#( okay first!! i am so sorry that i took so long to answer this!! 😭😭
reidingandwriting · 1 month
domestic > keigo takami/hawks (mha)
Word Count: 3.6k
Ship: Keigo/Hawks x Reader
Warnings: Corrupt hero commission (we hate the hero commission on this blog), keigo overworks himself, keigo & reader fight, miscommunication, some cursing, keigo’s a little shit (he has his reasons okay), mentions of a rescue mission and the aftermath, hurt/comfort
A/N: So sorry this fic is so delayed 😭 Have been going Through It lately but I’ve got a few fics queued up to make up for my absence ❤️ This is my favorite Keigo fic so far
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“pro hero hawks is the first on the scene!”
“pro hero hawks took down the villain that’s injured dozens, including some pro heroes!”
“another takedown by pro hero hawks.”
“hawks is finally on the scene, this should be over soon.”
keigo wasn’t answering his phone. which was expected for the first night. he had just come home from a week long mission and on his flight home, another issue came up that he had to answer to. he didn’t get home until midnight, having refused any other hero’s offer to relieve him once his shift had technically ended, until best jeanist all but escorted him off the scene. you had hoped keigo had been resting when you walked into your office the next morning, until you looked at the news and saw he was already back out on patrols.
when you walked into keigo’s office, you expected to see a mountain of paperwork on his desk. you were fully prepared to work all day to catch him up, hoping to surprise him by finishing all his work for him. you were the one surprised when you saw only one paper on his desk, a note for you.
‘gonna be working late tonight, don’t wait up for me’
you scowled as you read the note, even if you had to fight the urge to melt when you saw the little bird doodle keigo had signed the note with. you once again called keigo, this time his work number, and you resisted the urge to throw your phone at the wall when your call once again went unanswered. you pulled up your text conversation with keigo and began to type.
‘you’re going home tonight. i will be outside at eight and you will let me in. i am not kidding when i tell you i’ll wait all night. please, just let me know you’re okay.’
you knew the text would go unanswered, but you hoped. you hoped that he would read it, at the least. that he would talk to you. your phone buzzed and you quickly picked it up, and you sighed when it was just another text from rumi.
‘i’ve seen him pass by once or twice, but he doesn’t stop. i’ve got a few others looking out for him, i’ll let you know if i hear anything’
you set your phone down with a sigh as you sat back in the office chair. this was going to be a long night.
you texted keigo a warning before you entered his apartment. you had been given a key by keigo to use in case of emergencies, and your chatty birdbrain suddenly ghosting you is an emergency in your eyes. it was two AM when you entered, and you felt your eyes begin to sting when you realized keigo wasn’t home. a quick search on the hero network showed that he was last seen a little after ten, and none of your own security alerts had gone off at your apartment. he was at his agency, avoiding you. it stung, the avoidance settling heavy in your chest, weighing you down as if there was a physical weight on your body.
you texted a quick update to rumi before you left keigo’s, and you made the walk back to your own apartment. keigo would definitely have lectured you any other time if he knew you walked home alone, and a selfish part of you hoped he’d find out. you’d take the scolding if it meant he would talk to you.
you flinched as you heard a voice speak from beside you.
“surprised he let you walk home alone at this hour,” you relaxed once you recognized the drawl of eraserhead’s voice. “your guard bird working tonight?”
“you’re going to sneak up on me at the wrong time one day and you’re going to get your shit rocked,” you replied, no real heat to your words.
“i’ll take my chances.” a hint of a smirk graced his face before it relaxed into his usual stoic expression.
“but no, he’s not working tonight.” you paused. “not patrolling at least. he is working hard at avoiding me, though.” while you and eraserhead, aizawa, had only met a few times, you had established a friendly relationship with the underground hero. you had also developed a friendship with present mic, which seemed to influence eraserhead’s opinion of you. odd.
“that’s… different.” eraserhead says after a moment. “i’ll keep an eye out for him, and i’ll have hiz- present mic look out for him as well.”
the two of you continued to talk as he escorted you to your apartment. minutes later, you opened the door to your apartment and let the door shut with a soft click, and you barely made it to the couch before you fell asleep.
“ooh, rough night?” one of the tech interns, kazuki, teases as he watches you walk in.
“hilarious.” you scowled. you knew you looked tired; you woke up frequently throughout the night, unable to sleep for more than half an hour at a time. you gave up on sleep around five thirty this morning, and you clutched to the thermos of coffee in your hands like it was the only thing keeping you alive. “didn’t really sleep much last night.”
“hawks working you too hard? i saw him walking around a few minutes ago. looks like he was headed to his office,” your heart stopped at those words. was he actually here?
“thank you, kazuki!” you called as you sprinted for the elevator, reminding yourself to send kazuki a proper thank you later. when you burst into keigo’s office, you jumped back as a sharpened red feather flew at you, stopping mere centimeters away from your neck.
“shit, you scared me.” keigo smiled when he recognized you, and the sight of it filled you with anger. “oh, sorry. let me just.” keigo’s feather returned to its natural state and you swatted it away as it went to caress your cheek, not in the mood for his usually sweet antics. “songbird? you okay?”
and you couldn’t help but laugh. full body, doubled over laughs. keigo tilted his head, confusion flashing across his face as you continued to laugh. your name left keigo’s lips, and you recognized the slight movements he was making. he was twitchy, like he wanted to move but he couldn’t decide which move was the best. you could practically hear the wheels in his head turning and you looked up at the ceiling as you felt the familiar sting of unshed tears in your eyes.
“you son of a bitch,” you whispered. you looked at him and his form became blurry, the tears now sliding down your cheeks. “you, you have me worried for days. you ignored my calls and texts, i even had other heroes looking out for you!” you started to walk towards him and you stopped just out of his reach. “you went to the point of staying here to avoid seeing me. why?” you finally met his gaze and golden eyes were filled with an emotion you didn’t recognize. his gaze was cold, distant. yet still, he kept the smile on his face, the smile he plastered on for annoying news reporters.
“i’ve been busy.”
“you’re running yourself ragged! you’re going to get hurt or cause someone else to get hurt because you’re working yourself to death.” you reached out and jabbed him in the chest.
“you don’t understand. you never will, so why are you even trying to? i can’t answer every call and text from my assistant.”
“that’s all i am to you? your assistant?” you asked. you were met with silence and you felt your heart begin to break. “look me in the eyes and tell me that’s all i am to you. and i promise, from now on, that’s all you’ll get from me.”
“what else would you be?”
wordlessly, you dug your key ring from your jacket pocket. you pulled off the key that belonged to keigo’s, to hawks’s, apartment and you set it down on his desk.
“noted. since you’ve clearly got a handle on things, i think i’ll be taking the next two days off for some personal days. i’ll be back on monday, hawks.” the name felt foreign on your lips and his wings twitched in response. you wordlessly spun on your heel and slammed hawks’s office door shut behind you. you could feel the stares from everyone in kei- hawks’s agency watching you, and you briefly shook your head when you saw kazuki before rushing out of the building, straight into the rain that had suddenly started to downpour. because of course it did.
as you walked in the rain to the bus stop, you ignored the frequent buzzing that came from your pocket.
“what else would you be?” echoed through your head, and you couldn’t believe that came from kei- his lips. what happened during his last mission? you shook your head to clear your thoughts.
“just an assistant,” you muttered under your breath. “what the hell, birdie?”
it was the middle of the night and you were sitting on your couch, eating from a carton of ice cream as you flipped through the channels on TV. you had finished your second movie of the night when you stumbled across the news. you paused when you saw hawks’s name flash across the bottom of the screen and you wanted to change the channel. but you couldn’t.
“eight hours later, the search and rescue has been completed. over 200 victims were rescued from the destruction thanks to the effort of our number two hero. thank you to pro hero hawks for being the first hero to respond, and the last to leave the tragic scene of the collapsed apartment complex.”
the reporter continued to talk about the injuries and the casualties, and you scanned the screen for him, not seeing a glimpse of red anywhere, save for some discarded feathers on the ground. you pulled out your phone immediately and searched online for something, anything about your- kei- hawks. your messages were full of texts from rumi and kazuki. a few from present mic, even a text from best jeanist’s assistant with a message from the pro.
suddenly, there was a knock on the door and you jumped off the couch. you glanced at the time, a little after midnight. you had hopes for who it was. you also didn’t know what you’d do if it was him. you slowly walked to the front door, willing your heart rate to calm down, and you reached forward to open the door.
you gasped at the sight in front of you, your phone clattering to the floor but you paid it no attention. hawks stood at your door, covered in dirt and dust and… blood? his jacket was gone, pants torn and ripped to barely there shreds of fabric. his flight goggles and headphones were gone, hair caked in dirt and sweat and he looked like he was seconds from falling over. he looked small without his massive wings behind him, most of the feathers left at the scene.
“‘m sorry. i tried, tried to go home. you were closer and,” hawks gestured to himself. “kind of grounded. i’m sorry, i can go.” he swayed a bit. you dove forward as he stumbled, and you held him up as he leaned into you. you kicked the door shut and you repositioned yourself to better support the hero as you walked towards your bathroom. “what are you doin’?” his voice was hoarse, and you made note to grab him water, as well as a million other things once you got him settled.
“first, im gonna clean you up. get some water for you, heat up some leftovers, and get you in clean clothes before i put you in bed.”
“what? no- i. i was horrible. you can’t… you can’t be nice to me. not after everything i said.” hawks said and you shushed him.
“shh, you’re going to wreck your voice more. we’ll talk once you’re taken care of.” you walked into the bathroom and made quick work of setting up a shower. you started to step away to grab towels and you felt a hand grab your arm.
“don’t leave me. please,” he rasped and you turned to face him, your heart aching at the sight in front of you. your keigo.
“not going anywhere. just grabbing towels, yeah?” you walked with him to the hallway, and you grabbed your fluffiest towels. you then grabbed a caddy full of keigo’s favorite toiletries. his shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and oil for his wings. he was missing a lot of feathers, but you’d take care of what was left. he was hurt, your birdie was hurt. it was your turn to be the hero, to make sure he was okay.
when you returned to the bathroom a minute later, keigo’s tired eyes lit up at your return.
“let’s get you in the shower, yeah?“ you set the towels down, put his supplies in the shower, and turned on the shower to his preferred temperature. you then walked to him and placed a gentle hand on his shirt. you glanced up at him and when he nodded, you gently began to peel his uniform off him. you quickly scanned him as you removed more articles of clothing, taking note of any new injuries and were relieved to see relatively little. once keigo had been stripped, you stepped into the shower with him, ignoring the fact you still had your t-shirt and sleep shorts on. your only focus was keigo right now, and you guided him under the shower head.
keigo’s exhaustion had seemed to hit as he leaned against you, and you supported him as you let the water get the top layer of grime off him. “there we go,” you soothed as you shifted, reaching for his shampoo. “there’s my birdie,” a weak chirp left him and you smiled sympathetically. “think you can sit so i can wash your hair?”
wordlessly, keigo moved to kneel down and once he settled, you began to scrub his hair. your hands worked in his hair until they ached, getting everything from the collapsed building from his hair before you added the shampoo. you took your time sudsing up his hair, and you smiled when you brushed some baby feathers in his hairline that caused keigo to coo quietly. keigo pressed a kiss to your stomach as you worked and leaned into your touch, much like a cat being petted. you helped him stand back up once you were ready to wash his body, and keigo practically laid against the wall of the shower as you worked to clean him off efficiently but quickly.
what felt like ages later, you turned the shower off and wrapped keigo up in a towel. you used the other towel to pat your own clothes dry quickly before you started to towel dry his hair.
“why are you… being so nice to me?” keigo asked and you frowned.
“i’m always going to care about you, pretty bird. you were a dick earlier,” you admitted. “but like it or not, you’ve wormed your way into my heart. you deserve to be taken care of, kei. we both know you don’t do it enough for yourself.” you moved to stand behind keigo and you looked at him in the mirror. “is it okay if i touch them?” you glanced at his baby wings and back at him. you held the oil in your hand, letting him see what your intentions were and you panicked when you saw his eyes fill with tears.
keigo couldn’t believe it. he had been horrible to you. he had tried to be horrible, he had never planned to come back to you this way. but he did and you? you dumbfounded him with how you treated him. as if you had just had a little spat over him breaking your heart. he could feel your heartbeat change during the conversation you two had in his office, he could practically hear your heart breaking over his words. but when he came to you, bloody and dirty, wings practically gone, and you treated him so tenderly. so… lovingly. when the first tear slid down his cheek, a dam broke. keigo chirped in surprise as you spun him around before he threw himself into your arms. he sobbed as he clung to you, as if you’d vanish into nothingness if he let go.
your arms immediately tightened around him and you used one hand to stroke his wing, the other combed through his hair so gently, sad warbles left his throat. “whatever happened,” you started. “we’ll handle it. me and you, yeah?” keigo tried to respond but couldn’t force any words out, more chirps leaving him as he nodded against your neck. “that’s my songbird.” you held him until his sobs turned into soft cries, and the cries into the occasional sniffle. keigo’s wing twitched as he felt you began to pay more attention to the feathers, and his eyes began to well up with tears again as he realized. you were preening him.
you’ve straightened his feathers out before a handful of times, usually for shoots or press interviews. he’s never had this much attention paid to them before, never in such a caring way at least. his body became lax against you, pleased coos and quiet chirps leaving his throat every now and then.
once you had finished, you led keigo to your room. you walked to the drawer with keigo’s things and he watched as you pulled out clothes for him to sleep in. “gonna change out of my wet clothes real quick, okay?” he nodded and you smiled softly at him before walking to your own side of the dresser. the two of you got dressed in a comfortable silence and you guided him to the living room, where minutes later, you settled onto the couch with dinner. keigo stayed curled into your side and you seemed perfectly content as you stroked his hair.
what felt like an eternity later, keigo was finally able to speak again. “i tried to come home. when i got off that mission. it.. it went horrible and i just wanted you. but i fail- they had told me i failed. i wasn’t as efficient as i should be, one of the villains had managed to escape before i caught him again. if i was a proficient hero, he never would have gotten a chance to get away.” you looked up as keigo spoke, and keigo struggled to maintain eye contact with you. you always seemed to see him, and that was terrifying.
“so i was already beating myself up when they sent me to another disaster, to redeem myself,” he quoted and you scowled at the words. “and i did better, that’s what they told me. and for a minute, i didn’t feel like a failure anymore. i felt worthy of my hero title so i…”
“you stayed busy, worked harder and harder to get rid of that bad feeling.” you finished for him and keigo nodded.
“but no matter what i did, how many patrols i went on, how many hours late i worked, it wasn’t good enough. they said i’m letting personal things get in the way of me being a good hero, that i was a better hero alone.” keigo trailed off and you looked sad, yet angry at the same time.
“they were the reason for our fight.” you said and keigo hummed in response.
“still. i never should have said what i did,” keigo cupped your cheek and you leaned into the touch. “i need you to know. need you to know you’re so much more to me than an assistant. maybe i’m a worse hero for it, but i love you. i love you, so much.” keigo’s voice shook and you scooted closer to him.
“i love you too,” you whispered. you glanced at keigo’s lips then back up at him, golden gaze meeting your own. you leaned in and brushed your lips against his, and keigo let out a soft breath as he kissed you. he had kissed you countless times, but none had ever been this soft. this slow, this.. vulnerable. there was no rush, nothing you were aiming for. just the two of you intertwined, and keigo didn’t break the kiss until he was out of breath, and he smiled at the quiet whine you made. “i think,” you said after a minute. “you need a few days to recover. bed rest, doctor’s orders.”
“you’re a doctor now, hmm?” keigo smiled as he pressed lazy kisses down your jaw and you pulled a blanket over the two of you. “can’t argue with doctor’s orders.”
“bed rest is the first step in treatment. cuddles could speed up the healing process, as well.” you said matter-of-factly as you tangled your legs with his own. keigo closed his eyes as you buried your face into his chest, and as you rubbed his back, keigo’s thoughts became fuzzy.
“careful, will stay here forever.” you nuzzled closer and keigo vaguely remembered your reply before you fell asleep.
“i’d love nothing more.”
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pixiesndberries · 10 months
CONTENTS : calling them while being drunk at 3:00 am.
CHARACTERS : captain price, soap, ghost, and gaz.
WARNING : none just on crack lmaoaoa 😭
AUTHOR'S NOTE : i need to think about this million times, and it took me million times to have a motivation also (i do nsfw..for the one who wanted to request *wink* *wink*) 😇
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— lad is sleeping peacefully after a long rest after a tough mission, his nokia went ringing like hell and literally thought the fire alarm went BRAHHH. Old man was flabbergasted and looks like having an heart attack at 3:00 am.
DAD MODE 100 % he would actually think about it for a moment whether he would pick you up or not because he's unsure what things about to happen. Would be worried for a moment since your friends took over in the phone to help you make him pick you up.
WOULD 100 % NAG AT YOU IN THE CAR. I SAID WHAT I SAID 🗣️‼️ and it made the whole ride like this.
"price i think i will puke the cheerios i ate." you laugh with little hiccups while he was driving stressed while wearing his pajamas on. "hey hey, dont ya' fookin' open that damn window!" he says pulling you away while driving with one hand literally jamming in the whole rode as tokyo drift plays in the car radio.
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— i feel like he's either the one calling you or he is with you 😭 ok but like let's stick with this scenario with him. He was having a nice sleep of course, and ik he snores like this IM SORRY LMAO and his phone started ringing like hell and he went crazy thinking it was the fire alarm.
he would pretend to act like he hates you for not inviting him to drink with you as he was getting ready to leave to pick you up; he's trying to stay in contact with you because first of all you are heavily drunk and just very very late so it's not THAT safe for you so he tried his best to keep in contact with you until he arrives.
He almost crash the car tbh and he almost hit a deer 😇.
"really not invitin' me? i feel offended." he chuckles teasing your drunk ass, "it's not like that!" you whine nudging him thinking he's actually mad at you. "do you hate me?" you asked looking at him like you were about to cry or something, "yes." "fuck you." "nope you're drunk." (the whole ride is just on crack tbh)
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— MY MAN IS TRYING TO HAVE A REST ONCE FOR HIS LIFE 😭 (please let this man have a vacay) yet you were there, just as he feels like he's sleeping (ik damn that felt good for him) when suddenly HIS PHONE STARTED TO RING. Bro was ready to pull the trigger, but he took a deep breath; at first he never wanted to answer the phone but when he saw those messages that was typed by your friends saying that you need a ride home because you are heavily drunk. Okay for a moment he think about it he was like, if i pick this motherfucker up is there a benefit? okay what if something happens to them then it's my fault?
WHEN HE PICKED YOU UP HE HAS HIS BALACLAVA ON AND YOU WERE SO DRUNK THAT YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE GETTING KIDNAPPED 😭‼️ and you were like asking for help and shit and he's just there continues to drive wishing he just made a better decision to burn his phone down. seriously.
after like a whole ass minute you finally shut up and just watch him drive silently 😞 and of course he was like "finally."
you were watching him drive silently when the car suddenly passed by your favourite fast food chain making you quickly go feral like hell, "I WANT A BITE PLEASE." you say as you keep pulling his shirt trying to make him stop driving, "no." he says as he just continues to drive tiredly, MAN WAS SO DONE. "please mr kidnapper 😭" "lord help me."
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— like soap he was sleeping peacefully and snores like mimimimimi 😇💕 when you called and says that you needed a ride home because you were drunk (you tried insisting that you are not THAT drunk 😭) bro was worried so he was like okay sure so he didn't hesitate but to pick you up even though he still felt sleepy. He really cares for you so he really don't mind.
when he picked you up he helped you going inside the car, putting the car seat on a comfortable position; YOU ARE TREATED LIKE A ROYAL 🗣️‼️ You were mumbling and talking about some topics he doesn't know but continues to listen because he knows you are heavily drunk and you barely know what's happening.
"-and and this guy came up on me and like hey shawty you need some good dicking there? And i was like fuck you dude!" you continue to babble even though it looks like you were already getting pulled by your sleep making Gaz laugh, "hey that's actually creepy thank god you went away from him." he says calmly as he continues to drive, "yeah yeah- and- and-"
690 notes · View notes
ahgasegotarmy116 · 3 months
Do It For Him | Keep Quiet For Me | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: You're on a family vacation but Jungkook wants you no matter the risk... Pairing: Daughter in law reader x Father in Law Jungkook (Yändere) Word Count: 2.3k~ Warnings: Explicit language, an injury and blood, smuttttt and infidelity (but it's difh so duh lmao) and barely edited but yeah that's normal for me lmao a/n: This is response to someone asking for a drabble of in regards to my answer on this ask thank you to the anon/s that were interested in this and sorry it took so long to get out 😭 I was very very burnt out on this story so I hope this'll make up for it Series Masterlist
"Do you need anything? I'm gonna run inside and go to the bathroom" I whisper to my husband while we're lounging outside with the rest of the family. "No that's okay, you go ahead" he says and I respond with a quick okay and give him a quick kiss before standing up. 
"Actually" he say, grabbing my hand to stop me from leaving just yet. I hum in acknowledgment, waiting to hear his request. "Do you think you could grab me another beer? Take your time in there though" he says giving me a sluggish smile, telling me he's fully relaxed and that I should probably follow up that beer with some water. "Sure honey" I say, grabbing both of our empty Kloud bottles and heading inside. 
Walking into the house I first go into the kitchen to throw away the bottles but on my way I grab my phone out of my pocket to check a notification that came in but before I'm even able to turn it on I feel one of the bottle slip from my grasp and fall on the floor, smashing and scattering the glass all over the floor. 
"Perfect" I groan under my breath and start crouching down to pick it all up. "Need a hand?" Jungkook asks raising his eyebrows after seeing the mess I've made. "No I'm fine I can take care of this on my own" I grumble and continue to pick up the shards while Jungkook just stands there staring at me. 
"What do you want Jungkook?" I ask after a few moments pass by and realize he's been starting at my chest this whole time. "Don't you think that bathing suit is a little...revealing?" he asks as he continues to stare, not even bothering to look me in the eye. 
"Last time I checked I didn't ask for your opinion and I'm still not asking for it now. Can you please just go back outside?" I ask and go to pick up another shard but when Jungkook tries to say something else I grab it too quickly and slice my hand.
"Shit" I say and stand up and grab a towel to prevent it from bleeding while I walk over to the bathroom to wash it. "There should be a first aid kit in there" Jungkook calls after me as he trails behind. "I know, why do you think I'm going to wash it in the bathroom instead of the kitchen?" I ask, pointing out how stupid it would be to tell me something I already am aware of. I've got accident prone kids so you would think it was important for me to find that right away. 
"Right" he mumbles to himself, trying to stem off the irritation in his voice. "What do you really want Jungkook?" I ask, since there's clearly something else he wants. 
"What I really wanna do is fuck that pretty attitude out of you but let's worry about fixing that hand up first Angel" he says, coming up behind me and placing a strong grasp on my hips as I wash the blood off. 
"Real funny Jeon now can you just leave? I can take care of this on my own" I say, clumsily trying to open the box but struggling to the point that Jungkook just opens it for me. "I said I could do it myself" I say, glaring at him even though I know I needed the help. "Sure you could" he responds with a taunting smile. 
Rolling my eyes at him I sift through the products and find an antiseptic and a bandaid big enough for the area. I go to rip the package open with my teeth but he takes it out of my hand before I'm able to. "I said I didn't want your help" I reply but hold out my hand anyways. "I know but you need it if we want to get this done before you bleed out" he says, focusing on the task at hand. 
"Don't be so dramatic I-" "Shh" "Did you ju-" "Shh" he shushes me again and I let out a big sigh but ultimately let him take care of it. 
"There, all better" he says, throwing away everything and I moved out of the way so he could use the sink to wash up. "Thank you" I mumble and he pauses for a second, "Thank you? Where's that smart mouth from earlier" he asks while drying his hands. "I was in pain and irritated alright just forget it" I say and turn to walk out. "That's the last time I'm saying thank you to you" I mumble and before I'm able to walk out of the bathroom he pull me back in. 
"What was that Angel? I didn't quiet catch that?" he asks, me now pressed up against the sink facing the mirror again with him pressing up against me. "I said that's the last time I'm saying thank you to you" I say glaring up at him in the mirror before focusing on trying to push him off. 
"Get off of me" I say, pushing my hips back against his and it then that I can feel how hard he's gotten. "That's not fair love. I took care of you and I think it's only fair if you help take care of me" he taunts rubbing his dick against my ass. "Jungkook stop everyone is outside" I plea, trying to knock some sense into him.
"Jungkook stop we can't do this" I say, slapping his hands away when they toy with the tie on my hip. "Why not angel? As long as you stay quiet no one will know" he says, pulling on the tie and sliding them down my legs, now only wearing my bikini top and a small cover I had over it which he slides down my shoulders next. 
"Let's take care of that attitude huh? Looks like someone forgot who they were talking to" he says, sliding his right hand down my stomach and his left up to hold my throat. "Jungkook please sto-" is all I manage to get out before he traces a finger through my folds, making me shudder at the contact. 
"Looks like someone was just begging to get fucked weren't they? Look" he say, showing me his finger, already soaked in my arousal. I try to look to turn my head away, hating that my body always responds to him but he grabs my jaw and turns me back to face the mirror. 
"Nuh uh, you're gonna be a good girl and watch. Watch me fuck that attitude right out of you just like I wanted to" he says, sliding his hand down from my jaw to my neck, applying just enough pressure to remind me of the control he has over me. 
"Let's see if you can cum on my fingers first huh? Think you could do that?" he asks and I don't answer, not wanting to play into his games. "Silent treatment huh? Cute" he says and applies more pressure before putting two fingers inside without warning. I choke back a moan, shocked up the stretch and the slight pain it brings. 
"If you want me to be gentle with you then you need to talk to me" he says, applying more pressure on my throat as if mocking me. Daring me to say something smart but I don't. "Let's try this again. You think you can cum on my fingers princess?" he asks and I shake my head slightly, wanting him to just fuck me and get this over with. 
"Really? Because I think you can. Let's test that theory" he says before he starts pushing his fingers in and out, dragging them along my walls while rubbing his thumb on my clit, all while holding my head up and making me watch as my face starts to contort in pleasure. "There you go princess, focus on how good it feels" he says, pumping his fingers in a bit faster and adding a third once I've stretched out enough. 
"You sure you can't cum? Because from the way you're body is talking to me looks like you're almost there" he taunts, taking note of how hard I'm squeezing his fingers and how my legs have already started shaking. I let out a choked back moan in response and I just hear a dry chuckle from behind, clearly enjoying my struggle in trying to keep quiet and he doesn't let up at all. 
"You're being stubborn aren't you? Trying to prove that I have to work harder to make you cum?" he growls in my ear as I continue to hold myself back, defying his claims and just waiting for him to fuck me and get it over with. 
"Fine since you want this cock so much then why don't you beg for it?" he says while taking out his cock and dragging them up and down my folds, making me purr at the sensation. 'Shit no I cannot give him the satisfaction of knowing that I'm enjoying this fuck!' 
"What was that?" he taunts, giving me a smug smile through the mirror which makes me look away again. He grabs my jaw roughly and brings my face back over again. "What was that princess? You like that?" he says doing it again, making my knees want to give out under me but he steadies me on my feet. 
"Something as simple as this is making you feel like that? Angel was sensitive now wasn't she? Just begging to get fucked and didn't know how to ask for it" he says and presses on my back making my cheek press up against the glass, my breath fogging up the mirror as he lines himself up, giving up on making me beg since we need to finish up fast before anyone notices. 
He pushes in without any notice leaving me biting down on my lip to muffle to sound but it only does so much. He inches inside of me giving me the smallest amount of time to adjust before he's bottomed out. 
"Look at you, such a dirty little slut letting me fuck you in here. Take you from behind while you watch us in the mirror. Is that something that turns you on Angel?" and at that my body betrays me and squeezes his cock, giving him the answer that he already knew would be true. "Fuck, you're incredible" he says, raking his eye up my form before meeting them in the mirror. 
"Keep quiet for me yeah? Wouldn't want anyone to know that you're taking my cock so well while your husband is outside now would we?" he says, trailing his hand up my back and finally untying the last two ties that are keeping my top on. "Or don't. I would love for them to hear what you sound like while you scream my name and beg for more but I don't think you want that now do you Princess?" he asks while placing a kiss on my neck. 
"N-no" I stutter out, knowing better than to not respond this time. He reaches his arm around and pulls me back up with his hand on my throat and makes me make eye contact with him through the mirror. "Then be good and cum on this cock. Can you do that?" he questions and I nod, not trusting my voice this time with the way he's rubbing up against my walls at this angle. 
He lets go of my throat and leaves me reaching out my arms to brace myself, my knuckle white from how hard I'm holding on and seconds later he pulls out, leaving just the tip inside before slamming into me, making me go on my tip toes from the force. He drills into me unapologetically while watching my face contort in pleasure through the mirror. 
I can't hold back and I end up letting out barely audible whimpers while he continues to abuse my aching cunt, already close to release. "Fuck Angel loosen up I can barely move" he grunts while I grip his dick so well, seconds from tipping over. "Cum" he growls in my ear and that's the last push I need to lose myself in the feeling, letting out a choked back sob and squirting all over him. 
"Shit" he grunts and picks up the pace of his thrusts, fucking me through my high and tipping himself over to reach his a minute later and he grabs onto my throat again, his other hand on my hip thrusting a few more times until he's spent and both of our releases are dripping out of me. 
"Fuck Princess I didn't know you could squirt" he says while roaming his hands up and down my body, touching me as much as he can before I push him off seconds later when that post nut clarity hits.
"Get out" I choke out, trying to calm myself down and bring my breathing back down to normal. "See you soon love" he says, placing a kiss on my shoulder before walking out. Not bothering to look around to see if anyone might see him leaving.  
I take a deep breath and turn on the shower, getting in and not bothering to wait for the water to heat up, letting myself deal with the chill it brings to my warm skin.
Standing with my face under the stream I try to drown out all the memories of what just happened and how I just let him do that to me. Why do I always just let him get his way? 
I can't keep doing this. I have to tell someone because this secret is suffocating me. 
If I keep it in much longer I don't know what'll become of the person I once was. 
I need to stop this, everything just needs to stop.   
Read the series from the beginning
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i520u · 11 months
invisible string ʚĭɞೃ⟡
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HIII i’m so sorry this took me so long i just didn’t wanna be unemployed after i’m done with my series so i decided to keep this in the drafts for a while 😞 i hope you’ll like this!
PAIRING sung hanbin x gn!reader
GENRE fluff, sfw
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hanbin is a responsible bf, so you can definitely let loose when you’re around him!
he will always makes you feel safe
when you go out on dates with him, he would always silently take your handbag off of your shoulder and carry them himself 😞
his nicknames for you are usually the common ones, baby, my baby, angel, and i think he’d most commonly use 내 사랑 (nae sarang/my love) because it’s so endearing to give your s/o a nickname in your own mother tongue am i right
but he prefers calling you by your name, bc he thinks your name is already pretty
constantly complimenting you
you get your work done and he’s like “good job baby” and then he’d kiss your cheek
you finish mopping the floors and he’s like “you worked so hard today my love, thank you”
the type of boyfriend that will give you legitimate answers to your “would you still love me if i was a worm?” questions
one time you asked him what he would do if you turned into a snail one day
and he told you he’d have to build you nice house where you would be comfortable living in
drives your around ALL the time
he would freak out if you offered him gas money because he really doesn’t mind spending his time, energy, and money with you :(
if you gave him a $10 cash he would applepay you $15
i think hanbin is a great cook, so eating out is very rare for you both because he’s always cooking up a meal for the both of you
if you don’t like a certain taste (sour, salty, sweet, etc) he’d make sure to alter the recipe a little so you’d both be able to enjoy the meal together
hanbin would be cutting up some vegetables, and then you’d come up to him and ask for a kiss, and he would gladly give you a quick kiss before resuming with the meal prep
conflicts with him rarely ever happens
he’s so good at communicating, and he’s just so gentle there’s really nothing to be mad about with him
he trusts you, and he feels secure in the relationship so he never really asks you about your whereabouts. you’re free to hangout with anyone!
all of your friends loves hanbin. he treats you so well, and he’s so polite and can mix around with them, so he’s practically in your friend group too
when you DO get into fights with hanbin, the fight never lasts longer than 2 days. he either apologises first if he realised that he’s in the wrong, or he’ll talk to you and explain why he felt like he was wronged
plus, even when the two of you are fighting, he’d still cook you a good dinner, and you’d still help him clean up all the things he used to make the meal 😭
also on nights where you both had heated arguments, if the situation was okay, he would still wrap his arms around you while you sleep
hanbin never go all out for anniversaries though
rather than fancy dinner date or a big gesture to show his love, it’s more domestic and meaningful
hanbin prefers celebrating your anniversaries together with things like giving you a photobook of all the moments that you’ve spent together
of course he’d buy you a gift too, but his main idea of anniversaries are more domestic
one time he rearranged your house and made a candlelight dinner all by himself for your anniversary, candles, silk tablecloth, fancy steak, he did that all by himself
whenever you get sick, he’d feel bad leaving you alone while he goes to work but duty calls!!!
he would make you text him and update him every 3 hours so that he knows you’re eating well and taking your medicines on time
when HE’S sick he tells you not to worry about him and then he would get flustered when he finds out that you cooked him some healthy soupy foods for him to eat
he thinks you’re so cute when you’re worried over him getting a stupid little cold
when he gets better he would give you so many kisses and cooing at how cute you were when you were taking care of him
honestly he’s always kissing you somewhere, or you’re always kissing him somewhere, it doesn’t matter. he loves kisses
when you say something funny he would laugh and then bring your hand to his lips for no reason?? when you ask him why he’s just like “you’re so funny i just had to kiss you”
when you’re showing him the new top you just bought and then he would just pull you in to kiss the top of your head bc why not
when you kiss him first his ears will go red
he would even be like “why’d you do that”
when you say you just wanted to kiss him he’d giggle and would call you adorable
“my partner is so adorable today, i wonder what’s got into them?”
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navstuffs · 1 month
hi!! i really love your writing and i would love if you could feed me with a request (only if you're comfortable with it, ofc) 👉🏼👈🏼 what about a leon x reader where reader is passing through a very tough depressive crisis and is really not fine mentally speaking — and leon just try to help and comfort them through this? 👉🏼👈🏼
anyway, thank you for your fics, they really helped me these days 😭💗
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x GNPartner!Reader
Summary: It is 1 am when Leon Kennedy knocks on your door. He shouldn't be there and you shouldn't have opened it. 
Warning tags: hurt/comfort, angst, leon almost died, reader is suffering with anxiety due to past events, can be read as platonic or romantic (you choose)
Writer's Notes: hello! first of all, im sorry i took so long to write this request for you. i changed some stuff and i hope you don't mind (reader is still depressed). thank you so much your kind words and i hope this fic serves as comfort for you!! <333 stay safe anon!
for more painful leon's fics, check my masterlist. i have some happy ones too :)
It is 1 am when Leon Kennedy knocks on your door. It is the third time that week only, the fifth of the month. 
It starts when you don’t appear at work after two weeks since his return, and no one knows where you are. HR informs you are sick, which means you are still alive somewhere in the world, just sick. Okay, but sick with what? Sick how? Are you in the hospital? Do you need any help? Leon knows you don’t have family around, like him, and you are pretty much alone - like him. 
So, as any regular worried friend would, he calls and texts. He wants to hear your voice and guarantee that you don’t need help and have everything you need. That you truly are okay. No answer. HR has guaranteed him you are not dead, but what if you—no, he shouldn’t think about that.
The next step is going to your house. He knows where your address is and wouldn’t be a complete weird appearing there in the afternoon. No answer. Leon won’t be a creep as far as looking at your windows, at least not yet. He won’t go as far as busting your door and checking how you are feeling because he needs to confirm you are okay. You might just not be home.
On the second visit, Leon got awfully close to kicking your door. Before he could do that or even knock, he saw a shadow pass over the window. Though Leon told himself he wouldn’t, he looked inside just in time to see you disappear to the second floor. So, at least you are really alive, Leon’s body filling with relief. It could have been a bad case of flu, and you don’t want to contaminate anyone.
One more week passes, and he visits your house two more times. Those times you didn’t even bother to hide yourself, lazily lying down on the sofa in a way Leon couldn’t see your face (oh yeah, now he is definitely peeking out your windows). So you are genuinely ignoring him or truly sick with some contagious disease. Maybe Covid?
The fifth time he knocks on your door, it is 1 am and Leon is deeply not only worried but bitter. He was sitting in his apartment alone, wondering what you had and why you didn’t open the door for him. You two are colleagues, and Leon would dare to go as far as to call you his friend if anyone asked. How many times have you brought him soup while he was sick? Brought him meds, kept him company? Checked on him until he was finally all better?
It would be only fair if he did the same.
Leon grabs his keys without even thinking: You will open the door for him tonight. And if you don’t, well, he will kick it open. To hell with the civil approach.
All the courage slips away from his body when he notices the kitchen’s light on. Leon can’t see anything inside since you decided to make his life harder and close the curtains. So, instead of kicking that door until it’s down, Leon goes back to the gentle approach (like the idiot he is): he knocks.
The door opens not even ten seconds later, and Leon blinks, surprised. You are there. You, not a trick of his eyes: a fluffy and long blanket covering your body, only your face peeking with a familiar expression Leon recognizes immediately - he had seen in his own mirror before.
“You won. What the fuck do you want?” Those are the first words to him in weeks.
“May I come in?” 
You ponder for a moment, your eyes red, and Leon wonders when you last slept. You walk away, leaving the door open, and Leon follows inside, locking the door behind him. 
Your house isn’t in the best state. He had been here before and thought you weren’t the most organized person (“I can find myself in my own mess, Leon.”). The mess had grown too much from normal. There were tons of take-out boxes on the kitchen counter, pizza boxes, and fast food bags. At least you had been eating—not the best food ever, but feeding. He could work with that.
And the bottles—oh, those Leon would identify anywhere. You weren’t a heavy drinker, and you mentioned plenty of times you didn’t know how he liked whiskey. Now, there were countless empty bottles of whiskey, beer, and vodka, so much so that the place looked like a bunch of frat boys had a party just the night before and didn’t bother to clean.
Leon follows you to the living room as you fall onto the couch. An old Simpsons episode plays on the TV screen. There are still some bags and bottles on the floor, but fewer. Your eyes focus on the TV, not really watching or paying attention to him.  Leon stands there, keeping a safe distance from you and gathering what to say. 
“I came to check on you.” Leon starts, his eyes glued on you. “You haven’t called or texted me back. The HR said-”
“I am sick. I wanted to be left alone.”
“I know, but-”
“I could complain about this to HR, you know? It could be considered an invasion of privacy, and you could lose your job. “
“I was worried about you.”
“You saw me in the window that day, didn’t you? I’m alive and breathing. Now get out.”
You hide your face in the sofa, conversation clearly done on your side. It feels like an impossible battle to win. Leon then tries again, “Do you need anything?” 
“No. Get out.”
He sighs, turning on his heels. Leon wants to say you can call if you need him, any time, but Leon knows you wouldn't. This is an impossible battle to win, Leon realizes as he starts to leave. But then he freezes, a memory piercing his thoughts. Leon comes back to the living room, your face still hidden.
“I am not leaving. Not before I know what is wrong.”
“I am sick.”
“Yes. So I have heard.” 
You don’t turn to look at him, and that’s fine. If you want to be stubborn, so could he. Leon can wait. The episode on the TV finally ends, and as the familiar opening plays in the background, you slowly turn in his direction, one eye appearing first, then the other, as if expecting Leon would be gone by now. Unlucky for you, Leon S. Kennedy didn’t give up that easily, especially for his friends.
“I don’t know what you are feeling, but I know that face.” His voice manages to sound neutral.
Of course, he does. Of course, your partner, the legendary D.S.O veteran, would know. You, just a newbie, would have no idea what he went through, but Leon didn’t seem the kind of person to crumble for anything. Leon would probably be fine if you were the one to get shot, not him. He wouldn’t have panicked, he wouldn’t have started crying, screaming for someone to help them, losing themselves in a sea of despair and pain.
Blood. So much blood in your hands. You are useless, you can’t help him as Leon’s face loses color-
He deserved someone better—someone much better as a partner—not you, a weak agent who thought you were strong enough to stand by his side. Oh, how wrong you were.
Leon calls your name, more urgent this time, and your line of sight is filled with the face of the man you considered your friend right at your path—concerned blue eyes, his hair tickling against your face. His forehead is in concentration, the faint ghost of a beard, as he speaks soothingly. “Hey, look at me. You are safe. Deep breaths, come on.” 
The visions mix as you blink: Leon losing blood in your arms, unconscious, back to being safe, his worried eyes staring at you.
Your rapid breathing noise fills the room, your heart wanting to burst as the pain spreads over your body, the pain worse than being stabbed or punched. You keep your eyes on Leon - he is fine, he is safe, he is well, he is worried sick about you- as he continues to nod and tell you to breathe.
It takes a while, Leon’s hands on your shoulder as you finally calm down, the tears rolling freely from your eyes.
“I am sorry.” You manage to whisper. “I am so sorry.”
“You are safe. We both are safe.” Leon declares, and you take that in. Right now, yes. But what about tomorrow? What about-? “Hey, eyes open at me.” When had you even closed them? “Come on. There is no one else, just you and me. And we are safe.” 
You nod, not arguing back. Finally, you sit down, and Leon takes two steps back. “Water?” 
“I think there are some in the fridge,” you reply, cleaning your tears. Leon leaves and quickly comes back with two bottles, unbottling them for you. You shake your head, but Leon insists, and you drink in small sips, the cold liquid refreshing your dry throat. When was the last time you had any water? Or took a shower? Or slept?
Finally, you give him space on the couch to sit. Leon doesn’t, and you point your head to your side, and he sits, keeping a safe distance from you. You two say nothing for a while, simply looking at the TV to watch Bart Simpsons on his shenanigans. 
“I am sorry.”
“Would you stop that?” Leon sighs back, frustrated. 
“No. I am sorry.”
“Fine. I forgive you. Are we good now?”
“I knew it wouldn’t be,” Leon replies with a sad smile.
“You could have died, and I didn’t-” Leon says your name, but you continue “-let me finish. I didn’t help. I didn’t move. I did nothing.” 
Leon didn’t want to talk about this, knowing it was inevitable. The day he took a bullet for you: not one, but two. Leon noticed before you, his reflexes quicker than yours. It was his responsibility anyway.
You only watched, shocked, as the bullet pierced his leg, then his chest. You didn’t move or flinch; you just froze, your hands closing and opening nervously as Leon fell right in front of you. You had been fortunate that the backup team had arrived on the other second, finding in the middle of the swarm of bullets a screaming you protecting Leon with his own body, all training thrown out of the window. You two should have been dead. Life had given you and him another chance, since no other vital organ or vein of Leon had been damaged.
You don’t remember much after except asking for your resignation that same day and getting a “No” as an answer. So you decided to get on sick leave until some higher-up got tired and fired you.
“I did nothing.” Leon tries to interrupt you again, but you continue, “You could have died, and I did nothing.”
“It wouldn’t be your fault.” 
“What? Of course, it would!” 
“No, it would not.” 
“Can you fucking stop trying to make me feel better?” Your tone is so angry, so vile, that Leon almost flinches. 
Death is always in the back of his mind. Every time he is out there, he could die. He is expandable; they all are, but he couldn’t just let you die. You a much smarter version of what he once was during Raccoon City. The same bravery, but not foolish as his. Much sharper. Leon knew why he got paired up with you in the first place, the irony not completely lost in him. 
It would have been fine if Leon died that day he protected you, but not okay if you did. Not on his watch. Not now, not ever.
“I can’t help it,” Leon replies, a sad smile on his lips. “I can’t help it, especially when a friend needs my help.” 
A friend? 
Do not grow attachments. Wasn’t that your first lesson? It had been hard to be paired up with a man who hated it at first, then to learn how to laugh at his silly jokes or admire how far Leon would go for anyone. For anyone, except himself, stupid brave man.
You open your mouth and close it, simply lying against the sofa with your eyes closed. 
“So, let me help you?” His voice is warm and inviting. 
It would be best if you said no. You should kick this man out of your living room, out of your life, and never go back to that stupid job fighting an endless battle that would end with you dead or someone you cherished dead. You don’t know how Leon does it, but as you open your eyes, his blue eyes look straight at you awaits in hope. Waiting to comfort you, support you to the best of his abilities, and be your friend.
The pain is still there, vivid in your soul and mind, but there is hope. Right there, in that tiny spot you gave Leon S. Kennedy. That’s why you shouldn’t have opened that damn door, you realize, but it is too late. You limit on nodding.
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lovelycassy · 1 year
Ok hear me out, a Lorenzo Berkshire imagine where him and the reader are dating and she gets hurt during a girl day with pansy 😌
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Summary: Ever since you and Lorenzo started dating a week ago, you noticed a certain slytherin who always seems to be glaring at you. It only took some time before they take action against you.
Pairing: Lorenzo/Enzo x fem!reader
House: any
Blood status: pureblood
Word count: 1,588
Warning(s) : some violence, a lil cursing, a kissing scene that’s barely there, pet names (love & darling), not proofread, lmk if I missed anything!
a/n: I am so sorry anon I didn't check my ask box for a rlly long time so I didn't notice that I already had requests 😭 I hope you didn’t wait that long but here it is though. btw this is my first fic so pls bear with me if its cringy I'm trying
Also forgive me if pansy, lorenzo and Daphne are not so in character these are just how I imagine their personalities are
It was a sunny friday afternoon and you were going to your last class of the day. You were thinking of what you were going to do the next day when you heard someone call your name from behind.
"Y/n!" they called. You turned around and saw your best friend Pansy running down the hallway.
"Yes?" You answered
Pansy caught her breath before she asked, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow afternoon?"
"not much, just going to stay in my dorm all day I guess, why?"
"I was thinking that we should have a girl's day, you know just the two of us, shopping at hogsmeade. Since our NEWTS are coming up and I know its gonna take a lot of our time, tomorrow is the perfect time for us to hang out before we have to stress about our exams. So, what do you say?" She said, with her eyes almost looking like she’s pleading for you to say yes.
You thought for a while. You didn't have anything else to do aside from sleeping and staying in your bed all day anyway. You also finished all your homework yesterday, you just need to hope that your last professor gives mercy on all of you students and lets you go without any homework.
"Okay sure, I need a break from school anyway." You finally answered.
"Great! Let's meet at the great hall at 9am, sound good?"
"Yep, see you tomorrow Pans!"
"Thank god we don't have any homework assigned today" you muttered as you entered the slytherin common room, heading to your boyfriend's dorm.
You knocked 3 times before you heard someone answer from inside;
"Who is it?“ Lorenzo shouted
"It's just me" you answered
"Oh alright, the door's open"
You entered and saw him sitting on his bed, reading a book. He already changed out of his robes and wore some comfy clothes.
He looked up from his book the second you entered the room.
"Hey darling, how's your day?" He asked
"Tiring, how's yours?" You said while taking off your robe and putting it on the coat rack
"It's alright, if you exclude the fact that seamus almost set the classroom and everyone in it on fire in potions."
"Wow, that bad?"
"Yeah, luckily snape was there. But of course he had to take points off Gryffindor because of the chaos Seamus created."
By now you had already changed into some comfortable clothes and was climbing in bed "But everyone was okay, right?"
"Of course, but enough about my day. Tell me what happened to yours?" He said, while cuddling you putting you on top of him
"Well pansy came to me a few hours ago, asking me to go on a girl's day with her tomorrow at hogsmeade. Since our exams are coming up she wants to hangout before we all get busy studying."
"And what did you answer her?"
"I said yes of course she's my best friend"
"I thought you said we're going to spend the whole day together tomorrow?" He looked down at you with a pouty face
"I said on sunday, love"
"No you definitely said Saturday"
"I'm pretty sure I said sunday"
"Fine you did"
"I promise you on sunday I'm all yours, okay? No one is going to disturb us."
"Alright fine"
Before you could say anything else he suddenly flipped both of you and he was on top of you
“Love what are you trying to do right now?”
“What I’ve wanted to do since classes ended”
Then you felt his lips on yours
You were roughly making out for about 5 minutes now when you both heard a knock on the door.
"You lovebirds done? Its nearly dinner already so stop making out and let's go to the great hall." Theo groaned from the other side of the door.
"Okay okay we're coming" you said fixing yourself up
"Cmon lets just stay behind they won't even mind" Enzo complained
"Sorry love but as a human being I also need food plus I'm starving" you were walking to the door when you turned around and saw him on the bed with a pouting like face
"We could continue after dinner." You said with a smirk
That made him run to the great hall.
*timeskip to the next day*
You and Pansy have been shopping for almost 2 hours now. You suggested you guys eat lunch first before continuing your shopping spree
Once you guys were finished, you were both deciding the next store you were going to when you saw a certain slytherin walking towards you with her gang. The one who has been rude to you since you and Lorenzo started dating, Daphne Greengrass. Let’s pretend she didn’t like theodore and liked lor
It was no secret to the whole school that she liked him. She practically did everything to make him notice her. Yet Lorenzo still chose you, and that made her blood boil.
"What's she doing here?" You whispered to Pansy
Pansy just shrugged
"Well well well, look who we have here, its lorenzo’s little girlfriend, L/n " Daphne said with a smirk (IM INTERNALLY CRINGING RN)
“Hello Greengrass, what brings you to hogsmeade on this lovely day?”
“Oh nothing, I just heard you and parkinson over there talking about how you’re going to spend your boyfriend’s money on a shopping spree. Does enzo even know you’re spending his money?” She said as she strode a little more closer to you
You can’t start a fight, or else some professor might pass by and punish you both by taking away house points that won’t be enough to win the house cup
You took a deep breath before answering her, “actually Greengrass, the money I’m spending right now is my monthly allowance from my parents. Now if you would excuse us, we would like to get back to our shopping.”
You tried to get past her before she blocked you and pansy’s way
“Not so fast l/n, that’s not what I came here for.”
“What is it then Greengrass?” You were starting to get annoyed
By now you were standing at arm’s length from her
“I came here because I wanted to remind you something.”
Suddenly she pushed you to the ground
“What the hell are you doing!” Pansy shouted, while trying to break free from Tracey Davis, one of Daphne’s closest friends
“Telling L/n here to stay away from what’s mine” daphne said, pointing her wand at you
Right now you were terrified of what might happen
“What the hell do you mean by staying away from what’s yours-“
“I meant staying away from Lorenzo you bitch!”
“We were friends since we were babies! We were meant for each other until you came and took him away from me!” She shouted
“So right now I’m going to take revenge on what you’ve done, stupefy!”
With that you flew and landed your back on a wall, you felt yourself getting dizzy with dark spots covering your vision. You heard Pansy run to you calling your name before everything went black
You woke up from a shine of light coming through your eyelids (does that make sense?), with a slight pounding in your head. You squinted your eyes a bit to get a better view to know where you were, it took a while before coming to a realization that you were in the hospital wing
You felt something or someone holding your hand, and you turned to see your boyfriend, Enzo, sleeping on a chair beside your bed holding your hand.
“Love, wake up,” you said, gently shaking the hand wrapped around yours.
You saw him fluttering his eyes a bit before looking at you with wide eyes.
“Oh my god you’re awake- hold on for a minute I need to get madam pomfrey.”
He rushed out of the hospital wing and returned with her not even 2 minutes later.
“Hello dear, how are you feeling?” Madam pomfrey asked with a gentle smile.
You looked at her and said, “my head hurts a bit, but may I ask what happened?”
“You must’ve forgotten because of how hard you hit your head yesterday.”
Hit your head? What happened? You thought for a while before all the events came back to your head. Daphne greengrass hexed you.
“Oh” was all you could say.
“Well dear once the pain in your head fades you are free to go anytime,” And with that madam pomfrey left.
You turned to look at your boyfriend and he looked at you with concerned eyes
“Um” he started “I heard from Blaise what Daphne has done to you, he was walking in hogsmeade when he saw Pansy trying to drag you back to the castle. I’m really sorry that-“
“It’s not your fault love” you cut him off
“No it partly is, I should’ve made it clear it Daphne that we weren’t going to work out if we ever got together. I guess I kind of led her on before I asked you out.”
“Well even if you say it is, you weren’t the one who hexed me.”
“Alright but I’m going to stay by your side all the time now, wherever you go I’m always gonna be there”
“Even during girl’s day??” you asked with a fake shocked face
“Even during girl’s day.” He said with a grin
“Just kidding love, but still just in case so you won’t end up in the hospital wing again.”
I’m not really satisfied with the ending, I might redo it once I think of a better one. But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed! :)
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pedropascalsx · 9 months
Dabble request: F reader with Dieter Bravo. He finally wins a major award and the reader decides to award him with smutty sex
I slightly changed it and had them enter a bet… I hope that’s okay and I hope you like it. Also you sent this in April and I missed it, i’m so sorry it took so long.
Summary: you jokingly bet that you’ll fuck your best friend dieter bravo if he wins an oscar.
Warnings: Smut. P in V. Oral. (M&F receiving). Betting. Strong language. Dieter Bravo being… Dieter Bravo.
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F! Reader.
Word Count: 2053
A/N: I tried LOL. Thank you to @littlebirdsbookshelf for reading an unfinished version of this fic and encouraging me to finish it. I didn’t edit it and I’m too scared to read it back… so I don’t know how many mistakes are in it 😭😂 ENJOY!!
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You groan as your phone wakes you up from the most comfortable sleep you’ve had in weeks, before reluctantly kicking off your covers and stepping out of bed.
The photo of Dieter Bravo's smug face flashing up on your phone screen makes you roll your eyes and curse his name before you swipe to answer. “It’s 5AM Diet, if someone isn’t dead, you’re able to be,” you growl into the phone.
“Shut up,” he says with an obnoxious chuckle, “I’m cashing in on our bet, pretty girl.”
“What?” You say before stuttering, “No. Not today, I’m not playing any of your annoying games this early.. . I’m hanging up and I'm going back to sleep, asshat.” You say, with a wide smile spreading across your face from the sound of his chuckling.
“I can hear you smiling.” He remarks and you roll your eyes again at how easily he can read you.
“What do you want, Dieter? I’m tired.”
“I already told you, I’m cashing in on our bet. March 21st 2015. You said you’d fuck me when I win an Academy Award.” Dieter recalls, his voice dripping with its usual arrogance.
“Buying a fake one from Etsy doesn’t count,” you sigh, imagining he’s just dragged himself back to his hotel from some club, “Dieter, if you haven’t already, go to bed, get so—.”
“I’m nominated,” he interrupts, ignoring the irritation in your voice, “My agent called me fifteen minutes ago. For Hunger Strike - Best Leading Actor.”
“Dieter, you better not be fucking with me.” You squeal with excitement, almost jumping up and down on the spot.
“Not yet, I’m not, pretty girl.”
“When are you home?” You ask, suddenly forgetting how tired you are.
“Eager are we?” He says, his eyebrows raising and the first real smile forming across his face in weeks despite his nomination.
“Shut up, asshat, you’ve got to fucking win the thing first… and if I recall correctly, which I do, I think I said I’d consider fucking you if you ever win one and I only said it so you’d take that damn role.”
“Mhmm. Nope. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the word ‘consider’ fall from those gorgeous lips before now,” he teases. “But jokes aside… Tell me you’ll come with me, I hate those fucking things, they’re only fun if you’re swooning over how handsome I am in a suit sitting next to me.”
“Shut up, asshat.”
“Come with me, pretty girl, put those shiny statues to shame, show them how you shine brighter.” He says, unaware of just how fucking cheesy he ends up sounding.
“Only if you buy me a burger after.” You say, glad he isn’t there to see the way you’re unable to stop yourself from smiling.
You haven’t left his side for the past few days, he had asked you quietly to stay with him while he went through the required amount of press and you had made sure that your hand was close enough for him to squeeze when he needed it.
And today was no different, the confident Dieter Bravo the whole world thinks that they know, nowhere to be seen and instead the sweet Dieter that a few people have the pleasure of knowing sits beside you, looking at the dress bag containing the tuxedo he’ll be adorning in just a few hours time.
“You okay?” You ask, quietly bumping your shoulder against his.
“Ask me again when this is all over,” he says, before taking a generous sip of his drink. “I fucking hate red carpets.”
You take his hand and squeeze it a few times, before resting your head on those broad shoulders that you love so much.
“Whatever happens tonight, I’m really fucking proud of you.” You murmur into his skin, “Always have been, you’re the best friend i’ve ever had.”
He shushes you before pressing a kiss to the top of your head, grateful that you’re with him. “Let’s get this over with, shall we?”
“Let’s do this.” You say, with a little scrunch of your nose.
“And the Academy Award goes to… Dieter Bravo.” The gorgeous actress announces and you swear you can hear his heart beating.
He stands slowly, fiddling with the front of his jacket before turning to face you, immediately smashing his lips to yours in a fleeting kiss that steals your breath before shaking the hand of his director and making his way to the stage.
His speech is short but insightful. He makes sure to make eye contact with you as he thanks you for encouraging him to take the role and then shuffles off the stage as quickly as he can.
“Will you be mad if I suggest we skip the after party?” He asks after they finish engraving his oscar, the award ceremony now over and more hands shook than he could possibly be bothered to count.
“Not at all,” you say, resting your head against his shoulder, and inspecting his shiny new award.
“Room service burgers and a shitty movie to fall asleep in front of?” He suggests, before wrapping his hand around your waist.
“Sounds like heaven.”
“It’s really fucking pretty,” you say, your hands wrapped around the statue.
“Yeah,” he says, from somewhere behind you. Unable to stop his eyes from scanning up and down your body, and unable to ignore the way his heart leaps everytime he looks at you. “Second prettiest thing in this room.”
“I’d call you a charmer, but I'm pretty certain you’re about to announce that you’re in first place,” you say, turning around to face him with a giggle and a signature scrunch of your nose.
“No. It’s you.” He says, “In every room. It’s you.”
You both stand in comfortable silence for a few moments, just staring at each other before you take a step towards him. “Academy award winner, Dieter Bravo.”
“The one and only,” he scoffs, with a roll of his eyes. “You look really fucking beautiful by the way.”
“Shut up, asshat.” You mumble, now standing toe to toe. Unable to stop thinking about the bet that you had made a few years earlier, one that neither of you had mentioned since the day he was nominated.
He’s been your best friend for years. You met on the set of his very first movie, while working as a makeup artist and immediately struck up a friendship. And while there has always been an obvious attraction between you both, the fear that making a move and acting on it could potentially ruin your friendship had kept those feelings at bay.
But standing here and seeing the way that he’s looking at you, you can’t hold back, so you don’t. You surge forward and capture his lips, kissing him with the same intensity he had kissed you with earlier this evening, but this time it didn’t have to be fleeting. His mouth swallows your moans and his hands start to roam your body, squeezing and grabbing anywhere they could as he kisses you back.
He carefully pulls down the zipper on the back of your dress, dragging it slowly and savouring every second of this moment, a moment he’s been dreaming of since first laying eyes on you.
“Dieter,” you murmur softly against his jaw, wanting him to increase his painfully slow pace of undressing you. “Please.”
He increases his pace, frantically pulling on the material and letting it pool at your feet, before helping you step out of it and guiding you backwards towards the bedroom. His hands still greedily grabbing at any and every part of you as he lays you down.
He wastes exactly no time, pulling your panties off in one clear sweep and diving his head in between your legs. The noises he makes are loud and desperate as he laps at your clit with a messy intensity. Alternating between licking and sucking your little bud, only satisfied when you’re screaming his name and tugging at his signature messy locks before soaking his face with your arousal.
You whimper his name as he continues to lap at your clit, before gently pushing him away as it gets too much. Giggling slightly at the sight of his soaked face.
“Are you planning on getting undressed?” You ask as he moves up your body.
“Not this round,” he growls, before capturing your lips again. His movements are sloppy as he fumbles with his belt, pulling it through the loops and throwing it across the room, before pulling his pants down enough to expose his cock. You push him back slightly, and lay down in front of him on your tummy, a moan slipping out as you take a good look at his cock. Thick, long and throbbing. The tip flushed red with a bead of pre-cum, you lean forward, push up the bottom of his shirt and pepper light kisses on the swell of his tummy, nipping a few times before taking him in your mouth.
He groans your name as you hollow your cheeks, your jaw immediately aching from the sheer width of him and slowly you start to bob your head. Gagging slightly as he rocks his hips and pushes past your tonsils. The snap of his hips meet the rhythm of your enthusiastic mouth. After a few minutes he groans impatiently at not being able to touch you, before pulling out your mouth leaning over you and slapping your ass and then spreading your cheeks and tasting you this way.
You take him in your hand, stroking and flicking your wrist in perfect strokes, moaning his name in a perfect little chant as he uses his nose to tease your clit. You cum with a yelp of his name, taking you both by surprise as he soothes you through the aftershocks with gentle coos and little flicks of his tongue against your pretty little clit.
“On your back, pretty girl,” he orders, giving himself a few rough strokes as he watches you. “You ready for me, baby?” He says with a waggle of his eyebrows.
“I'm ready,” you confirm with a giggle, yelping with excitement as he pushes into you. Praising your ‘perfect little pussy’ as he fills you to the hilt. His arms swoop beneath your knees, so he can fuck into your deeper. “Move, D,” you beg as he waits, wanting you to adjust to the size of him.
The second you give him permission, he’s rolling his hips back, watching your face intently before snapping them forward. Loving the sound of your pretty moans as he thrusts back into you. He bends over and presses his lips against your face, thrusting himself in and out of you. Finding that spot and dragging his cock against it with ease, loving how reactive and tight your pussy gets around him.
“Oh Dieter,” you whimper, almost delirious with pleasure.
“I know, fuck, I know, baby girl,” he murmurs, “Taking my fat cock so well, baby.” You love how vocal he is, the sound of both of your moans filling the room. “You know how many times I’ve dreamed of this?” He whispers into your ear. “Every fucking day, since I met you.”
“Me too,” you stutter, seconds before your pussy clamps down around him and everything goes black. White hot pleasure erupting behind your eyes and his name becoming the only word you can speak.
It's a pleasure like you’ve never experienced, you feel him everywhere and you still want more and more. He keeps his pace as steady for as long as he can but his hips begin to falter, his pace more stilted as his cock begins to throb and he pulls out.
Stroking his cock hard and fast as he pants your cunt with thick pearly ropes of his cum.
“Holy shit.” You say with a giggle, “Even better than I imagined, D.”
“Me too,” he says as he collapses on top of you, leaning his weight onto his elbows. Kissing you gently, before nuzzling his face into your neck.
“So how was your night?” You ask with a giggle. “End as good as it started.”
“A million times better.” He says quietly.
You giggle loudly, “Better than winning the most coveted award in acting?”
“Not even a competition. You would win every time.”
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piplup335 · 3 months
Medkit & reader who is Subspace’s sibling!
first request by @subspacekisser1, sorry if this is out of character! ;-; I’m new to Phighting 😭
The low murmur of customers added to the relaxing atmosphere of Slingshot’s Café. The two of you just completed a long and intense phight, and Medkit sat next to you, quietly sipping from a cup of black coffee.
In his opinion, any of the SFOTH deities showing up during a phight can and will always be a pain in the arse- and it just so happened that Firebrand showed up. His team wasn't the brightest, too…
"Skateboard, watch out. Your knee and elbow guards won't save you from third-degree burns, and neither will they save you from your medical bills.”
“Relax, Medkit! What’s the worst that can happpen?”
As he skated on to harass the enemy Biograft, a star-shaped symbol appeared on the ground in front of him.
It was orange. Orange…like blazing flames. Flames that could only come from one deity…
"Skateboard, watch your-"
Medkit was cut off by a yell from Skateboard as a column of fire shot up directly underneath him.
"-step...gosh, I don't get paid enough for this.”
Running towards Skateboard, Medkit was about to prepare a crystal to heal Skateboard’s burns when a panicked scream could be heard.
Boombox had been backed into a corner by a column of fire. He still got hit somehow, and now the opposing Biograft was charging towards the injured Boombox like a raging bull, swinging its energy swords as its eyes, despite being a robot, held some sort of bloodlust in its orange glow.
Medkit sighed. This will be annoying, he thought.
Using a crystal to heal Skateboard, Medkit used his free hand and prepared more crystals to teleport to Boombox. In the corner of Medkit’s eye, he caught a glimpse of light shining against tinted glass. Quickly dropping to the ground, Medkit barely avoided Hyperlaser’s shot, his helmet giving away his position and acting as Medkit’s saving grace.
Weaving between Hyperlaser’s relentless attacks and Firebrand’s flames was chicken feet compared to dealing with one person and one person alone.
And it just so happened that he was on the opposing team.
“Come on, Meddy!! Let’s have some fun, shall we?!”
Oh, dear Illumina…
Because of this, he was exhausted, and collapsed on a nearby bench once the phight was over. You had to drag him up yourself- he was too tired to get off.
Now, here you two were, sipping your drinks at Slingshot’s Café, watching demons pace back and forth between different shops, either running errands or just strolling around to enjoy the crisp air.
Medkit seemed to be lost in thought, however. He drank his black coffee silently, staring into space, not saying a word. Usually, when you two hung out like this after a phight, Medkit would occasionally start some small talk…but today was different. His eyes were glazed over, and you couldn’t help but notice something was off.
You were about to wave a hand in front of Medkit’s eyes to catch his attention and make sure he’s okay when he suddenly turned to you, his expression slightly more serious than usual.
“(Y/n), I am a bit concerned pertaining to you.”
You glanced at him, confused. What happened? Why was he concerned? This was uncommon, too. Medkit, the meticulous doctor who would always plan everything three steps ahead, being concerned about you?
You nodded- a sign for him to go on.
Medkit took a deep breath and, after a brief pause, continued.
“Subspace is on the opposing team. You of all people should be the most familiar as to what he is capable of, all of his malicious acts…yet you still hold back against him. You stop yourself. I see the doubt, the split second where you decide whether or not to attack him. I’ve also noticed that this applies to him and him alone, no matter who else we’re fighting against.
So I must ask…why do you hesitate?”
You tense up, not knowing how to respond. You can feel Medkit’s expectant gaze on you, silently coercing a satisfactory answer from you.
You knew that the only satisfactory answer would be the truth…but the truth would be too painful for Medkit to accept.
This was not how you wanted him to find out.
Regardless, you knew that with how much detail he paid to the most trivial of tasks, he’d find out sooner or later.
Better sooner than later, anyway.
You sighed, prepared to face whatever came next.
“Medkit…the truth is…Subspace is my brother.”
At your words, Medkit froze. Out of all the possible reasons and responses you could have gave him, this was not one of them. He had no idea…one of his best friends, the sibling of his sworn enemy? Impossible…
He gingerly sat his cup of black coffee onto the saucer, making a soft clink.
“You can’t be serious…? You knew what he did to me…and yet you never bothered to tell me that he was your brother?”
Things weren’t playing out in your favour here…
“I’m sorry, Medkit. I never wanted you to find out this way…but it’s the truth.”
Medkit stared at you, his usually stoic face now containing a plethora of emotion…all conveying a single emotion- horror. He felt absolute revulsion. How could his friend, who had been with him through thick and thin, be related to the very person who ripped out his eye? But then again, deep down…he didn’t want to change his perception of you. You were who you were, not Subspace. You weren’t Subspace. You never treated him harshly, like nothing more than a lab assistant…you treated him like a genuine friend. You showed care towards him, care which he never experienced in Blackrock…
Medkit glanced down at his half-finished cup of coffee. His reflection stared back at him, his only remaining eye speaking thousands of words. The eyes were the windows to the soul, he knew, and his one remaining eye conveyed not only consternation and hatred…but also sadness and betrayal. Why didn’t you tell him sooner? Did you worry about his reaction?
Did you not trust him enough?
You waved a hand in front of Medkit, trying to get his attention.
“Medkit…? You alright…?”
Medkit quietly rested his head on the edge of the table, sighing quietly.
“I’m fine. It’s just…an old and unresolved conflict.”
You knew what he was talking about- the incident with Subspace. Your best friend’s mortal enemy was your brother. But a friend’s a friend, and no matter how much people say that family comes first, you’d always prioritise Medkit’s safety- he was your best friend and stuck with you every step of the way.
“…it’s fine, I’ll make sure Subspace doesn’t hurt you, alright, Meds?”
Medkit knew Subspace having an easier shot at hurting him was only a small portion of the issue- he’d been through that for too long anyway, and he was used to it. The real issue was the shock that came with finding out his best friend was related to his sworn enemy.
Nevertheless, he knew he could count on you.
“…alright, (Y/n). I trust you.”
and first req done! thanks again for requesting! sry for the delay btw, I had sch work to do ;-;
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hxjikonn · 11 months
Hello again~! May i request Lilia and Malleus react with reader who tried to create an Ai resemble of themself cuz human life are too short and they don't want them to feel sad when they are gone.
Avid angst enjoyer here thanking you for this wonderfully hurtful idea, also I’m sorry this took so long lmao😭🫶🏻 hope you enjoy it!
‘Till forever falls apart
☆Staring☆: Malleus Draconia and Lilia Vanrouge x GN! Reader
Synopsis: How would they react finding out you’ve been working on creating an AI version of yourself so that they’ll have you with them even when you’re gone
Warnings: Mentions of Death, A lot of crying.
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Malleus Draconia
“Ah…” you gasped, waking up in a cold sweat, you didn’t have any nightmares however you knew what you were feeling was worse…fear…pure fear. You clutched on to your shirt, feeling your heart beat, hearing it thump in your ears. Grim woke up to the sound of your breathing “Hey…are you okay?” He sat up rubbing his eye with his paw, “I’m fine Grim…it’s just…it’s happening again…” you said patting his head.
The cat frowned upon your response, but you only returned his expression with a smile “Dont worry about me…you can go back to sleep, I’ll come back to bed in a second…” you scratched behind his ear attempting to woo him to sleep, “Where you going anyway?” He asked, already half asleep. “Just somewhere…don’t worry about it” you gave him more head pats until finally he fell back into a slumber.
As you leave the room, you headed to the lounge area, there you opened your laptop at started coding, a little skill you learned from Idia, you sighed and stopped typing for awhile. “Why am I doing this…” you asked yourself burrying yourself into your palms, tears start to well up in your eyes, the truth of it all was that the reason of your fear was simple. It was death.
And no not death itself, but what and who you’ll leave behind when you die. You’re afraid of leaving him. You knew that a lifespan of a fae such as Malleus lasted a lot longer than yours, and as much as you wanted to stay by his side forever, you couldn’t. So you had a talk with Idia a few weeks back about creating an AI version of yourself.
He was against it at first, but he knew what it felt like to lose someone, and he didn’t wish that upon anyone, so he taught you how…and here you are. You thought it’d be easy to do this, it’s just precaution you said, but ever since you started, you feared the day you’d disappear would be closer.
You hugged your knees and cried, you couldn’t anything other than that, it’s not like you had magic like the others, or half fae like sebek. There wasn’t any other way. “Why are you crying my love?” a soft whisper from behind you was heard, before you could even look back, he had picked you up and placed you on his lap, enveloping you in his warmth.
“Malleus?? What are you doing here?” You looked up at him, your cheeks still had tears running down them. “I felt that you were upset…so I came…” he said, “now it’s your turn to answer…” he adds. You looked back down onto your hands “I just watched a sad movie…” you lied. “It must’ve been a very sad movie considering you were shaking before I held you…” he didn’t buy your excuse.
You only nodded at his response, feeling him beside you only made the fear worse, your mind racing with thoughts like how you wont ever get to be held by him like this again once you die…you’ll never hear his voice…you wont be able to hug him again… suddenly your thoughts were interrupted with 3 words, 3 simple words that broke you. “I’m also afraid.” He said.
You couldn’t respond you didn’t know what to say so you let him continue as you hold yourself together. “Time is a very cruel creature. It yields no magic, it doesn’t even commit violence but it wipes away many many lives…” the tone of his voice had a slight shake in them. Desperately trying to not talk about this topic, you faked a yawn “Mal…I’m a bit tired…I think I’ll go rest” you said as you stood up, shutting your laptop and walking away.
You didn’t want to talk about this, this is what you’ve been keeping from him, you don’t want to hurt him, it’s the exact reason why you chose to create your AI version. “I’m afraid of losing you too…” he spoke. It was as if you were shattered, you heard the loud thumping of your heart in your ears again as well as the cold traces your tears leave on your cheeks.
“I’m scared…each passing day I think about the clock of your lifespan running out, it scares me. I don’t want to think about the day when you leave me…” he confessed, you didn’t even hear him walk towards you but you suddenly felt his arms on your waist. You felt his tears staining your shirt. It hurts. You trembled in his embrace, shaky breaths escape your lips.
“They deemed me one of the one of the 5 most powerful wizards in the world but even I’m scared of time taking you away…” He whispers weakly, “however I don’t want anyone other than you, not even a copy…” he adds, you turn to face him in shock. “How did you…” “I love you too much to not know what you’re thinking about my love” he interrupts. “I’m sorry…” you apologized, breaking into a fit of sobs.
He held you close also erupting into cries, “I don’t want to leave you…I don’t want you to feel alone again, I want you to see that I’m here even though I’m gone….” You explained hugging him. “But it’s not you…” he answered. “You can program it to be you as much as you want but I’d rather accept the fact that I’ve loved you until your last moments than to play pretend with a copy of what you used to be…” he finishes, kissing your forehead, then your nose and finally your lips.
“I love you…and even though I know it’ll come one day, I’ll spend every second loving you, caring for you, and being with you until then.” He held you as if you were porcelain, as if you could break at the slightest touch, as if you’d disappear if he lets you go. You hiccuped and sniffled holding on to him as well, you never wanted to let go.
Suddenly the fear that had been clouding your mind left. The storm had passed, everything felt okay again. You grew tired after a long while of tears and sorrow, Malleus took the initiative to take you to bed. But he didn’t return to diasomnia that night. He didn’t want to be far from you, not now, not ever.
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Lilia Vanrouge
You we’re excited to see him, your lover, you had a very special gift to show him today. You finally finished it, after long hours, nights, days, weeks, months of preparation it’s finally done. An innocent gift, you had no ill intentions in making this. All you wanted was to make him happy, even if you’re not there with him one day.
“Come on! Just a little bit further” you held on to his shoulders, pushing him towards the room as he was blindfolded “My dear you’ve been pushing me for the past 5 minutes now, when can I see your little surprise?” Lilia said, unknowing of what it is. You two finally reached the room where the “gift” was and you were do excited for him to see, though you had to admit it hurt nonetheless…you were doing this for him
“Okay…you can take your blindfold off now” you said as you stood infront of your lover, he reluctantly took his blindfold off and met eyes with you, “What? Is the surprise to be alone with you in a room? If it is I’m absolutely loving it” he said cupping your face lovingly. You laughed and took his hands off your face gently, “No…well I mean yes, but right now you’ll see two of me…” you said, hinting at what lays ahead
He gazes at you, both confusion and amusement lingers in his eyes, he crosses his arms smiling waiting for you to reveal whatever it is you had planned, the moment you did though…his smile died along with his amusement….he looks at it with nothing but bafflement and sadness “What is this?”were the only words that left him…
“It’s me!” You beamed at him showing him the holographic replica you made of yourself, “I made me, for you” you awkwardly stated, now saying it out loud it sounded bad, “B-but! I made it because-“ Lilia cuts you off before you could even redeem yourself
“No Y/n.” he says sternly. “Lilia I just-“ he cuts you off once again “No Y/n. Whatever this is…I don’t like it…I don’t appreciate it.” He says motioning to the holographic version of yourself, his expression pained, upset, confused and angry. “I’m not gonna be here forever Lilia…nor can I live as long as you” you defended yourself
“And you think this is gonna make me feel at ease?!Having a version of you, that I cant touch, that I can speak to but has computerized answers, some kind of moving picture that isn’t living…this thing is not you.” He snaps back angrily, he gazes at the hologram filled with spite. Making you tear up a bit, you had figured this would be one of the reactions you’d get, though you hadn’t prepared for it as much as you thought…
“I’m scared Lilia, I’m afraid of leaving…I don’t want you to feel like you’ve lost me one day when my human body gives up on me…I cant stay even though I want to so this the best I could do” you choked back tears…looking at the floor filled with hurt and fear, fear for the day that waits, the day that you pass away…leaving him forever.
You thought you finally made Lilia hate you, maybe it was for the best you thought, maybe it’s better he hates you than loves you, that way when you’re gone, it wont hurt him as much. You heard footsteps on the wooden floor, in your mind, you told yourself Lilia was leaving now…so you stayed put, shut eyes and head hanging low.
But unexpectedly, you felt a warm, loving, and strong embrace, it felt like the last push you needed to let out the tears you’ve been holding back, and you did. “I’d rather miss you everyday for as long as I live, than having to ease the pain of not having you with this contraption…” He says in a hushed tone while comfortingly rubbing your back
“I’d rather spend the rest of my days thinking about the memories we’ve made when you were here, than to make new fake memories with a hologram…” he adds, you continued to sob and hold him weakly, feeling as if every word he spoke was a dagger through your chest, but something you also needed to hear.
“I’ve been knew about this the moment I decided to love you, I knew you weren’t going to be with me forever, I knew you were going to leave first, but I wasn’t scared, because I promised myself I’d spend every waking day with you, making our time together memorable…so that when you leave I’d know…that I made you happy while you were here…and that you’ve spent your mortal years contently…” Lilia spoke, his voice quivering but also spoke to you with the gentlest tone.
He backs away slightly to give you a short but passionate kiss, then he pulls away putting his forehead on yours, tears both staining your cheeks as they trailed down from your eyes “I love you, only you, no one else, nothing else, just you. The Y/n I can hug, and kiss, and laugh with…you.” Lilia smiles sadly, wiping your cheek with her thumbs.
You nod, still feeling the tears continuously flowing, Your lover pulled you back into his tight but loving embrace, it felt safe…like all your worries being washed away, you knew now that everything was going to be okay, all you needed was him, as long as he was with you, nothing else mattered.
A/N: Heyyyy so here’s a little something that’s been on my drafts for the longest time now 😭🤚🏻 I’m a bit rusty as I haven’t wrote anything in a long time so this may come off as rushed or repetitive, But nonetheless hope you guys like it ♡♡♡ (also sorry for coming back with another angst post lolllll) love ya bye! 🫶🏻
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starillusion13 · 4 months
Thank You…
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Pairing: Taeyong x f!reader
Genre: Idol au, slice of life, strangers
W.C: 3.7k
Warnings: none (but a bit emotional and talking to a stranger at night alone and also having self doubts)
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Guys my first ever Taeyong fic…I’m gonna cry😭
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated . Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
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"Are you waiting for me...again?" your soft voice broke his trance and he turned towards you. His screen was on full brightness and he squinted his eyes to take a proper look of yours. He switched his phone off and nodded to your direction. You softly smiled at him and with slow steps, you walked towards the bench he was sitting on.
It's pretty usual for you to find him sitting on the bench and scrolling through his phone almost every day. Not every-day. It was not the same before three months.
One day when you were going back home from your work, you were depressed and also a bit sad and you sat on the bench to feel the cool breeze. Sometimes, spending time alone by the river and letting your thoughts out with a sigh and inhaling the peaceful aroma from the surrounding is a blessing. You often went to this place whenever you felt stressed.
But that day it was different. You found something, rather you met someone for whom you felt the urge to go there everyday and to your surprise that someone would always be there waiting for you.
Three months back. It started back then. You still remembered his glistening eyes staring at you and his broken voice. He was crying. Tears were flowing down his eyes and his hands were gripping his denim tightly. He was talking to you. His words were directed to you. He was lost. He was hated. He was broken. He was alone. Except his eyes. Nothing more was visible. He was wearing a black mask and a black cap. You didn't know why he was wearing all those for hiding his face but still who were you to ask him that.
Why were you even concern?
"Take this." You extended your hand offering your handkerchief towards him. He stared at it for too long and his gaze moved up to your face. You smiled acknowledging his attention.
It was your preferrable bench and usually you didn't find anyone before in that place and with the thought of having a company that day seemed a perfect idea. But when you got the closer look, it was not the way you thought. It was pretty much more than that.
Taking the handkerchief from your hand, he clutched it tightly in his hold. You followed his movement and heaved a sigh before putting up a little smile and turned towards him, shifting a bit closer to him but maintaining a decent distance. You suddenly didn't want to creep him out.
"You can wipe your tears or do anything with it. You can take it with you. Its not containing chloroform though so don't be scared. Its pretty new and the sweet mint smell is because of a spray bottle in my bag. I gave that to you so that other people wont notice you crying while going back home." You wanted to cheer him up and rambled everything to not make you seems like a crazy person but you were doing worse for yourself.
You gulped when noticing his lost eyes staring at you and you pressed your lips into thin line and raised your brows.
"I'm sorry..." "Thank you."
You both said at the same time. You laughed off the awkwardness and he chuckled too. Your eyes went wide and you stopped laughing.
"Did you just laugh? Did I make you smile? Wait did you said some words like in my language?" you were on it again with your questions bombarding on him.
"Which answer do you want first?" he asked you softly. His voice was broken and rough. The voice was having a glint of familiarity but you thought that many people can have same voice.
You pout and pressed your back to the seat and leaned back to look up at the sky. You took deep breathes. He was watching your every moment as if he saw a human being for the first time. His eyes trailed down from your short hairs waving to the breeze then to your exhausted face and down to you clutching your bag tightly to yourself. He noticed a particular keychain, rather a bundle of keyrings. The view of familiar objects tugged at his heart.
"Are you tired?" he asked you.
You silently nodded and remained in the same posture, just moving your head to face him, "yeah...I am but am willingly to hear you. Really. I'm serious. You can say me anything. I mean no harm."
He nodded and mimicked your posture. You smiled at him for being comfortable with you.
"Do you come here often?" he asked you again and faced you but you were already staring at the stars. His gaze was fixed on you.
"No. maybe not often but usually whenever I feel for a refreshment or like to spend time alone, I come here to think about everything and sink into my thoughts to dive back to a life with no stress." You weakly smiled and a frown appeared on your face and you faced him. You were shocked that he was already facing you but still you raised your voice, "hey, you are asking me questions and am answering them all but you didn't reply any of my earlier questions."
He laughed. It was not just a chuckle but a genuine laugh. Your heart felt light seeing him laughing as if a wave of familiarity passing you again. As if this laugh makes you happy somewhere but you cant set it in place. Where? The only way of knowing his emotions were through his eyes and voice. He had boba eyes and those were shining so much under the moonlight as if all those stars were just locked inside his watery gaze which were on you.
"I was teaching you how to ask questions to someone."
He paused and waited for your response. You sat back up and glared at him and he got up too, facing you.
"Don't tease me like that. I was just trying to make you comfortable with me so that you could feel a bit better from whatever you were hurt......but I think I made fun of myself."
He patted your head, "hey it's okay. I was just joking. Its funny though. You are sulky like Doy- my best friend."
You laughed with him.
He continued, "I can laugh because I have emotions. I can smile too but just you cant see me now. I can feel every emotion because I have a heart to feel it. Just some people are ignorant that I am a human too. They point out my mistakes. I appreciate it. They love me. I love them back. I do everything for others but in the end, they just turn their back to me for a misunderstanding. I hope I'm speaking in your language because I'm not an alien." He sadly chuckled. A tear fell from his eyes. He wiped it off with your hanky.
You stared at him. What happened? Who are these people he is talking about?
"to the last I give them everything. Even if I'm tired and feeling to give up but still I want to do everything to see others happy. Just to see them. To see us. Happy. Am I really bad?" he asked the last question softly and stared straight into your eyes.
The question felt like directly pointing towards you. As if he wanted you to answer it. He was eager to listen to you but you just gulped. You didn't know who were the people he was talking about, why he was sad and what he was even talking about. Overall, you knew he was broken and hurt.
"no one is really bad." You licked your lips before continuing, "do you think I'm perfect. No. we can't be perfect in every way. Its natural for some people to love us and some to hate us and we should always focus on the good part. Look out for the people who are still good to you and trying to know the actual reason without misunderstanding you. If you only focus on the shining part, every other thing will eventually blur out."
"that's how you keep up with your life?"
"maybe. Actually I try to keep up like that. I try every day. Sometimes its really hard to live when you don't have any good reason to be motivated and only getting hurt by some worst reality. But thanks to some people who are cheering me up every day from afar without even knowing me. They never hurt me but heal me. whenever they get hurt. I feel sad. Oh yeah wait you should follow them."
" them? Who? They are really good people then." He smiled in the end.
You hurriedly searched for your phone inside your bag, your keyrings dangling and he was gazing at the familiar things again. He was both scared and happy to see it. He was unsure about his feeling because of you.
You typed something in your phone and your face was lit up to the light from your screen. You were so focused and excited to show him some people. He was curious to know who were the people you were excited about. he was glad that you had some people to make you feel happy.
"look...they are the best.." you scooted closer towards him. You didn't mind that his fingers were almost touching your thighs. It was nothing disrespectful and you were wearing a jeans similar to him and you were all focused on your screen than minding your surroundings, "This is NCT. My favorite boy group."
Three familiar letters visible to his eyes. N.C.T. so you were talking about them. He would have told you about his members in a similar way. They are really best. He thought that inside his mind and smiled to himself. His members are really best. They are his family. But is he good enough to fit with them? This thought lingering in his mind.
"so like they have so many members. Its pretty hard to understand them when you are new but gradually you will understand them and their different units. You will definitely love them. You know life is pretty harsh to us. We are hated and get hurt by others even when we ourselves don't know what we did wrong. But still we can be happy." You held his hand. "please don't hurt yourself thinking about them. Please be happy. Think of the people who love you. Who want to see you happy?"
"do you love NCT? Do you love them?" his sudden question made you blink twice.
"yeah. I love them a lot. They are my safe place after a stressful day. You will find a different world when you are with them. You will feel as if you have a family who loves you from a distance. Their smile, their laugh, their jokes, their voice, their moves, and everything is filled with a bond of love. A love of friendship. I really don't have friends who love them but a few online friends though." You stated but still deep in thoughts when you looked at your screen and scrolled down.
"Tell me..." you looked back at him when he asked you, "tell me about this NCT. I want to know about them."
"you can search it up on google NCT which is Neo Culture Technology. Wait I'm giving you some youtube link."
He held your hand, halting your movement, "no I want to hear it from you. I want to hear your perspective. I can search their group details and all from the internet but I can never search for your point of view."
"what do you want to hear?"
"everything. From the beginning."
You nodded and again leaned back but now he was still sitting facing you. He watched how you kept your bag between you and him and sighed, "I was in high-school when I found them. They were rookies back then and literal children like me, even though some are of my age. I wasn't a person of outgoing and party lover so basically I used to spend my time alone in my room and one day I found out a video on them. I reluctantly opened it and started watching it. Out of curiosity, I dig in the video and watched all the related and recommended videos. I searched about them everywhere. I felt as if I found a new family. I noticed that I always felt happy whenever I was with them, of course through a screen. I found a family and him. He made me love myself. He taught me how to be hard-working and be good to others. 'Never give up on your dreams. You can make it happen.' He guided me when I had no one. I am too much related to them."
"who is he? Member of NCT?" he asked you and adjusted his cap.
You nodded, "yes. My favorite person."
"What's his name? tell me about him?"
You chuckled, "if you were a fan of kpop and asked me this then I would have feel weird and thought you were asking me about my bias to make him your own bias. Hey, I'm just kidding. Well his name is Lee Taeyong. He is the leader of NCT. He was the reason I got invested into this group so much. He caught my eyes first because somewhere I felt his story of struggles personally. I saw how he fights his inner battles just to prove others that he is good. Sometimes it feels like he wants to prove it to himself more. I don't know him personally but I know his life is much more difficult behind those screens. But I want him to be happy like the way he makes me smile."
Lee Taeyong. The moment his name came out of your mouth. He was shocked. Previously he was shocked already for many reasons. Your Czennie keyrings, your favorite group is NCT and then he is your bias. And you described him in such a loving way. The way he never thought of himself to see. He often heard things like this from his members who are apparently his best-friends. But he never heard anything like this from other anyone in person. The person who is his fan.
"do you think he is a good person? What if he is bad and people starts hating on him? Will you hate him too?" he asked you in an unsure tone but you smiled back to him.
"As I said earlier. No one is totally perfect. Neither you nor myself is good. But we try to improve ourselves and probably he is fighting too. He is a human too like us. He is not a toy who needs to be perfect for us to love them. Their truths and different emotions and sides made me fall in love with them. I don't care what others think about him. But I will believe him till the day I find an actual reason to hate him. I will love him. I love him a lot." You smiled brightly.
You were smiling thinking of Taeyong. But the man sitting in front of you had tears in his eyes but there was a proud and thankful smile hiding behind the mask.
"you are pretty like your soul." His hand caressed your cheeks. You got startled with the sudden touch and he noticed it and quickly apologized.
"I meant that people who know how to love others are really pretty like you. I'm sure he loves you too. He deserves fans like you. He needs fans like you." His words were dipped in hurt. He was telling as if he needs you. You softly smiled.
“Well I’m just a czennie or also you can say a NCTzen from Neocity. I’m happy in this delulu world.”
“What’s delulu?” He was confused.
“You haven’t heard the world delulu? There is a famous phrase ‘Delulu is the solulu’ means delusion is the solution. I just like to be happy in my delusions apart from this reality sometimes.”
“Don’t you want him to love you back the same way you love him? Don’t you want to feel him in your reality other than being delusional?”
You unlocked your screen and stared at the lockscreen and he noticed that it was his picture with a bright smile on his face hiding all the pain behind it and feeling loved by all the fans which was brightly glowing in your phone. In your heart.
“I love him. I really love him but…” you smiled at the picture, “but he is for his fans to love him…even if I want to keep him to myself.”
You looked up to his eyes.
Your words directly hit his heart. He felt like he needed you all these times. You were like an angel who was sent to point out the good in everything. But as you said he was not yours in the first place. There are many others like you who are loving him and being motivated by him. He is their inspiration for life.
He is for his fans to love him.
He got a call from his manager and then you both parted your ways. He fished the hanky in his pocked and walked away with waving you goodbye.
And like that everyday you would see him sitting there waiting for you and gradually you became friends in few weeks and still you don’t know his face.
“It’s not fair how you get to see me and know my face but I don’t know anything about you.”
“It’s better for you to not know my face. And also we don’t know one thing about each other so let it be like this.”
“We don’t know each other’s names.”
“Do you want to know?”
He shook his head, “no. Let’s keep it like this…it’s better.”
This became a daily routine of yours and today it was similar to find him at the exact same spot. He always waits there at the bench when you return from your work.
“Yeah I was waiting for you but then I thought you won’t be coming today and I was sad.”
He stood up and patted your head.
You were surprised to see him being like that but still put on a smile.
“Why were you sad? Because you won’t have someone to talk to? Well I am here now…”
He nodded, “I am sad but all these days I was happy because of you. I loved talking to you. But…we won’t be meeting again…I was here to spend few months holidays in my free time from stressful worklife but I had my best days because of you.”
Oh. So he is leaving.
“You are leaving……”
“Even if I’m leaving we will keep this memory forever with us. Our life is private to each other but we have a common secret. The secret of us in these 3 months.”
He extended his hand revealing a green coloured hanky. You creased your brows and stared at it.
“I heard that czennies love green colour so that’s a friendship gift for you like you gave me on our first day. I have kept it with me. The red colour was cute. And this is for you.”
You took it and today you were crying. You were crying because you felt someone ripping your heart apart or like he was leaving a blank space in your puzzle.
You noticed tiny stitches in a corner of the hanky. Three letters written in black L.T.Y. And below it with a small hyphen again three letters N.C.T.
- N.C.T.
“L.T.Y. Huh?”
“Love Thank You…” he pronounced each word with a space. His voice was like usual, a bit clogged due to the mask and sometimes it’s difficult to understand his words.
“You are filleded with love and purity. You are a love in person.”
Oh. Silly you.
“For a second I thought it’s Lee Taeyong.”
He followed your laugh. But then he told you to look up at the sky. You did as he told you.
“ if you feel like to talk to me ever again. I’m going to listen to you through those stars. I will talk to you like that too.”
You nodded and a tear dropped from your eyes like a shooting star of losing hope to see him again.
“Will I ever get to see you again?” You asked him in a broken voice.
You have never seen his face and also don’t know anything about him but still you got attached to him too much. Can’t you keep in touch with him?
“Don’t know but it’s better not. It will be better if I just remain as a part of your memory not your reality or present.”
Not your reality or present.
You nodded again.
Like everyday he got a call again after which he leaves in hurry. It was same for today as well but today’s farewell was meant forever. Before he could turn around after saying goodbye.
You hugged him.
It was a quick hug and you quickly retreated yourself and looked down after taking few steps back. He stepped forward and patting your head, he nodded.
“I’m sorry… but I felt like to hug you and I want to say Thank you before our last goodbye. I hope you didn’t cry again. You are perfect in your own way. People love you and I know you are a person to be loved.”
You love him too. It might can sound weird but it’s okay because as a friend you love him a lot.
“It’s okay I can understand. And….thank you to you too. and please keep loving him. Taeyong needs you to love him.”
Waving your hands to each other. He ran to the opposite direction to your home. You watched his retreating figure until the far your eyes could see him because you knew beyond that you won’t be seeing him again.
Thank you…
he was thankful to meet his fan.
After that whenever you crossed that place, you glanced for once in the direction with a losing hope and found it empty. You sadly smiled at it and looked up to the stars.
“I hope you are happy living your life somewhere…”
“Thank you, czennie.”
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Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades [open!]
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letsgolandooo · 7 months
Omg thank you sooooo much for writing!! <3 Absolutely love the Puddlemere setting! And “I'm breaking up with you, or, dinner at eight?” part totally cracked me up 🤣 I wouldn’t dare change perfection! But I am however now curious as to what would happen if some guy was really checking the reader out 🤣
Let's find out, shall we? This took so long I'm sorry 😭
Oliver Wood never zoned out. He was a quidditch player, he didn't have the time to. If he did, he'd either let a quaffle through one of the three hoops, or he'd get hit by a bludger if one of the Weasley twins didn't get to it in time.
Fred Weasley sighed as he realised how little his quidditch captain had been listening to him talk about strategies to use to win their next game against Slytherin. "You know, I hate to admit it, but George is right. You do have a staring problem."
"No, I don't," Oliver said, so defensively that it sounded as if it was the most absurd and offensive thing he had ever heard, and his voice even went up an octave.
Fred said, "You don't have to sit here and pretend that it doesn't hurt you."
Oliver released a sarcastic chuckle. After being hit by bludgers from all directions, and letting in more quaffles than he could count in his first year or two as a keeper, there was nothing in the grounds of Hogwarts that could hurt him. He was put out, maybe, but not hurt. "I'm fine, Fred. Why would I be hurt?" He didn't say he was good, or great, he said he was 'fine' because that's how he hid how unstable his relationship with his girlfriend was. Fine. But wasn't that how everyone else answered the common question of 'how are you?', anyway? I'm fine, thank you, how are you?
Fred jerked his head in the direction that Oliver had been not so subtly staring at for the past ten minutes.
And there you were, in all your glory. Even wearing the Gryffindor colours - red and gold - like everyone else, you stood out.
He looked at you again and noticed the thing that had been irritating him. You were still talking to him. He hated the boy, and he hadn't even met him. And he had reasons for it - not good ones, but still reasons.
Who the hell wears a black tie with a black suit?
Who the hell even wears a suit at a party with loud, rowdy teenagers?
Who the hell goes to a Gryffindor party when they're not a Gryffindor?
You were still smiling and talking with the Ravenclaw boy. That was okay. You loved to talk, and you smiled at everyone. What wasn't okay, however, was the way the boy was not so subtly checking you out.
"Oliver, why don't you just talk to her?" For a moment, Oliver is taken aback. He had forgotten that Fred was still sitting beside him.
"Tell who, what?" Oliver feigned nonchalance, averting his eyes from you.
Fred chuckled. "How many hers do you have in your life, Ollie?" None, Oliver thought, just her.
"I know many people who go by 'she/her'. You're going to have to be more specific."
"Sure. How many 'hers' do you stare at?"
"None," he replied, a little too fast for his liking, and Fred gave him the knowing Weasley smirk that he was so used to at quidditch practice.
"I am not staring at anyone, Fred." He gave the younger boy a pointed look.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Oliver. But I'd talk to her before it's too late. These rumours have damaged your relationship enough, all you need to do is show her that that's all it is - a rumour. She needs to know that you're not cheating on her with Angelina, who is, by the way, my girlfriend, so these rumours better be fake. I will not hesitate to punch that handsome face of yours."
Before he even knew what he was doing, Oliver was out of his chair and walking towards the bar. You laughed at something the blond boy said before you noticed Oliver walking towards the both of you. Your smile grew wider but was clearly slightly forced.
"Hey," he greeted you, completely ignoring the boy standing beside you.
"Hey, Ollie. Please tell me Fred didn't talk your ear off about skiving snack boxes. Being a prefect is hard, I can't bring myself to confiscate any more. Pranks are what make them who they are," you said.
The awkward clearing of a throat brought both of your attention back to the boy standing beside you.
"Oh, I am so sorry. Ollie, this is Finley. Do you remember the posters for the transfiguration club that Professor McGonagall put on the noticeboard?"
Oliver simply nodded, not at all interested in the boy's identity.
"He's the one who leads it with her." You introduce him to Finley, while Oliver seemed as uninterested as humanly possible and instead looked as if he would rip the boy's head off if he could.
"Hi, Ollie, I've...heard a lot about you." Finley said, clearly indicating that he had heard the ongoing rumours. He reached out a hand for Oliver to shake, but it was ignored.
"Oliver." He replied with a stern look on his face.
Finley awkwardly withdrew his hand. "Sorry?"
"My name is Oliver. It's only shortened for friends." If looks could kill, Finley would have fallen dead at the beginning of the party.
"It's nice to finally meet you in person, Oliver, the famous Gryffindor quidditch captain."
"I wish I could say the same, Finley, the not-so-famous transfiguration club captain. What are you even doing here? You're a Ravenclaw." Oliver asks, annoyed.
You sigh. Here he goes, you thought. "Ollie, he's here to spread word about the club."
"You've been standing here the whole time, you must be very talented if you've managed to tell anyone here about your stupid turn-your-teacup-into-a-cat club." Oliver muttered.
"The whole spreading word about it is just an excuse, really," Finley said, ignoring Oliver. "I came here in hopes of meeting a beautiful girl." He then winked at you. "Clearly, I was successful."
You flushed at his words and your eyes darted to Oliver. His jaw was tense and his hands were clenched into fists. If the three of you were not in school, let alone standing in a room full of so many people, Oliver would have picked up the empty Butterbeer bottle from the nearby table and smashed it on Finley's head with no hesitation.
He instead just said, "Well, then, you don't have a reason to stay any longer. Leave."
Finley shrugged. "I could. But now that I am here, maybe I could enjoy the party for a bit. Gryffindors sure know how to party. Ravenclaws need some tips."
"You should stay. Our parties are the best. We have all you want. Food, drinks, g-" you tell him, but get cut off.
Oliver interrupted. "But you know what's better? The exit. You should check it out. The Fat Lady can give you a tour."
"Ollie!" You shove his shoulder. "Can I talk to you in private?" You sent Finley an apologetic smile before grabbing Oliver's hand and pulling him away from the Ravenclaw.
Oliver paused for a moment to look back at Finley again. "The exit is that way." He pointed at the passage in the wall.
You let go of him when you reach the only secluded area in the Gryffindor common room. "Oliver, what the hell is wrong with you?"
He immediately spun to face you after craning his neck to see Finley finally exiting the room through the passage. "Oh, so now it's me who has something wrong? You're the one who believes the rumour that I slept with Angelina when a) she's dating Fred, b) she's not even been at Hogwarts this year because of family issues, and c) I love you."
You looked slightly alarmed at him suddenly turning on you. "Okay, I got it wrong, I'm sorry. I believed something when I didn't have any proof. But how does that excuse your behaviour towards Finley?"
"He was flirting with you," Oliver argued.
"Ollie, you're acting like a spoilt 5-year-old now. Why are you-?" You stopped yourself as an amused grin spread on your face as you put the pieces together. "Oliver, you- you are jealous."
"No, love, no I am not. Not even a little bit. No, why would you think that? I'm not jealous. I don't get jealous." Oliver shook his head.
You grinned at your boyfriend. "I would have believed you if you hadn't denied it six times. You are jealous. You're jealous because he was talking to me the whole time and I didn't spend the night with you for once. You're jealous that he called me beautiful and said I look amazing in the simplest things."
"When did he-" Oliver cut himself off as he felt the rage creeping into his voice. He took a step back and turned away.
You stood beside him, about to say something, but then you looked into his eyes. You took his hand once again, this time gently, lovingly, and held it to your chest. "Ollie, I am- I am so sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Ollie, I am so-"
"I'm not jealous, okay?" He then turned to look you in the eyes. "I just hate it when someone else has your attention, especially someone who's flirting with you. Not because I'm jealous, but because I'm scared." Oliver swallowed, squeezing your hand.
"I'm scared because I don't want anyone else to realise just how amazing you are. I don't want to lose you, because it'd be forever, and this is our final year here and I'd never see you again. And- and I don't want that. I don't want to lose you to someone else when I love you and nothing can change that. Not you, not graduation, not Finley,"
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Hi! I love your work and you’re really carrying this whole fandom on your back 😭
When you’re not busy are you able to write a one shot, that can be Morden or Not where They are friends with benefits, but she develops feelings so she pushes him away and he doesn’t understand why, and he already had feelings for her.
But please have complete creative control xD
Thank yous ❤️
Warnings: involves smut. 18+!
Pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: see request!
Word count: 5.4k
Note: firstly: thank you for your kind words, I'm crying ugh. And thank you for this request! I chose a modern setting, and this was an interesting one to write. I enjoyed it! Hope you will too :)
Taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us @valeskafics @andakth
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'Hey, at least I am not asking you to get down on your knees, okay.'
'Sir?' you answered the phone, knowing Sihtric was calling.
'Lady,' you heard Sihtric chuckle, 'what are you doing?'
'Not much, just reading in bed.'
'In bed, huh?'
'Yes, in bed,' you chuckled, 'why? What are you doing?'
'Oh, nothing. Just thinking,' Sihtric said and waited.
'Thinking about what, Sihtric?' you sighed, taking the bait and you rolled your eyes.
'Thinking about you, sexy lady,' Sihtric said with his smooth voice and that cute accent. He laughed softly, 'what else would I think of?'
'You're so subtle,' you snorted, 'what do you want?'
'I want to come over.'
'Now? Really?' you glanced at the time, 'oh, I'm not sure, it's almost midnight already.'
'I know babe,' he sighed, 'I'm sorry, I'm just really horny,' he whined.
You considered your options for a moment. You were pretty tired, but you could do with some sex to be honest, it had been a few days since you last saw him.
'Fine,' you chuckled.
'Yes!' you heard the satisfied tone in his voice, 'I'll be there soon, okay?'
'Yeah, fine,' you giggled, 'oh, Sihtric!' you said before he could hang up.
'Bring condoms,' you snorted, 'remember I accidentally got the wrong ones for you last time, you know, the- the,' you struggled to hold your laugh, 'the small ones.'
'Yeah, yeah,' Sihtric sighed but was clearly just as amused as you, 'I'll bring a pack.'
It didn't take Sihtric look before he rang your doorbell, and as per usual, he gave you his cheeky smile when you opened the door and let him in.
'You want a drink?'
'No, thank you, babe,' he smiled after he kissed your cheek to greet you.
You had been friends with benefits for several months now and, unlike most men, Sihtric always treated you with the utmost respect, which is the whole reason you agreed to this in the first place. You had both been single for quite a while when one evening you were fooling around with each other and decided why not explore your options, and after that it didn't take long before the friendship came with the benefits of sleeping together. Countless times you have ended up in each other's bed, usually yours, only to hug each other goodbye again after you'd both had come down from your high. That was also the rule to keep it strictly friends with benefits: no sleeping over.
'You brought the condo-,' you couldn't finish your question and Sihtric already threw the box over to you.
'Keep them,' he huffed, 'and throw out the other ones, they're too small.'
'Why? I may still use them,' you taunted.
'Use them?' Sihtric's eyes darkened as he walked over to you and he took your face in his hands, 'I thought I was the only one who gets to enjoy you, kitten.'
'I was only joking,' you chuckled. You felt yourself blush lightly, he had that effect on you, always.
'Hm,' Sihtric hummed before you turned around, 'you better be,' he said and slapped your ass when you walked away.
'Hey!' you gasped, 'we haven't started yet,' you chuckled and beckoned him to follow you up the stairs. But before you could reach the first step, Sihtric threw you over his shoulder and was quick to sprint up the stairs.
He nearly kicked your bedroom door out of its hinges as he opened it impatiently with his boot, and he was quick to climb on top of you after he had thrown you onto your bed. 
Sihtric was strong, so very strong, and as handsome as he was kind. You both dated other people every now and then, and why he didn't have a partner yet was simply beyond you. But you weren't too mad about that; you enjoyed your nights together.
'Sihtric,' you said out of breath when you were both left in just your underwear.
'Yeah?' his voice, raspy and equally as out of breath as you.
'Take off that damn necklace, will you?' you tugged at the leather cord around his neck.
'What? Why?' he seemed confused and slightly offended as he clutched his hammer pendant in his fist.
'Because it always slaps me in the face when you're on top!' you hissed.
'Oh, shit, right, right,' Sihtric made haste to take it off, 'sorry.'
He threw the necklace on your nightstand and continued where he left off; pulling down your panties with no more time to waste.
'Someone's eager tonight, aren't you, big boy?' you teased when his hands were all over your skin.
'Lady,' he chuckled, biting down on his lip, 'is that a problem?'
'No, no,' you smiled, 'just… you know, take it easy when you, you know,' you chuckled nervously.
'I know, kitten, I know,' Sihtric said in between heavy breaths.
Sihtric was a well built guy and it was not a secret he liked it a little rough, but it seemed like tonight he was more eager than usual, which made you wonder if you could still walk tomorrow after tonight. You could handle him perfectly fine, usually, if he just eased into you.
'Hey,' Sihtric whispered, holding his lips just above yours when he sensed your nerves, 'relax. Okay, baby?'
You nodded quickly, as relaxed as you could, and let out a deep sigh when you felt him slip inside you.
'Relax, kitten,' he grunted lightly upon feeling you tense up, 'look at me, doll.'
'Ah, god,' you gasped and tried to focus on his half open eyes as he cupped your cheek with one hand, looking down at you with slightly parted lips, out of which heavy breaths escaped as he gave you the slightest hint of a smile.
'That's it,' he sighed as he pushed further, 'good girl,' he chuckled lightly and pecked your lips before he started to thrust into you.
'Ah, fuck! Sihtric!' you hissed lightly, nails digging in his biceps. He usually gave you a little more time to adjust to him.
'Oh, fuck,' he moaned, 'fuck, baby, you're so tight. You're good?'
'Yeah, yeah,' you sighed with ragged breaths as he quickened his pace. You dug your nails in his back until the slight pain became pleasant, 'Oh, jesus fucking christ, Sihtric,' you moaned, 'what's gotten into you today?'
He laughed with heavy breaths, 'Gods, I don't know,' he moved his hand up to your throat, 'maybe because I got into an heated argument earlier.'
'W-what?' you moaned, loving it when he lightly squeezed your throat, and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
'I kicked my housemate out,' he said in between breaths but paused when he felt your legs lock around his body, 'oh, fuck, babe!' he grunted, his hands grabbing your hips.
'Oh my god, Siht,' you cried in pleasure, 'w-wait,' you gasped for air, 'that weird dude is finally gone?'
'Yeah, yeah,' Sihtric said, panting, 'caught him stealing,' he said and took your legs, throwing them over his shoulders, 'my money, so I- ah, fuck, baby, you're so tight,' he hissed, 'I-I threw him out.'
'Oh, god! Sihtric, please, stop!' you screamed as he took you deeper and harder than ever before. You felt his grip tighten on your hips, which would without a doubt leave you bruised.
'What? Babe? You okay? Am I too much, baby?' Sihtric asked, concerned and out of breath as he slowed his pace.
'No, fuck, don't fucking stop! Just shut the fuck up!' you groaned and pulled his hair hard.
'Ah, shit,' he chuckled with a moan, 'sorry, kitten.'
When you finally got him to shut up, it didn't take you both much longer before you finished shortly after each other. Sihtric was quick to pull out after he pecked your lips, and he searched for your panties, which he handed to you before he hopped to your bathroom. You had managed to slip your panties back on, despite your sore legs and hips, and you rolled over on your stomach, exhausted but satisfied, hugging your pillow. A few minutes later you heard the bathroom door open. You were facing the other way but you knew Sihtric was putting his jeans back on by the sound of his belt.
'Fuck, baby,' Sihtric suddenly sounded concerned and quickly kneeled down next to you onto the bed, and he carefully rolled you over to face him, 'hey, baby, are you okay?'
'What?' you asked confused, and tired. He had ravaged you, much to your pleasure, but you could really use some sleep now. Your body was simply used up for the night.
'I- you,' he stammered and pulled you in his arms, 'I bruised your hips,' he said softly, as if ashamed and regretful. You looked down at your hips and saw that indeed, where Sihtric had held you in his grip, there were already bruises the size of his hand darkening your skin.
'Oh,' you chuckled lightly, 'yeah, I'm fine.'
'Are you sure?'
'Was I not too rough?'
'You were good,' you reassured him, 'trust me.' And you meant it. He had been rougher with you than ever before, but that didn't mean you didn't like it. It had just caught you by surprise.
Sihtric couldn't shake his concern and hugged you tight for a moment.
'I'm sorry, kitten,' he whispered, 'I just lost myself with you, baby. It won't happen again, I promise.'
'Sihtric,' you laughed as you brushed your hands through his curls, 'it's fine. I liked it.'
'Really?' he needed to be sure.
'Really,' you smiled and pinched his cheek, making him blush.
'Okay, I believe you, little vixen,' he said and kissed your cheek, 'thank you, doll, you're always good to me,' he smiled shyly and got back up again, searching for his shirt.
'I better get going, you look like you need some rest,' he chuckled.
'Sihtric,' you sighed, 'it's really late already. So just,' you paused, knowing this was a mistake, 'just stay the night. I don't want you driving back home now. You look pretty worn out too, big boy, and I bet your house is a mess now after you got rid of your housemate.'
Sihtric chuckled and rolled his eyes, 'big boy,' he muttered and shook his head. Then he looked at you and became serious. 
'Are you sure, doll?' he asked, 'I mean… we always said no sleeping over.'
Sihtric had spoken cautiously, but in truth, he wanted nothing more than to stay the night. He had been head over heels for you since he first met you, but when you had messed around and agreed you were strictly friends with benefits, he stuck to his promise. But that also meant that dating was a waste of time to him. He'd go on dates every now and then, but would always find himself texting you before the date was even over. No one could keep him interested and captivated the way you did, he just didn't care for anyone else. And he hoped one day you would feel the same, but even if you wouldn't, he'd be happily single for the rest of his life. But only if you stayed single too. And slept with him. He knew he was selfish for that but he didn't care.
'I'm sure, babe, just stay. It'll be fine,' you smiled and quickly hoarded all the blankets your way.
'Oh,' Sihtric chuckled and unbuckled his belt again, 'you're one of those,' he smiled and bit down on his lip, taking off his jeans again.
'One of what,' you grinned, shoving a pillow his way as he laid down next to you.
'I guess I'll sleep without a blanket?' Sihtric raised his eyebrow. You didn't reply, you just gave him another grin before you hid half behind your ridiculous mountain of blanket.
'You absolute trickster,' Sihtric smiled, 'come here, doll,' he beckoned you over and held his arms open. You moved closer to him, dragging your blanket with you, and he pulled you in his arms. You rested your face into the crook of his neck as he kept his arms around you, his rough thumbs softly stroking your warm, bare shoulders.
'It's like a sleep over,' you chuckled, 'like when I was younger.'
Sihtric snorted. 'Sounds like your sleepovers were way different than mine when I was younger.'
'Oh my god,' you mumbled with a laugh, 'well, to be honest, I never had a sleepover before with someone who only stopped by to fuck me senseless, so…'
'Well, now I feel special,' Sihtric smiled.
'Yeah, you know what, you should feel special,' you joked, looking up at him.
'Yeah?' Sihtric asked softly with a half smile, looking down at you as he licked his lips. 'Hm. Come here, kitten,' he hummed, cupping your cheek as he leaned into you, capturing you into a sensual, slow, openmouthed kiss.
'Okay,' you said flustered when Sihtric broke the kiss after a moment, 'what was that?' you blushed.
'Sorry,' Sihtric smiled softly and nuzzled your nose, 'hm, wait, no,' he chuckled, 'I'm not sorry actually,' he said quietly before he pulled you back in for another kiss. 
Other than the quick pecks he'd give you during and after your benefits, you had never made out, or simply kissed with real passion for that matter.
And when Sihtric held you close, safely in his arms while his rough fingertips caressed your cheek softly as he kissed you ever so slowly and passionate, you felt a sting in your stomach, a feeling which quickly grew into a knot. And you just knew everything would be complicated after tonight. But you tried to ignore it, allowing yourself to enjoy being in his arms and tasting him on your lips, while there were still no strings attached.
You woke up before Sihtric and found yourself sleeping on your side, his arms tightly around you and you felt his breath on your neck. You groaned when you tried to get up quietly, he had really bruised you last night and you felt sore as hell. But still, you had no regrets. Sihtric woke up when you tried to sneak out of his embrace and immediately smiled while struggling to open his eyes.
'Where are you going?' his voice sounded rough, which made you feel that sting in your stomach again, accompanied by butterflies. This was not good.
'Taking a quick shower before breakfast,' you said as you pulled your shirt over your head.
'Hm, how big is your shower?'
'Sihtric,' you sighed with a smile, 'I will not have sex with you in the shower.'
'Always thinking the worst of me,' Sihtric smiled with his eyes closed, 'I just want to shower, same as you. Let me join you? I promise I won't try anything.'
'You promise?'
'Fine, hurry then,' you got up and pulled the blankets off Sihtric as you walked out the room, making him groan and say you're a handful.
'Stop staring at me,' you snorted as you rinsed your hair.
'Nothing I haven't seen before,' Sihtric shrugged as he joined you in the shower.
'Exactly why there is no need to stare.'
'Well, I mean,' he smiled almost shyly, 'I never get to see this side of you, you know, what you're like the day after… or what you're like in general at home. We usually just fuck and go our separate ways again or we meet when someone else is around too. But,' he paused for a moment and looked away, 'it's nice to see this.'
'Oh,' you said, a little surprised, 'thanks I guess.' You washed off the remaining shower gel and handed Sihtric the bottle, 'here, wash those sins away.'
Sihtric smiled and gave you a cheeky smile, 'do my back?'
'Sihtric,' you rolled your eyes.
'Come on,' he laughed, 'you're not the only one who is sore.'
'Fine,' you shook your head with a smile as he turned his back to you.
You had never really noticed all the scars he had before, except the ones of his face and arms, but this was the first time you got a clear look at his whole body, and mainly his scarred back.
'My god,' you whispered and gasped softly, 'oh, baby.'
'Hm?' Sihtric frowned and glanced over his shoulder, finding your sad expression and your eyes fixated on his back. He turned his face away from you, looked down and sniffed while he shook his head, 'It's in my past, doll, it means nothing anymore.'
Sihtric had said it confidently, but you still heard a hint of pain and resentment in his voice.
As your relationship was basically just based on sex and a quick drink every now and then, you never really thought much about his personal life, but you knew of his past through mutual friends. 
You sighed quietly and reached for his hand, lacing your fingers with his as you pressed a soft kiss onto his spine, to which Sihtric inhaled sharply and flinched lightly.
'I know I'm not much of a threat,' you chuckled softly, 'but if anyone ever harms you again, I will kill them. I'll find a way.'
You saw Sihtric clenched his jaw as he looked slightly to the side, giving you a silent nod.
'Likewise,' he said softly, and closed his eyes when he felt your hands softly massage the cool shower gel onto his back and shoulders. You took your time, which Sihtric clearly seemed to enjoy as he hummed every now and then while he kept his eyes shut.
'Do I need to wash it off too?' you joked.
'N-no, actually,' Sihtric cleared his throat, 'babe, can you give me like 5 minutes?' he grinned as he looked over his shoulder again.
'What? Why?'
'Look,' he said, awkwardly, 'it's morning. I just woke up, that alone is already a problem for men, and on top of that, a pretty lady just massaged my back in the shower. Baby,' he chuckled, 'I really need five minutes alone.'
'Oh, god, Sihtric,' you grimaced but then broke into a laugh.
'Hey, at least I am not asking you to get down on your knees, okay.'
'Oh, how kind of you, sir.'
'I mean, unless you want to, lady?' he grinned, trying his chances.
'Your hands worked just fine last night, I'm sure they'll work right now,' you smirked and slapped his ass.
'Hey!' he yelled, 'you little devil. Get out, now,' Sihtric said hoarsely and laughed. 
You grabbed your towel and stepped out of the shower.
'Your towel is on the chair. Have fun,' you said and changed into your robe in the bedroom. When you heard Sihtric had shut off the water you stopped by the bathroom door before you went downstairs.
'Hey,' you said knocking on the bathroom door, 'how do you like your coffee?'
'My coffee?' Sihtric answered on the other side, 'eh, black.'
'Scrambled, lady.'
'Toasted, if possible,' he paused for a moment, 'why?'
While Sihtric waited for an answer you were already on your way downstairs, to the kitchen.
'What's this?' Sihtric asked, a little taken aback when he looked at a royal amount of food on your kitchen table.
'What do you mean,' you frowned, 'it's breakfast. Sit,' you gestured to the chair.
'Y-you made me breakfast?' Sihtric asked, cautiously, as he stroked his goatee.
'Of course,' you smiled and brought him his coffee, seeing his bewildered face, 'what's wrong?'
'No, nothing,' he said, struggling to find a steady expression, 'it's… the last person who ever made me breakfast was…was my mom,' he looked up at you, 'before… you know she died,' Sihtric rubbed his arm, not knowing how to react to a gesture like this.
'Oh, honey,' you clicked your tongue and rushed over to him to cup his cheeks.
He looked up at you with a soft smile, then shook his head, 'How you are still single is beyond me,' he said softly, 'I mean,' he chuckled, 'you're straight up wife material.'
'Sure,' you smiled shyly and pressed a kiss to his forehead, having that gnawing feeling in your stomach again as you did.
'Thank you,' Sihtric said and kissed your cheek, 'for everything. It was a nice change for once.'
'You're welcome, and thank you too,' you smiled and pecked his lips quickly while he still had his arm circled around your waist.
'My pleasure, doll,' he smiled cheekily, 'call me when you want to get freaky again, okay?' he laughed and stepped away from you, turning to his car.
'Yeah, you too,' you chuckled.
'I will,' Sihtric smiled as he unlocked his car and opened the door, 'have a nice weekend, baby,' he said and puckered his lips to blow you a kiss before he got in his car.
You blushed as you watched him drive off and you were once again taunted by a sickening feeling in your stomach.
You had done the one thing that you weren't supposed to do; you fell in love with him.
Sihtric: did I leave my necklace at your place?
Sihtric: I'm not wearing it and I can't find it?
You: let me look
You: yeah it's on my nightstand
Sihtric: oh good, I thought I had lost it
Sihtric: can I pick it up tomorrow?
Sihtric: my evening shift is about to start, can't make it now
You: yeah of course, no problem
Sihtric: great. Say 8 in the evening?
You: I guess sure
Sihtric: okay, see you tomorrow ;) x
You: hey
You: I'm not feeling well today
You: is it okay if you pick up your necklace some other time?
Sihtric: of course
Sihtric: you okay, doll?
Sihtric: do you need anything?
You: I'll be okay, don't worry. Just caught a bug I guess!
You hated yourself for lying to him. But you just couldn't face him, not yet. Sure, he said he'd only pick up his necklace, but you figured he'd probably want to stay a little longer and have sex again. Which, normally, wasn't a problem at all. But since you caught feelings… It was a nightmare. Sure, you caught a bug. The worst bug of all. A goddamn love bug.
Sihtric: call me when you need something yeah?
Sihtric: get well baby xx
Sihtric: how are you feeling?
You: still not too well
You: sorry :( 
Sihtric: don't worry love
You: I could ship it to you haha
You were being absolutely ridiculous right now. And you knew it, but you couldn't even stand the thought of seeing him. He had to be avoided at all costs.
Sihtric: no baby haha
Sihtric: it's fine
Sihtric: but do you need me to stop by? Can I get you anything?
You: that's sweet, but no thank you, I'm okay
Sihtric: you sure?
You: yeah I just want to sleep all day really…
Sihtric: are you eating enough, doll? Staying hydrated and all that? And how are those bruises? :( 
Of course he had to make it all even worse by being an absolute fucking sweetheart. God, you wished he was just a complete jerk so you could cut things off. But… you couldn't.
You: I'm fine, Sihtric…
Sihtric: promise?
You: yes I promise
Sihtric: okay kitten
Sihtric: promise to take care of yourself baby?
You: I will
Sihtric: good. hope to see you soon again
Sihtric: miss you doll xxx
This was a complete disaster. Could you just block him? What happens if you'd just block him… no, shit, you still have his necklace. And he knows where you live. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!
Sihtric: can I call you?
Sihtric: baby?
Sihtric: are you okay?
You watched his texts come in and in your horror you watched your phone ring as he called you. You fucked up. This was all fucked up. Why did you let him stay that night? Christ! Shit. You didn't touch your phone until you had two missed calls from the man you had fallen for, hard.
Sihtric: please answer baby? 
Sihtric: can we talk?
Sihtric: I really need to talk with you
You: i'm okay, Sihtric, just still under the weather…
Sihtric: I'm sorry love but I don't care, I really need to see you…
You: i don't think that's a good idea
God, no, please, no. You do not want him to come over. 
Sihtric: baby please
Sihtric: you've been distant ever since that last night
Sihtric: I'm sorry if I hurt you baby, I didn't mean to lose my self control like that
Sihtric: I never meant to harm you 
Sihtric: or bruise you
Sihtric: I'm so sorry little vixen, please, let me see you?
Sihtric: I need to know you're okay
Your nightmare just got a whole lot worse. Sihtric clearly thought he had upset you because he had been a little rough with you, rougher than normal. He never meant to scare you off, he thought you would tell him if you didn't like something, which you had done before. He just didn't understand how it went so wrong this time, making you suddenly not want to see him anymore and making no attempt to text or call him, which you usually did.
You: Sihtric please it's not that
You: you didn't do anything wrong
Sihtric: please call me?
You: I will…but tomorrow okay? I'm really tired
Sihtric: okay baby, tomorrow. Promise? 
You: yeah
Sihtric: okay sleep tight my love xxx
Sihtric was a sensitive guy, which you knew a little, but if you had known how upset he actually was over the whole debacle, you would have never tried to avoid him for so long.
You cursed yourself for promising you'd call Sihtric. You didn't want to. Well, you wanted to. You desperately missed him and needed him with you, but you couldn't. Not in the way you wanted to be with him. And like the other days, you watched his texts and calls come in.
Sihtric: can you call? Do you have time?
You: I'm not sure.. 
You: I just don't feel well. I'm sorry..
Sihtric: oh...
Sihtric: okay baby.. I'm sorry
Sihtric groaned in frustration and flung his phone across the room. He was at wit's end. He wants to call you, but you don't answer his calls. You barely reply to his texts and when he asks if he did something wrong you keep saying no, yet you seem to avoid him at all costs. It's been almost a week since he had last seen you and it was driving him mad. He just wanted to see you. Nothing more. No sex, no kissing, he just wanted to be able to see you and hear your voice.
'Fuck,' he groaned as he rubbed his eyes, 'that's it. I'm going there.'
You were a little annoyed when someone rang your doorbell at 9 in the evening. You opened up, already having a rant prepared because you half expected it to be charity people or church people, and you were not in the mood, but then you saw it was worse. Way worse than charity or church people.
'Sihtric?' you gasped.
Sihtric clicked his tongue and scoffed upon seeing you, perfectly healthy and all. He bit his lip and chuckled, but not in a good way.
'It's all clear now, just like I thought,' he said, 'look, I just want my necklace back, that's all.'
'I- I-,' you stammered, 'I'll get … get it.'
'Yeah, I'll wait,' Sihtric sniffed, 'glad you're feeling better by the looks of it,' he sneered.
And his sneer was gut wrenching.
'Sihtric,' you sighed and leaned your forehead against your front door, 'I fucked up.'
'No,' he laughed, a broken laugh, 'if you didn't want to sleep with me anymore because of what happened you could've just said so, you know,' he shrugged, 'you know I'm not some fucking weirdo. I kept asking you over and over again if you were okay, if I had hurt you or scared you,' he threw his hands up, 'and you gave me nothing. Except for silence.'
'It's not you.'
'Of course not, that's what you all say, right? The whole it's not you, it's me bullshit?' he shook his head, 'just fucking save it, I don't even want to hear it. It's clear that I am the problem here, so, what? What the fuck are we still doing then? Let's end whatever this was right here, right now. That's what this is about, yeah? So just say it, love. No need to sugarcoat it. Get it over with and just say it and I'll be gone, out of your life.'
'Sihtric, it's not-'
'Just fucking say it, doll,' he sighed.
'I fell in love with you!' you suddenly shouted, 'okay! That's what this is about!'
'What?' Sihtric frowned, dumbfounded, 'you what?'
'I'm in love with you,' you hissed and buried your face.
'W-why?' he shrugged, 'when?'
'When do you think, you dumbass? The night you stayed over!'
'I don't know how, it just happened! Fuck, Sihtric,' you groaned, 'I fucked this up by letting you stay. It's all my fault.'
'I- I don't understand,' Sihtric brushed his hands through his hair, completely bewildered, 'then why have you been avoiding me?'
'Because I just couldn't face you,' you admitted, 'I mean, I know you just wanted the whole friends with benefits thing, and I was cool with it, I really was, until that last time. I don't know what happened. Maybe because you … because I finally saw the rest of your personality. I don't know. I… I don't want to lose you, I mean, I like having you around but I can't do this anymore. I can't just fuck and leave it at that. I,' you sighed and buried your face in your hands again, 'I want more, Sihtric.'
'Fucking hell,' Sihtric scoffed with a smile, resting his hands on his head while he looked at you, 'all of this shit,' he said, 'was because you caught feelings for me?'
'Yes,' you said, embarrassed.
'And you never considered that I may have feelings for you?' he frowned and threw his hands up again.
'I mean, shit, baby,' he groaned, 'fuck. Why do you think I'm still single and rarely go on dates? And when I do, why do they all fail? Why have I been so concerned about you the past few days? Or why on earth I always call you my baby, my vixen, my kitten. You- you,' he sighed, 'you never suspected anything? I mean, anything, baby?'
'Wh-what? No! I thought… I thought you were just, I don't know, a flirt.'
'Yeah, flirting with you, you fool!'
'Wait, stop. Since when do you like me?'
'Since the first day, my gods,' Sihtric cried out in relief, 'babe. Fucking hell! Come here,' without waiting for an answer he pulled you in his arms, 'fuck, I love you so much, you have no idea. I thought you never wanted to see me again or something. You scared the shit out of me.'
'What?' your voice was muffled as your face was buried in his chest.
'I thought,' Sihtric said again, pulling away and cupping your cheeks, 'you didn't want to see me anymore. I thought I had hurt you the last time we slept together. Because it seemed so convenient for you to suddenly become ill right after I left. And then it seemed you didn't want anything to do with me anymore so, you know,' he shrugged, 'I thought I fucked up.'
'No, babe, I told you,' you wrapped your arms around his neck, 'it was never you. You didn't do anything wrong. The problem was that you did everything right,' you chuckled, 'I'm sorry for being so stupid. I just panicked. I didn't know you felt the same… if I knew I would have never done this. I'm so sorry, honey.'
'No, no,' Sihtric whispered and hushed you with a kiss, 'I don't care about that anymore. I only care about you. I want you, okay? Just you, no one else. I love you.'
'I love you too. And I only want you too, no one else.'
'Promise?' Sihtric asked and nuzzled your nose.
'I promise,' you smiled as you pulled him even closer, locking your lips together for that desperate, passionate kiss.
'But I still want my necklace back,' Sihtric said with a cheeky smile.
'Fine,' you rolled your eyes and reached into your shirt, taking off the necklace as you pulled the leather cord over your head, 'here.'
'You've been wearing it all this time?' he scoffed as he snatched the necklace out of your hands with a smile.
'Of course, it was the only thing I had from you.'
'Oh, kitten,' Sihtric sighed, 'fine. Here, keep it.'
He put the necklace back around your neck and kissed your cheek.
'Now what on earth am I to do with you now that you're mine?' Sihtric grinned.
But before you could answer, he threw you over his shoulder, just like that last night, but this time you didn't even make it to the bed, but you got stuck halfway up the stairs, where you'd both gain another few bruises this time, lovingly of course.
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Hey Hi Hello!
I saw your requests are open so here I am!
I was thinking about Ran, Rindou, Hakkai and Mitsuya with an slavic reader? Male preferably could be gn!
Also could I be the 🥟 anon If your making a list?
Feel free to ignore this!
Pre writing thoughts - Yes!! I absolutely can, I've studied a small amount of Russian and Icelandic - but it probably won't be accurate as I'll have to use Google translate to fill the gaps. I hope you enjoy this 🥟 Anon!
Post writing thoughts- Okay... Well, I wasn't expecting to write so much, so I'll have to make other parts for the other characters 😭 but I hope this is good enough considering how long it took. (Also sorry it wasn't gender neutral, I completely blanked on it)
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(Name) stuck out like a sore thumb, having moved to Japan half way into the school year; it wasn't often that foreigners moved to the area. The peculiar student had certainly caught Mitsuya's attention, piquing Takashi's curiosity... Well, (Name)'s caught the eyes of everyone not just Mitsuya.
One thing that stood out was (Name)'s accent, the mix of Japanese words with the addition of deep and throaty annociations strange yet amusing; the rolling of his r's and the emphasis of the ch's and k's pointed towards Slavic origins. That note inspired Mitsuya, and in an attempt to make (Name) more comfortable he started researching traditional Slavic clothing.
"What is that?" Yasuda questioned, her brows furrowed in confusion and slight judgement - as the current piece Mitsuya was working on was out of character for him. The red, black, white, and blue fabric stood out against his usual more casual colour choices - and the sketches of geometric embroidery patterns weren't at all like the usual Kanji he used.
Mitsuya sticks his pencil behind his ear, leaning back in his chair earning satisfying pops from his spine; he had honestly been expecting this question and was expecting it to be asked sooner. He gives Yasuda a tired smile, his arms lax as they hang by his sides.
"It's a uh..." He trails off, unsure how to properly pronounce the word - as it was either Russian or Ukrainian, he couldn't tell the difference even with the little research he did - all he knew was that it was a more traditional Slavic outfit. "Byshibanka?"
He felt a tad guilty, even though the certain Slavic student was nowhere near to hear his horrendous mispronunciation; it felt like a dishonor of sorts. Yasuda raises a brow, her hands on her hips as she looks down at her club captain.
"A what?" She asks, knowing for a fact that - one: Mitsuya mispronounced it - and that two: she would never remember to look it up later when she got home.
Mitsuya sits up, running a hand over his short silver hair; his expression filled with exasperation, not at Yasuda but himself.
"It's this like- traditional Russian or... Whatever... Outfit? I wanted to give it to the new guy." He explains, earning a knowing nod from Yasuda - who knew from her first meeting with Mitsuya that he liked guys... Even if Mitsuya didn't know it himself yet.
"Oh... So you like him?"
Mitsuya shrugs, not getting the implication - as it wasn't exactly the norm for guys to date other guys. He had no idea if he liked the new kid, he just wanted to do something nice... It wasn't like he found (Name) interesting or cute.
"I don't know, he seems like a chill guy - I've never talked to him." The teens nonchalant answer only furthered Yasuda's suspicions, she wasn't going to spell it out for Mitsuya just yet; but she was certainly coming up with a scheme.
"Well, I hope he likes it... And hopefully he's actually Russian... You do know there's other countries like that, right?" She narrows her eyes, doubting that Mitsuya actually did enough research; not surprising, many teenagers weren't all that informed of nations outside of Japan and the major powers.
Takashi's eyes widen, shifting away nervously as he realizes that he completely glossed over the fact that there are other Slavic countries; he didn't bother looking at a map or anything, just looked up some traditional clothing.
"I mean- I..." He trails off, glancing down towards the pile of cloth in front of him; he didn't consider looking beyond Russia, and he didn't even know for a fact that the Vyshyvanka was Russian or not. He shrugs, attempting to wash away his own mild concern over what could be a massive mishap. "I'm sure it'll be fine... Right? Maybe he'll appreciate the sentiment?"
"I'm sure he will... Whatever, I'll leave you to finish your little gift." She states, turning to pay attention to some of the other club members.
Mitsuya felt strangely nervous, holding a box in his lap as he waited for (Name) to enter the school gardens, a place where (Name) often stayed for lunch - since he didn't exactly have many people to talk to. Soon enough, the Slavic man rounded the corner; entering the school gardens, taking his place in the corner with his lunch. (Name) didn't even notice Mitsuya, far too focused on his hunger to realize he wasn't alone like usual.
The Japanese teen finally gains his confidence, standing from his spot on one of the benches. His steps were steady, and his expression showed a lack of interest - or rather calm despite his slight anxiety.
"Hey." Mitsuya calls out casually, causing (Name) to jump as he looks up from his food. It probably wasn't a good idea to interrupt someone in the middle of their lunch, but Mitsuya's mind was oddly scrambled when it came to (Name); his usual calm and collected self thrown out the window.
"Eh? Hi?" (Name) replies, glancing away as he rubs his throat; conscious of how he spoke. His accent has always been a problem, especially with the Japanese language; it's earned more than a few strange looks from locals - as if him being visibly not Japanese wasn't enough to earn strange looks on occasion. Yet, Mitsuya didn't seem to mind his accent, in fact - Mitsuya found it endearing.
"So uh... I just wanted to give this to you." Mitsuya states awkwardly, gesturing down to the thin box in his hands; which had his name written on it, which helped (Name) - as he didn't know Mitsuya's name till reading it on the box.
"Yeah? What's the reason?" The Slavic teen questions, shifting in his seat as he sets aside his lunch box; pulling one leg up in an attempt to seem casual - even though he was very confused and suspicious. Mitsuya glances away nervously, rocking back and forth on his heels; a nervous habit he rarely ever felt the need to do.
"It... It's just a little something I made- I just uh... Wanted to... I don't know-" Mitsuya chokes on his words, feeling his heartbeat speed up as his cheeks warm; he felt strangely embarrassed by his reasoning. "I just wanted to help you feel more welcome."
"Ah... Makes sense... I guess." (Name) mumbles, glancing down to the box as he accepts it; his mind racing for any sort of clue as to what this gift could be.
The silence that falls between them grows more and more awkward and uncomfortable by the minute, neither of them knowing what to say in the moment. Finally, Mitsuya mumbles a small goodbye before turning on his heel to leave the garden.
Once Mitsuya was gone, (Name) hesitantly opened the box - his eyes widening at the sight of familiar clothing. He can't help but smile, setting the lid aside as he runs his hand over the embroidered fabric; he wasn't Ukrainian, but he had childhood friends who were - they always leaned towards traditionalism. They often wore vyshyvankas, and some other clothing that (Name) couldn't remember for the life of him... But either way, the sight of the clothes brought back fond memories.
Lifting the clothing from the box (Name) notices something, there wasn't any sort of tag or label printed onto the fabric... Did Mitsuya make this just for him? There was a note at the bottom of the box, which (Name) quickly turned his attention to.
Hey, I just wanted to make you feel more comfortable and welcome here - we Japanese aren't always the nicest to foreigners or whatever. So I did some research and made you this, I hope you like it.
It was such a simple note, but it made (Name)'s heart skip a beat. It wasn't as if Mitsuya had bought him a gift, which would have been greatly appreciated as well... But the fact that Mitsuya made it - well that was a whole other level.
"I'll have to thank him later..."
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c2-eh · 2 months
Oh my god I'm so so sorry eva. It completely slipped my mind. I was going to follow up with what I wanted. I was trying to be dramatic. Girl (gn) I'm terribly sorry. But I was going to ask you to please give me your entire versainz thesis cause oh my god "after the battles comes the reward" was such an amazing fic. I was just going to ask you not to gatekeep your versainz brain and give me all the thoughts you had about them. I'm reading to read essays. The fic was amazing. The personalities were so contrasting to each other and at the end when Charles and max see each inherent and that whole moment was so guckin spectacular. I loved the whole thing. That's all I wanted to ask. Once again really sorry for leaving you hanging like that.
i'm so so sorry anon for leaving you hanging like that, but i was not in the right place to answer and i wanted to answer this properly!! also don't apologize so much it's fineee!! :)) i should be the one apologizing because of how long this took 😭
okay so first of all thank you so much, i'm so happy you liked the fic!! <3 i have to put it under "keep reading" because i went kinda insane with it hehe
so my versainz thesis is partly reflected in the fic. i don't think it is appreciated enough how great their relationship is after all these years – even after all the "alleged" bullshit and toxic atmosphere that was going on in toro rosso (the toxic versainz was jos and sr, no one is changing my mind). they were each others' first teammates, they kinda eased into the whole f1 world together – young and eager and trying so so hard to beat each other because that is what you do, no? they tried to prove themselves (especially in the team that would get them to RBR) and still managed to be friends, to respect each other and that stayed with them till today. they both are sons of famous fathers so the expectations and pressure was even worse (from public? NO, from their own fathers) so that is another thing to bond on. why? one understood what the other was going through and he got why the mood was swinging here and there every day, and why the mood depend on if "he" was at the race.
another thing is that i am sure carlos was max' gay awakening (max wasn't carlos' because carlos was dense and way too convinced his dad is the god (iykwim)). they might not have been bestest of friends (they still kept their distance because they did not know having friends in this sport is ok), but you can see by every single of their interactions how much they respect each other. they have very contrasting personalities as well, which is so very compelling to me. as i portrayed it in my fic, max is all "no bullshit guy" when it comes to racing and he is not afraid to be blunt and tell how things are. all while carlos is calmer and more well spoken. if we combine them, it is perfect balance. i see max as the one that is overprotective - when he talked about how carlos felt in vegas 2023? that moment is integrated into my brain forever. on the other hand, carlos is the one that is calm, stands for what's right and protects his loved ones, but does it with more grace and peace. they just fit so well, because they are the definiton of thunder (but not really) vs calm (but also not really) (but for that we would need another convo lmao).
i just think these two are the definition of "right person at the very wrong time" because they understood each other (and still do), but the time was not right – too young, too soon, so much responsibility, distraction and so on... there are SO many things that speak so loudly about these two. like, they are not even "getting back together" trope, but "finding someone you loved again and it is finally a right time". also max is soft – soft and giggly but not many know it, but carlos does. and carlos loves it, which makes max even more soft.
the fact they started together and saw each other win – carlos even was right there (literally next to max, might i add) when max won his first wdc. the hug is so personal to me to this day. they just love each other, thank uuu
i would pay good money to have these two as teammates again to see the relationship and the dynamic and how it shifted now they are older and more experienced <3
so sorry it is so long actually haha, love u anon ! sequel to that versainz fic will come in the summer!
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joviepog · 1 year
dsmp related requests i heard?
im always thinking abt c!wilbur as i am a proud c!wilbur apologist. so how about the first time wilbur shows you around and welcomes you into l’manburg and it basically turns into a date with his hand on your back guiding you around carefully (and just wanting to be holding you) :3
- @loversj0y
“I think i’m in love”
Pronouns: None :)
Request: @loversj0y
Word count: 664 words
Anything else: I HAVENT WRITTEN FOR C!WILBUR IN EONS AND IT JUST TURNED OUT SUPER BAD I AM PURELY SORRY. (Also i changed it up a bit to make it easier fir myself. I’m sorry if it just lets you down 😭)
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As the guitar played in and a soft breeze hit your face you found yourself lying on the president’s shoulder. At first, you had came to L’Manburg for fun. But you ended up just meeting a new friend. You found yourself walking around L’Manburg’s walls, smiling at the sight of such a small nation. Suddenly, out if the blue came a voice. When you turned around to see who it was you found a tall man with a blue and red suit. He had brown curly hair that shined as the sun hit it and a thick british accent.
“Hey! What are you doing walking around the walls?” He said, softly yet strictly.
“Apologies! I was just wondering how I can join L’Manburg? Do you know if I could talk to the president?” You asked. As he walked up to you you noticed more of his features. Like how his ears look upside down and how his eyes seemed hazel when the sun hit them. Or how almost his whole outfit is lined with gold.
At first he looked serious, like he was about to question you for committing some murder. But once he walked up to you he gave you a warm smile. “That’s me! I’m the president!” He said while putting his hand out for you to shake. You took it, shaking it and smiling, “Oh! Nice to meet you sir!”
He smiled down at you and looked into your eyes which scared you at first. “Nice to meet you to. My name is Wilbur Soot and I am the president of this nation.” He took his hand back and stuffed it in his pocket. “Well it looks lovely from here Mr. President.” You said looking up at the walls. “Please, Darling, call me Wilbur.” He said with a wide grin. You could see the playfulness in his eyes but you were a little shocked by how straight forward this president was. Though you couldn’t help but blush at the nickname.
“Okay, Wilbur.” You said teasingly, “May I join this nation of yours? I’ve been looking for a place to stay and this place seems lovely!” You said smiling. He looked you up and down for a second with a straight face which made you hold your breath.
“Well I don’t see why not?” He smiled again, “You’re not with Dream are you?” He said suddenly serious. You had absolutely no clue who dream was. “No?” You questioned.
“Great! Then welcome to my nation!” He looked at the walls of L’Manburg before looking back down at you.
You smiled and started walk a bit, catching the President off guard. “So i’m guessing we don’t like this Dream guy?” You said playfully, you where walking ahead and Wilbur was close behind you. He laughed a bit before clearing his throat, “Yeah, we are not a huge fan of Dream.” You continued walking then finally stopped. You and Wilbur where in front if the opening to L’Manburg.
He took this as a sign to start showing you around. He would put his hand on your back, pushing you lightly onto where to go. Sometimes you would trip over something and grab his hand making you both blush. He seemed to do this often when talking to you.
As time went on, you found yourself close to Wilbur. After his long days, you two would meet up at your spot. Under a tree. And you two would sing songs until both your throats hurt.
“Wilbur?” You asked once, “Have you ever been in love?” He blushed at the sudden comment but answered honestly, “Of course I have.”
You hummed softly , still leaning on his shoulder. “I think i’m in Love.”
His eyes widened as he completely stopped playing his guitar. “With who?”
Before he could even get an answer you where asleep in his shoulder. He smiles and continues to play quietly. Leaning his head on yours he whispers how much he loves you.
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h0bg0blin-meat · 13 days
Arjuni and Vasant childhood besties!AU
"Act more like a girl, you disgrace!" Kunti had shouted as she slapped her youngest daughter. Kunti, the princess of Kuntibhoja had started to vent her anger on especially her daughter after the death of her husband and co-wife. She would not let her other children to protect their sister.
Arjuni said nothing, as she got up from the ground. She would not let her mother stop her from doing the things she loved. Yet Arjuni loved her mother dearly, and it hurt. It hurt to be abused by her mother for no reason at all.
Kunti was about to hit her again when Arjuni ran out of the room, without saying anything else. Kunti scoffed angrily and walked away.
Meanwhile, the youngest Rajkumari of Hastinapur ran. She ran as fast as she could, not knowing or caring where. She stumbled upon a deep forest with a beautiful lake, harboring beautiful, fully bloomed lotuses. Arjuni's body became weak as she vented all her bottled up emotions.
As the princess was sobbing heavily, she didn't realise the the environment turning around her into that of the time of Spring. The trees became greener and more full of life, the flowers bloomed and the nearby birds were singing with delight.
"Hey...hey..psst! Hey! Are you alright?" Arjuni heard someone ask something to her. She looked up and saw a beautiful...boy? He had beautifully shaped eyes, light-red coloured skin with dark hair, with a small, pretty lotus tigged in between his locks, just above his left ear.
"W-who a-re yo-you?" She managed between her sobs. That boy smiled at her. "Oh me? I am Vasant! The companion of Kamdev! So, why are you crying?" Arjuni blinked at him before she realised...this was RITURAJ VASANT, THE god of spring. "I am sorry for-".
"Eh, no need ro apologise, Rajkumari. But answer my question first." Arjuni blinked at him again. "I was crying because...." and told the God of Spring about it all, while being in control of her emotions.
"Aww...poor you...you are only nine summers old. Say, do you want to be my friend?"
It took a little while to process that statement in that brilliant brain of the girl. "What in the heavens— i am just a mere mortal i can not be friends with a god!" Arjuni exclaimed.
"You are not a mere mortal though...but i can be your friend if you want to!" Rituraj grinned at her. "Alright....i agree to be your friend!" Arjuni then ginally grinned after crying for who knows how long.
"Also, whenever you need me, call me and i will appear!" Vasant patted her head. "Bye Arju!" And Vasant dissappeared from there.
And from there was the start of a divine friendship
I tried okay!? 😭😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧✨️✨️❤️‍🩹
How old is Vasant here??
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