#(i hate you thomas perry)
y-a-w-p · 5 days
i miss neil perry
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bruciemilf · 6 months
I’m on the second episode of My Adventures With Superman and I KNOW I know, this deserves to be Clark’s show, BUT HEAR ME OUT A SECOND.
Imagine the Waynes didn’t die and Thomas is trying DESPERATELY to buy the Daily Planet from White, but to absolutely no avail.
“For the last time, Wayne, you can have this company when the Gotham Knights win a Stanley Cup.”
“Y’all cheated last year and you KNOW it, White! Come on! We knew each other for 20 years—“
“Not true.”
“You gotta have ONE nice thing to say about me! You saw my charity records? My trip to the Amazon? I found a goddam dinosaur, for Pete’s sake!”
“And you sent it to the Gotham museum.”
“…Well yeah, it looked real pretty.”
“Look, Wayne. I can either give your ego the stroke of the century, or keep Lane and those two idiot interns in check, but I can’t do both. Now get out of here, or—“
Clark clearing his throat, holding two cups of coffee in his comically large hands, “Uh, the coffee machine broke, so I had to run to the store. Is this a bad time?”
Thomas whistling, because what the FUCK. “Christ, boy, how tall are you? How tall is he, White? You a security guard? You WANNA be a security guard?”
“Uh, Clark Kent. Idiot intern,” Clark introduced himself politely despite Perry’s grumbling.
Needless to say, Thomas Wayne is…Intimidating.
“I’ve heard about your research on metahuman physics, Mr. Wayne. It’s brilliant.”
“Oh, that? That was all my boy, really. He’s got all these ideas about reinventing the healthcare system for everybody or something like that. Hell, he wants to invent some bandaids for that Superman fella. “
“That,” Clark blinked, “Actually sounds amazing.”
“Right?. The other day he came to me like, ‘Can I have 30,000 for a research expedition?’ You should’ve seen him in his little lab coat, — cutest thing. Hold on, I have pictures.”
Clark expected a particularly eccentric 10 year not, not a — gorgeous— adult man in what looked to be a great amount of eyeliner and one hell of a scowl. “He’s…” gorgeous, “He seems interesting.”
“Ain’t he? You should meet him sometime. Hates talking to the press, but, I’m sure we can arrange something. “
“Good luck with that. I tried interviewing the kid alone for 10 minutes and Mr. Wayne here kept getting in the way. Probably because he has something to hide.”
“Bruce ain’t really made for the camera, so I had to step in, ya know how it is. He ain’t really the independent kind.” Thomas shrugs. “I know, I know, — you gotta leave em to fly sometimes, and while I bet he’d look cute tryin’,”
Thomas chuckles, but it doesn’t sound amusing. At all. “No bird leaves MY nest.”
Clark finds out why Perry can’t prove Thomas Wayne is Batman. It’s because he’s wrong. He’s listened to Batman’s heartbeat before. And Thomas doesn’t stutter.
Bruce Wayne does, thought.
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dailytraingirl · 3 months
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miimo96 · 4 months
Thoughts on My Adventures with Superman S2 episode 3
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It's Cool seeing Clark unlock a New power each episode, however correct me if I'm Wrong, but I don't remember Superman having the power to Summon a protective Aura around in order to Sheild him and other people, it's probably a Power that came from the Newer comics but in my opinion, it just kinda Defeats the whole purpose of him being "The Man of Steel" if this makes him even more invulnerable, I'll probably get used to it eventually, but for now it's Not my cup of Tea, However I do LOVE the way the show handles his powers and introduces them to us very Slowly, kinda reminds me of how the CW would do the same thing for the FLASH, before the show eventually became Trash, Making this Show even more of a Banger than it already is ^^ (also love the little nod to Cyborg here )
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Either General lane is COMPLETELY Oblivious or he Really doesn't have the possibility of Clark being Superman due to how EASY it would be, So he Rules out the possibly of him immediately, or maybe Does know and is just messing with him to see how he reacts
METALO!? Omg it so awesome to see this character make an Appearance I wonder how far they will go with this character, will be like the killer android from the animated series and comics, or will it be something different, I'm really excited to find out, however I DO HATE the design for most of the mechanical Villains in this show, Don't get me wrong it's a great design, I'm just not feeling the whole Gundam/Eva vibe here myself, hopefully they'll Fix this in later episodes of S2, however I guess I'm just gonna have to be stuck with it for now
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Nice to see Vickie vale Return and I'm really glad that the show is still Bringing in more DC Characters as it continues like Silas Stone, and Jonathan irons, maybe We WILL get to see other heroes down the line, especially for Next season if it's Announced, I SO Can't wait to see who they decide to bring in Next for the whole Season, also Why is Vickie Vale even here, She lives in a whole other city with a much cooler Superhero, so why even come to metropolis? unless of course you're sick of being the Bats damsel 😏 or maybe she just loves to Troll Perry
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Livewire is Literally Superman's version of Shocker from Spider man, the fact that they don't really HATE their Superhero but rather just find them really Annoying is Just so funny to me, and I really love the look she Gives Superman here like "Omg Why are you here, why is it Always you, Why can't you just leave me alone?!" Is just Hilarious ^w^
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Glad to see that STEEL is here but in all honesty, I'm Not a complete fan of his design, I get that it's Supposed to be a prototype or something but in my opinion most of the designs in this show are either hit or miss, with the most of them being Misses, however I Do like a few designs from this show, like Parasite and Silver banshee and even the Superman suit itself, but the majority are Always a Miss, especially with these Stupid ASS Robot designs, I understand their purpose and Why they're here, but c'mon, you couldn't come up with anything else, I mean even Ultimate Spider man, a show Absolutely despise, has way better character designs, So what the hell? I hope this gets fixed later during Season 2, especially Since we know Brainiac is coming Very soon ^^
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Seriously What is this Power? So far It seems to just give him the ability to contain/Shield against anything of Major damage, and while I'm not gonna deny that it's a very cool, it just doesn't feel like Superman to me, maybe with time it will, but as for now Not a total fan, as long they don't decide to give him anything Stupid like the Ability to rebuild walls with his vision or to freaking Rewind time like the Christopher Reeve's Superman, I think we'll be ok 😅😅 also I Love that they're Humanizing their villains and really giving us a reason to Sympathize with them, like I felt bad for Thomas Weston at the end, I mean he didn't MEAN for this to happen, he just wanted to BEAT his competition
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I Really love the parallels Set up between these 2; While they're both clearly trying to keep the other in the loop of their life, they both have a Secret they're withholding from each other, While Clark is Trying to tell lois about his cousin, Lois will be trying to tell clark about her job offer, resulting in the drama continuing to build for these 2, and maybe eventually end in disaster, with I think neither of them revealing their secret properly and lois maybe leaving Metropolis, leaving Clark with Kara and her working in Gotham maybe we'll see the Bat In Season 3👀
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This is LITERALLY Jessie eisenberg's version of Lex, Just Treated way better, I mean we're already seeing him unfold into the Big Villain he's meant to be, with him already achieving Lex Corp, and Now having an entire army of evil robots, that im sure will probably be infused with Kryptonite as a way to kill Superman, I gotta say I'm loving his character arc so far and I really can't wait to see how he turns Evil, I even have theory of he'll lose hair due to going completely crazy, because I heard that one of the signs of insanity, is SHAVING your hair completely, now he may just lose it in a Freak accident or maybe even just shave it for charity, But can you imagine if he shaves his hair off due to his hatred toward Superman and because he's losing his Sanity of his former self, That would be pretty AWESOME, and interesting to see
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thefcguy · 2 months
Thomas Astruc Newest Interview:
Thomas Astruc and Zag recently had an interview which they talked about things from season 6 specials and so on…
I am not 100% sure how official they are, so, don’t take this 100% seriously.
Spoilers below:
1- Vesperia isn’t forgotten by the writters.
They said that she hasn’t appeared in any posters yet because her model isn’t complete, and that she is important, and that the team does care about her…
(Wow, the team cares about Zoe/Vesperia? The girl that they added in season 4 and threw under the bus the moment they got rid of Queen Bee? The girl that didn’t even get a Kitty Noir transformation? The girl whose plot in Representation about getting a girlfriend that I forgot the name was deleted due to the runtime? Keep telling your lies, Astruc… keep telling your lies…).
(No, I don’t agree with the hate she gets. I like Zoe. But Astruc saying he cares about her, even after all he did is a bit… annoying to me).
2- The Japan Special is the next one:
They haven’t confirmed anything, but, since Zag said that Lady Tiger will be very important, cause she will be their first hero with cancer, and that we will meet her very soon, it’s very clear that this teasing indicates Japan special is next. And Rio Special is forgotten once again (wow, as a Brazillian, “thanks”, Thomas).
(I am also worried about how they will handle cancer, considering they didn’t even make what Rose’s sickness clear).
3- Samg won’t be returning:
Yeah, that’s it. Their lost work is the London Special. The artstyle will change, and they will try to keep the animating on France only due to the leaks.
4- Season 6 will be filled with hints that the audience will look with new eyes on Season 7:
They said that, once we start seeing season 7, out view on season 6 will change completely, and that these hints will be bombastic.
(right, they are “very good” with foreshadowing. And by “foreshadowing” I mean either blatant teasing for future events, or retcons).
5- They are considering a Live Action for Miraculous… again:
They said they still need to rethink and see if their budget can handle it… I hope not, it would be probably really bad with bad CGI.
6- Other Magical Creatures:
They said that there probably are other magical creatures besides kwamis and renlings out there.
(wow, we barely know 10% of the kwamis that exist, and they want to create more magical creature. I will just say I hate when people create more and more elements before flashing out their older ones. It’s lazy, it leaves many questions open and, summing up, just not nice).
7- The reason why Lila has become a villain and wants the miraculi was already revealed:
They said that they have already left enough hints to why Lila has become the new Hawk Moth, it’s just that we, the audience, didn’t pay enough attention to it.
(I wonder this time what will be the retcon. Lila is as old as Master Fu and is a rebel from the Order of Guardians? She is Manon from the future? Either way, I doubt it will be convincing. Except if it is that she is an orphan that wants her parents back).
8- Thomas Astruc already created many miraculous AUs:
Yeah, even the show’s own creator likes to make AUs about it. His favorite one is where Ladybug is similar to Sailor Moon and she leads her own super hero team. In this AU, there is also no romance.
(I wonder if any of his AUs are better than the canon he writes).
9- The Melody Movie I back on production I guess:
Zag explained about the movie synopsis, which is about a girl needing to learn how to trust herself with the power of music (yes, it’s pretty generic), and the main character will be voiced by Katy Perry.
10- Chloe will be back:
And no, she won’t be getting a redemption. Astruc said that they try to write their characters on a logical way, so that they are consistent. And, no matter how hard they try, they found no way of Chloe regretting her actions and be like “Oh, Marinette, I was so mean to you!”, so, it doesn’t matter what he wants, it’s Chloe’s fault she doesn’t want to get better…
(I am not even a Chloe stan and this angers me beyond relief. First, they try to write their characters with consistence. WHEN? ‘Kagami’s friendship with Lila, Felix’s redemption, the whole amok plot, anything related to Lila on season 5, the fact they changed why Marinette broke up with Luka, the concept of the bee’ are anything but consistent. And say that Chloe can’t get a redemption? There are many ways for a character to get a redemption. Amity and Hunter from Owl House, Peridot and Lapis from SU, Sasha from Amphibia, and Zuko from Avatar all got a redemption. If you guys don’t want to give her a redemption, fine, but don’t try this whole “she can’t”, she is a character! And you guys are writing her!)
(Also, bringing Chloe back? I though you guys were trying to break the formula with the season 5’s wish, not go back to it).
11- The Story will change:
Not because of a reboot or anything, they just want to make it more serious and gradual.
(No comments here).
12- The Team has ideas for how 12 series of miraculous would be like:
They know for sure the 6, 7, 8 and 9 arc, and are also still unsure of what to do with the opening.
(12 seasons… when shows like Steven Universe gets 5, the Owl House gets 3, and many others get only 1).
13- Andre will get a redemption arc:
Thomas said that, unlike Chloe, he clearly wants to change, and the scene in Collution was a big character point for him. They also want to, someway, somehow, tell about his and Gabriel’s backstory someday.
14- Fun Facts:
The Supreme (the bad guy from Shadybug’s universe), will make a comeback at the series; Zoe’s crush at Marinette was due to love at first sight at the bakery (I think this is cute); the writers love Rolland because he was inspired by Thomas grandfather (and Simplifier is their favorite episode due to this fact); Akumatized!Marinette is a possibility; the writing for season 6 is at is peak, and a better version of season 5 (wonder which criminal boy will be redeemed and which girl won’t get the same treatment and be sent to live with her abusive parent).
15- The whole story we saw until now is only 5% of all he showed Zag when he pitched the show:
You heard that right, miraculous has still 95% of stories to give to us.
(I know that Superheroes usually have many arcs and stories they face, but that’s mostly because they are usually on comic format. I am not sure if it’s worth telling so many stories in a cartoon series).
Now, I leave to my miraculous mutuals @natedogx15 @nerd-chocolate and @artzychic27
to share their opinions. They might even change my mind for season 6.
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ilovehimbos · 2 years
my full name hcs for the poets
todd alex anderson, his middle name is probably actually alexander but most of the time he just says alex instead. he hasn't told anyone his middle name and charlie keeps guessing atrocious a names.
charles laurance dalton. look me in the eyes and tell me that bastard wouldn't have the most pretentious middle name ever. he hates it.
neil thomas perry, his dad is an absolute dick ofc he would make sure that neil would always be his in a way.
gerard julio pitts, his mom chose his first name and his dad chose his middle name. he really likes his name !
richard séan cameron, he loves his middle name bc its his dad's name, it connects him to his dad, who i hc died when he was like a baby. also hc that his first name was ruairí but it was later changed to fit a more perfect american image.
knox theodore overstreet. tell me i'm wrong i dare you
stephen kason camillo meeks, my boy is italian and is proud of the names his mama gave him. the poets agree that he has the coolest name.
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plinko-mori · 1 year
+100 Reasons Why I Love Ougai Mori
There are more but I'm too lazy to share them all
Original idea from sigma.analysis on Instagram!
Spoilers from manga, some light novels... And more
Of course this will be full of my personal opinion
Warning: Long post
Now let's start with the reasons!
1) He shares last name with an actress of a telenovela I love so much (Rubí, Bárbara Mori)
2) His voice (Latin Spanish, English and Japanese)
3) His smirks
4) His hairstyles
5) He knows what he wants
6) His ability, it's great and raises so many questions:
How free is Elise really? Does Elise know where she comes from and the abilities in general? How did Mori discovered his ability? And etc–
7) He is so smart, sad that people sometimes forget it
8) He is SO grey and questionable as a character → his morals, his way of being...
9) His calm energy
10) He can fight and defend himself without Elise
11) He can be scary when he wants to (example: that scene with Lucy)
12) He is so rational and realistic
13) How he changes his mood in one second to the next
14) He's hot (for me)
15) He got me into reading the works from the in real life author
16) His character and ability are GREAT references of works from the in real life author and his life
17) Now Rintarou Mori is my favorite writer thanks to him (as I said in reason 15, the character got me to reading about Rintarou)
18) Ougai is aware of the things he has done
19) ↑ And has a such and acidic and cruel attitude about the barbarities he has done that I love and hate so much
20) His knowledge of medicine and anatomy is frightening and wonderful in a weird way
21) He's so tall compared to me, I love taller people than me sorry (I'm 148 cm tall)
22) He gave me the lesson that a good leader doesn't have to be necessary a good person, and a good person doesn't have to be necessary a good leader
23) He is so badass
24) How similar he is compared to Chuuya's biological dad
25) The "Absolutely no chance!" with Fukuzawa and the punch
26) One of my highest kinnies
27) The way he was introduced in the chapter with Lucy
28) His first appearance with Elise and candle
29) ↑ I still was surprised when Mori goes to a place aND BOOM PORT MAFIA MEMBERS–
30) His pose with the hands supremacy
31) Okay but his attitude with Taneda (poor Ango)
32) His panels drawn by Hoshikawa-sensei
33) His laugh
34) He made a motherfucking big plan which Oda ends up dying and everything fOR A TINY (important) ENVELOPE– He thinks in everything!
35) Amazing antagonist
No, I don't think he's a villain
Yes, I'm too lazy to explain it here
36) The fact that Mori makes Elise disobeys when he wants her to do it even if that makes me want to cry
37) He is so clingy and cloying that I love knowing I'm not the only person like that
38) He's not obsessed with children because he's a pedo and I love that
He stuck himself between wanting to mentor the younger generation to help them grow into their potential and throwing everyone's emotions and desires (including his own) out the window in favour of the """optimal solution"""
He's not a pedo... He just has a weird obsession-favoritism with 12 year old girls and younger
That I can explain it to you using: Works from Ougai, Genetics, Society, Comparing 4 cases with Mori interacting with people + Elise...
39) He is like Perry The Platypus
«Weird old man?
40) Hard to believe or not, the character helped me a lot to understand myself, comprehend my attitude and accept myself (as a walking red flag) when I was going through a rough time
I was really like "OMG NO I'M NOT LIKE MORI STOP–" and now I'm "Yeah I'm tiny Mori" that's character development my bois
41) He got my attention and I want to know about Thomas Schelling, John Forbes Nash and Henry Kissinger
42) His beautiful messy dark hair
43) How different he is with people and how he is with Elise, I find it so cute (and sad)
44) "Tell me Dazai, why is it your wish to die?" That chat was amazing
45) How different he looks compared to the in real life author
46) How observant and analytical he is
47) He helped Atsushi when he could get out of Lucy's ability by himself!
48) His soft smile when Chuuya accepts his vision of leadership and pledges his loyalty to him
49) In Yosano's backstory and Dazai's backstory... Mori did the same error and didn't learn a shit, you are amazing old man (mockery)
50) Dude how can you project yourself on Dazai and teach him manipulation? You did bad but you taught him many things that ended up helping him– But how can you project yourself in him???
51) I have SO many theories about Mori that I loved doing: His past and reasons why he is like that, why he projected himself on Dazai, why Elise is a child, etc... And his relationship with Natsume
52) I make so many content about him exploring fanon and canon Mori! OCs that either have a good relationship with him or have traumas with him, there's no in between
Some headcanons, random scenarios, etc
53) He's a drama queen sometimes, that's amazing
54) Wan Mori is my mood and my friends are really like Wan Dazai damn [sob]
55) He looks so ugly sometimes I love him
56) He's a (sadistic) doctor but I'm sure he made more damage than healing (that's the thing a doctor does). I'm completely sure of (and love) that irony of the character
57) His friendship with Kouyou
58) His chat with Ozaki after the things with Kyouka was sad for me
He really thought "Hey, this girl has nothing to bind her to the mafia, she's sure to leave, she can do it" but Ozaki chose to stay, to help him. Mori was so honest, didn't hide his emotions and was truly happy to hear that she was going to stay, such an emotional and relatable moment for me
I will not go deep on the dialogue, just the emotions
In the manga it was first a shock scene, just shock... I would say even distrustful of her words
But then his smile was very soft, nodding, maybe proud of the fact that Ozaki feels comfortable in the mafia after he became the leader
In the anime it was the same but with a sad expression, there was more melancholy in his words, his facial expression...
And that's why I cry a lot with that scene
59) He loves the city, he wants to protect it so much even if that's really hard to see...
Aww cute thing of the old man
60) His organization means so much for him, the PM is more than "a group of people" to him, I love how he takes care of them, how he seeks, acts and does everything possible for their wellness
Also he's really like «My bois, my people, I want the best of you but please don't act like idiots when I'm not looking– Omg you're just doing it! Damn I will fix everything because this is a disaster, and I hate disasters»
61) Just the fact, only the fact, that he throws everyone's emotions and desires (including his own) out the window in favour of the """optimal solution"""
62) He is aware to the fact that Osamu is superior to him in some things (predict future actions and be many steps ahead compared to the rest) and he accepts it
Ougai (in my point of view) is just irritated that he doesn't have Dazai at his side to use him, but he leaves it that way, he sees his reality, and accepts it but hates it a lot
63) “But doesn't Mori want to have him back to his side?”
Yes, as I said, he is irritated, accepts but hate that fact. He doesn't like it when when things are TOO far out his control, he is stubborn, he is "human" despite being a bastard
64) I appreciate that he kept his promise to Chuuya, Ougai REALLY GAVE HIM THE DOCUMENTS after he became executive when he could easily hide them from Nakahara to the end
Mori did good there, he kept his promise
65) I support that he dislikes dirty things, raw food and mackerel in miso–
66) One thing that MUST be appreciated:
Even of the traumas, how "evil" Port Mafia is, how bad is Mori, etc– He gives people with no home a place they belong to and where they are accepted
He created a whole good atmosphere for his people you know??? Dude they look comfy there, they don't desperately want to leave the organization (at least most of them, I'm not counting Kyouka and Dazai at all) and they are able to consider themselves a family, see the PM as a home, that is incredible. How close Black Lizard are, Chuuya and Ozaki, Ozaki and Mori, etc
67) He treats people in SUCH different ways I love it
68) He doesn't treat people with the same level of empathy, that's great and so normal... The not-normal thing about his empathy is how he traumatizes people but I'm talking in a people-in-the-real-world context
69) This panel:
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How he looks at Natsume
70) He reminds me of many songs from my favorite band! (Set It Off) Such as Duality, Peekaboo, Skeleton... And more
But specially Skeleton
71) Compared to other characters I love: Idc if people hate him, it's great! Mori is a bastard, I don't have problems if you hate him until you obligate me to also hate him
I don't mind if you insult him, when some friends do that I join them because OMG HE DESERVES THOSE WORDS. But go on, hate him, I will not obligate you to love him because it's good that you hate him, just don't obligate me to hate him
72) He's a bastard BUT I STILL LOVE HIM– That thing is really weird in me, right Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter and Adam from SK8? /jk
Okay but actually compared to the rest, I love more Ougai because he's better compared to them
73) He makes the Port Mafia being the less bad option in awful scenarios
74) He also makes HIMSELF the less bad option in awful scenarios
75) How he saw Yosano fall to pieces in front of him because of his own words
That wasn't manipulation, he was literally hurting her because he wanted to...
That's a very shock scene and his face of "I don't give a fuck" omg I love this but hate myself of me liking that
I personally think that he said those things to hurt her on purpose for her to act in a way and/or affect the rest of the ADA that was there
76) He has beautiful eyes (anime)
77) This weird feeling-theory of him wanting to die...
Like dude why do you focus on you dying because of Dazai? Why do you keep torturing Yosano, you know she will end up doing something to you right? You really want that? You want to get hurt that badly? To die?
78) He is REALLY happy in Beast, not fake emotions there
79) Okay in Beast he offered emotional support to a lost teenager by LITERALLY offering to be his dad (+ expressed his past will to save another lost teenager)
80) He took over a shitty orphanage and made it good in Beast...
Same character, the only differences is where he is + he's 2 years younger
81) His weird "monologues" (like that scene of chess about Aku)
82) Elise treating him like trash, that's amazing AND sad because she has something of him, she's HIS ability! Dude do you see yourself as a trash that hard?
83) He wanted to catch Atsushi to gain the money AND NOT TO KILL HIM, dude that's nice, he didn't want to kill him
84) He isn't afraid of taking innocent lives to increase the Port Mafia's own benefit
85) He has cooperated with ADA <3 (his "enemy")
86) He doesn't punish Ryonosuke even if he disobeys lot of orders. Mori values his skills and contributions to the organization even if he does something that has nothing to do with what he was ordered to do
87) His eyes in the manga are drawing in different (and beautiful) ways... There's the normal ones, the "just black" (like, really just black or similar to black) and darker but not black...
And many shades–
88) A survivor to a war, THE GREAT WAR
89) No matter how high is the risk, Ougai takes that risk and even goes far as to raise the stakes
90) How he made Dazai feel true shock with Q, I love that panel
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91) Has the same blood type as me (O)
92) His parallels with Mikoto Souh and Reisi Munakata (leaders of OPPOSING organizations) from K Project
93) Okay but he in the ops–
94) He sees many things as a chess game and how compared to me, chess doesn't give him anxiety
95) He shares birthday with other of my favourite characters, Kajii Motojirou!
96) He's a really mysterious character, we only know a little part of his past... Which is why I do theories about him, yes
97) How we don't know if he knows about Ryonosuke's illness
98) He sucks in throwing darts
99) Literally wrote a message to enemies using CRAYONS
100) I like to understand at least most of the character's mind and mimic him easily!
101) ↑ I also love helping friends with that, it feels amazing
102) We have seen few of his real emotions because most of the time he hides them or fakes them
103) Bro what did he do to Kyouka so only his presence could make her panic?
And Kouyou knows that???? Hi??? I need answers
104) Thank you for sending Kajii and make him do chaos in a boat/yacht/whatever, that was an amazing idea
105) When Mori got sick being close to death, the Port Mafia knowing that killing Fukuzawa could save him, went for that alternative immediately without thinking any consequences...
They love their boss I'm gonna cry
106) He knows the ADA aren't terrorists
107) His weird old doctor clothes
108) His weird dracula leader of the Port Mafia clothes
109) His uniform at the military
110) No trembling, second thoughts or second-guessing and the moment to kill someone (like poor Tachihara's brother)
111) The way in which he uses and attacks with scalpels
112) His hair is easy to draw for me
113) I want to give a hug to this man, dude aren't you stressed at the mafia???
Aren't you tired of people and your ability treating you like trash??? About all of your responsibilities???? You need a rest old man
114) Even if I don't shipp them: The parallels of Kouyou and Mori with Chuuya's biological parents. "Oh, I didn't tell you I'm from the army?" omg they are so close
115) How he scared Tachihara, that hat scene was amazing HE ACTED SO NORMALLY–
116) He always knew about the spies in his organization and let them have close relationships with other members, Ango is a loyal person himself, while Tachihara is now the most loyal member to the mafia, more than Chuuya...
Mori why??? Stop, you are torturing them–
117) His shock in the manga about Francis knowing where the Port Mafia was
118) His chat with Hirotsu about the previous leader
119) Changing his mood from one second to the next
120) There are great AMVs about him in YouTube! (not the shipps ones)
121) When Mori manipulates, he doesn't lie
He gives SOME parts of the information, he strategizes very carefully when, how and where he will reveal information to people
122) He earns Kouyou's royalty by being a better boss than the old boss
123) He earns Chuuya's loyalty by being a better leader with advice to give
124) He almost gets what he wants in return
125) He wanted Fukuzawa to died instead of him (cannibalism arc) because of 2 reasons: Ougai new that his organization would be mad about AND do stupid (destroy) things because of that
He knows them so well–
126) After what Paul did to the mafia, killing some members (Flags), Mori still helped him, hides him from the government aND MADE HIM AN EXECUTIVE-
That's so nice Mori
127) He is IMPORTANT in BSD Beast, the story without his scene hits different you know?
128) The way he manipulates, the way he uses words, the actions he does, how he sees it like a chess game– And he's so calm about it the fuck
129) His different types of smiles I swear
130) He used Ace as a tool because of his money LMAOOOOO
131) LITERALLY has a 3D version
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That cosplayer supremacy 🛐
132) He makes mistakes, he isn't perfect, ignoring how he did the same mistake with both Yosano and Dazai, for example: Mori, sweetie, you didn't have to leave Ace in charge of Fyodor, that was a TERRIBLE idea
133) The theory from @/videogamelover99 about Mori related to the Arahabaki project
Specially the real-life connections
134) How Homra Daikazoku fits him and the Port Mafia a lot not only because of the meaning of the song, also because of the context with Homra in K Project
135) I love his ease in sacrificing several of his "pieces" in order to double or triple the damage to his enemy
136) Dude please stop enjoying the fact of people around you fearing you a lot 'cause I'm starting to envy your self-esteem or questionable thoughts as to be SO comfortable with that
137) He takes really serious to keep the balance in Yokohama
138) Vita Sexualis requires strength and energy...
And he uses it MOST of the time wow– How does he do that????
139) I can't say anything of his obsessive AND possessive personality because I'm the same–
Feel ya old man but pls stop
140) His first designs omg
141) I hate dogs, I dislike them a lot but damn I would be his dog and be "WOOF WOOF BARK BARK"
I simp him that hard damn
142) He's one of the few characters that I actually have memorized his voice (without counting seiyuus), the other ones are Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji), Izumo Kusanagi (K Project) and Cherry Blossom (SK8)
143) You can see how times go by on his face, he's physically different from his past self and it shows, specially in his wrinkles
144) This theory in about abuse chain, Akutagawa-Dazai, Dazai-Mori AND (@/amethystroselily) Mori-Natsume
145) "It's necessary to hit the enemy's vital point in one strike"
146) Ougai gives me the same vibes as Vita Sexualis protagonist, daddy and mommy issues + similar personalities you know?
147) "The leader of an organization is at the pinnacle of that organization and, at the same time, he is its slave. The leader must be more than willing to commit any atrocity in order to ensure the organization's survival"
148) THE WAYS KAJII CALLS HIM: Grand Marshal of Outer Space, Outer-space Marshal, Grand Marchal of Space
149) He calls his members by "kun" EXCEPT for Hirotsu, I love that detail
150) Changing his mood from one second to the next
151) "I like this city, its dark, seedier parts included... But parasites like you nauseate me" [dies]
152) The way Elise calls him, I feel sorry for him and laugh at how she insults Mori so much
153) Thank you for giving Arthur a home
154) Thank you for doing exams on Arthur because of his cold because you were worried
155) Love how Ougai can't control Verlaine and take him out if the Port Mafia's basement
156) His "Sakunosuke Oda is risking his life to eliminate a troublesome, violeny group. It's a win-win situation. So why are you so angry?" 'cause he's as blind as me, not all the people don't have problems about ignoring our own emotions–
157) In Stormbringer he was in a place far far away really safe AND OMG THAT CALL WAS AMAZING specially the part like "Oh yes, I can see everything of what's happening" LMAOOOOOO
158) Similar to the author, I have a weird mix of feelings: When I read the author's works (Hanako, Kinka, The Dancing Girl, for giving some examples) I'm in shock, amazed, curious and THE SAME happens with Ougai Mori from BSD
159) He's my blorbo: My favorite character that I can't stop thinking about him, I can't shut up when talking about him and I can't explain how he makes me feel
160) I did many things thanks to the character:
Read the manga, based on that I continue reading things related to BSD, accounts of theories, analysis, I meet people, an ex friend, some close friends I really love a lot...
Because of my fanaticism for him, my life change for better, Ougai and BSD makes me happy, and that's the biggest reason of why I love him
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fideidefenswhore · 11 months
I've been wondering this for awhile, because different secondary sources give various takes on the Downfall of Anne Boleyn, but how big of a role did the Seymours (Jane and her brothers) in particular play in the downfall and judicial murder of Anne Boleyn?
I hated how Becoming Elizabeth white-washed Edward Seymour's character by portraying him as being super nice to Elizabeth when I'm 100% sure that wasn't the case in real life. He didn't defend her when the Thomas Seymour scandal broke out, didn't tell her she looked like her dad, and certainly did not apologize to her for his brother's behavior. Somerset kept her away from King Edward and refused to let her come to court when she was accused to let her speak her piece. Wasn't he also the one who refused to give Elizabeth the lands/money Henry VIII left for her in his will? Thomas abused the Princess no question about it.
The Seymours helped cause Anne's death and then abused her daughter it seems. If they were behind her downfall it makes sense that they wouldn't care about her daughter either.
Well, given you've already mentioned secondary sources, I'm assuming you're not looking for reccomendations for material on this subject, and are just asking for my opinion? I might post some excerpts later regardless in some reblog or edit of this ask, if you're interested.
I'm not too familiar with the sources on Edward VI's reign but that does sound about right? Although I'm not positive there was much improvement when Edward Seymour was disempowered and eventually executed and John Dudley took up the helm, from what I remember that's true. For more on this, I would rec From Heads of Household to Heads of State by Jeri L. Mcintosh and Word of a Prince by Maria Perry.
Yeah, I don't...even want to get into BE discourse too much (I assume the invention of their relationship shifting from begrudging antipathy to admiration and eventual apology was due to AR's sympathy for him, but fans of the show were mad he apologized to Elizabeth and not Mary, for...what? What did they want, exactly? Had he not apologized to her in the canon of the show he would have died a CSA apologist). Most of it just seemed absurd to me. For whatever reason that man seems to have had some appeal to AR during her research process, and I simply cannot fathom why. To me, he is just flop (as ruthless as Cromwell but without his genius or political acumen, of moderate intelligence but poor character, I don't think you can even make the argument that well, even if ineffectual and 'of small power' by 1538, as per one contemporary, at least he withstood every shift and endured, that would be more applicable to a figure such as William Paulet).
But, circling back to the first question:
How big of a role did the Seymours (Jane and her brothers) in particular play in the downfall and judicial murder of Anne Boleyn?
An interesting one, because they're part of this rather large faction at the time, as Chapuys reports. I don't necessarily get the impression they were actually leading said faction, however...those with the most weight to pull number as Lord Montague, Nicholas Carew, at times Francis Bryan, the Marquis and Marchioness of Exeter. What's particularly interesting to note is that Chapuys specifically alleges that these players are constantly giving Jane advice on how and in what manner to speak with Henry VIII. Often this report is stretched to farce (some authors almost writing about this in ways that veer on anachronism, suggestions of Jane almost being fed line for line by earpiece), but assuming even moderate exaggeration of Chapuys' part, what I find compelling is what this means, which is that Jane doesn't really know Henry. As in, she has some sense of him, but she's reliant on the advice of those who have known him much longer.
Why I find that compelling is that it implies the Seymours have always sort of been on the outskirts, never within Henry's inner circle up to this point, which makes sense once the evidence is considered (Jane has probably been serving the new Queen since 1534 at latest, her appearance on gift rolls notwithstanding, but doesn't show up as her intimate in the way of Margaret Douglas, Mary Howard, etc). Her 'brothers' alone is interesting, isn't it? Contemporary report at this time doesn't even place Thomas there in the ramp-up to the coup, it might even be that he's often placed there in fiction because as we recreate these scenes on screen and stage, we read things backwards. We do know that Edward is there, and presumably he might have even been at court for some time, we know he's present at Anne Boleyn's coronation feast as server to Cranmer, we know he's the Duke of Richmond's Master of the Horse. But there's no mention of Thomas Seymour in all this until he's given title once his sister becomes Queen.
So, Edward's involvement, by contemporary report, is that he's basically in attendance at these meetings of Boleyn opponents, he's promoted to the Privy Chamber in March 1536 (not, however, the Privy Council until halfway through the next year, which is interesting...basically, he's not significantly promoted to that place of trust and influence until Jane's been Queen for an entire year, which is instructive insofar as it could mean one of two things: one, Jane's lack of influence and power as Queen, or two, that she doesn't care about the promotion of her brothers enough to push on the matter), he's chaperoning meetings between Jane and Henry alongside his wife in the quarters Cromwell has granted him which connect to Henry's own, and he's present at the failed Imperial detente between Cromwell, Chapuys, and Henry VIII in April 1536.
Circling back to how Jane requiring such intensive counsel to speak with Henry, on what to say and how to say it, on how to approach him...every point this faction wants her to press with Henry is rebuffed by him. There is no honeymoon period for Jane, truly. If she can't convince him to reinstate his eldest daughter in the succession, would she have been able to convince him to repudiate his wife? It's doubtful, although I'm sure she encouraged this, it's unlikely her encouragement was what pushed him over the brink, as it were.
Moreover, if we go beyond Chapuys, according to contemporary reports Jane was countermanded, sometimes quite publically, on pretty much every political move she attempted (once, five times in a row on the same matter, and another reports Henry as saying he had already 'often' told her not to meddle in his affairs, and this as early as five months into their marriage, and Jane as Queen). This is instructive insofar how much they were leading this faction, versus other members of the faction leading them. Assuming she wasn't masochistic, Jane must have repeatedly been promised and told by those that 'knew Henry best' (almost all of whom, absent Bryan, are going to end up on the scaffold in two years' time) that her influence was going to equal or even surpass her predecessors' upon Henry, and that she just had to bide her time.
So, was there a Seymour 'family firm' comparable to some others, as far as the Boleyn coup? Beyond Jane & Edward, there's not much evidence for one (certainly they were united in grabbing the spoils afterwards, Henry Seymour grabbed a vacant position by one of the accused and condemned men, Edward a viscounship to equal George Boleyn's, not to mention the riches and properties of the Dissolution both Jane and Edward enjoyed, etc). Thomas is absent, as are their parents, and Elizabeth Seymour seems to have even possibly been a Boleyn supporter by dint of her husband. Jane's maternal cousin is on the jury which condemns her predecessor, but beyond that....
Circling towards your last:
The Seymours helped cause Anne's death and then abused her daughter it seems. If they were behind her downfall it makes sense that they wouldn't care about her daughter either.
Eh, I don't think it's fair to term any of them, save Thomas Seymour later on, as 'abusive' towards Elizabeth. What's more certain is that they wouldn't have wanted her to develop any sort of base of power and support. It is interesting, though, as far as memory serves, that it's after Edward Seymour's power was stripped that Elizabeth was making such public appearances of honour at her brother's court. An interesting aspect of any counterfactual of Jane's survival, Jane being the last Tudor queen (consort) of Henry VIII, would be how the relationship between Edward VI&Elizabeth might then manifest, the Seymours would not have faded into obscurity as they did for much of Henry's reign, and it's difficult to imagine that they wouldn't have been wary of the two of them developing any sort of rapport. But, they did, and it was Henry that directed the education and environment that made this possible.
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ramblingsofamuskrat · 3 months
Can you connect the German city of Kiel to Diehard please? Thanks
Well the lazy way of doing this is the villain in Die Hard is Hans Gruber who was German and Kiel is in Germany. I could also be like: Oh Bruce Willis was born in Germany and yeah. But I love making things more convoluted than that...
So, we all know that Bruce Willis is in Die Hard, but an even more important role was his role as Tony Amato in one singular episode of Miami Vice, which we all know stars Don Johnson in it, who we all know was in Rian Johnson's movie Knives Out, which we all know. Ok I'll stop, even if this is just for you. You know actually I really wanted to connect this to Knives Out and then to 10 Things I Hate About You or 3rd Rock from the Sun because of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, but I have changed my mind, as it turns out Edward James Olmos is in the same Miami Vice episode as Don Johnson. Okay, so Edward James Olmos is Admiral Adama in Battlestar Galactica, which also stars Michael Hogan, from your favorite TV show ever, Teen Wolf. BUT, he is also in Skyrim as General Tullius. Skyrim also has Christopher Plummer as Arngeir, who was also in Knives Out. But that's not as fun as connecting to Charles Martinet, who was in the Mario movie despite not playing Mario but whatever. Now, as much as I love Charlie Day and want to connect through him, I feel the need to connect through Crisp Rat, but I'm resisting that cause I had a revelation. Charlie Day is in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, starring Danny DeVito, but Kim Whalen was in an episode of that show, and I love Starkid. Corey Dorris is also in Starkid and he was in an episode of Future Man, which has our icon, Josh Hutcherson, who was in Journey to the Centre of the Earth with Brendan Frasier, who was in the Mummy with Rachel Weisz, and she is married to Daniel Craig, bringing us BACK to Knives Out. Am I losing track of the mission?? NO!!!! So, Knives Out has many amazing cast members, but one of the more iconic ones, is Frank Oz. I just realized that my goal was to eventually bring my connection to the Lion King, and I can easily do that now cause Frank Oz is Yoda, but also that's lame cause I wanted to bring it to Matthew Broderick, but let it be known that we could just do Frank Oz to James Earl Jones at this point. So, Frank Oz was in Star Wars with Mark Hamill, who is in many, many things, such as Avatar, which features Dee Bradley Baker as Appa. He is also Perry the Platypus in Phineas and Ferb (for some reason my brain broke and almost wrote Despicable Me). Phineas and Ferb features Thomas Brodie-Sangster, which is always very funny to me, but it also has Ashley Tisdale, who was in the wonderful movie, 2009's Aliens in the Attic. Aliens in the Attic features many people, including Austin Butler, someone who was in the After movies, Tim Meadows, and Andy Richter, who played Mort in Madagascar. Ben Stiller is in Madagascar, who was in Night as the Museum, which has Rami Malek, who was in Bohemian Rhapsody with Joe Mazzello, who is in Jurassic Park (AND a movie called Star Kid). Jeff Goldblum is in Jurassic Park and also in Thor: Ragnarok, which also has Sam Neill in it, but unrelated to the goal at hand. Thor has Chris Hemsworth, who was in 2009's Star Trek, starring Chris Pine, who was in Wonder Woman with Robin Wright, who is in the Princess Bride with Cary Elwes, who was in Psych. Since they are not in the same episode, James Roday Rodriguez is in Psych, and so is Ally Sheedy, who was in War Games with Matthew Broderick.
To answer your question, yes, I came to the official conclusion that I really needed to get on track or this would literally last forever. Crazy how I can get myself to do this and not my homework. Ignore the fact that it took me over a month to respond to your question. Matthew Broderick is Simba in the Lion King, which also features Nathan Lane as Timon. Nathan Lane was in The Nutcracker: The Untold Story, which I know about solely because of Danny Gonzalez. Nathan Lane plays Albert Einstein in this movie, and so, within the lore of the movie, we could accurately state that because Albert Einstein exists within the movie, so does Max Planck, who knew Lise Meitner. I just wanted to say that cause I am aware as to how much you love her. But Max Planck was born in Kiel. Thank you and goodnight.
If I wanted to play this seriously, and not in my convoluted "6" Degrees of Michael Sheen way, probably could've connected Die Hard to Charlie Chaplin somehow, who met Albert Einstein but NO!!
I hope you enjoy this well thought out response, @wiggogwiggogywrath :)
P.S. That point where I was nervous about this going on forever took A LOT of willpower to not continue. Like I was gonna go into the After series and then end up in Harry Potter or some shit. I'm sure I would eventually run into both Smosh and Dropout cause I am addicted. Luckily for you, I was so concentrated at the task at hand, I somehow like forgot that I usually include those too but whatever. There ya go. Bitch.
P.P.S. I just wanted to do this cause now I can't stop please send help oh god oh no I can't stop, can't stop typing why did you do this to me I can't escape
P.P.P.S. Bye :)
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thevagabondexpress · 8 months
Hi! I’m trying to befriend my favourite mutuals so I’m asking a bunch of questions to get to know you all better
What was/is your favourite subject in school? Were/are you good at it?
What country do you live in? What do you like/dislike about it?
Are you currently writing/planning an original story? If so, what is it about?
What genres of media do you usually consume? What books would you recommend to people?
What is your favourite poison?
what is your favourite method of murder (both to read about and what you would actually use)?
What patterns do you usually notice in the people that you hang out with?
Can I message you?
i. it depends, if you're talking elementary & middle school then english & lit hands down, but in high school it was the natural sciences: earth sciences, biology, ecology. i had great teachers for science in high school and i liked the way we did the classwork so i pulled good grades. the material itself was interesting too (i got to run around in the grass chasing butterflies with a net! we had microscopes!) and it didn't hurt that i had half the football team at least in my class and i somehow managed to get Gangsta Points(tm) with these kids for having lived on the south side of chicago as a little kid, so i managed to be cool for once.
ii. currently i live in the united states. there's so much to hate here; i'll list the one that's been dragging us most lately: privatized healthcare. as for things i like though, living in a corner of the country bordered by cryptid legends to the north (point pleasant's mothman) and west (the kelly-hopkinsville and hellier goblins), and the above-zero-fahrenheit winters, those aren't bad.
iii. i am currently working on some original projects, yes. i have three different main/major ideas but the one i'm focusing on most right now is the savage stars, which is book one of a duology i'm calling crater of grace. it has a series of short stories on ao3 if you want to check it out. it has holly black-inspired urban fantasy elements tucked into a grungy solarpunk space opera setting; i like to describe it as, "imagine if six of crows and star trek had a baby."
iv. i love sci-fi, fantasy, historical, murder mystery, and spicy queer romance. i especially like it when you get two or three or more of those genres combined. i do also love a good gothic horror novel. the books i'll always push at people are shirley jackson's we have always lived in the castle, heidi heilig's the girl from everywhere (as a standalone, the sequel is dead to me), kj charles's a charm of magpies, freya marske's the last binding, and any of anne perry's thomas pitt or william monk mysteries: anne is a classic in the victorian gothic crime novel genre.
v. i like Amanita phalloides, otherwise known as the death cap mushroom, purely because merricat blackwood does too and she is to me what hannibal is to a lot of other people. for legal reasons i do not mean this seriously.
vi. curse. definitely by laying a curse. send the hat man after this dude. literally kill him with the stuff of his own nightmares. but trapping him in a bell tower with the bells as they ring a la the nine tailors wouldn't be bad either.
vii. most of my friends are either queer or nerds or neurodivergent or all of the above. i have a surprising number of friends who are catholic. i do not know nearly enough goths which is a shame.
viii. yes. so long as it's not weirdly sexual or to plot a crime other than piracy, yes.
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elysianavenue · 1 year
songs that remind me of genshin characters
aether: soldier, poet, king - the oh hellos (venti clearly sings it for him duh)
lumine: two birds - regina spektor (it's about her and her bro (':)
amber: touch the sky - julie fowlis (please it s c r e a m s amber)
kaeya: iris - the goo goo dolls (ik it's a romance song but i lowkey picture him singing it to his bro im sorry)
lisa: dangerous woman - ariana grande (need i say more?)
barbara: sisters - radical face (give this girl a sister of the year award rn)
razor: on melancholy hill - gorillaz (he was raised by wolves)
xiangling: what baking can do - jessie mueller (she cooks lmao?)
beidou: wellerman - nathan evans (she's a pirate it makes sense ok)
xingqiu: paperback writer - the beatles (mans writes fanfiction cmon)
ningguang: national anthem - lana del rey (i'll tell you you're my national anthem mommy)
fischl: control - halsey (i can't explain this one it makes sense to me tho)
bennett: world's smallest violin - ajr (he definitely will blow up into smithereens at some point)
noelle: teenage dirtbag - wheatus (HER NAME IS NOELLE-)
chongyun: lemon boy - cavetown (chongyun is robbie and xingqiu is lemon boy oop-)
sucrose: rät - penelope scott (i honestly just hear her voice lol)
jean: oh no! - marina (she do be after success)
diluc: alive - khalid (daddy issues by the neighbourhood was too obvious)
qiqi: the blue wrath - i monster (again, it's one of those songs i hear and homegirl comes to mind)
mona: a sky full of stars - coldplay (her entire personality is astrology sorry)
keqing: unworthy - vancouver sleep clinic (this one might only make sense to me so i won't bother explaining it)
venti: golden slumbers - the beatles (ducky told me to put this one for venti)
klee: wrecking ball - mother mother (this should make the most sense, damn little menace)
diona: my alcoholic friends - the dresden dolls (no one hates alcohol more than this girl)
tartaglia: cherry bomb - the runaways (he deadass listens to this on repeat, prove me wrong)
xinyan: i love rock n roll - joan jett & the blackhearts (self explanatory)
zhongli: good riddance - green day (ducky also told me to add this song)
albedo: the moon will sing - the crane wives (wasn't he abracadabraed into existence or something? lmao)
ganyu: brutal - olivia rodrigo (it's ok ganyu)
xiao: can you feel my heart - bring me the horizon (lil emo boy)
hu tao: dead! - my chemical romance (im convinced she'd commit homicide to keep the funeral parlor in business SORRY LMAO I LOVE HER I PROMISE)
rosaria: take me to church - hozier (she makes me wanna go to church oop-)
yanfei: cool kids - echosmith (little nerdy lawyer chick you're cool trust)
eula: who is she ? - i monster (fr tho who is she)
kazuha: softcore - the neighbourhood (this should make sense to everyone no excuses)
ayaka: reflection - lea salonga (YOU ARE THE PERFECT DAUGHTER BB)
yoimiya: firework - katy perry (do i need to explain?)
sara: i'll make a man out of you - donny osmond (show me what dreams are made of general kujou)
raiden: you should see me in a crown - billie eilish (she's my queen who can step on me any day)
kokomi: gilded lily - cults (it can't be easy being a high priestess :()
thoma: rainbow connection - weezer, hayley williams (specifically this version)
gorou: soldier - fleurie, tommee profitt (another self explanatory one)
itto: seven nation army - the white stripes (it's just him singing honestly)
yun jin: treacherous doctor - wallows (it makes sense after her hangout event)
shenhe: graceland too - phoebe bridgers (another i think it only makes sense to me)
yae miko: bubblegum bitch - marina (mommy-)
ayato: son - sleeping at last (he do be a son)
yelan: don't threaten me with a good time - panic! at the disco (MOMMY-)
shinobu: anklebiters - paramore (her singing to the gang)
heizou: hayloft II - mother mother (this one is more based off a headcanon)
collei: sweet hibiscus tea - penelope scott (give this girl a hug rn)
tighnari: marigolds - early eyes (my fav botany connoisseur<3)
dori: million dollar bills - lorde (stingier than mihoyo)
candace: ancient dreams in a modern land - marina (just listen to it. candace.)
cyno: the other side of paradise - glass animals (i just hear him singing it. it was originally poker face by lady gaga LOL)
nilou: footloose - kenny loggins (nilou is basically bella thorne in her shake it up era no disrespect)
nahida: fireflies - owl city (another it just makes sense to me but also i highkey imagine her jamming out to this and scara is like ???)
layla: tired - beabadoobee (get some sleep girl you deserve it)
faruzan: people i don't like - upsahl (oh she very clearly doesn't like a lot of people)
wanderer (scaramouche): i would hate me too - tx2 (HE WOULD SO SING THIS THAT LITTLE EMO ASSHOLE. an honorable mention would be emo legendary by the voice of scaradouche himself, patrick pedraza)
yaoyao: honey - derivakat (ik the song was aimed at tubbo but come on yaoyao gives this vibe as well)
alhaitham: saint bernard - lincoln (the biggest alhaitham vibe ever don't tell me otherwise)
dehya: team - lorde (*cough* mommy *cough*)
mika: scrawny - wallows (lil stinker)
kaveh: no surprises - radiohead (alhaitham if you won't give him a hug then i will)
baizhu: body - mother mother (just do his story quest)
kirara: hello kitty - avril lavigne (...self explanatory...)
lynette: tourner dans le vide - indila (okay yes a romance song but if you squint it's just about a girl who would do anything for a male she loves and in this case lynette is someone who would do anything for her brother whom she loves)
lyney: mad hatter - melanie martinez (seriously. do i need to explain this one.)
freminet: rises the moon - liana flores (my actual favorite character of all time)
neuvillette: ocean eyes - billie eilish (mans is hydro man with pretty blue eyes i had to pick this one im sorry)
wriothesley: wires - the neighbourhood (THIS MAN HAS ME ON A FUCKING LEASH. ahem. sorry im gonna go touch grass right now and call my therapist.)
charlotte: watch what happens - kara lindsay (god i love it when things just make sense)
furina: the ballad of mona lisa - panic! at the disco (you're really gonna look at me and tell me that i'm wrong?)
this is the playlist on spotify 👇
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swedethings · 1 year
Tumblr media
swede thing in amerika: an agnetha “agnes” lindqvist character playlist
Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia || 17 år - Veronica Maggio || Under ytan (från 'Encanto') - Daniela Sörensten || Airpods - Astrid S || Dalarna från ovan - Sofia Karlsson || Hey Brother - Avicii || Lova ingenting - Maxida Märak || Hate It When You See Me Cry - Halestorm || Human - Christina Perri || En flicka som är stark - Mimikry || Slå mig hårt i ansiktet - Thomas Stenström || Gold - Junodef || twisted games - FJØRA || Kvar i min bil - Per Gessle || Akta dig - Maxida Märak || Swedish Pagans - Sabaton || Du lever bara en gång - Noice || Eloise - Maxida Märak || En delad värld - Love Antell || I min lilla värld av blommor - Ida Redig || Små grodorna - Elever från Adolf Fredriks Musikskola || Eld & lågor - Victor Leksell || Världens bästa tjej - 2 Blyga Läppar || Midsommarnatt - El Papi || Sången om värmland - Erika Jonsson || Norrsken - Jon Henrik Fjällgren || 500 mil - Mimikry || Luckiest Girl - Vinsten Bonus (for Gunnar): Välkommen hem - Sonja Aldén || I've Been Waiting For You - ABBA || You Will Always Be My Son - Anthem Lights || Think About Things - Daði Freyr || Song for You - Amalia Holm Bjelke || Trollmors Vaggsång - Trollskogen || Du finns inom mig (från 'Tarzan') - Tommy Nilsson || Bamses sång - Bamse
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sebsxphia · 2 years
do you have any thoughts on a middle name for Rhett? i feel like it’s some old family name that he would be embarrassed over to tell anyone.
ooh good question my love!! <33
i definitely think ‘royal’ is on the cards. royal is a proud family man, especially after everything he went through and he would want to gift it to rhett, but perry might’ve taken it first.
but if it’s some old family name, i can picture something like ‘alexander’ or ‘thomas’. they sound far too formal for rhett and he hates it.
‘rhett alexander abbott’
‘rhett thomas abbott’
‘rhett royal abbott’
if you found out his middle name though, you bet your ass you would love to moan it while he’s fucking you, just to tease him and have him fuck you harder.
what do you think my love? 💖🫶🏼
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dykrophone · 2 years
which song do you specifically relate to each of your mutuals ?
okay i will start with the most obvious. @augustbehindthemall little cellist by bears in trees (but also teenage dream gcv and two best friends by bb bean)
@kadalakari alai payudhey
@kira i can't remember her url 😭 udi udi jaye
@souplover13 short skirt/long jacket by cake (i am obsessed with that song why)
@moonrosesinapril maroon by taylor swift or stay or the happiest girl by blackpink or to be alive by rina sawayama
@rinezha hold the girl by rina sawayama or crush by tessa violet
@friggin-tired27 blackout from in the heights, come what may gcv, astronomy by conan gray
@sapphic-squid misguided ghosts and crave by paramore and also anything by faouzia
@thomas-the-goat-of-satan anything after the first three tracks from the dancing with the devil the art of starting over album and also anything by 5sos and doja cat. also (don't kill me) firework gcv because you hate it so much
@twinskeletxns so many i can't choose. but i will go with comeback by bleachers and crj
@kuiinncedes mary's song by taylor swift or the jatp soundtrack
@danisdreaming alfie gcv <3 and a bunch of joshua bassett songs
@chilled-ice-cubes anything from the wings album by bts a thousand years by christina perri angel with a shotgun I'm so sorry first english song i listened to and it was because of her
@peachyycutee quarter life crisis by taylor...something
okay that's off the top of my head these things give me mild anxiety because im scared i missed someone but fuck that this was just what i thought of right now send me any other mutual i didn't mention lmao!
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theweirdkidinside03 · 2 years
Trending Hits of 2022: Harry Styles’ As It Was ruled the year
Tumblr media
1. As It Was - Harry Styles
2. Heat Waves - Glass Animals
3. Left And Right (feat. Jung Kook of BTS) - Charlie Puth
4. We Don’t Talk About Bruno - Encanto Cast
5. Anti Hero - Taylor Swift
6. Unholy - Sam Smith & Kim Petras
7. Super Freaky Girl - Nicki Minaj
8. Betty (Get Money) - Yung Gravy
9. About Damn Time - Lizzo
10. First Class - Jack Harlow
11. I’m Good (Blue) - David Guetta & Bebe Rexha
12. abcdefu - Gayle
13. Enemy - Imagine Dragons & JJD
14. I Like You (A Happier Song) (with Doja Cat) - Post Malone
15. Made You Look - Meghan Trainor
16. Bam Bam (feat. Ed Sheeran) - Camila Cabello
17. Sweetest Pie - Megan Thee Stallion & Dua Lipa
18. because i like a boy - Sabrina Carpenter
19. Hold My Hand - Lady Gaga
20. Sunroof - Nicky Youre
21. Light Switch - Charlie Puth
22. Yet To Come - BTS
23. Boyfriend - Dove Cameron
24. Bad Decisions - benny blanco, BTS & Snoop Dogg 
25. Late Night Talking - Harry Styles
26. Until I Found You - Stephen Sanchez
27. Oh My God - Adele
28. Woman - Doja Cat
29. Let Somebody Go - Coldplay & Selena Gomez
30. The Joker & The Queen (feat. Taylor Swift) - Ed Sheeran
31. Middle Of A Breakup - Panic! At The Disco
32. One Right Now - Post Malone & The Weeknd
33. The Outside - twenty one pilots
34. I Hate U - SZA
35. Sacrifice - The Weeknd
36. WYAT (Where You At) - SB19
38. Don’t Wake Me Up - Jonas Blue & Why Don’t We
39. That That (feat. SUGA of BTS) - Psy
40. Glimpse Of Us - Joji
41. Celestial - Ed Sheeran
42. Hold Me Closer - Elton John & Britney Spears
44. Muli - Ace Banzuelo
46. Amazing - Orange Rex Country
47. Bones - Imagine Dragons
48. So Good - Halsey
49. Fast Times - Sabrina Carpenter
50. Bejeweled - Taylor Swift
51. Potion - Calvin Harris, Dua Lipa & Young Thug
52. Blow - Jackson Wang
53. Out Of Time - The Weeknd
54. Calm Down - Rema & Selena Gomez
55. Stay With Me (feat. Justin Timberlake, Halsey & Pharrell) - Calvin Harris
56. Where We Started - Thomas Rhett & Katy Perry
57. Falling Back - Drake
58. Maybe You’re The Problem - Ava Max
59. Churchills Down (feat. Drake) - Jack Harlow
60. Million Dollar Baby - Ava Max
61. Get Into It (Yuh) - Doja Cat
62. Nail Tech - Jack Harlow
63. Make You Say - Zedd, Maren Morris & Beaux
64. tears in the club (feat. The Weeknd) - fka twigs
65. DON’T YOU WORRY - Black Eyed Peas, David Guetta & Shakira
66. Sharks - Imagine Dragons
67. When You’re Gone - Shawn Mendes
68. COMPLETE MESS - 5 Seconds of Summer
69. Honest (feat. Don Toliver) - Justin Bieber
70. Copped Up (with Roddy Ricch) - Post Malone
71. Gasoline - The Weeknd
72. Forever My Love - J Balvin & Ed Sheeran
73. Loser - Charlie Puth
74. Music For a Sushi Restaurant - Harry Styles
75. The Loneliest Time (feat. Rufus Wainwright) - Carly Rae Jepsen
76. Lift Me Up - Rihanna
77. It’ll Be Okay - Shawn Mendes
78. When I’m Gone - Alesso & Katy Perry
79. That’s Hilarious - Charlie Puth
80. SUBSTANCE - Demi Lovato
81. Don’t Let The Light Go Out - Panic! At The Disco
82. Lost Without You - Kygo & Dean Lewis
83. Every Summertime - NIKI
84. Part Of The Band - The 1975
85. I Ain’t Worried - OneRepublic
86. Are You Entertained (feat. Ed Sheeran) - Russ
87. psychofreak (feat. WILLOW) - Camila Cabello 
88. Dueles Tan Bien - Bruses
89. Easy Lover (feat. Big Sean) - Ellie Goulding
90. ex i never had - LANY
91. Me, Myself & I - 5 Seconds of Summer
92. Like This - Marshmello & 2KBABY
93. Love It When You Hate Me (feat. blackbear) - Avril Lavigne
94. Humankind - Coldplay
95. Words (feat. Zara Larsson) - Alesso
96. 2step (feat. Lil Baby) - Ed Sheeran
97. Dangerous - Madison Beer
98. I Lost Myself In Loving You - Jamie Miller
99. For Your Love - Gunnar Gehl
100. Can’t Handle It - Brevin Kim
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raphianna · 2 years
More just venting from the stress of being a fanfic author:
Do you ever get people who demand that you write for someone? I wrote a whole story on Fanfiction.net that was all about Paul and the ending was great and everything. Someone in the comments said "Good story! Write about Paul and Della!"
And it is not the first time either! I have had people want me to write for Perry and Paul or Perry and Gertie, or one person said they would unfollow me if I kept writing for anyone but Perry and Paul. 🤣
Do you have any interesting hate stories?
Yikes. Yes, I do.
Back when I was in the TTTE fandom, I wrote a humanised story about Thomas and his real family. Let’s just say, Thomas ended up dying, murdered.
So many people were yelling at me for killing Thomas. They kept asking me why did I kill him? Why didn’t I have Lady come in at the last second and save Thomas? Shouldn’t Thomas’ father face punishment in the afterlife for what he did? (since I had his father killed at the end of the story too.) Although, that part I felt was just taking things too far at that point, beating a dead horse by then.
I had so many hate messages both on Fanfiction and here on Tumblr, constantly asking me why, telling me that I was a horrible person…
Eventually, it drove me to write an alternate ending where Thomas survived, and again, the same people were saying that that was the perfect ending, how it should have ended in the first place. The whole experience just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Honestly, that whole situation is what started my withdrawal from the TTTE fandom. And from Fanfiction, too. I migrated to AO3 then.
I just meandered around after that ‘til I eventually discovered Perry.
Although, I have to say I’m the opposite with you.
I’ve had people yelling at me for writing about Perry and Paul. They demand I write for Perry and Della only. They think Perry and Della are the only ‘true’ ship in the Perry fandom and that people should only ship them. What a load of bull.
And on another note, I think it would be a good idea to write for Perry and Gertie!! I have :D Compared to everyone else, they have so little screen time .-. though, I view their relationship like a brother-sister type thing :P or just like, very close friends. People of the opposite gender can just be friends.
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