#(( because she will simply run straight into that train without a second thought
royalreef · 2 years
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 8 months
I have been wanting to binge some Xaden x you stories but there seems to be none! Thank you so much for writing Late Night Hours!! If you ever choose to write another one, would you consider a healer x Xaden?
So glad you enjoyed that story. I loved writing it. 🤍
My kind of girl
Was it an awful idea? Yes. Was it against all restrictions? Yes. Was this not at all how Xaden thought it would go? Hard yes. He didn’t even understand how it started. What brought it all on? He had visited many healers. Had been patched up by so many of them. He never given them any more attention that was needed. Done and forgotten afterward.
But that particular day most of the healers had been out on some sort of training. Spirits only knew what healers could train for but as if all odds were against Xaden, Garrick had a particular taste for blood that day and not even an hour into training, Xaden was clenching his wrist. The skin already blossoming with purple and reds.
“You should get that checked before you start crying”, Garrick chuckled, making Xaden growl, “Suck a bag off…”, “Manners”, Imogen chirped in, “We have a jar of coins remember? For every d and p that comes out of your filthy mouths”, she pointed a warning finger at the two males. “Mommy is mad”, Bodhi chuckled, earning a slap on the back of his head from Imogen.
So Xaden did go even if he was convinced that it was nothing. He still found himself rounding the corner to the healer's wing. Just the moment he kicked open the door his whole body suddenly stalled. It’s as if his brain shut off for a moment before it kicked start again at the sound of a book hitting the floor. The most beautiful eyes looked back at him. Xaden had seen a handful of pretty females. Had a pleasure to interact with them in more than one way but this. You. You made practically every single one of them look like average women.
“How can I help?”, you quickly bent moving to pick up the book. Your cheeks were already pink but that didn’t surprise Xaden, healers rarely left their wings. Rarely interacted with anyone but their patients. Xaden simply lifted his hand upward. He knew how it usually went. Most females clung to him. But you simply nodded, moving around the room and picking up different salves. “I will make sure you’ll be able to fly by the morning”, you muttered after sitting the rider down.
Oddly enough Xaden found himself unable to not look at you. He always liked his girls on the tough side. The more they snarled at him the more he was interested. Nothing was more attractive than riding leathers. But here he was mesmerized by the loose curls, a grayish gown, and even the colorful scarf tight around your head was beautiful to him.
“You’re new”, Xaden’s words were groggy because he had stayed silent for the past couple of hours. The tone was rather intimidating. But you didn’t flinch only blinked a bit faster. “Yeah…”, you muttered, “Only a couple of days here”. Your soft voice warmed parts of Xaden that had been ice cold for yours. He frowned not sure as to what was happening. “And you’re all alone here with only a couple of days of experience under your belt? I wouldn’t trust you to run this smoothly”, it came out more as an accusation than anything else. Making you pull back, “I can handle this. I can handle myself”, and oddly enough Xaden didn’t doubt that.
There was something different about you. Something way more intriguing. Something that caught Xaden’s attention. You also weren’t big on chatter. Nor did his broad shoulders seem to intimidate you much. You didn’t stop to hack at him and that rubbed Xaden in way that he hadn’t felt in a while. Your movements were calculated. As if it was second nature. Well, it very clearly was. It seemed like a dance. One practiced so many times that now it was easy to do it without being able to see. The same way fighting was for Xaden.
“If you won’t move it much today it will be good as new tomorrow”, you turned back, getting straight to cleaning your surroundings. “That’s it?”, Xaden questioned looking down at his bandaged wrist. One that felt perfect as it was now. But how did you manage to do it all so quickly? He usually sat here for ages while different girls fussed over him. “You want a kiss on the forehead too?”, you huffed, making the sides of Xaden’s lips curve upwards. “Do you offer that to everyone?”, he pushed on wanting to see just how far he could take this. “No, only to the ones who are as tall as they are stupid”, you crooked your head to the side, offering Xaden a mocking smile before continuing your way around the medical room.
“Ahh now that’s a low blow, baby girl”, Xaden gently caught your arm, turning you back to face him. Your eyes darted up to look at him. A look of surprise almost immediately replaced by annoyance, “You don’t scare me”. Yet your voice came out barely a whisper. You might not be a scared little girl but the guy in front of you sure was at least twice your size. A light shiver ran down your back. He could easily pick you up with one hand and just…
“Then why are you trembling?”, now it was him smirking once more. Satisfied that he managed to rile up a reaction from your body. But you swiftly pulled your arm out of his grasp, “I suggest you go, rider, before you find yourself unable to”, you pointed towards the door. Glad that there was some distance between you two because your heart was beating so fast you were convinced the male would be able to hear it drumming against your ribcage.
“Feisty little thing you are, huh”, Xaden whistled crossing his arms over his chest, “Unlucky for you, I like my girls prickly”. You lifted your head. Chin held high and fuck did Xaden’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of your delicate features shifting with that sheen of annoyance. “Unlucky for you I know at least forty-five ways to kill you and believe me you’re giving me ideas as we speak”, you nodded towards the door once more. Hoping that he didn’t see your crimson cheeks as he turned around. Xaden shook his head as he reached for the handle, chuckling under his breath. Chuckling… when was the last time he had chuckled? Maybe Garrick hit his head harder than Xaden initially thought. The rider ran a hand over his face but right as he was about to close the door he halted, throwing you one last look, “That pink on your cheeks suits you, sweetheart”. He simply heard a gasp before a cloth was flying right at him but Xaden managed to close the door in time. Frustrating grumbling audible from within the room. He surprised another smile before his cold side clinched around his throat once more. What the fuck was he doing? And why did all of a sudden you felt like his kind of girl? One that he had to win over.
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sangyeonsmuse · 2 months
BREAK THE WALLS | Kim Hongjoong
Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Full Chapter List
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🀥 Government agent Hongjoong x Rebel Oc
🀥 genre | dystopian society, halazia x geurilla concept , enemies to lovers
🀥 word count | 1.1k
🀥 Summary | An organization by the name of Sector 1 was well known for their work in the underground, theyve been well known for the recruiting of teens and using them to form an army since the year 2034. Collecting strays for their rebellion against those in higher power. Now the year is 2064 and the organization still runs strong they run like a family, with the new technology theyve found ways of keeping alive those that have been scorned in any past battles theyve had against the government.
When the government sends in 7 of their best men to infiltrate the organization. What will they do when their cover is blown and their true intentions are revealed? Will they join the rebellion or will they continue to let the government pull their strings like the little puppets they once were?
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Skylar district September 20th 2064
"This is what all of you have trained for, their recruitment day is getting nearer and you need to make sure that every single one of you makes it in. We didnt take them all out the first time but i'll make damn sure we take out every single person in that organization this time." A government official spoke authoritatively as he stood on the end of a long office table.
"Yes sir." Seven men all respond in sync at the mans words
When the meeting was over they all found themselves in a large practice room, a place where the seven of them all seemed to spend most of their time since they first started their work for the government.
"Oo what do you think it'll be like down there? You think they serve good food?" One of the seven rambles on curiously.
"Wooyoung this isn't a vacation or tropical getaway, that should be the last thing you worry about."
"Seonghwa is right, we need to take this seriously. If we pull through and succeed with this mission we become officials."
"I have also kinda wondered what things are like down there as well though Joong. I mean I know that Eden has told us a lot but he's never been down there right? What if it's a lot tougher than we thought?" Another chimes in
"Tough or not we need to go into this with our heads straight and our minds set on the right things san, he gave us 8 months to figure out their plans, that means we got no time to waste." Hongjoong responds making them all go silent.
Skylar district October 14th 2064
"You know just because your body doesn't operate like a humans now doesn't mean you should spend all your time in the airlock, Tahani." Eris nagged at the girl as she made sure that everything in the girl's new body was functioning properly. "And i don't wanna hear you whining about your name again, i refuse to call you anything but Tahani."
Knowing that the girl really would continue to call her by her birth name she simply just sighs in defeat as she sat compliantly on the cyber scanner.
"I want to be ready this time, I'm more than sure that Loren knows we'll be coming for him which means he'll prepare diligently. You know hes always been a fucking coward so in more than sure he wont be alone when we aim for the alaura tower." Tahani had it all planned out, every calculation, every possible outcome, she had thought of them all. This time even if they once again saw them coming she would make it her mission to make sure Loren suffered.
"Tahani Loren has been off the grid since that day, hasn't been spotted once, we don't even know if he's still in the city." Eris responds as she disconnects the many wires and tubes that had been locked tight against Tahanis body moments prior.
"Even if he isnt I owe him the most merciless death, he got my family killed and wiped out half of the Sector without a second thought. Our friends are dead because of him. Even if I have to search this entire god forsaken damn planet when the mission is done i'll do it. Life won't satisfy me until they're all dead."
With those final words she pushes herself up from the scanner and leaves the OASIS. As she pushes past the doors her body slams into someone on the other side.
"Sorry didnt see- you. What are you doing down here? This area isn't within your jurisdiction." Tahani found herself glaring at one of the seven that she had seen walking around with Jongho moments prior.
"I kinda uhh...got lost, there were like 8 different hallways to take and I couldn't remember where the Jongho guy said shared living quarters were." The tall silver haired male rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. For some reason he found himself shrinking down at the girl's presence.
Tahani simply rolled her eyes before pushing past the boy. Thinking she meant for him to follow her he found himself running after the girl before stopping at her side.
"None of us got to introduce ourselves earlier by the way, I'm Mingi. Uh, your name was Hira right?" Even though Tahani hadn't shown the least bit of interest in the boy he continued to ramble on
"Jongho said you've been here for four years? You must be one of their most skilled by now then." It was then that an annoyed sigh spilled from Tahanis lips.
"Listen, Mingi? It is Mingi right ? I'd rather walk in silence if you don't mind. Weren't you supposed to be looking for your living quarters or something anyways?"
"Wait- so you weren't taking me there? I thought you wanted me to follow your lead or something." Mingi stood there dumbfounded at the fact that he followed her even further into the hallway all for nothing. It was then that he looked up and his eyes caught sight of a large G on the wall behind the girl.
"Oh I get it you were just messing with me cause im a new recruit right? You really did walk me here." He responds cheerfully with a laugh before pushing past the girl and into the door behind her.
"I'm sorry what- wait you cant go in there." And as she followed the silver head boy inside she was forced to stop dead in her tracks as her eyes landed on Jongho, Leedo and the other six men all chatting as if it was a daily occurence.
"Why are they here?" Her loud voice caused all attention to fall on her.
"They're training for the G unit.." Leedo responds in a tone that implies it was something she should have already known.
"I'm sorry but come again? What the hell do you mean they're training for the G unit?"
"Hira..its been two years you have to let go." Jonghos response only angered the girl more.
"Let go? You want me to let go? Mingyu promised he fucking promised we wouldnt replace any of them. Now these guys show up, seven men who Im not sure i even want to fucking trust and you tell me to just let go? You look at me Jongho, all of me and tell me. If you ended up how i did would you be able to let go?" And with that she storms out of the room leaving the nine boys to simply just look around at one another.
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knight-commander · 8 months
7 Snippets
I was tagged by @arendaes and I think most of the other mutuals were tagged… just to be safe @thesolemnhour @silversiren1101 @cassynite … I am eepy so anyone else is also free to snag a tag.
Snippet 1
Adrigo winced as he wrapped his bleeding knuckles in scraps of spare cloth. Early mornings meant that he’d leave the tavern to find some of the local militia of New Svetlana to train with, and they didn’t hold back. It never failed to surprise him just how agreeable people can be if you present yourself openly as an aasimar with a kind smile and kinder disposition.
That wouldn’t last.
People, Adrigo learned, weren’t unconditionally kind. If they were, then that meant they wanted something from him, or something done to him—and he always gave as good as he got.
Still, as long as he would be in Brevoy for a few weeks, he decided that he might as well take advantage of it. Isore certainly had, seeing as the other man was gone before he’d even woken up. Not that it bothered Adrigo much at all. He’d woken up to a cold bed for a year now, and there was no reason to assume that things would be any different now just because Isore wasn’t traveling on his own.
Snippet 2
“I’m not going to let anyone else do it. This is my brother. This is my fault.”
Woljif didn’t want to unpack that. He really didn’t think he was capable. Glancing around, he desperately tried to see if Seelah or Sosiel or if even freaky Ember were nearby to help. With no aid in sight, and a Commander more stubborn than a mule, Woljif sighed and picked up the other discarded shovel from the snow.
“You’ll be out here all night at this rate.”
Snippet 3
“A gift?” Keyvas asked; he peered out from around the curve of the frail tree trunk. In the dark, underneath the pale light of the two moons, it was hard to make Brannis out. All Keyvas could see were his eyes, gleaming purple, and his breath rising in the cold air. “You never bring me gifts. You always say that I should go out and find such things for myself.”
Snippet 4
The girl was innocent. The nobleman’s daughter. All girls were, in some way: maybe he once was, before he doffed the sheep’s wool and became the wolf. Did he know he sent his daughter straight to his jaws? Would he care?
Men like him never did, Adrigo reasoned with a smile as he took her hand and kissed it. Her face was distant, faraway, and displeased—good. That meant she was learning.
Pleasantries aside, he didn’t keep her for long. His mind was racing with the thought of where those like her father would end up one day; those who took and controlled without sympathy or remorse, who let their ego and corruption come before their duty to their cause. Those who kept a boot to the neck of their world.
Adrigo would be the one holding a heel to theirs before long.
Snippet 5
Mathias’s breath came too fast in the cold air: he could see the warmth rising from his lungs like a dragon’s yawn. “Please don’t say that. You don’t love me.”
Snippet 6
He was halfway through packing his second bag, angrily wondering if this was the life he was going to be doomed to—no better than a pack mule or errand boy for another money-hungry man—when a shadow fell over him. He paused, and then turned to see who was there.
“Don’t tell me,” Zevran said, swaggering in through the open doorway of the balcony. “You have finally acquiesced. You have seen the error of your ways, and you are preparing to flee this horrid, dry wasteland and run away with me.” He put his hands on his hips triumphantly, an eyebrow raised. Mahanon couldn’t find it in him to smile.
“The First Warden is sending me back to Denerim,” he said, and realized that his tone was as miserable as he felt about the situation. Zevran always had a way of bringing that honesty out.
Snippet 7
“If you’re going to kill me,” Emery called out, “you will simply have to get in line.”
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xviistrings · 2 months
hello why do you think chie is straight. sorry if this is a stupid question or if i sound angry (i’m not) but i’m genuinely curious
so sorry for laughing when i first saw this it's just a very atypical question. last time i got someone asking "why do you think haru is lesbian when she seems straight?" and now i'm getting "why do you think chie is straight when she seems lesbian?". we are so progressive you guys
but yeah no hard feelings, i get this is an unpopular opinion and i am actually more than happy to explain!
so there's more to the headcanon than just heterosexuality, because i also see her as a trans woman! the two have a very big overlap and one would not work without the other in my eyes.
saying "she only ever expresses attraction to guys and not girls so she's straight" is a bad summary of my thoughts, but it does play into it. "expressing attraction" in this context does include the heavy queer subtext that is 100% present in persona 4 i can't deny that at all
a huge central aspect of chie's internal conflict is that she deems herself unworthy of love because she's not feminine enough. her shadow says she's failed as a woman and no boy will ever love her. that insecurity, feeling alienated from your own gender because you don't fit the standard image of it, that's definitely transgender in my eyes. maybe i'm projecting tho.
specifically, the insecurity lies within appealing to the male gaze. during the beauty pageant, chie plays up this timid and feminine persona (WOAH!) just to get the guys' attention. and those traits are the ones yukiko inhabits, and the ones chie envies.
that's another thing. yukiko, in juxtaposition to chie, is well-liked by a lot of the boys and they usually only talk to chie in order to get to yukiko, which is why chie always changes herself around guys so when yukiko inevitably rejects them, chie is there as their second option, acting as "appealing" as she could possibly get.
also, yukiko, in juxtaposition to chie, most definitely likes chie. she is absolutely a lesbian but i think the codependency was interpreted differently between them. to yukiko, chie was the girl who really liked her and she liked her back and they were going to run away together one day, but to chie, yukiko was the girl who she thought was superior to her and now that she's dependent on her it's boosting her ego. big one-sided crush energy.
i know i know i know that chie does actually care for yukiko. that's apparent. i've been jealous of friends before and still saw them as my friends, yes. yes yes chie said she needed yukiko and she was so eager to save her that she was willing to endanger herself, but is it such a stretch to say that doesn't have to be romantic?
i'm a very firm believer of platonic love and breaking down the relationship hierarchy and to me that means normalizing being deeply devoted to a friend. no romance involved. chie and yukiko are deeply devoted, i acknowledge that, but that doesn't mean they have to date, and that doesn't mean their relationship is any less valuable because of it.
also the whole thing behind chie "needing" yukiko is really an ego matter and not a sexuality matter. HOWEVER yukiko calling chie her prince, a concept she introduced in a romantic context, is definitely questionable
i've seen someone argue that all of this could boil down to comphet, and sure that's plausible, but when it comes to personal opinions over actual facts, i simply just disagree. chie's attraction to guys just doesn't really feel like a homosexual forcing themselves to like the opposite gender, but more of an insecure teenager desperate to be loved, which is universal amongst queer and het people alike.
chie's social link is about her learning to love herself, and takeshi or whatever his name was acts like an antagonist of sorts. he's the exact kind of guy chie continuously falls for, some douchebag who just talks to her because she's a direct train to the much cooler yukiko. but she acts different around him so when he's rejected, he falls back on her.
but chie does not settle for him, and she basically tells him to fuck off. she gets higher standards and she tells us that she wants to become someone strong and independent yet available to lean on, a protector, a role that isn't traditionally feminine! because fuck gender roles!
it's another key part of chie's character, that she's not traditionally feminine. she's loud and energetic and a more dominant force than a submissive one (don't make this weird), and although i really hate romance routes in persona, i think the foundation of the relationship between her and the protag is that even if she's like that and she's not going to change, he still loves her for who she is and doesn't make her feel like less of a woman. unlike TAKESHI FUCK THAT GUY UGH
i think it's relevant that the guy chie has a solid relationship is... well... a guy. because i think instead of just saying "fuck you" to all guys she gets a new perspective on dating and specifically dating men which is good. it's just a very different lesson otherwise and one they weren't going for initially... not that i agree with everything persona 4 says.
and like i said i really hate romance routes because i think the protagonist, as a character and not as an insert, is not compatible with like 99.9% of the girls he can date; that's why i see chie getting with a different male character who i will gladly talk about if i am asked but because nobody's asking and that will definitely add 5 jillion other parts to this rant, i won't... (please ask)
i think chie and yukiko as a couple are. okay? i do like the complexity of their relationship but i prefer yukiko having a crush on chie, chie not reciprocating, she politely rejects her, but they stay good friends and learn how to be independent. that way chie doesn't need to feel jealous and yukiko doesn't need to feel powerless! yay!
i also have another preferred pairing for yukiko that nobody asked about but i will talk about it if i'm asked... maybe even in the same post as chie x random boy... maybe... please (my followers know too well and they're sick of it i think)
actually this did turn out very long. um. you get my point though. i just feel like transhet chie is more impactful for her character than lesbian chie is. beeee who you areee for your prideeee. wow it's dark in here
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c-utielumii · 6 months
Next semester | A Chilumi short songfic
— "Next Semester" by Twenty One Pilots |-/
—TW: Su1cide Attempt (!)
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“Stand up straight now,
Can't break down,
Graduate now.”
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Lumine walked along the sidewalk. Dark and cold. At that late hour of the night, all she wanted was to go back home, lock herself in her room, and cry every tear she had kept deep in her heart. She was tired of surviving a chaotic week in front of teachers who lived to pressure her and tell her she wasn't good enough, that she had to do better if she wanted to be someone in life. She stopped abruptly and looked ahead. The traffic light was red.
Lumine lowered her gaze and observed her shoes: muddy from running on the wet campus grass. A skirt and sweater that she was tired of wearing. Nylon stockings torn by the anxious touch of her nails during a deadline. In her hand, a folder of sheets that housed a failed project. In an involuntary movement, she threw the folder into the middle of the road. All the papers -written messily and anxiously- mixed with the night darkness fell to the ground with the same elegance as a leaf in autumn.
"I don’t wanna be here," she told herself before letting out a sob that would open a hole in her chest. An immense and desolate -though familiar- feeling flooded her entire body to the point that her legs began to weaken. Lumine missed her family, her home, her brother. She was stranded on an empty street in a small city she still didn't fully know, and her only thought was that she wanted to catch a train back home. Not that stupid dorm room she had to share with a classmate who wouldn't let her sleep because she needed the light on to sleep.
Lumine tried to get up and lift her gaze ahead. Trying to contain the hiccup that the tears caused her, she took a few steps forward to pick up what she had thrown. Her only guide to know where she stood were the yellow dashes separating both ways of the road. It took her so long to find each of the papers that flew away that Lumine was barely aware of a light gradually coming towards her. Instead of fleeing or shouting, Lumine stood frozen in place. Her eyes, dazzled by the glare of two white lights, made a violent movement towards the sky and returned to their spot. Her body was at the mercy of her mind, so drowned in uncertainty. Lumine wasn't aware that she was only a few seconds away from being run over by a convertible.
In both headlights, she could see her former neighbourhood. And that was what she wanted most at that moment: her home. Her mother's arms, her brother's jokes, her father's breath. All of that was in front of her. Lumine just waited for those lights to take her home on their own and her eyelids fell until she couldn't see anything. However, a shout made her stagger from her place.
"Hey, girl! Get out of the road!"
Lumine opened her eyes and returned to reality: she took erratic steps to her right and ended up falling on the sidewalk, narrowly avoiding having her foot crushed by the convertible's wheel. The car braked suddenly and the engine turned off. The person inside rolled down his window and stuck his head out.
"What's your problem?! The traffic light is green!"
Lumine simply turned her head to her left: the light had changed in that instant when her mind had flown elsewhere. Somehow, she could only remember the glare dilating her pupils. Her chest rose and fell frantically trying to catch her breath; her face, soaked in tears. The redhead driving the convertible didn't seem to be in such a good mood seeing that the girl didn't respond, so he decided to get out of the car without really knowing how to reprimand the person he had almost killed over nothing. However, his muscles tensed as he made eye contact with that girl who was more dark circles than person. Her skin glowed due to moisture and her legs -as well as her hands- trembled from the cold and the shock.
"Hey, are you okay? Did you get hurt?"
Lumine didn't respond. She tried to stand up, but the shock still gave her trouble even to feel her legs.
"I don't know."
The young redhead was puzzled but knew he had to do something. It was evident that what had happened wasn't just an accident. The girl kept crying nonstop and in pure silence. Despite the autumn cold air, the boy took off his gray jacket and placed it over Lumine's shoulders, held her with his arms and tried to exert some force to help her get up. At this point, he couldn't tell if the darkness on her face was the makeup diluted by the water of her tears or if she simply hadn't slept in a long time.
"Hey, girl, say something... Can I help you with something? Do you want me to call someone for you?"
Lumine got lost in the blue eyes of that stranger who had shown her a minimum of tact. They didn't shine, they didn't show anything. His strong hands pressed her harder, desperate for an answer. Lumine couldn't help but direct her pupils towards the jacket Childe had gave her and was surprised to see that logo that had ruined her psyche ultimately.
"Do you study at the Sumeru Academy?" she asked.
"Yeah, you too?"
Lumine separated from the young man to pick up some of the papers she had tried to retrieve moments before. She took a moment to look at the content of each one: they were all her failures. Failed projects exams, insufficient ideas. And when she looked back at that mysterious savior who had tried to extend a hand to her, Lumine felt a surge of courage she hadn't felt in a long time.
"Do you think Professor Alberich is an idiot?"
Childe raised an eyebrow at the sudden comment. He didn't really know what to do or say. Lumine fell silent and let the rest of her tears erase the ink on the paper she held in her hands, until he finally spoke. He didn't need to ask more questions to get what all this was about.
"Yeah. He's an asshole. He has no idea how to deal with people."
The truth was that Childe didn't know him very well because he was studying a different career, but he felt very familiar with her pain: He too sometimes suffered from that same uncertainty.
"Hey, don't worry. You can't change what you've done, yes... But that's not the end."
"Start fresh next semester," he said.
Simple. Direct. Comforting. Lumine's amber orbs lost themselves in the intense ocean blue of his eyes again. Why had such a silly piece of advice managed to open a window for her that she could never open by herself?
"I was heading back to campus, do you want to come with me? I'll buy you a coffee on the way."
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I cried a whole night after listening to this new song by my favorite band and I couldn't help but write something based on it. I highly recommend that you listen to it to better understand what all this is about.
I wrote this same story as a threadfic on Twitter in case you want to give it some love there too!
—Anne. ♡
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philosogarts · 1 year
Draco always knew he was never destined for a long life. There, at that moment, while analyzing the paintings in that cursed mansion, he realized that he would carry the pains of his relatives forever. His existence had been shaped and decided by people who would never understand what it was like to be an abomination. No, they didn't know, they didn't know anything about it.
The fourth year was about to begin and the pressure to be the prodigy was in the air. The wind coming from the south blew on his face, messing up his hair. Anxiety eroded his pores, and the long-awaited day had finally arrived. Draco could swear he had waited for that moment for years. The vacation was over; it meant he could go back to being just Draco, not Draco Lucius Malfoy. It was exhausting to pretend to be someone who was not, or rather, to do things that I hated. This corroded its essence in its entirety.
Upon hearing steps approaching, Draco automatically adjusted his posture. Lucius, with his defiant look, approached him and said, without looking away: "You need to stand out, don't even consider being in second place because of a bad blood. Do you understand me? Don't make jokes. If you take a step out of the line, know that I will not hesitate to go to Hogwarts to have a little chat with you."
Draco swallowed it dry and just agreed. "Okay, Dad," he replied. He hated that word, he hated his own father, but, above all, he missed him.
Leaving that thought aside, he said goodbye to his mother. A part of him cried out to hug her and say how much he loved her, wishing she would be fine, but he couldn't, not with his father watching. So he was content with a discreet smile. He would send letters, I was sure of that.
Some time later, he arrived at the station. The relief he felt was unmizable. He felt like screaming, jumping, smiling until his face hurt. Until he felt a tug on his clothes: it was Theodore. Your best friend, your most beloved companion. The joy of seeing Theo's face after so long was so intense that Draco couldn't even think about the next step, he simply went straight into his friend's arms.
"Theo, you idiot, I missed you so much. My bones missed you, damn it," Draco said, feeling dizzy.
"Draco, my love, I felt even more. My God, I missed your hug," Theo replied with a smile, but soon his expression changed. "You grew up more than me, again."
Draco couldn't stop laughing. It was amazing, just minutes before, he could have thrown himself on the train tracks, but now he would do anything to run away with Theo. "Do you expect me to apologize for growing up, Theodore?" he provoked, having fun with the situation.
"You know I'm not going to be mad at you right now, it's a very special moment. I really missed you," Theo said with a sigh.
"I missed it too, at home everything is so... loud. I felt alone all the time."
"But you have me, you blonde."
"Oh, that's envy, I presume."
And when Draco thought that his world was finally taking color again, his blood froze. His father watched him all this time. He saw the hug. He saw the smiles. He saw everything.
Draco finally allowed himself to feel good. Sometimes the world seemed too overwhelming to bear, but with Theo it was different, it was never too much, and even if it was, it was good to hear him.
The trip continued smoothly on the way to Hogwarts. At one point, Draco decided to walk on the train with Theo.
"I swear to Merlin that I spent every vacation wishing to eat these sweets from the train," Theo said, looking at Draco with a radiant smile.
"I spent all my vacation wishing to run away, run far away, until I forgot who I am," Draco confessed this time.
"That way, you would forget me," Theo said with a fun expression.
"You know I'll never forget you."
When Draco said that, he felt like he bumped into someone. Until your world turned upside down. There he was, the magnificent Potter. His hair was still a mess, his crooked glasses were the same, but Draco couldn't explain what he felt. He is handsome, a thought screamed in his mind, and Draco felt obliged not to think about it anymore.
"Well, well, the Scar is here, in the same place as me, breathing the same air as me. It's an honor. Could you give me an autograph? I heard you're not humble at all, Potter, but maybe I can do it, right?" said Draco, feeling happier than ever.
"Shut up, Malfoy. At this point, everyone already knows that you really want an autograph of mine," Harry replied with a fun air.
"Oh, me? Spare me. You're drooling over me, Potter."
"See you around, Malfoy."
"I hope I don't see you anymore, Potter."
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asoulofatlantis · 2 years
the topic of shirley getting redemption via cedrics death is a great way to reference what you brought up in my ask about pride vs life "she was fucking proud that her uncle died in an epic Jeager VS Jeager fight, because in her eyes, that is the right way for a Jeager to go" it would go and emphasize shirleys feelings if cedric put in position paralleled her uncles death . if she would interfere and save cedric to spare his life even if it meant costing him his pride
Funny enough, despite Cedric being a character who has far too much pride for his own good, Shirley doesn't seem to care much about his pride getting hurt - at least not so far.
The first time they are fighting together, she calls him straight out a disgrace, mocking him with her nickname for him in front of his allies and his enemies without a second thought.
Given her reaction, even tho she obviously supported the attack on the Pantagruel, Shirley likely knew that Cedric would get a scolding for this mess and even complained about him going to sulk for weeks about it, when the scolding eventually came and yet, she let him run straight into this stupid idea. And yes, while one can argue that all that Shirley wanted was an excuse to finally let off some steam and this is why she didn't try to stop him, she wouldn't have done that, if she would have cared about his pride. Because his pride was damn hurt, after his plan went so well, just to be stopped by the man he admired so much of all people.
Also, in the diving knight fight - and I say this time and time again that she not just knew but actually WANTED Cedric to lose - she gave him her power, to a point where she eventually collapsed out of exhaustion. And while this looks like she was protecting his pride by making him feel stronger due to this, he surely found out eventually that he wouldn't have come this far without her help - which was surely another thing that hurt his pride.
In Hajimari, when Shirley tried to make a man - uh, I mean an Enforcer - out of Cedric, she was trampling all over his pride a few times, just to push him to where she wanted him to be (and where he needed to be) and while yes, in the end, he was allowed to be proud of what he archived, I still think it hurt his pride overall a bit, because of the way she had to push him to get there. She was like a Lion mother pushing her cup into the water and either he learns to swim or he drowns and he did feel like drowning a few times, so he certainly had his pride hurt a lot through this mess of a surprise survival training.
And given that he is not a Jeager, I doubt that when it comes to Cedric, Shirley would really give a damn about his pride in a life-or-death scenario. It is of course always a possibility that we get to a point where he faces someone who he asked Shirley not to intervene no matter what and while I believe as a Jaeger who believes in the pride of a warrior, Shirley would hesitate to intervene, I do also believe she would draw a line when Cedrics life would be in real danger.
But as always, I could be wrong. And in that case, you are absolutely right, if Shirley, even with Cedric, puts pride over anything else, simply because that is how Jaeger think and feel and all that, then it would certainly say a lot about Shirleys feelings, if she decided to step in to save Cedric, despite what that would say about him as a warrior.
And I mean, Shirleys own feelings aside... given her position, Cedrics pride might play a role in how well accepted he is among her people, especially her father, making his pride maybe more important for the people Shirley cares about, than for Shirley herself and thus putting her in the position where she knows, that if she intervenes in a fight to save Cedrics life, she might as well end up ruining how the red constellation and her father look at him and thus how well accepted a possible relationship with Cedric will be from then on. But then again, better losing a chance of daddys blessing than losing Cedric himself. But, as you said, that would just show her feelings for him even more.
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hattiewritesalot · 3 years
Camilo Madrigal x fem!reader
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Summary: Despite being good friends with the incredible dress-maker Mirabel, (Y/N) doesn't wear dresses. Her boyfriend Camilo has never seen her wear a dress - until Antonio's gift ceremony.
Warnings: Small mention of blood, other than that it is legit just straight up fluff.
'Why don't you ever wear dresses, mi vida?'
(Y/N) furrowed her brows, glancing up from her book to look at her boyfriend. For the past ten minutes, Camilo had spent his time climbing a small tree near Casita, and was now hanging upside down from one of the branches.
'What?' (Y/N) questioned, sitting up straight to properly look at Camilo.
'You heard me.' He said, a smug smirk on his face, 'Why don't you wear dresses?'
(Y/N) sighed, fiddling with a few strands of her hair. Why did she not wear dresses? There were multiple small reasons, but she simply blamed it on impracticality. How was she to run around Encanto or hang from trees with her crazy boyfriend in a dress?
Breaking eye contact with Camilo and turning her gaze back to her book, she shrugged, 'I just don't like them.'
'I bet you would look beautiful in a dress.'
'Flattery isn't going to save you. Why'd you ask anyway?'
It was Camilo's turn to shrug, or at least shrug as best as one can while upside down. 'Dolores and Isabela both wear dresses. So does my mami, my Tia Julieta and my Abuela. And so does your best friend! I'm sure Mirabel would be happy to make you a dress.'
(Y/N) laughed, not looking up from her book. 'Just because I'm close with Mira doesn't mean I have to enjoy the same things as she does. Besides, if I was wearing a dress, how could I possibly keep up with you when you're running around causing havoc without tripping up?'
Camilo thought about her comment for a second before letting out an affirmative hum and a nod. 'I guess you're right.'
'Of course I'm right. I'm always right.' She claimed finally ripping her gaze from the words on her page to lean over and flick Camilo in the forehead, the surprising action startling him and making him fall to the ground.
(Y/N) sat by Mirabel's side, reciting her recent conversation with Camilo while watching her best friend's nimble fingers command her needles with ease.
Mirabel simply shrugged after hearing the whole story, her eyes still glued to her fabric. 'He's not wrong, I suppose.'
'You too?!'
'You can't blame me, (Y/N), I've never seen you in a dress. I think you'd look good in one.'
The other girl huffed, pulling her knees up to her chest to pick at the seams of her muddy trousers. Despite her obvious disapproval, (Y/N) couldn't bring herself to think Camilo and Mirabel's opinion wrong.
Her train of thought was cut off by a loud hiss coming from the girl opposite to her. Snapping her head up to look at her best friend, (Y/N) saw one of her needles abandoned on the table and a small bead of blood forming on Mirabel's finger.
Letting out a small laugh, (Y/N) stood up and started making her way to the door. 'Y'know, for somebody as trained as you are in sewing, you sure are clumsy.'
Mirabel laughed with her, yelling at her to bring an arepa as (Y/N) descended the stairs, suddenly realising how hungry she was.
(Y/N) had managed to stuff at least four arepas in her pockets before hearing faint talking from the dining area. Walking as quietly as possible, in fear of Dolores hearing, and pressing her ear to the door, she distinguished two voices she knew well.
Her boyfriend, Camilo, and her future mother-in-law, Pepa.
'Everything has to be perfect! Antonio's gift ceremony is going to be a big night!'
Of course, how could she have forgotten? Antonio was going to get his gift in only three days!
'I know mami, everything will be perfect, I promise.'
(Y/N)'s heart nearly melted at the sound of Camilo's soft tone.
'What food will there be? How many people are coming? Oh no! What is everybody going to wear!?'
Due to the sound of Pepa's frantic rambling and the faint crackle of lightning from behind the door, (Y/N) could tell the woman was getting stressed, and she could only hope that her boyfriend would be able to calm his mother down before she flooded Casita.
'Well, everyone will be dressed nicely of course! I'll wear my best ruana, I suppose (Y/N) will wear what she always wears-'
The mentioned girl backed away from the door, not offended but slightly shocked. (Y/N) will wear what she always wears, huh? Challenge accepted. Narrowing her eyes in determination, she turned and rushed up the stairs and back into Mirabel's room.
'Took you long enough, my finger is starting to-OOMPH!'
The Madrigal was cut off by her best friend shoving an arepa into her mouth, and then leaning down so they were face-to-face.
'I need you to make me a dress for Antonio's gift ceremony.'
Hearing those words coming from (Y/N) of all people almost made Mirabel choke. Hastily swallowing the tasty snack, she shot her a skeptical look. 'Camilo? Stop pretending to be (Y/N)'
'No, it's me, it's the real (Y/N). I need you to make me a dress.'
Blinking slowly to process the words she had been told, Mirabel spoke softly. 'What happened?'
(Y/N) explained the conversation she had overheard and a large grin lit up her best friend's face.
'So, will you do it?'
Mirabel reached into her drawers and pulled out a roll of measuring tape.
'Say no more.'
The night of Antonio's gift ceremony had been anticipated by not just the family, but the entire town of Encanto. Mirabel, stubborn and equally as determined as her primo's girlfriend, worked day and night to create the most glorious dress possible.
(Y/N) had sat through it all; the constant measuring, the rough designs, the fabric testing, and she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the experience as a whole.
Finally the dress was completed. It was a glorious yellow colour, to match Camilo's ruana, with a satin belt and a bow. Mirabel had intricately sewed red roses along the front for a bit more colour.*
(Y/N) had purposefully avoided Camilo all day, hiding in Isabela's room all day, with the woman's consent of course. She appreciated Isa's kindness, but the amount of colours in that room made her feel a bit ill.
Despite her excitement for her boyfriend's reaction, she was also extremely nervous. She hadn't worn a dress in years, what if she ended up looking terrible and proving herself wrong?
These negative thoughts disappeared almost immediately when (Y/N) stood in front of Mirabel's mirror, gazing at her reflection. Dolores had braided her hair for her, and a crown of roses sat on her head, courtesy of Isabela. She had put a small bit of lipgloss and mascara on, not wanting to distract from the dress.
And, oh, the dress; it was perfect. Mirabel had somehow created the most beautiful dress in the world, just for her.
And, for the first time in years, (Y/N) finally felt completely and utterly gorgeous.
Camilo stood by his sister's side, anxiously fiddling with his fingers. Where was (Y/N)? She had promised to come, and he missed her dreadfully. Was it something he said? Was it something he did?
The panicky thoughts running through Camilo's head made him want to scream, but when his girlfriend finally walked into the room with Mirabel, her mouth wide with laughter, he felt the world around him slow down once he realised her outfit choice.
(Y/N) looked perfect, absolutely perfect. He had never seen such a beautiful girl. Of course, she had always been incredible pretty, but the sight of her in a dress made Camilo's cheeks flush bright red.
Catching sight of his stares, (Y/N) bid Mirabel a farewell as she walked towards her blushing boyfriend.
'So? What do you think?'
She asked, twirling around to give him a full view of the glorious piece of clothing.
'What do I think? I think mi mami told me not to marry before I turn 18.'
He claimed, his cheeks still red, as he wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s waist and buried his face in her hair. A giggle erupted from the girl, hugging him back as tightly as she could.
'Do I look alright though? I want tonight to be special.'
Camilo pulled away, moving his hands to cup them around her face.
'Mi amor, you look gorgeous. The most gorgeous person in this whole town.'
He paused.
'Well, besides from me.'
His confident comment made (Y/N) laugh again, scrunching up her nose as her boyfriend began peppering kisses on her face. Just before he could kiss her on her smiling lips, he pulled away again, his face turning serious.
'Does this mean you'll be wearing dresses more often? Because I don't think you understand what you're doing to me right now mi vida.'
Playfully rolling her eyes, (Y/N) grabbed his collar and pressed her lips to his. That was her answer, and it was certainly good enough for Camilo.
*here's the dress:
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if you don't like it, you can always imagine something else :)
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Nothing But a Bet - Bakugou Katsuki- pt.2
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Angst, Cursing, Fluff, not spell checked
Summary: Bakugou has been so broken. Nothings been the same for him but he’s been doing everything he can to get you back...but when will it be enough to win you back?
Pt.1 Pt.2
“Hey..Y/N it’s me...please answer your phone.”
“Hi Princess..I saw you during your training session..you did amazing like always..take care of yourself..And I love you.”
“Hi...I was wondering if you wanted to talk about this whole thing...please?”
“Teddy Bear I’m so sorry for what happened but just please let me explain everything before you make any final decisions.”
“Y/N please come back to me.”
“...I miss you.”
Bakugou sent voicemail after voicemail, text after text, and letter after letter. He tried to call you hundreds of times in the past week but they all went straight to voicemail. He tried to reach out to you through social media but you blocked him everywhere. He was lucky that you didn’t block his number. You were both hero trainees and if an emergency were to happen, you would need every resource available and Bakugou might be one of them so you had to keep his number.
Bakugou’s been so fucked for the past week. When you left him that night, he cried into your pillow. He fell asleep in your room to have some sort of comfort that night but awoke to nobody. He looked around the room and saw the previous night’s disaster date and cried some more. He even waited a few more hours in your room before he came to the conclusion that you wouldn’t return until he left. You probably hated his guts right now and Bakugou couldn’t even be mad at you. You had every right but at least let him explain everything. Please.
“Bakugou, you can’t keep doing this every night man.” The red head said. Kirishima had been walking into the common room when he found his friend on the couch again for the 7th night in a row. Bakugou’s been doing everything he can to talk to you but you’ve always brushed him off. Even so, he still waits for you to get back from training every night just in case you would break one day and allow him to speak to you. Unfortunately, that night hasn’t come yet, and Bakugou still waits to hear your voice speak to him.
“....I’m gonna get her back,” Bakugou said as he continued to stare at the door, waiting for it to open.
“But what if she doesn’t want you anymore?” Kirishima argued.
“She does!...I know she does..she left me because I did something stupid, not because she doesn’t feel anything towards me anymore.” Bakugou took a breather as he felt tears pool into his eyes once more. He shook them off before he spoke again. “..She has to still love me...I won’t be the same if she doesn’t.”
Kirishima looked towards his friend with sad eyes as he heard the slight break in his voice. His friend really hasn’t been the same since the horrible breakup and it’s been worrying him. Getting his dream girl back is the only way to fix Bakugou Katsuki.
After a few minutes, the door opens up to reveal your beauty. You walked in to find another waiting Bakugou and watched as Kirishima left as he knew what was coming. You looked at the blonde with a nonchalant face as he ran up to you.
“Y/N! Hey! ...” he never really knew what to say after that. He was always too nervous to say anything else in fear of upsetting you. You rolled your eyes at him before you attempted to walk away but he ran in-front of you to stop you from going. “Uh..do you need help with that?”
He pointed to your workout bag but you just shook your head ‘no’ as you continued to walk but before you could get far, Bakugou spun you around to speak to you again.
“Hey! Did you know..uh, there’s this great new place that opened up. I wanted to know if you want to...um..go there sometime..maybe we could talk about what happened and-“
Before he could continue you walked away again. Bakugou grew frantic as he didn’t know what to do. This would be the 7th night in a row where you just ignore him and he doesn’t know if he could go through with more disappointment tonight. He could feel himself begin to shake as his heart grew nervous. Out of fear he grabbed onto your hand before you could get away. You didn’t turn to face him but you did allow him to continue.
“Please don’t go...please talk to me and please let me explain everything. I miss you so much Teddy Bear and I lov-“
Your body stilled for a second and you ran away to your room before he could finish that sentence. You couldn’t forgive him. Not yet. You ran with tears in your eyes as you tried to shake away the thoughts filling your heard. You left behind a crying Bakugou as he watched you run away. He didn’t even try to go after you. He knew it wouldn’t make any difference. He dropped his head and sniffled as he allowed the tears to fall. He walked his way back to his dorm and cried into his own pillow when he checked the time. 9:14. It was a school night and he had to get up early tomorrow. He would have to try again the next day. And so again, with a heavy heart, he went to bed without his Teddy Bear in his arms.
It was morning. Another day another sad Katsuki. The blonde rose out of bed with tired bags under his eyes. He looked horrible and anyone could see that. Shit just hasn’t been the same for him. Not without her. He got up and got dressed in his school uniform and went straight to class. He just had to see you again. The more he saw you, the more chances he got at getting you back.
Bakugou didn’t really have a plan on how to get Y/N back. He just worked and tried everything he could on the spot once he saw you. Once he sat down in his seat, he awaited for your arrival. You always came in pretty early and so the second you walked in he was up on his feet.
“Y/N! Hey!”
You watched as the blonde came up to you. You looked around and noticed there were only a few students in the room. So even though this would probably hurt you in the end, you decided to drop the silent treatment.
“.....Hi..Bakugou,” you said as you both continued to stand. You gave him a quick smile before dropping it and looking everywhere but at him. Bakugou smiled at the sound of your voice and grew excited.
“..Uh- I was wondering..if you wanted to..train after school? You know like we used to?” You looked at him with a raised brow and crossed arms. Did he really think you would wanna train with him?
“It’s just- I noticed you’re reflexes have been a little off,” at that you raised both brows at him and that’s when he panicked and began rambling, “no, no, no, no! I didn’t mean it like that! You’re great! Amazing! You always are dumbass- Y/N! I meant Y/N...yeah..yeah but the point is-“
“Okay, if I say yes will you let me go to my seat?” You quickly asked.
“YES! Ehem, mm, I mean yes. Yes, I’d like that very much and I will let you..take your...your seat...” he said awkwardly but surely. You just nodded your head slowly and walked by him. Bakugou quickly and silently celebrated behind your back but stopped once you looked at him. Seeing him all excited just to hang out with you made you laugh to yourself but you quickly shut that down as you remembered who it was you were laughing at but your smile and laughter didn’t go unnoticed by the blonde. He sat down in his seat and continued to stare at you like a happy puppy.
Soon enough, more students came into the room. The bell finally rang and Aizawa walked in to let class begin. Time went by and eventually, lunch came and you can definitely guess that Bakugou, once again, tried to get you to sit with him. This time, instead of ignoring him, you simply said “no,” and kept walking.
This of course put Bakugou into a mood but he didn’t want to be stingy. You had already agreed to train with him and you always kept to your word. He was grateful but he couldn’t hide the sadness on his face.
He and the rest of the Bakusquad sat at their table and spoke amongst each other but they of course noticed their sad friend. Now everyone knew Bakugou and Y/N had broken up but only Kirishima had known why. So questions came up and Kirishima thought it would be a wise idea for Bakugou’s other friends to help.
“What’s up with McBlasty?” Sero asked, not even earning a snarl from Bakugou at the crude nickname. “Still not over the breakup?”
“It’s not a breakup!” Bakugou countered. “It’s just...a break okay?”
“Right, cuz a break involves her giving you the cold shoulder,” Mina added on. “What happened to you guys anyway? You seemed like the perfect couple.”
Bakugou cringed at her words. They were the perfect couple. And he missed his perfect girlfriend. He looked towards Kirishima to see that he was giving him the same look he always did when it came to the Bakusquad. He wanted him to tell them the truth. Bakugou sighed as he realized it was probably time for them to know.
“Y/N left me because she found out about the bet.”
Kaminari and Sero looked at each other in shock and fear. They remember exactly what happened. They were speaking on their relationship and the bet when they heard Y/N’s door slam shut. They realized she probably heard what they had said but assumed everything would be okay! They didn’t think it would cause a breakup! But who knows!? Maybe Bakugou was speaking of a different bet.
“Umm..what bet?” Kaminari asked but Bakugou only looked at him with a confused face. How could he not remember?
“The bet we made almost a year ago. The bet that ruined my perfect relationship with the love of my life. The bet that you gave me! You know? The bet where you told me to date Y/N and not fall in love with her, which I obviously failed.” Bakugou said as he straightened up at the memory. He noticed how the two idiots remained oddly silent and how they looked like they were cowering (more than usual) at the sight of him. “Why’re you acting like that?”
The boys stayed silent before Sero spoke up. “Bakugou..we have something to tell you.”
At the tall boy’s words, the whole table gave him their attention but Kaminari only looked at him with wide eyes, hinting at him to stop what he was about to do. Sero only punched Kaminari in the shoulder as the electric blonde finally gave in.
“Bakugou,” Kaminari said, “Sero and I are the reason why Y/N found out it was a bet.”
In that moment, Bakugou’s face dropped. His eyes grew wide and silence grew around the table. Bakugou’s face went from extreme shock to extreme anger. He quickly stood up and went to attack the two boys but Kirishima was quick to hold him back.
“Let go of me!!!” Bakugou screamed.
“Bakugou! You need to relax!” Kirishima realized he wouldn’t be able to hold Bakugou back himself and called for reinforcements. “Midoriya! Todoroki!”
The two boys came running and at once glance at the situation, they knew what they had to do. Midoriya and Todoroki grabbed onto Bakugou, hooking their arms under his shoulders while Kirishima stood front. The whole scene grabbed everyone’s attention, including Y/N’s.
“This is all your fault!” Bakugou screamed with slight tears in his eyes. “I lost Y/N because of you idiots! All because you couldn’t keep your mouths shut?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Bakugou said fighting against his human restraints.
“We’re sorry! We didn’t know she heard us! It’s not like we intentionally tried to ruin you two! It was an accident!” Kaminari said behind the protection of Mina.
“I DONT GIVE A FUCK! You fucking idiots ruined everything for me!” Bakugou said as his hands began to spark. He sent an explosion their way but Y/N was quick to react and get in the middle. She used her quirk to stop his explosion and everyone settled once they saw her.
“Y/N...” Bakugou whispered out as he stopped fighting. He stood still but the three boys still kept their hold on him just in case.
“It doesn’t matter how I found out or who told me Bakugou. The only thing that matters is that you and Kaminari used me as part of a bet. Do you understand that I felt like I was just a piece of a game?” Y/N explained.
“But you’re not Y/N! You’re so much more than that!” Bakugou argued.
“So then why was I even considered to be part of that bet?” You asked. The entire room grew silent as Bakugou let his tears fall. He had no answer for you. “Right.”
You picked up your bag and walked by the group, Bakugou never taking his eyes off of you. “I’ll see you in the gym later, Bakugou.” And with that, you walked off.
Bakugou shoved the 3 boys off of him as he glared at Kaminari and Sero. The boys kept their heads down as a way of apologizing to their friend but they realized they would have to do much more than that to truly make it up to their friend. As the bell rang and everyone was dismissed, Kaminari and Sero walked out together and discussed their apology plan.
Bakugou had skipped out on the rest of the day. He didn’t know if he would be able to hold himself back if he saw Kaminari or Sero again. He had decided he would give himself some time to cool off before he had to meet with Y/N in the gym.
At that memory he decided it was best for him to look on the bright side. He got to train with Y/N again. It would be just like old times and who knows? Maybe she’ll finally listen to him and what he has to say. Maybe she’ll take him back. Bakugou had set an alarm for himself and in the meantime took the opportunity to rest up.
*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *click!*
Bakugou woke up from his nap and looked at the time. 1:55 p.m. Just about 20 minutes for him to get ready and meet with Y/N in gym gamma. He got up, changed into a sleeveless hoodie, sweats, and some combat boots. He grabbed his gym bag and went down to find Y/N.
Just as he stepped out of the dormitory he saw Y/N walking his way. Was he still dreaming or is that actually his dream girl walking up towards him.
“Hey, Bakugou, at least wait for me to get ready.” You said while hooking both your arms. Bakugou held a shocked expression as he looked down at where you both were linked and looked back up towards you.
“Uh..H-Hey Y/N! Uh..sorry, did you want me to wait for you?” He said still shocked.
“Uhhh yeah? I won’t take that long, c’mon Blasty.” You said so naturally as you dragged him to your room. Bakugou blushed at the old nickname but smiled as he was quick to walk by your side. On the way to your dorm, he tried to make small talk and this time you actually spoke back! You laughed with him (or more so at his shaky and nervous behavior) and smiled more. He waited for you on the outside to get ready and you guys walked back to the gym. Again, on the way there you both had fun loving conversations. It was almost like nothing changed.
You both entered the gym and began stretching.
“So what exactly is the problem with my reflexes, Blasty?” You asked while stretching. Bakugou froze mid stretch as he realized he lowkey disrespected Y/N by saying her reflexes had faltered. And he didn’t even mean it! He just said it because he didn’t know what else to say.
“Umm...you know...I’m not saying that- that there’s something wrong with your reflexes. You’re perfect!” He laughed out but froze at what he said again. He snapped his head towards you and saw you paused your stretching to give him a look. “No! Not perfect! Your reflexes are perfect! You know? You’re not perfect, your reflexes are!”
Again, you gave him another look and he froze up again. “No, no, no! I mean-“
“You just wanted to get me in here with you?”
“Mm,” you said as you nodded your head and continued warming up. Bakugou sighed as he dropped his head back and groaned towards the ceiling. He hated how being around you now turned him into a pile of bleh.
You guys finally began a little sparring match. Bakugou may be a mess around you but you can always be sure that he has his head in the game. You were always a calm, cool, and collected person no matter what happened so your fight style never weakened.
You and Bakugou had been going on for awhile. You threw punches, kicks, and quirks and it was 3 to 2, with you in the lead. You guys had several rounds with different rules. No quirks, quirks only, stealth matches, and even a no rules battle.
Finally, it was the last fight and you and Bakugou were clearly exhausted. Bakugou wanted to end it now due to exhaustion and so he ran towards you and pounced. You failed to stop him and just allowed him to drop you. You both ended up tumbling around until he finally pinned you down with his face close to your.
“I-.....I win...” he said with a tired but victorious grin. He stared at your face as you did that cute little nose-scrunch thing that he loved whenever he beat you.
“What-...whatever. I let you win..Blasty,” you breathed out as he just laughed at you. You began to laugh too and you both stayed there for a little until his gaze remained on yours. You both stared at each other in awe and want as Bakugou released his hold on your wrist and placed his hands on the ground at the side of your head. He leaned in a little and you allowed your hands to wrap around his neck. You pulled him in until your lips met and softly danced across each other.
Bakugou slightly opened his eyes to look down at you and smiled as he realized you finally gave in. He closed his eyes once more and just enjoyed the moment. The kiss would’ve gone on forever if the need for oxygen didn’t exist. You both separated with a hazy look in your eyes. A string of saliva connected you both as your heavy breaths grew and a blush covered across your faces.
“..heh...” was all that Bakugou said as he sat up on his knees and allowed you to sit straight. He sat down next to you as silence filled the room. “Soo...that happened..”
You remained silent as the blush on your face remained and you got lost in thought. Bakugou looked at you in concern as he thought you were regretting the kiss until you spoke up.
“...I’ve missed you Katsuki....and...I forgive you.”
Bakugou’s eyes went wide as he smiled. He stood up and brought you along with him. He picked you up and held you in his arms as he spun you around. You squealed in excitement and joy as Katsuki held you tight and once he placed you on the ground again, he gave you a quick kiss.
“I’m not saying I don’t like whats happening but...why?” He asked with a smile and confused look in his eyes. You only smiled at him and settled down before you spoke.
“..Sero and Kaminari came and talked to me. They told me everything.” Bakugou’s eyes went wide at the mention of the two morons who ruined his relationship. But he smiled as he realized they were the reason you were talking to him again. He would have to thank their dumbasses later. “They’ve been telling me how upset you’ve been and how you actually did love me.” You explained.
“Did and still do,” he corrected and you laughed at his reply.
“Right. Anyway, I’m not gonna lie, it was wrong for you to place a bet on me but..you spent almost a whole year with me..and they told me it was only supposed to be for a few weeks. I guess that means...”
“That I really do love you? That I really do want to be with you for the rest of my life? That I do need you in my life as mine to be sane? Yeah, I know.” He laughed as he wrapped him arms around your waist and held you closer while you giggled back.
“Heh..yeah.” You said. Bakugou pressed his forehead against yours as you both reveled in the comforting feeling of each other. You stayed in the loving embrace of his arms as you smiled even more.
“I’m so sorry for doing that to you, Y/N. I should’ve never placed some stupid bet on you but I’m kinda glad I did....it brought me to the perfect one for me. I really, really love you, Teddy Bear.”
Bakugou softly kissed the crown of your head as he whispered loving words to you.
“You’re mine again.”
“Yeah Suki..I’m yours.”
A/N: I’m sorry if the ending felt rushed😖 I feel like this could’ve been better but I think im reaching a writer’s block. 
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
Brother of the year
-- just a short platonic oneshot of Bob as a big brother.-- 
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You were pissed.
They could feel it radiate off of you when you walked past all of them to stand by Bob. 
"Oh hi" he said, having the absolute gall to smile.
"Bob. What day is it?" You looked at him, arms crossed over your chest, with such a glare it could have cut straight through his skull. He didn't seem to notice. 
"February 27th, why?"
"You're not really going for brother of the year there, Bobby." You said, fake sweetness seeping through your tone. He cocked an eyebrow.
"What did I do?"
"Hangman, what day is it?" Hangman looked up from his seat in surprise but the look of absolute rage on your face almost made him look down.
"You know each other?!" Bob exclaimed, clearly unaware that this was entirely the wrong, and possibly worst, answer he could have given. 
"I hate you." The venom in your voice hitting its target, Bob felt his heart drop down to his stomach.
You stomped off, tears forming in your eyes.
Your brother looked around for an explanation for the strange interaction when his eyes landed on an outraged Hangman.
"Birthday, Bob. It's her birthday" he said.
Oh dear. 
You had driven to a beach a few miles away to avoid running into anyone you knew. 
Your friend knew you as a badass pilot, you simply couldn't have them see you crying. Especially for something like that.
Bob felt terrible. He'd forgotten your birthday, didn't know you knew Hangman and then had to ask him if he knew where you might have been because he had been so obsessed with his own life to even bother knowing whether you had friends and who they might be.
He felt ashamed of himself.
Hangman had been correct in his guess, as Bob found you sitting by yourself on the sand, arma hugging your knees close to your chest.
You had always idolised Bob as a child, and wanted to be just like him, going so far as signing up for the navy as soon as you graduated. Bob had entered the Top Gun programmed by then and his raving reviews had inspired you to apply when you could. 
He was like a second father to you, having bought you your first drink and picked you up from parties when things started to go wrong.
That was until a few months ago, after he was called back to Top Gun. He'd sworn up and down that he would spend a lot of time with you, but he didn't even answer his phone much anymore. 
You knew he was busy, the mission was dangerous and the training grueling. But whenever you went to the Hard Deck, Bob was there too, laughing with his friends. You'd shot him a text, watching him check his phone and placing it back in his pocket without answering it. 
It wasn't illegal. He was just making friends, but you figured he would at least remember your birthday. 
Bob picked up the starbucks order he had gotten from his passenger seat and walked over to where he could see you were sitting. The tears on your cheeks glistened under the moonlight.
"I'm sorry" 
"I don't drink coffee anymore"
"No, Hangman told me. I got you a tea." He paused as she grabbed your cup, "I'm sorry. I've been a bad brother, I got caught up in making friends."
"I know" you paused
"Can I be honest?" He nodded. "I hate flying. Whenever I enter the cockpit I feel my throat close up and I feel like I'm going to faint"
"Why do you do it, then?" Bob asked
"I just wanted to be like you. You're my hero" 
Tears had started to fall down his cheeks but he wiped them away.
He looked at you as you sipped your drink.
"How do you know Hangman?"
"I didn't sleep with him, if that's what you want to know." You snapped and then softened, "I went to UCLA with his little brother. Jake ended up tutoring me in physics for a few years. We became friends, he came to ours a few times" 
Bob nodded, "I feel horrible, I didn't know, I'm sorry. I'd like us to catch up."
There wasn't much to say, you realised. Life had been fairly boring, aside from the paralysing fear you felt whenever you thought of flying and how you somehow managed to tame it down enough to avoid a panic attack whenever you did have to fly. Oh, and hooking up with one or two of your cohort, but there were some things your brother just didn't know about.
"You making friends alright" 
"Yeah it's okay. I'm not drowning in social obligations but it's not bad. Jake's been trying to include me, but I didn't know if you'd be okay with that." 
His heart broke a little more. Hangman had been better at looking over his sister than he had.
"How can I make it up to you?"
"Just hold me please"
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alwaysmarveling · 3 years
Call Me Back
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Warnings: death, a small sexual innuendo, and lots of commas and long sentences
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: You and Wanda promised each other you would always call to check in, and Wanda’s going to do her best to keep that promise, no matter what.
The first time you met Wanda was… well, when was the first time you met Wanda? Was it when wisps of red flashed in front of your eyes, projecting images so horrific and lifelike that you all but collapsed in a heartbeat? Or was it when she stepped forward to shake your hand timidly, grief and determination filling the witch as she promised to make up for it?
“I- I wouldn’t have done it if I… we were just trying…”
“Don’t worry about it,” you had told her with a smile before confiding in her about your own missteps, how you’d wreaked havoc on all of New York with your powers of body modification after your own parents died, how Fury finally got the Avengers to catch you, and how they quickly became your new family.
“You mean they really almost burned the kitchen down trying to make you a birthday cake?” The brunette giggled later that night as you recounted the story of your sixteenth birthday, the two of you sitting comfortably beside each other on the living room sofa.
“Yup. And when Nat showed up with an ice cream cake fifteen minutes later to find smoke in the living room, Sam told me she freaked on everyone.”
“Excuse me, Y/N, I did not do any ‘freaking.’ God, is that what you teenagers are calling it now?” The two of you erupted into laughter, and the redhead could do nothing more than shake her head, a smirk playing on her lips no matter how hard she tried to conceal it.
Much like Nat and Steve predicted, the two of you became fast friends. You sat next to each other on movie nights, sang karaoke in your room when you thought everyone else was asleep (if they weren’t awake when you started, they certainly were once you were thirty seconds into Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”), and, much to Steve’s dismay, when you finally became confident with your ability to grow wings on your back, snuck out regularly for late-night flights around the compound.
But you also insisted on being there for Wanda’s training sessions, even if it meant you had to wake up an hour earlier. You cradled the witch in your arms when she woke up night after night with an aching hole in her heart before you eventually insisted you guys just share a room. And you promised her, above everything else, that when you went out for anything, whether it be a quick grocery run or a month-long mission, you’d let her know you were okay.
You knew the promise she pleaded you to make was a result of the anxiety she suffered. She’d lost everyone she cared about; if a simple text or call was enough to put her at ease, you’d do it in a heartbeat.
“Wanda,” you’d whispered, the teen immediately sitting up straight when she’d heard the cracks in your voice. “I- I don’t know what to do. I’m safe, but...” She told you to stay there, don’t move, she’d be there in minutes. And, with your brain unable to function enough to think of any other option, you listened.
Her heart broke at the sight of you, your arms wrapped tightly around yourself and your head hung, you feet occasionally kicking the wet sidewalk. The neon sign of the restaurant your date had promised to meet you at illuminated one side of your face, allowing her to see the tears that you had tried but failed so desperately to hold in. But the witch didn’t let you see her emotions, instead whisking you away from the unfamiliar section of the city, brushing the tears off of your cheeks and bringing you to the twenty-four-hour diner for milkshakes. She made a fool of herself in front of the waitstaff until tears flowed from your eyes once again, but this time, the crystalline drops rolled down your raised cheeks, aching from smiling too hard. 
When you had a panic attack during training because you couldn’t get one of your body modification attempts to reverse—”Wanda, I cannot be stuck with claws for hands, I can’t!”—she refused to let you hang up until the steady sounds of her own breathing calmed you down, the sharp nails receding and making way for the soft pads of your very human fingertips.
And when she called you after the mission in Lagos, you worked tirelessly to complete your own solo mission as soon as you could. You returned to the tower to find her holed up in the bedroom, news broadcasts playing nonstop on the television to remind her of the horrors she’d committed; accident or not, she told you, she needed to hold herself accountable. You simply shook your head at her, holding out your hand without another word. She didn’t take it at first.
“You can’t fix it, Y/N. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you.” She was expecting you to fight her back on it, yell at her and demand that she take your hand, or perhaps you’d go the complete opposite direction and leave her alone, let her be swallowed by guilt and anguish, rip open old wounds and form new ones as she thought of how she tore apart families that were probably much like her own. You did neither.
Wanda’s green eyes remained fixed on your outstretched hand. You stayed silent, one eyebrow cocked as if daring her to see what would happen should she choose not to take it. It was only then that she realized, for once in her life, the person she most loved wasn’t leaving; the support she so desperately needed wouldn’t be yanked away from her when it was mere centimeters from her grasp.
So she rested her fingers in the palm of your hand, and you pulled her out to the balcony where the two of you had spent night after night watching the stars instead of sleeping, making up funny names for each of them and rolling in fits of laughter that only came to those delirious and sleep-deprived enough to understand just what was so funny. Except, this time, instead of dropping into the oversized beanbag chair that was the usual spot of your stargazing shenanigans, she watched curiously as you removed your shirt. Her mouth dropped as you closed your eyes and allowed the white feathers to emerge from beside the ridges of your spine. Although it was a process she’d seen several times before, your modifications had never ceased to amaze her, and your angel-like wings had always been her favorite. The witch admired the additions as you allowed them to flap slowly, once, twice, before turning back to her.
“Let’s go,” you finally spoke, the order gentle but leaving no room for negotiation.
“Where are we going?”
“Away.” That was enough for the brunette, who squeezed your hand before following your lead. She allowed you to guide her through the maze of clouds and couldn’t help but smile softly as the sun’s rays hit your face at just the right angle. You wore the exhaustion from your recent mission on your face, and streaks of dirt covered the bruises that she was sure littered your body. But she was content, in awe, because you were you. You didn’t put up walls to hide your scars from the world, didn’t use passive-aggressiveness to hide the passion that burned in your heart. At the end of the day, you were good, purely and truly good. You were an angel; even the sun knew it.
What Wanda didn’t realize, but what you taught her that night, as she sat surrounded by sunflowers, the moon, thousands of gleaming stars, and the tickle of your feathers as your wing pulled her close to you, was that she was one too.
“I’m glad you called me,” you whispered, your eyes not leaving the open sky as you pointed out a particularly bright spot. “I’m gonna call that one… Philip. He looks regal, real proud. Look at him, so much brighter than the others, and he knows it too.” The witch breathed out a soft chuckle, stroking her fingers over your feathers as she responded.
“I’m glad I called you too. And I think Philip is a good name for him. What about that one?”
“Hmm… Walter? He’s a bit more serious, I think. But you see the one next to him?” You waited until you got a nod from the girl before continuing. “That’s his sister. She makes sure he has fun, even when he says he doesn’t want to. But you name her, Wands. Naming stars is a two-person job, you know.” She squeezed the elbow that you nudged her with before giving in.
“Alright… that’s Delia. And, yeah, she’s the best. The life of the party. Walter keeps her grounded, though,” Wanda added, to which you agreed to with a hum. You two fell quiet after that, enjoying the comfortable silence and looking up at the twinkling lights, some of them gaining names and stories, others waiting to be named another night.
“You call me if you ever need me, okay? I know we started this with me calling you, but I’m here for you too.” The witch met your eyes with a firm bob of her head, but you continued, desperate to make sure she understood. “And if I don’t pick up at first, you call me back, okay? Call me until I respond, promise?”
“I promise,” Wanda soothed gently. “I will.”
“Okay, good, good. Because,” Wanda felt a brush of your feathers against her upper arm as you fluttered your wings, slightly agitated, “because I think I love you. I mean, um, I know. I know I love you. I love you. Yeah, I-” Wanda shut you up with a kiss, her lips pressed urgently against yours. And if you hadn’t lost your breath from your rambling or your declaration of love to the girl of your dreams, then you most definitely lost it as your lips melted into hers, in the comforting warmth of her palm against your cheek, and in the words that left her mouth as you finally pulled apart, breathless.
“I will, Y/N, I promise. Because I love you too.”
People thought you were inseparable before you started dating, but they all realized how wrong they were after that night. The two twin beds quickly became a queen-sized mattress, sideline support during training sessions became fierce yet playful spars, and the private giggles you guys shared grew tenfold. Fury wasn’t exactly happy that his unofficial daughter was now dating, but he was pleased by how efficiently the two of you worked together, which led you to this moment, the two of you covering the Quinjet while waiting for the rest of the Avengers to finish their business inside the massive Hydra base. With Wanda covering the ground and you in the sky, flying with the white-feathered wings that Wanda loved so dearly, the two of you held off the swarms of Hydra agents relatively well. With a small break in between incoming agents, Wanda looked up to check on you, but she was a moment too late. Before she could even think to warn you, the pure feathers she loved to brush her fingers through fell from the sky, the white stained with red, your screams ripping through her eardrums.
No one, including Wanda, had time to think as she exploded with a new rage, one that hadn’t run through her in years. One that she hoped she would never experience again, but here she was. And there you were.
While you were held in the air by her signature red mist, the opposing agents fell to the ground. She didn’t care about their screams, only yours. And with them all dealt with, she could turn to you, rushing you both into the Quinjet and yelling for the other Avengers to get back here, now.
But her efforts were futile. She could press down on the wounds all she wanted, beg for you to come back until her voice was nothing more than a whisper, but nothing would work. You were gone the instant the missile had hit you, and as much as Wanda wanted to deny the truth, she knew it just as much as your other teammates did when they rushed onto the Quinjet. You were gone before you could say a single goodbye.
The first time Wanda called was from your shared bedroom. She dialed your number before tracing the pillow where your head would have laid, running her fingers over the cartoon carrots that covered the comforter. The yellow bedding set was a gag gift Tony had gotten the two of you when you got your new bed.
“You know, since I figure the two of you will be going at it like rabbits,” he winked before getting immediately smacked in the back of the head by Steve.
“They will be doing no such thing,” the supersoldier had chastised him with a roll of his eyes. “God, Stark, sometimes I forget you have a brain when you say such stupid things.”
But you loved it, telling Wanda, “The carrots remind me of you, Bunny.” And how could she return the present when you were being so sweet about it? But the sheets didn’t make her smile in the same way they once did because you were gone. No one was there to tease her about the way her nose wiggled much like the little white fluffy creatures or promise to get her carrots from the market the next day.
The call went to voicemail, and as bittersweet as it was, Wanda savored it because it was you. Your voice. But the beep came far too soon, and your turn was done. So she spoke. 
“Y/N, hey, it’s me, Wanda. I, um, I love you. I’ll always love you, yeah?” The witch put the phone down, thinking that was all she could bear to say as the lump in her throat ballooned in size and hot tears filled her eyes. But just before time was up, her hand shot up to press the device against her ear again. “Call me back, milaya.”
The second time Wanda called was from the balcony. The brunette eyed the sparkling diamonds that filled the sky, wondering how you could be gone when, the last time she was here, you were right there beside her, laughing over the boys’ latest shenanigans and Ned, the newly named star. 
Now, the beanbag chair felt too big, too empty without another person sitting next to her. Without you. So she dialed your number, the only number she bothered to learn by heart, and waited for the dulcet tones of your voice. As the dial tone rang, she ran one hand over the white feather that laid gingerly in her lap. Natasha had given it to her along with several others a few days after your death. Each of the team members had one to remember you by, but the spy had picked out the biggest and most brilliant ones to give to Wanda.
“I know how much her wings meant to you-” Natasha stiffened as Wanda threw her arms around her. But the witch didn’t care, her tears soaking the redhead’s shirt as she tried to find the words to thank her. She couldn’t, but it was okay. Natasha knew anyway. Wanda had little time to reflect on the memory before her face brightened at the sound of your voice.
“Hi, this is Y/N-
“And her girlfriend, Wanda! She’s taken, so don’t even think about it, you jerk!” Wanda smiled slightly at your jubilant laughter, remembering how you’d pushed her away for interrupting you.
“I’m not available right now, but leave me your name, number, and message and I’ll call you back as soon as I can, okay? Talk to you soon.” The witch’s eyes closed slightly as the greeting ended with a spell of your giggles before it was interrupted by that damn beep. God, how she hated that beep. Nevertheless, she took a breath and spoke out into the clear night sky, looking up at the stars as she did so.
“Hi, lyubov moya, it’s me. Wanda. I’m calling you back, just like you told me to. I’m not okay. I need you. I love you.” Her breath caught in her throat, forcing her to pause for a moment, but she forced herself to keep going a second later. “Sam and Bucky did the stupidest thing today. Nat and Steve were all over their asses. You should’ve seen it. I miss you. Please, call me back. I’ll tell you all about it.”
The last time Wanda called was from the sunflower field. The two of you hadn’t been here since the night you told her you loved her. In fact, it took Wanda several hours to find it since she hadn’t been paying much attention to the route the first time you came.
Once again, the night was clear, the stars lighting up the dark canvas with their radiance. She missed the feeling of your wing wrapped around her, of your presence next to her. But she had one of your feathers in her fingers and your voice in her ear, and to ask for more would be greedy, right?
“Hi, angel. It’s Wanda. I’m calling you back to leave a message, but I can’t do it again after this because I don’t want your voicemail to fill up, okay? I’m sorry, I know I’m being selfish, but I need to be able to hear your voice, so I can’t let it fill up. But I haven’t forgotten you, I promise I haven’t. I never will. I’m still-” Wanda swallowed, a fighting effort to calm the waver in her voice. “I’m still not okay, but I’m trying. For you. But I’m not okay, I need you to call me back. I’ve named one up there Halia, but her twin sister needs a name. And naming stars is a two-person job, you know.” The witch sniffed once as the corner of her lip curved up slightly, remembering the playfulness in your voice when you’d first said the line. “Call me back, Y/N, please.”
With the message over, Wanda clutched the phone to her chest, her breaths becoming faster and shallower as she closed her eyes, trying to accept the knowledge that it’d be the last time she’d ever leave a message, the knowledge that she was really losing you… the knowledge that she already lost you.
Months went by. Wanda wasn’t sure how they did, but they did. The first sign of it was the first Halloween without you, as she saw the other couples dressing up in matching costumes that you would’ve loved, costumes you would’ve pointed out to Wanda with an excited bounce and told her you’d have to wear next year. The next was Thanksgiving, when Wanda ran through the list of everything she was thankful for and came up short when she thought about the people she still had left. And then it was Christmas, and Valentine’s Day, and the first day of summer.
And while Wanda did her best to move on, she always found herself under the stars, dialing your number. She sat on the balcony, in the sunflower field, wherever she could see the sky, and she listened to your voice telling her that you’d call her back as soon as you could, always forcing herself to hang up a second before the beep could cut you off. Wanda named every other star she saw, leaving the ones in between for you and hoping that you’d approve of the names she chose.
“I’m naming that one Angel for you, Y/N,” Wanda murmured. “It’s even brighter than Philip. It’s the brightest star in the sky. I know you think it’s silly to name things after people, but this one’s just special, so you’re gonna have to make an exception, okay?” The brunette’s lips stopped moving, but her eyes stayed wide open as she watched the star as if, if she watched it long enough, studied it hard enough, you would materialize from its luminescence. As if you would come back to her. But when you didn’t, she finally allowed her watering eyes to rest, her eyelids drooping to surround her in darkness.
“I’m not okay, Y/N.” The witch��s voice was softer than it had ever been, more tired. But this time, there was no one to whisk her off and make her forget the heaviness of it all. “I need you so badly. I love you so much. I always will. But, please, angel, call me back.”
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
The one with Victoria’s boobs
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Description | Victoria needs help taping her boobs for an upcoming performance. You get more than you bargained for.
Content | fluff
Pairing | Victoria x gn!Reader
Word Count | 2420
Some situations in life simply could not be dealt with without a strong cup of coffee. Heading out to an exam, waking up to a text from that ex who still grinds your gears, missing your train, and being late for work ... You, however, thought you were doing fine today, mood high and excited for the day ahead. You had slept in and left the hotel at a reasonable time. You’d do what you loved - make-up - and then watch the band play a kickass show. No additional kick needed to pump you up or help you deal with the hours ahead. You changed your mind the second you opened the dressing room door and came face to face with Victoria's tits. Actually - scratch that - you would need a drink to deal with this.
"Y/n! Finally! I need you, come here." While Victoria's face brightened up considerably as her eyes met yours, a smile spreading on her gorgeous lips, you could feel your cheeks heating up. She didn't seem to notice or mind, instead grabbing your hand and dragging you further into the room. Your bag slid off your shoulder, unceremoniously hitting the ground and staying there, forgotten and in the way. "If Damiano keeps ripping off the tape one more time to readjust, he's going to take my nipple off."
"Hey!" He objected. "I'm just trying to improve your boobs, lady!"
"You can't improve perfection, Damiano."
The bickering gave you a moment to evaluate the scene before you. The dressing room was a mess, clothes everywhere and a stylist bustling around, trying to keep the damage to a minimum. Ethan was currently admiring his reflection in the mirror, hands running through his hair, while Thomas kept rummaging around the chaos. And right before your eyes, Victoria, in satin trousers but topless, with Damiano still trying to fix the cross he had put across her left nipple, as Vic kept slapping his hand away.
"Honestly, babe, I need you," she pleaded as your eyes managed to remove themselves from her bare chest and met hers instead. "I can't do it myself because when I try to do it in the mirror it looks weird when I put my arms down. And Damiano just about managed one cross that doesn't look wonky as hell after about 43 attempts."
"I did not need 43 attempts! I was just trying to -"
"Stop it!" Vic slapped his hand away once more, harshly enough for the sound to echo. "Go gel your hair or something, I've got Y/n now."
"I'm your make-up artist, not -" You didn't quite know how to finish your sentence. You weren't what? Victoria's personal boob inspector? Professional nipple-taper?
"Exactly, which means you've got an eye for aesthetic, so please put this tape on me."
You couldn't refuse Vic either way. Not when she was staring at you with those impossibly blue eyes, silently begging for your help. With a sigh, you grabbed the tape out of her hand, slowly unrolling a bit. You had only known her for a little while, but well enough to be aware that she wouldn't back down. Vic was already reaching for a pair of scissors, but you were quicker, tearing the piece of tape off with your teeth.
"Sexy, but scary," Victoria concluded. "But mainly sexy."
You didn't have the mental capacity to deal with what she had just said. Actually, you didn't have the capacity to deal with what you were about to do, but that was a pill you'd simply have to swallow. You hoped your shaky fingers weren't giving you away, as you crouched to eye-level with Vic's boob.
You had never much thought about the feminine beauty of a naked woman's chest before, but your current angle was making you question all your past convictions.
Maybe you were into girls after all.
Maybe you were just into Victoria. It was a thought that had been lingering in the back of your mind for a while now.
As your fingers lightly touched her skin, careful to get the placement just right, she flinched. You looked up, gazes meeting, and for a second there was something in her eyes you couldn't quite pinpoint, but it was gone before you had a chance to reflect on it. Instead, she giggled, "It's way too hot for your hands to be this cold."
Way too hot indeed.
You tried to make quick work of the task ahead and not to stare at her breasts too intently. Not to touch her soft skin too obviously. Not to let your beating heart get the better of you.
"I knew you'd get it perfectly!" Victoria exclaimed, turning towards the mirror and examining her now partly covered boobs. "You just got that kind of eye, Y/n. Thank you so much."
She had thrown her arms around you before you could react. It shouldn't have come as much of a surprise, Vic always being a rather touchy person by nature, but this time she was half-naked, her chest pressed against your shirt. Your arms carefully wrapped around her back, briefly letting yourself enjoy the feeling of silk-like skin under your fingertips, then quickly letting go and taking a step back. Your heart had gone from beating to straight-up racing. You were in so much trouble.
"I'll just put on the rest of my outfit and then you can do my make-up, yeah?" Her eyes shone at you in gradients you hadn't seen before. All you could do was nod dumbly, knowing that nothing was ever going to be the same again.
You hadn't meant to go out drinking with the band, you really really hadn't, yet here you were, sitting in a dark corner of some trendy bar in the middle of Berlin, trying to duck out of every video they filmed for Instagram and sipping on your drink. The mood was euphoric and everyone kept singing along to the songs playing in the background, but you kept to yourself. Your mind was still spinning with images of Victoria, memories of her skin on yours, and the fact that she was standing in front of you right now didn’t help. She was beauty personified.
“Y/n! Dance with me!” Victoria pulled you out of my thoughts as she pulled you up into a standing position.
“Vic, no one is dancing in this bar.”
She had never been much impressed with what other people were doing. You quickly downed the rest of your drink, handing the glass to Damiano, who sent you a conspicuous wink. Whatever that was supposed to mean. You were still standing a little awkwardly when Victoria took your hand and twirled you around, a heavy slap to the bum hitting you while your back was towards her.
“Come on, Y/n, let loose!”
The shock of her actions only lasted a split second, before you broke out into giggles and let her pull you further into her. Her arms wrapped around your neck, trying to move you to a beat that was much too fast to be this close and entangled. You didn’t mind. Hell, you decided, you would never mind anything she did to you ever again. You didn’t even take notice of Damiano, Ethan, and Thomas dancing along around you, too focused on the way Vic was holding you and pressing you against herself. You couldn’t tell anymore if the elation you were feeling was because of the drink you’ve had or because she was looking at you the way she was. In the heat of the moment, you pushed a strand of her from her face, fingers lightly trailing along her cheek. Her mouth was on yours in an instant, pressing a bold kiss against your lips, but it was over before it started and suddenly her body wasn’t pushed up against yours anymore and you felt lost and cold. Victoria was now slinging her arms around Thomas’ neck instead, leaving a similar kiss on him, before giving Ethan and Damiano the same treatment.
Your heart couldn’t decide if it wanted to keep beating or start breaking.
The next days were pure torture. It didn’t help that Victoria had developed a newfound love for going bra-less - and an appreciation for you taping her up. Her behaviour wasn’t much better. You bent over to pick something up? Slap on the butt. She walked by you? No way she wasn’t going to brush past you in some way. Sitting on the couch? She was cuddled up to you in a heartbeat, face mushed into your neck, her breath softly tickling your skin.
Pure torture.
It all came crashing down the night Victoria decided to shake up the hotel room arrangement. She would usually room with Damiano, while you shared with other members of the team that worked behind the scenes. Until you were all gathered in the lobby of your hotel for the night and she loudly announced she was sick of listening to Damiano snore every night - “What the hell, I’ve never snored in my life?!” - and instead was going to sleep with you. Sleep with you. You didn’t miss the looks and snickers of the others as she phrased it exactly like that.
You didn’t have a choice, really. You simply weren’t the type of person to protest - and Vic knew. So you followed her up in the elevator, down the corridor, and into the room like a lovesick puppy, internally debating whether you were dreading this or looking forward to it. As soon as you had both dropped your luggage, she disappeared into the bathroom without another word. You didn’t miss the fact that she did not even attempt to close the door.
Two single beds. You breathed a sigh of relief. No awkward there-was-only-one-bed situation. Or maybe you felt a bit of disappointment. Maybe- No. This needed to stop. You were going crazy. You were supposed to do a job on this promo tour, be professional, maybe make friends with the band if you were lucky, but instead, you were falling deeper and deeper and it all ended with the fact that you had never felt this way about anyone else. It pained you to think that Victoria wasn’t feeling the same. And she definitely wasn’t - you were sure of that. She was a flirty person, she liked to touch and kiss those around her, but none of it went deeper than that. And you were going to have to accept it for what it was.
You were still in the middle of convincing yourself of not feeling anything more than friendship for Victoria when she emerged from the bathroom. Wearing nothing but a pair of panties. It was in that moment you knew you would never get over her.
“VIc, you need to stop doing this.”
Her face fell immediately, going from overly cheeky - which seemed to be her default expression these days - to genuinely concerned. Concerned, and confused. She was by your side in an instant, holding you by your upper arms, seemingly searching your face for answers.
“Do what?”
The direct question was filled with a softness that almost brought tears to your eyes. For a second you contemplated taking it back, changing the topic, and ignoring how emotionally draining the past days had been, but one look into her eyes told you that you needed to be honest with her. Now or never.
“You need to stop touching me. You need to stop riling me up at every opportunity, you need to stop teasing me and brushing up against me because-” The words seemed trapped in your throat. Victoria had moved away, immediately adhering to your request to stop touching you and you hated it. You wanted her hands back on you, you wanted all of her on you. One more deep breath. “Because I cannot stop thinking about kissing you. And I’m not talking about a little friendly peck. I’m talking about kissing the ever-loving shit out of you now and forever.”
It happened so fast. Victoria was on you before you had even finished your last words, lips pressed to yours in a heated and hurried manner, arms wrapping around you to press her body against yours. You reacted as if on autopilot, as if your body knew what to do simply because it had been waiting for it. Your hands tangled themselves in her hair as you responded eagerly to her kiss, before running them down her cheeks and to her neck.
This was nothing like the time she kissed you in the bar in Berlin. That time didn’t even come close to what was happening now. If your heart had been beating before, it was pounding out of your chest now. You thought that for as long as she promised to put her mouth on yours anytime you asked, you would be invincible.
The kiss ended rather slowly. A few pecks and staying close, breath fanning on each other’s faces, eyes still shut for a while until you two managed to separate. Victoria’s smirk was back, tenfold and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Imagined anything like that?”
“You know I did,” you admitted, feeling slightly shy all of a sudden.
“Honestly, though,” Vic said, brushing your hair from your face in the most tender motion. “I’m sorry I put you in a weird position. I think my way of flirting just didn’t work on you.”
“Oh, it worked alright,” you laughed. “I just wasn’t sure you meant it that way. Especially when you kissed me that night and then proceeded to kiss everyone.”
“Yeah, that wasn’t clever. I think I was just scared because you didn’t react so I tried to play it off.”
Victoria pushed another kiss onto your lips, sweet and short and full of reassurance, then promptly hugging you with a force that sent both of you tumbling onto one of the beds. Laughing with all your heart, you pushed her off you but made sure she never strayed too far. You couldn’t help but be amused at the state you were both in, faces heated up and giggly, you fully clothed while Victoria was still lounging in nothing but a pair of black panties.
“For God’s sake, Victoria put some clothes on,” you mocked her, even though you both knew there was no reason for you to mind it anymore.
“You know, I think it’s quite fitting,” she contemplated instead. “It started and ended with my boobs out.”
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
[4.11] mafia!wooyoung × reader
⇀ you thought he didn't care, he was sure he doesn't, he had said it so himself to you. that was, until he almost lost the chance of being able to care for you.
⇁ tw : running away, mafia life (criminal/illegal acts)
⇁ part 1 / 2 / 3
⇁ disclaimer : the author does not support any and all criminal/illegal acts. the narrative written in this story is purely fiction out of the author's imagination. the things written here does not portray real mafia life nor is the author aware of how the mafia life is like. the author is a hermit loser.
At first, Wooyoung thought you had really ran away from him. After the fight you had the previous night, how could he not ?
"All I ask is a little bit of attention! I know you could spare some for me," you exclaimed, following after Wooyoung into the home office in his mansion. Yes, his, he never once said it was yours too so you treat it as such.
Wooyoung rolled his eyes at you, "and I ask you shut that big trap you called your mouth before I shut it for you, but we can't all get what we wanted now, can we ?" He spat.
You're used to his aggressive words, it used to hurt but now the pain just comes and goes. But you're at your wit's end, he was distant when you both were first forced into engagement but he was still polite so you thought that was just the shock, but now that you're married, things got worse.
"Wooyoung," you called, leaning both of your hands on his desk aa he sit on his office chair, "it's been 8 months since we got married," he glared at you when you said that, so you sighed and change your choice of words, "since we were force into marriage... But I've been trying so hard to make this less of a chore for both of us, I don't know what else I could do! You're not even bothering to hide the fact that you hate my guts to your very core even though it wasn't my fault that we got into this! Heck, you don't even bother to acknowledge that I exist!"
Wooyoung slammed his hands down on the table, standing face to face with you, "that's right," he chuckled darkly, "I don't even bother, you know why? Because you're nothing in my life, I never ask for you, I never wanted you, you're still here because your dad's business fell through with my dad and he used you as mean of escaping because that's all you are, princess," he leaned closer to your face and spoke through gritted teeth, "a worthless burden that people toss around,"
It would've been a lie if you said that his words doesn't affect you whatsoever. Because it does.
Maybe deep down that was one of your biggest fear and having someone confirmed that made you feel sick to your stomach. You recoiled from the table, as if having been struck across your face.
Though Wooyoung had a satisfied smirk on his face, "you should know I've been planning your assasination ever since you said 'I do', I would've made it look like an accident so that my dad wouldn't be up in my ass talking about losing his insurance of control over your dad, maybe I should move the schedule up so I can get rid of you quicker,"
You stared at him for a while, not knowing that he actually hated you that much. All this time you thought it was just petty reluctance of being tied to you, but this just brought things to a whole new level.
"No..." you choked out, trying to hold back tears, "I'll take care of it myself," and with that, you ran out of his office to pack all your belongings with tears streaming down your face.
And that was the last time Wooyoung had seen you. He had heard from one of his butlers that he had seen you running around the house retrieving your things where it supposedly was earlier, you looked frantic and you hadn't even taken a second to take a break.
"And did she got out of the house today?" Wooyoung asked from his position on the couch, loosening all of the buttons on his shirt. "No, master, not that any of us know of," said butler then leaned close to Wooyoung's ears, "the cctv has been cut off, her bodyguards are dismissed, no one has tended to her nor got close to her, and I personally see to it that all windows and doors are unlocked just as you had requested,"
Wooyoung couldn't believe that he's probably a free man now, that YOU had left him so that he wouldn't be in hot water with his father.
With a glass of whiskey in his hand, he decided to look around to see whether or not you had really left while telling his maid to prepare dinner for him.
True to what he expected, he made two laps around the mansion but not once did he find you. Not even in his office with a divorce paper, as dramatic as it sound.
He finally step into his shared bedroom with you to make his final confirmation.
At first he knocked on the door, not really knowing why he did that, but when no sound came from the room he simply opened the door and walked in. He hadn't returned the night before, spending half of his night in his home office before going out with San to a bar, not realizing that it was his guilt that drove him out to drink his memory away.
Looking around the room, he couldn't really tell whether or not you had ran away. The room looked like it had been slept in the night before, he could see the spot where you laid in comparison to his side that's perfectly neat.
When he stepped into the walk-in closet, he was quite surprised at the sheer contrast to the bedroom. Your clothes thrown haphazardly, it seems like you were urgently looking for things to pack, and the more he analyze the items on the floor, the more he realized that you hadn't taken anything that was bought with his money.
But that wasn't the thing that got his attention.
It was your wedding dress that had been taken out of its garment bag, across from it, an empty bottle of wine and a box of tissues with crumpled tissues surrounding it. It looked straight out of a movie.
He walked closer to the dress and trailed a hand down it.
He remembered seeing you wear it on your wedding day. He remembered being too pissed at his father to be able to fully appreciate how ethereal you looked. He remembered how when you looked at him, he could see the redness in your eyes, indicating that you had been crying.
But over all, he remembered how his heart skipped a beat when he saw you walking closer to him. Of course, he would never admit it outwardly.
His train of thought was broken when his butler knocked on his bedroom door, "master, dinner is served," he said.
Wooyoung cleared his throat and straighten out his posture, "yes, of course, I'll be there soon," he called out.
As the footsteps of his butler fade, he carefully zip your wedding dress back into its garment bag, making sure that the dress is stored perfectly.
After that, he went to the dining room to have his dinner.
Usually, you'd be seated in your seat, across from him at the other end of the table that seats 10 people. He'd have to admit that it feels weird not seeing you smile at him after a long day of working, but he forced himself to believe that it was a good kind of weird.
Strangely, as he eat his food he felt that it doesn't match his palate, that something feels off. So he called for his head butler and asked him about it.
"Did we change cooks? Why does today's dinner taste so bland?"
His butler seemed hesitant to answer him, looking at the head maid for a bit. The middle-aged woman stepped forward from her spot, bowing slightly to avoid Wooyoung's eyes, "we did not have any change in staffs, sir, it's just that the mistress used to prepare all of your meals and considering... the circumstances, she had not prepared anything for you," she said, not even bothering to hide her bitterness that he had drove you away.
Considerably, he was shocked that you had never brought the fact up to him. But as usual, he masked his true feelings and just nod at her, continuing with his meal even though he can't seem to enjoy it.
The shock didn't stop there, though.
Over the course of the first 5 days of you leaving him, he began noticing the things that indicate your presence in his house. Or used to indicate your presence.
He never knew that you were the one who always put flowers around the mansion. He noticed this when he passed by a vase of wilting aconite. It almost broke him when he see the maids cleared all flowers, leaving an empty vase that he now associate with your absence.
He never knew that you kept tabs on food he likes and dislikes. After 3 days, he gave up on eating the food his cook made for him, firing the poor man on the spot and resorting to take outs.
He never knew that you were the one who personally arrange his wardrobe. Usually, every morning he'd find his favorite shirts or favorite sets of clothes on the front, ready for him to pick out and wear. Now that you're not here, he had to spend extra time deciding what to wear.
And lastly, he was surprised at the fact that you had never made it to your hometown.
"What do you mean she's not with her parents?" He growled at his henchmen, making them visibly scared. "W-we tried looking for her, even asking around, but no one had seen her," he explained.
All Wooyoung wanted was to hear about how you're happier without him, how you've settled back to your life without him, how he'd be assured with the fact that you leaving him was the best thing that could ever happen to you two.
Feeling that he owed this for the sake of his own closure, he ordered everyone under him to find out your whereabouts.
The desperation suffocated him, he hated the feeling.
So he ran out of his office to his garden, going to the furthest side where it is practically abandoned so that he'd be all alone to calm his mind.
What he hadn't expect to see though, was several pieces of clothes on the ground. At first he just thought that the laundry might have flown away due to the wind, but when he inspected them closer, he recognized them as yours.
"Why would these be here?" He muttered to himself as he began picking up the scattered pieces of clothes one by one. When he picked up the last piece, he noticed your suitcase by the corner of the tall wall that surround his house for protection.
The sight that made his stomach drop was a rather huge hole that could fit a person.
Wooyoung's brain put 2 and 2 together and the only reasonable conclusion made him feel like blowing up.
You had been kidnapped.
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fandomlit · 3 years
neutral, chap. 4 (dream smp x reader)
series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.
chapter summary after waking from a taunting nightmare, tommy expels some late night energy on some wandering mobs. you give him another lesson about taking care of himself, even when working hard, and tommy asks if you’ll teach him archery, which, of course, doesn’t go without entertainment.
warnings nightmares, mob killing
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gif cred belongs to @halcyoncraft
he was running again. he didn’t know where or from what, but his legs carried him far and strongly, weaving him through trees and grass and other obstacles along the way. he didn’t know how in danger he was, but he wasn’t going to stop and find out.
then he tripped.
when he flipped onto his back, it was that goddamn mask staring down at him, the lips just under it laughing, “you’re so weak, tommy! did you do anything while you were in neutral?” then his axe came down and tommy braced himself for the pain and release of death.
he woke up instead.
sweating under his covers, tommy sucked in a harsh breath as he sat up. he threw the soft cotton off of him, running a warm hand down his face. it was just a dream; he was safe in neutral.
looking out of the window next to him, he saw the moon still high in the sky, casting a cool light into his bedroom. dream’s words rang through his head like a bell, and he rubbed at his temples with a sigh. was he actually getting weak? was relaxing such a bad thing? at the very least, some part of him must have thought so to conjure a nightmare like that..
with another sigh, tommy lifted himself out of bed and flipped open the ender chest. he drew out his sword before heading to the main floor of the house.
when he reached the bottom of the stairs, a voice called out to him, “tommy?” his heart nearly stopped for a moment, before peeking into the kitchen and realizing it was just y/n. she sat in candlelight, writing in a small journal with a slice of half-eaten pumpkin pie next to her. “are you alright?”
“yeah,” he breathed, his voice still heavy with sleep. “just gonna go kill some mobs.”
she nodded. she looked tired, and a part of tommy felt bad knowing that she was most definitely going to wait for him to return. “okay. have at it, kid.”
he nodded, turning to leave the kitchen. before he did so, he pursed his lips and looked over his shoulder to y/n. “you should go to bed.”
she gave him a smile, scribbling something down in the small journal. “i will, tommy. just gotta finish this up..” his natural curiosity was drawn to the small book, and he almost asked y/n what she was writing. but then dream’s voice rang through his mind again, and tommy silently headed for the doors of the house.
the night air was refreshing on his warm skin, cool and still as the moon illuminated the frontal beauty of neutral territory. he took a deep, calming breath of that crisp air before focusing on the task at hand: proving to himself that dream was wrong. that dream is always wrong.
after about twenty zombies, ten spiders, countless creepers, and a few endermen, tommy finally felt the burn in his arms become nearly too much to bear. he panted as he struck down one last spider, turning and finally deciding to return back to the comfort of y/n’s home.
he sheathed his sword when he finally entered the house, going straight to the kitchen to see that y/n was still awake and writing in her small journal.
“ready to go to bed?” he asked gruffly.
she looked up slowly before nodding, placing her quill down and capping her ink. “any trouble out there?”
“no,” he spoke, shaking his head. “wrote everything you needed to?” y/n blew out her candle and went to join the boy in the doorway to the kitchen.
“as much as i could, anyway,” she shrugged, smiling lazily as they began to walk toward the stairs. “what was your nightmare about?”
tommy was slightly startled, but a little too tired to react drastically to y/n’s deduction. “how’d you know i had a nightmare?”
“i’ve had them before,” she said simply. “and it seemed natural that you’d expel some energy onto mobs after such a thing.”
“you’re smart,” tommy credited.
“thank you,” y/n yawned.
they continued to climb the stairs in silence as tommy considered his words. “i was being hunted by dream again, but this time you weren’t there to save me. he called me weak and killed me.”
“so you wanted to prove to yourself that despite allowing yourself peace, you didn’t have to sacrifice your strength to get there,” y/n summed.
the boy half-smiled. she was spot on, as always. “exactly,” tommy breathed. 
y/n was silent for a moment as she thought. they stopped at the hallway to tommy’s room and it then occurred to tommy’s tired mind that her room was downstairs; she was walking with him because she cared about him. 
“honestly, tommy, if this is a real concern for you, then there is no harm in taking time out of your day to work out and train,” y/n spoke. “but the most important thing is to recognize when enough is enough, and when enough becomes too much. you’ve allowed yourself peace and care for the last two weeks, and achieving such a state doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice fighting or training; it just means that you need to be more aware and in tune with yourself as you’re doing it.” tommy nodded.
“don’t overwork yourself, is the summary here,” she said, picking a cobweb off of his shirt. “let yourself do the things you want, but make sure it’s not wearing you down. that’s taking care of yourself.”
“alright,” tommy spoke quietly. “thank you, y/n.”
“of course, kid,” she smiled. “get some sleep, alright? if you have another nightmare you’re free to bother me.” tommy nodded again. “good night, tommy.”
“good night, y/n,” he yawned as she turned to head down to her room. he made sure he heard her door shut before finally heading to his own room.
“can you teach me archery?” tommy questioned the next morning at breakfast. it was a question that had bugged him since y/n had first revealed her skills just a few days prior, and since he was going to start training, he figured that might be a good place to start.
“sure,” she chuckled as she scooped some more fruit onto his nearly half-eaten plate of french toast.
“why the laugh?” he questioned through a mouthful of berries.
she shrugged to herself. “your curiosity is showing.”
“i’ve been wondering about it since you took out the mob,” tommy admitted. “if i want to get stronger.. i think this is a good way to.”
“perfecting a skill is the perfect way to get stronger,” y/n voiced. “of course i’ll teach you, kid.” she smiled and he turned back to his breakfast with his own grin. “finish up your food and meet me in the basement; we gotta get you a bow first.”
tommy hadn’t been in the basement of the house yet. he opened the heavy, dusty trapdoor and assumed y/n didn’t go down their often either. he slid down the ladder easily and was immediately hit with heat.
y/n had a welding station upstairs in her shop area, but the basement had a more broad and intense version of that area. several anvils, all cracked and rusted and adorned with different materials were scattered in a sort of pattern amongst the space, a fire burning high in a fireplace at the far side of the room. seeing no sign of y/n, tommy moved to the room to his left.
the next room held a large nether portal, as well as a small farm for netherwart. the dark room felt empty to him, and he had to remind himself that he was in fact in y/n’s house still. he remembered she had said that she didn’t like going to the nether.
“i’m in here, tommy!” she called out. he took another left into a small storage room, where y/n was rustling through a chest. “how tall are you, kid?”
“6’1”,” he answered.
y/n smiled. “you’re a lot taller than i’ll ever be.” she took out a pretty oak bow, slightly scratched and obviously old. “you’ll have to use this for now, until i can make you one that’s your size.” he took the bow from her hands, shrugging.
“it’s fine.”
“good,” she hummed, still shuffling through the chest as tommy took the time to look around the small room.
“what’re the dispensers for?” tommy asked, staring at the wall that held the three stone tools.
“im nothing if not prepared, tommy,” y/n spoke as she took out a quiver and began to fill it with arrows for him. “in case of emergency, those dispensers will set off flares to let others know that im in trouble or that neutral is in danger.”
tommy nodded, still looking at the obviously unused dispensers. “smart.”
“i hope so,” she sighed, handing him the quiver of arrows. he strapped it around himself as she continued, “let’s just hope i never have to use them, yeah?”
“yeah,” he chuckled. she gave him a smile, hoisting her bow higher in her grip.
“you ready to shoot some things?”
“relax your shoulders,” y/n reminded. tommy did so, his fingers still white with effort against the taut string of the bow. “don’t pull so hard, tommy. you’re shaking.” he sighed as he let the string and arrow go limp, lowering his bow as y/n approached him closer.
it was his second day of archery training, and he was still missing nearly every target. y/n was a calm and collected teacher, offering him advice that was pointed directly for him and reassured him that there was no rush in the learning process. but after missing fifteen or so shots in a row, tommy was getting frustrated.
and it didn’t help with sapnap and george staring at him through the kitchen windows.
“doin’ great, kid,” sapnap encouraged weakly, taking a drink of the lemonade y/n had lovingly prepared for the boys. just watching the older man sip made tommy’s mouth dry, but he was determined to make five shots in a row before taking a break.
tommy glared at the man before turning his gaze back to his mentor. “ignore him, tommy,” y/n spoke gently. “nick couldn’t hit a target if it was three paces away.”
“that’s a lie!”
“im kidding,” y/n laughed, placing a hand on tommy’s shoulder and turning him away from the distraction that was sapnap. “but seriously, there’s almost always going to be someone watching when you shoot. the more you can tune them out, the better. just focus on your aim--and make sure your grip is looser. you’re gonna snap that string in no time otherwise.”
“loose grip, focus on aim,” tommy breathed and she patted his shoulder as he turned back to the target ahead of him. he hoisted the bow up slowly and pulled the string back just enough that it wasn’t fully taut. he made sure his aim was a little higher than his target, and released the whizzing arrow. the arrow pierced just outside of the center ring.
“perfect,” y/n smiled. “now, do it again.” and he did, taking another deep breath and allowing himself to focus in on the feel of the rough wood on his fingertips, and the tight string he was pulling. the arrow hit just beside his last. she nodded encouragingly. “keep going.”
tommy could feel his heart start to thump in his chest from the excitement of his accurate aim. he took another calming breath and watched as the arrow lodged closer to the center.
“great aim,” she complimented and he grinned as he pulled another one back, trying to contain his shaking as he aimed. the arrow shot lower than his previous, but on the target nonetheless. “still a good shot. one more?”
“yeah,” tommy nodded, licking his dry lips as he retrieved another arrow from his quiver. heart still thumping with utter excitement and pride at y/n complimentary words, he quickly released the arrow and his smile dropped as the arrow lodged into the ground before the target.
“hey, that’s fine!” y/n assured as tommy groaned and dropped his head. “four in a row is an amazing improvement, tommy. you should take a break and reward yourself.”
tommy sighed, looking to the shameful arrow. “yeah. alright.” he dropped the bow to the ground along with his quiver. he looked to his slightly splintered fingers. “im gonna go.. wash up.”
“alright,” y/n smiled as tommy scampered away. she entered into the open kitchen, smiling at her guests. “you boys doing alright?”
they nodded. “when did you take up parenting, y/n?” george giggled. she rolled her eyes as she went to pour her and tommy their own glasses of lemonade. “no, seriously! you care for that kid a lot, it-it’s not a bad thing!”
she sighed, leaning against her counter as she sipped at her lemonade. “i know you two haven’t always agreed with him in the past, but i think tommy’s a good kid. i like his ethic, and i think he has a lot of potential. but that being said..” she shook her head. “he’s so young.” the boys nodded. “he’s been thrown into such a life of chaos and destruction, and im not saying he’s at all innocent, but.. i think it’s good for him to learn that there’s more to this world than just war and enemies. there’s...”
“neutral,” sapnap finished for her. she let out a laugh.
“yeah, neutral,” she agreed, tapping her fingers against her cold glass. “but, yeah, if teaching him peace and self care is motherly of me..” she shrugged. “then i guess im alright with being a parent.”
“that’s sweet,” sapnap nodded. “i hate it.” the three of them laughed, y/n laying a light slap on the man’s arm before tommy’s voice called out to her.
“y/n! can i have some help?”
“im coming!” she called back, setting down her glass of lemonade.
“go help your poor son,” george teased, resting his head in his hand as he gazed at y/n amusedly. she rolled her eyes.
“behave, you two,” she laughed before leaving the kitchen.
there was a moment of silence before george spoke, “i do think it’s quite sweet how y/n’s taken tommy in. i think it’s good for both of them.”
“you say that now,” sapnap sighed, leaning back in his chair. “but just wait until tommy’s back to feeling 100% and y/n’s going around saying “pog” all the time.”
tag list!! @vanhakirja @victory-is-here @inkyynki @airiour @sylum @kiritokunuwu @221bee-slytherin @bllatrixcarpnter @soullesstaco @stxrryb1tch @amibismexy @keiarma @akaichi-blog @runningoffofcaffeine @nonetookind @aquilla-favonia @feverish-dove @izuruamme @weeb-bb @bialin @justachillbisexual @kiritokunuwu @natalie-is-a-wall comment below or message me if you would like to be added <3
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zackcollins · 3 years
my heart || shohei ohtani
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Author’s Note: Hello, my peeps! This was another anonymous request I got! It was a request based on a three second clip someone sent me of Ohtani hitting his bat against something in frustration. They asked me to write something based around that. I hope I did it justice for whoever sent it in! Let me know! GIF credit to canubelievethis!
Warnings: Maybe an allusion to sexual overtones? It’s nothing graphic or anything. There’s just a make out session that gets a little steamy. I’ll include the warning just to be safe because you can never be too careful, ya know?
Word Count: 1.3k+
Title: She’s Got It All by Kenny Chesney
Additional: The reader is mentioned to be a member of the Angels. So, maybe that would make them masculine since, as far as we know, every player in the MLB is masculine. That being said, I still made the language vague to make them appear to be gender-neutral because I thought it would be nice for everyone to be able to envision themselves as being a baseball player. Ya know? Also. I didn’t know who the heck the Angels were playing on the day the clip was timestamped for. So like. I just decided for the sake of the fic, they’re playing Oakland. Hope that’s okay...? Anyways! I hope everyone enjoys this. and, as always, I love hearing feedback!
From where you were sitting in the dugout, you could tell that Shohei wasn’t happy as soon as he walked down the steps. He normally gave you a smile or a nod; this time, however, he ignored you and went straight for the equipment cubby that was next to the lineup card.
Just as you turned to ask him what was wrong, you saw him slam his bat against one of the compartments and mutter something angrily in Japanese. You could tell that he wanted to slam his helmet down but you saw him think better of it because he took it off and simply placed it inside of his cubby. He carefully slid his bat and protective gear in alongside it before he walked over to the bench and sat down beside you.
“Everything alright?” You asked, though you asked in Japanese so nobody else on the team would fully pick up on what you were saying.
Shohei looked at you pointedly and shook his head. He sighed and ran a hand down his face before he looked back out over the field. “That at bat was bullshit. I should’ve gotten a hit.”
You brought your hand over and gently squeezed his knee. Shohei brought his own hand over and squeezed your knee, running his thumb along your knee briefly. You shivered a little, swallowing thickly at how nice the sensation made you feel. Shohei then brought his hand up and started massaging your thigh. Your throat went completely dry as you looked down at his hand and then up at him. He wasn’t even looking at you; he was still focused on what was happening on the field. And that appeared to be Oakland getting ready for their turn at the plate because Jared had grounded out to Matt Olson.
When you realized you hadn’t responded to what Shohei had said yet, you swallowed to collect yourself. You didn’t want to sound too distressed when you spoke for fear of giving away how Shohei rubbing your thigh was really making you feel.
“I know that’s how you feel,” you said, though your voice still came out croakier than you would’ve liked. Shohei shifted his attention from the field to look at you, his expression one of slight amusement.  He had a smirk on his face as he continued to run his hand along your inner thigh, though he had moved it lower so that it was further away from your crotch. “But Sean threw a nasty pitch. I think you should be proud of yourself for even getting wood on it to pop out to Chapman.”
Shohei hummed, nodding along to what you were saying. “Maybe you’re right. A pitcher like myself should be able to recognize the talent of another pitcher such as Sean Manaea.”
Shohei smiled as he continued to run his hand along your inner thigh. You inhaled sharply when he once again got close to your crotch. Shohei raised an eyebrow and quirked the corner of his lip into a smile. He motioned his head toward the tunnel that lead to the clubhouse before he slipped off the bench and walked away. You waited a few minutes so it didn’t seem suspicious before you followed after him.
Once you were in the tunnel and away from the cameras and the prying eyes of your teammate, you smoothed out the crease Shohei’s hand had caused in your pants. Shohei only smirked as he grabbed both of your wrists, held your hands above your head, and backed you against the wall. You made a surprised noise because you hadn’t been expecting to be manhandled like that, though you weren’t exactly going to complain when you looked at Shohei and saw the look of pure determination in his eyes.
Shohei slotted his knee between your legs as he smirked at you. He grabbed both of your wrists between one hand, using the other hand to wipe some sweat off of your forehead. You breathed a couple of uneven breaths, suddenly very overwhelmed by what was transpiring. When Shohei brought his free hand down to untuck your jersey, you swallowed thickly and rocked your hips against his knee.
“How long?” Shohei asked, putting his hand underneath your jersey once it was untucked. He carefully began to move it along your skin, shifting it to your side to gently brush his fingertips over your ribs. You shivered as you rocked down against his knee again. Shohei looked at you pointedly and squeezed your wrists tightly. “How long, (Y/N)?”
“Huh... How luh—long for what?” You stuttered a little because you were having trouble keeping your breathing even from how overwhelmed Shohei was making you feel.
“How long have you wanted to do this with me?”
“Seh... Sehc—second week of the season.”
Shohei leaned in so that his lips were just barely separated from your ear. He blew a warm breath against the shell, causing you to shiver before he whispered: “Second week of spring training for me.”
You swallowed around a thick knot in your throat as Shohei dropped your wrist. Without hesitation, you brought your hands to the front of his jersey, pushed him backwards, and connected your lips to his. Shohei smirked into the kiss before he started moving his lips in tandem with yours. To make matters worse, he was gently, tortuously moving his knee against your crotch. It was making you want to hit him with the baseball bat in the same way he hit the equipment cubbies with his baseball bat earlier. It was driving you mad and you loved it.
“Uh... Shohei? (Y/N)?”
You pulled your lips apart and turned to see who had interrupted you. Standing at the top of the stairs was Max Stassi. He was holding an iPad and looking rather flustered.
“Can we help you, Max?” You asked, dropping your hands from Shohei’s jersey and sticking them in your pants pockets instead.
“I, uh, came to find you,” he pointed to you as he held up the iPad, “I wanted to discuss how we’re gonna attack the A’s hitters tomorrow since I’m the one catching your start.”
You glanced up at Shohei; Shohei nodded before he stepped backwards.
“Alright. I’ll come have a look so we can figure it out.”
“Th—Thanks.” Max rubbed the back of his neck as he looked nervously between you and Shohei. “Sorry to interrupt by the way. Do you two need a few more minutes? I’m willing to wait.”
Shohei shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“No, it’s alright. We can pick this up later.” He leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek. You felt your face heat up as you looked over at Max; Max smiled awkwardly as he shifted from foot to foot and fidgeted with the iPad in his hands. “We’ve waited this long to get together. What’s waiting a little longer?”
You reached out and patted Shohei on the chest, smiling weakly as you did. Shohei chuckled as he patted your upper arm in return. He kicked your cleat before he walked away, walking past Max and back into the dugout. You saw him slap Max’s ass and mouth ‘sorry’ as he walked past but all Max did was chuckle nervously and give a half-assed thumbs up in reply.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, Max,” you said after a few minutes of awkward silence.
Max looked at you with a confused expression as he leaned against the doorway. He held the iPad against his chest and crossed his ankles over one another.
“I’m not uncomfortable,” he chuckled. “Trust me. I’d tell you if I was.”
“What’s the problem then? Because you look like something’s off.”
“Everyone had a bet going for how long it would take you two to get together.”
“Who won?”
Max smirked, motioning over his shoulder. “Shohei.”
“I’m your bastard, though!” Shohei yelled from somewhere in the dugout.
“Yes. Yes you are.”
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