#(might make a little blurb abt that actually)
siriuslygay1981 · 25 days
Ugh...just thinking about Effie watching her boys suffer.
Her first child, her baby...dying before he can raise his own sweet child. So many life experiences taken away from him so young. She hurts thinking of all the years she got and all the years James couldn't have. James who had wanted something more, who didn't want to be an auror but had put aside his dreams to help the war effort. James her sweet brave boy. He wore his heart on his sleeve, his love all consuming. She couldn't shield him from the world, she hasn't been able to for years by the time she left...it didn't stop her from trying though. In the end his heart was what got him killed, she did not think about how that made her feel.
She feels deep sadness at seeing what Peter had become, once a sweet young boy helping her set up the table when the other kids were rough housing outside. She can't help but feel a burning hatred, not towards her Peter, her sweet Pete...but towards this person that wears her boys face. The young man who betrays friend after friend, the one taking lives...that's not her boy, not her petey. He gave her a handful of flowers on mother's day, his face pink. Her Peter held James up in the sidelines, when no one noticed James breaking down...Peter could. Peter who she taught family recipes to because besides James, Peter was the only other decent cook. She thinks back to the boy with wide blue eyes, freckles dotting his nose and his cheeks, his blonde hair just slightly too long. She remembers brushing it out of his face tenderly and telling her how proud she is of him. She knows he always felt like he was being left behind, like he didn't quite deserve the role he had in all their lives. To her, she lost Peter too. Maybe he was the first one she lost...
Remus whose suffered every month for years and has a bad view of himself because of prejudice. How could her smart boy be so so stupid. He was worthy of love and it pained her to see him hunch over, trying to hide himself. She watched as he gave himself to their headmaster, to use because he shared a kindness that no one else had shown him. She couldn't tell him that he owed Dumbledore nothing. She wishes she could come back just to give that old bumbling man a piece of her mind, manipulating Remus was unforgivable. Remus who was sarcastic but so so sweet, smart and also so dumb. She didn't miss the way he smiled at Sirius, the way the two looked at each other. She cried for hours after Remus got the news. She wasn't sure if he'd ever open up again. How could such a kind soul be given such a cruel fate- he was once again alone and she wasn't sure she could handle it. But...if he got through it so would she.
Sirius who never had the love he deserved. Shunned and hated at every turn. How could they think Sirius, her baby, could ever betray his other brother. Sirius who was never shown unconditional love, who still flinched when she moved suddenly. She seemed to be the only one, besides James, to see the way Sirius stiffened when a voice was raised, even with no malicious intent. Sirius, betrayed and framed. Her second son, taken from cruel hands just to be stabbed in the back by one of his own. So suspicious of love that he suspected one of the closest people to him. Still grieving his younger brother, still in so much pain. He hadn't yet gotten to live, hadn't really been free for long. A handful of years at most and then he was sent away because of his last name.
The world wasn't kind, it seemed even less so towards the ones she held dear, to the generation cursed to fight in the war. She watched the eyebags deepen, their softer edges hardening and becoming ragged and barbeb with wire. It was unfair, it was gut wrenching, her boys were strong, they held on for so long for as long as they could and she was so proud of them. But...she felt relief, as bad as it sounded, when they finally were able to rest. They had fought so hard for so long the least the world could do was reunite them and give them peace. She hoped they weren't too hard on themselves, for the small stupid mistakes, the miscommunication, the stupid arguments and the silent treatment, all the times they could've spoken up or taken a moment to really think.
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hello!! i loved your cregan x martell!reader work sm 😭😭 could you plz bless us with another one? i'm so curious about this pairing, was their marriage arranged or a love match? does little rickon exist in this au? what abt the war?
i'd be delighted to read more about them, if you're willing to write, of course :) thank you in advance!! i adore your writing <3
You take your husband to Dorne for your sister's wedding. He fairs horribly in the heat.
Cregan Stark x Martell!Reader | 600< | cw: fem!reader, wife!reader, dramatic!cregan, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: HI NONNIE! this was my firs req since i closed em so YAY US (and it took me so long to write it lmao). it's just a lil blurb but i hope you like it! also this is the fic in question.
Tagging: @sloanexx
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The Lord of Winterfell was leading the travelling party. We were deep in Dorne; Sunspear was already within view. And although the fearsome wolf of the North was not one you could easily defeat, he was steadily losing to the dessert sun.
"Cregan," I call out from my horse beside him, "you will get sun burnt if you keep your back bare."
The Warden of the North had one by one removed the clothes off his back. His face, chest, and back was flush and irritated in more ways than one as he looked at me, "and if I put a shirt on," his brows furrow, "I will faint because of the heat."
With a groan, I remove the silk shawl off my shoulders and I steer my horse closer to his. I place the the fabric on his burning flesh, immediately making him whimper. He shrug it off, "I'm sweaty."
"Cregan," I glare and grab my shawl before it drops, "you're overheating."
He rides faster.
"Cregan," I follow, "come here."
He gallops off as quickly as possible, running straight towards the gates of Sunspear. I am taken aback by his sudden fleeing. I look over to the rest of the party, all of which were Northerners equally melting in the heat, and decide to gallop into Sunspear as well for their sake.
Upon my arrival, I was greeted by many people, all of which expressed their delight to see me again. I greet them with glee as I dismount. I instruct the servants to attend to the men and give them something to cool off with.
"Sister," I call back with a smile.
My younger sister, Calliope, embraces me and kisses my cheeks. I return her affection and brush her hair behind her ear, "you have grown more radiant since last I saw you, my love. Your groom is blessed to have you."
She giggles, "as is yours" she looks me up and down, "is this a glow of an expecting mother?"
"If it be the will of the gods," I smile and link arms with her, "Lord Stark has been most ardent in his duties."
We share a laugh.
Calliope leans in and raises a brow, "you should have brought a bit of snow with you, sister. I think your wolf has jumped into garden fountain."
"He what?"
My sister and I run off to the gardens, and sure enough, there laid the hulking man, body barely even submerged into the water.
"Cregan!" I snap, releasing my sister to fish out my husband, "you giant oaf!"
The man slowly sits up. He wipes water away from his face and smiles, "hello, beautiful wife."
"Get out of the fountain."
He spits out water.
"There are many pools in Sunspear where you actually fit," I reach a hand out.
He crawls over and takes my hand, only to pull me closer and kiss me. His dripping hand comes to my cheek. I whimper. He pulls away and smiles, "will you be joining me?"
I press my lips into a line, "get out of the pool, Stark."
The water sloshes as he gets on his knees and climbs out, "yes, Stark."
Water spills and drips onto the floor as Cregan stands next to me. My sister, Calliope, giggles from behind me. The man looks at her as she speaks, "it might do you well to know the nights at Dorne are cooler, my lord."
I make a face and pull my skirt away when it begins to absorb the pooling fountain water. Cregan notices this and grabs me by the waist, pulling me tightly against him.
He smirks and kisses my neck. I glare at him and he smirks at my sister, "I should hope so. My lady keeps me warm at night."
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7ndipity · 1 year
Dating Jungkook headcanons
Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: some swearing, a lil suggestive, I think that's it
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this, I've never written a list like this before so it's a little scattered, sorry. Anyway I'm very soft for this man now, goodbye.
Requests are open
Dating Jungkook is, for lack of a better word, messy. But like in all the best ways.
Late night hangouts when y'all can't sleep and you just end up at the local convenience store, eating snacks or whatever and talking until you notice the sun coming up.
I know I wrote a lil blurb abt it already, but karaoke dates are a regular occurrence. Doesn't matter if you can sing or not, y'all are just having a good time seeing who can hit the highest note(it's him, sorry)
He's one of those people whose friends probably tease cause he says "my s/o is my best friend". But he actually means it, you are his best friend.(I really feel like he would fall for a friend, but that's a discussion for a ot7 reaction I'm working on for next week👀)
Acts really cocky sometimes, but will fold like a house of cards(ha) into the softest boi at the slightest provocation from you.
He's fucking whipped for you, and he knows it.
Was so nervous to kiss you the first time that he legit backed out like three times before it finally happened.
Probably has some kind of nickname for you like "my light" or "my life."
But on the other hand, y'all also tease each other relentlessly, it's like a second love language with him.
Like he will sit there while you're trying to read or smth and poke your cheeks until he gets a reaction out of you.
Will make height jokes, even if you're only like 1in shorter than him.
"Tiny baby." He coos while patting your head. "I'm gonna climb up there and kill you." You warn. "So tiny, so precious."
But if he catches anyone else giving you a hard time about something, God help them.
Possessive(*cough perilla leaf debate)
Gives you his sweatshirts to wear because you look cute in them, but also loves that it's a subtle sign to anybody else that you're his.
This goes both ways though, he loves when you call him yours.
The first time you called him "your boyfriend", he legit short-circuited for a second.
Would probably have matching, macrame type couple bracelets that y'all made together for your second or third month anniversary.
Protective AF
Does that thing where he makes sure you walk on the inner half of the sidewalk when are you're out together, so you're protected from the street?
Not big on Pda exactly, but usually has an arm around you or is holding your hand. He doesn't even realize he's doing it sometimes, it's just kinda become a habit to have you close as much as possible.
He gets so little time with you as it is, so he just wants to make every second count.
When it's just the two of you though, he becomes a fucking koala and will NOT let you go.
Clings to you like his life depends on it.
Begs you to stay over all the time, swears that he can't sleep well unless you're next to him.
At this point, you might as well move in, half of your shit's at his place already anyway.
Looks at you like you're a literal dream.
Like some mornings when neither of you are really awake yet, you look over and he's just staring at you over your coffee mug like🥺
Loves to make you flustered tho
Like, if he notices you have a thing for his arms, he's gonna take every chance he can to roll his sleeves up in front of you just to see your face go red.
Randomly walks up to and gives you these deep, intense kisses and then? just fucking walks away as if nothing happened? Like, nuh-uh, get your ass back here and finish what you started sir!
Talks about your future together with such casual certainty. Like "when we get married, we should get a house like that".
Refers to Bam as your child.
Idk where I'm going with this or how to end it, so I'm just gonna stop here, but yeah. I just think he's neat lol.
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g-xix · 5 months
This might be a strange request but I was watching the new ItalianBach video with Alex, Cam and Arthur and I thought it was really funny and cute that a few times Arthur was like “wait I actually kind of like this.” I was wondering if you could do a little blurb or something with Arthur x Reader where the reader is scratching his back or his scalp or something and basically doing asmr on him without him realizing it’s asmr and teasing him abt the fact he likes it?
Head Scritches | ArthurTV
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I normally take YEARS replying to oneshot reqs but this is so cute i litr banged this up in a DAY which isn't too bad... it is quite a short little blurb (great word btw) tho, but i hope you and everyone else reading enjoys nonetheless, anon!
-just like sorta casually hanging about in Arthur's flat, j chilling n spending time together...
-You're lying across the sofa w ur legs spread across the cushions n Arthur's body on top of yours, cushioned between your legs and on his phone- switching between playing online chess and watching TikToks whilst waiting for his opponent to make the next move
-Your hand just sort of finds itself on his head after a bit, fingers just finding a path through his hair n moving only a little bit...
-"What're you doing?" Arthur mumbles, not moving to get you off, just intrigued with what exactly you were doing whilst he couldn't see you
-"I'm just massaging your head." You hummed, leaning your own head back to relax whilst your fingers threaded through his hair. "Do you want me to stop?"
-"...No, I don't think so." Arthur sounded unsure of himself, bringing a small chuckle from you as you continued your actions inattentively.
-Whilst you were lounging and happily relaxed, Arthur found himself... not agitated, but completely defenceless to how nice it felt. It felt like getting his hair done, but so much gentler and more soothing...
-He felt uncomfortable in how he was sat - he just wanted to lie down and sprawl out - relax all of his limbs and let his head fall limp against you whilst you just ran your hands over his head juuust like that...
-Yet Arthur didn't say a thing in not wanting you to stop what you were doing or think he was odd- or make him explain- or something trivial and unnecessary like that. No, instead he just closed his eyes briefly and savoured that way your fingers ran through his hair, fluffing and messying it. And as Arthur closed his eyes, he only felt more, particularly noticing the way your fingertips seemed to press into the back of his head, right where he had a headache- circling ever so slightly and seeming to chase the achy points away
-It was only when you absent-mindedly drummed your fingers over Arthur's scalp when you noticed Arthur's responses to your touch
-Withdrawing your arm from over your eyes (previously serving as an eyemask for you to rest), you realised that Arthur had literally had a whole-body shiver at what you'd done; drumming your fingers one by one over his scalp
-"Holy shit, sorry, are you okay?" You retracted your hand back from Arthur hastily, though your brows raised in even more surprise as he let out a near whine as you moved back(!) "Arthur...?"
-"Do that again please," He whimpered, the note of desperation on his voice drawing a slight laugh from your voice.
-"What, this?" You drummed each finger over his scalp again with a grin, his neck ticking as he let out a slight groan, drawing a full laugh from your chest, throwing your head back as well. "Is this your equivalent of ASMR?" You teased, seeing a pink flush rise up to Arthur's neck from behind as he stuttered a-
-"M-maaaybe..." In reponse before rushing, "Pleasedon'tstopthough-" which only drew another hearty laugh from you, your fingers reconnecting to Arthur's head nonetheless and messaging over his scalp and running your fingers though his head.
-"Sure I won't," You mumbled in response after a while, smile still on your face. "As long as you're not enjoying it too much..."
-"Too late," Arthur joked in response before hastily grabbing a cushion and pretending to cover his crotch with it with joking heavy breaths.
-A snort left your mouth, grabbing the pillow from besides you to whack him around the back of his head, laughing as you lovingly replied "Shut up and play your chess, neeky", threading your fingers back through your head and going back to sleeping whilst playing with his hair, un-wipeable smile plastered onto your face as you did... <33
Hang on, j found this whilst scrolling pinterest for a good ATV pic:
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THAT'S FUCKING ITALIAN BACH??!?!?!? HE'S HOT?!?!?!?? Istg this new chaos crew squad is acc so leng: ATV, G Clarkey, ItalianBach, Cam, fuckin' even Alex... Bloody hell, absolute sexy demons if i say so myself (as a definite (😬) sexy demon)
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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ddejavvu · 10 months
this might be a weird ask but what abt a short blurb where a younger reader is getting flirted with by an older man at the Hard Deck and Jake who's been trying to get with her for ages comes in to "save the day and get rid of the creep" but turns out that the older man is actually her husband and non other than ssa aaron hotchner
sorry if it's kinda weird I just thought it was funny😭😭
Jake Seresin is undeniably cocky, but he doesn't often go too far. He's snapped once or twice, but comes away from it a changed man, and stays on the lookout for any ways he can redeem himself.
Having pushed once or twice a little too hard over the counter of a bar, he's been on the prowl ever since for men who haven't picked up the same knowledge as him. The Hard Deck is a perfect place to exercise his keen observational skills, and there's an older man sitting at the counter whos been there for almost an hour.
Usually patrons mingle, but his ass has been on the stool for far too long, his eyes glued to your figure as you work. He's not exactly confused by the man's infatuation with you, as he shares the same feeling, but you keep having to cut off whatever he's saying to serve someone another drink, and Jake thinks that by now, this middle aged douche should have figured out that now isn't the time to chat.
You're clearly strained trying to keep up with both your job and conversation, and the next time someone cuts in to ask you for a beer, Jake sees your eyes pinch shut in frustration. You turn around as happy as can be, always cheery for customer service, but your shoulder sag when you complete the man's request, and the man at the counter doesn't give you two seconds to recover before he's blabbering on again.
Jake's made up his mind.
He strides to the counter in long, confident steps, leaning over opposite the man to call for your attention.
"Y/N, darlin'?"
You cast a tense glance over your shoulder, features relaxing when you see Jake, "Hang on, Lieutenant."
You seem relieved when you turn to face him, a tired smile on your face and his usual order already in your hand, "A refill?"
"That'll do," He grins, that charming expression that he's hoping is wooing the pants off of you, "Hey, honey," He leans in slightly, lowering his voice so that the man subtly observing you two from behind doesn't hear him, "That guy talkin' your ear off?"
A sly grin flits over your face, "It's okay, Hangman. I'll let him."
"You don't have to." Jake presses, eyes clouded with worry, 'If you're trying to make a tip off of him or something, I'm sure it's not worth hearing about what bars were like back in his day. Hell, I'll pay you to let me chuck him out."
"I promise you!" You laugh, "I'm okay, Jake. Thank you for worrying about me."
"M'always gonna," He admits, face gently curved in a frown as you lean back, no longer whispering in hushed tones, "Just let me know if you need me, darlin'."
"Will do," You grin, "But Jake? Tone down the pet names around my husband, would you? I don't want him getting jealous."
Jake blinks.
Jake blinks again.
Then casts his gaze over your shoulder at the older man, who's sitting there nursing his drink with a poorly concealed smirk, his eyes downcast to avoid Jake's.
"That guy's your husband?" Jake verifies, heat at his cheeks and stomach at his feet, "You're married?"
"I don't wear my ring 'cause it gets nasty in the dishwater," You lament, "'Thought you knew, Jake."
"I did not know." Jake nods slowly, gnawing at the inside of his cheek, "Well- uh, alrighty then. Get back to your little chit-chat."
"Thank you for the offer," You call after him as he pushes off of the counter, even if your words fall on deaf, mortified ears, "I really appreciate it!"
"Sorry, Aaron," You grin bashfully at your husband, turning back to take his large hands into yours, "He's like that with everyone. Real sweet guy, just a little forward. He thought you were bothering me."
"It's okay," Aaron hums, leaning across the bar to kiss you, something you normally wouldn't allow during your shift.
"I liked it more than I thought I would," Aaron muses, and you ghost your thumb over the wedding band on his ring finger, "Hearing you tell him I was your husband."
"I don't think he liked it," You nearly cringe at the memory, "Hopefully things aren't awkward."
"Mm, they might be." Aaron chuckles, locking eyes with a dark-haired woman who looks a little bit like she might want to kill him, "I think he told his friends."
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hotchs-big-hands · 29 days
might be tmi but i desperately want to eat Aaron’s ass 😳 it’s so cute and he deserves it so much and ughhhh 😮‍💨
Ya girl has to write a blurb abt this too so ummmmm NSFW! minors DNI
We can easily say Aaron has most likely had a very vanilla sex life. I mean he was with Haley since high school and then dated Beth for a while, and in my opinion I doubt they really got too frisky with it.
So you and Aaron are together now and you’ve definitely been exploring kinks with him, stuff he’s never done before and he’s got a grasp of what he likes. You’re enthusiastic when you suck him off, taking him down to the base but also nuzzling and kissing his balls whilst you jerk him off. But on one particular occasion, as you’re messily sucking and kissing the underside of his balls, your tongue slips out to lick down and it just barely brushes against his perineum and he gasps out, hips thrusting upwards as his cock twitches. Neither of you expected such a reaction, and he takes a moment to recover and apologise- although he definitely doesn’t need to.
You can’t stop thinking about it but you haven’t brought it up to him. Your mind wanders though, you’d fantasised about rimming him but you didn’t want to bring it up and make him uncomfortable if he wasn’t into it as well. But that reaction… you had yet to admit to him you’d gotten yourself off thinking about it since it happened.
On the flip side, Aaron has been thinking about it nonstop ever since. Ever since he began dating you and your sex life turned adventurous, he had done a lot of research. And in turn, discovered things he had yet to bring up to you. Before you he had never even considered the prospect of anything being in or around his ass, but now he’d seen and read about certain things- watched certain things- and he suddenly had a desire to try some things out.
You’re making out, he’d just gotten out of the shower and returned to your shared bedroom where you all but attacked him with your mouth on his, hands grabbing at him until he has you straddling his lap. You can feel his clothed cock hardening against your inner thighs and when you part for oxygen, you lazily trace your fingers over his chest as your mouth opens and closes a few times, deep in thought about how you were going to bring up what you wanted to talk to him about. He notices and raises a brow at you and squeezes your hips.
“Everything alright, honey?” He asks quietly and you hum with a smile. You tell him you want to talk to him about something and he chuckles.
“As do I actually. Please, go ahead.”
And so you do, watching the micro-expressions form and change with every word you utter about what happened the other night, admitting you'd not been able to stop thinking about it since. He shakily laughs and for a moment you aren't sure if that's a good sign or not. But he tilts his head as he scratches his temple and you realise he's blushing.
"I... would be lying if I said I haven't been thinking about it ever since either." He admits and smirks a little. "I... I did some research on it. I wouldn't- uh, I wouldn't be opposed to trying it with you."
He grunts when you shudder with excitement, inadvertently grinding on his crotch and his hands return to squeezing your hips again.
And it's a while later when you're both stripped completely nude and your lips are pressing kisses all over his body, trailing down his chest and his soft, hairy stomach in the direction of his leaking cock. But you merely lift your mouth away and smirk at him, pressing a single kiss to the tip of his cock before you move down to his balls and nuzzle into them.
He jolts and makes a quiet noise of surprise when you pull at him and grab a pillow to prop under his hips, telling him to hold his legs back by hooking his hands around the back of his knees. He bites his lip and complies, creases forming across his stomach from the curled up position he's in and his leaking cock smears precum through his thick happy trail. And now you have access to it, his puckering little butthole. It makes you salivate, but you check in with Aaron to make sure he's still on board.
With a nod and quiet affirmation from him, you lay down on your stomach and your hands come to grip the backs of his hairy thighs firmly. You lean your head forward and he swallows thickly and as you press a kiss to his inner thigh, he gasps and you feel the muscles move under your hands. You press another kiss to the other thigh and smile when he gasps again. You begin kissing inwardly, closer and closer to where he anticipated your mouth and finally your mouth reaches his pucker. His eyes widen and his head falls back against the pillows and you press another kiss to it.
“Fuck… oh fuck…”
With a grin, you slip your tongue out and swipe at his hole and his body jolts with another gasp. You lick it again. Then again. You begin circling the hole with the tip of your tongue ever so slowly, then swipe it up to his perineum and press a kiss there as well. And when he feels your tongue slip inside the slightly more relaxed muscle, he moans oh so prettily. He feels your grip on his thighs tighten further, almost bruising, and you wiggle your tongue inside him. He can barely form words, a cacophony of noise pouring past his lips whilst you makeout with his rim.
Then, one of your hands moves to grip his shaft and the other massages his balls.
He knows he’s a goner, he’s not going to last long- embarrassingly so- but the increase of broken moans and whines as you work his body eagerly. You want him to cum, he can feel your excitement as he realises you’ve been rolling your hips into the mattress. He grips onto the back of his knees desperately, holding for dear life as his lower body begins to move. He’s fucking your hand, fucking your tongue. And you’re lapping it up with pure delight.
“Baby, I- I’m not gonna last-” he chokes out and you work faster, sucking on his pucker and swirling your thumb around the tip of his twitching, leaky cock. It’s all it takes to push him over the edge. He tenses, his hole tightening around your tongue and he moans your name brokenly whilst the pleasure ripples through his whole being. You jerk him through his orgasm, and he idly feels the spurts of cum hitting his stomach and chest. But he feels so far from it, floating in pleasure as his eyes scrunch closed.
He only comes back to earth when he feels you gently moving his hands from the back of his knees, gently straightening his legs out on the bed and stroking his thighs. He smiles at you softly through hazy eyes and you smirk. You want to clean up the mess on his body, with his permission of course. He groans softly and his spent cock twitches. He certainly won’t say no to that.
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sanjiyue · 3 months
Ethereal and Brilliance
notes: suggestive, kissing yay!
small blurb about sanji because i love love him so much he is my ultimate baby boy absolutely
haven’t written abt kissing in so long but sanji makes me swooon
Sanji loved kissing you like the sun loved the moon.
He loved the way you would melt into him, greedily searching for his lips, loved the way you looked, slightly red and out of breath when he pulled away.
On a ship with so many people, privacy was rare to be found, but welcomed by Sanji with open arms.
All throughout dinner, Sanji had grown antsy.
His gaze lingered on your fingers as you held your cutlery, only to be illuminated by the moonlight flooding in through the windows and the soft flicker of the candles.
His eyes never left the sight of your lips as you drank in the dark liquid, a stardusted hint of blush spreading across your cheeks.
And now that you were alone, he would have you just as he craved so.
Like the sun craved to touch the moon, Sanji endured the dinner, endured the explosive conversations, all for this moment.
With everyone gone, he could finally get his taste.
He pushed you against the counters of the kitchen, his dark eyes filled with flaming desire, peered at you under his long lashes.
The cigarette in his fingers had been long forgotten in your presence.
Reaching down, he brushed your hair back along the nape of your neck slowly, tantalizingly, finally arriving at your lower lip.
Softly, he runs a his thumb over your cold skin, cracking a little smile when your mouth slightly parts open with a silent breath.
He ran a hand through his golden hair, attempting to calm himself down at the mere sight of you as his other hand toyed with your neckline.
His eyes flitted to your lips, enchanted, waiting for you to move with a hushed silence.
You smiled at his way of asking, and tugged him a little closer.
At this, Sanji thought he might actually drown in his want.
He leaned forward, all muscles tense with anticipation, his lips gently pressing against yours.
The feeling of wanting and being wanted, Sanji could never ask for more in this moment.
He pressed deeper into you as he spilled soft words of affection and love in between his breathless kisses, his sighs hitching in his throat as your fingers found their way into his sunkissed hair.
His words hot against your mouth, you grow almost dizzy from the relentless waves of passion he poured with radiance and glow.
Your skin is almost electric as his fingers brush against it, his fingers seeking yours.
“Oh angel,” he moans softly against your lips, “if you keep going, I won’t be able to hold myself back.” His hands weaved in between yours, he broke the kiss, his eyes on yours.
You didn’t respond, just eager to find his lips again with a smile.
You leaned in to continue.
Basking in his warm glow, you found that you could not resist such radiance.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 months
okay so odd-ball thought abt the zombie asks floating around;
santi and his lil obsession get separated, he’s absolutely GEEKED out, already stressed and fatigued, so he’s kinda reverting back to his OLD old snappy self.
a few weeks of this happening and he’s reached his peak, just a complete douche and asshat when patches (i’m assuming if the Clergy gang were all together when it happened they stayed together cause numbers=safety most of the time) runs up and has this fucking lump in his arms covered with a blanket— santi instantly smelled his lil lover and damn near rips patches’ arms off to get to her and just kinda stands there holding her and purring or smth
then they fuck cause yeah it’s santi and he’s a mix of absolutely starved and carnally obsessed with this sudden reunion with his lover.
(i love zombie aus. sorry if this doesn’t match his personality or traits, i’m severely tired but i HAD to blurb about this for a hot second-)
TW: Noncon moment.
It's not unlikely that he'll revert back to that mindset. After all, it's almost like his younger days in the Rings, always looking out for himself and trusting no one.
He might become worse, actually, since there's so little people out there who retain their intelligence and social norms. Santi doesn't have to be constantly checking himself and acting in ways that purposely charm others around him. There's no one to charm, no one to seduce, therefore he doesn't need to exert energy in thinking of tactics and lines and what kind of expressions he should make. Overtime, those mannerisms fade and he becomes a more raw, brute version of what an incubus truly is deep down. A predator looking to fuck the energy out of you so it can sustain itself.
His coworkers don't make a big deal out of it, they've known Santi for a long while, especially Grimbly, and they know how he gets when in a truly foul mood. They've seen him devoid of charming mannerisms. They don't care for his tantrums, but there have been instances where Santi simply picks fights with them just to prove something to himself he can't even understand, just to take his mind off things, because it's easier to brawl and sexually harass someone than to admit that he needs help. That he's broken and sees no real reason to exist anymore except to remember you.
In this state, Santi has no qualms being incredibly sadistic and hunting down anything he considers worth the effort, hurting them as the brute acts necessary for his feeding unfurl. They're not even people, these walking husks... And the survivors he does find, they'd rather try to kill him, so they're not any better than the zombies are they? They don't deserve an inch of his mercy, so they can squirm themselves to death on the incubus' cock for all he cares.
When he gets you back, as surprising as it is that he even got you back at all after basically mourning your loss and spiraling into the worst version of himself... Santi doesn't know what to do with himself. It's like being hit with a brick to the face. And he realizes what a cunt he is.
You won't love him like that.
It's been so long, he can barely crack the same smile he used to for you. His claws are way too big, his body's covered in scuff marks from willingly getting into dangerous altercations. Santi forgot half the charm he used to have, and the remnants he's trying to put back on are forced. Unnatural.
When you wake up in his arms, it's all the demon can do not to blubber like a fucking baby. He doesn't speak too much initially because aside from "I'm so glad I found you again.", he's probably going to spit something tasteless and ruin the moment.
Santi finds himself unintentionally being brutish to you, snapping, speaking too roughly, grabbing you hard, subconsciously treating you the same way he would his prey. He sees the fear in your eyes and instantly freezes, realizing he's a danger to you and not recovering fast enough to avoid damaging the relationship.
The others around him, the ones that can still stand him, try to offer Santi advice and comfort him when he distances himself from your hurt self.
It all culminates in an intimate moment where Santi stops listening to you and just takes. You tell him to slow down, and he doesn't. It's a few minutes of him being a senseless rutting beast until he hears you sobbing. Not the pleasured sobbing of someone who has orgasmed too many times, the sobs and cries of someone who is in pain and scared.
You're the last person he wants to hurt, and Santi just wounded you in the worst way he possibly could.
After that, the incubus comes clean about what happened to him, who he was in his past, what happened when he thought he had lost you forever. And more than that, as much as he hates to do it, Santi gives up most control of things to you while he works to restore the incubus you fell in love with.
Because if you considered leaving him now, he would probably never recover at all.
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
Hello! I'm sorry if this is bothering you but can you write something abt Harry falling for bandmate!yn and Y/N interacting with the boys while in the band? Again, Im sorry if I'm annoying
A Race To The Brits
A/N: Had this little blurb in my files so thought it fit the prompt :) and you: not annoying 💚 oh and...THANK YOU FOR 500+ FOLLOWERS?? I LOVE YOU ALL MUCH TYSM
SUMMARY: It should be known that Harry falls in love with YN multiple times, over and over again, throughout the years. One of the times he realizes he's falling for her is at the 2014 Brit Awards. (1.9k)
GENRE: 1dbandmember!reader
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The boys are getting ready in their green room while YN is getting dressed in the room adjacent to theirs. As their styling team wraps up doing some finishing touches, they turn their heads to a knock at the door. YN peaks her head inside with a hand hovering over her eyes, careful not to mess up her freshly done make up.
"I better not see any weenies out." 
"Eh, wait." Louis jests, making a dramatic sound with his zipper. "Alright, you're good."
Harry's breath gets caught up in his throat when YN fully comes into the room. She has her hair curled up and tied in a messy low bun, some strands of hair framing her face. Her dress is essentially all mesh with a bustier.
She looks absolutely stunning, he thinks. And her smile, ugh that smile. It's enough to make his knees buckle if he wasn't leaning on a couch to put his shoes on.
YN puts her hands on her hips and looks around at the rest of the band. "Well don't you all look absolutely dashing."
"And yeh actually look like a girl." Zayn jokes only to retrieve a middle finger in return.
"Piss off," She chuckles before nodding over to the blonde lad. "How's the knee, babe?"
Niall shrugs as he grips his crutches. "S'alright. Once we get to our table with the booze, it'd be even better."
"I'm sure it will." YN giggles. The rest of the people in the room go back to their previous conversations but, as disgustingly cheesy as it sounds, he can’t seem to take his eyes off of her. That is until she meets his eyes and he feels like he’s back in primary school, embarrassed that he was caught looking at his crush. 
Especially when YN makes her way over to him after his stylist finishes him up and he breathes out a, "Hey." 
“Hey. Oh, lemme get that for you." Before he can even process what's happening, YN reaches out and adjusts the collar of his dress shirt. She’s so close to him that when he breathes in her vanilla perfume he might combust.
He wants to kick himself for feeling a bit of heat rise to his cheeks. He has screaming fans try to come onto him all the time, he can literally have anyone at the drop of a hat, so why does he get all flustered by this one girl? This beautiful, stubborn girl. "Thanks, lovie."
"What would you do without me?" She gives him an amused smile as she dusts off some lint from his shoulders. How's he supposed to act normal while she looks up at him like that?
"Don't even wanna think about tha’. You look really beau—"
"Alright kids, let's go!" Paul says while entering the room. Harry's both irritated and thankful for the interruption. He's always trying to find that balance of whether or not his compliments to her every now and then are from a place of platonic feelings or more.
YN raises her eyes at Harry, giving him a smirk. "Show time."
Harry knows that he shouldn't think about her in that way, he’s reminded nearly everyday by their check-ins with management, analyzing them individually by looking at their interviews, performances on stage, etc. Telling him to keep his eyes on the crowd, the interviewer, literally anyone else but on her.
Why can't he be like the other guys? Like now, as the rest of the band walks in front of him down the venue halls, Louis brings an arm up behind her and taps her opposite shoulder. When she looks back and sees no one there, she turns to a laughing Louis and shoves his shoulder. 
The others see her as a little sister, and while at times he does too, he knows he feels something a little more than sibling love.
Do the other boys get a little heart-eyed when they watch her smile and wave at the fans at the barricade outside the venue?
Or get butterflies in their stomachs when they feel her hand on their backs when they're on the red carpet, posing and looking out at the paparazzi?
Or have their heart beats quicken when she squeezes his arm in a form of gratitude after making her a sweet drink once they’ve been seated at their designated table?
Probably not.
“M’gonna go to the loo.” Harry leans over to YN, already pushing out his chair.
“Wait, can I come with? Need to stretch my legs.” He extends a hand out to her with a nod in the general direction of where the backstage entrance is at.
Before she can fully get out of her seat, Liam quickly reaches out and grabs a hold of her wrist. “You guys can’t leave without Paul.”
“Chill out, Daddy Direction. We’ll be back in two minutes.” 
YN shrugs him off before her and Harry navigate down the halls of the venue. The sound of the announcer sounds through the speakers around the building, but they begin talking and laughing so much that they don’t even hear that they were nominated for anything.
“Hey, um, I didn’t get a chance to say it earlier but you, eh, you look really beautiful tonight.” Harry says, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his trousers from keeping to reach out and brush a strand of hair away from her face.
Whenever he tends to give charming compliments to someone like this, the blush usually rushes to their cheeks in an instant, teeth biting down on their bottom lip to keep the giddy smile from forming on their face. It happens so often that he’s left waiting for it to happen to her. 
But he never gets it. What he does get is an eye roll and a finger pressed to his dimpled cheek.
“Y’such a sap. Did y’know that?” 
And there he goes again, falling head over heels for a girl he could never have.
“Do you want anything from the vending machine?” 
“Haribos, if they have ‘em please.” Harry says as he scurries over to the loo. He really does have to go to the restroom.
YN takes out her little stash of money from her bustier and shoves it in the machine full of snacks.
“And the winner is…” 
YN watches as the little metal spiral retracts itself and the bag of gummies gets pushed off its little ledge. 
“One Direction!”
“Yay.” YN says to herself as the bag falls to the bottom of the machine with a thud. She can sometimes have the worst of luck when it comes to these machines. 
YN remembers a time on tour last year where one of these machines at the venue the band was performing at had eaten her dollar without having been given her snack. She smiles fondly at the memory of how the boys offered their help and began to shake the whole machine—. 
YN furrows her eyebrows and tries to rack her brain as to why she feels so off.
She turns her head to the sound of the restroom door opening and sees Harry popping his head from the loo, his confused expression mirrors her own.
“Did we—?”
“Was our—?”
Paul comes bursting through one of the hallway doors with a worried expression. “What the hell are you guys doing?”
“Snacks.” YN points to the machine in front of her, still trying to figure out what just happened. 
“Get your bums on stage right now!” 
Harry turns his head towards her with a tilt of his head. “Are we performing tonight?”
“You guys won! Come on, you two. Hurry!” Paul frantically waves his hand for the two teenagers to follow him. 
“Really?” YN says excitedly, putting her hands over her chest. Harry quickly bursts from the loo and wraps his arms around her. He lifts YN up and gives her a spin as they both laugh in giddiness, congratulating each other.
“Let’s go!” Paul presses on.
With her heels in one hand, YN holds the length of her dress with the other as she prepares herself for the run. Before the three of them completely go through the door, she suddenly remembers something.
“Wait!” YN turns back around and quickly shoves her hand through the metal flap of the vending machine and grabs her snacks.
A laugh tumbles past Harry’s lips as she races back to them while Paul looks like he’s about to pass a brick. 
“We’ve lost the curly headed ones.” Liam’s voice comes through the venue speakers above them. After rounding a couple corners, they finally arrive at the big room where everyone is waiting. Side by side, YN and Harry run to the stage with big smiles on their faces. 
“There they are!” Liam yells in excitement. They both fly up the stairs and are greeted by the other boys, the audience members cheering along at their arrival. Her and Harry shamelessly wave at the crowd as they attempt to catch their breath.
“I’m really sorry I was having a wee.” Harry says out of breath once Liam hands him the microphone. YN raises up their snack by her head like a trophy before placing it on top of the podium next to their Brit award. She grabs onto Zayn’s shoulder and begins to put her heels back on.
“Professional, as always.” Louis says in a whisper, leaning over Zayn. Both of them have smirks on their faces. 
“It’s what ’m known for.” YN snickers back, straightening up and adjusting the bottom of her dress.
“The loos are ages away. Eh, what did we win?” Harry leans over to YN while doing a horrible job at being discreet with his question as the microphone is still slightly below his mouth. 
YN gently puts her hands on top of his, the one that's holding the microphone, as she brings it closer to her mouth.
"Um, we just wanna say a massive thank you to our fans. You guys are the best fans in the world and we are so happy to have you guys supporting us. Thank you so much!"
And with that the audience claps and cheers as the band leaves the stage.
YN seems unbothered by their shangagins or the fact that they might get a good scolding later by their management as they get escorted backstage, opening up the bag of Haribos.
She looks at him with raised eyebrows, a hand midway towards her mouth with a little gummy between her fingers. The corners of her lips start to curl up in an open mouthed smile and Harry might as well just float away on Cloud 9.
"Did yeh even wash your hands?"
Of course he did but he decides to tease her just to hear her laugh.
He gives her a shrug of shoulders, reaching for the bag. "Does it matter?" YN is quick to pull the candies back.
"Harry!" A giggle tumbles past her lips. "That's nasty! I just touched your hands."
"Wait, think there might be something on your face." His chest swells up as she ducks away from him, laughing and gripping his wrist to keep from coming in contact with her face.
He doesn't care if he gets in trouble later because having her here, an arm around her waist, her nose scrunching up in the cutest way possible, and her laughter sounding like music to his ears, is completely and utterly worth it.
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolkloreore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling
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agnesmontague · 9 months
i think sometimes abt how there was a stretch of about a week when we first moved into a new house back in canada where we had a new computer but no internet, so as an unfathomably bored child i spent hours upon hours using Microsoft Publisher to make fake websites with the default templates and stock images. at first i think i tried making "personal" websites like the ones i saw on webrings back in the day but i quickly clued into the fact that Publisher was optimized to make corporate/brand websites with official logos and such, which led me to create a fictional megacorporation that spanned every basic template in the software; the Lotus corp (thus named bc the only decent stock image i had on the computer to create the logo was the default water lilies background image windows xp came with) sold everything from office pens to chairs to coffee cups for which i wrote little ad blurbs ("this cup is scientifically designed to keep your beverages warm for your entire coffee break!") as if they were actual products and not extremely bland stock photos that looked like this
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the Lotus corp also had a restaurant chain, for the sole purpose of letting me use the menu template; their specialty was samosas bc the only stock image in the program was a samosa (or what i thought was a samosa. it might not have been. i was 8 and had never had indian food before.) there was also, probably, a company newsletter, that i filled with complete bullshit bc i was only passingly familiar with what a newsletter was let alone a corporate one
there isn't much of a point to this post other than i feel like this would be the kind of hobby a young roy might have gotten into and im glad this didn't prime me for a lifetime job in marketing or some such
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kamiversee · 1 month
Kami please I will bow down to the ground, forehead to dirt and everything in front of you for this piece of heaven. Genuinely cried ngl, like brat tamer Choso??? Sassy Choso??? It's so WEIRD seeing Choso take the reigns when there's Gojo there too but it's so GOOD like a weird kind of good and I'm so happy to be sandwiched between the best boys ever
Applause to reader man cause sex ban for three weeks? Haven't kissed him in 16 days? Yeah I would fold after a day of the sex ban if he comes home from work grunting and groaning tiredly while taking off his clothes like ??? Kamo Choso with that deep husky voice of his would get me down on my knees the moment he steps inside his house, literally all my dignity and shame are out of the window at that point.
Like everyone else, I'm sooo fucking curious about the phone call cause to me, both are so possessive over reader so I wonder if it's just Gojo thinking with his dick that made him accept this offer (probably is ngl) Choso too like 😭 wdym you aren't a jealous boyfie you almost pummeled Ino to the ground in the cafe
Part 2 and 3 will be the literal death of me, when Choso gives orders to Gojo like yeahhh catch me at my funeral. Like no lube, no protection, eiffel tower, dp, all day, all night, no stopping. Cuck Choso is best Choso and are we maybeee maybe?? getting a glimpse of a little subby Gojo to dom Choso?
UGHSSH I WANNA GET DESTROYED BY THOSE TWO SO BAD IT AINT EVEN FUNNY. I'm going feral just thinking about it I might have to reread it again 😭😭😭
Warning; Yap sesh 😀
When I fist thought abt it, I realized Gojo & Choso really never interact directly so I thought writing them tg would be hard but it’s actually so much more easier than I thought 🥴
The only reason Choso’s so dominant (as of rn) is bc he’s in the process of putting his gf in place, take her out the equation or catch Choso when he’s feining for her & it’d be a whole different situation
But dw, the tables may turn on him a lil bit in the next part (Spoiler alert; Gojo’s a yapper.)
AND IK THREE WEEKS MIGHT BE HARD TO IMAGINE BUT, she is known for her… somewhat decent self-control as long as barriers are set ;)
Now if she drank even once within those three weeks…….. tht sex-ban wouldve been out the window 💀
ALSO ME TOO GIRLIE IM SUCH A SUCKER FOR DEEP VOICES 😩 The second Choso comes home all tired and lazy, probably humming out a low “Baby I missed you s’much,” as he’d probably try to wrap his arms around me— yeah, I’d fold.
&& I think I’ll do a lil blurb for their convo in the room just for y’all :)
Lastly, just to tease yall some more, there is a couple (but mainly one) subby Gojo & dom Choso moment— it’s only for like a split second but it’s. It’s making my brain stutter just thinking about it 😉
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
i lovedddd please leave a message after the beep, so amazing!! i was wondering if you would be able to write maybe a blurb/one shot (or hcs if easier) abt how daily life is basically after kidnapping reader? or maybe bruces pov throughout the story? honestly it can be wtvr u choose i am hooked 🫶🫶 (if u dont have time/motivation to do this i completely understand!)
Hello Sweet soul!
First, I wanted to thank you for the beautiful comment you leave. If you want to read some more, there are two more chapters of this section in my Ao3, where the last chapter is from Dick's perspective (the link to my ao3 is in the description header of my blog). In case you already come from there, and have doubts about the reader's life after the abduction.
Well, I have no problem with giving you a bit of insight on that. Because I didn't have a good positioning of Bruce in all this at the time, I didn't really know how to accommodate him. Kind of ironic, considering he and Dick are yanderes for the reader.
Now I do. About Bruce after he kidnapped the reader, and her life now that she's locked up.
Bruce doesn't kill, that's the only good thing I can take from the situation, so the reader's partner would be safe in that respect. But, Bruce ultimately might break his arm, so he'd only be left with one arm and a lot of trauma from watching a masked man abduct his girlfriend in the middle of the night.
Bruce would see to it that the police, with a lot of cluelessness, would find the couple's "lifeless body"… and I don't know what else. I feel like Bruce would feel more at ease with himself knowing that no one is looking for the reader.
Now, the important thing: How does Bruce feel about the reader?
Initially, professional appreciation. But over time Dick made him realise that, like any human being, he shouldn't have to be alone. I mean, he's entitled to have things he misses having.
And now he's a father. He's a father of a child who misses having a family. Now he has a father and a grandfather, but he's missing a mother. And Bruce is also missing a partner to be able to take care of a child.
It's a strange mix of emotions and situations: Bruce adores Dick and will give him everything he once lacked after the death of his parents; but he also never had the luxury of being able to love a person like a partner.
Then, along comes the reader, who is good and nice to Richard, who was at his worst; she is professional and nice to him, who is her boss. She had respect for him, then appreciation and then the love bug hit him with an atomic bomb of love feelings.
And you and I both know that Bruce loves in a rather particular way. He's controlling, he doesn't know how to express himself and when he wants to do something he actually does it (not for nothing in canon Bruce was willing to marry Selina, and would have if she hadn't left him at the altar). He loves with all his being.
So, he loves Dick, he's his son, and now that he's grown fond of someone else. He is afraid of losing them.
So, together with Dick's need and longing to have a mother again… Why not give it a try?
You know, give him a mum. Give him a mate. To be able to give Dick and him what he never had.
A family.
Seek to love, seek to adore.
He would give her all the meals, he tries to comfort her during the hard days, he actively prevents Dick from throwing tantrums or saying mean things in front of the reader. Because he wants to prove that he is a good father, that he is a good partner and a good family man.
He doesn't care if the reader begs for his departure from the mansion, he will tell her that she should think of her son; of little Dick. He would act so paternal and so loving towards them, he knows the changes are difficult, but in time she will adapt.
He will do everything in his power to first, make her accept Dick; because at the end of the day she will be his new mother. And then, that she accepts him, who is her husband and her partner.
He buys her matching clothes, gets her pretty flower arrangements. Decorate the room they are going to share with things they both like. I would spend more time inside the mansion so that you can take advantage of the moments you share with Dick, as if you were a family.
And only when he notices that she no longer trembles at the sight of him and Dick near her, is he happy to note that he has achieved his goal!
He will be the perfect father and husband for her and Dick.
Because her son taught her that it was right to love again. And that it wasn't wrong to take out all his emotions and give them corresponding actions.
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Lore post ! I don’t know where else to put this but did you know that the Korean translation of Hana’s Academy cosmetic lore implies she actually won the world championship with D.Mon and King (presumably in a World Cup for team Korea; the latter was still her archrival likely on another team)? I’ve always assumed she beat out Kyung-soo, but the wording is so fundamentally different in Korean—in English, note that it says she surpassed both of these people to win (though we knew she was on the same team as Yuna). Below is a translation of the Korean version:
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My partner is big into esports (and also just the best gamer I know LOL) and said that this actually makes the art from shooting star of D.Va kissing the trophy alone make more sense because it was likely an MVP award, which goes to just one person in a competition. So, yes her stats and prestige likely outranked King and D.Mon (surpassed them, if you will) but they played together? And during the regular season were probably on separate teams hence the “arch rivalry”.
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And all of this is supported by her canon Taegeukgi skin, which states explicitly that she represented Korea worldwide! And Michael Chu saying (his words) that her and King were “neck-in-neck” rivals makes sense when you consider they likely won the same worldwide titles together on the Korean team.
I think it’s crazy how different the wording is between the two translations and that King and D.Va actually have shared history. I’d love to know what that meant for their rivals dynamic and if they were potentially friends before MEKA? Maybe I’ll draw something. Also this basically confirms that neither Overlord nor Casino played the same competitive game (Mecha Guardian V) as the rivals and Yuna. (Jae-eun was likely never a pro gamer guys I’m sorry gamer casino truthers but formula 1 is a full-time gig and since they’re likely around 23-24 it’s improbable that they did both 😭😭) + lots of little hints imply Seunghwa actually played StarCraft! If they played MGV, they would likely have also been mentioned in the lore blurb as they would also have been top Korean players who represented the country.
This is probably a bit silly but I thought somebody else might find it cool maybe? We have such limited explicitly-stated MEKA lore so I like to synthesize 🩵💕 maybe I’ll do it on something else sometime. And if you want me to talk about another MEKA-squad related topic or compile info abt it my ask box is open for others with worms in the brain LOL
Also hi :] I’m back on this account 😭 since my last post I found out I have autism and also have come to terms w the MEKA squad being my special interest for years now so I hope to be a lot more active. Idk if this goes anywhere but I’d love a space to post abt this stuff and am carving out this one ♡
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kelieah · 4 years
no way (peter parker x reader)
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summary: it’s your first day of work and you run into someone oddly familiar
warnings: fluff, normal au, based on a real experience lol 
edited: this is rlly shitty i havent written in forever im sorry ksdjfbdh also i wanna add onto this mini “series”, bc like if this cute guy rlly is my old crush i-
a/n: so ofc i have like no motivation to catch up w my requests atm- im so sorry skjdfbhgdj but i had my first day of work the other day so why not write a quick blurb abt how that went hehe
Honestly. I’m more excited than nervous. Right? Maybe because of that cute boy I saw the other day when I came into the store for my interview, but he’s irrelevant. Kinda.
You remember waiting in line and seeing him bag groceries. His brunette curls were all over the place and his pair of pretty brown eyes were focused on his task. 
Ugh, I could just tell he’s gorgeous, even if half his face was covered because of his mask. 
You thought to yourself as you slyly checked him out from the corner of your eye. He was wearing the stores’ shirt with some baggy jeans and worn-out new balances. For some reason, that was the most attractive thing ever to you. Maybe quarantine really was getting to you.
After the not-so-nerve-wrecking interview, you felt even more excited to start working. If they accept you of course. What made you feel that way was the fact that someone who has been working there for a while will help you out, if you do start of course. At least, that’s what the manager who was interviewing you said.
A couple of days later, you get the job. Which seemed pretty obvious, but you were stoked nonetheless. Mainly because you actually got the job and because you might get to work with the pretty boy. Then again, might. 
You’re probably barely going to see him around the store and maybe that’s a good thing. You can be awkward as fuck even though you act confident from time to time. Attractive people make you nervous, you can’t help it.
Your first day starts and everything’s pretty chill, just had to sign some papers. Now you’re in some office room starting a couple of video training modules. You lean on the palm of your hand and scroll through the list of the videos you had to watch. About 33 videos and documents, fanfuckingtastic.
Some time passes by and you glance at the computer’s time realizing it’s time to start your lunch. You shift off the headphones you were using and stand up, telling your newly acquainted coworker that you’re taking a lunch.
Okay. What do I do now? I clock out, right? Then go grab some lunch. Okay? Cool. I got this.
You breathe out and walk to the back of the store, then towards the break room to clock out. You let your manager know you’re going to go the nearby Starbucks to grab some lunch and begin to head out the store with a sense of relief rushing through your body.
That sense of relief immediately diminishes when that cute guy, stops you from leaving. “Hey, are you a courtesy clerk?” he asks, smiling at you beneath his mask.
You notice his eyes slightly squint from smiling making your stomach fill with butterflies. You nod slowly, “U-Uhm, yep.”
He stifles a laugh and holds up some empty bottle, walking up to you. You gulp and glance at him, “Could you please refill this with sanitizer for me? It’s in the back of the store, by the janitor’s closet.”
“Yeah sure,” you take ahold of it but instantly realize you don’t know where that is, “I-I’m sorry, where is that a-again?” you let out a breathy laugh.
He chuckles, “It’s uhm, somewhere in the back. I have to help these customers out but just ask someone. They’ll know. Thank you!” he walks back out to the front of the store.
Okay, fuck. Just help the cute guy. Doesn’t matter that you’re on lunch, just go. 
You inhale deeply and quickly walk away, doing his favor. You come back and walk up to him, keeping a distance. “H-Here,” you say quietly but notice he’s too focused on helping others to hear you. You bite your lip nervously out of habit and watch him. 
His eyes look so familiar. Almost like. No way? Could it be, Peter Parker from freshman year? Shut the fuck up, no way.
You feel your heart begin to race at the thought. You glance at his outfit to check for a name tag but didn’t catch anything.
You look back up at him when you notice him come close, “Sanitizer, right?” he chirps.
You nod, “Y-Yeah.”
“Thanks,” he goes back to his job. You make your way past him with widened eyes and walk out the store to Starbucks.
That did not just fucking happen. He’s so cute, oh my god. Wait, could that really be him? It went by too fast, shit! Oh my god. I got over Peter Parker two years ago, did he really have to show up now? No, no fucking way it’s him. Whatever. I’ll find out his name eventually. Then, I guess we’ll see.
taglist form + list under the cut, thanks for reading ツ 
leave a comment, give me some feedback pls! it’s greatly appreciated mwah
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all @parkershoodie @annamckayla @spideyparkerstark @pluckypete @lovewolfspirit @sky-cosplay @averyfosterthoughts @ivvitm1109 @yoinkyourheart @tomsppsleeve @st4y-g01d3n @notaroyal @abitofeverythinggg @holywater-burns @americaswritings @t-monosapiens-h @marshmallow-babe @hollands-osterfield @galaxystern08 @emistrash @softeststark @popluckbih @tom-holland-is-spiderman @tiannanicole @futuremrspcy @hollandbitch @my-super-musical-life @mytonycinematicuniverse @marvelofcontent @breadbudzo @thegirlwiththediary @ximaginx @eridanuswave @spideygirl2003 @i-put-the-win-in-winchester @big-galaxy-chaos @hardcorefanofeverything @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dreamofaprilsblog @marvelenthusiast3000 @halparkebitch @spn-assemble-seven @5-seconds-of-mendes @isleofnajera @peter-tiingle @unbelievableholland @slytherinambitious @mjsholland @b-buckys @cianne @eddiesbifocals @just-alysssa @spiderwcd @softkidinlove @babebenhardy @write-from-the-heart @iguessthefloorislava @liberty0123 @tom-hlover @itstaskeen @parkerpeter24 @parker-barnes-af @peepeeparkerr @halfblood-princess-505 @whycantibeskiny @me-a-hopeless-romantic @thorsangel @peter-tiingle @zhangyixingxing1 @incorrectfalice @lmaotshollandd @hoellandsx @flyingburrito123 @fangirldreamer99 @cosmicholland @whovianfromgallifrey98 @petertiingz @wonder-spidey @jillanaholland @whatareyouhidingpeter @tomhollandssecurityguard @wannabewithanxiety @shawnmarvel @oncergleekpotterhead @teenwishes08 @beverlyparkerr @lovinthemelanin @leasly @rosieholland @fallinfortom @the-crazy-fanfictionist @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @purplesapphire04@happytsholland @starlight-starks @ptermjs @champagne-tommy @howdyherron @itscaminow @tomholland-mcu @starstruckharmonyblizzard  @marvelenthusiast3000 @sweetlittlegingy @smiithys @keithseabrook27 @parachutepants @bitter-post-millennial @multifandomgirl-us @peterandtom @nj01 @hollandfangirl @itstaskeen @underoosjae @tom-hollands-wife @lil-ava @musicalkeys @the-crazy-fanfictionist @viagracex @beverlyparkerr @starlight-starks @starlight-starks @fallinfortom @spideygirl2003 @murdermornings @serasara809 @thwippeter @just-alysssa @little-miss-naill @auggie2000 @motheroffae @massivecomfortable20 @hollandfangirl @spideysparklee @marshxx @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @fandom-phaser @ivegotthepetertingle @spideyyeet @anapocalypseinmymind @tikapollak @jjandreidsgirl @alilovesshawn @marvelobsessedteenager @yazmin626​ @tonguetiedholland​
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taehyungsgrowl · 4 years
thinking abt that ask u once got abt outpost! michael finding out he's interviewing a little kid and. i'm not w e l l. my heart is swelling just from imagining the scene,,, ma'am, no pressure, but if u would be so kind as to give us even a short blurb abt it 🥺❤
hey 🥺 
i loved that concept too omg ty @ anon who had originally sent the ask!
i just used the name Noah for the little boy bc i looked up “boy names” and it was #2 (plus i like the biblical theme) so yeehaw
tw: this is a little angsty @ times. talks about the child having a bit of an unstable and rocky childhood that makes michael 🥺
Michael didn’t really care to know how the people in his outpost got there. He could assume were people who bought their way in - the wealthy that made generous contributions to The Cooperative. 
He waited behind the mahogany desk in his dim-lit office, waiting for the residents to trickle in for his interviews. He had to admit, this was the most entertainment he has had since the bombs struck. 
Messing with the likes of Coco St. Pierre or her stylist fueled him. Making them believe that they actually had a shot of salvation - making them believe they were special? He could laugh. 
He opened the file for the next resident. 
Odd... he thought. Normally the Cooperative did an excellent job of providing him with as many details on the lives of the residents, but this file was different. 
There was no photo attached, no age or description. Just a name stamped in red ink like the others. The inside of his file had the name of an elementary school along with various families and addresses. At the very bottom of the page, the department of social services was listed. 
It was common for the files to have information on the residents' childhoods, but this file had nothing beyond his younger years. No parents listed. No information on how he was admitted. Nothing he could use. 
This kept Michael intrigued. Who was this mystery man?
He heard the door timidly open. Michael didn’t look up from his paperwork - feigning to be uninterested. 
The door shut and he heard small footsteps approach. Was it a Grey that had mistaken her interview time? Michael looked up to reprimand her, but the words caught in his throat.
This was no Grey. And certainly not a man.
But a child. He couldn't have been older than ten. The clothes Venable had put on him were far too large for his small frame. He had ashy brown curls that framed his chubby cheeks and sad green eyes. 
He stood near Michael’s desk, looking down at the ground. 
“Are you Noah?” Michael was surprised at how soft his voice came out. 
“Yes, sir.” the child kept his eyes down. His heart was racing. He was scared. 
As much as he hated the Outpost, this was the first time in his life he’d been able to stay in one place for longer than a few months. Before the dropping of the bombs, he had bounced around from foster home to foster home - a permanent ward of the state. 
The cubes were gross, but there were constant. The other residents and greys kept an eye out for him. Gallant would trim his hair every few weeks and Mallory would do her best to pin his clothes with what little she could find. 
Secretly, Venable’s right hand, Mead, would even check on the boy before bedtime. He strangely reminded her of a familiar feeling she wished she could remember. 
It had taken the end of the world for this boy to in some twisted fate, find a family of sorts. 
He’d heard the whispers about Langdon’s visit. He worried Langdon would toss him out much like other fosters had. 
Michael cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. 
A child?
“Take a seat.” the boy did, letting his feet dangle off the chair. “How old are you?” 
“I’m eight, but we don’t have birthdays here.” he looked up at Michael for the first time. 
Michael grimaced. His heart felt like it was being grasped in a tight fist, almost making it hard to breathe. There was a knot in his throat that he pushed through. He’d just met Noah, but he saw so much of himself in the young boy. 
Scared and with nothing but a sliver of a family - if either of them could even call what they had that. 
“I never had much of a birthday either,” Michael answered out loud without meaning too. He saw the boys face drop. 
“Are you gonna hurt me?” he tugged at his too large sleeves, a tear forming in his eyes. 
Michael shook his head no, slowly getting up from his chair. He kneeled in front of Noah, getting eye level to make him more comfortable. “I’m not here to hurt you,” he reassured him, patting his knee. 
“Do you know how you got here?” Michael’s mind flashed with the boys' memories - his mom not being able to care for him leading to years of toxic and unstable relationships for him. 
“I don’t wanna get in trouble,” he whispered. 
“No one will get you in trouble,” Michael promised. “Not as long as I’m here.”
“I ran away,” he looked at Michael, “I only remember being in a cage next to Emily and Timmy,” he sniffled. 
Michael nodded. 
“What is something that you want, Noah?” Michael stood back up.
He shrugged, his gaze back on the floor, “I don’t know,”
“Are you scared of me?” 
Noah took one long look at Michael, really thinking before he answered. 
“No, sir.” the boy shook his head. 
Michael ruffled the boy's hair a little. “I’d like for us to be friends, Noah. Would you like that?”
He hesitated, unsure if Michael meant it. Michael walked to his suitcase and opened up the zipper. He dug through it silently until he found what he was looking for. 
He pulled out a brown horse toy. One from his childhood room. He was never able to fully part with bits of his childhood. 
“This is for you.” he handed him the toy, watching his face light up. 
“Ms. Venable said there were no more toys!” 
Michael chuckled, “Well, there aren’t a lot, but this one right here? It’s special and I want you to take care of it. Can you do that?”
“Yes!” he beamed. 
“Good,” Michael sighed. He glanced at the clock. “It’s late. You should go to bed. But I’ll visit with you tomorrow, alright?”
“Yes, Mr. Langdon.”
Michael scrunched his nose at the name and sent him off to bed. 
The look on the boy’s face when he walked in reminded Michael of his interview with a detective many years ago. It made his stomach turn. 
The apocalypse was about new beginnings after all. Why couldn't he start by giving this young boy a fresh one? 
its been a lil bit since i’ve written something + i decided to try something that isn't really michael x reader so i wanted to tag a few blogs that might be interested in this 🥺👉👈
lmk what you think or if you’d like to expand on Michael and Noah concepts.
@xavierplympton @lvngdvns @langdonswhoreprobably @desertsunflower00 @sadhoecentral @getdevils @moonanonwriting @rpwithjayn @chloewinchester13 @shyvirgoanon @littledemondani @little-grunge-flowerz @ritualmichael @wroteclassicaly @shenevertricks1831 @duncansshephard @midnightontheearth @leatherduncan @xavierplym
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fmdkiana · 3 years
*to the tune of backpack backpack from dora the explorer* plot time plot time plot time plot time Yeah. under the cut i have little blurbs on where my muses will be and ideas on threads, so come poke my dms (for tumblr ims i suggest messaging sung) or like/reply to this post and i’ll come around to u!
overall she’s the best muse for first time meetings bc company events like this are the main way to have a conversation with her
choice activities miss ki is doing the candlemaking class and dance class
ki likes making her own soaps and candles as is, so she’s the lucky one of my muses to have an activity just for funzies. she could perhaps teach ur muse a thing or two, or they could challenge themselves to try to make candles for each other
dance class could be practicing together, ki helping a non-dancer/someone unfamiliar in the style, even maybe scrutinizing the video together for the next take
other schedules:
the pool party isn’t one she would attend of her own volition, but definitely could be dragged into it if she likes a muse enough or is given reason to do so. could be fun to get her drunk, loosen her up a bit. or, yk, california, give her some weed and listen to her talk about her special interests for hours
surprisingly ki would show up at the food truck festival, at least for a little while. she tries to be careful about what she eats because her skin is sensitive to so much, but she’d be curious and, what she considers, impulsive. it’d also remind her a bit of home in seattle, the good parts, so she could share that with someone, maybe help someone navigate around too given her english-ing
the best way to bond with ki is through common interest, and either flight could be good for that! your muse or ki engaging in one of her interests and it sparking up a conversation could leave a good (or negative, if ur muse has opinions she Really can’t get behind) impression of them to her
trying something new, stepping out of your comfort zone, doing something unapproved of by higher ups, all things u can count on jhwa for
choice activities this round are fan makeovers and secret fantasy concert
these activities don’t have much in the moment to thread on, but the spaces around the activities could be! pre-makeover making each other up, doing one another’s makeup and it becomes a cute thing to mention to the fans. maybe jeonghwa was being too distracting at the side of the stage during your muse’s set and they talk about it after. could be loads of things!
other schedules:
you knoooow she’s gotta go to the pool party. she’s probably the one spreading the news to everyone about the party in the first place. if anyone needs an extra kick to be able to come, or someone to help them make bad (see: fun) decisions, jeonghwa’s got u. and honestly if someone isn’t skinny dippin w her what’s the point of the party
random but she makes for a good flight partner. coming in or going, she could sit next to your muse and play games, make it less terrible to go thru for so long
one of the after concert meals jeonghwa would go bc free food and drinks, maybe she convinces your muse to “go to bed” early and they dip to explore, get into trouble, whatever
food truck festival eating contest when? jeonghwa getting dared by a friend to smash funnel cake in someone’s face and your muse is sadly the recipient?
antisocial is in the name, BUT he’s feeling pretty good, if tired, so it’s not a terrible time to approach andy. though, depending on his mood, he could make for some more bitchy moments too
his choice activities are for an individual fansign and the softball team (go red)
fansign may not offer much in the moment, but afterwards, andy could have a little complain session about fans, or gasp, maybe he actually liked one of them
softball team... andy is a competitive motherfucker and is gonna Enjoy playing up the sporty angle. imagine hsm2 i don’t dance, same level of playful banter, same sexual tension, but also more aggressive, and you’ve got it. do i know what this means in terms of a plot? absolutely not but i know it’s so chock full
other schedules:
will andy be at the pool party? yes. but his lips will likely be preoccupied with copious weed and hwa the whole night so a muse might need to specifically seek him out or catch him on his way to the drinks
at the welcome brunch buffet can someone please argue with andy about brunch culture,,, he’s anti brunch :/ says it’s just an excuse for white women to get day drunk and they should just admit to it. all the while he’s pounding back mimosas
sung thinks it is incredibly inappropriate for gsm to not only be pushing him, but the rest of the element members, into work schedules so soon after disbandment. sooo this is probably the most upset 99% of famed would have seen him in public. what shock
his choice activities are being a fashion show model and the busking trip
being a model upsets him, given he was already upset, but then tacks onto it feeling like gsm is valuing him highest for his looks at the moment. anyone who can make the experience less than the worst would b appreciated (or make it worse, talk exclusively abt his visuals, i’m down)
busking sung is actually much more into, but that’s largely because of how much he loves performing, with a side helping of appreciating the charity angle. performing is definitely a release for him, but who knows, he could possibly butt heads with someone too
other schedules:
at first glance, sung wouldn’t be very interested in going to the pool party, but he would only need a small nudge to go tbh bc what teeny part of him has capability for pettiness would want to do something gsm doesn’t approve of, And it would be him giving into utilizing whatever unhealthy coping mechanisms he wanted, just for one night. i’m sure he’d black out by end of night, and would make terrible decisions. encourage him? help him? all up for grabs
could be convinced to go to one of the after concert meals but would need the convincing since he’d rather lay in bed being a sadsack
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