#(bingo cards)
a-crumb-of-whump · 1 year
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I made a bingo card for anyone who wants to use it:D
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beanieman · 1 year
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Some kinnie bingos for all the YTTD participants! I'm reposting the Shin one I made so all the cards are together.
If you manage to get a full bingo and completely mark off the card then I hate to inform you but you're now an elite kinnie. If that card is for Shin, then I apologize.
Cards for the floormasters and dolls will be posted soon.
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playboyybingo · 3 months
Playboyy Bingo
Playboyy Bingo is a bingo-style event. The ideal of the challenge is to create more Playboyy fanworks. Get your card here! 
How do I play Playboyy bingo?  After getting a card, you sit down and make fanworks for each prompt. You can combine the prompts all into the same fanwork if you want, make bingos other ways, go for a blackout, it doesn't matter. Any way you want to play is the right way; there's not really any rules here beyond having fun and making things.
Is there a minimum length/effort for a fanwork to count? Nope! Post your drabbles, your ten minute metas, your sketches, your 30 second edits, one (1) gif--it all counts! The sky is the limit!
What are the prompts?  The prompts include all of the characters in Playboyy paired randomly and all of the types of sex in Playboyy. You won't see anything on this card that you didn't see in the show, and of course if you get a prompt that is a complicated one you can always look to the show for an example of what you can write about.
How do I post? Post normally! Add to the Ao3 collection if you want, or tag whatever you post "Playboyy bingo" wherever you typically post your fanworks. Make sure to spend some time in the tag, sharing other works and generally giving everyone who posts something their kudos for making something and putting themselves out there.
How long does the event last? Playboyy Bingo will run from March 3rd until June 1st, 2024! You have three months to do as much damage as you like <3
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thehalfwaypost · 10 months
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Did you know that a lot of the potboiler murder mysteries/technothrillers listed in the “Fiction” section of CupInfo’s “America’s Cup Bibliography” are actually on Archive.org and as much as people joke about Wind being corny, they’re about a hundred times worse?
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zahlibeth · 6 months
#911hiatus2023 bingo card! [Season 6]
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[season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, season 5]
as always, please tag me if you make one, i'd love to see your choices
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kcscribbler · 4 months
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy Additional Tags: Gen or Pre-Slash, Post-Movie: Star Trek I: The Motion Picture (1979), Missing Scene, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Complicated Relationships, Fluff and Humor, Dialogue Heavy, Coffee is a love language
In which there is apartment hunting, and a lot left unsaid that very suddenly gets said.
Triumvirate twoshot written for the @mcspirkevents​ Bingo prompts "Snarky banter" and "Sappy ending," set soon after The Motion Picture.
Bingo Card Under the Cut
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ADHD BINGO CARD (the blank version)
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Something new I wanted to do this year is make custom Tarlos bingo cards for creators who would like them! So I'm doing just that!
If you would like a custom bingo card, please reblog this post and fill out the form below. Please allow a week for you to get your bingo card. Bingo cards will be sent via DM to your tumblr.
You can request 1 bingo card at a time, and ask to have two squares changed. You can get an additional card when you finish the first one.
There is no deadline for fics - post them when you want.
Please tag the blog @tarlosmonthlyprompts and use the #tmptarlosbingocard so that I can reblog your fics when they are posted.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them via DMs or my Inbox.
I look forward to starting this on the blog!
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evilwriter37 · 5 months
Bingo Cards are Here!
I haven’t done too many writing bingos before, and felt like it would be a fun way to shake things up a bit. So I have 3 Bingo cards to work off of when I feel like it: Any Fandom Goes Kink Bingo, Any Fandom Goes Dark Bingo, and Hurt and Comfort Bingo.
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This is going to be so fun!
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magiwou-meowvin · 2 months
in the interest of pretty please writing your fic requests, have these incomplete bingo prompts I dug up from circa 2020 that I wanna take another crack at
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(ID in the alt text)
because these cards are so old, I'm not opposed to new requests for a completed prompt although I am less likely to write it
no rules for this other than you gotta ask for characters I know. I have very few squicks or notps, so go ham and req anything you like. feel free to include additional details, or just the prompt
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beanieman · 1 year
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Here are the bingo kinnie cards for the floormasters and dolls! As with the cards for the participants, if you get a full card bingo you're now an elite kinnie. Sorry about that. /J
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dittolicous · 2 years
was hit w/ the mental image of lady sneasler hanging around exploring out in the wild with a little bag on her she carries around and inside are qna cards she hands out basically saying that yes shes a new pokemon, no you cant catch her shes a previously extinct species, also if you do anything sketchy she WILL attack you but only a little
(similar energy to pics of dogs in cars w/ a piece of paper saying to not break the window bc the ac is on and theyre listening to their tunes)
just giver her a shirt that says 'YES I KNOW IM EXTINCT YES I KNOW IM DA BOMB NO YOU CANT CATCH ME IM ALREADY CAUGHT' on the front with 'if found, don't worry, i can find my own way back to subway master ingo'
(ingo has a shirt that says 'i am subway master ingo. sneasler is strong independant snealser and will return when shes ready pls let her be for your own safety')
emmet makes her a bunch of hats, bags, baskets, w/e that all just have either really simple straight forward explanations OR really fucking bizarre statements about her status. she gets to pick which ever she wants to wear out that given day. poke-twitter has a lady sneasler bingo sheets and spotting games. like 'SHES WEARING THE INDEPENDENT LADY SHIRT TODAY' or 'lady spotted: she has the 'will bite' carrier bag!'
lady sneasler is meme-ing and somewhere, a sinnoh researcher is plotting world domination XD
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the-slumberparty · 10 months
For those of you who have requested a BINGO card so far, we are working on getting those out by this Friday. If you do not have your card by that time, please let us know. Thank you!
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lady-ashfade · 9 months
Blank bingo card! I used this for my fictober card and decided to give you guys the fully blank in case you wanted to use it. Tag me if you use it because I’d love to see what you’ll be doing!
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zahlibeth · 11 months
#911hiatus2023 bingo card! [Season 1]
i just did a shared rewatch of another show with a discord server and one of the fun things we did was make season-long bingo cards! so i made a template for us
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want to get points when Buck is a dumbass or Chim is a smartass? this is the game for you! or you can track how many episodes have that Meaningful Voiceover that feels ubiquitous in season 1, collate evidence for discourse, or anything else your heart desires.
huge thanks to the lovely @911hiatus for a) setting up this whole thing! and b) very graciously letting me steal this nicely smoothed over poster (the og is a disgrace honestly)
please tag me if you fill one out for your rewatch <3
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