#(oh hey look more reasons why fourteen IS NOT TEN)
mintedwitcher · 9 months
The more I think about the whole Tentoo/Rose thing the more annoyed I get so I'm putting y'all through it too.
Rose didn't want to go back to Earth 2. She didn't. She spent all that time (we don't know exactly how long, but if we base it on real world timing of the seasons, at least 2 years) trying to get back to her Earth, back to her Doctor. She didn't want to go back, but the Doctor didn't even consult her about that. She was unceremoniously booted out back to the parallel Earth and told to babysit the Metacrisis Doctor, who was for all intents and purposes, essentially a biological mistake. And a genocidal one at that.
The Doctor tries to dress it up prettily for Rose, saying that "Oh well this one can be in love with you and live a human life with you, etc etc" but really, it wasn't about giving Rose a happy ending. He doesn't even say goodbye, he just leaves while she's too distracted snogging the new guy to notice (which, by the way, what the fuck?).
He also tries to guilt her into staying on Earth 2 with the Metacrisis by invoking nostalgia. "That's me, when we first met." Basically, "Get on with it, fix him like you fixed me."
It's not sweet, it's not romantic, it's not sacrificial. It's insulting.
And that's not even getting into the complexities of the metacrisis itself as a biological fact. Donna's mind started to burn almost as soon as they left the parallel earth. Human with a Time Lord consciousness. Gee, who else fits that bill I fucking wonder? So how can we actually know that Rose and Tentoo actually lived happily together? How can we know that his mind didn't start burning out as well? He's human. He's got one heart, no regenerative abilities, a human lifespan, and a Time Lord consciousness. He didn't have another Time Lord around who could block/erase the memories.
So, not only did the Doctor lock Rose away on a parallel Earth with no way back, against her wishes and with no thought whatsoever to the consequences, but he also locked her away with a version of himself that most likely died horribly and painfully very shortly afterwards.
And all of that, just to avoid guilt. To avoid accountability for what he had created.
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parkerslatte · 1 year
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Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
Warnings: sexual assault, drugs, alcohol, sexual content.
Summary: Up and coming singer, Y/N L/N is mostly known across the Sunset Strip for her deep and sultry voice. Despite this, she isn't signed to any label. It was her one dream to perform for people all over the world. Stuck working at a record store and living with two girls who don't even know her name, Y/N continues to perform gigs in McNasties, hoping to catch the attention of a producer.
While performing at McNasties, Y/N meets up and coming band, The Dunne Brothers. Just from listening to a few of their songs alone, Y/N knew they would be big in the future. How big she definitely underestimated.
Moving in with the band only a week after meeting them, she binds with them all and they all become fast friends - all bonding over the experience of trying to become successful.
Y/N was there for the tours, the performances and the arguments and now she's telling her part in the story.
Started: 3rd April 2023
Finished: 15th May 2023
Total Word Count: 60,747
Track One; Oh No!
Track Two; Here We Go Again
Track Three; Exactly What I Want
Track Four; Dance Past Midnight
Track Five; Days Go By
Track Six; Sleeping With a Friend
Track Seven; Killer Queen
Track Eight; This is Trouble
Track Nine; Baby Said
Track Ten; Bubblegum Bitch
Track Eleven; Don’t Act Like You Don’t Know
Track Twelve; Maneater
Track Thirteen; Kill You With A Wink Of Her Eye
Track Fourteen; Ballroom Blitz
Track Fifteen; Sip the Gossip
Track Sixteen; I Want Some More
Track Seventeen; Out of my Depth
Track Eighteen; I Don’t Know Where I Belong
Track Nineteen; Nobody Loves a Gloomy Face
Track Twenty; Summertime Sadness
Track Twenty-One; Running Away From This Conversation
Track Twenty-Two; The Things You Love You Lose
Track Twenty-Three; Kiss Me Hard Before You Go
Track Twenty-Four; Look At Us Now
I. fleetwood mac; SONGBIRD
II. marina; OH NO!
III. nelly furtado; MANEATER
IV. neon trees; ANIMALS
V. stevie nicks; EDGE OF SEVENTEEN
VI. toby sebastian, florence pugh; MIDNIGHT
IX. arctic monkeys; I WANNA BE YOURS
XI. the orion experience; THE QUEEN OF WHITE LIES
XIII. the lumineers; HO HEY
XIV. måneskin; BABY SAID
XVI. måneskin, tom morello; GOSSIP
XVII. florence + the machine; YOU'VE GOT THE LOVE
XVIII. daisy jones and the six; LOOK AT US NOW (HONEYCOMB)
Authors note:
- This is an x reader version I am publishing. The original name of the character is Felicity Fletcher (so if the name is accidentally left in there that is the reason why)
- This fic will mainly follow the show with some things taken from the book.
- Finally I hope you will all enjoy this story. If anyone would like anymore information feel free to send an ask or message me :)
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tgmsunmontue · 5 months
More than movie magic... 18/24
Hangster AU. Explicit (eventually). Jake is a Hollywood actor and Bradley is a stunt coordinator. Jake's about to make a few self-discoveries. So is Bradley.
Chapter 16 is pretty much the only explicit chapter (so far), so you can skip it if you like, but it's not explicit by my standards, and it's very soft/tender.
                “Well hey there…” Jake says, and now that he knows Bradley likes his Texan accent he makes no effort to temper it, but Bradley looks annoyed instead of amused or aroused and Jake hopes the annoyance isn’t directed at him. Not already.
                “Hi. Can I talk to you real quick?”
                “Uh, yeah, of course…”
                Of course there are catcalls and Jake rolls his eyes, but his heart is beating fast, thundering in his ears, terrified that this is somehow going to be his shortest lived relationship ever. He doesn’t know what he’s projecting exactly, but Bradley’s reaching for him, lacing their fingers together and pulling him to the side, just out of the way and out of earshot from most people although he notes pretty much every eye in the room is turned their way.
                “Hey. Hey calm down. We’re fine. You’re fine…”
                Bradley has shifted, putting his back to the room, as if he’s protecting Jake from everyone, eyes flicking over his face and his expression is concerned. Fuck.
                “Jake… you with me?”
                “Yeah, sorry. Just… heard those words before and it’s generally not the start of a good conversation.”
                “Sorry. Shit. I’m so sorry. I just need to tell you something, and I feel like I’m going to be apologizing a lot today. Nothing either of us did though, okay?”
                “The photos?”
                “Yeah. Mav’s seen them.”
                “Sorry. Pete. He’s on his way here because he called me from the air and he’s incapable of believing I can make my own life decisions.”
                “Okay. That’s okay. I’ve met Pete before.”
                “Yeah. You met professional-Pete, not parent-Pete. Different beast unfortunately. Just… if I could have kept him from meeting your mom until after we were married or something that’s how I would have played it, but, uh…”
                “You’ve thought about us getting married?” Jake blurts out, surprised.
                “Uh. No? Well. Not in detail exactly.”
                All his feelings around Bradley second guessing his decision to be with him have just dissolved, and he knows he had no reason to doubt it, but also knows his brain isn’t a rational place sometimes. Instead he’s watching Bradley blush and look awkward and he’s definitely falling in love with him.
                “I generally don’t start relationships with people I can’t imagine myself spending the rest of my life with? I’m thirty-five, I have a better idea of what I’m looking for. And I can imagine a future with you, so… here we are.”
                “Oh. So why would Pete be worried about that?”
                “God. This is not the place for that conversation. Just. I’ll tell you, but we have fifteen minutes before we’re meant to be on set and I need to tell you something else… He’s bringing Tom. His partner. Um.”
                Jake has to admit he’s confused. Pete having a male partner doesn’t really explain why Bradley seems as worked up as he is.
                “Okay. So it’s a man. You seriously don’t think I’d have a problem with that do you?” Jake asks, staring at him and gesturing between the two of them. Bradley is shaking his head though, like there’s more and Jake waits.
                “Tom as in Tom Kazansky.”
                Okay then. That’s a name and a half. Jake knows who that is of course, but he never met the man, Kazansky being pretty much a recluse since his health scare a decade previous when Jake had only just started making a name for himself. Jake isn’t even sure he’d recognize the man, the photo used in any media one from over twenty years ago.
                “Yeah. They’re… shit.  Thought I’d have time to tell you and prepare you for how weird they are. They have… a complicated relationship. They’re both incredibly stubborn and agree that they love each other, but they also… well. Tom got cancer, so he called it all off, said Pete could find someone better, and that started a whole other fight, but it was the most ridiculous thing, arguing over who loved each other more. They’re both hopeless, but neither of them can see it.”
                “Oookay…” Jake says slowly, his mind racing, because quite frankly he doesn’t care about Pete or Tom, he just wants Bradley to stop freaking out. “Bradley. They aren’t going to scare me off anymore than my family has scared you off.”
                As he’d hoped that makes Bradley laugh and he can’t help his answering grin.
                “I like your family.”
                “Well, that’s good. God. We’ve got to get to set. Marcia is going to have my head.”
                “I need to talk to her too, give her a heads up about Pete,” Bradley says, and he’s glancing over his shoulder then, eyes scanning the room and Jake reaches for his face and gets his attention before kissing him.
                “Go. I’ll see you in the arena shortly. Hope you appreciate that I don’t have to do makeup today!”      
…            …            …
                He’s distracted as he watches Jake walk away, but only a little, because he needs to find Marcia and Arnold, let them know that Pete is coming, but only to visit him and not to be an ass and tread on another turf, despite that totally being Mav’s MO. He knows Mav is getting on and mutters about retiring, but whenever he’s not working Bradley has to deal with more of his bullshit than usual.
                “Bradley, you haven’t eaten anything!” Aunty Kaye calls out, and he startles a little, turning toward her, because she’s not wrong, but he is going to be late to set.
                “Uh, no, haven’t really had time yet. I did grab a protein bar. Thank you for that by the way,” Bradley says, and he hopes he isn’t blushing too badly.
                “Hmm. That’s not proper food.”
                “No, I know. I just had a phone call. My dad is coming to visit. Both of them I guess. They’ll probably be here for lunch actually. Assuming they don’t get lost…”
                “Well I look forward to meeting them. Hmm. Do you know why I like you Bradley?”
                “Um. I thought maybe you liked most people?” Bradley asks, suddenly feeling like he’s smack bang in the center of a minefield with no idea how he got there. And of course he can’t be rude and just run away, he’d much rather incur Marcia’s wrath than Aunty Kaye’s at the end of the day.
                “Oh, I do dear. But I liked you before I’d even met you.”
                Now he’s confused.
                “You stand up to him, you wouldn’t let him try anything risky or dangerous and he complained about it bitterly,” she says, laughing. “But you know what I thought?”
                “That that sounded like someone who would keep Jake safe and unharmed. I’m his mom, of course I want him safe. He gets into enough trouble without thinking he can do risky stunts.”
                “Yeah. Of course.”
                “You don’t let him railroad you into things, I admire that too.”
                “Here, on his own turf, watching him do something he was born with in his blood? You trust him to know his limits. He needs that too.”
                Bradley just nods, not sure if he’s even allowed to speak.
                “So. I like you. However if I ever find out you’ve deliberately hurt him, either emotionally,  physically or mentally I want you to know that you won’t see me coming. I will find you. Now, I can’t really threaten you with bodily harm, however I can threaten you with my disappointing looks, which my children assure me are the worst thing they’ve ever experienced. Of course, if Jake screws this up he’ll also be on the receiving end of one of such looks. However, I feel like you’re a man who doesn’t give up easily. Some days you’re going to have to dig-deep, because my baby can get in his own head and think the worst of everything and everyone, but I think if he were easy you wouldn’t be as interested as you seem to be.”
                Bradley gapes like a fish, mouth opening and closing and he has no idea what to even say, where to start with everything she’s just said. All it’s highlighting is that he and Jake really need to have a proper talk. Not just about their relationship, but maybe about potential baggage that they have, because he thought maybe he was the only one. He should have known that wasn’t going to be the case.
                “I’ve already told Jake that I think he’s worth it.”
                “Good. Maybe he’ll believe you.”
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myships-storys · 7 months
your cool no matter what
Some of the ogs of my main blog @static-code-error-13 might know this one.
my oc Y is here, and my other oc minus I mentioned
Ty @biblicallyaccuratefour for the cover of the chapter one. Also my old tumblr name is on it so yeah.
Also sorry @cringecat69 I kinda changed the two x J thing cause I'm not much of that shipper but respect your opinion
now let's begin
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seven pov:
it's was a normal day at the education playground, well as normal as it can get. Six and five were cringing on to my sister Y, while she was talking to eight.
Fourteen was upgrading the white board after six messed it up while doing some art. I can't even believe their my twin.
Me and x just got some icecream a few minutes ago. "Seriously x, why did you get any icecream for fourteen in the first place. I mean HE ATE TEN'S SKIN?!" I said pissed off at X's action. "He's still our brother, and YOU'RE twin". "yeah but still, he doesn't deserve icecream".
As we walked to fourteen, we started hearing wailing noises. "Whats that" X asked in a worried tone, I sighed in a annoyed but worried tone "it's nine" I sayed as I tryed to look at where the whales were coming from
"What should we do" X asked, I sighed again before I said anything "I'll go handle him" I said as I walked to the shade tree looking both Annoyed and worried.
Nine pov:
I was sitting under the shade tree. Crying my heart out, it been a while since I had my sunnies on, and I'm starting to worry without them, I won't be the cool number anymore.
When I herd a branch snap, ot made me jump out of my socks, well if I had any (line from @almostholysandwich oneshot). I looked to see seven holding an icecream leaning on the shade tree, looking both worried but annoyed
"Oh h...hey sev! What's up" I said sounding a little unconvincing that I'm ok "oh I don't know, you were wailing your heart out so I camr to check on you" seven said. "Whats wrong" she said again as they took a seat next to me
"*sigh* you wouldn't get it" I said looking concerned. "Hm? How so" sev asked "well it's embarrassing to say" "tell me, I won't laugh one bit" seven said in response to what I said
I sighed once more getting ready to explain "the reason i care about my rapper sunnies, I'm not the coolest number in the playground any more without them" I said looking embarrassed
I noticed seven looking at my arm, which had loads of bruises. "Oh-.... oh, I almost forgot about this" I said as a chuckled, seven grabbed my arm, getting a better view of the damage, as i blushed a bit at the sudden touch. "Six did this to you, didn't they" seven asked as my faced flushed with embarrassment.
"Y-yeah" I said looking away so seven didn't see my blushing face. "I don't understand what you see in six! Their abusive and you still call them your friend?!" Seven said, making me shocked that he cared so much about me. I sighed looking a bit sad at that comment. " Look I know six can be... problematic, but I still, to me their my best friend" "would a best friend hurt you" seven asked after my comment
"I- I guss not" I looked down at the ground slouching down out of sadness. Seven watched this happen looking like they felt bad for me. I felt Seven place their hand on me as I looked back at them "hey you don't need six, OR your sunglasses to make you cool. Your cool no matter what, ok?" Seven said to me Making me blush at his comment "your cool not matter what" it kept on echoing in my head. I Snapped out of it and finally responded "tha- thanks Seven, your not as mean as I thought you were" I said to Seven
All of the sudden, seven wrapped his arms around me, making my face flush like crazy.ive never had any physical attention that wasn't anything resorting to pain. I finally hugged back, letting out all that repressed emotions I've held in. Seven rubbed my back as I cried. "It's ok. Let it out" seven said helping me calm down.
After a few minutes I finally stopped crying being happy to have a real friend. "Thanks sev" I said as I sniffed a bit "no problem, I'm just happy I have a real friend here, ever since one left I've felt lonely" seven said to me having a genuine smile on her/his face
"SEV?! MOM SAID SHE NEEDS TO TALK TO US" we herd x yell out from a far. "Oh looks like I got to go, see you tomorrow" sev asked with a smile, unaware they have their hand on mine, making me blush madly. "Y-yeah, see you around" I said while stuttering making seven chuckle out of confusion. Seven got up still smiling out of joy
I looked back at the hand seven placed on. "Did he know that he did that? Did he not know? Why am I over analyzing this" I thought so many thoughts rushing through my head out of confusion on what just happened
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Hope you like the updated version, I worked so hard on this
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knightsarmor · 2 years
“What’s wrong with him?” Yael asked Hakeem as she took a seat beside him. They were at her house, outside. It had become something of a custom for people to gather at the Knight home because it had so much property. Even when they had all been little, they had gathered here for special occasions or times like these, when they just wanted to get together, no reason needed. 
“He heard his parents having sex,” said Danny as he walked by and took a seat. “Again.” He was the oldest of them. Well, technically, Noah was. But Noah was already graduated from college and off living a life of his own. Then Leah, who had actually just graduated and was busy with figuring out her career and applying for jobs and internships. Then there was Jolene, Aidan’s cousin, but she was studying abroad for the summer and then Danny, who had just finished his first year of college and was back home. Though technically, he was attending the New York University where his dad taught, and was hardly away, but the university was more than ten blocks from where he’d grown up, which was as good as being away when you grew up in New York City. 
“Oh no,” said Hakeem sympathetically as he looked back at Aidan. He had his head in his hands, looking down as if he might be sick with a headache. 
“Do you know how hard it is to pretend your parents don’t when you have to hear them and get confirmation?” asked Aidan miserably. On either side of him sat Matt and Tony. Tony was rubbing his back as if he were sick and was trying to soothe him. 
“Yeah, we know, man,” said Tony. “It’s like, why do they even need to, you know? We know they love each other. They already have to make out all the time. And then on top of that, you have to hear them– or catch them. They’re so inconsiderate.” 
“You’re all such babies,” Athena scoffed. “Of course our parents have sex. How do you think any of us are here right now? We already know my parents had sex at least twice. And their–” she pointed at Matt, Tony and Sam, “parents had sex twice. What’s the big deal?” 
“Athena!” said Thaddeus as he turned bright red. “Can you be cool for just two seconds? Please? Please? Chill. Please?” 
Athena rolled her eyes. “They’re all still human and they all still love each other. I would personally be more worried if they weren’t have sex anymore. Then that would be bad.”
“I think we all know our parents have sex, but there are those of us who like to pretend they only had sex to conceive us and then went mysteriously and thankfully abstinent to raise us,” piped up Danny. 
“I know your parents have sex,” said Athena rolling her eyes at Danny. 
“Yeah, I know that too, but I would prefer to pretend otherwise, Athena. Once was enough and I don’t need to relive that embarrassing fucking experience,” grumbled Danny as he stabbed some potatoes on his plate and shoved them in his mouth. 
“Hey!” said Thaddeus and Sam at his use of profanity. They were both fourteen and heard plenty of foul language on television and in movies and in school and from their own parents, but it was still odd to hear it from each other. 
“Sorry,” said Danny as he looked at them.
“Okay, but you don’t understand,” went on Aidan, “my parents are… they’re disgusting. They’re loud and you can hear it and it’s carnal and… it’s gross. You’re the weird one for being okay with it!” He gave Athena an accusatory look. 
Athena rolled her eyes. “I’m not saying I enjoy knowing that fact, just that it doesn’t bother me to know that and that I’ve made my peace with it. Notice how I’ve never curled up into a ball and started shaking from the mere idea.” She looked around at the table and her eyes landed on Matt. “You’ve been very quiet.” 
Matt shrugged. “I cried when I found my parent’s wedding photos and wasn’t invited. I’m okay with my parents being in love,” he said very nonchalantly. “Not that I want to see it or anything,” he added under his brother’s incredulous stare. 
“Do not talk about mom and dad that way,” said Tony, pointing his finger at Matt. 
“You know what the real problem is?” started Yael as she picked at the food on her plate. “The real problem is you all live in these tiny apartments in the city. Even Aidan’s dumb house is some weird converted firehouse that’s a loft and quite open. Great acoustics, too. So you can hear and know everything. There’s no privacy. Out here, though? Nice, big house. If my parents ever disappear, I just stay in my part of the house and wait for them to find me. I don’t have to hear them because sound is able to travel in this big open space. It’s basically Schrodinger’s cat for me, but Schrodinger’s sex. I can simultaneously know and can’t know my parents are having sex. I know because my parents are people. But I don’t know because I leave them alone if they’re not around and I’m sixteen and know how to use a phone to order food and anything else I need and they can find me when they’re done. I live in blissful ignorance.” 
“We didn’t choose to live in the city,” growled Danny. “Besides, it’s not my fault when I go away to college and then I decide to come home one day and walk in on my parents doing it on the damn couch!” 
“OHMYGOD YOU DIDN’T,” said Athena, gasping. 
“Yeah, I did. And unfortunately, I don’t have my dad’s gift of blindness, so I had to see everything. You all should be thankful you’ve never seen your parents without clothes on.” 
“You know, technically, there’s a good chance that when we were babies that our parents took us to shower with them at some point, so we have seen our parents naked. Granted, our moms probably dealt with the ladies and our dads with the boys. But, even the boys have all seen their moms boobs as babies, so I still don’t think it’s that big of a deal,” said Athena. “It’s all perfectly natural.” 
“It’s because she’s British,” said Sam. “British people have no shame.” 
“I don’t know, hermano,” started Tony, “have you looked at Thaddeus lately. He looks like he’s been sunburned and we haven’t even been out here long enough for that to happen. Looks like he feels plenty shame and they have the same parents.” 
“It’s because I don’t think sex and the human body are anything to feel shy or shameful about,” said Athena. 
“Yes, well, you look like that, so you wouldn’t,” said Hakeem. 
“I want you to know that not a single one of you has been helpful even a little bit,” groaned Aidan. “Least of all, you,” he added to Athena. 
Athena simply smiled proudly. “Time to grow up. Anyway, I’m going for a swim.” She got up and began to wander towards the dock at the end. 
“She’s amazing,” said Tony as he watched her sashay away. 
“You’re drooling,” Matt told him, making a face. 
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comicaurora · 3 years
Waaaaiiit you grew up an undiagnosed neurodivergent? I feel like I should have a tom of questions because I've recently begun to wonder if I'm neurodivergent too, but I can't articulate my questions at all. So I guess what I'm asking is, what was that like? How were you diagnosed? What's the story behind that? Are you comfortable sharing your experiences with growing up "undiagnosed neurodivergent?"
Big, big caveat that I have not been diagnosed with anything. Smaller caveat that it's looking about 98% likely that I'm very ADHD, which would certainly help explain
"she's very bright, if she would just focus more in class and be less disruptive she'd be perfect" on every single report card I ever got
I'm listening, I promise, I'm just not looking at you, and if you make me look at you I won't be able to keep listening
if I cannot doodle in class I will Die
did I miss the day where they passed out a handbook of social rules
nah coffee doesn't wake me up or disrupt my sleep schedule at all, if anything it makes it easier for me to focus, guess I'm just weird that way
I've finally finished the thing I was working on and I just realized I've been sitting cross-legged for six hours without moving, I'm hungry, everything hurts and I really need to pee
why do I feel so weird and bad AH yes I have forgotten to eat
didn't I make tea sometime in the last four hours
hey wanna hear me talk about the media that's been consuming my every waking thought yea you do here goes
there's a car a block and a half away whose brakes are squeaking so I didn't hear anything you just said
I tried doing the assignment you asked for but it was so boring I wanted to melt so I did this cooler thing instead can I still get a good grade
I already know how to play this music, this is boring, I'm going to play it twice as fast so I'll be done quicker and wait for the rest of the band to catch up, because that is how music works
"oh yea that person hated you for years for some reason, they talked about it all the time, you really didn't know?" no but thanks for letting me know I guess
what do you mean I have to put both my feet on the floor when I sit in a chair, do you want me to die
hey wanna hear some cool space facts yea you do here goes
I'm ten years old in a class of less than twenty people and I don't understand why a solid dozen of those people won't stop making fun of everything I do and say but I've at least figured out I have no way to make them stop so I'm going to try leaning into being proud of being weird even though I'm not really proud I just feel dumb and confused and alone but I can at least pretend I have some control over this situation because I'm receiving zero support because the school administration doesn't know how to address bullying that doesn't involve physical violence and I can't work up the nerve to even be angry at most of these guys even though anger would make things so much easier to emotionally handle because when they're not making fun of me they're friendly and fun to be around and that's really all I want from them and I don't want to push them away when they're being friendly to me because then they might start just being terrible and I'll be even more isolated and I don't even realize I'm scraping along emotional rock bottom for years until
I'm fourteen years old in a new school where I don't know anybody but nobody thinks of me as the designated bullying magnet and people actually act like they like me and think I'm new and interesting and fun to talk to and invite me into friend groups and social gatherings and the things that made me weird and hurt before are what's making me interesting and fun here and I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop but it never does so
I'm seventeen years old at a high school class retreat and I'm clumsily trying to explain to the rest of my grade how much they've done for me just by being kind and I had a plan for what I wanted to say but the minute I got up on the podium it all turned into a blur and I still have no idea what I actually said to them but I hope they got the message
I'm eighteen years old with a close-knit friend group I still can't quite believe is real and I don't think I'll ever be able to explain to them how much they've done for me and I'm really worried we're going to splinter when we split up for college but we don't because sometimes people really do care about each other
I construct a youtube channel specifically designed to let me infodump all my directionless media enthusiasm into carefully-crafted serotonin machines so I can stop boring my friends to tears with them and start inflicting the infodumps on willing audiences that actually seek them out
I very gradually start processing that the fact that my life kinda sucked for several years had nothing to do with my worth as a human being and everything to do with the fact that I was stuck in a bad situation with a lot of other unhappy people, and that things being good now isn't some temporary fluke doomed to fail
I'm twenty years old and I see someone online mention "rejection sensitive dysphoria" for the first time and a whole lot of things about me start making more sense
Everything gets better and I'm happy, well-rested, and not alone
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leossmoonn · 3 years
mind games [part fourteen]
masterlist | part thirteen | part fifteen
zuko x fem!reader fluff, angst smau (it has the social media elements, but not as much as the last series)
avatar: the last airbender
summary - being zuko’s best friend is the easiest thing in the world. until he gets a girlfriend and you realize you’re in love with him
warnings / includes -  (this counts for any/all chapters) - fighting, suggestive, language, crying, alcohol, cheating, talk about injuries, making out, alluding to sex, talks about sex. you are sokka and katara’s older sister. you, mai, and zuko are seniors in college, sokka and suki are juniors, katara, aang, and toph are sophomores
note - this is just a filler chapter for the next enjoy!
“hmm,” mai hummed, turning around and wrapping her arms around jet’s middle. she opened her eyes lowly and looked up at him, a smile creeping up her face. 
jet sighed and looked down at her, giving her a quizzical look. “why do you look so happy?”
“i just…” mai sighed, “like having you here in the mornings.”
“oh, yeah? why?” jet smirked. “well one, you’re amazing at sex. two, you’re not a cuddle-hog like zuko,” she explained. 
jet chuckled, nodding and laying his head back down on the pillow. he looked up at mai’s ceiling, closing his eyes. he breathed in and out, beginning to think about all the things he had to do today. it was the first week of summer and everyone was enjoying themselves before they had to buckle down and get a real job, not just the JD and clothing stores. 
he knew he had to go and pick up food for appa and momo, do laundry, pick up your jeans from the dry cleaners. 
jet’s eyes flew open once you came into his mind. he took mai’s arm and threw. it off of him, quickly getting up to find his clothes. mai frowned at his hasty behaviour, getting up and wrapping her blanket around her. 
“where’re you going?” she asked. “i-i have to go and run some errands,” jet answered, jumping into his jeans. 
mai rolled her eyes as she knew that his errands all were pertained to you. “what kind of errands.”
“pick up appa and momo food, pick up y/n’s jeans from the dry cleaners, other. stuff,” he said. 
“y/n can pick up her own clothes. she’s an adult for spirit’s sake,” mai spat. she sauntered over to jet, taking his hand in her’s and pulling him close. “c’mon, stay for a while. we never hang out after ten.”
“and there’s a reason for that, mai,” he rolled his eyes. he yanked her hand away from his, putting his shirt back on. “i gotta go. i’ll call you later, yeah?”
mai frowned and followed him out of her room. “she knows you know.”
jet scoffed, “she doesn’t know shit.” “well, she’s gonna. better just milk it until she figures it out. i hate to say it, but she’s smart,” mai said. 
“yeah, and what about zuko, huh?” jet shot back. 
“he’s going to break up with me soon. him and y/n are in love with each other. better just let the cat out of the bag.”
“no. she’s not going to figure out and i’m not going to “milk it” or whatever because after this, we’re done.” 
mai laughed, “yeah, right. that’s what you said the last time.”
jet snapped his head to her, giving her a hard glare. “you and i have partners already. this, us, we are a mistake, and you know it.” he made his way down the stairs, getting his shoes and slipping them on. 
“so? you seem to forget that whenever you come over!” mai balled her hands into fists, still standing on the top of the stairs. 
“i still love her, okay!” jet yelled back, looking at mai. “i-i still love y/n. she’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. you? you’re the worst.”
“if you really loved her, then you wouldn’t be in my bed every weekend,” mai snapped. 
jet looked down at the floor, knowing that she was right. he didn’t say anything, though, instead going out the door and slamming it shut. 
while jet drove back to his place, you were at your sibling’s house, hanging out with zuko. 
“gonna do it tonight, huh?” you asked. “yep. is it bad if i say that i can’t wait?” zuko asked. 
“i don’t think so,” you shook your head. zuko smiled, “ugh, i can’t wait to be a free man!”
“well, hey, now you’re being a little mean,” you said. 
“well it’s true,” he shrugged. “cut mai some slack. i know you two fight a lot, but i can tell she cares about you,” you nudged him. 
“yeah, sure. well, i don’t care about or love her,” he said. 
you smirked and leaned against the counter. zuko furrowed his brows, “what?”
“i know you say that, but let’s be honest, you love her more than you think,” you explained.
zuko’s face fell and he looked down. honestly, he never really loved mai. sure, he’d said it to her, and he told his friends how great she was. he just didn’t love her like she should. his heart belonged to someone else, anyways.
you frowned and put a hand on his bicep, your heart fluttering as you felt over the muscle. you pushed away your budding feelings and focused on the task at hand.
“did i say something wrong?” you asked tentatively.
zuko shook his head, holding his head up. you were met with his shining, amber eyes. the ones you could get lost in if you let yourself.
“no, i just... i love her but, i don’t love her.”
you nodded, “yeah, that makes sense.”
zuko looked into your eyes, speaking before thinking. “do you love jet?”
your eyes widened at the question and your hand fell from his bicep. you were going to pull away, but zuko’s hand found yours and he intertwined your fingers with his. he never took his eyes off of you for a second.
“do you love jet?” he asked again. more for himself than for general curiosity.
“i-i do,” you nodded. as you spoke, your eyes couldn’t help but trail down to his lips. “i do,” you said more confidently, still looking at his lips.
zuko’s eyes also stared at your lips, both of your hearts pounding against your chests. you felt yourself scoot closer to where you could feel his breath on your lips.
“but do you love him, y/n?” he asked, putting more emphasis on the word. his arm snaked around your waist, his hand gently cradling the small of your back.
you started to breath heavily, your head spinning at the questions and how close you were to zuko. your eyes flickered up to his eyes, seeing his pupils blown wide. you were sure yours were the same. you went back to looking at his lips, leaning in to press your forehead against his.
“i... i think...” you trailed off. your mind was behind clouded with the idea of kissing him. how good it’d finally feel after all these years, how well your lips would fit together with his. you were sure zuko would kiss you better than jet. zuko was a passionate and sensitive guy, while jet was a passionate, but also tough guy. he kissed you rough, but you wanted a slow, fervent kiss. one you knew only zuko could only provide.
but as you were comparing how the two boys kissed, you got turned off on the idea. you closed your eyes and sighed, pulling away from his embrace. 
“yeah, i do love him like that,” you mumbled your final answer.
zuko’s heart broke at your words. he knew it was a long shot, but he just wanted you to see that you were with the wrong guy. like he was with the wrong girl.
“um, anyways,” you coughed. “i gotta go and see if jet has picked up my jeans and stuff. i’ll see you later, yeah?” 
zuko nodded, looking at you longingly. you gave him a small smile, going up to him and pressing a kiss to his cheek before leaving. once zuko heard the door, he pulled out his phone, giving mai a call.
“hey, babe. everything okay?” mai asked.
“uh, yeah,” zuko nodded. “just um, do you want to come over later? maybe watch a movie?”
mai went silent for a moment, thinking if she should say yes or not.
“mai?” zuko asked. “huh? o-oh yeah. movie sounds great. what time?” mai asked.
“um, 5?”
it gave him enough time to think about how he was going to break up with her.
“sounds good. are we going to be along?” she asked.
“yep,” he answered. “great! see you later!” mai exclaimed before hanging up.
zuko put his phone on the counter, running his hands through his hair in distress. all he wanted was you and he hoped that by dating mai he would be able to get you. how did he manage to screw things up?
“heh, babe,” you smiled as you walked through the door.
jet looked up his phone, a smile spreading onto his face. “hey. where have you been?” he got up out of his chair and engulfed you in a hug.
you hugged him tentatively, not leaning in or kissing him like usual. “katara’s. you um, didn’t come home last night,” you chuckled nervously. you moved out of his embrace, going to the kitchen cabinets to get yourself something to eat.
“o-oh, yeah. sorry about that,” jet chuckled.
“you never answered my question,” you said.
“right! well, i was picking up an extra shift at work,” he answered.
you raised your brow while getting out yogurt. “oh, really? why?”
“so i can get some extra money to take you out,” jet explained with a smile.
“you don’t need to take me out. you can come home to me, though. i was lonely,” you frowned.
jet looked at you with regret and guilt. more because he had been sleeping with mai, but you didn’t know that.
“i’m sorry,” he sighed. “tonight i’ll be here. i promise.”
you looked at him, staring for a few seconds before giving in. you weren’t very sure he meant his sorry, or if he was telling the truth, but you had more pressing things to deal with.
“alright. did you pick up my coat?” you asked.
“u-uh, yeah,” jet nodded, confused as to why you still seemed distrusting.
“great, thanks,” you walked by him, not bothering to spare him a look.
jet frowned, going over to you. “hey, did i do something wrong?”
“no,” you stated flatly. “i think i did. is it something i said?” jet asked.
you sighed, “i just... don’t believe you.”
“w-why?” jet stuttered.
you frowned and looked at him as if it were obvious. “you’re not coming home at night anymore, you’re making excuses, y-you smell like perfume.” you voice cracked at the last sentence, thoughts of him cheating on you running through your mind.
jet look the collar of his shirt, taking a whiff only to curse at himself in his head. you watched him with wide, tear-filled eyes as the look of realization came onto his face.
“see? y-you’re hiding something!” you accused.
“i’m not!” jet’s eyes widened. he went to take your hands in his, but they were holding a bowl. so instead he put it hands on your shoulders. “i would never hide or lie to you.”
you glared at him. “you’re lying. just say you’re cheating on me.”
“i’m not!” he scoffed. “bullshit!” you exclaimed.
“why do you think i’m cheating on you?”
“because you’re doing exactly what shan did! what else am i supposed to think?”
“this is just how men act! i’m allowed to stay out at night and hang out with my friends whenever i want!”
“no, that’s how a boy acts. we’re supposed to be communicating, not fighting for each other’s trust!” you scolded.
he looked at you helplessly, knowing you were right. he opened his mouth to say apologize, but you stopped him.
“i’m going back to sokka’s,” you muttered. setting the bowl down harshly and stomping to the garage door.
“b-but you just came back,” jet frowned.
“and i’m leaving. until you can provide me when a better reason, i’m staying there,” you said, grabbing your coat and purse.
“and what if i can’t? what if nothing satisfies you?” jet asks.
you sighed and looked at him, tears rolling down your cheeks. “the truth will satisfy me. if you can’t provide that, then... then...” you trailed off, your mouth going dry. you tried to say the words, but it wouldn’t come out. it didn’t matter anyways, jet already knew what you were going to say.
you gave him one last hurtful look being leaving to your car. jet immediately grabbed the bowl, smashing it to the ground. he put his hands over his face and combed his fingers through his hair violently. tears streamed down his face as he knew he had just potentially lost you for good. how did he manage to screw things up?
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misfit-fics · 3 years
Demon Rehab For Dummies
Summary: (Y/N) started seeing seven demons when she was 10. Through the years they all disappeared, all but one. Namjoon. A demon who has not so creepily, creepily, very creepily been in love with her for years.
Genre: fluff, crack, extremely minimal angst, idiots to lovers, romantic-comedy
Word count: 7384
Rating: Teen
Warnings: mentions of suggestive & kinky themes, a handful of cursing, a story with a plot but not doesn’t exactly have a plot, a stubborn (Y/N) who dismisses love confessions & genuine flirting, an unspoken confession
A/N: Hey! we're back, it's been a while. We're starting school in a while but it will be gamble if we'll be more active or not. Well... we ARE active but just not posting? Yeah, you know what I mean. This has been sitting in our drafts for a while now and we're posting it now... although it's pretty unedited, feel free to address any oopsies. Hope who ever finds this enjoys reading!
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At the ripe young age of ten (Y/N) began seeing seven men. Which- would’ve (should’ve) freaked any kid out but you know (Y/N) is just kinda quirky like that so she didn't really mind much. The men were nice and played with her anyway, and the only weird thing was that sometimes they would bring her dead birds.
At age eleven (Y/N) noticed that one of the men was missing.It didn’t affect her much except for the fact that this particular one would help her find things and she’d lost almost all of her socks since he disappeared. Not to mention the increase of bug bites after he left. The darn things seemed like they multiplied exponentially after a month.
By twelve only two of the men had disappeared, at this point (Y/N) not only lived in sandals (she still couldn’t find her socks) but she also couldn’t explain why her hair was burning off every time she tried to straighten it (her lil demon friends didn’t want her to, you’d think after almost 3 years of having men following her around and telling her what to do she’d get with the program already.) Her dog her parents had given her when she was 9 started disappearing quite often after he left. He always came back with a single sock that would disappear the next morning.
By thirteen (Y/N) had developed a crush (more like unhealthy obsession) on one of the men, Namjoon. The third year was also the year when Jimin disappeared, taking all of her favorite shoes with him. That year she had prayed to whoever was listening because her parents really couldn’t afford to keep buying her socks and shoes, and because she definitely couldn’t afford to shave her head.
By fourteen, Hoseok, the man who had cheered her up whenever she needed it, had gone, leaving a tidal wave of bad luck in his wake. He had a great deal in keeping (Y/N) happy, although some of his antics made her want to punch him, it never turned out that way.
When she was fifteen no one left… except for the dog. Aside from that, the only thing that left was her social life (It wasn’t like she had one before but you know it was still a little rough). (Y/N) began to depend more and more on her demons. She had become great friends with the oldest, Seokjin, who cooked for her when her parents went on trips.
At sixteen Yoongi left and the nightmares began. And with the nightmares came the growth of (Y/N)’s relationship with Namjoon. Namjoon became her protector, along with sometimes Seokjin, who still cooked for her and cared for her altogether when she couldn’t.
At seventeen, (Y/N) was informed that when she turned eighteen Seokjin would be leaving, on account that they didn’t need each other anymore. (Y/N) had been torn up when he told her and even more when he left. He didn’t take anything when he left other than a piece of (Y/N)’s heart.
At eighteen, (Y/N) moved away from her parents house with Namjoon trailing behind her (He even had lil demon suitcases and everything,) following her every move.
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“I really don’t understand why you had to follow me out of my parents house. I thought spirits are supposed to be attached to a general area…” (Y/N) took to unpacking a box in the small apartment she now lived in.
“(Y/N) how many times do we have to go over this, I'm a demon, DE-MON.” Namjoon clapped his hands with each syllable. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and flicked her wrist at the self-proclaimed demon.
“Demon, ghost, same thing.” She shrugged her shoulders, “same thing as to-may-to, to-mah-to.”
“It is not the same thing!” Namjoon looked at (Y/N) like it was obvious.
(Y/N) snorted, “Okay Casper.” She continued pulling out the items in the box.
Namjoon looked flabbergasted, “CASPER!?” Namjoon put a hand over his chest and widened his eyes. (Y/N) looked up at the demon with a raised brow,
“Geez Casper, why are you so offended? I’ve called you Casper before, Casper.” (Y/N) struggled to keep in her laughter, trying to keep a straight face as she looked at Namjoon.
Namjoon looked at (Y/N), “I think I shall simply cease to exist in your realm.”
(Y/N) looked back down at the almost empty box, “You wouldn’t do that, you love me too much, my dearest Casper.” She said in a singsong voice, “Oh hey I found a sock.” She pulled out said sock from the box, it had yellow stripes. :]
“I think Jungkook took the mate to that when he left.” (Y/N) threw the sock at Namjoon with a loud ‘FUCK!’
“I mean we could try and summon him to see if he’ll return your socks.” Namjoon shrugged.
“I wouldn’t even try.” She started putting the random items in their new places.
“You should put Juno on the window sill rather than the coffee table, I mean cacti do need sun.” Namjoon looked at the little green prickle plant.
“I’m sure if i didn’t tell you how to parent your child, it would’ve been confiscated by child protective services.” Namjoon crossed his arms and looked at Juno who had been (rightfully so) moved to the window sill.
“Casper- Juno is a cactus. There is no CPS (Cactus Protective Services).” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon with her own arms crossed over her chest and an eyebrow raised, “Now if you could- Can you please go unpack a few boxes?” (Y/N) shooed Namjoon away before her eyes widened and she added in, “NOTHING LABELED FRAGILE!”
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“You know if we painted a wall or two in here, it would liven up the place so much…” Namjoon looked around the bland apartment, “Maybe an accent wall over here. A floor lamp over there. A new plant in the kitchen. It wouldn’t hurt you to give Juno some siblings.”
(Y/N) looked flabbergasted, “You want me to pop out another child?!”
“No I mean-” Namjoon’s eyes widened.
“-OUT OF MY WALLET?!? MY BARELY 21 DOLLARS!?” (Y/N) got her wallet out and zipped it open. She shook it in the demon’s face, about 26 pennies, 2 nickels, 1 dime, and a quarter fell out. It was followed by a single, folded, 5 dollar bill.
“I don’t think that’s 21 dollars, (Y/N)” Namjoon looked down at the floor, where one or more of the coins had caught onto his feet.
“I have a gift card.” She pulled out the cheap plastic, silver, $25 visa gift card (that didn’t have 25 dollars) with a bit of a struggle.
“How much exactly is on that gift card (Y/N)?” Namjoon eyed the flimsy silver object.
“You expect me to know- I mean probably more than 10 dollars!” Namjoon raised a brow at the statement. “Okay, maybe about 3.69.” Namjoon sighed, massaging his temples. (Y/N) bent down to put the money back into her wallet like a pigeon eating bread crumbs the old lady on the bench threw onto the floor.
Namjoon walked away from the pigeon-girl and grabbed a notepad and pen that was left on the kitchen counter. “We’re making you a to-do list.” He stated, clicking the pen.
“WE haven’t even unpacked all the boxes yet.” (Y/N) whined, pointing at the last large box in the middle of the hallway. Namjoon looked to where she pointed and shrugged.
“It says Christmas decorations.”
“EXACTLY! VERY. IMPORTANT.” she clapped her hands in between each word.
“It’s February.” He said.
“It’s still winter.” (Y/N) reasoned, finally done picking up the money. She plopped herself down onto the small brown couch.
“Okay so first off you need a job.” He wrote it down onto the notepad, the pen scratching being overlapped by a loud gasp from the human in the room.
“You dare ignore me?!” She yelled offendedly at the demon who glanced at her before looking back down at what he was writing.
“You also need to go to the supermarket.”
“I told you I barely have any money.”
“Your parents gave you some money.”
“Oh, you’re right.”
“And also, you should walk to the school and find a short route to get there.” Namjoon pulled out a literal map.
(Y/N) pouted, “I thought you were gonna walk me to all my classes to deter all the frat boys from coming my way…”
“I did say that,” he confirmed before continuing. “But I mean to get to the actual school grounds.”
“But we have a car.” She had drawnout the ‘but,’ trying to make her point that she didn’t need to walk.
“But you need exercise.” He reasoned, mimicking the way she had said her words.
“Are you calling me fat?”
“Yes you are.”
“(Y/N) i’m not.”
“Yeah you ARE, Casper.”
“Would you PLEASE call me by my actual name for once?”
“Sure thing. Rap Monster.” She teased, the ground started shaking. (Y/N) let out a loud screech looking up at the demon who’s eyes were rolled back. “OH FUCK YOU!”
The shaking died down, Namjoon staring down at the girl who was now underneath the coffee table. “This is why you’re still here!” she cried.
“You want me gone?” Namjoon questioned, offendedly. (Y/N) army crawled her way from her ‘safe spot.’
“I DIDN’T SAY THAT!” She yelled, returning the offended tone.
“I’m out,” Namjoon pivoted on his heel, walking to the front door robotically.
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“Will I ever see my socks again?” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon with hope, “I mean having shoes would be great too though.”
“What’s wrong with living in sandals? Birkenstocks are very comfortable.” Namjoon pivoted around with a candle in his hand.
“It’s winter.” (Y/N) frowned.
“You could always use mine?” He gestured to the shoes at the shoe rack at the front door. The ones that were closed toed…
“Your feet are too big.” (Y/N) looked over at the shoes, then looked down at her own feet, then at the demon.
“Size didn’t matter Last night with your sweaters?”
“That’s different, Namjoon.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
“Size.” Namjoon smirked.
“Different.” (Y/N) stood confidently.
“You know, you could always just go buy new socks?” Namjoon looked at her oddly.
“I usually wait to get them for Christmas, you should know this by now.”
“Independence.” He stated.
“You’re a hypocrite.” Namjoon let out a ‘huh?’ and (Y/N) continued, “You said independence when you’re dependent on me.”
“That isn’t my fault.” Namjoon raised his hands in defense.
“It kind of is though…” (Y/N) shrugged, Namjoon opened his mouth to retort but was quickly cut off, “I’m literally a rehab center for you.”
“Apparently you’re not a nicely rated one.” Namjoon shook his head.
“I’ve helped 6 other demons, Namjoon. You’re just being difficult.” (Y/N) poked his chest really hard before retracting her hand.
“Ouch,” he put his hand over his heart where she had poked him, “You shouldn’t be saying these things to your client.”
“I didn’t ask to get a client or even BE a rehab center.”
“The reason why you became a rehab center was because you decided that humans were ugly and disgusting.”
“The reason why you ended up with me was because you did something bad and you just now decided to be a good person and it’s not turning out well for you.”
“For your information, I could have left a long time ago.” Namjoon crossed his arms, with an audible exhale from his nose. He stared down at the rehab center.
“And why didn’t you, hm?” (Y/N) crossed her arms also with a raised brow. Namjoon kept quiet, debating how to answer, keeping eye contact as if it was an olympic staring contest.
“You.” He said. (Y/N) snorted, ready to insult the patient. “-would’ve starved to death by now if I hadn’t stayed with you until now.” He finished, (Y/N) gasped, reaching up and hitting Namjoon on the shoulder.
“You. Jerk. Get. Away. From. Me.” She hit him harder every word before waddling away into the hallway from the chuckling demon.
“No problem,” Namjoon disappeared with a veil of sparkles out of view.
(Y/N) thrusted open the door to her new bedroom. Continuing her waddle to the end of the full size bed. Facing the head board, she plopped the top half of her body onto the bed front first. Namjoon reappeared about 6 feet away from her with a loud poof and a burst of sparkles scattering around the room.
“Go away.” (Y/N)’s face was still shoved into the mattress, “Seriously shoo.” (Y/N) lifted her arm off the bed to wave him off.
“I won’t go. You can’t make me.” Namjoon walked towards the bed hesitantly, scared to get fucking murdered by his prison warden, “Move over. Give me some room.”
“Go sleep in my closet.” (Y/N) flipped the demon off.
“You’d prefer nightmares over your dearest Casper?”
“Yes.” Namjoon sat down on the bed, his knee almost hitting the girl’s head. “I thought I said in the closet.”
“And I prefer the bed.” Namjoon leaned forward and took (Y/N) by her hands and pulled her closer to himself with an annoyed groan from her. She was pulled until her head was laid on his chest, wrapping his arms around her.
“I hate you.” (Y/N) grumbled into her demon-pillow.
“I know.”
“You live because I allow it, and that is it to be my flesh pillow.”
“Okay, now sleep.”
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“But why do you have to leave?” (Y/N) looked up at her bunk buddy, her chin was impaling the person’s chest.
“I have to. I'm ready to go.” Yoongi looked crestfallen, “They said I could have one more night. But then, when I leave, I can pass on my role.”
“Could you maybe not steal my socks?” (Y/N) pouted at Yoongi who chuckled in response. “This is a genuine request.” She said with slight seriousness in her tone.
“You don’t have any to steal anyways,” he rolled his eyes with an endearing smirk that replaced his dispirited look just seconds before.
“Ok just- don’t go stealing any of my clothing, I need it.” (Y/N) clicked her tongue, not denying the fact that she was sockless.
“I won’t. I don’t need your clothing.” Yoongi shrugged, “I might take your guinea pig though. Meatloaf is cute.”
“YOU wouldn’t DARE take Meatloaf from me.” She glared
“I can and I will.” Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest and looked towards the cage that housed Meatloaf. (Y/N) groaned, unlatching an arm that was sandwiched between the bed and Yoongi’s back. She planted her palm smack in the middle of the demon’s face, covering his view of the poor guinea pig.
“No.” She patted his face, Yoongi’s eyes now squeezed shut.
“I can lick your hand.” he threatened, his voice muffled and jumpy from the wacky hand.
“You’re gross,” she moved her hand up, now only covering his eyes and revealing a gummy smile from Yoongi.
“It’s sleep time,” he declared. (Y/N) whined in response, “I’ll be here in the morning to say goodbye one more time okay?”
“Never said that,” he hummed.
“You jerk,” she groaned, laying her head sideways. Her ear over his heart, engraving the sound into her mind.
Like a cliche love story, (Y/N) woke up to no one but herself on the bed. Through groggy eyes, she could see that poor Meatloaf was gone too.
“I tried to stop him from taking Meatloaf I swear.” Namjoon uncrossed his arms from over his chest when he noticed that (Y/N) was awake.
“Did you really?” (Y/N) sat up in bed.
“I did, I swear,” he said immediately, “I have proof.”
“By proof, do you mean you broke something?” Namjoon took a deep breath figuring out whether or not to say yes or no.
“I… never said that.” He decided on dying, his words drifting off in nervousness.
“So… you did?” She concluded, Namjoon nodded slowly, his eyes down on the floor.
“Yea…” (Y/N) sighed, trying to find anger to cover up a tsunami of sadness that was approaching.
“It’ll be okay. We can summon him every once in a while. Maybe while we’re at it we can try to get your socks back.” Namjoon smiled and hoped it would make her feel better while the reality of things had begun to set in for him. All of the boys loved (Y/N) with all of their hearts but he was the only one willing to stay for the long run.
“I don’t think people want to go back to a rehab center, Namjoon.” (Y/N) let the tears begin to pour.
“(Y/N) it’ll be okay…” Namjoon went over to sit on the bed next to (Y/N), “Seriously we’ll get through this.” Namjoon put a hesitant hand onto (Y/N)’s shoulder and began trying to comfort her.
“I know- I know but-” (Y/N) sniffled, “Hold on, my mascara will run.”
“You’re not wearing any?-” Namjoon raised a brow and looked at (Y/N) like ‘bih-’
“Shush.” (Y/N) shushed Namjoon before shaking off his hand and placing her head on his shoulder.
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“You know you can’t prevent me from getting a boyfriend forever.” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon before continuing to pack her bag for school.
“I can and I will.” Namjoon slung his own bag over his shoulder. He was definitely a professor.
“You can’t make me be single forever.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes and slung her backpack onto her shoulders.
“Your preferences in men are horrible (Y/N), I'm not trying to prevent you from getting a man.” Namjoon said in a matter of fact voice, moving and opening the front door, letting (Y/N) pass through before he walked out behind her.
She scoffed, “maybe you should hook me up with someone, maybe then you can leave rehab.”
“I miss Meatloaf,” Namjoon said solemnly, changing the subject.
“Why do you always change the subject when I bring up my love life?” (Y/N) complained, stomping her foot as they walked down the hallway of the apartment building toward the elevator.
“Do you think Yoongi will respond if we try to summon him?” He ignored the question.
“Hey Joon? Is your dick ribbed? I heard all the demon dicks were ribbed.”
Namjoon stopped in his tracks, putting his feet together and staring down at the human with a face screaming ‘what-the-fuck?’ (Y/N) had a boxy smile on her face, waiting for a response. “Who the fuck did you hear that from?”
“A fanfic I read, it was a group called DTS,” she shrugged. “Is it right though?” she leaned forward slightly in high expectations.
“Well-” Namjoon paused, “uhhh…” his eyes darted around. “Mine… isn’t.”
“Damn- that’s really disappointing,” (Y/N) frowned, throwing down an imaginary hat onto the ground and continuing walking with Namjoon following behind her.
“Why is it disappointing? You’re a virgin.” Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
“Why would you think I’m a virgin?” (Y/N) looked offended. They stopped in front of the closed silver elevator doors, Namjoon hit the down button before responding.
“You literally had no social life in middle and high school and depended on demons who were attached to you by force in order to not lose your ability to speak in English.” Namjoon raised a finger, “Plus I’ve known you since you were ten and unless it was before that… I would know.” He slipped into the elevator, turning around and walking backwards. A know-it-all smirk plastered on his face while (Y/N) had an annoyed look on her own.
“Can we just- stop before we start arguing about my sex life?” She marched forward into the elevator like a preteen going into their room after an argument with their parents.
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“How did you even become a professor?” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon confused. “Couldn’t you have just you know… poofed yourself from people’s view when I go to school?”
“I need something to do while you’re in class. I might as well teach asshole frat boys how to do business math amiright.” Namjoon chuckled.
“I mean… you can just be the ghost you are and haunt me n’ stuff?” (Y/N) suggested, “I mean you already do that, Casper.”
“That’s Professor Casper to you.” Namjoon laughed too hard at his own joke.
“Ew,” (Y/N) cringed. “I’d rather call you Daddy Casper.”
“Only in the bedroom.” Namjoon looked at the human.
“Sex doesn’t always have to be private.” (Y/N) stared back at the demon, flipping her hair back. “Wait- are YOU a virgin then?” She asked, bringing back the topic from earlier, but this time about Namjoon.
“Classified.” Namjoon glared.
“So you ARE a virgin?” (Y/N) snorted a laugh, “And you call yourself a demon.”
“Not all demons are incubi or succubi, your demon-racist.” Namjoon accused.
“I am not demon-racist.” (Y/N) looked up at the tall demon, “I’m human.”
“You’re not a human, you’re the personification of the word ‘dumbass.’” He said, poking the proclaimed dumbass on the forehead.
“Rude of you to assume what I am, Casper.” (Y/N) smacked away his hand and pushed Namjoon not so gently on the shoulder.
“Now you’re the hypocrite,” Namjoon glared, “Professor Casper.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes, “Daddy Casper.”
Namjoon frowned, “If you’re so persistent on not calling me Professor, then just Daddy works fine.”
The girl shrugged, “I’d prefer to just call you Daddy Casper, but without the Daddy part.”
“But what if I want to be called Daddy Casper.” Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as they walked through the gates of the school, the walk soon enough would be coming to an end.
“Woahhhh down bessie.” (Y/N) lifted her hands and moved them in a downward motion, “Save it for the student who’s gonna try to fuck you for their grade.”
Namjoon laughed again, “You say it as if it won’t be you trying to fuck for an A.”
“I don’t get how an idiot like you got a job as a professor.” (Y/N) punched Professor Namjoon on the shoulder who was still laughing at the insult he pulled out his ass against the girl.
“I don’t know how an idiot like you got into college.” Namjoon rubbed his shoulder and then pushed (Y/N) back with a grin on his face. The bell conveniently rang, ending the conversation and forcing the pair to speed their way over to the classrooms.
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“You know I saw one of the sorority girls eyeing you, I think we’ve found our fuck-for-a-grade person.” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon, “You wouldn’t fuck her right?”
“I would never fuck one of my students.” Namjoon looked at (Y/N), “Plus I don’t like cheerleaders, I like depressed freshmen who can see demons and that double time as rehab facilities.”
“I am not a rehab facility. I am a struggling freshman.” (Y/N) clapped at Namjoon.
“No you’re not a rehab facility, you’re my rehab facility.” Namjoon smiled cheekily, “And the way I see it you are not a struggling freshman, you live with a professor that helps you with most of your homework.”
“Eh- The one thing you don’t help with is stress relief.” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon, “The least you could do is let me go out and find a boyfriend.”
“You HAVE a boyfriend.” Namjoon looked at (Y/N) seriously.
“WHERE? WHO?” (Y/N)’s eyes frantically searched the room.
“HERE! ME!” Namjoon pointed at himself and then widened his eyes.(Y/N) looked at Namjoon with a raised brow, her frantic eyes stopping and looking the demon up and down.
“I didn’t know you had a rental-boyfriend service?” (Y/N) said in genuine shock, “I don’t have any money though so-“
“You don’t have to rent me.” Namjoon scoffed, “I’m right here and I cost no money.”
“I don’t take charity work, sorry.” Namjoon groaned and covered his face with a hand.
“You’re literally the most stubborn person I know.”
“I’m trying to keep my single streak here, thank you very much.”
“Wait so we aren’t dating?”
“You thought we were dating?”
“You didn’t think that?”
“You like me?”
“You didn’t know?”
“I mean- you never said it-”
“I literally said it seconds ago, (Y/N).”
“Well yeah, seconds ago I guess but I mean before?”
“I literally confessed to you when we were looking for apartments to move out of your parents house.”
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“What about this place then?”
“I like it.”
“More than you like me?”
“Are you questioning my love for you?”
“Bitch, maybe I am.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“Why shouldn’t I be questioning it then, hmm?”
“I’m literally helping you look for a home that we both will move into.”
“That proves nothing.”
“Bitch- If that doesn’t say ‘I LOVE YOU’ I don’t know what does.”
“Oh, I don't know. Maybe saying ‘I love you’ straight up?”
“I love you.”
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“Ohhhhhh.” (Y/N) smiled, “You meant that?”
Namjoon looked at her with a blank face. She stared back waiting for an answer that didn’t come.
“So… you do mean it?” She confirmed it herself. The demon nodded slowly, waiting for her to process it.
“(Y/N)? You good?” Namjoon waved a hand in front of her face.
“You know,” she started, finally having rebooted her system. “There’s a lot of things wrong with this relationship. First of all, you’re a demon and I'm a human.”
“Not the first time I've heard of that type of relationship.”
“Secondly, you’re supposed to leave soon considering you’ve delayed it enough. Even using my personified dreamcatcher as compensation to stay longer.”
“I’m pretty sure at this point, they’ve given up on trying to get me back.”
“Third of all, it’s weird that you’ve literally known me since I was ten.” She held up ten fingers, “How old are you again?”
“Not that old for a demon,” he shrugged.
“Exactly. For a demon, thank you for proving my point.” Namjoon went to retort but (Y/N) continued. “Fourth, teacher and student relationships are weird.”
“People roleplay it in the bedroom?” Namjoon shrugged once again.
“Exactly,” she said again.
“It’s technically not weird since you’re not my student though. You’re definitely not a business major so…” Namjoon weighed the pros and cons of being caught with a student even if said student isn’t even one of his.
“I’m an English Major- BUT that’s besides the point. You’ve still known me since I was ten.” (Y/N) poked Namjoon’s chest.
“Hey it’s not like I was creeping on you when you were a kid…” Namjoon raised his hands in defense.
“No you just started creeping on me when I was around sixteen.”
“It’s more acceptable than pedophiles!”
“You’re like three hundred!” She exclaimed, she threw her hands above her head to
“Add about seven-hundred years to that.” Namjoon added with slight hesitation.
(Y/N) stood there, mouth agape, trying to do the mental math.
“You’re one-thousand?!”
“Give or take some.”
“I- I’m going to remove myself from this situation.” (Y/N) walked away.
[:] I ran out of image things, so we get text from now on. [:]
“Maybe I should start sleeping in the closet.” Namjoon voiced his thoughts as he was grading papers one night.
“You don’t have to sleep in the closet.” (Y/N) looked at the demon from across the kitchen table.
“The closet is comfortable.” Namjoon shrugged before voicing his concerns about the student’s work, “I’m pretty sure this student is gonna try to suck my dick for an A. This work sucks ass. How did she even get x=34? The answer is x=0!”
“I’m bad at math, don't look at me.” (Y/N) jotted a note down on her work before closing her notebook.
“But anyway- Back on track. Why do you want to start sleeping in the closet?” (Y/N) raised a questioning brow.
“Because the bed is awkward now.” Namjoon sighed before writing a bold ‘10/35’ down on the paper and circling it. (Y/N) glanced over at the paper that was marked red at every inch of it.
“You should put ‘see me after class’ on it. Maybe she’ll suck your non-ribbed demon dick.” (Y/N) suggests as she puts away her notebook. Namjoon’s fist hit the table in annoyance with a loud sigh that definitely said ‘i’m not getting some dumb bitch to suck my dick.’ The girl snorted, “Geez, no need to be so rough on the table.”
“Stop bringing up my non-ribbed demon dick.” Namjoon glared across the table.
“You admit that it’s not ribbed? That’s rough, man.” (Y/N) sighed sympathetically. “Some people are into that, you know.” Namjoon facepalmed, a bit too harshly, a loud smack echoing in the cramped apartment. “No need to be so rough, Casper.”
“You’d probably like it rough, and why the hell are you so bent on the fact that my dick isn’t ribbed?” Namjoon glared, moving onto the next student’s paper.
“We’ve taken the god damn BDSM test together, Casper. You KNOW I'd like it rough.” (Y/N) said in a smart-ass tone, knowing for a fact that they’ve done the test before.
“That shit lies,” Namjoon declared, “I’m not a bottom.”
“We know sweetie, we know. The test did you dirty.” (Y/N) weighed her options before ultimately deciding not to cross the room to comfort her demon. “But you know, the test DID have some direct questions-”
“You mean like the golden showers?”
“Ew, why would you even bring that up.”
“You said ‘direct questions.'” Namjoon shrugged.
“That question was traumatic.” (Y/N) shuddered, “But anyway, You can keep sleeping in the bed. It’s only awkward for you. Plus you can’t even be a demon dreamcatcher from a closet.”
“I can and I will. Now go get ready for bed. I'll join you in a bit. I have to email the kids' advisor.”
[:] Oh wow, another spliter [:]
“What’s awkward about this?” (Y/N) asked, ignorant to the fact that it was very awkward. Her legs were wrapped around the demon’s waist, who was laying down as straight as a log uncomfortably.
“Everything is uncomfortable.” Namjoon tried to push (Y/N) off of him.
“This is where you’re wrong,” (Y/N) states. “Your chesticles are very comfortable.” She furthered her point, by moving her head and weirdly nuzzling her cheek into his chest.
“(Y/N) get off of me.” Namjoon was now really uncomfortable.
“No.” (Y/N) pulled Namjoon’s log-body closer.
“Please?” Namjoon wiggled some more, “Seriously (Y/N) get off.”
“No…” (Y/N) held Namjoon tighter, “Imma go sleep now.”
“Ok (Y/N).” With that Namjoon pushed (Y/N) up and off of him and climbed out of bed and into the closet.
(Y/N) whined, “Nooooooo!” She looked at the closet through her eyebrows. “Are you hiding something from me?” She accused the demon.
“Excuse me?” Namjoon opened the closet door a bit.
“Oh my god- are you a closet gay?” She gasped loudly.
“WHAT?” Namjoon looked at (Y/N) from the crack in the doorway.
“It’s okay! You don’t need to use a fake confession to hide it from me.” She comforted the demon, “I will support you 1000 percent.”
“I’M NOT GAY!” Namjoon wiggled around in the closet before emerging from the space.
“Okay okay- but just so you know, there’s nothing wrong with being gay, Casper. Closeted or not.” She hummed, her words being muffled as she slowly put her face into the mattress.
“It’s been awkward since you basically called me a cradle robber, you stubborn piece of shit.” Namjoon blushed at his confession.
“I thought you didn’t care about that earlier.” (Y/N) looked back up, taking a deep breath of air after almost suffocating herself.
“Well I did.” Namjoon huffed out the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding.
“Well that sucks,” (Y/N) said blandly, “I was thinking of saying I love you.”
“The fuck- wait,” Namjoon’s eyes widened.
“Night night.”
[:] Cockadoodle-Doo it's morning [:]
The next morning came around quickly for (Y/N), though I wouldn’t say the same for Namjoon. Having him overthinking the “postponed” love confession from (Y/N). Meanwhile, though the night was quick, the morning dragged the girl by the toilet paper stuck at the bottom of her shoe.
Frown plastered on her face, seemingly deep in thought. She was unmoving in her seat aside from her wrist moving to stir the half eaten cereal in front of her. Namjoon sat across from her, “You can stop thinking, you’re going to hurt your head.”
The insult snapped the girl out of her concentration, she looked up and clicked her tongue. “I was just thinking about you. You want me to stop doing that?”
Namjoon raised a brow, “Depends on what you were thinking about.”
“I was wondering if we could summon the boys,” (Y/N) smiled before continuing, “Maybe get my socks back…”
“Are you saying you’d enjoy the company of your socks more than you with me?” Namjoon asked rhetorically with a shocked expression. (Y/N) gagged and rolled her eyes.
“Namjoon…” she said with a honey coated tone. “Are you saying you don’t know that I know you’ve used MY socks before?” The accused had a shocked look on his face that looked like he was on the verge of throwing up.
(Y/N) started snickering, amused by the demon’s expression. “As if I'd use your cheap ass yellow striped socks,” Namjoon aimed his nose at the ceiling. The girl laughed harder, finding the insult to her socks a bit too amusing.
“Okay, back on topic,” she said in between giggles, “We’ll get back to this later.” Namjoon shook his head, unamused unlike the person across from him.
The offended sock insulter cleared his throat, “We should have enough time before we need to go to the school to summon one of them.” He said in a factual voice, (Y/N) nodded as she took a glance at the time that read 7:23 am.
“What did we need again?” She got up from the stool she sat on, abandoning the poor soggy cereal. Namjoon got up also with a hum of thought.
“Candles and a lighter are the main things, obviously,” He says. (Y/N) nodded going into one of the kitchen cabinets for the items. “And if we’re summoning all of them, we’d need offerings…” Namjoon drifted off.
(Y/N) put down the candles onto the marble counter and looked at Namjoon questionably, “So… we need another hamster and dog?” This made the demon pause before nodding slowly, the situation becoming a bit more difficult than it needed to be now.
“And then what about Hobi? What he took wasn’t exactly… a physical object?” She also put it into consideration and clicked her tongue. “I’m still mad at you for sacrificing my literal source of happiness and good luck for yourself.” Namjoon’s jaw dropped.
“I thought we were past this!” He threw his hands up in the air, (Y/N) flipping him off simultaneously.
“Maybe you were,” she sassed, pointing fingers with a half assed glare.
“Technically, it wasn’t a sacrifice, (Y/N).” He said, crossing his arms.
“Well-” She was cut off by the demon.
“Nuh uh, It was just him choosing to leave and wanting to stay,” he snapped, not in a harsh way though.
“You know what, let’s just try and summon them another day. I don’t think it’d work anyways.” Namjoon said, dismissing the topic by waving his hand, taking a glance at the tree outside.
[:] Wooshy flash back time I guess [:]
“Why are you still here?” (Y/N) looked at Namjoon, “I mean weren’t you supposed to leave this year?”
“I was supposed to leave instead of Hobi last year. I asked to stay.” Namjoon was sitting nonchalantly in one of the lounge chairs in her parents' living room reading the book she was supposed to be reading for school.
“Why didn’t you leave when you were supposed to?” (Y/N) looked at the demon, a look of confusion evident on her features.
“Who else is supposed to write your book reports for school?” Namjoon smirked while holding up the book before going back to reading said book.
“Then why did Hobi leave? Did he not want to be attached anymore?” (Y/N) began to tear up.
“It’s not that. I asked to stay because I felt I wasn’t ready to leave yet and Hoseok felt he was ready to leave. Most of the time, we leave when our time comes (Y/N). Hobi and mine were at the same time and I wanted to stay so I stayed.” Namjoon smiled at (Y/N).
“But why didn’t Hobi want to stay?” (Y/N)’s tears were flowing freely at this point.
“(Y/N)! Are you crying?” (Y/N)’s mom came rushing downstairs to investigate why her only child was crying.
“I’m fine.” Even (Y/N) wasn’t convincing herself, “Really Mom, I’m just over exhausted. I’m gonna go up to my room.”
[:] And back to the present :) [:]
“Are you almost ready to go?” Namjoon popped his head into the bedroom, “We have to leave soon if you want to be on time for school.”
“I’m almost ready, relax. And don’t you have a class to teach and a non-ribbed dick to get sucked by that one bitch for an A?” (Y/N) scoffed from where she was printing an essay that Namjoon had written the night before.
Namjoon started counting down from five, “Five- You better fucking get your ass in gear or you’re gonna be late. Four- Seriously (Y/N). Three- Professor Howard can’t give you another pass just because he likes you. Two-” Namjoon got cut off by (Y/N).
“I’m ready, asshole.” (Y/N) looked at him, “You better not let that bitch Brianna suck your dick.”
“I won’t let her suck my dick!” Namjoon raised his hands in defense, “What about my toes though?” (Y/N) looked at the demon with a face of disgust and looked at him from head to toe.
“Are you Namjoon or Taehyung?” She squinted, looking at his face.
“It was a joke!” Namjoon smirked, “But I'm sure she’ll do it for an A anyway.”
“I’m done with this conversation Casper.” With that (Y/N) slung her bag over her shoulder and left.
“Hey wait!” Namjoon grabbed his own bag before speed walking after (Y/N).
[:] Professor Casper or Daddy Casper? [:]
“SO.” (Y/N) sat down across from Namjoon in his office, “Rumour has it that you’re dating a cute english-lit major and are up for evaluation. What say you in your defense?”
“I mean I am dating a cute english-lit major. But I’m not up for evaluation, I used my demon charms to get out the punishment.”
Namjoon looked at (Y/N) seriously.
“Did you actually?” (Y/N) gaped at Namjoon.
“No. I explained that dating you is punishment enough.” Namjoon smiled, his dimples popping.
“Bastard.” (Y/N)looked at Namjoon.
“Bitch.” Namjoon smirked at (Y/N) before leaning over the desk and kissing her on the forehead, “I love you.”
“Good.” (Y/N) blushed.
There, through the window of the office, there were 6 peeping toms watching the couple.
“Adadada-uda,” Taehyung stuttered, “THEY’RE SO CUTE!”
“This looks like it’d turn out like a straight porn video on the hub,” Yoongi says bluntly.
Jungkook looked at Yoongi, “Ew straight.”
“Moving on,” Seokjin cleared his throat, “Does anyone remember when (Y/N) said I love you back?”
A series of “No’s” could be heard.
“Maybe we weren’t watching!” Jimin raised his hands, “But when were we not watching?”
“Oh I know!” Hoseok interrupted, “When they split up because of classes earlier. We left Yoongi hyung in charge just in case something happened.”
“I took a nap and must've missed it.” The guilty demon shrugged.
“No, (Y/N) definitely isn’t someone who confesses straight up.” Seokjin said, stroking his chin. The rest nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, that's why she didn’t have a man when we were still there.” Jungkook snorted.
“No JK, we all know the reason why (Y/N) was always single. Was because she was pining after Namjoon.” Jimin stated the obvious.
[:] Damn. Imagine having someone to kiss in public. Or at all. [:]
“So how do you reckon the staff caught onto us… I mean PDA really isn’t our thing.” Namjoon looked at (Y/N), “Who have you told?”
“I haven’t told anyone!” (Y/N) frowned, “Maybe someone saw us go home together? I bet it was that bitch Brianna. She gives off the stalker vibes.”
“I’m not gonna let her suck my dick.” Namjoon looked at (Y/N), “And she’s already failing my class so even if I did let her suck my non-ribbed punisher, she still would probably only have a D-.”
“Hey- I thought we stopped referring to your dick as non-ribbed.” Namjoon raised a brow, making a face that said ‘you’re-the-one-who-started-it.’
Reading his expression (Y/N) glared at the demon, “Technically you’re the one who started it because you freely admitted it freely.”
“What makes you find out the hard way that my dick isn’t ribbed?” Namjoon looked at (Y/N) suggestively before flopping namtiddie first into the couch.
“I think I would've preferred finding out the hard way.” (Y/N) flopping onto Namjoon’s hard back.
“So I can’t even have the couch to myself?” Namjoon groaned before realizing what (Y/N) meant by ‘finding out the hard way,’ “Are you saying you rather had found out in the heat of the moment after having prepared yourself for a ribbed demon dick?” Namjoon leaned his head up to bump (Y/N) who still had her fat ass on his back, “I can’t breathe, get off.”
(Y/N) rolled off of Namjoon before plopping herself down in front of Namjoon, “That’s exactly what I am saying.”
[:] Smh stalkers at every moment [:]
“And I got a big fat ass!” (Y/N) shook her ass while singing off-key.
“Your ass is everything but big, baby.” Namjoon passed (Y/N) to reach for the garlic from the spice cabinet.
The girl turned and looked at Namjoon with an offended look, “You know. As my rental boyfriend, you’re supposed to be nice.”
Garlic forgot, Namjoon turned to (Y/n) and grabbed her waist, “I’m not your rental boyfriend and you know that.”
(Y/N) laughed, “Okay go off I guess, not my rental boyfriend.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes before pushing Namjoon away.
“Woman,” Namjoon placed a hand over his heart, “You wound me.”
(Y/N) turned around and smiled at her demon, “I could argue that you’re the one that wounds me.”
“I do not wound you.” Namjoon scoffs, “But I could very well wound you if you keep saying i’m a rental boyfriend, love.”
“Well we wouldn’t want you to wound me now would we,” (Y/N) smiled up at Namjoon before leaning in and placing a quick peck to his lips, “I love you.”
Namjoon smiled before returning (Y/N)’s peck with a chaste kiss, “I love you too, baby.”
*Meanwhile from the dining room 6 men were watching from not so afar*
“Hyung! Hyung! Did you see that!” Jungkook excitedly pointed towards the couple in the kitchen.
Yoongi groaned, “See what?”
“Le gasp! How could you have missed that!” Taehyung held a hand over his heart, “(Y/N) initiated affection for once!”
Jin smiled, “It really was adorable.”
[:] Oh look, you're at the end. [:]
“Every kiss begins with consent.” Namjoon wiggled his shoulders while grading papers at the table.
(Y/N) smirked before leaning over the table and planting a large whet kiss on Namjoon’s cheek.
“Rude.” Namjoon scoffed before pulling (Y/N) in for a proper kiss.
“You know that kiss didn’t have much of my consent in it.” (Y/N) smiled before leaning in for another kiss.
“I don’t think I consented to that either though.” Namjoon smiled.
“Get back to work baby.” (Y/N) nudged Namjoon towards his pile of papers.
“Yeah yeah.” Namjoon smiled before looking down and putting a big red ‘F’ on a paper clearly marked Brianna Simms.
“When will she just drop the class?” (Y/N) chuckled, “Dumbass.”
all rights reserved © misfit-fics
do not repost, translate, or claim as your own. :]
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Canary, Part 5
Tim tipped his head to the side as he considered the woman in front of him.
She had a slightly nervous smile as she pulled one of her earbuds out of her ears. “Hi.”
Her eyes flicked past him and, after quickly glancing back to make sure no one was about to attack him, he realized she was feeling cornered.
… probably because she was currently being cornered.
He hesitantly took a few steps to the side until he could lean against the wall. “I’m not here to hurt you or anything, I just want to talk,” he promised.
Her hand slipped out of her pocket. He was willing to bet that she had some kind of weapon in there.
Which was good, honestly. Gotham was a dangerous place for newcomers like her.
“... so, what’re you here for?” She asked when he didn’t say anything for a while.
He bit his lip as he considered her.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, 27.
The first time they’d spotted her following them around, they’d assumed she was just another alias of Canary… but the fourteen aliases they had found for Canary so far had always had one thing in common: despite how far back it may have gone or how many connections she may have had, there was never anyone alive to corroborate her story.
She would have definitely done that this time since there was a 100% chance that the bats would notice her. Canary would have made sure that, no matter what, they couldn’t pop on over to anyone’s house and ask about her.
But Marinette had two parents. They were back in Paris, of course, but they still existed. Babs had spotted them walking to the grocery store just yesterday. They had a consistent call history with them dating back years.
He had entertained the idea that they could be paid actors… but Canary worked alone. She had informants and sponsors, sure, but partners? No. It had been nine years, if she was going to start working with people she probably would have done that already.
Marinette checked out.
… or, at least, she checked out in all ways but two.
“How did you get here?” Asked Tim.
Marinette frowned a little. “... plane?”
He shook his head. “We have footage of you at Roissy Airport, but you never arrived in Gotham.”
Her skin paled. “Must be a glitch.”
Okay. That’s definitely not suspicious at all, no way.
He raised his eyebrows. “I don’t think so, no.”
“Maybe you missed me.”
“With our facial recognition scanners? And three people checking it over?”
Her hand was back in her pocket and her eyes were flicking to the exit nervously.
“I’m not going to deport you or anything,” he added quickly. “Lots of people here aren’t documented and that’s totally fine, the immigration system is totally messed up… I’ll shut up about that now, that’s not helping... I just… want to know. Curious.”
“Paranoid,” she corrected with a hesitant grin.
“... cautious,” he said after a few seconds.
“Sure, if that’s what you want to call it.”
“It’s much nicer than paranoid, that’s for sure,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.
She rolled her eyes and he smiled as some of the tension in her shoulders disappeared.
“The horse miraculous,” she said after a few seconds. “That’s how I got here.”
He sighed internally. Metas in Gotham. Not good. There was a reason that rule was in place. If metas -- even good ones -- started coming then there was nothing stopping the huge, otherworldly threats from following them over. They’d stick with their overdramatic fucks that need therapy, thanks, their gadgets didn’t exactly hold up against literal gods.
And then Marinette giggled. “You don’t need to look so scared. The weird old guy who holds onto all the miraculous… he doesn’t really use them, he just keeps them locked in a weird box thing. I just…” She shrugged. “I had something on him and he was more than happy to get rid of me.”
… well, that’s a little concerning, thought Tim.
Not exactly unexpected, though. She’d very publicly gotten a restraining order by Chat Noir around ten years prior and, while none of the other miraculous holders had come out against her, many of the ones that had revealed themselves as holders had already denounced her. Tim wouldn’t have been surprised if she had stalked more of them -- hell, she was stalking him and his family, clearly she hadn’t limited herself to Chat Noir.
But this raised his second question: “Why now?”
She cringed. “Well, I’d thought about moving a long time ago. No place in France was going to hire me with the whole ‘stalking one of their beloved superheroes’ thing… but I decided to stay for a while. I didn’t want it to seem like I was running away, y’know?”
He nodded his understanding slowly. That made sense. It wasn’t a decision based on logic, but not all decisions are.
She smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. “Also, I kind of missed having superheroes, to be honest.”
Tim raised his eyebrows. He wasn’t going to correct her use of the word ‘superheroes’ instead of ‘vigilantes’, English was at least her second language and that would be rude, so he went down a different route: “I thought they still had their miraculous. It’d be stupid if they didn’t. Mayura is still out there and all.”
“As far as I know, everyone but Ladybug and Chat Noir gave up their miraculous. Everyone knows Mayura is just Adrien Agreste even if we can’t prove it. Nothing else makes sense,” she said with a shrug.
He bit his lip. “I thought that the secretary disappeared that day, though. Wasn’t it her?”
“Nathalie Sancoeur? I heard she moved to America,” Marinette said with a shrug. “But America hasn’t had any attacks, so no one in Paris thinks it was her. Adrien is probably just waiting until the miraculous holders drop their guards.”
He nodded slowly. He didn’t realize he was going to be gossiping and discussing conspiracy theories with a person who stalked heroes but, he had to admit, it was kind of fun. Reminded him of the good old days when he was just a kid who followed the bats around for fun.
… but that wasn’t how things were anymore. He had responsibilities now. Which he was currently not doing. Oops.
“I should get back to work.”
“I should get back to watching you work,” she half-joked.
He hesitated. “Is there any way I can convince you not to do that? Gotham isn’t Paris, it’s dangerous here.”
She grinned. “I stalked a guy who had a literal god at his beck and call. I can handle a few odd goons,” she said.
He bit his lip but nodded. “Call for help if you ever need it.”
“Fine. Fine.”
He got the distinct feeling that she wasn’t going to but he was going to give her the benefit of the doubt just for now.
He pulled his grapple gun from his belt and hooked it around the rooftop.
“See you later.”
“Well, you will see me later, I’ll --,” she began, only to cut herself off with a gasp: “NO!”
He quickly checked over his shoulder but he didn’t see anything. He turned back to her, questioning look on his face, only to see her devastated expression.
“Cedric died,” she said sadly, pointing at the ear with the earbud still in it.
Marinette sat in a coffee shop, sipping at a drink as she worked on her computer.
Tim Drake had five coffee shops that he enjoyed. The tiny tweet she’d sent out a little over a week ago ensured that he wasn’t going to be allowed coffee at his place of work. So, he was likely to go and get coffee somewhere else. She was currently sitting at the one closest to WE.
… it was very expensive. She needed to drink her coffee slower.
She squinted at her resume with a frown.
She was pretty sure it was good enough to get in, but…
Marinette sighed lightly and let her head hit the table. Fuck. She hated this stupid job so much.
She heard the chair across from her scrape against the wooden floors and slowly lifted her head. She squinted at the guy in front of her for a minute.
“Hello,” she said carefully.
The brown-haired man smiled at her.
She glanced him up and down. He was clean in a slimy kind of way. He was too nice. His hair was coiffed perfectly, his suit neatly pressed, his face clean-shaven. People who had the guts to dress like that in Gotham were always the worst of the worst.
“Hi!” he said cheerfully.
She sighed. “You weren’t even going to ask if you could sit here?”
“You’ve been alone for a while. Figured it was safe to assume you didn’t have anyone.”
Cool. Cool cool cool. Her hand slipped to the dagger hidden in her hoodie pocket. She may not know what kind of bad he was, but he was definitely bad news.
“No, actually, I was just waiting for my friend to get off work so they could join me.”
“Oh! I’ll keep you company until they show up!”
Damn. She hated when people called her bluff.
She forced her most pleasant smile to her face. “No thanks. I have work to do, actually.”
“Applying for jobs, right?”
She paled.
“Sorry, but I was curious so I just peeked over your shoulder a little bit. I actually had a couple of openings at my job, and you seem like a good candidate, if you’d like --.”
“No!” She said quickly.
His smile didn’t waver, but his eyes narrowed just a little. “I was just offering you a job.”
“I don’t want to get a job this way. I prefer the formal interview process and everything,” she lied.
“Oh, well, my company is having interviews tomorrow and there should be an open spot around --.”
A hand came to rest on the man’s shoulder.
“Hey, bud, she said no.”
TheBetterCanary: @/BrucieWayne give me a hundred million dollars and ill stop doing crime
BrucieWayne: Done.
TheBetterCanary: i take it back five hundred million
BrucieWayne: Sure.
TheBetterCanary: a billion
BrucieWayne: Alright.
TheBetterCanary: what the fuck
Perma taglist: @nathleigh @peachmuses
Canary taglist: @jayjayspixiepop @unoriginalmess @miraculousfanfic127 @probably-a-hologram
72 notes · View notes
whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
this is such a general thing but defiant villain whumpee slowly breaking pls :)
Thank you so much for the ask!! I hope this is slow enough. It's not exactly the traditional whumpee breaking, but I hope it's interesting nonetheless! Feel free to send in another ask if you want something different ^^
CW//Talk of mass destruction, sleep deprivation torture, brief pet whump mention, forced to eat gross food
"It's over."
There was a weariness to the newscaster's voice-- the kind that those in the profession were never meant to display. The sheer essence of bone-deep exhaustion. A body squeezed dry of adrenaline, until fight or flight turned to fatigue.
But, the fight was won.
"For the last three days, we have been running twenty four hour coverage of the battle occurring downtown. The battle began when Villain's forces attempted to overrun an R&D lab, following the occupation of their original headquarters by our city's heroes.
The destruction has been uncountable. But, it's over.
After a final assault at three in the morning, today, the last of Villain's personal guard fled the stronghold, and were taken into captivity. An hour later, the menace themself was captured.
It's over.
What exactly will be done with Villain is unclear, but Leader has assured us that appropriate measures have been prepared for their secure containment.
As for us? At long last, goodnight Metropolis."
"And good morning, sleepyhead."
Villain could not help but wince as light washed over them in a boiling wave-- the warmth of darkness torn away from them-- as the back doors of the truck were swung open.
"You're making the biggest mistake of your life." They snapped back, hoping the venom in their voice reached its recipient, standing at the truck's mouth.
Of course, of all people, their welcoming committee had to be fucking Hero. The biggest asshat Metropolis had to offer. The worst, most stupidly noble, stupidly loyal, stupidly-
Their fury reached a boiling point to which enraged thoughts turned incoherent. It did not matter why they hated the idiot standing before them. It mattered only that anger alone made their veins feel as though they were overflowing with magma.
"Am I?" The noble fool cocked their head to the side, mocking and arrogant. "Or are you just upset that you've lost?"
"You think I've lost?" Villain let out a hearty chuckle. "All this effort, and you've caused me a minor setback, at most."
"Well, which one of us in the cage?"
They narrowed their eyes to slits. Hero was right. They were both staring through the bars of a cage, but Villain was very much the one contained. It was a tiny, steel construction. Large enough to stand up in, and take one step in each direction, but such was all.
Loaded into the back of a truck like some kind of zoo animal. They wanted to scream!
But, unlike the heroes, they could hold back.
"Me staying here to amuse you does not equate to defeat, Hero."
"Is that all you're doing? Humoring me?"
"Do you have any reason to believe otherwise?"
"Plenty." They smirked. "For one, sitting in the back of a truck for fourteen hours doesn't exactly seem like something you'd do to humor me."
Fourteen hours...
"Have you considered that I'm simply playing a long game?"
"It'll be the longest game of your life, then. Don't plan on getting out of here anytime soon. Or, y'know, ever. That's kind of the whole point."
"You really think you can hold me forever?"
"Oh, I know so. If you knew what was coming for you, you wouldn't be taking this so lightly."
"Oh, I'm so scared. What are you gonna do, give me a donut and tell me to hug this whole thing out?"
Hero chuckled, at that.
"Why don't you come and see for yourself?"
"You're sure this will work?" Leader cocked a brow, hoping that the teeth marks in their lower lip weren't visible. It was a nervous habit, chewing like that.
"Certain." Scientist had a chipper tone to them-- a student having solved a math problem. "We've been developing this method for months. Trust me, they have no chance."
"None. Even better, this technique is more than a simple containment method. It has a progressive weakening effect. Within a few months, they'll be like putty in your hand."
"You know we're talking about Villain here, right?"
Villain had expected high security.
Of course they had. They'd quite frankly expected something ridiculous. A cell suspended over a pit of lava. Or a shark-infested pool. Or maybe they'd simply contain them through the power of sedatives.
None of the options sounded particularly enjoyable. But, all three sounded better than the room they stood in front of at that moment.
Six guards stood around them, each heavily armed, and not afraid to display this fact. Two stood on either side of them, each holding a chain attached to one of the twin manacles that adorned both their wrists-- they'd expected handcuffs, but two shackles per wrist seemed a little excessive. The two remaining guards stood with one in front and one behind. Their chains were those connected to Villain's feet. One tug, and they'd be face-first on the tile.
The restraints didn't make them want to flee any less. Not when they saw that room. Even chained as they were, they squirmed at the very sight of what stood before them.
It was rather large, though not ostentatiously so. Though, its size was accentuated by the complete lack of furniture lining the walls.
No. There were only two things inside the chamber.
The first stood at the center. A massive, metal ring, perhaps ten feet in height and the same in width. Four cylinders of the same material extended into the circle's center, looking terribly like hungry mouths.
One for each wrist, one for each ankle.
They were going to be splayed out like a bearskin carpet. Not to mention the vulnerability... With their limbs spread in every which direction, everything would be exposed. Their stomach, their back, their head. And they would be without a hope of retaliation.
It was a terrifying thought, but the elaborate restraint was nothing compared to the other thing inside the chamber.
There must have been a thousand of them. Shimmering, dazzling lights. On the ceiling, on the walls, some even on the floor.
It had not been since Villain's childhood that light had truly affected them. The manifestation of their abilities had coincided with the appearance of their acute sensitivity to the sun. Such was to be expected' a supernatural ability to move through places dark and shadowed, to control the shroud as though it were a thing rather than an absence did not exactly leave one looking forward to the sunrise.
Yet, they were not a vampire. Through gradual acclimation, they had learned to become comfortable with normal levels of light exposure. Spending a few hours under the sun's rays was not a problem, nor was existing within an indoor space, dominated by artificial lamps and LEDs.
But that room...
Villain could not take it. In desperation, they pulled, tugging on the restraints that dangled around them like tails. But, even they were no match for six men.
And, thus, they entered.
"Now, I can see you weren't lying!"
The voice startled Villain, sent a jolt through their chest, but it did nothing to raise their head or open their eyes. Not immediately. Lifting their gaze was a task accomplished with a considerable amount of effort, and unveiling their eyes from their lids made their corneas feel to have been pierced by searing blades.
They could hardly see Hero, through the blazing lights.
"You really were trying to humor me. This is hilarious!"
It was with a terribly uncomfortable feeling that they felt fury overtake their fatigue.
"It's only been six days. I can play the long game."
"Is that why you've been hanging around?"
Though they tried, in their manacles, it proved impossible to ball their fists. The metal fit too closely around their fingers, contoured to not allow the slightest shadow of movement.
"Maybe it is, Hero. Maybe it is."
"Maybe." The Hero took a step forth, then another, until they were mere inches from their captive nemesis. "They've really done something here, huh? Ya' can hardly move an inch."
"There's a difference between not being able to and not wanting to."
"Is that so?"
Hero placed a chilled hand on their nemesis' side-- just above their hip, where their range of movement was the most limited by their splayed limbs.
Villain's heart leapt as they felt a tiny spark, jolting through their chest.
Suffering a direct blow from their nemesis was a fate they had only endured a handful of times. Now, there was nothing to protect them from it. Not even the adrenaline of battle.
"They say you're gonna give up, y'know." Hero trailed their hand, up and down Villain's taut skin. "I think they're betting on it, up in HQ. It's only a matter of time. We can all see you're getting weaker. Tired. You aren't great at hiding it."
"What I'm good at is acting."
"You're saying this is all an act? So you won't mind if I do... this?"
That time, the feeling was more of a spark.
Villain's scream echoed throughout the chamber, but there was no one to hear them but the light.
"Hey! Get up. Can't you hear me?"
Of course Villain could hear Hero. They'd been hearing their stupid voice every single one of these last...
How many days had it been?
They couldn't remember. Too many.
"There's a difference between hearing and listening."
"I thought this whole breaking you thing would be more fun."
"I'm sorry that I'm not entertaining you."
"Nah, I don't think seeing you strung up like this will ever get old." Like a child, Hero laughed. "Anyways, I brought you some food. It's fish!"
Villain hated fish.
But, struggling would mean opening their eyes. Looking at the light.
And, thus, they ate.
"Come on."
A sharp vibration rattled through the restraint frame, and, consequently, to the cores of Villain's bones. But, they did not move.
"I know you can hear me. So get up!"
Hero kicked the frame again, but received the same reaction.
"I thought you were playing the long game. I'm looking for some payoff, here. This new Villain is boring."
Maybe they were boring.
But they didn't have the energy to be anything else. Not anymore.
"What did I tell you?" Scientist smirked. "Like putty in your hand!"
"I still don't understand how you did it." Leader shook their head. "The biggest threat to the city..."
"Oh, it was easy. They've got those weird dark powers, yeah? So they aren't hurt by the light. Not exactly. But, when there's lights on, they can't sleep! Not a wink. You could leave 'em outside and give 'em the keys to your own car, and they still wouldn't be able to escape."
"You really think so?"
"I know so. By the way, who won the betting pool?"
"Engineering department. They said three months, they were the closest. You're saying they haven't slept in three months?"
"Yep! There's not much left of the old Villain anymore, though. So... I mean, now, they can be whatever you want them to be. Do you have any ideas?"
"Hm..." Leader drummed their fingers against the wall. "I have always wanted a bodyguard."
"I thought you always wanted a dog."
"True, true."
"So... why not both?"
"You have a technique for that too?"
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Verboten - Chapter Eighteen.
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen
Visuals - The Verboten cast of characters post
Words - 3,620 Warnings - SMUT, sub/dom bdsm
Tag list - In the comments! To be added/removed, please DM me :)
Chapter playlist - Ludovico Technique - Embrace
“Hey, oh I love those bracelets so much! Come in, come in.”
Cait’s usual warm welcome, tender hug and lipgloss staining kiss on the cheek should have made Zoey feel reassured, yet she only felt furtherly nervous as she was welcomed into her sister’s beautiful abode. She and her ex, Steve had bought the bungalow from new, extending onto the large garden as well to give them the kind of kitchen and family room that made anyone who saw it green with envy.  
Everywhere was decorated much to the person Cait was, boho yet chic, rock ‘n roll memorabilia dotted around in amongst the expensive candles and endless vases of flowers.  
“You should do, you bought them for me,” Zoey replied, entering the kitchen behind her, Cait taking a moment to study her wrist again before a look of recognition appeared.  
“Yes! Bali! God, I’m so dense sometimes!” Heading around the island, she poured out two large glasses of ice laden homemade lemonade, coming back around to take a seat next to her. “So, button. We’ve all noticed it, obviously. Please, tell me what’s wrong. I’m worried sick.”
Zoey shifted in her seat uncomfortably, taking deep breaths. “Can we discuss it after lunch?”  
Cait smiled, pleased that she was going to offer forth the information as to why she wasn’t right at present. “Of course, we can.” Just then, the oven timer went off. “Ahhh, right on cue. The girls are sales shopping and Pete’s out with a few mates, so it’s just us.” Zoey had thought the house seemed a little quiet compared to the usual hustle and bustle caused by two teenage girls and a particularly noisy boyfriend. Pete was always tinkering with something, from musical instruments to motorbikes.  
All the while through eating, Zoey felt as if Cait could see right through her before she’d even opened her mouth, see the half-truth she was about to feed her, her appetite once again suffering a stumbling block, only eating half of what had been put upon her plate. Her heart hammered, her palms sweated and her mouth became more arid than the Sahara, feeling hotter than she already did in the summer heat.  
“I’ve been having an affair with a married man and the reason I’ve been so sad is because he went back to his wife and I’ve fallen in love with him.”  
Well, so much for what she’d planned to say.  
“Oh, button,” Cait exclaimed, reaching for her hand. “How long were you seeing him for?”
“Only a few months, but long enough for it to hurt significantly when he ended it.” Cait nodded sympathetically, stroking her hair, her eyes so full of empathy.  
“Sweetheart, you really must have fallen hard for him, but if he was married then you know that he wasn’t a desirable candidate, don’t you? A man prepared to cheat on his wife.”  
“Yeah,” she replied simply, swallowing hard.
“Oh, damn, I didn’t think! This is why you were so withdrawn on Christmas day, the parallels, Ella having marriage issues but working things out, it must have reminded you of your...” Cait stopped, registering the flush in her sister’s cheeks, the way she looked away. Anyone else would have missed it. “Zoey, you... no. Don’t tell me it was Tyler. Please, don’t.”  
It was as far as Cait could get, Zoey hurtling out of her seat and running for the bathroom, skidding to a halt in front of the bowl and dropping to her knees, throwing up quite violently, her guts continuing to lurch, a second wave of nausea expelling the contents of her stomach. By the time she was retching for a third time, Cait was gathering her hair away from her face and stroking her back.  
“Why? Why are you doing this, after what... well, not what I told you, but what you know?”  
“Because you’re still my sister, and I’ll always love you, even though I’m fucking gobsmacked right now. I mean...”
It was in the space between words that a still gasping Zoey began to cry, hard, hacking sobs wracking her tiny frame, wailing her eyes out before long, Cait landing on the floor next to her and pulling her head against her chest, rocking her distraught sister in her arms.
“I’m not condoning what you did, let me just make that perfectly clear, but shit, my sweet, I think you know that or you wouldn’t be like this now, would you? If you weren’t suffering over what you’d done,” Cait continued, her voice croaky and thick with emotion as she began to cry as well. “Oh, Zoey. It’s awful, it’s so terrible, what you both did.”  
“I know,” Zoey squeaked, crying harder, the urge to unburden the rest so strong, she didn’t know how she hung onto it. “I’m an awful person, for what I did to her. I’ll never forgive myself either.”  
‘Apparently you can forgive yourself for long enough to keep seeing him, though.’
Helping her up off the floor, Cait guided her to the sink, pouring a measure of mouthwash for her while Zoey washed her face, reaching to flush the toilet before taking the Listerine with thanks. Leaving the bathroom after her rinse, they went to the living room, taking a seat beside one another on the large, velvet teal sofa.  
“You seem remarkably calm about all of this,” Zoey noted, Cait looking a little uncomfortable for a few moments.  
“I don’t agree with what you did, let me start by stating that again with the vehemence that such a statement requires. I do not condone your affair at all. But - and god forgive me for what I’m about to say - for a long time now I've quietly thought Tyler was with the wrong sister. I feel awful for saying it and I never, ever would wish any hurt on Ella, like I say I do not think what you did was right, but hearing it, it hasn’t surprised me. Tyler and Ella are a good fit, but Tyler and you, you’re even better. You have so much in common that I’ve often felt if he’d met you first, you’d have been the one ended up married to him.”
Zoey could barely believe what she was hearing, Cait looking both tortured and unburdened all at once by her confession, an admission that absolutely stunned her.  
“Is it completely over?”  
She was in this deep. Might as well go the whole way. “No. We rekindled when he came to mind on Christmas night. He’s leaving Ella, he’s done with his marriage. He’s in love with me, too.”
“Oh, Christ. I wish I didn’t know this; I truly do. I don’t blame you for spilling it all, though. You must have been burdened by it. Not that it isn’t your fault, that you carry it, because it really is, to do something like that, but shit, Zoey. This is going to rip the family apart. You know that, right? Ella will be devastated. I just hope he’s worth all the hell you’re gonna go through for the sake of being with him.”  
If there was one thing she was sure of, it was that Tyler was worth it all. “Yes, he is. We mesh, he’s perfect for me. It’s just, it’s effortless, being with him.”  
“So, this all started when she began pushing him away?”  
“August, August what when it began. We did try and fight it, we really did, but it was unstoppable,” she began, Cait cutting in.
“No. A runaway train, that’s unstoppable. A car with the brake lines cut going downhill, that’s unstoppable. You always had the choice to say no, but you didn’t. You need to acknowledge that.”
“You’re right, no you’re absolutely right, I did. What we had bubbling between us became bigger than the both of us, though. What I’m trying to say is that it wasn’t something I took lightly. The sexual attraction between us was huge, and from virtually nowhere! It all started with us having a drunken kiss after Ella’s birthday. He was lonely and horny; I was just horny. See that’s the thing, it wasn’t all just selfishly about sex. He missed intimacy, feeling wanted by someone. I made him feel wanted.”  
“Still doesn’t make it right, button.”
Sighing, Zoey nodded. “I know it doesn’t. Are you going to tell her?”
“Absolutely not! No, Zo. I’m not going to say a damned word about it. This is for you guys to fix now, I’m just your confidant. I still love you always, you know that, right? I might be pissed off with you that you did this, but I love you and I’m here for you. I’m taking no one’s side when it all comes out either.”  
Pulling her close, Cait hugged her some more, Zoey feeling much more relaxed that she knew and still pledged to love her regardless. She’d feared that even through her usual level headed fairness, Cait might’ve taken sides. It was very clear that she wasn’t about to do this, especially mentioning it in as many words.  
Zoey left to go shopping after a couple of hours, enjoying spending a little money on some new undies, another bottle of her perfume, some X rated purchases as well as a box of bath bombs, going for a nice, long soak upon her arrival home before heading out for dinner with an old friend from university.  
By the time she’d arrived home, all full from beautiful Italian food that her friend Gina’s family made their living from (owning several restaurants throughout Queensland) and a little red wine drunk, she was feeling quite content. Even more so when she saw who was waiting outside her front door.  
“Good evening, miss. I was told an officer was required at this address.”  
“What are you doing here? I didn’t think we were seeing each other tonight! But yes, I do indeed have a definite need.”
“And the nature of your emergency?”
“I’ve been a bad girl, senior constable. I’m going to need for you to cuff me.”  
Raising an eyebrow, Tyler grinned as Zoey opened her front door, pulling up her bandage dress and smacking her bum hard, making her squeak. “That can be arranged.”  
Within her apartment, their desires blazed, Zoey undoing his shirt as he walked her back towards the mezzanine, removing his gun and phone to place them on a nearby table before throwing her over his shoulder. “So, are you sure you want the cuffs, or do you want me to tie you up real pretty with lots of knotted rope?”
“Ooooh, I think rope, please,” she purred, her lips ghosting the shell of his ear before biting the soft lobe. He quirked an eyebrow at her, grabbing her sleeveless dress and yanking it down, flicking her bra undone before bending to suck her nipples.  
“And what else does my kinky princess desire, hmm?”  
“You, all over me.”
“That’s a given, darlin’. Be specific.”  
“Okay.” Leaning in close, she ran her tongue up his neck, pushing his shirt from his thick shoulders, her fingertips pattering down over his chiselled torso, grasping his belt. “I want to ride your face while I’m sucking your cock, also, while you’re doing something else too.” Pulling away from him, she sauntered back towards the bed, crouching to pull her toy box from beneath, removing the new butt plug she’d bought while shopping earlier.  
His grin couldn’t have been wider. “Yeah, I’d be happy to put that to some very good use.”  
Their bodies hit the bed in an erotic entanglement of limbs, sensual kisses exchanged as remaining clothes were shed, hands stroking, mouths wandering, passions ignited. Zoey could barely wait until she got this whenever she wanted, without the associated guilt and shame rolling around like a prickly ball in her head.  
Of course, that brought up an entirely different set of problems, the fallout from their reveal, but at that moment, she didn’t care. After all, Tyler’s tongue had just slid into her slit; tangible thought and such an action rarely went hand in hand. Not with the focus he began to heap upon her clit, languidly circling, his thumb gently pulling the hood back to make it stand out, every nerve ending bathed in wet heat.  
She cried out, her nails gliding over his shoulders, Tyler hungrily licking her with gusto before he moved to his back, Zoey taking the initiative to straddle his head, more than ready to please him in return for the magmatic heat she knew he’d continue to stir within her.
Backing up against his face, the heat of his breath fluttering at her folds before his mouth closed around her, sucking hungrily, a gravelled groan sending shivers through her at the clasp of her hand around his hardness, her tongue circling the very tip. Their mutual moans filled the air as they ate one another with rapacious need, Tyler spanking her hard on both arse cheeks, grabbing her fleshy mounds as he emerged from her apex to bite onto one with a lust-soaked growl.  
His grasp would leave bruises and his slaps handprints, but she loved it, loved it when he marked her, when he got rough and uncontained, continuing his assault upon her backside while his tongue drove against her clit, evoking swells of pleasure that throbbed through her groin. Adding pressure around his cock with her lips, those pleasurable swells grew in intensity from the vibrations caused by his deep, rumbling groans as he began sucking at her.  
Releasing her from the hot suction of his lips, he circled at her clit with the kind of precision that had her crying out, her hand pumping at his shaft while she wailed, her thighs trembling as her emanation swelled, palpitating through her, a rolling ball of light that lit her up so intensely, felt breathless and foggy in the aftermath of such a hot release.  
“I’ll pass out one of these days. You’re so damn good!”
He paused from kissing the back of her thigh, chuckling gruffly, picking up the butt plug and pushing it into her fluttering, post-orgasmic wetness, making her gasp. “That’s my goal.”
Of course, it was.  
“You’re such a beast.”
Laying another hard slap to her bum, he then removed the plug from her centre, pushing it straight into the hole it was intended to occupy. “Guilty as charged.” He worked it back and forth, her tight hole yielding to the wide stretch (it was much bigger than he ever expected her to take, something that impressed and aroused him in equal measures) before letting the muscle pull it inside, the aquamarine gem twinkling, looking like the prettiest of decorations, his hand smacking her hard once more.  
She was the complete personification of all of his sexual fantasies, someone he could exude his dominant nature over, someone who was thrilled rather than turned off by the prospect. Ella never let him; she absolutely wasn’t into it. While the sex they’d shared was good, Tyler only truly realised what a mismatch they’d been once he’d begun his affair with Zoey, although comparing them still made him feel uneasy.  
Ella was all about him pleasing her, catering to her tastes, while always refusing anything he suggested they try. Zoey most definitely wanted to please him, as much of a giver as he was, all of her suggestions exactly what he would propose, had she not asked first. She was his idea of sexual perfection.  
“Look how pretty you are, bound and spread. Let me get a picture of that.” Grabbing his phone, he took a photograph, admiring his handiwork after carefully tying her to the bed. Her hands clutched at the intricate series of knots, her body rested over a stack of pillows, legs spread, her back arched in a beautiful bend, pushing herself up against him when he moved to behind her, her bum still occupied by the plug, her gaping emptiness then filled by the intrusion of his very, very hard cock.  
He took a picture of that, too, placing his phone back down to give her body his sole focus, opening her tight cunt with long, slow strokes, smacking her bright red backside some more, adding to the plentiful handprints. “My gorgeous little submissive, like it when you get tied up, don’t you? Bound and spanked hard.”  
“Fuck yes. Do it again.”
“Oh no, you don’t command me, little girl. I’ll spank you when I see fit. Do you understand?”  
Oh, those words. How they arrowed right to her cunt.  
“Answer me.” Grabbing her hair, he pulled her head back in reprimand.  
“Yes, I understand.”
“Good.” Letting go, he continued the slow, languid slipping in and out of her wetness, feeling her tighten on him, knowing she was doing it purposefully, that constriction absolutely criminal. “Naughty girl, let go.”  
“Oh, being bad, hmm? Punishment time.”  
Sliding from within the viscid clench of her, he grasped his hardness, steering the head to her clit and rubbing back and forth, a shuddered breath leaving his mouth at how sensitive it felt, sparks flickering through him as Zoey gasped and mewled, aroused beyond measure. He’d never quite been so dominant with her before, but she loved it, that he felt comfortable enough with her to introduce such to their bedroom repertoire.  
“Please, Tyler. Please fuck me.”
“Are you begging or commanding me again? I wouldn’t command, if I were you.” 
“I think I need to hear more.”  
A shudder ran through her, equally from the tone of his voice as well as the continued rub of his hardness across her soaking folds, her clit hardening as hot, veiny pleasure swept against it over and over. “I need your cock inside me, fucking me hard, like you’re going to go through me. Please, Tyler. I’ll be a good girl, just fuck me.”  
“Fuck.” He mouthed, her words making his heart skip a beat, the need in her voice, how much she wanted him. He wanted to play with her more see how far she could be pushed, but his own need to feel her around him superseded that desire, pushing against her entrance and spreading her around him, grunting softly as he filled her.  
She purred with desire, her body rippling in response to being spearing into after wanting it so badly, the ropes binding her creaking as she pulled against her restraints, exhilarated by the feeling of fullness with both him and the butt plug inside of her, the slithering drag of his cock beginning to speed up, gratification buzzing her nerves when he spanked her, his other hand clutching at her hair and yanking her head back.  
“Do you like that, baby? Like it when I pound the shit out of this beautiful little pussy and spank your arse while I do it?”
“Yes, I love it!”
“Such a good girl. You always take it so well. You can take more too, I think.” Yanking her head back, he pounded her so hard that it hurt, but oh, the pleasure too from his rapidly moving cock, her insides assailed, Zoey whining and crying as fire sizzled up her spine, his hand spanking her again so hard, her eyes watered. She knew she’d ache all over in the aftermath, her bum stinging and bruised, her insides tender from the punch of his fuck and her wrists rubbed red from the rope. It was worth it, though.  
He ploughed her into the bed, relentless, voracious, all consumingly until her release was driven out of her like a demon being exorcised, his own exploding from his cock as he pulled out and shot his load over her back. He’d never fucked anyone that hard before.  
Shaking violently, she winced as he pulled the butt plug from her, her body pushed right to the limit with how rough he’d been with her, the high still pulsing through her veins as he untied her and swiftly enveloped her in his arms, stroking her hair and kissing her, knowing instinctively that she needed the loving aftercare to begin in order to come down again.  
“Fuckin’ hell, you’re shaking so hard! I didn’t go too far, did I?” He asked with concern, Zoey shaking her head.”
“No, no it was amazing! I love it when you’re like that, that I’m the person you can be authentic to what you crave. I might need you to be soft dom in the wake of this, though. While my insides heal.” She laughed a little, lifting her head to kiss his throat, Tyler moving to grant her his lips. “I love you so much.”
“I love you more. Do you want me to run a bath for you?”
“I had one earlier, but I’d love a shower, especially if I had a buddy in there with me.” Five minutes later, he’d carried her down to the bathroom, standing behind her in the shower, letting her lean back against him while his soapy hands lovingly washed her down. Where aftercare was concerned, he was just as masterful as he was at what came prior, lying in bed with her afterwards until she fell asleep, dropping the catch and letting himself out.  
He hated to leave, as did she, waking a couple of hours later to an empty bed. She couldn’t wait until they’d have their nights where he wouldn’t leave at all, because he’d be all hers. She was so in love with him that it was worth the storm she knew swirled upon their horizon. Until then, she’d just continue to enjoy him all that she could, whenever she could.  
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roberttchase · 3 years
Fluffy - comfort for brettsey 🥰
This...got away from me a bit. I didn't mean for it to get long, but I'm a big comfort fan. This is set late season 8, when the pining was intense. Enjoy 2k of sick, soft Matt and overly worried Sylvie.
“Has anyone seen Casey?”
Herrmann shakes his head from where he’s talking to Mouch about an idea for Molly’s. When Sylvie gets a head shake from both Ritter and Gallo, she sighs, not sure what else to do. She’s looked everywhere- his office, Severide’s office, the locker room, his rig, the common room. He’s nowhere to be found. Grabbing water from the fridge, the paramedic huffs and heads back to the bunk room, when she collides with Stella in the doorway.
“Woah! What’s up?”
Looking up, the blonde meets her best friend's eyes. “Have you seen Matt anywhere?”
Stella cocks an eyebrow and tilts her head a bit, a smug look overtaking her features.
“Nothin’ just...I may have seen Matt somewhere,” her tone is teasing, and Sylvie wrinkles her nose at how foreign it sounds for the firefighter to say the mans first name.
“If you have something you want to say…” Sylvie inclines her head towards the other woman, who smirks.
“Nope,” Stella pops the end of the word, then rolls her eyes. “Last I saw, Casey was heading towards the turnout room to see what jackets needed to be ordered.”
“Thank you.” Sylvie turns before she can get another word in about her and Matt, and heads out to the apparatus floor. Moving past the squad table, she half heads Tony and Capp talking about some movie, but her head is mostly focused on finding the Captain, wanting to tell him about the good phone call she’d had with Amelia and Scott the night prior. Taking a left into the turnout room, she pauses when she sees the person she’s been searching for.
Matt’s leaning against the wall, clipboard loosely in his hand, head tilted back, eyes shut. He looks tired, like he’s purposely chosen this room to be in so the chaos of the rest of the firehouse can’t touch him. She debates on turning and leaving, letting him have some time alone that he clearly needs, but then she’s brought back from her thoughts when Matt makes a noise.
“Hey, sorry. Got lost in thought. Fancy meeting you here.” Though he smiles, it doesn’t reach his eyes like usual, and Sylvie’s already letting her eyes sweep over him, checking to make sure he hasn’t hurt himself.
“It’s okay, I can go and let you have some alone time.” She says it lightly, as if to be joking, but she’s serious. She doesn’t want to keep him if he needs to decompress- they’ve all been there- even if she hasn’t heard of any bad calls for truck today.
“No, it’s fine, like I said, lost in thought,” he clears his throat and stands up straighter. Sylvie swears she can almost physically see him put on his Captain persona. She hates it, hates that he can’t just be himself, even if she does understand it. She’s the paramedic in charge, which means she’s responsible for her and Foster. Matt’s responsible for the whole house.
Taking a breath in, Sylvie’s about to start telling him how her phone call went,  but she’s cut off when Matt coughs. The firefighter ducks his head away and into his arm, letting the coughs come as quietly as it sounds he can manage, finally straightening back up and clearing his throat again.
“I’m sorry.” He’s blushing, Sylvie notices, which is kind of adorable.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You know you can talk to me Matt.” She reaches her hand out and puts it on his shoulder, their eyes meeting. She tries again. “What’s going on?”
Matt hesitates, swallowing, and then rubs at the back of his neck, avoiding her gaze, eyes snapping down. “I’m just….I don’t….” She gives him a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder as he tries to explain. “I didn’t really sleep well last night. Guess it’s just catching up to me is all. Don’t feel all that great. But it’s fine.”
Oh. Without thinking, she moves closer, her hand moving from his shoulder upwards, palm gently connecting with his forehead. It’s warmer than it should be. Frowning, she notices his eyes have shut at the contact, and he looks younger. Matt’s eyes flutter back open when she moves her hand.
“Come on…” Sylvie jerks her head towards the door, walking through it, knowing Matt will follow. Sure enough, he does, even if he looks confused as he trails after her and into the ambo when she opens the back doors. “Sit.”
She almost laughs when he sits on the bench to the side immediately. Turning, the paramedic rummages through one drawer, and then another until she finds the small, white, plastic instrument. “Put this under your tongue.”
“Bossy...Sylvie, this is silly, I’m f-“
“If you say you’re fine, Matt Casey…” she trails off and lowers her stare at him. Slowly, he takes the thermometer she’s holding out of him, a little plastic cover on the tip, and guides it under his tongue. As they wait, Sylvie’s struck with how young and vulnerable he looks. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen him sick before, or if she has, it’s been when he’s hiding it.
After another fourteen quiet seconds, the shrill repetitive beep sounds, and Matt takes it out, glancing at it. His shoulders sag and he lets out a breath, and it’s all the confirmation she needs to know he’s got a fever. Taking it, she looks at the little screen that’s lit up red, the numbers ‘100.5’ flashing.
“Matt.” She knows he must feel bad. Keeping her voice low, she hesitantly reaches out and brushes some hair away from his forehead. The atmosphere around them is suddenly, intensely intimate. She finds that she doesn’t mind, that it doesn’t bother her. “I’ll tell Bo-“
“No! No, I’m...I can do my job just fine Sylvie. It’s barely anything, really. I’ll be alright.”
The look Matt’s giving her makes her nod, but then she levels him with her own. “Fine. But I’m checking your temp every hour. If it hits 101 I’m telling him. That’s putting yourself and your team at risk.” She knows he wants to argue, so she goes for the low blow. Her hand is resting on his arm now, but she has no intention of moving it. If she’s honest, she has no intention of ever breaking this spell cast around them, but, as if the universe wants to tease her, the alarm goes off for ambo and squad. Of course.
“Be safe out there,” Matt says with a genuine smile this time, getting out of the rig slower than usual, as if his body aches. She’s sure it does, even if he won’t admit to it. She moves to the front, and just barely catches the look Foster gives the Captain as she jumps in. Watching the rear view mirror, she sees Matt slip into the firehouse, unnoticed with all the commotion. Maybe he’ll get some rest.
Sylvie fully intends to bring Matt back a smoothie, but while they’re on the way to the coffee shop that has the best ones in Chicago, they’re called to another company's scene to help transport another victim. By the time they’re leaving Med it’s close to ten at night, both she and Foster are tired, and the idea to bring back a smoothie isn’t even in her mind anymore.
They get back to an empty firehouse. Sylvie wonders how long they’ve been out, and after checking with one of the temps in the bullpen, it sounds like they’ve been gone a while. She hopes it’s not a bad fire, though she’s sure if it was they’d have heard about it by now over the radio or from main. Starving, the paramedic goes to root around in the fridge, but when she opens the door, she sees two covered plates with a little sticky note on top.
Saved for Brett and Foster. DO NOT TOUCH.
It’s written in Matt’s neat but scribbled handwriting, and it makes her body feel warm. Even when he’s not feeling well he’s looking out for her. As she heats the plates up, Sylvie hears the apparatus bay doors slide up, and the missing rigs park back in place. Minutes later everyone is bustling in looking exhausted.
“Bad?” Emily asks as Stella drops herself into a chair next to them at the table. When the firefighter only grunts, they both wince sympathetically.
“Not bad, but we had two back to back calls. Even if they weren’t bad, it was just…a lot.”
Matt walks in and heads straight for the bunk room, not acknowledging anyone. Sylvie watches him go, playing with her watch anxiously. Stella shrugs when they make eye contact, as if to say she doesn’t know what’s going on either. Deciding to take action, she excuses herself and grabs her plate, ignoring the looks from her friends. The paramedic follows the same path the man had, but when she gets to his quarters, she sees the door is shut, and the blinds are drawn. Worry pools in her stomach.
Quietly, Sylvie knocks, knuckles hitting glass. When she’s been standing there for almost fifteen seconds, the blonde starts to turn to leave when the door opens, revealing a disheveled Matthew Casey. His skin is just slightly paler than normal, dark circles under his eyes becoming more visible. What stands out to her is the way he’s got his right hand’s fingers pressed gingerly against where she knows his lymph node would be on his neck.
“Hi...you can come in, sorry. I just don’t have the mental capacity to deal with Severide right now.” His voice is just shy of raspy, though that could be from having to call the shots at the scenes.
Stepping inside, Sylvie sits on the mans bunk, then pats the small open area next to her, hoping to coax him onto it, and eventually get him to lay down and rest. “How’re you feeling?”
Matt freezes, then shrugs. “Like I have some silly little bug that you’re getting too worried over,” he decides, looking at her pointedly. Setting her plate in her lap, she mirrors the same gesture she had done earlier, hand going to the firefighters forehead again.
“You feel warmer. Why don’t you get some rest. You can do paperwork later, you need to get some energy back up if there’s another call,” Sylvie tries to reason with him. It’s a testament to how he must be feeling that Matt just nods. She’s about to move when he puts a hand out on her knee.
“Will you stay? Just for a little while.”
Her first instinct is to pull him into a hug and hold him close. Instead, she nods and smiles. “Mind if I eat while I’m here?”
“Of course not…” Matt shifts so that he’s lying on the bed instead of sitting. The space makes Sylvie move too, sitting next to Matt, propped against the back wall. Eating with her right hand, she reaches out her left and plays with Matt’s hair hesitantly. She pauses when he looks at her.
“No, no...you can keep...it feels nice.” The pink on his cheeks increases tenfold, and Sylvie wishes she could take a photo. Instead of responding, she merely continues the motion, and soon Matt’s asleep head falling to her shoulder.
Looking down, she tries to memorize how he looks, so young and at ease, sleep allowing him to get away from the heaviness of being a Captain. The urge to kiss his hairline is strong, but instead she continues to play with his hair, mind wandering and imagining what it would be like to get to take care of him every day, call him hers. There are worse ways to spend shift.
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Dolls’ Eyes — A Jaws AU
Pairings: established Peggy/Steve, developing Brunnhilde/Carol Rating: T Chapters: 14/14
Summary: Tony Stark snapped his fingers and the vanished half of the universe returned, but Thanos escaped the battlefield, fleeing into space. Now that he’s virtually powerless, most of the Avengers consider chasing him all over the universe a waste of resources, but Peggy Carter—newly deposited in the 21st century—is determined to finish the job. Brunnhilde and Carol Danvers have the same idea.
When scattered rumours of fresh killings escalate to the death of one of their own, the three women team up to defeat Thanos once and for all.
read the prologue
read ch. 1 one / 2 two / 3 three / 4 four / 5 five 6 six / 7 seven / 8 eight / 9 nine / 10 ten 11 eleven / 12 twelve / 13 thirteen / 14 fourteen
After everything, Carol wasn’t surprised that Brunnhilde put up a fight over being told to just rest. Carol reminded her that she was lucky to be alive, to which Brunnhilde responded that it wasn’t anything like luck, and went on to list the incredible, lifesaving properties of her fine armour, explain the enhanced durability provided by her Asgardian biology, and enumerate all of the injuries she’d previously sustained that were apparently worse than being electrocuted half to death, and then nearly drowning while incapacitated. Carol didn’t believe half of it, but it was kinda hot when Brunnhilde bragged.
So, in spite of Carol’s efforts, Brunnhilde kept getting up the second her back was turned in order to haul bodies off of Thanos’s ship. As they started to fix everything Carol had broken (including a patch job of that hole in the roof), a scan of the local environment informed them that almost all of the life on this planet was aquatic. They left the stack of corpses on land. Whatever water critters were around, they didn’t need toxic eyeball goo leeching into their habitat.
Carol caught Brunnhilde shaking out a twitching arm and made her sit to do electronic repairs rather than manual labour. (Carol had that handled anyway, plus, she knew where all the bodies were because she was the one who’d left them there.) Brunnhilde protested that she was the captain. Carol came way too close to saying not of this ship, but stopped herself. Instead, she suggested Brunnhilde do like any other captain would and let her underlings take on the grunt work. That got a smile, if not verbal agreement.
Thankfully, Peggy was a fast learner; Carol explained the basics of what she’d done to wreck something and Peggy quickly understood how to walk back the damage. They worked their way through the ship, staying at neighbouring stations so Carol would be there if Peggy had questions, and Peggy would be there if (when) Carol had messed something up so badly that it needed four hands to fix.
“Maria would’ve been great with this,” she said without thinking, holding up a fistful of wires while Peggy tinkered beneath.
It was easier to talk about her than it had ever been before. Like with the repairs, she could tell that Peggy understood without Carol having to do much more than gush over how good Maria had been at fixing stuff, how thorough she’d been with the plane she’d kept in the hangar on her property, how reliable, how trustworthy, how patient…
“Yes,” Peggy told her with a smile. “She sounds like she was wonderful.”
“She was.”
But when the two of them had finished their circuit of the ship and Carol went to tell Brunnhilde they were good to go, she wasn’t there. Carol panicked, worried that Brunnhilde had overheard all her praise of Maria and somehow missed the tone of a person who was in the late stages of grief, who had accepted the worst and was keen to keep living, maybe even loving.
When she couldn’t find her on the ship, she jogged down the ramp, intending to look for her outside. The second she turned to face the water, she spotted Brunnhilde coming towards her from the escape vessel. Carol ran out to meet her.
“What’s all this?” she asked in a tone of amusement, because Brunnhilde had her arms full.
“Food, Peggy’s jacket, a couple beers that didn’t get smashed when Thanos rammed us, uh…” She tried to examine the rest of the pile she was carrying, but it teetered and slipped; laughing, Carol scooped a few things out of her arms before they could end up in the shallow water.
“I thought you might’ve taken off on us,” she said lightly.
“I didn’t think you thought I’d be capable of that after getting zapped.”
“I was just…”
Brunnhilde walked close, pressing her arm into Carol’s.
“I know. I would’ve been the same way if it’d been you.”
“I don’t even know if I can get electrocuted,” Carol said.
“I’m not gonna recommend trying it for fun,” Brunnhilde told her. “Anyway, I used all my discs on Thanos and I dropped the remote in the water somewhere… You’d have to go to Thor with your request, ask him to bring the lightning down.”
“Straight to Thor?!” Carol laughed. “That seems a little extreme.”
“Or you could just stand around outside in New Asgard during a storm and wait for it to happen naturally.”
“And why would I need to be in New Asgard specifically?” Carol asked in a teasing voice. “I could get struck by lightning anywhere.”
She watched Brunnhilde flounder but couldn’t get an answer out of her, not on the way to the ship, not while she was distracted with Peggy asking her a slew of health questions, and not while they were trying to figure out how to get this humongous spaceship off the ground with a crew of only three people.
As they made their rocky assent, Carol was too busy to wonder whether Brunnhilde had heard her talking about Maria before she’d left the ship to scavenge from the escape craft. They had just broken through the atmosphere, blue sky giving way to black, when Brunnhilde spoke.
“Love’s like war.”
It was so sudden that Carol snorted a laugh.
“Ok, poet,” she said. She was tempted to devote some time to getting Thanos’s ship to play her music, if only to put on ‘Love Is a Battlefield’ for Brunnhilde. To let her know what had been said on the subject already.
She smirked to herself when Brunnhilde continued, clearly not giving a shit about her interruption or joking criticism.
“It is.”
“What do you mean?” Carol asked more seriously.
Brunnhilde shifted in her seat, engaging different protocols for outer space travel. Carol noticed the tremor had gone from her arm.
“You do better in both because of experience,” Brunnhilde said, looking straight out the viewport. “Anybody who can’t appreciate the benefit of falling for someone who’s been in love before is a fucking idiot.”
“And you’re not a fucking idiot.”
“I hope that isn’t a question.”
Carol smiled and shook her head. They flew in silence for a while.
“When we get back,” she said eventually, peering shyly over at her captain, “I owe someone important to me a visit, but then I’m coming to see you. Just a heads-up.”
“Vaguely threatening.”
“No,” Brunnhilde told her, grabbing her forearm to get her full attention, “I liked it.”
Heat raced up Carol’s neck until she was blushing as bright red as her suit, or the dumb acid burn on her arm.
Just then, Peggy’s agitated voice came from the other end of the wide flight deck.
“Someone’s coming right at us!”
Before Carol had the chance to say what the hell? or who? or again?, an incoming message threw a distantly familiar face up in front of them, hovering in the form of a hologram.
“Hey,” Carol greeted. “Small universe.”
Peggy had never thought to imagine what Gamora might be like. She’d had an account of Peter Quill’s affection for her from Rocket, but had recognized that a portrayal of the woman that crew had known—the woman Peter had loved enough to forfeit his life in the quest for reunion—couldn’t be fully accurate. At best, the Gamora they described would be one layer removed from the real person. The Gamora they had known and the one whose hologram had just appeared before Peggy, Carol, and Brunnhilde were a handful of years and a thousand experiences apart.
It seemed absurd to Peggy that this woman may wish to harm them, but she really ought to have considered it.
“Was it your distress signal I picked up?” Gamora asked flatly, eyes locked on Carol in the pilot’s seat.
“Umm… yep.”
“And you still require assistance?”
Carol glanced at Brunnhilde, then over to Peggy, who nodded. They certainly had worked wonders, she felt, in getting this massive spaceship off the planet, but who knew how many things could go wrong between here and Earth? Peggy doubted either of her shipmates had told her the half of it. They were simply short-staffed, too few fingers available to plug any metaphorical leaks they might spring on the journey.
“Yes please,” Carol told her.
With a nod, 2014 Gamora went from unknown quantity to ally. Peggy sighed in relief.
The three of them were transported directly from Thanos’s ship to Gamora’s. The process was quite indescribable, Peggy thought. Tingly, quick, with a bit of a lurch as she rematerialized on an entirely different flight deck from the one she’d just left. Had the transfer been instantaneous? Had she, perhaps, ceased to exist for a moment or two? She was full of questions but unsure to whom she should direct them.
Gamora, while welcoming in deed, was somewhat inscrutable when they met her face-to-face. Standoffish. Unsure of herself, Peggy realized. Immediately, she warmed to the woman. She had been in her place herself once, sort of, if not precisely in her intimidating boots. It hadn’t been so long ago that she’d been ferried through time to find the world completely changed. What Gamora needed was a reason to trust them the way they were trusting her.
“I take it you killed my father?” Gamora asked plainly once they were aboard.
Oh dear. It seemed they weren’t off to a very auspicious start.
Brunnhilde stepped in front of Carol, who’d just been opening her mouth to speak, presumably to claim responsibility.
“I was the captain,” she stated. “Thanos was killed on my orders.”
“Uh, no, not explicitly,” Carol argued.
“Anyway,” Peggy piped up, “I’m the one who shot him in the head.”
“And he was only vulnerable to that because I electrocuted him to within an inch of his despicable life and his helmet fell off,” Brunnhilde countered.
“On a planet I flew us to,” Carol reminded them.
“We’ll be sharing the blame,” Peggy informed Gamora on behalf of her crewmates.
Gamora cocked her head consideringly.
“And if it’s approval?” To their universal silence, she explained, “I know what he was capable of in my time, and I saw enough of Earth to get a general idea of what he was set to accomplish if he wasn’t stopped.”
“Were you out here hunting him too?” Peggy took a step towards her.
Directing her gaze away from them, Gamora blinked rapidly, looking momentarily confused and upset. In the next second, she’d hidden any outward hint of those feelings.
“I should’ve been,” she said, “but I’ve never been able to stand up to him like I should have. After I left your planet… for a while, I wasn’t looking for him. But I began to see signs. And then Peter Quill came.”
“Peter!” Carol said. “You saw him? Did you talk to him? Rocket never said—”
“No. I just watched. I followed him for a while. I knew he was looking for me. He was so… loud.” Gamora made a face. “Leaving word for me everywhere, telling traders and transports that he was my boyfriend. He was an idiot, but an entertaining idiot… I barely noticed that I’d stopped keeping track of Thanos until he just showed up…
“I was a coward,” Gamora went on. “I saw my father intercept Peter’s ship and I knew what would probably happen, but I couldn’t put myself between the two of them. Was I supposed to stand up for this guy when I’d never been able to stand up for myself? I was raised to be cruel, to think of myself, that attachments formed to accomplish anything but the acquisition of power make you weak. I know Thanos killed Peter. It’s my fault he’s dead.”
Peggy stood in front of her, refraining from placing a reassuring hand on Gamora’s shoulder when she gave her cagey eyes.
“It’s not,” Peggy told her firmly.
“I only heard your distress signal because I heard Peter’s first,” Gamora said. “I went onboard after my father had left; it was days before I could force myself to do it, maybe longer. I used his communications system to speak to his crewmates on Earth.”
“You must’ve just missed us leaving,” Brunnhilde said.
“That’s what he told me. He said three more morons had left the planet, on their way to hunt down Thanos.”
“And you’ve helped us,” Peggy said, tone insistent. “If you do feel any responsibility for what happened to Peter, then surely you should also believe that you’ve redeemed yourself by saving our backsides.”
Gamora’s eyes squinted as though she were in pain.
“I owed him more than this and I hate it,” she said, jaw clenched. “He was no one to me. He knew someone I’m never going to become.”
“Shhh. I know,” Peggy said soothingly.
“I don’t see how that’s possible. Have you ever had someone tell you they love you when it feels like it’s impossible that they even know you? That whoever they loved had to be a different person from who you are?”
Peggy’s shoulders fell. She could feel the bittersweet smile on her face.
“Actually, yes.”
Gamora appeared surprised to have been brought up short in such a manner.
“Do you have any advice?” Peggy urged softly.
For a minute, Gamora was quiet, staring hard at the wall. Peggy could feel that the others had backed away, giving them time and space when Gamora’s stream of information had been diverted by the confusing grief she was obviously experiencing.
“Whatever lengths he goes to because he thinks you’re better than you are…” Gamora finally said, turning her head to look Peggy in the eye. “Try to be worth it.”
“Got it.”
Peggy folded her hands together, pressing her right palm to her wedding ring.
They were about to get underway, their new crew of four on a significantly smaller, though sleeker, ship. (Brunnhilde didn’t mourn for the one they’d left in the shallows; it had served them well, first the Asgardians and now the team responsible for the death of Thanos.) However, staring out the viewport from the seat in which she’d been installed as the effective second-in-command, Brunnhilde didn’t feel right. The sight of Thanos’s ship just hanging there in space unnerved her. It would be better if no trace of the Titan remained.
“Let’s blast it,” she suggested to the deck at large.
“Thanos’s spaceship?” Peggy checked.
“Well,” Carol said, “we aren’t near anything. There’s nothing for the debris to hit…”
Brunnhilde smiled slightly and looked to the captain.
“Gamora? Do you have any weapons on this ship that could do the job?”
“There is one thing I’ve been saving for a special occasion,” Gamora said, gaze fixed on Thanos’s ship. “First, we’re going to need to get clear.”
She piloted them away—away from the planet, away from the ship. Part of Brunnhilde wanted to request the honour of launching the torpedo Gamora was setting the coordinates for, locking it onto her late father’s final vessel, but she was already satisfied with the role she’d played. Let Gamora take this final, symbolic step. It was like Thor’s hideous couch; Brunnhilde had helped him lug the thing into the open air, but permitted him to drop the match (once she’d soaked the cushions in lighter fluid, just in case it wasn’t sufficiently saturated in spilled beer). She would content herself with watching it go up in flames.
And it did. It was an impressive explosion, scattering wreckage in a wide perimeter Gamora had kept them outside of. They were briefly silent as jagged hunks of metal twisted in the void.
“That’s one way to get the stink of dead bodies out,” Carol noted, and Brunnhilde turned to her, shoulders shaking with laughter Carol quickly joined in on.
They flew for some time, and it was good just to relax, to stretch in her seat and tilt her head from side to side so that her neck cracked horrendously and Peggy said things like “good lord!” while Carol laughed her ass off. Brunnhilde remained alert though. She couldn’t help it. In the old days, with the Valkyrie, there’d been a certain relief when the battle in which they’d been engaged was done, but they’d only known true rest once they’d returned to Asgard. Home. The last time she’d been on a ship bound for Earth, the atmosphere had been one of intense grief, muffled weeping in the corridors. They’d known Earth as Midgard and had little admiration for its country of Norway, chilly with fog and swathed in the bleak colours that reflected their inner emptiness. Nothing they loved was there—not their people, not their gleaming towers and soaring statues. How could it ever possibly feel like coming home?
Brunnhilde had honestly believed she’d lost her ability to experience that feeling, that, without her sisters-in-arms, the sensation was lost to her. Yet, despite the tension she still carried from the fight, she felt it easing. She felt herself longing for home, her little house at the water’s edge. For the chance to return to her people as their king and announce a great evil defeated. Maybe this tension was only anticipation after all.
In contrast to the fruits of her own contemplation and revelation, Gamora’s private thoughts had left her expression mournful and roving. Brunnhilde exited the deck to relieve herself and find something to eat in Gamora’s stores, and when she returned, she addressed her.
“You’re not taking us all the way to Earth, are you?”
Gamora flicked her gaze sideways to assess her. Brunnhilde knew there was no judgement to be found in her face, so she stared back calmly.
“I’m taking you to Quill’s ship. Thanos, in his infinite arrogance, didn’t damage it. Maybe he thought he might like to return to it some time and claim it as part of his fleet. It’s a tribute to how much I continue to feel my father’s influence that I planned to do the same. Not build a fleet, but go back. There’s something about that ship… I find it comforting.”
Brunnhilde frowned thoughtfully.
“Are you sure you don’t want to take it and leave this one for us?”
“No. What I felt when I was onboard, examining it and… and removing Quill’s body for space burial… that was just a feeling of, I don’t know, another life. There’s a group on Earth for whom that ship means something. And it’s the only thing they have of him. I couldn’t keep it.”
“One of those people is your sister,” Brunnhilde said carefully.
“I tried to talk to her, but she doesn’t like me very much. I don’t blame her,” she added as Gamora gave her a wary look. “She was upset.”
“Nebula is at her most dangerous when upset, and she’s always upset, so she’s always dangerous.”
“She was upset about Peter’s death. But I think also because, without him, no one was out here looking for you.”
Gamora stiffened.
“If she really wants to find me, she can come look for me herself. I’ll be ready.”
“She doesn’t want to fight you,” Brunnhilde said. “She misses you. I think. It’s really none of my business.”
“Why would you wish to get involved in our family affairs?” Gamora’s voice was more curious than accusing. “Besides murdering our father, of course.”
Brunnhilde sighed before answering.
“I’ve lost many people I cared about. I don’t have a family anymore.” She glanced over to see Carol and Peggy bent over a screen together, Carol’s sudden snort infecting Peggy until they were both laughing. “I mean,” Brunnhilde corrected herself, “I didn’t.”
When they arrived at the Benatar and Gamora transported Carol and Peggy off her ship, Brunnhilde motioned for Gamora to hold off a moment on removing her.
“If we don’t meet again,” she said, sticking out her arm for Gamora to grasp.
Gamora gripped her tightly and nodded.
“I think we might though. I thought about it and realized it’s easier for me to find Nebula than for her to find me.”
“I may have left you her coordinates.” Brunnhilde released Gamora’s arm. “Enjoy Missouri.”
She joined Peggy and Carol on the Benatar, pausing to bend over Carol’s seat to surprise her with a deep kiss before she took up her own position. She brushed stray strands of hair back out of Carol’s dancing eyes.
“I’m going to have to redo your braid,” Brunnhilde told her.
“Oh, we’ll have time. We’ve got quite a road trip ahead of us. Luckily… Peter left us his tunes.” Beaming, she started up a song with a bright beat.
Brunnhilde smiled and went to her seat, fastening herself in as Carol readied the vessel for launch.
“You know,” Peggy said thoughtfully, slinging her jacket over the back of her chosen seat, “before all of this, I was actually quite afraid of outer space.”
Carol laughed.
“I can’t imagine why.”
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broadstflyers · 3 years
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A/N: I am so excited to be starting my first ever series. This is inspired by Taylor Swift’s “Cardigan” because her music creates stories in my head that I must write down on (digital) paper. Please keep in mind this chapter is written in past tense, and the story probably won't be in present tense for at least another few chapters. Let me know what you think! If you want to be on the tag list for the next chapter, or drop any (constructive) feedback, you can take this survey here.
Word Count: 2.3K
Warnings: None
Summary: They say at fourteen you’re too young to know you’re in love. But what if you aren’t?
Navigation: chapter two
Grade: 9 Age: 14 --------------------------------- As sure as you are that spring comes after winter, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and seconds turn into minutes, you know you are in love with Joel Farabee. Not the gushy “I want to hug you and kiss you and never let you go” love, the intense “I want to burst at the seams because I just want to scream it on the rooftops and tell you and it literally crushes my heart that I can’t” love.
Yeah, that love.
The problem?
You were only fourteen when you knew.
Yes, the grand old age of fourteen. The age you were supposed to be nervously texting multiple boys, wondering if you were going to be asked to the ninth grade dance and worrying about who your first kiss was going to be, or even the first person you were going to hold hands with.
It started on the first day of school, but the start of it all was less than romantic. You shuffled up the hallway with one of your best friends, your feet felt like lead.
“What’s wrong?” Luna whispered in your ear.
“I really hate math,” you huffed. It was the last period of the day, eighth period, and you had to spend it in what was probably going to be a room full of rambunctious athletes who would be itching to burst out of the room at the very sound of the bell. How did you know this? Because you had been stuck in a class like that ever since the beginning of middle school. It made for some laughs, yes, but for some reason a pessimistic attitude bitterly swarmed around you in dark circles. Also, math in general made you anxious, and it didn’t help that the last few years you had to fend for yourself because of your lack of friends in said class.
“Well, at least you’ll have me this year,” Luna attempted to reassure you and your looming anxiety.
“Yeah, but I wonder who’s going to be in our class this year,” you mumbled. Your stomach swarmed with butterflies, but you’d rather call them icky moths.
Luna opened her mouth to respond, but you reached the door frame before her. Before you could even make it through the entrance, you made eye contact with a group of rowdy boys sitting at a table directly in front of you. You stopped dead in your tracks. They paused in their shouting to turn and look at you and Luna, since you were only about seven or eight feet away.
You scanned their faces, and you recognized most of them. They were mostly hockey players that played for the local team that looked for a shot at the NTDP in just a few short years. It was Syracuse, hockey was a pretty big deal there. There was also the prospective varsity quarterback and his star wide-receiver, these labels given to them at just fourteen. Of course, more athletes. Suddenly, you locked eyes with this boy you strangely have never seen before. His hand was hovering in air over his friend’s head with what you could only assume is his friend’s pencil in a lame attempt to keep him from grabbing it.
He blinked a few times, and you might have blinked a few times, you honestly couldn’t remember.
You snapped out of your trance and looked over to the board that said, “Welcome class! Pick your seats for the first day!”
“Hey,” Luna nudged you and grabbed your arm, “let’s sit over there.”
She lead you to a table adjacent to the boys’ table, despite your unheard protests of being “too close” to them.
You took your seat huffing, and you pulled out your binder and got ready for class, something you wished the crazy boys would pick up on. Thankfully the bell rang, your teacher shut the door, and class began.
That’s the first time you saw him. Not very eventful, but hey, you two were awkward fourteen year olds just entering grade nine. Of course things were not going to be all fireworks and love at first sight.
A few classes went by, and the only disturbance that occurred was when the class was taking one of those horrible diagnostic tests. See, you really hated disturbances, interruptions, anything relating to that matter.
So when this dude named Joel (you learned his name when he was yelled at for playing rap music in the middle of class) started fooling around with his friend while you were trying to figure out why letters were in math now, you weren’t happy, to say the least.
And when he locked eyes with you and made a silly face, yours did not move in a rather unamused manner. You simply blinked and looked back down at your test.
You missed his face slightly fall, but it was short lived when the teacher yelled his name from across the room and made everyone jump ten feet. He was quiet after that.
It was a random Tuesday in late October.
You and Luna were chatting about your previous classes, until you both stopped in your tracks and you raised an eyebrow. Everyone in your class was standing up and congregating away from tables. You could hear the ominous music creeping over everyone’s heads.
“Oh no,” you whined to Luna.
She winced. “We’re being assigned seats, aren’t we?”
You nodded. You both stood in the sea of kids and awaited your fate.
“Alright, everyone,” your teacher said. “You guys have been extremely chatty lately.” She paused to side-eye Joel and his friends.
He opened his mouth to protest, but he quickly shut it when she frowned.
“So you leave me no choice, but I must assign seats,” she dramatically said as she unveiled the new seating chart on the board.
Everyone pushed and shoved to the front to see where their name lied in the cards of fate. You heard some soft celebrations and loud protests.
You nudged your way in and scanned up and down the board. Luna wasn’t at the same table, but she was sitting facing towards you at another table. Hopefully you and her would be able to make eye contact. You scanned until you see your name fall right next to someone who you would rather forget you treated so poorly. It was there in bright, bold red.
Joel Farabee.
“Aw man,” you and a voice said in unison. You looked up at your side to see that it’s him. Oh dear brother. Did you both just admit out loud that you don’t want to sit next to each other? You and him rolled your eyes at each other, huffing that you’ll be forced to be in each other’s presence.
And you knew he was thinking some sort of variation of what you were: how dare your teacher.
You trudged over to your seat and plopped down. He threw down his stuff and sat next to you. You could sense his extreme dislike for your rather serious demeanor. Hey, you could crack a smile.
Just not around him. And for the life of you, you couldn’t figure out why. It’s almost like if you did, you knew you would never stop...
You both avoided eye contact, you played with your pencil as he yelled to one of his friends across the classroom about some stupid video game.
And that’s just how it was for weeks. You’d both come in, sit down, he’d scream to his friends, you’d fight shooting him a really dirty look.
Until one day, you accidentally did. Now, later when you told Luna, you swore up and down you didn’t mean to, and it was just the fact that seventh period gym was terrible (but when was it not). Okay, so maybe you were fed up with him yelling about whatever rap song came out, or whatever Instagram model popped up on his feed (that made you shutter).
But what you did wasn’t really admittedly the nicest.
“Joel, do you always have to yell so freaking loudly?” you snapped.
He feigned a stunned expression, or maybe he really meant it, who knows what goes on in that boy’s seemingly empty head.
“Do you have to be such a downer…like all the time? Kinda ruins the vibe bro.”
You rolled your eyes. “Thanks Joel, because the number one thing I care about is ruining your ‘vibe’,” you put that word in air quotes, “and not getting any work done in this class, bro.”
Now he rolled his eyes. “Look, you could benefit from loosening up a little, you know? You’re kind of just, not a fun person.”
A look of real hurt flashed across your face. One that he caught. “No,” you punctually state. Then you turn your seat so you completely have your back to him and you’re facing the board.
Meanwhile Luna and your table-mates watched the whole situation unfold. Okay, and maybe most of the class.
And when the bell rang and he called your name, you simply decided you didn’t hear it.
“He’s calling you,” Luna prodded.
You just shook your head as you continued down the hallway to the bus. On the bus, you had some thinking to do.
Did he really think of you as...boring? You usually didn’t let the immature words of boys get to you, but this, this really hurt.
“I’m sure he didn’t mean it,” Luna insisted that evening while lying on your bedroom floor that same Friday evening.
“Yes he did, and he’s kind of right,” you begrudgingly conceded. “I haven’t been the nicest to him,” you sigh into your hands, “and maybe I should be.”
“Well, what’s stopping you?” Luna curiously asked.
“I, I don’t know.”
The following Monday, you winced and leaned into Luna as you approached the classroom. To say you were terrified is an understatement.
But you took a deep breath, held your head high, and locked your face into a neutral expression. You never let anyone get the best of you, and you weren’t going to let Joel out of all people be one of the first.
Luna offered a small sympathetic smile as she made her way to her seat.
Your heart beated out of your chest anticipating his arrival. Sure enough, you caught him out of the corner of your eye. He took his time and strutted around the room to talk to all the friends he had. He was obviously looking to avoid you, too.
Eventually, he made his way to his seat. He cleared his throat, but you didn’t budge. Ever heard of being saved by the bell?
“I’m going to hand back everyone’s quizzes from last class,” your teacher announced. You audibly groaned. That quiz did not go well. Who puts diamonds and boxes and something called factoring in math?
Sure enough, she shoved a C- into your sweaty hands.
“Dang,” you whispered.
You glanced over at Joel’s paper. 100%.
Are you kidding me?
His prying eyes had the audacity to spot your C-, as if you didn’t pry on his paper seconds before.
“That’s rough,” he said, trying to make eye contact with you.
“I- um, yeah, it is,” you choked out with your eyes still glued on your paper.
His heart broke when he heard your wavering voice. He had to do something.
“Can I see it?” He quietly asked, when quiet usually isn’t typically his demeanor.
You furrowed your brows in confusion. “Uh, sure?”
He took the paper and started drawing stars around the C- mark, very messily, may you add.
You went to take the paper back, but he moved it away from your grasp.
“One second,” he pleaded. He stuck his tongue out in concentration.
You tried to see how badly he was defacing your quiz, but the position of his arm prohibited you from peering over to see.
“Done,” he proudly said as he slid the paper back over to you.
Instead of a plain old C-, there was now...a C- with stars around it.
“Joel, this is very lovely and all, but why the stars around the C-?”
He smiled with his sickeningly sweet toothless grin, and your heart absolutely backflipped into oblivion.
“That’s not a C-,” he goofily joked, “that’s the moon, y/n,” he said through a smile. “See it?”
You looked up from your paper and looked at him in the eye. Your hands shook from adrenaline, your heart was fluttering, goodness, you didn��t know how you could feel any lighter.
That smile was going to be the death of you.
“Yeah, Joel,” you cracked a smile, “I do see it. Thank you,” you sincerely said.
Crack a smile.
You cracked a smile.
His heart skipped a beat. He knew instantly he was going to do whatever it took to keep that smile on your face for as long as possible. He didn’t care what he would have to do.
He smiled once more, and he turned to his buddies to shield his face from you. He didn’t want you to see how red it was turning. He proceeded to explain to them how perfect his stars were and how no one could top them. Something along the lines of “Bro, you have to see this one, it’s so perfect bro…” He also told them how he made you feel better while slapping his chest, for some reason, as in yeah, I made the mopiest girl in school smile. He sounded like he was priding himself on it.
His smile, the way he talked about you, those freaking stars. You’d let him draw those all over your arm instead any day.
At that age, you may not have known why there were letters in algebra, but you knew that the way he made you feel wasn't the same as you did with your two other crushes back in middle school. This just felt...absolutely weird.
But absolutely right.
And that’s the story of how at just fourteen years old, you knew you were absolutely screwed.
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HiJack AU - Rise of the Guardians Plotbunnies
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(Context: Before Hiccup returns to HQ when the Guardian signal came up, he was spending time with Jack, as per usual. When the signal came up, he had to go. Jack looked disappointed, because Hiccup had just arrived a bare ten minutes ago. It was the quickest the Aide of Hope had to leave. Hiccup was in a rush to leave, since it was the first time in a long time that the urgent signal was put up to assemble all guardians at the same time, the last time was to report about what had happened to Kozmotis. In his rush, he wasn't thinking, and accidentally kissed Jack on the cheek in a parting kiss.
They were both shock.
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Before Jack could collect himself to make a respond, Hiccup dashed off, all the while thinking "Shit shit shit shit shit what did I just DO?!)
More details added to the Answer (an ask from @hamish-fanfic-fangirl )already mentioned here
The Guardians love children, as they are the Guardians of Childhood. They can't, however, have children. With the exception of Kozmotis and Anastasia's relationship, as they were created together at the same time by Manny.
Manny formed Pitch to safeguard chaos energy that would strike fears in children and leave them traumatize, impeding a healthy and happy development of growing up. Anastasia was formed at the same time, because children, and to an extent people, need to live in a harmonize environment, right?
The Guardians do consider themselves, as what humans coined nowadays, as 'Found family.' Addition to that, they think if they could have kids, they would be like and be treated like their aides.
They joke about it sometimes; North fits the role of a dad, as leader of the Guardians, Thiana being like the mother, with Aster, Sandy, and Kozmotis like uncles. Sandy's the "cool" uncle with a lot of stories to tell (or show). Kozmotis is the "chill" uncle who leaves you be but offers sage wisdom whether or not you ask for them. Aster is the one who nags a lot, sometimes more than the parents but is exciting to spend time with because of all his cool tricks.
Jamie and Astrid found it awkward, but Thiana was being playful and pretending to be like a parent and giving Jamie 'the shovel talk', when Astrid and Jamie got together, as she heard a story told to her by North, from Jim.
She was sweet about it though, going on about how they should be caring of each other and how lovely it all was so Jim made a remark later that he didn't think the guardian of memories got the point of a 'Shovel talk'
Even to the aides that aren't their own, the Guardians do feel rather paternal/maternal towards them.
North: Sandy, thank you for coming.
Sandy descends from the plane and floats to the ground. He joins North, Bunny and Tooth as they walk through the Globe Room. Sand glyphs appear above Sandy's head communicating
Jamie: He says that he is busy and has a lot of work to do.
North: I understand, you work ‘round the clock, da, But I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious.
North, Bunny, Tooth and Sandy reach the center of the room. Tooth does her best to shush her mini-fairies.
North: Kozmotis as the Boogeyman was here at the Pole. *points to the globe. The everyone turns to look.*
Astrid: *shocked* Sir Kozmotis? Here? After all this time...
Jamie: Jim, did you really see...
Jim: Well, I didn't but sir North had. I think, I... Wait. *frowning as he looked around in concern* Where's Dimitri?
Tooth: But... Pitch Black? Was it really him?
North: Yes! There was black sand covering the globe.
Aster: What, what...what do you mean black sand?
North: And then a shadow!                                                
Aster: Hold on, hold on, I thought you said you saw Pitch.
North: Well, ah, not exactly...
Aster: Not exactly? Can you believe this guy?
Bunny turns to Sandy, who shrugs while forming a Dreamsand question mark above his head....
Aster: Yeah, you said it, Sandy.
Bunny goes back to painting one of his Easter eggs.
North: Look, he is up to something very bad. *gropes his gut* I feel it, in my belly.
Aster: *eyes narrow* Hang on, hang on, you mean to say, you summoned me here THREE DAYS BEFORE EASTER - because of your? Mate, if I did this to you three days before Christmas-
Tooth (to her fairies): Argentina. Priority alert! A batch of bicuspids in Buenos Aires.  Weather advisory, Astrid?
Astrid: *Pauses* Fair, all of them. Snowstorm warning in Moscow.
Jamie: Maybe that's where Jack is now.
Jim: And maybe Hic too; would explain why he's running late... Now Dimitri...           
North grabs Bunny's painted egg, casually juggling it in his          hand as he walks off. Meanwhile Sandy, who is being served          eggnog by a yeti, suddenly notices something high above.         
North: Please. Bunny. Easter is not Christmas.
Aster: *sarcastic laugh* Here we go... North, I, I don't have time for           this. I've still got two million eggs to finish up.
The moon rises into view, high up in the ceiling; its rays of light begin to shine brightly through as they cascade down the walls of the globe room.
North: No matter how much you paint, is still egg!
Sandy points to the moon unsuccessfully to get the others' attention. Even Jamie is distracted with Jim and Astrid, talking about whether one of them (Jim) should go and get Dimitri. Their guardians are distracted and they didn't want to interrupt them...
Aster: Look, mate, I'm dealing with perishables. Right. You've got all year to prepare.                                                
Tooth (to her fairies): Pittsburg, boy eight, two molars. Saltwater taffy.
Sandy puts his fingers in his mouth to whistle, a silent musical note forming above his head.                                                
North (to Aster): Why are rabbits always so nervous.
Aster: And why are you always such a blowhard!                                  
Tooth (to her fairies): Ontario, sector nine: five canines, two molars, and fourteen incisors. Is that all in one house?
Sandy waves a sand flag above his head, pointing and jumping and down as the moonlight continues to fill the room.
North: Tooth! Can't you see we're trying to argue.
Tooth: *Good naturedly* Sorry, not all of us get to work one night a year. Am I right, Sandy?
Sandy tries to signal with a golden arrow, pointing toward the ceiling, but to no avail as the others continue their bickering. Sandy thinks Tooth has noticed for a split second, but then-    
Tooth (to her fairies): San Diego, sector two! Five incisors, a bicuspid and a really loose molar on stand-by.
North: I know it was him. We have serious situation!
Aster: Well, I've got a serious situation with some eggs.
Tooth: Hey, I hate to interrupt the, "We work so hard once a year club" but could we concentrate on the matter-
A silhouette comes out from a black spot of a shadow in the middle of the room, and Dimitri comes up and stumbles out from it. The aide of the former Guardian of Chaos seemed recovering from injuries. Even with his quick healing, it's taking some time...
Jim: Dimitri!
Jim rushes to help support him...
Tooth: Oh dear!
Astrid: Is he okay?
Dimitri: Sorry... The darkness is more restless than ever for some reasons. I had to defeat about a dozen minions before securing and leaving the base.
Jim: Wha- so if Pitch is really back, why hadn't he showed up here yet?
North: He did lad!
Jim: All due respect sir, you said it was a shadow.
North: Shadows are his thing!
Dimitri: I don't think that was Pitch yet, but a harbinger, maybe? If he had awoken, I think I would be the first to know.
Aster: Hah!
Sandy can't take it anymore, grabs an elf by his hat, and vigorously shakes it's bell. The other Guardians are finally silenced and all turn to look at Sandy, who points up, a sand crescent moon forming above his head. The dizzy elf staggers away. Finally the others turn to see the shaft of moonlight as it concentrates on the circle between them as Manny starts beaming down into the room...
North: Aah! Man in Moon! Sandy, why didn't you say something?
Sandy gives him a deadpan stare, Dream sand smoke shoots out his ears.                                                
North (to Man in Moon as he finally appears, with Anastasia by his side) : It's been a long time old friend! Madam Mother Nature *bows curtly*
Manny: Likewise.
Anastasia: A pleasure as always, North.
North: So... What is big news?
Manny: Before I get that, there is one thing I need to address first...
Everyone looks to the center of the room where Manny manipulates moonlight to shine down intensely, the light ebbs away, leaving a dark spot ---- which resolves into the shadowed silhouette of Pitch. The Guardians look on, stunned.                                                
Aster: It is Pitch.                                  
North pats his belly and gives Bunny a look...
North: Manny... what must we do?
Manny: The matter I mentioned needing to be addressed...
The shadow of Pitch disappears and the circle of moonlight intensifies and shrinks, concentrating further luminating an ornate symbol on the floor, at the center of their circle. The symbol rises out of the ground revealing a large gem at the head of a pillar.                                                
Tooth: Ah, guys, you know what this means?
The moons light suddenly refracts through the gem casting          light all over the chamber.                                                
North: He's choosing an aide for himself.
Aster: What?! You never needed one before, why now?
North: Must be big deal! Manny thinks we all need help!
Aster: We have our help. *Gestures to all aides present* Now if my own would show up too...                                               
Tooth: I wonder who it's gonna be?
Then a bright flash, a rush of wind- and a FIGURE resolves over the central pillar: slight, hooded, bearing a familiar  hooked staff.                                                
North: Jack Frost.
The Mini-Teeth all sigh and swoon as the Guardians stand there, stunned.                                                
Jim: Well then, at least Hiccup's going to be happy
Astrid: *Shrugs, and idly shifts her axe from one hand to another* Well, as long as he does his part in caring for the children…
Tooth: And Hiccup’s going to be motivated more than ever now too.
Aster: Jack Frost!? He doesn't care about children! All he does is freeze water pipes and mess with my egg hunts. Right? He's an irresponsible, selfish...                                                
Manny: Aide.                            
Aster: I can tell you that Jack Frost is a lot of things, but he's--
Hiccup finally flies in with Toothless
Hiccup: I'm sorry I'm late! *He jumps down from Toothless* Snow storm in Moscow delayed me... Er, among other things...
Everyone looks at him
North: Perfect timing Hiccup! We need you to find Jack and bring him here.
Hiccup, remembering his final moments with Jack before leaving, looked mortified...
Hiccup: Do you guys hate me or something?
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Danger days - Chapter two: "I'm the kinda that you wanna"
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Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler x OC + My Chemical Romance.
Word count: 5.5K
Summary: Joey faces MCR after their awful first meeting. Matthew supports whatever she decides to do with her life. Gerard is still kind of an asshole, and Frank tries his best to be a better person.
Warnings: Cursing.
A/N: WOW!! I can't believe you are actually reading this!! thank you for the love!! I was gonna post this tomorrow, but... here it is.
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen | Chapter sixteen | Chapter seventeen | Chapter eighteen | Chapter nineteen | Chapter twenty | Chapter twenty one | Chapter twenty-two | Chapter twenty-three | Chapter twenty-four |
::: Los Angeles, October 14th, 2010 :::
Mikey ate his breakfast alone, sitting at the kitchen island. He was thinking about the daily schedule, the band's upcoming tour, and clearly, the severe problems in his marriage, the one subject he kept trying to avoid.
His wife was still asleep, and he didn't want to be around when she woke up. He knew it only meant another fight. Whenever they were in the same room, it always meant an argument, and Mikey was tired of it all.
It was clear they had to get a divorce, but neither of them had brought it up just yet.
He and Alicia had grown apart in the latest months. It was hard with him touring for so long and his wife staying home, persuading her own future in the music industry. And after so much time apart, they were both tired of trying. It just wasn't working anymore.
Frank and Ray were staying at the same hotel. They drove together to the practice studio, doing their best to agree on their ideas about Joey. But they weren't really on the same page at all.
- "Just don't be an ass, ok?"- Ray said when he parked outside the studio, and Frank immediately lit a cigarette.
- "Yeah, whatever,"- Toro got out of the car and closed the door, staring at his friend leaning against the wall to smoke alone- "I'll be right there."
Iero grabbed his phone and read the messages in a vague attempt to think of anything else. But that didn't help at all; Joey parked her car just before him that very second.
- "Shit!"- the two of them said at the same time. Frank put on his dark sunglasses, and Joey grabbed all her things from the passenger seat.
- "I can't catch a break!"- she argued as she opened the door and decided to get over the horribly awkward moment- Hey!- she smiled and waved as Frank nodded- "How are you?"
- "Good, you?"
- "Good..."- and it was still awkward- "So, thank you for inviting me again,"- and Frank nodded again, not saying a word- "I'll... head... inside then."
Joey tried to smile, but it was too uncomfortable to bear. So she ran away.
- "Did you catch the game last night?"- Mikey asked as he sipped his coffee, while Ray grabbed a guitar and started tuning it.
- "No, I played video games until late."
- "What are you playing?"
- "Red dead redemption"
- "Cool, and Christa?"
- "She's back home with her parents,"- Ray kept turning the guitar and never noticed Mikey's sad face- "And Alicia?"
- "She's home. She was sleeping when I left."
- "Is everything ok?"
- "Yeah"- and again, Ray was so concentrated on his guitar, he didn't catch a glimpse of Mikey's sad look.
- "Hello"- Joey walked in, and the two guys smiled- "Am I too early?"
- "No, you are just on time,"- Ray stood up and grabbed a cup of coffee- "I got you this."
- "Oh! thank you!"- Joey was surprised by the gesture- "You shouldn't have."
- "I owed you,"- Toro kind of blushed as Joey held the cup and took a sip.
- "Black, no sugar. How did you know?"
- "I didn't know if you liked cream, and I got a lot of sugar on a side"- Ray quickly answered and showed Joey a bunch of sugar bags on a tray.
- "You nailed it."
- "Hey"- Mikey kinda whispered in a low voice- "I'm sorry, I thought you were getting us coffee and stuff yesterday."
- "Dude, it's ok, don't worry,"- Joey smiled and kept drinking her coffee- "Now I know if I get the job, I can get you black coffee with almond milk to brighten your day"- and he chuckled.
- "And thank you for coming over again."
- "My pleasure,"- Joey answered and stayed quiet looking at the two guys- "So... I saw Frank outside."
- "Yeah, he was smoking, and Gerard should be right here by now,"- Mikey took a look at his wristwatch. It was almost noon, and he knew his brother was going to be late.
Gerard was driving and smoking, trying to devise anything to avoid going to the studio and doing another audition with that woman. He didn't want to. Why? Way really didn't know. It was something inside of him that made him feel like he should stay the fuck away from her 'cos something terrible might happen. And he didn't want to find out what it was.
- "Hey"- Frank waved at Gee when he walked out of his car- "You are late."
- "Yeah, I didn't want to come,"- and Iero chuckled- "What are you doing here?"
- "I didn't want to get in just yet."
- "Is she here already?"
- "Yeah... she got here all happy like fifteen minutes ago."
- "Fine... let's get this over with,"- Gerard walked in and did his best not to look annoyed, which was virtually impossible, 'cos he couldn't stop frowning.
As soon as they walked into the studio, the image was Joey, Ray, and Mikey laughing like they were already best friends. And that got Gerard even more upset, if possible, and because of no reason at all.
- "Hey!"- Mikey stood up and hugged his brother.
- "Hi, nice to see you again,"- Joey reached out for Gerard's hand and smiled to do the same with Frank.
- "Thank you for coming,"- he whispered and cleared his throat. The drummer looked around at the band and started the speech she had prepared in her mind the whole morning.
- "Guys, I just wanted to clear the air here. If you don't want me to do this and you just called 'cos Tucker asked you to, there's no need to go through all this shit. I can go home, no hard feelings or anything"- and the band stayed quiet. Ray looked at Frank and waited for his words.
- "Joey, we just... why did you call Tucker? that was so rude!"
- "First of all, I didn't call him, he called and annoyed me for ten minutes before I told him what happened. And second, you were rude, you barely looked at me, you didn't even pay attention to what I did, and you clearly made up an interview to ask me to leave."
Joey directed those words looking right into Gerard's eyes and just spit the words, knowing that wasn't really gonna help her get the job.
- "Tucker didn't really lie, guys,"- Mikey said and tried to ease the mood- "You were rude at her, and I'm sorry to tell you, she's the best we've had so far."
- "Do you honestly think we can work together after what happened with Tucker?"- Gerard asked her, and she shrugged.
- "If you deal with the fact you were rude to me, then yeah, I've got no problem with it,"- and Frank huffed at that answer.
- "You made us look bad in front of a friend."
- "No, you looked bad in front of me, and when Tucker asked how had it been, were you expecting me to lie and tell him it was awesome? come on!"- Joey frowned, knowing that ship had sailed already- "This shit is high school all over again!"
- "I feel the same!"- Ray said and stood up- "Ok, let's get this straight, you two were assholes! And that's the main problem here! if she did or did not call Tucker to tell him about it, that's not the point!"
- "But dude!"-Frank tied to argue, but Ray stopped him.
- "No! this is our job, and we have to be professional. So now you are gonna be a grown-up, and you are going to apologize for being an asshole with no reason to her, 'cos she just came to apply for a job, ok?"
Ray looked more like a dad than like a band colleague at that point.
- "Sorry, Joey"- Frank whispered and looked down at his shoes. Ray looked at Gerard and raised an eyebrow
- "I'm sorry I was a jerk"- he mumbled
- "And I'm sorry I told Tucker you were assholes. He was really excited about the audition, and he was just trying to help me out. It clearly didn't work out, but he meant good."
Joey tried to be as nice as possible, thinking shit had gotten way too bad to even think about playing with this band.
- "Ok, now I'm gonna go so you can continue your drummer hunt."
- "Wait!"- Mikey held her arm and cut her a smile- "You should jam with us for a while."
- "I don't think that's a good idea. This got too complicated. And whether I'm good or not, I don't want this to be awkward for you. You are looking for someone to work with, it's your band, and you should be comfortable with who you choose."- Joey smiled and grabbed her bag- "I just wanted to thank you for apologizing and for caring about what happened. I'm gonna tell Tucker you are all very nice."- she joked, and the band looked at each other.
- "No, really, stay. We didn't ask you to come because of Tucker. We did it because we really want to give your audition another go,"- Frank's word surprised Joey. She wasn't really able to say a word back; she just nodded and smiled.
- "Great!"- Mikey clapped once and grabbed a bunch of papers from his bag- "I printed you some of the sheets of our songs,"- Joey held them and read them
- "Cool"
- "So... wanna warm-up?"
- "I already played two hours before I left the house."- she whispered, embarrassed of her confession- "Sorry, I just have this weird routine. I work out, eat and play in the early morning, just to get me through the day not killing anyone."
And Mikey chuckled. Frank kinda bit his lips to don't smile. He found it funny.
- "Great, then let's set us up,"- Ray smiled and walked to grab his guitar- "We remembered you were left-handed, so Mikey and I rearranged the drum set for you,"- Gerard raised an eyebrow staring at the scene.
- "Why is Ray so nice with her? Is he crushed on that girl? no way! he is a married man! married guys don't have crushes! it is impossible".
Joey read the music sheets and nodded. She had studied most of the songs, and though she had never been a huge fan of the band, she liked it enough to easily follow the tempo of each tune.
Gerard looked at her playing and hated the fact Mikey was right. She kept following each change they were doing and even threw a few herself that worked perfectly. He hated it 'cos she made it fun, and he wanted to hate her. Very childish of him, but yet, that's how he could describe it.
Frank looked at Mikey and then at Ray as they all played "Thank you for the Venom" and knew in his guts this was it. Musically this is what they needed. And also knew it was a shitty situation 'cos he had already made an enormous fuss and didn't really know how to fix it.
- "Shit!"- Ray said as soon as the song ended.
- "Yeah, that was great."- Gerard said and smiled. He knew he couldn't get away with it. Shit worked. And it worked awesomely- "Can we do "Parade"?"
- "Sure, just let me read it first. That's a long one,"- Joey said and grabbed one of the sheets. Mikey walked to his brother and raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to admit it.
- "I hate you."- Gerard whispered.
- "I know, just say it"
- "No"
- "Say it"- Mikey raised an eyebrow and kinda chuckled.
- "You were right. She's good,"- Gerard whispered, and his brother nodded.
- "God damn, I'm right!"
- "Ok, let's do this before I totally forget it..."- Joey said and smiled- "And who's gonna play the G note?"- the whole band stared at her, and she shrugged- "G note, not G spot, don't get scared"- Gerard chuckled, and he hated himself for it- "Come on pervs, let's do this!"
Somehow, Joey felt a little more in place between the guys, probably 'cos being a drummer, she was pretty used to hang out with men, from her teachers to classmates. She used to have girl bands growing up, but she found it easier working with guys professionally.
- "So, lunch?"- Ray asked and left his guitar aside. They had been jamming for over two hours.
- "Nice, I'm starving,"- Mikey did the same and turned to Joey- "Wanna come?"- she froze and looked at the whole band from behind the drums- "We are gonna go grab something to eat."
- "Yeah, then we can continue the practice,"- Gerard added and walked to the door. Joey kept in silence and looked at Mikey, smiling sweetly.
- "Ok... sure."
- "Great!"- Ray smiled- "Come on, are you a fan of Indian food? There's a fantastic place a few blocks from here!"
Frank sighed and walked outside to light a cigarette. He was sure Ray had a thing for Joey, and that upset him, most of all 'cos, just as Gerard had thought, Ray was a married man, and a happily married man, he shouldn't care about Joey that much. He was way into making her feel good. And that made Frank uncomfortable. And most of all, like a jerk for being mean to her in the first place.
- "Hey"- Joey appeared by his side all of a sudden and scared the shit out of him- "Sorry!"
- "I didn't know you were coming behind me."
- "Everybody had to pee. Apparently, they all have a small bladder,"- Frank grinned, lit a cigarette, and offered Joey one- "Thanks, I quit a few years ago."
- "Really? why?"
- "'Cos I stopped breathing... and found out I was asthmatic, which made total sense when I gave it a thought"- Frank nodded.
- "I shouldn't smoke either. My lungs are shit; I'm a bronchitis magnet."
- "I feel you"- Joey opened her backpack and took out her coconut butter hand cream. Frank looked at her and sort of smiled.
- "Do you want some? it's gonna be good to keep those tattoos from washing away"- Frank left the cigarette on his lips and grabbed the cream.
- "You are not even in the band yet, and you are making me use hand cream."
- "Tell you, what if I get the job I'll make sure I'll keep you moisturize every day,"- the young woman winked at him and saw the rest of the band walking towards them. She didn't notice Frank's face, who had turned purple after those words.
Matthew took a look at his clock as he walked outside the set. Joey should be back home by then, so he dialed her number and waited.
- "Hey, Akumu!"- he heard Joey's cheerful voice at the other side of the line and smiled.
- "Hey, Yami! How was it? Did you get the job? were those guys nice to you? are you ok?"
- "You are not gonna believe this, but we talked about it, and I have the feeling things are pretty much clear between us."
- "That's great, dorky! What are you doing now? are you back home?"
- "No, we came to grab something to eat, and then we'll continue rehearsing."
- "So you are still with the band then?"- Gubler was surprised, but happy things were working.
- "Yeah, and how's the reading going?"
- "Good, we've been at it the whole morning, now I'm about to eat something, and then I'll keep reading my lines."
- "Looking like a maniac pointing a fake gun made with your fingers?"
- "Just like any other day"- Matthew made a pause as he kept walking in circles, thinking about his girlfriend hanging somewhere with that band- "Hey, are those guys being nice to you?"
Joey looked back at the table where the band was eating and nodded, knowing her boyfriend couldn't see her.
- "Surprisingly, yes. They are all being very friendly. They apologize for being assholes yesterday."
- "Wow, really?"
- "Yeah, we had a weird deep talk in the morning. I think shit is cool now."
- "I'm glad, Yami."
- "Yeah, I've got the feeling they might actually give me the job."
- "That would be awesome."
- "I know! Anyway, Akumu, I have to go. I gotta do my best to be nice with these guys."
- "Please, don't be too nice. They don't really deserve it,"- Matthew joked, and Joey chuckled.
- "You are right, but mama needs to work."
- "But daddy can take care of you,"- Joey chuckled, making her best to process that information.
- "I love you so much, Gubler, but I can deal with this on my own."
- "I know you can."
- "Thank you."
- "I just wanna help."
- "Your support and love are all the help I need to make it."
- "So, what are we gonna do?"- Mikey asked his brother, and Gerard cleared his throat, looking at Joey talking on the phone on the other side of the diner.
- "I know you want her to stay, guessing Ray is dying to work with her,"- Gerard raised an eyebrow at his friend, and Frank nodded.
- "Yeah, you are way into that chick."
- "No way! I'm just trying to be nice 'cos you've been jerks."
- "Oh, come on!! you've got jizz all over your underwear!"- Frank's comment made Mikey laugh and almost choke with his lunch.
- "Dude, you went too far!"- Ray argued, disgusted- "And no, I don't have a crush on her, I just feel bad you made her so uncomfortable, and I'm trying to make it up for her."
The band looked at him in silence as Mikey kept coughing.
- "Dude, are you ok?"- Joey asked as she sat back at the table- "Do you want some water?"- and she reached out her glass to him, who took it and drank most of it.
- "Thanks"
- "What happened?"- the young woman asked, and Mikey smiled, breathing a little better.
- "We were talking about jizz"- Gerard covered his face with both hands as he heard his brother talking, and Joey laughed, nodding.
- "I'm so happy I was far away from you,"- Joey said and closed her eyes, pretending to be disgusted- "Anyway, Matthew says hi,"- she smiled at the band and continued eating.
- "Is he on set?"- Frank asked, staring at his food.
- "Table reading, tomorrow they start rehearsal and all those things I don't really remember 'cos I love him, but sometimes I don't follow all the steps into the shooting process."
They all smiled and nodded in silence for a moment. Gerard looked at Frank and lift his brows. Iero sighed and nodded.
- "So... do you wanna play with us for the next couple of months?"- Gerard just put out the question and stared directly into Joey's eyes. She looked at him surprised and didn't know what to say- "We have a very long tour, so we have to compromise to make it work."
- "I thought you hated me."
- "I don't hate you, none of us hates you... we just started with the wrong foot, but I think we can make it work,"- Gerard finished his words, nearly whispering. Joey's heart was racing. She couldn't believe she got the job, this was by far the best job Jo had ever have, and she couldn't wait to tell her parents. They were gonna be so proud.
- "I would love to play with you guys, thank you for the offering,"- Joey answered and grinned- "And again, I'm sorry for Tucker and all that shit."
- "Nah, forget it"- Ray quickly replied- "We know you are right for the band right now."
- "But if you are gonna be with us, we have to talk about the legal agreements"- Mikey said- "I hate that part, but we have to talk with our lawyers, do the paperwork."
- "Sure, not a problem."
- "And we are gonna need a tutorial to learn how to fucking spell your last name,"- Frank added and make everybody laugh. He looked at Joey smiling, and it felt like those few seconds were in slow motion, without any reason. Iero knew he was going to remember that particular moment for the rest of his life. He just didn't know why yet.
- "Yeah, what's the problem with your last name? when I called you yesterday, I had to practice it for a half-hour."
- "And you misspelled every single fucking letter in it, sorry"- she said to Ray and took a sip of her coke before she answered- "It's from Iceland, dad's from there. And my mom is from Colombia, which explains Maria Josefina ... I know, weirdest mix ever."
- "Wow, and what the fuck the last name thing?"- Frank asked and finished his food
- "Well, there your last name is defined by your father's name, so my dad's name is Sveinbjörn Sigmundsson"- the whole band stared at her with a blank look on their faces.
- "Sorry, what?"- Frank asked again
- "Sveinbjörn, it's a very common name."
- "Sure! sure it is!"- Iero laughed, and so did Joey.
- "Anyway, over there, your surname is your father's name and, in my case, the noun daughter, in Iceland, dottir, so my last name is Sveinbjörn, my dad's name, plus dottir, get it? Sveinbjörndottir, 'cos I am Sveinbjörn's daughter"- Gerard nodded and asked
- "And if you were a boy?"
- "I would be Sveinbjörnson... what's your dad's name?"
- "Donald"
- "In Iceland, you would be Gerard Donaldson"
- "Shit! my name would suck in Iceland!"- Frank grabbed his head and scratched it- "I would be Frank Frankson!"- and he burst out laughing
- "Dude! you are so lucky you are from Jersey!"- Ray said and turned to Joey- "So Maria Josefina is your mom's heritage and Sveinbjörndottir your father's."
- "Exactly, and that's why Joey is the best way to avoid people getting mistaken with my name."
- "Seems legit"- Gerard said and looked at everybody smiling. He turned to Joey and tried to study her face for a moment. Sure, her skin was paperwhite, and her eyes were slightly green, but she didn't look like the classic island chick you might imagine. Maybe there was too much Colombia on her.
- "What is it?"- she asked him when she found him staring at him.
- "Nothing"- he blushed and finished his coke- "I was just... trying to find any Icelandic feature on you"- she frowned immediately and didn't answer a word, obviously upset- "Sorry..."
Gerard drove back with Mikey. He wanted to avoid Ray being too nice at Joey, 'cos it still bothered him. And Mikey needed to talk about anything random with his brother to keep his mind busy.
- "Hey, maybe we should do something tonight"- Mikey asked his older brother.
- "Like what?"
- "I don't know... wanna go out? Maybe see some bands? Peter told me there are a few cool shows around this week."
- "Yeah, sure, let me ask Lynz if she wants to join us? what about Alicia?"- Mikey looked over the window and cleared his throat.
- "No, she told me she was meeting some friends tonight."
- "Everything ok?"
- "Yeah, it's all ok"- Mikey wasn't even making an effort to sound ok, but Gerard didn't notice- "So, thanks for what you did."
- "What did I do?"
- "You took an executive decision for the band"
- "I hope Frank doesn't kill me"
- "He won't"
- "And I stand by the fact Ray has a crush on her"
- "I don't think so"- Mikey's phone hummed, and he lazily read the text, "I'll stay with my parents tonight." Just what he needed, a confirmation of his lie. His wife was going to be nowhere to be seen that evening.
- "Hey, Lynz asked me to get something for dinner. Wanna grab something with us, and then we can go out?"
- "Sure."
Frank wouldn't stop talking. At some point during lunch, he just stopped trying to hate Joey. He ended up making joke after joke from the minute they got into the rented car until they reached the studio. He was so nice even Ray got worried. But then he thought Frank was probably overcompensating that girl for being such an ass before.
- "Ok so, Tucker ran naked from the studio, got into the car, and drove to get a burger wearing nothing but a cap?"- Joey nearly peed laughing at Frank's story.
- "Yeah!"- he reassured, laughing too- "And the studio was in this basement, and the family of our friend lived upstairs and completely saw him running around mooning everyone"- the drummer couldn't stop laughing, picturing her friend running naked all over.
- "Shitface never told me that story!!"
- "Oh, it's a good one!!!"- Frank chuckled and turned to look at Joey in the backseat- "So why were you touring with him?"
- "'Cos I had an awesome band, and we opened for Thursday for a few dates. I was still in college back then, and Tucker was like my older brother. He taught me a lot and saved me when I was drunk a couple of times, primarily for getting into fights."
Frank smiled and kept looking at Joey for a few seconds, and she cut him a big grin.
- "How come you don't have a band right now?"- Ray asked her and forced Frank to turn around and look at the road.
- "How says I don't?"
- "Do you?"- Joey laughed for a second.
- "No. My last band broke a few months ago, and I've been working on a few projects, but I haven't found people cool enough to share it with,"- Ray and Frank nodded in silence as they parked outside the studio.
- "Ok, kids. Back to work"- Ray said and opened the door. Joey did the same and smiled at Frank when he let her pass before him. She was sure he was extra nice to make up for being such an asshole with her before. And Frank was sure he had to stop being so nice at her 'cos he felt he was about to overstep the line, but he couldn't stop. It was like he stopped hating her to fully endorse a friendship with the girl one minute to the other
- "Get your fucking shit together, Frank."
Around five-thirty, Joey got into her car and sighed. She was exhausted and yet so fucking excited she felt she could run back to her place yelling. She had to wait until she was somewhere safe though, the band could walk out of the studio any minute, and it would be too embarrassing. Embarrassed herself in front of the band's first day working with them was something she wanted to avoid. It was too soon to show her real colors. No need to let them know she was a dork just yet. They had a whole tour to find out.
As she drove back home, she thought of everything that had happened that year. It surely didn't have a great start. Moving to Los Angeles to try to give it a go in music had been hard, really hard. If it hadn't been for her parent's support, she wouldn't have survived. But then she met Matthew, and it felt he could make everything better like magic. On top of that, she now had a real job playing with a huge band. That was a huge reason to celebrate.
- "So, what do you guys think?"- Gerard looked at the band and raised both eyebrows- "Is this shit gonna work?"
- "I don't see why not"- Mikey simply answered and grabbed his phone. Zero news from his wife. Not surprised either- Rehearsal was pretty well
- "No, I mean touring with a girl."
- "Oh, knock it, I thought we had passed that stupid problem,"- the youngest Way looked at brother pretty pissed- "Just grow up!"
- "Aren't you a little too sensitive?"- Gerard frowned and sat back on the couch.
- "No, I'm just tired. I don't wanna hear any more shit about how weird it will be touring with a girl or if Ray has a crush on her."
- "He totally does"- Frank quickly said, chuckling, though he felt slightly out of place saying that considering now he was extra nice with her too, and he didn't have a crush on her.
- "Very mature,"- Ray didn't pay attention to those words and looked at the band- "What we should be doing is preparing the setlist for the tour."
- "Is Brian coming tomorrow?"- Iero asked, walking around looking kind of bored.
- "Yeah, he said so, at ten, I think, to see the venues, schedules, crew. The usual,"- Ray answered and kept typing on his computer- "So, setlist?"- Frank's phone rang, and he walked away immediately.
- "Does anyone remember the name of the movie we watched the other day at my house?"- Gerard asked, looking at the ceiling.
- "The setlist"- Ray repeated.
- "No, it was the Hayao Miyazaki about the little girl."
- "Spirited away"- Ray quickly answered- "Now please! the setlist"
- "Do you think she was tripping?"- Ray looked at Gerard, annoyed, and closed the laptop- "What?"
- "I'm trying to work here, and you are not even listening!"
- "No one is. Why are you blaming me?"
- "Because you are not helping!!"
- "Wanna do the setlist, let's do the fucking setlist"- Gerard grabbed a notebook and a pen and started writing down the name of the songs- "There! A fucking setlist!"
- "What the fuck is your problem?"
- "I have no problem!!"- Gerard kind of shouted.
- "Can you guys please stop yelling?"- Frank asked, annoyed as he turned around, covering the cellphone and giving his bandmate a severe look.
- "Sorry"- Gerard whispered and look down at the sheet of paper.
- "What is going on there?"- Jamia asked her husband.
- "Shit has been kind of tense these last couple of days."
- "Why? preparing the tour?"
- "Yeah"
- "Did you guys find a new drummer?"- Frank sighed and walked outside to smoke a cigarette.
- "Yeah, we signed one today"
- "Great! What's his name?"
- "Joey, with an unpronounceable last name,"- Iero closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he added- "And it's her name... we booked a girl for the tour"- Jamia stayed quiet, processing the information- "She is friends with Tucker, he recommended her, and she is the best drummer we had."
- "Is she nice?"
- "Yeah, and her boyfriend is very nice too,"- Frank knew he had to add the boyfriend factor into the conversation quickly- "She is dating the nerd guy from Criminal Minds."
- "Really? he is hot"
- "I guess... anyway, we've been dealing with the drummer issue most of today, so shit is kind of sensitive."
- "Why? Someone didn't want to work with her?"
- "Well... I didn't"- Frank murmured
- "Why not?"
- "'Cos... I don't know. We've never included a girl in this band."
- "Maybe it's an excellent chance to do something different."
- "Wait, you are not upset we are touring with a girl?"- Frank frowned, not getting his wife's attitude.
- "Why should I?"
- "I don't know? 'cos bitches be crazy?"
- "Franklin Anthony Iero! you take that back!"
- Why are you middle naming me for?"
- "That was sexist!"
- "Sorry, I just thought you were going to be against this whole idea"
- "I think it's cool"
- "Really?"- Frank was in shock- "You are not going to freak out?"
- "No, I'm not going to freak out."
- "Thank you"
- "Besides, she has a really hot boyfriend. Do you think she can introduce him?"
- "Jamia Iero!!"
- "What? It's not like I'm gonna cheat on you. I just wanna stare at him... I bet he is tall"
- "Ok... that's weird for someone who has been a little too sensitive over fans lately,"- Frank joked, but that might have been just a huge mistake.
- "What are you saying? That I'm a psycho about girls around you?"
- "No, no, no honey, it was just a joke"
- "An awful joke"
- "I'm sorry"- Frank took a long drag of his cigarette and sighed- "How are the babies?"
- "Sleeping... I was gonna eat dinner and go to bed too 'cos I'm too fucking tired."
- "You should. Is your mom staying at home with you tonight?"
- "No, Evan is here today. He did some grocery shopping and cooked dinner"
- "He is awesome"
- "Yeah, he is on diaper duty until one, so I better get some rest"
- "Go, honey, talk to you tomorrow, ok?"
- "What are you gonna do tonight?"
- "Drive back to the hotel and play videogames with Ray"
- "Exciting"- Frank chuckled at his wife's words and stubbed out his cigarette.
- "Love you, honey"
- "Love you too"
Jamia was full of it. She hated the idea of Frank touring with a girl, but she knew making a tantrum was worse. They had had too many arguments about female fans already. The last thing she needed was to start a new one. But how was she going to deal with this new drummer? She seemed to be a major threat.
Joey walked into her apartment and jumped around in hyperventilation. She had tried her best to control her emotions all the way back home, but after she closed the door behind her back, there was no way she could stop her excitement.
- "I can't fucking believe this!!"- she yelled and jumped around the place until she finally laid on her bed and hugged a pillow. For the first time in a long time, she didn't feel like a loser. And for the first time ever, she could call her dad and make him proud, giving him the news of her new job.
Taglist: @all-tings-diego
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