#(Steve doesn’t know if he should be mad or impressed that she handled everything by herself at sixteen years old)
livwritesstuff · 10 months
Robbie Harrington – great at Mario Kart, terrible at driving
There are probably many reasons why this is the case.
For one, she is Eddie through and through, and Eddie certainly isn’t winning any awards for his own driving abilities (coincidentally, Eddie is the one who primarily taught Robbie to drive, which doesn’t help the situation).
She also happens to be in the midst of a not giving a shit about anything or anyone phase at the time that both Steve and Eddie know is a normal part of being a teenager (because they’d both experienced it for themselves in their own way when they were her age), and while it is unpleasant for everyone involved, it is unfortunately not a good enough reason to delay teaching her how to drive when she’s willing and able in every other regard.
It's also possible that their experience teaching Moe how to drive had lulled them into a false sense of security. Moe had been uncharacteristically nervous about getting behind the wheel, and she’d turned into a very safe and cautious driver – she sticks to the speed limit, uses her turn signals, passed the test on the first try, all that jazz.
Robbie also passed the test on her first try (not because she should have, but because she knows how to turn on the charm when it serves her – she’s like Steve in that regard), but she is not a safe and cautious driver by any stretch of the imagination. She pretty much ignores the speed limit, whips around the narrow, winding roads of their rural Massachusetts town, tailgates people going too slow, barely pauses at stop signs - the quintessential unacceptable teenage driver behavior.
So it’s not exactly unexpected when, about two months after she gets her driver’s license, Robbie rear-ends someone on her way home from a violin lesson.
Robbie’s response after being lectured about this for an hour:
“God, the lady I hit wasn’t even this mad at me, Jesus Christ.”
This comment is, understandably, not a hit with Steve and Eddie.
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I came back for you
Word count: 2123
Genre: Angst but happy end
Pairing: Natasha x gn!reader
Warnings: Abusive prison/government (let me know if I need to add any)
Request: Hey, so this is kind of a weird request, but could you do a Nattie x Powered! Reader during Civil War, where Nat, of course, is on Tony's team, and the Reader is trying to keep the peace between the two teams. Maybe the government takes (Y/n) and puts her in a shock collar like Wanda's because they think she was on Steve's team? Sorry this is so weird . . .
Summary: You are neutral in the fight, or so you think before you are told you can't be and are taken away with the rest of Cap's team.
A/n: Thanks @thewidowsghost for requesting this! Honestly I didn't plan on writing anything or posting anything today but I saw that I had a little bit of this done and to be honest my day has sucked so I needed a distraction and this worked perfectly. Also I could someone tell me how the formatting looks? I'm trying the new beta editor and I think I'm doing things right but idk. Anyways I hope you all enjoy!
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As you take in the scene that surrounds you you can’t believe that you once considered everybody to be a big weird family. Certainly none of them are acting like it now. It breaks your heart to see them on opposite sides, throwing themselves at each other because apparently their personal beliefs are more important than their friends.
Neither of them are right or wrong in your opinion. There’s too many factors and both options suck, it’s the government’s fault for placing the team in this situation. However you are not happy with the way anyone is handling it, especially Steve, Tony and Natasha. Both Tony and Steve are acting based on what they think is right without considering the other sides to the story, although you can’t say that’s surprising coming from them. You do know that they genuinely do care for others but they can be very hard headed and neither of them like to be wrong.
It’s Natasha who you’re most disappointed in though, you thought that she would be a better negotiation, helping ease the tension but she’s out there fighting like the rest of the idiots. You thought that she would agree with you and try to bring together the two sides.
You narrow your eyes and zoom in your vision to the far side of the airport where you see Spiderman. You have no idea who he is but you can tell just by looking at him that he’s only a kid and it was irresponsible of everyone to let him be here and to fight him. You use your superspeed to get to him quickly and take him out of the way of flying cars and leave him by the side where it should be relatively safe.
“Stay here.” you tell him.
You glare. “Stay here.”
You rush off before you can make sure he listens because you can hear a grunt of pain from Rhodney. He’s lying on the ground with Tony standing over him and Sam a few meters back. The fight seems to be ending now, you see the plane leaving and the rest of the avengers start to gather but it doesn’t matter because the damage is already done. You don’t know exactly what happened but it looks like a freak accident, somehow nobody’s fault and yet everybody’s fault for getting into this situation in the first place.
The mood is weird, as if everybody is holding their breath and taking in what they’ve done. In the background you can hear trucks pulling up and footsteps follow soon after. The first man grabs Wanda and she blasts him back lightly so he falls down. Immediately a circle forms around her, everyone pointing their guns. Clint takes a step in, raising his arms and trying to calm the situation down but the guns shift to him and one agent steps forward and roughly grabs him, forcing his wrists into cuffs.
They go for Sam next and he looks pissed but lets them cuff him without comment. Scott looks completely confused and out of his depth. You don’t know him but it’s obvious that he is not trained for these types of situations and is in over his head.
It’s Wanda that makes your heart break the most though. She’s like a little sister to you so seeing the tears in her eyes and the terror on her face as the agents move in to cuff her makes you want to wrap your arms around her and promise it will all be okay. But you can’t, that would be a lie because everything is not okay and trying to hug her would only make things worse.
The agents start to move away, leading Cap's team to their trucks to be taken away. One of them turns back and notices you, murmuring something to the agents beside them. Before you can even understand what is happening they are right back and grabbing at your arms roughly. Naturally you try to pull away but they are strong and once you realize what is happening you stop struggling.
“I didn’t pick a side,” you try to explain, “I was just trying to make sure everyone was okay.”
“You didn’t sign the accords and therefore have no right to be here.” one of the men tells you. You look towards Tony’s team for help but they all seem to be busy. Tony and Vision are trying to make sure Rhodney is okay and the kid is luckily back where you left him. T’challa is shaking hands with one of the agents and although it makes you sick because of the way they are treating some of the others you understand, he does have a country to run and his people must come first after all.
Natasha is the only one not doing anything and she meets your eyes. You silently beg her to do something, anything against what is happening. She stares you straight in the eye and shakes her head. You actually shiver at how cold her look is because you never thought that would be directed at you, you thought that the two of you were close.
“I’m not going to help you Y/n, you made your own choice and I made mine.” Is all she says before turning away. You watch her back as long as you can as you are led into the trucks, wondering how everything went wrong so quickly.
Nobody talks. You aren’t even sure if you’re allowed to. There is no way what they are doing is legal but who is going to argue with the government. A secret prison built just for enhanced individuals and imprisoning people without trial isn’t right. You were neutral before but the more you see of how the government operates the more you start to lean towards supporting Steve and the rest of his “team”.
You shift slightly because the shock collar is getting even more uncomfortable. Wanda is wearing one too, probably since the two of you are the only ones that have powers unrelated to technology and suits. She looks smaller than ever in her cell and you close your eyes because if you continue to look at her you know you’ll end up crying.
Nothing changes throughout the day until you hear the door creak open. Everyone glares when they see it’s Tony and he and Clint share a few words before Tony practically begs Sam for information. Sam’s reluctant but gives in, seeing that Tony is sincere and knowing that although he disagrees with Tony it’s not really his fault that you’re all here, it’s the government’s.
When Tony leaves things go silent again for a few hours. You haven’t been fed since you’ve gotten here, you realize, but you aren’t hungry anyways, your mind can’t stop picturing the fight, being arrested and most of all Natasha’s attitude towards you. It hurts even more than you would like to admit. You considered her your best friend but you also had feelings for her and you were dumb enough to think that just maybe she felt the same things about you. Obviously that is completely untrue and you wonder if even your friendship was a lie.
“How long do you think we’ll be stuck here for?” Wanda asks finally and although her voice is quiet you wince at how it breaks the silence.
“I don’t know kid.” Clint responds. “Too long. My wife is going to kill me and my kids-”
He stops himself, getting a little choked up which surprises you. You’ve never seen him this emotional before.
“I already miss my daughter.” Scott adds on and there is a moment of understanding that passes between the two of them.
“I don’t have my own family but I’m going to miss my sister.” Sam says. “She probably won’t even find out what’s happening until it’s on the news, if the news even covers it.”
“I miss the team.” you add. “Before this fight, we weren’t perfect but I considered everyone family.”
“So did I.” Wanda says and you all take a moment to miss what used to be.
“I miss pizza.” Sam jokes, trying to lighten the mood. It works and soon everyone is adding on ridiculous things they miss and things they want to do when you get out (you can’t even think about the fact that the “when” might actually be “if”).
Your eyes snap to the door when it opens and everyone shuts up immediately. You look warily at Natasha, unsure of why she’s here. Maybe the government sent her in to interrogate, god knows she is amazing at that and you honestly wouldn’t be able to not talk to her, as much as you’re mad at her right now.
She doesn’t speak, going straight towards Sam’s door and kneeling down, fiddling with the lock. After a few seconds it clicks and the door swings open.
“When did you switch sides?” He asks, raising his eyebrows, impressed.
“I don’t pick sides, I do what makes the most sense and right now breaking you out is the right thing to do. Besides I’m wanted now too, apparently the government doesn’t like it when you aid fugitives in escaping.” she responds smoothly, moving onto Wanda’s cell and repeating her actions until it opens.
“Do you know how to take the collar off?” she asks and Sam nods. He gets to work while Natasha moves on. Both Clint and Scott pass at her offer of freeing them. They both look like they’re itching to escape but you respect that they’re putting their families first.
You’re surprised by how emotional you get when she unlocks your cell. You thought she didn’t care about you so to have her here now is amazing and makes you feel bad you ever doubted that she would do the right thing.
“Y/n, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” she tells you as she undoes your shock collar carefully, doing her best to not hurt you.
“I-I thought you didn’t care about me anymore.” you admit, a single tear dripping down your face.
She wipes it away with her thumb. “Oh sweetheart I care about you so much, more than you could ever know and I want you to always remember that, promise me.”
You nod, sniffing. “I promise Tasha.”
“Good because I came back for you and I will always come back for you.” she says, leaning in closer. You look down at her lips as she continues to lean in because she is so close and it seems like she’s going to kiss you.
“Glad to know Y/n was the only reason you came back.” Sam says, smirking. You love him but you also want to strangle him right now, that bastard could totally see what was happening and ruined the moment on purpose.
Natasha flips him the finger but otherwise ignores him. “Steve and Bucky are waiting in the jet outside, I was able to dismantle alarms and cameras but we only have a few minutes left so follow me and be quiet.”
She grabs your hand as she moves out of your cell and you walk with her, the others trailing behind slightly. The halls are clear and it’s only a few turns before she ushers everyone into a vent. It’s a tight squeeze but you make it through and you pop out to find sturdy wires attached to the side of the raft coming from a nearby jet. Wanda and Sam each take one and their wires retract, pulling them into the jet. You gulp nervously, heights are definitely not one of your favourite things.
“We have to go Y/n.” Natasha whispers just as alarms start to sound, the noises loud with flashing lights.
You take a deep breath and grab the remaining wire and once you’re secure Natasha grabs it too. Closing your eyes tightly so you don’t look down you feel a strange whooshing sensation before it disappears and your feet touch down on the jet floor.
“So what next?” Sam asks once you’ve all collected yourselves, directing his question at Steve.
“We lie low and try to help as best we can.” he responds, sighing heavily. “We’ll figure out the details as we go, what matters is that everybody is safe.”
Natasha holds your hand again and squeezes it tightly. “And that we are together.” she whispers into your ear so only you hear.
You squeeze her hand tightly back. Your relationship with her has gone through a rollercoaster of a day and is mostly undefined but she’s right, all that matters is that you’re together now and you wouldn’t rather be with anyone else.
Taglist: @fayhar @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @acertainredhead @madamevirgo @megaqueenmaeve @cherryblossomskye @aaron-despair @chickenhavewisdom @emril-osvigne @nyankitty987 @agathaharkness-simp @thewidowsghost @nyx-aira @stephanieromanoff @satxnsupreme @likefirenrain @wlwlovesreading @stop-drop-and-drumroll @peggycarter-steverogers @casperlikej @redswing @mochamoff @king-star @blackbat2020
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Done being your fool
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Summary: A party, misunderstandings, and love confessions. What can go wrong?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Sharon Carter
Warnings: angst, unrequited love, misunderstandings, sadness, mutant reader, special powers, low-self-esteem
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Earthshattering, heart-wrenching…however you want to call the moment when the man you love, the man you planned a fucking birthday party for, not just forgot to pick you up, but also enters said party with another woman at his arm is life-changing.
“Y/N…” Natasha can see your expression change form utterly disappointed, to heartbroken to downright pissed.
Well, the fact your hair and eye color changes depending on your mood doesn’t help to hide your emotions. When your hair and eyes turn bright red and change to black seconds later Natasha knows she has to bring you away.
“I am fine, great even. Have fun at the party I planned for two fucking months in my free time and raise your glass on Captain Ass…” Storming past Steve, not even sparing him a glance you slam your hands against the door to get away from the party.
The door slams shut behind you with a loud ‘bang’ and it’s the most satisfying sound you ever heard. Everyone saw what he did to you, everyone knows you are ‘head over heels, butterflies in your stomach, and sleepless nights thinking about him‘ in love with Steve.
While you make your way toward the exit of the ballroom you rented for the party you angrily wipe the tears running down your cheeks away. It’s a chilly night and you are not wearing a jacket as you were dumb enough to try to impress Steve.
Your hair changes to light blue and you need to hold back a sob when you wave at a cab.
“Downtown as fast as you can…” The driver gives you a curt nod, daring not to ask why a girl in a breathtakingly beautiful gown cries uncontrollably on his backseat. “If you don’t make a detour or try to get more money, I’ll pay you twenty extras.”
“Wouldn’t dare to mess with a girl from the Avengers, lady.” Nodding you give him twenty bucks to apologize. 
“Take the tip…sorry for assuming you want to mess with me too.”
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Repeatedly slamming your fists into your pillow to get comfortable you curse your heart, Steve Rogers, and the fact you were dumb enough to believe he would be impressed and fall for you after you threw a party for him.
Lying in your bed, a thousand thoughts swirling through your mind you try to find a way to face Steve and the others in the morning.
They will enjoy the party, come back to the tower and ask the question you hate to answer…
“Why did you leave?” Shrieking you jolt up in your bed, ready to attack the intruder only to look at Steve. “Y/N?”
“I was tired.” Defeated you slump back onto your bed, turning your back toward Steve. “Leave me alone and go back to your party.”
“It’s your party, doll. You planned it and I don’t understand why you leave it, pretending to be tired.” Steve steps further into your bedroom, sighing when you do not talk to him. “Y/N?”
“I said I was tired!” Your hair threatens to change to bright red again and you take deep breaths to not explode. “Leave it there, Steve.”
“You planned the party only to spend it in your bed? You are not tired.” Steve sounds pissed but you are beyond the point of no return, so you jump out of your bed to face Steve.
“I was tired, Steve!” Your hair and eyes are red now and heat radiates through your body.
“Tired of you not seeing me. Tired of you bringing a girl to the fucking party I planned. I was tired of you not seeing that I am in love with you for what feels like ages.”
“I…I didn’t know.” Voice barely above a whisper Steve looks at your hair changing to pale blue.
“Yeah, I know. Everyone could see. Everyone told me to try to make a move and I did Steve. For months I threw myself at you. I cooked for you. Attended any mission with you, thanks to Tony and then…” 
Raising your hands in surrender you blink the tears away when your hair changes to grey.
“I had this idea to spend all my free time to plan the perfect party for you. I believed you would finally see how much you mean to me.” Laughing bitterly you cast your eyes down to the floor. 
“Why did you leave the party?”
“As you came with CARTER! I thought you would offer me a ride after I told you about the party. Hell, I manipulated my car and told you it’s broken but you didn’t show, and I had to call a cab.” 
Sniffling you wipe your eyes. “I was waiting at the ballroom, my birthday gift in my hands and then you come through the door, Sharon Carter at your arm and I knew…I just knew you give a shit on me…”
“Y/N, let me explain…” Your index finger presses against Steve’s lips and you shake your head. “I am tired of running after you Steve. From now on, we should keep our relationship strictly professional.”
“Okay…but…” One word leaving Steve’s lips rips you apart. You believed he would fight, would tell you that this is a misunderstanding and that he at least – doesn’t want to lose your friendship.
“Go! Get out of my room!” Hair blue once again you hold back the tears while you shove Steve our of your room. 
“Wait...we should…” Your door closes and you lock it, not wanting to talk to Steve ever again. 
“No, we shouldn’t, Rogers…”
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“Will you tell me why you left the party?” Bucky nudges your side glancing at your pale blue hair. “Why is your hair blue?”
“Sadness,” Natasha whispers. “Her hair changes colors like a mood ring.” 
“I know that, Natasha. I asked for the reason why she’s sad.” Deadpanning Bucky bickers about hair colors and knowing you better with Natasha while to your utterly horror, Agent Sharon Carter enters the kitchen.
“Good morning. Has anyone seen Steve?” She asks and you feel like someone ripped your heart out. Last night you told Steve about your feelings, told him you are in love with him and he has the guts to bring her here.
“Got no clue. Maybe he’s polishing his fake halo…” Smashing your cup of coffee against the wall behind Sharon you laugh like a mad man. “I am such an idiot!”
Your hair changes to grey, and this time…it stays grey. Natasha must watch your storm out of the kitchen and her heart drops.
“Whatever he did, Steve fucked up big time. She just suppressed her emotions…”
Bucky’s eyes dart between the usually tough assassin who starts to sniffle and the coffee running down the wall.
“Let me talk to her. I will see what I can do…” 
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“Doll, fuck! I was searching the whole tower only to find you on the rooftop in the furthest corner.” Bucky sits next to you, patting your knee when his eyes land on your blue hair. “Blue again?”
“I told him…last night…” 
“Why are you on the rooftop only to sit in a corner?” Bucky tries to distract you, tries to talk to you but your hair changes to grey again.
“I'm afraid of heights and of leading a life of no significance.” Huffing the words out you glance at Bucky. 
“Why do you come up here if you are afraid of heights?” Ludicrous Bucky watches your trembling fingers. Fear let your hair turn white and you fight to bring the words out.
“If I am up here, the fear is the strongest emotion and outpowers everything else. Sadness. Embarrassment. Anything…” Bucky slings his arm around your shoulders, still not saying anything.
“What did you tell him? That you love him, doll?” Humming you look at your feet. “What happened?”
“He told me that he didn’t know. I got mad and told him to keep our relationship strictly professional and he…he just agreed.”
Tears run down your face and your hair changes to bright blue. “It always has been that way. Every time I liked a guy, he backed off. Figures.”
“Figures? I don’t understand, doll. Why should Steve back off only as you love him? He should be overwhelmed and happy.” Now you punch Bucky’s shoulder, giving him a sad smile.
“I wear my emotions visible for anyone to see. I am a freak of nature, Bucky. Why should Captain America, the golden boy himself being interested in me if anyone else pushed me away?”
“Why the grey hair?” Looking at your hair Bucky stiffens. “Y/N?”
“I can suppress my emotions, Buck. When it gets too much to handle or I get hurt…” Voice cracking you wipe your nose. “I suppressed my emotions before. I am more focused, faster, sharper – a better agent.”
“Not a better girl, though.” Steve mumbles. “Buck, can you leave us alone for a minute?” Bucky refuses to move, rather glares up at his friend. “Please give us a moment. I need to talk to Y/N in private.”
Bucky reluctantly gets up, gives his friend a warning nudge to his chest before he nods at you. 
“One word, doll and I am back. Just holler for me, Y/N.” Walking past his friend Bucky snorts when Steve rushes to your side to kneel next to you.
“Doll, you kicked me out of your apartment. I thought…I wanted to…” Panting Steve takes your hand in his. “I agreed to act strictly professional on missions but outside…”
“Outside what, Steve? Can you not leave me alone?” Hair blue again you glare at Steve. “I am done being your fool. Not one day after I admitted my feelings to you, you brought her to your apartment and fucked her…”
“I did what with whom?” Steve cups your cheek, forces you to look up at him. “I wasn’t with anyone, Y/N. I left your apartment and didn’t go back to the party.”
“Sharon, she slept here, at the tower. Don’t try to lie to me, Steve. I told you that I love you and you…you just bring her here and…” Sniffling you try to blink more tears away.
“I swear on all that’s holy, on my mother’s grave, that I did not bring her here. I didn’t even speak to her.”
“But you brought her to the party, Steve. Now you are telling me you did not invite her to the tower.” Your hair turns red again and you punch your fist into Steve’s face. “Liar.”
“Fine! I admit that I did not want to go alone. I heard from Nat that you will attend the party with a hunk – I didn’t know what a hunk is, had to google it, but those guys looked like models.” Blinking a few times, you look up at Steve. 
“What do you mean with hunk? I was alone at the fucking party I planned for your ungrateful ass…” Slamming your fists into Steve’s chest you groan in annoyance as he doesn’t even flinch.
“I didn’t know. Natasha said you’ll come to the party with the hung hunk of your dreams. I wanted to ask you to be my plus one but then I thought you have a sexy guy and asked Sharon…only as a friend…I swear…”
Steve starts to stammer and for the first time, he looks less than the self-confident Captain and more like the weak and shy guy he used to be.
“Hung hunk? I never used such words to describe anyone, Steve.” Giggling at Steve’s confused look you let your hair change to your original hair color. “If I would use such word, I’d use them for you…”
“Me…” Leaning closer Steve presses his lips to yours, grasps for your waist to bring you in his arms. “I swear I don’t know why Sharon was at the tower. I did not spend the night with her. I was awake, thinking about the possibility to make you talk to me.”
“Then why did she look for you?” 
“As I wanted to hand him some very important documents on behalf of Director Fury. I slept at the tower as it was a matter of national security that those papers only fall in Captain Roger's hands. I slept at one of the empty apartments.”
Sharon hands Steve the papers, smiling as he won’t let go of you. “Tony Stark offered me a place to sleep.”
“Uh—fuck. I am sorry for the cup…”
“Don’t worry. People tent to throw things at me.” Sharon gives you a wink before she leaves you and Steve alone. 
His lips are back on yours, press firmly against your soft pillows. “Your hair is light red.”
“It was never light red before…” 
“I never was in love before…not like this…” It’s Steve’s turn to feel his cheeks heat up.
“So…can I show you my room?” Grinning cheekily Steve leans closer to brush his lips over yours.
“In your dreams, Rogers. You will have to prove you are my hung hunk…”
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musecharm-writes · 4 years
Bad Influence, Pt 4 (Steve Harrington X Reader)
Summary: It’s time for the first check-in with Hopper and the date with Steve.
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
On Friday morning, you come into work early again, and you’re pretty sure that you’re going to throw up. Today is the first “check-in” with Chief Hopper, and even though you’ve been working your tail off, you’re so worried that it won’t be enough.
Joyce must be able to tell how you’re feeling (some kind of mother’s intuition or something, you guess), because she goes suspiciously easy on you for most of the day, keeping you on the register for the most part, and when you start to get too antsy to deal with customers, she takes over for you, ushering you away to take inventory.
You get so invested in cataloguing that you almost miss the break Joyce usually gives you to eat. Luckily for you, that’s exactly when Chief Hopper shows up.
(Oh, did you think ‘luckily?’ You meant unluckily, because you still pretty much feel like your stomach is about to make an emergency ejection.)
You hear his voice as you’re stepping out of the back, and you almost want to turn around and go right back in. Before you have a chance, though, he spots you and starts your way.
“Hey, kid,” he says, taking his hat off. “How ya been?”
You smile, uncertain. “Hasn’t Ms Byers told you already?”
He shrugs. “Yeah. But maybe I wanna hear it from you, too.”
You pick at the hem of your Melvald’s vest. “It’s been… fine. I’m handling it, I guess.”
“You guess?”
You drop the hem of the vest and scrub a hand down your face. “No. No, I really am handling it.  I just… Have a lot of other stuff to deal with, I guess. This is actually the one thing that’s going pretty well, believe it or not.”
Chief Hopper nods. “Well, that’s something, at least. Good to hear you’re trucking along.”
You swallow. “So… So I’m good, then?”
He nods again, putting his hat back on. “Yep. You’re good,” he pats you firmly on the shoulder a couple of times, and you feel the tension melt out of your body. As he turns to leave, he says, “See ya around, kid. Take the weekend off.”
You go back out to the front, and Joyce looks at you expectantly.
“Well? How was it?”
You sigh. “Good. It was good.”
There are six hours until the date, and Steve is definitely not freaking out.
Really, he isn’t.
...Okay, maybe just a little.
“Do you think these jeans are too tight?”
Robin rolls her eyes. “Steve--”
“Are sneakers too informal, should I wear something else?”
“Steve--” Dustin tries.
“Shit, this is a horrible idea, I should just call and cancel before it’s too late--”
“STEVE!” Robin shouts, effectively cutting off his panicked rambling. She grabs his face, squishing his cheeks gently. “It’s okay. Your jeans are fine, maybe swap those shoes for a less dirty pair, stop panicking.”
Steve takes a deep breath. “Okay. Okay, you’re right. Sorry.”
“Look, you have six hours until the date,” Dustin reasons. “Even if you decide that you wanna wear something else, there’s still plenty of time -- too much time, even. You don’t have to have everything figured out yet.”
Steve sighs. “Look, Henderson, I don’t expect you to get this since Suzie lives in Utah and you only see her at camp, but when you’re going on a date you need to be prepared way in advance. It takes time to look good, dude. Besides, the first date is the most important date, I have to make a good impression.”
Dustin considers this and then shrugs. “I guess that makes sense.”
Robin shakes her head as she looks at them in disbelief. “You two have no idea how dating works, do you?” She looks at Steve. “How did you get Nancy to go out with you, again?”
“Oh yeah?” Steve put a hand on his hip. “How are things going with Tina, Ms Hypocrite?”
Robin’s cheeks reddened. “Fuck off.”
When you get home after your shift, you kick your shoes off and flop down on the couch.
You’d been so worried about the check-in with Hopper, and now, you almost feel like the build-up was all for nothing. Now, all you have to do for the rest of the weekend is relax.
It’s hours later when you start to get the feeling you’re forgetting something. You’re sure it’s nothing, though; if it was super important, you would have written a note for yourself somewhere to keep yourself from forgetting.
You have a hot shower to decompress, take a pit stop in the kitchen for some Froot Loops, and then immediately go back to the couch for some channel surfing.
At around 6:30, you realise what it was you were forgetting: your date with Steve is tonight.
And you only have half an hour until he comes to pick you up.
“FUCK!” You sit up so fast that you bang your knee against the coffee table, but you can’t feel it through the adrenaline. You dash to your room and start ripping through your closet. Eventually, you find clothes that are clean and seem date-worthy. You grab your favourite boots, and go to your dresser to dig up your lucky socks.
You finish getting ready as fast as you can. You’re about to go to the living room to wait for Steve before hesitating, eyeing the cigarettes on your desk.
You sigh. Went to the trouble of getting them. Might as well.
Grabbing the carton, you tamp the cigs, shake one loose, and tuck it into your sock, along with your Zippo.
When Steve gets to your house, he’s six minutes early -- which, he tells himself, is just way too early, and you’d probably be super annoyed if he rang the bell so soon.
Which, of course, gave him several minutes to sit in his car and overthink things.
What if this wasn’t a date? What if you just thought he was trying to apologise for being a jerk in Melvald’s? Shit, he should’ve been more obvious that he was trying to ask you out… But he was so nervous you would say no if he just asked outright. What if he told you it was meant to be a date, and you wanted to leave because you weren’t interested? He doesn’t want you to stop wanting to hang out with him just because he wants to date you.
By the time he’s come to the conclusion that he’ll just keep the date thing to himself and see what happens, it’s 6:58, and he figures he’s as ready as he’s gonna get.
He goes up to your front door and rings the bell.
You answer, and it feels like Steve’s heart is about to explode.
“Hey,” you say, a nervous-looking half smile on your face.
“Hey,” Steve replies breathlessly. After a beat of silence in which he realises he’s staring at you, he adds, “Uh, you ready to go?”
“Yeah. Where we goin’, by the way? You never said.”
Right. Steve knew he’d forgotten something. “W-- Uh, we could… We could go to the Hawk? See if there’s anything good playing? Or get dinner at Benny’s?” He feels for his wallet, pulls it out and peers inside. “...Shit. Um, we may have to stop by my house real quick first though, I don’t have my cash on me.”
You shrug. “Fine by me.”
Steve nods, a little jerkily. “Cool. Right, let’s roll.”
He walks you around to your side of the car and opens the door for you, and you smile at him, which gives him fucking heart palpitations, but it also makes him a little more confident in the whole date thing.
He decides to test his luck and does a bonnet slide, hoping you’re the kind of person who might think that looks cool.
When he gets in the car, you say, “Nice one, Harrington,” in a slightly teasing tone, and it makes his face feel warm. Score!
He turns the key in the ignition and says, “How d’you feel about rock ‘n’ roll?”
You grin.
Sitting in the passenger seat of Steve Harrington’s BMW, watching him sing along to Owner of a Lonely Heart, you feel more confused than ever.
You’d convinced yourself, sitting on your living room couch, not to think of this as a date, just in case -- because Steve never called it one, so maybe it wasn’t one. But with him opening the car door for you, and then the stupid (awesome) bonnet slide… maybe it is? You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t want it to be, anyway.
On the other hand, he hadn’t really planned what he wanted the two of you to do. Maybe he hasn’t been nervous all this time because he wants to go out with you; maybe he’s just worried you’re mad at him for the thing at Melvald’s.
Before you can work yourself up about it any more, you’re pulling into the driveway of the Harrington’s veritable estate.
For a second, you’re so dumbfounded by the pristine state of the house and yard (not to mention the size) that you forget where you are. Then, you turn to Steve and say, “Uh, should I wait in the car, or…?”
Steve turns the car off. “Hm? Oh, nah, you can… You can come in. My parents aren’t home, but just so you know, Dustin and Robin are in there, and uh… Just, please don’t let anything they say reflect poorly on me.”
“Uh,” you say. “Okay.”
When the two of you get inside, you find the curly-haired kid and Robin Buckley standing in the foyer. The curly-haired kid -- Dustin -- has his hair coated in Pomade and neatly combed, and he’s wearing a suit and a comically obvious fake moustache. Robin has her hair pinned back, and she’s wearing a string of pearls, matching earrings, and white elbow-length gloves with her regular clothes.
It’s a ridiculous sight.
“What the-- What the hell are you two doing?”
Dustin and Robin turn to him, and they both grin.
“Ah, it’s our dearest son, Steve,” Dustin says, affecting an imitation of an adult man’s voice. “Welcome home, son.”
“Why, darling!” Robin says, her voice altered to sound like that of a cultured socialite. “It seems our little boy is on a date!”
Steve’s friends are pretending to be his parents. That’s actually kind of cute. (And, best of all, it confirms that this is a date, which really helps alleviate your anxiety.)
You glance over at Steve and notice that he’s blushing like crazy.
“Will you two cut it out?” He hisses.
They don’t pay him any mind.
“Make sure you have our Stevie back home by eight o’clock,” Dustin says, reaching up to twirl the ends of his fake mustache.
“Yes, of course, Mr Harrington,” you say seriously. “And might I say, Mrs Harrington, you look just stunning this evening.”
Robin guffaws loudly, holding a gloved hand up to her cheek. “Oh, aren’t you the charmer! This one’s a keeper, Steve, dear.”
Steve sighs. He ignores his friends, and to you he says, “I’m gonna go up to my room and grab what I need and then I’ll be right back, okay?”
You nod. “Yeah, sounds great. I’ll be here.”
The moment Steve is too far to hear, Robin says, “Hey, seriously, thanks for giving our doofus a chance. I know he comes off as kind of a dunce sometimes, but he means well.”
You shrug. “I get it. I’m not perfect, myself.”
Dustin interjects with, “Steve sure seems to think so.”
You aren’t sure what to think of that, so you just laugh awkwardly.
In the next moment, Steve comes racing down the stairs. He looks up and sees the three of you standing around not saying anything and squints critically.
“What’s going on? What did they say to you?”
You shake your head, forcing a plain expression. “Nothing.”
He looks between Dustin, Robin, and you again before saying, “Okay. Let’s go.”
As you’re leaving, Robin calls after you (foregoing the impression this time), “Make sure you use protection, Stevie!”
When you’re back in the car, on the way to the diner for dinner, Steve says, “Hey, I’m really sorry about them. They’re weirdos, they can’t help it.”
You laugh. “It’s fine. I think your friends are funny.” You look down at your lap, and then turn your head to examine his face while he drives.
He’s handsome, in a soft way. You’d never really noticed it in school, for whatever reason, but now, up close, it’s practically all you can notice.
He glances over and catches you watching him, and he smiles at you nervously.
“What’s up? Somethin’ on my face?”
“No,” you say softly. “Just… Looking at you. And thinking.”
He glances at you again, but keeps his eyes on the road, even though you can tell he really wants to look at you. “About what?”
You, you want to say, but it feels too honest to share. Instead, you say, “Why we never talked in high school. I feel like we could’ve been friends, if we hadn’t been running in different circles.”
He nods. After a moment, he says, “I feel bad. I barely remember you from high school. Probably because I was so focused on being ‘King Steve,’” he finishes bitterly.
The corner of your mouth quirks up. “And look at you now. Hanging out with a band geek and a freshman.”
He laughs, and it’s one of the most beautiful sounds you’ve ever heard.
“Yeah,” he says softly, looking over at you again, “look at me now.”
The diner is one of your favourite places to eat, so Steve is winning serious points bringing you here. (Not that he was short on points to begin with.)
The two of you grab a table by one of the windows, and a waitress comes over to take your order pretty quickly. You both order burgers and fries -- most people do at Benny’s.
“Hey, so, this is probably the worst thing to ask, but Nancy and Jonathan made me promise I would ask you about it if I got the chance,” Steve begins.
You sigh. “You wanna know about when I got arrested, huh?”
Steve purses his lips and nods. “You can say you don’t wanna talk about it if you want.”
“No, I guess it’s fine,” you pick at a crack in the table. “I… was stealing from Melvald’s. It was a shitty impulse decision and I shouldn’t have done it. But I just… Okay, so, you’re allowed to judge me for this if you want, but I smoke. Cigarettes. I ran out a couple weeks ago and I felt like absolute shit. I’ve been saving allowance money from my mom to buy another pack, but I forgot to bring it with me when I left the house. I already had the carton in my hand, so I just…” You shrug and put your head in your hands. “I didn’t even think. I just did it.”
Steve looks at you with his eyebrows raised. “Wow,” he says. “That’s… really heavy. I’m sorry.”
“I hope it doesn’t make you think of me any differently.”
He shakes his head. “No! No, no. I mean, I get it. I’ve done things I’m… not necessarily proud of, too. You don’t have to let your mistakes define you, or whatever.”
It’s exactly what you needed him to say.
Before long, your food comes. The two of you spend two hours talking over food -- telling stories, laughing at each other’s jokes. It’s amazing. It’s so much fun.
You want it to last forever.
Unfortunately, at around 9:30, you remember that you forgot to make dinner for your mom. You let Steve know you need to be home soon, and he seems disappointed, but he calls the waitress over to get the bill.
“I’ll be right back,” you say, pushing back from the table. “Bathroom.”
While you’re on your way into the bathroom, you bump into Hopper, who’s on his way out.
“Oh! Hi, Hopper!” You say, surprised, but not unpleasantly so.
“Hey, kid,” he says. “What’re you doin’ out so late on a weeknight?”
You grin. “I have a date.”
He arches a brow at you. “With who?” He looks past you into the diner, maybe trying to figure out which table you came from.
“Steve Harrington.”
His eyebrows climb up toward his hairline. “Really? Huh. Kid doesn’t really seem like your type.”
You shrug, feeling your face get warm and hoping it isn’t obvious in the lowlight of the hallway. “He’s cooler than he seems, I guess.”
Hopper hums. “Right. Well, have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” he pats you on the shoulder. 
As he leaves, you call, “I won’t!”
When Steve pulls into your driveway, he puts the car in park and keys the car off. Then, the two of you sit in silence for a moment.
Apparently, neither of you want the night to end.
“I’ll walk you to your door?” Steve says tentatively.
You nod.
He comes around and opens your door for you, offering a hand to help you up.
You lace your fingers with his, grinning cheekily.
The two of you walk up together, hand in hand, stopping in front of your door.
“So… Guess this is it, huh?” Steve says.
You bite your lip. “Hey, Steve?”
You lean in and kiss him on the cheek. He feels a warm flush bloom outward from the spot where your lips touched.
“I had fun tonight. I wanna do it again sometime. Call me?” You say. At first glance, you seem confident, but Steve can read the hopefulness in your eyes as easily as he feels his own.
“Yeah,” he says decisively. “Yeah, I’ll call you. Tomorrow?”
You grin. “Tomorrow sounds great.”
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okaybutlikeimagine · 4 years
Excerpt from this fic that’s taking me 5 million years to write bc I’ve forgotten how to write Billy properly???  my fic More Than a Crush
desc: Steve’s parents want to meet Billy bc Steve won’t shut up about him so they tell Steve to bring him to the Country Club gathering, and Billy’s not too thrilled about having to wear Polo clothes.
(this is just a scene and it’s def still “under construction” but I need to post something or I’m gonna have a breakdown so! Here we are, dears.)
For my lovely friend @okayshitbird ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Never in his life has Billy felt like this much of a dork.
Something about this feels like torture. Even though he knows he’s only surrounded by people who love him wholeheartedly, this still feels like a form of sadism. Billy thinks he might understand what those little toy poodles go through.
Because right now everyone is… cooing at him. Joyce has stood Billy in the hallway (where Jonathan said the lighting is probably best after she asked) and is currently attempting to work Jonathan’s camera to take pictures. Jonathan is right next to her, trying to show her the buttons to press and where to look when she wants to take a picture. Jim is standing behind them, deep chuckles clearly bubbling up in his chest and a smirk he can’t keep hidden smeared all over his face. Every now and then he makes eye contact with Billy and tries a little harder to keep his laughter down. Billy tries to find something to appreciate about it.
El is bouncing around in the back, giggling and pulling Will over to whisper to him. Will just shrugs, face red and laughter hidden in the corners of his smile. Billy knows he can’t get mad at them.
Jonathan though…
“Oh here, you just take it, honey.” Joyce concedes, handing the camera back over to her son with exasperation in her voice. Jonathan scrambles for the camera, hanging it around his neck before turning to Billy with a smirk on his face- a smirk that says: you’re never living this down. It’s in his raised eyebrow and all.
Billy’s gonna kill the boy.
“Say cheese.” Jonathan says with the smarmiest grin possible.
“I’ll kill you.” Billy says through gritted teeth, keeping his tone as sweet as possible. Jonathan laughs before taking the shot.
“Okay, okay, now I think we should get one over here! The wallpaper is nice over here.”
Jonathan is cackling now, mixing with the low rumbles of Hop’s laughter as they walk down the hallway. Will and El move out of the way, heading to the kitchen for something.
Billy’s teeth are still clenched tight.
“I’d really rather not.” Billy says with as little anger in his voice as he can muster.
“I know, I’m sorry, dear, just a few more pictures! It’s just, I have pictures of all the other kids all dressed up and you look so nice!” Joyce brings a hand up to replace a curl that’s slipped out of where Billy has attempted to grease them back. Everything she does is so maternal- it all has such a loving touch that it softens Billy instantly. “Just a couple more pictures? Is that okay, honey?”
It’s just them in the hallway now, the chatter of the other people in the house sounding distant enough that the irritation in Billy’s chest simmers down to just about nothing. It’s just him and this woman who somehow always makes him think about the good memories of his mother. Not even the tangible ones, but rather the fuzzy ones that crop up more as feelings than as pictures. It’s something he��s not sure he knows how to truly appreciate. It’s something he’s not sure he’ll ever get used to again. It’s warm. It makes this whole place seem a little more like home.
It also makes it a lot harder to say no.
Because there Joyce is, looking at him like he’s one of her children. Like he’s her son all dressed up for picture day. He’s not fully sure what to do with himself. Especially because she’s asking his permission. So few authority figures ever do that.
He sighs.
“Alright.” He says, giving her a tired smile when her eyes light up at his response.
He follows after her into the living room, exhausted just from existing in these stupid clothes, having to look at all of these stupid smiles laughing at him like he’s a clown. He feels like a clown.
They’d probably insist it’s out of love and care. He’d definitely beg to differ.
But he’s still standing there, chin tilted up and hands clasped behind his back, doing his best to puff his chest and broaden his shoulders to look as manly as possible… even though he’s dressed like a damn Easter egg.
“C’mon, son, give us a smile!” It’s Hop, humor dancing in his eyes. “Let us see those teeth!”
Billy’s teeth are still gritted, mirth and pain definitely visible in his eyes.
“I swear to God.” He mutters under his breath before allowing the corners of his mouth to tilt up into a smile.
“C’mon a little wider.” Jonathan says through a smirk.
“Just take the picture.” Billy says through his smile, followed by the click of the camera. 
Joyce fusses for a bit, moving over to the wall where all the kids have their pictures hung and trying to figure out the best place for Billy’s to go. Jonathan, still with that amused smirk on his face, wanders over to Billy.
“Hope you know how blackmail worthy these are.” Jonathan says with a glint in his eye. Billy makes sure to shoot daggers back.
“You better sleep with that camera under your pillow tonight, bud.” Billy says with sugar in his voice. He elbows Jonathan, who elbows him back, to which Billy responds with a harder hit.
The two are tussling about like a couple of kids before there’s a knock at the door.
Everyone stops at the sound, but when the bubble pops in the next second they’re all moving to answer it.
“I’ve got it!” Billy calls over the sound of them rushing to the door, taking long strides to push past them and get them away from the knob. “God, you’re a bunch of animals.” He chastises as he swings the door open.
On the other side of the door is Steve all dressed up in matching Easter colors. He’s looking down at his shoes, kicking a bit at the doorway in a nervous kind of gesture the second that Billy opens the door, and in the next he’s looking up with wide eyes.
He’s nervous why is he so nervous now I’m even more nervous oh God...
Billy squirms a bit where he stands.
Steve blinks hard. Billy doesn’t appreciate the silence, or the gathering of everyone behind his back that he can sense.
“Well? You got something to say, Bambi?” Billy’s foot is tapping incessantly. He can’t help it. He cracks all the knuckles on his left hand just by using his fingers. He’s nervous... and he swears he can feel everyone’s collective breath on his back.
Steve shakes himself out of his stupor.
“You look so good.” Steve nearly breathes it out. It kills Billy.
There are more than a few coos behind him, followed by a few amused chuckles. Billy’s face is currently burning red hot, but it’s not distracting enough to keep him from turning around and glaring at his family.
They’re all crowded together, doing their best to look at the scene in front of them without getting too close. They scatter.
Billy turns back to Steve, face still bright and hot. He absolutely hates the feeling, so much so that he can’t even think about wiping the scowl off his face.
“Yeah, whatever. You do too.” Billy feels sophomoric. Like a young girl who got asked to prom by a Senior guy. Like he’s waiting for his corsage or whatever. He feels so foolish
“Thanks.” Steve says, eyeing Billy up and down. “You slicked your hair back.”
Billy reaches up for it self-consciously. He feels that curl that fell out earlier and brushes it back.
“Yeah, what of it?”
“Why?” Steve asks, a little smile on his lips.
Billy’s not sure why he’s so irritated by the question, but he wants to believe the red on his face that he’s deeply sure is out of nervousness is actually red out of anger.
“I tried to look presentable. This is about impressing your parents, isn’t it?”
Billy’s trying not to snap, but it’s hard not to after being so strung up all week. It’s all he’s been able to think about is standing out in a field of flowers with a bunch of stuffy rich people.
Steve nods. His eyes turn softer, even though Billy’s close to barking.
A tiny shoulder is pressing into Billy’s arm then, shoving him out of the way with surprising strength.
“Hi Steve!” El says cheerfully, beaming her little smile up at the boy.
“Hi kiddo.” Steve says, smiling back just as bright. Billy shifts in place.
“Steve!” Joyce calls from inside the house. Steve and El turn to look at her, but Billy is staring at the stupidly nice shoes on his feet.
Nervous nervous way too nervous why am I so nervous please don’t ask him in...
“Won’t you come inside? I’ve got lemonade!”
Pictures she wants pictures don’t ask for pictures...
“I’d love to get a good picture of you both, too-”
Billy cuts in. He doesn’t feel too bad about it.
“We’re running late, already.” Billy says, loudly, to try to send a hint to this room full of people who can never seem to take one.
Billy still has his back facing the house, so he can’t see Joyce’s face. He figures it’s better this way, otherwise they’d be dragged into another photo session and Billy really cannot handle that right now. Not when his heart is trying to pack it’s bags and run away to the fucking city. He just looks up at Steve, shooting the boy his biggest, cry for help, ”please-have-my-back-here-babe” face that he can.
Steve takes the hint and gives a little nod.
“Yeah, we really are kind of late. My parents don’t like me being late to this stuff.” Steve shrugs. There’s more words on his tongue, Billy can see it. Steve kind of word-vomits when he starts talking about his parents and all the ways he seems to think he disappoints them. It makes Billy’s chest hurt more often than not. It ends in Billy kissing the guilt away more often than not.
“Of course, I don’t want you two being late!” There’s not a lot of disappointment in Joyce’s voice. Billy lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He leans himself against the doorway, facing the other side of the threshold’s frame.
“You can’t drive us?” El asks, looking up with puppy dog eyes that could pull at anyone’s heart.
“Nah, can’t today, kiddo. We have to be somewhere.” Steve says. It makes Billy think something so stupid he wouldn’t even admit it to himself.
Kids kids kids kids…
He pushes the thought away to briefly wonder why Jonathan can’t take them. Figures it’s something with Nancy. He’s not dressed yet and the kids seem antsy to be somewhere. He’s fine with his mind on that, on anything away from where he’s about to be headed.
“It’s okay, El, we can just take my bike.” Will says, suddenly showing up at the side of them.
The four of them push through the door, giving their respective goodbyes before Billy and Steve climb into Steve’s car and El crowds Will on the back of his bike. They make the bike look a little small, but they’ve done this before. It still makes Billy laugh a bit. Seeing the two giggle a little when Will loses his balance for a second lightens Billy’s heart.
“Ready to go?” Steve asks, like they didn’t rush out to the car to get going. Like they aren’t really late and like Steve didn’t really mean what he said about his parents, even though Billy knows he did.
Billy nods.
“Yeah, let’s just… do it.”
Steve nods for a little too long. He can’t get the keys in the ignition without fumbling a bit. They drive and Billy can’t even think about how much he dislikes the song currently playing.
He’s fidgeting still.
Nervous nervous so nervous why am I so nervous what the fuck is wrong with me-
“You nervous?” Steve asks around a bubble in his throat. He clears it with a cough after he speaks.
Billy snorts unattractively and pushes back his hair, even though the curl isn’t loose anymore. He reaches for the top of his button down, unbuttoning and rebuttoning because he needs to do something.
“No.” he lies through his teeth.
Steve gives a little sigh.
“Yeah, me too.”
It confuses Billy for a second.
“I’m nervous, too.” Steve says, voice a little shaky. Billy doesn’t know what to say. He feels appreciation bubble up inside of him that he tries to mask with irritation.
“I’m no-” His voice catches and immediately he’s mad about it. “I’m not.”
It sounds so stupid now that it’s out in the air. He looks out the window, like it’ll help the heat blooming on his face. He unbuttons the second button too.
Then there’s a hand taking hold of his left one. Billy looks at it, watches Steve’s thumb rub at the skin between his index and thumb. He looks up at Steve, who’s still got his eyes on the road.
“Thanks for… agreeing. I know it’s shit. Trust me, I don’t want to be going here either. But… it means a lot. And no matter what, I’m still your boyfriend, alright? I don’t care what anyone thinks.”
Billy’s eyes prick with tears. He’s not even sure why they’re there, but he blames it on how high strung he’s been all week. How pulled taut he’s felt since Steve brought this whole thing up. He’s just boiling over, that’s all.
Steve looks over at him, eyes getting soft and worry resting in his brow.
“Just drive, you idiot.” Billy mumbles, turning back to the window while grabbing firm hold of Steve’s hand.
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superw3nch · 4 years
dare to dream | Billy Hargrove
In which Billy Hargrove does the one thing he’s bad at; apologizing.
•a thing whose influence or effect is is perceived as contaminating or undesirable
Billy Hargrove has done a lot of shitty things.
A lot.
So it should come to the surprise of no one that his first week in a new town, he’s managed to piss off almost everyone. But the thing is there was this one person. And he wishes he could take it back. Start over. Just prove. He doesn’t know what he’d prove, just.
He just has to try to get her not to hate him.
Which he doesn’t even know why it matters, it shouldn’t一it didn’t. But then, he doesn’t know when exactly, but he started to care. Care what she thought of him and Billy never cares一never hasn’t for a long time.
But something about the look she’d give him in passing times, it was just a quick glance but. He thought there was only one person in this entire world who could look at him like that. Like he was the devil reincarnated and he just couldn't handle it.
One person was enough. He didn’t need, couldn’t handle two hating him that much.
Which is why he is here doing probably the stupidest thing he’s ever done in his entire life. He is going to apologize to Charlie Sinclair and he’s going to hope she even bothers to listen.
He combed a hair through his hair one last time, It shook. He was nervous and fuck when was the last time that happened? Nervous was new, he’s been scared sure too much maybe but nervous? He didn’t like it. Made his stomach feel queasy and his palm sweaty. Whatever.
Just do this. Do this and maybe. Maybe, he doesn’t know. But it has to be better than nothing.
He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.
It seemed chaos issued on the other side of the wooden door there were several voices shouting, loud but he couldn’t make out what was being said. Followed by thuds a lot of them then he heard the sound of the door knob turning. He put on his best warface一smile一 and he waited.
Only it wasn’t Charlie. Billy’s smile wavered as he looked down at the small girl who had just opened the door. She was young, younger than Max and he can’t remember the last time he’s been around a kid kid, ya know? Did Charlie have another sibling? Noone mentioned一
“Who the hell are you?”
Billy blinked.
Definitely her sister. The resemblance was uncanny now.
He recovered quickly, smile back in full force, but this kid didn’t even care. Of course she didn’t. “Um, actually I’m here for Charlie.” He stammered, the nerves were back.
She didn’t say anything for a minute, looked him up and down, scrutinizing him. Suddenly he was self conscious cause he thought he had worn one of his nicer shirts. But the look this kid was giving him made him feel entirely underdressed. She sighed once rolled her eyes, looked a lot like Charlie while doing it, and hollered.
“Charlie, your boyfriend is here!”
“I’m not一”
“How many times do I have to tell you Steve isn’t my boyfriend, twerp?”
If Billy thought this was a bad idea before the look Charlie was giving him, now made him wished he never stepped food on this stupid porch. As she approached him confused, truthly he still was too and he wanted to turn tail and run.
“Hi, Charlie.” He finally said and it all came out in one breath, which was annoying. But. It was something.
“Billy.” The smaller girl crossed her arms, leaned against the doorframe.
He gave her his best smile and she narrowed her eyes. He deserved that really. Could not blame her especially after what he did but it still. It made his chest tight. He swallowed once, his mouth was dry. Which was new.
“Look I’m not good at this,” He ranted. “In fact I have almost no idea what I’m doing but,” But. “I just need一” His mouth was so dry. “I wanted to一” Charlie raised an eyebrow and it was like his tongue swelled up to the size of a golf ball, he couldn’t talk if he wanted to. He scratched at his temple, breathed in once deep through his nose and tried again.
“Charlie, I wanted to say sorry.”
He couldn’t look at her when he said it cause whenever he tried it was like, like his brain short circuited. Her and her stupid eyes, and that stupid look that they only ever had just for him. It made him feel sick. Like he was this terrible, terrible thing and just tainting everything around him.
She didn’t say anything and he couldn’t一 was too scared to look at her face. Maybe he should just go. Maybe this was. This was just a mistake. Hopefully she would never bring this up to anyone ever and just stick to avoiding eachother in those stupid crowded halls.
“Why are you standing with my door open at night letting out the heat have you一oh.”
It was her Mom who had came to the door next. Vaguely Billy remembers meeting her that night, the same night Charlie pointed a shotgun at him, but seeing her again was different this time. Charlie looked a lot like her mom, he realised soft features, kind eyes though they were never directed at him.
“Billy, sweetie, what brings you here so late?” Her voice dripped with warmth he hadn’t heard in so long it gave him whiplash. Billy was opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water because this was just a lot.
Charlie turned to her mother. “He was just leaving, Mama.” Her hand was already on the door getting ready to close it on him. And he wanted to pretend like it didn’t hurt, but. It did. A lot.
“What?” Mrs. Sinclair frowned. “Already he just got here.”
Charlie looked visibly irritated. “Well he has things he needs to do,” She turned to him. Looked at him with those eyes. “Right Billy?”
Again, a fish out of fucking water. He couldn’t formulate a single conherate sentence for the life of him at this moment. And Charlie would stop looking. So.
“I'm not really doing一” Wrong. The wrong thing to say based on the glare Charlie sent his way but. “This,” He had to clear his throat. “Right now.”
Charlie rolled her eyes and her mother beamed. Smiled so bright he had to blink. When was the last time someone ever looked at him like that? “Good come on in then and I’ll fix you up a plate.” She already had a small hand on his shoulder guiding him in the doorway. “Take your shoes off at the door, hun.”
There were three bodies gathered around the dinner table, one being the small girl he had meant earlier. She raised an eyebrow at his appearance but other than that went back to her seat. And there was Lucas who looked scared to see him, why wouldn’t he?
He made an impression on that kid一 the wrong one. It was shitty and now he’s in his house so of course he’s scared at the sight of him. But. He maybe wanted to try and make, fix this.
Then there was Mr. Sinclair. He was a big man bigger than Billy. Had a mustache on his upper lip and Charlie’s smile. It was nice. They were nice.
“Not another one,” Mr. Sinclair frowned at the sight of Billy, but. It didn’t seem like he was mad. “Where does she keep finding all these boys?”
“Charles.” Mrs. Sinclair warned, slapping his arm on the way to the table and the man rolled his eyes. He turned to Billy and smiled.
“Nice to meetcha, Son.” He offered his hand and Billy took it. His grip was strong and his palms were not as sweaty anymore. Billy smiled. “Nice to meet you, Sir.”
And it was honestly. Charlie’s dad seemed great. Really nice.
Everyone was getting seated and the only open space was, of course, next to Charlie. So carefully he pulled back the chair and sat down making sure it wasn’t too close because truthfully he couldn’t handle being in her presence for long. Especially if she kept looking at him like she was trying to light him on fire, maybe she was.
The smell of the food hit him once his back hit the chair and it was heavenly. Susan cooks sure but most of the time he doesn’t eat with the family, not like this anyway, because he just can't be around Neil. But Susan’s food never smelt this good.
There were dishes of roast beef, green beans, and potatoes. Billy briefly wondered if this is how they ate every night. Something in his chest got tight at the thought.
“Looks great, Mrs. Sinclair.” He commented and the woman all but beamed at the compliment.
“When Charles says grace we can all dig in,” She grinned before sending a sharp look to her husband. Mr. Sinclair cleared his throat once, “Alright everyone join hands.”
BIlly took a deep breath and tentatively turned to Charlie. She wasn’t looking at him, thank god, but had her palm raised upwards, waiting. He took a deep breathe through his nose and took her hand.
Charlie’s hand was smaller than his, incredibly so. He never noticed maybe because last time he was this close to her he was wailing his fists into Steve Harrington’s face. And drugged with enough shit to knock out an elephant and hit in the head with the butt of her shotgun.
Now that he’s paying attention Charlie is a dainty little thing but she has so much fire in her it’s easy to forget.
Billy mumbled along to the prayer Mr. Sinclair said because truthfully he had no idea what he was saying.
Neil used to make them go to church but it never really stuck. He was never the religious type.
Because if there was really someone out there, some big omnipresent super powerful being, and he saw the shit that had happened— was happening to him. And didn’t so much as lift a finger? Then they were a piece of shit and wanted nothing to do with it.
Charlie’s grip on his hand free slacked and everyone raised their heads.
“Alright,” Mrs. Sinclair chimed. “Eat!”
Then life came back into the room, Billy couldn’t even think, as dishes were being passed his way. Just pile more food onto his plate and hope he had the room for it. It wasn’t till he got till the fourth dish, because Mrs. Sinclair had made a side of Cornbread he just had to try, that he finally had a moment to taste the food.
It was hard to put into words but basically, her food was fucking delicious. Susan could barely hold a candle to this, and from what he can remember, not even his mother’s food was this good. And that was saying a lot.
“So, Billy, how do you know Charlie?”
He had a mouthful of potatoes when Mr. Sinclair asked him. Ah, right. Small talk. He was good with parents so typically situations like these were no brainers but he could feel Charlie burning a hole in the side of his head. So.
“Uh, she was one of the first people I meant when I moved here.” Which wasn’t a lie really. That first week had been a blur of faces, parties, girls, and drinking, but he didn’t forget Charlie. Or her shotgun. “She and her friends helped me adjust to Hawkins.”
Charlie didn’t say anything and Lucas was just staring at him so it seemed like he said the right thing.
“And where’d you and your folks move from?”
“California sir,” He put a bit of roast into his mouth, and all but melted. “The transition was a lot for me and my step sister.”
Mrs. Sinclair raised one defined eyebrow. “You have a sister.”
“It’s Max, Mom.” Lucas said from his end of the table around a mouthful of food. That made the youngest sneer.
“You’re disgusting, Lucas.”
“Shut up, Erica.”
“You two have literally been arguing all day, please be quiet.”
Mr. Sinclair sighed. “Excuse them and their manners. Or lack there of really.” He gave Lucas a look and pointed at his mouth, sure enough bits of food were there and the young boy was wiping it with the back of his hand. “But you said Charlie and her friends helped you adjust?” Billy nodded once. “Do you know Steve then?”
Billy paused for a second not sure what to say. Like yeah I know the guy nearly knocked his head off his shoulders? Sure that’ll turn out well. Charlie snickered next to him and Lucas laughed.
“Yeah they know each other really well, Dad.” She quipped and sent him a look. “They play basketball together.”
He seemed to like that and Charlie glowered. “Oh looks like I’ll definitely have to get tickets to the next game then.” And for some reason that made Billy smile. It was nice maybe to be acknowledged.
From there it was smooth sailing.
Dinner went by quick, much too quick. He was actually having fun and Charlie’s parents seemed to actually like her. Not the Billy who puts on the façade to make parents like him, the normal one. Who really didn’t know what he was doing. It was just, nice.
Then before he knew it the table was being cleared and it was almost time for him to go. Charlie had been lingering in the kitchen, staying close enough while she did the dishes to hear the conversation between him and her father, but not enough to be brought into it. It stung. And it shouldn’t have.
“Well, Billy it was a pleasure having you,” Mr. Sinclair started. “I’d like to have you over again.”
“Yeah I’d love to—“ Behind her father Billy could see Charlie glaring at him from the kitchen. It made him freeze. “Uh, it was great, the food was delicious.”
Mrs. Sinclair smiled from her spot next to her husband. “Thank you dear it’s nice to have someone that actually appreciates my cooking.”
Charles seemed unphased and gave his wife a kiss on the cheek. “I’m off suge.”
She rolled her eyes. “To work on that piece of scape metal?” Her only response was a thumbs up as the large man made his way through to what Billy assumed was the garage. “Don’t be making noise all night, Charles!”
“Scarp metal?” Billy inquired.
Mrs. Sinclair huffed. “So beat up old car he’s been trying to fix up for a little over forever now.”
“I’m not trying to fix it up!” Billy could see where Charlie got it from now. “I am fixing it up!”
Billy couldn’t help himself. “What kinda car is it?”
The older man turned slowly towards him. Interested. “A 1978 Buick.”
“Not bad,” He hummed. “You know the model?”
“Electra 225.” He crossed his arms, a smile growing on his face. “You know cars?”
“A bit.” Neil didn’t pay or care about his car. That was all him. He saved up months worth of checks to get his camaro. “I drive a Chevrolet Camaro. Had to do tune ups myself.”
“Really?” He was smiling wide now. “Well I could use another set of hands in there.”
Billy tried not to smile and act like he wasn’t relieved he didn’t have to go home, but. Being around them this family it was just so refreshing compared to his cold home. Compared to Neil.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “I got some time to kill.”
They stayed out there in that garage for about an hour and a half. Would’ve stayed longer— wanted to stay longer. But Mrs. Sinclair had poked her head in and reminded Charles, he was allowed to call him Charles now, that it was a school night. So he had no choice but to go home.
It was just when he was wiping oil smears off his hands when Charlie finally walked into the garage. She had changed into pajamas which was just a big sweater that seemed to swallow her whole. But it made Billy glance at her for a moment longer than necessary cause she still found some way to look nice.
“Can I get a moment with him, Dad?”
Mr. Sinclair sent a look between both teenagers and had a hint of a frown on his lips. “Yeah,” he sighed. “I’ll just go get cleaned up.”
He kissed her forehead as he went. “Also don’t forget to take your meds.” He made a grunt like a sound of acknowledgment. “I’m being serious dad!” She called after he had long gone back into the house but at the point it had fallen on death ears.
Now he was alone with her.
Billy wiped his hands down once before closing the hood of the car. They had made some a lot of progress with the car. Turns out Charles wasn’t aware the engine was completely shot, so he would have to find some parts for that. Also brakes were bad and it needed née bulbs in all the headlights. But. It was manageable. Mostly.
“You’re an asshole you know,” She called, dragging him out of his thoughts. “Showing up here out of the blue with that shitty apology.”
“Look, Charlie—“
“You attacked my brother, Billy.” She hissed. “You damn near gave Steve a concussion. His face is still kinda of fucked up, ya know?”
He did know. Saw Steve everyday in the hallways at school and at practice. If he was in pain he didn’t show it, took the beating like a champ from what he remembers.
“I know what I did was messed up.” He had almost a death grip on the dirty rag. “Been thinking about it everyday since.”
“We had to tranq you because you were gonna kill him.” She reminded as if he wasn’t there. Looking back on it now he wishes he could take it all back. But Neil had just pushed him, and it was like he became a black hole. Going around and tainting everything he could that night. Everyone else had just been caught in the crossfire.
“That’s why I came here to apologize,” He was struggling to find the right words. “I just—“ Want you to stop looking at me like that. “I’m sorry for everything that happened that night, Charlie. If I could take it back I would.”
“You can’t.”
Her words stung like she had slapped him. But she was right. You can’t change the past no matter how damn hard you wanted to. It was set in stone. And she had no reason to accept his apology in the first place.
“My Dad seems to really like you,” Billy raised his head, their eyes meeting. The way she was looking at him. It was new. “I’m pretty sure he’s about to invite you back next weekend.”
“Why would he—“
Charlie rolled her eyes, “Because he finally has someone to help him with this stupid car.” Billy was still confused. “Erica likes dolls, I like guns, and Lucas is a nerd. Do the math.”
That was nice. Billy would definitely come back and help with this car. He would love to in fact. Anything to get him out the house, so he wouldn’t have to be around Neil. He’d jump at the chance.
That also mean more of Mrs. Sinclair’s cooking. Definitely could use more of that.
“Ok listen,” Charlie began. “You were a complete douchebag the last time I saw you and I don’t know what kind of holy revelation you had since then, but if I even get the slightest inkling that you’re back on your bullshit.” She poked one finger into his chest and it was like his whole body was vibrating. “Then that’s it. Over. I mean it, Hargrove.”
She was giving him a chance.
A smirk began to work its way onto his features. “Cross my heart.” He countered motioning an x over his chest. Charlie rolled her eyes and he smiled. “Promise. I won’t screw this up.”
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reignmyworld · 6 years
Only with you I feel complete - Roman Reigns x Reader
Summary: Roman and you had been a couple for quite some time when you start arguing once again since he feared that your best friend, a trainer at the WWE performance center, might win you over. You have enough of his accusations, your relationship shattering into thousands of pieces after a huge fight. But much to your displeasure Roman had been right after all, when you suddenly find yourself in a toxic affair with your best friend. When things turn terrible for you, it is Roman, that’s there to pick you up again. 
Note: That’s probably one of the first stories I had ever written and I’m certainly not too proud of it. It’s definitely not my best, I know that, but I didn’t want to delete it after all, so I decided to post it nevertheless, hoping that it’s not too bad in the end. ^.^
Warnings: angst, hurt, comfort, fluff, smut but nothing too explicit
Pairing: Roman Reigns x Reader
Tag List: @queenofthearchitect @trixdeee @calwitch @alexisbagans143 @the-queens-reign @mermaid-at-heart @taryn-dibiase @kingslayers-reign @scuzmunkie @vebner37 @nikora3010 @aria725 @ashhdaniellee95 @roman-hetfield @lustyromantic @i-dont-care-i-ship-it-69 @easyobsession @calicina @neganlangdon @laochbaineann
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You didn’t even want to think back, didn’t want to relive the last couple of months. It all started with a dumb fight you and Roman had one day after you returned home, having wrestled four days in a row. You had your fair share of arguments, primarily because both of you were rather emotional and impulsive, where one word tended to lead to another until you were arguing like there was no tomorrow. Usually you kind of could turn around before everything would crush and burn but on that special day several months ago, this just wasn’t an option.
You had worked for an indy wrestling promotion before, gaining quite some reputation there. When your best friend, that was a trainer at the WWE performance center, told you that WWE would give new talent a chance to prove what they were capable of, it didn’t take you long to take that chance and try your very best. You didn’t have to wait until the officials at WWE offered you a contract, that you just couldn’t decline. Your best friend took you under his wing once you arrived at the performance center, training with you day in and day out so you could make your debut as fast as possible. You basically had a dream career at WWE, not having to stick around NXT for too long until you got called up to the main roster, basically stunning everyone due to the rapid career you had during the short time you had been signed to WWE. Not only did your best friend prepare you for the ring, but he also introduced you to the wrestlers, that would train there on a regular basis.
It didn’t take long until you made your first friends, getting along with almost everybody, at least with those people you cared for. And it didn’t take long either until Roman and you realized, that there was more between the both of you than just pure friendship. You were hesitant at first as it was simply too terrible if you had to work with an ex boyfriend when things didn’t work out, having to spend so much time due to your schedules together. But somehow he convinced you that it was worth trying and you couldn’t deny that you enjoyed his presence, that you actually wanted to make it last. But there nevertheless was the problem with the both of you being rather impulsive, your emotions having the worst of you on a regular basis and even the tiniest things could result in fits of jealousy on both sides.
You loved him, you really did, but it wasn’t always easy to handle his jealousy, especially since you were too hot headed to just leave it be and would rather argue with him, driving him mad on a constant basis. Although Roman knew that Steve, your best friend, was one of the trainers and that you knew him for a much longer time than you knew Roman, and although he considered Steve one of his best friends as well, he nevertheless couldn’t wrap his head around the fact, that the both of you were so close. This tiny little voice in the back of his head always reminded him, that there was the danger of you and Steve becoming more, of things between you and your best friend getting steamy. And he was not tired of letting you know about that fear again and again, especially when you had trained with Steve for too long and Roman’s jealousy was getting in the way, causing you to argue for another time, leaving you annoyed as fuck because you had no idea how you should convince your boyfriend that he was the only one for you. That one day, where you returned home after having been on the road for four days, basically brought your relationship to an end.
Once you and Roman were entering the house, Roman exclaimed: "Home sweet home", before dropping his suitcases and theatrically pretending to kiss the floor. You couldn't help but laugh out loud at how much of an idiot your boyfriend was before you said: "I'm not quite sure whether I should be amused, impressed or scared by the child in you." Roman got up again, pulled you in his arms and answered. "You should probably just love it.“
"Oh don't worry I do" , you smiled before pressing a soft kiss on his lips with him responding to it. As you broke apart, he mumbled: „I love it whenever we return home, having some time for ourselves. And more than that I love you.“ He tucked one strain behind your ear, holding you close, smiling down at you as you locked eyes with his. „I love you too“, you whispered. Both of you agreed to spend a beautiful day and evening at home by ordering some delicious food from one of the best delivery services Tampa had to offer. You had a beautiful dinner before you both snuggled up in front of the TV in order to watch some cheesy movie, where you actually didn't really have today attention but just let the television program wash over you while you were occupied with one another more than the TV.
Suddenly your cellphone began ringing and you excused yourself before answering the call and leaving the living room while doing so to avoid Roman getting interrupted. A good 10 minutes later you returned, sat down next to him and said: „Honey, I think our relaxed evening has to wait until tomorrow. That was Steve. He wanted to know whether I could head over to him since he kind of needs someone to talk to, as he had just learned that his girlfriend had been cheating on him. He sounded really down and I just can’t ignore it. If you want to, you could just join me, tagging along. I guess it would help him to talk to you as well.“ Roman didn't seem to be too happy about that call or that offer. Sure, he was his friend too, but since you were with him and Roman thought he had seen Steve flirting with you one day or the other, he couldn't say, that he was too much of a fan of Steve anymore. And he made that clear by asking: "Do you really have to go? I mean you're not the only friend he has. There's actually a bunch around and he could call anyone. I'm not quite sure whether it has to be you." You tried to stay calm. It was obvious, that he was kind of jealous and he didn't want your evening to end like that, so you actually didn't mean to upset him. Therefore you just said: "Ro, Steve is the same for me like Kate is for you. He's my best friend and just as you would rush to Kate's side when she asked you to do it, so I will rush to his side when he needs someone around. Because that's what best friends do.“
"You can't compare the two of them." ,Roman frowned. "Why not?" ,you asked seriously confused. "You simply can't. They're way too different to be compared.", he answered. "I have no idea what you mean. I'm not comparing their personalities, I'm simply stating that what Kate is for you, Steve is for me.", you stated. "Besides the fact, that my best friend wouldn't hit on me, trying to get me into bed, wanting to fuck me." ,Roman exclaimed before he could stop himself. You crooked an eyebrow, asking: "What exactly was that?“
"Oh come on Y/N, I see how he looks at you. And I'm pretty sure, that he had tried something in the past when you were training with him or something like that. God knows whether there indeed has never been something between the two of you, but even if there was, that's your past. But I'm certainly not keen on watching how a guy, that fucks every girl in his reach - and we both know, that he has screwed more talent than we can count -, is hitting on my girlfriend. And it doesn't matter whether this guy is one of my friends as well or not. You know how he is, just sleeping around like he wants to, getting everyone he desires, just to drop them afterwards. I’m pretty sure that this whole „My girlfriend cheated on me“ is just an act. First, he had never mentioned her before and second I’m pretty sure even if she existed it wouldn’t concern him much, as this would give more freedom for himself“ ,Roman stated, although more as a matter of fact than in rage. You couldn't believe your ears. It was pretty obvious that he was jealous but that definitely didn't give him the right to basically accuse you, that there was a chance that you would be sleeping with Steve respectively him seducing you.  
"Just like you yourself, you mean?" ,you hissed at him with Roman shaking his head in frustration. "Are we at that again now? I have already told you that this is my past, that I can't change but that I myself have changed since I've met you. And I can't show you that more than by putting you on a pedestal, making it all just about you, pushing back my own desires. I mean we haven't even slept with each other until now...", he exclaimed his voice increasing with every word but before he could have ended his sentence, you already screamed at him: "Yes we are at that again if you start like that. And thank you for basically telling me right now how much of a burden it is for you to not have sex. Tell me, are you only together with me because you intent to fuck me someday and it's goodbye afterwards?“ 
He was right, you hadn’t slept with each other until now. Not because you wouldn’t have wanted it or wouldn’t have been attracted to him, but Roman was known for not saying „no“ while he was single and it was no big secret, that he would end up with a different girl in basically each different city they were touring in. Steve even warned you, that you should be careful, but you couldn’t help but be head over heels for Roman. The only thing you didn’t want to was ending up in bed with him right away, as this would have given you the impression of making it way too easy for him. You wanted to see for yourself that he wanted to be with you because he loved you and not because it would guarantee him fast and easy sex. And obviously he had more problems with that than you wanted to believe, otherwise he wouldn’t feel the need to point that out while arguing.  
Roman groaned out and shot right back at you: "I've never said that..." He couldn't believe how you just twisted his words just because you were too stubborn to let him finish his sentence. But you already talked yourself in rage and shouted back at him: "That's exactly what you fucking said. No one asked you to put me on a damn pedestal or have you ever heard me say something like that? But you know what? If that's what it's all about for you, just head back to your former sluts and find a bitch there to fuck.“ Roman was shocked to hear your words but he wasn't willing to break down in front of you that easily. He used his whole professional attitude he had to display whenever he had to cut a promo to put on an emotionless face, shooting you a deathly glare and shouted back at you just as loud as you were shouting at him: "You wouldn't care who I would be with and who I would fuck?" You snapped at him, your emotions having the worst of you: "Not in the slightest, as long as it's not me. Have fun, oh and use protection, I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't favor you spreading some diseases.“
With that you headed into the hall, grabbing your jacket and your suitcase, that you hadn't unpacked yet. You actually were pretty glad about that. Although you spent most of your time at Roman’s home when you had a few days off, you nevertheless still had your own apartment, that you couldn’t wait to head to. Roman came rushing after you, shouting: "Don't you dare leaving like that right now or I swear to god, if you step out of that house now, you don't have to return since it's over for good then." You shot him a nasty look before you wanted to know: "Is that a fucking threat or a fucking promise? Don't worry, you won't see me again.“ With that you just smashed his house keys, that he had given you, in front of his feet and headed for the front door. Before you were leaving the house, you turned round and said with an icy voice: „Don’t be too afraid, that you have to see me again, Reigns. Fortunately, there are two rosters and I’m pretty sure, that it won’t be too much of a problem to move to Smackdown, so I don’t have to see your sorry butt again.“ With that you just left the house and smashed the door behind you. "God fucking dammit" ,Roman screamed out in frustration, smashing his fist against the next best wall, ignoring the pain in his hand, before rushing for the door to clear things up with you. When he was calling your name, you were already getting into your car. The last thing he saw, was you flipping him the bird before you sped off.
You spent the next three hours with Steve, not mentioning what just had happened, but listening to him and how down he was with regard to his relationship failing. Although you found yourself in the same position, it really helped you to wrap your head around another relationship than your own. But when you left three hours later and headed home to your own apartment, your walls just came down. You threw your suitcase in the corner and threw yourself on your bed, not even caring to change clothes, while crying your eyes out over everything, that had happened before. A short glance at your cellphone told you, that Roman had tried to reach you through calls and messages but you deleted all of them without even wanting to know what he had to say. You were blocking his number before you threw your cellphone in the next best corner. Roman, however, still felt as if a ten ton truck had hit him. He could not understand how things had gotten so much out of control. He did love you and yes he was jealous of Steve but he knew him better than anyone else, he even dared to say that he knew him better than you did. Deep inside Steve was a good guy but he was also fucked up in many ways, ways you didn’t even know about. He surely would not hurt a woman on purpose but his fucked up ways had broken many hearts already. Roman knew he hadn't been a good example either with his sidekicks all over the country but Steve was a whole other level.
After a sleepless night Roman managed to find you. It wasn't hard given the fact you probably would be with the Steve. If Steve was surprised to see the Samoan standing in front of his door, he didn’t show it but rather asked him to come in. You hadn’t told your best friend what had happened but he obviously sensed, that something wasn’t right between you and Roman, hence why he even offered him to help out. You on the other hand were not willing to talk to Roman after what had happened the night before with regard to what he accused you of. You actually chose to speak through your best friend by letting him do the talking.
It hurt and upset Roman because Steve after all was the main reason for your fight more or less. "Five minutes baby, five minutes is all I want to speak to you in private. " Roman said, refusing to fill Steve in on any details. "No. Whatever you need to say you can say it in front of my best friend“, you said, crossing your arms in front of your chest. You knew exactly what you were doing to him and it was making things kind of worse. Roman took a deep breath, using all the self control he had, so he wouldn’t freak out again. He wanted to talk to you in private, he really did, but all in all he could not care less if Steve heard it too if that meant, that you would return to him.
„Ok fine. If you want the world to listen, then so be it. I love you baby girl, I really do. And I don't care if I have to wait for you forever….no, not just to have sex with you but in general. I know you don’t believe me, especially when taking my past into consideration, but I don’t belong to those guys, that strictly think with their dick, like other people around. And yes, I know that I had been dating a lot and that I had countless one night stands while I was single, yes I am guilty of that… BUT I never had 2 or 3 women at the same time, cheating on them just for the fun of it….and even if you don’t want to believe me now, I always clearly had my relationships in order contrary to other guys.“ He was shooting a meaningful look at Steve before he added: „And yes, I know that I can be a pretty jealous bastard and that I’m not making it easy for you most of the time - but who wouldn’t be? I love you Y/N and I can’t help it being absolutely jealous whenever I think about other guys hitting on you.“ Roman could see that Steve had jumped a bit when he mentioned multiple women at the same time as you obviously knew nothing about that.
"Are you done? I am getting hungry and tired of your bullshit" you groaned as you were not willing to forgive him. You had been at that stage way too often before and it simply was exhausting. Roman just shook his head as he painfully realized, that there was no use in talking to you. Obviously you wanted to be blind to the obvious. "I am out of here. Maybe, just maybe you will realize that I have been nothing but honest to you. Just be careful who you are willing to be together with and who you are giving your heart to.“ he said, indicating that you would fall for Steve eventually, before he left. He wouldn't break down in front of you, he would not give you that much pleasure. Steve turned to you, sighing: „Oh Y/N….are you sure that’s the right way? He was so open and honest" You groaned out loud. "The fuck he was. He was jealous of you, that’s all he was…. And he sure as hell won’t tell me not to meet my best friend again" ,you said, tears starting to form in your eyes. "Shhhhh its all good.“, Steve said, pulling you into a hug before he added: „How about we grab some comfort food and try to forget what had happened? You are with me for the day, I won’t leave you alone.“
You felt a bit better knowing that you could count on Steve. No matter how much it did hurt you, but Roman could gladly go fuck himself. During the whole time Steve showered you with attention and lots and lots of affection, making sure that you felt a bit better, not having to think about the Samoan and your broken relationship the whole time.  You had settled on the sofa with Steve in the comfort of his home. Your best friend was holding your hand and tried to cheer you up by telling you funny stories from what had happened during his training days at the WWE performance center, telling you stories about people, that you actually knew, but no matter how hard you tried, it was hard for you to focus.  "Hey sweetheart...no more tears“, Steve smiled at you, cupping your face. 
Damn, Reigns was right with one thing. Steve did have a crush on you but he had hidden it well over the years.  You looked at your best friend with big, teary eyes. "I cant help it" , you sighed, a huge sadness clouding your mind. A moment later, Steve had pressed his lips against yours and much to your own surprise, you didn't stop him. Steve gently stopped. „Sorry about that.“ ,he whispered but he wasn't sorry at all. "N-No....its all good.“ ,you mumbled as Steve grinned at you. „Good, cause I just wanted to make you feel good....you are so beautiful Y/N…I hope you know that" ,he mumbled and attacked your lips with his again. In the back of your head you knew that this wasn’t right, that you should stop him. But you were way too confused after all that had happened, after your relationship ending the day before. Of course, you loved Roman but you just couldn’t deal with his jealousy any longer, so breaking things up with him, seemed to be the only option you had, as you were not willing to give up your best friend. And now that you were single, you basically could do whatever the hell you wanted to do. As you focused on Steve, you had to admit that he was a great kisser and you could feel how instantly aroused you were although you shouldn’t have been.
Steve gently kissed your neck and grabbed your breasts through your shirt. You groaned at the sudden sensation, you didn't care that this was your best friend instead of the man, that still had your heart and you didn't care either that Roman  - in the end - had been right. Steve helped you out of your shirt and ripped your bra open. Hungrily he took your breast in his mouth, sucking hard on your nipples, squeezing them rather roughly while grinding his groin against you. You were gasping out loud, reaching for his jeans, opening them hastily, not caring that you basically skipped on all of the foreplay. Steve opened yours too and pulled them down. He fished a condom out of his pants, hurriedly put it on and within moments he was fucking you on the goddamn sofa without a lot of tenderness. "Fuck me!" , you gritted through your teeth and Steve did as you told him. „I’m going to fuck you like you had never been fucked before" ,he groaned and hungrily pressed his lips against yours while he fucked you harder than before. Out of the blue you suddenly saw Roman’s face in front of your eyes and you immediately felt even more guilty, but you tried to get rid off any thoughts about him, locking them up in the back of your mind and focusing on the here and now. That day was only the the beginning of a very heated affair, that you were sliding into. You were confused in some ways as Steve was your best friend but he never forced a label on it, as he just said: "I am here for you Y/N.“  That was something you could get used to at the moment as you didn’t want to be anything right now. You didn't want to think of Roman or anything else. And Steve was a wonderful friend, who listened to you if you needed it and fucked you if you wanted him to. Did it feel right? Of course not. Were you trapped in that vicious circle, spiraling down further? Absolutely. 
You spent many nights and days in bed just screwing each other and  although you would have never expected it, you felt that this was doing you good - that it was what you needed right now, no commitments, no feelings. It helped you to push your failed relationship to the back of your mind, made you kind of numb during the time Steve was fucking you that your heart was actually aching for Roman, even after all the jealousy fits he had. It just helped you to somehow forget even if it was on a pure physical basis, but you gladly accepted, that Steve’s entire attention was on you. It just felt so damn good. 
Just like you had told Roman when you left, you had spoken to officials pretty soon, that advised creative that they should write a storyline that would make it possible for you to tour with the Smackdown roster instead of the RAW roster, and you felt how relieving it was not seeing Roman on tour. Of course, there were the dual brand PPVs, that you couldn’t skip and that you potentially had the risk of running into your ex-boyfriend but you didn’t want to think of those as long as the time for them hadn’t come.
Nevertheless, it was one of those days where both of the brands had to wrestle in the same city at the same location. You were lucky enough, that you were able to avoid Roman, you actually didn’t even see him although you knew that he was there. But as you were done rather early and his match was set for the main event, you headed to the hotel room, that you shared with Steve, who had tagged along. He convinced you to go to a party, that was supposed to happen in one of the city’s most famous clubs and although you didn’t want to go, you eventually agreed to do so since you were kind of attached at the hip. In addition to that, you knew that you might end up leaving early anyways.
You decided to wear a tight black dress fitting high heels and yes, you were aware that you were looking absolutely stunning. Steve decided to wear all black as well, including a leather jacket. You couldn’t help but notice that the jacket would have looked so much better on Roman, but you instantly banned that thought to the back of your head. As soon as you arrived at the club, you saw that the press was there as well. You being one of the most famous and beloved WWE superstars they of course were curious about you and Steve as they knew, that you had been with Roman before. Your break up has made it to the tabloids of course. They kept asking you whom you were here with but neither you nor Steve were willing to answer their questions. 
Once you were in the club, Steve got you a drink, searching for a rather secluded area, where he sat down, pulling you on his lap and hungrily kissing you. "Stop working on my dress, we only just got here" you whispered, pinching his side as Steve grinned, winking at you and saying "OK.....but later I can’t wait to get you out of it.“ With that he kissed you again.
In that moment Roman passed your table, nearly dropping his drink. He should have known, should have been aware that he, Dean and Seth wouldn’t be the only WWE superstars hitting the clubs after the PPV. But out of all people he actually thought least that he would see you around. Contrary to you, Roman had been avoiding the presence of the other gender ever since you broke up with him. He still loved you and although there once was a time where he got a high out of fucking around, he knew that it wouldn’t help to numb his feelings by sleeping with multiple women. And he sure as hell was not ready to head into a new relationship as long as he still had the hope, that you and him would find your way back together. But right now he painfully realized, that you obviously had no problems forgetting about him and moving on. It was like a slap in his face to see you on Steve’s lap while you were French kissing him… Roman hated to have the proof that he had been right after all! As you broke the kiss, you happened to turn around, looking into the crowd as you felt as if someone was staring at you. You stopped in your tracks  when you saw Roman, who just shook his head, his face a mask of anger and hurt, before he headed over to Dean and Seth. You couldn’t help but feel guilty right away.
"What the fuck is she doing? Has she become Steve’s slut now?" ,Roman spat out as soon as he was with Seth and Dean. He was fuming as he was talking to his friends in a private room. "Calm down" , Seth said softly, trying to ease the situation. „It’s not worth it. She clearly doesn't want a relationship“, he said as Roman answered: “ At least not with me as it seems. She seems to have no problem being with that wanker. I know that it’s not worth raging, but it fucking hurts. That woman has my heart, I want to have her by my side and knowing that she obviously fell for that bastard, that he’s fucking the woman I love, fucking hurts. I would love to rip him to pieces.“ It was obvious, that Roman had a hard time controlling himself and his Shield brothers knew, that they had to get him out of here before he would do something, that he would regret in the end. They talked to him, tried to calm him down and at some point they were successful enough to convince him, that he should leave with them, avoiding to pass you again while doing so.
As shaken as you were from seeing Roman, you nevertheless followed Steve to your hotel room. Although him fucking you usually worked wonders to numb you, tonight no sex in the world could get Roman's hurt look out of your mind. "Sweetheart.....are you okay?" ,Steve wanted to know as he rolled off of you. "I am sorry… I’m just confused I guess“, you sighed as you didn’t want to fill him in on your thoughts. Obviously he hadn’t seen Roman, didn’t know that he was there. But seeing the man you still loved, seeing on his face how much your actions hurt him, made you realize how much you missed him, what you actually had given up since you were too stubborn to hear him out, were not willing enough to accept his jealousy and made the best out of it. Of course, screwing your best friend helped you to forget about Roman temporarily, but the more time passed, you had to admit that it became harder and harder to numb yourself that way. Steve kissed you and got up, leaving you alone in his bed.  "Its okay. I have a surprise for you" he smiled and handed you a glass of champagne. „Here, have a sip beautiful" ,he smiled and you did what he had told you.
Naked as Steve was, he stood in front of you, smiling brightly at you as he said: "Now here comes the surprise" He went to open the door as there had been a slight knocking at the hotel room.  Two women your age came in, both dressed in short little dresses. Steve kissed both of them and guided them inside. „Y/N, that's Amber and Holly. " he said as you just stared at the three of them. You could’t believe your eyes, couldn’t make any sense of it. "What are they doing here?" ,you wanted to know, pulling the blanket over you, covering your naked body in front of the visitors, that you had never seen before. Steve smiled brightly at you as he told you:  "They are your surprise, sweetheart. They are going to join us"  You crooked an eyebrow, wanting to know: "Join us in what?“ You were way too shocked to make any sense of what he was saying. "In bed Y/N…what else?“, Steve answered amused, before he added: "Have you ever had sex with a woman? They can eat you out, while I take you from behind.“ He was obviously absolutely hyped for this idea and he obviously expected you to feel the same. "I am sure that will take your mind off things, will help you to forget about Roman. I’m not dumb Y/N, I know that he’s still occupying your mind.“ he stated and as if he wanted to demonstrate his plan to you, he started making out with Amber.
You felt absolutely shocked. Steve wanted a foursome with you to keep your mind off things? Sex was ok but definitely not with two other people, you didn’t swing that way, and even if you did, you would have never been content with someone presenting you with a bunch of random people, that should join you for fast sex. If that was something you would be fine with, you at least would have wanted to have a say in that matter. You shook your head as you got out of the bed, grabbing your stuff. „Steve I am out...this is not something I want“, you stated and for a moment you again had to think of Roman. He would have never done something like that to you. You finally understood what he meant with his cryptic reply, that he at least never had two or three at the same time. At first you just thought it would have been a scenario of having two sidechicks while being in a relationship but now you realized that one of Steve’s kinks obviously was having sex with several people at the same time, that Roman tried to warn you about. Steve didn’t seem to understand the fuss, but he at least didn’t try to hold you back.
As you left the hotel room, after having grabbed your suitcase after getting dressed, you had no idea where you should head to. After all you had shared your room with Steve but going back again, was certainly no option. Not now, that he was wrapped up in his threesome. You felt terrible, couldn’t help that your thoughts travelled back to Roman and how he would have never seen you as meat, he could share with other people. To say, that you were disappointed in your best friend was an understatement and to say that you missed the man you loved didn’t even nearly express how you felt. You couldn’t even stop your tears from falling down. You never would have expected it to hurt so bad and with all that time, that had passed, you knew that breaking up with Roman just because he was beyond jealous was stupid, as he had his reasons, that you only now realized. But back than his jealousy was simply toxic.
You could barely see where you were heading to since your tears clouded your vision. As you crashed into someone, you heard a familiar deep voice ask: „I’m sorry. Are you…?“ Roman stopped mid- sentence as he realized who he had run into. And he could clearly see, that you wanted to be anywhere else but here either, judging from your body language. He automatically thought back to the incident in the club before and anger started boiling inside of him again. Before he could stop himself, he barked: „Shouldn’t you be with Steve right now? You indeed seemed to be very heated, almost not being able to keep your hands from each other. It wouldn’t have surprised me if he fucked you right there in the middle of the club.“ You knew, that it was hurt speaking from him and you knew, that he was right, but you were in a state of mind, where you didn’t want to think about it rationally, didn’t want to accept, that he had the right to be hurt. You felt terrible, felt guilty and most of all you felt used, although you knew that the thing between you and Steve only could be described as friends with benefits. But him expecting you, that you would agree to a foursome, that you would let some random woman lick you while he found pleasure in fucking you, gave you the bitter feeling of being nothing else but an object. And you hated yourself, that you had taken that path, that you had turned your back on the man, that always treated you with respect and love, the man, that was standing in front of you now, reminding you of all the mistakes you made. 
Before you could stop yourself, you slapped him right across his face, hissing: „I don’t need you to make me aware of my mistakes. I’m pretty good at figuring them out myself. So how about you just shut it with regard to things you have no idea about.“ He wanted to snap back, wanted to pay you back for what you had done to him, but he realized in what state of mind you were and what you had just said. And he didn’t really need to count two and two together to know that things didn’t go to plan. He saw the tears streaming down your face, saw the suitcase you were pulling after you and suddenly his anger vanished, compassion taking over. „You have finally seen for yourself what kind of guy he is, haven’t you? I tried to warn you, I really did. But you didn’t want to listen.“, he said, his voice calm and soothing as he looked down at you, his dark brown eyes full of compassion. You had no idea whether it were his words that couldn’t be truer, whether it was the compassion he was staring at you with or whether it was the fact, that your heart was heavier than ever before while facing him. It hit you what you had lost, hit you how much you loved the man in front of you, hit you how you had betrayed him although you didn’t cheat on him since your affair with Steve only started after you had broken up with Roman. It hit you, that you were in a relationship with a man, that loved you to the moon and back, that would have done anything for you, that treated you with respect and that you had thrown away all of this because of a stupid argument, that even wasn’t worth fighting over if you looked back at it now.
Roman didn’t know why he was doing what he was about to do, but no matter how hurt he was, no matter how he had tried to forget you, his heart belonged to you. And he simply couldn’t see you as desperate as you were in that moment. He pushed everything else in his mind aside, and pulled you closer, hugging you tightly to his body until your face was buried in his chest. He expected you to push him away, to tell him that he should fuck off, but none of that happened. Instead you were crossing your arms behind his back, clinging onto him like he was a safe haven, like he was the only person that could make it alright, and if you were honest, he was. You didn’t want to let go of him, crying against his chest while he held you close, gently stroking over your hair like he had done so often before… It made you feel safe. You knew, that it was egoistical, letting him calm you although it should have been the other way round but you were too weak right now to tell him that you were sorry for everything that had happened, that you would turn back time and talk things over with him if you could. You wanted to let him know that Steve fucking you meant nothing but the sheer physical act of it and that it was him your heart was aching for, him you wanted to have by your side, but you couldn’t say any of those things. Your sobbing prevented you from doing so as you felt his strong arms shelter you from your surroundings.
You didn’t even know how long you stood there like this but as soon as you had calmed down enough so you were able to get out whole sentences, Roman wanted to know what had happened. You felt guilty of filling him in, but he deserved an answer. You told him about anything, told him about your affair, told him how much you regretted it and how much you missed him, told him how much you loved him and told him what had happened just a couple of minutes ago. You could see that Roman was torn; he felt hurt as he finally knew the truth about you and Steve, he felt relief as soon as he heard that you still loved him and that you missed him, he felt compassion as he never wanted to see you like that and he felt pure anger as to what Steve had expected from you. He couldn’t leave you alone, couldn’t send you away after your breakdown so he offered that you could stay the night in his hotel room. You didn’t want to, didn’t want to take his generosity for granted, didn’t want him to take you in after all the hurt you had caused to him, but eventually he convinced you, that it would be alright, that he wouldn’t offer it if he didn’t mean it. Eventually, you accepted his offer and although it was strange at first, you pretty fast adjusted to his presence again.
As the following weeks passed Roman and you were talking things over, talking about anything, that had happened. And both of you eventually agreed that you wanted to try it again. There was no doubt, that he loved you just as much as you loved him and no matter how much it pained him to know that you had been with Steve, he always reminded himself, that you were enjoying your single life, that you were not cheating on him but took advantage of your status, something he could have done as well but didn’t feel like doing. Having you back by his side was anything he ever asked for and although it had been rather tricky at first since you were touring with the Smackdown roster while he was still with the RAW one, officials agreed to transfer you back after you had talked to them, explaining anything to them although you felt terrible why doing so.
It was two months later when your schedule sent you to Tokyo to wrestle a show there. Roman and you had found back to your old selfs, although you were sure, that he could never completely forget about the time you shared with Steve although you wanted nothing more but to erase it from your memory. It felt good being together with him again, starting your relationship anew and you were quite determined to make it last this time. It was after the event when you, Roman,  Seth, Dean, Sasha, Natalya, Nia and a couple of other wrestlers decided to head to a restaurant and basically have a rather quiet end to an eventful evening. You didn’t know how much time you had spent there, but somehow around midnight you decided to call it a day and while everyone was already heading back to the hotel, you and Roman decided to go on a little walk through the city, letting the Japanese culture surround and captivate you. Hand in hand you were walking around way past midnight when you finally decided, that it would be time for you to head back to the hotel as well.
Once you reached your hotel room you wrapped your hands around Roman's neck and mumbled: "Thank you so much for that beautiful evening and for keeping me company while we were meeting up with our friends. I really appreciate that and I can't thank you enough for that." With that you tiptoed and placed a soft kiss on his lips while Roman was pulling you tighter towards his body. He smiled down at you and said: "You're very welcome and anytime. Especially now that you're going home with me and no one else.“
You couldn't help but instantly feel guilty again. You just felt the urge to reassure him once again, that your best friend meant nothing else to you than being that - your best friend, after all you had talked things over and returned to that status. You took a deep breath before saying: "Ro, I'm really sorry for everything that had happened that evening. Breaking up with you, running away, sleeping with Steve, the whole deal. If I could turn back time I would do so right away." Roman was holding you close to him, of course your words still hurt him somehow, but hearing how much you regretted your actions showed him, that he indeed meant a lot to you. Still there were some questions burning on his mind and he decided that he could ask them now as well as later. "Don't worry about that now, baby girl. It's okay. I just want to know a few things. Of course, you don’t have to answer but…" , Roman quietly said.
You gulped hard but after all that had happened and after giving you another chance although you had ripped his heart into pieces, that was the least you could do. You just nodded your head and answered: "Sure just ask right away." Roman arranged his thoughts as he had avoided talking with you about this whole topic in more detail in the past but he just needed to know it, hence why he asked: "How often have you been with him?" with you answering honestly: "Quite some time over the course of a couple of weeks." Roman already feared that but hearing it didn't make it any easier. He just wanted to get it over with by asking: "Have you found with him what you were looking for? Did you love him?" You shook your head before responding to his question: "No I did not love him. I mean I love him as my best friend but nothing else. I've never felt anything else for him. There's only one person I love and that person is you, Ro. And no, I have not found what I was looking for. Simply because everything I actually needed I had left behind the night when I left you. He just kept my mind off by fucking me. It was just the pure act, nothing else. What I am looking for is everything you are so generously offering to me and I can never undo what I have done. And I know damn well that I actually don't deserve your love at all.“
Before you could say another word Roman was capturing your lips in a soft kiss before mumbling: „You do deserve every piece of it. Thank you for being so honest." With that he captured your lips in a gentle kiss again, that grew more and more passionately as minutes passed by. He slowly opened the zipper of your dress, gently stroking his fingertips over your back, not even thinking about sleeping with you right now, but just to be as near to you as somehow possible. You let out a quiet moan before you helped him, throwing your dress on the floor and stepping out of it. He was pulling you closer to his body once again, kissing you with passion before gently sucking on your neck while you brought your hands on his waist, gently caressing the sensitive skin there before guiding your hands up his back, removing his shirt in one smooth move before kissing him again. 
He backed you up against the bed with you crawling on it once you had reached it, pulling Roman with you. When you were finally laying there, Roman slightly hovered over you, his tongue softly touching your lips, begging for entrance, that you happily granted and soon your tongues were intervened in a slow tango. You could feel, that he was pretty aroused and yet he didn't try to get you fully undressed or anything like that. Just like in the past he wouldn't force anything that you did not want. Your heart instantly skipped a beat, when you finally realized, that this was exactly what you needed and what made you feel complete. You needed his tenderness, his love and the respect he was treating you with and not the fast and rough fucking you had going on with Steve - although you had no doubts that Roman was capable of taking you as rough as you needed him to if you asked him accordingly.
Roman's hand gently caressed the skin of your hips and your waist, his hand slowly tracing up its way to your breasts until he finally cupped one of them and squeezed it gently, making you moan in pleasure. He slowly traced down little kisses your jawline, your neck as well as your breasts and his hot breath, that you felt through the fabric made you shiver in anticipation. You gently pulled his head back up, kissed him once again and whispered in his ear: "Sleep with me, Ro." He locked eyes with you, wanting to know: "Are you sure about that? We don’t have to." You smiled at his tenderness and mumbled: "Yes I am sure and I know that we don't have to but I want to be as close to you as I possibly can." Roman didn't need to hear that twice and within seconds, he fully undressed you with his own clothes following your pile on the floor just moments after. You could clearly see how turned on he was and although that little voice in your head was still debating whether this was a good idea it was silenced pretty effectively with Roman sucking on your breasts while his fingers gently caressed your warm, wet folds, rubbing circles over your clit before he gently inserted one of his long fingers into you, before adding a second one shortly after finding his own rhythm, making you moan out once again as they were moving in and out of you in just the perfect rhythm.
Before your orgasm could reach you, you grabbed his hand, removing it carefully, already missing the feeling of his fingers filling you, whispering quietly: "Don't get me wrong baby, I really enjoy the magic you are working with your fingers, but when I come, I want to have you buried deep inside of me." With that you kissed him again, gently stroking his length, drawing a deep groan from his lips. As soon as you broke apart, Roman mumbled: "Let me just grab a condom and I will gladly give you what you want." But you shook your head no, saying: „Don't even think about getting a damn rubber between us. I'm on birth control and I want to feel you, every little piece of you." When hearing that, he kissed you passionately, groaning: "You have no idea how hot that was." He sucked gently on your neck and you were sure, that there would be more that one hickey you would have to cover during your match the next day. His fingertips were trailing over your body, sending shivers down your spine as they left your own juices all over you before he playfully pinched one of your nipples. You threw your head back in pleasure, not even caring, that you were moaning out his name louder than you should have given the time. Your fingernails scratched over his arms and you wished that you could always feel his weight on top of you. You tucked on his hair, causing him to look at you with an crooked eyebrow. You held his gaze as you whispered: „Please don’t drag it out for any longer. Just fuck me.“ 
Roman was giving you another passionate kiss as he carefully positioned himself in front of you and with a last questioning look he was asking for your reassurance, asking you whether you really meant what you had been asking him for. You just gently took his shaft and guided him to your entrance while he inserted into you bit by bit until he was filling you up completely, his dick touching your walls, that immediately clenched around it. Both of you didn't dare to move for what felt like an eternity, before Roman started to rock back and forth, pushing into you, only to pull out again, finding the rhythm, that both of you enjoyed, while you were moaning out in pleasure. From time to time he left you completely, leaving you empty as soon as he did so. But every time he inserted himself into you again, shivers were running down your spine as you were anticipating that he would fill you anew.
This was what making love felt like contrary to the animalistic fucking Steve had to offer. You were passionately kissing him, scratching over his back with your fingernails, whispering: "Feel free to pick up a faster pace." Roman didn't need to be told twice and with all of his skill and experience he slowly fucked you, changing between faster and harder as well as slower and more gentle thrusts. You had no idea how long he was ponding into you, you didn’t even feel like trying different positions as this here just felt perfect the way it was. You held onto his body as he was pushing inside of you and with an increased pressure you were pushing your hand down on his butt, telling him to go faster and deeper. He ponded into you with more force, making you scream out in ecstasy. You couldn’t describe how much you loved that man, couldn’t describe how complete you felt being so close to him. 
You realized, that his thrusts became sloppier with each passing minute and you knew, that he was close to cum into you, just like you were close to explode all around his dick as well. He continued ponding into you for quite some time until you reached a sweet orgasm with him shooting his load into you just seconds afterwards. You both remained like that for a few more moments, neither of you willing to let that intimacy go, but Roman eventually pulled out of you, rolled off of you and immediately pulled you into his arms while gently kissing you, mumbling: "I love you baby girl, I really do." You smiled up at him and responded: "I love you as well, Ro. And thank you for being so gentle with me." 
You thought about it for a second, before you wanted to know: "I have been honest to you. Do you think that you can be honest with me as well?" He was gently stroking your arm, smiling down at you, saying: „Sure anytime. What do you want to know?" You just needed to know. Of course it wouldn't change anything between you but you just wanted to know whether you had guessed right. "I have slept with my best friend, what about you? Have you and Kate had sex in the past?", you asked him bluntly. Roman chuckled, asking: "And I really have to be completely honest now?" When he saw you nodding your head, he placed a small kiss on your forehead, answering: "We had, yes. But just like with you and Steve, it was nothing more than sex between best friends for me and her. No deeper feelings and something was missing. Something that i have found with you now." You were smiling up at him happily, kissing him once again with all the love you felt for him and just minutes later both of you dozed off, fully aware, that you had been given another chance and both of you were determined to make it work this time. And none of you were willing to let anything or anyone destroy your relationship ever again as only with one another you felt complete. 
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littlelolay · 6 years
A/N: Hello fellow readers, this is a part two of chapter 3. I know it revolves around more on the reader, but I'd like everyone to have an insight of our fellow avengers about our reader. Just a little snippet. Hopefully, this will help decide on who to partner our reader with! Any suggestions? Send them through asks! Thank you for reading!
This chapter doesn't include reader's thoughts or anything, mostly what the team thought about her. I know Bruce Banner isn't here, but he'll appear soon enough. I hadn't really thought this was worthy to be considered as a chapter itself, so that's why it's just a part two of chapter 3 because it's mostly thoughts. 
I know most of them have this certain pull towards our reader but I'll be able to explain that in one of the next few chapters, I won't be giving out anything just yet. But feel free to draw up your own conclusions, let me know what you think.
Anyway, moving onnn! 
PAIRINGS: reader x ???? 
H/C: Hair Color
Everything was just going so fast. Honestly, I didn't know who had reacted first or even at all. From the moment that Strange's sister had entered the room to when she flung him across as if Strange was some kind of teddy bear to her dropping into Steve's arms unconscious. It was too fast. I was honestly just staying in the shadows, watching everything unfold– there wasn't any time to react. My feet felt like they were stuck to the floors.
Going back to Y/N's first arrival, I have to say I was impressed at how she had handled herself. Of course, I knew it was all an act. There was something about her that pulled me in. No, Buck. Stop it. 
When she faced the team, she held her ground. Not showing any emotions, despite probably feeling fear. What is with people these days and capes though? My eyes were glued, to be honest. Not just because of her outfit, please– I'm not like that. Or her H/C flowing along her every movement. Okay, honestly. I just– don't know, I can't exactly put my finger on it. There was just something about her that was so alluring. So captivating. 
And when she was in rage, somehow I felt the pain radiating from her. Was that weird? Possible? It probably is, or I'm just thinking too much into this. I even felt the room shake a little from her outburst, maybe she was dangerous. Or maybe, I'm just imagining things. But as she collapsed into Steve's arms, I was actually worried for her. It was a lot to take in. I ignored the protests from the disapproving Clint Barton, he just couldn't understand. He should understand. 
She needed protection. 
A safe haven. 
Because once her vulnerable state gets manipulated by the wrong hands, then that's when we should start getting worried about her being dangerous. Because there's no going back from there. 
All eyes on Capt. when he returns from sending an unconscious Y/N Strange into her room. Am I the only one thinking that this could backfire on us? Should I have felt bad when the sob story came pouring out from Strange's mouth? No, she was a danger but no one could understand that. 
"We need to discuss this." I announced, grabbing the attention from everyone. Nat just shakes her head. "What?"
"What's there to discuss, Clint?" Nat asked, her brows furrowing. 
"That she's a danger to everyone here! It isn't safe, not for us or the world!" I said as I slammed my fist down onto the table. 
Steve begins his approach and I shook my head, already knowing what their choice was. "We protect our own."
"Our own!?" I scoffed in disbelief and irritation, "She's not one of us, tell them Stark."
"She's Strange's family, Barton..." Tony trailed off, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck awkwardly, "And he's helped us through a lot, we have to help them." 
"Maybe we think this through, yes?" Wanda spoke slowly, "It's true, that it's going to be dangerous, or that she's dangerous but we've faced worst..."
Her brother instantly agreed with her as he nodded, "She's clearly scared and her life was just turned upside down, have a little compassion old man."
I just stare at them, obviously this was a battle I was going to lose. I shook my head, they had their valid points but they weren't thinking about safety. Not a single plan being discussed, not wanting to press the buttons of a girl that got her whole life turned upside down. Giving them one last look and a shake of my head, I stalked out of the room– wanting to cool myself down before I say anything I might regret. 
From the moment she barged in, I was captivated– intrigued. As anger consumed her, you can feel the energy radiating off of her. She is clearly capable of being powerful. As I watched her angered self unfold before me, it was obvious that she had not unlocked her inner Kree yet. The power she had by throwing her brother across the room was remarkable and with enough practice and knowledge of the matter, she would be able to beat even Thor himself. 
I listened disapprovingly at Clint Barton's protests, of course he would think she was a danger to them. Of course, the hell she is! She can be a strong warrior, that I know for sure. He was scared– probably because I've given him a reason to be wary of such new comers that have certain abilities. He was right about Y/N being dangerous. Like I said, she is powerful– but right now she was in a vulnerable state with her life being turned upside down. They were clearly in danger if the Kree were after her, we could be running out of time already but pushing Y/N would be the wrong move. She could pull back and everything would be ruined. 
I need to discuss this with my brother, as it is obvious that none of the members of the team would bother listening to me. Though, with my knowledge of the Kree race– I would be able to try and reach out to Y/N more than the others. 
I couldn't help but watch as she gets carried away by the Captain himself– I would have offered but clearly that wasn't an option. The team was still clearly wary of my presence. I must find a way though. 
There was something about her that made me frustrated, I have never really cared for someone. Much less a Midgardian or a Kree. Maybe, I'm getting myself pulled because of her situation– something similar to mine. No, don't let it get to your head. 
I have to find a way to reach out to Y/N. 
She will need all the help she can get. 
I felt my heart break at the scene before me. I had wanted to check on Y/N as everyone took off to either calm down or find some other thing to do. Clearly the events that took place today have been draining, for everyone. 
I watched as Y/N cries into the arms of Stephen, her whole body going limp as she clung onto her brother. 
Not wanting to intrude in a personal matter, I stalked away– making sure to leave as quietly as I could to not make my presence known. My thoughts go back to everything that had happened, my heart reaching out for Y/N. Poor girl. I wish Clint would understand, this was obviously difficult for Stephen.
My feet took me off towards the direction of Barton's quarters and I didn't even bother to knock for permission, I just barged myself in. There he sat, on the edge of his bed– clearly tense, but my entrance barely made him flinch.
"You really need to get your emotions in check, Clint." I scolded him as I close the door behind me, not wanting anyone to intrude in our conversation. 
Clint lifted his shoulders up in a shrug as he looks up at me; eyes mixed with fear and regret, he probably felt guilty of the way he handled things but was conflicted. "What do you want, Nat?" 
Walking across the room and settling myself on the edge of the bed beside him, I place a hand on his back, "I want you to understand the situation without getting mad. I understand what you mean, that it's dangerous but your words towards Stephen and his sister were as if you were pouring salt on open fresh wounds."
He doesn't even look at me anymore. 
I sighed. "I understand that you're conflicted, and don't bother denying it. I know you too well..." I trailed off, the corners of my mouth tugging to to a small smile, "All I'm saying is calm yourself down first, think things through because those two need our help and they won't be able to get it elsewhere. The team is a family, Strange has been a part of us for awhile now. We can't let him down."
"I know..." he whispered underneath his breath.
Honestly what was all the commotion about? Who were they even talking about? Last I remembered, the rest of the team had been talking about a mission to stop Hydra while Wanda and I excused ourselves to the training room, and now they're suddenly huddled around talking about a sister and some Kree empire. It was all difficult to take such information, there were a lot of missing pieces to be filled– so I stood quietly at the side but the talk on Kree had interested me just a tiny bit, I suppose. 
Then she appeared, her face filled with anger. She was hurt. She had heard everything. This was bad. I run towards Wanda as she was closest to Doctor Strange after I had realized that the Y/N girl they had been talking about was lunging towards their direction. Instantly, I wrapped Wanda's waist with an arm and pulled her away to a corner. I watched the scene before me unfold, she was devastated. You can clearly see it in her face. I just knew I had to do something.
Rushing towards the supplies, I grabbed the sedative that I have become so familiar of lately because of missions. I quickly returned just in time to witness her throw Doctor Strange across the room without much effort coming out from her. My eyes widen from the this but I shrugged it off as I got myself near her– injecting the sedative. Captain America was instantly by my side as she collapsed. Of course he would. 
"Quick thinking, Speedy." Tony said as he approached me, patting my back. I give him a nod, my eyes locked on the unconscious Y/N. 
Steve hoists her up into his arms, holding her close against his chest. "I'll take her to her room." he announced and I couldn't bring myself to tear my attention away until she was out of sight. 
I've always had the urge to protect the people. More so often the ones that I truly care about. Always keeping them close to keep an eye on them. I'm usually often cautious of the ones I don't know anything of. She was a complete mystery to me but yet– there was this pull that made me want to protect her from the Kree that wanted to take her and even from Clint. 
Was I attracted to her? I don't know. Y/N is certainly beautiful. The moment she had entered the room before this whole mess started that has caused the team to go tense– I would have to admit, she did captivate me. It took me a few more seconds to regain my senses and stand my ground in case she was someone we were going to fight. An intruder or some sort. Though, I doubted that. I can't quite understand it yet, but there was something about her that clicked– made me trust her instantly. 
Even though she was consumed by her anger from the 'betrayal' of her brother, I wasn't worried she might hurt anyone– I didn't think she was capable to do so. I was more worried she would hurt herself. So as I carried her close to my chest, I couldn't help but stare at her facial features. She was calm when she slept. Innocence sweeping across her features. I couldn't stop staring– I barely knew her yet, she already had me wrapped around her finger. In a romantic way or a brotherly way? I don't know. I'm not sure just yet. 
So as I lay her down on her bed, I let out a sigh before brushing the hair off of her face. "Stay strong, kid." I whispered softly before leaving the room and closing the door behind me, making my way back to the team. 
All I know is, there was a good chance that I'll be one of the few that will be protecting her.
"Come on, let's help you up." Tony said as he approached me from the corner where Y/N had tossed me aside. I was in shock, barely able to make myself move from my position until Tony grips onto my arm and helps me up.
That was what I was feeling. Pure guilt. 
"Don't beat yourself up for it, Strange. You did what you had to do." he said, obviously my face said it all. I shook my head. 
"I shouldn't have kept this from her, then we wouldn't be having this problem. How could I have been so stupid?"
I plopped myself down onto one of the couches and let out a sigh of irritation, and exhaustion. I didn't even care that my back was hurting from the impact of Y/N tossing me aside. I deserved it. I betrayed her. This wouldn't have happened if I would have just told her like the masters who trained her insisted. 
But, no. I was against that from the very beginning. 
What good would it have done? Telling a young girl that her parents were murdered and that she wasn't really my sister? That would have broken her.
No, she would have handled it. She's stronger than you think. I'm a fool. She probably hates me. 
"You couldn't have known, Strange." Tony said one last time before leaving the room with my thoughts. 
I sighed and leaned back against the couch. I had a lot of thinking to do before approaching her. 
Today was just a whole bunch of entertainment. As soon as everyone dispersed, Loki and I had decided to walk alongside towards our chambers– or is it bedroom the Midgardians call it?
As we walked, I couldn't help but glance over my brother with a raised eyebrow. He was obviously deep in thought, "What has gotten you so silent, brother?"
He shook his head, " The girl– she is clearly powerful than Strange had anticipated."
I nodded my head in response. The Strange girl– huh, I suppose that's one catchy way of calling her, obviously possessed such great power within her but it has yet to be shown. "I'm afraid that none of the others will be able to be much help for the Strange girl. She– she is in dire need of assistance if she were to survive what is to come."
"And who do you have in mind, brother? Certainly, you are not contemplating on bringing her to Asgard. She will receive no help there." 
Once again, Loki was right. Asgardians– as much as they had knowledge of the Kree race, they were not going to be much help. "I will seek help elsewhere– find connections, if I must."
He halted behind me, I spun around and raised a brow at his actions. "Surely you're not suggesting of leaving me here with these people? I'm positive they wouldn't even allow it."
"I will speak to them but for now– you are the one who has more knowledge of the matter. You are the only one capable of addressing the girl with her situation. Try your best to stay out of trouble, brother. I will return shortly."
Leaving the tension filled room was exactly what I needed. Everyone was on edge now– hoping to find answers as quick as possible just to ease the stress. I shook my head, I could feel it already– we'll be going on a rollercoaster ride for the next couple of months. Hopefully not. 
Finally in the comforts of my lab, I couldn't help but get my thoughts pulled back to the events from earlier– it was obviously distracting me that tinkering with new gadgets wasn't helping. Everyone was obviously taken back, not to mention Clint had blown his top off. We were the Avengers, obviously who wouldn't be able to get a break soon. Breaks around here were impossible, a miracle most of the time if it happens. 
Y/N is obviously a danger, that much I agree with Clint but at the moment, she wasn't a threat. Her emotions were just sending her off, and Clint wasn't helping with his comments. It was best that everyone would ease her in, let her know that we were there for her when she needed. 
She is clearly powerful. 
Going back, I remember the conversation I had with Stephen just before this happened. 
"You have to help me, Stark." he pleaded desperately. "They're after her and I won't be able to protect her on my own. You and the team are the only ones I can think of to trust."
"Stark." Thor's voice boomed across the room, snapping me from my thoughts. I looked over at his direction, my brows raising at his stance– his brother nowhere to be found.
"Aren't you suppose to be taking care of your brother?" I reminded him with a sly grin. 
He chuckled as he approached me. Oh boy. I already have a bad feeling about this. "I'm afraid I will be leaving my brother in your custody as I search help on the matter at hand. The Strange girl clearly needs all the help she could get, and I'm afraid I won't be much. Loki has knowledge on the matter, allow him to approach the girl with the doctor's blessing. He can help. I know you aren't fond of the idea of Loki changing, but give it time. I believe he's truly changing for the better."
I sat there, completely dumbfounded at his words before shaking my head. Thor does, what Thor wants. There was obviously nothing stopping him. "Fine, but I'm calling in Banner just in case. He'll be the one keeping an eye on Loki. Not me."
The only ones left were now me, Pietro and Vision. We sat there quietly, staring at absolutely nothing. The events that we had just witness had obviously put us all into shock. Not that we haven't been through worst things– but obviously it's still taking some time to get used to. 
I looked over my brother, trying my best to read his thoughts. He clearly had a soft spot for the girl– I can sense his care. "You want to help her?" He nodded in response, not even bothering to say a word to me. "You stay away from her until we know more, she is clearly dangerous." 
"I don't think that's up to you, sister." he muttered underneath his breath before disappearing from my sight. I rolled my eyes– this was going to be bad news already. 
"I know that you don't trust the girl, Wanda." Vision said interrupting my thoughts, "but showing it to the girl will only cause more danger."
I stared at him for a second before shaking my head. Standing from where I was seated, I leave Vision to himself– walking towards the direction of my room. 
It's not like I didn't want to trust the girl, but we know nothing yet of her and she was clearly a danger, even to herself. My priority, will always be Pietro. And I'll be damned if he lets his feelings for a girl he barely knows get in the way. 
I watched Wanda leave in confusion. She was stubborn. I for one, am also wary of the girl that suddenly appeared in our lives. 
She had danger written all over her– but negative comments during a vulnerable state will only cause more danger. I had come to realize that everyone mostly kept to themselves for the time being, keeping their thoughts about the girl a secret until we find more answers. That is, except Barton who was very vocal about the situation at hand. I on the other hand, agree with Barton but being vocal about it wouldn't help. Most of the team wanted to wait and let the girl get settled in.
But, I'm afraid– waiting wasn't an option. If the Kree had broken through the doctor's hidden manor, then clearly the tower wasn't safe. For anyone. I must approach Stark about this immediately. For all we know, the Kree are just waiting for the right time to attack. The tower was no place to hide the girl. 
The girl.
Such innocence. So vulnerable. 
Her whole world turned upside down less than a day. No one else to trust but her brother. I will keep my distance, but keep an eye on her in case something goes wrong. Even we were no match for her in case her powers grow stronger each passing day.
We shouldn't be waiting. 
I can already sense the danger approaching.
TTTAGGED: @alessia--winchester @totobyafricaa
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marygaby25 · 6 years
Staron Questions and Answers
Well I was on Facebook when a friend asked a series of questions and answers from her favorite couple, because I wanted to see how others imagine the couple and I thought it was a good idea. Así que hice una pregunta y respuesta Staron
Who makes the first move and how?: Steve though is shy and something unsafe does because Sharon is not very good with feelings 
who is the most insecure and makes you feel better?: Sharon sometimes is when he feels pressure to go out with Captain America but is quick to pass when he has a date with Steve not with Captain America
Who is the most romantic?: Steve Sharon is not good at those things, but sometimes he tries to mount something just so that Steve feels good to show him that he cares 
he can't keep his hands to himself?: Sharon in the sense that he was going to star fondue, But innocent mimes would be Steve 
who says "I love You" first?: Steve 
What are you doing on a party night?: Sharon teaches Steve how to dance 
What is the most shameful thing they have done in front of others?: Steve ask Sharon to help with the Internet. Sharon sing all lung and make a striper 
what are they hiding from each other?: Sharon's wounds because if she gets hurt and Steve realizes that she is going to worry, scare and have the talk that should leave shield. Steve his worries don't like to seem weak in front of Sharon because he always wants to be your support, not a weight for
What changes first when you start to get serious? That Sharon is more comfortable when Steve takes the hand in front of other people 
when do they realize they should be together?: When Sharon is seriously hurt and Steve realizes that he needs her more than he believes
When you have a cold, what does the other one do?: Steve rarely gets sick thanks to the serum, but he can become very hurt; Sharon can get sick and be hurt (often because when Steve loses the shield or gets stuck she is usually the one who gets the bullets) so they will cancel all the meetings, they spend the whole day  watching TV, asking for food at home and give themselves love
When you look at a movie, what do you choose and why? Who gets the final vote? Sharon chooses all those movies that Steve lost while he was frozen blonde doesn't mind that he does because after all she's the one that wasn't frozen, he knows it's good and not also what you like to watch movies is to be with her
When the zombie apocalypse arrives, how do they manage? Well unfortunately the zombies are fucked with Sharon and Steve in charge of the resistance. While Sharon handles supplies, armaments, communications, rescue tactics and assault with Steve. Steve would make sure that the plans they put in order are executed and perfectly accomplished.
When they find a machine of the time, to where do they go? To the 40 for Sharon's insistence in knowing how it was quite in his time and to meet the thin Steve beyond the books. Also to be able to have in front of the mother of Steve to thank him for giving him the life.
 When they fight, how do they fix them up? Always Steve ends up by lowering the guard, so it is not a fault, because Sharon is not very good at it, but if it is very troublesome Sharon will lower the Guard 
To where do they go in his first appointment? To a restaurant of standard high place, Steve wanted to give a good impression but Sharon did that they were ending in cart of hamburgers because Sharon hates the places like that of elegant since he remembers him when it was living with his parents and they had these dinners or I have lunch where everything was a boring protocol
To where do they go on holidays? The beach. Sharon loves the beach because it can obtain one tanned perfectly and because he is charmed with seeing Sharon as a girl playing Steve with the water and doing any sport 
where do they become nervous for one goes away with other one? When his friends start speaking about weddings 
where the does his first kiss happen? In a mission against baron zemo
Where is his favorite place to be united? Brooklyn Sharon loves the city and to Steve because it was the place where it grew
Why do they fight? Because they risk very much in the missions (Sharon especially) and also for the overprotection (specially of Steve) 
why do they need to have a serious conversation? Because Steve wants to have children and Sharon not because it will have to leave SHIELD or have alone work of office what does not do a lot of illusion to him
Why are they jealous? Steve is very beautiful therefore all the girls try to flirt with him, since Steve is very shy and polite it does not know what to do and ends speaking it to them it does on that Sharon puts jealous to stratospheric levels so much that is capable of not taking it far and ever admits that it was jealous. Steve becomes jealous when Sharon trains new recruits and these he the flirtatious one what this makes feel worse is that Sharon gives them reply sarcastically alone this does that they insist more, alone this does on that Steve puts more jealous so it uses the captain's title to say to them that they should allow laughing and training
Why do your friends get mad at them? By the stubborn attitude
Why do they fall in love a little more? By the way it feels when one is close, because every moment they are together they do things they thought they would never do and make them discover that part they didn't know about themselves becoming more good than they thought they were.
Why does it work (or doesn't work) between them?: They are the complement of the other, when they are together nothing fails, nothing can make you feel sad or if you do the pain happens due to the company, support and compression of the other
Who's the cuddly one?: Steve
Who makes the bed?: Both 
who wakes up first?: Steve definitely, Sharon hates waking up early
Who Cries during the movies?: none Although Sharon left something sad with "your best friend" because it reminded his dog Arthur
Who spends the most when shopping?: Sharon likes to indulge in everything regardless of the cost 
who kisses more abruptly?: Steve apart from having more strength needs more than Bruce to help him have more self-control 
who is more dominant?: Sharon sin Doubt though sometimes let Steve take a little control
Who is more protective?: The two because they know how reckless they are when it comes to fulfilling the mission
Excuse me my bad English please, is that my original language is Spanish
I hope you like it if you want more things like this ask for babies.
I tell them I have account in Wattpad where I have several stories of Marvel, one on ship, fanfic Staron a long story and another a series of fanfic of a single chapter and one on what Robin's will leave the link below
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 7 years
Bitter (Steve Harrington x Reader)
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*I know I’ve used this gif about a million times but I love it*
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader! Henderson 
Warnings: Most definitely swearing 
“Why do you hate him?” Your brother asked for the tenth time just this morning, rolling your eyes you looked over at him and glared. 
“Look, you won’t understand. We just clash okay?” You snapped as you got out of the car and watched him stomp off to the middle school as you braved yourself for class, with Steve Harrington. Great.
You really didn’t hate him anymore, and honestly you don’t think you ever did but you and Steve bicker like an old married couple and it started in middle school right up until today but somewhere along the line you found yourself enjoying it. You don’t really know what you’d do if it all stopped so you carried it on, and well since Steve always initiated it you figured he must genuinely still hold something over you. However his fondness for your brother was something he relied on and you weren’t going to get in the way of that. 
Stepping up to your locker you swapped whatever books you needed and felt a presence behind you, with an eye roll you heaved a sigh. 
“Give  girl a break Harrington it’s not even 9am.” You quipped sarcastically and turning but instead of seeing the normal smirk of Steve Harrington you were greeted by Billy Hargrove. 
“Damn you just can’t get Harrington out of your mind huh?” He slurred in a teasing tone making you scoff. 
“Whatever, can you move?” You questioned with a raised eyebrow making something in his jaw twitch as he stepped a little closer. 
“Are you always a bitch?” He hissed probably in an attempt to intimidated you but you sighed bored. 
“Yeah, have you not figured that out yet?” You asked making snarl a little before walking off. “Jesus what a piece of work.” You whispered to yourself as you sat down at your desk in Chem, and you weren’t surprised when Steve sat down next to you not a second later. 
“What did Hargrove want?” He blurted making you look at him a bit shocked. 
“Nothing other than to try and piss me off.” You told him honestly making his eyes narrow. 
“What did he do?” He asked probing making you sigh agitated. 
“Why do you care Harrington?” You demanded even though he made your heart melt.
“Well you know I’m the only guy around here that gets pleasure out of pissing you off. Don’t want Hargrove making an impression.” His words made you scoff. 
“Right okay. I’ll be sure to let him know.” You mumbled sarcastically as the class began, you tried to ignore Steve’s knee brushing against yours as the hour passed but you blushed when it happened again and you were sure he did it on purpose. 
“Hey Henderson?” He whispered making you look over at him. 
“I’ll talk to Hargrove? Tell him to back off, if you want?” He offered making you give him a curious look. Did he actually care?
“I’m good, I can handle it.” Were the last words you said before you forgot about it all until gym class at the end of the day. You were sat on the bleachers on your own as you wrote down notes for the homework you knew was due in tomorrow as the boys all practised basketball for the upcoming game. 
“So I heard Billy wants to fuck her.” You heard Carol say to Tina as they sat a little to your left. 
“He wants to fuck anything.” Was Tina’s dead beat reply as I could tell she wasn’t interested in the gossip. 
“Not you.” Carol spat back as she could tell Tina lost interest. 
“Jesus Carol I don’t care. If you think he’s so great you fuck him!” Tina hissed back before standing up and stomping off making Carol scoff in disbelief. My attention however was drawn away from the girls when there seemed to be a bit of an altercation between Steve and Billy. I couldn’t help but flinch as Billy pushed Steve to the ground, the kid might be a pain but that weird feeling you get when you see him was niggling away at you more and more. Frowning in anticipation you were eager to know what they argued about but Billy scored and the whole gym cheered as Steve stormed out to the showers. 
Should I wait for him? You thought to yourself as you lingered outside the locker rooms but instead you walked slowly to your car, hoping if you took your time you could maybe bump into him and your luck changed as you saw him strolling towards his own car. 
“Steve!” You heard yourself yell, and sounding a little more desperate than what you would have liked, looking over his face turned to a scowl. 
“Look Henderson I know the whole class saw me fall on my ass you don’t need to remind me, but if this is something you cooked up with Hargrove I’d really prefer if you just leaved me the fuck alone!” He spat not walking towards you but you stopped in your steps.
“What?” You questioned quietly and genuinely confused by his words.
“You! And Hargrove?! You think I’m stupid? Obviously there’s only one other person in Hawkins who hates me as much and that’s you! So please do me a favour and stop! Don’t you think we go through too much these days to keep up with this shit?” He snapped finally getting mad and all you could do was stand there stunned by his outburst.
“I don’t- well no I mean, do you really think I’d do that?” You asked in a quiet voice really hoping he doesn’t think that badly of you. 
“Look I don’t know Y/N weren’t you only just talking to him this morning?” He hissed in a calmer demeanour but still mad and accusing.
“Yeah he was calling me a bitch not hardly devising some plan to push you over in gym class.” You said in a steady voice with eyes narrowed slightly before you got mad and remembered why you couldn’t be friends. “You know to think I was actually coming over to ask if you were okay! God every time I try and move on from this pathetic arguing you always seem to remind me why we can’t be friends!” You yelled as you quickly turned on your heels and walked back to your car and slamming the door behind you. Groaning and leaning your head back on the seat you closed your eyes willing yourself not to get mad at Steve or yourself for even bothering but you jumped when there was a knock on your window. 
“What?” You asked in a tired voice as he scratched the back of his neck with pink cheeks. 
“Did you really just want to see if I was okay?” He asked in a soft voice you’ve only heard from Steve a few a times. 
“Yes, Hargrove is a piece of work, and well you don’t deserve his shit.” You tried to express without giving too much away as you avoided his gaze. 
“Sorry for yelling, and well you know everything.” He told you making you look up at him.
“It’s okay, guess I’m sorry too, you wouldn’t have thought all that if I wasn’t suh a bitch all the time.” You apologised honestly as you soon both chuckled. 
“You wanna come with me to the diner? I’m gonna get a milkshake and wait for Dustin to be done at the arcade, some company my own age wouldn’t be so bad.” He offered as you blushed a little bit pink. 
“Sure I guess I could do.” You accepted getting out your car and following him to his where you both drove in silence to the diner, you were regretting saying yes as you felt a little awkward but he broke the silence as you got out at the diner. 
“Hargrove was talking shit about you.” He announced holding the door open for you as you walked in and looked back at him confused. “On the floor earlier, he was just talking about you and I guess that’s why I bit back at him so I figured maybe you had something to do with it. I don’t think you’re a bitch but he just got under my skin.” He explained making you bit your lip as he sat down opposite you in the booth. 
“Yeah he’s out for me I’m sure.” You told him as you rolled your eyes.
“He’s a real piece of shit.” Laughing at Steve’s words he chuckled too. 
“How about we don’t talk about Billy for now.” You suggested before he asked you about college, and then college lead to work, and school and pretty much anything you could think of. 
It was hours later when Dustin strolled in expecting to see Steve but he was pleasantly surprise at the sight of his sister too and broke into a smile. 
“Hey Y/N!” He said excited sitting next to you and finishing off your milkshake. 
“Hey Dust, how was the arcade?” You asked making him shrug. 
“Pretty good, Will still sucks at Dug Dig and Mike owes me five bucks so a profitable experience.” You and Steve laughed at his words before Steve dropped you both home, you were just at the door when Steve called out your name as you met him on the path. 
“You want a ride to school tomorrow? I mean your car is still there? I can pick up you and Dustin, it’s not a problem?” He offered making you smile. 
“Sure, that’s fine Steve thanks.” You told him watching a smile break out on his face. 
“Awesome, see you tomorrow!” He called as you closed the front door behind you a soft smile still on your face. Guess you could be friends with Steve after all. 
“You totally like Steve.” Dustin stated as he watched you from the kitchen.
“Say a word to anyone and you’re dead.” You warned before he ran off to his room and you watched Steve’s car disappear from your drive and a million thoughts ran through your head before realising you’re going to have to plan a super cute outfit for tomorrow and get up just that little bit earlier to do your makeup.
You were in way too deep for Steve Harrington. 
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kirkminihane · 4 years
Post about the best twenty moments from my show
from a big fan on Twitter:
Top 20 Storylines/Moments in Kirk Minihane Show History
20. Intern Nick promotes Jon from Scranton working with Entercom and Kirk explodes 4/17/20 Mike walks out
This particular show started off with a bang as Kirk promised to fire whoever made a fateful instagram post and then immediately backed down, by the end of the show Mike was so worn down he just left.
19. Kirk Is Done With Gerry Callahan, But This Time for Real? 2/16/20
There have been highs and lows with Kirk's former partner Gerry Callahan, including brilliant dissections of what Gerry continues to do on his highly rated podcast co-hosted with Dave Cullinane. Kirk blew up at Gerry's disloyalty and various negative things Gerry had done to Steve and a lot came out.
18. Kirk and Big Cat for the first time 10/8/19
Dan Katz may have abandoned Kirk in his time of need, but he is tolerably entertaining and his chemistry with Kirk would have been monetized by a competent company. There was a reunion at the Super Bowl.
17. Kirk bails on the show during Kelleher Appearance 11/1/19, plus Kirk names Kelleher designated survivor 10/28/19 Kelleher's first appearance 9/9/19
The tension between Kirk and KMS superfan Rich Kelleher makes for great radio as Kirk literally knows everything Rich is going to say before he says it. Lots of funny stuff here.
16. Menners can't handle calls, Kirk consistently hates Mayo with the storm of a thousand suns
Justin's pathetic speech to the listeners, Menners' sensitivity with his restaurant, and the fact that Kirk unblocked Mayo just to later block him again make the machinations of the show's YouTube channel ripe for comedy, including the drama over the stolen YouTube views.
15. Should Blind Mike Be on The Kirk Minihane Show? 11/27/19
The first of a continuing conversation about why Mike is bad on the show and yet Kirk can't find anyone to replace him, so just tortures him.
14. Kirk arrives in Miami to start trouble, but Dave says, "You're Just Here To Do Radio"
Kirk's frustration with Barstool began at the Super Bowl when Dave Portnoy shut down various "humorous" plans, like Mike was going to go in a drag bar and pretend it was media row, I'm sure the audio would have been awful. Kirk was completely quiet during a Rob Gronkowski interview and he and Barstool golf "personality" Riggs haven't spoken since. A monumental week of radio.
13. RA Minihane gets Abraham Hands in the Boston Globe
Kirk charged listeners to get fake stories in the Boston Globe, stories that were obviously made up but the Globe didn't bother to check out. So they published a nonsensical coronavirus anecdote from someone named Abraham Hands who was concerned about stolen pizza money. All the credit in the world to beloved parody account RA Minihane. Just an absurdly funny moment.
12. Cullen episode is TV show written by Kirk 4/30/20
Kirk quickly wrote this satire of legendary fraud Boston Globe reporter Kevin Cullen that plays out through forty minutes of an old radio serial. Great production from Steve Robinson. As Kirk said, no other podcast could do this, and no other podcast would even attempt something as ambitious. It's really amazing Kevin Cullen is still working at a newspaper.
11. Kirk goes to war with Mariah Carey's fans, the Lambily
The sheer absurdity of this feud exemplified the silly side of the show I believe they should have embraced more while at Barstool. Just madness.
10. Kirk navigates anger between Mike and Steve 12/2/19
So Kirk went to lunch with Adam Minihane and Steve, and got Steve to say a lot of things about how he doesn't like Mike on the show. The next morning Kirk brilliantly exposed Steve to Mike, sparking genuine anger between them. An episode I could listen to a million times because it's just a genius completely understanding his friends and how they relate to each other, and yet staying quiet enough to let them figure it out for themselves.
9. Blind Mike wants to be fired 1/2/20 Portnoy Hates Blind Mike 1/28/20
Mike was an intern at Barstool Sports years ago, and his whining, pitying attitude towards work and life irritated something in Dave Portnoy. Psychologists have speculated that it is something within Dave that he hates about himself; in any case, Mike's continued frustration with being hated by the place he loves is exposed by Kirk to great humor.
8. Kirk ends Kelleher and solves Pizzagate 11/12/19
When Kirk is mad he pops on with a fifty minute episode, the length he is contractually obligated to Barstool to fulfill. Here he excommunicates a big fan and destroys listeners who think the show appropriated funds meant to create a disparaging billboard of Bob Murchison. Just awesome precision of anger from Kirk.
7. Kirk and Mike make fun of Cullinane handing the show off to Steve 7/26/19
For some reason Steve took a three week vacation as soon as the show started, which left Kirk with an impressive fill-in, Boston-area producer Dave Cullinane. Here, Kirk and Mike riffed about what an English-accented Cullinane might say to Steve upon his return.
6. The Protest in Woburn Finishes Murchison, But Blind Mike Drank Too Much, Unexpected Live Show 11/4/19 Plus Steve vs. Linda Part II 11/5/2019
The Kirk Minihane Show planned a rally in Bob Murchison's hometown. Rich Kelleher made himself the center of attention, arousing Kirk's ire, and Mike was fed drink after drink by the Minifans, ensuring he was a slurred mess for an impromptu live show. This was the first indication fame was getting to Mike's head.
5. Mike and Will completely screw up disrupting Red Sox Truck Day event 2/4/20
Mike's best story on the show was the disastrous recap of his evening trying to shout down Sam Kennedy and getting kicked out of a Red Sox media event. Neither he or intern Will thought to record any of it.
4. Kirk Wanted Mike to Go on a Florida Trip But He's Busy With Alba 6/1/20-6/4/20
Intern Will and the guy behind the Latino Kirk Minihane parody account decided to go to Florida. To torture Mike, Kirk pretended he wanted Mike to go at the last minute. When Mike asked Alba to reschedule a birthday party for his work trip, she threatened to end the relationship. A rollercoaster made out of nothing.
3. Mike tells Francesa that Dave has coronavirus 3/31/20
Mike had been making tremendously unfunny calls to Francesa for a few months, but when he announced that his boss Dave Portnoy had coronavirus, Dave had to be convinced by Big Cat not to fire Mike. The complete lack of loyalty from one Erika Nardini was noted by Kirk, as he saved Mike's job again.
2. Steve's No Good, Very Bad Morning In Watertown 1/16/20, 1/17/20, plus Steve deletes missing audio 2/24/20
For some reason Steve forgot to cut up a stunt where Kirk tried to get into Fenway Park, and Kirk subjects him to two hours of listener calls. One of the funniest moments ever in radio.
1. Mike gets drunk in Madawaska 2/11/20, including Mike and the Minifans 2/7/20 and DEC's 2/7/20 appearance on the show
If Steve's Reckoning was the best Shakespearan comedy of The Kirk Minihane Show, this was its Hamlet. Mike gets drunk for the second time during a crucial live show that Kirk hilariously sited in Madawaska, Maine, right near the Canadian border. Minifans showed up anyway, but they saw a terrible show due to Mike. Kirk was so mad he banged his head against his steering wheel. In response, Kirk puts Mike through the wringer in an empathetic way.
0 notes
windofderange · 7 years
Let’s talk about gender in Stranger Things 2!
So there’s a bunch of stuff happening in my life and I keep meaning to post something about that, but it’s serious and scary and stuff, so instead, I’m going to ramble a while about why I really love some of the subtle gender role reversals in season 2 of Stranger Things!  Like a normal, well-adjusted person!
Also, no major spoilers ahead, but I will talk about things that happened in Season 2, so if you want to come to it totally fresh, please skip this.
So I’m still a little sad that there’s no queer representation in this show.  Yes, I know it takes place in the 80s and queer people hadn’t been invented yet, but still.  (I was SOOO hoping that the big reveal at the dance would be that Dustin was building himself up to ask Will to dance, but I guess that probably would have been genuinely too much for an 80s middle school to handle.)  However, despite that, I was actually really impressed by some of the smaller ways the story undercut traditional gender stereotypes this season, and some of the improvements to how the girl and women characters were written.
That’s not to say that I thought they were poorly written last season - I just thought they were a lot more one-dimensional.  Emotional mother.  Brainy, goody-two-shoes girl exploring her sexuality.  Even Eleven, who was by far the female character with whom we spent the most time, was sort of scattered - the writers clearly couldn’t decide how unaware of the world she should be, and in turn, what things about gender she should care about (ie, she didn’t know what ‘pretty’ meant, but she still wanted to be it), a problem I don’t think they’ve entirely corrected (more on that in a sec).  The male characters were similarly archetypal - the drunk, broken-down town sheriff, the maniacal scientist, the lovesick teen, etc.
This season, I feel like the characters all got a lot more flushed out, but more than that, the way they did so also made some really interesting choices about gender and gender roles.  Also, I’m occasionally going to refer to the characters as sets because that how some of the storylines run - the adults (Joyce, Hopper, and Bob), the teens (Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, and Billy), and the kids (Eleven, Will, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Max).
1. Joyce and Bob: Okay, so I know I’m apparently the only person in the universe who doesn’t ship Joyce and Hopper, but I loved Joyce and Bob.  Bob is a ‘beta male’ - he’s fat, short, into electronics, likes Kenny Loggins, makes corny jokes, and is too much of a scaredy-cat to watch scary movies.  However, it’s made immediately clear that Joyce isn’t just dating him because she needs a man or in order to fill some hole in her life - the first scene we see of them is the two of them adorably flirting, and then hard-core making out.  Bob is also consistently shown to be the less driven of the pair (a theme that will actually come up a lot in this post).  Joyce is a fighter.  It’s an important aspect of Joyce’s character, one that was established last season, but in the context of her frantically fighting to get her son back.  In the grand tradition of the Aliens franchise and Poltergeist, Stranger Things holds that mothers are the toughest fighters, and this season makes it clear that that’s always been true of Joyce Byers - it wasn’t just the panic of losing Will that drove her; she’s always been like this.  Bob knew her in high school, and makes it clear that he’s always admired her for it.  However, the story doesn’t present Bob as emasculated (a term I hate!) - he’s jazzed as all hell to finally be dating Joyce Byers!  
In setting up their relationship in these terms, the story gives us something we don’t often see - Bob is a boy-gal Friday.  In fact, he’s Joyce’s boy-gal Friday.  He’s competent, with a complementary skill set; he’s valuable, and Joyce clearly values him, and he makes a lot of connections and discoveries on his own, but he’s not capable of turning those connections into actions that drive the plot forward until he turns them over to Joyce.  And he’s perfectly happy in his role - even when he shows up in her house covered in Will’s bizarre tunnel drawing and is told he can’t ask questions, he’s clearly having the time of his life, solving a cool puzzle with a woman he loves.  Like every gal Friday, he can’t conceive of a world in which he could be the protagonist - he’s a superhero, but he’s not the Hero.  That’s Joyce
2. Hopper and Eleven: Off the bat, I have to admit that I think the writers are still doing the worst with Eleven when it comes to writing gender, just because they have the most room to play with and they’re not making use of it.  There’s no reason for Ele to have a concept of gender performance - she’s a lab rat. We know that the mad scientist raised her to think of him as her “Papa” (whether he was biologically or not), but we’re given no evidence that she had any concept of being his “daughter” or a “girl.”  Again, I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but it’s part of the reason I actually really liked the episode with her and Eight (also because I’m a sucker for a coming of age story) because I think pairing her gender development with the punk scene is a potentially brilliant way to play with some of these ideas in a culturally-contemporary way (since gender non-conformity was a big part of punk), and it’s something I really hope the writers come back to next season.
That being said, I did really enjoy the relationship between Ele and Hopper, and in particular, the fact that Hopper is clearly raising a kid, not a girl.  We never see Hopper force any gender norms on Ele (even though he had a daughter of his own and could potentially have those kinds of expectations for her), we see them sharing in not traditionally feminine things (building traps, eating garbage, watching scary movies - all things dads usually do with their sons in movies and TV), and even though it’s clear that Hopper knows about Mike’s and Ele’s feelings for each other, we never get any weird matchmaking or overbearing overprotectiveness from him - his overprotectiveness of Ele is always about keeping her safe from Hawkins, not keeping her away from boys.  He even embraces her “bitchin’” new look, but clearly also helps her get ready for the dance.
3. Mad Max and the AV Club: So I love Max.  I love Max so much.  And I still love the AV Club.  I do get the point of articles like this one that part of the nostalgia of Stranger Things is a nostalgia for nerds who are actually bullied and oppressed, but I think that’s over-simplifying things.  To start with, Lucas is black, and this season they finally managed to engage with that a little, in the same way they managed to engage with Dustin’s disability a little last season.  Also, I think the way that the AV club’s masculinity is presented is important.  This is not the adorkable misogyny of the Big Bang Theory.  They are not traditionally masculine and they are absolutely fighters, and those two things are never presented as being in conflict in any way.  Indeed, the constant references to D&D, including their own nickname for their group as “the party,” sort of reaffirms this - for people who know the game, they know you need a balanced party.  You don’t want all muscles, or all magic, or all rogues.  In many ways, Will becomes the ultimate symbol of this in Season 2 - he is absolutely a soft boy (Hopper even asks if he’s gay in Season 1, to which Joyce rightly replies, “why would that matter?!”), and yet, he is both the major villain AND the one fighting hardest against that villain in this season.  His strength to fight the mind flayer stems from his nontraditional masculinity - from his art, and ultimately, from his empathy, being kept in control of his body by the stories of love and affection from his mother, brother, and best friend.
Max is similarly nontraditional - we’re introduced to her by the traditional nerd trope of “girls don’t play video games!,” “girls don’t skateboard!;” however, if we’re really supposed to read the AV club as models for nerd culture, then the important element surely comes in their immediate reversal in meeting Max and seeing that she does indeed play video games and skateboard.  Not only do they not gatekeep or question her love of these things, they are immediately more impressed by her because of them.  They want to be friends with her because she’s a girl who skateboards and plays video games, and it’s clear that this is the root of Dustin’s and Lucas’ attraction to her, as well.  Even Mike’s resistance to bringing her into the party is never presented as her being a girl or a “fake gamer girl” - the show does a good job of showing that he doesn’t like having her around because she can’t know about Ele, and that having her there without knowing means that things are moving on and the others might move on, as well.  As soon as Lucas spills the beans and Max is fully on board, Mike’s resistance disappears.
4. Nancy and Jonathan: So I think the teens’ stories are where Stranger Things does the best with undercutting gender roles because these stories are so ingrained and so formulaic normally.  These are also the ones that I noticed the most while watching it.  Also, full disclosure - I don’t really ship Nancy with anyone, and was sort of disappointed that last season had a teen girl, two love interests, love triangle story line.  However, I do think the lovestory between Nancy and Jonathan has some of the best gender reversals.  To start with, Nancy is absolutely the Protagonist of their story.  Nancy causes everything to happen in their story.  It’s her acts that inadvertently bring them together (by getting drunk), but she decides that they’re going to do something to get justice for Barb, she takes them to find the journalist, she comes up with the plan to blackmail Hawkins.  Even in the scenes of them getting together, we see her sitting up in bed, trying to decide what to do.  She goes to the door, and Jonathan is there.  All of the focus is on her as the decision maker.
This role reversal comes to a head in the final showdown with the mind flayer.  I loved the call back to the last season when Hopper asked Jonathan if he could shoot a gun, and Nancy took it instead - they had already established that she was the better shot, and again, this scene wasn’t presented as her emasculating Jonathan in any way (and Hopper doesn’t hesitate for a second in handing over the riffle) - it’s clearly just that their lives are at stake, and of the pair, she’s the better shot. But the best is the scene in the cabin - this could have so easily been the teary-eyed girlfriend hanging off her stoic boyfriend (which, to be fair, was a lot of how Jonathan was written last season).  Instead, we got Joyce, raging and holding down her son, who was clearly in pain, as Jonathan screamed hysterically and cried, trying to stop her, being held back and finally comforted by Nancy.
Let me be clear - this scene only makes sense this way, given what we know about these characters.  Joyce is driven and direct - she’s going to make a plan and stick to it, come Hell or high water.  Jonathan has already been shown to be way too invested in Will and his well-being, and it seems completely believable by now that he would even fight his mother if he thought Will’s life was in the balance.  Nancy is an outsider - she’s not family, and her concern is mostly for Jonathan.  However, even as exciting as this scene was, I couldn’t help but step out of it a bit as I was watching it and realize how weird it was to see a young man portrayed as hysterical, rallying against a woman with a plan, and then being comforted by another woman, who was relatively calm and unaffected.  It works so much better this way, but there are so many show where this scene would have had Nancy freaking out for no other reason than because women are hysterical.
5. Steve: Oh, Steve. heart eyes  I am so in love with Steve after this season.  Obviously Stranger Things is a show that loves its parallels, and Steve’s stories move increasingly into roles played by women in the original as the season goes on.  The initial story with him and Dustin have parallels to Stand By Me and Gremlins, but by the big showdown with the mind flayer, Steve opens embraces his role as “the babysitter,” a role that actually has some decent echoes in 80s movies - Adventures in Babysitting would be the obvious, but Steve’s role in the group also directly parallels Mary Plimpton’s character in the Goonies, as the third wheel to the big brother and girlfriend (except in this case, those two had buggered off to go do The Omen instead), who also delivers the incredibly quotable line, “I feel like I’m babysitting, only I’m not getting paid.”
However, again, we’re not given any hint that Steve has any problems with his new role.  After the rest of the adults and teens leave, he directly parallels Mr. Mom, the movie the Byers were watching earlier, wearing an apron and slinging a kitchen towel over his shoulder after doing the washing up.  But whereas the entire premise of that movie is how embarrassed Michael Keaton’s character feels to be a stay-at-home dad and how bad he is at household tasks, Steve seems genuinely proud of himself for tidying up the Byers house, and proud to serve as guiding voice to the remaining kids left in his care.  Even his use of a traditionally-masculine sports metaphor to explain why they have to stay put reaffirms how much he’s internalized his role - he clearly means for it to be rally speech, as he’s presumably delivered to his teammates, and he shows his own confusion when it concludes with, “and that’s why we’re on the bench.”
The episode briefly looks as though it’s going to offer Steve a redeemingly masculine role of protector with the arrival of Billy, Max’s big brother.  We get some macho posturing and a fist fight, and although Steve does get to come to Lucas’ rescue, he’s still soundly trounced by Billy. Again, this is completely in keeping with the characters - we’ve already seen that Billy isn’t just up for a fight, but abusive and dangerously violent.  However, it’s Max, the only girl in the room, who puts down Billy, again in a series of gender undercuts - first, she beats him subversively by drugging him (poison being a woman’s weapon and all that), but then, in another reversal, she takes the opportunity as he’s weakened and blacking out to threaten him with Steve’s baseball bat, extracting protection for her and the AV club using the same oath as we’ve seen used previously by Billy’s abusive father.  The rest of the episode is clearly The Goonies, with Steve-as-Mary-Plimpton and the kids running around underground, and Steve reiterating that he’s there because he’ll be held responsible if anything happens to them.
Even in the final denouement at the dance, Steve gets the same final appearance as Joyce and Hopper, the other two caregivers, dropping off his ‘kid’ and driving away.  (Interestingly, of the teens and adults, only Nancy gets a denouement at the dance - Jonathan is also there, but just gets to smile and wave from the sidelines, the same ending as basically every supporting girlfriend from every teen movie, again highlighting that it’s Nancy who is the Protagonist.)
So why do I care about all of this?  Well, one of my biggest frustrations with a lot of TV and films is that I feel like writers still suck at writing women - in particular, women as protagonists.  It seems like way too many writers can’t understand how women can make choices that drive the story forward, and that means way too many stories fall back on traditional tropes where women are the backups and support.  It’s cool to see so many of those tropes not only avoided, but directly reversed, and so effectively.  Bob, Jonathan, Steve, and the AV club are cool, interesting, likable characters.  They’re not diminished by not being the protagonists, or not being traditionally masculine.  Like I said, I would love to see the writers do more with Ele because there is so much opportunity there for a truly agender character, which is something else sorely missing from modern TV, but I also hope they continue to present women who are ambitious and driven, and men who are emotional and empathetic because it’s super cool to finally get those kinds of stories.
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lokiandbuckyaremine · 7 years
Who Would Ever Think They Would Fall in Love? (Series) (Bucky x Reader)
Characters: Reader, Bucky, and The Avengers (Of course)
Summary: Steve brings you into the team of Avengers, and you couldn’t be more excited. The only problem is Bucky. He doesn’t seem to get along with you...that is until Steve assigns him as your trainer. Things take an amazing turn when you and Bucky are assigned on a mission.
Word Count: 1, 474
Warnings: None
Part 1
“So y/n, welcome to Avengers Towers”, Steve said as he brought you into the main hall in the Avengers Tower. You dropped your bags and looked around with your mouth wide open. “Oh my gosh. I never thought I would actually be here. Like HERE. In the Avengers Towers. This is AMAZING!” you exclaimed jumping up and down.
Steve chuckled. “I’m glad you like it. Would you like a tour?” He held out his arm for you to grab it. You grabbed it firmly. “Heck yes I do!” He started to walk you down the hallway to view the rest of the tower.
The Avengers were off on their different missions, but Steve stayed behind so he could show you around. Steve was looking for a new agent to mentor and turn into an Avenger. Sharon had mentioned your name to Steve and told him that you’d be the perfect match. He stayed in on one of your training sessions and was impressed with how well you did in hand to hand combat. Not to brag, but you were better than the Black Widow. Steve asked you after your practice if you wanted to join The Avengers. It was an immediate yes.
You had one issue: you had a dark past. Getting your name cleared by S.H.I.E.L.D was one thing, but after S.H.I.E.L.D was compromised you were scared for your life. One thing for sure is that you didn’t want to tell Steve about your past just yet. You wanted this chance as a member of The Avengers to forget about who you were in the past, and think about who you are now.
“So you will be staying on the fifth floor. Me, Sam, and Bucky are also on the fifth floor so you won’t feel alone.”
Bucky a.k.a The Winter Soldier. The name triggers your memory back to your past. You remember everything. The screaming, the metal arm, the killing...you shook your head to get rid of the horrors.
“Y/N? You still with me?” Steve put his hand on your shoulder. “Sorry, yea, just caught up in the moment.” You chuckle lightly. Steve chuckled back, “Ok. So every two rooms share a bathroom. I know, it sucks, but that is how Tony designed it. Sam and I are sharing a bathroom which means that you and Buck are sharing a bathroom.“ Great, you thought.
“That’s cool” you shrugged. “Could I see my room? I am so tired from the drive.” Steve directed you down the hallway on the fifth floor. “I don’t blame you. I know I should’ve taken a nap before I drove you here.” Steve replies rubbing his eyes which had dark circles under them. You pat him on the back and look up at him, “Then it would be smart if we both took a little nap”. He smiled and just as he was about to get to your room, you both were blocked by a tall and muscular man.
“Bucky? I thought you were on the mission.” Steve looks at him confused. Bucky shook his head. “No, Tony didn’t want me on this one ever since what happened on the last mission.” He rubbed his side as if he were in pain. Steve sighed and turned to you. “Buck, this is y/n. She is the newest member on the team.” You looked up at Bucky hesitantly. C’mon get it together, you told yourself. You held out your hand, “It’s nice to meet you Bucky. I’ve heard so much about you.” You were trying to contain yourself because Bucky looked absolutely handsome. His chestnut locks fell perfectly on his shoulders. He was wearing sweatpants with a tightly fitted tank top. Good lord it was like he was carved by the gods.
Bucky shook your hand back. “Yea, nice to meet you.” He took his hand away quickly. You had to admit you were kind of hurt. Did he remember who you were? No that couldn’t be. His mind was wiped, plus it was so long ago. You look much different now. You were developing a crush on him. He probably is not going to like you back considering the first impression you just received from him.
“Uh...ok. So now that you two have met each other, Bucky would you like to show y/n her room? I gotta grab something out of my room.” Steve suggests as he jogs down the hall to his room. You look over at Bucky, who was looking at Steve hopelessly. Bucky still had a hard time interacting with everyone even though he was turning back to his old self. “I guess we will be rooming next to each other. I promise I’m not loud.” You smile at him trying to make a joke. He looks back at you, not smiling at your lame joke.
“Yea...uh. I-I guess. I’ll show you the bathroom like Steve wanted.” He turned around to walk into your bedroom. You looked around in your new room, taking in the scenery. There was one bed in the middle, a chair, a dresser, a nightstand, a desk, and a closet. It was perfect. You would need to add your own taste to it, but it was absolutely perfect. Bucky waved his hand in front of your face, “Hello? Earth to y/n?” You chuckled, “Sorry. I just never been in such an amazing room before. It is so cool. Look at the fluffy pillows.” You ran over to the bed and wrapped a pillow in your arms with a smile. Bucky watched you, and smiled to himself. He thought it was cute how you reacted to your room, but kept his feelings to himself.
“Y/N, the bathroom is right here.” He motioned to a door right next to your closet. You opened it up and sure enough it was a bathroom. A large one too. His door was on the other side of the shower. “I usually take showers in the morning so you can shower at night.” You looked at him and sighed. “Well, there is one problem. I shower in the mornings too.” He looked at you with a glare. “Look, y/n, can’t you just shower at night to make everything easier?”
You looked at him confused. “No. Why should I change my habits to accommodate to your needs? Aren’t you supposed to be welcoming to me and not bark at me? Cause so far I’m not getting a friendly vibe from you.” You were so upset with the way he was acting towards you.
“Oh I’m sorry. You don’t like my attitude? Well sweetheart, deal with it cause you and I are gonna be right next to each other for a VERY long time.” And with that he stormed out of your room leaving you in utter shock.
Why was he like this? You wanted to be friends with him. Better yet, you wanted to be more than friends with him after seeing his body. It was going to take a very long time to break him.
Steve knocked on your door distracting your thoughts. “Hey is everything okay with you and Buck? He just blew past me in the hallway looking pretty mad.” You rolled your eyes. “I don’t know. He was showing me the bathroom and telling me when I was going to shower. I didn’t appreciate him barking orders at me.”
Steve saw the hurt look on your face. “I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt your feelings y/n. He is trying to adjust just like you.” You scoffed. “Yea I guess. But I don’t think he likes me very much. He barely shook my hand when I met him.” Steve sat down on the bed next to you. “I’ll talk to him if you want me to. It would be a drag if you two don’t get along.” You turned and smiled at him, giving him a side hug. “I would very much appreciate that Steve. Thanks.”
He hugged you back and got up from your bed. “Get some rest y/n. The team is gonna want to meet you in the morning. Have a good night rest.” You laughed, “Yea, wouldn’t want to miss that. Goodnight Stevie.” You waved to him and sighed, leaning back on your bed.
You wanted to unpack but just didn’t have the energy to. So instead you grabbed a pair of booty shorts and a t-shirt, got changed, and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You opened the door too quickly and didn’t even think to knock. Bucky was going to the bathroom and you couldn’t help but stare at him. “What the hell?! Get out!!!!!” Bucky yelled at you. Shielding your eyes you reached for the door handle, bumping your head into the corner of the door, and ran into your room.
It would be a very interesting morning.
This is my first story so please let me know what you think. I would like to make this into a series, so your feedback will help me a lot. Thanks!
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dragon-stones · 5 years
Toddler Madness
Chapter Name: Relaxing day? Nope! Part: 1 Pairing: Frostiron     Rating: T Summary: Loki wanted to just want to have a nice relaxing day. But, that isn't going to happen when you have 5 adults turned toddlers and a teen turned toddler to look after. At least Tony is helping out! 
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“What happened?”
What's supposed to be a relaxing day for Loki, has turned into one of the Norse God’s nightmares. First was the call from Fury, saying he needed to came to SHIELD immediately. Once he arrived, he found out why. Most of the Avengers had been turned into children. Steve, Natasha, Clint were sitting near a SHIELD agent. All three playing with blocks that's provided for them. Banner is playing with a small toy science kit. And Thor is napping, drooling on Mjolnir. Loki cringed at the amount of drool on the Godly weapon.
“That’s just it, we’re not sure.” A male SHIELD agent replied as he walked through the door, holding some fruit snacks. Most likely for the adults turned children.
“It was Clint’s fault.”
Oh Norms, Loki knew that voice. And knew what is to come. Why him? Why couldn’t he have one day of peace? What did he do to piss the Norms off this time? He didn’t mean it this time. Turning to face the owner of the voice, Loki saw the adult and said kid staring. He knew what is coming next. And there’s nothing he can do to stop it. Why, why him?
“Was not!” The small child shrilled. This only egged the adult on. Loki sighed annoyed. He wondered how and why he began to date, Tony.
“Was too!”
Soon a contest of ‘was not’ and ‘was too’ started. Most agents gave sideways glances but continued their assigned work. Rest of the kids looked on in confusing about why Clint and Tony were arguing. Fury had a stock expression and Loki could feel a headache coming on. Soon Loki has had enough of the petty banter.
“Both of you stop it!” Loki snapped loudly. Clint and Tony stopped immediately. Loki turned his attention to Fury. “What happened?”
Fury’s face reminded stoic, but the director's impressed that Loki got Barton and Stark to shut up so easily. “A package was delivered to the Avengers Tower. Next thing we knew, they’re turned to kids.” The man’s voice was heavy with annoyance. This whole thing is an inconvenience, no one wanted.
“Well, quite a situation you have here, director. How will you fix it.” Loki raised a brow, a hint of amusement in his voice. While he didn’t know the exact reason why Fury had called him, he had to admit, this is a bit amusing.
“A team is analyzing the package. So, for now...the kids need a babysitter.” The director's expression is still stock. The man had one hell of a poker face. But something in his tone and Loki couldn’t figure out what it is.
But a smile pulls on his lips. A babysitter? So, the man needs someone to become the unfortunate victim to babysit these five kids. Loki’s voice is full of amusement as he muses; “Well, good luck in finding one.”
The director’s smile is almost unnerving. Loki is beginning to regret what he said. He gives a glance around the room. No one is looking like they know what is about to happen. They know.
“Oh, I’m looking at him.”
What did he say?
“Pardon?” Loki’s stammers, eyes widening. He’s supposed to be the babysitter?
“I know you’re not deaf.”
Loki felt the corner of his lips twitching. How dare this mortal act like he can order the God of Mischief around like he’s some sort of servant. Did he forget who this mortal is talking too?
The corner of Loki's eye twitched in irritation. “And what makes you think I’ll lend help?”
“Well, Mr. Five dollar ass, SHIELD already knows about your punishment that All-daddy gave you.” Well, that’s great. Of course, SHIELD would have known. Either Odin or Thor had told them. And how rude of this mortal! Addressing Loki is such a manner. “And there’s the fact that a certain spider teen was in the Tower as well.”
A certain spider...Peter? Peter was in the Tower? Peter was in the Tower with this package. Loki felt a sudden anger rise in his being. It wasn’t a secret that Loki had become protective over the Spider boy. Mostly since Loki has been banished to Earth as punishment for what had happened in New York. With limited magic use.
“What happened to Peter?” The growl from Loki’s voice startled everyone into silence. Everyone knew that a raging fire had been lit.
Tony stepped near the God. Hands up in the air in surrender like position. “Whoa, whoa Reindeer Games. Calm down.” The inventor shivered slightly as the God glared at him. Tony why do you have to get yourself into this kind of situations. “No need to start having a tantrum.”
Loki felt his eye twitch again. Really Stark? “I am not going to have a ‘tantrum’ as you put it. I’m highly annoyed.” This being evident in the tone of voice, the God is using. “By the FACT that Peter had been in unnecessary danger!”
If everything wasn’t dead silence before, it is now.
“Well, actually he wasn’t in danger. Nothing gave anyone a reason to feel threatened when the package arrived at Avengers Tower.” A SHIELD agent muttered. Many looked at him like he’s an idiot for speaking. Some even made a motion to keep his mouth shut. Loki growled and Tony stepped closer to the angry God.
“Okay, Okay. I get it, I get it. You're being asked to watch five adults turns toddlers and a teen turned baby. That’s a lot of stress for anyone to handle.” Tony was indeed correct about that. Even someone like Loki—who is good with kids—this is a lot to handle alone.
“Stark will be helping.” Fury’s voice cuts the tension and Loki raises a brow.
Nodding, the inventor confirmed what he heard. “Yes, I’ll be hel—WHAT?!” Spinning his head to Fury, Tony’s eyes widen. When did he agree to babysit?
“How thoughtful for you, Anthony.” Loki snorted at the man. Of course, Tony would be roped into this. It’s surprising how many unwanted things the inventor gets roped into. It’s amusing.
“When did I agree to this?” Tony yelled, waving his arms about.
Loki wanted to roll his eyes. But, he became distracted when an agent walked in with a baby. A babbling baby in spider-man footie pajamas. The God blinked and blinked again. Oh Norms, peter is adorable. Once the baby saw Loki, his chubby arms stuck out and babbled happily. He seems to be very excited to see Loki. Said God opened his arms and the Agent, a male, walked over and placed the babbling babe into them. Loki completely ignored Tony’s and Fury’s arguing. Baby Peter is much more interesting. And adorable!
“Really, Stark?”
The sound of Fury’s annoyed voice drew Loki’s attention back to the men. He didn’t hear most of what the two had said. But, Tony sighed and seemed to give up on what the argument was. Fury looked satisfied. Whatever the argument was, it’s clear that the director won. Peter babbles.
“Well, where did you come from little guy?” Tony turned his attention to the new addition in the God's arms. When the baby spider saw the older man, he babbles and laughs, making grabby hands at Tony. Loki chuckles at the little guy’s determination for wanting the inventor. And was trying to make it known.
“He arrived a few moments ago.” Loki told him as he bounced the happy baby. Peter gurgled and kept his arms out in Tony’s direction. He babbles, but it sounds more annoying? Irradiated? No, Loki is sure that Peter is wanting to be held by Tony and is getting fussy that he isn’t. “He wants you to hold him.”
Tony chuckles and takes the baby from Loki’s arms. Peter lays his head on Tony’s shoulder and gives a noise of contentment. Loki sighed, this baby will be the death of them. If not death, then landing them in the hospital. Cause this baby is too damned cute.
“Now if you can take all these kids to the Tower, that would be great.” Fury grumbled. Without a doubt, the man is annoyed with having these five kids in HQ of SHIELD. This place wasn’t a daycare and Fury will not let it become one. Loki turned his head to Tony as the inventor rolled his eyes. Peter happily drooling on his AC/DC shirt. The kids seemed to be getting a bit rowdy and Thor was now awake. Indeed it was time to get the five kids into a place with more room to accommodate their energy. Especially if Bruce ends up Hulking out. Loki prays that doesn’t happen at all. He doesn’t want to deal with a mini Hulk. An adult Hulk is more than enough, thank you.
“Okay, okay. Come on kids, let’s visit Tony’s Tower.” Loki clapped his hands to get the kids attention. When the five learned that they are going somewhere they all cheered, becoming very giddy. Peter babbled with a bit of Tony’s shirt in his mouth. Loki could see Tony cringing at the drool on his shirt. Time to get Peter a pacifier. Loki felt a tug on his pant leg and looked down to see Steve. “Can we get ice-cream?” The small child asks.
“Ice-cream!!!” Clint screamed in excitement. With this, the rest of the kids chimed in. All wanting ice-cream. Nice one, Clint. Loki thought annoyed. Now the kids are noisy, demanding ice-cream. Soon Loki felt his temper rising. But he didn’t want to yell at the kids. Bruce had come up next to Steve and pulled on his pant leg too. “Please?” a pair of puppy eyes appeared on Bruce’s face. Oh dear.
“No. you all need lunch first. Maybe after, if you are all good.” Steve nodded and kept a hold of Loki’s pant leg, same with Bruce. Both had their thumbs in their mouths. Thor’s holding Mjolnir and standing next to Tony with Clint. Natasha wobbled over to Loki and held up her arms. The trickster lets a hum leave his lips. Oh, what does he have here? A little Russian wanting to be held? How cute.
“Woki up!” The little redhead said bouncing, wanting to be picked up.
“Alright, alright. Come here.” Loki scoops up the Russian toddler. Did Natasha know English when she was a child? At this moment, Loki isn’t going to worry about it. “Happy now?” The redhead nodded.
“So where should we take five kids and a baby for lunch? And no, not McDonald's.” One place tony didn’t feel like going is there. He wanted Shawarma, but with five kids, the inventor didn’t think that is a good idea.
“I agree. What about Wendy’s? We can get the 4 for 4.” Loki patted Natasha’s as he looked at Tony. The god can feel his stomach tightening in hungry.
“That’ll work.”
Then why did Tony have a bad feeling about this?
0 notes
spynotebook · 7 years
All Photos Courtesy Warner Bros.
Praise Zeus, Wonder Woman is finally here and it’s even better than we hoped it would be. While it’s a standout superhero film all on its own, there’s something inherently special for women to see Diana of Themyscira, an iconic female and feminist role model, onscreen for the first time.
io9's Katharine Trendacosta, Alex Cranz, Cheryl Eddy, and I sat down to discuss every aspect of this groundbreaking superhero film, including Steve Trevor’s role as a male ally, and what the film’s success could and should mean for the DC Expanded Universe. No boys allowed! (Except in the comments.)
Beth Elderkin: All right, ladies. Welcome to Themyscira! How’s everyone feeling?
Katharine Trendacosta: I am feeling great and not like I need those hours back again, which is such a relief.
Cheryl Eddy: I agree with Katharine... I don’t think it was a perfect movie, but I had a really good time watching it.
Alex Cranz: Yeah, I was genuinely concerned before the premiere that people were so eager for a success for DC—and for women superheroes—that people were being unnecessarily kind to Diana. They were not! Her movie is good!
Beth: I mean, it’s a huge deal. This is the first time we’ve gotten a superhero movie of this magnitude that stars a woman. Going beyond your experience as a moviegoer, or even as a comic book fan, how did it feel as a woman seeing this character in her own movie on this scale?
Cheryl: It was very satisfying.
Alex: It’s not the first time. This is just the first good film.
Katharine: Yeah, I present to you... Catwoman.
Beth: True, that movie did have a $100-million budget.
Alex: Katharine, no. Shh. But yes, Catwoman, Elektra, Supergirl, and Tank Girl, all comic lady movies. And all films that were disasters either critically, financially, or both.
Katharine: It is shocking and upsetting, though, that all of those characters got movies before Wonder Woman.
Alex: But where Wonder Woman really sets itself apart is how gleefully violent it is. I love that this was a superpowered woman just fucking shit up for a big chunk of the film’s two-hour running time.
Cheryl: I think it was longer than two hours? That’s one of my few complaints, that it was too long. But that’s par for the course.
Katharine: Yeah, I don’t know for sure what Zack Snyder was involved in, but that really long fight scene felt like the end of his last two DC Expanded Universe movies.
Alex: Only you could tell what was happening.
Beth: So, obviously we have to talk about the core of the film, Wonder Woman herself. I liked Gal Gadot in Batman v. Superman, though you don’t see much of her in it… but I’ll admit I was worried how she’d do in the starring role. But to me, she was Wonder Woman, mind, body, and soul. I was thoroughly impressed. What about y’all?
Cheryl: I thought she nailed it, really and truly.
Katharine: It was a good idea not to go with a really recognizable actor for this.
Cheryl: Completely agree.
Alex: Gadot has so much damn charm.
Katharine: I loved that they made the other Amazons mimic her accent, instead of making her get rid of hers.
Cheryl: ME TOO OMG.
Alex: It was a true delight. And I liked how young Wonder Woman was for much of this film.
Beth: One thing I loved about Gadot’s performance was how earnest it was. Diana was innocent but not naive. Like that scene in the street, where she’s taking everything in with a combination of disgust and wonder… and then she spots the baby!
Katharine: I liked that moment and I thought they did just the right amount of fish-out-of-water stuff. It would have been really easy to go overboard on that stuff.
Beth: Which would’ve fallen into the “Born Sexy Yesterday” trope.
Katharine: Or just turned this movie into Thor.
Beth: What were your favorite fish-out-of-water moments?
Cheryl: I liked the shopping scene with Etta Candy, and also when she sees snow for the first time.
Katharine: It’s the baby moment for me.
Alex: I just loved her entirely foreign concept of war and why it was waged. It was so beautifully naive, like you wanted to wrap her up and kind of protect her from the awfulness of the world... until she beat a man with a tank.
Beth: This is the first DCEU movie where the lead character is allowed to be joyful. And it feels so overdue.
Katharine: Joyful, but the movie wasn’t devoid of darkness. It actually balanced that stuff.. My god, why did it take this long?
Alex: Because girls are icky, Katharine.
Beth: Anyone else feel an extra tinge of happiness when Diana spared Doctor Poison? Different circumstances than Man of Steel, but still… I don’t think I’ll ever be okay with Superman murdering Zod.
Alex: Completely different! And I mean, Diana kills people.
Katharine: I’m sorry, Beth, I was busy getting mad that they had decided Diana was the Goddess of Love instead.
Alex: Let’s talk about the erasure of Greek goddesses in this film. Because Diana has always been an embodiment of the Pantheon right?
Katharine: And specifically truth.
Alex: But this film kills them off screen, and never acknowledges that she’s supposed to be representative of all of them. Instead, she’s just another god.
Beth: I mean, she’s technically the last one right? If Ares is dead now.
Alex: Apparently!
Beth: I don’t know if I’d classify her as a love goddess. Her strength came from her love—not for Steve, though that was surely part of it—but it was her love of humanity and her need to do the right thing.
Katharine: I’m still mad, because Hollywood has one setting for goddesses and it’s always love.
Alex: Whatever Katharine, I loved her line about love. I didn’t interpret it as her being the Goddess of Love, but simply as her saying there are alternatives to war.
Katharine: I gave them the first moment, but once they went back to that well, I was very worried.
Cheryl: I wasn’t mad at that, but I think it’s because my first exposure to Wonder Woman was the 1970s TV show, and it’s there in the theme: “Stop a war with love.”
Alex: Well, I think they make it very clear she’s a goddess of compassion... of compassionate love.
Beth: Exactly, being a goddess of love and a goddess of compassion are two different things. Love just has fewer syllables.
Alex: Yeah, her saying compassion would not have had the same impact.
Beth: Let’s shift gears for a bit and talk about Steve Trevor. I loved Steve in this film, and Chris Pine’s performance was, in my opinion, kinda revelatory. I’d argue this might be one of the best portrayals of a male feminist ally that we’ve ever seen in a mainstream film—especially a superhero film.
Katharine: I forgot that Chris Pine was that charming. He’s basically just been famous for doing a great Shatner take for so long, I actually forgot there was another actor there.
Alex: I confess to hating Chris Pine for over a decade, so I was really surprised to like him in this. He knew when to take a back seat.
Katharine: He’s leaped ahead in the Chris rankings.
Beth: Oh, he’s miles ahead of Chris Pratt for me now. It’s almost like the two of them have had a Freaky Friday situation, where Pratt is the typical leading man dick and Pine is the supportive male hero.
Katharine: Chris Evans better keep an eye out. When Pine tried to seduce Doctor Poison, I was like, “Yes. This is your role, Steve.” Diana does the fighting, you are the Honey Trap.
Beth: And he did such a good job of it too. I love how he wasn’t bumbling or incapable, nor was he cocky about his skills.
Katharine: Or all angsty about it.
Alex: He was that hyper-competent love interest that usually falls in love with Chris Pratt.
Beth: That “shield” moment in No Man’s Land was my absolute favorite in the entire film. Steve wasn’t forcing Diana to change her fighting style to suit his needs—he recognized what she needed and provided it for her, no questions asked or thanks needed.
Alex: I mean, Steve had his moment of fuckery, but I loved that Diana was immediately like, “I AM DONE WITH YOU.”
Katharine: The fact that their conflict was based pretty much entirely on them having different world views actually made it interesting. Rather than him being, “The world looks like this, put this dress on and shut up.”
Beth: He recognizes that just because his worldview is different doesn’t make it more right than hers. In fact, he knows that his world is screwed up.
Katharine: I did love that for once it was the dude’s backstory that was cut. Because he briefly mentions having run from the war for too long and then says something like maybe he and the rest of humanity doesn’t deserve to be saved. Like, clearly there was something in his past they meant to bring up to make that hit home better, but, eh. He’s just Steve Trevor, so who cares.
Beth: I kind of like it better without it. I feel like I knew just enough about him to understand his conflict.
Alex: You know what was really revelatory about Steve Trevor? The moment she saves him from the plane. Any other film it would have been his story from then on. It would have been about him using these women to win the war, and teaching them how everything was different. And the movie never ever ever went that direction.
Beth: That reminds me of my next big talking point: Patty Jenkins’ direction. In particular, how she handles “The Gaze.” There are a lot of shots in here that could and likely would have been exploited for titillation in the hands of another director, like Zack Snyder with Sucker Punch. But I admired how Jenkins handled the fight scenes and choreography, as well as Wonder Woman’s superhero poses. Jenkins didn’t subvert the male gaze, apart from the Chris Pine bathing scene, because she didn’t need to. She simply made it not matter.
Alex: This was not a sexual movie at all—despite some Grade-A off-screen banging. We never see unbridled lust on screen.
Beth: To me, and this might sound weird on its face, the movie felt like the difference between stripping and burlesque. Both of them have similar elements, but they serve different purposes. A character like Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises is shot one way, focusing on her assets for the audience, but Wonder Woman was thankfully never exploited. Her body wasn’t hidden, it was celebrated—as well as her looks, because come on, she’s a gorgeous woman—but it was on her terms and for her purposes, not for the male audience. And I think Jenkins was a big part of that.
Alex: I know a lot of people were concerned about Jenkins because her last film was small and not about action at all. But the woman shot really good action and it wasn’t just all in the hands of animators. I mean the final fight is just a cartoon, but the Amazons versus the Germans was not!
Cheryl: Her direction of the actors, especially Gadot’s performance, as well as the “moments” like the baby and the fight with the shield, were great.
Katharine: This was a movie which embraced the simplicity of its story for the sake of its characters.
Alex: I think we’re gonna see a lot of comparisons, inevitably, to Snyder, and what I loved is Jenkins can actually direct actors and bring emotion into a film. But she also can nail those loving straight from a picture book shots that are Snyder’s bag. She out Snyder’d Snyder in the best possible way.
Beth: Snyder’s contribution to the film appears to have worked out well, as a story creator and producer, and his recruitment of Gadot was spot-on. I feel like putting him in the director’s chair is where the problems arise, as well as when his direction overly inspires other films in the franchise.
Alex: No doubt that final fight was in the works long before the film was tinkered with, but you can see Warner Bros/DC’s attempt to keep Wonder Woman from being as dour as Batman v Superman. Like the great ice cream gag—that’s a moment that was clearly shot after the rest of the film to brighten things up. And it worked.
Katharine: Ice cream and superheroes have been a fruitful pairing in live-action.
Alex: If Batman v. Superman had to happen so we could get Wonder Woman enjoying an ice cream cone, I am okay with that.
Beth: Speaking of awesome scenes: No Man’s Land.
Cheryl: People in the theater were cheering so much.
Beth: I love how Steve’s like, “You can’t go over there, it’s No Man’s Land.” And Wonder Woman basically replies, “I AM NO MAN!” I’ve seen people saying that might go down as one of the best scenes in a superhero film we’ve ever gotten, and honestly, I agree.
Alex: It didn’t end! It was a constant WONDER WOMAN SMASH, which is all I wanted.
Beth: I never wanted it to end!
Alex: Though admittedly things slowed down so much immediately afterwards that I got a little whiplash. There was a pacing problem in the script that the director just couldn’t resolve.
Beth: I don’t know, I liked the drinks and dancing. It made the tragic bombing of the town so much worse.
Alex: I liked it, but I still felt a little snoozy.
Beth: What else do you wish had been done differently? My biggest beef was Ares, because I didn’t feel like the big reveal was earned.
Alex: Ares is a bad villain rooted in Christian symbology that makes no sense, but that’s a comic problem.
Katharine: I liked the shape of the villain. Yes, the weird Christian-Greek mashup is a comics problem and I don’t like that, but I actually did like the idea of Ares not being who we thought. I didn’t like... his entire speech at the end.
Alex: You know what was actually bad about all the Greco-Roman stuff is how firmly they shut the door on all of it. Diana is banished from Paradise Island, her entire god family is dead, it’s just done. Now she basically exists for Justice League.
Katharine: The best thing about this film is that it stands on its own almost entirely, unfettered from the baggage of the rest of the DCEU.
Cheryl: Setting it years in the past was a good choice.
Alex: Yeah, it didn’t fall into the Captain America: The First Avenger trap. Ares didn’t even do a “worse is coming” death croak.
Cheryl: I get why they framed the story with the photo seen in BvS, so I was okay with it even though it was so obvious.
Katharine: The fact that Bruce Wayne wasn’t literally there was nice. Honestly, I kept expecting the camera at the end to pull out and the rest of the goddamn Justice League to be sitting there listening.
Beth: I’m so glad it didn’t.
Katharine: So glad.
Beth: I’m also glad there were no post-credits scenes. I don’t care about the rest of the Justice League, I only care about Diana.
Alex: Well, I care about Aquaman.
Beth: I’m hoping I do, too.
Cheryl: Same.
Beth: Speaking of which, how does this movie make you feel about the future of the DC Expanded Universe?
Cheryl: Will that future include Wonder Woman 2? Because otherwise...
Alex: It better.
Katharine: I think that this is proof that the DCEU should have been doing standalone movies with other directors the whole time.
Beth: I’m honestly shaky about Justice League. I already feel like it could be a lost cause, and we’re simply having to look beyond it at this point. The trailer gave me little confidence.
Katharine: Yeah, I’m mostly looking forward to Aquaman. He and Wonder Woman are the ones having the most fun in the Justice League trailer.
Alex: I have hope. Slap a Blue Lantern Ring on Diana, because Wonder Woman gave me hope that the ship can be righted, and we can get some good damn movies out of the best superhero comics.
Beth: This has been so awesome, and I’m hoping/betting this movie does well enough to keep DCEU going on the right path… with a sequel. In closing, what one word would you use to describe Wonder Woman? Mine is “refreshing.”
Katharine: “Punchy,” in both senses of the word.
Cheryl Eddy: “Love!” Just kidding... I would say “entertaining.”
Alex: She fucks.
0 notes