#( the smell of money is all about me. / chris. )
parvumchao · 1 month
randomly generated headcanons | a smattering of muses
Bucky cracks his knuckles very loudly.
Rose gets into Twitter discourse.
KT desperately needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask for one.
Chris forgets to eat sometimes.
Crysta cries while watching Dis.ney movies.
Eddie will go feral. Watch out.
Grace is the gay cousin.
Brad is not allowed to drink energy drinks.
Ray has fallen asleep at his desk while working in the middle of the night.
Nora has a very low alcohol tolerance.
Eliza had an emo phase.
Clarity can hug you and will.
tagged by: @dxsole tagging: you!
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sleeperagentclone · 7 months
I am too socially inept to deal with all the weird people my dad has collected over the years
#Like no my dad is not here right now because come back when he is#The old people who seem like they did too many drugs in the 70s/80s are more annoying#But like he'll set up a precedent of buying shit from homeless guys because “maybe they'll have something good someday”#And he'll just give them money which is all well and good (if I ever donate money to anything or give change to anyone I've been scammed)#But then he expects me (5'1 teenage girl looking ass) to refuse to give them money when he cuts them off#Like he is 65+ and over 6 feet tall I AM NOT#And like telling people who are seemingly unstable that you can't give them money and that no only the owner buys things and no you can't#Leave a pile of junk for him to look at later and no I can't give you any money over and over is fucking scary!#I am for sure speaking from a place of privilege because I would probably just be dead if not for my support network#I could very easily be on the other side of this I'm not fucking stable I can't hold down a real job#But I am just not equipped to be having these interactions and honestly I shouldn't be having them anyway#He keeps pretty regular hours and answers his phone so I don't understand why people are always looking for him when I'm here#I will say the homeless guys he buys from have gotten a lot better about coming in when he's actually here#And one of them Chris is perfectly nice he's a great artist but he also smells bad and is visiblely dirty sometimes and that sets off my ocd#and also makes me feel like a really shitty person for 'judging' him when I know that he doesn't have stable access to a shower#When I'm actually just suffering from my mental illness and that can also trigger the intrusive thought side of the ocd#Where I get stuck in a loop of thinking I'm a terrible person#And also I just feel bad not giving him money#And like we sell his art in the store but people rarely buy it which is annoying because it's pretty fucking sick
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cherriesformatt · 5 months
first mother’s day || matt sturniolo
summary: little blurb about celebrating your first Mother’s Day it’s Matt and your daughter
warnings: none just fluff
world count: 759
a/n: just a little part to the pregnancy series 🤭 since it’s mother’s day tomorrow. I didn’t prof read yet
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I woke up because first of all I did not hear white noise from the camera monitor and also didn’t feel Matt’s presence next to me. I slept whole night and that was surprising because we came here and Noa was in the room next to us. We traveled to Boston to see Marylou.
I stretched in bed and opened my eyes. I looked at the monitor and Noa’s crib was empty so she must have woke up already. I looked at the clock and it was 10.
“What the fuck?” I stood up from the bed.
I usually was up like at 6 to feed her and get her ready for the day. I opened the doors and smell of bagels and coffee filled my nose.
I was wearing Matt’s tee and pajama pants and I grabbed my glasses before I left my room.
I went downstairs into the kitchen and I gasped.
“Happy First Mother’s Day baby!” Matt yelled at me and I was literally stunned.
“Happy Mother’s Day y/n!!!!” The rest of the family was also there.
There were flowers everywhere. Kitchen was filled with all my and their mom’s favorite food and snacks. There were gift bags and I looked at my little girl. She was all happy in her chair. She was wearing a dress and she had a little bow in her hair. He dressed her up so cute. She squinted when she saw me.
“What is this all? Oh my god guys… you didn’t have to… come here my beautiful baby” I picked her up and kissed her head few times.
“Well…I wanted to do something special for you” he kissed my head.
“Thank you guys…and Happy Mother’s Day” I looked at them and than Marylou and came to give her big hug.
“Oh honey it’s all about you today” She said giving me a big smile.
“Oh no if it wasn’t about you then I wouldn’t have all of this” I smiled and kissed Noa’a cheek.
“Look at you baby….dada picked up such a beautiful outfit for you” I said to my daughter.
“Well… it was Mom and actually she got that outfit from Justin” He said scratching his neck.
“Of course… Matt wouldn’t put her in all pink but uncle Justin got her” Justin smiled and I laughed.
“You’re so cheesy Justin” I said and Noa wanted to go to her grandma so I let Marylou take her.
“I slept till now it’s a miracle” I said to Matt.
“I was hoping you will…” He said and gave me a quick kiss.
We talked and have the breakfast all together as we watched Noa play with Trever on the floor. She was 9 months now and she was so independent already. I had tears in my eyes every time I thought about her growing so fast. I was such a mother.
“Okay so we let mom already open her presents but those are all for you” Matt said when I was sipping my juice sitting at the island when he was cleaning.
“Matt you literally didn’t have to get me anything I am happy we can be here and spend time as family” I said taking the bags.
“I need to make my baby momma happy” he said and I just made a face at him.
“Don’t ever say that” I laughed and opened the gifts.
One of them was a designer bag from Matt and matching shoes from Nick and Chris. Cards and charms to my bracelet from their parents. I also got spa day voucher from Justin.
“You all are impossible spending money on my like that! It’s… thank you” I said and just came and gave Matt a big hug.
“I love you so so so much thank you for making me a mom” I closed my eyes when my head rested on his chest.
“See… that’s a crazy thing to say as well” he said and I laughed.
“But I love you too… and it was all Noa don’t look at me” He hugged me tight to him.
“They all also said we should go out tonight and they will watch Noa for us” he smiled.
“Are you inviting me for a date?” I smiled back.
“Yes… it’s a date” he said.
“Let me think about it” I said just to fuck with him a little.
“I hate you” he said and i stand on my toes to kiss his lips.
He kissed me back and than I smiled even more. It was all perfect today.
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owliellder · 1 year
All Pent Up
MDNI 18+
Puppy Hybrid! Leon Kennedy x afab! Reader
Word count: 3.85k
Warnings: Porn w/ plot, unprotected p in v (stay safe), no use of y/n, spanking, crying, slight ass-play.
Description: After a long night at work, you come home to a very pent up Leon. A trip to the park to help with that energy turns a little sour.
Tags: Submissive! Leon, neck biting/marking, begging, cunnilingus, knotting, mommy kink, fluff, near illegal amounts of praise AND aftercare, a lovely creampie to end the morning
Not proofread. I am once again sat here bored at work. More self indulgence since I work the same kind of job aforementioned in this lmao.
Also VERY much inspired by @abp0rns art of puppy Leon, specifically the two I put below the crop. Please check out their art they gotta be one of my favorite doodlers out there.
Edit: cross posted onto Ao3 if it's easier for you to read there (cause it is for me)
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It had been an incredibly boring night at work for you. Working graveyard at a gatehouse meant you did practically nothing. Easy money, sure, but you can only watch so many movies and doodle so much before it becomes redundant.
The only thing keeping you going was making sure your puppy, Leon, stayed happy and comfortable. You'd found him at the shelter a few months back, and though you never considered yourself to be a hybrid kinda person, Leon was just too damn cute at that shelter.
After adopting the hybrid, you quickly fell into a nice afterwork routine; come home, get jumped by Leon, make breakfast while he asked a plethora of questions about your night and made sure you knew just how much he missed you by licking and slobbering all over you. He was the sweetest boy, but man was he excitable.
Some mornings, you'd come home a bit more awake than others. It was random and you're not sure what made that so, but today was apparently one of those days.
"-sosososo glad you're home, mommy! I've been so lonely and bored without you!" Leon happily talked on after you'd walked through the door, his golden fur covered tail thumping loudly against the back of the couch. You remained quiet as you let him ramble, reaching up to pet through his messy bedhead with a smile. "I chewed on my toys, broke one of the squeakers though, but you've gotten me plenty of other toys for me to play with!! I really like this fluffy red pig you got me-!"
He continued to talk loudly about everything he did after you left for work only 8 hours prior, running around to grab and show you his chewed up toy and his favorite toy, tail continuing to wag avidly all the while.
"Alright, alright.. settle down, Leon.." You spoke up, cutting off his talk about laying in your bed so you could take a moment to shed your work clothes in favor of some more comfortable lounge wear; an old, faded graphic tee and a pair of soft sweatpants.
The hybrid followed you throughout the apartment while continuing to ramble, albeit a lot quieter now. Clearly Leon had a lot of energy this morning, which wasn't unusual by any means, but since you weren't all that tired this morning you decided that a trip to the dog park would be a good way for him to get some much needed exercise and enrichment.
After making breakfast, you dressed your puppy in a cozy outfit since it was always little chilly in the mornings where you lived, damn cold desert. You only had to reach for the leash for him to start jumping and yapping enthusiastically, making it rather difficult to hook it onto his collar.
You decided to stay in your comfy clothes, seeing as it would keep you warm enough until the sun warmed the air outside.
"Do you think Chris will be there?! Can you text his owner?? Who else is gonna be there?! I can smell the park from here!-" Leon rambled excitedly as he tugged you along to the park, smelling every bush and tree the two of you passed thoroughly. His tail never stopped wagging, those soft floppy ears perked forwards as he moved his head every which way, focusing in on every movement and sound while beelining to the park. He knew the way there, the leash was just to make sure you didn't get lost.
The air was cool the, sun beginning to warm you up. It was starting to bring out your exhaustion, but you wanted Leon to get at least half an hour of playtime in so he wouldn't bug you while you slept later. The thought alone made it easy for you to power through that brain fog that threatened to settle in.
You and Leon walked across the street once the tall chainlink fence that bordered the dog park was in view, the Golden Retriever hybrid practically dragging you to the other side of the street as his excitement grew. There were always other hybrids out early in the morning, the cool mornings were nicer for walks compared to the hot afternoons, at least in your opinion.
Leon was rubbing himself along the side of the fence, sniffing with a large goofy smile on his face. He had playmates that were normally here around this time, namely Chris, a German Shepard hybrid. Though Chris was a little bigger than Leon, they always played nicely, never having gotten into any sort of scuffle.
Chris was quick to notice Leon, running up to the fence so he could sniff him. They rapidly got each other riled up, so the moment you made it to the gate you unhooked the leash from Leon's collar. This wasn't so he didn't get choked out when he launched into the park, no, it was because the last time you forgot to unhook his leash first, you were yanked face first into soggy grass and mud.
The second you unlatched the gate, Leon pushed it open. He sprinted into the grassy park, Chris not far behind before tackling the smaller hybrid with a playful growl. The two roughhoused, chased each other, and played tug-of-war with a stick Chris had found.
You decided to sit on a bench not too far from where the boys played, looking up from your phone every minute or so to make sure their play didn't turn ugly.
Only 30 minutes had gone by before- "Mommy! Mommy!" Leon shouted from across the park, prompting you to look up from your phone. It only took a moment for your eyes to nearly bulge out of your head when you spotted a now brown Leon. His tail wagged, slapping loudly against the thick puddle of mud he was laying sideways in. "Looklooklook! Chris and I found a ball!" he yelled with a grin, Chris holding up the muddy ball high in the air so you could see it.
You sat there dumbfounded for a brief moment before letting your head fall back, breathing in and letting out a deep sigh as your eyes closed. You tilted your head forwards again, letting your eyes open slowly as your annoyance showed clear on your face.
Your puppy could see your expression change even from where he was, his ears drooping more than they were as the mud had weighed them down a bit. Seems like playtime was over.
Chris' owner wasn't all that happy either, walking over to the filthy hybrids only a few seconds sooner than you did. You pulled Leon from the mud by the collar since he seemed a bit stuck, glaring weakly at the now cowering puppy.
"Leon is always getting Chris into some sort of mess." Chris' owner huffed out, clearly irritated with the situation. You frowned, running your free hand over your face with a soft sigh. "I'm sorry, Leon just seems to really like the mud lately. I can't help that Chris follows, but I'll try to keep Leon from the mud." You didn't really care for someone implying your Golden Retriever puppy was a bad dog, but the idea of confrontation mixed with your ever-growing exhaustion was enough to have you just let it go.
After apologizing again, you let Leon shake off the excess mud from his body before hooking the leash to his collar once more, beginning to pull him towards the gate. He was very resistant to leaving, whining and whimpering something fierce. "I'm sorry! ImsorryImsorry! Please I'll be good! Let me stay a little longer mommy! Please I'm sorry! Mommy!"
As pitiful as he sounded, you now had to squeeze a thorough bath in for the hybrid before you were even able to think about sleeping. You continued to drag him along as he fought against you, crying out softly as you finally got him through the gate, closing it before he could run back through.
Your exhaustion was making you irritable, and having to fight to get Leon back home was enough to make you angry. It got even worse when he growled at you.
You stopped walking, the entrance to your apartment building only a few feet away. Turning around to face him, he immediately shrunk down at your furious glare. "Bad boy, Leon." Your voice was harsh, yet also so calm, it scared him. He hated being a bad boy, he never wanted to hear those words together again.
After you started walking again, he followed obediently, staying silent all the way into your apartment. He stood stiffly by the front door once you closed it, watching you stomp away. The puppy was on the verge of tears, his muddy tail tucked between his legs and his ears flat against his head.
Leon's bottom lip trembled the longer he couldn't see you, his ears twitching a bit as he picked up on the sound of the bath faucet turning on. His hands were clasped in front of his legs, head down in shame.
"Leon!" You called out from the bathroom, your tone still laced with irritation, he could definitely tell that much. The hybrid quickly shuffled to the bathroom, trying his best not to get clumps of dried up mud on the carpet along the way.
Leon stood in the bathroom doorway before you gently dragged him in, making silent work of his clothes that were absolutely caked in mud. He knew what to do afterwards, quietly seating himself in the bath, shoulders slumped. The bath was silent except for Leon's weak attempts to apologize, his voice faltering every time once he looked at your face. Your eyebrows were furrowed and you just looked so disinterested.
After the bath, you shooed the puppy off with a towel draped over his shoulders, lazily washing off his collar in the dirty bath water before unplugging the tub.
Leon sat in the living room, drying himself off as best as he could with the towel. Even after, he shook himself off on instinct, the towel left discarded on the floor. He had sat himself on the couch, still slouched with a strong pout on his face.
He knew he was in trouble. His stomach sank when you walked out and stood in front of him with that same irritated look. You then walked and sat next to him on the left. "Lay across my lap, Leon."
The Golden Retriever hybrid whimpered, though he did as he was told, laying himself so his abdomen was laying on your lap, his tail still tucked between his legs. He yipped when you grabbed the base of his damp tail with your left hand, roughly untucking it so you could get a clear view of his ass. "Look at me, Leon."
He turned his head and tilted it back slightly so he could look up at you, his eyes sad and watery. He didn't have anything to say for himself. "You growled at me. You've never growled at me before." You sounded upset, and you were. You didn't want to punish your sweet boy, but him growling at you for something so insignificant deeply bothered you.
Sighing, you pulled his tail up away from his ass even further, grip tightening on it as you felt him try and tuck it back between his legs again. Wordlessly, you drew your other hand back, a sharp smack along with a cry from Leon ringing out in the quiet apartment. You hated having to do this, but he needed to learn.
A few harsh spanks later and the hybrid's ass was bright red and sore, tears spilling down his face as he sobbed out barely comprehensible apologizes in between loud cries every time you brought your hand down on his tender behind. His hands gripped the couch cushion tightly, those pitiful sobs of his tugging at your heart.
Once you feel Leon'd learned his lesson, you gently ran your hand along both his ass cheeks, soothing the hot and red skin while your other hand caressed the base of his tail. You waited until his crying quieted to talk to him again, listening to him sniffle wetly as you let go of his tail to wipe away his snot and tears.
"Okay, okay... there you go, sweet boy. All done. I'm all done..." you whispered to the whimpering puppy hybrid in your lap, shifting your body sideways so he could climb up and lay his head against your chest. You combed your fingers through his hair with one hand while the other stroked the side of his face, clearing the few stray tears that continued to fall.
Leon buried his face into your chest, hiccuping out muffled apologies as he brought his hands up to wrap around you. "I'm sorry mommy. So-.. sososo sorry... Didn't mean to, mommy..."
As he trembled against you, you couldn't help but feel terrible for punishing him that way. He'd never been bad before, the punishment really shouldn't have been so harsh..
You waited until he quieted to speak up again, tilting your head to the side slightly so you could see his face a little better. "...you took that so well, Leon. Such a good boy for mommy, huh?" Despite the suggestive undertone, you made sure to talk softly, careful not to upset the delicate puppy on your chest.
He lifted his head up slightly, nodding weakly as his eyes turned glassy once more. "Please.. I'll-I'll be a good boy for you m-mommy. I'm sorry- I'm so so sorry mommy- I didn't mean to growl- ImsorryImsorryIm-"
You shushed him, running your hand from the side of his face up through his hair as he began to cry again. "You're a good boy, Leon. I forgive you, baby.."
All Leon wanted to do was make this right. He never wanted to be a bad boy again. He hated the way you spoke to him, the way you had looked at him. It was so scary, he wasn't a bad boy, no, he wasn't.
His mind was flooded with everything he could possibly do to make it up to you, tears falling onto your shirt as he pulled himself up off of you. He crawled backwards and sat back on his haunches, giving you a wary look as he tucked his fingers under the waistband of your sweatpants.
"Oh, Leon, sweetheart, you don't have to-" "Please..." Leon's meek voice cut you off, making you pause for a moment before nodding with a smile. His hands trembled as he pulled your sweatpants down, taking your panties with them. The hybrid hiccuped again before bringing his head down between your thighs, putting your legs over his shoulders as he cautiously placed his hands onto the points of your hips
It only took a second before he shoved his face into your cunt, whimpering at your smell and taste as he licked between your folds. You gasped, feeling his tongue eagerly lap up your slick as it leaked out of you, his low whimpers vibrating deliciously against you. "Leon~... oh~.. easy, boy..."
You reached a hand down to gently stroke his hair, attempting to get the puppy hybrid to calm down a bit still. He was obviously so eager to please, though he was still shaken up by the punishment; tears falling from his eyes, quiet sobs muffled by your pussy, eyes closed, and cheeks flushed a beautiful pink. His tail had started to wag again and you were relieved to see it sway slowly. You just wanted to see your puppy happy and excitable again like he always was.
Leon continued to lap at your cunt, keeping himself firmly buried in it. His breathing was a bit shaky but you just let him do what he needed to do, reaching your hand to the right a bit so you could stroke one of his soft floppy ears. He sighed at the feeling, his tail wagging a little faster.
"That's a good boy, Leon~... god- such a good boy for his mommy.." You praised the hybrid as he worked his mouth on you, the praise causing him to whine into your cunt. His eyes peaked open, looking up at you as small tears fell from them. "Good boy~..." You ran your hand down to stroke your thumb between his eyes, prompting him to close them again with a sigh.
Your words encouraged him further, sucking at your clit when his tongue wasn't buried inside of you. The puppy hybrid licked all around, making sure none of your sweet slick was left to waste. He eased his grip on your hips, partially worried he would hurt you, but mostly cause he adored the way you writhed when you drew close to your orgasm. He relished in how you pulled his head impossibly closer, practically grinding against his face, using him. What a good boy he was.
Leon was in heaven when you came, whimpering into your cunt as you gushed against his face. He made sure to lick up everything he could, even dipping down to your ass for a minute, tongue flat against the puckered hole. He'd be mad if he saw the couch got some of your juices.
After a moment, he pulled his head away, resting the side of his slick covered face against your thigh as he looked up at you with those puppy-dog eyes that you just couldn't resist. You knew what he wanted, and who were you to deny him?
"My good boy wanna fuck his mommy? Show his mommy what a good boy he is?" You whispered, to which he eagerly nodded in response, his ears perking up. You could hear his tail thump lazily against the back cushion of the couch, all the while watching him lick his lips. "I-I'll be a good boy for mommy. I'm a good boy-..good boy for mommy.." he mumbled quietly, hoisting himself up onto his haunches again after carefully laying your legs down off his shoulders. His thick cock was leaking pre-cum, flushed red at the tip while his knot was fully swollen. It was hard to look away.
Leon continued to mumble to himself, almost like he was trying to convince himself that he was a good boy. His breathing was still shaky as he watched you flip over, your ass up in the air while you rested your elbows on the armrest of the couch.
The poor thing was practically drooling at the sight of you, frozen in place, just staring at your glistening pussy. Your voice snapped him out of his trance, a hushed "Pretty boy..." causing him to lurch forward and mount you without further hesitation.
You cried out as he shoved his cock into you halfway, stopping only to grab the skin right above your collarbone with his teeth. He made sure he was positioned properly, shifting slightly before pushing his throbbing dick all the way. He whined at the way your slick walls gripped him, his knot pressed firmly against the outside of your cunt.
Leon's teeth broke skin as he began to piston in and out of you. He was drooling, whimpering, moaning, and his tail was wagging so fast. He loved the way his mommy felt, gripping his so tightly, sucking his thick cock in.
His let go of your skin to lick at gently, which was a stark contrast to his fast and rough thrusts. "So sorry mommy- sososo sorry.. never growl at you again- ah~..! I-I'll be mommy's good-.. good boy.."
The hybrid panted next to your ear, reaching his hands up and under your loose shirt to grip and massage your breasts. His fingers pinched and tugged at your sensitive nipples, causing you to moan loudly. You could feel every bit of his cock as he slammed it into you over and over again, the tip kissing your cervix which made you hiss at the slight pain it caused.
"Gonna- hnghh~.. gonna fill mommy up.. gonna be mommy's best boy again..." Leon whined, tilting his head to the side so he could nip at your neck, kissing and licking under your jaw. He sucked numerous hickeys down your neck, making quick work of the other side as well. He wanted you to remember how good he was for you, how much he was willing to do to make things better, what a good boy he was for you.
It didn't take long for him to near his own orgasm, his chin resting over your shoulder as his hands had worked their way back to your hips. He was so close; the sounds of your moans, the sinful way your pussy squelched with slick as he fucked into you, your smell, the lingering taste of you on his tongue, everything was just so overwhelming.
The puppy hybrid didn't have the words to give you warning, only a long drawn out whine as his hips stuttered forward, knot stretching you open. You came again from the feeling, barely being able to clench around his knot. It was just so big.
With his cum pumping into you, you could only groan pleasantly at the feeling of being so full, his knot having basically plugged you to the point that none of it could escape.
You could partially register Leon running his hands up and down your body, anywhere he could reach in his position, bunching up your shirt in the process. His large hands felt nice, helping you come down from your high. He was whispering something, you couldn't make out what, but it was probably the same thing he'd been spewing before.
After Leon was able to pull out of you, you made sure to reassure him over and over that he was your good boy, and he'd always be your good boy.
You made him a little snack once you'd cleaned yourself and him up, seeing as the park and your at-home playtime had influenced his appetite quite a bit. You loved to see him happy again; those beautiful blue eyes crinkled with a smile as that fluffy tail of his wagged.
Your body finally realized how tired it was once more, your brain catching up with that as well. You waved Leon, who was elated to follow you, into your room, practically bounding in like a deer. He begged to lay the way you two did on the couch, and again, who were you to deny him?
You laid back, head on your pillow as Leon nestled himself on top of you. He laid his head on your chest, turning his head to the left as he rested his arms on either side of you, his hands just barely tucked up under your pillow after pulling the blankets up over the both of you.
"You're the greatest boy anyone could ask for, Leon. Always taking such good care of me.." you whispered as his eyes closed, his tail going from a lazy wag to a stop as he fell asleep.
"I love you, my sweet boy.."
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think-like-a-poet · 5 months
Charles leclerc x Fem!reader
" Can I be honest, I still want your hands up on my body. You still make my heart beat fast Ferrari."
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Uni was slowly killing you. It was that time of the semester when every subject you were following thought it was a good idea to give you an essay to write. Every night, you pulled an all-nighter, losing sleep faster than you could imagine. So you were thrilled when you finally closed your laptop, having submitted your last essay for the semester and the holiday was about to start. To celebrate, your roommates insisted that you go with them to the club to drink away all your sorrows.
This is how you find yourself standing in front of the mirror, adjusting your little black dress and checking your makeup. For the first time in weeks, you didn't look like a zombie from the walking dead.
"Are you ready?" Marie, one of your two flatmates, asks as she walks into your bedroom. She is wearing a beautiful purple dress that matches her eyeliner.
Checking yourself one last time in the mirror, you answer her question, "Yes, let's go get wasted." She laughs at your comment and interlocks her arms with yours. Christina was already waiting by the door when you finally got to the living room. "It sucks that it's my turn to drive," she says.
You three grab your bags and make your way towards Christina's car. During the journey, you had already screamed your lungs out to the weekend before arriving at your destination. The roads of Monaco had been fairly quiet, so it didn't take long.
Entering the big building, you were immediately hit by the bright lights and the smell of alcohol and sweat. You knew you weren't going to remember much.
"I am going to get us some shots, be right back," Marie says as she walks towards the bar. You wanted to turn around and talk with Chris, but saw that she was already in conversation with a handsome stranger, so you made your way to the middle of the club. You had already lost both of your friends and hoped that they were in good hands. 
You heard the melody of 'Ferrari' by James Hype and your body started to move along with the beat. You felt someone brush against you and ask, "Do you want to dance together?" You couldn't help but blush at the man. He was quite handsome, taller than you, with brown curls covering his face and beautiful green eyes looking right at you.
Before you knew it, you had placed your hands on his chest. "Yeah," The stranger smiled as he placed both of his hands on either side of your torso.
"Can I be honest? I still want your hands up on my body. You still make my heart beat fast, Ferrari. With me in the wave, but in the morning." You moved your body to the song's lyrics. The stranger joined in, singing some of the words as you danced together.
"Do you like Ferraris?" He asks. "I love them. If I ever get the money for it, I will buy one." He spun you around so your back was now facing him. "Which one is your favorite?" He said into your ear. The music was loud, and he had to repeat the question once.
By this time, the song had already ended, but you didn't want to leave the stranger. You were glad he was starting a conversation. "Probably a 458 or the classic F40." He nodded in response. "Great choices. I will keep that in mind." You laughed at his joke, or was it? You knew you were likely never going to see him again.
"You sound like you know a lot about them. Do you drive a Ferrari?" You spun back around to face him. Only now did he look oddly familiar, but you couldn't place it. Like you had seen him on TV or maybe just in Monaco, it is a small country. "Mostly on weekends, but sometimes for fun. I love cars, all types of them, but mostly Ferrari's."
You were interrupted by Christina, who was carrying a drunken Marie. "Sorry to bother, but I am going to take her home. So I don't know if you have plans after this, otherwise you should probably come with us."
You looked up at the stranger as if the question was directed towards him. "I can take you home if you find that alright. I'd love to get to know you better." You smiled towards him. "You can go, I will call you when I leave." She nods and leaves you alone.
" I didn't get your name?" He looks down with a adoreble look. Should you trust him? He looks good. He likes Ferrari. Basic the biggest mention of possible red flag. It was only for tonight, he wouldn't kill you. You hope atleast. "Y/n, and what is yours?
He smiles. You could see a thinking look on hik.before he answers. " Pretty name for a pretty girl. My name is Perceval."
You snicker a bit at his name. " I didn't know this was a back in time themed party. Must have missed the invitation."
The rest of the night was filled with more laughter and dancing and you felt yourself getting more closer to the man in front of you. Not knowing that the people online found you and you were going viral. Tomorrow was going to be a wild day.
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( suppose to be chance instead of change)
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krisluxxeeempress · 3 months
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Pile One: Work Related
It appears as if you have people in your work environment MAD because they see you making more moves and less announcements these days. With great effort to not jump ahead energetically to read these cards inadvertently lets me know these people are mad because they’re watching you and still somehow confused as to how you are making more moves & advancing ahead of them. Imagine watching an entire movie and missing parts, forcing you to rewind. These people are watching you and confused as to how you are growing in your career, business, creative pursuits etc. The rewind energy I referenced in my example is what is happening to these people who are too busy watching you while they’re life is on hold and or  are being forced to re-do something that they missed in their life. ( Saturn RX energy)
 It feels like I’m writing in a circle, but I know that the energy I am picking up on from those people who are mad at you. You are running circles around these people while they’re watching you!  AND STILL, THEY DON’T SEE YOU COMING. For some of you, they are mad because you found a loophole or some kind of weakness or lack in your respective fields which is the key to your success. While everyone is doing, looking, sounding, thinking, producing the same shit ( excuse my language) you are giving what needs to be gave, effortlessly. It gives heavy unique vibes. Nothing is truly new under the sun, however, whatever it is your doing and or offering appears to be different and to your credit- I am confident it is different. AND THAT IS WHY THEY ARE MAD!! To my next point, you have these people mad because you don’t do what everyone else does. BOOM ! It’s amazing how everyone does, looks, acts, says, moves, smells, and thinks the same while simultaneously thinking they are still different. Like how? EXACTLY. ( questions that need answers) While everyone else is copying and using others for a come up or lifestyle, you seem to be getting it out the mud- quite literally.
You have literally or are in the process of drafting something from scratch meanwhile others just regurgitate basic information, products or “skills” for clout and money. I keep wanting to use the word appear and so there’s something extremely significant about appearances. ( heavy Sun | Leo energy) For those gold diggers out there, man or woman, they are mad at you because they play dummy games and are now being rewarded with dummy prizes. The card, “these hoes aint loyal” (Chris Brown vibes) came out which is why I feel there are some gold diggers in your energy MAD at you. They took the easy, predictable and trifling way out meanwhile you took the harder way, and you are managing to get further ahead ( or will be, this may be a prediction) This could even be the other way around where you come into whichever work| creative field and things start to manifest for you easier and quicker as opposed to those people who may have been doing it longer than you.
Last card out: THEY HAVE TO STAY MAD
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Pile Two: Single & Won't Mingle
I initially started this reading off with the disclaimer and then I deleted it. Then the energy switched just that fast and so with that being said- you have someone mad that you are not giving warnings, disclaimers, arguing, nagging or fighting for them to act right. This reading has two different scenarios- so stay with me. Some of you may not be single, however, you are dealing with someone who acts single. Feel me? We have all heard of those single married people. This can even be a situation where someone is mad because their ( baby mom or dad) child’s father or mother is acting single. The first card that came out was “ they are mad because you don’t want kids, anymore kids, or none of their kids”. You see why I’m conflicted? This is energy I’m picking up from a single person who refuses to deal with someone who has children. Or this is someone who has children with someone who is acting single.
It gets worse! Someone is mad you will not have sex with them. So, for those who do not have children or want anymore- this person is mad because you feel like that is their goal or simply you are not attracted to or making time for them for whatever reason. It’s messy and I am trying to explain this simply but there’s so many factors. NO WONDER THEY ARE MAD. Someone is also mad you know when, where and how to detach. Basically, someone is mad because you may feel like dealing with them would make things complicated and you are avoiding that outcome as best you can. Now that I follow suite and energetically detach, I can process this much better concluding that these people or person is mad because they want to be emotionally and or sexually involved in your life however, you see the red flags from miles and trials away. This person or people are mad because you are lit and won’t change for them and so this helps put things into better context now. With you being lit, this indicates that you are in a good place in your life whether that be financially, spiritually, emotionally or all the above.
Some of you are not heartbroken, missing anyone from the past or carrying any resentment in your heart. It’s like you have a clean slate in your life and you simply do not want to or are not ready to incorporate someone new or back into your life- & that’s fair. This person is mad because they cannot change your mind- aka manipulate you. This may even be people you don’t even know exist and when they see you, they get triggered because the energy you exude is giving “ fuck off” while simultaneously looking sexy or handsome as hell. No wonder you chose not to be involved; I literally could not think straight when my emotions were involved in the beginning of the reading. Everything was confusing and messy and in my personal experience and from observation- that’s usually what occurs when you get emotionally and sexually involved. Some of you may have strong Neptune, Chiron, Libra, Virgo, Pisces or 7th house placements. You have people mad because you are cautious, picky and unattainable if I’m honest. The next cards out are “ time is money, and you can lose it all and bounce back”. AMAZING . It’s clear a lot of you with this energy and mentality are bouncing back and have experienced that messy and confusing situation before when dealing with others.
With time is money, your energy now reminds me of Pile (1). You have redirected your focus into work related and creative outlets. Those creative outlets may now be work for you. If any of you have strong Neptune, Chiron, Leo, Sun etc. placements ( not limited to) it appears as if you are channeling your sexual aka creative energy into work or creativity. Which is another reason why they are mad especially if you resonate with Pile (1). I am proud of this pile because I can feel how much healing you’ve done. How much you’ve matured and how much wisdom you’ve gained.
On YouTube & TikTok, my “ Why Are They Mad” readings are quite popular however, usually someone is mad for petty, superficial and egotistical reasons. I can honestly say this is the first-time people are mad for VALID AND LEGITIMATE REASONS. I personally want someone to be mad that I’m focused, mature, creative, HEALED & HAPPY and have HIGHER STANDARDS. Hell yeah! This is truly what life is about and I can sense your Divinity. You are truly chosen, and you have DEMONS mad. Aw, I feel kindred spirits here… Just re-read this, the energy started off with low vibration and now (personally) I feel at peace.
WOW! Aw, I love you guys who chose this pile , spiritually I know you….
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Pile Three: Stepping on Necks
Wow, I don’t know where to start. ( 2 minutes later, SpongeBob narrator voice) You have the world, your neighbors, family, foes, haters, ex’s, pastors, teachers- EVERYBODY MAD because your career is taking off. This is profound because this pile is for those who have been the underdog. This pile is for those who have been struggling, overlooked and receiving the bare minimum in all aspects of life- until now. I am not the type of lie, exaggerate or only speak about GOOD THINGS to appease anyone. ( which is why I’m selectively liked) Believe me when I tell you that a major shift has and or is occurring in your life. The cards “ your ass is fatter, and you snapped back after the baby” came out. On the surface, this would mean some of you may have gained weight for a multitude of reasons. Especially if one was struggling emotionally and spiritually- you gained weight due to eating and laziness. Others you gained weight because you had a baby ( congratulations) however, I do not dwell on the surface and so these cards indicate for me that some of you astrologically speaking in a solar return or progressive chart you may have had your moon in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Aries or 1st house, Jupiter in Taurus or 2nd house , Sagittarius or 9th house , Cancer or 4th house, Moon in Cancer or 4th house. ( however, not limited to)
What this means is that you gained weight and you were undergoing spiritual awakenings with hardships. Life has been hard and for some of you, your body took a hit. With the card “ you snapped back after the baby”, that may be the case for those of you this applies to. For the emotional and stress eaters -you will notice that you are starting to lose weight or break the habits that encouraged weight gain. AND THAT’S WHY THEY ARE MAD!!!! It’s never about appearances but more so what’s going on underneath and for most of you, you were holding on and feeding negative energy that is now being released slowly but surely.  Some of you may have let yourself go and now you are snapping back, better than before. Of course they are mad about this!! Back to your career is taking off, some of you work in corporate while others work for themselves. Those working in corporations, you have always been at the bottom and making the bare minimum or simply never gained the respect that was deserved. Those who work for yourself, you have always been overlooked and paid very little if at all. Some of you may have had to go back into working 9-5 corporate jobs because your business was stagnant. People just did not want to support you at all which forced you to go back into “slavery”.
Nonetheless, this is turning around for you Jupiter style. ( or will be ) Astrologically speaking, check your outer planets- Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto – maybe even your progressive or solar return charts because however society treated you- this is changing. You will no longer have to ask for permission, meaning- you will have the financial comfort or freedom to live and afford the things you want/ need without assistance from anyone. In corporate, you may be promoted to a position to where others must report to you, or you no longer must report to someone- there’s more leeway granted to you. Entrepreneurs, this means exactly what it means. You do not have to ask for permission! Business will be getting better; energy levels will be restored, and you can come and go as you please. AND THAT’S WHY THEY ARE MAD! IT’S GIVING MORE FREEDOM THAT OTHER’S DO NOT HAVE AND ENJOYED TAKING FROM YOU OR WORKED HARD TO ENSURE YOU NEVER HAD.  Some of you have people mad because no message is the message. ( DAMN)
Intuitively, I feel like some of you may be moving, changing numbers, jobs, contact emails- the whole nine. Those who had access to you before, no longer will. Of course, people feel the energetic shift ( refer back to those outer planets I’ve mentioned) Those people who counted you out and delighted in believing you would never make progress or move forward- now see you in a different light. They now want to be part of your life and “assist” or “support” you whereas, before you did not have that “privilege”. And yet now you are becoming privileged. ( without them) They are mad you are educated. As far as I’m concerned, knowledge is power and you clearly are the most powerful currently, ready to wield that power. It’s all fun and games when the rabbit has the gun ( some of you may be seeing bunnies a lot lately) & THAT’S WHY THEY ARE MAD!
You are educated, which alludes to some of you being able to go back to school to get degrees or this could be simply be speaking on becoming a wiser person. This can also speak of having a skill or talent that you have mastered and are the best at it. Referring to Pile (1), you have a talent or knowledge that sets you apart which is or will be the key to your success. Lastly, people are mad that “ you ain’t with the bafoolery”. This gives me the vibe that you said you would do something ( like succeed) and you’re doing it. You are proving it. You are true to it. I said lastly, but there’s a bit more I want to cover. And that’s your energy- you will succeed and then some. It reminds me a lyric Drake said, mind you he’s a millionaire, successful and never has to work again but in his lyrics, he said something along the lines of “ any other rapper would have retired but I have more to accomplish”. Blah blah. That’s your energy, you will be giving way more than is expected. ( example, I wrote a whole book for this pile) You will be surpassing others and your even your own expectations. People are mad that you are independent which automatically renders the majority POWERLESS.
Most people need others to need them because it makes them feel important and of course, a need can be capitalized. This whole world thrives ON A NEED. The fact that you’ll be in a position where you are no longer subjected to others, IS POWER & THAT IS WHY EVERYBODY WILL BE MAD. It gives underdog is top dog energy. Lastly, ( truly) like Pile (2), everybody will be mad because you do not want marriage. It’s like Rhianna Vibes, she’s a billionaire and everyone expects her to be married because she has two children. If you read pile (2), you just want to remain unencumbered, detached and not tied down to anyone. Especially after you witnessed the true nature of most people. You are cautious, focused and simple do not have time or energy to invite someone into your life who can and will try to take all that you have worked for ALONE. They did not care nor were they attracted to you when you had nothing so in your mind, it’s best they KEEP THAT SAME ENERGY & THAT’S WHY THEY ARE MAD!!!
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gkutfdvnn · 1 year
It had been quite the summer, some friends of mine had rented some new apartment and we all decided to chip in to wallpaper and paint all the different rooms. Though some of us complained that it was too hard a job and exhausting, I found that it was quite easy. The four rooms were shared between the six of us, first we would do the three bedrooms in groups of two and then the kitchen all together. Luckily I had been paired with Frank, he had already started his own painting business and walked me through every step, taking off the wallpaper before putting the new one with glue. Eventually Dylan, Bryan and Chris whom the apartment belonged to, and Jeff, to had asked for his help, after making sure I could finish alone. Eventually after three days we were all finished wallpapering and painting the bedrooms and decided to take a one day break. Mark complimented me on my work, stating that I had put the wallpaper perfectly on and that the paint looked great, jokingly asking if I would join his business. That's when Bryan and Chris chimed in, suggesting that we could finish the kitchen, against pay of course.
That's how Mark and I ended up doing the kitchen together, I didn't mind the extra money, and he seemed to be used to the job. Since he had already walked me through the different steps we were quick to work, we had plenty of time to hang out and chill. When it came time to pay, Chris suggested he could transfer all the money to Mark, who then could issue me a check. Just wanting to go home I promptly agreed and we left it at that.
That's when to my surprise I received a letter, with my check, through Marks business, stating me as an employee and worker. I sent him a short message explaining the mistake before heading out towards the bus station, leaving for my afternoon classes.
Mark's response came in the middle of the ride, apologizing for the mistake and joking that it wouldn't be so bad to have me as a worker, he then assured me that he would fix the mistake immediately. I laughed through my nose and thanked him, bending myself forward to grab what would have been my bag, except that in its place instead stood a big black gym bag. I looked to my left and to my right, maybe it had slipped to one side or the other while the bus was turning. There were few people sitting around me and my bag was nowhere to be seen. None of them looked like the gym bag could belong to them. That's when I noticed it had my name written on it.
Curiosity got the better of me and I opened the bag. Inside layed some well folded change clothes that seemed a bit too big for me. Some lunch and an axe spray. The smell of fresh paint hit me strong and I had to lift my head up to sneeze. At the same time my feet felt cramped inside my shoes. At first I stretched my legs thinking it would help with the pain. But then it seemed to travel up my calves and into my thighs. My brown shoes bulged and turned softer, lighting up before taking the appearance of beaten and used white sneakers. The shoes appeared slightly bigger yet both my feet seemed to fit perfectly. Next my calves and thighs cramped again. I spread them further apart helping with the pain as I noticed my legs taking a bit more space on my seat. My beige pants became looser and thicker, the texture changing from cotton to synthetic fabric. New thicker seams appeared above my knee and around the growing pockets giving them the same look as those pants Mark wore most of the time. The clean pants were rapidly becoming dirty and used, white splotches and streams of dried paint appeared on the cloth.
I looked around me worrying about what was happening to me, but none of the other passengers seemed to notice or even bother as my whole body changed. I caught my reflection on the windows, my black hair was lighting and gaining a brown hue as it shortened and thinned. More changes happened to my face, my jaw got thicker and my noise pointer and thinner. The blue of my eyes vanished behind a beautiful rich brown as memories of my life were altered. Knowledge about economics, politics and sociology faded while I could remember working for Mark. Tattoos grew on my right arm as both my upper body and biceps grew firm. My hands and finger were wriggling as they grew thick and calloused making it look like I did a lot of manual labor. That's when it hit me. Mark was actually making me one of his employees ! I scrambled for my phone as fast as I could, finding in its place a smaller and older IPhone with earpods, I swiped across the screen and opened my messages as most of my known friends had simply vanished from my contact lists, I couldn't even find the last conversation with Mark. That's when it hit me. He must be the one labelled as "Boss".
I wanted to press on the writing symbol, yet I froze. It didn't make sense for me to write my boss out of the blue, except for emergencies. I closed my phone again and spread my legs apart as I lifted my arms to put them behind my head. A tan complexion washed over my skin as I closed my eyes to listen to the music. All I had to worry about was doing a good job.
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starrystormwritings · 5 months
Red Wine
Red Wine
Master List <3 Request List <3 Marauders Master List <3
Remus Lupin x Reader
A/n: I lowkey hate this but it was inspired by the image of Sirius Black loving tequila and me thinking that all the muggle born students watching the others get drunk without it touching them was hilarious. This is based in their 7th year.
Summary: Muggle drinks and muggle drinking games.
Warnings: Drinking, mentions of underaged drinking, swearing, kissing, jealousy, fake ID
Word Count: 2232
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"Psst! Y/n! Over here!"
I spun my head around to see Christopher Adam's waving me over from the corner of the room, pointing enthusiastically at the plastic bag in his hands.
I smiled back at him and nodded enthusiastically.
"I'll be back now." I said to Sirius, who was spinning me around to the ABBA song playing before Chris had interrupted us.
"What does he want?" He asked with a quirked eyebrow "You got a new boyfriend or something?" He laughed slightly as I rolled my eyes and just walked away from him.
Me and some of the other muggle born students were starting to find these Gryffindor parties boring after the summer.
After partying at home with muggle drinks the classic fire whisky and witches brew just wasn't doing anything for us anymore, as funny as it was watching the pure and half bloods get extremely drunk so fast there's only so many parties you can do sober.
Hence Christopher.
A small group of us had gathered our money together and convinced Chris to use one of his approved trips to visit home to stop by a muggle store and complete a shopping list.
It took us a week to make him a fake ID good enough for him to pass as eighteen.
"So? How'd it go?" I asked, smiling brightly at him as I took the bag out of his hands.
"No hassle with the ID, although I did have to go to four stores so I didn't look suspicious buying this much alcohol for everyone." He rolled his eyes with a laugh.
"You're a lifesaver, we all owe you big time. Thank you!"
He just waved me off and I happily ran back over to the boys with the bag in my arms.
They were all giving the an identical look of speculation as I approached.
"What have you done?" James asked, trying to grab the bag off me before I pulled back.
"Why do you assume such little from me! I've gotten you all presents. Muggle presents actually."
Sirius perked up at that, excitedly shaking Remus's shoulders. Causing him to lean the other way with a smile.
"I'm about to show you all how muggles drink, because fire whisky is nothing in comparison. I've got fuck loads of things to share but I tried to get each of you something I thought you'd like."
"So it's alcohol?" Peter asked, now it was him having to push an excited Sirius away.
"Yep! For you Peter, gin. We don't have any tonic so drink it with lemonade, I think you'll like it though." He smiled widely as I handed him the rounded bottle, quickly opening it to smell it.
"It smells nice?"
"Yeah not all alcohol needs to smell like straight ass." I laughed nodding to the fire whisky in his other hand.
"James I've got you some muggle beers. I genuinely think this will change your life." I said with a laugh, handing him over the six pack as he looked at it bewildered.
"Like butter beer?"
"Kinda? Just a lot less sweet."
He nodded with a smile and popped the top of the bottle off, his smile growing as he tasted it.
"This is alcoholic?"
I laughed at him and turned to Sirius who looked like he was about to explode if I didn't show him what else was in the bag.
"Sirius I got you some tequila. There's some lime and salt on the table over there, you'll want them to take a shot. Lily will show you, she's been looking forward to it all night."
He took the bottle off me with a smirk before quickly hugging me from behind, placing an exaggerated kiss on the side of my face before running off.
"Thank you!"
I laughed at him, and watched James follow after him after a mention of Lily, Peter as always followed behind James.
"I hope you got yourself something, you're way too generous."
Remus said, sitting up on the table next to me with a soft smile.
"Oh don't worry I did." I reached to pull the large bottle from the bag "Some good old fashioned vodka for me."
He laughed at me and sniffed the bottle I held out in front of him, recoiling back.
"It smells horrible." He said with a laugh.
"That's how you know it's strong." I replied, coughing hard as I took a sip from the bottle. "I should probably mix it with some coke."
He laughed at me for a minute, nodding "Yeah, probably a good idea. I'll go get you some."
I placed an arm in front of him as he went to move to stop him.
"Not so quick Lupin, didn't think I'd forget you did I?"
"You didn't have to get me anything." A small blush covered his cheeks, reassuring me that I made the right call with getting him something.
"That's why you're my favourite."
"Wow I always thought Sirius was your favourite." He replied with a chuckle.
"Yeah well don't tell him, it would crush him."
He continued to laugh as I pulled the bottle of red wine out of my bag, passing it over to him.
"I think you'll like it, not as strong as the others but you'll enjoy it."
He looked over the bottle inquisitively.
"Thank you, I'll go pour myself a glass and grab you that coke." He smiled warmly at me, squeezing my knee as he got up.
My eyes followed him across the room, I smiled as I watched him interact with an already drunk Sirius who was shouting about the impressive feat of muggle alcohol.
"You're drooling." Mary said from behind me, causing me to jump and hit her in the arm.
"Shut up."
"So you've all been enjoying the muggle drinks, how about a muggle game to go with it!" Marls shouted from the middle of the room, clearly drunk.
A large group slowly made their way into a circle on the floor as Marls enthusiastically went around the room trying to gather a large enough group.
Remus groaned as I pulled him off the wall he was leaning on and led him towards the floor, an obvious smile on his face.
"Ok so you spin the bottle." She giggled while placing one of James's now empty beer bottles into the middle of the group. "You and whoever it lands on go into the broom cupboard for seven minutes. What happens is there is up to you." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively whilst laughing as the game began.
As the circle slowly made its way around I found myself hunched over onto Remus in a fit of laughter at Sirius and Peters faces as they came out of the cupboard looking very unamused.
As the group calmed down Sirius took his seat back next to me in the circle and most eyes moved towards me.
I giggled awkwardly before leaning forward and spinning the bottle as hard as I could.
As I lent back and watched it spin I silently prayed that it would land on the boy sat next to me who seemed to be avoiding my eye contact as everyone made a drum roll sound around us.
Much to my dismay instead of landing on Remus the bottle instead pointed towards the one and only James Potter whose face went bright red.
I laughed softly and stood up, watching him as he followed. The room whistling as we made our way into the small space.
If it wasn't gonna land on Remus James would've probably been my second choice, he was to in love with Lily to ever make a move on someone else. And I felt the same way about our best friend.
"So this isn't awkward." I joked with a smile.
He just half way laughed in response.
"Everything okay?" I asked, my eyes adjusting in the dark to make out his figure.
"Yeah it's stupid, Lily's just been avoiding me all night. I know I make a fool of myself for her but sometimes I just wish that she would just look at me." He sighed, leaning against the wall.
"Maybe she is and you're just not seeing?"
"Trust me, I'd see." He sadly laughed and I patted his shoulder comfortingly before getting an idea.
"I've got a way that would get her to look at you."
He turned to look at me with what I guessed was a confused expression.
I reached up to unbutton the first two buttons of his shirt.
"Whoa Y/n what are you doing?"
I laughed slighting at him, shaking my head.
"No I'm not doing that, trust me."
I reached up to ruffle my hand through his hair to make it messier, then moving to untuck one side of his shirt.
"Yeah she'll look at me if I look like shit. Is that the plan?" He laughed slightly and I softly hit him with the back of my hand.
I messed my own hair up as well, also shifting my clothes so they were slightly askew.
"Jealousy is the plan James."
It seemed to click with him then and despite the dark I could see the red blush on his face.
"You really think that'll work?"
"I hate to say it but if one thing will make her notice you, it's thinking that you might've noticed someone else. I'm also really drunk so this might be a bad plan."
He laughed at me, covering his mouth to try and stay quieter.
"I'm drunk enough to give it a go." He responded with a smile.
"Last touch." I reached up to move his glasses to sit crooked on his face with a laugh.
"There, perfect. Let's get you your lady."
As I spoke there was a knock at the door, and a second later Sirius Black swung them open.
"Merlin! Didn't see that happening." He said with a laugh, looking between us in disbelief "I always thought you were into Moony Y/n."
James punched him softly in the arm, shaking his head and I just walked past silently, trying to shake the blush off of my face and hoping everyone was just ignoring the obviously drunk pure blood.
I made my way back over to the circle but before I could sit back down Remus had already stood from his spot next to me and walked out of the common room with his bottle of wine.
I'd been wandering the castle grounds looking for Remus for the last thirty minutes.
The party had died down and everyone was so drunk most of them had passed out by now.
I was buzzed enough that the cold wasn't bothering me but I couldn't for the life of me figure out where Remus would've gone.
I sat on the floor against the railing as I finally got to the top of the astronomy tower, the vodka and the amount of stairs I just climbed had knocked the wind out of me.
A familiar voice said from next to me, making me jump.
"Jesus, I've been looking for you." I smiled at him but he only held my eye contact for a second before looking back out to the night sky.
"You disappeared, it got boring without you."
He laughed slightly and shook his head, his cheeks turning a shade of pink.
"I'm sure it was fine without me. You and James sure didn't look bored." He chuckled awkwardly making me quirk an eyebrow at him.
"What? Me and James?"
He just nodded, avoiding my eyes.
"James definitely isn't bored, Lily's been all over him all night." I laughed softly and he just looked at me inquisitively.
"Aren't you upset by that?"
"Upset? Why would I be upset? Honestly I think it's a miracle."
He laughed slightly at that and finally looked back over to me.
"But you and James were snogging each other? Was that just a joke or something?"
I just looked at him confused for a second before breaking out into giggles.
"Oh you didn't actually think we did that? Gross no! I just thought that it would make Lily jealous. It worked by the way."
He seemed to think for a second before a small smile finally made its way onto his face.
"Oh, so you didn't actually kiss him?"
I snorted, covering my face quickly in embarrassment.
"No no, I just messed up his hair and unbuttoned his shirt a little. He's not my type."
Remus laughed quietly at that, relaxing a little.
I nudged him lightly with my elbow, sliding over to sit next to him, bumping our knees together.
"Careful Lupin it almost feels like you're jealous."
He just looked at me for a second, a little smile on his face as he moved to stand up, offering me his hand.
"Maybe I was." He chuckled softly and pulled me to my feet as I just looked at him dazed.
"C'mon I'll walk you back to your dorm." He threaded our fingers together and went to walk but I didn't move.
"I wanted the bottle to land on you, for the record."
We both stood there for a second, just looking at each other before he grabbed my chin softly and lent down.
I never really liked the taste of red wine until that night.
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anon-sect · 3 months
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Story requested by @chrishemsworthservant
It had been two weeks since receiving a special pair of white ankle socks and shoes. Both were super comfortable, and the material was quite durable. He had literally worn them nearly every day for the past two weeks. Liam Hemsworth had bragged about them to his brother Chris. He even used the socks as cum rags on a few occasions during the past two weeks.
Liam would have to change into costume for the movie set. He would leave his special pair of socks and shoes in his trailer to put them back on after the end the day.
Chris came to visit his brother on set one day, to hang out. He had asked about where he could find a special pair of socks and shoes like he had. HIs brother let him know that the studio could only make them sparingly since the material used is sometimes hard to get.
Chris Hemsworth wanted to know what it was like to wear such durable socks or shoes. While his brother was still on set filming, he went to his trailer and found them laying around. He grabbed them up. He left his socks and shoes in their place. Even though his feet were slightly bigger than his brothers, he tried on the special pair of socks and shoes. The socks began to stretch to fit his feet. He thought the shoes and socks would be tight on his feet at first. But he saw they were not ordinary shoes and socks. Both stretched and adjusted to his feet to fit his feet perfectly. He had never seen socks or shoe change size to fit whoever wears them. He began to wonder where they got the material for them and where he can get him another pair like these.
Ronny hated LIam's feet. Somehow his mind as still intact after two weeks being tormented by his feet. The bad thing was the actor was completely unaware of what he was doing to another person. Cleaning up his cum made his life so degrading, the way Liam used him. He wasn't all too pleased when Liam's brother got a hold of him. His feet stretched him, which was painful as he was forced to fit on the larger pair of feet. He then saw his form change to fit Chri's feet. The pressure of this new pair of feet was worse than the previous owner's feet. He mentally wished he could reach out to Chris to let him know what torment he was doing to another person, but lacking that ability just made his situation feel even more degrading. Another actor was literally wearing him as his socks.
Pete was so over smelling like Liam's feet. The constant being stepped on and stood on me him feel like he was in an unrelenting and unending hell. He so wished he could tell Liam what the studio did to him and his friend and how much his feet was punishing them. But he was a literal pair of shoes that couldn't speak or move on its own. But to have Chris's feet reshape him to make room for his big feet made matters worse for them. He felt the intense pain as Chris left the studio, crushing both him and Ronny. It was a constant wave of pain after pain. They never could get use to Liam's feet, now the brother was dominating them just like Liam did. He could hear voice all around him but could not reach out for help. The actor continued to enjoy what was on his feet while unaware dominating him.
Chris loved the way the socks and shoes felt. He had never worn a pair that was this comfortable before. He decided that he would keep them for himself since they are no longer the size of his brother's feet. He may give them back one day, but till then they were his.
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Chirs was out getting a few things for the house. Each step felt so good thanks to his special shoes and socks. He was so amazed how they were holding up after a solid month of full use. He did pay his brother Liam some money to compensate for losing his socks and shoes, but he just couldn't give them up. He didn't know how the studio made them, but he was glad they did. They were the best pair of socks and shoes he owned.
Ronny's mind was almost completely gone. He couldn't think straight whatsoever. He ceased to complain about Chris's feet. Chris would use him for gym sessions, running errands or just simply chilling around the house. For the past month, all he ever thought about was feet. No matter how much pain and torment Chris's feet did to him, this was his life now.
Pete's mind was nothing but a dumb pair of sneakers. He ceases to think at all by the time. When he once reeked of Liam's feet, it was now replaced with Chris's foot odor. It completely eroded his mind. His insole face was reshaped under the pressure of Chris's feet. The foot odor, and level of comfort his insole face was providing left him just as what he looked like., a pair of sneakers.
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parvumchao · 24 days
( @reevezs )
He wasn't always so bad, no, but sometimes... Sometimes Chris found himself bored enough to toy with some of the others on set while on breaks. Just to see what would happen. And that day? Well, he was on cloud nine, finally having scored a date with the screenwriter he'd been hounding for months, and that made him arrogant.
When Chris felt cocky, he got a little mischievous. Poor Eric Sanders was going to learn about that the hard way.
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"Oh no, Mr. Sanders," the producer stopped the other man, pouting before his lips pulled into a crooked grin. "Why the long face?"
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kaceythecrunch · 8 months
Photobooth : C.S  🎞
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word count : 542
Summary : First I love you. That's pretty much it. Fluffy fluff duff wuff.
Author Note : This was inspired by some tiktok I saw. This is my first fanfic, and my first time writing in literally months. Barfs, throws up, cries. Anyways, enjoyy.
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The sweet smell of--ew, is that KFC? Gross. Well, it should be the sweet smell of love. I mean, I'm hoping that there is love in the air. Currently, roaming the mall's corridors with my boyfriend, Chris. We've been dating for a few months now, but how do I know if it is the right time to say "I love you"?
Chris is humming to himself. There weren't any words coming out between the both of us. As if we were on our first date. I look around the mall to see if there is anything to start talking about- there. There it is, booyah.
"CHRIS LOOK!!" I say, pointing at the photo booth machine. He hums while looking at the direction I'm pointing at. "That's so weird. In the middle of the fucking mall too. Whose bright idea was that? People could see us taking photos.” he rolls his eyes, acting all annoyed. "stop being a baby, I know you wanna." I then grab his arm, and pull him while I run to the photo booth machine.
A smirk grew on his face. He is enjoying this deep down. He gets himself seated in the machine. "bro move your ass “I jokingly say as I give him hand movements. "Okay smarty-pants, there's no room." he moves slightly against the wall of the photobooth. He adjusted the curtains to the side of him, slightly embarrassed at the thought someone could be seeing. "Whateverrr. May I sit on your knee? Like is that fine with you- I mean it's okay-¨ 
¨oh- it's fine.¨
I prop myself onto his knee and turn to him. ¨Okay, we should decide on what poses we should do, right?¨ he turns to me, ¨What if we just do it. No thinking involved. I mean, I think it would be pretty funny.¨ He smiles to himself. ¨okay..if you say so. You better not do some stupid shit.¨ I laugh, as he rolls his eyes. I insert my money into the machine. 
“Wait wait- what do you wanna do-” he tries to speak, but a countdown begins. We both make an odd face, sticking our tongue out and looking at each other. “You look like a fucking goof.” I chuckle looking at him. “Uh huh. You look goofier than I do, goof.  The machine starts to count again. He grabs my chin, pulls me in close and kisses my cheek. 3,2,1–
There is a slight pause, it feels like the atmosphere changes. Time moves slower and slower for this next picture. “Chris-” Right person, right time? “Chris.” ONE, ‘yeah?” TWO, “can i tell you something-” THREE, “what. What? What is it!!?” he looks at me, in my eyes. “I love you.” I smile as I see his reaction. He looked at the camera, slightly teared up, and went in for a kiss. He pulls out of the kiss and looks at me again. “I love you too, Y/N. I love you so much.” THREE, TWO, ONE.  The camera snaps to us. I grab the two pictures that got printed out and I go in for a hug.
“What if someone saw us” I say, holding him close.
“That would be fucking gross.”
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Author note : ive never been in a relationship before, so i lowkey dont know the feeling. SEND ME REQUEST PLS. MY BRAIN IS CREATIVE, BUT NOT TOO CREATIVE. sooo. thanks for reading yall oh em g.!!! love ya, have a great day!
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okay yall this is my first post so i apologize for the wonky formatting anywho this is what i think each Rory Culkin character would smell like inspired by a post from @icarus-star . (some characters do have x reader because thats all i read sorry not sorry🤭)
okay so this dude is a loser (in the best way)
and losers love axe body spray
i think he always smells like he used an entire bottle of axe body spray each morning with a hint of old spice deodorant if hes feelin good
the real reason he uses so much i think though, is cause hes killed so much that he smells like blood no matter how many showers he takes
so his friends will tease him for it but he'll never stop using it
i think hes pretty aware of smells and is worried that he smells bad but he doesnt have a ton of money to spend
SO his solution is cheap cologne
dont get me wrong though, it smells nice. even comforting at times
sometimes he also smells like coffee (no reason as to why i think this, its just the vibe)
ooooofff i love him but he STINKS
he smells like body odor, sweat, and sometimes other bodily fluids (ifykyk)
i think if/when he gets clean from all the drugs he does, he more so just smells like whatever deodorant he uses but its a very small hint of it
he uses sandalwood bodywash and matching shampoo and conditioner
but he also smells like weed
he smells heavenlyyyyyy
his deodorant is lavender old spice i take no criticism on this
yall this man is a housewife
i dont think he really cared much about smelling good until he met you
now me PERSONALLY, i hate the smell of a lot of vanilla perfumes and stuff but he does smell like vanilla
but instead of vanilla perfumes, he smells like vanilla extract
or if he knows you guys will have a date that night, he ups his game and goes in with coconut coffee smelling stuff
this man smells like shit, piss, greasy hair, weed, alcohol, cigarettes, and every other BAD THING IN THIS WORLD
dont get me wrong babes i love rory's portrayal of him but LOOK AT HIM AND TELL ME IM WRONG!!! YOU FUCKING CANT
bro does NOT wash his ass😭😭😭
i think he doesnt really smell like anything honestly
sometimes hell put on cologne but usually he just smells like soap
if you have a signature perfume or cologne though, hell douse his clothes in it because it brings him comfort (AHHHH I LOVE HIM SM)
this man right here🤭🤭🤭 i love this man
he is so stuck up and prissy i love it
he smells sophisticated
he smells like a mixture of cigarettes, bergamot, patchouli, and sweet amber
and then he pretends its what he naturally smells like and gets mad when other people dont smell as good as him
at first i was going to say he smells pretty similar to euro but i started thinking about it more and i have come to the conclusion that this is not correct and heres why
hes a cult leader. charming, handsome, manipulative, and welcoming
he has to show that hes the best of the best and one way he does that is by smelling good
he smells comforting. like a warm, home cooked meal that you havent had since you were a kid
and this makes people feel more relaxed and comfortable around him which he uses to his advantage
thats it for now i hope yall liked it!
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 months
The Missed Potential of WISH
It’s funny.
Last year, I really wanted to watch the new Wish animated film from Disney.
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While everyone else were hating on the art and animation style, I actually kind of liked it and was genuinely looking forward to possibly viewing it on the big screen.
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Then the reviews came in. Needless to say, I didn’t watch Wish.
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I remember a time when people used to complain about Disney making “too many love stories”. Then Disney stopped making love stories leading to films like Moana, Coco, Encanto and even Turning Red, which weren't bad.
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Following the failure of Wish, the biggest complaint I’ve heard for that film is that “it probably would’ve been more successful if it were a love story”.
The last romance Disney had we’re the protagonist was a “black girl” was Tiana from The Princess and the Frog which was technically their last 2D animated feature film.
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And don’t get me wrong, til this day, The Princess and the Frog still tracks. Second to Tangled, I still very much love TPATF and it's one of Disney's classics that definitely have the rewatchability.
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That being said, Wish is the first Disney film I've seen where the missed potential of what its story was originally supposed to be (herego a love story between a human girl and shape-shifting star boy) versus what we actually got is more popular.
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Aww Disney, what were you thinking?! How could you think a film where the main character, who is a PoC, the first "black girl" (well technically I think Asha is meant to be mixed) female lead/love interest that you've had since Tiana in The Princess and the Frog in 14 YEARS where she is actually human for all of the movie and gets to share a love story with a handsome "star boy" who can literally make all of her dreams come and think that that's NOT gonna make you money!
I haven't even watched Wish yet I've seen more artwork and fan-made animatics of Asha and Star Boy than anything from the actual film.
At this point, Disney should just take all of the original ideas they left on the chopping block for Wish and revise them into a future title which is an actual love story they could market from.
Or…as an audience, we can just wait for one of their competitors, like Dreamworks to smell the blood in the water like the sharks they are and capitalize on Disney’s latest flop by taking the ideas they didn’t use and coming up with something that could potentially usurp the popularity of Wish’s failure.
In the case of Dreamworks, they don’t even need to make a new star boy since, technically, they already have potential “star boy” they can use.
Remember Rise of the Guardians?
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Hahaaaaa OF COURSE you do, since it gave us the original immortal boy internet heart throb (also ironically voiced by Chris Pine who played King Magnifico in Wish) ---Jack Frost.
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I find it hilarious that another reason why folks are hating on Wish so much is because Disney could've given us another potential immortal boy heart throb "Star Boy" to finally usurp the chokehold that Jack Frost has had on our generation of weebs and artists for the past 12 years since RoTG first dropped.
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We could've had it all.
But as I mentioned Rise of the Guardians, did you know that there is character in the original series it was based off of called Nightlight?
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While technically not a “star boy”, Nightlight is the closest thing to one in an already established universe from a Dreamworks property and since this squiggle meister never misses a beat to push for continuation of Rise of Guardians, hear me out:
Imagine a Rise of the Guardian prequel-sequel about the character Nightlight and make it a love story.
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(Because apparently there's a girl that Nightlight grows close to in his story called Katherine. It's just a friendship but needless to say, there is potential there).
I know it’s been 12 years since Rise of Guardians first dropped and I know I've be hollering for a sequel since 2012.
But c'mon, if there was ever a time for Dreamworks to capitalize on an RoTG sequel, it's now.
As Wish has proven, the internet is hungry for another handsome immortal boy with magical powers.
Dreamworks set the ball rolling with Jack Frost.
If Dreamworks were to revisit RoTG again, take Nightlight's story. Take his design and give him the "Jack Frost" treatment and make it a love story on top of that.
I'm not saying it will happen. Not even saying it could happen.
But if somehow thought becomes reality and something like this does actually happen, whoever does it will be rolling in dough.
This is just a longwinded way of me to say that somebody needs to bank on the concept of a star falling in love with a human and do it now since as the internet has shown, it's what the people want and what Wish failed to give.
~LMS (2024)
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averyfromzero · 1 year
Tasty Sandwich
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this was written in collaboration with the incredibly talented and sweet @chrisevansxmalereader! we did this work together, so make sure to go check their account for more amazing stuff!
pairing: chris evans x anthony mackie summary: chris offers his home for his friend anthony to stay over while filming a movie in boston. things take a wild and steamy turn when anthony catches chris gooning over his underwear. notes: smut 🔞, canon universe, top anthony, bottom chris, lots of spit/slobber, "gooner" concept, degradation words: 4,752
To film his upcoming action film, Rapid and Angry, Anthony Mackie had to fly all the way to Boston to film his scenes.  Having to stay there for many weeks, his longtime friend and co-star in many films, Chris Evans offered Anthony his place for him to stay as long as he needed. And because they were already close friends, they didn’t have to worry about acting shy when living together. 
As soon as Chris heard that Anthony would be filming in his hometown he immediately called and offered his place for Anthony to stay over, saying that it would be easier than wasting money on a hotel room. What Anthony didn't know was that Chris had a major crush on him but was always too scared of saying anything.
10:15am. Chris looks at the clock, nervous that Anthony is late 15 minutes from the time he said he’d arrive. He paces the living room nervously with his hand propped up to his face as he bites his nails.
C’mon, c’mon. Where is he? He says in his head.
*ding dong*
As the doorbell rings, Chris sprints to the front door.
“Oh, hey, man!” Chris says as he opens the door, trying to sound casual and relaxed. He leaned awkwardly on the doorframe, giving off his best goofy smile as the backwards cap on his head gave him that frat guy image.
“Hey, Chris! Sorry, it took me a while to get a cab,” Anthony explained as he stepped inside with his bags.
“No worries, man. Come on, lemme show you to your room.”
Chris led Anthony to the inside of his house, not worrying about introducing him to every room as Anthony had already visited a couple times before.
“Here,” he stopped in front of one of the rooms in the hallway. “You can put your clothes in the closet and everything. Make yourself at home, bro!”
“Thanks,” Anthony said with a little chuckle as he placed his bags down on the floor of his temporary bedroom. “Can I use your bathroom? Gotta take this plane stank, man.”
“Sure! The bathroom is just down the hallway. Last door,” Chris instructed. “I’ll arrange something for us to eat in the meantime, you must be starving!”
Anthony just chuckled before closing the door to remove his clothes and go to the bathroom.
In the kitchen, Chris whistled playfully as he brought out some bread and other ingredients to prepare some large sandwiches. He was excited and nervous to have his friend over and wanted him to feel welcome.
10 minutes later, everything was ready. The sandwiches were done – big and full, by the way – and other snacks were placed on the counter alongside a bottle of soda.
Ready to give his friend a warm welcome, Chris walked to Anthony’s room with the tray of food.
The door was half-closed and Chris peered inside, seeing that it was empty and noticing Anthony hadn’t finished his shower yet, with the sound of the running water in the back of the hall giving him the verdict. He was about to leave and wait in the living room when his eyes came across something on Anthony’s bed.
It was his underwear. Tossed and clearly used.
Something in Chris’ head clicked and he couldn’t help but step inside. He walked closer and placed the tray on the bedside table as he kept his eyes glued to the underwear. He reached out with his hand, mouth already watering.
He picked up Anthony’s used undies and brought it up to his face, pressing it against his nose and deeply inhaling his friend’s musky scent. His eyes cross slightly as the smell of Anthony’s sweat and dried cum invade his nostrils.
Chris’ bulge grows big as he gets lost in the most intimate smell of his friend. His hand almost unconsciously travels under his pants and wraps around his thick and long shaft as he strokes himself slowly while repeatedly inhaling Anthony’s musk.
At some point, Chris completely forgets that his friend could come into the room at any time and decided to strip his clothes, completely invested in pleasuring himself to the musky scent in Anthony’s boxers.
Laying on the bed with his legs spread, cock standing up in its full 9-inches glory, Chris kept his eyes closed as he completely tuned out every sound around him and focused on smelling every scent from the underwear, from the smell of the fabric to the sweat on the taint. The intense odor made his eyes cross under his lids and his tongue unintentionally stick out, drool dripping from it.
The only time he ever opened his eyes was to see where the single cum stain was and dive his nose onto it again, smelling the salty substance released from Anthony's member at some point during the day. Stroking his cock until it was harder than a rock and dripping with pre-cum, Chris drove himself to a high he had never been before, with his sensorial parts being stimulated to their fullest to the realization that he was smelling his hot friend’s cum.
He was seconds away from the most intense orgasm he ever had when something stopped him.
The sound of Anthony clearing his throat made Chris’ eyes pop open and hand stop dead in its tracks. He took a second to have any other reaction before he hurriedly looked for the blanket to poorly cover himself and start babbling nonsensical words in desperation.
“Tsk tsk,” Anthony said, voice deep and stern. “Wouldn’t take you for a gooner, Chris. Such a pathetic sight you almost eating my dirty underwear.” 
Chris turned red in embarrassment. But under the thin blanket, his cock twitched at Anthony’s comment. The latter noticed the movement under the sheet.
Teasing, Anthony stepped closer slowly, arms crossed and the white of the towel around his waist striking against his wet chocolate skin. The almost mean expression on his face prepared Chris for what was to come.
“Wanna act like a pathetic slut?” He said, daring. “Then I’m gonna make you act like a pathetic slut.”
Before Chris could even try to speak up, Anthony interrupted.
“On your knees.” His voice sounded deeper than usual. Chris’ member once again twitched under the sheets.
“I said, on your knees,” he demanded. “Now.”
Chris slipped off the bed, the blanket going down with him but falling on the floor as his erect cock dripped in shameful arousal. He placed himself on his knees in front of Anthony, face inches from his friend’s huge bulge.
Silently, Anthony untied the towel and around him and let it fall to the floor, revealing his engorged 12-inch cock. It looked juicy. It was thick and veiny, the drops of water on it making it shine a glossy brown with the bulbous head smacking Chris’ in the face. It felt heavy.
“Now you’re gonna worship my cock, you dirty bitch.”
Chris’ watering mouth opened slightly at the comment. All that name calling was making his insides twist and turn in excitement.
“Come on, slut. I know you wanna worship your master’s cock.”
“Yes, master.” Chris said softly, voice nearly inaudible as he spoke up for the first time since Anthony walked in on him. As Chris wrapped his hand around the thick shaft, Anthony smirked, knowing damn well he’s got his friend wrapped on his finger. Chris parted his lips wide and welcomed Anthony’s dripping tip into his warm drooling mouth. As the first taste of his cock invaded his tongue, Chris went cross eyed and eagerly started to bog his head on the dick.
Anthony moaned lowly at the feeling of his friend’s hot and wet mouth around his member. He couldn’t help but place a hand on Chris’ head and motion him to go deeper.
As the minutes passed by, Chris took Anthony deeper into his mouth, inch by inch. His drool spread across his face and all over the huge cock as he stroked the shaft in the same rhythm he went up and down on the wet cock, the sound of his mouth against the slob-covered skin reverberating through the room. The filthy sounds and the sight in front of him made Anthony go wild. Soon, he was fucking Chris’ face as if it was a fuck toy.
Anthony’s moans became louder and more gutural as the sound of his dick going in and out of Chris’ drooling mouth became more frantic. Chris’ eyes were almost completely crossed and he kept slobbering all over Anthony’s 12 inch cock, going completely dumb over it.
Soon, Chris tapped on Anthony’s thighs hurriedly, signaling he needed some air. Anthony then removed himself from Chris’ mouth and the wet popping sound of the lips unwrapping from his drooled cock made him twitch. A string of spit connected Chris’ red used lips to the tip of the engorged member.
“Fuck,” Anthony exhaled. “You slut, you drooled all over my cock. Look at that pathetic face, all messy.”
He gave Chris just a few seconds before he went in again, hands on each side of his face and cock ready to fuck his drooled mouth one more time. Chris wrapped his hand on Anthony’s cock again and prepared himself. Anthony went in, driving his spit-covered shaft into Chris’ abused mouth. Slower than before, Anthony told Chris to bob his head as he thrusted in a less aggressive pace. Soon, the sound of sloppy suctions filled the room again.
“Oh, yeah,” Anthony dragged out a groan. “Fuck, that feels so good. Fucking slobber on my big fucking cock you little slut”
Chris moaned around the huge cock in his mouth. The taste of Anthony’s dick, mixed with the excessive drool, and pre-cum wetting everything from his face and hands to the base of Anthony’s member, made Chris want more and more.
But Chris’ jaw was starting to hurt. Keeping his mouth open so wide to fit that huge cock for that long was starting to get to him. So he tried to pull off Anthony's dick.
As Chris tried to slide off Anthony’s wet length, the latter pressed him down by the nape, making him slide back down again. And again. And again. Until Chris was gagging on his cock, nose pressed against his smooth crotch. The sound was so arousing, Chris’ throat struggling with something so big inside it. But Anthony didn’t want to hurt Chris, so he let go.
Chris slid off the cock as soon as his head was free from pressure, coughing from the struggle. Not only a string, but quite a lot of drool connected to his tired mouth to the shimmering shaft of Anthony’s giant cock. Slobber was also smeared across Chris’ beard and chest hairs, resulting in a beautifully filthy image. Anthony fought the urge to take a picture of the sight.
“Look at that,” Anthony chuckled. “Such a filthy little slut, you are. Covered in spit, so messy and sloppy. You look so fucking sexy covered in this mess.”
Chris looked absolutely filthy. And he loved it. Not once did he try to wipe his face and clean the slobber covering him. His mouth, his face, his beard, his chest and hands were all slick with spit.
After he had a few more seconds to breathe again, Anthony demanded, “now make me cum, slut. I wanna see that pretty face covered in my jizz.”
Taking a deep breath, Chris leaned in once again, promptly wrapping his fingers around the shaft one more time and kissing the tip before enveloping the head in the warmth of his mouth. This time, Anthony stayed back watching, letting the other do all the work.
With spit gathering up the more Chris sucked him, the sound of his hands jerking Anthony’s huge cock was loud and sticky. His lips were glossy red as they worked their way up and down the wet shaft. Chris’ pace quickened by the minute and soon his movements were frantic. Anthony’s moans grew louder as he neared his high, which motivated Chris to please him as much as he could.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” Anthony warned, voice strained and airy.
Chris stopped at the tip, lips wrapped around the head like in a sloppy kiss and his hands made the work, stroking each inch of Anthony’s incredibly large cock. The wetness of the slobber helped Chris do the work.
Soon, Anthony took over and grabbed his cock, removing it from Chris’ mouth and jerking it in front of the other’s face. Chris stuck his tongue out in a filthy expression and waited, eager to receive his master’s milk. Within a matter of seconds Anthony came, shooting his warm milk all over Chris' already sloppy face, with some sticking to his beard and some falling onto his chest. Anthony shot rope after rope of cum in a never ending orgasm that left Chris’ face soaked in jizz. 
“Fuck. That was so much cum, master” Chris let out, voice hoarse from all the sucking. “I’m completely covered in your milk.”
Chris got up, knees red from the position he was at, and reached up to his face, fingers about to wipe the cum off his face before Anthony stopped him, grabbing his wrist. “Don’t. I wanna see that pretty face of yours covered in cum when I fuck you, slut” Anthony said, voice firm and dominant. “Now lay back on the bed and spread your legs for me.”
As obedient as ever, Chris did as he was told and got on the bed, promptly laying back on the sheets and spreading his legs, awaiting Anthony’s next instructions. His cum-covered face was the hottest and filthiest sights Anthony had ever seen, he thought.
Anthony then kneeled on the mattress and positioned himself between Chris’ muscular legs, fingers wrapped around his girthy cock, leading it to the other’s awaiting hole. “Fuck me, master” Chris let out. “I wanna feel that big cock ripping me apart.”
“Oh, yeah?” Anthony smirked, teasing Chris’ hole with the large head of his dick. “You slut, you wanna feel my cock all the way inside you, huh?”
“Yes, master. Please, fuck me,” he pleaded.
Giving in to the other’s desires, Anthony pressed in. Chris’ hole was pink and tight, unprepared to receive such a large cock. But Chris liked it like that, he loved feeling the burn of something so big entering him raw.
“Fuck~” Anthony dragged out. “You’re so fucking tight, you filthy slut.”
As Anthony slid his way into Chris slowly, getting all 12 inches in, he looked at the other’s cum-soaked face. Chris never looked so handsome and dirty at the same time. Anthony’s huge cock was ripping through his insides, giving Chris the most pleasurable pain he ever felt, a burn so arousing his dick pulsated and precum dripped from its tip.
“Fuck, master. You feel so good,” Chris moaned, voice weak and airy. “Fuck me with that horse cock you got, master. Fuck me.” He crossed eye as he felt the last inch of Anthony’s big dick enter him, hitting him in all the right spots and making him the fullest he had ever had.
After Chris got used to the pressure within him, Anthony started moving slowly. As he slid back and forth in Chris’ hole, the other’s expression of pure pleasure would intensify. Chris' gooner face told Anthony just how much of a slut his friend was and how much he was enjoying having his hole obliterated by his cock.
“M-master,” Chris stuttered as Anthony pounded his hole so hard it made his body tremble. “It feels so fucking good, I’m fucking drooling,” a string of spit ran down the corner of Chris’ mouth as his pleasured intensified. Chris’ mouth was open and Anthony could see his tongue sticking out, all slobbered up and dripping. It was such a dirty image.
“You’re such a whore, Evans,” Anthony let out, voice breathy from all the pounding he was doing. Anthony’s chest was glistening with sweat and Chris fought the urge to lean forward and lick his friend’s delicious skin with his wet tongue.
As Anthony gave a hard thrust, Chris squirmed, feeling his prostate getting hit by the bulbous head of Mackie’s cock. “Fuck~” Chris let out, almost growling with his voice hoarse and airy. “Fuck me, master. I can’t get enough of your fucking cock.”
“Oh, yeah?” Anthony said. “You like my cock fucking you open, you slut? You like that?” he completed as he grabbed Chris’ ankles and opened his legs wider, fucking him faster than before.
Chris’ moans became louder and his squirms became more constant as he felt his prostate being hit over and over again. His mouth kept drooling over his face and his tongue stuck out as if he was looking for something to lick. Chris’ eyes moved as a response to the incredible pleasure he was experiencing.
Chris couldn’t help it anymore, the more Anthony fucked him, the more he wanted to move closer and lick every part of his body as his ass got destroyed. “Fuck” he let out once more before leaning in and, with his mouth still open and dripping with slobber, licking and sucking all over Anthony’s plump and sweaty chest, leaving a trail of spit everywhere.
With his face still covered in Anthony’s cum, Chris pressed his nose against the crease between Mackie’s pecs and drooled over it, also leaving behind some of Anthony’s own cum on his skin. When he leaned back, he saw the sinful painting he did on his friend with his slobber and Anthony’s cum. “Fuck.” Somehow, the sight made Chris even hornier, making his mouth open wider and his tongue stuck out further in arousal.
Chris batted his eye over Anthony’s delicious brown nipples and dove in again, promptly sucking on them as he once again smeared Mackie’s own cum around with his eagerness. 
Anthony continued to pound into Chris' messy hole, ramming his huge cock into his prostate again and again. Chris felt that he could cum any second, sucking onto Anthony’s nipple harder the closer he felt to the edge.
Unfazed, Anthony repeatedly hit Chris’ spot over and over forcefully. Chris felt more and more sensitive with each strike and frowned as his eyes rolled back in pleasure. He was about to cum. Hard.
After a few more seconds, Anthony gave one more thrust – especially hard – right onto Chris’ prostate, drawing a desperate moan out of him as he let go of his nipple and accidentally spit over his chest (again). Chris’ grip on Anthony’s shoulder sharpened and he felt his hole quiver and squeeze unconsciously as he reached his high. “I’m gonna fucking cum” Chris let out, voice trembling and tight.
Chris’ cock pulsed as cum shot out of him at a forceful speed, landing right onto Anthony’s abs and chest. The moans that came out of him as he kept cumming were deep and hoarse, and he clung onto Anthony tightly as he drew out his orgasm. While on cloud nine, Chris unintentionally slobbered onto Anthony’s shoulder. He looked helpless.
Anthony laughed at his friend’s state. “So pathetic. Couldn’t even control yourself, you slut. Came all over me, untouched,” he mocked him. “So soon too, huh? Pitiful.” Chris let out a small moan at the comment, cock still buried inside him, hard and brushing at his abused prostate.
Anthony looked as Chris had slobber all over his face and tongue out like a dumb slut. Looking down at his own chest, he saw the wet spots where Chris had drooled and spit over while being pounded crazy. And he was about to make him goon even more.
That’s when Anthony started thrusting again, speedy and forceful, pounding Chris’ hole over and over again, not caring that the latter was sensitive and overstimulated. It just made everything hotter. Chris’ face looked dumber and dumber as his eyes rolled back, his tongue stuck out and slobber kept dripping out of his mouth, turning his face into an even dirtier mess.
The sound of Anthony’s hips slamming against Chris’ reddened buttocks filled the air once again, somehow even louder. Chris couldn’t help but let out rhythmic moans and groans each time Anthony thrusted in, head cloudy with overstimulation and sensitiveness. He felt like a dirty slut. “Fu-fuck me! Feels so fucking good, fuck” his voice came out in an almost-unintelligible ramble. 
The more Chris looked gone, the more Anthony wanted to fuck him. His hips weren’t slowing down anytime soon regardless if he had been fucking Chris for a long time. He was invested. There was no pain or tiredness that could stop him from abusing his friend’s gaping hole, which started to let out the air Anthony was fucking into him.
Anthony started feeling his climax coming up for the second time as his thrusts became sloppier. Chris’ dirty gooner face was making him so horny he couldn’t help but get close again. “Faster, faster. Fuck!” Chris’ fucked out voice let out, desperate for more cock. The wet sloppy sounds of his hips against Chris’ became louder and Anthony’s moans followed it.
Right before cumming, Anthony whipped his cock out of Chris’ abused hole and moved closer to the latter’s face, which had already been painted by him earlier. Anthony jerked off rapidly for a few seconds before he shot his huge and thick load of cum over Chris’ beautifully disgusting face, coating it with a thicker layer of his milk.
Despite being his second time already, Anthony’s load was massive and it thoroughly covered Chris’ face once again, giving him an even dirtier look combined with all the slobber and previously shot cum. Chris held his tongue out and managed to catch some of the milk, tasting it and realizing how he’d love to drink it every day. “You’re delicious,” he said, tongue licking around his lips.
Anthony stroked the last few drops of cum out of his cock in slow and strong grips before he was done. He took his time to breathe heavily for a while as his dick softened and Chris came back to his senses a little bit.
After some minutes, Anthony looked down and realized how dirty his cock had gotten, with some dried cum on it from his first load combined with the freshly shot load he just let out. He looked at Chris’ slutty face and something in his head clicked.
Anthony put his hand behind Chris’ head and motioned him closer to his cock – which was still huge even when soft. Like a horny slut, Chris’ automatically opened his mouth dumbly, just waiting for the next command. “Suck it clean, dirty whore” Anthony demanded.
“Yes, master” Chris moaned. He didn’t have to be told twice, his automatic reaction was to put Anthony’s thick shaft inside his mouth and start sucking and licking. Anthony felt the wetness and warmth of it and couldn’t help but start getting himself hard again. Chris’ tongue was skilled and it thoroughly went through all of his shaft, up and down and all around. The sound of the filthily wet slurps made Anthony twitch inside Chris’ mouth.
Part of him was still in awe of how much of a cockslut his friend was. Chris’ movements on his cock felt so perfect and automatic, his cloudy eyes telling him that Chris was still gone with pleasure. “Hmmmf~” he moaned around the thick shaft.
Because of how sensitive his cock was after two orgasms, Anthony couldn’t help but feel a third one coming up quicker. But before he could cum again, he looked over at the food tray Chris brought for him and had a filthy idea.
He removed his throbbing cock from Chris’ tired mouth, a thick string of spit connecting his abused lips with the cockhead. “Grab the sandwich,” Anthony demanded. 
Unsure of what Anthony had in mind, Chris obeyed with a slightly confused expression on his dirty face. He leaned over the side table, grabbed the food and sat waiting for Anthony to tell him what to do next.
“Open it up,” he said firmly. Chris slowly opened the sandwich, still confused as to what Anthony was wanting him to do. Mackie positioned himself closer to the food and pointed his large cockhead towards the inside of the large sandwich, stroking his tired cock rapidly, ready to shoot his third load in a row.
Chris watched in awe as he slowly came to the realization of what Anthony was about to do. Something about it made him feel especially excited as he held the sandwich open, making sure it’s angled properly so he doesn’t miss a drop.
Chris’ eyes crossed in anticipation and he automatically stuck his gooner tongue out as he heard Anthony moaning more and more, getting closer to his third orgasm of the day by the second. The sight of Chris’ slobbered up and cum-covered face drew Anthony closer to the edge. And soon, he came, shooting his still surprisingly thick and massive load all over the sandwich. He painted inside the food like it was a tasty sauce as he milked his cock clean stroke by stroke.
Anthony exhaled deeply and leaned his head back in ecstasy as he came down from his high, chest moving up and down as he pushed oxygen back inside his lungs. “Fuck,” he let out, breathy. “That was awesome.”
He turned his head back towards Chris, who was still sitting before him, sandwich in his hands. “Now eat.”
“What?” Chris let out, confused.
“Eat the sandwich, slut,” Anthony demanded.
It took Chris a couple seconds to process what Anthony wanted him to do. He looked down at the cum-filled sandwich in his hands and let out a small “fuck”, weirdly excited to eat the cum-covered food. “Okay,” he let out in a hurried whisper before he closed the sandwich back up and brought it up to his mouth in a hurry to find out how Anthony’s cum tasted with the other ingredients.
“Hmmmf~” Chris moaned as he munched on the first bite. Anthony’s cum was so thick that the taste really stood out and made Chris’ eyes roll back in some sort of pleasure. “Tastes so good,” he said, muffled, with his mouth full.
While Chris was focused on tasting the special sauce on that sandwich, Anthony leaned over to grab his phone that was tossed on the bed. He heard Chris let out some “tasty” and “delicious” as he unlocked his phone and clicked on his camera app. Anthony pointed it towards the sinful sight on the bed and snapped a picture. Chris was in the center, sitting on the edge of the bed, his face still covered in slobber and cum as he took a big bite of the sandwich in his hand. Anthony could see some of his thick cum oozing out of the edges as Chris held a firm grip on it.
Chris didn’t even notice as he kept munching on the food as if it was the first thing he’s eaten all day, letting out moans every time he tasted the saltiness of Anthony’s cum. “Fuck, this is so good,” he kept saying.
Anthony then opened the picture he snapped on his phone and promptly set it as his brand new lock screen photo. It was a sight to behold indeed, and he wanted to see it every day.
He watched as Chris kept giving the sandwich big bites until it was done. Anthony whistled as Chris swallowed the last bit of the cum-filled food as if to say “woah, you really liked that.”
After their highs were over, the two finally felt the aftermath of their wild fucking. Chris felt sore and sleepy while Anthony felt like he had just run a marathon, body all sweaty and legs aching from all the thrusting. Silently, Anthony climbed on the bed and laid back on the once-clean sheets. Chris moved himself back on the bed and rested his back on the mattress as well, not worried about getting up and getting himself cleaned, especially his filthy face.
Anthony held out his arm for Chris to crawl over too. As he wrapped his arm around him, Chris laid his cum covered face onto his muscular chest, letting a little bit of the cum and slobber drip onto Anthony. Soon, the two fell into a slumber, comfortable despite all the sweat, cum and slobber that covered them.
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sturniolo-rat · 5 months
✨Chris Sturniolo Headcanons✨
For Black Girls✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
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💋 Chris loves black girls
I’m sorry but in my head Chris prefers black girls. Like Atlanta Georgia black girls… thick, dark, dressed to the nines, hair done, acrylic nails 💅🏽💅🏾💅🏿absolute fucking queens. Like I don’t describe Y/N in any way but best believe if it’s a Chris fic she’s black to me.
💋 He sees fucking hates racists
This doesn’t actually need to be said but I figured We’d get this out of the way first. Chris definitely listens to you when you talk about race issues so he knows all about micro aggressions. He always notices them and stands up for you every time. “Baby, if anyone says that shit to you again I’m gonna catch an assault charge!”
💋 He owns silk sheets
This man most definitely would buy a full set of silk sheets after you sleep over his house for the first time and he notices you brought your own satin/silk pillowcase. He doesn’t realize it’s for your hair until he surprises you with them the next time you sleep over and you tell him. “Oh, I just thought you were being bougie.” Then he buys more sets of them because he decides to throw away all his cotton sheets.
💋 He learns your hair care routine
Chris is the only white person you trust to touch your hair. He makes taking care of your hair into a really loving and intimate experience. If you’re in the bath he adds epsom salts, sets up candles, and does a bunch of stuff to set the mood. “You have any music requests, Mama? If not I’m probably just gonna put on the sexy time playlist.” He sits out side of the bath and takes his time washing and conditioning your hair making sure to detangle and section it the way you taught him. He does the same thing when you’re in the shower except he stops occasionally to pull you close and feel you up. “Come here, Baby. You’re so fuckin’ pretty and you smell so nice and clean. I just can’t resist.”
💋 He sits with you when you’re getting your hair braided and brings you snacks
Before your appointment he packs you a lunch bag full of snacks for the both of you because of course he’s coming with you. “Alright, Baby, we’ve got Doritos, McDonald’s chicken nuggets, and a shit ton of candy. We’re all set to go.” If you think he’s not gonna come when you’re gonna be in the chair unable to get away from his yapping you are sorely mistaken. He’s always keeping everyone entertained and happy. “What’s up ladies! You have any tea for me today.” It’s just him feeding you snacks and having silly conversations with you and the person doing your hair. If you ever show up to your appointment without him everyone misses him.
💋 He pays for your acrylics
He insists on giving you the money every two weeks because he’s just “helping to keep his princess feeling pretty” He also likes to help you figure out designs and themes nails. He sends you random texts with nail inspo all the time. “I know a zoo theme seems extra, but let me cook, Mama!” I’m certain that he makes you get a C for Chris on one of your nails every time you get new set. This probably isn’t exclusive to black girls but like as a black person who gets their nails done I like to go all out on the designs and shit gets expensive.
💋 You convince him to wear a durag
He only agrees to do it one time in the house. You use the situation to teach him its use and significance in black hair care. It takes him a few tries and you have to demonstrate it a lot but eventually he is able to put it on correctly and he looks super cute. Not cute in a “this is a good look for you” kind of way, but in an aww “the little white boy is engaging in cultural appreciation” type of way. “I think if anyone saw me like this I would get cancelled.”
Idk if people put their tag lists on headcanon posts??? Pls advise
@daddyslilchickenfingers2 @mrsmiagreer @rafecameronsbitch @lovergirl4387 @gdsvhtwa @ashley9282828 @j-worlds-blog @stephanienwf @achrisgirly @draculaura123 @abbypost @cind2224 @crazychrisl0v3r @ryli3sworld @bkwrld @chrattstromboli @pinkishpearls @pepsienthusiasts @stunza @sturnssmuts @angelic-sturniolos111 @69isabella69 @maryx2xx @sturniolo04 @bigbeefybitch @klaus223492 @r93339 @sturnzsblog @spotconlon55 @robins-scoop @junovrsmp4 @sturnlover4eva @blahbel668 @lilahnowheretobefound @luxy-nyx @tuffsturns @m0r94n @sturnstvs @pepsicolapussy333 @maddyslifesstuff @dogblof @honeymoonxxz @xplr-sturns-e-m @hayhjelmstad15
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hellcheeriest · 6 months
i bet he's never had a backstreet guy
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Twitch Streamer!Eddie x Single dad!Steve
Masterlist | Next Chapter
Summary: Introductory Chapter where we meet Steve and his son Dustin, and Eddie and his group of friends.
Content Warnings: Slight age gap (Steve is 31, Eddie is 26), bullying.
A/N: I wrote this almost two years ago and the full first chapter ended up being almost ten thousand words... and then i never finished writing the second chapter. Here's a heavily re written first chapter! I'm splitting this up much more, and this chapter is shorter than the rest will be as its mostly an intro chapter to introduce characters and their dynamics :)
w/c: 2,017
January, 2023
“Fuck, dude!” A voice blared from Dustin’s phone. The kitchen was warmly lit as Steve flipped a pancake. It was a Monday morning, and the sun’s light peaked through the crack between the curtains. The smell of bacon cooling on the counter wafted through the air, and Steve turned to give his son a disapproving glare.
“Hey, what’s with the language?” Steve asked, turning over hashbrowns in a separate, smaller pan.
“Sorry, dad. Just a streamer I’m watching.” Dustin replied as he took a sip of his orange juice. “He and his friends are like, super funny.” Steve stalked over, a full plate of breakfast in his hands. He placed it on the counter in front of Dustin, leaning over Dustin’s shoulder to view the gameplay shown on the screen. They were playing a game he vaguely recognized as something Dustin had shown him while saving up his allowance money.
A different voice sounded from the phone. A lighter one, belonging to someone who the first person referred to as ‘Chrissy.’
“Who are they?” Steve asked as he returned to the stove. Dustin took a bite of his pancakes.
“The guy is Eddie. He’s the one playing the game.” Dustin began, pausing only when his dad scolded him for talking with his mouth full. “The girl is Chrissy.”
Steve smiled as his son ranted. Dustin was typically very passionate about his interests, and Steve loved seeing his son so happy. It was too often that Dustin came home from school deflated and downright miserable. He was nerdy, and the type of kid that was bullied even back when Steve was in school. Apparently times haven't changed.
“You really like these guys, huh?” Steve asked, thoughtful, as he turned off the burners and brought the now empty pans to the sink.
“Yeah!” Dustin began, practically bouncing in his seat. “Their friend group is all super cool, and Eddie-” He took a moment when the man- Eddie, cracked a joke that made Chrissy laugh. “Eddie used to be bullied, too. And he’s super cool, so…” Steve sent his son a small, sad smile. He walked over to Dustin, and pulled him into a hug. “He just makes me feel better.”
“Well,” Steve ran a hand through Dustin’s curly hair. “I’m glad he makes you feel better. As long as you don’t get a swearing problem, got it?” He asked, smirking.
Dustin broke into a smile, nodding.
“Yeah, yeah.” Dustin gulped down the rest of his orange juice. “I'm finished eating, can we get going? I don't want to be late for school!”
Eddie @/hellfyre
streaming among us with friends :)
Chris @/bluefille
Can’t wait! :)
Rob @/rockinrobin
im here against my will.
Eddie’s room was dark, the light of his monitors casting a shadow behind him. He sighed and slid down in his chair. He was deafend in the discord call with most of his friends and he loaded up the game, his cursor hovering over the ‘Go Live’ button. He ran a hand through his slightly unkempt hair, thankful for the fact he hasn’t shown his face yet. He wasn't even sure he owned a camera minus the one built into his monitors. Taking a deep breath, Eddie presses the button and lets his ‘Stream starting soon’ screen play out.
Quickly the viewer count rose from a few hundred to a couple thousand, and after five minutes Eddie unmuted his microphone.
“Hey chat!” He grinned at the spamming of emotes in the chat. “Today, as you know, we’re doing among us with corroded coffin and friends. Robin and Chrissy, my personal favourites, but don’t tell the guys that.” He laughed. “Jeff and Gareth just got back from vacation so hopefully they suck, and Austin has yet to join us.”
Eddie pulled up a picture of his guitar and shrank it down to cover where the room code would go.
“Among us in 2023?” He read from the chat. “You know it.”
Eddie undeafened in discord, the loud voices of his friends instantly shot through his headphones.
“Gareth, you prick!” Robin shouted down her microphone. “Take that back you heathen.”
“God, Robin. Mind telling me what the hell is going on?” Eddie asked.
“Gareth’s flaunting his relationship with Jeff! Practically rubbing it in my face! He’s basically making fun of how I don’t have a girlfriend.” Robin whined and Gareth laughed.
“Can we please just start the game? I don’t want to deal with this debate anymore!” Jeff pleaded.
“You’re just asking that because you get all flustered whenever Gareth gushes about you.” Chrissy added, her voice soft as ever.
“Yeah, Jeff, we get it. You’re in a happy relationship and you hold hands and blah blah blah.” Eddie joked, putting on a New Yorker accent.
“Hey, leave my mans alone.” Gareth said and Jeff groaned, causing everyone else to laugh. “I’m making the room.”
“Sorry guys, my mom just called. I gotta go.” Robin said, her raspy voice wavering as she tried not to laugh, giving her away.
“Fuck you Robin.” Gareth retorted and Robin cackled. “I’m posting the code in the discord, assholes.
“I’m too sober for this.” Austin said, finally deciding to speak up after joining to the pandemonium.
It had been an hour and a half straight of playing among us, and Eddie was starting to get a headache. His throat was sore from the accent he chose to do in the last round they played.
“Well, guys. I still have to eat dinner so I should get going.” Eddie confessed, rubbing his eyes.
“Okay, Eddie! Enjoy your dinner.” Chrissy yawned. It was eight PM for the both of them, and Chrissy’s childhood habit of going to bed on time carried over to adulthood and it was her wind down time by now
“Night man.” Gareth said, and wishes of a good rest from Jeff, Robin and Austin followed. Eddie returned the gesture and hung up. He bid farewell to his viewers before shutting down his stream and turning off his computer. He stretched, before standing up and leaving his small bedroom and heading to the small kitchenette of his apartment. He grabbed one of the TV dinners that sat in his freezer and threw it in the microwave for a few minutes.
He walked to his bathroom and grabbed an elastic off of the counter, wrapping it around his hair before leaning over the sink and splashing water over his warm face. After rubbing a towel down his face, he leaned on the counter and stared into the mirror, taking in his appearance.
He wouldn't say he was insecure of his looks, but it was a daunting thing to think about when his side of the internet were constantly talking about how devastatingly hot he must be.
What if they didn't like how he looked?
That was a thought that rarely crossed his mind. He prided himself on the fact that he didn't care what others thought, and really, after years of bullying he'd grown a tough shell. So no, he wouldn't care about what others thought. He only thought like this when he was drunk or tired, and he wasn't drunk. The dark purple of his under eyes confirmed it was the latter.
They stood out against the pale skin of his face, similar to how the black of his self-cropped Metallica shirt he'd gotten at a concert and dark tattoos that ran all down his torso clashed with his almost fragile looking flesh.
Thank you iron deficiency. And college.
He'd just skimmed by and managed to graduate on his third attempt at senior year, so he wasn't sure why he decided to torture himself further by becoming an English major, especially since his streaming career seemed to be kicking off and who knew if he would even end up needing it?
After the beep of the microwave went off, he went back to the microwave and grabbed the plastic dish and went to the reclining arm chair in his small, plain living room. It was always a shock stepping into the modern bright white walls of his apartment after living his whole life in the cluttered comfortability of his uncle's trailer. They didn’t have much then, but he was happy. 
Eddie put on an anniversary re-run of some old, popular sit com. The laugh track filled his otherwise quiet apartment and Eddie started chewing on the tough, TV dinner steak.
He’s still happy now, he supposes. A bit bored, maybe. He didn’t see his uncle much anymore, and he lived alone. The only friend he lived close to was Chrissy, and even she lived an hour out of the city Eddie was in. He loved streaming, loved providing content for the people who’d watch it, and he knew it was selfish to wish for more when so many would kill to have what he has.
But sometimes he can’t help it.
Steve was worried. He was parked outside of Dustin’s high school. Band ended fifteen minutes ago and there was still no sign of his curly headed son. It wasn’t often Dustin stayed behind this long, not unless he was getting pestered by some moron. After another moment Steve huffed and got out of his car, walking into the school.
It was somewhat nostalgic to walk the halls of the highschool, the same one Steve went to way back when. The walls were a different colour now, and banners hung from wall to wall to announce different events. Steve wasn't here to reminisce, though.
He was a few feet away from Dustin’s locker when he saw two larger teenagers cornering his son into the metal of the lockers, spitting harmful words to Dustin’s already terrified face. The guys seemed to be older, maybe even in their senior year, and Dustin was small, only in the ninth grade.
“Hey!” Steve called out, his pace increasing in speed as the guys turned to look at him. “Hey, what’s going on here?”
“Dude, is that who I think it is?” One of the guys asked. Oh great. Steve thought. Jocks.
Steve wasn’t proud of who he was in highschool. He was a loud, ignorant asshole just like the two here that were harassing his son. The thought made his heart hurt. 
“Steve Harrington? What are you doing here?” The other asked, laughing as he held Dustin by the collar of his shirt.
“Well, I’m here to pick up my son, but it seems he’s been held back.” Steve said through gritted teeth, hoping that his visceral hatred spilled through into his tone, and the two older boys' faces paled before they scrambled to get away from the two. Steve scoffed, and was quick to kneel down in front of his son whose face was red and wet with tears. His shirt was soaked, and his nose was bloodied, and Steve’s chest felt heavy with anger. 
Calming himself down, Steve held Dustin’s shoulders.
“Hey, bud.” He started softly. “Let’s getcha home, hey?” A small sob broke through Dustin’s lips as he nodded and Steve brought his son in for a hug.
Soon they were outside and walking to the car, Dustin under Steve’s arm.
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” Steve asked after getting in the car and Dustin shook his head, facing out the window. Steve sighed quietly and looked at his hands where they gripped the steering wheel. “I saw a notification on your phone this afternoon,” This seemed to catch Dustin’s attention. “I think that streamer you like posted something. Maybe you’ll have something to watch when you get home?”
Finally, Dustin smiled. It was small, but Steve was grateful. Dustin nodded.
“I still want to hear about what happened today, kay?” He asked gently, and Dustin nodded again, but slower this time. Steve put a comforting hand on his shoulder and squeezed.
After a moment he started the car and drove out of the school parking lot.
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