#( thread ‣ apollo. )
mathysphere · 2 months
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In 1999, on the 30th anniversary of the first moonwalk, the members of rec.crafts.textiles.needlework shared their memories of the historic event. Transcripts in alt text.
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fantastic-nonsense · 9 months
im soso curious, i need to know... why is tim a child of apollo? bless u for not going with fanon<3
[referencing how I decided who the Batfam's godly parents were in my PJO AU WIP]
People like to sort him into Athena because DC has spent the last few years emphasizing how smart he is and how he's better at the more “cerebral” and detective aspects of the job. But Tim’s most prominent pre-reboot traits are not actually his detective or tech skills: they’re his reckless, impulsive bravery, his ability to analyze and think very quickly on his feet in dangerous situations, and his "power of friendship" idealism.
He's a people person; it's one of his greatest strengths. Tim is like...physically incapable of going somewhere and not making at least one friend while he's there. Hell, when he ran off to travel the world on his "fuck you, I'll find Bruce on my own" trip he still managed to pick up his own little crew of assassin friends along the way. Making connections and talking to people and relying on others for help is how he successfully navigates being a hero, as he himself notes on multiple occasions:
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"Did you think I was going to run all around the city, desperately trying to save everyone all by myself? I'm not Batman. I have friends." -Red Robin #12
Tim loves his family and friends, and losing so many people he's close to within such a small timespan sends him off the deep end in multiple ways (trying to clone Kon, fighting Dick to get the Lazarus water, isolating himself from everyone, fighting with Dick and running off to find proof that Bruce was alive on his own, etc).
At his core, Tim is an idealist who becomes a hero for no other reason than a) a broken man needs help and a broken family needs mending and b) if Dick won't go back to being Robin he might as well do it, because someone has to be Robin. He sees what will happen if Bruce stays on the path he's on and says "no. I'm not going to let that happen." He's a hero because someone has to help, and he's able and available to do so. He doesn't work on cold hard logic and facts. He works off of gut instinct and then uses his big brain to go find facts and logical conclusions that support those instincts.
Tim was never going to be an Athena child.
So I started thinking. At first, I wanted him to be a Hermes child; it seemed right to frame his parentage around being the child of the messenger of the gods given how he became Robin. But that's not really him, either. Apollo, within the scope of both classical mythology and the PJO-verse's depiction of him and his children, fits him better.
While modern culture tends to zero in a lot on Apollo's status as the god of music, poetry, and the arts (for good reason), Apollo in classical Greek mythology was first and foremost known as the god who (for lack of a better term) helps his people. He's the god of the sun, of light, of medicine and healing, of prophecy, of truth.
Tim comes into Bruce's life at a time when Bruce is at his absolute lowest point. Jason is dead. He's estranged from Dick. He's failing in his mission to save Gotham. He's highkey passively suicidal. And Tim takes it upon himself to fix that. And he does it by being a solid, bright, stable presence in Bruce's life and an extremely blunt, truthful messenger of the future he sees: Batman needs a Robin, and if Bruce doesn't have one he's going to die.
And I didn't abandon his intelligence in the calculations: Apollo is also the god of rational thinking, order, and knowledge, contrasting and working in harmony with Dionysus (the god of irrationality, chaos, and passion). He was also known to be the god whose job it was to interpret the will of Zeus to humankind, which I thought was appropriate for a boy who spends quite a lot of his time being the living communication translator between Bruce and everyone around him.
So. Apollo child.
............also I thought it was funny to make the god of youth the father of the boy DC refuses to allow to age.
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clefadrylcorner · 1 year
The real loss of Capcom putting Kristoph in the basement is that we can no longer get any more scenes or context about the weird gay shit he and Phoenix had going on. I think they painted eachothers nails and shotgunned cigarettes together during the late hours and explored eachothers bodies once or twice, you know what I mean. I just feel like we could have had a scene where Phoenix talks about him in passing and says some shit like how when they drank together they only used one glass between the two of them; both because they were close and because it guaranteed to Phoenix that he wouldn't be poisoned by Kristoph if they were using the same glass, and then apollo looks at him like he just said he kissed his old boss with tongue. I just think it would be funny, you know
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gingermintpepper · 26 days
I would really like to read one piece of writing, amateur or not, that features Apollo and Zeus having a positive relationship. One. Any one. It could be 30 words long for all I care. I just need confirmation that one other writer actively producing content in the Greek Mythology sector doesn't think of Apollo as Zeus' toy, sexual or otherwise, or of Zeus purposefully surpressing Apollo because he doesn't want him to surpass his power, or of Apollo only being obedient to his father over all else because of fear and physical abuse, or of any other reason possibly invented except some sort of mutual understanding and respect.
It should not be this difficult to find content where they do not hate each other.
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zielshindo · 1 year
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it's almost 3 am here and i feel awful so here is some of my nico art,
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whambam-ink · 8 months
Chronic shipper brain disease aside, my greatest hope for the HD re-releases of AJ, DD, and SoJ is that it reels in some more naruodo enjoyers / tolerators.
Not shippers, per say (although that would be nice), but at least people who see their fun broken-but-then-mended hero worship dynamic across all three games,
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look at the fan art and fan fics made about it, and go, “It may not be my thing, but I get the appeal,” instead of picking up their metaphorical pitchforks because of an 11-year age difference between two unrelated adults who met as adults.
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With the stress of everything that had happened, Apollo wanted to do something nice for Taka. He'd gotten him a gift and had just finished Taka's favorite dinner when he walked in. "Hello love. I wanted to do something nice for you. I have your favorite dinner. I had to order your favorite dessert because apparently I am not good at baking."
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canongf · 2 months
🖤 nine people i’d like to get to know better 🖤
thank you so so so much for the tag, @tylersbucklebunny!!!
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last song i listened to: alive!!!
currently watching: spooky movies (i just finished sleepy hollow & lisa frankenstein)!!!
current obsession: rock & roll, mystery books, & cowboy caviar!!!
sweet/savory/spicy: spicy!!!
relationship status: involved with a fictional character :)
tags: (only if you want to!!!) @futurewife @flatstarcarcosa @shipssailing @mothlover69 @me-myself-and-my-fos @changeling-selfship @soulnottainted @selinas-ships @cherry-bomb-ships
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soleil-in-retrograde · 3 months
/hands up from keyboard
I think I have the Lester side more or less done.
/cracks knuckles
Time for the Apollo side!
Onward to the poor guy's decline
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aliyebalik · 4 months
closed starter for @counselorapollo out on the water
Aliye was no stranger to getting into arguments with her parents, something that seemed to be more and more common as the years drew on. Her father had been in town for a week, popping his head in from working on the sea to stick his nose where Aliye felt very strongly that it didn't belong. After another drawn out fight with him over her future, her life living on a boat, and lack of ambition, she'd slammed the door on the way out of their house and peeled away in her Jeep with a loud roar of her engine. Not ready to let the argument ruin her day, she made the trek back towards the beach and the scheduled meet up of the Aqua Avengers. The first twenty minutes or so of the kayak trek with Apollo had passed by in amicable silence before she let her paddle down with a bit of a crash and huffed out in annoyance. "Hey, yo, Polly. Question for you. If you had a kid. And that kid lived on a boat. And was happy living on that boat. Would you have a problem with them living on a boat? A boat totally counts as a house, right?"
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fortrivmph · 6 months
@ofspvrta / the delphic voice
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"--you seem familiar to me. Have we met before?"
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gingermintpepper · 2 months
One of my favourite little things about Apollo is how casual his and the Fates' relationship was.
Now, this isn't to understate how grave the Fates were in any way, as a matter of fact, it's written multiple times about the complex interplay between the Fates and Zeus (Stobaeus even wrote that the Fates were given the seat closest to Zeus' throne so he could better give counsel on all things from their machinations)
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Indeed, even Zeus was beholden to them and even though the Fates usually left things up to natural course (and Zeus in his position as Moiragetes - that is, the Leader of Fates could even intercede on these events, even interrupting when a someone was set to die) in a lot of ways, there are many, many things that even Zeus could never interfere with, things that were above even the King of the Heavens. Some really good examples are things like Persephone's Abduction which the Fates ruled as necessary for the propagation of the seasons and his marriages to Themis and Hera.
By all accounts really, the Fates were incredibly stern, incredibly grave deities who presided over law, order, birth and death and even worked with the Furies to punish those who broke the sacred laws!
And then you have Apollo who was also known by the title Moiragetes (In Delphi, there were only two Moirai depicted and in place of the third was Zeus and Apollo Moiragetes according to Pausanias) but who did things like, checks notes, send the Fates to be the midwives of his paramour Evadne when she had to deliver his son alone in secret (by the way, he also sent the actual goddess of childbirth to help. The Fates absolutely did not need to also be there, he was taking every precaution:
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and get the Fates drunk so they would agree to save his bestie Admetus' life:
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Keep in mind btw - this con Apollo pulled for Admetus was multi-layered and even included getting Heracles to wrestle Thanatos and keep him still so Apollo could proceed to help Admetus cheat Alcestis away from Fates when Admetus expressed regret for making his wife die in his place:
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And I cannot stress enough that Apollo faced zero consequences for this nonsense. NONE. The Fates weren't even cordial with other Gods - they're almost never referred to directly, they were often depicted apart from other deities or described as old, ugly and unable to walk (though, generally speaking they were artistically depicted as young maidens!) and apart from comforting Demeter by going to personally explain what happened to Persephone in some versions of the story, they didn't really get humanised the way most of the other gods or spirits did. Usually they're referred to euphemistically, or someone will speak distantly about a prophecy they once heard was designed by the Fates but Apollo? Apollo knew the Fates! He was good friends with the Fates! And I think it's even cooler when you consider that both instances of Apollo showing off his Fate's Favourite privilege have to deal with birth (of Iamus) and death (of Alcestis/Admetus) which were the two points most deeply associated with the Moirai and why there were usually depictions of them as a pair over that of a triad.
(Excerpts sourced from Theoi, Aeschylus' Eumenides, Pindar's Olympian 6 and Statius' Silvae; though just a note, one instance of the Fates' involvement with Apollo is misquoted on Theoi - that is the Fates being present for Apollo's birth, that's actually a misinterpretation of Evadne's birthing of Iamus.)
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ech0praxias · 1 month
・ ✦ ・ 𝐄𝐂𝟎𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐗𝐈𝐀𝐒 *   (  closed starter  for @g0ldenparad0x )
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"What are you looking at anyway?" Jagger, or as he is enigmatically known in the ring, "The Dagger," inquires, his voice a mixture of curiosity and guarded defiance, as he observes the stranger meticulously taping up his split knuckles. The other had implored the fighter to assist with his injuries, offering medical care, and despite the incessant nagging of Jagger's agent about the after-party he had been invited to, he chose to extend his trust to this stranger instead. After all, free medical attention was an opportunity too valuable to decline. Perhaps, too, there was an intangible quality about this stranger that stirred his curiosity, a fickle and enigmatic impulse that Jagger himself could scarcely comprehend.
He winces visibly, the mere brush of the stranger’s deft, almost delicate hands against his bruised skin provoking involuntary hisses of discomfort from his bloodied lips. The stranger’s touch, though tender, seemed to accentuate the raw, throbbing pain of his wounds, which were the unfortunate aftermath of a fierce match—a contest he had almost claimed victory in, but ultimately succumbed to. The fight had been a brutal beating of endurance, his opponent exploits the slightest gaps in Jagger’s defenses, leaving him with a bittersweet bloody taste of near triumph.
"Did enjoy the fight, at least?" Jagger continues, his voice softened by an undercurrent of apology. "I mean, I hope I didn’t cost you too much money. I really thought I had him this time,…"
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akrasias · 2 months
btw he is a hellenist/greek polytheist; he’s very quiet about it & will answer catholic or agnostic if someone asks but still keeps some traditions that he grew up with in ancient greece.
in a way, he sort of misses festivals too, he was chosen to perform in them (as he was a slave) but the communal aspect of it - something that really doesn’t exist anymore unless you seek it out - he misses.
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uhm I haven’t caught up w/ dailyverse lore in a while and I’m kinda confused? I tried skimming various posts on the timeline and I can’t find any mention of Nature crossdressing or whatever? Also I feel like I’m kind of lost on what’s happening with Los
the masterpost is quite outdated, I was doing the updating but I got way too burned out to and just. nobody has really. I'm sorry
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