#((and sorry I've been slow lately guys =c))
bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
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a/n: Hello, my fabulous Readers! It's been a hot second since I last wrote a fic. And I can honestly say, that I've been distracted by the whole Chris Drama and Fiasco. But that doesn't mean that I haven't been writing fics. I actually have a few lined up, that are definite WIPs, so stay tuned. In the meantime, I hope y'all will enjoy this fic.
Which I'm happy to dedicate to @cutedisneygrl, Happiest Birthday to you, girl! Thank you for always lending an ear, and also happily sharing your fics with us. You're awesome, and I hope you enjoy this fic. Sorry if it's a little late.
And to @royalwriteroftheuniverse, for being one of the best friends, I could ask for on here. You're one of the best, and honestly, you both deserve the best. ❤❤❤❤❤
Yes, this will be a thing now. Some of my fics will be dedicated to my friends, family, or even the fans like me, who are writing this. 😆🥺 So, without further ado, enjoy this fic. Hopefully it isn't too cringey.
Steve Rogers x civilian!Reader
Requested: Yes
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WARNINGS: None really... No mention of Y/n, Steve is a big softie, Y/n is kind of sad for most of the fic, food(?), feelings of loneliness...
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I'm using this gif, because it's the one with my most favorite button-up, that Steve wears in the entire MCU. Feel free to comment what's your most favorite Steve casual wear in the entire MCU.
*Y/F/C/D = Your Favorite Cold Drink
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The clock continued to tic the hours away, as you laid on your bed. Trying to will it to move faster, and end the long day. Time always seemed slow during the tough days. Even longer lately, what with Steve being out on seemingly endless weeks of missions.
You really couldn’t complain, considering that that is his job. And it was all for the good of the future. Your future, together. Steve has been open about building a safe and happy future. And being able to secure it, one bad guy at a time.
You chuckle at the thought. Remembering the night Steve said those very words to you...
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You had called an hour before, needing to vent. Your work day was one of the worst you’ve had in a while, and Steve, hearing the frustration, and weariness in your voice, took it upon himself to try and make it better. He arranged the pillows to frame your bed, pulled the curtains closed, put the lamp on its dimmest setting, grabbed the comfiest blankets, and made a little love nest for you two love birds.
He nervously looked over every little detail. Fluffing up the pillows, smoothing down the bed sheets, pulling at the curtains, double and triple checking everything. Luckily, you announcing your arrival, broke his intense focus.
Steve rushed off. Tripping and stumbling on his own feet, regaining balance, and taking another look around, before stumbling once more, and finally hopping down to you. Not that you were having any of it. Immediately assuming that Steve had prepared something romantically sexy. Which, in Steve’s opinion, was sweet but nothing romantically sexy about his plans.
But at Steve’s insistence, and puppy dog eyes, you were, albeit begrudgingly on your part, lead upstairs to your converted room.
“You sounded so sad on the phone earlier, I wanted to do something special. Try and make your day a little bit better.”
You smiled as tears slowly filled your eyes. Jumping into Steve’s arms, as he picks you up, and puts you on the bed, to rid you of your work clothes. Slipping you into your favorite button-up of his.
You’d stay in the love nest for hours. Snuggled into the love of your life, except for the few times, he’d get up to get food and water. Insisting that he should get them, not wanting you to get up and leave your little bubble.
Few minutes into your meal of a shared bowl of chocolate covered fruits, Steve’s phone rang. Causing him to step out, to answer it. Not coming back until a few minutes later. His expression crestfallen, but trying his best to keep up a mask of happiness so as to not drag your already down mood. Ofcouse,you knew him well.
“They’re calling you away on another mission?” You asked, after a few minutes of silence.
“Yes. But it’s a necessary evil, if I want to build our future.” Steve sighed, giving you a weary smile.
“And I do want to build it, one bad guy at a time.” He continued, taking both of your hands in his.
“Are you proposing to me right now, Rogers?” You laughed.
“Believe me, Doll. When I propose, you’ll know...” Steve smiled.
“Well, until then, I’ll take a few of your shirts. But even after you ask, you might never get them back.” You declared teasingly, grabbing a strawberry and running off, as Steve gave chase.
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You sigh and get up out of bed, deciding to go down to your living room to watch a rom-com with your over-sized stuffed bear. But not before grabbing your favorite button-up shirt, that Steve left at the foot of your bed just before he drove off to the compound for his mission, a few days ago. You pressed it to your nose, inhaling the comforting scent of aftershave and wood, something that was uniquely Steve. And changed into it, buttoning up most of it, and leaving some undone.
You made your way down the stairs and into your kitchen, grabbing some leftovers stored in tupperwares, in your fridge, and preparing to heat them in your microwave. You stepped into your living room, turning on the TV. and arranging the throw pillows, blanket, and your bear, so that your couch has prime comfiness, all before the microwave dinged to signal that your dinner is warm.
You quickly grabbed it, utensils, and Y/F/C/D from the kitchen, carefully carrying them in your arms, and using your elbow to turn off the light in your kitchen. Leaving your living room lamp, and your TV as your only remaining light source. Creating some sort of ambiance that allowed for optimal comfort once you wrapped your shoulders in your blanket, placed your bear on your lap, and pressed play on your movie, before grabbing your food and settling in for the night.
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A few hours later, the roar of a Harley can be heard in the distance. A bit toned down, due to Steve knowing that most, if not all of the residents of his neighborhood were soundly and safely tucked in their beds.
The mission was shorter than expected, and for that he silently thanked God. Because he was able to come home to the woman he loved sooner than anticipated, and will be able to surprise her with the best gift he could ever give her. Him.
He shut off the engine, as soon as he arrived and parked on the driveway. Removing his helmet, grabbing his things that he had strapped to the back of his motorcycle, and grabbing his keys to unlock the front door.
The first thing he noticed was the TV was on (hard not to when he noticed the dim glow coming from the living room). The one thing he didn’t expect as he was reaching for the remote was the sight of you holding your bear, the very over-sized bear that he had won for you at the Fair last month, close to you, one of your cozy blankets draped over your shoulders, and the collar of his button-up peaking from under the blanket.
He chuckled at the adorable sight, but sighed softly. Knowing you well enough, that you had a rough day, just by needing any semblance of him near, and needing every aspect of your cozy cocoon in order to feel better. He knew what was needed, and it was something he definitely needed for himself too.
And so, he put his bag and shield down to the side of the recliner to the right of the TV, out of the way, so that none of you would trip on it the next morning. Removed his leather jacket, and placed it on the arm of the couch by your feet, before kneeling down by you, to get on the proper position to be able to pick you up, and carry you bridal style. Hopefully without fully rousing you from your sleep.
You were half awake as Steve slowly made his way up the stairs, to your shared room. The blanket still wrapped around your body, essentially wrapping you up in a burrito. You felt the need to find more warmth and comfort from the solid wall of muscle that you were resting against. And so snuggled needily into it, much to Steve’s amusement.
And that is why he decided to remove his shoes, before going into bed with you a minute later. Not wanting you to spend even a minute without your human teddy bear. He could change and take a shower in the morning, he just knew you both needed the other near.
“I’ve got you, Doll... And I’m not going anywhere...”
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a/n: Hope y'all enjoyed it. I'm kind of nervous uploading this, and I'm also worried that it's cringey. Love y'all, Bookies! Stay sane, especially with things coming up in the Fandom soon.
Steve Rogers Masterlist
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dreamstormdragon · 11 days
TMNT 2k3 AU WIP #1: Fish Out of Water
Decided it'd be fun to start sharing WIPS and stuff again, so I wanted to share a sneak peek of a new project called Fish Out of Water.
Fish Out of Water, is my shameless OCXCanon fict, revising a character I've had since I was 17. I've been wanting to bring her back and after much encouragement from Aileen ( @theblueskyphoenix go check out her TMNT art!) Without further adieu... Here's a sneak peek of what's to come under the cut!
It was a foggy night. It was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
The clouds hid the moon while the fog set the stage across New York City.
The Battle Shells headlights cut through it, as Donnie sat up front.
He hated driving in this weather. It was getting late.
They lost track of time if he was being honest.
April had invited the turtles over, for a movie and food in exchange for helping with some chores around the 2nd Time Around.
“I figure you four don't need Casey for this… again.”
“Oof,” Raph winced. “What'd he do this time?”
April rolled her eyes.
“You don't wanna know.”
“So, what're we thinking…Casey able to redeem himself or are we gonna have to decide between friend and foe?” Mikey asked, breaking Donnie out of his train of thought.
So much had changed. New lair… New friends but danger at every turn. 
Yet, they had hope. They had defeated the Shredder! 
They took down the Mousers…
He couldn't shake the feeling something else was missing.
“I mean, we didn't think the superhero thing was gonna happen either,” Raph glanced behind him. He was sitting up front while Leo and Mikey were in the back. “Yet…”
“I proved you guys wrong!” Mikey grinned.
The other three groaned.
“Mikey we said we were sorry like ten times. Let. It go.” Leo pleaded.
“Nah I'm not bored yet.”
Donnie hummed, his mind going over various consoles Mikey had left on his work bench. His grip on the steering wheel tightened.
Ugh, this weather….
“Hey, Mikey, how much do you value your GameCube?”
Mikey’s baby blue eyes vanished as his inner eyelid shifted.
“You. Wouldn't. Dare.”
“Maybe I would put it on the top shelf.”
The turtles often referred to the top shelf of Donnie’s work area Death Row of Appliances, because once they went up, they might never come back down. 
“Appliance Hell. Brutal. I like it.” Raph nudged him.
Donnie chuckled.
Finally, the fog was starting to fade, as a truck pulled out in front of them, cutting the armored truck off.
Donnie cussed, as he slowed down, to avoid colliding with it.
Raph leaned his hand out the window.
“HEY A-HOLE! IT’S CALLED A STOP SIGN!” He roared out at the truck.
“Raph, don’t.” Donnie sighed. “He’s just an a-”
The truck had double doors on the back, with a window on each door. 
The headlights illuminated the back of the truck, when..
A hand hit the window, slamming into it. 
“What the?”
Raph’s eyes widened, glancing over.
“I wasn’t the only one who saw that right?”
The truck was picking up speed.
A face appeared in the window, the person inside throwing themselves against the doors.
Don narrowed his eyes.
“Guys, we need to make a stop.”
I don’t like this.
A muffled scream made it through.
Leo and Mikey narrowed their eyes, as they turned their attention towards it.
“I’m already on it.”
Donnie narrowed his eyes.
The Battle Shell, sped after the truck, as the turtles, prepared for a new mission ahead.
“What’s the plan Leo?” Mikey asked, getting to his feet.
“Mikey, Raph you’re with me, Donnie get the Battle Shell as close as you can!” 
He opened the latch on the roof, climbing out, the wind blowing his mask tails around.
The cold night air was crisp as he climbed up onto the rooftop.
His vivid green irises vanished behind the inner eyelid. 
It was time to get to work.
She woke up, in the back of some sort of refrigerated truck… covered up by a sheet, on the floor. The last thing she had remembered was blinding pain…
“Now, now don’t make such a fuss!” Dr. Stockman chided, as he approached her, syringe in hand.
A glowing green liquid was held up to her face.
“I hate to say this… but this will hurt.”
That man…
She had been held captive by him and the other scientists, for weeks, with several other people… she wasn’t sure what happened to the woman she had shared a cell with.
She had been kind to her.
“What’re they gonna do to us?” 
Sidney, wrapped an arm around her shoulder. 
Neither, really wanted to speculate on that. The constant tests… The medical exams.
Their minds conjured up the worst. Sidney tried to put on a brave smile, brushing Lorelei’s hair out of her face.
Lorelei hugged her tighter, whimpering.
“It’ll be okay, we’ll be fine… they’ll… someone will find us. It’ll be okay Lorelei.” 
They knew she was lying… but was it lying if it kept them sane?
Nothing had been fine!
One minute, she was on that monster’s table, struggling to catch her breath, pain coursing through her body…
Her body hurt so bad.
Her heart was racing, thundering in her chest, she couldn’t breathe.
Dots danced in front of her vision. 
A heart monitor nearby screamed.
Dr. Stockman, called out some sort of order, before looking down at her.
She wasn’t sure when… her eyes had closed and oblivion welcomed her into it’s loving embrace.
She coughed, sputtering, as she pulled herself to her feet.
Her body ached.
What… happened? Where am I?
Her mind raced, trying to get her mind to slow down. 
She felt something around her wrist. Some sort of rubber band with a paper tag on it.
Subject #25
Age: 15
Cause of Death: 
During the procedure, a complication occurred resulting in full respiratory and cardiac arrest. Resuscitation efforts failed.
Time of Death: 9:30 PM, 11/02/2003
Her heart skipped a beat.
If they thought she was dead… then…
She looked around her, as the realization set in. She was being taken somewhere to be disposed of. 
If they realized she was still alive, they would take her either right to the lab or…
They’ll just kill me. I’ve seen their faces. 
Her body was heavy as she stood up, stumbling. She looked down, as she tripped over something, as her foot collided with…
She stumbled, slamming into the doors of the truck. Part of her hoped, maybe they’d fall open and she’d fall out.
The other part was preoccupied with what she had tripped on.
A long… fish-like tail, that leads from the base of her spine, to the floor. It was brown, ending in a large fin.
What… happened to me?
Panic bubbled up in her, as her mind raced, her heart rushing to catch up.
Bile threatened to escape her, before she shook her head, hitting it against the door.
“Calm down!” She yelled, inhaling deeply. “Think through this. Come on.”
She lifted her head… as her eyes widened.
There was a large green truck, a real muscle car.
Just maybe.
She narrowed her eyes and forced herself to her feet.
 She winced ,as she stumbled, nearly stepping over her… tail, oh gosh that was really hers? She shook her head.
She took a few steps back, before throwing herself HARD against it.
She slammed her hand, hard, her fist repeated against the window, screaming at the top of her lungs.
The truck swerved, as the drivers too were alerted, to her living presence. 
Lorelei threw her head back and screamed at the top of her lungs.
She stumbled, as the truck picked up speed, as she was thrown against the floor again.
Something metal collided with her side, as she gasped, before grabbing it.
A tire iron.. 
She grinned.
At least, this was better than nothing.
She got to her feet, gripping it in both hands.
Lorelei took a deep breath.
I’m not dying for real tonight.
She swung it against the window, as the glass shattered from the force.
She covered her face as shards flew into the trailer, with her, she used the tire iron to clear out more glass, before shoving her arm through, waving frantically for help.
Headlights flashed in her eyes, blinding her momentarily.
She bit back a sob. 
“Please!!!” She screamed. “CALL 911!! HELP ME!!!”
Her scream echoed clear through the night now, hoping it reached…
As she peered through the window, she spotted two figures atop the truck.
Please… Please…
Her eyes burned, as she sobbed, lowering her head.
The truck accelerated, as the drivers became aware of their passenger. The vehicle swerved, a loud shriek echoing from inside.
The window broke out, as the person inside, forced their arm through.
“Please!!! CALL 911!! HELP ME!!!”
Her scream echoed clear through the night now, sending a chill down the turtles spines.
Mikey growled.
“Leo! What’s the plan!?”
“Crap.” Leo hissed under his breath. “RAPH, DONNIE BOX ‘EM IN!”
The doors opened up, as the Shell Cycle roared to life.
Donnie glanced in the rear view mirror, at Raphael.
“Make it hurt.” He smirked.
“You know me.”
Like a bat out of Hell, the Shell Cycle sailed out of the car, landing as Raph pulled up around the right side of the truck.
Leo and Mikey, crouched down, holding onto the roof, as Donnie swerved, to corner it.
The wind blew their masks' tails behind them.
Leo exhaled slowly, before pushing off in one smooth motion, as he lunged onto the roof of the truck.
“Hey MIkey?” “Yeah?” “Get ready to play catch.”
Mikey winced.
“Back in the car?”
Leo smirked.
“Back in the car.” “Aye, aye Captain!” He joked, before dropping back down through the hatch in the roof.
The truck swerved, as Leo crouched down, his stomach rolling for a moment.
He inhaled deeply…
Be careful… be swift…
The truck swerved and the turtle stumbled briefly, before catching himself, his heart leaping up into his throat.
Leonardo held his breath, as gravity threatened to take him down to the street below.
He righted himself.
“RAPH, WATCH IT!” He screamed.
Raph coasted back behind the truck, moving to catch up with the Battle Shell.
Mikey rolled down the passenger window, leaning out.
“That spike strip, Donnie borrowed last week!? Is it installed!?” 
Mikey’s eyes lit up, as a wicked grin crossed his face.
“Ohh, THAT THING! Yep!”
Mikey leaned back into the cabin, turning to Donatello.
Donnie’s face was narrowed in focus.
“What do we need?” He asked, his voice clipped and even.
“Spike strip.”
“I see what he’s thinking. You got it.”
Mikey stuck his arm out the window, giving Raph a thumbs up.
“Which button?”
Donnie exhaled, unclenching his jaw, his hazel eyes returning for a moment.
He gave Mikey a playful grin.
“The red one.”
Mikey’s eyes lit up.
Thank you so much, see you soon!
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curdled-blood · 3 months
Do you have any head canons on how Jango and Kuro met and started the black cat pirate?
I've thought about it a bit the past few days and I have a rough idea, but nothing exact. I've actually been tossing a few ideas in this noodle of mine.
So they never really gave us much background on Kuro and Jango so I sort of.. made stuff up,, naturally! I would explain it right now but I kinda made up a lot of stuff 😭 admittedly, I made up more stuff for Kuro than Jango ajfhabdban
Keep in mind, at the time of posting this I'm only on Ep 285 so I don't necessarily know everything 💔💔💔
I always figured Kuro met Sham and Buchi when he was a bit younger (late teens perhaps??) before he met Jango. Idk why I felt this, I just do. They were most likely some of the first members of his crew. For a little bit after that (idk how long exactly agdggdgahsha) Kuro been looking for a first mate but never found anyone WoRtHy eNoUgh
I think it would be hilarious if Kuro and Jango met at funky bar HAHDHAHA.. I can't tell if the two started chit chatting and (drunk) Jango was like "pSHHH. YeAh. I snuck agross thee grand line AAAAND I c an hypnotism poeple." And Kuro thought "Oh wow. This guy might be pretty useful."
..or thought he was full of shit. I personally love the idea of Jango proposing to be his first mate (ok slow down homo.) and Kuro flat out REFUSING because he just saw Jango as absolutely ridiculous, so Jango then just straight up hypnotizes him into letting him be first mate 😭😭😭
Ofc, after a little bit, Jango snaps Kuro out of it and Kuro is like "MmmmFUCK. That's actually useful. Fine. Stay." And I think over the years, Jango has proved himself to be worthy of his position because IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY, though Kuro did insult Jango a lot, he would occasionally talk about how lethal he still was. I think all of this happened very early on in the history of the Black Car Pirates :3
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celestie0 · 4 months
bae you should’ve HEARD the squeal i let out when you posted 😭 i like rolled around on my bed and kicked my feet for a good minute or two IM SO GLAD YOUR BACK BAEEE 💗
also bae omg im realizing how many mistakes i made on my most recent ask omg its so embarrassing 😭😭 im assuming you understood what i meant tho? 😭 IN MY DEFENSE I WAS ON THE TRAIN SO IT WAS BUMPY AND I DIDNT WANT PPL SEEING MY PHONE 🫠 like have you ever been in public and then someones looking over at your phone?? SHIT HAPPENS TOO OFTEN I SWEAR.
bae missing gojo so bad rn i turned to character ai 😓
anyway do u remember C?? yeah so i confessed and uh 🧍‍♀️he kinda just brushed it off and brought up another girl 😭 BUT GET THIS. THE OTHER GIRL IS ONE OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS. like imagine you’re texting a girl who’s been your friend SINCE YOU WERE KIDS and KNOWING she has a crush on you and then you still bring up one of her closest friends relationship status. LIKE??? i’m being so fr when i say this i cried. i called my friend D in TEARS after i finished talking to C and D was just like “yo wait what happened?” and then i had to explain AND IT TURNS OUT C HAD BEEN ASKING ABOUT MY FRIEND FOR A WHILE. they danced together once at a party and apparently hes had a crush on her ever since??
okay but enough abt C,, hes an asshole and i never want to speak to him again (i still like him very much and i still need him but im tryna cope lolol) 💗 how’ve u been bae?? i hardly ever send in asks anymore so i feel like we don’t interact as often 😞 omg bae do u have any show recommendations?? i’ve been dying to watch something new lately but all the shows my friends recommend are ones i’ve seen already 😓😓
anyway bae thats all 💗 i hope you were doing well on your hiatus (even though it was short!) and i can’t wait for the next kickoff update ‼️ byebye and i love uuuu
hiii my lovely <33 OMG you're too fucking sweet i swear you make me smile everytime i see you in my inbox. yes it's nice to be back i missed everyone lots :'') i still might take it a lil easy tho haha i realized during my hiatus i've gotta just spend less time on tumblr between my fic updates kdjfhsdkfjl
haha yes i hate when ppl look at screens. but i always used to look at people's screens during lectures in college to see what they're up to and what they're ordering on amazon HAHA i guess it's human nature to be nosey asf
omg NOOOO babe that's horrendous fuck C i'm so sorry you went through that :(( you deserve sm better than that. aww bb whatever helps you cope is valid, but i do think that maybe it's time to let C go...you confessed n did what you could, and even if he didn't like you back, he should've treated your confession w care n respect. the way he reacted is major red flag!! i'm sorry though, i know you've known him a long time, so that has to be really tough to go through :'') chin up bb, i promise you'll find better guys out there that will treat you w the care you deserve
i've been okay!! i had my last day of work on thursday which was kind of bittersweet, i cried in front of my PI LOL (he's an old german man and he's always been very sweet to me n i'm really gonna miss him aaa) i had social plans the past couple of days which was fun but i'm kind of an introvert so i spent today recharging my social batter haha.
ooo i've been watching bojack horseman recently!! i like it, it's funny and realistic, but i've heard it becomes a total shitshow (not as in it becomes a bad show, it's still a great show BUT the characters kinda stress you out)...i really like it, i've been recommending it to people! i like shows that are kind of cynical commentaries w an overlay of comedy though HAHA so if you're into that too, i'd recommend it. if you wanna watch a really good romance show, i'd recommend 'one day' on netflix!! it's like a slow burn friends to lovers, and the acting in it was phenomenal. no spoilers but i will give a heavy angst warning.
thanks bb!! yes my hiatus was good haha i appreciate you sm <33 love u tooooo darling
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bropunzeling · 9 months
Sorry for the BUGS in your RICE (sounds dreadful), this isn't one of the ask game questions but I'm wondering what ships you've been thinking about lately! Ships you want to write or just have been stewing on. Are there any new ships (or old ships but new for you) that've been occupying your brainspace lately?
thank you, it was not a fun evening trying to figure out how to feed myself and dispose of 15 pounds of rice at the same time but i got there eventually 😩
as far as ships go? i've really been on a brady/quinn kick lately (thanks to the influence of tumblr users/good pals msmargaretmurry and hopetorun); i LOVE a good friends to lovers trope and i LOVE a pining little guy and i LOVE the potential for mutual pining especially. there's so much good lore there (am i over quinn being like "well i had to keep getting the c secret but obviously i told brady"? no. no i am not). that said trying to get the voice for new pov characters is sooooo hard for me and i feel very self-conscious about it so any progress on actually writing anything is slow going.
i've also really been back on my ducklings feelings recently, which feels new since it's been so long since i've been on the train for them haha but god those weirdos compel me. i feel like there's really something to making trevor zegras have a bad time, and also something to being on the cusp of changing the friendship and not sure how to actually get there. or maybe you do and one or both of you gets injured so any progress just gets wiped away!!! i mean for god's sake we had rooftop playlist a year ago. what the fuck, man.
and finally because i saw the kraken play the panthers and then watched the joyous post game interviews with joey daccord, i have developed a theory that he and ryker evans were ahl boyfriends and now that they are in the show i hope ryker congratulated joey on his shut out 😌
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scarlettlillies · 1 year
Sorry I'm kinda late to this but 💞 and 🌿 for the writer asks? Also 💌 but only if you're comfortable with that of course ;v;
No worries! You're actually the first person to send me an ask about this! :D
From this ask meme
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
That's a tough one! All of them are pretty important to me but I think I'd have to pick the plot. I often go into my stories with just a vague idea of what I want to happen so it's very common for me to write my sections out of order. I then try to find a way to tie the pieces together, either through worldbuilding, extra prose, or new plot points. Sometimes it works, other times not so much!
🌿how does creating make you feel?
I feel many different things. There's a lot of positive feelings like joy and excitement. I daydream so much about the things I want to make! But my anxiety takes over very quickly and the desire for perfectionism keeps me from finishing anything. I nitpick at every sentence and I've tossed out stories at the moment when something goes wrong. There have definitely been times when I didn't feel good enough to create the things I wanted. It's very difficult to get out of that mindset. :c
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
I recently just started writing again! I'm starting slow so I revived a 10+ year-old story and turned it into a ficlet! I'm hoping I can post it within the next few days. It's just a simple fic about Est and Ned bonding over gardening. Whether their relationship is platonic or romantic is really up to the reader. It still needs some cleaning up so please ignore anything wonky. ;w;
No matter how many times Netherlands stopped by Estonia’s home, it was always a shock to see him covered in dirt.
Their friendship was very new. His impression of Estonia was slick, neat, and modern. When their paths would cross, he was always well-dressed in expensive suits and noticeably owned the latest devices available on the market. Estonia seemed to be stunned when Netherlands shared his observations about him over coffee. It was their first time sharing a table together during a brief morning recess at an EU meeting in Paris. Estonia admitted he had a bad habit of changing his devices regularly and was struggling to break it. Being known as an IT nation was important to him. He had convinced himself that being seen with a device that was more than a few years old would tarnish his reputation. His clothing, however, he insisted was fairly cheap. He was no different than anyone else; he shopped at one of the local malls nearby his home and bought what was within his price point. Netherlands found his words hard to believe but when he wanted to press him for more questions, they were called back to continue with the day’s agenda.
That was some time ago. Five? Maybe ten years ago? He doesn’t quite remember. Time was always a strange concept for their kind anyhow.
Over their short time together though, Netherlands has learned more things about him. He had an interesting palette for alcohol, was a natural when it came to music and technology, liked the outdoors, but most importantly he was business-orientated. He knew how to sell you on anything—whether it was a wacky dish at his favourite restaurant that you just had to try out or you needed help selling your hand-made crafts at the local marketplace—making a quick buck seemed to come naturally for him. Netherlands liked that in a man.
But when he found out that Estonia liked to garden, he was skeptical. They had been sharing drinks in a Brussels jazz bar after a long meeting and thought Estonia was just trying to make conversation. He didn’t look the type (then again neither did he), especially to those outside of his main friend group. Even when Estonia shared his knowledge on botany, he chalked it up to just being the intelligent guy that Estonia was known for.
“You should come to my place in the spring! I think you’ll like the setup that I’ve got.”
He took him up on that offer. To his surprise, Estonia was correct. He definitely liked what he saw.
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weabooweedwitch · 2 years
Girl do you love him or do you love the approval he gives you? Do you love him as a person for who he is, or is he the first guy to show you attention and you think he's the only guy who will ever be interested in you? Sorry if that's blunt but there's a key difference and you have to be careful with this stuff because you don't want your vulnerabilities to be taken advantage of. The speed at which you've gone from 'I like him he's a nice friend' to 'I love him' is a little concerning. Go slow!!! Figure out if he's actually worth your time, be on the lookout for red flags and don't gloss over them or ignore them just to keep the relationship. Figure out if you actually like *him* separate from his approval and validation, ask yourself which qualities he has that you like/find attractive. Any rando in the world could give you those 2 things, they have nothing to do with him as a person. And don't get attached too quickly, you need to be emotionally able to back out if he's showing major 🚩🚩🚩 at any point!
(source: dated a "nice guy" for those exact 2 reasons confusing it for love, 'fell in love' fast and basically ruined the life I had because he turned out to be a cheating abuser)
(I know I've been making a lot of long ass posts and answers lately, my bad :c, I actually was trying to reply to this during my shift and then was so bushed after I got home I fell asleep)
No you're totally right dont get me wrong, very valid concerns, and I think about this constantly because I don't want to fuck up and say something to him and turn around and not mean it or whatever, or like torally ruin our friendship and creep him out and chase him away. Idk. I guess I just think of our relationship and it's always been kind of weird but good in that online friend way?
So we met and began talking around 8, 9, 10 years ago and you know we were a little flirty back then but you know, nothing serious, we were mostly just buds talking about video games and such. And we just... our friendship back then is so similar to how it is now? Like I stopped talking to him before I turned 18 (for this exact same reason actually: catching feelings and feeling like I'm putting him in a weird position) and he sought me out this year all the time later sometime in August or November, like he literally scoured facebook for me, me specifically to reconnect because he lost people during the pandemic and had a few bouts of depression and was seeking lost connections and like. Talking to him feels exactly the same. Exactly the same. He often messages me first, to send memes or jokes or start talking about a topic, like we were talking basically every day, and since we reconnected it's been exactly the same? 🥺
But I also recognize like. There was about an 8 or so year gap in our communication so I guess we have only technically known each other for like 2 or 3ish years? But 🥺 it still feels the same. I still like talking to him. We agree on a lot of things and when we don't he is always respectful, he isn't one of those guys who starts shitting on you and demeaning you. And he doesn't enable me either! He's supportive of my mental health struggles and that I'm trying but he also pointed a lot of stuff out to me when I was spending time with him, like telling me I smoke way too much (his exact phrasing was "herb addled") and said I need to cut down for my health 🥺 and like lmao we got stoned and took a 3am walk to the 7/11 and he kind of, lol, stopped me from getting way too much food just because I had munchies, and also was trying to save me money because, you know, gas station food isn't always cheap
I dunno, he. Inspires me to be a better person. But I also recognize that even if we get along really well and have known each other for some time that I don't actually know a lot about him personally. Like I keep forgetting how old he is, I didn't know he had siblings, I only recently started finding out like his music tastes and such, idk. I want to learn more about him and share moments and things with him 🥺
We also just have a lot of really good conversations. Like it's weird we've just been able to talk so easily and so often without even knowing each other super personally which is the step that's coming now I guess?
I guess if I were to start listing things off about him that I like... He's very honest. I never have to be afraid he's secretly thinking something different; he's an open communicator, albeit a little blunt at times but he jokingly often refers to that as 'a side effect of the 'tism' but it's helpful you know? He doesn't mince words? Like he told me straight up that I tend to ramble sometimes because I'm insecure of the silence and that's totally correct. He encourages me to get away from my mom and kind of just my family in general, encourages me to be more of my own person. Like there have been so many many MANY conversations over the years and recently too where I'm just kind of venting to him and he gives me not just support but feedback, it's not just all "wow that sucks sorry to hear" but also "that's tough but it is a challenge you can overcome". There are so many times where I don't trust my own judgment and he's gone "no you didn't deserve that, that was really shitty, you didn't do anything wrong"
He's so smart 🥰 he's one of those guys that you go to tell him about something and he already knows, and also probably knows more than you do. He's getting a degree in botany or horticulture of some kind (his grades are so good too, he's shown me his like report card whatever, I'm so proud) and he's very avid and passionate about the environment and like, "being the change you want to see in the world". Like I loved going to his house and seeing all his gorgeous plants which he takes care of so meticulously and he knows all their scientific names and stuff. He grows succulents, man. Bitches love succulents
He's good at figuring out what he wants and working towards that goal. Hes good at regulating and setting boundaries on things that might be detrimental, like after I came back from the visit, he let me know that he was going to start turning his phone off at certain hours because of school now that jos break was over, he usually let's me know when he's going to bed so I'm not hanging on for a reply or anything. He's actually trying to distance from certain forms of like social media and online content because he thinks there's way too much stuff that's frivolous now and like, that can sometimes sound vaguely douchey but I actually totally agree? Like the amount of time I spend on my phone is insane and I know I'm wasting so much time on bullshit and I wish I could take control like he can
So uh, the uh, the night we had sex, right. I was going to use a rideshare service and no one was available and it was like 3am. And I was sitting there and he was saying "no I'm not going to let you try and walk out there at night it's not safe" and being caring like that and i just started crying and he started to hold me, like I was sitting in the couch and he was standing and he just hunched down to hold me because that was what I needed. I started apologizing, that I always felt like he's having to take care of me, that I hate being such a burden, and he soothed all those worries and just, kept holding me. He actually sat down on the couch next to me so he could hold me for a while as I just sobbed, squeezing me really tight, rocking me back and forth until I calmed down, which I eventually did, and it kind of came to the topic of where to sleep, and he says something like "it would be a lot easier to hold you if we were both lying down" which, was kind of going to be implied anyways. I kind of knew going up there we were probably going to get physical haha. But he wasn't bringing it up in a crazy way, you know? And when he was going into his bedroom and I kind of hesitated because I was nervous, he kind of, gave me this pause and this look like he was asking if I was coming but it was ok if I didn't, you know? He made sure I was OK, and I was. And we just lied in his bed cuddling as I sniffled and we just started talking about all sorts of stuff and, yeah
I mean. The sex itself was. Like. It's. Not to be cheesy but it was genuinely how I always wanted my first time to be, although this was my second time and the first was so icky we ain't gonna talk about it lmao. Perfect communication, asking how i felt, if I had any feedback, was there anything specific I wanted to do WHICH HE DID BTW fjfjgngjg. Like I felt SO comfortable and safe. I even got a little bold with him in ways that literally light my face on fire but it was because I trusted him so much. Like literally there was a point where he said I could do whatever I wanted to him and you know what I did? I started massaging his hand and arm where his injury is, I had him lay on his tummy so I could massage his back, because I wanted him to feel better, like ever since I hears he was injured I was wanting to try and help him like that 🥺
There were points where we were just, cuddling naked, just peaceful, feeling the warmth of each other's skin. I was the little spoon AND the big spoon and he'd be resting his head on my chest or tummy and I'd just be running my fingers through his hair and he also makes these little groaning noises when something feels good so it's like he purrs a little bit 🥰 and I mean. There was definitely some spice too but idk how comfortable you guys are in hearing those parts. Like for example there were a few times I kept accidentally bringing up my mom or rambling to be anxious and he would just silence me with a kiss because he knew I was anxious and shit. Or uh. Haha. He was kind of a biter so at some point he's trying to get an answer out of what something I would like to try was and I was being too shy so he just starts BITING ME like not hard but in a "ooo stop don't do that omg 🥰" kind of way until I came out and said it (and he did do it, quite enthusiastically too 🥵)
We talked a lot about my relationship with my mom and one of his biggest pieces of advice was something like "your mom is shitty for sure but the way you are holding on to your anger is making things worse. You're getting bent out of shape over very small things at this point and you're only stressing yourself out, you need to let some of that rage go and move on". He's actually been studying aspects of Buddhism and tries to incorporate some of those aspects into his life which o also really like, he also burned incense in his room which had a nice smell 🥰
I. I dont know. Like I fully recognize I need to spend more time with him and get to know him more before I make any significant decisions but. My heart is such a mess. Even if it's unhealthy or weird I know I feel. Even if it's temporary. Even if it's because I'm a freak. Nothing has to be said or done now. I just want to see him. Spend time with him. Support him. Recently he had an incident with a girl he liked and was talking to and spending time with and he invited her to spend time with him and she suddenly said "you make me uncomfortable" and gave him a really bad depressive episode? And he said during our visit, "yeah I'm gonna keep trying but next time it falls through I'm giving up on dating apps" and like. Last night I was thinking... if it's making him feel so depressed and alone... I would completely humiliate myself just to soothe him. I'd tell him I love him and how much he means to me and say "even if you don't want me, even if I'll never be that person for you, I want you to know you're capable of making people feel this way and you're worthy of love and even if it isn't me I know you'll find someone someday because youre smart and caring and responsible and wonderful"
And I mean... that's love isn't it? 🥺
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kodzukenmaaa · 2 years
MITCHELL | Jake Seresin
Chapter one; Our eyes meet
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Maverick sat down on the barstool with his daughter following him, Her following him around brought him back to the old times when she didn't want to be separated from him when she was a little girl.
"How was the mach nine?" She asked as they enters the Hard Deck.
"Oh, I blow it." He said beaming.
"I'm sorry what?" Y/n ask him not believing her ears, questioning herself did she get it right. He nods with his eyes on his phone talking to Iceman.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." A voice said. The Mitchells lift their head to see Penny Benjamin.
"Pete," Penny said with a smile.
"Penny?" Maverick says leaning into the bar, not believing his eyes. He went ballistic with Penny Benjamin when he was younger. After her mother passed away he starts to learn to move on, he met Penny again got into trouble, and got deployed somewhere else by the Admiral.
"Heya Pen."
"What are you doing here?"
"I should ask you the same thing." Y/n watch the adults interact with a glint of curiosity, they were being suspicious. Like they are still attracted to each other. The two practically stared into each other's souls.
"Please for the sake of my sanity stop eye fucking each other." Her words made them break their stare, an innocent smile forming on her face. "Penny, can I have a Soda?"
Penny nods then asked what's her dad doing here, he starts to tell her how this is his last post. Penny did not believe him.
"Come on Pete, you've been saying that as long as I've known you. You said that after you take me on a joy ride in an F-18 and the next thing I know you're off to Bosnia. Then Iraq, both times. You've got yourself in trouble and Iceman makes a call." Penny said giving Maverick a beer and her Soda. "And you're back into the air."
"Penny..." Maverick starts.
"Too late." Penny interrupts, "You're about to ask me what time I get off."
Maverick shakes his head with a smile, "Don't give me that look" she said making Y/n snort, she's aware that her dad's smile is cocky and pretty sure he doesn't have any look other than that.
"I'm not giving you any look, I swear."
"You know how it always ends for us," Penny eyed him.
Y/n eyes watched him lean to the counter with a smile, "You look good." He said to Penny, Penny takes a step back and rings the bell causing people to cheer at the sound.
"Much appreciated pal." A Navy said patting her dad's shoulder.
"What am I missing here?" Maverick asked Penny and Y/n.
Penny step aside to reveal the plate behind her, guess he didn't see it because he was too busy lost in Penny's eyes. 'Disrespect a lady, the Navy, or put your cell phone on my bar you buy a round.' Maverick turned to face his daughter, "You knew about this?"
"The plate is right in front of you, you would have known it if you weren't too focused on Penny."
He rolled his eyes, he looks around there were a lot of people "For everyone?"
"I'm afraid rules are rules, sir," Y/n said in a military tone.
"You're lucky it's early." Penny continues.
Y/n takes her glass into her hand with her eyes scanning the room, her eyes meet another pair of eyes.
Jake Seresin suddenly feels the room turn quiet when his eyes lie on the h/c. As if everything in this room faded away, everything felt so slow. Y/n send him a small smile and look away embarrassed that she got caught looking at someone.
He snapped out of it when he saw a familiar face causing him to smirk, "Look what do we have here, Phoenix." He walks closer to Phoenix, "And here I thought we were special, Coyote." He added.
"Fellas this here is bagman." Phoenix was introduced to the guys behind her.
"Hangman." He corrected with a forced smile.
"Whatever, you are looking at the naval aviator that has to kill."
"Stop." Jake joked.
"Mind you the guy was in a museum piece from a Korean war," Phoenix finished.
"Cold War," Coyote said.
"Different war same century." A guy from behind Phoenix stated.
"Who are your friends?" Coyote asked.
"Payback." Reuben Fitch said.
"Fanboy." Mickey Garcia says with a nod.
Phoenix nods her head beside her, "Who's he?" A guy with glasses patting away the crumbs from his uniform.
"When did you get in?"
"Oh, I've been here the whole time." He replied with a sweet smile.
"The man is a stealth pilot." Coyote joked.
"Weapons system actually." He answered not getting the joke.
"With no sense of humor." Jake nods. He keeps stealing glances to the barstool, watching her having a conversation with an older guy beside her. He felt his heart pump faster when he hears her laugh at the man's words beside her.
"You need a drink? I'll get it." Jake pushes the cue to Phoenix.
Phoenix was a little shocked that was new to him. She turns back to the guy asking questions.
"What do they call you?"
"Bob." He answered.
"No, your call sign." Payback asked.
"Uh, Bob."
"Bob Floyd? You're my new back seater?" Phoenix asked him, "From Lemoore?" She asked.
"Looks like it, yeah," Bob replied.
Fanboy perked up remembering that he was assigned as a back seater to someone who has Ciel as their call sign, "Do any of you know Ciel? I was assigned as their back seater."
Phoenix's jaw dropped "Ciel? Lucky you, Ciel's back seater quit being a naval aviator, said he doesn't want his wife to be a widow any time sooner." She quickly looks around for her friend.
Her eyes twinkles when she found Ciel or her civilian named Y/n Mitchell, sitting on the barstool with an older guy that she did not know that happens to her old man. Phoenix was about to call her but shut her mouth when Y/n put her index finger on her lips which Phoenix nods at.
"Penny my dear," He near the barstool making sure to make yet another eye contact with the h/c woman. "All four more on the old-timer."
Y/n noticed the guy is slowly approaching her, she look at her glass of Soda pretending to not know he was not going to talk to her.
"I'm Hangman." He reached his hand out to her.
She decided to play the guy's ego, she shook his hand "Well that's unfortunate." Y/n said pretending to not know it's a call sign making Maverick smirk at her words.
"No, it's my call sign." He said.
"Call sign? Oh, you're a pilot" Y/n send him an awed face, she fake gasp not that he knows. Pretending to not like her dad did not brief her about pilots introducing themselves with their call signs but for the sake of having fun.
"That's right, a naval aviator." He responds proudly. She cleared her throat, "I'm Y/n Mitchell." She said with a smile.
"Jake seresin." He plastered a smirk on his face making her bashfully look away from his gaze.
"Here you go." Penny interrupts giving the Ken doll look-alike his beers.
"It was nice talking to you, Hangman" Y/n flash him a smile.
"Thank you, much-appreciated pops," Jake said nodding to Maverick and sending Y/n a flirtatious wink causing her to giggle.
Penny turns to Maverick with a knowing smile.
"Bradshaw! is that you?" Phoenix's voice called out.
Y/n turned her head to the entrance, where he is. Almighty Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw. Her childhood best friend. She looks at her dad with a toothy grin but turned into a sad smile when she saw him turn his head to avoid being seen by his godson, the Mitchell man pulled out the young Bradshaw papers, setting Bradley's career back four years.
She chuckled when she saw Phoenix hit him in the gut with the cue. She watched Jake talk with Bradley, to be honest, it's more like joking around but in a weird way.
Phoenix leans to his shoulder "I heard Ciel's coming in this mission."
"Ciel? Already?" More aviators starts to enter the hard deck with the evening rush, Fanboy was looking at them.
"The hell kind of a mission is this?"
"That's not what we're supposed to be asking," Phoenix continued "Everyone here is the best there is, who the hell are they going to teach us?"
"Any of them is Ciel?" Fanboy asks Phoenix.
"Nope," Phoenix dragged the p. "Ciel just finished her last mission, from what I heard she shot down 5 of the enemy fighter jets."
Everyone's jaw hanged, 5 of enemy fighter jets? That's higher than  Jake "Hangman" Seresin.
Back to the main character, Y/n tapped her father on the shoulder whispering she was going to the restroom. As she walks she felt someone's eyes behind her head.
Entering the restroom she turn the water on to wash her hands as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. The door swung open and in walked the guy she talked to before on the bar.
"This is the ladies' restroom, the gentleman is across from this one," Y/n told him looking at him from the mirror.
"Oh I'm not looking for the restroom," He said.
Y/n 'oh'ed at his words, She turned around leaning her back at the counter with her arms crossed, "So what did you wanna do, just drop right down on the tile and go for it?" She asked him tapping the ground with her shoe as he approached.
Jake put his hands on the counter-pressing them hard, checking if it can hold someone on it, "No, I had the counter in mind." He said looking at her.
Y/n reach her arm for the tissue, "Great, that would be very, very comfortable yeah."
"It could be unless you prefer standing instead." He says with a smirk leaning on his hand on the counter making her shake her head at him while she wipes her hands.
"Actually, I came in here to save you from making a big mistake with that older guy." Jake said kissing his teeth.
"Really? So I could go on to a bigger one with a young guy like yourself?" She throws the tissue away looking back at Jake whom she thinks is fun to mess with.
"Maybe?" He tilts his head while he raises his eyebrow.
She pushed herself from the counter "I've gotta be at work very early in the morning." She sends him a tight-lipped smile. He shrugs with a smug look, he catches her arm.
"Wait," he pulled her hand to his chest, she raise one eyebrow "I  have a friend and he's waiting outside. Wanna fool him?" He asked.
"Aw, what's in it for me?" She tilts her head with her chin high.
"You'll have fun with a guy like me," he says shaking her hand.
"Still don't know what's in it for me."
"I'll buy you a drink next time we see each other," He said with a wink.
"What makes you think we'll see each other next time?" She asked.
"Hey you'll never know, you might miss me." He grinned, leaning down to her face and brushing some stray hair out of her face.
"Fine," She rolled her eyes.
They both walked out of the restroom, her eyes scanning through the crowd. "So which one is your friend that we're gonna fool?"
"That one, see that guy staring at his beer?" Jake whispers into her ear and points at the guy.
"He looks like he's staring at his lover," Y/n commented making him grin at her words.
She was about to walk towards the guy but Jake grabbed her wrist, he turns her head towards him.
"Just need to do this," he wipes her lower lip, wiping her lipstick. Her heart feels like it's going to burst. "Now when you walk to him, apply your lipstick again so he'll believe it."
"Wow, You're full of surprises." She said, stepping away and starting to walk toward Coyote with her lipstick in her hand.
"Your friend was magnificent," she said as she reapplied her lipstick, he looks up from his beer watching her figure walking away. Jake stood beside him with a smug smirk.
"Nah, that can't be."
She takes her to sit back next to her dad who stares at her with a slight scolding eye, she raises her hands "What? I didn't do anything, besides it was fun messing with him."
"Let's go, I'll drive you home, where are you staying?" Maverick asked.
"At Penny's. She offered a place for me to stay as soon she knows I'm in town."
Penny walks to Mitchells with a card in her hand, she slides the card to Maverick "It's been declined." He takes out his wallet for the cash.
"That wouldn't cover it." Penny hands him the check, he cannot believe the bill she had given him.
"I'll come back tomorrow bringing the cash" Maverick responded. Penny walks to the bell holding the rope, "I'm afraid rules are rules, Pete." She rings the bell once again, and then the crowds cheers and starts chanting "Overboard."
"Really?" Maverick said to Penny. Who smiles innocently at him.
"You've should use my money," She sighed as Jake and two other guys walks behind her dad, Jake winked at Y/n. He placed a hand on the older man's shoulder and nods at Coyote before lifting him from the ground.
"It's great to see you Pete!" Penny yelled.
"I'll see you later, Do you want me to cook dinner?" Y/n said gathering her stuff.
"Great, I'll see you at home. Tell Amelia that I'll be home soon." Penny beamed, to Penny, Y/n feels like another daughter of her. She gives out good pieces of advice, she showed up at her high school graduation.
"See ya later." She waved bye to Penny on her way she heard someone playing the piano, causing her to stop in mid tracks. He was playing their favorite song when they were little.
She look towards the piano to see her brother's figure playing, Bradley who felt he was being watched glanced to his shoulder to his sister's figure waving at him. She makes a phone like in her hand mouthing call me before leaving the Hard Deck.
Y/n walks out to find her dad staring inside the Hard deck listening to the crowd singing along with Bradley who's playing Great Balls of Fire. He was quiet and looked pale.
"Dad, are you okay?" She asked him.
"No it's okay sweetie, I'm fine. Come on let's go home." Maverick said pulling her into a side hug.
🗒 ❛ note༉‧₊˚✧
I've spent a day on this chapter, I want to write at least one chapter for this book.
Word count: 2.5K
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Please please please Billy Loomis for the NSCW Alphabet!
Sure! I've never really written for him before, so apologies if he's at any point out of character. Enjoy <3
(Also this is not proofread because of how tired I've been lately so if there's any mistakes then I'm sorry)
Billy Loomis nsfw alphabet
Warnings: smut (duh), swearing
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He's not great with touchy feely stuff, but he'll make sure you aren't hurt and will wipe you off before letting you crawl on top of him and fall asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
May sound weird, but his hands, because that's what he commits all his murders with. On you, he always love your hands, because he likes to think about all the different ways you could kill people with them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He loves cumming inside you, especially without a condom on wrap it before you tap it kids, but if you don't feel comfortable with that he'll pull out and cum on your stomach, chest, or back instead.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a huge thing for CNC. He often fantasizes about what your screams would sound like while he takes you forcefully, but I don't think he would ever tell you about it unless you brought it up first, not wanting to scare you off.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He hasn't hooked up with many people, but he definitely knows what he's doing.He hasn't hooked up with many people, but he definitely knows what he's doing.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Either missionary or doggy style. He likes missionary because he can choke you more easily, but in doggy style it's easier for him to slap your ass.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's definitely more serious and will even stop if he sees you laughing, wanting to know what's so funny. He may playfully taunt you every now and then, but he won't crack a joke or anything like that.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps everything down there pretty well maintained. He doesn't shave, but he does keep it trimmed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's not very romantic unless there's a reason, like if it's your birthday or first time. If you ask nicely, he may try to be a bit more intimate, but I wouldn't hope for much.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He used to jack off a lot before you started dating, but after not so much. He knows that if he needs instant release all he has to do is say so and you'll immediately get on your knees.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Blood kink, knife kink, and choking kink to name a few. He loves having sex with you while he's still covered in blood from his most recent kill, holding his knife to your neck as you try you best not to move.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Mostly your bedroom so the two of you won't get caught, but I'd be lying if I didn't say how often you guys sneak away from class to fuck in the school bathroom.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
It's a lot of different things to be honest, but especially when you're super invested in the plot of a horror movie or are discussing the best ways to dispose of a body. Also if you happen to be covered in blood.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There isn't really much he won't do except for, say, waterworks or something like that. He's also not too fond of giving up control either, so if you're a fan of pegging or being on top you might have to go to Stu for that one.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers receiving because he likes to watch as you struggle to deep throat him while he force fucks your face with his cock. He doesn't go down on you that often, so when he does don't take it for granted.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough for sure. I've said it before, he'll only be more gentle if there's a specific reason for it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He prefers actual sex, but he wouldn't say no to a quick fuck in the school bathroom or janitor's closet in between classes.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He loves taking risks, it really gets his adrenaline pumping. He has a exhibition/voyeurism kink, so any place where there's a risk of getting caught is perfect for him. He also enjoys trailing a knife over your naked body and will even occasionally cut you just to see your reaction to the cold blade piercing your skin.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for about two or three rounds before he needs to take a break, but he usually only does one or two so he doesn't overexert you or anything.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He's not a huge fan of toys unless he's using a vibrator to overstimulate you. Besides that, he hates them, and will even throw some of your toys away if he finds out you still use them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's very much a teaser. He likes to feel you up when you're in public and whisper dirty things in your ears only to leave you all hot and bothered for the rest of the day.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's not particularly loud. He'll let out the occasional grunt or swear, but for the most part he only makes noises when he taunts you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
One of his favorite things to do with you is roleplay as killer and victim. He'll put on the Ghostface mask and chase you around the house with a knife, and when he finally catches up to he makes you get on your knees if you want to live.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His dick is a good five and a half inches. It's more on the slim side, but don't worry because the tip of it has a nice curve.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It's not very high, but if he hears you're horny he's dtf right away. You guys probably have sex a couple of times a week.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes him a bit to fall asleep afterwards, so he usually spends that time watching and admiring you while you're sleeping.
Taglist: @langdonsoutpost @anxiously-sad @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube
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peachy-tea-anon · 3 years
𝙲!𝚃𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚗𝚘 𝚡 𝙵𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
“𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝙸 𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎?“
TWs: none! Just techno brainrot bc why not, VV ROMANTIC BC C!Techno MAKES ME A SUCKER FOR ROMANCE
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It's the middle of the night, and you're writing letters to Phil, who sent you a birthday card. You wanted to show your gartitude, so in return for his heartfelt card to you, you write a heartfelt letter in response.
All of a sudden, you hear a knock at the door. Who would be here this late?
You open the door and are greeted by a seemingly very exhausted technoblade. Pink strands falling out of his loose braid, but he's still wearing his fancy cape.
"Can i take you somewhere?"
You're a bit taken aback, you thought your boyfriend would be too busy with battle plans to see you on your birthday.
You weren't upset by thinking that you wouldn't see him on your special day, you had always faced everything together and knew how busy he was, but it still stung your heart knowing you wouldn't see him.
But nevertheless, here he was.
You nod, slightly confused by the gesture. You weren't wearing anything nice, unlike him, just your usual renaissance-era blouse and flowy skirt.
He takes you by the hand, leading you onto his horse.
After many miles of travel, he slows down and asks,
"Okay, you have to close your eyes until i say. Just trust me."
You follow the orders, not opening even for a peek, despite your curiosity. He slowly leads you into some sort of building.
"Alright, you can open your eyes."
As your eyes flutter open, you're surrounded by warm lighting, and what looks to be thousands of stars.
"Oh my goodness... since when was there a planetarium?!" You say, absolutely endeared by all of the stars around you.
He smiles.
"I had foolish build it for us... I wanted to have something special to give you for your birthday."
You meet his eyes, realizing that's what he had been busy with all day.
You had mentioned offhandedly many months ago how you always loved to look at the stars, but you didn't think he would go this far to make that dream come true for you.
He finally speaks again, grasping your attention:
"May i?"
He holds out his hand, as a record starts to play light classical music.
You gladly take his hand, softly swaying to the music.
"Happy birthday my love."
"I- i didn't think you remembered.."
You trailed off, gazing longingly into his eyes. He doesn't look hurt, he simply smiles at you as you both dance together.
"You had said your dream was to dance under the stars. I really would do anything for you, you are the only person that makes me feel whole. I wouldn't trade that for anything."
This sentiment makes you blush, he was never a big guy on sappy sentimental compliments, but when he would, it always came from the heart.
"I will always cherish you. I've never... I've never felt this way about someone before. I've never met someone who I feel like I can live for, someone who I base all of my decisions around, someone that makes me feel the way you do."
You nearly started to tear up.
You sniffle a little, then pull him into a kiss, closing the little distance between the two of you. The kiss is sweet, it was like you could stay there forever. It was your own personal heaven.
He was your comfort. Every pulsation of your heart was for him. Every breath was for him. Every laugh, every blush, everything.
It was all for him.
All of the nights you stayed up in worry, all of the concerned letters to his colleagues in the war, it had all become worth it. He had made them worth it.
As you pull away, he bows his head so it's touching yours, pulling you in close.
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, techno."
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Lol sobbing in the club rn, I NEEDED TO WRITE THIS-
Even though my techno fanfics don't seem to do well, I hope you guys enjoyed reading!!! Sorry I haven't updated "school project" yet, im trying to balance school and stuff, and I want that series to be more well-thought out, unlike these little blurbs.
Anywho, thanks for reading!!
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Cold Souls - Cruella x fem!reader
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven p1 | Chapter eleven p2 | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen
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Summary- Y/n is a friend of Artie's who often helps him and his crew of tailors. Now that Artie has required her help for the fashion show of one of the top icons of the moment, Cruella, she has to learn how to coexist with her and try and understand why her friend is helping such a rude person. Will Cruella and y/n be able to put their problems aside and work together? 
A/n - Hey guys, I hope everyone is doing well! So sorry for not being updating lately, but college this year has been somewhat stressful so I haven’t had the time to write. But I’ve found some time in between all the projects I have, to finally continue with the story, I know you guys have been waiting for months now so I apologize once again for the delay :( I hope everyone enjoys this chapter, don’t forget to vote and comment because i love your feedback! Finally, I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year <3
Pairing - Cruella x female!reader
Word count - 1.9k
Warnings - none
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"I love you."
Everything seemed to stop for a moment when those three little words slipped from your lips. Cruella's wide-eyed gaze was what made you realize the gravity of what you had just said. The world in slow motion as you had once seen it, even if just for a split of a second, came back to normal, as you tried to ease your later words.
"Or at least I think I do-" you let out, now fidgeting with your fingers, "I've never felt like this for anyone else before." You explained, a nervous smile on your lips.
As you looked at Cruella, her surprised expression still plastered across her, oh so stunning face, your nervous system started to kick in, her lack of response making you believe that it wasn't the best of times to let this information loose.
"It's complicated." You let out after a minute pause.
Not being able to look at her after you've gotten yourself into this mess of a situation, as you understood that her lack in response probably meant that she didn't feel the same. You turned your back to her as your hands went to your hair, letting out a sigh while breathing out an "I shouldn't have said anything."
You felt as if the world was about to collapse, and it was all your fault. All because of these stupid feelings that you hadn't been able to contain. You dragged your hand over your face, letting your arms fall to your sides, trying desperately to find a way to walk towards the open window and leave, and hope for it to not look as awkward as you were imagining in your mind.
"After everything that I put you through?" You almost jumped at the sound of Cruella's voice. She finally had acknowledged the situation. "I was so awful to you." Cruella's words were low and sounded careful, almost as she was afraid she would break your little bubble if she spoke too loud.
"That's the past." You said, still with your back turned to her, afraid to move. "And to be fair, I was awful to you as well." Your words were soft and filled with a hint of humor, as a way to lighten the mood, but failing dismally.
"But still," Cruella said, you heard her move behind you, but still hadn't dared to turn around and look at her. "The only thing I do is hurt the people I love." Her voice still low held a ton load of sadness behind it. But that's not what you picked up from her response. You felt happiness fill your heart as you heard the word love, leave her lips.
Now with a tinge of hope, courage overtook you, and you finally turned to look at her, your voice almost betraying you as you asked, "You love me too?"
Cruella who was still sitting, but now with her elbows resting on her knees, looked up at you as if she wasn't aware of what she, herself, had said. Her gaze that was on you for just a split second, moved to the wall behind you as she tried to come up with a response.
"It doesn't matter." Was all she said, her gaze still not on you.
You, now hopeful, wouldn't let her get away with this, not now, not after you thought you screwed everything up, not after you found out she felt the same as you. You won't let this slip, not now when you've finally got your chance. "It does matter. It matters to me." You said, as your eyes were trying, almost begging, to find hers.
"It doesn't." Cruella let out, her eyes fixed on the wall behind you, her gaze unmoving. Until. Until she looked directly at you and with an expressionless look, trying to not let her true emotions known, as she expected you to back down, said "Because nothing can happen between us."
You let out a laugh, a cynical one. One that left Cruella looking surprised, confused, and almost afraid that you had lost your mind. "That's rubbish." You said, scoffing, never once seizing eye contact. And as she didn't say anything you continued, "If I like you and you like me, what's the problem?" You asked frustrated, trying to understand what was her deal. Here you were, a troubling mess as you confessed your feelings to her, and she couldn't even tell you why she didn't want to be with you after she just admitted that she loved you.
She. Loved. You.
You still found it hard to believe. You hadn't had to opportunity to delve into it, to think about how happy that made you feel. But that can wait. All you want, for now, is for this to end well.
"Because I don't want to break your heart!"Cruella lost her temper and raised her voice, getting up abruptly, her hands falling into fists at her sides. She looked at you, breathing heavily, trying to calm down, as soon as she let herself set eyes on you and your wide eyes. "You once told me that you'd break Jaspers heart if something were to happen between you two." She said, her eyes starting to become glossy as she let out a deep sigh. "Well, in this case scenario, I'd be the one to break yours," Cruella confessed to you.
You were about to cut her off, to tell her she was wrong, and that she couldn't know anything about it if she didn't even give you guys a try. But Cruella was faster to speak up, saying "And I don't want anything bad to happen to you because of me, I can't bear myself to make anyone else suffer because of damage I've caused." Her voice cracked as the emotion was starting to get overwhelming. She blinked in an attempt to get her unshed tears to disappear.
You walked over towards the balcony railing and stared out at the city, not only to give Cruella a little time to compose herself, but for you to carefully think of what to say next, but the only words that made their way up to your lips were "Nothing's gonna happen to me." You sniffed as your hand went up to the lone tear that made its way down your right cheek. This whole situation was overwhelming, but that lone tear was caused by the thought of Cruella not wanting to put you into danger. Cruella cared about you. She cared about you, and that was all that mattered at that moment.
You heard Cruella scoff on your left, and you looked over at her. "It won't. I know it won't." You repeated reassuringly, this time your words came out with determination, and faith, making Cruella look over at you as she sensed your confidence. Her eyes narrowed and before she was able to ask you how you were so sure about that, you said, "Not when I know that you'll never let anything happen, not to me, nor Jasper, Horace, or Artie even."
Cruella held your gaze for a moment, her eyes softening after she heard you say those words so confidently that made her believe that she indeed would be able to protect all of you, not letting anything harm you in any way possible, not after everything. She admired your faith- The faith that you had in her. And that's why she loved you, because of your hopeful, and optimistic self even if a bit straightforward and so headstrong that irritated her, in a good way. "It's unbelievable the amount of faith you have in me, after everything that happened," Cruella admitted to you.
You smiled at her, sensing that the air wasn't as heavy as before now. Taking a big breath, more as a sign of relief now, as you admitted while admiring her form," One thing that I can assure you is that I'll never lose faith in you, no matter what."
Cruella looked at you with the most sincere smile that you had ever seen from her, and this time, you were pleased by it, said smile was directed at you. But still, after this whole conversation, your mind wandered to the source of it all. You weren't sure where the situation between the both of you stood at the moment, and you wanted to make sure you both were on the same page.
"Cruella, I really, really like you, and I want you to know that I'll be here when you need me-" you started, contemplating how you should voice your thoughts in the best way possible. But after all, you wanted her to be comfortable around you even... even if you just stayed friends, "-even if you don't want anything to do with me." you dropped your gaze not being able to look at her, as you did not know what her response would be.
Cruella on the other hand was still admiring you, even more now than before. She walked closer to you as she said, her voice above a whisper, "I really like you too."
That made you look back up at her, as she came face to face with you, making your breath catch in your throat.
"Yeah you used to be a pain in my ass, but look at where we stand now." She chuckled slightly, letting you see that smile you sure loved, and would never be tired of.
Your voice almost betrayed you as you asked the next questions, "So what does this mean? Are you going to give this brat a chance?" you chuckled to try and hide the way your voice almost faltered.
Cruella got closer to you and you felt her hot breath in the cold London air hit your cheek, as your skin flushed and a shiver of excitement went down your spine, making it hard not to shiver, as she said "I most certainly will."
As you and Cruella locked gazes, your eyes going from her lips to her eyes and vice versa, the air around you started to feel insanely hot, as the cold air from the breeze hit the back of your neck. Cruella's hands made their way to the lapels of your blazer pulling you just the tiniest bit closer, slowly. Both you and Cruella started to lean in, your anticipation for this long-awaited moment started to kick in. It was finally happening. You felt her nose touch yours, her hot breath close to your mouth. When a horn honk startled you as you both stared down over the balcony railing, at the street, looking for the source of the noise. As both, your hearts beated faster in your chests.
"When I fixed it, I noticed a name."Horace said as he got out of the car from whom the noise had come from, as he spoke up at you, "Do you know what this car's called? A Devil."
You let out a sigh of relief and a loud laugh, letting your head fall back down, as your heartbeat started to slow down. You looked over at Cruella who just had a confused expression plastered on her face, as she looked at you with one eyebrow arched, as you affirmed more than asked her, "He does know that it's called DeVille right?"
Cruella's expression after what you said changed from confused to thoughtful, as the word  "DeVille" left her lips, her hands still grabbing ahold of your coat.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you looked at her and watched her smirk grow and the glint making its way into her eyes.
"I like that." That was all Cruella said, before pulling you with her towards the window, and even if you didn't know what she had her mind on you didn't care, the only thing you wanted was to spend all your moments with her.
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Tag List - @witchy-o @coconutlipss @kushieta @notice-shy @iamgaiiiuwu @miphas-trident @sirslimeskunk @diehardrocketshipper @ladymerlin-lab @ariyabella @homura-shinosaki @cyberbonesworld @sasskittle @theaudreymere @january31st @goatmilkisbad @ruinedxbtch @pancakelyreli @cwossiants @mary-wolf @poa93 @ultrabitxh  @vlkyriesgf @itsyourgirlmalise @newtshairdryer @scintillalali @scurry5 @Flaming101 @idkseraphine @deportmetouranus @lilo222333444 @badbitchcult @alwaysalex17 @ziegayler @orkwardx0 @sydwrites-things
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norimiya · 3 years
Delivery gone wrong
Masterlist prev
reki kyan x gn reader
Warnings: cursing & caps (just in case) not really proofread so might be some errors! word count: 1081
loverboy chapter 5
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Reki: yo y/n!
Reki: meet @ dope sketch b4 midnight
Y/n: for what?
Reki: ??? Deliver the board???
Reki: did you not want to come?
Y/n: thought it was gonna be in and out
Y/n: but ok, yeah I'll go
Reki: cool!! c u there!
Midnight struck and as you stood outside of dope sketch, you heard a faint rustle from inside, followed by a loud honk from the other side of the building.
"Hold it! We gotta wait for y/n." You heard as you turned the corner. "There you are!"
You waved, dropping your board onto the ground before getting on. "M'just gonna tail you," You said tying a rope to the underside of the moped, "for as long as I can, I guess."
"Is that safe?" Langa asked, glancing at you.
"Probably not, but I've done it before. No worries, langa."
He drove incredibly slow at first, even despite your constant reassurance and Reki's shouts about how the delivery is going to be late. Eventually, he did go faster, ignoring your chants to go even faster.
The blinding lights on the gates of S came into view at the base of the hill, a nervous feeling bubbling in your stomach as skaters rode past the three of you. Whether it be from the whispers you couldn't hear or the unsettling feeling of being watched whenever you'd enter the gates.
Nearly a year passed and you still couldn't get rid of the nausea you felt after you won your first beef.
The tires screeched in front of you, the bike coming to a stop barely giving you enough time to swerve out of the way. Langa looks up, a quick, "Sorry." coming from him.
Reki hopped off, "Sorry for the wait, I'm from dope sketch-" Sentence barely finished the customer snags the case from his hand, "Finally! I've been waiting on my new deck!" he cast a glance at his girlfriend, "I put your name on it."
She knelt beside him, fist clenched together in excitement. "You didn't!"
Their excitement turned to shock (along with Reki) when the board was revealed, the guy's hands shaking as he lifted it from the case. "What's this scrap? Where's my board!?" He yelled, "there's no way I can race with a shabby ass board like this!" He finished, throwing the board to the side.
Reki snapped forward at his insult, the guy stepping back slightly. "Wh-What do you want?" He stuttered, clenching his fist. "You got something to bitch about!?"
Reki bit his tongue, bowing down at the guy. "I'm sorry, I can go get your board!"
"There's no way you'd make it in time." A new voice said, the familiar rattling of chains filling your ears. "It starts at midnight."
Cheers erupted once he finished, chants of 'crush!' Pouring out. And oh, how he enjoyed every bit of attention.
"Oh my my! Y/n, finally showing your face here after your last defeat." He mused, leaning close to you.
"First of all, personal space." You grimaced, "Secondly, I only stopped coming here last month but of course you wouldn't notice because all that's in that exceptionally large head of yours, is yourself." Reki snorted from behind you, slapping your hand away when you pinched him. "And lastly, I'm not particularly fond of you, you know? So back up." You muttered, turning away when his face inched closer to yours.
Reki pushed Shadows' shoulder back slightly, standing in between the both of you. “Leave them alone.”
Shadow tilted his head, a twisted grin crossing his face for a second when his eyes flickered towards you. "Oh? What's this? Is loverboy protecting you?"
Your eyebrows furrow at the nickname, fingers pinching the fabric of Reki's shirt. "What's that supposed to mean, Shadow?"
He blinks, laughing hysterically at your confused face. "Are you serious right now?" he asks between laughs, clutching his stomach as he stares at you. "you don't understand- i thought you were smart!"
His sudden outburst caused other skaters to stare, some sending confused looks, others amused at the man's maniacal laughter.
"It's nothing y/n, let's just go." reki said, turning around to usher you to the side.
"Hey wait a minute!" the blond from earlier chimed, gripping onto Reki's arm. "somebody's gotta race and it sure as hell won't be me on that shit board!" he fumed.
You scowled at the guy, shaking his arm to make him release his grip. "No need to get physical pal."
Rubbing his wrist, Reki spoke up, "Look I'm sorry about the board, alright? There's no way I can go on the board, it's not even repaired yet! where... hey man what're you doing!"
"I'm gonna skate."
"You don't know how?"
"And what's with the duct tape!"
"I don't want to fall off," Langa replied, pushing himself off the ground and scooting to the start line. "Neither of you can do it, so I will."
"Now hold on-"
Yours, Reki's, and even the blond guy's protests fall deaf to his ears. You only watch as the light turns green, shadow taking off immediately as Langa remains in his 'ready' stance before he pushes himself forward with his hand.
"You've got to be kidding me..." the blond sighs, giving the both of you a dirty look.
"He'll be fine, right?" You ask, glancing at Reki before turning your full attention to the screen.
He rubs the back of his neck, "What's the worst that could happen?"
"A lot of things actually."
"That was rhetorical..."
A motorcycle revved behind you, a dreadful feeling washing over you. "Excuse me, lovebirds." You turned around, "I'm going on ahead, care to hop on?"
"That thing is made for two people."
"He won't mind, would he?" He asked, and though he's wearing a mask- you can see the taunting smirk beneath it.
You glanced at him, "Yeah, yeah I'm cool with it.. uh I'll get on behind you, yeah?" You hummed in agreement, jabbing Cherry in the side once you got on.
"Sorry, I forgot to respect my elders." You mumbled.
He chuckled, "I'll throw you off this bike."
Reki furrowed his eyebrows at your interaction, a confused smile on his face. He nudged you lightly before tightening his arms around you slightly, smiling when you looked back at him.
Something bubbled in your stomach at his smile...was it the sandwich you ate earlier...?
Well, whatever. It's probably not important anyway.
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A/n: I'm having fun with oblivious y/n, it's the best thing ever.
Additional A/n: Yoooo! So sorry I dropped this for a while but I'm gonna do it again anyway! This chapter is a little wonky bc i started it in June maybe and only started finishing it now hehehe. Forgive me fellow shadow enjoyers,  but I disrespected him in this :o 
taglist (ask or reply to be deleted or added): @scentedcandlesandcookies
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
The One That Got Away-Dream Was Taken
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Pronouns: She/her
Word Count: 2.4k+
'You're gonna be there, right?'
Y/n bit her lip, reading the text message for what felt like the millionth time. She had texted him 40 minutes ago, yet no reply. This had become so much more common recently and she had no idea why. Maybe it wasn't such a big deal, but it felt important to Y/n. Clay would never leave her on delivered for more than ten minutes. Even when he was streaming, he'd text her before he had begun, telling her when he'd be finished.
Tonight was an important night, they had been planning for this for months. A few members of The Dream SMP server had come out to Florida to meet up. They had planned to meet up for dinner and maybe a bottle of wine at Y/n's house afterward.
Y/n admired herself in the mirror, she wore a black dress that complimented her body well. She felt gorgeous for the first time in weeks. Usually, she didn't rely on items to make her feel good about herself. Clay was always there to compliment her or assure she was pretty. But recently, he just seemed to disappear.
It felt so hard to connect with him recently, Clay had become so quiet. Every time she texted him, she was left on delivered for hours if she wasn't left on read. It was rare for him to even send a brief text back to her nowadays. Weeks had passed since the last time Y/n was able to see Patches or hang out with Clay.
At this point, it felt like Y/n was at war with herself. Half of her was so demotivated, maybe it was time to finally leave Clay alone. The other half was demanding they had to keep trying, their friendship was just going through a rough patch right now.
'You know why you're trying to hold onto this friendship, you have feelings for him.' Y/n swallowed hard while the thought of Clay appeared in her mind again. It was true, she had grown a small crush on her blonde friend. But it wasn't her fault, It was because of the way he use to be so protective of her. The way his face lit up when he laughed. The way he just knew something was wrong. 'But that doesn't matter. It's obvious he'll never feel the same way about you.'
Before she had gotten another chance to argue with herself, Y/n's phone had buzzed. Clay? ...Wilbur.
'Hey, I'm gonna uber to the restaurant in the next few minutes. On your way?"
Letting out a sigh, she typed away. 'Getting in the car in five minutes.' She took one more glance at herself in the mirror. "He's going to be there, I know it."
"George!" Y/n smiled, picking up her pace as soon as she spotted her friend. Their arms wrapped around each other, holding one another tight. "It's so good to see you."
George let out a short laugh, "It's good to see you too, Y/n." He pulled away from the hug. He had dressed in a suit, they had planned to meet at an expensive restaurant for the night. It was recommended by Clay, it was one of his favorites.
"Anyways, we should go find our table, I think Wilbur's already here."
The pair walked side by side, friendly banter being spoken between them as they entered the restaurant. Nostalgia immediately hit Y/n as they passed through the doors, it wasn't her first time here. Multiple times in the past, Clay had brought Y/n out to eat here. The first time they ate here was the first time she had seen him in a suit.
"Oh, yes?" The h/c girl had quickly snapped back into reality, looking to her right. "I'm sorry, lost my train of thought for a moment."
"It's fine, I think I see Wilbur." George motioned to look across the room, there at a round table was another friend from the UK. Wilbur sat down, looking at something in his lap.
Biting down on her lip, Y/n had to fight back the urge to yell aloud; "Wilbur!" And run to him. When the lanky man had noticed his friends, he smiled and stood from his chair.
"Wilbur!" she whispered quietly, trying not to disturb the other tables. Quickly she shuffled over to give as big a hug as she could.
"Y/n!" He whispered back, returning the exact energy she gave.
One by one, more and more friends had arrived. Everyone seemed so happy to see each other. Eventually, it seemed as though each person was lost in a conversation... besides Y/n. She had been staring down at her phone, she was still left on delivered by Clay. 'What a dick.'
"hey, Y/n." Her head shot up, looking across the table. Niki sat there with a smile, "Just curious, is Clay showing up tonight?"
Y/n's smile faded for a second, only to reappear. "I... I doubt it. I haven't received a text message back from him, and he hasn't answered any of my calls for these past few days." She ignored George and Nick, who gave each other a certain look as she spoke. But at this point, it didn't matter. Clay wasn't going to ruin Y/n's night with her friends.
"Here, let me try and call him... would that be alright, Y/n?" George was already standing as he spoke, his phone in one of his hands.
She flashed a faked smile at him, "Yeah, I don't care, Gogy."
With that, George had excused himself from the table, already beginning to pull up Clay's contact before he even reached outside. Y/n help her breathe for a moment, watching her British friend disappear around the corner, out of sight. Usually, 'out of sight, out of mind' made sense, but not in this case. Y/n could feel her stomach doing backflips as she glanced from her phone, checking the time, only to look back to see if George had returned yet. It practically felt like time had slowed down, trying to drag these few minutes out as long as possible.
When George had returned, Y/n could already tell he didn't have good news. Just by the look on his face, she knew Clay had flaked out on all of his friends.
"Clay's gonna be a little bit late, he's bringing a surprise with him."
"A surprise?"
What surprise could Clay possibly be planning? Whatever it was, Y/n hoped it would be something to help keep their friendship from breaking apart. "Did he mention how long it'd take for him to show up?"
"He said, 15-20 minutes."
"So let's just order drinks now, he can get whatever he likes when he shows up.
If time wasn't slow enough while George was on the phone, it felt like she was stuck in time. Y/n had begun to pick at her nails nervously, this was going to be the first time they saw one another in weeks.
"Hey," Y/n felt Wilbur place a hand on her shoulder, pulling her out of her thoughts again. "Look."
She glanced up at the entrance. There he was, wearing the suit she had seen him wear for the first time. A giant grin was on Clay's face as he walked, he looked to his left. And there she was... a blond-haired girl wearing the exact same dress Y/n had picked out for tonight. Y/n could feel her cheeks flush in embarrassment.
"Hey guys," Clay spoke as soon as he came into earshot of his friends. Looking over the table, his eyes looked with Y/n's for a short second. "I want you to meet Elise."
One by one, Elise had introduced herself to each of Clay's friends. But when she reached Y/n, it felt like a stab in the stomach. "Omg, hi! You must be Y/n!" She was pulled into a quick, bone-breaking hug, "I love your dress! Oh, we're matching! How cute!" She just seemed to perfect, she was so much better than Y/n.
While an extra chair had been pulled up the table, everyone was lost in conversation. Except for Y/n, she had stayed quiet. Every now and then, she'd look over to Clay, who sat across the table. Their eyes would lock every couple of times, a strange feeling laid in the pit of her stomach when it would happen.
It seemed as though Wilbur had caught onto Y/n's anxiety. He was quick to offer his hand, allowing his friend to hold it under the table. Wilbur had always been a good friend to her, if Y/n wouldn't tell Clay about something, she'd turn to her brunette friend. So of course, he knew about her feelings towards Clay.
After placing everyone's orders, Y/n just couldn't take it anymore. Standing, she moved across the table. "Clay, could I get a moment to speak to you outside?"
"Uh, sure... Y/n." He was hesitant to stand. Before leaving the table, he had whispered something into Elise's ear.
The short walk outside was quiet. There was obvious tension between them. When the front doors opened, Clay had begun to speak.  "I-"
"No. Not right here. Around the corner." Y/n didn't stop walking, making a direct beeline for the alleyway on the left of the building. She could hear Clay let out a sigh behind her, only making her fight the urge to yell a brief; 'fuck you,' at him.
When they were finally around the corner, she had turned on her heels to face the 6'3 man. "What the fuck, Clay?"
" 'What?' You don't get to ghost me for weeks then reply with, 'what?'  Do you know what a dick move that is? Where have you been?" She practically hissed at him, crossing her arms as she spoke. If it was possible, steam would leave her body from how upset she was.
"I've been busy, Y/n."
"Busy? So that means you cut me out of your life? After being friends for months?"
"You aren't the most important thing in my life, Y/n. You should know that." It was Clay's turn to give Y/n a nasty look. But at this point, she didn't care.
"I know, I shouldn't be the most important person in your life, Clay. But that doesn't mean shut me out of your life." She snapped at him, pushing herself up against his chest, "You know what would've been nice? Not being left on delivered or read. It would've been nice if I could receive a text every now and then catching me up about your life."
"As I said, I was busy."
"Busy! That's your only excuse, pathetic. I can tell you're busy, you have a girlfriend and I never got to meet her."
"Am I the only one who didn't know about her?"
Clay froze. he knew this was the end of the line for him.
"Clay." His silence spoke loud enough. "I'm happy for you, I really am. But... it fucking hurts, you know." Y/n let out a short giggle, she could feel her eyes watering. "I loved you, you know. I loved you so damn much. If you told me to do something, I'd do it with hesitation. But it's crystal clear the feelings aren't mutual."
"No, it's fine. I'm gonna leave. Don't worry, I've ruined the night, I'm sorry. Enjoy your time with your friends, Clay. Don't let me rain on your parade any longer." Y/n had stepped back, trying to move past her friend.
"Y/n, listen to me."
"Move, Clay. God damn it."
For a few seconds, Clay continued to try and catch her attention, refusing to let her past. "Y/n, shut the fuck up. Listen to me." Out of frustration, Clay had grabbed onto the girl's shoulders, pushing her against the wall. Y/n looked down at the ground, batting back tears. "Y/n..." he sighed, moving one of his hands under her chin gently. Carefully, he made her look up at him. He always hated seeing her cry.
"I'm an idiot. A big one. Y/n... I love you too. I just didn't think you felt the same, so I decided to push you out. I looked for love somewhere else and I found Elise. But Y/n, I really do love you."
"No, you don't..." Y/n whispered softly, she shook her head as a dumb smile appeared on her face. "If you loved me, you would've made a move. You wouldn't have closed me out of your life for weeks. You wouldn't have found someone new to love. Please don't bullshit me, Clay. You know I'm not stupid."
"Y/n..." clay could feel his heart begin to crack, it hurt to see her like this.
"Please just let me go," her voice was soft as she spoke. He really did hurt her heart. "I want to say goodbye to my friends."
"I..." Letting out a sigh, he stepped back, "alright."
Clay watched as Y/n disappeared around the corner, wiping tears from her face. Why was he such a fool to let her go?
Y/n smiled as soon as her table came into sight. It would all be quick and easy. As soon as Elise noticed her, she stood from her seat. "Oh my god, are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit chilly outside," Y/n replied, pulling Elise in for a hug. "It was so nice to meet you. You're such a lovely girl to talk to."
"Right back at you," Elise smiled at Y/n, taking her seat again.
One by one, Y/n gave each of her friends a hug goodbye. When Wilbur held her, she was quick to whisper something brief to him: "Walk me to my car?" Wilbur nodded, taking her purse for her as they walked out. On their way out, Clay had passed by them. He kept to himself, looking the other way when Y/n came into sight. When he was out of earshot, Wilbur spoke up.
"Are you okay?"
"Honestly, no. I just wanna go home and cry." Y/n let out a huff of breath. She was speed walking to keep up with her tall friend.
"Do you want me to tag along?"
"Please." As the night continued on, it seemed like both Clay's and Y/n's moods had changed drastically. While Y/n was at home watching movies and laughing with one of her best friends, Clay was stuck in the place that reminded him of Y/n, thinking about how she'd be the one who got away. Did it hurt him? Yes, but he deserved it. He was the one who ruined it all. Nothing would be the same after tonight.
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yuta-nakamots · 4 years
misfit - j.sc
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Pairing - Sungchan x Reader
Genre - Horror/Thriller, Angst, Fluff
Warnings - serial killer, character death, violence, murder, implications of sex
Summary - A murderer is on the loose, killing with no regret and ending the lives of more than just a few people. No one knew who it was, turning against each other upon even the slightest bit of doubt. Maybe you should’ve been more careful with who you chose to trust. 
Word Count - 5.3k
A/N - this is inspired entirely from a dream I had a few days ago. I've added very little to what I saw in my dream aside from Sungchan as the male lead. yes, I am freaked out by this and yes, I am scared of writing for Sungchan bc I don’t know his personality all too well but as an ‘01 liner myself I have faith in us
Written for the #NeoHalloween writing festival hosted by @nct-writers​. Check out the masterlist here.
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For five months now, your town has lived in fear. A serial killer was on the loose and he was known by the name of Hickleback Jack though no one knew where the name came from or who had started it. Each month, the population of your town voted on the local community board to have one person executed who they thought was Hickleback Jack. So far, not a single guess was right leaving five innocent people dead. Well, five plus an extra thirty, give or take.
See, the thing about Hickleback Jack, was that every time the votes came in at the end of the month, he could see just who voted for him and targeted them as his next victims. He killed six of those people over the following month, adding up to seven dead each time the town guessed incorrectly. It was getting to a point where no one trusted each other, no one dared to say anything against each other in fear of being accused or in fear of being the next to fall mercy to Hickleback Jack.
Not much was known about this killer other than his appearance. He’s male with a tall and broad figure though he always covers his face with some kind of mask. His common weapon is known to be an axe. People have claimed to have seen him late at night under the dim orange glow of the street lamps but he was never caught by the authorities, leaving everyone restless and waiting for the next kill.
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The night was still young when you had gotten home from school and it was a Friday night which was basically an open invitation for you to call over your boyfriend, Sungchan. He had transferred in to your university at the start of the school year, and had ended up sitting next to you during your sophomore seminar class, leading to the start of your friendship with him.
A simple friendship soon blossomed into a relationship after Sungchan’s bright personality began shining through his somewhat intimidating exterior. You lived without fear when Sungchan was around, the love you had for him blocking out anything else in the world that wasn’t him.
You sat on your bed, your homework spread out in front of you while you held your phone up to your ear. “Do you want to come over tonight?” You ask as soon as he picks up your call.
You hear rustling on the other end of the call before Sungchan clears his throat and speaks, his voice husky from sleep. “Sorry, can you repeat that?”
“I said, do you want to come over tonight?” You paused and heard him yawn. “You fell asleep after class didn’t you?” You smiled to yourself thinking of your boyfriend’s handsome face as he napped after getting back to his apartment once he finished with his classes for the day, which was a common occurrence now that the semester was in full swing.
“Mmm,” he hummed in thought, “as much as I’d love to, I really shouldn’t have taken that nap because of how much homework I have.”
“Oh, that’s okay, do your homework first,” you reassure him, “maybe we can hang out some other time this weekend. It’s only Friday after all.”
“Definitely. Are you starting yours right now?” Sungchan asked.
“Yeah, I’d rather not wait and end up cramming on Sunday night.” You laughed, knowing that said event has happened more times that you’d like to admit.
Sungchan let out a noise of agreement. “I’ll let you know when I’m done with my homework though.”
“Same here.” You promised.
“Alright, let’s get to work and I’ll talk to you soon.” He told you.
“Sounds good, love you.”
“Love you too.”
With that you hung up, eager to start on your homework in hopes of getting to spend more time with your boyfriend. You actually had a lot of it this weekend thanks to molecular biology, and you figured that if you couldn’t talk to Sungchan, who had yet to take the course, you called up your study group discord instead. Luckily, many of them were in similar situations as you, faced with the daunting task of completing all the worksheets assigned during class earlier in the day.
“Okay so was anyone paying attention during the lecture today?” Your classmate Chenle asked.
“I know Yeji fell asleep so you’re in the same boat as her.” You interject, recalling the sight of both of them knocked out in their seats as the professor droned on about the functions of the structures inside cells.
Yeji let out a gasp of shock at how blatantly you called her out. “I may have fallen asleep but at least I still know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.”
“Everyone knows that, Yeji.” Your other classmate Jaemin said, his voice void of enthusiasm.
“Okay, Jaemin, we get it, Mr. Serious.” You teased.
“Yeah, this is a biology study group, not a bible study group, lighten up a little.” Chenle jokes.
Jaemin scoffed, “sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who’s trying to do well in this class.”
“Well not all of us enjoy the taste of coffee with six shots of caffeine in them.” Yeji argued back.
“Guys,” you called out as Jaemin and Yeji started arguing, “guys!” They finally stopped to hear what you had to say. “Let’s just get this over with sooner rather than later because I know none of us want to be awake at 2am trying to figure this out alone.”
“Agreed,” Chenle said, “so question three, the one about the DNA mutation, how is missense different from nonsense?”
“Missense is where one of the bases mutates and changes to something else, therefore changing the protein level,” Jaemin explained, “nonsense is the same theoretical concept except it spells out one of the stop codes.”
Yeji let out a groan, “can you slow down, or like, I don’t know, use easier words or something?”
Most of your night passed by like this and before you knew it, it was already nearing midnight and you could tell your classmates were just as exhausted as you. “I think we should call it here.”
“Definitely,” Yeji confirmed, “tomorrow morning at 10?”
You all let out similar answers of acknowledgement before Chenle spoke up. “The poll closes on tomorrow night so make sure to vote if you haven’t already.”
Because of how long this has been going on for, everyone was already on the same page once someone mentioned the poll or voting. “There were only five kills this month so I wouldn’t be surprised if the last one is announced tomorrow or Sunday morning.” Jaemin chimed in.
“All the recent kills were related to the university so I know a lot of people are suspecting someone in our age range.” Yeji informed the group.
Jaemin let out a chuckle, “if the killer actually is a college student, I wouldn’t be surprised since it is getting close to the last wave of midterms and then finals so that would explain why the victims fall into the same category.” The chat fell silent at that. “I’m just saying that he’s getting a little lazy by grouping all his kills like this.”
“Jaemin, are you sure you’re not the killer?” Chenle asked with a laugh at the end.
“Guys, I can promise you that I’m not the killer, I swear on my life.” Jaemin promised.
“Alright, that’s enough detective work for tonight, I’ll start the call again around 10 tomorrow. Sounds good?” You conclude, wanting to curl up under your covers already, which is exactly what you do once everyone wishes each other a good night and hung up.  
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Morning came a little too quickly for your liking, the bright sunlight flooding into your room through the window and forcing you awake. Checking your phone, you saw that it was 9:30am, meaning you had some time to spare before your next meeting with the bio study group, along with a notification from Sungchan that he had sent well after you had fallen asleep.
Sungchan > y/n
2:14am: Just got rescheduled to work opening shift tomorrow.
2:15am: Didn’t finish my homework but I can stop by at your house after work with my stuff and we can hang out and have fun once we’re both done?
Your heart warmed at how he stayed up late trying to finish his homework for you and that he suggested the idea of coming over after his shift at a small local restaurant finished just so the two of you could be together even if you’d be focusing on your own tasks for a while.
y/n > Sungchan
9:32am: Sorry I didn’t text back earlier, I just woke up!
9:32am: But of course you can come over, I might even be done with my work by then ;)
You plugged your phone to let it charge and left it on your nightstand as you made yourself breakfast downstairs. The house was quiet since your mom already left for work and you dad worked a night shift job and was probably sleeping at the moment. It was strangely serene as you prepared yourself a bowl of cereal though the calm was rudely interrupted by the sound of your ringtone coming from your room.
Deciding to get it after eating breakfast, you poured the cereal in first, thinking about the way Sungchan had told you before that he liked to pour the milk first and let the cereal soak up the milk. “It makes it super soggy and I like it.” He tried reasoning with you, to which you only raised an eyebrow at.
Just as you put the milk carton back into the refrigerator and was about to take a bit of your cereal, your phone started going off again. You placed your bowl onto the kitchen table and made your way back up to your bedroom to see what it was that was so important this early in the morning. Checking the notifications, it was Yeji who had been calling you so you shot her a message.
y/n > Yeji
9:39am: What’s up?
Yeji > y/n
9:40am: I just dreamt that it was Jaemin who was the killer
9:40am: please call me right now I feel like I’m going to go insane
You heeded her words and called her immediately. “So what happened in the dream?”
“I don’t know, I just remember being chased by a man with an axe and I was running to the school to try to see if I could get help but then I tripped and when I turned around, it was Jaemin.” Yeji blurted out without a single breath in between.
You paused, trying to take in all the information she just threw at you. “Do you have any reason as to why you think you dreamt this?”
“The way he was talking last night,” she stopped to catch her breath, “he spoke so in detail that I couldn’t help but overthink like, what if he is actually the killer? What if we’re next?”
“Well, you can vote for him in the poll if you want but personally, I don’t think it’s him.” You think of your next words carefully. “I’m not trying to invalidate your thoughts but Jaemin does come from a reputable family-”
“Y/n, it could be anyone. Family doesn’t matter. We have no information on the guy, we don’t know what economic class he’s in or anything.” Yeji interrupted.
You took a few seconds to gather your thoughts before speaking again. “That is true, but we all know Jaemin wants to be a surgeon right? He’s in all these difficult classes and he maintains such high grades-”
“Okay but how is that relevant?” Yeji interrupted yet again.
She was getting on your nerves but you held yourself back. “Listen, I’m just trying to say that with the amount of time and effort he puts into school, I don’t think he could be the killer. The killer plans his kills well enough that we just can’t find him and that probably takes just as much time as school does for us.”
Yeji took a while to respond though when she did, her words surprised you. “Now you’re starting to sound like the killer.”
“Yeji, I can promise you that it’s not me. I’m just as scared as you are in this whole situation,” you reasoned, “I’ll even vote for Jaemin if it makes you feel better.”
She let out a sigh across the line. “Okay fine. Maybe a kill will happen while we’re on the call and it’ll clear Jaemin’s name.”
“I think you’re letting it all get to you, just try not to think about it for a bit.” You advised.
“But am I really overreacting y/n? We live every day in fear of being the next victim. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us, so am I really overreacting?” You look over at the clock on your wall as she spoke, realizing that it’s already 9:55 and you should probably start the call already.
“No, I don’t think you’re overreacting, I’m just saying that constantly thinking about it to this extent isn’t good for you. We still have school to pay attention to,” you explain, “speaking of, I’m gonna start the call now.”
“I can’t just stop thinking about it that easily but whatever, let’s just hope that we’re not associating ourselves with a murderer by doing this.” You can only shake your head as you start the call.
Chenle joined immediately followed by Yeji. “Good morning ladies, President Zhong here. How are we doing on this fine day?”
You rolled your eyes even though a smile spread across your face. “I’m doing good, Mr. President. Ready to finish off these worksheets.”
“Good, good,” Chenle affirmed, sticking with his act, “and you, Miss Yeji?”
“Fine.” She shot out.
Chenle let out a quiet chuckle, “someone’s a little grumpy this morning. Maybe we should’ve met a bit later.”
“No, let’s just get this over with.” Yeji grumbled just as Jaemin joined.
“Great! Now that the head brain cell is here, let’s get this meeting started.” Chenle exclaimed.
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Four hours into your meeting and eight out of ten worksheets later, your phone begins to ring with an incoming call from Sungchan. “Hold on guys, I gotta take this call. Hello?”
“I’m downstairs, come pick me up.” You couldn’t deny the butterflies that spread throughout your chest upon hearing your boyfriend’s voice. You got up to let him in though you certainly didn’t miss the teasing coming from your laptop as your classmates yelled about you and Sungchan.
As you made your way downstairs, you froze halfway down the stairs, seeing Sungchan already in the kitchen eating the bowl of cereal you forgot about. “I’m guessing you made this for yourself earlier and forgot to eat it.” He said through a mouthful of food.
“Babe, no, don’t eat that, it’s like five hours old. The milk is probably stale.” You exclaimed, worried about his health if it really did go bad.
Sungchan only shrugged as he took another spoonful into his mouth. “Tastes fine to me.”
You rolled your eyes before turning to head back upstairs. “Join me in my room once you’re ready, you cereal monster. Leave the dishes in the sink too.” As you returned to your room, you couldn’t help but wonder how Sungchan got in though you figure he’s probably seen you use the spare key under the doormat a couple times since you often were too lazy to get your own keys out of your bag most of the time.
When you sat down in front of your computer again, Jaemin had just finished explaining the answer to the problem you guys were working on earlier so you chimed in asking him to go over it again though he was quickly overrun by an excited Chenle. “Is Sungchan there?” He practically yelled.
“No, not yet, he’s eating some soggy cereal downstairs.” You inform him.
“Alright, let me know when he comes in.” Chenle says, unphased by your boyfriends’ odd preference of cereal.
Halfway through Jaemin’s explanation, Sungchan came into your room, placing his bag down at the foot of the bed before he took his jacket off and stripped out of his work uniform. “I heard a door open, is that Sungchan?” Chenle shouted over Jaemin once more.
“I never get to fucking speak in this group.” Jaemin huffed, at which Chenle muttered a quick ‘sorry’ back.
“Yes, Chenle, Sungchan is here,” you announce, looking over at the boy in question who had just finished pulling a shirt over his head and winked when he saw you staring at his body, “he seems very flirty today, must be because of you, Mr. Zhong.”
Sungchan sits down next to you and places a kiss on your cheek, smelling oddly of cleaning supplies, but you pay no mind to that, figuring he must have used them at work. “How’s it going Chenle?” He asks, though his attention is only on you and he places his hands on your cheeks and leaves a quick kiss on your lips.
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t just hear the two of you kissing,” Chenle remarks, earning a laugh from Sungchan, “but anyways, you should come back to the basketball team. We miss our giant point guard, you know.”
“Nah, I’m too busy these days. I already have work and school plus I still want to spend time with y/n.” He commented as he shifted to lie on his stomach next to you.
“Man, who knew a girl would be all it took to make this dude throw his love for basketball out the window.” Chenle taunted.
“Love makes you do things, you know how it is.” Sungchan replied, resting his head on your thigh.
Running a hand through his hair, “anyways,” you divert, “back to what Jaemin was saying about meiosis.”
“Thank you, y/n, I thought I’d never be able to speak again.” Jaemin uttered pointedly. “As I was saying, the main difference between meiosis and mitosis is that it creates four daughter cells instead of two like mitosis does.”
“Hey guys, wait, did you see the article that just came out?” Yeji inquired. “It’s another death.”
There was a moment of silence before anyone said anything. “No but you can read it to us.” Chenle concluded.
“Okay,” you could hear the deep breath Yeji took before reading the article, “it says here that the body was found at around 1:20pm in an alley between the lower-income housing apartments, the cause of death is assumed to be by Hickleback Jack using his axe, and the estimated time of death is anywhere from 12 to 1pm.”
“Wow,” Jaemin began, “so he just killed out in broad daylight.”
“Not gonna lie Jaemin, but I thought you were the killer.” Yeji let out blatantly.
You were mildly shocked at her bluntness, but not surprised given how stressed everyone was. “Me?” Jaemin gasped, “Yeji, you know I’m pretty much Rapunzel with how much time I spend in my room studying. And when I’m not studying, I’m either editing pictures or playing video games.”
“It’s true,” Chenle confirms, “he really doesn’t leave his room. We had a sleepover once and I felt like I was becoming a hermit like him.” Sungchan slightly wheezed at that, sending Chenle over the moon. “Did you hear that? Did you guys hear that? Sungchan thinks I’m funny!”
“Yeah yeah, enough about me being a hermit. But Yeji,” Jaemin addressed, “why did you think it was me?”
Yeji hesitated before responding. “I just- the way you were talking the other night...I don’t know. It just sounded so specific and detailed that I couldn’t help but think that it could have been you.”
“I don’t think a murderer would simply reveal his plans like that, you know.” Sungchan proposed.
“Well yeah, but it’s just the way he spoke, it was like he had things organized...you know what? Let’s forget I said that, but I know the four of us are clear.” Yeji resigned.
Sungchan sat up, “wait, why am I not cleared?”
“Y/n, what time did he call you?”
“Like 2-ish.”
“Exactly. Sungchan, you don’t have an alibi, as far as we know, until 2 and the time of death is stated to be 12 to 1pm.”
“I was at work earlier in the day, though.”
“Can you prove it to us?” Yeji pressed on.
“Yeah, my coworkers can vouch for me.”
You were quite surprised at how aggressive Yeji was being towards your boyfriend but you didn’t see any reason to stop her since she had very valid arguments. “Send a screenshot of it to Chenle and we’ll verify you from there.” Yeji commanded.
Sungchan slouched down a little next to you. “I don’t have the numbers of my coworkers though.”
“Alright, then you’re still on the list of suspects.”
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After finishing all the worksheets for microbio and ending the call around 3:30, Sungchan pulled out his laptop and started typing away at a half-finished lab report for his human A&P class. You fell asleep curled into his body, his warmth and the constant tapping of his keyboard lulling you to sleep.
When you woke again, you immediately noticed the absence of a large boy next to you and frowned to yourself. As you came to, you heard noise coming from the kitchen and identified your mother’s voice followed by Sungchan’s. Noticing the time on your phone, you guess that he was probably helping her prepare dinner since it was already past 6 and your family ate around 7 before your dad left for work.
By the time you made yourself presentable and came downstairs, your mom and Sungchan were already setting the table. “Looks like our sleepyhead finally woke up.” Your mother exclaimed, making you grimace. “You didn’t tell me Sungchan was staying over,” you were about to open your mouth to say that you didn’t know that either but you weren’t given the chance to do so, “it’s okay, especially with that killer still on the loose, it makes me feel better knowing there’s someone around to protect my baby.”
You looked at Sungchan as if asking him for answers though he seemed to only avoid your gaze, reluctantly taking the seat across from you at the dining table. Your father walked in, delighted to see your boyfriend. “Sungchan! Good to see you, how are things at school?” He asked as he joined you all at the table.
“Okay for the most part, I haven’t taken to my writing class all that much though I enjoy my other science classes.” Sungchan answers.
Your dad hums in approval while you stare down Sungchan, trying to get him to look at you. “Remind me again what you’re majoring in again?” Your mom asks, Sungchan whips his head around faster than you can make eye contact with him.
“I’m majoring in forensics.” He states.
“Interesting, interesting,” your father contemplates, “you know, y/n here wants to become a pediatrician. The two of you are practically opposites in the science field, one dealing with crime and the other dealing with children.”
Sungchan let out a laugh, “I guess opposites really do attract then.”
You hated how well he entertained your parents and you hated how much they liked him. For the rest of dinner you tried to pin him down through your stares and even played a game of footsie with him but nothing seemed to work. It was only once the two of you were back in your room getting ready for bed that you were able to talk to him.
“Look, I’m not mad at you or anything, I’d just appreciate it if you talked to me first before just telling my parents that you’re staying over.” You told him as you went through your skincare routine.
Sungchan jumped onto your bed as he apologized. “Sorry, I just thought that since both of us finished our homework and with the killing today, it would just make sense for me to stay over.” He opened his arms, inviting you in as you stood up after finishing your night routine.
You copied him, jumping into your bed straight onto Sungchan, effectively pushing the air out of his body. He grunted as your weight fell onto him though he still wrapped his arms around your waist and shifted you up the length of your body so your face was level with his. “Hi” you giggle, shy from the sudden close proximity.
“Hey.” He says back with a smile as you slide off him, leaving an arm and leg slung over his body. “Tired?”
“No, not really, I took a nap earlier since someone didn’t care to wake me up.”
“You looked too cute, besides, you need all the rest you can get.” Sungchan explained, using his free hand to squish your cheeks. “If you’re really not tired then I know a way to make you tired.” His hand found its way down to your butt to further emphasize his point.
“Ew, no, not now.” You quickly refused, moving his hand up to your waist. “Just go to sleep and I’ll probably fall asleep after you anyways.”
“Oh wait,” Sungchan said, reaching over you to the nightstand for his phone, “did you vote on the poll yet?”
“No, I almost forgot.” You groaned, lazily reaching for your phone as well.
You pull up the local community board and enter your information, looking at the list of all the citizens, pondering on who you’d give your vote to. “Who are you voting for?” Sungchan asks, looking over at your screen.
“I really don’t know.” You tell him, though truthfully, you had someone in mind.
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Thanks to the nap you had, you really couldn’t fall asleep no matter how hard you tried. You ended up dozing off occasionally but you’d wake up half an hour later only more irritated than when you first fell asleep.
You don’t remember what time it was, but at some point, Sungchan had removed himself from your grasp, unaware that you were still awake, though you made no effort to stop him thinking that he was just going to use the restroom and come back. Five minutes passed, five minutes turned into ten, then twenty, and you decided to check on him once thirty minutes had passed.
The house was completely dark, not even the light from the bathroom was on. You checked inside in case Sungchan had maybe gotten hurt and passed out, but he was nowhere to be found. After searching almost all the rooms in your house, you had yet to find any sign of him. After a bit of thinking, you had wandered out to your mothers’ greenhouse thinking that maybe some time with the plants would help to calm your mind.
It did anything but that.
Not long after setting foot inside of the small shed, you heard screams coming from nearby, getting closer and closer. You watched from the inside of the tinted glass as three girls ran through your backyard and into the next property. You couldn’t help it that you were frozen to your core, knowing who was coming.
You saw his frame as he jumped over the fence from the other end of your yard, axe in hand, running through the open grass and you thought he might have noticed you until he stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes glued on you. You should’ve ducked down as soon as the girls ran past but it was too late now and there was no second way out of the greenhouse.
You knew you should have tried to run, maybe smash through the glass panelling but something in you told you that maybe, just maybe, you’d be able to stop him. Steeling your nerves as he crosses the threshold of the greenhouse, you call out to him. “I know who you are.”
“I’m well aware of that.”
It was as if your world was crumbling before you, the once so comfortable relationship you knew felt fake, even though Sungchan, your loving boyfriend stood right there. The only difference was that you knew who he really was.
“Why?” You start, “why did you kill all those innocent people?”
“It’s all for fun, y/n.”
“What do you mean ‘for fun’? Those are real people you know, people with families and friends who miss them dearly.” You nearly cry out as he continues to approach you.
“You see, life is a game.” He paused his words as he came to stand in front of you. “Laws are nothing but a social construct that us humans follow mindlessly until our own demise.”
He takes a step closer to you, but you stand your ground. “Laws are what keep us safe and keep us happy. They allow us to lead our lives peacefully with others-”
“They are nothing but limits.” He closes the distance between the two of you, an arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you towards him, and you allow him to do so. “My dear, sweet, y/n. If only you weren’t so smart, I wouldn’t be faced with this dilemma.”
“You wouldn’t kill me.” You were trying to persuade him just as much as you were to yourself. “You’d never.”
“Oh? And what makes you think that?”
“You love me.”
“I do, I love you so dearly, but now that you know who’s behind all the killings, there’s no way that I can let you go.” You felt his axe nudge the back of your leg as he brought both arms around you. To an outsider, it would look as if a couple were having a conversation, but for you, this was a fight for your life.
“Take off the mask.”
“Why should I?”
“So I can talk to you properly.”
He took off the mask without much more convincing, his normally handsome face now distorted by the crazed look in his eyes. People often say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and if they really were, then Sungchan didn’t have a soul.
“I swear to you that I won’t ever tell anyone about this, about you.”
“I don’t believe that you’ll keep that promise, my dear.”
“You know how much I love you. As long as we can stay together, I will not say anything.”
“This is not a tale of beauty and the beast. I am no beast to be tamed and there is no happy ending to this story.”
“Sungchan, no. You don’t mean that.”
“Do I really not mean it, or is that what you would like to believe? Something tells me it’s the latter.” He held you tight against him with one arm, the other raising his axe. “It’s truly a shame that your beauty must go to waste, you were truly a wonderful person both inside and out but I’m afraid that your life must end here.”
Before he could prep his swing, you pulled away and grabbed the nearest pot, launching it at him, the ceramic breaking against his head making dirt rain down upon both of you.
Not even a second passed before his axe was flying at you, lodging itself into your neck, nearly severing your head from your shoulder. You should’ve been thankful really, thankful that Sungchan had given you a quick death, not his usual route since it was so painless and easy for both the victim and the assailant.
He liked a struggle, but for you he made an exception out of love so that the last thing you’d see was him, your lover, before everything stopped.
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
I've been struggling with sending you a feedback for chapter 3 and 4 for three reasons :
1. The confusion of changing dynamics and feelings has me reeling and i want to slow down (not the plot but my beating heart) before I form an opinion because it's easy to fawn over the closeness of our lead couple but there are too many variables attached.
2. I feel the guilt for Seri, I feel terrible for her.. Her boyfriend is one wide shouldered red flag who's had his reasons but they are ambiguous ones and even he can't figure out the reason for his secrecy. Also the fact that he hasn't thought about Seri or pined over her absence is another red flag. Calling it a red flag makes me guilty bcz this is Jin and we know what the plot is about but i just.. My inner female is growling and disapproving of this behavior
3. The third reason is quite stupid I just had a terribly hectic week and each time I tried to read the chapter or send you an ask i ended up passing out due to sheer exhaustion with the phone falling flat on my face and that's also why I've had a delayed response because I needed to read 3 and 4 several times together and note their flow with each other.
4. What I loved was:
a) the very domestic vibe they carried withe ach other. Its quite wholesome to see them interact and comfort each other as if it's a daily occurrence.
b) the skinship keeps increasing and it's borderline flirting. The sexual tension is building up very slowly and that's the charm of it. I enjoyed the second kiss in the 4th chapter because it stemmed from real feeling and curiousity I feel?
c) everyone including Taehyung is just rooting for them🥴 us included 😂 Sorry Seri😢
d) I love the soft pillow talk (wrong in this context but you know what I mean) the soft touches, caressing the cheeks, cupping them,the compliments were overflowing, the sunblock moment. Those soft secret and otherwise smiles Jin gives her at all times make for some very pleasant dreamy moments and makes the chapters so worthwhile to read.
5. Jin isn't a bad guy here but I think he's unfair, he's stringing Seri along. Even when he talks about her he feels relief that she's not fussy. She's just a side chick at the moment who he sees as he pleases. Idk relationships are complicated.. 😭 And im struggling to form an opinion on this part and just waiting to ride this one out.. But as the lead couple gets closer to each other, so does the guilt settle more and more in his heart.
6. This is an unpopular opinion and i may be hated for this but jin seems very fickle minded - his emotions keep swaying, he had a type in which Seri fit, OC is different so she's refreshing.. He is glad to spend all this time with OC and didn't even think about Seri.. I know these are turning points but I'm trying to find a ground for forming an opinion and currently my brain is overwhelmed with the possibilities that their relationship triangle will take..
I'm sorry for the late one i felt so guilty for not being prompt because that's how I show my love to amazing people like you 💕 hope you had a wonderful week and looking forward to chapter 5 and hoping it untangles some threads in my head 😂
Ahhh I always live for your asks no matter when you send them! I'm just thankful you're one (of several hehe) who even reads this story so thank you 🥰🥰
Ah, yes, the complication of all this. I think it's the first time I've written something that's not too straightforward or easy to judge in terms of relationship... and it will be like that for a litte while 🫣
My inner female is growling at Jin, too! But we'll get Seri's part a few chapters from now, and we'll get to understand her thinking, too, and why she held on as long as she did. While I was writing this, my best friend's words of "he makes me feel safe, and that's all that mattered," kept ringing in my head; she said that about her boyfriend who didn't have a good track record in terms of fidelity (I'm not defending it!) but that whole conversation made me think deeply about the values we prioritize over others, of what safety means, and the things we choose to overlook over something that matters more to us, given our respective pasts.
Pls never apologize for this! It's been a tough few weeks for me, too, but pls make sure you get proper rest. Love that you make time for this still huhu 🥹
Everything you said! In their own little world, things are indeed dreamy and giddy, and they find that peace in each other bc they're the ones put in this position, and I wanted to highlight that as well.
Jin is being unfair, but also not entirely a bad guy, and I wrote him as such! There are variables and human emotions and complications of relationships that I wanted to string in here and hopefully, the readers get to understand what I meant to portray at the end of it.
And no worries at all! Again, I wrote him as such. I've read a few boss Jin fics where he's very powerful and dominant. He still is in this story, in terms of how he handles his work, but given his own relationship experience and upbringing, he is the way he is - indecisive, fickle-minded. And I wanted to highlight that side of his character, too.
Thank you so much again! Not sure about chapter 5 entangling some threads for u hehehe but I hope you enjoy it! 💕💕
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
《I'm Tiana, she/her pronouns, Dr Clef and romantic *not because I'm lonely or anything*. Oh I'm 19 and I never learnt how to fucking read》
{With the letter is a flower press of a blue cornflower.}
Hey stranger
I know what you're thinking... why tf am I sending you a letter after not saying anything after I left. I'm sorry ok. I just didn't know what to say. I hope you're taking care of yourself.
Just wanted to say that everything is going good over here. Just got my results and I'm surprised that I did well. I started gardening again... this time the plants are actually growing. Yeah I'm surprised too. Nothing really exciting is going on besides me seeing a delivery man getting robbed. So he was at a stop street and they jumped out of the bushes, pushed him off his bike, took the food and ran away. I helped him... after giggling a bit. I'm sorry but it was kinda funny seeing something like that happen. All in a day in South Africa.
I miss you. I hope you know that. I miss slow dancing with you at 1 in the morning. I miss your singing. I miss your snarky comments and your mischievous smirks. I miss all your little hugs and kisses. I miss all the 'that's what she said,' jokes I miss looking into those beautiful eyes. Have I told how lovely they look? Gosh I hate to admit it but I miss your god awful jokes.
I forgot to ask, how is everyone at the foundation? What did Bright get up too? Did Kondraki get that picture I left on his desk, the clefdraki one? Gosh I miss teasing him about that. Damn I miss everyone. Hopefully I might come visit you guys, if life doesn't fuck me over. Anyways that's all for now.
I love you ... re mom. Jk jk I love ya cleffy, more than you'll ever know.
^Hi Elsie wanna say really appreciate you doing this and I love your writing style. Have a wonderful day, eat enough food and drink plenty of water. ^
[Disclaimer: Letters To Those you Hold Dear is a special event I'm holding from December 9th - whenever I feel like closing it! The absolute deadline is December 21st. Find guidelines here so you can send a letter or two to those you hold dear <3]
Nice to "see" you too stranger,
Actually, I wish I could say that it was nice to finally hear from you, but, I gotta admit, you hurt my feelings when you up and left like that without a single word. I was worried I can't believe you left without a trace and that was rude. Y'know?
But whatever, you're writing to me now and that's all I can ask for. I'm real happy to hear that things are going alright for you. You got back into gardening that's good. I remember you brought in a tomato plant and the thing looked like it suffocated in your office space. Finally revealing you have a green thumb anyways, huh? Sounds lively over there. Are you okay? Doesn't sound like something to shrug off, or even giggle at, but, the things that are normal with you are things that aren't for me and vice versa.
Everyone here at 19 is doing just fine. It's a little monotonous as of late, but nothing we can't really handle. Bright's been terrorizing the opening level researchers, which I've been happily joining him on. Konny's looking to take up some seminars. I find that interesting and almost sad. The man hates other people, why does he want to teach them now? I assume he got your pictures because he doesn't want to be in the same hallway as me. We miss you over here too.
Especially me, I miss you a lot. You're far, far away from me, you realize that, right? I miss your laughter and the little things you'd say. I miss your touch. I miss looking at you and actually enjoying my day and the things I'd see just because I knew you were the one making me feel that way. You've always been the star lighting up my night sky.
That's enough mush.
[Attached with the letter is a pressed clump of forget me nots, along with a little note reading "saw these and though of you."]
Hi love bug,
Thank you so much, that's so incredibly sweet of you to say! Doing this kind of stuff makes me happy because I know it makes you guys happy. I hope you enjoyed this. Have a wonderful day yourself.
Lots of love, Elsie
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