#(pretending it’s nintendos problem)
randomalistic · 11 months
I already posted abt ganondorf once so I’m just gonna get this out of the way
What emotions are they trying to make the player feel here.
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cator99 · 4 months
It's okay lesbians i think within the next 5 years yoou can all just go put your septum rings back in those stretched holes up inside your noses or like yeah dont but all the annoying people have moved on and have collectively decided that getting piercings that look like little vampire fangs are their new thing since they all associate the septum thing with their polyamorous witch ex who broke their nintendo switch and gave them herpes so they're gonna force the culture to shift and do some shit that is so fucking shit that we will all collectively forget that sock ever requested you join the accountability circle to collectively hold space to address the inherent ableism in asking them to do their dishes and we can all just breathe a sigh of not quite relief but well let's just be glad its over god Gay men don't have these problems because they don't care they kill each other in the gay districts and then pretend to mourn while whispering in hushed tones God I Wish I Had Met Bruce God Luca Was So Perfect so alternatively you could all just start having retard summer chemsex with other women in tthe chain fenced piss pit at cell block boystown and stop thinking too hard about what you look like while pretending you know how to cruise or if you're being predatory for hitting on the younger ftms or if your carabiner is sending the right message or makes you seem like a poser because you can actualy accomplish so much when you just get the fuck over yourself I think. Allegedlyy
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lurkdragonstuff · 3 months
I'm an atheist and a philosophical materialist. I don't think there's anything more to the universe than what can be observed and measured. Disagree if you want, that's fine, but take as read that this is where I'm coming from.
As you can imagine, this makes it very strange to me that my brain thinks I'm a dragon.
I have been trying to square this circle for years. Since around the 2000's, when I first made contact with the Internet, I would look in on the otherkin community, and the draconic community nested inside it, and I would think, man. I wish I could believe that. I wish I could believe that souls were real, and that I had one, and that it was a dragon, and that's why I was so odd. For quite a while, I just explained it as a furry fandom thing. Sure, yes, my fursona is feral, but ferals are furries, too. This is still true! I'm still in furry fandom, and my dragonself still acts as my fursona. But they are also, in a deeper sense, me.
I'm a secular pagan. I don't think gods exist, and I don't think magic is literally real. I can't really cast a curse on shitty charities. The moon's a big shiny rock. It doesn't care if I roar at it when the sun reflects off it just so and I can see the whole of its tidally locked face.
But my dragon brain doesn't know that. It likes the big shiny rock. It likes little shiny rocks, too. It likes to light things on fire, and considers this a sacred act, both bringing destruction to noxious things and bringing honour to things worthy of it. It likes to growl and hiss when things annoy it. It likes to collect things, to have a hoard. It likes to range around its territory, keeping an eye on what's around in what season. It finds it frustrating that its wings don't seem to work at all, and its other limbs barely better. It wants its tail back. It wants its fire breath.
I'm autistic. Sometimes speaking is hard, and I growl and hiss when things annoy me. I like to collect things related to my special interests; I have a sprawling collection of cetacean, Nintendo, and SEGA figurines, as well as lots of little animal figures. Plushies, too, and videogames, and books. I do wildlife photography, as well, marking who's around in what seasons. This is, to my frustration, limited a lot by waning energy because of chronic health problems.
If backed into a corner, to say what I really believe, of course I'm a human. It is in my DNA, expressed in a bipedal body plan, five fingers on the forelimbs only, nails and not claws, no wings, no muzzle, no tail, short neck, skin and fur instead of scales. Not even any horns. I find this frustrating, but it is what it is. I also find it frustrating when people call me 'she' and not 'they', and that really there is no feasible gender presentation that would guarantee that strangers would use the right word. The best I can hope for is that people will read the 'they/them' button on my hat, or otherwise call me 'he'. Still wrong, but at least novel.
I honestly think my draconic identity developed when I was younger as a way to explain why I was so weird. I have never been normal. I will never be normal. As an adult, I have fancy words like "autism" and "anxiety and depression secondary to post-traumatic stress disorder" and "seasonal affective disorder" to explain why I'm abnormal.
But a part of my brain, I think the same one that still believes in magic and deities even though I don't, tilts its head, then grins a sharp grin and says, "Cool story, bro. I'm still a dragon."
I generally have, for any given of my eccentricities, the philosophical materialist explanation (generally that I am either brainweird in some way or another or am playing pretend for placebo purposes to manage executive function etc.) and the dragon explanation (generally what the pretend play revolves around). But - and this is hard to explain - it isn't exactly playing pretend, either. It's me.
When I'm pretending to be Link, either playing a Zelda game or writing Zelda fanfic, Link isn't me. I might be inhabiting him as an actor, but he isn't me. When I play Animal Crossing, and I'm playing a character named after me, that's closer. It's me but greater. Me but more. Me existing in a life I wish I could have.
When I put on my mask, when I sit and daydream about the multiverse-hopping shenanigans I get up to, when I hiss at someone startling me by getting into my space, that's me. I'm not a dragon, I'm a human wearing a mask, daydreaming, hissing because "back the fuck off!" isn't allowed in the workplace.
Yeah. Cool story, bro.
I am still a dragon.
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halfamask · 22 days
Team 5Ds car driving skill (idk pretend they’re on a road trip or smth so I can talk about non duel runners)
Yusei: 4/10. Surprisingly bad considering how good a duel runner driver he is. The problem is he gets in a vehicle of any sort and immediately wants to go as fast as possible in it, which, in a car, is Terrifying for his passengers. A stickler for safety and seatbelts. He can go the speed limit, he just has to be very conscious of it as he drives. Also his fingers just itch to take it apart and put it back together and Jack and Crow have to physically take him away from his car when he’s alone in the garage.
Jack: 3/10. Awful road rage, the literal worst. Would get out of the car in standstill traffic to scream at others if not held back by Carly and the boys. Like Yusei, immediately gets in and wants to speed but is usually better about not doing it. Hates people eating or drinking in the car bc it’s his baby and he doesn’t want spills. Wants to drive but is the passenger princess if they won’t let him.
Crow: 6/10. Hear me out he’s probably used to driving kids around on his runner and knows how to drive at speeds people other than turbo duelists are comfortable with. Once he hits a back road or open space with few to no other drivers though it’s speeding time. Probably more lax about eating and drinking too. Has spare jackets and a case of waters in the trunk.
Akiza: 5/10. When she’s by herself, a wonderful driver, follows the rules and weaves through traffic beautifully and safety. Checks her mirrors before starting every time and has a special driving playlist, plus always has gum in the glovebox. When with others, gets so in her head about them judging her driving that she doesn’t pay attention to street signs, stoplights, or other cars. It’s agreed that she’ll drive places so she doesn’t need a ride but won’t give rides unless it’s an emergency.
Carly: 9/10. A seasoned driver we see her doing it a lot and she’s used to having other people in the car and driving one as her main form of transport. Is the one that teaches them about insurance and registration. Also had to teach them to drive and demands reparations.
Leo: cannot drive yet but that doesn’t stop him from sitting in the driver’s seat, full of hope, when they have to go somewhere. Has to be picked up by the scruff of his neck like a cat by Jack and tossed to the back with threats of putting him in the trunk.
Luna: cannot drive yet, doesn’t want to, but still relegated to the back seat so she’s mentally counting down the years until Leo to get his license so she can be his passenger princess.
Bonus! Bruno: 9/10. Can drive really well and picked it up really quickly but just never wants to do it. Goes up to a car and immediately gets in the back unless someone wants him to drive. The 5Ds equivalent of the kid who played Nintendo DS games in the backseat of their parents’ cars in the 2000s/early 2010s
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gwen-chanaeo · 1 month
—In which, A teenage couple grows together and took their habit of lighthearted fighting to their married days.
—warning(s) : Small bl0ody injury
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The class sweat drops as they gaped at the firey power couple, once again at each other's necks for such a small matter such as Katsuki accidentally cutting his finger while preparing dinner for the class.
Him holding the wrist of the hand with his bleeding finger in front of you as you roughly put a bandaid on it after washing it.
Shouting at his carelessness as he denied it with the same tone. But even with the loud interaction, all of class 1-A could see the genuine care and appreciation from both parties under their tough exteriors.
"Sometimes i wonder how they're even together...romantically.." Kaminari mumbles under his breath as he looked back to Sero who was playing with his nintendo switch in hand.
"What're you talking about? They literally look the part of a married couple." Mina snickered in unison with the class at her quiet words, loud enough for the class to hear but not loud enough for the two hot-heads to overhear.
"I told you i'm fine! I'm not a damn child!" He shouted as he turned around to continue chopping the onions but was stopped by you who smacked his shoulder, causing him to grunt at the sudden sting as he spun his head with an irk mark on his head.
"The hell was that for??!" He yelled as he rubbed his stinging shoulder.
"That's for being an impatient klutz! How many times do i have to tell you to handle knives carefully??" You scolded as you gripped his collar in your fists.
"But i was! It wasn't that serious! Jeez." He scoffed at your tough-love. Not making a move to remove your hands on his collar.
His remark irked you even more as you pushed him roughly. Only for him to not even budge as he blinked down at you.
Your eye twitched.
He felt slightly nervous at that expression. Wracking his brain for what he could have possibly done to upset you this time.
"At least pretend to stumble back dammit! You make me look like a wuss!!" You exclaimed, cursing the fact that your push wasn't strong enough to make him step back with embarrassment.
You weren't weak. You were decent when it came to strength. It was just the fact that his body was too hardy and it was embarrassing that he made you look like a wimp.
That seemed to dawn on him as he scoffed. "Hah?.."
You gave him a stern look, he stared back.
"Sounds like a you problem." He spoke with a shit-eating grin causing another banter to break out as you both went back to preparing dinner while shouting at each other.
The class could only watch in amusement.
Sero whistled in mirth. "It's like a free reality show." The class snickers in unison once more.
—Many years pass
Most of the class made it as pro heroes in their respective ranks.
Some chose a different path than most.
Some found love, formed a family, and even got married.
Some of those people were you and him.
Walking with your arms linked together, towards a long-awaited class 1-A reunion.
Your formed class greeted you two as you opened the door and entered.
You both returned their greetings in your own ways.
Immediately the class noticed how much the both of you have grown and matured. You two were much tamer compared to your primes.
Or so they thought..
"Perhaps we spoke too soon.." Izuku sweatdrops at the scene before them.
The couple shouting at each other once more, this time about Bakugo having too much to drink.
"That's your 6th cup! Give it a break!" You scolded as you confiscated his cup causing him to perk up as he reached for it back with a groan.
"C'mon, It's just spiked punch! It's barely enough to even get me tipsy!" He rebutted as you scoffed at his muscular figure pressing himself onto your body in order to reach for his confiscated cup.
"I said no and that's final! You said you were driving us back home, so act like a responsible adult for once!" You continue reprimanding him as he got irked by your choice of words.
"Hah?? You trying to say i'm childish??" He took comical offense to that as you clicked your tounge and pushed him back.
But unlike all those years ago. He actually pretended to stumble back. Rather exaggeratedly as he threw himself to the ground with a grunt causing the class and you to look at him with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.
You were the first to recover.
"The hell was that?! I barely even pushed you!" You exclaimed, looking like you were trying not to laugh as you bent down to check on your husband.
"What? Was that not good enough for you? Wanna retake it, hahh??" He argued back, but his face mirrored yours.
Biting back both of your laughter as he let you help him up, watching as you brushed off the dust that got onto his suit with pursed lips.
He smirked with pride. Successfully pleasing you once more.
"You're such an idiot. I swear." You shook your head in amusement as you rested your hands ln his shoulders.
Your own shoulders shaking as you struggled to keep yourself together. Letting out a snicker as your husband grinned at you with his chest puffing up with pride.
The rest of the class also chuckled at the two's sweet interaction. Happy that they were still as close as ever before going to mind their own business and enjoying the reunion party.
—Bonus :
Jirou looked at her boyfriend. He looked back at her cluelessly.
"What is it, babe?" He asked with an oblivious smile.
She sighed in dissapointment as he perked up at this. Seeing her start to walk away.
"H-Hey i can do that too! I can be sweet! I can be stupidly sweet!" Kaminari went after her as he rambled on about how he could treat her right as Jirou only hid a small content smile from this yellow-haired himbo.
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sunnyflow3rzs · 5 months
death note tomodachi collection escapades
hi tumbly dot com so i started playing a (100% ""legal"" i promise) english romhack of tomodachi collection recently using death note characters as my islanders because im hyperfixating like crazy. here r some of the silly moments ive encountered so far (screenshots below the cut)
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awww the skrunkly!!!! i made light & L first of course . here they are hanging out being silly
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they got into a fight fucking IMMEDIATELY lmfaoooo (canon)
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its ok they made up and i forced them to go on a silly little vacation together to celebrate !!!! (they hate it here)
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of course he'd say that. what is wrong with you (affectionate)
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literally a day later and HELLO???? ALREADY???? COMPLETE 180 FROM YESTERDAY WHAT A PLOT TWIST (pretends to be shocked) (we all knew this was going to happen)
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i made him confess in the most egotistical-god-complex-light-yagami-ass way possible. AND IT. WORKED ????
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anyways love is real after all theyre dating now. lawlight so canon this is proof
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horrible awful fucked up and evil couple i love them so much. i am holding them like dolls and making them smooch. this is the lowest compatibility percentage out of literally anyone else on the island so far btw and i find that fact egregiously funny
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in character as fuck also thats adorable. ANYWAYS lawlight shenanigans aside
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i added beyond birthday and Immediately gave him the jail cell apartment interior. this decreased his happiness meter significantly and i laughed maniacally like an utter fiend
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i unlocked the job diagnosis minigame and it swapped kiyomis and misas professions lmaoooo. i mean close enough right
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also they got a 100% on the compatibility tester which is. really fucking funny to me considering
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tested mello and near too and yeah thats canon as fuck. the low-poly mii heads transposed over even lower-poly business casual pngs also makes me cackle every time i see it
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matt is here too! i gave him a nintendo ds and he wont stop playing it. seriously every fucking time i check in his apartment he's gaming it's honestly really funny. him and his singular hobby <3
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of course he does (eyeroll) not mello viewing making friends as a COMPETITION jesus christ (he still has 0 friends as of me writing this. he is the only islander to have absolutely no relationships whatsoever and i find this fact incredibly amusing)
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naomi and beyond are friends now !!!! i am going to make them besties if it is the last thing i do i swear to god it is Happening.
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light...... mikami and matsuda are Right There........ just watched two peoples hearts get utterly fucking shattered in real time
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anyways these are all the screenshots i have accumulated thus far. i will keep you deathnoters updated please enjoy
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kebriones · 9 months
do kids not have any physical toys anymore? It seems like I just see like phones and Nintendo's and those action figures dolls. No Legos or toy blocks or anything
i remember reading recently what a huge problem this is for especially younger children now, because they don't develop the necessary fine motor and spacial skills with tablets/phones and stuff, and neither do they develop their imagination/ability to play by themselves because it's all pre-figured out for them.
Legos and similar stuff are so so so important for little kids, and so is physical play-pretend and getting out to play in nature. It saddens me when I see what they've done to pre-school yards and playgrounds, where they eradicate all plant/soil/gravel. yes, some kids ate dirt in pre-school but none were hurt, and finding little sticks and leaves and bugs to play with was an important part of learning about the world. I feel so bad for kids now whose parents chose the easiest way to keep them occupied and don't realise how much kids need physical toys to grow properly. just giving your kid some empty carboard boxes and some knick knacks to make something by themselves with is going to offer them so much more than stupid games on their tablet ever will. and for older kids like in elementary school, it's even more important that you get them to do stuff like crafts and physical things, because once they become teenagers, it is going to be extremely hard to unstuck them from the laptop/phone/switch etc
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scopophobia-polaris · 6 months
So umm… potential OoT remake is a thing Aonmua put into the air in an interview with a simple “no comment” so no confirmation or denial in the slightest. Idk if I should be happy or worried.
You be ask8ng me this like its a bad thing the only bad thing is that nintendo is gonna get more money but I'm gonna pirate that shit FORREAL if it happens and I will be ready for all the girlies to be acting like they were the biggest fans of oot when I saw them on zeldatwt saying oot is boring and outdated and oot link is ugly and then ya got me and like 20 other people are so stupid and set in our damn ways that funny middle hair 90s elf boy is super cool I will not stop thinking of him for 20 years are right over here doing our thing and festinh like a whale fall just happened and hopefully because it'll be the hot new thing people will start making merch and I will find a way to buy it and put it in my shrine of Oot link because I have one and it got bigger recently to the point where I now have shit that can't fit in it because I'm insane so I'm not to worried about nintendo fucking up the story or whatever because oot has problems but also what is there to fuck up what are they gonna do make it turbo racist no they're gonna just upscale the graphics and make it the same game and they probably ain't even gonna do the shit they did for TP because TP HD had a lot of added extra stuff and SkSw got NOTHING when they could of done the zelda route they wanted to do like 10 years ago but chickened out because eveeyone at nintendo is an asshole and pretend that they didn't know the fans want to play as zelda even though they do because tbh I think totk's story went through development hell because of fan expectation and shit but that doesn't matter because they're gonna remake oot and make it look really pretty and then (delusional) add in a new area and new dialouge and npcs and shit and then they gonna do that thing they wanted to do where Lon Lon ranch burns down and the unicorn fountain and we can get the triforce and shit and alo they gonna add in Arnold and people are gonna make so much yaoi and I will be there no matter what as the king of ArnLink because i possessed Aonuma to do this i will be there for all of it ripping up the roof shingles like a silver back gorilla and throwing them at Ron DeSantis so hard that it fucking kills him ANYWAYS WOE GLOWING ZELINK FETUS BE UPON YE
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will80sbyers · 2 years
« I'm sorry. I can't do this now, it's better if you ask Lucas or Dustin. I'm going home. »
Will got up from the couch where they had been sitting on for the last two hours. They were playing Super Mario on Mike's Nintendo and everything was going perfectly, they were having fun, until Mike tried to start telling him about Eleven and Will's demeanor changed from playful to cold.
Mike frowned and got up too, following Will in an attempt to stop him from leaving. « Will, wait! Is everything okay?»
He put a hand on Will's shoulder but Will moved himself to break the contact between them. Mike was worried now.
« Everything is fine. It's... Jane is my sister so I think it's better that you talk with them if you have your usual relationships problems » Will responded.
Mike noticed that the other boy was avoiding looking at him in the eyes. He crossed his arms but stayed in place near him, trying to catch his eyes with his gaze.
« What do you mean your usual relationships problems?»
Mike knew he was getting defensive and that he should have just said it and be done with this whole conversation, but he felt hurt and found himself not able to stop. Will sighed.
« I don't mean anything, I just... you're always fighting about something and I'm... I'm not the person you should talk about this with, Mike»
« You're my best friend. » Mike's tone was firm. Will ran a hand over his face as if he was tired of listening to that conversation and Mike felt the terror of being a burden to the people he loved sneak into his heart. He thought he was safe with Will and this hurt him more than he could have imagined.
« Yes. I know. I'm sorry, Jane is-» Mike interrupted him before he could finish whatever he was going to say. « No. I'm sorry to annoy you with my problems, Will! I thought that talking with your best friend was normal, but I guess I was wrong and apparently, annoying. »
« That's not what I said. »
« Yeah, but that's what you meant, isn't it? I'm annoying you because I talked to you about my problems with El and you're tired of pretending to care about me »
« What? »
« You heard me.»
« You think I don't care about you? Really? All the times I have cared and listened to you and tried to fix your relationship for you, don't matter now just because I'm asking you to talk about this one thing with the others instead of me? You're really a jerk sometimes.»
« I'm a jerk? I couldn't talk about it with them! They don't get it.. they don't, they don't get me like- I can't... and you never complained before and El has been your sister for one year! »
« and I've been listening to your stupid problems for one year!» Will's voice grew stronger. He was visibly angry and Mike was taken aback.
They watched each other, Will's expression changed in regret as soon as he saw the hurt in Mike's eyes, that were starting to fill up with tears. Mike started to cry, the dam of hardness that he had built inside him for years was crumbling down so easily now that he was alone. He felt the sadness of the last few days hit him and stumbled back to the couch, sitting on it and bringing his knees to his face to try to stop Will from seeing him like that. Mike had never felt more vulnerable and weak. He hated crying. Will's demeanor had changed from anger to worry as soon as he saw the tears. He joined him back on the couch.
« Mike, I'm sorry. I care about you more than you know... please, hey? look at me, please » Will said while caressing Mike's back, trying to calm him down. Mike wanted to answer but his whole body was overwhelmed, he was shaking and it seemed impossible to stop the sobs that were escaping from him. He just couldn't stop crying and Will being this near to him was both comforting and scary. Will hugged him with one harm behind him and the other put over his head. Mike was leaning on Will's chest with his head now and tried to hug him back even if the position he was in wasn't comfortable. He kept crying. Will was stroking his hair, saying that it was going to be okay and that he was safe, and Mike started to feel warm all over inside. They stayed like that for a while before he calmed down and was able to speak again.
« I'm sorry » was the first thing Mike said. The other boy was watching him with worry. His hazel eyes were so beautiful and Mike found himself fixated on the details of his face without even realizing what he was doing. Will noticed him staring and lowered his gaze, blushing a bit. Mike's heart jumped. He found it cute. Will had always been pretty for Mike, but being this close to him was making him amazed by just how extremely beautiful he was. He swallowed the lump that had suddenly appeared in his throat.
« Are you okay? was that my fault? I didn't mean that, you have to know that I do care about you, Mike» Will's voice was sweet, he was almost whispering. They were still wrapped in an half hug and Mike wanted to stay like that for longer but Will removed his arm as soon as he noticed. « No, I'm sorry... I know you care. I'm just... I guess, I dunno, I guess I'm just feeling vulnerable after the break up.» He finally said it.
Will appeared confused for a moment before a look of realization crossed his face. «That's... that's what you wanted to talk about. I'm so stupid...I'm sorry » he said.
«It's okay. You were right, I can't always burden you with my problems»
« No! » Will took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair before continuing. « No. That's not why I didn't want to talk about this...» Mike was the one confused now, he looked at his friend that was visibly nervous and had just slightly pulled back from him. « I need to tell you something and... I think this is probably the worst moment to say it but I.. I owe you an explanation after this, I didn't want to make you cry and I don't mind listening to your problems, I like it, I like being here for you, I want to... but, the thing is that when you talk to me about you and Jane I... I feel jealous.»
« Jealous?» Mike was trying to understand what Will was saying to him, it couldn't be...
« Yes, I feel jealous... of her. I wish, you know I love her and I would never get between you two even if I could but... I wish... I wish you were talking about me like you talk about her. I wish I was in her place.» Will was looking at his hands and fidgeting with the flannel he was wearing, while talking faster than Mike had ever heard him talk. Mike's breath catched at his words. The realization hitting him.
« are you joking?» he asked, his voice was soft but he could hear his own fear in it. Time was suspended between them. Will looked up at him, his eyes were lucid. « I'm not.» he said and Mike smiled. His smile grew bigger until he started to laugh a bit, he couldn't help it. Will tensed. « It's not funny to me» Will was about to get up again from the couch when Mike grabbed his arm making him stay near him.
« Wait» Mike was feeling so tired of pretending.
He leaned in for a kiss and Will froze. Mike put his hand on Will's neck slowly getting closer and closer to him until their lips were lightly brushing against each other. Mike's heart was racing. He caressed Will's cheek with his thumb and leaned away a bit to the left, kissing him there first. He wanted Will to have the opportunity to stop him if this wasn't what he wanted to do... but Will wasn't moving. He let out a breath he was holding, when Mike kissed him on the cheek.
Mike felt the softness of his skin on his lips and he couldn't resist anymore, he kissed him as he had wanted to do for months now. Will responded to the kiss immediately, following Mike and putting an hand through his hair. That made Mike feel completely insane and he pushed himself on the other boy, deepening the kiss and shifting their bodies to be closer. Will's balance faltered and Mike fell on top of him on the couch. They both laughed a bit before going back to search for each other's lips again. Mike was pretty sure he had never felt this much desire for someone before. «I have wanted you for so long» he whispered between the kisses.
Will had to take one deep breath and seemed to be resisting wanting to just get back to kissing him again. They kept watching each other in the eyes, like a magnetic force was there to bring them together forever. Will gave him a small kiss that almost made Mike's heart burst, before answering. He was back to being playful, a big smile made his face light up and Mike felt the warmth of being the one responsible for that smile.
« I bet I can beat you on that front» Will said.
Mike smiled too. He was beaming, he never felt more happy.
«Oh, yeah?»
« Yeah.»
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am-i-interrupting · 3 months
Can I have a Hazbin Hotel matchup, please?
My name is Maria Eduarda, I’m Brazilian, 22 years old, my pronouns are she/her and I study Environmental Science at the College
I’m awful at describing myself, but here we go. I’m introverted, usually I don’t start a conversation with someone else, but I like to chat if other people start talking to me. I'm quite a procrastinator, but so far it hasn't caused me any major problems. I am well organized and responsible with anything that involves other people, I don't want to harm anyone. I work hard at anything that I think will bring me good things in the future, I really like making jokes (even dark humor ones) and I consider myself very loyal to my friends. I am very unassertive in showing what I want and I always give in to avoid conflict. I don't know how to act under pressure (I usually freeze when it happens and I need some help)
Hobbies: video games (Nintendo is my passion), I love to write; currently learning how to make digital art (still being awful at it), also trying to learn how to play piano (this one I’m doing better) and I’m learning to like going to gym
Likes and dislikes: I love Analog Horrors and sci-fi (my favorite series are Doctor Who and Star Trek), I love food, but I hate to cook; I hate when the weather is too hot (it’s weird, since I live in Rio de Janeiro); I hate crowds and I hate the feeling of being left out of something
Your Match Up Is. . .
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You met Charlie soon after you came to Hell. Every year after the extermination, she went out to help sinners who’d been injured. You were one of those.
Charlie fell fast and she fell hard. She was enamored by your ability to try so hard to be kind in such a cruel world, rather like herself. She found a sense of relatability in your struggle.
She wrote a long, detailed letter to you about how much she adores your creativity and kindness and loves listening to you talk and playing video games with you and how she has any art you may have given her framed up in random places so no matter where she is if she’s having a bad day she might pass it and think of you. It was, of course, accompanied with sweets and flowers and a promise that it’s absolutely okay if you don’t feel the same way!
Of course, you did feel the same way so that wasn’t a problem.
You help her build up the hotel. You’re more in charge of making things functional and organized while Charlie makes it pretty.
Charlie seems like the type who would know piano or at least know someone who knows (before she met Alastor) so she would absolutely either teach you herself or find someone who could.
She obviously has a music room in the hotel but she does make sure she gets a top quality piano and spends more time searching for that than anything else.
She will join you in the gym. . . She will ogle at you while you work out in the gym.
She loved being with you wherever you are so you’ll never have to be alone unless you want to and she invites you everywhere.
Of course, if there’s an event she has to go to and it’s crowded and you want to leave, she will find a way to make sure you can leave early together but if you want to leave by yourself go ahead. She’ll catch up as soon as she can.
You two spend a lot of nights curled up on a couch or in bed watching tv shows.
She asks you so many questions about the ones you pick.
She’s also not scared of the horror movies because well. . . She grew up in Hell. There’s probably not a lot she hasn’t seen.
She will pretend like she is though just so you’ll hold her close.
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deanthe · 4 months
//vent I really need to get this off my chest. After Splatoon 3's final splatfest comes to a close, I'm probably going to stop interacting with the Splatoon community as much as I can. It's been four years since I've gotten truly into Splatoon, (that's a complicated, yet much nicer story for some other time) and while I don't regret it by any means, it's definitely been an exhausting ride, and I kinda want to get off of it before I barf.
Getting the most obvious thing out of the way, the way Nintendo has been handling Splatoon 3 has been really disappointing. It has far more improvements than flaws, but this game has had some really bizarre decisions made with it compared to the first two games. Maps, kits, ETC... I'm not gonna delve into the specifics, you probably already know what I'm going on about. Secondly, while what I just said still holds true, I feel like the community reactions to these changes have been... a bit too much? Like, yeah, splatfests are imbalanced. Maps have been bad. (up until Drizzle Season 2023, at least) But these problems have been absolutely blown out of the water. Fucking, death threats have been sent to people who join the Shiver's teams. Despite the whole appeal of the Splatoon community being a place of self expression and lack of judgement, a lot of Splatoon subcultures really... aren't that great. Being deadass, competitive Splatoon is boring, and its players are super rude and annoying. I don't like to generalize, but I've yet to interact with a single comp player I enjoy talking to. Every single one I've met has tried forcing me to play a certain way, no matter if I'm even fucking playing with them. I was harassed for using sticks. In a B- lobby. Back when I was new to Splatoon 2. The hacking scene is a dumpster fire. The main person who's created the most well known and fun Splatoon hacking system is a piece of shit, for one. For two, have you even touched the first game anytime after 2017? Yeah, it's full of hackers. Can't play turf war for 15 minutes without having to sit there and not play the game because someone is hacking and getting away with it because Nintendo doesn't moderate the servers anymore. The Coroika fandom is if you took Splatoon fandom and infected it with My Hero Academia fans. Yeah. Are any of you familiar with Splatoon Florida? It was an old parody account on Twitter that I used to own that got popular SUPER fast. Could not handle it. It spawned nearly 50 clone accounts based on the other 49 united states, and I had even gotten impersonation accounts pretending to be me and saying really, really awful things. This paired with the queerphobia I faced and hatemail in general stacked on top of my mother having multiple strokes and almost dying at the time, pushed me over the edge, and I deleted SplatoonFL after someone told me that they hoped my mother had another stroke and died. Now, I feel like shit for name dropping people in my vent, as it's been awhile since most of this garbage has happened and I don't want to seem petty, plus this isn't intended to be a callout post. But I really do feel the need to let this shit out of my system, and frankly I'm tired of watching these people be appreciated while remembering what they've done to me, small and insignificant or not.
Theecorner, AKA Danniee, banned me from their Discord server after I loudly expressed distaste for jokes being made about Dream, as I was one of Dream's victims and felt very uncomfortable bringing him up. Keep in mind that insinuated that I did not enjoy the conversation multiple times.
Pufuu had made a Twitter post with a screenshot of our DMs. I was irritated that he had kept making fake Splatoon leaks with zero indication of them being concepts, and he thought that was wrong. A couple Tweets before this, ironically, he boasted about getting another annoying fake leaker to block him.
Caitlin Koi had acted aggressive towards me after I expressed concern for her after a seizure which, her seizures are very much real and very dangerous, though I should mention she also uses them as an excuse to be an asshole and guilt trip people.
Vaqeii. Fuck you. (He has very few actual fans, I just wanted to express my hatred towards that fucking slime since he's also one of the Splatubers who had traumatized me.)
I'd like to restate that I don't regret my time in the community one bit. I love it here for the most part. It's just gotten far too much, and I'm. Frankly a little bit done and ready to move on. I'll try to keep strong and stay for a bit so I can enjoy the rest of Splatoon 3's update cycle with my friends and the people I enjoy being around. After that though, unless something happens to change my mind, I'll be gone after that.
Knowing the current state of the Splatoon community, I wouldn't be surprised if I started getting harassed again for this post. Hell, wouldn't it be hilarious if THIS vent post got screenshotted and edited to be about Roller Coaster Tycoon, to? Yeah, that was a thing that happened. No, I haven't forgotten about that. You know who you are. Real fucking proud of you, I am.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 10 months
Hey, just wanted to say I love reading your analysis and thank you for being a ‘pioneer’ in TOTK critique on tumblr haha. Lately I started seeing more criticism videos popping up on youtube that are solid, but your analysis is still much more detailed and presents original and valid points. You really helped me to define and put down into words some subconscious feelings that I had about the game. I feel really bad for you (but not in a pitying way) when I see blogs like ‘zeldadeservesabreak’ who come at your analysis skills and are just so unreasonably rude unprovoked (aside from being just factually incorrect at times).
My theory is that it’s their maturity. My theory is that this happens because there are younger fans of the series who seek to have a deeper analysis and discussion about the narrative and aim to sound like a worthy debate opponent who is certain about their position and due to beginners confidence and inexperience in debate come off way too strong. Another small point to add, it peaks my curiosity seeing such devotion to a corporation (Nintendo). I ‘technically’ know why and how it happens, but I’m still always surprised to see someone being so devoted to defending and speaking for Nintendo.
Just wanted to assure you that there are us who greatly appreciate you sharing your thoughts and STILL engaging with questionable Asks after this. I wait for each post or reblog with anticipation and will share your blog with my friends as soon as they finish TOTK as they were really intrigued by the imperialist Rauru depiction. On the other hand, please don’t feel pressured to continue posting if it all gets too much at any point! Thank you for reading all of this if you did! Sorry for any mistakes and poor vocabulary, English is not my native language.
Thank you so, so very much for this very kind ask. <3 And I'm sorry it took me a little long to get around to it, I am sick and my brain is not very cooperative. :(
I am really glad to know that there are more conversations happening outside of this little sphere. I scoured for these criticisms on Youtube in the first month and then pretty much gave up when they weren't coming up. I'm glad the conversation is widening, and I hope it keeps on happening over the years --not to hurt the game or its community, but just to encourage critical thought for one, and also just so Nintendo does a little better next time.
It might be maturity, but I am not... How do I put it. I don't think it is so much a question of age or even life experience than it being a question of, well, willingness to see yourself get destabilized a little bit. To me, a lot of the hostility that I've seen directed at these kind of theories are often extremely dismissive of the place they come from; they assume either overzealousness ( = you are seeing problems where there are none for ??? profit??? or just to pretend that you are morally purer than everybody else, which is a statement that never once looked like projection), confusion ( = don't you see the game tells you that this is good and this is bad ?), or bad faith ( = you are here to stir trouble for no reason, you are a troll). Very rarely do they actually engage with the arguments, but rather with the aesthetic quality of it; the way it rings to their ear, the way it is presented, and the intent they assume that led to these arguments being made in the first place. The best counter-arguments I have heard thus far who actually take what is being said into account can either be boiled down to: "I see your point, but it just doesn't bother me that much because of X, Y and Z who really touched me emotionally and I got invested in that (which is great and super valid in my opinion)", or: "I think Nintendo just didn't think about the effect of this decision and the way it weakened what they wanted to do, but I think the overall story of what they wanted to say overrules the way they achieved it, and I prefer focusing on the first rather than the latter (which is also completely legitimate)". I have not, so far, seen a better rebuttal than: it does not bother me personally for X or Y reason, but I am not denying that these might be problems to somebody else.
But yeah. It is the childhood, it is the safe space, it is good and uncomplicated, and so anything that hurts that wonderful piece of innocence that remains must be there with bad intentions. I assume this plays a huge role in the Nintendo Protection Squad, even when the criticism is honestly pretty mild all things considered.
(Also, if I may and as I close this subject: I think this is pretty interesting how it's only unreasonable to ask for a stronger narrative. If the combat had been subpar in TotK, I would not have cared that much personally honestly, but I'm pretty sure a *lot* of people would have complained and been extremely pissed at that, and this would have been an acceptable complaint to have --like the lack of dungeons was an acceptable complaint to wage against BotW. I don't think a great combat system with a lot of variation in approach is particularly more "the spirit of Zelda" than a simple, solid and well constructed story, but a lot of BotW players would probably disagree. Which is fine, the series is evolving, new standards are introduced! But why is this one the only standard that seems to be a reach too far, an unrealistic demand, something that *should* stay a non-priority even though it once clearly was one? Gamers and their approach to storytelling will forever perplex me honestly, which sucks given it's my job but whatever, you make your own hell etc)
But yeah. To be honest, I think a lot of people who don't really understand the "imperialist argument" do not lack for media literacy or analysis or maturity (I kind of am super tired of people throwing the "you have no media literacy!" at each other while never defining what they mean by that or never actually discussing what they actually disagree about), but maybe they do lack a little bit of political culture; especially culture about political communication. Which makes sense not to have or focus on a lot when you play a Zelda game, so. It's fine. vOv
It also does not escape my notice how a lot of the reticence to accept criticism gets the most virulent around the portrayal of power dynamics and race; even though I don't think any progressive fandom faced with a story that could be boiled down to "the good kingdom of the blonde, petite, blue-eyed heroes is invaded by a huge evil man from the desert with very racialized features who forcefully rules his all-women warriors in harem garbs" should bat an eye when some people say this sort of premice makes them uncomfortable and so should be handled very carefully, especially given the global rise of fascism, anti-immigration, and deadly islamophobia everywhere right now. It boggles my mind that this is even considered a controversial statement.
Like, discussing the shade and depth of Rauru's goatman *fur* as a way to counter the criticism that what birthed the character of Ganondorf is 5 racist tropes in a trenchcoat and should be navigated with more care than this is 2023 is so... deeply unserious to me. You know, sometimes things are a little iffy and can be acknowledged as such and then you can still like the Thing and it's fine, you don't even have to engage with the parts that make you uncomfortable, it's fine it's fineee.
But no need to worry about the effect of these kind of interactions on me, though it is very sweet to do so! <3 Let's say I'm not going to bed every night worrying about my critical thinking skills, my media literacy, or wondering whether or not I understand interactive narration haha
I am a little tired of talking about TotK in general tho, to be fully honest. I feel like I've kind of scraped the bottom of my takes, and I don't have a lot more to add --so the asks will probably slow down just by virtue of not repeating myself eternally, and wanting to extract myself from some of the discourse happening (also I just don't care enough about the game to put this much energy into it, it was never really meant to happen I just started receiving tons asks for some reason??? (thank you all!! it was really an Experience!!!! but thank you!!!) and then I replied to them, and then that got me more asks, etc etc, but yeah I never planned to talk about TotK that much haha)
But thank you so very very much again!
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pastrydragon · 1 year
Fixing Yona from TOTK
We can redeem her in the DLC she just needs some tweaking
And by tweaking I mean I'm totally retconning her personality but in a way that makes sense so bare with me here:
I want to make Yona protagonistically and enjoyably Evil
What does that mean? you ask. It means I want her to be a ruthless, conniving bitch of the first degree but completely on Sidon and Link's side!
I want all that "I'm just here to help" "My Darling Sidon!" bullshit to have been an act. Not that she doesn't care about Sidon, she does, but more like "This is my pet Himbo, isn't he adorable?" than "Love of my life" kinda thing. How she acted in game was just, so saccharine and fake. Like this is a crafted person, not a real one. AND I CAN SPIN THAT INTO AN ADVANTAGE WITH THIS DLC.
Because the Zora are so used to their utterly benevolent and optimistic royal family that Yona slipping in even a little of her own personality could threaten her crown. The Zora are used to their prince and princess being helpful and likable so Yona needs to pretend to be those things too in order to earn enough approval to become queen.
And she's a good fucking choice for queen for them! I love Sidon, I do, he's best boy. The guy is honorable and kind and brave. That's the problem. He's too soft to what other people want and doesn't want to see the bad in people. He was obviously uncomfortable with the idea of marrying Yona but went along with it because it's what others wanted from him, and he was immediately trusting of link in BOTW and let the guy fire shock arrows from his back. shock arrows that could kill him almost immediately if he gets hit. Sidon isn't stupid, but he is undeniably a little naive to be king to a kingdom that will suddenly be reintroduced to international diplomacy and proper trade after 100ish years.
And while I think he's perfect for face to face diplomacy, the actual minutia of international dealings will probably be a bit too much for him. Yona, as his Evil Royal Advisor™ would be sitting there smiling sweetly while going over written trade proposals with a red pen. And I do think Evil Royal Advisor™ is the right dynamic here. They do NOT have chemistry, but she absolutely wants Sidon to succeed at any cost. And you need someone like that in your corner when you're made of marshmallow and want everyone else to succeed first.
Of course Sidon carries Yona through this just as much. Yona being in Queen mode is probably exhausting and Sidon would be able to spirit her away from any conversation or event with the excuse of needing her advice or attention and then stand in the hallway with her for ten minutes while she vents before she has to glide back in and put her game face back on. He tells her how well she's doing, how much she's improving things and how much he values her. Evil Royal Advisor™ unit requires regular feeding of ego to function properly.
And her being evil EXPLAINS WHY SIDON NEVER MENTIONED HER IN BOTW! Because she probably didn't pretend around him back then and he remembers her as a horrible little demon, fuck she probably bullied his ass a little(Out of affection) when they were babies. And Sidon wouldn't want to talk about her because he'd have to skip over too much stuff to still be honest. Or talk about the time Yona put frogs in his sleeping pond during the night and he was so surprised when he woke up to them that he shrieked like a banshee and everyone came running to find him freaking out over a damn frog. That shit is embarrassing.
Note: I'm writing this DLC quest to be like something I think Nintendo would seriously write, so dialogue might seem a little over the top or silly at times.
Stage 1:
For the DLC reveal I'd have the quest line "Bride In Black" start with her asking you during the day cycle to get her 15 thunderwing butterflies. She's stockpiling shock resistant potions for emergencies you see. Afterward she'll give you 100 rupees and tell you to go visit Sidon since "He's been stressed lately and would love to see his best friend!" how thoughtful!
Stage 2:
Speak to Sidon who will be searching for something by the big waterfall. He'll explain after some prodding that Yona has been disappearing at night and he's only been able to follow her as far as here before she seems to disappear. He's tried talking to her about it but she always manages to change the subject or be needed elsewhere when he brings it up. He's concerned for her safety and wellbeing as monsters still roam around the domain's borders. At the end of the dialogue he decides to let it go and trust she knows what she's doing. Link gets his quest updated anyway.
Stage 3:
If Link goes to the bottom of the big waterfall at the beginning of the night cycle and crouches in the bushes then Yona will appear mumbling to herself. Equip the stealth set and follow her as quietly as possible, making sure you don't get too loud or too close or she'll realize she's being followed and disappear, the player will then have to wait for the next night cycle to try again. this stage is very similar to the side quest where you follow Mila around in Zelda Windwaker. Except near the end of the following Yona is briefly attacked by a lazalfos, she calmly kills it by throwing a purple bottle at it that causes it to die in a puff of acrid smoke. Yona casually continues on with a "Fufufufu~" speech bubble above her head. Soon she approaches an odd tree which she pours a potion on, the tree shrivels away and a hidden cave is revealed! she enters.
Stage 4:
Link enters after her "Yona's Lair" appears on the screen announcing it as the area's name. inside the cave the player can hear Yona's new theme(Which is her old theme backwards and played on what sounds like a pipe organ and a synthesizer). there's a short hallway before the cave opens up into a big circular room with a cauldron in the middle, filled with suspicious purple ooze. the walls are decorated with what appear to be tacked up potion recipes and detailed drawings of dissected monster parts. Some recipes have the classic skull and crossbones on them for aesthetic. Link approaches Yona (who is writing at an oddly stained desk with another "Fufufufu~" speech bubble above her head.) Press A while close to start a cutscene.
Yona turns around, shocked to see Link and begins to scream at him "HOW DID YOU FIND ME YOU DIRTY GOBLIN!?" she tries switching back to Queen mode for a few seconds "I-I mean how ever did you find me Link?" she sighs resignedly after a few moments and says "Oh, no point now. You've seen my hobby, there's no fooling you anymore." Yona's character animations change so she's standing with a hand on her hip and her mouth in a toothy grin as opposed to her old demure idle animation. Her green and purple aesthetic looks more at home among the dark and potion bottles, and her devil/parasite horns look much more natural with her head held high and teeth on display. "I almost wish I were dumb enough to try and fight you, but I know I'd lose once I ran out of ammo. And I can't bribe someone like you to stay quiet, so, I suppose this might be it for my little stint as queen. Just do me a favor? Give Sidon the yellow potions on the table for me? I do care about the dumb lummox, and I just know he's going to throw himself in front of some lightning shooting monster one of these days and get himself killed."
"I KNEW IT!" Sidon has appears seemingly angry at the entrance to the lair to shock animations from Link and Yona "I knew you were faking! I thought I was going crazy misremembering our friendship, but you've just gotten better at that act of yours." Sidon laughs "You have no idea how relieved I am, I felt like I was talking to a stranger all these months, it's wonderful you haven't actually changed. I think... Well I'm happy to have my old friend back, even if you do start throwing bugs at me again."
Yona returns to her new idle animation from her shocked one. "You CANNOT be serious Crydon, I knew you were sappy but letting someone like me stick around is just silly! You really are going to go and get yourself killed with all that blind optimism."
Sidon laughs again "I knew I remembered that nickname too! And why wouldn't I let you stick around? Sure, you're a bit... Abrasive at times, and we certainly don't always agree on how to do things, but you're my friend and I care for you! Just because you act in odd ways, or show your affection differently doesn't mean I'm going to get rid of you. You may have teased me when we were little, but you were always there for me when I needed someone to help me or tell me the truth. I remember you called me stupid for losing my favorite toy then you spent all night looking for it while I cried myself to sleep. And I remember you telling me Mipha needed to heal soldiers and couldn't spend time with me instead of telling me she'd be coming back any minute. Then you'd be the one to heal me when I got hurt and you tried to do all the other things I did with Mipha to cheer me up, even though you hated most of those games." Sidon now looks much sadder. "But I don't want you to be Mipha, I want my old friend back. The one that knew when to tell me I was being reckless and when I wasn't believing in myself enough. The one that would steal my sweets then give me her salty snacks later because she knew I liked those better anyway. The one that solved problems, and did the jobs no one else wanted to do but needed to be done. I miss that friend, and I would very much like her back."
Yona is silent for a moment before the player hears a "Fufufufu~" sound effect. "Fufufufu~ my new husband sure knows how to make a girl feel special." Sidon has a brief embarrassed animation before Yona starts speaking again "I'm just teasing you Crydon, I'll stay to keep you from from selling the kingdom for magic beans or whatever nonsense you'd have gotten up to without me." Yona turns to face Link "Assuming this silent menace can keep my hobby, and my charming personality, to himself?"
At this point the player gets the dialogue options of
"Of course!"
"Fine, but I'm watching you!"
Depending on the players choice Yona will either comment on Link's similarity to Sidon, or commend him for being sensible about the situation.
"In any case, you need to buzz off for a while so I can finish my potion and so Crydon and I have a chance to catch up for real. But come back tomorrow night and I'll have something to help you on your little adventure."
At this the cutscene ends and the screen goes dark before Link is transported to the front of the cave at the beginning of the day cycle. Yona's Lair cannot be accessed during the day.
Stage 5:
Talking to Sidon during the day cycle after the cutscene will trigger some thankful flavor dialogue and Sidon will reveal he was following Link the entire time last night after seeing him follow Yona past the waterfall. Link wasn't focused on not being spotted from behind after all.
Talking to Yona during the day cycle will not get new dialogue and she will have changed back to her original animations during the day.
Going back to Yona's Lair at night will result in a short dialogue where Yona thanks Link for "Being a nosy little creep I guess." The player will then have access to Yona's potion shop. The shop sells some randomized normal potions that vary in duration every night. It will also have Poison Bottles. Poison bottles can be thrown at enemies or attached to arrows and will do damage over time to any enemy it hits for 60 seconds. low level monsters will be killed instantly and mid level will likely die on their own in the 60 seconds. But the potions best use is against high HP enemies that don't give the player a lot of opportunity to get a hit in. The poison bottle require both money and monster parts to make so they really should be saved for when Link is in a pinch.
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nouns-are-bad · 1 year
If soap doesn’t want you to find him he will not be found.
It’s no secret that the demolitions expert can get around fairly quickly and quietly when he wants to, but it becomes an annoyance when the whole team is now searching for him.
They’ve checked everywhere, the rec room, the gym, asked rookies, even checked his room, but the scot was no where to be found.
The team call it a night when the search has been going on for at least 3 hours. He’ll come out when he wants too.
It’s a wonder that his work gets done when the people he works with don’t even see him do it. Price assigns him paperwork and it’s sitting on his desk the next morning ready for his signature. This tells price that they’re either being avoided or there’s a problem Johnny is trying to work through without interference. Price honest to god hopes it’s just being ignored.
It wasn’t.
When the team finally gets to see the scots man again he looks worse for wear. There’s bags under his eyes and the shine that he usually gives off is gone. This is no longer soap, or even Johnny, this is John. And Soap can’t even pretend that he’s ok anymore which means this has been going on far too long now.
Simon gives him a hug, it’s tight but soft. He rocks both of them back and forth and stands there with Johnny until all he can do is hug Simon back and cry into him.
Price sits down with him and talks to fill the silence, something that Johnny knows he needed. The way prices voice is low as he recalls a funny story about an old cat he used to have, the way price takes care to also sit close to Johnny and move him to be snug into his side and wrap a blanket around him. At the end of the story Johnny is asleep.
Gaz wakes up extra early and starts the day for Johnny by making him eggs and bacon, with coffee on the side. Just how he likes it. Then Kyle takes Johnny around the base on a scavenger hunt that price helped with, finding prices hat, ghosts skull mask (a spare), gazs own Nintendo 3ds he takes with him everywhere, and lastly, a framed picture with all of the task force.
One of the only photos of them all smiling and looking casual. They were at a glow in the dark golf place and so far price was winning. Simons skull mask glowed purple and everyone wouldn’t stop giving him shit for it. It was a great time.
At the end of the day soap gathers all of them to the rec room where they all lay down on the couch together and watch terrible cowboy movies while joking about.
Johnny is well taken care of in the task force, it is, after all, no man left behind and no man too far gone to save.
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colorfuldream · 6 months
Since we've calmed down after the last Splatfest, I can finally bitch about some Shiver fans' takes.
My God she did NOT try to "change the subject and try to make Frye comfortable".
Shiver SUCKS. She's greedy, she brags when she wins, she'll say anything she has to to get vote. That's WHY SHE'S FUN! Every member of Deep Cut Kinda Sucks. That is the point!
Big Man does get a little carried away and sometimes gets worked up (though he's still being nice) during the fests announcements. Frye barely even tries to make an argument (her job!) because she's too busy being silly.
None of them give a damn about the results. They're here to party and have fun. Sure, they like to win but they don't care if they lose. Almost every single time, the winner says something along the lines of "all three options are nice though" or "let's do all three!"
Shiver did exactly what she did for the Nessie vs Aliens vs Bigfoot festival: lie her ass off. This time, instead of lying about seeing Nessie, she pretended that her choice was better because she legit doesn't know how to do a fist bump. It's silly! It's endearing! She's a loser! Girlfailure! She doesn't care if it's embarrassing, she came clean because it's no big deal and she won! She won eight fucking times in a row, she gets to brag if she pleases.
It's fine for your fav to not be perfect. You don't need to go out of your way to mischaracterize an entire dialogue because you need to defend her from the "haters". And quite frankly, wouldn't it be worse if she was babying the other members (or singling Frye out) because they didn't win for months? Don't you think it would be condescending? Her lines were implied to be prewritten. None of them have a problem with what they have to say. They might even write them themselves for all we know!
Deep Cut are all good friends. That's why they don't give a single flying into space fuck about who wins, the things said to win, or the things said after they won.
And, finally, ofc it also goes for Frye and Big Man fans. Neither care if they lose. Frye doesn't even try (ie: she had less than 10% of the bite for Team Fame and had no reaction, especially when she could have made great arguments for it since it logically beat the other two teams (sorry for breaking Splatfest law guys, it needed to be said)), Big Man is just happy to be there (though he probably really wanted Love to win... But alas capitalism triumphs all). I'd LOVE it if Nintendo finally wrote them some spicy dialogue instead of the bland and boring "eh gg" we've been getting for over a year. I'd LOVE the acknowledgement that Frye is incredibly unpopular and has gotten brutal loses. They did it in Splat1 and 2. I want my girl to go on a rampage or for Big Man to impose himself. But it's not that big of a deal. We ain't getting angst. Deep Cut is too busy sharing their one braincell to decide what meal they're gonna have to care.
#text#ondina's text posts!#big man splatoon#shiver splatoon#frye splatoon#splatoon 3#splatoon#shiver hohojiro#frye onaga#big man#i know it's like twitter discourse but it's so annoying#they're silly singing squids just chill#let frye wear something sexy tho like i've seen someone comment that they didn't know she had hips and it took me out#she may be silly but she can be silly and slaying! let shiver wear something silly while frye is for the thristy hoes for once#so sad that shiver isn't also a silly jester for frostyfest... but she got an almost new model/outfit so good for her#free frye from her baggy pants for once her outfits are low-key similar#but we aren't talking enough about big man... so cute. so silly. he's sparkly. a litte star. the glitter is so satisfying#anyway bye I'll bitch once the theme is announced or we get more Shiver discourse#i don't even care that much; what i care about is the shitty big run stages we've been getting; the boss that wasn't adapted for it debuting#debuting there and somehow getting the worst weapons on top of ut#*it. at least the rewards system is better but i wish i could actually play. because yeah the connection was terrible. the server was#macfucking dying. it also sucks that my teammates were bad#use your specials!!! throw the eggs to the basket or in its direction! i am begging you!! i was there waiting because my weapon sucked!#i played for two days and barely got bronze#i hope we can get the rewards later because i wanted it so much
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csolarstorm · 2 years
PSA: GameFreak Probably Wanted More Time Too - Edited.
Edit: This is no longer my opinion. It's clear that there actually is a mismanagement problem at GameFreak itself. Sources who have studied the issue more closely are saying that there is no evidence the The Pokemon Company coerces GameFreak to rush their content. This idea was purely an assertion of mine based on public info. In fact, I now think it's more likely that GameFreak has an equal profit motive to rush out content constantly. While I still support the creators at GameFreak because I love the actual content, I can't pretend that they aren't beholden to the quality of their own games.
Original post:
Yes, GameFreak makes the Pokemon games, but they are only one of three entities that decides the Pokemon world we all live in.
I've heard people saying that the main games are just a commercial for the merchandise now. Yes! That's my point. But GameFreak probably didn't choose this.
The Pokemon Company has every incentive to push GameFreak to release new Pokemon and characters as quickly as possible so they can market them.
Think about it. However badly the Switch era games run, we still got excited over Koraidon and Miraidon, still speculated over Clavell, still made memes about Lechonk. GameFreak makes great content. But they are only one of three entities that has a say over how fast they release it.
Actually, it's honestly four. The Pokemon Company has its own positions and structure apart from just being the union of GameFreak, Creatures Inc., and Nintendo.
This is a pattern all over the industry: usually whenever there is a buggy, undercooked game, it's because of executives, not developers. The Pokemon Company are the executives, and GameFreak are the developers.
GameFreak is NOT what's holding Pokemon back.
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