#((he loves cars. he hates them. they are loud and terrible and never shut up and are massive. and thats awesome. and terrible. and awesome)
truckbed · 5 months
his truck things his newest fixation he just moved in with jade in a large city (i was thinking new york at first but now im considering somewhere in texas) and is experiencing the joys of giant machinery surrounding him 24/7. and by joys i mean he fell into the trap of obsessing over something that was bothering you and now it's your biggest interest ever
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hairmetal666 · 7 months
He hates Steve Harrington, everything about him. His stupid, upbeat pop music. His tall fucking hair. His annoyingly bright clothes. His bullshit German luxury car.
Eddie hates that Steve's a good guy. Hates that he carried Eddie's broken and dying body out of hell. Hates that the kids love him how they do. Hates that he and Robin Buckley are the kind of best friends who might as well be siblings. Hates the way that Jonathan is back and Nancy is happy, and Steve has no resentment about any of it. Hates that he'll never, for as long as he lives, forget about six kids and a Winnebago.
And he hates, more than anything of all, the way he's always finding himself in Steve's bed. The way he falls apart when Steve is deep inside, the way he begs for more, pleads for Steve to wreck him. The way Steve treats him so good that it makes him sob.
Eddie hates himself for not being able to stop. For wanting Steve so much that sometimes he feels it as a visceral ache in the back of his molars. He hates himself for how little fight his dumb traitor heart puts into not being astronomically down bad in love with the guy immediately.
And none of this is supposed to flow from his brain to his tongue to out of his mouth, but Steve fucks him so good and slow--gives him the most mind-blowing orgasm of his life--that it all just slips out of the safe confines of his mind.
"I fucking hate you," he says. Or pants, more like, he's all flushed and sweaty and covered in come, not yet settled back to himself.
"W-what?" Steve stutters. He's standing at the edge of the bed, damp towel clenched in his fist.
True, full consciousness strikes then and he doesn't know what else to say. Steve's big eyes are wide and sad, and Eddie's brain is screaming at him to fix it, and isn't that just another thing that he hates?
"Steve. Like. Fucking look at yourself, man." He waves his hand up Harrington's perfect body. "You're the most beautiful fucking thing in the universe. And you--you embody like every fucking thing I'm supposed to hate with your money and your athletic ability, and your whole goddamn clean-cut All-American boy next door bullshit. And I--I keep ending up here when everything in me says to run away, that this--you--are too good to be fucking true."
And Steve, he's pinching the bridge of his nose, looking more than anything like he's trying not to burst into tears and this--this cannot be borne.
"I love you so fucking much." His voice cracks and he reaches out to circle his fingers around Steve's wrist, the one holding the towel. "I love you so much and I don't deserve even a second of it. Not a minute. Because you're Steve Harrington, you're--"
Steve presses his hand (he hates the the wide palms and long fingers, how they're perfect, how they hold him and comfort him and wring out pleasure again and again like it's nothing, like Steve's hands were made for making Eddie come) over Eddie's mouth. "Shut-up, Munson," he says.
"I fucking hate you too." There's ease in the way he says it, a lightness in his eyes. "I hate that you don't use conditioner. I hate that your van makes that turkey gobble sound every time you turn a corner, and you refuse to let me look at it. I hate how loud you play your music, how it makes my fucking skin shake. I hate when you forget to take the damn chains off your jeans when you put them in the wash."
Steve climbs into bed, straddling him, towel long forgotten. "You know what else I fucking hate, Eddie?" He leans down, ghosting his lips against the tip of Eddie's nose, skimming his mouth. "I hate that I've never loved anyone like I love you. I hate that I almost fucking lost you. I hate that we can't spend every minute in this goddamn bed, so I can memorize every inch of your skin, every sound you make, every single way I tear you apart, and all of the things that put you back together. I love you, Ed. Every fucking terrible part."
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addictedwritingg · 8 months
Hate Means Love Ch.4
Jenna Ortega x Male Character.
Summary: Jenna Ortega shares a house with her roommate's, one of them being a male she can't stand, in other words, hates. He loves to tease and feed her hatred just to watch her for his pleasure (wink wink).
Warnings: Cussing, angst, fighting, crying and that's about it, buckle in for this chapter folks!
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Jenna's POV.
It's been 2 weeks since the first time Andre and I had sex, and we have been doing it every day, but the past week has been tricky since Devin and Trina are home from the little week get away and we haven't told them anything. Apart of me wishes I could get more from Andre then just constantly having sex. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing sex but to say I don't have feelings for this boy would be a lie, because I do. I've noticed he never kisses me when we are having sex, I've tried a few times, but he just moves his face from mine. My gut tells me he isn't looking for a relationship with me and just wants to have a friend with benefits situation, but a part of me wants more than that.
"Jenna, Girl get ready, the parties in an hour." Trina says tossing me my hair clip she borrowed. "Fuck." I mumble to myself and hurrying to my room to get ready because I completely forgot. I'm in my room in a bra and underwear digging in my closet trying to find something decent to wear when I hear my door shut and a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.
"Andre, not right now I'm not in the mood to be honest." I say turning around to look at him.
"What's wrong? did I do something?" He asks sitting on the edge of my bed.
I stood there for a moment, my mind racing a million miles a second, trying to think about what I should say, but instead my brain spits the words out for me.
"Why don't you kiss me?" I blurted out staring into his eyes that are giving out a shocked look.
He sat there looking at me for a moment before replying.
"Oh, I'm just not the kissing type of guy, its nothing against you Jen." He says with a faint smile, trying to reassure me.
I give him a smile, feeling a bit better about what he said, some people just aren't the kissing type of people, and I can understand that.
*Time skip*
Where at the party and it's been a blast so far, me and Trina have been taking shots back-to-back and goofing around playing beer pong, knowing damn well we are terrible. I toss the ball and miss, and Trina laughs out loud because we haven't made a single ball yet, As I'm laughing, I turn around and catch Andre over by the staircase kissing a girl I've never seen before. Instant anger and sadness fill me inside as tell Trina I'll be right back and make my way over to him. Without thinking, I tell the girl excuse me and step Infront of her. I shove Andre harshly and poke his chest. "Kissing's not really your fucking thing huh? You fucking asshole!" I yell as I continue shoving him up the stairs.
"Jenna, chill out, stop." He says grabbing my wrist and holding them so I can't push him anymore.
"Chill out? are you fucking serious, let the fuck go of me." I yank my wrist from his grip.
"You're not my girlfriend, you have no right to act like this, calm the fuck down, people are looking at us Jenna."
"Your right, I'm just your whore that you can come and fuck whenever you want, right? right, you piece of shit? don't ever fucking touch me or talk to me ever again!"
"You're not my whore, you're just someone I like having sex with, where adults, this is what adults do!" He yells back at me.
"Are you fucking serious? FUCK YOU!" I yell giving him one last good shove that knocks him against the stairs.
I walk out of the house hearing Andre calling my name from behind me, but I ignore it as I keep walking forward wanting to get home and lay in my bed. I hear a car pulling up next to me and hear Trina yelling my name telling me to get in the car which I do.
"How is Devin going to get home?" I ask shutting the car door, putting my seatbelt on.
"He's going to a girls house tonight, now are you going to tell me what the fuck I've missed the last 2 weeks with you and Andre?" She asks looking at me.
I try to hold my tears in, but it's no use. I start crying frantically because I'm so hurt from Andre.
"Andre and I have been hooking up, like every day the past 2 weeks, and It's gotten to the point where I have feelings for his stupid ass, so I asked him why he never kisses me and he Tell's me he just not a kissing person, which I get that, but then I catch him kissing some fucking girl and I just lost it." I say sobbing with tears streaming down my face.
"Okay that's a lot to unpack, you and Andre hooking up?! that is fucking wild." She says blowing everything else off
I give her a serious look with my sad eyes letting her know now is not the time.
"Fuck, sorry I had to get that off my chest."
Andre's POV.
"I didn't think she would get so upset dude, I thought we were just friends with benefits." I say to Devin as we are walking down the sidewalk about 20 minutes from home.
"Well now look at us, walking home and I was supposed to be going home with a girl, you're lucky your my friend." Devin jokes nudging my shoulder.
I let out a huge sigh and shove my hands in my pockets away from the cold night air. I can't help but feel bad inside for Jenna, but at the same time, we had no labels on us. I don't think I even want labels on us, I was just enjoying the sex with her, I didn't think she would get so attached.
"Bro, I'm walking with you for a reason, spit it out." Devin says snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I'm not going to be able to sleep with her anymore, I don't want her liking me more than what she already does, I feel bad for her, I feel like an asshole." I say exhaling looking over at him.
"Can I be honest with you bro?" Devin says stopping in his tracks and looking at me. I give him a nod telling him to say what he needs to say.
"Friends with benefits never stays friends with benefits bro, no one is out here having sex with the same person for 2 weeks without it turning into more, I mean unless your immune to feelings, but even I know you're not like that, you don't have any feelings for her? I mean the slightest bit?" He asks in a serious tone.
I didn't know how to answer the question, so the rest of the walk was silent, as Jenna was eating me up inside, but I really feel like she overreacted way too much. She's not my girlfriend, and I'm not her boyfriend, we were just friends fucking, and that's it. Maybe I do have feelings for her, feeling so bad for her, and constantly thinking about her.
Another 10 minutes go by, and we finally make it home and the house is quiet. I look over at Trina who is sitting out the couch and she mouths "asshole" too me and I roll my eyes at her and make my way to Jenna's door. I stand in front of it for a few to think about what I need to say before opening the door. I slowly open the door to a dark room with just enough moonlight coming in to see Jenna curled up in the bed and sniffling coming from her. I shut the door behind me and walk over to her but before I can reach the bed Jenna says.
"Get out, I told you I never want to talk to you again Andre." her voice is raspy and low from all the crying she's been doing, and it makes me feel worse.
"Jenna please, I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt this way, I really am sorry." She lays there not responding to what I said so I sit on the edge of her bed and look at her with a guilty look on my face.
"Please Jenna, at least talk to me, please." I place my hand on her leg, and she pushes my hand off her and uncovers her face from under her blanket, showing her stained face from her mascara and puffy eyes from endless crying.
"How Andre, how can you possibly fuck me for two weeks straight and not have any connection towards me, I mean you were legit spending most of your day, every day inside me, I mean fuck Andre." She says with even more tears streaming down her face.
"I don't know, honestly, I don't know how I can even answer that question, you're a beautiful girl, and I mean gorgeous. Attractive with everything you do and how you look, how you talk and when you laugh. But I'm not good for you, really. I grew up with a really rough life, I wasn't loved as a child, and now that I'm an adult, I don't know how to love others. I bounced around foster homes until I was 18, and at that point I was too old to be in foster care, I left and go into college and with the help of the state, I have no family Jenna, I don't know any better." I spill it all out to Jenna, tell her everything about me, something I never told anyone before, besides Devin because we have been best friends for years, but never a girl, never.
Jenna sits up with a different expression on her face, different from her one before, the one I caused in the first place.
"Andre, I'm sorry, I had no idea." She says placing her hand on top of mine.
"No, don't apologize, I'm the one in the wrong here, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm no good for you Jenna, you deserve someone who will love you the way you deserve, and that can't be me. I want nothing but what is the best for you, you deserve it. Goodnight Jenna." I give her hand a light squeeze before exiting her room and making my way into my room.
A/N: I'm sorry I'm ending it like this!! I have big plans for the story, New chapter coming very soon, so stay tuned, I love you all and thank you for all the support on this story, it means the world to me!!! :)
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cellsshapedlikestars · 2 months
"Ryan finally had a girlfriend that actually thought about him!!“ yes absolutely! I didn’t *hate* Marissa but I really disliked the Marissa/Ryan ship, they weren’t right together. Never even thought about it but it makes so much sense that you come from a The OC background.
The way you write modern Jon reminds me so much of Ryan (LOVE IT). So interesting that you tried to rework one of your existing fics into a Jonsa fic. I would honestly love a fic with some OC vibes. The only The OC Jonsa fic I’ve read was one where Sansa was put into Marissa‘s role and it did NOT fit. Thinking about it, Sandy and Kirsten Cohen definitely give off Ned and Cat vibes!
Also Happy Birthday!
I used to hate Marissa a lot, but I was younger then (it didn't help that the other people in my fandom vitriolically hated her lol). I can look back now and realize that Marissa was, unfortunately, the writer's favorite toy to create new drama, at the expense of her character.
And unlike almost every other character, she just wasn't fun for me (I will say, Seth sometimes bordered on too much for me, but usually he was fine). Like did Julie do terrible things? Sure, but oh boy when she showed up in a scene, I knew it would be a good time. I would rather watch her than Marissa any day of the week. Marissa would just suck the energy out of everything for me. But maybe that's a product of my old fandom, and I'd feel differently watching it now. I haven't rewatched in ages, tbh.
And I will say, I liked Marissa at the end of season 3! Because they were just wrapping up her character so she wasn't starting shit and she was actually just fun like she should've been the entire time. And they acknowledge that she & Ryan were toxic together, and better off as long distance friends. So when the time comes for her death, I'm actually sad!
I tried not to be too mean to Marissa in my fics... towards the end. Though I did write a one shot about her murdering Ryan lmaoooo. That's strictly on my livejournal... I think it's still there?
As for a Jonsa OC fic.... I've had one half written basically since I started writing fic again.
Ryan - Jon Trey - Aegon Sandy - Ned Kirsten - Cat Seth - Arya?
But there's where it sort of fails, because who is Sansa? Is SHE Seth? Where does she come in, unless I make her not related to the Cohen/Stark family. Or do I get rid of Kirsten/Cat, make her married to Jimmy/some other dude, and have Sansa as her daughter with Arya as Ned's?
Omg this got so long, but I'll include what I have written below the cut, which is literally just the opening scene, so don't get too excited lol.
They approach the car like it's prey, ducked down, creeping.
“I'm your big brother. If I don't teach you this, who will?" With that, Egg smashes out the window, the sound loud and echoing in the quiet alley. He opens the door and gets in, but Jon hesitates, looks over his shoulder towards the main road.
"Quit being a little bitch. Get in!"
And so Jon does, because he always does what Egg says. Just as he's about to get in the passenger side, it happens – a cop car rolls by on the main street, and Jon's heart lurches in his chest, but it passes.
And then it backs up.
“Come on!” Egg shouts, laughing and reckless. “Let's go, Jon!”
Jon slides into the passenger side and slams the door shut behind him, heart racing a mile a minute as Egg hotwires the car and gets it started, as the police cruiser turns down the alley.
And then they're off.
Down the street and out into the open, Egg pushing the throttle as hard as it can go, even on the small streets of Wintertown. Jon sits with one hand gripping the door handle, the other braced out in front of him on the dash.
“You should see your face, man,” Egg laughs, mouth wide, teeth glinting in the streetlights – sharp and dangerous. That same, reckless laughter Jon remembers from their father.
Sirens wail behind them and Jon knows this is it. This is where he finally dies, this is where everything catches up with him. At an intersection, Egg runs a red light, has to swerve to avoid an oncoming car.
“No, no, no, no,” Jon chants, shutting his eyes and bracing for impact. He doesn't know what they hit, just that he's thrown forward, the airbag slamming into his chest, the sound of crunching metal and squealing tires and sirens.
He feels groggy and weak as his eyes open, bright lights flashing and making him wince.
"Hands up! Get them up!" someone shouts. The police. "Hands on the dash where I can see them!"
For just a moment, Jon thinks about running. Pushing open the door, leaving Egg, and going as fast as his legs will take him. But his chest aches and his lungs burn and his head is spinning and so instead, he puts his hands up.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Void/Stiles Stilinski x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2939 words
Warnings: none
Summary: The reader finally gets up the courage to tell Stiles about her feelings for him but Stiles isn’t really himself at the time. 
You should have seen this coming.
Of course Stiles was never going to go for a girl like you. All your lives he had been absolutely obsessed with Lydia Martin and lord knows you looked nothing like her. You were never going to look anything like her, but it was easy to ignore when it was just her.
Stiles had always liked her, drooling over her in math class and talking about her every chance he got but you both knew he had about as much of a chance with her as you did with him.
It wasn’t going to happen.
...but now he had Malia.
She was just as thin and gorgeous as Lydia was, but she was actually into him. She wanted to go out with him and there was nothing stopping them from going for it, why would there be?
It wasn’t like Stiles had any clue that you had been in love with him since middle school or that you were actively more and more in love with him as time went on.
He didn’t know you thought about him as much as he thought about them, or beat yourself up because you were never going to be a size three like Lydia was.
You adored him, but he was never going to see that.
It made you feel so empty, like the last seven years didn’t mean anything to him which wasn’t even close to true. You knew that both Scott and Stiles cared a lot for you, like they cared for each other but it wasn’t enough.
You wanted Stiles to daydream about you, to see you, because you were right in front of him. You would have done anything for him, and did, but for some reason, it was still like you didn’t exist.
It was getting old.
Really old, and the more you thought about it, the more the reality of the situation upset you. You had been there for Stiles all his life.
You were right by his side when his mom got sick, and beat up Jackson Whittemore once in the eighth grade for calling him a geek, but none of that seemed to matter to him.
Stiles still couldn’t see you.
“You’ve been staring at them for thirty minutes” Scott hummed, shaking you out of your thoughts with a bump to your shoulder with his own. You were searching for anything that could explain the strange occurrences around here as of late, but there was nothing.
It wasn’t your fault watching Stiles canoodle with his new girlfriend was more entertaining than looking through some dusty old book.
“I have not” you sighed, shooting him an almost defensive look as you glanced back down at the book in question. Had he been anyone else you may have pretended to have your shit together, but Scott knew better.
He knew the two of you better than anyone else in the world, and even if he wasn’t the true alpha, which he also happened to be, it wasn’t hard to see what was going on.
You clearly liked him, in a way that wasn’t just platonic like your relationship was. You had never gotten so shook up when Scott was seeing a girl, he would have noticed.
“It’s okay, I get it” he tried, hoping that you weren’t going to try and shut him out over this again. Scott had tried to have this conversation with you a few times already, and it never worked out the way he wanted.
You always got cagey and didn’t want to talk about it.
“No you don’t, Scott. You’ve dated every girl you ever had a crush on, because you’re you” you grumbled, poking him in the abs as aggressively as you could without hurting him to prove your point.
He didn’t ever have to worry about the things you did.
Not only was Scott one of the sweetest and most brave men you’d ever known, but he also couldn’t have been in better shape if he wanted to. He looked like one of those perfectly sculpted men in the movies, with six pack abs and chiseled muscles.
It wasn’t like he constantly had to live with the knowledge that the person he loved most in this world didn’t love him back because he wasn’t good enough. You knew that Stiles didn’t feel the same way about you because you weren’t as skinny as you could have been, or as pretty as the others were.
At this point, you doubted he even saw you as a girl at all because you were just his best friend, and that was it. That was what you’d always been and considering how oblivious he was to the feelings you had for him, it wasn’t surprising.
You weren’t even on his radar in that way.
“First of all, ow! Second of all, you’re super cute, why wouldn’t he be into you?” Scott wondered, that same supportive, loving tone that was always in his voice making itself known to you. He really did believe that, not that it made you feel better.
That was all you were ever going to be.
Puppies were cute, and everyone loved them but no one was actively dreaming of taking their favorite puppy out on a date or dreaming about a puppy out loud to their friends. You didn’t date someone just because they were cute, which was the whole problem.
You didn’t want to be cute.
You wanted to be beautiful, to be hot, to be drop dead gorgeous in the way that Lydia was, and it killed you every day that you weren’t.
“Thanks Scott, but I don’t think cute is gonna cut it” you decided, closing the book in front of you as a way of closing this conversation before getting up and heading out of the library.
It didn’t make any sense to Scott.
It was clear to him that you and Stiles had something that could very well be a great relationship but you kept getting in your own way and it wasn’t like Stiles knew what he was doing. 
Some days, Scott worried he’d leave his head at home if it wasn’t attached.
“Hey Y/N, think about it” he called, catching the way you turned around to look at him before heading out to the parking lot.
There was no way Stiles was going to come to the conclusion that you cared about him as anything more than a friend on his own, and until you got that push to do it yourself, it wasn’t going to happen.
He just had to wait for one or both of you to take that chance.
Scott had a point.
Of course he did, Scott usually had a point as much as you hated to admit it. You were super cute, and while it might not have been enough, there really weren’t that many reasons why Stiles wouldn’t be into you.
Now, all you had to do was figure out what you were going to do about it, before all desire to do so left your body completely if it hadn’t already. 
You had only been trying to sike yourself up about this for the past hour in the rear view mirror and it just wasn’t happening.
You felt like an idiot.
Here you were, sitting across the street from Stiles’ house like a creep, without a single idea of what you were actually going to say to him if you ever made it to his front door. It didn’t make any sense, this was a guy you’d known since you were a kid.
You had never had a problem saying anything to him or doing whatever you wanted, but now, the idea of even looking him in the face was enough to make you want to be sick. It was hardly fair but you had done this to yourself after all.
It was perfectly fine before, even if you were unhappy. No one else had to know that you had feelings for him and you could just suffer in silence but now that you had Scott in your corner, it was hard not to want to try.
Surely your shared best friend was the best authority on whether or not there was anything between you and Stiles. If anyone was going to know anything, it was the true alpha, after all. 
That was like, his whole thing.
“You can do this. You’ve fought monsters, this is just Stiles” you reminded yourself, before pushing the mirror away completely, getting out of the car before you could buckle back up and drive home. It was now or never, and whatever happens, happens.
You couldn’t worry about it now.
“Hey Stiles, are you feeling better?” you hummed, the words barely registering under your breath as you tried to figure out what you wanted to say. You’d had this nightmare a million times over but you’d never actually considered doing it on your own.
Now that you were, the words just weren’t coming to you like they should have been.
“I just had something I wanted to run by you” you tried, testing out how that would sound before immediately scrapping it. That sounded like you were making some kind of business proposal and you certainly weren’t.
It had to be perfect.
Not that you had time to actually nail down what you wanted to say before you found yourself at his front door, already having knocked out of habit. Again, you briefly considered sprinting back to your car before it opened but you couldn’t make your feet move.
You knew that you had to do this.
“Hey Stiles, I was hoping we could talk” the words left your lips before you could police them, as soon as the door opened. You knew that it was hardly the smoothest you could have been but at this point, there was nothing between the two of you to soften the blow.
You just had to get this over with. If he accepted your feelings, he accepted them but if he didn’t, there was nothing you could do to change that either.
Naturally, those words freaked Stiles out a little because he assumed something terrible had happened but you didn’t seem as panicked as you should have been if someone was dying. This was a little more than your usual high strung but not by much.
“Yeah for sure, are you okay?” he allowed, moving away from the doorframe to let you in before closing the door behind you both. His dad was working late again, so it would just be the two of you but that had never been a problem before.
Especially lately, you and Stiles had killed time on several nights when Scott was busy with the pack or on date night. It wasn’t strange for you to be alone together, normally but there was a strange air about it today.
You just couldn’t tell if it was coming from him or you.
You knew that Stiles had been having a little trouble sleeping lately, and the nightmares were driving him crazy but the pack was going to handle it. 
The pack always took care of those kinds of things and you both knew Scott wasn’t going to let anything happen to him.
All he had to do was wait it out and try to relax in the meantime.
…And of course, you were having a hard time being your calm and collected self as you tried to figure out the best way to go about this whole thing.
It wasn’t every day you confessed your feelings to your best friend after all.
“I’m alright, I just have something I want to talk to you about is all” you shrugged, sitting down on the couch. This was a lot harder to do than you could have ever thought, and it just seemed like it wasn’t going anywhere.
There was only so much stalling you could do before you had to tell him the truth.
“Okay, I guess I’m just gonna put it all out there,” you sighed, your hands falling on your thighs. This was your last chance to walk away and no one would ever have to know what it was you were hiding, and that almost seemed like the right thing to do.
Though, the way he was looking at you took that all away.
You knew that if you ever had a chance at being with him in the way you wanted, you had to be able to tell him how you felt, at the very least.
Here goes nothing.
“I’m in love-with you” you allowed, exhaling as if you’d been holding that in your lungs all this time, which you pretty much had. You had no idea how this was supposed to feel, but you were pretty confident it wasn’t like this.
He didn’t even say anything at first.
All you could see was Stiles rubbing his temple out of the corner of your eye, his eyes screwed shut. It was hardly the reaction you had been expecting but at that moment, it didn’t even matter. You knew what he’d been going through, and it worried you.
It always worried you, especially knowing about his mom and all the stress he’d been under lately. 
Needless to say, you were more than happy to forget about everything you’d just said in favor of making sure he was alright, especially if your words had upset him.
If he didn’t feel the same, you would have happily moved on as if this moment had never happened. It would be easier than having to swallow that rejection.
You didn’t know if you could handle that after all this.
You had been hiding your feelings for Stiles all this time, and now that you said it out loud, you hoped you’d feel better but you just didn’t. This whole thing was really starting to seem like a mistake, and you didn’t even know everything yet.
Neither did Stiles.
In reality, he was more than thrilled at your confession but something was wrong. He felt like he wasn’t in control, like he wasn’t even in his own body anymore. It didn’t make any sense but he had never had a feeling like this before.
Stiles was vulnerable.
Before this moment, the Nogitsune hadn’t been able to break through to the surface but you provided the crack in his armor that it needed to escape. It was perfect, at least for the void, it certainly wasn't going to be pleasant for you.
After all, it had been a long time since it had seen the light of day and it was hungry, hungry and wearing your little lover boy like a cheap Halloween costume. Of course it was going to use that against you, void would be an idiot not to.
Your love for the boy made you little more than an exposed nerve, one that the Nogitsune could poke and prod at all it pleased until it was satisfied.
...and it certainly intended to.
All at once, there was a huge change in the room between the two of you, and more specifically, in Stiles. 
There was a cold, darkness to him that you had never seen which you didn’t even realize was there until he started laughing, a deep chuckle leaving his throat.
You weren’t ready for it, but what you were less ready for was what happened when he spoke.
“Did you really think I could ever feel like that, for you? We both know that’s a little crazy” he scoffed, an almost mocking tone that didn’t sound like Stiles at all. It shocked you, in all honesty, but not for the reason you may have thought.
Deep down, you knew that Stiles wouldn’t be interested in you but you never could have imagined him being so aggressive and cruel in his rejection of you.
He’d never spoken to anyone like that before, especially not you.
“I just-” you tried, but he stopped you before you could even try to get through this whole thing with any dignity at all. For the Nogitsune, this was all fun and games, but for you, it was so much more than that.
This was quite possibly the worst moment of your life.
“You aren’t blind, you had to have known this wasn’t going to work out the way you wanted. I mean, look at you?”
Stiles was screaming, using everything he had to try and get through to you, to overpower whatever this thing in his head was, but he couldn’t make it happen. It was too much, too strong, and all he could do was sit back and let it happen.
He knew it was breaking your heart, he could see it in your face but no matter how hard he fought, there was nothing he could do to get back in control. He felt like he was locked in a cage in his own head, and someone else had the key.
He just didn't know who.
You sat there for a second more as you tried to process whatever it was that was happening right now before you felt tears pricking in the corner of your eyes, and decided that it was probably time to leave.
Staying here any longer was just going to make this worse. Besides, it wasn’t as if Stiles was in the mood to talk this out or even treat you like a person.
Clearly, Scott was wrong, being cute wasn’t enough to make someone care about you.
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blooming-violets · 2 years
🌼 ; I love your blog // writing 💕
You got an angsty one! (I cheated a little bit and skipped the first picture of a cute fluffy cat chilling in the sunlight and went for the pic of Peter instead. The cat would have thrown this whole thing off.) [x]
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The one with the high school bullying au.
Moving here your senior year was hard enough without the constant whispers being spread about you behind your back. You had gone to one party your first week here in an attempt to make friends. Had one too many drinks. Made out with a few equally drunk guys. And suddenly you were known as the new girl who was willing to spread her legs for anyone. Like most rumors, they weren't even true. You'd never had sex with anyone. It was just kissing. The truth didn't matter when it came to gossip though. Your label had been set and that was the role you were given. The school slut. A funny title for a virgin.
The rain slammed against the windows of your Chemistry class that afternoon. You tried to focus on the calming sound of it instead of the note being secretly passed around the room. You knew it was about you by the way your peers would glance back after reading it and snicker. Then they'd hand it off to the next person and the cycle would continue. Whatever it was obviously hilarious to them.
Oops this was a little longer than I meant it to be. Sticking it under a read more to not clog things up.
The note made it's way to a boy you had yet to learn the name of. You didn't bother with most of their names. You just hoped you fade back into anonymity soon enough. Hopefully they'd get bored in time and move on to the next sorry soul.
You watched out of the corner of your eyes as the boy opened the note, rolled his eyes, and crumbled it up in his hands. He tossed it across the room to land it perfectly in the barrel. A flurry of annoyed groans followed his action but he ignored them to rest his head in his arms.
The bell rang for lunch and everyone filed out the door with loud chattering. You tagged in the back, waiting until everyone left the room, and sneakily reached into the barrel to pull out the crumpled paper.
A crude drawing of you surrounded by a bunch of badly drawn dicks greeted you. You crumpled the paper back up and tossed it into the trash suddenly not feeling very hungry for lunch.
When you opened your locker to put your books away, you jumped back as a rubber dildo fell out and landed at your feet. A chorus of laughter erupted behind you.
You turned to see a group of students looking at you and laughing. Your stomach dropped in shame. You couldn't take much more of this. You slammed the locker shut and hurried down the hall away from them.
You didn't want to be here anymore. At your old school, your friends used to sneak out to skip class and smoke pot all the time. You were good at slipping away before any authority figures could see you.
A side entrance led out into the facility parking lot. You snuck outside into the pouring rain. The freezing water soaked through your clothes and seeped into your skin. There was no way you'd be able to go back to class now. You gave a frustrated yell and kicked at a rock, angry and hurt by the way you were being treated. It had two weeks since the move and you already hated it here.
You felt alone. All your friends were three states away. The people here hated you. You made a terrible first impression. You missed your friends. You missed your home.
Your tears mixed in with the raindrops and you sunk to your knees at the edge of the parking lot, hiding behind someone's car. Sobs racked through your chest and you wrapped your arms around your wet stomach.
Over the pounding of the rain on the pavement, you heard someone clear their throat. Your stomach dropped with dread. It had to be a member of staff who found you. Your wiped your eyes and looked over your shoulder.
The boy from your chemistry class who had thrown away the paper was standing behind you. The rain had plastered his hair to his face and droplets ran down the tip of his nose.
"What you doing out here?" You asked with a sniffle.
"I just love the rain. I'd thought I'd stand out here and look for worms. Maybe catch a cold if I'm lucky."
It took you a beat to realize he was joking and you rolled you eyes, "You're weird."
He laughed under his breath, "That says a lot coming the girl sitting in a puddle. I'm Peter, by the way. You're the new girl, right?"
Your shoulders tensed, "I'm not going to fuck you if that's what you're after. Anything you heard about me a lie."
Peter blinked and shuffled his foot awkwardly against the ground, "That's not at all what I was after. I just...wanted to make sure you were okay...this school is full of idiots. I thought maybe you could use a friend." He paused and thought about it for a moment. "Okay, I thought maybe I could use a friend, too."
You pushed yourself off the ground. Your pants were soaked and you were starting to shiver. You extended your hand to him to shake and gave him your name. "My house is a few blocks from here. Want to run away together?"
Peter smiled, "I'd like that very much."
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drakenology · 4 years
Arguments - feat Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima and Tamaki Amajiki
author’s note: i’m feeling angsty today. so this is gonna be about arguing with some of the bnha characters. anyone else feel off today? just me?
warnings: swearing, angst, fluff 🥺, and suggestive themes not full on smut. characters aged up! some of these are long.. i was feeling dramatic
headers from @annicon
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as much as i love this man i can admit he would be SOO stubborn
would get frustrated easily
yells 🥺
he knows when to walk away when the conversation isn’t getting anywhere which is good
would NEVER hurt you (i’ve seen ppl write that this mf hits you... girl...domestic violence is not an aesthetic.)
he isn’t the best with words so it’ll take him a little while to admit he’s wrong because he can’t verbalize how sorry he is sometimes
when he does he’ll hug and kiss you and apologize like a million times after he’s done being a stubborn little prick.
gives you the best “i’m sorry “ dick imaginable holy shit
Bakugo done did it. He pissed you off. You were already having a terrible day and then you come home to this motherfucker with a bunch of people over after you told him that you weren’t in the mood for company. So for the rest of the night when everyone left, you gave him the silent treatment knowing that he HATES when you ignore him on purpose.
You say nothing, continuing scrolling through your phone to look like you were preoccupied.
“Y/N, what’s your problem? I know you hear me.” Bakugo persists.
You ignore him, turning your back to face him. He grunts and grabs your shoulder, turning you back around to face him.
“Y/N if you’re pissed at me just say that. But ignoring me is fucking immature and it’s pissing me off!” He yells. Translation: “What did I do? 🥺”
“I’M pissing YOU off!? That’s funny. Because it’s not like you didn’t completely ignore my fucking feelings tonight. Why did you invite Kirishima and Denki over after I specifically said I didn’t feel like playing fucking HOSTESS!” You shout back, throwing your phone somewhere.
“Are you serious!? I never told them to come here they just showed up. What was I supposed to do tell them to piss off!?” Katsuki asked.
“YES!” You scream, annoyed that he’s not getting the reason why you’re upset. You never minded having Bakugo’s friends over but you just wanted to have a calm night with just the two of you. You were exhausted and fixing dinner for you and 3 other people and listening to loud chatter about sports and video games was not on your to-do list.
“This is so fucking petty! I don’t get why you’re so mad that they came over.” Katsuki said shrugging his shoulders.
“That’s the problem, idiot! You don’t fucking get it! I worked all day today. I just wanted us to relax but no, you wanted to have a fucking guys night in my living room! It’s the complete disregard for my feelings that’s pissing me off not the fact that they came. I told you I was tired and you having them come over anyways was like a big fuck you to me!” You explain, your face pulled into a face Katsuki knows is your angry face. Bakugo sighs, not ready to admit that he was wrong.
“Tch. Whatever. I’m gonna go sleep on the fucking couch. Let me know when you’re done being fucking frigid.” He shouts, clearly out of anger.
Katsuki leaves your shared room and slammed the door, you throwing yourself onto the bed. You feel tears sting your eyes as you sob into your pillow. You hated fighting with Bakugo, and you knew he hated it too. He has a hard time expressing himself without getting defensive sometimes. But you knew he felt bad. You sigh and close your eyes and go to sleep.
The next morning you get up from bed and get ready to start your day. You shower and brush your teeth, you and Bakugo strategically avoiding each other all morning to go and do your daily routines. You didn’t utter a word to each other. Just questions and short answers.
“Got work?”
The silence killed you both as you sat at the table and ate breakfast, Bakugo’s face pulled into a frown as he ate. You roll your eyes and go to put your dishes in the sink and grab his once he’s done. You can hear him get up from his chair as you wash both your plates and dry them. You had assumed he was leaving so you just wash all the rest of the dishes without turning your back. Suddenly you felt familiar arms wrap around your waist.
“Let me go.” You say, tearing up at the sudden touch. He was trying to make up with you and you were so ready to forgive him. The tension was almost too much to bear. This fight was small and it turned into something way bigger than need be.
“Not until you listen to me. I’m sorry, ok? I should have never yelled at you the way I did. And calling you frigid wasn’t ok either. I shoulda just told everyone to go home. We have those dumbasses over all the time. One night wouldn’t have killed me. I’m sorry. Can we just forget this shit ever happened? I hate it when you’re mad at me.” He pleaded, burrowing his face into the crook of your neck. You smile and turn around to look at his face, cupping his cheeks in both your hands as you stand on you tip toes to kiss him. He kisses you back eagerly, happy that you and him are back on good terms. He pulled away from the heated kiss and looks at the clock on the microwave.
“6:30...we still have an hour to kill. If you’re late I’ll drop you off.” Katsuki says, his eyes turning dark with feral lust.
“Late? What are yo-“ you’re interrupted by Bakugo pulling you into your bedroom with determination to make things right.. his way.
Tamaki (🥺 my new found love)
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Tamaki is NOT a confrontational person so arguing with you is really hard. He hates raising his voice or even getting to a point to where he’s angry because he doesn’t want to think about hurting you in anyway.
He’ll shut down and turn cold or try and act nonchalant.
he might even avoid conflict by changing the subject
if he’s riled up enough though he’ll cuss you out.. to his dismay
doesn’t like being mad at you and vice versa
hates arguments.. like honestly can you just get over it so he can eat you out now?
speaking of eating you out, he gives apology head and he won’t stop until you say you forgive him.
Tamaki didn’t like to admit it but he was really jealous. Like really really jealous like YANDERE type jealous. You and him were out to dinner with Mirio so you were all chatting about mindless nothing, catching up like you always do. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary for you but to Tamaki it appeared that Mirio was a little too playful at dinner with you. He was cracking jokes and poking fun and Tamaki took it as him flirting with you; which Mirio would never disrespect your relationship like that. Rage sat in the pit of Tamaki’s chest as you laugh at all his jokes. He was furious but hid it pretty well for the night.
“And then Tamaki wet himself in front of the whole class when I scared him with my quirk in middle school. Can you believe it?” Mirio laughs, causing you to laugh at the thought.
“Oh leave him alone, Togata.” You giggle, waving your hand in front of your face to stop the tears from laughter. He had been making you laugh all night all to Tamaki’s disliking. He was quiet all dinner, which you noticed immediately after Togata’s last joke.
“Hey Tamaki, is everything ok?” You ask, concerned that he might not want to be out anymore.
“Yeah.” He said coldly. “Actually I’m just gonna go to the car. I feel kinda sick.” He stands from his seat and walks to the exit, absolutely fucking furious that you were “flirting” with his childhood friend right in front of him.
“Awkward. What’s up with him?” Mirio asks, completely dumb founded by Tamaki’s sudden disappearance.
“I dunno. I’m gonna go to the car and see what’s wrong. Do you mind?” You ask, standing from your seat.
“Nah that’s cool. I’m actually gonna head out. You go on ahead, Y/N. I’ll take care of the tab.. this time.” Mirio jokes. You giggle and thank him, walking towards the exit. You walk through the parking lot and find the car, seeing Tamaki sitting in the passenger side with his arms crossed across his chest. What was his deal? You open the car door and sit in the driver’s side to meet a thick tension.
“What’s wrong Tamaki? Do you really feel sick or are you upset with me?” You ask.
“Why don’t you ask Mirio? I’m sure he’ll be able to answer since he’s the only guy you talked to all night. It was like I wasn’t even there.” Tamaki says, calm but obviously pestered.
“Is that was this is about? Tama you know it wasn’t like that. Mirio has always been a jokester what’s the difference now?” You ask, getting a little upset at his accusation.
“The difference is that he was trying to make a pass at you. He was so obviously flirting with you.” He says, his tone becoming stern. You’re shocked at how he was getting, frowning at how unreasonable he was being.
“No he wasn’t, Tamaki.” You say, looking him dead in his eyes.
“Yes he was. I’m not about to fight with you about this he was clearly fucking flirting with you. He joked with you all night and you laughed at every single thing he said. You must want to fuck him, don’t you?” He asked, looking at you with some sort of betrayal in his eyes. This infuriates you.
“What are you talking about!? You know I would never cheat on you Tamaki. Especially not with your best friend. What’s with you!?” You ask sternly, not amused or pleased in the slightest.
“Whatever, Y/N.” Tamaki says, looking out the car window while turning the other way so he’s not facing your side of the car. He knew this was stupid and he knew your loyalty was never to be questioned but he couldn’t shake this feeling of jealousy.
“No. You don’t get to start a fight and then blow me off when you’re through arguing! Talk to me!” You yell, furious at this point. Tamaki shrugs, avoiding the situation entirely now.
“Just drive. I wanna go home.” He says, not taking his eyes off the view from his window. You roll your eyes and start the car, pulling out of the parking lot to start your way home. The drive home was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. You were so angry that you didn’t talk to Tamaki the whole way home, knowing you’d probably cuss him out if he said the wrong thing. Tamaki immediately felt bad after picking that fight. He didn’t know what came over him, he knew he had to make it up to you before you two go to bed angry with each other. You approach your shared apartment and park the car, silence still riddling the car. The tension between you both was intense and it scared you. You’ve never seen Tamaki this upset. Jealousy was always an issue for him but he’s never reacted this strongly.
“Y/N?” Tamaki says breaking the silence. You look at him, a little relieved that he’s talking to you again.
“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that to you. I know you’d never cheat on me, of course. But I was just so jealous. It felt like you and Mirio were on a date and I was just the third wheel. The thought of him taking you from me drove me crazy. I wasn’t thinking. Can you forgive me?” He says, placing his hand on top of yours on the steering wheel. You sniffle, tearing up at his apology.
“Tamaki, I’m sorry I made you feel like that. I love you so much. No one could ever take your place, not even Mirio. I’d never betray you like that, ever.” You sob, tears flowing down your face. Tamaki questioning your loyalty really hurt your feelings and he hated seeing you cry.
“I know that. Please don’t cry. I’m so sorry, Y/N. It was so stupid of me to even assume.” He says, taking his hand and wiping your tears away. He took your hand and gave it a sweet kiss to soothe you, rubbing circles with his thumb on it as he consoled you. You giggle and wipe your tears, happy that you guys made up after that silly fight.
“Let’s go inside.”
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arguments between you two get heated. It gets to a point where sometimes you don’t speak to each other for days. he’ll definitely give small reminders that he still loves you to butter you up to alleviate some of the tension.
raises his voice
just as stubborn as bakugo
to a fault of his upbringing facing his emotions was hard for him sometimes, causing him to be cold when you fight
when it’s time to get over it and make up he’ll make it a huge event; flowers, chocolates and lots of freaky apology sex
cant stand arguing with you just like tamaki but wont back down in the slightest
is sure he doesn’t say anything harsh to make the situation worse.
“Why are you being so stubborn?!” You shout at your bi-colored haired boyfriend. The two of you have been fighting all day to your surprise. Shoto was usually easy going and you two hardly fought. But today, a bug seemed to have crawled up Todoroki’s ass and he’s been picking fights all day. You’ve been arguing about small things like who left the bathroom light on or who ate the last hot pocket. Right now it was an argument about when you’re going to meet his father Endeavor. It’s been almost a year since you two have been together and you don’t even think his father knows you exist.
“For the last time Y/N we’re not going to my dad’s house. That’s final! You can argue with yourself about this. End of discussion.” Shoto says, very annoyed at the thought of being near his father. He still couldn’t stand him, even as an adult. He can’t bring himself to bring you around him because he knows how he can be. If he even says something slightly rude to you he’ll flip the fuck out. You groan in frustration, wishing he’d at least consider.
“He doesn’t know we’re together does he!? What am I to you some secret? Why did you stay with me all this time if your family doesn’t even know I exist !?” You shout, tearing up with seering anger.
“It’s not that. Of course he knows we’re together; my whole family knows! Why do you want to involve him so badly?!” Shoto yells.
“Why wouldn’t I want to meet my fucking boyfriend’s father!? You’re not making any sense.” You say, getting more and more frustrated as Shoto makes excuses.
“You know what? Fine. We’ll go meet him tomorrow. But as soon as he treats you like you’re not good enough for me don’t be surprised when I tell you I fucking told you so. God you can be so stubborn sometimes.” Shoto shouts, rolling his eyes at you.
“Oh I’M stubborn!? That’s rich coming from you. You’re being so unreasonable right now. I know you and your father-“
“YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT MY FATHER. Stop speaking on things you haven’t the first idea about!” Shoto yells, punching a nearby wall. (Oop.) You flinch, shocked at how angry he got so quickly. You tear up and run off to your bedroom, Todoroki immediately regretting getting so upset with you. He scared you and that’s something he never wanted to do to you under any circumstances. You cried yourself to sleep that night, angry that things got so heated. Why did he react like that? And why was he treating you as if you knew nothing about him and his father. He would vent to you about him all the time and you gave him advice when you could. But tonight you felt like you were nothing but an outsider. Shoto didn’t even bother coming into the room. He couldn’t face you after making you cry. Right now, he hated himself for treating you like that. He was just so afraid of his father’s judgement he didn’t want him to hurt your feelings with how crass he was. If Endeavor found the slightest thing wrong with you he’d never let you or him forget it. He could hear him now calling you unworthy of the Todoroki name. The thought alone enraged him. In his own cryptic way, he was trying to protect you from him but this was no way to do it nor did he have the right. Todoroki slept on the couch, missing your warmth against him in your bed.
The next morning the two of you drove to the Todoroki estates in silence. You were still pissed at him and Shoto didn’t want to say anything to further upset you. He was annoyed he was making this trip in the first place but he knew he had to man up for your sake. It was unfair of him to try and keep you away from his family especially since you would one day take on his name and be a part of the family when he married you. He knew he couldn’t keep you away forever, but god couldn’t he have had a little more time? He dreaded this day.
“Ready?” Shoto asks coldly, trying to hide his remorse from his tone. You nod, getting out of the car before he could walk over and open the door for you. Shoto is surprised and gets out with you, guiding you to his old home. He can’t lie, he’s so fucking nervous. What if he hates you? Not that he cares what he thinks, he’ll marry you anyway but still. He at least wants his blessing. You walk with Shoto to the main room of the home and wait for Endeavor to come downstairs. Suddenly you hear footsteps from across the room. It was him. He was tall and his aura was so dark and intimidating.
“You must be Y/N.” Endeavor says, looking down at your small frame. You nod, a wave of nervousness shooting through your body.
“N-Nice to meet you sir.” You bow respectfully.
“No need for that. Please, have a seat.” Endeavor says gesturing to the couch. You and Shoto sit down next to each other, Endeavor following suit by sitting across from you two.
“So.. how long have you two been together?” Endeavor asks, his booming voice almost sending an echo throughout the empty room. You gulp and look towards Shoto.
“10 months.” He answers for you, taking your hand to calm you. You’re still mad at him but god you’re glad he’s doing his best to ease your anxiety.
“And you just now arrange a meeting? Hm.” Endeavor questions, looking at you as if he was scanning you to find something irredeemable about you. You look down at your lap, unable to keep eye contact with the intimidating man.
“I-I wanted to meet with you sooner. Me and Shoto fought about coming here last night but I convinced him.” You say nervously.
“I see. You seem like an ok girl. Shoto has had his fair share of.. inadequate women in his life so, you’re a step up from the rest.” Endeavor says, motioning for a maid to make you all some tea. You laugh nervously, Shoto squeezing your hand in annoyance. Was that a compliment?
“You two seem like you’ve been fighting.” Endeavor says suddenly, observing both your body language. You’re both shocked as you turn to look at each other. How’d he know that?
“What’s it to you?” Shoto asks, glaring at his father.
“Oh nothing. But if you’re planning on marrying this girl it’s probably best to not argue too much with her. Hell, she might up and leave.”
Shoto looks at you, pain in his eyes. The look on his face alone said “I’m sorry.” Shoto hated to admit it but his father was right. Fighting as much as you have been, especially the fight you had last night was toxic and could take a toll on your relationship.
You smile at him and turn to Endeavor
“I’d never leave him.” You say, snuggling closer to Shoto as he blushed. He was embarrassed that he was being so vulnerable around his father but he knew that only you could make this happen.
After a long conversation with Endeavor and Shoto, you leave with a feeling that you might have won him over. You think? He was hard to read, just like Shoto. He was more like his father than he likes to admit. Shoto opens the car door for you to get inside and then walks to the drivers side to come in. You sit in the car for a while, silent until Shoto grabs you and leans over to kiss you. You kiss him back, tearing up into the kiss.
“I’m sorry, snowflake. I can’t believe I raised my voice at you like that. I was just so scared that he was gonna hate you and say something disrespectful. I should have just told you that instead of being defensive. I’m so so sorry I scared you. Please forgive me. ” He pleaded, peppering kissing on your face.
“I know. And I forgive you.” You giggle, pulling Todoroki closer to you to kiss him again.
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Out of all the boys he’s the least stubborn when it comes to fighting. But don’t be fooled, he’ll argue you down. he’s very good at managing his temper when it comes to you.
Regrets starting a fight in the first place
Just wants to cuddle and go back to normal
But when he’s angry hooo boy
doesn’t even yell, he’s like a calm angry which is terrifying
tries talking over you, trying to plead his case
will not rest until the situation is resolved and over with so you guys can move on
like all the others... apology sex
will try not to lose his patience
You and Kirishima had been together for a while now so it was only inevitable that you two have your first fight. You were always a vigilant person and wanted to help others even though you were quirkless like Deku was at one point. Kirishima is protective of you to a fault and the thought of you getting hurt or worse didn’t sit well with him at all. You assured him that you were capable of taking care of yourself and protecting yourself but he wasn’t having any of it. You spent years perfecting your martial arts skills, training your ass off for countless hours everyday and he knew that. But he didn’t want you to one day meet your match without him there to protect you.
“Y/N, drop it. You’re not going on missions with me and that’s final. It’s too dangerous.” Eijiro said, his brows furrowed. He was trying not to lose his patience with you but you kept insisting. He just wished you’d forget about this whole thing; for your safety.
“You don’t have the right to tell me what I can and can’t do! I’m fully capable for taking care of myself and you know that.” You yell, irritated at your boyfriend underestimating your abilities. Eijiro sighs and stands up from the couch to stand in front of you, inching so close you could almost kiss.
“I’ll die before I let you go out there. Do you know what would happen to me; to your friends and family if something happened to you!? We’d be crushed. Please just drop this.” Kirishima says, wanting to avoid this conversation all together. But alas, nothing was changing your mind. You were very head strong and stubborn to no avail so you weren’t going down without a fight.
“You can’t stop me!” You yell
“Oh I can’t?” Eijiro challenged.
“No. You can’t. You can’t treat me like a child, Eijiro.” You say. “How can you say I’m not ready if you don’t give me a chance to prove I am!?”
“Because you just aren’t! Okay!? You say you’re not a child but you’re acting like one and a petulant one at that. Just drop it! God, you can be so stubborn sometimes. Don’t you see I’m just trying to keep you safe!?” Kirishima yells, instantly regretting raising his voice at you and losing his cool. You tear up, furious that he’s treating you like some kid. You grab your stuff and prepare to leave his apartment.
“Where are you going?” Kirishima sighs
“Fuck you, Eijiro.” You say, walking away from him and going outside to cool off. Kirishima tries to grab you before you leave but you snatch your arm away from him and walk outside with a huff and a slam of the door. You wipe your hot tears away and start aimlessly walking down the street to go home. Hell, you don’t even know your way home from Eijiro’s place but you’ll be damned if you go back there. As you walk you see Kirishima’s car pull up to the side of you, driving slowly to keep up with your walking pace.
“Y/N please get in the car.” He says out the car window
“No! I don’t wanna talk to you so just go away!” You yell, continuing to walk as the brisk wind assaults your bare skin. Dammit you forgot your coat.
“Y/N! You’re being ridiculous just please get in the car. You left your jacket; it’s freezing out here!” Eijiro shouts, getting out of the car and grabbing you to pull you inside. You groan, obviously being overpowered by your strong boyfriend. Kirishima slams the door and gets back inside, drives back to his apartment and parks in the driveway. He sighs and leans his head on the steering wheel.
“I’m sorry I got so heated with you. But can you blame me? I’m worried about you. Sure we’ll be on these missions together but what if something happens? What if I’m not there to protect you when something goes wrong? These missions are unpredictable; anything could happen and I’d literally die if even a scratch is put on you.” Eijiro pleads. You start crying, sniffling at his words. He was right to be worried.
“I love you, Eijiro and I appreciate you being so concerned about me. But that doesn’t give you the right to shelter me. You can’t just force me to not follow my dream.” You sob, wiping your tears away. Eijiro grabs your hand and kisses it.
“I know. I just can’t bear the thought of you being hurt. But if this is what you really want, I have no choice but to at least see this through.” Kirishima says, holding your small hand in his two massive ones. You smile, putting your other hand on top of his.
“Thank you. Also, I’m sorry for saying fuck you to you. That was mean.” You say pouting.
“It was. Hurt my feelings.” Eijiro said faking sadness, immediately laughing as he watched your face frown up again at the thought of hurting his feelings.
“Oh shut up.”
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wearywinchester · 3 years
Tempered Confessions
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: When you put yourself in danger on a hunt, it leads to more than you expected.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: angst, mild swearing, injuries, arguing, blood, fluff, kissing
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You heave a sigh as you walk behind Dean, the one who walked more than a few paces ahead of you with nothing but anger in his stride. You huff as you bring your hand up to your cheek, swiping your fingers across it before pulling your hand away to look at it, lips pursing at the dull crimson smearing on them. It was something you expected with the way the hunt went, with the way things went so far south it was a miracle you were still alive.
But, with another sigh, you wipe your hand on your dirtied jeans and walk after the angry Winchester as he stormed through the back door of the deserted house.
He was more than a little angry, you could see it by the tension sitting heavy in his shoulders and the white knuckled grip he had on the rifle in his hand. With the way his footfalls could be heard from quite a ways away and the way he didn’t wait for you to catch up, didn’t say a word. Perhaps the most telling thing about his mood was the pale crimson staining his cheeks, nothing more than a blush to anyone else but you knew exactly what it meant and just how frustrated he’d been to flush.
He snagged his duffel bag from the floor, sitting it down on the nearby table as he looked through it briefly in case he’d left anything behind, zipping it up roughly without so much as a second glance in your direction.
You rolled your eyes at the way he was acting, your own anger building the more things went on like this. You hated it more than anything—hated the lack of communication after something goes wrong on a hunt, more specifically when something happens to you. He shuts down and stays quiet, he stomps around, having that crease between his brows.
You’d had enough.
“Dean,” you say as you follow after him through the mangled debris of broken furniture and out of the splintered front door. He had yet to say anything to you, continuing down the steps of the dilapidated porch and down the overgrown walkway towards the Impala. “Dean.”
You knew for a fact that he’d heard you even the first time you’d said his name, but he made no effort to show it nor give you any form of acknowledgment, tossing the rifle in the trunk without a care of where it landed. His duffel bag was next, the stuff inside of it having clattered together under the nonchalant throw of it. You could see the anger expressed clearly on his face, jaw tense and nostrils flared as he dug around in search of something he hadn’t entirely been sure of what it was he was looking for.
“Dean!” You say louder this time, his narrowed gaze snapping to you with nothing but frustration filling it. You had his attention now, full and unwavering, your heart pounding in your chest. “Will you please talk to me?”
His lips purse and brows furrow deeper as he nods, tongue darting out to swipe over them.
“What would you like to talk about, Y/n? How you walked in there, guns blazing by yourself, or how you nearly got yourself killed?” He said, voice loud and tone angry as he slammed his trunk closed. When he looked at you, your expression matched the one he wore, and he could see the way you bit the inside of your cheek. “So tell me, which of those things would you like to talk about ‘cause I got plenty to say.”
“Sure seems like it.” You could see his distaste for your words, his eyes rolling as he digs around in his pocket for his keys. You shift on your feet, breathing out a huff as you squint up at him and tilt your head to the side. “I had it handled.”
He laughed then, humorless as he looked away and shook his head, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek. You knew he was dangerously close to snapping, more than he already did, but even then you couldn’t find it in yourself to tread lightly. Your own anger was seeping out and boiling over the edge.
“Handled?” He says, his tone displaying his surprise as if that’d been the most ridiculous thing you’d ever spoken in your entire life. “If I didn’t get there when I did you’d be just as dead as the thing that killed you.”
“Yet I’m still standing here, Dean. I’m not dead ‘cause I had it handled like I do every other hunt we go on.”
He chuckles again, wetting his lips once more as he nods.
“Is that what you tell yourself? ‘Cause right now you’re standing here with blood runnin’ down your face and who knows where else. ‘Had it handled,’ my ass. Because that back there,” he says, pointing back towards the house as the keys dangled from around his finger. “That’s what happens when you don’t pay attention. You get hurt.”
Your gaze narrows as you look up at him, your temper flaring as you stand there. “Is this your way of trying to scare me off of hunting, Dean? This big, tough guy attitude you’ve got, the one you always have whenever something goes wrong, whenever I get hurt. This attitude, is that what you’re trying to do here?”
“Seems like I’m doin’ one hell of a bang up job then, aren’t I?” He counters, those dimples by the corners of his mouth appearing as his brows raise.
“Why does it bother you so much?” You say, watching as they fall back down to a narrowing gaze. “If I’m so terrible at what I do, I’ll find my own way.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’m not being ridiculous, Dean.”
“Yeah, you are. Those words never left my mouth, Y/n,” he says, jaw clenching tightly.
“They might as well have. You made that much clear by this hunt and all the other ones before this.”
You knew with every back and forth banter leaving your lips that anger simmering between the two of you was bound to intensify, was bound to boil over until one of you says something you might regret. But in the heat of the moment, you can’t find it in yourself to care about that because that’s how things worked in moments like this. There was arguing and glares, there were eye rolls and huffs and tense jaws. There was a certain emotion behind it that set itself apart from anger entirely.
“I’m not gonna stand here and argue about this all evening,” he says, pulling his gaze from you as he brushes by to get to the driver’s side door.
“No, I wanna know. Why does it bother you so much?”
You watch as he stills in his stride, back to you. You watch as his fists clench and unclench. You watched as his hand came up in what you assumed was to drag down his jaw in a way he always did when he was angry.
He spun around on his heel then, jaw tense as he took a step towards you.
“You wanna know why it bothers me so much?” He asks, cheeks still tinged pink. It was a question not meant to be answered, not with the words spilling from his lips soon after. “It bothers me so much because I care about you. Not in some stupid fake way, not because I’m obligated to. I care because I love you. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
Your squinted gaze and furrowed brows soften at his words, smoothing out as your arms drop to your sides in disbelief. You stand there quietly, you blink once, twice. To say you felt your ears had failed you in that moment was an understatement, because in the seemingly millions of times you’d run that over in your head in the seconds that passed, you don’t think it was possible that you did.
“You what?”
He looks to his side then, his laugh bitter as he shakes his head, teeth sinking into his bottom lip for just a moment. “You know what, forget it.”
“But Dean—”
“I said forget it, alright?” He says a bit louder, tugging open the driver’s side door. “Just get in the car. We’ll head out in the morning.”
The engine roared before you could get out another word, mouth closing as you bit the inside of your cheek, rounding the back end before getting in the passenger side. He sat there for a moment or two, his gaze lingering on you for something, anything. Meanwhile, the emotions were running wild as they flickered through your mind, your stomach fluttering and twisting in on itself as you thought over his words. Then his gaze shifted ahead, jaw tense as he turned up the radio, hightailing it out of there towards the motel.
The ride back was every bit the way you’d expected it to be, the tension so thick you almost couldn’t bear it as you sat and looked out the window the entire time. The entire time save for a few glances spared in the direction of the green eyed Winchester who stared straight ahead. Each and every time, you could see the way his jaw moved with the way his teeth clenched, and each and every time you looked away before he could see you staring. But every one of those times he felt it.
You got out of the car without a word, having snagged the motel key from his pocket at one point or another. A huff leaves his lips upon that realization, head shaking as you walked not that far behind you as you stuck the key in the door.
“Well aren’t you in a hurry,” he says under his breath, loud enough for you to hear and loud enough for you to bite your lip over it.
You shrugged off your jacket and tossed it on the bed you’d claimed when you first got there, brushing past him to head straight towards the bathroom. You didn’t see the way his gaze followed you, the way his tongue poked the inside of your cheek in a frustrated habit.
You grabbed the towel from where it hung on it’s hook, dampening it at the sink. It wasn’t until then that you realized just how bad that cut on your face looked. Maybe it was just the blood worsening the way it was, smeared and smudged from the amount of times you’d wiped your face. Maybe it really was bad, but you didn’t put much thought into it as you brought the towel to your cheek. Didn’t have much time to think about it.
“What are you doing?” He asked, rid of his jacket as he stood in the doorway.
“What’s it look like?” You ask as you continue to wipe at your face, wincing when you press too hard.
He rolls his eyes, stepping into the room some more.
“Gimme that,” he says, reaching for the towel.
“I can handle it myself, Dean,” you counter, turning away from him. Your tone was sharp as he continued to stand there, the effort to ignore him becoming harder and harder.
“I wasn’t asking,” he said, swiping the towel from your hand. You looked up at him with a narrowed stare, his expression unwavering and you knew you’d be better off giving up this argument. “You hate doing this.”
You held your stare up at him for a few moments, lips pursed as he returned your stare with ease. Heaving a sigh, you rolled your eyes, hopping up on the counter. A quiet chuckle left his lips as he shook his head, digging through the cupboard under the sink and pulling out the small, half-stocked first aid kit the motel had.
His attention returned back on you as you sat there, head turned away from him before you felt his hand grasping your chin in a gentle grip, redirecting your gaze. The look on his face was anything but thrilled as he swiped the dampened towel over your cheek, wiping away smudges of blood that surrounded the ever obvious cut adorning your cheek. It was one that could’ve been worse, one that was worse than his liking as he worked his way around it, and he could see the dark hues of purple blossoming under your skin.
He felt that same anger pulse through him at the sight, his jaw tightening and he loosened the already lax grip he had on your face in fear that maybe he’d forgotten in his frustration and held your face a bit too tightly, but it wasn’t something you noticed.
Well, you had noticed, you were very aware of the way he held your face, and the way your heart picked up it’s pace.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask, brows furrowing as you look up at him.
“Like what?” You tilt your head and give him a knowing look, one half filled with annoyance. He exhaled heavily through his nose, dropping the towel to the counter in favor rooting through the bandages he had a very limited variety of options for. Despite that, he still took his time. “‘Cause you could’ve prevented that nasty cut you got on your face. Was a little reckless if you ask me.”
You huff once more as you fight the urge to groan, shaking your head.
“Well it’s over and done with now,” you say, watching as he nods and lets out another quiet chuckle. “And I didn’t ask you.”
“You’re something else, but I’m sure you already knew that.”
You stifle your scoff as your teeth sink into your lip for a moment, watching as he finds just what he’d looking for in that tiny little kit, snapping the lid closed and tossing it back in the cupboard under the sink.
“I’m not really in the mood to argue again, Dean.”
“‘M not arguing. Are you arguing?” He asks, a look of faux confusion crossing his face.
You look away, rolling your eyes for the millionth time that day as you bite the inside of your cheek despite the tenderness sitting on the outside of it. You felt the breath of his sigh on your other cheek, his hand on your face once more as he turned your head to face him again.
“Can’t patch you up when you keep looking away,” he mumbles, lips pursed as his hand drops to rip open the wrappers to the closure strips he’d managed to find in there.
“Didn’t ask you to,” you say.
“Yeah, you told me that already.”
He peeled back the covers from the adhesive, his gaze returning to you. The closeness between the two of you has been becoming increasingly obvious to you, and the way his hand settles on your cheek becomes something you can’t push out of your mind no matter how hard you try to think of something else. It’s calloused and warm as his palm presses to your jaw, his thumb reaching across and pressing to the other corner of your mouth to hold you still as he puts each and every one of those strips on.
It’s then that your mind wanders to the words he’d spoken nearly an hour earlier, spoken from his lips in the heat of the moment and sticking permanently on the forefront of your mind. The very words that never once left his mind since the moment they spilled from his lips, playing over and over in a taunting loop that he doesn’t know if it’ll ever end.
You’re aware of the concentration he’s got on your cheek, on doing his best not to hurt you any further, his brows furrowed in complete and utter focus as he works. You’re aware of the way his breath fans across your lips, warm and feather light as it sweeps over them and you wonder if he’s thinking about it just as much as you were despite the fact that you probably shouldn’t.
He was.
You don’t know the exact moment he finished or if he even was, and perhaps it was because you were too caught up in the fact that you were looking at his lips for a precarious amount of time. Thinking about the fact that his hand didn’t fall from your face like it probably should have.
His gaze was a few fractions softer as it met yours, flickering down to your lips for the briefest of moments. His mouth falls closed from having his lips parted, swallowing thickly as he clears his throat softly, jaw tensing in that moment.
He doesn’t know what it is about you that’s got him in such a hold, and maybe it’s everything. It is everything, and that’s the problem. The problem is that you’ve got him so tightly held in your grip and you don’t even know it, so much so he made the biggest fool of himself in his display of emotion earlier, in the way he let those words tumble from his lips when he swore to himself he wouldn’t. He made a terrible fool of himself, but he finds in that moment that he might just want to do it again.
“You’re—your uh,” he starts, finding it harder to gather his thoughts in the closeness you found yourselves in as his nose bumps against yours. His eyes look downward for a moment. Your cheek, he wanted to tell you you’re good to go.
But at one point or another he felt his lips brush against yours, soft and electrifying and he’s not quite sure when the two of you had gotten that close, but he knows good and well that he doesn’t mind it.
In a matter of a second or two your lips press to his in more than just a whisper of a kiss, still soft and hesitant before you pull away. You’re close, close enough to meet his gaze in that moment as the two of you think over the very kiss you’d just shared not ten seconds before.
It’s a gaze that’s brief before he dips down and kisses you once more, his lips soft and warm as they press against yours in a kiss that’s never felt so good to you before. It had you questioning every cliche in every movie you’d ever watched, questioning if there was truth to the overused sparks flying and you felt you knew for a fact there was.
Your cheeks burned under his touch as his lips melded with your own, a kiss so blinding your heart nearly pounds right out of your chest as the heat of your breath mingles with one another’s.
He reluctantly finds himself pulling away, kissing you once, twice more in a way that ignites a warmth to blossom in your chest entirely unlike the heat of the anger you felt a mere hour ago. It was different, different in the way you felt the truth behind those words he’d spoken. Not that you doubted their meaning for a second, but now you knew with all of the certainty in the world.
He swallowed thickly once more as his tongue swipes across his lips, kiss swollen and pink as the beginnings of a smile tug at the very corner of his mouth. The pad of his thumb brushes over yours, to the very corner and over the heated skin of your cheek.
“I uh…” he starts once more, all efforts of knowing just what it is he was going to say having disappeared from his mind, from the very tip of his tongue.
“I know,” you murmur, your finger sitting just under his chin as your thumb presses to the dimple within it. You know he cares about you, and you know he loves you. You know that. “Me too.”
The softness of his smile remains as you pinch his chin lightly, the tension in his shoulders relaxing as you press a kiss on his lips, one he finds far too enchanting to want to break from just yet. He doesn’t care that the first kiss he’s ever shared with you is in some mediocre motel bathroom with dodgy lighting, he doesn’t care that it’s not the most romantic thing like you see in the movies—he’s not that kind of guy. He just might have a soft spot for it deep down, but he feels he’s made a fool of himself enough for one day.
What he cares about is you.
Tags: @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @elegantbutedgy @humanmistakes @agalliasi @campingmonkey @deandaydreaming @lanea-1 @akshi8278 @kidd3ath
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stray-kids-react · 3 years
Their friends don't like you
Bang Chan
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° Would want to keep his relationships and friendships separate for this reason alone, he knew you and Bam Bam wouldn't see eye to eye and didn't want to choose either of you over the other.
° You kept your mouth shut about your dislike for Chan's friend for his own sake. You didn't want to ruin a close friendship he had, but Bam Bam on the other hand would constantly ask why Chan likes you.
° Chan got a bit annoyed with his friend due to how petty it was coming off after a while. You could say hi to him and Bam Bam would find something off about it, which made Chan more and more frustrated.
° You didn't say anything bad about Bam Bam, and Chan saw how much of the bigger person you were being. He didn't want to see you being picked on constantly, even if it was by his close friend.
° The last straw was when Bam Bam tried to hook him up with someone else behind your back, all of his frustrations built up inside him and his temper went through the roof. He officially had enough.
"Chan I want you to meet-"
"Stop! I'm sorry to whoever you are you seem very nice. But I'm in love with Y/n and they never say a bad thing about you, yet you hate on them constantly. If you don't apologize for everything, we're done."
Lee Know
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° In all honesty, it took a while for you and Minho to like each other. You had a Tom and Jerry relationship for years, until you finally let him see past the wall you always build up. He's the only one who ever saw the true you.
° This is why the members didn't get what Minho saw in you, and everytime he said 'you don't see who they truly are.' they thought it was just an excuse to make you seem more likeable.
° Most of the members gave you a chance, but one was very hesitant to. Jisung didn't trust you, and did not want to see Minho get hurt at all. This is why he refused to give you one more chance after an incident.
° You opened up to the other members, apologizing for your behavior. You explained you had a terrible day that day and became very crusty, they accepted it and welcomed you with open arms. Except for Jisung.
° This awkward relationship with Jisung went on for months, even when you tried to reach out to him. Other members would even comment on how nice you truly were, but he just couldn't trust you.
"Maybe I should try talking to Jisung once more."
"No it's useless, he apparently just doesn't want me to be happy."
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° Thought your double date with Wooyoung and r/n went great, that is until Wooyoung texted him at midnight telling him how much of a let down you were. Even if it was in a joking manner, it genuinely hurt.
° He saw how happy you were to make a new 'friend', and couldn't dissolve that beautiful smile just because the reality of it was false. Wooyoung thought you were a bore, while you thought he was amazing.
° Changbin would distance himself slowly from Wooyoung, not appreciating the way he describes you. He didn't want him to come over and say those terrible words in your presence, it would break your heart.
° But Wooyoung noticed his friends absence, and decided to head over to your shared apartment where you two were cuddling while watching spirited away. Changbin's heart immediately sank.
° Wooyoung took Changbin aside to talk, and you could hear every words thanks to thin walls and their loud voices. You truly saw Wooyoung as a friend, and it hurt to hear how he felt about you.
"How can you date someone who is so boring, you can do so much better."
"I'm starting to think I could get some much better friends instead."
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° His best friend has a humongous crush on him for years, and thought she could finally get him. Until you came along and stole his heart, this caused fury to infect her bloodstream and needs of destroying you.
° Hyunjin was friends with her, but never saw her as a best friend and had much closer friendships. All of the closer friends adored you, you even became best friends with Seungmin after one hang out.
° This is why it came off much more suspicious to Hyunjin when she all of a sudden accused you of beating her up the day prior. Hyunjin knew you wouldn't hurt a fly, so why was she lying to him?
° He was about to ask why, when you opened the door to the Stray Kids dorms. She noticed your entrance and launched herself onto Hyunjin. He pushed her off and wiped his lips profusely.
° Now knowing the reason behind her lies, he demanded her to leave. Not giving a single care about their now ruined friendship. His tone was harsh and furious, clearly unimpressed with her actions.
"But Jinnie, you know you love me more. Y/n doesn't deserve you."
"I never liked you like that, now leave before I make you."
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° You didn't know how loyal Jisung was to his friends until you hung around them, he'd sometimes completely ditch you just to hang out with them. This made you feel irritated naturally.
° When you snapped at Felix, all of them looked at you with an unimpressed face. Your own boyfriend clueless as to why you snapped at his friend who kept stealing him from you.
° The drive home with Jisung was silent, tension filling the empty car. You had a suspicion that your relationship was on its last string and you just ran at it with scissors, this terrified you.
° Once you walked into your apartment and sat on the couch, you braced yourself for the words that were about to leave Jisung's lips. Knowing they were going to be the last ones from his that you'll ever hear.
° He stood at the door way with a sad look in his eyes, explaining to you that it isn't your fault it is his. Before expressing many apologies, just to end with 'we're over'. Just like that, he gave up on your relationship.
"Just say it Jisung, just get it over with."
"I'm sorry y/n, but I'm breaking up with you."
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° You were visiting Felix's family for the holidays, getting to know his friends and family. One of his childhood friends gave you bad vibes, constantly catching his eyes on you even though you were Felix's.
° You tried to ignore his antics for a couple days, but then he tried to get physical. He pinched your hum while waiting in line. Causing you to yelp and jump away from the creepy man claiming to be Felix's friend.
° The same night you asked Felix about the man, finding out Felix didn't even consider him a friend. Only ever sharing a couple of classes with him, he soon followed up with the question you dreaded "why?".
° The moment you explained the events, you were embraced into your boyfriend's safe arms. Sighing in discomfort as he scowled at nothing, wishing that nothing was the man who made you uncomfortable.
° the next day the man tried to visit you at your hotel room, only to be answered by Felix who immediately turned sour the moment he saw him. Before the man could speak, Felix flipped him off and shut the door.
"Babe who was it?"
"No one important, just some weirdo."
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° You shared the same classes with Jeongin all throughout your school years. And both of you despised each other, a competition always brewing between the two of you no matter the subject.
° You hoped to never see his face again after you graduated, but your hopes were crushed when your boyfriend Seungmin introduced you to his best friend... Yang Jeongin. Both of you just stood there in complete shock.
° Seungmin thought their was a history with you two, assuming it was romantically since neither of you ever mentioned each other to him. You could cut the tension with a butter knife, which made Seungmin feel hurt.
° He pulled you aside and asked you if you and Jeongin dated in the past, making you silently gag in your mouth at the thought. Sure you had a crush on him in middle school, but it ended quickly after.
° Jeongin overheard the conversation, jumping out from the corner with a very disgusted face. Letting out small ew noises at the thought of you two dating. Seungmin was half ways relieved at the truth.
"Ew Ew Ew, why would you think that? *shivers*."
"I thought the tension was romantically not from high school feuding."
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° Your ex Hyunjin was Jeongin's best friend, which made for a very awkward meeting when Jeongin had no clue about your dating history. Both you and Hyunjin cheated on each other, and never really buried the hatchet.
° Both you and Hyunjin tired to stay calm and act normal for Jeongin's sake. But it was clear just how awkward and uncomfortable the two of you seemed to be, especially since neither of you talked to each other.
° Hyunjin was worried you'd break his friend's heart while you were worried Hyunjin would just drag Jeongin into trouble and cause some serious trust issues. Neither of you trusting each other one bit.
° Jeongin say both of you down after an hour of awkward silence, demanding one of you to tell the truth on why you are acting so odd around one another. Slightly concerned for the possibility of a blossoming crush.
° both you and Hyunjin revealed your sides of the story to Jeongin, your heart cracking slightly at the hurt look in his eyes. He wasn't going to leave either of you, but it did hurt knowing you both hid this from him.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
so i read this scenario on reddit and i thought it would be a cute and fluffy fic idea if you want to write it :)
one of the Pedro boys (i was thinking frankie or marcus moreno but you can put any one of them that you feel like would fit the story) lands himself in the hospital and the reader visits him often cause they’re friends. they notice that every time they visit, his heart rate monitor speeds up, like not enough to cause alarm but enough to be noticeable, and that’s how she finds out that he likes her and they decide to date (after he gets out of hospital)
Appendicitis (Frankie Morales x f!reader)
Summary: ^^
W/C: 2.4K
Warnings: talk of being ill, vomit, pain, lots of talk of hospitals and that being a major setting, Frankie is a dad, language
A/N: welcome back to Josie’s quest to clean her inbox! This idea was so precious!! I hope you guys like it!!
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Frankie is in fucking agony. Never has he felt something as painful as this, never has such pain radiated through his body so intensely that he has no choice but to vomit out his stomach’s contents.
He spends the day at home, occupying his daughter as best he can while he’s in such suffering. He figures that maybe it’s just really bad gas cramping or constipation. Marisol plays quietly, at her daddy’s request, watching her favorite Disney movies on the couch while nuzzled into his side. Frankie has never been so grateful to get her into bed at the end of the day.
After a full day of the pain, and realizing that it wasn’t going away no matter how many painkillers he took, Frankie gave in around midnight. Lying in his bed, skin turning gray and the pain now decisively in his right side, Frankie called you.
After a few rings, you picked up. “Hey, Fish.”
“Hi.” His voice sounds agonized. “How much do you charge for babysitting again?” He asks, the strain clear.
You’re confused, pushing the phone closer to your ear and thinking it might be the distance that makes him sound so odd. “Uh, you’re my friend, so free. You need me to take Mari?” You ask him.
He nods. “Yeah; how much for like a week though? I don’t want to impose though, and-“
His voice sounds terrible. “Frankie. Shut up. A week? What’s wrong? I can take Marisol for as long as you need, but I gotta know what’s going on.”
Frankie is quiet before he grunts softly in pain. “I think my appendix might be fucked up. It hurts like fucking hell. Mari’s asleep, I don’t wanna wake her or anything, but could you-“
You cut him off once more, sitting bolt upright. “I’m on my way over. Do you think you can hang on until I get there? I can drive you to the hospital, or we’ll get one of the boys.”
“That sounds good,” Frankie agrees. “Fuckin’ ambulances are so expensive.”
You chuckle softly. “Hang in there, Fish, okay? I’m gonna call Will, see if he can drive you and I’ll stay with Mari. How’s that?”
Marisol loves you. There’s no better solution in Frankie’s eyes: she behaves better for you than she does for him. She’ll be in good hands, happy for as long as he needs to be in the hospital healing. “Perfect. God, you’re a fucking angel. Don’t deserve you.”
“You deserve better than me,” you snort as you pull on a hoodie and slip on some shoes. “I’m gonna call Will. You got this, Fish. Distract yourself. I’ll send you updates.”
When you arrive at the Morales household, Will’s truck is already in the driveway. He lives closer, so it makes sense. Be quiet and don’t wake Mari, you remember as you slip off your shoes and head up the stairs of Frankie’s home. It’s quiet, unsurprising for this time of night, and you know Mari is a light sleeper. Frankie would never want to wake her at this hour.
Wandering into his room, you find Will standing next to the bed and an incredibly worn-looking Frankie. His skin holds barely any color, his face almost green in nausea. You rush to his side. “Frankie, holy shit,” you exclaim in a loud whisper, taking his hand. “You’re okay?”
“I will be if Miller mans up and gets me out of this bed,” he says, followed by a chuckle with no humor.
Will sighs. He’s wearing pajamas too, looking as exhausted as you are. Frankie groans as he hears Mari’s tiny voice over the baby monitor. “Fuck. You’re staying with her, Will’s bringing me?” He clarifies, looking up at you with bloodshot eyes.
Nodding, you squeeze his hand. “Give me directions quickly and I’ll go get her. You gotta sit up first, Frankie,” you reassure him.
He squeezes your hand back tight and sits up, his face contorting in pain. There’s a flush of redness to his cheeks, and it makes him look more human for a moment until it fades again. “She won’t fall back asleep unless she’s in this bed with you. She needs the attention. Uh, food is in the fridge, you know emergency shit,” he says, with surprising coherence for the pain he’s in.
You nod and ruffle Frankie’s soft bedhead. “Benny- fuck,” you wince, knowing the Miller brothers hate being mixed up. Somehow, even with their distinct personalities, you do it all the time. “Will. Send me updates,” you remind him as you stand. “And you, Francisco,” you murmur and press a kiss to his sweat-beaded forehead, “get some strong pain meds and get better for me and Mari.” You smile softly and walk out of the room.
The room next to Frankie’s is beautiful, a sage green paint and lots of woodland creatures painted on the walls by Frankie’s surprisingly artistic hands. There’s a crib covered by a creamy white canopy and the little girl pokes her head up, tilting to the side in confusion as she sees you.
It’s not fear, of course. Mari loves you, absolutely adores you in fact. She’s just… confused. Her little brain can tell it’s the middle of the night. “Where’s Daddy?” She asks, making uppy arms at you.
You walk over to her crib, picking her up and kissing her head. “Daddy’s got a tummyache, cutie,” you tell her and tickle her tummy gently, making her giggle and bury her tiny face in your chest. “He’s gonna go see the doctor and get it all fixed up, okay? You and I are gonna have so much fun,” you assure her, and she giggles again.
You can hear two sets of feet, slowly moving. “Let’s go give Daddy a kiss goodbye, okay?” Mari nods and rubs her little eyes.
Frankie’s got an arm around Will’s shoulders in the hall, looking absolutely agonized. He smiles a little as he sees you and his baby. “Hey, patita,” he chuckles. He dubbed her duckling from the soft tufts of fluff on her head as a baby. “Be good while I’m gone.”
Mari nods and puts a hand on either side of Frankie’s sweating face, making a little pout and giving him a kiss. “Love you, Daddy,” she says, a yawn overtaking her tiny face.
“Love you too,” he nods and looks up at you. “I owe you.”
“Friends don’t owe each other,” you shake your head. “Now get your a… butt to the hospital, Morales,” you tell him and pat Will on the shoulder. “Thanks, man.”
He nods at you and the two men shuffle along through the house until they can get Frankie into the car and on his way to (hopefully) sedation and a cure.
Yawning again, Mari’s big brown eyes look up at you from where you hold her on your hip. “Snack?” She asks you, pointing towards the kitchen.
Her little voice and tiny, pudgy fingers are too much. “I suppose. Only because we’re having special girls’ time,” you tease and boop her nose. Setting her on the counter, you grab some cubes of cheese and some berries, which you make sure are in small pieces.
Mari’s content to eat her snacks with you, and you can see her growing sleepier again as the plate empties out. “Sleepy?” You ask her, and she nods. “Alright, cutie pie,” you sigh and lift her, holding her to your chest as she wraps her arms around your neck and her legs around your torso. “Do you want me to cuddle with you?” You ask.
She nods. “Gotta snuggle for late sleepies. Daddy says that.”
The words melt your heart. Frankie’s always been so good with her, so warm and skilled and precious. It only makes your crush on the man grow every time his little girl babbles about how much she loves her daddy. “Does he?”
She nods. “Daddy sings for me.”
Frankie singing Marisol to sleep. The idea melts your heart. You need in on that. “What does he sing to you?” You ask. “What’s your favorite song that daddy sings to you?”
She thinks for a moment as you sit on the edge of the bed, allowing her to clamber off your lap and into the cozy king-sized bed. “Rocket Man.” It’s hard to decipher in her baby-talk, but you get it.
“He sings that for you?” You ask as you get under the covers, into the blankets that are still warm from Frankie’s body heat, that smell like his cologne.
Mari snuggles into your chest, and nods softly. “Can you sing Rocket Man?”
“Of course,” you nod and trace little circles into the toddler’s back, singing the Elton John song to her in a soft voice. It doesn’t take long, now that she’s in her daddy’s bed and got a snack, for her to fall asleep. She snores softly, and you follow suit not too long after.
It did turn out that Frankie had appendicitis. The doctors weren’t entirely sure what caused it, but you and the Miller brothers rotated your time with Marisol at home and the hospital with Frankie, as his stay was painfully long for such an active man. Santiago video chatted often, but being out of town prevented him from physically seeing Fish.
It took him about a week to recover, and that time was mostly spent napping or watching the television in his room. He’d bullshit with the guys or you when you were around, and he especially loved the time of the afternoon every day where one of you brought Marisol to see him.
Usually it was just you or one of the Millers who stayed in the room with him. The other two either stayed with Marisol or got to stay at home and rest for themselves. It was a lucky day when you and Benny got to both be with Frankie for a while, telling stories and laughing. It was your turn to be off-duty, but all you wanted from your free time was to be with the man.
Your presence has always made Frankie’s heart rate a little faster. It’s always made his palms a little clammy, and his pants a little tighter sometimes. At least now he can attribute it to the pain.
Every time his eyes catch yours, his heart monitor gets a little louder. It’s odd, but you shrug it off. It can’t mean anything. It’s just your Frankie. After an hour or so of spending time with the guys, you run to get fast food for the three of you. While you’re away, you receive a text from Benny.
Benny Boy: you’re fucking with his head, bro
You: what?
Benny Boy: the heart rate monitor is nearly silent right now. every time frankie looks at you it spikes, don’t tell me you haven’t been noticing that
You: do you want nuggets or a burger?
You: thats ridiculous, Benny.
Benny Boy: always nuggets. but seriously, his heart rate is at like 54 right now, he’s just chilling and kind of dozed off. let’s check it when you come back.
You: be prepared for the most boring science experiment ever. also, what dip do you want?
After you receive your bulging bags of food, stuffed from both Benny’s and Frankie’s massive appetites, you return to the hospital.
You: walking in. pulse status?
Benny: 60. he’s a little more awake now.
As you enter the room, Frankie turns to you and grins. “Hey. What did you get?” He asks.
You plop the bags on the small table overhanging Frankie’s bed and grin. “Just your usual order. I know what you like,” you shrug as you unpack the food.
Beep beep beep beep. HR: 77
Smiling at the rate of Frankie’s heart, more than you should really, you sit down back next to Benny and the three of you eat your food. It’s somewhat quiet, the chatter dying as you devour the fast food, savoring the grease and salt.
After everyone is finished, you stand and clean up the garbage, tossing it all away. You sit back down on Frankie’s bedside. “So, macho man. How’s the pain?” You ask, your fingers tracing his good side.
Beep beep beep beep beep. HR: 86
He shrugs. “It hurts like a bitch, and they said it’s gonna keep hurting like a bitch.”
“Poor baby,” you chuckle, cupping the side of his face and kissing his forehead softly.
Beep beep beep beep beep beep. HR: 96
Benny groans and stands. “I’m gonna hit the bathroom.” He smacks your arm as he walks past, as if rubbing in the evidence he’s found. “And then take a walk, I think.”
You’re still seated at Frankie’s side, on the inflatable hospital mattress. “Oh Benjamin,” Frankie rolls his eyes. “Why’d he leave so quick?”
You shrug, though you know the answer. “Who knows? Benny can’t even predict himself,” you chuckle. Frankie’s hand rests over his chest. You slide your hand over his torso and lace your fingers through his until you’re holding it. You can feel his heart thumping steadily against it. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”
Beep beep beep beep. HR: 104
He smiles. “I’m lucky I have you.”
You sigh softly as you look up at the heart rate monitor again. “I gotta say, you have a really high resting rate,” you say nonchalantly, as if you believe it.
Frankie’s face warms. “I, uh-“
“I’m kidding, Frankie,” you mumble softly to him, smiling a little. “I really like you, and I think that monitor is helping me know you like me too. When you get out of here, can we maybe go on a date some time?”
Beepbeepbeepbeepbeep. HR: 112
Nodding enthusiastically, those floppy curls move with his head. “I would love that,” he tells you with a beaming smile. “God, have you been able to tell all day?” He asks as he looks up at the monitor, his ears burning with heat as he reads the pulse rate. It’s embarrassingly high.
“Yeah,” you finally admit and smile down at him. “But it’s cute. And it makes me feel all warm inside because I finally know you like me too.”
Big brown eyes stare up at you with all of the love in the world. “If I wasn’t wearing a hospital gown, I’d kiss you right now,” he promises. “But that’ll have to wait.”
“Yes it will,” you nod and kiss his forehead again, easing him back against the mattress he’d lifted up from slightly. “Now I’m going to go find Benny, and you slow down that heart rate,” you tease and ruffle his curls.
“I’m not gonna be able to slow it down with you around,” he says with a soft smile, his eyes slipping shut.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan
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just-jordie-things · 3 years
(Please Don’t) Leave Me Alone - Richie Tozier
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word count: 3142 warnings: swearing, mentions of being drugged summary: maybe richie ignoring you had more reason to it than you thought.  maybe he was just... jealous? ___
Looking back on it now, going to a party by herself was probably the worst idea (y/n’s) ever had.  Not because she disliked parties, she loved them, but she’d always gone in a group, or with a friend.  Tonight, she’d gone completely alone.
She’d thought it would be exciting, she could do whatever she wanted, and stay as late or leave as early as she pleased, not having to wait for a friend hooking up with a stranger or a ride home.  She could drink to no end and meet new people- it was a good idea, in theory.
Except now, she was trapped between a rock and a hard place.  Meaning the wall, and Steven Matson’s arm.  Earlier the attention had been welcomed, she didn’t mind being flirted with by a cute guy, it’d been a while since anyone had flirted with her, honestly, so it was very welcomed.
There was once a time where she didn’t really have to worry about that kind of attention, because she used to always get it from-
“Want me to get you another drink?” The boy in front of her asked, shaking her thoughts.
“Hm? Oh,” She nods, handing him her empt cup.  “Yeah, sure, thanks”
He grins in response before leaving.  And she doesn’t realize that she’s been holding her breath until she sighs, and slumps back against the wall.
Steven’s not that exciting, she realizes.  He’s been chatting her ear off for the past- who knows, hour, maybe? And she couldn’t recall a single thing he’d said.  It wasn’t due to the alcohol either.  He was just that simple.
He wasn’t ugly, though.
Running her hands through her hair, she wished that she had a tie to pull it back, because it was suddenly very hot in the room, and it was all she could focus on.  The smell of sweat from dancing and bustling bodies, and how much heat they generated in this small room.  She wanted to head outside for a breath of fresh air, but there was no way she could make it out and back in time to see Steven.
She made a glance towards the door, just out of curiosity, to see if she could run there and back.  But her eyes landed elsewhere.
On a tall, curly mop of haired figure that had just wandered in.
Richie’s eyes met hers, and she darted her gaze elsewhere with an inhumane speed.
Richie Tozier was her best friend, or at least he used to be.  In the past month he’d been shutting her out, until eventually he was more of a ghost than a friend at all.  She didn’t know what she did, or what happened that made him not want to hang out with her anymore, but it was no use trying to ask, because anytime she tried to talk to him, he’d vanish.
At first it was heartbreaking, because she’d known him for so long, and she thought that they were close enough to talk through any rough patch they could go through.  But as time went on and Richie pushed himself further away, (y/n) only became annoyed, and was a bit more eager to let him do whatever he wanted.
And if he wanted nothing to do with her, then fine.  She wasn’t going to beg him to stay.
Even though she really, really wanted to.
“Hope you didn’t miss me too much”
(y/n) nearly jumped when Steven appeared in front of her, one arm caging her in while he handed her a drink.  She gave him a short, weak smile, and backed herself up until the wall wouldn’t allow her to move away any further.  The flaw in this plan, however, is that Steven just followed, and the space between them was even shorter.
“Course not” She mumbled back, and was about to take a drink from her cup, before she noticed the strange fizzing at the bottom.
Great.  He spiked it with something.
She let out a soft sigh, lifting the cup to her lips and pretending to take a sip, so that he wouldn’t realize she caught on to his dumb scheme.
Tonight couldn’t have gone more terribly.
“So, whaddya say you and I go somewhere else?”
(y/n) looked up at him, eyes bored, and a eyebrow raised as if to say ‘really?’.
“Somewhere, huh?” She hums, only for her own entertainment.  “Like where?”
“Well we could go upstairs…” He suggested, leaning in closer.  It took a lot of energy for her not to shrink away.
God his breath smelled like beer.
“Or to my car out front,” He continued.  “Or honestly, we could just-”
“Alright pal,” (y/n) pushed her hand into his arm, and began to shove him away so she could leave.  “It’s not happening”
With that, she began to walk off, tossing her drugged drink to the ground carelessly.
“Wait wait wait,” Steven spun around, snatching her arm in his hand so she’d stop.  “But all night you-”
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She snapped at him, yanking her arm to get it of his hold, but he was much stronger than her.  “Steven let go-”
“You’re such a fucking tease, (y/n),” He snarled, the playful and flirty voice long gone.  “Leading me on all night long, and now you’re acting like you don’t want this”
There’s a split second where she’s genuinely afraid of him, because his grip is unrelenting, and the look in his eyes suggests that he doesn’t care whether she gives in willingly or not.
And as soon as the idea of yelling for help crosses her mind, the feeling is gone.
Because she’s torn away from Steven’s hold, and there’s a secure hold around her waist.
“Why don’t you fuck off, Matson” A voice mutters.
All of the fear she’d previously felt disappeared, and it’s replaced by the surprise of having Richie right there next to her, keeping her firmly held against his side.
He’s being protective.
Steven rolls his eyes, obviously not giving a shit about Richie’s little display.  He scoffs, glancing from Richie to (y/n).
“Come on, why don’t you tell your little guard dog here that you can speak for yourself, and that he can go and fuck off now?” Steven asks.
(y/n) scoffs, staring at him with disgust, and honestly, she should spit on him.  She wants to spit on him, fuck she really wants to step forward and spit right on his face-
“Matson, I swear to fucking god, if another shitty fucking thing comes out of your mouth, I’ll break it,” Richie’s hand is tightening on her hip, and he’s pushing her behind him a bit.  “Seriously, walk away”
He’s practically growling, and even when they were friends she’d never seen him so… angry.
“Richie fucking Tozier why are you here being a buzzkill?” Steven spat out, taking a daring step forward.  “She clearly doesn’t even give a shit about you, so why don’t you just-”
The loud crack of skin on skin was a sharp echo, and anyone in a five foot radius could hear the burning sensation on Steven’s cheek.
(y/n) was panting, and she shook out her hand, because the slap stung her palm more than she thought it would.
“Fuck you” She muttered to the boy who was holding his cheek and whining like a baby.
She cast a glance towards Richie for a short moment, before shoving past him and making her way to the door.  She was done with this night, this party, she just wanted to go home and curl up into a ball under her blankets and forget all of this had happened.
Of course, she wasn’t able to leave that easy, and as soon as she walked out the door, someone hollered for her.
She looked back at Richie, before shaking her head, and continuing her trek.
“What do you want?” She muttered, leaving him no choice but to chase after her in order to catch up.
She barely even looked at him.
“Jesus, (y/n/n), give me some credit, I’m here to make sure you’re okay”
“Wow,” She rolls her eyes.  “Thanks.  Really,”
Her voice is monotone, so he knows she doesn’t mean it, and it’s annoying, but she continues before he can come up with some witty snap back remark.
She stops in her tracks, whirling around and shoving an accusatory finger into his chest.  He stumbles backward, caught off guard from the sudden action, but he catches his footing, left to watch her explode.
“Thanks for showing up, and for being there.  Wow, Richie.  Just… wow”
It’s more of a simmer than an explosion, but it feels just as bad.
(y/n) starts to walk off again, but Richie just runs up to her side again.
“For fucks sake (y/n)- will you pause for just a second-?”
“No!” She shouts, shaking her head furiously.  “No, Rich, I won’t, I’m not going to- I- I can’t wait for you anymore, I’m tired of waiting for you,” Her voice cracks, and he knows that if she starts crying right now, then he’s going to break.  “So can you please just… just go back to icing me out because it was honestly easier”
She sniffles, and turns away to walk home in peace.  It hurts to walk away but she’s just so tired of his bullshit.  Never before had her own body felt so heavy, each step making her bed more and more enticing.
Richie didn’t say anything, but he kept walking next to her.
She looked up at him, teary eyes narrowed, and her brow furrowed in a glare, but Richie just shrugged his shoulders.
“Well I’m not gonna let you walk yourself home alone at this time of night,” He said, and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket.  “So you’ll just have to put up with me for the next ten minutes”
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes again, but doesn’t give him the benefit of a remark, opting instead to keep her mouth shut.
She makes it a whole minute before feeling compelled to say something.
“What were you even doing there?” She muttered out, wrapping her arms around herself tightly.  “I thought you hated parties now”
He lets out a chuckle, earning another glare from the girl.
“To come save you, obviously,” He teases, which she definitely doesn’t appreciate.  “I just thought I’d give it a shot, seeing as I had nothing else going on tonight”
She didn’t know what she wanted to hear, but that certainly wasn’t it.  And Richie could tell, because she was frowning.
“Are you mad?” He asked with a chuckle.
“You did not just fucking ask me that” She mutters back.
“(y/n), you asked, what did you want me to say?” He asks, and she just scoffs.
“I didn’t need you to swoop in like some hero and rescue me, Richie,” She told him.  “You might find this hard to believe, but I’ve actually learned to live on my own now thank you very much.  And with that means I can protect myself, I don’t need you to-”
“Alright, I get it,” He mutters.  “Your ‘standing back and doing nothing’ was your way of standing up for yourself,” He says, and before (y/n) can argue, he’s muttering again.  “My apologies, I didn’t realize you had that handled.  Which is why I came over to help your ass-”
“Alright, that’s enough-”
“-which would have been his, by the way, had I not intervened”
“Congratu-fucking-lations!” (y/n) shrieked.  “Go ahead and pat yourself on the fucking back then.  What do you want from me? Huh? Do you really think I would’ve let Steven fucking Matson have his way with me?”
“No, I don’t think that,” Richie mumbled.  “But I didn’t like the way he was looking at you.  Or grabbing you like that-”
“Wow,” (y/n) rolled her eyes.  “I honestly didn’t think you still gave a fuck”
Richie looked down at her, but she’d rendered him speechless, so he didn’t say anything.  He looked forward as they walked in silence for a little while longer.
It was silent until they got to her porch.
She looked up at him, with a sad sort of expression, like looking at him broke her heart.  And quite frankly, it did.
“Thanks for walking me home, Richie,” She said in a soft mutter.  “You can go back to forgetting about me now”
She turned to walk inside, but his hand stopped her.  It wrapped around her wrist delicately, in a hold much more gentle than Steven had her in earlier.  If she wanted, she could tug her arm away and go inside.  If she wanted.  
“For the fucking record,” Richie muttered down to her, voice so low it was almost in a growl like it had been earlier.  “I wasn’t icing you out because I wanted to.  You think I want to? For fucks sake (y/n), I couldn’t be around you anymore because I was so goddamn in love with you that it hurt being around you when you obviously didn’t feel the same way.  You don’t know how much it fucking sucks being friendzoned by you.  I thought it was going to be easier not having you around, than having you right in front of me, and out of reach,”
Her heart is pounding, and she could feel it everywhere.  From her chest to her stomach to her through to her cheek to the very tips of her fingers- she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  Richie had been in love with her? It was almost too good to be true, and normally she wouldn’t believe it, but she could see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice, he’d never been more serious about anything.
“I’m sorry for doing it,” He continues.  “But if I hadn’t, I would’ve lost my fucking mind”
“That’s such bullshit,” (y/n) mumbles, her breath hitching in her throat.  “You shut me out because you had feelings for me?” She asks, and Richie furrows his brows, offended by the outburst.  “Did you ever think about- I don’t know- just telling me?” She asks with a humorless laugh.  “I mean, jesus Richie, we would’ve been together this whole fucking time, but instead you make me think that you hate me and you shut me out-”
“Hold on- stop- you liked me?” Richie asks, shocked by her off-handed confession.
“Liked you?” (y/n) repeats breathlessly.  “Richie, I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, you fucking dumbass-”
She raises her hand up to shove him in the chest, but he captures it with his own before leaning over and kissing her.  It’s sudden, so sudden that she trips on nothing but the sheer surprise of his lips on hers, but Richie’s arm wraps around her waist, securing her against him.
A sigh escapes her, one of content and safety, and she melts against him, almost becoming a puddle on her doorstep.  The hand in his is held tightly against his chest, and the other is gripping his shoulder, keeping her balanced.
He kisses her again, quickly, before she can completely pull away.  Just in case she decides to walk through her door and never look at him again.
When they part, it’s slow, and his hand flies up to cup her cheek, a quick but gentle action, and his thumb traces over her cheekbone with a featherlight touch.
Her eyes are still shut, and she blindly leans forward a bit, close enough that when she whispers, he feels it against his lips.
“Are you gonna go back to ignoring me?”
He chuckles, stealing another quick peck, before shaking his head.
She finally opens her eyes, and instantly, there’s a smile on her lips.
“I guess that depends, on if you want to go out with me tomorrow night?”
“To a party?” She asks.
“No, of course not,” Richie shakes his head.  “Anything else, literally anything else” He murmurs, and she grins even wider, nodding her head.
“Yeah, yeah anything else sounds good to me” She agrees softly.  
She’s still nodding, in a shaky sort of way, and Richie has to cup her face in both hands to get her to stop.
“Okay,” He hums.  “I’ll pick you up tomorrow, then”
“Okay,” She repeats.  “I’ll see you tomorrow”
He gives her a grin, before letting go of her, and stepping back.
“Alright then” He hums.
She watches him go, a delighted smile on her face.  Her heart is still pounding in her chest, and she thinks it might never stop.
“Wait, Rich,”
She calls when he’s descended her front steps, and she’s quick to race up to him, wrap her arms around him, and lean over the few inches that she’s towered above him, and kiss him one more time.
His arms encircle her waist, holding her flush against his chest.  She’s on her tiptoes on the step, and one of her feet lifts off the ground, both from the bliss and from Richie picking her up, just a little bit.
“I just wanted one more,” She murmured, and Richie laughed, kissing her quickly once more, and then again.  “Okay, Romeo,” She sighed.  “You better go home before my parents come out and see us”
“Fine, fine,” He sighed, and backed away, reluctantly releasing her from his arms.  “Tomorrow”
“Tomorrow” She says back.
She combs her fingers through his hair for a second, before turning and actually heading inside.
With a content sigh, she leans her back against the front door, eyes falling shut as her mind wandered to the events of the night.  It was ridiculous, how quick of a turn things went.  And now, she was going to see Richie tomorrow, for a date.  She couldn't believe it.
“Who was that boy?” A voice asked, making her perk up, and realize her mother had been waiting there at the door.
“Richie,” (y/n) replied.  “He walked me home”
“Richie your friend?” Her mother replied.  “You’re friends again?”
(y/n) grinned, nodding her head.
“Well, I’m going to bed,” She said.  “G’night, mom-”
“You’re dating this boy, now?”
“Richie,” (y/n) reminded, pausing on the steps to look down at her.  “And yes, I- I think I am”
Her mother shakes her head, and lets out a small scoff.
“Really, (y/n)? Of all your options-”
“Oh, fuck off,” (y/n) laughs, trying not to listen too closely to the harsh words.  “Don’t go acting like you give a shit now”
She ascends the stairs, and forgets about her mother’s cruel idea of parenting.  It won’t matter tomorrow, though.  So she thinks about tomorrow.  Because she’s gotten Richie back, and he’s all hers now.
taglist: @thegr8kush​
xoxo ~ jordie
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0sincerelyella · 2 years
Important to me - cormac hyde corrin
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fic type: angst and fluff?
TW: yelling
request: yes!! my first request by cormacisbae!!:)
“You knew this was important to me!” Y/n yelled, she had stormed into Cormacs room, and as she figured, he was editting at his computer. Y/n was in a beautiful floral dress, she barely gets dressed up, but when she does it’s always important.
“Wait wait love what are you talking about?” Cormac had taken off his headphones, and stood up, going in to hug her. She pushed him away, her face was angry, and she was hurting. He knew he did something wrong, but he couldn’t remember what. He had been so busy with finals, everything slipped his mind
“three hours ago.” she said, pulling out her phone. it was 6pm, last time he checked the clock it was 2:30. Had time passed that quickly?
“you were supposed to meet my parents three hours ago. I defended you with all i had, saying you’d be there any minute! any minute!” her face was beat red, she was angry.
Cormac felt horrible, it took a lot to make y/n angry, and cormac had done it. He had missed out on something so important to her, and he didn’t even remember. at that moment he felt like a terrible boyfriend, and he didn’t know how to fix it.
“My parents were so excited to meet you!! meet the boy who makes their daughter happy!! And i was telling them how you wernt gonna ditch!! because your important to me and so was this!!” Her eyes welled with tears as she yelled at him
He didn’t know how to react, he was never one to say smart things in an argument. “This class is important to me too” y/n paused, stairing into his eyes
He said it so quietly, he didn’t yell. But the way he said it, like he just didn’t care that she was angry on the outside, part of her knew that he felt guilty, but the other part was so angry hurt by what he said. “i know that class is important, and that school is important and i would’ve been okay if you told me, but you didn’t, you didn’t even remember. and you promised me you’d make it” she stepped away from him.
“i’m sorry i forgot, i got so caught up in work, but this project is really important, you shouldn’t be so angry about something that could determine my future”
Y/n shook her head, more tears full. “you just don’t get it do you?” she turned around, and stormed out the door, saying her goodbyes to Cormacs mom on the way out, trying her best not to slam the front door.
Cormac ran down the stairs to catch her, but she had already left his house. “Cormac, what’s wrong?” His mother asked “you didn’t hurt her did you?” Cormac side. “i forgot something really important mum, and i said something really stupid” Cormacs mom hugged him, kissing his cheek. “We’ve never argued before mum, i don’t know what to do” he cried, nuzzling into her shoulder “she won’t drive if she’s this worked up, i can assure you she’s still in the driveway, go after her son”
Cormac smiled at his mom, wiping tears from his face. He whispered a ‘thanks mum’ and ran outside. It was raining, and thundering, she hated the thunder. Just like his mum said, y/n was sitting in his driveway, curled up in her front seat, crying. Cormac tried to open the door, but it was locked. He knocked on the window, his hair falling into his eyes from the rain.
“Babe, let me in please” he pleaded, hand pressed to the window. She rolled it down, rain falling into her car. A loud boom of thunder shook her car, making her jump.
Cormac reached into the window and unlocked the door. He opened it and picked her up, sitting in the seat of the car and shutting the door. He held her in his lap, and rubbed her hair as she cried.
He was soaked, and now so was she, but they didn’t care. “I’m sorry love, i shouldn’t have made that assignment more important than you, it isn’t even due yet, and i forgot about something so important to you, then used it against you, and there is no excuse for how i acted” She sat up, adjusting herself so that she could see his face.
“I’m sorry cormac, i love you so much” he smiled, opening the car door. “let’s go get cleaned up and retry with your parents ya?” he asked her, putting her down on the ground and shutting her car door.
he looked down at her, rain falling on her face. He bent down and kissed her, swaying in the rain as the world around them stopped, and it was just the two of them, all mistakes aside, it was her and him forever
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lis-likes-fics · 4 years
Pairing: Carlisle Cullen x Reader Word Count: 4,602 words heheh Warnings: Car crash (again), smut Author's Note: Took too long because I'm ✨inconsistent✨.
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Y/N sighed deeply as she drove down the dark road, headed back home from out of town. A friend of hers had invited her to her birthday party and she accepted, reassuring Carlisle that she would stay safe while she was out. He had promised her that he would always be by her side, and he took the promise to heart. He was reluctant to let her go by herself, but she convinced him that she would be alright.
Now she was on her way home to Carlisle. She was peering through her windshield when her phone began ringing beside her, the sound was loud and it startled her. She tore her attention away from the road for a moment to decline the phone call, she'd pick it up when she stopped.
Y/N looked back up to the road, cursing loudly when she saw a deer beginning to cross the road. She yanked on the steering wheel, swerving out of the way of the deer that had frozen in the street, staring at the lights that flashed at it.
The car jerked over, just missing the deer. Y/N slammed on the breaks as hard as she could and the car skid across the road. She crashed into a tree, the airbag deploying and smacking Y/N in the face, disorienting her for a moment.
It when she smelled the gas when she knew she had to get out of the car as fast as possible. Her heart pounded in her chest, she could hear her pulse in her ears. She opened her door, struggling to move her legs as she looked down. She groaned when she saw her foot stuck in the car, preventing her from moving.
She wiggled her feet out of her shoes and managed to get her legs out of the car. Just as she was out of the car, the vehicle blew, throwing her in the air from the impact of the explosion.
She let out a strangled yelp when she landed on hard, rolling over the ground before being abruptly halted by smacking another tall tree. Another cry escaped her as she felt a terrible pain in her lower back that soon spread all over her body. She was sure something was broken, and it was something vital. Blood soon started dropping her mouth, creating a bad taste in her mouth.
As if she'd be able to summon him, she choked out a strangled call, "Carlisle…" Her voice was barely audible or understandable, but she didn't stop. She needed him. Her body hurt so badly, she was in need of his aid.
However, it seemed as though he could hear her calls as a black Mercedes came racing down the road to get to her, screeching to a stop before the door was opened and Carlisle was coming out to her within the next second.
He was kneeling at her side, looking her over with worried eyes as he spoke, "What is it with you and cars?"
She chuckled weakly, wincing and coughing up more blood. "I'm sorry," her voice cracked as she got the words out. He shook his head, placing a hand on her cheek, "It's not your fault, dear."
He continued looking her over, trying to make note of everything wrong. She spoke, struggling to get the words out of her mouth, "Carlisle, I can't m-move my legs."
Carlisle acknowledged her words, "I'm going to move you onto your stomach, okay?" She gave him a nod and allowed him to do so. He felt around her back along her spine, asking her questions about how it felt and what happened.
At the end of his assessment and her recap, he let out  a heavy breath and gave her a sad look. She couldn't comprehend it, she had started to fade in and out of focus, looking around her surroundings.
When she hit her back so hard on the tree, it fractured part of her spine and paralyzed her from the waist down. Along with that, she was bleeding internally and he knew she wouldn't have enough time before she actually passed out. He knew it would be bad if she passed out, it wouldn't end well at all.
And he couldn't lose her.
With glazed eyes, Y/N turned her scarce attention to Carlisle, "What's….wrong?"
Her breath had become heavy, the other effects of the accident were starting to sink in. Carlisle looked her in the eyes, as if he was memorizing every detail in them. She weakly moved an arm with the intention of placing her hand on his cheek. He took her hand in his, holding it to his cheek as he savored the warmth of her hand.
"Carlisle-?" His name was interrupted by a painful cough that riddled through her. He told her with a sad voice, crying without tearing up. "I don't think you're going to make it. You got hurt really badly."
She wasn't concerned about herself, she was concerned about him. She didn't want to leave him alone, she didn't want to leave his side after promising a million times a day that she never would.
Fresh tears stained her face to cover the old ones, not from physical pain but from emotional pain. "I'm not leaving you," she whispered in a hoarse voice.
He sighed and nodded, "I know. You'd never forgive me if I let you, and I'd never forgive myself if I let you."
She knew what he was getting at. For a moment, she was scared of the physical pain that would come with his cure, but the fear ceased when it was challenged with the despair of even the thought of leaving Carlisle's side.
She gave a weak smile and nodded, "Do it…"
He had a pained expression on his face as he considered the option again. It was the only option where she would come out alive-- or at least for the most part.
Carlisle stroked the side of her face with his thumb, gazing over her features as he looked past the injuries, looking at her true self as if it was the last time he'd see it.
He whispered in a clear but saddened voice, "I'm going to miss these eyes." She smiled at him, swallowing thickly.
Carlisle lifted her head carefully, kissing her deeply with as much meaning as he could without hurting her further. She kissed him back, it was one thing she could focus on fully with her mind slipping in and out of attention.
He whispered in her ear, "I'm so sorry."
She shook her head and told him in a broken voice, "I love you."
He kissed the side of her face, "I love you, too."
He braced himself before finally biting into her neck, his teeth piercing the skin and drawing blood. He fought off his urge to suck her dry quite well, more focused on saving her than he was on tasting her blood.
Y/N inhaled sharply, a strangled sound caught in her throat as she tried her hardest to hold in her scream. She could feel the venom already spreading over her body, burning her up from the inside out with such excruciating pain.
When Carlisle finished, he wiped his mouth and gazed at her painfully. He hated seeing her in pain, he hated seeing her looking so broken.
Try as she did, she couldn't stop the cries from leaving her body. Carlisle wiped at her tears as she squeezed her eyes shut tight, every fiber of her being struggling through the pain.
It felt like she had been lit on fire, for a moment she thought she would be hurting like this forever. She screamed and writhed in unbridled pain, her body jerking all over the place as she clenched and stretched her fingers repeatedly.
She almost wished the bottom half of her body stayed paralyzed, but she decided not to. It was better to go through the pain and spend eternity with Carlisle than it was to die and leave him without the love of his life.
Y/N opened her eyes, forcing a breath out of her lunges before sucking another back in. Her eyes fell on Carlisle. She found some remedy, thought very little, for the pain as she looked into his eyes. Beyond the agony he felt for putting you through such pain, she could see the love he felt for her that justified the physical pain.
It was that love that made him strong enough to do what he needed to do.
She didn't know how long she would be in this state-- it was different for everyone-- but she knew it would be worth it if it meant she would get to spend forever with him.
Y/N had been moved by Carlisle to his home, they couldn't stay out in the middle of nowhere while she was turning. In the safety of the home, she continued through the change.
She felt bad for putting everyone through the ordeal of having to listen to her pained screams as she turned. They wouldn't blame her for that, of course. They knew the pain she was in, they'd endured it before. That didn't stop her from feeling like she was burdening them. If only she'd been a little more careful, they wouldn't have to go through the mess that is changing.
While Edward could hear the thoughts she was having while she turned, he wasn't in the room to dissuade her from thinking those thoughts. Carlisle was right by her side the entire time. He refused to leave her, nothing his children could say would make him for even a second.
They eventually had to move Jasper out of the house. Her change was affecting him because, along with the physical pain, she was going through the emotional pain of having to watch Carlisle watch her turn. It hurt her to cause him any pain and Jasper wasn't holding up because of it.
She was in transformation for four days.
If she hadn't known physical pain before, she definitely did now. While changing made her exhausted, once she was a vampire, the exhaustion disappeared into a drained feeling.
She looked around the room, as if seeing everything for the first time. She could see every small detail in everything she laid eyes on.
She felt this strange feeling in her throat and chest, as if something was wrong, something was going against her natural instinct.
She finally put a finger on it when she realized she hadn't started breathing yet. She didn't need to, so she hadn't realized it when she didn't.
She took in a deep breath, her chest rising and falling. She could smell so many different things at one time: the trees outside, the fresh morning dew, each distinctive smell of each person throughout the entire house.
She listened closely to the sounds around her, the quiet shuffles of the residents in the house, the chips of birds outside, the light breathing of someone sat next to her.
She turned her head to look at the person next to her. A smile spread across her face as she gazed at him, looking at every small detail of his face, listening to every breath he took as he watched her with his own large smile.
"Hey," he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper but perfectly audible to her. She felt as though she might cry as she stared back at him, she was so glad to see him, even if she was with him for the past four days. She was seeing him clearly, there were no tears in her eyes.
She overestimated the amount of strength she needed to use as she got off the bed Carlisle had in his room solely for her and hugged him, straddling his waist as she buried her face in his neck, holding him a little too tight.
He let out a hearty laugh at her enthusiasm, holding her to him just as tightly. She took a deep breath in, inhaling his scent and memorizing it instantly. He was perfect in every single way.
She gripped him tight, carefully not to break him as she tried not to underestimate her strength. She breathed a sigh of contentment.
When she finally let go, it was only enough so she could kiss him. As soon as their lips touched, she sighed. The kiss alone was exhilarating.
She intertwined her fingers in his hair, letting out a soft moan against his lips. His lips tasted sweet, it was a taste she'd never experienced, but she liked it-- loved it, even.
When she pulled away, it was strange to not be gasping for breath. If she were human, she would have been.
She smiled back at him again with loving eyes, "Carlisle." She was surprised by her own voice, it was clear and seemingly perfect in every way. Carlisle watched in admiration as she experienced these things as if for the first time.
She looked back at him, "I sound…"
"Beautiful," he finished with a smile, "as always."
He kissed her again, wrapping his arms more securely around her as he stood, setting her on her feet as he pulled away. He grabbed her hand, guiding her to the bathroom connected to his room, despite him not needing to use it.
Carlisle pulled her in front of the mirror, his arms wrapping around her waist from behind and his head lying in the crook of her neck. She held his arms around her, locking her fingers with his as she stared at her reflection.
It seemed as though all of her imperfections before had been corrected, painting this perfect version of herself that actually seemed to compliment Carlisle now.
Her skin was smooth like silk, her hair was styled to perfection, despite the mess it was in, her crimson eyes were deep but they shone like stars. Even if they were yet to be the honey gold of Carlisle's eyes, they were still strangely appealing to gaze into.
She had always felt like she didn't look right next to him, she felt out of sorts. He seemed like a perfect sculpture carved from the most divine marble while she was a jugged wood carving placed next to him.
Now she looked as flawless as she did, she felt like she finally completed this perfect pair they seemed to form.
She turned her attention to Carlisle, his eyes trained on her face as she looked at him through the mirror. She smiled at him, turning in his arms to lay a hand on his cheek.
She went to kiss him again, but was suddenly distracted by a burning in her throat that made her reach to touch it. Carlisle nodded lightly, "You need to feed."
She sighed softly and nodded, taking his hand in hers and allowing him to lead her out of the house. As they walked downstairs hand in hand, the Cullens were all downstairs waiting.
She paused next to Carlisle, moving her free hand to hold their intertwined hands. She felt strange under their looks like this, like there was something wrong with her. She tensed under the eyes, a strange feeling rising in her as she grew anxious. There was this strange instinct in her that made her feel threatened, thus moving her to be hostile.
But before these instincts could properly kick in, they were smiling at her and rushing over to give her hugs. She was startled for a moment when Alice rushed into her arms happily, slightly squealing at her. She settled and hugged her back, eventually exchanging hugs with everyone in the coven before getting a giant bear hug from Emmett-- and she expected nothing less than that.
They gave her a proper welcome into the coven, expressing how happy they were that she was alright. Before she could strike up some conversation, Carlisle pulled her away so she could feed. "You can catch up afterwards," he smiled at Y/N.
Y/N found that she wasn't clumsy anymore. It was as if being a vampire cured everything wrong with her and made her this perfect woman. It made her feel like she was actually worth Carlisle's time now. She never said anything before, she didn't feel like it was appropriate to, but she always believed that she was far less than Carlisle. She never believed she was really that valuable, Carlisle's reassurances could only last her for so long.
After teaching Y/N how to properly hunt, they returned home. She was smiling the whole way, happy with her new self as she walked with Carlisle.
A few days passed and Carlisle started to notice she felt a lot happier than she had when she was human. He was curious to know why the change was such a big one, she was brighter, more radiant, as if things were finally working out for her.
One night while everyone was out feeding, Carlisle and Y/N were still at home together. He questioned her, "You're happier than you used to be. Even Jasper can feel the difference."
She shrugged, "I am." The simple response was enough to make Carlisle push on. "Why weren't you this happy before?"
Y/N looked at him, her red eyes staring into his golden ones before she sighed. "I'm different now. Before I was this clumsy, accident-prone, mediocre girl and now I actually feel…strong."
Carlisle took her hand in his, bringing it up to kiss the back of it, "Y/N."
She nodded, "I know, I know. I wasn't mediocre before, and I'm not mediocre now. I'll always be special to you."
He chuckled lightly before licking his lips, "Why did you think you were mediocre?"
She shrugged and sighed, "I mean…you literally look like a perfect specimen, like a beautiful statue. I…didn't. I was unimpressive and boring. But now I'm strong and I'm beautiful and…I'm perfect now."
Carlisle said exactly what she thought he would, but it somehow still managed to hit home with her.
"Y/N," he said, "when you were human, I cherished you for what you were. I still cherish you for what you are. Do you want to know something? The only difference I see between you now and you then are the color of your eyes. You were always beautiful, you were always strong, you were always perfect, and you always will be. To be honest, I do miss the clumsiness."
She chuckled at the last part, kissing his cheek, "Yeah, because arriving at the ER at least once every two weeks was fun."
"It amazed me how much one human could get hurt in a month," he replied, a soft laugh erupting from his chest.
Y/N smiled brightly and sighed. Perhaps she was hard on herself. All of her self-doubt wouldn't disappear in one night, but perhaps it would over her time with Carlisle. He would definitely do everything in his power to make sure she knew her worth.
She leaned over to him, kissing him gently before smiling and telling him genuinely, "I love you, Carlisle."
"I love you," he smiled. He took her face in his hands, kissing her lips softly. She moved so that she was sitting in his lap, happy to be with him, as always.
Carlisle's hands smoothed over her back, his touch was soothing over her skin. She pulled away from his lips, her eyes closed, her mind focused on his hands on her. It was such a soothing and exhilarating feeling. Her skin tingled wherever his hands dragged as he watched her sigh in pleasure.
Her voice was feathery as she spoke, "What's happening?"
His smile was one of adoration, "Your senses are stronger. You can feel every touch, smell every scent, hear every sound, taste every taste, and see every sight on a higher level."
She nodded, "That makes sense." She'd never felt anything like this. But, to be fair, she'd never been in a relationship as close and intimate as with Carlisle-- or anywhere near it.
She leaned forward again, her head in the crook of his neck as she pressed her body against his. "Do it more," she whispered.
And he did. His hand glided over her skin, grazing her up her back, over her shoulders, and down her arms. His hands gripped her, his thumbs brushing her skin, before moving back up her arms and down her sides.
Y/N turned her head and kissed his neck. Carlisle's eyes fluttered closed, his hands grazing down her outer thighs, moving back up and starting over running up her back.
She adjusted herself so she straddled his waist, locking her legs behind him. She loved being this close to him, he always felt so wonderful.
"How do you feel?" He asked her in his honey smooth voice.
She smiled, "Really good." She leaned forward, her hands cupping his face affectionately before kissing him again. He hands supported her back, pulling her impossibly close.
He stood, his arms wrapping around her waist to carry her. Laying her gently on the bed, he kissed her more desperately than he had before. Y/N sighed, moving her arms to wrap around his neck.
With every second, her need for him at that moment became more than just for care. She wanted him, needed him. With every kiss, her carnal need for him grew stronger.
Carlisle didn't need to be a mind reader to know what she was thinking. He whispered into her ear, the words so delicate in the air, "Say the words, and I'm yours."
She moaned lightly, nodding her head before giving him another kiss, "I want you, I want this. Please make me yours."
He smiled, kissing her hastily. His hands moved down her sides, gripping her waist as he pressed his thumbs into them. She grabbed his shirt, initially going to take it off of him before deciding to just rip it from his body completely.
He found that amusing as he allowed the piece of fabric to fall to the floor. He chuckled lightly, shifting her to move farther onto the bed. His hands pulled down her pants eagerly. He let them drop to the floor, kicking them out of his way.
She watched him intently, her eyes clouded with lust. He smiled at her and snuck his hands into her panties, rubbing her clit expertly.
She sucked in a breath, gripping the sheets for dear life as she let out a loud moan. Carlisle couldn't believe his eyes at the sight, it was beautiful, she was beautiful.
His finger moved quickly, applying just the right amount of force. Her legs tightened around his waist, pulling him close to her. He moved back over her and kissed her again, swallowing her moans hungrily.
It was ridiculous how fast he made her reach the edge. She was getting close to meeting her release and all he did was kiss and touch her. If she was this sensitive, she could only imagine what he would feel like inside of her.
She was getting so hot thinking about it.
"Carlisle," she moaned before he stopped his ministrations, he knew how close she was. She whined and he told her in a surprisingly seductive tone, "I love the way you look when you get close, but I don't want you to come yet."
She couldn't believe his words as she looked at him pleadingly. She was so ready for him. She was so ready to feel him.
She reached down his pants, undoing his belt eagerly. His eyes closed momentarily before he looked back at her, his eyes liquid gold as he gazed at her. When she had his pants down, she palmed him through his underwear, moaning lightly.
Carlisle groaned at her contact, kissing her neck and earning a sharp gasp from her. One hand went back to his head, holding him down next to her. Her other hand continued before going to take off his boxers entirely.
She let out a soft sigh when she saw his impressive length. He wasn't small, that was for sure. He let out a sigh of his own before whispering in her ear, "Are you sure?"
She bit her lip, kissing his cheek before telling him, "Carlisle, I love you. I want to share everything with you, especially…"
Carlisle glanced at her after her hesitation. "Especially what?" He asked.
She sucked on her lip before admitting, "Especially my first time."
He shared a long, meaningful look with her. He kissed her again. Despite the disheveled state they were in, the kiss was slow and sensual and managed to convey their love for each other with such depth. When he pulled back, he gave one last look to her before she nodded confidently.
He contained eyed contact with her before sliding inside slowly. She threw her head back, closing her eyes and gasping. She let out a loud exclamation as he buried himself deep within her. He groaned into her skin.
He pulled out slowly until he was left with just the tip inside of her before pushing himself back inside. She wrapped her legs around his waist, so eager to keep him close. "Oh, please," she moaned.
Carlisle sighed, a sound so full of pleasure at hearing her voice pleaded for him like she was. His excitement exploded, he had to try and control himself.
Carlisle's breath picked up, he tried to keep himself on as much control as possible, doing his best to keep from pistoning in her.
However, when she got used to his impressive size, tightening her grip around his neck. "Oh, yes," she sighed, "More. Please, Carlisle, more."
He almost lost it when she said his name in such a way. He didn't realize just how much power she had over him until she moaned his name in her plea. He obliged to her pleas and his thrusts became faster and harder.
Her sounds filled the room and his sounds began to mix with hers from his excitement. She could feel a knot in her stomach as she felt herself getting closer to her release.
She cursed under her breath, moaning his name in his ear. Carlisle could feel her squeezing around him, which only spurred him on as his thrusts became more erratic. Her moans, her cries, her pleas, they were so seductively precious to him. He wanted to pull them from her night after night. He wanted to have her forever.
"I'm so close," she whispered, her mouth hanging open as she moaned out.
"I know," he said, "I can feel you."
She smiled, panting heavily as Carlisle thrusted into her so deliciously. He was getting so close, he was just at the edge of his release.
She sighed, the words sending them both over the edge with such force, "I love you, Carlisle."
They gasped, holding their breath as they finally reached their sweet release together. Y/N intertwined her fingers with his, kissing him deeply as she moaned into his mouth.
They chased their highs together, the feeling so intense, so euphoric, so exhilarating.
When they finally started to come down, he eased her through it. Their breaths mingled as they pulled away from the kiss. Carlisle pulled out of her. He brushed a thumb against her cheek, pulling her into another kiss.
She smiled, holding him impossibly close to her. When they pulled back from the kiss, Carlisle whispered, "I love you."
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Bad Boy-John Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @markshade​)
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hi do you think u can do a John Shelby imagine where they are dating and y/n is a good innocent girl but freaky with John and her parents want to Him over for dinner John wants to piss off her dad cause he’s not a fan of the blinders and does subtle things to annoy him like touching y/n at the end of the night when they are saying goodbye at his car they have a heated make out sesh and John knows her dad is looking through the window so spices it up a bit . ❤️’
Characters: John Shelby x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
(Y/L/N)=Your last name
Warnings: Smut from the start (unsafe sex!), dirty talk, swearing, arguing, mentions of violence and death, fluff
(A/N: Amelia and Henry are made up characters)
I clamped my hand over my mouth tightly, struggling to keep in the whimpers and moans as John continuously thrusted into me. However, the boxes I was perched on were full of bottles of beer, causing them to clang against each other.We were in the stock room of the Garrison, luckily having the music, singing and loud chatter drowning out the noise we were creating. John’s hands gripped at the skin around my hips, that cocky smirk on his face that I loved so much. For some reason, an idea popped into my head, and in the state of euphoria I was in just made me say it out loud.
“John...” was all I managed to breath out at first.
“Fuck, I love it when you say my name. Say it again.” he instructed.
“I want you to meet my parents.”
He suddenly stopped, making me realise it wasn’t the best time to bring that up.“You what?”
We were both heavily breathing.“Sorry, I don’t know why I said that just then.”
He scoffed, sighing as he slid out of me.“Well, that’s finished with.”
“I’m sorry! They want to meet you. They know who you are, but they want to try and treat this like they did with my sister.”
“You sure you want that? Remember what you told me when they first found out about us?”
I rolled my eyes, hitching up my stocking as he did up his trousers.“It was their idea, not mine.”
“You don’t want me meeting them?”
“Of course I do, I just-” I caught him trying to hide a laugh, he was winding me up.“You’re such a little shit.”
He stood in between my legs again, hands on my thighs before I could push my skirt down.“Well, if I have been summoned by the Lord (Y/L/N)-”
“Oh my god,” I threw my head back as I laughed in frustration,“would you stop calling him that! I’m the same class as you.”
“What have I always said?”
I shrugged my shoulders, but knew what he was referring to.
“You were always meant to be a fucking princess, Princess (Y/N) of Birmingham.”
I laughed at him.“Oh shut up! Are you coming to dinner or not?”
“If you ask me nicely.”
“And how do I do that?”
“By finishing what we started.”
John and I had been together for a few months now, much to my parents dismay. It had started as a drunk one night stand; we were both at the Garrison, and seemingly chose each other for the night. However, when you’re young, poor and living in Small Heath, there aren’t a lot of places to go out, so me and my friends went to the Garrison all the time. This meant I also saw John again....and again....and again, and again. We slept we each other maybe three more times before wondering if this could become a thing; from there onwards, we found out more about each other, and he brought out a side of me I had been hiding, also wanting to release.
On the day of the dinner, I wanted to see John before he arrived. I lied to my mum, saying we had no bread (which I had hidden away), and practically running out of the house to ‘buy’ some. I told John what time to be at mine, also lying to make him leave earlier so I could meet him halfway. In the bakery, I threw the money onto the counter after picking up a loaf of bread, speedily walking away as I prayed I would run into John. Luck was on my side as I spotted him, already heading in the direction of my home.
“John!” I shouted, the whole street now looking at me as I sprinted past them. 
He whipped around at the noise, hand hovering over where his gun would be. When he saw me, he didn’t relax, wondering why I was yelling his name and running like a mad man.
“I’m so glad I caught you.” I struggled to say, out of breath.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” he panicked.
“No, no I’m fine. I’m a terrible runner though.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Bread.” I said, holding up the loaf as evidence.“And also, to see you.”
“I was just leaving.”
“Yes, I can see that. I just wanted to go over some rules.”
“Rules? Oh come on (Y/N)-”
“No, listen to me.” I held up the bread instead of pointing my finger at him.“I love you. I always take your side for everything. We both know my parents don’t like this, but seeing as I am a grown woman, they don’t do anything to stop me. So just for today, we’re going to abide to their rules.”
He rolled his eyes.“Right, so I’ve got to be the uptight prat that your parents want you to be with?”
“They know what you’re like already, and even if they didn’t, they would be able to see through that act. Just let my dad be my dad.”
“If he says something fucking offensive, I’m not going to stay quiet!”
“Fine, then be political about it. Don’t shout at each other, try to make small talk, but no talking about guns, violence, killing-”
“Alright, are you going to go?”
“Sorry. I just want this to be easy. I hate seeing you stressed. I love you.”
He held my hand, starting to walk.“Yeah, yeah. Come on, I’ve got the car parked up in the garage.”
I hated that he hadn’t sent it back, but I understood why he was being like this. I was making him be someone he wasn’t. I loved John as a person, however, I couldn’t be dealing with a screaming match between him and my family.
“John, I do love you.” I said after a few minutes of walking.
“I know. I love you too.” he eventually smiled.“Just want you all to myself now, you know? We wouldn’t have to be dealing with this.”
“Soon darling. We’ll get that house soon enough. Oh, I’ve just remembered something else!”
“Rule number...I’ve lost count, maybe one hundred?”
“No inappropriate stuff. No touching, kissing, being sneaky, nothing!”
“That’s going to be incredibly hard. Especially with that dress.” 
Once we made it to my house, I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before getting out of the car. Opening the front door. I called out to my parents, hearing them reply from the front room. I told John to remove his coat whilst I rushed into the kitchen with the bread, carelessly chucking it on the side before getting back to him. I saw a hint of nerves in his eyes, though his pride covered it. Taking his hand in mine, I guided us to my family, surprised to see who was sitting with them.
“Amelia? What are you doing here? And with Henry?” I asked.
“Well, Henry would happen to be here with me because he’s my husband. I’m sure you remember being at the wedding.” she quipped.
“I don’t remember the boring days of my life. Not worth it.”
“(Y/N).” mum warned.
“Anyway,” I looked up at John,“I would like you to all meet John Shelby. We’ve been seeing each other for quite some time and-”
“We know who he is.” dad sighed, not even bothering to stand from his seat. 
“You’re the ones who invited him over. It would be nice of you to greet him properly.”
Dad stood slowly, making his way towards us, making me think he was getting up to shake John’s hand. Instead he just stopped, not looking either of us in the eye.
“I need a drink.”
He broke us apart by walking through us, mum timidly following. I felt like swearing and screaming. It was their idea. They wanted to meet him but then they were being like this. I sent an apologetic smile to John as we sat down.
“So,” I thought I would try and make conversation,“John, this is my sister Amelia and her husband Henry. She used to live here but she moved away a few years ago.”
“Had to find a better area, you know? Safer for the children we were planning for.” Amelia smugly smiled.
“Such a saint is my sister.”
“It’s like Mary and Joseph.” John chuckled, causing me to laugh.
“Well that would make you Judas and...and whoever he was with then, wouldn’t it?” Amelia desperately tried.
“Nice one Amelia. Don’t think too hard next time, yeah?”
Before she could snap back, mum called us to the dinner table. I realised we would all be squashed around it, seeing as only four people could usually fit there. I made sure John was sat beside me, Amelia and Henry opposite us and my parents at either head of the table. Our knees were almost touching we were that close. Dinner started silent, everyone tucking into the small meal. We were poor, we never had a lot to eat; which was why I was surprised that Amelia was here, there were now three more mouths to feed, not just John. But I knew why she was really here. Amelia had done what our parents wanted, found a good man who could provide her with the bare necessities and keep her out of trouble. They wanted me to reflect on who I was in love with, try to change my mind. Wasn’t going to happen.
“So what is it you actually do?” Henry asked. I was unsure if it was supposed to be malicious or whether he was actually curious.
“Work in the betting shop.” John answered.
“Yeah, but, you know, on the side.”
“Henry, we don’t want to get involved.” Amelia scolded him.
“Just because you’ve graced me with your presence, that doesn’t mean you’re on some sort of hit list.”
“No, but my sister is.”
“Amelia, shut up.” I snapped.
“No, she’s right.” John said, causing me to whip my head round to him. He went against my instructions, placing his hand on my thigh.“But I wouldn’t let anyone hurt my girl. They would be dead before they even thought about it.”
Although I had told him to not talk of such things or stoop to my families level, my heart melted at the (somewhat morbid) statement.
“Am I hearing this right?” mum laughed, but their was no humour behind it.
“Mum, try to not get upset.” Amelia held her hand.
Now it was my turn to laugh.“Oh my god.” Everyone looked at me, John was smirking whilst the others were frowning.“You’re such a hypocrite.”
“You were sneaking out all the time, seeing different boys every weekend. What makes you so much better than me?”
“I’m not with a criminal.”
“All of you stop it!” dad exclaimed, slamming his fist down on the table.“And get your fucking hand off my daughter.”
Amelia tutted.“Henry would never-”
“You and Henry were fucking upstairs before dinner when he came round the first time!” I butted in.
“Sounds like a good time to me.” John mumbled under his breath.
“How dare you?!” mum was shocked.
“I knew this was a stupid idea. Get out, now!”
“With pleasure.” John stood, grabbing my hand.
I quickly left with him, grabbing the key off the counter and locking the door behind me. It made me laugh hearing their shouts of protest and banging on the door. We rushed to the car, scared that they would somehow break down the door. John leaned me back against it, hands sliding down the side of my body and gripping my arse. He knew what he was doing, especially since my family now had their faces pressed against the window.
“Well, that was...quick.” I giggled.
“Yeah, you’re not used to that.” John joked.
“You have to make it all about sex, don’t you?”
“(Y/N), I don’t give a fuck about what they think, and neither do you. As soon as I get this bit of business sorted with Tom and Arthur, I’m buying that house and you are moving in with me. Then we’ll get married straight away-”
“I hope this isn’t your proposal.”
“Don’t you worry, I’ve got something big planned for that.”
He leaned down to kiss me, gripping onto my arse firmly. As he deepened the kiss, adding tongues, he forced his knee between my legs, and I subconsciously started rubbing against it, only subtly. I made sure he stayed close by pulling him in by his coat. The neighbours would surely be watching, it was a small street, which would drive my parents insane. This only fuelled something in me, and I wanted to keep going. 
“I suggest we take this somewhere more private. Like, right now.” John breathlessly said.
I frantically nodded, and we both headed for opposite sides of the car, until I saw I still had the key in my hand. Hurriedly making my way back to the door, I ignored my family who had now managed to open the windows, screaming at me as I posted the key through the letter box. Running as fast as I could back to the car, I felt the adrenaline rush through me, giggling like a maniac at the thought of my parents catching me. Slamming the door shut as I jumped in the car, John floored it, and we looked like we escaped from an insane asylum as we laughed.
I stuck my head out of the car and screamed,“I fucking love you John Shelby!”
He pulled me back in by my dress, squeezing my thigh once I sat down.“I love you too, you fucking maniac.”
“I don’t think I’ll be allowed back there, you know.”
“Good thing you’re staying with me then.”
“You sure you’re ready for all of this?”
“I’ve been ready since I laid eyes on your face...and those tits, and that arse-”
“You make it seem like you’re only in it for my body.”
“Nah, that’s the ultimate bonus though. I already said it, but once you’re with me, I protect you and love you. You’re mine.”
“And you’re mine. Make sure to do your coat up before you get out the car, it’s a bit obvious down there.”
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Just One Day
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Part 11 of the Boys with Luv series
Pairing: Reader x BTS, BTS x BTS
Summary: Someone from her past comes back
Warnings: Physical abuse, mental abuse, rape, swearing, kidnapping, hostage situation, suicidal thoughts
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope, @fic-recs-by-moon, @luvtaeha, @aretha170, @xicanacorpse, @kookieebangtan, @fangirl125reader, @seoul9711, @channiespup , @lindsayjoy444, @fairygirl18​, @black-rose-29, @bts-ot7-for-life, @meowmeowyoongles​
AN: Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist and what you think of the series so far :) I purple you guys! Also, happy FESTA!!
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
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Jungkook stretched and hummed in his chair as he saved the last copy of the song he was working on, his shirt riding up, exposing his stomach to the air conditioning that was circulating crisp, cold air around the room. He preferred his studio to be quite cold while he was working late as it would keep him awake, to the point where he would lose track of time and would only go home because one of his hyungs told him to either by calling him incessantly until he picked up or actually dragging him out of his studio.
He grabbed his bag from the couch behind him and began packing everything up quickly, wanting nothing more than to cuddle with Y/N and love her with everything he had. He grabbed her phone and glanced at the time. It was just past midnight. His gorgeous girl had left just under two hours ago and he felt bad because he had promised he would be an hour at the most. He made sure everything was properly turned off and logged out. He pushed his chair back under his desk with his foot before moving out of the studio and locking the door behind him.
He knew that when he got home everyone would be asleep. They normally stayed up until everyone was home, but if Y/N had told the others that he was close behind then they would have gone to bed, knowing that he would be back soon. He said a quick goodbye to the night guards before moving into the parking lot and getting into his car.
He drove quickly but carefully back. The streets of Seoul were quite quiet since it was the middle of the night, but it was something Jungkook found quite relaxing. He loved the glimmering of the streetlights and neon shop lights against the dark sky. There were no stars tonight - it was too cloudy, but Seoul made up for that, the lights on the tips of the skyscrapers becoming artificial stars. He wanted to take Y/N out for a date like this, driving through Seoul and then eating junk food on the hood of his car somewhere secluded while looking at the sky and scenery, enjoying each other’s presence. He would do that with her soon, when his schedule wasn’t as hectic.
He pulled into the underground parking lot of the group’s flat and jogged to their apartment, not being able to keep away from his gorgeous girl any longer. He needed her in his arms. 
He unlocked the door and toed off his shoes, instantly being met with the sight of his hyungs sat together in the living room and no Y/N in sight.
“Where the hell have you been?” Yoongi asked, getting up and embracing the boy before taking hold of his ear and twisting it. Jungkook yelped in pain.
“I was in the Golden Closet. Didn’t Y/N tell you?” Jungkook moved to cup his ear to help with the pain but Yoongi stopped his hand. “Speaking of, where is my gorgeous girl?”
“We thought she was with you, Kook.” Hoseok replied.
“But she left before me, like two hours ago. Sejin-ssi picked her up. She said she would come straight here, hyung.” Jungkook explained, biting at his thumb nervously. His head was instantly filled with negative thoughts. Which if their car had been hijacked by saesangs? What if they had been in an accident?
“Jungkook!” Yoongi yelled, getting his attention. “I asked you a question?”
“I’m sorry, hyung, I didn’t hear you, can you please repeat it?” Jungkook took a shaky breath, feeling himself on the verge of a panic attack.
“I said are you sure Sejin-ssi picked her up?” Yoongi repeated himself.
“I don’t know, I think so. He did text me saying he had got her.” Jungkook collapsed on one of the sofas, holding his head in his hands. “Hyung, what if they got in an accident? What if a saesang intercepted the car?”
“Hey, hey, Yoongi hyung, calm down, you’re scaring him.” Namjoon said, putting his hands on the older’s shoulders and sitting him down. “Okay, now, Kook you need to calm down, okay? Don’t panic.” He noticed the maknae’s breathing speeding up and tears streaming down his face.
“I should have left with her when she said she was tired. I shouldn’t have stayed later. I just wanted to finish the song. It was me who suggested it.” Namjoon sighed and sat down, pulling the younger boy onto his lap.
“How about we call her? It’s most likely that she asked Sejin to stop for ice cream or something like that. You know how much of a sweet tooth she has.” Namjoon suggested, rubbing the maknae’s back to calm him down. He hated seeing him this upset. 
“We can’t call her. She left her phone.” Jungkook said. “I should have followed her. I should have chased after her and given it to her when I realised she had left it. I’m a terrible boyfriend.” More tears poured down his face, his doll-like lips becoming pouted. 
“Hey, no, you aren’t. We’ll just call Sejin, okay.” Namjoon reassured him. “Jungkook, you are not a terrible boyfriend. You are amazing. She loves you so much.” Namjoon looked over to the rest of the members. “One of you call Sejin-ssi. I’m going to get Kookie some comfortable clothes and then try and calm him down, okay?”
“I’ll call him.” Jimin volunteered, pulling out his phone. He tapped a few things on the screen and put the call on speaker. The ringing tone filled the room for a few moments before someone picked up. “Sejin-ssi?”
It was silent before someone spoke. Someone who was definitely not Sejin. “Hmm, no, how about you try again?” The person replied, making Jimin look up at his hyungs with wide eyes. 
“Who is this? Why do you have Sejin’s phone?” Yoongi asked, his voice firm and serious. There was a chuckle from the other end of the phone and a noise that sounded like a whimper of pain.
“I’m surprised she didn’t tell you about me. I used to be her one and only and know she walks around acting like a little whore with not one but seven men and I need to correct that.” The man sounded menacing. Jungkook gulped and looked at Yoongi, his doe eyes full of fear. Yoongi looked like he was ready to murder someone, and Jungkook knew that he was going to take the main brunt of his anger.
“Jackson?” Yoongi had no emotion in his voice. This happened when he was really scared or really angry. It was like his body shut down any way he could be seen as weak. 
“Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.” Jackson said snarkily. “I didn’t think your boyfriends were this dumb, but maybe they were in order to actually fall in love with someone like you.” His voice was quieter like he wasn’t talking into the phone. “Maybe you lured them in like the little slut you are. Desperate for attention and sex.” There was a loud thud and a cry of pain.
“Jackson stop! Please!” They heard you beg. Jungkook bit his lip, not wanting to hear his girlfriend being hurt and not being able to do anything about it. 
“I never said you could speak, stupid bitch.” There was a slap and a stifled shout. “Wish I could speak longer but I have some things to do.”
“Wait, jagiya, we’re coming to find you. We’re not giving up on you. We love you.” Yoongi shouted just before the call was ended. There was a beep. Jimin shouted in frustration and threw his phone across the room.
“This is all my fault.” Jungkook whispered to himself.
“Damn right it is!” Yoongi shouted, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him up. “Why would you not go with her? How could you let her go by herself! What the actual fuck, Jungkook!”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think-” 
“You never do! You only do what you want to do! You’re so selfish, Jeon Jungkook!” Yoongi was seething. Jungkook gulped. “Your sorry doesn’t fix anything! She is gone! She is back with that pathetic excuse for a man and is probably not going to make it! You know what she told me? If she was ever with Jackson again, she was going to kill herself! So tell me, Jungkook, what are you going to do? You’ve sent her down the river to her death! Because of you, she’s going to die!”
“Hyung!” Namjoon yelled, making Yoongi drop Jungkook. The maknae skittered away. There was a slam and then silence. “What the hell are you doing? You know how sensitive he is!” Namjoon was angry. 
“Jackson has her, Joon. He intercepted Sejin and kidnapped her. He was beating her on the phone.” Yoongi’s voice was shaky. “And it’s all Jungkook’s fault. He should have left with her. He knows that Jackson is out there!”
“How the hell would Jungkook have known Jackson would have the balls to do something like this?” Namjoon asked with an edge to his voice. “He called Sejin to make sure she wasn’t walking home by herself! If he really didn’t care about her, he would have let her make her own way home.”
“If he cared about her, he would have taken her home himself!” Yoongi wasn’t having any of it. In his eyes, Jungkook was at fault here. 
“Look, you’re angry and scared. We all are. But that does not give us the right to argue with each other. We need to stick together if we want to get her back.” Namjoon said, remaining calm. He had to. If he fell apart, they all fell apart. “You need to go and cool off. Go to your room and calm yourself down, and then you need to apologise to Jungkook. You’re his hyung, Yoon, and he needs you right now.”
Yoongi looked at his younger member and sighed. Namjoon was right. They couldn’t afford to be arguing with each other. It would make everything a whole lot worse.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Yoongi’s voice was quiet. 
“Come on, hyungie. I think you need some Jiminie cuddles.” A small hand took his and pulled him up to his room. “Namjoon hyung, can you call the police, please.” Namjoon pointed to his phone and nodded. 
Jimin lay down on Yoongi’s bed and opened his arms. “I’m the big spoon this time.” He said. Yoongi nodded and climbed onto the bed, settling into Jimin’s arms. It was then he allowed the wall to come down and dissolved into tears.
“She said she was going to kill herself, Min.” Yoongi sobbed. “She said she wouldn’t be able to handle being with him for any longer. I don’t. I can’t deal with losing her. I won’t be able to deal with losing her.”
“It will be okay, hyung. Joonie hyung is on the phone with the police now and since he has Sejin’s phone, they will be able to track it and see where they are. PD-nim had a tracker installed into the phone that can’t be turned off in case Sejin ever got kidnapped or we did. They’ll find her.”
“Yes, but if they find her, will they actually find her, or will she just be the shell of herself?” Yoongi said, resting the side of his head on Jimin’s chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
Silence. Darkness. Pain. 
The never ending cycle that Y/N was going through. Whatever Jackson had used to knock her out had caused the worse headache. It throbbed, each wave of pain being stronger than the last. She winced as she came around.
Her eyes felt like they were glued together. She tried to open them, but failed. Her eyelids felt too heavy. She also knew that if she opened them she would be faced with the impending doomed reality she was forced to deal with. The reality where she was back with Jackson and had been ripped away from her happy life with her boys.
It was then the most horrible thought flashed through her mind. What if it had all been a dream? What if she had made it all up? Those months where all her fear for Jackson had fizzled out, thinking she was safe? It was a false sense of security. In what world would BTS, the biggest boygroup in the world, be her soulmates? In what world would she deserve seven soulmates? There would only be one way to test if it was real. She had to open her eyes and see if everything was greyscale or full color. 
She tried to open her eyes again, but failed. Had he glued her eyes shut? She reached up and felt along her eyelashes. It was crusty but it wasn’t sticky. She pried open her eyelids, pulling them apart with her fingers. She hissed slightly. 
Her eyelids were unstuck now, but she didn’t want to open her eyes. She didn’t want to open them if the past months had just been a dream. Just open them Y/N, she thought to herself, just open them. You never know. 
“Please don’t be grey. Please don’t be grey.” She whispered to herself, gingerly opening her eyes.
She looked around, realising that she was back in that bedroom. Her mother’s lamp was still on the bedside table, although there was a small dark brown stain on it now. Dark brown. That was a color. She breathed a sigh of relief. At least one thing was going well. 
“Look who’s up.” A voice drawled. She looked over to the door and saw Jackson lounging against the frame, a belt idly swinging between his fingers. She gulped.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” She glared at him, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her head. 
“Because I love you and you love me.” Jackson shrugged. “You belong with me, not with them.”
“I don’t love you, Jackson. I haven’t for a long while.” She spat.
Jackson gasped animatedly. “Someone has some nerve talking to me like that. Where are your manners? Guess I need to teach you again. Kneel and face the bed.”
Y/N ignored him, trying to stand up to him and show him that she wasn’t weak anymore and that she knew her worth and wasn’t scared of him. He slapped the belt across her face. Thankfully he was holding the buckle, but the impact still hurt. She cried out as he pulled her up by her hair and forced her into a kneeling position.
“Listen to me, stupid bitch.” He hit her harshly with the belt. “Just a few months away from me and all your training is gone. Looks like I’ll just have to be harsher with you.” He added a few more hits before throwing his belt somewhere else in the room. “Get on the bed.” He pulled her up by her hair, making her hiss in pain. “Now if you make a sound, I will make this so much worse for you.” He threatened.
Y/N gulped and nodded, allowing him to force her into a position on the bed. Her back and shoulders hurt so much. He forced her onto her hands and knees. He groaned. “Now that is a sight I have missed.” He rubbed his hands over her ass.
Y/N’s heartbeat sped up and her breathing quickened. Was he about to rape her? She tried to move away from him, but he grabbed onto her hips. “Stop!” He shouted, hitting her back over one of the open wounds from his belt. She cried out and crumpled forwards. He pressed his hips against her. “See how much I’ve missed you.” He was hard against her. She didn’t want this.
“Get away from me. Don’t. Please don’t.”
“I said no talking!” A harsh smack to her inner thigh followed before he ripped off her panties. She silently scolded herself for wearing a skirt. If she had been wearing jeans she would have been able to fight against this better. She would have had more time. She sobbed as she heard him push his jeans down. Before he could do anything to her, a phone started ringing.
“Fuck sake.” He groaned, answering it as he stroked over her lower back and thighs.
“Sejin-ssi?” It was Jimin. Y/N felt some relief flood through her body. She knew that Sejin had an unremovable tracker built into his phone that could not be switched off and she knew Jackson had no knowledge of it. Jackson dug his nails into her skin before he spoke.
“Hmm, no, how about you try again?” Jackson smirked, knowing he had full power here. 
“Who is this? Why do you have Sejin’s phone?” Yoongi sounded angry. Y/N knew that he was not going to rest until he found her. 
Jackson set the phone down and whispered into Y/N’s ear. “If you say one thing, I will kill you.” He threatened. “Now, shut up and be good.” He chuckled as he picked up the phone, pushing into the poor girl. She whimpered, the dry friction hurting her.
“I’m surprised she didn’t tell you about me. I used to be her one and only and know she walks around acting like a little whore with not one but seven men and I need to correct that.” Jackson rolled his hips against her, making her bury her head and cry. She didn’t know if they could hear her.
“Jackson?” Yoongi figured it out, but Y/N had just switched off. She hated this. She wanted out.
“Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.” Jackson said snarkily. “I didn’t think your boyfriends were this dumb, but maybe they were in order to actually fall in love with someone like you.” He reached down and grabbed his belt again.  “Maybe you lured them in like the little slut you are. Desperate for attention and sex.” He brought the leather down against her skin, this time not holding the buckle. She felt the metal tear open her skin, leaving fresh wounds that would sometimes go over the ones he had already done. It hurt so much. Y/N just wanted it to be over. She couldn’t do this again. He hit her again, making her scream out in pain.
“Jackson, stop! Please!” She yelled, her hands curling in the sheets to relieve some of the pain.
“I never said you could speak, stupid bitch.” Jackson slapped her before grabbing his belt and wrapping it around her neck tightly. She could feel her air supply being cut off. She released a stifled scream, clawing at the leather around her neck.  “Wish I could speak longer but I have some things to do.” He said into the phone.
Before he could hang up, Y/N heard Yoongi talking directly to her.  “Wait, jagiya, we’re coming to find you. We’re not giving up on you. We love you.”
“Yoongi! I love you all too!” She yelled but Jackson had cut the call.
“Now... where were we?” He sounded menacing. Y/N sobbed as she felt him begin to move.
But now she had that small glimmer of hope that they would be able to find her. One day she would be out of here and she held onto that. For them.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Love Brings Patience.
A/N: Just an angsty "3am thoughts and listening to hozier while doing" it blurb. Enjoy!! ♡♡
It thunders outside loudly, but she didn’t flinch. The mass of blues and viridescent ivory painting the sky -- a call for rain, as when there’s blessed pour of shower after every winter sick – but it’s monsoon —- there’s none of the sympathy that these boofy clouds could slip into Y/N's pocket as she lays on her bed watching through the glass roof of the home ... they built together.
With so much, love, trust, faith and passion for eachother that anything in the world was unable to come between them – until it did.
Pinning against them and keeping them apart.
Everything will be okay, in the end. It’s not okay. It’s not the end.
It’s just beginning. Beginning to suffer alone and without him, his emotional and physical support, his cheery smile that’d race her heartbeat like chariots of Hades and his gentle need to saturate the distances between them wherever they’re, his loving gleamy eyes never skimming past her and he'd dot soft grateful kisses to her raspberry cheeks and kiss her temple as if she’s the goddess that resides in his home and it’d be a sin not to cherish her.
He loves too much. He did. He does. He loved her beyond everything that it killed him, he was sobbing that night – drenching the lilac carpeted floor with the water droplets dripping down and Y/N wasn’t sure if it was the roar of lightening against the creaky windows of their home or the feebleness of his voice that sobered her into dust.
“Been hurtin' ye'fo’ years .. by being away from you fo' months and coming back to just give y'memories and hopes for me early arrival —-.. what .. -- what kinda lover does that?” He hiccupped. His wet fringes didn’t let Y/N fetch him and dip her hand in his soul to touch it and tell him where he belongs, he always belonged to her – and your path is always destined to ones, who you belong to.
“-- ... makes ye' -m..m—makes you wait and takes the test of yer patience, like you’re not human –...” But, this isn’t what love brings? Wait and patience and sacrifice —- the yearn to have the love of your life in your embrace while you pace through the alleyway of airports.
Love brings patience.
“... darlin’ ye' deserve the same warmth of a body, same attention and love that everyone out there’s getting ..” His sniffles sharp and breathless as he pointed out the window to indicate the world and she doesn’t know how in just one night he became so silly, because her world is him — only him.
Her whisper came out broken, “And what about you?” Her caring question for him made him push the heels of his palms to his sockets and rub the stubborn fat tears away.
“It’s hurtin’ me to. Makes me not breath at nights, stayin' away from you -- ‘m never focusin’ –- ‘s just you, Always you in the pocket of me heart – the back of my mind —-- can’t escape it. My stupid stupid heart tries to see you in strangers faces ‘n —--... my arms pulls at cold sheets to get to your warmth but it never comes, whatever I do.” His chest tightened and it’s repeating the same shortness of breaths he used to get while crying to himself in those hotel rooms, the puffy lips gasping for oxygen and Y/N' was rushing towards him grabbing his jaw to inspect him but he’s slip shutting his eyes and gesturing her he’s okay.
Murmured sadly, “And lovie’ it hurts.” So, loving her hurts him? What kind of love is that? A piece of failure when it should be what they tell in fairy tales.
She failed him.
She was shuddering letting his hand slip from her sweaty palms when he stood up with a worn out sad face, head hung down with the burden of guilt and selfishness.
���I don’t wanna hurt you anymore.” She was on her knees. Lips wobbled glum. She tugged on the bottom of his trousers crying dolefully without any word.
“Not wanting to hurt me by hurtin’ me more?” She cried hugging his leg and not letting it go.
His bestowed assertion made her shudder as he stepped away and to side, “I don’t w'na hurt us anymore.” His heart cracked and promised to him that it'll never heal up how much he'd beg later.
He was crying into his wrist leaving their apartment. Closing his ears with his palms to shut down the loud reckless sobs that echoed till hallway.
That cruel summer night still haunts her every moment and it’s been two weeks, and she wishes that he'll come running towards where she’s shrinking into the bed and jump over her as he used to —-- covering the little distance from the kitchen towards the bed and always made them bounce with the glee of his soft giggles.
How merciless could he be?
Leaving her alone in their home, where every piece of furniture holds his memory; the pink vinyl that’d play their favourite French songs, the squared tiles of their kitchen walls that he wrote different recipes over, the glassed roof through which they'd moon gaze snuggled into eachother and he'd be more happy to stroke her skin and love on the softness of it rather than the twinkle of stars – because he does it when he misses her, not when she’s right in his arms kissing his cheeks to happy affection, his cat who’s homesick because her momma is there or not – it’s not a much difference.
Everything is just ghosts of his memories making the edges of her heart bleed and cracking them dry.
She misses him. She misses him terribly and no day goes by without his thought swimming and tickling her mind.
Telephone rings. It keeps on ringing and she ignores it closing her eyes and tries to surrender herself to darkness of sleep, but then it kept on cutting through the tranquillity of their home and she’s plucking the yellow receiver and speaking something – embarrassed when her voice doesn’t even reach herself.
There’s loud annoyed groaning, vigorous disturbance and a high pitched squeaks before Mitch's monotone voice startles Y/N, “Can you please take him home? He's proper waffled .. broke his —-.. Harry! Can you sit down? Christ. Look you’re looking like a clown in front of all these nurses —-- Y/N?” He sighs and Y/N turns the curly wire around her finger out of anxiousness.
Fidgety on the tips of her toes.
“Where are you? Nurses? Broke? Is Harry okay? Tell me Mitch what’s happening!!?” She’s yelling into the receiver snatching the notepad when Mitch mutters grumpily, “Harry’s in hospital.”
Her heart drops to floor at that and she stares at her feet letting it sink before blinking the tears away and asking him for locations.
The time she reaches it starts raining and she covers herself with the cardigan she sneaked from his wardrobe to feel his presence, his scent and his brush of touch to her skin.
When she’s stumbling inside the rushy lobby filled with people waiting for their turn and her blurry gaze moves in every direction to find Harry sitting on the steel benches, wearing loose tailored curdory trousers and a baby blue sweater she knitted him as a gift for his birthday.
His apple-ish cheeks rosy and his button of nose scrunching up as he sits clumsily on the bench, poking Mitch's bum every other second to laugh at some kid who has his hand struck in a pot.
His own wrist bandaged up and around his neck, his pupils glassy foam and his condition dishevelled and ruffled up. It tears her up and she breathes in a sniffle – wiping her nose and padding towards him.
When his eyes rakes up a huge dimply smile is adorning his weary features and he’s waving her with limpy fingers shyly.
He’s drunk, drunk.
He pouts cherry-ly. Brows flinching together and he position himself straighter with Mitch's help when he takes in the dampness of her cheeks, “Why’re y'cryin' lovie’?” Darn that pet name. He slurs and his words mumbish.
“You’re hurt...” She points at his wrist. He looks down as it isn’t obvious and Mitch rolls his eyes, “Not hurt.” He shakes his head and when looks back up he’s grinning.
“Was just takin' hugeee steps downstairs -- ye'know me clumsiness and it’s kinda Mitchy's fault too ... told him to grab me tightly —-... ‘cos ‘m sensitive lil petal —--...” Y/N's biting down a snort at his squeaky high pitched voice and Mitch’s cutting him with thin smile.
“Been biting my ears off about you. How was I supposed to keep my balance when he clings to me so hard as if I’m summat his lover....” Y/N's eyes widen when Mitch grabs Harry from armpits and slinks his one arm around Y/N's shoulder as if Harry’s some parcel and he didn’t like it.
“Take him, home.” He mumbles and she stutters, “Wait ... hey! How? Mitch come back you mummy head.” She calls for him but he just walks away and Y/N’s left with no option but to take Harry with her.
“Be careful.” She whispers walking down the slope at exit of hospital with Harry clinged to her, “You came here on car?” She nudges his cheek with her shoulder but he just snuggles his face into the nook of her jaw.
“Mitch took it?” She groans. Swiping the rain droplets away from her forehead and steps behind under the shelter, “No ... it’s parked right here.” He mumbles against her sweet spot making her shiver and she makes them do a lil jog to the car and Harry’s giggling squeaking nonsense in her ear.
“Harry if y’refuse to leave me .....” She warns him trying to squirm out of his embrace as he sits in the passenger seat holding her so she sighs and tries to stick to more gentle coaxing way.
Shaky fingers gliding up his cheek to cup it and stroke the blue bags under his eyes, screaming that he having restless night for week now, “Petal if you don’t leave me how ‘m supposed to drive?” He gazes her peculiarly –- caressing her knuckles, stares his own motion and gives her the most puppy eyes that melts her on the spot, “Then hold me hand?” Now, could she say no to him? Never. She hates herself for it.
“’kay you could hold my –-- lemme —--... just --.. good boy.” She takes her hand out of his grip and pats his thigh before rushing to driver’s side.
She knows that how much he needs reassurances when he’s drunk and how much his love language of touching her peaks to sky.
She fulfils her promise and let him hold her hand, enjoying the little happiness because she knows it’s temporary and in the morning she'd be met by empty bed and hollow arms.
“I missed home.” He smiles wetly. Eyes closed as he stays on hugging her walking inside and whines when she squats down to untie his laces.
When she make him sit on the sofa and tries to leave for the kitchen, he’s lurching forward to grab her wrist and plead into her arm with moisture in his eyes, “No.No.No lovie' don’t go. Don’t go, pleaseeeee.......” She pets his sweaty curls kissing his forehead and murmurs against his hair while he loops his elbows lazily around her waist.
“Not going anywhere bub. Bringing you water.”
“No water. Just you. I missed you. Missed you so much. Missed you too much.” He’s rambling knuckling at his eyes and her belly fills with butterflies that flap till her heart and makes her feel woozy.
Though, she overcomes the bitter sweet feeling and brings him water how much he whined.
He has his hand planted softly at her thigh and gasps loudly and dramatically finishing the last droplet, and puckers his lips making funny noises against the rim of glass and she takes it away from him giggling, “’kay it's enough.”
He shuts his eyes for a moment and when opens them back it’s sea of pinks and the tears are shining at his waterline and he croaks out hoarsely, “Y/N ....?” Sobered up. He's feeling awful and in constant need to take her in his arms.
“Hmm?” She hums giving him a nervous smile and he straightens up taking both of her hands in his's, “I don’t want to be away from you anymore, darlin'. It’s worse than being temporarily away from ye'. Terrible. Terrible. I feel sick all the time as if there’s a dagger twisting into my heart ‘cos I know ‘m never fallin' in love with anyone except you ... but I don’t think you deserve me —.. I -- I —... I just think you —--- it’s killing me baby. Take me back please, baby take me back." He sniffs the tears and she’s crying with him; calling out his name and when he doesn’t listen she’s cradling his face delicately in her palms and making him look at her.
“Harry, my sweetheart. I love you. Isn’t that enough to assure you that I deserve you and only you – no one else.” He's blinking furiously and she bobs her head not flickering her loving gaze away from him.
“I love you too, will you take me back now? After what I did?” His insecurity and doubts about himself floating back.
“You left for best. Realised that we couldn’t live without eachother, didn’t you?” She pecks the corner of his lips and he leans in for a chaste kiss, their teeth clanking from smiling wide and happy and he giggles when she pushes herself off from him.
They crawl to their bed together and she flumps on his chest and he moans squeakily, “Ow.”
“Oh my, Har ....” She gasps. Shakes her head and flicks him on forehead when he grins bashfully.
“G'na take care of me?” His chin doubles over adorably as he tries to see her and brush her hair away.
“Gonna take care of you, petal” She patches a soft kiss to his chest and erupts into loud giggles when he teases her nonchalantly, “G'na help me wipe my arse.”
“Harry! Your other hand’s perfectly capable of wiping yourself clean!” He brings her closer with his uninjured hand and kisses her tenderly -- to show her all the love they missed on these few weeks.
“I love being home.” He murmurs into the kiss. Playing with her tresses round his nimble and traces kisses all over her face.
“Promise me you’re never doing silly again.” She pouts and he plucks at it – smooching a kiss to it later.
“Promise.” He tries to hook his bandaged pinky to her's and she laughs into his neck – shakes her head and kisses his cheek hugging him tightly.
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