#(( she does not need her phone in the same way liam
royalreef · 7 months
@archivalwrite || Continued from here
She stretched her hands outwards, gesturing again only once to call another serf over to her, and immediately they withdrew a cloth to begin to clean Miranda's claws for her. They tilted their head low, reverent, eyes cast down to their work, polishing each scale and working short, webbed digits around each pad on her palm. The otter didn't look up to Liam, switching instead between soap and wet cloth and another cloth and polish and finally a scented oil, content to keep work on attending to Miranda's hands, ensuring they were clean to perfection, instead of attempting to broach a conversation that they understood they were not a part of.
Miranda, who was still acting as though all of this was so mundane that she did not even have to pay it her full attention, something which Liam himself could attest to — looked down at the ground, less at the serf which was tending to her, and moreso like she was peering through them, looking at something which was not there simply to not look back at Liam.
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"I mean — it would not be so hard, I do not think," she mouths the words down at the top of the serf's head. Maybe they are listening. Maybe they are not, because their ears are folded down, small as they are, nearly hidden beneath all the fur covering their body. Miranda certainly would not care either way, because this is not a secret she has to be wary of around her own staff.
This is not a secret either, but the aftertaste of secrets is still in her mouth, wrapped around her tongue, and she has yet to fully chew her way back out of it.
Would the serf even understand the profundity of the secret at hand either? Probably not. Things were different, when she broached the legal boundary between the Merkingdom and anything else left, and the space between Liam and Miranda and the serf was vast.
"It has only been... What, seven years since I first obtained a phone? And I do not truly use them when I return home either... Whoever else would I talk to if not you? It is not as though anyone else within the kingdom has any number I could collect."
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lnlightning81 · 2 months
Summary : You need help during a race weekend and after asking everyone you could, Liam suggests you ask Max an old friend
Pairing/s: Max Fewtrell x Engineer!Single Mum!Reader, Paul Aron x Engineer!Reader (Platonic)
Appearances : Bryan Bozzi, Liam Lawson, Oscar Piastri, Lando Norris, Oliver Oakes
Warning/s : Mention of death
Word Count : 5.3k
Max Fewtrell Masterlist
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Being a race engineer was hard enough as it is, but being a race engineer with a little baby was even harder. Normally, you were able to find someone within Hitech to watch your baby girl -Aurora- but this week everyone was a little bit more busy than normal 
“You know if I wasn’t racing I’d watch Rory” Paul smiled, waving his hands at the baby in your arms 
“I know you would, Paul, but we’re on pole today, and we’re going to convert it to a win” You smiled, rubbing his shoulder 
“I want to top the championship again” You nodded with a proud smile 
“We’re going to get you there” You nodded, placing Rory down on the office floor. Going over the data from last year and the last race with Paul was not as easy as it looked because he was always getting distracted by the smallest things, including Rory, who was playing with her toys. 
It was an hour later when you were walking through the F1 paddock to meet up with Bryan, who you were helping slightly with his new role within Ferrari. Sat in the Ferrari meeting room with Rory in a sling as you talked Bryan through some basic information he’d need to know for this race about the race engineering side of things. 
“You don’t fancy babysitting, do you?” You asked Bryan as you walked out of the Ferrari garage 
“Sorry I’ve still got my performance coach jobs to do” You nodded 
“Was worth a shot anyway” You sighed 
“Hey Y/N” Liam smiled instantly, going to play with Rory like the biggest child he was. 
“Hey there, sweets. Hey, what are you saying today, hmm?” Liam asked Aurora 
“She’s asking if her favourite non-biological uncle wants to babysit her?” You asked with a smile
“Sorry Y/N/N VCARBS got me on standby cause Yuki isn’t feeling the best after his crash yesterday” You sighed with a nod 
“Well good luck if that happens” You smiled, rubbing his shoulder. Liam was your first driver when you joined Hitech, but at that point, you were still on probation and starting to learn everything. 
“Max is in the Mclaren garage though” He shrugged, and you smiled 
“Liam Lawson, you are the best. I really hope you get that seat, but I’ll keep the rest of my opinions to myself” You hugged him as he said bye to Aurora. Walking back to the F2 paddock, you searched out the old phone number you hadn’t used in a very long time. 
You and Max used to be close because he was good friends with Liam and used to hang around the Hitech garage and being the same age it was easy to get along with him. 
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You sat Aurora down on a play mat in the meeting room as you sat to work on quick information before qualifying for the day. Paul walked in a couple of minutes later, sitting down opposite you with his elbows on the table and head resting on his hands 
“Hello there, Mr Aron” You looked at him, and he smiled 
“There’s a guy here to see you” He smirked, and you frowned 
“A guy? Does this guy have a name?” You asked, glancing at Aurora to make sure she’s okay. 
“Max. That’s all he said, but it’s Norris’ friend Max. I can’t remember his last name” He shrugged, getting up and walking out
“Paul” you called, and he stuck his head in through the door 
“Tell him where I am? He knows his way about” You asked with a polite smile 
“Only cause I’ve got to listen to you” You chuckled, turning back to the data finishing up the report you were writing for Paul. There was a knock on the door, and you turned to look at it. A smile grew on your face as you spotted Max waving him in as Aurora waved her hands at the new figure. 
“Hey stranger” He smiled, and you chuckled a little 
“I’m not the stranger. You’re the one that doesn’t visit” 
“Touche” Max nodded, and you motioned him to sit down, to which he sat down next to you 
“Still focused on data, I see” You nodded
“You know I’m a sucker for some good data” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“So how are you doing?” He asked 
“Stressed but happy, I guess” You shrugged 
“How about you? Saw you’ve gained quite a few followers on twitch” You smiled, and he nodded 
“Yeah. Taking a break from racing was really the thing that I needed, and I’m glad I did it” You smiled 
“I’m glad to hear you’re doing better” You nodded as Aurora clapped her hands. You looked down at her, picking her up 
“This little cutie, why you’re stressed?” He asked as Rory grabbed his finger 
“Yeah she’s also the massive favour I need” You bit your lip, and he nodded 
“Need a babysitter?” He asked, and you nodded 
“You’re totally free to say no. I know you’ve never actually met her in person and just seen pictures on instagram, but if you could, I would be so grateful and would pay you back however you wanted” You sighed 
“Can I?” He asked, holding his arms out, and you nodded, handing her over 
“She likes attention, so as long as she’s got that she’s the happiest baby ever” you explained, and he nodded 
“I’m sorry about your boyfriend. I just know he would have been the greatest dad” You nodded with a sigh 
“She looks so much like him sometimes it hurts” Max placed a hand on your knee, gently caressing it 
“Sorry I shouldn’t have brought it up” You placed your hand on top of his gently, holding his hand 
“Do you need a babysitter all weekend?” You nodded 
“Unfortunately. I can normally find someone within the team or someone that I know, but unfortunately I’m not able to this weekend” Max nodded 
“Then I’ll watch her all weekend if you need” He smiled, and you hugged him 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you” You smiled, letting out a breath 
“But I’m taking her to the Mclaren garage tomorrow” You chuckled 
“Forget about your own past then and go to your future” You joked, and he jokingly shoved you away 
“But honestly, whatever you want in return I’ll do it” You sat back, rubbing your face in relief 
“Go on a date with me” He whispered, and you looked at him
“What?” You asked 
“I’ve been wanting to ask you for years and now that you’re due me something in return I feel like now is the perfect time to ask” He hummed with a slight smirk hidden underneath a smile 
“Fine. On Sunday as payment” You nodded, and he smiled, looking at the wall 
“You need to get ready for qualifying. I’ll wait in here with this cutie” He smiled 
“Aurora or Rory. I think you probably already knew that though” Max nodded 
“I did. I follow you on instagram and check up on you every so often” You chuckled, getting up kissing Rory’s head 
“Thank you again, Max. If she needs her diaper changed there’s diapers in my office. Same place that it used to be. She’s been fed, so she’ll be fine until after qualifying. Any other worries, please just text me. Don’t even think about crossing the pit lane” Max nodded 
“Please don’t worry about her. I promise she’ll be okay in my care. Are you okay if I call LN over, though?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Yeah it’s fine” You smiled, grabbing your pass and walking out of the meeting room. You let out a breath, knowing that you could do your job without worrying about Rory. 
And that’s what you did. Paul had a good qualifying session for both the sprint and feature race. Once that was over, you quickly rushed back to the meeting room. Max was sitting on the floor with Rory, who was giggling at him as she pulled on his beard. You chuckled, sitting down at the desk as Max looked up at you 
“She’s a little cutie, but she’s also a trouble child” You nodded with a laugh 
“Did I forget to mention that part?” You joked 
“Do you need me to stay until after the debrief?” Max asked 
“That would be really helpful, but I’m not sure that’s allowed” you replied, and he nodded 
“What if I take her for a walk? Is she due a nap?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Actually that would be really helpful. If I put her in the pram, would you be okay with taking her for a walk?” You asked 
“I wouldn’t have offered it if it wasn’t okay. I can walk her over to the F1 paddock, and you can get her from there when you’re done for the day” He suggested 
“Thank you again, Max. I really appreciate this just being sprung on you after us not talking for ages”
“For this little troublesome cutie I’d do it more often if you needed” You chuckled 
“Trust me, you won’t be saying that by Sunday night” You smiled, grabbing her pram from the side of the room before building it and putting her in it. You gave her her binkie before turning to Max. 
“Okay she should be good until I’m finished for the day” You smiled, and he nodded, walking with her just as everyone started filling the room. After debriefing, you packed up Rory’s toys and your own stuff before walking over to the F1 paddock and over to the Mclaren garage. 
“Hey Y/N” Oscar smiled, standing at his car 
“Hey Oscar. Have you seen Max?” You asked, and he pointed towards Lando’s side of the garage
“Thanks” You walked over and into the garage, smiling at the mechanics that you knew 
“There she is” Max smiled gently, rocking the pram 
“Hey babysitting, looking good on you” you joked, looking into the pram
“She makes it easy” You laughed as he let you take the pram 
“Thank you again. I’ll text you later with my meeting times and all that kind of thing” Max nodded 
“See you tomorrow” You walked out of the Mclaren garage, ready for the best sleep of your week. 
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When the next day rolled around and you were walking into the F2 paddock, you knew that Rory was going to be in safe hands and that you just had to be ready for the race ahead. 
Max was standing outside the Hitech garage leaning against one of the walls, talking to one of the mechanics he knew as Rory played with our hands strapped to your chest 
“Hey Y/N” Max smiled as you walked over 
“Hey there, Mr Babysitter” you joked
“Is the nugget ready for her big day with lots of affection?” Max asked, and you nodded 
“She sure is, but I’m gonna keep her for the morning if that’s okay” Max nodded 
“Of course it is. Want me there?” He asked 
“If you don’t mind sitting on the floor with her again” Max shook his head 
“Would be my pleasure” You smiled, leading him inside and to the meeting room that was going to be used for the day. Setting up Rory’s stuff on the floor before setting her on the floor beside Max 
“Thank you again Max” You smiled, and he nodded. Sitting down to do morning brief, Paul walked in, instantly going over to Aurora
“Hey maiustus (sweets)” Paul smiled, squishing her cheeks
“Paul please sit down, the whole team is just waiting on you” You complained and he sat down going over yesterday’s data and things that had to be done today to get a good finish in the sprint. 
Once all the other members of the team had finally left, you turned around to Rory. Paul was still sitting next to you as he scrolled through his phone, definitely avoiding his trainer but not wanting to admit it. Rory reached her arms up with a giggle as you picked her up 
“Hey little troublemaker” You kissed her head as you got up from the seat, Max, stretching his back as you chuckled at him 
“I know I said she needs attention to be happy, but you don’t have to sit on the floor with her” You smiled as he got up 
“Easier to get down to her level rather than bring her up to mine” He shrugged 
“She likes sitting on the table” you shrugged, closing the meeting room door and pulling the blinds down so that no one could see in as you heard Paul whine 
“Thought you were hiding me, but I just saw the time” You laughed, ruffling his hair as you sat down again 
“You really need to go start your warm up and do media though Paul” You sighed, feeding Rory as Paul groaned, getting up 
“Only cause I wanna win” You laughed as Max stood awkwardly 
“You can sit Fewtrell” You chuckled at his face. Poor guy was uncomfortable even being in the same room as you fed Aurora. 
“I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable” He frowned, and you shrugged 
“I’ve been doing this for the past four months with strangers. We’re not strangers. Therefore, I don’t care” you replied, looking up at him as he sat down. 
A little while later, Aurora was finished feeding, burped, and had her diaper changed before you handed her over to Max for the day who was taking her over to the Mclaren motorhome. You explained where everything in her bag was kept along with how to warm some milk up in case she needed it. Max assured you multiple times that she would be okay and that you could just come to the Mclaren garage to get her at the end of the day. 
Throughout the day, Max was subject to some teasing from Lando about his babysitting as Lando knew about his crush on you and had for many years. 
Once the race and debrief were done, you were finally able to leave the F2 paddock with Paul trailing behind you because he didn’t want to be alone again. In reality, he was hiding from the ice bath he was meant to be in, but he’d never admit that to anyone. 
“Hey Y/L/N” Andrea Stella smiled as you walked over to the Mclaren garage 
“Hey. I’m looking for Lando. Well I’m assuming he’s with Lando” You shrugged 
“Oh he’s in the hospitality with Max and a random child?” He frowned, and you nodded 
“Perfect. That’s my second born” you joked, nudging your head in Paul’s direction. Andrea laughed 
“I’m on three or so now” He joked, and you laughed 
“They learn to listen any better any time?” You asked, and he shook his head with a laugh 
“No. Never” You laughed, shaking your head 
“Damn it. Well I’m gonna find my baby and her newest babysitters” You walked off to the Mclaren hospitality with Paul trailing behind you, scrolling through his phone. You walked inside, looking about as Paul instantly walked over to Rory, picking her up off the table. You followed him over, rolling your eyes as Paul picked up his role with Rory. 
At this point, Paul was like Rory’s big brother, and there was nothing you could do to stop how much he actually loved your little girl. You took another picture as you leaned against the chair Max was sitting in, smiling at Lando, and Oscar was sitting opposite him. 
“Hey. Looked like a good race” Max smiled up at you as you nodded 
“Hey. It was a very good race considering the pit stop errors” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“How was Aurora?” You asked him, looking over at Paul and Aurora
“Think I’ve got a bald spot in my beard now. However, apart from that, she was an angel” Max shrugged, showing you a picture of Rory sitting in Lando’s car. You chuckled 
“If she looked tiny in the F2 cars, she looked even smaller in that F1 car” You chuckled, and he laughed 
“You in a rush out of here?” Max asked, and you shook your head 
“Nope. I do need to stop by and see Liam, though. Wish him luck for tomorrow” You shrugged, and Max pulled out the seat next to him, and you sat down
“Still wouldn’t move up to F1?” Oscar asked, and you looked over at Rory and Paul, who were sat on the floor 
“I think if Paul was to move up, then I would, but only with Paul, he actually listens to me” You glared at Max, who shrugged 
“I wasn’t your driver. I was just there to annoy you” Max shrugged, and you rolled your eyes. Over the next half an hour, you spoke with Lando, Max, and Oscar, but Lando and Oscar soon had to go get ready for qualifying, so it was just you and Max. Paul was rocking Aurora to sleep as you watched him with a tilt of your head. 
“I keep losing my daughter to my driver” You chuckled, getting up
“Same time tomorrow?” Max asked, and you nodded
“Only if you’re still okay with looking after her for another day” You rested a hand on the back of his seat. Max was doing you a favour, and you didn’t want to push him to do something he wasn’t completely comfortable with. 
“Yeah, of course I’m okay with it. Actually I’m more than okay with it because I get something out of this as well” He smiled looking up at you to the outside world it looked like he was deadly in love but to yourself it just looked like Max was happy.
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Sunday was always a busy day. However, this weekend just felt like it was an even busier day. Sat in your office, Aurora sat in her pram asleep as you sat with your headphones in going over some basic work you didn’t hear Max come in. 
He stood next to you, gently pushing a piece of hair out of your face as you sat back in your seat, looking up at him when you felt his presence standing next to you. You smiled up to him, taking your headphones off 
“Morning” He smiled, taking the pen out of your hand and placing it down on the table 
“Hey. Didn’t hear you come in” You hummed, looking up at him after following his actions with the pen 
“That’s because you were so caught up in your work that you didn’t hear anything, including Paul” You frowned, looking at the time. You hadn’t missed any meetings or events that you were due to be at. 
“It’s fine he just wanted to see if you wanted anything to eat” You nodded slightly 
“I had breakfast before coming here” You looked at the time again as Max sat down next to you 
“I’m gonna take Aurora a walk around the paddock then into Mclaren, and I was thinking that you could always come watch the F1 race with me from there?” He offered, and you nodded 
“I quite like the sound of that” You smiled, tilting your head slightly 
“And I was thinking about our date” He started, and you quickly interrupted him 
“Can we do it back home? My flight out of here is tonight, and I can’t get it changed unless I pay for it and after” You paused, glancing over at Rory 
“Let me worry about that. I’m the one that asked you out on the date, so I’ll worry about that” He smiled, gently resting his hand on top of yours. 
“So how’s the little darling today?” He asked, looking over at Aurora’s pram. 
“She’s quite sleepy today, so bonus for you, I guess. However, it's just because she’s starting to teeth, so she might get a little fussy or bite you” You shrugged, and he nodded, getting up just as Paul and his trainer walked in Paul was clearly in a mood about something as you raised your eyebrows. 
Max played with your hair as he stood behind you, and you couldn’t help but smile a little. He used to do that when Liam was your driver a few years ago. It’s like to this day even after limited contact, he still knew when you were hiding your stress 
“He won’t let me have a chocolate bagel” Paul huffed, throwing himself down on the chair Max was previously in as you looked at his trainer who shrugged 
“Too many carbs before a race. Especially when it’s half an hour away. I suggested alternatives, but that wasn’t good enough” The man just shrugged before turning and walking out the room, clearly not wanting to have this fight again
“Paul, we've been over this. You can’t come expecting me to solve your carb problem. I’ve already snuck you enough this weekend as it is. Why don’t you have a smoothie? I know you’re just bored, which is why you’re eating” Paul gave you a look as if you’d just suggested murdering his whole family. 
“You can get me and Max one while you’re there” you suggested, knowing that Paul would do anything for anyone else if offered the opportunity, so Paul got up and left the room again. You looked up at Max the top of your head resting against his stomach 
“I know I asked you on a date and agreed to babysit your child, but have I ever told you how good you look doing your job?” He asked, and you raised a brow thinking about it 
“I believe you may have back when I was a taken woman” You shrugged with a slight smirk 
“You’re trouble, you know that?” He asked as you tilted your head to the side a little, turning around to fully face him 
“Me? Never? That’s all Aurora, and she doesn’t even get it from me” you joked, and he laughed, looking down at you. You couldn’t help but smile up at him. 
“How long does it take for Paul to get some smoothies?” Max asked, and you shrugged
“No idea? In a rush to go somewhere?” You questioned, and he shook his head 
“No. Was just wondering” You nodded, turning back to the data, and he sighed, sitting down 
“You’re not going to stop, are you?” He questioned 
“Nope. I am not. I need to get this finished before the race starts” You sighed as he moved your hands away from the laptop and shut the lid, forcing you to look at him 
“If I was to kiss you right now, would it stop stressing out about the data?” He asked as your eyes widened
“What did you just ask?” You questioned 
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that out loud. I didn’t mean to say that out loud” He panicked as you turned to fully face him, leaning forward in your seat 
You looked into his eyes, trying to see any kind of emotion behind them to make sure what he was saying was actually true. You got up out of your seat, taking his hand and giving him a slight pull-up as you did. Max stood up, standing in front of you 
“Sorry. I really didn’t mean to say that” You leaned up, pressing your lips against his with a slight smile. Max froze for a second before kissing you back. One hand resting on the small of your back as the other stayed in your own. 
“Ew” Paul groaned loudly before there were a couple of thuds and the door slamming. You pulled back, looking over Max’s shoulder to see Paul covering his eyes outside. You couldn’t help but laugh a little 
“I get a life for the moment, and that’s how he reacts” Max laughed as you rested your head on his shoulder as he rested his own on your head. You waved Paul in through the window as Max rubbed your back. You couldn’t help but laugh a little again as Paul walked back in carefully 
“Warning next time, come on. With Rora in here as well?!” He exclaimed. You rolled your eyes as he picked Aurora, shielding her face from who knows what. Only he’ll ever know because it’s not a question that you were planning on asking him anytime soon. 
“I got your normal and for Max, I just guessed” Paul pointed towards the smoothies on the table 
“Thank you. Now, will you please put Rory back down and go warm up. I promise you can cuddle her after the race. Promise” You smiled, and he nodded, placing her down and walking out as you sat back down, turning to look at Max 
“Well if Paul’s away getting ready, I guess I have to let you get ready” He smiled, looking into the pram at Aurora. 
“Same as yesterday, but I’ve left a bottle in her bag. You just need to warm it up a little bit” you explained, and he nodded slightly 
“How do I do that?” He asked, and you chuckled, walking over 
“So take the plastic cover off ,obviously, then just put it in the microwave for like thirty seconds but make sure that it’s lukewarm on the inside of your wrist” Max’s head quickly turned around at that and you rolled your eyes with a laugh 
“It’s just formula, Max. Don’t worry, I just pre-made it for you” Max nodded, picking up her blanket and placing it over the handle of the pram. 
“Okay. We should be okay. If need be, I can text you, yeah?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Of course you can. Oh, and in the diaper bag next to her bottle there’s a little something for you” You smiled, leaning into the pram and pressing a kiss to Aurora’s head. 
“We’ll be good,” Max nodded with some kind of fake courage. You smiled 
“Be good for Maxie hmm” You kissed the babies head before standing up again and taking the few steps over to Max, who smiled down at you as you rested your chin on his chest 
“Don’t worry. Go do your job. We’ll be watching, or I will. The little muffin will probably be sleeping” You grinned, standing up on your tiptoes just a little to kiss him. You grabbed your computer before walking out of your office and out to the garage. 
“Did you get my email?” Oliver asked, and you nodded 
“I did. Congratulations. You’ll do good in F1” You smiled, shaking his hand as a congratulations 
“Thank you. There will be an email coming your way soon, no doubt” You couldn’t help but frown at that as Oliver walked away. Getting everything set up for Paul’s race both in the garage and the pit wall before the pre race mechanical stuff happened while you just sat there waiting.
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Max did keep sending you pictures throughout the race that you couldn’t help but smile at when the notification kept coming through. Paul’s race went brilliantly as good as it could possibly get as Paul won. After the podium, you got yourself changed out of the wet Hitech uniform as Paul decided to pour the last of the champagne over your head during the pictures.
 You packed up everything after the debrief and headed over to the Mclaren hospitality again. It currently felt like you were never away from that place. As you walked through the paddock, you couldn’t help but still wonder what Oliver meant by there will be an email for you soon. It really did worry you a bit. 
You smiled at the woman standing outside the hospitality before walking in and spotting Max sitting in the corner with Aurora asleep in his arms all cuddled up. You couldn’t help but smile as you sat down on the couch next to him 
“Oh how I wish I could fall asleep like that” You sighed, and he chuckled 
“She’s been out for about twenty minutes. I gave her her bottle and she just fell asleep” You nodded 
“Sounds about right” You smiled, looking down at her. Her cheek pressed against Max’s chest as her tiny hand held onto one of his fingers. You couldn’t help but take a picture as you watched them. 
“Race went really well” Max grinned as you looked at him 
“It went really well. I’m so proud” you beamed. Eyes flicking down to Aurora 
“Do you want me to take her? She’s okay if you want to put her down in the pram” You frowned, knowing how easy it is to get a dead arm while holding her 
“She’s okay. I’m actually enjoying the cuddles rather than her pulling my beard out” You chuckled, caressing her cheek. 
“You still want to stay to watch the race?” He asked, tilting his head so he could see you better
“Yeah that would be nice” You grinned, getting more comfortable on the couch, knowing that Max wasn’t planning on moving to watch the race by the way he was sitting. Max smiled down at you, looking at your emails 
“Oliver said there’d be an email coming my way soon. Now I can’t stop looking at my emails” You sighed 
“Oliver Oakes?” Max questioned, and you nodded 
“Any idea what it was about?” Max asked, and you shook your head 
“Honestly, I have no idea. As long as I’m not being fired” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“I’d comfort you, but your daughter has stolen both my hands” You laughed 
“There’s worse ways for you to have your hands stolen” you replied 
“Guess that’s true” He smiled 
You sat for the next two hours with Max in the Mclaren hospitality watching the Formula One race. It was an experience you’d never actually forget. Not even just because you were sitting in the F1 paddock but because Max’s reactions to something so tiny were so large. 
As you were walking out the paddock with Aurora in her pram, Max walked next to you while Lando and Oscar trailed behind Max, turned his head to look at you
“I sent you an email during the race with the details for our date and for after it” You frowned 
“After it?” You asked, and he nodded 
“Got you on the flight with Lando and I so you could spend another night here” He explained 
“You didn’t have to do that” you replied 
“I know I didn’t have to, but I saw the perfect place for a date here. Couldn’t let it go to waste” He smiled
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Coming Soon
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hardcandycigarette · 2 years
Long Way Down Part Four
Word Count 3.5K
Okay kids, here's Part Four. In Part Five we conclude our story. I can tell you this story has two endings. I will probably post both endings but in separate posts.
This part has a little mystery, a small bit of dad!rry and some angst.
Warnings: Language and implications of death
“But I don’t want to, Dad.” Archer swings his legs over the edge of the bed.
“Le’ me see, Arch.” Harry lifts the boy’s foot, while he examines it.
Harry notices that Archer's foot is swollen and not moving properly, which leads him to conclude that the boy needs a doctor. "Well, lil' man, we need to go to the doctor."
Archer starts to cry.
Harry leans down to look the boy directly in the eye. “Told ya you were gonna get hurt, and here we are brother.” Harry clears his throat and lowers his son's foot. “I know you don't want to, but we have to. Auntie Gemma’s comin’ and we’re all goin’ to the doctor. Mr. Liam’s goin with us too. It's going to be okay, son," Harry says as he sets his son's foot down. "It's nothing a little bit of care won't fix." Harry smiles at Archer. "We'll get you fixed up in no time. It's gonna be alright."
Harry walks to the closet and pulls down a hoodie and some jeans. He hands the items to his son. “I need ya to get dressed, I’ll get ya sister ready, and we’ll go. Once you two are taken care of, we can finally enjoy that ice cream I promised you."
Harry exits the room and heads next door to Lola’s room. Harry sees Gemma talking to the baby in a gentle, soothing manner and he smiles, feeling a warmth in his chest. He watches as Gemma carefully dresses the baby and he notices a deep bond between them.
“Arch is gettin’ dressed. When he's ready we’ll take off. Poppy's taken care of already. She’s in there with Liam reading. Can’t get caught up with the police and looking for Y/N until I get the kids to the doctor. Won’t be able to take care of it once the police get here.”
Gemma looks up. “Told you I could take them.”
“Parents are the only people who can authorize treatment. Maybe if we consulted with our regular doctor, they would work with us, but we have to go to the after-hours clinic. Let’s just head out and do what we need to do.”
Gemma sighs and shakes her head. “Need to change that at some point.”
“I know, but today that’s how it is. Jeff and Liam have already spoken to the clinic so they're expecting us."
“It's like a broken record, innit? The same questions bein' brought up over and over again with no resolution. How many more times are you gonna have to ask me these questions?” Harry asks as he pushes his hair away from his forehead.
The investigator doesn't look up as he continues to write, but says, "Sir, we need to be certain we're not missing anything. Let's see, we've established she withdrew $4,000.00 from her private bank account prior to her disappearance. Does that seem like a normal amount for her?"
Harry shrugs. "Dunno. It's her private account. I have a certain amount transferred to her every month for her to spend as she wishes. I've never asked if or what she spends it on. Don't even know what she has in there. We have a household account and credit cards for anything she might need for the house or the children. Of course, it goes without saying that she can call if I’m gone and ask for anything, and she’ll have it.”
"Right, and her phone was found, as you know just a few blocks from the Baby Gym. Are you sure she doesn't have another phone?"
"No, no other phone that I know of." Harry walks around, eyes looking at the floor. "I told ya everythin'. I told ya 'bout her tattoos, her moles, her scars. Ya talked to everyone she knows. Ya spoke to m' family, m' friends, and m' work colleagues. Dunno what to say."
The investigator watches Harry’s movements, as he searches for some clue. He's done all the necessary checks – interviewing people who know her, scouring social media, bank accounts, credit cards, tracking her phone. Although, just as before, nothing about Harry suggests that he is lying or hiding a misdeed. “And there is no place you can think of where she might’ve ended up. Maybe the holiday she wanted to take?”
"No." Harry shakes his head and tugs at the corner of his bottom lip, looking up at the ceiling. “I admit, yes, she was unhappy when she left, and yes, her mood was out of character for her, but there is nowhere she would want to be without her kids."
"In relation to the trip she talked about, what do you think about it?”
A long breath escapes his lips as he looks at the ceiling. “Ya lit'rly just asked that. Ya talked to the people she was gonna go with. Ya called the hotel they were plannin’ on stayin’ at. So, with all due respect, that seems ridiculous."
“Does it?”
“Yeah, yeah it does. M’ wife is missin’ and to keep askin’ me questions ya already know the answers to is asinine.”
“We are just asking.”
Hands on hips, Harry turns to the detective. “Well, I’d ‘ppreciate ya goin’ ‘bout ya day and lookin’ fer her.”
As the detective stands, he gathers his papers, and gestures towards the door. "I think that's it for the time being, Mr. Styles. We are sorry you and your family have to go through such a delicate and challenging situation. Please be assured that we will do everything in our power to find Mrs. Styles.” He leads Harry to the door.
“Y/N. Her name is Y/N. She's much more than Mrs. Styles.” Harry opens the door and enters the hallway, The muted gray walls, the fluorescent lights, and the scuffed white floors make him feel uncomfortable somehow. He never expected hot pink walls and colored lights, but it's awful, like a hospital.
When he passes through the office his heart rate picks up a notch, and his chest tightens as he hears murmurs. Harry holds his head down to avoid additional unwanted attention. The officer takes Harry to the front door of the station. “Sir, we will find your wife. Would you like an escort to get you home?”
He shakes his head. "No." He places his sunglasses on his face. His half-dried hair tumbles over his forehead as he walks outside into the cloudy day, despite the sun trying to peek out from behind the clouds. He’s aware paps and fans are taking photos, but he continues to walk to his vehicle. The wind feels cool against his warm skin, as he looks at his phone to see if he has received a call. No missed calls. Sarah sent a text.
How’s it going?
It’s not. Useless fucking wankers.
Inside a large conference room in an empty office building friends and family have gathered. This is a location no one had heard of yet, so they were using the space as a kind of headquarters to gather people and information. It was advisable to keep the paps away from the actual investigation for as long as possible. They were out to exploit Y/N's disappearance. He's already given a press conference. He has nothing else to say right now.
Harry steps into the room. Several people wander around-friends, family, colleagues.
Nick Grimshaw is near the door when Harry enters. He grabs Harry as soon as he steps in. "So sorry Harry. Just wanted you to know I’m here. We’re talking about it everywhere. We’ll find her.”
Harry holds Nick tight. “I love her so much. Can’ be without her. Where is she?”
Tears fill Nick’s eyes. He shakes his head. “Dunno, mate. We all love her and you and the kids.” He releases his hold on Harry. “I also want you to know I won’t share anything about this location or anything the investigators tell me.”
Harry wipes the tears from his own face. “I know. Give me a minute, alright?”
“Of course,” Nick replies. He hugs Harry once more before he walks away.
There are people from his security team, a detective, as well as the private investigator he’s hired.
The room buzzes and hums with activity. Maps hang from the walls, empty paper cups of cold coffee are scattered around, and crumpled napkins litter the tables. There is a sweet scent in the air, maybe that of pastries or donuts. Harry is unable to identify it. And someone's vape emits a puff of smoke.
A few feet away Harry sees Joe Alwyn walking toward him. Once Joe is in front of Harry, he shakes his hand and pats his shoulder. “We both wanted to be here, but Taylor is back in the States. Jeff said it would be okay. I know we aren't close mates, but I wanted to help. Hope I am not out of place.”
“Course not. We can use all the familiar faces, and friends that want to help.”
“Look, anything Taylor or I can do for you just say the word. She mentioned it at the show last night.”
Harry gives a half-smirk. “So that’s an extra 12 million people who know.”
“Maybe a few less than 12 million.” Joe follows Harry’s lead with a small smile of his own. Joe turns to walk away. “I’ll let you get on with it, but I’ve got the day to help in whatever way you need.”
Harry nods. “Thanks. Thank you so much. It’s really kind of you to come. Tell Taylor thank you as well.”
“I will,” he replies, then walks away.
A short, bald detective approaches Harry. "I'm glad you're back. Do you mind if I ask a few questions?" he asks.
The man opens a pad of paper to reveal a fresh sheet of pale green, lined paper. “So, is there anyone you can think of anyone at all who might know where Mrs. Styles could be?” He looks up from the pad of paper, his gaze intense as he waits for an answer.
"Didn't I just answer this question with that Reeves fella at the station? And her name is Y/N. Stop calling her Mrs. Styles, and no, you dumbass, I don’t know of anyone else!” The roar that comes from Harry’s reddened face shakes the entire room. Harry throws his arms into the air and shouts, “Stop asking me that fuckin' question! All the resources that ya have at yer disposal, all the money that ya can spend, but ya continue to ask the same God damned questions.” His hands hit his hip. "Swear to God, I'll knock yer block off if ya' ask me that again."
“C’mon, let’s go over here, my man.” Pauli steps in with a firm but friendly request.
Harry pushes Pauli away. “Get ya hands off me.” Harry's tone of voice is stern. It’s clear that he means what he says.
Pauli steps away.
Harry turns to face the room and marches into the group of people. His voice booms through the space as he says, "Every one of ya's here tryin' to help ya don't know." He charges toward a trash bin and snatches up the dirty cups and napkins, tossing them into the trash can. “Why are you treatin’ this room like none of ya ever been indoors? Throwin’ yer napkins and cups all around.” He throws the bin across the room, and it crashes into the wall, its contents spilling onto the floor. His voice echoes across the room as he roars, "None of ya have any idea," Harry shouts. He stands in the middle as everyone slowly forms a circle around him. “None of ya’ know. Ya’ don’t know what she smells like fresh outta the shower, or the way her nose crinkles when she laughs at certain jokes. Ya’ don’t know what she looked like when she gave birth to my babies, the glow on her face. Ya’ don’t know. You think ya' know Y/N, but she’s mine!" Harry drops to his knees, his deep pink face floods with tears. “Mine!” He beats his fists on the floor and sobs, unable to stop himself.
As Jeff approaches Harry, Glenne quickly follows. He wraps his arms around Harry's neck and rests his head next to Harry's. "Let's get some air, man."
"Harry, we love you sweetheart," Glenne says in a hushed tone.
Jeff and Glenne guide Harry to stand. As he clutches the couple, he is shaky on his feet. The two escort him to the door with his arms around them. Harry takes a few tentative steps out of the room, knowing he's in safe hands.
"Oh no dear I'm sure it's her. It's the lady in the papers," the old woman says.
The officer asks, "And when did she arrive?"
"Sunday. Early Sunday morning. I know because I left the key for her to let herself in while I was at church. I usually arrive back by 9AM, and she was here when I got back."
"Did she give you a name?"
"Yes, Laura Lash," she says.
"How did she pay you?"
As she stammers, the woman replies, "You see that's the odd thing. She contacted me and said she knew it was against Airbnb rules but could I trust her and let her pay cash and reserve the room privately offline. Said she was traveling to visit a sick relative, maybe her mother? I can't recall. Anyway, and that she had lost her credit and debit cards. She told me she just needed to decompress. The phrase "decompress" was repeated several times, so I remembered it."
"Right, ma'am. And is she still there?"
"Yes, and she has only been out of her room for the shower, and toilet, maybe the kitchen a few times. The day she arrived, she contacted the market up the street. She offered to pay extra if she could pay in cash, and the market delivered her food. Since some of it is missing from the fridge, I assume she ate it, but I haven't seen her much. I've heard her cry many times. I thought she might be upset about her mother, but I didn't pry, though I did make her a cup of tea this afternoon. She came to the door of the room, said thank you, took the tea and closed the door."
"Ma'am this might sound like a strange question, but have you noticed if she's pumping breast milk?"
"Oh no, dear I wouldn't know. As I said she's only been around me a few times, but I'm certain it's her. We've had a few brief chats, and I do mean brief, less than a minute or two each time. She always keeps her head down. She's very odd."
"And how did she arrive?"
"I'm not sure. She was here when I came back from church as I said, but I can tell you there's no car here."
"Ma'am thank you for the information. Can you give me your address?"
The woman provides her address. “Okay ma'am we are going to send an officer who will call you when they are a few minutes from you. We'll have them meet you somewhere so that if it is her, she won't be scared off."
"That's fine dear. I will be here waiting. But hurry because who knows when she might decide to just leave."
One hour later no one has arrived. As minutes pass, the woman gets more and more anxious, constantly looking at the door expecting someone to arrive. She checks her phone repeatedly in case she's somehow missed the call.
She decides to knock on the guest room door. There is no answer. She knocks again, still no answer. She announces her presence before she opens the door. Y/N appears to be asleep, but she calls her name. "Laura. Laura.” She does not wake up. She shakes her a bit while continuing to call her name. She decides to check for any signs of life, like a pulse in case Laura has fainted or has any medical condition. She also checks to see if there are any other signs of distress in the room, such something to indicate an accident. Less than a minute later she is on the line asking for an ambulance.
Harry looks down at his youngest child and rubs her back. "I know it's beyond her bedtime, Mum, but I just want to hold her for a while," he says to Anne.
"It's OK," Anne replies with a tender smile. "It's moments like these that you need right now."
Harry knows that these moments are fleeting, and that his daughter will grow up before he knows it. He wants to make sure he cherishes every moment he can with her while she's still so young and innocent.
"Harry, you know how they are. One day they're ill, the next they're playing like nothing's happened. She'll be alright. Wasn't as fussy today. It's Archer and Poppy you need to worry about."
As he closes his eyes and nods, he says, "I get it, but I'm not sure how else to explain it to them without scaring them." Y/N has been gone for days now. He knows she's out there somewhere, but he has no way to know if she's okay. He worries about his children, who don't understand what's going on. He's overwhelmed by the responsibility of protecting his family, and knows he has to find the right words to ensure they feel safe and loved.
Anne reaches out for Lola. "Oh, let me take her dear." Harry hesitates to give the baby over. "They don't know why the police keep coming and going," Anne says. Anne pulls the baby close to her, and sways. “I think you should call your therapist. She’ll know how to talk to them, and you need someone to talk to also. No matter what the outcome Harry, even if she walks in the door tonight, your family will need someone, a professional."
He sighs. "I know, guess I just thought I'd figure it out."
"It's OK if you don't have all the answers," she says. Anne touches his shoulder. "You're a wonderful man, but you can't do this alone."
"Thanks, we'll be there as soon as we can." Investigator Reeves disconnects the call. Determined to resolve this issue quickly, he calls his partner, John. He needs to get to Y/N as soon as possible. He knows the longer it takes, the more complicated the situation will become.
"John, think we found Y/N Styles. Care for a trip to Old Holland?" Reeves asks.
"How the fuck did she wind up in Scotland? She must have had a good reason for going there, but what could it have been?" John asks.
"Don't know, guess we'll find out."
"It must have been something really important for her to make that journey, and to put so many people under this kind of stress."
"Alright, meet you at the station."
Before they leave the station the men agree not to contact Harry or the family. They must know it's Y/N and they must know what happened before they speak to anyone. They can't rule anything out until they learn more.
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eadanga · 2 months
Royal Love Part 19
Summary: Now 18 Eleanor heads to her first year of college and falls for a handsome musician. Can she keep her royal secret be with her true love?
A/N: This series is for @kingliam2019 one of my 500 followers giveaway winners
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Eleanor takes a stands in her dorm room lost in thought she sighs after recounting her father’s words He’s right I gotta see if he’ll accept me who I am but how can I tell him? She scratches her head I can’t tell him in a way that’ll freak him out She sighs then squares her shoulders I’ll wait for the right moment then tell him I can’t just blurt it out She nods Yeah that sounds good
Melissa pops her head in “Hey girl how was the lunch with your dad?”
“Good he gave me some real good advice he said I should tell Cole who I am if he feels the same way I feel about him he’ll accept me”
“He’s right I don’t believe Cole would be a jerk to dump you cause of who you are if he does I’ll kick his ass for you so when are you gonna tell him?”
Eleanor sighs “That’s the problem I can’t just blurt it out and it’s not something you can bring up in a conversation I just need the right moment”
“I’ve got your back no matter what”
Eleanor smiles “Thanks for now let’s get ready for class”
Melissa groans “Booooo”
Eleanor laughs “Oh quiet you”
Liam walks back into the palace and Alex runs to greet him “Hi dad!”
Liam grins as he hugs him “How are you my prince”
“Good dad how’s Eleanor? And why couldn’t I got with you?”
Liam chuckles “I just needed to talk to her that’s all buddy”
Alex smiles “Oh ok dad I wish you had told me though I wanted to give her a gift”
Liam smiles “Well why don’t we send her that?”
Alex eyes light up “We can send her things at school?”
“Of course”
“But why can’t we do that at my school?”
“Because Eleanor is living at the school till she graduates you don’t live at your school”
Alex nods “Ok dad I get it”
“Good now you go get all the things you want to send her and I’ll go find mom and we’ll put it together”
“Yay! Eleanor will love everything I send her!” Alex runs off as Liam watches him go smiling
Liam heads up to their palace apartment and finds MC warming a bottle he wraps his arms around her “Hello my love”
MC smiles as she leans into him “Hi there how was your talk with Eleanor”
“Went well I gave her some good advice that she loved”
“Well good” She holds up the bottle “Now you wanna feed your daughter?”
Liam beams “I’ll be delighted to” He takes the bottle and heads to the bassinet where Bella looks at him reaching out with her hands Liam feels his heart swelling as he picks her up “Hi my little princess it’s time for dinner” He puts the bottle in her mouth and smiles as she feeds MC comes over looking at them “Imagine this was Eleanor 18 years ago”
“I know now our little girl is growing up soon Bella will”
“Oh not yet MC I’m not ready”
MC laughs “Ok but can you believe our Eleanor is falling in love already?”
“Hard to believe I honesty hope it works out for them and then find love like we did”
Liam smiles “Me too”
MC stands “I’m also gonna take care of the brat that’s been bothering Eleanor”
“Oh she mentioned that to you has it gotten bad?”
“If you mean trying to fight her multiple times yes it’s gotten bad”
Liam’s eyes go wide “What? She assaulted a member of the royal family that’s an offense”
“I know but we can’t put her in jail just yet I’m gonna dig into this girl and I’m gonna send it to Eleanor and”
“Let her decide what to do with it?” Liam laughs “I can’t wait to see her reaction to that”
MC laughs “I hope she films it for it us”
Eleanor and Melissa walks out of class “College so stressful”
“I know ugh I can’t wait till it’s over”
Melissa giggles “I bet we said the said the same thing about high school”
Eleanor laughs “Yeah and here we are saying the same about college” Eleanor phone buzzes in her pocket and she pulls it out and sees a text message from her mom
“Who texted?”
“Mom and…” Eleanor trails off then grins
“What is it? Come on share the deets!”
“My mom just thought of the perfect way to get revenge on queen bitch”
“Oh let me in on this plan I’ve been waiting for that for months”
Tags: @indiacater @mfackenthal @choicesgodfanatic @gkittylove99 @iaminlovewithtrr @twinkleallnight @the-soot-sprite @princess-geek
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
...jk I am very NOT fine and I am DEFINITELY crying. :'( :') :'( :') :'( :')
But AS YOU CAN SEE, it is a mix of happy AND sad tears, so...it's okay!
Kind of...
Sort of...
Literally so much tearing up over here with all of these relationships and how much all of these people care about each other I cannot.
Order of events?? Groupings/pairings? POVs?
Combination of all three.
Except I'm not really gonna go in order of events because I wanna end with Scott's speech, so...mostly groupings/pairings/POVs. XD
STYDIA, oh my god. <3 <3
The fact that Lydia feels so guilty for pushing Meredith over the edge, but Stiles is right there to comfort her, and to remind her that she wasn't alone there, and she isn't alone now.
The fact that, just like always, their combined brain power and abilities finally solves the puzzle, because they finish each other's thoughts and understand each other in a way that no one else does.
The fact that, while Lydia's bansheeing and typing, Stiles just gets right next to her, reminding her that he's there, and providing the comfort and support that she needs (and yes, this is Stydia centric, but don't think I'm just going to IGNORE that, according to Lydia, DEREK'S GONNA DIE. NOT OKAY. PLEASE STOP THAT FROM HAPPENING!).
The fact that they're so quick to analyze and skim and plan their next move once they see the new names (notable names include Satomi, Malia, LIAM, and Meredith...).
The fact that Stiles gets closer to Lydia the second he realizes she's in distress from the phone call so that he can listen in and be there for her (also just the fact that Meredith's dead period is so f*cking sad and I feel so bad for her, and I wish she hadn't felt so trapped that she felt the need to do that, because that's so f*cking awful.).
The fact that she just turns to Stiles in pure shock, and he just pulls her in and holds her, and he doesn't let go, even when all Lydia can do is stand there in horrified shock.
The fact that, no matter what happens, Stiles will ALWAYS be there for Lydia, and he will never let her blame herself, and never let her doubt herself, and never let her give up, because he knows how capable she is.
The fact that, no matter what happens, and what she might say, Lydia will always revel in Stiles's comfort, and she'll always need him, and she'll always love him, and ultimately, she would do anything for him, because she would rather die than lose him.
Okay okay. That was a big ol’ start.
The smaller things.
That tiny little Sciles scene at the end, where Stiles is the only other person that Scott told about the money, and they're both staring at it like they're not sure how they feel about it, but they also know they both need it, and because they're Sciles, they decide that the next best thing to do is count it and go from there. It's such a small thing, but you know me--I take every small Sciles thing I can get. ;)
And then, another small thing: Kate and Chris, OMG. Like, okay, as much as I hate Kate, I kind of feel bad for her and Chris in this situation. No matter what's happened and how much bad has gone down between them, they're still brother and sister, and neither of them really wants to hurt the other. And I don't trust Peter for a SECOND (because why would I?), but I know he's right about the fact that Kate just wants her family back, and despite the code, and despite all the bad that Kate has done, I'm sure Chris wants the exact same thing. And that HURTS, and I'm honestly really hoping for a Kate redemption arc, because I would love to see both of them reunite having grown and learned from their mistakes and maybe finally be on the same side again.
The fact that, after that crazy fight with Kate, Chris's first concern is Scott. And the way he looks at him once he realizes that Violet is dead and they've lost their only lead....
The FACE that Scott makes, so dejected and feeling like a failure because he thinks he's already lost his Beta, but Chris is so determined to convince him that there's still time, and they can still find him.
And then LIAM, trying SO hard to get out, but SO hurt and getting SO tired, and using his last bit of strength to just release that howl ("How do wolves signal their location to the rest of the pack?" "They howl." <3 <3), and Scott HEARS IT!
And the way he turns his head, this new hope that's also filled with concern, because THAT'S HIS BETA.
And they were SOOO far, so you KNOW that he BOOKED it, and he MADE IT, and at the LAST SECOND, when Liam was losing every ounce of strength he had left, Scott GRABBED HIM, and he SAVED HIM!!
And Liam is so scared, and in so much pain, but he just looks at Scott in utter relief.
And Scott is so worried, but there’s relief in his face and his voice, telling Liam he's okay, but also questioning it, because he has to make sure, and the way Liam just looks at him, and Scott just sighs in relief, and repeats it, because they both need to hear it.
And then he PULLS HIM IN, and he holds onto him with EVERYTHING HE HAS, and he just closes his eyes, and convinces himself that he's there, because he ALMOST LOST HIM, but he's OKAY, and he's HERE, and he's OKAY.
I LOVE THEM!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
"I don't want to keep watching people die." "I'm not sure you have much choice about that." "Maybe I do." "That's a lot of burden to carry, Scott." "I don't care."
And they're trying SO HARD to convince him that people are going to die, and it's not always his fault, but Scott DOESN'T care.
Because he's SCOTT.
And he will do WHATEVER he has to do not just to protect those he loves, but to protect everyone.
Because he's SCOTT F*CKING MCCALL, and nobody dies on his watch.
And I'm tearing up so much, because that really is such a burden, and there's no way he can save everyone, and my heart is clenching at the fact that he feels like he has to, but it's also filling with so much love and appreciation and respect, because THIS is what makes Scott amazing, and THIS is what everyone loves about him.
THIS is why the McCall Pack is the most loyal pack out there.
THIS is why he's a True Alpha.
THIS is why he's worth 25 million dollars.
THIS is why he's untouchable.
"No one else dies." "I'm gonna save everyone."
You know what, Scott.
Let's do it.
Let's save everyone.
If anyone can do it.
It's you.
And it's the McCall pack.
God, what an ending to an episode.
What a SEASON this has been already!!
I may or may not be able to watch more tonight, but you KNOW I'll be watching tomorrow, because I'm sure it only gets better from here, and I also know that @slice-of-magenta's Sciles scene is in the next episode, so OBVIOUSLY I need to see that, and I just...
"I'm gonna save everyone."
Let's go save everyone. <3 <3
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theficpusher · 2 years
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Next time I see you, remind me not to talk to you. by werepope | T | 1138 Too much punch at someone else's office party. Those are the kinds of decisions he's making tonight.
Maybe I Like This Rollercoaster by dessertmeltdown | G | 1638 Harry sets Nick up on a date for their office Christmas Party.
Sweeter Than Fiction by fairytalelights | T | 2790 With that, Louis channels every single Drama lesson he ever took in school, and starts walking towards Curly Angel, as his drunk brain has dubbed him in the past twenty seconds. It sounds at least a little less biblical than His Saviour. And then, in lieu of a great conversation opener, he does the only thing his drunk brain can come up with. He grabs Curly Angel, pulls him close and kisses him. or, the one where Louis has to attend the most boring work party and Harry might be his way out of there.
I Just Want You (For My Own) by BleedMeAMelody | nr | 6147 “I made it so that you’re Harry Styles’ secret santa!” Niall practically shouted, clearly excited by his handiwork. Louis blinked once, twice, three times. “I’m sorry, I must be hearing things because it sounded like you just said that you made me Harry Styles’ secret santa, which I know can’t possibly be true,” Louis said evenly with a shake of his head. “Oh, but it is! I did!” Niall exclaimed happily. Or, Niall is tired of listening to Louis pine over the cute, curly-haired boy who works on the fourth floor, so he rigs the company’s secret santa. Holiday antics ensue.
Blame It On Christmas by Kikiberoski16 | E | 7068 Life was good until a new coworker showed up. It’s a little insane but not even a little bit funny how much Harry instantly despised the new guy. He’s always late, but always shows up with the most charming smile so nobody can get mad. His desk is a mess and he doesn’t seem to have ever learned the words ‘thanks’ or ‘sorry.’ And as if a bad employee isn’t bad enough, this particular bad employee is none other than the CEO's nephew, Louis fucking Tomlinson. Or, Harry is the six-time winner of the yearly Christmas sweater competition, but it all changes when a new coworker shakes up his whole world.
You're Invited by QuickedWeen | M | 8581 Harry loves the Christmas season, but she does not love her office Christmas party. Every year it's the same old story, all of her male coworkers that she thought were nice, normal guys during the year turn on a dime and won't stop hitting on her. She backs herself into a corner when she accidentally blurts out that she can't attend the party with any of them because she's bringing her girlfriend. One problem: she doesn't have a girlfriend.
I Think I’m Addicted to Your Light by supernope | E | 9241 Louis is just zipping back up when the door swings open with a swell of noise and someone shuffles up next to him, shoes tapping loudly against the tile floor. Louis turns to see who’s walked in and just violated the code of the men’s toilet by taking the urinal next to him and is met with wide, green eyes and red lips stretched into a brilliant smile. “Happy new year,” the guy grins, shaking long, curly hair away from his face. “You look sharp. Sorry, do you mind holding this for a minute? I don’t really have any place to keep it and it’s kind of a hassle, getting out of these things. Don’t want it to fall in.” He indicates his legs with the hand clutching a pale pink phone, and Louis’ gaze drops. Speechless, Louis takes the phone, eyes locked on the guy’s legs. His gorgeous legs, clad only in a pair of black thigh-highs held up by a silky black garter belt.
The Christmas Lift by homosociallyyours | G | 13150 Louis lies about having a boyfriend to avoid being set up on a blind date by an overzealous co-worker, but now he's in desperate need of a fake boyfriend for his office holiday party. He’s complaining about it on the phone to Liam when Harry, his unknown but hot neighbor, overhears him in the lift and offers to help. It doesn't take long for Louis to realize he wishes things weren't quite so fake, but he's afraid it'll take a Christmas miracle to make anything happen.
Chestnuts Roasting... And All That by elsi_bee | M | 46760 Louis is apparently the only person at his new job who is single as can be. It’s not a big deal to just tell his new colleagues that he has a boyfriend, right? Until he has to make this imaginary boyfriend magically appear at the office holiday party. Cue fake relationship antics with a certain someone who is more than willing to play along.
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
The Other Nevrakis - Christmas Party
Book - The Other Nevakis - TRR AU
Pairings - Drake x Lilith (OC), Liam x Riley
Word Count - 1,330
Warnings - language, drinking
I was inspired to write this fic from the @choicesholidays​ prompt: I’ve never been stabbed by an icicle before, and the edit that goes along with it is from the prompt: I’m so glad we found each other.
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It’s the night of Liam and Riley’s annual Christmas party. Not the formal one attended by every noble and dignitary in Cordonia, but a cozy gathering of their closest friends and family members.
Jingle Bell Rock plays quietly over the speakers, and Lilith and Riley are seated at the bar, both about 5 shots of tequila in.
“We need to take a picture!” Riley hiccups and giggles as she leans against her friend. “Max brought all these props and no one’s using them.. besides him, I mean.”
Lilith chuckles as her eyes land on Maxwell who is wearing an elf hat with a bell on the end, attempting to put a Santa hat on a protesting Bertrand.
“No thanks!” Lilith smirks. “I put on a pair of those stupid elf ears and I’ve just provided you with blackmail material.”
Riley places her hand over her heart and gasps. “Me?! You think I would blackmail my BFF?! “ Lilith raises an eyebrow skeptically and Riley laughs. “Ok maybe that one time when I wanted to borrow your Jimmy Choo’s and you wouldn’t let me, but never anything serious!”
“You were going to tell everyone that I can burp the alphabet! I don’t want anyone to know that! It’s humiliating!”
Riley cackles, leaning against the bar to steady herself. “It’s impressive! And it’s not like I was really gonna tell anyone!”
“Ya, ya..” Lilith rolls her eyes with a smile. 
“I have an idea.” Riley nods across the room to where Liam and Drake are standing together, talking. “I bet I can convince Liam to dress up as Santa quicker than you can get Drake to. Winner gets to pick what we dress up as from Max’s prop box. ”
“Well duh, you’re gonna win!” Lilith shakes her head. “Liam literally does whatever you want, whenever you want!”
Riley bites her lip, watching her husband with a smirk. “He does, doesn’t he?”
“So you see, this isn’t a fair bet.”
“Then what would be fair?”
Lilith glances out the window, watching a light snowfall drift across the night sky. “Snowball fight.”
“Ha!” Riley laughs. “Against the woman who grew up in Lythikos surrounded by snow 24/7? How is that fair? You’ll annihilate me!”
“Sounds like you’re scared, Ri.”
Riley bites her cheek while she thinks. “Fine. Take two more shots of tequila, and then it’ll be fair.”
“Two more!? But we’ve both had the same amount!” 
“Exactly. Everyone knows you have a higher tolerance than me.” Riley holds her hand out expectantly. “Soooo? Deal?”
Lilith knocks back two more shots and shakes Riley’s hand with a smirk. “Deal.”
The girls stagger slightly as they make their way outside into the snowy courtyard, grabbing their coats on the way. Lilith blinks her eyes slowly, her mind hazy from the tequila. 
“So, howwe gonna do this?” Lilith slurs, shaking her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts.
Riley pulls out her phone and sets a timer for five minutes. “Whoever has been hit the most when time runs out, loses.” Riley smirks but wobbles, catching herself on a statue. “Whoa. Ok, ready…go!”
Lilith dashes across the courtyard, slides behind a tree, and begins balling up snow as quickly as possible to create a nice stash of ammo. She peers out from behind the brush, listening for any sound of Riley. With no sign of her, Lilith picks up a few snowballs and creeps through the snow, making her way from tree to tree for cover. She sees no footprints, noting that Riley must have gone along the concrete path. “Where is this bitch?” Lilith whispers and is immediately pelted in the back of the head with a freezing projectile. “Hey!”
Riley laughs maniacally and rushes away. “First blood! First blood!”
“You’re gonna pay for that!” Lilith bolts after Riley, hurling a snowball that quickly whiffs past Riley’s head, barely missing her, and exploding against the tree beside her.
“Oh my god, are you trying to take my head off?!” Riley squeals as she weaves between the trees with Lilith hot on her tail. After a minute, Riley pauses to lean against the tree, completely winded. When she turns around, Lilith is nowhere in sight.
Riley’s eyes dart around the courtyard, but thanks to the excess amount of tequila, everything feels as if it’s moving in slow motion. She pulls out her phone and checks the time with a grin. “You only have 15 seconds left! I win!!”
“That’s what you think.” Lilith appears from behind a tree holding a snowball in each hand. “Nowhere left to hide.”
Riley holds her hands up in surrender, a look of terror flashing across her face. “Why do you look like you want to murder me?!”
Lilith utters a sinister chuckle. “I win.”
Placing two snowballs in one hand, Lilith brings her arm back ready to deliver the winning blow, when a flash of something dives from her peripheral vision. 
“Noooooo!” The snowballs smack square against the chest of the interloper as he screams.
“Liam!” Riley yells as he lands in the snow with a grunt. She kneels down over him and giggles. “You saved my life!”
Liam sits up and rubs his sore chest. “Oww, maybe literally! That snowball had an icicle in it!”
“Jesus Lil!” Drake appears next to her with a smirk. “Trying to assassinate the King and Queen with an icicle?”
“I didn’t know, I swear!” Lilith throws her hands over her mouth in shock. 
Liam stands and dusts the snow off of himself with a chuckle. “I’ve never been stabbed by an icicle before. You’ve got quite an arm, Lilith!”
“I’m so sorry!” Lilith shakes her head. “I don’t know how that happened, for real!”
“Well.” Riley grins cockily. “I believe I win the snowball fight!”
Lilith scoffs. “You wouldn’t have if Liam hadn’t jumped in front of you like a damn superhero! How did you guys even know we were out here?”
Drake steps closer to Lilith, wrapping his arms around her to help her get warm. “A couple of Riley’s guards told us that there was a drunken snowball fight going on outside, and we might want to check on you.”
“What was going on out here was my glorious victory!” Riley boasts with a cheeky grin. “I beat a Nevrakis in a snowball fight! This is the best day ever!”
Lilith rolls her eyes. “I’m pretty sure Liam intercepting the snowball is technically cheating.”
“Look, I’m too cold to argue. We’ll forgive you for the icicle and just call it even,” Riley says through her chattering teeth as she pulls Liam close. “Now let's get inside because I’m fricking freezing!”
Liam and Drake help their shivering, inebriated partners back inside the palace and help them get cleaned up, returning to the party just in time for karaoke.
As Leo saunters on stage and begins singing Santa Baby, Riley takes Lilith’s hand and leads her to the prop box. “Now, what am I gonna pick for you to wear in the photo?”
“Uh, no way! Outside, you said we would call it even.” Lilith crosses her arms.
“Did I?” Riley taps her cheek with a smirk. “Ok, fine. We’ll just go up and do some karaoke. Actually Lilith, why don’t you get up there and share your amazing talent of singing the ABC’s by burpi-.”
Lilith throws her hand over Riley’s mouth, narrowing her eyes. “You are the worst!”
Riley grins widely, passing Lilith a pair of reindeer antlers, which she snatches  and puts on begrudgingly. “I hate you.”
“No you don’t! You love me.” Riley pokes Lilith in the side wiggling her finger, and Lilith swats her hand away with a chuckle. 
“Fine. But if I take this pic you have to promise not to hold that over my head ever again! Because you know damn well I have plenty of dirt on you.”
“Deal.” Riley bumps Lilith’s shoulder with a smile. “Now, put those paws up little reindeer, and say cheese!”
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marnz · 2 years
Arranged/political marriage au?
wow YES. anon idk if you are different or the same anon sending me a bunch of prompts but I appreciate you
okay I know you said AU however I think this would be EXTRA juicy if it WASN'T really an AU, if it was in fact canon. Maybe AU after season 4.
It's been a few years. They're all in college now. What if they discover a ritual to shut off the Nemoton but it requires that the darkness around Allison, Scott, and Stiles' hearts be closed off. What if the only way to do that was marriage, a symbolic union of two becoming one, the marriage partner's untainted heart serving as a shield, as protection? Which is how Stiles ends up trying to brainstorm who would agree to marry him to shield his heart.
"It's not like I asked for this, you know?" Stiles says into the phone. He's three beers in and decidedly morose after an evening spent in the loft, watching Allison and Isaac and Scott and Kira exchange blushing gazes, hands brushing, laughing and kissing. He'd gotten so sick of it he'd snuck off and was now sitting on the balcony, leaving a voicemail and letting the night swallow up his words. "I didn't ask to be set up with anyone. I do fine on my own. But there's a difference between one night stands and asking someone to marry me. For life, dude!"
In his head Derek says don't call me dude. In reality, Stiles hasn't spoken to Derek for years. He calls and leaves Derek voicemails sometimes, just to update him, but Derek never responds.
"Sure, it's for a ritual, but it's not temporary. Scott suggested I ask Malia but I can't do that to her." They've been broken up for years, and Malia was still reeling from the death of her mother. "Lydia and Parrish are a thing now, so that option's out. Plus, Lydia and I would kill each other if we lived together. Liam is dating some chick, and between you and I, his control? Still shaky."
"So, that's everyone in the pack out." Stiles rolls his neck, trying to relieve the way tension is crawling up his shoulders and jaw. He's been grinding his teeth so much that he wakes up with them aching. But at least he's sleeping. "Then Deaton mentioned that sometimes pack alliances are established by arranged marriages. Typically with old wolf families, you know. And there's this pack in Oregon..." he pauses, trying to figure out what to say. But there's nothing to say.
He has the dim sense that the voicemail timer was steadily ticking down. "I wish I could say no. But after--" his voice breaks. "You know I can't. I need the shield. What if it comes back?"
The nogitsune isn't going to come back, says the Derek in his head. "What if it does?" Stiles says, losing track of who he's talking to. "I need this to work so that everyone can be safe. So my Dad can be safe. You were right to get out of this place, Derek. I wish--"
But he can't make himself say it. He's tied here--to the nemoton, to the house his mom lived in, to the place she died in. He's never getting out. Stilinskis aren't built for leaving.
"I'll figure it out," Stiles says. "Call me back, you loser. I need your address for our save the dates." The voicemail recording notification beeps into his ear. Stiles ends the call and stares out at the skyline of Beacon Hills. It's cold and still and the dimness of the industrial district around him is just another reminder of why he needs this ritual to work.
He wakes up the next day with a hang over and gives Scott the go ahead to reach out to the Oregon pack. He wanted a real marriage, a marriage like his parents had, full of love and laughter. Not a marriage shoddily constructed to satisfy an ancient ritual. But maybe some good can come out of this; maybe he can buy the pack some security. Derek doesn't call back, but Stiles wasn't expecting him to. And he's not expecting to come home from the grocery store a week later to find the Camaro parked in front of his house, Derek leaning against it with his hands in his pockets. He's as gorgeous and untouchable as ever.
Stiles counts his fingers carefully before getting out of the jeep, heedless of the perishables in his trunk. He's reluctant to surrender the security of Roscoe, so instead he lingers next to it, staring at Derek with an open mouth. He's only been speechless once before, when he thought Derek was dying.
"You're here," Stiles says finally. He opens his mouth, to say what he doesn't know, but then Derek speaks.
"Marry me."
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casspurrjoybell-25 · 3 months
Skating on Thin Ice - Chapter 52 - Part 2
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*Warning - Adult Content*
Elijah Ellis
"Tracey looks like she's ready to pop," Joshua commented as Mandy's pregnant sister walked by.
"She's due within the next couple weeks," I replied.
"Do they know what they're having?"
Joshua shook his head.
"They wanted it to be a surprise."
"I guess once you're on your eighth kid it doesn't matter as much," Fox commented, leaning forward in his seat and lightly brushing his fingers over my thigh.
I hummed in agreement, leaning closer to him as Joshua shook his head at us.
"The guys need to get here so I'm not third wheeling anymore," Joshua uttered with a sigh.
I glared at him while Fox glanced over with a smug expression, his lips quirking up in a smirk.
"Don't lie," Fox started, his sarcastic grin widening.
"You enjoy third wheeling."
"He secretly does," I added to which Joshua just shook his head again.
A moment later, three of Mandy's young nieces came over to us with wide eyes, the oldest not being older than ten.
Their wide eyed gazes shifted to Fox, him raising his eyebrows at the girls.
"Who's he?" one of the girls, Talia, asked.
"That's Elijah's boyfriend Fox," Joshua answered her.
"He's cute," another girl, Paula, added, causing Fox to let out a loud chuckle.
"Yes, I know," I replied with a sigh, knocking my leg into his to get him to stop laughing.
"I guess you're just a lucky guy, sweetheart," Fox chuckled, tossing his shoulder over mine which caused a chorus of squeals from the girls.
I rolled my eyes, leaning into his side.
"You're the lucky one."
Fox nodded, letting out a content sigh.
The girls squealed again when some of Mandy's nephews started squirting water guns at them.
The three of them ran away, being chased by their cousins.
"You can't go anywhere without being called hot," I told Fox, turning to face him with raised eyebrows.
Fox scoffed.
"I could say the same about you but you're too modest to admit it."
"Are you admitting that you're not modest?"
"You know I'm not," he said.
"Can you two stop flirting for like two seconds?" Joshua questioned with an irritated expression, looking down at his cell-phone.
Fox reached over and smacked Joshua's phone out of his hand, resulting in a nasty scowl from my brother.
"I can flirt a lot worse than that," Fox warned.
Joshua scoffed, picking his phone up from the ground.
"I know you can."
Fox wasn't able to respond when Alex's voice sounded through the air.
"The party has arrived," Alex exclaimed as he walked through the backyard gate, lifting two cases of alcohol in his hands over his head.
"Are you seriously not even going to hide the fact that your brought alcohol?" I asked him, judging him with my eyes as he, Ryan and Ian made their way over to us.
"Your folks won't mind right?" he asked, placing the cases down in front of us as he pulled up a chair.
Before I could say anything, Mandy walked by.
"If you drink a drop of alcohol, you're staying here tonight," she said in a stern tone as she passed us.
"See? All set," Alex said with a wide grin as Ryan and Ian pulled over their own chairs.
"Guess I'm not drinking so I don't have to have a sleepover with him," Ian commented with a scoff.
"Rude much," Alex replied with a pout, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I wish Liam was here, he wouldn't treat me like this."
"He's in Aruba. He's not thinking about you at all," Ryan told him with a chuckle.
Jude showed up a few minutes later, immediately helping himself to Alex's alcohol.
When Fox's family arrived, I stood up to greet them.
"Hey guys, thanks for coming," I said with a smile as Vanessa leaned in for a hug.
"Wouldn't miss it," she said, squeezing me in her arms.
Fawn immediately headed off to where she saw Ava, after greeting me.
Then Colt mingled with the younger kids and joined in on their game.
"Where do we put the gifts?" Leo asked me, holding out cards with my name and Joshua's.
"Oh, you didn't have to get us anything," I said, slightly shaking my head.
Leo gave me a look as if I was crazy.
"I should be giving you gifts just for putting up with Fox," he responded, handing me the cards.
I liked to think that we put up with each other, I knew I could be a lot to handle.
After taking the cards from Leo, he and Vanessa went over to my parents while I dropped the cards off with the rest.
Raven, Robin and Wren joined the group where Fox sat.
By the time I had gotten over there, there were no seats left.
"You can sit on my lap," Fox suggested with a cheeky grin, holding his arms out for me.
"Or I can go find another chair," I retorted, my eyebrows lifting on my face.
"Ahh, rejected," Robin laughed, causing the others to laugh along with him.
Fox kicked his brother's chair, nearly causing it to tip over.
Raven steadied Robin, shaking her head at Fox.
Before Fox could try pushing him over again, I took him up on his offer and situated myself in his lap.
I could tell he had a smug look on his face by the content sigh that escaped his lips as he slung his arm around my waist.
"Get a room," Ian commented as he glared at the two of us.
Fox scoffed.
"You guys are all just jealous because you're all single."
"Hey," Alex exclaimed.
"I am not single."
"You and Beth are barely dating," Jude told him before taking a sip out of his can.
"You obviously didn't see us make out at graduation," Alex pointed out.
"Elijah saw, right?"
He turned to me.
I nodded with a grimace on my face.
Unfortunately, I did turn a corner and get a face full of Alex using way too much tongue in public with Beth.
"That doesn't mean you're dating," Jude argued.
"You make out and..." Alex abruptly cut him off, telling Jude how 'untrue' his words were.
My attention was drawn to Fox's fingers playing with the hem of my t-shirt.
Wren sat beside us, eyeing Fox's actions.
The two of them had gotten considerably closer over the last two months.
They still weren't incredibly close but they had been consistently getting along for a while, only getting in arguments periodically.
However, by the way Wren watched him and how Fox wouldn't look his way, I could tell the two must have been at odds today.
"Want to go with me to get more chairs?" I quietly asked Fox, turning slightly on his lap so that I could get a better look at his face.
"What? You don't want to sit with me?" he asked, feigning offense.
I just rolled my eyes at him.
Fox tapped my hips, signaling for me to stand.
The two of us stood and started making our way away from the group and toward the garage.
"Be right back," I said, more to Joshua than anyone else.
"Where are you going?" Joshua asked.
"Getting more chairs."
"Is that all you're doing?" he questioned in a suggestive tone.
I scoffed, turning to send him a disgusted look.
"Don't be gross."
With that, Fox and I left the group and made our way to the garage where the rest of the chairs were.
"How many fucking chairs do you guys own?" Fox asked as we entered the garage where the copious amount of folding chairs were leaning against the wall.
"Mandy rented these," I told him, moving to grab a few.
"She has a huge family if you couldn't tell."
"Yeah, I noticed," he said, following my actions.
We stood in silence for a few moments before I set my chairs down, earning a confused look from my boyfriend.
"Is everything okay with you and Wren?" I asked him.
I couldn't help but be nosy when it was so painfully obvious that something had gone on.
Fox sighed and leaned his chairs back against the wall.
"We just got into it this morning."
I nodded, waiting to see if he wanted to continue.
"It was kind of my fault," he admitted after a few moments.
"What did you do?"
"I sorta just mentioned how he hasn't come out to our parents yet," Fox started.
"He keeps saying he's going to and then he puts it off."
I nodded in understanding.
"I'm not..." Fox continued, letting out a slightly frustrated sigh.
"I'm not trying to pressure him or anything but he needs a little bit of a push. I know he wants to do it but he won't on his own."
"Were you nice about it or were you mean about it?" I asked him, knowing all too well the kind of attitude Fox often copped.
He gave me a sheepish smile and took his hat off for a moment to roughly run his hand through his hair before putting it back on.
Without any words, that was all the answer I needed.
"Wren and I don't really do nice," Fox said, turning to pick up the chairs again.
"We can't do that sappy shit. We just don't have that kind of relationship."
"Yeah, I know," I agreed, grabbing my chairs and turning to lead him out of the garage.
"So I may have been a little rude and he freaked out at me," Fox continued.
"And now he's obviously feeling guilty for freaking out at me but won't admit it."
I sighed, opening the gate to the backyard.
"Don't sigh like you're mad at me," Fox said in an almost whiny tone.
"Why would I be mad at you?"
"Because you think I should be a better person?" I rolled my eyes, grinning over at him and bumping my shoulder into his.
"I think you should maybe talk to your brother," I told him as we continued walking through the backyard.
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
maybe something like interviewer asking her sexist questions and the boys stand up for her , after that interview she feels insecure and the boys comfort her . that's just an idea you don't have to write it !! <33
I hope you like it, and I'm so sorry about the delay 😭 I couldn't find my footing with this one, and I hope it's what you wanted ! Have a lovely day 💙
The One Where They're There For Her
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Pairing - One Direction x Reader (6thmember!female!reader)
Fandom - One Direction (Directioners)
Summary - A particularly sexist interview decides to reduce you to just a sexual being and makes no effort to hide his misogyny. But the boys are there to support you.
Warnings - sexualization of the lgbt community, sexist comments, swearing, (honestly I hated myself for writing some of the comments here,and I'm so sorry)
Being a part of the biggest band in the world comes with certain responsibilities. Not responsibilities that come along with signing a recording contract, but those that a person deems themselves responsible for. For example, as the only female in a boyband, a female with a fanbase as large as yours, you took it upon yourself to always stand up for what's right, and to be an ally for the causes close to your heart.
That meant that your social media was often flooded with information about important causes, or your opinions on issues like feminism. Was it always well received? Heck no. There were people filled your feed with hate and comments calling you the most horrible names and labelling you a 'man hater' and a 'bitch' But you didn't let it get to you. On most days. On days like today, it was all you could do to keep it together. It had been a tiring few days, touring, recording, performing and doing an endless amount of interviews and photoshoots. It was safe to say you were on the last of your nerves, having battled your way through a makeup artist who had insisted on pointing out your flaws and had used a shit ton of makeup to cover them up. You had battled a photographer who had not hesitated to tell you that if you didn't look more feminine people would think you were turning into a man.
Before you could retaliate, Paul had dragged him away and told management to cancel the photoshoot, and find another photographer before grabbing the six of you some sandwiches and had let you all go back for a quick power nap at the hotel. Then in about half an hour he had woken you up, to get you ready for another interview. That's how you were here, in a white jumpsuit and a black blazer jacket, paired with black heels. Another day, another interviewer that got on your nerves. But this one, this one was different. This interviewer was different, but also the same. Another misogynistic man who thought he was entitled to stare at your ass and cleavage, and eye fuck you as you settled into a seat in between Niall and Zayn.
Settling in, you crossed one knee over the other, plastering a fake smile onto your face, as the man leaned back in his chair, throwing you a sleazy smirk. Noticing the look, Zayn shifted so you were out of view of the interviewer, but in view of the audience. It was in moments like this that you were a 100× more grateful to have your boys. They were well aware of how sleazy some interviewers could be, having had plenty of experience with them, and Zayn and Louis in particular were very protective about the way you were treated. Squeezing your thigh softly, he leaned back a little, lips settling into a thin line as he looked at the interviewer with a cold look. A little behind, Louis threw the interviewer a dirty look.
"So, One Direction! Congratulations on the album, as you all know its out on November the 22nd, with eighteen new songs, including the singles Night Changes and Steal My Girl Speaking of stealing girls, do you think I could steal your number Y/N? And may I mention, you look ver, very hot in that outfit" The interviewer joked, throwing you what he thought was a sexy smirk. (P.S - it wasn't) Answering with an awkward laugh, you shook your head, as Niall tensed up beside you. "Aww come on, your'e a pretty girl, I'm a handsome guy, let's go out sometime" he pressed on, ignoring the growing anger in Harry's eyes. "That's umm, nice. But no thanks, I'm not going to go out with you" was your answer, as you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. Picking up on your nervous tic, Zayn moved his hand to rest on your knee, stopping it from bouncing up and down.
"Aww come on baby, what is it? You like girls or something? Because I wouldn't mind being a part of that action either" the sleazebag chuckled, ignoring the disgusted look Liam sent his way. "That's rude" Liam said, while Zayn tightened his grip on your knee. "Oh come on lads, are you telling me the idea doesn't appeal to you? Two women together, mm, makes me all excited just thinking about it, especially if one of them's Y/N" That comment was all it took for Louis to stand up, turning to the man and saying in a voice much rougher than his usual voice, "Alright, that's fuckin' enough, what the fuck is actually wrong with you?" he was backed up by Liam, who stood up, going to tower over the interviewer, whose eyes had lost some of the sleazy look in them. "All you've done since we walked in here is make those disgusting comments about Y/N, and it's sickening. Have some fucking respect" he practically spat.
Behind him, Zayn took your hand in his and pulled you to your feet, noticing the slight glossiness in them, leading you back to the dressing rooms, while Niall, Liam, Louis and Harry stayed back to continue to snap at the interviewer. "That is no way to treat a woman, and not only are you disrespecting her, you also made those god awful events about seeing women together. Your'e a shame to every single person in this room by talking like that" Harry continued, glancing over his shoulder to check if you were okay.
"And no, it doesn't excite us, because we are not assholes, and you are, a disgusting sleaze who does not deserve the job he has. Fuckin loser" Niall chimed in, standing up and storming out. Louis stood up as well, turning to directly face the cameras and the cameramen and sound technicians, who had all looked shocked when the man had made his comments towards you. "I sure as hell hope you have that on record, so you can see just how fucking sexist this industry is to women. Y/N does the same job as us, works just as hard and has the same number of awards, nominations, and records and yet you decide to only focus on her body, clothes, love life and sexuality. Get a fucking life" he spat at the camera, before walking away himself, eventually followed by Harry and Liam, who apologized to the outraged fans before leaving themselves. As they made their way to the dressing rooms they could hear the audience telling the interviewer to apologize to you, their anger at the way you were treated echoing through the building.
Walking in, Harry caught sigh of you curled up in one of the armchairs, with Louis sitting beside you, while Niall and Zayn talked to a furious Paul. "He had no damn right to treat her like shite, and you need to make sure that he knows those comments were un-fuckin-acceptable" Niall was saying, looking angrier than Harry had ever seen him. "And to make those sickening comments about wanting to get action? Can't we sue him for something?" Was Zayn's reply, glancing over his shoulder at you to make sure you were still okay. "We can't sue him, atleast I don't think we can, but I'll have someone let the smug bastard know that he needs to learn how to respect a woman" Paul said, before leaving the room to give the six of you some time together before you had to head back to the hotel.
"How're you feeling darling?" Louis said, moving over and patting your knee so you moved. "I'm okay" you mumbled back, letting Louis settle in next to you, leaning back to rest on his chest. "He had no fuckin right to say any of that, and don't you let it trouble you for a second" Zayn added, pouring out a cup of tea for you and for Louis and Harry. "I don't care about what he said, I couldn't care less, but it was just so frustrating, sitting there and listening to him just sexualize a whole community of people. You've got to be in a really sad place to think of shit like that. That's what annoyed me. You think I give a damn about what he said about my clothes or wanting to take me out on a date? It was the way he was talking, like he was sure any woman would be glad to have him that irked me. He's really tiresome" was your reply, as you reached forward for a sip of your tea. "That's the right attitude love. Haters gonna hate" Harry said.
"I know that. But I just wish I could punch him once, which sounds mean, but he does kind of deserve it" Niall said, earning a laugh from you. Niall was never usually aggressive, and even now, he wasn't particularly rude but it was rare to see him wanting to punch someone. "It's okay Niall, you don't have to. I can do it myself, but I won't" you replied, leaning up to squeeze his hand. "Besides, Ni, if you went and punched him, I'd do it too, and then we'd all go to jail" Liam chimed in, scrolling through his twitter. "Twitter isn't happy either babe. #stopsexualization and #Y/Ndeservesbetter is trending already" he added, showing you his phone. "If it means some of these sexist asses get their heads out of the sand, I'm happy. But I dont want to to think about it now" you replied, cuddling closer to the warmth radiating from Louis's body.
"Okay, we won't talk about it. Do you want to go back to the hotel?" Harry asked, standing up and walking to the door "No I want to go to Nando's. Anybody else hungry?" You asked, to nods of assent from the boys. "I'm starving. Those stupid sandwiches didn't fill me up at all" Zayn said, standing up to grab his coat and wallet. "I know and I'm craving some hot Peri Peri chicken with some fries. Do you think they'd let me put the lemon and herb sauce on the fries?" You asked, standing up yourself, earning a laugh from Louis. "Your'e an international superstar babe, I think they'd give you some lemon herb sauce" Liam joked.
Laughing, the six of you made your way to the car, with Harry and Niall squishing you in between them, as Louis sat in the back with Liam, and Zayn sat in the front with Paul (he was driving thank GOD) "I'm proud of you darling" Harry chimed in suddenly. "I am too" Niall added. "You know I am" Louis said, before Liam added "Always babe" and Zayn turned to smile at you before adding, "We are all proud of you, and we always will be, not only because you do a damn good job of not listening to the haters, but because you do what you think is right" "Awh come on, your'e gonna make me cry" you mumbled, leaning into Niall's shoulder. "Almost makes me feel bad for teasing you about having an extremely low spice tolerance the last time we were at Nando's Haz" you smirked, earning a roar of laughter from the boys.
"That chicken was spicy love!" "It was lemon and herb with no peri peri!" "And it was spicy!"
And just like that, you were back to messing around with each other. Sleazy interviewers would come and go, but your boys were always there to support you. Always.
A/N - Thanks for reading ! I'd also like to apologize on the behalf of this fictitious interviewer I made up, I felt so bad while writing some of this 😭 anyways, I hope this is what you wanted! Enjoy !
Tags - @zaynkissbot @gucci-hazza @bxtchboy69
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A Fire of Devotion
Billy Russo x female reader
A love letter to all the people who enjoy my work ❤
Warnings: mentions of violence and attempted sexual assault, a little bit of murder, smut (18+), mild degradation (just a little?)
Summary: Billy would do anything for you. He'd hurt anyone who dared to disrespect his wife.
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Work today was nothing short of hell. Things were just not going to plan, and no one was taking responsibility for messing up. You had gotten a couple texts from Billy throughout the day, but ultimately, you were unable to reply because of your strenuous workload.
You’re typing at your desk when there’s a knock at your door.
“Yes?” you call out.
“Delivery for Mrs. Russo?” someone calls out.
“Uh, yes, come in.”
It’s a delivery man, with the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers in his arms.
“You’re kidding.” You murmur, a smile creeping onto your face.
Butterflies erupt in your stomach when you glance at the bouquet. Your receptionist follows behind the delivery man.
“Wow! These are for you?” Candice asks, no doubt ready to spread the word to the entire office. You catch a couple of women glancing into your office to catch a peek at the flowers.
“I guess so,” you say taking the clipboard and signing for the delivery before smiling and sending him on his way. “What’s all the fuss about?”
“Those are Juliet roses, they go for around five thousand a stem, and you have eight of them in there.” She squints “Are those diamonds?!”
Your eyes roam over the bouquet, sure enough, there are small gems at the centre of each rose, you can’t say for sure whether they are diamonds or not, but knowing Billy, you can make an educated guess.
“I’m gonna kill him.” You decide.
“Your husband sent this?”
She’s really annoying you now, no doubt with all the chatter she’s going to cause later.
You reach for the small envelope nestled between the roses. You slip the envelope open and pull out the card. It’s in his handwriting.
‘Please respond to my texts. -Billy’
“Can you push my next appointment back for a couple of minutes? I have to make a call.”
She murmurs an affirmative but doesn’t leave the room. You pick up your phone and you look at her.
“Anything else?” You ask.
“Oh! No…sorry!” she says backing out your office, the door closing with a resounding click.
Billy answers on the first ring. You can hear the smile in his voice, prompting yours in return.
“Mrs. Russo, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
When will the fluttering in your stomach go away?
“There are cheaper ways to get my attention.” You tease.
“Oh I’m sure there are,” his voice drops an octave, “but you know I like to spoil what’s mine.”
“You’re dumb.” You say affectionately.
“And?” he asks.
“And I wouldn’t want anyone else. Expensive flowers or not.”
He laughs, and you feel your chest fill with warmth.
“I have one more meeting and I’m done for the day. Will I see you later?”
You receive an email from Candice telling you that your next client is here. When you see the name, you give a loud sigh.
“What is it?”
“Sorry,” You say, feeling bad for cutting him off, “It’s just… my next appointment is, well, an ex.”
Billy hums, “Want me to call in an emergency?” which is what he sometimes does to get you out of work. Used only in extreme circumstances… like when he needs you to help him let off some steam and can’t wait.
You giggle, “Nah, I’ll be fine.” You say, unsure. “I’ll see you tonight?”
“It’s a date.” He says, the smile returning to his voice.
“I love you, byee.” You sing.
He says the same to you and with a click- he’s gone.
And you walk to open the door to greet the man who slept with your best friend… ex- best friend. Whatever.
You greet Liam with a smile, show him no unsavoury faces or expressions. You welcome him into your office and he sits in front of your desk.
When he spots the bouquet of roses, he gives a sharp whistle.
“You still sending yourself flowers? Or is someone trying to compensate for something?” He jokes.
You clench your jaw hard and smile at him.
“Why don’t we get right down to business.” You say.
You wish you could say that the unprofessional comments ended there, but that would be a lie.
When he spots the ring on your finger, he jokes about how you ‘managed to trap a man into marrying you.’ He keeps bringing up old stories about your relationship, trying to belittle you at any opportunity he can. Through all of this, you keep your calm demeanor. This is your place of work and you do your best to treat it as such.
Eventually, when you have a working draft, you tell him you’ll need time to come up with a functional plan and that you’ll send him the proposal as soon as you can.
You walk around your desk and extend your hand to shake. He takes your hand in his, but he doesn’t let go, moving himself closer instead.
“You know we had some good times back in college. We probably still can right now.”
You try to tug your wrist free.
“I’m not interested Liam. I’m married.”
He pulls you in closer, his breath hits your face. You keep trying to tug your hand free but his grip is too tight, almost bruising.
“Let go.” You say firmly.
He grabs the back of your head and moves his head in closer to yours.
“Stop!” you say loudly.
The door swings open.
Liam lets you go and you stumble back, holding on to the desk for support. Your breathing is shaky as you glance up at the door.
Billy is there. Shoulders squared aggressively. His face is a stony mask.
“Hey man,” Liam says, “You kind of interrupted a moment here.”
Billy glances at you, making sure you’re physically okay before looking at your ex.
“Your business with my wife is over. Get the fuck out. Now.”
“Wife? Look, she came on to me. Telling me how much she missed me and shit.” He smiles, “She’s definitely not a loyal girl if you know what I mean. Probably with you for the money.” He says, pointing at the roses.
Billy has already decided that this man isn’t living for another day when he smiles and steps to the side to let this walking piece of shit pass.
“I’m not asking again.”
Liam sighs, “Whatever man.” He says and leaves.
Billy closes the door behind him and walks up to you.
You take him into a hug almost immediately. You’re shaking so bad in his arms that his chest aches with worry and uncontrollable rage. No one touches his wife like that and lives.
He smoothes his hand over your hair.
“You’re okay” he soothes.
“Yeah I am.” You say, looking up at him, “Was two seconds away from kneeing him in the balls when you walked in.
He laughs, “I would have paid to see that.” He reaches for the beautiful flowers and places them in your arms. He gathers your things into your bag and wraps an arm around your waist.
“Come on, let’s go.”
He guides you out your office and you notice the number of eyes fixed on Billy. Both men and women alike slow down to eye him as he passes. You’re honestly glad that he’s taking the attention away from you. Anyone who looks at you too closely would notice your disheveled appearance.
 He takes you home and draws you a bath. He slips in behind you and you stay there together, relaxing in each other’s embrace. You tell him about the shit day you’d been having long before that fucker walked in. You even tell him about the relationship you had with Liam during college and the events that transpired that had you throwing his items out of your apartment at eight in the morning. He kisses your shoulders and holds you close, telling you that you’re safe and loved.
When the water gets cold, he carries you to your bedroom and helps you slip into one of your silk chemises. He holds you against his body as you fall asleep to the sound of his heart beating for you. Your legs are tangled together and his hands are warm against your skin. Billy manages to help you find peace in your chaos.
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 A muffled crash rouses you from sleep, followed by a muttered curse. You glance at the clock, it's one in the morning and Billy’s not in bed. You slip out from under the blankets, shivering when your skin hits the frigid air for the first time. You make your way toward the sounds of fumbling followed by curses, to find your husband standing in your kitchen tugging at his shoes in the dark.
“Billy?” you call out as you flick on the lights.
Billy freezes and turns to you.
You gasp. He’s dressed in his tactical gear from head to toe. There are splashes of blood on his face, and darkened spots on his clothes that can only be more blood. His knuckles are bruised and bloody.
“Help?” he asks gently.
“What happened?” you ask, voice panicked as you reach him.
You help him out of his gear, pulling the retractable knife on his wrist over his bloody knuckles and helping him out of his shirt.
“Where did you go?” You try again.
He moves to clean his hands in the kitchen sink. The sound of water is the only thing you hear before he speaks.
“No one touches my wife.” Is all he says.
“You went after Liam? Is he- Did you-?”
Billy glances at you.
“He won’t bother you again. He won’t be bothering anyone again.”
“You didn’t have to-“ the words die in your throat.
"Yes. I did."
You grab a napkin and dampen it, holding his face in your hand and you wipe at the crimson droplets scattered on him.
"I don't want you getting into trouble for me." You plead.
"You're the only thing worth getting in trouble for." His hands move to grip at your hips, sliding the silky material up your body.
"But I won't be getting into any trouble, no one will notice him missing by the time they find him."
You swallow as he pins you against the kitchen counter and starts kissing at your neck.
"Doesn't feel right." You murmur, fighting a moan.
"Would you feel better if I told you that you weren't the first woman he did that to? Found a lot of evidence in his phone. Videos. Threats. You weren't the first person, but you were definitely the last."
You moan as he bites down on your collarbone. It actually did make you feel better, knowing that Liam wouldn't hurt anyone else.
"Doesn't matter that he hurt other women though. He was dead the moment he put his hands on you." Those words definitely shouldn't turn you on as much as they do.
Billy picks you up and plants your ass on the counter. You spread your legs invitingly for him and he wastes no time fitting his body into yours and claiming your mouth with a searing kiss.
"Nobody touches what's mine." He growls against your lips, "Do you understand?"
"Yes." You gasp, pulling his mouth back to yours.
The kiss is harsh and demanding. Billy holds nothing back as his rough hands travel over your body, squeezing at the flesh of your ass, short nails scraping at your scalp as he guides your head this way and that, while he commands your attention with his tongue.
"Ohh Billy." You moan, his mouth trailing down your neck and biting gently at the skin just above your chemise.
Your hands are also exploring his body, sinking your fingers into his hair and scratching at his shoulders when his bites get a bit too rough. He mouths at the material over your breast, wetting the silk with his saliva and watching your nipples harden under his torment.
You hear a dissatisfied grunt before he grabs your dress and tears it right down the middle. The sound of the fabric tearing has you clenching around nothing desperately.
"Mine." He groans, delivering a filthy lick from the base of your breast, over your nipple and up your neck. He bites at your jaw gently. His hands rip the remaining fabric right down the middle, and slips the ruined silk off your shoulders.
His mouth wraps around a nipple and you let out a choked gasp. You're fully nude against his half-dressed form. Your hands reach for his belt, you tug the gun from its holster and unbuckle it while Billy sucks marks onto your neck and collarbones.
You undo his belt next, and then the button of his pants. You manage to slip his boxers down and pull out his pulsing erection. He groans impatiently when you give him a few slow strokes.
"Can't wait. Need you right now. Are you ready?" He asks desperately.
You nod your head and guide him into your wet heat. You both let out simultaneous groans as he presses himself into you. He hits every spot just right as he fills you. Your toes curl as you try to fight off an orgasm so soon. But you're too hooked on him, the warmth of his skin, the metallic smell in the air that mixes with his cologne, his mindless moans of pleasure. When he finally stuffs all of his cock into you, you clench around him, crying out in bliss at your unprompted orgasm.
"You just cum baby? Couldn't wait a little?" He grips your throat and you whimper.
He gently glides his cock against your walls teasingly, "Filthy little girl, having her first orgasm as soon as I put my cock in?"
He growls, "Think anyone else can give you that?" You shake your head, his small movements turn into thrusts. "Think anyone can have you coming like a needy whore on their cock like this?"
He runs his tongue over your cheek
"No fucking way they can. That's why you took those vows right? That's why you wear my ring on that pretty finger of yours."
You nod your head, his words are only helping to throw you to the brink of another orgasm.
His hips slam into yours now, he's not holding anything back.
"Say them again," he grunts, "tell me those vows."
You're not sure how he really expects you to speak. One swift slap to your ass has your lips moving.
"For better or for worse," you gasp.
"For r-richer or... poorer."
His fingers move to play with your nipples.
"In sickness and in- ahh- health."
You make sure to look right into his heated gaze when you say the last line,
"Till death do us part."
He groans, his thrust become punishing, his hips slap into yours, filling the room with the filthiest noises.
His fingers ghost over your clit and you arch into him.
"You're fucking mine." Is all you hear him say as fireworks explode behind your eyes. You cling to him desperately, letting him anchor you to reality as your mind floats in bliss.
You're burning for him now, aching, and he knows it. He picks you up easily and starts moving, you don't know where he's going until he drops you gently onto the living room couch.
"Don't think I can make it to the bed." He confesses as he shucks the remainder of his clothes off and cover you with his body. He wants to bury his tongue in your pussy and feel you come on his tongue but you have other ideas.
You push him back until he's sitting on the couch. You straddle his hips and waste no time in pressing yourself back onto his cock.
He gasps, feeling the way your movements shift from needy to desperate. You're both covered in the marks of your lovemaking and it's not over yet.
You take your time bouncing on his cock, holding his face close to yours, crying out when the head of his cock grazes that special spot inside you. He watches your breasts bounce, he feels your pussy flutter around him. He gets taken with the way your hair looks- wild and messy.
"Say it again." He gasps, your eyes meet his. "Tell me those vows again." He begs.
You grip the back of his head and mesh his lips with yours.
"For better or for worse." You moan.
You pull on his hair and dig your nails into his shoulder.
"Richer.... or poorer."
His hands embrace you, holding you tight to his body as you rock yourself on his cock. He's so close.
"In... in sickness and in health."
Your fingers sink deeper into his skin and he knows you're there.
"Till death- ah!" You cry out as you come, clenching so tight that Billy's orgasm is triggered.
He holds you tightly to him, no space in between you two as you feel him cum inside you, his warm spend filling you up and spilling out around his cock.
You're both trembling, breathing erratic as you experience your highs together.
He kisses any open skin his mouth can reach, pecking at the marks he's left on your body. His hands hold you in place, not ready to slip his cock from inside you.
Your lovemaking doesn't end there. When you're both ready again, he takes you on the coffee table, whispering the filthiest words.
"Gonna fuck you on every inch of this apartment, till you can't look at a spot without imagining the ways I stuffed you with my cock on them."
When he presses your body into the floor length windows and slams into you with punishing thrusts of his hips.
"No one can see us all the way up here. But I know you wish they would. I know you wished they could see how well you take my cock, wish they'd see how much of a good girl you are for your husband. Fuck... that's it, cream all around me while I fill you up."
When you finally make it to the bed, it's because Billy has to carry you there. He's cum inside you way too many times to keep track. Your legs no longer function properly and you're covered in scratches, bites and hickies. Billy doesn't really look any better, he has long deep scratches marring his perfect back, hickies all over his chest and trailing lower to just above his cock.
You're tangled in each other once more, listening to his breathing as exhaustion takes over.
"I want you." You say into his chest, "I will always want you."
The only indication that he's heard you is a gentle squeeze of your shoulder before you sink into sleep.
Billy squeezes his eyes shut. He knows that no matter what he says- its really him that belongs to you.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
All mine
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liam dunbar x reader / masterlist
summary; alec, scott’s new beta has a thing for liam’s girl, and sufficed to say, liam is anything but happy about the predicament / warnings; jealousy, smut, some choking, fucking in a playground, daddy kink, mentions of masturbation, mentions of phone sex, mentions of exhibitionism, oral sex (fem receiving).
the boy with anger issues was feeling a rage boil in his veins; they were in scott’s home, he had came back from college for a break, and thus, alec had joined in meeting with their alpha, though, not all his attention was reprised upon said pack leader.
there was a movie flashing upon the screen, you sat cross legged on the couch, whilst liam had been sent to the kitchen to grab a bowl of popcorn. he could feel his hand putting amble pressure on the plastic bowl, as he watched you explain every dumb thing occurring in the motion picture film.
alec was acting clueless on purpose, he could tell, more so since when he had first joined the pack, he had made such moves on you. and spoiler, eventually they had been successful. you were the same age as scott, meaning that you too had returned to beacon hills for your half term clause in the higher education, and liam wanted you to spend every moment with him, not this stray.
it took all his supernatural strength to restrain the growl threatening to rumble from his chest, his claws bent into the flesh of his palms, drawing a pooling of blood to the tether down from the self inflicted wound. scott smelt the blood, and wrinkled his nose at the scent that invaded his nostrils; he thought liam had his issues under control, but supposedly not entirely.
he couldn’t help himself, alec was trying his best, slyly glancing down your top, and he got he was only a hormonal teenage boy, same as him, but you were his girl. a rumble, resembling the natural force of thunder echoed around the living space, drawing all eyes, human and otherwise, in his direction.
the growl that had erupted from his chest had been possessive, a warning to the young, adopted beta, who quickly adjourned his arm away from the back of the couch, and shuffled from right beside you.
“li, are you good?” in an instant you removed yourself from where you were sat, walking towards him, and smoothing his shoulders over with your palms, watching as he heavily breathed. amber eyes flickered up to you, making you gulp; you now understood what had him so relentless and blunt with his aggression.
“i want to leave.” it wasn’t a question, it was a defiant statement. in turn, you nodded, grasping anything you needed, such as you jacket, and pulling it over your arms, liam quickly heading out, without bidding either of the boys a goodbye.
“see ya.” you waved at the pair, you would apologise for liam’s behaviour later to scott, he of course understood the situation nevertheless, he had been his alpha for a long time now. a hand grasped you as soon as you exited, pillowing roughly into your skin as he dragged you down the street, his pace quick and daring.
“you think i didn’t notice that beta’s eyes drifting down to your cleavage or him practically pawing for your attention.” he had stopped the two of you outside of a playground, you gulped, listening to him with an adjacent inclination.
“liam, there’s no need to be jealous.” your words had the priority of calming his angered exterior, though it happened that you had done rather the opposite. there was a firm line deposited between his dark brows, a frown that was aimed towards you directly.
“me, jealous? oh no, i know that you’re mine, but it comes to the question, do you?” he bit his lip, tensing the bridge of his nose as he moved his face closer to your own. “for all i know, at college, you don’t even let anyone know that you’re in a relationship, it could be your little secret, so you can fuck whomever you want.”
“that’s something i’d never do, you know that!” his accusations were flimsy, that much was liable, though although knowing that all his words came out of a place of secluded insecurity, you still felt the necessity to defend yourself. if you played his game, it would make him subconsciously doubt himself, and possibly believe the things that he was saying were true.
“do i?” the beta pried. liam made directories closer towards you, taking steps to discern your defence, letting his hand ravel up, and close around the front of your neck. your breath instantly hitched, as he wordlessly stated the power he had over you; not to mention, he was stronger, and he was irked, meaning that he would go to any lengths to prove his point, or lack of one.
“liam.” your hands came up to scratch at the exterior of his, worried that he would do some prominent damage, but rather than releasing his grip, he tightened his fist, triggering a hitch in your breath, and a uncoordinated, surprising moan to fly from your lips, as though your body was inherently howling at him for more.
“does my girlfriend like that? i think she likes daddy having his hand around her throat, don’t you baby? are you daddy’s dirty girl?” his slick words made your brain disintegrate into a contortion of confusion; more specifically, riddled with uncertainty, searching for a reason as to why his mature words were affecting you so.
there was no question about the matter, he was well adorned with the specifics of how it was affecting you. the reverberating of your heart thumped in his ears, like drums of a sacred matter, telling him how your hormones crazed, thundering with potential submission, that alternately had your knees quaking, fighting to remain standing.
then, there was the intoxicating aroma that scaled up to his nose from between your legs. that alone was a dead give away, he was lucky that it hadn’t killed him in the dead of night yet. being apart from you for so long had drove him borderline insane, one touch from you had him swooning, wanting nothing more for your hands to drift and intimately pet him.
phone calls, as erotic as some of them were, was just enough. the two of you were sectioned off for education in different counties, the distance pained him, in more ways than one. sometimes he’d wake up with a throbbing appendage between his thighs, begging for attention, more specifically, yours.
his hand got by, completing the job, but it wasn’t the same as the feeling of your sweet velvet walls encasing him likes an umbrella pouch, hugging his shaft tight as he rammed his length inside of you, preening moans of ecstasy out of your sinful mouth. the thought of such scenarios would have hun instantly hard in the school showers, leaving him frustrated for the rest of the day.
and though you had returned for a couple of weeks, he remained prominently stressed, never having enough contact with your skin that he had missed so much. he wished for nothing more than to spend it in a godforsaken rut, trapping you in the confines of his bed as he thrust in and out of you, but it so happened that isn’t how your return had panned out.
the luxury of the bed was not present, in its place was the soft breeze prickling at your skin, making every lingering, and restraining touch that he gave to it that more sensual. it was like nature was biting at your skin, plucking up the courage to adorn your flesh in small bumps, coercing your nipples into being erect, although, that was admittedly not all down to the wispy air.
your boyfriend had turned you on, his methods of doing so far different from anything that he had ever embraced before. whom would have ever thought that the once youngest member of the mccall pack would not forlorn in his youth, but instead want to demean his title as something as sexual as ‘daddy’? you sure as didn’t, but you couldn’t deny, it was kind of hot.
okay, more than hot, a lot more. “answer me y/n.” that’s right, you had gotten swept away with this whole new side to your partner, to say that you were drooling was an understatement, if he pointed it out, you’d blame it on him choking you. choking you! damn, he really had been reading up on some kinky shit whilst you were away.
“i do.” it was an honest answer, traded from you to him. though, it wasn’t entirely what he wanted to hear, you recognised that as he promptly squeezed your air way, causing your tongue to dip out of your mouth as you momentarily gasped for an ounce of breath. to spare you a second to respond, he pardoned his grip, stroking down the side of your face with the back of his stern hand.
“answer properly this time babe, else, i’ll fuck you over the swing set.” gulping, you locked eyes with liam, rubbing your thighs together at his prospect, inhaling heavily, as you felt him soothe his thumb rub upon the crevice of your chin, moisturising your own saliva into your skin.
“i love you choking me, daddy.” the word had a strange affect on your body as it rolled almost effortlessly off your tongue. instantly, verbalising the phrase had you feeling meek under the cold gaze of your boyfriend, a smirk ruling his face, as he clasped his knuckles into the dips of your waist, tugging you close.
“good girl.” he ushered the words into your ear as though he were a pro at doing so, lowering his palms to grab both your ass cheeks, a shocked squeal clawing out of the colander of your throat. “but i’m still going to fuck you over it, and i expect you to grasp onto the chains like you’re holding on for your life, and wail like a banshee that you are all mine.”
a slither of a sound, radiating utter betrothal escaped your withering lips, it was something between noise of a whimper, and a small moan. liam took that, and rightfully so, as approval to proceed with his intentions, and thus, he lead you through the gravel of the empty playground, directing his footsteps to the swings, and pushing you to be in front of him.
he bent your waist a little, so that you were hunched over, offering the perfect angle to generate pleasure for the both of you, as he began to tug your jeans down, letting the tight material meet with the croons of your ankles, and remain tethered around them.
“shit, you’ve already soaked through your panties baby.” liam soothed his fingers over the wet patch that opted through the thin material, brushing directly over your sensitive bundle of nerves, causing your mouth to wantonly drop open, in a silent beckon for more. “i can smell you too, you know, and damn, do you smell fucking divine.”
“daddy please.” the beg fell comfortably from you, there was no sudden recital to saying it once more. peculiarly, it felt natural, the dynamic between you and your partner being a stable structure to begin exploring further aspects that spectated in intimacy.
“sit on the seat, daddy will help you out darling.” trailing around the side of the metal structure, you carefully strode to do as liam has said, perching your ass on the swing, it lightly swaying from the impact of your weight upon the small dipped hammock. “there we go.”
liam knelt, scathing his covered knees upon the ground, as he ran his eager palms along the insides of your thighs, plucking at the band of your panties, before shuffling them down far enough so that he had all the access that he hungered for. the brisk whim that waded through the nighttime air had your pussy clenching, feeling the cold integrate against your folds, as liam puckered his lips.
he blew hot air upon your labia, enforcing your grip around the malleable metal chains to tighten, as you lightly shuffled the way that you were sat, spreading your legs a little wider, as your toes scratched relentlessly inside your socks, digging the front of your sneakers into the tarmac below.
your boyfriend leant forwards, swiping his tongue up your folds, causing you to press your head back, as you airily sighed from the contact, loving the way that his tongue delved around the area of your clit, swirling the bud in his mouth, as his teeth gently pinched the sensitive fumble of flesh.
“li- ah, daddy.” he had nipped at your outer lips, serving his actions as a form to correct how you had labelled him. “fuck, you’re so good with your tongue- shit.” his tongue slipped down into your entrance, thrusting the part of himself in and out of you, as you almost fell out of the swing seat.
“mmh.” your so called daddy hummed, sucking once more on your clit, before pulling his head away, as he stood, dragging you with him to force you to stand, delving his saturated tongue into the depths of your mouth, giving you no other option than to taste yourself on his buds. “what do you say baby?” his hand crawled into your hair as he bit his lip, staring with heavy lids at your flushed expression.
“thank you daddy.” a strong nod, he swiftly rotated you around, giving a light smack to your ass cheek, pinching the flesh, as he hurriedly undressed his bottom half, after fishing a loose packaged condom out of his back pocket. his tongue toyed with his top lip, as he ripped open the plastic square, rolling the condom onto his erect cock, giving himself a couple of jerks, as he steadied himself behind where you had hunched over once more.
he grasped his heavy cock, sliding his length through your smothered folds, teasing you as he tapped your clit, resting his hips flush against your own, as he pressed inside of you, causing an elongated string of obscene sounds to cast out of your mouth, playing a tune out of your melodically fawned lips.
a grunt tore itself out of his chest, as he clenched his fine jaw, digging his thumbs into your ass cheeks, as he began to move; delving deep within you, before pulling out of your tight walls, and rutting himself back inside of you. “fuck, feels so good da- ah!”
your natural sounds of pleasure drowned the surrounding area in an epitome of adulterated musings. adjoined with the sounds of liam’s skin slapping against your own, it was a surprise that no one had intervened, nor walked by. though, liam would have heard if they were in a nearby radius, with his supernatural hearing, that he had gotten through a set of canines digging urgently into his wrist, as he hung solemnly off the side of the hospital.
“you’re all mine, you hear that? those frat boys can keep their pervy gazes off of my girl, otherwise i guess i’ll just have to pay you a visit, and fuck you loud enough for anyone to hear.” he began panting, flowing his breath down upon your lower back. “yeah, you like that idea baby girl, how about i take over in the lecture hall and bend you over that desk, drilling into your tight cunt in front of every one so that they know that you belong to me?”
his half conceived promises, his taunting of you had you rolling closer to the edge, backing your hips backwards as you urgently met with his thrusts, forcing him to hip deeper into your cervix, a light growl prowling out of his chest, as he leant against you, angling his waist lower as he thrust upwards, his chest flat against your back.
“yes- fuck! please daddy, i wou- love that. love for you to fuck me for everyone to see, fill me with your cum, make me cu-um.” his heated breath strained against your skin, as your eyes fluttered, feeling succumbed to a white flush inside your veins, your body halting with it’s stability, resting helplessly over the swing seat, a she kept you steady.
“all mine.” your boyfriend stated, as he made you fall over the edge, ravenously thrusting into you to chase his own high. “gonna fucking cum.” a minor roar yelped out of his mouth, as his eyes strung shut, his shoulders relaxing as he emptied his seed into the condom, pulling out of your sopping cunt, as he removed the layer of protection, throwing it successfully in a bin a few feet away.
hazily, you went to stand, liam helping you pull your bottoms up, as he did so to himself too. he held you up, as he hoisted a passionate kiss onto your lips, a satisfied smile on his face once he pulled away. “i miss you so much when you’re away, i love you y/n/n.”
an appeased expression faulted your expression, as you reached up to entwine your hands together at the back of his neck. “i’m all yours li, or should i call you daddy?” you teased, causing a blush to fathom the apples of his cheeks. he looked down, an embarrassed poise covering his face.
“shut up.” he jokingly prompted, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he began to walk you home, as you continued to tease him about his newly revealed kink, or multiple.
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arrowflier · 3 years
if you still take prompts: ian coming out to the rest of the gallaghers causally or dramatic i'm just curious how he'd do it
It's been a bit but I'm thinking the show gave us Fiona, Lip, Frank, and sort of Monica?  So I went with the other siblings and an extra
He didn't mean to come out to Clayton.  His dad?  His uncle?  Well, whatever he was, he didn't need to know that Ian dreamed about muscled biceps and short dark hair and sinking his teeth into the back of strong shoulders.
Unfortunately, Clayton happened to stop by the house just in time to see Mickey leaving it wearing Ian's shirt, the neck stretched out enough to show off an impressive hickey on the side of his own.
Mickey had scurried off with nothing but a glare--and a double bird when Clayton didn't avert his eyes quick enough--but the damage was done.
"One of your sister's boyfriends?" Clayton asked lightly, maybe serious, maybe giving him an out.
Ian knew he should take it.  Mickey would kill him if he ever found out he hadn't, even if Clayton had no idea who he was.
He should have taken the out.
But he didn't.
"No," he answered simply, "one of mine," and watched his something's eyes widen.
"Oh, um."  Clayton coughed.  "Well, it seems like a bad time, so I'll just..."
He backed away down the sidewalk.  His clean shoes scraped against cracked concrete, his neatly hemmed trousers just skirting the dirt.
"Yeah," Ian said, "Okay." 
And he pretended it didn't hurt when Clayton walked away.  Why should it?  The man was nothing to him anyway.
It was early afternoon on a summery Tuesday, after Ian got home from an early shift.  Debbie was sitting on the front steps as he walked up, idly braiding yellow dandelions into a crown.
"Hi Ian," she said as he tried to sneak past, "you're late."
Ian winced, halfway up the stairs, looking down at her fair red head.
"You keeping a calendar or something?" he asked, reaching down to ruffle her hair.
She pulled out of reach, and frowned up at him, green stems twisting between her fingers.
"I do when you were supposed to help with the daycare pickup," she countered, and oh.  Oops.
Ian sighed, and turned to plop down on the step next to her.
"Right," he said lowly.  "Sorry, Debs."
He put an arm around her shoulders, and she hunched over, but let him.
"What were you doing?" she asked, eyes on her hands.
Ian shrugged, the movement making her sway in the curve of his arm.
"Nothing," he tells her.  "Just hanging out."
"Are you cheating on Mandy?" she asked suddenly, going stiff, and he stared at the side of her head in shock.
"What?" He says.  "No, why would you ask that?"
"Because she came over to help me when you didn't show up," Debbie muttered, "so I know she didn't give you that hickey."
Ian's free hand flew to his neck, slapping over the spot Mickey had bit a little too hard less than twenty minutes before.
"You are cheating," Debbie said morosely.  "I knew it.  Boys are all awful."
She started to rise, flowered weeds falling from her hands to the steps.  Ian had only a split second to think, to decide, and then he was pulling her down again by a thin arm.
"I'm not cheating," he forced out as she collapsed back down with a huff.  "No, really," he insisted when she rolled her eyes.  "It's more complicated than that."
Debbie raised her eyes to his, then looked down again, biting her lip.
"Is it because you're gay?" she asked, and the wind went out of him again.
"Do you even know what that means?" he questioned, gathering himself.
"I go to public school," Debbie answered with a huff.  "Of course I know what it means."
Right.  Fair enough.
"Yeah," he admitted on an exhale.  "Yeah, it's because I'm gay."
"Does Mandy know that?"
He nodded.
"Yeah, she does."  Then he rubbed a hand over his face.  He had to ask.  Had to know how he had given himself away.
If not for himself, for Mickey, who had just gotten over their last scare.
"How did you know?"
"Mandy," was the unexpected answer. "Carl is always drooling over her, it's gross.  But you look at her the same way you look at me."
And what a thing to be outed over.  Being a decent guy.
But at least he didn't get Mickey outed with him.
His heart rate settled, and Debbie settled against him.  She picked up her half finished flower crown, and set it on his lap.
"You finish that one," she ordered.  "For your boyfriend."
Ian took it with a fragile smile, and didn't bother to correct her.
Carl had a lot of questions when he came back from care.  Questions he liked to ask indiscrimate of time, place, or person.  Questions that really weren't appropriate for the dinner table, with the full family around, right after they had all dished up.
"Does gay sex hurt?" he questioned absently, dragging his fork through the mess of gravy-covered meatloaf on his plate.
The table went quiet, except for the sound of Lip choking on lukewarm beer.
"Well?" Carl asked, directed toward Lip this time as the one with the greatest reaction.  "Does it?"
"Asking the wrong brother," Lip muttered under his breath, and Ian kicked him under the table.
"Lip," Fiona hissed, then looked apologetically at Ian.  As if that were somehow less obvious.
"Why are you asking that?" she directed to Carl, and the boy shrugged.
"Saw some videos at that fancy house," he told her.  "The guy seemed to like it in one of them, but in the other one he was crying."
Fiona hesitated, eyes going to Debbie, to Liam.  To Ian again.
"Well," she started, "they probably just--"
"Yeah, it can hurt," Ian cut in, suddenly feeling tired.  Tired of lying, tired of hiding, tired of everything.  "If you don't do it right."
Carl's attention was on him immediately, and so was everyone else's.  Except Liam's, at least.
"Have you done it?" Carl asked eagerly, leaning over the table toward Ian. 
Ian shrugged.
Like it was no big deal.  Like his heart wasn't racing.  Like he wasn't thinking of what had happened the last time he said it out loud.
Carl's face twisted as he came to a belated realization.
"Does that mean you're gay?"
"Yeah," Ian said again, and held his breath.
Carl nodded.
"Okay," he said, looking back to his food. 
And...it was. 
No one continued the conversation.  No one even looked at him again.  And Ian felt himself relax, felt himself calm...until Carl spoke up again.
"Is that why you always hung out with Mickey?" he asked, and the blood drained from Ian's face.
"No," he answered shortly, then pushed back, the legs of his chair squealing on the floor.  "Mickey isn't gay."
He looked back on his way up the stairs, ignoring Fionas outstretched arm as he passed.
"And don't ever let him hear you say that," he added, "or he'll kick your face in, too."
Months later, when Ian was back, Carl asked him again, in his own way.
"Is Mickey gay?" as he walked up to the makeshift pull up bar in the doorway.  "Do you love him?"
And Ian wanted to answer, that time.  He really, really did.
But he honestly didn't know anymore.
"I like the way he smells," he said instead, and ignored the way his stomach clenched when Mickey glared on his way to the bathroom.
It's not like he ever told Liam, not really.  At least, not in any way that counted.
He didn't really have to; Liam had grown up in the middle of it all.
He had been there when Mickey stayed, the first time.  Sat watching them wake up in a too-small bed, share the bathroom, share breakfast, share all of it.
He had been there when Ian left, too.  Gone to live with Mickey in the dreaded Milkovich house.  He'd still seen him plenty--stroller rides with Yev, the odd babysitting gig--but more often than not, Mickey had been there too.
And when Mickey was gone, and Ian found others, it just didn't seem so important. 
By the time Caleb came around, and then Trevor, he just figured Liam kind of knew.  Obviously he knew when the whole Gay Jesus thing happened.
But they had still never talked about it.
"You love Mickey?" Liam asked when they were both back.  When he wandered past their bedroom to see Mickey sound asleep under the covers, head pillowed in Ian's lap as Ian tapped away at his phone.
Ian was transported.  To another time, a different brother, a different self that couldn't say the words.
He could say them now.
"I do," he answered, voice soft but sure, hand stroking through Mickey's hair as the other man hid his face against Ian's thigh.
Liam shrugged.
Simple.  Anticlimactic.
And maybe they didn't need to talk about the specifics.  Because it wasn't about Ian anymore, that he was gay.  It was about them: Mickey and Ian.  Together, no matter what their labels were. 
That was how Ian wanted to be see, now.  As part of a whole.
Mickey mumbled against him, and Ian looked down, and smiled.
He'd never have to come out alone again.
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eneiryu · 2 years
Fic Snippet Part Three
“You saw him,” Scott repeats, breathless and with his eyes fixed on Liam’s face, and when Liam nods he collapses down into a nearby kitchen chair, his hands coming up over his face as he braces his elbows on the table and mutters oh thank god.
“You saw him,” Scott repeats, breathless and with his eyes fixed on Liam’s face, and when Liam nods he collapses down into a nearby kitchen chair, his hands coming up over his face as he braces his elbows on the table and mutters oh thank god. But he drops his hands the next second, and squints back up at Liam. “And he was okay?”
“I don’t know, Scott,” Liam tells him, still stood awkwardly in the middle of the McCall-Argent condo’s living area. “I only saw him for like, ten seconds. But,” he says, because he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about it either; playing that same ten seconds over and over in his mind, “but I think so. He looked okay, at least.”
Scott starts to nod, slow and first and then a little faster.
“Okay,” he says, then, “Okay. We need to—”
But he’s cut off when the condo’s front door slams open, and Argent comes barreling through. He still has one hand on the door when he spots Liam, and he uses it as a pushing-off point—the door wrenching shut behind him—as he steps forward and demands, “Tell me.”
So Liam does, starting over from the beginning because otherwise Argent would stop, and make him. But he only makes it partway through before the door is slamming open again, and Malia is rushing through. Corey, Mason. Gonzalez and Marykwas and Kaynor, no doubt summoned by Argent. Deaton, followed closely by Derek, who dials in Lydia and Stiles and leaves his phone on speaker on the table, where everyone can hear it. Liam starts over every time, until finally he makes it through.
Argent taps his fingers against the table, his back against another of the kitchen chairs and his feet braced wide on the floor. He looks over at Deaton, stood serenely in the corner where the living area wall meets the kitchen. “I thought you said the magic and drugs would have worn off by now.”
“They undoubtedly have,” Deaton answers.
Several people around the room exchange looks, including Liam and Mason and Corey.
“Then how—” Scott starts to ask.
“The fur traders’ process requires two steps,” Deaton explains. “The first uses a combination of magic and drugs to force a shifter to take their non-human shape. The second requires—” he pauses, the briefest of hesitations, “persuading the shifter to remain that way.”
Like the rest of the gathered group, Liam tries, and mostly fails, not to look at Malia. She glares at nothing, but her eyes bleed blue. Scott reaches over and covers her crossed arms with a hand, and she turns to look at him and softens.
Liam looks away as she lets Scott thread their fingers together.
“This second step forces the shifter’s human consciousness down in order to force their shifted consciousness to the fore,” Deaton continues. When Liam looks back up, he realizes Deaton is looking at him. “It’s possible that Theo remains in that state.”
There’s something about the way he says it; something about that it’s possible. Liam squints at Deaton but there’s nothing on his face; there never is. Several feet away, Argent exhales out a rough breath.
“So what do we do?” he asks, at the same time that Scott wonders, “So how do we help him?”
Liam swallows, and looks back at Deaton.
“Arguably you’re already doing it,” Deaton tells them; tells Liam, whose eyes he once again meets. “It’s possible Theo simply needs more time to come fully back to himself.”
“And if it’s not possible?” Argent wonders, hard-edged. Deaton’s gaze flicks from Liam’s to Argent’s.
“The process is reversible,” Deaton answers. Liam, for no reason he can name, feels the hair on the back of his neck start to rise.
It’s Gonzalez who breaks the resulting silence. “Sir,” he offers, tentative. Argent twists around in his seat to look at him. “We know he was in the Preserve, now. We could—” hunt him, he doesn’t say, though that’s what he means, or at least it’d be the same skill-set in play, “—track him, bring him back so that—”
“No,” Liam says, immediate and instinctive. It’s only after that he blinks and realizes that Scott and Malia and Argent had said it at the same time, just as forcefully. They all glance at each other, but it’s Scott who speaks.
“Is he in any danger?” he asks Deaton, his eyes dragging away from Liam’s so that he can look at Deaton head-on as he does.
Deaton looks steadily back at Scott. “I don’t believe so.”
Scott starts to nod, and keeps doing so even as he lets his gaze drag away from Deaton’s, and to the others—his pack—gathered around the room. “Then we give him more time to come back to—” us, he doesn’t say, but it’s there in his hesitation, “—himself.” His eyes drop to the table. He says, quiet and aching enough that he may have meant to say it to himself, though they all hear him: “He’s been through enough without us traumatizing him further.”
He looks up at Liam, then.
Liam nods.
He also leaves them there, the whole gathered group of them, Scott and Argent and Argent’s hunters all working out a patrol schedule; protecting Theo, and the town, from the lingering threat of the fur traders. Mason and Corey try to stop him, their concern writ stark across their faces, but he begs off; there’s something anxious and restless in his chest and it keeps threatening to translate into clawed fingers and gold-burning eyes. Still, it isn’t until Malia intervenes—stepping between Mason and Corey on one side, and Liam on the other—that Liam is able to break fully away. “Go,” she tells him, her hands gentle on Mason’s and Corey’s chests, and Liam nods at her, dredges up a smile for Mason and Corey, and goes.
Home, at first. His house’s backyard is surrounded by a gated fence so Liam sits on the front porch, his eyes fixed on his fingers tangled together between his knees when they’re not fixed on the houses across the street, that much closer to the Preserve just a few blocks of suburban homes away. But he can hear the sounds of traffic, distant and occasionally not-so-distant as one of his neighbors arrives home; can hear conversation, and opening and closing doors, and the general muted cacophony of everyday life carrying on around him.
He thinks of the tension running near-visibly through Theo’s body the last two times he’d seen him; the skittish way his ears had swiveled back and forth.
He stands.
At first he heads towards the clearing with Tracy’s and Josh’s graves, but partway there he stops; right in the middle of the trees, he stops. He thinks of the careful flex of Theo’s fingers as he’d cleaned each of the cairns; he thinks of the way that he hadn’t known anything about them until Corey had told him, because it’d been a secret that Theo hadn’t thought was his to tell.
“No,” he tells himself, quiet and echoing a little in the trees. “No,” and then he changes direction, and heads towards a different clearing.
He startles a fox when he steps inside it. “Jesus!” he gasps, adrenaline bursting through him, then, “Sorry!” he calls, as the fox streaks away in a blur of color. He stands at the edge of the clearing for a bit, his hands playing with the zipper of the hooded sweatshirt he’d pulled out of the bottom drawer of his dresser, and then he picks his way to the center, and sits.
He flops onto his back.
This far from town the light pollution isn’t bad, and he can see the stars glimmering overhead. Aquila and Cygnus, he can remember Theo saying, arm held up in the air as he’d traced the constellations through the air. Liam finds them again, phantom warmth at his side and Theo’s scent in his nose just like it had been, and Liam lifts up only long enough to flip the hood of Theo’s sweatshirt up over his head before lying right back down. Serpens can be pretty hard to find, Theo had told him, tilted over so that he could speak it directly into Liam’s ear, and it had been pretty hard to find, because Liam had been distracted, and more interested in Theo’s lips hovering just bare inches away from his than Theo’s pointing finger.
But he tries to find it now, and the other constellations Theo had taught him to recognize besides. It’s difficult, if only because Liam startles at every nighttime sound, pushing himself up onto his elbows or his hands to peer desperately into the trees, looking for any hint of movement; of a darker patch of shadow. The fourth or fifth time it happens he drops back down flat with a groan, ignoring the twinge of pain from how he’d jarred his own bones at the impact, and covers his face with his hands.
Maybe this is pointless, he admits to himself, and he’s listlessly wondering if he should just give up and head back when he turns his head to the side, and freezes.
Theo, he just barely stops himself from saying, literally biting down on his tongue to keep the syllables from leaving his mouth. Theo stands at the edge of the clearing, his head low and his ears flicking back and forth, and watches him.
There’s no mistaking it; Theo’s watching him.
They stay like that, just watching each other, for—a minute. Two. Liam counts off the seconds in his head, his eyes burning because he keeps resisting the urge to blink, terrified that he’d open them back up to empty space. His fingers he twists in Theo’s hoodie because it’s that or reach out, and he remembers the feeling of Theo’s fur slipping between his fingers; of how it’d felt to watch Theo disappear into the trees. He remembers it, so he deliberately wraps himself in it, and he stays as still as he can make himself; which, it turns out, is pretty still.
And it’s still enough, apparently, because after long enough that Liam loses count, Theo’s eyes drag away from his, and run over every part of the clearing. His ears flick back and forth again, swiveling this way and that.
He steps, oh-so-carefully, further into the clearing, one paw and then another.
Liam stops breathing. He holds air burning in his lungs as he watches Theo step and step around the edge of the clearing, never coming further in than that, but not retreating back into the trees. He keeps going until he’s circled around the other side of Liam—Liam turning his head around his neck, the only part of his body he dares move—and then he slowly, slowly lowers himself down to his belly, his eyes never leaving Liam’s.
Liam exhales, all in a rush. He freezes up after, terrified the noise will send Theo running, but Theo just flicks an ear back and forth. He keeps his muzzle laid flat on his front paws. Okay, Liam thinks, after one second; two, three. Okay.
He turns, moving just as slowly and deliberately as Theo had, onto his side facing Theo.
He doesn’t know how long they stay there like that. Long enough for the adrenaline to start wearing off, anyway; long enough for his eyelids to start growing heavy. Liam fights the feeling with everything he has, but it’s a losing battle; his eyes keep sliding shut, and it takes him longer and longer to open them each subsequent time.
And then one time he slides them open, and the clearing is bright with morning, and the space where Theo had been is empty. Liam blinks a few times, still groggy, and then bites off a desperate, aching sound, and rolls over onto his back as he covers his face with his hands.
But the second he does, and the second he inhales and catches the scent clinging to his skin and sleeves and hands, he lifts them right back up. I’m wearing his sweatshirt, the rational part of his brain attempts to remind him, but it’s shoved aside, obliterated, the instant Liam spots the thick black hairs clinging to the fabric. He lifts his head up, immediate and instinctive, and sees the rest of the front of his sweatshirt is covered in the same.
He lets his head thunk back down, then arches it backwards as he squeezes his eyes shut and aims a helpless, aching smile right up at the sky.
One of these days I'm going to have actually title this thing, aren't I? In any case, hope everyone is still enjoying.
Next part up hopefully soon-ish.
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captainsspnanon · 2 years
C3E27 - reaction
I love what Ashley is doing with Fearne.  It’s not quite an amnesia thing, but it’s clearly SOMETHING affecting her memory.  She never really dived into the lost time aspect with Yasha in too much depth (for as much as it influenced her actions), so I’m excited to see where she goes with this!
Interestingly, I’m not sure if that was Erika or Dusk stirring shit with asking Laudna asking on the date.
Wonderful scene with Imogen and Laudna.  Confirmed that the relationship is not currently romantic.  (look, I really don’t mind if it becomes romantic in the future, but I’m just so annoyed with people insisting that it’s absolutely 100% romantic now.  Ship away!  But right now?  Your ship is not (romantically) canon.)
SAM.  SAM.  Fucking thank you!!!!  I know that Sam will always end up bringing a ton of depth into his PCs, but it’s sometimes a struggling dealing with the surface level jokes until we get that depth.  Now we’re really starting to see shit go down with FCG, and he just feels more like a fleshed out PC (no pun intended).  (though I admit, I doubt they’d be acting this way if Sam didn’t know that Imogen and Laudna were already resolved XD)
Oh INNNNNTERESTING.  Dusk was pretty clearly eavesdropping, but then Liam fucked everything up by not know and instead engaging in RP, so how does this now work in game?  Erika seemed to have been confirmed to hear the entire convo, but now because of this, now Dusk has missed the entire convo?  Does Matt rule that they hear part of it?  I’d love to know how this bit works out mechanically.
Speaking of shipping, well boo there goes my Fearne/Orym ship and my Imogen/Orym ship.  Definitely was more heavy towards Fearne/Orym - one because I love the dynamics, and two because I DESPERATELY want more Liam/Ashley RP.  Give me moar, pls!!!!!  (hmmm, I think Orym is shipless for me now, as I’m not a Dorym shipper, and I’m feeling Ashton more with Fearne or Laudna.  Alright Matt, pull up an NPC for this boy to romance!  [I kid, I kid.  I have a strong feeling that Liam’s going to avoid romance this campaign considering how heavily it ended up impacting the past two, and he even went into C2 with the intention of not doing it] )
Can I just briefly mention how adorable Laura and Travis have been this campaign?  Vex and Grog had a little bit of the bickering, but I feel like Laura and Travis are having a BLAST leaning into it with Imogen and Chetney.  Just, you can tell their delighted every time they do it.
I am really really enjoying Ashton when he/Taliesin is not trying to be secretive as fuck.  Seriously, Ashton is so much more enjoyable when they’re in action, sharing information, having conversations.  I just get annoyed when they deflect shit that doesn’t need to be deflected. (coming back, the Clasp!  Confirmed!)
OTOHAN THULL.  Holy fuck, Matt is just going SO FUCKING HARD into plot this campaign.  It’s why it’s so weird that it does feel a bit slower paced, considering the plot shit is LIKE NON FREAKING STOP.
Once again, I love that Ashley is going full form this campaign.  SHE DESERVES IT.  I also love that everyone’s giving her shit for it, as if they all haven’t done it in one form or another in previous campaigns (or even in the current campaign, TRAVIS).
Not much to say during second half as it’s a lot of set up, but it’s fun set up to watch, and it doesn’t feel like it’s dragging.  Looking forwards to the race!  And poor Travis, I feel like he and I were on the exact same page.  Still into it, but adhd means that full focus wasn’t there.  I spent probably the last 40 minutes watching while also playing on my phone.  Still enjoying!  But couldn’t give it my full attention.  And if I’m right and he was experiencing that?  oh boy, it’s so much harder in person.
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damonjuicyscock · 3 years
To The End (Chapter 11: The Universal)
Pairing: 90's Damon Albarn x Reader
Warnings: Language, Angst,Drug use, maybe some spelling mistakes as always.
Summary: You are Damon Albarn's girlfriend. Y/N is the subject of a war, feeling like a punching ball, Liam fancies her, and Damon behaves like a cocky bastard. They discover their new toy, how far will it go ?
Words: 2071
A/N: Hello everyone ! Here is chapter 11. Again, a little scene might tell you something. Anyway, let's see how it evolves don't we ?
Have a nice read !
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“It really, really, really could happen Yes, it really, really, really could happen When the days, they seem to fall through you Well, just let them go »
“Wants to know what Damon feels about Liam from Oasis saying things about his girlfriend Y/N. Well you know…I don’t really mind. I mean, I think it’s funny, but he…I just wanna know whether he thinks it’s funny.”
- Of course you would say that what else could you answer? Act like the jealous guy you are in reality and lose all credibility? I said
- He already hasn’t any credibility. Alex answered
- Fuck off! Damon answered to Alex
The phone rang, I answered.
- Y/N speaking!
- Our kid doesn’t think it’s funny. The male voice with a strong Mancunian accent said
- Is he angry? I laughed
- Nah, but he’s not mad fer it.
- You’ll tell me. Wait, just a second. Yo shut your goddamn mouths you two, I’m on the phone!
Damon and Alex were talking loudly.
- What’s this knobhead doing?
- Well he’s with Alex and they’re having quite a loud chat.
- I can hear, yeah
- How are you doing?
- Buzzin’ and ye?
- Fine. So…The U.S tour is coming soon!
- Yeah, we’re starting by Seattle. Just hope I won’t have to lamp our kid and give over the tour.
- Then don’t do too much coke and meth, Noel.
- Noel? I heard Alex say
- Shut up Alex. I said
- I didn’t give over it but I calm down, me.
- Glad to hear it.
- Would yer like to come in town for our gig ?
- I would have loved too Noel, but I’ll be in Birmingham this day. We could meet after December 13th if you come to London. By the way, you have some apologies to make. Wishing Damon to die from AIDS…
- Yeah, sorry, I wasn’t me self. I won’t be before a while, me. Going to see me mam with our kid for Christmas.
- You’re right. Take care of your mom as long as you can. Moms and time with them is so precious.
- Y/N, are you done? Damon asked me, impatient
- I hear you have to go?
- Yeah, Damon is getting jealous, as always. Take care Noel, I hope to see you soon.
- Me too Y/N.
I hang up and rolled my eyes.
Yeah, I know what you must be thinking, what the fuck did happen?
That’s quite simple. Since Glastonbury the last year, Noel and I stood in contact. We were friends, and this bond between us was still here, as if we were destined to meet. He was a nice guy. We phoned everytime we could.
- It was just Noel Dames.
- What did he say?
- That Liam didn’t like his answer and don’t think it’s funny.
- Good, that was the goal.
I rolled my eyes once again.
- You two are like fucking kids Damon, you are fighting against a 23-year-old guy! I already told you! And who’s in between? Me! I’m the fucking victim of your bullshit!
- I know, but at least I’m sure he’ll stop.
- Why does it matter so much to you? We are engaged! He’ll find someone else!
- She’s right Damon… Alex answered
- It’s none of your business Alex. Damon said dryly
- Damon is right Alex, but thank you for defending me.
- You’re welcome. Do you want me to go? It seems like you two need to talk.
- No mate, it’s cool,I’m even going to call Graham and Dave. It doesn’t bother you love?
Okay, he interrupted our argument, thinking he could get away with it.
I sighed.
- No darling, call them. Hey! isn’t it the full moon tonight?
- I think it is, yes. Damon answered
- What about all of us heading out to have a look at the stars? I know someone who can lend us a telescope.
At this exact same moment, Alex was about to open the door to go outside for a smoke.
- Huh Y/N, I don’t think it’s a good idea.
- Why’s that?
Damon went to take a look at the window.
- Paparazzi.
- Of course… Well if they want a statement, I’m about to give them. I said walking towards the front door
- No no no no no, Y/N, don’t do this. Damon pleaded, trying to stop me.
- Why?
- Because we agreed. Not before the beginning of next year.
- YOU said it, Damon.
- Please Y/N.
- Why? It would end all this fancying story about me and this stupid little war between you two.
- The war won’t end like this, the fancying thing is only a detail.
- Well if it’s only a detail…
- For fuck’s sake Y/N, I said no! He yelled at me
I was surprised by him, yelling at me, it wasn’t like him.
- Fine then. Have a nice evening boys, I’ll be in my bedroom, watching a movie.
- Y/N wait…
- No Damon. I’ll leave you some hours to calm down, and if you’re not when you’re planning to sleep, you’ll sleep on the couch.
- Y/N stay, it won’t be fun without you. Alex said
- You’re not punished Alex, you can come upstairs to take a smoke and have a chat with me, you’re welcome.
- I’ll do that. Have a nice movie time.
I went upstairs and chose to watch the movie Dracula. It was sensual, but some parts made me cry. I helped me cry. I wouldn’t be able to watch the movie as Graham came to see me in the bedroom. He saw me crying. I pretended it was the movie, but he already knew about Damon who yelled at me.
- I’m just so tired of their so-called stupid war. I know there’s your music, but I’m involved in this… I know that for Damon it’s either a great deal or nothing because we’re engaged. But fuck! I’m a person, I have feelings! And it’s like I didn’t exist, like I didn’t have my word to say, like I didn’t belong to me anymore… Damon said he would protect me, but I’ve never felt so Insecure Gray, I don’t know what to do…
- I understand Y/N. I know you won’t probably like what I’m going to say, but he protected you earlier by stopping you when you wanted to talk to the paps. You would have made a mistake. I know he yelled at you. But believe me, He’s as fed up as you.
- HE started this war Graham!
- I know, but now he regrets it. He didn’t know it would go this far.
- Well he should have thought about the consequences. Maybe I shouldn’t have said yes when he proposed…
- Shut the fuck up Y/N! You love each other so much, you actually made the right choice! Now Liam will have to stop talking about you! And he proposed because he’s madly in love with you, he loves you more than anything in this world, and he actually wants to protect you.
- Then why waiting to announce our engagement?
- Because we have to promote our album first Y/N, and I’m sure he’s sorry for yelling at you.
- You may be right. Fuck, now I feel so fucking stupid, and I feel like I may have overreacted…
- You didn’t Y/N, if someone yelled at me, I wouldn’t be happy as well. He should have explained this to you calmly, it’s a misunderstanding between you both. You know what? let’s go downstairs.
Graham carried me like a sack of potatoes into the living room, and threw me on the sofa, next to Damon.
This one threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly, kissing me on the cheek.
- I’m sorry. He murmured in my ear.
I turned to face him
- I’m sorry too.
He kissed me.
- Don’t we prefer to see them like this, guys? Graham asked
- Oh yep! Dave and Alex answered at the same time.
I smiled and Damon looked at me lovingly
- God, I can’t wait for you to be my wife.
- Consider me as it already. I answered
December 14th 1995-London:
We just had finished the after party for Blur’s last 1995 live. I decided to do some cleaning, and that’s where Damon found it on the sofa. This fucking plastic bag with needles and heroin. This fucking thing that blew our mind. Yes, He hadn’t been alone in taking this.
- Love?
- Please, don’t tell me you want to test this shit.
- Why not?
- I don’t want you or I to overdose! It’s as simple as that.
- We won’t, it’s just a test darling.
I knew what it involved. But I didn’t want to let him alone in that.
- Just once, just to test.
- Once.
I think it's what every junkie thinks when they “test” this shit.
Damon prepared everything. I wasn’t a big fan of injecting things in my arm. That’s why I did it between my toes.
I cannot quite describe what I was feeling when I was on heroin. It was a mix between full happiness, trance, and the awakening of my darkest anxieties. Damon was onto another thing. He was being creative. And what was supposed to be once, changed us into junkies. We were addicted to heroin. It made us even more sexual. But I was following Damon’s rules. 5 days on, 2 days off.
As planned, on the beginning of January 1996, we revealed to the whole world our engagement. The whole band was on drugs, and Graham was losing his shit. He started to resent the guys. But this time, I was far too high to separate them during fights. Blur was said to be “On the verge of a nervous breakup”. When Damon knew why Graham was resentful, he adapted to the whole situation. It was a question of music taste. That’s why the future album would have another influence than Britpop.
Before leaving for the U.S with the band, Noel came with his dickhead of brother Liam in London so we could finally meet. I was a bit surprised, but Liam didn’t come with him. We met in a pub in Camden Town, I was high, and Damon stood home because he was too high himself.
- Oi, here she is! I heard say behind me
I turned and saw Noel and went to hug him.
- How are you Noel?
- Buzzin’, what about you? you look dead tired.
- No, I’m fine Noel.
- Having moving nights? He asked winking at me
- Yup, since I said yes to be the future Mrs Albarn.
- Well that’s good. Oh and Liam feels hurt in his ego.
- I didn’t have any doubt about this. This dickhead is so self-confident. With the shitty war Damon and him created I couldn’t go outside without being aggressed by the fucking paps.
- I’m soz ‘bout that kid. Shouldn’t have happened to ya, it’s dead rank.
- And you? What about love?
- I’ve met someone. He said smiling
- Well well! tell me everything!
- Her name’s Meg, She’s a nice girl, kind. Think you would like her.
I smiled weakly.
- As long as she makes you happy, I’ll like her.
- Are you sure you’re okay Y/N?
I could have answered the truth like “yeah Noel, just trippin’ on heroin and it’s destroying me because I have to face my worse demons” but…
- Yeah Noel, just tired as I told you. So U.S in a few days then?
- Yup. Hope everything will be fine.
He put a hand on my shoulder.
- Y/N ya know… If ya ever need anything or if there’s any problem with this moron, just call and ask, okay? I’ll always be there.
I don’t know why I did what I did, but no one saw us anyway. I just… wanted to show I cared and wanted to thank him in my way. I know, it isn’t cool knowing he had a crush on me. Yes. I kissed Noel Gallagher.
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