#(<- can you write them down like that with infinitives? i don't know. i assume you can)
echotunes · 1 year
every time duolingo makes me translate "you" with "usted" I am filled with rage. not for any rational reason it's just incomprehensible to me that "you" would ever be formal. like I know that's just how the english language works but it feels wrong
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sabertoothwalrus · 5 months
do you think Falin's chimerism would affect her lifespan and behaviors? or just her body? maybe she can make more animalistic noises or has vague dragon-like instincts?
that’s a really good question! I think we could probably figure this out by taking a look at what we know about Falin, what we know about red dragons, whether these things would apply to Falin, and go from there.
The obvious external changes Falin has are: her eyes, her teeth, and her feathers.
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It’s hard to pin down what Falin is like! Throughout the duration of the manga, she wasn’t really a character so much as a plot device. We have almost nothing told from her point of view, and the majority of her unbiased (as in, we’re seeing her through a neutral lens and not another character’s perception of her) characterization is from the post-canon omake.
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Even Falin believes that her wanderlust might come from her dragon side, but she's not sure. Personally, I think it’d make a lot of sense if it kind of does, in the sense that she has 20/20 vision now, haha! For most of her life, she could probably only see clearly within a relatively small sphere surrounding her, and now she can see everything. She can look up and around freely in a way she couldn’t before. Fuck man, if I had magic lasik I’d probably go out more too.
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Some other quirks that are really unclear whether it’s typical for Falin or chimera-influenced:
she enters rooms through windows, sometimes. And given the leaves in her hair, I think it’s reasonable to assume this is not the first floor 💀 But who knows! Maybe that’s not new for Falin.
She points out that Laios’s scent could deter monsters. Maybe she has enhanced smell. But again, it isn’t unreasonable to think this is something she would have said before. (I think even Chilchuck and Izutsumi, whose senses of smell are enhanced, can’t identify scents well. Kuro, however, can.)
VIOLENCE! But again, we’ve seen her beat shit with her staff before, and she also used to wield a flail. It IS a trait for red dragons to fight any large threat, so if anything, she’s got even better monster fighting instincts than before. I don't think this would carry over to people. Falin has always been better with people, and I'm personally not a fan of seeing her depicted as territorial or possessive. Marcille is already the possessive one, and didn't need dragon blood to be like that.
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Ultimately, I don't think her dragon traits extend much farther beyond this. Especially when you consider How Little the dragon is represented as in her conscience.
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it's not like it's a 50/50 split. She's like a person with a dragon ratatouille. I don't think she'd be able to make dragon noises. I don't think her body is built for that. I know there's like, a set list of tropey characteristics that are given to almost every non-human character in fiction. and sure that's FINE but they tend not to be especially personalized to the character, and tend to just be an excuse to write them OOC. Like, sure, dragons may have instincts regarding sleep habits, hunting, courting, raising young, etc etc, but so do humans! And we don't compulsively act on every instinctual whim we have. I don't see why it'd be any harder for her new dragon instincts.
If anything, I think she'd feel more affected by the fact that she has part of the demon in her.
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I don't think Falin's in any sort of trouble. All the demon was was a way to communicate with people. Here, it's representing Falin's tether to the infinite realm, to mana itself. The winged lion no longer has the desire to consume anymore because, yknow, Laios has that now. This is very likely why she no longer needs to chant to cast magic.
But what else does this mean for her? She already had unusually high reserves of mana + an innate connection with spirits, but is her mana essentially limitless now? How would that affect her lifespan? I'm leaning towards, it wouldn't really?? But is she immune to mana sickness now? Is it more like her magic is just sort of amplified like it would be in a dungeon?
We can infer that having more mana doesn't increase your lifespan, because-- while elves and gnomes have both naturally high levels of mana and longer lifespans-- dwarves live longer but have lowest levels of mana of all.
So to answer your question! Maybe a little bit?? But I don't think she'd change a whole lot.
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Cassiopea and Orion #3
#1 #2
A/N: Finally got some time to continue working on this... to be honest this was pieced together through a bunch of different lunch break writings... sorry if that shows. Also @kizzer55555 totally love your addition on #2! Honestly I squealed when I read it! You were nearly spot on on what I had in mind to where I wanted to go with this story line. Tho I hope you don't mind that I took a bit of inspiration from you while writing some parts of this.
A/N2: Also you guys *sigh of fondness for the dpxdc fandom* originally I wasn't going to tag it just yet but I guess I will now, even if I have no experience writing it and only tried to sort of hint at it a bit for readers interpretations: Spirit Halloween 👻
Ellie frowned watching these people, still sitting on her spot on the railing. Once their initial excitement quieted down and the seriousness of the situation took over, she was left with nothing more to do than to watch the situation unfold before her. A part of her was surprised about the amount of information the big bad bee had on Danny. Some of which she thought was information that previously only Tucker, Sam and Jazz had. But apparently Ellie had been wrong.
Massively wrong by the amount of information she was seeing here. How long had Danny truly been in contact with this guy? There had to have been more than just the occasional phone calls she had caught him on. Did that mean this guy also knew about Dan? About the GIW? About the Infinite Realms? If he knew about all this why, why didn't he help sooner? Why hadn't Danny made contact with this guy sooner either? She did notice him pausing at certain points before continuing like nothing was happening. It didn't look like the onlookers minded, but to Ellie it was an indicator that big bad bee knew more.
She stayed silent the entire time, only muttering a correction ever now on then when she did note that the guy's information was outdated. Still something bothered her the entire time. Ellie didn't know what it was exactly, but the grim faces of the onlookers and the stoic nearly cold sounding explanation of big bad bee rubbed her wrong.
It was only at the end of it that she realize what it was exactly that had bothered her so much.
"What about family? Does she have anyone else left?" One of the onlookers asked and Ellie's head snapped up towards them. That sounded like... no, they weren't...
"According to her, Phantom lost his haunt. Including the code she gave to Robin, we can assume that there is no other safe place left. Unless..." Armored furry turned towards her, and Ellie stiffened only slightly as it appeared that they were finally going to address her again. "What is the status of Plasimus."
"You know about him too huh..." She muttered, not looking at any of them. "Castle is gone, whereabouts unknown, Mom was worried that he was one of the first after the first one of no contact, but that's not confirmed. Nothing turned up to indicate that."
Ellie didn't look up to see the reaction in regards to this information she shared but her head did snap up at the next words she heard. "And your brother?"
Wide eyed she stared at the man that had moved and was now before her, hands carefully placed on her shoulders as he bended down slightly to be on her eye level. Her mind was racing. He knew! This man knew about Dan. Distantly she heard one of the onlookers complain that in all the Infromation Bee had given them he had not mentioned about Ellie having a brother. She didn't react on that, instead searching that man's face despite it being half covered by a bat shaped cowl.
She wasn't sure what she was searching for but she wasn't finding it. Now she wished she had paid more attention to Grandma Pandoras lessons on Aura reading. Dan was in Far Frozen, put into stasis and protected and cared for by Frostbite and his tribe. The other ghosts were looking out for him too, they would do the same for her if she had a way into the Ghost Zone but both portals were gone and Danny, Wulf and Cujo were the only ones currently able to open portals. She wasn't even sure if they knew what Danny had done to protect her.
As her mind wandered Ellie did not realise that the people around her took her silence as some kind of answer. She did not realise how those she doubted onlookers shared grim and saddened looks. Nor how the man before her squeezed her shoulders ever so slightly as if afraid that she would brake any moment.
"Do not worry. You will be safe here with us." The armorer furry reassured her, drawing her attention back to the current moment. Suddenly her earlier suspicion came back to hit her in the face as her eyes once more widened.
"What do you mean?"
"We will take you in and you will be safe and won't have to fear them with us."
She was sure that was meant to sound reassuring but it wasn't. It made her stomach sink. With a moments use of intangibility she pushed away from the man floating backwards and putting more distance between her and these people. Danny gave her the code, told her to use it in a dire situation. That she would get help with that code. That they would help! This didn't sound like the help she wanted. She hadn't even gotten to explain the situation from her side. All they did was apparently assuming something all because of that stupid code Danny, her mom, gave her.
"What about mom?!" She didn't scream but by the faces she might as well could have. "The code was to get help! Mom needs to be rescued! Why are you acting like you won't! Danny promised I would get help when I use it!"
"Danielle." She halted and froze. That tone was stern and it was missing the gravel she had previously heard in that man's voice, it sounded the same way Danny or Auntie Jazz sounded when they needed for her to listen.
"Wait B! I don't think-"
"The code Danny gave you. It's his last resort code, personalised to you. It is one of our many codes we both came up with for our children. One only for situations we did not believe to come back from alive."
"Aquila, Apus, Phoenix, Cygnus, Columba, Grus, Pavo and Corvus. Each of them has one specific Code personalised for the exact same situation you are in. I am sure Danny has mentioned them to you at least once." Ellie blinked finding a familiarity with these words but also frowned with the realisation that set in with that. Her eyes unintentionally wandered over to the onlookers, no birds, these codes belonged to. She couldn't really tell which belonged to who but she knew Danny must have come up with them as some sort of inside joke.
"B! You can't just-"
"But Mom..." Her voice sounded small even to her own ears.
"I am sorry. But you will be save with us. I promised Danny that years ago."
She knew that her de-aged body was probably influencing her emotional state as she slowly floated back into reach. Before she could sit back onto the rail like she had done the entire time before she felt herself getting dragged to the side and suddenly warm arms encircled her. Ellie blinked confused until her brain caught up. The bird in blue was hugging her. The warmth felt comforting, just like when Danny, Jazz, Val or Sam hugged her and for a moment she let herself enjoy it. Dropping her guard just for a little bit to draw comfort from this warmth.
While Nightwing distracted the little girl in his arms, he made distinctive eye contact over her head with his siblings, before indicating his head towards Batman. Red Robin and Signal nodded before moving towards the man, Robin trailing behind them after he shared one more glance with him. His eyes turned towards Red Hood. The other wasn't even looking at any of them as he was already on his way stomping right out the cave, ignoring everyone around him. Nightwing was going to make sure to send any additional information they would get from Danielle his way later too. Black Bat and Spoiler stayed close to him.
It was moments like these that Nightwing really appreciated the silent understanding he and his siblings had among each other and if Batman was to much into his own head with these stupid codes and apparently already grieving. Then they would step up and if they could give the little girl in his arms the kind of help she had clearly hoped to get from them. It wasn't a promise of safety that the Danielle was looking for or even needed, rather she was hoping for people willing to help her rescue Phantom, her parental figure, her mother, her family, when she had no one else left.
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trynafindbarbiee · 3 months
I didn't thought I would do it, because it's only gonna waste my time and energy but y'all are getting out of your boundaries now.
None of this matters to me at all. I'm not obligated to prove myself; it's ultimately futile in my opinion. Although I've proven myself two or maybe three times already, I'm living my life peacefully, so why should these miserable people matter to me? I won't even remember after a while nor your pathetic opinions about me 💀!!
No matter what I say, there will always be doubters, and there will always be those who believe. It's not my job to convince people of my experiences or beliefs, and I don't have to prove myself to anyone. I'm living my life peacefully, and I don't need external validation from anyone. I'm grateful for my experiences, and I don't need anyone else's approval to know they're real.
Why are you charging money when u have manifested trillions of dollars in the void :
I could manifest endless money into the void, but that's not the case. Even after entering the void, we still have jobs, we eat, we sleep, we live normal lives like ordinary people. There's a renowned blogger on Tumblr (I won't name her) who has also entered the void yet continues to work. Helping people through my abilities is my choice and I like it and so I seek compensation for it.
Even after entering the void and manifesting various things, you will still desire activities that bring you joy. You will starting to want to live a normal life. Eventually, you will become accustomed to manifesting everything instantly from the void, and it will cease to excite you.
If I really wanted to scam, I could have charged $500 or so, but I didnt, and still being called out as a "scammer"? $12 ain't gonna make me rich.
While there have been scammers within the community, it does not follow that every person offering a paid (and reasonably priced) service is a scammer.
You can't manifest for others :
How dumb of you all to say this.
"everything is possible"
Proceeds with "you can't manifest for others, stop lying"
Ultimately, it boils down to one's assumptions. If you believe it's a scam and that it won't work for you, then that will likely be the outcome. Is that not so? Now, do I gotta explain all the fundamentals to you all?
IT IS POSSIBLE TO MANIFEST FOR OTHERS (speaking from my own experience), and if you think otherwise, you simply have a limited mindset.
"It will only happen in your reality, not theirs." Not everyone believes in the existence of infinite realities, and it's okay to have different beliefs. However, if you do believe they exist, then this is what the truth would be, FOR YOU.
You are a male/boy, because your payment account is having a name of a boy :
I'm astounded by the sheer ignorance and absurdity in some individuals questioning someone's gender based on the name on the name of the payment account.
Are you all seriously assuming I'm male just because the account name is masculine? Common sense seems to be lacking here. I'm using my cousin's account. Is there a problem with that? I am merely utilizing my cousin's account. Please refrain from making such baseless assumptions.
She shows you her writings as proof and the photo she says as proof is her necklace and phone photo :
If you choose not to believe them, then so be it. What do you want me to do? To me, they are sufficient as "proof." If they are not for you, then fine, I won't put myself in a situation where my privacy would be breached just for the sake of "PROVING" to you that I really entered the void.
First, you all desperately demand proof, but when someone provides it, you claim it's fake. Nevermind, be stuck in this cycle:)
Why on earth do people persist with these baseless assumptions and relentless demands for validation? It's utterly draining and disheartening. If my evidence isn't enough, there's absolutely nothing I can do. What else do they expect? It's not my responsibility to prove my authenticity to anyone.
Read this ask
Reading that you should have realised that nothing can ever be enough for you all as proof.
And if you don't believe in those then why are you even in this community? What is making you believe those writings of others saying, you can have your dream life in a day, are true?
"trynafindbarbiee you don't have to deal with these manifest things, you can enter the void instantly anyway, why don't you live your life instead of wasting your time here?". - shouldn't it apply to all bloggers now? 💀
Anyone who's charging for their services isn't a scammer always. Accusations of such reflect a limited mindset. It is indeed possible to manifest for others, and some individuals in this community have successfully done so.
The community has become more cautious about distinguishing fraudulent offers from authentic ones. I find it absolutely hilarious that you all label such offers as a scam, as if $12 could somehow make a person rich overnight. It's honestly quite amusing!
Now, one bad comment about me = BLOCKED !! I don't have time to waste on limited minded peoples, who not knowing a thing about me, proceeds to call me a scammer.
So, now, stop with your pointless assumption about me. And do better + get a life <3
And THANKYOU to everyone who are still with me and refusing to believe the nonsense going about me on here. I may not reply to your postive asks but know that I love you all !! 🤝🏻💞
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greiiliss · 2 years
After this episode I have so many thoughts and feelings about the Oak-(Swallows)-Garcia men/boys that I absolutely need to write down:
Henry saw his father's example of how to treat people, and decided he wanted to be nothing like it, so he became kind and compassionate and deeply, deeply caring. And he tried to pass this onto his sons because he wanted the hurt that he went through as a child to end with him.
But Henry didn't have any good examples of how to be a parent. His father was dismissive and cruel, and his mother apathetic and afraid. He had no one to show him how to teach and guide his sons, and he was afraid of over-managing their lives the way his father had, so he erred on the side of giving them ample space to figure things out on their own and supporting them as best he can.
So the twins are told from birth that they are loved unconditionally, that no matter what they will be forgiven. They are told this so much it practically becomes white noise to them. Even if they burn down their classroom, or destroy the tree in the front yard, or start a cult in a city in another realm, their dad might get mad for a bit, but he won't really do anything about it, and it'll all be okay, he'll laugh it off and tell them how much he loves them. They're having fun, it's not like they've done anything that serious!
Until suddenly, they have done something very serious. They have done something so horrible that it very nearly ended the world entirely. What did they expect would happen afterward, do you think? I imagine that they thought -that Lark at the very least thought- that Henry would be furious with them. If there was anything for Henry to be really mad at them about, to never forgive them for, it has to be this, right?
But... he's not. Henry doesn't blame them, and when they blame themselves he says that he forgives them? This doesn't make sense to them, and we can know that this doesn't make sense to them, because Lark's spent the past few weeks hating Henry because of Walter's injury, something Henry was only indirectly involved in. We don't even know if Lark ever forgave Henry, so what reason would he have to assume his father would ever forgive him for doing something infinitely worse?
The twins are scared, because they think they should be hated, and they don't understand the unconditional love and forgiveness that their father is offering them. So Lark does what many scared and confused people do: he lashes out at what he doesn't understand. Every time Henry tells him he's not to blame for what happened, or that he loves him, or that he forgives him, Lark rejects it.
Sparrow takes a different approach. He's already been told that he needs to be a "love wolf", but he's only really taken in that lesson in a "letter of the law" kind of way. So he tries to be nice. He says the nice things, marries the nice woman, and he says the "right" things when he gets angry to try and absolve himself of all blame. He's trying to emulate his father's approach to life, but he doesn't actually understand it, so his actions are hollow, and quite often ingenuine. And he blames himself for the Doodler's release just as much as Lark does, so he also feels that he's fundamentally unlovable. He marries a woman who cheats on him because why should it matter that she maybe doesn't love him when no one ever will?
If you believe yourself to be unlovable because of something you've done, you don't believe in unconditional love, so it is impossible for you to give unconditional love.
This is the environment Normal is raised in, with a mother incapable of sharing her own opinions out of a dedication to centrism, and two father figures who believe themselves to be fundamentally unlovable and are therefore incapable of extending unconditional love to anyone else. There are conditions that he needs to meet in order to be loved by his dad, and he doesn't meet them. He probably hasn't for awhile, but he only really realized it recently when Sparrow just told him outright.
And the incredible thing about Normal? This doesn't break him. He holds onto his identity even though he's hurt and upset that his father isn't proud of him. Normal saw his father's example of how to treat people and decided he wanted to be nothing like it, so he apologizes for yelling at Taylor, and he stands up for himself, and he still loves his family even though they've hurt him. Just like his grandfather did, Normal was raised in an environment that tried to stifle him and separate him from other people, and instead chose to love himself and others as much as he possibly can.
And this difference between the generations is illustrated so well through Lark/Normal looking into the Doodler's mind:
Lark sees inside the Doodler's mind, sees that it wants to be loved, sees that it's hurt people without meaning to, fucking sees himself in it, and decides that it deserves to die.
Normal sees inside the Doodler's mind, sees that it wants to be loved, sees how things always go wrong when it tries to reach out for that love, sees himself in the Doodler, and he decides that the Doodler needs help.
(And you just know that if Henry had been the one to see inside its head instead of Lark, he would've done the exact same thing. Normal is such a good character to carry on Henry's legacy, it makes me want to fucking cry.)
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wanderingblindly · 5 months
hello loveeee!! given we love an ambient moment - i would love you to conjure me something with this little mood board for either lestappen or sebchal (ie my two greatest loves other than my Wives)
thank you kindly, ms wanderingblindly 💛💛
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BET YOU THOUGH I WAS NEVER GONNA DO THIS HUH!!!! Rest assured i don't delete prompts, i simply agonize until i randomly decide to write one in thirty minutes before bed. anyways, enjoy!
prompt post here xx
Sentimental Reasons (Charles Leclerc/Sebastian Vettel, 650 words)
There are lots of things about Sebastian that he assumes Charles doesn't know.
The sky above them is endlessly black, beautiful scatters of stars shining upon empty fields as far as the eye can see. And it's silent, nearly silent, as Charles rests his head against the still-warm window, holding on to memories of the long-gone sun. His eyes flutter closed, lulled half to sleep by the purr of the engine, the vibration against his temple, the deep warmth in his chest.
Sebastian hums when he's alone -- when Charles is asleep.
He does it now, a low melody that Charles can't put his finger on. He's not very good at it, technically, but it's lovely in its imperfection, its missed notes; it's lovely in its intimacy, its gentleness. Charles would smile if he didn't want to give himself away, because he loves listening to it.
Sebastian's humming is like his voice, like his hands; sometimes, when it's just the two of them, Charles feels like he's the only one that truly understands them.
He can't put his finger on the melody, slow and smooth. It makes him think of black and white movies, the cheesy romantic ones that mémè played at Christmas when he was a little boy.
There's a faint rustling, the click of a button; the silence is filled with soft music, the volume turned almost all the way down. It's a gentle piano opening.
Sleep continues to seep around the edges of his mind. He's warm, warm like off-season evenings spent wrapped up in each other's arms on Sebastian's couch, someone's head resting on someone's chest, their heartbeats slowly finding a single rhythm. He can feel Sebastian next to him, radiating home even in the middle of nowhere.
Sebastian sings when he's alone -- when Charles is asleep.
And he does it now, switches from humming along with the jazz instrumental to singing.
His voice is rough, the words weak in their quietness. He never wants to disturb Charles when he finally falls asleep, even if it's with a lullaby.
I love you For sentimental reasons. I hope you do believe me, I'll give you my heart.
He sings I love you like the first time he said it Charles, under a sky so different than this one. He sings it like it's only for Charles's ears, like the rest of the world doesn't deserve to know what happens between them. With wobbly edges and wide-eye earnestness, Sebastian sings along.
Charles's cheeks flush pink, familiar warmth blooming in his chest.
The road flies by under their tires, headlights pointed towards an infinitely long and impossibly straight road that stretches beyond the horizon. And yet, in this single moment beneath these specific stars, Sebastian sings for Charles -- even if he doesn't think he can hear it.
A smile pulls at the corner of his lips, sappy and small.
Sebastian talks to him, when he thinks he's asleep.
"My parents used to dance in the kitchen to this song, after they thought we were asleep," He whispers, and Charles knows he's slowly moving his head to the music. Sebastian always does. "It was the most beautiful thing in the world."
I think of you every morning, Dream of you every night. Darling, I'm never lonely Whenever you are in sight.
And in that moment, as Sebastian reaches a feather-light hand to rest on Charles's thigh, they've created a moment even more beautiful -- or perhaps just beautiful in its own way. In the scant weeks before they're thrust back into the constant scrutiny and intensity of the season, they've created their own little kitchen, danced to their own song.
With the endless expanse of the American unknown behind and before them, in the warmth of the summer night and Sebastian's voice, they're in love.
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whatiwillsay · 9 months
Hey Cam, could you provide more insight into spade-riddles and why we shouldn't trust them? I know you've touched on this before but I don't know where/when. Obviously I know they're harmful/a LSK shipper but I was looking through their first post on their riddle history (just for shits and gigs, no worries) and I was surprised by how many of them allude to insider info on Tay/future releases before the public had knowledge of them. What do you make of this? Or is she fudging the dates/lying?
sure babe here is a post detailing how spade-riddles fakes her insiders (there is hard conclusive proof in this post with receipts. one of her "insiders" came to me and detailed how they were a troll, gave me the "password" they used with her, and so i used the "password" to assume the role of insider and named the kaylor baby "isla" for my friend cara who likes that name, go search spade-riddles for the name isla lol now it's part of their network of theories)
here is a post detailing how she bullies, harasses, and outs people who disagree with her
but three babe like... let's talk
i am saying this so gently but surely you understand that if you say enough random noncommittal things in "riddle" form or like her most recent troll insider does, in weird fanfic prose, that it will appear like they had insider knowledge even if they didn't. taylor does so much, has so much art, has so many interviews and so many lyrics and public moments and outfits and personas that you could write any random bit of prose and get some kind of "hit" off it.
let's take an example of a spade riddle they considered to be a correct bit of info/tea shared or a "hit":
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so on january 16th 2019 spade said "take a sip, you might just get lost in the clouds." and that was supposed to be a hint because there are clouds on the lover album cover and included in some of the imagery for the album (music videos, etc) but like... what taylor era doesn't mention clouds? clouds are mentioned on i know places and in the song carolina, and storms which of course always contain clouds are mentioned on MOST of her albums, and clouds are represented in a TON of her music videos (basically any of them with a sky!)
also "you just might get lost in the clouds" could mean ANYTHING. it could represent getting caught up in a media "storm" around taylor, it could mean "taylor is hiding what she's doing and you won't see it", it could have been an EXCELLENT clue for the lavender haze music video but that song didn't even exist when that riddle was written and obviously, the music video wasn't planned and storyboarded until years later so it can't be that.
and "take a sip" could have meant anything. taylor could have released drinking merch to go with false god, or a line of sippy cups lol, or could have used a turn of a phrase in an interview during the lover era like she could have said something about "drink the kool-aid" or "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" and that could have been a "hit" for the "take a sip line"
even if clouds hadn't been featured on the album cover there's an infinite number of ways "taking a sip" and "getting lost in the clouds" could have been represented by taylor during the lover era. every music video she drinks in she is "taking a sip" and that happens all over her different eras before and after the lover era.
if there's an infinite slew of things that can happen that prove a prediction correct then it's not really a prediction it's just a random series of words thrown on a page that don't prove any type of insider connection.
here is what ACTUAL insider info looks like:
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this is a hard, concrete, falsifiable claim. it can be proven correct or incorrect (it was correct because my insiders are good and legit lol). there is no gray area where it can be interpreted after the fact to be correct even if it was random words. it's just a hard claim and down the line, people will be able to see if it was true or not!
for something to be a true claim of insider info it has to be falsifiable or what good is it?
a real claim supported by insider info should have read something like this, "i have seen the cover art for ts7 and some of the aesthetics for the era and clouds are featured! namely on the album cover and in the first music video."
if they had said that then fuck yeah that's a hard claim that can either be proven true or false. they didn't say that. they mentioned drinking and getting lost in the clouds. anyway, i'm rambling but i hope i've illustrated the difference between trolling and randomly throwing out words and phrases so you can try and get a "hit" in the future.
for fun let's write a spade riddle/pumpkin insider claim and then over the next year (or maybe on the next album) i can promise you SOMETHING in a song lyric, mv, piece of album art, live performance, interview taylor has, clothing/jewelry she wears, merch will appear to prove this was some bit of insider tea but i'm just pulling this out of my ass rn.
"In the still of the dawn, the eye of the storm has passed and the sun dances with the birds"
boom i can promise you something will happen over the next year or two that makes it look like that was some kind of insider prediction because it's vague enough that a TON of stuff could be a hit for it.
the last thing i'll say is if you want to learn more about how seers and psychics troll their audiences just like spade-riddles does you should go listen to the episode i did this past summer on Nostradamus who was a famous seer from hundreds of years ago.
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smaller-comfort · 5 months
Some poorly organized thoughts, now that I have consumed a stack of Warhammer books about necrons. (Cannot thank @ocelly enough for sending them to me.)
Spoilers for the Infinite and the Divine and thr Twice Dead King books. I'm not talking about Severed because I am genuinely tired of bursting into tears! I have become a parody of a human being.
Orikan deserves it nearly every time Trazyn leaves him in a mangled heap somewhere. No forgiveness or quarter for breaking those pots during his initial theft of the astrarium! I mean, I get where Orikan is coming from; Necrons as a whole are slaved to their past and their inability to change will destroy them. But also, priceless ancient pottery, you raging douchebag. You also didn't have to break Trazyn's walking stick.
Executioner Philias deserves the chance to decapitate both of them, as a treat. And Sannet deserves a vacation somewhere quiet and restful.
I know Orikan tends to be characterized as a shrieking gremlin in contrast to Trazyn's laconic smarminess but they both engage in a lot of shrieking gremlin antics here.
I love how the rise and fall of Serenade's civilizations is used as a framing device for the whole story. I love the approach to time itself in the book in general, with the necrons moving on incomprehensibly vast timelines. Pauses in conversations take hours; three years pass in the middle of a brainstorming session between Trazyn and his staff. Orikan manipulates the timeline with wild abandon to occasionally disastrous and frequently hilarious ends. It's a very fun premise, and it drives home the idea of necrons as not just immortal, but also impossibly old.
(It feels like a treat to read something like this after some of the ideas I've chewed on in my Sea of Stars fic. It's hard not to draw parallels, and some part of me desires an entirely senseless crossover. Trazyn would have a delightful time getting to show off his archives to Resh'an, up until the Vial of Time starts breaking down the chronostasis fields in some of the exhibits. Whoops.)
Thinking about the curatorial/transformational dichotomy in fandom makes me want to contemplate an incredibly stupid AU where Trazyn and Orikan have been getting into flamewars with each other on gaming message boards since the early 90s. They have been banned from attending the same conventions and tournaments after getting in one too many fistfights with each other.
I'm not going to write that. (I'm not likely to write anything...but if I do, it's probably going to be porn where Orikan gets dismembered. *sigh* I'm always predictable to myself, of course, but sometimes the mortifying ordeal of being known weighs upon one's mind.)
I just picked up the audio book, so I may give my eyes a break in the coming week and give it a listen.
Zahndrekh's cameo in Ruin, followed by the revelation in Reign that he's wrapped up in the Carnotite conclave bullshit makes me wildly curious as to where Crowley is headed with these stories. Also the fact that Zahndrekh was as weird and off-putting to people when he was alive as he is when he's a necron is so, so fucking hilarious. He's just like that normally! Incredible. I love him more than words can describe.
I feel like if I were better versed in ancient Greek philosophy and Egyptian mythology, I'd have been picking up a lot more of the references and allusions in Twice Dead King. I've also never watched Battlestar Galactica, so I don't know how much the parallels between BG and Reign line up beyond the superficial.
(It may be Locked Tomb brainrot at work making me assume there are additional levels to the story that I'm missing. Not that there aren't already plenty of levels to the story!)
Going back through pieces of Ruin after finishing Reign makes everything hurt even more! Wow. Incredible.
Reading Ruin: Oltyx you absolute gay disaster baby, please get a grip
Reading Reign: wait no not like that oh god no
Yenekh gets to subvert the 'best friend who dies tragically to support the hero' trope because he's not the best friend, he's the love interest. Oltyx spends the first six chapters of Ruin waxing poetic about his dear friend's graceful curves and shining carapace, come on.
(Their reunion on the Polyphemus also made me cry, unsurprisingly. Love wins! Which is the central theme of course; Oltyx's salvation comes from the people who love him.)
Lysikor manages to steal every scene he's in, which is hilariously appropriate. He's just the distilled essence of that one thief in every D&D campaign who rolls way too high on his pickpocket checks. I have to assume that he's relying on his obsession with stealing shit to stave off his own descent into the flayer curse, since he is originally from Ithakas.
If/when he gets turned, he can go to Drazak and make out sloppy style with Oltyx while Yenekh looks on in horror before joining in.
...I mean I guess Lysikor doesn't need to be turned for that, necessarily. It's going to be an extremely messy endeavor, regardless.
Between The Locked Tomb, and Twice-Dead King, it feels like there's a lot of ritualistic cannibalism with skeletons going on around here. 🤷‍♀️
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elsdaydreams · 2 years
Selfish (requested by anonymous)
Malik x Gender-Neutral!Reader
Warnings - none.
Word Count - 592 words.
Description - The days in which you and Malik slept in were few and far between. So perhaps it's not selfish for you to revel in the rare moments. | “Playing with their hair while their head’s in your lap.” For Malik Al-Sayf if you have the time, thank you!
Authors Note - In a completely shocking not at all expected turn of events, I went m.i.a. on this page. My love for these characters, however, never left. I am active occasionally, just have had major, major, things going on in my personal life. It's such a safe space for me to take time off from writing, but to come back is so relieving. I love writing, and this page will always be the place I come back to. If you're still here, still looking to see if I've written something new, still liking my old works, know that I appreciate you infinitely. I'm never far off, so if you ever feel like leaving me an ask, you can always do that (even if I don't respond, I do see them!) I hope you enjoy this little drabble that I absolutely did not proofread at all. Ella
Your body woke up before your mind did. Shifting underneath a familiar weight, you felt groans of protest from the man laying on top of you. Your hands flung up to what you assumed was his head, his short fluffy hair meeting your fingertips affirmed to you that it was. Sleepily, and with your eyes closed you stroked aimlessly.
Behind your eyelids the sun gleamed onto the two of you. It was unusual for the two of you to be in bed so late, but the lack of urgency to be up and doing something was relaxing. Even now that your mind had begun the process of waking up, aware that it was daytime and there was likely things you could be doing, ultimately it was easier to bask in the sun with the love of your life curled up next to you.
You were positive that the pair of you hadn't gone to sleep this way, with him practically on top of you. The nights brought a chill that the day did not have, and as natural as it was during the day for you to find each other, your bodies seemed to unconsciously do the same during sleep. Maybe it was the fact that you were already starting to feel the uncomfortable heat from the sun that caused you to stir. It didn't help that Malik was practically a human furnace, his body temperature always unusually warm.
Against your chest, you heard him begin to stir, your eyes not open still to preserve the laziness you felt in your bones, but the groggy mumblings seemed to draw you in. Knowing that he would be the one you could look at seemed worth breaking the peace of sleep. Finally, prying the sleep from your lids, they peered into the familiar room, locking onto the man with a sense of deep love. It wasn't often you got to feel protective over Malik. He was often reminding you, chastising you that he was grown, that he could take care of himself, that he had for many years. When he was resting, however, you got to enjoy feeling a bit protective over him, cuddling into the rather cozy feeling it brought you.
You'd memorized everything there was to know about the man, yet your eyes took him in with reverence. The scar that was just barely there above his eyebrows, which were thick and almost always in a deep scowl. The sleep warded that away though the remnants of it were still there, in the wrinkles that remained as a permanent reminder of the familiar face. Your eyes traced down from the etched lines to his nose, and his lips, and the stubble along the cheeks and jawline. He would probably shave it down soon, Malik liked a shorter facial hair himself, protested when it got too long. You didn't mind the peculiarities that he had, in fact you reveled in them, in him.
If he knew what you were thinking about, he would likely stoically roll his eyes at you, once again reminding you that he was not a novice assassin that you trained. Still, the blush on his cheeks would betray him at once, promising an appreciation of someone caring so deeply for him.
For now, you would enjoy the feeling, of caring for him freely in the sanctity of the space the two of you created. For now, you would enjoy the warmth between the two of you, the hair so familiar underneath your fingertips. For now, you would simply watch him sleep.
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vagabondfromkanto · 7 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A returning MOSTLY post-canon Ryuko Matoi. Est. 2014. A traveling vagabond and a fighter on a mission. (Or a delinquent school girl, if that's more your style.)
Indie | Semi-selective | Almost anything goes 18+ on account of Mun pushing 30 Please read [About] and [Rules] OR hit "Read more" if you're on mobile.
[Permanent Starter Call]
[Mun's art for the blog (tag)]
You are highly encouraged to go on the desktop version and read all of this in detail, however here's a brief rundown for mobile users, for the sake of convenience:
Muse: Ryuko Matoi from Kill la Kill, post-canon AU (other verses available, see below). 25 y.o., traveling Life-Fiber hunter (which gives her reasons to meet all kinds of characters).
Mun: Is very much of age, been roleplaying in various ways for like 15 years and then some.
Rules (in short):
No sexual NSFW here.
Anything goes, from one-liners to novel, from crack to crossovers to angst and blood. (apart from point one in this list.)
Don't overthink it, just shoot me an ask or tag me. Or message me. I'm very chill.
If you want other verse than the default post-canon, pls specify when interacting. Otherwise she will react within those parameters. To canon muses as well, she'll assume you're 8 years older or (if gone during the plot) a trick of some kind.
Sometimes I accidentally write too much 'cause I got too into it. Don't feel like you have to match me. And do tell me if it gets overwhelming.
Godmodding: if you godmod or powerplay me, you give me the right to do it right back. My muse's abilities are powerful and specific enough for that within the basic canon. You've been warned.
[FULL PROFILE HERE (pls click)]
Fast regeneration, super-strength and durability, but not infinite, she can die. Life-Fiber absorption (makes her stronger). Can harden her hands into claws, if need be, but it takes some effort. Can potentially drink blood at a crisis dying point, but would rather not to.
Bonus canon abilities are reserved to be used in case of exceptional crisis (see: godmodding/powermodding or pre-planned over-the-top threads).
Important headcanons:
Aroace (there's plenty an explanation on desktop). (This doesn't mean no shipping. Just a certain kind of shipping.)
While traveling crashes at friends' places chaotically when available. Especially likes to enter Satsuki's home through a window, 'cause it's fun to friendly bicker.
Talks to Senketsu out of habit, after one too many Life-Fibers absorbed she can actually hear him talking back.
Got her scissor blades back, since what else do you fight LF with. At some point had to absorb them too, which now lets her harden her hands into claws... but not for long. It's tiring.
Is down for not traveling alone sometimes, as long as you can handle yourself. Or if you are Mako.
WILL freak out if meeting Ragyo, Nui or Junketsu!Ryuko. (Can use this for angst.)
Verse 1: Life-Fiber hunter Years after the finale, there's a sudden resurgence of Life-Fibers all over the globe due to power-hungry people going into willing contact with them. As the only creature on Earth still capable of going toe-to-toe with them (and not quite managing the "normal" life anyway), Ryuko steps up. Now travels around searching for the things and fighting them. 25 y.o.
Verse 2: OG anime Ryuko Matoi is a transfer student at Honnouji Academy trying to find out who killed her dad. You know the drill. (Mun can attempt doubling for Senketsu if need be.) 17 y.o.
Verse 2.5: Pre-canon Ryuko Matoi is a punk-ass student who can't make a friend to save her life and fights everyone on account of chronically not fitting in. Walking trouble. 14-16 y.o.
Verse 3: Cyberpunk AU (2077/Edgerunners inspired) Basically the canonical events, but slightly aged up and converted for the setting. A high-class corpo school, a loner nomad with a dead father, a corpo-bitch who experimented on hooking her own children up to Blackwall. Life-Fibers are rogue AIs, goku uniforms are implants, Senketsu is a friendly AI and Ryuko doesn't know that she's a digital construct of a dead teenaged stuffed in a highly chipped body. She's also trying not to think too hard about living at the house of an unethical ripperdoc. 18 y.o.
Down to discuss other AUs or crossover multiverse-style.
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the-bloody-sadist · 11 months
Hi! It's been a while and I realized I didn't follow you on my other account. I hope you've been well. I have some questions relating to my writing project that I want your insight on.
Do you think a character that is human experimented on could have their curiosity sparked by the experiments and pursue knowledge in that area? I don't want it to just look like "the torture was good actually".
How would you go about adding stakes in a story where the main characters are basically immortal?
Is it possible to instill negative traits into a story in a way that still feels intentional? For example, looping to my second question, I want to have the feeling of "these monster attacks and exploding orphanages are getting boring and it's boring because the villains wont die", but without outright chasing the reader away.
Thank you for your time and I hope you have a good day! 🐋
Hi Lil Whale!!! Good to see you again!! Here's some answers for your questions:
Absolutely. If you think about it in terms of trauma, a good deal of trauma survivors will repeat certain behaviors of the trauma they suffered, as a means of controlling the circumstances around what happened to them. This is a coping method as well as a possible self-destructive behavior, depending on how it's used, so going into the experiments after surviving being experimented on could offer the victim a chance to process what happened, nail down the details of what was done to them so they can have closure, and continue in the field as someone who experiments instead of getting experimented on. Or, perhaps, they're also getting experimented on, or experimenting on theirselves, which is just another way to put themselves in control of the abuse they didn't have control over in the past. If they define how much is enough, what they'll do to themselves, and so on, it can lend a feeling of overcoming that past abuse. Now they're in charge, and now the person in their past cannot hurt them.
This is not as tough a concept as it might initially seem! When stakes are not based on life or death, there are plenty of other (and imo infinitely better) stakes you can raise. First off, though, you can always create a method in which immortals CAN be killed, still. Lots of good stories about immortal characters do this! Take Heaven Official's Blessing, for example - all of the characters are either gods or ghosts, but there are still methods to disperse their remaining souls. For instance, the ashes that remain of a ghost's dead body are forged into items that the ghosts hide. If these ashes are found and destroyed, that destroys the ghost for good. For the gods, who are humans that have ascended into immortal beings, their bodies are technically still alive, they just regenerate. Because of this, the main character suffered a worse fate more than once because he CAN'T die, which I believe is far more powerful than death stakes. Because he couldn't die, a mob stabbed him with swords over and over. Because he couldn't die, he tried to commit suicide and could not after his parents' deaths. Because he couldn't die, he was locked up in a coffin where he survived for ages. This is infinitely more terrifying in my opinion than simply dying. Other than this, you can also give the characters strong emotional stakes. Friends, someone they love, etc., and losing these friends by betrayal or other circumstances out of their control. I'm not sure how much help you would need on that subject though, so I'm assuming you were going for my first answer on the immortality stakes!
I'm not entirely sure if I have the right idea on what you're asking on this one, but I THINK I do, so I'll try!! If you mean that you want the readers to know you ALSO think it's boring to have the villains not die and keep returning to bomb orphanages, you must mean that you'd be doing that to build up to a better thing that's not boring. That's absolutely doable, and it won't scare the reader away as long as you hint at that growing thing, not spend TOO much time on the boring things, and make it clear through your writing voice that you're fed up with the villains not dying, too. I hope that makes sense. It's a bit of a nuanced thing and easier done than said for me, but as long as you have the subtle promise of something on the horizon creating tension in the readers, you'll be able to keep them. That's literally ALL it takes, if your writing is good enough!
Thank you for the ask, and I hope you have a great day too! <3
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Back with another question hehe. brace for ramble.
so. i was reading about povs and narrative styles and what not, and the person had to mention, of course, that of Virginia Woolf where she manages to jump from the stream of consciousness of one character to another expertly without missing a beat.
The person went on to subjectively add that that style isn't for everyone and best avoided unless you've mastered the craft (do you agree? why why not?)
But that's not the question. My concern is that i may have done this in one of my WIPs. but here's the thing, i assumed what i was doing was omniscient narrarion (i remember it as following the streams and thoughts of ur characters and being all-knowing kinda) but according to the same thing I read, the person claimed that with omniscient narration, while u do move freely, u are sticking to/favoring one character more than others, because too free a movement will confuse your readers. (what's ur two cents on that too)
I realize as I type this that I might need to share an excerpt of the WIP for you to actually see where the pov/style falls exactly (is it truly omniscient, or am I failing at being another Virginia (who I recall in Mrs. Dalloway for instance, she only followed the consciousness of like 3 people), or is my work utterly hard and confusing to follow?)
so for now imma wrap up and have u share ur thoughts on what i blurted. Thanks for putting up with my long rants yet again lol
I think that might've been my post, because that all sounds eerily familiar hahaha
One thing to remember with Woolf is that not everyone is a fan of her style. By all the formal metrics with which we judge prose, she's an incredible writer, but that doesn't mean everyone has to like her stuff. Her prose is thick, and the frequent POV shifts (so many shifts that the novel feels liquid where others feel solid) is inherently confusing. Woolf gets away with it because she has damn good reasons for employing it (highlighting the liquidity of institutions and individual identity under modernism; showing how each person is inherently a collection of the people around them, and there's very little, if anything, immutable about a person; etc.), and her prose is so mind-bogglingly gorgeous that she convinces the reader to stay with her through the POV shifts. Once you really get into Woolf, these shifts become part of her delight, but for a lot of people, this liquidity in narration erodes their enjoyment of her novels, and they put them down (which is fair, though sad). When I said writers should probably avoid writing like that unless they've mastered the craft, I meant that the average writer isn't nearly strong enough in the craft of prose to get people to read something with Woolfian POV shifts, and that the average writer probably doesn't know how to even write those shifts. (This includes me. I tried to write in a truly Woolfian POV style, and it was awful. Third person limited for me!)
I definitely can't gauge your writing without seeing it, but I would say as a blanket statement not to worry too much. I don't know if it's possible to accidentally write the POV Woolf writes with haha, and if your story has a main character/protagonist, that character is probably your central viewpoint character, whether you know it or not. Your story might be confusing to follow, but that isn't inherently a negative. If the prose is strong enough, readers will put in the extra muscle to understand the story (think of all the To the Lighthouses, Infinite Jests, and In Search of Lost Times out there, books known for being daunting but beloved). If you're still worried, though, there's nothing wrong with revising until you're happy with your POV. Just know that nothing is ever inherently wrong in writing, and you can make anything work if you grease the prose's wheels.
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nova-prowler · 4 months
I'm not going to continue Infinite Azure, and let's talk why!
TL;DR: Infinite Azure was created to help me unravel what a lot of different myths meant to me personally, primarily genies. While I made IA to tackle my insecurity with my lifelong interest in these myths, it still carries so much of that insecurity in its nature. It's ironically detached and several steps away from fully meeting these myths earnestly. It's not the thing I want to continue writing, but I appreciated writing it! It was fun to sit down and dedicate myself to a comic for a while! Too Short; Start Yapping: Infinite Azure is basically my first attempt at reconciling my interest with a lot of myths, but especially genies. This may sound absolutely absurdist, but my interest in the myth was something that I had a crushing sense of shame of for most of my artistic career. I had an interest in a lot of fantasy things, and myths, and love studying them professionally and academically. However, genies were always a special kind of cool to me. In an absurd twist of fate, my christian fundamentalist school and family cracked down hard on my interest in the myth. So for a decent chunk of time, I was going to give up on art, myth study, so on and so forth because my attention being drawn back to that myth. Beyond the other things my upbringing had done to ritualize self loathing, I just assumed that my imagination had something wrong with it. Eventually some close friends caught wind of this and rightly convinced me to earnestly meet this myth. IA would be a starting point, but frankly, it was really just that. There's a lot of awesome things about genies and adjacent myths that can be used to interrogate a lot of mushy human qualities. I also grew a fondness over the recent incarnation of having a demure cute girl with great power and the ability to use mischief to get her way. It appeals to me. Hopefully that explains (part of) why. IA still carries a lot of insecurity in it, I feel like it's more a safe shonen formula vaguely more about things I'm interested than it's own thing. The more I researched, learned, and interrogated this myth's impact on me in earnest, the more I came to grow unsatisfied with IA. IA is not really about genies. It's trying to be all detached, it sort of felt like a deconstruction without heart. I would really like to try again and deconstruct this myth, especially it's cute girl modern incarnation, with all my heart in it! I don't know when or if you'll see that here, but I'd much rather do it like that going forward! I'll be posting what I've already made, and then the comic will be wrapped. Thank you.
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selamat-linting · 1 year
There are millions of things that were once considered supernatural that have since been proven as scientific reality. Platypuses, for one.
At some point "I don't believe in the supernatural" becomes "Science has already discovered everything there is to be discovered".
Which is factually incorrect.
One could argue that space aliens are supernatural. They are also incredibly likely to exist, somewhere out in the infinite expanse.
You don't just believe that magic isn't real, you also believe that if something is real it cannot be magical.
In a world where children's laughter exists?
How silly of you.
maybe you should understand the context of what im writing first asshole. in my country, we have faith healers, people who say they can fix a stroke with a massage, people who believe the stars align someone's career and personality, people who claim they can double money with some chants and help from djinns, people who put graveyard soil on their competitors' shop. people who ate convince thousands of severely ill people to stop chemo treatments to drink prayer water. people who collect gemstones and call it magic then sell it to a high price for desperate people down on their luck. and sooo many grifters saying they could speak to the dead. that is the "magic" im talking about. where in the world did i refer to magic as a metaphorical descriptor for something beautiful?
"magic" in my life, is a code for grifters, people using the naivety, desperation, and grief of others to drain them of money, giving them false hope, or worse. you have no idea how many cases of parents that were misled by local witch doctors saying their kids arent actually dead forever in the woods, theyre just taken to the realm of invisible beings and will come back someday. or mentally ill people and neurodivergent kids literally tortured in an effort to exorcise ghosts and bad spirits. spiritual gurus sexually harrassing vulnerable women for cleansing/ritual purposes, or faith healers and mediums who realized they cant keep up the lie anymore so they started killing and raping their clients. do you want me to send you a fucking of all that news stories that happen in my country? my country doesnt need more magical thinking, we need scientific and secular education, and a conscious effort to get rid of those superstitions or else we'll be stuck praying to various entities and magic items instead of actively revolting and working together to make a better country.
also where the fuck did i say science has already discovered everything? im saying im a skeptic, that means i believe everything has a scientific explanation, but that doesnt mean science have already figured everything out nor that its free of criticism. i dont doubt i will die with the knowledge that we only know so little about the universe we might as well call ourselves cavemen.
also where the fuck did i bring up aliens you freak?
forgive me for assuming but, let me guess : you skim read my personal post and instantly paint me as a stuffy skeptic bro who adheres to reason and hates whimsy despite barely knowing me or my life. youre shadowboxing over someone you created in your head but youre convinced youre fighting me. well i may be wrong so i apologize beforehand
but anyway, i hope youre just a stranger who never reads this reply. if youre not, then you really should have read my pinned post before deciding to follow my blog or be my mutual. i already write it down there that im critical to any form of magical thinking and supernatural bullshit. leave my fucking blog if you cant handle it.
but no matter who you are, i hope you got scammed by a faith healer and had a botched suicide attempt after realizing youve fucked up your entire recovery process and lost all of your money and potential. or yknow what, cut the middle man. just kill yourself tonight. youre into magic right? you believe in those signs of the universe and lucky numbers stuff? cmiiw but if its true i hope you know that this is a sign from the universe to kill yourself.
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If you could write your “ideal” season 5 for LMK, what would it look like? Like, what season 5 would be like if you were to write it (assuming you would also be trying to implement your theories and stuff into the mix, Feral MK/EAMK are two of my favorite theories from you!)
That's a really hard question! Mainly because like...I don't know the end game—I don't know what the writers are ultimately building towards. For example, I have pretty much 0 clue what our mysterious figure's plan is. I don't know why Wukong killed Macaque (and while I'd like for the show to go that direction, I'm still not 100% confident SWK did actually kill Macaque). And when it comes down to it, I have no clue who/what MK actually is.
Like I've said before, my ideal s5 is the one they give me!
But, I would of course love EAMK to become canon! I think it really fits with what we see in the show, and it just makes sense for MK's arc. Now that MK's identity has really come to the forefront, he's going to actually have to learn about himself/think about himself and then come to terms with it. We really didn't focus on MK's Monkey Demon identity too much in the s4 special, meaning s5 is gonna have a huge focus on it just like s4 did, and because of the way this has been structured I'm assuming it's going to get worse before it gets better. Which then hopefully leaves some room for feral MK and the reveal of the plan of our new antagonist!
However, I'll try to "plot out" a s5:
The season opens as a parallel to 4x01, MK & Mei are fighting a "monster of the week" type villain—except uh oh, the Jade Emperor's seal isn't holding (& also MK is not in totally control of his powers). Reality is starting to fray a little bit!
Luckily Yellowtusk has some experience with containing the Jade Emperor's Power, but now Ne Zha is gonna have to touch base with Wukong and the rest of the Gang
They are gonna have to find a "suitable host" so to speak. The first recommendation is one of the 10 Kings of the Underworld—one of those guys has both the power and control to be the new Jade Emperor
It's underworld time
Except, wait! One of them is a traitor! They released Azure and tried to tip the world into chaos. There can't be a new Jade Emperor until this is resolved
Who-done-it murder plot ensues
Something goes awry
MK and gang? They have now been re-trapped into a different section of the scroll of memory (like the infinite scroll room) (Macaque, SWK, and Ne Zha remain in the real world)
oh_no_the_curse_is_back.png (The curse spreading and consuming the world is now a relevant threat again)
Tang magic is able to keep most of the group together—MK is separated.
There is some Tang and group side plot and relevant development (do not feel like coming up with what this would be)
MK is plopped right into the memory of his birth. This relates to how the pilgrims died, and it's clear SWK knew MK's identity the whole time (the gang reunite with MK in the middle of this sequence) (EAMK is confirmed canon. Nice. It's still somewhat unclear what exactly MK is, but he is connected to the underworld/curse/memory)
MK is not holding it together AT ALL, but "Monkey King had a good reason" or whatever
On the outside SWK and the others have been trying to figure shit out. Subodhi arrives to help and can send SWK into the scroll
He finds MK and gang
They are yeeted into the memory of why Wukong killed Macaque
MK snaps. L + ratio + your beloved Mentor killed his ex-best friend + you just learned you are chaos incarnate + you killed the past lives of everyone you hold dear
SWK V MK fight of my dreams ensues
Sadly reality is fragile and MK is not helping this
"Oh god if we don't stop MK everything will end"
There was relevant Mei development in the scroll, it's dragon time baby (Macaque tried and failed to calm MK down rip)
Samadhi Fire Part 3 plays out. Mei get's her dragon form, MK is successfully talked down by his best friend
There are still uh, issues
hey wait remember why we were here, the jade emperor's power-
Oh god the traitor revealed themself.
MK is basically not breathing because he is trying not to fracture reality any further
We as the audience are given a hint of the master plan
The curse is involved along with the Jade Emperor's Power maybe. Something something Chaos. Peng is. Somewhere. MK is revealed to be a key pawn in this game
Reality is so close to becoming undone. Someone has to become the jade emperor NOW or they will all die
Wukong sacrifices himself TM
Jade Emperor Wukong is real, if only for a moment
He plans to use his body to restitch reality back together like Azure did
Everyone is not gonna let that happen (they r stronger together)
With their combined effort, they are able to collectively use the Jade Emperor's Power to fix the world (again)
This is when the traitor comes and swoops in, stealing the Jade Emperor's power somehow
Season ends on a probably pretty shitty note
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astorichan · 10 months
12, 17, 18, and/or 38 for you know who
I know who I know who :> the babies
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
As Dreams Hollow put it, "do you miss me every second of every day we spend apart? must be pretty awful." They miss each other quite a bit, especially in the earlier phases of their relationship. They, however, never restrict one another in time alone or travelling. Their first assumption is always "oh, [the other one]'s not here? i guess there's something he/they want/s to do that doesn't involve me at the moment." They do sometomes interrupt each other and just come for comfort and such. Dreams Hollow/Shatter Grimm both especially like their partners to just be there beside them, no matter the stuff they're doing, and they will not hesitate to ask for that. Picture Hollow practicing and writing down their score while Grimm lies in their lap and stares at them with big big cat eyes. Or Grimm working on his translations and Hollow coming from behind and putting their head on top of his. That type of stuff.
17. How well do they communicate? Are they open with their feelings/thoughts or more reserved? Why?
Oh boy, Hollow's a disaster in this department. Shatter Hollow likes to assume. Since they know why they might be upset, he must know as well! Since they'd done something that might upset him, he must be upset and just hiding it for whatever reason! It takes them quite a while to really step away from that mindset and learn to Say Things Out Loud. Dreams Hollow likes to bottle. If they ignore the problem, it will go away. Why would they even have a problem in the first place, when everything's going so well and they love him so much? That also takes a while to break down and have them stop doing that, recognising that upset =/= lack of love and that not every little thing they do wrong is groundbreaking or even noticeable to him.
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
(Oh you just want me to tell you that there's a reverse of that Shatter Grollow h/c scene, don't you.) Staying close. Talking to distract. Bringing tea and sweets and blankets, cuddling (if possible), letting the other cry and complain. Neither of them gets sick, not really: the exception to that would be Grimm's few Very Unpeasant pre-Ritual weeks and when that happens, they're the first one to stay near him and stand between him and the world. No one's allowed close means no one's allowed close. Your matters can wait for a few weeks. They can't, you say? Well that isn't my problem.
38. Who’s got a quicker temper?
Shatter: definitely Hollow. They have an, in general, long fuse to actually get mad, but they get annoyed fairly easily and their irritation isn't limited to people. They get frustrated with things like cutlery, instruments, pens, paper, books, the list goes on and on. He sometimes finds it "cute", to which they promptly remind him that he argues with inanimate objects on the daily as well. Dreams: Grimm. He's the one far likelier to show anger, out of the two, and he needs far less to actually get angry. Hollow in that au has almost infinite patience; on the flipside, when they snap, oh do they snap.
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