#((I write her in the op verse but this can be in any verse - even a rl verse. also always down for plotting so hmu if you want! :D))
chillin-at-partys-bar · 8 months
@healingbrews liked the starter call. D8 rolled a 3.
"Look, sorry, I make poor choices. I steal shit, I've bullied the fuck out of a ten-year-old because of his stupid pet and some get-rich-quick schemes, and I'm broke. I don't know what to tell you. I'm a dumpster fire of a person."
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The woman wasn't sure what else to say in the matter. Her nerves shot. Everything was just imploding. "Still doesn't give people the right to be an ass to me."
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xadenviolct · 4 months
So, in regards to the post here that I just reblogged, I have some MORE thoughts:
Not only do I think the OP did a remarkable job explaining what has been my focus and my "reasons" for elriel since the beginning, but I just want to reiterate that.
There is conflict, there is world-building, there is epic love overcoming all else, there is (potentially?) political fall out...
There is so much STORY that can be done with this pairing.
If someone can please give me such story in any other ship, I'd be down for it.
Because where is the STORY in Elain with anyone else? (Because it's not going to be an Azriel-book. It's not going to be a Lucien-book. The one thing that we can pretty much BET on is that it'll be an Elain book, because the SISTERS have been the focus from the beginning. But I digress...)
So let's say it is definitely Elain's story. Feyre had hers in the first three; Nesta in Silver Flames; it'll be Elain's turn now. Seems fairly reasonable to make such a guess.
Tell me, honestly, what sort of story that would CENTER around ELAIN if the endgame pairing is Lucien? There is no conflict, there is no fall out, there is almost nothing for them to "overcome" in any way.
"Elain accepts the bond. The end." Very, very, VERY short tale.
But a story that would CENTER around ELAIN if the pairing is with Azriel? Boy oh boy do we have story!
Rejected bond and what happens because of it (DOES anything happen because of it?)
World-building and expansion of lore and whatnot (possibly tying in things we learned in other Maas-verse stories?)
A "love more epic than a mating bond" kind of pairing
The importance of one's choice, even in defiance of fate or gods or whatever other power
Political fallout from Elain and Azriel choosing each other--what does that mean with allies? What does it mean with Rhys? With Lucien? Does it affect the courts of Prythian in some way?
Etc. Etc.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
From a purely WRITING perspective, from a purely STORY-TELLING perspective, I cannot see it going any other way for Elain's story.
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fancyfade · 1 year
i've seen you say (at least i think it was you) that they should retcon Damian's origins in order to get Talia to stop being seen as a terrible awful person. I agree but I'm also curious if you had any ideas on how you'd like it to be done? I personally think Damian being a trained assassin is important to his character and getting rid of that would be kind of boring.. so would you want to nix that completely or would you just want Talia to not be involved/not know about it etc?
I am one of I assume a few people who talk about retconning Damian's origins.
I first gave the idea serious contemplation after this post (link). It pretty much perfectly outlines how you can get current Damian and pre-Morrison Talia in the same verse. Damian wasn't even initially raised by his mom in Morrison's comics, he says he met her on his 8th birthday and it was like being introduced to a movie star, and he explains that she wasn't there for him often and running an organized crime empire didn't leave time for raising a child.
Which like. this was all in Morrison's 'talia as supervillain' thing, but it could easily be retooled in the way the OP outline.
ANYWAY rather than repeating the OP I linked word-for-word, I shall shamelessly plug my fanfic that works on this same concept.
The way my mother didn't raise me (link).
Talia al Ghul, who believes she left the world of her father and the League of Shadows behind, discovers that her father has been raising her son she believed died in infancy as an assassin. Damian al Ghul, who has never met his parents before, is baffled when he finds his mother is nothing like he expected her to be. The premise of this fic is partially trying to unify Damian's existence with pre Morrison Talia, which is somewhat difficult but I don't think impossible, and that means partially trying to give Talia a place in 2000 era comics after her Lexcorp run is over (and they start writing her terribly ;_;) The general idea is: after Talia's Lexcorp mission is done, she finds out about Damian's existence and makes it her goal to subtly extract him from the League.
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a11sunday · 1 month
clover d. iselda ---
more marine interactions; canons, ocs, you name it. i think some primary ones i'm eager to see her interact with would be: garp, koby, sengoku, tashigi, and smoker. but, really just anyone!
also, she herself is a captain so i do wanna see some captain / subordinate ineractions? i don't know if there are many marine ocs that would be a subordinate to her, but i want to explore what she would be like as a superior.
vergo. oh god, i can't say it would end well for her and it wouldn't be purely antagonistic, but yeah. this one would be so interesting.
more antagonistic relationships in general. in any verse of hers. forced to work together, enemy coworkers, i don't trust you but i trust you with my life, any type of relationship that isn't very friendly or straight up enemies.
for her shipwright verse, i'd love to write with a franky. i think that she really admires him, not in a fan type way, in a --- you're a cool, solid guy way. (also any of the other shipwrights and cp agents that were undercover).
kazumi haru ---
anyone from the akazaya nine !
the ship he stowed away on when he ran away from home. could be pirate crew, mercenaries, marines, etc.!
any plots set during the wano arc
possibly baroque works plots!
boldly going to say i ship him and robin, so if there are any interested robin writers... please call me.... (obviously, we can test for chemistry and nothing is set in stone, no pressure < 33)
nina liu ---
any underworld type muses ! or crime family type muses from the op verse. they could be business partners, alliances (temporary / betrayal also v much interested ), rivals, straight up enemies.
more cipher pol interactions for her cp specific verse! field mission, having her do a fitting for your muse, blackmailing her, a fun little gossip sesh, what have you.
interactions with the vinsmoke family!
otorobashi akai ---
any strawhat interactions! most wanted; luffy because a little captain vs. captain action would be cool. akai is super curious about this little guy.
any golden era pirates like roger, rayleigh, whitebeard, oden, kaido, and their crews. of course, ocs of this era as well!!
the marine that's out to finally capture this menace. a little cat and mouse plot would be cool. even a cipher pol agent or a bounty hunter!
rival pirate crews, temporary allied pirate crews, betrayals! just pirate dynamics.... please.
quetzal d. luna ---
any strawhat interactions! she would adore them. she's just the type of funky land humans that she'd want to be friends with.
really, any interactions in general! nothing too serious for her just because i think i want to establish some fun dynamics for this muse first before doing anything very dramatic or serious.
zephyr ---
any nami's that are interested in an older brother! obviously, i'm down for the needed plotting for this. i don't have anything set in stone as to how they meet again or under what circumstances. just that they were separated during the war on their home island.
any revolutionary army muses! he was rescued by the revo army in my canon and then later on, seeks them out to join them.
mentor/mentee relationship with him as the mentee! open to any capacity.
fight threads! whether fighting against each other or together.
zhi hua ---
because she's on akai's crew, all that was mentioned for his applies to her too!
**NOTE: any original characters, such as ocs that are strawhats, are counted, of course when i say i want strawhat connections.
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 months
Do you have any Star Wars fic recs (with or without OCs, canon or AU, any ship)?
I do!! My AO3 bookmarks are a good place to look, but I'll just hit a few of the highlights (my 10 favorites, though these fics are listed in no particular order):
dreamless nights by @ahsokryze is an amazing Anakin & Ahsoka fic 🥹 so soft and wonderful. Captures the big-brother/little-sister dynamic so so well
bound by the things we choose ‘verse by @nspx is so wonderful!! It tackles such relationships as Leia & Vader, Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan, and Mara & Vader (love that third fic fr)
the skywalker palindrome by @cringewerewolf is the coolest take on time travel EVER 💞 the series page explains it better than I could, but I will say that it’s Anakin and Luke centric.
hendiadys for a dream by @ozvezdja is THE Anidala fic series of all time (especially now i want my letters white again)!! Like omg…bees, you GET IT!! You get them!! Sola’s POV for that first fic is INSPIRED 💞 I am OBSESSED, please go read this fic if you’re even lukewarm towards Anidala
Frozen in Time by @fanfictasia is some of the most heartwrenching Luke & Vader angst I’ve ever read (while also being short, which is an impressive feat). I just…Vader having visits with Luke supervised by Palpatine?? Luke being periodically frozen in carbonite?? THE TRAGEDY OF IT ALL
The Tatooine Cycle by @fialleril, because I’d be remiss to exclude them from a SW rec list—their fics are a must-read, their worldbuilding of Tatooine is absolutely amazing 💞
Misunderstandings by Livsy, which tackles Anakin’s oft-neglected (in fandom) slave background!
All The Right Reasons by bethagain is such a sweetly heartwrenching look at Luke & Ben (Solo, not Skywalker), how quickly Luke bonds with his nephew…and how he hesitates at first to train Ben because (“I can’t see through…how much I love him”) 🥺 I just. I can’t. I am MELTING, this is so emotional (and it was written pre-TLJ! A nice bonus for me, as someone who hates how their relationship was handled in that movie)
The King’s Gambit by @elli-incarnate…oh it’s a masterclass. The epitome of Sith Luke fics, and absolutely beautiful to read. Every sentence is written with so much care, Luke/Mara is written wonderfully, and I just…I love it so much. So, so very much 💞 it’s Legends-leaning, but tbh it can be enjoyed without knowing Legends
Enter the Foreign by Viari is for absolutely anyone who loves time-travel fics…especially ones featuring Anakin! You don’t need to be terribly familiar with Legends, though it helps (I’m somewhat familiar, but not totally, and this was accessible to me). The spin-off AUs are such a delight too (and an inspiration for me to write my own 😅), and it’s just so much fun and so clearly a labor of love, and such a sprawling, intricate AU. I can’t recommend it enough.
Adding an 11th because why not:
The Sun in the Storm by @basimibnishaqs is such an adorable Rey-is-Luke’s-daughter fic 🥹 she’s an adorable sweetheart, and Luke is her protective dad, what more could you want?? (Also OP has galaxy-brained takes about Rey & Luke so…you know. There’s that too)
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jelzorz · 1 year
I’m reading your newest story for Soren/Opeli, and I’m absolutely loving it…! But the part where Ez and Rayla kind of gang up on her about the lessons, got me thinking….
What if, alternatively, later, they find Opeli some kind of magical artifact and teach her some spells…? She wouldn’t be frontline material by any means, but what Primal do you think would suit her best, then…?
Oh boy GB have I got the answer for you
If i had to pick one for opeli, it would be the sun. Canonically, the sun is all about the truth, justice, and judgement ("the light will decide"/"the light will decide your fate") which very much aligns with Lady Justice who I assumed was the closest the human kingdoms got to a deity of sorts and kind of worshipped for moral guidance? I made some assumptions and had to come up with basically a religion when I was writing the fruit and while Callum and Ez are definitely Jewish coded, I wasn't sure if that extended to Opeli and her clerical duties also HOWEVER
Everyone loves to discuss Xadian lore and magic but no one talks about what lore exists on the human side of the border and how that pertains to their beliefs, religions, etc so to me, while the kids can very much be represented by primal sources (sky, moon, earth, sun for Callum, Rayla, Ez, and Soren respectively), to me Opeli is a representation of the lore and belief systems on the human side, and thus I don't associate her with a primal source at all—I associate her with Lady Justice herself.
If you read the fruit closely enough, I actually sprinkled it in there as a treat to me:
She is the eldest of five, all girls, and while her sisters giggled and tittered and fawned over the concept of romance, responsibility fell to her to take care of everything else. She has always been judge and jury; the mediator of conflicts, the distributor of food and money and her parents' wills, taking little for herself so she might have more to divide between her sisters.
And then
Opeli officiates to thank the goddesses—Justice, Mercy, Virtue, Light, and the Harvest—for peace across their lands and for the fruit on their tables.
You may have also noticed that the series the fruit and the seed belong to is called Lady Justice and the Sun, which is once again, a treat to me and a reference to another sorpeli wip I have in my drafts of the same name which talks/discusses the myths humans developed after they were banished from the east:
"This isn't the story Queen Janai tells."
"It wouldn't be. It's an old human story. We only started to tell it after we were banished from the East."
"Kind of wild that it's still about the Primal Sources though." "Not really." Opeli dusts her hands and sets the iron poker in the stand by the hearth. "They have always been sources of power, even to humans. Presumably we took some of those stories with us when we were pushed to the West. Some books even claim that the Stars were our first gods. I'm not so well versed in them, but I believe those stories say that it was they who gave humans access to magic."
Lady Justice and the Sun (the wip) is supposed to be a retelling of Lady Justice and the Sun (the myth by me) that explicitly uses Opeli and Soren to represent Lady Justice (the human deity) and the Sun (the primal source). (I sprinkled a lot of Soren as the sun into the fruit also which was not done on purpose, but I'll take the credit because sleep deprived me is a genius).
Anyway, was this the answer you wanted? Absolutely not, but I do genuinely think that if Opeli got power from somewhere, it's from Lady Justice herself, rather than a primal source.
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aemondsa · 3 months
Whats wrong with shipping Aemondsa tho? I feel like its the number #1 Sansa crackship rn (at least in my pov) like I want to ship Sansa with all the fictional characters I like. Heck, i'm honestly just here in the shadows patiently waiting for some big brain author to write a Gojo x Sansa or Geto x Sansa fic 😂
Same! Sansa is my favourite character in fiction and I just like the idea of putting her together with unexpected people and seeing where the vibes take us. ✌️💗
Ooooh, I would be down for a Sansa in JJK universe fic. It could be a fun concept! I know there is a Sansa/Sesshomaru fic and a Sansa reborn in Naruto ‘verse fic. (haven’t read either, but it’s marked for later)
Personally, I like crackship more than any canon ships—they can never let you down, unlike the ships that are fighting for the canon crown. However, as there is an unexpected influx of people who dislike the ship, I made that previous post. I’ll put more details under the cut, so it’s easier to read.
To preface, if someone doesn’t like the ship, that’s okay. I’m not saying everyone should like it. However, lately people have been acting in a way that makes me think ‘damn, y’all really will do anything to be a hater, huh?’
Here’s a break down of some of the things that happened:
There is a… cluster of twitter users who occasionally make posts like ‘if you ship sansa and aemond, I know you have mental problems’ and ‘sansa x aemond shippers are genuinely insane.’ That’s a very odd thing to say about strangers online over a non-problematic ship that exists because people decided to put their favourite characters together.
Same contingent of people insists that J@ce/Sansa is the better ship, and a) somewhat suspicious that you only bring up J@ce/Sansa as a contender when you are putting down Aemond/Sansa; and b) well, if you feel so strongly about J@ce being Sansa’s ‘gallant, perfect prince’ then why not write that yourself? Be your own hero, make the content you want to see in the world. Nothing is stopping you.
Not for the first time, people on tiktok make videos of the ‘why does this ship exist? ew’ variety, but recently, one reposted art and spoke about the context negatively, and had the gall to say ‘found on pinterest, credit to the artist’ and ???? google reverse image search is free and not that hard to use? Fine, you don’t like the ship, but don’t repost an art without credit. Someone with skill and talent spent time and energy to draw and fully render a complicated piece. Creditless reposting is a dick move. (OP eventually deleted their video.)
Another tiktok came out and it used Aemond/Sansa as a punchline of their joke. And fine, whatever, it’s a comedy sketch and not particularly deep, and sure the scandalised ‘Aemond and Sansa?! 😱😱’ were annoying, but it’s the lying that got me. They said ‘I know people get frustrated because [Aemond/Sansa] are all over the main Daem0n/Rh@enyra tag.’ and that is just… not true. Something that can be disproven with basic math: Aemondsa has 78 fics total of which 23 fics are tagged with Daem0n/Rh@enyra ship. Daem0n/Rh@enyra tag on ao3 has 5,272 fics. 23 of 5,272 is *dun dun dun* 0.436%. Not even half a percent. Sooooooo, how exactly is that ‘all over the main tag’? It’s the lying that gets me, you know?
And of course, the casual ‘oh, why is this a ship?’ / ‘I can’t believe people ship this’ / ‘free my girl Sansa’ tags that people add to posts. Why do we ship them? Cause we can. We’re having fun.
(These are just some examples of recent events that irked me.)
TL;DR: People are strangely threatened by a crackship with less than 100 fics in their ao3 tag, like 10 authors to its name, and necessitates time travel to function. Is it really that serious? Why are people more pressed than a juice that a group of Sansa fans also like Aemond and are exploring the idea of them together? We’re practically a fringe movement, given our numbers—it’s not that serious that we exist. We are just having fun with our friends and gushing over our faves. Mind your business and stay out of ours.
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shadowmaat · 1 year
Not your call
I saw a post earlier about another author piracy issue, this one focusing on Martha Wells. The post in question is now locked so no one else can reblog it because it broke containment far beyond what the OP wanted and was set to get exponentially worse since some popular authors had found it.
Basic gist is that Martha Wells had a patreon. For a while she was doing a story-per-month in her Raksura 'verse at the $1 tier, but eventually "closed" it because she wasn't writing more stories and didn't want folks signing up in expectation of that.
One fan took it upon themselves to copy all of the stories off Martha's Patreon and re-upload them (with credit) to the Internet Archive so that more people would have access to the stories. Without consulting the author about her wishes. This is one of those cases where "good intentions" doesn't always mean "good results."
As a fan, it is NEVER your call to make unilateral decisions on an author's behalf. When in doubt, ASK THE AUTHOR. Is there another way to access the stories? Will they be released in a collection at some point? Is it okay to download these for my own personal use? (I'm not sure how Martha's page was set up, but I know Seanan McGuire's allows you to download them in different formats with the understanding that they are for you and you only.)
Stuff like this is one of the reasons that the Internet Archive (which does incredibly important preservation work) has such a bad name in some circles: they allow people who don't own the copyright to upload stories for distribution without permission from the copyright holders and with no compensation given to the author.
It's also one of the reasons authors become so frustrated with and discouraged by the internet: it's difficult, time-consuming, and frequently expensive to try and keep their works from being stolen and illegally uploaded to sites like the IA, and no matter what measures they take, the piracy still happens. Which means they lose money. Money they might need. And they lose sales, which means their publishers might decide they aren't worth keeping.
You know how with the actors' strike there's all those reminders about how 99% of actors don't make millions of dollars and may, in fact, require a second "steady" job in order to pay rent and utilities? The same is true for authors. Even some "famous" authors struggle to make ends meet and they need every dollar they can make. And again, if their sales suffer enough they may get dropped by their publishers, who are every bit as greedy and predatory as any other megacorp.
I understand wanting to make sure that your fellow fans have access to all of an author's work. I understand wanting to make sure that stories get preserved and don't disappear forever. But it isn't your call to make. It's the author's choice and you have to let them choose what to do.
By all means, keep your own downloads (and do whatever you must to make sure they stay yours), but please let authors make money so they can keep writing (and being alive), and please let them decide how their stories will be distributed.
[I think the end result of the Martha Wells mess is that Martha completely deleted her patreon out of self-preservation and the fear of her stories winding up for sale on A.mazon, as has happened to her before, and the fan who'd done the uploading sent her the original files by way of apology.]
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weekend-whip · 2 years
What was your process with Jesse, then? And Miranda?
*trembling sobbing crying* There was supposed to just be a running gag where the Fuchsia Ninja would crop up inexplicably from time to time, similar to the movie but more frequent (and then he'd help out the ninja at one specific point in Season 2)........but THEN:
the whole thing with the Elemental Compass was devised (as that didn't even EXIST until after the first story was completely posted), so I had to then flesh out the Element of Surprise which has spiraled into characters like Mystake and Harumi as we know now, and then figuring out how that would manifest into an actual user of that element (i.e. his magic tricks)
I then thought if I could turn Olivia into a full character, why not do the same thing with the Fuchsia Ninja? So then I devised his name, his "secret" identity, tossed him in with the high schoolers, and initially planned to use him to help bridge any loose gaps between Show!verse and Movie!verse that couldn't be naturally resolved (hence why he has a copy of the Elemental Compass itself and why'd he's kinda Captain Exposition at times)...and then he grew a personality. And I was like. Ohh no. I adore this nervous dramatic fool. What have I created
....and then. AND THEN. The day for writing Chapter 6 came...I STRUGGLED with SO MANY drafts on how to make this work. Nelson getting bullied by the Cheer Squad was on one draft (and Jesse was initially gonna be like Nelson's babysitter), Nya was going around as a "Rainbow Ninja" at one point, I juggled through every combo of Ninja to go on this mission before landing on Nya and Cole because it made the most sense, and Mystake's parts weren't even a THOUGHT until the last second (because I realized I wanted a less bizarre way for Lloyd to get the Map of Dens, and could use this as foreshadowing for later). But then, to spice up the fight with the generic Shark Army thugs I was like.....we could sprinkle some lore here.......we could put the Fuchsia Ninja here...that could be a fun....surprise....
............................and then I was writing all their interactions during the fight. They've all got some hilarious friendly chemistry. And. Then. My. Silly. Little. Foolish. Brain. whispers to me in the heat of the moment: "What if...Wouldn't it be funny if the Fuchsia Ninja had a crush on Cole?" ha. Funny. Just something for a small, amusing laugh every now and then. I would never actually ship some pink/purple OC with Cole? That had already been done countless times, and probably better! Imagine being so uninspired. Ha. hahahaha. Ha.
...But it was too late. The seed was planted. The flower was blooming. The daydreaming started. The ideas and scenes and possibilities and the development became clearer by the day. The ship was SAILING...well, eventually. It was sailing in my heart, and that was enough. I just had to pace myself with it...and my god I now see why no one writes slow burns anymore JUST HUG
AAAAAAAaaaaaannnnnnnd from there that blew up Jesse's character arc (as in, MADE IT BIGGER). More backstory was born that helped me flesh out what was already there, a history with Wu was devised, a family blossomed to support/intimidate him, goals, motivations, fears, imperfections, insecurities spiraled into existence from just the single act of this lil' blorbo falling in love...! Suddenly all of his character beats fell perfectly into place! Divine intervention took my hand and dragged me forward in full force! Jesse Marvell became a character and he was here for the long haul! And I've never looked back *-*
...now, as for Miranda, I...can't quite remember when she popped up as a concept, but I'm pretty sure it was because I needed/wanted someone to keep Jesse in check. Such as:
keeping Jesse from being too OP with his powers (because she's studied his powers extensively, she can anticipate them more than most people. Hence, Jesse struggles to surprise her easily, so he's near powerless whenever he's in her vicinity unless he gets really creative)
to help keep his character/personality from falling into the horrible, horrible trope of only being about his "pursuit" of Cole (which I'd...like to think I'm doing okay with especially for my first real Oc x Canon ship but I don't trust my hands—they're just so LOVELY—augh—!)
Giving him some extra motivations for his character, as we've seen the tip of the iceberg of in Ch40. I think I mentioned this before, but Miranda's related to why he doesn't fully have his True Potential. So. Um. There's that to look forward to~
Unrelated to Jesse, she also exists to help fill Nya's vacuum via her becoming a ninja much, MUCH earlier (similar to Bridget for Olivia's personality tweak as I mentioned in the other post), especially in Season 3. She's one of the Techies too, but she specializes in software and data organization, thus she can't actually engineer anything, but she loves streamlining the interfaces/UI/software for the things Jay invents or keeping Zane up to date internally. (This also leads her to have a small rivalry with Pixal).
...Except all this kind of made her a tad sueish in turn soooooooo...I dropped a building on her. And then that blew up her character arc. (Prosthetics, baby!!! But now she can smack people around with her own arm, so like, who's really coming out on top here?)
...buuuuut then I was like "no wait I can use this" because if she's kind of always been "easily perfect", that also feeds into Jesse's jealousy/envy of her (because he struggles just to reach the bare minimum at times) and then that loops back into his guilt for letting her get hurt under his watch and then that loops back into annoyance at how she's thriving anyway and then he feels guilty about feeling like that and I oop—
(Thus, her biggest character flaw becomes being almost entirely oblivious to just how much she affects Jesse...and other people. But Jesse especially. Primarily because she's still so young. But still. And my god is that a fun heart-wrenching train wreck to watch).
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acourtofthought · 2 years
Tbh I wouldn't even take stans from tik tok serious because their takes are always straight up stupid and the same. They would pull one argument that has been discussed and resolved about 2 years ago and believe they are so smart for that. Worst thing is that you aren't able to write long text and if they respond to you, the comments are gonna be out of order so you can't really discuss anything with them. ?(Happened to me. I couldn't type fast enough before OP responded and it was messy, I suggested we talk privatly about it but OP thought they ate and said it's because I have nothing else to say or sum. So I just decided to block them and move on. It's not doing me a favour to try to explain something when it all goes out of order)
"Gwynriel didn't even have any hints" have they not read TOG? Do they not know about Yrene and Chaol? Have they not read acosf and the bonus chapter to know that gwynriel is certainly not a crackship? It really doesn't cost a brain. Are they still in that delusion that just because El/riel are sexually attracted to each other, it means endgame? I guess we buried Feylin, Chaolsryn, Celaena etc. Already
I stick with Tumblr. That is where people like you are posting theories that actually make sense and explain many things well.
I'm with you. I'm not on Twitter or TikTok but I have seen some of the arguments there, the arguments on Reddit and the ones on FB. Out of anywhere, I've found the most well thought out posts and theories (using actual canon from the book as well as patterns that SJM has used as an author in previous books) to be on Tumblr. I'm not sure the reason for that but even Anti's tend to make more valid arguments here than I've seen elsewhere. Not that I agree with the arguments or can't easily debate them but there's been a few that have made me pause for a second and really think through my response. For whatever reason (especially Tik Tok), I've seen the most farfetched theories. It's not that some of the people aren't versed in lore and mythology, you can tell they know what they're talking about, but because SJM sampled something to a very minor degree, they'll try to create a version of her future books that will be a direct retelling of something rather than little hints of it here and there. And it's exhausting when someone is so fixated on their ship that they disregard large parts of this series or other series. It should be common sense that the more knowledgeable someone is about the entirety of SJMs work, the more sound their theories and arguments will be. And there is nothing that makes them look more clueless than pretending like E/riel wanting to kiss or even Az questioning why he wasn't given a bond with Elain means their endgame is a certainty. Celaena said that in Chaol she found a home, they had sex, they thought they'd have a future and they still didn't end up abeing endgame. E/riel hasn't come close to that yet stans stomp there feet insisting that there's no way they won't end up together. I am sorry about your past experiences though and I'm happy the power of the block button has come through for you! 😁
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Raeda: An Owl House Playlist
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This playlist is a combination of songs that suite the ship and the characters as individuals. I love these two so much.
As always, I will probably continue to update this playlist over time, feel free to send me suggestions.
List of songs and quotes/explanations under the cut :)
Your Song from Moulin Rouge! The Musical “And you can tell everybody this is your song; It may be quite simple but now that it's done; I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind; That I put down in words; How wonderful life is while you're in the world” I specifically chose this version because it uses strings instead of piano.
 Eda’s Requiem and Raine’s Rhapsody - Epic Orchestral Cover by Kāru It is literally their song, I had to.
Thank You For The Music by ABBA “What would life be? Without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank you for the music; For giving it to me” This song is very close to me as a singer, so as a Raine kinnie, I had to.
Love Of My Life by Queen “You will remember when this is blown over; And everything's all by the way; When I grow older, I will be there at your side; To remind you how I still love you (I still love you)” Ouch, here’s the first bit of angst. The part that I quoted in particular I think applies heavily to these two. Also, pretty string in the beginning.
I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry “I used to hear a simple song; That was until you came along; Now in it's place is something new; I hear it when I look at you” This is an absolutely stunning piece (as is every single song by Cody Fry) and the lyrics fit so well with Raeda.
Bird Set Free by Sia “And I don't care if I sing off key; I find myself in my melodies; I sing for love, I sing for me; I shout it out like a bird set free”
Witch Hunt by VISTA “I'm running like the whole damn world's on a witch hunt; Throwing stones and blaming; Secrets in the closet, send demons on the run; With bloodlust, bloodlust; How am I to know who to trust, who to trust?” I think this song just fits the BATS/CATS really well in general.
Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives “There are times when I still wonder about you; You are someone I have loved, but never known; And you'll never see the reasons I had; For keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you” This entire song fits well, with Eda hiding her curse from Raine causing them to break up in the first place. I also blame this animatic for this song being in this playlist.
My Love, My Life by ABBA “I've watched you look away; Tell me, is it really so hard to say? Oh, this has been my longest day; Sitting here close to you; Knowing that maybe tonight we're through” This part is clearly the moment Raine broke up with Eda. “You are still my love and my life; Still my one and only” Yet after all this time, they still love each other.
Songbird by Fleetwood Mac “ And the songbirds are singing, Like they know the score; And I love you, I love you, I love you; Like never before”
In Our Bedroom After The War by Stars “Listen, the birds sing, listen, the bells ring; All the living are dead, and the dead are all living; The war is over and we are beginning”  New beginnings.
Six Pieces, Op, 51, TH 143: VI. Valse sentimentale. Tempo di Valse by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Gorgeous piece by Tchaikovsky, one of my favorites, and it’s a violin version. Valse sentimentale translates to Sentimental Waltz. Take from that what you will.
I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston I think the song title speaks for itself honestly.
I Write the Songs by Barry Manilow “My home lies deep within you; And I've got my own place in your soul; Now when I look out through your eyes; I'm young again, even though I'm very old” As I was making this playlist, I was trying to thing of any music related songs and this came to mind. This particular verse works well.
City Of Stars from La La Land “City of stars; Are you shining just for me? City of stars; There's so much that I can't see”
trust by Christina Perri “Words that hurt the ones you're lovin’; Hatred for who you’re becomin’; I knew better than, yes; I knew better than; To trust myself; To trust someone else” Eda was so determined to hide the truth from Raine.
Take Flight by Lindsey Stirling Another beautiful violin piece. I mostly chose this one for the title, but it in an amazing piece.
Paper Rings by Taylor Swift “I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings; Uh huh, that's right; Darling, you're the one I want, and I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this; Uh huh, that's right; Darling, you're the one I want” Eda loves shiny things and Raine, what else can I say?
Francis Forever by Mitski “On sunny days I go out walking; I end up on a tree-lined street; I look up at the gaps of sunlight; I miss you more than anything” They really miss each other after the breakup.
Stormy Weather by Etta James “ Don't know why; There's no sun up in the sky; Stormy weather; Since my man and I ain't together; Keeps raining all of the time”
We’ll Meet Again by She & Him “ We'll meet again; Don't know where; Don't know when; But I know we'll meet again some sunny day”
My Heart Is Buried In Venice by Ricky Montgomery “ Now my heart is buried in Venice; Waiting for someone to take it home” “Say, say what you mean; Tell me the truth or tell me you're through”
Ready Now by dodie “Feet firm on the ground; We stood hand in hand; And I told the world; That I have a plan; Together, we sang; "I'm ready, now"”
Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper “After my picture fades and darkness has; Turned to gray; Watching through windows; You're wondering if I'm okay”
Bad Reputation by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts “I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation; Living in the past, it's a new generation; A girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do” This is fully an Eda song.
Right Back Where We Started From by Maxine Nightingale “Do you remember that day (that sunny day); When you first came my way? I said no one could take your place; And if you get hurt (if you get hurt); By the little things I say; I can put that smile back on your face” This is a much more upbeat one, they deserve to be happy after everything.
Demons by Imagine Dragons “ I wanna hide the truth; I wanna shelter you; But with the beast inside; There's nowhere we can hide” The owl beast.
Boys Wanna Be Her by Peaches “The way you rock, don't stop; Girl, you got the chops; Flip-flop, she bops, self-taught; You look so hot” Honestly, who wouldn’t want to be the owl lady?
Cherry Bomb by The Runaways “Can't stay at home, can't stay at school; Old folks say, "You poor little fool"; Down the streets I'm the girl next door; I'm the fox you've been waiting for” Young Eda? Young Eda.
This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) by Natalie Cole “I'm so glad, you found me in time; And I'm so glad that you've rectified my mind; This will be, an everlasting love for me” They get a second chance!
Mary On A Cross by Ghost “You go down just like Holy Mary; Mary on a, Mary on a cross; Your beauty never ever scared me; Mary on a, Mary on a cross”
W.I.T.C.H. by Devon Cole “ She don't wanna be anybody else; She's a woman in total control of herself; It's such a wonder to be under her spell; What a woman, in total control of herself” Honestly, I’m such an Eda simp, I’m not ashamed to say it.
I Put A Spell On You by Nina Simone “I put a spell on you; Because you're mine” I had to include it (I stand by the fact that the Nina version is the superior version.)
Venus Fly Trap by MARINA “ Don't underestimate me; 'Cause one day you're gonna see you're in a losing battle; Babe, you'll never stop me being me; I got the beauty, got the brains; Got the power, hold the reins; I should be motherfuckin' crazy; Nothing in this world could change me” Hell yes, Eda, keep being you.
Roundtable Rival by Lindsey Stirling Violin! It’s my favorite instrument to listen to, I’m so glad Raine plays violin. Also, this song is just really cool.
Thus Always To Tyrants by The Oh Hellos “Let me die, let me drown, lay my bones in the ground; I will still come around when the time for sleep is through; Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale; Do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you”  I love the title of this song.
ilomilo by Billie Eilish “ I tried not to upset you; Let you, rescue, me the day I met you; I just wanted to protect you; But now I'll never get to”
Seven Nation Army by 2CELLOS
Still into You by Paramore “ I should be over all the butterflies; But I'm into you (I'm into you); And baby even on our worst nights; I'm into you (I'm into you); Let 'em wonder how we got this far; 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all; Yeah, after all this time, I'm still into you”
Dream Sweet in Sea Major by Miracle Musical “She knows you heard her; Staging music murder; In line before the show began; To be where I am; Children born of one emotion; Our devotion's deepest ocean; No division reasoned we'll be free”  This is less to do with the lyrics and more to do with it being an epic piece with lots of strings.
You Found Me by The Fray “In the end, everyone ends up alone; Losin' her, the only one who's ever known; Who I am, who I'm not, and who I wanna be; No way to know how long she will be next to me”
Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos The lyrics are irrelevant, I just think this is a fun song that they would play and dance to.
Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) by Journey “ Someday love will find you; True love won't desert you; You know I still love you; Though we touched and went our separate ways”
When We Were Young by Adele “Let me photograph you in this light; In case it is the last time; That we might be exactly like we were; Before we realized; We were scared of getting old; It made us restless; It was just like a movie; It was just like a song”
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araisbored · 2 years
Oh this is bad. 2 consecutive posts about NIKI, har har. 
In my last post, I said that I hadn’t decided what would be my last song for my Top 5 song from Niki’s album, NICOLE. I’ve also made known on that post that I didn’t like the album that much. But lo and behold, I was wrong. You see, right after I made that post. I immediately got hooked and thought I made a decision about which track would fit on that missing spot.  It turns out to be the most relatable song as of the moment which makes another hoo-ha moment that I think it might also make it to my best Niki song list of all time. And I wanna digest the lyrics of it. (Even though it was pretty self-explanatory if you ask me. I just want to make it legit by writing a post about it.)
If you don’t speak French (like me) then you probably won't get the jazz of the title. And if you do speak the lovely language, then you probably know what the song is about. It’s Autumn, the 9th track of the album. When I heard it first, I hated it. It started weirdly for me, but I guess I’m just not in an analytic mode for me to appreciate such a masterpiece. I talked about it like it was such a complicated song, where in fact it explains itself while listening to it. It wasn’t really complicated. It was late to the entry because it was a ME problem. So to apologize for this track, which turns out to be the most intimate to me. I will make a single post dedicated to her dissecting each verse and hugging each word on it. I believe she was a she (the song). And yes, I do apologize to inanimate objects. Also this post is inspired by this post. The OP did a really good digest of the song. So I decided to totally ripped OP off. Hehehe. Let’s get on with it.
“I carved my name into your ribcage
We talked of lands away from this cage
You said, "Don't fret love
Someday I'll be my own man, I'll be free"
Oh, but darling, did you mean
Darling, did you mean free from me?”
The first verse immediately struck my heart, how come I miss this beautiful piece of poetry.
When a songwriter uses pleonasm or hyperbole (that actually makes sense). Oh boy, you got me.  This is my formula for a perfect singer to stan. 
Ok, just a warning. Before thins get heated. I am no good at analyzing stuff so please take this with a grain of salt and please if you interpret this song differently, don’t let my opinion change what you’ve had for this song. Whether for good or bad. 
The first verse usually introduces the whole song, the one that sets everything. For this verse what I get is that the relationship is about a man who depends on a girl a lot and both of them actually know it. 
“I carved my name into your ribcage…” "Don't fret love. Someday I'll be my own man, I'll be free". 
The girl actually likes that her partner is dependent on her, so when things were falling out between the two of them. She was surprised when the man talked about being free, she never thought that it was her. That she might be one of the things that keep him from that cage.
“You promised home
The kind I'd never known, 
But here we are, skin and flesh and beating hearts, and
I'm wondering what the hell I'm doing wrong
You said, "Let's make ourselves our very own brigade
This love, our shield, our blade"
Oh, but darling, do you see the cuts from which I bleed?
It's me you've slain”
The thing about relationships, like any other, is that you make effort. You share and open up yourself for making the relationship work between the two of you. It became your safety and purpose. So it is quite hurtful when those things that you give are the ones that actually hurt you. Which actually what she said in the next lines: “I didn't obliteratе these walls for you, to come and raid my homе”
The girl puts a lot of effort into a relationship but seems like she’s not getting reciprocated.
This kind of feeling is one of the worst feelings you can have in a relationship. It’s like walking on eggshells. You have no idea whether you’re doing enough, or you need to do more or you’re doing more. But despite your willingness to do everything, you’re still clueless about what your partner feels because you’re afraid to ask. Or you’re afraid to know. 
“And here you are, right next to me
Ironically, I've never felt more alone.”
“I fell for you, faster than I fell apart (Hmm)
And I guess I'm the one to blame
For letting myself fall too hard
I ripped my heart out and put it in your hands
In hope that we'd put up a fight (Hmm)
How paradoxical, since now
All I can think about is when will we stop trying”
As the song progresses, she’s finally realizing that the relationship was so one-sided and that she’s tired of getting blindsided. Giving yourself wholeheartedly in a relationship was always a bad thought. If we’re being honest, I am also in a debate with myself whether it is idealistically to give everything you have. But I guess you’ll only know as you go through the years. But it keeps me wondering, why would you feel empty or exhausted in giving your whole self, if you love yourself as a whole. If you do love yourself, you’ll never run out of something. But to be able to do that you really need to be a whole person. A complete one, when you enter a relationship. This is why some relationships fail and some work. And this whole thing was scary. 
“How do we stay afloat?
When do I let go?
All you do is blindside me, it's hard to be brave
But when the night cuts into the day, it's your love I crave
I must've thanked my lucky stars too much
They left me sitting in too much dust (Hmm, oh-oh)
You know all my dreams, you were one, so it seemed
And I love you but with you, it's heartache I breathe.
You gave it your all, just with everything you took from me”
And this goes back to what I said, that the relationship needs work. I believe it is work. Some might say that if you really found the one you love you wouldn’t find yourself working, it would just flow smoothly. But then again, it won’t be that hard if you’re working with someone. It’s always a two-person work. So if you find yourself having a hard time. Well, maybe you’re the only one getting the work. And if you don’t experience this, then you’re lucky or maybe you should ask your partner if there’s something that you’re missing.
This is a heartbreaking song because it was a moment when you know that this is it and it’s time. She finally realized her limits and that she was tired of working the relationship all by herself. It might be the hardest and the saddest moment of her life but it will be all worth it at the end. (I just know it)
It would be another kind of work for her, but it would be as beautiful as ever when done. Because it would finally be her being free from that cage. Not a lot of girls can say that and I wish for all of us to finally be free from what’s keeping us from wherever we're supposed to be.
I love this song because, sadly, I think I might be stuck in this situation. I am no expert on everything and I think I still do a lot of wrong things. But this song makes me realize all of it. It’s also good to know that I am not alone in experiencing all of this. It’s good (and oddly weird) to find companionship through anonymity. There are other girls. And I hope all men die. And I can’t explain it any further. The thing that I like the most about this song is the use of Pleonasm and Hyperboles. Or any kind of figure of speech is there. I told you good storytelling in a song will get you to my Stan 4ever list.  Niki really knows her way to her words and how she will deliver. I hoped I'd known and hyped this song after its release because I didn’t do it as much as it deserves. 
I don’t know how much I’ve said these but: “Niki, I love you.” Despite you being alone in those situations you give the world a song that allows others to mourn along with you. I know that you’re happy and making bread on your Instagram stories, and I am very happy for you. I did pester you to release something like this since you release your second album and I’m sorry for not appreciating this the first time I heard of it. The bullying is necessary for you to give me this album. Hey, it worked. And it’s your best by far. Please continue sharing your stories with us.
Ara xx
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dionadaiiraaa · 1 year
do you have any hot takes about ocs?
accepting @vilestblood
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Ohhh, I have some thoughts. I personally think everyone should take a crack at making an OC. I feel like crafting a whole OC can be very rewarding and a great way to get the creative juices flowing, especially if you make an oc in a canon fandom / verse.
I personally think that some people put that they are OC friendly, but what they mean is OC selective. I feel like if you're going to only RP with your friend's oc ( which is completely fine! ) then state that. It will save a lot of time, miscommunication, and hurt feelings.
I have come to accept that people will not love your OC as much as you. Some people will even dislike your OC, or even hate them. For a long time, I would get anons back in the day about how one-dimensional Eden one. Back then, It was incredibly hurt to hear but in hindsight, they were right and it pushed me to try to write more characters with depth. It was a pattern in my writing that I hadn't realized before.
For example, I would have Eden and Lark stand the same way, or their actions described the same way, so when this was brought up, I began to try to write them differently. So I would say while unsolicited criticism isn't all that helpful, ie those anons I got years ago bc it took me years to figure out how to write better, I think it is healthy to ask those you write with for criticism on your ocs if nothing else for a having a different perspective on character development.
Female Ocs are still getting hate. I think people who write canon characters need to realize not every fem oc is interacting with your male one for shipping purposes. I've had this experience a bit on Lark who is incredibly hard to ship with and needs a slow burn, and i've unfollowed people because they were assuming the only reason Lark wanted interaction is to ship. Like no? Canon x Oc is a great thing but in my personal opinion it needs to be planned. It needs to be plotted and a lot of discussion needs to happen. So I write my Ocs in a way that I never presume shipping. Unless my RP partner is interested in it, then we discuss it from there. I feel like approaching it this way will save a lot of aggravation.
This is gonna be a hottake but...I feel like a lot of people underestimate oc's abilities. There is a way to write a powerful OC without them being considered a Mary Sue / Gary Stu. I feel like people are so quick to label ocs this because of their abilities. For example, Lark is a strong character when it comes to swordsmenship and wielding fire. While she does have her limits, some have told me she's too OP. I think this is a very subjective thing, with open communication a lot of assumptions can be avoided.
SELF. INSERTS. ARE. OKAY. That being said, I think self insert ocs are completely okay, as long as they're not harassing canon rpers. Self insert ocs from my personal perspective are a lot of time used for comfort, or as a coping mechanism, which is fine. I use to dislike self insert ocs, but after doing a lot of reflection and growing I think for some they are needed to have some comfort. As long both rpers are alright with it, then its good, yeah?
I think that's about it as hot takes go.
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mystalwartheart · 6 months
K, I guess I need a headcanons tag 'cause I can't shut up.
I just had a thought about the two potential love interests I've given Jill in her primary verse, and how those dynamics have changed and crystallized as I've been writing.
In canon I'm pretty much a hardcore Valenfield shipper (that's Chris, not Claire, but I can totally see Jill/Claire too!) and I initially expected that to carry over to my reimagined verse. But my verse isn't canon, and just a few minor backstory alterations completely changed the context of Jill's personal relationships. Which I guess is how it works in real life: Just think about how every little decision in your life, no matter how minor it may appear on the surface, could affect whether you do or don't meet a certain person, or if your relationship with someone you already know ends up going in a dramatically different direction. I think that's what happened with my Jill and Chris: Basing my version of The Mansion Incident on Jill's campaign in the original Resident Evil (more the 2002 version) meant that Chris spends the entire night locked in a cell and Jill is completely on her own. Meanwhile canon seems to take Umbrella Chronicles as...canon...and has Chris with Jill the entire mission (RE5 in fact does not work as well IMO if that version of events isn't what happened, though I can see that story working with Chris' path too).
If Jill is a recent transfer to Raccoon City and Chris is locked up the entire Mansion Incident, not to mention the fact they had very different (though still traumatic) experiences from each other that night, would they really have had the time to build up such a close bond before everything goes to hell? Friends, yeah, but anything more intimate? Especially given how Chris' trauma manifests? I actually don't know. Though I don't talk about them as much in Jill's bio, I have a lot of headcanons about the "supporting cast", if you will, especially Rebecca and Billy: It is they who ended up having the kind of relationship in my verse that Valenfield is (arguably) in canon.
The other big one was making Ashley a composite of herself, Fiona from Haunting Ground, Rachael from Revelations and even Leon as well as what I thought at the time was an innocent and harmless thought experiment about what Jill would be doing if she was involved in the events of RE4. Eventually Jill ended up being the one rescuing Ashley and, much to my surprise, something clicked with the two of them. An entirely new story I hadn't anticipated or planned for suddenly seemed to write itself (any writer will know that this is not an uncommon occurrence), and this has only continued to evolve through the threads I've had. I think Jill and Ashley are incredibly similar, as strange as that may sound, especially the way I've written them. Ash sees Jill as an inspiring, comforting female presence and Jill sees in Ash a younger version of herself. She immediately empathizes with Ashley's plight, because the way Ash acts externally is how Jill saw herself internally during The Mansion Incident: To Jill, the only thing that separates younger her from Ash is Jill's spec ops training. The other Jill/Ash shippers I've read - all two of them! - make the same or similar argument(s), and they're actually who sold me on this idea. Furthermore, spending the amount of time together an RE4-style plot demands is naturally going to force them to bond to some degree.
There's also the fact that Canon!Jill in a sense becomes an Ashley in RE5, and this is made even clearer in what I understand to be the earlier drafts of the game's plot. As many issues as I have with that (and there are many...), my Jill wound up drawing a ton from RE5!Jill (...much to my chagrin), and that fact pushes them closer too. I get the sense that part of the reason my Chris is so possessive and overprotective of my Jill is in part due to feelings of insecurity, inadequacy and guilt. He feels he let Jill down by "making" her rescue him and sees himself as having failed in his role because of that. Chris also sort of subconsciously feels like he can't compare to Jill and doesn't really deserve her. So due to that, as well as because he believes he owes her a debt and she's basically the only thing keeping him sane and sort-of stable, he shows his love for her by protecting her. Even, and especially, when she doesn't need it. Ashley, effectively, gives Jill what Jill gives Chris: Someone who understands her, supports her, is emotionally available for her and stays by her side. Ashley and Jill soothe and calm each other, and help each other feel safe.
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bookoformon · 1 year
2 Nephi Chapter 20. "The Leveler."
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The destruction of Assyria "what is level" is a type of the destruction of the wicked at the Second Coming—Few people will be left after the Lord comes again—The remnant of Jacob will return in that day—Compare Isaiah 10. About 559–545 B.C.
The first section of every chapter is the Midrash, the analysis scenario to be undertaken in the verses that follow. In this one the Prophet thinks the followers of the religion of the Jews will inherit the government after Christianity fails to provide stability, order, equality, and happiness to the world.
The word "remnant of Jacob" refers to the dreamer that separates from the lout he inhabits to overcome great obstacles and thus become a great man, AKA the Israel stage of the Jacob-Israel metamorphosis.
Chapter 9 of Isaiah says the Messianic way of life will include the transmission of the line of David through a government that is apparently completely unlike any this earth has ever seen. As for the rest:
1 Wo unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;
2 To turn away the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!
3 And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?
4 Without me they shall bow down under the prisoners, and they shall fall under the slain. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
5 O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is their indignation.
Rod= parenting according to the Torah.
Staff= Humans, after all, don’t run everything. You know who does? You know who runs nature, too? G‑d.
Assyrians are levelers; they are responsible for ensuring appropriate standards of conduct are set and enforced, punished when contradicted:
6 I will send him against a hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.
7 Howbeit he meaneth not so, neither doth his heart think so; but in his heart it is to destroy and cut off nations not a few.
8 For he saith: Are not my princes altogether kings?
9 Is not Calno as Carchemish? Is not Hamath as Arpad? Is not Samaria as cDamascus?
Calno = the center of beauty
Chem=who thirst
Ish= to be men of God
Hamath= fortification
Arpad= City of Redemption
"The center of the world is the City of Redemption built by soldiers who thirst to be men of God, AKA Kedoshim. They are the levelers, the princes and kings sent to topple hypocritical nations."
10 As my hand hath founded the kingdoms of the idols, and whose graven images did expel them of Jerusalem and of Samaria;
11 Shall I not, as I have done unto Samaria and her idols, so do to Jerusalem and to her idols?
=All debates about abortion, birth control, who can marry and fuck whom and how, what kinds of clothes people can wear, the result of clashes between party politicians are no longer necessary or even legal as their outcomes have long since been defined by the law. The Law and laws target things that distract us and keep us from doing what is wise, aka "idols":
12 Wherefore it shall come to pass that when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon Mount Zion and upon Jerusalem, I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks.
13 For he saith: By the strength of my hand and by my wisdom I have done these things; for I am prudent; and I have moved the borders of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man;
14 And my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people; and as one gathereth eggs that are left have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped.
15 Shall the ax boast itself against him that heweth therewith? Shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? As if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself as if it were no wood!
16 Therefore shall the Lord, the Lord of Hosts, send among his fat ones, leanness; and under his glory he shall kindle a burning like the burning of a fire.
17 And the light of Israel shall be for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame, and shall burn and shall devour his thorns and his briers in one day;
18 And shall consume the glory of his forest, and of his fruitful field, both soul and body; and they shall be as when a standard-bearer fainteth.
19 And the rest of the trees of his forest shall be few, that a child may write them.
20 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay upon him that smote them, but shall stay upon the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.
21 The remnant shall return, yea, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God.
22 For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return; the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness.
23 For the Lord God of Hosts shall make a consumption, even determined in all the land.
24 Therefore, thus saith the Lord God of Hosts: O my people that dwellest in Zion, abe not afraid of the Assyrian; he shall smite thee with a rod, and shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of Egypt.
25 For yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease, and mine anger in their destruction.
26 And the Lord of Hosts shall astir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb; and as his rod was upon the sea so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt.
Midian= strife, place of judgement
Oreb= breaching of a safe place. The Rock of Oreb is his head. We try to bring water out of rocks. Strife is a sign of a hard head at work.
27 And it shall come to pass in that day that his aburden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
28 aHe is come to Aiath, he is passed to Migron; at Michmash he hath laid up his carriages.
Aiath=Falcon, can find springs in the wilderness
Migron=another term for moron, a type of berry that glows at sunrise, sometimes at sunset. Morons are associated with the Red Sea and the change in maturity that is symbolized by the blushing red of the berry.
Moroni, the Spirit of God that visits the Prophet is the same kind of change agent as the crossing of the Red Sea.
Michmash= God has departed:
29 They are gone over the passage; they have taken up their lodging at Geba; Ramath is afraid; Gibeah of Saul is fled.
Geba=to be high exalted
Ramath=the high place
Gibeah= a hill
Saul= to ask for
"To reach the high place, to be exalted, go up the hill and ask, lift up your voice":
30 Lift up the voice, O daughter of Gallim; cause it to be heard unto Laish, O poor Anathoth.
Gallim= heaps, to roll
Anathoth= answers, afflictions
31 Madmenah is removed; the inhabitants of Gebim gather themselves to flee.
Madmenah=dung hill
Gebim= ditches
"The shit is hurled into ditches and the poor and oppressed cross over to the high place, the City on the Hill":
32 As yet shall he remain at Nob "height, high place" that day; he shall shake his hand against the mount of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem.
33 Behold, the Lord, the Lord of Hosts shall lop the bough with terror; and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down; and the haughty shall be humbled.
34 And he shall cut down the thickets of the forests with iron, and Lebanon "place of whiteness' shall fall by a mighty one.
Iron was used to build the temple. To clear the forests of Lebanon using iron tools means a man of iron will construct the temple. It always comes down to this, doesn't it?
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
I have a request set in the Steve x Singlemom!reader verse, maybe have one where you stopped by Family Video and Steve’s boss is going off on Steve for having Abbie & Arabella in the store while he’s working and causing havoc and he calls reader a name (like a bitch or something) Robin defends you while Steve run after you and hugs you once he realizes you’re there to see him and he walks back in and goes to hand in his vest because no one talks shit about his wife and kids? If not your forte, then ignore this, but I love the way you write dad!steve -🦋
Thank you omg 🥺
And no one messes with Steve’s girls 😏
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Part of the Dad Steve x SingleTeenMom!Reader ‘verse
Check out the rest of the series on my masterlist
“Daddy, look!” Abbie ran over to Steve, a tape in her hand, “I found Dumbo!”
Steve laughed, picking her up.
“Are you, mommy and sissy going to watch that while I’m at work?”
“No, silly,” she giggled, “We waiting till you get home!”
“Thank goodness,” he sighed, putting a hand on his chest, relieved, “I wouldn’t want to miss out on the flying elephant.”
You, Abbie and Arabella had decided to visit Steve while he was at work and you’d promised Abbie she could pick out a few movies to rent.
Arabella was now toddling everywhere and you tried to keep up with her as much as you could, all while keeping your eye on your rambunctious four year old.
“Oh, Bella, no!” you cried, her nickname slipping out as you watched her pull off an entire row of tapes off the shelf.
“Ope, no worries. I got this,” Robin called jogging over.
“I’m so sorry,” you apologized, scooping Arabella up in your arms, “Can I help?”
Robin waved you off.
“It’s okay, accidents happen. Besides, our tiniest Family Video family member was just trying to pick out a good movie, weren’t you sweetheart?” Robin poked her side, making Arabella grin.
“Next time, I’m bringing the stroller. Something, anything,” you groaned, looking at the mess, “I’ll slip you a ten in the tip jar I swear.”
Robin laughed.
“And deprive my goddaughter from having fun? Never.”
You saw Abbie running back to the aisle she had came from minutes earlier.
“And there goes the other hooligan,” you sighed.
“Gotta tell you, Y/N,” Robin said, putting the last tape back and standing, “You’re a saint.”
“And to think Steve wants four more still.”
Robin looked horrified.
“Dingus, keep your dick in your pants already!”
He looked at her, baffled and you held back your laugh.
You heard a crash and cry.
You ran to the aisle Abbie was on and gasped at the fallen over cardboard cut out that had knocked over a pile of tapes.
“Abrielle,” you scolded, “I told you to be careful.”
Her lip trembled and you knew you were minutes away from a meltdown that would for sure send Arabella into one as well. It was definitely well past naptime.
“Harrington! Buckley!”
You jumped at a booming voice and looked up to see a stern looking middle aged man. This must be the newer boss.
Keith had left a few months ago and even though he’d been annoying, this new guy made him look like a saint.
“What the hell is going on here?”
Abbie clung to your leg, hiding behind it.
“Nothing, Charlie. Just cleaning up a little mess. Can you please stop yelling? You’re scaring my girls.”
His hard gaze focused on the disaster are of the aisle they all were currently occupying.
“I’m sorry, I knocked it over and caused a mess. I’m so clumsy,” you lied, not wanting to get Steve in trouble.
“What have I told you Harrington? No family visits during your shift if your bitch and brats are going to wreck my store!”
“Fuck off, Charlie. There was no one in the store and Y/N just dropped by to pick up the girls some movies. Don’t want us turning away a paying customer, would you?” Robin snapped.
“I don’t care. Look at the mess she made. Thanks a lot, bitch,” he spat at you.
Your face had paled and you instantly grabbed for Annie’s hand.
“Come on girls, we should get going. I’m so sorry,” you told the three, “I really am. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”
Steve had remained suspiciously quiet, but his face was thunderous.
“I’ll see you at home, Steve,” you mumbled, “Bye Robin.”
You hurried out of the store with both girls, face flaming in embarrassment.
“What the fuck, Charlie?!” Steve roared, the minute you were gone.
“Don’t you dare call my wife a bitch of my girls brats. They are my family and they did nothing wrong. You had no right to yell at her.”
He yanked off his green vest, tossing it at him.
“You know what? I quit.”
He stormed out, seeing you buckling the girls into your car.
“Y/N,” he called.
You whirled around and saw him.
“I’m so sor-”
“You have nothing to apologize for,” he said, wrapping you in his arms, “I’m so sorry you had to hear that.”
You hugged him back, face nestled in his chest. That’s when you realized his vest was gone. You were horrified at his answer when you asked him about a minute later.
“I quit. No one speaks to me or my family like that and gets away with it.”
“But Steve,” you panicked, “You need this job!”
“Don’t worry,” he chuckled, “Robin’s been trying to get him fired and replaced for months. I guarantee you she’s already on the phone with headquarters reporting him. I just quit working for him not Family Video.”
He smirked at your exasperation.
“Oh Steve,” you sighed, “Such the gentleman you are coming to our rescue.”
“What can I say?” he smiled, kissing your forehead, “My family is everything to me.”
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