#like it’s so stupid but i’m so sad and heartbroken for him
robertsbarbie · 10 months
my brother: probably is going through the worst thing he’s ever been through in his entire life
me: how can i make this about myself and my sadness
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sensitivegoblin · 2 years
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runninriot · 8 months
“I want that too, y’know. The touching and kissing, everything. But the problem is, that I- I want all that from someone I can’t have. And that sucks.” Steve chuckles bitterly.
Isn’t that funny? That there he is, the wonderful man that stole Eddie’s heart, being just as miserable, just as heartbroken as Eddie is. It’s hysterical, really. Eddie wants to laugh, wants to ask who Steve is talking about. Finds it impossible to think there could be a single person in this world that would pass on the opportunity to be with Steve in all the ways Eddie would kill for.
   “Guess that makes two of us,” Eddie confesses and Steve perks up at his words, opens and closes his mouth as if he, too, doesn’t know if it’s okay to dig deeper.
There’s a sadness in his eyes Eddie thinks must mirror his own; two sets of brown eyes searching for comfort in each other. Eddie feels so small, so angry for Steve and himself because love could be such a beautiful thing but isn’t when the rhythm of your heart doesn’t match the one it’s beating for. When love is a one way road with no exists.
   “What do you mean?” Steve asks but Eddie just shakes his head and smiles weakly, trying to take some of the heaviness away for both their sakes.
People don’t choose to fall in love, it just happens. And when it does, there is always a fifty-fifty chance that your love is requited. That the person you fell for likes you in the same way, wants you just like you want them.
Sadly, Eddie has yet to be one of the lucky ones to experience that. The real thing. And while they are still staring at each other, each wallowing in their own sorrow because being in love hurts – he realises that this is so much more than a stupid crush. That this goes deeper than anything he’s ever felt before. That maybe for the first time in his 25 years on earth he understands what true love feels like. Feels the crushing weight of it. Knows it won’t fade so easily. But-
   “You’ll always have me.”
He can pretend. He can be Steve’s friend even if it hurts. Eddie would rather pull his own heart out than not to have Steve in his life. He’d rather be Steve’s friend than nothing at all.
   “What?” Steve seems confused at his statement and Eddie can’t blame him.
   “I’m sorry you can’t have who you want but you’ll always have me.”
   “Why do you say that?”
   “Because I mean it, Steve. No matter what, you’ll always have me. It might not be enough for you and I get that. But for me, this is everything I need even if I can’t have all I want. You wanna know why I came home so early? Because when you texted me, I realised that I don’t need to be anywhere else, with anyone else.”
    I just wanna be here. With you.
Eddie bites his tongue to stop himself from saying more, knows he’s already said too much. Probably shouldn’t have said any of it.
The confusion in Steve’s eyes turns into something else – anger maybe? Frustration? He pulls away from Eddie, jumps up off the sofa and walks a few steps back.
   “You- you can’t just say things like that, Eddie.”
Eddie hates that there is so much space between them, so he stands too, approaches Steve like he would a scared animal, taking slow steps to close the distance between them.
   “I can’t say the truth?” He doesn’t think about his own words, just lets his emotions take over his brain and mouth, doesn’t care about the consequences.
   “N-no! You can’t just say it like it means more than what you’re actually saying. You’re doing this enigmatic bullshit I never understand because I’m too dumb to read between the lines!”
That causes Eddie to freeze on the spot. He’s only inches away from Steve now, could lift his arms easily to reach out for him. But Steve’s words stop him.
He’s right, isn’t he? Eddie does that a lot. Says only half of what he means or says one thing and means another entirely. He just never realised Steve knew. That he can see right through him.
   “You’re right,” he agrees.
Steve huffs annoyed, rubs his hands roughly over his face.
   “Then tell me what you mean. What you really mean.”
It doesn’t matter now, does it? He already said too much anyway. Steve is already onto him, knows Eddie is playing a game of hide and seek with himself – hiding the truth and seeking for an easy way out. But it’s too late to try and turn this conversation around.
   “What I mean is-“ Eddie takes a deep breath, summons all the courage he can find in himself. “It makes two of us because I feel that same way you do. Wanting someone I can’t have? Because you’re my friend, Steve. I can’t have you the way I want you and that’s fine. It hurts like hell but it’s fine. I can live with that. You’ll never be alone because you’ll always have me as a friend.”
Steve stares at him with eyes full of rage.
   “But I don’t want you as a friend.”
Steve’s words hit him like a fist to the face. But before Eddie can let them sink in and start spiralling about the meaning behind them – Steve not wanting to be friends anymore because of Eddie’s confession, obviously – Steve closes the distance between them in one swift motion, grabs Eddie’s face on either side, looking at him with determination in his eyes.
   “I want you as more than a friend, Eddie.”
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webbluvrsugar · 24 days
Lie To Girls — Spencer Reid x exbau!reader
slightly based on the song sharpest tool by Sabrina Carpenter but it’s more like the song would fit them right (love me some angst, had to do it.)
cw: angst with fluff at the end, no use of y/n, passes a little bit after JJ confessed her feelings for Spencer. - this isn’t a jj slander, only serves for context.
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Spencer sweared to you he was over JJ. The blonde had just confessed her feelings for him in a case, and really, you guys used to be fine, at least until he found out his crush of years actually liked him all this time that passed, that he could’ve had a chance all this time if there was no miss communication between them. God, he didn’t even want to tell you, not that he was afraid with the way you’d react but that he knew it was… wrong, in some way, it was. You took it pretty well, but then he confessed he’d been thinking about it more than usual and that just wouldn’t cut it. Which led to the both of you arguing in the living room of his apartment.
“I — I don’t know what you want!” You shout, a mess of tears, he’s been trying to explain that he didn’t really mean anything he said previously. “Sure, you had a chance, but am I not enough?”
It breaks Spencer’s heart to see you like this — so emotionally distressed because of something he said, something stupid and reckless, and it doesn’t seem like it will get better soon.
“No, I’ve.. I’ve never said that, you’re more than enough to me, I just thought—“ he tries to speak, but he’s cut off by you.
“Thought what?” You take a step closer, you’re so sad that he wishes you hadn’t done that. “She’s married! Jesus — she has kids!” You sniff, his head clenches.
“I know.” He admits, ashamed, head hung low.
“I don’t know what happened between you two but there’s no way of fixing it!” Your words are bitter, and they hurt, but he understands why you’re acting like this, he won’t blame you.
He doesn’t respond to that, you can see the look in his eyes, as if he’s heartbroken, and really you don’t know if it’s because of you or Jennifer, it’s hard to tell, and maybe that is exactly why you hurt him even more with your next words.
“If you want me to leave, I will.”
You take another step closer, Spencer gulps, and when he stays silent, you start crying incessantly, hands up to your face as if you’re ashamed of him seeing you like that — you shouldn’t be, he realises how much he really messed up. He’s hurt, confused, but he didn’t realise how this would affect you, and if anything, you’re both to blame.
Spencer’s a nice guy in your eyes, the perfect boyfriend even through his flaws, you don’t know if it’s because of his personality or really because you’re just madly in love with him, but even now, you can’t see malice in the way he acts. He would never need to lie to you the way he did when he said ‘I don’t love her anymore.’, he would always be a saint to you.
He approaches you finally, pulls you into a tight hug at his chest, places a kiss on top of your head and grips you like you’ll fly away if he doesn’t hold you.
“I’m sorry, okay, I just made a mistake,” he whispers, resting his chin over your hair. “I don’t need anyone else.” He breathes.
“Was just a stupid mistake.”
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reigningqueenofwords · 4 months
Tall girls
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Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: 2,575 Warnings: Oral, smut Request: my request was for a story where the reader is short ( like 5'1") and she has a crush on Dean. She overhears him at a bar one night flirting with the waitress and he says that “he likes tall girls”. Of course the reader is heartbroken. With some fluff and a little smut please. Thank you and so glad you are back.
Read on AO3
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Pulling your hair up, you laughed. “I’m serious.” Sam smiled. “He screamed this high pitched scream, looking completely terrified. It was a damn cat.” You were cracking up at the expense of your long time crush- Dean. “You know what he says right after?” You shook your head, trying to breath. “He looks at me, this weird smile, and goes ‘that was scary!’” He did his best to mimic Dean’s voice. That made you laugh even harder. He was telling you funny stories, trying to distract you from his brother. Sam knew about your crush, and didn’t want you getting hurt when you saw him off being well…Dean.
“Wow.” You breathed when you could finally talk again. “I wish I had been there.” Hearing Dean’s voice, you furrowed your brows. Glancing around, you spotted him not far off with a waitress.
He was leaning on the table she was clearing, that smirk on his face. “Oh, I like tall girls, sweetheart.” His green eyes looking up and down her long, sleek body. He licked his lips unconsciously, something that you knew he really did when he saw someone he wanted to sleep with.
Turning away, you downed your beer. “Another?” You asked Sam.
“I’ll get them.” He gave you a sad smile, slipping off his stool and heading towards the bar.
Leaning on the heel of your left palm, you played with a napkin, simply staring at it. There was no joy in your face, and you were trying not to tear up. Afterall, it was just a silly crush, and now you knew that he’d never be attracted to you, right? You were far from tall. Hell, you barely were past five feet tall! Letting out a breath of air, your chest ached as if being crushed.
You heard feet, and the slight scraping of the stool near you, but didn’t look up. “Hot damn.” You heard Dean’s voice, and knew he had a cocky grin on his face. “That is a fine lady, and I got her number.” He gloated.
Without a word, you got up and walked out, wiping your cheek. Pulling out your phone once you were outside, you texted Sam.
Going to my room. See you in the morning. I’m sorry, I couldn’t listen to him brag about scoring her number…
Hitting send, you shoved your phone in your back pocket.
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Sam furrowed his brows when he returned with the two beers to see you missing. Setting them down, he felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out. He groaned before replying.
Sorry. I’ll slap him upside the head. Wait up and we’ll watch something. Be there soon.
Of course, she would know soon could be up to an hour with them. Dean grabbed one of the beers and took a swig. “What the hell’s up with Y/N/N?” He asked, curious. “Almost as soon as I sat down, she got up, and walked out. Not a word. Hell, didn’t even look at me.” He scoffed, shaking his head.
“You’re an ass, you know that, right?” Sam glared at him.
Dean looked confused. “What the hell did I do?!” His tone let Sam know he was a bit offended.
Sighing, Sam sat on his stool. “You know we could hear you with that waitress, right?” Dean shrugged like it was no big deal. “Y/N/N has feelings for you. Can’t see why, though. She heard you tell the waitress you like tall women, Dean.” He took a swig of his own, clearly unamused.
“Wait, what?” He wasn’t sure he was hearing things right. “Did you just say she has feelings for me?” Sam gave him a bitch face, not wanting to answer such a stupid question. “Fuck.” He groaned, putting his forehead on his arm that was on the table. “That was her texting- wasn’t it?”
“Yeah. Said she’d see me in the morning that she couldn’t stand to hear you ‘brag’ about getting her number.” He told him. “I told her I’d slap you upside the head and to wait up, that we’d watch something.”
Dean licked his lips, sitting up. “Keep texting her, keep her awake.” He said, sliding off his stool.
Sam furrowed his brows. “What’re you gonna do?”
He smiled. “Chick flick moment.” He shrugged, and Sam looked at him like he was insane. “Flowers, showing up at her door…that stuff.”
“So, what, you’re gonna show up with flowers, apologize for being a man-whore, and then go call miss tall waitress?” He scoffed. “That’s…low.”
“No, you dick.” He shot back. “I’m going to show up with flowers, apologize for being an ass, and…” Dean let out a breath. “Tell her I feel the same. Let’s just hope she doesn’t slam the door in my face.”
Sam was actually shocked at that. “Wow. The Tin Man does have a heart.” He looked impressed. Dean shot him a look as he walked away, leaving Sam alone in the crowded bar.
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Once in your room, you kicked off your shoes and sighed. Another night alone, and another ride home in the morning with Dean grinning like an idiot. Shaking your head, you swallowed, trying not to cry. However, as you started to undress to change for the night, you broke.
You had just pulled on a shirt that you’d swiped from Dean ages ago when your phone went off. At first, you wanted to ignore it, but couldn’t. It was from Sam, so you plopped on the bed to text him. You were glad that you had someone to talk to about all this, and he never teased you about it.
Soon, he had you laughing through the tears, time passing like nothing. Before you knew it, there was a knock at your door, which confused you. Sam was still talking about things at the bar, so you had no idea who it was. Looking at the time, it had been about an hour.
Setting your phone down, you picked your gun up off the nightstand and quietly made your way to the door and looked through the peephole. Dean with flowers was the last thing you would have thought you’d see.
You opened the door and raised an eyebrow. “Dean?” Your eyes were still a bit red and puffy, as was your nose from wiping it, but you didn’t care.
Dean’s heart fell further at the sight of you. “Fuck…” He sighed. “Oh, uh, these are for you.” You were surprised when he blushed lightly, handing you a small bouquet of your favorite flowers. Honestly, you didn’t know that he had known what they were. “C-can we talk?” Seeing Dean like this wasn’t something that happened much.
Nodding, you stepped aside and let him in. “I thought you’d be with the waitress. They are beautiful, though. Thank you.” You said, looking down at the flowers. Chewing your lip, you set them gently on the stand by the tv, having nothing to put them in.
He handed you a bag. “Here. For you, too.” Once you took it, he sat on the end of the bed, his leg moving like there was no tomorrow. “I hope you like it.”
Confused, you opened the bag and couldn’t help but smile sadly, the tears coming again. It was a Y/F/C stuffed Y/F/A with a little heart that said ‘I love you’. You looked over at him. “Did Sammy tell you about me being upset and you felt bad…so you came over?” You asked. “Don’t feel guilty, Dean. It’s okay, I get it.” Sniffing, your eyes went back to the stuffed animal in your hand. Your thumb rubbed the soft fur.
It took Dean a moment to process what you’d said before he got up. He cupped your cheek and made you look at him. “I feel guilty because I hurt the woman I love.” He told you, his eyes on yours. Sighing, his thumb gently wiped a tear from your cheek. “Sam was sitting at the bar while I ran around finding you that stuff.” Dean chuckled.
“That’s why he was so adamant about texting me?” You mused. “I thought he was just really bored or something.”
Dean chuckled lightly and shook his head. “Nope. I told him to keep texting you to keep you awake.” He grinned.
You licked your lips, thinking. “But what about you saying you like tall women? I’m pretty far from that.”
“I never said I disliked short women, did I?” He smirked, looking proud of himself. “Just because I like one type of woman doesn’t mean I don’t like another.” You nodded slightly, knowing he had a point. “Now, I’m going to kick off my boots, toss my jacket over there, and get into bed. Then we can watch a movie, or get some rest.”
“What if I want something else?” You asked quietly, somewhat nervous.
He furrowed his brows. “Like what?”
Pulling him to you, your lips crashed to his. The surprise quickly wore off, his arms wrapping around your waist, kissing you back. “You.” You pulled away just enough to breath that one word.
“I don’t want to rush you into anything.” He kissed your forehead.
You shook your head. “You’re not.” You smiled up at him, love in your eyes. “I trust you.” The three words seemed to ease any worries that he had, the sides of his mouth pulling up into a smile. You pushed his jacket off his shoulders, your lips moving desperately against his.
His fingertips brushed up your thighs, to the hem of the shirt you were wearing. “I love how you look in my shirt, sweetheart.” He grinned, causing you to blush. Pulling it over your head, he groaned when you were standing almost completely bare before him. All you were wearing was a small pair of underwear.
“You’re overdressed.” You teased, pulling his shirt off of him. Kissing over his chest, your fingers worked on undoing his belt and then his jeans. Dean let out a low hiss of pleasure when your teeth scraped his nipple lightly. “I’ll need to remember that.” You chuckled.
As soon as you had his jeans unzipped, he surprised you by pulling you up and moving you towards the bed. His hands were on your hips, his eyes on yours. “You’re beautiful.” He smiled softly.
Your knees hit the bed and you dropped, crawling backwards towards the pillows. As he pulled off his boots and rid himself of his clothes, you hooked your thumbs in the band of your underwear and shimmied them off. Biting your lip, you tossed them at him, laughing when he landed on the tip of his erection. Even Dean couldn’t help but laugh, either. He brushed them off before crawling towards you, kissing up your legs.
He parted your legs, moving to lay between them. His hot breath sent a shiver down your spine, earning a smile from the green eyed hunter. Your train of thought was cut short when he began licking and sucking at your most sensitive areas. Fists gripping the sheets, you tried to squirm, only for his hands to hold you in place. One of your hands went from the motel sheets to his short, dirty blonde hair.
Dean moaned when you gave it a tug, the vibrations going right through you. “Dean…” You breathed, right on the edge. “Please.” You half whined. He didn’t disappoint, curling two fingers into your wet heat. They hit that sweet spot as Dean’s mouth continued as it had been. “Oh, fuck, Dean!” You moaned, arching your back, your legs shaking.
He slowly worked you down before placing a kiss above your slit. “Way better than I imagined.” Dean told you, kissing up your body.
Pulling him into a kiss, you moaned at the taste of yourself on his lips. Your hand gripped him, slowly pumping as you moved him to his back. Your lips moved to his jaw, your hand still moving. As you moved down, you inhaled the scent that was all Dean. Leather, that cologne that he would never tell you the name of, a hint of the bars that he’d been to, and just a touch of his natural musk.
Nipping his hip, you finally released his erection, trading your hand for your mouth. Your tongue flattened, never leaving his skin as you moved. Hearing your name moaned from his lips, your eyes fluttered closed, earning your own moan in return.
You could have stayed there until he finished, but he didn’t want that. “Come here, baby.” He breathed, lust dripping from his words.
With one final suck, you moved so that you were laying next to him. Kissing him, you had your chest pressed close to his. “Condom?” You brushed his nose with yours.
“Of course.” Dean nodded, getting up and moving to his pants. Once he had it, he dropped his pants and ripped open the package. You watched as he rolled it down his shaft, rubbing your thighs together.
When he was back over you, you were in awe at how much love radiated from his eyes for you. “Don’t keep a girl waiting.” You teased. Chuckling, he kissed you as he lined himself and rocked his hips forward.
Once his hips were flush against your body, he broke the kiss, burying his face in your neck. “Fuck, you feel so good.” He groaned, moving his hips perfectly.
Your nails ran lightly down his back until your hands gripped his ass, enjoying how it felt having him on top of you. “Oh, Dean.” You panted.
At the sound of your voice, he gripped your shoulders, thrusting into you. His mouth was all over your neck, and you knew that you’d have marks after. The thought pushed you over the edge. He felt you start to clench around him and gave it everything he had. “Cum for me, sweetheart.” He groaned through gritted teeth, knowing that the second you came, he’d be right behind you.
Pushing your head back into the pillow, you breathed his name over and over as you clenched around him. “Oh, God.” You whimpered, knowing he was about to finish as well.
Dean thrust a few more times before holding himself against you, breathing heavily as he filled the condom. Kissing up your neck, he slowly pulled out. “I’ll be right back.” He pecked your lips before getting up. Walking to the bathroom, he pulled off the condom and tossed it in the trash.
You heard him wash his hands, and then he was walking back to the bed. Nothing was said as he crawled in next to you, pulling you so that your head was on his chest, his arms around you. You put your arm over his stomach, listening to his heartbeat. “Dean?” You asked softly.
“Hm?” His eyes were closed as he laid there, content.
Licking your lips, you held him a bit tighter. “What does this make us?” Your voice shook slightly. “I don’t want to push you into anything.”
Dean kissed the top of your head. “We’re us.” He replied. “We have each other. No more flirting with waitress or bartenders for me. No more getting your heart broken because I’m an idiot.”
You couldn’t help but grin, closing your eyes. “Night, Dean. I love you.”
“I love you, too, sweetheart.” He felt happier than he had in a long time.
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babyleostuff · 1 year
hello! i have been following you for a while but im shy about sending reqs hehe. i wonder if you can make ot13 reactions on how they will act if they got into a fight with their partner while they're away? like how do they deal with it and what they'll feel about it? I'm sorry if it's weird! thank you so much!
no worries, i’m more than happy to write any requests you guys send me! hope you enjoy this one and if you have any more requests don’t be shy and ask <3
when seventeen gets into a fight with their partner while they're away | ot13
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𓆩♡𓆪 he’s a leo sun (and as a leo myself), i know that he’d be too prideful to call you and apologise first, no matter if it was a big or a small fight 
𓆩♡𓆪 but then he’d realise how much he misses you
𓆩♡𓆪 it’s not like he can text you or call you and act like nothing happened 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be heartbroken for the next few days
𓆩♡𓆪 because not only are you hundreds of kilometres apart, but now he also knows that you are angry with him 
𓆩♡𓆪 one night he’d go through your shared photos and that would be his breaking point 
his gallery <3
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𓆩♡𓆪 he knew that you were angry with him when you didn’t pick up his calls 
𓆩♡𓆪 and he would keep on calling you until you answered him 
𓆩♡𓆪 even if it meant that he had to sit through the whole night with his phone in his hand 
𓆩♡𓆪 you had no idea how much he relied on your late night conversations
𓆩♡𓆪 when he could see your face and find some peace among the crazy schedules 
𓆩♡𓆪 so he would do everything he could for you to pick up and talk things out 
𓆩♡𓆪 first of all, the chance of you getting into a fight while he is away is like 0.01%
𓆩♡𓆪 the second he hears your annoyed voice, he tries to calm you down and asks you to take a deep breath  
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d want you to explain why you’re mad (and that’s when you’d probably realise how silly it was to get mad in the first place)
𓆩♡𓆪 even if was a more of a serious fight, he’d want to talk it out immediately 
𓆩♡𓆪 because he wouldn’t be able to go about his day, knowing that you were sad and angry 
𓆩♡𓆪 there is no way that Joshua would let the fight drag on for days or he’d go crazy 
𓆩♡𓆪 he could feel his heart breaking, when he saw that you left him on read
𓆩♡𓆪 i don’t think he’d try to call or text you immediately
𓆩♡𓆪 because what if you really don’t want to hear from him now? What if you don’t want to hear from him ever again? 
𓆩♡𓆪 usually he wouldn’t be that dramatic about a fight 
𓆩♡𓆪 it’s just the knowledge that you are so far away from each other messes with his head 
𓆩♡𓆪 but the second he sees your name pop up on his phone screen, he tells you how sorry he is and how much he misses you 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be so frustrated 
𓆩♡𓆪 why did he allow for the situation to escalate so badly, that you didn’t even want pick up his calls? 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d try to go about his day like any other, but the only thing he’d be able to think about was your fight 
𓆩♡𓆪 and it would only get worse, to the point where the boys would have to text to you and tell you to call him
𓆩♡𓆪 he was just afraid that if he’d keep on calling and texting you, you’d only get angrier with him 
𓆩♡𓆪 he had always been convinced that being away from you wasn’t that hard on him 
𓆩♡𓆪 but when you got into your first fight while he was on tour, well, that was hell for him 
𓆩♡𓆪 he had never realised how much he actually misses you
𓆩♡𓆪 your calls, your random texts, your facetime dates 
𓆩♡𓆪 you holding his hand, your kisses and your laugh 
𓆩♡𓆪 he had taken so many pretty pictures that he knew you would love to see, but he couldn’t even send you those 
his gallery <3
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𓆩♡𓆪 he would either try to talk things out immediately like Joshua, or give you some time to cool off 
𓆩♡𓆪 he knew that getting into a fight while being apart was stupid, because not only are you a couple of countries away from each other, but now angry as well
𓆩♡𓆪 but after those couple of days if you didn’t pick up his calls or respond to his messages, he’d become the biggest pain in your ass 
𓆩♡𓆪 because he wouldn’t stop calling and spamming you 
𓆩♡𓆪 so you wouldn't have any other option but to talk to him :))
𓆩♡𓆪 don’t to this to me
𓆩♡𓆪 if you ever had a fight when he was away, he’d be the saddest and the most heartbroken version of himself 
𓆩♡𓆪 he wouldn’t smile, and if any of the boys would try to make him laugh it would be so forced 
𓆩♡𓆪 neither of you took the fights between you very well, and now being apart, there was nothing he could to do comfort you 
𓆩♡𓆪 which only broke his heart even more 
𓆩♡𓆪 the fight wouldn’t last very long though, because after a couple of days you’d call each other in tears saying how much you miss each other
𓆩♡𓆪 now, this man 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d either be spamming your messages with apologies, or be the biggest stubborn baby known to mankind 
𓆩♡𓆪 because if he believes that you are in the wrong, there is no way he’s going to apologise first 
𓆩♡𓆪 he probably vents to Wonwoo at some point 
𓆩♡𓆪 and when the older makes him realise that he is in the wrong, everything changes 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d be calling and texting you 24/7, ready to do anything in order to make it up to you 
𓆩♡𓆪 because there is nothing more he loves in this world than you, and the knowledge that he made you sad and upset is unbearable for him
𓆩♡𓆪 similarly to Seungcheol, I think Minghao would be a bit too prideful to apologise first 
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would be a lot quicker to realise how stupid it was to ignore you and to start this fight in the first place 
𓆩♡𓆪 every time he’d see something that reminded him of you, he’d start to miss you even more 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you weren’t picking up his calls he would spam you with random messages 
𓆩♡𓆪 and he wouldn’t care if you didn’t respond to him 
𓆩♡𓆪 because he knew that you missed him as well and that at some point you’d text him back 
your messages <3
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𓆩♡𓆪 another sad baby that would just try to survive the day 
𓆩♡𓆪 the fight would drain him out of all his usual energy, to the point where he wouldn’t even want to bicker with the boys 
𓆩♡𓆪 he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else than the thought that you’re all alone at home, sad and upset because of him 
𓆩♡𓆪 he wouldn’t call you at first, because he’d be afraid he’d upset you even more 
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would still send you your usual good morning and goodnight messages 
𓆩♡𓆪 i think he’d be very mature about the situation 
𓆩♡𓆪 he knew that he needed to apologise as soon as possible, in order to put this fight to an end 
𓆩♡𓆪 if you didn’t want to talk to him, he’d give you some space 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d miss you so much though
𓆩♡𓆪 especially the random texts and memes you’d send each other throughout the day 
𓆩♡𓆪 and he’d still send them, because he knew that no matter what, they would still put a smile on your face 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d try to go about his life as if nothing big happened 
𓆩♡𓆪 because there are always fights in relationships and people are fine, right? 
𓆩♡𓆪 wrong 
𓆩♡𓆪 he spends all of his free time looking through your photos and messages
𓆩♡𓆪 which doesn’t help at all, it only makes him miss you more 
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d do everything to be back home with you, cuddling on the sofa and watching your favourite movie 
𓆩♡𓆪 when your calling ID finally popped up on his phone, a couple of tears run down his cheeks, as he picked up his phone to tell you how sorry he was 
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purplecoffee13 · 5 months
Nemesis with Benefits - Part 1
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Summary: “You got cheated on, and Harry is the one your ex cheated with. You hate him, he hates you, and the universe seems to hate the both of you, because you keep being thrown into the same spaces.”
Wc: 3.3k
Tropes: enemies to lovers
Warning: mentions of cheating, foul language
A/N: Hey guys! I’m going to see Taylor this weekend, but I wanted to give you the first part of my new series before I log off for the weekend. I know Harry is sounding quite unlikable, because he is, but it is a slow burn so give it some time and let him explain!!!!! Enjoy xxx
General Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Part 2 is up!!!
It has been almost three weeks since you and your ex-boyfriend Dylan have broken up. You were heartbroken when you found out he cheated on you, and you still aren't over it in even the slightest. It was just unfathomable to you. How could he cheat on you and just step from one relationship into another?
Yes, that's right, Dylan immediately started dating the guy he cheated on you with. You couldn't believe when you first heard who it was, but it also didn't surprise you much.
Harry has had it out for you from the moment you and Dylan first started dating. You had no idea why, but now that those two are together, you finally understand. He was jealous of you. He wanted Dylan all to himself and— well, he succeeded. The fucking prick.
You had been trying to get over the humiliation and sadness, but it proved to be very hard. You had been in love with Dylan for so long, long before the two of you even started dating, and it was your first real relationship. You couldn't just move on that quickly.
But you were done. Done with crying and whining and bitching about it. It was like some sort of switch had turned, like the first stage of the moving on process had worn out. It was time to try some other methods of getting over Dylan. You finally took the advice from your friends, and tonight was your first date since the break-up.
You had downloaded tinder, and found yourself multiple matches. One guy named Brady, asked you out for drinks tonight, and you said yes. And so, the second stage of moving on commenced.
Now you're in one of the bar's booths, waiting for Brady to show up. He was handsome in his pictures, and he seems like a nice guy. You fiddle with your hands as you wait. You know that if something is going to happen between the two of you, it won't be serious or permanent, but you can't help but be nervous anyway.
You agreed to meet up at nine, and right now it's ten minutes past nine. A pit grows in your stomach as you sip on your beer. He wouldn't be standing you up, would he?
You wait and wait until it's a quarter to ten, and tears prickle in your eyes. What a disaster. How could you even think that this was a good idea?
You flag down a waitress and pay for the beers you drank as you waited. It isn't until you stand up that you realize how many it were. You are quite the lightweight, so five beers on a stomach filled with only a salad for dinner wasn't the best idea.
You walk out of the bar, and grab your phone to order an Uber. That is when you spot someone sitting on the bench in front of the bar, and you groan aloud.
Sitting on the stupid bench is stupid Harry, the guy which Dylan cheated on you with. Out of all people, you just had to run into him. He looks up upon hearing you groan, and the distaste on his face at the sight of you almost makes it look like you're the one Dylan cheated with on him.
"What the fuck do you want?" Harry asks, putting a cigarette to his mouth, and holding a lighter to it to turn it on.
"To ruin your relationship with your boyfriend— Oh no wait, that was you! Asshole..." You mutter as you roll your eyes. You turn around, almost falling over at the speed with which you did, but you are quick to steady yourself. You squint at your screen as you search for the Uber app in your phone.
"Fuck you." Harry murmurs under his breath, and you flip him off without turning around. You don't want to be around this guy, so you start walking away from him. Might as well warm yourself up as you wait for your Uber to arrive. If you can find the damn app...
Then a car honks and before you have time to look up, you are pulled into someone's arms. You look up from your phone and see a white car driving by, still honking at you, and when you turn around to see who is holding you, Harry's eyes meet yours. Once having regained your senses, you push him away.
"Get off of me!" You growl at him, dropping your phone accidentally.
"Are you stupid?! How fucking pissed are you to not notice a car coming straight at you—" Harry barks back at you as he picks up your phone, and hands it to you. You snatch it away, disgusted with the fact that he is touching your stuff.
"Shut up!" You shout at him with a wavering voice, too overwhelmed by everything. You are on the brink of crying. He seems to notice and quiets down.
"I'll bring you home." He mumbles softly, after you had time to breathe for a second and steady yourself. You frown at him, looking for even the slightest hint of deception—because what else is there to the guy who your boyfriend cheated on you with—but you can't find it.
"You are the last person I would ever step into a car with." You glare at him, crossing your arms. Harry rolls his eyes.
"You think you're my number one choice? No, but I'm not gonna let your drunk ass get run over." He argues back, seeming to be equally as irritated with you as you are with him.
"Yeah, because you're the picture of decency and chivalry." You cross your arms. The nerve of this guy! Trying to be all gentleman like when you know that he is nothing more than a pig.
Harry clenches his jaw, and you can tell he is ready to snap at you. You are waiting for him to start cussing you out—and there is a clear hesitation in his eyes—but he doesn't follow through. He merely sighs.
"Look, I'm not going to force you into my car. Because contrary to what you might believe, I do have some common decency, but I am not going to leave you outside a pub, drunk and alone." Harry explains, trying to catch your eyes as best as he can but you are avoiding his stare, afraid to see the sincerity behind them. "So, I either bring you home, or wait for an Uber with you."
You think it over for a few seconds, but your train of thought is interrupted when your name is shouted from a distance. You look in the way where the sound came from, and see Rebecca—a friend from class—wave at you with a big smile on her face. You wave, then turn back to Harry.
"Fuck. you."
You articulate the words slowly, hoping they marinate in his head, as you glare him down with the genuine spite you have felt from the moment you were made aware of the betrayal. You don't give him the chance to respond or even process what you just said, you just walk away.
You don't look back at Harry either, because you are sure that the hint of guilt that presses down on your chest is translating to your face, but you don't want to give in to it. Dylan betrayed you, and while he is the more culpable one in the situation, Harry did this too. He knew you and Dylan were together, and he still did what he did. The guilt transforms into a sadness as your mind wonders, how much did he have to hate you to do this to you?
You shake off the thought and paint a smile on your face as you reach Rebecca. She pulls you into an embrace and asks you how you are doing, and you answer that you're doing well.
"Was that... Harry?" She asks, whispering his name as if it would be a crime to say it out loud. The corner of your mouth tugs up.
"Yup." You nod.
"What did he want from you?" She glares at the place where Harry stands— or stood, because by the time you turn around, he is gone. You stare at the pavement, your body trying to push away that wave of emotional pain that seeing Harry instigated.
"I have no idea."
*************** *************** ***************
Few days later
You stare at yourself in the mirror of your vanity desk. Lipstick still in hand, you analyze your own face. Your make-up sits pretty on your face, painting the image of a woman who has her life together. But the truth couldn't be further from that.
Tonight, you're attending a birthday dinner of one of your friends, Benjamin, in a restaurant in the city. You truly were looking forward to it, but now that you and Dylan aren't together anymore, the fun event has turned into something you have been dreading.
You got to know Dylan through Benjamin. Benjamin was in your first project group ever at Uni. The two of you bonded and have been very close ever since. Benjamin is the type of person that knows a lot of people, and Harry is one of those people
Harry and Benjamin went to high school together. At least, that's what Benjamin told you when he introduced you to Harry at that one party all those years ago. It was at a random fraternity party on campus at the end of the first year, and it is where you met Dylan. Harry and him were roommates, so they had come together.
It was a cobweb of connections, and you have met a lot of people through Benjamin, but you really clicked with Dylan that night. Of course, now that doesn't seem to hold any value anymore, but you can't change the night you met Dylan into a rotten memory. It is sealed with some kind of glass that will always keep it pretty, innocent, sweet, and— well, just lovely.
It's what is going to make it extra hard to see Dylan with Harry tonight. You were happy to celebrate the birthday of your friend, of course, but you definitely weren't looking forward to seeing your ex and the guy he cheated on you with be together, as like— a couple.
You were aware that things like this would happen eventually—because that's what happened when you date someone in the friend group—but that doesn't make it easier. Luckily, a lot of your other friends will be there too.
Rebecca picks you up a good half hour before the dinner starts, and you drive into the city with music blasting through the speakers. You try to clear your head by letting the music take over every part of your brain, but the anxious pit in your stomach can't seem to be contained.
After parking the car a bit further down the street, you and Rebecca make your way to the Italian restaurant. You're about five minutes late—the traffic was worse than expected—so you both hurry over to the corner where the others are already sitting and chatting.
Benjamin gasps when he sees you and pulls you in for a big hug. You smile and congratulate him before handing him the bag which contains his gift. While he turns around and places it on the table, you take the opportunity to scan the room. It doesn't take long to spot Harry—you had felt his presence since you got here—but your eyes can't seem to find Dylan.
You don't allow yourself to feel any relief, as there might be a chance he is still in the bathroom. But when Benjamin tells everyone to sit down, placing you on his left and Harry on his right, you see that all the chairs are filled. Apparently Benjamin senses your confusion, because he leans in and whispers in your ear:
"He didn't come."
The words grant an overwhelming release of emotions that were making you feel like shit, and you start feeling like maybe you can enjoy tonight after all. Partly, at least. You frown; It is weird that Dylan wouldn't come to Benjamin's birthday. He was invited; you were next to him when he got the text.
You take a deep breath and decide that this isn't something you should be focusing on tonight. Alas, you are freed from the fucker for now. You should least enjoy it while you can.
You are seated next to Benjamin, on his left side. Harry is seated on his right side, keeping you apart. Since you are both important to Benjamin, he wants the two of you close to him, but not to each other.
The first course comes around pretty fast, and along with the two glasses of wine you down in record time, everything seems to be going quite smoothly. You avoid any contact whatsoever with Harry, and try to be as invested in Benjamin as you can.
After the main course, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, and sneak away from the watchful eyes of the others. Instead of going to the bathroom, you go outside and light up a cigarette. It is an unfortunate habit you have began succumbing to since everything that happened. The smoking takes your mind off the stress for a couple of minutes, and it is the only thing that has kept you from going insane.
"Are you smoking?" A voice filled with disbelief asks from behind you. You freeze when you recognize the depth of it, along with the unmistakable accent. Well, there goes the cathartic part of smoking that cigarette.
You don't turn around, and so Harry walks up to you in order to check whether it is really you. He frowns at the sight of you with cigarette.
"Thought you hated smoking." He throws in the comment like it's nothing. But it isn't. You hear the resentment hidden in every word that comes out of his mouth. The grudge that he has held against you from the moment you two met is something you think needs to be studied. To this day, you have no idea what you did to make him so mad at you. But instead of worrying about it like you used to do, you are getting annoyed by it.
"Shitty times call for shitty measures." You take another drag from the cigarette before putting out the bud and throwing it in the bin. You are about to go back inside when a collection of bravely morbid words leave Harry's mouth.
"You don't have to act like I murdered your entire family." Harry growls, clenching his jaw as he reaches for his own cigarettes in his pocket. You turn around to him, thunder written all over your face.
"What did you say to me?" You ask slowly, taking a few steps towards him. Harry doesn't see it, as he is also searching for his lighter.
"Look, I know I did a shitty thing but..." His words come to a halt when he sees how much closer you are to him than before, and you don't miss the hint of shock in his eyes.
"But what, hmm? But it's not that bad? But I don't have to be such a bitch about it? But I shouldn't let it influence my behavior towards you? Is that what you were gonna say?" You ask him as you push against his chest a bit, urging him to answer you.
"I was gonna say—"
"I don't give a shit about what you think about my behavior. You didn't give a shit your behavior when you went behind my back and fucked my boyfriend, now did you?" You pose the question, rhetorically. Harry just sighs. "Yeah, I thought so... I can't believe you have the nerve to try and tell me how I should handle you and your new boyfriend fucking me over. Don't do shitty things if you're gonna cry about the consequences. And especially don't go crying to me about."
Harry doesn't look at you, but the tension in his jaw makes you brace yourself for an outburst of some kind. You did pretty much still him to the ground just now. But nothing of the sort happens. Instead, Harry says something unexpected.
"He's not my boyfriend."
You physically take a step back, genuine confusion on your face. What? You were certain that Dylan and Harry were together. It had been all over campus after you first broke up.
"He— he cheated on me. Broke up with me a couple days ago." Harry confessed, still not meeting your eyes. A whole lot of nothingness fills your organs as you stare at him. You have no idea what you are supposed to feel right now. The overwhelming amount of emotions has turned into one empty space that leaves room for nothing but a blank stare.
You feel like you're supposed to laugh at him—in your head at least—and tell him that he had it coming. He did, of course, but you just didn't expect it to happen so soon. You had no idea that Dylan was such a loose canon. At least you are rid of him, that is one positive thing about this whole messed up situation.
Nevertheless, anything that you think you are supposed to feel, is not there. There is no relief, or joy, or lightness that brings a cocky smile to your face as you soak in the karma that was clearly on your side here. No, you are filled with a dull ache that you recognize to be faint sadness. It's too distant to drown in but the familiarity of it still manages to make it sting a little bit.
Harry takes a deep breath, waiting for whatever you are going to say. You can tell that he mentally preparing himself for the humiliation to come, and as much as you'd like to give it to him, you can't find it in yourself to do so.
"That sucks. I'm sorry."
"Th— thanks..." Harry responds slowly, not sure how serious to take your words. You know he was expecting an entirely different reaction.
"I know I had it coming." He adds with a a hint of frustration that makes it seem like you already told him that. Of course, you had the comment in your back pocket already.
"I mean... I wasn't gonna say it so soon, but—"
"Yeah, I thought we would get it out of the way." Harry interrupts you with an annoyed smile. Your previously sad face had turned into more of a smug one and it was more than he could bear, so he just had to say it before you did. He didn't want you to rub it in his face.
Silence creeps upon the two of you. Awkwardly, you stare into the distance as you ponder the new information. It made Dylan even more of a dick than you already thought him to be.
At first, you had thought that Dylan cheated on you because he was in love with someone else— Harry. And while it is still unacceptable, it seems less heartless than cheating with no other intention but sexual pleasure. You could see in Harry's eyes that he didn't expect Dylan to cheat on him, so he must've thought it was love. But it wasn't. That just makes it more shitty than it already was. You find the stinging feeling of sympathy entering your chest when you think of Harry, but you don't want to feel that about him, so you squint at him.
"I still hate you, you know." You say to him.
"Right back at ya, sweetheart."
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joekeeryswife · 1 year
Deadbeat dad - e.m
hello angels! i hope you’re all okay. i am not after writing this, i’m legit in floods of tears. it is a sad dad/rockstar!eddie. i am legit heartbroken at this omfg. anyway, enjoy reading🩷 eddie’s part two x steve’s part two x
taglist (add yourselves 🩷) @eddieamoremio @theshireisonfire @thankingjoe @livsters @sadbitchfangirl @hellfire1986baby @ladyapplejackdnd @alexxavicry @juleshadalittlelamb @hollandweather @lovurry @bibieddiesgf @plk-18 @Heyyimmissunderstood @m-rae23 @sheisjoeschateau @hargrovesswifee @shiftingmack @chxrrysprxut @Idkjoequinn (if there’s a line through your @ i can’t tag you, lmk if you’ve changed your name🩷)
"i can't make it today, i'm really really busy" you sighed, rubbing your forehead with your free hand as you held the phone to your ear with your other. "this can't keep happening Eddie, she has been wanting to see you for weeks now" this was the third time this month Eddie had cancelled.
your sweet girl Penny had been ecstatic when Eddie spoke to her last week to say that he would be here this weekend and he wasn't. "well i'm sorry y/n but i have things to do. this band is really important to me" you weren't shocked. Eddie had always put the band before his family, that was why you and Eddie split up.
"she's your daughter, she can't fit her life around you anymore. she should be more important then that stupid band you have" you could hear Penny's footsteps upstairs meaning she was now awake. "you know what fuck you. i'm busy all the time and i've only cancelled once, get over yourself" you scoffed, not wanting to argue over the phone you asked one simple question.
"are you going to be here for her birthday next Saturday?" you just hoped for once that he would put his daughter first, she loved him but he just left her hanging all the time. "yes y/n i'll be there. what time" he sounded uninterested, like he didn't really care for the party but it was important to her that he was there.
you felt a little glimmer of hope that maybe he would change and make an effort for one day "be here by three, let me know before if you can't come because i'll have to tell her-" he cut you off "i got it bye" with that he ended the phone slamming it down harshly. you put the phone down and heard Penny quickly approaching the living room.
"mama i need to get ready for daddy" you looked at her with a sympathetic smile. her curls were all over the place but she looked so adorable, holding the small bear she had gotten for her first birthday. you opened your arms for her and she climbed into your lap allowing you to wrap your arms around her, you kissed her forehead a couple of times and sighed.
"daddy can't make it today sweetheart" you felt her shoulders drop. "but why?" her voice was quiet and filled with sadness making your heart break. you brushed her curls out of her face and stroked her cheek "i don't know baby". you saw her cuddle her teddy bear closer and felt her sigh deeply.
"it's okay mama we can do something together right?" she looked up at you as you looked down at her. her eyes were exactly like her dads, it was like looking at a mini Eddie was staring up at you. she only got a few features from you but she was beautiful, the prettiest little girl.
you smiled and nodded your hand running through her hair "of course we can, you pick" she smiled at you and thought about what she would like to do that day and you just prayed that Eddie made it to her party. it was one day, would he really miss his daughters birthday?
"is daddy coming today mama?" you heard Penny say as you set up the snack table in your spacious living room ready for the party which was in a few hours. you turned to look at her, she was dressed in a white dress with her curls laying perfectly in a ponytail. "i think so honey, he told me he was coming so i don't see why not"
today was the day you would see if Eddie would show up for his daughter. one day that was so special to her and you were still hoping that he would show up and surprise you all. Steve and Robin had come over to help with everything around the house and you were so grateful to have friends like them, who were willing to take the time to come to your house and help you.
"come on birthday girl, why don't we go upstairs and play with your toys" Robin said as she left you to finish up the snack table. once you heard her bedroom door close you sighed, you knew the chances were very slim that Eddie would show up and you just hoped that he would prove you wrong.
Steve was on a step ladder hanging up a huge banner when he turned to look at you, being careful he wouldn't fall off. "do you think he will turn up?" everyone who knew the situation with you and Eddie knew it was very unlikely that he would turn up.
"i don't think so but i can't say that to her today, i'm just hoping that he does. not for me but for her she deserves it" it had been three years since you and Eddie split up and he had seen Penny maybe 20 times. it went from him seeing her every time he came back here from work to him not making the effort in showing up for her.
"he is being stupid. if he doesn't show up he it's unforgivable. i'll punch him if you need me too" you laughed loudly. it was well known that Steve was not a good fighter but you appreciated the thought. "with your track record i think we should leave the fighting" you smiled at him and looked up at the clock on the wall.
three o'clock had been and gone meaning the party would start soon. "i think Wayne has taken the day off to see her though so that's nice. all her friends are coming so if he doesn't she might be distracted enough to not notice" Steve felt sad for you but especially Penny.
he knew what it was like to have parents that didn't care, didn't bother showing up and he was happy that Penny had you. you always went above and beyond for her and he always admired it. you heard the doorbell ring making you smooth out your dress "it looks perfect okay? i'll go get Penny you open the door" Steve stepped down from the ladder and took it with him as he left you.
you walked to the front door and looked through the peephole to see Wayne standing there with a small, neatly wrapped gift in his hand. "hi Wayne" you said as you opened the door with a smile on your face. Wayne smiled and opened his arms to greet you, you were lucky you always had an amazing relationship with Wayne.
he was always here when you needed him, he helped loads when you and Eddie split up and he always made time for Penny which was the most important thing. "how you doing?" you pulled away from the hug and moved to the side so he could come in.
"i'm okay, very emotional. i can't believe she's five, she's growing up" you followed him into the living room and sat down next to him on the sofa. "i know, seems like only yesterday i got the call from ed's that she'd been born" he instantly realised what he had said and stuttered out an apology which you dismissed "it's okay really, it's a happy memory" it was a touchy subject and you knew Wayne had no ill intentions saying that.
"grandpa Wayne" you heard Penny scream as she saw her grandad was here. "hi princess" he smiled as she ran to him and squealed when he picked her up and placed her on his lap so he could cuddle her. "happy birthday" he kissed her forehead and you smiled at the interaction.
even though bad things happened between you and Eddie, Wayne was always there to tell him that what he did was stupid and that he'd let go of the best thing that would ever happen to him, he was also there for you when you and for that you were forever grateful. Wayne never left.
"did you get everything you wanted" he asked as the two pulled away. you wanted to stay and watch the two of them but another knock at the door pulled you away from the small group.
the next people to arrive were Nancy, Jonathan, Dustin, Will and Mike. you could see a few cars pulling up outside your house so after you greeted them you kept the door open and waiting for them. you could hear Penny giggling in the living room which meant she was happy and that was all that mattered to you today.
once everyone was in the party the kids were dancing and singing whilst the adults lingered around the living room and kitchen talking to one another. you saw Penny and Lottie, one of her school friends dancing with one another making your heart swell with adoration. she looked just looked so happy.
you were standing with Dustin and Steve, watching the kids closely just incase something was to happen. "so, where's Eddie?" Dustin asked as he looked around the room you only sighed and shook your head. "i don't know, i told him to be here at three and it's now four thirty"
you knew something like this would happen just like your gut feeling was telling you it would. "maybe he's just running a little late? i mean it's his daughters birthday for gods sake he needs to be here for her" Dustin rolled his eyes and Steve felt anger filling his body. how could someone do something like this to Penny? the sweetest little girl didn't deserve this.
"i doubt it Dustin. its been almost a month since he last saw her and every weekend he tells her he's gonna be here and then that day rolls around and he isn't. she is heartbroken every time and i'm honestly so close to just cutting off visitation, it's not like he sees her anyway" Dustin nodded and scratched the back of his neck, Eddie was his friend but it was getting harder and harder to defend him.
"he's unfortunately going to find out the hard way, have you told him how this is making her feel?" you nodded and looked at Penny again who had the biggest smile on her face as she danced with more of her friends. "of course i have, every time i get hit with the 'this band is so important to me' but i just keep remembering what it was like before Corroded Coffin took off you know?"
before the band got recognition he worked as a mechanic with Wayne, he made time for you and Penny but it was like as soon as they got the fame he didn't care. his priority changed. "he used to care, he was an amazing dad and i loved him but now i'm stuck wondering how can one person change so quickly. she loves her dad and it breaks my heart seeing her excitement fade as soon as i tell her he isn't coming. it's just too much for her, it's too much for me"
you looked up at the ceiling as you felt tears fill your eyes, you could feel your lip tremble as you tried to keep them in. of course when you and Eddie broke up it broke you, you thought the two of you would be together forever and just seeing the man you love change within a few weeks hurt you badly.
"hey no no don't cry, he isn't worth your tears honey. you're doing an incredible job and he's an asshole" you felt Steve's arm wrap around your shoulders as he pulled you in for a hug. you took a deep breath shocked that you were managing to keep these tears at bay. "it's just one day that i wish he tried, i can manage the other times but it's her birthday and he can't even show up" both boys nodded and you felt Steve's hand stroke your arm.
"he's a dick, but i promise you have all of us and i know it's not how you envisioned your family but you make that little girl so happy and you've done it all on your own. let's try forget about him and enjoy it yeah?" you nodded and kissed Steve’s cheek.
it was now nearing the end of Penny’s party and she was sat on the small sofa which was by the window overlooking the front garden watching as each car drove by the house. she was hoping that one of them would stop and her dad would be there to surprise her but every time the car didn’t stop she felt sadness fill her body.
“sweetheart, everyone’s in the kitchen ready to do your birthday cake” you said as you walked into the living room. “daddy’s not coming is he” you could hear the upset in her voice and it just broke you. you sighed and walked to her and sat down next to her, it was just big enough to fit the two of you.
you stroked her cheek softly and nodded “i don’t think so baby, i’m so sorry” you just watched as she nodded, she wasn’t sulking but you could tell she was really upset. “do you think we could call him maybe? maybe he’s stuck in a jam” you knew what she meant, a traffic jam was a common excuse that you had used for Eddie not turning up.
“of course we can” you got up and walked to the phone which was by the tv and dialled Eddie’s number. the phone rang but of course there was no answer and you watched as she got up from the sofa a frown on her face. she walked to you and held out her hand so she could take the phone as she heard the voicemail beep meaning she could leave a message.
“daddy. are you coming to my party, i miss you” with no response she placed the phone back down on the holder and you kneeled down. she grabbed your hand tightly “it’s okay sweet girl, we will sort it i promise. come on everyone’s waiting for you” you kissed her cheek and stood up so the two of you could walk to the kitchen.
it was evident that she was sad as she listened to everyone sing happy birthday to her and when she blew out her candles, she wished that her dad would turn to her party and surprise her. but her wish unfortunately never came true.
it had been a week since Penny’s birthday party and you hadn’t heard from Eddie at all, he never returned the voice message Penny left and you couldn’t help but cry once Penny was in bed and everyone except Steve and Robin had left. you couldn’t get that sad look on her face out of your mind.
today Steve was round and had decided he was going to take you and Penny out to the mall for some shopping and some ice cream, he had promised Penny last week when she was sat on his lap crying into his neck that Eddie didn’t turn up.
it was four o’clock and all three of you were finally ready to go to the mall, Steve and Penny were in her room finishing up a puzzle they had started that morning. it was an easy one but Steve had acted like he didn’t understand it which made Penny explain it in what he described as the most perfect explanation he had ever heard.
you were putting on your shoes and waiting for them to finish up when a knock at your door pulled you out of your thoughts. you opened the door and was shocked to see Eddie standing there with a gift in his hands. “hey y/n, where is everyone. the party started an hour ago” he tried to brush past you but your hand stopped him from coming in.
“the party you’re talking about was last week Eddie, you knew that” you were furious, he’d turned up a week late. “no it’s not it’s today” you shook your head. “it wasn’t Eddie and if you answered your phone you would know that it was last week. did you not listen to the voicemail Penny left you?”
he shook his head and ran a hand through his hair “look i thought it was this weekend, it’s only a week why does it matter. i’ve come to spend the day with her” you scoffed and shook you head again, it was almost laughable.
“you’re joking with me right? you think that you can just turn up here a week late and act like that’s not okay? it was one day where i had begged you to come and you couldn’t even make the effort to show up. she’s devastated Eddie, you promised her” you almost shouted but you didn’t want to alert Penny and Steve that Eddie was here, you wanted him to leave.
“she’s busy today, like i said she doesn’t fit around your schedule anymore” Eddie rolled his eyes “i’m her dad, you can’t just stop me from seeing her” you looked him up and down, you hadn’t even realised how terrible he looked. pale, lifeless.
“you are no father Eddie, you stopped being her dad the minute your band got fame. you have no idea what it’s like to see her get hurt over and over again when you decide to not show up. maybe it’s because you’re with one of your groupies or maybe you’re too busy that day getting high with your friends i don’t care, i asked for one day. one day where you’d prove me wrong and you couldn’t even make the effort to see her on her birthday”
you just felt sad, he was nothing like the Eddie you had fallen in love with all those years ago but now when you see him you just feel angry, hurt and disgusted. “i’m sorry okay? i’ve come here to see her and i’d like to if you’d let me. i am her dad y/n and we can’t change that”
you head heavy footsteps walking down the stairs and footsteps approaching the door. you turned your head as you heard Penny laugh loudly at something Steve had said to her making Eddies focus change from you to her. she was in Steve’s arms hugging him exactly like she used to hug him and that hurt.
it took Steve a minute but he finally noticed Eddie standing there with a small gift in his hands. “oh shit” he whispered, his smile falling as he noticed yours and his hurt expression on your faces, both for completely different reasons. “hi Penny” she looked at the voice and saw Eddie standing there.
he had a small smile on his face as he took in her features. big brown eyes, curly hair which was exactly like his and lips, it was all him except for the small button nose she had obviously gotten from you. she looked at him with no expression, still hurt from what happened last weekend.
she turned away from him and dug her face into Steve’s neck. he took that as an indication that she didn’t want to see him so he walked away to the living room. Eddies smile dropped as he watched her and Steve walk away.
“he can’t just walk away with her, i wanted to see her. im her dad y/n, you can’t just take her away from me” he wasn’t angry, he was hurt that she’d turned away from him like that. “she doesn't see you as a dad anymore Eddie because you're never here” it hurt to tell him that but it was the truth.
his breathing stuttered as he heard that. yes he hadn’t been the perfect dad but he loved that little girl even if he didn’t show it. his eyes filled with tears, he wanted to say more, he wanted to stand there and fight but he didn’t want to cry in front of you so all he did was nod and hand the gift over to you. he bowed his head “i’m gonna uhh, try and change. i’m sorry y/n i really am” with that he walked away.
“i hope so Eddie” you whispered as you watched him walk to his car. you really did hope so.
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sistertotheknowitall · 8 months
Tim is crying.
Now Jason hears Tim crying and how he sounds just heartbroken. And this upsets Jason, and Jason is mad. He doesn’t know why he’s mad but it’s the same feeling of anger he gets when any of his siblings are badly injured. Like he’s not just pissed at them for being stupid and getting hurt, but like he’s pissed at the thing that hurt them. So he can’t say why he cares just that he does.
So Jason takes it upon himself to get back at the ducker who hurt his brother replacement.
Now I know this can sound like hurt/comfort and trying big brother Jason with a side of angst for Tim.
But that’s not where my mind first went to.
Hear me out!
Now Tim is crying for a silly reason, okay? (He’s been up too late and saw a puppy rescue video that had him sobbing and then he thinks to himself ‘okay wow, big emotions, time to sleep.’)
Jason hears Tim and he may not know what’s going on but he’s connecting the dots. He’s connecting the wrong dots. But he’s connecting the dots all the same. He has come to the conclusion that Kon-El/Connor, Tim’s boyfriend, has upset Tim and/or broke up with him. Now mind you he has not talked to Tim.
So Jason calls Dick because Bruce changed the password to the vault with the kryptonite and Dick has a weird ability to correctly guess Bruce’s passwords. (When asked Dick said he knew based on Bruce’s mood that week. As if that answered the question.)
Now Dick is confused, “Why do you need kryptonite? Oh god, you’re not going to try and fight Clark are you? Please don’t. He gets so sad.”
And Jason doesn’t really explain the reason just what he thinks he knows, which is 1)Kon and Tim got into a fight and maybe broke up and 2) Tim is sobbing in his room and “now I have to kill Kon.”
“Kon and Tim? Jason. They weren’t dating.”
“Oh poor little Goldie. Always so oblivious.”
“….. were they actually dating?”
“Yeah? Why else would they be glued at the hip? And the flirting? They’re always flirting! If they’re not together I’m eating my left foot.”
“Why the left one?”
“I like the right one better.”
“Wow…. I can’t believe it. They were together this whole time and he didn’t tell me. Am I not a good brother? Why couldn’t he tell me?”
“It doesn’t matter! Are you gonna help me kill Superboy or not?”
“……… yeah, sure. The code is 10 1 18 18 15.”
“Well, he is the favorite.”
Cue Jason hunting down Superboy and Superboy being really confused. Dick has informed the others of Tim’s break up and they cheer Jason on but do not get involved. Eventually Superman and Batman do get involved once they realize what’s happening. Jason has to explain and Tim is embarrassed. Kon is amused but also why does Jason kill first ask questions later?
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local-crying-boy · 1 year
Can we have a part 2 of it was our plan where its after the cullens come back but y/n is still kinda distant from jasper?
A/n: I hope this is what you expected!
It was our plan PT. 2
Fem! Reader X Jasper Hale
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Pairing: Female human! Reader X Jasper Hale
Genre: Oneshot, angst to fluff
Warning: none that I’m aware of, use of Y/n
Summary: When the Cullens returned to Forks, Jasper Hale seeks you out so that he can apologise, but you avoid him at all costs.
Word count: 1.4k
Part One here
Hate. Resentment. Sadness. Three annoying feelings you felt in your bones, throughout your body.
You absolutely hated that the Cullens - despite agreeing with you with you former plan - had left Forks without warning. Okay, yes, Jasper did technically 'warn' you, but he left immediately after telling you and left no room for discussion about you going with him!
You had resentment for Jasper for leaving you on that day, he had loved you and loved that you had gone as far to plan how you would leave Forks. I mean, what kind of person would leave the person they loved immediately after telling said person they were leaving and then leave without a proper goodbye?
But, ultimately, you felt sadness every waking hour. You were heartbroken at the fact you’d never get to see Jasper again, never get to kiss him, never get to hug him, never get to hold his hand, never get to be beside him ever again. You were upset because there was literally no one like Jasper Whitlock Hale, there would be no man you would love as much as you loved Jasper.
You wouldn’t go as far as to believe you were depressed, in fact, you had given into the anger instead of the sadness. You tried everything you could to get rid of that sadness, and, so, that meant you felt pure anger for Jasper.
In months that the Cullens had been gone, you had focused on many different things, however boring it may have been. You had organised your room, studied a lot, finished many of the books you wanted to read, attempted arts and crafts, sports, and much more. You even tried to help Isabella Swan out of her depression about Edward leaving, though it proved more difficult the more you tried.
Your grades went up due to your endless studying, even in the subjects you struggled on most! Your parents were proud at that, though they still worried that you had not properly been upset at Jasper’s absence. You'd been sad in your own time, sometimes you would give yourself a few moments of sadness before you would quickly despise yourself for being upset that Jasper left.
You hated him.
You hated the man you loved most.
You despised Jasper Hale.
So, when the surprising news of none other than the Cullens returning to Forks arose, you did not hesitate to ignore the supposed amazing news.
While Bella quickly went back to loving Edward, and practically planning for her own transformation into a vampire, you stayed as far away from Jasper and his family as you could. You couldn't bare to see him, you couldn't bare for him to try and apologise. You didn't want to go back to him. You didn't. Defiantly not.
Nevertheless, all you wanted to do was fall back into his arms, hold him, kiss him, love him. You wanted Jasper back, you wanted to love him, you wanted to be around him, to feel the coldness of his hands when he held your hand throughout the halls of school and as he walked you to your front door.
You missed the vampire's stupid Southern drawl, the way certain words seemed to roll of his tongue and make your knees go weak. You missed his golden coloured eyes, followed by his dark coloured eyes depending on the day. You missed the way he would walk you to your classes, the way he would carry your books when you had too many, the way he would drop you off at home after your dates, the way he was always respectful to you and your boundaries.
On Jasper's side, he had been trying desperately to get your attention, to find you while you were by yourself.
Though, due to your stubbornness, Jasper was unable find you by yourself and, if he wanted to catch up with you with his speed, he was unable to because you were smart enough to stay with other people. Or was it stupid?
Either way, Jasper had beaten himself up senseless because he felt so incredibly bad about how he left things. All he wanted to do was make it up to you, he wanted to be with you again. He knew you wanted to as well, he could feel it. Though, he could also feel your anger, your frustration, towards him.
On one particular rainy day, you had your hood pulled up over your head and your coat zipped up all the way, hands shoved in your pockets to keep them safe from the freezing rain.
Thankfully, Jasper had seen you walk out of the school, you were walking home that day, Jasper remembered from your weekly routine and because - on these days - he would be the one to take you home. He was walking quickly towards you, silent but quick. He knew he couldn't use his speed to catch up with you, but he had been so desperate to do so.
"Y/n." He called out to you, causing your heart to drop at the sound of his beautiful sounding voice.
When you didn't reply, he said your name again, now only a few feet behind you. "Please, Y/n."
"Don't, Jasper." You sighed out, but, in reality, all you wanted to do was hug him. "I don't want to hear it."
The coldness in your voice shocked him, he'd never heard you speak so rudely to anyone, let alone him.
"Y/n." He repeated, his voice was pained, you could hear the sadness in his voice. No one needed his power to know the heartbreak he felt.
You turned around to face him, rather abruptly. You would have preferred to not even face him, you knew his saddened face would break your beak into a thousand little pieces, would make the heartbreak physically hurt you.
"Don't, Jasper." You said again, your voice was trembling, but the anger was clear. "Don't you dare, you left. You left me, here by myself."
He looked you in the eyes, he could see your glassy eyes and how you were fighting the tears.
"You don't get to be heard out, not when you left like that." You scowled at him, hands in fists and you almost wished he was human so you could actually hurt him - as terrible as it may sound. "I was here, while you were... Wherever the hell you were!"
You sniffled, you were trembling and you could feel the rain down your cheeks. Or was it tears? "It wasn't fair."
"I know, I know." He said softly, he took a step closer to you, his arms extended as he reached out to you. "I shouldn't of said goodbye like that, I am so incredibly sorry."
You shook your head as he walked near you, you took a step back and it took the hint. His arms hung loosely at his sides, he wasn't going to touch you if you didn't want him to.
"Please, Y/n. I was afraid." He said, the saddened tone that escape his mouth seemed so unnatural for someone like him. He'd never sounded like this, never sounded so broken. He spoke again, but his voice was quiet, he was still aware of the people around him, the handful of students who were watching the scene unfold. "You saw what I almost did to Bella, I never want that to end up happening to you. I would never be able to live with myself again if I was the reason you got hurt."
He wanted to attempt to reach out to you again, but he didn't want to risk of getting rejected again, he wasn't sure if he could handle watching you back away from him again.
"Darlin', I never want to be the reason that you get hurt, that you..." He trailed off this time, he didn't want to say what he thought.
"That I die?" You finished for him, anyhow, with a hushed voice and a broken voice much like his. "That's what you want to say, isn't it? You don't want to be the reason I die?"
You shook your head again, now certain that you had been crying, tears streaming down your face like a river alongside the rain droplets. "You don't trust yourself, Jasper, but I do. I always have, I always will."
"I am dangerous." He whispered out.
"No." You whispered out, you walked over to him with your arms extended. You grabbed his hands. "No, you are not."
You both locked eyes, his with his golden eyes and your glassy eyes. Your words had echoed in his mind, you believed that he was good, you believed that he wasn't the monster he saw himself as.
You quickly embraced the frozen vampire, and he wrapped his arms around you. Both of you had missed the other's touch, both of you were desperate for the other's touch, and both of you finally got the one thing you desperate missed: each other.
In this moment, in the moment you held each other in the pouring rain, outside of the school, you thought that maybe - just maybe - things will be okay.
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midmourn · 8 months
play the part
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PAIRING Lee Donghyuck/Haechan/GN!Reader/Na Jaemin
SUMMARY Haechan’s your boyfriend, but Jaemin’s your best friend. How could he ever compete?
CONTENTS Brief mentions of (almost) vomiting, I think the phrase is called emotional cheating, alcohol use, surprise sad ending
WORDS 1,428
LISTENING TO that way by tate mcrae, traitor by olivia rodrigo, high infidelity by taylor swift
NOTE im not writing a part two so please don’t ask, thank you <3 i found this in my google docs so i tweaked it just a tiny bit and i couldn’t find it on my old blog so idk if i ever posted it or not
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When Mark finds Haechan, the younger boy is still nursing the drink that he had received from Jaehyun when they first stepped inside the party. “Woah,” he tries to joke, already knowing how his best friend was feeling, “Still drinking that drink? You’d usually be in your fifth one by now. Finally decided to take AA seriously?”
Haechan doesn’t laugh, and Mark’s smile fades, sighing as his shoulders slump. Mark downs the rest of his own drink before setting it aside, not wanting it anymore. Haechan doesn’t look up when Mark sits beside him on the railing of the balcony, “You know, it’s probably not safe for us to be this close to the edge while drinking,” Mark gestures to the ground beneath them.
“I feel like death would be better than life right now,” Haechan murmurs, and even those the words could be taken as a joke, both of them know it’s not. And Mark has a pretty good idea on why that is. Mark follows to where Haechan’s gaze is, finding a group of people sitting around the pool in Jaehyun’s backyard, but Haechan’s eyes were only on two people— a familiar head full of of black and a familiar face.
Jaemin’s arm was thrown around your shoulders, the back of his head facing Mark and Haechan but your face was clear for Haechan to see. The grin on your face was so bright that even Mark’s eyes hurt. He wasn’t close enough to be able to see, but if he was, he was sure that he would’ve been able to see the stars decorating your eyes. Mark remembers when you and Haechan first met, the younger would not shut up about you. Mark knows things about you that he shouldn’t, and that’s because of him.
“They’re just friends,” Mark says, swallowing the lump in his throat for he can’t swallow the empathy swelling up inside of him— knowing exactly how his best friend feels. “You’re their boyfriend.”
“I have the title,” Haechan sighs, tilting his head up to drag his eyes away from the two of you. His glistening eyes stare up at the dark sky, clouds decorating the sky and moving to cover the moon. “But he has their heart.”
“If they had feelings for him, they would break up with you, Hyuck,” Mark tries to reassure him, but even Mark doesn’t believe his own words. He wishes he could help more.
“Not if they knew I’d be heartbroken by it,” Haechan swallows the rest of his drink down, welcoming the burning taste. It couldn’t beat the burning in his heart, though.
“Either way, you’re heartbroken,” Mark argues, shaking his head as he turns to face Haechan. “But if you were over, at least you’d be free to move on.”
Haechan doesn’t respond for a moment, only rolling his shoulders as he looks back down at the group of people again. He licks his lips before saying, “I have the title. That’s enough, right?” When Mark doesn’t respond, he exhales through his nose sharply, “I’m their boyfriend. I love them. That should be enough.”
There’s a painful silence before Mark speaks with an underlying tone of hurt, “Sometimes, it isn’t enough.” He’s starting to wish he had another drink. “Hyuck, you’re going to have to do it if they won’t.”
“Guess I’ll just have to play the part, then,” Haechan says suddenly, pushing himself off the railing and onto the balcony floor.
“What part?” Mark asks, eyebrows furrowing as he turns to him.
“Acting like I’m really stupid,” Haechan smiles, but it’s an empty smile. Mark’s not familiar with it— and he hates it. “And that I have no idea that they’re falling in love with their best friend.”
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“How was your day?” Haechan asks, his phone laying on his bed with the speaker on. He’s drying his hair with the t-shirt he had on before he took a shower, staring into his mirror in front of his bed. “Have fun?”
“All I did was sleep and play Among Us with Jisung so,” you giggle and his heart swells at the sound, a smile forming on his lips. “Yeah, I did have fun.”
“So you’ll play Among Us with Jisung but not me?” He snarks, throwing his shirt into his dirty clothes hamper but you know he’s joking— he’s always joking like that. “Maybe you should date him instead.”
You giggle again, “Jisung is too young—”
“It’s barely two years,” he sits down on his bed, grabbing his phone to go through his photo gallery, almost every single one being of you. “I’ll even tell him for you, that way if you get rejected—” A small smile is on his lips as he stares down at a picture of you and him, visiting your shared lock at the Love Lock of Namsan Tower.
“— You don’t have to witness it and ugly cry.”
“In this hypothetical situation, even if he said he liked me back, you’d still tell me he rejected me, wouldn’t you?”
Haechan laughs from surprise, sometimes forgetting just how much you know him, “And you’re right, for once. I’d then tell him the text was for someone else to humble him.”
Your laughter is loud and unapologetic, just how he likes it. “Oh, you are so—” You cut yourself off and it’s silent from your side before you start giggling, “Stop it.” His eyebrows furrow, head tilting as he pauses in his scrolling. What had he done? “No! Don’t be like that and don’t you dare—” You start giggling loudly again, shrieking for whoever to stop what they were doing. If you weren’t laughing, he’d have been concerned.
Haechan says your name once but when it’s not heard over your laughter, he frowns and goes back to the call, seeing that he’s not on mute. He says your name again and when no reply, he goes to say your name once more but a familiar voice stops him. His body freezes as his blood goes cold, staring down at his floor when he recognizes the voice.
No one has a voice like Na Jaemin does. And even if there was, he’d recognize that voice anywhere.
It’s when even after you stop laughing, and you talk to Jaemin like Haechan still isn’t on the phone with you, is when his heart finally drops like an anchor to the bottom of his stomach. You forgot.
They forgot, they forgot, they forgot, his mind chants back at him.
Haechan doesn’t register when your voice first cuts off, only looking down when he realizes and seeing that the call ended. He doesn’t remember if he ended it or if you remembered and did it yourself. Either way, his heart still hurts. Tears stream down his face as sobs rip out of his chest, with loud, violent sounds. His chest hurts, too. His chest is tightening, and coughs start to cough, each cough getting more violent than the next. He doesn’t know if it’s because of the harsh crying or—
He turns to find a water bottle for him to drink but his vision is blurry from crying and the coughing won’t stop, no matter how much he tries to breathe and calm himself down. The crying doesn’t stop, either. He has a feeling he’s about to throw up and pushes himself off his bed, stumbling to his bathroom with his hands on the walls and door frame so he won’t fall.
It doesn’t work, and he falls on his knees anyway. In only a matter of a few minutes, he’s soaked to the bone and his shirt is wet— his previously dry hair is clinging to his forehead and neck. Bile— he thinks— crawls up his throat and he throws himself to where he knows the toilet is, clinging onto the bathroom sink as it comes up and into the toilet.
He doesn’t know how long it’s been when he finally comes around, dried tear streaks on his cheeks and his vision is no longer blurry. His breathing is still heavy, but it’s slow and ragged. He’s not coughing or crying anymore. He can’t help but look in the toilet, not even knowing if he really threw up or if it was just his imagination. His breath catches in his throat, the sight of a familiar singular flower floating in the otherwise empty toilet. A light pink Orchid, your favorite flowers. He knows because he gave them to you on your first date.
Haechan isn’t stupid— and the flower only confirms his thoughts.
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thehighladywrites · 11 months
Beneath their smiles
ft. Rhysand
SUMMARY: You find out your friends used you for status, leaving you heartbroken. Rhysand is here for you<3
warnings: swearing, hurt, comfort,fluff, shitty friends, nice revenge.
A/N: Kind of a personal one for me, I used to have shitty friends like this so this was really satisfying to write😋
banners: @cafekitsune
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There was nothing in the world that Rhys hated more than seeing you upset.
What could have possibly made his sweet darling this upset? You were sitting in his lap, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. He had one hand supporting your back while the other was drawing soothing circles. You were crying your eyes out, hiccuping, not even managing to talk properly between sobs when he asked what had happened to you.
You sat there for hours, listening to him whisper calming words of love and support. Finally, you looked up to him and the sight broke his heart.
After your crying session, your eyes were bloodshot, puffy, and swollen. Dried tear streaks ran down your face, making you look utterly drained, vulnerable, and sad. His protective instincts upon seeing his mate in such a vulnerable state were going crazy. It made him start making plans to confront whatever or whoever had made his mate cry so much. But Rhysand didn’t push you to speak if you weren’t ready. He knew you’d tell them whenever you were.
You took a steadying breath and spilled everything that had happened before your eyes started to blur again.
"Rhysie, I had the most horrible day ever. My friends completely cut me off for no good reason. They all made secret plans to catch up, and I saw them in front of me, laughing and huddled together. I so so badly wanted to go up to them, but when I got closer, I overheard them say that they weren't going to include me in their plans. They also whispered that I was a burden to you, and that a low-born nobody like me was only useful when getting invited to balls and parties – that our friendship was just a charade for their own amusement. They'd pretended to be my friends, but in reality, I was nothing more than a pawn in their game of social climbing. So, it turns out they were never truly friends; they were just using me for access to the stupid parties they craved. I feel so foolish,Rhys. They always chattered about parties and festivals, but I thought they enjoyed my company. “
He kissed your temple and let you silently cry on his shoulder again. He masked any anger he had, because it wasn’t about his revenge now, it was about comforting you.
“Oh, my sweet darling, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. You deserve real friends who appreciate you for who you are, not just for the parties you can provide. You’re such a kind and wonderful person, and this experience with those vermins doesn’t define your worth at all. We’ll get through this together, my love. I promise you’ll find new, genuine friends who will value you for the amazing person you are, and who will see your kind heart and genuine soul. Remember that I’m always here for you, and I love you so much, okay? If you want to, we can banish them.”
You give him a tired smile and let out a sigh of comfort at the feel of love he sends through the bond. He gives you a sweet, loving kiss as he carries you to bed, tucking you to lay with one arm on his chest as you tucked your face in the crook of his neck. He had an arm protectively slung around your waist, keeping you as close as possible.
” Thanks Rhysie, m’so happy to have you forever. I love you s’much. But that’s not necessary, I have something better in mind. “
“ Of course darling, I love you too, can’t wait to hear about this diabolical plan my baby has planned. “
You let out a genuine laugh, and he gives you a last kiss before he pulls you closer. He runs his hands through your hair, as he always does whenever you’re upset, lulling you to a comforting sleep.
- - -
The night was beautiful, millions of starts decorated the dark sky, and the music filled the air. You and Rhysand were hosting an exquisite starfall party in your home. It was a celebration that enhanced the beauty of Velaris. A perfect night for some payback.
As the guests were flown up to The House of Wind, elegant guests in shimmering attire began to mingle with eachother. Among them was all of your friends and family from other courts, like Helion, Kallias and Vivienne, Thesan, Tarquin and so many more joined to celebrate.
Suddenly, at the edge of the entrance, your oblivious friends huddled together ready to dance the night away. Their faces masked with false smiles and ill intentions. They attempted to join the festivities, whispering and snickering, oblivious to the icy glares they received from your inner circle who knew of their betrayal.
However, the sentries, loyal to Rhysand, stood firm. As your friends approached, the guards blocked their path, not allowing them a step further.
"Sorry, but you can't enter," Declan, one of the sentries declared, his voice carrying authority.
Your friends exchanged bewildered glances, their arrogance suddenly shattered by reality. They had always been invites to the High Lords party, what the hell was going on?
"What do you mean?" one of them demanded, her voice tinged with false innocence. "We were invited."
The sentry raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. " We have specific orders to not let you in. In fact if you don’t move, I’ll throw all of you in a holding cell for the night. Move along. ”
Seeing the High Lord's sentinel not wavering their stance, the mean friends grew flustered. They attempted to argue, to demand, to manipulate. But Velaris, under the rule of Rhysand, had no place for those who betrayed and used others for personal gain. Especially not his perfect mate. No, they weren’t ever going to hurt you again.
” I think there has been a mistake. Do you know how we are? We’re friends with the Lady of night, and we’re always invited. So let us speak to Y/N she’ll know who we are. ”
Tired of seeing their pathetic attempts, you drag Rhysand over to them to resolve the situation. But before you can say anything, Rhysand speaks up as he looks at them with disgust and wrath.
"Your actions towards my mate and your Lady are disgraceful. It's clear you've treated her with cruelty and deceit. You've shown a complete lack of respect and compassion. In my city, I value loyalty and kindness, qualities you so clearly lack. Know that I won't tolerate any more harm coming her way, because if any of harrass my mate again, I’ll see to it that it’s the last thing you do.
You’ve been asked to leave once, and you won’t be asked again. This is a night of celebration and unity, not a place for your pathetic attempt at deception. Your presence here is unwelcome, and I will not tolerate any disruption. It’s in your best interest to leave now, before Declan makes good on his word. ”
You look to him with a small smile and say into his mind,
” Thank you honey, I don’t know if I would’ve had the strenght to say all that. I love you so much. ”
” I love you too, but don’t thank me darling, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. ”
Defeated and stunned your now former friends were left with no choice but to retreat, their faces flushed with embarrassment and anger as they slinked away from the entrance, watched by the crowd.
Observing the whole scene you both couldn't help but smile as he tightened his hold on you. He had protected his mate and ensured that the party remained a celebration of true friendships, leaving no room for something other than that.
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angelicpoison12 · 3 months
broken bottles = broken hearts ღ
Husk makes you feel better when you’re heartbroken over coming into Hell. So, he lets you pet your troubles away.
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you were good… for the most part. you didn’t see yourself as an awful person. did Heaven truly see you as so bad and malicious that you were now in Hell? well, yes.
— 𖢻 —
you sat at the bar, sad and glum. the hotel wasn’t too bad.. Charlie was a little overbearing sometimes with how positive and optimistic she was, but it was better than someone who was down all the time, right?
well, Husk was certainly someone who was always in a ‘fuck no’ mood.
you sat at the bar, looking around, but Husk was nowhere in sight. you sighed and put your head down, hoping that the day would go by faster. the bar was cool and had a smooth surface, giving you a sense of comfort in this shithole you’d gotten yourself into.
“what can I get ya?”
you squeaked when you heard the deep, smooth voice, nearly falling out of the barstool. Husk’s eyes widened at your fright, and he was quick to say,
“easy kid, easy.. what’s the matter with ya, huh? bad day? i never see ya sitting up here,”
you shrugged and sighed, quietly ordering a glass of water. when you felt the cool glass pushed towards you, you were quick to gulp it down, feeling relief spread through your body. the drink cooled you off and made you feel somewhat better than before.  “so.. you gonna sit there all sad and mopey like a wet dog, or are ya gonna tell me whats goin’ on?”  Husk asked, pouring you more water. a soft, quiet breath left your lips, and you saw his left ear twitch.  
“can i pet you?”  you blurted out, blushing. Husk’s eyes widened, and a soft, confused mrrp sound left him.  “’scuse me?”  he asked, his voice a little higher than usual due to the soft flutter he was getting in his chest. you swallowed and said,  “i’m sorry-it was a stupid thing that came across my mind, i shouldn’t have-”  all Husk did was raise a hand, silencing you. he sighed and shook his head before asking,  “if i let ya pet me... will it stop your mopin’?”  you were quick to nod eagerly. he grumbled a little, his ears going flat as he came closer to you, the bar digging into his fur a little. 
Husk looked at you, one of his large red brows perked up.  “well, what’re you waitin’ for, hm? Go ahead.”  you were timid as you leaned forward, your fingers raised. you brushed them through Husk’s ears. you started from the base of the white fluff on them, then the red, moving up to the innards and where the tips were pointy with hair. 
he hummed quietly, eyes closing as you petted him. soft purrs echoed through the bar, his gruff exterior melting thanks to your gentle touch. you moved your hand down, starting to scratch his fluffy cheeks, feeling his whiskers tickle your fingertips.  “this is so fuckin’ stupid..”  Husk muttered. your eyes widened a little, and you stopped petting him abruptly, thinking he was upset. Husk’s eyes opened and he was quick to say,  “aw, kid. don’t stop, please... i was just talkin’ to myself,”  Husk said. you resumed petting him, his purrs louder now somehow, which made you let out a quiet giggle. 
you couldn’t help but notice the way his tail was swishing back and forth, wrapping around his leg and curling into a heart. you cooed at the sight, finding it adorable as well as interesting.  “don’t get used to this, kid. I ain’t nobody’s pet,”  Husk chuckled, a sense of light-hearted humor behind his tone. you knew Husk was a grump, and he was never one to usually have fun.t yet somehow you’d clawed your way into this kitty’s heart.  
you pulled your hands away from him, finishing your second helping of water.  “thank you for the drink, Husk. I really needed it,”  you said. Husk smiled and nodded at you, rubbing his semi-wet nose against your cheek, still purring.  “not a problem, kid. come back anytime you’d like, alright? this old man gets lonely sometimes,”  Husk said. you sense the sadness in his voice mingling with his unconditional love for you. 
“don’t worry, I'll be back,”  you said confidently, patting his head one last time before you left upstairs to your room. 
sometimes, all you need is a cat to let it all out to. and thank god for Husk being that cat. 
— 𖢻 —
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dearladynightmare · 1 year
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Hello everyone💜
As you remember from two days ago, I wanted to talk about Hordak and the time when Entrapta and he have been separated.
Well and here it comes.. a few heartbreaking thoughts of mine.
At the beginning of the series, I didn't think much of Hordak. He was simply a villain who did terrible things for whatever reason.
But the way I usually feel about such characters is that I develop an incredible amount of sympathy as soon as I understand the character's motivations.
And Hordak's motivation comes from an incredibly sad backstory filled with a false conception of a God, life in a cult, rejection, humiliation, self-doubt, and the conviction that you have to prove yourself valuable to someone in order to be loved.
And all this makes Hordak not a monster, but something human. (Of course, this in no way justifies his actions, but a sense can be made of it.)
A friend and I call this characteristic of a villain: Opfer der Umstände (victim of circumstances).
And now to the actual topic. Entrapta was gone and Hordak believed Catra when she said that Entrapta had betrayed him.
It broke my heart. I thought: Hordak, you idiot!! Why would you believe that Cat more than Entrapta. You must have felt something was wrong. I mean we are talking about Entrapta, the woman who cherished you, who helped you, who loves you for who you are, who sees no defect, but a being worthy of love.
And THAT was the reason why Hordak believed Catra. He was so filled with self-hatred, fueled by a god - his god - the center of his universe- who denied Hordak any value by rejecting him.
That someone could love him, like Entrapta seemed to do, was simply impossible. Not compatible with the reality of his life. It was too good to be true. Blinded by his desire to be loved, this princess betrayed him.
He felt stupid, abandoned, heartbroken. But in his eyes it was the only possible truth and he deserved to suffer because of this sin. The sin of believing he was worthy before Horde Prime confirmed it.
And when he found out that Catra lied, his world collapsed. He was truly loved by this women and because of his insecurities she probably died.
So I hope I’m done breaking your heart and mine as wellxD thanks for reading!💜💜
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jxckchxmpi0n · 8 months
hi :) i love you and your writing sm
could you do one with ethan (gf) where him and female reader are in a relationship and when he unmasks himself she’s like heartbroken and stuff with the prompts “you hurt me and i still trusted you” and like in the end where she kills him instead of tara in his death scene with the prompt “i guess we weren’t meant to be”
i’m sorry that’s like so much😭😭
Dying Wish
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Ethan Landry GF x Reader |m.list
Summary : it's all in the request <3
Warnings: cursing, angst, character death, blood, gore,
word count: 1.7k
did not proofread
(also, omg! we reached 400 followers) Thank you so much! I literally love you all <3 I hope you enjoy this!
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Your feet were glued to the floor, as if you stepped into a mouse trap. The glue pulling you down to the ground weakened your knees as you watched your boyfriend stand before you. He was in all black, holding that stupid mask in one hand and a bloody knife in the other.
He looked at all of you, Tara, Sam, and you. the boy standing in front of you wasn't the boy you fell in love with. No. The boy standing in front of you was a killer, he killed your childhood best friend, he was the one you ran to when you saw Anika's body lying there lifeless. he was the one telling you he'd protect you from all the bad in the world.
And yet there he was, standing just five feet away from you with an evil smile, and eyes darker than the black he wore. You didn't know who he was, he was a stranger, and you trusted him with everything.
"-Really runs in the fucking family doesn't it" his voice was ringing through your ears. The ringing getting louder and louder, "awe y/n don't look too sad" he raised his hands to his face making a crying motion with them.
"Fuck you!" Your voice shattered as you spoke. Baily laughed a your words. you hated them all they ruined your life all because they thought Richie deserved the ending he wanted.
Ethan and Quinn started to circle around you three. Baily walked around talking about how passionate Richie was about these killings, Sam was talking back yelling at Bailey, saying he's the reason Richie is a killer.
Quinn wasn't a fan of how she spoke of her brother, so she jumped forward, slicing the side of Sam's arm. As she tried to move away, she tripped, which pushed you towards Ethan. Pulling his arm back, he followed his sister's actions and swiped at your arms.
The feeling of your skin being ripped ran through your entire body. "fuck" you grabbed your arm putting pressure on the wound, Ethan smiled waving his hand in a no motion.
"If that hurt just wait for what I'm going to do to you later" your eyes were flooding with tears. You wanted to scream and yell at him, you wanted to yell at yourself for even thinking about the future with him.
Things had started to pick up, Bailey was after Sam, while Quinn went to Tara, which left Ethan after you.
You ran behind one of the cases that held the past victim's belongings, "You have no idea how long I've dreamt of killing you, feeling the knife pierce your skin, if you think you have it easy, you're about to be proven wrong." Pushing one of the mannequins into him you made a run for it. "Bitch" he grabbed the mannequin throwing it to the side as he chased you.
You saw Sam running to the stairs, going after her you saw Tara right behind you. Quinn was lying on the floor holding her side, "she got what she deserved" Tara's voice was shallow and airy from all the running. You couldn't help but laugh just a little as he ran up the stairs.
Kirby had showed up once again, stopping in front of Ethan she was about to shoot, but Bailey's voice distracted her allowing Ethan to jump at her and stab her. "Do you remember this?" in one switch motion he pulled the knife out again and stabbed her.
"Ethan, enough get the others!" Bailey yelled at his son from the stage Ethan looked over and noticed everyone was on the second floor. A wicked grin showed on his face as he noticed Quinn cornering the three of you. "Give it up sweetheart" You looked down and saw Ethan standing below you, he was covered in blood your, Tara's, and Chad's.
The anger toward him kept building over time, and as you looked at him it made it worse. "Asshole!" you saw a tool that was abandoned on the top floor. Picking it up you threw it at him, "You hurt me, and yet I still fucking trusted you" he moved just in time before the tool could hit him.
"Boo get over it!" his voice was strained from him looking up at you. "it's time sweetheart" he then pointed to Quinn; she was slowly moving toward you. Tara tried to hold her back as much as she could, Sam had a gun from Kirby, but it was jammed. you tried to help Tara as much as you could. taking a piece of wood that was lying around you swung it. Hitting Quinn in the back she yelled out, "Fucking bitch" but right as you hit her your foot got caught on a broken chair.
As your foot got stuck, that allowed Quinn to stab you in the leg. The feeling of the knife digging into your leg caused you to scream. Quinn was satisfied at hearing you scream, so she pulled the knife down, creating a bigger wound. Your entire thigh had been ripped open. "Get the fuck off me!" You tried to push her off but with your foot stuck any movement would throw you over the edge.
Tara heard your scream and came running, another piece of wood slammed on the back of Quinn's head. She let go of the knife, the warmth of your blood running down your leg, your mind becoming foggy. You were losing too much blood.
Before you could even realize what happened, your body fell backward. You stumbled over the chairs and fell over the edge, your hands grabbing the frame before it was too late. Sam finally got the got the gun to work, just as Quinn got up. "Give it up," her forehead and mouth covered in blood, half of it probably being yours.
Just as Quinn started running to Sam, she pulled the trigger. Your ears echoed from the bang; a long thud followed after. "Holy shit," Tara stood there for a second, looking at Quinn's dead body.
"Oh baby, come on, let go! Let me have you, " your ears focused on Ethan's voice. He was right below you holding his knife up. "Come on.... I'll make it quick... Maybe, " he laughed as he saw you slowly losing your grip.
Sam and Tara ran to you to help, but right as they reached you, Bailey ran up the stairs. "You monsters!" He got down on his knees as he saw his daughter lying there dead. "You killed her!" His voice shook the room as he yelled. "You will pay for this!"
Tara told Sam to go and deal with Bailey as she tried to help you. "No, Tara, you have to help your sister. Let me go" her eyes watered as she looked at you.
"Yeah, come on, Tara, let her go! I dare you!" Ethans voice screamed at her.
"No y/n I can't do that!" Tara's hands were slipping as they held yours. The mixture of blood and sweat, making it hard.
"Tara, let me go!" Your voice was shaking, the fear now kicking in. But you were ready, Ethan was after you, and there was no way out of it. You had to face him. "I'll be fine, just please, you have to let me go." As you spoke, your eyes followed the knife in Tara belt loop. Her eyes following yours, finally understanding.
"Come on Tara don't be such a bitch let her go. Let me kill her!" Ethan, tired once again to jump up and get you, but you moved too fast for him.
"Okay," Tara agreed she reached down, grabbed the knife, and slipped it in your hand. "Good luck. I'm sorry. " A small tear slipped from her eyes as she realized you and Sam were all she had left.
She let go of your hands. Dropping down, you could hear Ethan laugh with excitement, the feeling of your body free falling, and Ethan right below scared you, but you were ready.
In one swift motion, you managed to turn your body, landing on Ethan. "Fuck" pain shot from your leg as you tried to get up.
"Mmm, I have you all to myself!" Ethan's voice haunted you as you closed your eyes from the pain. The knife Tara had given you was just a foot away from you. Crawling to it, you rushed before Ethan realized. Slowly standing up, your fingers grazed it as Ethan sliced the back of your thigh from lying on the ground.
Following you, he got up. "There's nowhere to run. You're mine. " As he reached for you, you turned with the knife in your hand. Catching him off guard, you stabbed the knife into his mouth. As he fell to his knees, he looked at you with stupid puppy brown eyes.
"You're a killer, and I loved you. What a piece of shit," you twisted the knife, which caused Ethan to whine and cry out. Tears streamed down his face. "I guess we weren't meant to be." Once more for luck, you twisted the knife again, pulling it out, and his blood splattered all over your face. Your hands dropped the knife, shaking, as you struggled to keep yourself up you stared at his lifeless body.
Your heart shattered as you looked at him. He was everything to you, and you killed him. Was your head spinning with the memories or was it because you were dizzy. You couldn't figure it out. As you tried to reach Tara and Sam, your vision went black.
Your body became too heavy to take another step, collapsing on the floor as everything slowly became numb.
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kitchen-spoon · 4 months
God I need a Steddie gilmore girls au.
Steve as lorelai and Eddie as luke.
Its my first watch so i’m at the start of their on again off again. But even just a one shot of their first fight.
They have only been together a few months after being friends for years and having so much tension and love built up between them. Steve’s parents are renewing their vows they are on good terms because of Dustin or maybe Eleven? She would fit better but I know their relationship isn’t explored often (could do sibling steve got custody of) I’d love max but she is so not at all like rory.
Anyway. They go Eddie comes everything goes to shit. Tommy shows up because Steve’s father went to him. He wants Steve with someone ‘propper’. Both of them have been sort of awful to him. But Eddie loves Steve so he goes. Tommy realizes he cant get Steve from Eddie he gets drunk and sloppy with a last ditch effort.
Eddie’s had enough because Steve felt bad for Tommy because his father died and they had a bad relationship but he’s inherited the company. (Another reason why Steve’s father pushed Tommy). They drank and talked about old times. Nothing happens! It’s innocent! But Steve feels guilty and ignores Robin’s advice and doesn’t tell Eddie until that night.
Eddie leaves, Steve chases him but Eddie says he needs time. Steve feels like he is dying, he cant wait. He could fix it all if he could explain it! He was stupid so stupid he knows. But he pushes too hard and Eddie draws the line. He had said months back he was in. All in for all of it. He wanted to do this seriously. But it had become too much. Steve was too much and always would be.
They are both heartbroken. Steve is devastated, Robin worries and tries to help but Steve just forces himself to focus on the salon. Meanwhile Eddie is snapping at people at the garage he inherited from Wayne who had to retire because of his hip.
Steve cuts his father off in the process. So does eleven or dustin. Neither of them will speak to him but they are polite and kind to Steve’s mother. Eventually it breaks his father who goes to Eddie and admits he is wrong. He gives not so much a blessing but a admittance of defeat, knowing he truly cannot do anything about Eddie.
Eddie doesn’t even close and clean up properly. He just flicks the lights off and rushes over to Steve’s. Steve who was previously watching sad 80’s breakup movies in his old high school gym shorts and a swim team t shirt a few sizes too small is shocked to see him. But Eddie doesn’t wait and surges forward connecting their lips in a kiss Steve instantly melts into.
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