#(and then to match her energy I was just like ‘omg YEAH he is the best dad in the world omg!! so wonderful!!!’)
lav3nd3erhaz3 · 1 month
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THE 1 - kate martin x fem!oc!
WARNINGS- idk if there are any so if there is pls tell me!
DNI- men and minors.
SUMMARY- leia attends her first iowa wbb game and it goes different then she expected and she ends up feeling things she shouldnt be feeling.
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JANUARY 25, 2023
I walked into the arena for my first Iowa basketball game, while wearing my best friend Jada's jersey. I sat in my seat, it wasn't very far from the court so I could see well. I took my phone out of my pocket and opened up my snap. I saw a snap of Jada. She was sitting in the locker room. The text box on the picture read “Can we get a fit check 🙏”.
As I studied the photo I saw a gorgeous blonde in the photo with her. I replied with a snap of my jersey saying “Your jersey or no jersey! Good luck tonight Pookie!!!”. I sent the snap and closed out of my snap to my home screen. I opened the messages to see a message from my boyfriend James.
We need to talk.
About what?
James, you're scaring me.
Just come over to my place at noon tomorrow.
Read 3:25
What did James mean by ‘we need to talk.’ We were doing so well. He had just left a week ago for a trip to California for his hockey team and came back yesterday. We talked while he was gone but not for very long, which was normal. I had my classes to worry about and he has his hockey team to worry about.
When I looked back up, the girls were on the court. I saw Jada warming up with Gabbie, the only girl I had met on the team so far. Earlier, at our apartment, Jada had mentioned going out with the team and suggested that I go with her. I hadn't considered going till now, I thought about it until the warmup music abruptly came to an end and I heard the commenters speaking but I didn't understand what they were saying.
Jada must have seen me because a security guard had come to escort me to her which was on the court near the bench.
“YOU DID SO WELL BABES!” I told her as I ran up to her, jumped into her arms, and wrapped myself around her. None of her teammates even turned to look at us as the interaction happened.
“OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING!!”She exclaimed back to me, matching my energy.
As we let go of the hug we both noticed the team was heading to the locker rooms so we followed. I put my hand in her hand and we started talking. We walked like that to the locker rooms.
When we made it to the locker Jada went to her little cubby and I followed. I made my way through the large group of girls to get just to Jada who seemed like she was halfway across the world. When I made it to her locker room I realized I hadn't told her about James or me wanting to go out with her and the rest of the girls.
“I need to tell you something weird that happened with James today,” I told her with a serious tone.
“Leia what happened…” She questioned me as she slipped off the yellow and black jersey that matched the one I was wearing. She traded it out for an Iowa women's basketball sweatshirt.
“He said he wants to talk…” I told her looking down trying to ignore the tears that were falling from my eyes. As I finished my sentence the same blonde from the snap Jada sent me earlier had appeared next to me and Jada.
“Hi! Are you still coming out with us tonight?” The tall blonde questioned my best friend.
“Yeah of course Kate,” Jada replied quickly, turning to me as she finished her sentence. “My offer still stands, Lei, if you wanna come with us, I think it will help get your mind off James for the rest of the night. We can listen to Hamilton while getting ready, '' she said, trying to persuade me, whispering the last part of the sentence.
“Uhm.. yeah sure..” I said, a wave of nervousness traveling over my body, making my cheeks heat up.
“Ok great. I guess I'll see you guys later. It was nice kinda sorta meeting you Leia…” As she finished her sentence I felt myself wanting to go out more just from that small interaction.
As the blonde left, Jada spoke up. “Thats Kate, she's really sweet, I think you guys would get along so well.” The comment made my cheeks heat up once again.
“She seems nice..” I commented as Jada turned around to collect the rest of her stuff.
Those girls were super sweet, they treated me just like a player. Throughout the night they made sure I was included, I had even gotten close with some of the girls, especially Caitlin and Molly. I as well had forgotten all about what was going to happen the next day.
When me and Jada got back we stumbled out of the apartment. I went to my room and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a random oversized shirt I found in my drawer. I walked into the bathroom and put my brunette hair into a messy bun and started my skincare routine. I was halfway done brushing my teeth when I got a bunch of notifications coming from my phone that was in my pocket that was vibrating rapidly.
When I read through them carefully I noticed that they were all from the basketball girls following me on Instagram. But one of them stood out to me… Kate, Seeing her name gave me butterflies in my stomach the way James did when we first met. I Ignored the feelings I felt and finished brushing my teeth. When I finished I went straight to my room.
As I was walking I passed Jada's room to see she wasn't in her room. I just assumed she was getting a snack or something from the kitchen but when I entered my room there she passed out and noticed taking up all the room on my queen-sized bed. I squeezed my way into my bed and took as much blanket as I could get from Jada hogging it. As I finally got comfortable Jada flipped over.
“I'm so proud of you for going out tonight Leia, the girls liked you, and they said that next time we go out to invite you. I know everything feels bad right now but tomorrow's gonna be ok I promise and even if it isn't you got me and the team. I love you lei-lei, good night.” She muttered, yawning as she finished her sentence. “Thanks, Jades, I love you so much too, Sweet dreams,” I said as I heard her soft breathing signaling she was sleeping. I fell asleep soon after finishing my sentence.
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dividers - @saradika
hi lovies! i hope you like this! i made half of it in the middle of a mental breakdown so half of it i didnt even know what i was writing. Not a lot of kate and leia interactions but i promise next chapter leia is gonna be freaking out!! i dont know if im gonna just do the 1 lyrics for the chapter names or like different folklore lyrics and songs. and for the goeriga fic it seems like saturn is gonna win so im gonna start working on the fic very soon. pls send in request for fics, hcs or blurbs for kate, georgia, paige, and aubrey. they are the ONLY people im writing for, and a anon asked for dorka but i dont really feel comfortable writing for her because when i first started watching wbb dorka was my comfort player, she just helped me through so much so it makes me feel weird writng something for her but im open to do platonic fics for her! ill be posting chapters every monday for this fic!
-love annie! 🎀
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kagamesayu · 12 days
more on...
shidou who hates leaving bimbo!reader's side.
c/w . implied female reader, implied smut, fluff, angst ??, possessive shidou wc: 1 k a/n . ngl this took forever and it's cause it ESCAPED me oh my... it might get messy at some point and i am SO SORRY . also im slowly becoming a shidou x bimbo!reader blog this is crazy, they're just so fun to write ugh reblogs and comments appreciated ✧*.
from my shidou x bimbo!reader pt 2
it's already a problem when you have to leave to go grocery shopping or anything of the like. he tries to find every excuse under the sun to go with you, even if he doesn't have to and you live right beside a convenience store.
"ryu baby i just need to go out and get that tiktok hair mask! you don't have to come-"
"yeah yeah shut yer trap doll i'm comin'. what if my baby needs a big strong guy to help her take her things?" he flexes his muscles, smirking as you gulp.
and you're too sweet and dumb to remember that you only need to get one thing, lowkey wanting shidou to be with you cause you always forget what you wanted to buy.
"mm...but i don't wanna waste your time ryu..."
"what if ya chip a nail-"
"omg you're so right! thank you baby, you're the best!"
he'll insist on going with you and it's all fun and games until he thinks someone's looking at your cute sequence miniskirt or your tight Barbie tanktop too long.
seems like some people can't take the hint - even with his arm snaked around your waist. one thing leads to another and he's in a fight for your honour, grinning madly and thoroughly fucking up the person staring you down.
because of his reactions you tend to sneak out and get the things really quickly - this doesn't usually work out though cause shidou always has tabs on you. he's obsessed after all!
this always ens with you getting a 'punishment' which can range from having to sit on his lap and feed him grapes to letting him have all the fun he wants with you.
if you get what i'm saying ;)
it's even worse when he has to leave you for a whole different country. he regularly goes overseas for matches and you almost always go with him.
but your scatter brained self will forget the dates and there are times you can't go with him because you forgot to take the days off.
and when he finds out he's so, so sad - never mad because he never gets mad at you. loves you too much.
"doll~ oh my cute, dumb baby doll~!" he squishes your face till your lips pucker, making you look at him as he pouts at you. "why'd ya gotta hurt me like this baby~?"
"didn't mean to ryu!" your speech is muffled, fingers wrapping around the wrist of the hand holding you hostage. "forgot..."
he sighs exaggeratedly before pecking your pouted lips, pulling away with a grin. "it's okay baby. it's ok," he sounds like he's saying that for himself. "just spend all yer time with me now, kay?"
as the days creep by, he becomes much more clingy. he becomes more quick to anger on the field, scoring much more and becoming so much more aggressive in his plays.
he never brings that energy home though, he treats his baby doll with so much care, he wouldn't dare make them cry.
he only brings that drive with him into the bedroom 🥵
you've been trying to make up for your mistake by pampering him more. leaving more lipstick kisses on his face and neck and making more beaded bracelets. you'd even made him an altoid wallet with polaroid pics of you two!
not gonna say he cried when he saw this but....
you pack some pink bandaids and hair clips in his luggage, and even let him take your favourite stuffed rabbit.
"please look after mr hannah montana! he can't have gluten and seafood and he hates the colour green so please don't put him in green clothes."
"okay baby-"
"and he also needs his fluff brushed in the morning!"
"and he hates being in a luggage so you have to hold him in your arms!"
"anythin' for you doll~"
and when that fated day arrives he gets so, so obnoxiously clingy. singing 'i love you's and 'i'll miss you's as he hangs off your shoulders, arms snaked around you. it was like he was trying to be a part of you.
he was :) he always wants to be inside you, sexually or not
he holds you like you're his lifeline. kisses you like it's your last.
you're both in the airport, a hand holding his duffle bag, the other holding yours, mr hannah montana in your arm as you try your darn hardest not to cry. your nails are digging into shidou's hands but he doesn't say anything.
he needs to feel you clinging to him. needs to feel you need him. cause he won't be able to have you for a week and he thinks he might die thinking about it.
who's gonna kiss his 'boo boo's when he gets into fights? who's gonna paint his nails and blow dry his hair while talking about what happened at work?
who's he gonna kiss and hug and fuck?
fuck, he's going to die.
"ryu..." your whiny tearful voice breaks him from his thoughts, his grip tightening around your hand. "gonna miss you so much-!"
your mascara falls with your tears, jaw quivering as the time for his flight comes closer and closer.
"oh doll." his coo makes you pause, his hand let's go of yours only to come up to your cheek. "'m gonna call ya everyday and yer gonna send me pictures everyday, right?"
"and ya got that pile of clothes in case ya get lonely?"
"good. i'll be back so fuckin' fast baby you won't even have time to miss me~" his handsome smirk is splayed on his face, "and don't forget," he leans in close and kisses you passionately, tongue sneaking in your mouth as his hand moves to hold your throat.
when you pull away, you're breathless, panting and gasping air greedily, a string of spit connecting your lips. you don't even think about the fact that you're in an airport with his teamates staring at the two of you. you can't think about anything other than shidou ryusei.
"'m yours and yer mine, no matter where i go."
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Hiii can you write something where gavi and reader are in a situationship and they both get jealous whenever the other one gets some extra attention from someone else until one of them caves in the end.
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Text messages:
Pablitoo: Why did you not answer my ft last night nena??
You: Thought you wanted to have time with the girl that slipped you her phone number??
Pablitoo: Awe nena are you being jealous rn??
You: No.
Pablitoo: It’s cute 😝
Later that week/ From Pablo’s POV
“And she was jealous about that girl giving me her number during signing! Hermano, I think I am actually starting to like her…” I talked to Pedri while we ran around the camp to get warmed up seeing his face cringe a little but I knew he was happy for me.
We have only recently started to talk to each other and neither of us wanted to make it serious until we get to know each other well first. Especially, because the horde of girls would attack her the moment they find out we are official.
“Mierda! Have you seen her recent post hermano? You are not going to like it…” Pedri told me when we were done with training sitting the changing rooms and getting dressed. I quickly grabbed my phone opening Instagram.
Barcelona, Spain
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Besties always match for festival season 🐠😂 @camerooon #piscesseson
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camerooon: luv you my fellow fish 🐠😘
y.n.bebe: para siempre ❤️
fashionfans: omg!! you guys should date ASAP!
gossip_girl: let them be friends bruh!!
barça.wags: there are rumors she is with Gavi??
gavigirlforevaa: yeah? I actually thought they date?
dovecameron: I’m obsessed with the two of you!!!
camerooon: likewise ;)
barcelonagirl: it’s clear he doesn’t like y.n!! Yourshipname forevaaa!!! @pablogavi @y.n.bebe
pedri: give me back my glasses hermanita!! 😎
y.n.bebe: nevahhh! mine now 😜
pedrigavigirl: pedri, are Gavi and her together??
wagslife: like he is gonna tell you 😂😂
“And you commented!?” I said to Pedro’s confused face as he told me not to exaggerate and that it’s clear from the comments that they are just friends.
“You don’t know that! Joder!” I said texting her to call me as sons as she gets home while my best friend laughed his ass off.
“Are you jealous Gavi??” He said and I rolled my eyes. Damn right I was jealous! I should be the only guy in her life AND on her Instagram!
“Nope!” I said quickly before packing my bag ready to go home in quite a bad mood!
Later that evening/ From Your POV
Pablo called me to come in front of my house after he finished his training and I walked out with a satisfied smile on my face knowing that we were now even with each other. He made me jealous and I knew that I made him jealous with that post as well.
"Hey Pablito.." I smiled pecking his lips but he didn't kiss me back giving a clear sign that he was still mad.
"What's up? You said you wanted to talk asap?" I played innocent and he was clenching his sharp jaw continuously while being too quiet for my liking. Pablo was usually full of energy and even when he is mad he has short fuse.
"How was your concert last night?" he said bitterly and I knew this was filled with sarcasm because of the post and the comments underneath it. I decided not to give him the satisfaction of being the one to start this argument. After all he made me jealous first and didn't like when the roles were swapped!
"It was fun, I enjoyed it very much" I answered calmly seeing his eyes roll and his smirk grow in his face.
"Oh I'm sure you enjoyed it.." he was insinuating yet again and I've had enough of it.
"If this is how you want to talk, then we are not gonna talk at all!" I was about to walk away from him but he quickly grabbed my wrist pulling me back and snaking his strong arms around my waist so that I couldn't move another inch.
"Is what you have with me the same as what you have with him!?" Pablo held me tightly like he was afraid of me slipping away but still his eyes were filled with anger that only made me angrier.
"And what exactly do I have with you Pablo!? You haven't asked me to be your girlfriend and you are taking other girl's phone numbers! So what the hell are we!?" I practically screamed into his angry face not caring that I admitted my own jealousy in the process.
"Joder! I haven't taken her paper! I threw it away when she left! And you are my girlfriend! I want you to be and I..I'm loyal when I date someone..are..are you?"he screamed as well but then his face softened as he asked me that question.
I didn't feel angry anymore..if anything I just wanted this whole thing to end so I can kiss him and properly be in his arms again.
"Yes Pablo..I am" I said looking him straight in the eyes and he believed me nodding his head before sighing loudly.
"So nothing happened with him at the concert? Or after concert?" Pablo was still concerned while you shook your head reassuring him that you would never do something like that.
"I hated to see some other dude write 'love you' on your posts.." Pablo admitted which I knew was hard so I appreciate it not wanting to tease him right now.
"Pablo, you really don't have to worry about Cameron" I said hoping that was a signal enough but my stubborn boy wasn't getting the hints being too caught up with people shipping you with him online.
"And like he always posts you on his stories and I feel like I should be the one to show you off.." Pablo would have continued his ramblings if I haven't stopped him with a passionate kiss that took him a little by surprise but this time he kissed back.
"Pablo, HE IS GAY!" I had to say it directly for him to finally wrap him mind around it and realize what an idiot he was for ever being jealous.
"He is?" Pablo wanted to double check and I nod telling him all the times you would have 'girl talks' with Cameron about him. That made the boy laugh and kiss me repeatedly before pulling away and grabbing my thighs to raise me up form the ground.
"So, you were jealous?" I said the same way he mocked me over the text.
"No." Pablo refused stubbornly but we both knew deep down that were were both jealous and that we couldn't bare the thought of either of us being with anybody else!
“It’s cute..” you tease
hehe hope you like <3
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sukunasweetheart · 2 years
Headcanons for sukuna as a volleyball player - idk if i wanted this to be set during highschool or not so i guess it'll be kinda generic or all over the place haha,, dedicated to @luvkun4 my love, who likes haikyuu and sukuna so its a perfect combo for her
warnings; NSFW, throat fucking, rough and angry sex, degradation, femme reader, youre kinda his pocket pu$$y but also his sweet gf, minor angst but with happy end -- this wouldve been a good fic but i dont have the energy for a fully written fic nowadays, im alr working on a billion rn
edit; THIS ENDED UP BEING SO LENGTHYY sorry, i wanted to add in the drama
right.. idk from where i should unpack this
we all know... sukuna would be competitive as fuck.
i know for a fact that he hates losing so much
which is what makes him such a good player tbh, the balls not gonna touch the ground as long as hes around
he’s a wing spiker, and definitely the ace (cough, totally not inspired by this gorgeous fanart)
hes so mean and arrogant but is willing to demonstrate teamwork in order to win and so theres obvious respect between him and his teammates
uraume is the manager, tho its clear that they favour sukuna the most pff
sukunas such a powerful player, no one can beat him one on one and hes so sexy when hes playing seriously
volleyball sukuna and his fuckin horse cock, u bet u wanna get wrecked by his shii
problem is, i cant find a creative way of how yall first met 
idk, probably through mutual friends, out in a big group at a restaurant ?? maybe you hooked up with him afterwards and you both caught feelings for each other
yeah something along those lines
anyway ofc seggs after matches are a regular thing haha
its almost an expectation that you come to see his games now
here comes the smut smut smut
vb sukuna would totally drag you into the unisex bathrooms so you can “help him relax” right before the game starts...
nothing like cumming down your throat to get him all warmed up
and youre such a whore for him, you can never say no bc YOU DONT WANT TOOO <3
even tho you make a fuss about the icky floor pfft, he grunts and lays a bunch of toilet paper for u to kneel on, what a gentleman
his soft groans as he lodges his thick cock into your warm mouth, and then pushing your head down to go even deeper
the pleasures just too great, the thrilling mixture of being in a public toilet right before a big match, fucking your tight throat raw
and your teary eyes, fluttering your lashes up at him with a mouthful of dick, he could laugh from how adorable you look
after hes done spurting stringy thick ropes of his seed down your esophagus hes just: “thanks babe... you sucked the nerves right outta me.”
and you know its bullshit bc hes smirking in that sarcastic way, and its a fact that sukuna doesnt know what it feels to be nervous!!!
lucky for you, he treats you better than anyone else - he wipes your mouth and kisses you before parting ways with you
likes to give you another smirk once he finds you amongst the audience
its crazy how much energy he still has after games
on the rare occasions when his team loses... oh boy
100% takes his frustration out using sex
just thinking abt the simmering anger...practically throws you onto his bed
pins your body down and slamming into you with his whole body weight
ruins you so bad, bruises and bites literally everywhere
but like... you’re into that shit
butterflies in stomach whenever the other team ends up winning
“ugh...fuckin’ squeezing me like that... you don’t want me to stop, do you?”
“maybe you like it when i lose a game. what a whore.”
“sukuna...sukuna, too bi-big..”
“oh? and you’d think this cunt would be pretty used to it by now,” he responds cockily. it turns you on when he uses such vulgar language.
spills so many loads into you, youre like a cream filled donut by the end
spanks you too, handprints on your ass and all - omg imagine the strength as a vb player
the aftercare is nice, usually he brings you to the bath immediately and check you out if you need ointment applied to your skin or vice versa
but it wouldnt be surprising if he got lazy with it on some days, especially after an exhausting game, having sex on top of that is gotta be tough
also he spends a lot of time training and practicing, which adds to your loneliness
sometimes you overthink it and feel like youre just being used, but instead of communicating it, you just act more sensitively around him
and vb sukuna sucks at picking up the small cues, so he just thinks youre being unreasonable
the two of you get into a pretty heated argument which ends with you storming off one time
theres a bit of silent treatment going on, but then afterwards you start talking with him “normally” again
theres an obvious distance growing between you and him, and your attitude is colder than it used to be. sukuna thinks its something thatll pass sooner or later
but then you text him, saying that you wont be able to come and see his game
thats not right. hes had a few fights with you before, but you’ve never skipped out on coming to watch him like this, ever.
but being a prideful tsundere he is, he just replies with a “do whatever you want” before chucking his phone off to the side (which he checks later again, to see if you said anything more after that. you didnt.)
on the day of the match, hes constantly checking the crowd if youre there
its not like *glance* he cares *glance* about you coming *glance* or anything *glance*
his mates raise eyebrows and tell him to focus properly and hes never looked scarier lmao
they won in the end, but the taste of victory isnt the same
the group wants to celebrate and go to some restaurant to eat but he skips out and goes home alone
and when he opens his door to an empty and dark living room, he cant shake off the feeling of uneasiness in the pit of his stomach
totally doesnt google search “signs of an incoming breakup”
feels worse afterwards
eats a nice and nutritious meal he cooked for himself, but it tastes kinda like cardboard
i said previously that sukuna doesnt know what feeling nervous is, but now he does, hes terrified youre gonna pull the breakup card on him, he wont know how to deal with that
he has a feeling that if he doesnt do something about this now, he will lose his chance forever
sukuna calls you but you dont pick up
he finds his way to your front door and rings the bell, and you call out from the other side asking him what he wants from you
“why didnt you pick up any of my calls? i want to talk.”
he hates how whiny he sounds.
you crack open the door ever so slightly, so only one of your eyes are visible to him
“about what?”
“about... this. about us.”
“...you’ve been crying. let me in.”
he gently pushes open your door and you stand out of the way, letting him
...and he starts with an apology. about saying mean things to you during the argument, about acting like he doesnt care when he does (he cares so much abt you that it drives him mad), pretending not to notice how upset you were
you watch him sternly, but end up bursting into tears bc youre so relieved he came out and admitted to his faults, and that theres hope for this relationship
youre bawling as he pulls you into his arms, and you confess that not going to see him and treating him coldly was the hardest thing youve ever done in your life
sukunas so relieved you still feel deeply for him, and simultaneously upset bc youre upset
you reveal that youve been feeling neglected, feeling like he only liked you for your body, and you too, apologise for not communicating that and acting sensitively instead
hes appalled, calls you an idiot but then retracts that statement and denies ever having thought in that way
the two of you snuggle up so close together in your bed, communicating and chatting and catching up for hours while he occasionally eyes the mountain of used tear-filled tissues in your room, rather concerned
for a while, he doesnt initiate sexual activity unless you specifically want it bc he wants to prove he likes spending quality time with you just as much <3
and when sex does eventually happen, he makes it very romantic and meaningful, with proper aftercare, continuously whispering “i love you,” throughout
and he shall do anything to have you keep loving him back.
some general stuff with vb sukuna:
mad tall. i wont give an exact number but anywhere between 195 - 200cm tall :>
mad horny. hes like an animal
hes such a big eater,, i mean, i see sukuna as a big eater in any au but this one in particular bc hes an athlete haha
u probably make protein shakes for him and stuff, but hes not rly on a strict diet or anything, he just eats anything and everything
has a lotta fangirls >:( but he ignores them now, after he met you >:) but before, he probably played around a lot and hooked up with some >:( he never liked any of them to stick around, tho >:) except you >:)
goes on morning runs, at like 6am and gives u a kiss on the cheek beforehand
is so fucking touchy clingy, always needs you on his lap, hands under your skirt or shirt
the last guy who tried to hit on you got a nosebleed, getting hit with a volleyball (its so funny, he changed his aim mid-spike during a practice match)
haha he was sent to the bench for that one (everyone was chuckling behind their hands)
the headband was given to him by you, bc he once complained abt having to gel his hair every morning + gel doesnt keep his hair in shape when hes sweating excessively
thats all for today <3 thanks for reading
tagging; @yuujispinkhair @moonchild-artemisdaughter @skunaskitten
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lovecanyon · 2 years
harry styles x azoff!y/n
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 1,302,744 others
hshq Y/N Azoff, our new manager. Beginning of an era.
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harryfan2 omg
harrystyles Already such an honor to work with Y/N.
harryfan3 he’s so cute
pillowpersonpp so excited!!!
harryfan6 a true girlboss
jefezoff #retiring
yourinstagram have fun old man
mitchrowland the excitement i feel right now
harryfan4 oh this was the girl harry was with yesterday…😭
kidharpoon shaking in my boots
harryfan7 #slaying
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liked by harryfan9, harryfan11 and 731,607 others
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harryfan13 i’m not okay right now
harryfan15 BE SERIOUS
harryfan17 harry…count your goddamn days
harryfan19 @jefezoff let us know how you feel about this 🎤🎤
harryfan14 cause of my downfall = this
harryfan16 she’s his new manager obviously they are going to be seen together? 😭
harryfan18 yeah…
harryfan20 cut the cameras
harryfan22 banging my head against the wall
harryfan24 the matching coats ✨
harryfan21 jeff’s sister stealing his job is just so iconic
harryfan23 harry hiring y/n as his new manager is very real of him
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 3,402,617 others
yourinstagram happy 28th sue! thank you for staying up late talking to me and buying bottles of rouge’s for your overly special best friend (me)!
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harryfan27 tears are rolling down my cheeks
harrystyles It’s an honor buying you wine, my love.
yourinstagram speaking of wine…go buy some, specifically red wine!
harrystyles Already on it darling.
harryfan29 i’m on the floor
harryfan31 i don’t know how to process this information 😭
alessandro_michele birthday boy
harryfan33 just thinking of all the photos y/n has of harry
paulithepsm feeling 28!!!
harryfan30 he’s so hot for what??
glenne_azoff this duo is truly everything
harryfan32 the azoff’s really got harry in a chokehold
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liked by harryfan34, harryfan36 and 661,290 others
enews Harry Styles was seen carrying suitcases into his manager Y/N Azoff’s house in Malibu earlier this morning.
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harryfan40 not him moving in with y/n 😭
harryfan37 SHIT SHIT SHIT
harryfan39 this is it boys. she got him.
harryfan41 they are most likely just a couple of besties
harryfan43 “besties” yeah sure…
harryfan45 the way this is trending on twitter. we are going through hell.
harryfan47 crying in the club
harryfan42 harry’s outfit though 🙏
harryfan44 i am going through all stages of grief
harryfan46 literally going insane
harryfan48 pretending i did not see this
harryfan50 this post has every harrie shaking
MARCH 2022
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liked by harryfan49, harryfan51 and 821,402 others
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harryfan52 omg the new album is probably coming soon 😭
harryfan54 WHAT
harryfan57 y/n probably knows a lot 😮
harryfan53 she looks so beautiful…i don’t blame harry at all
harryfan55 the hottest azoff
harryfan56 i love the way she’s so humble
harryfan58 right, i didn’t even know jeff had a little sister
harryfan60 slayed.
harryfan62 i’m going to need harry sue the paparazzi again
harryfan59 y/n is just so pretty
harryfan61 leaving the studio??? hs3 coming soon 🤭
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liked by harryfan63, harryfan65 and 591,903 others
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harryfan64 I WANNA MEET Y/N?
harryfan66 the fans should’ve told her to leak hs3 🙄
harryfan68 they are in the presence of an icon
harryfan70 i love her already
harryfan67 y/n gives me so much harry vibes
harryfan69 they radiate the same energy 😭
harryfan71 the woman behind it all
harryfan73 the way y/n managed haim, tyler the creator and billie eilish
harryfan75 a true girlboss
harryfan72 harry’s fans = y/n’s fans
harryfan74 i’m going to need a story time about them meeting y/n
harryfan76 the rings.
APRIL 2022
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 404,712 others
pillowpersonpp coachella bound
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harryfan77 HARRYCHELLA
harryfan79 oh my god harry’s soulmate 😮
yourinstagram i hate the heat
pillowpersonpp same same same
harryfan81 she has me in a chokehold
billieeilish MY ICON AND MUSE
harryfan83 y/n can run me over…
glenne_azoff so pretty!
harryfan84 when you realize y/n was the one that got harry to perform at coachella
harrystyles Y/N is amazing at what she does.
harryfan82 SOBBING
harryfan85 harry responding to a fan gives me life…
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liked by harrystyles, glenne_azoff and 5,307,192 others
yourinstagram the youngest azoff child takes on harrychella (hoping she doesn’t get sunburned)
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harryfan86 i love y/n
harrystyles So very beautiful darling.
yourinstagram your very beautiful too H
harryfan90 not them flirting in a comment section 😭
harryfan92 cause of death: harry and y/n
alanahaim missing my favorite girl!
harryfan94 i love everything about y/n 🙏
mitchrowland the coolest
harryfan91 literally going feral for her
_basselin so gorgeous y/n 💞
harryfan93 now i know why harry was flirting with her..because same
MAY 2022
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liked by harrystyles, stevienicks and 3,920,711 others
yourinstagram Harry’s House, Out Now
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harryfan95 SCREAMING
harryfan97 HS3 HS3 HS3
harrystyles Thank you for everything you’ve done bunny, I seriously love you.
yourinstagram i love you too!
harryfan98 harry dating his manager is so 😭
pillowpersonpp album of the year
jefezoff congratulations, i am so proud!!
harryfan102 this album has me sobbing on the floor
haimtheband so very amazing ❤️
harryfan104 late night talking and grapejuice is clearly about y/n 🤭
harryfan100 crying and throwing up
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liked by yourinstagram, billieeilish and 7,419,602 others
harrystyles The muse of Harry’s House.
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harryfan103 did he just post this??
yourinstagram i love you dearly sue
harrystyles Well I love you more.
harryfan107 never settle for less women
harryfan109 this seems like a fever dream 😭
gemmastyles i love you guys 💞
harryfan106 having a breakdown
emmalouisecorrin I KNEW IT
harryfan110 this relationship is everything to me
glenne_azoff best couple ever!
harryfan112 harry really loves the azoff’s 🤭
JUNE 2022
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liked by harryfan114, harryfan117 and 3,199,672 others
papermagazine Jeff Azoff is apparently angry at his little sister, Y/N Azoff over dating his former client, Harry Styles. He calls it an ‘inappropriate relationship’ for the music industry.
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harryfan119 JEFFREY?
harryfan121 now i know why harry fired jeff 🙄
harryfan124 dramaaaaa
harryfan122 this is so bad….what are we going to do
harryfan125 i don’t believe it
harryfan127 be serious please
jefezoff fake news.
yourinstagram sorry for being in a ‘inappropriate relationship’ :(
harryfan129 I AM SCREAMING
harryfan131 i seriously love them for this
harryfan134 paper magazine = deuxmoi
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @newyorker14 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @olivialovesh
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aylinhadtimeforthis · 10 months
Dead Poets Society As Dogs
so I'd come up with this concept a long while ago but decided to post it here bc why not so here goes lol
Neil: Brown Golden Retriever
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I really tried going off their colour, size, shape language, vibes and personality and all that, and Neil DEFFO has golden retriever energy but the darker colour helps him contrast with Todd and also is in reference to his life and looks more
Todd: Cream Labrador
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Honestly I don't know what other dog to have put for Todd this is the best fit I think He is calm and chill like labs but also wouldn't hesitate to defend his friends and stand his ground :)
Chris: Samoyed
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I really didn't wanna put Chris as a light (esp white) coloured dog bc of her connotations with light colours but 😭 It literally fits so well hskdhbfjhds she looks so pretty I couldn't not do it :") and also there's not many darker dogs that fit her vibe :( She can still accessorize in darker colours tho ofc ofc
Ginny: Blue Heeler
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Nah C'MON this is SUCH a Ginny dog like the bluish blackish warmish greyish patterns on the fur is like exactly what I think she'd wear and the dark round patterns are reminiscent to her dark wavy hair :)
Dalton: Husky-Chi
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This was the only one that made a little sense to me tbh 😭 I literally tried looking for so many types of small dogs but they all looked weird and unfitting and wrong so this is the best I got 💀 Also apparently their personalities are quite unpredictable and "mystic" which I think matches pretty well with her impulsive and creative sense
Knox: German Shepherd Hound Mix
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This is such a Knox dog omg look at him he's got the same cowardly mopey doe eyed look the lil freak always has I love him I esp wanted a dog that would be of a bigger build but more quiet and kinda scared looking like Knox is, and I think it worked p well with the hound addition bc german shepherds are guard and fighting dogs and the mix totally subverting that threatening appearance fits pretty well with Knox's lack of interest in getting involved with trouble or scuffs Also he looks like he'd give good hugs which :))))))
Pitts: Husky
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Meeks: Orange Poodle
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Meeks would always accompany you and chill out with you but also judge you to the ends of hell and back and I feel like this is the right dog to convey that through Also it has his curly ginger hair :)
Cameron: Finnish Spitz
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Who's a good pretty little bitch boy? You are yeah. Now THAT'S a Cameron dog if I've ever seen one istg it's got the colour the cut the expressions and everything- also there's this title of an article I found hsjkhsdjhfbjt-
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-So true bestie too much crazy Cameron barking can be hazardous to your health anyway I hope you enjoyed this silly species-bend post or whatever one'd call it lol I just thought it'd be interesting to make :)
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milksteakkk · 6 months
(resending this dw :D)
i saw ur ask on the rarepair tumblr, and i NEED to know ur duntrent dynamic, like, trent is the mean one?? pls tell me i need that in my VEINS
(ty for resending i am very dumb </3)
just to start off, when i say "mean" i dont mean just an outright dick for no reason, i mean "trent wouldnt be the nicest to duncan and i dont think duncan would really match that energy" if that makes sense
so the way i see it is that trent and duncans rivalry is a little bit one sided on trents part. theres evidence in cannon that trent holds more animosity towards duncan than duncan does towards him. sure duncan makes jabs, but theres no real malice or hatred behind it, whereas trent has openly talked about his dislike and distrust of him and has even insulted him for doing something that he himself has done ("only duncan would throw away a chance at a million, idiot" knowing full well that he also did that 😭) so he clearly has so problem with name calling or displaying spiteful behaviour towards him (which is why i have a problem with trent being portrayed as nice all the time and honestly kinda spineless but we'll get into that later)
if trent and duncan ever were to have feelings for each other, i dont think trent wouldnt be willing to admit it and would push him away as a result. duncan would retaliate ofc because thats just who he is but trent would be the one to start shit most of the time i feel
now onto duncan. as much of a prick he is, i dont really think he would be mad at his feelings for trent, more so confused, and trent pushing him away and shrugging him off wouldnt help at all. he understands why trent is upset at him, but to duncan its not as big of a deal as it is for trent. after all, he didnt seem all that remorseful for convincing gwen that he was crazy and the dating her after they broke up
i dont know if they could never confess their feelings to each other normally. i think it would happen in some big emotional blowout, maybe duncan gets sick of trent constantly shrugging him off and trent finally snaps or something like that
something i also wanted to talk about is how people portray trent in general. it kinda irks me when people write him as calm and nice all the time, acting like he doesng have the capacity to get mad or upset which he most definitely does!! he _can_ be mean!!
he insults duncan! he thinks justin is annoying! he made a bet with leshawna that lindsay wouldnt remember tylers name even though tyler was clearly upset about it! hes got beef with geoff for some reason! his first interaction with cody was him literally threatening to "rearrange his face"! when people flanderize him into a total nice guy, i cant help but cringe because its not accurate
but yeah. um. theyre kinda like bubbline to me. thats all thanks for asking <3
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candyswirl101 · 5 days
yandere One Piece
pt. 6
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It was the night of the gala and ya’ll were done planning so now onto the disguising :3
“I’m suprised it still fits” Savannah said
“Well I mean of course it does it me” Shinobu said
“I looks good on y-“ Jason was about to say until
“Why the fuck are you here you manthing!?!?!?” Savannah said whenever she kicked him were the sun don’t shine
“Oh come on give him a break Savannah, but why are you here?” You said
“Well I figured that ya’ll were ready” he answered
“Well we’re not so you can leave now”
“Yas slay Y/N! 💜” Shinobu said
I should probably announce right now that everyone in your group is also yandere
“Thank you Shinobu” you smiled
Shinobu pov:
Omg omg she said thank you she loves me!
Savannah pov:
Ugh, that whore didn’t deserve that beautiful smile especially from Y/n
“Well guys we should probably be heading since we’re already done” I said trying to get y/n’s attention off of that whore
Back to your pov:
“Omg I never noticed that we were already done, thank you Savannah” you said
You could feel a tension between them already I mean we’ve only been here for an hour
time skip to the gala:
“Well remember our plan guys” Jason said
“Yes” we all replied
“Well I guess I’m going with the gir-“
“Actually y/n your with Maki and I’m with the women” Jason said
Sure Jason didn’t really and wanted to be with you but since ya’ll are more team worke together he thinks that ya’ll would be a good match
“Jason what the fuck” “ughhh that man whore” Savannah and Shinobu said
“Don’t give me that lady’s it’s better for the mission and y/n won’t get hurt”
“Ok fine as long as she is okay” they both replied
You and Maki were just cruising around and you were meeting everyone you saw the Beast pirates and Big mom pirates (her stronger ones)
You were actually had your own role to sing to majority of the people would go to sleep and if the enemies were out in the audience
Luckily you have an hour before you go on and you made sure not to go near the pirates yet but what you didn’t know that some other pirates are their.
*Also to just say this is an Gala filled with pirates and not many marines just stick with me here*
You and Maki met one of your well known friends
The worst generation (Well not everyone)
Kid and killer POV:
What the-
“Hey is that who I think that is?” Kid asked killer excitedly
“Mhm” killer responded
“Killer is it the same fuck who was with them before?”
Killer nodded as Kid was being angy
Law pov:
Holy shit Y/n ya with that piece of shit? She is mine and I can’t believe that she is with a disappointment of a man
She belongs to me and she should know it
Maki pov:
I’m so glad to have y/n by my side right now but I can’t believe I finally get to see her sing
*Just a note here uhm I also gave you some other powers that uhm are I think included with the siren fruit explanation*
Your pov:
If you don’t have enough energy to fight with you devil fruit if your come across the targets you have your purse of bombs ready (their small bombs with big impact)
“Well it’s almost time for me to go on stage maki”
“Hey I think you’ll be really good at this” maki said
You were nervous since it’s been a long time since you’ve don’t this type of mission before
*So uhm you used to sing to get the crowd distracted not your devil fruit*
You were about to go on
You were preparing to go out until someone came in
“So you excited” Savannah asked
“Well nervo-“ you were interrupted by the announcer saying
“Next up is Y/N L/N!”
You heard people spit out your drinks since they were your customers
Beast pirates POV:
Holy shit y/n everyone though
King- Hmmm didn’t know she could sing
Ulti- No shit dumbass!
Page one- Sis we shouldn’t talk to our superiors like that
Sasaki- You should listen to you twerp of a brother
Ulti- How dare you speak of him like that *ready to fight*
Sasaki- If we fight in here ulti, Y/n gonna be watching you. She is gonna be an-
Who’s who- Let’s just watch the show
Maria- Yeah you children shouldn’t be arguing
Jack and queen just watching you sing and King just blushing insanely under his mask thinking about the way you sway but also about your bo-
Big mom pirates:
Big Mom- Mamamamama looks like y/n isn’t just all she seems to be
Katakuri- She is good…
He watches how you sway your body around in your beautiful dress/suit (You choose)
Cracker- She looks amazing
Pudding- Y/NnnnnnNnN *nose bleeds*
Oven and Daifuki just watch in amazement while Brûlée is watching fangirling on how cute you look right now 🥰
Strawhat POV: *that’s right their ass is here too*
Robin- She is amazing at singing *smiling*
Nami- I know right she looks amazing!!!🤩
Zoro- I guess she looks fine (I might have mention he is kind of tsundere)
Luffy- Woah she is amazinggsggshs *mouth stuffed with food*
Sanji- Just amazing as always~ :3
Chopper and Brook are watching how you sing (mostly brook) and Franky is in his own world of imagination
Your POV:
I ended with a bang well I think so since everyone was clapping for me it felt amazing
You took a bow and went backstage
“You think it worked?” Savannah asked but also added how good you were
“Yes and thank you”
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Ty so much for reading this and if you loved this I bet you’ll love my other works
Also ty for 30 followers :] I have a little gift for ya tdy
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iambilliejeanok · 2 years
I was wondering, you mentioned that Shikamaru would be hesitant about catching feelings in the dick appointment ask. What if he actually did develop feelings for the reader after she had moved on from Shikamaru because he rejected her feelings before?
Okay so didn’t wanna do the “she moved on and now he wants her” so this is just him confronting his feelings that have been developing from the dick appointments.
Warnings: 18+, mostly fluffy romance.
“Tsk, how troublesome”, Shikamaru muttered to himself. Kicking the dirt to distract himself from the nerves building up slowly, his palms sweaty as he stood outside of your house, waiting for you open up for him.
He’s not entirely sure how and why he ended up here, but earlier on he caught a whiff of your scent amongst a crowd of people and couldn’t shake away any thought of you all day since then. He pretends not to care about his actions when he buries his face inthe pillow you slept on, surrounding himself with your scent and thinking about the soft feel of your skin against his.
Yes of course the sex is absolutely mind blowing, and he loves that you always match his energy every single time. You’re the twin demon he didn’t know he’s been searching for, for a hot minute now. The truth cannot be avoided for too long however. So there he found himself, nervously waiting for you to open the door to him.
“Shika!”, you yelled in surprise. Running and jumping onto him in a giant hug without thinking, nothing but excitement and joy fueling your actions. Shikamaru stood frozen for a moment, you body wrapped around his torso in a warm embrace, instantly evaporating the nerves he couldn’t seem to shake away.
“Omg you’re here! I miss you”, because speaking without a thought was a well known trait of yours. “Yeah, I’m here”, Shika smiled, the warmth and weight of your body wrapped around his strong torso comforting enough for him to finally loosen up and wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in the crook of your neck. He’s sure a few passerby’s would start a rumor soon, a few of the villagers love themselves some ninja drama and content, fan groups always keeping an eye out for the new scoop.
Yet for some reason, Shika found comfort in the idea of everyone seeing you wrapped around him like this. Rubbing your back with his large hands, he began walking towards the house, gently shutting the door behind him. “I’ve missed you too y/n”, his words muffling into your neck, but you were dick whipped enough to hear them nice and clearly. Popping your head up immediately, his head lifted to return the contact. Your ears couldn’t have been fooling you. “What?”, you asked, your eyes big with anticipation, a small smile pulling at Shikamaru’s lips. “Hey, I said I miss you”, he repeated, playfully smacking your butt. “Hehehehe”, you giggled, tugging at Shikamaru’s heart once again, confirmation that his feelings were in fact true. He had to admit it even to himself, Shino did in fact warn him, his words haunting him the entire past week.
“It seems you’ve found comfort in y/n-chans bosom ne?”, Shino casually commented, his eyes trained on the shrubs nearby, observing them for any little critters he found valuable. “What are you saying? Don’t be dumb”, Shikamaru still denied the truth. Turning his head to face Shikamaru , Shino took a minute to analyze his best friend. “It’s okay Shikamaru”, knowing his friend felt a women in his life would be rather “troublesome”. “What the fuck are you talking about”, the obvious irritation in his voice only another sight of his feelings towards you. “Sex is great, but it’s nothing near the best thing a woman can offer, yo—”
“Shut up”, Shikamaru cut his friend off, taking a seat on a thick stump nearby. Returning to observing the bushes, Shino continued anyways. “You’re falling for her with every sexual encounter, I know she’s not the only one, but she’s the only one you ever talk about” Shikamaru was irritated by the facts his friend kept hurling at him. He just wasn’t ready to confront the reality. “There’s a whole world of love you’ve never experienced before, and you see it. You deserve it. Don’t deny yourself of love because of lust” Shino added before he began walking further into the bushes, Shikamaru standing up to keep up.
After multiple nights of dreams filled with nothing but you, your voice, your touch, your scent, your laughter, he decided to finally confront his feelings, the idea of this love Shino mentioned before, directing him all the way to your home. “I missed you so much, I want to spend more time with you”, Shikamaru spoke as you planted warm kisses across his cheek. You paused , looking into his dark eyes again. “I was in the middle of preparing a meal, but I’m alone here, no one’s company would of satisfied me more than yours”, pushing his hair back you kissed him right on the lips, his lips so so soft just like your memories. “May I help you prepare dinner?”, he asked, and you smiled.
The food was amazing, the movie was horrible, and the night was nighting alright, too late for Shikamaru to walk home. He could easily use a transportation jutsu, but why would you let your brain tell you that when he could just fall asleep in your arms? “So what do you want to do?”, Shikamaru asked nervously, his eyes looking at everything but yours. “I want to take a shower with you and go to sleep in your arms”, you boldly admitted. Even Shikamaru had to give you tops for that. But you also encouraged him to expresses his feelings even more. “Let’s go”, and immediately you were slung over his shoulder, a squeal followed a giggle as Shikamaru walked you towards the bathroom.
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stvharrngton · 1 year
I wanted to send this in, because you'll match my energy lmao
Okay, so it's my birthday, right? I think Steve would be the type to try to bake a cake and do absolutely awful at it, so he goes to Dustin's mom and begs her to bake a cake for your birthday. She agrees and let's him do the writing. So it's this gorgeous cake and tastes wonderful, but it has this super shaky "happy birthday *name*" and he's just so proud of himself.
omg yeah 😭 he so would lol i think maybe he’d try a few times. the first one he doesn’t mix the batter properly so there’s deadass just lumps of flour in this cake. n he’s like. ok my bad so he tries again but he gets the weights for the ingredients wrong so it just comes out bad 😭 and he just straight up burns the last one so he caves and drives round to dustin’s and is banging on the door and dustin answers but he just shoved him out the way like ‘not now, henderson! is your mom home? it’s an emergency!’ SHKJGD
and she makes this pretty cake and he’s there with the piping bag a headband on to keep his hair out of his eyes and his tongue poked out in concentration 🥺 and when it’s all done he brings it home to you and you blow out the candles and he’s all ‘i uh, wanted to bake you a cake but turns out i’m shockingly awful at baking so i got dustin’s mom to help’ and he’s blushing a little and rubbing the back of his neck as he chuckles softly but then he goes ‘i did the writing though, babe, do you like it?’ and you tell him ‘yeah stevie😌 it’s perfect😌’
ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! hope you have the best day ever love you lots 🫶💜💜
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cousinconnie · 2 years
Y/N wanted a pet, what would the aot casts adopt?
What pets would the AOT characters get with you:
Okay so actually I don’t think that Eren would like the idea of pets!
Putting a free animal in a “cage” (even if that cage is just your house), collaring it, only feeding it a certain type of food, it all rubs him the wrong way.
I think the closest he would get to being okay with a pet would be having an indoor/outdoor cat. Having a little cat door so it could come and go as it pleased, and it can go hunting for its own food if it doesn’t want its cat food you buy. Treating the kitty more like a roommate/friend than a pet! I also think he would name it something stereotypical like “Tiger”
Hear me out: fish.
I think she’d LOVE having a little aquarium!! Going out and picking each fish with you, naming them with you, decorating the tank with you,,,, she’d LOVE it omg
Would call you in the middle of the day sometimes like “so the clownfish are NOT getting along 😣” sends you videos of the fish swimming around, loves just watching them. You two like coming up with little personalities and making up fish tank drama. The 104th LOVE hearing out it lmao. She’d INSIST on you being the one to name them because she says she isn’t creative 🙁
I think he’d be cool with any pet you wanted, but if you asked him what pet he wants, I think he might enjoy having a bunny! He likes cute things!!
+ I used to have this really cute bunny, but he was like absurdly grumpy all the time. So imagining Armin with this grumpy little bunny is SO funny
Just him being like, “um yeah, you can hold it. But he does bite sometimes. And kick. No, he doesn’t stop glaring 😥”
He would probably name it after a book character or a famous philosopher!
She’s a hamster girl. She LOVES watching it fill its little cheeks up with food. If she had to be any animal in the whole world she’d be a hamster.
She finds the BEST toys and wheels for it, has a whole dedicated hamster room in your house 😅 lowkey might become a hamster tiktoker. Be prepared for her to call you in a panic every time she thinks something is wrong though
Okay I think Jean is the dad stereotype where he acts like he hates the pet and doesn’t want it but then like a week later he is obsessed with it,,,
So imagine: you tell Jean that you kind of want to expand your little family by getting a pet, and he says no, that he’s uncomfortable with the amount of responsibility having a pet requires. You respect him obviously, even if you’re disappointed.
Then one day it’s raining really heavily and he hasn’t come home from work yet, so you start getting worried. But then he walks in the door soaking wet, clutching something to his chest. He leans foreword showing you that it’s a little dog-
“I think it got hit by a car”
So the two of you nurse it back to heath together, and you take it to the vet to see if it has an owner, it does but they don’t want it. So now you and Jean have a little dog.
The dog loves you obviously,, but it LOVES Jean, you think it must realize that he saved its life 🥺
Jean acts like he doesn’t like the clinginess of the dog at first,, but give it like a week and the two will literally be inseparable 😭
Okay you already know he’s a dog guy.
He wants a big dog he can run around with and play. A dog that will match his energy,, but is also good with kids because he definitely wants kids one day. So like a Golden Retriever or a German Shepherd!!
I don’t even think that you have to bring up wanting a pet, I think he would bring it to you first 😭
And MAN does he love that dog 🥺 they go on runs every day, and he can literally spend hours playing fetch with him and teaching him tricks
(Buys himself a “dog dad” t-shirt 🗿)
Okay so hear me out, I think she’d get a Gecko.
You tell her you want to get a pet and she is like “oh, that’s a great idea!!” So you guys go to a shelter with every intention of getting somthing fluffy, but she just so happens to see someone surrendering their Leopard Gecko. It was really small, looked kinda sick, and the tail had fallen off. Like it was very much not doing good. And she had to take it.
You guys some home with it (and with medicine from the vet) and she’s immediately googling Leopard Geckos. In like a few hours she’s an expert, and knows exactly what supplies she needs.
She nurses it back to heath almost all by herself with little help from you (even though you wanted to help, she wanted to save the gecko herself). When the tail started growing back she SOBBED in your arms.
They totally like snakes right?? Like I can see them collecting the shed skins and putting them in resin. I also think they’d like ferrets!!!! Just curious little guys who have a ton of energy?? They would def have snakes and ferrets‼️‼️‼️‼️ If you guys get ferrets though Levi refuses to be in the same room as them because ferrets are stinky lmao
He’s a cat guy 💯 at first he wouldn’t want a pet because animals are dirty but he’ll eventually come around to the idea. Cats clean themselves and they don’t need too much attention and are independent, so I think he’d respect them. If you see him up in the early morning drinking tea and petting the cat, he’ll deny it 🫢
If anyone wants more of this lemme know 😤❤️
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cedarbranch · 1 month
OMG... tell your beloved fans about haunt me PLEASEEE + also "show me how you do that trick" + one dealer's choice :-D
WARGHH thank u <333
in response to the wip meme... putting this under a cut bc it got long lol
haunt me is my monstrosity of a stranger things wip, sitting around 90k and MAYBE 65% complete. if i'm lucky. it's fucking Long. the basic premise is that eddie dies and then steve starts dreaming about him and eventually comes to realize he is NOT dead, but in fact alive in the upside down and somehow psychically linked to steve... i won't get too deep into spoilers but it's kind of a kas!eddie fic but with a twist that's it's less kas and more similar to the pacific rim fic designations congruent with things (<= sentences that mean anything only to the most Niche Possible Audience). anyway the more complicated premise is steve's savior complex and how every single issue in his life connects back to it
show me how you do that trick is the sequel to my hellcheer fic, push the limit! (which. is fucking crazyy to me that that's the only stranger things fic actually posted on my ao3 given how much time i've spent working on haunt me 😭😭) anyway. it's as horny as the first in the series but with more feelings and plot. it's from eddie's pov and includes some actual proper kink negotiation and apologies following the insanity of the og fic, and also some RLY CUTE FLIRTING!!! a snippet for thee:
“I don’t like… weird dirty talk?” Chrissy says, wrinkling her nose. “Like, the stuff they say in bad pornos.” Eddie sighs in feigned exasperation. “God, it’s like pulling teeth here. Specifics, woman, I need specifics!”  “I don’t know! Like,” Chrissy opens her mouth, then closes it again, flushing brilliantly. “No. I’m sorry, I can’t, I can’t say any of it. I just—I don’t like the word ‘pussy,’ or ‘cunt,’ or anything like that, just—” She flaps her hands in the direction of her crotch—”Just don’t directly refer to it while we’re in the act? Like, if you’re having sex, it should speak for itself!”  Eddie grins at her.  “What?” she demands, all frustrated but laughing with her eyes.  “I love that you have porn opinions,” he says fondly. “You asked!”
for dealer's choice... oooh this is tough... but i think i'll go with 5 + 1, the full title of which will one day be "5 times steve tried to teach eddie how to swim and one time it worked" or something of the like. this fic was born out of me a) wanting to write something with intense hot-summer-day energy, b) being really interested in water/swimming as the focal point of Multiple Traumatic Incidents in steve's life as of s4, and c) can you fucking imagine if part of the reason eddie was last to jump from the boat in lover's lake was that he couldn't swim. and then he DID IT ANYWAY. but yeah second snippet:
Eddie is, in fact, wearing boxer briefs, and nothing else. Seeing so much of his skin never gets less startling, no matter how many times Steve’s splashed around with him in the lake. He always forgets that Eddie’s shoulders aren’t as broad as the vest normally makes them look. He’s pale as a goddamn sheet, too, except for the pink-red scars that pockmark his stomach and chest.  Eddie catches him looking. “Might not even be worth it to teach me to swim,” he says wryly. “Don’t think I can ever set foot at a public pool again with these bad boys.” “We could just go together,” says Steve. “Then we’d match.”  His own wounds have healed up better than Eddie’s. The demobats tore him up pretty good, but the bites were shallow; as months passed by, they’ve smoothed over into pale, warped ripples of scar tissue. Without thinking about it, Steve touches one close to his hip. As if in a mirror, Eddie does the same, his fingertips brushing over his stomach.  His boxers have little skulls on them.
your honor i fucKGIGN LOVE THEMMM!!! IDIOTS!!!!
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jovenshires · 7 months
thank you for making me feel better abt sending u so many asks🫶
also I acc LOVE the idea of a disgruntled english teacher at lunch that's wild but so accurate
thanks for that shaynse shout out absolutely so giddy now🫡
Also was wondering how u would match up the smoshcast with Taylor albums?
Some of my ideas (more vibes then lyrics):
Red - Amanda (maybe its the scarves)
1989 - Angela
Reputation - Arasha
Folklore - Ian
Evermore - Tommy
Midnights - Courtney
BONUS I think if shaynse were an album they'd be evermore (based off vibe alone, not necessarily lyrics)
EXTRA BONUS if shaynse were an artist they would be cigarettes after sex
(Would love to hear what albums/artists you associate with spommy and any other ships too)
-shaynse anon
absolutely any time!! honestly Thank You for sending so many asks these are always the highlights of my day i hope you all know.
NSDKLNFLKRNKL thank you so much. i feel like i just open my ask box like its my office door and i see six asks lined up in the hallway every morning and sigh and invite the kids in to eat. does this make sense. in no way do i want to be a fandom mom BUT a fandom english teacher all the gay kids think is cool? yeah okay i can get behind that
literally any time im incorporating it into asks now why? bc you're an icon and i love it
OH MY GOD YOUR MIND.... this is god tier thinking. tbh all of your takes are Perfect i couldn't have said it better myself. debut is so kimmy to me (idet i have to explain that one), fearless... fearless is tough... maybe damien??, speak now is jackie (it's My favorite album i get to gift it to one of My favorite cast members), and my hot take is that shayne IS lover. look at that mf. he's so lover coded. and then i agree with ALL of your ops. (folklore ian hits SO hard btw for no reason)
oh i LOVE that. willow.......... cowboy like me........ long story short...... i am seeing the vision here
i have never listened to a cigarettes after sex song but now im gonna have to omg
okay here are my off-the-cuff takes (i put them under the cut bc as always it got away from me):
spommy: 1989. i link them Inextricably with you are in love, style, new romantics, slut... they could be Any of these albums though tbh so this one is hard but yeah i think this one vibes the hardest for them
shaymien: LOVERRRR i will stand by this one forever and ever!! lover, daylight, ITS NICE TO HAVE A FRIEND.... oh my god. OHHHH my god.
amangela: red - they are giving stay, stay, stay, they are giving starlight, they are giving message in a bottle. extremely silly lil guys, very upbeat and high-energy, this album is for them
courtivia: they are midnights bc 1. hot girl bling they are both bejeweled and making the whole world shimmer 2. lavender haze and snow on the beach are them tyvm for coming to my tedtalk
shackie: they can have the honor of speak now. bc i like them <3 KLDFNFN no but also bc 'mine' but like. shayne pov. you made a rebel of a careless man's reckless son!!! enchanted. ours. i can see you. i literally could go on but i won't and save us all some headache LMAO
kimney: soupy said they were early taylor the other day and i SO agree with her. im going debut... smth smth im only me when im with you and our song !!
jamien: fearless... smth about the classic love story vibe that album gives off is SO them. honestly even just love story alone makes this their album. but today was a fairytale, hey stephen... yeah very that
arangela: they get to be my OTHER fave, reputation, and here is why: reputation reads as very Newly but Deeply in love to me, like the feeling is fresh and exciting but still grounding, and that is how they read to me. gorgeous is for them, end game is for them, but dress is REALLY for them.
ianthony: FOLKLORE im feeling ill just thinking about it. seven.... august..... OH MY GOD INVISIBLE STRING? im honestly on the floor about this one. i feel like a woman who was told to go rest in the countryside for her health.
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speckle-the-crow · 10 months
I was reminded of one of my favorite ideas today- Marionetta characters as cats. Specifically, the ah'kons. small rant + images below
I feel like the ah'kons would be black cats. Seeing as how they're treated and everything, I think it just makes the most sense.
but theres SO many types of black cats omg. Solid fur, patterns on their fur, eye colors, etc. So here's my idea of everyone;
He is DEFINITELY a tortoiseshell. On the smaller slide and often a bit slim, a good mix of black fur with gold.
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These cats just SCREAM Sahed energy.
So what about Rainah?
I kinda want Rainah to match Sahed because Sahed makes a point to keep their outfits matching. So I feel like a Maine Coon fits her best. They're really big and fluffy cats (like her hair). "But Speckle, a black Maine Coon is black- how does that match?"
Look at them in the right lighting!! Their fur has a deep orange-type hue.
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And lastly, I can't forget Jathar.
Jathar really gives me young child-like energy. He's on the smaller side and we don't know too much about how he dresses except he just wants earrings like Sahed.
So I picked a Bombay. Slim black cats with amazingly orange eyes. He can match Sahed and Rainah while having black fur.
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yes I did three images. I LOVE Bombay cats soooo a bit of bias
Honestly, I feel like Sahed's and Rainah's could be swapped. But in the end I went on their size, and Rainah has big hair soooo yeah
Anyways, hope you enjoyed my Marionetta rant
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❕❕If you're a fan of father I don't want to get married than I think you should be stayed away from this❕❕
I fuking hate "father I don't want to get married "
Like they are not logical in any shape or form I know that what make a historical romance manhwa but this shit is out of the line, no good character development and character personality is too cliché with and how they don't use brain for problem solving.
And I HATE every character in that manhwa.
Let's first talk about JuBeliAn.
This girl is privileged, and she doesn't take any consequences for her actions as her dad pays for everything terrible she has done, and she is not even once apologised to the people she has hurt in the whole series, and people still support and forgive her as she is " PRETTY and is a daughter of a high ranking noble" . It just because she has a new identity doesn't mean that everyone has to forget everything and be nice with her again, not only that she made friends with many people that i think they also share the same single braincells with her.
and oh she got to be saving the kingdom in the end of the series too, maybe because SHE WAS SO RIDICULOUSLY POWERFUL? Her family is one of the richest families in the empire, her dad is a hero, her mom is a wizard that now JuBeliAn possessed godly magical powers that the gods predicted that she will be the chosen one to save the country, and she also super beautiful that maybe people also forgive her if she ever committed murd3r or arson on an orphanage. Oh yeah and her husband is the emperor too so maybe ten orphanages won't be a big deal
Now let's talk to her dad, he is stupid
Oh but he's handsome
He is the type of guy who clearly that the author wants him to be also perfect to fit with JuBeliAn super gene
Omg he's got magic that kept him young and handsome? Or is it just because the author art skill was so low level like her iq that she doesn't know what old people looks like? There is a tons of manhwa out there that depicted dad figures successfully and you can look at it and learn, but all what i can see is that you used all of the time to describe how godly your protagonist were. Well they're not, they're so good i think that maybe you even draw their shits the look edible and maybe the shit smell like perfume too, he's the strongest man in the empire and he is smart, BUT HE ACT EVEN LOWER THAN A BABY, not only he's abandoned her ( which is considered to be abuse) you white washed his crime by " oh he's actually love her alot , he have to act like he doesn't love her because of evil king bla bla" I DON'T CARE you fucking made that girl, saying I love you is fucking easy there not gonna be any shadow hear it. You know you can annihilate any of the king's spy because you fucking strong and you just choose to abandon your child. And the fact that you destroyed your daughter's ex house because he's harassing her is also stupid.
do you think that the man that has the guts to mess with your daughter cannot do the same thing again after you just did that? Not only you don't realize that his father also work for the emperor, they can alliance with each other because they HATE YOU, you just waste large amounts on your energy to get potential bad reputation, why don't just k!ll them all and use money to mute the witness, you have all the power to mess with everything that harassed your daughter and you choose the most stupid way to solve YOUR FRUSTRATION NOT THE PROBLEM.
And yeah the chapter where they go to court, even I'm haven't been to a court once and I know that they doesn't work like that.
Oh and Maximilian too, he's just violent, but I think that he got the reason, and yeah don't have any proper time to work things out with jubel and he was force to immediately fall in love ,with JuBeliAn to match the timing of the manhwa.
The other character is like props to aid the protagonist, not once their have spotlight or character development, i remember fiodore in the very first chapter and he just appears in one or two panels, no relationship with jubelian no friendship no everything. And he gets motivated by only sentence of her.
The problem with the manhwa is that the protagonist have too much spotlight to talk about their greatness while support characters or the antagonist have so little to none chapter that dedicated to tell why and how they do certain things. Even we don't know why the evil king is evil in the first place. The fact that this is so rush in solving the final issue just to take more time in family and romantic love is boring. If the dad dies in the end I think it be great, not only it becomes a flaw and finish Legis's character development and story, it can also be helping Jubelian to develop into a more mature person.
The storyline is brain rotting but don't let me get into the art style it so flashy with too much error that they cannot blame on the short deadline that they receive, errors that can be easily spotted and fix, the artstyle that is too sparkle that hurts my brain.
If the protagonists have more flaws I think that the story would be more interesting, like karina in limited extra time, she literally died in the end she even have intrusive thoughts in her mind but that's how good character is written, from a submissive can be into a more stronger person but also still have a feminine personality.
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sheasshovel · 4 months
gotta ask, tbh can't believe someone hasn't done this, BUT-
lifers as genshin characters, who's who
omg WAITTTT this is so hard cuz so few genshin characters have actual writing and like each life series has wildly different vibes for each character BUT ILL DO MY BEST (fanon save me) ((and im doing majority sl since I remember it the most)) ((((ill do it based on vibes i think))))
Etho -> weirdly… im thinking Cyno. “Did you jump?” And him trying to mimic the aha jokes and being “pathetic and quirky” in sl matches cynos nerdy energy OH WAIR I SHOULDVE SAID KAZUHA CUZ OF CANADA UM
Cleo-> beidou.. “I WILL FRONT STAB MY FRIENDS THANK YOU VERY MUCH.” Pirate slay lady and has a big cool ship in s6 hc
Grian -> erm like. traveller💀 IM SORRY HES AETHER TO ME AND GRIAN ISNT EVEN THE MAIN CHARACTER but yeah he FR just goes with everything happening around him
Lizzie -> pink haired lady with underwater empire u say…….. kokomi (I haven’t watched empires) but like kokomi if she was written well and emphasizing the war general girl failure parts of her
Scar -> itto cuz I love him next question. also ITTO is an immortal and scar never died in sl imagine the angst potential “the last one standing”
Martyn -> he’s so self aware so this is super hard but like. Maybe uh um HEIZOU cuz he’s always like thinking ahead but sometimes silly but he’s also like smart and a detective too! or maybe HEIZOU is Grian u choose
Jimmy -> BENNETS luck and Mika’s everything else I JUST THINK ITS SO FUNNY
Skizz -> whos a funny father figure in genshin. Ill get back to u on tha oh my god he’s dionas npc father HELP IDK I CANT ANIME GAME HIM HES TOO STRONG
Tango -> THOMA IS HE THOMA? blond nice team player kind of dense AND THOMAS PET DOG IS LIKE TORCHY TO ME or is he childe cuz of the rage. I dont know!
BigB -> AYATO he’s secretive but also :3 and ayato would probably gaslight people for fun. and ayato is related to ayaka the most :3 girl ever. they are insane and wildly charismatic and also silly. Like imagine of ayato presented himself as more wholesome on the outside. Or if bigb became royalty do u see the vision
Scott -> Self sacrificial… trustworthy…. “I still might kill myself but now its less likely”…. team player… blue hair? idk I think it has to be like IDK IM DRAWING A BLANK IM GETTING KAEYA FROM HIM IF KAEYA WAS MORE LOYAL? IDK
Impulse -> Erm uh uh uh uh let’s say uh let’s say uh uh uh uh uh bro who’s a smart dad in the genshin lineup someone help me NUEVILETTE??? WTF IS HE NUEVI WHAT NO NUEVI ISNT SILLY idk what to do here
Gem -> Navia SHES A BUBBLY GIRLBOSS with so many emotions and omg when gem killed Scott and was like shocked. I thought of how navia would react to silver and Meluse dissolving in front of her eyes and having to ignore it. In both of their cases, having to ignore it to focus on the task (haha) at hand. Also both should join the mafia anyways
Pearl -> ERM Hu Tao. insane. SUPER STRONG and heavily misunderstood “sorry i think I gotta little bit crazy” from dl is so perfect but honestly I CANT see hu tao as the self sacrificial type, or forgiving type like in sl so idk
Bdubs -> tiny. Easy to enrage. segond in command….let’s make him UGH HOW DO I MAKE BDUBS A ONE NOTE GENSHIN CHARACTER WITHOUT TAKING ANOTHER MONTH okay errmmmmmmm let’s put him as xiao but if xiao was less traumatized and sillier
Joel tiny heinz-> Childe… blood lust and trauma but he also kind of gives ALHAITHAM cuz of his sarcasm
Mumbolio -> thoma he’s so sweettttt but also kind of cray cray like is thoma not insane for protecting the TRAVELLER in front of RAIDEN hello?¿ 0 self preservation skills
RENDIGGITY DAWG -> theatre kid furry. he’s Lyney next question
if I missed any lifers pls lmk I am stupid and this is driving me crazy
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