#(but yeah anyways mags is having a time...)
trees-to-meet-you · 4 months
God. What if Pandora didn’t want to open the box. What if she was manipulated, her hands tied to and guided by strings she couldn’t shake off. What if when she released the horrors out into the world, Hope chose to stay with her, in the box. What if Pandora couldn’t rid herself of that guilt. What if Hope couldn’t convince her that not all was lost, and that she wasn’t responsible for the strings around her hands. That she wasn’t a monster.
What if Pandora and Hope found a way to trap everything in the box again. What if Pandora couldn’t do it. What if she didn’t want anyone else to feel the guilt she did. What if she thought that trapping the horrors in the box would just doom everyone into the same cycle. What if she felt she had to break it by bearing the suffering of everyone else. What if Hope tried to convince her that it could be better. What if she wouldn’t save herself. What if Hope had to kill Pandora for a chance to save everyone, including her. What if they both were sealed in the box. What if no one ever knew what happened to them. What if their last words to the world and to each other were “I love you.”
What if the world ending was never Pandora’s fault, but in her guilt and grief she blamed herself for it, and the Hope that voluntarily stayed by her side had to take her life to save it.
What if?
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cabincryptid51 · 2 years
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Hello I have been consumed by the Magnus Archives for about a month and was required to draw a Michael watching the Archivist fall for eternity (gif version under the cut)
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i love a good acronym how abt atsbs <3
hi mags<3 hello hello!!
atsbs is my about time wolfstar au!! its been a while since i posted anything so i took it down momentarily to finish it and post it at once when is done. but i can give you a snippet of the chapter in currently working atm:
Remus doesn’t stop for a second to think about what he's going to do. Regardless he stands up and hears himself saying something he doesn't get what he said but since no one is following him it might’ve been convincing. He walks and walks until he finds a broom closet and slips in.  He turns off the lights, takes the time turner out and turns it three times. He thinks and thinks about the very first time Pandora met him. The little tingle of his fingertips appears suddenly and in the next heartbeat, the atmosphere changes when the sound of David Bowie’s voice welcomes him to relive, for the third time, 2011’s New Year's Party.
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the-rat-house · 1 year
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His muse is having a rough time after that epilogue.
Music I got on repeat while doodling cause it really adds to the vibe.
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thelostboys87 · 9 months
point of postgrad unemployment where you're like i should really dive into content creation actually
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yuuminni · 10 months
ok im done with the femblem engage game i think. (lying).
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choke-me-joey · 2 years
Matching Tattoos
Eddie Munson x reader
Content warning: 18+ content minors DNI, DO NOT GIVE ANYONE OR YOURSELF TATTOOS AT HOME FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GO TO A PROFESSIONAL THIS IS FICTION AND A VERY UNHYGIENIC SITUATION FOR NEW TATTOOS, blowjobs, gagging, swallowing, friends to lovers, Eddie is so fucking sweet, porn with some plot followed by fluff.
Part 2
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"Isn't she pretty?" Eddie grins, producing the homemade tattoo gun from under his bed. Pretty was a very strong word. More like a clump of sketchy looking metal held together with even sketchier looking screws and rubber bands.
You scoff. "If you think she's pretty I'm seriously starting to question your taste, Munson. Going from Chrissy Cunningham to this? That's quite a decline."
Eddie rolls his eyes.
"You're never going to drop that are you? Chrissy was a 5 minute crush, besides, she's been dating that douchebag Jason Carver for ages now." Eddie waves his hand to signify his distate. "Anyway, nowadays my taste is more...refined, thank you very much. Hence why I am going through the world's longest dry spell at the moment. Now shut up, and get on the bed. We're doing this." He buzzes the tattoo gun for extra effect.
"Yessir." Giving him a cheeky salute, you lie down on Eddie's bed as he messes around with the ink, and something crinkles beneath you. Your brow furrows as you dig underneath you, and you pull out a dog eared magazine. You flick through the pages, your cheeks flushing. "Jesus, Eddie, resorting to porno mags? You really are suffering." You throw the crusty magazine at him, laughing. Eddie quickly kicks it under his bed.
"What? I got needs, Y/N, and its not exactly like there's a line of babes wanting to fuck the town freak."
"Not even with the whole struggling rockstar vibe you've got going on?" You cock your eyebrow, shooting him a smirk.
"Right? I should be drowning in pussy," he grins, and you roll your eyes. "Still want it on your hip, right?"
"As long as it can be covered by a bathing suit so my parents don't murder me, have at it."
Eddie gulps as you unbutton your jeans, shimmying your hips out of them and exposing your simple black panties to him. You then roll your shirt up your stomach and tie it in a knot to prevent it from getting in his way.
It wasn't like he hadn't seen you like this before, he'd seen you in a bathing suit hundreds of times but this....this was different. This was you, half naked, on his bed. You that Eddie had been harbouring a crush on for a good year or so now, hence the dry spell. He didn't want anyone else, he wanted you, his best friend, his partner in crime, his girl. Nobody in this deadbeat town even came close, not anymore.
He was ashamed to even admit that the magazine you'd fished out from his bed was merely a distraction tool. So many nights he'd fucked his fist thinking of you, the way your body glistened in the sun that time when you sunbathed out the back of his trailer in that black bikini, the way your breasts threatened to spill out of the cups and your ass peeked out from the bottoms that left very little to the imagination.
He had to get you out of his head. It was sick, it was wrong, you were his best friend. His beautiful, funny, smart, sexy as hell best friend. If he had to beat off to some random chick in a disgustingly cheap porno magazine just to stop him thinking about you, so be it.
But honestly, when you'd asked him to give you a tattoo on your hip, the magazines just weren't doing it anymore.
Eddie cleared his throat. "You sure about this Y/N?"
"Eddie, shut up and ink me already," you smile, playfully nudging him with your foot. "You drew it up, yeah?"
"One bat comin' at ya," Eddie grins, showing you the little stencil he'd drawn. It was an exact copy of the largest bat out of the swarm on his arm. "You know we can never not be friends after this right? Matching tattoos is a pretty big commitment."
"Until death do us part." You teased.
"I fuckin' do," Eddie kissed your hand, making you snort. Your friendship had always been like this, flirty to the point where people were always wondering if you were together or not. But that's all it ever was, all bark and no bite per say. "Can you move your, uh, your-"
"Panties, Eddie? For someone who used the phrase 'drowning in pussy' earlier I refuse to believe 'panties' gets you all flustered." You tease, pushing down your panties and exposing your skin to him.
Eddie can feel his palms sweating as your panties slip dangerously low, almost exposing that dip between your legs. His mouth is as dry as the fucking desert when he catches a glimpse of your smooth, soft skin. God, he wants to put his mouth there. He wants to put his mouth all over you actually. He coughs once more.
"Right, let's do this, pretty girl." He carefully cleans the area you want tattooed with some antiseptic liquid before laying the stencil down, carefully pulling it away to reveal the outline on your skin. "Looks metal, babe, you ready?"
You nod, clutching his comforter in one hand as he brings the needle to your skin and the buzzing starts. You bite your lip as you feel the needle meet your flesh, a searing burning pain but not too unbearable.
As he drags the needle across your soft skin, Eddie is sweating. He's so close to a part of you he desperately wants to explore, to kiss and lick and make you scream his name until you're sobbing in ecstasy. But he can't. Why would someone like you ever be interested in the town freak? The nerdy metalhead that spends his free time planning extensive D&D campaigns, or playing in shitty dive bars to a crowd of not even 10 people didn't compare to the jocks who went to endless parties, or did something better than spending their spring break in their trailer getting high and watching horror movies.
"Whatcha thinking about, handsome?" Your sweet, sweet voice breaks him out of his thoughts and he looks up at you. God, you look like a fucking angel right now, all draped across his bed with your hair over his pillow. He knows he'll be able to smell the shampoo you use on that later.
Eddie, always one to almost never lose his cool, shoots you a cheeky grin.
"Thinkin' about how I could tattoo my name on you, pretty Make sure everyone knows who's girl you are."
"Everyone already knows, I've only got eyes for you, dungeon master."
Fuck, he wishes you wouldn't call him that. Not like this anyway. Not with this amount clothes on. Or not on.
"Less of the dirty talk, you. I'm trying to concentrate here." He growls, wiping the residual ink off your skin, refilling and continuing his work. You try to ignore the throbbing in your panties and how good his hands feel on your bare skin.
35 minutes later, it's Eddie's turn. After cleaning and covering your new artwork, you get yourself dressed (much to Eddie's disappointment) and turn to him with a wicked grin.
"Pants off, Munson."
"Yes, ma'am." Copying your salute from earlier, he unbuckles his handcuff belt and undoes his jeans, shimmying out of them and tossing them somewhere in his room. He also pulls off his Hellfire shirt. You raise an eyebrow. "What? Can't risk anything happening to it, I gotta wait another week before I can get more!"
"Alright, nerd, lie down." You smile, rummaging around in your bag for the little design you'd drawn up for him. You pass the small design of the devil from the Hellfire logo to him and he grins.
"That's metal."
"So metal that nobody is gonna see it unless they're going down on you."
"Yeah, but we'll know it's there. It'll be like our dirty little secret, Y/N."
"Hot," you laugh as Eddie lies down, putting his arms behind his head. He tilts his head down towards his hips.
"Get to work, missy."
You'd been practising on that gross fake skin stuff in preparation for this, but nothing could have prepared you for touching Eddie...here. His skin was so soft and warm, and he smelled so good. A mix of his old cologne he'd gotten from you last Christmas, smoke and a hint of sweat. It was so Eddie, it made your heart flutter and somewhere else flutter too.
You think Eddie takes the needle like a champ, but when you look up at him about 20 minutes later, his eyes are screwed shut.
"Hurt that much?" You grin and he shakes his head, eyes still closed.
"Nah, babe, honestly, I'm...fine." He hesitates. You stop for a second, tilting your head to the side in question. You go to wipe off some of the excess ink and your arm brushes over his boxers accidentally.
"Eddie, are you-"
"Shut up, shut up, shut up, don't talk about it." Eddie chokes out, his cheeks flushing. His loose plaid boxers had done a good job of hiding his semi, but when you'd brushed against it, it was game over.
Eddie was hard.
"I-is this like a normal reaction to getting tattooed, or...?" You stutter, your mouth feeling dryer than fucking Gandhi's flip flop.
Eddie sighs, throwing an arm over his face.
"No, it's a normal reaction to a very, very pretty girl hovering near my dick, babe." He says in a small voice. Your cheeks flush as you place the tattoo gun down on his bedside table.
"O-oh. Well, do you want me t-to stop? Or I could help with...I could help you with that?"
Eddie groans behind his arm.
"Babe, don't tease me like that, that's just cruel. 'Sides, wouldn't you feel...weird jerking me off?"
Your mind had not gone to jerking him off. In fact, it had gone a step further.
"Oh, I-I wasn't...I was gonna, um-"
"Blow me?!" Eddie throws his arm off of his face and stares at you, and you pretend you don't notice his cock jumping in his boxers. "You, my super hot best friend Y/N, are seriously offering to suck my dick right now?!"
"I-I’m sorry-"
"Sorry?! What the fuck are you sorry for?! Making all my wet dreams come true?!"
You giggle. "Eddie, shut up."
"No, I'm serious, Y/N, you've been in here-" he sits up and taps the side of his head "-doing some nasty shit for so fucking long. Why do you think I'm jacking off to shitty porno mags instead of chasing pussy?"
You're silent, a slow smile spreading across your face as your hand creeps over his crotch, gently palming at his cock which jumps in your hand.
"Well, lucky for you, dungeon master, you've also been the star of my wet dreams."
Eddie falls back onto his pillows with a groan. "Fuck, I can't believe this is actually fucking happening."
"Tell me what you want to do to me, Eds." Your voice is low and sultry as you give him a squeeze. He looks at you, tongue darting out to wet his chapped lips. You tug at his boxers, giving him a questioning look. He grabs your wrist.
"Are you sure about this, Y/N? Cos if it's a choice between getting off, or keeping you as my best friend, I'd rather keep you babe. Blue balls and all."
You smile softly; Eddie was too sweet for his own good. It was one of the things you loved most about him.
"What about if you get to get off and still keep me?" You say, pushing his hand away and slowly pulling his boxers down. His cock springs out, slapping against his lower stomach. He was long and thick, uncut with an upwards curve that the very sighmade your pussy clench. You huff out an exasperated laugh. "Holy shit, Eds."
"Good 'holy shit', or bad 'holy shit'?" Eddie's cheeks are flushed as he smirks.
"You know the answer to that." You wrap your hand around his cock, making him hiss as you stroke the silky skin. You pull the foreskin down to expose his angry looking, reddish purple mushroom head, and a drop of precum blurts out. You continue to stroke him, eyes fixed on his face.
"Fuck, stop looking at me like that," Eddie groans, his cock twitching in your hand. "'S too much."
"Like what?" You smirk, straddling his thighs. He can't answer you, any sort of answer immediately wiped from his brain as you lower your mouth to the head of his cock and lick, tasting him for the first time. His hips buck, forcing more of his cock into your mouth, making you gag out of surprise.
"Shit, sorry, sorry," Eddie gasps. "Fuck, your mouth feels so fucking good, don't be surprised if I come like, super quick, okay? Been thinking about this for so fucking long you have no idea. And you look....God, you looking so fucking beautiful right now."
You shoot him a soft smile, pressing a kiss to his cock before taking him into your mouth properly, swallowing as much of him down as you can.
Eddie's hand comes to your hair, gently stroking it as you bob your head up and down. The flavour of him blooms over your tongue and makes you hum in appreciation.
"Fuck, babe, your mouth...shit, it's so fucking good, taking my cock so well..."
You pull up and suckle the head, flicking your tongue over the slit. "Holy shit, you're gonna kill me, sweetheart."
You smirk, pulling back and pursing your lips, allowing a glob of spit to fall from your mouth onto the head, dribbling down the shaft. Eddie falls back onto the pillows. "That's it, you've killed me, you're blowing a dead man, baby."
"A dead man who's gonna come in my mouth, right?" You mumble, jerking him quickly, your spit allowing your hand to slide over his shaft with ease. Eddie keens, his teeth gritted.
"You can't say shit like that, angel, I'm about ready to blow as it is."
"Do it, I want it." You reply, taking his cock into the warmth of your mouth once more. You allow him to fuck your face, both hands now resting on the back of your head as you swallowed around him.
"Shit, fuck, oh my fucking god, baby, Y/N, I'm gonna come, fuck I'm gonna come so fucking hard in that pretty mouth of yours, yeah? God, you're such a good girl, so good f'me, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuck!"
Eddie comes with a broken moan, his hips thrusting upwards and his hands holding you in place as his cock pumps rope after rope of cum down your throat. You moan, relishing the taste of him, which makes Eddie shudder at the overstimulation. You swallow everything he gives you. "Fuck, sweetheart, can you show me?"
You begrudgingly take your mouth off of his cock and open your mouth, tilting your head back slightly and sticking your tongue out to show him that you had indeed swallowed his cum. "Holy shit. I'm gonna get hard again." He groans, his chest heaving and his cock twitching slightly. You giggle and place a kiss to it, and Eddie grabs you, pulling you on top of him, careful to avoid the new ink. "I can kiss you, right?"
"I think we're past that, Eddie" You smile and squeak in surprise as he pulls your face to his, capturing your lips in a hasty kiss. It's a chaste kiss, experimental and you break away briefly. His eyes lock with yours, as if he was trying to search them to see if this was okay. "It's okay, Eds" you whisper, nodding gently. His eyes dart to your mouth and back up to your eyes.
"Do I get to keep you?" He whispers, his fingers softly stroking your cheek. You brush your nose against his.
"You get to keep me."
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spookysteddie · 6 months
Text Me The Details
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Modern!Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Influencer!fem!reader
cw: gossip magazines, reader being horny on a live stream, cocky!Eddie, drinking, drugs mention
a/n: I kinda want this to be a series? So expect a part two at some point. But yeah this isn't an original idea so, credit to literally everyone who's done this before me. I gave reader a last name because if I have to write y/l/n one more time I'll sob. ANYWAY I hope you all enjoy and let me know if you like this!
WC: 1.2k
You are never drinking again. Ever.
Your management would agree after what happened last night. You didn’t mean to spill the secret you’d been keeping. It wasn’t even that big of a deal, however, you had an image to keep up. The party girl, the kind one, the one with lots of friends, the girl who had good grades in college, the one who always donated most of her fortune to various organizations. 
Now, every tabloid was writing articles about your celebrity crush. 
Party girl and influencer drunkenly admits she’d love to sleep with lead singer of Corroded Coffin Eddie Munson. Sources have said they’ve been together for a while but decided to keep it under wraps. 
The dating portion of that article wasn’t true and you silently vow to figure out who the fuck these ‘sources’ were. However, you admitting to wanting to fuck Eddie… did happen. You have no one to blame but yourself. 
Now, there are three reasons why you’re so stressed about this. First, even though you party all the time, you were good. You know, like only went out on the weekends, did every single assignment, tutored people on the side, was probably the most unproblematic influencer out there. Second, the last thing you wanted was Eddie Munsons attention. You had this thing where you didn’t want the people you were fans of to perceive you. 
Theoretically you knew they did, most of them followed you on social media. But there was a difference between being a fan of someone, and them semi-knowing you vs your actual crush who you own a poster or two of? That makes you want to throw up and pass out at the same time. 
But, finally, the third reason this stressed you out was because Eddie and his crew were not good. You know like, partied every single day, smoked a lot of weed and snorted coke off of his groupies and fans. It was all over the tabloids and the band has even posted about it a time or two. You didn’t do that. And if the tabloids caught you doing that, you’d lose everything you worked towards.
“So this is how we’re going to fix it,” Case, your manager, says from where she’s standing next to the fireplace in your apartment. “You’re gonna go back on live and say it was an accident.” 
You look up from the article you were reading, eyes finding his. “That is the worst idea ever. I was tipsy not black out drunk. No one will ever believe that was an accident.” You huff, locking your phone, “and I have tickets to their show next week.” 
You loved your team, but sometimes they made the most insane comments on how to fix the unfixable. 
You stand, pacing the room, “he isn’t one to read gossip magazines. And-and I’m not on the same level as his band. They’re A listers and I’m C list at best.” 
Your manager and publicist look like fish after what you said. Anna, your publicist speaks first, “I swear to god if you ever say that again I am uppin your therapy appointments. You hear me?” 
You huff, sitting back down on the couch, “I’m not kidding though. I’m not giving up this ticket. It’s one of the few things I’m looking forward to.” 
Case answers after rubbing her temples, “you better pray this blows over without him seeing it. You may party but his partying is a whole other level.” 
The call came two days later, an unknown number popping up on your phone. 
You knew, you knew before you even accepted the call who’d be on the other end of the line. 
It felt like it started in slow motion, first came the gossip mags with the original story. Then came Eddie following you on instagram. He’d like a few photos and stories you put up. Then came his interview. The interview where he said, “of course I know who she is. I’m flattered really. I hear she’s a sweet girl.” 
Now, your phone is buzzing in your hand and you can’t bring yourself to answer the phone. 
“Yes just a fucking person. Just like you’re a person. Answer the phone.” You look down at the phone and are thankful it’s just you in your house. You tap the answer button, a fake smile on your face, as you put the phone to your ear. 
“Hello?” you use your best interview voice, the one Anna has drilled into you. 
You can hear him breathe in before letting it out, long and slow, it’s clear he took a drag of his cigarette. Is he nervous too? There’s no way. Eddie always seemed to be this cool and calm guy, never afraid of anything or anyone. He gets into more fights in a week than you have in your entire 25 years of existence. 
“Good afternoon, Miss Asher.” You can hear the grin in his voice and it sends a shiver down your spine, your heart pounding in your chest. “It’s Eddie.” 
He didn’t have to introduce himself to you, you’d be able to pick out his voice in a crowded room. But only because you’ve listened to his music so often… only reason. 
“Oh! Hi! I’m s-surprised to hear from you.” You cringe at the stutter that came out of you. You had more than enough practice dealing with any situation thrown at you. From the funny to the uncomfortable to the scary. You were trained for this and you were fucking it up. “How can I help you?” 
“The band and I will be in town next friday, we’re playing a show.” You know where this is going and it makes your heart beat faster, so fast you’re scared it’ll burst. “I was wonderin’ if you were goin’?”
Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.
“I am, actually. Me and a few of my friends actually.” You rub your hands down your sweatpants, nerves making them sweat. 
“Oh! Well that is fantastic,” his tone is chipper as hell and you know he’s high. On what, you have no idea. “I was thinkin’ that maybe ya friends and you’d wanna join us backstage. VIP area for the show? What cha think?” 
All of sudden you forget how the english language works, your tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth. This is what you’ve been wanting for so long. Well, in your dreams of course. But looking at it from a business perspective, it could bring his fans to your page and your fans to his page. It was kind of a win win. Well, win win lose because then Corroded coffin knows who the actual fuck you are and you arent just some fan. And that, terrified you,  
“Heeeeeeello? Are you there?” 
His voice breaks through your clogged mind, forcing you to respond. 
“Hi, sorry. I’m here! I um I got distracted. But, yeah that sounds great, actually. We-we’d love that.” 
“Good! I will have my people call your people, yeah?” 
“O-or you can just send me the information,” you say it before thinking and now you really want to punch yourself. 
He chuckles to himself, “okay, sweetheart, I’ll text you the information. See you next friday.” 
He hangs up before you can say another fucking stupid thing. You press the phone into your hands, foot bouncing on the floor with nerves. You can think of seven different ways that conversation could’ve (and should’ve) happened. One of which was with your entire team, another being with your friends, another being with your parents. Not alone to make a fool out of yourself. Your management team was really going to kill you.
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hvaneyflowers · 7 months
Family *******
Fernando Alonso x femreader! family!
Instagram au | Part 2
Fernando and y/n have been married for 10 years, and for the last 9 years, y/n has been fighting against cancer. Because of this, they can't have children on their own, so they decided to adopt.
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, astonmartinf1, and 400.634 more.
yourusername: First time flying for Matías! ✈️
view all 400 comments.
username55: So, it means we're seeing Matias in the paddock this weekend?
username33: I hope so! I'm dying to meet him!
charles_leclerc: YES! Little Alonso is coming! I'll have his gift prepared!
astonmartinf1: Can't wait to meet our new crew member!
carmenmmundt: yeah!!!!
username65: Do you think Nico's daughter will be there? I heard he is a little bit jealous hahaha
username910: What about K-Mag's daughter? Or Kelly's daughter? Hahaha username1938: a grid of little babies! I love it!
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, f1, charles_leclerc, and 500.000 more.
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial, f1, astonmartinf1, charles_leclerc, lewishamilton
yourusername: First race ever! Matias enjoyed every second of it and was very surprised to find out his new dad was a superstar! Thank you astonmartinf1 and f1 for making this a very special moment for my baby. Also, thank you lewishamilton and charles_leclerc for the gifts! Matias loved them, but he named them lewusoso and charlitosrojo (lewusbear and charlitosred) ❤️🛣️
view all 500 comments.
fernandoalo_oficial: the best fan! Mi pequeño! (my little boy)
yourusername: Fan number 1! I'm number 2 now hahaha fernandoalo_oficial: In my heart, there's enough space for both of you being number 1❤️ yourusername: ❤️
username124: OMG! Look at that cute pie!! He's too cute!
username57: I don't know which is cuter., little Nandito or Lewis and Charles' teddy bears?
username78: Don't forget the names he chose for them!
lewishamilton: what a little boy you have! He's amazing! Very happy for you! Roscoe loved him and me too, he's incredible. Bring him back anytime! pss. I love my new name, I think I'm going to change my real name for that one 😉
astonmartinf1: Loved having little Matias aka future World Champion in our garage! Looking for seeing him around more!
f1: Future world champion in the making! Come back anytime!
danielricciardo: He's too cute! I hope he loved my giraffe!
yourusername: Believe me, he adored it! It's name is Dani. danielricciardo: cool!
username23: I want to know what the whole grid gifted him!! @.yourusername make a post with all the presents!
username98: Yes! I'm dying to know!!!
landonorris: my gift was the best! 😚
carlossainz55: shut up!
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liked by landonorris, jensonbutton, kimimatiasraikkone, and 600.00 more.
yourusername: Because you asked for it! Here are the gifts my baby received from the whole grid, and some more! Thank you for all!! pss. Landonorris Matias crashed the car the first time he used it, sorry.
view all 600 comments.
landonorris: NOOOOO!
carlossainz55: I told ya! hahaha, he's too young to know how to drive! charles_lecler: and that's why a teddy bear was a good idea! alex_albon: and cars, too.
estebanocon: glad he loved the horse!
username44: OMG! Little Matias received so many things! He's so lucky!
username89: imagine going from being a little kid with nothing in the world to having Fernando Alonso and y/n y/ln as parents and the entire F1 grid as uncles? So happy for this little one! username788: he deserves the world!!
kimimatiasraikkonen: So happy for you guys! And glad little Matias loved my gift. Bring him to meet Mintu and the kids anytime!
yourusername: He adored it, but Fernando... he's another story. Anyway, we're hoping for him to meet your kids and Mintu! fernandoalo_oficial: I hate you Kimi. You, and Kevin. Why did you gift him musical toys? He never stops playing them! NEVER. kevinmagnussen: welcome to fatherhood, Fernando. Believe me, you'll get used to it. kimimatiasraikkonen: I second that. maxverstappen1: me too.
username990: I'm jealous of a 4-year-old boy! I can't believe it!
username787: I know! Me too!
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liked by yourusername, astonmartinf1, and 1M more.
tagged: yourusername
fernandoalo_oficial: first date night since becoming mom and dad! Missing our little boy made us end the night very early. Love you nena!
view all 1000 comments.
yourusername: Te amo mi amor!
fernandoalo_oficial: yo te amo más!
yukitsunoda0511: I need a girlfriend, ASAP!
danielricciardo: don't worry little man, I'll help you! yukitsunoda0511: no way! yourusername: don't worry Yuki. I'm sure you'll find the correct one, just be patient. When you find her, you'll know! yukitsunoda0511: ❤️
username88: couple goals!!!
username919: @.yourusername always so sexy!!!
username7188: Fernando has good taste!
username819: power couple!!
username189: Both of them are so good-looking! I hope they'll never break up!
username919: If that happens, I'd never believe in love again!
carlossainz55: a beautiful young woman... and Fernando.
yourusername: Oh, come on! I'm 32! landonorris: you look like a 20-year-old schoolgirl next to Nando! yourusername: come on, gusy! He isn't so old! He's just... 50? fernandoalo_oficial: I'M NOT 50! NEITHER OLD! landonorris: yes, you are. carlossainz55: Yes, you are. You were my idol when I was young, now, I compete against you... do your math, old man! yourusername: OMG! I'D FORGOTTEN THAT! Yes, you're old, baby. fernandoalo_oficial: That's not what you say when I'm on top of you, nena. 😉 landonorris: 😮 carlossainz55: 😮 yourusername: I don't know what you're talking about. fernandoalo_oficial: oh, really? I recall last Sunday when you were screaming my name, "Oh, Nando, please, more, more!" landonorris: 😮 carlossainz55: 😮 charles_leclerc: 😮 danielricciardo: 😮 yukitsunoda0511: 😮 maxverstappen1: 😮 yourusername: well, I need to remember... Do you want to help me remember? 😏 fernandoalo_oficial: of course, nena! I'm heading to the bedroom! roscoelovescoco: 😮
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luvhughes43 · 7 months
don’t have to pretend | blake hughes au
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blake hughes au
summary: how blake hughes and nico hischier finally confess their feelings for each other
word count: 4.1k
“Nico, you know you don’t have to keep coming over anymore,” Blake whispered. she had been thinking a lot about their relationship lately, or lack thereof. she didn’t know how much longer she could take being so incredibly infatuated with him but unable to say anything. 
Nico looked confused, like the idea of not coming over to visit Blake was incomprehensible. Blake stared at Nico, waiting for him to respond. she hoped he would say that he wanted to be with her, that he had feelings for her… anything to suggest that he wasn’t just here to make her brothers playing less sloppy. she had watched the games, she knew that Jack was struggling and the reason was probably her. 
“I want to come over,” Nico finally responded, and although that's what Blake wanted to hear it wasn’t as satisfying as she thought it would be. 
They both sat in silence for a moment, drinking hot chocolates out of mugs decorated with little ice skates. “yeah but, if you’re here just because of Jack then-”
“I’m not,” Nico butted in. They both stared at each other. 
“Right well,” Blake was the first to shift away from Nico’s heated gaze, uncomfortable in whatever awkward tension she had just created. 
Nico cursed himself in his mind. She doesn’t want you like that, he kept repeating over and over again. Although, no matter how many times he told himself that Blake wasn’t interested in him, he would still hold out on any string of hope that he had. 
They had really connected over the few months that they had gotten to know each other, and either would be damned if they let that all go to waste. So, they both held on without knowing that the other person felt the exact same way. 
“You're going to get cold,” Jack had pointed out to Blake as he picked her up to go out. but of course, she decided against better judgement and had decided to wear her sluttiest top without any form of coverup so that she wouldn’t chicken out.
Jack hadn’t mentioned Blakes tiny top, and so she counted it as a win that his critique came in the form of needing something warm. “Like, I'm seriously not going to give you my jacket when you start complaining,” he continued with the roll of his eyes. 
“If all goes well tonight i won't need your jacket,” Blake had rebutted to Jack's distaste. 
“Yeah well, with your luck you're going to be single forever so I'll be waiting for you to complain about the cold,” Jack teased. 
“Right and… where’s your girlfriend?” Blake played into the sibling banter. “Last I saw your ex was on a lingerie mag and here you are… coming over to your sister's place before going out so she can help you pick out an outfit….” 
“Right, okay I'm done fighting now!” Jack said, lifting his hands up in mock surrender. “But seriously, do these pants match with this top,”
“You're wearing black skinny jeans, anything you wear is going to match, now go!” Blake responded, shooing Jack out of her apartment and into the hallway. She looked at her reflection in the mirror one last time before leaving, making a mental note to put on some more lip gloss in the car. 
“Who are you trying to impress anyway?” Jack had shouted once he and Blake got inside the bar. He was trying to find his teammates among the crowd, but it was no luck.
“None of your business!” she shouted back, catching the boy of her affections eye from across the bar. “Nico’s over there!” she yelled, turning to her brother who was already being pulled into conversation by somebody else. It seemed like fate was on Blake's side as she made long strides over to Nico who was, luckily, alone. 
Nico looked hot, and god… the things Blake wanted to do to him… she should be locked up. 
Blake wasn’t the only one appreciating the view though, because Nico was very clearly checking out his teammate's sister. His eyes trailed down Blakes face and onto her top, and if Blake had noticed him shift in his seat she hadn’t said anything. 
“You look good tonight!” Nico had leaned over so that Blake could hear him through the loud music. Blakes face burned at his comment, and she was glad that the bar's lighting was dim otherwise it would be very obvious that she liked her brother's captain. although, liked seemed like a very meager word when her whole world turned upside down upon seeing his dimples. 
“And you look very handsome!” Blake had turned her head close to his. She was going to need a few drinks if she was going to be this close to him all night. Especially, when all his teammates were here. 
Nicos face lit up with a smile, and Blakes immediately matched it with a bright smile of her own. 
“Sit beside me,” Nico said, pulling out the last empty chair beside him. He was still waiting for his drink. 
Blake easily complied, smoothly sliding the bar stool as close to Nico as was possible without raising suspicions. “So….” 
“Soo…” Nico copied Blake, both giggling at each other. They were two lovesick fools and yet, they didn’t recognize that the other was also helplessly in love. 
“So, how have you been?” Blake smiled, leaning an elbow onto the bar so that she was even closer to the brown eyed man. She was so down bad…
“I’ve been good, just waiting for a pretty girl to come sit with me, you?” he replied flirtatiously. 
“I’m really good! just waiting for a hot man to order me a drink…” she trailed off, focusing her gaze away from Nico and back to the bar staff.
“What do you want?” he said, already pulling out his wallet. 
A bartender came over to their section, dropping off a cold beer in front of Nico while offering all sorts of apologies for the wait time. He waved the waiter ramblings off, and instead looked towards Blake for her order. 
“A vodka cran,” she told the bartender, “double shot” 
Nico had handed over the cash. 
After some more harmless flirting, Nico led Blake back to the team’s table where she was greeted by everyone. 
“Nice outfit,” one of the boys piped up, eyes trailing down Blakes body. she was wearing some jeans and a tight corset top that pushed her boobs up just right…
“Don’t talk to my sister,” Jack huffed, swatting the guy in the chest. 
At Jack's words, your eyes immediately turned to catch Nico’s who was already staring at you. He looked torn, and before you could make any sort of move to question him he was shuffling chairs and sitting as far away from Jack as was possible. 
All night, Blake had been trying to catch Nico’s attention from down the table. He barely glanced in her direction for the rest of the night, and now she was afraid that when he did she’d start to cry. She felt so pathetic as the other guy's attention fell to her chest, reminding her that the guy she was trying to get wanted nothing to do with her at this moment. 
“I'm going to get another drink,” Blake said as she swirled the ice around in her cup. Jack nodded at her, and then she was walking towards the bar by herself.
Blake let the bartender make her “something special”, and she sat at the bar watching him pour a shit ton of juice and gin into her cup.
“Hey, you new here?” Some guy, blond and skinny sat in one of the many available seats next to Blake.
“uh no i’m not. Is that your opening line?” she huffed, giving the bartender a tip when she finally came back with her drink. Yes, Blake was being rude to the guy but she wanted nothing more than to be alone. Something that was impossible to happen in a bar at 1am. 
“Uh, can I have this dance?” The guy tried to correct himself, and Blake cringed as a mix of two songs from 2010 blared through the bars speakers. 
“No you cant-” Blake said, just as her head turned just enough for her to see a girl approach Nico. she couldn’t make out what they were saying, just that he was smiling in the same way he was earlier.  
“Actually,” Blake corrected herself, and the blond guy turned to his group of friends as if to say “i told you so, girls cant resist my charm…” 
the girl touched Nicos arm… “I’ll dance with you!” Blake forced a smile onto her face, turning back to the bar one last time to take a large swig out of her drink.
The blond guy grabbed her hand, and with a deep breath Blake let herself be dragged onto the dance floor which was coincidentally right beside the table filled with her brother's friends. 
The blond guy, who still didn't have a name, spun Blake around so that her back was against his front. she tried to lean back into him, but it all felt so wrong. 
The guy guided her hips, and her face heated up in shame as her brother's teammates started turning their attention towards her. 
Blake turned herself back around, now facing the guy who brought her to dance. they swayed together for a few more minutes, and as soon as the next song finished Blake was immediately bidding her goodbyes. 
She rushed over to the table, ignoring the blond guy's shouts for her snap. she grabbed her purse from her brother's chair. “Can we please leave Jack,” she practically yelled in his ear. 
he turned to his sister with a look of concern in his eyes. “Did he do something..?” he said, gesturing to the guy from earlier who was now retreating back to his group of friends. 
Blake shook her head. “I think i’m getting a headache,” 
Jack stood up then, waving to his teammates as he bid them all goodbyes. 
Nico had tried to catch Blakes eyes, but she refused to look in his direction.
By the time she and Jack got out to the car, she could feel tears of frustration threatening to fall. She had to keep her head glued to the window so as to not raise any suspicions with Jack, who was well… oblivious to all things that weren't in his direct line of sight. 
“Thanks for driving me home!” her words were rushed as she scrambled out of his car. “I’ll call you in the morning!” 
When her apartment door slammed shut behind her, Blake broke out into quiet sobs. She just wanted the mood from seeing Nico at the bar to continue for the rest of the night. It seemed that despite how hard she tried, nothing would ever come out of whatever she and Nico had going on. 
When Blake was 15, she had dated this guy who had lived a few doors down from her. The relationship didn’t last long, but sometimes Blake liked to think about the boy who broke her heart. Usually at night, usually when she was upset, and usually when she had nothing better to do than upset herself with her own life's events.
He had been nice at first, someone Jack had talked to a few times when he was out playing street hockey. She couldn't remember if Ryder had ever joined Jack and her brothers games, but that didn’t matter much anyway. 
What mattered was Blake overhearing him tell his group of friends that the only reason he was dating her was because she was going to compete in the olympics. 
“she’s like, the perfect girlfriend to have,” he had said to his friends. “i never have to see her, she's a champion, and like, I can make out with her and shit whenever i want,”
The last part hurt the most. Ryder was the first guy she had ever kissed and really been with. She didn’t have time to have boyfriends that weren’t always at the rink or the gym. Her seeking out Ryder and being with him was her own little act of deviance. 
Now that she’d gone to enough therapy sessions though, she was sure that the reason she wasn’t upset that he was with her because of her titles was because she wanted to be with herself because of her titles. When she was younger, she was solely defined by her medals. Therefore, it came to no surprise to Blake that her relationships would be defined by her achievements too. 
Anyway, that didn’t stop her crying to her older brother about the whole thing. 
She had bursted through Quinn’s door, tears silently streaming down her face as she fell face first onto his bed. He had brushed her hair from her face, asking her what was wrong. 
“He’s using me,” she had said, and Quinn looked upset enough for the both of them. 
“He’s such a fucking asshole,” he had said, looking at his younger sister with so much pity. “He doesn’t deserve somebody like you,” 
At the time, Blake wasn’t sure what “somebody like you,” had meant. All her life she was defined by her skills, her body, her wins and loses… she wished figure skating and relationships didn’t have to be so difficult. 
She hadn’t seen Ryder again after that. She had made no effort to go and see him, and Blake could’ve sworn she saw him slowly sneaking back inside his house whenever her brothers would go outdoors. 
Now at 20, Blake lays in her bed and reminisces on all the shitty parts of her life with a new lens. She remembers Ryder and how he had used her, her coach and how she forced Blake to compete through injuries, and then her mind turned to Nico. who hadn't necessarily done anything to hurt Blake but his lack of action made her feel pathetic. 
How is it that a man can flirt with you at a bar, make you believe for weeks that he truly likes you, and then refuse to make eye contact with you later? 
Blake’s head spun like one of those spins she used to practice. She had thought of calling Quinn but then what? She had already told him how convinced she was that Nico had liked her. It would just be embarrassing now to have to tell him that now she wasn’t so sure.
So, Blake did what she did best, wallowed in her own self-pity until she eventually drifted off into sleep.
A few days later Nico came knocking on Blakes door. She wasn’t surprised to see him, but she had already decided that she shouldn’t talk to him anymore. 
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come over anymore,” she had told him. She hadn’t let him step through the threshold of her apartment, and she hadn’t changed her mind under his soft gaze. 
“But… Blake?”
“Nico, I'm really busy right now. There's a lot of stuff that i’m going through and I cant handle-”
“You can’t handle hanging out with me?” he had said, voice quiet. 
Blake had to look away from his pointed gaze, wanting nothing more than to just confess her feelings. But if Nico did like her like she thought he did, then his reaction to what Jack had said at the bar a few nights ago just proved to her that a relationship just wouldn't work out. And so, as Blake always does, she prioritised what she thought would end up working in the long run. Instead of pushing through pain to win medals, she was pushing through her feelings for Nico to protect her heart. 
“I’m sorry,” she had whispered to him, gaze falling to the floor when he finally walked away from her. 
Nico had thought that he was doing the right thing. Sure, he had let things go too far when he started flirting with Blake at the bar. But come on, she was so gorgeous, and she was exactly the kind of person that he wanted to be with. Forget “kind of person”, Nico thought. She was literally the only person he wanted to see or talk to. 
He thought that maybe he was taking advantage of her in some way. after he had started stopping by her house and visiting, and they had become friends… Jack had started telling him stories of Blakes abusive childhood. He couldn't even imagine growing up in a sport so toxic. And then of course there was her career ending injury, which is the reason behind them even starting to hang out. 
Blake Hughes was vulnerable, she was hurt and she was upset, and Nico wasn’t sure if love was even something she was looking for right now. He felt like he was stepping over some sort of invisible line, and that if Blake didn’t reciprocate his feelings, she wouldn't want to talk to him anymore. 
But he was proven to be right regardless, because Blake wasn’t talking to him and he had no idea why. 
blake.hughes added to their story!
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The devil’s holiday event was lackluster. Jack had caught the eye of some pretty brunette and so he was off flirting and doing god-knows what. She had hoped that by now that Jack would stop insisting she came to these kinds of events and outings. But Blake guessed watching Titanic every night for the last week counted as a setback in her recovery journey. 
She swirled the drink in her cup, watching mindlessly as couples mingled and talked amongst themselves. This was just getting depressing. 
As the night continued nothing changed. She sat in her spot by the bar, conversing with the bartenders with as limited a vocabulary as possible. If her mother were here, she would definitely be scolding Blake for being rude. 
“You okay?” one of the girlfriends had asked Blake as they waited at the bar for another drink. Blake had nodded respectively, and when that didn’t appease the girl she sighed. 
“Boy troubles, you know?” she laughed, hoping that the awkwardness would be too much and that the girl would take the hint and leave. 
“Hit me,” she had said instead, and so that’s how Blake spent the next 45 minutes explaining to Jesper Bratts girlfriend all the ways in which an anonymous man had shown feelings for her. 
“I mean, it really sounds like he likes you. you know how men are, maybe you should make the first move?” the blonde had replied. 
“But there’s a lot at stake here… this guy is.. Well,”
“Standing over there?” Bratts girlfriend said, pointing to Nico Hischier. He looked gorgeous, and if Blake wasn’t so shocked that she had guessed correctly she probably would have melted to a puddle on the floor. 
Blake fumbled with what to say, opening and closing her mouth pathetically as her gaze moved from Nico to the girl perched in front of her. 
“You guys aren’t very subtle, Blake” she said, patting the girl on the shoulder before launching into strategies in which Blake could “get her man”.
After the talk and another drink, Blake was ready to pour out all of her feelings to Nico because when she really thought about it, could life get anymore awful? she was already never going to be able to figure skate again, and she and Nico weren’t talking… nothing could possibly be worse than this. 
In the 35 minutes it took for Bratts girlfriend to convince Blake to confess her feelings to Nico, he had moved on. Like, literally moved on from the group of guys he was talking to and onto a far too attractive blonde. 
Life was actually cruel. 
Like they always do, Blake and Nico caught eyes, and before he could make a move to come talk to her she was pushing past people to get towards the exit. She’d text Jack that she left when she was far, far, away from this cursed event. 
Blake had just taken off her heels and pulled the backs of her earrings off when loud knocks echoed off her front door. 
“Jack, I literally told you I was going home. I’m fine!” she stressed, yanking open the door without really looking at who was standing outside. 
“It’s not Jack,” Nico’s voice was soft. Blake paused where she was standing, slowly turning so that she was face to face with the man of the last few weeks… Nico. 
He looked even better up close. His beard was shaven, tie a little loose. He was her weakness if that kind of thing even mattered anymore. 
“Nico,” she had breathed out, like she hadn’t imagined a single possibility in which he could be standing right in front of her. The weeks had seemed that long. Like there was no possibility that he’d still be waiting for her. 
“Blake,” he sighed, walking into the apartment and shutting the door softly behind him.
“I really like you, you know that right?” she admitted. “Like, every time I'm with you I feel so calm and yet so overwhelmed with the idea that you were made for me?”
Nico didn’t have a chance to react before Blake continued saying her thoughts out loud. “Whenever I'm near you I get butterflies and I've never felt that way about anyone before. You're, youre so different to anyone I've ever known. And I know that you're Jack's captain and that I'm his sister and that could make things really awkward for you but I really don't care! Because I like you and Jack’s just going to have to get over that when the time comes,”
“I bought your jersey! I don't even own my twins jersey!” she continued, pulling out her phone from her small shoulder bag. She flicked it open, pulling up her duolingo streak. “And Duolingo! I have Duolingo to try and learn Swiss German!” 
“Nico, if you don't feel the same way that's fine. I'm so sorry for thinking there was something between us,” Blake began apologizing, dropping the phone to her side as she started to calm down from the shocks of the evening. 
“I have a notes app filled with all of your favourite things,” he interrupted Blakes ramblings. 
“When I'm missing you, I make two portions of my dinner and bring some over to you as an excuse to see you. When Jack told me I didn’t have to come over to visit with you anymore, I was upset. My first thought was that I really liked you and that I didn't want whatever we have going on to end,”
“you liked me?” Blake spoke, her timid voice breaking through Nico’s speech.
“I still like you,” he responded, and not a second later was Blake’s purse falling to the ground as her hands wound themselves around Nico’s neck. 
He grabbed her by her waist, fingers dancing over the small of her back as he brought her into a passionate kiss. 
By the time they realized what they were doing, Blake was backing Nico into her room. “Are you sure?” he whispered, breaking away from their heated make out session to rest his forehead against hers. 
“I need you,” she was basically whimpering, but Nico paid that no attention as he slowly started sliding the straps of her dress down her shoulders. 
“You're gorgeous,” he whispered, trailing kisses from her lips all the way down to her cleavage. 
Blake moaned, gripping onto Nicos hair as the both of them sunk down onto her plush bed. 
In the morning, Blake woke up to her and Nico cuddling. Blake ran her hands lightly through his hair, all of last night's events rushing back to her with pleasure. 
Nico groaned when he finally came to, head moving against Blakes shoulder as he tried to shield himself from the light that was shining through her curtains. He placed a few soft kisses onto her shoulder before snuggling closer to her.
She set one of her legs over his, and then allowed him to pull her as close to him as possible. 
They would discuss the nature of their relationship later. but now, all the two cared about was spending as much time with one another as possible before life got in the way. They went back to sleep peacefully, knowing that they don't have to pretend anymore.
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Soap has a box that sits under his bunk and stays locked at all times. Everyone’s seen it at one point or another but nobody actually knows what’s inside and so they’ve all got their bets on what could be in it.
Gaz said there was a bunch of porn mags in it and got so severely judged for it that he considered changing his bet, but nobody would let him do so.
Price bet that it was family stuff. Pictures, heirlooms maybe some trinkets or what have you from family members (eg. a hair clip from his sister, a cigar from his dad, etc.)
Alejandro said it was different bottles of booze he had picked up from missions, reasoning the man was Scottish so it would make sense.
Rudy had gone the opposite direction and said it was food cause they all knew how much of a foodie Soap was and how severely pissed he got when any of them took his food form the common rooms.
Ghost had shrugged and said it was filled with his old journals since he knew Soap worked through them so fast, and he had never seen what Soap did with old ones anyway.
Soap knows about the bet and he refuses to tell any of them what’s in the box, always deflecting and shrugging whenever he’s asked about it. Because it’s his box of secrets and for once, he doesn’t want to share it with anyone else.
While him not telling is in part due to his own embarrassment it’s also because the box is filled with what the others would consider trash, but they’re special things to him.
It’s filled with trinkets and little bits and bobs from his team members. Different things they picked up during a mission and gave to him or something he had picked up to remember a particular mission for whatever reason.
There’s pretty rocks from Gaz that caught his eye and he just brought with him. They always end up with Soap cause the other man just leaves them in his pockets and forgets about them.
Price gives him snacks and foods from the regions he’s gone on a mission to and Soap keeps the packaging. Cleans it out and keeps them cause he’s a bit of a hoarder like that.
He’s got bullet casings and beer cap lids from missions and nights out with Rudy and Alejandro. No two beer caps are the same cause the two like giving him different alcohols to try and the bullet casings are from the last bullet that ended a mission.
Ghost gives him little vials filled with dirt and he always claims that it’s only because he had picked up too much to fit in his mason jars but Soap knows he does it on purpose. He knows that Ghost picks up his dirt jars and thinks of Soap and getting him some and it’s so heart touching.
It’s also got photos of the team from the ends of missions or night outs and some sketches that he considers too private to leave in his journals. Nothing erotic or anything but things that show the softer moments of their lives or, on occasion, Simon’s face.
So yeah, maybe it is filled with trash and useless crap but it’s his and he doesn’t find any of it to be useless. He loves his little box of trinkets that remind him of times with his team mates, it’s a home away from home for him.
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hawkinsbnbg · 20 days
Steve was a good friend, so he decided to show Eddie—a virgin—the rope.
nsfw, edging, masturbation, voyeurism (not sure about this one but rather be safe than sorry)
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It started out like this:
They were both smoking in Eddie's bed and talking about everything and nothing at all. Just a picture of two friends chilling out together.
But maybe something had gone sidetracked, because Steve had turned to look at him and asked calmly.
"Are you a virgin?"
There was no warning, nothing for Eddie to brace himself for that kind of question. So with a loose tongue and heavy eyelids, Eddie had nodded.
"Yeah, sex is overrated anyway, man."
And that was it. They moved on to different topics after Steve just hummed noncommittally in response.
A few days later, they were back in Eddie's bed again but before he could light his joint, he was asked to show Steve his cock.
As confused as Eddie was, he didn't ask any questions but complied because he was weak to doe-eyes and a pretty face.
And unfortunately, Steve was the combination of both.
So, he just put his joint away for later use, unbuckled his pants, and pulled his cock out, already half-hard just by the idea of Steve watching him.
"Fuck," Steve breathed out softly, eyes tracing the girth and length of Eddie without shame.
Eddie squirmed slightly, not knowing why Steve reacted like that.
"Uhm, is there a problem?" Eddie asked uncertainly.
"No," Steve finally met his gaze, dilated pupils almost eating up the hazel. "Just... I know you’re big, but not this big."
Eddie blushed. "Well, is that a thing?"
"Is that a thing?" Steve mimicked his perplexed tone and snorted. "Jesus. Yeah, Munson. You're fucking hung and girls really dig it."
Eddie wanted to ask, "Does it also include you?"
But he bit his tongue before he could blurt it out. Instead, he said, "So, what are we gonna do now?"
Steve smiled at him, pretty and a little mean, "We're gonna teach you how to not come prematurely so you won't be laughed at for it."
Eddie was quite sure he only complained to Steve about that problem one time. Like months ago when he had been high off his ass and unable to see straight.
He had assumed that Steve must've forgotten all about it by now. But apparently, the younger boy had a better memory than he thought.
"How?" Eddie frowned in bafflement, half anticipating and half afraid of what was to come.
"You're gonna jack off," Steve answered casually, as if the sky was blue and Eddie wasn’t having his cock out in the air. "And when you're close, I'll tell you to stop. We'll keep going until your endurance improves."
"Wait, isn't that–" Eddie spluttered.
He wasn't an idiot. He had read too many skin mag to not know what it was.
"Yeah," Steve nodded calmly. "I know, but edging does help cases like this. I've done my research, Munson."
There were too many things to unpack from that one sentence and Eddie certainly was too sober for it.
So he filed it away to the back of his mind to visit it later when he wasn't both turned on and embarrassed by Steve's insane proposal.
"Do you want me to help you or not?" Steve cocked his eyebrow when he remained silent too long.
And wasn't that a million-dollar question?
Because Steve was sitting on his bed, asking to watch him jerk off, and expecting his brain to not fucking combust.
"Okay," Eddie exhaled shakily and looked up to meet Steve's waiting gaze. "When do you want to do it?"
"Whenever convenient for you," Steve shrugged like he hadn't been eyeing Eddie's half-boner until it filled out and started leaking steadily between them.
Before Eddie could second guess himself, he shimmied out of his pants and boxers. Then, under Steve’s watchful gaze, he wrapped his hand around his cock and started pumping.
He closed his eyes, head knocking back and mouth dropping open in silent moans.
It didn't take long, much to his humiliation, when Eddie felt the telltale tingles prance down on his spine. He was gonna–
Eddie's hand fucking stopped and he had to yank it away from his cock or he was gonna spill just from a small contact.
He shook his head at Steve. "I can't–"
"It's alright," Steve grabbed his hand and guided it back to his throbbing cock. "I know you can do it, Eddie."
Jesus Fucking H. Christ.
The look Steve gave him was so different from before, so soft and so tender.
At that moment, Eddie knew he'd do anything Steve asked him to.
And he was also pushed closer to the edge because of it.
"I'm sorry–"
Steve acted too quickly. One second he was holding Eddie's wrist, one second later he was grabbing Eddie's balls.
"Wha–" Eddie groaned out loud when Steve squeezed them, causing his cock to wilt immediately.
"The fuck are you doing, Harrington?!" Eddie moaned and glared at Steve.
"I'm helping you," Steve answered matter-of-factly, but his eyes gleamed with mischief. "In case you forgot, Munson, we're training you to hold out longer than one minute. It'd be for naught if you come right now."
"You're evil," Eddie mumbled, but secretly hoped that Steve wouldn't stop holding his balls. He could already see himself jerking off to this very moment later.
"I'm just being a good friend," Steve snorted and retreated his hand. "Go on. Pick up from where you left off."
And Eddie obeyed.
He stroked his cock slower this time, hand moving with more purpose, teasing the sensitive slit, squeezing the flushed tip, spreading the slick along the rigid shaft.
He grunted, sighed, and moaned, letting out small noises that were just a bit more breathy.
He bucked his hips and started thrusting, wanting to show Steve that he had the potential, that he could fuck Steve the same way he was pistoning into the loose hole formed by his hand.
His performance was cut short, however, when he was close again, too keyed up to last more than a minute.
It was hard to ignore those hooded eyes when they felt like a physical touch on him.
As predicted, Eddie wasn't allowed to come.
Every time, Steve would tell him to stop again and again and again until he was desperate for relief. Every time Eddie failed to halt his movements in time, the younger boy would aid him by gripping his balls painfully.
It was a bittersweet torture.
Eventually, Eddie couldn't hold back anymore and shot despite Steve's order.
"Fuck, shit, m'sorry, m'sorry," Eddie babbled as he experienced the most intense orgasm in his life.
He convulsed and fisted his cock, seeing stars beneath his eyelids as he tried to drive out the high.
The overwhelming pleasure rendered him speechless, making his head spin and his body tremble. He felt like his brain had liquified and streamed out from his ears.
By the time Eddie regained his senses, he was handed tissues and a water bottle.
Once done with wiping himself down, he took a long gulp from his bottle before grinning at Steve, "That was really something, man."
"You tell me," Steve huffed out a laugh that echoed by Eddie.
They sat in companionable silence until Eddie cleared his throat slightly.
"So I finally lasted longer than one minute."
"Yeah," Steve patted his arm lightly. "Good job for that."
"Thanks," Eddie ducked his head to hide the blush on his cheeks.
"It's nothing," Steve smiled at him kindly. "You really outdid yourself, Eds."
Eddie's stomach felt warm and fuzzy at that. "So what's next now I passed your test?"
Moving closer, Steve hooked a finger under his chin to make him look into those hazel eyes.
"Next time, we're gonna do it with my hand."
Eddie took in a sharp inhale. "You're not joking, right?"
"No, not with you," Steve chuckled lowly.
The sound rattled Eddie down to his bones.
"And what's about next next time?" Eddie couldn't help himself. God dammit.
If all of this was just a dream, he was gonna rip God a new one. Because fucking Jesus.
"Eager, aren't we?" Steve arched his brow. "But I think you already figured it out by yourself."
Eddie groaned and reached down to squeeze the base of his cock. It seemed to be quite eager with what Steve suggested.
"Can we just do the second test right now?" Eddie licked his lips, knowing full well that he wouldn't last long, but he’d be damned if he didn't give it a shot.
Steve just laughed and patted his cheek lightly. "Nah, today's enough. We'll continue tomorrow."
"Promise?" Eddie asked hopefully.
"Yeah," Steve pecked the corner of his lips. "Promise."
And Eddie knew he was gonna set up a one-hundred-step plan to woo Steve Harrington however impossible it was.
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strawberryforks · 6 months
focus // finnick odair x reader
summary: it’s the 65th hunger games and district 4’s tributes are best friends. what’s unfortunate is that everyone knows there can only be one winner…
warnings: violence, suicide, underaged drinking (which i do not condone), no happy ending
word count: 2099
author’s note: this is my first fic and as i’m new to writing for “reader” or “y/n” the format may be different on others! but hopefully this is angsty enough <3 ALSO, REQUESTS/ASKS OPEN!
sitting on the train, in a booth, beside your best friend finnick you were the furthest thing from present. you paid more attention the the blur of trees and buildings than him and your mentor, mags. your cheek was pressed against the glass and your hot breath was causing it to steam up.
was dragging your finger overtop it and making various smiley-faces more interesting than whatever finnick and mags were discussing? well, yes. still you couldn’t delude yourself into thinking it was the best use of your time. just like you couldn’t be surprised when finnick’s elbow found purchase in your side. it wouldn’t bruise but it didn’t feel nice. “focus,” he scolded. “you have to listen to what mags is saying. she’s been through this already. she won. she can help us.”
finnick, with his hopefulness, blonde hair, blue eyes and fourteen years worth of boyish charm was perfect. sometimes too perfect because you would catch yourself staring. eyes stuck and cheeks turned redder than a tomato whenever he caught you. embarassing, really, because it’s common sense. you just don’t look at your best friend like that.
“sure. sorry mags. i’ll pay attention.” the victor nodded and continued her explanation—told you and finnick that your best bet would be getting away from the cornucopia as soon as possible. you nodded and though you did your best to listen, you just hoped finnick had, because wherever he went, you would follow.
“what are you doing?”
you were doing something you shouldn’t have–but caught, the sounds that spilled from your lips weren’t hurried explanations. you just giggled. “uhm,” you held one hand out in front of your face like a shield and sat the cup of bubbling liquid down on the dresser.
drinking. you were drinking. you moved in front of the dresser hiding the evidence with your body. finnick stepped forward quickly, crossing the room and making it to you in no time at all. he was frowning, he saw the drinks and he wasn’t happy which you didn’t understand because you were overflowing with the stuff. everything was greater than it had been, you were smiling, laughing at things that weren’t funny, and felt a bit like you were floating. “that’s not allowed—where did you even get that?”
“there was a buffet table and,” you burped, “they had drinks. y’wanna try?”
he didn’t. finnick shook his head–didn’t understand why you weren’t taking this seriously. usually he loved your attitude and outlook on things, ‘whatever happens, happens’ was usually said on your adventures but this wasn’t that. this was serious. now was not the time. he just wanted you to focus. “we’re almost at the capital. you can’t do this again, you understand?”
you bite your tongue so your inner monologue doesn’t get out. because yeah, you wouldn’t ever get to do this again (drink, legally or not). you wouldn’t get to do much of anything ever again. your days were numbered. in your last ones you would smile and wave, play pretend with your best friend at your side.
finnick was quite possibly the best and worst person to be in this situation with. on one hand, you’d be with someone you loved in your last moments, on the other… there was no world in which you won this.
finnick swapped your drink with a tall glass of water. sat by you while you sipped at it and helped you to bed. morning came and he was still there. your eyes cracked open, narrowed by bright light and confusion. “you’re good now, yeah?” he asked.
your head hurt but you nodded it anyways. there were purple bags below his eyes. “did you sleep?” you asked despite the answer being obvious.
“someone had to make sure you didn’t choke on your vomit and i didn’t want to tell mags.” lest you disappoint another person. is what he was nice enough to omit.
you weren’t fast enough with thanking him and he left you alone with the myriad of thoughts you just wanted to ignore.
“i know what you’re doing.” it was mags.
you turned around to face her—had just finished being interviewed by a loser in an extravagant suit, and felt like a loser, dressed in a blue frilly dress. you kind of looked like a loser too, one late for tea time.
“i don’t know what you mean.”
mags sighed and shook her head lightly. “it’s honourable but he’ll hate you for it.”
you shrug. you don’t care, your mind is more than made up, and has been since you heard his name called alongside your own. “if he’s alive to hate i’m okay with that. you know there can only be one winner.”
mags knew more than most. “i won’t tell him. don’t worry.”
“Tell him,” you made her promise, “that i’m sorry. you know, tributes are vicious but the capitol is worse. keep an eye on him for me please?”
“of course.”
then you trained.
“come help,” he called. finnick was practising tying knots, all which he was excellent at. “sure,” you said, allowing him to interrupt your people-watching. you were worried about the careers but figured that together you and finnick could handle them. they were adults but… most of the others were. it was fine, would be fine.
“think you should try something else? you’re pretty good at this.”
finnick laughed and you tucked the sound away in your mind. “thanks, but you? You’re not.” He gestured to the mess of rope on your end before scooting closer. his hands overtop yours, he moved them and showed you the right way to do what you had been failing at. “and there’s no way you’re telling me to train something else. have you even picked up a weapon?”
you shrugged. “i’ve just been watching. i know how to shoot a bow and use knives, i get either of those and i’ll be just fine. a few days of preparation with either won’t change much. i've used them since i could walk, y’know?”
“i just want us to be prepared.” he said.
you smiled and stood, you held his hands and pulled him up with you. “the arena’s usually have tridents, right? you’re great with those.”
and he was. you didn’t care about impressing the judges but finnick did so effortlessly.
“we’ll stick together in the arena, right?” you blurted once the two of you were alone and resting.
“until the end,” he said with a sad smile.
then, almost out of nowhere, his smile brightened. “sleepover?”
that was something you did a lot. Sleepovers under the stars, in your bed, on your father’s boat. it was your thing and somehow the idea of one last sleepover was enough to make everything okay, even just for a little while.
you crawled into the big bed the capitol provided, finnick at your side. you pulled up a blanket at the same time he pulled you into him. he held tight. so tight, for a second you forgot to breath. it meant so much. so, so much. your back was pressed against his chest and his arms were around you–hours later, you were grateful he was such a heavy sleeper. finnick was warm and safe. he was home. you were thankful he was a heavy sleeper because otherwise the way you shook as wet trailed down your cheeks would’ve woke him.
finnick’s knots came in handy. you stuck to higher ground, perching in trees and climbing cliffs, and managed to booby trap most of the area around us. after tributes were caught in a net finnick made, you would take turns finishing them off. you, who’d been preparing to kill since your name was called, went first.
a teen who killed without issue was concerning but so was a civilization that made their people fight to the death for glory and entertainment so what could you do?
you killed the first one with an arrow—having got both the weapons you wanted, and finnick took the second, ending a thirty year old man who had more muscles than brains with a trident that had been gifted to him by a sponsor.
two days later and you both were still kicking. In the final four.
you knew what had to be done. your plan only solidified when the other two–also allied, found you. the fight was fast. finnick went up against the remaining tribute from district ten and you fought against the tribute from district two
you were uncomfortable with the distance between the two of you. you both had stuck together like glue the entire time and now fighting and separated? you hated it. if something– “shit,” the man swung the axe and you barely threw yourself out of the way in time. you list some hair and some skin off your shoulder but nothing you really needed. the axe buried itself in the ground behind you and before your opponent could yank it back you struck. you buried a dagger in his stomach and twisted it. his hands found your throat and black dotted your vision but you kept slicing and he went limp.
you rolled the man off of you and immediately ran to help finnick.
another minute and his opponent was dead. you was down a dagger but one was enough. you smiled so wide my cheeks hurt and flung yourself into finnick’s arms. he hugged you hesitantly at first–like he was wary of you. like he expected you to bury a dagger into his back. you would never. besides, your last one was… occupied. “we did it, finn. we did it.”
“only one of us can win…”
you pulled back. both of your hands–both shaky, both covered in blood, cupped his cheeks. “i know, i know. it’s okay. you did… you did great.”
“what? y/n what are you–what do you mean?”
your legs picked that moment to give out. you dropped, knees slamming into the rock. still, you wore that lazy smile. you were losing blood quick and lots of it. you saw the drone that recorded everything begin to inch closer, zooming in as terror finally flooded finnick’s face. he fell to his knees beside you. “no, no, no, no.” his hands pressed on either side of the dagger you had yet to pull out. “what did you do?” his voice broke and his eyes glistened with moisture. you wanted to wipe them away. it was okay. it would be okay. you made sure of it.
“i helped you win...” you assured.
finnick pushed harder on your stomach and you sobbed. he pulled his shirt and pressed it around the blade. pushed again. “finnick. finn, no,” you told him—pleaded with him. you moved your hands… wanted to move his but was too weak. “you didn’t–this isn’t helping. ” he shook his head and more tears fell. “why? you can’t leave me. friends forever, remember? what about that?”
“you-you’ll be okay.”
“not after this. not without you.” agony, finnick was in agony. an ugly sound tore it’s way out of his chest. you couldn’t leave him, not like this.
“c’mere,” you begged. he did, how could he argue with you now? the damage, the irreversible damage, had been done. you pulled his head closer to yours as he choked on more tears. the capitol had taken many things from both of you—and you decided that they could have your life, your future, your finn (you hated that most, but at least he would get to live. get to have his shot at happiness) but they couldn’t have your last words. those… well, they were only for him. “i love you finn. focus… on that.”
“no. no! focus on me, on my eyes—dammit, don’t close yours. no, no, no.”
then your eyes closed again for the last time. he called your name over an over like a prayer, one that went unanswered. but you tried, you swear you did… you just couldn’t get them open again. not as finnick sobbed, not as he stood up and faced the drone. “help her!” he cried, “help her dammit!”
“kill me instead, take me instead. i’ll die, i will! just bring her back, help her! you can’t—you can’t do this!” he begged and when that didn’t work he screamed at the cameras, cursing the capital until the footage stopped being streamed.
when your heart stopped, he refused to let go. clinging to your corpse, to his best friend, he hugged you for the last time.
finnick had won, but he didn’t feel like a winner.
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leclerc-s · 7 months
big reputations - part four
series masterlist // previous // next
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lance stroll daniel is currently punching the air
daniel ricciardo i may have a broken wrist but i can still knock you out nepo-baby
daniel ricciardo we got beef now verstappen. how could you do this to me??
max verstappen i'm sorry that we planned this before zandvoort and didn't anticipate you breaking bones. if anything this is oscar's fault for crashing
oscar piastri oh god not this again.
alex albon you have to accept it oscar, you are now daniel's grid kid as the only other australian on the grid. lando norris he has mark webba alex albon notice how i said on the grid you muppet
fernando alonso she was very nice
lewis hamilton i have to put the poor guy out of his misery
lewis hamilton she stayed with red bull the entire time. she seemed to be having fun chatting with christian and gp. there was a little one with her too.
max verstappen you mean sabrina carpenter?
lewis hamilton no one told me her name. i only saw that she was small and blonde, and by small i mean like yuki small.
yuki tsunoda wow, low blow hamilton, but not lower than spain 2016
george russell yuki 'when they go low, i go lower' tsunoda gentlemen
valtteri bottas i expect lewis to start crying in 2 minutes lewis hamilton wow, i expected this from george but you valtteri? et tu, brute? george russell why me? what have i ever done? lewis hamilton you're just a little shit
daniel ricciardo maximilian did you invite her to singapore? suzuka? qatar?
max verstappen that's not my name and why don't you ask her? you have her number
charles leclerc WHAT? pierre gasly WHAT? logan sargeant WHAT? lando norris WHAT?
max verstappen i fucked up
daniel ricciardo watch your back max.
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daniel ricciardo maximilian, i will committing murder. tell christian he can finally have me back as his driver. better yet, tell him to replace you with charlie
max verstappen i'm sorry??
daphne jones what the hell happened?
max verstappen i may or may not have let the other drivers know daniel has your number
daphne jones wow max, way to ruin the surprise.
max verstappen why do i feel like i'm getting scolded by my parents?
daniel ricciardo don't worry, i don't have any forks
daphne jones what? max verstappen how do you still remember that? i told you that years ago. daniel ricciardo the internet will never let me forget.
daphne jones i'm so confused, what does that mean
daniel ricciardo in the words of oscar piastri, if you know you know
max verstappen that is definitely your grid kid. daniel ricciardo WRONG! it's you and charles daphne jones well how can he be your boyfriend if he's your kid? daniel ricciardo right, then it's definitely charles and oscar max verstappen what about lando? daniel ricciardo that's fernando's grid kid and carlos' boyfriend daphne jones so you all just 'date' each other?
daniel ricciardo oh yeah, i'm dating max, who's dating charles, who's dating carlos, who's dating lando, who's dating oscar, who's dating logan, who's dating alex, who's dating george, who's dating lewis, who's dating seb. pierre is dating yuki, esteban is dating lance, fernando is dating mark webber, k-mag is dating nico hulkenberg, and nico rosberg and lewis are divorced. well according to the internet that is.
daphne jones okay. this just got weird so fast.
max verstappen r.i.p. brocedes you were iconic and will be greatly missed.
max verstappen anyways, see you in suzuka daphne.
daphne jones 🤭
daphne jones maybe i'll see you in suzuka, maybe i won't
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logan sargeant that's a big word for elmo lando norris SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BALD EAGLE!!
daniel ricciardo they're my grid kids norris, it was their weekend with me
charles leclerc i had so much fun, daphne's so cool.
oscar piastri charles somehow convinced her to let him play the piano on one of her future songs.
charles leclerc I HAVE MADE IT IN LIFE
pierre gasly at this rate you'll win a grammy before a wdc charles leclerc i'll take it if it's for a daphne jones album
lance stroll did you rizz her up?? did you ricciardo?? have you let the troops down again??
lewis hamilton added three people
sebastian vettel lewis... i begged you not to do this.
lewis hamilton if i have to deal with this shit, so do you, jenson, and mark
jenson button oh this is great, we used to have one like this back in the day. someone (fernando) threatened to murder everyone at least 8 times a day
mark webber oh for fuck's sake. i thought i got rid of you people when i retired.
esteban ocon status report lieutenant verstappen??
max verstappen attempts to rizz up daphne jones have been made. it is unknown if they were successful.
mark webber what the hell are they talking about?
oscar piastri daniel went to a daphne jones eras tour concert with a dream of getting her his number. apparently it worked because they're friends now. logan sargeant AND clearly we're all too invested on whether on not this works because we're constantly asking for updates.
mark webber how long have you had a crush on her for now??
daniel ricciardo MARK!! fernando alonso he said it not me. i wanted really wanted to say something. sebastian vettel he used to play red all the time when we became teammates. lewis hamilton i completely forgot he did that lance stroll one could say 'it's been a long time coming'
mark webber was it not known that you've had a crush on her for years?
george russell this is new information
alex albon oh this makes so much more sense now
daniel ricciardo i hate all of you. none of you will ever get tickets to an eras tour show.
charles leclerc and why should i fall victim to their mistakes? oscar piastri and me? this is unfair daniel ricciardo not you guys or max lando norris THIS IS FAVORITISM! I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT! daniel ricciardo i don't give a shit
sebastian vettel oh you people really are motorsports biggest headaches
mark webber you were a little shit during your red bull years seb they probably learned it from you.
fernando alonso yeah, multi-21 seb.
sebastian vettel will you shut up about that?
jenson button no, that is a staple in f1 history. along with whatever some incident is and the iconic 'suck my balls mate'
max verstappen it's inchident actually charles leclerc man let it go, it's been over 10 years max verstappen no ❤️ lando norris who the hell taught him how to do that? oscar piastri sabrina. max verstappen you lying fuck, it was you! oscar piastri no one will believe you jenson button yeah i get why mark likes this kid.
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taglist: @glow-ish @agustdpeach @msolbesg
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¡leclerc-s speaks! i took a little break but i'm back! hopefully i won't disappear for too long again. let's not talk about how today was the final race of the season and how i'm counting down the day until the next one. i'm gonna miss watching men go vroom vroom over the weekends for the next three months. click the first link on my pinned post if you wish to be added to the taglist for this story.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet.
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callsign-relic · 11 months
Hi Relic!! Could I have MTMTE Minimus or Mags (either form is good) STRUGGLING to process/act on his feelings for a gn human?? Thank you :D
Hey Monty!! Your MIND this request was so good. You say Minimus and I am THERE. You requested either Minimus or Magnus, so I tried to include proper screentime for both forms, cause who doesn’t love Magnus?
This was so much fun to write out, I hope you enjoy it :)
Warnings: SFW, GN!Human!Reader
It all started that day.
You were a liaison for the planet Earth- a representative for the human race after the dissolution of the Decepticons, in an effort to reconnect and stay on good terms.
When Rodimus introduced you to the rest of the ship, Ultra Magnus didn’t think very much of it. It was just another crew member to take care of, and he’d do his utmost to accommodate the ship for your needs as an organic.
Thankfully, you weren’t the rowdiest human around. You were reserved and mostly kept to yourself, only ever getting into trouble by the hands of one of the many troublemakers aboard the ship.
As you were a liaison, you often had to sort through documents with the ship captains and relay communications you received from earth, and vice versa. Seeing you quickly become overwhelmed with the workload, the SIC offered to assist you in preparing your reviews before your meetings, and to his pleasant surprise, you agreed.
Your days were often spent in his office, where he went over legal technicalities and loopholes within Cybertronian law. Where his nitpicking was usually met with groans- with you, it was met with wide eyes and intent listening. And after a while, your sincerity wormed its way into the commander’s spark- and feelings he couldn’t shake off soon took root.
Soon enough, these meetings became standard practice- a welcome addition to the commander’s packed schedule. He always knew when to expect you and to dedicate time to you, and when to focus his attention on other things.
Except for the day you stopped by off-schedule.
Carrying a datapad within your arms- as best as you could with the Cybertronian scaling- you read through the document onscreen as you made your way over to Magnus’ office. You had taken notes on the commander’s lessons, sure, but the legal jargon in this piece stumped you- and you weren’t sure if it was an issue from being translated from Cybertronian, or really something you were missing. Surely Magnus could take a moment out of his schedule to clarify for you, couldn’t he? Even if he couldn’t, he would at least make note of it to discuss in the next meeting before you forgot.
“Excuse me, Commander Magnus, sir?” You called, standing before the closed sliding door. A human was too small for the motion sensors to pick up on their own, as you were made painfully aware of every time Whirl decided to point it out, so you waved the datapad in the air to see if that would register.
“I had some- urgh- quick questions about this document— aha!” With a proud exclamation, you seem to wave to just the right spot within the motion sensor, and the metal door slides open with the satisfying sounds of the ship’s hydraulics. “Ah, anyway, yeah— I was wondering what section 7 meant by—“
Your expression falters in an instant as you finally take a look inside the office. At the far end of the room, you lock eyes with a small, green bot completely unfamiliar to you- standing before what appeared to be a powered-down Ultra Magnus. His mustachioed faceplate was twisted in horror, and he froze in his place just as you did.
“…Ultra Magnus…?”
Your words are met with no reply as the motion sensors of the door shut off as quickly as they had turned on— the door to the office sliding shut with a metallic thud. Dropping the datapad, you knock a couple of times, hoping either Magnus or that other bot would come over and answer. But after a few minutes of standing and knocking, you’re answered with silence, and you resolve to ask about it when your next meeting with the commander came along.
While the Magnus Armor stood slumped against the far wall of the room, Minimus Ambus stood with his spinal strut pressed frantically against the door- chassis heaving up and down as his vents output air at a rate he wasn’t used to.
He had never intended for you to see him like this.
Well, he wanted to tell you, eventually. But eventually meant after he got to know you more. After he knew you were a human you could trust that information with— after he knew for absolute certain that you wouldn’t lose any and all respect or trust in him the instant you laid eyes on him.
This wasn’t according to plan.
His feelings for you weren’t according to plan.
But, here he was, his spark spinning rapidly in its chamber— thinking he might die if even one interaction with you went wrong. And, in his optics, this interaction very much did.
Solar cycles passed, and the commander anticipated the day of your and his next meeting with dread. What were you going to say? Were you ever going to look at him the same way again? Were you even going to show up?
The final question was at least answered by the sight of you standing in front Magnus’ door, perfectly on schedule, datapad in hand. Ex-venting to himself one final time, Magnus composes himself and approaches you.
As per routine, he offers his massive servo down to you after your greetings, and you step on without hesitation. The door to his office slides open, and the commander makes his way to the desk at the very back- placing you gently upon the surface. He removes his own set of datapads from a nearby shelf and sets them down to begin, and yet…
The commander can’t bring himself to speak.
The tension in the room hung heavy to you both, apparently, as you weren’t sure what to say either. You cast your gaze down, as does Magnus, and the two of you sit in silence for one, agonizingly long minute.
“…about what happened a few days ago—“
When you look up, you lock eyes with the commander, and both of your mouths are agape as you realize you both had spoken the very same words at the very same time. While both of you are left stammering for a minute, Magnus gathers his bearings first, and speaks. “No, no, you go ahead,” he insists.
You look at him with furrowed brows, but clear your throat as you try to think of just what to say.
All the while, Ultra Magnus couldn’t shake the terrible feeling wrapping itself around his spark. The commander recalled the days after his secret was first revealed to the Lost Light’s crew- how he was first met with humiliation. He had grown to depend on the stability of your and his relationship, despite the feelings that he refused to admit were growing within him, and he would hate it if this one thing tore it all apart.
“That day… who was that?”
But, rather than ridicule, Magnus is instead met with your genuine curiosity.
Cycles of the meeting go by, and the commander recounts to you the tale of the Magnus Armor and the Tyrest Accord, and how he became its enforcer. As you asked more questions, he went on to explain that he was truly another mech entirely— and how he regretted not telling you sooner. And as he finishes, you find yourself with one final question.
“Would it be possible for me to see you like that again? As truly yourself?”
The very thought makes Magnus’- or Minimus’- spark run wild. Every part of his processor was telling him no— to politely decline, to keep his and your relationship just as it was, and he didn’t need to expose any part of himself further than he had already.
But as he gazed into your comparatively little eyes, the commander could sense no ill intent behind them. In fact, he saw that very sincerity he had fallen for so long ago.
And so, he agreed.
Standing from his seat behind the desk, Ultra Magnus’ blue optics flicker to black, and steam erupts from the seams between his paneling. The panels on his midsection open with a hiss, and you’re taken aback when a green servo emerges from the opening.
Out from the smoking depths of the Magnus Armor steps Minimus Ambus. While in his layer of protective armor he wasn’t his truest size, he was still the mustachioed bot you had only caught a glimpse of days before.
The desk’s top being level with his face rather than his hips now, the mech cautiously approached the edge- like if he got too close, you’d run off.
But you didn’t. Instead, you approach him, gazing at the minibot with wonder. “So… this is the real you?” You ask, despite already knowing the answer.
The minibot resets his vocalizer. “Yes. It is.”
Every possible outcome was racing through Minimus’ processor- and coincidentally, every outcome ended the same. With you politely rejecting his presence, and him tucking away his own feelings as he always had.
“Why do you ask?” he dares to ask, and never before had he wished to take a sentence back faster. “Does this… change things?”
“Hmm… a little.” You ponder his words for a minute, stepping up to the very edge of the desk. Minimus pulls back just a bit, terrified of the fact that he didn’t know what you were going to do next—
But you simply stand on the tips of your toes, and peck a kiss on his steel cheek.
“Just makes it easier to do that.”
And while mechs couldn’t blush, you’re pretty sure that if they could, Minimus’ faceplate would burn as pink as the very energon that ran through his systems.
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hippiegoth97 · 10 days
Smalltown Boy: Eddie Munson x Reader
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Collage by Me :)
Master List
Tag List: @rafescurtainbangz @voyeurmunson @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @mediocredreams
@slowandsteddie @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@rattkween86 @violetpixiedust @bimbobaggins69 @purplehazed-h @morning-rituals
@eddie-van-munson @msgexymunson @munsoneightysixx @impmunson @mysticalstar30
@jenniquinn @oneforthemunny @succubusmunson @ddeadly-succubus @prettyboyeddiemunson
@sanctumdemunson @stalactitekilla @s6raphic @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne
@ohmeg @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever @ahoyyharrington @micheledawn1975
@costellation-hunter @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @yourdailymemedelivery @spacedoutdaydreamer
Description: You work at Hawkins Auto Shop, and Eddie brings his van in for an oil change. You catch him checking you out, and you go with him to Lover's Lake. He's nervous as he's never been with a man before, but you do your best to make him feel comfortable and safe…
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI:  struggles with sexuality, use of the term ‘queer’, LGBTQ+ references, mentions of homophobia, smoking, mentions of adult material, crying, smut, swearing, male reader, anal fingering, unprotected oral sex, protected anal sex
Word Count: 7k
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Divider by @cafekitsune
Smalltown Boy
You've just finished servicing Chief Hopper's vehicle when you see a ragged blue van pull into the parking lot of your father's auto shop. The radio inside is blasting metal music for a moment, then the driver kills the engine. He opens the door and hops out, and you immediately recognize him. Eddie Munson, you remember him from your years at Hawkins High. It's been a few years since you graduated, Eddie was a couple years behind you. You'd always found him a bit odd, but so did everyone else. The School Freak.
Despite his harsh namesake, he was always kind to you in the halls and any shared classes. He wasn't mean to anyone who didn't deserve it. There'd been many occasions when he'd taken the beating on behalf of others when the popular kids wanted to pick on the nerds. You'd also found him to be quite cute, his metalhead look had you spellbound at times. But you couldn't tell him that, especially in a small town like Hawkins. And you doubt he would've reciprocated your feelings, you always saw him with girls, anyways.
"Hey, man. Hello?" You snap out of your thoughts to see Eddie standing in front of you, waving his hand in your face. He smiles when you meet his gaze. "Hey, I uh...need an oil change ASAP. Can you help me out?" He says awkwardly, his hand stroking the back of his neck.
"No problem. It'll be a bit of a wait, if you don't mind hanging around." You reply, smiling back at him. "It's Eddie, right?" You ask nonchalantly.
"Yeah, it is. And I'm cool to wait, I'm just gonna have a smoke outside." He hands you the keys to his van, and heads outside. You go to the lot and get inside the van to drive it into the garage for service. You take a moment to examine the inside of the vehicle. You notice lots of metal band tapes in the passenger seat, with some homemade mixes in the bunch. The ashtray is overloaded with half-smoked cigarettes. The smell of beer and weed permeates the interior. In the back there's a small sleeping setup, you imagine Eddie camps out in the van often. Pillows and blankets are strewn about, along with a stack of magazines. Most are Playboy, but there's a couple unexpected issues in the pile too.
You'd recognize it anywhere. Blue Boy magazine. As in a gay porno mag. He seems uncaring about hiding it, and that makes you uneasy. It's dangerous for people like you in this town, any guy you hook up with has to be kept a secret. And most have beaten you up, or at least given you a black eye afterwards. To separate themselves from what they've done with you, putting their true selves back in the closet. For Eddie to be so careless and risk the wrong person seeing it, he could get himself killed. You make a point to tell him so, but discreetly. You don't want him to think you're threatening him, especially now that you might have a chance with him.
You put the idea aside for a moment to move the van into the garage. You get out, and set to work. You keep the garage door open to make it easier to move vehicles in and out, but also because the AC in the shop is busted and it gets hotter than hell in here. You've taken off your uniform shirt, sweat soaking through the white tank top you’re wearing underneath.
You feel eyes watching you just outside the garage, leaning to look behind the hood of the van which blocks your view. You see Eddie leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed casually. He's looking you up and down, possibly checking you out. He's taken off his jacket and vest, holding them in his arms. The sleeves of his Hellfire Club shirt are rolled up, he's also slicked in a light coat of sweat. He seems nervous, like he has something to say but isn't sure how to form the words.
"Do you need something? Or are you gonna stand there staring at me all night?" You ask, beckoning him over when he doesn't reply. He moves towards you slowly, cautiously. Finally, he's standing off to the side of the van, and he swallows hard. "Are you alright, Eddie?" You ask calmly.
"Uh, yeah I just um..." He struggles to get the words out, you notice him dragging his eyes over your body. You're glistening in the dim light of the garage, with stripes of grease on your muscular arms, some on your forehead too. "I just realized I recognize you...from school. Y/N, right?" His breath is shaky, and he's gone very pale. You're afraid he's going to faint.
"Sit down Eddie, you look sick. I'll get you some water." You go into the back of the shop, opening the staff fridge for two bottles of water. You walk back to him, he's sitting cross-legged on the ground, head in his hands. You hold a bottle out to him. "Here, I think you're dehydrated." Eddie looks up at you with sad eyes, taking the bottle from you. He opens it with shaking hands, gulping the contents. "Hey, slow down. You'll make yourself sick if you keep up like that." You sit down on the ground with him. Nobody else is in the shop for the night, the rest of the crew has gone out to the bar to watch the game, your father included. You've never been one for sports, and you want to get in some extra hours in the shop. "Now, is there something else you wanted to tell me?"
"I-" He sighs, shaking his head. "It's nothing. I'll let you get back to work. Sorry." He starts to stand, but you grasp his arm. Eddie's breath hitches, his eyes snap to you in fear. But your kind gaze makes him relax, and he sits back down.
"It's okay, there's nobody else here for the night. You can tell me, Eddie. You were very kind to me in school, let me do the same for you." You look in his eyes, reassuring him. "You seem so scared, would it have anything to do with those magazines you have in the back of your van?" He gasps at your question, eyes going wide. He looks like he's going to bolt, so you gently place your hand on his knee. "You don't need to be afraid. And I wasn't meaning to snoop around in your business. I only know what they are, because I own a few issues myself." You smile at him, rubbing his knee lightly.
He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it again. He seems calmer now, trusting you. He thinks for a moment, and finally speaks. "You aren't going to tell anyone, are you?" You're surprised at first, but then you remember all the times you've heard that question before.
"Of course I'm not going to tell anyone. I know what it's like in this town, anyone who's 'different' has a target on their back. I've had my ass kicked by many hookups who don't want anyone to know." You realize you've implied Eddie is trying to fuck you. "Not that I think you're wanting to do that. I just mean, I don't make it a habit to tell people's secrets. Especially when I don't want my own secret getting out."
"Who said I didn't want to?" He says shyly, looking down at his hands. He raises his face after a moment, meeting your gaze again. "Fuck you, I mean, not kick your ass." He smirks, gaining a small amount of confidence. You're shocked at him asking. Sure, he is very attractive, but you didn't expect things to go this way tonight. You aren't sure he's ready for it either.
"Are you sure you're ready for that, Eddie? I mean, you almost passed out from just staring at me and dancing around your feelings." Your hand moves from his knee to his shoulder. Eddie's hand rests on top of yours, his rings cold against your skin. You shiver slightly at the feeling.
"I think I am. I mean, I've been with lots of girls before, how much different can it be?" You laugh at his statement, and his smile disappears. His eyes sadden again, he's almost on the verge of tears.
"Oh, Eddie. I'm sorry, I promise I'm not mocking you. It's just that I've also been with plenty of women before, and it's not quite the same. Similar, yes, but plenty of differences, too. I don't want to make you uncomfortable, or have you regret it if you're not truly ready. Because I like you, I've always liked you. And I don't want to end up hurting you."
"I'm glad you're so concerned about me. It's really cute, actually." He chuckles. "But I promise you, you won't hurt me. And since I also like you quite a lot, I know I won't regret it." He reaches over to touch your cheek, making you blush slightly.
You take a moment to consider his words. You really like him, and he seems to like you too. But you have reservations about being Eddie's first man. You remember your first, how kind and gentle he was, how he made sure you were comfortable. It ended up being one of the best nights of your life. You realize you can be that man for Eddie, you can guide him. You can make sure he's safe. He might not be so lucky with the next man he tries to engage with. You've had plenty of your own experiences where you'd been treated too rough, almost ending up in the hospital a few times. You don't want that to happen to Eddie. "Alright, I'll help you. But let me finish up with your van first. I'll need to grab a couple things from the back office before we leave. And if at any point you feel uncomfortable, you tell me and we'll stop, okay?" You search his eyes for any doubt, but he seems set on this.
"Sounds like a plan to me. I'm gonna have another smoke though, to calm my nerves." He smirks, standing up with you. You're both very close to each other now, and the air suddenly feels electric. He keeps looking down at your lips, then back to your eyes. He moves even closer, his mouth only centimeters away. He's panting slightly, nervous again. "Can I kiss you, Y/N?" He asks, barely above a whisper.
"Yes. Please." You say just as quietly. Eddie leans in, connecting his mouth to yours. It's soft and plush, you immediately kiss him back. You grab his shoulders and pull him closer, biting his lip. He moans, allowing your tongue access to tangle with his. Your hands go into his damp hair, tugging on it lightly. He moans again, his hands moving to squeeze your ass. You moan this time, not wanting to let Eddie go. But you can't do this here, out in the open where someone could drive by and see you. You pull away, almost gasping for air. Your head rests against his for a moment. "You're really good at that, Eddie. But we can't do this here, it's not safe. Go have your smoke and I'll finish with the van, okay?"
"'Kay." He nods bashfully, backing away from you to turn and go outside. You notice his cock has hardened in his tight jeans, which turns you on even more. He wants you so badly, and you want him just as much.
"Fuck, you are so hot, Eddie. You're lucky I have self control." You say as you stare at his crotch. He looks down, blushing when he realizes how worked up he is already.
"You're not so bad yourself, Y/N. I'll go have that smoke now, and think about baseball or something." He laughs, walking backwards out of the garage as he speaks. You laugh at his remark, and he turns around to wait outside for you.
You make quick work of changing the oil, wanting to get back to Eddie as soon as humanly possible. He tastes so good, like tobacco and strawberry candy. You find yourself craving him, feeling your own cock harden in your grease-stained pants at the thought. You shut the hood forcefully, wiping your hands with a rag. You go to the back to freshen yourself up a bit. In the bathroom you splash water on your face, and scrub as much grease off your body as possible. You take a look at yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair. You find yourself feeling anxious. You're used to fucking random men, so what's the big deal? But you suppose Eddie is different. You know him, at least more than you've known the others. Your stomach flutters with a swarm of butterflies, you do your best to tame them.
You go to your locker in the office, pulling out some street clothes. Just jeans and a t-shirt. You change into them quickly, piling your uniform on a desk to take home to wash. You also grab a bottle of lube and a box of condoms from the locker. You keep them at the shop just in case, and Eddie is proof of their necessity. You put your belongings into your backpack, and proceed to turn off all the lights and lock up for the night. You go out through the garage, tossing Eddie the keys to the van. He catches them with a grin, flicking his cigarette away. He gets in the van, pulling it out into the lot while you push the button to shut the garage door behind you. You open the passenger door, seeing Eddie tossing his tapes into the back.
"Sorry about the mess, Y/N. I don't usually have passengers. At least, not in the front." He laughs, looking you over as you climb in. You toss your backpack behind you on the blankets and pillows. "You clean up good, babe." He stares at you a moment as you clip your seat belt on.
"I like when you call me that. You’re pretty handsome yourself." You meet his gaze, smiling at him. "So, is Lover's Lake alright?" You ask.
"Uh, yeah...sure." Eddie nods. He pulls out of the lot, and you're on your way to the most notorious hook-up spot in Hawkins. You spend most of the drive in silence, both of you too nervous to speak. You glance at him occasionally, but he's focused on the road. You notice his fingers tapping on the steering wheel incessantly, and you put your hand on his thigh to get him to relax. He tenses under your touch for a moment, before he softens with a low sigh. He looks at you for a second, smiling widely. "Thanks for that. I'm sorry for being so nervous."
"No need to be sorry, Eddie. I was nervous the first time too. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous right now. I've got goddamn butterflies because of you." You chuckle. He laughs too, loudly this time. He seems to relax little by little when you talk. You move your hand up and down his thigh gently, his breath hitches when you get close to his dick.
"Careful, Y/N. Don't wanna make me crash, do you?" He glances at you briefly. You're tempted to move further, but decide to keep your hand in place, stroking him. "Fuck. You’re quite the tease. Got half a mind to pull over right now." He shudders as you continue to touch him.
"It's just a bit longer, Eddie. Then you can have whatever you want." The last five minutes of the drive are quiet, the air between you slowly igniting. When he finally parks the van, you move your hand directly onto his cock. He gasps at your touch, and you palm him through his jeans. "Move to the back, babe." You say, ceasing your groping. He whines at the loss, needy for you. He obeys your request, flopping himself down onto the pile of bedding. You follow behind him, positioning yourself on top of Eddie. Your knees are on either side of his, and you caress his cheek. You look into his eyes, searching again for any doubt about how tonight will go. When you find none, you lower your lips onto his. He quickly returns the kiss, wrapping his arms around your neck to pull you closer. Your mouths move in sync, tongues fighting for dominance. Eddie puts up a good fight, but he eventually yields to you. You can tell he's used to being in charge. But for his safety, you need to take that role tonight.
"I've always wanted to do this. I never thought I'd have the chance, especially not with a man as sexy as you." He looks up at you meaningfully, running his fingers through your short hair. You start kissing his neck, causing him to moan. You nip at the skin, and more noises spill out of him. Eddie runs his hands down your back, digging his nails in as you mark him with hickeys. "It's funny…" He breathes out. "I feel like a girl in this position. I like it though. Jesus, I hope I'm not being weird." You stop teething on him to meet his eyes.
"It's not weird at all. I get what you mean. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, though." You resume your work, and Eddie snakes his hand down your front until he grazes your cock. You moan into his ear, and he grips your length. "You want to go further, baby?" You whisper in his ear, making him shiver.
"Yes. Please." He replies softly. You sit up to remove your shirt, and he mirrors you. You're both topless now, taking in each other's bodies for a moment. You explore him with your hands, running your fingers over his tattoos. "You like those, huh? I'm surprised you don't have any." He reaches over to feel you now. Your glistening muscles entrance him, he can't help but stare. You're the most beautiful man he's ever seen. Way better than any of the guys in the magazines.
"I've always wanted at least one. They're badass. But I can never think of what I would want on my body forever."
"I can give you one sometime, if you want. Just stick and poke, but you can do a lot with that." He smirks at you briefly, but it dissolves quickly, his motions coming to a stop. He's realizing what he said, assuming you'd want to see him again after tonight. "Sorry, I'm making plans for no reason. You probably don't want to see me after tonight." He looks down, his face falling into sadness again. You lift his chin with your finger, kissing him softly.
"Don't make assumptions, Eddie. Who knows? Maybe I do want to see you again. But let's not worry about that, okay? Just focus on right now. And right now, I want you to lay down." He does as you ask, and you slowly strip him of his remaining clothes. You slip his sneakers and socks off. Then you go to his belt, slowly undoing it. His breathing gets heavier as you work, eyes glued on your every move. You pull his jeans down along with his boxers. He's on full display to you, his cock hard and leaking precum. You look him in the eyes as you take his length in your hand.
"Fuck, Y/N." Eddie moans as you begin to pump him. You go slow, not wanting to overwhelm him. You bring your head down to lick a stripe up from the base to the head. His hips buck involuntarily, and he calls your name again. You hold his hips to steady him, taking his entire length in your mouth. He gasps, hand shooting down to hold the back of your head. You bob up and down on him, swirling your tongue as you go. His lips let a stream of curses and moans flow into your ears as you work him. You feel his edge nearing, so you release him from your mouth with a pop. "Jesus fucking Christ, you're really good at that."
"You wanna try it for yourself, Eddie?" You ask him, he sits up on his elbows to look at you.
He grins again. "I thought you'd never ask." You switch places with him, laying down on the surprisingly soft pile of blankets. Eddie copies your actions, stripping off your pants and shoes. He pulls your underwear off afterwards, taking his time. When your cock springs free, his jaw drops. He's so intrigued by it, as he's never handled one not attached to himself before. He eagerly grasps your length in his hand, and it's your turn to moan. He licks the same stripe you gave him, maintaining eye contact with you the whole time. His gaze makes your skin burn with lust, and you can't help but groan loudly when he finally takes you in his mouth. He tries to impress you by taking all of you at once, but he ends up gagging.
"It's okay, Eddie. Don't push yourself past your limit." You reassure him as he's blushing at his failure to deepthroat you on the first try. He takes what he can of you in his mouth again, doing the same tongue swirl. "Fuck, Eddie. You're doing so well. Keep going, I'll let you know when to stop." He goes up and down on you, stroking what won't fit with his hand. He wants to make you feel as good as you make him feel. It's like you're on fire, pleasure building and building under your skin. You sense your orgasm quickly approaching, pushing Eddie off of you. "That's enough, babe. There's still more to do."
"It sure was fun, though." He lets your cock fall from his grip, smashing his lips onto yours. You tangle your hands in his hair, tugging again. He groans into your mouth, and straddles you. He grinds his cock against yours, causing both of you to whimper. You keep up with his rhythm, the friction between you feeling so fucking good. You don't want him to stop, but you don't want to cum just yet. You break away, causing him to whine.
"So eager, aren't you? Just be patient, baby." You stroke his cheek, his eyes fluttering shut. "Let me go into my bag. Then we'll get to the good part." He lifts himself off of you, taking your place as you crawl over to your bag. You unzip it, pulling out the lube and condoms. You turn to face him again. You stop in your tracks, you're taken aback by how beautiful Eddie looks like this. He's all laid out to you, his hair splayed about on the blankets, his skin slicked with a fresh coat of sweat. He's so gorgeous, and he's all for you.
"Whatcha got there, sweetheart?" He asks with a grin. You show him the items, his eyes go wide again.
"You okay, Eddie? We don't have to do anything else if you don't want to."
"No, I definitely want to.” He insists. “I want you to fuck me, Y/N. I need you, just tell me what I have to do." His eyes are glistening, almost teary again. He's waited so long to be able to explore this part of himself. He's tired of hiding away. Sure, he loves women, but he wants to be with men too. And until now, he's been too scared to ask anyone. Ask the wrong man in a town like this and you're a pariah. Or worse, you're dead.
"Okay, babe. Just relax. Which way do you want to do this? Either I'm in you or you're in me. I'm fine with whatever you want, Eddie." You stroke his thigh again, comforting him. He takes a moment to think about it.
"I want you in me. And if it's not too much, could we do it again the other way?" He asks shyly, his cheeks burning red.
"Of course, sweetheart. I think it would be good for you to know which way you prefer. So, first, I'll have to loosen you up a little with my fingers, okay? And again, just tell me if it's not working for you." He nods, staring at you expectantly. "Alright, I'm going to have you get on your hands and knees for me, it's just easier to maneuver that way." He gets into position, shuddering in anticipation. You steady him with your hand on his back, he calms down a bit. You open the lube, squirting some onto two fingers. Your dry hand grabs his ass, squeezing gently. He moans quietly, awaiting your next move. You bring one finger to his tight hole, you massage the outside of it slowly, and he groans again. Once he seems to lean into the new sensation, you slowly push the finger inside of him.
"Y/N!" He cries. You almost pull back out, worried you've hurt him. "No, don't stop. Please, keep going." You continue, pumping your finger in and out of him, more beautiful sounds falling freely from his lips. After he's accustomed to you, you add a second finger. "Shit, it feels so different. So fuckin' good though." You continue moving inside of him until you feel like he's ready for your dick. You remove your fingers, and Eddie whines at the loss. You rip open a condom, rolling it over your cock. You squeeze more lube onto your length, gasping at the coolness of it. You kneel behind him, grabbing his hips.
"I'm going to put myself inside you now. Just say the word if it's too much, babe." He nods in agreement, and you slowly push your length into him. Moans burst from both of your mouths, he feels so tight around you. "You doin’ okay, Eddie?" You ask through gritted teeth.
"Yes, more than okay. Please, give me more." You love how much he's asking, begging you to fuck him. He's wanted this for a long time, and you're more than happy to grant his wish. You start thrusting inside him, taking it slow. He moans your name over and over like a chant. You can't help but moan back. "Faster, Y/N. Please." You obey his request, snapping your hips. You knock the breath out of him, and he groans when it returns. "Fuck, it feels so good. Too fucking good." He's putty in your hand, calling out praises at you with each thrust. The sound of your moans and skin slapping fill the van, which shakes in time with your movements.
"You're taking me so well, Eddie. And you're so fucking tight." You're getting closer to the edge, picking up the pace to bring Eddie with you. "Are you close, babe?" You ask breathlessly.
"Fuck. Yes. Go faster. Cum with me." He's a panting mess beneath you, the noises spurring you on. You snap your hips even faster, going at inhuman speed. You feel yourself losing it, cum filling the condom as you continue moving inside Eddie. You hear him reach his high, his load spurting out of his cock and onto the blankets. "Fuck, Y/N!" He shouts as his orgasm rocks through him. You gradually stop thrusting, pulling yourself out of his ass carefully. You tie off the condom and toss it in your bag to dispose of later. Eddie's laying with his lower half still in the air, in utter shock of how strong his orgasm was.
"You alright, Eddie?" You ask, helping him lay down next to you. You rest his head on your chest, stroking his hair. He doesn't say anything, but you feel his breath stuttering. And there's tears falling from his eyes. "Hey, hey. It's okay, babe. I didn't hurt you did I?" You sit both of you up to look in his eyes. His lip is quivering slightly, and his eyes are red.
"No, you didn't hurt me, I promise. You were so good. I just-" He starts to sob, and you bring him into your chest. You kiss the top of his head, feeling yourself lose a couple tears as well. He wraps his arms around your middle, letting everything out.
You understand how he feels. This is the first time he's been able to act on a part of himself that the world says is wrong. It wasn't too long ago when you were in his shoes, longing to be fully open with someone. You can only hope the future will bring a more forgiving society. One where who you are or who you love doesn't matter. One where the content of your character counts above all else. Not just for your sake, but for Eddie's. He's such a bright young man, but this cruel world forces him to hide himself away. You find it so unfair, because you think he deserves everything he desires. You wish you could give it all to him. Maybe you can't do all that, but you can give him this moment. And as the man who was your first did for you, you can make Eddie feel whole.
"Fuck." Eddie sniffles, chuckling. "I feel so silly, Y/N. But I feel like I don't have to explain anything to you. You just understand it. You understand me. You make me feel special." He wipes his eyes, looking up at you. "Can I make you feel special now?" He makes himself level with you again, eyes pleading to return the favor. And who are you to deny him?
"Yes, Eddie. You can." You kiss him deeply, pulling away a moment later. "How about a smoke break first, hm?" You stroke his arm gently, giving him goosebumps.
"Sounds good to me." Eddie smiles, crawling over to his jacket, pulling out two cigarettes and a lighter. He puts them both in his mouth, igniting the ends. He hands one over to you, and you happily take it. You lean against the side of the van, smoking thoughtfully. You feel his eyes trained on you, watching your muscles flex as you take a drag, or breathe. "You're so gorgeous, Y/N. Like one of those marble statues or something."
You glance at him, chuckling as you blush at his compliment. "Thank you, Eddie. That's really sweet of you to say. You're very handsome too, you know."
"Thanks." He says sheepishly, his cheeks matching yours. The both of you smoke silently, running your free hands up and down each other's bodies. Your bare flesh sizzles at Eddie's touch, and you can't stop staring into his big brown eyes. He takes notice of your erection, gripping it greedily while smirking at you.
"Shit, Eddie." You moan out, letting him pump you in his hand. You keep smoking, feeling the nicotine wash through you as he jerks you off. Your head is full of lust, swirling with sensation. He stops, taking your spent cigarette from you, putting it out along with his in the ashtray. He returns to your side, kissing your burning skin roughly. He plants his lips all over your body, from your neck, to your chest, your thighs, wherever you'll let him reach. You breathe heavily, savoring every wet mark of his mouth to your flesh.
Eddie moves in front of you, positioning himself to take your dick into his mouth again. You groan as your length disappears past his lips, and he hums on you as he takes as much as he can. His tongue swirls around you as he bobs up and down, his hand pumping what he can't fit between his plush lips. He glances at you as he sucks you off, winking when he sees your fucked-out expression. He keeps going for a few minutes, but his jaw soon gets tired. He lets your dick fall out of his mouth, along with some drool. He wipes it away, looking at you again. "Sorry, I'm not very good at that yet." He says, sounding embarrassed.
"That's alright, Eddie. You did so well." You stroke his hair, trying to make him feel better. "You wanna fuck me now, babe?" You ask breathily, and he perks up at your suggestion.
"Fuck, yes." He straddles you, clashing his mouth with yours. His hands grip your hair, tugging roughly. You moan into his touch, dragging your nails down his back. Eddie can't help rubbing his cock against yours, creating welcome friction. He moves on you like an animal in heat, his lips migrate to your neck. He licks your skin, sucking on it to leave dark hickies. He seems more confident now, and so very eager to please you.
The inside of the van feels like a sauna, the two of you radiating pure lust. "You're such an insatiable little thing." You chuckle lowly, bringing his head up to face you again. "How do you want me?" Your hand caresses his face gently, your eyes searching for doubts again.
Eddie's breath stutters, he's contemplating your question carefully. "Is it comfortable for you to lay on your back?" He asks, unsure of himself again. When you don't immediately reply, he almost dismisses the idea. "We can do it the other way if that's easier, I don't mind." His gaze falls, worried he’s ruined the mood. You use your finger to lift his chin.
"I can lay down for you, no problem. Don't be so nervous to ask for what you want, Eddie." You tenderly kiss his lips, making him melt. Your hand casually brushes over Eddie's cock, making him gasp. "Let me get comfortable, okay?" You say, barely above a whisper as you teasingly grip his length in your hand for a second.
"'Kay." He exhales, climbing off your lap once you release him from your grasp. You take out another condom from your bag, handing it to Eddie along with the bottle of lube. You shift your body to lay on the blankets, putting your knees up for him. He sits before you, holding the objects you gave him. "Should I loosen you up first, Y/N?" He asks, setting the condom down. He looks so adorable, gazing at you with wide, unsure eyes.
"Yes, just do as I did to you earlier. One finger first, start slow. Then add another, okay? And don't worry about having too much lube, it's better than not having enough. Take you time, baby. And relax, this ain't my first rodeo." You laugh, and he does too. He nods his head at your instructions, seeming more relaxed now. He squirts some lube onto a finger, lowering it between your legs. He mimics your actions, massaging your puckered hole first. You moan quietly, nodding encouragingly when he looks at you again. "Go ahead." You breathe out, anxiously waiting for his digit to enter you. He finally slips it in, his mouth falling open at how warm you feel around him. "Fuck." You groan, looking deep into his eyes.
He starts to pump in and out of you slowly, watching every reaction of yours. He's teasing you, smirking as you consistently moan and curse for him. Your hearts race, breathing so heavily it's borderline hyperventilating. You've never been this easily revved up before, especially given how experienced you are. But Eddie's much different, you're genuinely attracted to him as more than just a casual fuck in the woods. "Should I go faster? Or add another one?" He asks expectantly.
"Another, please." You almost whine at him, scoffing mentally at your tone. You don't whine, at least, not usually. He's truly having an almost supernatural effect on you. His smirk grows wider, pushing another finger inside you. Your moans get louder, and he takes that as a signal to speed up. "Shit, you're really good at this." You praise him lustfully, laying your head down to focus on the sensations coursing through you.
"You're so sexy when you moan for me." He continues fingering you, laying his body over yours to kiss you as he does so. You could lay like this for hours, just enjoying the taste of his mouth and him working your asshole with his hand. Your dick is leaking precum, dripping onto your stomach. He breaks away from the kiss, his eyes blown out with hunger. "Can I be inside you now?" He stares down at you, and you nod. He carefully slides his fingers out of you, making you groan at the loss.
Eddie sits on his knees, ripping open the condom, before rolling it onto his cock. You watch him, propped up on your elbows. He pours the lube onto himself, cursing at the coldness of it. He spreads it around with his hand, and lays over you once again. He waits for you to give him the go-ahead, positioning himself outside your entrance. "I'm ready, baby. Just start slow." You put your hands on his shoulders, steadying him as his dick pushes slowly into your ass. "Oh, fuck." You call out, gripping his shoulders harder.
"Shit…you’re so tight." Eddie chokes out as he fully slides into you. He lets you get used to his size, and you nod for him to start thrusting. He keeps intense eye contact with you, looking at you almost lovingly. You both moan repeatedly as he slowly moves inside you. "Jesus, I'm not gonna last long like this, Y/N." He says, trying to remain calm. He's overwhelmed by how snug and warm your insides are, it's like nothing else on earth.
"That's okay, Eddie. I can speed myself along to cum with you." You reply breathily, taking hold of your own cock. He picks up speed, setting a steady pace. "You feel so fucking good, Eddie. You're doing so well for me." You praise him, feeling waves of pleasure washing over you. You watch Eddie's facial expressions as he fucks you, he's got sweat on his brow and he can't stop moaning your name. He's hitting just the right spot inside you, setting your insides on fire. "How does it feel, Eddie? Tell me."
"Fuckin’ unbelievable, Y/N. Like nothing I've ever felt before. You're so tight and warm. Jesus Christ, I'm so close already." He speaks absent-mindedly, in pure disbelief of how good this all is.
"I know, I'm getting there too. Try to hold it for me, keep going." You jerk yourself harder in your hand, and Eddie pounds into you even faster. "Oh, Eddie!" You cry out, bucking your hips involuntarily. Your movement tugs on him, and he groans so loud in response. You're so close to the edge, and you desperately want to come undone. "Fuck me harder, please." You beg him, and he happily grants your request.
"Oh, God. Oh, shit. Fuck, Y/N. I'm gonna cum." His words are strangled in his throat as his high overtakes him. His mouth falls agape, and his eyes squeeze shut. Eddie's cock empties into the condom, and he keeps thrusting to take you down with him.
You ferociously stroke yourself, letting your orgasm rip through you. "Fuck- shit." Is all you can manage to say as your cum spurts onto your stomach and chest. Your whole body feels like it's combusted into a million stars. Your eyes roll in the back of your head, toes curling as you ride out your high.
Eddie slows down, eventually coming to a stop. He gently pulls out of you, a groan escaping your lips as your insides clench around nothing. He disposes of the condom, and you just lay here staring dumbly at the roof of the van. "You alright, Y/N?" Eddie asks, quickly coming to your side. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" He lays next to you, playfully stroking your face.
Your thoughts are clouded by what just took place, you're completely fuck-struck. It's a wonder you can string a sentence together at all. "Uh, I'm fine. You didn't hurt me, I promise." You swallow hard, trying to catch your breath. "You just-...it was really good." You chuckle in disbelief, turning your head to align with his. "You're amazing." Your eyes flick to his lips, and back to his eyes. You want to kiss him, hold him and never let go. You feel like a madman with all these thoughts swimming languidly in your mind.
"You're not so bad yourself, Y/N. You're the best man I've ever slept with." He says, laughing dizzily.
"I'm the only man you've ever slept with." You chuckle back, rolling your eyes at his antics.
"True. But if there ever is another, you'll be a tough act to follow." Eddie smiles at you, picking up on what you want as he lowers his mouth to dance with yours. His hand snakes behind your head to hold you closer as he bites your lower lip. You moan for him, letting his tongue slide in to tangle with your own. He's such a good kisser, it's like a second language to him. And what he's doing tells you everything you need to know. He has no intention of letting you go, he can't explain it. There's something about you that he's drawn to, and it's definitely not just your cock. You're special, and you make him feel like he's special too. "It's unlikely, though. I think I like you too much to say goodbye."
Your eyes widen at his words, surprised that you both seem to be on the same page. You grip the sides of his face with your hands, trying to telepathically communicate just how strongly you agree. "So don't." You reply quietly, briefly kissing him again. His doe eyes flutter shut when you do, and butterflies swarm around wildly in your bellies. You pull him closer to you, laying his head on your muscular chest. He nuzzles against you, putting his leg over yours to stay warm.
"I want to stay like this forever, Y/N." Eddie blurts out, his fingers dancing on your bicep. His tone is blissful, if not twinged with slight sadness at his realization of how unreasonable that request is.
"We can certainly try, Eddie." Your arms hold him closer, wishing for this moment to last for eternity.
The End.
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