#(she does reciprocate these feelings but thinks that she doesn’t deserve his affection)
haliaiii · 7 months
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oc posting pt 3 except it’s just Kain
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atelierlili · 22 days
I always wondered why Katniss factored marriage and children into the equation when it came to reciprocating Peeta’s feelings for her. It’s a rather large leap, especially when Peeta himself never expresses wanting children at any point in the story. He uses children as a tool to persuade Katniss and the Capital to save her life, but the only time we see him express any desire/feelings of having one of his own is when he’s crying after the baby bomb. But we never hear his real thoughts.
But you wanna know who does express wanting children? Gale.
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It’s one of the first thing he mentions in chapter one. And it pisses her off so much.
(I also want to add that Gale reframes/establishes the dynamic of Katniss and him caring for their siblings from something that is sibling-sibling to parent-sibling. And he is not wrong. Katniss doesn’t refute him. Both Katniss and Gale are surrogate parents to their siblings. Which is also why Katniss love and affection of Prim, is not just sisterly. I’ve seen people say Katniss is only sisterly to Prim- but she’s not. She’s parentified their relationship to the point she subconsciously see Prim as her child, which makes this a tragedy because she’ll loose her first child no matter what she does by the end of the story.)
But Gale’s phrasing here elevates himself as a potential suitor to Katniss by placing them both as the parental roles to these children. (Which irritates her a lot ). Which is why she brings the topic up with her relationship with Peeta. Because she’s subconsciously aware of Gale’s efforts and knows it will be a point of contention between them. It hangs over her head in a way.
With Gale, children are extra mouths to feed. (But Gale will do fine. He can work. He can hunt.) It’s all framed with calculated survival in mind. But it’s also not something she had planned in the future at any point.
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But Peeta’s children? Oh they deserve to be born because Peeta deserves to be a father. He would be such a good father. They deserve to exist in a world where they can be safe and happy. (Even if it’s not with her.)
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This is also why I think she subconsciously sees Peeta’s baby as her own. And I don’t think of it as a cruel/heartless thing, it’s just you’d be more protective of your own child compared to someone else’s. Katniss sees Gale as a reliable person who’s equipped to look after a kid. She doesn’t express the same kind of maternal instinct/yearning for the Baby Hawthrone’s safety as she does with the idea of Baby Mellark, because she doesn’t think of Gale’s child as her own. She never hopes for a better future for them, but she does with Peeta because he and that baby gives her hope. And she loves him that much.
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justghoulythingz · 1 month
i want you in all the ways you’ll let me have you…
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a drabble for anonymous taken from this prompt list.
pairing : ghoul/lucy maclean
word count : 846
warnings : some good old fashioned self-loathing, rope to restrain, mentions of sex. 18+, mdni
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It’s been centuries since Cooper Howard has gotten this involved with anyone.
He’s a bit like a stunted foal: clumsy yet reluctant to admit it; so used to being somewhere dark and grisly and detached that when the sun hitched to Lucy MacLean shines, it burns his irreversibly damaged skin. Gives it a kind of glow that he has to kill every time it threatens to bloom.
Self-inflicted wounds are easier to nurse. What’s the point of watering the dead garden his innards are overgrown with?
He winces when she touches him. That’s why her wrists need to be kept bound when he explores her. So she can’t feel how much she affects him. So she doesn’t get the wrong idea.
This ain’t love. Not that she has much experience with the romantic variety. He’s got plenty to keep close to the chest.
He gave himself to his Barb and she trampled him so far into the dirt that he might has well have been buried that fateful day.
The consequential marks don’t seem to bother Lucy. She’s a curious sort. One of the things Cooper admires about her. In the same breath, however, he doesn’t mind if for once she’d give it a proper fucking rest.
She moves too fast for him. He’s not entirely certain he wanted to budge in the first place.
Here she is with his face entombed in her neck, kissing and licking and nibbling as she opens herself to him. Thinking about how he would drag his nose along the slopes and valleys that comprise her if he could. How she deserves a man who’s whole and not whatever husk was violently spat out.
He can plainly see she yearns to reciprocate. Restless energy makes her grit her teeth and clench her thighs, squirming about as he gets to roam free. A low, long-winded hiss manages to escape between the soft, swollen lips he’s already branded.
“Tell me what y’want, angel wings. Use your big girl words. Y’had no trouble up t’this point.” He smiles against her throat, keeping her body caged. His voice cuts through like a saw hacking down a tree. Chop chop chop. Devastation as it crashes to the ground.
She sighs heavily and attempts to fix her posture. He’s very skilled at distracting. It’s not lost on her that he does so on purpose.
“Can you look at me first, Cooper?” she asks, chest heaving. He wonders how their hearts would feel galloping together. He doesn’t take his clothes off for her.
Some days, he wants to.
“Alright,” he begins, angling himself backward and resting one palm on the wall above her head. He can humor her. “I’m lookin’.”
And boy does he look. How can one not, with those doe eyes, large and all-encompassing like a lush forest of green and brown and gold?
His expression takes on that of a predator’s honing in on its prey. Except she’s taken hold of his hide and shredded it until it’s all mangled and indistinguishable. He feigns he has the upper hand. He feigns many things.
Lucy utilizes a few more moments to compose herself. Logic has been replaced with emotion. That requires a different type of effort to navigate.
Normally he would hurry her along, he don’t got all day. But really, he does. Why not spend it admiring a work of unabashed art that spawned from, according to him, the depths of hell?
“As much as I enjoy you getting your excess of me, I feel…” She exhales, shaky. “I feel like that excess has snatched away my enjoyment of you. I, I feel incomplete. It’s not as satisfactory as I know it could be.”
The old, tattered cowboy doesn’t answer. It’s difficult to swallow. She is expectant, but she’s also learned to lower said expectations when it comes to him. So she carries on of her own accord.
“What I want, Cooper, is you. All of you. I’m not satisfied with this half-baked sex we’ve been having. I want to pleasure you. Have you gasping for air and unable to think clearly.”
If she only knew.
“I want you to orgasm in my vagina and mouth and hand and, and wherever else, I don’t care! Except that’s really not true. I do care. I want you in all the ways you’ll let me have you. And I want you in all the ways you haven’t let me have you. That’s what I want.”
She’s so technical sometimes that it usually makes him roll his eyes or laugh. Now, he doesn’t do either.
Instead, he grasps her chin and tilts it upward. He shoots her one last isolated once-over and seals their fate with a fervent kiss. The hand once above her travels below and deftly releases her from her binds. The rope falls to the dusty floor with a resounding thud.
“Best get t’work then,” Cooper murmurs against her cushioned mouth. Like a warm, forgiving blanket waiting to surround him, even after being away from home for months, years.
“‘Fore I change my mind.”
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Hiii! May I, please, request the M6 with an MC who doesn’t show a lot of emotions and is regarded as apathetic by strangers, who actually likes to joke around and shows affection through quality time or acts of service?
Thank you 🫶🫶
The Arcana HCs: When MC comes across colder than they are
~ aww, anon! I had that struggle all through my teens, most of my friends told me they were scared to approach me at first until we actually talked XD I hope you enjoy these! - brainrot ~
Let's get this straight: you're smart, attractive, capable, single, and (seemingly) emotionally distant? Consider him whipped
Does he find you slightly intimidating? yes. Is that intimidation lethally attractive to him? ... also yes. Is this his sign to play off of that detached attitude as the roguish charmer he is? absolutely
So you can imagine his surprise when, as the two of you get closer, you start to show this playful, affectionate side that he never would have guessed at
Now he loves you twice as much as he used to, and he didn't even think that that was possible
Loves it when you spend quality time with him. He's so used to bouncing around the world by himself that having you set aside time to be with him is wonderfully new and fulfilling
Acts of service are nice too, but he gets so flustered and worked up if you don't let him reciprocate. Please let him reciprocate
Loves to tell the story of the cool, ruthless apprentice who stole his heart when he stole into their shop
They've known you for nine years. They know about your accidentally stand-offish exterior and how nice you actually are once you're comfortable around someone
You're not the only best friend he has who's like that *cough*Muriel*cough*
It does mean a lot to them that you feel comfortable enough around them to be playful and affectionate
It makes you that much sweeter to fall in love with, and that much harder to hide his feelings from
They find it endlessly entertaining to watch person after person approach you thinking that you're aloof, only to find out that you're genuinely kind and caring
He loves spending quality time with you. Lazing upstairs in the afternoon sun, reading a book and daydreaming while you do your thing snuggled next to him? Bliss. Pure bliss
They also appreciate your acts of service, but usually because they're terrible at remembering to do their share of the cleaning (that poor stove salamander really deserves a cleaner wood pile)
She's pretty used to having an accurate and in-depth first impression of someone
And yet, despite you coming off as aloof and uninterested, she keeps catching glimpses of this wonderful warmth in your eyes
Color her intrigued
Very honored when you begin to act more casual and playful around her. It means you trust her enough to be yourself
She does feel guilty sometimes that you always manage to make quality time for her, when her schedule is often so hectic that she can't reciprocate to the same extent
However, when she can enjoy quality time with you (and she often does!) she dotes on you endlessly and savors every moment
She didn't expect acts of service from you. She's used to having assistance around the clock, and on top of that she values her independence and a peer-based relationship with you
But when you notice that she's tired, and have breakfast brought to her chambers so that she can sleep in? She's in love. She's so very in love
You. He gets you. You are his kind of person
Finally, somebody he doesn't have to explain himself to! Though he still finds it a little disarming that his intimidating presence doesn't deter you from wanting to get to know him better
He knows from his own experience how valuable your trust and affection are, and as much as he hesitates to admit it, it gives him butterflies every time you open up to him a little bit more
Now when Asra forces him to attend a multiperson event, he has company when he stands in the corner and puts off "do not approach" vibes
It also means he has company when he feels safe enough to relax a little bit and enjoy connection with you. He has quality time for you in abundance (unless he's recharging his social battery)
He's also the kind of guy who prefers to let his actions speak for himself, so when you do little things to brighten up his day it means the world to him
You two around strangers + Inanna = peak intimidation tactics
Portia can get along with anyone if she puts her mind to it. She's not put off by your aura at all
If anything, she mistakes your apathy for mystery:
The powerful magician who calls themself an apprentice that the Countess had clairvoyant dreams about, sailing through the palace like they're untouchable. That's so cool
Very proud of herself when she "unlocks" your relaxed, affectionate, funny side. It means you see her as a worthy partner
She's the kind of person who likes to cram as much into her day as possible, so it takes a small paradigm shift for her to get used to your offers of quality time. She loves it once she does, though
You make her so flustered with your acts of service. She's used to being the person watching everyone's back and making sure things run smoothly behind the scenes
Having that kind of attention turned back in her direction is new and unexpected and more charming than she thought it would be
Likes to use your intimidation in important meetings because she comes off so friendly
Right, so you triggered him a little bit at first
You're the first person in three years who can see and interact with him, and no matter what he does he feels like he keeps running into a wall of ice. To say you infuriate him is an understatement
(It doesn't help that you remind him of his mother in that way)
Of course, this only makes him more determined to earn your approval and affection
And he is so gratified when he receives it from you
It's a good thing that you like spending quality time with him, because with all the traveling the two of you do as journeymen there's lots of space for that
He doesn't know to recognize your acts of service until the two of you have to travel separately for a bit, and when he realizes how much you do for him every day he nearly breaks down into Melchior's fur (Mercedes was with you)
He laugh uproariously at all of your jokes, regardless of how good or bad they are
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itz-wanderer · 1 year
Love Language Headcanons (Kiryu, Majima, Nishiki)
Kiryu Kazuma
- He’s the type to show his love by spending quality time with his s/o, just talking to each other and sharing how the day went for both of you or it doesn’t even have to be. Talking nonstop to each other, you can just cuddle up with him on the couch, watching movies, feeling each other’s warmth, that way he can learn more about you and have a deeper connection with you.
- He may not show it but he secretly wishes that when you are watching a scary movie, you would jump and bury your face in his arms making him feel like he is a strong dependable man, which of course he already was.
- He has a hard time complimenting you considering how he does not show his feelings but his cute efforts are what melts your heart. A strong, dangerous man trying to impress you with his clumsier side… What could be more adorable and impressive than that?
- No words to be spoken, it was a mutual understanding. Even though he’s a busy man, he tries to find time for you. Call or text you during the day. There’s no single day where he doesn’t think of you.
- He may not be good with words but he sure will show his affection through gifts which he gets recommended by Reina considering she was the only close female friend he had. Reina, being a woman who was always well-informed about all the current fashion and accessory affairs, made sure to help out poor Kiryu choose gifts for you!
Majima Goro
- Majima is the kind of person who would like surprising you more rather than gifting you things right away. He likes to do things when you least expect it and when it happens, it just leaves you blown away!
- He loves being a mystery and figuring him out is one hell of a task for you too. Maybe this was the thrill of being in love with a man like him? After all, who does not like a mysterious man who intensely loves you but does not show it all the way either.
- He will most likely be the silent one and will only respond back with a hug when you give it to him first. He knows you like holding hands when you walk but he wont straight away say it to you. He would just take all his stuff from the hand that is on your side and slightly cough, signaling “my hands are now empty and you could hold my hand if you want to”. You sure did find that hella cute and his unspoken offer was never refused.
- Even though he’s now an old man he always has that child-like kindred spirit in him which just glows up when you surprise him with food you had practiced. He surely would worry about the cuts on your fingers but he never let your efforts go to waste.
- As much as he loved loving and pampering you, he was genuinely glad that he had someone who reciprocated just as intensely as he did. He loved having his hair played with while he just sat on the floor and watched Tv while you massaged his head. You always found him asleep by the time you finished and you would just cuddle up to him sharing a blanket and doze the night away.
- He would often surprise you with Post-It notes with compliments written on them in all the places which he knows you would look at when you first wake up. This mostly happened when he needed to wake up early in the morning to go out to another town for work.
- He made sure that he tucked the blanket in properly just so you wouldn't catch a cold and leave a cup of coffee by the table along with an ugly selfie he took while you were asleep. This never failed to bring a smile to your face and all you could think to yourself was “what did i deserve such a charming man?”
Akira Nishikiyama
- He’s another person who prefers giving gifts to show his affection toward his s/o. Even if there’s no special occasion, he’ll still buy you gifts now and then, especially when he sees a nice necklace on display in some sweet jewelry store walking down the street. Just imagining how that necklace would beautifully wrap around your neck enhancing your beauty even more, it’s enough reason for him to instantly buy it for you.
- It’s shopping trip time! Since he has a great sense of fashion himself, he’ll help you out in choosing outfits which are gonna look perfectly pretty on you and his choice is never wrong so you can trust him. Unlike that one time when he selected a white suit for Kiryu. :”)
- While he likes giving gifts to his s/o, he’d prefer to have an s/o who’s always there for him, supporting him when he’s down and in his worst state. He needs someone who knows their way with words, tell him how much he means to you, how precious he is, that’ll remind him to stay strong no matter how hard his day can be.
- He is super affectionate to physical touch, he’d like to come home from his rough day, having to deal with all the other higher-ups by cuddling with you. When you kiss him every time before he goes to work, he’ll have that stupid smirk the whole day leaving Kiryu in confusion as to what good thing had just happened.
Note :
Feel free to send requests! 💛
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hana-no-seiiki · 5 months
Saw that post you made a little bit ago and was hit with an idea (ow)
A yandere that tries so damn hard to hold themselves back from crossing boundaries because while their love is, in fact, incredibly twisted and probably unhinged, they do love their darling. Hearing that Darling never had anyone respect them the way they deserved really grinded their gears. So the Yandere asks for permission before giving hugs, kisses, ect.
Is it out of genuine respect? Is a ploy/plot to gain Darling's affection a bit faster? Up to you, I'm very tired. I'll also let you decide how successful the Yandere is at Not Crossing Boundaries
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My yans in general are yans because they have no sense of boundaries, do not care about these boundaries, or expect you to have no boundaries because they have none themselves.
I think the only yans in my roster that will definitely respect that in a direct sort of manner are the Midnight Darling (Yan! College) ones. Purely because the reader there is at the top of the foodchain and they have a system for organization’s sake. Most of them would still stalk you, or ‘feel’ you indirectly by taking your stuff. But if you ever voiced it out, they’ll make sure that no one messes with the lines you’ve set.
That being said, they do expect a reward and will very much coax it out of you if not outright force it if enough time has passed by that they get impatient.
Try not to implicate who didn’t respect your boundaries, unless you want them dead or humiliated to death. Though I do see them hunting your family members down since that’s where stuff like that usually happens eitherway (totally not speaking from personal experience h a h a)
Particularly speaking, Justin (Yan! Jock) is actually the best at keeping his hands to himself. He’s great at adjusting. You just have to not tick him off or intentionally provoke him and he’d basically do whatever you wish. He cares more for how he can serve you rather than how you can reciprocate his feelings.
Amir is also very good at respecting your boundaries. Physically speaking at the very least. He is incredibly bad at verbal boundaries and can easily say something real bad at the worst times, but he does apologize and feels awful afterwards. He does awkwardly hover over you sometimes and is too shy to ask for permission, so you have to read him yourself to know when to ply him with kisses.
The worst for respecting your boundaries would be Yichen (Yan! Himbo)
What are boundaries? You’ve been bros for forever! Friends don’t have boundaries! You guys should always be open to each other! And y’know what he’s been feeling rather pent up lately. Won’t you be a dear and jerk him off as you sit prettily on his lap?
God while his is more innocent in nature, there’s also someone I haven’t written specifically here yet but have been brainrotting in dms w/ @not-a-bot-just-shy . Caterpillar (Yan! Ex Goon/Now-A-Villain) who just doesn’t care entirely. You’re hers whether you like it or not. Who are you to set boundaries when she owns you? Possessions don’t have rights much less should have the ability to say no.
She’s very similar to The Scientist (it’s in the name) who doesn’t even see you as human. Reader in that story is a monster so it makes sense but 🤷‍♂️ i dunno sounds kinda fucked up-
but yeah, a lot of my ocs are crap at it ngl. They’re needy sluts.
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dokidokitsuna · 8 months
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…I’m glad this AU idea came along, because I’ve been in WIP hell for so long…I really needed some reward doodles that I could actually feel motivated to draw~
So about 1 in 5 Kirby AU ideas takes shape as a game concept rather than a normal narrative, and this is one of those, the first one that’s JRPG-inspired. ^^ The main protagonists are a 5-member party of villains, but these two are the central characters, whose choices can affect the outcome of the story.
Blade The title character, who eventually becomes the most powerful in the group…due to a debilitating sickness that slowly destroys her mind and body. After losing her home, family, and entire civilization to similar strains of bio-magical warfare, she alone is resurrected by a strange wizard and his evil allies, and agrees to take part in their plans. During the story, Blade is continually confronted with memories of her past, and the destruction wrought by her happy family on the rest of the universe. She starts to wonder whether they all deserved to be exterminated, as her illness progresses and the idea that she should rejoin them consumes her thoughts. Meanwhile, she gradually loses control over her actions in the present, and in the end is torn between begging her adoptive father for help, or using the last of her self-awareness to take him down with her, for dragging her into this hell in the first place. +++ In this AU I really tried to break away from my usual depictions of the characters, and I think going from my usual portrayal of Dark Matter Swordsman as a classic “crouching moron hidden badass” to this more somber, sensitive character is probably the most dramatic example here. ^^; A little of that old characterization remains, however, as she’s not much of a deep thinker…she only joins the adventure because war is all she understands, and because Magolor really does remind her of her own father. Whether she remains fully loyal to him, or tries to choose a different path before the end, is up to the player, I guess. ^^;
Magolor The secondary protagonist, and the leader of the group. After his previous attempt at world domination centuries earlier, he’s back for a second try, and this time he’s assembled a whole team of formerly-defeated villains to help him out…including a strange alien girl that, until now, he had written off as a failed experiment. During the story, he comes to realize that the universe has changed a lot since his younger days, and that maybe his ultimate goal of taking it all for himself might not satisfy him as much as he’d hoped. Whether this shifts his priorities or makes him more hungry for destruction, desperate to feel something, is up to the player. And whether he decides to show concern for Blade’s suffering, or purposely take advantage of it to accelerate his plans…is also up to the player. ^^ +++ Since I’ve written so many Magolors over the years (I think I’ve done at least 10…I do have a problem, yes) I’ve formulated a basic breakdown of the essential aspects of his character: Charisma, Deception, Sweetness, Fury, and Bloodthirst. So every time I make a new Magolor, I try to emphasize different ones. For example, for Dream Alliance Magolor I downplayed Fury and removed Bloodthirst entirely, creating a very heroic and likeable version of him to serve as the main protagonist. This time, I’m going to downplay Charisma and remove Sweetness…so I’m sure you can guess what this version of Magolor is like. ^^; By default, he doesn’t really care about Blade, and reciprocates her concern for him only as far as it helps him manipulate her. I don’t think seeing her in pain would actually affect him emotionally (he’d probably just be wondering how much longer she’ll be useful…); what would get to him is her flipping the script and lashing out at him, even if she ends up backing down. Y’know, some tangible proof that his influence is having an effect on her, and that, in a strange way…she might be the only person left in the universe who still cares enough about him to truly be hurt by him.
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sparkysxi · 2 months
Alien Stage Predictions
so ROUND 6 dropped. As an Ivan fan I am DEVASTATED. but we must move on (have copium he and sua are secretly ok) (this is VIVINOS we’re talking about those bitches are dead) so I decided to have a little speculation about future content in order to strengthen myself against the inevitable heartbreak I will feel
ROUND 6 is the official halfway point of the series, so here are a few things I think could happen/future videos likely to drop:
An IVANTILL video like MIZISUA explaining their backstory (the lab/adoption center) 
A solo Luka video and a solo Mizi video 
perhaps a video for Isaac and Dewey. I just think they deserve a duet but I am not as confident in this prediction 
A video about the human rebellion (perhaps rescuing Till?) 
A video in the style of TOP 3, as an in-universe advertisement for the Finals/ROUND 7 
Speaking of the finals, that’s literally going to be a self-harm-off. 
Till has lost two of the most important people in his life and was already Not There during ROUND 6 he is not doing well, and I think Luka only really feels “alive” on the Alien Stage, so he may be trying to kill himself through entering the competition multiple times 
Or Luka is fucking insane and wants a mountain of bodies behind him to prove his worth to the aliens
maybe because of his laundry list of physical illnesses-perhaps Luka is scared he will be abandoned or killed for being a burden to his owner?
I think I will go INSANE if Mizi manages to rescue Till, like they get out of the arena, but Till’s crazy ass goes BACK INSIDE, like how he did for Mizi all those years ago, because he’s not leaving without Ivan’s body to at least bury him properly 
like the cinematic parallels that could be achieved here UGH *chefs kiss*
also I think it would be really cool if Till’s character became an exploration of heteronormativity-he’s been pining after Mizi after all this time, but he realizes that the admiration he has for her is not the same as the love she shared with Sua or the love/obsession Ivan had for him 
maybe Till is gay/bisexual-or on the ace/aro spectrum 
regardless of what he is the societal expectations are likely that girl humans like boy humans and boy humans like girl humans 
Till enters his queer rebellion era how DARE these aliens expect him to do ANYTHING
alien historians will call MiziSua and IvanTill “just really good friends”
anyway I also expect more Sua and Ivan hallucinations 
perhaps they’ll act as “guiding spirits” from here on out??
wouldn’t it be cool if we got a post-death Ivan and Sua duet? maybe they’re singing to Till and Mizi from the afterlife 
I’m less confident about that one as well but I think it would be neat 
a video of saving the children from Anakt Garden-with Till at the helm using skills Ivan taught him-less confident here again but would be fun nonetheless
I think it’s pretty likely BOTH Hyuna and Luka will die by the end of the series-Hyuna’s already injured and Luka has death flags (wearing all white and having feelings of love/affection/obsession towards another who does not reciprocate it equally) 
The non reciprocated love appears to be a common thread between our male contestants, doesn’t it?
However Hyuna may survive-half the cast lives, half the cast dies kinda thing 
They all end up missing their counterparts
I think ultimately the final scene of the series will be very melancholy-they’ve won, but at what cost 
And a lot of choking 
Also: one very emotional scene where the characters actually talk to one another. Not singing: talking to one another
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mobbu-min · 2 years
JJK characters from most to least likely to prefer a clingy or very affectionate s/o
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a/n: i had to make some very hard desions with this one :(
characters: gojo, itadori, miwa, nanami, mai, geto
!tw! very brief spoliers for the Shibuya arc in Itadori's part
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Would love a clingy/affectionate s/o
⋆ Gojo, but not in the ways you think. He feels like affection is one of the only ways he can show his s/o how much he cares for them. He sucks at voicing his actual emotions, so knowing that he can give you affection and that you happily reciprocate it and understand the meaning of it, lets him relax a lot more and gets him to open up to you faster(ofc it could be said that he’d just take advantage of it, but that’s a convo for another time-) it’s a 50/50 in your relationship. While you give him a ton of love and affection, Gojo then covers you in wet kisses. (yuck-)
⋆ Itadori is already a pretty affectionate person, so combined with you, the both of you are insufferable. Nobara screams every time you both do anything remotely affectionate and Megumi’s asking where’s the bleach. He loves whenever you cling to him like a koala or hug him from behind and rest your head against his back/shoulder/head. 10/10, would love an affectionate s/o (cough-spoiler-cough- especially after shibuya-cough)
⋆ The sweetest girl, Miwa, deserves the best! She’d love an affectionate s/o. She’s already affectionate, but for her s/o to be so, oh boy, she’s in heaven. Just shower her in all forms of affection, she’s melting on the spot. Her face is red and steam is coming out of her ears. Hit her with cuddles and sweet words the moment she’s feeling insecure, Miwa’s deceased. She literally deserves the best (and I will fight anyone that disagrees!)
Honorable mentions: megumi, todo, choso, JUNPEI, shoko, YUTA, inumaki
Wouldn’t prefer a clingy/affectionate s/o
⋆ Nanami. I’m so sorry fellow clingy/overly affectionate nanami fans, but i cannot picture nanami being comfortable with one! He’s already so disinterested and annoyed with Gojo, that he’d see this type of person as a nuisance. Not to say that he doesn’t like affection, man is one of the most romantic characters in the show, but he def sees it as having a certain time and place.
⋆ Mai would def make fun of you. Like it’s nothing too mean if you’re already in a relationship with her, but she gets her point across pretty well regardless. She’s not used to being fawned over or shown affection, that to her it’s just weird and annoying. It takes her an incredibly long time to realize that it’s okay to let you hug her in public, or hold hands or that you aren’t making fun of her with your sweet words. Girl is just full of trauma that needs to be unpacked slowly.
⋆ Geto is kinda weird, because although I can’t see him hating the idea, it just doesn’t fit with his love language. Like it takes him too long to get comfortable with you constantly pulling him into hugs, kisses, etc. He’s used to Gojo’s eccentric nature, but it’s just sorta different with you, idkidk. He does open up to the idea eventually, but he’s probably made you sad because he didn’t reciprocate your affection for months! Or said something kinda mean about it to you :(
Honorable mentions: maki, utahime, NAOYA(ew.), toji
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People Overreacting to Azriel’s POV Chapter in ACOSF.
I just finished ACOSF about a week ago, and then I found out about the Azriel bonus POV chapter. Full disclosure, Azriel is my favourite character of the series, and I have fallen into reddit rabbit holes on people’s takes. We’re going through point by point on why people think he’s an asshole/gross and explaining why he’s not.
- Lets get this out of the way, most people in this world have sexual wants and needs in the privacy of their own mind and home. As long as it doesn’t get anywhere near illegal, and doesn't affect the world around them, that is fine. Az is allowed to have sexual desires. It does not make him a bad person (or Fae in this case)
- He is jealous of his brothers because they have found the people they will spend their lives with, and he is just him. Again, jealousy is a normal feeling as long as it doesn’t cause anyone else harm.
-Az and Elain got each other gifts, and as far as we are aware, she did not get one for Lucien.
-WHILE WE ARE HERE: LUCIEN IS MATED TO ELAIN, BUT ELAIN IS NOT MATED TO LUCIEN. She does NOT have to reciprocate his feelings, give him attention, or even enjoy his company. I love his character too, but people need to remember the mating is seemingly (as of right now) one sided.
- Elain knows Azriel is attracted to her and doesn’t recoil or avoid him like she does Lucien.
- She asks Az to put the necklace on her. And I’m sorry, but that is romantic AF and a super tender moment between the two. She invites him closer and asks him to help her wear the gift he got her. 
-Elain shivers at his touch, which can also be seen as her desire towards him. It’s a romantic fantasy, Feyre has also shivered at the gentle touch of Rhys. This is a normal reaction, especially if your sexual desire/drive is heating up towards someone.
- Again, this whole scene with the necklace is supposed to be romantic with sexual undertones. He’s getting aroused by being near someone he has feelings for, and based on her reactions, she’s feeling the same. Again, romantic fantasy with spicy scenes. Az sexually aroused. The difference here is with people with a penis, when they are aroused it shows. Elain’s actions/reactions suggest she may be too (the shivering) but as people who don’t have a penis really don’t have identifying signs of arousal, her’s is more hidden.
- This isn’t even the most crude thing SJM has written towards arousal. Cassian and Nesta were horndogs their whole book but no one cared.
- We’re human, most of us have wondered what sex with someone we’re attracted to would be like. Again, normal. Again, spicy romantic fantasy.
-Elain is biting her lower lip, another sign of sexual arousal, she also is free to leave but chooses not to.
- Again, she shudders, same as shivers at his touch. The chapter says she’s so close to him that one breath would have her pressed up against him. She looks up at him hopeful and trusting. SHE WANTS HIM TO KISS HER.
- When he holds her and goes in to kiss her, again, spicy romance, hair holding is spicy, she parts her mouth and her eyes fluttered shut, fluttered in the sense of consensual romance is flirty. This interaction is CONSENSUAL.
- Rhys ruins everything.
- When Az says the whole thing is a mistake she looks hurt and confused. She thought he wanted the interaction too. She apologizes because she thought she misread the situation.
- He takes responsibility for the whole thing
- The Caudron is their creator, Az is questioning faith and fate not claiming ownership in anyway. Same with the three sisters for three brothers. He’s questioning their worlds driving force. 
-Sidenote: I write, I write a lot. From a writers perspective, yeah Azriel and Elain plot wise makes much more sense than Az and Gwyn or Lucien and Elain. Is it basic and predictable? Yup. Does that make it bad? Not at all. Anyway...
- Rhys is the one suggesting Az thinks he deserves her, is his answer great, no, but Lucien definitely thinks he deserves Elain so why don’t people think that is wrong?
- Running into Gwyn when he leaves and their little back and forth was cute and I don’t mind them together, more on this later.
- The necklace. I hate that thing. Az drops it off to Clotho and after saying give it to Gwyn, and not to say it’s from him, he does say, “If there is another priestess here who might appreciate it, give it to them. But I am not taking that necklace with me when I leave.”
- It sounds more like he just wants to see someone happy to have it and not having that awkward, embarrassing moment returning it to the store and Gwyn came to mind. If it fair to Gwyn? Absolutely not! Is it fair to Elain? No! It would feel awful for both of those women to know about the whole situation. 
- Clotho has a lot of time to give that necklace to Gwyn and doesn't. Why? Perhaps she knows what he's doing is a dick move. Perhaps she knows his heart truly lies Elain. Perhaps she is waiting for his heart to understand it lies with Gwyn. The point is, she still has it.
- maybe Clotho is rocking the necklace (lol)
- His final thoughts on her being happy and something sparking in his chest DO suggest something between the two but honestly I don’t see how their relationship would send the plot forward.
Final thoughts:
On Elain: At the end of the day, Azriel is an idiot, and that is what this bonus chapter proves. He and Elain clearly have sexual desire/attraction for each other, and his interaction with her was consensual. His feelings of arousal are normal behaviour, it’s a normal feeling, and as long as what piques someone’s sexual interest isn’t illegal, then why are so many people hating on this? Think of your significant other (if you have one.) Did they arouse you when you started dating? Even eventually for all my demis out there. Did you wonder what sex would be like with them? Did you think of them when you were aroused? Congratulations, you are some sort of human.
Elriel or Gwynriel: Could swing either way. I prefer Elriel for plot purposes, I also think 3 brothers to 3 sisters makes sense. I don’t see how a Elain/Lucien plot would move the series along, it would remove the story from the IC and Velaris, which is such an integral part of the story telling. Does this mean Az and Gwyn would be bad? Absolutely not! She's bubbly and adorable to his quiet and brooding, opposites are great, love it! I just want the plot to be good and make sense. That's all.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 5 months
Episode 2: “She”
Pear really deserved better. Like, I feel for Mike and his situation, I feel for Peem, but damn. She really got the shittiest breakup. Not literally died over it levels of bad breakup, but still. So much of what happens in this series is so unnecessary. If Mike had been a little less selfish, the tragedy could have been avoided. Not even brave! He didn’t need to come out to break up with her! But he wanted the picture perfect life with a secret lover on the side, and unfortunately, that’s just now how things work. That’s what makes it such a good tragedy; you see where these characters could have gone right, but they have believable reasons for where they went wrong, instead. 
So, when discussing why ghosts exist/haunt the earth, Peem says: “I think there are two things, either caring, or holding a grudge.” Which in his case, it’s both! In the first episode, during their kissing scene in the drama class, Peem looks downright malicious. He’s making Mike feel what it’s like to drown, what he himself felt, and enjoying Mike's terror. He’s laughing at it. So when this scene happens, it’s easy to think Peem is only there over a grudge. Except… when we get to the third episode, we also see some tender moments between them. He still cares, too. 
Peem is also a possessive little thing. He knows he’s the other woman, but he’s happy to physically get between Mike and Pear when the three of them are on the couch, and she wants to trade places. He refuses, she leans around him to complain to Mike, and Peem leans forward and blocks her. Meanwhile Mike is hiding behind Peem, who picks up a book and holds it in front of both of their faces, Peem leaning in to Mike and physically cutting Pear out. The whole thing is played like he’s joking, they’re all laughing, but… for Peem, it’s more. He doesn't give up his spot beside Mike (and Mike doesn’t move to join Pear.) Peem is staking a subtle claim, and Mike is letting him. Because while Peem is possessive, Mike wants to be wanted. Not possessed, because he refuses to let Peem actually have him. But he gets a thrill from watching Peem keep him away from Pear. Whether or not you think the feelings for Peem were any deeper than surface level lust + convenience, he likes the attention Peem gives him. 
Side note, the English lesson scene made my brain hurt. Sympathies for anyone learning it as a second language, bc oof. 
Another side note, Peem is so painfully, obviously in love with Mike.
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Look! How tender they are!! 
I love this entire scene, because this is one of the times where we see Mike being fully, genuinely himself, and he’s a terrible flirt. He can’t even help himself. He’s making all kinds of innuendos (“maybe we should do something to help us wake up, then come back to read''), lowkey kabedon’s Peem by climbing over him after already asking him to hand over his guitar. He teases Peem for being a romantic when Peem flirts back, then offers to write him a song (Moment, my beloved ;_;). There is so much longing in this song, a desire to be close, to not let go, forever. And there’s a promise in it, too, the song ending with a repeated “There will always be you and me together”. That’s all Peem wants, reassurance that Mike will still be there for him, even if he stays with Pear. And it’s reciprocated! Mike wants to be with Peem. He just can’t admit it in any serious, concrete way. 
Then here we have another example of Peem taking the initiative physically. Mike makes what could be taken as a confession, so Peem comes closer, like Mike is asking him to do; lays on his shoulder while he sings, kisses him when he trails off. Even when Mike is being flirty, he’s all talk, no action. 
However, the scene does end with Mike laying Peem down to keep making out with him, technically taking initiative for the first (and only) time. As we’ve set up with their give-and-take, Peem rewarding Mike when giving him affection, Peem then chooses this moment to tell Mike he loves him. Mike, predictably, doesn’t respond. He hesitates, then kisses Peem again. He doesn’t give an answer one way or the other. If he doesn’t return Peem’s feelings, then he’ll lose him. But if he does, he’ll have to face all of the things he’s repressing. All he can give Peem is the physicality of their relationship. And Peem once again meets Mike halfway; instead of demanding a response, he accepts what Mike is willing to give him, because it’s better than nothing. 
Interestingly, this very sweet scene is where everything goes to hell. Peem tries telling Mike off because Meen, their friend sleeping in the other room, will hear. Mike laughs it off and says it doesn’t matter because he’s asleep. Cut to Meen very much not asleep. This continues the pattern that when Peem puts himself out there, when he puts his trust in the things Mike tells him, he’s punished for it. Mike tells him everything’s going to be okay, and he wants to believe it, so he follows him down the path of his own destruction. 
Gonna pivot over to Mike, once again, being a terrible, incorrigible flirt. 
Peem: Mike, do you still want more sausage? Mike: Up to you. Do you still want to give it to me?
I hate this joke so much T_T But also, it is hilarious, and Mike is such an incorrigible flirt, this is exactly the kind of dumb shit he would say. 
If you check out THIS gifset, we can see that Peem is the one leading things in their relationship. It happens on Mike’s terms, sure, but Peem is presumably the first guy he’s ever been with. So naturally Peem would be the one to more or less take charge. He’s the one pushing Mike into the table and taking his clothes off, while for the most part, Mike isn’t moving. Aside from that scene on the couch, Mike just. Lets this happen to him. I think a large part of that is a desire for plausible deniability on his part. He flirts relentlessly, but vaguely. Any comment that could approach a confession is dismissed by a joke. He wants Peem, but so long as he’s not an active participant in their relationship, he can pretend like he doesn’t. 
Back to the pool scene, Mike isn’t expecting the kiss. He’s walking away when Peem pulls him back. He’s (very) into it, but he didn’t ask for it. In the BTS interview Jeff said it was like he was being passive/attacked (lol), which he explains as being because he chickened out/didn’t know what to do when the director told them to just go for it. Adorable, but also it does play nicely into Mike’s reluctance towards letting himself be with Peem. 
Now. Let’s talk about Mike’s relationship with Pear. D/t the non-linear storytelling, and my not paying attention to throw-away lines, and a weird translation at the start of the ep, I didn’t realize Mike and Pear were dating until this scene!! RIP to me. Anyway. 
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This just breaks my heart. Look at her expression, compared to Mike's. She already knows that this over and he has no idea. She isn't even angry, she's resigned, she's already accepted it.
Pear deserved so much better. It’s her 3 year anniversary, and she gets to celebrate by finding out her boyfriend has been cheating on her for god knows how long. And Mike is so determined not to face any of his problems, he refuses to see that she is Not Having A Good Time. Playboy can’t charm his way out of this one, though. It’s so sad, too, because the way she looks at him in some shots, she clearly wants to believe he really loves her. He’s certainly acting like he does. She’s a very similar position to Peem in this scene; both of them want to know Mike loves them, but Mike is incapable of being fully with either of them. 
Just like I do think Mike has genuine feelings for Peem, I also think he really loves Pear. I think he cares very deeply for her, and I don’t think he wanted to hurt her. But again, he’s shown time and again to be a very selfish character, and she recognizes that. Rather than choosing to believe he loves her and pretending she doesn’t know about Peem, she breaks up with him. (Good for her!)
Even when Mike finally does recognize that she’s upset (only once she says she wants to break up, forcing him to see her), he dismisses it. Laughs and deflects, the same as he does with Peem, because he doesn’t know what to do when confronted with EmotionsTM. And honestly—Pear handles this with the grace of a queen. She gives Mike a simple explanation: things aren’t working out, we should break up. She doesn’t blame him for cheating on her, doesn’t yell, doesn’t even tell him she knows about Peem. She probably recognizes why he’s cheating on her instead of breaking up with her first (wanting the safety his relationship with her provides, while experimenting, which feels incredibly dangerous), and tries to let him maintain at least some dignity and plausible deniability. If anyone asks, they could just say things didn’t work out and move on. She could have easily, and justifiably, raked him over the coals. But she doesn’t. She’s giving Mike the chance to bow out. 
Of course he doesn’t take it. He either takes her home, or follows her there (assuming they’re all living in the same dorms?), demanding answers the whole time and getting the silent treatment. He asks her, “But if we don’t talk to each other, how can we solve it?” Very rich coming from the guy who’s refused to have a genuine conversation at every opportunity. He follows this with “I don’t know what I’ve done,” and she responds, “It’s better not to know.” Again, giving him the chance to leave with his dignity intact. She’s a better person than I would have been. It’s likely some measure of self-protection, too. No one wants to be the girl that got cheated on. But it would have been so easy for her to spread it around, out Mike for cheating on her with Peem, and ruin his life. But she doesn’t. She doesn’t want revenge. She isn’t vindictive. 
Side note: Pear finally shows him the texts from Meen, exposing his cheating, and Mike runs off with her phone. My dude. Have you not caused enough problems without stealing her phone too?? 
Mike automatically assuming Peem is the one that outed him to Pear is interesting on two fronts. 
Of course he does, how would anyone else know? Mike thinks he’s been successful at keeping things a secret, and Peem just confessed to him. He’s seen (and enjoyed) Peem getting possessive over him in front of Pear, and this is the natural escalation of that.
From what we’ve seen of their relationship so far, Peem never actually asks Mike to leave Pear. Probably because he knows he can’t trust Mike’s feelings for him (as he shouldn’t), and knows there’s no point. It would only serve to make Mike angry, which might make Mike leave him; Mike is only with him because Peem makes him feel good, after all. Peem might avoid Mike when he’s feeling rejected/neglected, and make sad eyes at him when Pear is involved, but for lack of a better term—he knows his place. And he knows his place in Mike’s life is beneath Pear. 
Finally, the fight that ends it all. Mike’s internalized homophobia is becoming externalized!!! It’s really sad the way he attacks Peem. He knows Peem loves him—Peem is the only one who loves him, now. But Mike is so caught up on the end of his relationship with Pear, and what it represents—him failing to uphold the  values he’s placed so much importance on—that he doesn’t care how much he’s hurting Peem. If anything, Peem’s heartbreak only makes this worse. Mike doesn’t want to love him. Peem tells him he has nothing left without Mike, and Mike doesn’t care. This could have been a moment of freedom for him, finally able to be with the person he loves, still safe in the knowledge that Pear will keep his indiscretions a secret. But he’s too self-centered, focusing on what he’s lost instead of what he still has/could have. 
And Peem finally snaps back. 
Peem: Have you ever had feelings for me, or do you just see me as your temporary fling? Mike: I don’t know! Peem: Or am I just someone who makes you feel good whenever you want? Mike: Remember this, I love Pear, not you! Not you at all!
True to the pattern, he is rejected for reaching out. Mike returns his honesty with deflection. 
Here we see Peem finally confronting his own feelings. He’s known all along what he is to Mike: a source of validation and experimentation. He didn’t want to see it, because he probably hoped Mike would eventually learn to love him. Or, if he sees Mike's feelings, hoping that Mike would eventually admit them to himself. Even now he’s still reaching out, trying to calm Mike down. He never gets far enough to even suggest this could be a good thing, because they could finally be together. 
Instead, their fight leads to Mike shoving Peem back, and Peem tripping into the pool. This is one of my favorite scenes of the whole thing because you see Mike struggling. He doesn’t know if he should jump in and save him. Then he remembers the last time this happened: Peem agreeing when Mike suggested he was only pretending to drown, only trying to get his attention. Here, Mike sees it as an attempt to make him stay. Peem pretends to be in danger to force Mike into saving him again—proving how much Mike cares for him. 
But Mike leaves. And Peem drowns.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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pokegalla · 1 year
How would your characters react to having an SO/friend that's just very physically affectionate
Like they love clinging to them, kissing their cheek, holding their hand type of thing
Pls and thankyou
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(hai poke \(•w•) )
Lol hi Rebel✨
Here is your request my friend✨
* If you two are friends, he would be so confused and flustered. Like he tries to keep his serious demeanor but stars how cute can you be….? GAH STOP THINKING THAT-
* As his S/o it’s much more different. He’s more neutral to it with a few blushy moments. He even even reciprocates it (kisses your forehead, tail wrapped around your waist, head rubs)
* He overworks a lot since he loves being a detective and doesn’t want to slack off, constantly updating or looking at his files. You cuddling him as a friend or S/o he’ll get distracted enough to stop and give in to your advances.
* He’s a sweet guy who works a lot. He deserves a break!
* Ohohoho Casanova here would be flirting up a storm. You know he does it for fun and he’s more comfortable to do it with you since you’re his pal. But you do notice he gets tense when you get clingy. As if he’s…..hesitant.
* As his S/o? Uno reverse card, he’s the clingy one- his tail constantly near your hand to keep touching you. Many smooches and resting his head on yours!
* You do eventually learn why he’s hesitant through time…..he’s a guy with trust issues. He’s scared that you’ll just leave him or use him to your own benefit…..and yeah, even if you’re his S/o. Plus he’s a criminal, a thief and people used to shit on him for being part fox (Y’know because foxes are “untrustworthy”?)
* But with enough encouragement and constant reassurance, he’ll open up more and become his best self! Just…..don’t be surprised if he steals your heart~
* This cool headed gal finds your actions cute. She would gladly return that affection. And since you’re her friend, you get the friendly discount! Where affection is free✨
* But Ah the funniest and the cutest thing is when you’re her S/o. Cool headed? Out the window- she’s a blushing mess and she tries her best to hide it. She melts when you give her kisses and cling onto her: she adores it 🥰.
* She’s not one to talk about herself and seems to avoid it a lot. But there are times when cuddling with you that she opens up and tells you a bit about herself…..it’s a touching moment.
* She’s a lil shit but has a big heart. And you’re the one making her show it!
* He’s quite touched that you even wanna snuggle onto him. He feels like that kinda stuff requires trust….so he’ll gladly try to reciprocate! Can get a little shy or awkward! He just doesn’t want his friend to be uncomfortable!
* As his S/o, he likes to wrap his lil wings around you when he can. He even flutters up to your height (he’s a little short😅) and give you a quick smooch back! And a little boop on the nose! Cause you look adorable when he does it!
* He has a habit of staring at some cigarettes, thinking about his past and contemplating about smoking some to calm his nerves. You can snap him out of it and comfort him with your cuddles! May seem little but to him? It means the world❤️
* A mysterious lil bean who’s as cute as a button! He needs more love than you think. Please. Indulge✨
* Yeeeeeeah friend or not, he’s like a damn cat- literally. He will hiss if you try to pet him. But with a little (a LOT) of patience, he’ll curl up against you and purr, letting you pet him.
* As his S/o, it’s actually surprising how he switches up. He’ll be the clingy one. Literally clinging like a monkey- he’ll even have the cutest whines and puppy eyes 🥺. (Hey you started this-)
* On occasions though, he’ll be kissing you, cupping your face, and even getting blushy and shy. In these moments he actually shows how he really feels about you…..and as a friend it’s kinda the same way but platonic!
* He might look scary but he’s really a big sweetheart! He just doesn’t understand affection…..but now he has you to teach him!
Lisa (Me. Lol yes. Why not✨):
* Would be a little surprised at first, but I would get used to it pretty easily. I can be just as affectionate without realizing it (le boop de nose, hugs, nuzzles, head rubs✨)
* As my S/o, I would be a blushing mess everytime and ah yes me being a tsundere- bonking can be affectionate right?😅 But honestly I would be just as clingy! But it would be random as hell-
* As a creator and traveling the AUs to keep my soul and friends safe, I can get stressed out and very anxious but never admit it. Slowly but eventually I open up and finally relax a bit. I am very appreciative will definitely spoil you as a thank you ☺️
* I’m a dumbass but a lovable dumbass. Let me love you or I’ll break your kneecaps-
* A teddy bear brought to life? She’s literally made to cuddle. She enjoys snuggling and cuddling and will always be the best one to go to when you need some comfort!
* As her S/o……well this is definitely different. Turns out she’s quite the tsundere and will kick you out of being flustered. I will pray for you-
* But other than being a lil bunny with a lot of sass, she can get pretty stressed too due to always making sure her friends don’t do anything stupid (*Ahem* me *ahem*) so she appreciates your attention. She’s just easily flustered.
* The tsundere bunny rabbit is a sweet loving gal. Just watch out for those kicks 😅
Hope you enjoyed reading!
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headkiss · 2 years
okay, listen:
i always go for inexperienced/oblivious!reader bc that’s literally me bUT! steve slowly working his way from friend to lover with an inexperienced reader exactly because she’s inexperienced, right? he’s not blind or dumb enough to not see how obvious she is in her affections for him, she doesn’t have that little voice in her head that urges her to hide how she feels, so i imagine her clutching a book against her chest and kinda rocking back and forth slightly while smiling this really big and really lovestruck smile at steve when he’s giving her his undecided attention which he does often and he just knows she returns his feelings. she oblivious tho! no boy has ever been interested in her! and stevie is just being nice, right?… she doesn’t try to hide how she feels but she can’t comprehend the hints he gives her and it’s all very sweet and robin is their number one fan and the lunch club always roll their eyes because steve being a romantic? ew. steve in boyfriend mode? ew. them looking at each other like they’re in love? ew. and how aren’t they together already??? lots of exasperated max for sure!— and she’s giggly and blushy and gets excited about dumb things and has a bit of a luna lovegood vibe going on, y’know? she’s relatively new in town, so she naturally gravitated towards steve because he made her feel safe and comfortable since he noticed straight away that she had anxiety when he first met her ( a tried to flirt but went over her head and she was very shy and nervous ) and so she’s friends with the whole gang by now and the gang only. and they love her! the kids are crazy about her because she’s a huge nerd and it makes steve’s heart all warm 🥺 ! she’s never been very social, always too anxious to put herself out there, but she’s very bubbly and unintentionally funny to and with her new friends friends! she’s had friends!,but it makes it so she gets flustered by steve very easily and he adores it, adores her, so he’s more than happy to go with the slow burn of things, he’s fine with it being a long haul type thing, he’s in it for the long haul tbh, but when they get together he fucking breaks— every touch and kiss drives him insane, he’s her first kiss and it ruins him, he gets needy and whiny and desperate and he needs her close, he’s touch starved but only for her, and she feels the same okay? but she’s inexperienced !!! so she gets overwhelmed and maybe she tears up while they kiss? and steve is concerned at first and tries to pull away which is almost fucking painful for him but his need to care for her is huge so “you okay? did i hurt you, i’m sorry i-“ and his mind immediately goes to his angel is upset! fix it!, he pulls back but she whines and grips his shirt and pouts and tries to cling to him “nonono, no, please” and it makes him hot all over but then steve understands “just overwhelmed then, huh?” and he goes full soft dom!steve and wipes her tears or kisses them off and they keep kissing and kissing and kissing and he’s so soft and gentle with her and maybe she nervously asks if this means he’s hers now and it drives him insane because that’s all he wants to be “say you want me and i’m yours forever” 🤯
this is waaay too specific so feel free to ignore ily bye
he would notice you right away thinking, why haven’t i ever seen her before???, and flirts with you so fast and gets all soft when you’re too shy to reciprocate AHHH i feel like you’d just say random stuff like whatever’s on your mind and he thinks that’s the cutest thing ever and he indulges you EVERY TIME!!!
once they’re together the gang is all like “mom and dad!!” and “we knew it” and all that they would not shut up about those two ik it and they would tease them but secretly be the happiest ever to see steve get the love he deserves and they all love u for him and him for u YUP
i feel like u wrote a whole fic there and i loved it ily too 🫶
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Hey, I'm a big fan of your CSI analysis! I've been wondering for a while what you think about this - when Grissom confessed his feelings for Sara to Lady Heather in Immortality, do you think he knew or hoped Sara would eventually watch that tape? (I couldn't see anything you've already written about it, hopefully I haven't missed it)
hi, anon!
i personally don't think he does.
as i talk about in my "immortality" shipper's guide,
by this point in the finale, grissom has convinced himself that he has lost his chance to be with sara again—that he probably doesn’t have the right to ask her for another chance, that she has built up this life that doesn’t have room in it for him anymore, that she is too hurt to ever forgive him for leaving her, etc., etc. he delivers his whale speech to the suspect not because he feels that it will change the situation or bring sara back to him but because he is reconciling himself to what he views as the sad truth: that sara will never understand that everything he’s done, he’s done because he loves her, and so he will “[die] off, forever alone,” bereft of her love and companionship. the whale speech is grissom admitting defeat and resigning himself to the fact that he has lost sara forever. —but then he and sara walk away from the house, and suddenly she’s looking at him as if she is seeing him anew. his heart recognizes that soft depth and intensity in her eyes as love, but his head tells him that she can’t feel that way about him anymore, that he’s imagining things, seeing something he wants to see that isn’t actually there. god, that’s how she used to look at him right before she would kiss him. so he says, “what?”—not sure what to make of her look, given the situation (i.e., given that he believes that sara will never want him in her life again). it’s not that grissom is rejecting sara’s affection because he doesn’t want it; it’s that he’s dismissing the possibility that she might still feel affection for him because he believes that he has lost her. he wants nothing more than for sara to return his love and want to be with him again, but he can’t dare to hope that this might ever be the case, not after he has broken her heart and hurt her so badly, not when she is about to embark on this new chapter in her life that his presence would only complicate, not when so much time has passed, and he has made so many mistakes... when sara ends up taking the job, that’s proof to grissom that she doesn’t want him back. when grissom doesn’t speak up or make any moves upon learning that she has taken the job, that’s proof to sara that he doesn’t want her back. both parties walk away from each other not because they want to but because they lack definitive evidence that the other person wants to be with them, and they’re both too scared to make their own feelings known without assurance that those feelings will be reciprocated. so they go back to the lab, each one resigned to what they view as their inevitable parting. ecklie makes sara the lab director, and the two of them greet the press together while grissom looks on, beaming with pride and admiration for sara, even as his heart is breaking because he knows he has to leave her. in his eyes, there is no one who could deserve the job more than she does; there is also no one he would trust more with “his lab” than her. he is happy that she’s gotten what he believes she wants most—he just wishes that there were some way that her promotion didn’t have to coincide with him losing her again, for what feels like the thousandth and final time... [when he later helps to "process heather out" at the end of the investigation, he does so in an attitude of defeat.] he seems relieved to have told someone what he’s feeling—even if it’s too late to do anything, even if it doesn’t make a difference, in the scheme of things. it’s clear that he means every word that he’s said: that sara is his one true love, the person who taught him to believe not just in humanity as a concept but in his own humanity; who made him feel fully human, perhaps for the first time in his life. there’s a sweet, almost boyish quality to him when he talks about her, but there’s also real heartache. he’s lost her forever, and he has no one to blame for it but himself. his only solace is in thinking that maybe now she has some closure and can be truly happy without him.
i don't believe he ever thinks that she will watch the video, firstly, for practical reasons—that lindsey willows has to nudge sara toward watching the video indicates that doing so is not something that would be part of her regular responsibilities as the lab director, even if she was the lead investigator on the case—and, secondly, because when grissom is brokenhearted, he tends to be pessimistic.
he cannot dare to imagine that his "love song" will ever be heard by his intended mate; like the 52-hertz whale, he thinks that his call will go forever unheeded by her.
he says what he does to heather not because he has an secret hopes that sara might listen to the confession later on and realize that he is still in love with her but rather just because he wants to unburden his heart to a friend who might in some way understand just how profoundly he has been changed by the experience of love, as well as perhaps empathize with (what he supposes will now be) his lifelong loneliness in its absence going forward.
to me, that's why he is so awestruck when sara appears on the pier in marina del rey: because he had convinced himself he'd never see her again, but then suddenly there she is, and it seems like an actual miracle to him. he can't figure out the how or the why. all he knows is that he feels like he's been given a second chance at life in a way he didn't believe was possible.
i imagine that when sara later broaches the topic of the tape—while they're lying tangled in each other's arms in the cramped berth of the ishmael—he is somewhat astounded to think that she actually heard what he said; not at all displeased, of course, but definitely surprised.
that's my take. ymmv, of course.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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kirwell · 1 year
the thing with rootspring x bristlefrost
I think a lot of people have problems with the way Warriors goes about romantic relationships. I'm sure everybody has that ONE canon couple that pisses them off the most because of how it was handled or for even existing.  I definitely have a few that I just do not like, and others that didn’t meet my expectations and left me feeling underwhelmed.  One relationship that comes to mind is Rootspring and Bristlefrost, which I really don’t like as a romantic pairing. (I am much more on board with RootXShadow honestly, they have much more in common) -
Instead of what we ended up with in The Broken Code, I would have preferred Rootspring pining for Bristlefrost's affection after she saved him and eventually confessing his feelings to her, but Bristlefrost has absolutely no romantic feelings for him whatsoever. Rootpaw's attachment to Bristlefrost felt so much like puppy love- like seeing a little kid have their first crush. I can see a young and innocent Rootspring asking Bristlefrost to “just think about it,” when she nervously does not reciprocate his feelings at first. And her, not wanting to crush his little baby heart, says, “Okay, I’ll think about it...” Proceed with Bristlefrost POVs, and seeing her have inner dialogue moments of trying to see qualities in Rootspring that she could appreciate in a mate, but ultimately, she just doesn’t have feelings for him. He’s too young and inexperienced and simply is not her type. And she decides to be honest with him. With Rootspring’s feelings crushed, leaving him heartbroken, I imagine this would have been an AMAZING opportunity to have Ashfur try and pry his way into Rootspring’s head.  “She doesn’t deserve you.” he whispers “Make her see you’re perfect.” he says “She crushed your heart, so crush her's. It’s only fair.” he tempts. Basically, everything Ashfur’s been doing since Squirrelflight didn’t reciprocate his feelings. Another opportunity to showcase just how warped Ashfur’s mind is. Rootspring struggles with his feelings and his own inner demons (as well as Ashfur on his shoulder), and he starts acting bitter toward Bristlefrost. Getting upset when other toms talk to Bristlefrost, or actively trying to make her jealous in some immature, cringy way, as kids do.  But then we get to the final showdown in The Dark Forest, and as much as Rootspring wishes he could hate Bristlefrost, he just can’t because he genuinely loves her and can’t imagine putting her through pain. Even knowing that Bristlefrost will never love him back, he still wants her to live a happy life. Even if it doesn’t include him.  He refuses to be cruel- heartless and bitter, like Ashfur.  We could have a nice conclusion about how anyone could be put Ashfur’s position, being rejected by the one you love and being hurt by it, but they can still choose to be good people. It doesn’t have to ruin you, and you don’t have to give in to that hate. 
It won’t get you anywhere.  And then just to add some icing on the cake, we see Rootspring being the one to sacrifice himself, dragging Ashfur down into the deep darkness, killing him once and for all, instead of Bristlefrost.  I can’t picture someone like Tree breaking down into hysterics, and that’s exactly why I think having him break down would be so heart-wrenching to read! Imagine him waiting beside the Moonpool for his son to wake up, only to see his body start to fade away. I can see him going to the Sisters and begging them to summon Rootspring’s spirit, and refusing to listen when they say it’s impossible. They try just for him, but Rootspring is gone.  That's some sad shit  I didn't mean to write another au, but I guess that’s what this is. 
I'm all for killing off main characters in impactful ways. Make me feel something! Props to the Erins for killing off Bristlefrost and leaving Rootspring devastated! I didn't think they'd do that. I’m PRAYING they don’t bring her back to life or as a spirit, because that would absolutely undo the meaning of her death and the sacrifice she made.
But yeah I didn’t like how Bristlefrost went from not being interested in Rootspring romantically to suddenly being REALLY in love with him for no believable reason except plot. 
That’s just me tho. I'm sorry RootXBristle shippers if ya’ll are out there, but their relationship is wacc Go watch Moonkitti's video about bristlexroot, if you haven't yet. I'm happy I'm not the only one that thought their relationship didn't make sense. 
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meistoshi · 1 year
so, it’s an understatement to say satoshi’s had a few people express romantic interest in him  ;     he’s kind & brave & protective without treating people like glass & he’s amazing with pokémon & in battle, & his looks aren’t shabby either   —   he’s kinda hard not to get a crush on.     but most times he’s been entirely oblivious purely because said interest has been expressed vaguely, through insinuation, rather than outright  ;     hell, he had no idea how serena felt about him until she straight-up just kissed him, & she’s hardly the most subtle of people.     which brings this (re)post to the topic of satoshi’s own “crushes”, present & plural.
the thing is, his feelings develop very slowly, he doesn’t catch them at first sight & there's no moment that can be pinpointed as going from regular affection to romantic love  ;     it's small things piling up over time, usually months at the least, not recognized but realized, less developing a crush, more actually falling in love ( not to say he's never had fleeting infatuations, but those have all been the star-struck & dazed kind that've passed that same week if not day ) .     the first person he realized he had any kinds of feelings for was kasumi, & just as they were about to part ways after johto. just a moment of “oh. i don’t actually wanna say goodbye. oh. i actually really don’t want to say goodbye, i want to spend as much time with her as possible, uh oh.”.
the second was shigeru, some time during his travels in sinnoh, but it was odd, because he’d already figured out he had a "crush" on kasumi & he knew those feelings hadn’t changed, but he’d never heard anyone talk about having more than one crush at a time, & everything he’d ever heard about romance was in terms of pairs, two halves, one & one.     the feelings fit, but it didn’t fit with what he’d seen from others.     even the very few love triangle stories he'd heard about or seen always ended in a two-person relationship.     it took a very carefully timed question to takeshi about his own romantic ventures   ( it helped that satoshi was actually genuinely baffled about how takeshi kept jumping from one crush to another ) ,  to understand that yeah, sometimes people had enough love in them to have feelings for more than one person at a time, that was a thing & entirely normal. thanks to this, when it came time for him to part with the friends he’d made in kalos & serena had already left for hoenn &, in an evident tradition of having just the worst timing with these things, satoshi realized he’d developed feelings for both citron & serena, he was able to accept that quickly & without second-guessing himself.
he didn’t really kick himself for realizing it “too late” in serena’s case since she was the only person he knew for certain reciprocated the feelings, because he’s kind of understood for a while that he travels too much to consistently keep in touch with people he’s not actively traveling with, or at least in the same region as, so, even if he tried pursuing something there, he just wouldn’t be able to keep up the relationship, not even mentioning his workaholic focus on battling   ( even if he’d never call it quite that ) .     that’s also the reason he hasn’t tried to pursue anything with his other crushes either, regardless of if he thinks they might reciprocate or not  ;     he’s just not stable enough to maintain relations outside friendship   ( he just barely maintains acquaintanceships ) ,  at least not in a way he feels the other people would deserve, not in the way he’d like to. & that's without even getting into thought of all the talk that could go into trying to arrange the possible polycule because he hasnt thought nearly that far ; he's stopped squarely at welp i love all these people & there's nothing i can do about it, guess i'll just sit here & pine & yearn about it. his heart does weird things around all of them but so does it when thinking of the open road so he's just sorta. sat. or, well, y'know. on the move.
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