#(((mess 101)))
evilkaeya · 11 months
They actually arrest Dazai again after everything is over because the crimes he committed are real and then Chuuya shows up as his lawyer at the court
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r3medialch8os · 1 year
abed looking over at troy briefly when jeff says "if i can't say it today, when can i say it?" in early 21st century romanticism might have been unintentional but i am clinging onto it for dear life
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exdeputysonso · 5 months
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Brad Dourif as Camillus Fly | Desperado: The Outlaw Wars (1989)
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awesomenikie · 2 months
I think mag 101 is one of if not my favorite episode from the show. It’s the episode I relisten to the most besides mag 22(I love Martin) and it’s just so good. Michael’s anger towards Gertrude, learning how he became Michael, seeing just how far Gertrude was willing to go to not let the entities succeed, Helen, how Michael kept on repeating how much the original Michael trusted Gertrude and cared for her and she fed him to the spiral. It’s just so good and tragic.
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nightwingvixen23 · 2 years
Jason : *moping in his little self-made pillow fort*
Kori : he is not acting much like his usual self
Roy : *through a mouthful of sandwich* aw yeah ??
Kori : yes. and I'm not quite sure how to make him better
Roy : shit I hear ya babe
Kori : *flashing hopeful eyes at Roy* perhaps maybe . . . you can fix him ?
Roy : " fix " him ?? ha ! sorry sis but there isn't an instruction manual detailed enough for that
Kori & Roy : *watching Jay inch-worm himself across the floor and out of his fort*
Jason : *theatric sighing*
Kori : then what are we to do about him ?
Roy : this man can't be fixed. I can fuck him though. maybe that will calm him down
Kori : *suspicously eyes roy*
Roy : *smugly eyes her back*
Jason : Roy. I swear to god if you put your dick anywhere near me right now I'll bite it off and feed it to you
Roy : ooohh très kinky. I approve 😏
Jason : get help.
Roy : get naked.
Artemis : just get me the fuck out.
Kori : oh Artemis ! what an unexpected surprise, welcome home !
Artemis : thanks *tossing her duffle by the front door* would'a been hella more enjoyable had I not walked in on Jason wearing his "bitchy pants" today
Jason : fuck you
Artemis : I'm sure you'd love that
Roy : ooooohhhh 👀
Jason : can you shut the fuck up, Harper ??
Roy : can you let me fuck you up, Todd ??
Jason : *jumping up from his fort* you tryn'a fight !?
Roy : *tossing his sandwich* no sir i'm tryn'a fuck !
Artemis : why I keep willingly coming back to this little "slice of hell" is beyond me
Kori : I rather prefer "slice of heaven" as opposed to "hell"
Artemis : yeah. you're right. 'cause why would Satan even bother with buying Jason's soul while knowing full well the complicated refund policy he'd have to suffer through just to get rid of it
Kori : ok. not exactly what I ment. um. it is, however, quite a creative opinion
Artemis : no creative opinion here. just simple facts
[ meanwhile over in the pillow fort ]
Jason & Roy :
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autisticmckennabrooks · 4 months
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She’s a city girllllll
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xandrikart · 1 year
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Oh my favorite BSD redraws. This time it's manga panel. Really upset about anime adaptation of this scene (as many are) because it was one of the special ones for me. I was neutral at best about Akutagawa and this moment in manga single handedly made me do 180 turn on my opinions.
Still version
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Original below
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khaotunq · 2 years
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Seduction 101, according to Ayan: Intermission to check effectiveness of Seduction 101.
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
gen v is extremely good, 10/10
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ngmn2002 · 1 year
Thinking out loud...
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Can't get this thing out of my head!
Thinking about this once again...
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How did we get here in the first place???
Was it the rumor of whoever makes the clock move can control time that made Amane try to do it? What was he after? what was his reason???
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Thing is... I want to know if Amane managed to make the clock move or not... It seems his actions had a serious impact on the time line if what kako was actually talking about when he said "it's been a while since I moved time so much" is actually the time Amane managed to make the clock move... he had to turn back time because what Amane did was huge. What mess and disastrous events did it cause to make kako turn back time? After all, missing with time must have a huge disastrous impacts???
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Hmm… then what were you doing in here? Trying to 'change' things possibly? Trying to change and control time itself?
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Now, after what Amane did, let's say Kako moved back time... Then that means...
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Hanako in this chapter was...
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He still rememers trying to fix the clock but not why... even though time was turned back... he is supposed to forget all about it...
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Could that be it? But... that thing comes in contrast with Tsuchigomori calling Amane a normal boy. ???? The boy who changed his future... the future Tsuchigomori read in Amane's book is different from what we have now and maybe back then... it's so so so confusing
... ... ...
Also, since Tsukasa was with Amane in there... Did Amane actually tell him why he was working on fixing the clock or Tsukasa just used to tag along without hearing anything from him? It's really something if Tsukasa just let Amane keep his reasons a secret and was just satisfied by seeing him working... I think Tsukasa knows this clock is no ordinary clock, yet he seemed relaxed with the whole thing... watching his twin missing with something as serious as 'time' not bothered by it at all. I don't know... If something did happen... Tsukasa must be involved somehow? Also, after time was turned back... since I think Tsukasa had 'stronger powers than Amane back in that time' he must remember what happened more clearly than Amane, maybe he even wasn't affected and didn't forget a thing and still does rememebr all of it clearly until this day. Going back to No.1... Where were No.1 when the twins were doing whatever they want in their clock?! Did they just let them? A 'special' human trying to gain control of their clock and Tsukasa... who is defently not normal and with mysterious powers in there?! Did they make a deal with Amane for fun or something?! Was Tsukasa OK with it? Did he even know about it? He must know about the truth of the clock at least? If so... Amane is really not normal? He can interact with supernaturals? No 1 showed themselves to Akane though... Maybe they did the same with Amane? But why? Only to have fun for a moment? They didn't expect him to manage to make the clock move? And when he did... and huge things happened... Kako had to turn back time?
I saw some people say Amane might be the 'present' clock keeper from his time...? And had a contract with the other 2... Trying to present my own view on things... I get to this... I don't know if that can be true or not. I'm not sure about anything... Comparing his case to Akane's case... we get to this... In Akane's case... he had to keep it a secret from everyone even Aoi... while Amane is just letting Tsukasa tag along while doing some No. 1 work? Tsukasa can't know about that? Or did Amane just not care and told him? I can't see that happen... It's top secret right? or is it again Tsukasa just tags along without asking much about it? To make Amane join them... Didn't they have to trick him like what happened with Akane? Then... they had to use Tsukasa? But hey?! How could they even harm him?! I mean...
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This will definitely not work on him? Because... If they tried that... then I see he will perfectly avoid getting hit? He even can see them doing it since he can see them?? Maybe it was in a different way then? What if Amane went to them? can that happen though...? What if something else had him join them... that is... if he really was the 'present' clock keeper in that time period... ..........All of it is confusing......... On a side note.... I can see both Amane and Akane really similar to fit in that role... Also, considering Amane used to be that... Amane talk about stopping time in the story is eye-catching... especially in here...
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You were able to do that one day.... if that's true... but sometimes he just takes the subject of stopping time in a funny way? Like the little shot with Nene stopped in time? or even how he joked with Kou about it... You can do much more serious things with time you know? I don't think such thoughts used to come to your mind when you had the power to control time, you used to it for much serious things. Did you truely use to be No.1 before and No.7 now after things were changed (and you can't remember anything about being No.1 one day)???
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In that light, this has a whole different meaning. they aren't fair to treat him like that after working with him for sometime and making him forget all about it. They didn't want to see his face because of being a pervert... ok... I get that... but there is another reason... that they even didn't take him to see their boundary (that the clock may lead to it). I think that whether Amane was No.1 before or not... they don't want him to recall the momery of working on their clock one day. Since it seems to me when Hanako saw the clock he regained the momory of trying to make it move. Maybe seeing it is actually the trgger to make him remember that memory and they knew it. Did the 'present' No. 1 use to be a human in all generations? Ones before Amane... Then him? Then more until we got to Akane? Or some humans were just a replacement to the supernatural 'present' No.1 who is gone somewhere? Changing the subject to Tsukasa for a bit... if Amane was No.1 and didn't tell him... the clock... all that was going on... Kako turning back time... I bet Tsukasa knows all about that. So, it's really interesting to see Tsukasa's point of view on things now... since we're really dealing with No.1 at the moment. We didn't see anything about his moves in last chapter... Well, thinking about the idea that Amane could stop time for 15 minutes per day... what did he use them on when his day goes smoothly?
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Inspired by Akane...
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Having your cute adorable precious little brother frozen in time for 15 minutes is not bad at all. You can stare at his face all you want without getting caught and without him noticing a thing. You can say anything that you can't tell him in normal situations a well.
Also... I bet Tsukasa's face will end up squeezed too much... Amane will be looking at his face while it's srrounded with sparkles... He wouldn't resist not to squeeze it?
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I don't think Amane will be able to handle ALL that cuteness?! Adorable little brother just... Ehhh... Frozen in front of him... He won't be able to resist not having that cute face in his hands! His big brother instincts will shine! Then, after time starts moving again... You'll see Tsukasa all confused that for some reason his face is red and he will be rubbing it for some reason since it kinda hurts him a bit... While Amane will either leave the place just a moment before the 15 minuts end or will stay and talk about how beautiful the sky is while whistling and avoiding to look at little brother. Imagine this happens almost everyday? How fun! And now I'm imagining it also as... While Tsukasa's time is stopped... Amane will be like *takes Tsukasa's face gently in his hands* the moon is so beautiful... I have the moon in my hands... So perfect... BUT after the 15 minuts are over... He will change behaviour 180°... Why... Amane... :(
Also! Talking about Amane and Akane again for a moment...
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Imagining these happen between Amane and his sweet little brother... who to his luck lives with him in the same house... that's fun! "since everyday is blessed with Tsukasa/Aoi around) In the Tsukasa case, it's nice to wake up and have Tsukasa's face as the very first thing you see in your day. A sign for a really good day. (Ch 101 is titled omen by the way...is it a fortunate one or not...?)
Better end things here! This got too long!
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gothhabiba · 1 year
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
was anyone gonna tell me Readriordan is just giving blatantly incorrect information these days or did i have to find that out in the Nico & Will summary timeline myself?
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[Image ID: A screenshot from a Readriordan article. It reads - “[...] ‘-her.’ In his anger, Nico summons skeletons from the Underworld, revealing him as the son of Hades.” /end ID.]
????? Nico didn’t summon anything in TTC, he only killed the skeleton warriors that had been tracking Percy the entire book. That was what revealed him to be a son of Hades, because only children of Hades could kill those types of undead warriors. Also he made a massive chasm in the ground that left a giant permanent crack in the dining pavilion even after it closed, which also indicated he was a son of Hades because, yknow, geokinesis.
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[Image ID: Another article screenshot. It reads “BATTLE OF THE LABYRINTH. Angry, depressed, and isolated, Nico officially enters his goth era.’“ /end ID.]
Nico is emo, not goth, jot that down. They are very different. Older Nico is maybe borderline goth but 11 year old Nico was not even close.
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[Image ID: Another article screenshot. It reads “THE LOST HERO. Will is named Head Counselor for Camp Half-Blood.“ /end ID.]
This didn’t even happen?????????? There’s no “head counselor” position for all of CHB???? And if there was, it isn’t Will? It’d probably be Annabeth, who was literally just hanging around CHB during The Lost Hero? Will is barely even mentioned in TLH besides giving the tour around camp?????
What is even going on over there anymore. Who writes these articles. Do they bother to check anything?
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dysaniadisorder · 7 months
i hate how normalized military is in the us im gonna rip my hair out
#i just. was talking w friends today#one of them was talking abt how he was almost convinced by the recruitment lady to join the navy and i was like. dude#and i was talking about how messed up it is that they send in people like that and catch kids like him#and my friends were like. you cant really blame her for doing her job. its her JOB like yes. it is her job. its fucking Bad#my best friend got all angry cuz his dad was in the navy. babe idc if he didnt actually fight he shouldnt have done it ♡#''people get drafted'' you have to dodge the draft.#''thats illegal'' yes. this is a requirement for if you are drafted. you Have to just not.#no one said action would be comfortable nor convenient. in fact it is going to be almost none of either#you are gonna have to face that the military murders human beings and your dad is not any better#and people who its ''just their job'' to do it chose that job. and they know#''you cant get mad at the worker woman; you have to get mad at the institution'' no im mad at the individual woman too#just because its your job to manipulate kids and kill Arab people doesnt mean its okay#''not everyone in the military is actively fighting'' no! they arent. but they are helping those that are.#they are not complicit but actively helping. you have to do anything and everything you can to just Not Fucking do that#ANYONE in the military has failed being a decent human 101. being in any part of the military means you are okay with centuries of genocide#and encourage even more. its not 'just your job' you are OK and more for relentless murder and i wish you harm#anyways. sometimes repeating & internalizing the things ur parents say means watch our for road traps and the beatles are good.#sometimes it is US propaganda and just because it is in your own house and coming from a loved one doesnt mean you cant not fall for it#edit not to mention him saying this the day after aaron bushnell died. dude#unethical jobs exist. it is everyones job to bring them down#''its just her job'' was Bushnells sacrifice not fucking enough for you??? and the millions of dead Palestinians????? christ
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if-mirrormine · 1 year
grayson is losing his mind with panic and worry because whywhywhywhywhy would they do that? are they insane? is he in love with a crazy person?? he lets his gut instinct of needing protect and take care of them drive him but he has made a mental note to look for a good psychiatrist for them.
I would... Do that... And my MC too... 😬
I mean it's not that bad right? Self-defense and stuff? Can't be the only one thinking of what to do if you're about to be stabbed? Right...???
self defense is one thing but if someone is threatening to stab you bestie, why on god's green earth would you do the job for them💀
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thevelaryons · 1 year
It’s common knowledge that GRRM adores the Blackwoods and often uses them to signify the “righteous” side in any conflict. If house Blackwood throws their support behind anyone, it’s a not so subtle way for the author to emphasize this fact, as we see evidenced by the various wars in Westerosi history. 
With that being said...
Thus did Lord Corlys and his wife, the Princess Rhaenys, arrive at Harrenhal in high state, using the wealth and influence of House Velaryon to persuade the lords assembled that their son, Laenor, should be recognized as heir to the Iron Throne. In these efforts they were joined by the Lord of Storm’s End, Boremund Baratheon (uncle to Rhaenys and great-uncle to the boy Laenor), by Lord Stark of Winterfell, Lord Manderly of White Harbor, Lord Dustin of Barrowton, Lord Blackwood of Raventree, Lord Bar Emmon of Sharp Point, Lord Celtigar of Claw Isle, and others.
— Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon: A Question of Succession
The Baratheons supported Laenor Velaryon’s claim because he is their blood relation, the Northerners did so because of their anger over the Targaryen’s recent policy in the North, and the Narrow Sea houses would’ve given their support due to their close ties with house Velaryon. The presence of a Riverlands house, like the Blackwoods, then becomes an oddity. I do believe their presence there is meant to tell the readers that Laenor was the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. 
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