#(Holy shit it’s been 7 years since I got a phone)
rebelrobinrules1984 · 5 months
if I ever got famous I’d randomly google pictures to try and find memories. It’d be like going through an old notebook or a sketchbook and finding something you forgot about.
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veren-cos · 4 months
I just can't do this!
Alex (sdv) x gn!reader
Kinda hurt/comfort but more just the reader getting out frustration. Lots of the reader swearing lmao
Not proofread, approximately 1k?? I really need to get a word count on these..
Today sucked. Today fucking sucked!
Nothing was going right. Oh my Yoba why can't anything go fucking right?! A new season started so all of your crops died, and you miscalculated how much money you would need for new seeds. Then you went mining to try and make up for the money. But you ended up getting beat by a zombie and needing medical attention from Harvey that you couldn't exactly afford.
You lost your best sword. You used up nearly all of your left over berries from the last season and Yoba knows how long it'll be until this season's start growing again.
And that's what you came home like to Alex. You hadn't cleared the old crops so now you were just stomping over and over on a poor old parsnip.
"You uh.. you alright there babe?" Alex walked over to you, kinda laughing at your pathetic attempt at rage, but was genuinely curious.
"No! No I am not fucking alright, Alex! Nothing is fucking going right. The whole town can go to shit for all I care! They won't get my crops anymore! Pierre can go fuck off, claiming my shit as his own. The mayor can piss off and cry to his girlfriend. But oh wait! He can't! because he is too much of a fucking asshole to actually say Marnie is his girlfriend!!"
You stomped more at the dust that was a parsnip. Every attempt got mildly more and more enraged and pathetic. All of the emotion and pent up anger was boiling to the surface but you were so tired from the repeated stomping it had become deranged.
"Okay, whew that was.. a lot(!) of emotion! You need out of here, like now." He went up and grabbed your shoulders. "I know just the place!" He shot you his signature smile before holding your hand and leading you away. You attempted to pull him off of you but couldn't manage to do anything. Today was rough and you were getting tired.
"Here, babe. Drink this. I just opened it before you came home. It's still cold!" He handed you a protein drink.
"Thanks," You spat out. You weren't meaning to be rude to him. But today was just so god awful!!! He knew you didn't mean it though, so he just kept walking.
Eventually, the two of you arrived at the bus. "What are we doing here? It is way to late to go to the desert."
"While we may be going to the desert, we are going somewhere you have never been before!"
You gave him an intense staredown. "And you're sure this is a good idea? It's mid-afternoon. Everything will be closing soon."
"Not everything! C'mon babe, let's go. You'll see." He pushed you forward onto the bus. And Yoba, that drink was awful! How did he drink those everyday..??
By the time you arrived to the desert it was nearly 7. You were still upset, and starting to get annoyed at the fact you didn't know where you were going.
"And here we are!" It was a beat up old building.
"Alex. Dear. What are the fuck we doing at an abandoned building in the middle of the God damn desert?!" It was too late for all this shit.
He stepped up and opened the door to reveal a dingy 24 hour gym. How had you never known this was here????
"It's been a while since I've been. Probably like 2 years? But they have this!" He gestured to a set of boxing gloves and a punching bag. "Perfect to get out frustration!"
"Babe I don't think I need a punching bag I think I need to legit punch someone in the face."
"They have a printer so you can print whoever's face you want and punch it." He pointed over to an old printer in the corner.
Holy shit, they really did! Too bad you didn't have your phone to print anything.
"Babe. Your anger is totally valid, and a lot of the times it leaves you with a lot of energy that you don't know what to do with." He looked around, reminiscing a bit.
"I know when I can here I was still pissed to all hell about my dad. Sometimes even thinking about him still makes me upset. And now, obviously, you can't go around kicking dead parsnips everyday. So here is a thing you can punch all you want! No danger from the mines, and no repercussions if you screw up. Perfect to let out some frustration."
For how beat up the outside looked, the inside was still pretty nice. There was a table of boxing gloves, and a few mats you could hit. Next to the table, there was both a hanging and standing punching bag.
"Now let's see what you've got."
He tossed you a pair of gloves, and picked up a large mat to warm up on your swings.
"This is silly" you kinda laughed the sentence out, but it truly was a silly thing. You knew that it probably would help, but he made it into the grand reveal that was just so silly.
"It may feel stupid, but you will fell better! I found that it helped more if I said out loud what I was angry at before I punch something."
"Okay... let's try" You put on the gloves, and they were a little too big, but that's okay.
"Whenever you're ready." He looked at you up and down. Even pissed as hell you were still hot.
"I hate that my crops die the second a new season starts!"
"I hate Pierre for taking credit for my work!"
"I hate that Mayor Lewis is a dumb greedy bastard who mistreats Marnie!"
"I hate how long to damn community center is taking to build!"
*bam bam*
Your list went on and on. Punch after punch landed into the pad. Alex at first was trying to stifle laughter from how silly your complaints were, but quickly shut up when you started putting force into your hits. He was stumbling from the impact you left, where honestly it turned into a workout for him too.
When you were finally done, you felt great. It didn't solve anything, but all of the pent up energy got realesed in a shocking fun way.
"Babe.." Alex looked at you. "Remind me to never piss you off"
You burst out laughing. "Awh dear, I could never get mad at you." You booped his nose after setting the gloves down. "Is there anything else you'd like to do here? I seriously can't believe you've never taken me here!"
"No. No I'm good. Trying to not fall from you hitting the mat was enough for me." He laughed, and you could genuinely see he was wiped out.
So the two of you went home, and made casual conversation. He tried to get you to drink another protein shake but you strongly declined. Those things are seriously gross.
"Thank you Alex. It was really nice of you to take me there."
"Of course!" And he shot you another one of his signature smiles, just like earlier. The two of you made it a habit to go at least every other week from then on.
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nikitaxlee · 1 year
Porcelain/ Bang Chan x Reader NSFW
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MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. 18+ CONTENT WARNINGS: SMUT, CORRUPTION KINK, ENEMIES TO LOVERS TROPE, HATE(?)SEX, BULLYING, OVERALL JUST TOXIC BEHAVIOUR, QUICKIE IMPORTANT NOTE: I do not support nor romanticize bullying whatsoever, it's only for the plot of the story. I also do not actually think Chan would bully you, it is also for the plot.
"What the fuck are you wearing Y/N." Chan said as you passed him. "None of your fucking beeswax Channie." You said with a fake tone. As you walked away from him you flipped him off causing a scoff to fall from his lips.
"Yeah, well you look like shit." He yelled.
"And you don't?"
Chan had bullied you since the first time he laid eyes on you when you were both trainees. You don't recall ever doing anything to piss him off, and you used to just take his insults but you recently started sticking up for yourself since you would be sharing a dorm with him.
At the moment, you were getting some choreography down in the dance studio. You had originally gone there to escape Chan and his salt on wound insults, but it seemed you weren't going to be getting that relief as he was walking through the dance studio doors. He had an apparent look of annoyance as he crossed the threshold of the door.
"What the hell are you doing here." Chan sneered.
You chose the best route and ignored him as you continued practicing. Once you got to a point where you were done you started packing up your stuff.
"You think you can call that good work? Shut the fuck up and come here." He demanded.
You were beyond confused but dropped your stuff and walked over. Chan suddenly grabbed your hips.
"When doing this move, make sure you roll your hips and snap it forward." He said as he performed the action with you. You begrudgingly thanked him and took off for the door. You went back to you and Chan's shared dorm room and took a shower to wash all the days hard work and sweat. When you got out of the shower and had gotten dressed, you laid down on your bed and scrolled through your phone.
You could just never escape Chan because just as you had laid down he entered your guy's room. You couldn't handle being around him so you got up and was about to make your way to Changbin's room and hangout with him. Almost instinctively, Chan reached his hand out to grab your wrist.
"Why do you always leave when I'm around"
"Isn't it obvious Chan? I don't want to be around you. I don't need you telling me I dress like a slut who shops at goodwill, or that I will never amount to anything. How guy's just stare at my tits because they are the only decent looking thing on my whole body. I don't need any of that shit. I hate you." You yelled at him.
His eyes softened for a moment before his glare hardened.
"You don't mean that." He said agitatedly.
"Uh- Yeah I d-" he caught you off with a kiss.
"Y/N I never meant any of the things I said to you, I only ever said them because I was scared. i was scared that if I wasn't the just the most dickhead possible, that maybe you'd think I'm boring."
You stared at him dumbfounded. Because your bully for 7 years just suddenly kissed you and told you it was all an act. And you still had feelings for this douche.
"Don't answer now, just let me show you how I feel." With that he picked you up and laid you down on his bed and kissed you. You trailed your hands on every muscle you could find earning a low moan from him.
"Holy shit Y/N I need to fuck you." He moaned as he ground against you. It could have just been hormones. Or maybe you were lonely, but you got wet.
Well Y/n, fuck it, he's hot
You tore off his shirt from his sweaty body and started untying his sweats. He helped and took off his sweats. He grabbed your hand and palmed himself using your hand.
"Fuck, I have to be somewhere in 5 minutes. Think you can cum by then?" he smirked.
You scoffed, "Obviously, I don't know about you though."
He took that as a challenge and began to push it in.
"FUCK Y/N you feel to good, to good, I don't even have to move and I'm already leaking."
His words made you feel a sense of control as you ground against him begging for him to move.
"Yeah, yeah, hold on baby be patient, I'll move soon." He said with a fucked out expression even though you guys had just started. He eventually started moving and rammed into in an attempt to use up the last 3 minutes you guys had. "Fuck, babe. Mh Chan, yes, yes, yes!" You moaned. He was hitting at the most perfect angle rubbing your clit while hitting your G-spot. You released and squeezed around him cuing his realease. "Mhh Y/N, You're mine. You've been mine." He said as he rode out this high. He pulled out and glanced at his watch. He pressed a quick kiss onto your lips and forehead before rushing to get his clothes on as he ran out the door.
"You are now my girlfriend bye love you!" he scrambled as he ran down the hall.
"Sure, Channie." You whispered.
I'll have better Chan fics in the future. I was just writing down whatever came to mind.
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wolfmoonmusic · 1 year
Sneaking a Chance
Planet!drummer reader
Part 1 - Summary: An old friend calls you again. You're not sure what to make of it
A/N- Part one 'cuz I couldn't help myself. I do not own any of the characters except reader and her parents. These are fake scenarios and certain things will be tweaked a little to fit the story line.
Waking up in the middle of the night was common for you.
However, waking up in the middle of the night because your ex - best friend - who was also your next door neighbor and soon to be celebrity - was calling you after almost a year of barely even texting, was not common.
You sat up straight in bed, answering the phone immediately so as to not wake up your parents. 
“Were you asleep?” he asked, the smirk evident in his voice.
“It’s 1 am Zayn! What do you think, genius?” you hissed, confused and angry that he was calling you now.
“You answered though!” 
“Fine then,” you replied, getting angrier by the second, about to disconnect when you heard him apologize repeatedly.
You sighed, putting the phone back to your ear, “What do you want Zayn?”
“Look, our drummer is terribly sick.”
“So?” you asked, furrowing your eyebrows. Why did that matter?
“And you can play the drums really well.”
You froze.
He was not-
“We have a week left for our first show. You think you could come over to go through it with us once?”
“Zayn, you’ve officially lost your mind!”
“If anyone can do it, it’s you! Look, just try out and if it doesn’t work you go straight back and none of this ever happened. We’ve worked really hard and we don’t want to postpone this. It’s just until our drummer’s back. I promise.”
You sighed again weighing your options. What was the worst that could happen? You could try out right? It wasn’t like you’d be accepted. And even if you were, you’d come back soon. There was only one problem.
“But my parents-”
“You have 10 minutes to get ready, we’re outside your house in a van right now. Sneak out the window like you used to. We’ll drop you back before 7.”
You cursed under your breath, a smirk making its way to your face.
Zayn had always been the one to help you escape your house when you needed to, and plans like these made it feel like old times.
“Alright. I’m in.”
You hung up, quickly jumping out of bed to change into jeans and a top. 
As you got ready you couldn’t help the giddy feeling of seeing Zayn again that rose in your chest. You’d barely spoken to him or texted him since he’d joined the band. You knew that he was going places in life that you could never follow, but it still hurt because you two had been inseparable before.
You tied your hair up in a pony, when a sudden thought hit you.
You weren’t just gonna meet Zayn.
You were gonna meet Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry too.
You froze, staring at yourself in the mirror. 
“Holy shit,” you muttered, grabbing a few essentials and putting on your drumming gloves.
You opened the blinds to find Zayn standing a bit away from your window, grinning when your face appeared behind it.
You smirked, heart leaping with joy as you slid the window open, crawling out and shutting it again.
Zayn closed the gap between you both, engulfing you in a big hug, your hands around his neck as you laughed.
“I missed you,” he said, pulling away.
“Awww the Bradford bad boy has feelings!” you gasped, causing him to punch your arm playfully.
“Oh shut up!” he laughed.
You wanted to ask why he stopped replying to your texts. If he’d really missed you, why did he ignore them all?
But you shoved the thought away trying to focus on the fact that he hadn’t forgotten you atleast. 
He grabbed your arm as you both ran to the van, him shoving you inside causing you to collide with someone as jumped in after you.
“Shit sorry!” you hissed, as someone turned on a flashlight, revealing a curly haired boy next to you.
“ ‘s fine love. We should be the ones apologizing for waking you up like this,” he grinned, adjusting himself so that you could sit properly.
You shook your head laughing, hoping the darkness would hide your pink cheeks, no one had ever called you that before, “Trust me, when you’ve been best friends with Malik for 6 years, you get used to things like this.”
The three boys in front of you grinned. “Getting up in the middle of the night to go play some songs for a band that’s just about to go on their first tour is common for you?” the boy you knew as Louis chided. “Damn mate, how many bands have you been in?” he asked, turning to Zayn with a big smirk on his face. 
You found yourself laughing with the other boys as Zayn wrapped his hand around your shoulders. You found yourself leaning in to him, the familiarness of being so close to him making the terrible last few months seem a little better.
Though you couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if you got selected. Or what if you didn’t? Would you lose Zayn again? 
“Awww look at you both!” Louis laughed again, causing you to bury your face in his shoulder, trying to hide the shy grin on your face.
“Shut up Louis!” Zayn laughed.
You only snuggled closer hoping you would drown everything else out and it would be just you and him, driving out to an all night cafe. Just the two of you.
But when the boys continued laughing and joking you were brought back to reality. 
It was never gonna be just the two of you again. Because he was a singer now. And you were just someone from his past. That was never gonna change.
Tags: @jadonswhore @dollbabydeliicacies @st-ev-ie 
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alovesreading · 1 year
Constant Repeat | Part 6
Summary: Having worked at Focus Creeps for a year, Ella knows that as a production assistant and part of the crew, there’s one important rule: don’t interact with the talent unless it’s needed. But once she meets Arctic Monkeys, and the recording of the music videos for their upcoming fourth studio album starts, the band seem to become her exception. Not only because they treat her more like a friend than just someone else they’re working with but when Alex continuously makes her blush with his flirting, so enthralled by her that he forgets he’s got a girlfriend, Ella finds herself growing closer to him. As videos are filmed, wrapped and edited, the friendship lines become blurry. Situations unfold, secrets are told and others are kept under lock and key, but how long can Alex and Ella endure being stuck in each other’s minds on constant repeat.
Word Count: 28.5k
Story Warnings: Throughout this series there will be suggestive talk, jealousy, cheating, alcohol and drug use, angst, smut.
A/N: The last one ended in quite an intriguing note, didn't it? Hope this one answers some questions but I can't promise there's not gonna be more to rise by the end of it lol. Very much excited to see how you lot react to this one, I absolutely adore reading you reactions every time! It's a little roller coaster from now on I'd say... Enjoy!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 |
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(27/07/2012 16:10) Holy shit Alex! The Olympics opening ceremony?! Congratulations!! You and the guys did amazing!!!
Alex was on a high, his hands had been shaking ever since they had been told they were due on stage at the Olympic Stadium in fifteen minutes, his heartbeat thud in his ears even after having come back to the box they had been assigned to watch the rest of the ceremony; so when his phone buzzed and he saw Ella's name on his screen, he thought it was all a figment of his imagination.
But ten minutes later, when he ended the call with Andy Nicholson who had called to congratulate them, Alex had seen her name still swimming between the mass of messages he had gotten. He paused for a few seconds, his finger hovering over her name while he asked himself if he was actually seeing correctly.
When he went on her chat, he was met with the multiple texts he had sent back in February and she ignored, a bitterness came up his throat as it was still lingering even after it being months since it had happened, but just below those forgotten texts was the one she had sent him over twenty minutes before.
It was the first text he'd gotten from her after a little more than five months of no contact, no calls, no texts, no 'just watched this movie and you are gonna love it!', no 'the guitars in this song are something out of this world', not even a text when the 'R U Mine?' music video had come out just a week after she had run off set.
He missed her and he had thought of texting her every day for the first month but he was a coward and had no idea what would've been the best way to approach her since he really had no proper clue of what had happened and, if he was being honest, the blatant avoidance from her part had hurt his ego and a part of him was waiting to see if she'd be the one to reach out.
So, as his attention was taken over by Arielle, he let the days go by and waited for a chance in which they could talk again and maybe take the opportunity to clear the air. But one month turned into two and there was no effort from her side.
Arielle was a constant in his life by then, but the presence of the girl hadn't completely diminished the thought of Ella, not when he still wanted answers because the lack of clarity behind her complete switch of behavior was eating him up inside.
He had given Matt's comments that night a thought but in his mind it really didn't make sense, because to him it all had been just innocent banter with Arielle and, having experienced Ella's honesty the more they opened up to each other during that week-long tour, he knew Ella would've told him if it was that which had upset her.
Yet Ella hadn't and that led Alex to come to the conclusion that it must've just been too much for her. He had been too eager when showing his interest in her and, whilst she had been accepting of it at first, it must've built up until she just couldn't take it and reciprocate it.
There also was how she had dialed down her behavior towards him when his coworkers were there and, in a desperate attempt to think of answers on his own, Alex thought that maybe someone had commented something that just completely threw her off and made her cut it all off suddenly.
And as the weeks passed, and he gave his hypothesis a thought, he also reckoned it must've been something to save herself any heartache. Because, after all, they both knew Alex was going to leave and maybe cutting him off completely and ignoring whatever it was she felt towards him would be the best option in order to not get hurt by time and distance. Not everyone could take it and he knew just how cruel that could be.
So he didn't blame her for making that selfish decision, but he couldn't help feeling a bit disheartened about the sudden change of it all with no hint of a heads up, with no explanation at all. And there it went again, the pang in his chest when he thought of just how many things they had spoken about and how it felt so weird that she wouldn't speak to him about it.
In those months of radio silence, Alex had heard about her from the rest of the band, who got texts from her or would call her from time to time but it was not the same. So he wasted no more time, typing a response as fast as his shaky fingers could and ignoring the calls of his girlfriend to get in a picture with the lads.
(27/07/2012 16:22) Ellie! Thank you! xxxx How have you been?
(27/07/2012 16:23) Wonderful, Alex :) Say hi to the guys for me!
(27/07/2012 16:23) Will do xx They're pushing me over to get pictures, talk to you later alright? x
(27/07/2012 16:24) Sure! Talk to you soon.
He pocketed his phone as he walked towards his friends, everyone cheering as he stepped beside Matt.
Flashes had blinded him all night, the combination from the lights and the alcohol had made his head dizzy so as soon as he got home, he showered and fell right asleep. He'd had a busy night, he felt on cloud nine with his best mates and his parents beside him, his girlfriend there as well to witness one of their biggest accomplishments.
He was still elated the morning after, meaning that, after he kissed Arielle goodbye as she went to meet up with some of her friends, he remembered how he had gotten the chance to talk with Ella after so long so he took his free time to ring her up.
Of course, he was so distracted that he forgot it would be much earlier for her than for him. Her phone rang on her night table, waking her up. She only managed to grab it with her left arm, extended as far as she could and when she saw it was five in the morning, she slowly woke up from the fear that something might have happened.
Her eyes hadn't opened to see who it was before she picked up, "Hello?" her voice was groggy from sleep, and she cleared her throat right after the greeting left her lips.
"Bloody hell," Alex cursed quickly, wincing at his mistake. "I forgot it's still very early for you Ellie. Sorry." He whispered like that would help in any way.
Ella chuckled, amused at how mortified he sounded, "S'Alright. How are you? How crazy was yesterday?" A yawn escaped her lips at the end, so suddenly she didn't have time to conceal the sound of it.
A smile broke out on his face, he was eager to tell her all about it and stay on the phone with her for hours on end if she let him but just as he was going to start narrating how the night had gone, a deep groan from the other side of the call made the words get stuck in his throat.
Right after the groan came the shuffling of sheets and a question from someone he didn't know who it was that had him frozen in his place, "Who is it, babe?" Said the man who was with her, the pet name had felt like a slap across the face for Alex.
She had snorted, the way Alex had gotten used to hearing daily months before, and she replied playfully, "Just a friend who forgot about time zones, baby. Go back to sleep." Right after that, there was a faint sigh and a second or two of the sheets ruffling around before she talked back to the singer this time, "Are you still there?"
Alex could only clear his throat as he gathered his thoughts, "Yeah, erm, yes." He pinched himself to snap out of it, and to start his recount of the previous night's events, forcing himself to sound chipper. "It was mental! The stadium was packed and, bloody hell Ella, I swear I had come to terms with it and was not nervous about it when we were rehearsing but you should've seen me fifteen minutes before it was our time to perform, I was fucking shaking."
She cooed, "Oh Alex," She pouted to herself as she scratched her boyfriend's hair, smiling when the man resting on her chest hummed in satisfaction. "But you did amazing, I promise! We were just watching the ceremony, and when you guys were announced I was fully shocked. Bre told me she was in London but she never told me you were performing on the fucking Olympics!" She whisper-shouted the last part, making Alex chuckle.
"Yeah, sorry about that. We sort of couldn't tell anyone we were actually performing, Bre was surprised when Matt told her an hour before we got to the stadium."
She hummed, "Well I can forgive her then. You did The Beatles great justice as well, that cover was amazing and the whole show with the cyclists was just stunning."
"It was," Alex agreed, "Was shitting it because imagine if we butchered a Beatles song in the UK, in front of the Queen and the millions of people watching everywhere."
Ella laughed too loud, making her boyfriend flinch, "Sorry" she whispered to him and then continued, "Well, thankfully that didn't happen. You'd be exiled from your country." She continued giggling softly, "That would be just as bad as actual treason."
They both laughed for a little bit until the giggles died down to sighs. She wouldn't deny that she had missed talking to him, and she didn't like admitting it to herself but she was just very glad his voice wasn't making her feel like at the start of the year. It gave her the hope that maybe this time they could just be friends, now that she had finally let go of whatever she felt for him.
"We're going to LA next month," Alex broke the silence, his voice had a hint of doubt as if he was scared of what she would answer. "We're staying until mid-september 'cause we're gonna record the next album over there."
"Oh really?" Came from her, with just the right amount of excitement, "You're gonna start recording already?"
"We are. I have some stuff written down already and some chord progressions, I wanna see how we can complement it with the lads." He held his breath, not really knowing how it was that she'd continue to react.
Ella cooed and let out a small "Yay!" Even if at first it had been hard hearing their music after everything that had happened back in February, she hadn't been able to avoid it for that long. So she was actually excited to hear whatever they would come up with, knowing how good 'R U Mine?' already was.
"Well, Turner, you're gonna have to let me know when y'all get here so we can all catch up, I know just the place to take y'all." She warned, her voice teasing him as if he'd get in trouble if he didn't let her know like she was asking.
"Fair enough, I will let you know," the singer promised. "I'll let you go back to sleep now, sorry I woke you up so early, Ellie."
She just let out a faint giggle, just a polite one so he wouldn't feel bad about it, "It's all good, Alex, don't you worry."
"I'll talk to you later then, darling." Alex's breath caught in his throat instantly, upon realizing he had just called her by the pet name he hadn't used in so long.
But Ella didn't flinch, it was like it had flown right past her head, "Bye Alex, talk to you later." and with that she ended the call.
Ella blew air out in relief when her insides didn't flip at him calling her darling so, she dropped her phone back on the night table and turned to cuddle closer to her boyfriend, fully at peace knowing the singer's effect on her seemed to be long gone.
Alex, on the other hand, felt something bubbling inside of him because it all kept playing on his mind. He kept hearing the man calling her 'babe' and her calling him 'baby' and just the faint notion of her having a boyfriend made him feel uneasy.
The mystery man got a face when Arielle came back to his flat. Alex had mentioned to her how he had gotten to chat with Ella on the phone, throwing in his new discovery subtly to see if his girlfriend had any information about it.
He was taken aback when Arielle dropped her bag on the settee and turned around with a knowing smile. "Oh yeah, they are so cute! I thought you had her on Instagram?" she had a slight frown while pulling up Ella's page to show Alex.
He shook his head, "No, erm, I only got it a few months ago remember? You helped me open it."
She let out an elongated "Ohhhh," as she clicked on Ella's page, "Well you should've asked me for her page silly, I thought you already had her there since she's your and the guys' friend."
He pulled out his phone and handed it to her, Arielle gave him her phone so he could see Ella and her boyfriend together. But his eyes were met with a very different Ella, one he almost didn't recognize, and he felt goosebumps break on his skin at the same time his body lit up on fire.
On the bottom of her page he could see her typical analog shots, of bits and pieces of cities and artsy photoshoots with models taken by her, but as he slowly scrolled up her page there were tons of picture of her in motorcycles, wearing leather and, in a particular one, not much more than a bikini and her cowboy boots.
That picture was the first one that caught his eye but he wasn't going to start ogling Ella's Instagram and get all flustered about it in front of his girlfriend so he scrolled further up until he stumbled upon a picture of her and her boyfriend.
He knew what he felt was jealousy because how could he not? When she stood there with her back to the camera but her face turned to the side, and the man's hand was in the back pocket of her jeans as he kissed her cheek, which had ended with her scrunching up her nose in response. He missed that face much more than he'd ever let on.
Alex could feel Arielle's eyes on him so he forced himself to smile fondly, "Yeah, they're cute."
Arielle grabbed her phone back from him as she slid his phone towards him, "I know right? Have you told Ella we're coming next month?"
He nodded, locking his phone right after hitting 'follow' and then he walked towards the balcony that was in his room—he needed a cigarette. "I did," he nodded as he grabbed his Marlboro reds from the coffee table in his living room, "She said to let her know when we're there, she wants to take us to this cool pub she found."
A bright grin appeared on Arielle's face, "Oh I'm so excited to see her again, she's so lovely isn't she? You know she got me that big Coke campaign? The one that got me invited to that event that got me an agent?"
He paused in the middle of the hallway, "Oh really? Well, that's very nice of her."
"I have to buy her a few drinks as a thank you for it." Arielle finished while she turned on the TV, Alex took it as a sign to leave her to it.
Once he got to his room and out to the balcony, he wasted no time to unlock his phone and scroll through Ella's pictures.
Her hair was darker now, she'd dyed it fully black and she looked amazing with it. Her ears looked like they were now adorned with multiple piercings but it wasn't just her ears that had jewelry, she had a septum piercing now. The thin gold piece of jewelry subtly poking from the bottom of her nose. She looked so different but still as stunning as ever.
In about five minutes of scrolling he had also found out that she'd gotten a bike, and both she and her boyfriend seemed to drive around California in their free time. There were pictures of her driving in the back of her boyfriend's bike surrounded by a large group of bikers and she'd captioned it 'nothing better than driving down the coast with your biker friends and the sunset in the background.'
There were pictures of her and her boyfriend in Tennessee, one in particular that made him take the longest drag out of his cigarette. Her boyfriend was sitting on the grass by a wooden fence, his legs spread as she sat in between them. Her brown cowboy boots on and a little white dress, her boyfriend had a cowboy hat that was hiding them kissing in the picture. The caption read, 'he's a cowboy like me.'
Another picture that made his blood boil was one that had captured her ass being groped by one of her boyfriend's hands. She was wearing some really small high waisted shorts that hugged her bottom perfectly and he wanted nothing more than to be in the place of that man. He let out a long sigh when he read 'he says i'm a handful'.
But then he scrolled further up and he lost his breath again at the picture of her in a bikini he hadn't really gotten to properly see before. She was wearing a silver bikini and her black cowboy boots as she sat on her bike, one of her legs was up as she rested her heel on the seat. She had her hands set a little behind her ass so she was leaning backwards with her head slightly thrown back, her face was half covered by a cowboy hat but it couldn't fully hide her closed eyes and her open mouth. It looked like she was moaning and Alex was losing it.
He went to the bathroom then, his pants too tight after he'd seen the picture and he didn't know what to do. It was either a cold shower or a guilty wank.
He was quick to jump in the shower, the water cold as it hit his chest and his face, but as he closed his eyes he found the picture engraved in his mind, meaning he wasn't finding a solution in the cold shower.
He came rather fast, a few minutes it took him as he imagined the noises she would make. Replaying her voice saying 'baby' and imagining how she'd sound moaning that in his ear. But afterwards, as his consciousness came back to him, he started to feel bad. His girlfriend was right outside, while he fucked his fist to the thought of someone else.
This is the first and last time, he promised himself.
Ella had gotten a call from Matt's phone about a week before the band was due back in California, they had started it by yelling out her name and she'd chuckled at their volume. The lads had told her that they were landing in Los Angeles on Saturday the 18th, meaning she had to wait a week to see them all again.
She had missed them quite a lot so it hadn't been a hardship to know she had little time to prepare herself for their arrival. She was mostly excited, getting to see them all again, as well as Breana who she hadn't seen in a month—and she was missing her best friend a lot—, and to see Arielle again too.
As soon as they had landed, Bre had given her a call and they had settled on meeting at the pub Ella had been talking about at around seven in the evening.
So there she was, shoving her boyfriend's bike keys in her purse before locking her fingers with his and walking through the establishment's doors. She was surprised to see them there already, as she was only five minutes late to their agreed time, but the excitement multiplied then.
It was a fairly loud place, but the ambience was spectacular. They always played the best music and the walls were filled with band posters, tour memorabilia and little trinkets that were framed on the walls to commemorate different big artists in history. She loved coming to the place, especially on karaoke nights, which unfortunately wasn't happening that day.
"Well, well, well, fancy seeing y'all here." Ella greeted as she approached the large booth and they all jumped to their feet, her name being cheered by them all.
The difference from her right then to the start of the year struck Alex harder in person. The gold on her ears and poking out the bottom of her nose contrasted beautifully against her tan skin, and her leather jacket was a fine new addition to her look. He was glad to see she was wearing a pair of cowboy boots, one he hadn't seen before but it made him smile seeing she hadn't left that behind.
She let go of her boyfriend's hand to go hug everyone. She went from Nick to Jamie, Alex, Arielle, Matt and finished with Breana who she clutched a tad tighter as she claimed, "I missed you so much!"
Breana replied, "Missed you more," before she went to Ella's boyfriend and gave him a friendly hug, "How have you been, Jules?" the nickname for him falling easily from her lips as she'd met him a handful of times before.
The man had smiled, hugging her back, "Amazing, Bre. How was your trip?"
"It was fucking lovely, you two have to come with me next." the model winked at Ella, making her roll her eyes as she blushed.
She hummed, "Maybe... We'll see." and before she could sit down beside Breana, she introduced her boyfriend to everyone. "Guys, this is Julian, my boyfriend. Julian, this is Nick, Jamie, Alex, Arielle, and Matt."
Of course his name is Julian, Alex though. Not being able to shit on his name because he shared it with one of his favorite musicians.
Julian had gone to shake everyone's hands as Ella sat down beside her best friend. Her cheeks hurt already at everyone being so nice to her boyfriend. Alex took a good look at him when he shook his hand: he was tall—about six feet he could say—, his shoulders were broad, and even if he didn't look extremely bulky, he seemed like he made it a habit to work out, his skin was tan and it complimented his wavy dirty blonde hair but it was Julian's green eyes, though, what made him want to roll his eyes. The man was good looking, and it made Alex want to punch him even more.
"Saw you guys playing at the Olympics opening ceremony, that's massive! Congratulations." He smiled at the musicians as he took a seat beside Ella, his arm snaking around her waist and she scooted the tiniest bit closer to him with a loopy smile on her face.
And he's nice too? Fucks sake. "Thanks man," said Alex with a tight lip smile, tilting his half empty glass towards him before gulping it down.
Matt wasted no time before he started teasing Ella, "So Ellie, been pretty busy then?"
She rolled her eyes playfully, "I actually have been. Focus Creeps have been doing lots of productions for artists and bands since your videos were posted and now we have another PA. I'm kind of mentoring her, which is still surreal to me that I am but yes."
Matt pouted in fake pity then, "Poor girl, she must be tired of you."
Ella scoffed and everyone laughed, including Julian. She turned to pinch her boyfriend's waist, "Why are you laughing?!" She scolded him and then turned back to call out the menace Matt was, "You are a bully, Helders." She shook her head with a frown on her face, which dissipated when Julian left a kiss on her cheek. Her face melted into one of pure bliss with a big tight lip smile.
Alex wanted to gag.
"You love me Ellie." The drummer stated with a shrug.
Ella ignored him and turned to Breana, "I really wonder how you can stand him."
"You and every one of us, Ellie." added Nick with a snort, making everyone laugh.
Ella asked them all what drinks they wanted, seeing as most of their glasses were almost empty on the table, the ice watering down whatever alcohol they were drinking. Julian and Breana had gone with her to get everyone's drinks and when they came back, it wasn't long before they fell back into conversation.
They had been including Julian, which made Ella very happy, and an hour later they had found out lots about him. He was Californian born and raised, a photographer that worked for a well acclaimed magazine, sometimes writing pieces for them as well. He also worked as a freelance photographer and videographer, he had been hired for a bunch of different jobs: from weddings that had made him travel to many places, to filming documentaries on crab fishing in Alaska.
Everyone was so entranced by that last story, that it made Ella all hot and bothered. Every time he would tell it, she always grew hypnotized by him and the way he would explain it all, especially by the way he would use his hands. So when he was done and the conversation had moved onto another topic, she leaned into his ear to have him subtly follow her to the bathroom.
Julian smirked, knowing exactly what she meant and what she wanted to happen. The girl stood up, excusing herself and made her way to the bathroom, and Julian stood up a few minutes after her.
They had been rather quickly, or at least that's what she thought as she walked back to the table with Julian following a few steps behind her. She had gone ahead and sat back on the booth whilst her boyfriend had gone to get her another drink, and that's when she was met with the fact that they hadn't been subtle at all.
The first and most obvious clue was that her red lipstick was gone and her lips were puffy. Matt had elbowed Breana softly, pointing his chin towards Ella and smirked.
"Had fun Ella?" Matt asked vaguely with a very suggestive tone.
She frowned and felt her cheeks heating up but tried to play dumb as she downed whatever was left of the vodka and sprite she'd left on the table. "Huh?"
Jamie had caught up exactly onto what Matt was saying so wanting her to just fully admit it, he pushed, "Oh c'mon Ella, your lipstick is gone."
She knew her cheeks were pink but she couldn't care that she'd been caught so she shrugged it off, "The heart wants what it wants."
"And it wanted to give a blowjob?" inquired Arielle this time with a knowing smirk on her face.
Ella nodded at her with a smug expression, "It did." She admitted, no longer giving a shit.
They all hollered and that made Ella laugh. Julian came back to the table right then, a smirk on his face as he sat down and put her drink in front of her. He didn't know what the ruckus was about but he didn't really care when he was on cloud nine and very satisfied in every meaning of the word.
"Thanks babe." Ella said to him and took a sip of her beverage, thankful that she had asked for a double vodka and sprite this time. "Oh they know, by the way." She let him know with a sheepish smile.
Julian laughed then, throwing his arm around her shoulder, "Told you to put your lipstick back on, didn't I honey?" They all laughed as Ella shook her head but found comfort in her boyfriend's hold and her drink.
Breana couldn't help but ask, "So did he return the favor?"
She took another sip of her drink, basking in the coolness of the liquid running down her throat. "We'll resume things when we get home." She winked at Breana who responded with a shriek and Julian squeezed her thigh under the table.
What the fuck? Who is this and where is Ella? Alex kept thinking. She didn't seem like her usual self, it was all so out of character that he wondered what had happened for her to be so blunt and open like this.
Jamie interrupted Alex's thoughts when he said, "Right let's change topics then, before they start shagging on top of the table."
They erupted in laughter, Alex faking it to not be obvious about his distaste on what was unfolding before him. And then a song came on that actually worked perfectly to change the subject. "Oh I love this place, their music is always on point." Julian commented.
'New York City Cops' by The Strokes was coming through the speakers, Julian Casablancas' voice mixing with the chatter around the place and the clinking of glasses.
Jamie smiled then, glad to see they were finding more things in common with the lad, "You like The Strokes?"
He nodded, "No band like The Strokes... no offense guys."
He has a good taste in music too? Alex had to try his hardest not to roll his eyes.
"None taken. There truly isn't any like them." Nick waved him off.
Ella tapped the table frantically with the pads of her fingers when she remembered something they had told her. "Oh my god! Tell him how you met them!"
"Wait, you have met them?!" Julian inquired with his eyes wide open.
Alex nodded, "Yeah man, they're amazing. We met them after the NME awards in 2006, they took pictures with us after we won Best British Band and Best New Band. I still can't believe we've met them, they were the reason we started this band—or well, the reason I wanted to start a band."
"That's fucking amazing! I'm jealous now, damn." He added with a chuckle, making everyone smile back at him.
Yeah well, not as jealous as I'm of you and whatever happened in the bathroom with your girlfriend, mate.
About thirty more minutes went by before Julian turned to whisper something in Ella's ear. She smiled fondly, gave him a kiss and whispered something back to him before giving him his keys. He stood up, saying he sadly had to go but he'd had the best time meeting them all, and telling Ella to phone him when she wanted him to pick her up right before he left the table.
Ella was all heart eyes as her eyes followed his steps towards the entrance, and when Julian turned back around to blow her a kiss and wave her goodbye, she mirrored his actions.
Breana cooed at them, "Aren't you two cute?'' She hugged Ella to her side and squished her cheeks with her free hand.
"Stop it." The PA whined with her eyes almost closed, her words barely audible as her cheeks were still being pressed by Bre's hand.
Nick settled his drink down before starting a conversation up, "Now that he's gone we can properly gossip."
That made Ella chuckle, "What do you want to know?" She rubbed her face as she was now free from her best friend's hold but still felt her fingers on her skin.
Arielle was quick to ask the first and most important question, "First of all, how did you two meet?" which everyone was really dying to ask.
Ella sighed, "Well that's half cute, half embarrassing." She finished her drink before narrating. "So it happened at this country pub I had driven past one day, I decided to just go alone one night to check it out. I was drinking some whiskey the bartender had told me was really good and wasting my time watching some college football they had on, when he sat down beside me and started talking to me. He's lucky he's cute or else I would've told him to fuck off because I just wanted to be alone." She chuckled as she reminisced.
"I was sad that day, I don't remember why though." She was lying, she remembered exactly why, as it had only been a week after whatever happened with Alex. "We must've been talking for about half an hour when they put on some music and people started swing dancing. He stood up and grabbed my hand saying we should dance too. I told him I had no idea how to and he said to just follow his lead."
She shook her head and her smile got brighter as she continued, "Fast forward five minutes later he had me in his arms, and told me to kick one of my legs up. Of course I did it wrong but he was so cute correcting me. Next thing I know he had thrown me up slightly and somehow my leg was around his neck and that's how he got me to completely turn to the other side, still in his arms."
Ella tilted her head for a second to point at Breana as she said, "The next half of the story involves her, and I'm still mortified about it."
Breana snorted at the memory, and the PA kept going, "So later that night, I was texting him and Bre at the same time. I had just gotten around telling Bre the bit with the leg when I accidentally sent him what I was going to send her..." Ella blushed hard and she paused, too embarrassed at the memory to even say it out loud.
At the cliffhanger, Jamie pushed her to continue, "Go on then, what did you say?"
"I don't even wanna say it out loud." Ella hid behind her hands, but Breana was quick to respond for her.
"She said 'One of my legs has been on his shoulders already, wouldn't mind having both legs up on them.' You're welcome Ella, now continue."
Ella gasped, letting her hands fall from her face, "I actually hate you."
Arielle had her hand covering her mouth, every single one of the lads were shocked as well. Matt was the first one to talk though, "Bloody hell, Ella! What did he say?!"
Her cheeks were red as she looked up to everyone, "He just said 'Well I wouldn't mind that either' and the rest is history. We went on a lot of dates, called each other every day if we were not hanging out together until one day we decided we already were acting like a couple so we might as well make it official."
Nick was the next one to go, "How long have you been together then?"
"It's been a little over four months." She replied quickly, knowing exactly the day off the top of her head.
Alex let his thoughts leave him before he could process them, "Not long after we left then?"
Ella avoided his gaze, playing with the straw in her empty glass, "Nope, not long after."
Alex nodded, taking the information in. It all seemed so unlike her, especially after what she'd told him about her relationships; she wasn't one for starting something with someone she'd just met and that's exactly what she was doing here.
Everyone at the table had felt the air shift around them at that last question and answer, but thankfully for everyone, Alex's girlfriend was none the wiser to the whole situation and she was a romantic so she felt like she had to know something else, "Have you said the L word yet?"
That loopy smile was brought back to Ella's face at the question, "Yes," she said shyly.
Breana gasped then and hit her arm, "What the fuck?! You haven't told me this!"
Ella turned to her, grabbing her best friend's hands, "I know, I know. It only happened a week ago so I was waiting for you to come back to tell you."
"Do tell then." Breana insisted, not really having the patience to wait until they left and she could call her so that Ella could finally tell her in private.
"Fucks sake." She cursed under her breath, seeing all eyes on her. "We were at his parents house and I had just met his sister, who has the cutest little baby. They had gone to buy dessert and left me and Julian with the baby. I was holding her and she kept blabbering on and on, and I kept acting as if I was talking with her when he just leaned into me and kissed my cheek and told me 'I love you so much'."
Breana shrieked, "Oh my god!!! Are you joking?!"
"I'm not," Ella's cheeks hurt from how big her smile was and Arielle was cooing at the story too, "I thank everything out there that we were sitting or else I swear I would've dropped the baby out of shock."
"Did you say it back?" asked Alex, sipping on his whiskey.
And curiosity killed the cat.
Ella nodded enthusiastically, "'Course I did, I adore that man." It was so easy for her to admit, and she would scream it out loud as many times as she could if she had the opportunity to.
Alex nodded in response, he was having an internal debate: he was happy that she was happy but he didn't like that it was someone else that got to be like that with her. And for that he felt so selfish.
Breana and Arielle let out long 'awh's in unison, Nick scrunching his nose at Ella before saying, "Look at you in love, it's disgusting." a fake tone of endearment on his voice.
"Right?" added Jamie in the same tone.
"You are about to get married," she pointed at the bassist first and then to the guitarist, "And you just got engaged, so don't talk shit when you're the same."
"Well I didn't just suck my boyfriend off in the bathroom, so I can definitely talk shit." Jamie was quick to reply back, making her roll her eyes.
"Can't you just let a girl have some fun? Jeez." She exclaimed before she got back up, "Anyone want a refill?" They took a fair few seconds to reply to her, she was much more straight forward now and it was leaving them stunned.
She went off with Breana again, this time Matt following right behind. But right when they got to the bar and she was waiting for the bartender to finish serving the three ladies beside her, Matt told her some news that almost made her heart stop.
"Have Ben and Aaron told you we're having you record a little documentary for us?"
She turned to the drummer faster than she realized she could, "What?" Her frown was deep, her eyes searching his to find any clue that he was just joking.
But Matt wasn't joking, "Yeah, you're gonna be at the studio with us for a few weeks during this month we're staying. I think we're coming back after the holidays to continue recording so you're joining us then as well." He explained the best he could with the little confirmed information he had.
Her mouth opened to talk but the words got stuck in her throat, "I–, erm. They hadn't told me anything, but um, yeah I'm gonna ask them on Monday."
"Brilliant!" The drummer replied before letting the bartender know what drinks they wanted.
Once they got back to the table and they had given everyone their respective drinks, their conversations resumed. They had pinballed from the Olympics to Nick's upcoming wedding planned for exactly a year from then, to some celebrity gossip they had heard around at the Olympics to the pictures taken that day and that's how Ella had ended up saying:
"You two are actually adorable," her gaze stuck on Alex and Arielle, the couple just smiled at her. "I've seen so many pictures of you everywhere, I'm so happy for you guys."
Arielle brought her hand to her chest and cooed, "Awh thank you, Ella."
Ella took a sip of her drink, really needing the liquid courage to ask her first question, "How long have you been together then?" Her tone made it seem lighthearted and like she was just making small talk but this was it for her, the last thing she wanted to know before fully putting the matter to rest.
Arielle turned to Alex, looking directly into his eyes for a few seconds like the answer was right there and then turned back to Ella, "So it started that night when we filmed 'R U Mine?' remember?" She asked Ella, and the PA could only fake a tender knowing smile as if that night hadn't been awful for her for that same thing.
"He left right after, but I was going to the UK with a friend a couple of weeks later so we met up over there and," She blushed slightly and grabbed the singer's hand on top of the table, rested her head on his shoulder and shrugged, "It all just happened, I suppose. So it's been about three months hasn't it?"
He hummed, squeezing her hand. "I reckon three, yes."
"Awh, adorable." Ella replied with a sweet smile, she felt relieved by the sense of closure. Yes it did sting a bit how fast he had changed her, not even 48 hours after they had gone on a date back then and how he had decided to make the girl he'd switched her for his girlfriend; but the hurt lasted for a few seconds, she felt free then. The whole situation had somehow brought her Julian, and she was very much grateful for that.
"You didn't tell me how that talent recruitment event went, Arielle. Was it good?"
Arielle gasped then, "Ellie, you're a godsend for that! After the Coke campaign I got the invitation for it and I'm signed now!"
Ella clapped her hands, "That's fucking amazing! Congratulations!"
And that's how they spent the next three hours, talking about everything that they'd missed in the past months they hadn't seen each other. Until Julian had called Ella to check up on her and tell her he was already done at his parents' house, and he could come by picking her up in the next twenty minutes.
She accepted her boyfriend's proposal, it was nearing midnight and she was spent. She promised to see them all soon again when she got a text from Julian saying he was outside, grabbing her purse from beside her and pocketing her phone before hugging everyone goodbye.
From the table they had the perfect view of the street, meaning they got to see how Ella basically threw herself onto Julian's arms, him catching her and clutching her tight as they swayed for a few seconds. He pulled back to shower her face in kisses, and ended it all with a chaste kiss on her lips. When Ella pulled back she grabbed the helmet from his hand and put it on to leave on his bike.
"Ugh, I love them." Bre was the first one to talk, making everyone nod in agreement as they watched them drive away.
"They're like one of those hot biker couples you see in movies." Arielle added and Breana hummed.
Nick nodded, "They are."
Alex rolled his eyes automatically because they actually were, and he hated it. But then his girlfriend's voice brought him back to where they were and after that, all he could recall was drinking the night away.
What he hadn't seen was that Bre caught his annoyed face and that only made the model want to fight the singer in the very spot. She was aware of what had happened, after she had managed to scoop it out of Ella many weeks after that eventful week in February, and she couldn't blame her for keeping her distance from the man. He had been an absolute asshole, so for him to be acting all bratty over Ella being happy and in love with someone else, like he didn't have his very own girlfriend sitting beside him, had Breana fuming.
The audacity this dickhead has, she thought.
It had been true, what Matt said. Ben told her she'd be spending the following fortnight at the studio recording the band like she'd done twice before. Only this time, she'd have to permanently try to get footage of their time in the studio—whether it was them fucking about or actually making music.
She'd let out a big sigh when Ben left her sitting at her desk, emails to respond looking at her face as she made peace with what was coming. It's just gonna be like hanging out with them and having fun, she told herself to ease her nerves. There was something about being alone with them again—with Alex—that was making her feel uneasy, slightly scared of how awkward it may be or how uncomfortable it could feel.
Just breathe.
That's what she told herself as her boots scrunched on the dirt, her steps firmly taking her up to the front door and she knocked. A lovely man with a long gray beard, called David, let her in, showing her the way and she thanked him with a smile.
She was rather surprised by the look of it all, the studio seemed so laid back and much like a little southern cabin in the middle of the desert. It was a stark contrast to the studios she had visited before but the place being so casual made her feel more comfortable.
In her left hand, she was carrying a cup holder in which she had five cups of coffee. She was hoping the gesture would serve as a good sign that all was good by her and she planned to keep it that way. She would try her hardest not to make it awkward.
She took a deep breath before she opened the door and was greeted by the band and their confused expressions which only lasted a few seconds. When they realized it was Ella they erupted in cheer as if they hadn't seen her just last week.
She giggled, "Good morning guys, you're very energetic today." She let her bag drop from her shoulder onto a settee that was set next to the door. "Maybe I shouldn't have brought you coffee."
Nick sighed and went over to hug her, "No, you're actually a lifesaver. Planning a wedding through the phone is a nightmare."
Ella cooed but a chuckle cut it short, "Awh Nick," and after they hugged, she lifted the cup holder to read which one was Nick's. "Here you go." She handed the bassist his coffee and then turned to the rest of the band.
"I got them as I remembered you liked them. Hope your orders haven't changed much since February."
Maybe mentioning February hadn't been the best idea because the room fell silent for a few seconds, but they had felt like an eternity.
Thankfully, Matt decided to be the menace he always was and made the tension lift up from her shoulders by chatting back, "Not the best PA, are you?"
She rolled her eyes, "I haven't been here for five minutes yet and I already wanna strangle you."
He winced, "Sorry Ellie, not really into getting choked myself but nice try."
Her sigh was loud and it made them laugh. She just decided to hand Jamie and Alex their coffees, to which they thanked her for, before grabbing hers and taking a gulp of her now warm beverage.
"Well," she started, setting her cup down on a coffee table in the middle of the room, "Get on with what you were doing, act like I'm not here."
Matt was quick to tease her, "Brilliant, just what I wanted to do."
She scoffed, not impressed by his antics. She was regretting asking superior powers for a brother when she was a kid because Matt was definitely like an older brother to her now and he was more annoying than she'd expected one to actually be.
"I will actually fight you Matthew, so shut up."
Matt cackled, "Would love to see you try." And before she could bite back, he started playing a beat on the drums that drowned everyone else's voice.
She kept to doing her own thing, turning the camera on and recording them. It was interesting seeing it unfold before her eyes. The way Matt kept coming up with different drum patterns to which Nick jumped in with his bass.
There was a moment in which Nick came up with the start of quite a catchy bass line and Jamie was quick to tell him to keep going whilst he grabbed a guitar to add to it. Soon enough it felt like the instruments were playing with the other as if chasing each other's chords and melting into one lovely melody that had them all nodding like that was it.
Matt started forming a beat around them and Alex stood up to grab his guitar and tried with different chord combinations to jump into it. Alex kept writing down the bass tabs and the guitar chords they were using in a journal he had, which seemed to have songs he'd written as well because he was quick to flip through the pages and sing a few lines to see how they would fit in the song.
Ella could see him scribbling around the pages as he kept singing whatever came to mind and building up the song.
When the zeros line up on the 24-hour clock
When you know who's calling even though the number is blocked
When you walked around your house wearing my sky blue Lacoste
And your knee socks
They stopped for a few minutes, Alex still sitting in his chair bopping his head to what they had just created, still playing in his head. She kept the camera on him and his concentrated face, the way he would quickly write around the pages on his journal had her intrigued.
This was a moment that she knew she'd feel glad she caught on tape in a few years, just because she had a feeling that whatever they were starting in the studio was going to be bigger than they'd ever anticipate.
The band had grown somewhat infatuated by the origins of the song, stuck on different ways they could take the main melody. They had settled already that it sounded like a perfect chorus so they'd build the song around that.
When James Ford got to the studio, it was like he had stepped into a vortex since he got sucked into the process so quickly that he had barely been able to properly say hello to Ella.
After an hour and a half of non-stop brainstorming that Ella had been hearing as background noise while she read through some emails and scheduled calls with clients, they decided to take a break. Everyone left, or that's what she thought as she typed away, until she was startled by a sneeze.
"Jesus, fuck!" She lowered her macbook screen, her eyes wide from the scare. "Oh– Bless you, Alex."
He smiled at her, a shy one that seemed a little tense. "Thanks Ella."
Alex watched her as she nodded with a shy smile on her face as well, lifting her screen back up to continue working. He wasn't doing much more than sorting through his journal and making mental notes of which of the songs he'd written he wanted to try and bring alive in this record, but he was distracted now.
He was very aware of her presence and she was too. She could feel his gaze burning on her but she was too nervous to even look up, she knew she didn't know what to say or how to act so she'd rather avoid it.
But the tension grew thicker and he hated it, the only solution he could find for it was to try to make small talk.
"So... How was your week, Ellie?" The singer asked slowly, as if treading an unknown path.
Her fingers froze hovering over the keyboard, "It was good, erm, a little busy but good."
He felt the way she was starting quiet and close away and maybe staying quiet would've been better but the words just came out of his mouth to try and make the old days come back, when they could talk about everything and anything for hours.
"Bre told us she was doing a shoot with you on Wednesday, hope that went well."
She gave him a genuine smile then, because the shoot had actually been lovely and it had gone better than she had planned it. "It was perfect, the sun worked amazingly with us. I have to get them printed soon though, so I can send the scans to Bre and she can add them to her portfolio."
"Was it on film?" Alex asked before he could process, he just wanted to keep the conversation flowing but what a stupid question that was because he knew she only ever shot on film.
She let out a giggle to hide her disbelief. Had he really forgotten she only shot on film? "Yes, I only shoot on film, remember?" It came out sassy and she hadn't meant it but she couldn't take it back now.
He laughed nervously, "Yeah, I know. Sorry, very stupid question."
Ella only smiled reassuringly, "It's okay."
The beats of silence were almost as loud as their heartbeats. Alex felt his pumping heart sounding in his ears and Ella did too, both hoping the other couldn't hear it too.
He started fiddling with his pen, "Was it themed?"
She shook her head, "Not really, we just played with how well the sun was positioned and did some shadow photography."
Alex hummed, not really knowing what to say next. Ella bit her lip, seeing through the corner of her eye how he looked to be fighting within himself. She felt bad for not trying to make things better.
"Has the past week been too hectic?" Her question sounded shy, both of them were acting so sheepish and whereas Ella's behavior had always been that way, it was weird seeing Alex anything other than confident.
He hesitated before responding, "Not really? I mean we had to go 'round quite a lot but it's the typical occurrence when we come to the States. The second week and on is much easier."
"Well, thankfully that's over and done with. I suppose you're relieved to be in the studio, finally." She decided to just close her laptop and give him her full attention.
Her actions made him breathe in relief as it felt like she wasn't trying to hide behind the screen anymore.
"Yes, to be fair. Feel like it's been too long since we've made something new, properly. When we recorded 'R U Mine?' it went by so quickly 'cause it took us so little to get it done—so, erm, yes. We were itching to be back recording."
She smiled sweetly at him then, "You guys look very in your element here, I was keeping it cool for the sake of the process but I was blown away by how easily you just– well, the way you can just do all that."
Alex laughed softly. She's so cute, was all he thought and it only made his smile grow. "Thanks Ellie, it's a thing that just happens because of how long we've been making music together. We bounce off each other now."
She had run out of things to say, her eyes focused on him but her brain struggling to find anything else to talk about.
Why is this so hard now? She hated it.
Luckily, she was saved by the bell—or rather by the rest of the band and James coming back from the kitchen, their loud chatter filling the hallways as they walked back to the room.
"Ellie, you have to see what I've found in the other room by the keyboards." Matt pointed at her and she was slightly afraid. One was never safe when it came to his spontaneous ideas.
She stared at him unsure of what to do, "Erm..."
The drummer started making his way back out of the room, waving at her to join him. "C'mon! Bring the camera." He added from the hallway.
She had to quickly grab the camcorder, her steps fast to catch up with him. The screen flashed a red 'rec' on the corner right as she walked through the threshold of a room she was seeing for the first time.
He walked in first and then stopped in the corner where most of the keyboards met and pointed towards what he'd found.
She deflated as she saw a little vintage coin machine that read 'Check your sex appeal'. On the bottom it instructed one to put one's finger on the sensor, deposit a quarter and then they'd give the score. With an eye roll she turned to Matt, "I thought you were gonna show me a spider or something." She had seen multiple lying around the place, unbothered.
"If it was a spider, I would've caught it and thrown it over your head." Matt replied with a cynical smile on his face.
Ella scoffed, "Sometimes I think you hate me."
He chuckled, opening his arms and approaching the girl to hug her. "You know I love you, Ellie."
"Yeah, sure, sure." He was holding her tight on purpose, to bother her some more. He really was like her older brother. The camera shook in her hands as she struggled in his hold.
He let go of her with a kiss on the cheek, "Have you got 25 cents?" He asked, seeing that it was needed to make the machine work.
"Yeah, in my purse." The drummer didn't even waste a second before he quickly went back to the main room to retrieve it. He was back in about ten seconds and she fished for her wallet when he opened her purse for her. "Does it even work?" she asked, seeing as the machine looked old—the red light on the 'sensor' was very dim, it was hard to read the 00 on the corner.
He shrugged, holding up a quarter in his fingers. "Let's try."
"Yeah, we need everyone to be here though. This cannot go without witnesses." She was recording it all but she wanted everyone to be there just so they could all have a laugh.
"Oh yes, go ahead. I want everyone to see how you lose."
"We shall see about that Matthew." She walked back to where the rest of the group was and called them over.
When Matt saw everyone enter the room behind Ella, he smirked. "Yous ready?"
They all nodded, Jamie rolled his eyes at his friend's excitement over such a dumb thing but he wasn't expecting any less from the idiot that Matt Helders was.
For some reason, he paused before slotting the coin in. "No, actually..." he offered the coin to Ella, "Ellie please do us the honor."
The PA sighed, wanting to do anything but go first in the stupid thing but she wanted to get it over with sooner rather than later. She grabbed the quarter from him and he took the camera from her, making sure to catch what she was going to do.
She pressed her pointer finger on the supposed sensor, and slid the coin in. "If this thing doesn't work, I'm gonna laugh in your face, Helders."
It took a few seconds for the red light to glow, the drummer smirking at Ella as if to rub it in her face that it actually worked. Everyone was watching them amused, the bickering was quite entertaining to them all and they were happy to be around Ella again.
Another few seconds passed before the machine beeped, startling the girl. "Jesus!" She dropped her hand and when she saw the 62, she shrugged not even caring to see what that meant on the list below the sensor.
Matt cackled, getting another quarter from her wallet and giving her the camera back to walk up to the machine as well. "Okay Ellie, are you ready to lose?"
"Get on with it Matt." She made sure to capture him perfectly even though she wasn't sure they'd use that footage on the documentary.
Repeating the process, Matt waited for the beep to reveal his score and when he got 134, he cheered. His arms up in the air like he had just won the championship to something.
He walked over to Ella teasing her about her brutal loss when Jamie wandered over to the coin machine and burst out laughing.
Everyone turned as the guitarist laughed and Nick went over curious to see what was so funny. When he read the list below the sensor, he joined Jamie in laughter.
"Helders, mate, I'm not sure you won at all there." Nick managed between chuckles.
Ella quickly walked over to read the list, making sure the camera caught it too and she cackled. "134 you got, didn't you? Mr. Total couch potato."
That only made Nick laugh harder, Alex and James started chuckling at Matt's face. The drummer walked over to see the list and he scoffed. "What the fuck? That score system doesn't make fucking sense."
Total couch potato - over 130
Semi sexy couch potato - 115-129
Sexy couch potato - 100-114
Sexy but firm up your good body - 85-99
Great body and sexy - 70-84
Super body and sexy - 60-69
Fantastic body and sexy - below 60
"I got 62 by the way. Just in case you forgot." Ella made sure to rub it in and Helders waved his hand dismissing her.
He shook his head in disbelief, and went over to her wallet to get another quarter. "We're doing this again."
"But–" She went to argue but was cut by Matt grabbing her right hand and pressing her pointer finger on the sensor and dropping the coin in. "For fucks sake, Matt." She cursed, moving the camera to face Matt's annoyed facial expression and when the machine beeped, showing her a glorious 60, she burst out laughing.
"Now's my turn." He pressed his finger on the sensor and inserted the coin.
Everyone quieted down as they waited for the beep and when it rang in their ears, showing a 129, Jamie read "A slight glow up, semi sexy couch potato." making everyone erupt in laughter again.
"Okay, whatever." Matt said loudly and defeated in between everyone else's noise, "It's broken, obviously."
Ella sighed, after her fit of laughter, focusing the camera back on the drummer. "Told you Bre was doing charity work with you." Nick snorted at that, nodding his head just to add to the fire.
Matt gasped, throwing his hand over his heart, faking being wounded by her very words. "Bitch." He said as if he had just been betrayed.
She chuckled as he left the room, still shaking his head, "Oh I'm so glad I caught all that on camera."
Nick threw his arm over her shoulders and kissed her temple, "You are brilliant, Ellie."
She smiled so bright, her eyes closed, and leaned her head on the bassist's shoulder in contentment.
When she opened her eyes, she was instantly met by Alex grinning at her and she smiled back at him.
The two weeks she'd have to stay there would be long but she hoped they'd get easier. She could only hope for that.
All of her hopes had drowned a week later. She thought she had made progress in that first week since when she left that Sunday, it felt like the tension was wearing thin. They could now joke around like everyone else and it wasn't met with brief silences that felt like cuts to their throats.
That was until the Monday of the second week arrived, and she was dropped off at the studio by Julian. As they got closer to the place, she was praying that whoever was standing outside wasn't Alex but the universe loved laughing at her face so Alex was exactly who was outside, smoking calmly with his eyes firmly on Ella.
She sighed under her helmet before she took it off and got off the bike. She gave Alex a tight lip smile, "Good morning, Alex." She could feel the awkwardness rising once again.
"Good morning, Ellie." He replied, grateful for how the cigarette was helping him relax even in the slightest.
Julian took his helmet off then, shaking his head to fix his hair, with a bright smile. "Hey Alex, good morning."
Alex lifted his hand up to greet him, "Morning, man."
Ella sighed and turned to her boyfriend, fixing his hair before she said bye. "You'll pick me up later yeah?" Her hand was cupping his jaw and Alex hated seeing the look of adoration in her eyes.
"'Course." Julian said with a smile, his right hand coming up to grab Ella's hand that was on his face and kissed the palm of it. "Love you, have fun okay?"
Ella smiled even harder and nodded as she leaned down to peck his lips. "Love you, see you later."
Ella turned to start walking towards the studio when she heard Julian calling out to Alex, "Turner! Take care of my girl, yeah?" His question was up in the air as he put his helmet back on.
She blushed as she turned back around to laugh at her boyfriend. Alex let out the smoke from his lungs and nodded, "Always."
Ella felt like someone had gut punched her then, Why does this have to happen to me?
Julian nodded and revved the engine, blowing Ella a kiss before driving away—leaving a cloud of dust in his wake.
They both watched as the bike got smaller in the horizon and once it disappeared from their sight, she cleared her throat. "You going in yet?"
He nodded, "I'm almost done." taking one last drag of his cigarette before tossing it to the ground.
As they walked up to the place, he couldn't hold his tongue back, "So is he gonna drop you off everyday now?"
There was a subtle tone in his voice that didn't settle well with her, "Just today." She answered quickly with a forced smile on her face, letting her feet take her faster up the steps and towards the door. She didn't wanna overthink about the way he'd ask but it was already planning to play on loop in her mind.
Maybe she was making it worse in her mind but the awkwardness was palpable at the moment, and she just couldn't brush it off and ignore it.
When she opened the door everyone was there at the kitchen by the entrance making breakfast, when they saw her they greeted her sweetly. She was so grateful for them all being there already, just so she didn't have to spend time alone with Alex after that.
Surprisingly though, after they had all had breakfast together, the day rolled off smoothly and she'd only interacted directly with Alex a handful of times. The band had gone fully back into finishing a song they'd named 'You're So Dark' and slowly rolled into the making of another one that they hadn't titled yet but the chorus kept on with the phrase 'i want it all' so she'd refer to it as such.
She ignored the way Alex sang the words 'space age country girl, stone cold miracle' and the not-so-subtle looks he took at her every time it rolled off his tongue.
By three in the afternoon, she'd excused herself to take a skype call with Ben, Aaron and a new client. She'd gone to the room furthest away from them and even though she knew the walls could keep her voice from getting to them and ruining any recording, she'd still tried to be as quiet as she could.
That's why she was surprised to see everyone gone when she left the call. She wandered around the place, really taking time to admire every corner of the one-of-a-kind recording studio. She could see Queens of the Stone Age memorabilia, a portrait of PJ Harvey smoking a cigarette perched on one of the sofas in the studio hanging on the wall.
The array of different kinds and brands of guitars drew her in like a magnet. She had no idea how to play one but they all looked stunning and she wished at that moment she knew how to play at least one simple song.
"I never asked you if you knew how to play." The sudden appearance of Alex's voice scared her. She jumped in her place, turning slowly with a hand over her heart.
"Alex, for fucks sake." She cursed through her teeth.
He smiled softly, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
She sighed, "Where is everyone? I thought you'd all left."
He shrugged, "They said something about getting food. Left before I could put down the guitar."
"Oh that was probably Matt's idea." Leaving Alex behind had to be his brilliant idea, she rolled her eyes at how he'd completely missed how that would turn out for her.
Alex nodded, "Most likely, yeah."
They stood there quietly—Alex resting against the door frame, Ella's fingers dancing over the guitars' necks.
"Did they leave long ago?" She crossed her fingers mentally, hoping they'd be back soon.
He only shook his head and with that she deflated, "They left about fifteen minutes ago."
Ella let out a humorless chuckle, "Great."
It looked like he was trying not to open his mouth, and she almost just told him to spill it all but she truly didn't want it to happen. Whatever would come out of his mouth would only make the situation ten times worse and she was still feeling unsettled by the question he'd made before coming into the studio in the morning.
She decided to sit in one of the chairs, slumping forward as she cradled her head in her hands. A headache already bubbling in the back of her skull, she rubbed her temples with her fingers. In the background she heard as Alex took a seat on the big settee by the door, one that faced her directly.
Alex cracked his knuckles and cleared his throat, he was getting the courage to ask everything he wanted to know. "So how has it been then?" His question was so vague she hummed in confusion—she had been with them for a week straight, what could he mean by that?
And then he shuffled in his seat and tried again, "With him, I mean. How's everything been with, erm, Julian?" He said his name with a struggle, like it hurt his throat to let it out.
"Very good, thanks. We're doing great." She fake coughed, straightening in her seat uncomfortably.
Alex nodded his head continuously, "He seems like a good guy... Interesting lad."
"He is. Wonderful, very interesting too, yeah." Her smile was so forced and it pained him to see.
"He really likes traveling doesn't he?" At that point he didn't even know what he was doing, he was just talking out of his ass.
"Oh yes, a lot. He has the best stories from traveling around for work."
He hummed, "Do you ever travel together?"
Ella chewed on her bottom lip before answering. "Sometimes. We tend to stay in California for work but there's times we travel together whenever I have to go somewhere with Focus Creeps and he's free or we're both able to go on a little weekend holiday."
"Really? Where have you been?" Curiosity killed the cat, he reminded himself. He was very aware of that but his mouth was going faster than his brain.
"We went to Mexico for our first month. We've been to Alaska and New York, but most of the time we take trips around the west coast." She recounted her drives with Julian to the different states along the coast they called home. "He's actually gone to Tennessee with me quite a few times." She added quickly.
"Oh yeah, I sa—. I, erm, suppose that was nice." His tongue tangled when he realized he was about to expose himself, but she hummed.
She knew he had seen, his secret instagram account handle was very not subtle and she'd gotten surprised when he followed her right after that call about the Olympics. "It was. Lovely to see him in my hometown and with my family, really. He fits right in."
He hated how she said that, like it was something that was written in stone. "Right, yes."
She didn't know why, but her brain just wanted her to scream a little detail that knew would ruin things even more. It was probably the thought of it hurting him, the way it had all hurt her back at the start of the year and she felt weirdly in need of some revenge. "We actually go to Belmont Park quite often."
A surprised "Oh." escaped his lips. That fact stung him like alcohol on a fresh cut wound, and that's when Alex noticed the situation hadn't hurt him as much before as it had in that very moment. The fact that she went to a place that so vividly was him and her with someone else felt like the biggest type of betrayal.
"Do you?" The question sat bitterly on his tongue.
It had been a mistake even mentioning it. A double edged knife as it all came like an avalanche over her. "Yeah, it's a lovely place during summertime." It reminded her why she never did revenge, it would always hurt her right back like she was doomed with automatic karma.
He sighed, sorting through his memories. "I remember that place quite fondly."
Ella panicked then, the need to remind him where he stood was strong inside her just to keep him from saying anything stupid that might make her spiral. "How's Arielle?" She spat the question like the words were burning her tongue.
He froze in his place for a second, his brain stopping the reel of Ella and his time in the coastal amusement park to replace it for the American model who was his girlfriend. "She's alright." He shrugged, not really caring to think much for detail. "Busy with casting calls and modeling gigs, but good."
She hated how the first thing her brain did was compare herself to Arielle, making her chuckle dryly. "Good thing she's a model right? Can travel around the world with you." She wanted to slap herself then for exposing her very biggest insecurity when it had come to her and Alex back then.
But Alex was too distracted by the new batch of questions flooding his mind to even notice what she'd just said. "I guess, yes."
"Of course it is, you're always in the presence of your muse." She was trying her hardest to push him to plainly tell her how much he adored Arielle just so she'd kill the shadow of hurt creeping back onto her but he didn't.
His gaze stayed fixated on her for a long few seconds, her breath caught in her throat seeing him zoned out with his eyes firmly on her. Ella cleared her throat and that's when he came back to reality. "Sure, my muse, yes. Lucky to have her always by my side." His reply was so meek it made her want to scream at him.
What do you want from me? She wanted to ask, over and over, until he gave her a fully honest answer.
"I'm just curious..." He started again, after half a minute of silence with eyes fixed on the floor. "Isn't it weird?"
Again he went with the vague inquiries, she frowned looking at him. "What?"
Alex looked up, feeling her burning gaze on him. "I dunno, just how fast you started it all with Julian." His words were weak, almost like he knew it was a mistake to have even said that out loud.
She was ready to start getting defensive but she'd give him another opportunity to explain himself before she could explode if it was needed. "What do you mean?"
He sighed, trying to word his thoughts in the best way possible, "Well, you know, I remember you telling me about how falling for someone you'd just met wasn't your thing."
"I said and did lots of things then, didn't I?" Her words came out heated, Ella was growing tired and she kept wondering what the hell was he trying to get from her.
"Do you regret them?" He was quick to ask, like that sentence had been a direct attack towards him. The question was looking for a deeper answer.
"Maybe." She tried to sound determined but it came out more like a question. She truly didn't regret anything that had happened or that she'd said because it all ended in the growth of herself as a person but, fuck, she just wanted him to hurt so he could drop the subject and whatever he was trying to achieve.
He only hummed in acknowledgment, making her feel like she had to further prove herself.
"He changed everything I had ever thought in a matter of weeks, I just know I love him and he loves me so that's more than enough for me. Time doesn't mean much to me anymore."
"Right." Alex nodded, his gaze staying on her for just a fleeting moment before it dropped down to the floor.
Ella continued then, finding more things she wanted to say, "No matter how long you've known people for, they always turn out to be someone you don't expect so I wasn't gonna lose an amazing person because of my fear of getting hurt." She was trying to find his eyes, just so he knew she meant every word that left her lips but he wasn't brave enough to make eye contact as she said all that. He felt like he was getting poked in his chest with a sharp and pointy knife. "I mean, you said it, didn't you?"
That's what got him to look up instantly, "What?" the singer asked, confused.
Alex's voice as they walked around Las Vegas came back to her very clearly, like the moment was happening at that very second: 'That's true, but don't close yourself off to the chances. Someday you'll meet that one person who'll change your mind about that and they will sweep you off your feet. Often heartbreak is necessary along the way, it shows you what's the right way you deserve to be loved.'
"That someday I'd meet a person who'd change my mind about all that time bullshit I used to swear by, and how they'd sweep me off my feet. That's exactly what he did." Ella recited his words back to him.
And the very moment came back to him like an ice cold water bucket being poured over his head. His words had come back to bite him on the ass. "I guess I did." His voice sounded defeated. "Yeah, erm, that's good. Good." Alex had no idea what he had tried to achieve with all that but, fucking hell, he felt like he had ruined everything.
They stayed quiet for what felt like a century but it had only been a minute. Their breathing sounded too loud and the beating of their heavy hearts was very present in their ears.
When her phone rang, she couldn't help but sigh in relief but her shoulders slumped when the name 'Jules <3' shone bright on her screen.
"Guess we summoned him." The PA joked, trying to lighten up the mood but he gave her the most humorless laugh that made her internally cringe. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? She asked herself, as if the whole situation had been her fault and not Alex's.
She stood up and pointed at the door to tell him she'd pick up and talk by the kitchen, he nodded dully and watched her go in the reflection of the window. He had fucked it all up and he knew it.
He could hear her in the distance and he hated the isolated zone the studio was in because the lack of city bustle meant he could hear everything she said.
"Hi babe!" Her greeting was chipper, she sounded relieved. "Not yet, the guys have gone out to get some lunch and then I guess they'll stay a few more hours until they're done." She paused for a few seconds but he couldn't make out whatever her boyfriend was saying on the other side of the line. "Yeah, they're great. You'd love to see them recording, it truly is magical." Alex smiled, as he could hear the sincerity in her voice.
"Oh?" Ella sounded surprised and he wondered what Julian could've told her. "Jules, are you fucking kidding?" She sounded breathless and elated. "No baby, not nice to hear when we're more than an hour away." Alex hated hearing her calling someone else that pet name. "Well I cannot wait to be home then." There was a small pause before she let out a sweet little giggle that melted Alex's insides. "What did I do to deserve you huh?" Alex rolled his eyes thinking about how Julian didn't deserve her but he couldn't say much, because he didn't deserve Ella either.
"Something new to try?" Her voice had turned suggestive then, and he hated that his brain started going through the endless possibilities of what that could mean. "Fuck, Julian." That had come out like a choked up whimper and Alex had had to shut his eyes close hard to focus on his thoughts not going there but then she said, "Yes, you fucking tease." almost out of breath and just that made the singer's thoughts start going in a forbidden direction. "Well if you had a car maybe we could move it forward but unfortunately you don't, so..." That made him freeze though, as he instantly imagined them two together in the back of a car and it was a visual he absolutely loathed.
"I fucking love you, you know that?" Her words were determined and they hit him like a truck. "Okay babe, cannot fucking wait to be home already." Another giggle that made Alex want to die echoed through the place and just as he was about to start plugging his ears to not listen anymore, she ended the call with a "See you soon then, love you."
He had to hurriedly grab his journal, scribbling around a new page when he heard her steps coming back in his direction.
When Ella entered the room again, she gave him a side smile. She went straight to her purse and grabbed her lighter and cigarettes, "I'm gonna go for a smoke, be right back."
"Alright." Alex nodded as he kept his eyes frozen on the white page that was slowly filling up with words that seemed to be just flooding out of him. The sound of her boots mixing with the ticking of the grandfather clock in the hallway replaying in his mind as the ink ruined the paper.
I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake
Snap out of it
Under a spell you're hypnotized
Darling, how could you be so blind?
If that watch don't continue to swing
Or the fat lady fancies having a sing
I'll be here, waiting ever so patiently for you to
Snap out of it
I've heard that you fell in love
Or near enough
It sounds like settling down or giving up
But it don't sound much like you
After that extremely awkward Monday, when she'd felt Alex's gaze burning on her back as she left the place in the back of Julian's bike, the week had gone by extremely slowly. She loved the band but she felt like she was suffocating under the heavy tension between her and Alex.
So when it reached Friday, the last day that she'd be recording them for the rest of the year, she felt like she could breathe more easily.
Matt had been an absolute nightmare though, ringing her at six in the morning so that she could be at the studio by half past seven.
"Matt, I will castrate you when I see you later," was the first thing she said when she picked up.
The man on the other line snorted, "Oh I'm so afraid." The heavy sarcasm in his voice only made her roll her eyes. "You have to be here early today, sweetheart. Last day and all." He sounded like he was hiding something but she was too tired to care.
She groaned, "Sure, I'll leave in a few. Bye." She didn't even give him time to reply because she instantly hung up the phone and sighed.
Her hair was damp when she'd gotten on her bike forty minutes after she'd ended the call, but it was dry from the wind by the time she got to the studio. She took off her helmet and brushed her hair with her fingers to then ruffle it. She checked on one of the mirrors of her bike and she shrugged, her lipstick still perfectly on and her hair just tamed enough.
She walked through the doors and made her way to the room they were always at. When she got there she didn't even look up before she dropped her bag and helmet on a chair. "Last day I have to see you idiots all day, thank fuck!" She joked but when she was met with an unusual silence, she turned around confused and that's when her jaw dropped.
Josh Homme was sitting right there in the middle of the room and everyone else was trying to hold in their laughs. Her cheeks tinted bright red, like her lipstick, and she wanted to disappear.
But the musician chuckled, making her feel slightly better. "Lucky." Josh started, continuing the joke, "This is my first day, have another week to go with them." He stood up with his hand out to greet Ella, "Lovely to meet you..."
She cleared her throat, blinking fast to try and come back down to reality but she was shocked. "Ella." She barely managed to say and Josh nodded, shaking her hand.
"Lovely to meet you Ella." He said again and her eyes went to all of the lads in search of answers.
When none of them gave her anything other than amused smiles, she looked back to the legendary musician in front of her and smiled brightly. "Very lovely to meet you, Mr. Homme."
The man waved her off, dropping her hand, "Oh please hun, just call me Josh. We're all friends here, no formalities."
She giggled, "Right, yes."
Ella tried to remain cool as she fell back into her usual routine, taking the camera out and capturing everything she could without disturbing their process. Matt sat next to her in the big settee twenty minutes later, watching Alex and Josh talking about 'Knee Socks' which was apparently the song Josh was gonna be in, and he elbowed her to tease her.
"Big fan of Queens of the Stone Age then?" The drummer whispered.
She turned to face him with an expression that screamed it was obvious, "Who isn't?"
Matt nodded, "Well, I did tell you to come early."
She scoffed, "Yes but you didn't mention Josh fucking Homme coming here today, idiot!" She whispered aggressively and she was grateful for Alex having started to play the guitar so the chords were louder than her voice.
"Details, details." Matt replied like it was nothing and she rolled her eyes.
"I cannot believe I'm actually gonna miss seeing y'all every day again." She admitted, fake defeated to keep up her act.
He clicked his tongue, "Of course you will, you love us."
"As I always say, unfortunately." She added in the same way, with a tight lip smile.
He opened his mouth to reply but Alex called him over and he could only get up quickly on his feet to see what they were gonna do then.
She had grown mesmerized by the creative process they had as they saw them work with Josh. James got there an hour later and it felt surreal, she truly felt like she was seeing actual magic happen and it hit her when she heard the brand new bridge for the song. It sounded heavenly and bold at the same time.
She knew when the album would come out, she'd have a different perspective on it for the sole reason that she was witnessing all those turning points in the making of it. And she was sure that just from the fact that she was experiencing all of it first hand, it would become her favorite album of theirs.
When they had all gotten hungry at around ten in the morning, Ella had ordered something for everyone and when the food had arrived, they all gathered around the wooden dinner table in the kitchen to chat shit and eat before resuming their work.
Josh was so easy to be around and Ella loved that one of the people she'd always admired as a musician was also a lovely person in real life. He had thanked her for the food and given her a side hug before they all cleaned up and went back to the recording room.
Ella made sure to record as much as she could but when the battery died and she had to wait for it to charge, she put her earphones on and started listening to some music.
Matt and Jamie sat chatting in a corner of a room while Alex, Nick and Josh hovered over Alex's journal to work through some lyrics. Ten minutes passed as she sorted through her emails when Alex sat beside her and she barely noticed.
He poked at her arm to not scare her again and she turned slowly to him, "Hey," she greeted timidly.
"Was Josh Homme a nice surprise?" He asked like her reaction hadn't been enough of an answer.
Her eyebrows rose on her face as she nodded enthusiastically, "Of course, yes. I still can't believe he's just–" she paused to find the perfect word but she failed so she just subtly pointed at him and finished by saying, "There."
Alex chuckled, "What are you listening to?" He had seen her bopping her head as she typed and he was curious to know.
"Black Sabbath." She showed him her phone screen, "War Pigs. Stunning guitar riff." She added, like it was one of those texts she used to send him of the songs she was obsessing over whoever week or day and which detail was her favorite of it.
He'd heard it before, of course, so he nodded but she took off one of her earphones so he could put it in and listen with her. Once the bud was in his ear, she played the song back from the beginning and he found himself trying to think of the chords in his head.
A song like it was one that he'd love to have on this album, it was the vibe he was going for when he pictured what the record would sound like in his head.
When the song finished he took off the earbud and handed it back to her. "Brilliant guitar riff. I wanna try and play it."
She thought he meant to play it maybe later but no, he got up immediately and grabbed his Gretsch duo jet, placed a pick between his teeth as he pulled the guitar strap over his shoulders and started playing with the chords until he started getting closer and closer to it.
Josh was quick to recognize the song, "War Pigs, classic."
Alex nodded as he stopped and then started it back up again. "I wanna use it in this record, I think."
"Domino won't hate you for having to get the licenses for it?" Asked the American singer, amused.
"Nah, I'll get it somehow even if they don't want to." Alex replied very confidently.
"Atta boy." Celebrated Josh, "You'll have to give it an Arctic Monkeys twist though, make it fresh." He advised, not only so that the song would be good but for the sake of the credits of the song he was trying to make.
Alex called to his bandmates then, "Oi, Nick, Jump in this one with me. Jamie, let's play it together first and then we can start changing the chords each at a time."
A few hours later, they had a wonderful take on the War Pigs guitar riff and the band seemed to be in love with it. They recorded it and labeled it the first demo, Ella had managed to catch that recording process and she was beaming as she saw it happen.
She'd felt like she had contributed there, it made her heart swell in a strange new way. She was about to scold herself for feeling so proud about it when it was so insignificant, when Alex went up to her and gave her a brief hug.
"Thanks for that Ellie. Good thing we have you here at the studio with us, isn't it?" His hand dropped after squeezing her right arm, her left side pressed against him.
She smiled brightly then, shrugging it off because she had only played him a song he already knew, it wasn't a massive contribution. "It literally was nothing Alex."
Alex clicked his tongue, "Yeah, don't really think so." disagreeing with her, making her smile bigger.
Right there and then, it felt like it was all falling back into place at least for a few seconds and they could both take a breath of fresh air.
"Would it help you feel better if I just said you're welcome?" Her smile could be heard in her voice and it made him unbelievably happy.
He nodded, "Definitely."
"You're welcome, Al." She replied easily and he beamed at her, it was the first time she called him Al in a long while, it made his stomach flip.
"Right," The singer started, still grinning. "It's your last day with us here until next year so just leave the camera, enjoy it."
Her brows furrowed, "But the documentary—"
He waved it off, "It would be a maximum of forty five minutes, Ellie and we still have January through June to record so don't worry. There'd be plenty of footage in the future."
She hummed, "Okay boss, whatever you say." She joked and he chuckled.
The day ended far quicker than she expected it and soon enough she was saying goodbye to the band, James and Josh. They all watched her drive away on her bike as the sun set in the horizon, the ends of her long black hair waving in the air.
In the third and last week that the band had spent in the studio, which Ella hadn't been there to record, the 'War Pigs' inspired song had been born and fully developed.
It only made sense that if the song had seen its creation because of Ella, it had to be the one to home all those lines Alex had written about her.
Alex sang into the microphone as the red light on top of the booth indicated it was recording. His eyes closed as he pictured her and himself walking around LA, Las Vegas and San Diego—all the pictures and the conversations, the drinks and the fleeting touches shared.
Arabella's got some interstellar-gator skin boots
And a Helter Skelter 'round her little finger
And I ride it endlessly
She's got a Barbarella silver swimsuit
And when she needs to shelter from reality
She takes a dip in my daydreams
My days end best when the sunset gets itself behind
That little lady sitting on the passenger side
It's much less picturesque without her catching the light
The horizon tries but it's just not as kind on the eyes
As Arabella, oh
As Arabella
Just might've tapped into your mind and soul
You can't be sure
Arabella's got a '70s head
But she's a modern lover
It's an exploration, she's made of outer space
And her lips are like the galaxy's edge
And her kiss the colour of a constellation
Falling into place
My days end best when the sunset gets itself behind
That little lady sitting on the passenger side
It's much less picturesque without her catching the light
The horizon tries but it's just not as kind on the eyes
As Arabella, oh
As Arabella
Just might've tapped into your mind and soul
You can't be sure
That's magic, in a cheetah print coat
Just a slip, underneath it, I hope
Asking if, I can have one of those
Organic, cigarettes that she smokes
Wraps her lips, 'round a Mexican Coke
Makes you wish, that you were the bottle
Takes a sip of your soul, and it sounds like...
The band's stay at the golden state had reached its end. The three weeks they had planned on staying were up but before it was time for them to leave Ella and Breana had planned a little farewell dinner. Breana would be staying in LA this time, so when she told Ella to help her organize it for the lads before they left, she just couldn't say no to her best friend.
It didn't take much organization, just a phone call to the restaurant to make a reservation and a text in the group chat to make sure the band knew where to be on Sunday the 9th at seven in the evening.
Ella was there ten minutes before the clock announced it was seven, she stood by the mural to the left side of the restaurant's door smoking a cigarette. She had just lit it, and absentmindedly took a drag out of it seeing as Julian took a few steps to stand in front of her and take the stick from her fingers.
The filter was stained with the red of her lipstick and it made her boyfriend groan, she laughed as she let the smoke out upwards, taking a peek at the moon. Julian left a trail of kisses up her throat all the way up to her chin, his lips hovered over hers but he left her breathless when he lifted the cigarette to take a drag of it and then place it back on her lips.
"Tease," she muttered with the burning stick between her lips.
The scruff of a car's brakes made them turn around, a yellow cab stopped a few feet right beside them. They were about to get back to what they were doing when one of the back doors opened and out came none other than Alex Turner.
He looked amazing under the dim street lights, the cream button up he was wearing contrasted perfectly with his black trousers and blazer. The small heels of his chelsea boots hit the pavement and composed the perfect background noise to his entrance.
Alex cleared his throat, hoping his frown wasn't as hard as it had been a minute earlier when he had seen from afar the show Ella and Julian were putting for everyone walking around the block.
Julian stepped aside to let Ella greet Alex first. "Hello Ella," he hugged her briefly but tight, she reciprocated one handed as she kept the hand she was holding her cigarette with away from him. Alex shook Julian's hand, firmly. "Nice to see you again, Julian."
Julian nodded, "Nice to see you too, Alex. How was your time in LA? Everything sweet, everything nice?"
Alex gave him a forced side smile, Ella turned to rest against the mural again and continued smoking—she tried to relax but she was internally panicking, begging to any high power that the rest of their friends showed up soon so the three wouldn't have to wait too long alone.
"Everything was great, already can't wait to be back to keep recording." From his voice she could tell he was distracted, and Ella kept her eyes closed but she felt him staring.
But why wouldn't he? She looked dashing dressed in all black. A little black slip dress on with high heeled stilettos, a leather jacket on and a small prada purse hanging off her shoulder. The dress had a slit, showing off her 'Divine Feminine' tattoo perfectly.
He was too caught up to even notice Julian had caught him staring.
"She's stunning, isn't she?" Her boyfriend had asked proudly, and Alex had gone cold.
He tried to play it cool though, nodding as he took his cigarettes out and picked one to light up. "She's always been."
If Julian had gotten jealous from that, he didn't show it as he nonchalantly then proceeded to walk towards Ella. He dove his hand into Ella's jacket pockets and fished a cigarette for himself, placing it between his teeth and staring at his girlfriend silently asking her to light him up.
She did, her movements graceful and experienced and Alex caught the small 'thank you' Julian gave her before he started smoking.
The American man had waved him over, "C'mere man, we're not gonna bite."
Alex let out a bland chuckle that made a puff of smoke leave his mouth. His steps were slow as he moved closer to them, and he wished Arielle could've canceled that late night shoot so she'd be there with him. He didn't want to be a third wheel, much less to Ella and her fucking boyfriend.
It had been a painful eight minutes he had to endure of small talk that ended with Ella narrating how it had been to spend a whole day with Josh Homme and Julian watching her talk mesmerized. Their fingers were interlocked and Alex had had to watch Julian play with Ella's fingers as he listened to her.
Just as Alex was contemplating fishing his pockets for a third smoke, ruckus broke out behind him and he recognized it instantly. He could breathe now that Breana and Matt had arrived, and when Alex fully turned, he saw Jamie and Nick exiting the cab as well.
Everyone greeted each other and once that was done, Ella walked ahead of the group into Craig's. She'd chosen the place not only because it was gorgeous and the food was delicious but because loads of famous people tended to go there so they truly wouldn't be bothered if anyone recognized them.
It wasn't long before they were seated and, to Ella's incredible fortune, she ended up seated in the middle of Alex and Julian.
Before they ordered any food, they were asked for their drinks to which they'd all agreed on a nice bottle of cabernet. Their waiter had uncorked the bottle effortlessly and served everyone a perfect amount to start with.
Chatter rolled easily as they drank more wine, their orders then taken and underway in the fancy kitchen of the place.
Their flight was taking off at noon, meaning they had to be at LAX at around nine in the morning. The band was promising to be the most sober ones just to make their next morning easy for themselves.
When their plates got to their table, they all dove in. The variety of dishes was astounding and it impressed them even more how regardless of how different each one was, they all were remarkably delicious.
Alex watched through the corner of his eye as Julian gathered a forkful of his salmon dish to feed Ella.
"Babe, you gotta try this." He'd said after a blissful hum he let out when he got the first bite of it. His hand a few inches under the fork to avoid spilling anything.
Ella was quick to open her mouth to accept the food and once it reached her tongue, she let her red lips wrap around the fork. Julian pulled back the piece of silverware as he stared attentively at her reaction and when her eyes closed in delight at the taste, he smiled bright.
She waited until she was finished with her bite to speak, "That's really fucking good."
Alex wanted to roll his eyes, how was it that even surrounded by other four people he still felt like a third wheel. His fork screeched as he gathered his rigatoni alla vodka.
Conversations continued as everyone slowly worked through their food, not really minding it going cold because they were all just basking in each other's presence.
"Helders, you're giving me my best friend back, finally. Thank you very much." Ella teased as she remembered that Breana was planning on staying in LA the whole time they'd be gone.
The drummer sighed, squeezing his girlfriend's hand under the table. "Yeah, not really my choice to be honest. She'd always be by my side if it was for me."
"Awh look at you, maybe you are romantic after all." The PA cooed, a little pout on her face at the sight of them.
Matt let out a small giggle, "Of course I am, idiot."
"Well it's hard to picture with the stories I hear." Ella trailed off, making Jamie and Nick look at her curiously.
Matt smirked, "Like what you're told?"
"Pretty vanilla to me, honestly." She played, making Matt laugh a little too loud.
"Okay, kinky bastard." The teasing made Ella sit straighter as she flushed, Julian smiled proudly next to her. Alex just wanted to disappear, he would beg to hear anything else but what she got up to with Julian in the bedroom.
To Alex's relief, she wasn't in the mood to share any stories. "Guess your hand is gonna have to do for the next few months." The faux pity in her voice was so heavy it had Matt glaring at her.
"It will, and those scans you're meant to send me." He made sure to remind her as she'd promised him and he had really liked those previews she'd shown him on her phone.
Nick sighed, exasperated at the turn the conversation had taken. He really didn't want to think about his mate wanking to pictures of his girlfriend while he was eating the best scallops he'd ever had. "Can yous fucking stop? I'm trying to eat."
Ella laughed, "So very sorry, Nick."
The bassist huffed in exaggerated annoyance, "You better be."
Once everyone finished their food, the waiter had been fast to pick the plates up and ask if they fancied anything else. Soon enough, a new bottle of wine was on its way and, just as fast as it had arrived, they were finishing it.
They each had been drinking more red then than at the start of the night so the bottle didn't last more than twenty minutes.
Ella hummed then, seeing as most of their glasses were empty—Alex being the only one to have a sip of it left. "Anyone fancy a bottle of champers?" Her question was thrown in the air and they all slowly agreed.
She turned to Julian, mumbling something that only Alex got to properly hear. "Don't have any rings on me though..."
Alex's right hand reached over for his wine glass and just as his fingers rounded it, he heard Julian say something to him.
"That ring's sick man, mind if I have a look at it?"
Alex was confused but he nodded nonetheless, putting his glass back on the table to take the ring off and hand it to the videographer. He only took a look at it for a quick two seconds before he put it on his own pinky finger.
"Looks great doesn't it?" He lifted his hand up to show Ella and she nodded. Alex frowned, what the fuck is he doing putting my ring on?
Julian made him snap back to reality when he took it off and mumbled a quick, "Would look better on you though." And before Alex could even have time to process that, he got up and walked around his chair to kneel in front of Ella.
The singer's eyes almost popped out of his head and Breana's gasp was loud enough to grab the attention of not only their whole table but the ones around them. Suddenly, the restaurant started to quiet down as everyone's attention turned to the dirty blonde down on one knee in front of his girlfriend.
"Ella, honey, you are by far the sweetest most wonderful thing that has happened to me." His voice was so sweet as it reached her ears and she knew it was only the start but she was already swooning. "I wish time had been kinder to me and let me meet you before but the fact that you even are in my life now is enough to feel like life didn't cheat me. You take my breath away with everything you do, everything you say and everything you are. My heart bursts at its seams just by thinking of you and every time I get to see you." Her heart definitely felt like it was failing her from how much she loved the man kneeling in front of her.
"You are my perfect accomplice, I cannot imagine doing life with anybody else. Every night, I wish upon every star I'm able to see in this polluted city that I'll be able to be yours forever. And I can only hope I'm lucky enough to have you feel the same, to know that you want me to be yours until the end of times." A small sob escaped her, tears pooling in her eyes threatening to spill at any moment. "And I think about asking you to marry me every night when we go to sleep and I see that sweet little pout next to me, the way you cling to me is a feeling I don't ever wanna lose. I don't ever wanna lose you." The tears were falling, wetting her lips which were stuck in a beaming smile. "I want to witness you and what you become, worship every single bit of you and all you do. In this life and the next, if you'll have me. Ella, my love, would you marry me?" He finally asked and the giggles escaped her as more tears ran down her cheeks.
"Yes!" She exclaimed breathlessly, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." She chanted as she cupped his face. Julian kissed the inside of her palm and then grabbed her left hand to put the ring on. It fit perfectly. Once it was on, they sealed the moment with a long kiss, Ella holding Julian's face with both her hands like she was afraid he'd disappear if she didn't have her hold on him.
Alex was so fucking confused, he felt like he was gonna puke everything he'd had that night. He felt himself sweating cold, and he was sure he was as pale as a white sheet of paper. Everyone around them was hollering, Nick and Jamie wolf whistling as Breana cried while she clapped and Matt had the brightest smile.
Their table neighbors cooed and clapped as Julian rose to sit back down, his lips red from Ella's lipstick. Alex looked around in shock but the only one who caught him was Matt, his smile faltered slightly at the sight of his friend but then he chuckled. The whole thing had fucked him over.
Soon their waiter came back, but with a bucket filled with ice homing a massive bottle of Champagne. Champagne flutes being carried by a waitress right behind him.
The young man smiled at the couple who'd just stolen the show and set the bottle in the middle of the table. "We're beyond happy to have witnessed this new step in your beautiful relationship so we wanted to give you this to celebrate." The lady behind him set the seven tall glasses on the table before they both proceeded to serve the beverage. "The chef wanted to congratulate you as well with some lovely dessert which I'll be bringing out in just a moment."
Ella cooed, her hand on her chest. "Thank you so much! You are all so sweet."
The pair nodded with a smile before they left and once everyone in the restaurant settled back again, Ella and Julian shared another quick kiss. She wiped on his bottom lip when she broke the kiss, leaning back slightly with the brightest smile on her face.
Alex was still malfunctioning so Matt took it upon himself to get an explanation out of the couple.
"So, what was that?" His question seemed amused, not really believing in the veracity of the proposal as they had literally used Alex's 'death ramps' ring. That detail only made him want to laugh harder.
Ella shrugged, whispering her answer. "Well y'all did say you wanted some champagne so mission accomplished."
Jamie cackled, "You cheeky bitch."
"That's me." Ella replied, winking at him. But then she sighed, absolutely elated. "We have done this many times before, must've gotten engaged at least half a dozen times in loads of places around the country but, oh my god, he went off with this one." She turned to Julian and scrunched up her nose to him. "I fucking adore you."
Alex's confusion then turned into anger. What the fuck? All he could think was how easy it was for them to make up such a deceiving situation but the thing that had him seething was the fact that they had just decided to do that with his ring. What the fuck are they on about? He kept asking himself over and over.
Julian stole a few pecks from her, tinting his lips redder than they already were. "Adore you even more."
Alex was about to lose it, he could only think about going for a smoke or two but he'd have to wait it out a little longer or he'd be way too obvious.
The champagne was heavenly, the bubbles running down their throats perfectly. They resumed their conversation like nothing had happened but then some nosey people started coming over to the table as they made their ways to leave the restaurant. Most of them were sweet, telling them 'congratulations' before they told them some cringe joke about the honeymoon and they'd leave with a wink; but the young couple that had just approached their table had asked to see the ring.
Ella had tried not to laugh, covering it up with a cough. She showed off her left hand, the 'death ramps' ring snuggled around her slender finger and matching perfectly with her red nails.
The unknown girl had frowned, confused at the ring choice and Ella giggled. "That's his most special ring. A family thing really, so it's very special he's proposed with it."
The strangers only nodded with a forced smile that had everyone at the table biting their tongues not to laugh—everyone except for Alex, who was growing angrier, because apparently it was Julian's family ring now.
He had to hold back a scoff, choosing to just down the champagne he had left and excuse himself to go to the bathroom.
No one really noticed the haste in which he left the table except for Matt, who followed his path with an attentive gaze. Everyone else at the table was too busy listening to the bullshit details of Ella's very much fake upcoming wedding.
"Bright pink flowers and a purple dress? You are insane." Nick shook his head at the deranged shit she was saying.
"Wait until you hear about our rainbow triple layer wedding cake." Ella added and the thought of it made everyone laugh harder. She only hoped no one was eavesdropping and taking what she was saying seriously because then they'd think she was insane.
Alex threw cold water on his face to get him to calm down. It was fake, they're not engaged, they did not get engaged with your ring. You have a stunning girlfriend that you love very much, you told her you loved her only two days ago. Ella is happy with someone else, you're just friends—that's all you'll ever be. He kept telling himself all that like he was a religious man reciting his favorite holy book verses.
Once Alex got back to the table, he found everyone taking bites of a big apple crumble with vanilla ice cream on top.
Ella waved him over excitedly, "Al, come here! You need to try this."
His ring on her finger flashed under the lights in the restaurant. How he wished he'd been the one to give it to her.
He sat down on his seat on her right side, and instantly was surprised by Ella feeding him a spoonful of dessert. He didn't know what he was expecting but she didn't take the spoon away for him, making Alex have to do the rest for himself. He set the utensil on top of his cloth napkin that was still on the table where he'd left it before running off.
He nodded, relishing in the sweetness of the dish. His brain took him back to the day they shared funnel cakes at Belmont Park and he smiled fondly. He remembered the excited smile on her face as she waited for his reaction to the food and he couldn't help but compare it to how she was looking at him at the moment.
"S'really good." Alex agreed and she nodded back.
"Right?!" She turned back to grab another bite with her own spoon, "You're very welcome guys, I will be expecting an award later."
Jamie smirked then, taking the opportunity to tease Ella. "We'll leave it to Julian to give you your prize, Ellie."
Her breath hitched making her cough and Julian laughed beside her, he brought a hand to her back to rub it soothingly whilst she kept coughing with a hand over her mouth. Alex wanted to die right there, why were his friends like that?
"Oh she will. Whatever she wants tonight, she gets it." Julian agreed, "Shall we try that leather thing you ordered the other day?" He suggested, making Ella's eyes widen. Next to her, Alex was staring at his lap with the same expression.
She pinched Julian's waist, "Fucks sake, shut up!" She shouted in a whisper, the last thing she needed was the lads finding out how she was in bed when she knew they'd just tease her endlessly about it.
Matt was quick to try and pry for more information, "Oh Julian, do tell us what that leather thing is."
Alex wanted to interfere before anything else was said, Please do not tell us, Julian.
He opened his mouth to start explaining but Ella's hand flew over his mouth to avoid anyone getting an explanation.
"Yeah, you're not getting anything from him," she started with a threatening voice, her eyes swimming around the table and then she turned to her boyfriend to finish her ultimatum, "If he wants to use it tonight."
Julian nodded obediently but licked the palm of her hand that was still covering his mouth just to get on her nerves. Ella scoffed and then used her napkin to clean her hand, Alex stole a glance at her and she looked so happy regardless of the teasing that it made him want to leave already.
Breana smirked at her best friend who was sitting right in front of her, "You're really hot Ellie, has anyone told you that?" Ella smirked back at her, if there was anyone who was her loyal cheerleader, it was Bre.
"Only you all the time, my love." She blew the model a kiss which she reciprocated.
Matt hugged Breana by the waist, bringing her to his side possessively and pointed a finger at Julian. "Oi, get your girlfriend to stop flirting with mine."
Everyone started laughing, the giggles filling the air around their table. Ella winked at Breana and then turned to Matt to bother him a bit more.
"You just know I could steal her from you easily."
Matt scoffed but when Breana agreed with a "She could." He rolled his eyes.
It was his turn to mortify Ella, "Can we get another round of applause for the soon-to-be married?" The drummer asked loudly to the rest of the restaurant and when the place erupted in claps and cheers, Ella hid in Julian's neck.
Her and Julian had to look around mouthing 'thank you's to the people around them. Minutes passed and when finally no one had their eyes on them, she glared at Matt. "You're a fucking menace, let's just get the check already."
Ten minutes later, they had paid and were outside waiting for their taxis. The head chef had gone out to personally congratulate Julian and Ella and she had started to feel bad for deceiving everyone at the restaurant like that. The champagne and dessert had been worth it though, but the guilt set in when before they left, one of the waitresses gave her a lovely bouquet of roses.
Once outside, Ella had felt like she could breathe again. She took one rose out of the arrangement she was holding in her right hand and gave it to Breana. She thanked her with a loud kiss on her cheek which made Matt get in the middle of them to keep Ella away from her, as he'd said.
The lads were all leaving in the same cab back to the hotel, meaning Bre would share the taxi with Julian and Ella.
"Are you staying over?" Julian asked his girlfriend's best friend, knowing he was gonna stay at Ella's.
Breana let out a sarcastic laugh, ""Yeah, absolutely not. I'd like to get a good night's sleep, thank you very much."
Ella rolled her eyes, "We're not that loud."
Bre disagreed instantly, "Yes you are. Don't even try to fight me on this one unless you want me to record a voice note of it next time as proof."
Alex was grateful he'd decided to light up a cigarette the second they stepped outside, he was lost in the nicotine filling his system and texting Arielle to avoid listening further into the conversation his friends were having.
He could hear the commotion behind him after Ella had finally whispered to Breana in her ear what it was that she'd ordered. Alex ignored the gasp the model let out, and how loud Matt had gotten as he was trying to find out too, to read whatever Arielle was saying about the video she was shooting.
Soon enough the cab that was taking the guys arrived and they all started hugging around. Bre wouldn't let go of Matt as Ella walked around hugging everyone goodbye. The PA was feeling weirdly nostalgic even if she knew they'd be back in LA in no time.
Jamie and Nick both squished her in a hug, she was gonna miss them so much. "Gonna wish on every star the months go by fast, I'm gonna miss you so much." They reciprocated her words, promising they'd be back as soon as the holidays were over.
Alex dropped his cigarette on the floor and stepped on it before opening his arms to her. They swayed with their holds tight on each other. "Gonna miss you." He said, kissing the top of her head.
"Me too." Ella replied and let go of him. She took his ring off her finger and gave it back to him, "Sorry for stealing it for so long, hope you enjoyed the champagne at least."
He chuckled, putting the ring back on his little finger. "I did, thanks Ellie." What he hadn't enjoyed was the way his heart dropped at the proposal, and the way his brain seemed to hold onto Julian's every word despite every try at forcing himself to think about anything else.
He was going to go insane.
Smiling brightly, "You're welcome," she said lastly before she left to walk towards Matt and Breana. When she got to them, she poked Bre on the ribs. "As much as I hate him, I wanna say goodbye." She joked.
The model left her boyfriend with a loud peck on his lips and proceeded to hug everyone else goodbye, following after Julian who was now saying bye to Nick with a typical bro hug.
Ella hugged Matt, "Don't take too long to come back yeah? She's gonna be insufferable if you're not back the second it turns 2013."
He laughed in her ear, giving her a squeeze before they both let go of each other. "I will, I promise."
They'd had to basically push Matt into the cab after that, because he could not stop kissing Breana goodbye. They could see the exasperated look on the driver's face but Alex promised him they'd give him a big tip for the inconvenience.
Julian, Ella and Breana waved them goodbye as the car left and then they sighed when it went out of their view.
Ella snaked her arm around Bre's waist and she started walking, "Let's go, my love."
Julian followed after them, chuckling. "I love how the second I'm alone with you two, I end up being the third wheel."
Bre giggled, "Get used to it Jules, she was mine first."
Alex thought being back in the UK would be the cure for it all. Being away from LA, surrounded by his family and friends and walking through the familiar streets around the city of London would whisk away the thought of Ella.
How wrong had he been.
It had been almost two months since they'd left Los Angeles, the month of November just starting, the weather getting colder and colder on the way to the holiday season. But not cold enough for him to endure the actual madness the Halloween week had caused him.
He'd gone to a Halloween party he'd been invited to with his friends and his girlfriend but nothing interesting had happened there, everything that had gone wrong was purely Ella's fault.
Despite Halloween being on a Thursday, Ella had partied from Wednesday to Friday and Alex only knew because she'd posted pictures to her Instagram that had left him gasping for air.
On Wednesday she had posted multiple pictures of a photoshoot she seemed to have done with Breana. They were both dressed as witches only they only had lacey lingerie bodysuits under a black velvet cloak that barely covered them. They had pointy witch hats on their heads in some pictures and their fingers were halfway covered in some kind of black ink that tied it all together.
The pictures looked stunning, there was no denying Ella's amazing photography skills and creativity when it came to setting a perfect shoot, but the one that had fucked with him the most was one where Ella seemed to have Bre's hand around her neck.
In the picture Ella was laying on the grass, surrounded by black candles lit alive and pages that displayed weird imagery. She was staring at the camera whilst Breana's arm seemed to rest between her boobs so her hand came to wrap around Ella's neck—her pointer finger was lifted and pressing on Ella's bottom lip. The red lighting setting the mood even more.
When Alex saw that as he unlocked his phone and scrolled through instagram, he choked on his coffee. The liquid splattered all over the kitchen counter as he struggled to set the mug down before finding a napkin to clean everything up.
It was like something ignited inside of him, something that he'd tried so hard not to let catch a single spark after coming back from California.
He'd spent a good fifteen minutes staring at the pictures, his eyes stuck on Ella, making him wonder why she wasn't in front of the camera more often. She was meant to be the focus of the frames. He could prove it with that singular picture.
His mind obsessed over how much he wanted to take Breana's place in the pictures, especially that one. He wanted to have her underneath him like that, at his mercy with his hand around her throat—completely surrendered to him.
It was Nick's knock on his door that startled him back to reality, he quickly dropped his empty mug in the sink and locked his phone before opening the door and letting the bassist in. He told him he'd go for a quick piss before they left.
When he got to the bathroom he could only think of the pictures, he had to splash his face multiple times to get the thoughts out of his head. Get a fucking grip mate! He told himself as he tapped his cheeks repeatedly. He sighed, he was going to go mad.
Later that day, when he was too many tequila shots in after a football game they'd been watching had finished in a tense round of penalties, Alex found himself unconsciously scrolling through Instagram and looking for Ella's page.
He found a new picture posted: Breana and Ella dressed in the witch costumes and with cocktails in hand. Bre was helping Ella light up her cigarette with her own that was sticking out from between her teeth.
Alex groaned as he scrolled back down to find the picture he couldn't stop thinking about, only the alcohol loosening his senses up enough to feel his dick twitch in his pants the second he laid his eyes on it.
Fucking hell...
The next night, he remembered being in the kitchen making some popcorn for him and Arielle to snack on while watching movies when he stumbled across yet another picture of her halloween celebrations.
It was a mirror picture this time, taken by Breana who seemed to be dressed as the opposite to her best friend—a regular angel, dressed in all white. In comparison, Ella was wearing nothing but a black corset and a garter belt underneath holding up her sheer thigh high stockings, on her back were a pair of black angel wings that completed her costume. Her long black hair fell in waves over her shoulders but not hiding the swell of her breasts that were on full show thanks to the tightness of her corset.
He cursed under his breath feeling incredibly flustered at the sight, the insistent beeping of the microwave was disrupting his efforts to gather himself. He poured the popcorn in a bowl and hastily made his way back to his room. The movie wasn't even fifteen minutes in when he had pounced on his girlfriend in search of some relief, and he was glad to feel her reciprocation. He'd sighed when he had finished, relishing in the dissipation of his pent up frustration.
That only lasted for a day because he was once again drowning in filthy thoughts about Ella. He was tipsy, dressed as a bloody washing machine to match his girlfriend's costume as Florence—it had been his idea to make the pun work as a costume, Florence and the (washing) Machine—, when he'd gone out for a cigarette and scrolled through social media without even being focused on it. He'd just wanted to distract himself from the noise of the party he was in but the picture Ella had posted only ten minutes before shook his ground.
He hated it because Julian was in it dressed as Hugh Hefner, holding Ella's waist tightly and smiling brightly, yet he fucking loved it because she looked stunning. Playboy bunny, of course she had to dress up as one.
Her legs on full show, only covered by sheer black stockings, the bodice she was wearing hugged her curves perfectly, cuffs on her wrist, a tuxedo collar with a bow tie around her neck, and the bunny ears perched on top of her head. But what made him gasp for air was the fluffy tail on her ass, she just looked so fucking irresistible he almost ran to the bathroom to alleviate himself.
He'd left the party relatively early with Arielle, after she just couldn't wait any longer to get home from all the things he was whispering in her ear. He'd been eager to start it all the second they walked through the front door of his flat, hands working as fast as they could because he could feel the thought of Ella chasing him as he got off with Arielle.
It was like she was haunting his every thought.
Not even after their activities had he been able to catch sleep. Arielle was spent, softly snoring beside him but he just couldn't rest. He got up and hid in the bathroom, his phone clutched in his hand to succumb to temptation, to the thought of her.
He had taken a screenshot of the picture, cropping Julian fast before he could do anything else. He'd tried his hardest to stay as quiet as possible as his fist pumped his hard cock, shaky breaths leaving him with each stroke to the sight of Ella in that damn costume.
He thought how he'd not be able to wait much to fuck her in it, he was sure that if he was with her that night he'd have her bent over the kitchen counter the second they got home. His hand print would certainly be marked on her ass by the end of the night and her neck littered with love bites because there was nothing he wanted to do more than to mark that pretty neck up as he pounded into her from behind.
The thought of his hips rocking against hers was more than enough to tip him over the end, imagining he was letting his cum drip all over her ass and her lower back. What a sight that would be.
He felt calmer after that, but as he cleaned up he started to grow restless. What the fuck are you doing? He asked himself, looking at his reflection in the mirror, he was disappointed in himself for having just wanked to a picture of Ella for the second time, but mostly because the satisfaction was stronger than his disappointment. He made sure to delete the screenshot from his phone before he exited the bathroom, the last thing he needed was his girlfriend finding out he was cumming to the thought of somebody else.
He thought then, when Halloween week was over and November claimed its very first week, it would be back to normal for him, as normal as it could be. She had been posting her usual pictures: shots of different parts of the city of Los Angeles, candids of strangers around her, pictures from her usual photoshoots which mostly caught Breana front and center of the camera. His innocent scrolls through Instagram were just that, innocent and appreciating of her talent, but a fateful afternoon in the very middle of the month had him cursing into the air.
She looked drenched, head to toe, but only wearing a two-piece lingerie set that made his eyes roll back into his head. He groaned as he started getting hard in his sweatpants. She had suspenders that clasped on the top of her knickers and those thigh high stockings that looked marvelous on her. Her legs looked longer with the stilettos she had on and the oversized blazer that was hanging off her shoulders somehow made her look hotter. She had him in shambles.
'He says I'm his muse' she'd captioned it and Alex wished he could tell her she was his too. Despite wanting to punch Julian for having Ella, he mentally thanked him for such a stunning picture of her.
That had been the third time he'd made a mess in the bathroom to the thought of her, this time in the shower just like the first time and letting himself make as much noise as he wanted to since he was home alone. He was afraid of letting himself moan Ella's name, wary of the things that would unravel but when it fell from his lips as he came, he'd never felt something sound more right in his life.
He should've really listened to himself back then and stopped himself from moaning her name because by the last month of the year, he'd lost count of how many times he'd come undone while chanting her name. The walls echoing her name back to him every time he needed relief, which was almost every time she posted.
To a picture of her naked silhouette on the beach against the golden light casted by the dying sun. A picture Julian had taken of her naked in bed, the sheets barely covering her body. A picture Breana had taken of her sucking her middle finger staring at the camera, her hollowed cheeks on perfect show. A picture just centered on her tits which were barely covered by the two glasses of vodka cranberry she had, one on each hand and over her nipples.
He had lost count of how many times he had screenshotted and deleted pictures from his phone to not get caught. He found himself looking through her instagram more times than not. It was bad, he was down bad.
It had been Matt who had caught onto him, it only had taken him a few times to catch up onto his pattern.
The first time had been when they had all been over at Alex's to watch an American football match they had been anticipating, that's why it had been so weird to Matt when Alex stood up and left in the middle of a play that was gonna end up in a definite touchdown for the team they were rooting for.
Alex had gotten a notification on his phone, opened Instagram only to find a picture that had made him choke on the sip of beer he'd taken. He tried to put his phone down and watch the game but his eyes were almost glued to the picture Ella had just posted.
It was her in front of the camera with her boyfriend behind her, holding her bare tits for her. His hands covered her breasts from the camera as she glared at it with a threatening stare. Her red lips were enticing with a lit up cigarette hanging from them. 'Bras are overrated'. He was embarrassed of how fast he'd liked the picture, considering unliking it to maintain his reputation intact but it was too late, Ella probably had already gotten the notification about it.
He was quick to just up and leave, hearing the commentator's talk in the background about how that play was decisive for the future of the team in the season on the road to the Superbowl. He couldn't be arsed about the fucking game anymore, not when his jeans grew painfully constricting by the second, the longer that he stared at the picture.
He made sure to close both his bedroom door and his ensuite door, groaning in pleasure as his fingers closed around his cock. He thought about himself holding her that way, the way he would pinch her nipples, play with them, twist them around, knead her tits and mark them up until she was cuming underneath him. His thoughts only focused on how much he'd love to make her lose herself entirely just by him playing with her breasts.
His movements were fast, trying to picture her moaning—just like he always did. 'What a privilege must it be to hear those pretty sounds' that was a thought that permanently stayed in his head and that time it wasn't the exception. He'd want to explore every inch of her skin, see which spot in her neck would have her squirming around and whining for him not to stop.
He could almost hear her begging him to suck harder, to not stop.
"Fuck– Ella–" his words sounded strangled as he came.
Five minutes was the time he'd taken and the time it had taken the game to almost finish. There were only thirty seconds on the clock and it was the last quarter of the game. It was good that his team was winning by seven points or else he'd actually be disappointed to see them leave.
Matt frowned at him, "Where'd you go?"
"Had to use the toilet." The singer replied way too quickly and aggressively.
The drummer knew instantly he was lying, Nick and Jamie noticed too but they were too invested in the game to care. But Matt was nosey so he kept his gaze on his best mate as if that would give him the truth, but it didn't.
Alex ignored him completely, keeping his eyes on the television screen and not once reciprocating the stare. Matt hummed, intrigued. He was sure he'd find out what had happened eventually.
Matt's eyes went back to the end of the game and when it was over they celebrated their team's victory by four points. Alex offered to bring them all new bottles of beer and once he was gone, the drummer pulled out his phone to pass the time.
He had a few notifications piled up, the one about Ella's new picture having been posted only 7 minutes before was there below a few new texts he'd gotten from Breana. He was quick to answer to his girlfriend, not being able to connect the dots about Alex's behavior.
A few days later, when they were all at Nick's, Matt had caught Alex being weird again. Only this time he had a certain idea of what could be happening.
Kelly and Katie had been going on about the wedding planning and how they had found a lovely florist and now they needed to start looking for the bridesmaids dresses and Kelly's wedding dress. Matt had joked about how Nick would be getting a quick day to shop for his tux and then they'd put all of their focus on the stag party.
The sizzle of the wood burning on the fireplace was loud but not enough to overpower their laughter, Alex almost missed the buzzing in his pocket.
He had been talking to his girlfriend, as she was coming back to London to spend the holidays with him and his family. He was nervous but excited, mostly excited—to have her back and see if she could cure his fogged up brain which had been claimed by Ella in the past three months.
Not even their raunchy phone calls would take the multiple images of Ella he had in his head and he was starting to feel bad. He could only hope that being able to have Arielle back beside him would sweep the thoughts away.
She had been texting him her flight information, going on and on about how nervous she was to spend the holidays with Penny and David, to which he had been telling her it would be alright. His parents had always loved having his girlfriends over when it was holiday season, and they both really liked her. It would be alright.
He had expected another 'won't I be bothering you all?' or maybe a 'how many presents should I take?' when he pulled out his phone from his pocket but he'd gotten that notification, the one that was his doom and blessing at the same time.
'Ella Hayes just posted a picture'
He sighed, bringing the brightness down on his phone so no one around him could catch what he was seeing. It wasn't like they could, he was sitting in a chair in the corner of the living room, barely interacting with anyone other than the moments he'd join them all in laughter. They knew he was texting his girlfriend so they weren't asking about it, Matt had already teased the information out of him earlier.
Alex stood up and absentmindedly asked anyone if they wanted a refill, to which only Jamie and Matt asked for another bottle of beer.
He nodded before scurrying away to the hallway that would take him to the kitchen. When he was halfway through it, he opened the app and found himself at a loss of words at the sight.
He set his empty bottle on top of the kitchen island and looked up at the ceiling almost like asking someone up there for help. He rubbed his face with his left hand, knowing what was going to happen. There was not even time for him to double think it, or feel too embarrassed about it because with another look at what she had posted, he was gone down the rabbit hole she sent him to.
It was Ella's car—he could see the mirrorball with the cowboy hat hanging from the rearview mirror—and it had the door open. Ella was seated on the passenger seat, her long legs stretched so that her stiletto-clad feet were resting on the windowsill of the door.
All he could see was her legs, her long tan legs and he was gone. He couldn't not do it.
He didn't even hesitate to exit the kitchen and walk further down the hallway into the guest bathroom.
He cussed under his breath staring at the picture like it could come alive. He could see how the leather skirt she was wearing was barely covering her so the bottom of her ass was on show and pressed over the seat.
Feral. He felt like he was going feral.
He had thought about kissing up her legs, marking them up from her ankles all the way up to her inner thighs. If he thought hard enough, he could hear her panting as he got closer to her heat. He came so fast just thinking about the ways he'd edge her and how good she could sound begging him to help her like she needed to. She'd taste so sweet, he was sure and his mouth found itself dry at the thought of tasting her.
He'd had to bite his lip to not make noise, his insides hurt at the fact that he couldn't call out her name, but he'd rather not be caught. He didn't care if he had taken too long to make his friends wonder what he was doing, he could only think about how good that had felt.
He made sure to check himself so it wasn't obvious, the flush on his cheeks could be given to his drinking so he didn't think much about it.
The people in the living room finally heard the opening of the fridge and the clinking of the bottles as Alex made his way back to them.
"Took you long enough," joked Jamie as he was handed his bottle. "Cheers mate."
Matt was handed his and he couldn't help but interrogate his friend who had a pretty elated look on his face. "Where did you go?"
Alex panicked, shrugging his shoulders. "Erm... Arielle. I was talking to Arielle."
The singer's voice was trying to sound firm but he knew him like the back of his hand. So Matt just nodded, his brows still furrowed in confusion, "Arielle... Right." He knew that face, he had it himself every time after he'd call Breana late at night and she'd dirty talk him into orgasm. Alex had just gotten off. Dirty fucker, thought Matt.
A few minutes went by, when Matt's phone pinged. He unlocked it and cussed, "Jesus fucking Christ."
"What?" Nick asked with a chuckle.
Matt looked flustered and brought his beer bottle to his face for his cheeks to cool down. "Remind me to thank Ella tomorrow. Holy fuck."
Alex tensed, there was no way he was talking like that about Ella's picture surely.
His questions were answered when Kelly asked him further, "Why?"
The drummer stood up and handed her his phone, "She takes the best pictures of Bre, I swear."
Alex let go of the breath he had been holding, Fuck, that was close.
Kelly whistled lowly, "Lucky man, Helders. She's fucking fit."
Matt smiled proudly, "I know, I know."
The phone was passed around and Katie gasped, "When am I meeting Ella? I want my pictures taken like that, fucking hell."
When the phone reached Alex's hand, he nodded agreeing with everyone else. Bre was leaning back on a windowsill, her head thrown back so it wasn't captured on the frame; the room completely dark but the golden hour lighting bathing her body which was covered only by a white lingerie set. "You should go to LA with us next year, Ella takes the best pictures."
The rest of the lads agreed, and Jamie further suggested Katie joining them in LA as Alex handed Matt back his phone.
The singer's peace was interrupted when Matt, a few seconds later, coughed as he'd choked on the mouthful of beer he'd taken.
Everyone asked him if he was okay as he continued to cough, "Fucks sake." He cursed, trying to get oxygen back into his lungs. "I cannot believe it's the Ella we know that keeps posting these pictures."
Kelly had heard loads about Ella so she was intrigued to see, she asked to grab Matt's phone and he handed it to her easily. He looked at Alex, who caught his gaze but averted it quickly—Matt had clearly seen his like on the picture, a picture which had only been posted some minutes before when he was 'talking to Arielle'.
"That's hot," Kelly said quickly, making Nick laugh at her bluntness, "What? She is!" She then turned the phone to show Katie and Jamie, "Are you gonna tell me that's not hot?"
"Fuck yes, it is." Agreed Katie instantly.
Matt encouraged them to look at the rest of her pictures then, remembering she had posted some that had left him wondering if it was really the Ellie he knew. "You should look at some of her other pictures, they are insane considering how shy she used to always be."
And that's how Kelly and Katie had started scrolling through her pictures and marveling over them.
"This is Ella? The one that went to Vegas with yous and Bre?" Had asked Kelly, completely at loss for words.
She remembered how coy she had been when they talked on the phone during that trip, after the boys had found out about her and Nick's engagement.
Matt nodded with a smirk, "Yep, that's her."
Jamie quickly added, "She's gotten with this lad, and now she's just her filthy self in the open. Good for her actually, he's fit, nice lad."
"Oooo," wondered Katie, "Are there pictures of him?"
Matt cackled, "Yeah, he makes a few appearances on her page."
When they found one they gasped, "Fucking hell!" Katie grabbed Jamie's arm for him to see, he didn't have social media so she was sure he hadn't seen any of the pictures.
It was a picture of them on a bike by the beach, she was in a bikini and he was shirtless. They looked incredibly good together, like the protagonists of a movie. Jamie smiled at it, they looked so happy. He was so happy for Ella.
"They look good together, don't they?" the guitarist asked his girlfriend, who was almost drooling.
"They're both fucking fit! Are you joking?" Katie exclaimed.
Alex wanted to leave the room, he didn't want to start thinking about those two together once again. Not when he had just done that to her latest picture a few minutes before.
"Right, Al?" He only managed to hear from Matt.
He had gotten lost in the thought of Ella, again. "Sorry, what?"
"I said that they make a great couple." Matt wanted to push his buttons, just to see if he'd break.
Alex smiled, it was so forced that Katie and Kelly looked at Matt searching for answers about his distaste for them. The drummer only smirked harder and then turned back to stare at his friend, wanting to hear him say it.
"They are. Very good couple." The singer agreed, painfully.
And right then, Matt started narrating the fake proposal to Kelly and Katie. Alex rolled his eyes, letting his head hang, staring at his 'death ramps' ring as Matt's voice filled his ears.
But the moment that had fully confirmed Matt's suspicions was when they were over at Alex's a few days before New Year's Eve.
The lads were all sat in the living room, chatting about how Christmas had been. Everyone was really interrogating Alex about how it had gone for Arielle to spend Christmas over with him and his parents. The conversation had turned after about ten minutes, Jamie and Nick chatting loudly as Matt and Alex were caught up by their phones.
Alex was just distracted, his girlfriend was texting him from time to time as she'd gone out for the day with her friends. Matt was talking to Ella and Breana though, in the groupchat the three of them had.
Ellie - (28/12/2012 09:22) I have some scans that I just found and I've decided this will be my Christmas gift for you Matt.
Matt - (28/12/2012 09:24) You know where to send them, Ellie xx
Ellie - (28/12/2012 09:25) Please tell me you're not in public, i don't want to get blamed for your indecency.
Matt - (28/12/2012 09:25) I'm at Alex's. send them over x
Bre - (28/12/2012 09:26) He's gonna wank in his guest bathroom, how much do you wanna bet, Ellie?
Ellie - (28/12/2012 09:26) Not even gonna bet, he will do it. I'm 100% sure.
Matt - (28/12/2012 09:27) Am I really gonna be kept waiting? You've already talked Miss Hayes, email them.
Bre - (28/12/2012 09:28) Someone's eager...
Matt - (28/12/2012 09:28) Babe I miss you and Ella takes the best pictures of you, of course I am xxxx
Bre - (28/12/2012 09:29) Miss you more, honey. You're gonna love these, everything is red ;) xxxx
Ellie - (28/12/2012 09:31) Aw cute. Don't start sexting here please, I will like to not be traumatized x
Matt - (28/12/2012 09:32) Shut up, you're dirtier than me and Bre combined x
Ellie - (28/12/2012 09:34) And proud of it! (Just sent them, enjoy idiot xx)
Bre - (28/12/2012 09:34) Matt, don't leave yet, I'm trying to convince Ella to post at least one of the ones I took of her that day.
Matt - (28/12/2012 09:35) What are the options?
Bre - (28/12/2012 09:35) Just sent them to you.
Matt - (28/12/2012 09:37) Ellie, these are fucking amazing. At least post them to brag about Bre's photography skills. You're teaching her well xx
Bre - (28/12/2012 09:37) See!!!! That one where she's doing the strap of her heel is my favorite.
Ellie - (28/12/2012 09:38) But it's just been Christmas, maybe I should post something more festive?
Bre - (28/12/2012 09:38) Babe if you don't post it, I will go into your account and do it for you.
Matt - (28/12/2012 09:39) It'll be a christmas gift for people's wank banks. I'm sure julian will greatly appreciate it xx
Ellie - (28/12/2012 09:39) Wank banks?! Stop it.
Matt - (28/12/2012 09:39) Yeah your boyfriend's for a start. And I'm sure there's a long list after him.
Bre - (28/12/2012 09:40) Honey, I said convince her not keep her from it.
Ellie - (28/12/2012 09:42) Matt you're such an idiot, but okay I will post it only for you Bre. Any excuse to brag about my girl xxxxxx
Bre - (28/12/2012 09:42) Yay! love youuuu xxxxxxx
Matt - (28/12/2012 09:43) And for Julian???? Also stop trying to steal MY girlfriend.
Ellie - (28/12/2012 09:43) Hahaha sure for Julian too. And I will never xx
Bre - (28/12/2012 09:45) Okay Matt, you can go enjoy those pictures now xxxxx
Matt - (28/12/2012 09:45) Thanks hot stuff, talk to you later? xxxx
Bre - (28/12/2012 09:45) Definitely ;) xxx
Ellie - (28/12/2012 09:46) Disgusting, bye. Enjoy your wank.
Matt chuckled, he wanted to do nothing more than to leave and enjoy the scans Ella had sent him but he wanted to confirm his suspicions first.
He had joined Jamie and Nick's chat to appear distracted but he truly had all of his attention on Alex.
Five minutes later when both of their phones vibrated to the notification, Matt had to force himself to act as if he hadn't noticed.
Alex had frozen in his seat, his finger clicking on it and he sat up straighter when he opened the picture. He felt like Ella was purposely torturing him. A groan was stuck in his throat when the picture loaded.
Ella was leaning on the wall, wearing a red sheer robe. She was slightly bent down with her leg lifted upwards so she could do the strap of the heels she was wearing. Her hair was covering up her face, so her body was the main focus of the frame. The robe fell open on her legs so her 'Divine Feminine' tattoo was on full show and over it there was a garter band holding a dagger to her thigh.
'Femme fatale, taken by my favorite girl @breanamcdow xxxx'
He was trying to play it cool, Matt would give him that. But he only held up for two minutes before he excused himself saying, "Erm, I'm gonna go phone Arielle." He pointed behind him in the direction of his room as he stood up, he looked absolutely flustered.
The drummer wanted to laugh, and his other two friends noticed. They asked him what was happening, and he just dismissed them saying it was nothing. Internally he was laughing his ass off, Alex was still so fucked up over Ella—he found it comical.
He couldn't even let it go for the time being until Arielle would come back, because she was staying over at her friend's.
He was cursing as he moved around, locking both doors he'd gone through. It was like a routine by then, but it didn't feel like it. Lately, cumming to Ella's pictures felt more rewarding than fucking his girlfriend and it was killing him inside.
The fact that he couldn't even find pleasure in someone else, someone he should be, haunted him.
It was hard to recall ever being this bent out of shape by someone. He had never been this bewitched by a person he hadn't even gotten to properly kiss. He had loved before but whatever he was feeling now burnt.
He was branded by the thought of her.
When he'd come back, fifteen minutes later, Matt was elated. He knew it, he fucking knew it. The look on Alex's face was almost screaming it out loud for everyone to know.
Matt was intrigued, the question of how many times had he done that popping into the forefront of his brain. And if he wanted to know the answer, it was too many times. So many that Alex had lost count, so many that when he fucked his girlfriend saying her name felt utterly wrong—as if every bit of him belonged to Ella instead of Arielle.
He was frustrated to say the least. In not finding any comfort in the person he was supposed to, and he used to find it in Arielle but that was before he had seen Ella again.
She had come back into his life with a curse. He was sure she unknowingly had put him under a spell.
As the days passed, he had forced himself to try. To try really hard.
Try being the key word.
After New Year's day, when he'd woken up to a text from Ella wishing him a lovely new year and telling him she couldn't wait to have them all back, he had almost folded. Almost. And he was relieved by the fact that he could feel he could hold back a little bit longer, if he focused enough on not being affected by her.
But then as the first week of the year came to an end, and they only had a week left to go back to LA, Ella posted something that completely unleashed him.
She had gotten a new tattoo, a hand tattoo. 'Pure Desire' it read in big cursive letters in the middle of the top of her right hand.
The picture was what had made him let out a rough groan from the deepest pit of his chest.
She had her freshly tattooed hand around Julian's neck, her fingers tight around his throat and the tattoo on perfect focus in the middle of the frame.
'What a pretty little necklace'
Alex absolutely lost himself that night.
When Arielle came back, only twenty minutes later, he kissed her passionately. Arielle had moaned into his mouth filled with joy at the pleasant surprise. She'd dropped her bags on the floor and worked quickly on the buttons of his shirt, leaving his chest on show for her when the fabric dropped next to her purse.
They had moved fast to the bedroom, Alex kissing and bruising every bit of her neck and chest after they got on the bed. Arielle brought his face back up to kiss him fiercely before they could go on further, his hands worked on freeing her from her clothes trying his hardest to not interrupt the kiss, which was barely a proper one as their teeth clashed and their mouths hung open to let out their shaky breaths caused by the friction of their hips rocking against each others'.
Alex worked on automatic pilot, quickly undressing himself and putting a condom on. He grabbed his dick and teased her entrance, Arielle clung to his shoulders with her nails digging on his back while she moaned into his ear. He cursed, as he wasn't able to hold back any longer.
He filled her up completely in one swift motion, Arielle's head thrown back in pleasure as he bottomed out. He used to love seeing her falling apart under him from the very first moment he slid inside of her but now the view wasn't doing much for him. His brain kept asking for one person, one who was an ocean away.
He felt so disappointed that he gave into his thoughts so easily, letting his brain become clouded by the fantasy of it being Ella in his bed. He swore he opened his eyes back up and it was her. Ella, under him, cupping his jaw and begging him to go faster.
And who was he to deny her of anything?
Alex picked up the pace, grabbing one of Ella's thighs to lift her leg over his shoulder, and he felt himself grow harder inside her when a loud whine came out of her mouth.
She sounded so sweet, just like she always had. He left a trail of open mouth kisses from her chin down to the valley of her breasts, he used his tongue to tease her nipples. Sucking bruises around them, softly biting them to make her moan louder.
Ella lifted her hand to his mouth and made him suck her fingers, his saliva slowly dripping down her digits which were then quickly pressed to her clit. She started rubbing it in soft motions but when he brought his own hand up to make her rub harder on it, she started feeling herself nearing over the edge of her orgasm.
He felt her clenching harder as his pace sped up and to the sound of their skin slapping, their curses, their moans, joined the thud of the headboard hitting the wall. He groaned into her ear as he felt himself being milked by the tightness of her walls.
It only took his "Cum for me, darling." for Ella to give into the heavy pleasure and come undone. Her fingers tangled in his hair as her back arched and she trembled under him in a powerful orgasm, he felt himself spilling into the condom—his thrusts faltered and lost rhythm as he came.
He cursed into her ear, "Fucking hell," groaning as he rode out their orgasms. He sighed completely overcome in pleasure, "Ell–," he started but as he opened his eyes and saw Arielle looking completely blissed out under him, he felt himself wanting to be sick. "Arielle," he was quick to change and she giggled.
She fucking giggled under him, way too distracted by the euphoria of her orgasm to even catch his mortified expression.
Arielle opened her eyes, holding his face and pressing multiple kisses to his lips. "I love you," she said, and he felt his heart dropping. He only hummed and stood up.
He didn't feel anything at all when he pulled out of her. Not when he went to the bathroom and discarded the condom. He looked at himself in the mirror and wanted to scream. He could not do this to Arielle any longer, she deserved better than whatever the fuck the situation had turned into.
He grabbed a cloth to clean her up, at least he would be nice to her before letting her go. There was no way he could continue the relationship if he knew his heart was set on someone else. He just couldn't.
He let her cuddle into him, as if he wasn't dying inside from disappointment in himself. She was on cloud nine, that had been the best sex they'd had in a while. She'd thought, what a wonderful way to start the new year.
If she had only known.
The next morning he had felt compelled to make some breakfast, he wanted to let her down easy—as if it had been a one night stand and not a relationship that had gone on for seven months.
She was eating the omelet he'd made, sipping on her coffee happily when he'd turned back from the stove, and he'd looked at her with a frown. It was the second time he'd actually looked at her that whole morning.
"Arielle, I, erm–," he started, not even having the correct words to say what he wanted to say, "I don't think this is working anymore."
She had snorted, waiting for the punchline of his joke but when she was met with absolute silence, her eyes jumped back on him. "What?"
"I, erm, I don't think we should be together anymore."
A loud scoff came from her, what the fuck? "I don't get it..."
He frowned even harder, was there another way to interpret what he had just said? There was no way he couldn't have been clearer.
"I don't think we should keep this relationship going." Alex repeated and he felt so heartless, he could see the more he repeated it, the more her heart was taking a hit.
"Stop," Arielle pleaded. "I fucking get what you said, but why?" She sounded so desperate to find sense in what was happening. It all felt like a fever dream.
He had no clue what to say, "It's me." He plainly added, not wanting to use the cringe phrase that worked oh so perfectly well for the situation.
Arielle let out a humorless laugh, "What the fuck was last night then? Did you know you were doing this? You wanted to get one last fuck out of me?" Her words were poisonous, trying to cause him at least half of the hurt he was causing her.
But despite her pushing to get something out of him, the singer could only let his face fall. "No, I didn't. I–" He felt bad for her, it truly was entirely his fault but if he admitted what was truly happening, he knew Arielle could blame Ella and he couldn't have that happen. Not when Ella hadn't done anything wrong. "I'm so sorry, Arielle. I really am."
She groaned frustrated, the fork dropping on the middle of the plate made him wince, just as the screeching of the chair she was sitting on did.
She'd rushed to get dressed, pack all of her shit up and leave his place. She tried her hardest to do it all quickly but to not forget a thing, she didn't want to see him for a while.
When she was done, about an hour later, Alex was nowhere to be seen.
"Coward." The model muttered as she walked through the door.
When Arielle got outside, leaving the building in which he lived that she planned to never see again, she waited for a taxi she'd called. What she hadn't noticed was Alex walking back to his place, a couple blocks away, seeing her there standing under the gloomy sky.
He felt like such a shitty person, even more so when she dropped her case in the boot of the cab and got into the backseat with a haste. He saw her wiping her cheeks before closing the door. The car drove by and he didn't even look at it, he just walked back home with his gaze on the pavement and a cigarette in between his lips.
When Alex made it through his front door again, it felt like something in the air had changed. He felt free for a change, like his heart could leap in his chest without a trace of guilt.
But later that day, when Breana posted a picture of Julian and Ella to her own page, he felt the sharpness of a needle poke his chest. Seeing them happily dancing under the streetlights had his heart twisting with hurt.
The heartache he got from seeing her happy with somebody else was only stronger now that he was alone.
A/N: Oh Alex... He's such an idiot. I hope you enjoyed, I'm really excited to share all that's coming next! Cannot believe we're already in Part 6 though, time goes by too fast. Thank you so much for reading everyone, I still pinch myself when I see people interacting with my stories and you all saying you enjoy them means the absolute world to me. See you soon for the next one xx
Taglist:  @imagine-that-100​ @red---moon​ @kennedy-brooke​ @faveficz​ @indierockgirrl​ @ladydraculasthings @moonvr​ @unwantedlovergirl​ @eaglestar31 @nikisfwn​ @funniestpersoninnyc​ @andrearroe​ 
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simmonsized · 7 months
🥑🌻🪐🥐☁️🎨 🧩 for Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
1. 🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Probably the members of my Broblematic server (@outofstrings (bird and fae collectively, u may know of the Post-Cal ask blog), @future-geometries (Jess u are the first person I thought of) and definitely @alexharrier , who I think would probably hide me from the law even if I didn't explain the crime. I am not including beloved @chaton-katreal because I think she is too gentle, i would not want to muck up her life with murder!)
Or you know, my actual partner @notanotherdoodleblog probably LOL
All fantastic people, worth of hiding crimes.
2. 🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
Honestly most of my friends are pretty busy adulting 8( so we don't get to talk as much as I'd like to. @eggwyrt because our timezones are almost earth opposites. I love u!!!! I miss you!!
3. 🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
- I've got two real life best friends that I get together with and have coffee every weekend together, and sometimes do other things, and this is significant to me because adulthood makes it hard to keep friends, let alone see them.
- I got into the marine ecology lab at my school that I have been pushing for entrance into, despite missing a pre-req. I get to be on a boat for eight hours next quarter! Woohoo!
- I got fanart for a fic I am very proud of but very rarely interact with anybody about, which has boosted my confidence and made me feel really good, and each comment I've gotten since they posted the art has made my heart sing extra loud!
4. 🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
Tbh I can't think of anything off the top of my head. My partner and I met through RVB, however, so we reference old seasons to each other fairly regularly, and I like to think we have a pretty good time c:
5. ☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
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(i do not even like Simmons that much but it's a solid username and now is part of my brand. also I am classically a blue team girly lol)
6. 🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
This is an impossible task. Insurmountable, even. There are several!! Many!!! How can I pick one?? So I will list a few:
A. Everything anyone has ever drawn for my fanfics at all ever.
B. SPECIFICALLY everything @alexharrier has drawn for me, ever. Especially specially specially these two gifs which actually make me fucking insane every time I see them.
Honestly, this had me making sounds so incoherent only dogs could hear them, years ago when I did not consider my fic would be special to anyone. I really really really treasure them.
Also both my birthday gifts, Bro at Disneyland, and Bro at Home Depot 💕
C. This artwork for RNG chapter 66, from @101-sve . It is also special to me, and it's been my wallpaper on my phone ever since c: the atmosphere, the warmth, the halo of their hair i just... Yeah!!!!
D. Recent, probably familiar still, this Holy Fucking Shit Beautiful Atmospheric work of art for metempsychosis!!!! by @askinsufferableprickmod . I really actually cannot stop looking at it. It's so gorgeous, and honestly even if it had nothing to do with me I would still be in love with it. The concept of the kids are Gods, as beings outside the mortal world they made for themselves, all that is visible here, and I really really love it!
* I know all of these are things people have drawn for me, for my content, but honestly that is why they are my favorites! It is touching to see someone put heart into something that is related to something you, yourself, also put heart into!!! I love it!!!! I love these talented artists!!!!!
ALSO: we all know Theater of Coolty, but it is so beloved to me, I can recite it in my sleep lol.
7. 🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately
On top of the other reasons I said I don't like things, you do actually have to convince me 6 times outta 10 if you want me to read a Homestuck fic in the third person. There is just something to the flavor of 2nd person that hits different. There is a reason different perspectives exist, and I think they can all be utilized well, but something about that classic, well-patterned "you, and then you" just gets me, you know?
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
If I Can Dream
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7 - Tell Me Why
cw: gender dysphoria
art credit: @lazylittledragon on tumblr and lazyjunebug on twitter. huge thank you for allowing me to use their artwork as inspiration for this story. please go support them and all they do!
a/n: this story is not in a world with the upside-down. this is simply a little, wholesome story of people who love and care for each other.
Year: 1988
Eddie had (finally) graduated from Hawkins High in 1986. Both him and Steve were going strong [to the point where he introduced Eddie to his teenage children], and doing moderately well in their respective community college classes. Initially, they both decided on getting a higher education in order to get better jobs to pay for Eddie’s top surgery. However, as an early Christmas gift, Wayne pooled his money together, working ungodly hours at the plant, to pay for the surgery out of pocket for his nephew.
Eddie got his procedure done late 1987. Steve was by his side the entire time, sleeping in the creaky, worn-down hospital chair, waiting for his boyfriend to finally wake up. When he did, in a daze, Eddie immediately questioned if Steve stole his tits (he, in fact, did not). His scars ended up healing well, with no further complications. While Steve was mildly upset he couldn’t pay for Eddie’s procedure, he was more than happy that his boyfriend didn’t need to (unhealthily) bind his chest anymore. 
As the two boys were each approaching the end of their programs in school, army crawling their way to an associates degree, they started talking about making some relatively big leaps in their relationship. The two boys were renting an apartment at the moment, and started talking about buying a home, maybe getting an animal or two. Possibly even considering marriage within the coming years—the possibilities were endless for the two of them. 
That was, until, Eddie was late. He had never been late. He started counting back the days, weeks even, from his last period—a week before Valentine’s Day.
“Shit,” he whispered.
He paced the bathroom, doing the math a million times over in his head to see if it was right. A pregnancy test sat face down on the counter, antagonizing Eddie as it took its sweet time processing the result.
Him and Steve always had unprotected sex. Ever since the very start of their relationship, Steve never wore a condom. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, Eddie always told him he didn’t need to. And up until that point, he was right—they didn’t need one, per se. They both got tested regularly, and more often than not, Steve pulled out. Never, in a thousand years, did Eddie ever think he would find himself in this situation.
Knowing there was still another thirty minutes left to process on the test, he decided to rip the band-aid off and tell Steve what was going on. Steve was in their bedroom getting ready for work. He was sat on the bed, putting on his socks and adjusting the cuffs of his jeans. Eddie let out a heavy sigh and leaned against the doorframe.
“So, uh…” Eddie started. “Don’t freak out, but I’m really late.”
“Late for what?” Steve asked, only half paying attention. Eddie’s eyes shot open as he stared daggers into his boyfriend.
“Oh.” He shrugged, realization finally kicking in. “Oh!”
“Yeah, oh!”
“How-How… how?”
“You really want me to answer that?”
“I, um… holy shit… wow…”
“Yeah… wow…”
“Did you take a test?”
“It’s processing right now.”
“How much longer?”
“I dunno… twenty, maybe thirty minutes…”
“Shit, alright, um… let me call out of work and we’ll figure this out.” Eddie slowly nodded as Steve ran for the phone. He dialed up Family Video and anxiously twisted the phone cord, waiting for Keith or Robin to answer.
“Family Video, Robin speaking. How may I help you?”
“Oh, Rob, thank god it’s you. I can’t make it in today.”
“Why not?”
“Family stuff. I’ll tell you later when I know more. You mind covering?”
“I guess not, but you owe me one, dingus.”
“Yes, deal! Thank you, Robin, I love you.”
“Mhmm, good luck. Let me know how everything works out.”
“Okay, that’s settled,” Steve said, hanging up the phone. “So how late are you?”
“Uh, what’s today, April fifth, uh… week before Valentine’s Day was my last period.”
“That long! Jesus, Ed, why didn’t you say anything?”
“I don’t know! I had some light spotting last month that I figured was my period, but I’ve had terrible heartburn and nausea for the last week and just… something doesn’t feel right…”
“Okay, okay, well, let’s not jump to conclusions. We’ll go into the bathroom when the time is up and we’ll check, then go from there. Okay?” Eddie nodded. “Okay…”
The next half hour was agonizing for the two boys. It was as if time managed to stand still. When the time finally came, the two sat on the cold, tile floor, test in hand. Steve held it facing away from him with one hand gently resting on Eddie’s jittery knee.
“Do you want me to look first?” Steve asked.
“Yeah…” Eddie hesitantly whispered.
Steve held his breath as he flipped over the test. Eddie’s eyes glanced over, horrified at the sight.
Holy shit…
His heart was thumping out of his chest. The two pink lines glaring right back at him.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, anxiously gripping at his pant legs. “I knew it,” he scoffed. “I knew something wasn’t right… fuck!” He got up from the floor and stormed out of the bathroom.
Steve, being lost in the fantasy of becoming a father, did a double take at his partner stomping out of the bathroom. He scrambled to get up and follow him into the bedroom. He was throwing on an old hoodie, probably older than their relationship, and pushed his way to the front door.
“Eddie? Where are you going?”
“Eddie, wait–“
“I really don’t wanna do this right now, Steve.”
“So how long are you gonna stay out? And what happens when you come back? Huh? You can’t run from it, Ed–“
“Yeah, I can.”
He flicked his hood up and slammed the front door behind him. He began trudging his way through the streets, wiping his tears from his cheeks. He couldn’t believe this was happening—how could he have let this happen?
He managed to find his way to the local park. He dried his eyes and wiped his nose on the sleeve of his hoodie before scaling the most secluded tree he could find. He watched over all the parents with their children, not sure if he even wanted to be in their shoes. As he glazed over all the people in the park, he noticed his boyfriend, still in his work uniform with a cardigan thrown on for warmth.
“Fuck…” Eddie clutched his knees to his chest and wept into his hands.
“Ed… come on,” Steve pleaded. “Get down, please… I don’t want you getting hurt.”
Not wanting to cause a scene, Eddie climbed down and fell into his boyfriend’s arms, sobbing into the crook of his neck
“Sorry,” Eddie cried.
“It’s okay,” Steve whispered.
“No, it’s not.”
“It’s okay, really. I know you just freaked out.” He held Eddie close to him, running his hand up and down his back, while the other was laced in his hair. “Eddie,” he started, pulling out of the hug. “If you don’t want this–“
“It’s not that I don’t want it. I guess… I don’t know. I thought you’d panic and take off.”
“What the hell? No, absolutely not!”
“Yeah, part of me kinda figured,” Eddie mumbled, still avoiding eye contact. “So… I guess we’re having a kid…”
“I guess we are,” Steve smiled.
“Are you happy?” Eddie whispered.
“I’m really happy, Ed.”
“People are going to talk…”
“I know.”
“A lot.”
“I don’t care.”
“Shit… we’re gonna be dads.”
“Terrible, terrible dads,” Steve chuckled, pulling Eddie back in for a hug.
“I’ll be terrible. You’ll be great.”
“I’ll hear no such thing, Harrington.”
“Harrington?” Eddie pulled away, still keeping a grip on Steve’s forearms.
“Yeah, I figured we should share a last name. You know, for the baby,” he smirked.
“Right… for the baby…”
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megumins-wizard-hat · 7 months
Just judged a local speech & debate tournament and fuck me that took a lot out of me. Like I'm glad I did it cause I was invited and had a blast but fuck man I was there from 7:40am to fucking 7:25pm and literally judged 6 full fuckin rounds like man I was there all fuckin day and I'm tired. Thing is I completed when I was in high school (and placed at state every year to boot) and I know a thing or two about judging and what to be ranking these kids on, but I'm also a pretty easy judge to please. Idc about the content of your piece or little shit I can chalk up to you bein a fucking high schooler. Make sure your blocking is clean, your characters distinct and your speech articulate, and you're gonna get the 1 from me. It's really that simple. Where it gets hard on my end is where I judge a finals in Humorous interp and one girl's piece is just not funny at all but her blocking is amazing and she's super polished, and another guy towards the end if the round has great comedic timing but super needs to work on keeping his characterizations clean and more controlled. Like, it's The Funny event, but I gotta give more points to the girl who's clearly put more work into polishing her presentation over someone who's chosen piece just so happens to be funnier. But yea I'm glad i got invited and got to impart some genuine critique and encouragement since the circuit has been pretty lacking in terms of old talent teaching the new kids as of late. Like holy fuck there were so many kids that just didn't have the basic formatting, and I didnt wanna be that asshole judge who just writes "learn the basics. 7th" like I wanna be encouraging but you kids gotta get with your coach and make sure you know what you're doing, and GET THE FUCK OFF OF YOUR PHONE WHILE YOUR FELLOW COMPETITORS ARE PERFORMING
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gennyanydots · 2 years
I had to let go of you just to get a hold of myself part 7
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x f!reader
I had to let go of you just to get a hold of myself masterlist
AN: Warning. It is stupid angsty up in this bitch
You went to your room to let Jake get settled into his room for a while. You still had an hour before your check-in with Dr. Jackson. You tried to organize your thoughts as you laid on your bed.
It was surreal seeing Jake again after all this time. You vividly remember a time in your life that if you had seen Jake you might have tried to run him over with your car. The pain from everything still runs pretty deep.
The man you gave up everything for had decided to give you up. Decided that you weren’t worth the trouble. Not only that he didn’t even have the balls to break up with you. Just decided one day that he was done with you. Didn’t respond to any emails you sent, texts, phone calls, letters, nothing. Just done. It had almost destroyed you. You didn’t eat or sleep much. Just laid in bed wondering what you had done. Even now moving past that insecurity is going to be tough. Dr. Jackson has reminded you plenty that Jake’s actions were not because of anything you had done and were solely based off himself. You know whatever happened to Jake had nothing to do with you but try telling that to your brain. It’s already had years of anxious thoughts built up.
You have to remind yourself sometimes that Jake is trying. He really is trying. You know that. He’s putting in the effort. He’s going to therapy. He’s working at this.
And now Jake’s here. In your apartment. The place you got to get away from him. Most of your things were still at Jake’s parent’s house. You didn’t want most of it. You didn’t want those reminders. You still don’t even go to the house much. You get together as a family at Catherine’s house typically. It’s easier for the kids. It’s easier for you. Works out well for everyone.
Tomorrow Jake’s mom is hosting Thanksgiving. It’s good you’re having a session tonight since you’re not sure how you’ll do tomorrow. Being with Jake in that house may prove too much for you.
Time seemed to really fly while you were deep in thought laying on your bed since it was now 10 minutes till the start of your video call and Jake was softly knocking at your door. You sit up and stretch quickly before rushing over to the door and opening it.
There Jake stood holding his computer, looking as hot as ever in a pair of comfy shorts and a shirt that just seemed to fit him that just barely showed off some lines of his abs. Fuck. The Navy has been good to your husband.
You shake the thought from your head and give Jake a half smile, “Hey, it time already?”
Jake nods and turns to go out into your living room.
You follow after him.
He plops down onto your couch and looks up at you, “Which is your Wi-Fi?”
You point to it as you walk up and sit next to him, making sure to give you both space, “The password is Bennyistoocute1.”
Jake chuckles, “That boy still got you wrapped around his finger?”
You nodded, “Yeah, all three of them do.”
“Benny and Harper? Which of my sisters had another?” Jake asks.
“Oh I wasn’t even counting Harper. Lauren still only has her but Jared and Catherine have three boys now. Charlie, Benny, and Jamie. Charlie is a baby baby. He was a surprise. Jamie is Auntie’s baby. He’s 7. Benny is 15 now. Gosh he’s growing up so fast.”
“Holy shit. I hadn’t realized how old he would be. Harpers gotta be like what 10?”
You shake your head and laugh, “She’s 12. Sassy as ever. Really got all of Lauren’s attitude and some of Catherine’s too.”
“Poor Lauren. I’m sure ma loves to rub it in her face for all the trouble she caused,” Jake says with a chuckle.
“Depends on the day. Sometimes your mom just swoops in and fixes everything since she had so much practice,” you say with a smile. Jake’s mom amazed you. Your nephews and niece love you but even you couldn’t do that. At least not with the older two anymore. They can’t be bribed with ice cream. Well, they can’t always be bribed with ice cream every once in a while both of them still like ice cream and auntie dates. Especially if you pick them up from school early for an “appointment”.
“Do they… umm do they remember me at all? Or know who I am?” Jake asks timidly.
“They know they have an Uncle Jake. Benny vaguely remembers you. Harper doesn’t really anymore. You never met Jamie. They all have seen your pictures around in albums and such. Just as a warning Jamie may take a bit to warm up to you.”
“Why’s that?”
You sigh, “Your sister and Jared have big mouths and we’re talking about you and he overheard that you had made me cry and like I said Jamie is auntie’s baby and he may have threatened to kick you umm….. kick you where it counts.”
“Damn. I clearly don’t want that but if that’s what it takes to start rebuilding all this then….,” Jake says with a shrug. “Plus I can’t beat up a 7 year old.”
“The cutest 7 year old,” you say with a giggle.
“Well then I definitely can’t,” Jake says with a smile.
The two of you are brought out of your little chat by Dr. Jackson starting the meeting.
“Good afternoon, you two! How was your flight Jake? You get in okay?” The doctor asks.
Jake nods, “Yep. Thanks for askin’.”
“And Y/N, how are you this afternoon?” Dr. Jackson asks.
You give a small smile, “I’m doin alright. Thank you. How are you, sir?”
“I’m doing wonderful. Thank you. How is it seeing each other?”
Jake looks over at you with a fond smile, “A little odd but good.”
You nod, “Yeah, a little awkward but I’m sure that’ll go away.”
Dr. Jackson smiles, “Good, good. Glad to hear it. I don’t want to keep either of you long. I would much rather you both spend time together. I mostly just wanted to remind you both that you can text or call me at anytime. I know this is a very fragile time and you may need to talk it out and I am here for you both, okay?”
You both nod.
“Great. I’ll be in touch with both of you. If I don’t talk to either of you beforehand have a Happy Thanksgiving!” Dr. Jackson says with a wave and both you and Jake return to sentiment and Jake exits the meeting.
“That was probably the easiest session I ever had,” Jake says with a chuckle.
You laugh and roll your eyes.
“What? It’s true!” Jake says grinning.
“I’m sure it is.”
“So uhh did you umm maybe want to talk about why I first went to therapy?” Jake asks.
You nod, “If you’re ready for that. Sure.”
“Tim thinks it’s important you know and I do too, of course. Before I get to that I just need you to know I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I never wanted to stop being your husband. I know there’s a lot of damage I did and I hope to be able to repair it the best I can but none of this had anything to do with you. In no way was this your fault. It was all me,” Jake explains.
You nod, “I know. Dr. Jackson reminds me of that frequently. I had or well have a hard time with coming to terms with that. I’m working on it.”
“Oh honey no, none of this was you. This was all me. I’m the bad husband. I did this to us,” Jake says and puts a hand on top of yours.
You nod and turn your hand to hold his.
“Okay so being away from you was always hard. I would get it in my head that if I worked mg hardest with no distractions I would be able to get home faster. I’m reality that wasn’t really a thing but I convinced myself it was. Sometimes I would be working so hard and miss our planned calls and that’s completely on me. I would remember and feel terrible. Then the longer I went without talking to you the guiltier I would feel. I would start avoiding you to try and deal with my guilt. It didn’t help and I just felt worse. It all kinda culminated after a mission. I uhh became the only current generation aviator with a confirmed air combat kill. Which at first was exciting because everyone was so impressed and congratulated me but eventually it sunk in that I took someone’s life. I know that’s part of my job but there’s still a guilt that comes with it. It kinda made my life feel like it was separated. Everything before I killed someone and everything after. After I felt like I had a completely separate life and it was just easier to live with the guilt by myself. I never told anyone about it. I made a whole persona for myself. I turned into this cocky asshole to keep my emotions hidden. I mean I was always a little cocky but it was bad. I had another mission not even a year ago and I had another confirmed kill. I guess it kinda set off a depression due to the repressing emotions thing then coworkers started to notice. One of them basically kidnapped me off base one day and made me talk about it. His wife forced me into therapy.”
“Kara Floyd?” You asked.
Jake nodded, “Yeah. How did you know?”
“Did she not explain about when she called me?” You asked.
Jake shook his head.
You chuckled, “So uh she called me to tell me her coworker was seeing my husband so I hung up on her thinking you were cheating on me. She called back saying we must have been disconnected and I told her I hung up on her and explained that if you were cheating on me that you could just send me the divorce papers and she didn’t need to tattletale.”
Jake groaned, “I’m kicking Bob’s ass.”
“Whose Bob?”
“Her husband. Neither of them told me this. Can’t kick her ass. Gotta kick Bob’s. They told me you talked to Tim.”
“Once she explained herself she gave him the phone and I talked to him but first there was a big misunderstanding.”
“Sounds like it. For the record I have not and would never cheat on you. We have have gotten married young but I take those vows seriously.”
You nod, “Me too. I didn’t either by the way. Cheat on you I mean. I didn’t do that. You’re my husband.”
Jake squeezed your hand, “I’m sorry for all this.”
You nod, “Thank you for apologizing and thank you for telling me all that. It all sounds incredibly hard and I’m sorry you had to go through it.”
Jake nods, “Tim told me to ask ,if you’re comfortable, about how you felt when I stopped talking to you. I mean I know it’s not good but I really want this to work and open communication is important for that.”
“Ohh umm yeah. I guess I could tell you. It was hard. Incredibly so. I did the whole stages of grief thing. I was mad at first. Mad that you could do something like that. Mad at myself for putting that much faith in you. Mad that I gave up everything for you and in the end I didn’t have anything to show for it. Then I got sad. Real sad. I wondered what I did wrong or what was wrong with me that you didn’t want to be with me anymore. I was really depressed. Barely did anything but lay in bed. I lost a lot of weight. I had to take pills for the depression. Eventually I just accepted that you weren’t gonna come home to me so I moved out of your house to here. I got Pumpkin. I got on with my life. Since we started this I’ve had a couple sessions with Dr. Jackson to address all that. There’s still a lot of lingering insecurity and self esteem issues,” you explain not looking at Jake.
Jake squeezes your hand once and you look over at him, a few tears in your eyes. You notice Jake’s also look a little glassy.
“Oh darlin’ I am so sorry,” he says and uses your hand to pull you into a hug. You both wrap yourselves up in the other and sob. Sob for yourselves. Sob for each other.
Part 8
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subjecting you all to my LC! album opinions
1 - Hello Sadness
I love this album. A lot. Has a really nice sound to the songs and i really enjoy it! I’m kinda picky about which songs from it I like, since it’s REALLY sad and can end up getting me down if i’m in a bad mindset, but the songs I like from it i LOVEEEE. I’m starting them over from the beginning over and over and over and over and o (Also it has DMEB#3 which is my favorite DMEB so likeeeeee..)
2 - We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed
This albummmm... Extended EP my ass, it’s amazing. It’s one of the ones that i can just put on and vibe to while doing anything. It’s so good and also it has DMEB#1 on it which gives it like an extra 10 goodness points
3 - What is currently released for All Hell
So this album. Is not out yet,, But we do have three of the songs from it! A Psychic Wound, Feast Of Tongues, and 0898 Heartache! And holy shit, they are all BOPSSSSSSSS. This album might move up or down when it comes out, but DAMN it’s really good so far
4 - No Blues
This album is so good.. It’s sad, much like Hello Sadness, but in a different way. It’s calm and almost feels.. i don’t know the word.. Hopeless? But in a poignant, melodic way? Also it feels slightly 
5 - Hold On Now, Youngster…
This album actually wasn’t my favorite for a while, but it’s been growing on me! The deluxe version has SO many songs on it so it makes sense that I’d find a ton that I like! My Year In Lists, …And We Exhale And Roll Our Eyes In Unison, and Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Breakbeats are amazing and absolutely CARRY this album for me
6 - Whole Damn Body
Allez Les Blues and She Crows are on this album. Dumb Luck is also pretty good. Case closed. I just. Like this one. (Hell i even named my Polarr account off of this album..)
7 - Romance Is Boring
So this one is.. complicated. This album has some of my FAVORITE songs on it (There Are Listed Buildings, We’ve Got Your Back, Romance Is Boring) but the rest of the songs are.. not my fav. So it’s kinda hit or miss for me? Still pretty good tho!
8 - Sick Scenes
Now, a few of these songs are great! Here’s To The Fourth Time! and 5 Flucloxacillin my beloveds. But the album kinda didn’t stick with me in the same way that the others did. It was definitely a hit or miss for me, and it kinda like,, bounced off me and kinda hit before bouncing away. It’s just kinda ehh for me. Or as ehh as Los Camp! can be, as even ehh is still decently good. But to give it the benefit of the doubt, I haven’t listened to the album in a while. ^^ Absolutely my favorite album aesthetically also (Example: i themed my phone setup after it)
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moonjxsung · 6 months
Thank you for your protection Star!!! 🥰🥰🤺🤺 Luckily, I was able to go to bed at ~4:20 AM and woke up at 10 so I still got a good amount of sleep, I just had to lay on my back so it applied pressure. I was still able to take my friend to the zoo today and OML THE FOXES AND FLAMINGOS WERE SO COOL! There were these leopards there and they looked SOO fluffy😭🥺I just wanted to hug them (even though they could and probably would “wabam!” me). We walked from 10:45-4 and got food there because my friend and I both made the wonderful idea to go there without eating🙄. Also, Star, I beg of you, please look up “New Orleans, Louisiana: Rougarou: Legendary Cajun Swamp Monster” and yes, the pictures that look like the person who made them was on 7 different types of crack cocaine, is the right one.😂😭
Revolving around your lovely compliment on my French (thank you very much 😘) I actually speak/am learning 9 languages lol.
I studied Linguistics for 2 years, took 4 years of Latin(yes the dead language😭), French and English since birth, Arabic for ~1 1/2 years (when I was younger), Korean for ~2-3 years, Mandarin for 1 year, Japanese for a few months, Thai for a few months as well, and I’ve just recently started Russian as that was the first language that got me started into learning languages and different cultures!😄 Because of course, 9 year old me hearing Russian for the first time was completely flabbergasted and amazed about how cool it sounded, haha! The only reason I procrastinated on learning is that since I’ve been growing up speaking French, I’m so used to the French r that I now can’t roll my r’s☹️. I actually have a friend who speaks Russian and he constantly makes fun of me for this but he can’t do the French r either so it’s equal teasing.😉
Sorry I rambled, haha 😅. Question, I don’t know if another anon has asked this or you’ve listed this somewhere else, so my apologies if you have, but if you could become immediately fluent in any language-writing, reading, speaking- which language would you choose? And what other languages do you speak other than English, if any? Lol, I think I’ve taken up enough of your time. Bye Star!! Have a lovely day/night *space hugs*!
YYYAYYYYYYYYY IM SO GLAD YOU GOT TO GO TO THE ZOO I FUCKING LOVE THE ZOO SO MUCH….. the last time I went to the zoo this baby duck got into the flamingo enclosure and a flamingo just straight up killed it in front of us and they had to evacuate the area IT WAS SOOOOO …..????😭😭
Also…… 9 languages???? HOLY SHIT???? That’s INSANE oh my god I wish I could speak 9 languages!! Wait so do you still know Korean enough to be able to understand kpop songs and variety shows and all that? Or is it a limited amount? That is BEYONDDDD cool on my god you’re so smart that is so fucking WILDDDD
I love this question HMMMM I’d probably want to be fluent in either Japanese or in Arabic ! I want to visit Japan one day but I’m so insecure about not knowing any Japanese so I’d feel so much more comfortable traveling there if I could speak the language ☹️ and Arabic just because I see it everywhere and I’d love to understand it and be able to write in it, it’s such a beautiful language too and it’s very similar to other languages so I think it’d be really useful! As for languages I DO speak, I can fully understand Spanish but I don’t speak it only because my accent is fucking atrocious 😀 my mom is from Mexico and I grew up taking trips to Mexico and very close to my Mexican side but unfortunately the elementary school I went to didn’t allow us to speak in any language besides English so I lost a lot of my speaking abilities (but I can still read and write it!) My dad is from Iran but sadly I know zero Farsi and I’ve never visited or met my family from his side or anything and I just grew up in the states so I’m very westernized but I would also love to know Farsi and be able to speak to his family members on the phone or something 🫶 my parents didn’t even speak each other’s languages when they met and there was a huge language barrier but they were so in love they made it work LOL anyways I’m rambling too but those are my answers !!
THANK U FOR ASKING I love when u guys ask cutie little questions hehehe I love u so much pookie !! 💞💝💘💕💗💓💖🫶👼
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practically-an-x-man · 7 months
for Catch & Release and Heartstrings behind the scenes asks #s 1, 2, 5, 7, 11, and 12 :)
Thank you!!!
How long did it take you to write this fic?
Well, I'm still writing both of these, but I started Catch and Release in January of 2022 (has it really been 2 years?? holy shit) and Heartstrings in October of 2022
2. What program did you use to write this fic (Word, Google Docs, etc)? Is that the program you use for all your fics?
Google Docs, and yes. I know there are better programs out there, but I like being able to sync my documents across my laptop and phone for when I get a surprise idea or good bit of dialogue and want to jot it down really quick
5. Where did you write this fic? Is that your favorite spot to write?
Not one specific spot, really. It was a mix of my dorm room while I was back at college, my seat in the family room with something on the TV to fill the space, or up in my bedroom where it's quiet and I can crank out a lot of words if I can focus. I don't really have a favorite spot to write, but I prefer to either be in a corner or away from other people since I get anxious about people trying to read over my shoulder
7. What inspired the idea for the plot?
For Catch and Release, I'd just seen No Way Home and got obsessed with that story, then rewatched Spider-Man 2 shortly after and thought about how good of a dad Otto would be... and Ophelia took form. The wider multiverse plot with Charybdis came about halfway through the No Way Home plot, since the original plot of "a few months later we opened the portal again and reunited easy-peasy" felt kind of weak compared to the excitement of No Way Home
For Heartstrings, I mainly just wanted to explore all the potential we were robbed of in Kyle Spencer, and give him a relationship that was mutual and supportive and... well, everything canon wasn't.
11. Was there a scene that you hadn't originally planned to include? Why did you decide to fit it in?
The flashbacks in Catch and Release were a bit of a surprise. I wanted one or two, but kept thinking of more little scenes and thought they really helped with explaining Ophelia's past and character, so I kept putting them in
I mean... right now in Heartstrings, I've mainly just been working on establishing Kyle and Jasper's relationships, so I kinda just pick the scenes as they come and write whatever brings depth to their relationship. There's a scene where Jasper teaches Kyle how to roller skate that was a bit of a surprise add, though - I wanted a little more length in the chapter, but it turned out really cute!
12. Was there a scene you wished you could have included? Why didn't it fit in?
I originally planned for more chapters of Olly and Peter being multiverse-long distance and all that, but I cut it down because it felt like it was dragging on and not really going anywhere.
Again, for Heartstrings we're still in the early development stages, since I want Kyle and Jasper's relationship to feel really deep and genuine before we get to the angst side of things, so there aren't really scenes that I've cut.
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notasapleasure · 1 year
Doctors, series 7 episode 134, 'The Two of Us' (2006)
Joplin's second run at neverending BBC daytime soap, Doctors. It was on youtube the whole time! So maybe if I try hard enough I can find his episode in season 4 too, wish me luck...
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Gary! I didn't try hard enough to find you before evidently.
Ru ro, hiding wedding ring? Or just finally getting rid of it after splitting from the woman we see next talking about how excited she is to have the baby of the guy she just broke up with...?
Guys this episode is 1. v soapy and 2. v Joplin heavy! Enjoy!
Some flowers arrive for him, aww!
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Double aww he's man enough to admit he was nervous about meeting up with his ex, and he's been ticking off the weeks since they split up :')
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"So what are we here to discuss...on our wedding anniversary?"
"I'm sorry, it was just a coincidence."
Holy shit lady
"Look Gary, it's just another day!"
"It's gonna take me a while to see it like that."
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But he's been seeing 'Pippa' for a month or so, which really flummoxes unnamed pregnant lady,* who spills sparkling water everywhere.
Oh my god, the supporting ladies are all dressed as pirates during their downtime. This IS 2006!!
oh dang one of them is Pippa...
lololol "That's what we came here to discuss isn't it? A permanent separation?"
Gary, tormented by ~~memories~~ wishes to sell the old flast and get a divorce. Claire still hasn't broken the baby news to him.
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"I've still got some of your CDs back at the flat."
"I'm not missing any."
"Not even your Spice Girls album?"
"I never owned a Spice Girls album."
"You don't remember dancing round the kitchen to Wannabe?"
Babe, are you sure it wasn't your Spice Girls album?
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He DID buy it!
Oh no, Pippa found a note on the flowers he accepted delivery for earlier: 'Dear Claire, happy anniversary, love from Gary xx'
And now Gary and Claire turn up joking about CDs!
Claire has to take a work call and Pippa wants to know...
"Has she come for her flowers?"
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He is a useless wet rag of a man who had a standing order with the florist and forgot to cancel it. And forgot to tell Pippa he was having lunch with his ex. Oopsie oopsie.
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Meanwhile, that stress might be getting to pregnant Claire....
Man Pippa is insecure about Gary having lunch with his ex.
But y'know. He's pathetic and gorgeous so she forgives him.
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Off she goes, but Claire's called a nurse to their address and Gary notices something's not right.
"Pregnant? How?"
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now, sweetheart, has no one explained...?
"No one said it was impossible Gary, just highly unlikely..." (Claire has fibroids)
Ohhhhhhhh she lied and said 12 weeks and not 20!! The look of relief on his face oh no lady this is gonna bite you in the ass we're only 13.55 minutes into a 28 minute episode!
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"Talk about me rushing into things... whose is it then?"
Ajsjdjjdjfff watching Claire dig this hole in real time as Gary reminds her that for years she was the one who said she didn't want kids because of her business (standard career woman vs mum conflict 🙄)
But to be fair she's also like 'what was I meant to say to every nosey fucker who asked when we were starting a family?'
Whatever Pippa's work is it seems to involve bitching about Claire with her colleague non-stop. Meanwhile Claire is telling the nurse how Gary *clearly* doesn't want kids. While Gary's making actual heart eyes down the phone to Pippa. And...not helping matters by lying to Pippa about Claire having left 'soon after you'. Are all soap characters compulsive liars??
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Naturally Pippa hears voices, he says something unconvincing about the TV and her friend is listening and is gonna feed that suspicion...not least as Claire left him not vice versa.
I feel like Claire is being a real nob about Gary, assuming things about him when she never tried to speak to him about them...
He keeps putting on funny voices though, which is adorable. "She was always career-minded. ~~not the '''m0thERing kINd'''~~" ok babe way to not actually disguise your true feelings. He does admit that they were shit at listening and talking to each other so. Idk. Growth through distance?
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Oooh Claire's bleeding and Pippa's at the door coz she left her keys!
Pippa is straight up batshit. Confronts Gary about Claire still being there and when he says she's pregnant and ill Pippa doesn't seem to get why he can't just...throw her out on the streets.
When he goes back up, the nurse leaves them alone and Claire, who's already been opening up about her vulnerabilities, admits to Gary it's his.
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Obviously it turns out they both wanted kids hurp durp
And natch Gary *doesn't* want a divorce
And of course Claire is freaked out at the idea of staying together just for the kid because that's what made her parents miserable
But look at the puppy dog eyes
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He knows the problem was they stopped talking
Meanwhile Pippa just....hands the keys back and goes
Claire! How can you say no to a man with that many shirt buttons undone?? Professing his love for you??
And now he knows Pippa's left him so he's free to badger Claire into being allowed to come to the hospital.
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"I'm coming as a friend."
...as the actress said to the bishop 😏
Omg the original airing was followed later that day by Julian Clary's Who Do You Think You Are? which I must have watched...
Dead? Nope!
Evil? No, not even a bad boyfriend!
Affects the plot? Now, I don't think Doctors operates on the basis of 'plot' so much as...placing one-off characters in situations. He's not the one with most control over the situation, but he does his best to assert himself bless.
Now, if you're into that kind of thing, I imagine he's very gorgeous. I am into the look, but the frank discussions of actually wanting a baby...not so much. Those undone buttons though! The side-lighting on his eyes! 3/5, it's good to be back in the game, Joplin fans <3
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writergod0 · 1 year
WEAK-tober | Day 9: Bloody
How Late? 6 months, 12 days
AHahhaaha, still keeping this up-- Mostly because I'm avoiding my homework.
Category: M/F
Pairing: Kenny Ji/ Reader
Tags: #Angst
Words: 2,297
Current TW: Author Chose Not To Use Warnings
Author's notes: So there's this one person on discord that I just know likes Kenny angst, and another who hates it. Lmao, so here this is. I'm very happy to be part of the discord, because damn, it is hilarious to watch from the side lines.
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The first time he sees you, it’s at some shitty ass convenience store where he and the fucks he takes care of decided to hang. It was one of those days where he takes his subordinates out for something small, just a couple of beers and some chicken, because it’s a lazy day where one could just sit outside on the pavement and smoke.
Some days, one just has to say fuck to that high-end bar that Manwol frequents. There’s a calm about hanging around shitty 24/7 convenience stores; it brings back memories of times when things were simpler.
Kenny watches you walk inside while he drags his cigarette, he’s leaning back on his chair at the outside patio of the store.
Pretty, the leather jacket is definitely a plus in his books. You browse through the store, easy smile on your lips as you talk to someone on your phone—A friend, perhaps? It’s as big contrast from the bad girl outfit you pull of seemingly… which is nice.
Definitely his type.
Fucker #1, who Kenny Ji reluctantly takes care of because of his position, snorts; pulling his attention away from you when he glares at the shit.
“You got something to say, you bastard?”
The bastard still has the audacity to look smug, “She has braces on, and they’re pink.”
“And you…” Kenny drags out as he flicks his cigarette away, stomping on it when he stands; he dusts himself off and pops a mint. “Have no taste.”
He could do charming.
He could also use the excuse to tell his subordinates to fuck off and leave him alone for the rest of the night. It’ll be a nice change of pace, and he’ll get a date out of it.
It’s seven dates later, the last date being you teaching him all the ways one could make a gun using a 3D printer, showing off all your stuffed animals you had since a child, and barbecuing at your place because it was cheaper, that he realizes:
Holy shit, that is definitely my type.
It’s also when he realizes that he’s been dating you without realizing it.
What the fuck.
“You have a brother?”
Kenny doesn’t know if you told him that before, because it felt like you told him that before and he just forgot. Which would be bad, very bad, because—
You blink, “I never told you?”
“No.” He says, “I don’t think so.”
Your eyes narrow, because for the past several minutes you were talking about this annoying dude that you know, what he did not know that it was you talking about your brother; and Kenny can feel his soul preparing to leave his body.
“For real?”
“Pretty sure.” Well, not that sure, but whatever. Wait… “I would have told you about my own brother if I did—”
“You have a brother?”
It’s a full circle.
Things with Manwol start falling to shit. Changyeon Lee, the bastard, is being more ruthless than before; but Kenny owes him.
So he goes out and gets his hands dirty.
Kenny doesn’t want Jake to follow in his steps.
Kenny doesn’t want you to know this side of him.
But Changyeon Lee is owed.
You find out.
He doesn’t mean for you to find out, but life is shitty enough to throw you right in front of him when he’s doing the shit he does for Manwol. Kenny doesn’t even does this type of job often, he hasn’t bothered with high schoolers for an entire year until now because some fucks called the Un—
It doesn’t matter.
You find out, and he doesn’t follow when you leave with an expression he dares not describe. Manwol and every other fucker out there is watching him for a weakness he cannot afford, he reasons, and keeps the charade up long enough until he’s alone.
He vomits just before he manages to reach your place; the disgust builds itself, and maybe he deserves it.
So he leaves before he could knock on your door.
You ask him too meet at a restaurant; one of those Japanese food places that provide private rooms. You like things like that, you enjoy the privacy and kicking off your shoes and sitting cross-legged; though maybe you just want the privacy of breaking things off.
He can’t help but smile and let his shoulders sag in relief when he sees that you’re okay.
You smile.
Any other day, it would have been comforting; Kenny would have been mentally patting himself good job, definitely not blushing, and he’d be able to smile right back.
But he remembers what he did, and now that smile feels less than it ever should be. What would life be like if you decide to look past the deeds he’s done, because you’re kind enough for that. Truly.
Kenny doesn’t deserve that kind of forgiveness.
Not when he knows he can’t leave Manwol; knows that if he stays with you, then it’ll be some kind of fantasy that could be torn down at any moment.
“The kid.” You say, “Did you at least know his name?”
Of course he doesn’t fucking know, he just knew that it was a job that he was assigned to save face; the closest thing to a name for the kid was Motherfucker.
“No, I never really bothered with that.”
Your eyes widen at the admission, and your nails dig into the table; a habit of yours when you’re holding yourself back from being angry or from being excited.
Kenny could guess which.
Fucking Changyeon Lee.
Fucking Manwol.
Fuck all this shit to hell.
And Kenny isn’t one to shy away from accountability, isn’t one to deny that is position in Manwol is a burden his to bear; so he’ll make this easier for you.
“Let’s break up.” He says, determined—
Then you laugh and it’s so much crueler than he ever thought it could be; and Kenny deserves it, and it’ll be so much easier this way to.
“I can’t stand this anymore, fucking bastard.” You sigh, reaching into your purse to toss over one of those cute pink and plastic whatever the fuck they’re called folder envelopes. Your gaze is cold, “Here, read this.”
He takes it, opens the folder and—
There’s a million of things he could have said then, but the words die in his throat. He doesn’t know he’s shaking until you’re holding onto his hand.
No, of course not.
Your nails dig into the back of his hand, it’s too sharp; and when he finally composes himself to look at you, all there is is detachment.
“I had to move the schedule up because of your little stunt.” You say, kissing the back of his knuckle, “But that’s alright, better for the truth to come our sooner than later, right? Better to cut than to hold on.”
The folder drops, spilling its contents throughout the entire floor.
“It’s everything about Manwol.” You tell him as if he didn’t know that two plus two equals four. “You could double-check it if you want. Though I highly doubt you won’t find anything that’s missing.”
Kenny stares at it, he knew the folder was heavier than it should be, but to see the amount of it spread across the floor is another thing entirely. Several pictures, he knows instantly.
He swallows.
“How many copies?”
You let him go with a hum, leaving his side to pick up the files which has fallen. This was planned, he realizes, for a long, long time.
“I have plenty of copies.”
You look at him as if you want to laugh, as if the his questions pains you so that you are torn between hysterics and being furious; you glare at him and in the same breath you smile, and it’s the pain from where your nails dug till it bled that keeps him seated.
“Why do what you do?” You mock, snarling. “Don’t you know it’s dangerous? Don’t you know you hurt people? That the ones you hurt are loved? What did you feel when you hit that kid? What did you think?”
And the disgust builds itself.
“Did you really not know?” You ask him, pleading for what he cannot give; because apologies are useless when it cannot be fixed. “How bloody your hands are because of it, and you don’t even know who I’m talking about.”
You sigh.
He stays seated.
“You’re going to destroy Manwol with this, won’t you?”
Because Kenny doesn’t quite care anymore for what happens to it; and it’s justice at it’s finest. It’s also him, remembering the sea of the nameless and the named of those he hurt; and not knowing who was the one so important to you.
So, yeah.
He’ll deserve everything coming to him; he won’t even care if this was planned since the beginning. Doesn’t have the right.
“No.” You say, “I won’t.”
The confusion must have been evident, that you laugh at him; you’re holding back, he knows, from screaming and crying—
“I won’t, and it’s not because I love you. I don’t.”
Your smile is wry, your smile is sad.
“But because I know that you dug your own grave, that one day that that gang of yours would be the death of you.
Even if not that, I’m not going to go to the press, to the police, or to whatever authority out there that can deal with you fucks; because every week I will do a little thing.
When I do that, these files won’t be sent to every news outlet and to every station. I would do that every week, constantly saving your ass and you’ll know the reason why you’re still walking the streets is because of me.”
And you’re no longer smiling, but absolutely furious. There’s no excuse he could say, no explanation— And all he could do is watch as you break down in front of him and his choices.
“But you’ll be stuck with the knowledge that I could decide any day that it’s not enough, that one day I couldn’t stand the thought of you out there and I just let it happen. Maybe I could forget, maybe there was an accident and I just couldn’t.
How long do you think it will be? A week from now? A month? Several years?
You’re going to live with the knowledge that whatever you build from now could be torn down at any moment. Because this is about you and what you did that cannot be fixed.”
And the long monologue ends, leaving nothing but silence; He doesn’t know who he harmed that made you like this, but knows that it’s on him. If it were any other day, had he been younger or had he not known you, then he would have done anything in his power to burn away all that proof you had thrown in his face and snarled.
But he’s old enough that the awe of joining a gang had worn off into bitterness, and he’s far too fond of your smiles and your company, far too much in love, to take anything more from he than he already has.
And he’s already taken something from you that he cannot remember.
“Sorry.” Kenny says, as if it would change anything. It won’t. “I’m sorry that I hurt you. I wish I didn’t.”
That startles a laugh out of you, who has fallen to your knees, who’s crying as quietly as you can because this is not a revenge plan but a shitty attempt at closure; it’s wet and broken laugh.
“You could have been great, you know.” And those words of yours will haunt him more than your monologue of lies; because he knows when you lie, knows that there’s no copies and no carefully crafted long con for his demise.
Yes, the proof your threw in his face took a long time. Yes, he knows that you knew what he did ever since; but he knows that you long since gave up on using it. Because if you really planned on doing that, he wouldn’t know it until it was already over.
“You’re such a lovely person, truly—”
If he had left behind all those things that made him worse, if he had left Manwol, if he had left Changyeon Lee to rot, if he hadn’t hurt someone that you loved; Kenny wonders if you would have stayed with him.
“—But your hands are too bloody.”
You leave him there.
He takes care of the bill.
The first time he saw you, it’s at some shitty ass 24/7 convenience store; you’re definitely his type, and he made his move the moment one of his jackass subordinates made some type of snide comment.
It was a good idea at the time, perfect excuse to ditch his subordinates and the leather jacket you wore that day provided an even better on.
You frowned when you paid for the candy you brought to the store counter, thankful while also unimpressed at the same time with how your eyebrows were raised.
It was fucking hilarious.
He had asked you on a date then, doesn’t remember if his clothes were clean or dirty but knew that he smelt of smoke and alcohol, you had asked in return: “What if you hurt me?”
“A pretty face like yours? Never. Plus, I think you could crush me anytime you want and no one would be able to find the body.”
There was a lot of talking after that, plenty of jokes; they were morbid jokes, and before the night had ended, it had led you to ask him this:
“You know, what if I really did hurt you?”
He grinned.
“I would have deserved it.”
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fictionfreedom · 11 months
Probably gonna finish TMA within this week, but holy fuck did episode 170 hit me HARD
Like, everything was going dandy, I was giggling, I found the episodes funny and liked listening to Jon talk a lot, and then BOOM got hit with an episode somewhat focused around stuff I've suffered with for like 9 years at this point!
I almost cried but instead, I just got really emotionally and mentally drained and decided to make that my last episode for the night and went to sleep.
CW for venting under the cut, mainly mental health talk of course
Isolation; depression, anxiety, depersonalization, and memory loss, are all things I have suffered from for around nine years at this point, almost ten as of next year. I was also hit pretty bad with the whole Perceived abandonment shit. Hell, I actually had to go to the YouTube tab and copy and paste all those things because I couldn't remember exactly which things had hurt me, not completely.
I've been suffering, even if it's not greatly, from depression for almost 7-8 years now. I have been isolating myself terribly most of those years as well, and the only exception was when I had to go to school, though now that's not even a 'problem' since I go to online school now. I haven't had an IRL friend, someone I can go talk to face to face, someone who lives near me, for at least two years now, I actually only have two friends as of now and they're both online friends.
I have horrible anxiety, I cannot make phone calls and very rarely text/message people back anymore just because I get so distressed by doing so. I hate going out in public if someone I know doesn't come with me because I get super panicked, and restaurants suck for me because I can barely eat due to my nervousness.
Depersonalization is something I may not constantly deal with, but it is something I have dealt with and recently have been dealing with more and more often. I hate it, as most do, and that episode just felt like a smack in the face to remind me about it. I loved the episode of course despite how it made me feel, hell I think I like it more because of that, but jesusss man..
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kirby-avoided · 2 years
today was shit fullstop, but there were some highlights
1. ramen, thank you to Food Bank (@calypsomm) who feed the Orphans (three of us collectively rationing ramen SOUP). imagine 3 year twelve students huddled around this one cup of instant ramen and just rationing out THE SOUP (and some noodles but i mainly ate that LMAOO)
2. him :D just being around him makes me happier and his puppies are literally adorable although the youngest one is very jumpy and i've never had a pet so i dont know how to interact with them except give them too much attention and panic when they jump on me
on the topic of him, i gave him a christmas present (needed) at christmas because his phone was always dying - take a guess what it is - but he tells me he loved it and i didnt really expect anything back because my past relationships were SHIT and i was always putting more effort in the relationship than the other party, but we were cuddling and talking abt valentines day (thats in literally 7 days so exciting! i have a surprise planned but it means early ass start to the day AGAIN) but then the conversation moved to the christmas and he was like "i guess since its been ages since christmas i'll tell you what your gift was" and i looked so confused and then remembered he was getting me a birthday and christmas (combined) and omg i love this idiot SO SO MUCH
HES BOUGHT A HOWL AND SOPHIE RING FROM HOWLS MOVING CASTLE FOR BOTH OF US (hopefully it fits cause i have zero idea cause my fingers are SAUSAGES - if it doesnt work i’ll put it on a necklace or something but 🥹)
i bugged him about promise rings for our one year last year (holy shit the two year is coming up) and he brushed it off because he wasnt sure if he would be able to wear it without being made fun of (because jewellery isnt really his thing and etc etc). i didnt press it because i couldnt find any promise rings that weren't flashy but also ones that werent tacky because all of them were just horrible if it was plain. so i left it and was just gonna wait until he proprosed (🙄) but thats literally so cute i love this man so much 🥹
if he ever breaks up with me i may literally just be so distraught that i will crumple inside and proceed to crumple on the outside too
oh wait back to valentines day
anyways im gonna get him such a cute surprise he loves white tulips so guess what :D
he says hes got a surprise too so im curious but i'll leave the ✨Valentines Day Special✨ for the 14th haha
- kirby_void 7th Feb 2023
after writing this log, i feel significantly better and more awake, onto homework
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