#(on accident i wasn’t supposed to hear) that there’s no breaking it and live isn’t real and
robertsbarbie · 10 months
my brother: probably is going through the worst thing he’s ever been through in his entire life
me: how can i make this about myself and my sadness
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dollscircus · 1 month
Ghostly Company
Jason Todd x ghost!(Kinda)Reader
Chapter 1
Word: 2.6
Tags: Mild violence. Talks of death, thoughts of insanity. bullshitary
Summary: You’ve always had some psychic powers, nothing to powerful. Nothing ever being able to use in crime fighting or anything however when you’re put into a coma after a car crash, it seems your powers went unstable and latched on to someone who tangled with death.
(Tag list is open)
“There’s another big guy coming around the corner.” I said from my perch on top of the fire escape, watching as Jason, The Red Hood beat out the group of men. Throwing them around like they weighed nothing, sometimes I’d get worried he’d get overwhelmed, but he always came out on top. The big guy was wading through the smaller ones, “Oh he has a baseball bat. How cute. He’s gonna swing up in 3…2…1- Now!”
Jason turned on his heel and slammed his fist into the big guy's face, I winced as I heard the bones break under his fist and sending him tumbling to the ground. I barked with a shocked laugh, clapping my hands and cheering. The fight cleared up quickly, the goons knocked out at his feet. He stood there for a moment catching his breath.
He glanced up to the fire escape where I was perched, he didn’t say anything while catching his breath. He was also aware how crazy he’d look because he was the only person who could see me. “You're welcome.” I said with a cocky grin while crossing my arms over my chest.
I could feel the eye roll from my perch but also hear the ever so deep chuckle he let out which brought a smile to my face, I slipped off the edge of the fire escape and floated to the ground. I’d gotten freakishly comfortable with the whole ghostly thing.
My powers hadn’t ever been anything special, just the usual seeing ghost and minor telepathy. Most I can do it throw a glass across the room, not anything to impressive so I didn’t really tell anyone. I didn’t really care to much, sure every so often I got a weird look from a passer-by after I accidently spoke to a ghost in public, but I’ve learnt how to separate the living and dead even in Gotham, there was plenty of the dead.
The day I died (not really but got put into a coma) started off pretty normally, I woke up normally. Got up for work, dressed and went about my day. Rushing through the usual gloomy Gotham weather, I looked up at the street's lights. Rolling on my boots while I waited for the lights to change, it soon flicked from green to orange to red. I rushed from my spot on the sidewalk, trying to get out of the rain as soon as possible. I didn’t see the car lights cutting through heavy rain until it was too late.
I don’t know why I don’t remember much of the crash; you’d think I would? A car slamming into you isn’t a feeling you would forget but maybe it was just my brain trying to spare me the pain. I suppose I should be grateful. I’m not sure what happened. What my powers did in response to my injury but after my vision was swallowed by car lights, I blinked a few times and the next thing I knew; I was standing in a- motel room?
I blinked a few times once again, looking around with shock and confusion. It wasn’t the best motel room, I looked around trying to figure out what was going on. Glancing around I noticed it just sitting on the bed, the red helmet that I instantly recognised from the news. Kingpin turned vigilante. Red Hood. My lips started as words died on my lips, what in the actual fuck was going on!?
I jumped when the bathroom door clicked open, the light from the bathroom streaming into darker room I was standing along with the steam from the hot shower. To be honest, I always liked to think I’d be the fight type of panic response, but apparently, it’s freeze. I stood still like a moron as the stranger- apparently Red Hood stepped into the room just a towel hanging from his hips. Oh god he was shredded but my eyes caught on an- autopsy scar- what the fuck?
We made eye contact.
Long, awkward eye contact. Both staring at each other in shock. I don’t know if he moved first, or I yelled first but he dashed across the room clearly searching for a weapon. The towel dropped. I screamed and he threw a lamp at me and it just- phased through me. Now that caused me to scream louder and Red Hood to freak out a little more.
So yeah, that’s how my limbo undead state came about. I still hadn’t figured out how I got attached to Jason in particular but Jason, the pretty son of bitch refuses to tell me much about his life. Always changes the subject or goes into the bathroom. Asshole.
I walked alongside him as we returned to- he called it hideout. I called it home. I hummed to myself while letting myself float up into the air, hovering over him.
“You have way too much fun with that.” He said while dropping down on to the couch. The helmet making a metallic click as he took off his helmet. His eyes flicking over to me, and I floated upside down.
“Perks of being in limbo.” I said, twirling my body around and floating down to the ground again. He watched me with an amused expression. Jason still hasn’t decided if he believes that I’m real or just a figment of- what did he say in passing once? The pit? He got pretty grumpy with me when I made a joke about that sounding like a gay bar. He hid in the bathroom for 2 hours after that.
“Don’t you ever feel tried?” He said while flopping back on to his bed, I tilted my head to the side at him. There was a stench of silence. “Oh, right. Coma thing, so you’ve claimed.”
“I’ve given you, my name. You can always go search up who I am.” I said while walking over to his bed, swinging my foot into leg like I was trying to kick him, but my boot passed through his body. Jason huffed and moved his leg away.
“That’s cold.” He huffed in irritation; he leaned back up to look at me. “And I’d not. It would either confirm I’ve gone insane, or I’ve got an actual Ghost haunting me. Remain blissfully unaware.”
I opened my mouth to protest when Jason’s phone rang which piqued my interest, in the- 3 weeks I’ve been floating around. He hadn’t gotten any calls. I perked up and peaked at the phone screen, “Who’s daddy dearest?” I asked before Jason just- walked through me to get his phone in a mild panic.
That was a weird feeling. I groaned while wrapping my arms around myself. “Augh! Don’t do that you ass!” I cursed while floating up into the air while he answered the phone. I pouted while twirling around in the air while looking at him talking on the phone, his back to me making the effort to hide it.
I stared for a moment before ever so slowly floating over to Jason as he stood talking on the phone, I only caught enough to hear the words ‘bat-cave’ and ‘tonight.’ I grinned widely while Jason turned to look at me after he hung up.
“Are you going to see Batman?” I smiled; Jason stared at me. His usual grumpy expression shifted into an amused laugh before he caught himself and shook it off.
“You need to behave while we’re there.” He pointed at my face; this stern expression half hearted. I barked with a laugh while throwing my arms in the air.
“Yes!” I saluted playfully, “I will be on my best behaviour.”
“You are a big liar.” He said, raising an eyebrow at me.
I could tell that Jason wasn’t pleased with knowing I was tagging along with him to the Bat cave, but the pretty idiot had no choice. I had no choice. I wasn’t even paying attention to Jason’s less then pleased expression when we arrived at the fucking Wayne manor. I gasped while looking up at the place. “No fucking way.” I grinned as his bike down through a tunnel under the manor, “Bruce Wayne is batman!?”
Jason grunted, “You-” He trailed off, clearly about to tell me to not tell anyone then remembered that I can’t. I stared at him with an annoyed expression, and he made the conscious effort to avoid my glare as he parked. My irritation wore off instantly at the sight of the Bat mobile, I flung myself across the room. Stared at the car in awe and Jason scoffed under his breath and started walking deeper into the cave. I, however, did not notice this until whatever connection kept me bound to him started dragging me to follow him.
I caught up with him, “Hey, Red. Have you told anyone about me?” I asked.
“Absolutely not.” He said quickly, well, I guess that made sense. Didn’t want to be called crazy but uhh, he runs around is some comicon like cosplay beating up criminals in an ally. That’s pretty crazy but I decided not to comment.
We moved into the much bigger cave, and I squealed in glee while floating up to look around the save, “Is that a fucking dinosaur!?” I gasped while pointing to it, twirling around. “What the fuck is this stuff!?” 
I look down to Jason who was watching me, I couldn’t make out much from behind the helmet as I swooped down to follow him as he walked to a centre platform. There was a big fuck off computer, with massive screens filled with information I couldn’t keep up with. I stared in awe then landed on the ground when actually seeing Batman himself, sitting at the massive computer. 
“Might’ve been something real important to drag me all the way back here.” Jason comment, Batman- Bruce? Shit. What do I call him internally? Bruce. No that feels too personal. Batman? But that also feels weird. Mr Wayne? What the fuck is he? My teacher? Mr Wayne sounds like a spy name. Hello Mr Wayne, you’ll never stop me from ending the world. Mwahaha!
“There’s been strange cases around Gotham.” Batman- Bruce, yeah, we’ll go with Bruce said while he typed on the computer, bringing up hospital files. I narrowed my eyes a little.
“That’s illegal.” I commented, Jason’s head flicked towards me a little, but he caught himself before he could scold me.
“All minor injuries, car crash. Fall down the stairs.” Bruce carried on, “Yet people just aren’t waking up again. The first case was around three weeks ago.”
“Ok?” Jason said, “This doesn’t seem like your territory.” 
“It wasn’t until I noticed each other the victims were members of wealthy families.” Bruce said while typing on the computer a little more. I frowned a little, a pit welling up in my stomach. My usual playful smile fading into a worried expression. I almost stumbled back with a gasp when my own picture got pulled up on the large screen. “They were the first victim, came from a wealthy family. After a minor traffic collision, they slipped into a coma despite no brain injuries.”
As he spoke, the sound in my ears began to feel distant. What is he saying? That- someone did this to me? I think Jason said something, but I didn’t hear it.
“After the next victim well into a coma, her families bank accounts were completely emptied shortly after which is the same pattern with the others aside from the first. I don’t know why.”
“So what?” Jason said with a cock of his head, “You think someone is robbing rich people by putting people in coma’s?”
Bruce scowled; it was a very tried expression like how silly it sounded said so bluntly. I looked over to him, watching him for a few long moments before looking to Jason. A desperate expression on my face.
“I’m aware of how it sounds, I called you here since the area your patrol is the central point of all the victims.” He explained while flicking his eyes back to the room with so much information that it made my already panicking mind swirl. “And well aware that you dislike any of us stepping on your toes.”
“He’s really saying someone did this to me?” I said in a quiet voice, mostly to myself then Jason who shuffled a little while looking at the screen.
“How would someone even put people into coma’s and not leave a single trace?” Jason asked, walking towards the computer scanning over screen. Bruce sighed.
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”
I’m not sure when I zoned out while scanning over the screen, all the information as the sounds of Jason and Bruce talking faded into the background.
Someone did this to me? To try and rob my family? My life forced into limbo for fucking money?! Why. Why. Why. Why. 
I felt the tug of my connection to Jason start to tug me along while he started to walk away from the platform we were standing on. I blinked a few times after getting dragged out of my anger and confusion filled spiral. This didn't make sense. I opened my mouth to behind to protest walking away. I wasn’t done looking at the screen! This wasn’t fair! Jason tilted his head over his shoulder, I couldn’t see his face, but I could only imagine the angry glare he was shooting me.
I followed along without much argument, head down while we returned. Jason and I were silent while slipping back inside the ‘hide out’, I didn’t say much while moving over to the corner of the room. Sitting on the ground and pulling my knees to my chest, pressing my forehead into my knees.
Time passed; I wasn’t really paying attention to what Jason was doing. I just couldn’t make sense of any of then thoughts rushing through my head, it just felt like it was to much. Someone did this to- what? Rob my family? How many people has this been done this too? It was so- It just didn’t make sense. Why-
Hearing my name snapped me out of my spiralling thoughts, I jolted a little while flicking my eyes over to Jason who was standing on the other side of the room. Clearly during my spiralling, Jason had showered and changed. He was staring at me with a look I couldn't quite read but definitely hadn’t seen on his face before. 
“Yeah?” I said while painfully aware of how meek I sounded; Jason sighed. There was a moment of silence that passed between us before he finally spoke up again.
“We’ll figure out who did this to you.” He said, looking at me. I stared back at him for a moment, there was a look behind his eyes. An intensity that I felt so exposed in front off, like he was reading everything going through my mind. I looked away unable to withstand being under his eyes. 
“I-” I said while looking down at myself, my shape was always a little hazy. “Why?”
Jason’s brow furrowed for a second and I could tell he was holding something back, something he wanted to say but decided against it. He sat on the edge of his bed, running a hand through his hair.
“The bat asked me too.” Jason said, avoiding looking at me. So that’s it?
“You don’t really seem like the type to do as he’s asked.”
“Do you really want to spend time thinking about why or do you want me to catch the person who fucked you over?” Jason said while raising his eyebrow at me before caused me to let out a soft little laugh while looking away from him.
“I guess you’re right.” I said with a tried smile, I flicked my eyes over to him again. “Thanks.”
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cranberrymoons · 9 months
show me the stars
prompt: ruby (discord drabble) word count: 1,009 rated: t tags: doctor who au, eddie is the doctor, first meetings notes: this prompt only actually fits if you've watched the most recent doctor who lmao but whatevs, enjoy! (you don't have to have seen the ep for this to make sense though)
It's not like he goes looking for trouble. He never has – he’s never had to. It just finds him, whether he wants it to or not.
It’s so much a part of his life that it actually never even really occurred to him that he’s exceptionally accident-prone until he met Robin and she started complaining about the week from hell she’d been having lately. 
“Like what?” he’d asked, only half paying attention as he fiddled with the button on his ice cream scoop. It snapped back then jerked forward, sending the scoop ricocheting out of his hand and into a vat of dirty dishwater. “Fuck.”
“Like, I stubbed my toe this morning,” Robin had said. “Knocked my head getting out of the car, slipped on the floor on my way in and almost had a total wipe-out, bit my tongue during my lunch break earlier.”
And as she went on, describing a thing that basically sounded like Steve’s typical Tuesday afternoon, it started to sink in that – okay, so maybe he actually does have a few more accidents than the average guy. But what was he supposed to do? Walk around in a suit made out of bubble wrap every day? 
It’s a year or two later and two or three more fights lost when it finally fully smacks him in the face that he’s basically a walking disaster waiting to happen. Or rather – doesn’t smack him in the face, in the way that falling objects always seem to. 
It happens all at once, when he’s walking down the street on his way home from work one afternoon in early January. He hears a crack from overhead and looks up, just in time to see a branch falling with startling speed directly at his face. 
He gives a shout, arms coming up to cover his head as he braces for impact, but then it just – doesn’t come. He cracks open an eye and then another, and then he slowly lowers his arms. 
“Nearly got yourself killed,” says a voice from his left. He jumps. “That happen a lot?”
There’s a man leaning against the fence at the edge of the sidewalk, hands in his pockets. His hair is long and dark, and there’s a battered leather jacket wrapped around his shoulders. He pushes off and takes a step toward Steve, and Steve takes one back.
“Where did the branch go?” he asks, glancing up. Because it’s not attached to the tree anymore, but it’s also not embedded in his skull. “And where did you even come from? You weren’t there a second ago.”
The man hums. “Funny you should say that.”
Steve frowns. He doesn’t like the way the guy’s looking at him, eyes narrowed like he’s trying to figure him out. 
“Say what?”
“A second ago,” the man says under his breath. He reaches out and pokes a finger into Steve’s chin, and Steve flinches away on instinct. “You really do have perfect bone structure, don’t you? All square-jawed movie star mystique.”
“Okay,” Steve says, taking another step back. “Look, I don’t want any trouble, man. Just – thanks for… whatever you did. I’m just going to go on my way.”
He gets a few paces away before he hears the man’s voice from behind him again. 
“I was here a second ago,” he calls. “You’re the one who wasn’t.”
And that makes just enough not-sense that he falters in his steps and turns back. The man’s leaning again, this time against the side of a big blue box that Steve hadn’t noticed until now.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It means ,” the guy says, grin flashing. He kicks his heel against the base of the box, and the door creaks open. “Come with me if you want to live.”
Steve makes a face. “Isn’t that a line from The Terminator?”
The guy frowns like he’s thinking, then he nods slowly. “Maybe,” he admits. “Even better if it is, though, because whatever’s after you is about as dangerous as Arnold Schwarzenegger was in that movie.” 
“Wasn’t he the good guy in the end?”
“No, are you serious?” the guy asks. “Have you even seen the movie?”
“Of course I’ve seen –”
“Stop,” the guy says, holding up his hands. He takes a step closer to Steve. “Do you hear that?”
And Steve… does. Actually.
It’s quiet – so quiet he probably wouldn’t have noticed it if it hadn’t been pointed out to him, but it’s there, a quiet scuttling sound like when you hear a mouse in the middle of the night but can’t tell exactly where it’s coming from. But they’re outside, standing on the street in broad daylight. 
The man’s hand wraps slowly around his wrist and grips tight, and Steve jerks in alarm. He hadn’t noticed how close they’d drawn together as they listened until now, and before he has a chance to wrench himself away, he’s being dragged in the direction of the weird box on the curb. He considers yelling for help – anti-kidnapping support? something? – but before he can get his lungs together, he finds himself being shoved through the open door, stumbling over his feet and screwing up his face as he braces again for impact, expecting to smash into the opposite wall of the tiny space.
But that doesn’t come either, and when he opens his eyes this time, he sucks in a breath so sharp he nearly chokes on his own throat. 
The guy slams the door and surges past him up the walkway – there’s a walkway – toward the middle of the open, cavernous room, where there’s some sort of circular control panel covered in lights and buttons and something that looks weirdly like a toaster? And he’s muttering to himself, saying nonsense under his breath as he starts poking buttons and flipping levers, and then the whole room gives a jolt, and Steve grabs onto the railing for balance. 
The guy looks up. “Pretty cool, huh?”
And Steve, breathless, has nothing to say other than, 
“What the fuck?”
[also on ao3]
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call-me-maggie13 · 1 year
The people have spoken, part one of the baby Bea and Shannon fic is up now! Find it here or below!
Shannon isn’t sure what to think of her. She’s known Beatrice for two years already, they’ve written each other every day, spoken about everything their little minds could conjure up. But they’ve never spoken.
Even now. They don’t speak.
More accurately, Beatrice doesn’t speak.
Beatrice hasn’t said a single thing in the last three days since Shannon and her mother flew to Europe to retrieve her. She hasn’t moved either, curled on her side under the bed, back pressed against the wall.
She hasn’t eaten since lunch yesterday, the food abandoned to grow cold on her bedside table.
Shannon’s parents don’t say anything, but they’re worried. They’re making the same faces they were when Shannon had to have her tonsils removed. Only they don’t speak about it like they did with her tonsils.
Shannon doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do. She’s never had a sibling before. She’s never known someone as broken as Beatrice.
At least, if she had, she didn’t know. They must’ve been better at hiding their ache than Beatrice.
Or maybe Shannon just wasn’t paying enough attention to notice.
Regardless, Beatrice is ruining her summer break. She’s supposed to be going to summer camp in two weeks but she knows her parents have already forgotten because they’re distracted by Beatrice’s depressive spiral.
Shannon has to fix this. She has to fix Beatrice so she can go to summer camp.
And maybe a part of her really wants to meet her. To meet the Beatrice she’s known in letters that dots her I’s with hearts and has an exciting energy that bubbles off the pages and fills Shannon with a sense of wonder that she’s never known before. Maybe she wants to be selfish and be loved by that Beatrice.
But mostly, she just wants to go to summer camp. She’s supposed to go sailing and waterskiing. She’s excited to learn how to sail and waterski.
"Beatrice?" She gets no response. She wasn’t expecting one, but she’s determined to get Beatrice out from under the bed. Even if that means crawling under it with her. "Bea? Can I join you?"
Beatrice is staring blankly at her. Hollow. Like she’s looking through Shannon more than she’s looking at her. It makes Shannon’s stomach twist into a knot.
"Okay, I’m coming in. Scoot over." Again, no response. Beatrice doesn’t even blink, like she doesn’t hear or see Shannon. Like she’s vacated her body and left nothing but the shell of her existence to rot beneath the bed.
Shannon frowns but she shimmies under the bed and crawls to Beatrice’s side, curling around her like a koala. She wiggles until she’s behind Beatrice, her back presses against the wall and Beatrice’s pressed into her chest.
Shannon doesn’t know what to do. But she remembers when she was little and her and her father were in a car accident that scared her so badly she couldn’t sleep, she remembers how her mom had held her the entire night so she felt safe enough to sleep. Then she did it again the next night. And the night after that. She did it every night until Shannon forgot how scared she had been and she could sleep on her own again.
Maybe that’s what Beatrice needs. To be reminded she’s safe. And she’s not alone. Not anymore.
Her parents didn’t tell her what happened. She doesn’t know why Beatrice lives with her now. She just knows she doesn’t want her to go back.
Even if that means she can’t go to summer camp.
She wants to Beatrice to stay.
It takes seven hours before Shannon’s able to convince Beatrice to vacate her home under her bed. It takes four more to convince her to eat.
She doesn’t know what she’s doing, but it’s working. At least, she’s nearly certain it’s working.
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ramblingdisaster73 · 1 year
There were several moments in this episode that I have been begging for, so to see them actually take place on screen – wow. Very grateful for every scene that took place in the loft. This post is about Owen & TK.
Over the course of seasons 2 & 3 a very noticeable rift had been growing between Owen & TK. Not a malicious rift, but one that happens when our lives start to diverge from each other, but a rift none the less. Life takes us in different directions, even if we do live & work near/with each other. The lack of any real scenes between the father and son that drew me to the show originally, made their connection not feel as strong. That maybe their bond wasn’t as strong as I had thought.
In Season 1, Owen completely hides his cancer from his son, using the overdose as the reason to relocate to Austin. It took TK finding out himself that something was wrong before Owen admitted to TK that he was sick. Then in 3x18 we see that he was also hiding his cancer scare from TK as well. I can understand his motivations both times, the overdose in NYC & then Gwyn having passed not that long before.
Even in Season 2, when Owen and Gwyn break up (I guess that’s what it was), they treat him as if he was a child that couldn’t handle his parents splitting up, so they put off telling him. (I do give Owen credit here – in 2x08 I never got the impression that he actually thought that TK had relapsed, to me he was the one most confident that hadn’t happened)
So, to hear him say that he doesn’t want to hide anything from TK anymore (especially something that would be so life altering for both of them) that he needs TK as much as TK needs him was everything I needed to hear him say. I never doubted that Owen loved his son more than anything, but to hear him say that their needs are reciprocal, that TK isn’t just an obligation to him, that he truly needs his son as much as his son needs him was amazing.
Season 4 has been more about them coming back together, Owen making the moves to show he wants to be an active part of his son’s life, he just wasn’t sure of his place anymore. He knows that TK doesn’t need him in the same ways he had back in NYC or even when they had first moved to Austin.
It took me a while to understand that some of the rift or distance was uncertainty. TK had spent his life desperate for a place in his father’s chosen family – he proved this by following in his footsteps all the way to the 252, then the 126. Now, that TK is in a better place in his life than he was at the beginning, Owen wasn’t as confident about his place, if TK really needed him anymore.
I wrote a fic of Owen talking to Gwyn through various points of TK’s life after her death, there is a line about how Gwyn had broken their deal, he was supposed to be the one that went first. That he should have been the one that went first. That he thought TK would have been able to handle that better. Looking back at that, I wonder if there was a bit of his survivor’s guilt that kicked in a bit.
He had survived 9/11, survived lung cancer, beaten the odds more than he thinks he should have been able to do. But a simple accident took away Gwyn, the stable support of TK’s life while Owen was out rebuilding his firehouse. Now, he was the surviving parent for TK, which is probably not something he had ever anticipated ever happening.
Season 4 Owen started as a man that was lost, he was trying to find his place. I don’t think it was just in TK’s life, but in general. Everyone else was moving forward in their lives, he was stuck. He seems to be relearning who he is now, not just Captain Strand, not just TK’s dad. Not just the firefighter that survived 9/11 & rebuilt a firehouse.
All of that to say, I think Owen has been making some big improvements in himself this season and I am super happy to be seeing them. The TK & Owen loft scene is a wonderful mix of love, honesty, and vulnerability – something that we don’t often get from the older Strand. It will take a lot to top that scene for me. The bar is high.
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danganronpa-21 · 2 years
Tumblr media
General Warnings: N/A
Fandoms: Danganronpa
Relationships: Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto
Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Family Life, Kisses, Post-Danganronpa 3 Hope Arc
Chapter Word Count: 2,191 words
Summary: Makoto hits snooze on his alarm at just the wrong time, and now he's late for work. He's almost out the door when, all of a sudden, he realizes that he's forgotten the most important thing of all!
It’s never pleasant to begin your day with a string of swear words.
 It’s particularly unpleasant if your name is Makoto Naegi and you are unaccustomed to cursing in any great capacity, because when you are cursing in any great capacity, it usually means one of two things:
1.      You have seriously broken or injured some part of your body, and you are probably in somewhat dire need of medical attention.
2.      You are running late when you have somewhere very important to be.
 This time around, there can be no doubt that the scenario is the latter, and the very important place he’s supposed to be is school. Not just as a student, either, but as a headmaster. It might not have seemed like much to be late to some, but not everybody would understand that the name Hope’s Peak has something in its making. For whatever reason, no matter how Makoto changes the school’s policies, there remains a simple problem: the students are full of potential, yet also full of chaos. Just missing a few hours could mean leaving Byakuya in charge of a large disaster, likely something with a flooded hallway and paper clips, and that just wasn’t fair to his friend. It wasn’t his fault that Makoto has a bad habit of hitting snooze even when he shouldn’t.
 Honestly, apart from the whole hitting snooze thing, his wife doesn’t seem to think it’s his fault, either. In fact, she’s quick to blame herself for not realizing what time it became, as if she has not been on maternity leave for the past three months and is not positively exhausted from baby care.
 “I’m sorry, Makoto, I should have said something.”
 She is talking to him, but her half-lidded eyes are fixed on the baby monitor in her hands. Between the two of them, she is definitely the more paranoid parent – every time she wakes up, she has to pick it up to make sure that Hope is still sleeping safely. With the lives the two of them have lived, he can’t say he blames her. He knows that even if she isn’t locked directly onto him and his problems, she is listening and she genuinely is sorry, which breaks his heart a little. She’s so sweet to want to help him.
 “Not your fault.” he mutters as he untangles himself from the sheets. They seem reluctant to release him from their grasp, like a monster swirling its tongue around his leg. “You’re as tired as I am with Hope around. Maybe even more, considering I can’t breastfeed.”
 Any other time, she might have chuckled at the comment. Now, however, she is silent.
“If only I had awoken sooner.”
 Oh, how he longs to climb over to her side of the bed and squeeze her in a hug and kiss her head. There is no reason for her to blame herself for something that was an accident – an accident on his part alone, no less – but he’s so lacking in time that he can’t even stop to tell her that properly. All he can do is offer some words of comfort as he rifles through his drawers, looking for a clean button-down and tie.
 “You were due to get a full three hours of sleep, Kyoko. It was your turn last time, so don’t even worry about it. How were you supposed to know that your husband is a doofus who likes to hit snooze a little too much?”
 Though he does not see the change in her face, he can hear the amused exhale through her nose. It’s not enough to fix her guilt, he knows, but the sound is some small solace.
 “I should know this because this is not the first time that you’ve done it. Not even close to being the fifth or the eighth time you’ve done it, either.”
 He shrugs his shoulders, forcing out a laugh. Even if this situation is leaning towards not being the best, the least he can do is try to comfort Kyoko about it. That’s one thing he will never tire of doing for her. Just giving off an aura of amusement, no matter how sincere, can make a world of difference. That’s something he’s learned with time.
 As he yanks out his shirt and tie, he’s quick to wander to the closet next, snatching up the nearest available suit… Only to realize that the nearest available suit is Kyoko’s, and that he’s not prepared to make a fashion statement today. He eagerly puts it back on the rack and keeps sifting with rapid swipes of the fingers, until finally he settles on a navy-blue suit. Good enough, he thinks, even if it is a lot of blue when paired with his robin’s egg tie. It works for now.
 “Is there anything I can do to help you get ready, Makoto?” Kyoko asks sweetly, flipping the covers off her body, “Maybe I could make you some breakfast?”
 Oh, god no. Kyoko Kirigiri is undoubtedly the love of Makoto’s life, and he would do anything for her, but her cooking tastes is prone to tasting a bit like a mix of a dirt and ashes. She overcooks everything and mixes strange spices, and there has been more than one occasion where the smell alone had been enough to make him pass on it. The offer makes his heart melt, but the idea of her cooking has his mind screaming no thanks.
 “I-I’m thinking I’ll skip breakfast, a-actually!” he says as his throws his clothes down on the bed. “If you could check in on Hope while I have a shower, though, t-that would be great!”
 Kyoko’s lips press together in annoyance, knowing exactly what he’s trying to avoid, but she is kind enough to keep from saying anything. Instead, she simply nods and leaves him to go about his business… but not without sticking her tongue out at him mockingly first. They are both able to snicker at how much he probably deserves that.
   Speaking of what he deserves, Makoto might deserve a world record for the fastest shower ever taken by anyone after today.
 Seriously. Apart of him is wondering if he even is clean after how quickly he washed. Does it really matter now? The point is that he got it done. Now he just has to focus on making a lunch, grabbing something quick to fill his stomach on the walk/run over, and maybe calling Byakuya to tell him to just keep holding out until he can get there. Thankfully, he made it easier on himself last night by not having a second helping of dinner. At least he’s left himself some leftovers to pile into a bento box.
 Still, guilt swirls within him as he hears Hope fussing in the other room. Sometime during his shower she woke up from her sleep, and ever since had been loudly and angrily demanding something. What that something is, he doesn’t know, but his lateness has forced poor Kyoko to try and figure it out. He feels a bit like a rotten husband, not helping out more. Some men are proud to say they never handle the baby stuff, but not Makoto. If he had it his way, he honestly might stay home with his girls instead. Alas, however, Hope’s Peak needed him, and he isn’t the type of man who is willing to turn his back on his students, either.
 “Are you okay in there, Kyoko?” he calls as he shovels omurice into one of the compartments, quickly moving to squirt ketchup in the other so he doesn’t forget. “Do you need me to do anything?”
 Hope wails louder, as if to tell her father that she is being horrendously tortured in there. She’s not, and Makoto knows she’s not, but it’s still hard to listen to his baby cry. If anything, she’s probably just hungry and has not appreciated the attempts at cuddles and diaper changes. There are only so many times that they can get her requests right on the first try. As much as he relishes these years where she’s small and cute, he’s sure it will be much easier on him and Kyoko when she is able to use her words to tell them what she wants.
 “I’m fine, just worry about yourself,” she shoots back, her typically smooth quivering with frustration as she shuffles around in there to do something he can’t quite make out, “I’m just trying to see if Hope will latch.”
 Hm. It’s a bit early for her to be hungry, but he supposes that he shouldn’t question it too much. Though they as parents have a rigid schedule in mind for when they should be feeding her, Hope might think completely differently. Maybe she burned through all of her milk from before already. She is a sponge for information after all, just as all babies are. It is entirely possible that she may have used it as more fuel for growth than they anticipated.
 “Good call.” He reaches for another container of leftovers, this time prying open the Tupperware for a go at the vegetables. As headmaster, he has to have vegetables. Healthy lunches are expected to set an example for the students. “Thanks for taking care of her. You’re such a good mom to her.”
 Though Hope chooses this moment to squawk, possibly defiantly, he decides to believe that she is actually agreeing with him. She’s just too busy complaining that she’s hungry to notice that her mother is trying to fulfilled her need. If it perturbs Kyoko to be complimented while her child is wriggling and fussing, she does not show it in her reply. Instead, he can hear the amusement in her voice as she replies: “How about you just focus on getting yourself ready for work, instead of going out of your way to be kind?”
 Makoto can’t help but laugh as he finishes piling in the vegetables, snapping his box closed. It’s not the most original lunch, but it will satisfy. That’s all he needs it to do, especially with his decision to skip breakfast… he almost feels bad for telling Kyoko that she couldn’t feed him.
 “Alright, but I just want to remind you that it’s true,” he snickers, “And I want you to keep that in mind before I go running off to work. I’m really grateful for you!”
 “Just get ready, Makoto!” she laughs. There’s no way of telling, but Makoto likes to think that her parents’ ease is what makes Hope finally settle and start to suckle.
 Throwing his lunchbox into his bag and sweeping one last pile of paperwork into his briefcase, Makoto finds himself at the door of the house lacing up his dress shoes. With the complaining of their daughter now settled into the occasional happy chirp as she eats, the house feels almost peaceful. If he stops for a moment, he can almost forget that he is running dangerously late for school. Then he sees just a bit too much sun streaming in through the window, and remembers that he has got places to be. With one last tightening of his laces and a slinging of his bag over his shoulder, he calls out to Kyoko:
 “Alright, honey, I’m off. Have a good day, I love you!”
 “Thank you, I hope you have a good day and good luck! I love you as well!”
 Makoto lets out one final sigh as he pries the door open, struck by the sunlight and the warm spring breeze the second it meets his skin. It’s another one of those times where, if the situation permitted, he might have taken the time to enjoy his walk to school. However, it was not, and so he is forced to press forth with as much speed as he can muster. The door is almost fully closed behind him when suddenly, his stomach drops.
 How could he manage to forget the most important thing of all?
 Forget lateness! There’s no excuse for this!
 The door can’t even find the time to click closed before he whips it open again, tossing his briefcase down on the bench in the foyer. Kyoko’s voice rings through the room as he re-enters, but he can’t quite make out what she’s saying. He can only make out her expression, brows furrowed and lips pressed into a straight line, as he speed-walks towards her.
 “Forgot to kiss you good-bye,” he explains, leaning down to offer him her lips.
 Kyoko can do little else but laugh at him and accept. The kiss is soft and warm, but quick, and Makoto has to fight to avoid going back for more. Timing-wise, he probably shouldn’t, but if he had the time, he absolutely would.
 “Kiss your daughter before you go, too,” Kyoko reminds him as he pulls back, and smiles as she notices that he is already dipping his head down again to plant one on the babe’s fuzzy little head.
 “Of course. Both my girls need to know how much I love them.”
 She shakes her head, still smiling. “We do, believe me. We do.”
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devildomdisaster · 3 years
Comfort spell gone wrong (the dateables)
Anonymous asked: for the lore Olympus ask but with the dateables. (Deleted this ask by accident but here it is)
Comfort spell gone wrong
Not only had the brothers been completely horrible the past few weeks but even your friends in purgatory hall and Diavolo himself had been too busy for you.
You understood that Simeon was busy helping Luke work through some things. But still, being brushed aside after the brothers had been so cruel towards you hadn’t helped your crumbling self-worth.
Solomon had heaved a big sigh and told you “They're demons Mc. It’s what they do. You’re going to have to grow a thicker skin. Besides, I don’t have time to help you with something so trivial.” Before handing you a page from a spellbook “if you really can’t deal with it yourself use this for comfort.”
You’d undeniably ruined Barbatos’s hard work when you’d tripped and tipped over the cake he’d been working on all morning. The demon had shooed you from his domain with barely concealed rage and asked you not to come back until “you can prevent yourself from causing me more work.”
Diavolo, despite always telling you you could come to him with your troubles, had snapped that Solomon seemed to be doing just fine. “So maybe you need to try harder, Mc. Rather than blaming your problems on other people.”
The spell Solomon had given you seemed simple enough. Although it was in an unfamiliar mix of Latin and Infernal. Couldn’t hurt to try though. At least not anymore than you were already hurting. You’d cast the spell, stumbling through a few words and thinking it hadn’t worked when nothing happened. Figures you couldn’t do it, you were still new to magic and just as useless at it as everyone had so kindly reminded you the last few days. It still sapped your energy though, stupid spell. You closed your eyes thinking that maybe it was better that the spell didn’t work. You’d never live down the embarrassment if anyone found out you tried to use a comfort spell.
Lucifer calls the others asking if anyone has seen you, after several days of radio silence from you. Solomon, Luke, and Simeon rush to the house of Lamentation once they hear you haven’t been seen for days. They find Lucifer and the brothers crowded around you, worriedly discussing the spell which has covered you and your room in vines. Babratos and Diavolo are already there, both looking guilty. Solomon feels his stomach drop when he recognizes the page from the spellbook.
“Lucifer, I recognize that spell, I gave it to them when-” Solomon begins
“Yes, it figures you would have your hands in this Solomon.” Lucifer glares.
It’s Simeon who steps forward to undo the spell, giving Luke’s shoulder a comforting squeeze on his way by. “Lucifer if you would,” he says gesturing to your form “this will take both our magics to undo, I believe.”
Shit, shit! Solomon recognizes that spell! He gave it to you.
It wasn’t supposed to do this, it was just a simple comfort spell!
But he can’t help feeling responsible for what's happened.
He feels like he should have known, should have realized something was going on when he gave you that spell.
You’d just wanted to talk, but he was so caught up in trying to find a way to make pacts with the brothers that he totally brushed you off.
He handed you a page out of a spellbook instead. And told you to deal with things yourself.
Solomon is crushed. He has always told you that if you ever need to talk to another human, he’d be there. But he wasn’t. He told you to deal with it alone.
When Simeon and Lucifer break the spell he is by your side in an instant.
Hands fluttering over your body, brushing withering plants off you. Feeling utterly useless.
The spell had gotten so convoluted and twisted in ways he’d never seen before, he hadn’t even been able to break it.
You blink your eyes open, Solomon’s distraught face coming into focus.
“Mc, I shouldn’t have given you that spell. I’m so sorry. I-I said I’d always help you if you needed me but all I did was hurt you instead.”
He wants to distance himself from you. But he knows that won’t make you feel any better. It won’t make him feel better either.
Instead, he’ll be far more careful with the magic he gives you. He’ll start teaching you more magic, so you can practice spells safely.
But he’ll also do his best to make sure you never need a comfort spell again.
He wants to be your comfort.
Solomon will plan elaborate outings and magic filled dates. He gets all these grand ideas and half of them turn into disasters but somehow he’ll make sure the two of you still have fun.
It’s easy for Solomon to forget that he needs to communicate better. But he’s trying. Instead of snapping at you again he’ll be sure to set aside time for himself. Besides, being in the Devildom is more fun with an apprentice anyways, plus teaching you magic gives him plenty of time to make sure you are happy too.
Simeon is shocked when he sees you.
A shiver runs down his spine when he feels the spell sucking the energy from your body.
His eyes don’t miss the botched comfort spell on the ground and he wonders why you didn’t come to him.
And then he realizes. You did. But he brushed you off to help Luke and even when you were hurting you didn’t want to burden him.
He feels like he’s failed you by making you feel like you couldn’t come to him.
When you open your eyes Simeon is the first thing you see.
He gently brushes the plants from your face and hair.
“Oh my sweet little lamb, you are never a burden to me. I am so sorry I made you feel you couldn’t come to me.”
Simeon brings you to Purgatory hall while your room is cleaned.
He gently untangles bits of plant matter from your hair, humming what must be some Celestial lullaby to you.
“Mc,” he begins once he’s removed the remaining plants from your hair and skin, and you’ve allowed yourself to relax into him. “Forgive me, Mc. I should have seen how much you were hurting.”
He is being so gentle with you. But his voice takes a stern edge as he tells you “Next time you feel like this, promise me you will come to me. If you tell me what’s going on I will always have time for you.”
Simeon makes sure to check in on you now, to make time for you. He’ll invite you to Purgatory hall for dinners and/or sleepovers. Oftentimes Luke joins you. But sometimes he’ll sneak you in so the sleepover is your little secret.
Oh, Mc! He hasn’t seen a spell like this in centuries.
He knows it’s a mistake, but the power it must have taken to cast this spell is impressive.
He’s curious to know what kind of power you’ll have after you’ve been trained properly.
That not to say he isn’t concerned, it's just he knows the spell can be undone, and he finds it easier to deal with the situation if he doesn’t think about how close he came to losing you.
He’ll request that the brothers keep a closer eye on you, not that they weren’t going to anyway.
Diavolo will scoop you from the tangled vines, brushing the remaining vines from your skin as he carries you from your room.
He sits down on his throne, with you still held in his arms. For a moment you're afraid of his thunderous expression.
And then his eyes soften. “Mc,” he whispers. Emotion making his throat tighten, choking off his voice. “Why?”
“Why don’t you find a human who can do better than me Diavolo? You said so yourself, I’m a disappointment.”
“Mc, I didn’t mean! I didn’t want you to-! I didn’t”
He knows what he said. But he never meant for you to take it to heart like this. He was just stressed and he took it out on you.
“I’m sorry, Mc. I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you. You haven’t disappointed me. I’m sorry I made you feel like you can’t rely on me. Please understand that I would do anything in my power for you.”
A frightening promise from the prince of the Devildom.
Diavolo is careful to control himself in the future. To prevent himself from letting his stress and anger get the better of him.
Careful to remind you how important you are to him, and not just because you are an exchange student, but because he cares for you.
Anger. Fear. Barbatos tumbles between the two emotions.
It seems that by placing you in this timeline to protect you from Belphagor’s anger he has put you in a new kind of danger. One he didn’t see coming.
This makes him question his decision not to look into the future more than necessary.
Humans are so fragile. And this is just more proof of that fact.
Barbatos is by your side the moment you wake up.
He is lifting you to your feet and guiding you from your room.
Barbatos is a perfect gentleman as he helps you clean up. Helping you scrub the plants from your skin, wrapping you in the softest blankets.
But he remains silent the whole time.
Once you are safely tucked into bed Barbatos speaks. “Mc, I know I have made you feel useless. I should not have taken my anger out on you. I should have known better.”
For a moment you think he’s going to leave, that that’s all he is going to say.
But then he asks if he can stay with you. If the answer is yes, he’ll curl around you in your bed. Holding you to him as if you are likely to disappear.
It has been a long time since Barbatos has had something or someone he has been afraid to lose. “I’m sorry Mc. Please know you can come to me, even if I may be upset. I’d rather you make me face my shortcomings then lose you.”
Barbatos starts having you over for tea more often. He’ll take you on errands with him, if he thinks you’d find them at all interesting.
Mostly he just wants more excuses to spend time with you.
This made him realize how important you are to him and he’ll make sure you know it.
Scared little sibling vibes.
Luke is so scared to see you like this!
You are so still and pale that he thinks you might be dead.
When you open your eyes he is so relieved.
Please don’t scare him like this again!
He’s got tears in his eyes, and he half yells half cries at you “Mc! You- you can’t just do something like this. What if- if you had died? I know these demons-” he shoots a watery glare at the demons “can make you feel sad but you’re my friend.”
He’ll ask you to stay at Purgatory hall for a while. He 100% thinks this is all the brother’s fault.
In fact he wants you to move into Purgatory hall permanently and he is so insistent that Diavolo might just let you if that's what you want.
He’ll make sure you know that he sees you as a big sibling, a friend that he could never replace “so please don’t think nobody cares Mc. I know we’re not really related but you’re like a sibling to me.”
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
The Perverse Angel and His Wicked Thoughts
Direct Continuation to Divinity in Impurity
Word Count: 2.8K
A/N: Please forgive me for the awful title. I just had no idea how/what else to title it
Simeon never knew what true anxiety felt like until he’s back standing in front of your door. His knees feel weak, his heart beating against his chest, echoing and shattering his ribs into sharp pieces that cut into his skin and make him choke on his own blood. His breath is shallow and when he knocks against the wood, you’re quirk to open the door with a smile on your face. You let him enter your room with a wave and a smile, quickly going in for a hug when he’s inside, letting the door click close behind the both of you.
Stepping inside of your room, he’s acutely aware of everything that goes on inside, the way that your scent is heavy in the air, consuming every object, how you walk so freely without a care, trusting him with your safety, knowing that he would never do anything so harmful and perverted to you. Blood is bitter on his tongue, his teeth piercing against the insides of his cheeks when he accidently bites a bit too hard. He hisses, a hand wavering to cup his cheek but he falters, repulsed by his bare hand. And yet, you’re quick to come to his aid, worry in your eyes and your lips parted asking if he’s okay. Your touch is warm, different from his own and he jumps at your contact, stepping around you to walk and sit on your bed. He can’t bear to feel your touch, not when he just did something so awful- so grotesque and perverted.
The bed dips under his weight, his teeth worrying at his bottom lip and his eyes are glued on your figure, sweat beading at his forehead as you walk towards. He sits on your bed, his hands shaky and when you question his nervousness, he waves it off. It’s nothing- really, don’t pressure him. Guilt has started to eat him, sinking its teeth into his skin and while he can’t look at you, you make no comment about it, sitting beside him, your legs seated under you.
You hand cups over his and he lets his head fall, his muscles tense as you call his name. His hand goes rigid, and while you hold the top of his hand, your fingers slip between the spaces of his and you hold tightly to his hand while he just sits there.
“Simeon,” you whisper, giving his hand a squeeze, “can you look at me?”
Something catches in his throat, his lungs devoid of air, deflating into nothing as he shakes his head. His lips are pulled thin, any breath that he tries to take is through his nose, a deep inhale that is shakily released through his parted lips. How could he ever look at you when he did what he did? How could he even allow you to hold his hand? It’s his own deviance that clutches around his chest and drags him further into the dark pool that is his sin.
“Is this about what you saw?” Your voice is gentle, concern and puzzlement laced into your words as your knee bumps against his. “Sim, I told you that it was okay.” He can hear the smile, reassuring that what he saw wasn’t anything bad but you don’t know what he did. His legs begin to bounce, shaking the bed and his lips grow dry. “You don’t have to feel guilty over it. I should have told you that I was changing or even locked the door.” A playful chuckle fills the room and when he remains unresponsive, your hand slowly uncurls and slips away.
His hand is left cold and empty, a foreign feeling that he does not welcome. Quickly, his other hand clasps over yours, trapping it against his wrist. He takes shaky breaths, his chest wavering with every inhale and exhale. With your hand under his, he shakes, and releases his hand from you, apologizing under his breath. Immediately, he misses the feel of your hand.
You take in a sharp inhale, your shoulders slumping and his heart drops. You’ve allowed him to enter your room, you held his hand and yet, he’s here, with his innocence tainted and forever blemished by his actions. “Simeon-”
“I- I’m so sorry.” He covers his face with his hands, and he recoils away from his touch. His teeth are gritted and he turns to you, his brows wrinkling his face and he wonders how pathetic he looks to you. “I- I’m so sorry,” he repeats, his voice breaking and his stomach twists into tight knots.
Instead of disgust, you smile sadly at him, your hands coming out to hold the hand that he had used to masturbate to you. He wonders if you’d turn away from him, if you’d wipe your hand from his touch, if you knew what he had done.
The look that you give him is enough to make a storm of butterflies form in his stomach. “I already told you-”
Acid bubbles in his throat, burning and making it harder to breathe with every passing second. He doesn’t want to lose the friendship that he has with you, but he can’t live with himself if he doesn’t tell you. A prayer starts to form, a simple thought that is burst with judgement on him. Your words are distant and he isn’t sure what you’re saying, he can’t hear you but he can see and feel you. He can see your smile, how your eyes dart to the door and the soft feel of your hand. He feels as if he’s being choked, a tight grip around throat has tears brimming in his eyes. He wonders how much of himself is clouded from the eyes of God. He feels too much, his worry and guilt bubbling over that leaves him feeling exposed. “I masturbated to you.” There’s a pause in the room, your eyes blinking owlishly as you try to comprehend the words. “I- I’m sorry,” he mutters, looking at the floor, leaning away from you but he still lets his hand be held in yours. Shock settles as the words have filled the room, slowly filling your mind. “I-” He deflates and stops talking.
Neither of you speak for some time, words clutched at your heart and his stuck on his throat. He wishes he could take back the words, but he can’t deny the sweet relief that he felt when he confessed. Your hand slowly pulls away and he wants to cry and collapse onto his knees, begging for forgiveness.
“You-” you start, pursing your lips together- “You masturbated to me?” He nods, believing that he is unworthy to even speak to you after what he did. “Before you came- Er, When you arrived the first time to my room?”
He supposes he deserves the questioning and the sick feeling that settles in his stomach. “When- When I saw you I had fled and when I arrived at my room, I- I had-” He fits back a sob. He’s never felt so dirty.
“Simmy,” your voice is calm, and your hands return to him. Hsi eyes are wide and without knowing what’s going on, you pull him close to your chest, letting his forehead rest on your shoulder. Your hands curl over the back of his head, cradling him gently. “It’s okay, sweetheart; don’t cry.” Your kindness only makes him sob, his body shaking and his hands, as dirty as they are, clutch to the back of your shirt. “You- It’s fine. You don’t have to feel bad or anything. I mean-” you shift under him and he fears that it’s discomfort and rejection, so he clutches tighter at you and pushes himself further into you. “Sh,” you whisper, threading your fingers through his hair, “I’m not going anywhere. Just relax, okay?”
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers, turning his head, his breath hot against your neck. “I- I was weak. Please forgive me.” You smell sweet, the overlapping of your cream invades his senses but underneath, he can smell you, your scent that calls out to him and it only makes him want to cling tighter to you. He doesn’t want to separate himself from your embrace even if it's something out of pity. “Please, don’t leave me.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Simmy,” you say softly, rocking him gently in your arms. “You’re okay. I’m not mad or anything, I’m-” you let out a laugh, it’s short and humorless- “I’m actually a bit er- honoured? No, flattered.” His eyes widen and he pulls away from you, tears streak against his cheeks and he looks at you with wide eyes. Your body shifts under his gaze and you force yourself to look at him. “I think it’s kind of sweet actually. Well, not sweet, but hot?” You give him a smile, and while it doesn’t reach your eyes, he knows that it isn’t something bitter. “I kind of assumed you hadn’t felt anything to me and well, while masturbating isn’t a confirmation of feelings, I’m flattered that you find me attractive enough to jerk off at the thought of me.” You swallow nervously and you look away from him. “I’m talking too much, aren’t I?”
“No!” He says, holding your hands in his. “I- How could I not find you attractive? I- You’re the only human- the only being who ever made me feel so- so-” his hand clutches over where his heart would rest, twisting the fabric in his hands- “so alive,” he breathes out. “When I’m with you, I feel as if I never want to be apart from you. I would be a fool to not find you attractive, to not see your beauty and want you as you are. Here I am, the angel that is meant to remain pure and yet I was tempted by someone-” his knuckles brush against your cheek, curving at your bone and gliding down until they reach the corners of your lips- “and I’d do it all over again if it meant that you would even have an ounce of happiness.” He lets his hand fall, smiling at you, with fondness. “I am nothing more than your angel.” He bows his head slightly, bringing your hand to his lips, letting your knuckles grace him with your touch.
“A knight in shining armor,” you muse, your hand falling under his chin and pushing gently to have him look at you. He meets your eyes with readiness to accept whatever it is you want, ready to follow your commands. While he has no contract that binds him to you, he’d do whatever you would want of him. You accepted him and his secret, the least he could do is bow before you.
Your smile twitches for a moment, faltering for a second and he frowns. His eyes never leave your face, watching your expression change, slowly morphing into a curious look that has him leaning his body close to yours. He watches as your tongue peeks to wet your lips, the soft, pink muscle teasing him and with his thoughts safe in your room and with you, he wonders how your tongue would feel in his mouth, how it would feel if it were against his body and curled around his burning skin.
“Simeon?” He gives a curt nod in your direction, listening and clinging to your every word. “Can you show me?” His blood runs cold at the immediate understandment of your words. His heart races, pumping his angelic blood through his body and with a heavy heart, he can feel the familiar and yet alien feeling of his member throb under the confines of his pants. “I wanna see how you touched yourself.”
Limbs bump into each other, your hands leaving a trail of goosebumps as you move against him. He isn’t sure how he's gotten to lay against your pillows with his pants past his thighs and his cock already half erect. His breath hangs heavy in the room, his chest taking deep slow breaths as he watches his own hand circle around his cock. He can feel your eyes on him, how you watch his every move with an unblinking gaze, entranced by the angel who remains partially dressed. His mouth is dry and he lets his hand take a shaky stroke against himself, letting out a whine at the feeling. It isn’t pleasurable but it isn’t horrible either. It’s just a touch. He wants to make it a show, but he’s so new to this, so inexperienced and while your human curiosity is taking over, leaning onto him, he can’t do much more than stare at his cock that beads with pearls.
“I- I need help,” he mutters. “It feels so new, so alien to touch myself. I’m-”
You cut his words off with a kiss, your body moving to rest above his, your weight pressing down on him. His cock hardens, pulsing in his hand and with a jerky motion, he proceeds to touch himself. Your tongue enters his mouth and he greedily sucks on it, pushing himself upwards to deepen the kiss, working his hand in a similar motion. The tight feeling in his stomach returns, quicker and tighter than before. Your hand glides to his chest, slipping under his shirt and thumbing around his nipple, humming into his mouth when he hardens under your touch. You pull away with spit covered lips, your eyes glazed over with honeyed lust, smiling down at him and kissing at neck, suckling softly, letting your teeth pinch at his skin.
The feels are all so new to him, and he’s moaning under you, whining and jerking his hips upwards. “Come on Simeon,” you whisper against his skin, “go a little bit faster, Let me see how you treated yourself when you jerked off to me.” You sit above him, cupping his face in your hands, your thumbs under his bottom lip. “Am I the first person you’ve ever jerked off to?” he lets out a pained whimper, nodding his head to the best of his ability without shaking you off. “Use your words,” you advise, leaning forward and pressing your lips against his temple. “I want to hear all the perverted details.”
“Yes,” he croaks out, his leg bumping upwards as his high slowly approaches. “I-” his lips press into a thin line as he tries to muffle his moans- “I hadn’t touched myself before. I thought of you and your body, I thought about how you’d feel- how different your hands would feel compared to mine.”
“If you’re a good boy and finish, I’ll be sure to pleasure you.” Your smile is coquettish, your tone sultry as you grab his arm, and let the hand that had been clutching the covers curve over your chest. “When I called you, were you busy touching yourself?”
“Yes,” he breathes out, “I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop. I wanted to hear your voice. I wanted to hear you call my name. Even now, I’m surprised that you’re doing so much for me, touching me and not- and not-” his voice tightens, tears brimming against his eyes- “not finding me repulsive. I- I- You were my first, The first that I had ever felt such feeling for. Please, I beg of you, kiss me again. I want to kiss you and make sure that this is all real and not some sick, perverse dream that I had come up with. That if I fall, if I lose my wings, at least I’ll have kissed you before that.” Tears fall, and he can feel the pressure building, so close to spilling over and the tight rope in his stomach threatening to snap.
“Oh Simeon,” you coo, your smile bittersweet. Your head shakes softly, your hands smoothing back his hair and cupping his face. “I’ll stand beside you no matter what, sweetheart. I could never turn away from you.” Your lips press against his and with your confession, he releases, moaning and moving his free hand to hold your back as he shakes under you.
His seed paints his hand and thighs in white ropes. Tears stain the kiss,and when you pull away, he whines, missing the contact. You move off of him and he wants to cry, moving to nuzzle into your chest. His hand sticks to the back of your shirt, sullying you in his seed as he cock lays between him and you, nestled against your sex. He shakes, the afterglow making him so sensitive to touch that even your hand playing with the ends of his hair has him and letting out shaky breaths. His chest feels light, full of air and your scent, his ears hearing your heart beat erratically- whatever facade you had about staying calm and playful as he pleasured himself was only that, a facade. You kiss the top of his head and promise that when he’s calmed down, you’ll fulfill your promise of touching him. He nods his head, trying to steady himself, desperate to feel your hands against his virgin cock.
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tarosin · 3 years
The great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo and ranboo - the best mcc team
this is an extra to the great adventures series
the moment you found out ranboo got into mcc you instantly ran into the room you were sharing pulling him into a hug you were honestly so proud of him and he was going to be with tubbo
unfortunately, you weren’t going to be in mcc this month but that didn’t stop you from being over the moon for your friend. when it was finally time for mcc you wished your friend good luck and apologised for not being able to watch his pov as you weren’t about to break the tradition of watching Tommy after all he was your first and biggest supporter. 3 hours later the event ended and everyone who was watching ranboos pov heard you faintly screaming at Tommy over discord whilst tubbo sat laughing and ranboo was concerned, he heard from Tommy that you would often yell at him however he didn’t believe that he was being honest
“FUCK YOU TOMMY STOP LAUGHING YOU HIT ME IN TO GET TO THE OTHER SIDE ON PURPOSE THEN LAUGHED ABOUT ME NOT BEING IN…..fine when I get in I’m requesting to be on Scott's team…I’m still mad at you but you did great I'm so proud of you congrats Tommy I’ll see you soon goodbye”
at the start of the next month, you received a message from Scott
Scott: so I have a few things to tell you 1 - how would you feel about becoming head twitch mod it’s only fair you’ve been my mod for a while and 2 - welcome to mcc make sure to fill in the form asap!
y/n: 1 - of course I’d love to be head twitch mod and 2 - heh??
not long later you received a form at the same time as your friends, you decided not to tell anyone and somehow you managed to keep it a secret, Scott agreed to lie to the others about whos team they’re on as he knew how excited everyone was going to be. today was the day your big secret would be released, you Tommy tubbo and ranboo were sat outside when the notification went out announcing the team honestly you’ll never forget the look on their faces when they realised
MCChampionship_ tweeted: 👑announcing team green guardians 👑
@tommyinnit @tubbolive @ranboosaysstuff @y/n
Watch them in MCC on Saturday, August 28th at 8 pm BST!
“congrats y/n”
ranboo didn’t say anything he just tackled you into a hug like you did last month when you found he was in mcc. Tommy and tubbo were still processing what they just read
“Scott fucking lied to me”
“aye I told him to”
“what the fuck”
from then the four of you would constantly stream with each other on the mcc training server, you were a strong team when you weren’t yelling at each other.
time flew by soon enough it was the 28th of August. Tommy genuinely couldn’t believe it his best friend was in mcc and on a team with him and he genuinely believed you all had a decent chance in winning as you were a strong team. Tommy invited you over to stream mcc he claimed it was because there would be three people trying to stream in the same room, in reality, it was because he wanted to see your reaction and be there for your first mcc.
Tommy let you stream from his room he had spent the previous night getting advice from tubbo on how he managed to set up so he could stream with ranboo in the same room.
“you ready y/n”
“of course I’ve been watching and learning from the best”
you and Tommy set up and joined the discord call and the mcc server, it was finally time. similarly to ranboo this was something you had wanted to do since Tommy told you all about it on your way home from school one day. 30 minutes later it was time for the games to begin and this is where the chaos began.
“you know what I hope it’s build mart”
“what the fuck y/n”
“fuck you I’m good at build mart- oh you’re joking it’s fucking parkour tag”
this is when you realised that two screaming teenagers in the same room both trying to stream the event wasn’t the best idea, you and Tommy would constantly scream at poor ranboo who was just trying to hunt the other team
“really y/n?! I thought I’d let them win this round”
unsurprisingly your team was doing great you had won 7/8 rounds but there was still one more round, determined to be the one to get dream you decided to be the hunter
“y/n don’t worry if you can’t get them we’re doing well”
“not putting pressure on me at all thank you boys”
being close friends with technoblade gave you an advantage you didn’t expect due to the fact he helped to “train” you for your first mcc which ended up being the reason you were able to catch them all and then helped the others avoid being caught
“tubbo he's to your left TUBBO I SAID HES TO YOUR LEFT WHY ARE YOU GOING LEFT TOMMY RUN RUN RUN RUN ranboo you’re doing great”
you had just successfully won the round against dream sapnap George and quackity and you would never let dream live this down
“do you guys think dream will let me be in one of his manhunts now”
“fuck you tubbo you’re just mad you couldn’t catch all the runners in yellow yaks. you couldn’t catch jack manifold”
so far everything was going well you were currently in 4th place and your team had high hopes. you all felt the need to confirm to your chats that you’re all not actually mad at each other and not to worry about everything.
the next game was survival games ranboo wasn’t ready for this due to the last mcc where he died pretty early on, it started well you all stuck together as a team until the game was nearly over and you got distracted by a chest and ran away from the others whilst they were fighting another team this ended up being a happy accident in disguise you got the notification that Tommy tubbo and ranboo were killed fighting another team
“oh fuck”
tubbo could practically hear your smile as you explained to them that you ran off and was currently under a tree watching the others fight, you used the fact they died in the game to your advantage they would tell you if anyone was coming to attack you whilst you ran around collecting loot avoiding the others shooting arrows
to everyone’s surprise, it worked due to the border being smaller so there was less room to run soon it was you vs punz at this point you were determined to win
“you’re doing so well y/n”
some may call it beginners luck but you ended up winning the fight against punz
the next game was hole in the wall and long story short you sucked, ranboo on the other hand did not. it didn’t take long for you to fall every single round. this helped the others though as you were able to yell which side the wall was coming from
“fuck this stupid game the wall hates me”
“y/n you're supposed to jump through the gaps“
“you know what no I’m going to get on a sapnap alt stream by glitching through”
this didn’t work you died again
“well fuck there I go I guess you’ve got this though guys Tommy you’re doing decent”
“I'm doing great thank you- oh I died FUCK YOU FOR DISTRACTING ME”
“blah blah blah GO TUBBO AND RANBOO”
you couldn’t believe it ranboo was one of the final people remaining, unfortunately, ranboo jumped too late resulting in him falling but nonetheless you were proud of him
“unlucky boo you all did great”
the next game was battle box the four of you had been practising this a lot so there was a lot of pressure to do well especially since you were now in the top 3 on the leaderboard, the strategies you made from practicing paid off you managed to win the majority of the rounds, however, there was a lot of screaming and arguing during the last round
“he’s been stealing mine too y/n”
tubbo was honestly playing well during this game and you were amazed
unfortunately, the arguing resulted in you losing the round as you were all focusing on arguing which meant you missed the other team rushing to wool
“unlucky boys”
“7 wins out of 9 rounds honestly isn’t that bad we should still be third we just need to stay strong with the rest of the games”
during the break before the last four games, the four of you sat making plans for the next few round
“I want to get to the other side last I think that will be our strength”
there was still a rather long break left so you did what anyone else would do run around the server and yell this was a huge mistake as it messed with the soundproofing resulting in tommys mic picking you up and vice versa
“so I guess we’re streaming like this now”
“well since you asked so nicely tubso…no”
tubbo ended up doing the same to the soundproofing in the room he was in with ranboo were in meaning all four of you were now having a scuffed stream as you ran out of time to fix it because before you knew it, it was time to play sky battle
“right we should go left”
“tubbo will get iron Tommy will make the bridge and y/n will do…something”
you did the same thing techno did in the pride mcc and hid occasionally breaking blocks from underneath people so they would fall the others were doing well the game was a mixture of you all encouraging each other and you all cursing each other out whilst ranboo ignored you all and spoke to his chat
“chat I know you can hear double everyone if I could fix it I would but tubbo y/n and Tommy are being too stubborn to fix everything and we don’t have time”
“making people fall to their death can we talk about our feelings now because this is stressful as hell”
you all did decently you weren’t amazing at this game but that was expected it was something you all weren’t the biggest fan of but somehow you were all still in third place and that was something you weren’t expecting especially for your first mcc
it was now time for sands of time you all needed to do well
“bruh I wanted build mart what the fuck is this”
“we’re not going to win this game boys”
and tubbo would be corrected that that statement, you ended up having a visual glitch making it difficult, Tommy would constantly get trapped in a dungeon like last time things weren’t loading for ranboo you had no idea what tubbo was doing and quite frankly you didn’t want to find out unless it was going to be good news and considering all you could hear was tubbo yelling anything that came to mind you could guess it wasn’t going well. you tried to rage quit a couple of times only to be yelled at by the others every time you disconnected from the server
“you’re doing well y/n stay calm we’re going to be fine”
“no, they’re spawning one in for me”
“could them maybe I don’t know speed up the process”
yeah you ended up losing that game and got knocked down the 4th good news is it was only by a couple hundred points
next up was ace race
“do yous reckon Scott's tested this map”
“aren’t you his head twitch mod”
“you’re right I'll message him and find out”
luckily you all managed to do pretty well, Tommy was off to a great start you tubbo and ranboo weren’t far behind you all agreed to follow each other rather than the crowd which paid off as when everyone else went the wrong way rather than following you all managed to go the right way thanks to ranboo yelling he thinks that he knows where to go and thankfully he was correct which put Tommy first tubbo second ranboo third and you fourth, you all ended up lapping people on your final lap and honestly, none of you guessed this would happen but you weren’t exactly complaining. a few moments later you all crossed the finishing line and were the first team to finish giving you the bonus points you needed to push you to second place
“did you know since I first got into mcc I would put y/ns name down for who I wanted to play with”
a few seconds later you showed up on Tommy's face cam as you ran over to him giving him a hug
“you’re doing great y/n we might get into dodgebolt”
“dude we’re winning this shit”
soon enough it was time for the last game (unless you got into dodgebolt) and luckily it was to get to the other side
“we've got this we have actually got this we’re going to get to dodgebolt”
you stuck with Tommy for almost every round mainly because speed bridging wasn’t for you. you were all doing great you were the first team to finish for multiple rounds however you were also the last team to finish for a few rounds
“boys I'm not sure if we’ll get through”
“We all had fun”
“if we get into dodgebolt we’re going to be against dream”
“will you two quit fighting we’re about to find out the final scores.”
“oh my god”
“what the fuck”
“ranboo and y/n are about to play dodgebolt”
you all did it you successfully kept 2nd place somehow now all you had to do was win dodgebolt against dream George sapnap and quackity. safe to say you and ranboo were nervous as fuck and rightfully so as you all lost the first game
“let’s be serious we need to focus now”
you all won the next round
it was now the third round Tommy and tubbo were now out it was you and ranboo against dream and sapnap
“bruh were fucked ranboo”
ranboo took aim and somehow hit sapnap whilst you took a moment to type a message in chat
y/n: it’s my first mcc how do you feel knowing you’re about to lose
it was now your turn to take aim and Tommy yelling in the background wasn’t helping you and the yelling made you shoot before you were ready luckily ranboo picked up an arrow and was able to hit dream, it was now 1 vs 2 if you won this round you would all be the champions and that’s exactly what happened you all quit yelling at each other hell you muted the discord call so you could focus all you could hear was Tommy next to you occasionally supporting you
“come on y/n final round. you’re about to win your first mcc I’m so proud of you”
“you’re doing amazing Tommy thank you for everything now let’s win this thing”
and just like that, it was over Tommy took the final shot and hit sapnap
you all unmuted the four of you yelling
this time Tommy ran over to you pulling you into a hug he was genuinely so proud of you and the others
“you did it y/n you won your first mcc that’s amazing”
“I couldn’t have done it without you or the others I love you all”
after talking to the other teams and ending stream
you and Tommy stayed on call with tubbo and ranboo
“you two need to make your way back here”
“me and y/n could probably catch a train if we’re very quick”
you nodded and quickly grabbed everything you needed thankfully your good luck hadn’t come to an end yet as you and Tommy were able to catch one of the last trains, Tommy had an arm around you as he noticed you were getting tired after all you did just go through the stress of your first mcc to over 170k viewers you ended up falling asleep on his shoulder a few hours passed and you were at the last stop Tommy lightly tapped your shoulder
“hey y/n were here tubbo and ranboo are waiting for us over there…let’s go celebrate this win shall we”
an: do not publish my work :)
@emma0nline @fuzzycloudsz @wtfwriter @bearytime @milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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iwadori · 3 years
When they leave you on your wedding day (Sakusa, Bokuto)
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Genre: angst
Word count: 1.7K
Sakusa’s will make more sense if you read this you don’t have too but it’ll help.
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“Y/N,” you hear knocks on the door outside your dressing room “I-I need to talk to you.”    
“But Omi, a groom must never see their bride until they meet at the alter,” you say behind the door.
“I-It’s important, and I must tell you right now.” he says a bit more intensely
“Okay, Okay... you can come in but im hiding in the closet since my dress is already on.”
You hear the door open and shut, and a lot of pacing around of what you can presume was his fresh wedding shoes trotting against the hard wood floors.
“Omi,” you call wondering why he hasn’t spoken yet “Is everything okay?”
“Umm yes I-it's fine...it just I-” he says pausing
“Just what?”
“I don’t really know how to say this Y/N, I don’t really know how to say it’s just-” he says again pausing himself taking a deep breath.
“Just what Omi? Don’t tell me you’ve got cold feet love,” you say laughing at the thought of it, but your laughter ceased when you don’t hear the ‘Of course I don’t have cold feet Y/N’ that you were expecting.
“Omi?” you asked again, hoping he had he was still going to give you the response you wanted.
“Omi..” you repeated.
“Omi!” you say finally, now exiting the room (with your wedding dress on) to see why your fiance was not responding.  
To your shock, Omi was sitting down on a couch with his face in his hands with soft sobs coming from his mouth and runny tears and snot coming from his eyes and nose. “Omi whats wrong?” you say loudly, alerting him,
“Y/N you look beautiful!” he says sniffling.
“Omi you were meant to say that at the alter, but now that your crying forget about the dress... what’s wrong?” you say sitting down next to him.
“I don’t know how to say this...” he starts, looking away from you  
“Say what? Omi look at me...” you say feeling anxious  
“We...We can’t get married today,” he says still with his eyes off you.
“What do you mean, we can’t get married.” you ask but you get no answer,
“Omi answer me,”
“Say something please!” you say turning his body so that he’s facing you, his eyes are all puffy and bloodshot from the crying and now tears are filling yours “What do you mean Omi,”
“Remember Ex’s name?” he says confusing you cause what did she have to do with anything.
“Yes I remember her, I remember vividly being the girl you cheated on her with after you claimed you were ‘breaking up with her’ so I had to tell her.” you scoff “so yes, I definitely remember Y/N, what about her?”
“We recently umm how can I say this,” he says struggling for words “reconnected... and I do truly miss her and she’s made me rethink some things, see some things...”
“And those things are?”
“I’ve always loved her, she’s always been my one. The one.” he says smiling a bit at the thought of her making you feel sick.
“But Omi what about us? What about the wedding that’s going to happen in less than an hour?”
“Im sorry Y/N I’ll tell everyone what has happened.”
“I don’t want you to do that, I want you to marry me.” you say desparetly “please Omi, why her? Why now..”
“It’s always been her, and you’ve known that.” he says standing up “The day you told her about our ONE NIGHT stand, was the day that I thought I couldn’t live on, but when you came and accepted the pathetic mess I was, I gladly dated you since I had nothing else to loose...but its been 4 years since then I'm a changed man and EX NAME is a changed girl, a forgiving girl and the spark we had wasn’t lost I guess...and Im happy now”
“But what about me?” you say crying “What about me? And my happiness, don’t I deserve that? Don’t I deserve to finally be happy.”  
“Y/N, you do deserve to be happy. But not with me, not at the stake of my own happiness, I wont allow it.”
“Omi bu-”
“God Y/N, don’t be so desperate!” he said agressively “Im sorry for stopping the wedding, I know your parents have put in alot of money in it and I will certainly pay them back... in due time of course.”
“You’re sorry for stopping the wedding?” you say angrily “Not sorry for stopping this relationship. Stopping the longlasting feelings ive felt for you since the day I met you?”
“Cut the crap Y/N, all we did was have one night stand.” he says rolling his eyes and unbuttoning his top botton of his shirt and loosening his tie I dont know why but this Is what guys do when theyre mad in the movies.
“Your such a liar Omi, you used to come into my work place everyday flirting with me talking about how much you wanted me, PINING AFTER ME, making me fall in love with you and not even telling me you had a girlfriend at the time.” you yell “and you summarise that all to me falling in love with you after one measly one night stand.”
“I don’t want to do this Y/N,” he says heading to the door “We’re finished. No more wedding. No marriage. And definitely don’t contact me after this. We’re through.” he slams the door behind him, leaving you alone and jilted in your wedding dress.
You get why he broke it off with you, and technically you do play a small part to blame. You were the one that told his girlfriend that you slept with him and then dated him afterwards, so I guess ‘how you get them, is how you lose them’ definitely works in this case.
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The bokuto and L/N wedding was going to be a joyous occasion. Your soon to be husband told everybody he saw that he were to be wed with you, he couldn’t contain his excitement.
“Bokuto calm down, we’ll be married soon.” was what you always said, whenever he started his rambles to which he always replied “I know Y/N, I cant wait.”
When it came to your grand day, you were excited from the moment you woke up you were buzzing, wondering if Bokuto was feeling even a half of the feelings that you felt.  
You looked beautiful in your dress, anticipating the look on Bokuto’s face when he sees you at that alter. Your wedding party was already at the hotel you were getting married at whilst Bokuto’s got ready at the houe and decided to drive there.
So after you got ready, all you had to do is wait for Kuroo, one of Bokuto’s best men, to tell you when it’s time for you to walk down the aisle.  
You were impatient, your leg was shaking now you knew how Bokuto felt when he rambled on how excited he was for you to become Bokuto Y/N. You finally heard a knock on the door and you dashed to open it,
“Kuroo, thank god you’re here!” you exclaim giving him a hug “I’ve been waiting ages for you, lets go! Take me to my future husband.” You pull his arm practically trying to run and see your man before Kuroo pulls your arm halting you.
“Y/N...” he says shifting his eye sight from left to right “I think we should sit down for a minute.”
“Why? Is he not here yet, gosh he’s always been late to things” you joke “but fine we can sit for a minute or two.”
As you sat, Kuroo turns his body to you putting his hands on your knees with his eyes looking sad “Y/N. I don’t know how to say this but...” he gulps putting his head down “there’s been an accident.”
“Accident? What do you mean accident? What happened? Is everyone okay.” you ask a bit frantically, since it would sad for someone to be hurt on your wedding day.
“That’s the thing Y/N, Bokuto he..”  
“Bokuto what? He’s okay.. Right?” you ask staring at Kuroo “He’s fine right?”
“No he isnt,” he says
“What do you mean he isn’t what happened, where is he? I need to see him.” you say getting up before Kuroo pulls you back down.
“He isn’t anywhere... well anywhere for you to see him. There weren’t enough cars for us, well there were but one of them the engine wasn’t starting and it sound a bit dodgy. But Bokuto said, he insisted for us all to be there. I even offered to let him take my spot in the other cars, I did Y/N I really did, but he promised us that he’d be fine. He left a bit before he did, saying that if he had chance to wander around the hotel it may calm his nerves. But when we were driving, we saw this car all mangled up on the side of the road, it was his. I told him not to drive that car, I told him and he did and I-” he rambled with tears pooling in his eyes “Im sorry Y/N im really sorry.”
“But why why didn’t you call?”
“He told us not too, he said that he wanted you be to as happy as you could be on this day as he knew it wouldn’t end with you becoming his wife.”
“But the ambulance, you called an ambulance right?”
“He was D.O.A, Akaashi went with him since he knew that he probably wouldn’t be able to deliver the news to you.”
“Why? Why did he leave me? On our wedding day, it was supposed to be our day and now hes gone Kuroo hes gone.” you wail, but kuroo wraps his arms around you in a brotherly hug as he cries too.  
That’s how you spend your wedding night, crying in your friends arms over the loss of your ‘husband’ and his ‘brother.’
Bokuto’s funeral was the week after, and it was not an event you were excited for. It was a hard day to get through, but you did it with the help of Kuroo and Akaashi. You visit Bokuto every year on your wedding anniversary talking to your husband even though it always reminds you of the day that never came to be.
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This is the wedding angst that is a gift from me to you sweetheart @teesumu you can totally block me after this cause girll I cried whilst writing it.
If you want a nice ending to the bokuto story to make you feel better read this
General taglist [bold can’t be tagged]: @sakuxxi, @iimoonii, @hamdehlesmis, @Shoyosupremacy, @iambashfulperson, @kayleighbeccaa, @dearkousei, @bakugouswh0r3, @xedspirits @borpcorp, @soft-angel-clouds, @foxxtrot-116 @Xogiaaa, @jesssobs, @apple-poptarts @galagcica @letssssus, @random-734, [join the taglist here]
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taechaos · 3 years
A Parting Gift
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Continuation of Blackmail from Textbook Love
pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble, smut, college au
synopsis: "He told me he would leak your video if you don’t give him a handjob."
warnings: deception/manipulation, dubcon, handjob, spit, slight angst
word count: 2.4k
tag: @mwitsmejk
a/n: jungkook is a bit cruel in this 😖 a flop.
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Every time you think about Jimin seeing you in your most vulnerable state, you want to cry, gag, vomit, but all you can do is look down and walk away from his direction in a hurry. Jungkook told you to avoid him, and it’s the easiest option for you right now, but you wish you could tell him it was an accident. If he doesn’t see you, he’ll forget it quicker and save you the embarrassment.
It’s been three days since the incident, and it’s Monday as you clutch your binder to your chest while walking to your afternoon lecture. The coast is clear when you scurry down the halls, the lightning dim due to the gloomy weather outside. It’s going to rain soon, but you got off easy by arriving early. The campus is not crowded yet, just as you expected before coming. Chances of seeing Jimin are supposed to be lowered in this instance, but the boy really can’t take a hint.
You hear him holler your name from a distance in the corridor, and you quicken your steps anxiously. You’re internally begging for him to leave you alone, to forget you exist, just to not approach you. The chants don’t matter when he gently holds your shoulder a few seconds later. You screw your eyes shut the moment you’re turned around, hoping he would just go away and spare the shame.
“Hey,” he exhales, out of breath from his short sprint to you. “Why were you ignoring me just now?”
“I didn’t hear you,” you lie and open your eyes. Jimin frowns.
“That’s not true,” he mumbles, “I was pretty loud and you don’t even have earphones in.”
You don’t say anything and grimace at the floor instead, avoiding his gaze for as long as you can. You’re not a good liar, and Jimin realizes that all too quickly. He continues quietly, “Is this about the… video?”
“It was an accident!” you blurt out with flushed cheeks, “J-Jungkook was going to send it to himself, but…”
She’s so dense, Jimin thinks in astonishment. “He told you that?” He knows it was on purpose; Jungkook was sending him a message beyond the media: that he stands no chance; that you belong to him. He was telling him to back off, but Jimin is more strong-willed than that.
“Yes… please forget about that video.” You avert your gaze to him pleadingly.
“I’m not judging you, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he tries to comfort, “but are you sure it wasn’t intentional?”
Both of you miss Jungkook exiting the lecture hall when you respond. His brows furrow the moment he notices the interaction, but his vision is blocked by other students leaving. He shoves a few as he watches you from afar, your back facing him and Jimin’s expression angering him with its doubtful look. Why the fuck is he still talking to her? He fumes in his spot until you turn back on your path to attend your lecture. You glance at him mid-way and all of your worries vanish the moment you lock eyes. You are taken aback by his glare as he waves you off and stalks up to Jimin who is just idly standing by without moving.
He only breaks out of his trance when Jungkook grabs him by his collar. “I’m guessing you didn’t hear what she said,” he refers to the video with a subtle snarl.
“Heard it loud and clear,” Jimin retaliates obnoxiously. The halls are emptying itself out, and he grows a bit more nervous when he realizes that he’s alone.
“Are you fucking dense? Why are you still following her around like a fucking creep?” He’s greeted with silence, and another possibility dawns on him. A cheshire grin crosses his features as he scoffs, “Oh, you liked it, didn’t you?”
Jimin blinks, dumbfounded, but doesn’t respond. He’s harshly shoved and the back of his head bangs against the wall, echoing in the otherwise silent area. An oomf escapes his mouth at the force, but Jungkook isn’t apologetic.
“You jacked off to it, Jimin?” he closes in on the suffering man who only stares at him. “Answer me.”
“N-No, I wouldn’t-” He’s cut off by the stinging pain on his scalp. 
Jungkook yanks his hair back without mercy, and sings, “Stuttering, avoiding eye contact, taking too long to respond… all signs of lying, no?”
“You’re hurting me,” Jimin holds onto his wrist with both hands as he groans. Jungkook only tugs on it harder.
“I’ll let go if you answer me honestly.” 
Jimin knows that Jungkook is waiting for one specific answer; it is obvious by the sick glint in his eyes. Alas, he tries again, “I-I didn’t do that!”
A deep sigh leaves his mouth with an eye roll, and he brings his free hand to wrap his fingers around Jimin’s neck. He doesn’t put any pressure on him yet, and Jimin is helpless because of the weight pressing against his legs to prevent him from kicking. “Pity,” he mutters, “I never took you for a pervert and a liar.”
The air leaves Jimin’s lungs all too soon when Jungkook tightens his grip on his throat, crushing his windpipes without so much as an expression on his face. Jimin claws at his arm as he wheezes, and Jungkook doesn’t react in the slightest; he looks psychopathic. “Yes,” he finally croaks, “I did.”
He coughs the moment Jungkook removes his hands from him. He bends on his knees as he catches his breath, and the deadly man waits patiently. “You did what?”
“I-I… I jacked off to it,” he swallows audibly.
“Jacked off to what? Your sex life doesn’t interest me.”
“I jacked off to the video of you fingering… her.” Jimin is once again reminded of how cruel Jungkook is, and all he wants is for you to realize that before it’s too late. But he isn’t any better when he is admitting the truth of his wrongful actions.
“Christ…” he trails and shakes his head. He’s feigning disgust, but it works in making Jimin feel worse. “I bet you’d pay to watch it live.”
“Jungkook, please,” he begs hoarsely, his throat dry and scratchy from the suffocation, “stop this. You don’t even love her.”
“Jimin,” he says monotonously, “count yourself lucky that I don’t have any scissors on me, because I’d cut your tongue off right about now. Your voice gives me a headache,” he sighs, “meet me in the lounge at 4.”
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You’re worried and twitching on the edge of your seat during your lecture. Conversing with Jimin was awkward, and him telling you Jungkook had lied to you was infuriating, but it shifted to anxiety when Jungkook appeared upset with you. Why do you always do things wrong?
Dwelling on your feelings is not an option when you have to focus on your professor, and you’re overwhelmed with so many things at once. Your exams; Jungkook’s assignments; Jimin’s persistence are all taking a toll on you. You don’t hesitate to escape reality when your phone vibrates in your pocket. It’s a message from Jungkook and your heart fills with relief as you open it under the desk. It reads:
come straight to the lounge after your lecture.
He’s been interacting with you outside of academical topics, and it feels like you’ve hit a milestone. It’s progress at its finest! He’s waiting for you. Time passes too slow for you, and you eagerly take notes to distract yourself; it works, and you’re out of the hall in a rush.
Students are packing up their belongings just as you stride into the lounge. Jungkook is sitting at the far back, and you almost miss his figure. He’s scrolling through his phone when you reach him and your shallow breaths make him look up. 
“Hi,” you breathe and place your sling bag on the coffee table. The room is spacious and the couches are wide and comfortable. You sit down next to him, your leg touching his spread one.
“Hey baby,” he greets with a smile. You internally scream at the rare pet name, unaware that he’s intentionally riling you up. “How was your lecture?”
“It was good! I missed you so much,” you lean into him, “I didn’t upset you earlier, did I?”
“Of course not, princess. I missed you too,” he palms your cheek before pecking the tip of your nose. “Oh, and Jimin will be joining us today.”
You don’t get to relish in Jungkook’s affection long before your eyes widen. “What? Why?”
“I spoke to him earlier today, and well…” he sighs guiltily, “He told me he would leak your video if you don’t give him a handjob. And I agreed on my terms.”
Your lips part as hatred consumes you. Jungkook knows you would do it, and he knows you’ll hold a grudge. And Jimin… well, he’ll definitely have this experience to keep him satisfied for a while.
Said man stands before the both of you timidly. You’re still in shock when you avert your gaze to him. Jungkook is unexpectedly friendly as he stands up and says, “Jimin! Take a seat.” Jimin sits in his former seat wordlessly as Jungkook plops on the loveseat across. “I don’t think we should drag this out longer than it needs to be.” He juts his chin at you, “Start.”
Jimin is perplexed when you hide your face from him as you unbuckle his belt. “Wh-What are you doing?” he asks, but doesn’t stop you.
Before you can respond, Jungkook says, “She knows.” You and Jimin have two different interpretations of his words, and he is baffled by your reaction to it. You’re going to pleasure him because of what he did? Or is this all an attempt at cutting his dick off?
Your upper body covers your actions from any outsiders, but Jimin is worried he won’t be able to stay quiet when your hand massages his crotch over his briefs. It’s a wet dream come true, really, as he involuntarily inches closer to you. Jungkook leans his cheek on his palm as he watches you in boredom. “Take it out,” he instructs you. You don’t glance at Jimin as you push down his underwear and wrap your hand around his erection. He’s not fully erect because he’s still confused, but the more you stroke him, the harder it grows. “You like it?”
Jimin is conflicted between responding and ignoring, but his noises are the only answer Jungkook needs. He is suppressing moans with gasps, shuddering in his seat because your hand feels so soft and you look so pretty and shy. When you pick up your head to gaze at him questioningly, he replies, “Y-Yes.” 
He is entranced by your doe eyes but Jungkook breaks the building tension by mocking, “You look like you want to kiss her. Calm yourself.”
There’s a brief pause before you ask, “Would it make you… cum faster?”
Jungkook leans his elbows on his knees in interest, a smirk plastered on his face at the power dynamic: both of you are playing along to his strings, two puppets under his control. It makes him curious to see how far you’re willing to go before he’s completely rid of Jimin. The only reason he’s allowing this to happen is because of how pathetic Jimin looks now, and how he’ll be utterly crushed when you never speak to him again. It’s a bittersweet parting memory.
“Um…” he hesitates, but thinks if you decided to give him a handjob, a kiss wouldn’t make you uncomfortable. “Yes?”
You inch your face closer to his, and the both of you look like middle schoolers with how slow your lips eventually meet. It’s a sloppy and amateur kiss with Jimin whining into your mouth, his tongue swiping across your lips recklessly. He’s lost in the pleasure, and it’s clear to you that he’s never done anything like this before. Your thumb grazes the tip of his stiff length, and he begins to twitch under you. You use your other hand to pump his girth, your lips awkwardly pressing against his plump ones.
“Spit in his mouth.”
You abruptly pull away to gawk at Jungkook, but he only raises a brow intimidatingly, as if daring you to defy him. “Open,” you demand Jimin. His eyes are hazy, and he has no idea what he’s doing. He’s drunk on your touch as he parts his glistening lips and slightly sticks out his tongue. You spit on it and he flicks his tongue out to collect all of it, swallowing with a deep rumble resounding from his chest. He’s enjoying this far too much.
You don’t notice him cum with a thrust in the air when you kiss him, but as it begins to coat your fingers, you look down to see his oozing leak. It’s not spurting, and you’re grateful for it when you scoot away from him. He’s panting with his head thrown back on the couch headrest. 
Jungkook breaks his silence by cooing to you, “Are you okay, baby?” You nod with a pout, head turned away from Jimin. You’re waiting for Jungkook’s cue to leave so you can speak your mind. “You can go now.”
Without skipping a beat, you seethe, “Fuck you, Jimin. Don’t talk to me ever again or else I will report you to the dean. I hate you, and I hope to never see you again.” You make your grand departure right after, and the man sputters incoherently in confusion.
“What did I do…?”
“Now, Jimin, you heard the girl,” he grins and clasps his hands, “she may take pity on you, but I won’t. One word from you to her, and you’re fucked.”
“If you’re so jealous, why would you let her do that to me?”
He merely shrugs. “Who is she waiting for after giving you a handjob?” he stands up and towers over the seated man who is fumbling with his belt. “I was being nice to you before she completely cut contact with you. You’re welcome by the way.”
As he exits the lounge, he scoffs to himself, “Jealous. What a joke.”
He has no reason to be jealous, because when he's outside, you're shuffling on your feet with your hands held behind your back with a bright smile as you turn to look at him.
"There's my girl," he affirms with a lopsided grin.
It shouldn't feel so reassuring when you reply, "Always yours." And as long as you are, you should be content with only having him in your life.
Because he's never going to catch you talking to another boy again, even if it's his former best friend.
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sir, ma’am, person, or other pronouns, you cannot just post good writing ideas right before I sleep /j
I’d like to see that golden house prompt as a short story,,, possibly????😳
spoiler! i ain't good at choreographing fights but uh i THINK i was poetic enough so it still sounds cool??? hope that's ok!! this is also inspired by some of the brainrot i've been having and getting in the past few days so i can definitely make a part two!! also normal Childe’s there for a bit original prompt was of FL Childe injuring you during the golden house fight!! read Part Two here!!: The Sky’s Tears ~ * ~ Golden House is Falling Down Foul Legacy Childe x Reader Gender Neutral (no pronouns mentioned) Angst Warnings: Worrying, descriptions of anger, fighting (battles), a corpse, allusions to blood, pain, potential death, lightning, electrocution
~ * ~
Sometimes Childe worried you. It came with his job, you supposed. You were well aware of his status as a Fatui Harbinger, although you’ve never personally seen him at work- it had been a casual accident when you walked into him discussing plans with his subordinates. The two of you hadn’t been close back then, only acquaintances, and he made you swear to secrecy. Well, technically he had threatened you, but you didn’t particularly mind. You weren’t as in love with Liyue as some of your friends were, and you, unlike many people, understood the importance of a well-paying job. Having his position exposed to the public could very well get him fired. Those had been your concerns, so long ago. But now, as you hurried after the Traveler in all their glory, those pitiful worries seemed so far away, replaced instead by anxious thoughts flurrying by about life and death. You weren’t anyone of particular importance in the harbor, but you always made sure to pay careful attention to any rumors and gossip you heard. You always took them with a grain of salt, of course, but you had long ago learned that it was good to keep things you heard in your mind as potential possibilities. Liyue had a habit of having “impossible” events happen anyways. It really got on your nerves sometimes. Last week’s whispers had been full of a Fatui plan about meddling with the panicking government, after Rex Lapis had allegedly fallen from the sky, his status as the oldest living archon gone. Seeing that the Fatui’s reputation wasn’t particularly good, you had filed the thought away to consider later. A few days later, it came true. And Childe seemed to vanish into thin air, shifting your worries instantaneously over to him. It was funny, how close the two of you had gotten in the weeks he’d been in Liyue. At least, you were close to him. The Traveler was kind enough to let you accompany them to the famed Golden House, just to cover all possible leads. Their steps are light and quick as you approach the elegant building, all lined with gold and jade, and you can almost hear the tinkling sound of mora within. The Traveler stares up at the enormous door, clutching their sword. They seem prepared for a fight. You gulp, hoping that their stance is just how they stand as a default. The doors to the Golden House swing open, and the Traveler gestures for you to follow them, a determined look in their eyes. You enter together, and momentarily you’re distracted by the piles of mora scattered around the floor- probably more mora than you’d see in your entire life. Your eyes scan the room as the glimmer of coins snatches your attention, a tendency that friends and family had always teased you lightheartedly about- they’d call you a crow or a magpie. You didn’t mind being a bird. It sounded fun, to fly away from all your problems. Finally your gaze lands on the corpse of Rex Lapis, floating in the center-back of the room like a morbid decoration put on display. Despite it being very, very dead, it emanates an aura of power, and you involuntarily shiver, the temperature seeming to drop by a few degrees. Suddenly you hear the great doors of the Golden House slam shut, and someone’s voice questions why they, the Traveler, still lingered. The three of you, little Paimon included, turn in surprise. It’s Childe, the very person you were fretting over and looking for. You sigh quietly in relief, but your fleeting moment of calm is quickly dashed as the Traveler silently challenges him to a duel. Hastily you scramble to get out of the way, and just barely find yourself “out-of-bounds” when the arena for their fight flares to life as they both ready their weapons. Childe retrieves his bow with a twisted smile, a counterpart to the Traveler’s iron stoicness. But it seems his gaze lingers on you, and softens for a brief moment, something you tell yourself is just your imagination, because you doubt he was ever your friend to begin with. As someone whose work isn’t associated with adventuring, your knowledge of combat is limited, but even you can see the
skill of both the Traveler and Childe as their blades clash. Several times a burst of elemental energy strikes the burning walls of the arena, and you’re thankful for the barrier between you and them, because you have very little chance of surviving the power of their abilities. When Childe’s clothes darken and the mask falls over his face, you remember hearing something about a far more powerful and dangerous version of Visions- Delusions, items the Tsaritsa, Cryo Archon and ruler of Snezhnaya, rewards to her most loyal and deserving followers. Childe’s is Electro, and the crackle of static energy he slashes towards the Traveler makes your hair stand on end. You shield your eyes from the bright lights dancing around the arena, and when you reopen them, Childe has disappeared. And he reappears next to Rex Lapis’ corpse. Several things happen at once. The Geo Archon’s Gnosis is gone, taken by neither the Harbinger or the Traveler. Paimon looks worried, the Traveler looks shocked, and Childe enraged- You blink and he’s changed. Suddenly several feet taller, he now floats, some sort of terrible creature you’ve never seen before. Everything is loud, too loud, and you clap your hands over your ears, as the floor breaks away beneath you. And you fall with the Traveler and Paimon into the chamber below. You feel something catch you- an enormous clawed hand- and set you down more or less gently into a single large room. The room is the arena, an arena you stand in with no escape. The Gnosis is gone, and Childe is a monster, one of both Hydro and Electro and a foreign, starry magic that makes your skin crawl. And the battle only continues. Luckily the Traveler is adamant on staying away from you, drawing Childe’s attacks to the other side of the arena entirely, and for a majority of the fight the most you have to do is dodge falling arrows and water amalgamations. Childe’s furious questions about the Gnosis soon fade into hisses and growls as he loses himself more and more into the horrible joy of battle. You lean over, coughing slightly from the water that splashed you as a consequence of his attacks and the exertion from dodging and keeping your balance in the Hydro-soaked room. The Traveler screams, and you look up too late as a burst of electro slashes across your chest. Then everything goes white and high pitched, your senses bursting alongside the elemental energy as it runs up your damp skin and clothes. The pain from the combination of Hydro and Electro in your veins brings tears to your eyes, and it’s only amplified around your torso as you vaguely feel something warm and sticky dripping down. Someone shakes you, panicking, calling your name, but everything is white, cold noise. The sounds around you are muffled as the battle slows to a halt, and all you hear is ringing. Another hand, sharp and clawed, brushes against your arm, but it retreats when someone starts shouting. A blade is brandished as someone yells at a monster to stay away, he’s done enough damage, how dare he, and you hear a mournful, desperate chitter through the haze of static. Ah, that curious sound, it makes your heart ache. But what, or who, is it? The sword slices through the air as the monster is pushed away by a blonde-haired Traveler’s rage, and it soon joins into the pitching, ringing note in your ears before it tapers into silence and sorrow, leaving only the inky abyss of darkness crawling up to your eyes as the pain fades into weightlessness. This time, you let yourself fall. In the harbor, the Fair Lady is informed that the Golden House is falling down, falling down.
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enthusiasticharry · 4 years
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the one where you and harry are keeping a secret from your brother, who happens to hate harry’s guts. 
author’s note : hello everyone! i'm back with another fic, one that i can't believe i wrote so quickly to say the least. this is part of @harrystylescherry​‘s playlist challenge. i chose drive on by miss charlotte clark because it is an amazing song, and i can only hope that i’ve don't it justice.  
word count : 13.9k of a lot of angst, smut and only a tiny bit of fluff. i really don't know what happened to me. 
please talk to me about drive on here. let me know what you think :) 
But if we parted I'd be half-hearted So I'll leave the light on
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As you were getting ready that evening, you knew that you were going to have to try your hardest to not show that you were absolutely dreading what was about to happen. The light sounds of Fleetwood Mac filled your room as you finished making sure that you looked okay. It seemed as though the longer that you looked at yourself in the mirror, the more you started to doubt that you actually looked okay. 
You tilted your head to the side as you looked in the mirror, running your eyes up and down your own body as if to check that you’re at least presentable. Your outfit wasn’t too out of the ordinary, just a pair of black, flared trousers and a white knitted jumper because you knew that it is going to be quite chilly and you are going to be outside for a large portion of the evening and you make sure to pair it with some white trainers, ones that match so you start to feel a little more put together. Even though it certainly wasn’t the most out there outfit, it was okay and you had to keep reminding yourself of that. 
Walking down the stairs, you could hear the mumbling of your brother, Isaac, in the kitchen, along with someone else’s voice that you immediately recognise as Daisy, your best friend. You’re not exactly surprised at their discussion, because whenever they’re alone in a room together you know that it doesn’t usually end up with them discussing sunshine and rainbows. The more you think about it, the more you struggle to determine which one out of the two of them is more stubborn, because they both are just as stubborn as each other. 
“Baby sis!” You try not to roll your eyes at your brother’s greeting, “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” 
“We’re coming with you.” You respond, walking forward so that you can greet your friend with a hug. You knew that it was going to be a long shot of him letting you come with him, but if Daisy was too you knew that he wouldn’t be able to say no, and that’s why you go with her every single time. It’s how you’re cheated the system of having an overprotective brother. 
“I thought you were going to Daisy’s for a sleepover?” He questions, and you nod your head. 
“I am.” You smile, “But after.” 
You walk over to grab yourself a bottle of water out of the fridge because you know that if you look at him in the eyes he’ll be staring at you in a way that you could do without. You know that he’s only saying the things that he is because he’s protective of you, but you also have to keep reminding him that it wasn’t the first time that you had gone out and been to a race with him, and it certainly wasn’t going to be the last. 
Chugging down a bit of the water, Daisy extends her arm out to you and you pass the bottle to her, watching as she takes a sip before passing it back to you so that you can put the cap on. Even though you have been to the races before, that certainly didn’t meant that every time you did go you found yourself being more and more nervous for what you’re going to witness. It’s dangerous, and sometimes you feel a though you’re the only one out of all of them to notice that. 
“Every fucking time.” Isaac shakes his head and you smile. 
“Thank you.” You had an obnoxious grin on your face as you say the words, and you know it. 
“Yeah, well. . .” He shakes his head, “Just come on and let’s get in the fucking car.” 
The first time you went to one of the races, you remember not being able to focus on anything other than the fact that anyone could get really injured, or even die, at any second if they’re not careful. Maybe you were just too overly cautious, and you couldn’t ever find yourself focusing on the thrill and excitement of it all because you were too worried that someone was going to get hurt. It was even worse when the person you were worried about was someone you cared about like you did your brother. 
“One of these days you will take me without putting up a fight.” You say, following him towards his car, “I don’t know when it will be but I can feel it.” 
He looks at you as he opens his door, “That’s never going to happen. For one, I hate that you even come to where the races are held, more so that you stand and watch them.” 
You shrug and climb in the car, “Mum and Dad don’t know that you race, and if they’re not able to be there and worry about your safety then I am going to be the one to do so. Can’t have you risking your life and at least not one of us being there.”
He shakes his head and tuts, “I’m not risking my life. It’s just competitive driving.” 
You furrow your eyebrows and you hear Daisy chuckle, “You’re delusional.” 
“Says you.” 
The two of you hear a tut coming from the back seat, “I know the two of you are siblings, and this is just what I have to deal with, but sometimes I really do wonder whether or not you’re children hidden in fully grown bodies.” 
“I’m not the child.” Isaac’s quick to say, “If anything, you’re the child!” 
“Really?” You shake your head, “You must know that you saying that basically proving everything! You’re the child, Isaac.”
“God, I wish I’d never said anything.” Daisy shakes her head and you cross your arms over your chest, pouting slightly but trying not to make it too obvious because you really were trying to be the adult in this situation. 
You and Isaac weren’t the closest of siblings, to say the least. The two of you never did much together and if you did it wasn’t voluntarily, but that didn’t mean that you didn’t care for each other because you certainly did. The two of you would protect each other without any hesitation, in any situation because that was the type of siblings that you were. That didn’t mean that you were friends, though, because you didn’t have to be. You loved each other, and you cared for each other, but you didn’t have to be friends with each other and you were both okay with that. It was was though you both had an unspoken agreement that you’d look out for each other in this way. 
Turning onto the ever so familiar field, you know that it isn’t going to be long before your heart rate is going to feel as though it is beating out of your chest and your palms are going to start to get sweaty. You believed that you brother was good at what he did, he wouldn’t have gotten as far as he had if he didn’t, but even if someone is as good and as talented as he was that didn’t meant that accidents don’t happen. 
There isn’t just that fact that your brother is good at the sport to contend with, but also the fact that some people who do it may not be as good as he is, and they could be reckless, and in drag racing, recklessness gets people in trouble. You knew that, he knew that and everyone who participated and watched knew that. You knew that there were some people there just to watch the race whilst getting drunk with their friends and you didn’t mind that because that was what it was there to do, but you couldn’t stand the people who were there in hopes that something did go wrong, just to see a little bit of action in their boring day to day lives. 
You supposed that a part of your worry for these games were because you weren’t just worried about your brother, you were worried about somebody else also. Isaac stopped the car so that you and Daisy could get out but you hesitated before doing so. You looked at him, and he nodded at you so you nodded your head and again and got out. You stood and watched as he drove away, making his wear to where all of the participants line up their cars before it starts. 
Your eyes follow him, all the way along the man-made little road on the field and to where the other cars were. That’s when you see him, stood in exactly the same place as he was a few weekends before this one and a few weekends before that, leant against his car and his arms crossed as he chewed some gum. 
The insides of your stomach flutter, and not in nervousness but instead in the complete opposite way. He catches your eyes straight away, raising his eyebrows at you as you smile at him. You nod your head, trying hard not to let too big of a blush cover your cheeks and he nods back. That’s as far as your interaction with Harry can go at the moment, because if anyone saw the two of you communicating you knew that all hell would break loose and you certainly didn’t want to be around to see that. 
The race was going to start any second, and you made your way over to where Daisy was stood, knowing that she would have saved you a spot next to her so that you didn’t have to try and manoeuvre your way through the crowd to get a good spot to watch. You were relieved that you had arrived here not early enough to have to wait hours like you had before, because it was in the time like that where the overpowering feeling of worry was able to slip into you like nothing else and you would try really hard to overpower it but the majority of the time you never felt as though you could. 
What YN worried about the most though, was the fact that whoever could be injured in the race, or something worse, were both people that YN loved. The two of them for different reasons, of course, but it was still love and all of the love you felt for them was important. You watched as they both sat in their cars, driving towards the starting line with such an ease that you wondered whether or not they’d be able to do it in their sleep. You wouldn’t be surprised if they could. You know that Harry has raced in hundreds of races, and you also know that your brother is quickly catching up to that, but that doesn’t make it any easier, for them or for you. 
“Ready racers?” A woman walked in between the cars and held up a flag. Both her brother and Harry respond by a roar of their engine, “3! 2! 1! Go!” 
You look down slightly once you hear their cars start, going along the man-made path and over all of the hills and round all of the bends. You only look down for a second before looking up and watching as they drive away from you. The people around you cheer, and Daisy even cheers from the side of you but all you can make up the courage to do is clap your hands slightly. Every time you stand and watch a race, you always say to yourself that you’ll never do it again because you don’t think that you’re heart will survive it, but then you always come back to watch the next race because you physically can’t keep away. Not when two people you love are doing something that you know could end badly. 
They drive around, the two of them doing anything they can to try and throw the other off track but you know that it probably won’t work, because it works with everyone else but hardly ever with each other. You know that whoever wins will do so because of their speed, because that’s how it always happens when the two are up against each other. You stand there watching them drive for what feels like hours, the cheers only getting louder as the two of them fight for the first place prize. 
As the finishing line draws to a close, they’re playing cat and mouse with each other, and you know whoever is next to cross in front will win. 
It’s Isaac. Isaac won. You’re happy for him, but at the same time you know that Harry isn’t going to be the happiest but you’ll just have to remind him that he won last time and that he has to let other people win at some point. Your brother was cheering when he got out of his car, and you could see his friends bouncing over to him with smiles on their faces and drinks in their hands. You and Daisy make your way over, but you aren’t as excited they seem to see him. 
“Are you two leaving now?” He asks and you and Daisy look at each other before nodding, “Satisfied?” 
“Very.” You nod, “Well done.” 
“Thanks.” He raises his hand up and points at you, “Am I picking you up tomorrow?” 
You shake your head, managing to keep your cool as you did, “Daisy said she’ll drive me back. I don’t know whether you’ll be at work by the time we’re ready.” 
“Sounds good. See you tomorrow.” 
You physically let out a sigh of relief when you walk away and he believed you. You hate lying to him, you really do, but you just don’t see any other option to do what you’re doing without lying, which is horrible buy you really don’t know another wine. 
Daisy slips her arm into yours as you walk away, “Where’s he meeting you?” 
“In the usual place.” You nod, “I couldn’t see him when we were over there so I think he’s already gone.” 
“Okay.” She nods, “I’m catching a ride with Dennis, will you be okay?” 
“I’ll be fine.” You smile. 
“Call me if you need anything?” 
“You know I will.” 
“Good.” She wraps her arms around you before pulling away, “See you soon?” 
“See you soon.” 
The walk to the edge of the field, just behind a row of trees that hide Harry’s car from the watchful eye of others isn’t a long one, and you can feel the butterflies bubbling in the pit of your stomach the closer you walked to it. Just as every time you did this, your stomach was in twists and turns tightly in your stomach until you have to place your hand upon it as though it would calm it but it doesn’t. It doesn’t calm down until you see the back of the man you loves head, a slight cloud of smoke around his head and his leather jacket on his body. A smile immediately broke out over your lips. 
You bound over to him, immediately wrapping your arms around his waist and placing your cheek against the leather of his jacket. You can feel him tense underneath your touch slightly but once you hear and feel him chuckle, his whole body relaxes.
He hums, “Who might that be?” 
He grabs your hands and lightly pulls them away from his body so that he can turn around and place his hands around her back. You grin and place your chin on his chest, laughing softly as he leans down and places multiple kisses around your face, “Harry!” 
“What?” He grinned pulling away from you, shrugging his shoulders, “Do you not like my kisses or something?” 
You chuckle, “I love your kisses, but don’t you think they can wait until we’ll out of public. Away from my brother.” 
He pouts, dropping his head to your shoulder, “I suppose.” 
Harry walks over to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for you. As you walked towards him, you placed a kiss to his cheek and slipped into the car. The nerves were back in your stomach as you watched Harry walk around the car and slip into the driver’s seat. The two of you don’t get to see each other as much as you’d possibly like to, so nights like these were special to you, and you hoped that he was just as excited and nervous as you were. 
The second Harry was sat in his seat, and had started the car, his hand was on your thigh, squeezing the flesh through your trousers at you sat there. You really had missed feeling having him touching you, even though it hadn’t been that long. If it was up to you, Harry would be with you everyday and you would be able to kiss and touch him everyday without any issues, but you knew that just wasn’t the case. 
You and Harry had been together for a little shy of three years now, hiding your relationship from literally everyone apart from a few trusted people on each side of you. It wasn’t that you wanted to hide, but you both knew that you just had to if you were going to be able to have the relationship that you had. When you were younger, Harry and Isaac were best friends. You could always remember sitting in the back of the car after behind picked up from school and being squashed into the door because the middle seat was always taken by Harry. You can’t quite remember why the two of them fell out, but you did remember that it happened when the three of you were around fifteen or sixteen. 
It was a shock to everyone, because the two of them had been friends for the longest of times and Isaac did seem to be in a rut once it had happened. You had tried to talk to him about it a few times but he never said anything, so you turned to the one other person in the situation who might have to been able to help you. Harry. At first, he seemed to be completely shocked when you walked over to him one day after school and jumped into his car. He actually looked quite taken aback, but when you started asking questions about the falling out he just went quiet.
To this day you still don’t know what had happened between the two of them, but you do know that was the day that you relationship with Harry turned from being the generally acquaintances because you’re friends with my brother to something more. Harry was somebody who you had grown up with, and yes you could admit that he was handsome, but you’d never thought of him in a romantic way up until that point. A part of you wished that you had picked up on it early because you may have been able to kiss him sooner than you had but you were happy, and the two of you were now three years going strong. 
The fact that your brother and Harry had fallen out, and when the two of you got together it was really rocky between them, you both decided that the best thing to do was just not to tell him, which led to not telling anyone. You had said that when things improved between the two of them you would tell him, but once the Drag Racing started, there was no way that it would ever improve between the two of them, and you just had to accept that. 
Arriving at Harry’s apartment, it was almost as though your body was working on auto-pilot when Harry opened the door and you walked through. You kicked your shoes off by the door, walked into the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of water and made your way into his bedroom. Harry was already stood in the small room, placing his jacket in his wardrobe. You quickly started to undress, swapping your clothes for one of Harry’s shirts and a pair of your pyjama shorts. You walk into the bathroom to take your makeup off and brush your teeth. 
“Have you had any more thought into our anniversary trip?” Harry called from the bedroom. 
“I’ve thought about it.” You say, running your make up wipe over your eyes, “That’s about it.” 
You can hear his sigh even from the other room, and your inside’s twists in not the good way. The anniversary trip had been something that the two of you had spoken about for a long time, and it would be coming in a few months and Harry had been on your back for a long time so that they could get it booked, but you were thinking about a lot of other things rather than booking a holiday. You did hate that you didn’t have anything more to say to him, because you knew that he was disappointed, but there was only so much that you could say. 
“I’ll need to book time off of work soon, YN.” He appears only in his boxers in the doorway, leant against it with his arms crossed, “I need to know the dates.” 
“I know.” You sigh, turning so that your hip was leant against the counter, “I still just need to figure out what I’m going to tell Isaac.” 
Harry sighs and runs his hand over his face, “I know. We can think of what to say to him later, but as soon as possible can you tell me the dates.” 
He walks over and places his hands on your waist and you nod, “I will. I’ll check when I get home.” 
“Good.” He presses a kiss to your cheek. 
You hated hiding things from Harry, you really did, because that man really was your soulmate and the person in this world that you told everything to, so it felt horrible to be hiding something from him. Hiding things from Harry felt like ripping your heart from your chest — you just couldn’t do it— but here you were, doing it without anything happening. 
It had been a long night for the two of them, and you knew that even though Harry had a brave face on, you knew that inside he probably wasn’t too happy that he’d lost. The thing about Harry, and your brother for that matter, was that they are so competitive, especially with each other, that when either one of them loses they try to seem like they don’t care but they do. When you walked back into the room, Harry was already in bed with his arms crossed and his face in a sulk. 
You sighed and walked over to your side of the bed, pulling the duvet back and slipping under. Harry didn’t even turn to look at you, so you wrapped your arm around his waist and placed your head upon his chest so that he couldn’t help but look at her. You knew that the main thing that you needed to do right now was try and get him out of the rut. It could spring on him at any point but it was never anything that was easy to get him out of. You sighed and pressed a kiss to his bare chest. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You mumbled against his chest. 
“There’s nothing to talk about.” He mumbled and you shook your head, lifting your hand up to push some of his hair out of his face. 
“There obviously is.” You sighed, “You’re in your rut. Talking about it takes you out of it. I know that, you know that, but you’re just too stubborn to realise this.” 
“I’m not too stubborn.” He pouts and you shake your head with a roll of your eyes, raising one of your eyebrows at him, “I just. . . fucking hate loosing to him. Talking about the anniversary, and I know why you haven’t said anything about it yet, baby, just reminded me. I’m sorry.” 
You hesitate for a second before smiling at him, “I know you are, H, don’t worry. It’s my fault. I should’ve told you.” 
“Don’t.” He shakes his head and leans forward, placing his hand upon your cheek, “Don’t apologise. I get that it’s hard for you, I know. I just. . . wish that I could take it all away from you. It’s my fault that you’re having to keep secrets from your brother.” 
You shake your head, “It’s not your fault. I promise that it isn’t your fault. There’s been hundreds of times in the past three years when I could have told him.” 
“It’s not just you. We need to tell him.” 
If you needed anything else to love Harry for (which you really don’t because you love him with you’re entire being) you feel as though this would be one of those things. You couldn’t believe how understanding he was, and even though the two of you did have times where you butted heads on things, it was never over anything big like this. The two of you made sure that if you ever did have a problem that you needed to sort, there would be some arguing and shouting but there is in any couple, but the two of you always made up before it ended up turning ridiculous. 
You turned your head to Harry and placed you lips on his, pushing his shoulders down with your hand so that he’s on your back. You move slightly underneath the duvet that you were both under, manoeuvring yourself so that you were hovering over his body, the two of your lips never separating. You were straddling him, your hands resting on the pillow by Harry’s head. Your hips ground against his boxers involuntarily, and you can feel him smiling against him. Harry moaned into your mouth, and you could feel his bulge growing harder and bigger beneath you. 
Pulling away slightly you lean forward and place your forehead upon his, smiling as you place a small kiss to his nose. The hard and stern face of your boyfriend that you had seen earlier when he was racing had completely disappeared, and it was now replaced by his soft and flush features that he only ever saved for when he was with you, and you loved it. You could still feel his hard-on rubbing against your thigh, and you leant forward and placed your lips back on his. His arms wrapped around your waist and back, slipping them down until he could squeeze and knead the flesh over your pyjama short. 
“You know I fucking love you, right?” He mumbles against your lips and you nod. 
His hips continue to buck up to yours, whilst you grind yours back down to him. You pulled away and leant your head upon his forehead again, “I know you love me. You know I love you?” 
He responded you flipping you over, his body now hovering over you. He gave you a boyish smile and nodded his head, leaning his head back down to place his lips on your neck, pressing small little kisses to the skin. 
“I know you love me.” He mumbles against her lips, “Do you wanna feel me, baby? Have you missed me?” 
You responded with a moan, the sound of his raspy voice goes all the way from your ear, all the way down your spine to the heat between your legs. You wouldn’t be surprised if your panties were completely ruined by now. 
“Of course I’ve missed you.” You mumble against his lips, your cheeks flushing as you admit it to him. For years you two have been this close, but it didn’t stop you from being nervous every single time that you are near each other. It’s always how it had been, and probably how it will always be but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“Tell me how much you’ve missed me.” He kissed down your neck, and you couldn’t help the smile that crossed you face as he did so, “Don’t hold back, baby.” 
You threw your head back as he moved downwards, threading your fingers through his hair as you did so. You just hoped that it made him feel better than it was. 
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Walking home the next morning, your entire body was relaxed and happy in a way that it only ever is after you’d spent time with Harry. If you passed anyone in the street, you smiled at them and there was a slight bounce in your step. There was an excitement that there hadn’t been in you for a long time because you were going to look over your schedule and finally get yourself sorted for your anniversary trip with Harry. Walking through the door that goes into kitchen, you immediately walk over to the fridge to take the orange juice out. 
“Morning little sis.” You jump out of your skin and turn around, leaning your back against the counter and lifting your hand up to your chest as it beats in your chest. Looking at your brother, it seemed as though he had just got back from a run, since he was all sweaty, he had his running shoes on and his headphones around his neck. Immediately your heart started to beat in your chest quicker, and the relaxation that you had felt before had immediately left your body and you feel back on edge as you do a lot of the time recently. 
“Morning.” You grin, turning back around to open a cupboard to grab a glass that you could fill with the orange juice carton that you were still holding, “Been for a run?” 
He nods his head, walking over to the fridge and taking out a bottle of water. When he wasn’t looking directly at you, a sigh escaped your lips. It was quickly over and he was looking at you again, leant against the counter across from you with his arms crossed. 
“Woke up with the want to go for a run.” He explained and you furrowed your eyebrows, looking at him and he chuckles, “I know, totally unlike me but I really did just feel like it.” 
You nod, your fingers tapping on the counter slightly, “Did you. . . did you go on your normal route?” 
Isaac shakes his head, “I met up with D’Angelo. We went to the lake.” 
Just like that, the worry that was in your body had left. The lake was on the other side of the town to where Harry lived, and where Isaac normally ran meaning that he couldn’t have seen you leaving Harry’s house which was good. You were starting to realise that the more you had to make sure that your brother hadn’t seen or didn’t know anything about you and Harry, the harder it was becoming for you to keep track of everything. The lie of staying over at Daisy’s had worked for years now, but the older that you got and the more that situations were changing for the two of you, it was harder to keep it as a lie. 
“Was it busy?” You ask, trying to make conversation that made it seem as though everything was normal and nothing had happened. 
He shakes his head, “Not really.” He hesitates for a second before looking up at you and tilting his head to the side, “I did see Daisy and Dennis though.” 
And just like that, your whole body was back to being on edge and nervous. The only way that you could describe how you felt was a mixture of both shock and immediate nervousness. Isaac continued to drink from the bottle in his hand, with no malice or shock on his features at all. If he did know something, he would’ve had said something by now and you knew that because of how well you knew him and that’s in one of the ways how you were both similar — when you knew something, you couldn’t keep it a secret. 
It was something that you had grown up with, your inability to keep secrets and you were honestly and truthfully so surprised that you and Harry had managed to keep your relationship a secret for so long. This wasn’t the first time that you had thought that Isaac had found out about your relationship, and it wasn’t the first time that you hadn’t been able to figure out how to get out of it but you knew that you would be able to get yourself out of it. You hoped that you would be able to get yourself out it. 
You were started to get quite nervous though, with sweaty palms and a heart beating directly up against your chest. Your mind spiralled and you hoped that you were going to hear something that would stop your chest in the next few minutes. 
“Did you?” You cleared your throat to make it seem as though you were more put together than you were. 
He hums, “Yeah. They explained that you were walking home and that Dennis’ arrival was out of the blue.”
You nod and smile, your heart stopping to beat so quickly the second those words escaped her lips, “Yeah. He appeared and asked her to go on a walk before work later. I said that I’d just walk home so that Daisy could go. I think he’s going to ask her out soon.” 
Isaac scoffs and crossing his arms over his chest, “I hope so. They’ve only been dancing around it for the last few years.”
You nod, “We’ve all said it. I don’t know how many times we’ve told her but anyway, I’m going to get in the shower before getting ready for work.” 
You’re quick to walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs with your head spinning. The entire time that you’re getting ready, showering and doing your hair, standing in front of your mirror and looking at the marks that Harry had left over the entirety of your skin before putting your work uniform on, you’re thinking about what you’re going to do. Today you were going to book some time off work from the café during the week of your anniversary, and even though that Daisy would know why you were doing that, you didn’t have to tell anyone else there. When it came to being at home, and telling your brother why you were going to be leaving for a month whilst Daisy stayed at home was going to be hard to explain to say the least. You were going to have to think very carefully about what you were going to say. 
Walking into the small café you worked at not that long later, you were happy to finally be in the place where anything else that happened in your life went to the back of your mind and you could focus on making drinks and serving customers. You had worked at the café since the day you turned eighteen, and you had worked there ever since. It wasn’t what you wanted to do forever, working in the little café with your best friend and your boss that is just an absolute asshole, but you just haven’t got the funds or was it the right time for you to try and get your dream going. 
Your dream, albeit a big one, was to one day own your own café that sold your own treats that you made and looked the exact way that you wanted it to. You had been planning your own café and telling everyone you knew about it since sitting in your maths classes in middle school when you realised that school really wasn’t for you. You were okay in school, and you got good enough grades, but none to get you to what you wanted to do in life. Over the last three years, many of your conversations with Harry had been about your café and how you would work there whilst he would take over his father’s mechanical shop. 
That was the plan for the future, but first — you had a shift to do and you had a lie to think of. 
“Afternoon.” You mumbled as you walked into the small café, Daisy’s eyes immediately widening as she takes a look at you stood there, “How are you?” 
“I’m sorry.” Daisy blurts out, not being able to stop herself from doing so, “I really didn’t know that he was going to be there, if I did I would have never gone there, you know that.” 
“I know.” You walk over and wrap your arms around her shoulders briefly, “He doesn’t know, it’s fine. I shouldn’t be relying on you so much, Daisy, I know that. I’m trying to figure out what to do.” 
“It’s okay, YN.” She mumbles, placing her hand upon your shoulder with a smile, “I know why you’ve done it, but I’m glad you’re finally coming to your senses. It’s three years too late, but at least you’re here.” 
“At least it’s happening now.” You sigh, widening your eyes as you look at her. 
“You’ll be fine. Everything will be fine.” 
You sigh and nod your head, hoping that she was right. 
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You heard Harry’s car before you could see it, pulling up outside of your house in a quick stop so that you could quickly duck out and get it. Isaac was out for the night, doing another race in another town that Harry couldn’t do because he had work, so they had decided to spend the night together. Due to Isaac being out of town, they decided that they might even be able to go for a meal, to a restaurant, like a normal couple would. 
You gave him a small smile and a peck on the lips as you sat in the car. There hadn’t been much discussion between you and Harry that week, not since you had left his that morning. It was odd, because the two of you spoke everyday, even if it was just to check that the other was okay, but the conversation this week had been limited to you asking him to come for a meal and him replying saying that he would. You always knew that this day would come, where the unspoken issue between the two of you had become too much for you to handle. 
You had tried five times over the last week to say something to Isaac, trying to drop it in to normal conversation but you always dived away from it, as though you couldn’t allow yourself to say what you wanted to say to him. You had never been as nervous before in your life, and all you had to do was tell him about a secret that involved the one person that Isaac hated most in life and his twin sister. You just had to try your hardest to remind yourself over and over again that it was the best thing to do, and that you’d be happy if you were able to get the words out, but you just couldn’t. 
The two of you arrived at a restaurant on the outskirts of the town you lived in, one that meant you would be safe if Isaac did return home and one that the two of you also knew would serve good food. The car ride continued without any words spoken between the two of them, and you tried your hardest to not feel the nerves bubbling inside of you, but you also knew that there was a reason why you were going to have this conversation with him, and there was a reason why you needed to feel nervous for it. 
Sitting across from Harry in a booth that sat at the front of the restaurant, you couldn’t even bring yourself to take your eyes off of his face. There hadn’t been a lot of times during your relationship with Harry where you had felt like this, and it was usually always when the two of you were discussing the exact topic that you knew that you were going to be now. Whilst you couldn’t take your eyes off of Harry, it seemed as though he wanted nothing more than to not look at you. 
“Hey.” He didn’t look up from the menu that he had in his hand, “Are you going to even look at me?” 
You watch as he doesn’t even move a muscle, never mind do the thing that you wanted him to do which was look at you, “I’ve looked at you.” 
“Not since we’ve sat down you haven’t.” 
You watch as he sighs and drops the menu down so that it was rested upon the table between you and lifts his eyes up to look at you, “Happy now?” 
A small smile breaks out your face, a sarcastic one at that, but a smile nonetheless, “Very.” 
Harry rolls his eyes and leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. You look at him with your eyes widened. Why this was happening all of a sudden, you didn’t know, but you had a slight suspicion that you weren’t going to be able to argue your way out of this one with him like you had done in the past. The first thing that led you to believe that was the fact that you were in a public place, where you had to do your best to make sure that you were going to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. 
As a whole, you were ashamed of your actions over the years, and you knew that you wouldn’t be able to apologise for everything that you had done in the past but you could at least try. Everything had changed now that you had your three year anniversary coming up, and you realised that there was so much more to life than trying to hide a stupid secret from your brother. 
“Harry.” You start, a sigh immediately leaving your lips after, “I’m sorry. I really am.” He nods his head, “I don’t expect you to accept my apology, and I certainly don’t expect you to forgive me for the shit that I’ve put you through these last couple of years, but, I want to let you know that I am trying to fix things. I promise you.” 
He sighs, “I don’t know how you can, YN. I’ve thought about it a lot recently, in the past week, since our conversation last week.” 
“I have too.” You nod, your fingers messing with the hem of your jacket, “I have too. I’ve tried so many times, to tell him, but I just can’t and I don’t know why. He can’t do anything, I’m a grown ass woman and he’s just my brother. He can’t tell me who I can and can’t love, and I do love you Harry more than anything, but there’s a part of me that just can’t tell him.” 
Harry cleared his throat and sighed, “I never told you the reason we argued.” 
You shake your head, “Neither of you did.” 
“Do you want to know?” He asked. 
You shrugged, “I don’t know. . . if it will help, than yes.”
Harry sighed and nodded his head, running his finger over his bottom lip the way that you knew that he did when he was nervous, “We were in Eugene’s basement, having just watched one of his races and he had some shit, and we decided to take it. It was just us, everyone else had gone to do something else or get high somewhere else, and we were just sat.” You were hanging off of every word that he said, “We were taking about, I don’t know, life and all the shit that we usually do when we’re high and we got onto the topic of you.”
Your eyes widen, “Me? Why were you talking about me?” 
“He mentioned you and how you wanted to do things with your life and how he was fed up that all he had to do with his life was race.” Harry chuckled and shook his head, “I couldn’t even help it, I just blurted out that I liked you and that I was going to ask you on a date, thinking that he would be happy for us, but instead, he punched me in the face.” 
Your lips part, “He what?” 
“He punched me.” Harry runs a hand through his hair, “And then he just started screaming at me, saying that scum like me wasn’t good enough for someone like you. The more he said it, the more I believed it and I believed it all the way until you got in my car and asked me to tell you what had happened. I didn’t, and I didn’t for a reason, because if I had told you maybe you would’ve thought the same as him, that I wasn’t good enough for you, so instead I asked you on the date, just like I had planned to.” 
You let his words sink in for a while, the sound of them bouncing around in your head for a while as you look down at the table in front of you. You couldn’t lie and say that you hadn’t thought about what had gone down between them, and what had been said to make them despise each other as much as they did, but you certainly hadn’t expected it to be about you of all things. It started to all make sense now, how when you had asked him, after your first night together at his house, if he was okay that you didn’t tell your brother about the two of you being together, and he agreed. At first you had thought that it was odd, seeing as though this man didn’t know your motive behind why you were saying that, but at the same time, you didn’t know his motive behind why he said yes. 
It all made sense. 
You sigh and nod your head, “Why didn’t you just tell me? I would’ve understood. You know that I would’ve.” 
He shrugs his shoulders, “Why didn’t you tell me about what you had been thinking? And what you had been trying to do?” 
You shrug your shoulders, “I don’t know.” 
“It works both ways, YN.” He shrugs, “And I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you but a part of you has to realise that there was a reason you didn’t tell me and you didn’t tell him. I understand a part of you was trying to keep it calm between us, but there had to be more than that.”
You can feel the tears starting to brim within your eyes, and the more that you thought about it, the more that you knew you were going to struggle to hold them back. You start to blink quickly, lifting your eyes up to look at the ceiling. It worked, and you managed to make sure that no tears slid down your cheeks. 
“A part of me did do it because I knew that it would be easier for you, that you didn’t have to tell him that you were my boyfriend. I knew how hard that would’ve been for you.” You explain, lifting your hand up to scratch your forehead, “So I decided that for a little while, I just wouldn’t tell him. At least not until things had calmed down between the two of you. After a few months of waiting was going to say something to him, just drop it into conversation and then walk out of it with my hands up but then I realised that it wasn’t going to be that easy. The day that I was going to do it, he walked into my bedroom with this big news that he was so excited to tell me.” You take in a breath and sigh, “It was the news that you were starting to drive, and that he was going to beat you that night and I knew that if I had told him, he wouldn’t have just beat you in the race.” 
“I can stand up for myself, YN.” 
“I never said that you couldn’t.” She shook her head, “I just didn’t want you getting hurt because of me.” 
“I wouldn’t be getting hurt because of you. I’d be getting hurt because of something we did.” He explains, “Just like you can’t blame this all on me, and me on you, I’m not going to let you blame this all on yourself either.” 
“Harry.” You sigh and lean back in the chair that you sat in, “We’re going to have to tell him.” 
He shakes his head, “He’s not going to like it.” 
“I know.” You agree with him and hold your hand out, “But we’ve got to tell him.” 
“I know we have.” He grasps your hand in his.
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It turned out that you and Harry didn’t have to wait for too long to tell your brother, because when Harry pulled up outside of your house, your brother was already sat there on the steps of the house, waiting for you to arrive home. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing if you were completely honest, and a part of you realised that this was it. You turned to look at Harry slightly, a sigh leaving your lips as you did so. 
“You still want to do this?” He asked, pulling his keys out of the ignition as the car came to a complete stop. 
You sigh and lean over to place your hand upon his, “I don’t think we have a choice, now.” 
“We do.” He turned his head to look at you, squeezing your fingers as he did so, “I could just drive away. Ignore him.” 
You chuckle and shake your head, lifting your connected hands up to place a kiss to the back of his hand, “Come on. He might explode if we keep him waiting any longer.” 
You certainly couldn’t lie and say that your brother looked like he was handling everything well, because he certainly wasn’t. His jaw seemed to be constantly clenched the entire time that you walked towards him, and you definitely saw his hands that were clenched by his sides in fists. You knew that he was going to be annoyed, and you expected that there would certainly be some shouting involved with this, but, she certainly didn’t want this to become physical at any point. In your opinion, it certainly wasn’t worth it. 
“YN.” You stop in front of him once he’s spoken your name, and Harry is just a few steps behind you. Having him there really brings a comfort that you don’t really feel unless you’re with him, so if anything, you were happy that he was there, “What are you doing with him?” 
“I’m—” You start, looking at him for a second before letting out a sigh, “He’s—”
You can’t find the right words to say what you want to say. You knew that it wasn’t going to be easy to explain to your brother, but you at least thought that you’d be able to get past the first words without choking up, but it seemed as though that wasn’t the case. 
“Isaac—” Harry takes a step forward, so that he was directly next to you but before he could say anything else, Isaac holds his hand out to stop him. 
“I wasn’t talking to you.” Harry clamps his lips shut, and you can tell that he’s trying to hold back so many things but at least he isn’t making the situation worse which you knew that he possibly could. Isaac then turns to you, “I was asking you the question. What are you doing with him?” 
Letting out a sigh, you shut your eyes for a second to calm yourself down, “I’m. . . we’re together, Isaac.” 
He lets out a sigh and shakes his head, tutting slightly as he did so, “When Eugene told me, I didn’t believe him. I said that you’d never do that to me because you know that I hate him more than I’ve hated anyone in my life before.” 
At first you listen to the words that he was saying and you nod along, as if you’re understanding what they’re saying, but you quickly shake your head and cross your arms over your chest. 
“I’d never do what to you, Isaac?” You ask, your eyebrows furrowing as you say the words you were speaking, “I’ve fallen in love with someone, Isaac, I don’t think that involves you at all.”
“But you know I can’t stand him!” 
“Still here, you know.” Harry mutters, lifting his hands up and walking away from them slightly. 
You turn over to look at Harry and glare at him slightly before you turn your attention back to Isaac, “Why do you think I didn’t tell you? I knew that you’d react like this.” 
“What? I’d react completely sane, YN?” Isaac scoffs and shakes his head. 
“Sane?” You physically can’t believe what you’re hearing, “Isaac, you don’t have the right to act like this over who is my boyfriend. Yeah, I understand that you don’t like Harry and he isn’t particularly fond of you either, but you don’t have a say in that.” You stop slightly and let out a sigh of relief when you realise that you’ve got him listening, “I would completely understand if you were upset about me not telling you and lying to you, but that is what you can be mad at.” 
He looks at you but then he shakes his head, and you know that everything that you’ve just said has gone and he couldn’t care less about it now. 
“YN.” You know that tone of voice anywhere, and you couldn’t believe that he was still acting like this, “It’s Harry. You don’t know the shit that he said, and you don’t know what it was like to sit and listen to him saying everything he said about you.” 
This time, it’s you who lets the words that he’s just spoken sink in for a while. If what Harry had said to you earlier was true, that all your brother had to be upset about was him saying that he liked you and wanted to ask you out. Now, you’re not exactly sure how the male mind works, but you’re pretty sure that Isaac can distinguish between someone saying that they like someone and something else. You turn to look at Harry and he looks down at the floor, and that’s when you realise very quickly that there was something else to the story that you didn’t know. The mere thought of it made you feel sick. What had actually been said that night?
“Isaac.” You turn back to look at him, “What was said?” 
“YN.” He shakes his head, scratching his forehead slightly, “I don’t want to tell you.” 
“Tell me.” Your words are harsh and you can tell by the way that Harry backs away from you that you’re about to be in for a real treat, “Tell me!” 
“When we were in high school, we had this list.” Isaac starts, and you know that what he is saying is probably really important context but you just want him to get to the point, “And on this list, we’d rank who we thought were the most fuck-able girls in the school.” 
Your entire heart plummets to the pit of your stomach, “That’s disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourselves.” 
“I am, don’t worry.” Isaac nods, “Harry never got involved with it, and we all knew why, because he was the good one who never cared about those things and everyone just accepted that. I certainly did.” 
“Just get on with it, Isaac.” 
“Well, we were in Eugene’s basement and we were high and drunk and everything was just a little blurred if I’m honest, but I asked Harry a question. I said, best friend to best friend, if you were to pick one person to go on the top of the list, and just be his one person and nobody apart from us would ever find out, he turned to me and said: you.” 
You can’t figure out what your angrier at. You can’t decide whether it’s because Harry had actually said those words to your brother, degrading you in such a way that you had never ever expected him to or the fact that he had lied to you about what had actually happened. In honesty, you do think that thing that has upset you the most was that he didn’t tell you the truth. He could have told you what had actually happened earlier on in the day on you wouldn’t have cared, because you knew that he was high and drunk and he probably wouldn’t have meant it but the fact that he lied, made you feel sick to your stomach. It made you question whether or not he had lied to you at other points and you just hadn’t known because you were too naïve to see it. 
You turn to look at Harry and he’s looking directly back at you, not at the ground and not anywhere else but directly at you. 
“Harry.” You can already feel the tears start to form within your eyes, “Tell me it’s not true.” 
Harry shakes his head and looks down at the ground, and you shake your head to try and back the tears. You know that if you open your mouth words will tumble out that you really don’t mean, and you know that you can’t let that happen but you’re in such a state that you know that you’re mind would be clouded with how upset you are. 
“He knows it’s fucking, true, YN.” Isaac says from behind you, “That’s why we fucking fought and punched the living daylights out of each other.” 
You shake your head again, the tears involuntarily spilling down your cheek, “Harry. Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I thought—” He starts but then he shakes his head, “I didn’t—”
Just like you couldn’t find the words to say, it seemed as though Harry couldn’t either. You really didn’t care about what he said, and you wouldn’t care about what he said. There were things that you’d said when you were younger and in high school that you certainly regretted and you would hate if anyone was to bring them up but you wouldn’t lie about it. You had lied in the past and done things in the past that you didn’t agree with, but it wasn’t as though you were doing it for any other reason but to protect the relationships that you had made with people. 
“Harry.” He lifts his head to look at you, “I think you should go.” 
“YN. . .” He takes a step forward towards you but you hold your hand up. 
“Just for tonight.” You nod your head, “We’ll speak tomorrow. We all just need to. . . calm down.” 
“But YN. . .” He takes another step forward but you shake your head. 
“Please, Harry.” You close your eyes, “Just for tonight.” 
He doesn’t seem very happy with what you had said but he nods at you once before walking over to his car and getting in. He slams the door closed behind him, and you flinch when he does so. You watch through the window as he looks at you one last time before starting the engine and driving. 
He drives on, and he doesn’t look back, not even one last time and you watch as his car disappears off the street. Once you know that he’s gone, you start walking towards the end of the drive and down to the pavement. 
“YN—” Isaac starts but you turn to look at him and shake your head. 
“Not now.” You run a hand through your hair, “I’m going to Daisy’s. I’ll be fine.” 
With that, you walk down the street and towards Daisy’s house, the thoughts of what had just happened dancing around in your head. You knew that this was going to happen at some point, and it would all blow up in your face, you just hadn’t know that it would be like this.
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The next day you return home with bags underneath your eyes and yawns escaping your lips. You would say that you’re nervous, but after being up all night with worry in your stomach, you’re pretty certain that you’re just a little anxious but the thing that overwhelms your brain more than anything is the want for all of this to be over. You needed to sort things out with your brother, so you could go back to being siblings that annoy each other more than anything, and then you need to sort everything out with Harry. You knew that it was going to be hard, and you knew that your emotions were going to be high but you needed to get it over and done with. You weren’t going to allow your life to be like this for longer than it needed to be, and it didn’t need to be at all. 
When you walked through the front door of your house, you didn’t know what you were expecting to see, but you really didn’t expect what you saw. Isaac was laid across the couch, with empty beer bottles on the table in front of him. You knew why he had done it, and you hated that it was your fault that he had done it but at the same time he was a grown man, just like you were a grown woman, and he knew that this wasn’t the right way to go about things. 
With a sigh, you walked over to the sofa and picked up one of the cushions by Isaac’s feet and threw it air his head. He groaned and moved around and that was when you nudged his legs so that you could sit down. He groaned again but moved them away, and you heard him yawn and felt his body lift up from beside you so that he was upright. 
“How’s the head?” You mumble, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back in the seat. 
He groans and does the same, “It’s been better.” 
You chuckle and close your eyes, allowing a slight calmness to wash over your body. If there was one thing that you missed about getting older, was not being able to have the stupid conversations with him that made absolutely no sense to anybody but the two of them. But, something that you did know was that even when this was all sorted and everything went back to normal, you wouldn’t be surprised if not everything went back to normal between the two of you. It was something hard to understand, but you just had to accept it because you wouldn’t be surprised if it took years to fix. 
There’s a silence between the two of you for a while, but you quickly realise that isn’t going to help you in your situation so without really thinking you collect yourself and let out a small breath that you didn’t know you had been hiding for a while. 
“I’m sorry.” You say, the words coming out of your mouth stronger than you had expected them to. You thought that they would at least be broken, but they weren’t, “I’m sorry for everything, but most importantly, I’m sorry for lying and keeping it from you.” 
You don’t know what Isaac is going to say, and the fact that you don’t does make you worry slightly but you know that you’d be able to handle whatever he was going to say. You would be able to handle it because you were strong, at this point you needed to be. 
“I accept your apology.” He says, and you turn to look at him with tears in your eyes. He nods at you and smiles, “The more I thought about it, the more I understood why you did it. If the shoe was on the other foot I would’ve done the exact same thing. I wouldn’t have even hesitated to.” 
You nod your head and close your eyes, a few tears falling from them but you’re quick to lift your hand and wipe them away. He reaches over and grabs your hand, and you squeeze his as you do so. 
“I shouldn’t have lied to you though.” You shake your head, “We don’t lie to each other.” 
“Oh.” Isaac shakes his head and you furrow your eyebrows at him, “We don’t lie to each other but we certainly keep secrets. The amount I’ve kept from you. . . you’d probably kill me.” 
Your lips part in shock, “Are you going to tell me them?” 
“No.” He shakes his head, a chuckle leaving his lips, “I maybe will later, but right now, you’ve got somewhere to be.” 
“Have I?” He taps his hand on your leg and stands up, and all you can do is furrow your eyebrows in response. 
“You have.” You watch as he grabs his jacket and places it on his body, “And I’m going to take you there.” 
You know straight away that Isaac is talking about going to see Harry, and just the fact that he was going to take you made you want to burst out into even more tears that you had been before. You didn’t though, because you were able to keep your calm and just smile and nod along with him, but it was certainly hard for you to do. It felt as though you were getting acceptance from Isaac and although you knew that you didn’t really need it, it sure felt good to have. You offered him a quick smile and got into his car, driving you to Harry’s and leaving you there with a squeeze of his hand. 
Even though you weren’t that nervous when it came to talking to Isaac, speaking to Harry was a completely different thing. Whereas you and Isaac had a sibling bond that could never be broken, you and Harry had a bond, one that was love to the highest degree, but it was still a love that could be broken. You just hoped that this wasn’t it and you hadn’t met the point of no return just yet. 
You palms were sweaty as you knocked on his door, and your heart felt as though it was going to beat out of your chest but you knew that this was the right thing to do. You could hear shuffling behind the door, and then it swung open, and you wanted to sigh in relief just at the sight of him stood there. He looked like he hadn’t slept, but you hadn’t either so it was something that you both had in common, and he had his joggers hung low on his hips in a way that you always found so endearing whenever he did it. 
“Hi.” You say, the corners of your lips tilting upwards slightly, “Can I come in?” 
He opens his mouth as if to say something but then he just ends up nodding his head and opening the door wider so your body can slip through. It looks exactly the same as the last time you had been there, and it felt comfortable and like your home. It certainly was your home away from home, and living with Harry would be something that you wouldn’t mind doing in the future if time permitted you too. You had to remind yourself to take a few steps back and look at the situation ahead of you, and how you had a lot of things that you needed to talk about before anything else in the future could happen. 
Walking into the apartment, you hear Harry shut the door behind you. You knew that he wasn’t too far behind you, so you turned around.
“I didn’t think you’d be here so soon.” He muttered, shrugging his shoulders, “I thought you’d need a few days.” 
“I said I would talk to you tomorrow.” You smile and nod your head, “I’m wasn’t about to go back on that.” 
You swear you can see the slight lift of the corner of his lips, and it’s the first sign to you that everything might actually end up being okay. 
“I know you think we have things to talk about but I actually just have one thing to say.” He says, taking a step forward towards you. You watch as he hesitantly reaches out and grabs your hand, and you smile at just the feeling of his skin on yours again, “I’m sorry, That’s all I can say. I’m sorry that I said those things all those years ago, and I’m more sorry that I didn’t tell you about it when I had the chance. It was stupid of me, and I can understand if you want to. . . if you want to.” He physically stops and you can tell that he’s struggling with something, “If you want to break up with me.” 
You gasp at his words, taking a step forward and placing your hands on his cheeks, “Harry. . . no. Don’t think that. I’m not going to break up with you over that.” 
You can hear him physically sigh and you couldn’t even understand why he dared to think the way that he was, “I didn’t know. I didn’t know how you’d think.” 
“Harry.” You lean forward so that your forehead is on his, “I’m upset that you lied, but I did too. If anything, we’re just as bad as each other. That’s probably why we’re so perfect for each other, right?” 
“Right.” He chuckled, nodding his head, “We’re perfect for each other. I love you so much, I’m so sorry.” 
“I’m sorry too.” You close your eyes as you let the words sink in, “If there’s one way I know how we’re never going to go through anything like this again, is if we promise to never keep anything from each other again.” 
“We won’t.” He mumbles, “I won’t.” 
“Good. I won’t either.” Your hands grip onto his arms as they wrap around your neck, “I need you, Harry Styles. I do.” 
“I need you too.” 
With that you open your eyes so that you can look directly in his, a small smile breaking over your lips at the fact the two of you knew that he needed you just as much as you needed him. It certainly made this entire situation feel as though it happened for a reason, that it happened so that you could be stronger than you already were. You never doubted that he loved you, and that you loved him, but there was the doubt that everything would have caught up with you, and that was something that you knew would be your fault. All of this was your fault, for not being honest in the first place, but that didn’t mean that you couldn’t find it in yourself to be honest now and get you and Harry through this. 
Without even the slightest hint of hesitation you lean forward and place your lips on his, and he didn’t wait to kiss back, his tongue moving against his bottom lip before pushing it through your parted lips. Your tongue met his in your mouth, and you pulled each other closer, grasping at each other with the want and need that never stopped when you were around him. The spark that you always felt when you were with him ran all the way down from the skin of your lips to the tip of your toes, fluttering all over your body. You had told him that you needed him, which was the truth, but you were soon starting to realise that there was more to the need you had for Harry than what met the eye. It was something that went past all of the words in the dictionary to actions that you needed to name, and that’s why you pulled away and rested your head on his forehead. 
“Harry.” You mumble, “Take me to the bedroom.” 
He pulls away and furrows his eyebrows, not expecting those words to slip from your mouth, “Are you sure? We don’t have to.” 
“I’m sure.” You mumble against his lips, “Never been more certain of anything in my entire life.” 
He presses kisses against your neck and shoulders as he places you down on the bed, his body hovering over yours. When he starts to put a little more pressure on your skin with his teeth, you can’t help the light moans that start to escape your lips. He starts to toy with the hem of your shirt, and you respond to him by lifting your legs and wrapping them around his waist. Your hips move in circular motions to his, and it’s his turn to moan into you. 
You pull away and sit up, pulling your shirt over your head and revealing your bra to him. It wasn’t the nicest bra you owned, but it got to the point in your relationship when you didn’t need to wear fancy lingerie all of the time to feel good enough for him, but that didn’t mean that you didn’t every now and then to feel sexy. Every now and then, though, just like you felt now, you realise that you don’t need to wear anything to feel sexy because just the way that Harry looked at you made you feel like that. The was his eyes raked up and down your body, across every inch of skin that he could see. That made you feel sexy. The way he looked at you made you feel sexy. 
“Missed this.” He leans over and places a kiss to the skin of your shoulder, “Missed you. You’re so fucking beautiful, YN, you have no idea.” 
You lean forward and capture your lips again on his, slipping your arm around his shoulder so that you could run your nails down his back, scratching lightly as you did so. He took it upon himself to slip his hands between the two of you and unbutton your trousers, pulling them as well as your panties down your legs. You remove your arms from around his neck so that you can unclip your bra and pull it down from your torso and throw it down on the floor with the rest of your clothes. This was how you loved it to be with Harry. You just loved it when the two of you were together, alone. You guessed a part of it was because that was all you ever knew of it. 
Harry was the most loving and beautiful person you’d met in your life, and you would have loved to be able to show him off to the world as the one you loved but it just wasn’t that easy, but now you had the slight suspicion that you might be able to, and a part of you was excited about that. 
Your hands extend back out to him, pulling his body back down so that he was hovering above you again. He places a single kiss to your lips before moving his way down your body, placing kisses to your chest before moving down to the top of your breast and then down towards your nipples. He moves from each of them, one to the other, giving each of them the attention that he always does. You smile and thread your fingers through his hair, running through the curls that sat on top of his head. You used it to pull his head back up and place his lips on yours again. He responds by immediately kissing you back, and he wraps his arms around you so that he could flip you over, so that you’re resting above him now. 
You pulled back and rested your forehead against his, “You want me on top?” He nodded and you smiled, watching as he slipped his hands into each side of his joggers before pulling them down his legs, as well as his boxers, revealing his cock. You manoeuvre your body so that you’re further down the bed and so that your head is at the same level as him, and you lean forward, pressing a singular kiss to the tip. The sound that emits from his throat causes you to not hesitate in leaning forward and wrapping your lips around the top of him, starting to bob your head at a slow pace that you know is seemingly working because you can see his stomach moving up and down at a quick pace. Groans tumble from his lips, and you know that he’ll be getting close but before he can do anything else his hands press against your cheeks and lift you back up so that he can kiss you again. 
“Don’t you wanna. . . ?” You ask, your eyebrows furrowing as you look at him. 
“No.” He shakes his head, placing his lips on yours, “I don’t want anything but to be inside of you right now.” 
You watched as he moved backwards slightly, so that you were close enough to the wall that you could rest of your hand against the wall as you manoeuvre yourself over him. His cock slips between your folds, and words can’t describe how wet you are for him, dripping all over him. You place your lips on his again and start to move yourself up and down his cock. The groan that escapes his lips is unlike any you’ve heard before, and you can’t help the smile that dances across your lips. 
“You’re drenched for me.” He groans against your lips, “Fuck, I wanna be inside of you.” 
“Be my guest.” You grin, and you watch as he leans down to grab his cock in his fist and you lift up so that you can line yourself up with him. You grasp his shoulder as you slowly sink down on him, the familiar feeling of having him fill you up overwhelming you. You had been together for three years and no matter how many times you had sex, it still manages to overwhelm you more than words can explain. You whimper when he’s fully inside of you, hesitating for a few minutes before you press your lips to his in another short kiss. 
“So fucking tight.” He mumbles, “Best fucking feeling in the world.” 
You tilt your head back slightly with a smile crossing your lips, “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.” 
He chuckles but that’s quickly shut off when you start to move, bouncing up and down on his cock. Your nails scrape down his back as you move, and you can’t help the moans of profanities that leave your lips as you move. You knew you were squeezing yourself around him, it was always something that you did that caused him to clench his jaw, just has he was doing now. You quickly found a rhythm, swirling your hips and grinding them in a way that had both of you moaning out each others names. 
You tilted your head back when he hit a spot deep inside of you that sent a wave of pleasure rushing over your body. He didn’t even hesitate to lean forward and capture your nipple in his mouth, flicking his tongue over the bud slightly before moving to the other. He wrapped his arms around your body and slipped them down your back, all the way until he grabbed the flesh of your ass and squeezed. His movements were harsh, but they sent a wave of pleasure through your entire body. 
“YN.” You hum, leaning forward and resting your head on his shoulder, not stopping the movements on his hips, “You’re never going to leave me, are you?” 
You move so that you’re sat up straight and look at him, “Why would you think that? I’m not going to leave you, Harry, never.” 
“Good.” He leans forward and placing his lips back on yours. Your movements don’t slow down, if anything, they speed up and a string of moans escape your lips. His hands are all over your body, and his lips are too, and the the feeling starts to rush over you. You manage to keep your hips moving at the pace for a while before you slow down, and Harry notices this and quickly flips you both over. You lay on your back with your head on the pillow, and Harry doesn’t even hesitate when he slips back into you. His movements aren’t fast, but they’re certainly deep. 
“So fucking deep, Harry. Feels so fucking good.” Your words only seem to egg Harry on, especially the way your nails scratch down his back, “I’m so close.”
Harry was hitting just as deeply inside of you as he had been when you were riding him, and the feeling tips you closer and closer to the edge. Your hands drop down to your sides to grasp the duvet cover, and you turn your head so that you can muffle the obnoxiously loud moans that you couldn’t help leaving your lips. 
“I know you are baby.” One of his hands slips through yours, “Don’t hide them moans though, let me hear them, baby, you know what it does to me.” 
You move your head back so that he can hear your moans, and he smiles as he continues to fuck you. It doesn’t take long before he’s tipping you over the edge and your orgasm hits you. It’s one of the most powerful you’ve ever had, and you have every reason to believe that it’s because of how high emotions are between the two of you at the moment. It’s intense and you can feel it everywhere, all over your entire body and more so in the pit of your stomach. Harry didn’t stop his movements, not until he hit his high as well and spilled into you. You didn’t care about anything else in that moment though, because you felt closer to Harry now than you even had been, and you never wanted it to change again. 
Once he pulls out of you, a whimper immediately leaving your lips due to the emptiness you now feel. He quickly cleans you up, and then drops into the bed beside you, and you don’t even hesitate when you wrap your arm around his waist and rest your head upon his chest. When your eyes close, you let out a sigh of relief. 
“Harry.” He hums, and you can feel the vibration of his chest beneath your ear, “I’m sorry I told you to drive away.” 
“Don’t be.” He mumbles, his fingertips dancing along the skin of your arm, “We’ve all done thing that we aren’t proud of, but we have a new start. One where we don’t have to keep this a secret.” 
You nod and smile, still not opening your eyes, “I love you.” 
“Love you too, baby.” 
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fruitcoops · 3 years
I think it would be really interesting for leo and sirius to talk ab how they both didn’t go to college and how they both joined the nhl at 18 but had v different upbringings
Ooo, I like this one! I’m always down for some Cap and Knutty bonding. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for mentioned bad parenting
“Kinda weird, isn’t it?” Leo said, breaking the nighttime silence after many long minutes of just their breathing. Sirius hummed in question. “Starting all this so young.”
Sirius made a noncommittal noise and Leo shifted, never taking his eyes off the sky. There was too much light pollution to see the stars properly in Gryffindor, but the roof of the rink didn’t have a bad view; the planes flying overhead brought pinpricks of brightness to the indigo blur.
“Was it hard for you?”
He heard Sirius’ coat move. “Was what hard?”
“Starting the NHL at eighteen.”
There was a long beat of silence. “Sometimes.”
“I didn’t know if I would make it,” Leo confessed, still barely above a murmur. Nobody else was around, but it didn’t feel right to talk in normal voices. The whole world was muted, save for the noise of the city below them. “There was just so much to do.”
Sirius laughed softly. “I hate to break it to you, rookie, but that doesn’t change.”
“How do you deal with it?”
“Before, or now?”
Leo thought for a moment. “Both.”
“Before, I would go home and shoot pucks until I was too tired to stand up. Sometimes I would read.” It wasn’t a secret, but it still made Leo’s heart hurt to remember. Nobody as kind and hardworking as Sirius deserved that. “Now, I make myself some food, take a shower, and steal Re’s softest hoodie.”
Leo could hear his smile in the dark—it echoed his own. “Nothing better, huh?”
“Finn’s fit me best,” he mused. “But Lo’s smell better.”
“Ah, he finally discovered deodorant?”
“Shut up,” Leo teased, elbowing his ribs. Sirius laughed a little louder; in the light of the streetlamps and the absence of his granite-hard focus, it was easy to remember that he was only 26. Leo had worshipped him as a kid, but now he just saw Sirius for what he was. His captain, who guided him through the playoffs even when his personal life was crumbling apart. His older brother, though Sirius certainly wouldn’t think of him that way. His friend.
“Really, though, it’s important to have those connections,” Sirius said when they both calmed down. “Being alone is good, but only if you know you have people to talk to when you need them.”
“Was it easier when you weren’t living with someone?”
“No.” The answer was immediate.
“Sometimes I want the apartment to myself.” Leo lowered his voice unconsciously, then sighed. “It’s not because I don’t want them there. I just need to be alone. Wash the dishes. Clean my room. Call my mom.”
“You should tell them.”
He turned his head slightly; Sirius was still scanning the sky. “Is that what you did?”
“It took a couple hiccups, but yeah. If one of us needs some alone time, the other will go to the grocery store or take a walk, maybe hang out with friends. You just have to make sure your boys know that it’s not personal.”
“You’re freakishly good at sage advice.”
Sirius snorted. “Merci, rookie.”
“I’m not a rookie anymore.”
“Yeah, you are.” He raised his hands, as if outlining a marquee. “The Eternal Rookie, starring Leo Knut.”
Leo stuck his tongue out, feeling rather petulant about the whole thing. “Watch it, Cap, I’m gonna sic Dumo on you.”
“My own father?” Sirius gasped dramatically. “How could you?”
“Did you ever get homesick?”
The question was out of the blue—he didn’t blame Sirius for faltering. Honestly, Leo was kicking himself for asking in the first place, though he had been keeping it in for ages. Unspoken rule of the Lions #1: Don’t ask Cap about his childhood.
“I…” Sirius fell silent once more.
“I’m sorry,” Leo apologized, and he meant it. “That came out of nowhere.”
“I missed Regulus,” Sirius continued carefully without acknowledging him. “But no, I didn’t get homesick. I didn’t have time, or a real reason.”
Alone in a new city, finally out of a horrible living situation, but desperately missing the little brother he left behind… Leo couldn’t even begin to imagine going through it when the NHL by itself was already overwhelming to his teenage brain. He scooted an inch closer until their shoulders touched. “I get homesick every couple of months.”
“You have a kind family.”
“Have you even met them?”
“At the party.” Sirius’ smile was practically audible. “Your mother was very excited to see me.”
“Oh, god,” Leo groaned. “What happened?”
“She—“ He broke off with a laugh. “She was very nice, I promise, but I think I surprised her because she squeaked when I said ‘hello’.”
Leo shook his head. “Did you sneak up on her?”
“I’m six two, I can’t sneak up on anyone!”
“You walk like a fucking ghost, dude! It’s creepy!”
“Okay, rude.”
“I swear, you and Loops need to be belled like cats,” Leo huffed.
They lapsed back into comfortable quiet for a few more minutes as a train rattled past on one side and the metro busses rolled down Main Street on the other. It had taken Leo a long time to figure out Gryff’s layout, and even longer to get used to the sounds of the city.
“What does it feel like?”
Leo blinked, unsure if he had heard correctly. “What?”
“Being homesick.” Sirius shifted again and folded his hands over his stomach. “I didn’t notice much of a difference in practices when I started the NHL, and going back to my parents’ house wasn’t my exactly a highlight of my year.”
Curiosity overrode his tact and reasoning skills. “You never asked Logan?”
“Non. It was different, with him. He had already left to go to college before I knew him, and spent four years away from his family.”
“Right.” Leo forgot about that on occasion. That Finn and Logan might be five years older than him, but they had only been rookies a year or two prior. Not everyone went straight from their city select team to an official draft. “It’s hard to describe.”
Sirius made an understanding noise, but he couldn’t entirely mask his disappointment. Leo licked his lips and tried again.
“It’s like a piece of you isn’t where it’s supposed to be. And it keeps tugging on your chest, but you never know when it’s going to start and stop so you just… deal with it. You ignore it some days and you think about it other days.” He swallowed around the lump in his throat. “The hard days are when you remember you can’t go back to the way things were before. I don’t even call my mom sometimes, ‘cause I know it’ll make me sadder.”
“The way things were before?”
“Yeah, like—like all my classmates are in college, and I’m laying on a roof with one of the most famous hockey players in the history of forever.” That drew a light laugh from them both. “I’m gonna go back to my reunion in a couple years and have literally nothing in common with the people I used to be friends with.”
“Sometimes I wish I went to college,” Sirius said. “But I would have missed so much if I did. I don’t think I would have been happy there.”
“Finn and Logan get weird about college.” Maybe he shouldn’t be talking about it, but Leo had the feeling none of their conversation would leave the rooftop. “It was hard for them, with all their shit.”
“Re does, too.” He recognized the sad edge in Sirius’ voice; it was the same as his own. “For a different reason. It started good, and ended bad.”
“I’m glad I missed out on that,” Leo said, biting down the urge to scream at the universe for putting their significant others through so much hardship at an already-difficult time. None of them deserved the pain they went through. “Besides, it’s not like we need degrees to play hockey, and we’ll have plenty of money afterward.”
“I never thought about my life after hockey until my ankle.”
“My parents always pushed me to make sure I wanted to do the NHL instead of more school.”
“You’re lucky to have them.”
“I wish you did.”
The words hung suspended between them before Leo could swallow them back down, somehow dangerous and calming at the same time. It wasn’t like he had never thought about it before; he just hadn’t said it out loud. The first time he had seen Sirius’ parents across the rink had given him a case of the heebie-jeebies so strong he had to shower twice. All the times after that just made him angry.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Sirius’ voice was quiet, but not upset. “You’re not the first person to say it. I’m glad you feel like you can be honest with me.”
Leo frowned. “Well, yeah. Obviously.”
“I try really hard to not be an asshole captain, so it actually does mean a lot.”
“I don’t think you could be an asshole if you tried.”
The barking laugh that split the night startled Leo so bad he nearly jumped out of his skin; Sirius clapped a hand over his mouth, though he was still snickering. “Sorry, sorry, I just—holy shit, I forgot you didn’t know me before. Mon dieu.”
“You weren’t that bad,” Leo protested. “Pots said you used to be grumpier, but that’s it.”
Sirius shook his head, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes. “I was such a dick. There’s not a single picture of the whole team where I’m smiling for about two years and I was such a stickler for the rules.”
Leo gaped at him. “You followed rules?”
“To the fucking letter. It was awful.”
“What happened?”
Sirius shrugged. “I got friends. Idiot friends who did things like showing me the easiest way onto the roof. Pots used to drag me up here every Friday.”
“Ouais.” Mischief flitted over his face. “He skipped date night with Lily once on accident, and she tracked us up here like a bloodhound. It was terrifying.”
“What did you do?” Lily was one of the nicest people Leo knew, but he knew better than to get on her bad side.
“Lied to her face while James hid behind that strobe light.”
“Did it work?”
“Are you kidding?” he snorted. “She called me a liar and suggested getting a better best friend. That was after she told James he’s better have something nice planned for their next date if he ever wanted to get in her pants again.”
“And yet you didn’t listen to her.” Leo tsked. “Of all the people on the team, you chose the hot mess.”
“Trust me, rookie, James had his whole life figured out compared to me.”
“Did you…” Leo trailed off and but his lip. He had pushed his luck a lot already; who knew if one more question would be the tipping point? “Did you ever think about coming out? Even just to Pots.”
Sirius didn’t hesitate. “After every single game.”
“For seven years?”
“Up until the day those pictures were leaked. Even more after Re and I were together.”
“How old were you when you knew?”
“13. You?”
Leo exhaled slowly. “I’m not sure. I think I had an idea of it as a kid, but didn’t really get it until I was in high school. My parents were even more worried about the NHL after I told them.”
“They worry a lot about you.”
“Only child, and I was going for a wildly unstable career path with no guarantee that I would ever see the ice.”
“They’re proud of you. More than you know.” Sirius’ watch beeped. “It’s ten o’clock. Are you supposed to be home?”
“I should probably make sure my boys haven’t burned down the apartment.” Neither of them made an attempt to move. “Can we do this again sometime?”
“Of course.”
You’re like a brother to me, he wanted to say. I don’t know who else I can talk to like this. “Thank you.”
“Any time. We don’t have to do extra practice beforehand, either.”
Leo nudged him gently. “You’re the best captain ever.”
“You’re the best rookie, rookie.”
“I’m not a rookie.”
“Yeah, you are.”
Yeah, I am, he thought as they laid side-by-side in silence once more with the past behind them and the future ahead. And if I end up like you, it means I did something right.
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jimlingss · 3 years
(sorry my tumblr app glitched so im not sure if this was sent twice) taking a chance for the requests! how about a seokjin or namjoon arranged marriage au with this: “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.” 🎄 happy holidays!!
↳ Playground Promises
1.9k || 100% Light Fluff || Kim Seokjin
The bell rings.
Moments later, children are sprinting from the doors and flooding the playground. You watch in fondness as some climb the monkey bars while others sit and dig into the sandbox. All of them were forging their first friendships they’ll remember forever and you were their witness.
This is one of your favourite times of day. You enjoy seeing the kids have their fun, listening to their laughter and giggles, watching their games of tag to play pretend. But today, your enjoyment is interrupted by a certain male teacher that comes to stand behind you.
Tall. Dark. And handsome. His broad shoulders carry the weight of the third-grade class and practically the entire elementary school. But you’d never admit that out loud.
“It’s a bit chilly out today. You should’ve brought your coat with you.”
You hum.
Every staff member, married and single, swoons over Kim Seokjin. It’s hard not to. But if others knew what your relationship was with him, you’re sure you’d never hear the end of it. The kids would make a big fuss and so would all the staff and faculty, and you’d rather avoid that.
“I didn’t know you were on playground duty today.”
“I switched with Sana,” he says and leans over to smile. “Thought you could use some company.”
You scoff. “She’s perfectly fine company.”
The corner of his plump lip pulls. “If you want to talk about the mathletes program. And I’m pretty sure you don’t.”
Before you can respond, a boy approaches the two of you with pink cheeks and wind-swept hair. “Mr. Kim, can I go to the bathroom?” the third-grader asks in the midst of catching his breath and the older man nods.
“Go ahead. But don’t run in the hallway, Lucas.” 
Said boy grins and dashes off.
Seokjin turns to you and lowers his voice. “My mom’s been asking about the kids.”
Your brows furrow. “Why? They’re a good bunch.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “I don’t mean your class’ kids, I mean our kids.”
You blink owlishly. “There are no our kids.”
“That’s the problem.”
You sigh and roll your eyes. “Wasn’t getting married enough for them?”
Seokjin shrugs with a faint, mischievous smile. “They want to go out for brunch with your parents this Sunday. Are you free?”
“When am I not free?” you retort lightly, but slip your phone out of your pocket to check your calendar anyhow. Seokjin glances over to your screen and once you finish, you slip it back into your pocket. “I have some marking to do, but I’ll probably finish by then.”
“Okay.” The pair of you turn back to continue monitoring the children playing and you’re glad to revel in the silence that’s been created between you. But after a beat, Kim Seokjin pipes up again. You don’t know why you’re surprised. He’s quite the talkative guy. “Hey, Y/N.”
You look over and he meets your eye.
He asks, “Am I your lock screen?”
Your face heats. If you were once cold, now you were warm from head to toe. “You weren’t supposed to see that,” you mumble. It was just a picture from the other day and you wanted to change things up on your phone. You had nothing else to use. It was convenient. That’s it.
Your entire relationship with him is built on convenience. At least...on his side it is.
Still, Seokjin grins and fortunately, he doesn’t tease.
You rush to change the subject. “A-Anyway, yeah, Sunday works for me. But we should probably talk about this after work.”
“Why? No one’s around.” His smile is spread from ear to ear and he leans in, whispering, “Are you that scared of people finding out we’re married?”
Immediately, you whip your head in all directions. Luckily, there’s no kid or nosy faculty member. You turn back to him, glaring. “I already said, I like to keep my private life under wraps.”
“I remember. But if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were embarrassed of me.”
You scoff and a murmur unintentionally spills out of you, “That’s impossible.”
You don’t notice Seokjin’s smile.
It’s been three months since you got married. It was a summer wedding. More importantly, it was an arranged marriage. And not because you were both wealthy and needed to be wedded to get the inheritance under some arbitrary contract rule or because it was your grandmother’s dying wish. No. You live a much more mundane, normal life than the dramas, movies and books.
It was your mom who threw a fuss. She was scared you’d be alone and unmarried, an old maid like your aunt — you didn’t say it, she just heavily implied it. But following her practically senile meltdown, you agreed. Partly to appease her worries and partly just out of curiosity.
You always wanted to get married. And deep down, you always wanted your own kids. But at the rate you were going, you had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to meet someone on your own.
What you didn’t expect on that blind date was for the other person to be Kim Seokjin, third grade teacher. Down the hall from you at the school. Someone across the room every lunchtime. Your dads were apparently long time colleagues, but Jin was still as equally shocked as you were during that first meeting. Yet, he easily agreed to getting married when you brought it up. Even when it was only after two months of occasionally seeing one another outside of your workplaces.
You still don’t know why he said yes.
“Ms. L/N!”
You’re torn out of your trance by a little girl at your knees. 
She pouts. “Jennie won’t let me play on the slide!”
“Did you ask her to share?”
Before any more can be said, she drags you over and Seokjin trails after you. There’s another girl with brown braided hair climbing on the slide, and she swivels her head over as the two of you approach, eyes the size of saucers. 
“Are you taking turns, Jennie?” you ask her, and she vigorously nods.
“I am!”
“Well, you’ve been on it for a while. How about Lisa takes a turn next.”
“Okay,” she draws out and gets off of the slide before turning to her friend. “Here you go.”
It’s always little problems you have to solve — from sharing to knee scrapes and monkey bar accidents. Sometimes it’s difficult for the children to compromise, difficult for them to apologize and difficult for you to find a good solution. But you undoubtedly wish your own issues were this simple.
While you’re stuck in your thoughts, you miss Jin watching you fondly. 
“You’re good with kids,” he says as you move out of the way of running children and walk back to the perimeter.
“I wouldn’t be doing this job if I wasn’t. But I deal with older kids much better.” There’s a reason you teach fifth graders and not any lower than that. Seokjin knows it too.
“Remember when we had to supervise that kindergarten class together?”
You shudder. “It was a nightmare.”
“You weren’t that bad,” he tries to say but then laughs. You feign a glare, and he adds on, “Okay. I’m sorry, but I still mean it. It’s not as terrible as you thought. You’d make a good mom.” 
At that, your glare vanishes in favour of furrowing brows. You really shouldn’t, but you can’t help it when curiosity pries — so you break your own rule against discussing private matters at work. 
“Do you want my kids?”
Seokjin is wide-eyed and he turns to you. “Why not? We’re married.”
“But? Do you not want kids?” 
“No! I definitely want them,” you declare, almost a bit too boldly. He nods and you explain, “It’s just...I don’t know if you’re serious.”
Seokjin blinks. “I’m being perfectly serious.”
“I mean I don’t know if we’re serious.” You add, “Enough to have kids.”
“What’s more serious than being married?” Jin has a genuinely inquisitive and amused expression, head quirked to the side. 
You inhale a sharp breath and his gaze coaxes you to go on, so you do. “It’s just that you agreed so quickly to be married to me. It doesn’t….feel real. I don’t know if you wanted to marry me, if you did it on a whim, if this is some kind of joke—”
He frowns. “This isn’t a joke, Y/N. I wanted to marry you.”
Your mouth hangs open. Your eyes are rounded.
“Mrs. L/N!” You’re interrupted by your fifth-grader, Park Jimin. He sprints to you, huffing and puffing, before leaning his hands onto his knees to catch his breath. “Have you seen Taehyung?! We’re playing tag!”
“No, I haven’t.”
Jin suddenly points to the left. “He went that way.”
Jimin books it.
Silence fills the spaces between you and Seokjin again, but it isn’t like normal. It’s filled with unanswered questions and the suspenseful cliffhanger of an unfinished conversation. The laughter of kids on the playground and field resound around you, but for the first time, you don’t listen to it. 
It fades into the background as you turn to Seokjin, wanting to know more. “What did you just say?”
The man smiles softly. “You have to know.”
“I don’t,” you assert. “So tell me.”
“I’ve always liked you.”
You blink and he continues, “Since you substituted for the art teacher and I saw you squirt red paint all over yourself. It’s something I couldn’t forget. Plus, the way you draw those stick people.” Seokjin laughs heartily and you’re trapped in your spot, unsure of how to react or what to say. He reads your expression and softens. “Did you really think I would rush into a marriage if I didn’t have feelings for you?”
“I…” Your mouth is agape. “I don’t know. Why did we never talk about this?”
Seokjin shrugs. “You never asked and I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable if you didn’t feel the same way. I knew you married me for convenience.”
“That’s not true,” you retort within a beat. This whole time, you thought he married you for convenience sake. But it wasn’t entirely like that for you.
Seokjin’s eyes are big and you swallow down your embarrassment. “Isn’t it obvious every single breathing person loves you? It’s hard not to.”
Slowly but surely, a grin spreads into Seokjin’s puffy cheeks and he’s smiling from ear to ear again. “Well, you’re very good at hiding it then.”
Suddenly, the bell rings.
All the children reluctantly climb off the equipment, some dusting their hands while others grabbing their friends, and they rush into their lineups. There’s a few stranglers lugging their legs while groaning. But busy in their small playground worlds, no one turns around to notice you leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to Seokjin’s mouth. It’s shy and brief, like the first peck exchanged between two for the first time. And you pull away just as fast, lips left tingling.
“We can continue this later, Mr. Kim.”
You stride off while Seokjin’s left smiling. After a breathless moment, he chases after you like children who have just made promises of their first love on the playground.
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sleepwalkersqueen · 4 years
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(Ignore this post, it’s just fucking... headcanon fluff.)
- Let’s just imagine... what it’d be like, if Enji had been a wholesome dad!
[Calculating 16 years back in the canon: Enji was 30, Toya was 9, Keigo was 7 (Rumi was 11) ]
- Enji saved Keigo from an abusive home, but when the HPSC notices Keigo’s bloody potential and wants to buy him... Enji just - adopts Keigo.
- Rei was angry about his sudden desicion: Because they already had huge responsibility with their other children! - But then she saw the tiny malnourished child who just escaped the abuse, without a home or anyone to turn to- and her heart just snapped. 
- Tiny Keigo knew he wasn’t wanted, so he made himself smaller and bowed to her. - But Rei just fell to her knees and hugged him really, really close.
- Toya next to them was like: “Yeah... actually, I wanted a dog - but a bird’s fine too.”
- The whole family went shopping to buy a bunch of wing-fitted kid-clothes. Kei’s just happy to have clothes and’s still too shy to ask for anything specific so fucking Toya ends up deciding what he tries on. Fuyumi next to them is like: “Tou, That’s just black. There’s no color- Wait- I think thats a mini-skirt, what the- What do you want with the lipstick!?” - Enji has to bring half of the clothes back.
- Enji starts to read guidebooks about therapheutic parenting for Keigo, but ends up overwhelming all of his kids with love and attenttion. He talks with Keigo that its okay to cry when he feels like it, but Keigo still just swallows everything down and is scared to make noise.
- Rei and Enji made sure Keigo’d eat and sleep enough, helped him preening his wings and constantly reasurred him that his accidental lil chirps are nothing to be ashamed of.
- But in the first month, instead of playing with his new siblings, Keigo constantly helps with hard work in the house and gardens without getting asked and doesn’t stop until they tell him to. Toya asks him about it at night. Keigo admits that he loves this place more than anything and is horrified of being tossed out again, so he tries to be worth their money.
- Toya punches him (softly, with love) in the face and tells him that he’s part of the family, even if he’d burn down down their house.
- Keigo feels like a stone falling from his chest, but the fear just doesn’t go away. One day he helps Enji do the dishes and he breaks a plate. And his whole world just cracks with that plate. He’s starts trembling and is like- “You can hit me and all, but please don’t toss me out!”
- Toya heared that and he’s like :O And Enji’s like >:O
- And then Toya stares at his father, grabs a plate and smashes it to the floor so it breaks. He grabs Keigo’s hand and screams: “If you wanna punish Kei, you gotta punish me too!”.
- Enji just hugs both of them, holds them really close: “Kei, we won’t ever toss you out, we love you and you’re a Todoroki now. That was just an accident. And Tou- I’d never hurt one of you!” - Touya’s like: “I know, I just wanted to smash a plate”
- After that Enji takes a day off and they all just play in the gardens. And one moment, Keigo just stops and looks at them laughing about a really bad joke he just made and he thinks: “Woa, I’ve a family now!” And he’s so happy, he starts crying. It’s the first time he cried since a long time, and it’s because of joy.
- Enji isn’t the no. 2 hero, since he spends more time with Rei and his kids. So he moves between 2nd and 4th place in the rankings, but he really doesn’t care. 
- He is still a kinda-dick to the public, but he actually talks about his family, when you ask him about them. (”Yes, my family is way better than yours. Are you blind?” *Pulls a picture out of his wallet* “Just look at my amazing sons and this pure-hearted angle of a daughter. Now out of the way, my wife said I should grab milk on my way home.”) And when he comes home can’t but smile when he sees Rei and his kids. He is really proud of them.
- Enji helps Natsuo with his homework and he makes soba with Fuyumi, plays referee for a sparring-match between Keigo and Touya. But neither of them accepts their limits or defeat, escalateing their fight until it get’s so heated, that Enji has to put a end to it, because he can’t see his kids hurting each other like this. So he let’s them fight him instead, forcing them to team up, and even though he just fakes defeat, he sees their potential.
- The kids are super scared sometimes that he doesn’t make it home after a huge fight, but Enji always returns to read the bed-time story before giving good-night-hugs, So they don’t have nightmares.
- Shoto is born and he’s allowed to sleep in his parents bed. So the other siblings want the same and they fall asleep in a puppy-family-pile. Enji sleeps half on the floor that night.
- Natsuo sees in a TV documentary that male baby-chickens get often killed instandly after they hatch... And so he freaks out, cries and hugs Keigo, like wanting to protect him. - They need the whole night to reassure him, that Keigo is in fact, not a chicken.
- One day the kids should help move some boxes up the staircase to Enji’s study. - And Keigo’s is like: “We can do that later, right guys? Let’s go see what’s inside first, play with it and then try if we can make it look like we never opened it. That’ll be fun!”; And Toya’s like: “Fucking finally” - Inside were reports about unsolved crime cases in the city. Toya and Keigo talk about it the whole month. They decide that they wanna become heroes together. 
- Enji “trains” with Fuyumi, Natsuo, Toya and Keigo - But it’s actually just goofing around and playing villan-attack. (So they know what to do if someone tries to harm them, but he always watches so noone gets hurt.) Toya and Keigo are the only ones to take the play seriously, since they want to become heros for real.
- Enji tells Toya that there’s no need for him to become a hero, if he isn’t fitted for using his quirk. Toya thinks about this, but works out extremly reffined techniques where he uses his fire more defined to avoid burns.
- Toya and Keigo constantly fight about who’s the strongest. (But they are careful not to seriously hurt each other and instandly stop when the other is down. They also teamed up, when a guy in Natsu’s class stalked and tried to bully him. There isn’t much stronger in this world than their big-bro-insticts.)
- Natsuo always cares for their injuries and then Rei gives the two household chores as punishemt.... - And then they fight about who should do the dirtier work.
- Later they met Rumi hanging around in the dangerous parts of the playground and started a fight about a last soda-can. Rumi just obliterated both of them. (since she is 3/6 years older.)
- Toya and Keigo go to UA and both win the sportsfestival first place in their year. They sparr and work-out together with Rumi. They go to different agencies during their internship and try to out-do each other in solved cases.
- They were supposed to babysit Shoto once. The kitched burned.
- Toya becomes a top ranked hero and the todorokis have a big family dinner twice a week. They always cook together and everything is chaotic but in the good way. 
- Toya pierces Keigos ears, because Keigo lost a bet. They start a big fight about it on the stage of the Hero-billboard-charts, live on TV. (- But they do team ups on every big mission to keep their backs safe. They’d litterally die giving the other cover.)
- Enji always tries to get team-ups with Toya, but Toya always dodges. (Because it’s kinda fucking embrassing to work with your dad, who has your baby-pictures in his wallet.)
- They are super fucking happy and nothing will ever change that.
EDIT: If anyone feels like writing this into a fic or something... I’d kiss ya feet and read the crap outta that!
EDIT 2: Like, really man. I need that fluff.
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