#(but then i was like that's kinda weird that's a real station real people work at)
nekumiho · 4 months
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persona 3 reload came out yesterday so Naturally i was obligated to finally do a finished piece with my silly velvet room attendants submas au. alt versions, lore info, and misc doodles under the cut o__o (attendant related p5 spoilers mentioned). also sorry for the eyestrain.
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protags they attend to are Fellow Twins hilda and hilbert who always just get referred to as 'passenger(s)'. velvet room manifestation is the inside of a subway car, no i havent worked out what that symbolizes to hilda and hilbert, dont worry about it. but i think whether its visibly in motion or not wld depend on the protags' mental state, one side of the windows for hilda and one for hilbert. mostly dark empty with no visual movement outside the windows w/ maybe a flickering station light somewhere or a visibly blocked tunnel for when theyre feeling stuck in life, default would be like a well lit platform outside of the window with faceless shadow people walking around, how crowded it is depends on their progress with social links. high speed through the tunnels with their half of the car rocking violently when there's high stress super dire stuff going on, steady movement when theyre making progress with something, etc etc
their brassards HOPEFULLY translate to 'down' (χάμω) and 'up' (πάνω) in greek??? i wanted smth like caroline and justine's hats but also not The Same and uhhh yknow. persona 3 and greek mythology are pretty :handshake:.
i dont wanna steal margaret's eldest sibling clout so i think physically ingo and emmet would be younger than her but only barely. margaret is literally the only attendant i can see being physically over like 35 and i need sbms to be mid thirties at like the bare minimum. theyre highkey disturbed whenever lavenza willingly splits herself back into caroline and justine. weirded out by the other 'twins' in general bc they're not even Real twins. they gatekeep being twins. if anyone asks "so are you guys also just two halves of one person" it will be the most offensive thing you could ever say to them. elizabeth and emmet bully theodore together. ingo doesnt dislike theodore but just kind of forgets he exists because the twins are always being like "my brother, [name] (pauses and remembers theodore), i mean, ONE of my brothers,"
emmet is very :handshake: with elizabeth while ingo is very :handshake: with margaret. they both have their own fave sisters whoops. (sorry lavenza). in any sort of 'dancing game' scenario theyre both awkward as hell. very theodore core in general with emmet having some of the elizabeth vibes of just 'i am just never going to stop making random jerky body movements' ingo is a BIT more stiff. but like in general i think theo's way of life and elizabeth's aria of the soul have pretty good ingo and emmet vibes respectively. if i ever learn model editing beyond texture replacement its so over for my mmds.
i love igor dearly but i think since there are Two of them they can kinda handle stuff on their own while igor helps with Other persona protags in their respective rooms? emmet says shit like "YEAH FUCK IGOR THIS IS OUR LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!" and ingos like "emmet be nice thats still our boss and the only reason he let us be in charge is because hes busy".
ingo handles all persona fusion stuff and emmet does storage/organization/other misc stuff and gives you p3 elizabeth styled quests. they can both be social linked because i say so. emmet is justice arcana and ingo is judgement. emmets quests are the only way or at least the main way to increase your social link with him and if you dont finish one of his Special Request ones you lose your link with him. one of the special requests is to take him and ingo to see a real subway station 100% because theyve never seen one.
of all the other velvet rooms, they like the p4 one the most because the inside of the limo is the closest to the subway car they're familiar with but i think theyd like the p3 one too for the possible rocking motion of the elevator eternally going up
thats all i can think of right now i THINK thats everything??? so heres an original concept sketch,
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and also a funny emmet quest moments doodle
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oh yeah emmet really fucking loves jack frost because they have similar vibes. ingo, on the other hand, is a big pyro jack fan.
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AITA for pretending to be deaf to avoid talking to strangers?
ok so this all started when I (20nb if that matters?) was waiting at a train station. Just sitting there no headphones or anything. And this guy comes up to me and starts asking me something, but I couldn't hear what he said because the station was too loud, so I raised my eyebrows and pointed to my ear. He looked surprised/apologetic, mouthed "oh, sorry" and walked away. I was kinda confused for a second before I realized I must have accidentally implied I was Deaf to this guy.
So yea, totally harmless exchange, it was actually kinda funny. But then I found myself doing it again, and not at all by accident.
(To clarify, I am a fully hearing person, but I've been learning ASL for several years.)
The second time was on the bus. Some guy was just chatting with what appeared to be a couple across from him about something going on in the city (I wasn't really paying attention) and suddenly turned to me to get me to join in on the conversation since I was right next to them. Normally if something like this happened and the people seemed friendly I'm happy to chat, but I was just tired and not in the mood. Almost on reflex, I looked at the guy, furrowed my brows, and signed "sorry, Deaf" real quick. (Again I wasn't wearing headphones or anything, if that made it more believable?) It worked. the guy continued on talking to the couple and not me.
Now every once in a while if a stranger tries to talk to me and I don't want to engage (usually people at my college asking me to sign petitions or come to bible study, or people asking me for money, stuff like that) I'll sign "sorry Deaf" and shake my head or even go so far as to ask if they know ASL. It hasn't failed me yet but I kinda feel weird every time.
If I ever did this and ACTUALLY came across someone who knows ASL and they respond by signing, I would tell them I'm not actually Deaf. Or if anyone saw me doing this and asked about it I would explain. But AITA for lying to strangers?
What are these acronyms?
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unikron-kitten-kat · 1 year
A Christmas Gift for Mythy!! @mythicalmyles
Shite gets kinky real fast!
Male x Slenderman obvs
And for anyone else who decides to read this: TW; stalking mentioned, Kinky Eldritch Pervert (Slenderman), mentioned death, death, bodily horror, yandere behavior (mainly unfortunate victims of a rather torturous predator) also kidnapping mentioned
Suffice to say Slender has been keeping an eye on ya for some time and has come to dislike any form of negative interactions you have with people.. And more often than not it is the randos you meet on the sidewalk than someone you personally know. He is not a monster, afterall
Kinks; predator/prey, degredation(kinda) and praise(yes), ddlb(mahaps, probably.. Maybe), and probably some bdsm, also prolly breeding, pet names (Slender calls you his Little Sheep/Lamb)
The Night Bus
You woke with a start, sorta.. Your alarm was going off for work. You groaned, practically rolling onto the floor off your bed and slapping your phone to turn off your alarm. You were in such a good sleep, you didn't want to be awake. You gathered some clothes to wear, gravitating toward your pastel striped thigh highs with jeans, shirt and your favorite warm hoodie and some warm shoes. You decided it would benefit yourself to brush your hair, it looked hideous, like a rat's nest. Must have tossed and turned while you slept. You brushed your hair, and you were already in your bathroom, so brushed your teeth as well, before gathering your things and grabbing a quick bite while you walked to the bus station. You couldn't tell if that nap helped or not. You slipped on your headphones and decided for your favorite song to listen to. As you listened to your music, walking to the bus station, you danced a little as you walked, not taking notice of the watching gaze. You decided to make a quick stop at a nearby coffee stand to not only help you stay warm as you waited for the bus, but to also help you wake up. It was cold.. Shoulda dressed warmer. You took to messin on your phone while sipping your drink while waiting. A few busses passed before yours came, you still oblivious to the devious presence stalking you. Your bus finally showed up, a double-decker. Awesome, and it looked as though few or no people were in the top. Even more awesome. After checking in with the driver, and finding your spot in the top, you finally settled for the ride to work. It wasnt even a couple moments when you felt someone settle beside you. Odd, there are plenty other empty seats.
You felt the jitter of the bus as it revved back up, and droning as it speed up to the speed limit. You were huddled up in your seat against the window, paying the stranger no mind, sifting through the fics your friend sent you, wanting to reread one. You couldn't help but try and subtly glance at the stranger. You did look. Woah. He was sexy. He was clad in a suit, his hair a midnight black, his features sharp on his face. He looked slim, yet strong and muscular. His eyebrows were arched, yet furrowed as he focused on a news outlet on his phone. You noticed they were mainly missing persons reports. What you didn't notice was his occasional smirk at a couple. You went back to browzing your phone, everything else blurring and becoming numb to your perspective. You jumped as you felt a large hand grab your crotch, hands instinctively grabbing the hand that suddenly grabbed you, your head whipping to face the suit-clad stranger. His pale face was twisted with a dark smirk. He scooched closer to you, almost squishing you against the window. You let out a whimper and squeeze your eyes shut as he squeezed your crotch. He leaned down, his mouth close to your ear; "Unless you want your guts painting the windows, you will be quite and do as I say, yeah?" His voice was deep, husky. It sounded inhuman, having a weird, whiney drone almost in the background, like it was part of his voice, but not quite. It sent shudders up your back, which his smirk grew into a crooked grin at. You gave him a shakey nod, removing your hands from his bigger one and grabbing at your sweater collar. Your legs shivered as the stranger began rubbing your bulge. As he rubs and palms you through your pants, his fingers are pressing into areas that just add to the pleasure, pressing into your shaft, or tracing it, sliding over the tip, it all has you shaking so hard, biting your sleeve in a desperate attempt at hiding you moans.
His hands suddenly snakes into your pants and boxers, quickly finding your bare shaft and pulling it out of hiding. The sudden burning touch has you squeaking and almost doubling over, one of your hands grabbing onto his arm. His thumb rubbed over the tip, smearing the cum beading at the tip. He pumped you, rubbing it and squeezing it at just the right moments. It was becoming hard to stiffle your moans. You flinched, letting out a shakey, airy moan as you felt the stranger's other hand creep up your shirt. His hand slid up your body, squeezing your pecs, his fingers rubbing over your nipples, only to slip back down and feel your abs and the dip into your crotch. His hand circled like this for a bit, before suddenly grabbing your neck. "Get over here.." The stranger mumbled deeply, man-handling you onto his lap, before moving himself against the window. One of your hands came up to grab at the hand squeezing your neck, the other still trained on the hand stroking you. "Name's 'William' cutie, use it." You breathly moaned his name, his hold on you tightening. With 'William' now choking you, the pleasure you experienced was heightened. It was not even a moment before you felt your orgasm nearing. Your pants and stiffled moans increased, giving 'William' insight into your approaching orgasm. You were arching your back, shaking, quick, choked and broken moans leaving you as you panted. You were on the brink, on the fence of your orgasm, but he wasn't gonna have it. His hand left your dick just as you were going to tip over and explode, his hand immediately covering your mouth as you whined at the loss of your orgasm. You shuddered as you heard him chuckle. You groaned his name as he rubbed his bulge against you, and shudders shook you as he breathed down your neck. 'William' chuckled. You looked down, finally noticing his large claws and twisted legs. His body felt suddenly bigger against you. He turned you around in his lap, you coming face to face with who and what 'William' really was. The faceless creature chuckled, his clawed hand still covering your mouth. He moved his blank slate close to yours, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut at the sudden movement, reopening one to see his face was almost touching yours. "Nobody.. On here.. Knows you are here~.." He chuckled, "The bus driverr.. Is taking us to.. One of.. My forests.." Shivers shook your body at the tone and sound of his voice, deep, gravely and husky, yet having a strange, static-y echo behind it, his voice droning, seeming to reverberate in you head, as if he was inside your head and out.
Snapping you out of your sex-numbed daze was the sound of the bus screeching to a halt, and The Slenderman pushing you out into the isle, you being slammed into the neighboring seat, bending over it before twisting your body to watch him. The eerie white of the moonlight shined around him, illuminating the bus in a foreboding, sickly light that only spelled your doom. He chuckled, leading into a dark laugh as he hoisted himself up, having to step into the isle because he wouldn't fit in between the seats, his spidery tentacles spreading out, spreading over the walls of the bus, his tall frame having to haunch over just to fit inside, looming dangerously over you. He cocked his head at you, "Run, run little morsel," Not having to worry about your pants, as they were already pulled back up, with your pulsing cock back inside, you hurried off the bus, not before hearing the rest of his dark promise, "Run as you like, but I will catch you... And make you allll minnne~"
Into His Forest
You ran, ran straight into his territory and you know it. The white eerie fog somehow made you see clearer, the trees, sparce and dense at the same time, absolutely no ground foliage. The trees were bare of leaves, all appearing dead and sickly, you afraid of their branches as they looked horribly similar to the flailing limbs that adorned his spine. As you ran you took turns and twists, hoping that not having a straight path would deter him.. Oh, how naive you are to submit to the mindset of prey, when he is very much a predator, a predator hungry for something more than flesh, a predator hungering to claim and have. A predator that is built for hunting, and stalking, and seeking. A predator that knows your every move, a predator who's territory it chased you into, territory that it knows like the back of its own claws, a predator that knows what you are doing. A predator that will take steps to ensure you know you are alone with it, that you are the mouse and it is the cat in this rigged game of hide and seek. Your lungs burned and ached, your body begging you to stop and rest. You pushed just a little further, figuring this was enough space in between you, and The Slenderman. Why did you get on that bus, even after seeing the bus driver's swirled, hypnotized eyes? You were panting hard, doubling over as you cluched your pounding heart through your skin, begging it to calm down so he doesn't hear it, the thought only serving to increase its pulses at the thought of him finding you in this state, sweaty and tired from running, and scared into arousal at his display. You weren't sure if you liked that your fear gave way into arousal. You were nearly calmed when you tensed, holding you breathe and eyes widening at the sickening sound of a horrified scream, being abrubtly cut off. You heard another, this one fading into silence as the owner to the voice perished. Another sounded the opposite side of these two screams. You wanted to puke at the way these screams made your stomach twist and churn. You hobbled against the tree, hand over your mouth as you doubled over, trying to stiffle any noises you might make.
You needed to move, it was unsafe staying in one spot. A couple more screams resounded, you covering your ears at the horrid shrieks. You decided to listen to the screams and not go that way. You ran the opposite direction. How stupid of you to do so, really. He knew you would do that, any prey item would do that. Any prey animal would run in the opposite direction of the screams of its own kind. Any time you heard a scream, you would run in a direction away from it. This plan seemed to work, until you heard one right in front of you, the blood-curtling scream making you slip to a stop, tripping over a large tree root. You cried out a quiet yelp of pain, not moving as you feared he heard you. You laid still, trying to listen for any sounds of movement. It felt like you were lying there for hours, when really it was only thirty seconds that went by. When you didn't hear any noise, you stood up. You were unsure if going the other way would be safe, you had heard screams come from behind you as well. So, with no other choice, you stared bleakly at the wall of unbelonging bushes, before walking towards them and pushing through. What you saw on the other side made you freeze. It was the mangled mess of a man. What was left of his body was frozen to the ground, on his knees, his body bent backward, staring upward, his face contorted in a scary mix of fear and pain, his eyes blank as if his soul was sucked from them. Is this what happened to the others that screamed? Breaking from your trance, you chose a direction, and ran.
He watched you. He watched your eyes widen and stomach drop. He saw the horror that filled your wide, 'innocent' eyes. He watched you 'marvel' at his eaten food, at his hunted prey. But that won't happen to you, no. He had different plans. He wanted to see those big doll eyes beg him. He wanted to see them plead. For more. The moment he laid his gaze on you, was the moment he decided that you were his little thing, that you were his little.. Pet. His little plaything, his little puppet, his little doll. His little mouse. But him being a predator at heart didn't stop him from stalking, seeking when he couldn't see you, figuring your schedule and home. From visiting you in your sleep. From ghosting his touch over your covered form as you lay there, vulnerable, and easy. He could have woken you right then and there, but no. He needed to hunt you, to bask in your fearful arousal before he took you. He had several victims lost in his forest, that you would come to know in the most gut-wrenching ways possible. One was a woman you heard scream, but apon running further, her mangled half-body fell from a tree, her neck tied by her entrails to a limb from the tree, making you scream, falling backwards onto your ass from being jumbscared so horribly. You backed up, your hand covering your mouth as you felt bile rise in your throat, burning. You shook. You stood, slowly, shakily. You hugged yourself after standing upright. When you worked up the guts to see her face, you froze. The expression that adorned what was left of her mangled face made you sob and wrench your eyes from her. You heaved, you forcing yourself to take deep, long breathes. Again, you chose a direction and ran in it, not noticing him step out from behind the tree she hung from. The skin tore from his mouth, and he managed a dark grin, his sharp teeth, painted with red, glinted in the subtle moonlight. He watched you run, right where he wanted you to run.
You ran into a clearing, tripping over a tree root, you yelping as you slammed to the ground. You whimpered in pain as you stood back up, your body weak from running and almost puking twice. You weakly stood, not knowing how long this chase had been going for. You hugged your stomach, it did hurt being fallen on twice. You finally looked up, still hugging your aching stomach, noticing that you had ran into a deadend, a towering clifface walling you off from going any further. You heard a twig snap behind you, whipping your head around with your eyes wide and full of fear, to find nothing. You took a step back.. Then another.. And another.
You backed up against something. A couple clawed hands grabbed your shoulders. No. You backed up into Him,, into The Slenderman. You heard and felt him kneel behind you, his hands trailing down your body. He buried his face into the nape of your neck, opening his mouth to inhale your mixed scent of fear and arousal. You whimpered as his hold on you tightened, his other two arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you flush to him. One of his hands found its way to your ass, giving the plush mound a good squeeze through your pants, him purring with the squeak you gave him. His mouth opened against your neck, his teeth grazing your skin. You whimpered as you felt him nibble at the sensitive skin of your nape, your body trembling, sleeved hands raised to cover your mouth. You felt him latch his mouth onto your neck, sucking the skin, making a dark hickey. He was about to bite you, when you whimpered, "p.. please don't eat mee..." You sniffled, feeling all his movements pause. He chuckled, "Oh, you silly, silly little mouse~", His upper arms wrapped around your chest, his lower ones around your waist tightening their hold, hugging you, "You are much to adorable to eat.. And even if I were to eat anything from you, it would be eating out that plush ass of yours~, or sucking on that tiny dick you have~" Your eyes widened at his response, your trembles increasing as you shivered against him, blushing profusely. Despite his words, he purred, burying his face into your neck, going back to sucking on your tasty skin, and biting, drawing blood that tasted oh, so delicious to him. His hands began roaming again, one trailing down to your crotch, where he cupped it, and rubbed his thumb along your dick through your pants.
His lower arms were roaming your chest and stomach, feeling you up. He hummed when he felt you get hard under his touch, and by pulling you flush to his body allowed his 'securing' claws and tentacles to wrap around your ass and hips, two groups of two long claws wrapping around your pelvis, and the (very small) tentacles wrapping around your thighs, and pants waist, to pull them down. He pulled your pants down enough, he didn't want to pull them down all the way as his poor little sheep might get cold, and he doesn't want that. He kissed the curve of your neck, making deep clicks at the squeak you made, feeling his slick boner slide against your ass. He hugged your form against his, grinding his length against you, and hands roaming over your tummy. Your heavy breaths spurred him on, him marking every possible inch of your neck as carefully as he can, him leaning into, bending you over slightly, the slick from his dick wetting your quivering hole as he rubbed his boner against you. A hand moved to your neck, the fingers closing around it, holding it, "You ready baby boy?~" Slender asked you, his voice a low but a deep, growly and husky breath. You whimpered, whining when his touch ghosted over your still clothed dick. "Use your words baby, master does not understand his lamb's little baas.." Your back arched as he finally removed your unbearably hot and hard dick from your prison-pants, you letting out a breathy moan as he stroked it. You gulped back saliva as you tried forming words, your mouth becoming numb at the pleasure of your dick being stroked so good, as well as the pleasure that came from the pressure of Slender rutting into your ass, rubbing his length along your ass, making it sensitive. Finally, some words managed to make it past your throat, "P-please, S-MmMmMm~" a whimper interrupted your words as Slender began rubbing your slit rather rough, "Please f-fuck mee~" Your voice wavered as a pained moan left you as a very small tendril found its way into your urethra, slowly sliding in, not stopping until it could easily press against your prostate.
Finally, he slid in, using two of his fingers to open your ass. He stared hungrily at it as it quivered when he rubbed his tip against it, sliding the tip in when you made begging whimpers, trying to buck your hips against him. Your eyes widened and you practically melted as he finally slid inside you, and he didn't stop until he was as far in as he could go. He hugged your trembling form, you moaning at the warmth that spread through you. He pulled out, only stopping when his tip hitched against your hole, then slid back in, you crying out in pleasure, your body shaking at the low groan that left him as you tightened around him as he slid in. He repeated slowly slipping inside you a couple more times, allowing your body to adjust to his size. Though, his patience only ran so far. He groaned, kissed your neck, "You ready, Sheep?" You gasped, pleading for him to fuck you how he wished as he slid all the way back in. He clicked, the sound resonating from his chest, making you shudder, and become even more horny to be honest. You let out a loud moan as he slammed into you, his tip ramming into, then sliding against, your prostate, made you almost collapse because of the huge wave of pleasure that coursed through your body. He easily slid into you because of the slick that covered his dick, his girth stretching you warmly. The moans that left you were loud and pleasured, your voice easily echoing a ways out into the forest, fresh tears building up and slithering down your cheek. Slender was happy with how loud you were being though, as not only did his forest now you were his only, but your volume also spurred him to fuck you harder and faster, him setting a viscious, mind-numbing pace. You breathed deep and fast in between your moans, you gripoing the arms he had wrapped around you as he rammed into your prostate, the thin tendril inside your urethra easily finding it and rubbing it, bringing your right into the feeling of an orgasm, being stopped by your stuffed dick.
You pleaded with him to let you cum, and he did, the tendril puling out of your dick sent sensations that had you howling with pleasure as you came, you dick now so fucking sensative because something was inside it. You whined as your body was pushed into overstimulation, Slender not only ramming into you oh so deliciously, but also stroking your dick and rubbing your tip. It wasn't long before you came again, you whimpering at the groan from Slender as you squeezed him again. His large cock stretched you past your limits, but it felt so good, so warm and so fucking good. He stretched you in ways you knew no other human male could, he fucked you sooo deep too, so deep he left a sizeable bulge whenever he thrust into you. He thrust so hard into you he'd push you forward in his grasp. Your mouth was hanging open now, you not trying to move it due to the high amounts of pleasure that consecutively waved through your body. You came again, which caused your asshole to tighten around Slender again, the pressure from the squeeze practically blinding you with black and stars. Slender only fucked you rougher, giving you all he has, thrusting faster and deeper, and it onpy made you whine and moan, keening when you felt a tentacle or two worming their way into your hole too, them going deeper than his dick, and covering your walls in wet, cummy slime, allowing his dick to slide past your walls easier than ever. Your body was tired, your legs were shaking so hard. He was so close though, so you could last... Maybe. When he came, you gasped, you legs giving out. He held you up though. His seed was so hot it warmed your whole body, it was sticky but was also fluid. There was so much too. You felt a hand caress your tummy, and you looked. You gasped at hoe big your tummy looked all full of.. Him.
He leaned back, propping you against him, you leaning your tired body against his. You tensed and whined at the feeling of his cock swelling inside you and something pushing its way into you. "Shhhh. Its okay little sheep,, just a couple of special eggs I am giving you.." Slender's sex-drunken drawl sounded in your ear as he hugged you again. His lower arms rubbed tired circles against your hips. Fuck. Not only were you stuffed with his seed, but he also... Laid eggs inside you? You moaned as you were stuffed more, beyond your limit even. Slender rattled, the noise sending shudders through your body, you swear they even echoed a bit. He bit the junction between your neck and shoulder so deep his teeth scraped against your bones, him holding you tighter as you whined and cried at the pain. Fresh tears left you eyes as you squeezed them as you felt.. Something course through you from the bite. Slender carefully removed his teeth from your skin and flesh, his tongue lapping at the wound like a sorry kitten. The touch of his tongue healed the surface of your wound, but not the flesh wound.. He kissed it after the skin healed, saying sorrys and rubbing your body as you relaxed against him.
His Cabin
You groaned, your arm covering your eyes as the bright light flashed over your closed eyelids. You were on a bed that was in the center of the room. Weird but whatevs. You slowly worked yourself into a sitting position, moaning in pain as a sharp pang raced up your back from your butt. You rubbed your back as the pain slowly subsided. "Wh.. Wha?-" You were cut of as a tentacle wrapped around your mouth, keeping it shut. More wrapped around your startled limbs keeping you still. You felt cold things drag along your arms and legs. You felt him pet your head, his long, cold fingers dragging through your messed hair. You felt him cuff your wrists behind your back, you whimpering despite the tentacle shutting your mouth tight. His fingers traced your spin up your back, making you arch and shudder. He tilted your head up, and you flinched as you felt him wrap something around your neck, clasping it shut. A collar.. The underwear you were wearing felt weird now. Almost like fake leather or something. His hand traveled there, squeezing you and rubbing your cock nice and rough, easily bringinb it to life despit its tight restraints. You couldn't help but tilt your head back at this touching. So rough. You tried closing your legs, you had a feeling of being post-sex shy. However, he easily had your legs spread nice and wide, it felt so delicious to you when your legs were spread despite your best attempts to keep then closed and your cock from prying eyes. As his two lower hands kept your legs spread, he continued binding you, re-doing your cuffs to have your arms above your head, connecting the cuffs to the bedposts.
He hasn't said a word yet, and like the little slut you were, you were only getting excited by his touching and the anxious noises that were made. Sure, you had a good idea if what he was preparing, but you couldn't help but let your mind wander at the things he might be thinking of doing to you, as he had placed a blindfold around you.
You hadn't expected to be suddenly flipped over, the cuffs allowing it with how he set them up apparently. He had almost completely stripped you, the only thing keeping you from being completely bare was the leather trap your dick was struggling against. It was certainly tight around you... And rather scandalous as it was so thin it went straight through your butt cheeks. You felt him mount the bed behind you. He sat so his boner was resting in between your cheeks. You inhaled deeply as you felt his warm hands rub over your back, squeezing your shoulders and just.. Roaming your body. He'd grind himself against you occasionally. You moved your hips, moaning quietly when his boner rubbed against you. You moaned loud and quick, his palm smacking against your ass quick and hard. You got the message. You think he was leaning over you now, his breathing had moved to right above you, his hands still roaming your body. He snappes the fabric of your socks, which he kept on you, against your thigh, pleased with the small yelp that left you. He spread your cheeks, the thin strap of the leather thong hardly covering your hole. He traced your hole with a finger, and he made pleased quiet clicks when your hole quivered at the touch. His fingers teased you, slipping into your ass then out again, rubbing it and the like. You choked out a surprised moan, wriggling when his tongues were suddenly inside you. His arms were under your legs, his hands gripping your hips to keep you in place. You have him those sweet, muffled moans as he ate out your ass. His tongues rubbed along your walls and stratched you in such satisfying ways.
Slow and deep, that was how he was fucking you right now. Slow and fucking deep. His lower hands wer rubbing your thighs, his mouth trained on your neck and shoulders, leaving bruises wherever it struck, his body against yours as he trapped you to the bed. His dick was throbbing inside you, and was hitting your deepest areas, easily rubbing against your prostate, sending you into a fit of wriggling and keening, moaning as he slid back out only to stroke your good spot again. He never sped up, no. He savored your long moans and high pitched keens as he fucked you like this. The tentacle that was inside your mouth removed itself, now latching itself to your nipple, making you squeal at the sudden pang of pleasure. Another tentacle found your other nipple, both nipples now being stimulated and hardened. Even after being hardened, the tentacles didn't stop sucking and rubbing you nipples, kicking them into sudden over sensitivity. "How do you feel, Little Lamb?" Slender asked you in a husky whisper. You couldn't form words. Your mouth was hung open, drool practically a waterfall out your mouth, your tongue sticking out your mouth whenever he reentered you, loud moans filling whatever room you were inside of. He chuckled, the deep gravely sound making you shiver as he gently kissed the back of your neck as he sheathed himself back inside you again, "Hmm.. Good boy". Your hole squeezed around his cock, you moaning at the pressure, your body tensing as you felt him continue at the same pace despite how tight you had gotten. Your stomach tensed as an orgasm built.
You were stuffed, full of more than you could hold. Yet he was still fucking into you, he was still forcing more orgasm onto you, your dick now sore and sensitive, your nipples still being sucked on and rubbed by his slick tentacles. His cum was leaking out of you with every roll of his hips against yours. "Mmm, you have been such a good boy, little Lamb.. Such a good little thing for me.." He spilled into again, you moaning at the new hot wave spreading through you. The blindfold was removed from your head, and so were the cuffs keeping your wrists bound. His hands were rubbingbyour shoulders and sides, sliding over your stomach too, and your stomach, you looked, was bigger than the night before. You whimpered at how big it was. You exhaled with force, feeling Slender's mouth on the back of your neck, pecking it with deep but gentle kisses. You blinked gasping as you realized you were in a different bed and different room. He hugged you, one hand sifting through your hair, and his face buried into your neck, where he inhaled deeply, purring at how sweet you smelled with his essence mixed with your scent. He kissed you again before removing himself from you and covering you up. You were apparently clean. He made sure you were comfortable, before grabbing your chin and kissing your lips. "I will be right back, Little Lamb.." And in a flash of twisting black,, he was gone...
You settled into the bed, easily getting warm, finding stuffed animals litering it you could snuggle with. The room was dark, but not completely, with the moonlight filtering through the cracks of the window draps. Noises of night stalking animals echoed through the forest and into the window, coupled with the gentle nightly breeze and how tired you were from being fucked out, sleep easily encumbered you..
And off to sleep you drifted... Soon accompanied by his bloodied body after a good night's hunting and feasting.
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okay I cave. I thought about it too much and now it's a post. this one's for @ilovedthestars and @needlesandnilbogs
risk assessment module's tumblr url is accounting-for-competency and it reblogs parkour and martial arts videos, speed runs, no-hit/perfect boss fights, and fight scene gifsets from media.
in the tags it always manages to notice and appropriately compliment a very specific technique the person is using in order to protect themselves/be safe
occasionally it will also do deep in-depth analysis posts of the choreography of a fight scene from one of murderbot's serials. how the moves would work in reality, how the film translates a real move/technique so its more dramatic and visual appealing, and also the skillset/movie magic behind keeping stunt actors safe.
threat assessment module doesn't have a tumblr but risk assessment sends it links to posts about how to relax, detox its mind, meditate, or plane-shift.
"it's medicinal, y'know. for the stick up your ass."
education module just reblogs interesting facts, but always reblogs them with a reliable source link if the original post doesn't have one. it's favourite facts are about weird alien fauna and space station physics.
risk assessment convinced it to make it's url "pieceofcrap" because that's what Murderbot calls it. it kinda wants to change it to something more "professional" but is also weirdly attached to it, so it won't.
language module's url is too-many-human-words and most of what it reblogs is to do with translations of media. analyses of translations of poetry, books, and manga. meta posts about subtitles. those posts that are just people trying to explain words that don't have direct translations into other languages.
it also really likes those posts that are like... a bunch of curated screenshots of internet posts, famous quotes, and lines from poetry or books or shows, all put together cus they're vaguely about the same thing or attempting to describe the same feeling. it likes how humans find so many ways to say the same thing.
governor module does not have a tumblr but if it DID, it's url would be governor-931625384 or some shit like that. it's blog would be completely empty and uncustomised. the only thing it would use it for is searching for posts that violate tumblr's terms of service or community guidelines and DMing the poster directly to tell them which rules they've violated. it would get reported as a spam bot every time.
procedure module has a tumblr called apparently-a-panic-module that it uses like an actual personal blog, as in it posts it's random thoughts and stuff that it's done that day. also creates polls for the most out of left field stuff, including completely asinine decisions it has to make.
it reblogs how-to posts and recipes. it doesn't matter what they're for, just that they are a step-by-step guide on how to do something. in the tags it critiques the clarity and format.
it's by far the most active on tumblr out of all of them. it gets anon asks (mostly from the other modules) that are like "don't you have anything better to do" and it always just responds "no."
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randomalistic · 8 months
Anyways here’s a rambling infodump thing about all the similarities between Spamton and Turbo and then some. (you should bully me for this)
My fixation on both of them… they feed into eachother.
3 foot tall FREAK !!!!!
Glitchy and pixelated
Full of envy, pent up hatred, DESPERATELY CRAVES REVENGE.
Kinda ugly </3
Or at least. Unconventional!
Used to drive a car when he was popular
I know there’s a difference between being a car spokesman and being a racer but it’s close enough <3 Spamton would not know how to drive a cungadero they just told him to pose in there and smile. Ok Headcanon OVER !!!!
Had it all in the 80s/90s before losing the spotlight
Turbo did his bullshit in 1987 (actual road blasters release year) and Spamton did his bullshit in 1997
Only really known as an unspeakable rumor and lives in infamy
It’s more like everyone “moved on” from Spamton and forgot about him (or at least tried to forget about him…) where with Turbo what he did was so bad that he’s only known for that ONE thing
Goes in hiding for decades
Spamton has his alleyway dumpster, and maybe other areas of cyber city with low traffic. Turbo’s hiding was implied to have been in the depths of game central station until Sugar Rush was plugged in. (Which I think was asked about in an AMA) Both are like. ~30 YEARS of hiding 💀
Would go any length for the same attention again
The interesting thing about this is Turbo DOES win. He does get that attention back by disguising as King Candy and being able to race again, and he keeps it for however long Sugar Rush was around for before the events of the movie. Spamton never gets it back…
But at least Spamton doesn’t get INCINERATED so I’d say he’s better off, even if the best outcome is him becoming an item
Dependent on some kid for his plan to work
Although Spamton’s relationship with Kris (dependent on them helping him) is pretty different than King Candy’s relationship with Vanellope (dependent on her not interfering) I still think it’s funny that they both have beef with children
Later attempted murder of said kid
Quality villains out here not even hesitating to kill kids to get what they want !!!
Imitated/fabricated identity
Spamton imitates Swatch, Turbo fabricates (?) King Candy
Stupid catchphrase
They essentially have the same monologue of “THANKS TO YOU I'M MORE POWERFUL THAN EVER!! But it's not enough... so I'm going to kill you anyways"
I think King Candybug’s Face resembles SNEO in a weird way. Mostly just the big eyes and weird nose and THE SMILERRRRR. They have very similar vibes! I will stop myself now!
Virus/malware adiacent
Turbo literally claims he’s a virus by the end of the movie and Spamton is Spamton
Critically Acclaimed Tumblr Man (and hated)
From my RESEARCH. (Aka. Looking up art of him) Apparently a lot of people on tumblr liked Turbo in 2013. And those people have since become spamton people (perhaps ……) I guess that is me now too. Really unfortunate
Lore ties into a real life video game (Petz & Road Blasters)
In the sweepstakes spamton was kinda confirmed to come from a Petz game. I also didn’t know road blasters was Real until I started looking into it . (TurboTime is fake tho) But there’s a very specific similarity for you. Fucked up characters blurring the lines into real life my beloved
Rivalry/broken friendship with Those similar looking fellas (I’m running out of brain power here)
Spamton had the Addisons, which were like his friends? Fellow advertisers. Looked a bit like him, just taller with different colors. Spamton left them after becoming a big shot because he thought he didn’t need them anymore…
Turbo had the “turbo twins” (the 2 other blue racers in his game) idk if that’s their official name cuz they kinda barely exist in canon.. I think it’s popular fanon that Turbo is shorter than both of them, but that’s actually not true. But I’m still gonna count it. Anyways he KILLED them when he got turbotime unplugged. THEYRE DEAD.
Extreme temperature related death (is this a stretch)
Less of a similarity and more of an interesting contrast
Turbo burns to death when he’s INCINERATED in diet cola mountain. I could ramble about this a lot but. That’s for my second account
And Spamton NEO (in snowgrave at least) is FROZEN SOLID by noelle. He shouldn’t have asked for that ice cream man
Anyways I get similar vibes from those guys..
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I hope they explode.
Also thinking more about this is making me realize how similar in concept deltarune and Wreck it Ralph are. As in, those apps and computer programs in the computer lab ? Yeah they’re alive and theres a whole ass cyber city and mansion and theres a ton of little guys living in there! (And same goes for the card kingdom in chapter 1)
Like if there was a dark world created in an arcade, it would probably look something like the WIR world. In a way, lightners would be the “players” because everything the game characters (darkners) do is to serve the players. I’m just saying !!!! These pieces of media are both Really Good!!!
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
Of Saints and Sinners - Chapter 6
Joel Miller x f!reader/f!oc
series masterlist
The team starts their journey home and things start to change between her and Joel. Will she finally start letting him in? Or will he have to forget about her and whatever they had shared?
warnings | 18+ angst, canon-typical descriptions of injuries, smut-adjacent (finally)
The group spends the rest of the night in the old gas station. In the morning she tells them she wants to get back to Jackson in one trip. Joel keeps his mouth shut after their conversation last night, and it’s agreed that they’ll all keep moving, five days until they’re back home. 
Alex and Steve might be fooled by her confident attitude, but Joel can see the way she winces when she hoists herself up onto one of the horses, Steve swinging his legs over behind her. One night wasn’t going to heal the damage she had been dealt, and Joel can see she’s feeling it. Regardless, the group sets off on the highway back towards Wyoming.
The days start to pass languidly by, long stretches of squinting highway and nights spent hunkered down in withering buildings. She hasn’t been talking much to any of them, only sharing faint whispers with Steve that Joel pretends to not be curious about. He’s trying hard to not be such a guy about it, but honestly that’s never been an issue until her. For the first time since the world ended, Joel Miller is jealous.
He tries to hold onto what she had told him, that Steve wasn’t her man. And the further along the journey home they got, the more Joel was starting to understand their relationship. This was an intimacy past whatever Joel was getting worked up about. This was two people who had been through everything together. Something deeper than sharing love, or blood, or a name. They had shared life, or whatever there was left of it. 
He was still trying to figure out how Alex fit into this equation. They treated him like a little brother almost. Someone a little less worn than them, but still dear. What Joel saw before him was a family, the only kind that could arise in a world like this.
They’re two days out from home, settling in for the night. Her and Joel stay up while Alex and Steve get some rest in the first leg of the night, hunkering down in another cleaned out gas station. 
They sit shoulder to shoulder, backs against an old beer cooler. 
For maybe the first time, she speaks up first, “what kinda records do you have?”
“Don’t have many, you’ll have to share whatever you’ve been stashing. A buggy Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Hank Snow.”
“A real country boy, huh?” She quirks up her mouth in a split grin at him. He thinks to himself, this is new.
“Well what would you prefer?” He’s playing along. It feels weird to him.
“I’m guessing you weren’t listening to much Mazzy Star before this all went down?” He looks at her blankly, she smiles.
“That’s one I did manage to find, their 1993 album, seemingly intact. I’m gonna play it until it’s worn out when we get back.” He likes the sound of that, the promise of her presence.
“Anything else?” She turns her head, resting her cheek on her shoulder as she looks up at him. “You know Elliott Smith?” Again, Joel’s got nothing. She lets out a short laugh. “How about the movie Good Will Hunting?” 
“Robin Williams, right? A bunch of therapy talk.” He’s rewarded with a wide smile. “Yeah, Elliott Smith was the soundtrack to that.” Joel nods, afraid to admit he can barely remember the movie in the first place.
“He was big in Portland, where I was from, at least in the indie scene. My dad - he was a disc jockey, always on the up and up on music, always bringing home good shit for me to listen to. Elliott Smith was my favorite artist he showed me. You might like him, he’s folk-adjacent, lots of guitar.” He’s never heard her say so much at once, and even though he has no idea what indie or folk-adjacent means, all he wants is for her to keep talking. For just a second, Joel feels like he’s in a different world with her, a world in which none of this ever happened. Just two people talking about music on a normal night. And then he blinks back into reality, the still fading bruises on her neck, the bandage wrapped firmly around her arm, the way she talks in the past tense. She seems to snap back into this world at the same time, clearing her throat and looking down at her hands in her lap. He hates it, the sudden drop.
“Anyways, gotta get home first. But I’ve got one of his records too, I’ll play it for you.” Just like back in that field, Joel doesn’t know what he’s doing until he’s already done it. He reaches out, sliding his palm under her own, interlacing their fingers. Her lungs catch on an inhale, turning her face to look at him from under those damn eyelashes. His other hand ghosts over the hinge of her jaw, thumb brushing the arc of her chin. While his brain blares the what the fuck alarm, he’s leaning into her, twisting in until she does the rest, leaning up and forward into him, and it’s a kiss that could only be shared between two broken people. It’s a trembling brush, a frightened test. She squeezes his hand and he closes the gap this time. The second one is a little more certain. I want this. I want you. This is real. I’m terrified that this is real.
They freeze before slowly unfurling from each other, resting their heads back against the wall. He’s afraid to look back at her and see regret, but she breaks the silence first, “was that alright?” He thinks his head’s going to explode. She’s asking if that was alright for him?
Joel swallows, “uh-hum, yeah. Was that alright to you?” Neither of them have looked at each other yet, just glancing at each other out of the corners of their eyes. He sees the sliver of her smile. “Yeah, that was alright, Joel Miller.”
Over the next two days of travel, she gets quiet again. Joel thinks he royally fucked up, that maybe the more she thought about what they shared, the less alright it became to her. He feels selfish, downright ridiculous, that this is what he’s worrying about. He can see that she’s still in a decent amount of pain in how she moves, sudden, wincing jerks. She won’t let any of them look at her ribs again.
Mercifully, it’s an uneventful return home. They make it back through the mountains, and their appearance on the edge of town causes a serious stir, people gathering to watch the ragged crew ride in. They dismount, and Maria is quick to take her under her arm and out of the crowd to a former doctor’s house. Joel can hear hushed whispers regarding “the saint’s” return. Back home, back to all her secrets he still doesn’t know.
Steve and Alex look at Joel, both nodding to him, before walking off towards their home. The job is over, and Joel heads home too.
Ellie is begrudgingly happy to see him return, asking too many questions that he refuses to answer. He wonders if things will return to the way they had been, an icy distance, Steve’s warning. He hopes they won’t.
That night, there’s a knock at Joel’s door. It’s Alex. Joel steps out, sitting with the man on the porch.
“Thought you’d wanna know, she’s doing alright. Doc did a full checkup. No broken ribs, just some serious bruising, have her taking freezing cold baths to reduce the swelling. She’s at home now, sleeping like the dead. Think she’s already feeling a lot better just being back.”
Joel nods at this, not realizing he needed so badly to know how she was doing.
Alex takes a sharper inhale, “Steve also told me to tell you he was sorry for being a dick. He’s a hard one to get an apology out of, just a little too proud.” Joel huffs at that.
“Don’t have to apologize. I get that, wanting to keep someone safe. I was happy to help you do that.” Alex rubs his palms on his thighs before standing up, turning to leave before thinking twice and looking back at Joel.
“Don’t tell her I told you this, but she told me she likes you, Miller. That’s a high compliment. Thinks you’re one of the good ones. Please don’t prove her wrong.” Before Joel can respond to this, Alex is already shuffling off his porch, walking out into the dimming night.
Joel tries hard to get back to business as usual. Picking patrol shifts back up, working with Tommy. He doesn’t see her around at all that first week back, figures they have her laying low while she’s still recovering. He sees Steve at the bar one night and the man nods at Joel, a silent extension of peace, a thank you.
He wonders to himself if it’s better to just forget what happened, that it’d be best to let it lay dormant, to stop thinking about her. But he can’t, the feeling of her hand in his is what he falls asleep to and wakes up with.
Joel certainly isn’t a romantic now, nor was he before. He learned not to be the hard way, with Sarah’s mom, who left him and his babygirl before he knew love was capable of hurting, of destroying. And then he lost Sarah, and with her, whatever he thought was left of his heart. 
Something seemed to slide back into that space with Ellie, but now, he can feel it filling out to the brim with her, this wild, strange, dangerous woman that he still doesn’t know, not really. He tries to tamp it down, drown it out, but the thoughts of her keep pouring in. She’s ten years younger than him, and while Joel knows time doesn’t count for much in this world, it feels like a chasm, one big enough for her to not want him at all. But then he remembers that night, that shared moment, and he has to believe he’s not being a fool for feeling this way.
His mind rolls like the tide with these wonderings, these worries as he moves through the days. And then, it’s two weeks since they’ve returned, and he gets another knock on his door on a Tuesday night.
She’s wearing the same thing he saw her in that day at the childcare center, soft, faded t-shirt, grubby jean shorts, and duct-taped sneakers, a zip-up hoodie hanging loosely over her frame. He can see that she’s got two vinyls tucked under her arm.
“You owe me a turn with your record player, Miller.” A ghost of a smile in the corners of her lips. He opens the door wider, letting her slip inside.
“Yes ma’am. Was wondering when you’d be coming for a listen.” Joel can handle patrol shifts, clickers, raiders, general danger, without much anxiety. But having her here, in his space, is making him nervous in an embarrassing way.
“Doc finally cleared me for daily activities. First day of freedom since we got back. Been thinking about this the whole time though.” He knows she means the record player, but something in him still flips over at her words.
She holds up both records for Joel to see, “I brought Mazzy Star and Elliott Smith, the ones I told you about, think we can listen to both tonight?” 
He nods, “Ellie’s out wreaking havoc with some other kids, won’t be around to give us any grief. We can listen to whatever you want.” She gives him one of those rare, cracking smiles. He thinks that’s all he really wants these days.
She lets him lead her upstairs, and he only now starts to realize he keeps the record player in his bedroom. Jesus christ, man, calm down. She lets out a sigh when she sees the player set up, tentatively walking over and thumbing through the sparse crate of records Joel has. 
“Man, feels like Christmas morning,” she murmurs, mostly to herself. The record player is set up on an old end table, Joel sits down in the armchair next to it, elbows on his knees, watching her carefully kneel in front of the player. She lays her two records down on the floor, seemingly trying to decide which to play first.
“I think I have to go with Elliott Smith first. Haven’t heard him in twenty fucking years.” She slips the record onto the table, letting the needle catch. The opening chords of “Speed Trials” kick up and she smiles until her cheeks are rounding up under her eyelashes, eyes closed.
Joel’s only half paying attention to the music, his focus more intently on the seeming ecstasy she’s in, nodding her head with the drums, letting out a sigh as each new track begins. She opens her eyes a squint, catching him staring and he looks away, trying to listen closer to the music.
She just keeps smiling, “ah man, this last track is so good.”
I'm in love with the world
Through the eyes of a girl
Who's still around the morning after…
She’s mouthing along to the lyrics, Joel feels like he’s going to combust.
I could be another fool
Or an exception to the rule
You tell me the morning after…
She looks at him, her smile slackening as she slowly stands. She shuffles over in front of him and offers out her open palm, he takes it and squeezes lightly. 
Crooked spin can't come to rest
I'm damaged bad at best
She'll decide what she wants
I'll probably be the last to know
No one says until it shows, see how it is
They want you or they don't
Say yes…
Joel stands, his and her feet shuffling until the toes of their shoes skim. She splays her other palm over his chest, fingers grazing just below his collarbone. He lets his hand furl around the curve of her neck, thumb resting on the aching roundness of her cheek.
They both jump when the needle catches the end of the record, warbling off. She huffs a laugh, eyes still caught with Joel’s.
He swears he hears his voice crack when he asks her if this is ok but he doesn’t care because she’s smiling and then she’s nodding and then she’s leaning up and in and the first kiss is soft, a remembering, a test. The second is a bit firmer, more confident. The third, she slides her palm up from his chest, to his jaw, drawing into him a bit closer. The fourth, they untangle their hands, his going to the hilt of her spine, hers draping over the tops of his shoulder blades. The fifth, he lets his palm rest heavy on her back, pressing her body fully against his. She swipes her tongue across his lips and he’s already letting her in, tasting into him. They can feel their battering heart beats where their chests press against each other, shaky and unsure of where they’re going next until Joel is cupping her hips in both his hands and gently walking her back towards the end of his bed. The backs of her knees hit the sheets and she’s stumbling back onto the bed, taking him with her as he awkwardly tries to hold himself up. She lays back and he’s hovering over her with his knee between her legs and his palm beside her temple and he laughs, really truly laughs. She brings her hand up, thumb brushing over his lips.
“What is it?” He sighs, “it’s nothing, it’s just — kinda feel like I’m back in highschool right now.” She giggles and Joel thinks it might kill him, “Joel Miller, are you blushing?”
“Mm, shut up,” and with that he’s diving back down to meet her and this kiss is different. It’s desperate, licking into each other, teeth bumping, huffed breaths, and the clicks of spit. She starts to work at the buttons of his shirt and once he catches on, he sits up for a moment, yanking the thing off over his head by the collar before settling back into her. He shivers as her palms run over his bare skin, nails grazing his back, his sides, up his chest. He dips his head into her neck, leaving nips along her throat as she gasps under his touch. She lets out a strangled whine when he brushes his lips at the hinge of her jaw. He presses back, pulling her hands with him to bring them both standing. His hands grasp at the edges of her hoodie, he sees a flicker of something in her eyes, but she still lets him shrug the jacket off her shoulders. Joel runs his fingertips down her bare arms and she shudders. He stops at the bandage around her left forearm, she looks down at the floor.
“Almost all healed now. You still gonna like me with another scar added to the list?” He frowns at that, dipping his head to meet her gaze, swooping in for a swift, hard peck. “Don’t even say shit like that,” he murmurs, bringing his attention back to the task at hand, fingers ghosting along the hem of her shirt. He doesn’t miss her flinch this time.
“I just – well, you’ve seen my back. Kinda a mood killer,” she laughs lamely at this, swallowing hard around an ache in her throat. 
“Hey, no. I — I want you, however you are, however you let me.” Joel feels like his mouth is full of cotton and he speaks before he can even think, “you’re – you’re wild, you know that? Make me feel like my head is gonna explode everytime I look at you.” She lets a small smile spread at that, still gazing down at her shoes. He brings his palm to her jaw, coaxing her face up towards him. 
“Don’t gotta do anything you don’t want to, but you gotta know I want all of you, if you’ll let me have it.” She nods slightly, eyes a bit teary as she catches Joel’s gaze. What she says comes out as a hoarse whisper, “Think I need some time. I know you’ve seen them. I’m just not ready, but I want to be. That ok?” Joel takes hold of her hand, squeezing. She squeezes back.
“It’s ok, darlin. Give you all the time I got.”
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voidandabyssal · 4 months
Swapfell bros meeting you for the first time hc’s!
I’ve been rereading ‘dirty laundry’ by @popatochisssp and I now have a strong urge to talk about my own sf boys!!
Requests are open btw!
Ngl you two meet in the worst way possible
You are the seventh human to fall down into the Underground and the last human that needs to die for all of Monsterkinds freedom
Suffice to say, it’s not a friendly start to the relationship
As soon as Black hears about a human wandering through Snowdin he drags his brother out to track you down.
Of course, being the honourable monster he is, he offers for you to complete three of his and his brother’s puzzles.
Complete the puzzles and he lets you move on to Waterfall, fail even one! and well, the puzzles aren't exactly child friendly.
You get through each one, shockingly quickly, and without suffering grievous injury.
Black's a little shocked at it. You're even better than some of the guard recruits!
as you're walking out of town, readying yourself for the battle that will be Waterfall. Black challenges you to a battle. He demands to know what you've got in you that lets you finish his most dangerous puzzles in a few minutes!
He drags you back to his home and keeps you locked in his shed, or "TEMPORARY HUMAN PRISON CELL" as he likes to call it.
At least now you're relationship progresses a little further.
He finds you... charming, a curiosity to be sure. Not many people can find ways to sneak into his mind like you can. He enjoys your bantering, even if you're both supposed to be enemies.
He comes in a few times a day, eager to interrogate you. He starts regretting being so eager to call up Alphys and inform her about you
For once in his life, Black is left conflicted. Things had been so easy before he met you, protect his brother, earn his promotions and give everyone a reason to fear the name 'Black'
And now? Well, he protected those he cared for.
After a short conversation, he 'conveniently' forgets to relock the shed door, and 'accidentally' slips up and tells you about an old cabin deep into Snowdin's forest that was totally isolated and far away from any Monsters.
He's happy when he comes back with Alphys a few hours later to find you totally gone, no doubt headed for that dilapidated home.
From there, he manages to find the time to slip past his home and work duties, bringing you food and clothes to keep you fed and alive.
He just hopes another human falls soon. Black doesn't think he could handle seeing you dead in front of the queen, her hand gripping around your soul cruelly.
Mutt was the first one to find you, luckily you'd hidden from all the other Monsters that had wandered up near the ruin doors. Unlucky for you, Mutt is way to perceptive to not see you.
Though he is pretty high, so he kinda just assumes you're not real? or maybe just a weird looking monster. He's not gonna judge!
So you both end up just chilling at his sentry station. You're too tired to keep moving ahead, and Mutt is way to lazy to actually do anything about the potential human sitting next to him
You're harmless anyways! With the way you're shaking he doubts you could even hurt a Whimsum.
Soon he can hear Black, storming off in the distance, his voice echoing against the tall pine trees. He lazily tells you to duck under the sentry stand and wait until Blacks gone.
He disappears with his brother, leaving you to fend for yourself out in the cold night.
He comes back the next day, shocked to find you still there. He'd have thought you'd have run back to Asgore by now.
Hang out continues with you shivering a lot more noticeably.
You know you're growing on him when he lets you borrow his coat.
Black finds out about you soon enough, Mutt never could keep much from his older brother.
oh boy is he pissed his idiot brother had been hanging out with a human for weeks without saying anything!
"YOU'RE A SENTRY, MUTT!" Black curses,
Mutt actually does stand up for you though. It's the first time in a long time that he's ever cared about anything to be so proactive.
It's a lengthy argument but Black relents and agrees to hide you in their home.
You stay in Mutts room and you avoid the windows and you don't do anything that could raises suspicion! Those were blacks rules, which you were more than happy to follow. Anything to escape the cold.
You get a lot closer with Mutt, aside from Undyne (who he really only talks to online) you're basically his only friend, so you end up talking a lot, find you share more in common than you think.
From there things really only improve (well, aside from Blacks opinion on you, but there isn't a lot you could do to change that stubborn old bros mind on you)
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stevenbasic · 11 months
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GITJ Post 332: A Saturday at Melissa's, p7 (5pm, Shanette)
”So,” I started, after an early hug hello in the middle of the mall, like, center-hallway-thing, “tell me about the TV station. You were there a long time.” Melissa of course looked great, all gussied-up and professional in a short purple dress.
“Omigod yes Shanette,” Missy agreed, stepping back and throwing her long dark hair over her shoulder as we started walking. We were headed first to Hera’s, where she wanted to pick up some new clothes for Dr. J. “After I thought I was done they got a call, and they needed to do more photos.” 
“Huh well that’s cool,” I said, feeling myself fall naturally into the hot-girl strut I always used in public, “it’s kinda like you being a model again.”
“Yeah kinda,” she replied, glancing over at some guy trying to be sneaky and snapping a picture of us. It was weird, now, sometimes, being out in crowds like this. I mean, me and my boobs always got looks. I get it. I’m tall, I’ve been big up top since high school, I’ve got the legs. Missy the same, even more - people were always looking at her, ‘cuz she was so pretty and built, and tall too. But now, crap. I’m 6’1” now  - 6’5” in these heels - and she was like a fucking giant. We, the two of us, walking side by side down the mall, like, hallway thing, towered over everybody. I get it, we stuck out. But these people - well, the guys - they fucking stared. They stopped what they were doing to just look. It was like a hush came over wherever we walked and though we pretended to ignore it it’s like, wow. Some guys followed us, some trying not to be noticed, some not caring at all. Things are different these days, for sure. Guys were different. And that’s why we’re here…
So, anyway. Missy continued to tell me about her day, as the crowd around us just kinda parted and let us walk, like I said the heads were all turning. I knew the Channel 5 people - which, I hear, is like all girls-in-charge now - wanted to do a story about the grand opening of the new wings in the office. That was coming soon; I was just there today in the new clinic for guys and it’s wow so beautiful. And they wanted my help! In setting up some stuff in the new clinic where I’ll be working. But I guess they also wanted to do a whole profile thing about her. They want to talk to her about her career, film her in the gym. Yeah, it was all timed for when some of the new products came out. Some marketing thing, probably. She was like the ideal woman for this new, like, age. 
“I’m so proud of you!” I told her as we got to the department store. I was! I was proud of her! We’d been friends forever. We were even roommates for a while until the doctors at Evolution wanted her to move out of our rented brownstone in the city and into the facility with them - that was a couple years ago, now. It had been a nice enough little place they set up, part of the clinic there, deep in the building I guess. It looked like a real apartment if you didn’t look too hard, she’d said. But I’d never been there; she hadn’t been allowed to have visitors. They kept close tabs on her, and I knew they were, like, studying her. She never really complained, at least to me, until recently. Since she started dating Dr. J she began to get frustrated, like they were looking over her shoulder all the time. She wanted some more freedom, some more privacy, and when her mom left the house for some travels she took the chance to tell them she was moving out, into her mom’s place. They didn’t like that, I guess, but good for her! Missy has been too nice in the past, always doing what other people told her. It’s good she put her foot down, and when the new apartments for us were ready over the office we’d all move in there like one big, happy, big-boobie family.
“You’re so beautiful…” someone said, a medium, nervous guy with an old fishing hat, as we passed him on the escalator. He was looking at Missy, of course.
“Oh thank you!” she sang, flashing him a brilliant smile over her shoulder as we rose up above him, him on the moving stairs going down. She didn’t seem to pay it much mind - we went right back to chatting - but it was, like, a reminder of just how simpy men were getting. It’d only been a few days since the election-thing, but everyone was saying it’s different already, even just since then. Guys just seemed, I dunno…smaller. Sillier. Less important. And more, like…timid and scared but also more, I dunno…eager. To show how much they liked us. I don’t know if Missy even realized it but if she called out, right here in the mall, and wanted them all to, like, do something - sing her name, give her money, maybe even haha get on their knees - I’m pretty sure a lot of them would do it. In fact I said something to one guy that was really staring at us, once we got to the top of the escalator and into the  “Young Men’s” section, where we were headed. I told him to ‘get out of the way of your goddess’ and he actually said ‘yes ma’am’ back to me.
So freakin’ funny.
Anyway, Melissa had been telling me about her feelings for Dr. J. She was really in love, but she worried about him. “I mean,” she’d said, “I really, really like being the dominant one in the relationship, and I am...”
I agreed with her, she was. For sure. She was a stronger personality, and absolutely she was physically stronger than him. By like, a lot haha. I’ve seen this girl lift up a couch recently.
“...but more than just being his, like, what do you call it..?”
“Yeah…more than that, I want to be his protector. The world’s getting weird for men, and he’s…needy.”
“Yeah he is,” I agreed, “and things might get tough for guys like him.”
“And I mean, of course I want to be the boss,” she giggled, “but I also want to be, like…”
“Like a superhero for him?” 
“Omigod yes,” she said, as we started browsing the racks. We we’re like that; we knew what one another were thinking, lots of times. Like sisters.
“Here check these out,” I offered, showing her a section of decent choices. She was looking for grey khakis for him, some that would fit. He’d probably need a size 12, she said.
“Yeah it’s funny you say that,” she said, “We’ve been talking about it recently, him and me, him needing me, and already I can feel my body changing. In different ways than before…”
Ok. Let me tell you a little bit about Missy. Some of this you probably already know. She has a way - she always had, ever since I met her when she moved into town in high school - of getting what she needs. Of becoming what she needs. Math classes were tough? No problem, bigger boobs help get better grades. Needed to move up at that job, when the boss was an ass-man? Easy. Boom. Ten more pounds where it counts. Wanted your friends to be as hot as you so you could all hang out and torture boys? Done, bingo. I tell you, maybe it was just luck but it seemed like she had a way of changing herself and everything around her so she would succeed and get what she wanted. “The Missy Effect” we called it. She’d just laugh when we asked her about it, lament that she still couldn’t spell, but I swear to god it was real.
“How do you like these?” she asked, holding up a pair of pants for me to approve.
“They look like little boy pants,” I giggled, making her giggle too.
“Maybe I should get a couple, in a few colors?”
“Hm maybe but you don’t want to get too many, in case he, y’know…”
…keeps getting smaller, we both knew. Like sisters. 
“Yeah maybe these and just one more, in tan.”
But anyway, she kept telling me about Dr. J.
“So we had our date night, last night,” she continued, two pairs over her arm as we moved over towards the sweaters. The girls had been calling it ‘Boob Night’ once they heard her plans, which also made her laugh. “And it kinda showed me that I want to move our relationship to, like, the next phase…”
And that’s where I come in. Shanette Stevens: ‘Professional MommyGF’ haha. 
She looked at me, and I chuckled. “Let me tell you how it’s going with Scottie,” I said, as we started circling the mannequins with their cute little sweaters. It was getting chilly, being November, and the winter stuff was all out. There were two guys watching us from behind some racks but we just pretended they weren’t there. 
“I’m so happy you two are dating..!” she said, smiling, those brilliant green eyes of her sparkling. I love her so much.
“Yeah yeah, yeah…” I agreed. Scottie…Scott Hempsted, Scottie-Two-Times…was a guy, a guy friend of ours, mine and Missy’s, since way back in high school. I always thought he was cute in a goofy yellow-lab kinda way, and I knew he had the hots for Missy (like everybody else). Anyway years, now, out of high school we still all hung out once in a while, and he and I had finally started dating. I had a few conditions for him, haha, of course. For one, he couldn’t just use me to try to get to Missy. It wouldn’t work and I’d kill him. And second, I wanted him to be my baby.
“Oooo this one’s nice,” Missy exclaimed, finding the perfect blue-and-white-striped crewneck, in a boys’ large.
“That is nice,” I agreed.
The feelings had been strong, for a while, and since I started working again with Missy they’d suddenly gotten stronger still. I wanted a man to spoil and dwarf with affection, I wanted a boy to baby. These were getting common, these urges, in a lot of girls, and these big boobs of mine wanted to be put to good use…and as they got bigger they got harder to ignore. It sounds funny maybe but overwhelming a guy with cooking and cleaning and putting his head in your lap when he’s tired or sad or scared was just damn hot. I told Scottie I wanted to be his Mommy Girlfriend, and haha I can still see his face when his jaw dropped. He started shaking and nearly passed out. Boys liked that idea too, these days. A lot.
Missy knew what we’d been doing, together, mostly, Scottie and me. She and I shared that sort of thing. She knew that our favorite sex toy as a couple, for real, was a baby bottle. 
And now I think she was looking for advice.
”Okay, so,” I started again, after Missy added the blue sweater to the pile. I’d dropped my voice a bit, so those guys who were still staring at us couldn’t hear. “I spent the whole day with Katarina,” I said, “She told me some crazy shit. Did you know there are places, not here in America but like in the world, like colonies, new colonies, where the guys are all, like, small.”
“Small?” Missy asked, maybe a little confused. She was looking through some sweater vests that, yes, would have been adorable on him. 
“Like, made small. Smaller,” I clarified, “Shrunk. Like almost made into babies. Ooo - get that argyle one!”  Missy smiled as she’d already decided on it. Blue argyle - so cute! Anyway, I continued with what Katarina had told me. “And the women, the women in these places are all, like, their moms. Or, like, become their moms, their mommies. They all live together in these, like, yeah…little colonies.”
“omigod,” Missy said, eyes wide, picturing it. 
I paused for a second, making sure for sure that we weren’t being overheard: “Katarina asked if I wanted to visit one,” I whispered, “That maybe I could take Scottie…”
“Omigod Shanettttttte I can’t even,” she said, not worrying about lowering her voice in the least, “I’m going to soak through my panties for you.”
Just then, a crash from behind a nearby rack. The guys had been listening, or trying to. One of them was now, their cover blown, running away. The other stood frozen. 
“That’s right, run, little man,” I called out, after the one who’d bolted. Then I turned to his friend. “And you too, twerpo. Or we might just sit on you.”
That got Missy laughing, and I laughed too as they now both fled away from the big, mean ladies.
“So your first step,” I started again, as we got back to our conversation and started looking for socks for him, “is to show him how nice it can be to be with a girl with, like, strong maternal instincts. With a maternal woman.”
“I think I can do that,” Melissa giggled, pressing out her twin KK (or whatever they were today) cannons. They seriously looked huger every day, and threatened to burst out of the simple, conservative, wine-colored dress she’d worn to her interview. “These are just full of maternal instincts..!”
“Haha yeah those’ll definitely help,” I laughed, seeing that we maybe had another admirer over by the shoes, another pimply, sweaty-faced stalker. “But even more than the boobs, there’s other stuff. And not just doing his laundry or arranging his drawers.”
“Such as..?” Missy lead, picking out some black dress socks, and then thinking again. The ones with stripes were cuter, I agreed. 
“Do things for him. Like, you should be the one that calls in to order, like, pizza,” I said, taking the pants and the sweaters off her hands so she could grab more socks, “and any other thing that, like, implies someone making the call or taking care of a decision. Speak up for everything he´s too shy to say. He’ll appreciate it, and eventually he’ll come to depend on you for it.”
“Ooo I like that,” Missy agreed, eyes wide, “and I like these socks, too. How ‘bout you?”
“Ha, maybe a little much, at this point,” I said. Even Scottie wouldn’t agree to Sesame Street socks. Well, yet haha. 
“What else?” she pressed. 
“Well, how ‘bout…driving,” I started, “You do all the driving, right?”
“He doesn’t have a car, anymore,” she said, knowing I knew that of course. 
“But does he ever, like, offer to drive you guys around, in your car, ask for the keys? Does he even want to drive anymore?”
“I dunno,” she answered, nodding, and moving over to the belts. She was considering the idea, for sure. “He doesn’t really ask…”
“He doesn’t ask to drive because the truth is he doesn’t want to drive,” I said, “He wants you to do it. Because he’s getting afraid of it.” I helped her pick out a nice brown belt for little waists. Reversible, too. “And soon, he won’t be able to do it anymore.”
“Yeah,” Missy agreed, biting her lower lip and staying quiet. But the sparkle in her eye when she glanced at me told me everything. She liked the idea, I could tell. 
“And when you drive him, do you make sure he’s buckled in, all nice and safe?” I asked. 
“I…I should, huh?”
“Well of course,” I smiled, “and buckle him in yourself, make sure it’s done right.” My own eyes were sparkling now, I could feel it, and I could see Missy picturing smooshing her boobs into him the way I do into Scottie when I buckle him in. I also kiss him on the forehead, and wrinkle my nose when I tell him he’s cute. 
“He does like the tender stuff,” she said, “and he likes it when I take care of the things he knows he can´t. The mommy-girlfriend stuff.” There were some shoes that caught Missy’s eye, and we drifted that way. “But I know he also likes the bigger displays of my, like, power. How strong I am. When we’re, like, alone.”
I giggled, thinking of it, imagining what it must be like to be as strong as her and toss a guy around in the bedroom. She’d told me about the table, and pinning him to the wall, lifting and carrying him. “That’s okay,” I finally said, “you can do both. You can be his, like, Super Mommy.”
That made her laugh, but when she bent over to check out some little sneakers on a lower rack I saw our greasy little admirer from before glance her way. Her ass was way in the air, and he was staring. 
“Getting a good look?” I snapped, immediately grabbing the guy's attention. His eyes went wide and as Missy stood up…and up…and up…now peering down at him, realizing what he’d been doing, he started to back away. He was maybe fifteen feet down the aisle, retreating.
“Yeah you’d better run,” she said, her voice suddenly bigger and deeper than I’d ever heard it, eyes on the squirrely little man as he kept taking steps backwards. I saw Melissa’s eyes flash, darkening, and then in a big voice which I swear to god made the overhead lights flicker and the whole room shake she boomed “RUN!” and the guy was literally knocked off his feet, blown backwards by the sonic power of her voice. Whether it was from him falling or just the strength of her, the racks rattled,  shoes fell, and a “30% off boy’s shoes” sign across the aisle was blown clean over. 
We both watched as the little man clambered to his feet, panicked, and ran away like a scared rabbit. A mannequin toppled over. 
“Oh my god, Missy,” I breathed, finally able to speak, looking at her with new eyes. Did I see that right? What had she just done??
“Haha wow…” she said, her voice suddenly back to normal, but her smile with a weird curl, “…that’s new.”
more? Patreon.
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brienneoftarth1989 · 1 year
Heya! I hope your requests are still open :3
I was wondering if you’d maybe wanna write a Miranda Hilmarson x f!reader where reader is a detective that chose Miranda to help her on a case (they secretly have been crushing on each other for a while now) and they kinda get closer and confess their feelings? Happy ending and maybe some Smut if you feel comfy enough?
I absolutely LOVE your works and I’ve had this idea in my head for a while now but I have NO experience in writing Miranda what so ever xD
Hope you enjoy this! I loved writing this and I’m so glad you enjoy my work. I love knowing that people enjoy it!
Rubbish Detective NSFW
Larissa Weems x fem reader
Summary: read request
Warnings: graphic description of injuries, mention of rape, serial killer mentioned which is based on real person, fingering, cunnilingus, almost caught, happy ending, just smut.
Requests Open
Since being promoted to detective it has been absolutely manic at the station. You were told by your superior that most detectives don’t get major cases until a couple months down the line but you seemed to be very lucky considering you were currently dealing with a serial killer that seems to be targeting women. They are currently known as The Eyeball Killer because once they have killed their victim they surgically remove both their eyeballs.
At the moment you believe they are doing this because they want some kind of trophy from each victim, or they have some weird obsession with eyeballs. You were currently sitting in your office trying to come up with any kind of leads. You were looking at his first victim Mary Lou Pratt. She was found shot in the back of the head but the post mortem showed that her eyes had been surgically removed.
Ok so you have one piece of information. The killer has good surgical skills, maybe they have medical training? Maybe they practised really well before trying their skills on a person but either way they managed to get the eyeballs out of their sockets without causing too much damage to the surrounding tissue.
You also knew that Mary Lou had stolen some goods from a warehouse. You did think that maybe it was someone who held a grudge but this would have been quite the over reaction for stealing some goods with low value. You followed that lead for a while but it went cold. Around the same time a young woman named Veronica came down to the station and reported that she had been raped and he tried to kill her.
You could tell she had been attacked due the fact she had a massive head wound. She had been seen again a week later with some guy in a truck. You decided to have the vehicle pulled over to see if she was ok hoping the guy she was with might have been the killer but you had no such luck and his story checked out.
At the moment you had no leads and there was nothing you could do until they attacked again because at the moment there was no moving forward. You hated when cases came to a halt like this because the only way you could move forward resulted in someone else dying. You sat in your office with your head in your hands until you were startled by your office phone ringing.
You shot up hoping that something related to your case was coming through. “Detective y/ln speaking” you answered. “Detective, a body has been found. A young woman, half naked, head wound and no eyes” they stated. You immediately knew that this was The Eyeball Killer’s doing. “Send me over the address, I’m on my way” you said as you waited for them to fax over the address.
You walked out of your office with the piece of paper and went to find your colleague. “Miranda, we have a development in the case. You're with me for the rest of this case. I believe we have a serial killer on our hands” you said to her as you quickly walked past her to which she followed.
There were two reasons why you chose Miranda as your partner for the rest of this case. One she was a really good constable and always came up with great ideas but the second and most important reason was that you had this huge crush on her and you just wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. You knew that Miranda didn’t feel the same hence why you have never said anything so just spending time with her was enough instead.
You both made your way to the squad car with you getting in the driver side of the car and Miranda getting in the passenger seat. “So what lead do we have this time?” Miranda asked. “We have just had a call stating that a half naked young woman has been found. Killed in the same way as the very first victim.
“Oh shit. We better get down there quick. Hopefully we will be able to follow a good lead this time that will get us further in identifying the killer” she said as you started the engine and sped off in the direction of where the body was found. The journey was silent due to you both trying to mentally prepare yourself for what you were about to see and praying that this lead will get you somewhere this time. You don’t want more innocent people to die.
When you arrived you were greeted by the officers already on scene. “What do we know so far?” you asked as you and Miranda walked into the crime scene which happened to be a motel room. “Ok so we have managed to identify her due to her having her ID on her. The victim is 27 year old Susan Peterson. She was found half naked with her top pulled up to reveal her breasts” the officer said.
“Just like the first victim, so we are definitely dealing with the same killer” you said as you and Miranda walked over to the body. You and Miranda assessed the body with you calling out what you could see while Miranda made a note of everything you said. “Victim has a gunshot wound to the back of the head as well as her left breast. I’m going to say the bullet has entered the heart but won’t know until the autopsy.
“There is one more thing you should know, detective,” the officer said to you. “Yes and what is that?” you asked. “Apparently she told her parole officer that she knew who Mary Lou’s killer was. I reckon that’s why she was the next victim” he said plainly. “Fuck sake!” you shouted as you stormed off the crime scene. That was just your luck. Your one lead had been killed and she actually had information that would have aided the case.
Miranda followed you making sure you were ok. You went straight to the front desk and asked for a room as you just needed somewhere to sit and think for 10 minutes. They handed over a key and as you went to turn around you ended up walking straight into Miranda. “Shit, I’m sorry Miranda, I just need 10 minutes to think” you said as you looked at the key number and went to find the room.
“I will come with you. We can just sit and chat. It doesn’t even need to be about the case. A distraction might help at a time like this” she said as she squeezed your shoulder gently trying to reassure you. This is why you liked her. Well not only is she beautiful but she had an amazing personality and a caring soul. You just wished she felt the same.
When you got into the room you just sat down on the only double bed and just laid back trying to absorb all the information that had been thrown at you in the last half an hour. You let out a huge sigh. “I feel bad for the families. Like who knows what their last words to them were. Were things left on good terms? Just makes you think about things. You never really know when your last day on this planet is, so you might as well do things you want and say the things that deep down you want to say” she said while playing with her hands.
She had a point. “I think you're right about that Miranda” you said not really knowing what to say. You wanted to tell her how you felt but you were currently on a job and you didn’t think it was the right time but when was the time ever right? You thought about saying something until you felt Miranda’s hand grip your thigh quite high up.
You shot your head to look at her. “Well I just wanted to say, considering I was just saying we should always speak what’s on our minds while we still have the chance. I just wanted to say that I really like you y/n. I have since the moment I first met you. I didn’t say anything before because I didn’t know what your reaction would be and considering we are co-workers I didn’t want to make things awkward” she said to you while caressing your thigh.
That’s it you’re officially the worst detective in the world. How could you not tell that the woman you had been crushing on for ages also felt the exact same way. You didn’t know how to respond so you did the only thing you could think of at that moment and that was to kiss her.
You brought your hand to cup her face and slowly leaned in for a gentle yet passionate kiss. Miranda relaxed into your grasp before finally responding to the kiss. The gentle and passionate kiss eventually turned into something more desperate. When you finally pulled away for air you both just rested your foreheads on one another waiting for the other to say something.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this to happen” Miranda whispered as she grazed your lips. “We have the time, why don’t I show you how desperate I have been for this moment” you whispered as you connected your lips once again. You moaned into the kiss as you grabbed her vest and took it off her, throwing it onto the floor.
You pushed Miranda onto the bed as you then crawled onto her body trailing kisses from the base of her neck all the way to her lips. Miranda let out a moan as you teased her neck with your kisses. You leaned back so you could unbutton her shirt which revealed a black bra which hugged her breasts perfectly which caused you to moan at the sight of her.
You let your hands trail around her back so you could unclasp her bra. As soon as that was off you gently kissed down from her neck to her perfect breasts, playing with one as you teased her hardened bud with your tongue on the other. You watched as Miranda moaned at the pleasure. You continued to tease her breasts before then starting your descent down to her pants.
You made quick work getting those off but just as you were about to remove her panties she flipped you on your back so she could strip you of your own clothing. I guess it was only fair to be stripped down as well. You moaned as she kissed all over your body and removed your clothing piece by piece before you were both just left sitting on the bed in your underwear.
You both just stared at each other before both letting out a little laugh. “I never thought this would happen Miranda. I’ve dreamed about this for ages but never did I believe we would be here doing this right now” you said as you looked straight into Miranda’s eyes. “I’ve wanted this from the moment I met you y/n. Now come here I want you to fuck me like you have been dreaming of for ages” she whispered as she pulled you towards her.
You pushed Miranda on her back before going straight down to where she needed you most. “Mmm you’re so wet for me Miranda. Do I really turn you on this much” you moaned as you stared at the dark wet patch that was left on her panties. You traced the wet patch with the tip of your finger as you watched as she bucked her hips into your hand.
“Please y/n stop being a tease. I need to feel you inside me. I’m begging you please I need you to fuck me” she moaned. That was all you needed to hear. You ripped her panties from her body not caring anymore about them. You left small little kisses along the inside of her thigh trailing all the way up to her dripping cunt. You decided you wanted to tease Miranda so you gently blew on her clit but never touched it before continuing your trail of kisses back down her other thigh.
“Please y/n! I ne..need to feel you! I want you to m..make me cum!” she moaned as she absently bucked her hips trying to get some kind of friction against nothing. You didn’t want to keep teasing her so finally you took a long slow lick along her folds before finally focusing on her clit tracing patterns all over it. She tasted amazing and you wanted to worship her body forever. You gazed up into Miranda’s eyes as you picked up your pace with your tongue.
You trailed your hands up her body so you could play with her breasts while you continued to eat her out. You could stay there forever licking at her dripping cunt as you continued to suck harder on her clit and pinching her nipples ever so slightly. Miranda let out a gasp before letting out a deep moan. You could tell she was in ecstasy and you didn’t want her to stop until she was screaming your name.
“Fuck y/n, don’t stop, don’t stop ahhh right there baby, just like that!” she moaned as she finally made eye contact with you which just caused her to throw her head back again in pleasure at the thought of you watching her get closer and closer to her orgasm. You felt her start to grind her pussy into your mouth which just showed how close she was to cumming. “Cum for me baby, I want to taste every last drop of cum you have for me” you moaned into her pussy. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m cumming y/n! Don’t stop! Right there! Make me cu..ahhh” she screamed as she finally felt her release.
You let her ride out her orgasm on your tongue before slowly pulling away and leaning up to kiss Miranda so she could taste herself on your lips. “Mmm fuck that was amazing y/n” she whispered before continuing to kiss you tasting every last drop of cum that just came from her pussy. “Now I think it’s time I return the favour” she giggled as she once again flipped you on your back so she could dominate you.
She pinned your arms above your head as she trailed kisses down your body, between your breasts and down to your dripping cunt. She eventually let go of your arms letting them rest on your breasts as she gently squeezed them. You kept your arms above your head though wanting to please the woman in front of you. This was a dream come true and you couldn’t wait for Miranda to fuck the shit out of you.
As Miranda made her way to your cunt she traced a finger up and down your folds which caused you to let out this ungodly moan. “Please I need to feel you inside me” you moaned as you held intense eye contact with the woman who was about to bury her face in your pussy. With that Miranda slowly entered a single finger into your dripping wet core.
You moaned at the sudden sensation of her inside of you as you then felt her tongue on your clit. “Fuck Miranda! More! I need more!” you moaned as you then felt Miranda add another finger to your core before then picking up her movements on your clit. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer. “Don’t stop! That's it, right there! Fuck I’m going to cum!” you screamed as you finally felt the orgasm take over your body.
You felt the movement of her fingers slow down inside of you helping you ride out the rest of the orgasm before slowly removing them from your core. You watched as she then put her fingers in her mouth as she cleaned up your cum off her fingers. You moaned at the sight in front of you. Miranda then crawled up your body before leaving a small gentle kiss on your lips. “I want you to sit on my face” you moaned which caused Miranda to smile at your comment.
Just as she was about to position herself on your face you heard a bang on the door. “Detective, we think we have found something. You better come and have a look” you heard one of your colleagues say. “Umm yes. Just give me a minute and I will be out” you shouted back as you and Miranda just stayed there frozen in your position.
You both started laughing at the thought that the two of you could’ve just been caught. “Come on, we better get ourselves sorted. This case is far from over but trust me nor is this” you smiled at Miranda bringing her closer for one last kiss, for now.
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asleepinawell · 10 days
Fallen London: Ambitions
I've finished 3/4 ambitions now and am almost done with the fourth so I wanted to jot down my thoughts on each. I split it into opinions on story and mechanics for each. The tl;dr version is I enjoyed all the stories but had a range of opinions on the mechanics
some spoilers below
Note that I tried not to use the wiki guides too much while doing these (i wouldn't check what I'd need for upcoming steps, but i would look up how to find resources for the current step if i don't know). If I had I might have had less issues with some, but I don't think they should be judged on the assumption that someone is reading ahead on a guide
Listed in the order I completed them.
Light Fingers
Story: this ambition was Weird. really Weird. I mean that in a good way. I knew from glancing at the spoiler-free picking an ambition guide on the wiki that it was not actually about a heist and had an early twist that got really dark really fast. It contained two of the biggest NOPES for me (getting buried alive and pregnancy body horror) and despite that I had a great time with it. Loved the ending. Loved the Frank and Jasper comedy duo bit. Doing psychological damage to mr fires is my favorite hobby. Also loved the story tie-in at station viii which made me yell
Mechanics: This was my first ambition and I was kind of all over the place in fallen london doing all the things at once, so my memory of this is kinda vague. I don't remember having an awful grind or running into a wall outside of needing to level my stats a little more. It might be rose tinted nostalgia glasses but this felt like the easiest ambition to me and in a good way where it was paced out well.
Bag A Legend
Story: The story was really straight-forward, a complete 180 from LF. I know people consider Heart's Desire to be the more light hearted one, but to me this was the pure fun one. Kind of in a bloodborne way. Big fan of Sinning Jenny and April. Enjoyed the masters lore. Loved feral Veils and getting to make it a mlp. Just a good time all around.
Mechanics: This one went really fast. I'm not sure if it's actually shorter than the others or if I just sped along, but I didn't run into any major roadblocks that annoyed me. There's a big grind x3 near the end, but because it was split into three parts with an important story event between each I didn't mind so much. Also I could tell it was the conclusion so I was ready to work for my ending.
Story: I just finished this one so I may still be riding the high of that, but I think this was my favorite story of the bunch. Especially the whole ending sequence with Beggar's Wake. 10/10, loved it. I appreciated that it tied into the lore of the bazaar and the masters and gave some juicy tidbits on that.
Mechanics: oh, knifegate my beloathed. so I actually started nemesis on my seeking alt, got to knifegate and was like what the actual fuck this is worse than seeking and gave up. I made a new alt who I was committed to basically not playing at all for months to do the echo grind on and then halfway through that they nerfed knifegate. since I then suddenly had enough echoes it's hard for me to say if the nerf really made it more palatable. I know it's a grindy game but I don't think locking people into hitting one button over and over for actual real months for what isn't even the last hurdle in the ambition is a good choice. if it had been my first ambition I might have quit the game. if the grind had been split up the way it was in bag a legend and hadn't been just for echoes (which is so boring) it might not have been as infuriating.
the other thing that got me early on was the iron republic safe pass. if you don't look it up, there's no great way to know how to do it, and even if you find out you need counting the days unless you know to choose the bohemians as your closest to and look up all the places to get counting the days it'll take forever. if you choose the bohemians it goes extremely fast. i don't think that tying in that much of a huge time difference to what faction you choose for an ambition makes a lot of sense, especially when the whole counting the days thing is pretty confusing for a new player
so overall yeah, could use a few tweaks still in my opinion
Heart's Desire
Story: I haven't quite finished this yet, but I'm very close. As such I won't pass final judgment on it, but I'll say I enjoyed getting to meet a wide cast of notable npcs and learning more about them and how wacky it was at the start with the monkey. the boat trip through parabola also stands out as a great part. Could use more Virginia
Mechanics: At the start of this one I thought it was going pretty well, but then. There are a lot of pain points and they hit one after another. Several steps rely on drawing specific cards and like yes, I get it, it's about card games, but that didn't translate well to churning through the deck for weeks for one stupid card. multiple times. next was the 5 card lodgings requirement that dropped out of nowhere. since i got there in February i couldn't do it at sackmas unless i wanted to wait an actual year and the grind to get it starting from nothing was just painful. this is also not near the end of the ambition so it's not a final hurdle or something
shortly after the lodgings grind you find out you need 15 levels of a dream. on my main I didn't get 15 levels of a dream until I'd finished the railway. this alt had some-ish but not nearly enough. so that was another horrible lengthy opportunity deck rng grind. while you can theoretically do some other things while waiting for a card, it does limit you to london (unless you want to let your deck cap and miss chances to get it) and ducking in and out of stories or the lab constantly gets old really fast. so i mostly stopped playing other than for clicking through the deck. at this point I'd lost a lot of interest in the story because it kept being interrupted by huge delays
I am now up to the train with other players part and there's one item i need that there's no good way to work for other than hoping i can get rare successes on some rolls 5x (have not gotten one after two days straight) or wait for the rat market to have what i need if it even still has it after the overhaul. (i did find out there is one other way which requires a ton of prep work but at least there's no rng element). mostly I'm just ready for it to be over at this point which is sad because the story, when i can get to it, is fun
so yeah, 0/10 on mechanics for this one, especially when compared to the others
to put it another way: i started bag a legend and hearts desire at the same time, both on brand new characters. i finished bag a legend months ago. nemesis i started months after those two and it's now done and hearts desire is still grinding on. i started seeking shortly before this and finished that already as well
So yeah, final assessment is great stories all around, nemesis mechanics could have been better, and not a fan at all of hearts desire mechanics
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starakex · 1 year
Warden Ingo Cosplay Build Log
Hey Legends Arceus / Submas / Pokémon fans ! I spent two months last year making a Warden Ingo costume because the game made me fall in love with the franchise all over again (and because I love sad amnesia uncle, of course). I'm pretty proud of it, so I thought it'd be fun to share the process here in painstaking details. I've been cosplaying for over a decade now and I learned a bunch from so many defunct cosplay tutorials on this website, so I thought I'd give back. This isn't a guide, persay, but rather a dive into the methods and decisions I picked to complete this project. Any pre-made items or patterns that are available online will be linked! I'll be splitting down each piece of the costume into its own section for easier reading. This is gonna be a long one with a bunch of pictures, so I'd suggest viewing on the blog directly! Without further ado, all aboard!
Station 0: The Guidelines
Before getting into the build itself, I wanted to preface this wall of text with the guidelines I set myself for this project.These core pillars inform a lot of the decision-making, and some people might feel like using this log as reference for their own cosplays, so I thought it'd be good to put them here to explain why I did some stuff the way I did. Comfort first: I knew I was gonna wear it in the summer, and stand around all day at a convention, so it needed to be lightweight and comfortable. (well, as much as a cosplay can be, anyways.) Realism: Ok, that's kinda weird to associate "realism" to a Pokémon costume (unless you're Detective Pikachu I guess), but I wanted to look more natural instead of translating a shiny fancy 3D model straight to real life (nothing against that, it just wasn't my goal). This meant adapting certain elements that only really worked in stylized Pokémon graphics. Be a huge cheapskate: I didn't wanna break the bank with this one, so if I could save money thrifting or reusing stuff I had lying around, I was going to do it. Whenever you see me pull some material out of my ass that wasn't entirely fit for the job, that's why. After putting these down, jotted down a battle plan for the project (basically just a huge compartmentalized list of all the material I expected to need and the steps to complete the costume), and then it was time to get to work.
Station 1: Thrift Shop Pit Stop
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I like starting every project with a quick trip to the local thrift stores to see what I can find. I hate sewing pants with a passion, so my priority was to grab some navy suit pants to match the coat's fabric to later. I also found a long sleeve black shirt for Ingo's undershirt, a belt I ended up not using, and lucked out with some excellent clown shoes with removeable insoles. After slapping in my own insoles, replacing the shoelaces and fixing up the pants' button, we were good to go on every element that could be done without any extra work on my end. Moving on.
Station 2: Three Refined Metals For A Hat
I'll be honest here: when I initially planned out the entire project in my notebook, the hat was scary as hell. I had no clear idea how I was going to do it; I didn't really want to buy a similar pre-made hat cause roughing it up would've been stupid hard to get to look right. I figured I could probably make it out of EVA Foam (a certified cosplay classic), but I've never patterned a shape this complex before. Turns out Kamui Cosplay made a foam pattern for the same kinda hat. Score! I purchased the pattern and assembled the hat using 6mm EVA Foam and Contact Cement according to the instructions. I then destroyed some poor polyester cord trim from the bottom of my scrap bin and glued it into the base for the... sticky-outies? The damaged bits. Y'know.
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With the base finished, I drafted a pattern for the fabric covering, cut my pieces out of navy twill, sewed it up and slid it over the hat. I did the same for the inside with some cheap black muslin leftovers from another project, glued it all to the base in strategic spots, and then patterned, sewed and glued the band on. Finally, I took my seam ripper and scissors and opened up the seams where the little piles of sad polyester scraps were lining up to free them. With the main part of the hat complete, I cut up a disc of 10mm EVA foam for the insignia, scored the design on with a hobby knife and heated it up to form a bit of a curve. It was then sealed with flexbond, painted and sealed with a clear coat, and glued on! All that was left after this was weathering the hat. It's a little hard to photograph this piece properly, so I'll show the weathering process when we get to the coat.
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I apologize for basically pulling a "rest of the fucking owl" here, but honestly a lot of the process was improvising and somehow not destroying the entirety of my progress, so I have no pictures of the hat building process beyond this.
Station 3: Sneasels Ripped My Coat
Ingo's coat started with a heavily modified version of a commercial pattern. Specifically, it's the D Coat from Simplicity's 4789. I could've probably found a pattern closer to the Subway Bosses' coat design, but this one had already been in my pile of "patterns I bought for an abandonned project and will totally use someday, I swear" and it was close enough, so I used it. Modifications included extending the collar, making the coat a little longer in proportion to my body, the sleeves wider at the ends, and adding inner pockets (a cosplayer's best friend). Oh, and the white bias tape on the edges and the orange stripes, of course. You may have noticed I'm not showing the pattern with all the modifications here. That's because as part of the Cheapskate Protocol, I really wanted to use this old Simplicity pattern to save money. A pattern I bought when I was a teen way back when. the misses sized pattern enveloppe. So I had to size up the entire damn thing. The biggest size on this pattern was like 7 inches off my measurements. It's a paper Frankenstein golem. It looks godawful. The actual adjustments to make the pattern Submas-ready are incomprehensible in there. But hey, I saved like 10 dollars! I started by assembling the base coat (undamaged) out of navy twill. I added heavy interfacing in the collar to help it stay up. I considered adding a lining to it to really sell the fact this used to be a modern machine-assembled piece of clothing, but it wouldn't have looked as good with the rips and tears later on. As a bonus, it's one layer less in the fight against heat exhaustion! However, if I were to make this coat for Pre-Eeby-Deebied Ingo, I'd definitively do a lining.
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Next step was the stripes! I used some double fold white bias tape to finish the edges of the coat and topstitched the ones on the back of the coat on. I then used the same orange cotton as the hat band for the three orange stripes,which were topstitched on. Cheapskate Protocol made me buy barely enough orange cotton this time around because I was tired of building up the pile in the fabric scrap bin, so I had to improvise to make it work by snipping the bands in strategic spots in order to cover to whole coat properly. It's not like the parts that would be cut off later for the damage would need them, anyways. ✨Optimization✨
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After rolling my rock up the hill of a Hell of my own creation, I booted up the game, dragged my avatar to the Ingo enclosure and marveled at the magnificent creature to see where the coat was ripped. I traced a loose guide of the tear designs with washable fabric chalk and crudely cut up the bottom edge, sleeves and collar to have the basic shape down.
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All that was left was to add the armband and the buttons. Turns out the only metal buttonsI could find that were big enough were those buttons kits to cover with fabric. Since I wanted to go for realism here (and be able to throw the whole thing in the wash after sweating in it all day), I wanted to avoid crafting them myself. With the main construction done, it was time to do the weathering! ... ... ... OH GOD I FORGOT TO ADD POCKETS
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Behold, the world's most awful pockets. Two stupid little bags sewn in such a way you hopefully can't tell from the outside that I completely forgot that I wanted these. They literally only exist so I can have my phone handy at a convention. There's a buttonhole to close it too, I guess. They're shamefully hidden with all my lining-less, raw seam sins. Ok now we can destroy the coat
Station 4: Stinky And Dirty
I mentionned earlier during the hat section that I was going to get back to the weathering process. This is happening now. For the sake of Realism™️, I wanted the damage to look natural in real life, so I had to make it look believable. Luckily this wasn't my first rodeo with the Dirt, so I had plenty of weathering experience under my belt. To break up the awkward scissor cuts from earlier on the edges and fray everything up, I pulled out the sandpaper and started... Sanding the fabric. Might sound weird to some, but a lot of costume makers swear by it. It's also great for ripped jeans (if those are still popular today) and general natural wear. I also refined the shape along the way with scissor to break up any long straight cuts before fraying the edges. I took care to reinforce any newly destroyed seams with a sneaky staystitch so it doesn't unravel in the future. I then mixed up a bunch of different shades of brownish grime with fabric paints (I had black, brown, yellow, orange and green on hand) to dirty the whole thing up. This doesn't look as realistic as some other methods like weathering powders and Just Using Real Dirt, but as mentionned earlier I wanted to be able to just throw it in the washing machine at the end of the day to sanitize it. (If you're interested in actually learning how to weather a costume, this guide is where I started my journey.) I prioritized the ripped edges and any spots where grime would realistically accumulate in over time, like under the edge of the hat band. Paint was dabbed, stippled and rubbed on with whatever garbage tools I could find, which in my case were some old crusty brushes, sponges and toothbrushes I could get really violent with. (brushes were harmed in the making of this costume, but not my good brushes.)
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The whole thing was then sealed with heat using a flat iron as per the fabric paint instructions. With the coat done, all of Ingo's old Subway Boss uniform was complete!
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Station 5: A Warden's Garb
Next step on the list was making the Pearl Clan uniform. Thankfully, there's a fun little piece of concept art that shows Ingo without his signature coat, so from it we can confirm that his clan outfit has short sleeves (good for the comfort goal) and consists of two pieces: a tunic and some kind of hip sash. I omitted the hood on the tunic because I was realistically never going to wear it up and it would have just bunched up under the coat anyways. Now you'll be painfully aware of that terrible corner cutting truth whenever you scroll down and see photos of the costume. Sorry. I drafted out a quick pattern for both pieces of the clan garb through the power of math for the sash (a couple half circles with another piece for the border) and tracing over a tunic in my wardrobe for the shirt. I assembled a test version out of scrap muslin to make sure it worked properly, then set the pattern aside so I could prepare the fabric. In order to have all of the tunic elements match together, I picked up a bunch of white stretch knit fabric and a bottle of purple synthetic dye so I could reach the shade of dusty lavender I wanted. I measured out two squares of fabric based on the pattern. One square was for the darker border on the waist sash, while the rest was the lighter color for the whole outfit. I boiled water according to the dye instruction and worked on my Fabric Soup.
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With the fabric dyed and washed, I cut my pattern pieces out and assembled everything together. Nothing special happened there since the pattern had been tested and adjusted prior to sewing the real deal. Ok, one thing happened actually. My sewing machine absolutely hated how thin this fabric was and kept trying to eat my costume. By the end I was about ready to throw the machine out the window, but things worked out.
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It's pretty sneaky and totally not visible on the outside, but the sash is held closed with two snap buttons on the front. It's easily the single jankiest piece of the costume due to the aforementioned attempt by my sewing machine to have fabric dinner. But hey, it works and the jank isn't visible so who caaaares (I care)
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Final step for the Pearl Clan outfit was adding the logo on the front. I wasn't sure how I wanted to do this, at first, but to keep the fabric's stretch and keep with the idea that this is a hand-sewn garment from old Hisui, I decided to go with hand embroidery. I grabbed some scrap white cotton, dyed it purple, then cut it out in the shape of the logo. It was then painstakingly applique'd to the tunic by hand with embroidery floss.
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With that done, the tunic was completed! It looks absolutely depressing on a coat hanger, but when worn with a belt it's all nice and cozy. As a bonus, it layers with the coat well enough that I don't have to wear a binder under everything to hide obvious boob shapes. Another win for the Comfort team! 👏 With all the sewing done, all that's left is the Warden bracelet and the hair.
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Station 6: Noble Sneasler's Cool Bling
Ingo's got a bestie bracelet of his best pal Sneasler, so we gotta make that. The build should be pretty standard to anyone that's made anything out of EVA Foam for a cosplay. I drafted the pieces by referencing the in-game model, cut them out of different thicknesses of the material to create some depth, and glued everything together with contact cement and hot glue. (The main bracelet is 6mm foam, the details are 2mm foam and the black parts for the base of the head and the gem are 4mm foam.) I added an elastic on the wrist to keep the bangle secured to my arm while still being able to easily slip it on and off.
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The whole thing was then sealed with flexbond, painted and then sealed with a spray clear coat. Honestly, it was the simplest part of the build and it actually went without a hitch this time around.
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With the accessories done, it was now time to get to what I am convinced is every Submas cosplayer's worst nightmare: The Goddamn Hair.
Station 7: The Goddamn Hair
There's a lot of artists credited as character designers in the credits of Pokémon Black & White (2010). This means I can't figure out who to blame for Ingo and Emmet's stupid sideburns that make absolutely no sense in the real world. Instead we're just going to scream at the heavens and find a solution to the geometric flaps. Another fun fact: I'm awful at wigs. Like absolutely awful. I understand the methods involved, but I'm stupid bad at applying that knowledge on an expensive mop of plastic hair I don't want to ruin. So I did some research to figure out how people were making the twins' hair on their own cosplay. Everyone did a great job, but it wasn't really the effect I was looking for, so I decided to start from scratch. Because, you see, I was going to completely avoid styling a wig. I've always interpreted the art as them having some sick sideburns/muttonchops. (This art piece by waltias on twitter was posted like a week after I finished my cosplay and I felt so so validated in my interpretation) I also love Makeup FXs, so I thought "hey, I can look up beard makeup tutorials." I ended up with two ideas: either I could buy crepe wool hair in grey and glue the fibers to my face individually every time I put the costume on, or I could make a reuseable prosthetic. I'm a lazy piece of garbage that likes doing things once so prosthetic it was. I mean, I know how to ventilate wig lace. It'll be reusable and take 4 minutes to apply. Smart! I got the Jett in Light Grey from Arda Wigs, a ventilating hook, matching wefts and the lace. I had a plan, I was ready, it was going to look great. And then I spent 40 hours tying individual strands of plastic hair on a wig lace mesh. For a total surface area of maybe 3 square inch.
(Pictured above: A Fool.) It was hell. I might've incurred a stress injury from the process and then had to let it rest for a week because I did it all over a couple days. Would I recommend doing it? If you're patient, sure. I love the result. But this was, by far, the worst part of the entire project. 40 hours. The entire coat took me like 6 hours. 40 fucking hours.
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After painstakingly tying individual hairs to a mesh and realizing I might've reached the Ninth Circle of Hell along the way, I took my couple squares of ventilated wefts and trimmed them to the proper length. The result was awesome, and I don't regret it at all. It looks exactly how I pictured the idea of sideburns would look like. But it also took 40 hours of me just tying some fucking hair to a mesh. Maybe there was a better solution, but there's so little ressources about the process online that I just went with the methods I could find, really. I pray someone starts offering squares of pre-ventilated wig lace someday so no one else has to suffer like I did. As a sidenote, I didn't even bother with the balding hair since I wasn't gonna go through all the effort of heavily modifying a wig and wearing a bald cap if I wasn't even gonna take the hat off.
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40 hours.
Station 8: Bits And Bobs From Under the Subway Bench
Honestly, after the absolute nightmare I went through making the sideburns and goatee, The final touches were a cakewalk. After all, the costume is complete! What's next? Warden Ingo uses Pokéballs like a cool guy, so I wanted one. I usually make pretty much everything myself for costumes because it's fun, but after the ventilating adventure I just wanted to rest. I'd been following NisuzCraft's work for a while now, and I loved the wood grain effect on their Hisuian Pokéballs. I wholeheartedly recommend them, their work is awesome.
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As a final touch, I grabbed some red cord I had lying around from a previous project to craft a little loop to hook my convention badge onto. I don't really like having the badge show up on photos, so it was a clean way to have it easily accessible while having it be easy to slide out of sight. I based the idea off of the knotted ropes the Galaxy Team member hang their Pokéballs from on their uniforms.
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Lastly, though it's not necessarily part of the costume itself, I made an overly indulgent ita bag panel for the first con I took Warden Ingo out to. The collection's grown since then, but here it is:
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Chandelure: JellyBearDesigns Ingo & Lady Sneasler: AstroTeenyArts Warden Ingo, Emmet&Ingo Duo: Cynniarts Ingo & Emmet with fingers crossed, Hanging Ingo, Emmet & Warden Ingo: Zhampip Rubber Straps: Official Pokémon Mate Merch Go show them some love!
Terminus: You Have Reached Hisui Station
So, first con wearing Warden Ingo came and went. What's the verdict? Pretty great experience, honestly. It was relatively comfortable to wear despite record heat in the middle of summer. The only real issue was that having a wig and a hat together trapped heat real bad, therefore some wig breaks were needed. I also initially used spirit gum to stick the facial hair on, and I struggled to remove the residue afterwards from the lace mesh, so now I just use body tape to keep it on. Nothing broke, nothing hurt, so I'd say it was a success! I haven't had to modify or repair anything for the future, so I'm very proud of the results. To anyone who read this Build Log to the very end, thank you so, so much for your interest. I hope this may have given you some insight into the process; especially if this helps your in future cosplay projects! If you don't cosplay, I hope it was still an entertaining read.
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Hoping to see more wonderful Submas cosplays in the future!
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legolasghosty · 7 months
Okay but if I go into your inbox and ask for more zombie apocalypse au would that work??? ;D
Alright, but you quite literally asked for it, so don't blame me if this gets crazy!
For those of you who have been politely ignoring my madness, this is in reference to a post canon type zombie apocalypse au. You can read part 1 and part 2 of me spewing randomness about it on those links if you're interested! I blame Inny and whoever that anon was for enabling me.
Soooo I thought we might start this one by looking at the bit that started this whole tangent: Julie and the guys finding zombies of the boy's bodies.
Listen, they don't really see the apocalypse coming, no one does. So, a couple of months after the Orpheum, following many long conversations and stuff, Julie finds where the guys are buried and they all go to visit. It feels both very right, to pay their respects and all, and very wrong, cause visiting your own grave is just creepy, okay?!
Flynn is driving(cause there's no way Julie was up to learning to drive while struggling with losing her mom, even if she has turned 16 by this point), and the ghosts are being antsy in the back seat. Julie turns on the radio, but all the stations keep getting interrupted by some news people yelling about whatever crisis is happening now. Weird. So they just switch to the aux and Julie starts playing old 90s music. The boys appreciate it. Flynn is less of a fan.
They get to the graveyard just as the music gets cut off by Ray calling Julie. That's... not normal. Usually he texts unless it's urgent. Well, once his kids actually taught him how to actually write text messages, not whole emails in a text bubble.
Ray is like, COME HOME NOW, STUFF IS WEIRD AND THERE'S ZOMBIES!!! Julie thinks he's messing with her, cause like... zombies? Really? Everyone knows those aren't real. Flynn points out that everyone thinks ghosts aren't real either while googling it. And oh frick... maybe they should have paid more attention to those breaking news reports.
Look, I don't know how zombie infections start, okay? Haven't really figured that one out yet. But my general theory for this AU is that whatever chemical does it got into some kind of groundwater supply, and thus is in the dirt. It latches on to forms that still harbor some level of organic matter. Or something. I don't know. It's too late to be doing the science of zombies. Regardless, it's infecting dead bodies and the graveyard they are at is much closer to the source than home.
Reggie screams when the first one scrambles out of the ground behind him. Those first few are the newly dead ones, cause they still have the most organic matter attached and the dirt on top of them isn't as packed down from decades of being stepped on.
Alex panics and summons part of his drum kit right on top of it, crushing and killing it. They all kinda stare at it for a second, and then everything gets nuts. More zombies start climbing up from the ground. Flynn may or may not light a couple of them on fire with her mom's lighter. Look, she doesn't really smoke much anymore, but having the lighter around makes her feel better for whatever reason. Flynn doesn't get it but she also doesn't question it.
It's a small graveyard so they manage to take out most of the zombies fairly quickly, once they get over their initial shock... but then they see another zombie forcing its way up. It has a tattered beanie and they can see bones sticking out of its flesh where it has rotted away. And it's not Luke. They all know it's not. But even Luke himself is a bit stunned by the appearance of his own dead body.
Reggie and Alex zombies are coming up behind Luke. Figures that Luke would be the first one up. And none of them really know what to do. Cause, yeah they're zombies, but also, they're the guys???
But then Luke gets between zombie him and Julie and she realizes that, regardless of what the zombie looks like or who the body used to belong to, it's not him. Cause, ghost or not, Luke is standing right there, dead and breathing and trembling a bit in his beat up vans. So she does what any logical person would do: She grabs a big stick(or a shovel lying nearby or something, I don't know) and smacks zombie Luke over the head with it. Hard.
They take out the zombie boys and get in the car. (Reggie may or may not beat up zombie him with his bass.) They take off towards home just as fast as they can. Cause...what else do you do when zombies are suddenly real?
But it does make them sure of one thing: Zombies aren't people. Their souls aren't tied to their corpses, even though said corpses are moving again.
The ghosts all start leaving notes and writing stuff down for the non-Julie lifers when she's not around to translate. However, none of them really expected both Carlos and Ray to start leaving notes back. Carlos's are mainly for Reggie, asking random ghost questions and making dumb jokes. Ray leaves notes for all three of them(plus Willie when they find them), usually asking apocalypse type questions or asking if they can get some supply item on their next run, but sometimes it's just random questions about themselves. And all of them get a note at least once a week or so that just says, "Thank you for taking care of my little girl."
Julie figures out how to get zombie guts out of clothing mainly for Alex, who got set off into a full on panic attack when some got on his hoodie. It wasn't really about the hoodie of course, but still. It wasn't that much more complicated than getting blood out of clothes, thank goodness. Alex hugged Julie for like a full five minutes when she gave it back to him, mostly gut free.
The ghosts struggle to actually make physical contact with the zombies, similar to other life or life adjacent forms. Thus they're not the best in a physical fight. However, Reggie gets really good at finding heavy stuff to drop on top of them. Hey, when you're not a living being, you don't have to worry so much about little things like how heavy that box is.
The gang develops a point system for zombie killing. It's mostly the ghosts and kids doing it, in an attempt to bring some humor into a terrifying situation. Bigger zombies are worth more, as are taking out a bunch at once, combo kills, or a takedown that's just objectively cool. Points can be cashed in for random stuff like first dibs on food or specific coveted positions in the cuddle piles they fall into at night.
Speaking of cuddle piles, they become very common, cause with everything going on, Julie, Flynn, and Carlos all start having a really hard time falling asleep alone. The ghosts do as well, but they tend to brush it off more since sleep isn't a biological necessity for them. Thus, cuddle piles become a pretty normal thing to help them all fall asleep.
Okayyyy it's after midnight and this is kinda long, so I'm gonna call that good for now and attempt slumber. Hope y'all enjoyed, or at least are not annoyed at me for once again talking too much about a random AU idea.
(Send me an AU and I'll give you 5+ headcanons about it!)
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codemonki · 4 months
Ok so I have a in progress owl house AU with the bat family. Now they don't really easily paste into the existing roles so there has to be a bit of editing and small changes. Here is the current role swap list.
Luz: Duke Thomas
Gus: Cass?? Maybe?? May give her a more dramatic backstory that Gus and that she left the "Emperors Coven" a while ago???? And she'd be older making Steph the younger one of the 2.
Willow: Steph??? Bc of the relationship between Willow and Amity?? Not quite accurate to Tim and Steph but drama?? Maybe?? Post breakup??
Hooty: Alfred...? Posh hooty....
Hunter: Damian
Golden Guard: Jason Todd
Ok so that needs some explaining, I kinda had to split that character into two because Jason could "die" and then come back as the crimson guard, but Damian fulfills the role of having been related to the Emperor. It'll be weird but kinda work?? I think??
I'm also not sure if I'll make Damian a grimwalker. I may be able to make him one that Talia may have raised?? In replacement of her old child she had with Bruce before they split??
Raine: Talia?? This could be so cool actually (Talia fits better in this role but It would be fun to have superbat. Unlikely though)
Eda: Bruce Wayne
Lilith: Kate Kane
Ed: Dick Grayson
Em: Barbara Gordon
The Emperor: Ras Al Ghul (dont know his situation! Talia may be a half elf in this)
They aren't aren't related but I feel like they got the vibes. Also idk if Dickbabs will be a thing here. I think it may have been a childhood relationship but they're almost outta school and Dicks with Kory.
if anyone has suggestions for who King may be lmk or how some changes in this could work??
Robin is a palisman that transfers around, Dick Grayson had it first, it being a palisman of one of his parents before they passed. When Jason started to hang around him and Bruce at the bathouse it eventually transfered over to him, and then transferred to Tim afterwards.
Dick Grayson did get a new palisman eventually though!! And it's reminiscent of Nightwing.
Jason does die and gets brought over to the Emperor and becomes the Crimson Knight and is stationed with Damian a lot. So missions Damian goes on, he is there as back up (As per request of Talia). He's a lot like the Young Justice Redhood at this point and my design is also reminiscent of that.
Tim's got the mid parents, may lean into the way Amity's parents are. He also doesn't have older siblings there to help out until Duke shows up and convinces him to go stay at bathouse permanently or something. (Dick and Babs do have a friendship with him though at school and try to get him to go to Dicks house more often but he doesn't)
Haven't thought about Stephs situation enough so if anyone has any ideas!!
As for covens, (I haven't thought about them enough RIP, will be added to as I get my act together)
Dick: Illusionist (Bruce doesn't have as bad of a relationship with the school as Eda did, though it did get worse after Dick started going!!"
My thought process was Illusionist is a very performative coven and he is a performer at heart <3
Jason: Bard Coven
I wanted to draw him with a guitar. Sue me. (It was a tiktok lmao I can't remember if I had any real reasoning)
Kory: Construction Coven
Because I could see her wanting to make things and she's strong
Duke Thomas: light glyphs so many light glyphs
He's gonna go through the Luz route and found the Bad Bat Coven (tm)
Bruce: Head of Bad Bat Coven
If anyone has any ideas for what covens other people will be I'd like to know 🥺.
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crownspeaksblog · 6 months
Watched episode 4 & 5 of lessons in chemistry:
You know i think it's kinda a missed opportunity that story didn't have Elizabeth at least try to find away to abort her pregnancy, seeing how she was so against the idea of kids, just to add more into her scientist side. I get why they didn't do it though, i just thought someone who's a scientist, who really doesn't want to have kids, would put a little effort into not having kids..
also all i could think of during her giving birth scene was, how it's easier to give birth squatting or standing up, you know because gravity, and again i just thought a character like Elizabeth, who's a well read scientist, would know to do that, instead of giving birth the harder way!
I'm gonna assume that a cooking show, where the woman presenting it, is sexy and makes her husband a drink, would be an already done concept, that probably works, so i understand why that station owner wanted it so bad... but also Elizabeths concept and way of presenting a show is very unique and fresh, wouldn't the audience want something unique and fresh?!
It's annoying knowing that this is what happens in real life. Tv executives mostly want to make things that've been done before that works, and the only way something unique and fresh would get a shot if it's a sensation.. and now tv shows have to be a global sensations if they want to complete their story or at least get a second season..
Also i find it kinda strange that a cooking show from the 50's would try to appeal to men.. like why are we asking for mens opinions?! (Is it because men have the money so they can buy subscription to the station.?? Idk)
It is nice that Elizabeth, a woman who probably haven't had much people in her life notice her and her brilliance, become someone who's noticed and appreciated for being herself! I liked the scene where the phones were going off and women just wanted to know what chemical compound to bring for the next recipe lol
Also the "Elizabeth should smile more" thing hits harder knowing people were literally complaining about how captain marvel didn't smile or wasn't smiling on the poster or whatever the fuck (i don't watch the mcu and i still saw all of these weird, awful things people (men) were saying about Brie Larson. I still get pissed off seeing the way people talk about her online, it makes me angry, because it's just awful, misogynistic things!)
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autisticempathydaemon · 9 months
hellooooo if the match up stuff is still open I would like to participate ^^
Song I'm hyper fixated on would be Love like you by Caleb Hyles I feel like it captures how I feel. because like I always feel so horrible about people who appreciate me, I feel so undeserving of it and how I want to be better for them
I unfortunately do not know my ennagram type but I do know my mbti that I'm unsure if it changed because I've taken the test last month the result I got is INFJ
Yes I do! alot actually, I love love love the ones that talk about issues basically anything new that happens. sometimes I also like those who go into a deep dive about artists, what the inspo for their work is, the meaning of their creations all of it.
My childhood imaginary friend was kinda weird... basically they we're a changing person, but most of the times I imagine them as a girl with short black hair a blue dress above a white long sleeved turtle neck, basically my ideal self at that time. she was really nice and loves butterflies idk why I made that up because butterflies are kinda boring to me
my go to way of falling asleep is just kinda laying there playing some music of traditional maybe boyfriend asmr on the background and hope I fall asleep sooner or later
ohhhh tricky, I would say Eris, because the name belongs to the Greek goddess of chaos and discord! daughter of Nyx also because it just sounds pretty
Milo's spring back audio where he comforts sweetheart from a panic attack. I often get those and the vid helps extremely well for them. also because of how sweetheart actually felt like they we're having a panic attack, it feels so real and comforting I love it sosososososo much
I'm gonna say... Cam, I get he sounds really nice but not exactly someone I'd say I love.
I don't really have one memorized yet but... the one I'm really close to would be... Up, my cousins love it and I do too. makes me feel sad a little and it's a really nice story
VINCENT- might be a little weird but considering all the responsibility of dating him I'd much rather be besties with him, he's fun and chill to be with and all the connections you'd get is just...
my go to ramble! a new game's story or lore maybe a webtoon sometimes, anything new I found that day that intrigued me most of the time it's a random wiki page I read
I don't have a local has station nor do I own a vehicle to go to one so imma have to pass on this one
A princesscore playlist I found, it has great classical music I play to focus, makes me feel like I'm in a ballroom dancing with the guy of my dreams
I would say true crime stuff mostly murder ones. It helps me analyze what do serial killers do and why do they do it. Also some extra murder facts I pick up that I absolutely wouldn't ever need
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This entry was very interesting to me /pos I had inklings, I had leanings, I was percolating, but what really got me thinking was your difficulty with being appreciated and how Sam Collins would nip that shit in the bud.
Sam is an aggressive man in notable ways- he’s quiet but he’s not subdued, you feel me? He can be polite and introverted, but he wouldn’t entertain something that doesn’t make sense or devalues the people he cares about. Like, “You think you’re undeserving? What, you think me and mine don’t have the good sense to decide that on our own? That’s a load of horseshit.” He’s an aggressively loving mother hen of a friend and lover, and he would not tolerate that.
There’s also some lovely, lighter notes that make me think y’all would be cute together. Your love of true crime amuses me because I think Sam Collins hates that stuff but in a fun way. Like, he watched the Netflix documentaries with you and makes little faces the whole time, questions your sanity as affectionately as possible. Your daydreams of ballroom dancing also works in that favor because man is a Duke; he can make those dreams real at the Summit.
If I gave you my hand would you take it/ And make me the happiest man in the world/ If I told you my heart couldn't beat one more minute without you, girl/ Would you accompany me to the edge of the sea/ Let me know if you're really a dream/ I love you so, so would you go with me
I’ve got to give you and that cowboy one of the most romantic country songs that’s ever been sung; I just gotta. It’s not classical, but it’s fantastic for dancing, and the sentiment of loving and staying together really hits when you think of Sam asking you to become immortal and spend forever with him.
I like Damien as a runner-up, because he and Sam would have a similar, forceful attitude about your feelings in response to being appreciated; I just think Sam would be better at tempering that attitude. Anton, I’m choosing as a runner-up mostly because I thought of him being a true crime junkie and binging My Favorite Murder with you, and it tickled me pink.
note: thank you for waiting so patiently! 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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jigokusite · 1 year
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My first re-write of the new blog! I decided to start with a classic, Kisaragi Station. This one was posted in real-time on 2chan, where the original poster, who went by the name Hasumi, received advice from others on what to do in the strange situation she found herself in.
I'll be taking what I've got here from Kowabana.net! For the sake of simplicity and ease of reading, I'll make Hasumi's responses red and 2chan responses green.
Hasumi It might just be my imagination, but do you mind if I talk about something?
2chan Sure, go ahead. What happened?
Hasumi I just got on the train, but something’s off.
2chan Okay.
Hasumi It’s the train I always take to and from work, but it hasn’t stopped at any stations for about 20 minutes now. It always stops every five minutes, or at most every seven or eight, but it hasn’t stopped at all. There are currently five other people on board, but they’re all asleep.
2chan You haven’t gotten off the train yet, have you? You didn’t get on the express by mistake?
Hasumi Yeah, like you said, it’s possible I got on the wrong train. I’ll wait it out just a little longer. If anything else weird happens, I’ll come back again.
2chan First of all, why don’t you go to the front carriage and see the conductor? If he had an epileptic fit or something that would be terrible. Go and check on him!
Hasumi It still doesn’t look like we’re going to stop anywhere, so I’ll go and have a look.
The blinds or something are covering the window, so I can’t see the driver. I’m on a private railway in Shizuoka Prefecture.
2chan Did you knock on the window?
Hasumi I did, but there was no answer.
2chan Can you see outside? Can you see the names of passing stations or anything?
Hasumi After leaving the tunnel the train has started to slow down a little. We don’t usually pass through a tunnel though. It’s the train from Shin-Hamamatsu Station.
It looks like we’re about to stop.
2chan You’re not gonna get off, are you?
Hasumi We’re stopped at Kisaragi Station, but I wonder if I should get off? I’ve never seen or heard of this station before.
2chan You should get off.
No, you should stay on until the last stop.
I mean, the train should’ve started moving again by now, shouldn’t it?
Hasumi, what time did you get on the train?
Hasumi I got off. The station is empty. I got on the train around 11.40 pm, I think.
2chan I did a search for Kisaragi Station, but nothing came up… And hang on, your train’s been running for an hour now? Alright, I’m off to take a bath.
I looked for Kisaragi Station as well, but there’s nothing here.
Hasumi I think I should go back. I’ve been looking for a timetable but I can’t find anything. The train is still stopped so I wonder if it would be safer to just get back on? Well, while I was writing that I already got back on board.
2chan Are there any buildings nearby that look like they might have people? It’s cold out there, so be careful.
Hasumi I’m gonna leave the station and see if I can find a taxi. Thanks.
2chan That’s a good idea. Be careful.
I’m doubtful that you’ll easily be able to find a taxi at an empty station after the last trains have already run.
And it looks like Hasumi’s become a resident of the 2D world.
Hasumi There’s nothing here, let alone a taxi. What should I do?
2chan Go see the station attendant or a nearby police box!
Shouldn’t you call 110 for now?
Why don’t you call the taxi company?
All you can do at this point is go to the nearest convenience store.
If there’s a public phone nearby, you should look up the number of the taxi company and give them a call.
Hasumi I call my parents to come and pick me up but they don’t know where Kisaragi Station is. They said they’d look it up on the map and then come to get me, but I’m kinda scared.
2chan What happened to the others on the train? Were you the only one who got off?
Hasumi, I also tried to find Kisaragi Station on the internet, but there’s nothing here. You said you were near the Shin-Hamamatsu area, right? I’ll see if I can find anything on Yahoo.
Hasumi I went to look for a public phone but there aren’t any. The other passengers didn’t get off, so I’m alone right now. The station name is most definitely Kisaragi Station.
2chan There’s a chance you’ll find a public phone off the station grounds.
Why don’t you try leaving the station?
I just did a bit of investigating right now, and the kanji for ‘oni’ (demon) can also be read as ‘kisaragi,’ right…?
So you mean ‘Demon Station’…? That’s terrifying.
Are you a video game nerd? When I googled it, I found a video game.
Write down the previous and next stations from Kisaragi Station. Don’t say there’s nothing written there.
Hasumi What game are you talking about? There are no previous or next stations written here.
2chan Try walking back home along the tracks.
If you start running now, you can probably catch up with the train!
It’s a station, so there has to be people living around there.
Hasumi Yeah, that’s right. I was panicking, so I didn’t even notice. I’ll follow the tracks back and wait for my parents to call. I tried looking before in the Town Information part of I Mode in my phone, but it came up with some kind of error. I just wanna go home.
2chan Whether it’s a joke or not, I’m gonna work towards solving this seriously.
Hasumi There really is nothing around here. All I can see are grasslands and mountains. But if I follow the railway tracks, I think I can get home, so I’ll do my best. Thank you. You might think it’s all just one big joke, but can I come back if I run into any other problems?
2chan Of course. At any rate, take care.
Of course. Just be careful your phone doesn’t die. It’s your lifeline right now.
Don’t start walking in the wrong direction. And be careful inside the tunnel.
Can a phone even get reception in an area with nothing around? I think it would be better if you don’t move from the station…
All alone at an unmanned station on a cold night. The lights will probably turn off soon and it’ll be dark.
The railway tracks are an even darker trap. There’s a tunnel after that too, right?
And yet, it would probably be safer to spend the night at the station…
This is terribly risky.
Hasumi My father called. He had a lot of questions, but in the end we have no idea where I am, so he told me to call 110. I don’t really want to, but I’m going to give the police a call and see if they can help me…
2chan I think it would be easier for you to move around once it gets brighter…
Could you really wait there all alone at night? In some strange, unfamiliar place…
Could you pass through the tunnel all alone at night? On some strange, unfamiliar railway track…
So could you keep walking through some unfamiliar street at night in the cold?
Hasumi I tried explaining my situation the best I could to the police, but they thought it was a joke and got angry at me. I was so scared that I ended up apologising to them…
2chan Why did you apologise? You should call it a night. Go wait at the station for the first train.
What’s it like around the station? Is there anything there?
Hasumi I can hear what sounds like the beating of drums coming from far away, mixed with the sound of a ringing bell. Honestly, I don’t know what I should do anymore.
2chan Hasumi, you need to get back to the station. It’s best to return to where you were in the first place when you get lost.
It’s about to start…
Drums and bells…?
It’s probably just a festival.
Hasumi You might think I’m lying, but I’m so scared, I can’t look back. I wanna go back to the station, but I can’t turn back.
2chan Run. Whatever you do, don’t look back.
You can’t look back at the station! You’ll be taken away. Just run towards the tunnel, right now! It should be closer than you think.
Hasumi Someone just yelled out from behind me. “Hey, you can’t walk along the railway track, it’s dangerous!” I thought it might be the station attendant, so I turned around, and about 10 metres away there was the old guy with one leg standing there. Then he disappeared. I’m so scared, I can’t move.
2chan I said don’t look back. Just run.
Calm down and listen to what I have to say. Try going towards the sound of the drums. There should be people there.
Just where are you trying to send Hasumi?
That’s not it at all, Hasumi is about to be taken away. That’s why I’m saying, if she can, she should go back.
How come you could you tell it was an old guy with just one leg?
…because it’s an old guy with just one leg?
It’s probably some guy that was hit by a train and lost his leg and then died.
Hasumi I can’t walk anymore, but I also can’t run. The sound of the drums is getting closer.
2chan Just wait for morning. Once it gets brighter, it won’t be so scary.
You should have gotten back on the train.
Hasumi I’m still alive. I fell over and I’m bleeding, but I’m still holding onto the heel I broke. I don’t want to die yet.
2chan Well, it’s not like things were going to get better if you stayed in the one spot, anyway.
I think you’ll be fine if you can get through the tunnel, anyhow. When you pass through, let us know and get some help.
Hasumi I called home. My dad said he’d call the police for me, but the sound is getting closer and closer.
2chan Well, let’s just pray that sound isn’t the sound of an approaching train. Having said that, it’s probably too late for that now.
Hasumi I did my best and I’m somehow in front of the tunnel now. The name says Isanuki. The sound is getting closer, so I’m gonna gather up all my courage and try to get through. I’ll post again once I get through safely.
2chan Good luck.
This is the end. The train and the station are gone. You can’t go back. There’s no-one to follow. The sound you hear is a phantom of your own past. Run towards the tunnel. If you stop, you’ll just be stuck between worlds.
Hasumi I’ve exited the tunnel. Someone’s standing just ahead of me. Looks like doing what you guys suggested was the right answer. Thank you. I’m probably gonna be mistaken for a monster, my face is a mess of tears.
2chan Hasumi, wait! Don’t move!
Stop! It’s dangerous!
Who would be standing there at such a time? It’s too suspicious…
Hasumi Sorry for making you all worry. The person was very kind and said they would take me to the closest station. Apparently there’s a business hotel or something there. Everyone, thank you so much.
2chan Hasumi. There’s something I want to ask you, so please answer. Where are you? Can you ask that kind person the place name?
Are they really kind? They could be scarier than what’s going on here, you know.
Yeah, maybe. Anywhere, where the hell are you?!
That person is dangerous!! Why is someone on the railway tracks at this time of night? They must have run into you while disposing of a dead body or something! Run!!
Hasumi I asked where we are, but he just said ‘Hina.’ There’s no way that could be true though.
2chan Hasumi, get out of the car!
I’m sorry, Kasumi. Where is Hina?
What a strange story. So at this particular time some suspicious old guy just happened to be there to pick up a girl walking along the railway tracks…? What was he doing?
Hasumi We’ve started getting closer to the mountains now. I don’t think there’s anywhere for the car to stop, and he’s stopped talking to me entirely.
2chan There’s no reason for even a strange old dude to be up at this time.
Maybe he’s not talking to you anymore because you’re always on your phone?
Hasumi, you’re in danger. Did you tell your parents to come and get you from the tunnel?
Hasumi. Call 110. This might be the last time you ever write anything.
Hasumi My battery’s about to die. Things are looking strange, so I’m gonna try to run the first chance I get. He’s been muttering about something I can’t understand for a while now. Just so I’m ready when needs be, I’m going to make this my last post for now.
※ After this post, Hasumi was never heard from again.
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