#(since that's what is going on in the first pic sorta)
the-rat-house · 2 years
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His muse is having a rough time after that epilogue.
Music I got on repeat while doodling cause it really adds to the vibe.
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
Hey i have a request what would be the type of partner for miguel o’hara ? Thanks if you write this
Miguel O'Hara's Type (S/O) - SFW Headcanons
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Hey Anon!! You're my very first Anon lol this is so very exciting for me, I hope you enjoy my headcanons for Mr.O'Hara's type!!🤞💙❤️
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Miguel doesn't date people for the way they look - so if you're hoping for him to look your way because you're conventionally attractive you're outta luck.
What I mean by this is that he's definitely more of the type to look at someone's actions/inner beauty.
I think Miguel likes individuals that are independent, financially and whatnot. I don't picture him as the type to enjoy babying (I mean this as in taking care of everything for them lol) his partner. However that does NOT mean that he doesn't enjoy getting them gifts and helping them out when they need it.
I think he'd want his partner to be patient. It's no secret that he can be explosive when angry and can sort of act like there's a switch in his head when it comes to his emotions, so having someone that is naturally patient is something that he would definitely look for.
I think he'd look for someone who has different interests/hobbies than him. I feel like he gets bored easily, so having an S/O that has interests he knows little about would peak his curiosity and would sorta act like brain food?? Does that make sense?
In general he would look for someone who is the tender opposite of him, tender meaning that you'd have to be different enough to be interesting but not too different to where you guys have clashing opinions on absolute everything.
Miguel is noooooooot into excessive public PDA, so he'd look for someone who shares that same opinion as him. He doesn't mind hand holding, making each other laugh in public, etc, but he will absolutely never do anything raunchy in public-
Doesn't like pessimistic people.
He'd look for someone who puts effort into their hygiene and general public appearance. AGAIN he is not into people just for their looks, but he IS into people who care about how they present themselves. Does that make sense?? Like he doesn't care if you're Goth, Emo, Coquette, "Basic", etc - he'd be into any aesthetic as long as his partner smells nice and has a cohesive look. (I tried my best to explain but hopefully you get the pic.)
Definitely not into lazy people or people who lack life goals- he wants someone who has a reason to keep going at it in life. Also... don't make him your reason to keep going, he wants you to be independent of him, remember?
I think he'd like people who are into skincare because I headcanon that he's into that 😭🙌. No this does NOT mean he is only looking for someone with clear skin, people can have good skincare routines and still have acne, etc.
He'd look for someone who accepts his past obviously. Also I say this because I think that his backstory is something that's gonna have him traumatized till the end, meaning that idk how he'd feel about kids with his S/O...is it just me that thinks he wouldn't be into it? I think he'd be too scared of losing either you or the possible kid, so instead he'd rather avoid having them again.
(On that note, if you are someone who wants kids I think he'd slowly, but genuinely consider it. He'd probably go to therapy to make sure he's in the right headspace as well.)
Is it a controversial headcanon to say that I don't think Miguel would look for a specific gender to date? I think he'd just genuinely look for a connection.
He'd look for someone who's an early bird like him, he wants to wake up around the same time as his S/O. However I don't think this applies to bedtime, since he has work to do and probably stays up late, he wouldn't wanna hurt his S/O's physical health.
Sorry guys I do not think Miguel likes pets, I think he likes his home tidy and clean. I think he'd lose a sense of control after everything that happened to him, and having a clean home gives him back some sense of control of his life. Maybe a few years into the relationship (after you've moved in) he'd be ok with pets but definitely not at the start.
Also, just because he doesn't want pets doesn't mean he isn't good with animals.
He'd look for someone who is a foodie, I think Miguel is one himself, so he'd look for someone that has the same eating habit of trying new foods. He'd also want this because I think he'd like making them try out recipes. :')
He'd look for someone who doesn't mind quiet days where the both of you barely talk but enjoy each other's presence.
It's no secret that Miguel has an erratic schedule, so he'd love to find someone with a very flexible schedule so that they could always make time for eachother. :')
Unless you are genuinely mature for your age (21+ acting/behaving 26+, don't be weird, thanks) I don't think he'd go for someone significantly younger than him. 🤞Also I think him being 27 makes sense but idek how old this man is because I can't find a certain answer anywhere.
He'd look for someone who can make him laugh. 🥹 He needs more happiness in his life.
On that note he definitely likes people that are optimistic and happy, people who just radiate warm energy. People that are genuinely kind.
Does not like people who try to purposely annoy him, sorry folks.
Also, yes he's handsome. But I headcanon that he wouldn't want someone who's just into him because of the way he looks. And he can always tell.
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angelflms · 1 month
okay this is really pissing me more than it should but why the hell does miguel wanna go to stanford?? was it brought up specifcally why he wants to go besides "it's a good school and the campus is nice?" now i mean, this is just the classic "teen character in a show wants to go to an ivy league school because... reasons," but at least their [usually stupid] reason is sorta understandable (@ elle wanting to go to the schools she wanna because of her bf and bsf at the time in the kissing booth - yes i watched that) and even then, they realize that the school isn't all shit anyway. teddy duncan from good luck charlie is literally the ONLY character i know that wanted to go to an ivy league that made sense to me given her character throughout the series. at least her getting in made sense to me.
but back to miguel. anyways, the kiddo never explained why he wanted to go other than that it's an ivy league and it looks pretty, which isn't enough of a reason for him to want to go there to begin with. they don't explicitly explain what his major would be and for the most part, i don't blame them because the writers haven't known what to do with miguel's character outside of karate since like season three of the show. BUT from seasons 1-3, it's implied that he's good with graphic design and social media. he made a cute little video to cheer sam up, made a whole "please take me back sam" video edit when they broke up, did the ck website when they were starting up, and even helped make johnny's facebook look more appealing. so i'm thinking, perhaps he would go to stanford for that.
now the show is fictional but i checked stanford's irl major list and saw that none of the majors (or minors) they offer connect to graphic design nor social media. they don't even have photography, which i thought would be another option considered he took a bunch of pics for johnny in s3 for his facebook. so him wanting to win the sekai tekai himself to make him look good fo stanford literally makes no sense considering he has no genuine reason to wanna go to the school (now granted he might have explained it further but i don't remember). now apparently you do go into the school undeclared but i still do think that him not having any other reasons to go to the school other than it's an ivy and its campus is nice makes his s6 arc so far probably the worst ones he's had (including s4 because for the first half of that season, he was more of a side character in his own show).
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odyssean-flower · 9 months
The Winding Path of Fate Chapter 9 - The Honeymoon (Part 1)
Pairing: Neuvillette x Female Reader Summary: You and Neuvillette finally go on your honeymoon/first date (clickbait kinda sorta) Warnings: None except for the fact that this story is 50% written based on vibes Note: I update this story on AO3 first so please subscribe to the fic there if you’d like to read it faster Note 2: If you want to be on the taglist for this fic, please make a reply to this post, send a message or send a private ask
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Have a pic of double neuvillette
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As it turned out, you and Neuvillette didn’t go on your honeymoon tomorrow. Apparently, there was some sort of sudden judicial matter that desperately needed his attention. You lost count of how many times he apologized to you.
Which was just as well, since going on a trip—even if it was only for a day—on such short notice was absurd and unrealistic. Perhaps it was a testament to just how unsettled Neuvillette was by whatever he talked about with Furina that he suggested it in the first place.
Your initial excitement had cooled down slightly, replaced with calm rationality.
To be honest, you were unsure why he cared so much. From what you could garner (Neuvillette still refused to tell you exactly what his argument with Furina was about), it wasn’t as though she had explicitly ordered him to go on a honeymoon. Besides, having a honeymoon wasn't a requirement for marriage. You knew plenty of couples back home who didn’t have one. Even your own parents simply went back to your father’s house and started living together after they got married.
You told Neuvillette about those things in an effort to take the pressure off him, but it backfired. He seemed even more determined to make this “honeymoon”-slash-“date” happen than before.
“But you looked so excited when I brought the subject up. You’ve rarely traveled before, have you?” he had said, and you couldn’t really argue with that.
It was times like these that made you wonder. From the time you got married—no, all the way back to when you first met—you had always assumed that he acted the way he did towards you out of a sense of gentlemanly conduct. It was something you admired. How many self-proclaimed gentlemen have you met until now? They should all model themselves after Neuvillette.
But it was all the things he did, like buying you the painting set even though you had never asked him for it or hanging up your painting in his office, that made you wonder something that was perhaps a little impertinent: was Neuvillette secretly very sentimental?
That makes sense, you thought, nodding to yourself as you inspected the sunflower plants. They had now reached the middle of your calf, and there were small, tender leaves growing from the stalks.
Neuvillette seemed like the type of person who enjoyed doting on something. No, you were sure he was. You had seen how he acted with the Melusines—he was like a proud father. But on the other hand, Melusines weren’t like pets you could take care of and leave at home. They were full-fledged citizens of Fontaine with their own lives.
But with humans, he was cordial but distant due to his strict personal morals. You sensed that, however, that it didn’t mean he actively disliked interacting with them. It didn’t help that his position and demeanor intimidated people and made them stay at a respectful distance. So, basically, it was a relationship where both parties mutually stayed away from each other, even though the desire was there to get closer.
“He should get a pet or something…” you muttered to yourself.
“Who should get a pet?” a voice asked from behind you. It was Neuvillette.
“I was just thinking that you should get a pet,” you stood up and turned around. “I think you would make a good pet owner.”
 Neuvillette raised an eyebrow. “What brought this on?”
“Oh, I was just thinking,” you said innocently. “Have you ever had a pet before? Or considered getting one?”
“No to both questions, I’m afraid,” Neuvillette said. “My job keeps me too busy to spend much time with them, and truthfully, I prefer observing animals in their natural habitats rather thuan transplanting them to an environment that might not suit them.”
“I see,” you nodded. It was just the answer you would expect from him. “But, I still think that you would be a great owner. You’re so caring and considerate, after all. I’m sure any pet of yours would be lucky to be yours.”
Neuvillette was silent for a moment, like he was thinking over your words. “Then, what would you suggest I should get as a pet, in the hypothetical scenario that I decide to get one?” he suddenly asked, turning to you.
You considered it for a moment. Your first thought was some kind of aquatic creature, like a fish, but you quickly eliminated that choice. Neuvillette wouldn’t like to have a pet that was trapped in confined spaces, and besides…you glanced at his hands, remembering all the times you saw him pat the Melusines’ heads. He would like something he could pet and cuddle. The mental image of Neuvillette cuddling with a fluffy creature made you smile. Yes, definitely something fluffy. A dog would be too high maintenance for him, perhaps a cat? Or a hamster, or a rabbit…
You told Neuvillette about your thoughts. “Think about how relaxing it would be to run your fingers through your cat’s soft fur after a long day at work,” you ended. “Wouldn’t that be nice?”
“It does sound pleasant,” Neuvillette said as he gazed at the sunflower shoots, then looked at you for a few moments as though considering something. “But I think I’ve already experienced something similar to that.”
“What are you implying, hm?” you glared up at him. Lately, Neuvillette seemed to have taken a liking to teasing you. Normally, you didn’t really tolerate being poked fun at by people outside your immediate friends and family (although, come to think of it, Neuvillette was technically your family now), but from him, you didn’t mind all that much. Maybe it was the novelty of it.
“Nothing, Madame. Nothing at all.”
For a few minutes, you two were silent. But it was the warm kind of silence where the people involved simply indulged in each other’s presence.
“So…” you cleared your throat. “Has the date for our honeymoon been set yet? You can at least tell me that, and where we’re going, can’t you?”
You gave him a meaningful look. His argument with Furina had been on your mind for the past few days. Now that you knew that you were involved, you had to know what it was about. You initially bugged him about it, but eventually stopped when he kept repeating, “It is better for you not to know.”
Of course, you had no intention to drop it completely. You simply had to wait for the right moment to bring it up again.
From where you were standing, Neuvillette’s bangs hid his face, but you could have sworn that you saw a small smile on his lips. “I’ll tell you after dinner.”
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The two of you would be going on your one-day honeymoon this weekend. To be precise, it wasn’t even a whole day. You two would be returning home by evening.
The day’s itinerary consisted of two places. The first was the Erinnyes Forest region in the east, where you would spend the morning and early afternoon sightseeing and strolling. In the afternoon, you would be visiting Merusea Village, as Neuvillette wanted to introduce you to the Melusines living there.
Right now, the two of you were sitting in the parlor.
“What do you think?” Neuvillette looked at you beseechingly. You could hear the self-consciousness in his voice. “I am aware that they may not be the most exciting of locales, and that married couples tend to travel more exotic destinations and stay there for a longer period of time, but, considering our personal circumstances…”
He trailed off. He really is taking this too seriously, you thought. Like everything else.
But that was what you liked about him.
“Hmm,” you said. “I don’t think Lady Furina would be too impressed by this. You might get scolded again when she hears of this.”
“You do not like it?” Neuvillette said, looking crestfallen. “Yes, of course you wouldn’t. A lady like you should be taken on a pleasure cruise or a beachside resort. It is not too late to make the necessary arrangements—”
“I said Lady Furina wouldn’t be too impressed by this,” you interrupted him, leaning forward to look him in the eye. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”
Neuvillette opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but then closed it. “I see,” was all he said.
You leaned back against the back of the couch. To be honest, you were not much of a romantic, so when you heard the words “honeymoon trip,” your first thought was if it was possible for the two of you to spend a weekend in Petrichor to explore the ruins there.
Still, you had diligently done your research on just where and what did people do on their honeymoons, if only for reference’s sake. You pored over society papers and magazines. The wealthy tended to travel abroad to countries like Liyue and Mondstadt, or head to the resorts or their mountain villas for weeklong getaways. Obviously, the two of you couldn’t do that. Not that you wanted to, of course.
As for exactly what people did on honeymoons—needless to say, you two carefully skirted around that topic.
Really, when you thought about it, this was more like a date than a honeymoon.
Date… For some reason, your heart beat faster at that word than it had ever done for “honeymoon.” Maybe because it felt closer to the truth of what this was.
“I’m looking forward to it,” you said, genuinely meaning it. “You know I’ve never travelled further than the opera house. And…we’ve never gone anywhere together before, have we? I think it’ll be fun.”
“Fun…?” Neuvillette repeated, like the concept was unfamiliar to him. “Do you truly think so? I am…aware…that it is not a quality often associated with me.”
For some reason (well, you could make a guess as to why), Neuvillette had become fixated on this point of being “boring.” The less kind side of you wondered why this only occurred to him now, but mostly you were just surprised it concerned him so much. Being boring or dull wasn’t a crime, no matter what the Archon would say.
It’s probably because I’m a new, unfamiliar addition to his life, you thought. That’s why he’s always so hesitant and unsure of himself when it comes to me.
You thought you somewhat understood him. Neuvillette was the type of person who placed more pressure on himself than on others. That was why he always apologized or asked for your approval. You didn’t know how he acted with others, so it was just a theory, though.
It made you sad to think that Neuvillette was stressed and doubting himself because of you. It was like watching mud contaminate a pristine pool of water. You felt guilty for being able to feel relaxed nowadays when it wasn’t the same with him.
Perhaps you should bug the license office more frequently. In any case, you weren’t staying here forever. Hopefully, Neuvillette would return to his usual self soon after you were gone.
Until then, you had to do your best to maintain an agreeable, pleasant atmosphere between you and him.
“I can’t speak for others, but I never feel bored with you,” you said firmly, as though, as though to shake off that melancholic feeling. “I assure you, if I ever get bored, I will tell you directly, and then we can figure out something else to do together.” To be honest, I’m more worried about me boring him.
Neuvillette looked unconvinced, so you added. “If you like, I could give you feedback at the end. So you could improve for, er, next time.”
The words made you cringe inwardly. It made this honeymoon sound like some sort of work evaluation. Then again, considering how Lady Furina pushed for it, I suppose that’s not so far off the mark. Also, why did I say next time? It’s not like I’m expecting anything after this…or am I?
As you were buried in your thoughts, you felt an intense gaze upon your face and looked up to find Neuvillette staring at you. He didn’t look away. You found that you couldn’t either.
“You always know what to say, don’t you?” he murmured. “The weekend cannot come soon enough.”
He then bid you goodnight and left the room, leaving you staring at the table.
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The day had arrived.
Neuvillette had told you yesterday that you would have an early start today, so you tried to get in bed early, but ended up being too excited and nervous to sleep. More than the fact that you would be going to places you had never been before, you would be going to them with Neuvillette. It hadn’t set in before, but this was the first time you and him would be alone for such an extended period of time.
You had butterflies in your stomach just thinking about it. Luckily, your room was away from everyone else, or else you would have woken them up with your tossing and turning.
You had to remind yourself to stay calm. This is just an outing between two friends. Even if it’s called a “honeymoon” or “date,” if there’s no romantic feelings from either party, then in essence, it is not a date, right? Wait, why am I thinking about this so hard?
You didn’t know when you fell asleep, but it felt like you had only rested your eyes briefly before a gentle knock on your door woke you up.
You opened your eyes blearily and looked at the bedside clock. It was early in the morning, so much so that it was still dark outside.
You managed to drag yourself out of bed and walked over to the door.
“Who is it…?” you asked, stifling a yawn.
“It’s me.”
“Oh…” you opened the door without thinking. There, in front of your door, stood Neuvillette, fully dressed and perfectly coiffed. “Um, wait…” You pictured how you looked to him: messy hair, wearing an old and rumpled nightgown, squinty-eyed.
The two of you stared at each other for a moment. Your emotions were dulled, probably because you were still half-asleep. What a strangely familiar situation…at least I’m properly dressed this time, sort of.
Neuvillette cleared his throat and turned away. Maybe it was just the bad lighting, but his cheeks seemed to be tinged with red. But surely that couldn’t be the case. “My apologies, Madame. I wasn’t aware that you haven’t gotten ready yet.”
“No, no, I should have gotten dressed beforehand,” you said, slowly closing the door. “Don’t worry, I’ll be quick.”
Now you were fully awake. You hurriedly went to the bathroom to freshen up, washing your face and swiping a comb through your hair. Then, you got dressed. It had been embarrassingly difficult to put together an outfit appropriate for the occasion. All your clothes were of the plain and functional variety. You desperately wished you had brought more clothes from back home.
Clearly, too many things had gone contrary to your expectations.
In the end, you had settled for a blouse, skirt, and a cardigan. Since you were going to be mostly outdoors today anyways, you should dress more practically. However, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of dissatisfaction as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You knew that Neuvillette would never say anything, but personally, you wished that you looked a little cuter. More like a girl going on a date. Even though this wasn’t a date.
Relax. Don’t overthink things. You thought to yourself in the mirror. For makeup, you decided to just put on lipstick.
Then, you took in a deep breath, put on your gloves, grabbed your purse and hat, and opened the door.
Neuvillette was still standing in the same position he was before, like a statue. It was kind of funny. In his long life, he had probably seen a lot more than a mere woman in a nightgown (or towel). He really was the perfect gentleman.
“Sorry for the wait,” you told him. “I really did mean to get ready earlier, but I was…too excited to sleep.”
“How coincidental,” Neuvillette said, smiling slightly. “So was I.”
Was he saying that he had also been tossing and turning like you, imagining what the day would be like and worrying over what to say and do? It was hard to imagine, but the idea of it lightened your heart.
The two of you went downstairs to the kitchen to get the picnic basket. Since your trip to Erinnyes was in the morning, it was decided that you would be having lunch there. You had helped Marie with the preparations. Speaking of Marie, she was even more excited than you when she heard that you and Neuvillette were going out for the day. “A honeymoon!” she exclaimed. “Oh, Madame, how wonderful!”
“It’s not really a honeymoon,” you corrected. It was so much more embarrassing to hear someone else saying that word. “It’s just an outing.”
“A date, then?”
“Um…sure.” Friends went on dates too, didn’t they? Yeah, they do!
“Whatever you call it, I’m so happy to see Monsieur Neuvillette finally taking some time for himself, even if it only a day. In all my years of working for him, I can only count on one hand the number of times he took a full day off.”
“How long have you been working for him?”
“Oh…” Marie looked up at the ceiling. “About ten years now?”
By the time you and Neuvillette left the house, the sun was already peeking over the horizon. The air was cool and crisp. You glanced over at the sunflowers. They looked like they had grown even taller overnight, and the buds had grown bigger as well.
“What will today’s weather be like, I wonder?” you said aloud, not looking at Neuvillette.
“Hm…” Neuvillette made a show of considering your question. “I dare say that it will be perfectly pleasant.”
“Pleasant by my standards, or by yours?”
“If you are asking if it will rain today, then I don’t believe it will. Of course, the weather can be unpredictable, so do not take my word for certain.”
“Don’t worry,” you said, patting your purse. “I brought an umbrella, just in case.”
You walked down the slope towards the city. The streets were still quiet, but you could see some shopkeepers preparing to open, and there were already Mekas patrolling the streets. Or were they never turned off? You had never seen the city in early morning before. It was a fascinating sight.
“Are we truly going to take the aquabus to Erinnyes?” you asked as you walked down the familiar path to the central station. There weren’t much people around right now, so you didn’t need to worry about anyone seeing you two together. “I assumed that we would be taking your personal craft, or…” Teleporting there, you said in your head.
“It has been a while since I’ve rode the aquabus, and I found myself missing the view. …Are you displeased with that idea?”
“No, not at all,” you shook your head. “I like riding it too.” Although now you understood why Neuvillette wanted you to wake up early.
Just as you approached the station, a woman with long dark hair called out to Neuvillette. “Good morning, Monsieur Neuvillette.”
“Ah, Clorinde,” Neuvillette greeted the woman. “I didn’t expect to see you here so early.”
“I’m just about to start my morning jog,” Clorinde said. The name sounded familiar to you, although you couldn’t place where you heard it before. She looked at you. “And who is this?”
“Ah, let me introduce you,” Neuvillette said. “This is Miss [Name], a friend of mine. Miss [Name], this is Clorinde, my subordinate.”
“Always a pleasure to meet a friend of Monsieur Neuvillette,” she said and extended her hand, which you shook. “Where are you two headed so early?”
“We’re going on an outing to Erinnyes Forest,” you said.
“I see,” Clorinde’s piercing violet eyes scanned the two of you and landed on the picnic basket carried by Neuvillette. “A fine way to spend a day off. I’m a bit jealous.”
“Jealous?” Neuvillette looked genuinely alarmed. “Do you not receive enough breaks? Perhaps I should—” Then he glanced at you and cleared his throat. “No, what I mean is—"
“Oh no, that wasn’t what I was referring to,” Clorinde shook her head. You thought you saw her smiling a bit. “Well, I won’t keep you two any longer. Enjoy your outing.”
She then jogged away. You and proceeded to enter the empty station building.
“Clorinde…” you muttered to yourself in the elevator, and then it came to you. “Oh, Clorinde! She’s the strongest Champion Duelist, right?”
You heard about her, but you had never watched her duels.
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Wouldn’t it have been problematic for her to see us together?” Luckily, you had decided to wear gloves today, just in case. As far as you knew, nothing had come out of that impromptu run-in from last month, but one could never be too careful.
“I wouldn’t worry too much. Clorinde is a trustworthy person and not the type to spread gossip. I think the two of you would make good friends, actually.”
“Hmm…if you say so.” What would you even talk about with a Champion Duelist?
As the elevator ascended to the Navia Line platform, you couldn’t help but think back to spring, when you had similarly got into an elevator with Neuvillette. At that time, you two were near strangers. But now, you were friends. And married. And going on an Archon-mandated date/honeymoon.
Fate was truly a strange thing.
The elevator reached the second floor. The aquabus was already there, which you guessed was arranged by Neuvillette. The Melusine in charge of the Navia Line, Elphane, waved when she saw you two.
“Good morning, Monsieur and Madame Neuvillette!” she said. Her voice sounded unusually chipper. You had met Elphane a few times, and you found her to be the prickly type. But you supposed that like her sisters, she softened up considerably in Neuvillette’s presence.
“Good morning, Elphane,” Neuvillette said as he helped you onto the aquabus. “My apologies for asking you to get up so early.”
“Anything for you, Monsieur Neuvillette,” Elphane said, even as she let out a yawn. “Shall we be off, then?”
The two of you nodded, and the aquabus set off. The bird’s eye view of the city soon spread out before your eyes. You could see more people in the streets now. The sky was now a light blue. The wind blowing through your hair felt nice.
Perhaps it was the steady speed of the aquabus travelling along the rail or the quiet chatter between Elphane and Neuvillette, but you suddenly felt a wave of drowsiness sweep over you. Try as you might to keep your eyes open, they seemed determined to close.
I’ll just rest my eyes a little bit, you thought. I hope I don’t fall overboard.
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@just-simping-over-genshin, @xalphafox, @jqnehr, @favficdump, @thetwinkims, @cielclassy, @the-mxs-of-many, @mxyarylla, @lynettezz
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First of all, take your time with the storys (god i love your writing style, its not rushed and not too cheesy or out of character) And cause my Brain is a full on simp for Morgie and the Boy is just a little good one that wants to fit in, i have another idea
Maybe a story based on the Deleted scene pics of Him sleeping(?) alone in the Hideout from the lagoon in this chair(?) and of him finding the book
in the whole thing morgie and reader have this Tension like always and are pretty close (they are in love but both dont know how to make the first step and they know it wouldnt really be good news for uliana which scares morgie off)
Male!reader is another villain kid that is also in Ulianas crew but mostly in the background, he didnt go to the office to steal the cookbook nor did he look out for merlin with morgie (maybe reader is even secretly slightly friends with bridget who knows)
Morgie went to find the cookbook in chloe's and red's room after finding out what happend to uliana and the crew, he hesitates to open it and goes back to the Hideout in the lagoon where he starts to panick a little cause his friends are frozen, he is all alone and it all depends on him now.
On one side he wants to impress uliana and the others and be a good villain like his Mom (cause he has a reputation to hold up and he has mommy issues lmao) but on the other hand he doesnt think that Bridget deserves it and he doesnt wants to really be like his mom, morgie also opens the book which also proves that he is good in his heart
Reader comes into the hideout to see morgie having a complete life crisis and he tries to comfort him, Reader wants Morgie to leave the villain group cause he just isnt a villain and a good soul at heart but Morgie thinks that this will just cause more problems so he sticks with this life now (god bless him)
Morgie ends up not doing the prank and telling Uliana later after she is unfrozen that he just didnt find the cookbook and he couldnt pull through with the pranks and that he and Reader couldnt think of anything just as cruel for Bridget before castlecoming but they totally did still try to.make bridgets day bad (they didnt xD)
You’re so sweet, thank you so much. I really do try, end up reading it like 4 times before I post it and find something I wish I changed a day later. And I love the concept of a secretly good VK being with Morgie (who is also secretly good idc what Disney has to say on the matter)!! I’m so excited about this one
True to Heart
Morgie le Fay X Reader
Pronouns used: He/him/his
Summary: When faced with something that knows the truest part of your heart, it’s bound to see right through you.
Warnings: Uliana sucks, they're very touchy but really this is just fluff with some panicking. Death mention but it’s sorta playful
Word count: 2K
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   It had been hours since he heard from Uliana. Surely the sea witch should have come by his room by now , yelling at him about how he needed to be ready for their plan. Convinced he’d do it at the drop of a hat to be part of her main circle. She was a fool of course, that he believed with his whole heart, she was ridiculous to believe he’d hurt Bridget. It would be like asking him to hurt Hades. They weren’t close but he had an obvious care for them, that was easy to see. Uliana was an idiot to believe he would even consider letting go of that part of himself. There were few parts of his morals he could actually hold in the position he’d put himself in. He’d be keeping one, (Y/n) was not the type of guy to betray anyone. Despite that though, he was on his way to go find the dreadful girl and her friends, skipping across the rocks of the black lagoon. Regardless of who he wanted to be, villainy ran in his blood, he had no other options but to be on their beck and call. Well, he assumes he did have one other option, but the idea of being alone by choice wasn’t exactly one that made his chest all warm and fuzzy. And to leave certain people in the crew would kill him. 
    “Oh what did I do?” The familiar voice panicked, speaking to himself as he paced the length of the hide out. “Why did I take that? What do I do with it? Why did I?” Morgie is speaking faster than he can make sense, repeatedly looking over at some old book settled on the table. (Y/n) slinks in, carefully making his way up to the boy. Not that he noticed the presence of his, well he can’t actually tell you what Morgie considers him. Arms outstretched, grabbing his biceps from behind, “Morgz, where are your friends? I thought Ulilana would’ve come by to snatch me up by now.” Hazel eyes are panicked and wild, turning and staring into the most comforting face he’s ever seen. “I-” he takes a deep breath, stepping closer for his friend to hold him closer, “I failed at being a good watch and now they’re all frozen and I don’t know what to do because it’s my fault and I don’t want to do this alone.” 
    His right hand slides up Morgie’s arm, resting on his shoulder as his left hand cups his cheek. “Morgie, I will never let you be alone. Now, tell me what we’re doing.” He watches Morgie’s eyes close, rubbing the boy’s cheek with his thumb lovingly. “I can’t ask that of you,” he breathes forcing his eyes open as he pulls away from the boy’s hand, “If pranking Bridget falls on me it has to fall on just me. I know you like her and I couldn’t make you do something like that. It would ruin your chances.” (Y/n) laughs, tapping Morgie’s cheek with his hand and letting go to look at the book on the table, “Morgz, Bridget is a lovely friend but I do not like her. Not like that. Now,” he drags a finger over the cover of the old book, “Is this the book that Uliana wanted?” He pauses, turning around. His back straightens in shock, realizing just how close Morgie had gotten, he could feel the sorcerer’s breath on his face. He was really close, far too close. 
    “Did you say Uliana was frozen?” “They all are,” he steps back ever so slightly, as if he realized how close he’d gotten all of a sudden, “I heard those two girls talking about it. They said there was a spell on the book that keeps people with evil in their heart from being able to use it. Something like that and they opened it and now,” he shakes his head. “Now they’re all frozen,” (Y/n) bites his hand to hold back a laugh, “They didn’t research the book before they went to get it?” He turns back to the book, “So what are you planning to do with it?” Morgie’s hands settle on either side of him, chest pinned to the boy’s back with his breath fanning over (Y/n)’s exposed neck.  
    “I mean, I need to do the prank don’t I? Uliana is going to be fuming if I don’t and it would make my mom happy. Or at least I hope it would. So I need to do the prank, right?” He bites his lips, eyes fluttering closed as he relishes in the closeness. They’d never act like this in the hideout if Uliana had the chance to see them. she had her qualms when it came to them both -one more than the other- no reason to make it worse. “So, you want to prank an innocent girl so that two women who can’t even see you would be proud of you?” He shakes his head, “It’s not that I want to prank her. I just, I need someone to be proud of me. You can understand that, can’t you?” “Morgz,” he shakes his head, turning around and putting them nearly nose to nose. He can hear someone take in a sharp breath, Morgie seeming to hold the gasp in as he stares at his friend. He was almost sure the sound had been him. “You do not need to make Uliana and your mother happy all the time. What would make you happy?” He shakes his head, the motion making their noses brush up against each other. “You know it’s not that simple.” 
    “Okay, then open your magic little book, serpent boy.” He lets out a sound that (Y/n) thinks is supposed to be a laugh. “I can’t, villains can’t open the book. That’s literally how we got in this situation.” He nods, grabbing Morgie’s face in a way that would make most people raise their brows. The display was a touch two cozy for the two boys to just be friends. “Open the book. If you freeze then I will unfreeze you and help with the prank.” He raises a brow, eyes drinking in his best friend’s face, “And if I don’t?” “How about we focus on if you do first, huh?” Morgie lets go of him, stepping to the side so he can look at the book. “What if,” he takes a breath, looking over at his friend’s gentle face, “What if you can’t turn me back?” His hand reaches out, smoothing a strand of Morgie’s hair into place, “Well, then I will fight tooth and nail until I can. I can’t be without you.” He picks up the book with slow shaking hands, eyes flickering back over to the other boy. “I really think you should open this. I mean, we know that you could open it and be just fine. You’re so,” he looks the boy over, licking his lips, “You.” 
    “Morgz, open the book. I promise you, we’ll be okay.” Morgie takes a deep breath, bracing himself for the worst as the cover of the book gives way to his hand. Sliding open without so much as a shine of a spell coming off of it. His eyes flicker open, slowly looking over the page before looking up to his friend. “I didn’t freeze.” A smile comes across his face, walking over to Morgie’s shell chair and falling into it. “You knew that,” he turns to watch as he speaks. “You knew I would be okay.” (Y/n) looks up at him from his seat, smiling at Morgie, “Of course I did, I know you. You might be a le Fay but you’re also,” he pauses, shaking his head, “You’re you. There’s no need to be Morgie le Fay right now. You can just be, Morgie.” 
    He shakes his head, walking over to his friend and falling to sit between his legs, “I can just be Morgz.”  Without so much as a second of hesitation (Y/n) wraps his arms around Morgie’s waist, lightly pulling him back to lay down on top of him. There’s no hesitation on the other boy’s end either, the sorcerer melting into his arms, his head lulling back to rest on his friend’s shoulder. The two boys become a tangle, the tip of his nose brushing against (Y/n)’s cheek bone as he gets wrapped into his arms. A grossly adoring and gentle display that the other boys of the group would never give into. Words can’t explain how happy he is for the curse on that stupid book. “What am I supposed to do now? I mean, if I’m not evil what am I doing with the villains?” (Y/n)’s hand comes up to scratch at the boy’s scalp as he speaks, Morgie letting out a whine at the contact.
    “That’s a great question, what are you doing with the villains? You and I both know that you deserve better than this.” Each of the other boy’s words fan across his cheek and lips as he speaks, the air of it tickling his cheek,  “You know why.” He was so close, how had he let himself pull the other boy so close? His mind was in overdrive, doing everything he could to think about something, anything, other than the closeness. “You know you don’t have to be her mini me, right? You don’t have to be here just because of her.” He scoffs, nuzzling further against (Y/n)’s cheek, “Why are you with us then? Everyone knows you’re nothing like your dad.” A hum follows the words, stroking the boy’s hair instead of responding. “I mean realistically, Hades and I are the only ones you hang out with one on one. And I think everyone knows you’re not a fan of Maleficent. But you’re still lumped in with us. What’s the point of it?” “You,” he has his eyes closed as he says it, bracing for whatever the response would be. 
 ��    Morgie stills, (Y/n) honestly hadn’t noticed he was still nuzzling against him until he stopped it. Grip loosening so the boy could get up and leave him. But he doesn’t, he can feel Morgie’s eyes burning into the side of his face. “Look at me.” “What?” “Look at me,” he grabs the boy’ chin, tilting him over to look at him, “Open your eyes.” “I’m okay actually.” “Please,” he whines it, cupping the boy’s face. And they both know there’s no way (Y/n) ignores that tone in his voice. Eyes slowly opening. “You’re stuck here because of me?” “I want to be stuck with you.” 
  Morgie sits up, looking over at the book with a sigh, “How are we supposed to get that thing back into Merlin’s office?” (Y/n) shoots up, looking at the boy with bewilderment in his eyes, “What?” Morgie lets out the shell of a laugh, turning to him, “Well, if you’re stuck with them because of me, then while they’re frozen, we can do things your way.” He looks at the sorcerer with the softest eyes, lip caught between his teeth in hopes of stopping the grin that begged to stretch across his face. “You’re not gonna prank her?” He turns, pointing at the other boy, “We’re not. We are however going to have to work together to figure out how to lie to Uliana though. Because we are so, so dead if we don’t figure this out.” “Morgie le Fay! I am so proud of you!” He laughs, pulling him into his lips. It’s soft, short, barely even a kiss but he relished in it all the same. Morgie was kissing him, he got to kiss him. Whatever was set to happen to them didn’t matter, he could roll with the punches. For a while, at least for the next day, the two not-so-villainous Villain kids could live true to their hearts. That could be enough, for now it would be enough.
“So uh,” (Y/n) pulls back nervously, wiping his bottom lip with his thumb, “Since we already have the tickets to castle coming do you want to“ “Please.”
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clatterbane · 14 days
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My new gear, y'all! Ain't it lovely.
I am not going to model it even on here, because there are too many damn weirdos around. No free pics showing the stump at all from me. (Though, I might be able to get a pretty lucrative side business going--if the whole idea didn't creep me right the fuck out so bad. Even as the sorta dykey middle-aged nerd that I am.)
But, the appointment did turn out pretty well!
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(Again, with the aid of sometimes wonky autotranslate.)
So yeah, they did seem to think that most of what I actually need at this point is to build up stamina up on my feet again. Which is pretty much my take on it too. With the rehab part to start once they get the initial custom leg fabricated.
In the meantime, they did send me home with silicone liners in a couple of sizes to get used to wearing. At no point did I roll the things onto my arm; that was one of the funky translations. You do get them on by turning them inside out and then rolling them on like the thickest, most unwieldy compression sock or nylon stocking/tights you can imagine.
Besides the getting accustomed to wearing them part, evidently they just don't use the fabric "stump shrinker" compression socks at all locally. (Which are standard a lot of other places.) The two specialist staff I was dealing with today had no idea what that was when I asked about it, even after I pulled up pics in case it might be a communication thing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(Complete sidenote: Looks like I will have to measure myself and buy some out of pocket after all! The things are useful for helping keep a lid on nerve pain, besides "just" the compression overnight and when you're letting your leg breathe out of a liner.)
Nope, they're putting people straight into the sweaty silicone liner sleeves, generally within a few days after surgery. And entirely relying on that for compression. After this amount of time, my stump has indeed already atrophied a lot and there hasn't been any swelling for quite a long while. But, I never got fitted with any compression anything before we left the UK. And they wanted to give my leg at least a few weeks of regular compression before even starring to fit the first socket for the aftermarket leg.
Putting the smaller size liner on at first did almost have me throwing up in the floor. Not in small part because they had me try it RIGHT AFTER one of them had been hands-on examining the stump and purposely trying to trigger the nerve pain! 🤬 (For which I have been totally unmedicated since 2021, I might add. Which is unusual.) They did not seem to consider that this might not be ideal. (!)
Yeah, extremely tight kinda thick silicone did not feel great after that. The nerve pain was already VERY ANGRY when it went on. And I really couldn't keep a straight face.
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The one size up was tolerable then, so they sent both with me. I figure the tighter one will probably be fine other than sensory badness when the damaged nerves are not in full Hulk Mode.
I am apparently supposed to work up to wearing the things for 3-4 hours straight, two periods a day.
I did not much like the apparent lack of understanding of how nerve pain works, or the perceived pressure to white knuckle through it. Or, you know, just not have any. Much less coming from people whose whole job is working with amputees. (Just try chopping somebody's limb off without doing significant nerve damage in the process...)
Again, there may have been some communication issues thrown in too. But the (pretty direct) message I was hearing was "How do you expect to use a prosthesis, if you're gonna be such a whiny baby about a liner sleeve?"
But, we'll see. I am really hoping that's not an indication of what to expect, moving forward through this whole process.
I may also end up needing to just ask who I need to talk to, in order to get back on some meds. AFAICT, that is the team that's supposed to handle all of this stuff.
I don't particularly want to live with Lyrica side effects again, but it did help some with the other neuropathy besides the directly sliced nerve bullshit. Even more in combination with the Tramadol, but good fucking luck with that here from experience to date. I am just about willing to deal with the dumb and tired, if it means the difference between excruciating nerve pain on the daily and not.
At any rate, next stop after they decide my stump is compressed enough is apparently a socket fitting. Where hopefully I will be able to discuss options more with a prosthetist.
Today they were also pushing pretty hard toward a suspension (attachment) system that I don't think I particularly want from listening to actual amputees with experience of different types. I want to know what models of ankle and foot they're proposing to give me.
And of course I also want to make damned sure that they don't just automatically default to the horrible uncanny "flesh" tone components that apparently some older people in particular do want.
Today they brought out an example leg very much like what this prosthetist is also using for demonstration purposes here--and I was seriously creeped out enough that I resisted looking at or touching the thing. (They ended up handing it to me, whether I wanted anything to do with it or not.)
It's not the fact that it is a prosthetic leg that gives me the willies, at all. It is totally the uncanny mannequin parts effect. And I would really prefer to be able to use whatever leg and foot that I do end up with.
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thetidemice · 7 months
Do ya ever think about Andy and Annie's dance during "Rag Dolly" and feel like watching that specific scene on loop AND sorta feeling like doing their little dance with someone at the same time 'cause hhhhh I love it and those sibs a bunch, it's just the somftest and adorablest dance to a likewise comfy song made more so by Andy's singing and I get a genuine burst of serotonin revisiting it (and lowkey that scene/song alone was what got me to watch the musical for the first time a couple years back :> if ya also have knowledge on who animated their dance or any part of Rag Dolly for that matter that'd be cool to learn about too! but I understand if that might end up being a lot to share :0)
AAAH i love love love that sequence so much!! its the cutest dance it has so much character and Andy's voice becoming so gentle and sweet right after singing No Girl's Toy is just the best thing ever. he doesn't even like Babette he's just helping his sister make a good impression.
analysis under the readmore:
what's crazy is looking through this whole book - i'm talking about The Animated Raggedy Ann  & Andy - An Intimate Look at the Art of Animation Its History, Techniques, and Artists by John Canemaker (the linked version has no pictures D-:) - Rag Dolly isn't really mentioned that much, despite being essentially the main theme music.
i would love to tell you more for a fact, but i just can't say for sure who animated it, as a lot of scenes aren't credited individually.
for some songs, like Richard Williams doing No Girl's Toy, Tissa David doing Candy Hearts, Art Babbitt doing Blue, and Emery Hawkins doing Never Get Enough, the artists get a section dedicated to them and the main chunk of animation work they contributed. in the credits of the film, Art Babbitt animates the Camel, Emery Hawkins animates the Greedy, etc etc - they were generally in charge of those character-centric scenes, along with a team of inbetweeners, painters, etc.
there isn't one for Rag Dolly, since it's relatively short and bounces between characters. so basically TAKE ALL OF THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT!!!
the ONLY expertise i have is that 1. ive flipped thru john canemaker's book and 2. i love this movie so much
what i CAN do is make wild guesses ^_^ and this first little verse as Ann fidgets with her dress and apron just SCREAMS Tissa David to me. here's a pose from that sequence side-by-side with one of her famous (and one of my favourite) Raggedy Ann drawings.
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here's something she notes about Ann's first action sequence of falling off the chair (she was set to work on candy hearts before anything else, to really get to know the characters):
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and here's a fantastically convenient gifset from Rag Dolly. EVERYTHING!!! her hair falling in her face, the movement of the fabric, the wonderful sense of timing. also note the lack of eyelashes, which isnt exclusive to one artist or anything, but does pop up in David's drawings:
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now to go on a tangent about an artist who could well have worked on that scene, and whom i wish there was some more info about!!!
"The only thing that Disney never understood is that to animate girls, one must be a girl!" - Tissa David believed (along with pretty much the rest of the team) that herself and Chrystal Russell (whose work is woefully sparse in the book but very much present in the movie) were the best animators of 'little Annie'. she also worked on Fern Gully; you can find her credits under her married name, Chrystal Klabunde! she supported Tissa as the primary actor for Raggedy Ann, and her style appears as this distinctive, adorable, muppet-y look throughout the film. these pics are examples of, if not her own drawings, then her stylistic influence in these scenes:
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she's credited as animating the playroom dolls, but you can notice her influence in Annie come through from the beginning ('I Look, and What Do I See?') to the end ('Home') of the whole thing. like i said, the credits are never too specific, but if i had to GUESS, then this looks like her stuff. we also know for a fact she worked on the first song because of this lovely set of drawings in the book!
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here's the sweetest photo of Didi Conn (Ann's voice) and Chrystal together with some clean-up sheets of a shot right before Rag Dolly - when Ann introduces herself to Babette, 'my name is Raggedy Ann, and this is my brother, Raggedy Andy,' (i still can't confirm whether they're her drawings but i wouldn't be surprised!):
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anyway tl;dr: i have no way of knowing for sure who was in charge of it, and no doubt a whole team of artists were involved, (and i'm in no way trying to discredit anyone if i'm wrong) but my best guess is you can thank Tissa David for the first part, and Chrystal Russell (now Chrystal Klabunde) for their dance together - the animation changes subtley between those shots. i wish i had more artists/resources to look at, or god forbid a full breakdown of that scene, but at this point i would bet money on David's part in Annie's little introduction.
also some final appreciation for this silly slide to the ground that Andy finishes with:
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anyway i'm SO sorry for going on such a long rant in response to this lovely ask!! and i'm sorry it took so long! it took so long, in fact, that i was actually accepted into university halfway through writing it the other day! so thank you!
i had so much fun playing amateur detective so double thank you!!! again i'm probably wrong about ALL of this but it was a blast to reread sections of the book and rewatch different bits of the movie to sleuth around for clues. i hope whatever i have come up with is of some interest to you, and i hope someone learned something about the wonderful artists behind this movie :-D
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chrystal and raggedy ann ^_^
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awkwardbeartrio · 2 years
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The Bros as your s/o !
WOAH DUDE! You’re so cool!
Grizz is totally your hype man one hundred percent.
You could even mess up on baking cookies and he’d still eat the whole tray
“Dude what are you talking about? These cookies are the BOMB!”
“I’m glad you liked them.”
He inhales all your food, no matter if the preparation is good OR bad.
You’re going to get picked up A LOT.
BIIIIIIG bear hugs!!
If you’re an athletic person, awesome! You can have cool sporty dates and carbo load!
If you’re not really an athletic person, that’s okay too! You and Grizz can just lounge and watch cool tv shows and maybe a horror flick!
He’s pretty flexible and is quick to understand (with a bit of explaining)
Sometimes he gets too in his own plans and drags you along with him without really asking first.
You gotta really remind him sometimes that you just might not be in the mood to, i dunno,, do a whole run throughout town or something.
Grizz understands and just wants you happy.
so after awhile he starts to get it.
“So, Y/n! What is it you wanna do today since i picked yesterdays funtivity (fun activity)! What’s it gonna be!? A trip to the aquarium? OH OH! The new burrito place downtown!?”
“It’s gonna be a whole day dedicated to comedy movies, honey wasabi gummies and naps. Sound good?”
Grizz has heart eyes.
“That sounds perfect, my sweet. NOW C’MON LET’S CHOW DOWN ON SOME GUMMIES!”
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Panda thinks you’re an absolute dream come true.
He’s head over heels for you and at first confessed through texts! (since he couldn’t really vocally speak to you face to face)
Y/N you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met.🥰 I’m soooo sorry I couldn’t talk to you 😖I just got super nervous!! 😖😖😖
Awe! That’s okay Panda! I was super nervous too. I’m not all that great with words sometimes 🫢but texting is nice 😊 I think you’re amazing too!
After a loooong week or two of texting one another non-stop almost, the rest is history!
He had boldly asked you out in person, sending you on a whole text search hunt throughout town.
Of course his brothers helped him. it was super sweet.
Some things you guys do together is watch Korean and Japanese romance dramas.
Usually ends up with the two of you debating on who the main character really should be with.
sometimes bets are made! …and you win MOST of them.
When you’re not bickering over tv shows, you’re going out on nice boba dates, taking SO many pictures of your shared food and tagging each other in practically every post.
you guys also have matching profile pics ❤️
Every post you make he’s flooding them with such positivity.
He double texts a LOT when you’re not together. Like a LOT a LOT.
You remind Panda that he can do other stuff while you’re away. It’s usually not for long that the two of you are apart anyways.
Makes time go by faster!
You think it’s just because he’s afraid that you’ll leave. Also he’s cutely clingy.
and you’re right.
So you’re gentle with him about the massive texts thing and luckily …. it doesn’t go too bad.
He sorta beats himself up over it and thinks he’s a dingle.
but you love him and he starts to work on it and his sense of self.
Even his anxiety has gotten a bit less since you came around.
Truly, he loves you and he’s gonna post about it for the 5947747483744 time.
and you’re going to heart it and with a comment I love you Pan-Pan! 💕
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🐻‍❄️ Ice Bear
For the LONGEST time, neither of you said anything to one another.
It was really hard to read him.
and it was really hard for him to read YOU
so it was a weird western standoff for awhile.
but that’s in the past!
He doesn’t really let you do much heavy work. if at all.
“Ice bear will get it for you.”
You sorta wonder if he thinks you’re weak.
He just cares about you and his love language is acts of service.
You just sit and watch him create such heavenly meals for you and for his brothers.
You are always full and happy which makes him happy too.
He cleans, cooks, builds etc… he’s got it all under control.
You just fill his ears about your day and trust me, he’s a master at multitasking so he’s heard every word.
Sometimes you just want to help though.
A part of you feels bad and once you’ve expressed that, Ice Bear can’t help but feel bad himself.
“Ice Bear is sorry.”
He starts letting you in on his chores here and there.
It’s small work like folding towels and laundry but he’s steals a few glances between the rest of the monstrous tasks.
You’re smiling and that just makes him smile a little too.
He loves you dearly.
— hello! hoped you enjoyed reading! i’m FINALLY posting on here after countless months of just not doing anything with the account. if there’s anything you’d like to see next, let me know! bye bye now! 🐻🐼🐻‍❄️
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midnightshard06 · 6 months
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So decided to finally cave and share these two here. Cause you see, I quite enjoy exe stuff. These are two of my guys, and at the moment likely the only ones I'll share on here lol. Who knows perhaps I'll share the others some time, but to be fair these are the two with the most development.
Anyway these two are Unleashed and Fragment respectively.
Also here, take an alt of this artwork that shows Unleashed's other stuff going on. As you might be able to tell, for those of you that are familiar anyway, Unleashed is the one that influences how I draw Bound by Fate! Sonic lol.
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Gonna chat about them below as well as share some other pics I've done of them. Warning, this is gonna be longish.
Alright so! First things first, these two don't come from the same like game universe things. They came from separate ones and just managed to find each other. Having both lost their Tails/Sonic they sort of adopted each other once they realized they didn't want to hurt each other.
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Unleashed is from, as you might expect, a copy of Sonic Unleashed. Basically the game glitches out in one of the final cutscenes (the one where Dark Gaia takes back the last of its power from Sonic) this ends up corrupting not only the game, but Sonic. The entire world is more or less gone and Sonic now looks like the above pics. He spends a fair amount of time in what is more or less a void with nothing in it. It's there he begins to realize the nature of his existence and he gives himself a new name, since he doesn't really feel like Sonic anymore.
Eventually his game is dumped to make a rom, apparently whoever got ahold of his game didn't think to check it before trying to make a rom with it lol, this allows him to escape. He spends those first days and such exploring and picking fights with violent exes. He loses a lot in those early days, reluctantly returning to the dubious safety of his game when he needed somewhere to get away. What holds him back mainly is still clinging to the ideals of Sonic. To not kill, when his opponents have no such qualms. Eventually he would give this up to, and learn to be just as brutal as the world he'd found himself in. He would still always at his core be Sonic though, even if it might not really look like it.
Fragment on the other hand is a victim of an exe, and the only survivor at that. He comes from a game of Sonic 3 and Knuckles. He had to watch as the exe picked off Knuckles first and then Sonic. While the exe had been chasing down the trio Tails had been desperately trying to figure out a way to stop the exe. Until Sonic's sacrifice he didn't have a way, but Sonic managed to knock lose a scrap of code that Tails would eventually be able to use to stop the exe.
Their final confrontation was not far from the emerald shrine, and the exe had come in the form of Sonic in an attempt to throw off Tails.
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Tails at this point had managed to lose a good chunk of his own code to attacks from the exe, hence his appearance. Though he was able to lure the exe right where he wanted them. Near a newly uncorrupted Master Emerald.
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Using its power Tails was able to destroy the exe for good (well sorta, but that is perhaps a story for another day). Then he slowly started to fix up his world and take the time to properly mourn his friends. It was also around this time that he started calling himself Fragment, referring to his own condition. His code was sort of fragmented from the damage done to it, but he was stable at least.
Fragment and Unleashed met really by chance, but after a lot of reassurance from Fragment Unleashed agreed to go with him. The two have been inseparable ever since. Also! A fun fact. Unleashed only has Chip's bracelet because of Fragment. He found it in Unleashed's code and got it for him, also using it as a stabilizer of sorts for Unleashed.
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(old art/first pass at Unleashed's design but ye. Iiiii don't wanna talk about those quills. Yikes lol)
I have... much more I could say about these two but I'll leave it here for now. Gives me an excuse to perhaps ramble about them again at some point. There is far more detail to both of their stories but I tried to keep it concise here lol. Thank you to anyone who actually read all my ramblings on these two. Hope you have a great day.
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triplexmile · 11 months
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The new picture of Rebecca is based on a screencap from anime computer game called "Viper CTR". (I'm not going to go into detail about what that game is. If you know what that is, then you know what that is, and that's good enough! It's not important, anyway.) Before anyone accuses me of being a shameless copycat, I want to say that I would never do this for a commission unless the client specifically asked me to. And The material I'm using is 20-25 years old and it's published/official/commercial material. I'm not going to dive into an independent artist's gallery and copy their work. And What I'm doing is only for these little portrait studies. That's all. No figure drawing, action poses, etc. And Finally I also had a reason for doing this! Which I will explain now. Not that long ago I was having a difficult time with a Raven picture, and I realized that over the years I had gotten away from my fundamentals. It feels like things started slipping away from me around the end of May. I have done some good pictures since then, but it's been harder than it should be. It's taking me a lot longer to finish pieces than it used to. It feels like for every mark I make on my picture, I erase two more. It's really annoying and what normally is automatic for me has been a struggle. Like since when do I have trouble drawing a Raven picture?! When I first learned how to draw I did so by copying from anime and manga. Or videogame instruction manuals. I thought it would be fun to start doing that again, between commissions, and see if I could recapture those fundamentals. It's sorta like going back to square-one with my learning. I can't say that these portraits have resulted in a breakthrough yet, but doing them has been entertaining and artistically refreshing. Another thing is that copying them from other sources puts boundaries on what I can do. I can't overthink them. I have to draw what's in front of me, and I have to use the same colors and composition that the original pic used (to an extent). I'm not sure if I'll keep doing these with Rebecca or switch to another character. I'm also not sure how many more of these I'll do. Probably as many as I want until I get bored!
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ezlo-x · 1 year
hi...cmere if you want to hear my current thoughts of totk... (spoilers ahead ofc)
Hi :] so since everyone is taking a different path on playing this game this is what I have so far
Currently I have completed the tutorial section, have only Dragon Tears #1 and #2, and completed the Wind Temple
I wanted to write down my thoughts after I finished w the tutorial section but I was just so excited to play I just kept going until I finally decided to take a small break from playing the game for almost the entire day lol. ALSO I will include pics...in some parts
ANYWAYZ THE BEGINNING SECTION I NEED TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST CAUSE I WAS LOSING MY MIND ABT IT. So when Zelda explains how the "gloom" works I WAS JSUT "...that sounds like the Malice im my au HMMM NO WAY I PREDICTED THIS MY BRAIN HUGE" JNSDKJFNSD I liked that we get to see a little bit more of Zelda before she disappears but also! I liked how she is still prevalent in the story and aids Link at some point in the tutorial section. Also I just find it funny how she appears to people like ghosts knfgskng I know for sure that would be explained why later on.
Now to the tutorial, I had a lot of fun with the shrines better yet all the shrines in general have been super fun. None of them have been a drag to me I have a lot of fun especially that you have to use your arm abilities and that stuff never gets old to me. TBH THO there were a few moments when traveling around the island where my muscle memory is to press "x" to paraglide when I suddenly remembered I don't have the paraglider JFNGKDNF I was yearning for that paraglider.
Sorta of a side note I am really loving how npcs have more personality, like Purah and Robbie just radiate so much more as characters than in BotW. I am loving so far the new npcs it makes the world feel less empty.
Now...to the moment i've been waiting to talk abt. The Dragon tear memories
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My friends insisted to get the memories in order cause that would make me into an emotional wreck so I can't wait! <3
Now to Rito Village/Wind Temple. First of all, the Rito Theme when its in the blizzard got me a little emotional ngl. It might be cause Wind Waker was one for the first tloz games that i introduced myself to back when I was 14 and hearing it so desolate it almost got me. AND THEN SEEING THE KIDS ALL ON THEIR OWN OUGH (I want to know where's Kass tho...).
TULIN!!! Tulin is adorable idk I enjoyed his character how his stubbornness on doing things on his own was changed to teamwork makes the dream work arc idk it was cute. Teba not being present makes sense to me as he's the new Rito Elder and all. Glad the dude is not dead KJFNGKDJNF
Now the journey to the Wind Temple was so fun it was so fun like idk how to describe it. The ost was amazing especially when finally reaching the temple when you ascend high above the blizzard storm and then you glide down and UGH it was so amazing. The Wind Temple was just as fun it felt like your good old Zelda temple and I love that so much. THE BOSS AS WELL YOUR TYPICAL EVIL CRUSTACEAN WITH WINGS AND UGH!! I Love it I love it sm
NOW AT THE BEGINNING ENTERING THE WIND TEMPLE when the voice appeared, at first I thought it was Rauru. But then I took a second take and he sounded differently than Rauru and I said "oh is this the ancient champion?" AND I WAS RIGHT ITS THE WIND SAGE AND OH OH OH OK
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HONESTLY ok time to put my critical hat here. Im honestly not expecting anything crazy with Ganondorf like idk I am excited but at the same time I do have that worry in the back of my mind that he would be your typical evil villain. ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY HAVE SUCH A SOLID STORY WITH GOOD WORLD BUILD like I hope they don't blow it up. and ngl I kinda forgot abt Ganondor for a moment cause I've been so fixated over Sonia and Rauru KJNGDJKFNGKDFJ I CANT WAIT TO MEET THE FIRE SAGE THOUGH RAAHGHHGGHH AND THE ZONAI NEXT TO RAURU OUGH I FORGOT HER NAME BUT RAURU MENTIONS HER IN THE SECOND DRAGON TEAR MEMORY THATS HIS BIG SIS!!!!
One more thing I forgot to mention (theres so much stuff don't get me started to how much I love the depth) the soundtrack is phenomenal. When diving down from either the sky or to the depth it so pretty. And like I said the ost where thats building up when reaching the Wind Temple *chef's kiss* AND how the Wind Temple's theme mixes both Vah Medoh's theme (attacking and inside) and Rito Village. Reminding you what you're fighting for especially in Tulin's case
I am having a lot of fun with this game I am currently just wandering around in the Hebra region. ALSO NOW THAT I REMEMBER I WAS REALLY THROWN OFF BY THE SUBTLE CHANGES THE MAP HAS I STILL AM AND I GET IT for like ppl who played BotW make it feel completely different/new. Honestly its fun it feels like im exploring Hyrule for the first time again its nice <3
and that is all I have tbh I might disappear and come back w more ramblings. I want to say more but I don't want this post to be super long. The fact that I only got one Temple complete and two memories and I still have a lot more to do is so crazy to me
anywayz have some pitcures of Sonia and Rauru cause I love em very mucho <3
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You know how you always apologize in the tags when you go on a Paw Patrol rant? Well, I for one really enjoy your little essays, I love how unashamedly passionate you are about Paw Patrol, how you overanalyze and theorize about it just like I do, it's why I love this blog so much, I love nerding out with you over these cute cartoon dogs
How dare you do this to me when I'm sick and emotional (/j) 😭🫂💜 I'm gonna cry (edit: ok I actually did, a bit XD)
Seriously now, thank you so much too. Every time I see you popping up around in any of my askboxes I go like "OH MY GOD COTTON CANDY SENT ME AN ASK AGAIN AAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE THEM SO MUCH LET'S SEE WHAT IT'S ABOUT THIS TIME" - really, Blue and Eryx can confirm, I go nuts for a whole minute or two in our little Discord server XDD it's always a joy to see you around.
I guess I tend to apologize because it's a little like an automatic reaction... It wasn't THAT MUCH or that bad, but I've been told numerous times I shouldn't focus so much on things that are soooooo not for my age. I always have to remind relatives and their friends that it's people my age or older who get to work on producing these things in the first place. And I know people hear these things since early on too, it's annoying, like what the hell, let us live our little lives, we're not actively affecting yours XD
I still find it funny, how passionate I got about Paw Patrol, because when I started watching it, I wasn't expecting to get SO INTO IT.
When I stop to think, most my profile pics on social media/messaging apps are now of Paw Patrol. I've been watching it since January, right after my dog Dakota died. I got now two blogs (and a half bc I'm sorta "helping" Eryx with her askblog of Everest/Tracker/Rex so I was added as a mod there) only for Paw Patrol stuff instead of mixing it around in my personal blog like most my other interests/fandoms. My Telegram art channel has been 90% Paw Patrol arts this entire year so far, except for commissions. I met amazing people in this fandom and even got one hate comment LMAO there's this old Tumblr saying that states your blog hasn't truly started until you get a hate message 😂 Heck I even bought three toys so far! It's been AGES since I last bought anything fandom related for myself, on anything at all. The one thing that comes to mind is the Lightning McQueen origins storybook last year (still gotta remember to buy Jackson Storm's and Cruz Ramirez's too). I usually make/paint/craft my own stuff instead of buying (one of the several reasons I relate to Rocky!).
I just, wow? It's real. I got this whole thing going on and it makes me smile every day and I don't want it to stop any soon. I started watching the show as a way to soothe myself and relax my stressed brain after Dakota's passing. Didn't expect to get so far. I'm glad I did and that I'm here with you guys.
Thanks for being part of what makes it so special for me too, Cotton Candy. You're amazing and I love it whenever you show up bringing more stuff for me to talk about 💜 PAW PATROL IS ON A ROLL, MY FRIEND, LET'S GOOOOOOO
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catiuskaa · 1 year
drunk-dazed [i’m yours]
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fluff… slight nsfw and even angst if you blink real quick
taking care of the sick + drunk love interest trope (because iT WORKS AND ITS FUN)
〜 ♡♡♡〜
“This shit won’t go away!”
You cackled at the sight of the everlasting sunshine, also known as Lee Felix, or as some would say, your best friend, that was currently fighting against some contact lenses that he couldn’t take off.
“Need a hand?” You teased.
“Need you to shut up, I can do this.” He grinned at you through the mirror.
Felix had recently moved to this bigger, better place he had found thanks to a so-called “friend” of his —because you knew Lix was head over heels and just absolutley into this Changbin guy you hadn’t met- yet. A friend of Changbin was in need of a roomate, and after several meetings, hanging out together and getting to know eachother, Felix moved in and you got to meet the guy. Not your best friend’s love interest, which you would meet later, but him. The roomate.
Hwang Hyunjin.
If he had told you he was a professional model, you would’ve believed it. You gave Felix a look when the tall boy with blond locks wasn’t paying attention, and lifted your eyebrows with a smile.
“He’s hot!” You meant. The Australian boy got that by your face and giggled, grinning at you with a sly smile-
And that’s when you knew you’d sorta fucked up, because when the little sunshine’s lovelife was marked as checked in his needs, he always had turned to yours, attempting of setting you up with people you’d expressed somewhat interest in. But, for some reason, your friend kept sucking at his Cupid moments and the people kept either running away (he would argue that ‘that just happened ONCE’ but it happened) or kindly (sometimes not so kindly) rejecting you.
And well, after some time bumping into eachother due to your countless visits to the boy’s apartment in hopes of running away from your own roomates, you could say you maybe sorta kinda developed a teenie tiny crush on his cute roomate. The moment you told to the boy with freckles, he did his weird magic.
And it turned out exactly as expected. Well, actually, Hyunjin didn’t really reject you personally.
Lix had aproached him while he was painting. He rejected the idea of going out with you. In a quite mean way. They had argued for a bit. He had frowned and at the end, left.
Over simplified, you had listened to Felix’s explanation of the situation, face pampered in confusion. Even though the Australian had said that Hyunjin had been in quite a mood for the past week, Yongbok had apologized till exahustion, until you insisted that he should just take his make up off and go to bed. After the lenses moment, he did.
Still, you didn’t leave. You could’t, not just yet.
Not like it was a big deal, but Hyunjin hadn't come back since he had left that afternoon, and it was getting late.
You wandered around in the kitchen, eating some almost-expired raspberries, just a tad worried about your bestie’s stupidly cute roomate. You then launched yourself into the sofa, scrolling through your feed when you saw it.
Hyunjin’s instagram shined back in blue light. You blinked, surprised. Hwang always kept blabbering about taking care of what he posted, even more than the art he made. According to Lix, Hyunjin had been a bit mad when he left, but something inside of you kept telling you that all hell would break loose if he realized what someone- cause there was no way in hell that the blond boy would post this. You shivered. It was a stack of pics on his stories. The first one, yeah, it was ok. The second one, yeah, he looked good- not that he looked bad in the first one. But the third one? Lord have mercy. A impulsive thought caresses your mind as you wondered ehat would the reaction be if you stroke those amazing abs with your tongue.
He had posted a picture which clearely screamed “I am drunk”, laughing like he would be unable to do so in a short time, eyes shaped like crescent moons and mouth almost wide open. And did I mention his white shirt was not only a bit messy and see-through, but also unbuttoned. As in, that chiseled chess table could be seen by all those people in wherever the hell he was, and now all of his followers too -and that wasn’t a small amount of people. He’d be crossed about it, sooner or later. And mad people were always a pain in the ass to deal with. And you liked the boy, lets be fair. You aproached the kitchen and starting preparing a special beberage that you uncle had taught you, one that knocked hangovers away and killed most of the dizziness away, plus a coffe for yourself. You knew you would need it.
For a moment, you thought it would feel weird. After all, its not like it was something that you would do for anyone, or that you expected the same treatment from him. You were just doing it because… well, because. For some reason it didn't feel odd, rather like something you could keep doing if you could help him, and also if that meant he wouldn't be angry at you. It didn’t hurt you if he was now, because you didn't really do anything to the boy with bleached locks, therefore couldn’t know how to make amends or start all over... still, trying to come up with an idea regarding how exactly to deal with it. You sighed, wonderind in your mind if you were just a loser waiting and caring for someone that had already rejected the idea of going out with you when suddenly, Hyunjin opened the door, coming back... a bit tipsy.
Well. Definetely more than just a bit, and more than tipsy. High-key drunk, to be honest. You pouted at the sight, but it didn’t surprise you. At least he remembered how to come back. You sighed a bit relieved, aproaching him. "You... you still here?" He mumbled messily, fighting hard to keep balance on those long legs of his. You looked down, fidgeting with your fingernairls.
"Yeah... I'm... sorry, I guess." "Maybe I should be saying that" he said insted, surprising you. You grinned soflty at him, seeing how hard he was trying to not collapse all over the floor. Yeah. High-key drunk for sure.
"C'mon, lets get you to bed. It's late." Suddenly he started retching, as if he was going to vomit. Oh, fuck. You turned pale, quickly taking him in front of the toilet as he started... well, you know.
"It's ok, better outside than inside." You tried joking as you kept some of his hair out of his way, and he smiled lightly, sitting against the cold tile wall as if it was the only thing that could save him.
You bit your lip as you settled your hand on his forehead, trying hard to ignore the massive 360° spin you stomach had made when Hyunjin smiled lazily, and the earthquake that remained when he leaned into the touch of your somewhat cold hand.
“Hey, Hyunjin. Are you cold or in pain?” You asked. For a moment you were glad that you never chose medecine as a career path. You were doing something great for the world when not putting yourself in these kind of situations. At least, that’s how you felt about it.
“Well,” he started wobbily, but with a solid confidence. “First of all, am I hot? Indoubtebly.” He stopped talking, and you nodded, thinking that was it and he was just drunk, but he continued. “Now, would throwing myself to an olympic swimming pool at -40°C while being punched in the guts resemble to my current state? Absolutely.”
“So you are drunk…” you tied your hair up in a messy bun. “And sick.” You cursed under your breath.
So. Sick people. Aid. C’mon brain, do your thing.
You looked at the mirror in the bathroom and the situation showed up in your mind sort of like a puzzle. Sat on the cold bathroom tile in your best friend’s appartment, with someone that had rejected a date with you sitting in front of you, a mix between yellow and white colors on his face as he started sweating and shivering.
“First, we need to sober you up. And shower, if possible.” You stood up. Looked at him. “Ok. We’ll most likely skip shower.”
You helped him stand back on his feet and you took him to his room. That was the first time you’d been there, but there would be some other time to be nosy, so you didn’t pay attention to it. Instead, Hyunjin had collapsed into the bed after your command, and as softly as you could started taking his shoes off, following with the jacket he was wearing. You emptied his pockets and left everything on the nightstand, not really looking into the contents, because your mind was screaming to you, something you didn’t quite know how to approach.
change his clothes.
You shook your head sideways. You’d do that later.
After taking the biggest container in the kitchen and leaving it next to the blond boy, you also managed to set a towel beneath him, in case he would wake up and vomit.
Because he had just fallen asleep. You smiled to yourself. Then the idea came back.
change his clothes.
You sighed. Bright red. Opened his closet. Took some random sweatpants. And then got closer to the sleepy man.
He was almost drooling, yet he still looked handsome as ever. Mind blank, you started unbuckling his belt.
don’t look, for the love of shit.
As quickly as you could, you unzipped and pulled his pants down, replacing them with the ones you’d taken fron the closet.
As you pretended that you hadn’t look at his cute bubble butt, you layed on the bed next to him, still as far as you could so you wouldn’t annoy him. After laying a damp cloth on his forehead, you fell asleep with him.
It felt like too soon, and it probably was. But Hyunjin had woken up, sweating, eyes bluntly opened, and overall scared.
“Hey,” you cooed. “Hey, little prince, its okay.” You approaced him, caressing his damaged but soft blond hair. “I’m right here. It’s ok.”
He was still looking at the celing, as if he hadn’t listened to what you’d just said when he started gagging again. You quickly turned him as he vomited inside the container you’d picked up before. Such a smartass, Felix would’ve said.
“I’m… sorry.” Hyunjin said.
“Hey, it’s ok. It was just a fever dream. I’m here. Go back to sleep, ok?”
He looked at you, eyes glossy as your heart ached for a second. He raised his hands to his features quickly. He looked… frustrated? As if he didn’t know how to react or respond?
“God, you’re just…” You looked at him, a hint of amusement in your eyes as you waited for him to continue. “…insane.”
Well that you didn’t expect, for sure. It was such a weird thing to say. Which you commented, and he just laughed kind of breathlessly.
“I’ve been feeling like shit for the past weeks. I’d need to apologize to Lix later… I took it out on both of you. I’m sorry.”
“You know you can talk to either of us when you need, Hyun. Don’t worry about it, I get it, shit happens.”
“It’s just that… well one thing stupid lead to another, I was already having a bad day, and then I got called… Kkami, my dog, he… he might need to go through surgery. I know, it’s not… there are worse things, but…” his hands were covering his eyes.
You almost launched yourself to him, trying to hug away all of his sadness and worry. “Don’t belittle what makes you feel things, Jin. If it makes you feel something, then its important.” He slipped his arms around me and pushed you just enough so you remained as close to him as you could, your legs tangled around his.
“But I was mean to you and Felix. And I- I don’t… that’s not what I want..” His big hands cupped your face, and you followed with one of them almost automatically.
“Don’t get you tiddies in a twist, Prince.” You giggled, he snorted. “It’s ok for you to feel things, and if you know you did wrong then say it. End of story.”
“Still, I lied… Your face is red. Did I make you mad?”
Fuck, exposed. “No, Hyun. I’m happy that you trust me.”
He tsked. “If it wasn’t for my big mouth, right now I could do other things. Like dating you.”
“Jin, this a proposition?” You giggled jokingly.
“It’s a warning.”
“Go to sleep, little prince.” You snorted. “Repeat your words tomorrow, sober, and you might get lucky.”
You were bluffing.
Like, 85% joking. Couldn’t believe for a fact that the drunk, caring man that fell asleep beneath you was being honest.
But surprises happened, and this time, it happened sideways.
“A package for Mr. Hwang?”
“Yes. It’s here, thank you!” You mentioned, slipping past Hyunjin’s confused manner and smiled to the delivery man.
“Got you a new paint cleaning set! You…” You rubbed your neck, sheepishly. “You mumble when you sleep, and you said something about needing one… In my defense… eh… I have nothing to say in my defense, I just…”
You would’ve kept on rambling if it werent for some strawberry flavoured lips on yours. It was barely for a second, but it made your whole body reset for a good solid second.
You looked at him as red as the jacket he was wearing.
“Sorry. You’re cute when you don’t mean to, couldn’t resist myself.” He was biting his bottom lip, one you were wishing was against your own.
“Excuse you, little Prince. Take me for a date first.” You joked, in an unkown attempt of picking up yourself from the shock or something.
He smiled, siren eyes looking deeply entertained. “Lets go to my art studio down the street. And yeah, shortcake, its a date.”
well, point for Felix. That was a first.
soft hours
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dabingusbongus · 1 year
Furby Island REMADE
SO LIKE- furby island right? very bad, makes me feel like my adhd was at work since every time I blinked something new was happening for some reason.
To make this a bit more interesting, Maddie's parents took her on trips when she was just a baby. Yet one horrible night something separated the two from their little baby. They believe she's dead, unable to find her, mourning their lost....
Flash cut to the furby's finding baby maddie and they raise her! Due to being raised by the furby's she's more- spiritually in touch lets say. Or that the furby's gave her similar powers to her in a furby ritual of some sort to help her fully assimilate with them. Whichever would fit better with the mind power deal that the furbs have.
Years later her parents come back to face the demons of their past, and along with them is their second child. TY, a boy who grew up in the shadow of a sister he never met, sneaks onto their plane. They are unaware of their stowaway until they reach the island. Furious they are unable to do anything besides tell him to stay put and have someone on the adventure team watch over him while they go deep into the forest upon he island. ofc he doesn't stay! He plays some trick to sneak away from his appointed babysitters an runs into the forest. Finding some markings that he remembers his parents talking about/had seen some pics while snooping to find out more about his long lost sister he follows them. Then we have a scene of TY seeing the wild furby for the first time and screaming his lungs out while the furby is chirping/trilling in surprise at the sight of a human. As they run away from each other. extra tropey if you just have TY run into a tree in blind panic and get knocked out only to wake up surrounded by furby's. There’s more screaming, more furby screaming/panicking UNTIL he sees the first human in legit hours.
Though he doesn't know this is her, and Maddie well- she's not named maddie. While the furby's had told her the name that her birth parents gave her. I feel like furbs have this whole different naming convention where the child is able to pick the name that they believe resembles them an said name can change over a lifetime if they so wish. (trans rights trans rights) I don't know what her furby name would be but it would translate into ‘trouble maker’ or ‘mischief maker’ due to how she wanders off and always tries to prove herself to her furby family only to always get into some sorta trouble along the way.
TY definitely believes she's a weird girl, but doesn't want to leave her in the forest with all these "wild creatures." so he just asks her to come with him, clearly expecting her to be happy to be saved and able to go back to humanity. You know what happens? she beats him up lmao. they get off on the worst foot possible and it ends with TY's ass kicked with Maddie furious at him for thinking her family is weird. He gets found by his appointed babysitters dragged back to camp and chewed out for sneaking away. He explodes at his parents then tells them about the girl he saw with these "strange furry creatures" in the jungle. His parents think he's lying, which he's not and he stresses that he isn't but you know how most adults be.... It's like they forgot what it was like to be a kid and be treated badly and have their feelings/opinions disregarded. Of course just like any kid who gets scorned by their parents he wants to prove it to them. That he really did find some weird creatures in the woods along with some girl. cut to TY trying to find a way to lure Maddie away from the furby's by being as annoying as possible. Shows the antics of him annoying her, (along with his slow befriending of one of the other furby’s that vibe really well with him) until finally she blows her top and chases after him. He doesn’t make it too far before she’s pounced on him and letting out little angry furby curses while the furby that TY befriended is laughing in the background. Though soon said furby dives for cover as BAM parents are there, parents are seeing this, they are losing their shit- not because they recognize her as their daughter it's more because 'oh our son was right there is some random teen girl on this island' Though for a moment there is this thought, they wonder could it be? But no, this can’t be their little girl she’s dead….
We get the slow pan going up to the sky as you hear the scuffle as maddie fights everyone off, the sky turning from day to night and in comes.
The screen pans down to show him and his workers walking through the jungle searching in the dark with some flashlights and finding some furby tracks (or at least finding the prints of the scuffle that Maddie had with TY.) He smiles, then gleefully says “well boys it seems we’re on the right track!” He’s tried hunting Maddie down before. He’s seen her, has even interacted with her in the past but she always slipped from between his fingers. He’s mainly using her to get to the furby’s but he’s also interested in her apparent abilities that the furby’s had given her. It’s the classic, he wants her alive so he can study her in his labs thing. He's getting a huge overhaul in personality if it wasn’t obvious. He acted way too much like a whiny baby in the film. It conflicted a lot with the way they animated his facial expressions. The pure rage on his face was something deep, and visceral. Just watching his face gave the impression that he wanted to kill maddie. So, why not let him try?? Since this version of the movie is pg 13 I thought it'd be fun to let there be a little bit of blood/darkness in here. 
Doctor Conquest (or whatever normal ass human name I come up with him to have so he's not just called by this tv title the whole time) has murdered people before. (It's become a bit of a nasty habit you see.) He goes on these grand adventures, is beloved by the world just like Steve Irwin, except nothing he has achieved has ever been by his own merit. He lets others do the heavy lifting, abusing the person's admiration/respect for him only to dispose of the person to take the glory for himself. While none of this is ever explicitly shown (no murder on screen) there are hints. He has a collection of his past victims trophies within his room... Even the research these people had done are trophies within their own rights.
Maddie knows about him and gets these strange vibes from him but unlike most furby’s her powers aren't on the same level as them. She simply get’s strange vibes, and she doesn’t know why, which makes her curious about him/why his emotions feel the way they do. She’s fully unaware that the times she lets him see her she’s playing with fire and soon everything will burst into flames.
We get another flash cut to TY and the family trying to earn Maddie’s trust- the adults in the situation of course wanting to bring her with them, since no child should be left alone in the jungle. With how intently TY’s parents are trying he gets jealous, feeling ignored by his parents who in the past haven’t given him the attention he has so desired. So to see this *stranger* seemingly getting all the attention that he wanted- yeah it stings. Along the way the doctors team has run into TY’s parent’s adventuring team and have joined forces in a sense. The parents don’t tell the good doctor about Maddie though he has a feeling they know something. 
So why not pay more attention to their poor neglected son? TY has slipped away again, though it’s apparent it was easier then the first just to show how frazzled the adventuring trip is. And, the good Doctor finds him. They talk, they seemingly have a bit of a heart to heart and TY starts to trust him a bit more while he listens. All these feelings he’s had just bubble up to the surface and finally he breaks, sobbing and talking about his pain, his anger, his loneliness. The Doctor comforts him, telling him it’s okay to cry, that this is unfair and why not let him take care of it?
TY tells him where Maddie and the Furby’s are unaware of the turmoil that will soon follow.
On the other side of the jungle, Maddie is having a heart to heart with her furby mom who has told her that she recognizes the parents' voices that these humans are her biological parents. The reason she didn’t realize before is because she only had maddie’s baby memories to work off on and she was so young her vision wasn’t fully clear yet. Maddie is conflicted, and her furby mom tells her to give them a chance, that she can always come back to them if she doesn't like them. 
And so maddie does give them a chance.
We get another scene of maddie being cleaned up (much to her dismay) changed into some extra clothes that they had which are a bit too baggy scenes that normally in movies followed by up beat music and an “amazing” transformation. But to maddie this is nothing but awkward. There is no upbeat music, there is no stylish little walk down the aisle, it shows every awkward and self continuous bit of it. Of Maddie trying to fit in with a family she doesn’t even know, who she’s not sure she even wants to fit in with, or explain that she is their daughter. She lets all of these things happen and in the eyes of the adults they are doing good work, helping her, and to them this is one of those beautiful transformation scenes where the mother even coo’s about how pretty maddie looks.
There is a longing in both parents' eyes that makes her uncomfortable. It doesn’t help when comments are made- maybe maddie looks like her dad when he was younger or maybe she looks like her grandparents. The dots are being slowly connected, not because they have proof but because a part of them now that they see her want her to be their little girl.
Then there is smoke. To get the furby’s out of hiding Doctor Conquest set up a fire to smoke them out. Unaware this is a controlled fire Maddie believes that the humans are burning down her home. She rushes into the doctor's trap being caught just like many of the furby’s who were forced to come out of hiding or to choke on the smoke. But, there is one that manages to make an escape… The furby who had befriended TY, and due to their growing bond he finally lets TY feel his emotions and shares the memory of what happened. Riddled with guilt TY doesn't know what to do besides feel sorry for himself.
Back to Doctor Conquest he does his fair share of monologing showing his sick excitement about having caught not just the furby’s but maddie herself. Very gross, very icky as he talks about her being one of a kind and rare. She is an object to possess to him and not a human being. Then we get some TY and his furby friends trickery going on that helps distract the doctor long enough for maddie to wriggle her way out of the trap or maybe TY throws a key who knows we are reaching the last stretch of my insane ramblings and you dear reader are probably thankful for it. 
Maddie gets out and uses her funky furby powers to thrust all of her emotions onto Doctor conquest and since this man is not USE to feeling these intense emotions that he has no control over he do be crumbling. (I imagine he despises feeling fear so to be forced to feel it is his worst nightmare) he’s stunned giving the two enough time to escape and free the other furbs. The reason why they didn’t brain blast him is just- because sharing emotions like that has the furby social connotations of baring one's soul as they feel everything. It just wouldn’t have occurred to them to use their powers in an offensive way given it’s a way to communicate between them all not for fighting.
So bad news Doctor conquest knows how scared maddie is of him now and can use that fear an manipulate it to his advantage in the future yippeee
The ending is up in the air after this. It depends if we want to follow what the og did and leave it open ended for either a sequel or a “t.v” show or if we want to make this movie self-contained. I see a few endings as a possibility. 
TY’s parents try to force Maddie to come with them when they are packing up to leave echoing many a sentence we’ve all heard parents say, “We know what’s best for you” but do they really? They play in their self interest, it comes from a place of longing of what they lost and not malicious outwardly it completely ignores Maddie’s own autonomy. Of course we have a moment of her screaming that she is NOT their daughter and that she already has a mom. She brain blasts them like with doctor conquest but this hurts the couple far more then doctor conquest because they get to feel every little complicated emotion and maybe they have a bit of a breakdown while maddie escapes into the woods back into the loving embrace of her lil furb family.
Second ending they ask her to come with them nicely because they learned something along the way and also how they deeply need therapy (god please they need therapy so bad) she says no but she does share with them that she wouldn’t mind if they visited as long as they don’t disturb the jungle. She still doesn’t tell them that she is their bio daughter but there is this silent understanding. She might be their daughter by blood but they are still strangers to her. And so they promise to visit her another time so that they can finally get to know her as herself instead of the projection of maddie they placed on her. All the furbs give a goodbye song and dance we love them for it end of the movie musical number babeyyy
Now i hear you asking “but what happened to the doctor?” Well I still want to see this man fall down a large hole and be left there. I think it’s funny- not sure how that would come up. Also iconic, think of this man falling down this hole only to climb right back out with no consequences. Sure he will possibly be detained by police on the ground of setting fires but man i doubt he’d be in jail for long due to how rich he is. He’d come up with some excuse about how it was needed, and he was just trying to save the jungle by setting “controlled” fires before it was too late smdh He will get fined and be banned from going back to the jungle on that island for a while. Plus having to deal with the PR disaster that comes after this. More people are starting to look at him with a critical eye after these actions so he has to watch his step for a while….
Not that this simple stumble will hold him back for long (:
AAAAND THAT’S A WRAP FOLKS!!!!!! Hope you enjoyed my rambling of a better furby movie thanks for reading give this post a like if you reblog and subscr- naw im not doing this bit. Anyway thanks really for reading all of this. I hope you enjoyed it!
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skellagirl · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼(No pressure if you don't want to though!)Hope you have a good day! ✨
oh, I DO love talking about myself, though this is gonna be kinda weird bc I haven't made a lot of art that I actually like lately lol, and I'm not committed enough to go back super far in my timeline
in no particular order:
1) The extremely self-indulgent Jack/Maddie/Vlad comic I did last year, which was my second most popular post. I had sooo much fun doing it and made myself laugh a lot, idk, it was just such a joy to make and I'm glad other people like it too (I've LOVED reading through the tags on it)
this is my favorite 'panel', I think lol
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2) The big memey sketchdump from last year that was my FIRST most popular post lol, OF WHICH this is my favorite doodle.
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3) This one I haven't actually posted anywhere yet bc it's still VERY early and I'm not sure I'll ever finish, but I've been fucking around with making a comic out of one of my favorite Stardew oneshots, Practical Demonstration (which is VERY ummm......... citrusy, as one might have said in 2006) and I've actually been kinda sorta enjoying that, despite Art Block From Hell and the fact that I'm Not Good at backgrounds lol
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4) idk, I've had a lot of fun doing all my Potion Permit shit! The fandom is small but very funny and friendly, and idk it's just been another thing that's been fun to indulge in while Art Block From Hell continues
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5) and speaking of Potion Permit, I've been writing a chemist/matheo enemies-to-lovers longfic called flew like a moth to you (sunlight) that is SO self-indulgent, but I've actually really been liking how it's turning out! It's kinda silly to say, maybe? but I've been proud of my writing with this fic. I think I have an Okay ability to string words into nice-ish-sounding sentences 🥴👌
and since I posted pics for my art, here's one of my favorite bits of the fic's first chapter (also the 'summary' lol)
"Forty years. Raised in the thick of six generations’ worth of collective knowledge, lived tradition, so intimately familiar with medicine and healing that it’s like an additional sense, something woven into the very fibers of him, his entire life’s work -- all of it cast aside in favor of an upstart, fresh-faced chemist whose sole legacy of any significance to Moonbury is one of reckless endangerment and massive ecological collapse. He stares at Myer’s hands, clasped around his wife’s, his child’s. Doesn’t understand what sort of desperation would drive a man to this. Feels a sick twist in his gut at the inconceivability of ever doing the same."
I don't really send these to anyone but like. do it if you want? toot your own horn!!! or spread it to others ig, that works too 👍
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frostbite-the-bat · 7 months
Your roblox pngs are so gosh darn cool!! Never seen em done like that before, the poses are so fluid and the lightings just right. What's your process like?
gaah!! thank you so much! it's actually a little less conventional than you'd think - but it works for me! idk how others do it anyway, i figured this out on my own. THIS guide will be a bit messier because it's late and i was talking to others during this but... hopefully it'll help!
i actually use the pose editor in a roblox game (or EXPERIENCE i ur roblox itself) named 'catalog avatar creator'. it exists to create and preview outfits - but you can also take cool pics in there an customize your poses (and even your items!)
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you can even change background to various greenscreens, so that helps! i use this regularly to plan oufits before i may want to buy them! for example i haven't even bought the things for the tv head avatar i showed.
bu anyways, lemme show you how i do my pngs or 'renders'!!
first you either make an outfit in there... or just use your regular avatar! my current avatar is my silly space kitty i concepted in this game, so i'll use that to demonstrate.
FIRST you wanna click here on the sparkle button i masterfully highlighted in mspaint
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2) and right away you see the pose editor!! click it!!
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okay, at first glance THIS MAY BE SCARY!! but if you're even LIGHTLY familiar with even the most basic of like... 3d stuff WHICH I KNOW NOT EVERYONE IS - you will do swell. a lot of roblox editing things use this sorta system so you might've practiced there before? (i sure have in tprr's animatronic oc editor!)
3) what you wanna do is just select a body part you want to move. it will then highlight on your avatar and you can use the balls to turn em in it's respective axis. some angles will not work as well so move your camera while you do this
(but have a good camera point set in mind! you may wanna do camera trick stuff in your pose depending on what angle you're at. for example i disattach the tail from the body and make it slightly visible on the side. you aren't able to tell! makes it look nicer.)
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to MOVE stuff and not just ROTATE it click the little arrows thing! you will move and not rotate that way. just play around with it :] don't be worried to de-attach things - roblox isn't exactly realistic so don't worry to mess around w that!
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4) just pose it! go wacky! here's a few things to keep in mind
certain body parts are connected! and ofc, their respective items - i will cover this later.
for example, the pelvis, if moved, moves the torso as well. if you wanna make a floaty pose, move up the pelvis and rotate it first and then the chest (and other parts of the body)
references for poses may not hurt, but being an artist who likes drawing silly poses i'd say i have a DECENT enough grasp of good poses - so that definitely helps with the Flow of my poses you (anon) mentioned! practice makes perfect!
ALSO, you can save poses!
anyways, here's a pose i came up with!
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but that's not all! i wanna move the items!
5) well, just click "apply" and re-enter the effects menu!!
then you click whatever you wanna edit and... boom! fancy new window! now you can play around with your item here - i won't explain that, just have fun!
but to move your item around just click "transform item" - it'll bring up the same options you had before while moving body parts!
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aand... here's the result!
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so, the pose is done... but we wanna prepare it for editing and actually take a picture! well, first, we can't use this background. so...
6) click the gear and then select 'environment' and select a good green, blue or pink screen! i have to settle with what's best since my fella is rainbow. (whatever doesn't clash with the edges of the character is best!!)
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here you can also set the lightning! if you go back and pick 'camera & lightning'
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anyways... here's my final product after fiddling with the lightning!
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7) take a pic! you can either angle your camera as is which is a bit limited... or... free-cam! which is a bit better but dear GOD is it annoying to control. (tho holding shift makes it less sensitive)
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so... here's the final stage we'll do in-game! one last thing i did to make it look better is for a second turn my graphics to max and THEN take a roblox screenshot. (then turn it back down to not deepfry my computer)
honestly, i could've turned the avatar to face the camera with their body a little more when tuning my camera, but i'm not gonna fix that now i don't have much time now LOL let's speed thru this.
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8) the TEDIOUS PART. yeeting this into an editing program.
your editing program WILL require anti-aliasing OFF options, a bucket tool and if you really wanna fix issues - a selection tool and just.. layers. and brushes. i use SAI 2 so it's specific to SAI 2.
if you did your camera settings right, you will have a pretty crisp outline everywhere, unless you're me and fucked up here. but this can be fixed. we don't want this fuzz that much
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well, i use sai which has a nice bucket tool! i set it to paint with invisible/eraser bucket and adjust the rance of similar color. may take a few tries to get right pick 'similar colored area' or ' all similar colored pixels'.
personally, i pick all similar pixels.
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before i do anything tho, i use the selection tool and pick up everything that's the same color as the background in it - being pink.
you can also use the selection pen!
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some get tricky and pixel precise... remember if you use sai that the pen is fuzzy - but selection tool is more precise (not the lasso - that's fuzzier too)
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here's the goober with all the Protected parts selected. then just invert the selection... (pointing at how u do that quickly)
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9) ok NOW you get that bucket tool and just tap at the pink and watch it BE GONE... ofc, make sure you set it to transparent/eraser bucket tool
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BOOM. gone. b-but... ENHANCE...!
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NOT PERFECT!! CLICK THOSE OFF TOO! remove manually with pixel tool or whatevz if you must
10) look around the edges of the image and look for any fuzz like this... remove it! and if there's any jaggedies...? you can edit those in yourself, usually it's small enough to clear up yourself. (you can also just - save with a diff name, reopen original, copy the section you erased/has jaggedies and paste it into this edited version)
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depending on what bg / greenscreen color options you chose (and yoour avatar's colors) and how careful you were... this may take a time to edit! it depends!
also, see texture mess up? depending on the texture and ur skill/patience... goot bye! i usually keep cover ups to simple things like this myself and i can edit things pretty well, too. u can embrace some roblox silliness and imperfections!
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10) color adjustments i do to brighten it up...! once i crop the screenshot around the avatar to be a good size i copy it and paste it into the image again
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and i set the layer effect of the top pasted image to SCREEN and fiddle with the settings...! (ofc, you can also use other settings - or even the regular color layer settings - but this one's more straight forward to me!)
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then i may double check for stuff but... we're done! here's your finished "render" !!!
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i don't have time to proof-read this currently, so i hope everything makes sense and there aren't any weird typos or left-overs from previous editing.
hope this was helpful! and not TOO long.
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