#(i'm certainly not writing fic for anything else right now)
winter-parrot · 1 year
there's something deeply Right about watching myself lose my shit over les mis and esp enjolras all over again. it's like. ah yes. this. i know this. this still fits.
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sanguineterrain · 4 months
Hey, I love your writing, your Jason fics are always so tender and authentic
I was wondering if you would write something where Reader is pulled aside by someone and asked whether they're in danger (since Jason is pretty big and intimidating) and later they laugh it off because they find it absurd but it gets to Jason and perhaps brings some insecurities to the surface
this is actually devastating!!! thank you for requesting 🤌
jason todd x gn!reader. tw: wrongly assumed abuse and jason being gutted at the idea, hurt/comfort, reassurance, estab relationship.
"Chocolate is obviously superior."
Jason sighs, flopping against the diner booth dramatically. "What a shame to be so wrong. Vanilla stays on top."
"Vanilla is boring as hell, Jay," you say, throwing your napkin at him. He catches it. Of course. "On the milkshake hierarchy, vanilla is barely a step above whatever monstrosity a peppermint bark shake is."
"Buddy, I happen to like drinking toothpaste." He points a finger at you. "And that's my God-given right."
"It's an abomination is what it is." You take a long, pointed sip of your shake. "Mm, the taste of good choices."
Jason traps both of your legs between his under the table. You gasp and try to wiggle free, but his strength is merciless.
"If it's an abomination, why is it on the menu?" he asks, grinning as you squirm.
"Well, what else are they meant to serve you freaks?"
Jason gently tugs you forward by your legs. He leans over the table. You meet him halfway.
"This freak appreciates the thought," he says and kisses you.
He tastes like vanilla shake. It's not what you'd order, but you really don't mind kissing it off of Jason's mouth. Funny how that works.
He pulls away and releases your legs, then scoots out of the booth.
"Gonna take care of business. Don't drink my incredibly irresistible shake."
"I'll certainly try," you say, looking up at him with what are undoubtedly giant heart eyes.
Jason disappears to the restrooms. You drink your shake and focus on trying to craft the straw wrapper into a snake.
You're close to shaping it when a woman comes up to your table. You've never seen her in your life.
"Uh, hi," you say. "Can I help you?"
She glances around the diner before leaning down.
"Hey. Look, if you're... in need of someplace safe, there's a great shelter downtown."
Your brows rise. "I'm sorry?"
"I was in your shoes once too," she says, eyes wide. "You don't have to rely on a guy to get you on your feet. Especially someone like him."
You shake your head slowly. "I... what? I don't understand. The man I'm with, he's my boyfriend."
She looks skeptical. You turn to face her fully, because now you're properly bewildered.
"Uh, I appreciate that you're looking out for people, and I know stuff you're referring to is everywhere in Gotham. But I promise I'm okay."
"I know physical intimidation is scary—"
"Whoa." You hold up a hand. "Just because he's a big guy doesn't mean he's throwing me around. He's the gentlest man you'll ever meet. I love him and he loves me. No one is in danger."
The woman's mouth pinches. You don't even have it in you to be upset. You've never once felt afraid of Jason. But you forget how he looks to others, how he's twice or triple most people's size and covered in scars.
"Here's the number to the shelter," she says, slipping the paper under the salt shaker. "In case you change your mind."
She hurries out the door before you can respond. You stare at the card, then shrug. You suppose, if anything, you're happy there are still good Samaritans in Gotham.
Presently, Jason returns. He purposely makes his footsteps heard because of the countless times you've lectured him about scaring the shit out of you due to his habit of going stealth mode without realizing.
"Hello, dearest," he says. "I've returned from war."
"My hero. Did you wash your hands in battle?"
Jason slides into the booth and sticks his hand in your face. "Smell 'em and rejoice, baby."
You take his hand and give it a deep sniff. It indeed smells like soap. Not that you ever doubted your boyfriend's handwashing capabilities.
"Smells like... wrong opinions about milkshakes," you say, then kiss his palm.
He rolls his eyes. "I can see my absence has taught you nothing. Unfortunate."
"I'm stubborn. I'm sure you of all people can understand that," you say, smiling.
"Mm. Y'lucky you're cute."
Your food arrives, the waitress cheerily informing you that she hopes you enjoy your meal.
"I think she's the happiest person in Gotham," Jason says, shaking the ketchup bottle.
You take a fry from his plate. "Probably a Metropolis native."
"Y'know my fries are the exact same as yours, right?"
"Nope," you say. "Yours have special boyfriend cooties on them. Adds flavor."
"You're gross," Jason says, quite lovingly.
You make a heart with your hands. He returns it, then takes a bite of his burger.
You don't even register it when Jason grabs the salt shaker. You're zeroed in on your lunch and don't look up until he speaks.
"What's this?"
Jason's holding the shelter hotline card.
"Oh! Some lady came over and gave that to me."
"Gave it to you?"
You should clock Jason's tone and the way he's stopped eating completely. But the experience was so odd that you can't fathom Jason thinking it as anything but a mistake.
"Yeah. For some reason, she thought I was here drinking a milkshake with you against my will. Probably 'cause it's Gotham, and you're my BBB: big beefcake boyfriend. Little does she know, I'm the heavyweight boxing champion of Park Row."
You swirl your fries in Jason's ketchup. He doesn't even blink. Usually, he'd give you a raised eyebrow and pretend he's cross.
Jason's still staring at the card. You catch his legs with yours. He doesn't look up.
"Jay?" you ask, smile fading. You drop your legs. "Hey. Y'good?"
"Hm? Oh. Sorry, baby." He puts the card aside and smiles at you, quick and strained.
"Everything okay?" you ask.
"Yeah. Uh, fine."
"Jason." You lean over and grab his hand. "What's wrong?"
He swallows. You wait, the noise of the diner fading. All that matters is whatever's causing his absolutely heartbreaking expression.
"How could she think I'm hurting you?" Jason whispers, finally looking at you. "How could—I would never hurt you."
"Oh, Jay. Honey, that's why I hardly entertained her. It was so silly to think about. I was so puzzled at first that I couldn't even decipher what she meant."
"But what if... y'know, maybe she sensed something about me. Sensed violence. I get it. I'd–I'd be scared of me if I were a regular person."
"Jason, sweetie, no. No, no, no. I think that woman experienced some hard things in her life, and that caused her to see something that wasn't there. She had good intentions, but she was absolutely wrong. I know you have a past, but I've never felt unsafe with you. Never. I could never be afraid of you."
Jason gnaws on the inside of his cheek. You get up and slide in next to him, crowding him against the wall. You curl against his arm.
"You love me so well, I forget that most people see a monster when I walk down the street," he says.
You squeeze your eyes closed. Pins in your heart.
"You're not a monster, Jay. You're good. I know it. Your family knows it. You're a protector."
He takes a deep breath. "If–if you ever felt afraid of me, ever, and you wanted me to stay away, then you tell me so, and I'd leave you alone. No questions asked."
"Jason," you whisper. You wrap your arm around his neck and pull him close. The vinyl squeaks as you shift. "Jay, I love you. I don't want you to leave me alone."
"But if—"
"No. Please listen to me. I know you'd never hurt or frighten me. Sometimes, people are wrong. She was wrong about you. She was kind but wrong."
You sit like that for a bit, feeling each other breathe. Jason's hand grazes yours. You grab it, lacing your fingers together.
"I love you too," he says quietly. "Never felt anything but love for you."
You smile and steal another fry off his plate. He snorts.
"I know." You lean against his shoulder. "Never doubted it."
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dovveri · 3 months
in my head
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synopsis: you're paired with your crush and resident popular girl on campus for a project for the rest of semester
warnings: maybe a swear word or two
w/c: 5.5k
a/n: I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THE REQ IM SORRY TO THAT ANON who requested this and also sorry it took me so long to get around to this i just couldn't think of anything to write bcs i alr did the nerd momo x popular reader fic and i fear this trope is too overdone for sana so... there is nothing rly original here LOL i stroogled i lwk wish i did not fill this req bcs i hate this fic HAHHA i gotta learn to say no ><
“alright class, pair projects for this semester will be randomly assigned.”
there are collective groans from around the room but you only pray that you get a partner who knows what they're doing. you didn't really have a problem doing group assignments all on your own, it was better quality that way anyway, but it'd be nice if someone else could contribute a little every once in a while.
"check your emails for who your partner is. please get acquainted and exchange contact details before next week."
everyone quickly pulls out their phones, laptops, or whatever device they use during class, you follow along, logging in and scrolling to find the correct email.
minatozaki sana.
before you can even conjure up the thought oh shit she's skipping up to your table with a bright smile.
"hi! y/n?"
you sputter, unable to look at her, choosing to fiddle with your screen and panic scroll through random weather predictions and calculator apps. yes, plural, apps.
she's hard to ignore though, bending down and tilting her head so you're forced to look at her. when she catches your eyes she smiles again, "we're working together on the project this semester."
"u-uh y-yeah i s-saw."
"mhmm. wanna exchange numbers now?"
"oh! right yes of course sorry." you fumble, handing your phone to sana. she giggles, taking it from your hand and replacing it with her phone.
"cute background."
"oh that's- i'm not-"
"it's okay y/n. i'm a closet glee fan too." she winks at you, handing back your phone with exceptional speed.
you curse under your breath, quickly typing your number in and handing her phone back, thinking about the brittana wallpaper you have set on your homescreen. why did you have to be such a nerd?
"thanks! i'll text you later and we can meet up sometime this week to talk about the project?"
"y-yep. that sounds g-good."
she smiles that bright, blinding smile again, turning with a flourish and skipping over to her friends.
you were so fucked.
minatozaki sana was the most popular girl on campus. captain of the cheerleading team, notorious for her ditzy charm and line of admirers. girls like that weren't exactly the type to be top of the class or put much effort into their studies. they were already guaranteed shoo-ins at major marketing or HR firms that liked pretty faces to hike in business, if they weren't already signed to modelling or acting gigs that was.
it also didn't help that you were at the wee end of her long, long line of admirers. you hadn't intended to fall for her. you knew it was completely unrealistic, you'd bet she didn't even know your first name until she got paired with you. so you knew what you were getting into when you first started paying a little more attention to her in class, noticing small things about her like the way she'd scrunch her nose when she was confused or didn't know how to do a question, or the way every time she'd get even remotely excited her left foot would start tapping, like a puppy wagging it's tail when it gets excited. you couldn't help but notice these things and who could you blame? it was minatozaki sana, you certainly weren't the first to fall for her charms, just definitely the most unlikely to actually end up with her.
so it was fine that you were paired up. totally fine. you didn't mind putting in the extra academic work if it meant you didn't have to speak to sana or even mildly interact with her. you were fine doing everything on your own so that she, or god forbid, any of her popular clique would never be able find out about your embarrassingly impossible crush for sana.
santana💜: hi! is this y/n?
you blink down at your phone. this was not who you thought it was. there was no way.
y/n: who's this?
santana💜: im sana! i named myself santana in ur phone bcs of ur brittana wallpaper ;) yk... ur brittany bcs ur a secret genius and im santana bcs... well our names are kinda similar!
y/n: oh... haha right. yeah this is y/n
santana💜: would u be free to come over tmr? to get a headstart on the assignment? or i can go over to urs instead if u want :)
y/n: oh it's fine sana u don't have to pretend to do anything. idm doing the whole thing and submitting for both of us i won't tell the teacher dw
santana💜: what?! who do u think i am y/n?! im not just going to let u do the whole thing on ur own! come to mine 8pm tmr ok? i'll text u the address later
you stare down at your phone. okay so that plan wasn't going to work. you could be cool though. this would be fine. totally fine.
y/n: ok
you knock on the door of the address sana gave you after her cheer practice. you had spent the past day overthinking exactly what was going to happen, whether or not sana really did want to contribute or if she was still just doing this for show. or if something even more sinister was planned, probably not by sana, but you'd seen some of the people she hung out with, you wouldn't put it past them to go back to their high school bully ways and pull a prank on a nerd like you, even at their adult age.
but when sana opens the door with a beam, her smile is bright and seems devoid of any hidden intentions. you honestly feel a little bad that you had doubted her when she's looking at you like that. but you remind yourself that sana was just that sweet of a person, she looked at everyone like that, you weren't special.
you cough awkwardly, offering a polite smile and stepping in.
"my housemates are out tonight so we have the whole place to ourselves."
"oh cool."
"do you want anything to drink?"
"just water would be great thanks."
"you can go ahead to my room. it's the second door on the right. the bathroom's right opposite it as well if you need to go or anything. i'll be with you in a sec." she smiles at you again, going off towards the kitchen to prepare some snacks and your water.
you tentatively step further into her home, feeling very out of place, but also curious at the pictures and trinkets everywhere, your first glance into sana’s real life.
you follow her directions, walking towards her room and stepping inside, not really surprised at the pink-tone hues that greet you.
sana’s room is cute. she has polaroids and film prints of her and various friends and family hung up next to her bed, a pinboard with small reminders decorated with stickers and more pictures, posters stuck up with and fairy lights strung across various surfaces.
“sorry it’s kinda messy. i haven’t cleaned in a little.”
you turn at the sound of her voice, suddenly finding her much less intimidating in her pink fluffy slippers, suddenly she just seemed like another girl, not the person on the pedestal that you, and most of the campus put her up to be.
you smile, genuinely this time albeit still a little awkward, “it’s fine. i don’t think it’s messy at all, i like it, it’s cute.”
“really? you don’t think it’s childish or anything?” sana pouts slightly as she settles a tray of snacks and water on the table next to her bed and then sits down, shuffling the various amount of japanese plush toys around.
“not at all.”
she grins then, gesturing for you to sit.
you follow suit, crossing your legs and sitting on the floor, taking out your laptop and papers from class. “so have you had a chance to read over the assignment brief yet? it’s okay if you haven’t, i was honestly surprised you asked to meet up so early, technically the only assignment for this week was to exchange contact details.”
sana slides down so she’s on the floor next to you, knees touching, you don’t see it because you’re focused on the fact that your skin was now touching and she was close enough for you to smell her designer perfume, but she pouts before speaking, “do you seriously think i’m just some slacker y/n? i asked to meet up because i wanted to get this assignment out of the way while it’s still early in the semester. before things get busy and we both get swamped with our other classes.”
“o-oh right i’m sorry! i didn’t mean to… well yeah anyway... so i was thinking-"
"you totally thought i was a slacker didn't you?" you can't ignore her when she peeks around to eye you.
"i- well-"
"it's okay. most people think we're all just bandwagoners and yeah i admit i know some of the people i may be... affiliated with are those types of people, but i'm here because i wanted an education and i'm serious about it. so don't try and do all the work on your own okay? we'll split it evenly."
you're more than embarrassed now. you had boxed sana into a stereotype that she was obviously aware of and actively against. “right i’m so sorry oh my god- i didn’t mean to- i-“
she laughs then, hitting your shoulder playfully, your skin burns at the contact, “it’s okay y/n! you’re adorable. thanks for wanting to do everything at first but i can handle my own and i won’t let you down!”
you blush, looking back down to your papers but comprehending none of the words on it. "right. i'm sorry again... and thank you." you manage to mumble out.
sana giggles internally, finding you very cute. and she loved cute things as evidenced all over her room.
the following weeks you start spending a lot more time at sana's place, to the point where you've met all her roommates and their partners, and it doesn't feel weird for them to see you around the house. it was a pretty rigorous assignment and it involved a lot of hands-on research and time dedicated to it.
you're still complete strangers at school though, sana was still the popular it girl, always surrounded by groups of people, while you were the nerdy nobody.
so it definitely comes as a shock when sana slides into the seat across from you while you're eating your lunch peacefully alone in the cafeteria, mindlessly scrolling through tiktok.
your eyes almost bulge out of your head when you look up and see her bright smile, scrambling to make space for her and take your airpods out, almost knocking your juice popper off the side of the table in the panic.
"s-sana! what are you doing here?!" you're pulling the straps of your bag towards you so it's no longer occupying the table space opposite you, that obviously meant that spot was occupied, a cue sana chose to cheerily ignore.
"just saw you eating alone and wanted to join you!"
"o-oh. you don't have friends waiting for you?"
she shrugs, plucking a fry off your plate, "not really."
you shrink into your seat as you feel the eyes of the cafeteria land on you and sana, whispering and pointing at you. you’ve never wished more for the floor to swallow you up than in this moment.
“so i was thinking-“
“sana! what are you doing here?”
oh no. you did not need any more attention on you right now. least of all from park jihyo, student council president, and kim dahyun, student council treasurer, both of whom were on the same level of popularity as sana with just as many admirers.
jihyo slides in right next to you while talking across to sana, dahyun happily greeting sana and sliding in next to her with her lunch tray.
“jihyo! dahyunnie! i thought you both had a student council meeting right now?”
“got postponed. our secretary fell sick and we can’t proceed without her so we just decided to wait until she got better.”
they fall into easy conversation while you shrink even further into yourself, squeezing your arms into your sides so you’re not made known to the other two who still haven’t acknowledged your presence.
“ugh practice was such a drag today.” yoo jeongyeon slides in next to you, still in her lacrosse uniform, throwing an arm over your shoulders without seeming to realise who you were. you flinch at the action.
this was so not happening to you right now.
hirai momo slides in next to sana, eyes trained only on her tray as she mumbles a greeting with her mouth full with food already.
oh good lord what did you do to deserve this?
at least you’d met momo before since she was one of sana’s roommates but she still only really knew you as ‘sana’s project partner’. the others you’ve only seen from afar, and until now you were half-convinced they weren’t really real, too far up the social ladder to ever be associated with the likes of you. jeongyeon was the star lacrosse player and team captain of your school, which was renowned for it’s lacrosse team. hirai momo was apparently roped into playing lacrosse but really excelled in the world of dance. apparently she’d already had experience touring as backup dancers for major hit singers.
jihyo wrinkles her nose, speaking over you to jeongyeon, “yoo jeongyeon you stink. didn’t we allocate an extra $3000 to shower renovations last year? we did not do that so you could continue to sweat all over me.”
jeongyeon sticks her tongue out at jihyo, “i was hungry. besides i’m not sweating all over you. and you don’t mind do you- wait- who are you?”
your eyes widen when you realise jeongyeon’s now addressing you, and then suddenly the entire table’s eyes are on you.
you feel your face going bright red, coughing awkwardly and staring down at your plate of food. “u-um-“
“this is y/n! she’s my friend!”
you look up to see sana beaming at you.
“oh… how do you guys know each other?”
“we were paired together for that pair project i was talking about- you know for my class about sustainable engineering? momoring knows!”
momo grunts in acknowledgement, offering you a fleeting smile before returning back to her food, not entirely interested with this conversation.
“wait- how does momo know her and i don’t? momo spends all of her time in the dance studio, and if she’s not she’s only ever focused on food!”
“maybe you should be a better student council president and know all your students then hyo.”
im nayeon, co-head cheerleader along with sana, her title alone demonstrating her popularity status, teases jihyo with a grin, standing at the end of the table in her cheer uniform, commanding all attention from anyone who wasn’t already watching your table in curiosity.
“oh shut up nayeon.” but jihyo quickly turns to face you, offering a hand and a bright smile, “hi y/n! it’s nice to meet you! i hope we haven’t been giving you too much trouble.”
you quickly shake your head, taking her hand gingerly, surprised at the strong grip she has.
“momoring and nayeonnie have already met y/n because she’s been over at ours a lot to work on the project together.” sana perks up again, and then looks at you again, not that her eyes have really left you but you didn’t know that, “sorry for all this by the way. my friends are obviously people blind.”
“speak for yourself sana. the amount of times you’ve called out the wrong name in bed-“
sana flushes bright red, shooting up and slapping a hand over nayeon’s mouth while the others crack up in laughter.
"ignore her y/n. she doesn't mean that."
sana smiles through her teeth while nayeon makes muffled sounds of disagreement, and honestly it is a little funny so you can't help but laugh alongside them.
in the end, you don't mind too much that sana's friends invaded your lunch time. they were a lot less intimidating than you had thought they would be, similar to how you had judged sana prior to actually spending any time with her. it was still awkward to feel the eyes of jealous onlookers but sana stealing food off your plate every few minutes and making sure you were included in the conversation was enough to make you feel welcome and ignore those looks.
"y/n! i got those projections we were talking about last week." sana bounds up to you outside your lecture hall.
"sana? how did you even know i had class at this time?"
"i asked around." she shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal for her to actively be looking for you and for her to know your schedule, "here- what do you think?" she hands over a few documents and you shuffle to the side so students can continue moving in and out. that also meant you were basically boxing yourself into the small corner next to the door with sana blocking your way out. you can feel a few weird glances look your way, wondering how you of all people knew one of the most popular girls on campus.
"it looks good sana."
"great! are we still on for tomorrow night? coach put nayeon and i in charge of practice this week but i may have bribed nayeon into running it herself so we can spend some more time on the project without her nosy self at home."
you nod, handing back her papers, "yeah, i'll be over around 6?"
"sounds good! see you then!" and then she's kissing your cheek and flying off before you can react, your hand coming up to touch where she had pecked you seconds after she's gone.
"-don't know what she sees in them."
"right- you think y/n's paying sana or something?"
"no way sana would do that though. i bet she's just using y/n for help with study or whatever."
"nah i've seen sana's marks, she doesn't need the extra help. maybe she's just toying with y/n. could be a dare or maybe she just has a nerd kink, or wants to try it out once and drop her."
"oh true hahaha i'd almost feel bad for y/n but it is pretty funny watching her prance around sana like she has a chance."
the sounds of laughter drift down the hallway as you stay rooted to the spot, completely invisible to the rest of the student body.
were they right? was sana just pulling you along? fuck you were so stupid. of course she knew you had a crush on her. everyone had a crush on her. you thought you knew sana but now you were starting to doubt your perceptions of her all over again. ugh you couldn't do this. you felt so embarrassed thinking about the amount of time you've spent with sana. all that for her to just be stringing you along, maybe even laughing behind your back with all her friends, you were so stupid for thinking you'd ever move out of your miserable social status. you were at the bottom of the social hierarchy, and she was at the top, it would always be that way, and people at the top don't want anything to do with people at the bottom unless it's for their own benefit or entertainment. sana was not an exception.
santana💜: hey u still coming over? i maaaay have tried to cook dinner for us both even tho momo always warns me not to step foot in the kitchen and ig she was right this time... so i'll order takeaway? thai food okay?
santana💜: everything okay? sorry if thai food wasnt ur style >< i can order sth else instead but the foods getting cold :((
santana💜: im guessing ur not coming :( hope everythings okay w u!! ill see u at school soon 🥺
you’ve been trying your best to avoid sana ever since you overheard what those people thought of your relationship with her. it was difficult when she would send you daily texts asking where you were and how you’ve been, even i miss you texts with the little sad face emoticon that had your fingers aching to text her back but you resisted. this was for the best.
but of course as soon as you started avoiding her you also started seeing her around campus a lot more than you used to. she’d pop up everywhere you were, at the library, in the hallways, on the fields, you’d always manage to shy away from her gaze but you don’t think she was doing this on purpose. maybe it was just the fact that because you were avoiding her, you were a lot more noticeable of her presence.
it was hard to keep this up though, especially when the time of the week came that you shared the class you had been assigned project partners in. you had seriously considered faking sick when you woke up in the morning, thinking she could manage class on her own and you’d just email her your parts of the assignment or something. but you got out of bed reluctantly and trudged to class, coming up with as many excuses as possible for having not responded to any of her messages and ditching your last meetup.
you sigh in relief when you walk into class and see that people are still milling about, slowly trickling in, and sana’s seat is still empty. you slink to the back of the classroom, pulling your hood up and turning on your laptop to tap mindlessly at the keyboard, hiding your face behind the screen.
you can hear when the class starts filling up, sliding down further in your chair and avoiding eye contact with everyone.
you can also hear the moment sana walks in, flanked by her friends with that high-pitched laugh and sunshine energy, the class suddenly seems twice as bright as it was. god you missed her. and that was pathetic of you! she didn’t even care about you! you stay resolute in your avoidance, only allowing yourself a second to bask in her voice before closing yourself off again from the outside world.
it’s only when the teacher walks in and starts reading the roll, that you have to squeak out a small ‘here’ when they read out your name. you avoid her gaze when you speak up but you can see in the corner of your eye, sana whips her head around and stares at you with wide eyes, her mouth open in surprise. you shrink back down but she continues to stare at you for a few more seconds before frowning and facing back forward when her name is called out.
you spend the rest of class hiding behind the screen of your laptop, formulating a plan on the fastest way to get out of class once it's over so you don't have to talk to sana.
unfortunately, the teacher seems to have taken notice of your lack of participation, when usually you're the only one in the class who is able to answer their questions, or even mildly paying attention, so you're pulled back when you try to escape, the rest of the class chattering excitedly while leaving class.
"what's wrong y/n?"
"nothing. sorry, just not feeling the best today."
the teacher eyes you, "is the pair project going alright? you didn't sit with sana today."
you gulp, "it's fine."
"are you sure? if sana's making you do all the work you'll tell me won't you?"
your eyes widen, "no! no sana's a sweetheart she-" you catch yourself, sana wouldn't really be a sweetheart if she was playing with you would she? "she's been great, she's contributing and pulling all of her own weight and more. to be honest... i'm probably the one who's not doing my part right now..."
the teacher hums, "alright y/n. let me know if there's anything i can do for you. go home and rest."
you nod, adjusting the straps of your backpack and trudging outside.
only to find sana waiting outside the classroom with her arms crossed, tapping her foot in the way she does when she gets annoyed.
as soon as your outside she doesn't spare you a second glance, grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the closest empty classroom and closing the door behind the both of you, standing against it so you have no way of escaping.
"wh- sana! sana what are you doing? i have class!"
"no you don't. the only class you have on wednesdays is the one we share. after that you normally go home or to the library before getting dinner outside."
"what- how do you- have you been stalking me?"
she frowns, "have you been avoiding me?"
"i- what makes you think that?"
"you didn't come last week. and you haven't been answering any of my messages. and i'm not stalking you i just thought we were friends and i like to know my friends' schedules, so when you didn't turn up to any of your usual study spots...i got worried. i thought you were sick or something. but then i saw you at the dessert shop outside the council centre where i volunteer and you didn't look sick at all. in fact, as soon as you saw me you were healthy enough to run off."
you gulp nervously, stepping back, only for sana to step forward. your eyes flit around, looking for any possible exit or distraction, anything would be better than confronting sana right now.
"i just- um- i-"
sana pouts, "did i do something? you'd tell me if i did right?"
"no! you didn't do anything. i just- um-"
she raises an eyebrow. you fiddle with your fingers, unable to look her in the eye.
"w-what do you want with me?"
sana doesn't seem to expect this answer. "what do you mean?"
you sigh in frustration, running a hand through your hair, "it doesn't make sense. why would you want to be friends with me? you're popular and smart and beautiful and you don't hang out with people like me."
"is that what this is about?"
"no- well- yes- i overheard the other day, some people talking about how you were only using me or that you didn't have good intentions with me and i just- i didn't know what to do."
"and what do you think?"
you look up at her then, her gaze is steely, there's no hint of her usual smile. "w-what?"
"is that what you think of me? that that's the kind of person i am? that i'd do that to someone?"
you're taken aback, "i- n-no! i-"
"then why did you listen to them? you're not stupid y/n i know you can form your own opinions on people. you're not like the others, or at least i thought you weren't. i didn't think you'd judge people off of what you've heard about them, i thought we were friends y/n."
"i didn't i- we are- i just-"
you take another step back, needing to create distance between the two of you, needing to think without sana's presence making your head all muddy. but with each step back you take, sana takes one forward.
"was there something else? were you looking for a reason to avoid me?"
another step back, another step forward.
"no! i- i didn't-"
"tell me the truth? please?" you're backed into the wall, nowhere left to go, and sana only steps closer. you can feel your heart rate picking up at her proximity, she's looking up at you, puppy eyes and a pout on her lips, you were so weak.
"n-no i don't- there's nothing else-"
"hmm." she's so close you can see the way her eyelashes flutter when she blinks, can feel her breath on your lips.
you can feel how hot your cheeks are, sweat collecting in your clenched fists. she's studying you, eyes flicking over your face, when your tongue pokes out to wet your lips, purely out of habit and stress, her eyes dart down and watch the movement, snapping back up to your eyes once you were done.
and then suddenly, she blinks and there's a change in the atmosphere. there's a curl of her lips, her eyes conveying something you can't quite decipher.
"do you... like me y/n?"
you blush impossibly brighter, "i-i- well- i-"
then her lips are on yours, just the barest brush of her skin against yours, like a sigh against your lips, but when she pulls away, she doesn't go far, her lips still hovering over yours, looking up at you through her eyelashes.
"it's okay if you do."
you're completely dumbstruck, hand twitching, wanting to reach up and feel your lips, to see if this was really happening.
"because i'd be lying if i said i didn't find you attractive."
your mind goes blank, struggling to catch up. "w-what?"
"i don't kiss just anyone. nayeon may have made that comment about how many people i bring home but none of them compare to you. you're different. you don't want me just because i'm pretty and easy."
"i- i-"
she leans in, pecking you softly again, before leaning back fully to give you space, turning on her heel. "think about it y/n. once you have an answer, stop avoiding me. you know where to find me." and then she's stepping outside the classroom, and you feel like you can finally breathe again, letting your brain catch up to what your body just experienced.
it takes you a few days to fully come to your senses.
sana stops actively searching for you, but you still see her around campus, only she seems to have decided to give you space, not acknowledging you if you saw her in public or walked past her.
so sana obviously knew you liked her. it just didn't make sense that she could like you too. you took days trying to find any way this could've happened, tracing over every interaction you've had with her in your head over and over, trying to find any clues for her feelings towards you.
it crossed your mind briefly that this was another one of her possible ploys to embarrass you. but she was right when she confronted you, you didn't think she was that kind of person, and none of her actions or the time you've spent with her indicated that she was that kind of person, you needed to trust your own eyes and feelings, sana was being genuine.
it just baffled you how this was possibly genuine, how it was possible for sana to like someone like you. and the only way you'd be able to find out was to talk to her.
you inhale, standing outside sana's apartment. you knew momo had dance practice at this time and nayeon had told you she wouldn't be home because she was meeting up with some friends, so it would just be sana at home.
you knock tentatively, stepping back and collecting your thoughts.
it doesn't help though, because when the door opens, all comprehendible thoughts fly out of your mind, replaced with the mental energy required to memorise sana, her hair up in a messy bun, oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, large glasses on, looking like she just woke up from a nap.
sana's eyes brighten when they see you, leaning against her doorframe and raising an eyebrow expectantly.
"h-hi sana."
"hey yourself. what are you doing here?"
you take a deep breath. you had prepared for this. "why do you like me?" well that was not what you had prepared.
sana smiles amusedly, "i told you. i like that you see me for who i am rather than who i present myself to be. i think you're very cute, you get along well with my friends, you're incredibly smart, and even though you think a little too much over what other people say, we can work on that."
your eyes widen at her answer.
"it's simple y/n. do you want to be with me or not? don't overthink it. we can work out any issues that come up overtime."
"i..." you look down to your feet, blushing, then looking back up to her, "yes. i do want to be with you."
sana grins then, not missing a beat, swooping in and kissing you gently, tasting of berries and sunshine. when she breaks apart, finally welcoming you into her apartment, she teases, "i finished our project by the way. you owe me. but i'll accept kisses as payment."
you whine, finally letting yourself be free around her, no longer hesitating to do what you've wanted to this entire semester, bring her up into a kiss that hopefully makes up for the utter loser you've been in her presence.
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puranami · 10 months
✿ Omelette ✿
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A/N: A little fic based on one of the prompts I have~
Summary: Sanji finds you cooking an omelette in your underwear at an ungodly hour.
Content: Warning - my really bad attempt at writing anything outside of lil paragraph points (blz help, I have no idea what I'm doing)
Despite the scenario - it's all SFW and fluffy like dem eggs! A light dusting of pining, G/N reader. ✿
(Part 2) - (Part 3)
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You had tried to sleep and ignore the rumbling in your stomach, but the harder you tried, the more you felt it, and you had finally reached your limit. If you were to be at all functional tomorrow, you needed to eat something. Only then could you try to sleep again.
Exhausted, you drag yourself from the safety and warmth of your blankets, slowly ambling towards the ship's kitchen, single-minded in your endeavour. All that mattered was appeasing your stomach, leaving you completely unaware of the sudden cold that embraced you once you had left the confines of your quarters.
Flicking on the kitchen light, you quickly gathered everything you needed, deciding that the best thing to make would be an omelette. It's an easy dish, filling, and doesn't take long to make. In other words; it was perfect!
You make quick work of prepping the eggs, seasoning to taste, even considering throwing a little cheese in there before deciding against it. It's not like you believed the myth of cheese giving people nightmares if eaten before bed, but you were so desperate to be able to sleep afterwards that you didn't want to risk it. Stranger things have happened on this ship.
The pan hisses as you pour in the eggs, sounding much louder in the empty kitchen, only amplified by the late hour.
"Don't you sass me," you grumble, "The middle of the night is a perfectly acceptable time for an omelette!"
Unbeknownst to you, you weren't the only one awake on the ship, and your late night excursion had attracted attention, clearly not having noticed any of the noise you were making.
"I thought Luffy had snuck in on a midnight raid with all the clattering," a groggy voice behind you laughs, but you are too tired and focused on cooking to even register that you had been joined by anyone. Sanji leans against the table opposite the kitchen island, fidgeting with the hem of his nightshirt, waiting for an answer that never came.
Surely you heard him, right?
"Is everything alright, darling?"
Terms of endearment usually prompted some kind of response, be it a dismissive laugh or an equally fond term of your own, clearly thinking they meant nothing in particular. He'd accepted pretty quickly that they wouldn't be the way to win you over, but it certainly didn't stop him using them, at least on you. The same couldn't be said about everyone else, as he was no longer vying for the affection of anyone but yourself. Sanji wondered if you'd ever noticed that.
A clumsy flip of the omelette brought him back into the moment, honestly surprised that you hadn't dropped it on the floor.
He moved his way to your side of the kitchen, round the central island toward the stovetop.
"Why are you cooking at this hhhh-" he wheezed at the end, only now seeing that you weren't in the pyjama bottoms he'd assumed you'd be wearing, but in your underwear.
He clasped one of his hands over his mouth, the other grabbing the island for support as he felt his legs begin to fail him. Keeping his eyes fixed firmly on the floor, he blurts out, "W-WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?" as his face went fully crimson.
That finally gets your attention, but you are slow on the uptake, mind completely glazing over the fact that you had at some point gained an observer. Finally, furrowing your brows a little, you murmured a soft "What?" You knew a question was asked, but nothing else beyond that.
"Your pants, darling!" he gestures wildly, continuing to look down, knowing if that he caught sight of your bare legs again, he would lose his mind.
You stand there, pan hovering in the air away from the stove in one hand, a plate in the other, looking absolutely lost; you had completed your mission of acquiring omelette, and so your brain had decided it was no longer needed. Looking down, you see your legs and feet, wiggling your toes a little, then you look back up at the mess of a man in front of you, things finally starting to fall into place in your overtired mind.
"Oh, Sanji, what are you doing here," you ask, sweet as anything, completely ignorant to the battle he was waging internally. Once you plate your omelette, you place it on the island before putting the pan back on the stove to cool and grabbing a fork to tuck in, oblivious to Sanji frantically unbuttoning his night shirt beside you. He refuses to look directly at you until he has covered you with it, cheeks noticeably burning with how flustered he is.
"Darling, you can't do that to me," he says, almost breathless, "I am a weak, weak man; I can't handle seeing you so bare!" He manipulates your arms into the sleeves of his nightshirt, ignoring your protests when he briefly pulls the fork out of your hand in the process, before buttoning you up, doing his best to preserve your dignity.
As you feel the warm sustenance finally begin to settle in your empty stomach, you feel your brain booting back up, at least a little bit.
"Ah, shit I forgot to put on pants..." You giggle, wondering why everything was always funnier when you were tired. Taking another bite of food, you look down at your legs once again, starting to fully comprehend the situation you found yourself in. "I guess I was just too hungry." He can't help but sigh at how nonchalant you are.
Looking back up, your brain once again decides to abandon you, not from how tired you are this time, but from your eyes being met with his bare chest and abs, causing your own face to turn a charming shade of red. Sanji was always so neatly dressed, so he most you ever saw was his forearms when he rolled up his sleeves to work. It made sense that he was in good shape given his fighting ability, but it never really hit you until you saw his body tonight. There wasn't really any way to get accustomed to it, not like there was with someone like Zoro, who had his shirt off at least half the times you saw him, flashing his man tits whenever and wherever he damn well pleased.
Sanji's eyes never left you during this quiet minute, one that felt like hours, and he couldn't help but feel a hint of pride when he watched your eyes dance over his shirtless body, clearly flustered, bringing a confident smile to his face.
"Everything alright down there, sweetheart," he laughed softly.
You were clearly lost in your thoughts, it finally clicking why he was shirtless; he'd put his shirt on you. You brought a long sleeve up to your face as you dragged your eyes away, looking awkwardly to the side to your recently emptied plate. The shirt smelt like him, only without the lingering scent of cigarette smoke. It was sweet and musky. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, but you felt a wave of feelings crash into you. Feelings you knew were there but had simply brushed aside, assuming they were just a result of his natural charm more than anything. But, you couldn't so easily disregard them now.
Sanji followed your gaze. "Ah, don't you worry about that, my dear," he says, grabbing the plate and bringing it to the sink, leaving you standing in a bit of a daze. "I'll take care of things here, so you go and get yourself back to bed, alright?"
"Oh, no!" You couldn't help how loud that ended up being, surprising the both of you. "You shouldn't have to clean up my mess," you say with a more regulated volume. If there's one way to get you back in the present, it's offering to do something you feel solely responsible for.
"In all fairness, darling, you shouldn't have been cooking in my kitchen in a state of undress," his cheeks started to go pink at the recent memory. He clears his throat before continuing, "Do you know how dangerous that is?" Ah, the professional chef just can't help himself when it comes to kitchen rules.
You pout slightly as you lean back against the centre island.
"Sorry, Sanji. I wasn't really with it. Too tired, too hungry..."
He makes quick work of the dirty items you had used, all while prattling on about safety and other things you probably should have listened to. Drying his hands, he makes his way back to you. It is evident you hadn't really been paying attention.
"At least promise me this," you look up at his warm, smiling face, "if you ever find yourself in this predicament again, please come and get me."
He brushes back some loose strands of hair, tucking them neatly behind your ear.
"You know that I'm always happy to cook for you, right? Whatever you want, whenever you want it."
Returning a gentle smile of your own, you nod.
"I promise."
With that, Sanji leads you out of the kitchen, plunging it back into darkness as he flicks the light off.
You reach his quarters first since he's closest to the kitchen. He pauses outside his door, hesitating for a moment. There are so many things he wanted to say to you, yet he couldn't bring himself to utter a single word.
Oblivious, you carry on toward your own room, turning back to him to wish him a good night, nearly falling over your own feet in the process, to which he smiles, letting out a soft chuckle.
"Bonne nuit, ma chère."
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Guys, gals, and non-binary pals; I tried my best! This is my very first full fic ever, so if the grammar, wording, presentation, literally anything is bad; it's bc I am completely winging it! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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purelyfiction · 7 months
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NFL QB Jake 'Hangman' Seresin AU x Popstar F!Reader
Summary: NFL Quarterback Jacob Seresin is in hot water from a streak of bad decisions, just as you go through the worst public breakup of your life. With people slandering both of your reputations, your publicists hatch a plan to bring both of you back into favor and keep the heat off until spring - that is if you can keep up the facade.
Word Count: 5,334 words
Author Note: I know I have two other outstanding Top Gun fics and I swear I'm trying to get those going but I am writing what sparks joy and well.... this certainly does. || Also!! Reader's stage name is 'Celeste' with 'Este' as the nickname. So no one gets confuseddddd
You'd never anticipated to start the biggest year of your life absolutely gutted, yet here you are. Your boyfriend – well, ex-boyfriend, severed what you had thought to be a loving, trusting and safe relationship, rather unexpectedly on New Year's Eve. Then he'd gone to the press to relay that you were a horrible person, a terrible girlfriend, too involved in your work to even bother paying attention to anyone else. The timing couldn't be worse, since you were about to start your first ever stadium tour in the spring. 
The result had been you hiding away in your little oasis that was your condo in California’s southern escape of San Diego. You’d stayed off the internet, binging TV shows that you’d been too busy to pay attention to and immersing yourself in anything you could, to erase the four year relationship you’d been splintered from. The garbage people probably wondered why there were a near dozen empty quarter pints of ice cream in your recycling bin, but that wasn’t for them to care about. At least you’d recycled them. 
Now, three weeks into the new year, with your favorite Chinese on the way, you sit on your couch going over tour visuals. Your lighting engineer is rambling on the line as you hear the gate buzzer go off. You’re quick to collect your dinner as one of the others on the line gasp and quickly mute their mic. “What?” You quip, walking to your expansive kitchen and dropping the large paper bag down. You’re half paying attention when the employee brushes you off, as your hand pulls container after container of food from the magical Mary Poppins-style bag. Getting to the bottom, you grasp for a pair of chopsticks, only to find several sets of them, along with a dozen fortune cookies. You take a moment to look over your four entrees and styrofoam container of sushi. The audacity of them to think you would be sharing any of this. 
Finally, you address the matter of your dramatic tech director. “What’s the deal over there Hollywood?” You chide, before your phone is ringing, leaving you to hang up the video call to answer the phone. It’s your publicist and you know better than to let her calls go unanswered.
“Check your inbox.” Her voice is frigid instead of it’s usually cheery demeanor.   
“Hello to you too?” Begrudgingly, you do as she commands, finding the email she sent to you. 
Jonah Carter agreed to sit down for an interview with UsWeekly, post-breakup to clear the air and to make sure no one else would fall for his ex-girlfriend's (Celeste) playful, girl-next-door-ish facade.
"At first, it felt like a dream come true," Carter, an up-and-coming actor within his own right, said almost sheepishly. "I thought she was talented and kind, but I should've known it was too good to be true."
But there's more to this pop-star than Jonah says meets the eye. In addition to the vanity and self-importance that seems to plague this generation's starlets, Este was a vindictive slob who routinely talked behind the back of even her closest friends. "It makes me wonder what she's saying about me, now, after everything I've heard her say about those who think are closest to her." The concern for others is written very clearly on the actor’s face as he speaks. When I question the songstress’ messages about authenticity, the man adjusts in his seat as he holds back a laugh. 
"She'd like you to believe she writes all her own music, but I'm not sure she could write a full sentence without the help of her team," Jonah chuckled nervously into his coffee. "Sorry, that was rude. I don't want to stoop to her level." Cowed brown eyes made me wonder what else he had endured behind closed doors. It struck a chord within me. 
“Why did you stay as long as you had if this was what you were facing?” I ask him. The expression of his kind features morphs into despair. 
“When we first met, Celeste was someone I admired. Her compassion, her drive and her dedication to the things she valued spoke so deeply to what I did, what I still do-” he fumbles as he attempts to source the proper words, “They just… weren’t her beliefs. They were her team’s.” Jonah lets out a pained sound, “I think when we got toward the end of it, I realized that she has this way of manipulating what she says, how she acts, to make herself look good. She puts on a show, on and off the stage and you pay for it one way or another. So, I knew what she was capable of. I knew she could be that person if she really wanted to and I wanted so badly to help her see that. I eventually learned that people see what they want to see.”
God, what a load of hot garbage this was. It was a particularly rare batch, clearly it had been baking in a dumpster in the scorching sun with the lid closed. All damp, with a horrendous mix of something rotting and old crusty seaweed. 
The tour was supposed to be announced on the first of the month and here your ex was selling stories (horribly narrated and mangled stories) to the press. You might as well have been kicking puppies at this point. 
“Isn’t he just swell? Nothing but peak wisdom from good ol’ Jonah.” Your eyes could’ve strained themselves with how far back they rolled. Probably the only time he’d ever made them do that too.
“I’ve already called a team together to brainstorm. I don't want you to respond. Stay offline, away from all of it and don't entertain any of the discourse. Not until I have something to work with.” 
“None of it is true we both know that-” You begin to laugh but she cuts you off.
“As much as I want to be on your side here, we are working to put out a fire. Your silence the last three weeks has put you at a massive disadvantage and frankly? The public eye doesn’t see you in the greatest space right now.” You know she’s right. She always is, and right now ‘Celeste’ was synonymous with ‘cynical, fake and fraudulent’. You wouldn’t be shocked if the uproar demanded you be canceled based off of this testimony. 
It wasn’t all but two days later that you were called in by your PR team. Into the office in New York for the first time since before Thanksgiving. It had been a busy end of the year and now that the new one was coming in so ferociously you weren’t looking toward any of the things you once had been. This was the first time back into the light and so you had made sure that the inevitable cameras had something to look at. You’d dressed yourself in your favorites, in an effort to boost your confidence as best as you could. Putting on a show, just like you had been when things had been on the rocks with Jonah. 
Getting to the office, you’re nearly trampled with the amount of people that swarm you. It’s not normally this bad - hell it’s never this bad. It isn’t until you catch sight of a football jersey and an ESPN logo that your brow furrows. Odd. 
Stepping into the building, you’re pushing your sunglasses up onto your head, looking down at your ringing phone and trying to slide your coat off simultaneously. Instead, you crash right into what you think is a wall, but is instead a broad man, looking rather lost. 
“Easy there, Twinkle Toes.” You guffaw and look up at the blonde man before returning your eyes toward your feet. Of course, the bedazzled statement boots on your feet call attention to themselves before the rest of the outfit can balance itself out. 
“Alright, Prince Charming, you first.” You snicker before stepping out of his way and start to the elevator. Unfortunately for you, he’s apparently heading your way as well, needing access to the lift to the next floor. 
“Prince Charming, huh? I mean I’ve been called worse.” His shoulders roll backwards as the elevator dings to one of the other floors. You keep your head trained forward, suddenly remembering the rule you’d been given. Stay quiet, don’t engage. And here you were giving sass to a stranger and showing up in bedazzled booties. You were really digging this grave deeper than necessary. So, instead of giving him another sassy response, you keep your eyes locked to the neon numbers as the elevator passes each floor. “Oh so, now I’m getting a cold shoulder? Darn, I was really ready to ask you all about the boots on your feet, too.” You can’t help but let your eyes move back over to the broad male, just out of the corner of your eye. His face is completely locked on you, shamelessly at that. “They expensive? They got that waxy red paint on the bottoms of ‘em?” Silently, you turn one of your feet up to give him a glimpse at the blue bottom of the shoe. “Huh, blue. That’s fun. That more expensive than the LouButton or whatever they are?” Finally the elevator reaches your floor, hopefully shutting this chatterbox up for the time being. Yet the questions continue like an immature toddler as you rise up the floors - going to the same floor nonetheless. “Hey, you’re that Celeste chick aren’t ya?” 
“Yes.” You finally answer one of his questions, his face lighting up.
“Oh look at that, she cracks.” Another eye roll times well with the sound of the elevator reaching the desired floor. Instead of responding, you quickly find your way through the glass hallways and to the desired room. You are so glad to be in the presence of the familiar group, the stranger in the elevator having rattled your composure somewhat. Your manager comes in with a cup of coffee and a smile, which immediately puts one on yours. 
“You didn’t have to do that!” You cheer, reaching out for it as she sits beside you. 
“When you see what Rachel has come up with, you’re going to need it.” Oh. Reassuring. 
You see her point when Prince Charming steps into the board room, followed by a host of men in dress clothes and suits, all matching the blue soles of your boots. Charming sits directly across from you, a hand wiggling his fingers as he waves at you. Oh good. 
“Thank you everyone for coming. I know this is a very polarizing group, so before we get ahead of ourselves, I want to introduce Celeste, or Este as we all have come to call her over the years.” Awkwardly, you wave at the foreign men. They grunt and nod. You were already having doubts and not a word had been spoken on their end. “I also want to introduce Beau Simpson, public relations coordinator for the San Diego Sea Lions, Coach Natasha Trace, and Sea Lions owner, Tom Kazansky.”
Sea Lions? As in the NFL team that had been built not even three years ago but had made it to all three playoffs in their short time? The one that Jonah had ridiculed immensely when it joined the league because ‘California doesn’t need another group of inflated egos in the league’? 
“I’m really feeling the love here, Rach.” Charming speaks up and the raven haired woman on the other side of the table sighs. 
“This is Jacob Seresin, starting quarterback for the Sea Lions.” The coach speaks, the blonde man brushing off her introduction. 
“No need for full names, Trace. Clearly we only do the stage name around here.” That was a clear jab to you if you’d ever heard it. “Hangman’s what they call me.” His hand juts across the glass, toward you. Your hands stay tucked under your biceps. 
“Pleasure to meet you.” It’s passive, turning to your team leader. “Rachel. I’m not seeing a connection here.” 
“Jacob is in the same pot of hot water you’re in.” Your attention moves to the similarly broad man who stands up, towering over Rachel. “We feel as though we can spin this to both of your advantages. Jake needs to stop sleeping around–”
“Easy now, Simpson.” The eldest in the room stands up and he gives you a kind smile. It’s not a farce though. You’re not entirely sure what makes it so genuine, but you smile in return of seeing him stand, despite it taking a slight bit of effort to do so. “What he means is, Jake’s professional status has changed due to the words of someone else and we’re determined to alter that. Rachel identified this and made quite the proposal.” The young woman seems all too cheery to cut off the old man. 
“You’re both having relationship woes–” The raven haired woman on Jacob’s team speaks under her breath. 
“Wouldn’t call them relationships.”
“And by putting you two together, we feel as though we can put you into a positive light. Let’s face it, putting two very successful, and attractive people who are already in the spotlight allows people to follow the developing love story. Este attends games, plays the WAG card, has an opportunity to be seen in the public eye more frequently and dispels the ill-spoken words that were published about her this week. Jake gets the proof that he isn’t just a love-em-and-leave-em type.” Your eyes spell out the doubt you’re feeling, looking at your team who is just as skeptical. “That’s just the beginning! Celeste is going on tour this year. Stadiums all across the country have her booked and ready for the summer. We have a captive audience already following these games to see Este and Jake together, and we get brand recognition. The conversations that will come as she gets to witness her betrothed play in a stadium she would be performing in that very summer.”
Now you see where the benefit actually is. Clearing your name while simultaneously promoting your tour in the process. Seeing stadiums you’ve booked and would hopefully sell out. 
“So how are you proposing this works? We’ll need a start, an end - a story on how we met–”
“Well,” Beau settles in his seat, twisting in the desk chair as he draws in the attention of the group, “we have the major details hypothesized. Rachel and I will work with one another to get the rest of it together. For now, you two met at a New Years Eve party.” 
Oh joy. Now you get to remember that bitter break-up that led you here, every time you speak about him. 
The man looks like he walked out of a surfing magazine, as it were. Now, the scowl on his features paints him as a devil. Long hair, muscular arms on display as he leans into the table in front of him. 
“If we don’t do this?” Jake leans back in his chair, a hand coming to fiddle with the lingering 5 o’clock shadow that he has omitted in his morning routine. 
“We don’t do this and there will be a lack of support for the Sea Lions. You’ll have painted the entire team as jackasses who can’t focus to save their life, especially if you continue to party and hook up with whomever your dick has the hots for that night-” Beau has gone off the handle and Tom speaks up again. 
“The point is, public favor will stay low and it will not bode well for the team. With a lack of support, we have empty seats. Empty seats translates to less viewers, then to less money and you know the song and dance. Not to mention morale for the upcoming playoffs. We need to keep the team happy, Hangman. It’s time to do something to benefit everyone.” 
Jake’s expression deepens, as though he was a young child just scolded by his father for his poor behavior. Green eyes shift and face you, his hand jutting out toward you. 
“I’m in.” His hand hovers. Waiting for you to join him in this grand scheme. Glancing at your own team, they look rather haunted. At this point, it was this or to hope that a long string of possible good stories and fan interactions can redeem you. 
You want this to pass. And if this would make it go faster… you grab Jake’s hand firmly.
“What’s there to lose?”
You went back onto social media. Posted some photos you’d taken with friends back at the beginning of the month, from the worst party of your life. The photos at least were cute and you loved the dress you’d gotten to wear. Luckily these photos were all taken prior to midnight. So there were no red eyes. No ruined mascara and glitter across your cheeks. No freezing car rides home and empty beds. 
Mindlessly, you scroll through the comments. 
Flameth: can still make the whole place shimmer ✨
RunTao: phony photos
Romanacent: so glad to see you’re not letting him get to you!
H_ngm_n: you’re still gonna let me borrow those boots right
It’s the last one you’d been keeping an eye out for. Boots? Looking back at the photo, you scroll through the carousel until you spot them. 
The same shiny sparkly rhinestone boots you’d worn to your meeting. 
Celeste: @h_ngm_n I’m a woman of my word, of course 🤗
Not even a week goes by before you’re ‘spontaneously’ at a bar in LA. Jake has been there for the last two hours, as he insisted you both show up alone and then end up leaving together. You eventually found him in the VIP section, drinking with his buddies. 
You made sure to keep your distance for a few minutes - after all, his friends had no idea this was going down. The only people who knew about this little arrangement were your respective PR teams. That was it. No one else from your teams, your friends and family, absolutely no one knew what your little plan was. Maybe you should just leave. It was a verbal contract, you didn’t sign anything, you were just trying to make this work for the two of you-
The bartender pulls you from your deliberations. There is now a drink that you certainly didn’t order sitting in front of you. Well there was no going back now. Jake had likely made a show of sending over the drink and now you had to go through with this. Glancing over your shoulder, you see the jock, legs spread, arms resting on the back of the booth chair. Green eyes lock in your direction and send a cocky wink as a garnish to your drink. 
You are about to win your first Oscar with this performance. Throwing on a grin, you pick up the drink and easily sashay your way over to him and his football buddies. Some flash titanium wedding bands, some platinum. Some aren’t wearing them at all, like your date, mister 83 who leans forward upon your approach. “Well, well, well, long time no see hot shot.”
“Speak for yourself, pop star.” Jake stands to greet you, his arms coming around you, carefully as to not spill either of your drinks. You catch a whiff of his cologne when he does so. It’s rich, familiar in the way it reminds you of summers camping. Bonfire smoke and smores. Yet clean, like when you came home to a clean house, citrus floor cleaner lingering in the halls. Pulling back, you almost move forward again to sit in it. Easy does it. 
“Oh come on, three weeks isn’t that long.” You chide. While most of his body has pulled away from the hug, his free hand still sits on your waist, warm against the AC of the exclusive bar. 
“Technically it was a year ago.” Jake smirks before taking a sip of his drink and you want to groan. So you do. But spin it into something more playful. 
“Observant, are we?” You nearly snarl as you take a sip of your drink, Jake’s colleagues standing up. The one who’d sat right next to him grins and extends a hand. He’s tall, lean but has a stunning smile as he steps your way.
“Not sure we’ve met. Javy Machado, running back, San Diego Sea Lions-” the blonde looks at his friend with an amused scoff. 
“I think she knows who the Sea Lions are, Jav.” The look on the captain’s face is one of skepticism and amusement. You were here to dispel rumors. So, as much as you’d like to smack Jake for being a dick to his friend, you shake his teammate’s hand instead 
“In passing. I don’t follow football closely, but I get by. Celeste.” The smile on your face is genuine as the next player stands. Kind eyes, a domestic bar of hair on his upper lip and the build of a pickup truck, he goes for a quick one armed hug. When he lets go, you have to wipe the temptation of any swooning you were compelled to do. Especially since a gold band glistens on his left hand. 
You’re here for Jake anyways. 
“Name’s Bradley Bradshaw. They call me Rooster.” Your eyebrow furrows as your head twists. Before you can ask, another man on the other side of the room laughs. 
“You should hear him on the field when he’s sacking someone.” This one, curls and meticulously groomed facial hair to boot, leans forward and shakes your hand kindly. “I’m Mickey. That back there is Bob.”  
True to his word, at the end of the bench is a long haired man, tucked into his phone and fiddling with a ring. He doesn’t seem to match the energy of the rest of the group. Curious. “Bob!” He glances up at the sound of his name, blue eyes flitting from face to face before spotting you. When he does he breaks out into a smile. 
“Celeste! Gosh, wow it’s so cool to meet you! My girls adore your music.” This catches Jake’s attention, a brow popping up. 
“Aren’t both of ‘em less than five?” He asks and Bob looks between the two of you. 
“Yeah? It’s never too early to introduce them to great music and influential women.” There’s no faking the smile on your face as you reach over and shake his hand. When you do, you look at Jake with a ‘would you look at that’ coded grin. 
“That’s amazing to hear! I’m glad they have fun with it! That’s why I do it.” You glance back at Jake as he comes behind you, hand shifting to the small of your back. 
“Pay’s in the bathroom, I’m sure you’ll meet him sometime later tonight.” The quarterback gives a nod to his group, before guiding the two of you to a high top table not too far from them. When you sit down he looks at you with a laugh. “Flirt much?” 
“Excuse me?” Jumping to the defense, you watch Jake roll his eyes and then look back at Bradley, before facing you. 
“You were practically eye-fucking him.” 
“Was not.” 
“He’s happily married, leave him be.” The blonde sips at his drink and you can’t help but laugh when you realize he’s giving you a hard time. 
“Right, right, guess I’ll bother you instead.” The tease is off your lips in two seconds. Maybe he was right, you were coming off strong. You huff and sink into yourself briefly. “I don’t know if you realized this, but I haven’t had ‘flirt’,” your fingers mark the quotation marks in the air, “with anyone in a while. Let alone fake it.” 
Jake leans back in his chair, downing the rest of his beverage a smirk making way when he sets the glass down. 
“Don’t worry, you won’t be faking it for long.” 
The two of you sat at that table for probably an hour, bickering over which of the Pirates of The Caribbean movies were the best, and why glitter was a detriment to society. Another round of drinks and the football star return to the table as he laughs when he spills a little of your overflowing drink. 
“No, no I assure you. Glitter originated in some high tech nuclear weapons factory to make the enemy go insane upon introducing it to an environment.” He pushes your drink toward you as you pull your hair back. Not only were you not anticipating for him to be this passionate about it, but you weren’t planning on the night going like this. 
You were enjoying yourself. Jake had told you about his time at UT, six years spent studying communications no less. 
It made sense when you really dissected it. Jake had the ease to hold someone’s attention: he’d held yours this long after all, and he was well spoken. Both were things that were shocking to you. He soon enough revealed the plan had always been football. Communications was for post-retirement, when he got tired out and wanted to be back in the stadiums. 
Stories of his dad commentating his high school games came fondly before he asked about your background. You were a bit hesitant to divulge too much, but what you had was pretty bare-bones. 
Music had always been a hobby but never a career choice. You’d planned to go into school for a degree in education, a masters in English. Go and teach for a bit before getting your PhD in some niche of the world of writing and then become a professor at your alma mater. 
With the rise of social media and the multitudinous connections of the internet, a little original song of yours got popular. Local radio picked it up and then your label signed you. 
“It all was pretty spontaneous, really,” you answer. “My career was in no way by design, but… I wouldn’t change it.” The smile on your face is small, but genuine as your hair falls back around your face. Tracing the rim of your glass, you keep your eyes down before a hand pushes your hair out of your face. Coming eye to eye with him, he grins. 
“Guess it was written in the stars then.” His response catches you. Jake’s eyes are much softer than when you’d approached him earlier. They were dark, focused and possibly a little mischievous. Now? They were gentle. Every shade reassured you that the boisterous man you’d seen in the office and the press was nothing like the man under the helmet. 
It made far more sense to you now. How he’d gotten women hooked on him. The abrasiveness and bold exterior was the casing to the real character. 
How many women had actually made it past the outside?
The rustling of a fabric on leather comes from in front of you, watching as the blonde pulls out a wad of cash from his pocket. 
“Please tell me this isn’t you trying to buy my affection there, Seresin.” As he stands up, pushing his wallet back, the grin carved on his face doesn’t leave when he shakes his head. 
“No, no, princess. This is for the bartender. Turns out you’re not a cheap date.” His knuckles wrap onto the table briefly before he disappears. You blame the blush on your face on the humidity inside the building. 
The two of you bid your goodbyes, before starting to the front of the bar to exit. Reaching the street, it’s expectantly empty. He takes the side closest to the street as the two of you head down the way, toward the row of restaurants and shops that were quiet for the night. 
“Are you hungry?” Jake’s voice breaks through the cold of late January air, looking at him quizzically. 
“If you’re hungry we could go back-” His hand comes to your back again as he shakes his head. 
“Oh-ho, no ma’am I promise, I’ve got something way better.” 
Unfortunately, he was right. The two of you stand in the glow of food truck lighting, beyond messy tacos in hand. He’s watching you with a smirk on his face, obnoxiously chewing the fish taco in his hand. 
“Is that not the best taco you’ve ever had?” Again, his voice is filled with ardor as he watches you attempt to maneuver the soft corn tortilla that seems to be spilling into your napkin. 
“It’s… a taco.” You shrug, looking down at the brown beef meal in your hands. Jake shakes his head, still chewing. 
“No, no, I will not have you slander Ganso’s Tacos. Absolutely not.” He sets his red basket down on a table, hand in a vice grip around his taco. “Here, open,” he maneuvers closer and you shake your head, backing up. 
“I am not eating your taco!”
“Eat it!!” The two of you laugh. Finally, you concede and take a bite of the hand fed taco. When he finally takes it back to his plate, his expression eagerly waits for your reaction.  One hand covers your mouth as you chew, nodding as Jake looks like he just stole the Mona Lisa without getting caught. 
“You’re right.” One singular fist to the air and he’s back to scarfing down his tacos. 
“I told you. Way better than bar food. This is by far the best taqueria in all of California. And I stand by that.” 
With full stomachs and messy hands, the two of you start back toward the bar, where Jake’s parked. When you do, you finally notice a car has been tailing the two of you since you ordered your meal. 
The crowd in front of the bar proves that your teams were certainly on to something. Flashes of light start in an onslaught, your hand coming to block your eyes. Still, you keep walking toward them, only for Jake to grab your hand and guide you toward his car. 
Voices shout, questions sail through the air, your name, his name, Jonah’s, more questions about football- it all gets crammed into the cacophony before the passenger door opens under Jake’s hand, guiding you to your escape pod. 
The driver side door causes the car to shake with an unceremonious thud. In seconds, the engine to the sports car is ignited and the two of you are underway. 
It isn’t until you get about two miles out that one of you finally speaks. 
“How long do you think it’s going to take for those to show up online?” White lines on the road disappear as you head further and further from the bars and closer to the hotel you were staying at for the weekend. 
“I give it maybe six hours. Four if we’re lucky.” He laughs, but it doesn’t match the hearty ones he shared with you earlier.
A sports broadcast plays lowly on the radio, both of you overwhelmed by the cameras that stimulating conversation was far from what either of you were concerned with. It isn’t long until you spot your hotel. Jake navigates into the lane closest to the front of the building, pressing down on the brakes. You’re just about to unbuckle when he pulls back out into the other lane, lurching forward and away from your accommodation. 
“Um. Hello?” You question. The car whips around a turn, green eyes fixated to the rear view. Shifting in your seat, you glance behind you. 
“We’re being followed.” Jake just barely makes the light before it turns red, leaving the tailing SUV behind. 
“It’s probably just paparazzi, no big deal.” It’s easy to shrug off for you, but Jake huffs. 
“Yeah. And I’m not dropping you off at a hotel alone with vultures circling.” Navigating the CarPlay in the vehicle, he quickly moves to messages and asks his phone to send someone to your hotel to gather your things. 
“Jake, I’m-”
“You’re staying with me.”
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satans-helper · 2 months
In Your Fantasy
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x (F) Reader
Word Count: ~5300
Warnings: semi-public sex (like...very low-key), oral sex (F receiving), unprotected PIV sex. 18+ only ~
This took me forever to finish because I started it before my stupid tonsillectomy and I was totally useless throughout most of the recovery. Also, it's been absolutely ages since I wrote a Jake x Reader fic so I'm not sure how I feel about it...I really enjoyed writing this regardless of my trepidation though. I loved the idea of falling in love with him at work and him being so cheeky...hope you enjoy it too <3
P.S. also ages ago, I wrote a Josh x Reader fic that also took place in a library which you can read here. Links on my desktop masterlist aren't active for some reason...but I found it using a certain tag lmao. If you know, you know.
You were finishing up fixing the order of some art books in the back of the library when you felt Jake come up behind you. “Wanna hear something kind of crazy?” he whispered in your ear, his chin nearly on your shoulder, his hair brushing against yours. Without even seeing him, the closeness and warmth of his body and the low, husky whisper sent a tingle up your spine–he certainly added a level of intrigue to working in a library. 
“Always,” you said, slipping the last book into the correct spot. It was a quiet Thursday afternoon–you’d thought it’d actually be busier given the rain that kept bucketing down outside, creating an even cozier atmosphere, but maybe people just wanted to stay home with their books instead. That was fine by you. You liked it when it was nearly dead silent throughout the building and Jake was there to occasionally break through, his voice a river through your thoughts and his subtle touches all shockwaves to your heart. 
When you turned around to face him, Jake looked like he was holding back a hilarious joke or something, eyes all eager and a grin tight on his lips like he was bursting at the seams. “So I just went to the bathroom and guess what I heard?” he went on, raising his eyebrows. 
You scrunched up your nose, already worried. This wasn’t what you were expecting when he’d said ‘something crazy.’ What sort of craziness happened in libraries anyway? “There are a lot of things I can think of. Is this a gross story?”
Jake chuckled. “It depends on your definition of ‘gross.’ Okay,” he said, looking around to make sure you two were still alone in the section. Then he looked into your eyes again and lowered his voice even more to tell you, “There were people fucking in there.” 
You scoffed, offended on behalf of the library–the sacred, beautiful space where people went to relax and read, not deal with lewd conduct. That wasn’t crazy, that was just offensive! “What, like two guys?” you questioned, tilting your head, a little irked at Jake finding this all so funny. 
“No, a guy and a girl.”
“Ugh. That’s even worse. Women shouldn’t have to deal with getting laid in a men’s bathroom,” you said, then were momentarily distracting yourself with yet another out of place book on the shelf.  “I’d never do that. I can’t believe someone else is. I mean, kids go here.”
“Yeah, that’s true,” Jake said slowly. He leaned against the bookshelf and looked at you pointedly, his dark eyes even darker in the dim light. “Then again–”
Before he could finish, you had another thought. “Wait, Jake–did you say anything to them?”
“No. What could I say? I just high-tailed it out of there as soon as I heard.”
You sighed. The whole thing would be far more redeemable if your boyfriend had at least tried to throw out some warning words to the perpetrators. “You should have told them to stop. I would have.”
“I’m sure they finished soon after I left.” He smirked. “It sounded like they were pretty close.”
You groaned quietly and turned away, preferring to find another thing to busy yourself with now. “Gross. They should be banned.”
Jake followed along right at your side as you whisked through the rest of the art section and back to the cart you needed to empty. “I didn’t see who they were, so no chance of that.” At the cart, he put his hands on it, keeping it in place. “I actually thought you’d find it sort of amusing, Y/N.”
You leaned over, almost close enough to touch your noses together. “You’re such a guy. Only a guy would think it’s amusing and not disgusting.” 
“I don’t know about that. Maybe you’re just a little stuffy,” Jake replied, tilting his head up as if he were challenging you. “Although maybe I shouldn’t be surprised, considering we’ve never done anything like that.”
You scoffed again and leaned back, surprised and still a little irritated, but also genuinely curious. “Oh, so you want to fuck around in a public place? That’s something I didn’t know about you.”
Jake’s challenging stance turned crestfallen, and he lifted one of your hands to press a kiss to. “Forget I said anything about it. I mean, I suppose you’re right–it is kind of gross.” He kept your hand clasped in his for a few seconds as he said, “But I’d never make love to you in a public bathroom. I’d hope you know me better than that.”
You looked over your shoulder at the sound of a man clearing his throat, settling down into a chair with a newspaper. He wasn’t paying any attention to you or Jake, but you gave the cart a push anyway, cajoling Jake off it so you could navigate to where you needed to go next. 
“It’s really the fact that it’s the bathroom that makes it so gross,” you whispered as Jake kept following you. You couldn’t deny you’d had some secret fantasies about getting it on in the library–after all, it was where you and Jake had met and where you continued to spend the most time together. But none of your fantasies included the restrooms in the hall, or the utility closet or that little corridor tucked away across from the restrooms where the vending machines were. Too grody, too cramped, too obvious.
“At least our bathrooms are clean.” Jake parked himself right next to you once you were in the biography section, and when you stepped away from the cart, he wrapped his arms around your waist and held you in place. “But if I’m being really honest, I have thought about us, well, fooling around here. I think it’s quite surprising we never have.”
“Jake,” you said in an attempt to protest, but his sweet, pretty face and ticklish touch on your waist made you giggle, and his confession that echoed your own secret thoughts lit a little spark. “We work here!” 
“So? All the more reason. It’s always been our special place.” Jake smiled as he got even closer to kiss you; you kissed him back, looping your arms over his shoulders. He was smiling even bigger when you both broke away and he said, “You know, it’s just me closing tonight. You should stay after with me.”
“God, and do what?” you replied, but, despite yourself, you were growing more intrigued. 
“Well, don’t you think the study rooms here are nice and cozy?” Jake questioned, still latching himself to your side as you started to put more books away. “There aren’t any cameras in any of them either. No one would know.”
You looked up at him from your crouched position, sliding a book into place. “Someone would know. Someone would find out somehow.” You were quickly finding even more perfectly good reasons in your mind not to do this, to not even really toy with the idea, but the more you thought about it, the more you thought, why not? Could the risk make it more fun? Even just the new, ill-fitting, sort of scandalous environment? 
Besides, Jake really did look hot today. He looked hot every day, but the second you’d seen him after he’d come into work earlier, he’d lit a fire in your belly that was more intense than usual. His hair had the perfect level of slight messiness and the relaxed black button-down shirt was perhaps one or two buttons shy of being overtly inappropriate for work; the smooth tan skin of his chest exposed and acting as a lovely backdrop to the long silver chain dangling, the pendant hitting his sternum. You could imagine tugging on that chain, grasping the pendant in your palm, to pull him closer while he pressed you against one of those thick wooden tables. You’d run your fingers through his hair and kiss him in the frozen silence, and maybe no one would ever know after all.
“I can practically hear the wheels turning,” Jake remarked, tapping your forehead once you were standing again. “You know you want to.” 
You let out an inadvertent nervous giggle and rolled your eyes. “Yes, I’m thinking about it.”
Jake stepped closer, pressing you back against the cart of books. “I’d love to hear some of those thoughts,” he said, putting his hands on your waist.
“You’re lucky it’s dead here today,” you said, keeping your voice a whisper despite the, indeed, dead library around you. You rested your arms over his shoulders, twisting a strand of his hair between your fingers; Jake just kept looking at you with that sweet, silently begging gaze until you giggled, relenting. “Okay. I was, um…thinking about you pushing me down on one of those big tables.”
Jake’s eyebrows rose. “What else?”
“Well…” you began, looking down at his dark jeans rubbing against your skirt. “You’re giving me some more ideas now.” You lifted one foot off the floor to rub your calf over his, the delicate material of your tights creating subtle but scintillating friction against his denim. 
Jake ran the tip of his nose up your cheek and whispered in your ear, “Same here.” 
Just as you were closing your eyes and allowing yourself to let your environment fall away around you, to forget about all the risk of being caught right there, and just as Jake’s hand was sliding down between your legs, a person’s incredibly soft–thanks to the clever carpeting job–footsteps headed your way yanked you right out of the moment.
Jake, too. He shot back and cleared his throat, ran a hand through his hair and looked in the direction of the footsteps; you did too, and soon enough an older woman with her nose already in an open book trotted past the shelves. 
“See?” you whispered, gesturing at the passer-by who was already out of view. “It’s so easy to get caught.”
“Please, that lady didn’t notice a thing. Alright,” Jake said before he stole one last hurried kiss. “I should let you keep doing your job and I should carry on with mine. But will you stay after with me tonight?”
You pursed your lips as you looked at him, considering, but it wasn’t long before you said, “Alright, Jake. I’ll stay after and we can play out your little fantasy.”
“It’s your fantasy too, baby doll,” Jake said with a wink before he half-turned, beginning to step away. “I think we’ve established that.”
There wasn’t a whole lot to keep your mind occupied as the afternoon carried on. The rain kept coming down, hammering hard against the roof and windows, and the sky outside was pure gray, all flat and blank. It reminded you of your first day working here, as a matter of fact–that morning in the previous late October, when autumn’s chill was officially in the air. A fine layer of frost had even been on the ground that morning; your shoes had crunched over it on the short walk to your car and you’d had to use your defroster once you turned the key, your anxiety peaking as you had to wait even longer to start the new job. 
How could such a quiet, peaceful place encite so much anxiety anyway? You remembered wondering that very question as you walked over the sidewalk to the library entrance for the first time since being hired, the concrete slick with that morning frost and the beginnings of a gentle rainfall. And just when you’d been settling in and getting comfortable, Jake had showed up and introduced himself, all casual and easy like he didn’t know he was the most beautiful man you’d ever seen.
Thankfully, Jake was also the sweetest man you’d ever met. It didn’t take long before his beauty and charm stopped intimidating you and instead just made you feel all light and full of joy–you were simply happy to chat with him whenever you both could spare a few minutes. Those few minutes steadily turned into shared breaks; then, shared lunches where you’d sit out back on the one picnic table when the weather permitted. Then he started bringing you special treats sometimes, things he knew you liked because he actually listened about what you liked, and then after that he started bringing you whole lunches packed with love and care that you’d never experienced before. 
So, after all that, was it really such a big deal to make love inside the place in which you fell in love?
None of your other coworkers even seemed to notice that you were staying later than planned this evening. But, just to be safe, you also made a point to hide out in the kid’s section when closing time crept up, busying yourself with cleaning up stray crayons and markers and then browsing through some of the newer picture book additions when you were done with that. 
When you were sliding one picture book back onto the shelf and reaching for another, you noticed the part of the library beyond the kid’s section dim; you stood up and walked out into the main area, and there Jake was behind the checkout counters flipping switches.
“Despite almost always being the one to close,” he said, flipping another switch. “I still sometimes forget which lights actually get turned off and which ones stay on.”
A path of yellow light led the way past the checkout and reception, past the few rows of public use desktop computers. Jake held your hand as you both stepped through the library, your heartbeat speeding up a bit with nervous yet delightful anticipation; a few more steps and you were further into the very back of the library, just about there. Four study rooms were staggered just beyond the teen reading section, two on the left and two on the right with a wall of windows in between. 
Jake opened the door to the last study room on the right. A large window was in there too, soaking in the deep sunset that was resting beyond the grass outside and the trees, and the mostly-bare branches of all the trees were throwing shadows across the library grounds. Then Jake flipped the light on, making it all disappear.
“Oh no,” you said, reaching behind him to flip it off again. “It’s sort of magical with the light off. Look at that sunset.”
Jake followed your gaze out the window to the wash of deep blue painted across the sky, nighttime so early in autumn that only a slight sliver of golden-orange remained just on the horizon. The rain had stopped a few minutes ago and had left a lingering mist on the ground, its faint haze trailing along just outside the windows–the whole scene was so much more peaceful than what was going on inside your head. You couldn’t shake the possibility of getting caught even though Jake was right about there being no cameras back here, and there was no one else around, not even any of the custodial staff, and not a soul out there in the fog. Just you and Jake in the little dark study room, his hand still warm around your own.
Your thoughts started to drift away, making space for your mind to comprehend the shadowed image of Jake before you as he gently turned you to face him. He smiled with the slightest bit of white teeth gleaming between his full lips, and you instinctively smiled back, pulled under his charm again. So, now effortlessly charmed and put at ease, you wrapped him in your arms and pulled him close, caressing his shoulder blade with one hand and the slight curve of his waist with the other as both of your smiles disappeared into a kiss. 
“You were making me crazy all day,” he remarked between the kisses that accelerated with both of your lips parted and the wet meeting of tongues. 
“Really? You kept it well-hidden.” Of course Jake did–you never doubted his affection and passion for you, but he kept everything so private. It was one of the many things you liked about him. You cupped the back of his head, sinking your fingers into his hair, scratching his scalp with your nails just the way he liked it, and kissed him again.
“God, your ass in this skirt,” Jake said, voice a little rough, and he reached down to grab you there. “The way your hips move.” He licked his bottom lip as he took a moment to just look at you, his eyes scanning your face. “So unbelievably pretty.”
You held the side of his face. “You are too, Jakey.” He really was, and even in the dark–perhaps especially in the dark, actually. The shadows enveloped him in even more mystery than normal, but you could still so plainly see the angles of his face and the smoothness of his skin in the faint, distant glow of the lingering sunset. Jake smiled at the sound of that little nickname coming from you, then disappeared as he pressed his lips to yours again and pushed you back against the table just like in your little fantasy. 
You felt the warmth of his hand travel around your hip then slide down over your skirt; you kissed him harder and spread your legs a little wider when his fingers skated effortlessly up your thigh over your tights. Jake purred against your mouth as he traced the seam of those tights, and subsequently the crotch of your panties beneath, with one fingertip, and your own hands hurried down his body with much less grace to squeeze his ass and feel the hardness between his legs as reciprocity. 
Before you could do much more than that, he was pushing your skirt up all the way with one hand and continuing to use the other to tease you. Your breath caught in your throat as you were finding yourself trying to stay silent despite the library being completely empty; Jake carried on with longer, deeper touches over the crotch of your panties and tights. The steady back and forth of his fingers over the two thin layers of fabric sent a delightful tingle of pleasure up your spine but you couldn’t forget his either–you kept that one hand of your own on his crotch too, gently squeezing his erection through his pants.
Jake huffed softly and kissed you again; you clutched his arm with your other hand, squeezing his bicep. Maybe other people didn’t mind getting caught–maybe there really was some sort of thrill to it. Maybe other people actually sometimes wanted others to witness their most intimate moments but you didn’t. You couldn’t imagine doing this with the lights on in the middle of the day, with the soft noises of people beyond the walls and the risk of someone catching a glimpse from opening the door or from outside the windows. You were perfectly happy with having Jake all to yourself in the shadowed little square study room, his skin so perfectly warm, his kiss so perfectly molded to yours.
“Was this part of your fantasy?” Jake questioned as he slowly sank to his knees, keeping your skirt bunched up over your hips with both hands now. But it was obvious what he was doing, so you took their place to keep it out of the way while his hands squeezed your thighs as he pressed his face between your legs.
The scant sharpness of his teeth over your crotch made you gasp. “Maybe,” you answered, thighs quivering against the table behind you.
“Oh, come on,” Jake beckoned, looking up at you with a sweet but slightly mischievous gaze, his eyebrows raised just enough to display teasing curiosity. 
“Seems like you already know,” you replied, stifling a giggle at him struggling to get your tights down from beneath your skirt. 
“I don’t know how you wear these things,” he remarked, which made you actually let out a laugh.
“Just rip them for fuck’s sake,” you instructed, eager now, already wet for him. “They’re not expensive.”
Jake didn’t hesitate. “If you insist,” he said as he grabbed a fistful of black nylon in each hand and ripped the tights right open, then quickly pulled your panties to the side next, giving you no time to think at all anymore. Whatever words your mind may have found merely turned to shaky breaths as you watched Jake’s face disappear between your legs again.
He gave a little hum just as he went straight in, the bridge of his nose rubbing up against your clit while he dove his tongue into your center like he really did want to eat up all the arousal that had been conjured up just for him. Your fingers found his hair again, knuckles curling to tug the long strands while your nails scratched his scalp again and he let out a little pleased sound, almost like a gratified laugh, and dug his own blunt nails into your inner thigh as he kept you spread open. 
One word finally emerged from your lips–Jake’s name, simply spoken in a soft tone as the ministration of his tongue and lips had you squirming and quivering even harder, your heels digging into the carpet below as you slightly struggled to stay upright. The repeated flicks of tongue over your clit disappeared for a brief moment, then slowed to one long drag of his tongue over your center just to start that quick pace again. Sighs and whimpers were dragged out of you with each lick; when Jake slipped two fingers in, the slow but easy stretch made you tremble and clench your fingers into his hair even harder.
“You’re so tight,” he commented when he pulled back just enough for you to look down again and see your own wetness glistening on his lips and chin. You could feel it too, how much tighter you were clenching around his fingers as he gently thrust them and teased, curling them and now rubbing your clit with his thumb.
“You’re so good,” you told him breathlessly, closing your eyes again when the sensations had you arching your back. You hissed and bit your lip when Jake’s mouth found you again, his tongue teasing your clit more while he slid his fingers in deeper.
You had thought it would take more of a conscious effort to relax in this space and just let go, but it was easy, so easy–you just let your body respond to Jake with each tremble and moan and gasp and tug at his hair until your legs were outright shaking. Panting, the peak rising deep inside, you pulled him closer and he obliged, sucking on your clit as his fingers curled and gently tugged deep inside you too as if he was literally trying to pull you right to the edge you were already rapidly careening to.
His name from your lips once more wasn’t a soft little sigh; it was a sharp, long whine that seemed to boom in the little study room. Your ferocity surprised you even more when the overstimulation came on so soon and you yanked his head back with one hand and shoved him away with the other, your hand gripping his shoulder. Panting, eyes still shut, you could feel how much wetter you were with his saliva and the rush of your orgasm, the fluid soaking your panties that were pulled to the side and even the very inside of your thighs. 
Jake pressing a kiss to your thigh made you look down but he was getting up on his feet now; your gaze followed the steady movement of his rise and then you were whisked away into blissful darkness again when he closed in and kissed you–close-lipped because he was so polite. But you parted yours and slid your tongue over his and gripped his waist tight for a moment before hastily getting those buttons on his shirt undone, fingers trailing all the way down to get his pants undone next. 
He tentatively pushed you back onto the table a bit more so your feet were off the floor, legs still spread wide around him and dangling when he pulled his pants and underwear down just enough to reveal that heated hardness. His cock leaked just a bit as he stroked it once, looking at you, and a blip of that old insecurity born from adoration and fascination stroked your brain, because Jake was just so beautiful and his beauty was so much more stark in contrast to the plain white walls behind him. 
“That was intense,” Jake said with a chuckle, leaning in to kiss you. You sighed against his lips as he slid the head of his cock all through your wet center, making a point to rub longer and harder over your clit. As he slid in, taking your breath away entirely, he sighed too and you watched his shoulders drop and his chest flush and he asked, so casually, “Is your fantasy being fulfilled?”
Even with the impact of Jake’s cock filling you so perfectly, you had to laugh. “You're a fantasy, Jake,” you told him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to bring him closer, to make the head of his cock hit so deep inside you that you gasped again as if you weren’t expecting the feeling. “What about–” You had to pause when Jake gave his first thrust. “What about your fantasy? This was all your idea.”
“It was a shared idea,” he reminded you with the cutest little smile. How could anyone be so sexy and adorable at the same time, especially during the actual act of sex, especially when that sex was taking place inside a public library? But he was, and you kept your eyes on him as he steadily sped up with his hips and his hands explored your body over your clothes, one squeezing your breast through your shirt and the other smoothing down your waist, your hip, traveling around your thigh.
“Oh god,” you chirped when Jake’s fingers made contact with your still-sensitive clit; but he was gentle, clearly deliberately being slow with the little circles he was making. With your arms still a loop around his shoulders, you sank your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and held him there for a minute before the soft pink of his chest became too tempting not to touch.
“Fuck yeah, that feels amazing,” Jake said in that deliciously hazy, husky voice after you slipped your hands past his open shirt to toy with his nipples. Bringing more attention to him put your lingering overstimulation in the background–you continued to tease with one hand while the other skated over the other side of his chest, feeling his warm, soft skin, up to his neck. You caressed him there, your fingers lightly touching the tender skin along his throat and then up to his ear, and Jake moaned softly and tilted his head to try and get more contact.
That was fine by you. You lightly scratched behind his ear like he was a cat and he sort of purred like one anyway, making you giggle; Jake giggled too and surged forward, picking up his pace as he whisked you away with another series of kisses that were deep but just sloppy enough for your mutual moans to be voiced. 
But, also to your surprise, Jake began to voice more thoughts between increasingly ragged breaths: “Remember when we first met?” he asked, his fingers over your clit sliding down to get slick again from your own arousal. “That was–fuck, that was such a good day.”
“It was,” you agreed, playing with one of his earrings as your other hand squeezed his pec. “I’m lucky I even got the job here. For a lot of reasons.” You stole another lingering kiss before adding, “You’re the biggest reason.”
Jake smiled. The sunset that had been just barely clinging to life when you’d both began was gone now–the only illumination was coming from a parking lot light that was too far away from the windows to see, but the pale yellow glow was scant enough to see that alluring, mystical beauty that your boyfriend possessed. Just looking at his face was enough to make you come again.
But Jake’s skilled fingers and the heat, weight and stretch of his cock still thrusting into you certainly helped. You buried your face against his neck now that you had access to all of him; a thick sob was muffled as you tightened and spasmed around him, and you heard him let out a quiet “wow” as the second orgasm rolled through you. 
His fingers on your clit, thankfully, moved away. He gripped your thigh again instead; his pace was now messy and fierce, and you had to fight to stay in place not only from the harsh movements and how the table you were sitting on was skidding a bit across the floor, but also from that second round of intense bodily excitement. 
“God,” you huffed, stifling another laugh. Apparently it didn't matter where you were–if you were with Jake, he just gave you the giggles. “You’re really going for it.”
Jake cradled the back of your head, messing with your hair a bit. “And I’m–hmm–almost there.”
You kissed him softly and sweetly, from his collarbone and up his neck to his ear. “Good boy,” you whispered there, giving his ear a nibble. Jake moaned wordlessly in response and gave one last deep, solid thrust that jostled you backwards and made the table creak, then he went slack over you, his whole upper body all loose and so hot that warmth was radiating through his shirt.
When Jake lifted his head, you leaned back and waved the back of your hand over your forehead with a silly “whew” motion; Jake laughed and nodded, then slowly pulled out. He collapsed forward again, resting his head on your chest, and you wrapped your arms around him once more. 
“Well, we’ve done it once. Do we ever need to do it again?” you asked, petting his back.
“Like, um, sex?” Jake asked, mumbling against your chest. “Or sex in the library?”
“In the library, duh,” you said with a chuckle, and kissed him when he lifted himself up and looked at you. 
“Where else should we do it?” Jake replied, his tone and little smile making it obvious he was kidding–finally. You were glad to have played out this little fantasy and do something new and a little risky, but you’d be even more glad to just go back to the way things were. Nothing wrong with a classic. 
“Our bed, definitely,” you said, and Jake smiled and nodded again; you began working on buttoning up his shirt. “Our couch. The floor. Maybe the shower.” 
“Last time we tried the shower, you nearly cracked your head open,” you reminded him, lifting a hand to cup his jaw. “And nearly broke your perfect teeth.”
Jake’s smile grew wider. “That would be terrible, wouldn’t it?”
“I’d never forgive that stupid shower.”
Jake patted his hands from your shoulders down the length of your body, stopping at your ankles. “Well, babe, we’re both in one piece now, aren’t we? Time to close up?”
“Definitely. The custodians are probably going to be here any minute.”
“Oh my.” Jake held your hand to bring you off the table. “That would have been quite the show for them.” 
“No more shows,” you said as you both put the finishing touches on getting yourselves decent before Jake opened the door. “I should be the only one looking at you when we fuck.”
If you'd like to be tagged in any of my fics, you can let me know here or DM me :)
Tagging: @kissingsun @starbuggie @lightsofthe-living-gvf @sanguinebats @gvfrry @milojames16 @mindastreamofcolours @wetkleenex-gvf @itsafullmoon @heckingfrick @peaceloveunitygvf @musicspeaks @clairesjointshurt @bizzielisteningtogreta
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slytherinshua · 8 months
genre. fluff. warnings. petnames (babe, mein prinz, süßer). pairing. maki x reader. wc. 500. request. no. a/n. the author's block is so real i actually hate this fic but i'm posting it anyway... i wanna write smth better for maki soon :( also i don't know german but i am fluent in google translate 👍
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Maki loved to tease you by calling you terms of endearment in different languages. Whether it was German, French, Japanese, Korean, English, or something else, he never seemed to run out despite dating you for months. He never failed to give you butterflies whenever he called you so sweetly with his honey-like voice.
Today, you wanted to get payback. He had been able to get you a flustered mess many times before, but you had never gotten the same reaction out of him. Of course he blushed when he confessed to you and on some dates, but you hadn’t seen the cute colour on his cheeks for a while.
He was muttering something about his plans for the next week as he typed a list into his phone, still a little sleepy from waking up recently. You weren’t sure how someone could look so pretty so early in the morning, but there were no other ways to describe Maki besides beautiful. You were noticing more and more how well he had grown into his features just over the past few months. You missed how cute he used to be, but his sharper more chiselled features definitely suited him the best.
“You used to have cheeks.” 
Maki glanced up from his phone at your comment, flashing a curious smile at you, “I still have cheeks, babe.” 
You shook your head, “But your cheeks used to be cute and chubby.” You leaned over, poking one of your fingers to his cheek, right where his dimple usually popped up, though it wasn’t visible at the moment.
He smiled again, his dimple forming right under your finger, “You like my cheekbones, though.”
“I do.” You sighed, turning your hand to cup his face instead, tracing a finger along his cheekbone. “Mein prinz*…” You mumbled, biting back a smile.
Maki turned to you, colour rushing to his cheeks in shock. You had rarely said anything in German without his coaching, and certainly never such an affectionate nickname. My prince.
Maki had always been the more romantic of you two; planning dates, initiating skinship, and dreaming about the future. Whenever you reciprocated that fondness back to him, it came as a surprise to him. He couldn’t help but get flustered. 
“Where did you… learn that?” He questioned, “I never taught you that.”
You shrugged, “I did some research in my free time, süßer**.” 
“Stop!” He laughed and hid his face behind his hands as your smile only grew from his reaction.
“Are you blushing?” You teased, trying to peek at his face by removing his hands. But he shrunk away more, evading your hands by curling up into a ball to hide just how red he had gotten. The swarm of butterflies in his stomach and the bubbling feeling in his chest accompanied by his racing heart seemed a little too excessive for just 2 pet names. But that was the effect you had on him. 
“Now you know how I felt before.” You grinned victoriously.
*mein prinz = my prince **süßer = sweetie/cutie pie
↳ &team taglist: @eternalgyu,, @kpoprhia,, @weird-bookworm,, @candewlsy,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @chiiyuuvv
339 notes · View notes
pupyuj · 11 months
→ “body party.” || ahn yujin x reader fic.
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— a cute girl approaches you about your workout routine in your favorite gym in town, and then very strange but sexy events follow...
word count: 8.7k.
dynamic: dom!bimbo!ahn yujin x sub!gym rat!reader.
content warning: smut, unnie kink?, masturbation, shower sssex 😵‍💫, fingering, oral, cunnilingus, semi-exhibitionism, voyeurism, body worship, nipple play, oral fixation, (legal!!) age gap, implied piss kink (yeah i'm serious).
requested? : nope. (just me being a whore for yuj again...)
a/n: the lack of yujin gym content while knowing full well that she's a gym rat should be a federal crime.. starship entertainment are you ready to die . anyway, SHE'S FREEEE!!! soooo sorry this took literally FOREVER ya'll but i'm happy i'm finally letting her out the drafts!! i had a lot of fun writing this so i hope ya'll enjoy it!! 💙💙 apologies for any mistakes tho,, I GOTTA GO TO CLASS—
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ahn yujin didn’t know what to expect when she entered the gym after weeks of burying herself in her homework, but she certainly didn’t expect to meet a sickeningly pretty and ferociously sexy girl like you.
yujin knew she had to fuck you the moment she laid eyes on you in the changing rooms. you appeared to have just finished working out, judging by your damp hair and the fresh set of clothes you were wearing. yujin had to be discreet with the way she was checking you out considering that you were sitting on a bench only a few ways away from her locker, so she should at least be looking at you from the corner of her eye but she didn’t even try to! she was completely mesmerized by your toned body, sculpted to perfection by nobody but yourself… yujin could swear she was drooling as her eyes locked onto your abs, so inviting…
if she had a dick, she would definitely be hard.
you were wearing a simple crop top with sweatpants and a jacket but god, yujin has never seen a finer woman in her whole twenty years of living. the headphones around your neck wasn’t helping either — you were by far the most attractive girl in town, and yujin has seen a lot of pretty girls!
yujin didn’t know you. she was pretty sure this was the first time she has ever seen you, but oh god that thoughts that ran through her mind… surely you would run away from her if she let you hear about them. she couldn’t stop looking at your face, her pussy clenching at the way you bit your lip and swiped your tongue across them. a part yujin wanted to approach you right now, but you looked like you were tending to something important on your phone. what would she even say? right now, yujin just had this raging urge to bend you over the bench you were sitting on and make you scream her name until it was the only thing you could say—
suddenly, you got up from your seat, slinging your gym bag over your shoulder and smiled. at yujin. pause. oh good god, you were looking at her.
“see you later.” you said before swiftly turning on your heel and exiting the changing room, bidding goodbye to everyone else as well. yujin was blushing so hard. she had to keep herself from running and jumping around the changing rooms. did you have to sound so cute too?! yujin swore she almost chased after you and asked for your number, but she knew she would have looked stupid.
“why do you look like you’re about to explode?” yujin’s friend, gaeul, has finally entered the changing rooms with another friend in tow, jiwon.
yujin bites her lip, “hottest girl in town told me that she will ‘see me later’.” she was giggling, earning a few strange looks from the other girls in the room.
“that’s weird. i haven’t said anything to you yet.” wonyoung, who has apparently been in the room this entire time, says while filing her already-perfect nails. 
yujin rolled her eyes at her friend before taking her hand and pulling her up from her seat, patting her ass, “let’s workout!”
it should be noted that you were in yujin’s head the entire day. she couldn’t do her routine properly because she was imagining your pretty face in between her legs… she almost fell off the treadmill for that exact reason. gaeul scolded her for nearly dropping a dumbbell on her own feet, because yujin had been busy drooling while remembering how your ass looked like it would be perfect to have in her hands. needless to say, yujin was very infatuated. there weren’t enough words in the world to express just how much she wanted you!
yujin was thinking about you even after she left the gym. she was thinking about you while she was walking her dog, while she was cooking dinner, while she was eating said dinner, while she was in her bathtub, while she was watching a cool new movie on netflix, and then… while she was trying to fall asleep. actually, she was just laying down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. and then, she slid her hand inside her pants, and started rubbing her pussy at the thought of you. it was actually unbelievable how a stranger she only saw for less than five minutes could have this much of an effect on her.
yujin fingered herself like she had never done before—playing with her clit with her own thumb, moaning so loud, bucking her hips into her own hand… hugging her pillow tightly to muffle her moans at least a little bit. but she kept going, she couldn’t stop. yujin made a mental note to approach you as soon as she sees you. and fuck, she was going to make sure that the next time she goes to the gym, she was going to get laid.
then, lo and behold, yujin’s wishes came true when she spotted you entering the gym as she was parking her car. gosh, your ass looked so good in those leggings. yujin couldn’t wait to just put her hands on you and give you the best fuck of your life. and yes, she was confident because she had quite the reputation in this gym, in this town. yujin was not only good at sex, she was fucking amazing. and she had no doubts that she would have you begging for her to make you come again by the end of this entire thing.
but first, yujin has to find a way to approach you without coming on too strong. that might have worked to the other girls she has hooked up with in this gym, mostly because they were just as much of a whore as yujin was, but she had a feeling that you were a girl with some sense of class. as much as yujin hated taking things slow especially when all she really wanted was to fuck, the idea of getting you to submit to her after she was done being all romantic sounded very enticing.
yujin watched as you talked to the male receptionist behind the counter. he was blushing, he was stuttering, and yujin figured that he must have been a part-timer because he looked young and hormonal. yujin grimaced as the boy tripped over his words and bit his tongue a few times as you made small talk with him. the slightly older other receptionist stared as the young boy sweats profusely at your presence—you had that effect on everybody, apparently. yujin crosses her arms, not at all a fan of the way the boy’s eyes lingered on your ass as you turned to enter the gym.
granted, yujin has done the same and has thought worse things about you but see, it was way different!
yujin trailed behind you as the two of you both made your way towards the locker room. everybody was staring at you, and then at yujin. a few girls waved at her, but she couldn’t keep her eyes off of you, except for the times when she would side eye a few men that looked at you in a way she didn’t like. god, yujin just had this urge to grab you right there and bend you over a barbell bench and show everyone that nobody will be able to make you feel as good as she can.
upon entering the locker room, yujin makes eye contact with wonyoung, who has once again somehow managed to arrive earlier than everyone else. and it seems like she had brought jiwon along with her. there were definitely doing something they shouldn’t have been doing together considering the way they jolted away from each other like they were shocked when yujin, as well as yourself, entered the room. you smiled and greeted the two girls before opening up your usual locker.
yujin’s eyes flicker over to your ass before she busies herself with her bag. of course, wonyoung and jiwon notice this and they approach her about it!
“real subtle, unnie.” wonyoung whispered, a smirk dancing on her lips as she watched yujin roll her eyes.
“we were calling you last night, you know,” jiwon said. “wonyoung and i went out for a little midnight mcdonald’s run and we were going to ask if you wanted anything but you must’ve gone to sleep early.”
yujin chuckled, “oh, i was awake. but my phone was on silent.” she bites her lip, remembering all of the nasty things she thought about you when she touched herself last night. having known yujin since they were little children, wonyoung had this special and amazing ability to be somehow in sync with her mind, figuratively of course, so she immediately knew what yujin had meant by that. the older girl spent the entire day ogling at you after all, what else could she have done when she got home?
“huh… were you busy?” jiwon asked, scratching her head. 
wonyoung pats her friend’s back and sighed, “i think it’s best that you don’t know, jiwonie.”
“saying that as if i didn’t just catch the two of you on the verge of pouncing on each other.” yujin bites back, and judging by the way, jiwon’s face flushed and her eyes started darting everywhere, her suspicions were right!
a locker closes, making the girls turn their head towards your direction. you give them a brief smile before exiting the room, humming to a beat and all. wonyoung herself couldn’t help but whistle at the sight of your perfect ass, thank goodness you were wearing your headphones as you left, or else yujin would’ve had to smack her friend upside in the head. even jiwon was seemingly mesmerized by your amazing body—yujin knew she wasn’t alone in all of this!
“i’m going to fuck her.” yujin said. wonyoung looked unfazed by her proposal, meanwhile jiwon’s face had warmed up at the thought. jiwon had known about yujin’s awful habit of fucking every girl she encounters anywhere, especially in the gym, but she hadn’t seen her in action just yet! she has only heard stories from wonyoung and gaeul—stories that made her want to shrink onto herself because of how flustered she got from the things yujin has done.
“she looks like a challenge, unnie. good luck.” wonyoung said, patting the older girl’s arm before taking jiwon’s hand and leaving the locker room.
a challenge, they say? well! if yujin was good at anything, other than fucking, it was having more guts than anyone and taking a leap of faith. she knew she was hot, she knew she was pretty, and she most definitely knew you were gay as hell—she can do anything! with a huff and an encouraging enough pat on the back (given by herself, yes), yujin leaves the changing rooms with a smile on her face, thinking up of a plan to approach you and to slowly make you submit to her. jiwon and wonyoung were occupying some treadmills, chatting amongst each other. maybe even flirting! neither of them have been slick after all.
yujin spots you only a few steps away from wonyoung and jiwon. you were also on a treadmill, walking at a steady pace and eyes glued towards the small screen that played your favorite television show from the early 2010’s. yujin tilts her head, smiling at the way you were so focused on the show that you nearly tripped. you were quick to catch yourself and keep on walking like nothing happened though, to which yujin chuckled lightly before someone—a man!—tapped you on the shoulder and caught your attention. the man was only asking if you were okay but nobody could blame yujin for seeing red because he was not making his interest in your tits subtle at all!
god, if yujin could make that man explode with her mind, she totally would.
“oh, i know that look,” gaeul, who just arrived inside the facility, said with a smirk. she lifted her sunglasses up and wriggled her eyebrows towards yujin. “what’s the plan?” she asked, nudging her friend with her elbow.
“it doesn’t involve you, unnie.” yujin replied. gaeul waved at wonyoung and jiwon before patting yujin’s bum and walking away with a wink. the younger girl sighed and looked at you again. thankfully enough, the man has left you all alone and you were once again focused on your television show. yujin scans the entire room—nearly everybody looks at your direction every now and then. eyes raking all over your body, captivated by your beauty the same way yujin was when she first saw you. all of these people wanted you, but yujin was going to make sure that she was the only one out of all of them that will have you.
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see, not a lot of people approached you. and you didn’t know whether it was because you looked intimidating or if you gave off some sort of bad vibes, but a lot of the folks that frequent the gym just don’t seem to be very fond of talking to you, which explains the countless times you have tried chatting with someone and they suddenly start acting like they didn’t know how to hold a conversation. you grew fond of the people that did try to interact with you, but immediately lost affection for them the moment you figured out that all they wanted was your body.
as in, they wanted to fuck you.
like this girl. ahn yujin, she introduced herself. or was that her name? you couldn’t really remember. you logged out of the conversation when you took notice of the way her eyes could not at all stop roaming all over your body. see, if it were anyone else, you would have smiled and made up some sort of excuse to walk away from them, but something about this girl made you stand idly by the stepmill and listen to her. maybe it was the dimples, the frequent lip-licking, the attractive sounds of her laughs, the eye-smile, but god, you absolutely just went dumb for this girl.
what were the two of you even talking about? you had no idea. all you were thinking about was the many times you’ve seen this gorgeous girl before but never once thought to talk to her. in your head, you thought she would have acted like everyone else did but if you knew that she had this much interest in you then you would have entertained her much, much earlier.
while yujin talked, you let your eyes not-so-discreetly wander. she was taller than you, and no doubt stronger than you by the way her arms were built. you couldn’t look away from her abs, which was weird considering you had some of your own and yet, it was hers you were currently obsessing over. jesus christ, she was so hot. and so fucking charming! as much as you were aware of her not-very-subtle pick-up technique, you couldn’t stop yourself from falling for it. she giggled every second, winked every now and then, and you blushed at every single action.
you probably looked like an awestruck dumbass to everyone else right now. but the men around could use this wake-up call. you were only interested in women. tall, tan, and ridiculously handsome women who had ways to talk themselves into a girl’s pants.
“do you think you could give me some pointers, unnie?” yujin smiles sweetly, tilting her head and showing off those cute dimples.
you blinked, realizing that you did not hear a single word of what she said at all. “s-sure! sure, i could. of course.” you answered, clearing your throat right after. yujin eyes shined with pure excitement and you found it so adorable that you couldn’t help but smile brightly at her. you knew damn well that she was spitting bullshit but listen, you were a simple woman!
pretty girl. have to kiss. maybe even fuck—
“so, how do i use this thing?” yujin pats the stepmill, looking at it curiously. you were so sure that you saw her using this exact machine some days ago. regardless, you taught her how to use the machine, talking on and on about specific things. you thought that yujin would get bored of you rambling about a stupid gym equipment but when you looked at her, she was intently staring, absorbing each and every word you were saying. and it was this moment when you thought that maybe she isn’t all bad!
(“she has to be joking right now,” wonyoung said as she stared incredulously at you and yujin. “is she seriously expecting a girl that hot and smart to fall for her usual antics?”
“yeah. i mean, she is yujin.” gaeul replied, smiling proudly when yujin asking the dumbest question actually got you to look at and talk to her.
“i’m not sure if the stupidity is an act anymore…” wonyoung sighed, shaking her head. jiwon was happy for yujin, actually! she was smiling as she watched you and her interact. sure, it was dumb but yujin surely did have her ways. maybe jiwon should write down some notes…)
you and yujin proceeded to chat about your workout routine as she busied herself with the stepmill. you told her everything—your warm-ups, your more intense workouts, the exercises you do when you can’t make it to the gym, your diet—and yujin never failed to listen. your heart warmed up at the gesture. nobody really listens to you ramble on for that long about that part of your life without dismissing you or switching to another topic entirely. you decided that you liked yujin! she seemed like a nice enough girl, and she was very, very pleasing to look at too.
it felt good to have a friend who would listen to your nonsense like this. well, she wasn’t really a friend yet. of course not. you weren’t stupid—you just met! but perhaps the lust you noticed in her eyes before was all in your imagination. just because everyone in the gym viewed you as some prize to be won didn’t mean she thought that too. or that was what you hoped, at least.
(you are so goddamn naive.)
“ah, sorry. i have to take this call.” you excused yourself out of the conversation and went to some corner to answer a call from one of your friends.
(back on the stepmill, yujin shoots a look towards wonyoung, gaeul, and jiwon, winking at them and shaking her shoulders in celebration. gaeul claps silently wearing a proud grin and all, jiwon shoots her two thumbs ups, while wonyoung rolled her eyes in annoyance. no doubt yujin was going to be annoying about her stupid plan working. in response to wonyoung’s attitude, yujin gives her a kiss in the air, making the younger girl grimace and look away.
“so bitter. all she has to do pay me is twenty bucks, geez.” yujin muttered under her breath.)
after a few minutes or so, you came back to yujin who was now off the stepmill, thinking that she had had enough of the machine for the day. “thanks a lot for the tips, unnie. i think i should know what to do with my time here now.” yujin says. again, you knew she had a routine of her own—and a pretty complicated one at that! so you didn’t know what exactly she was thanking you for.
nevertheless, you shot her a smile back. “no worries, yujin-ah.”
yujin couldn’t help but blush, but she was quick to cover up her bashfulness with a bold statement. bold in your standards anyway. “you’re sweet, unnie. could i have your number?” bold, because nobody in this damn place never knew how to hold a conversation with you, let alone work up the courage to ask for your number after only a solid few minutes of useless talking! 
“it’s not everyday you meet decent people at the gym, you know?” yujin steps forward, tilting her head and blinking at you innocently. “maybe we can even hang out somewhere else! i think you’re great, unnie.” she says, a sheepish smile gracing her features. oh, she really has charmed you. because before you knew it, you had her phone in your hands and you were typing down your number on it. she probably meant it as friends, right? right? yeah, probably.
“thank you.” yujin says when you return her phone to her. she stares at her screen for a bit, pretty eyes fluttering back up to glance at you for a second, before she starts typing. no doubt to send you a quick message so you could save her number on your phone. you felt your device vibrate in your pocket but you don’t bother to pull it out.
“oh, are you leaving early today, unnie?” yujin asks as you pick your water bottle up from the ground. you noticed the pout on her lips when you stood back up, and it made you smile a little.
you nodded, “yeah. i made some plans with a friend today, that ought to be fun.”
“aw. i guess i’ll just see you tomorrow, then?” yujin truly did sound disappointed. you almost wanted to ditch whatever plans you had, but you weren’t that kind of friend. you would never cancel plans just to spend time with some stranger from the gym! (you weren’t that kind of friend, yet.)
“mhm. i’m always here anyway. either to do some work or to just visit. some of the staff are my friends,” you grinned and waved at the cute female employee in the distance. yewon, as her name tag showed, waved back at you before doing whatever chore she was doing. “it was nice meeting you, yujin-ah.” you pat the girl’s arm before walking past her and approaching yewon, who took out one of her earbuds and started chatting with you.
however, during the entire time you were chatting with yewon about your plans (the very same plans she was to join later), your eyes couldn’t help but wander. away from your friend and towards the direction of one ahn yujin, who was now busy talking and laughing with her own friends. it seems like she couldn’t help herself from looking at you too. the two of you shared glances and small smiles as you talked with your respective friends. of course yewon wasn’t stupid, she noticed how your eyes never focused on her.
“what happened to never making friends with the people in the gym, (y/n)?” she asked, crossing her arms. “or will she become something more, i wonder?” yewon teased, nudging your arm and everything while wearing a smirk on her cute face.
you blinked innocently at your friend. “what do you mean?” you knew damn well what she meant! a girl as pretty as yujin staying solely as friends with you? why, that was akin to saying that hell would eventually freeze over! yewon rolls her eyes at you and walked away, saying something about doing her job and updating you of her plans later. when she left you on your lonesome, you started walking back to the changing rooms.
and of course, you spared one last glance at yujin. and it turns out that she had been looking at you the entire time.
she smiles, you do the same. and despite your resistance, your heart skips a beat.
something more, yewon said! well, after seeing those abs and dimples up close, you sure hope so.
you ended up taking a shower in the changing rooms with a bright smile on your face, thrilled for the new and exciting adventure you might have with your new ‘friend’.
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for the past few days, everything you have been doing, you’ve been doing it with yujin. but in the gym, of course. you’ve told her about your usual routine so she started following it, you take breaks from workouts together, and you talk a lot in the changing rooms before and after working out! you even got to know yujin’s friends a bit as well! other than yujin herself, jiwon might be your favorite in the little group as you often find yourself smiling and waving at her whenever you see her. but you’ve tried toning the smiles down a bit after wonyoung sent a glare your way one time. but yujin reassured you that wonyoung doesn’t hold any negative feelings about you—she was just naturally overprotective of jiwon considering wonyoung has been crushing on her for the longest time.
anyway, yujin’s friends were lovely. yujin herself was lovely. you were glad to be friends with her.
in fact, you’ve become so close that you eventually wanted to hang out with her outside of the gym! fortunately enough, yujin liked you to the point where she agreed to do whatever you want! from brunches, to visiting exhibits and aquariums, going to concerts—everything! yujin quickly became one of your best friends, but one could say that the two of you are too close. or at least that was what umji told you.
“just be careful, (y/n). people you meet in the gym have a track record of being, well, not very good!”
she was referring to your exes, but it wasn’t like you were planning on dating yujin! nor were you planning on liking her like that. ahn yujin was simply your friend. your criminally attractive friend who makes shameless comments about how hot she finds you and always seems to have her hands on you. like now, at this present time, she has an arm around your shoulders as the two of you watched a cartoon that only aired early in the mornings on your living room couch.
the two of you have become comfortable enough to be affectionate like this but recently, you’ve noticed that there’s been something in the air. and you weren’t stupid. you knew all about sexual tension but this one was simply ridiculous—it was off the charts! in your head, you blamed yujin for being so unfairly hot and charming. every cheeky grin, smirk, and wink sent your mind into a frenzy and before you knew it, she was all you thought about as you lay in your bed at night!
“the girls and i are planning on going to that fair later in the week. will you and umji-unnie be there?” yujin asked, shiny eyes landing right on yours. she realizes that you’ve been staring at her and laughed lightly, but chose not to address it since you’ve looked away with your cheeks burning. it was a normal occurrence at this point. it happens to yujin sometimes too but instead of getting caught staring at your face, it was your ass. or boobs depending on which private part of yours she chooses to drool over for the day. you try to tease her about it when you do catch her but yujin always finds a way to smooth-talk her way out of scrutiny.
damn her and wits.
“i think so. umji’s girlfriend has been waiting for that fair since she missed it last year so umji is legally obligated to go. and that automatically means that i’m tagging along.” you pulled out your phone from your sweater pocket and looked at the time. 8:43. you and yujin were going to drive to the gym soon.
“you’d willingly third-wheel? god, i refuse to be around jiwon and wonyoung unless gaeul-unnie was with me. they aren’t dating but they sure can be some saps.” yujin sighs, playfully rolling her eyes at the memory of her two best friends always playing push-and-pull with their feelings for each other.
“i won’t be third-wheeling if we just leave the lovebirds and go on our own adventure,” you tried to sound nonchalant about the whole thing as much as you could but if yujin was able to see through you, you wouldn’t be surprised. “with gaeul too.”
“nah, forget about unnie. i bet she’d love to be alone. she’s kind of weird sometimes,” yujin smiles at you. that same charming smile she always shot your way since the day she approached you. so handsome. “we should definitely just go together.” you didn’t get to say anything else because an alarm in your phone went off and yujin stood up. if you give in to your delusions enough, you could see that yujin was smiling a little bit because of your statement.
you turned off your tv and followed yujin to the door, where she was putting her shoes on and swiping her keys from some hooks on the wall. now you finally have use for that thing. after you’ve grabbed your bag, yujin opens the door for you and you walk out, relishing in the feeling of the chill morning air kissing your skin as you walk down the steps of your front porch. yujin locks your door and tosses the key over to you, and you catch it effortlessly, to which she whistles at. apparently, that was attractive.
yujin was to drive both of you to the gym today. it was a thing she always did on wednesdays. you don’t know why wednesdays specifically but they happen to be your lazy days so you were thankful for the sentiment. you settled yourself in the passenger seat and managed to snatch the bluetooth connection before yujin did, sticking your tongue out at her when you did and earning an eye roll.
when yujin pulled out of your driveway, you were so sure that it was just going to be another day with her. but you should’ve known otherwise when she put her hand on your thigh and caressed your skin with her thumb as she drove down the road with a small smile on her lips.
at that time, you didn’t know yet but yujin was going to make your week significantly better!
you started your usual routine when the two of you arrived in the gym: make small talk with the receptionists and umji, greet everybody around, head into the locker rooms to change into your usual workout attire, and start your day! and see, for the most part, the usual was what happened, you know? you and yujin did the same exact workouts, never left each other’s side as well as sights—even when yujin’s friends arrived the two of you were attached by the hip! gaeul had been smiling strangely at you the entire time she talked with you for a bit, so that made you believe yujin’s statement about gaeul being weird at times. and from behind gaeul, jiwon and wonyoung were up to their usual will-they, won’t-they antics. totally normal.
it wasn’t until some guy somehow gathered the courage to strike up a conversation with you when things took a weird turn.
you knew your way around men in the gym but for the first time, none of your evasive maneuvers were working. laughing and smiling did you not work, you actually had to say more than a few words to the guy. excusing yourself out of the conversion did not work because when you came back from whatever lie you told, the guy talked to you again! not finding it in you to avoid him any longer, you opted to stand there and listen to him go on and on about his adventures in this gym. of course, you had to share your stories too and you know what, you were actually starting to get interested in the topic.
the guy seemed genuine enough. no ulterior motives whatsoever. all smiles and eyes focused on yours the entire ti—did he just touch your waist?
ah, it was too good to be true. you should’ve known men were never going to be normal about you!
yujin apparently did, however, because the moment she saw you freeze up, she bolted to where you were standing and swatted the man’s hand away from you.
“whoa, easy. i was just—”
“just being a massive pervert. i know. screw off, fucker.”
yujin doesn’t even wait until the guy walks off to drag you somewhere far away from him. she glares at anybody who stared at the scene and stopped walking when the two of you reached the stepmills. she was fuming—eyebrows furrowed deeply, her normally soft brown eyes looked at you harshly. a heavy sigh escaped her lips and she turned her head away. it wasn’t until you tilted your head to look at her that she finally calmed down. from the distance, you could see her friends staring. wonyoung was seemingly surprised at what went down, jiwon was clearly concerned for you, and gaeul looked like she was already planning on poking holes at the guy’s tires as soon as she could.
yujin huffs, pouting at you. “that’s why you should stop entertaining the people here, unnie.”
“i entertained you. look where that got me.” you said with a smile. and well, yujin was smarter than she looked! she knew exactly what you meant; how you were aware of her intentions then and now. suddenly, her mouth was clamped shut. she looked guilty, almost ashamed. but she doesn’t say anything after that, merely muttering about punching that guy before continuing on with her routine. you don’t know why, but it was awkward after that. yujin couldn’t seem to bring herself to look at you but when she did, you could feel it. you always get chills, the good kind, whenever she stares at you so you just knew.
eventually, you wanted a break. so you briefly stepped outside for some fresh air. the breeze felt cool against your damp skin. you stretched out your sore legs and arms, you were surprisingly already tired despite having only been working out for a short while. clear proof that talking and being around men was an energy-drainer. maybe you should really take a page out of yujin’s book and pretend that they don’t exist entirely. speaking of yujin, you wondered if yoju actually hurt her in some way. it’s not like you were condemning her for having ulterior motives when she first talked to you, you did feel and were thinking the same things for her back then. so in conclusion, both of you were perverts.
a blueberry yogurt juice box, your favorite among the variety of flavors they offer in the gym vending machines, enters your vision. you turned your head and there yujin was with a bashful look on her face.
“that really bummed me out. we should just call it a day.” she says, pouting. you accepted the juice box, chuckling slightly at her for being so cute.
now, you don’t know what came over you but at that moment, yujin looked so damn delicious with her protruding muscles, her bangs sticking to her forehead, and droplets of sweat running down her neck that you couldn’t help but be brave. you stood closer to her, one would say almost too close, and tilted your head, eyes flickering down to her inviting lips. “should we hit the showers then, yujin-ah?” you asked and god, you were practically eyefucking her.
yujin doesn’t seem fazed by your sudden confidence at all. she merely takes a cautious sideways glance before leaning close to your ear, lips dangerously close to your neck, making you shiver. “i was wondering when you were going to let me fuck you, unnie.” she whispered, smirking because she knew just how you were feeling considering you slightly pushed her away and covered your face with the juice box she gave you. she was too darn handsome. it was bold of you to think that you could make her feel flustered when she basically knows what always works with girls.
you take yujin’s wrist with your hand and she allows you to drag her back inside the gym. you avoided stopping for small talk. actually, you avoided looking at anybody else entirely! and as soon as the doors to the changing rooms closed, yujin’s hands were all over you. you grabbed her shirt, pulling it over her head before you kissed her. she presses your back against the cool metal lockers, making you whimper and giving her the perfect opportunity to insert her tongue inside your mouth. she unzips your thin jacket and pulls up your top along with your bra, her hands immediately getting busy with your breasts.
you bucked your hips against her pelvis desperately, but yujin ignored you. opting to break the kiss and take one of your nipples inside her mouth instead, running her tongue over the hard bud and sucking on it while pinching and squeezing the other one. but it doesn’t take long for her other hand to slowly make its descent down your body, feeling your stomach a bit, before slipping inside your leggings, teasing your sensitive clit through the fabric of your panties.
“mhmn… yujin.. more.”
that was all yujin needed before she stripped you down to only your panties. she takes a minute to observe your body, eyes shining with pure lust as well as appreciation before tugging you towards the showers. fortunately enough, it was empty so yujin took you to the nearest stall and didn't waste any time before pinning you against the door and kissing you again. you pulled off her ponytail and threw it away to some unknown corner, letting her gorgeous hair cascade down to her shoulders. you cupped her cheeks with your hands, pulling away slightly and pecking her lips softly, earning a giggle from her.
you pecked her lips again, and again, and every time, she would smile. yujin kissed you again, she was more gentle and careful this time… until she nearly ripped your panties when she pulled it off of you. “get in, unnie.” yujin said, giving you a kiss on your cheek and a pat on your ass before nodding her head towards the shower. yujin starts stripping herself down while you turn the faucet on, sighing contentedly as the cool water meets your skin. goosebumps grow all over your skin, but were completely erased when you felt strong arms wrap around your body.
yujin was warm. from the way she smiled at you, talked to you, treated you, kissed you, and now, the way she held you. her hands explored your body as she softly kissed your neck, “have i told you how perfect i find you, unnie?” yujin runs a hand across your breasts, glides it down to your stomach and all the way down to your inner thighs before making its way around your thighs and back up your waist. 
“you’re kind, you’re sweet… you’re exactly the type of person people would wanna bring home to their parents,” yujin turns you around, moving your wet hair behind your back and smiling at you when you cupped her cheeks again. you pull her closer, hungry for her lips. it was as if all you wanted to do was kissing her until you were sick of it—as if you would get sick of it though. “and fuck, you’re so hot.” yujin bites her lip before finally giving you what you had been craving for. this kiss had the equal amount of tenderness and passion, both immediately getting taken over by pure desire when yujin’s lips start leaving a trail of kisses down your jawline to your neck.
warmth blooms across your chest as yujin takes her time leaving carefully-placed marks all over your skin. sucking and licking wherever she felt was perfect until she eventually leaned back to stare at her work, “beautiful.” and she continues to use her lips as she lowered herself to the ground, leaving a few hickeys on your chest, your breasts, your stomach, and finally, your thighs.
“open up for me, unnie. i want to see you.” and so you do.
yujin licks her lips before kissing up to your inner thighs. you couldn’t help but put a hand on her head, staring down at her with pleading eyes, desperate for her to just get it over with and make you see the stars. you were lucky enough that yujin couldn’t find it in herself to tease you. surely after months of wooing you and playing with your head she would be exhausted from all the games, and thankfully she was! yujin leans in and gives your pussy one long lick, making you whimper and grip her hair just a little bit tighter. you could see her smile at you before she proceeds on eating you out.
clearly, this wasn’t yujin’s first time. maybe on her knees, yes. she, as well as her friends, have told you countless stories of how addicted she really was to eating pussy and you could see it clearly here. yujin, with her eyebrows furrowed in concentration and eyes shut tight while she makes a mess of her pretty face by slobbering all over your cunt. like a fucking dog. you pull and tug at her hair, unable to do anything else due to the amount of delight hindered your ability to think.
“mhm.. ha.. unnie’s pussy is so—ah, delicious.. i knew it.” yujin opens her eyes just to see the look on your face. all flustered and contorted with pleasure. you covered your mouth with your other hand just to make sure that you aren’t too loud. yujin didn’t like that, apparently. she sneaks one of her hands in between your thighs and leans back a little, licking your wetness off her mouth before shoving two fingers inside your cunt. you choked out a moan and you couldn’t even say anything to yujin about it all because she immediately wraps her lips around your sensitive clit.
“ahh..! y-yujin!” again, you clamped your mouth shut, opting to muffle them at the very least! the younger girl’s mouth and fingers surprisingly well together—yujin’s digits hitting all the right spots inside your walls while she flicks, sucks, and nibbles on your clit. having no choice but to uncover your mouth and put both your hands on yujin’s head, pushing her in further and practically grinding your hips on her face. 
“please, please, baby.. keep going…! m-more..” you were desperate for release. yujin could see that much. she stares and stares while she eats you out, so fucking turned out with the way you were begging for her—almost screaming for her despite what may come after.
(this was exactly what yujin wanted from day one. to have you screaming her name where everybody else can hear you just to prove that nobody, no other man and even woman, can make you feel as good as she can. now she’ll prove just how much she can make you feel. something beyond pleasure that only she can give you.)
“mmphf…! fuck, more… more, baby..!” and so yujin increases her pace, pulling her fingers out all the way and almost painfully plunging it back deep inside you. now you were screaming, having lost control of your composure long after yujin flicks your bud with her tongue and sucks on it desperately. you were pretty sure that you were hurting her with the way you gripped her hair tightly, but you knew that if you let go, you would fall over. your knees have turned to jelly, and it was only yujin’s body that kept you standing up.
“come all over my face, unnie…” yujin says. she takes out her fingers and replaces it with her tongue, once again making you moan loudly while she relishes in the taste of your cunt. fuck, yujin was so in love with how sweet you were, just the perfect flavor to satisfy her mouth. yujin makes out with your cunt, occasionally running her tongue over your clit and dipping it inside your hole, moaning as she did so. god, she could literally come just by eating you out alone. yujin has never been this addicted—you could probably pee on her and she’d drink it up! and she really would.
it takes another flick of yujin’s tongue on your clit before the pressure in your lower stomach finally breaks. yujin held your thighs tightly as you came, lapping up your cum diligently while she held you up. you grind your cunt against her mouth, still desperate to feel her mouth on your even though you were in the middle of your climax. yujin herself could not help but start licking again, her mind completely clouded with desire. now the only thing she wanted to do was make you come over and over again until both of you were exhausted out of your minds.
she wanted to see you lose every bit of control in your mind for her, and only her. and yujin plans on doing that very same thing today. right now.
much to your dismay, yujin pulls away from your cunt, not before giving your clit a sweet little kiss, and slowly stands up. she was only the slightest bit taller than you, but her dark eyes, alluring lips, and all the little droplets of water that ran down her toned body, you couldn’t help but go a little crazy over it all. yujin pulls you in, wrapping her lips around yours and immediately sliding her tongue inside your mouth, letting you taste a little bit of yourself before she presses your back against the wall.
while kissing you, yujin sneaks a hand in between your legs and starts massaging your clit in circles, relishing in the sounds of your muffled moans. you started moving your hips, grinding slowly on her hand. putting a hand behind your thigh, yujin pulls your leg up, wrapping it around her hips. she starts teasing your entrance, only running her fingertips over it rather than doing what you clearly wanted her to do. you whine in her mouth, detaching your lips from hers and looking at her with pleading eyes, “please, yujin. i need you.”
and how could she say no to you? yes, yujin would love to have you beg and beg for her but that was an experiment for later. right now, she wants to ruin you and have every damn person in this place know that the only girl that can take you to the stars is her.
yujin plunges two long fingers knuckle deep inside your pussy. she moans at your warmth, finding the way your tight cunt sucked her fingers in so attractive. pulling in and out excruciatingly slowly just to feel your cunt clench around her digits and soak them with your slick. “fuck, unnie… how are you so tight?” yujin chuckles. her eyes shined with hunger as she watched her fingers disappear inside of you.
“don’t tell me you’re a virgin… i’ll really ruin you if that’s the case—fuck.” yujin curls her fingers inside you, making you release a whiny moan before you cover your mouth shut. your face flushed while yujin laughed at you. you clawed at her back while she spread her fingers inside you before pushing them in even deeper. you didn’t even know if that was possible. she starts hitting the spots not even your toys are capable of reaching, her pace and force now increasing at an alarming rate, making you unable to say anything but nonsense.
you never really told yujin about your adventures in bed with other people. you weren’t a virgin of course, but what she didn’t know was that… you weren’t used to this. you knew a thing or two about being the one that’s doing the fucking, not the other way around! you somehow always had ways to be on top of the people you hook up with but the idea of letting yujin make you feel real pleasure was too enticing to give it up.
(oh, you have no idea how that information might’ve rewired yujin’s brain entirely. her obsession towards you slowly grew day by day—imagine what would have happened in here had you made her aware of that fact? she would make sure that you couldn’t walk.)
you hugged yuin by her neck tightly, hiding your face on her shoulder. a string of incoherent words leave your mouth as she steadily fucked you. it was reaching to a point where it almost hurt, but you buck your hips to her rhythm anyway, never having enough. yujin grabs your waist with her free arm, “up.” she said, tapping at your lower back. yujin momentarily pulls out of your cunt to wrap both of your legs around her waist, carrying you while still having you back up against the wall.
this time around, yujin doesn’t ease you into taking her fingers. as soon as you were comfortable, she shoves her two fingers right back inside of you and fucks your cunt relentlessly. she merely watched your face while she fucked you, grinning sickly at the way you threw your head back and gave her a full view of the mess she made on your neck. 
you were so beautiful like this—the perfect little piece of art that yujin can ruin as she pleases.
“nnngh… god, yujin—ah!” you dug your nails on her shoulders, leaning forward and pressing your forehead against hers.
“mhm, unnie’s such a good girl. it’s overwhelming isn’t it?” yujin whispers, tilting her head and leaving a quick kiss on your lips. “but you’re still taking it so well… fuck.” yujin increases her pace yet again, now fucking your cunt like it was some toy. you hug her tightly, screaming and whining at the amount of pleasure that took over your senses. it was so hard to comprehend it all, and now you believe all of the ridiculous stories her friends told you about her hookups. the thing that ahn yujin does best is sex, and good god was she fucking you stupid.
“y-yyujin… yujin…! yujin, i’m—mmgn…!”
“uh-huh. you’re coming, unnie? i got you. come. come.”
but she doesn’t let you. not immediately. yujin catches one of your nipples with her lips, sucking on it while she simultaneously fucked your cunt. she slows down her pace just by a bit, focusing her attention on your nipple just to truly make you lose your head when she thrusts inside you again. it all felt too much eventually. her fingers, her lips, her tongue, and all the things she made you feel. 
“ahh..! ah—yujin-ah, yujin..!” and then the knot in your stomach breaks for the second time today, your cum spilling all over yujin’s stomach. she shushes you as you come, kissing your shoulder softly and pulls her hand out of your pussy just to hug you tightly, caressing your back while you come down from your high. your head collapsed on top of her shoulder, and a few tears squeezed out of your eyes due to the slight pain that you felt in your groin. no doubt you couldn’t walk correctly after this. you just hoped that you could look everyone in the eye like nothing happened. not that you’d want to hide this from them anyway—yujin made you feel too good. that was something to boast about!
eventually, your breathing reverted back to normal and you lifted your head up.
“you okay?” yujin asked. she smiles as you hold her face in your hands, admiring every single one of her features for a good minute before pulling her in for a sweet kiss. your feet were back on the ground again, but you leaned on yujin’s body for support while the two of you made out under the cold water. only your soft moans, hushed whispers, little giggles, and the smacks of your lips being heard other than the running water.
“you’re not going to ignore me after this, right?” you asked after pulling away.
yujin looked at you incredulously, “unnie… i have a crush on you. why would i do that?” she said, pouting. adorable, but you still had doubts in your head considering her reputation! “especially now that i know how good your pussy tastes.” she joked, licking her lips.
you pushed her away with a smile, “perv.”
you weren’t able to get far before yujin pulled you in again, kissing you and laughing as she did so, making your heart jump several beats as it always does whenever she’s around.
of course, this was just another example of the local gym’s infamous ‘bimbo’ womanizer ahn yujin getting whatever she wants. except this time, she gets something more, something better and something real.
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dont-offend-the-bees · 2 months
I Got Sunshine in a Bag
Something else a bit different today! I had a different fic idea, but when I started writing it it was already becoming a bit long and involved and tbh, I had such a busy/painy week last week that I really had to cut back on the fic time! So I whipped this one together in my phone notes app instead, short 'n sweet. It's audio script format-ish, which is something I like to play with sometimes. Very much skimping on the detail/sound design though as I really just wanted focus on the dialogue and get something out today! 1.2, T-rated, also available on Ao3. Thanks again, @painlandweek!
Silence. A hollow, echoing emptiness, broken by slow, deliberate breathing. Then, muffled as if from the other side of a wall, a voice:
EDWIN: Charles?
EDWIN: Charles, where are you?
Another beat. Then, a clearer voice, hoarse and weary:
CHARLES: In here.
EDWIN: ... Oh. In the…?
EDWIN: I see.
EDWIN: May I… come in?”
CHARLES: ...Yeah.
EDWIN: Right.
Fabric rustles.
EDWIN: Ah, if you wouldn’t mind…?
CHARLES: Oh, yeah, yeah. Here. Grab my hand.
Leather squeaks against leather. More rustling, and some slight huffing. The barrier breaks, and Edwin's voice returns clear and close.
EDWIN: Thank you. Hm. Have you redecorated?
CHARLES: Shoved some stuff around.
EDWIN: It’s very… homely.
CHARLES: (chuckles) Cheers.
Silence again, this time with two sets of breathing. Then, the slight creak of a weight sinking down onto leather cushions.
EDWIN: Charles. Are you… alright? You disappeared in quite a hurry.
CHARLES: 'M fine.
EDWIN: ...
CHARLES: Stop lookin’ at me like that.
EDWIN: Like what?
CHARLES: Like... (laughs) Like you can see right through me.
EDWIN: (lightly) I’ve no idea what you mean.
CHARLES: I… I panicked. A bit.
EDWIN: Whatever for?
CHARLES: ... You ever have to say something, or like, wanna say something, yeah, but… but you know once you say it, things’ll be different, and it’s fucking terrifying so instead you just… don’t?
EDWIN: I am… familiar with that anxiety, yes. But if there’s something you want to say to me, Charles, I promise I’ll do my utmost to take it in good faith. You need not fear repercussions. I don’t imagine there’s much you could tell me that would change my opinion of you.
CHARLES: I know. I don’t — I don’t even think things'll be bad different. If anything they’ll be good different. Great different. I’m just a proper coward.
Edwin tuts.
EDWIN: Charles. You are a great many things, but a coward is not one of them.
Charles chuckles, quietly. Edwin follows suit.
EDWIN: Hm. Now. Will you say what you wish to say?
Leather creaks, fabric rustles.
EDWIN: Yes, Charles?
CHARLES: You know I… I love you. Yeah?
EDWIN: What a question. Yes, Charles. I know that you love me. I’ve about thirty years of anecdotal evidence to the fact.
CHARLES: No — I mean, yeah, but what I'm tryna say is…
CHARLES: You know I’m… I’m in love with you. Yeah?
EDWIN: ...Oh.
EDWIN: That is… a revelation.
CHARLES: News to me too, mate.
EDWIN: How long have you…?
CHARLES: Known? Not long. Week or so. How long have I loved you? Fuck, I don’t even… now that I know it’s there, it. It feels like it’s always been there. Know what I mean?
EDWIN: ... Yes. Yes, Charles. I most assuredly do.
Beat. Charles laughs, breathless.
CHARLES: Bloody hell. This is terrifying. How’d you just come out with this, when you thought of it?
EDWIN: There was some deliberation, believe it or not. I didn’t just declare my undying love to you on a whim.
CHARLES: Oh, so you planned it for the run from Hell, then?
EDWIN: There may have been some… last minute amendments to the plan. An element of improvisation, perhaps, when things seemed dire. One must adapt to changing circumstances. But there was a plan. I even dressed for the occasion, if you recall.
CHARLES: Wait. You got all dressed up for me?
EDWIN: Yes. Certainly took you long enough to notice.
CHARLES: Fuck. You were gonna tell me, weren't you? Before...
EDWIN: Before we were interrupted? Yes. And then I had no idea we would both make it out in one piece, and I... had to speak off the cuff.
CHARLES: (laughs) You’re proper mad. And just… just brave. Never met no one as brave as you, Eds.
EDWIN: (softly) Nor I you.
CHARLES: Pfft. Had to scurry off into a little hidey hole and have a panic before I even got up the guts to tell you.
EDWIN: But you did tell me.
CHARLES: ... Yeah. (laughs) Yeah, s’pose I did, didn’t I?
EDWIN: Charles?
EDWIN: May I kiss you, now?
CHARLES: Oh, Christ, yeah.
Kissing sounds, soft, tentative. Then a break, mutual heavy breathing.
EDWIN: ...Well.
EDWIN: I’ve… wanted to do that for quite some time.
CHARLES: Me too. And I had no sodding idea. (laughs) How thick can you get?
EDWIN: Do stop being self-deprecating and kiss me again.
CHARLES: Now that, I can do.
Kissing again, louder, more intent.
CHARLES: God. (kiss) I love you. (kiss) I love you. (laughs) I fucking love you!
EDWIN: You don’t have to keep saying it.
CHARLES: Say it as many times as I bloody like, mate. ‘Specially if you keep grinning at me like that.
EDWIN: (chuckles) You’ve rather shown me up. I’ve only said it once, so far.
CHARLES: Got some catching up to do then, don’t you?
EDWIN: Mmm. (kiss) I love you.
CHARLES: Yeah? Still?
EDWIN: (sarcastically)... No, Charles. I loved you for thirty years but I got bored of waiting for you to say it back after six months(!) Yes, I still bloody love you.
CHARLES: Just checking. Give us another kiss?
EDWIN: Well. If you insist.
More kissing, rustling fabric. Leather creaking, soft sighs.
EDWIN: Hm… Charles?
CHARLES: (dazed) Yeah, love?
EDWIN: Something’s, ah… something appears to be prodding me in the stomach...
CHARLES: What? Um… Oh! (chuckles) Forgot I had that.
A loud cascade of rattles.
CHARLES: ... What? (laughs) Don’t mean I’m not happy to see you.
EDWIN: Why on Earth do you have… what looks to be an authentic Aboriginal rainstick on your sofa?
CHARLES: Well. Never know when you might need one, do you?
Another chorus of rattles and a hollow wooden thump.
EDWIN: Naturally. Come to think of it, how did you even get this sofa in here?
CHARLES: It’s one of them flatpack types. Put the bits in, assembled it in here. Pretty straightforward.
EDWIN: Yes, but more to the point: why?
CHARLES: So I can… have panic attacks and snog fit boys on it?
EDWIN: Bring many fit boys back here, do you?
CHARLES: Nah. (quick kiss) Saving it for the best.
EDWIN: (dryly) How romantic.
CHARLES: Take you somewhere bit nicer for the second date. Promise.
EDWIN: Oh, it wasn't a complaint. Who wouldn’t wish to have a romantic tryst in a backpack?
CHARLES: Magic backpack. C’mon, now, be fair.
EDWIN: Very well, in a magic backpack.
CHARLES: I could do it up a bit more. Get some nice candles.
EDWIN: Lit candles? Is that wise?
CHARLES: Well, I’ve already got some lit molotov cocktails stashed over there somewhere.
CHARLES: What? They don’t go off or anything. Time doesn’t really work the same in here. Saves me having to light ‘em in a hurry, don’t it?
EDWIN: Next you’ll be telling me you have them stored next to the gunpowder.
EDWIN: Charles.
CHARLES: Demolition section, innit?
EDWIN: Charles.
CHARLES: (chuckles) Alright, alright. I’ll do a re-shuffle.
EDWIN: Thank you. Hm…
CHARLES: What? (fondly) You’ve got your scheming face on.
EDWIN: I was merely thinking a throw pillow or two might brighten this place up nicely.
CHARLES: Making yourself at home, are you?
EDWIN: Objections?
EDWIN: Good. Now, I know we haven’t a floor so much as a nebulous, void-like expanse, but how do you feel about area rugs?
CHARLES: (laughs) Fuck. C'mere, you.
Kissing, gentle sighs and soft giggles fill the echoing expanse of the pocket dimension.
Thank you so much for reading, do drop in and say hi in the reblogs/replies, I really love hearing from you! 💛 Should be a fic tomorrow that I'm pretty emo about, but it needs a little sprucing up first! Painland Week Prompt List
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fangsyouverymuch01 · 8 months
Just friends
Summery: The hero of Baldur's Gate greatest battlefield is now drunkenly returning home from the tavern because your connection to the arcane world is dying, and it has been for months. Adding to it, is your unresolved feelings from a certain vampire you've sworn to forget.
Rolan and Lia, aiding you in your search for answers, are determined to divert your mind from troubles. Unbeknownst to you, this night is destined to change everything.
Pairing: Astarion x f!tav, Astarion x f!reader , Rolan x reader
Warnings: Fightning, sort of depressed reader, drinking, Astarion being a prick
Tags: Slow burn, friends to lovers
Note: This took way too long to write, and tbh I'm scared to publish it. Had a hard time coming up with a plot that would make sense (and yes this is the underdark/menzoberranzan fic)
Nevertheless, hope you enjoy and stick around for more parts in the future.
In front of you is an array of literature varying from books, scrolls and notes. Just like yesterday and the day before that. Picking up yet another scroll and unrolling it, the words painted on it turns into a blur. Arcane symbols dance before your eyes but the contents of the page escapes your fleeting mind and it drifts to past memories of Moonrise Towers. 
“...And all I had to do was not fall for you… Which is where my nice, simple plan fell apart,” he pauses, searching for the right words to continue. “You’re incredible. You deserve something real. I want us to be something real.”
Stunned by his confession, your own voice momentarily failed you. The Elf spoke again, revealing a truth that cut through your heart like a blade.“Being close to someone - any kind of intimacy - was something I performed to lure people back for him.”
Astarion further explains his train of thought, you could see his mouth moving but not a word reached your ears. Sadness, confusion, happiness and anger; the emotions mixed and collided within you. Was your relationship built on lies? Had you somehow forced him to sleep with you? It was all so much.
“I don't know how else to be with someone, No matter how much I’d like to.” 
You’d decided to remain just friends, and it had felt like the right choice. Liberating even, seeing Asterion grow into a person no longer controlled by fear. But now, you wallowed in selfishness due to your aching heart. Now it is the thing that keeps you from focusing on the task ahead. Now it is the thing keeping your from nights embrace, your body twisting and turning when the moon shone through the curtains. Now it is the numb feeling whilst faceless men sing your name between your legs. The decision, made with the intention of preserving your friendship, now felt as liberating as a chain strung to your neck. 
Moreover, you haven't seen him in weeks -  or could it be months? The passage of time blurs and certainly eludes you. Yet, effortlessly, his image flits into your head - bouncy white curls, piercing crimson eyes, a sharp nose and that godsdamn smirk. Interchangeable in your memory - forever young - he remains a vivid specter that refuses to fade.
Breaking your train of thought, there is a tap on your shoulder, a figure crouching over you to peer at the discoveries revealed in the scroll. 
“Found anything of interest?” Rolan spoke, eyeing you from above. 
“Ehm no, just lost in thought.” you replied, attempting to shake off the lingering memories that had clouded your focus. 
“Well, neither have I.” he puffed out a breath of air, “My best bet is to return to the House of Grief for more answers so I could study the mirror you spoke off.”
“I’m not sure they’d warmly welcome me back after my latest visit.” you let out a strained chuckle, struck by a memory of  Viconas lifeless person as Shadowhearts struck the merciless final blow to her chest. 
Since your time in the House of Grief, your bond with magic has slowly dwindled. The once-familiar currents of arcane energy now seemed distant. Magic had been an extension of you, and its absence felt akin to a cruel mutilation and you were desperate to feel magic coursing through your veins once more. Your desperation had led you here - Sorcerous Sundries, for any clue or hope that you might become whole again.
"Anyhow, have you heard from Gale yet?" you inquired, seeking a distraction from your thoughts.
"He deemed Waterdeep fruitless in our search and should be arranging plans to continue in Neverwinter as we speak," Rolan replied, his eyes pacing the floorboards beneath him. "Maybe we should pause our search for today; the sun is setting, and you, my friend, are in desperate need of a drink." His suggestion hung in the air, a respite offered amidst your futile search for answers. 
You had no energy to protest, you truly wanted to go, you really did. But what you needed was to dive into the mountains of untouched texts sprawled in a ring in front of you. 
Lazily tracing the arcane figures, partly lost in deliberation you answer “Thank you for the offer but I shouldn’t, you go and I’ll stay here.”
"Come on, just one drink. It won't solve all our problems, but it might provide a momentary escape," he insisted, recognizing the heaviness in your gaze. "We can resume our search tomorrow with clearer minds. Trust me, it's what you need right now."
A defeated sign escapes your lips “Fine, one drink but no more than that”. 
Laying a victorious touch on your arm, the tiefling grinned, "That's the spirit!" Helping you up, he proceeded, "The Elf Song in an hour; I need to run something by Lia first." With determined steps, he led you away from your search for answers in the pile of books. 
The warm light emanating from the Elfsongs' painted windows cast a glow over your figure as you linger outside the bustling door. The sound of laughter and clinking glasses weave together, that should beckon you inside but it doesn't. Nothing seems to pique your interest these days. The hero of Baldurs Gate was but a mere shell of what bards sang about and the thought of being recognized, of eyes filled with anticipation that lingers for extraordinary tales to be told - you can't stand it. 
Adding to your dread, are the invasive questions about your companions - about Astarion. Head spinning and lips slowly drooping to frown, you instinctively recoil from the entrance. 
With a heavy sigh, you reach into your bag, fingers wrapping around a familiar flask. The cool metal brings a small comfort, and in contrast your throat burns as you gulp down liquid courage. 
Stealing yourself against the prying questions and the weight of everyone's expectations, you push open the tavern door, stepping into the warm embrace of the tavern, where Rolan and Lia await, immersed in their own stories. You offer them a weak smile as you approach the booth. 
“There you are, I almost thought you wouldn’t show but I’m glad to be proven wrong.”
“Come, sit!” Lia urges, patting the cushion beside her. As you settle into the booth, you can't help but notice the curious eyes around you.
Gods no.
Instinctively, your finger twirls and you mutter a spell to cast disguise self, only to be reminded of your uselessness. A tinge of frustration tightens your jaw, quickly masked by a forced smile. You divert your gaze, hoping to shield yourself from the unwanted attention. 
“What’s your poison for today?” Lia asks, a mischievous smile spreading from cheek to cheek. Her breath smells of alcohol; Lia and Rolan had clearly begun drinking ahead of you. Not that you could judge them, having indulged in your trusted flask outside the tavern minutes ago. 
“I’ll have what you’ve had.”
“Coming right up!” Lia responds, her enthusiasm undeterred. She signals the bartender, and soon enough, a trio of drinks arrives at the table. 
Rolan is the first to grip the glass and then clear his throat, “To us,  and Gale - and hope that tomorrow will give us more answers.” 
One drink turns into four drinks, and at some point, you lose track of both time and the units you’ve allowed to warm your gullet. Honestly it’s quite funny, why did you worry so much before? Silly you with silly thoughts! Almost as silly as Rolan’s eyes focused on your neck. He looks funny with his eyebrows furrowed, and a chuckle escapes your lips at the sight.
“You’ll get wrinkles if you keep staring at my neck like that, Rolan.”
“I did no such thing!” he retorts as a flush creeps up on the tiefling's cheeks.
Lia heartily laughs, swaying a bit, and offers her hand to you. “Join me for a dance, will you?” The music in the tavern entices you and despite the blurred lines of inebriation, you take Lia’s hand and step into the lively dance floor.
Lia practically dragged you through the crowded tavern, Rolan following closely behind to his best abilities. The dance floor was filled with twirling bodies, in rhythm with the bard's melodies. Pulling your arm up, Lia spins and chuckles as you reach the bards scene. Rolan, with a playful twinkle in his eyes, reaches the two of you and joins the dance. The world seems to sway with the music and for the first time in a long time, a genuine smile spreads across your face. 
As you moved to the music, you sensed Rolans’ proximity. His hand found its way to the small of your back, guiding you through the intricate steps of the dance. The unfamiliar warmth of his hand against your skin was a stark contrast to the memories of Asterion's cool touch.The bard's music kept on playing, the tunes bouncing off the plucked strings, the odor of alcohol on his breath, and hot uncontrolled bodies clashing against your person -  Gods, its too much. You can't stay a minute longer or you might suffocate. 
“I need some air,” you mumble and offer an apologizing smile, excusing yourself as the dance continues without you. 
“Wait!” a muffled voice calls out, but you pretend that you’re too far off to hear. 
Faces blurred into a sea of strangers, and the lively chatter became an indistinguishable hum. Your breath quickened, and you couldn't shake the feeling of faceless men and women judging your every step. Because now they know - they know that you were no hero of Baldur's gate, just another drunk who couldn’t even cast a simple spell to disguise herself from embarrassment. 
As you stepped out into the cool night air, the contrast between the warmth of the dance floor and the refreshing chill outside sent shivers down your spine. Crouching down you plant your hands to your knees, trying to catch your breath and ease your mind. 
A moment later, the tavern door swung open abruptly, an curly haired man emerging as he wrestled with another almost feral one. The creature thrashed and snarled at the curly haired man as he strained against the frenzied movements. Caught off guard, you stood up in the shadow beside the entrance, your breath hitching again as you observed the scene unfold. 
Seizing the opportunity to make sense of the situation, you assertively approached the struggling men, dagger clutched and ready strike if needed. The curly-haired man's eyes flickered toward you and your gaze met his.
Deep crimson eyes, ivory curls, and are those fangs?
No, that can't be.
"Astarion?" you uttered, your voice a hushed whisper that sliced through the night, your eyes fixed on the elf's face in utter disbelief. There he was, right before you.
Astarion's attention shifted to the rabid man, deftly maneuvering to subdue him. He restrained the creature, halting any further erratic movements. With precision, Astarion extracted a flask from his belt, causing the man's struggles to intensify. Despite the increased resistance, Astarion's actions remained calculated and exact.
With the man momentarily contained, Astarion secured him in place with one hand, the other retrieving a flask. He raised it to his mouth, a subtle glint of fangs emerging as he skillfully removed the lid with his teeth.
"Hello," the rogue spoke, pausing to inject the man with the unfamiliar substance. The feral struggles ceased, and Astarion continued, his tone now imbued with a nuanced warmth, "darling."
Stunned you remain constrained where you stood. This is real, Astarion is here after days, weeks and months of him plaguing your thoughts every waking moment. Your mind races, trying to process the surreal present. A rumble in your stomach seems to pull you out of your trance, nausea spreading in your throat. 
Keep. it. down. 
“Care to help or do you intend to stand there and just gawk?”
Once more the door beside you swung open, a tall figure emerges with swaying strands of long hair catching in the wind, intent on reaching the paralyzed man and Astarion. 
“We said no killing, remember?" he spoke.
"Oh, my apologies, brother. I must have forgotten our little agreement when I was wrestling the feral dog whilst you were nowhere to be seen.”
At that moment, you recognized the man - Leon. His expression remained stoic, though a flicker of irritation crossed his features. "Your theatrics aren't amusing, Astarion. We need to keep them alive; this is not the time nor place for you to display your unique methods."
You finally had a surge to act, fumbled in your bag and searched for any potion or scroll that could help. A glass vial of what seemed to be a healing potion met your fingers, and you pulled it out, unscrewing the cap with shaky hands. 
“Here take this,” you called out, holding the potion aloft, offering a forced smile amidst the charged atmosphere. 
As you step forward to give Leon the vial, Rolan stumbles out the tavern door, tipsy and eyes searching for something in the night. You’d completely forgotten about Rolan and Lia, they’d probably been worried since you hadn’t returned. His eyes widened at the chaotic scene before him, and he instinctively moved to stand in front of you, a protective gesture. His hand flickered with a small flame, ready to defend against any potential threat. 
"What in the hells is happening here?" Rolan demanded, a mix of concern and bewilderment in his voice.
Before anyone could respond, Astarion let out a small laugh, one that you couldn't seem to decipher the meaning of. What was so funny? Rolan certainly wasn't amused, and the flame rose higher from his palm at the elf's dismissive laugh. Leon's gaze moved to Rolan, his hands raising in a gesture of peace, showing that they were no threat to him or you.
“Got yourself a knight in shining armor, have you now?” Astarion remarked, a sly grin playing on his lips.
Knight in shining armor? The words stung, and a spark of anger flared within you. Rolan didn't need to save you nor did you want him to. Opening your mouth to retort, Leon interjected, his voice firm and commanding.
“Astarion, don’t,” Leon snapped at him, a stern edge to his voice. He then looked directly at you, his expression softening. “We don’t want to fight you. Let's find a quieter spot to talk, and we’ll explain everything.”
You nodded, the tension in the air making it clear that this was not the time for confrontation. Rolan, still wary but trusting your judgment, lowered the flame in his palm. With cautious glances exchanged between the group, you began to move away from the chaotic scene, guided by Leon's lead to a more secluded spot where answers awaited. 
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fluff-n-cookies · 11 days
Thinking about yandad Dabi and his child who's now around 9-11 years old. Your writing has absolutely captivated me <3
Dabi starts getting more possessive, more protective, and certainly more assertive. He's your dad, after all—you HAVE to listen to him, no? It's too dangerous to go outside without him keeping an eye on you, you're still so tiny and fragile. He'll be damned if his kid steps foot out of the apartment without his say so, no ifs or buts.
After a long day of setting people on fire and committing various crimes, Dabi just wants to scoop you up into a bone-crushing hug and plop down onto the couch to snuggle his baby, paying no mind to your complaints.
While he's soft and affectionate towards you, it's a completely different story when it comes to others. Dabi is ruthless and aggressive, destroying anyone and anything that may try to take you away–much less harm you. It doesn't matter how small, Dabi will turn it into ashes without remorse. If you somehow figure out about his actions and try to make a run for it? He'd be crushed, obviously–Dabi can't stand the thought of you fearing him. Rest assured, he'd track you down and bring you back home, suffering you in cuddles while scolding you. He's your dad–you need to listen to him.
(Btw sorry about how long this became didn't realize I was ranting)
omg hi???? thank you for gracing me with this masterpiece??? wtf???? (lovingly)
and this is all so fucking true. I plan on making a longer fic on this (sorry to say that I haven't drafted it yet, I'm working on overhaul posts)
but he's so paranoid, so utterly terrified 24/7, he dead bolts all the doors and windows at night and only lets you go outside between 11 AM and 5PM unless it's for school.
speaking of which, he hates them for giving his baby so much homework and taking away from their time together buuttt he genuinely believes you need to get your education, don't skip out on highschool like he did.
and he does this thing, this god awful thing, after dinner, after your daily shower, and after getting you all nice and snuggly for bed and into your cat pajamas. he'll do this thing where he'll hold you tight to his chest while he flicks through the news channel.
now normally this would be fine, perfectly fine, if I weren't for the fact he either goes to true crime channels where they display the horrific acts of villains (himself included) live. he tells you that the world is a horrifying place, that that's how he burned himself, how painful it was, the scorching flames. he doesn't mean to traumatize you, it's just to warn you!
either that, or he'll go to news channels covering endeavor's problems, scandals, recent missions, interviews. please don't ask who that strange man with eyes like yours is. he'll hold you tighter and say in the lightest voice possible. "he's a bad man, don't you dare go near him, he'll hurt you like he hurt me."
don't say anything else after that.
he's just tired, so tired, and you're there, right when he gets home after running "errands". you're his reminder of what he's working towards, this future with no heroes and no pain that he's trying to build. the revenge he longs for and the aftermath where you thrive. really, you're the reason he gets up in the morning these days, the reason he stopped smoking in the house, the reason why there's no more beer in the fridge, only tenderly made lunches that he makes every Sunday to prepare for the week.
you're like this stress ball, this hit of Serotonin and Dopamine and what not. every time you smile he can feel his heart clenching. when he looks at you, he sees the boy he once used to be, happy. you're so happy, so pure.
he refuses to let you go out much, his reasoning being that the world's a terrible place. when you ask what's his job, what he does at "work" every day, he only chuckles.
"Oh baby, I'm trying to makes this world a better place, my job is to try and stop all the bad things from happening. I'm a type of... Freedom fighter, really."
and he so, so, so so so so so so sweet to you. you have never known Dabi, ruthless arsonist and serial killer. you have never known Touya, a boy lost in his own insanity and deprivation of paternal love. both are vicious, people, downright insane. one's a criminal the other's incapable of ever recovering from his own madness and fury.
the only person you know is your Dad, Dad's a nice guy, he plays doll house and dress up with you and watches cartoons with you every morning before school. he lets you wear his jacket when you're cold and left yours at school in your cubby, and he takes you out for donuts or ice cream monthly. sure, he doesn't have money, he can't buy you that many toys and sometimes they turn the light off because he missed too many bills, but he loves you. that's all you need to know.
Dad is a kind person, he's not Dabi or Touya, he's definitely not a hero. he's your dad.
And Dad does the best job of gas-lighting you to hell and back. you want to go outside after 5 or before 11? welp, he's not coming with you, sorry honey, maybe tomorrow. what do you mean you'll go anyway? the boogeyman'll get you! (it's him, he's the boogeyman, he knows you won't last a second out in the real world with your loving father's help and he's going to exploit it the moment you start to show independence.)
but it's very unlikely that Dabi would ever even get the chance to do this when you're 9-11 years old, you know why? because you'll be in Endeavor's custody by then. I refuse to elaborate since then I'll be spoiling the plot of Part 3 and I don't want that.
P.S. you wanna be tagged?
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crybabyddl · 3 months
Check You Out
Modern!Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Chapter 1
Warning: swearing, flirtation alcohol, older guy being slightly creepy, eventual smut, strangers to lovers, fake dating, modern setting
Author's Note: God, I need Steve at a despicable, ungodly level that even I can't fully comprehend. It's not healthy. But to cope with that, I'm gonna write this and hope that someone else out there can appreciate and/or relate to being so desperately in love with a fictional character that you can't have. And yes, I looked up an Indiana sales tax calculator in order to write this as realistically as possible.
Extra Author's Note: Hi. It's been ages since I've written anything, let alone a whole first chapter of a fic! I probably won't update often, but who knows? Maybe this will end up being a full-fledged fic! I like the idea of that, but let's see how posting this chapter goes. I hope you like it! <3 Glad to be back! :)
   For the past year, your Friday nights consisted of checking out customers' groceries and helping clueless individuals operate the self-checkout machines. You'd think with a name like 'self-checkout' there'd be no need for assistance, but people are dumb and selective about when to use their reading comprehension skills--if they possessed any in the first place. Working the night shift wasn't ideal, but it was the only time that allowed you to take care of your parents and drive one of their cars while you lived under their roof. Unfortunately, you had to walk to work today because your dad was out of town this week and your mom's car was in the shop.
    "Attention shoppers, the store will be closing in ten minutes. Please make your way to the registers to complete your purchase. Thank you for shopping at Green Leaf Market!" The overly chipper tone of your supervisor, Carol's voice was far less unsettling when it meant that you were almost done with your shift. Now you just had to wait for all the last minute shoppers, lollygaggers, and stragglers to get their shit together and get the heck out.
  "Hey, Y/N, how's it going?"
 Oh brother... you thought. Mitchell was a regular on Fridays, but he was also a bit of a douche. He was in his mid-40s and was seemingly trying to grow a beer gut. It was no surprise that he was buying another 24-pack of Busch Lite. 
    "I'm alright, thanks Mitchell. How are you?" You plastered on the best customer service smile you could muster, taking hold of the reusable shopping bag he always brought with him, regardless of the fact he never needed it.
  "Better now that I've seen you, dollface."
   Dollface? That was a new one, and definitely the worst yet. You tried your best to ignore the embarrassment that caused your face to heat up, but you had a hard time pretending not to be bothered by his comment.
   You moved the fruit-and-vegetable-patterned vessel over to the other side of the register before grabbing the scanning wand and reading the barcode on the hefty cardboard box. He knew the drill, handing you his I.D. for you to scan. The glass bottles clinked as Mitchell lowered the box back into his shopping cart. God, you could go for a beer right about now.
    "That'll be $25.67. Would you like your receipt?"
  "Only if your phone number's on it, honey." Yikes.
    "O-kay, you're all set. Have a great night!"
  "You need a ride home? It's not safe to be walking alone out there this late. Maybe you could keep me company and have a few beers? You seem lonely."
   Nothing Mitchell was saying was particularly wrong, but he certainly wasn't reading the room correctly. He'd also tried this countless times before with no success, so why was he still trying? What were you supposed to say that would make him get the hint?
  "Hey, uh, Y/N! I just wanted to grab a few beers. You almost ready to get out of here?"
   In that moment, the stranger's interjection was the closest thing you'd heard to a choir of angels.
   Mitchell grumbled something under his breath as he snatched up the bag and pushed his cart toward the exit. You felt your shoulders relax as you exhaled a heavier sigh than you expected to be holding in.
    "Oh my God, thank you for saving my ass back there." You lifted the six pack of Blue Moon off the conveyer belt and hovered it over the scanner. 
  "No problem. Sorry if I caught you off guard. I take it he's a regular that thinks he can pull someone half his age?" He takes his wallet out of his back pocket, fishing for his I.D.
    "You nailed it. Mitchell's probably harmless, but I'm not really interested in finding out. And no worries, you're good." You take the driver's license from between the man's fingers, inspecting it quickly.
   Stephen Harrington. Born August 12th. 5'10". Brown hair, brown eyes. You looked up and sure enough, his hair and his eyes--they were pretty--were brown.
  "I don't blame you," Steven put his license back in his wallet before taking out his card. "How much was it?"
    "Oh shoot, I never actually never told you, my bad. It comes out to $11.76," You selected the EFT payment option on your register and waited for Steven to tap his card on the reader. "How did you know my name?"
  "It's on your name tag," He inserted his card in the chip reader. "I'm Steve, by the way." The reader made an unhappy trio of beeping sounds.
    "Nice to meet you, Steve," you smiled. Probably the first genuine one of the night. "You might have to tap it. These machines are a pain in the ass."
  "Tap?" Steve tilted his head in confusion, which you found... cute.
    "Yeah. You just hold your card against the reader and it scans it. I'm not entirely sure how it works, but I think it has to do with the chip or something."
  "I see, I see. Like this?" He holds the card above the number pad, but nothing happens.
    "Almost! You have to hold it over the screen part, like this."
   Without thinking, you grab a hold of Steve's debit card, bringing his arm closer to the screen of the card reader. The machine makes a blip noise and the receipt begins printing in a matter of seconds. It's only after you hand him the receipt that you realize you might've invaded his personal space. Should you apologize? Did he even notice? Why did you choose to work at the supermarket?
    "Thank you, Y/N. I should get going, but uh," Steve pauses, looking unsure. "Are you doing anything right now? Would it be wrong of me to ask you if you wanted to come back to mine and have a couple beers? I'm having a few friends over and you seem pretty chill. Totally okay if not, just figured I'd ask, you know?"
   The cute stranger that saved you from Mitchell was asking you to hang out... maybe he really is an angel.
   This was totally different than having a married man with kids ask you if you wanted to have a couple drinks; this was a guy your age, a hot guy your age. The internal panic of saying the wrong thing subsided thanks to the amount of excitement you felt.
    "I would love that. Let me just get my bag and clock out."
  "Sounds good, I'll go put this in the car and pull up." He gives a smile, which you return along with an unnecessary thumbs up.
    "Okay." You watched as Steve exited the store, six-pack in hand.
    What person in their 20s gives a cute guy a thumbs up? You wanted to smack your palm against your forehead, but refrained. You were an idiot. Speaking of thumbs, you were surely going to stick out like a sore one if Steve's friends were even a fraction as cool--or attractive--as he was. You realized you were getting ahead of yourself as you punched your code into the time clock. You were just going to be hanging out and having drinks with some nice people your age. Nothing more, nothing less. 
   After mentally talking yourself down, you walked through the automatic doors of Green Leaf Market feeling the humid summer air hit your skin in a calm wave. Sure enough, right out front, there was a beige BMW sedan with the passenger window rolled down. Steve aims a finger gun at you and clacks his tongue against his teeth. You see his eyes flit towards the offending right appendage, his cool demeanor faltering for a split second. However, he quickly recovers from whatever shyness he might've felt, leading you to wonder if you'd imagined it as you open the passenger door and join him in the air-conditioned car.
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ugh-yoongi · 2 years
she, by proxy | myg, kth
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(or, the one where yoongi gets what yoongi wants, even when what he wants is taehyung. especially when it's taehyung.)
✤ pairing: yoongi x reader; taehyung x reader; yoongi x taehyung ✤ genre: est. relationship (yoongi x reader), pwp ✤ rating: explicit; minors dni ✤ warnings: a lot of swearing, drinking but no one's drunk, a friend group in which everyone is queer and has fucked at least once probably, taehyung is a messy hoe but yoongi's an entire disaster, pining, open relationships, polyamory that is discussed briefly, i have been told there are some feelings involved. the most important: there is gay stuff in here!!! i repeat, some of this is VERY GAY! please do not read if that isn't your thing! ✤ smut warnings: girls making out, a threesome, dudes kissing, oral sex (m. receiving), anal fingering, vaginal fingering, taegi get pegged, dirty talk, dudes touching themselves a lot, come as lube (but there's also real lube dw), come eating, voyeurism, a lil slapping (thighs/clit), the dom/sub dynamics shift throughout the fic but mainly dom!reader, very mild degradation, a lil begging, taehyung cries, fingers always seem to wind up in mouths, hair pulling, frottage, yoongi accidentally gets edged, praise, protected sex, dp (fingers & piv at the same time). i think that's it :') but let me know if i forgot anything. ✤ word count: 8.3k ✤ credits: thank you to @effortandmore / @the-boy-meets-evil / & @here2bbtstrash for beta'ing this for me. my personal porny fairy godparents. i appreciate you all a whole lot. ✤ author's note: can you believe my degenerate brain dreamed this up and then i wrote all of it in two days in a delirious haze, opened the doc this morning to make final edits, and added almost 2k more. idk who i am anymore. if i missed anything it's bc i finished & edited this during jk's live and i was distracted, to say the least. anyway this is embarrassing i feel like a prude so i'm gonna go hide. pls come scream in my inbox with me unless it's to yell tired shit at me abt writing mxm/pegging/whatever else i warned you this is gay.
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You hadn’t been surprised the first time, and you’re not surprised now, countless times later.
A girl slides into Taehyung’s lap—long hair, bubblegum pink, almost certainly a wig—and his hands immediately go to the small of her back. Large, nearly swallow her up, and they move to rest possessively at her hips, his grip tight as he pulls her closer. Her top is cropped latex and leaves very little to the imagination, which isn’t an issue for you or Yoongi because she’s not what Yoongi’s looking at. His eyes are locked on Taehyung’s hands; locked on the way the tendons flex as he manhandles the faceless girl in his lap, hikes her over one thick thigh.
Ten more seconds of this and all of you will be looking for a new club.
The air is hazy and thick, the floor sticky with god knows what, and Yoongi reaches for you beneath the table. His own large hand finds your smaller one, those knobby knuckles almost uncomfortable when he twines your fingers together. He’s still staring at Taehyung, and you want to do something, say something, it’ll be someone else soon, stop watching, you’re only gonna hurt yourself, but you know him, and you know when he gets like this it’s best to just let him ride it out. Suffer a little.
(Right now, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be tortured as last time, at least—when all of you had gone someplace else, some seedy spot in an Itaewon basement, and Taehyung had some girl pressed against the wall outside the bathrooms, fingers buried deep in her cunt as she shook and came. And Hobi, smarter and sharper than any of you but still so fucking stupid, had just—
“Fuck, man, they’re gonna need a mop and bucket for that. I mean, shit, it was so much? The sound when it hit the floor—”
Jeongguk had pulled a face. Half doe-eyes, half mortified terror. “When what hit the floor, hyung?”
“Her fucking squirt, Jeonggukie, what the fuck do you think—”
And Namjoon, just as wide-eyed and terrified as Jeongguk but for an entirely different reason, had laughed awkwardly and said, “Haaa, maybe we should talk about something else?” as he looked between Hoseok and Yoongi.
That night had been shit-tier, nearly unsalvageable, so at least it doesn’t seem like Taehyung’s in that kind of mood. At least the girl in his lap still has her clothes on. At least his hands are someplace you can see them. At least Yoongi’s still beside you.)
So you bide your time. Take stock of who’s still here and where they are, because the girl in Taehyung’s lap has her lips on his neck and things might go south faster than you’d originally anticipated. Hoseok and Jimin are on the dance floor, hips doing something sinful and too much; Namjoon’s at the bar, jaw clenched as the bartender passes him over for the fourth time in a row; Soyeon and Hyungseo are in the other side of your booth, tongues sloppy as they kiss just because they feel like it; Jeongguk, shoved in the corner on Yoongi’s other side, is slack-jawed as he stares at them, and Jeongguk is a fucking pervert so you know he’s hard.
“Put your dick back in your pants, Jeonggukie,” you say, loud enough for him to hear you over the music. The bass is heavy as it drops, feels like it’s thrumming through your veins, and Jeongguk startles. Bangs his knee on the underside of the table in his panic, and Soyeon and Hyungseo don’t bother breaking apart to look. “You want another drink?” you ask Yoongi, squeezing his hand a little tighter.
He shakes his head, finally drags his attention away from Taehyung. There’s someone new in his lap: chin-length silver hair, thin legs that go on for miles, tan skin covered in boldly-colored tattoos, could be anyone. Yoongi isn’t looking anymore, but you are, so you catch it when Taehyung looks up. Looks right at Yoongi, wants to see if he’s watching, but instead he just finds you. “Gonna go smoke,” Yoongi answers, and you slide out of the booth to let him leave.
“Is hyung okay?” Jeongguk asks when the two of you are pressed back together. He sips leisurely at his drink, trying to make it last until Namjoon makes it back from the bar with another one. Something baby blue and shockingly green, a little umbrella on top. Two cherries. “He seems sad. Hey, watch this.” Jeongguk pops one into his mouth and presents the knotted stem to you seconds later.
This is the part you never know how to explain: that Yoongi loves you but sometimes he wants someone else. Not instead, but too. That you love Yoongi and want him to have whatever he wants, and that jealousy is foreign to you. That you and Yoongi love each other but do things a little unorthodox, which is not out of the ordinary for a friend group as ran-through and commingled as yours, but still takes patience and care to explain.
So you just ruffle Jeongguk’s hair, laugh at his squawking protests, and wrangle him so you can press a kiss to the top of his head. “Don’t worry this pretty little head about your hyungs, okay?”
Jeongguk surfaces with a glare, surface-level because you’ve embarrassed him in front of two hot girls that are still making out, and hides his flushed cheeks behind his drink. “Is it about Taehyungie-hyung?”
“What’d I just tell you?”
He pouts, but you’re saved from another interrogation by Namjoon’s unceremonious return to the table. He’s so flustered by his one-sided feud with the bartender that he slams the blue-green drink down a little too hard, spills half of it in Jeongguk’s lap. “Move over,” he says to you, and you cock an eyebrow in return. “Please,” he amends, like that’s what you’d been looking for, but when you still don’t move he gets a little whiny and panicked. “They’re relentless,” he says, pointing his thumb at Soyeon and Hyungseo like you can’t see them. “Don’t make me—”
“What about me!” Jeongguk wails, pressing his hands pathetically to his groin like he’s trying to stem bleeding, at the same time you roll your eyes and fire a, “Says Mr. Eight-gigabyte Porn Folder,” at Namjoon.
You receive another glare, this time from Namjoon, and he doesn’t hesitate to steal Jeongguk’s spot against the wall when he goes to the bathroom to deal with his soaked pants, only to start swearing when he realizes the seat is wet, too. “Jesus fuck—”
“That’s what you get.”
“Fuck off,” Namjoon fires back. “Where’s Yoongi-hyung?”
“Outside smoking.”
“Smok—why is he smoking?” At your silence, he jerks his head up, intent on getting an answer out of you. Instead, his question dies on his tongue as he follows your line of sight. Another new person in Taehyung’s lap, sucking Taehyung’s fingers into their mouth. “Ah, yeah. That fucking guy.”
You can’t help but laugh. “Be nice, Namjoonie. You know Taehyung would hook up with a microwave if it gave him attention.”
“What number is that, then? Hasn’t he gotten enough attention?”
“Third I’ve seen. The first one was cute. I thought for sure he was gonna leave with her.”
Namjoon huffs, shakes his head. Takes a long pull of his beer. “He’s not gonna leave with anyone. He just does this to piss off hyung.” Then, like he’s coming to a realization, he turns to look at you with a quizzical look. “Wait, where’d Seokjin-hyung go?”
You stare back in disbelief. “How long were you at the fucking bar? He left hours ago.”
“Did he?” Then, quieter and to himself, “How long was I at the fucking bar?”
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Whatever game Taehyung is playing, Yoongi is woefully inept at playing along.
Doesn’t know when it’s his move or when it’s time to sit and watch. Doesn’t know the rules. Doesn’t really listen when you try to explain it to him; probably doesn't want to hear it. Yoongi seems to think he’s at his best when he’s a little sad, a little miserable and yearning. At its core, that’s what the game is, and as much as he keeps touching the thorns to see if he’ll bleed, you know he still enjoys it.
(Know he gets off on it, too.)
Yoongi reaches for you. Steadies himself with his hand on your shoulder, pupils wide as saucers—dark dark dark in the corner of this grimy club—eventually breaking into a smile when you grab his sweat-slick hands and guide them to your waist. Your bodies move together like waves, pushing apart only for Yoongi to continuously pull you in closer, dazed from the feeling of you pressed against him.
“Fuck,” he breathes, words impossible to hear over the music, “look at you. So fucking pretty.”
He threads a knee between your legs, the sound of his groan drowned out as you roll your hips against him. Maybe Yoongi doesn’t know the rules to this game, but you do, and you make sure Taehyung’s watching when you drag your core against Yoongi’s thigh. He groans again, and his hands grip your hips tighter, moving you back and forth on him the way he does when you ride him.
You watch as he drags his eyes upward, see the exact moment he spots Taehyung across the club. His profile is lit up by the strobe lights, filling in the contours of his bone structure with greens and blues. He’s with Jimin and Hoseok now, dancing with the girl from earlier with the pink hair, her back pressed to his chest. He leans down and whispers recycled filth into her ear that she seems to buy. You watch as Yoongi closes his eyes tight; watch him pretend it’s Taehyung dancing with him; it’s Taehyung’s hips he’s gripping onto; it’s Taehyung who’s moaning and desperate for him in this moment.
You watch as his eyes snap open again.
You watch as he realizes he’s in this daydream alone.
And you wonder, briefly, if this should bother you. If this is fucked up, that Yoongi’s hard against you because he’s thinking about someone else, and you find that you don’t care. What you and Yoongi have doesn’t need to make sense to anyone except the two of you.
“Wanna go home,” Yoongi slurs into your ear, fucked up from the feel of you, the thought of Taehyung.
You smirk, tangle your hands in his hair and tug a little just to fuck him up even more. “Yeah? What d’you wanna go home for? It’s still pretty early.”
“Wanna fuck you,” he whines. Tries to hold you in place to grind harder against you and whines again when you move just out of reach. “Baby.”
“You know the rule.” There’s a drop of sweat that rolls down the side of Yoongi’s neck that you chase with your tongue. “Tell me what you actually want and we can leave.”
The breath he sucks in is harsh, fractured, like your question is a special kind of torture. You know it is. Unlike with Taehyung, this is a game both you and Yoongi know the rules to. Unlike with Taehyung, this is the game Yoongi plays to win. The song changes again, this time to something filthy and slow, and Yoongi fits himself to your back, moves until both of you are facing Taehyung. “Want you both,” he says into your ear. Nips at the lobe. “Want to watch you fuck him the way you fuck me.”
“Don’t wanna fuck him yourself?”
You feel him shake his head. “Not this time.”
“What are you doing, then? In this fantasy of yours?”
Yoongi presses closer, the outline of his hard cock pressing into the small of your back now. “Watching, at first. Wanna see you ruin him.” His hands skim along your skin, dip beneath the hemline of your shirt, dance across your stomach. “Wanna watch you make him fucking cry.”
“Are you telling me how?”
Yoongi’s laugh is low, a little caustic. “I won’t need to. He’s so fuckin’ easy.”
“And yet you want him this bad,” you taunt. “Someone easy like that—doesn’t seem to be your type.”
He bites along your neck. “Watch yourself.”
“I’m not the one all fucked up over Kim Taehyung.” You make eye contact with the man in question. Watch as the look on his face fades into a smirk, syrupy and slow. Sleezy, you think. He probably is as easy as Yoongi says. “I should tell him how fucking hard you are. Should tell him you’re gonna take me home and fuck me and come thinking about him. That’s pretty fuckin’ dirty, Yoongi.”
It’s nothing you haven’t said before. Sometimes you press even harder, humiliate him a little when he seems to be in the mood for it, but this time he goes stock-still. Silence stretches between the two of you, the only people standing still on this dancefloor, and you’re halfway turned around to see if Yoongi wants to fuck or cry when he says, “Do it, then.”
You laugh. All part of the game. But then Yoongi grabs your hand, moves it to his cock, straining against his skin-tight jeans, some kind of message that’s gotten fucked up in translation. “Yoongi—”
“Tell him,” he says, expression shuttered and serious.
“You wanna think about this for more than ten seconds? You haven’t talked to him since the last time you guys hooked up and you want me to go tell him you… what? That you want to have some weird cuck threesome with him?”
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That’s exactly what you told him.
(Because you know Yoongi, and you also know Taehyung. Your dig at him to Namjoon was very much based in truth, and with how fucked up the dynamics of your friend group are, it hadn’t taken much more than sending Yoongi out into the cold to order a taxi, swaying your hips a little, re-glossing your lips, and disposing of the girl with the bubblegum pink hair. No one had batted an eye.
“I’m going home to fuck my boyfriend,” you said, leaning into Taehyung’s space. He was draped on the couch again, legs spread in a way that was frankly obscene. “Would you like to join us?”
“That depends, angel. How do you fuck him?” he asked, spreading his legs wider.
You stepped closer. Cupped his cheek, dug your nails into his skin a little, and said, “Better than you ever did,” all condescension.
Taehyung had just laughed. Pressed his tongue into the fat of his cheek. “I guess we’ll see about that.”)
And now you’re here, Taehyung sprawled on the bed beneath you. You can see why a sight like this would have Yoongi fucked up as long as he has been: Taehyung’s golden skin contrasting against the crisp white of the sheets, dark hair fanning against the pillows, curls falling into his eyes, chest heaving. Each time he throws his head back you’re torn between sinking your teeth into the column of his throat and wrapping your hands around it. It’s easy to ruin him when he looks like this; easy to give Yoongi what he wants.
“What should I do with you?” you think out loud, and Taehyung’s responding whimper draws a laugh out of you. “Yoongi wants to watch me fuck you,” you continue, hands teasing toward the sensitive skin of his inner thighs. You pinch, slap away the sting. “Would you like that?”
Taehyung’s cock—long and thick, still glistening with spit from when you sucked him off—twitches at the thought. “Y-yeah, fuck, want that,” he answers, hands moving to fist the sheets. He’s been so good. Has done exactly as you said. “Wan’ you to fuck me.”
“Should I fuck you the way you used to fuck your hyung?” Both Taehyung and Yoongi moan at the same time, and it’s so stupid, you think, this game they’ve been playing. Cat and mouse, as if the conclusion hasn’t been inevitable this whole time. “Use your words, Taehyung.”
“Yeah,” he says again, Adam’s apple bobbing heavily in his throat. “Y-yeah, like that.”
You hum, reach behind you for the bottle of lube. Yoongi mutters a quiet shit from the other side of the room and you glance over. Mouth hung open, lips wet; jeans pushed halfway down his thighs, the outline of his cock visible through his briefs, hand squeezing at the base. Cheating a little, but still not touching himself the way you know he wants to. He’ll be the first to cry, at this rate.
Eyes back on Taehyung. You wonder if he’d normally preen, put on a show. You wonder if he did that with Yoongi, some whole thing. “He’s told me about it, you know,” you say, clicking the lube open. Sounds more like a gunshot in the small space of your bedroom, where the only other sounds are labored breathing and the city outside. “Told me all about how you used to split him open with that big cock.” You tip the bottle sideways, let the lube dribble out and over Taehyung’s balls. He hisses at the cold, mutters a swear. “Told me he’d struggle to take it sometimes.”
“You two are—fuck.” Whatever Taehyung was going to say is cut off as your finger follows the lube, trails down to his hole. You circle it there, make sure it’s wet, press a little just to watch his hips jerk. “You two are fu-fucking weird.”
“Mm, maybe,” you concede, “but you should see how hard he comes when he’s thinking about you.”
You gather more lube on your finger, then, and press it inside. Just to the first knuckle, just enough to make Taehyung whine. “I guess you already know that, though,” you continue. Pour a little more lube on Taehyung’s skin. Pull your finger out enough to slicken it, push it back in a little further. “Was it good for you?”
His moan is broken and low, deep and heady. A sound that makes the world feel like it’s tilting; a sound that makes you want to chase it. “Yeah,” Taehyung answers, and it could be a response or a declaration when it’s followed by, “so fucking good.”
“Yoongi is good, isn’t he? He listens so well.” With your free hand, you grab Taehyung’s face roughly, turn his head in the direction of where Yoongi’s sitting. “Look at him,” you instruct. He already looks fucked-out. Cheeks flushed, breathing hard, knuckles white where he’s gripping onto the arm of the chair. “Look at how good he’s being, not even touching himself.”
And Taehyung… Taehyung almost looks ashamed. Won’t meet Yoongi’s gaze, now that they’re so close, now that it’s real, and this won’t do, will it, so you dig your nails in a little harder, drag them down his cheek, tell him again to look at his hyung. Then—
For the first time all night, their eyes meet at the same time.
Yoongi’s whimper is loud. The loudest you’ve ever heard him outside of actual sex. You work in a second finger alongside the first, build up a steady rhythm, and Taehyung isn’t faring much better. Little by little he opens up for you and you’re thankful for the way he sucks you in, adjusts. It’s getting harder to ignore the heat between your own legs, watching two beautiful men fall apart in vastly different ways, even though you want to drag this out, want to make Taehyung cry and give Yoongi exactly what he wanted.
And, god, Taehyung is so fucking pretty.
You tell him as much, and his smile is greasy, looks even more lewd when you crook your fingers and his eyes roll back. He’s still tight around you when he asks for a third so you shake your head, tell him no, tell him he’s greedy, and you think people must not make him beg much, the way he’s pouting. Taehyung has a face that gets him whatever he wants and a cock to match, and you’d understood it before, why Yoongi couldn’t really let it go, but it’s different when it’s right in front of you, making a mess of your sheets.
“I must be going soft on you,” you tell him, working in another finger the next time he asks. “Yoongi wanted me to make you cry and here I am, giving you whatever you want. Maybe I should let him decide what you get.”
Taehyung shoots a hand out, grabs at your forearm. “Don’t,” he says, voice hoarse, bordering on pleading. “Please. He’s still mad at me, won’ give me anything.”
A huff of breath escapes you. “He doesn’t look very mad to me. Looks like he could probably come on command if you told him to.” It’s not an exaggeration, not really; Yoongi is gone, looks like a stiff wind could have him spilling all over himself. “But maybe that’s what you deserve.”
You nail Taehyung’s prostate the next time you crook your fingers and he sobs. You do it again, then a third time. Precome oozes out of his cock, deepens the pool on his belly. You keep it up until tears pool on his waterline, until he’s reaching for you again, begging you to stop, words cracking as he tells you desperately that he’s going to come. “Angel, fuck, please, I’m gonna—”
“No, you’re not,” you tell him, all authority. “You’re not going to come, are you, because I haven’t told you to. Yoongi hasn’t told you to.”
The first frustrated tear streaks down Taehyung’s cheek. “Oh my fucking god,” he chokes out, forcing his hips flat to the bed, tries to force you to stop moving. But your rhythm is steady, confident, three fingers working with the space he’s left you, and it isn’t until you watch his balls tighten that they slow. Taehyung’s sweat-slick, looks even more golden under the amber lamplight, and it’s dizzying, the way the color shifts as his chest heaves with his ragged breaths.
There’s only enough time for you to slip your fingers out, grab the lube, slick up the strap-on that’s fastened around your hips, before you’re pressing the head against Taehyung’s hole, still dripping wet. “It’s so big,” you muse, grinning wickedly at the man beneath you, “I don’t know if it’s going to fit. What do you think, Yoongi? Is this how you used to feel?”
When you look over this time, Yoongi has his cock out, briefs tucked beneath his balls, stroking fast. Clicking your tongue, he looks up through half-lidded eyes, hand stilling immediately. His nod is almost imperceptible, too disoriented to answer, and you’ll give him this one. Won’t push it. What you will push, though—
You’re not sure if it comes from Yoongi or Taehyung. It might’ve even come from you, because you’re transfixed, can’t tear your eyes away from the sight of your stupid flesh-colored dildo disappearing into Taehyung’s body. Fucking greedy, you think, mostly at yourself, because if this sight is good you can only imagine what you’d see if you were watching his face. Brows furrowed, mouth pinched. A look not far off from that night in the club, the determination on his face as he fucked that girl with his fingers, uncaring who heard or saw.
But this is your show. Yoongi’s fantasy. Whatever girls—people—Taehyung has fucked in seedy clubs across Seoul are of little importance here. All that matters is the steady push of your hips, the slow roll once you’re fully buried, the pleasure that jolts through you when you’re able to grind a little against the toy, the way Taehyung thrashes against the sheets, incoherent as he babbles, stuck between more and too much.
“Okay?” you ask, hands skimming along his warm skin. Goosebumps trail in their wake, and you settle them on his thighs. Press them up and to the side as he nods, giving yourself more space, and Taehyung’s moan is loud, unabashed. His cock lies neglected against his stomach, begging you to reach out and grab it, stroke him, make him come too fast so you have another bruise to press on, some way to embarrass him.
But this is your show, Yoongi’s fantasy, and you don’t have to look because you can hear how close your boyfriend is to getting himself off. Can hear the way his breath hitches, can hear when his rhythm changes. Quicker, now. More insistent. If Taehyung looked over at him, it’d be all over, and you almost tell him to do that, too.
“Stop touching yourself,” you say to Yoongi. A second time when he disregards the first, too far gone, too close. “Yoongi.” He whines but he listens, shoves his fingers in his mouth to stem the urge, and Taehyung watches it all.
You’re still thrusting, thighs burning, sticky where they meet Taehyung’s, and it won’t be your lengthiest performance, that’s for sure. So you call Yoongi’s name again, beckon him over, and he hesitates, looks so unsure. But it’s so stupid, the way he and Taehyung dance around one another—and you know, you know Taehyung wouldn’t be shaking like this if it were just you, if Yoongi wasn’t in his head, wasn’t watching—so you’re insistent. “Come here,” you tell him, and you make sure your voice is spun sugar when you say it.
Yoongi listens. Stumbles over on unsteady legs, knees nearly buckling when he gets close enough to also watch the way the strap-on fucks into Taehyung’s hole, the way it stretches obscenely to accommodate it. “Baby.” He threads his hands into your hair and kisses you hard and messy. Taehyung moans beneath you so you know he’s watching, and you will your body to move faster, fuck him harder.
When Yoongi pulls back, it’s obvious. The longing in his eyes. “Tell him,” you say, and he looks caught-out, would almost look angry if he were capable of it. “This is your fantasy, isn’t it? So tell him.”
“I—” He looks down at Taehyung again, meets his gaze again, and he must see something there you can’t, because all the hesitation is gone when he says, “I want to kiss you.”
And you know what it means.
Because that had been the rule between the two of them. No staying the night, no kissing. You know what it means for Yoongi to ask for that, what it’d mean if Taehyung allowed it, and it nearly cracks your heart in half that it’s the only thing he’s willing to ask for when his wants are endless when it comes to Taehyung.
“Oh my god,” Taehyung moans. “Fuck, hyung, yeah—yeah, c’mere, kiss me, please, fuck.”
Yoongi looks like he’s been punched in the gut. Looks overwhelmed, given this kind of permission, so he goes about it all wrong. Starts to kneel at the side of the bed before you tsk and grab him by his own hair. “Do it right,” you instruct.
He moans. Aborts whatever he was about to do and climbs over Taehyung on the bed, straddles him, fitting in between both of you perfectly, close enough for his cock to slot against Taehyung’s. They both moan, and their game had been so fucking stupid it sends a lick of anger through you. Yoongi ruts his hips once, twice, and then he’s leaning down and cupping Taehyung’s face and pressing his lips—still wet from you, still wearing your spit—to Taehyung’s.
And Taehyung comes immediately, nearly untouched. Spills all over himself with a loud, broken sob.
“Holy shit,” you say, hips slowing until they’re still. “Holy shit, that was fucking hot, what the fuck.”
Taehyung trembles in the comedown and Yoongi presses in closer, kisses him through it. Can’t seem to stop now that he’s allowed. He’s still rutting, has Taehyung teetering on oversensitivity, so you grab Yoongi’s hips to slow him. “Careful, baby,” you say softly into his ear. Press a kiss to the nape of his neck. Give him a minute to back away from the ledge again and get himself under control, let Taehyung catch his breath. “Are you okay, Taehyung?” you ask, hands once again touching any of his skin you can find. You knead at the muscles in his calves.
There’s some garbled response. Something you think is supposed to sound like an affirmation. “Words, please.”
“Y-yeah,” comes his response.
“Okay. I’m gonna go grab something to clean you up, all right?” You press another kiss to Yoongi’s shoulder, turn your attention to him. “Then we’ll finally give you what you want, yeah? Finally let you come.” A shiver runs up his spine and he nods weakly. “Can you prep yourself while I’m gone?” Another shaky nod. “Good boy. Gonna pull out now, Tae.”
You do so slowly. Taehyung hisses, sucks in a breath through his teeth. Hisses again when you replace the toy with your thumb, try to ease the discomfort of being so suddenly empty. With another kiss pressed to Yoongi’s shoulder, you mumble an I love you into his hair, and then you’re gone.
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There’s always been something about the way Yoongi touches himself.
Like the goal is more than simply getting off. Like there’s reverence in it, something beyond purpose. Yoongi touches himself the way other people drop to their knees at church and pray.
Sometimes it’s long and drawn out. Sometimes his hands skirt over every inch of his own skin before he finally brings them to his cock. Sometimes he rests on his haunches in the middle of the bed and angles himself toward the mirror and watches, his cheeks aflame the entire time because he’s embarrassed to see himself like that, three of his own fingers fucking himself, but the embarrassment almost feels just as good. Sometimes he has you beneath him, raining down praise as his fist works the length of his cock.
Sometimes he does it entirely wrong, like now.
Two pale, lube-slick fingers work in and out of his hole. His own, then, and not Taehyung’s. Just like you’d asked. You’re a little surprised, thought maybe Yoongi might panic and retreat with you gone, but they’re both where you’d left them. Taehyung’s talking all the while, saying god knows what in that deep timbre, and it’s straight up pornographic the way his large hands rest on the cheeks of Yoongi’s ass, pull them apart.
The damp cloth in your hand feels useless. Is useless, you think, because Yoongi had told you something, once, deep in the throes of another cerebral fantasy—
“I can’t believe I have to keep telling you this,” you say, and everything immediately goes still at the sound of your voice, “but do it right, Yoongi.”
Taehyung lifts his head, stares at you skeptically. Probably mirroring the look on Yoongi’s face that you aren’t privy to with his back to you. “We’ve talked about this,” you continue, stalking closer. All eyes on you as you drop the cloth to the floor. “Are you clean?” you ask Taehyung, and he nods, expression still dubious.
And then you’re reaching between both of them, swiping your fingers through the mess of cum on Taehyung’s stomach, and he understands immediately. “Are you gon—fuuuck. Fucking christ.” The first swipe goes to Yoongi’s mouth, and there’s no hesitation as he sucks your fingers clean. Your free hand finds Yoongi’s, the one he’s working himself open with, and pulls it away. Replaces it with your own, your two longest fingers covered in the second swipe of Taehyung’s cum, and you fuck them in and out faster than Yoongi had been.
“Filthy,” Taehyung chokes out, clearly overwhelmed; another groan when Yoongi starts sucking at his neck, biting, claiming.
It’s primal, the way Taehyung reacts, the way Yoongi embeds himself under his skin, tries desperately to make a home there. Something permanent this time; or, at least, a home that won’t burn down like the last one. Won’t be reduced to a smoking heap of bitter ash. And you wonder, as you watch the way these two beautiful men fit together, if Taehyung will be holding the match or the key this time.
You press slow, open-mouthed kisses along the knots in Yoongi’s spine. Drizzle more lube on your fingers, work him open more. Whisper I know, baby, I know when he gets impatient and a little too demanding. Swap the condom on the strap-on and slick it up, just like last time, and then you’re pressing into Yoongi instead of Taehyung, the way you’ve done so many times before.
Everything is familiar and different: the drag, the pull, the noises spilling out of Yoongi’s mouth. Those staccato whines varied in pitch, sometimes drawn out and sometimes punched and short. This is what you know. This is your home, and you think, as Taehyung looks at Yoongi, so fucking endeared, as he gently cups his face, as he says—
“Hyung, you look so pretty. You’re doing so well, hyung, fuck, I didn’t think I’d ever see you like this again.”
—you think your house might look nice with an addition. An extra space carved out only for Taehyung. A room where Yoongi can exist in endless adoration.
“Make yourself useful, Kim Taehyung.”
Because Taehyung listens. Because Taehyung is good in all the ways that Yoongi is good, and he doesn’t have to be told twice when the order deals in Yoongi’s pleasure. So all of you adjust until Yoongi’s on his hands and knees, gripping tightly onto the headboard, and Taehyung shuffles down the bed until he can get his mouth on Yoongi’s cock.
“Fuck, yeah, just like that,” you say, and Taehyung moans at the praise, the vibrations making Yoongi gasp and jerk.
You know when you hit his prostate, too; know this is going to be over soon from the way he buries his face in the crook of his elbow and screams. You know it from the way he starts to shake. From the unintelligible filth that pours from his mouth as Taehyung swallows him all the way down. From the way he stutters out a, ba-baby, wha’bout you, gonna come like this, and you pet his hair, voice soft again when you say, this is for you, Yoongi, you can come, I know it’s so much.
There’s a final husky, drawn-out moan, and then there’s quiet.
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Lucidity returns slowly.
The heat kicks on. A police siren wails in the distance, seven floors below you. You re-wet your cloth and do your best to clean the dried cum from Taehyung’s skin, your smile fond as he whines at the cold, tries to squirm away. Yoongi doesn’t move an inch, just collapses face-first onto the mattress and lets everyone fuss over him. Starts snoring a few minutes later, after you’ve pulled the duvet up to his ears and he’s tucked in and warm.
You move to the dresser. Pull out two t-shirts—oversized on you, tight in the shoulders on Taehyung—and clean underwear. And then you pause, because Taehyung’s already plucking his own clothes off the floor, already has his fucking socks and briefs on, and it’s… it doesn’t feel right, is the thing. Doesn’t feel like he should be leaving. Not tonight, maybe ever.
“Where are you going?” you ask, and you do a good job of keeping the hurt out, at sounding normal.
Taehyung doesn’t get it. Looks at you like you’re a little stupid and a lot crazy, because he looks at you, then at the world outside the window, and finally at Yoongi before answering. “I—leaving?”
Taehyung looks at you like you’re a lot stupid this time. “I don’t…” Pauses. Tries to sink into the floor to no avail. “Look, I think maybe this was a mistake? Hyung and I—I don’t think this is what he wants.”
“And how do you know what he wants?”
“Because we’re here,” he answers, anger seeping in. “Because I’m standing in your apartment. His girlfriend, and—”
You sigh. “If you want to leave, I’m not going to stop you, but I think it’d really hurt him if you left.” You leave off the again. It’s not your trauma to dredge up. Yoongi wouldn’t want you to, and that’s reason enough. “I would like it if you stayed, if that means anything.”
“The two of you are fucking weird,” he says again, but he looks less torn. Looks less like he would plow you over to get to the door, and it’s… progress. It’s good. You can work with a halfway thing. “Hyung would really—you think he wants me here?”
It’s spoken about in the way a broken thing always is: delicately, hesitantly, like Taehyung’s afraid of the answer, afraid to find out the results of this stupid game of his own design. “He does. It’s not my place to say much more than that, but I think the two of you are overdue for a conversation, if nothing else.”
Taehyung nods. Starts looking less and less like he’s out of place; starts looking like object permanence, takes a corporeal form within the four walls of your bedroom. “There’s space here for you,” you say, with the amount of care words like these require, “if you want it.”
“What does that mean?”
“Whatever you want it to. Nothing has to be decided right now, but I know Yoongi. You know him, too. I just don’t want to see him hurt again.”
Taehyung nods again. Peels his socks off. “You’re sure?” he asks, and when you nod, he climbs back into bed, seems to somehow know which side of the bed is Yoongi’s, two magnets drawn together. Something inevitable.
You breathe out a sigh. Finally slip the t-shirt and underwear on. Flick the lamp off and let yourself have a minute to enjoy the calm, Yoongi’s body heat next to you, still snoring softly between you and Taehyung. And then, because you can’t resist—
“You two are really fucking stupid, you know that?”
You hear Taehyung swallow. “I’m sorry,” he mumbles, sounding the part of a scolded child, and as much as you try not to, you’re smiling again, fond and endeared, into the dark. “I know.”
“Okay. Go to sleep, Tae. I expect a very nice thank you gift in the morning.”
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It doesn’t happen in the morning. Not really.
It happens sometime in the middle of the night. The light streaming in through the sheer curtains gives away nothing more than silver-amber light, the moon and the city. Could be minutes since you fell asleep, could be hours; all you know is Yoongi’s at your back, arm slung possessively over your middle, and his heat is stifling.
“Yoongi,” you hiss, because it’s not just his heat. He’s hard again, cock pressing against the swell of your ass just like it was in the club, and you feel him smile against your neck when he realizes you’re awake. Feel him rock his hips, just a little.
He nips at your lobe, your jaw. “Hi, baby,” he says, like this is just another morning. Like he’s about to present your favorite mug to you, coffee fixed exactly how you like it. “Why didn’ you wake me up?”
“For what?” you breathe out, voice already wavering. All Yoongi has done is skim his warm hands under your oversized t-shirt, swirl a finger around your navel.
Yoongi tuts. Feels weird to be on this side of it, the illusion of condescension. “To fuck you. Make you come. You didn’t earlier.”
“I meant what I said—”
“I know you did,” Yoongi interjects, “but I don’t find that to be a very acceptable excuse.”
You roll your eyes, no heat in it, but then Yoongi’s hand moves to the hem of your underwear and slips inside. Your hips jerk when he moves two fingers lightly over your clit, jerk again when he finds you already wet and groans deep and husky into your ear. And it’s not loud, but it’s loud for this room at whatever-the-fuck time it is. “Gotta be quiet,” you whisper to him, and he laughs, thinks you’re joking. “I’m serious,” you say, and you want to sound authoritative but it comes out as a whine when he sinks those fingers into your cunt.
“Why would I need to be quiet?” he asks. Crooks them as best he can from this weird angle, you on your side with your back pressed to him, Yoongi halfway on top of you. “Shouldn’t I be loud?” He hits a spot that whites your vision. “Shouldn’t everyone in this fucking place hear it?”
Usually you wouldn’t care. Your apartment building has heard worse, including whatever debauchery the three of you had gotten up to mere hours ago, but—“Taehyung’s asleep.”
Yoongi startles, goes still. “What?”
“What d’you mean Taehyung’s asl…” You feel him turn. Feel him realize, for the first time, that there is a very-asleep Taehyung on his other side, and you want to ask how he hadn’t noticed before, want to say didn’t you realize how cramped this bed is, it’s not big enough for three people, we’ll have to get a new one, but. Yoongi hadn’t expected him to stay, hadn’t expected it to even be an option, so of course it would’ve been a blind spot.
Your heart cracks in half again.
“What’d you say to him?” he asks. Not accusing, almost awed, like you knew a code, the secret passcode to getting Taehyung to stay that Yoongi hadn’t had before.
You reach back, find Yoongi’s hair. Scratch gently at his scalp. “Just that I thought you’d like it if he stayed. That’s it, nothing else. I wouldn’t.”
“I know, I wasn’t…” He sucks in a deep breath, holds it, lets it go. He’s okay. “This is okay with you?”
A laugh spills out of you. “You’re asking me that now? I was nearly fist-deep in his ass a few hours ago but him sleeping in our bed is crossing some kind of line?”
“Sex can be different,” Yoongi argues, “and it’s me, you know, like it’s my hangup, not yours—”
“I want you to be happy,” you answer honestly. “Whatever that looks like. I told him there’s room for him here if he wants it, but they’re not my knots to untangle. If he wants to stick around, if you two can get your shit together… we’ll figure it out. It only needs to make sense to us.”
Silence. Then—“I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard in my fucking life,” Yoongi groans. “Jesus Christ.”
“I should’ve known hyung was the type to get a boner from open and honest communication.”
Yoongi startles again at the low rasp of Taehyung’s voice. “And that’s exactly why I said I fuck him better than you,” you fire at him, deadpan. He laughs. You don’t have to look at Yoongi to know how red he’s turned.
“You said that to him?” he chokes out, all mortified disbelief, at the same time Taehyung says, “Maybe you’ve got a point, angel.”
The mattress sinks under Taehyung’s weight as he shuffles closer to the two of you. Must touch Yoongi somehow, because there’s a high-pitched whine from the back of his throat, so loud in your ear, has heat coursing through you. “Finish what you started, hyung,” Taehyung says, and Yoongi’s nod is jerky, his hands uncoordinated under Taehyung’s watchful stare.
Yoongi moves over you fully, wastes no time before he’s working his fingers in and out at a steady rhythm, sucking at your skin. Taehyung groans quietly, doesn’t need to be told a goddamn thing; rids you of your shirt so Yoongi can mouth his way from your jaw to your neck, collarbones to chest, one nipple and then the next. Pleasure licks up your spine, outweighs how overwhelming it is to have Yoongi this geared-up, wound this tight; to have Taehyung’s hands roaming over every inch of skin his hyung doesn’t have his mouth on.
“Yoo-Yoongi,” you choke out, because this has really gone from zero to a hundred and he’s been pressing incessantly on your g-spot for too long to remain unaffected.
It’s building, building, building, and you’ve fully lost control of your hips, grinding against the heel of Yoongi’s palm like you’re desperate for it. (You are.) And Taehyung just laughs darkly, says, “Think she’s gonna come, hyung,” just to get under your skin.
“Mm, yeah. Might make a mess.” He slaps at your clit and that’s it, that’s what does it.
And Yoongi knows you, doesn’t he, because he knows how you like to get fucked. Knows to click his tongue at you, give you that disappointed look; knows to wipe your release on your thighs. Knows to barely let you catch your breath before he’s slipping on a condom and pushing inside of you.
After his fingers, the stretch from his cock feels dizzying. Feels on the edge of too much, and Taehyung’s commentary is doing fuck-all to help you come back to earth. Keeps saying shit like goddamn, hyung, yeah, fuck her like that. Maneuvers you so your back is pressed to his chest, now, your head on his shoulder, so Yoongi can slip his tongue into Taehyung’s mouth while he ruins you. It’s filthy, it’s so fucking filthy, and you think, selfishly, that a room won’t be big enough. You’d build Taehyung an entire goddamn house to keep it like this, to keep the three of you safe in this bubble.
“Imagine, hyung,” Taehyung starts, and you know what comes out of his mouth next is going to be nasty. Yoongi knows it, too, eyes starting to go glassy. A million constellations reflected as he looks at the two of you. “If we fucked her at the same time. Both of us in that tight pussy. Our cocks togeth—”
You’re not sure if the deafening moan comes from you or Yoongi. Either way, his hips falter, cadence reduced to stuttered thrusts as he tries desperately not to come just from Taehyung spewing more filth out of his devilish mouth. But you want to see it. Want to see what happens when he’s pushed to the brink of horny delirium, so you say—
“Do it.”
—and Yoongi has to stop altogether. Grips your hips so hard you know they’ll bruise, and you think, for a second, that he actually did come. Everything is quiet for a second, just more labored breathing, and then Yoongi picks his head up. Looks more fucked-out than you’ve ever seen him, even more than earlier, and looks straight at Taehyung.
“Put your fingers in her.”
Taehyung breathes harshly through his nose. Waits for you to nod, give him the okay, and then his hands leave your hair and skim down your body. They’re so warm, so large, cover so much skin that it truly feels like he’s everywhere, like it’s more than just him touching you. The closer he nears to your cunt, the more overpowering it is, the harder it is to breathe.
“Is this what you want, angel?” he asks, words warm on your skin as he presses them just below your ear. “You’re a greedy girl, getting hyung’s cock and my fingers.” He rubs circles into your clit, sends you spiraling. You’re dangerously close to a second orgasm (could be a third, could be a hundredth, considering Yoongi never let you come down from the first) and there’s a split-second right before he dips his fingers into your cunt, works them in alongside Yoongi’s cock, that you feel engulfed.
Everything is on fire.
You, most of all.
Taehyung sucks his fingers into his mouth, gets ‘em wet, works in slowly. Just his middle finger at first, and Yoongi falters again, moans out an oh fuuuck that betrays exactly how far gone he is. And you aren’t far behind, the stretch from both of them unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. You can’t imagine how it’d feel if it was more than just Taehyung’s fingers, except you can, and Taehyung notices when the thought has you clenching, has you a little wetter, because he laughs at you, tells Yoongi like he can’t tell on his own. Like your boyfriend is a little dumb, like he’s never fucked you before, and that does something to both of you.
One finger turns into two. Yoongi’s a fucking mess, absolutely gone of the feel of them inside you, against his cock, can’t stop moaning. The tight fit has Taehyung’s fingers pressed snug against your g-spot, exactly how Yoongi’s had been, and it’s too much. Too much.
“I’m, fuck—I’m gonna—”
When you come it feels like the end of the world. It feels like rapture. It feels like every atom in your body has been rearranged, like the gods themselves are rewarding you specifically with the sound of Yoongi following right behind you, moaning low and ragged, spilling into the condom.
In the comedown, he kisses you—soft, tender, with every iota of love and affection contained in him. “I love you,” he says. Presses another kiss to the corner of your mouth. “You okay?”
“Not sure,” you answer honestly. “Give me three to five business days to decide.”
Yoongi’s smile is shy, almost embarrassed. More gums than anything else. Behind you, the rumble of Taehyung’s laughter against your back, rattling your ribs. Rattling your heart, maybe, lodged safely between them.
It expands, makes more room—the one for Taehyung, that house—and Yoongi’s lips find Taehyung’s next and you know it’ll be okay. These two stupid boys, they’ll figure it out, put a cease fire to their foolish game.
Yeah, something inevitable.
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as always, thank you for reading! my inbox is always open if you’d like to leave feedback. i’d love to hear your thoughts! ❤
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ladyluscinia · 11 months
My hottest take from trying to delve into David Jenkins's interviews and piece together where he's going with this is that - for all he and everyone else are consistent about describing this show as a romance and a romcom (and The Muppets) - I don't think he finds the romance compelling??? At least, not the healthy endgame version.
Like, the one interview where he dropped that he was planning an unrequited romance in all those pitches of his until they shot the bathtub scene in 1x06...? Wild twist, but also it kind of makes sense.
Look at the comparisons he makes. Titanic (where Jack dies). Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (where both leads die). Shows like Insecure and Grey's Anatomy, where relationships get messy breakups constantly. He's excited about fanvids set to Olivia Rodrigo's "Favorite Crime". Writes an episode based on Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, a 1966 film of a play that attacks the concept of happy marriages. He mentions A Star Is Born repeatedly in reference to S2, a movie where the disaster marriage ends in suicide and heartbreak.
And even broad spectrum - he repeatedly explains that he's not compelled by pirate stories. Accuses the genre of being "creaky" and "hard to budge", and then claims to want to subvert it in one interview and shrugs about how "it's a pirate story" as reasoning in others. But the part he seems interested in...? Well it's the oncoming end of the Golden Age aspect, and also maybe the short and violent life of organized crime. He's drawing comparisons to mob movies and Westerns - two things I think we can say trend toward the bittersweet to tragic scale with endings. His examples certainly do.
I'm no longer surprised he was really compelled by the Edward and Izzy toxic divorce in S1 and the idea of doing an arc about "Can Izzy find himself outside of this toxic relationship?" only to answer "No." It seems right in his wheelhouse, tbh. Definitely enough that if he felt like Izzy ought to die due to vibes, I doubt he was looking too hard for an alternative.
For all his talk about "Can BlackBonnet put the work into this relationship?" I'm really getting the impression he thinks the more compelling answer is also "No." He likes the idea of a happy ending maybe, but he doesn't really seem into that as a story.
Now, he does seem to have gotten a crash course in "Maybe don't bury your gays?" and he's not lying about wanting to avoid the specific kinds of coming out and queer trauma stories - those are different kinds of tragedies - but I am... skeptical, perhaps, that the forced happy ending feeling of S2 will do anything but repeat in S3.
Just because, like, if I was scrolling these takes on a fic author's blog, I'd put majority odds on the main couple hanging in the final chapter, and I bet a happy sunset ending would come kinda out of nowhere...
Not really a recipe for satisfying, you know?
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chuuyasfanboy · 10 months
Just had some random thoughts so pulled up an old blog I never used and am now deciding to write fics! I've had this stuck in my head for two days now but like- Skk as parents... enjoy <3
Wrote three sections! One with Chuuya, one with Dazai, and ofc them together. It can be read from either adopted or blood perspective, I hope? Kind of scattered, I was just goin for it guys
Iffff you liked this, please req something! I'm having major bsd brainrot and I need ideas...
Soukoku as Parents Platonic x Gn!Child!Reader
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The SILLIEST father EVER guys.
For actual years he was fully under the impression he HATED all kids with a passion. I mean guys look at how badly he treated Aku-
Well then he had you and things changed
It's just something about you being his kid, not a subordinate or random kid on the street
He's your dedicated apologist
In fact, he encourages your mischief!
When you were younger, it was a lot harder to handle you. He even found himself on his last fuse sometimes. Usually, he left Atsushi or Yosano to deal with you
He didn't want to revert to old habits and accidentally traumatize you :(
When he can handle himself, though, he's only halfway controlling you-
He's right along with you in the heinous activities half of the time
Hiding Ranpo's candy (for as long as it lasts), misplacing Kunikida's glasses, hell you two have probably snuck into the infirmary and changed the sheets to something very colorful and very childishly wolf themed...
He's not really a mature dad, nonono. But he's doing his best
He fully supports all of your wildest interests, even tries out some of the more entertaining ones
He struggles to act excited when you're younger and all your interests are very out of his range, but as you grow older he's actually a bit intrigued by them sometimes
Best birthday gift ideas, too. He's very creative when he wants to be.
He also has way more money than he should be ALLOWED to have
For your Sweet Sixteen, he most definitely got you an obsessively large custom pinata of your favorite character...
He makes sure EVERYBODY gets you gifts, because you are his world and thus you must be everybody else's as well
He really does try to keep you out of work, and especially away from his suicide biz
Maybe HE doesnt have a reason to live, but he certainly doesnt want you picking up those thoughts, because he knows you have a real big destiny to live up to someday
I mean, what would the world be without you?
When you hit the age of 13 though, its really hard to hide anything from you
You're so scary when you grow up! And you're way too smart!!4
Did you get that from him? oops...
Now, he doesnt have any plans of living that long, but if you do grow big and strong and smart one day, and you join the ADA, he's definitely got some favoritism.
Surprisingly, Fukuzawa actually gives you your first few proper missions with him
(Because he knows Dazai will not be letting any harm come to you, he trusts Dazai with his life and he knows you trust Dazai even more)
If you have different plans for adulthood though, he's still so supportive
If you go to uni, you're going to have to show him off
Because, guys, he's a dilf
Nobody's gonna be mean to the kid with a dilf father, they all want him
He jokes about it constantly
But rest assured, stupid and immature uni kids are NOT his type, no matter how nice the ones his age look
He's got his eyes set on that waitress and at least four other men at the moment
If you go straight into the workplace instead of uni, he's going to use his connections to get you a good job early!
Fukuzawa has a good way with words and Dazai himself is a pretty good reference contact
Just tell them he's your teacher, or something
It's not like they'll know his hobbies, he's wayyyy too big a mystery for that
Overall: 7/10 dad
A little rough around the edges, but he's trying hard to improve himself for you
And he's trying hard to give you the best life he can offer
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Did I say Dazai was a dilf?
I lied out of my ass.
Chuuya is the real dilf here
But we'll get to that later! (Just know he has plenty of men and women at his feet and they're definitely being way too nice to you because they want him so bad guys)
You're SO SO SO SO spoiled.
So bad you might even be a little bit of a brat growing up
It's fine, not toward him, he almost never says no to you so theres no need
There's absolutely no amount of money that can't be spent on you.
Luxury clothes, professionally cooked dinners, fancy rooms, home staff, the whole works
Despite all that though, he's insistent you go to a public/private school
He's not tutoring you, wont even hire one
It's not because he CAN'T, it's because he KNOWS how important it is for you to get your sense of independence early
Sure, you'll always have financial support, even if he dies (Trust fund babyyyyy)
But thats not what's actually important to your future
You need social skills, you need friends, you need and education and the taste of disappointment
Dont worry, though, he's not sending you unprepared
You're not eating school lunches unless you want to (but fuck why would you?)
He's sending you to school with top notch food every day
And clothes
And supplies
Plus, you'll have a tutor at the ready for anything you need a little extra help in
But for the most part he keeps as far as he can out of that section of your life
You friends are yours, not his
He's polite when they have sleepovers, and he's more than willing to host parties and hangouts
But he doesn't try too hard to impress them, and he doesn't talk to them unless its related to you
Because as much as he loves being around kids (a real big father he wants to adopt everybody he sees)
He doesn't want to impose on any boundaries YOU may have
As a side note though, he's still very observant of your relationships with them
If he overhears any manipulation, or shit talking (about you or not), he's not going to let it sit and exist
If it comes to it, he will contact the parents (And holy fuck they are TERRIFIED i mean imagine a publicly known MAFIA EXECUTIVE contacting you to tell your kid fucked with his ABSOLUTELY NOT GUYS)
If you're into any extracurriculars, he is ALWAYS there
Even if he's overseas on a mission, he has some lower rank attend and clears his schedule so he can watch through a call
Also guys, he practically funds your school?
Your teachers are terrified to cross you because if they do there will be NO SALARY
You complain about anything that happened? He's fixing it up in any way he can
You are his ANGEL, NOTHING will ruin your day as long as he can prevent it.
When you grow up, your options are very clear in his eyes
Either you go to uni and live independent of the mafia, or you inherit his spot when he dies
If you go for neither, he may be a bit shocked, but he'll hesitantly step back
He'll see how it goes, but he's not very confident at first
If it goes well? Fuck, great! He's always in your corner rooting for you
If it doesn't go so well, you always have him as a backup
He'll always be there to take you back with open arms and give you a second, third, fourth, fifth, etc chance. Always
If you do join the mafia, there will be no low rank experience for you
You're straight to the upper ranks. At first, you'll probably be in a position similar to Akutagawa under Dazai or how he was under Koyo
Direct subordinate, his apprentice, his prodigy
And when he dies, you're next in line for his exec spot
There's not even a worry about your skillset, he knows he's trained you well, ability or no ability.
Finally, back to the dilf topic I've mentioned at the beginning
If you go to uni, he has the same problem Dazai had, but WORSE
Fuck guys, he swears he tries to keep out of your friendships, but suddenly everyone's adults and they wont leave him alone.
It's at this point he stops hosting your events (except birthdays) and separates himself
No way is he getting involved with crazy college kids, no way
Overall: 9/10 father
He's a bit absent in your social circle, but he's your dad and thats that
He screams support from the stands and that's really the best you can ask for in a dad <3
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theyre so pathetic together-
theyre all the entertainment you need growing up
constant bickering (lovingly)
they dont involve you in all that
it comes with them both being in seperate factions, but they BOTH work very hard to keep you out of the professional lives
you're their kid, they dont want you in any of the doublesided danger that could get you in
you're probably a secret to everyone except the ADA and the other mafia
And your existence is on a need-to-know basis for everybody else
Dazai is the more present figure in your life, simply because Chuuya has to be a bit more distant
It's the nature of his line of work, anyone he's seen with is a target, and he doesn't want that to be you
He will be at your schooling events still, though. He will be YELLING AND SHOUTING in the stands
Into sports? Every time theres an unfair play he will cuss the living daylights out of the ref
And they just have to let him because theres nothing they can really do about
Dazais the same way, but with less scare factor and way less vigor
After games, he's going to complain WITH you about how lame the whole thing was if you lost, how everything was judged unfairly
They may not get along the best together, but they love each other and especially love you, so they're improving for you
Read: Chuuya is making them improve for you
Dazai thinks hes the victim in all this!
But oh well, if Chuuya makes him apologize when they argue in front of you, he will
When you're all grown up, they both encourage you to find your own path
You've got the chance, thanks to them, and they dont want you involved in their little wars
It's not like you can join any sides, because who would want to be against your dad :(
So really your only choice is moving out, maybe even away-
If you really do want into their business, they both insist you join the ADA
It's safer there for you, and Chuuya would rather have to order his men to not under any circumstances EVER hurt you, than have to watch someone he can't control put you in danger
Plus, he knows Dazai will keep you in the safest position possible
Overall: 7/10 together
They're a nightmare at dinner, and Dazai is sleeping on the couch almost every night
But they adore you and every move you make, so there's no way you're feeling unloved at all
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riacte · 10 months
Space Opera AU dashboard simulator
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🥧 syrupstars Follow
Anyone else think that Red King racer is a little... y'know... fruity?
👑 falsewellsupremacy Follow
He literally says "ladies, gentlemen, everyone in between, get in line" so I think that answers your question.
🥧 syrupstars Follow
What about the "#Ally4Life 🏳️‍🌈" on his Twilight handle?
👑 falsewellsupremacy Follow
I genuinely have no idea. Maybe he thinks it's about him being an ally to cishet people
#idk ren's just like that sometimes #void knows what he's doing #also prev tags you do not want to get into the black hole of who ren has dated #he has rumours with 3/4 of the grid #edit: WHO MENTIONED BAD BOY TEENAGE REN IN MY NOTES #the shippers are here... oh no #edit 2: not ren at the club.
74 notes
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🛑 bluebatshater Follow
oh my voiddd ofc That Duo got p1 again... i need them to dnf in the race. i hope they crash and burn and die and i need crastle to get podium for ONCE. i am so mad. i am calling for the goddess tsuki to curse them. dnf dnf crash burn DIE
🌻 lesbianlumian Follow
the goddess tsuki LITERALLY protects racers and that's why they pray to her? you think the goddess tsuki, creator of lumians, will curse an actual lumian? be so fucking fr
🛑 bluebatshater Follow
if you dont have anything productive to say get off my post. freak
#those blue bats stannies are SO ANNOYING THEY ARE EVERYWHERE #they're overshadowing all the other teams #cant even be a bitchy hater in peace #salt #negativity #hateposting
12 notes
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🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
Looking at posts from five years ago is funny like how did I ever believe I was straight
🍦 jelliepopsicle Follow
OP, I think I recognise your url... did you write that viral Bad Boy Ren x QoH fic on Launchpad?
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
💀 Shut the fuck up right NOWWW!!
#STOP MENTIONING THAT FIC I WFOTE WHEN I WAS THIRTEEEN!!! #everything before my gay awakening is not canon. sorry #tbh... as much as a nightmare it was i kinda miss that stupid fic #it was from a simpler time #now im in university trying to contact my groupmates and i think one of them got lost in a blackhole last tuesday (again) #sigh. this keeps on happening to me #my cousin worked on one of the moons last summer for two weeks and came back like he'd aged six months #my friend's ex got sucked into a black hole and was briefly spaghettified but they managed to revive her and she gloats that she's finally taller than my friend's ex #whoops sorry for dumping in the notes #anyways. bad boy rk x good girl queen of hearts. awful idea. even more awful fic. yet i wrote it #i regret everything and nothing
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🗣️ peace-and-planets-deactivated63891092
PSA: Sunblr user @/summerheavens writes RPF of the Exterra 1 racers. She is a big name fan in the Miraculous Laserbug fandom so I thought you all would like to know. This is gross and disgusting behaviour and I implore you to stop.
🍬 summerheavens Follow
umm @/peace-and-planets i literally saw your kudos on my fic. the evidence is out there. girl what are YOU doing at the devil's sacrament. what are you doing on my roseduo rpf titled "hang your head low in the glow of the vending machine (we're not trying)".
but i'm glad you liked it enough to give it a kudos ^_^ will certainly be putting more on the starchive!
❄️ justwingit Follow
LMFAOOOO OP DEACTIVATEDDDDD 😭😭😭 sunblr user got killed by a rpf author. if you're gonna secretly read rpf maybe not leave a kudos?????
🚀 exterrablrheritage
Exterra 1 Heritage Post
⚡ littlewoodbabygirl69
It's been ten years since this post... @/summerheavens are you okay after recent developments
🍬 summerheavens Follow
am i okay? is ANYONE okay??? in these trying times??????? with the most chaotic gp to ever exist?????? i am PULLING OUT WIPS i dropped out of respect ten years ago. i've got to send my kid to daycare but once i'm done you bet you're seeing me on the starchive. miss swift even dropped her 20th album just in time for me to use lyrics as titles. i am LIVING and i am THRIVING
#ohhhhhhhhhh #let's go #also can't believe taylor finally addressed the vehicle manslaughter rumours from like twenty years ago #how fitting #also littlewood needs to get his shit together #why does he look like he's the one who hasn't seen his man in 32738102371 years and got his soul shattered #he's weak and won't survive the winter
27,408 notes
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🧈 butteredbread Follow
WHAT is wrong with that lykos. i desire him carnally
🌳 treebark
🪓 handoftheking
I mean... yeah. Let's face it, we're all like that 🤷
⭐ nonbinarystar Follow
#WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM #I HATE HIM SO MUCH #PARASOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS CAN ALSO BE ABOUT HATE #THIS GLOWSTICK MF IS MY WORST ENEMY #he just canonised treebark for the sixth time #also prev tags so real #need to slingshot him into a faraway galaxy
34,091 notes
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🫃 spaceshipmpreg Follow
Who put that Just a Dream FalseRen AMV on my dash again
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
Respect your roots!! That 125M views Just a Dream AMV raised a generation. Every kid in my school played it on loop on their ipods during recess
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
wait op can you explain your url
🫃 spaceshipmpreg Follow
No 👍
#i think we should get the dogwarts freighter pregnant
6 notes
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