#(He’s his own worst enemy)
tomatorabbitsticker · 5 months
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I’m sorry but the IRONY of KACCHAN “My dying thought and every single one since has been of Izuku and our relationship” BAKUGOU saying this to the object of his literal undying attention is just-
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fantastic-nonsense · 7 months
society if Two-Face was Batman's arch-nemesis instead of the Joker:
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moonlightdancer26 · 9 months
Seeing people who hate Snape say things like “Snape cared about no one but himself” as if Severus Snape wasn’t his own biggest hater is so amusing to me.
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little-pondhead · 9 months
Danny moved to Gotham.
Freakshow is touring in Gotham.
Freakshow knows Danny is in Gotham.
Danny knows Freakshow is still after him.
Danny's faith in heroes has been shattered.
Danny turns to the only person powerful enough to run Freakshow out of town, hopefully for good.
Danny turns to the Joker for help.
The Joker is looking for a new punching bag sidekick after Harley Quinn left him.
Danny is just the perfect person to be shaped by the Joker's hands.
Danny becomes the new Joker Junior.
#pondhead blurbs#dpxdc#how we feeling about this fellas#i think it's an ideal angst fic#but i don't wanna write it lol#the younger danny is the worse it gets#someone said that danny shouldn't be afraid of the joker because he's a clown and freakshow is a ringmaster. not a clown#if i find that post i'll tag the creator cause i can't remember rn#but i'm imagining danny who is heavily traumatized and scared and lonely#finding out that one of his worst enemies he hoped to never see again is hunting him and is so close danny has to check his eyes every day#just to make sure they haven't turned red#his anxiety is out of control and he's not about to go find a Bat or Bird to talk to#who would believe him anyways? he's a monster#but danny needs help cause he will not survive this on his own and he knows it#freakshow haunts his every waking dream#but freakshow isn't from gotham. he doesn't have the city's curses engraved into his blood. he never died and he's not truly teasing death#so danny chooses to plead for help from the only predator bigger than freakshow (in his eyes) who IS from gotham#danny goes to the Joker. prepared to offer everything but his free will and free mind. he can't give those up. it's all he has.#danny is a feral house cat asking a tiger to take care of a mountain lion for him by offering the tiger his own liver on a silver platter#joker is...delighted? maybe? no one is quite sure. but he takes what danny offers.#here is this little boy. almost the same age as the second robin when he died. pleading for the JOKER to be his savior. this will be fun
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naurielrochnur · 5 months
I never really considered Burrich to be an exceptionally perceptive character, but damn, he really summed up 90% of Fitz’s problems in one sentence
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nico-di-genova · 4 months
What's Lance's parents' reaction to him dating Nando? Do they eventually find out?
…it’s not…positive, from either of them.
That will actually be a whole thing to be covered in the fic. But from a broader perspective, Lawrence has spent thousands upon thousands for Lance’s education. Yeah, it could have been worse, Lance could have gone to an Ivy League school, he could be wracking up a tuition in the hundred thousand range. So maybe Lawrence isn’t spending as much as a he could have, but he still isn’t okay with spending the amount he is only to watch Lance squander it all and skip class or hook up with a man twice his age.
Lance maybe will be needing a wake up call in this fic. Perhaps. This is roughly where they’re at at the beginning of the fic, communication wise:
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It’s a bit tense, a bit distant. Lance knows his dad is a little disappointed in him, so he’s intentionally maybe building distance. Lawrence is just trying to be there for him still - despite everything, Lance is still his kid ofc.
From his mom, it’s definitely not accepted either. They both don’t agree with it, especially because Fernando will not be meeting them in the best light at first.
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Work
Hello Hello! I am back because I had an idea :3 @spotaus get in here :3
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This one is when they have been about two or three weeks in Farmtale. So small 4 months since Nightmare deaged.
It had been an impulse decision to do this.
Dust peers into the back of the airconditioning unit as he checks it again.
It wasn't as if he wasn't used to fixing things. Before at the castle it had been his responsibility to make sure everything kept working. As he had the most experience from working with these type of machines and things.
It wasn't hard. Dust found it easy. It were always the same things that needed fixing anyway and there were only so many options.
He learned to be creative with how he fixed things.
So when the cash register had been broken it had been second nature to fix it. just remove the slightly burned through wire and fix the still working on back in place. Easy fix.
When Crop had been by the waterpomp Dust had navigated over there mostly to just have something to do.
Don't get him wrong, he is content to watch Nightmare and be the main go to to take care of him. But ever since they decided on that stupid idiotic backstory...
Dust isn't an idiot. He knows they are only acting overprotective to sell the story. He isn't sure how he feels about it.
Meaning he tried to stay busy. Best way to not let things bother you is to keep too busy to let them bother you. He watched Crop struggle with the pomp and Crop explained it was how they could get fresh water thgouth the pomp which had been connected to the generator.
But it hadn't been doing what it should and Crop had eventually given up. Sighing about how he would need to call someone in. Dust had asked why he hadn't done that right away if he didn't know much about machinery.
Crop had explained there there was only one company that worked all the way out there to their little town. and they were full of racists who had no problem overcharging their work and hourly rate and making them pay for things they didn't want. but they were the only option to pick from.
Dust had tilted his skull and sat down next to him wiht a simple "scoot."
Crop ended up letting Dust do his thing because it was broken anyway. Turns out if was just a pipe not fully connected and some gears in the generator that caused the disconnect. not the pomp.
As he said. Easy fixes. Once you know what to look for.
Which meant that Dust now did most of the actual tech stuff on the farm. It wasn't a lot and hardly took up his time but well... it is nice enough.
Then a day when Cross and Killer were out with Straw to get things someone had knocked on the door.
Aparently word got out that Dust can fix things.
They had spoken with Crop to ask if Dust had time to check somethings there. Killer, who had still been in the house, got all huffy and puffy over it.
Again that same overprotective act.
So that is why he said yes. Now he sits on the ground in some old person's home looking into the airconditioner as Killer should still be at the farm with Nightmare.
Dust is already anxious to get back and check on the babybones.
A huff It is pathetic how clingy you are. Scared he will realise he doesn't need you like you need him?
Dust ignores the voice as he closes the unit up again "That should work." just to prove his point he turns it on. it works like a charm and buzzes away as it gets to work cleaning and cooling the air.
The old man, the gerson of this universe, chcukles "Thank you laddie! I had been afraid i would have to suffer the last summer days in the heat." and he laughs.
Dust shrugs as he puts the tools he borrowed back together. he puts the tools kit back in the closet where Gerson got it from "No problem. easy fix."
Gerson laughs as he wheels himself into his kitchen "Seems so! I did not even have time to offer you tea! That is how fast you were!"
Dust shrugs "Why take an hour for somethign that only needs ten minutes?" seems like a waste of time. He looks around and spots an old tv which is unplugged. mh.
Gerson exits the kitchen with a small teaset "I do hope you will take a moment to enjoy some tea before you return?"
Dust shrugs "may as well." He has to wait until Crop picks him up. he could of course shortcut back but that would just raise even more questions.
another loud laugh Yeah! People will question how you seem so skilled yet are utterly useless! Honestly how they haven't decided yet that you are too weak to be entrusted with a babybones is beyond me!
Dust stares at the slowly filling cup "Why is the tv unplugged? annoyed with the news?" talk. just talk about anything.
Gerson shoots the offending furniture a look "oh none of that. I think the screen burned through or something. and a new one is too expensive."
Dust hums as he stares at the tea. Then he stands up and walks to the tv. he pops it open and takes a look. yeah some stuff is burned through but he can probably... if he uses something to replace that and most places have some glass... "Mind if i try some stuff?"
Gerson laughs loudly "go for it! It is junk anyway!"
Dust nods and starts to search the house. Moving silently and effortlessly through the space. He will once in a while hold up somethign to Gerson and Gerson will either give him the go ahead or ask him to put it back. He only told dust to put something back once.
With his replacements ready he gets to work on the tv. the tv is a bit of a harder challenge. mostly because a lot needs to be replaced or fixed before it could work. But at the end Dust messes a bit with the buttons and it turns on again.
Dust hums "That explains why i didn't find any leds or anything that i could replace with the led lights." it is still a black white television. mh.
Gerson laughs again "Well I will be! I didn't expect you to be able to fix that old junk!" he laughs some more before shooting him a glance "I take you were planning on schooling for technalogical stuff?"
Dust blinks before he looks to the side. quickly reminding himself of his story "I guess. never made a decision on that."
Gerson nods as if that makes perfect sense "It is very mature that you decide to focus on your child. but now that you have so many people to assist you could look into college?"
Dust snorts as he rolls his eyes "nah. I don't need that." they are already too focused on that stupid story and how that portrays him.
Papyrus flies around the edge of his vision oh suuuure how it portrays you. But that is the problem you have wiht it? isn't it? Because it does show that you are pathatic and an idiot and can't be trusted. It shows how much weaker you are compared to them. you know it is a matter of time before they start connecting the dots with this fake you and the real you.
Dust stares at the dark liquid of his tea.
Gerson hums as he looks at him considerate "We all are young once... stupid choices are part of that..." Gerson keeps staring at him "It is a shame you had no help to help you with yours."
Dust glares at him "safe your pity. I don't need it." keep it in. keep it in. don't make a scene. don't make a scene.
Gerson chuckles but still looks sad "Yeah. I can imagine."
Dust glares. He hates this. He hates this stupid story. He isn't some dumb weak monster that got goo-goo eyed and lost a child because of that. He doesn't want to be known for that. he... he doesnt want that to be how they see him. He doesn't care how most people see him. They don't matter... but... but... what if...
papyrus laughs again So much for not going goo-goo eyed. That laugh rings through his skull.
Silence follows and Dust prefers it. Still he leaves the small couch and table and searches the house. He saw a few things that could still be fixed.
Stay busy.
Don't think.
By the time that Crop finally comes by to pick him up with the car everything he could find is fixed.
Crop looks between them nervously and smiles "So... how did it go?"
Dust huffs "fine..." and he walks towards the car.
Gerson rolls a bit after them "Wait a moment laddie!"
Dust lets out a loud sigh and Crop shoots Gerson a nervous look "Is something wrong?"
Gerson takes out his wallet and looks through the bills before holding out some cash.
Dust stares at the held out money before looking back at Gerson hoenstly feeling insulted "I thought i said i dont need some stupid-"
Gerson speaks louder "payment for fixing my things! YOu were a lot quicker and cheaper than the service i normally use! Here you go! what i normally pay the other service for an hour!" and he just keeps smiling brightly as he hold sout the cash.
Dust stares at gerson but takes the money, don't cause a scene. he stuff it in his pocket before huffing "whatever."
Crop and him go towards the car and Dust takes out the money to count it.
Wait a minute...
Dust frowns "Crop?"
Crop hums "yeah?" he seems in a very good mood.
Dust frowns at him "How expensive is stuff in the universe? like. how expensive are a week groceries for someone?"
Crop blinks as he shoots him a look "Oh you are asking something there... mmh... I think about 35 to 40 for each person, if you have to buy it all... I am not completely sure as we grow a lot ourselves and we trade with our fellow farmers."
Dust frowns at the cash "Then why was i paid like 200 for just an hour of fixing stuff?"
Crop snorts "I told you. the other service that normally comes out here asks a lot for some basic stuff. I can only assume that Gerson was happy with how you fixed his air conditioning in an hour wihtout trying to make him buy more things than he needed."
Dust frowns before putting the cash away.
They get back and Killer rushes to meet them. Looking anxious as Dust gets out of the truck "Dusty! Everything fine? no shady shit? I told you we shouldn't be out on our own with people here!" Killer hangs all over his shoulders. Dust looks around and sees Horror and Cross both on the porch with Nightmare by them.
Papyrus giggles wiht sick glee See? You are just a source of worry. They don't trust you. They probably never truly trusted you or your abilities. Wouldn't it be more fun to show them just how dangerous you are?
Dust shrugs to try and get Killer off but the guy has a hold of a leech. So he sighs "It went fine. Nothing to worry about."
They get back to the others and Cross smiles as he asks if everythign was fine. Dust sighs and repeats his answer of before. Horror just smiles in greeting before giving Nightmare back to him.
That actually calms him. Nightmare hums happily as he pushes his skull by Dust's neck and chin and Dust holds the tiny being close. Feeling the fast flutter of Nightmare's magic slowly calm down to go at his own soul's and magic rate is still amazing.
The voice of Papyrus finally goes quiet again.
It is fine. Dust doens't care with others think abut him. Not when what he gets back is this. It will just take some getting used to but he will be fine. It is annoying and sad that the others won't see him as trustwrothy anymore but even that is fine as long as he can hold his baby close.
He is fine.
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maegalkarven · 10 months
The thing what kills me what it's not even OOC for the team to work with Gortash. You can canonically do that.
Wyll and Karlach don't even leave the party if you do that, you don't even have to make a roll to convince them.
You can either abandon Ravengard or save him BEHING GORTASH'S BACK after you've already killed Orin and solidified your pact and he went to the Morphic Pool. Like this is legit the thing I did in one on my playthroughs.
He canonically only attacks you if you attack him first, give him the stones (proving yourself to be weak) or if you went to a place he Explicitly told you Not To Go.
He calls you before you enter the Iron Throne and tells you not to do that. It's a direct warning and pretty much the only line you can't cross. You can destroy Steel Watch Foundry and STILL he offers an alliance.
(Fr how desperate is he for an ally??? Hello?? @ Mr Bane's Chosen, I don't think Bane approves???? You got this whole tyranny thing a lil wrong???)
His downfall is HIMSELF; if he did not go for that dumb stones grab he'd survive, but also he KNOWS they're going to fail in confronting the Brain, he pretty much states it in the convo next to a Morphic Pool, but he still pushes to try it, to meet the downfall on his terms.
I'm pretty sure it would be possible to convince him the Elder Brain needs to be destroyed because it became uncontrollable and is too much of a threat now (the things you can't control should be destroyed, yadda yadda, survival is a strong instinct and would win against thirst for power bc power is a means of survival too and power can be achieved elsewhere, meanwhile in death he is sentenced to Bane's wrath)
All the possible scenarios where his death by Netherbrain's command does not happen cloud my mind and I suffer. They could have had it all! Even Good!tav/Durge could have a Good Ending(hero of Forgotten Realms) and alliance with Gortash.
We could have had it all!!!
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figsbass · 3 months
has anyone checked if brian murphy is being held at gun point? cause why would he make an anchorman joke otherwise
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sadrockandwaltzes · 3 months
The respect and admiration I have for Gotham's Penguin is simply indescribable and unmeasurable.
Te amo🥺
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rowanthestrange · 3 months
We know Doctor Who Is A TV Show but not yet for what purpose. I raise to you:
The Master is directing it (probably Dungeon Master style - you can manoeuvre pieces but not fully control them). The Master named himself for a reason, thus in a world of Salt he is The Master. He has temporarily written himself out while he works, and keeps adding references to himself.
Obvious nitpick is ‘Why wouldn’t he make himself the main character?’
…But what if he tried to make the main character into himself.
The next logical step along the path Dhawan!Master was walking on.
I hypothesise these episodes were intended by the Master to start gaslighting the Doctor into thinking he’s the Bad Guy/Devil i.e. him.
Your ship is a Devil’s ship. (And you’re both shagging her).
“A storm is coming” used to describe Sutekh, “the oncoming storm” famously describing the Doctor.
The Doctor became superstitious he brought death, superstitions are canon, so now the TARDIS literally brings Death.
The Master’s Vainglorious theme being used with Sutekh-in-the-TARDIS and Sutekh manifesting.
“I must become a monster.”
“The Lord god Death itself” - didn’t need the ‘Lord’ there but ok.
“And that’s how you win Sutekh, because you’ve turned me into this!”
“I am the one that brings death.”
So if via forceful mirroring, the Doctor can be made to believe he’s the Bad Guy/devil, he will become the Master.
Then the Master gets to show up and be the main character, Doctor Who.
And if he can’t do that? Well, at least the Doctor’s show is now over.
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hyperfocusthusly · 4 months
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I can’t sleep so here is even more of this angsty little number
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blvvdk3ep · 1 year
love the byronic figure in gothic lit. just a whimpering, pathetic mess of a man. sad emotionally frail just constantly brooding. miserable little bitch causing his own misery
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
mike really is such a good example of a person who is so insecure and self destructive that he starts destroying the things around him but he doesn’t realize until it’s already broken but he’s also a person with so much love that it transcends himself and gives him the ability to fix things that don’t seem fixable. for every ounce of himself he hates he loves and admires the people around him so it’s this constant push and pull of curling around himself and reaching out for the people around him and he struggles so much to balance that so the only way to satisfy his arc is to let him uncurl so he can finally hold onto the people he keeps reaching for
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jane and lisbon trying to have a guest-free wedding but they don't manage it because they're literally too popular and have too many close friends and their coworkers love them 😂😭
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stewykablooey · 1 year
dont ask me what this is
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