his mouth to speak, only to close it again before storming out.
When he made it back to his room, he lost his composure. Yes he had saved Asgard from its doom but at the cost of losing you.
“My y/n” he murmured, praying for a safe passage for you into the afterlife.
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After destroying a SHIELD base, stealing the tesseract, compromising half of the SHIELD agents as well as causing a ruckus to say the least in Germany, Loki found himself in no more than a glass prison as he sat, glaring at the obvious camera in the corner. He thought about all the decisions he had made in life and how they all played a part in leading him exactly here. What was the reason? His thoughts were interrupted as someone walked in.
“Well well well, what do we have here?”
Loki gasped hearing the familiar voice.
“I’ve got this one handled y/n.” Natasha called, making her way to Loki.
“Y-/n?” Loki spoke just above a whisper.
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Lokis like sorry I killed you can we go back to making out and being besties xxxxxxoxoxoxoxoxo 🥰 hope this randomness made sense! 💓
@mischief2sarawr @mcufan72 @lokisninerealms @mochie85 @lokiprompts @evelyn-kingsley @lulubelle814 @lokilvrr @peaches1958 @fictive-sl0th @lokisgoodgirl @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446
421 notes · View notes
hinatastinygiant · 8 months
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1 | 𝓣𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓜𝔂 𝓗𝓪𝓷𝓭
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader
The Author
"Come on, Y/N," your mother hums as the two of you approach the large, unfamiliar castle that is looming over you. You are only six years old and have never traveled off-world before. It is an exciting yet terrifying adventure. You grip her hand tighter as she leads you across the bridge.
"Chin up, dear," your father hums as he stands in front of you, not bothering to look back. "Do us proud and you might just find a husband on this planet."
"A husband?" you gulp as you look up at your mother. Her eyes show no emotion. She looks straight ahead and pays you no mind.
"Yes, a husband. I expect great things from you, Y/N. We both do," your father replies.
As you approach the castle, your father speaks to the guards, informing them that they have come for the party that is supposedly in your honor. The guards lead your family through the winding halls of the castle. Your small steps can hardly keep up with the large guards and the pace your parents are walking at. The floral tiara, adorned with roses and leaves, on your head nearly falls off your head as you're led into a beautiful throne room.
There, you are greeted by the king and queen. "Ah," the king speaks as he approaches the three of you. "King Lucius Aurelius, pleasure to finally make your acquaintance."
They welcome you with a warm smile.
"As to you, King Odin," your father replies with a nod of his head.
"I see you have brought the princess of the hour," King Odin smiles kindly at you. "What a lovely dress, princess," he then compliments you. Honestly, you're quite proud of the compliment. The gold dress that you begged your mother to allow you to wear is your favorite. And if you're going to meet your husband today, you want him to see you at your very best.
"Thank you, my king," you answer with a curtsy.
"And what manners, too," he chuckles. "The princes will be out shortly. I believe they're planning something for you."
You turn your attention towards the large door across the room. You can't help but be nervous at the prospect of meeting your future husband. You're so focused on the doors that you don't even notice your parents leading you away until they're dragging you along. Together with King Odin and the Queen, you enter the biggest ballroom you've ever seen in your life. The marble floors glisten under the lights and the large balcony doors are open, revealing the gardens outside.
"Wow," you breathe as you look around the room. "It's beautiful," you murmur as the king and queen thank you for the compliment.
Your father, not so happy with your comment which makes his kingdom seem lesser in comparison, clears his throat and shoots you a warning glare.
"So," your father then speaks, drawing the attention back onto him, "your children?"
"Oh, yes. Y/N, darling," Queen Frigga hums as she nudges you forward. "The boys will be down shortly. They have prepared a surprise for you. Go wait by the stairs," she then instructs, pointing towards the large staircase on the opposite end of the room.
Nervous, you nod and walk across the ballroom floor towards the large staircase.
"Y/N!" you hear a voice call. Looking to your right, you spot a blonde-haired boy, dressed in armor and a red cape.
He walks up to you with a wide smile. "You are Y/N, aren't you?" he asks, his blue eyes wide with excitement.
"Y-yes, I am," you nod. "Are you Thor? I've heard much about you from my father."
"Hmm," he replies proudly while putting his hands on his hips and straightening his back to appear taller than you. "That's me! Prince Thor!"
"Well, it's nice to finally meet you," you smile kindly. "I hope we'll be good friends," you tell him as he holds out his arm for you to take.
"I'm sure we will be," he nods, grinning wider as you accept his hand. "Want to see a neat trick? I can pick up that whole statue over there!"
"Oh really?" you smirk, unconvinced. "Prove it."
"Watch this!" he then beams as takes you by the hand and leads you across the room. You gasp, your heart skipping a beat as he grips you tightly and drags you along.
"Thor! Y/N!"
Looking up, the two of you stop and turn to see the queen standing next to a smaller, dark-haired boy. He's dressed in green and black, and unlike Thor, the other boy's hair is slicked back.
"Y/N, this is Prince Loki. My brother," Thor explains as he releases your hand. "Loki, this is Princess Y/N."
You offer the prince a kind smile. "Hello, Your Highness."
"Greetings," Loki nods his head, keeping his eyes glued to yours. He then grips onto his mother's dress and hides his face. Loki rolls his eyes.
"So anyway, I was going to show you my trick. Are you ready to see it?"
"As I'll ever be," you chuckle.
Thor then sucks in a deep breath before approaching the statue. "This one's going to be great," he tells you as he reaches out for the statue. His fingers wrap around the base and, as if lifting something made of simply nothing, he lifts the statue high into the air.
You gasp as he tosses it from hand to hand, the weight seemingly having no effect on him.
"Okay, enough of that," the queen then shakes her head. "Place it back before you accidentally drop it."
"Yes mother," he agrees before placing the statue back in its place.
"Well done," you applaud him as he walks back towards you. "I'm quite impressed. I didn't think you'd actually be able to do it."
Thor's face lights up when he hears those words. "Thank you," he grins. "I think my brother wanted to show you something, too, but I don't think it'll be as impressive as mine."
You turn to look at the dark-haired boy. His face is bright red as he pulls away from his mother. She then pushes him toward you slightly where he freezes completely still.
"Was there... something you wanted to show me, Prince Loki?" you ask curiously.
"I, uh," he mutters, looking from Thor to you. Without saying more, he pushes up the sleeves of his suit. Then, with a flick of the rest, reveals a white rose out of thin air. "They're said to symbolize loyalty so I thought... well, it's nice to meet you."
With a soft smile, you accept the flower from him. "Thank you, Loki," you hum. "This is lovely."
He offers a shy smile in return.
It takes Loki a little while, but by the end of the night, the three of you are all playing like old friends. "You know, Princess Y/N, we have another brother, too," Thor randomly brings up in the middle of a conversation.
"Is that so?"
"Yes, his name is Balder," Loki adds.
"Where is he, then?"
"He's not allowed to attend the party tonight. Apparently, he kissed his nanny the other day," Thor informs you. "That's why it's just us here."
"Oh my," you chuckle.
"Thor! Loki!" the king's voice calls out to the three of you. Looking up, the three of you spot him waving in your direction. "It's time to say goodnight to Princess Y/N and her family. Come on."
"Coming father!" Thor nods as the three of you rush to the front of the ballroom.
Once your hand is back in your father's, you glance at your two new friends. Which one of them will become your husband? you wonder. Most likely, whichever is the oldest. Perhaps it will even be the one who kissed his nanny. But your parents did seem pretty sure that you'd be meeting your husband tonight... which just leaves the two.
When you glance between the two boys, you realize there's one you secretly hope it will be.
After that night, your family has taken multiple trips to Asgard and attended dozens of lavish parties. Each time, you are able to spend time with both princes and the two of them become very important people in your life.
"Y/N, dear," your mother's voice hums as she approaches you in the garden. "Your eighteenth is in two weeks. The King and Queen have decided that on that day, they will decide which of the three princes will be the one to marry you."
"Really?" you ask nervously.
"Yes," she says as she sits down beside you. "Now, I know you are excited to go there tonight but remember, your father and I expect great things from you. You're a princess of Astoria. Do not forget that."
"Of course, mother," you agree.
"And the prince who marries you will bring us glory and honor, do you understand? So, when we get there tonight, I want you to behave. No horseplay. No silly games. We're here to make a good impression and find the prince who will marry you. Is that understood?"
"It is," you nod.
When the three of you arrive, you do your best to hold back from running to the two princes when you spot them in the ballroom. You can tell they're acting different this time, too. Neither of them smiles as they approach with their parents and Balder.
"Y/N," Thor greets as he reaches for your hand. He places a kiss on the top of your hand, earning a small scowl from his younger brother. You wonder if this is the way they'll be all night.
"Prince Thor, Loki," you nod politely.
"We're glad to have you," Queen Frigga hums as the three princes begin to walk away. However, your mother grabs you by the hand, ensuring that you don't walk away this time.
You spend the night talking to various members of the royal family, excluding the three brothers. Your mother makes sure to keep you away, knowing that you'll run off and never be seen again. However, towards the end, once she's had a few too many drinks, she loosens her grip and lets you slip through her fingers.
You rush outside first, determined to get a fresh breath of air. You've felt nothing but suffocating the whole night and you'd do anything to get away from it all.
"Y/N," you hear Loki's voice hum.
"Loki," you gasp as you turn to face him. "What are you doing out here?"
"I could ask you the same thing," he says, a hint of mischief in his voice.
"I just needed some air."
"Ah, so did I," he agrees. "But also, I had hoped to talk to you. I saw you've been wrapped up in conversation with my parents all evening."
"Yeah well, I-"
"I get it," he nods as he approaches the balcony near where you stand. He then remains quiet as he looks out at the stars. You smile and do the same, leaning in towards him as you relax in the comforting quiet of the moment.
"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" you ask after a few minutes.
"Nothing. Just didn't want to miss our time together," he sighs as he looks out into the darkness.
"Yeah, well, we probably don't have long. I'm supposed to be inside still, and I doubt my parents will let me out of their sight again. I'm sure they'll have the guards looking for me any second," you giggle.
"Is that so?" he hums, turning to face you. "My, you are so popular, aren't you?"
"Suppose the birthday girl deserves that, don't you think?" you grin.
"Of course," he replies, gazing into your eyes. You hate how he does that. It's like he's able to see right into your soul, feel what you feel without you ever saying a word.
"Mmhmm," you hum, looking away as he leans in towards you.
"Are you looking forward to it?" he whispers as he tucks your hair behind your ear, allowing his hand to linger on your cheek.
"For what?" you ask, half stunned by his bold move. He's never acted like this before.
"You know," he hums, moving in closer, "for your birthday."
"I'm not sure," you shake your head. "I suppose I'm ready for whatever happens."
"Are you?" he asks, his face inches from yours.
You look away, unsure if you're able to handle him this close to you. "I am."
"Even if it were to be me?" he continues, and you are pretty sure your heart has stopped
"I think," you gulp, trying not to sound nervous, "that I wouldn't mind if it were you."
"Oh," he replies, still getting ever so slowly closer. "And if it isn't me?"
"Then, I'll have a husband," you answer, finally turning your gaze back onto his. "I suppose that is a good thing. Isn't it?"
"I suppose," he hums as his eyes flutter shut. Without a second thought, he presses his lips to yours, causing you to pull back immediately.
"What was that?" you gasp, holding your hands over your mouth.
"A kiss," he answers, reaching out for your hand. "Was that your first?"
"No, I mean... Well yes, but- Loki, you can't just..." you mumble, unable to find the words.
"Do you not want to?" he asks, taking a step back.
"I... I didn't say that," you answer, your cheeks burning hot.
"You didn't have to," he chuckles as he moves back towards you.
You reach out, placing a hand on his chest as he comes near. "We shouldn't," you whisper.
"But isn't that what makes it fun," he smirks.
He's definitely not wrong. All you want is to kiss him again. You allow your eyes to flutter close, giving in to the temptation as he places his lips back on yours. This time, you kiss him back. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer to deepen the kiss.
"Y/N, is that you?" Thor's voice then calls.
The two of you pull away immediately, both out of breath and wide-eyed. Thor steps closer and your heart races. He looks between the two of you and raises a brow.
"Were you two-"
"Nothing," Loki blurts out.
"If our parents found out, they'd kill you, Loki. Actually, probably both of you," Thor warns.
"So, what do we do?" Loki asks.
Thor turns to look at you. "Nothing," he huffs. "It never happened." He then grabs you by the arm and begins to guide you back into the ballroom. "Your parents are looking for you. Time to go inside."
You look backward at Loki as Thor pulls you away. The hurt in his eyes hurts you. You've hope to god you never have to see that look again.
Two weeks later, on your birthday, your parents throw the most lavish party you've ever seen. They've invited thousands of people from all across the nine realms. Everyone, it seems, wants to meet the soon-to-be betrothed princess.
"Have you told her yet?" Loki asks as Thor approaches.
"Not yet. It's a surprise, isn't it?"
"But you're telling her tonight, right?" Loki whispers.
"Let me deal with it, you ass. You've already done enough to help out," Thor scoffs. "Besides, I think I can figure out how to propose to a princess after twelve years of being told how to do it."
"Well, excuse me," Loki huffs as Thor walks away.
"Y/N," Thor greets when he spots you standing by the cake, helping the staff turn it at just the right angle. "I've been looking everywhere for you."
"Thor!" you smile when you see him at your side. He snakes his arm around your waist and kisses you on the cheek. And as he does, you can see Loki watching the pair of you from a distance away.
"How have you been?" he asks.
"Good. My mother is quite nervous about the big reveal tonight. She's been rushing me all morning, and then when I wasn't dressed fast enough, she nearly threw a vase at my head," you chuckle.
"Wow, and your father? I bet he's excited," he adds, trying to distract from the subject as he leads you towards the center of the room.
"Yes, but I know he's worried too. I'm surprised that neither of them is hovering over me right now," you explain as you look around the room and spot them approaching Loki. Perhaps it will be him after all.
"Well, before all that happens, there's something I wanted to give you," Thor hums, stealing your attention once more.
"What is it?" you ask, looking around.
Before you can take in what's happening, he bends down on one knee, reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a small, velvet box. Opening it, he reveals a beautiful diamond ring. Your jaw drops, unable to believe what you're seeing. Part of you wishes you could back away into a hole and not come back out, but at the same time, you know it would break Thor's heart.
"Princess Y/N, will you marry me?"
"Y-Yes," you hesitate for only a moment before accepting. With a smile, he slides the ring onto your left ring finger and pulls you into a tight hug. You can't help but smile in the moment, knowing how proud both of your parents will be. But once he pulls back, and your two families come over to congratulate you, tears threaten to roll down your cheeks. Locking eyes with Loki is different- and always will be- and now, you're not sure if you'll ever be able to face him again.
The party carries on and the announcement is made. The cheers are thunderous as Thor is officially declared your betrothed.
"I can't believe it," Loki sighs as he stands beside you. He's been watching Thor the entire night. You know he's been dying to speak to you, but hasn't had the chance until the rest of the room is drunk enough to not notice what either of you is doing.
"Can't believe what?" you hum, looking away.
"Part of me thought he wouldn't do it. Not after the other week..." he whispers, voice trailing off into nothing.
"What do you mean?" you then ask, finally glancing at him. "Did you know? Did you both know?"
"We did," he admits, staring out into the crowd. His eyes are filled with hurt, just like they had been the last time you saw him. "We've always known. We weren't supposed to tell you."
"Then why?" you frown, tears swelling up in your eyes. "Why did you-"
"Because, it was the only way I could have you."
"But, we can't-"
"I know. Believe me, I know," he grumbles, looking in the opposite direction of you now. "I'm sorry, Princess, I shouldn't have done it."
"No, I-"
"Happy birthday, Princess," he hums before walking away.
The tears begin to roll down your cheeks, and as you wipe them away, you realize you wish things could've gone differently. You wish Loki was the one you were betrothed to.
Suddenly, a pair of large arms wrap around you from behind and spin you around. You gasp as you hear Thor's laugh from behind you.
"You did so well," he grins. "You've made them so happy. You're going to make the perfect queen."
You bite your lip, hoping not to cry again. And as he puts you down and spins you to face him, he notices the tears in your eyes.
"What's wrong?" he frowns.
"Nothing," you shake your head. "Everything is fine."
"You're crying," he points out.
"I'm just really happy," you lie, managing a smile.
"Okay," he smiles in return, not wanting to push the issue. "Come on, dance with me," he hums, pulling you towards the center of the room.
"Thor," you giggle, trying not to trip over yourself as he drags you along. "I don't dance, you know that."
"Just follow my lead," he insists. "Like always."
The two of you dance until you're completely worn out. By the end of the night, you can't keep your eyes open, and neither can he. Leaning on him for support, you don't realize how close he is to you until his lips meet yours in a surprising kiss. You pull back immediately.
"Thor," you whisper.
"Right," he clears his throat. "I should, uh, probably get you back to your parents. Wouldn't want them to start a war."
"Yes, of course," you agree.
He offers a hand, which you take, and then leads you across the ballroom and back to where your parents are. You spend the rest of that night in a trance-like state. Time passes so quickly, that you can't believe the party is finally over. In the blink of an eye, you're back in your bed, looking up at the dark ceiling and thinking of what could've been.
The next time you visit Asgard, two different princes meet you than the ones you grew up knowing. The first greets you with a kiss on your cheek, rather than your hand, and wraps his arm around your waist. The second, who's dressed in gold and black, is not anywhere to be seen.
"Where's Loki?" you whisper to Thor as the two of you walk inside the castle together.
He sighs, shaking his head as he tries to find an appropriate way to explain what his brother has been up to for the past month. "Well, he, uh, is with another woman. You'll see him later," he explains as he turns to face you.
"Another woman?" you question, stopping in your tracks to glare at him.
"Y/N, it's not any of your concern," he insists. "Besides, it's not really serious. Don't worry about it."
"You expect me not to worry about the brother of the prince I am going to marry running around with a bunch of whores?"
"Y/N," he whispers sharply. "People are watching. You'll be careful to mind your tongue. Is that understood?"
"You're such an ass," you snap before walking away.
He follows closely behind you as you try and escape his presence. He catches up easily and wraps a hand around your wrist. "Don't rush off like that," he tells you, nearly sweeping you off your feet. Damn him and his annoying charm
"What do you want from me?" you huff, not bothering to stop him from pulling you close.
"Only a kiss from my betrothed, is that so bad?" he smirks.
You roll your eyes, trying your hardest not to get caught up in his charisma. "Fine, just one," you agree.
He cups your cheeks and leans in to press his lips to yours. As he does, your mind wanders to his younger brother and how soft his lips had been. Except Thor is much rougher. Instead of feeling butterflies, you feel your back pushed up against the nearby marble column. And instead of feeling the warmth of his body, the cold marble causes your spine to ache.
"Oh, god, are you fucking kidding?" Loki's voice interrupts the moment suddenly.
Thor pulls back just enough to turn his head where he sees his brother drunkenly stumbling towards you both. But instead of rushing to his side, he kisses you one last time.
"Brother," he grins, letting go of you.
"Don't bother me," Loki growls.
"What are you so upset about?" Thor asks. "I was only kissing my future wife. Did your whore not love you enough last night? Is that why you're so pissy?"
"Fuck you," Loki huffs.
"Fuck me? Brother, you've got it backwards, haven't you?"
"Don't be a dick," you sigh, addressing both of them. "Let's just go back inside."
"Mmm, no thanks," Loki shakes his head. "I have a better idea."
"Loki," Thor warns.
"Shut up, Thor," Loki rolls his eyes. "You can go back inside and kiss the hell out of your future wife. But I'm going to grab a bottle of wine and have some real fun. Want to come, darling?" he asks, offering a hand out to you.
You glance from Thor to Loki. Part of you wants to go with Loki. To make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. But you know better than to cause a scene. If your parents found out...
"Maybe another time," you sigh.
"Fine, then have fun. I'm sure Thor will give you plenty," Loki snaps before walking away.
"That piece of-" he begins before you cut him off.
"Don't," you say.
"Don't what?" he snaps.
"Say whatever horrible thing you were going to say about your brother. You two used to be best friends. All of us were. You shouldn't talk about him that way. And besides, I'd much rather you come inside and get your parents' attention off of me for a little while," you add.
He sighs. "Fine. Whatever you want," he huffs, reaching down to take your hand. "Let's go then."
Even after three months from when Thor proposed to Y/N, I haven't been able to get the damn scene out of my head. She looked so happy. As if she did truly want it to be him instead of me. But what makes me even sicker is the thought of our kiss. How it'll never happen again. And how no matter how hard I try to find it elsewhere, I know nothing will be able to compare to her.
The thoughts are haunting. There isn't a moment I'm able to completely clear my head. Not while I'm with other women. Not while I'm by myself. No matter what I do, I can't forget. And the worst part is that I'm not sure I want to.
"You've been awfully quiet," the woman kneeling before me whispers as she trails her hands up my leg. "Does this feel good?"
"Yes," I lie as I place my hand in her dark hair. "Don't stop."
I close my eyes, doing my best not to think about the beautiful princess on her knees before me. But I fail miserably. She's all I can think about. I imagine the softness of her lips, the gentle touch of her hands, the sweetness of her voice, the warmth of her skin...
I gasp, opening my eyes as the woman pulls back, releasing me from her mouth.
"Did you-"
"Yes, sorry," I sigh, tucking myself back into my pants and pulling the zipper up.
"No need to apologize, my prince," she smiles quite proud of herself. "Would you like to stay here for the night?"
"Not tonight," I reply, shaking my head.
"You're so tense," she then says, climbing onto the couch beside me. "You need a release. A second release."
She's here right now. In the palace with my brother and my parents. I've always hated going to those damn parties every week since that night. I can't stand seeing the two of them together. And the worst part is that every week, she looks more and more like his princess. It's as if she was made to be his.
"I'll be fine," I insist, standing from the couch. "But if you'd like, you could accompany me to the palace."
"M-me, my prince?" she questions, her eyes going wide.
"Of course," I nod. "Why not?"
"A-Alright, then. Let's go," she agrees immediately, gathering her clothes.
By the time the two of us reach the palace, we're both drunk out of our minds. I hardly recall anything that has led up to this moment tonight, but to be perfectly honest, that's better than remembering it all.
"My prince," she hums as she wraps her arms around my neck.
"Yes?" I hum, leaning in.
"Do you love me?"
I frown as I think back to the way I had last seen Y/N in this hallway. My brother had her pinned up against one of the columns, his hands in places they didn't belong.
"Do I love you?" I question, not answering her question. "Do you want to know something?"
"Mmhmm," she hums as she presses herself closer to me.
Without another word, I push her body up against that same column where Y/N had been with Thor. My lips crash into hers, my hands cupping her cheeks, and I allow myself to get lost in her. She tastes sweet, her body warm, and her curves are soft beneath my hands. I reach down to her thigh, pushing up her skirt before lifting her off her feet. She wraps her legs around my waist, her back pressed up against the cold marble.
"You're so warm," she hums, her voice sending shivers down my spine. "So much warmer than him."
I bite down on her lip, causing her to yelp in response.
"You shouldn't say his name when you're with me," I warn.
"Mmm, then punish me, my prince," she purrs.
I know Y/N isn't here with me now, but gods do I wish it was her. I'd have to keep her quiet, making sure Thor wouldn't hear us. She'd be so good for me. She'd listen. She'd obey. And her body... gods her body.
"Take me to your room," she pleads, drawing my attention back to her.
"What?" I reply, suddenly being brought back to reality. However, before she can say more, the door bursts open and we both look up to see Thor storming down the hall.
"Loki, what the fuck are you doing?" he shouts.
I release her immediately and the girl falls to the ground, struggling to fix her dress. Behind him I see Y/N, dressed in the most beautiful golden dress. She always did look beautiful in that color. A true princess. A true princess who is staring at me with a look of shock and confusion.
"Brother," I smirk.
"Y/N," he then growls as he glances back at her. "Go back inside."
"Umm," the woman I was just with gulps as she looks between my brother and me.
"Leave us," I then order her.
"O-of course, my prince," she nods as she quickly scurries past us and back the way we came.
"Loki," Thor repeats, his voice low and threatening. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"Enjoying the party," I smirk, unable to wipe the stupid grin from my face.
"You're drunk. We have guests. Why would you do that here?" he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Go up to bed. And don't let Y/N catch you looking this way again. Are we clear?"
"Crystal," I wink as I push past him and head for the stairs. But, as I turn the corner, I spot Y/N's worried concern and it makes my heart stop.
"Is he alright?" she asks Thor as he approaches her.
"Of course, he's just drunk. Nothing new," Thor lies.
"Okay," she whispers softly, taking his hand. "Let's head back."
"Good idea."
The Author
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michelleleewise · 1 year
Long Live The King
Pairing: King Jotun Loki x Asgardian female reader
Warnings: angst, angst with fluff, forced imprisonment, talks of execution, frigga being a queen. I think that's about it......
Summary: Truths come to light as accept your fate....
A/n- another super long one!! Lol a very very special thank you to @mochie85 for helping me get through this and proofreading all my nonsense! Your amazing!!! 💚💚💚
Part Ten--Part Eleven-
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"LIAR!" Loki yelled, taking a step back, his mind reeling at the revelation "I assure you I am not." Frigga said sternly watching him intently. "That is not possible! I am Jotnar...you are asgardian, it..." he trailed off running a hand through his hair "did you ever wonder why you are not as them?" She asked taking a step towards him "why you possess the gift of seidr?" She continued, watching him begin to pace "I am of noble birth, that is why." He said sternly lifting his arm back up pointing his dagger at her "I will not fall for your tricks witch." He growled as she took another step towards him. "Yes, it is true the jotnar possess some seidr, but you Loki...they can not compare to the power you have inside you." She said smiling.
"I will not suffer any more of your lies, move or I shall move you." He said, anger lacing his tone when Frigga took another step closer "have you wondered why your size is not the same as the others? Why you are smaller?" She asked when Loki took another step back "laufey...i..." loki trailed off, remembering laufey taunting him...the names he called him "you are Laufeys first born....and mine as well." She said reaching out her hand hovering over his as he gripped the dagger tighter "I will show you." She said as her hand grabbed his wrist, reaching up she pressed her palm to his forehead. Loki gasped at the sensation of her magic pouring into him, mixing with his. His eyes met hers as her power ebbed and flowed inside him, a warmth traveling through him feeling the cracks inside him piece back together. a tear slid down his cheek as she released him, his dagger clattering on the ground as he stumbled back.
"You are my son Loki." She said clasping her hands together. Loki gripped his chest, his heart hammering against his chest feeling his illusion slip. Lifting his hand seeing the blue tint return as he looked up at her "h..how did you..." he trailed off looking back to his hand "i was raised by witches, i see with more then eyes son." She smiled when his red eyes met hers again "w..why?" He asked clenching his jaw "why did you leave me!?" He asked clearing his throat "Loki, there were things...plans set in motion before I was even born." She said looking down "answer me...why did you abandon me!?" He asked, his anger threatening to spill over straightening to his full height watching her step back "Loki..." She sighed "TELL ME!" He yelled making her jump "I didn't have a choice!" She yelled back looking up at him.
Taking a deep breath she sat on a bench nearby "I was betrothed to Odin before I was born, my fate had been sealed before I had any say in the matter." She explained fidgeting with the fabric of her dress. "When I came of age they told me and I refused, I ran away to the one place no one would find me." She said looking up "to Jotunhiem." Loki finished as she nodded "but I was unprepared for the climate, thinking only a few layers would be enough." She laughed shaking her head "and as you know..." She said waving her hand. "And then what?" Loki asked crossing his arms "i...I stumbled upon Utgard before I collapsed, Laufey...your father found me in the snow and took me in." She said smiling again "He was kind...gentle, we grew close." She said hearing Loki scoff "He had not been kind these last thousand years I assure you." Loki said as frigga shook her head.
"I'm afraid that was my doing." She sighed looking up into Loki's eyes "we were never meant to fall in love, yet we did...and from that love came you." She said wiping a tear from her cheek "i was happy to spend the rest of my days with him and you but the fates are cruel, merciless beings." She said gritting her teeth. "Odin had heard of my disappearance and declared war on my realm until I returned to marry him." She said as Loki walked towards her "He sent word to all the realms that whoever was hiding me would be destroyed without mercy." She said, her lip trembling as she closed her eyes "laufey was prepared to fight, to send his men to their deaths for me but..." She stopped looking up into Loki's eyes "I couldn't let him die, I couldn't let Odin..." covering her mouth as a sob broke free "so i...I did what I thought best and i...I left." She said "to protect you, to ensure Odin didn't harm you." She said feeling Loki sit down next to her.
"I know I should never have left you, i...I should have stayed...or taken you with me or..." She was cut off as Loki scoffed "but you did not, you chose...this over me." He said waving his hand in air. "Did you even think about me? Did i ever cross your mind at all as you went about your life...marrying into power, birthing the golden child?" He sneered glaring at her "im sure hes everything you wanted in a son, not some half blooded runt." He growled "Stop!" She snapped, her eyes serious as she looked at him "i love you, i always loved you! Not a day went by i didnt think of you!" She said, her voice shaking "oh yes, i felt very loved." He sneered looking out into the garden.
"Laufey grew cold and heartless in his age." Loki said looking into the distance "told me my mother abandoned me because I was small...weak...unfit to rule." Loki said as Frigga's head snapped up looking at him "no! I would never! You are beautiful and perfect just as you are." She said sternly seeing Loki shake his head "I swear to you, I will atone for my mistakes, for leaving you." She said grabbing his hand "I will make this right." She said squeezing his hand "we shall see, but i must finish what i came here for." He said pulling his hand from hers flicking his wrist his skin turned from blue back to pale ivory "what must you do?" She asked as he stood, walking over he kneeled down picking up his dagger "I will explain later but first...where are the dungeons?" He asked looking back with a smile.
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You were awoken by a commotion outside your cell, slowly opening your eyes you looked around when the bright lights suddenly shined down on you. squinting as they burned into the back of your eyes you saw the outline of two figures by the barrier "be careful your highness, she's dangerous." You heard as you slowly pushed yourself up "I will be fine, now drop the shield." You heard a woman's voice say as you rubbed your eyes, wincing at the soreness in them when you heard soft footsteps enter your cell looking up your eyes adjusted seeing Frigga come into focus. Your eyes widened, quickly trying to get to your knees when she held her hand up, walking over she leaned down removing the gag "tell me child, why is one of my fiercest warriors set for the ax?" She asked walking around the cell.
You opened your mouth, stretching your jaw "b...because I have betrayed the crown." You said looking down. "Hmm...you have been a member of my guard for many years, and I have never had reason to doubt your loyalty." Frigga said stopping in front of you "what changed?" She asked with a small smile. "Everything your highness" you said fidgeting with your chains "oh? Like what?" She asked taking a seat next to you, her long skirts pooling around her. You sighed looking up at her "you would not believe me, no one does." You said feeling your eyes burn "try me." She said winking. You took a deep breath deciding nothing else could go wrong "the king sent me on a mission, I was to tell no one of where I was going." You told her seeing her nod "my mission, kill the king of Jotunhiem." You said looking back down to your lap "and did you? Kill him that is?" She asked "no, I was found out...captured and held prisoner." You said, remembering your first few weeks on the icy realm.
"But, after awhile the king...Loki took pity on me. Moved me to his chambers, allowed me to stay by the fire, fed me, gave me clothing...allowed me to bathe." You said feeling your cheeks heat up. "We had grown somewhat close...or so I thought." You sighed keeping your eyes to the floor. "What do you mean?" Frigga asked leaning down to look at you "I mean, that I am sure as of right now he has married another." You said feeling your chest ache "she is a princess, from Vanahiem." You continued seeing frigga nod out of the corner of your eye. "I am certain she has put a spell on him, but there was nothing I could do she...She has him now." You said, the last words a whisper when you felt frigga grab your hand "my child, maybe he was able to break the spell." She smiled squeezing your hand. "It matters not, I am due for the ax in only a few hours." You said clenching your jaw. "I only hope he is happy." You said closing your eyes.
"So he is not the monster we believe him to be?" She asked as your eyes met hers "no! Absolutely not! He is kind, and gentle." You said, your lip curling thinking about him "if you can get past his hard exterior that is, and I have a feeling not many have." You said looking back down. "It almost sounds as if you love him." Frigga said, a large smile spreading across her face "what? No, I just...I care about him...a great deal." You said quickly, hoping your face didn't betray you as Frigga gazed into your eyes, her hand tightening around yours before she let go "guard, a word." She said standing up adjusting her dress she walked over to the barrier speaking in hushed tones before he walked away and she turned back to you. "On Asgard, it is customary for the condemned to have one final request before execution." She said walking over to you "and you my child have decided to see the gardens with me one last time." She said holding her hand out to you.
"B...but your highness, I didn't..." you started when she grabbed your hand pulling you up "my dear the roses have just bloomed, what better site to see hmm?" She asked winking as two guards came to the barrier. "We are to accompany y/n to the gardens your highness." One said as they both bowed "very good, let's be off shall we." She said looping her arm around yours she pulled you with her, you both walking out of the cell towards the stairs. You saw Frigga glance back at the guards as you reached the top "when we get to the gardens you may wait at the entrance." She said turning back forward "but your highness, we can't..." one started when she stopped turning fully around "are you questioning my decision?" She asked crossing her arms "no your highness, its just..." the other started when she held her hand up "she is unarmed and chained, she is no threat." She said stepping towards them "you will allow her a moment of peace with the time she has left." She said sternly as they both nodded "yes your highness." They said in unison when frigga gently grabbed your arm again guiding you forward.
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As commanded the guards stopped at the entrance to the gardens as you and Frigga continued on. You glanced at her every now and then, the only sound your chains rattling together as you walked. "So y/n tell me, if you had a choice would you stay here...or leave?" She asked, her eyes focused further into the garden "it doesn't matter much now." You said taking a deep breath feeling the warm summer air fill your lungs "humor me...which would you choose?" She asked releasing your arm "well, I suppose if I had a choice..." you trailed off seeing movement from the corner of your eye, turning your head but not seeing anything "yes?" She asked getting your attention "oh, um I would leave your highness. Asgard is not my home anymore." You said looking around when you came up to a patch of small blue flowers, stopping you ran your fingers over them, the color reminding you of Loki.
"Do you know what these are called?" Frigga asked walking up next to you "no, but they are beautiful." You whispered, feeling tears well in your eyes wishing you could see Loki one more time "the midgardians call them forget me nots." She said making you laugh "such an odd name for a flower." You said wiping a stray tear from your cheek "it is said if you wear one, the one you love will never forget you." She said taking a step back "I don't think..." you trailed off turning to see her gone "your highness?" You called out, the sound of birds the only response you receive. Looking down you turned back to the flowers when your eyes landed on a pair of black leather boots. Your eyes traveled up, seeing black leather pants tight against muscular thighs, long strips of leather swayed in the breeze as your eyes continued their journey.
You took a deep breath seeing green and black leather weaved delicately through golden metal, cinched tightly around a muscular frame "Hello asgardian" His deep voice vibrated into your very core, your eyes traveling the rest of the way meeting two deep emerald pools. Gazing into them they seemed foreign, yet so familiar when he smiled down at you. Loose strands of his jet black hair blew across his face as he took you in, the ivory skin around his eyes crinkling ever so slightly. Stepping forward your eyes studies his face, the soft curve of his lips, the sharp turn of his cheekbones as he smiled, the way his one eyebrow raised ever so slightly as his eyes softened "l...loki?" You asked, feeling a lump form in your throat seeing him standing before you. "I'm here y/n." He said quietly, his voice shaking when he said your name.
You reached forward, trying to wrap your arms around him when the chains pulled tight, the manicles around your wrist digging into your flesh as you twisted your wrists when you felt his hands on yours, you watched as he knelt down ducking his head between your arms wrapping his arms around your waist pressing his head to your stomach. Your hands quickly rested on his head, your fingers lacing through his soft hair feeling a sob pass your lips as you leaned over holding him to you "i...I didn't think I would ever see you again." You whispered, pressing your eyes shut feeling his hand slide up and down your back when he pulled back, his eyes meeting yours "I tried to reach you, to stop him." He said, cupping his cheek seeing tears form in his eyes "but i...I wasn't fast enough...I'm sorry I..." he trailed off looking down as you sank to your knees in front of him, your arms around his neck as you tilted your head to look at him.
"It's ok Loki, it's not your fault." You said running your fingers through his hair. "If I had seen what she was doing...if I was faster..." you cut him off pressing your lips to his, feeling his large hand cup the back of your head he leaned in, tilting his head he deepened the kiss, his tongue slowly gliding along your bottom lip you parted them tugging his hair slightly feeling him moan into your mouth, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip as he pulled back. "Alrik...is he..." you trailed off biting your lip "He is well, I sent him back to Utgard before I departed." Loki smiled making you sigh. "Thank the norns, I was so worried." You said pressing your forehead to his closing your eyes. "We do not have much time, I have come to take you home." He said making you pull back and look at him. "B...but I am to meet the executioner, they will come looking for me i...I can't let them hurt you i..." you were cut off by his lips pressing against yours when he quickly pulled back cupping your cheek.
"A dear friend told me once to find something worth dying for." He smiled, reaching out he gently plucked one of the bright blue flowers from the small patch, twirling it in his Iong fingers "i never imagined in my thousand years I would ever say this to anyone." He said reaching up placing the flower behind your ear "but you my dear asgardian, are worth dying for." He said, his fingers gently brushing your cheek as they slid down landing on your neck "and you...my king...are worth dying for." You smiled. "Let's go home." You whispered seeing him mirror your smile. "As you wish." He said helping you lift your arms over his head he stood pulling you with him. "Frigga...we are ready." Loki called out when you saw the queen come into view.
You watched as she walked over placing her hands over your joined hands. "Y/n of Asgard and Loki of Jotunhiem, I pray to the norns for your safe return." She said, squeezing your hands she closed her eyes and began chanting something you didn't understand as Loki pressed his forehead to yours "Close your eyes my dear, it will make the journey easier." He said closing his eyes gripping your hands tight. You held on, about to close your eyes when suddenly his hands were ripped from yours, your feet left the ground as you felt your body fly through the air "loki!" You yelled, feeling yourself falling when you landed hard on your side. "And where do you think your going?" You heard, opening your eyes seeing the last person you ever wanted to see again.....
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@lokistoriesblog @hyperlokilover @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @simplyholl @lokidokieokie @mjsthrillernp @violethaze @dryyoursaltyoceantears @loz-3 @commanding-officer @stupidthoughtsinwriting @high-functioning-lokipath @jaidenhawke @lokiandbuckysdoll @littlespaceyelf @lastlovesong17 @ladyofthestayingpower @homesickloki @glitterylokislut @avoliax @yelkmelk @mayjaysthots @buttercupcookies-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @her-glorious-purpose @nate-ate-hate @chantsdemarins @ladymischief11 @usagishira @princess-asgard @honeyg19 @goblingirlsarah @cabingrlandrandomcrap @mochie85 @silverfire475 @smolvenger @loki-laufeyson-1054 @marygoddessofmischief @animnerd @texmexdarling @fictive-sl0th @jin0x0 @vbecker10 @eleniblue @lady-rose-moon @pics-and-fanfics @kittiowolf210 @kats72 @asgardianprincess1050 @crimson25
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siennafrxst · 1 year
↳ cassiopeia 𖤐𓈒࣪₊˚
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pairing: loki laufeyson x female reader
universe: mcu
cw: anticlimactic angst, eventual fluff
word count: 1.5k words
“Okay, let’s get out of here.”
Loki and Y/N swiftly exit the gathering, leaving behind no evidence of the havoc they had just wreaked.
Even though everyone (especially Thor, Odin, and Frigga) knew the particular duo that would be insane enough to execute an equally insane plan, that never stopped them from continuing to do so. Even after the multiple times they’ve been thrown and locked away into cages like wild animals, it was worth it. Wrecking formal gatherings were practically Loki and Y/N’s most beloved tradition. And whenever they did, the mess they’d cause would always work to give them enough time to get away from the boring event. Besides, you can’t deny that it never fails to spice things up.
Chuckling to themselves, the two Asgardians continue to disappear from the crime scene and eventually head out into the quiet night.
“That never gets old,” Y/N confesses with a grin plastered on her face.
Loki returns a similar smile, nodding in agreement. “I don’t quite think I’ll ever get tired of doing that.”
“Of course you won’t, you’re the God of Mischief. It’s what makes you—well, you.”
He chuckles softly once more at her statement, staring into her eyes for a brief moment before examining the bewitching, starry night.
“The sky has quite a lot of stars to offer us tonight.”
Y/N follows his gaze and looks up, the many balls of light shining luminously unto them.
“What constellations can you spot?”
“I see… Cassiopeia, right over there.”
He points a finger towards the formation of stars as she nods, discerning the said constellation.
“Do you know the myth behind it?” she questions in curiosity.
Loki gives her a knowing look, raising his eyebrows. “Of course I do — what do you think of me?”
She rolls her eyes at his arrogance. “Enough with the cocky act and just answer the question. I know you want to.”
He lets out a scoff, momentarily gazing back into the mesmerizing constellation before telling the story. “Cassiopeia was a stunning yet boastful queen who claimed that she and her daughter, Andromeda, were the most beautiful creatures to exist, which includes the Nereids. They were insulted by her assertion, and so they made Poseidon punish her for it. But, the only way to prevent him from doing so was if she gave up her own daughter to a sea monster. Cassiopeia selfishly agreed, however, she would later on make a deal with a man named Perseus, promising to rescue Andromeda in return for her hand in marriage. Unfortunately, when he managed to rescue her, Cassiopeia attempted to break her promise with him. But, Andromeda and Perseus fought for their love, so on the day of their wedding, Cassiopeia ordered Agneron and his army to stop them. In the end, Perseus managed to use Medusa’s beheaded skull and turn everyone to stone. And so, the happy couple got their happy ending. The end.”
A soft smile forms on Y/N’s face, noticing the glimmer of excitement hiding behind his emerald green eyes. Loki was never one to show much interest in — well — anything, so seeing him enthusiastic in a certain topic (other than pulling pranks on Thor) was a nice change. It was a side of him that she rarely got to see, but when she did, she loved every second of it.
“You know, if all else fails, you would be an excellent astrology professor.”
Loki rolls his eyes at her sarcastic remark. “Hilarious,” he replies in a deadpan tone.
Y/N chuckles softly, her face perking up promptly as she recalls something. “Hey, isn’t there a nebula within Cassiopeia?”
Loki nods. “Right, the Heart Nebula. Which, you can tell by its name, represents…”
Loki held back, reluctant to say the word he never believed could be real. A feeling that he was sure he would never experience again.
Until he met her.
“Love,” she finishes in a soft tone, her eyes immediately finding his.
They both may have been almost a thousand years old, but they were still completely oblivious when it came to that one, cliche emotion. That one emotion that was arguably the most powerful one, though neither of them knew it at that time. That one emotion that drew the two Asgardians closer, clueless to the reason behind it. Despite almost being complete opposites, like fire and ice, something made them fight for what they had. Something bigger than they realized.
They were just too naive to know what it was. Until one of them would eventually crack the code.
“Loki… there’s something I need to confess.”
He sharply inhales, already having an inane idea on where this may lead. But for some reason… he didn’t want to stop her.
“Go on.”
She sighs. “Well, I’m grateful for our unlikely friendship. Despite our years of constant fighting and petty rivalry, we managed to get over that and become… whatever it is we are, exactly.”
He hums softly, signaling for her to continue.
“But… I can’t ignore this feeling that I’ve been feeling for the past few years. This feeling that I’ve never felt in my entire existence, but… I think I have a solid idea on what it might be — as cliche as that may sound. I don’t know how to put it in words, I just — it’s just this feeling I get whenever I’m with you, and I like it.” She sighs once more, seemingly expaserated. “Look, I’ve never done this before, but, what I’m trying to say is…”
Her mouth was left agape, but no words fell out of it. She could only stare desperately into his eyes, begging for him to interupt her at any moment. But to no avail. Loki simply stood before her, completely dumbfounded with what she was telling him. And yet she couldn’t read his face. She couldn’t tell if he felt the same way, or if he was utterly disgusted, or if he had even understood the words coming out of her mouth. Truth be told, she didn’t quite understand the nonsense she was spewing out either. But it was better than having to keep her mouth shut about what she was feeling. Because she knew that one way or another, she had to let him know. Let him know his effect on her. Let him know the way he was making her feel. Let him know how much he means to her.
But in this very moment — his silence, the void state on his face — it made her want to take all her words back. She’s never been more vulnerable to anyone else before. Maybe she was just making a fool out of herself, opening herself up to the literal God of Mischief. Maybe that was a mistake on her part. But this feeling she’s been feeling for the past few years… it was no mistake. She knew that it meant something. It had to.
Muttering up the strength again, she finally broke the silence.
“Are you really just going to stand there and make me have to finish my sentence?” she questions, almost scoffing.
And to her surprise, he nodded.
“Yes. Yes, I will. Because I want to hear the exact words come out of your mouth. And I want to hear you mean it.”
Loki stepped closer towards her as she was left astonished, not expecting that kind of response from him. But, even if he hadn’t, she knew that she needed to say it.
“Fine. Then…”
She momentarily closes her eyes — having him watch her like this was driving her insane. But when she opened her eyes once more, she was met with the same, desperate eyes she was wearing just a few seconds ago. As though he was longing for her to say it. As though he had been waiting for as long as she did to act upon their feelings. And that was all the courage she needed to keep going.
“…I think I’m in love with you.”
In an instant, Loki brought their faces together and kissed her lips, not wasting another second with her.
And for a moment there, time seemed to have stopped. All sense of meaning and logic just disappeared when their lips touched. The two grasped and held onto each other, scared to let go of one another only to realize that it was all just a dream.
When the two finally pulled apart breathlessly, they stay in that singular moment of silence — the rustling of the wind, the muffled chatter from a far distance, the soft yet comforting breathing coming from them both. Their foreheads still connected, they stay in each other’s presence, processing what had just happened. Processing their emotions, the decisions they made tonight. Everything that led to right now.
Until they finally opened their eyes, gazing into one another for one more second before Loki broke the silence.
“I think I’m in love with you, too.”
And just like that, the stars in the night sky weren’t the brightest thing in the universe anymore. It was the smiles that formed on their faces in this very moment.
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after more than 3 months, I finally got the motivation to write something for loki. very timely as well since the loki series 2 trailer just came out. I miss him so much why’d they have to kill him off.
likes and reblogs are vv appreciated.
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feistynighean16 · 2 years
Peak of demonstration
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Genre: self-pleasure, praising kink, semidominant Loki, smut, punishment (not physical), possesiveness, rough sex
Words: 3,5k
Summary: Sexual escapades belong to gods' eternal amusements, you had been having one with God of mischief for decades. Feeling dissatisfied after his last performance, you plan to show him what you need, and perhaps you receive even a compensation.
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Let me…
His words echoed in your mind, reliving all the details from last night. Although you had been looking forward to the frequent rendezvouses during which you were discovering something new about yourselves every time, yesterday was…less than expected. 
Dull, more like.
You stabbed a fork into the piece of meat lying on the plate in front of you, not paying any attention to the ongoing debate. Light from the setting sun reflected off the golden cutlery, when shining at the right angle. When its ray settled on a part of your body, mellow warmth pleased you, wandered to your fingertips, leaving behind a path of goosebumps.
Unlike last night.
You looked up from your plate and stared at the person in front of you, with his trademark smirk and wishing to be elsewhere. You could relate to him with every inch, but refused to do so. Perhaps to deny the connection you had already had, perhaps to show what he did wrong, even though you were actually punishing yourself. You glimpsed at your mother who was talking passionately about something you took the least interest in with Ódin, nodding in agreement.
Being the daughter of Freyja, Goddess of love and beauty, brought several advantages; you took after her beauty, sincerity, and of course seidr, an inevitable divine instrument. And you were naturally skilled with other beings. For centuries, you had met hundreds who did not stay the same after meeting your grace. And he was no exception. 
Kiss me…I beg you…
You were always the lead, making the others listen to your command. There was a certain dominance, certain power that came within. However, two Gods meeting in the same room, demanding the same care, longing for the same control…very promiscuous consequences.
A subtle pressure on your foot made your eyes look at the source. He was piercing his eyes into yours, pretending to think about something that had been said, with his lips tensely pressed into thin line. His arms were crossed on his chest which was hidden beneath his celestial armour, hiding away from you every scar and every muscle.
Knowing him for decades, you both recognised and cherished what you desire. You had always tried to fulfil his wishes and in turn, he did too, sometimes encouraging each other to push one’s limits. Secret relationship prospered to both; even though it was only once a year. That kept you in suspense, longing, wanting. 
However, your needs were not met, not even in the slightest. And that contradicted the unwritten agreement.
He nudged your foot again. And again. And again. Until you looked up with a stone cold expression.
Locking your eyes, you moved your leg out of his reach, resulting in his furrowed brows. His eyes were clearly asking the cause of your detachment. You placed the meat into your mouth, ignoring him completely.
Naturally, you were attracted to him. But in this moment, you could only feel betrayed, narked, all while anticipating his redemption. And you knew how much he despised being left out.
You felt something invading your thoughts, trying to break the mental boundary keeping them private. Rather someone. You narrowed your eyes at him, preventing him from finding the cause. He turned his head a little, raising his eyebrows at your intransigence. Then he moved in the seat and cleared his throat, insistently making efforts to gain your full attention.
It appeared to catch Frigga’s attention instead.
‘Y/N, how is the meal? I thought you might enjoy it tonight,’ she said with a smile. You forced yourself to break eye contact and focus on answering a simple question. You sat in the chair straighter, turning your head towards the host.
‘It is utterly appetising, thank you for asking,’ you responded with the sincerest tone. However, he used the distraction to his advantage. You broke down the invisible barriers of your mind, revealing an easy path for his seidr to find whatever he considered helpful. 
What thing is bothering your mind, Y/N? 
It is ludicrous you did not ask that last night…
While everyone proceeded with the debate again, you communicated wordlessly, exchanging questionable expressions. Eventually, you grew tired of him clenching his jaw and sending deathly stares in your direction, and allowed him to enter your mind palace. 
How sinful it was to reminisce about him coming down at you on his balcony with the moon high above the horizon, covering in darkness everything but his emerald eyes watching you. Or hearing his surprised moans while you were licking melted chocolate off of his chest and adding more to his groin. Or the straps you occasionally strapped him in and he let you do whatever you desired. Or remembering his hand wandering from your lower back, following the spine to your neck, pressing it tightly, while delivering his best performance, leaving you gasping for air. 
You swallowed the rising temptation and bit your inner cheek.
Darling, I am afraid I do not see anything which would make you so distant…speak to me…
His eyes were profoundly searching yours. He was getting frustrated. So frustrated, his eyes darkened. And the fact that it was because of you made your heart pound faster. 
You stabbed another piece of meat and put it in your mouth, chewing on it slowly, not breaking eye contact, keeping him in uneasiness. He gritted his teeth so strongly the vein in his forehead appeared. 
You recalled the events of last night. How his promises of railing you against the bookshelves would take you to another universe, how he would throw you on his bed, doing all the wicked things he had been imagining with you the whole year when you were apart. Sadly none was kept, none was done.
‘If you would excuse me, I am not feeling well. Perhaps I have travel sickness. It was wonderful to see all of you again,’ you put down the fork, stood up from your chair, and while emphasising the word all, gave a long look to the man before you. Kissing your mother’s cheek, you bent down as low as possible for him to see your spine which could have been seen undressed from your gown last night, only for his reach and sight.
He cocked one eyebrow and you were sure he was watching your every movement.
You bid farewells and left the dining room, noticing him still in your mind. 
There was a small corner, primarily for servants preparing meals. To your luck, the servants were dismissed for this evening. And to your another luck, there was a large mirror at the right angle for someone in particular to see the interior of the cramped room. 
You closed the tall door and entered the adjacent room. Positioning yourself until you could see him in the mirror. He was still sitting in the same place, staring at the door which you left.
Can you see me, Your Highness?
You asked. He straightened himself up, scanning the room engagingly. Until his eyes rested upon the mirror, narrowing them in confusion. You smiled devilishly and began to slowly reveal your left leg through the slit.
Let me demonstrate my sudden unapproachableness to you…
His composure wavered over your words. Your fingers travelled up your slit, followed the seam on your hip, until they got to your cleavage, tugging at the laces, deathly slow. You noticed him swallowing playinly, hiding his parted lips behind his hand. 
If only you would have touched me like this…
You traced the shape of your breasts with your hands. Then slid them lower, and lower.
Shall I continue with my demonstration, Your Highness?
He sat in the chair dumbfounded, almost unable to blink. You were more than satisfied to see his response, and were willing to make him regret not keeping his promise. After a few seconds of silence, you took a step forward.
…do not leave…my goddess…
You chuckled, and started to undo the buttons above the slit, one by one, until the strap of your underwear was visible. You gave it a pull, and then let it snap against the hip, making yourself pant.
He was absolutely frustrated. 
You slid your hand into your underwear, firstly between your folds. Then you started rubbing your index finger on your clit, gasping and fluttering your eyes. You made sure his vision would be occupied with the image of him doing the same to you.
…why are you doing this to me…
When you inserted the index finger inside, you looked in the mirror. He was leaning against the back of the chair, twitching, adjusting his crutch. You could swear his eyes were darkened with lust, and put in unbearable agony. 
Without further questions addressed to him, you inserted a second finger. You felt the arousal rise with increasing circle movements, and your legs began slightly trembling. When you added a third finger, the climax was slowly approaching. The sweat was building up on your forehead, warmth wandering all over your skin. 
For a brief moment, you opened your eyes to observe his stance. His eyes were closed, breath heavy and hands were tangled in the raven locks. You knew you had fulfilled your intention. Reaching your climax, you moaned his name for the last time, trying to remain standing.
Although he was used to your spontaneity, it never stopped surprising him. With divine lives like you had, a trace of curiosity was an appreciated moment brightening boring and monotonous day…or night.
You pulled yourself together after calming your rapid breath. Buttoning your corset up, you smiled at the accomplished revenge. Norns, the sight of him collecting every strength not to make a sound and expose himself; it made your blood boil with another wave of sensation. You tied the laces framing your cleavage and ran your fingers through your hair. Without casting a look in the mirror to see his current state, you left the cramped room.
Nevertheless, you should have looked.
When you entered the hallway and walked in the direction of your guest chamber, you heard footsteps; hard, hurried, furious. You dared to glance over your shoulder.
His strides were confident, fierce; the golden metal straps on his armour glistened in the sun shining through tall windows, making his hunched up, tense posture appear scarily powerful. He was clenching his fists, and fuming.
In all honesty, he was terrifying, almost frightening if you had not known him. On the other hand, it gave you chills all over your skin because you knew something was going to happen. To you, precisely.
You noticed him wetting his bottom lip taking in the sight of you walking in front of him. You had to gasp because of the adrenaline building up. He was a few metres away, but closing on you.
You turned sharply around the corner to the hallway leading to his chambers. With every step you took, your legs started to tremble in anticipation. You swore you could hear him breathing on your neck, but you were unable to turn around.
…why are you scurrying away from me…
…let me show you…my perception of the matter…darling…
When you arrived at the door of his chambers, he was right behind you, pressing on you for you to feel the consequence of your actions. A hard one. He pulled your hair so strongly your head fell backwards, exposing your neck for him to wrap his other hand around it, forcing you to listen. 
‘When you are in my home, it is very improper to touch yourself…without my permission,’ he growled through gritted teeth in your ear, leaving you without breath, ‘is it not, Y/N?’
You wanted to nod, but were unable to do so.
‘I asked something,’ he said and strengthened his hand on your neck. 
‘...yes,’ you sighed, pressing on him back, feeling his throbbing pride.
‘...yes, what?’
‘…Yes, my king,’ you said and he let go of your hair abruptly, making you waver.
‘Perhaps I have not made myself clear, allow me to rephrase myself,’ he said with a hint of enlightenment, turning you to himself. You were veiled in his tall shadow which added to his sheer dominance over you. And made your heart sink in your underwear. He shoved his knee between your legs for his thigh to feel your pulsating folds, pierced his eyes into yours, shaking his head and wetting his lips, before continuing his monologue in a raspy voice: ‘no one is permitted to touch you as long as I am alive.’
Your arousal resulted in an inaudible moan at which he smirked and weakened his grip around your neck. You stared in his eyes, full of confidence and blazing with rage. You desperately wanted to kiss his lips, to undress him right in this hallway, but you caught yourself waiting for his gesture.
He opened the door, pushing you inside. You tripped over the long train of your dress, but kept balance. He shut the door after him, watching you walking backwards with a playful smile on your face. He grabbed you by hips and, in a blink of an eye, pinned you against the promised bookshelves, shoving his knee again between your legs.
‘Because you are mine…every inch of you belongs to me…’ he whispered in your ear. You could smell his pine cologne, invading your common sense and dignity. He was so close, yet his hands were kept away from you. You swallowed plainly.
‘...your lips…your neck…’ his finger followed his words, slowly tracing the mentioned parts of your body, leaving after itself a path of goosebumps. 
‘...your breasts…’ he stopped there. His fingers untied the lace, revealing only a small fragment of your chest. You exhaled heavily. 
‘...your hips…your thighs…’ he continued, without breaking eye contact. He touched the buttons above the slit, but did not undo them, which drove you crazy.
‘…and your cunt…which you violated, out of my reach,’ suddenly his hand got under your dress and cupped your burning folds, making you wheeze in surprise. He grinned down at you, closing and opening his palm, you tried to keep composure.
‘For the record, last night you did not even pinch her…so…I needed to do it myself,ʼ you said, clenching one of the edges of the bookshelf. He cocked one eyebrow, thinking, reminiscing, realising. And teasing you with his one finger sliding between your folds, making you gasp. His face got closer, breathing in your face.
‘...well, your incredible performance made quite an impression on me…’ he whispered, almost touching your lips. You were anxious, you longed for his lips. He was getting used to the power you allowed him to have, and he was good at it. 
You put your hand on his chest, still dressed in celestial armour, and slid it down, down his hand occupying your folds. In one snap, you tore the strap of your underwear, tactfully pointing to him to begin his performance, a better one.
‘...however, it is time for the director to take over,’ he whispered, inserting two fingers inside you all at once, and the chill spreaded down your spine before you could protest. You gasped and moved your hips closer to him. He kissed you fiercely, biting at your lower lip. His fingers circled inside you with unholy speed, with his thumb rubbing your clit. Your head fell backwards in pleasure, enabling him to mark you on your neck. Your hands were gripping his shoulder pads. You did not acknowledge the sharp edges of individual shelves digging into your back. He added a third finger, all of them bending, moving up and down, sending shivers and warmth to your fingertips. 
‘You are so wet…only for me, my darling,’ he whispered in your neck, making you cry in delight. His fingers were moving faster than you had expected.
‘Loki…Loki…I…’ you said hastily, gripping his shoulder pads tighter.
‘My name is the only thing coming out of your mouth tonight,’ he said with a possessive tone. You began to feel uneasy, but seeing his self-confidence turned you on so much you carried out his command with trembling legs and closed eyes. His fingers were still inserted in you, soaking up with your dripping pleasure. 
‘Such a good girl,’ he said, planting a hot kiss on your lips after he licked the fingers of you dripping off of them. Fluttering your eyelashes, you breathed out heavily several times, not noticing him taking you to his bed, tearing your dress in half, you ending up lying in front of him completely naked. He snapped his fingers, and his armour disappeared, revealing his toned torso, astonishing groin, and bulging pride. You sat on the edge of the bed, and looked up to his eyes, asking for permission. He drew aside the few loose strands of your hair. As your hands reached out to his throbbing shaft, he seized them, forcing you to lay down again.
‘No, my darling, the lead has other lines to utter,’ he growled, kneeled before you and started to lay wet kisses from your thigh, continuing on your inner thighs, your pulsating folds, on which he sucked, causing you to moan his name. You tried to entangle your fingers into his hair, but he pinned your hands to your sides roughly, giving you a frowned look. 
It was unusual, terrifying, but so fucking hot.
His lips proceeded higher, his tongue tracing around your belly button, and higher until he got to your chest. He cupped one of your breasts in his hand, playing with it, and then you felt the touch of his teeth. You cried in pain, curling your toes in pleasure. He moved to the other one, cupping it and nipping at it, making sure both had got the same care. His lips finally found yours, while his hands visited parts of your body belonging to him only. You kissed him hungrily, completely blown away.
‘You wished to be fucked, did you not, my darling?’ He said, interrupting the passionate kissing. You did not even understand him until he flipped you around, so you were on all fours, your limbs tingling in thrill after realisation. His hand slid from your loins, copying your spine, to the back of your neck. 
‘I asked something,’ after no response, he gripped your neck and forced you to kneel. You panted in surprise. His other hand was embracing your abdomen, slowly getting down. There were so many things you could not comprehend, but ultimately, it was exactly what you desired. 
‘...yes…’ his hand was getting closer and closer to your folds, caressing them. 
‘...yes, what?’ He whispered in your ear, nipping at your earlobe. You moaned when his fingers entered you again, now all three of them. 
‘...yes, my king,’ second after hearing these words, he pushed you back to bed, his fingers rapidly moving inside you, making you quiver. He planted a few kisses on your back, all while helping you to reach your climax.
Suddenly, he stopped, removed his fingers from you. You were caught unprepared for what was going to happen.
‘Norns, you feel so right,’ he inserted his massive and bulging shaft into you, reaching the sensitive spot under which everything in you crumbled down. You clenched the sheets and cried out his name, as you were supposed to. He thrusted into you mercilessly, all his strength channelling into individual movements, hitting the spot with each thrust. His hands were gripping your hips, moving them in sync. Your eyes rolled back in your head, sweat building up on your forehead. You could swear that in one moment, you saw stars high above the horizon. Adding to the thrill, his hand found your clit and began rubbing it, bringing you into unbearable madness. 
‘Loki…dear God…Loki,’ left your mouth spontaneously. He fit in you like you were made for each other, complimenting every movement, pushing each other to your bests. 
You were about to burst in ecstasy, you reached your hand to his thigh, feeling at least his skin on yours. With final thrust, you and him both moaned in pleasure, absolutely drained. Your hands were so weak you had to fall on your face. He shoved himself in you a few times to work his high off, planted one last kiss to your back and fell into the sheets beside you, breathing heavily. 
After minutes of silence, only hearing both of you gasping for air, you came to your senses, a soft breeze tickling your heated skin. You turned over to be facing him, staring at his wet hair from sweat, puffy parted lips and his chest heaving. 
You wrapped your arm around him, and intertwined your legs together. His skin was boiling, just as yours. He stroked your arm, entangled his fingers into your hair, playing with it, thoughtlessly.
‘I am starting to be fond of this side of you.’
‘Well…you should enrage me more often then, my darling.’
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
relinquish the crown: locked away | 1
Series Masterlist See my full list of works here!
Placement: before the main story; during 'masked desires pt2'
Summary: Frigga's memory spell has some rather unexpected side effects for you…well, for your mind.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 990
Warnings: themes of incest (he's adopted but still); angst hours
Things to be aware of: first person POV
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"Close your eyes and count to a hundred. When you wake, your memories of ever having been in love with Loki will be locked away, until such time that you find yourself falling in love with him again."
I did as my grandmother asked, counting away at the moments until I felt myself almost floating away. Not to sleep, nothing quite as peaceful as that where I would await to enter a dream world wherein Loki loved me the way that I loved him. A world where I had no hindrances standing in the way of being held in his arms. 
Of feeling his lips pressing searing kisses against my body.
Of our bodies in a tangle atop one of our beds as our echoed moans filled the bedchamber.
This was nothing like that. This was simply…nothing. I opened my eyes and there was nothing. 
I stood in a space completely devoid of light, of sound…perhaps even of air. I let out a shout to see if anyone could hear me but all that greeted me in return was my own voice echoing back at me. 
A light suddenly emerged in the middle of the darkness, and I could see my grandmother's workroom once more, exhaling nothing but feeling relief flooding my body as I began to walk back towards her. 
I could not even get two strides in before I was met with a blockade. It was completely transparent, and seemed to be made of magic rather than anything tangible, as when I placed my hand upon it and drew it away, no imprints were left behind. 
"My head hurts," I heard my voice say from the other side as I began to realize my new predicament. My new reality. And it was utterly horrifying. I pounded away at the invisible barrier, praying that somehow I could break it from where I stood. That perhaps my own mind was stronger than a memory enchantment crafted by one of the most skilled wielders of magic in the Nine Realms. 
It wasn't. 
"Grandmother, why am I here?" 
"Because I am a fool that made a terrible mistake," I hissed, my words echoing into the void once more. 
"Exhaustion, dear girl. You've had quite the taxing last few moons as you planned the festival. Loki found you looking faint outside your chambers and brought you to me," grandmother answered me -- well, the other me. I heard myself asking how the festival went, watching in wonder as the void that surrounded me became awash with light, illuminating shelves upon shelves that held tomes…the ones closest to where I stood having noticeable gaps. 
A quick look at what kept me company on my side of the wretched barrier showed me where those missing tomes lay. They were by my side. Locked away until this new oblivious imbecilic version of myself found her way back to Loki. 
And the light seemed unable to breach through the barrier that surrounded us.
"Granddaughter, do you not remember the festival at all?" 
"Seems my memory is failing me, Grandmother," the other me answered with a dismissive chuckle. "It must be the exhaustion." 
"It's the idiocy!" I  shouted from my corner, pounding my fist at the barrier.
I watched as Grandmother called Loki back into the room, as the other me ran to his arms, the confusion rife on his face as she asked him if she'd thanked him for his help. Tears prickled in the back of my eyes as he leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead -- my forehead. Norns, this was going to be an infuriating experience.
The other me practically skipped out of Grandmother's workroom when Loki called for us again. And that was when I saw it. The one thing that made me want to fight against this spell that I had foolishly put myself in.
With every ounce I had in whatever iteration of my body I was currently residing in, I was going to fight. To find my way back to him. Perhaps I could make this other me listen and everything would be righted in no time. 
"I love you." 
How is it that I lacked the perspective to see it before I'd gone and done this act of complete idiocy? The depth of his words when he uttered them? The longing in his eyes as he assessed what could possibly be amiss with the version of me he was faced with? 
The way that a part of him visibly shattered before my very eyes as my own voice spoke words that barely sounded like my own. A reiteration of the very words I'd told him countless times this week, but drastically lacking in the weight I always placed as my silent declaration that I meant it as more.
How could I not have heard that he was placing the same weight behind the sentiment that I was? 
How could I not have seen that he loved me, too? 
I banged my fist against the barrier again and again. "Idiot! Fool! You've made yourself lost to him!" I sobbed as I sank to my knees, the light that illuminated the gapped shelves beginning to flicker once more. 
"I'm so sorry, Loki," I whispered into the darkness that surrounded me once more. "Help me find my way back to you, my love."
When my grandmother cast the spell that would lock my memories way, she most likely did not know what truly happened to those that underwent this type of experience. That it would separate the consciousness that held those precious memories and lock them away, forcing them to become a passenger in their own body, watching helplessly as a version of them devoid of the love that they'd surrendered walked in their shoes, unbeknownst to everyone around them.
That her spell didn't simply lock memories away. It locked me away. 
And I could see and hear everything. 
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A/N: I gotta be honest, this idea came at me running and screaming when I was having a chat with @loopsisloops about the memory spell and the headaches, and I made a joke about how the headaches were Season 1A Y/N trying to break through the spell by punching her way out (because she is still Thor's daughter after all lol), and now here we are 😳✌️
This is something that I want to incorporate while going through the events of Season 1B up until the spell's broken, just to add a little something to the already messy situation they've all found themselves in 🥺
'everything' taglist: @sailorholly @loopsisloops @unlucky-number-13 @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @sarahscribbles @kats72 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @dangertoozmanykids101 @elizabethmidnight2017 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina
Loki taglist:  @calumance @severuslovebot @moonlightreader649 @i-stand-with-loki @nixymarvelkins @infinitystoner @lokisgoodgirl @purplegrrl27 @thedistractedagglomeration
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dad Loki x teen half elf and half Jotun reader x Avengers (featuring Peter)
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Age:14 reader Chan is an Elf/Jotun hybrid from Alfheim she's the last of the light elves after the dark elves invaded and ends up on earth meets the team, Peter and her long lost father and is growing fond of life on earth, btw civil war never happened, Peitro lives, and Loki is living in the tower because Odin and Frigga didn't want him to rot in a cell happy Thanks giving.
Nick Furry is standing in front of the interrogation room looking through the window to see Maria Hill talking to a young S/T (skin tone) pointed eared girl with H/C thigh length hair and nose length bangs, E/C eyes, and a F/S (face shape) face.
She had on a pastel F/C tunic, black leggings, black knee high boots, black elbow length fingerless gloves, a silver circlet on her head and silver hoop earrings on her pointed ears.
He saw that she was cooperating as he sees her lips moving and Maria smiling and nodding her head with occasional wide eyes.
"How you think it's going sir?" Agent Philip J. Coulson asked his boss walking in with three cups of coffee and a cappuccino "I say it's going good with the way it's going the kids cooperating well." as Furry says this he takes a cup and Maria walks out with the girl behind her "So, what's the info we got on our guest here?" he asked Maria handing her one of the other cups "btw the cappuccino is for the kid." Phil said handing the young girl the cappuccino "thank you." she said blowing on it to cool off "her name is Y/N Astriddottir, she's from Aflheim, her mother was killed by the dark elves when they invaded her planet eight years ago, she knows nothing of her father, and she has cryokinesis, shape shifting, teleportation, sharp eyesight and hearing." Maria listed making the two men surprised but sad at the fact that she lost one parent and never meet the other "Should we do a DNA test sir?" Phil asked.
Before Furry could answer a familiar voice is heard "hey Furry we're here." they turned to see the worlds mightiest hero's arrive "who's the kid?" Clint Barton aka Hawkeye asked pointing to the young elf sipping her hot drink "I'm Y/N Astriddottir." she said her voice melting their hearts "we are about to do a DNA test to find out who her father is." the avengers had curiosity in their eyes "her mother died eight years ago and she never meet her father." Phil told the avengers "Well what are we waiting for? Let's do that test." Tony Starks aka Iron man said enthusiastically.
Y/N sat on a chair as Bruce Banner aka the Hulk draws blood from her arm.
After waiting for a few seconds he takes the needle out and puts a bandaid with a cotton ball on the spot "we just have to wait for the results!" Bruce said to the man you know as Furry who nodded.
A few hours later:
the sound of a small printer is heard as a long strip of paper comes out of the scanner "all right let's see who Y/N's dad is" Tony said as Bruce takes the paper from the scanner. "HE'S HER DAD?" Everyone screamed in horror as the name of your father appeared to be the god of Mischief "Loki is her dad? The Loki who tried to take over New York and killed me once?" Phil asked in terror "I can't believe Reindeer games has a kid." Tony said in shock "looks like she's half Elf and half Frost giant." Maria said "guess she's Y/N Lokidottir." said Steven Rogers aka Captain America.
The horror of you being the daughter of Loki was cut by the god of Thunder Thor Odinson "she's my brother’s child? that means. I HAVE A NIECE." he said excitedly as he picks you up and tosses you in the air earning a laugh from you "Loki isn't gonna be happy about this." Natasha Romanov aka black widow said making everyone nod.
Outside S.H.E.I.L.D H.Q:
You and the avengers are about to enter the car when an all to familiar arachnid themed teen hero swings by "hey guys and new girl." he said blushing at you "Man of spiders, meet Y/N daughter of Loki." Thor said making Peter's eyes wide.
Your POV:
as my new uncle introduced me to the Man of Spiders Mr Tony cuts in "kid, shouldn't you be in school?" He asked making the boy's eyes widen even more "oh shoot, I have my science test in a bit and lunch is almost over, BY MR STARKS, GUYS, and Y/N." he said swinging away as if he was being chased by a Chitauri "what am I going to do with that kid?" Mr Tony asked face palming "that's what kids do, they give you grays" Mr Clint said "let's get to the tower to face Loki" Mrs Natasha said.
At the tower:
We enter a giant tower with the word "Stark" on it.
I was in awe at the decor making the avengers chuckle "well kid welcome to your new home." Mr Tony said with a proud smirk "but first let's get you to your father sweetheart." Mrs Nat said as all of us go into a small room.
As the room move I see all of New York and my new uncle Thor telling me about my father making me excited to meet him more.
We finally exit the tiny room but as we did I see a man with Black shoulder length hair and emerald green eyes in green and black clothing with Gold armor sitting on a couch reading a book "is that my father?"  I asked Mrs Natasha who nodded "BROTHER WE HAVE SOMEONE WE LIKE YOU TO MEET!" Uncle said loudly hurting my sharp but sensitive ears "you fool I'm right- who is this elf child?" He asked anger turning into confusion and pointing to me making Uncle Thor smile "Brother this is Y/N Astriddottir your child, well she's actually Y/N Lokidottir now." Uncle said happily but everyone else face palmed while my "father" was frozen "Astrid had a child and didn't tell me?" He asked in shock looking me up and down but as I was about to open my mouth he bolted out of the room making me go on the verge of tears "Mr Stark, Mr Loki requested no one disturbs him, he needs some time alone." a strange voice said "THANKS FRI." Mr Tony said "don't feel discouraged little one he just needs some time to think of this." Uncle Thor said "does he not, want me?" I asked "of course he does sweetie he's just surprised by this." Mrs Nat said "ohh hey look Spidy is here." Mr Sam said as we see the boy from before but with his mask off making me blush 'by Odin's beard he's perfect.' I think to myself.
Peter's POV:
I entered the avengers floor to see Y/N with the Avengers by god she was pretty her shiny thigh length H/C hair, her E/C colored eyes, her S/T colored skin and her F/S Shaped face in other words she was gorgeous I smiled at her my face flushed "hey I don't think we had a proper introduction, I'm Peter, Peter Parker." I said re introducing myself making her smile "Y/N Astriddottir well, Y/N Lokidottir since I finally meet my Dad." she said in a voice that could put Princess Leia to shame "ah Peter I see you two already became friends, why don't you two go out maybe do some shopping Y/N needs new clothes." Mr Starks said giving me one of his many credit cards "wow thanks Mr Stark." I said happily glad that I finished my homework early "come on Y/N and while we're out I'll take you to my favorite sandwich place and introduce you to my friends." I told Y/N happily taking her hand.
No ones POV:
Everyone smiled as the two teens exit the tower together "only been here for about three hours and she's already making friends!" Clint said happily making his teammates laugh "I don't like the way they looked at each other." Loki said making the Avengers jump "Reindeer games, how long were you there?" Tony asked the god of mischief who replied "long enough to see them blushing at each other." everyone looked at each other it was clear that Loki is already protective of Y/N "Brother your alright with the fact that Y/N is your daughter?" Thor asked his younger brother "I'm still in disbelief that Astrid had my daughter but didn't tell me. I missed out my daughters life I doubt she'll want anything to do with me." Loki said in sorrow "I think she does, I mean when she saw you she was exited to finally meet you for the first time." Steve said fondly of the young hybrid "Capsical has a point, Point break told her the positive things about you." Tony said gesturing to the oldest avenger "plus Peter will protect her at the mall he is spider man after all." Clint said making everyone nod "and if it makes you feel better I put a tracking chip on her tunic just incase." Natasha said.
At the mall:
Y/N, Peter, MJ and Ned were having the best time of their lives shopping First they went to Boscoves for jeans and a few shirts, Journeys for vans, MJ took her to Victoria's Secrets for under garments, swimsuits and other things a girl needs, and finally they introduced her to hot topic where they got her graphic tees, accessories, and stuff to decorate her room with but before leaving they went to a book store so MJ can get a new book but Y/N saw some she liked so they got those.
After a long afternoon of shopping they are at Peter's favorite sandwich place having lunch "this is amazing." Y/N said happily munching on her sandwich "yeah they are the best sandwiches in queens." Peter said happily "yep Loser 1 is right!" MJ said bitting hers "so Y/N Where are you from?" Ned asked making Peter and MJ curios as well "ohh I'm from Alfheim realm of the light elves, but I'm actually half elf and half Jotun." the youngest teen said making the older teens eyes wide "I thought you were cosplaying when I saw your ears." Ned said "I actually saw that they are real when I saw them twitch a bit." MJ said "That's sooo cool" the two boys said "hey while it's light out let's head to the tower to decorate your room." Peter said.
At the tower:
The Avengers are sitting in the living room watching TV but Loki is always glancing at the time "Parker should have been back with my daughter by now!" he said angrily "relax Reindeer games Nat put a chip on your child. Plus they are almost here along with MJ and Ned." Tony told Loki for the one hundredth time "Mr Starks we're back." Peter said as he, Y/N, MJ and Ned exited the elevator with lots of bags making everyone eye wide from the Boscovs, Journeys, Victoria's Secret and Hot topic bags. "Geez I didn't think you'd go crazy." Tony said looking at the bags as Loki ran to Y/N and began checking her for injuries "Dad I'm fine we only went shopping then we went for food." she told her father making him sigh in relief "she's all ready giving you grays." Clint said making everyone laugh but Loki roll his eyes.
"Hey Mr Starks where's Y/N's room? we wanna help her decorate it." Peter asked Tony who smiled and lead them to a futuristic looking door.
The room looked futuristic but plain at the same time but they could work with it "alright let's Start decorating." Peter said happily as all four of you took the room decorations you brought from hot topic.
Two hours later:
Your room was now butterfly themed since they're your favorite insect with your walls being F/C thanks to your powers and after decorating you used your powers to put all your clothes, shoes, accessories and books away but organized.
"That was fun!" Ned said happy with the work, "yeah I see you love F/C and butterflies Y/N." MJ said sitting at your desk making you smile "they are my favorite insect, my mom and I use to go see them in the meadows of Alfheim." you said happily but sadly remembering one of your favorite memories with your mother before the invasion "hey since it's still early let's show her some movies." Peter said excitedly "hey Pete your aunt called she has a last minute business trip sooo your staying the night, oh I see you guys helped Y/N decorate." Tony said looking at the decor of the room then Loki came in "I see my daughter loves butterflies." he said walking in but stopped at the neatly organized shelf of books "and reading!" he said grabbing one of her new books.
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Your POV:
I sat in the living room with Peter, MJ and Ned.
We are watching something called Star Wars, I love it so far we already watched three movies but MJ looked at her glowing box thing "hey it's almost eight we better get going." she said as Ned soon looked at his own glowing box "yeah we have our science test tomorrow." Ned said "ok then I'll walk you to the lobby, I'll be back Princess." Peter said but as he relies what he said we both are blushing "Son of Parker go take them to the lobby." my dad said looking like he was holding back rage.
Not waisting anymore time Peter, MJ and Ned ran out of the room. With them out of the room Dad turns to me with a very stern look on his face "you are never to see that boy again." When he said that I got furious "AND WHY NOT?" I yelled making my skin and eyes turn blue and red and him angry "don't use that tone of voice with me young lady, I am your father and what I say goes you will stay away from Son of Parker end of discussion." I stormed to my room and screamed "YOUR NOTHING HOW UNCLE THOR DESCRIBED YOU." and slammed the door in anger.
No ones POV:
Loki stood there in anger, trying to cooldown his temper as his skin and eyes turned blue and red from the rage "brother, perhaps you were a little harsh on her!" Thor said as he walked into the living room with the other Avengers "I agree with point break, I mean the kid lost her mother and home eight years ago, what she needs is you and to interact with other kids." Tony said as Loki is debating on building a relationship with you "you two just got off the wrong foot, She's really a sweet and polite kid." Natasha said "and a great prankster." Peitro said walking in with a pie on his face "She is definitely your kid alright." Clint said.
Your POV:
I lied in my bed clutching my pillow and biting my lip in anger for my so called Dad "jerk face." I say in anger until I heard knocking "Y/N,the others told me you went to bed early, so I came to tell you good night." I hear Peter say making me shout out "GOOD NIGHT." I hear Peter's footsteps leave my door. I lied there for a little more and started dozing off.
In the morning no one's POV:
You wake up to the sound of FRIDAY's voice "Mrs Lokidottir. It is time for breakfast." You slowly got up with a Yawn, went to shower, brushed your hair and teeth and got dressed.
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In the dining area:
the avengers, Loki, Bucky and Peter are about to eat when Friday interrupted "Mr Stark. Mrs Lokidottir is coming." She said to her creator "Thanks Fri." Tony said to the AI as you walked in "ohh speak of the elf there she is." Clint said nudging Loki who was starring at your outfit "That skirt is to short!" Loki whispered "Brother please. You agreed to make amends with Y/N." Thor reminded his brother "I highly doubt she even wants anything to do with me. I mean we only just meet yesterday." Loki whispered forgetting about your great hearing "Dad I do want to spend time with you, I always wanted to meet you ever since I've heard the stories about you from mom, including the one when Thanos brainwashed you to get the tesseract." As you say this Loki is crying on the inside because what you said made him emotional but the avengers can see right through him.
With time you lived happily with your new family.
You helped uncles Bruce and Tony in the lab along with your best friend Peter, go on runs with uncles Bucky, Steve, Sam and Rhodas and big brother Peitro, meditate with Big sister Wanda, Trained with aunt Natasha and uncle Thor, shoot arrows with uncle Clint and practice how to use your powers and reading with Dad.
Loki enjoyed parenthood ever since you came into his life he became more opened and stoped using sarcasm so much (he still has his silver tongue).
But what you and Peter enjoyed most was pranking him and the others "WHO POURD DYE IN MY SHAMPOO?", "WHO SWAPPED OUR CLOTHES?", "WHO SET FRIDAY TO ONLY SAY HAMBURGER?" You and Peter are hiding in the vents laughing super hard while taking Pictures to send to MJ, Ned, Wanda, Peitro and Furry (who is laughing super hard."
Bonus ending:
Nick is looking at the picture Peter sent him it showed Natasha with hot pink hair, the guys wearing each other's cloths, and an audio of FRIDAY answering to Tony Hamburger "I love those kids!" He said laughing while sending it to the other shield agents who are laughing.
When Tony fixed FRIDAY's settings she ratted you and Peter out. "Peter no lab for a month."
Tony said "Y/N your stripped of your powers for a month." Loki told you.
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Family Gathering
Since none of y'all wanna talk about Thor...
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Awkwardness and tension. Nothing of much concern.
Please let me know what you think <3
Thor’s hand hovers behind you as he escorts you up the long walk. You’re careful as you watch your feet, nervous in the blocky high heels as they reflect the glare of the street lights and those of the bulbs lighting up the front of the large house. Your stomach squeezes nervously as you reach the steps and he offers his arm for your ascent.
The glittery pink shoes are his pick and they go with the flouncy dress he bought you for that very night. He bangs the great brass knocker and waits for an answer as his fingers walk up and down your back, sending a chill through you. You giggle and take his large hand. It was the first time you’d meet his family.
A woman answers the door, her lips painted a soft shade of pink as her long lashes are darkened with mascara. She welcomes you in and says that Loki is seeing to some last minute arrangements. You smile and follow her as Thor keeps hold of you.
“Your parents are already here,” she says to Thor, “and your brother won’t be much longer. If you want to take a seat, there are place cards.”
You nod and squeeze Thor’s hand as he thanks her. He introduces you to his parents; Frigga and Odin, and they embrace you kindly despite your reticence. You sit beside him and he stretches across to hold onto the arm of your chair. You shift and fix your skirt. The seat is narrow enough it makes you feel even wider than you are. 
He stills your restless fingers as you twiddle and you give a guilty smirk in his direction. You mouth a sorry and he bows his head gently. He motions to assure you it’s alright, just calm down.
“Ah, sorry about that, there was some issue but it’s sorted,” a tall slender man enters, his dark hair smoothed back. He takes the seat at the head of the table. “This must be my brother’s mysterious companion,” he looks at you and you give a small wave before bashfully tucking your chin down. “I…” he sputters, “is she well? Can she hear me?”
Thor booms with laughter and plays with your hand mindlessly, “Loki, of course she can hear you, brother. She is not very talkative is all.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t think that your type,” Loki muses.
“Don’t be churlish,” Frigga warns as she watches a server fill her glass with champagne, “we’ve not come for another spat.”
“No, you have not,” Loki declares, “I hope you find your stay enjoyable and that you have all your require.”
“This is a very… peculiar house,” Thor lifts your hand, bending your elbow on the arm of the chair as he pauses to kiss your fingers. His brother gives a derisive glance at the act and his partner, Darling, hides behind her wine. “I do like the artwork.”
“Mm, there are some pieces that need to be replaced. The designer was not well-versed in Asgardian taste.” Darling sends him a sharp squint at the comment and sips her champagne. Loki reaches over and pinches the stem of her glass, “we agreed on water.”
She lets him take the glass and takes the stout cup of water instead. She meets your eye as she drinks and you give her a small smile. She looks down as you notice the glisten along her lashes. Your fingers tighten around Thor’s.
He leans in, “what is it, pet?”
You turn and put your mouth right to his ear, “she’s sad.”
He nods and gives you a knowing look, using his hands to suggest Loki often inspires the mood. You give him a shocked O and he gently waves away the expression. 
“Not our concern,” he says gently in your ear, “is it, pet?”

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wheredafandomat · 2 years
For Better or For Worse
Chapter 5 Next Chapter Series masterlist
Loki x female reader
18+ | this fic contains angsttttt, nightmares, loss of a child and other adult themes. - italics = dream
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You stood, a stream of moonlight lighting the room softly as you looked down at the sleeping babe in the crib below you. You heard footsteps approaching you before two hands ran up your arms, squeezing your shoulders gently causing you to smile; the smell of his cologne evading your senses. Turning slightly, you cupped Lokis cheek as you kissed him, grinning against his lips.
“I love you.” You murmured, both of you still close before you turned your attention back onto the crib only to feel your heart drop when you realised it was empty. You spun around quickly, gasping at Lokis absence; he was right there. Your eyes scanned the room, your feet carrying you around it as you begin to panic. They were both just there. Your lip started trembling as you worriedly searched for them, your voice falling hoarse as you desperately called their names to no avail. Tears streamed down your face as you continued shouting Lokis name. “Loki! Lokii.” You wailed, running now as you encountered a lonesome emptiness; all consuming. You were alone.
“Lo—” you began to call again, gasping as your eyes flew open. Luckily you had managed to bite your tongue, not finishing your sentence as your breaths slowly returned back to normal after your eyes scanned the surroundings. It was just a nightmare, the same nightmare. Your heart rate slowed, your brain realising it wasn’t real, none of it as you came back to reality. You couldn’t help the tears that brimmed in the corners of your eyes as you thought about the life that was nearly yours, the one that was ripped from you. The tears fell, sobs falling from you as your shoulders shook. Why you?
You splashed your face with cold water, deciding to get up after your cry. The dream, or rather nightmare, reminded you of the picture you had pocketed a couple of days ago. You re entered the bedroom, looking through your pocket as you searched for it only to be left empty handed. You wondered whether it fell, whether Loki had picked it up. Regardless, you wanted it back. You deserved it. You decided you’d ask Loki, there wasn’t any harm in that, surely? You made your way towards his room, hoping to be reunited with the picture. The closer you got to it, the more focused the sound emanating from it became. It was shouting. You stepped closer, hoping to hear the interaction only to have your question about the picture answered when Rose yelled.
Your eyes widened as you bit down a smile, trouble in paradise. You wondered whether he picked it up, whether he studied it like you did. You wondered if he remembered when it was taken like you did, the emotions tied to the joyous occasion. You wondered if he regretted leaving, if he ever missed how it was, if he missed you. Strangely you hoped he did, you hoped he hadn’t forgotten it all. Before you could dwell anymore, you heard footsteps approaching the door as you jumped away from it. The door opened revealing Rose who stormed out, cutting her eye at you as she passed. She wanted to fight you, but not in front of Loki.
“What?” Loki asked, irked as you stood from outside watching him. Suddenly you didn’t want to ask about the picture anymore.
“Nothing—I was— never mind.” You dismissed as Loki ran a hand through his hair. You thought about asking if he was alright but decided against it especially after he practically slammed the door in your face. Sighing, you made your way downstairs.
“Hello dear.”
You beamed as Frigga walked towards you.
“Hello.” You greeted, kissing her cheeks.
“I was just looking for you, did you want anything retrieved from home?” She asked.
“Maybe just a spare change of clothes” you contemplated “I’m not sure how long I’ll be here for.”
“There are a substantial amount of you clothes in the East wing attic.” She answered.
“Oh really?” You replied surprised
“Yes dear, I didn’t want to throw them out after you left incase you wanted them plus there were a few other things, sentimental things, I thought you’d want to look through.” She explained “I could have Thor help you.” She offered.
“No, no it’s fine.” You insisted.
“Well don’t go in there alone or let someone know first, you know how the door sometimes gets jammed.”
“I’ll bring a SOS torch and survival kit then.” You joked, both of you laughing before you parted.
“What are you doing?”
The voice startled you as you pulled the ladder for the attic down.
“Getting clothes.” You stated, turning to face Loki.
“Alone, in there? What if you fall?” He scoffed as if you were an incapable girl.
“Like you care.” You spoke, rolling your eyes.
“Fine I’ll help.” He sighed.
“I didn’t as—”
“Lead the way.” He gestured, instantly regretting it when you began climbing the ladder, Loki below you with the perfect view of your rear end. He dragged his eyes away from the curvature.
Once you both reached the top, Loki closing the door completely behind you both so neither of you would fall out, you got to work, looking through boxes. You ignored Lokis eyes on you as you did so, scolding yourself for even letting him come with you. You thought about asking about the picture but again decided against it; it didn’t feel like the right time.
“So, have fun eavesdropping?” Loki questioned, breaking the silence as you rummaged through boxes, quickly folding up a maternity dress.
“Here we go.” You mumbled.
“Enjoy sneaking up on people?”
“And I’m leaving.” You announced.
“Wait, sorry.” He apologised.
“Are you though?” You queried, narrowing your gaze at him “because you’ve had these little quips lined up since I came back.”
“Why did you come back?”
“For the Will reading.” You answered matter of factly, he knew that.
“You would have been told about your reward regardless of your attendance, why come here in person?” He continued to interrogate.
“Maybe I just wanted to see you” you shrugged, annoyed by his badgering “or maybe I just wanted to see my replacement. She’s pretty by the way” you noted sarcastically “sarcastic too.”
“She’s kind.” Loki interjected.
“I don’t doubt that.” You smiled curtly, looking past him as you began walking away again, you couldn’t be bothered with this, with him. “Goodbye Loki.” You added, wrapping your hand around the lever to open the door and drop the latter, confused when it didn’t open. You tried it again, and again, nothing happening before Friggas words sounded in your head. “Oh fuck.” You sighed.
“The doors stuck.”
“What?” Loki asked again.
“The door, it’s stuck.”
“Bloody hell.” He huffed before making his way towards you and pulling the lever, the handle now stiff. He pulled it a few times to no avail before you helped, both of you pulling together.
“Wait, let me find something to hammer it.” You suggested, looking through the boxes again and picking up a heavy book before you began hitting the lever hoping for it to budge, gasping when it broke off.
“Gosh you’re so incompetent.” Loki scolded.
“I didn’t think it’d just break.” You argued.
“I mean can you do anything right?” He taunted.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You paused, finding double meaning in his words.
“I think you know.” He spat causing your eyes to widen before your hand shot up, slapping him across the cheek.
“How dare you!” You exclaimed, the sound catching a nearby housekeepers attention.
“Hello?” She called.
“Yes, yes we’re up here, we’re stuck.” You rushed out, ignoring the sting on your hand from slapping Loki, the bastard.
You thanked the housekeeper profusely after she rescued you both, completely ignoring Loki as you marched towards your bedroom, closing the door behind you. You tried to take steadying breaths, telling yourself he wasn’t insinuating what your mind was telling you he was but you couldn’t help but insist he was. You felt guilty, blamed yourself everyday. You sank down to the floor, back still against the door as you cried, again, breaths ragged as you tried to stop yourself. You felt useless, alone. You were alone.
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What if I told you Loki isn’t thaaaat evil
@michelleleewise @ladymischief11 @vickie5446 @12-pm-510 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @somewiseguy @xorpsbane @wolfsmom1 @huntress-artemiss @kikster606 @ozymdias @crimson25 @bunny24sstuff @dillie60 @mcufan72 @lokisgoodgirl @mochie85 @lokiprompts @fictive-sl0th @peaches1958 @plokis @eyesbluelikethetitanic @blog-the-lilly @lovingchoices14 @johnmurphys-sass @lokibadguy @kingtwhiddleston
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Flower, My Flower
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→SUMMARY: The long-awaited prequel of Loki, My Loki where Loki and Y/N share a final moment before deciding what to do for their relationship
→PAIRING: Loki x gn!reader
→WARNING: break up, angst if you can count that as warnings, some typos, Frigga is here??
→NOTES: It is longer than I thought I would write, but I really got into it.
The night quickly shrouded the living room in darkness as the night was exceptionally long this time. For they were looking as a small portal opened behind them. Swift on their feet, Frigga enters, her pale purple robe sweeping the dust on the hardwood floor.
'Frigga.' Y/N said, their voice miniature at the goddess standing before them. 'I was expecting-' 'Loki. I know, and that is why I am here before him.' 'Is he okay?'
Frigga remained quiet while she sat on the nearest sofa, crossing her arms on her knees. 'He is fine. Odin and I made the decision...'
Y/N knew what she meant. Loki was describing each time they were alone. The next King. Loki being burdened with the glorious purpose he carried on his shoulder. Frigga sat down with an uneasy motion looking at the human who stole his son's heart with no knowledge of how much they took.
'Loki is about to be King. And I desired to talk to you about it.'
'I know Loki explained all about the coronation. The house is starting to feel crowded.' Y/N laughed awkwardly  
The evidence was clear. Frigga saw the ancient books stacked on a table with Loki's most unlikely, unquestionably invention, bringing all of his study material into his home. She could feel his scent as if he was here, but beats before her, she could see Loki's helmet shining in the bedroom, even when shrouded in the night light. Looking back at her ring-decorated fingers, the All-Mother speaks, 'The problem lies with-'
'Me.' Y/N spoke with a subdued undertone with a harsh tone. Frigga exhaled heavily 
'Yes. Mortality is-'
'I know, I, Uhm, always knew it would be.' Y/N halted to take a deep inhale, her voice starting to show cracks. 
'I just didn't think it would ever end.' Her eyes glazed with a shine of vulnerability that Frigga knew all too well. Sometimes, she saw when Thor broke up with Jane, inevitable heartbreak.
'Does Loki know?' Y/N asked, looking at the floor.
'No...he does not. I wanted to talk with him about it, but unfortunately, he is too involved in everything and would not comprehend if I said it. Therefore...'
'I should break his heart…' she asked with uncertainty dripping out her mouth.
'Yes.' The answer turned the uncertainty into realization. She had to do the thing she swore to Loki under the starry skies that she would never do.
'I don't think I can do that.' Y/N spoke words brokenly, their hands gripping the shirt on them, clutching for dear life. The gaze falls flat, reminiscing instantly with all memories with Loki. His first carnival, Y/N's first ball in Asgard, Loki's first dinner experience at 3 am, Y/N's first Asgadrain botanical garden walk accompanied by private orchestral music as they walked around... The memories rang throughout Y/N's head, cementing themself and inflating her decision more,and more,and more...
'I really can not... I love him.' looking at Frigga, Y/N saw the crooked smile and held back tears in All-Mother.
'This is for the better, darling. You will age, and he will remain the same.'
'But why can't I be with him until I end?!' Y/N voice raises, the room tensing 
Frigga stepped closer, placing a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder, explaining loudly enough for Y/N to look at her. 'Because for Loki to become a King, he has to marry a royal of eternal blood.' 
Y/N comprehended there was no way for them to be together, no way to change Frigga's mind, no possibility for them to run away as it would all deteriorate Loki from his rightful path. 
'We-we love each other.'
'Everyone gave up on love in their lifetime for a greater purpose.' 
'Mother...What are you doing here?' Loki's voice rang through the room, alarming both Y/N and Frigga. Loki sees Y/N teary eyes and Frigga's fallen smile. Striding towards Y/N, he hugs them, bringing them close to his heart. The comforting action before would make Y/N smile but now, feeling as if this would be the last one Y/N shattered, sobbing into his chest.
'Why did you tell her?!' Loki snapped at his mother.
'She had to know. It needs to be done.' Frigga trekked back, waving her hand up, disappearing, and leaving them alone. 
Y/N pulls back, whispering, 'Your mom is right. We could never be together.'
Loki replied wholeheartedly, 'She doesn't comprehend our love. We have an agreement.'
Y/N whimpers glimpsing into his blue pleading eyes. 'What does our plan mean if we cannot be together... I want to marry you, Loki,I really do. But before you met me, you wanted to be a King. You can do so much more as King of all the nine realms. I carry no power of any kind, and I can't offer you much.'
'That is utter nosnense, Y/N!' Loki spoke with his harsh commanding voice as his hands caressed and soothed Y/N's back. 'No one in all the nine realms could give me the support and love you have given me. I want to be King, but...I want to be yours as well, and it extinguishes me that I have to choose. I want to be the King and offer you a life of no hardships, no pain, and no sad tears. I want to offer you the whole universe.'
Pulling away, Y/N sniffles, 'I want to see you on the throne. I want to see you fulfill your dream that you told me so much and long about during our nights together. I want to make sure that you are happy with someone of eternal blood and continue your life-'
'-Y/N?! What are you saying??'
'I have never met someone who loved me with every single breath in their soul like you did, Loki. I will never forget you.' Y/N's body is giving out the strength to stand, falling short. Loki also kneels, cupping her face, his thumb landing on her trembling lips. 
Loki knew. That all the moments he had with Y/N are coming to a standstill. His actions and powers died down watching his love and reason he lived carrying their soul out. He had to say something for both of them to give them hope this time.
'Y/N! This is not the end! Wait for me, please. I will never marry or love anyone else but you. You are my eternal love. I will find a way.'
I will find a way.
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