#(also please know i am giggling and kicking my feet over this one)
detective-prince-pkmn · 5 months
Apologies for the absence. I've- Found myself with another Pokemon, so I've been... Pretty occupied with her. I'm not even entirely sure why I felt the need to catch her...
[Photo of what appears to be a Banette, though rather than the usual plush, it's modelled after a Corviknight. She's sitting on a bed. Quite a few parts of her are noticeably sewn and patched, and there are a fair share of visible stains, too.]
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neil-gaiman · 10 months
This may very well get lost in the flood, but if you see this, I just wanted to say that there were a lot of things I thought I wanted for good omens 2 (a happy ending for one, of course!)
But my favourite thing that a writer can do to my experience of a story is to make me go "okay forget EVERYTHING I said before, this is the outcome I didn't know I needed." This show took my hopes and said "no u don't actually :) i got something better" and it had the audacity to be SO RIGHT.
The finale I *thought* I wanted would have probably had me giggling and kicking my feet and then moving on with my day while in a bright mood for a bit.
The finale I got had me absolutely devastated, inconsolable for maybe an hour, and then just...immediately rewatching. And talking about it behind a fortress of spoiler tags. And writing, and drawing, and being invested in theories and trying to find all the easter eggs and just...falling in love with the story and the characters all over again. And I can tell that feeling will stay with me for a whole lot longer than a couple days.
I'm bad at brevity, I apologize! This is just a very long-winded way to say thank you (and thank you to everyone else on the team) for giving us these idiots (affectionately) to have Way Too Many Feelings about!! Thank you for sharing them with us.
I'm running GO in the background, crossing my fingers and looking forward to a season 3—whether or not it'll be what I'm *hoping* for, I am just beyond excited for whatever story it is that you want to tell us, and I trust that whatever it is, it will be wonderfully told! 🩶🩶
(But also, please, for your consideration...I am in fact soft and innocent, I can only take so much damage before I cry myself to critical dehydration—do with that what you must, I shall leave my electrolyte balance in your hands and hope for mercy. You did say everything would be okay, and thankfully we all know a writer would never lie!)
I wouldn't lie about that, anyway.
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midnightorchids · 1 month
I am kinda curious
What would Jason be like if the coffee Cafe owner!reader built in a small library in her Cafe just for him,like she saw he liked reading and went like 'yup. I am building a small library for him'
This is such a fun idea, but omg please forgive me, I went a little overboard. Once I figured out what to write, I couldn’t stop. I apologize for how long it is. Also, this is completely gender neutral, so anyone can read!
But omg also, I was literally kicking my feet and giggling writing the end lol, Anyways enjoy!
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Owning a cafe was a difficult job, there was always much to do— customers to attend to, drinks to make, and maintenance to do. You were always busy, but you loved your job.
You had spent a lot of time curating the perfect atmosphere for your beloved customers. The lighting was warm, with fairy lights and lanterns dangling from the ceiling. There was wooden furniture and two old couches that sat by the glass windows. The tiny space smelled of freshly brewed coffee and sweet bread. The cafe was always inviting. 
You had many regulars at the coffee shop, each one with their own story, a different purpose.
For the past six months, twice a week, every Thursday and Saturday morning, a tall man walked in. Jason, you recalled his name from the many times you prepared his drinks. He’d order the same thing every time, a small London fog and a walnut banana bread.
He’d sit at the table nearest to the entrance, his back never towards the door.
Every morning, he’d come in with a new book. You had seen him read Franz Kafka, Oscar Wilde and Jane Austen; he’d read a lot of Austen.
He was a mystery and you wanted to know more. 
You found Jason quite handsome. His skin was scattered with scars and you often found yourself staring at the permanent wound near his lips. You wanted to run your fingers along it, to trace it, to kiss it. 
His eyes were always kind, a deep shade of green, forest-like you’d think to yourself. 
He spoke with kindness. His voice velvety and rich, much like the espresso you’d brew everyday, except his voice was never bitter, almost always doused with honey. 
Sometimes you’d catch him looking over at the counter, at you, you’d hoped. 
Your coworkers were afraid of him, telling you to stay away, but you couldn’t help yourself. He was like an enticing book, waiting to be read. They’d warn you, “do not engage in too much conversation with the strange man.” But it was as if they were talking to a small child, their words would go in one ear and out the other.
“Strange,” you would never use that word to describe him.
From the small talk you had with him, to his choice in books, to even his taste in tea, you’d never describe him as strange.
Gentle was the word you’d choose.
He was huge, all height and muscle, terrifying to most, however to you, he was everything but that. You saw an angel and you didn’t even know him… yet, you’d tell yourself.
There were days, where you almost gained the courage to ask for his number, maybe ask for small detail, perhaps get a glimpse of his life. But each attempt was futile. Why was it so hard to speak to him for more than five minutes, you’d curse your inability to speak to attractive men.
You were beginning to give up on your dreams of getting to know the beautiful stranger, when he walked in through door.
The conversation began as per usual.
“Morning Jason, what can I grab you today,” you asked politely. He smiled softly in return and you stare at the scar by his lip as he begins to speak.
“Uhh surprise me,” you look at him confused, he’s never done that before and he finds himself smiling harder. “Just kidding, I’ll just the take the usual please,” he says as he places his copy of Jane Eyre on the counter to take out his wallet.
“Brontë, why am I not surprised,” you reply, gazing at the book. You take the cash from his hands and your heart drops. Shades of purple and crimson coat his skin. They’re bruised, again.
“What can I say, I’m a man of taste,” he smirks. You roll your eyes and giggle.
“Now who told you that,” and he shrugs. Then there’s a lull, you don’t know what to say now. It isn’t awkward, but you find yourself starting feeling a little uneasy. God, if you only you could come up with something else to say. You shake your head slightly and begin to warm up his banana bread.
You turn around and wait for him to leave, but he doesn’t walk away to his usual table this time, instead he takes a seat next to the counter. Odd, you thought.
Jason’s gaze doesn’t leave you for a second, he watches you in admiration, you don’t quite catch on.
If you thought Jason was handsome, then he thought you belonged in a museum. You were a work of art in his eyes. The kind of beauty they wrote poetry about. Absolutely stunning.
He wanted to get to know you, speak to you, but he was afraid. If you didn’t reciprocate his feelings, then he may never be able to see you again. The trips to the cafe would no longer be necessary and he wouldn’t know what to do with himself.
However today, Jason pushes his fears aside, he feels bold. He finds his confidence and he speaks.
“Do you read much,” he asks suddenly. You place his cup of tea and bread in front of him, and nod your head.
“I do, but not what you read,” you reply and he stares into your eyes, curious. “I mostly read magazines, you know Vogue and stuff,” his smile drops a little, he’s trying really hard to not look judgemental. Cute, you think. “Kidding, I read fantasy mostly,” and his face lights up again.
“So like J.K. Rowling,” he questions.
“No, Harry Potter’s good, but I’m not really a fan of her, you know as a person. I’ve been reading a lot Neil Gaiman recently though,” you say.
“Oh fuck, yeah, she’s said some pretty crazy stuff huh,” and you nod again. “Gaiman though, I don’t think I’ve ever read his stuff before, he any good,” he asks and your eyes go wide, you’re excited.
You spend the next hour of his visit speaking to him about books, about the things that you both like.
You only part from the conversation when there was a customer.
You’ve never felt this way before, all the assumptions you made about him were true. He was an angel, a kind and gentle one.
A month goes by and you notice your relationship with Jason change. Now, instead of sitting by the entrance of the cafe, he sits near you, back against the door. A sign of trust, you assumed. He smiled more, he showed his teeth and he laughed, hard. You loved the sound of his laugh. His eyes looked brighter, greener, emerald-like. He still walked in with a new book, but when the conversation began, it was long forgotten.
You watched his bruises heal and you watched new ones appear, you were always curious, but never had the courage to ask. He’d tell you when he was ready.
As time went by, you found yourself wanting to do something for him, you wanted him to know that you cared. You thought that if your words were going to fail you, then maybe your actions would prove otherwise.
Working a closing shift at the cafe on a gloomy Tuesday evening, you find yourself thinking of different gestures you could do.
Ideas came and left, nothing felt good enough. He deserved the best. Trying to busy your mind elsewhere, you begin to sweep the floors and that’s when inspiration hits you.
There, in the coffee shop, lies an empty corner. An odd spot, not necessarily small, but also not large enough either.
A perfect fit for a decently sized bookshelf. A library, for the community, but most importantly for Jason. You smile to yourself, proud at the thought. He’d love this, you knew he would.
The next morning you find yourself drilling holes into the pale walls of the cafe, trying attach the large shelf you lugged down to the shop.
Once everything was fixed into its rightful place, you begin adding the books, by genre and then by the authors’ last names. You add many of Jason’s favourites, multiple copies of Austen. You add children’s books, comics and something for yourself.
The shelf fits right into the ambiance of the cafe, elevating it honestly. The corner looked cosy and you found yourself wanting to sit by one of the couches with a book and a cup of hot chocolate.
You stare at the shelf once more, proud. Now, you just had to wait.
Jason walks into the cafe the next day, he’s late. He arrives near closing time. It’s just you and him in the cafe, most of your staff left for the day and not many people stayed this late. It’s quiet, the only sound coming from the machines on your side of the counter. He’s holding another book in his hand, but he has no intention of reading tonight.
His hair is slicked back, and there’s a small cut on his forehead. He’s dressed in a white dress shirt and black pants. He looks like he’s coming back from a big event or maybe he’s going to one later. Either way, he looks pretty like this, his arms look more defined and you can make out the muscles on his back when he walks around the room, waiting for his drink.
His eyes wander around the cafe before settling on the bookshelf nestled in the odd corner. His eyes soften, he’s never noticed that before, it must be new, he thinks.
“When’d you get this,” he asks, his fingers running along the spines of the books. He’s smiling, there’s so many books.
“Yesterday, it’s for you,” you say, holding your breath. This is it, the moment you’ve been preparing for.
“For me,” he looks over at you as you settle his tea on the counter. You begin walking over to his side, slowly, riddled with nerves.
“Yes, since you’re always here, I thought you’d like having a book shelf here. It’s like a library, you take a book and then you-“ he cuts you off suddenly.
“You made a library for me in your cafe, are you serious,” he’s trying to hold back a smile, you can tell. His scar gets more prominent when he does that. “Why,” he as asks, his voice is soft, it feels like warm milk with honey, comforting.
“You’re gonna make me say it,” you can’t see your face, but it feels hot, you can tell you’re blushing.
“Yeah, say it. Why is there a library in your cafe for me,” he says, enunciating the words “your” and “for me.” He’s smirking now. He knows the answer, he just wants to hear it from you.
The point of the library was to not have to say anything, for your actions to speak for you, but here you are. Ears burning and palms clammy.
“I…,” you trail off, you look around the room, anywhere but his face. He notices and walks closer, his hands gently make their way around your waist.
“Say it,” he exclaims, it’s not forceful, he’s smiling and shades of pink dust his cheeks.
You close your eyes shut, fuck, you’re going to have to say it.
“I really like you jas-,” and with that, his lips find their way to your own. You move in harmony, much like matcha and oat milk. His lips are sweet, he tastes like the banana bread, he decided to eat while pacing around the cafe. Your hands find their way to his shoulders, you pull back and smile. You peck his lips. Once where the scar is and once more on the centre. He grins.
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear that from you,” he mumbles against your lips, waiting for you to kiss him again.
And you do, you kiss him again and again.
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star-girl69 · 3 months
As much as I love overprotective Clarisse which believe me I DO😍😍 am I the only one who kinda wants to see a protective reader if something happens to Clarisse or even Ivy?!
I feel like Clarisse may just sit back and be Yh that’s my girl 🤭
Literally kicking my feet and giggling while writing this
Also I love your writing so much it’s so goodddd I check my phone for any new posts all the time and scream when you do
TYSMMMMM BAE ILY!!!!!! been in a writing slump recently. someone else please write a mind bogglingly good clarisse fic to inspire me again. lord give me strength…
forget the fact this is 2 days late. thank y’all 🙏🙏
anyways officially adding danny to the perfect family bc I DO WHAT I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!
ok so imagine this
clarisse is participating in some sort of contest
idk roman gladiators LMAOOOO
but basically it’s like a big tournament? and yk she’s destroying eating it up cooking, whatever you will
finally she gets to like the semi-finals and atp everyone kinda knows she has it in the bag
her opponents are scared
(trust an underground betting ring was formed. everyone who bet on clarisse is thanking the gods and everyone who didn’t is shaking in their boots)
clarisse is happy bc you and the twins (danny and ivy)
are sitting right in the front row cheering her on
and she got a wonderful good luck kiss from you
so not only is she happy and thinking about that but also she’s convinced that she’ll win just bc she got a kiss from you
so the fight starts, ivy is genuinely SCREECHING at the top of her lungs she’s so me she can’t be normal about anything ever
and you and danny are just regularly cheering for her 😭
eventually someone behind you tells ivy to shut up
harshest death glare in the universe. like even zeus would be a little scared.
ivy doesn’t even notice she’s chill
the other person quickly shuts the fuck up.
then you turn back to watch clarisse and the fights just starting, the other dude is scared and knows his ass barely stands a chance
she’s having fun pummeling him
ugh fight scenes are hard to write
so eventually she tosses his ass to the floor
and this dude, who’s laid on the ground, who knows he’s cooked, decides the best option is to grab some dirt and throw it in clarisse’s face
and no one was prepared for this
like clarisse was standing over him with her spear at his throat, smile on her face, everyone knew he was done for- THEN HE DECIDES TO PLAY DIRTY AND DO THIS???
like everyone thought clarisse had it in the bag
the rules for this competition were that you’re not allowed to use anything but your person and/or pre-approved weapon(s)
whispers in the crowd… “oh bro is cooked…”
(sorry i’m obsessed w saying cooked rn)
and he is cooked
but by someone unexpected.
clarisse is wiping the dirt off of her face swallowing her shame she can’t believe she got distracted and let herself fall she should have saw it coming but suddenly she hears someone screaming
she opens her eyes and sees you menacingly walking towards this dude, who’s still on the ground and scrambling away
and what’s funny it you’re yelling at him like a mother would
the crowd is giggling…
clarisse is literally sitting there mouth dropped open when you grab his ear and he HOWLS
dragging him back towards clarisse, he’s kicking and screaming and literally CRYING
one of the apollo kids who organized the event is looking around (kinda enjoying it) but mostly very scared
“technically you did break the rules… sorry pal…”
obviously, this is the hottest thing clarisse has ever seen in her life.
she’s sitting back on her palms, watching in utter amazement, trying not to bite her lip
someone loving clarisse… that gets her going
someone loving clarisse enough to PROTECT HER??? she’s about to explode. EXPLODE. she’s never needed you so bad in her life LMAOOOO 😭
and this bitch is STILL refusing to apologize
like damn it’s not that hard… it’s not like you have any pride left to speak of you just got dragged around by the ear 😭😭 bro you’re cooked just apologize and get out while you can
“hey, dumbass, why don’t you look at the stands?”
you point, and everyone follows your finger.
ivy is a literal cartoonish whirl of her pink t-shirt and the white shorts with the little trees on them
danny is holding her back (with ease, might i add he’s strong as fuck 💪)
“i’ll let her out.”
he barely escapes that attack.
when you finally call ivy off of her attack, she stands next to clarisse, literally growls at the dude, before hugging clarisse
clarisse is still on the ground in utter shock.
she can’t keep her eyes away from you and ivy. she can’t get rid of the GLOWING feeling in her chest
is this… what it’s like… to be loved?
danny eventually walks over and helps her up
then they all watch as you smile sweetly at this very traumatized dude and ask if he’s ready to apologize
(i’m sorry oh gods im sorry i’m sorry”
then you walk over to clarisse, rolling your eyes and mumbling about bad parenting, girl she pounces on you.
kisses you so hard in front of everyone
ivy and danny are hugging each other and shielding each other’s eyes, screaming, begging for you two to stop
“y/n” she breathes as she pulls away “you are… the most amazing mother, the most amazing girlfriend, and literally the love of my fucking life.”
literally twirling your hair “omg baeeeee you’re too sweet 🤭”
(y’all don’t end up leaving her cabin for a LONG time.)
after this clarisse definitely sort of realizes a whole new side of your relationship. seeing you publicly defend her like that, publicly care about her, love her, omg she is going crazy for you!!!
after this incident she definitely stops calling you her gf.
gives you a really pretty ring she got one of the hephaestus kids to make, starts calling you her wife
and nobody better have a problem w that lol or else they got two ares killing machines, one feral attack dog, and a literal mother who is not afraid to drag you by your ear.
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex @luvrrish @rebecca37 @saltair-and-palemoonlight @ace-spades-1
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heyy congrats on 350+ followers (assuming im not too late? haha) i ADORE your hcss omll they make me giggle and kick my feet at 3:00 AM (they also help me sleep at night lol). if its not too much to ask could you do hcs abt Jason Grace x gf!reader in an argument + making up?
✮⋆˙ we do not go to bed angry in this house; jason grace argument blurb
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content: jason x fem! reader argument blurb warning: fighting but resolved with fluff author's note: see im not the only one who wants jason angst but this one ends happy, trust!! i love love the aesthetics for this one but the fight is weak but the child of divorce in me would rather die than write a different kind of fight, ya know???
"ha! that's a joke, right? please, you're not that stupid, jason," you hissed at the boy, slamming the door shut behind you as you guys walked into your shared apartment. you guys had thought it would be fun to go out with friends, hang out and play some pool. all good, right? yeah, it was fine, until this girl just walked up to jason, dragging him away and chatting him up for the whole night. and despite you trying to free him from her grasp, he stayed, even shooing you away at certain points. so, yeah, you were a tad bit mad. okay, you were pissed.
"y/n, i don't understand what the big deal is! we were just talking and you could see me the whole night!" jason insisted, tugging his jacket off and throwing it onto the couch with a sigh. you'd been having the same fight the whole ride home and he was just done talking about it.
"the big deal is that you allowed her to occupy your space! hell, you even wanted her around. jason, do you really not see how that looks to me?" you asked, your chest nearly heaving as you begged him to understand. jason just turned his back, his hands gripping the kitchen counter.
"i wouldn't do that," he hissed out and you squeezed your eyes shut, holding in a sigh. you knew cheating was a sore spot for him, what with his dad and all.
"that's not-"
"it is, though. why else would you care? you know i wouldn't do that, of all things."
"jason, just listen-"
"y/n, i can't when you-"
"jason, that's not fair-"
"we're done for tonight. im sleeping on the couch," jason boomed, slapping a hand against the counter. silence fell over the apartment for the first time since you entered. jason turned to look at you but you put your back to him, a clear sign that you were on the verge of crying.
"i'm sorry i raised my voice," he whispered, taking a hesitant step towards you but you just moved further away.
"go get your clothes so i can go to bed, grace," you muttered, refusing to look at him. you heard a small sigh leave jason's nose before he walked into your shared bedroom - except for, tonight, i'd be your room.
jason took up post on the couch but everything felt wrong. no matter what way he twisted and turned and fluffed his pillow and adjusted his blanket, sleep continued to allude him. he flopped onto his back and stared up at the roof, wishing he'd just heard you out. just let you explain it all and so he could understand and fix all of this. becuase he was quickly realizing the reason he was struggling to sleep was because he missed you. even the things he'd typically complain about; your breathing in his ear, the confusion of your legs tangled up with his, the way you were always freezing in bed. and he was missing it.
and then he heard the bedroom door creak open, causing him to tilt his head to see better. you, utterly exhausted, slumped out of the bedroom dragging a blanket behind you. without exchanging a single word, jason opened his arms wide and you plopped down straight into them. he held onto you tight, ensuring you wouldn't fall during the night. you snuggled into the crook of his neck, hesitantly pressing a sleepy kiss there.
"couldn't sleep," you whispered against his skin before taking a small pause, "...without you."
"same," jason murmured back, his eyes turning droopy now that he had you in his arms, "...im sorry, really. i just...i wasn't thinking about how it looked to you. you know you're the only girl ill ever have eyes for, right?"
"i do, which is why i don't understand why i get so mad. and it's not because im scared you'll...ya know. just the thought of you maybe leaving makes me sick, like maybe you'll find someone better or-"
"no. never."
"my sweet boy," you whispered and jason could feel the twitch of your lips against his neck, "let's sleep, yeah?"
"finally can with you here."
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heartfeltcierra · 1 year
Reacting to you making/giving them a friendship bracelet Pt.3 Marine Edition (Issho, Koby, Smoker, and Garp)
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AN- I've had so much fun making these! I hope you all enjoy
Characters- Fujitora, Koby, Smoker and Garp
(Find part one featuring Roger, Ace, Marco, Shanks and Doffy here)
(Find part two featuring Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Bart, Sabo and Law here)
Warnings/Content- Some angst in Smokers, Garp's part is NSFW ;)
More under the cut :)
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 Issho (Fujitora)
 💜-This man is such a gentle giant 🥹
 💜- Since Issho is blind you try to gift him things that he can feel
 💜- So when you decided to make him a bracelet, you made sure to use different shaped and different textured beads
“Y/N is that you?”
 “Maybe~” You sit beside the large man and gently grab his hand “I have a surprise for you!”
 “What’s this?” His fingers run over the soft threads of the bracelet you’ve placed on his wrist. “Did you make this?”
 “I sure did!” You beam. “The base of the bracelet is a deep purple, so that it matches your outfit!”  
 “I see, any special reason why you made it my darling?”
 “It’s just like the bracelet says.” Issho was confused at first but ran his fingers over the beads of the bracelet. His smile widens, feeling that the letters spell out I love you.
 “I hope you don’t mind.” His large hands come up to cradle your face as his fingers trace over your nose, eyes and finally your lips.  “Since I can’t see it, I want to feel the kind and beautiful smile of the woman I adore.” 
 (Issho can actually see the colorful hue of the bracelet thanks to the love and kindness you put into making it)
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🌸💕-  Koby was getting ready to go on his first overseas mission as a marine captain. Meaning he was going to be gone for a few months. 
🌸💕- You knew he was going to miss you just as much as you were going to miss him, so you wanted to give him something that would remind him of you. Thus you made him a bracelet
🌸💕- When you gave it to him he turned into a absolute, blushing mess (He was internally giggling and kicking his feet)
🌸💕- As happy as he was to receive the bracelet, he felt bad knowing he didn’t have anything to give you
🌸💕- You assured him that it was okay, but seeing you walk away empty handed left a bad taste on his tongue
  “Wait Y/N!” You turn around on the dock to see your boyfriend running towards you at full speed. “Koby?” You raise your brow as he tries to catch his breath.
 “Please take this.” Koby’s pink hair falls against his forehead as he unties the bandanna wrapped around his head. “May I?” You smile and bring your hand up so he can wrap the colorful fabric around your wrist. “It’s not a bracelet, but you can at least wear it like one!” 
 “Captain, we got the go ahead from HQ!” 
 “Roger that.”
 “You better get going captain.” You reach up and give him a kiss on his flushed cheek. “Come back to me, okay?”
 “I promise I will.” Koby’s hand wraps around yours as he pulls you close to him. “Let me give you one more thing before I go….” Your eyes widen in shock, feeling his soft lips press against yours for the very first time.
 You both pull back with embarrassment flooding your faces hearing the whistles and “Get it captain!” comments coming from the ship above you. 
 “I have to go now, love.” With a cherry red face he pulls you in for one last hug. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
 “I’ll be waiting.” 
 “Where did that come from?” Helmeppo confronted the blushing boy as soon as he stepped foot on the ship. “Did she cast some kind of love spell on that bracelet?”
 “I don't know honestly.” Koby looks at the bracelet with a dopey smile plastering his face. “I love her so much.” 
 “I know that you love sick fool..... also why do you look like you're about to pass out?”
 “Because I am.” With that his unsteady knees finally gave out, sending him straight to the deck.
 Despite the fact it took him two hours to fully recuperate, he was still proud of himself for finally finding the courage to properly kiss you. (No bewitched bracelet required)
(Koby learnt a very valuable lesson that day. Love is a hurricane!! )
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💨- The second you gave him the bracelet he handed it back saying something like “I’m a grown man and I don’t wear silly little bracelets, go give it to Tashigi.” 
💨- Definitely not the reaction you were hoping for AT ALL
💨- You grab that bracelet and leave his office, but not before bitterly saying “It won’t mean anything to her….” 
Once Smoker finally got home it was already nearing midnight. He was making his way towards your shared bedroom when he noticed something colorful in the hallway trash can. He pulled it out and recognized it as the bracelet you tried to give him earlier.
 “Fuck me.” What you said before you left his office finally made sense to him. Why would you give Tashigi a bracelet that had his and your relationship anniversary date on it? “How could I not remember that it was today?”  Not only did he reject your gift, he also forgot today actually was your anniversary. Now he was feeling like an absolute asshole, but he’s dead set on making things right. 
 Smoker opens the door to your bedroom to find the comforter still in place. She’s not here. Then he checked the guest bedroom. Not there either.  He was about to freak out thinking you had left, but remembered he had one more place to check. 
  He felt a wave of relief wash over him finding you fast asleep on the living room couch. But that relief quickly turns into heartbreak, seeing the balled up tissues scattered around your curled up body. 
 “Y/N..” There was no gruffness in the way your name left his lips. “I’m so sorry.” He brushes the stray hairs out of your face and notices the puffy ring of red around each of your eyes. “My sweet girl.” He thinks back to earlier that day, how you were happy and smiling. But he selfishly stole that from you. “I don’t deserve you at all.”
 “Hell no you don’t.” You lift up from the couch and wack his hand away.
 “You're awake??” 
 “Yeah, I have been the whole time..” 
 “Listen Y/N, I don’t have an excuse for my actions and I won’t make one.” Smoker sat down next to you on the couch and took your hand in his.  “Just know I am sorry and I love you.” 
 “I thought you “wouldn’t wear a silly little bracelet” ?” You grab the bracelet on his hand with a quirked brow.
 “Well I didn’t know my silly little woman made it for me.” He replies with a smirk. “But even if you didn't, I should have accepted it.”
 “Yeah, but It’s in the past now.” You grab the blanket and place it back over your body. “I’m going to sleep, goodnight Smokey.”
 “On the couch?”
 “Is that a problem?”
 “No, I guess not.” You were hoping he’d pick you up bridal style and whisk you away to bed, but the big oaf just walked away. He never learns. “I’ll sleep right here then.” Surprised to hear his voice again, you turn around and see him throwing pillows and blankets on the floor
 “I suppose you will.” You huff and close your eyes.
 “Y/N.” You hum in response “I think you dropped something on the floor.”
 “Dropped wha-.” 
 “I may have lost track of time and forgot today was our anniversary.” You lift up from the couch in complete shock seeing the ring Smoker held in his hand. “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t have anything planned for our anniversary.” You could feel tears forming in the corners of your eyes. “Will you marry me Y/N?” 
 “You jerk…” You hold your left hand up, letting him slide the ring over your finger. “Of course I will.” You jump down from the couch and tackle Smoker to the floor as you cry tears of joy.  “I'm still mad at you, but I’m also really happy.” You pull away and look to see Smoker also has tears of his own forming. 
 “Babygirl I’m happy too and all, but...” His voice strains as if he were in pain. “Your knee.”
 “What about my knee?” You look down and see he wasn’t crying for the reason you originally thought. “Oops.” During the process of jumping your now fiancée, your knee had unfortunately landed on his privates. “Honey I am so sorry!” 
 “It’s okay.” You could tell he was holding back a scream. “I deserved it anyway.” 
 “Drop the Mr. Tough guy act.” You roll your eyes. “Want me to go get a frozen bag of peas or something?”
 (Smoker may have lost his ability to have kids, but it was worth seeing you fawn over your engagement ring.)
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 Garp (NSFW)
💥- Despite your relationship with Garp being a secret (For.... special reasons) he’s all the time sneaking you small trinkets or leaving you a stack of his rice crackers on your desk.
💥-He can't help himself, he just loves giving you things. (At one point he even tried to steal Sengoku's goat for you because you said it was cute💀)
💥- But you wanted to return the favor and what better way than with something handmade
  “Garp, can I come in sir.” You knock on his office door before reviving a gruff come in. “I have something for you.”
 “Is that my Y/N?" His rough tone softens seeing you standing at his door. “Don’t just stand there, come here.” He said while patting his lap.
 “Isn’t that a bad idea considering we’re both at work?” Your cheeks heat up at his nonchalant invite . “What if you know who sees me, he’d kill me for sure!”
 “Honestly, I hope that bastard walks in here one of these days.” Garp smirks before giving you a serious look. “And you know I wouldn’t let him harm a hair on your head, right?”
 “I know.”
"Good, so come here."
“I guess it won’t hurt, but only for a little while.” You sigh before crawling into the large mans lap.
 “Atta girl.” Garps arms wrap around your back, pulling you further into his embrace. “So what did you have for me?”
 “I can’t give it to you smother me to death!” You voice strains as you lightly smack his broad chest.
 “Oops, sorry.” He pulls away letting you get some much needed air. “You okay down there?” 
 “Yeah.” You nod your head as you grab the bracelet from your pocket. “Hand please.” Garp holds his hand out, letting you slip the bracelet over his large hand.
 “Well, would you look at that?” The older man studies the bracelet with a fond smile. “What a sweet girl, making an old man like me something so pretty.”
 “You're all the time doing things for me, so I wanted to show my appreciation and ” You reach up and give him a quick peck on the lips. “love~”
 “Your love huh?” You didn't even get the chance to reply before the man had you pinned down face first on his desk. “In that case why don’t you show me just how much you love me?”
 “Garp not here, we can’t!” It was to late, his hands had already ripped away both your uniform skirt and underwear.
 “Why, worried about your daddy seeing you?” Garp mocks while landing a hard smack on your ass. “If anything you should worry about him hearing you.”
(Garp absolutely loved the bracelet you gifted him. But even with that being said, he may like the "gift" you're giving him right now a little bit better. Or maybe a lot more, because in his eyes there isn't anything he loves more than getting to fuck Akainu's precious daughter.)
AN- To all my Y/N's who read Garp's part, click me for a surprise
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cl3fairyyy · 3 months
routine : part 2 || edward nashton x GN!reader ⋆⭒˚。⋆
summary || you and edward finally go on a date
warnings || eddie is a liiiittle more stalker-y in this one, smoking, mentions of drinking, mentions of edward following reader home and just overall being his strange little self, this fic does get a little suggestive (no actual smut) so please MDNI!!!! i think that's everything, if i forgot anything i am so sorry </3 this fic is mostly just fluff with a side of awkward first date small talk
word count || 4.5k
notes || i am so sorry for the long wait on part 2!! been having the worst writers block of my life and my job has been taking over my life atm </3 but it is finally here!! i had so much fun writing this one, definitely thinking of doing a part 3 if u guys want it :)) apologies if at any point eddie is too OOC, he's definitely a little more confident in this one hehe. also this pic of paul is EXACTLY how I imagined him looking while writing this
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You arrive back at your dingy apartment later than you had planned and, admittedly, a lot tipsier than you had wanted to be.  
You shove your key into the crappy broken lock that your landlord refuses to fix and jiggle it around for several moments until you finally hear a click. Opening the door, you sway on your feet a little before stumbling over to the couch, kicking the door shut behind you; when you plop down on the velvety throw you use to cover up the horrible cracking leather of your equally horrible sofa, you sigh and throw your head back, allowing a smile to play onto your face.  
He had asked you on a date.  
You keep replaying the interaction in your head, mentally swooning at how Edward had lit your cigarette for you, how he had been so close that you could smell the laundry detergent on his clothes. You giggle like a schoolgirl, hugging one of your cushions as you fish around in your bag for your phone. You have to suppress a giddy squeal when you are greeted with not one, but three messages from a random number, one you can only guess belongs to Edward. You feel dizzy unlocking your phone, and you don’t know if it’s the alcohol or your nerves.  
Hi, it’s Edward. I hope you have a lovely rest of your night.  
I really liked talking to you today. You’re a very interesting person.  
Are you okay? It's late, did you get home safe?  
It takes everything in you to not dreamily sigh like you’re in a fucking rom-com. He's concerned about me, you think, typing a reply with a lopsided smile on your face.  
hiii yes im fine!! just made it home : )  
im vry drunk lol  
Immediately the grey typing bubble pops up and you launch your phone across the room, scrambling to the fridge to open the half-empty bottle of slightly too expensive rosé that you have been saving for the next time you rewatch Fleabag.   
You hear your phone ding twice and gingerly pick it up from underneath the coffee table, your hands shaking.  
Oh, good to hear that you’re safe haha. I was about to head back to the bar to see if you were okay.  
That was a joke by the way.  
You can’t stop a smile from spreading across your face. You take a swig from the bottle and begin typing.  
yea im sure it was lol  
it was nowhere near as interesting after u left. u were in such a hurry too are u ok??  
Edward’s cheeks grow red when he reads your second message. You think he’s interesting? Are you hinting that you would’ve preferred if he stayed?  
Wish I could have stayed for a bit longer haha, just had some work at home that I couldn’t get my mind off, so wanted to take another crack at it.  
Obviously, he can’t tell you that his work isn’t just some simple tax fraud, but a potential money laundering scandal that ties all the way back to Maroni and your own boss. He knows at this point, though, that you’re too polite to question him.  
u sure do work a lot!!!! idk how u havent burnt out yet.   
try to get some rest if u can : ) its not like the work wont be there tmrw!!!!  
Edward smiles. You are so lovely to him; the idea that someone like you could show so much kindness to him makes his heart swell and his eyes fill with tears. A few run down the tip of his nose and plop onto his phone screen.  
I know, I know. Sometimes it feels like I can’t switch my brain off haha. It’s been in overdrive since I got home.  
He cringes at himself. Is he meant to text so formally? You're pretty much the only contact in his phone besides his landlord and the office. He glances down at his screen, noticing that you’ve read his message but haven’t started typing an answer, and immediately begins to panic.  
Of course someone like you couldn’t like him. He was a fool to think you were any different than anyone else in this shithole of a city. You’re probably still sat with your colleagues at that shitty bar, reading out his messages and all having a good old laugh at him. Everyone get a load of Nashton! you're probably saying, and he feels sick to his stomach.   
soso sorry my phone just died out of nowhere!!! i srsly did not mean to leave u on opened  
honestly i get u i can be like that. its probably worse for u tho bc ur so smart lol  
whats been sending the brain of eddie into overdrive tonight??  
Edward shakes his head at how silly he’s being. It would be funny if he didn’t feel so pathetic. He reads your messages over and over until his eyes burn; no one has ever given him a nickname before. Eddie. He rereads the nickname, trying to imagine how it would sound coming out of your mouth. His mind begins to wander, picturing you lying beneath him, bare chest heaving as you moan that name to him. Eddie.  
He's snapped out of his thoughts when his phone lights up again with a notification from his news app. He attempts to push down his building arousal before it completely clouds his mind, and scrambles for his phone to send you a reply.   
It’s a little embarrassing, but... I have been thinking non-stop about the conversation we had outside.  
I really would like to take you out, if you’ll let me. If you’d like to pick where we go so you feel more comfortable, I’m happy with that. I’m sure you know much nicer places to go than I do anyway haha.  
You squeal at your phone, kicking your feet in the air like a goddamn teenager. You hastily type a reply, and soon enough you’ve made plans for Sunday to go to a lovely downtown jazz club that plays live music. It's one of your favourite spots in the whole city.  
You fall asleep fairly quickly after throwing yourself on your bed still fully clothed. You don’t think twice about how bad your hangover will be when you wake up, instead picturing your date with Edward and just how lovely he is.  
Edward, on the other hand, stays up all night, his thoughts rife with anxiety. You'd had one conversation in a loud bar, and now he’s expected to keep you entertained for an entire evening? What if you didn’t find him interesting? What if he ran out of things to talk about? What if you stood him up entirely?  
He shakes his head, trying as hard as he can to shake the thoughts from his brain entirely. He opens your social media, which he has found himself doing every time he seems to be on the verge of a panic attack recently. He finds his favourite picture of you, a candid photo of you in a coffee shop mid-laugh, your eyes sparkling and cheeks rosy. He loves your smile in this picture.  
He hopes he can make you smile like that.  
Saturday goes by painfully slowly for you. The dragging hours aren’t helped by your awful hangover that seems to have convinced your brain that any slight movement will have you vomiting. You cringe rereading the messages you sent Edward the evening prior, hangxiety hitting you like a train.  
Eddie? Seriously?  
You have one conversation with the guy and have already started throwing nicknames around- you're in shock that you didn’t scare him off with how forward you were being. If he brings it up, you can always blame it on how drunk you were, which isn’t exactly a lie.  
He doesn’t text you until later in the evening, just a simple message confirming that you’re still on for tomorrow. You wonder if he’s as nervous as you are, if his anxiety manifests itself in the way he chews at his lower lip the same way you do.  
When Sunday finally rolls around, you wake up extra early to give yourself as much time to get ready as humanly possible. You would never admit it to anyone, but you’d picked out your outfit the night before and laid it on your desk chair, your nervous excitement barely allowing you to get a wink of sleep.   
Edward had offered to pick you up, but you really do not need him seeing the shithole you live in the first time he sees you outside of work. You both agree to meet outside the bar, and since it’s in walking distance from your apartment, you decide against getting a taxi.  
Gotham is strangely beautiful in March, the last moments of winter finally coming to fruition. The sun is just beginning to set when you step out into the chilly air, casting an orange glow on the old buildings and warming your cheeks against the cold.   
Edward’s heart races as he clumsily stumbles out of the subway station. He's almost twenty minutes early and grasps a cluster of lilies in one hand, the other of which he uses to steady himself against a lamppost. The lady from his favourite podcast whispers soothingly in his ear as he attempts to block out the loudness of the city and steady his breathing.  
“You are strong, and you are worthy. Be the change you want to see.”  
He closes his eyes, taking deep breaths before finally grounding himself. Edward is all too aware of how he must look right now: sweaty, clutching a bouquet of flowers while standing alone outside a bar. He glances at his watch. Still ten minutes until your meeting time.  
He tries to ignore the lump in his throat and the stinging in his eyes. You will show up. You have to.  
Edward jumps slightly when his phone chimes in his pocket. His heart drops when he realises it’s a text from you.  
so sorry!!! running a few mins late :/ decided to walk today and ofc that’s the day that every traffic light in the city decides to break LOL  
The light-hearted tone in your message doesn’t do much to comfort him. He types a short answer and sends it, trying to focus all of his energy on his podcast and not crying from how utterly terrified he is.  
Ten minutes after your initially agreed upon meeting time, Edward hears a voice shouting his name. He looks up to be met with the image of you practically sprinting down the street towards him. You pull to a stop in front of him, smoothing your hair down and smiling bashfully up at him. Christ, you forgot how tall he is.  
“Before you say anything, I am so sorry. First there was the traffic light thing, then one of my old college friends stopped me in the street and decided that she wanted to update me on every single day of the past three years of her life.”  
You breathe in heavily through your nose, your hands on your knees as you try and keep yourself from keeling over. You make a mental note to begin using that gym membership you keep renewing. Quitting smoking would probably help, too.  
You look up when Edward hasn’t responded for several moments, and his cheeks are very pink.  
“Look, you have every right to be pissed at me. If you want to cancel-”  
Before you can finish, Edward interrupts you by thrusting a bouquet of flowers into your hands.  
“Th-these are for you. I, um, remembered you mentioning lilies were your favourite flower, so...” He stumbles over his words, talking just a little too fast. 
You're quite literally lost for words. You examine the flowers, your cheeks growing warm; it's a lovely spray of pink, yellow and orange lilies, tied together with a cream ribbon. They’re a little crumpled, but nothing that can’t be fixed with a little plant food. You smile at Edward.  
“Oh, Edward. They're gorgeous, really, thank you. No guy’s ever gotten me flowers before...”  
A small, lopsided grin spreads across his face.   
“I can’t imagine why anyone lucky enough to have you wouldn’t get you flowers.”  
You flush at that, and loop your arm around his, leading him inside. You manage to find a nice booth in the corner, away from the stage and speakers that surround it while Edward heads to the bar. You anxiously drum your fingers on the table and scroll through your phone, not really paying attention to what you’re meant to be reading as your mind replays what Edward had said earlier.  
Edward watches you from the bar, admiring the high flush on your cheekbones and the way your outfit hugs your body. By the time he’s ordered and heading back to your table, you seem a little more relaxed. You smile at him gratefully as you accept your drink and try not to make your staring too obvious.  
He looks handsome. He's wearing such a basic outfit, just a simple button up shirt and some smart slacks, but there’s something about Edward wearing something so casual and making it look so good that has you crossing your legs under the table.  
“You look lovely tonight, by the way.”  
You smile shyly at him, tracing your finger around the rim of your glass.  
“Thank you, Edward. I have to say, you clean up pretty good yourself.”  
He laughs, and you don’t miss the way it sounds like it's one of disbelief.  
“Well, I don’t know if I’d say that.”  
You roll your eyes playfully, taking a sip of your drink.  
“Well, I would. You look really handsome.”  
Edward shakes his head, a bashful smile on his face as he looks down, taking a sip of water. The pair of you sit there for a few moments in awkward silence, trying to think of something to start a conversation with. 
You lock eyes and both laugh, cheeks red. You wave your hand. 
“Sorry, you go.” 
Edward averts his gaze, fiddling with his collar. 
“I, um, was just going to ask how you found this place? I’ve never even heard of it. Well, I suppose the fact I don’t drink and don’t listen to jazz music doesn’t help, but...” 
Edward finds himself trailing off, kicking himself for how utterly awkward he is. The way you smile at him, unfazed, doesn’t help. 
How could someone like you ever find any interest in someone like him? 
“It’s a funny story, actually. My old roommate was on a date with this absolute dick, and she needed me to come save her. So, what happened was....” 
As you tell him the grandiose story of having to pretend to be your roommates' partner who caught her cheating, and how you had to run away when her date attempted to fight you, Edward can’t help but admire the way your eyes light up as you gesture wildly with your hands, the way your laugh comes out as an adorable snort when you attempt to do an impression of her very flustered date.  
You are so beautiful. He wishes he could capture this moment in a bottle and replay it every day, for the rest of his life. 
He doesn’t realise how much he’s staring until you clear your throat a little awkwardly, clearly finished with your tale. He can feel the warmth on his cheeks. 
“Ah, well, I do hope you don’t have some secret boyfriend who’s going to jump out on me like that.” 
He bites his lip after saying whatever the hell that was, but to his complete disbelief you laugh. Not a pity laugh, not one of discomfort, but a genuine laugh, one that’s just a little too loud, one that disturbs some of the patrons around you. 
You clearly don’t care, your head thrown back as that smile, that lovely smile from his favourite picture spreads across your face. Even as you speak, uncontrollable giggles escape you. 
“Oh God, can you imagine? Lucky for you, I’ve been single for a while, so don’t worry about my secret boyfriend coming in and trashing the place.” 
That makes Edward laugh, much to your pleasure, and just like that, the tension in the air has dissolved. You can see Edward’s tense shoulders visibly relax, and the next few hours are spent under the warm light of the bar’s lamps, your conversations hushed and filled with longing glances, and it feels like you’re the only two people in the world that exist. 
The two of you step out into the bitter cold of the evening, hands fumbling for your respective cartons of cigarettes. Your shivering hands are somehow able to summon a flame from your crappy old lighter, and the alcohol in your system, as well as the way Edward looks at you with such adoration in his eyes, warm you from the inside out. He offers you his arm and you take it maybe just a little too enthusiastically as you walk through the city streets. 
When you look up at Edward, he’s already got his eyes on you, the tip of his nose pink from the late winter air. You can feel the flush spreading across your face, quickly averting your eyes to the sparkling lights of the skyscrapers. 
Edward retracts his arm from yours, and you look up at him again, confused and somewhat offended. He’s shrugging his parka off his shoulders and draping it over your own before you can even comprehend what’s happening. 
“You’re shivering. You might not feel cold because you’ve been drinking, but I can see the goosebumps on your arms.” 
He says this so matter-of-factly. Does he not realise how romantic and thoughtful his actions are? He opens his mouth to speak again, but you interrupt him. 
“Thank you.” 
He offers you that adorable lopsided grin that accentuates just how round and soft his cheeks are. 
“It’s really no problem. I don’t want you getting sick.” 
Maybe it’s the alcohol. Maybe it’s just how perfect the night has been. Maybe it’s the way he looks at you like you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen. Before you can second-guess yourself, you’re removing the cigarette from between his lips and replacing it with a kiss. 
He's stiff at first, unsure, before you feel a hesitant hand on your face, thumb caressing your cheek. He pulls away first, pressing his forehead to yours, and you can practically see the stars in his eyes. 
You suddenly feel bashful, pulling away from him completely and taking a drag from your cigarette. 
“Sorry, I-” 
“Why are you apologising?” 
You meet his gaze again, his glasses fogged up, but not enough to conceal the way his brow knits with worry, the apprehension in his eyes. 
“I don’t know, I- I should have asked first.” 
He takes your hand in his own, his smile so comforting that you feel all your worries melt away almost instantaneously. 
“You don’t ever have to worry about asking me something like that. The answer will always be yes.” 
He kisses you again, softly, and you can taste the tobacco on his tongue, making your head spin. His other hand comes to rest on your hip, squeezing it reassuringly as he takes your breath away. 
You pull away first this time, readjusting his glasses which have slipped down his nose. 
“Do you want to come back to my place?” 
Edward’s face goes entirely red at your suggestion, and he stumbles over his words as he tries to string together a coherent sentence. 
“I- um, well...” 
You smile patiently, and he returns it somewhat hesitantly. 
“I’ve- I’ve really enjoyed our night together, and I, just, um... I like you so much that, ah, I don’t really think we should rush anything. You’ve had a bit to drink, and I would hate to take advantage of that.” 
Your eyes sting at his rejection as you attempt to muster up a tight-lipped smile, nodding stiffly. Edward’s smile drops. 
“Oh dear, I’ve upset you, haven’t I?” 
When you don’t quite meet his eyes, he sighs and gently holds your hand, giving you the chance to push him away. When you don’t, he pushes a little further, holding your chin between two fingers and tilting your head up to meet his gaze. 
“I’m not lying when I say I like you. I really do, and I would hate to rush something as important as... that... especially when you’re intoxicated. I don’t want you to have any regrets. You're too special.” 
Your heart leaps at his words, and you give Edward a small smile. It was never about him, or his comfort. He’s worried that you’d regret sharing yourself with him. 
“I... yeah. I guess I’m just used to guys only expecting one thing out of a date. I really like you too, Eddie.” 
He presses a chaste kiss to your lips, offering you his hand. 
“Let me walk you home?” 
You nod, leaning into his side.  
Edward, of course, knows exactly where you live, but feigns ignorance as you take the lead back to your apartment. He'd know your building anywhere, thanks to his tendency to follow you home after work to ensure your safety, but being in front of it now, with you by his side, feels so fresh and new that it’s almost as if he’s seeing it for the first time. 
It's falling apart, of course. Every building in Gotham that isn’t owned by someone extremely wealthy is. Crude graffiti adorns the crumbling brick walls, and he feels you stiffen up beside him when you notice a couple of shady guys, probably dealing drops, only a few feet away. 
“It’s not exactly... the best area. Will you at least wait for your cab in my apartment? I really don’t want you getting mugged, or worse.” 
Even with his impressive height, you’re worried Edward could be a target. His smart clothes definitely don’t help. 
Edward can hardly believe his luck at finally being able to see the inside of your apartment. Of course, he’s seen it from outside your window when he’s perched on your fire escape late at night, but this is different. This is intimate. Even though he’d turned down your offer for sex, you’re still revealing such a personal aspect of yourself to him. 
You trust him. 
You lead him into the rundown building, apologising for the elevator that has been broken for months. He already knows that, but nods anyway.  
“That’s okay. Five flights of stairs won’t do me any harm.” 
When you finally make it inside, he perches somewhat awkwardly on your couch, his height making the piece of furniture appear ridiculously small. You curl up on the other side of the sofa, giving him his space as he books an Uber home. 
The silence is thick, but comfortable. Edward is so engrossed in his phone that you’re finally given the chance to really study his features. The curve of his strong nose that holds up his glasses, the roundness of his cheeks, the softness of his jaw. The warmth of the numerous lamps scattered around your apartment light up his face with a soft glow that makes him look almost cherubic. 
Edward glances at you, clearly feeling your intense gaze. He doesn’t seem anywhere near as nervous as usual, his smile relaxed. 
“You okay?” 
You prop your head up with your hand and nod, content. 
“You’re so handsome, you know?” 
His cheeks grow pink, his smile a little more shy. His voice is a whisper when he speaks. 
“Thank you.” 
You lapse into another comfortable silence as he returns to his phone, the smile never leaving his face. His phone chimes and he stands reluctantly. 
“Cab’s nearly here...” 
You walk him to the door, and he lingers for a moment. 
“Can I-?” 
You don’t give him time to finish, tugging him down by his collar and pressing your lips to his in another soft kiss. His hands find refuge at your waist, pulling you closer to him. You run your hands up his sides, and he reacts with a delicious shiver to your utter delight. Gathering your nerves, you tease his lower lip with a nibble, and he chases your mouth with a soft groan when you pull away from him.  
You grin at his flustered state, his cheeks red and glasses fogged up, his sandy fringe ruffled beyond repair. You press one more lingering kiss to his lips before unlocking your door. 
“You said your taxi’s nearly here?” 
A chuckle escapes Edward, an octave lower than what you’re used to, and your knees go weak at the sound. He runs his hand through his hair, adjusting his glasses. 
“You are so cruel.” 
You glance down, immediately realising what he’s referencing, and giggle giddily. 
“You’ll just have to wait for next time, I guess.” 
He sighs, a dazed smile on his face. 
“So, you want me to take you out again?” 
You roll your eyes playfully, standing on your tiptoes so that your mouth is on level with his ear. You run a hand down his chest, your voice a sultry purr. 
“I thought that much was obvious.” 
Edward breathes out heavily through his nose and you smile innocently at him before kissing his cheek. The tension is shattered by the loud sound of his ringtone and you both jump back, the spell broken. Edward smiles apologetically at you when he answers the phone before panic spreads across his face. You can faintly hear a very angry man shouting at him on the other side of the line. 
“Yes, yes! Sorry! I’ll be right there! Sorry!” 
The other caller hangs up and you snort, pushing him gently out the door. 
“Don’t let me keep you any longer from the most awkward ride home of your life. Are you gonna tell the driver you left him waiting so long because you were making out with your colleague?” 
Edward stumbles over his words, the flush on his cheeks somehow deepening.  
“I, ah, will not be doing that. Christ, I’m going to have to tip him even more than I was planning to, aren’t I?” 
You giggle and Edward laughs too, giving you one last quick kiss before practically throwing himself down the stairs. 
You close your door, sighing dreamily like the protagonist of a cheesy rom-com. You shoot Edward a quick text and sink onto your sofa, your heart thrumming. You'd gotten him to open up. You're going to go on another date. You kissed him. As far as first dates go, you’d chalk that up to being pretty successful.  
The rest of your evening is spent texting back and forth with Edward, and when you finally roll into bed your brain is clouded with thoughts of him, his smile, the feeling of his lips on yours. You’re so focused on the image of Edward’s silly flustered smile after you kissed him for the first time that your rational thinking completely skips over one minor detail that you’ll have completely forgotten by the time you wake up. 
How did he know what floor you live on? 
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kandavers · 9 months
Doodle Dump!
Hello Kandavers Tumblr Nation! If you can't already tell, I've been absolutely BRAINROTTING over www-related content these past few days HEHE
I've been drawing a lot of his interactions with my Beloved Mutuals' OCs and I thought I'd post it here as a mass post because they're Too Silly and Goofy (and Doodly) AND I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO RAMBLE ABOUT IT PLEASE AND THANK YOU
(Warning! Some of them are mmmildlyyyy suggestive hehe) (As a Treat!)
Characters heads up: Will Wayward by Me! Starii by @dianacoreexe Valentine Hart by @chronnellian Mimix by @sleepyzuku Mori Moonlet by @kawaiialeisha
Here's Mimix, Will and Mori jamming together in their MWM Band (Outfits subject to change HAHA we never really got that far with the Designs save for Mimix (common sleepyzuku slay)):
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(Adding a Keep Reading button so that the post won't be too Long!!)
And the slicked back hair WWW I drew just for the occasion:
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I KNOW I HAVENT OFFICIALLY POSTED A PROPER WWW X MIMIX SHIP POST BUT I've mentioned before WWW and Mimix are in a relationship, and we have this running joke that Mori would occasionally be a third wheel in their relationship it's HILARIOUS !!!
(cw suggestive:)
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And shy Mimix got me so weak HAHA:
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It's so cute that Mimix can't handle intimacy that well, so Will always helps him take the initative aaa,,, DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN WHEN I SAY I'VE GOT BRAINWORMS
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"Out of everyone in this entire universe" (The first panel is by Diana themselves for context LMAO)
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See, we both agreed that Will and Starii would be Adopted siblings! There's a little bit of lore to it, which is Starii is an Alien whose space ship crashed onto Earth when she was Smaller, and Will, being the Space Nerd (tm) he is, he offered to let her Stay with him while he fixed her ship! (And for context, Winnie is Will's biological sister that I have not designed nor planned yet !)
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This one is just so funny to me HAHAHA
(cw: suggestive)
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But despite the erm... Physical Admiration 💀 Will has for Valentine, I offer you SOFT and WHOLESOME doodles and they make me SO VERY WEAK I AM SO SOFT FOR THEM ARGHHHH
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And bonus kissy,,,,
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When they say "I love you" while affectionately gazing at each other like that... ouuuu I think I will Pass Out /pos
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Bonus cute details:
Will used to have just 1 earring pierced on his Left Ear (if I recall correctly 💀 hashtag bad OC creator) but he went to get the other one pierced with Mimix
After meeting Starii, she gave him one of her earrings, so his Right Ear would always have a star-shaped earring! (Don't worry about consistency i literally forget all the time too LOL)
He has one of those succubus-looking tattoos on his tummy 😳😳 Solely because I think it's cute and ZESTY and it has 0 things to do with his character but thats okay. <3
And honestly shout out to All These Artists for feeding my delusions and brainrots at 2-3am even, with their ideas and headcanons too, they got me Giggling and Kicking my Feet and Everything WAAA
I REALLY LOVE HOW I AM ABLE TO CREATE THESE COOL AND MUSHY OC INTERACTIONS WITH THEM <3333 Honestly I love my mutuals so much they're so Amazing hehe
That's the Doodle Dump for Now! Thank you for reading this far and listening to my Deranged Rambles about them !
And last but not least, go follow my Mooties if You havent already 🫵🫵💥‼️‼️ I love You!!! /p
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lillithhearts · 3 months
Lucifer x spouse!Reader˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Am I supposed to be doing requests? Yeah but 8AM me is wanting Lucifer Fluff, also I want my mootie to wake up to this✊
CW: Not proofread
Reader is gender neutral
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On a calm morning in hell you laid in the large bed with a hand tangled in your husbands hair while gazing at the phone in your hand; gentle music playing in the bedroom, you didn't know Lucifer could purr you're gonna be honest but the vibration of his head on your chest, his arms wrapped around your mid section made you sleepy. Trying to blink away the tiredness creeping into your vision your hand balled up some hair tugging up his head while he whined.
"that's reserved for something else, Dearest"
You snorted as he now looked at you with big red eyes the king's chin rested on your chest; his smile only getting bigger when you wrap your arms around him, this morning was domestic and sweet, quiet and peaceful.. You couldn't have that so you hid your plans while fiddling with Lucifer's smooth blonde hair.
"you have very nice hair"
"I know, it's very soft"
"it sure is"
Lucifer rolled his head, now his cheek smushed against your chest; his gaze filled with love and adoration for his loving spouse, his hands wiggled out from under you to hold your face with his now warm hands; you melted into the feeling of your husbands enticing hold; before your deathly cold hands slipped up his shirt; landing on his sensitive waist, holding back a laugh while he squealed and tried to wrestle himself from your hold to absolutely no avail.
"release me! You wretch, I do not deserve this at 9am! Your hands are ice"
You scoffed at the insult and effortlessly pinned him down, your hands riding up his chest as he kicked his feet like an angry child; His hands attempting to halt your movements, a loud yell erupting from his throat as your fingers grazed over his chest; his sharp eyes narrowed on you, how dare you be laughing? At him! He's the king of hell God be damned! Respect him! His hands smacking against your chest rapidly to try and get you off; you halt your hands next to his pecs under his armpits and he reflexively clamped his arms down on your hands, you chuckled looking down at the flushed Angel who was now pouting.
"what are you doing?"
"trying! To get you to stop"
"just ask me, nicely"
"oh you little- can you stop freezing my nips off.. Please"
Your hands swept up from under his shirt as you held them up; finally showing mercy. You noticed something whipping around in the corner of your eye you soon saw it was his tail; he grumbled further while you were in awe at him and held his tail in your hand, flopping around the spade tipped end of his tail, your hand going to intertwine with one of his he hissed at the still, cold hand you have while relentling at letting you hold his tail. His free hand went to your hip before the back of his head hit the mattress; him quietly sighing, hearing you giggle and coo at his demonic tail
"I love you, sweetheart"
"I love you too, My King"
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Authors note : ugh he's so submissive and breedable- WHO SAID THAT?? WOAH OMG
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saesitoshi · 10 days
Gojo punishing his puppies!
satoru gojo, you, and his bff 🩷
nsfw minors dni.
au! where everyone is happy no one dies and theyre happy forever
satoru will always be here for his cute bunny!! even if his cute bunny decides to not be so innocent and turn out a cock hungry whore for his bsf, but thats okay! he can always punish you both. ♡
pairings: best friend! gojo x bimbo! reader , geto x bimbo! reader , geto x gojo
characters are probably ooc for the sake of the fic!! sorry..but hot men!!
Warnings: 18+ ,use of pet names, porn with the tiniest of plot, manhandling, degradation, threesome, oral (fem receiving), p/v sex, anal (masc recieving) pussy slapping, spitting, choking, slightest praise if you squint, virginity loss, hickeys, missionary, backshots. bimbo reader, lmk if i missed anything.
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You knocked loudly on Gojo’s apartment door. You tried to clean up your runny nose, you did, and you also tried to stop your eyes from tearing up, but you couldn’t, not after you woke up extra early to get all cute for your boyfriend ex. you were supposed to go to a cute date just you and him, but instead you stood there like an idiot as you watched your own boyfriend make out with a girl outside the cafe you were supposed to meet him at.
you decided to show up early to surprise him. Instead he ended up surprising you. You didn’t bother confronting him. instead, you blocked him on everything. you didn’t know what to do, so you called your best friend.
“toru?” your voice clearly trembling from your crying.
“You okay, y/n? What happened, you sound shaken up-”
“Toru! are you home? need you really bad right now..please.” you didn’t know why you were calling him, it isn’t that serious.
“Yeah. ‘m home. friend’s over though, you sure you still w’na come?” he said, sounding unbothered. it was probably something about your boyfriend
“mhm. be there in 5.” you hung up. you wondered, was his friend cute?
here you were, infront of gojo’s door.
“Hey pretty, come in.” he hugged you slightly before you walked in
you bent over to kick your shoes off at the entrance. you only came to cuddle and let him comfort you like no other.
“ m’ so sorry im coming out of nowhere.” you smiled as you looked up at gojo through your lashes.
he was always taller than you maybe by a couple feet. you always admired his beauty, how his hair was so soft and perfectly layered. his blue eyes, the way he looked at you, a way he never looked at anyone else. his pale skin, and his pink perfect li- what am i thinking. you stopped before you got too carried away.
“dont worry sweetheart, its nothing. come, let me introduce you to suguru.” he took your wrist gently and pull you into the living room.
suguru? you thought. a part of you wished he looked as good as gojo.
“Suguru, this is y/n. Y/n this is Geto. I think its funny how both of my best friends have never met eachother.” he let out a slight laugh. so cute you thought.
“hi geto kun.” you gave him a bright smile. slightly crossing one arm to your other to press your boobs together “its nice to meet you!!” you giggled. he was cute, just like gojo, maybe he could be your next boyfriend.
“no need to call me by my last name, feel free to call me suguru, its nice to meet you too.”
he smiled back at you. he didn’t say much but you didn’t mind. he had a soft voice, higher than gojo, but still a tiny bit deep. it made you feel fuzzy.
“go ‘head and sit with suguru, im getting you a jacket. you need to cover up.” he glanced down at your outfit.
you didnt think you were wearing anything bad. a white crop top, tied around your neck by strings, with a jean miniskirt, leg warmers and of course your white toes.
yes maybe you were showing your breasts to much.. and nipples, and stomach. and too much thighs and legs. but you thought it was fine, a part of you wanted to be seen like this.
“hi suguru kun!! watchu watching?” you skipped over to him, making your boobs jiggle on purpose. you caught him looking.
“i dunno, some action movie. you gonna come sit with me and watch the movie, pretty?” he said tilting his head slightly, smiling, while patting the empty space on his left.
you were surprised at his boldness, maybe it was because gojo wasn’t here you thought. you paid no mind and went along with it.
“mhm, dont mind if i do.” you sat next to him, your plush thighs touching him. he was about to place his hand on your thigh until..
“hey, y/n here. i got u some pants and a hoodie.” he was clearly ticked off, jealous maybe?
“I dont wanna!!” you whined, as you got up. feeling geto’s eyes on your butt.
“mm.. theyre to big anyway toru!! and its so hot.” you hugged him as a way to convince him into letting you keep what you had on.
“atleast put the hoodie on, bunny.”
“why should i, hm?” you gave him a sly smile.
“so you don’t seem like an attention seeking whore to my friend.” he flicked your forehead
“ughh, fine.” you were definitely taking this off later.
gojo stared at you looking annoyed, “weren’t you just crying?”
oh. right, you remembered the whole reason you even came here.
“oh yeah, i forgot. I cought shin kissing some other bitch in-front of the cafe he was supposed to be taking me to, its nothing though, you made me feel better.” you smiled at him before grabbing a beer from the fridge. you chugged it before adding on, “i blocked him on everything though.”
“I dont get why you didn’t do that from the start.” he said flicking your forehead. again.
“ouch!!” you pouted
a few hours went by, you had gotten to know geto a little more, and you were pretty drunk, they both scolded you the whole time but you didnt care, you wanted to forget about your ex.
it was around 10pm when gojo decided to say..
“oh yeah, suguru is staying the night, so if you wanted to stay you might as well.” he placed his hand on your head before getting up from the floor where you were all sitting on from the previous board game.
“ i was .. hiccup .. plan- planning on it anyway.” you glanced over at geto, who was clearly staring at you.
you smiled at him before crawling over to him.
“hey. you’re cute..” you tilted your head and smiled. just looking at him made you feel fuzzy..
“hey. you’re drunk. come on get off before satoru comes back.”
“relaxxx~ hes gone! it’ll.. hiccup … take a while.” you scooted closer to him. lips ghosting over his
“dontcha wanna kiss me?”
“cant, even if i wanted too, pretty. your toru’s girl.”
you pouted at this. you didn’t like his rejection.
you quickly got up and rushed to find gojo, who was in his room getting blankets and pillows.
“toruuu!!!” you barged in
“yes bunny? whats up.”
you went up to him and pushed him onto the bed, half lidded eyes tracing over his features. you cupped his cheek.
“did you tell suguru we’re dating?”
“no, i didn’t, princess. why?” he raised a brow attempting to get you off, cleary failing.
“mm.. he wont let me kiss him. he said he cant.. because im ‘toru’s girl’, mm.” your finger tracing over his lips, legs closing in tightly at his waist.
he doesn’t look to happy, you thought.
“y/n, get off.” he said trying to push you off.
“why are you mad? you jealouss?” you were still on him, not going anywhere. you giggled at this.
“no, stop acting like a slut and just act normal for once.” his voice was stern. and harsh. he never talked to you like this, he was really mad.
you unconsciously started to tear up, maybe it was your drunk self, or your horny self, but you knew how to manipulate gojo into giving you what you want. what is it that i want?
“toru, m’ sorryyy..i love you okay? only you..im sorry for this.” you braced yourself. god you hoped your drunk self wasnt going to ruin everything.
“for wha-” gojo quickly being cut off.
there you were. cupping your best friends cheeks and making out with him, inviting your own tongue into his mouth. you grabbed his hand and placed it onto your waist. pushing him deeper into the mattress, gojo now laying down completely.
you pulled away to catch your breath.
“y/n. what the fuck are you doing?” he was confused but part of him liked this. he could never admit it right now though.
“satoru… im tired of pretending i dont like you. i dont wanna ruin anything but, hiccup..i love you. more than best friends.” you kissed his cheek, the corners of his mouth, his forehead and neck.
“y/n, your just drunk talking, you dont mean it.”
“m’ not. i mean it.”
“you’re a fucking whore.” was the last thing he said before yelling at geto.
“yo suguru, come here!” he manhandled you to a position where he was on top now.
“ya called?” geto came in.
gojo leaned into your ear whispering, “since you wanna be a slut, make a show for suguru, okay?”
“toru, i want you. i need you please..hiccup.. pleaseee.” you had no idea what was making you say this but you guessed it was just the horniness making you talk.
“suguru, your gonna fuck her, okay?” gojo glanced over at geto.
“with pleasure.” geto took his shirt off in one go and untied the strings of his sweats.
“t-toru! wait…”
“i want you..and sugu, to eat me out.” you covered your face with your arms.
“is that so, princess?” gojo grabbed the back of your knees and pressed them against your shoulders.
“hold on tight for me, ‘kay bunny?” he flashed you a smile. “suguru, ya ready?”
“let’s see what our puppy tastes like gojo ♡” suguru said kneeling down next to gojo spreading kisses down your thighs and tummy, putting your panties to the side and bunching your skirt up to your stomach.
“h..hurry.. need it, now, pl-please!” you were getting impatient for their touch. you felt like you were about to explode.
almost immediately gojo lapped at your cunt on command rubbing his finger up and down your hole while occasionally sticking his tongue in while suguru sucked on your puffy clit.
“n-ngh! a..hah! sug..toru! more more more..!” you began to blabble already to fucked out from barely any action.
“taste so fuckin’ good, bunny.” satoru said sticking his digit inside your weeping and needy hole. “look how wet she is, suguru ♡” he said pulling out his finger pulling it up so geto could see.
“mm..she’s so pretty, all wet glistening in her juices.” geto grabbed gojo’s wrist and pulled his middle finger up to his mouth, sucking off all your juices.
gojo blushed at this.
“tou..touch me, touch me mor- hah! ngh yes.yesyesyes!!” your head rolling back into the mattress, and you swore, there was stars on the ceiling.
gojo stuck in 3 digits inside your leaking pink hole. “gotta get you niceee and ready, love. don’t want me and sugu-chan hurting your poor cunt do we now?”
he giggled seeing your flushed and confused expression. gojo moved out of the way leaving geto to eat you like a starved man. “h-hah!! wha.. you? sugu?? cant..take..both cant..at once! nghh, suguru!”
“im sure you can, be a good girl and let us stretch you out, hm?” gojo grabbing geto, who wouldve probably never let go of your pretty cunt, by the hair to get him off and fully undressed.
“but before that, im gonna get suguru to stretch you out okay?” he goes to your side caressing your cheek. “you’d like that wouldn’t you? you just love sugu-chan so much you want him to stretch you out nice and good, hm?”
“t-toru!! cant… i..im a ..” you hesitated. fuck it. “virgin! virgin, im a virgin toru toru… ngh!” you could barely talk with how geto’s fingers curved and scissored across your gummy walls.
he laughed. “pfftt, you act like a slut and you’ve never even gotten any action, you’re such a whore.” gojo wrapped his hand around your neck choking you softly.
“Suguru, you okay with fucking a virgin dumb?” gojo flashed him his fangs as he smiled, softly slapping your cheek.
“i’d be more than happy.” he pushed your legs further onto your shoulders aligning himself at your entrance.
he spit on your cunt and gave it a slap, earning a muffled moan from you as gojo bullied his tongue into your mouth.
“breathe, ‘kay? and relax, im ‘bout to go in.” he slapped the side of your thigh to make sure you heard him.
“mm-mhm!!” you mumbled, gojo finalizing the kiss by biting your bottom lip, kissing your forehead after. “get ready, baby. it wont hurt, if you just welcome him in ♡”
geto slowly pushed in your tight little hole.
“n-ngh! hah..big..big!!!” you looked down, realizing this was the first time you saw geto’s dick. it was thick, you would have to guess it was around 6 inches from what youve seen in those porn videos.
“suguru, don’t go easy on her, dont hold back. its her punishment for being such a whore.” gojo said finding his way into the crook of your neck giving you hickeys.
“sorry, princess.. hold your breathe for a sec yea?”
you were confused at suguru’s request, but you complied too drunk to understand. and suddenly-
“F-FUUUCK!!. ngh..ya….hah.. ow, sugu.. too much.. too-t- big!!” you struggled against the two boy’s hold on you.
suguru began to slip in out of you, occasionally stopping to bottom out all his length inside your cunt.
“so! soo good. more!! faster sugu please!~” crossing your eyes, your whole body moving up and down from his thrusts.
“can..feel you! in my tum..my!!..mm” you were cock drunk.
“toru..touch..touch me!!” you looked at him with heart filled eyes, you wanted him to touch you too.
“such a brat. at least say please, ya dog. so nasty and needy.” you slapped your cheek making you shamefully moan. “knew you’d like that, fuckin’ whore.” he slapped your pussy occasionally rubbing your clit.
“yes!! yes so good! toru, sugu! im..im..close closecloseclose..!!” you lolled your tongue out, eyes teary, pools of drool coming down your tongue.
“ya on..ngh..the pill, doll?” suguru said while getting sloppier with his thrusts.
“yeah, she is.” gojo speaking for you, being too fucked out to respond.
“can i c-come..inside, satoru?” geto said glancing over at gojo, him taking notice of geto’s sweaty trembling body knowing he was about to burst.
“go for it, didn’t know ya was a fuckin’ dirty slut just like y/n.” gojo walked over behind geto, biting on his ear lobe lovingly. teasingly.
“fu..fuckk….cant!! cant hold..” geto gave his last thrusts, shooting warm ropes in your cunt.
“hhaa!! so warmm.. ngh..!! good..”
“creamin’ all over suguru’s cock huh, princess? just like the fucking slut you are.”
gojo pushed geto down, making him shift his weight on your tiny body, bending him over making sure geto was still inside you.
“sat-toru? what the fuck.. hey..he-ngh!~ fuck..” geto protested, but getting interrupted by gojo spitting down his ass, wetting his hole.
“punishment for being cock-whores, sugu-chan and y/n ♡”. gojo sticked two fingers inside geto’s warm unopened hole.
“sugu…again..please! so ..horny.” you said cupping his cheeks, lips meeting. eventually sloppily making out as geto started to begin his slow thrust.
you felt his dick twitch as he moaned in your mouth possibly from gojo’s fingers.
“sato…ruu! slow down, cant..focus!! ngh.” geto too overstimulated to concentrate on your pleasure.
“lemme take over then, ‘kay?” he kissed geto down his spine, slowly pushing in the pink tip of his cock inside geto.
“f-fuck!! i..nghhh!!” geto trembled eyes never leaving yours. never breaking eye contact.
gojo wasnt even all the way in when he started to forcefully thrust into geto’s poor hole, making geto move harsher inside you.
“fuckk, so tight yeah baby?” gojo grabbed geto’s hips getting better grip as he slammed into him, projecting his strength to geto, thrusting into your poor overstimulated hole.
“slow..slow down!! suguu…cant take!! it..” you felt like you were going to break having twice the weight on your legs now. barely remembering how to breathe and talk.
“toru!! so ..good~ ahh.. wait!! slow..down!! y/n cant take it..” geto trying to get up forgetting he was leaning half his weight onto you, but immediately being shoved back down by gojo.
“mmm!! m sorry prin-cess!” he shoved his face into your neck moaning into it. you felt his drool slip down.
“..go—ood!! good….mytummy! cant..its com…ing!!”
“hah…look! the bitch can’t even fuckin’ talk no more, she’s so fucked out.” gojo laughed at you.
“toru, just..go sl-ah!!-lower, pl..please!!” geto cried out, as his body was holding on tightly to you.
“ouch..sugu!! too tight!!” you took notice on his grip on you, thinking he was about to break your bones.
you all were clearly about to explode, on the edge of cumming. you couldn’t take anymore.
“come on suguru! just cus im fucking you dont mean you can forget all about our girl.” he gave a harsh slap to geto’s ass making him remember to keep thrusting hard into your poor cunt.
“nyaa!! cummin…d-daddy, toru!!!” how cute. gojo thought hearing you say that, already trained to say his name while cumming despite him not even laying a finger on you.
“me ..too. ‘m cumming satoru!” geto put his hands on both sides of you getting up slightly to give you room.
“fuckk…on the count of three yea? ya slut’s gonna come for me, ‘kay?” gojo fastening his thrusts, also making geto unconsciously move his hips into your pussy.
“nghhh!!! toru, suguru!!!” you squirted all over geto’s dick and stomach.
“fu..ck. toruuu..y/n.” geto moaned softly as his body slowly gave up, shooting his last load into your cunt.
“atta’ girlll, squirt fa’ sugu-chan.. so proud of you suguru.” he planted kissed down geto’s spine and back, also cumming in geto’s little abused hole.
gojo pulled out, geto slowly following behind.
you curled into a ball, trying to regain your regular breathing rhythm, about to pass out.
“we’re not done yet, puppies. ♡” gojo said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead, white hair sticking to his forehead.
“we’re going all night.” he smirked.
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i hope u guys liked it!! lmk if u want pt. 2 :33 this was my first time hehe im sorry if its bad🥲
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blackhairedjjun · 10 months
6:49 am — c.yj
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pairing: choi yeonjun x gender neutral reader | genre / tropes: fluff, established relationship, bed sharing (sfw) | word count: 624 | warnings: none
author's notes: so yeonjun's vlog had me giggling and kicking my feet wow i felt so in love watching it and i can't believe they let us see that footage of him waking up wow so many domestic thoughts... yeah i had to write this bc of that <3 also it's been rainy as hell where i live and the thought of snuggling next to someone during a cold rainy morning just makes me soft
this fic has been crossposted to ao3 here
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you are awakened by the sound of rain outside, a thousand tiny drumming droplets melting together into a sheet of white noise. a morning like this should feel cold, and yet you feel comfortably warm -- thick sheets are crumpled around your body and your boyfriend is snuggled next to you, his warmth spilling over to your side. with the sheets covering most of him, all you see are wisps of black hair falling over his forehead and closed eyes. he still looks beautiful that way.
you don't know what time it is, but the sound of rain and the dim grey light all beckon you to go back to sleep. you cuddle into yeonjun's side, resting your head against his chest, and let the sound of his breathing lull you back into a brief slumber.
in your brief moments of rest you have no dreams, only a faint feeling of contentment that envelops you. when you wake again, it's to yeonjun's voice in your ear, still heavy with sleep: "good morning..."
slowly you open your eyes. his face is so close to yours that it startles you into wakefulness -- but not that you mind. half-lidded eyes gaze at you with such tenderness that you feel content all over again, and he reaches out a hand to pull back the covers from your chin and get a better look at you.
"sleep well?" he asks.
"yeah, you?"
"yeah..." he drapes the sheets more snugly around himself and moves closer to you. "let's stay in for a while."
you hum in agreement. his arm wraps around your waist, rubbing circles into your back, and you reach a hand out to brush his hair away from his eyes.
for a while the two of you simply lay there in silence, basking in each other -- you don't know if you've been lying down for one minute or thirty, but it doesn't matter. you bury your face in the crook of his neck and allow yourself to just feel him -- the way his arm subconsciously pulls you closer to him, the way you seem to perfectly fit into his side, the way his pulse falls in sync with yours in a slow, steady beat. the feeling of contentment washes over you in another wave and grows into a sense of safety. being in his arm feels right, it feels like home. even with the rain pouring outside, as long as you're with yeonjun, you know that the day will be okay.
you pause for a moment to pull away from him and admire his features. you're drawn to plush half-parted lips, then up to eyes that flutter open to admire you right back.
god, you're so beautiful, you think.
"you think so?"
"what?" you blink a few times, not realizing you said that out loud.
"you said i was... beautiful..."
you chuckle and place your hand atop the arm he has wrapped around you. "you are beautiful, jjunie. you're always beautiful to me."
he breaks into a full smile and buries his face underneath the covers. you're so close to him that even you can feel his face heating up.
"it's true!" you say with a chuckle.
he squirms under the sheets and you can't help but giggle at his reaction. finally, his head peeks out again and his words are soft: "i like it when you say that..."
"can i say it again then?"
you bring your face closer to his and he closes the gap with a soft kiss. his lips move gently against yours, and when he pulls away his cheeks are dusted with a faint pink.
this time you don't hesitate to say it out loud.
"you are so beautiful."
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cameronluvr · 5 days
can i request rafe x jealous!girlfriend!reader ?
rafe has his friends over like kelce, topper, etc. & has been ignoring reader all day, even when she’s asking questions. so she’s fed up slowly, takes his phone & smashes it on the floor in front of all of his friends.
he’s screaming „wtf is your problem?!“ „oh so now i got your attention?!“ it ends it with a screaming match, kicking out his friend & reader domming rafe hehehe after being an ass all day he’s her bitch now🎀🤭
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HANDCUFFS — rafe cameron x fem reader
warnings: slight toxic!rafe, he’s ignorant as hell, arguing, insults, jealous!reader, reader using handcuffs on rafe, teasing, suggestive sex (no actual sex / smut), reader low-key just being a bad bitch, (idk if anymore, lmk if u see any i missed!)
: ̗̀➛ 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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“watch this, bro” you hear kelce say to rafe as he pulls up his phone to show him a video. you rolled your eyes sitting on the other side of rafe as they all laugh with each other, pretty much ignoring your presence.
“rafe” you say, trying to get his attention by tapping his arm. nothing. you hated when he was like this. whenever he was around his friends, it’s as if you became invisible. he never spoke to you, and if he did, it was always one or two words, before turning back to tell full blown stories to his friends.
“rafe…” you say again, this time shaking his arm. he turns his head to look at you, but not his body. “what?” he asks as the video kelce had up was still playing, and he and topper were still laughing over it. “i’m bored” you say quietly, not wanting to offend his friends or anything.
“well, go do somethin’ then.” he suggests. it’s not fair. it’s his house. you were there to see him, to spend time with him, not find your own things to do without him.
before you could answer, he had turned the other way to face his friends again, resuming watching the video on kelce’s phone. “nah, nah, bro. look at this i saw” rafe pulled out his phone now, clicking on an app and scrolling to find something funny to show his friends.
you were so bored, and so annoyed. music was playing, rafe, topper and kelce were laughing loudly and talking to each other, and you were just sat with your feet kicked up and arms across your chest, sulking to yourself.
every time rafe laughed, he couldn’t help but lean back and accidentally nudge you, and elbow you, but also couldn’t apologize a single time. he literally didn’t acknowledge you at all.
“rafe, please can you just talk to me?” you ask, softly and innocently as he ignores you yet again, sticking up his index finger motioning for you to wait a minute. you start to get really frustrated now, huffing and standing up.
“oh my god” you groan, anger taking over you as you stand in front of your boyfriend, reaching your hand down and snatching his phone out of his hand. “wh—” he begins to ask, not even finishing his sentence before you threw his phone down to the ground.
“yoooo,” “oh, shit”
kelce and topper say as rafe immediately stands up to face you, towering over you, in fact.
“what the fuck is your problem?”
“oh so now i got your attention?”
you and rafe start to argue, with his friends looking at each other not knowing what to do. they’ve witnessed hundreds of your arguments, but they never knew what to do. rafe was an unpredictable guy, and you were a feisty girl.
“what are you talking about?” rafe yells at you, picking up his smashed phone from the floor. “seriously? what am i talking about? you’ve been doing nothing but ignoring me this entire fucking time!” you scream at him, eyebrows furrowed with anger.
“ignoring you? don’t be so dramatic, y/n i was watching a fucking video” rafe argues like you’re being pathetic. “not just that, you’ve been ignoring me all day. i’m here, at your house, to see you, and you just sit here with your besties, giggling like girls” you mock, anger seriously taking over you now.
“quit being a fucking crazy bitch, y/n, god, you could’ve just spoken to me” rafe shouts, watching as your eyes widen at his audacity. is he for real right now? “i have been speaking to you!” you scream back at him. at this point, your faces are inches away from each others. it looked like it was about to turn physical, but topper and kelce got involved before it could.
“okay, okay, relax guys,” “chill,”
both boys direct you away from each other, but rafe is already embarrassed over the way you spoke about his friends, so he nudges them away. “guys, just— just go home. i’ll talk to you later.” rafe tells his friends, not even looking at them as his eyes are fixated on yours.
“you sure? i—” topper starts,
“top. i’m sure.” rafe cuts him off, looking away from you for a second to look at him. they give each other a nod, before topper and kelce walk away and head out.
“you have some serious fucking issues, woman” rafe scoffs at you, tossing his smashed phone aside. it’s not like it works anymore. “i have issues? and you don’t? fuck, someone needs to teach your ass a lesson” you angrily say to him, implying that he’s never been taught manners or respect.
“yeah, who? like you? cause you’d be a great teacher” rafe says very sarcastically, rolling his eyes at you. you think for a second before answering. “you know what, yeah. come on. i’m gonna teach you a lesson” you say, grabbing his hand and pulling him with you.
“what?” he frowns, being pulled along by you as you walk up the stairs. “you’ll see.” you say, but he couldn’t tell if you were being serious, sarcastic or just messing around.
you reach rafe’s bedroom, where you open the door and pull him in. he shuts the door after him, and looks at you. “okay, what are y’gonna teach me, miss?” he sarcastically says, thinking you’re playing a joke.
“i’ll show you. sit down” you say, pointing to his bed. he frowns with confusion, but with a playful smirk on his face. he does as you say, walking over to his bed and sitting on it with his legs hanging off the side, facing toward you.
he watches your every move as you walk to his bedside table, opening a drawer and rummaging through it before finding the pair of handcuffs he hadn’t used on you in a while.
you pick them up, putting the cuff on your index finger and swirling it around before closing the drawer with your hip. “and what do you plan on doing with those?” he asks, chuckling but not expecting you to grab his wrists and push him down onto the bed, before instantly getting on top of him to straddle him.
“woah— wh—” he says, being cut off by the sound of the handcuffs opening and being placed around his wrist.
“relax, i’m teaching you a lesson, aren’t i?” you say, putting his hands through the wooden bars of his headboard, before cuffing his other wrist to restrain him.
you’ve never done this to him before. but it’s safe to say he’s kind of enjoying it, so far…
he smirks, watching as you take your shirt off, pulling it off your head. your tits looked so perfect in your bra, the bra that matched your panties as you reveal them to him, pulling down your pants.
“fuck…” he moans under his breath, the sight of you is enough to turn any man on. “you like?” you ask, sitting up on his waist, straddling him as you grab your own boobs, feeling them as he stares. “of course i like” he nods.
“you gonna say sorry?” you ask out of nowhere.
“for what?” he asks, still thinking he isn’t in the wrong.
“for ignoring me. and being mean. are you sorry?” you ask, again, raising your eyebrows at him and giving him a stern look.
“yeah, yeah, ‘m sorry” he quickly nods, making you squint your eyes at him, wanting a better apology.
“i’m sorry, baby, i mean it” he tells you, looking into your eyes. “good.” you smirk, looking over at his restrained hands. god, he looks so hot. you should be in charge more often, boss him around for a change.
he doesn’t say anything, neither do you. he waits for you to make a move, however you just sit and smirk at him, loving it. “y’ forgive me, princess?” he asks.
“hmm. maybe.” you giggle, slowly leaning down so that your chest is touching his, putting your face into the crook of his neck. you begin kissing it, then kissing further down to his chest, then to his stomach.
you kiss all the way down to his waistline and hear him hum, feeling him getting so hard against you. your face is close to his dick, so you look up into his eyes and smirk before kissing his hard cock above his pants, hearing him say “fuckkk”.
by now, he’s fully hard, you’ve got him so turned on. you tease him a little more, suggesting that you’re going to suck his dick. but out of nowhere, you stop and slowly get back up. “n’aww, cute.” you giggle at him, at how horny he is.
“don’t stop” he pleads, trying to move his hands up but the handcuffs stopped him, watching as you smirk. “that’s your lesson, don’t be a dick, and you might get what you want next time.” you smile at him before getting up and off the bed.
“where y’goin’?” he asks, frowning at you. “away from you.” you smile again, very sarcastically. you pick up your clothes and put them back on. “now, sit there and think about what you’ve done.” you joke, walking over to the door to open it.
“y/n” he says,
“that’s what you get for being an ass,” you tell him as you walk out and shut the door behind you. hearing him shout your name on the other side made you giggle and put your hand over your mouth, walking to sarah’s room. you had your fun with rafe, now you’re just gonna leave him there until you feel like forgiving him. ☻
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this was such a good idea for a request, thank uuu!! i hope i wrote this to your liking, let me know what you think! rlly hope you guys enjoy this <3 ((sorry there’s no actual smut))
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matchamilkislover · 5 months
White Horse, 2. (a.a.)
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pairing: knight!abby x princess!reader
cw: fantasy!au, fem!reader, a tiny bit of blood mentioned, eventual displays of fighting and violence bc it’s fantasy, kind of slow burn?, tension, reader has an attitude, tall af!abby bc size difference, royalty!au, mentions of arranged marriages, some mentions of au politics, abby in armor is a warning in itself
synopsis: you are the youngest princess of the royal family that rules over your kingdom, Aphrynia. now a young adult, you’ve come of age in a tense time, and your personal protection is of utmost importance — which is why the resignation of your previous personal knight means a rushed reassignment ceremony with little to no preface. That being said, why does the name of your new knight sound so familiar?
word count: 3.67k
a/n: this is a kinda slow and really dialogue-heavy chapter but i’m still giggling and kicking my feet, i am so excited for the rest of the story omllll (it’s my own story i have to write it myself but i’m also delulu)
you can read part 1 here!
⊹ ⋆。˚ ————————— 𓆩♡𓆪 —————————⊹ ⋆。˚
Clapping resounded in the large room, but you paid the sound no attention. Yours and Abby’s gazes were still locked on each other, like you were caught in a dance to see who would break away first. Finally, she gently kissed the top of your hand and released it, standing to tower over you with her tall, built form. The simple kiss on your hand made your heart speed up unexplainably, and you swallowed and quickly pulled it down to your side, burying your hands in the skirts of your gown. Abby’s gaze, however, was still locked on you, and you looked down and then around the room to avoid her gaze. What in the world was going on?
Realizing that everyone else in the room had moved on from the ceremony and started milling about, you too decided that it was time to go, clearing your throat before stepping out of place to find Nina. Abby opened her mouth and looked like she was about to reach out and say something to you, but was interrupted by members of the court starting to swarm and try to steal her attention. Thank god, you thought to yourself, dashing away before court members could swarm you, too.
A hand suddenly fell on your shoulder as your eyes searched the room for your lady’s maid, and you cursed in your head, turning to see which Lord or Lady (or worse, daughter or son) had gotten their claws into you. You would’ve breathed a sigh of relief when you saw that it was one of your own siblings if it wasn’t George.
“If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you’d just seen a ghost, little sister,” he teased, that shit-eating grin of his spreading across his face. You just rolled your eyes and turned to face him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, George,” you lied, brushing his hand off your shoulder and crossing your arms. He laughed.
“Oh sure. She’s the one you always attended lessons with, right? Yeah, she was fun,” he replied casually.
“If by fun you mean insufferable, then sure,” you retorted. “Please, you only liked her because she supported your shenanigans.”
He lifted his hands humorously. “Hey, you got me there. It’s nice to feel appreciated once in a while.” You sighed and started visually searching the room again, hangover still leaving you in a mood not quite fit for George’s lovely personality.
“I’m sure it is. But you’re a big boy, so if you could entertain yourself so I can get away from this lovely conversation, that would be great,” you finally huffed and quickly strode away, back on the hunt for Nina. Finding her meant finding breakfast and a nice rant session. And, you thought as your head throbbed again, a lot of water.
“There you are!” A familiar voice squealed as you moved about the cavernous room. You instantly smiled.
“Oh, Nora, thank goodness,” you squealed back as your eyes landed on your friend approaching just from your left. The two of you met with joining hands, squeezing comfortably.
“Are you alright? You looked entirely shocked to see Knight Anderson up there,” Nora inquired, her brows furrowing in concern. You sighed for what felt like the millionth time on this already exhausting day.
“I’m fine, I just didn’t really expect to see her, that’s all,” you replied, trying your best to brush off the way your heart pounded in your chest. You really wished it would stop that. Nora suppressed a knowing smile.
“She’s certainly changed a lot, hasn’t she,” Nora noted with waggling eyebrows.
“Nora,” you gasped, fighting the urge to smile with her. “You know good and well my opinion of her, so you can stop that now!” Though it felt genuine to you, your retort was unconvincing, and Nora simply rolled her eyes.
“Are you seriously still hung up on that? It’s been what, 8 years?”
“9,” you interrupted. “It’s been 9.” Nora rolled her eyes again.
“Close enough. If you want to hold a grudge, that’s fine by me, but I am going to enjoy this while I can,” she teased, sauntering away as you gasped again and feigned reaching out to hit her playfully as she walked away.
Finally, you spotted Nina waiting patiently for you near the edge of the room and let out a breath of relief. You approached her quickly, and her face lit up as you neared, feeling much less awkward when she was with you rather than being alone as a lady’s maid without her princess. You easily hooked your elbow with hers as you took a spot next to her, desperate to seem too occupied to socialize with anyone else.
“Can we please get out of here?” You begged through the clenched teeth of your plastered smile, nodding gracefully to people who passed you like nothing was wrong. Nina almost giggled.
“Yes of course, princess,” she replied, the two of you stepping forward and turning to the door.
“Why does everyone keep giggling at me?” You questioned, again through clenched teeth.
“Excuse me for my bluntness, but your reaction to Knight Anderson was quite entertaining,” she replied, still suppressing giggles.
“My reaction? What reaction?! I was under the impression my face was quite neutral, thank you!” You replied in a way that was almost offended.
“You just seemed quite surprised to see her, is all,” Nina explained gently. “I highly doubt someone who doesn’t know you well would have noticed, princess,” she reassured as the pair of you finally approached the large doors that would lead you out of this blasted throne room.
“It’s not my fault no one told me she of all people would be my new knight! You would be caught off-guard too if you were me!” You retorted, trying to keep your voice to a whisper despite your urge to raise it.
“All I’m saying, princess, is that-” Nina’s reply was cut off by a voice ringing out over the chatter of the crowd to you.
In terms of the aftermath of the ceremony for Abby, it was certainly a wave of attention — attention she didn’t want even one bit, especially when the only person she really wanted to talk to was you. Judging by your reaction, you certainly hadn’t been expecting to see her. Hell, she hadn’t been expecting to see you either until maybe 10 days ago. But it seemed like no one had bothered to inform you that she would be your new knight.
“Knight Anderson?” a voice asked, bringing Abby out of her thoughts and back to the many people surrounding her in the throne room.
“Hmm?” She replied, clearly having zoned out and not heard whatever the woman had said. She was quite a sight to take in, with gaudy clothing and a tight, pointed face. The woman smiled, but it looked more like a sneer.
“Oh, I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Lady Ulfrid, I’m new here as well. I was just wondering, Queen Arabella spoke quite highly of your accomplishments, and it must be so for you to be a personal knight for her youngest daughter. What might these so-called accomplishments be, I might ask?” Lady Ulfried sneer-smiled again, and this time, Abby couldn’t help but feel like Abby saw the expressions just as they were. She was questioning her.
Raising an eyebrow, Abby let a smirk dance on the corners of her mouth and adjusted her stance. “Well, I was top of my class in training, but that’s not the answer you’re looking for, is it? So what would you like to hear about? The battles I led in our recent land conflicts with Chryiont? Or the ones I led 2 years ago in Dungard? Or was it my successful takedown of the great Pirate Duke? You’ll need to be more specific, my lady,” Abby replied with a knowing smile, satisfied by the woman’s widening eyes.
“Oh, well, I- I just meant, um-, well,” Lady Ulfrid floundered, and it satisfied something a little sadistic within Abby. She was tired of being questioned because of her age, much less her gender, and it felt nice to make people who questioned her then question themselves instead.
“Don’t worry,” she replied, cutting off the woman and leaning down to her height. “I think I know exactly what you mean.” She smirked, and stood back to full height as Lady Ulfrid’s face reddened and she sped away from the knight, muttering something incoherent under her breath.
Turning to scan the rest of the room with her hands clasped behind her back, Abby suddenly realized that talking to Lady Ulfrid had made her lose sight of you. Last she saw, you were talking with one of your court friends — Nora, was it? — and now you had completely disappeared. Something about this felt oddly familiar. Right as she thought she caught a flash of your dress — god, that dress made you look something unearthly — another person tapped on her arm, and she nearly groaned before turning and seeing who it was.
“Long time no see, huh Anderson?” George asked with a sheepish grin, pulling her in for a one-handed hug. Abby grinned back and returned the hug gladly.
“Too long,” she replied easily. “But you know, I don’t think I can condone your shenanigans now,” she continued teasingly. George laughed with a wide, open mouth, patting Abby on the arm.
“Yeah, well, I’ll just have to figure out a way around you,” he replied jokingly.
Abby chuckled and shook her head. Suddenly remembering that she had been looking for you, she snapped to attention, scanning the room quickly. Finally, she spotted you nearing the exit with your lady’s maid, and she patted George on the arm as a farewell before starting after you.
“Princess!” She called, nearly jogging across the room and swiping between different huddles of people. “Princess!”
Your smile dropped when you heard Abby calling after you. Shit. While you stood there trying to accept that Abby Anderson would be constantly on your heel from now on, Abby caught up, slowing to stop and face you. You looked at her, expecting her to say something, but she just stared back.
And you both kept staring.
Looking at her felt like seeing a dear old friend and someone entirely foreign to you all at the same time. Like two winds hitting you from opposite directions, pushing the breath out of your lungs and filling them back up all in one motion. She was so different but so familiar, it made you want to both run away and never leave her presence all at once. You didn’t even realize you were staring, studying her like art in a museum, until Nina loudly cleared her throat beside you.
You came to a start and also cleared your throat awkwardly, nodding to Abby as a delayed greeting as you shared an uncomfortable look with Nina. “Well, uh…I, we…it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” You remarked awkwardly. This was already going terribly.
“It has,” Abby confirmed with a nod. You pursed your lips.
“Well, uh, I suppose we should get going, shouldn’t we, princess?” Nina asked timidly, looking at you with wide eyes.
“Oh, yes, of course,” you replied quickly, nodding and turning with Nina to return on course to your chambers.
You grimaced uncomfortably in Nina’s direction, and she returned the look apologetically. Abby looked like she had wanted to say something else, but instead bit her tongue and followed the two of you silently. The walk through the corridors was painfully quiet, you unconsciously straining to listen to the sound of Abby’s footsteps behind your own, hyper aware of her proximity to you. For someone who called her despicable the last time you had seen each other, you were certainly strangely invested in even the smallest movements of Abby Anderson.
Once you and Nina were safely inside your chambers, with Abby standing in place just outside your door, you flopped into a chair, rubbing your forehead. “This day has got to be some twisted sort of dream,” you moaned, slipping off your shoes one at a time. Nina simply suppressed a giggle and shushed you.
“These walls are not as thick as you wish them to be,” she reminded you in a hushed voice, perching in a chair adjacent to yours while she awaited your breakfast request. You pouted and sighed.
“I truly don’t understand why nobody told me she would be my new knight! I mean, she disappeared the day after we had our millionth argument 9 years ago, and now, out of the blue, she’s going to be right behind me 24/7? Guarding me? Protecting me like someone’s out for my blood? It’s just…fucking insane!” You whisper-yell, frustration bubbling over now that it was just you and Nina. Well, and Abby, waiting just outside the door.
Nina sighed, knowing that she should try to make you feel better, even though she couldn’t help but agree with how you felt. “The queen does what she does for a reason, I’m sure. With you being young and the whispers I hear from the other servants, I’m not surprised she wants a trusted eye on you,” she replies in a quiet voice. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, nodding.
“I know, I know. It’s just frustrating that not a single soul ever bothers to tell me anything. I mean, I would have really liked a warning that the girl I basically grew up with was not only returning to the palace as a knight, but my personal knight, and, to make matters worse, she looks like—” you gesture wildly to the door, “—that! How am I supposed to deal with that!?” you exclaim, your whisper lifting a little. Nina starts giggling uncontrollably, and after a minute you join her, if only because of the sheer ridiculousness of the situation.
“I think,” Nina says, taking a deep breath once her giggles finally subside, “that some breakfast and a lot of water might help make you feel better, hmm? Maybe a tonic from Dr. Anderson?” Nina offers kindly.
“Yes, please, you’re a saint, Nina,” you reply, rubbing your forehead again as the throbbing pushes forward. “But, no tonic, actually, please—I can’t handle being embarrassed by asking Abby’s father for a hangover cure the first day she returns, I think I might keel over from sheer embarrassment,” you finish with a groan. Nina chuckles and nods, standing from her perch.
“Whatever you say, princess,” she says with a pat on your shoulder. “I’ll be back soon.” With that, she pushes the door open and exits the room, mumbling an awkward greeting to Abby that makes you cringe from sheer discomfort.
Sighing, you look around at the chaos that is your room after this morning’s rushed preparation activities, and decide that the least you can do even with this raging hangover is make your bed. You stand determinedly and approach the bed, pulling back layer after layer neatly to then arrange each one on top of the last. It’s a bit awkward with the shuffling of your dramatic skirt around the edge of the opulent bed frame, but you manage to make it work.
You’re tucking in the last corner of your many blankets when an unfamiliar knock on the door catches you off guard, and you get stuck pulling your hand out from beneath the mattress. You pull harder and harder, gritting your teeth and kicking yourself mentally for the ridiculousness of it all. Stupid fucking mattress, you groan mentally as you pull, why is this thing so goddamn heavy!? With one exceptionally strong pull, your hand rips free from its feather-filled prison, only for the momentum to send you falling backwards into a heavy sofa behind you, the collision making a crashing sound that mixes oh so wonderfully with the surprised shriek that leaves your mouth. You catch yourself just barely on an arm of the sofa, but have no time to process what just happened when Abby comes barging into the room, eyes wide as she searches for you.
Just perfect.
You both stare at each other like deer in headlights when your eyes meet, unsure of what to do. It’s Abby who breaks the silence first.
“Are you alright, princess?” She asks in a concerned tone, walking over to you gingerly. Her large form seems almost unnatural in your space, and it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the proportions.
“Um, yes, I’m fine, I just…fell,” you explain awkwardly, cheeks going pink. You stand straight and pull your hand off the sofa arm, hissing quietly when the friction stings on your pointer finger. Looking down to inspect it, you notice a long splinter shoved inside of the skin and grimace.
“You just fell?” Abby asks quizzically, raising an eyebrow as she eyes the splinter.
“Well, I, um— I got my hand stuck, and when I pulled it out, I guess I pulled too hard and just…fell…” Your voice trails off as you look from her to the bed and back to your hand, touching the splinter gingerly and hissing again.
Abby nods, humming in understanding. “I see…do you need help, um, with that?” She asked, gesturing to the splinter.
“Oh no, I’ve—I’ve got it,” you reply casually, trying to hide the clenching of your jaw when you gently pull on the slice of wood. Abby opens her mouth to ask if she can help again, but you're already setting your jaw and pulling the splinter firmly, gasping at the more intense stinging when it slips out of your skin. A large bead of blood immediately forms on the spot, hinting to a stream, and your face pales at the sight as you bite your lip and look away, eyes searching for a handkerchief.
Your breath quickens in panic as you search, just the thought of the blood now seeping out of your finger making your breath quicken and your heartbeat skyrocket. A warm hand on yours and the feeling of a handkerchief being dabbed on your finger pulls you out of your growing panic, and you look to see Abby ever so gently holding your hand in one of your own while the other dabs the blood from your finger with a handkerchief.
“I remember one time when we were 9, you fell and scraped your knee on the stone while we were running in the garden, and you were very nearly screaming,” Abby said suddenly as she looked at your finger. “I guess I was right to assume that fear hadn’t changed much,” she continued, chuckling. A breathy chuckle left your mouth in return, gaze still focused on her hands touching your own.
“I never did have the stomach for it, did I?” You responded quietly, a gentle smile dancing on your lips. “I guess some things never change.”
“Yes,” Abby agreed, “some things never really change, do they?” She spoke in nearly a whisper, eyes finally glancing up to meet yours. Your breath caught in your throat, heartbeat slowing as you gazed into the stormy blue of her eyes.
“I guess not,” you whispered.
The sudden rapt knocking of Nina’s small fist and her pushing the door into your room ripped both of you out of the trance you had been in, you grabbing the handkerchief and holding it to your finger while Abby’s hands dropped yours and she stood at attention. Her mouth opened like she was about to announce her arrival before she spotted the two of you standing unusually close, and her movement stopped, brows immediately furrowing in confusion.
“I— We—“ you started.
“She fell!” Abby nearly shouted, her expression unsure. “She fell and I heard the commotion, so I came in, and she, um, got a splinter,” she finished, gesturing toward your hand. You raised your handkerchief covered finger as proof, and Nina nodded slowly. You weren’t quite sure why you felt like you had been caught doing something wrong, but it certainly did, and you certainly weren’t sure how to feel about it.
Abby cleared her throat, and nodded to the still open door. “Well, um, I should…yeah,” she stuttered, nodding a goodbye to both of you before returning to her post outside of the door that she closed behind herself.
As soon as the latch clicked, Nina’s eyes were on you like a hawk, and you were retreating back to where you had been sitting with your face in your hands. “Did I seriously just see that?” She asked incredulously, bringing a tray of food over with her and setting it on a small table. You nodded, face still in your hands, but you were quickly coaxed out by the smell of the food.
“I was just trying to make my stupid bed, and my stupid hand got stuck under the stupid mattress, and I fell pulling it out and got a splinter on my finger, and then it started bleeding when I pulled it out, and…yeah. That’s about it,” you poured the words out quickly, immediately feasting and downing large gulps of water when you finished. Nina simply nodded knowingly and watched, nibbling on a piece of toast as you ate.
“Y’know, that didn’t seem very despicable to me,” she remarked after a few minutes of comfortable silence, a mischievous grin growing on her face.
“Ughhhhh,” you groaned, turning an annoyed glance at her. “Are you going to keep being like this? It was just an awkward situation,” you complained, shoving another piece of fruit in your mouth. Nina laughed and nodded.
“I’m sorry, princess, but it’s been just too easy,” she retorted, still laughing. You rolled your eyes, but inside, your heart still skipped a beat every once in a while, thinking about her calloused, warm hands encapsulating yours, and her deep eyes gazing into yours like nothing else existed in the world.
You seriously needed to distract yourself if you were going to survive this.
⊹ ⋆。˚ ————————— 𓆩♡𓆪 —————————⊹ ⋆。˚
taglist: @paqerings @katniiss @dummysimp011 @chocbaleine
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Indisposed (Noah Sebastian fanfic) chapter 2
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Autor's note: gfhjkfjhfnfm tysm for all the love i got so fast for the prologue and chapter one, means sm to me <3
chapter two
Noah smirks as he sees me trying my best to look annoyed at him, before starting to follow me towards the exit. 
`Well, I’ll probably be knocked out as soon as I hit my bed. Thank you for his fun night, Noah,´ I say to him when we walk towards our hotel through the chilly night, and mean it. I haven’t felt this loose and myself since a while, even though drinks got involved. I don’t drink or act really crazy, or spontaneous around everyone, but with Noah, that trust has grown enough to show it throughout the half a year of working for him and the band.
He smiles at me while he walks next to me, nodding. `No need to thank me,  I almost feel like I should be the one to thank you, because I can’t remember the last time a girl has been this flirtatious to me while being drunk…´
`Oh please. It’s not my fault that I am a lightweight,´ I say while rolling my eyes, also kinda embarrassed by that fact. While we talk our bodies begin to walk closer towards each other, and I enjoy the heath of his body because of the cold air against the exposed bits of my body because of my not that long, black dress.
Noah lets out a soft chuckle. `Well, it’s also not my fault that you’re so lightweight and fun to flirt with while being tipsy and getting drunk,´ he says, a sassy and flirty grin on his face.
`No, it’s not. I can’t blame you,´ I shrug with a sly smile on my face.
`Maybe I should give it a shot and drink as much as you did tonight and see how you cope with how flirtatious I can get then,´ he also shrugs.
`Even more than you already are? Is that even possible?´ I ask whilst pretending to sound shocked.
`Well, I think we should really find out, shouldn’t we?´ he teasingly asks back, bumping his hips slightly against mine.
I shake my head with a giggle. `Fine. As long as you pay for the drinks coming out of the fridge from my hotel room.´
`Okay, cool, I’ll pay for them,´ he says with a sly smile, moving a bit closer so our limbs are slightly touching. 
When we approach the hotel, I stumble a little before the entrance, giggling when Noah needs to catch me. `Oopsie.´
While getting me to stand up straight again, Noah still has his arms around me, holding me as he speaks to me, laughing. `Careful, sweetheart. You’re really not good when you get drunk,´ he says, jokingly.
`Not true, I am good at a lot of things, just wait,´ I slur, not even fully realizing what I’m saying.
When we talk-and I am still almost falling over my own feet every few seconds-Noah even has to check in and identify us both… Which is slightly embarrassing, even while being drunk to be honest. His security is still around and makes sure we get in safe, and I wave a little too enthusiastically at the two tall men who just sheepishly smile back at me with a small nod. God, I’m gonna regret this tomorrow, so, so much. In the corner of my eyes, I see Noah chuckle now and then, shaking his head slightly. At least one of us finds it funny.
`You wanna bet on that, Hailey?´ he continues our conversation while we walk through the hallways from the hotel, leading us to our doors. 
`Sure. I am positive that I can be at my door faster than you are,´ I say, and I laugh out loud when I kick my heels off, grabbing them afterwards and start running away through the hallway.
`That’s quite a confident statement from a tipsy girl like you,´ I hear Noah say with a little laugh through his voice, hearing that he starts running after me.
I begin to laugh even harder, knowing that I probably wake up a lot of people because of what we’re doing and the giggles escaping from my mouth, but at this moment I honestly don’t really care. I really enjoy having this fun with Noah-I haven’t had this fun with someone for quite some time, being quite busy with my job the last few months.
Sometimes I do miss my friends back home, but whenever I can, I make sure to text and call them, telling them all about the crazy things I go through since I have this job and smiling and laughing along when they tell me about their stories, especially when mentioning people I also know. I really have to go visit them some time soon when the band has a little break in between the tour. 
`You think that you’re gonna be able to outspeed a guy who’s constantly running on tour though?´ he flirtatiously says as he continues trying to catch up with me, his hands now in the pockets of his jeans when I look over my shoulder, him continuing following behind me.
`Oh no, sorry mister speed of light,´ I chuckle jokingly and almost slam my body against my hotel door once we reach it, realizing a little too late that I’m already standing in front of it. I giggle and try to get in by unlocking the door with my keycard, but my mind is starting to kinda spin so it doesn’t really work. 
  `Oh my god,´ I hear Noah say behind me with a giggle. I feel my cheeks turn red.
`Goddamnit,´ I mutter underneath my breath, and when I hear the door finally click to unlock the door after what seems the fifth time trying, I can get inside. 
`Bed!´ is the first thing I yell when I immediately jump on my king sized hotel bed and deeply sigh after. `Bed is so soft.´
I hear Noah laugh out loud. `You seem a little too excited to get on this bed, huh? Is it that comfy? Or are you just too drunk?´
`It’s probably both,´ I shrug, and sit up straight again, looking at him standing at the door opening, his hands still in the pockets of his hands and a big grin on his face, the twinkle in his eyes that appeared since the afterparty never leaving his dark eyes so far. `Thank you for bringing me safely back to my room though,´ I kindly and smile thankfully at him.
He nods at me, returning the smile back at me, but it’s still being playful at the same time. `No problem. As much as I enjoyed teasing you a lot on the way here, I’m also glad that I brought you back safely.´
`I currently hate how tight my dress feels,´ I blur out, tugging at the fabric. He raises an eyebrow at the sudden change of conversation, probably noticing how much I’m having trouble keeping a straight track of thought in my mind right now.
`I should probably change into something better,´ I say after that, biting my lip and looking a bit awkwardly around me. It’s not even an excuse to make him leave and leave me alone or something, I truly hate how this dress starts to suffocate my body. `So…´
`Oh? Change into ‘something better’? What might that be, then?´ he asks teasingly, and I roll my eyes.
`Yes, it’s starting to feel a little uncomfortable,´ I say while scratching my neck. `So that something better will most definitely be pajamas.´
He takes a few steps into the hotel room, casually while doing so. `So you’re gonna change into your pajamas right now?´ he asks, letting out a small laugh as he speaks, still in that teasing and slightly flirtatious tone again. I know damn well what he is doing, and God it’s so tempting to give right away.
`Yes,´ I chuckle, also trying to challenge him.
`Ah, so you want to change into your pajamas and then tell me to get out of here so you can sleep?´
`Oh no, I’m not getting changed until after you leave,´ I smirk at him, making him raise his eyebrows again, not saying a thing as he looks into my eyes. ´So, goodnight Noah, and thank you again for everything.´
He takes a step back and looks away, the sudden pout saying that he is slightly annoyed at my request. Ha, it’s working. `Hm. Okay, fine, I’ll leave.´
´Sleep well Noah. And don’t be late for your make up and dressing tomorrow,´ I wink at him, making him shoot me a teasing glance. 
He raises his eyebrows while he is still moving towards the door, saying: `Okay, fine… I’ll try to. But I'll definitely be thinking about you tonight, y´know.´
My cheeks of course get goddamn colored once again when he says that, and I try to shrug it off. `Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.´ After saying that I suddenly look at my phone that lays next to me on my bed, with a worried frown. `I just hope I won’t do too much dumb stuff with my phone.´
`So, what's with that big worry? Are you worried that you might send dumb text messages to people while you’re still pretty drunk?´ Noah wants to know, stopping with moving away through the still open door when he is already standing in the hallway, so he leans against the doorpost while crossing his arms in sudden curiosity. 
`It happened before,´ I giggled. `I once texted my dad at 3 am that I was still waiting for chocolate ice cream from him. No idea why. Or, I just send my friends the dumbest selfies. And of course, classically sending it to the wrong person sometimes.´
`Oh my god,´ he chuckles while shaking his head, running a hand through his hair before he stands in the same pose as before again. `So, how drunk were you to be sending your dad a text of you expecting chocolate ice cream?´ He slowly starts walking back towards me and the bed, instead of leaving like he was planning to do.
`I was pretty far from this world,´ I responded to his question with a small giggle. It makes him grin again, and he continues to move back close to me. It makes me forget the uncomfortableness of my dress pretty quickly, so I don’t mind him staying for a little longer. 
`So, with you being pretty far from this world at that moment, did you get so drunk that you couldn’t talk properly anymore at some point too?´
`I think so, yeah. I mean, I could still talk, but it all sounded kinda gibberish probably.´
`Damn, so it wasn’t just your little text that all seemed confusing to people, but when you tried to speak too,´ he laughs while shaking his head, now sitting next to me on the bed. 
`Yeah, I also once years ago called my best friend a few times, and when she picked up she asked me why the hell I was calling her in the middle of the night, and if something was wrong. I basically told her to come over to my place because everything indeed was wrong: I got through my last bag of cookies,´ I told him, laughing while telling the story.
`Everything was wrong because you got through your last bag of cookies? That’s hilarious,´ Noah laughed along with me. `I can imagine how confused and annoyed your friend was when she heard that from you from those hours… Or maybe she just laughed it off?´
`She was a little pissed at first, but when I started crying because of my bag being empty, she was the one laughing actually,´ I chuckle.
`You were actually crying over your last bag of cookies? So… So you sat there in tears after you found out? Did you seriously get all upset about that?´ Noah continued laughing, and the story became ten times funnier to us, I guess through the alcohol. 
`Hey, they are the best white chocolate-chip cookies ever made!´ I defend myself. `You would cry as well.´
`Oh my god… Well, now you’re making me curious to try them,´ he says with a giggle. `Are they really that good? So good that you can’t get enough of them?´
`Absolutely,´ I exclaim, nodding while thinking about them. Damn, in combination with me being drunk, it makes me quite hungry actually.
Noah grins again. `So, you are telling me that you’re already hungry just from thinking about them?´ he adds with a teasing tone.
I again nod. `Fuck yeah I am.´ But after saying that, I slap my hand on my mouth, looking at him with big eyes because I just cured… just to burst out laughing after. Truly, I can be so insanely dumb when I’m drunk-I have cursed in front of him and the band before, just not that often though.
He busts out laughing as well, so we just laugh together like two idiots because I just cursed and how embarrassed I looked after. After our laughter finally quiets down, he still looks into my eyes with his flirty energy.
`So, you’re basically telling me that you want something to eat right now?´
`I would almost kill for those cookies right now, it’s insane,´ I groan, letting myself fall on my back on the hotel bed again.
`You would really kill for them?´ Noah says in a teasing tone, now looking me directly in the eye.
`No of course not, it's a figure of speech,´ I mumble, rubbing in my tired eyes. `But man, I would do almost anything for them right now. I also haven’t had them for years, which is insane to begin with. Like, how did I survive so long without them? Am I insane?´ I drunkenly ramble on. God, I can’t stop talking about those damn cookies for some reason. But just thinking about their taste, their crumb… it is very much driving me insane right now.
`Are you now questioning your entire existence just because you haven’t had these cookies for years?´ Noah chuckles. Yeah, I most definitely must sound like some insane person to him now-great.
`Well… Maybe. Noah, you don’t understand-the chocolate inside of the cookies melt on your tongue when you eat them. On your goddamn tongue! Chocolate!  I would drink a whole ass fountain of that particular chocolate.´
`Oh my god, you’re really describing these delicious white chocolate chip cookies so vividly right now… Can you like, also tell me what the smell is like?... Is it an intoxicating aroma like that of the greatest things you have ever smelled? That when you take them out of the oven for example, the whole entire house would smell like vanilla, white chocolate, and the most delicious aromas ever?´
I almost moan when Noah says that, kicking with my feet in frustration. `Stop it, Noah.´
`What, you don’t like it when I also bring up the delicious scent while describing how these amazing cookies of yours taste?  Is it making you go insane now, wanting them even more?´ he says with a grin, obviously teasing me like hell, moving to lay next to me on the bed while still looking at me with that ridiculously attractive flirty smile of his.
`Oh shut up, you’re doing this on purpose,´ I mutter while slightly hitting his arm with my fist.
`Well obviously… why wouldn’t I?´ he asks with a playful grin.
`Also…´ I roll over to Noah, so I can face him. `Why are you still here? Like, you brought me here safely to my room and now that I told you about my secret amazing cookies that I love so much, you could literally buy them yourself and eat them. Do something I can’t.´ I almost pout when I finish my sentence.
`Oh, is this my cue to leave? Is this the hint that you’re giving me?´ Noah asks with a chuckle, looking right back at me with his head turned to mine. `Well, unfortunately for you I don’t listen very well to those hints when someones as drunk as you are right now. So, I’m gonna stay here with you for a little bit more.´
I groan, rolling on my back again. `I am a grown, independent woman, I can take care of myself. This isn’t the first time I’ve been drunk, you know that now.´ I close my eyes. `I think I’m gonna shower anyway. I probably stink and I feel… I don’t know. I just want to feel warm water on my body I guess.´
`Hm… is that you saying that you want me to come with you in the shower?´ Noah says teasingly, in an extra questioning tone added to it.  
I roll my eyes, standing up, making me stumble a little. `Nice try, Sebastian.´
I grab a white hotel towel and walk towards the shower, and say over my shoulder: `Well, thank you for getting me to my room safely, Noah. I  am really going to shower now, so… I don’t know, do whatever you want here in the meantime since I know you’re not gonna leave.´
I shut the bathroom door behind me after saying that, sighing through my nose for a second, really aching for the warm water and feeling a bit nauseous. I turn on the shower and let the water turn warm while getting out of my dress and underwear, before getting under it. I close my eyes in relief for a second when I feel the warm water streaming down my hair and body; I really needed this. I begin washing my hair, splashing my face with water to stay at least a little awake for a bit more, and soap my body after. 
`Jesus Christ, dance a little less intense the next time Hailey, you stink,´ I mutter to myself when I let the water hit my body again when the soap washes off my body. Me and Noah dancing starts playing in my head again, making me feel hot not just because of the water of the shower. His gaze, his lips on my neck, it’s still clear on my mind, almost as if they linger on my sensitive skin again, creating a pang in my stomach full of desire and nerves all at once. It was intense, and such a holy feeling already-it got me wondering what else he could make me feel like.
No. I shouldn’t. At least not right now, alone in the shower, and him in the room next to me. 
I sigh, actually not wanting to get out of the shower just yet. But since I don’t want the hotel to charge me extra money, I decide to get out anyway. I quickly wrap the towel that I grabbed earlier around my body and look at myself in the mirror after. My dark chocolate wavy hair is dripping on the floor, and my green eyes… they look wild because of the alcohol, my cheeks slightly red on my tanned skin from it as well. I shrug for a moment, remembering I usually look like this when I’m drunk, and start putting in some hair products to make my hair look a bit prettier before drying it more off.
I grab my toiletbag after, searching for my toothbrush and toothpaste. When I find it, my eyebrows rise and I turn red when I find my… eh, well, my own personal toy in the bag too-I completely forgot that I bought that with me on tour here. I then giggle for a moment, that’s actually pretty fucking funny that I forgot that. I quickly shake my head and start brushing my teeth, but keep staring at the toy while doing so. What I can also forget sometimes, is when I’m drunk… my body is a little bit more hormonal, let’s say it like that. And when I’m done brushing my teeth, I keep looking at the toy. I shake my head once again-no, I truly cannot do this right now.
I mean… I especially also bought it because it’s a very quiet toy. I bite my lip in thought.
Would Noah notice something?
But I almost jump a few feet in the air when I see Noah himself standing at the door opening, leaning against it with his arms crossed and the biggest fucking grin on his face. My hand is on my chest, letting out a big breath. `Jesus fucking Christ, Noah-please knock the next time!´
He of course grins even more. `Don’t tell that you’re already starting to miss me when we were just in the same room minutes ago…´
`What are you talking ab…´ I abruptly stop talking when my eyes follow his, they are on my exposed toy. 
With a quick and clumsy movement, I shove it back into my toiletbag, my cheeks turning red for what seems the hundredth time this night. `You saw absolutely nothing. Okay?´
He laughs when he sees the embarrassment clear on my face, his hands going through his hair. Of course he decides to tease me a little more after. `Oh yeah? What am I supposed to see exactly?´ he asks me, now looking at me with a teasing sparkle in his eyes. Oh God. We have been going back and forth with teasing and making remarks to each other the past half year, but the way he is acting right now, he is definitely making the next move… something I am curious about why now, but also something I have been longing for for quite some time. 
`Nothing, forget about it,´ I quickly mumble, starting to brush my damp hair kinda nervously. Then I realize I’m still just in my towel wrapped around my body, and I look at Noah through the reflection of the bathroom mirror with a raised brow. `I still need to get dressed, y’know.´
Noah looks at me with a smirk through the damp reflection of the mirror as well, seeing my eyes on him as he remains close to the door. `Do you want me to leave the room again?´
`Obviously,´ I say while rolling my eyes, turning around to face him and leaning against the sink with my arms crossed, trying to act cool about all of this. `Sorry, show is over.´
`Ah, really?´ Noah teasingly pouts. `So soon though?´ He moves so he can stand a little closer behind me, his eyes daring and intense. He is playing a game with me, he wants to see how far I’ll go, isn’t he?
I slightly smirk. Okay, if that’s how it’s gonna go, I better play along with it. I stare at him, again through the reflection of the mirror, with the most casual expression on my face as I can manage as I speak. 
`Noah, look. I think it’s better if we keep our relationship professional. Yes, I am indeed sexually frustrated as hell right now, and you could bend me over this sink and take me right there, right now-´ I turn around to face him, shrugging innocently. `But we can’t, I fear. Gotta keep the money rolling for myself, y’know.´
His brows rise with every word I speak, him looking utterly flabbergasted. Ha, checkmate. It looks like his brain stops even more when I smile at him, not knowing what to think or say. His mouth is slightly parted to say something, and my smile turns even bigger. Somehow, it even looks like he is slightly blushing.
`Sooo… I’m just gonna get dressed, I guess. You do you,´ I casually say… and then let my towel drop to my feet.
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sejanusbaby · 2 years
My Luck — Billy Hargrove
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female!Henderson!Reader
A/N: I am such a softie when it comes to soft!Billy. He truly deserved better than what he got. Anyways, thank you for the request! Keep them coming! Also, I wrote this listening to this song. So, you can read it while listening to that, if you'd like!
Anonymous asked: "Omg can we get billy after winning a basketball game wanting nothing more than to be with his girl and relax? He's on top of the world because he brought home the win but also because of the person in his arms. MUAH" ( @creme-delacreme )
Warnings: Brief mentions of Billy's trauma with his father's behavior, one cuss word, and lot's of soft!Billy fluff! Reader is female and uses she/her pronouns. Very OOC Billy. Basically an AU where he isn't a dickhead.
This is not proofread, so I apologize for any errors. If you want to be added to my taglist, go here!
“So, you’ll be there?” Your boyfriend, Billy, asked excitedly, watching you place you books from your locker into your book bag. Tonight was one of his basketball games, and though you didn’t know much about the game, you always tried to show up and support him when you could. Obviously his dad and step-mother wouldn’t do it for him.
Much to your disliking, though, you couldn’t show up to the game tonight. You had a major test in the morning that you couldn’t afford to fail. In addition to that, your mom had been harassing you about how much you’d been hanging out with Billy lately.
“You’re never home anymore.” your mother would say to you. As if her opinion dictated what you did. But she did put a roof over your head for the time being, and with you about to graduate high school, you really didn’t want to test the waters or possibly get kicked out. You dreaded having to look Billy in the eyes and tell him you couldn’t come. You knew he’d understand, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t feel sad that his number one fan wouldn’t be in the audience.
Letting out a defeated sigh, you zipped up your book bag, and closed your locker. You faced your boyfriend, but when his excited face began to drop into a saddened expression, you already knew that he knew what the answer was.
“I’m really sorry, babe. I just can’t tonight. I have that huge test tomorrow in physics, and my mom has been harassing me about staying home more often.” You said, you gaze falling down to look at your feet. You felt horrible. You weren’t afraid of what Billy’s reaction would be, you were just afraid to disappoint him.
“Hey, it’s okay, babe. I’m dating the smartest girl at Hawkin’s High. It comes with a heavy price to pay. And you have been to every single one of my games so far anyway.” He said gently. “It’s okay.” You looked back up into his blue eyes that stared down at you. “Okay.” You responded to him quietly.
He reached to hold your face in his hand, gently using his index and thumb to lift your chin to meet his face. “I guess that just means you’ll have to motivate me somehow. Or reward me.” He smirked, his flirting causing your cheeks to flush.
“Yeah, yeah.” You said, standing up on your tip toes, and pressing a kiss to his lips. He kissed you back, practically melting into your touch. When he pulled away, you nuzzled your face into his chest, while one of his hands rubbed your back soothingly. As much as he wanted you to be there, he understood that you had responsibilities.
Soon after, the bell rang, signaling for everyone to head to their last classes of the day. After placing a kiss to your forehead, Billy began to walk away, still facing you. You waved, calling out, “Please, call me when you get home after the game! And good luck!” He nodded at you, giving you a “yes.”
He continued to saunter down the now empty hall to his next class, now turned away from you. “I love you!” You called out to him. “I love you too!” He called back.
You giggled to yourself, as you began to make your way to physics.
You would much rather be at a basketball game right about now, but instead here you are, flash cards sprawled out on your bed, pinching the skin between your eyebrows in frustration. You had almost everything memorized, just four or five more terms that you needed to master before you were done.
You were interrupted by your younger brother, Dustin, barging into your room. He stood there and you both stared at each other for a second. “What?” You asked, annoyed. “And what did we talk about? Knock next time!” You complained.
“Yeah, whatever.” Your curly headed sibling dismissed you. He plopped on the bed next to you, staring at the papers you had everywhere. “What are you studying?” He picked one up, squinting his eyes to observe it. You snatched it from his hands.
“Physics, dip-shit. Not that you’d be smart enough to even know what that is.” You teased. His hand flew to his chest, clutching where his heart should be, acting as if you’d actually stabbed him.
“Me? Not smart? How dare you.” He gasped, before standing back up abruptly. “Anyway, Mom told me to let you know dinner is ready. She made spaghetti.” He said, heading towards your doorway to leave.
You didn’t even have time to eat right now. “Thanks, Dusty, but I have to study. Tell Mom I said I’m sorry but I can’t eat right now.” You signed, reshuffling your flash cards. He nodded, before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. You began to go through the cards again, reading the words and definitions out loud to yourself.
You were once more interrupted, but with a knock at your door this time. “Yeah, come in.” You said. Dustin made his way back into your room, a huge grin on his face, holding a bowl full of noodles and red sauce out to you.
“You have to eat. If you don’t, then your brain will starve, and you won’t be able to study as well.” He said, matter-of-factly. You chuckled, taking the bowl from his hands. “Oh yeah?” You teased. “Is that how that works?” You took a bite, mouth full of pasta. He nodded, before leaving your room for the last time.
You finished up your dinner and continued to study on. By the time you had all of the information down, you glanced at your clock, shocked that it was now 10:00 PM. Billy hadn’t called yet, either. The game must have ended not that long ago.
You sighed, placing the cards on your nightstand, before changing into a pair of pajamas and laying back down. As soon as you started to drift, you heard a tapping at your window. You squinted your eyes, only to see that Billy was sitting outside, signaling for you to open the window. You quickly got up, locking your bedroom door, and then opening the window for your boyfriend.
He slipped inside, closing the window behind him. You looked up at him, his face plastered with a smile. “So, how did the game go?” You asked, returning the smile to him. “We won, thanks to you.” He said, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. “I wasn’t even there, Billy.” You said, bashfully.
He chucked at you, “You didn’t have to be. You’re my good luck charm, remember?” He teased you. You blushed, grabbing both of his hands and squeezing. “That’s amazing, Billy. I’m proud and happy for you.” You said, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“That’s all I get? For all my hard work and winning?” He said, pretending to be offended. You shook your head, laughing, before giving his a kiss on the lips. He smiled into it, before pulling away and pulling you towards your bed. He laid down, bringing you down to lay on top of him, scratching your back with one of his free hands.
“How did studying go?” He asked, looking down at you. You sighed. “It was awful, but I got everything memorized. Hopefully I’ll pass tomorrow.” He rolled his eyes. “How could you not pass? You’re the smartest girl I know.” He bragged. You smiled, content with his response. You allowed yourself to relax in his touch, listening to his steady heart beat, and feeling the rise and fall of his chest.
“Billy—” You began to say, before a yawn cut you off. He just shushed your, holding you tighter. “It’s okay, baby. You had a long day.” He assured you. You made a content noise as he placed one last kiss on the top of your head. Then, you drifted to sleep, in his warm embrace. “My luck.” He whispered to himself, before allowing himself to drift off on his own.
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onskepa · 5 months
Stxeli: I promise
Hellooooooo~!! Here is a new chapter of my stxeli series! Hope you all like this one! enjoy~!!
Stxeli series
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“As a tsahik, you are busy every day sa’nok, what time would you have for my baby sister?” Little Neytiri asks as she narrows her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. Mo’at doing the same stance, “and as a warrior in training, you have lessons to attend to ma’ite. Being with your teacher and helping with the clan, what spare time do you have with stxeli?”. 
Eytukan couldnt help but let out a slow chuckle. They are at it again, his mate and child fighting over who can have stxeli for the day. It has become a daily thing, see who wins over stxeli. The baby in question was playing with some toys he carved for her, oblivious that her mother and sister are arguing over her. 
But eytukan decides to take matters in his own hands. He has a rare free day today, why not have a nice father-daughter day? Liking the idea, he grabs stxlie in his arms, and quietly tells his family he will take the baby for the day. But he doesnt think mo’at or neytiri heard him as they continue to argue. 
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Walking around with stxeli in his arms, he lets her see their village, something the baby will never get tired of. Many young children say hello to him and his daughter, and he happily greets back. There is a lot they can do, but what exactly? She is fed and cleaned, so for the meantime he won't have to worry about that. 
“Aaaaababababa!!” Stxeli squeals happily, her chubby legs kicking in the air. Lately she has been getting more physically active. She can crawl, but hopefully, she will walk too. “I think I know exactly where to go,” Eytukan says. Stxeli looks up at him with her gummy smile, already showing two little white peaks growing. Her teeth are also coming too. 
They had her for a few months now, and already stxeli is growing up right before their eyes. Putting her on a carrying sling on his back, he sets out to a littler river not too far from the village. A place where children are often taken to learn the basics of fishing. And to enjoy fresh water. 
“Abaaaa?” Stxeli calls out, curious where her father is taking her. Smiling softly, he answers her, “you will have fun where I am taking you, perfect to play around”. 
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The waters were calm and it wasn't that deep, perfect for stxeli to dip her little toes. Carefully bending down into the river, where it reaches up to his ankles, eytukan gently puts down his child. Firmly get gently holding her hands up as she laughs and giggles at the texture on her feet. 
Laughter fills the area, the child's innocent giggles eytukan’s ears. Pleased and happy that his daughter was enjoying the water. Splashing water around as she kicks around. Even jumping at times. Her smile is ever so contagious. 
Chuckling, eytukan sways her a bit, “alright lets try it, ready ma’ite?” he asks. Stxeli coos as if to answer her father. So, slowly, eytukan guide her step by step. Making sure the water doesn't slip her stance. “There you go, soon you will learn to walk and run. I am sure you will most likely hide behind our backs and scare us half to death” eytukan says while chuckling at his imaginary future. 
The more steps stxlie took, the more confident she got, taking bigger eager steps. “Easy my child, why in such a hurry?” he wonders while easily keeping up pace. Stxeli only said some baby words to answer him, still gripping tightly on his fingers. 
And to his surprise, stxeli took one big step and letting go of his grip. Was this the moment? 
No, one step and she fell on her bum against a rock. 
Not liking the stinging pain, with trembling lips, stxeli cries. Eytukan was quick to pick her up and rubs her little bum to soothe away the pain. “Sssshhh my young stxeli, no need to cry. It happens my child. Accidents happen and we learn from them” he softly whispers to her little round ear. 
Gently bouncing her on his arm, her little cries died down as she sniffs away her tears. Eytukan wipes away his daughter’s remaining tears and smiles, “see? All better. Want to try again?”. Stxeli was quick to shake her head in protest.  Eytukan accepts her choice and placed her on his lap as he sits near the river. 
Stxeli explores his giant hands, tracing his hand wrinkles and band armor. Her soft coos of wonder bring warmth to his heart. He lets her wonder more and she stumbles upon his songchord. The na’vi remembers how stxeli has taken a liking to mo’ats and neytiri’s songchords. Of course stxeli has her own, but it is safely tucked away back at their home. 
So, he takes out his song chord and swings it gently across stxeli’s face as she giggles, her hands chasing it. “You love my songchord don't you? One day, you will have your own, perhaps longer than mine. Long and beautiful, to sing and tell your story too” he tells her. Stxlie’s giggles are truly something. Her innocence and cheerfulness tug at eytukans heart. Every day he loves his child more and more. 
“Here, this is my story” giving his songchord to stxlie, he begins to tell of his beginning to now.
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After a nice lunch of fruit, which is what stxeli seems to only eat. Eytukan takes her further down the river, where it leads to a little pond. Water seems to be an element stxeli has come to enjoy. Eytukan wouldn't be surprised if his child learns to swim before walking. But as they made their way, there were sounds coming from the forage in the forest. Sounds of leaves being moved, twigs break. 
He was quick to notice how silent the forest had become around them. Which can only mean one thing. 
A predator is near. Very near. 
And just like nothing, a growl was heard from his left, eytukan dodged it effortlessly. He grabbed his hunting knife as he held his child tightly. Stxeli began to whimper in fear. 
Taking a good look at what tried to attack him, it was a viper wolf. Not good. They always hunt in packs. Meaning there is more he doesn't see. Not waiting for the viper wolf to make its move, eytukan ran quickly. And like a trigger, many more viper wolves appeared from their hiding 
This only made stxeli scream and cries out of fear. He would try to calm her, but right now her safety is his priority. 
If he could just-
Eytukan couldn't go farther as another viper wolf stood in his way. He can't fight with his child in his arms. The animal releases a mocking laughter, ready to lunge at the father. But eytukan was faster. Jumping high, he reaches for a vine and begins to climb. 
Stxeli was crying her little soul out, eyes puffy and cant seem to stop. Once eytukan reached high enough, he found a small nook in a tree. Perfect. Quickly he grabs giant leaves and makes a cushion for stxeli. 
“Ssshhh ma’ite. I'm here, I won't let anything hurt you” eytukan promises. Gently rocking his daughter to soothe her fears. “See? We are safe, come now. I believe it is time for you to nap” he coos. 
Hopefully she sleeps very soon, eytukan knows those viper wolves will find them. He took a wrong turn and now they are farther away from the village. He needs to drive them far away before he could proceed heading back. And there is only so much daylight left. He needs to think fast. 
So he takes his songchord out and sways it in a hypnotizing way. Stxeli follows his songchord, her eyes moving side to side. 
Hearing her fathers soft voice and his melody, stxeli closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep. 
Gently he places her in the nook of the tree, adding more leaves for her head, cover and hiding the entrance as a disguise. Looking at his songchord, eytukan places it in stxelis chubby little hand to which she grabs it tightly in her sleep. 
Making sure he closes it well, he whispers a prayer. 
“Great mother Eywa, please do not let the dangers reach my daughter. Protect as I will guide the viper wolves back to you” 
And as if on cue, he can hear the distant mocking laughter of the pack. A plan began to form, moving away from where he hid stxeli, he yanks off a thick branch, and makes a weapon out of it. 
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Viper wolves are vicious creatures where numbers are important. Attacking as one, will they get what they want equally. A clear strategy is there and it always works be it attacking a group, or a large prey. 
But clearly they underestimate the mighty olo’eyktan. 
One by one the viper wolves were taken down. Each slayed, and numbers dwindled in the pack. 
Eytukan roared out as he brought the viper wolves back to their great mother. With his makeshift spear, tough woof and a sharp stone in front, he pierces the animals in the vital parts of their body. 
What remained of the pack backed away and left. No longer seeing the worth of losing blood over one man. So they leave, running back to where they came from. And eytukan cries out his victory, raising his spear out to Eywa. 
Falling to his knees, fresh blood paint on his hands and body, he prays to the animals he had to end. And to hope they make a safe travel when they meet with Eywa. 
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Atokirina surrounded the little nook where eytukan placed stxeli, quickly climbing to reach her. Mentally slapping himself, who knows how much time has passed, it was dark and he wasnt sure how long he was knocked out. 
However, he was forever grateful to see his precious daughter being protected by the great mother. Removing the leaves that hid her well, he looks inside. 
Stxeli was wide awake, with his songchord in hand and a little atokirina floating playfully around her. Her contagious giggles melted away his worries. Noticing him, stxeli reaches out for him. 
“Aba!” she calls out. Complying to her demand, he grabs her and holds her in his arms. Letting out groans of worry and relief. How close was he to losing another daughter. Gently stroking her soft little head, taking in her scent, its her. Stxeli is with him, alive and well. 
“Thank you great mother, I am forever grateful to you” he says to the atokirina. 
Eytakan was tired but he had to take stxeli back to the village before more danger lurks. So steadily, he makes it back. And does he have a story to tell. It might give mo’at a fightful scare, and probably a lecture. But it will be worth it. Any fight is worth it. All to keep his children safe. 
And so, after arriving safely back to the village. Eytukan was right. Mo’at wouldn't stop lecturing him as she tended to his bloody wounds, shoving medicine in his scares and mouth. And neytiri wasn't too far off either. Giving her piece of mind to him too. 
Yet after all that, he still clinged on to stxeli, who in return didn't want to be apart from him and happily clinged on to him too. Her little head always listening to his heart beat, while chewing on his songchord beads. 
So, in the fit of the moment, he held stxeli up, where they eyes could meet. A little drool escaped the baby’s mouth, but she was happy either way. Cooing at her father, her little fingers tickling his nose. So, placing his forehead against her smaller head, eytukan speaks. 
“As long I am alive ma’stxeli te taksha mo’at ite, I promise you I will protect you. To make sure no harm ever comes to you. So please, smile, laugh, live at your best. Your happiness is my greatest gift. I love you forever. That is my vow. My promise”. 
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Aaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Yes I pulled some inspiration from kataru's screen time. Hope you all enjoyed this one! until next time! see ya!
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Taglist: @galactict3a , @alastorhazbin , @vivangothic , @spookymomfriendtm , @moonchildxoxx , @thehoneymushroomhealer , @kat-the-kit , @my-skeleton-hats . @hoodiepandaninja16 , @sugurupookie
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