#(i was in musical fandoms in middle school btw)
Okay, so I've been thinking about this for a little bit.
If the little boxes they put the boys into in canon were Sweet Virgin Angel, hot heartthrob Jon, emo bad boy Zach, and soft Ruben then that means that those would be the archetypes that they'd be in basically all fan content made in canon. What I'm saying is that in fics (going off of the way the fandoms I was in in middle school) for the in-universe Saturdays until the post-lawsuit rebrand would have smol uwu bean cinnamon roll (probably also over feminized) Angel, fuckboy Jon, depressed Zach (if someone dies in a fic it's prob him), and mom friend Ruben. This would make so much sense about why the most popular ship in canon is Anjon. Middle schoolers in their first fandom eat up over feminized uwu boy and the fuckboy.
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thelittlestaxolotl · 7 days
How did u come up with the AU? Btw, I'll happily take AU tips (if u have some) cuz I'm making a AU about another fandom
All started from me thinking that Purple's elythra kinda looked like moth wings, then I fell asleep, had a bit of daydreaming at school and boom I have a story
I tried to find their first concept sketches but they were done in the middle of classes on some ugly ass scrap from my math notebook and are apparently lost forever now, though I found one of Purp's late concept sketch
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I think I know who my favourite character is
As for AU tips... I don't know I literally dream about my characters and the story writes itself. Just get an idea and roll with it, add some neat details here and there etc. Also listening to music helps me a lot, I came up with Purple and King's relationships listening to a song, though it was in russian (Электрофорез - 'Всё было так')
Good luck with creating your AU, and remember to have fun!
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baileypie-writes · 4 months
hi! If you’re willing to do platonic relationships with velvet and veneer, I’d take a platonic friendship fic with Velvet, maybe the two at a party? If you take tween stories of the two, they could be tweens/teens too! Sorry if it’s too much
A/N ~ Sure! And yes, I do write for friendships:) Hope you enjoy! Btw, Reader and Velvet aren’t explicitly said to be preteens, but I made them be in middle school.
~You’re More Fun~
Velvet + GN!Reader
Fandom: Trolls 3: Band Together
Reader: Gender Neutral
Relationship: Platonic
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: Just when Velvet thought the party couldn’t get more boring, you, her best friend, step in and lightens the mood.
Warnings: None!
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The lights were blinding and the music was loud. Velvet personally thought it was a little much for just a middle school dance. But hey, at least people were enjoying it. Not her though.
She stood by herself in an empty corner of the gym with a red plastic cup of water in her hands. Every few minutes she’d take a sip of the now lukewarm drink. She was bored. Nobody had come and asked her to dance, which made her upset. She had made herself look all pretty, putting lots of effort into her makeup and outfit. But nobody even noticed her. The lack of a dancing partner wouldn’t bother her as much if she had you, her best friend, to hang out with. However, you had gotten asked to dance by somebody, and accepted. So now, she was alone.
She raised her cup to her lips, only to find that it was empty. She walked near the food table to try to find a trash can. Once she found an overflowing one, she sighed, and decided to look for a different one.
When she had circled halfway around the gym, a familiar voice caught her attention.
“Hey, Velvet!”
It was you. She smiled, and made her way over to you.
“Hey. How was it?” She asked, referring to the dance you shared with the other person.
“God, it was awful. They could not dance. They barely even talked or looked at me. It was so boring and awkward.” You complained.
“Oh. Well at least it’s over now.” Velvet laughed.
The two of you made your way to Velvet’s previous spot. One of the lights shone on her dress, making it sparkle beautifully.
“Wow, your dress is so pretty!” You said in awe, not noticing it until now.
“Finally, someone notices it!” Velvet exclaimed, making you laugh.
You two conversed about random topics, until a guy you didn’t know showed up. He was wearing a very fancy and expensive looking suit, and he had a confident expression on his face.
He held out his hand to Velvet. “Hey, wanna dance?” He asked.
Velvet glanced over to you. You gave her a smile, showing her that it was okay to accept.
“No thanks.” She rejected, much to your surprise. The guy was shocked, clearly not expecting her answer. With a huff, we walked away.
“Why didn’t you say yes? He looked pretty cool.” You asked.
“Eh, I don’t feel like dancing with a stranger.” Velvet said. She then turned her head to face you.
“Besides, you’re more fun anyway.”
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everlastlady · 1 year
hi! im a new user on tumblr and i happened to stumble onto ur acc when looking for helluva boss fanfics!
i was wondering if you could do a striker x male!reader fanfic! as a trans man, its hard for me to find male!reader fics cause theyre a pretty hard find and a lot of the fandoms im in are kinda small!!
if u arent doing requests, thats totally fine! i can understand not doing them considering u mentioning ur break from the fandom ( btw i hope that things go well for u during ur break from the hh/hb fandom, it can be tiring )
if u are and u do do this request, thank you so much!! it means a lot to me. <3
have a good day!
Thank you! Before I take my break I'm going to get these request out of the way. But thank you! And of course I'll write Striker X Male Reader. I'll also definitely start posting mlm fics soon because I'm still getting into the comfort of writing mlm since I used to writing a lot of other fics. But I hope you enjoy this Striker X Male Reader!
Striker X Male Reader: Hit & Run.
☕ Author's Note: Hello! My little imps, demonic sinners, and powerful overlords. Happy Pride Month! And welcome back to this story of Striker X Male Reader. I had fun writing this while blasting music. So I hope you all enjoy but also fun fact I'm bisexual, demisexual, & demi romantic. I realized I was bisexual in middle school because I had a crush on my friend Heather and I thought I just liked her because she was my friend but the universe was like nah you wanna kiss her. Lol I discovered I was demi romantic and demi sexual when I turned 19 and since then I've been feeling comfortable with who I am. My account will always be a safe place for the pride community. You are not alone, you are strong, you are loved, and my dms are always open.
☕Word Count: 2083
☕Fandom: Helluva Boss.
☕Story Contains: Blood/A beat up cowboy.
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You stirred in your sleep and opened your eyes. You noticed that your husband Striker was no longer in bed. But this was normal; Striker usually go up early in the morning or at midnight to get ready for a job. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you started dating the outlaw. You closed your eyes for a few seconds, you were still exhausted from work. But you were glad that today was your day off, you fell asleep again but woke up a couple of hours later and decided to start your day. You took a shower and got dressed. You walked into the living room and smiled at the wedding picture on the table. You remembered this day and how you meet Striker. The outlaw had run out onto the road and got hit by your car. You had stopped and panicked seeing that you hit someone. When you placed him in the car and offered to take him to the hospital. He refused to go and ask that you just patch him up, you were unsure of this but nodded. When you had taken Striker in and patched him. He really didn’t talk to you, he seemed more interested in getting patched up and leaving but with his condition. He couldn’t do that yet so he stayed with you for a few weeks. Striker was quite the asshole to you when he was under your roof. He would growl or snap at you when you tried to help him. Refused to eat your cooking because said it sucked. But deep down he loved your cooking and would sneak into the kitchen at night to eat leftovers. You worked as a nurse at a hospital so you knew how to take care of Striker. He slowly started to warm up to you and he would do this by teasing you. Striker was taller than you so he would call you a small fella and sometimes hold items above your head. He would also poke you sometimes or make jokes. Striker did help out around the house, sometimes he would cook and you loved his cooking. “ I guess you could say I’m the better cook. “ Striker chuckled. You rolled your eyes. After Striker was healed. It was time for him to say goodbye; which made you sad. You would hate to admit but you felt something for the outlaw. But you weren’t sure if he liked you or if he liked guys. “ Hey, Striker. “ You said walking up to him, as you watched him get on his horse.
“ Yea, darlin’? “ Striker said. Hearing him say that made you blush but you shook your head, it was too soon to admit your feelings. “ Have a safe trip. “ You said, smiling at him. Striker smirked that smirk you loved so much as his gold tooth glimmered in the sun. “ Thanks for taking good care of me. If I see ya again you better be ya hear me. “ Striker smacked Bombproof with his tail and rode off. You waved goodbye while blushing and smiling. You thought about Striker’s words and nodded, you head back inside. You haven’t seen Striker for a long while, but you did what he said and became a doctor. You had just finished working late and had pulled into your driveway. You got out of your car and yawned. Pulling out your keys. You unlocked the door and walked inside; you switched on the light and jumped seeing Striker sitting on your couch looking beat up and bleeding out; he saw you and smirked. “ Hey, there darlin’ it's been a while. “ Striker said and winced in pain. You quickly close the door and ran over to Striker and were careful with him. “ Striker what the fuck happened!? “ You said and ran to get your med kits. You came back and Striker started removing his clothes and staying in his boxers. You blushed and set the medkit down. You placed his bloody clothes into a bag and started to patch him up. “ I had this job, and this job didn’t go as I planned. I killed the targets but I got a little messed up during the fight. “ He said chuckling and wincing in pain. “ Sorry, and you didn’t get messed up a little you got messed up a lot. “ You said and slipped off your blood gloves. Striker lifted your chin with his finger. “ Yeah, but a cute doctor is patching me up~ “ Striker smirked. You quickly stood up and Striker’s reaction made you laugh. “ But I’m glad you did become a doctor and I wonder if you still make good food. “ Striker stared at you. You smiled. “ I’ll give you some things to clean yourself up with and I’ll make us dinner. Since you are here and I patched you up, then you owe me some catching up okay? “ You said. “ Sir yes sir. “ Striker said and chuckled.
You walked into your room and grabbed a washcloth and a towel for Striker. You found a pair of grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt that could fit him from when a friend was staying with you. You walked out and handed Striker the items. “ Thanks, pumpkin. “ Striker said. “ New nickname? “ You said with a chuckle. “ Oh, little thing I have a bunch of them let's see if you can unlock them~ “ Striker shot you and wink then walked into the bathroom. You stood there smiling and blushing. You walked into the kitchen and decided to make your favorite meal, hopefully, Striker will like it. After cooking you had finished. “ Something smells good and I know it's not just me. “ You turned around to see Striker standing there. His white hair was a mess from showering. You walked up, shit he did smell good. “ Y~Yeah I made (food name). “ You said. Striker grinned and claps his hands together. “ Then what are we waiting for let’s dig in. “ Striker sat down as you made him a plate or bowl of food. You sat down to eat with Striker. The two of you catching up. Striker was proud that you had become a doctor. “ Here darlin’ let me clean those for you. “ Striker said trying to grab your dish. “No, you need to rest Striker. “ You said frowning. Striker chuckled and pulled you close with his tail so that you pressed up against him. “ I’ve been an assassin for years. I know what my body can handle darlin’ and I’m sure you've been on your feet all day. “ Striker stared at you with a serious look. “ You go unwind, my mama taught me how to treat a host the right way. “ Striker smirked and let you go.
You were standing there flustered but walked off. You saw that Striker had gotten the blood stains out of your couch. “ Oh. wow. “ You walked into your room and started to undress so you could shower. You weren’t sure if Striker was flirting or teasing you but those feelings you had for him a while back were returning. But what if he leaves again? You frowned and turned on the shower and washed yourself up. You let the water hit your body and you thought about Striker. You weren’t sure if you would ever tell him. You sighed and turned off the water, you stepped out dried off, and changed into your pajamas. You opened the door and jumped. You saw Striker standing there holding a pack of popcorn and a tub of ice cream. “ I was still hungry and saw you had snacks, wanna watch a movie? “ You smiled and nodded. “ I would love to. “ Striker offered his hand to you. You grabbed his hand and later that night you and Striker were watching an old western movie had had suggested both of you had finished off the ice cream and popcorn. You saw that Striker had fallen asleep at the end of the movie. You stood up carefully sliding him down on the couch. You walked off and returned with a pillow and a black blanket. You carefully slipped the pillow under his head and covered him with it, you watched him stir in his sleep. You smiled and walked off.
You got yourself ready for bed since tomorrow was your day off but you still valued your rest. You got into bed and sat there thinking of Striker and you fell asleep. You planned for a restful sleep but you woke up screaming and crying. But something held, you looked up to see Striker looking at you with a worried look. “ (Y/N) are you okay? I heard ya screaming and crying. Did you have a nightmare darlin? Here scoot over I’mma slide in. “ Striker said. You scoot over and Striker got in your bed and pulled you close and rubs your hand. “ You can tell me what happened if you want. “ He said looking at you with a smile and a caring look. You sighed, you might as well tell him and if he rejects you then at least the nightmare wasn’t wrong. “ I had had feelings for you, I love you Striker, but I had a nightmare that I told you how I felt and you just laughed you kept laughing telling me that you don’t love me. “ Tears threatened to spill again. “ Y~You love me? “ Striker said. You look up to see Striker blushing and had a large grin. “ D~ No, (Y/N) I feel the same way I about you when we first met and you patched me up and you let me stick around I developed feelings for you, I just didn’t know how to tell you. I couldn’t get you out of my head ever since I left. It’s one of the reasons I came back. “ Striker chuckled and you couldn’t help but let the tears fall because you were happy that he felt the same way. “ Strik- “ But you were cut off as Striker kissed you and you kissed him back. The two of you locked in a passionate kiss both of your tails wrapping together and getting tangled. Striker promised to stay in the bed with you and the two of you talked all night.
Striker told you that if you agreed to be his boyfriend then you would have to deal with the outlaw lifestyle the things that came with being an assassin even a couple of rules. You loved Striker so you agreed to be his boyfriend and follow his rules which were no calling him while he is working, no posting pictures of him on your social media, don’t let others know about your relationship with him, and be careful who you trust. Striker had these rules to protect himself and espically you. So you agreed to these rules. Striker held you close and kissed your head. “ I love you bo. “ Striker said as he kept his tail around you. After that night you and Striker continued your relationship. You supported him and he supported you. Of course, now he was no more careful when taking on jobs but even when he got a bit messed up, you were always there to patch him back. Eventually, Striker proposed to you when he made you a fancy homemade dinner. The two of you had a small private wedding but you didn’t care about some grand wedding you had Striker and that’s what made you happy. Striker always made you laugh and smile. He would play songs on guitar for you, even written you a few songs, and maybe sometimes he took you on trips. He always brought you a gift back from his jobs, Striker loved you and he’ll always love you.
-Back In the Present -
You felt someone kiss your neck. “ Striker~ “ You blushed as the cowboy pulled you close while placing his hand on your chest. “ I see my beautiful bo is remembered our wedding day. “ He said also staring at the picture with you. “ And the day we met. “ You said while setting the picture down you turn around and kissed Striker. He held you close and kissed back. “ I still remeber the nervous mess you were when we met. But you were my nervous mess. I’m glad you hit me with your car. “ He said laughing and shaking his head. “ How many times will I have to say sorry, but yes I’m glad I hit you with my car too. “ Striker dipped and kissed you.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Hello stormblessed, I just got into the BTS fandom very recently, and I just want to thank you for this blog. It's so far the best BTS and JiKook blog I've seen!
I would like to share a bit of my journey, since it's also quite a surprise for myself.
I am someone that enjoys classical music and pure arts. I have always been familiar with K-pop culture (I'm an Asian living in Asia), but never getting into it. In the past, I always had the image that K-pop groups are commercially sculpted. Stage effects, looks, and fandom (which can become really toxic) are more important than the true artistic abilities of the performers. But now seeing BTS, I think I can really call them artists. Their dancing and singing skills, their personalities, and the messages that are conveyed through their works are really outstanding.
Now that's enough about the background. When I started to try learning more about BTS, the first two days were recognizing and remembering every member. Around the 4th day, I started to notice the suspicious (if that's the right word) atmosphere between JiKook. Just want to say that as a person that came here just for the arts not for shipping, also as an Asian that's familiar with how young males interact with each other here in East Asia, I can see that KM is more than friendship. 
BTW, it was Jimin's Face album that really got me into BTS. I love your posts about the album, also the ones about the queer messages of JM's works.
PS. I saw a lot of comments about skinship, and their confusions are sort of relatable. When I was in middle school, we had a Canadian English teacher. There were several times when he said that he was sometimes quite shocked by how the boys in our class played around and the way they touched each other, because those are seemed as gay behaviors (his original words) in the west.
Thank you for the kinds words, for sharing your story and some of your own experiences too! I appreciate it. I'm glad my posts about FACE were ones that brought you here and that you enjoyed them! That album is a masterpiece!
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neverevan · 8 months
get to know me EVEN better 🫣
I was tagged by @forthewolves thank you lovely mwuah 💛
I'm gonna drop it under the cut cuz its a bit long~
also I just answered some of these in the other post, so pay no mind to the 2 copy+pastes uhhh
three ships: (I'm gonna give three different ones here though, it pays to be a multishipper hehe) chanoey, hilson, spideypool
first ever ship: I wanna say... Hiei x Kurama from YYH?? Or maybe Leon and Yuri from Kaleido Star?? idk I was like 12 it's gotta be one of these 🥲
last song: The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
last movie: still Barbie... you gotta understand that I watch TV shows all the time, but I can't make myself sit down and watch a movie that I haven't seen before, more than once every 3 years
currently reading: I am shamelessly rereading all things bright and beautiful by @forthewolves because of feels™ and because the last time I read it was just before I actually started watching the show 🤭
currently watching: you know it already and it's probably gonna be the same for the next couple of months because I'm hooked 🥲
consuming: can of diet coke ✌️
currently craving: validation and motivation ugh
nicknames: okay so I have sooo many, mainly because I used to use my first name and then my middle name for 14 years each, before I changed my name lol but also because I've been in fandom since I was like 12 so I accumulated a lot of character names that I was associated with at the time, I listen to anything at this point... that being said the ones I'm actually willing to give here are: newbs (which is 10/10 btw) and newbster haha
zodiac: pisces 🐠
fav music: goood so many but uhh indie/alternative stuff mostly, slavic electro folk, drum and bass, electro swing, newschool rockabilly/rock 'n' roll, anything good tbh, not techno though
followers: 1365
following: 273 (I've been going out of my way to follow more blogs that post stuff that I like, but I had a big cleanup there like 3 months ago)
do you get asks: sometimes, mostly about buddie lately which allows me to ramble on about them even more 😭 though I get the occasional rude asks from stupid people, but I just delete those lmao
amount of sleep: 6 hours I think??? Actually maybe less...
what are you wearing: black baggy pants with a waist string and a sinched bottom, a stripey crop jumper (white base, yellow, pink, blue and purple stripes), Looney Tunes socks
dream job: I mean, it used to be making cartoons, that's why I studied animation, but now I'm training to be an actor so wish me luck guys 🫡
languages: english, hungarian and what miniscule amount of german I still have left rattling around in my brain from school
random fact: I changed my name legally last December and I was struggling to pick a middle name for months, and as some of you may know already newbie is a nickname that Dr Cox calls JD in Scrubs and I have been using it for over a decade, so I thought if I was fine with that for so long, then I might as well give a subtle nod to the character irl too and I won't tell you what it is, but that's exactly what I did 😌
aesthetic: depending on the day; skater boy, dark academia librarian or insta mum 🥲
no pressure tagging: @daffi-990 @jesuisici33 @ladydorian05 @excuseme-greentea @yelenasbuddie @icecreampotluck @notnowtobey @hawkinsleather @disasterbuckdiaz and anyone who wants to do it of course! ✨
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salientseraph · 3 months
GIV'US THE LIST!!! Genuinely curious about your heinous taste in men
OKAY ANON?1??1?1
I'm gonna try to go in somewhat chronological order. Some are fictional, some are non fictional, it should make sense :)
My first crush ever......drum roll......
(gonna be using gifs so i don't hit a photo limit)
1) Mike Nesmith!!! (The Monkees)
He's one of my earliest memories, I had to be around three years old. First crush started off strong. The first episode I ever saw was fairytale, and it was absolutely AMAZING because this beautiful princess was also a beautiful MAN??? It was like hitting the jackpot! I loved his Texan accent SOOO much but had somehow convinced myself that it was embarrassing so I didn't tell anyone?? At 3 years old. But now I'm living my truth👍🏻
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2) Michael Jackson (all eras)
I'm almost positive he was my first hyperfixaction when I was around 5. I listened to his music EVERY DAY and SHAMELESSLY wore a sparkly glove despite it being a sensory nightmare. When my mom had told me he died it was like my entire world ended, and I had gained a new catchphrase whenever my parents introduced me to something new, "Are they dead?"
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3) Christopher Reeve's Superman (and Lois)
I don't particularly remember how old I was, but it was around the same time methinks. Absolutely melted every time he smiled. And was extremely confused as to why I wanted to be around Lois so much. Couldn't ever decide who I wanted to look at more. (Partly a biromantic awakening)
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4) Sam Beckett (Quantum Leap)
If you couldn't tell, growing up in the early 2000's with musicians as parents led to little 5 year old me having so many old interests I couldn't really relate to younger kids, but that was okay because I had variety! I'm not quite sure how old I was when Netflix was a postal service, but every week or so we'd get a new episode of Quantum Leap, and I LOVED Sam. (And of course my favorite episodes were when he had to be a girl. I am a creature of habit)
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5) Obi Wan Kenobi (and Padme) (Star Wars)
Yet another one I was REALLY embarrassed about for some reason. All of my (2 neighbor friends) thought Anakin was soooo hot and I was like.....haha yeah....
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6) Chuck Bartowski (and Sarah Walker) (Chuck)
I sort of grew up watching the show Chuck, I'm pretty sure we had rented most of the seasons from our local block buster, lol. Anyway, another case of bi panic, because good GOD. I mean seriously. Just look at them. ALSO I have to mention Scott Bakula (actor for Sam Beckett) is Chuck's DAD so um. Do with that information what you will.
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7) The Doctor (11) (Doctor who)
I'm 6 years old. I'm over at my mom's friends house and I am subjected to the first modern show I had really ever paid attention to, and I see this beautiful man holding a baby. And I'm like wait hey...maybe I should sit and watch this instead of wasting 2 hours on the sims 2. So I sit my ass down and it is love at first sight. Later I go to watch the show on my own and the first episode he's with a kid MY AGE?!?! I ate that shit UP. Still madly in love with the raggedy man.
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8) 2016 youtuber phase (sigh)
OKAY OKAY EVERYONE ON FANDOM TUMBLR don't boo me, everyone had a youtuber phase in middle school. Everyone also had an undertale phase in middle school. It was the thing to do, (aside from superwholock of course) Had to mention it because we're going in chronological order of things, bear with me. Although these are real people, everyone who was in the depths of insanity at the time knows they were all very...fanonized. Pewdiepie, Jackscepticeye, and Dan Howell (known at the time as danisnotonfire). Yes I am a little ashamed. But I do stand by the fact they are all very cute. I think this is also around the time I got into the Flash series, which brings us...
9) Cisco (The Flash)
Okay girl no one wanted him like I did. Everyone was so focused on the flash they did NOT notice my mans, and that was okay because I didn't have to fight over him with anyone lmao- but yes, he was the light of my life in middle school. Promptly stopped watching the show when he left. Around that time I got into Steven Universe all the way until my sophmore (?) year of highschool which brings us to....
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10) Loki (Marvel Media)
Okay look, after being a mild marvel hater for a low-key (pun intended) long time, the loki series came out and I was like okay sure I'll watch it. And henceforth 2021 was the year of Lokimania. Or more fitting, Hiddleston mania. Watched everything I could get my hands on. But I always came back to Loki. (I was 16/17 I think?)
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11) Castiel (Supernatural)
Avoided watching the show for a long time because of....the superwholock plague LOL. So 2022 rolls around and my mom is like "hey btw this show is actually really good" and I'm like okay whatever.
Then season 4 hits. And I see this ANGEL. And I am in love. 2022 was the year of supernatural, along with FINALLY getting all of the in-jokes of superwholock.
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12) Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
I am now 18. I found myself delving back into my old "watch jacksepticeye while I eat lunch bc I want to be non-verbal" habit and stumbled across his dbh playthrough. I watched it literally ANY time I could. Took two days but it was life changing, so much so that I had literally convinced my mom to buy a cheap ps4 and I played the game. Got so much into the fandom I started watching Bryan Decharts streams, and one thing lead to another and HE COMMENTED ON MY FANART!! Anyway live laugh love Connor Anderson (he is hanks son)
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13) Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Piggy-backing off of the high of dbh, I finally got around to purchasing red dead 2 (because like 5 of my friends recommended it to me, including my older brother) so I got it, and BOY I did not expect to fall in love with a cowboy, but I suppose it is deeply rooted in me to like fellas of that sort. I cried my eyes out and couldn't eat for a whole day when he died in my first playthrough.
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14) Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3)
Look do I even need to explain myself here. Its the same old story of girl sees beautiful man from media she has no idea about, obsesses over thousands of videos of him, buys game and romances him, the rest is history. 2023 was definitely my videogame year.
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15) Jerma probably
Look we all know he isn't real but look at how cute he is ^v^'!!
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Supremely Honorable Mention: Newt Scamander (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)
I would have put him in the list but I literally have no memory of watching the first movie, when I did it, how I felt, nothing. Its just a blip and then all of a sudden this human embodiment of a shy giggle consumed my brain (and this was before I was a fan of anything harry potter, again I avoided all the media all together because of the cringe millennial fandom stuff I had seen, no hate to y'all now though cause I'm one of you)
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There you have it! I've had a ton of mini crushes in-between these but none compare to this list I think :) I love them very very much and I need to make a giant fanart with all of my silly funky quirky little dudes all being friends <3
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sabaramonds · 1 year
the thing about mikoto of milgram fame is that hes like. okay. so theres a lot that cant be said about him yet because his 2nd trial hasnt released and wont be for quite a while and his music video and interrogation only tell us so much. but what they DO tell us is um. enough to say some things if he answered his interrogation questions honestly, we know he has a younger sister he brags about, his parents are divorced and his father isnt involved in their lives. in regards to his mother, he says that “she raised me. i cant let her worry.” he downplays his own interests/hobbies a lot. he said he played baseball in high school but that he wasnt good at it; he went to an art school but did so in order to go into business (though design was related to his chosen company) and says that he likes drawing but, again, isnt good at it. he says he hates working late nights but we see him pulling an all nighter at work in ‘undercover’. when asked why hes working his current job, he says he worked incredibly hard to even get hired, so its something to be proud of. finally, when asked if he ever gets angry, he says he doesnt. he says, “i dont think ive ever gotten angry before. isnt it disgraceful to get angry?” theres also the following milgram portal conversation (src):
Yuno: Hey, Mikoto-san. Don’t you get tired being so conscious of others all the time? I mean, you’re free to do what you want though.
Mikoto: Eh…… Aha, what are you talking about? I’m not being conscious or anything. It’s normal to make sure to get along with everyone, right?
I mean, when you put it like that, aren’t you the same, Yun-chan? You’re always smiling and getting on with everyone too.
Yuno: I don’t smile unless I actually want to. But with you, when you’re talking with other people it’s more like you only smile deliberately. So I kept thinking, don’t your cheeks get tired?
Ah, is this just what happens when you become a working adult? ……you see people like that sometimes.
Mikoto: Haha, you don’t mince your words do you.
…….that was never my intention, but now that you mention it, yeah, I guess I do. This might’ve been since I started my job too…… But like, if I was rude to everyone I met, all my efforts would come to nothing, right?
all these little things add up to paint a picture of a stressed and deeply repressed guy working a job he doesnt actually like (but he has to have a successful job he can brag about or his mother will worry) he thinks little of his own interests and hobbies and socializes more out of obligation than out of genuine desire. all of this culminates to um...his present situation... basically what i want to say is that i think its fine. also i think he killed someone and immediately repressed it but that incident is entirely unrelated to his anime brand DID and his alter. who aside from trying to whale on es that one time has only ever really showed up to be like “can you shut the fuck up. and get away from me. im trying to be normal over here and you are RUINING my life” or to pace around in mikotos cell in the middle of the night like a creature. i think mikoto 2 was entirely unrelated to mikotos repression stress induced rage murder but they might have cleaned up after him idk. we will see. mikoto wants to be a normal guy having a normal time and not worrying his family at all ever and never experiencing anything like anger or frustration at all EVER EVER!! because he has to set a good example for his sister and be the perfect son for his mom so she can relax. and he doesnt think he can do the things he enjoys for the sake of doing them. so what im saying is if he killed someone who cares. whatever. also we should all mass vote him forgiven/innocent just to spite kotoko after last nights birthday timeline post. AND because it would be funny as hell and the fandom flopped HARD voting haruka guilty/unforgiven. like god forbid girls have a little fun 🙄 btw its my firm belief that the tarot set we see in his mv (and i could talk a lot about the rest of the imagery used in that video but its almost 2am and ive rambled long enough) was designed by him during college. really funny to think about it like that. he does have one of the card designs (the. hangman, actually. i think) visible on a canvas in his apartment, partially obscured behind his couch at one point. so. lol
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raidenfanclub · 1 year
Here's a list of things I've been obsessed with at one point or another/still am obsessed with
inspired by a post made by my bitc*-as*s-sister @deargodhelpmeaaaaaaaaa
this is like in order of when I was obsessed, going from elementary school to today (late high school)
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There's so many lmao- the ones showed above are like the most impactful interests I've had- I've liked other things, they just didn't rewrite my goofy brain like all these did
ok explanation time
Pokemon- absolutely loved these games as a kid. I gaslit my older sister into thinking pokemon were real when we were really young. Almost my entire elementary school life was defined by this series and I adore all my pokemon plushies.
FNAF- ok so my sister liked it, so then I liked it. Our neighborhood friend and us had a whole club centered around the characters and we kinned assigned ourselves with all the animatronics. I was Mangle/Foxy btw.
Zelda- Probably one of the most influential games of my entire life. I played through so many of them in the later part of my elementary school years and cherished my toon Link plushie. I literally considered myself ThE gIrL lInK and pretended I was him. Breath of the Wild came out when I was deeply obsessed with the games and also when I was having an extremely awful time in my life. Botw may have unironically saved me. This series is a cornerstone to my identity.
Undertale- My sister liked it, so then I did too. Me, her, and her best friend, kin assigned ourselves characters without knowing what kinning was. I was temmie and muffet btw. I loved this game- then hated it because thats what was considered cool. But nowadays I just love it because its truly an amazing game and I dont care about its fandom reputation anymore.
(ima mention mincraft- even tho its not listed- minecraft was another cornerstone of my happiness and identity)
Hatsune Miku (and just vocaloid in general)- another "my sister liked it, so then I did" i liked the characters and the music. Me and my sister went to an event for the Miku expo one time, and it was so much fun. (it was an event where everybody drew miku and itd be scanned for the "Blue Star" music video, i remember it vividly) was an amazing time. I still like some vocaloid songs and love miku. Some of my school friends say I'm the real hatsune miku because I own a miku cosplay lol.
Splatoon- Everybody in middle school knew me as the girl with the squid bag and zelda jacket. I adored splatoon with the release of splatoon 2. I played it with my friends, I played it on my own, I made big deals out of splatfest (to the point where my parents were like "oh its splatfest? that's ur favorite!!) this game also really pushed me into becoming an artist. I would spend hours trying to recreate the artstyle and for like 2 years, all i ever drew was splatoon art. Another cornerstone series like Zelda.
Persona- oh no another cornerstone of my identity series... I look back at these games very critically and nowadays am not a huge fan of the writing choices. But in middle school, when I first played these games- omg they made me a better person because of how much I wanted to be like the protagonists. I wanted to be a reliable friend like them, so I worked really hard to try and become a better person. Despite the problems in the writing, these games really did help me- also they were my introduction to shin megami tensei) I should also note, THE ART! Playing persona encouraged me to shift my cartoony splatoon style into a more semi-realistic anime style like persona. My art improved monumentally from how much I studied Soejima's illustrations. It really inspired me.
Evangelion- I actually read the manga first. I reread it a bunch because covid started up and I had it checked out from the library. We couldnt return them with covid restrictions so I just reread them a bunch. Then I eventually watched the show and just loved it. I got my sister into it a year after I did, and we made a tradition of watching End of Evangelion once a month. Also a major influence on how I view writing and my artstyle.
Shin Megami Tensei- OK ANOTHER CORNERSTONE BUT these games made me realize the depth video games can have. Even though some of the games are really on the noise with their themes- games like Nocturne and Strange Journey blew me away with their creativity. I have so much to say about this series but I will keep it concise and say that this may be my all time favorite series (though its a close contender with Metal Gear)
JoJo- First off, I adore the art so much. But my friend encouraged me and my sister to watch it, we really enjoyed binging the series- and then I read the rest of the manga (SBR MY BELOVED). But i think why i especially love jojo is the friends I made from it, I joined the Fandom wiki community (and although it had its toxicity) I met one of my best friends there and had so much fun drawing things for my online buddies and chatting. Im not on the wiki anymore, but i still talk to some friends from it- and I still really enjoy the series itself PART 9 IS SO FUN SO FAR!!
Monster Hunter- really mh rise, I havent gotten to playing the other games (YET) but me and my sister play thsi game together, its awesome, I love the monsters, I got really good at drawing dragons because I would constantly draw the creatures from this series. I own the mh world artbook and that thing has got to be the best artbook ever- its my bible.
NieR/Drakengard- the same friend who recommended jojo to me recommended nier to me (he's such a real one, absolute bestie) We were gonna play replicant together but he got grounded so he let me experience it on my own. And I adored replicant, it was so fun to play with zero expectation of what it was. the Nier games may have my favorite sort of aesthetic but also I love its characters and its writing. Of course, when I got into Nier I went and played Drakengard also!!! Me and my sister played all these games together (tho she didnt play replicant with me, she just walked in on the most crucial plot points) But we played Drakengard 3 together, (ultimate sister bonding experience) and even though drakengard 3 IS SO FLAWED, we had a lot of fun. The Final Boss (which took me 3 weeks to beat btw) was so much fun for us (i still refight it sometimes) ... We of course played Drakengard 1, we spent $130 to get it actually, played it all (i suffered thru obtaining ending E) and we though it was awesome. Still havent played Drakengard 2 yet, but one day. I love this series for its writing, characters, aesthetics, and being able to discuss it with my evil sister.
Genshin- i dont wanna talk about it. I played it with friends, made me happy to become closer to ppl by playing it. I like some of the characters. ok bye...
Metal Gear Solid- My sister says I had the ultimate character arc by going from being obsessed with Genshin to being a die-hard Metal Gear Fan. I played all the games in late 2022, and it's probably the most brainrot I have ever experienced for a series- absolutely a cornerstone series. Everything about it is just awesome. I could go on for hours. I HAVE GONE ON FOR HOURS (to my poor friends) I literally made my tumblr just to look at metal gear fanart. The games inspired me to finally get better at drawing realism, and some of my most iconic art has come from my fanart for the games. I love my friends in the fanbase too, its awesome. I think about Metal Gear every single day. Never missed a dose of my metal gear fangirlling pills.
Silent Hill- My sister and I were playing sh2 together, then didnt play it for 6 months, and then I played the entire game without her (sorry maddy) Im still going through the 1st game and have the 3rd one in my backlog- but the atmosphere and psycological horror in these games is everything to me. The creature design and lighting choices have inspired my art, and I think about these games all the time. The latter half of sh2 actually terrified me a bit, and horror games dont really scare me.
Resident Evil- I have no idea how I got into the games but I played re4 over winter break this year, and realllly liked it- I adore Leon and I don't care what anybody else claims, HE IS MY MAN. But after re4 I played re2r and re7, and I just love the gameplay and the characters. Even if the games are really goofy and not really scary (I have balls of steel, re7 didnt scare me, but i loved the tension) But i love the goofiness and how campy they are. Me and my sister played re5 together and made a bunch of silly jokes- making resident evil multiplayer was the best decision ever. I can't wait to play the rest of the series.
Trigun- My most recent obsession (although it coincides with my silent hill and resident evil hyperfixations), I had first watched the show like 3 years ago- REALLLY LIKED IT- but didnt finish the anime. And then never touched it until I saw stampede's first episode. I went a watched the 1998 anime and read the manga. I can't describe how much this series has come to mean to me and it literally won't leave my head. I don't like stampede. I love the animation but I just can't. It's a-ok if your a fan, i genuinely see the appeal but you'll only catch me talking about it if its either about peak quality animation or a 3-hour rant about my problems with the writing. THE ORIGINAL SERIES HOWEVER! means the world to me. I reread volume 10 like 6 times and cried eachtime. My friend explains things to me in "trigun" terminology" as a joke when we have personal conversations. I love trigun so much.
Ok there's def more things I really enjoy, like Nijisanji, Ghost-n-pals, Chainsaw man, Death Stranding, Honkai Impact, Sailor Moon,,, the list goes on. But Everything I wrote essays about are my most physically obvious obsessions
Nijisanji actually deserves its own paragraph but im tired lol.
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Hiii again! I just wanted to do one more ship if that’s alright!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN BTW!! 🌲 + Marvel fandom and LOTR fandom (idk if you write for Sherlock Holmes fandom, but if you do, Sherlock Holmes fandom, too) (male character preference) + I’m a 30 year old queer woman (she/they) who is Graysexual and Biromantic. I’m 5’1” with a peaches and cream complexion, dark green eyes (tho my right eye has a blue film over it due to blindness), long dark brown hair, and an almost hourglass figure. I’m a Hufflepuff! I’m compassionate, stubborn, get frustrated easily, silly, happy, cute, passionate, have OCD, Dyscalculia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and I’m Autistic. I studied general studies in school (I switched majors a few times). I’m ethnically an Ashkenazi Jew and was raised both religiously Roman Catholic and Jewish. I am trying to be more religiously Jewish. I love animals a lot. I love reading (especially history, romance, myths/lore, anything about Judaism/being Jewish, and fiction), botany, space, cats, my faith, playing games, dancing, singing, traveling, and naps. When I get frustrated/upset or despondent, I tend to belittle myself and think that whatever is wrong is my fault even when it is not.
Anything for you my sweets 👉👈
First I ship you with Bruce Banner! 💚
He knew what it was like to be anxious and not wanting to be around people so anytime you were anxious he would take you in his or your room getting away from everyone
He always calms you down when you're frustrated telling you that it was okay to have these feelings and would stay with you even when you'd just stared at the wall despondent because of it
He loves how your eyes were different from everyone's you eyes reminding him of space with all the stars floating and a milky way just floating within an Andromeda planet making him just stare and smile
He had known many people of different cultures including middle eastern heritage so when he found out you were Jewish he soon learned and amazing jewish meals plus learning Hebrew and customs making you fall in love with the man even more
He always loved seeing your hair down but whenever you had it in some type of braid it made his heart swoon telling you that to him the braids brought out more of your features and the beautiful complexion of your skin
He always stops you when you're bashing yourself telling you all the things he loved about you and what made him fall head over heels for you from. The moment the two of you met
Your body was like a temple to him full of beauty making him go in awe every time he sees and touches anywhere on your body always showing you how much he loves you
Now I ship you with Arwen Undomiel 🤍
She can never not love the complexion of your skin having never seen anyone with your skin tone alot or ever with sparkles shining in her eyes
She will always tell you how beautiful you are and how much of an angel you were in her life and how you helped more than you could ever know whenever you are letting your self hate get to you
Anytime she sees your body she will trace her fingers all over feeling the smooth and softness of your skin and kissing any spot she wants to show extra love and care to
She always did your hair in beautiful styles that brought out your face and eyes always making sure to have a small strand hanging on each side
She always sings elvish music to you when you're anxious always telling you the story after singing when you're much calmer
Your tattoos always made her smile that you had permanent art on your body even getting one of the even star on her upper chest where it was covered under most clothing but when it was showing you were the only one to see it in it's beauty and glory
She will just hold you with one hand around your waist and the other on the back of your head in your hair when you are depressed always hugging her tightly
She knows people of many cultures and races asking you questions and researching with things you bring to Rivendell to teach her more of things in the world she didn't know including the Jewish religion and culture
She soon learned all of Jewish customs,when and how to celebrate holidays for Jewish people,making and trying meals from the culture making her smile in bliss and joy after taking the first bite,learning to speak Hebrew and read the bible,and wearing traditional Jewish clothing when you would bring extras for her to try and keep
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2-wuv · 2 years
Gamers I would like to see: any strangers thing for the blorbo sheet 😏
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I went into this show like "Oh he's a jackass. I hope he dies I hope we all dies <3" Then system shit happened Uhhhhh anyways I'd kill for him. @ Fandom please be normal abt him he was a whole-ass kid who had like The Most God Awful Abusive Racist "Dad" (aka Neil) Ever. Okay? Okay. ok <3
I think it's fucked up and evil that he's canonically dead but he isn't 2 us (both system reasons & both Fuck Canon reasons) fjdkdfn
Also before u ask what The Realization™ is: it is up 4 u 2 decide. hav fun
edit just realize the ficking. the boxes aren't transparent..................... fuckign. hell on earth IDC im jot fixing it these took like am hour to do. whatever MOVING ON!
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pov ur just a dude who likes loud music and tabletop games and ur entire town decides that u need 2 die bc of The Horrors (read: supernatural bullshit). SAD!! Like it is Literally not his fault Chrissy got Vecna'd. ok? ok. </3
ANYWAYS I THINK HE SHOULD KILL PEOPLE! I think he should kill people. Ignore how I think all my faves should kill people HE DESERVES TO KILL SOMEONE! Fucked up demon bats don't count!! fjskxmKfjcjjaksjc
ignoring system shit btw but he truly is just like our singletsona for real. Hyperfixates on Games?? Check. Is obviously very much ADHD & autistic???? Check. etc. etc. I can go onJGJDKSKFmfmd
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omg it's S🅱️eve Sepsis (/inside joke??) omg <3.
bUT Uhhhhh he Got Better (read: accidentally became an adoptive parent to like 6? 7????? children,) and also other things (such as Experiencing The Horrors, Acquiring Brain Damage, Becoming Besties With Gay People) Anyways he's normal as of like s3 and onward. we don't talk abt s2 bc it is boring (also bc we don't remember itFJFJDKDKF)
He Has Killed Many Monsters but afaik he has yet to kill A Human Person. I may be wrong tho but i don't remember..,,,, cjakdkfk
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As a child I too was also very tomboyish and loved music and was a social outcast </3. I care her a lot. One of the coolest kids fr NFNDMZNF
I do Not like how the show's handled her character-wise and On God If She Doesn't Fucking Wake Up In S5 I Will Riot. Also she needs to kill Neil too (DID YOU KNOW THAT WE COLLECTIVELY HATE THAT MOTHERFUCKER. FJDJSJSJAJAKDKFMFMDSKFKF)
for clarification on the murder™: in s2 Billy almost killed Steve (and,,, according to the fandom Lucas too but *mildpanic* I'M NOT. GOING TO OPEN THAT CAN OF WORMS IN THIS POST) so naturally Max tranquilized him and then threatened to bash his face in with a nail bat. WHICH! WAS DESERVED YES! BUT. Y'KNOW WHAT THIS IS A RAMBLE FOR A DIFFERENT POST LET'S LEAVE JT AT THATJFJKDKFGK
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ok this one is vaguely system influenced bc our Eddie adopted our El so. There's that HFNSKF.
She's literally a walking mass murder weapon (AND YES SHE'S KILLED PEOPLE. MULTIPLE TIMES. THAT'S KIND OF HER THING) and she has Fucked Up Psychic Powers. She was stuck in a lab until she was middle school aged and life has been pain for her almost ever since.
I want 2 see her v happy and just being a kid but also if the show ends at s5 then I need 2 see her just fucking Eviscerate Papa without hesitation. Fuck that guy I hope he burns in hell.
.... omg her backstory is so edgy actually it's so funny. Anyways whatever she's cool actually NFNSSKF
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IT'S HIM!! DUSTIN!!! GET A LOAD OF THIS KID!!!!!! ONE OF THE KIDS OF ALL TIME!!!!! i see him and I'm like I Will Commit Violence For U. GNNFMDF
He is literally just A Kid. But also he's p much Steve's adopted brother by s2 (i think. maybe it was by s3 i DoNT REMEMBER JGJDKG) they're like besties ur honour!
He Is One Of The Braincell Holders™ I Think. definitely btwn him and Steve that's for sureGJDJSKKFGK
here's 2 hoping s5 also treats him well too (ALONG W STEVE. AND MAX. AND EL.,,, and eddie actually i refuse to believe that [DATA EXPUNGED]. ok.) if anything happens to him, well! Y'know! 🔪!!!!
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acidthepunk · 2 years
my queer problem:
I want to dress like pirates and steal a ship and go pirating somewhere else than the internet, like actual ocean
I want to dress like a depressed academic (which i am btw) and shut myself in a ancient dusty library with good books, good coffee and few cats, maybe a ton of art supplies and paper and a quill and finish my fucking sketches and the story I'm writing
I want a revolution for my and everyone else's rights, playing my guitar with few nice people and screaming the lyrics for the damned upper and middle class people
I want to hunt demons and vampires and drive a '67 Impala and listen to good music while saving people, hunting things, the family business
I want to move to the forest and befriend the wildlife there and just be at peace from this world
I want to build motorcycles and listen to old vinyl records in a bunker with few cool people, practically avoiding any possible war
I want to find somebody who loves me for who I am and share the same sense of humour and few interests and have a python and cats and aaaaaaaaaaa
I want my own flat where I can have all aforementioned and more to just be queer and free
But instead I'm a 17 year old guy in many fandoms, complaining about his life on tumblr instead of focusing on school and life
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ofherlionheart · 3 years
s, n, p?
i love that u asked this in not alphabetical order lol 💛
S. link your favorite author
adlkjlkdfjldkf impossible Q. i’m lame and only very recently was enlightened to the practice of checking out an author’s other works if you liked one thing they wrote? and i still havent done that often. so imma avoid this question by shouting out some of my fave fics. like, i reread them all the time. in no particular order:
the bad boy boogie series by lanyon
of the nature of the wound by decinq (@spockothy)
asunder by rageprufrock
a beginner’s guide to communing with the dead by suspiciousflashlight (@huntingthehaggis)
dreameater by glassedplanets
also the way the war was won by deans1911 but that was removed from ao3 ages ago
stilinski & associates series by ebjameston
hope is the thing with feathers by ShanaStoryteller (@shanastoryteller)
play it again by metisket (@metisket)
N. do you write smut?
no, not rly? i also usually scroll past those scenes when reading fic too, lol. not b/c i’m against it to any degree, it just rarely does anything for me. that said i recently wrote a sex scene for the sun inside companion that might never see the light of day but it wasn’t like. a ~sexy~ boink u know? it was a self-discovery/discovery of body boink.
P. do you write exclusively fanfic?
nope! also write original stuff and screenplays. last fews years tho, i’ve been most consistent abt fic, b/c again, was working out of a space where i was feeling v down abt my ability to be creative in a way that other people could resonate with/relate to/understand. getting positive responses to my fic has done wonders for my confidence/recovering to a degree that idk if i could ever properly express
send me a letter to ask me a Q abt fics :)
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0rionz-belt · 4 years
It’s astonishingly hilarious how I literally said 1 bad thing about One Direction on my tiktok and I’m still getting harassed on there. I even made a whole video on why I can’t stand 1D and the fans to explain myself and they refuse to watch it and continue asking why I hate 1D. They’ve even resorted to saying shit like “this wouldn’t happen if you stanned Harry Styles” or “Anyways stream *this song*”, which are phrases I’ve learned to associate with bait from the Kpop fandom. I’m literally still getting DMs from them and it’s honestly fucking annoying
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Bestie pls can I have some Chameron headcanons?? I'm desperate honestly it's a problem. You don't have to btw.
bestie. of course. my old newsies mutuals may have noticed that i do this thing where i enter a fandom and suddenly i can only talk about one specific ship, yeah that ship here happens to be chameron and i am always more than happy to talk about them.
let's just do some nice happy headcannons today bc a couple days ago i wrote a fic about charlie leaving welton and i've decided i officially need a break from angst, alright
IN FACT YOU KNOW WHAT let's make them post-welton !!!!!! y'know after all the poets including neil graduate and keating never gets fired as always since that is the canon ending of the movie, nothing bad happens ever.
okay so.
charlie and cameron have been rooming together since year 1, it's kinda the end of an era that they're now both supposed to move into separate apartments and they're both really sad about it but refuse to say anything
you think this wouldn't be a problem for two people who have been dating for a year and shared a dorm since they were children, so they can easily move in together, but this is charlie and cameron communication kings so obviously they're being stubborn and aren't saying anything
and they just spend their last weeks at welton all like
"yeah yeah i wonder who's gonna help you find your stuff when you're not living with me anymore,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,cause like you won't. in a few weeks you won't."
"come on stop studying and talk to me i'm bored" "well soon you won't be able to talk to me whenever you want. because i will be in a different place. like i'll no longer be around 24/7."
"you know you better treasure these last moments you get to see me. cause after we graduate who knows when you'll see me again,,,,," "okay, charlie that's a little dramatic, you're not leaving the country-" "i'll be gone, cam, very soon. forever." "you won't be-" "i mean god knows where i'll be-"
it ends up being charlie who asked (i wrote about that here !) and so we have charlie and cameron sharing an apartment :)
both of them get into harvard because,,, that's welton boys for you of course literally the entire school makes the ivy league. cameron's literally smart as shit he can make whatever school he wants and charlie,,, well charlie has a lot of money.
i'm kidding i'm kidding, charlie's no doofus and attending welton is already a good look for any university, charlie can definitely make harvard on his own if he could survive welton but y'know being filthy rich wasn't exactly a disadvantage
charlie will always show cameron off all like "my boyfriend goes to harvard you know !!!!!!!!" and cameron's like "char,,,, so do you,,,,,,,"
but y'all don't care about who goes where i'm aware of this, let's get into the apartment shenanigans
okay, sharing a dorm for years in welton definitely had its advantages because there's none of those annoying habits of someone's you only start noticing after you're under the same roof, like leaving their clothes on the floor or playing music too loudly, they're already aware of all that stuff, they don't care anymore
they do have their own rooms now, but it doesn't matter a lot because they keep just falling asleep together on the couch.
most of the time cameron will just wake up in the middle of the night and attempt to take charlie to his room but he's learned overtime that charlie will just whine and complain until he stays with him so he ends up just taking him to his own room in the first place
slowly it becomes less "cameron's room" and more "their room", the other room just kinda stays there.
cameron is a GOD TIER cook we'e been over this but somehow they only take advantage of that skill of his on really??? questionable occasions?????
like they'll order chinese from the place down the street for dinner but if cameron wakes up to find charlie in the kitchen at 3 am munching on a piece of toast he'll be like "okay let's make some onion soup."
midnight snacks are for amateurs. here we have midnight meals.
they bake together a lot, though. whenever they find time cameron will just whip out a recipe and they'll bake something together, and they'll be very couple-y and disgusting while doing it too
of course it always resorts in them making a big mess
"charlie. charie stop putting your hands in the brownie mix."
"okay, fine."
"charlie, your hand's still in there, stop it."
"or else what, what're you gonna d- WH- DID YOU JUST THROW AN EGG AT ME WHAT THE FUCK"
then they'll have to spend the entire afternoon cleaning up the kitchen
"what're you laughing about now, dalton?"
"you have flour on your cheek."
"and whose fault is that?"
"stop being annoying, you're cute right now"
"oh yeah?"
"mhm, yeah."
cameron overworks himself a lot and a lot of times charlie will get up late at night to find him still studying
he'll always go up to him like "cam, tf. it's four in the morning. come to bed."
"i just have to get this finished."
"well, okay, i'll just stay up with you until you go to sleep."
"charlie that's not healthy you need to-,,,,,,,,,,oh you're evil, dalton, threatening me with your own well-being."
"damn right i am, now go to sleep."
okay we all know charlie. we know how he is. so it's no surprise to anyone that it didn't take long for him to bring a random stray animal into the house
cameron just comes back from class to see charlie with a tiny ginger car.
"cam, you're back-"
"nope. not happening, take it back."
"hey, it is a she, and i love her now."
"no, no you don't, she's going back."
"i can't i'm attached to her! look at her! she's adorable, she's my new favorite ginger."
",,,,,, okay now she's definitely going back."
she did not go back.
charlie named her arabella and cameron insisted she was annoying and always wanted attention and wouldn't let him study
"hey, you said the exact same things about me and you love me now, give her time!"
"i don't love you right now."
"well, i love you a lot. and i love her too, she's part of the house now."
",,,,,,,god, fine, you're lucky you're my weakness. i'll tolerate her."
one time charlie returned from class to find cameron sleeping on the couch with arabella on his lap.
he never hears the end of it once he's awake
"so, how's hating her going for you, richard?"
"shut up, she's warm."
"so you no longer despise my cat? because she's warm?"
"first of all she's our cat i don't clean cat fur all over the house for her to be your cat and,,,, she's not all that bad."
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straighttohellbuddy · 3 years
me? thinking too much abt the worldbuilding for the fic and the in-universe fandom? MAYHAPS. anyways im worried that im posting too many snippets but the first part is done at 7k *unedited* and im starting part 2 first thing tomorrow. im getting back in the groove!!
ANYWAYS establishing the reader in their own right is always fun, i like writing a reader with an established and independent life, yanno?? at least for some of my fics. sometimes you just want short comfort, sometimes you want an epic semi-realistic wish fulfilment fic with decent worldbuilding. 
ID: A Twitter thread consisting of ten Tweets from @y/ns_perfect_larynx.
@y/ns_perfect_larynx: i think the thing that gets me abt seeing y/n streaming again is that theyre the extreme example of a 'they're just like us' celebrity. like other celebrities on yt are kind of clueless abt fandoms, or they're just promoing their latest stuff /1 | @y/ns_perfect_larynx: and don't get me wrong i love and adore and am proud of ytbers who make it big and dip, like troye, but you can't deny that his content isn't the same as it was 5 years ago. even so he knows his yt origins and respects them and we stan, ofc /2 | @y/ns_perfect_larynx: BUT THIS MOTHERFUCKER, Y/N COMES ALONG like the minute the world shuts down from rona their camera starts up like its 2015, except half the people they wanna collab with for videos are just...... other famous musicians who theyre genuine friends w?? but you can tell that there's a weird disconnect /3 | @y/ns_perfect_larynx: even for y/n, like when they were brainstorming video ideas at the end of their apartment tour - btw everyone saying they should have a bigger apartment cos they're successful, Shut Up You Don't Know Them - and they were saying how they could only do certain videos with /4 | @y/ns_perfect_larynx: other yt folks because They Get It. idk its fascinating. also i LOVE that theyre unashamedly making videos for old trends that they liked but couldn't at the time because they were on tour or busy, they seem like they're having So Much Fun!! /5 | @y/ns_perfect_larynx: everyone who knows them only for their music must be So Confused by half the fandom who Knows abt them from yt. but also, 14 yr old me didn't eagerly wait in the middle school library surrounded by my 14 yr old friends for their latest video to drop every tuesday at lunch /6 | @y/ns_perfect_larynx: for a bunch of tiktok tweens to act like they were discovered in 2020 for their music alone. like YES sometimes i forget 2014's Y/N 'if i bleached my asshole for charity id do it tastefully' L/N and 2020's Y/N 'Multi-Grammy Award Nominated Artist' L/N are the same person /7 | @y/ns_perfect_larynx: like their music is SO GOOD and if i could replace my soul with it i would, and that's what so many people know them for, but then they act all casual abt fanfic where most celebs are SO awkward and uncomfy, and i just remember that q&a vid where they talk abt writing fanfic /8 | @y/ns_perfect_larynx: not for other ytbers, obviously, but the idea of a ytber  even Writing Fanfiction Just Like Us was so novel, and now each time I remember a Grammy Nominated Musician writes fanfics Just Like Us and tbh im a little winded. its a nightmare and a dream. /9 | @y/ns_perfect_larynx: y/n if youve read anything of mine im sorry. i was 14. i love u. everyone else if youve made it this far in the thread, stream HOW THE LIGHT GETS IN on spotify /10
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