#(yeah because it's episodeS of course it is who is suprised not me that's who)
rawliverandgoronspice · 7 months
continuing the outline for thralls, and holy shit does it get intense, emotionally. I don't think I ever got teary-eyed while outlining, but I very much did here (and because of romance??? what is going on???), and... Like, I think that besides two subplots that are still pretty vague in my head right now, it is starting to look very strong, but. I'm still very much on the fence about whether this is a story worth telling, especially now, and especially by me.
don't get me wrong, I think it's a good story. but I'm not sure that's good enough of a reason to bring it to screens.
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darkness-follows · 3 months
hey! i love your writing! there’s so little for Boyd x reader out there, so if you’re up for it could you maybe write something for him? maybe a little hurt/comfort and smutty?? he’s such a weirdo and i love him sm
thank you! and have a nice day :)
Thank you, thank you !!!! And of course!!! I hope the changes I made and the idea it turned into still all work for this !
Boyd x Female Reader
I'm still not over the end of City Primeval because it was so perfect and makes up for how in my opinion the other 7 episodes were a bit of a tough chew. Not bad! But not fantastic either.. but still, consider giving it a watch especially for the end of episode 8 for this mini multi part fic might spoil some things!!!!
It hurts so good aka a Justified: City Primeval sequal to the OG show with older Boyd and a Prison Guard reader who falls madly in love with him.
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TW: Blood. Wounds. Prison stuff. Smut (cavity/strip search). Gross other prisoners.
Enjoy PART 1:
First day on the Job. A Female prison Guard in a men only Penitentiary, it takes a lot to stomach everything, the comments, the looks, the disgusting things prisoners say to you. But you prepared for this, you got trained for this and hell you will make the best of it! You get to meet the non violent prisoners first, the ones who aren't arrested for rape or torture or anything of that kind. It's also the first time you meet Boyd Crowder. Your family being from Harlan Kentucky you heard some stories..
You know of him, but not a whole lot about him.
Though mistakes happen in prison especially on a first day. Your partner accidentally left you alone with Boyd and another prisoner in the back of the kitchen. And men who were locked up for a long time...don't exactly behave the best towards a young, pretty attractive new Guard. "Didn't know they hire models" the prisoner says, it's a mild start but it gets worse and worse. Until he makes a move towards you, he grabs your wrist and tries to pull your hand towards his crotch "let go! Let go of me!!" You try to pull away but he's twice your size.
You hear a loud bang and all of a sudden the prisoner has his eyes snapped on Crowder.
"Jerry! That ain't how we treat women now is it? You better confess what you've done if you wish to sleep in peace tonight" Boyd turns to take the man's shoulder, guiding him slowly out of the kitchen. "You don't want any suprise visits tonight do you Jerry?" He whispers before he shoves him out of the kitchen.
Shaking his head "I'm sorry about that, some of em really don't know how to behave. You okay?" He asks and when your eyes meet his it's almost..magnetic. "hm? Oh! Yeah! Yes thank you, I was ready to get that taser out" You huff.
"Oh please there is no need to thank me, I'm sorry your first day went like that, I sincerely hope one bad Apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch for you now. There are some good men in this place." He points out. The way he speaks and the methaphor.. you heard he has a certain charm to him but seeing it in real life, hearing his buttery accent and the way he carries himself despite the orange prison attire? He's a bit Interesting..
"I'm known to hand out a few chances" You smile and open up the knife drawer with your keys. Your duty is to observe their cooking and Crowder was listed as green when it comes to kitchen supplies such as knives.
"Gotta admit I might be the same way, Lord knows I've been giving away chances like free candy" He takes one of the bigger kitchen knives to start cutting the vegetables Jerry was supposed to take care of. The way he keeps looking over his shoulder at you to talk makes you feel a certain kind of warmth. He's really making sure to adress you respectfully, keeping eye contact and not looking you up and down like the rest of em in this place.
"Well, thanks again Crowder." You nod. Keeping it professional.
2 weeks into a new job and it's safe to say that you adjusted well, you know who to trust and who to get along with, which prisoners are the nice kind and which ones are the bad. This place works like a perfectly oiled machine, everything is time based and the system of the prison works. You shouldn't have a favorite prisoner but this Crowder guy doesn't seem too bad. You've been through his file a little, it's a hefty record for a man who seems so nice and collected. You also stumbled across some pictures of an injury he got inside.
Graphic pictures of a mean looking burn on his upper arm, investigation showed second degree burns to apparently scorch a hateful Tattoo off of his skin. Ouch. Yet no agressor is listed, apparently, he wouldn't say who did it to him. It was his first week of kitchen duty too.
You see Crowder again in the kitchen, it's easy for New Guards to be posted at Lunch and dinner. Observe everything.
"You've got to try this! For prison chow it really is somethin' " Crowder points out, stirring a pot.
You hesitate at first but you are pretty sure he wouldn't try and poison you. Not like this anyways. "I don't know If..- I'm allowed to" You frown but with a smile. Though no other guards are around so maybe it's fine. The smile on his face when you step closer is almost sweet, he takes a spoon and puts some of the food onto it, holding it out to you. You don't even really think about it when you open your mouth and your lips move around the spoon that he's holding. Too distracted by the taste.
"Wow!" You huff suprised, chewing slowly. "That really is good" How on earth does prison food taste better than the food at your own table at home?
"You like it? It's a old Crowder family recipe. It's easy to make but got quite the kick to it!" He throws you another rather off putting smile, why is he so nice? You read his file you know he's not violent for no reason but it's still a bit unusual.
"Yeah I do like it! You gotta give me that recipe" You take a few steps back again, licking your lips softly. That was really tasty.
"Is that an order, Guard?" He asks, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel and turning to face you. The tension in the room is suddenly different, heated, you don't know what he's getting at but it's best to put a cork in it, now.
"No?" You question. "Now get back to work" .
"That was an order" You tease.
His chuckle rings in your ears for a moment, you really do have a strange relationship with him.
Its not unusual to play favorites in a place like this but you and Crowder became..close. It's been a month now for you in Kentucky's Tramble Penitentiary. Everytime you interact with Boyd you laugh, you smile, he smiles, it really feels like you starting to develop a crush. Which is bad. Biggest rule in the game. Don't fuck the inmates. Ever. Cooking duty for him means you can always watch him fix up something nice for the other inmates. He really always takes his time, he always makes it great.
Up until today.
"God! Fuckin' damn it!" You hear Boyd curse loudly and when you rush to the kitchen to take a look you can see blood. Your hand moves to your taser.
"Easy! Didn't stab nobody, just cut myself, the fucking cucumber slipped off the board." He holds his fingers and you can see blood slowly running down his hand and arm. Luckily you have some mild medical training.
You radio in the incident and your current Boss gives the clear, your allowed to take care of the injury and put someone else on cooking duty.
You swap out inmates and a coworker takes over the Observation while you take Crowder to the small medicial room at the end of the hallway. A own room for minor things so they don't all end up clogging up the only Hospital wing in the entire prison.
But you've never been in this area or this room before and suddenly it dawns on you, you are new and your alone here with a prisoner known for Manipulation tactics. The fear becomes reality when you finally take a closer look at his injury. No way in hell was that an accidental cut, the placement is way off.
"What's the plan Boyd? Jump me. Take my keycard, my taser, make your way out the back?" You huff.
You hope you are wrong but when he starts to chuckle you can feel your stomach turn.
"No darlin' not quite." He points out.
"God and here I was thinking you weren't like the other's" your hand reaches for your Radio again to call it in when he's suddenly a few steps too close.
"It ain't like that" Boyd takes another step closer.
"Come one now, you need me to spell it out for you?" His voice...his smile.. he's...- is he trying to seduce you?!
"What? Yes. I think you do" your hand leaves off the radio.
"We have been dancin' around reach other for a month now, as nice of a dance as it was, you wanna leap off that stage now don't you? See the Real Deal." He suggests.
You can't help but to burst into a soft laughter "You think I want to sleep with you???" You shake your head and turn away from him, grabbing some rubbing alcohol and a Band aid for his self inflicted dumb cut.
"I don't just think so, I know so" He points out. Stepping behind you while you gather the supplies.
"Your crazy. I really underestimated your Level of crazy. Now give me that hand and then I'll take you back to your cell" You chuckle again. Staring at him when you turn around and he holds up the cut in his hand. Your hands tremble while you pour the alcohol onto a cottonball. Taking his hand into yours, cleaning the cut and then the rest of the blood from his hand and arm. His fingers, his breathing.. He takes another step forward and you take one back. Feeling the wall against your back, shaky hands trying to hold still while you slap the band aid onto his wound. Once that's done his hand closes around yours.
"You mean it? I've been imagining things... you don't want me?" He tries to confirm that he actually might have been wrong about you.
But you can't help it, you let his hand take yours.
Your hesitation speaks volumes.
Your hand presses against his chest, but he leans in to kiss you anyways. His lips are so gentle, so careful, he's not aggressive or demanding. It's almost sweet if you don't think about the fact that this could get you fired and that having a crush or fling with him won't work. Because at the end of the day he's in here and you are out there.
You break the soft kiss with a sigh.
"No..- I don't want to sleep with you, now take a step back Crowder" You raise your shoulders, making yourself a bit taller.
He nods. And he does.
"Apparently im off my game, it's been a while" He frowns. "I deeply apologize." He keeps his head down for a moment.
He genuinely seems sad. As if he can't believe he made such a mistake.
"Your not off your game." You finally say. "Imma have to get a uh, a transfer I think, to another ward, having feelings for an inmate is unacceptable."
His head lifts up slowly.
"Here I was thinkin' all these little things were signs you wanted my flesh. But it aint just that huh?" The smile on his face makes you roll your eyes. "You like me" He grins. "Shut up" You groan.
"As in, a little crush! Or a big crush? Good Lord! Are you in love with me?!" Now he's just being mean.
"I said shut up!" You chuckle.
And then he hugs you.
You expected everything but that...
His arms around you feel so strangely comforting, you know this is wrong, you read his charges, you know very well why he's in here and yet here you are, in his damn arms. Your hands are hesitant, but slowly you stroke your palm over his back and your other holds onto his upper arm, where you feel the scar tissue underneath your finger tips.
"Why did you never tell who did this to you?" You ask, hand soothing over the uneven skin. It's a really bad burn scar, thick and leathery almost in it's texture.
He slowly lets go of your frame, placing his palm onto your face. "Cause I did that myself." He tugs a piece of your hair behind your ear before his lips place a kiss onto your head. "They woulda thrown me into isolation for it, marked me up as a danger to myself, couldn't risk that...-" He adds. Taking a step back then.
"Why did you do it? Apart from the obvious.." your skin feels on fire, you want more, your lips are dying for a kiss that takes your breath away and your hands are aching for a body to cling to.
"Form of self punishment, I guess." Incredible how sane and yet insane such a Statement sounds, you kind of understand. Pointing to his hand "And you did that to sleep with me?" You huff. It's a strange way to go about things, that's for sure.
"Well, had to get you alone somehow didn't I?" His face changes when he looks at you a little while longer, taking a deep breath. "But I gotta admit, this was quite the suprise, might be even been better than a simple, fleeting, lustful exchange. I deeply honor that you.. care about a man such as myself." He likes it, he wouldn't have it any other way actually.
"Doesn't matter much does it? Not like there is anything to be build here" The alarm starts blasting which means Lunch is over and it's back to the cells.
He missed Lunch for you.
You take a hold of his shoulder to walk him back to his cell, his cellmate not being there yet you step inside for a second.
"Don't request a transfer.." He whispers. "Seeing your face every day for the last month while cooking has been the happiest I have been in a while, don't take that from me, please." He seems really sincere.
You nod "Okay." Then you leave his cell.
Fuck, you can't believe you have a crush and that he kissed you, and that he hugged you, hell he even knicked himself with that knife to get to be alone with you and then also asked to not stop seeing you everyday.
Falling for an inmate was not on your list, especially not THE Boyd Crowder.
Fights happen very very often in tight spaces like these with a bunch of criminals. Unfortunately Crowder was in the room where it happend, which means by the damn book, strip search. Someone could be hiding a self made knive, razorblade glued to a toothbrush..hide drugs.. anything.
"Crowder. Room 3." The guard yells, FUCK. You were hoping he'd be called to a different room, you change your gloves from the last inmates search, leaning against the medical shelf when he steps inside. The instant smirk on his face makes you flush Red.
"Well ain't that somethin' , guess it's your lucky day" He closes the door and takes off his shoes. Not his first strip and not your first search but.. this is pretty damn intimate. Even if you try to not treat it that way, you like him, and he knows you like him, and now you get to do a body search on him? It might really be your lucky damn day.
"Hey now! Im a pro" You wiggle your gloved fingers.
"I bet you are darlin' " He steps closer, opening the buttons on his orange prison jumper. The reveal of his chest and his shoulders is already pretty nice to see but when he drops it lower and you get to see his abs and his hips and his V line it's starting to get steamy in the room. He Strips the jumper and stands in his white boxershorts.
"Don't you worry now, I think I'd be quite alright with a bit of touching" He clicks his tongue, taking off his boxers. And Jesus christ. Seems like Boyd Crowder isn't just all talk, he really got the package to back it up. Good for him!
"You are staring" He comments.
"No! What? Im not! Turn around" You huff, watching him turn around and place his hands against the wall. Fuck, this shouldn't be so damn hot.
"Bend uh, bend over...you know how this goes come on Boyd" You sigh.
His chuckle makes your head spin, you really didn't think this would happen today. But you got a job to do, it's not like you don't trust him but .. you have to do this right?
You take a deep breath before you step behind him, patting down his hair first, armpits, his hips, people get creative. Some even hide blades in their own damn skin. When your hands move to his pretty nice butt you hesitate.
"Oh come on now sweetheart. Ain't my first rodeo. Let's go" He huffs. You nod. Taking the lube from the medical cabinet, you hands spread his buttcheeks apart, when you don't see or feel anything it's time for the uncomfortable finger. You apply enough lube and with a soothing hand on his hip you gently push a finger inside of him.
You don't take him for the type to shove drugs up his damn ass but this is simply part of the job. Of course you don't feel anything so you move to take your finger away again but then he..moans.
A long deep right out of his lungs kind of moan.
You move your finger slowly again in the same motion and his body tightens. "You uh, you okay?" You ask.
He nods. Which is not a yes and not no to you.
"Bit sensitive are we Crowder?" You ask and you could swear to god that he pushes back against your hand. "I think I have to be really thorough here." You slowly push a second finger inside of him.
"Fuck...-" He moans deeply.
"I'm so sorry!" You panic a bit.
"No your fine..- just god please don't stop".
"Don't stop what? That?" You move your fingers the way you did before again and again..- getting a bit deeper each time. His head is resting on the arm that's holding him against the wall, you can tell he's breathing faster, his skin is flush. Someone likes a bit of a prostate massage.. Interesting.
Boyd's breathing sounds so insanely erotic, you never heard a man make these noises before.
His other hand spreads him open a bit, watching your fingers move in and out of him. You never thought you'd be into that but? The way he sounds so broken by how good it feels? The fact that it makes him feel so good makes you feel good in return. That's all that matters right?
You step closer to him, placing a gentle kiss onto his back while your free hand reaches around him. Stroking over his Rock hard cock.
"Good lord, Ain't that some kind of abuse of Power?" He comments but he likes it, he could easily make you stop if he wanted to. Looking at you with big desperate beautiful eyes.
"You wanna file a complaint?" You kiss his shoulder and his back again. His hips starting to meet your pace is incredible.
"Phew aren't you all wound up, how long has it been Boyd? Since you felt a womans touch? Soft lips against your skin, delicate hand around your cock?" You whisper and it feels as if he's crumbling at your words. All desperate and defeated. That certainly is a new look for Boyd Crowder.
"Too long way too long" He breathes out.
"Am I doing a good job?" You ask hopeful.
"The best..." his voice is dripping with something sweet, he sounds so thankful.
When you push your fingers into him harder you can feel his hips shiver. He likes it a little rough too apparently.
You keep the stronger pace of your fingers, hand stroking his cock in the same motion.
The orgasm you get to witness is stunning, breathtaking. He tries to swallow his moans but his body clenches around your fingers and his cock throbs in your hand while rows of cum spray the wall in front of him. It's easy to tell without a vocal Orchestra that he really enjoyed himself. Carefully letting go of him and taking your gloves off.
"God damn Baby." He chuckles when he turns around.
He picks up his clothes and gets dressed again fairly quickly, closing the buttons on his prison jumper. He even has the damn courtesy of taking some paper towels and cleaning up the mess he made, tossing them and washing his hands before he looks at you.
"You really have me question what we are here..." He tilts his head and you can still see the remains of a blush on his skin.
"I've never done this before, all these other guys they are so...uptight, uncomfortable, and then you come along moaning around" You huff.
"Which I never done before either!! No other guard has ever gotten me like this, I think it's more of the person, the person being a woman I rather fancy" He smirks a bit. "I bet any touch of yours would make me sing such tunes darlin' " God the charisma of this man is teeth rotting sweet.
"Your ridiculous" You comment, but you should move on now, you don't want people to question why this is taking so long.
"Ridiculousy smitten, correct." He nods.
"Go now, smitten or not this is still a crime" You nod towards the door but instead of him going both of his hands take your face. Kissing you slow and sweet before he has to let go. "Might get myself into some more trouble if that means I get to be seein' you" he winks before he opens the door.
He's such an idiot but...god you too are pretty damn smitten.
To be continued...
Hey thank you for reading. I hope you liked it. And I hope you are excited for more !
@justme12200 @cat-shepard @megangovier
@ivyinthesun @catclaw12
If I wrongly tagged someone or forgot someone im super sorry !!! I gotta start making a damn list hahaha.
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ambertrulife · 3 months
Though on Helluva Boss and the new episode "Apology tour"
You know what I love in this show ?
It's that ALL the character are wrong !
And that make all humans, even if they litterally demons.
Think about it :
Stolas falled in love with Blitzo after making in place a contract that involved just sexual interaction. He want more but didn't know how to ask it, so he want litteraly to IMPOSE this view to Blitzo. First, he asked him a protection that didn't appear in the fonction of IMP. Second, he act romanticly and that make Blitzo inconfortable, but he doesn't care. He just want to be loved, to be desired, by someone. He think this person is Blitzo but he NEVER ask him or LOOK at Biltzo in the first place ! The thing that very interesting, it's that when he sing about their relationship, the only thing that he questionned it's that, the moment where he pushed Blitzo in the romantical relashionship, not the moment where they talked or he make Blitzo inconfortable with sex thing. Because he know that what Blitzo was agree in the first place.
Verosika also wanted more for Blitzo that he can give. You know what that chock me in this dialogue ? When she say : "the funny guy". Man, Blitzo is funny IN APPAREANCE. He's not like that, we as a spectator, know that. What it's mean ? It's mean that Verosika falled in love with the image of what Blitzo is, not for what he is. She doesn't understand that, of course, 'cause she's in pain and she can't see the real reason that push Blitzo to not accept her love.
Because, NOBODY knows him.
Oh boy, Blitzo is such a dramatic character. He was fucked up before the incident that killed his mother. When he was young, nobody understand him. He was a strange kid, with his own delire and imagination. He wasn't bad, rude or anything. But he was a stranger in his own family/circus. We don't know the relationship he had with his mother and sister but the other characters, the public, EVEN HIS OWN FATHER, look at him like he was something (not SOMEONE) wrong. The only person that accept his excentricity was Fizzarolli, his best friend, because he's patient, tolerant, kind. Don't suprised that Blitzo falled in love with him. But, the day he wanted to confess, he doesn't filled like he have the right to. Why ? We don't know exactly but pretty sure that because how everyone in his entourage said how talentued is Fizz and how he is, Blitzo, a loser. So he run away, provoquing the fire and the death of his mother.
And there, in this fatal moment, he come to the conclusion that everybody is right : he's wrong. First, he wanted to improved, to show people thaht he can change, but it's trauma stop him right away. People didn't see his destress, they only see the consequence of his act. So he's stop trying. Every one see him like an asshole ? So it's gonna be that asshole, no matter what. He convinced himself that he is like that, even if that isn't true. Yeah, he can't be insensitive and rude, but he never was bad. So he's lutting with himself, to be that asshole that everyone things he is even then is not like that.
And that why all his relationship finsihed bad. Because with the people he loved, he isn't like that. He's charming, and people loved this excentricity. But, when they're come to far, when Blitzo feeled that they became to close for who is he really, so he's break up like a asshole.
The difference between Dennis and Blitzo and Stolas and the "Better than Blitzo" ? The communication. Yeah, all the two are probably a one-night stand. But Blitzo was really rude, humiliting and really concidered Dennis like a hole. "Better than Blitzo", in other hand, really are interessed in Stolas, even if it's just for one night. He traited him with respect and try to seduce him.
We, as the spectator, knows why Blitzo is like this. But the other character don't. Because Blitzo is a drepressed person that react with hated for himself so hard that is repercuted on other. But nobody can tell. Because, like many people in is case, he's a contradiction and people don't understand that.
Did I right ? Did I wrong ? Pretty sure I'm wrong ! But that why I liked this show so much : it's because, even if they're just character, they're write like human, and if I know something with human, that there are inpredictable !
Anyway, my though about Helluva Boss.
(And sorry for my english, it's not my first language but, hey, I'm trying to improved myself !)
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justanotherlostgrl · 9 months
Okay, ranting about the new PJO episode(im making these up as i go alr)
First off, the percabeth hug? Perfection, loved it, second, Annabeth giving attitude to Ares? Yes, we live that, keep that up sweetie you're doing great, also, in the amusement park, my guy just offered a date to Annabeth without knowing he was doing so???? Yeah, Percy behavior right there.
Annabeth trying to lighten the mood even tho she's terrified of that thing falling on Percy? My percabeth heart can't handle it.
Grover making small talk with Ares? Didn't like that.
Moving on, the Thrill Ride O' Love? STAWP (tho I almost choked on air when I started laughing when What Is Love started playing) Their little angsty talk? Give me more of those, those are amazing. Percy trying to reach for Annabeth underwater but instead realizing another power of his? Loved that.
Grover suspecting something's off with Ares and making him talk? Yes, we love our smart goat boy. All the right stuff he was saying to butter him up.
Back to Percy n Annabeth, that whole argument about the throne? So on character for them. ALSO, the first!!! Seaweed Brain??!!!!! Changing course now, I was legit on tears when Percy sat down but I knew my girl was gonna try something and boy was I right. And her snapping out of her "That's how Gods work and we don't ever question it" mindset is so gratifying to me I can't even begin to explain it, and her standing up for Percy and calling him her friend (fucking finally) and deciding to be her own person and don't follow their stupid rules? I'm invested, give me more. And Hephaestus being sympathetic towards Annabeth because he felt like that too, he's too tired of following Olympus' rules and being the cast out so he understands and him being nice and saying he'll put in good word for Annabeth... Don't touch me I might die.
And we finally got some good ol' sass thrown in for Ares on Percy's part and I'm delighted.
Still, Grover thinking he knows who stole the bolt is something so funny to me
Plus, Lin in the post-credit scenes is something I didn't expect, that one suprised me
So yeah that's pretty much it, loved every second of it
P.S. I've read the books this is just me plastering my thoughts on the show somewhere
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reesesfastbreak · 3 months
spoilers for pllss
excuses excuses excuse for shawn, you don't need to see a goddamn thing to prove his actions or lack there of but you need to see everything for jen. okay. "jen gets angry and confrontational when accused and defensive." i'm not seeing the anger, defensiveness sure. fair. which leads me to okay and? shawn doesn't. please. i really really need everyone to go back and watch season one with their eyes wide open.
the show isn't framing everything little thing as doubt jen. and honestly coming from a fandom that thinks she's lied about something as asinine as her dad? or is lying about everything and is spending all her time lying? i don't really take much purchase in that thought process. this is another wild theory.
this episode was about wrapping up lose ends. maia rides hard for jenoa and quiet frankly i trust her judgement on that. jen got what she wanted. there is no point in her "going after shawn" she's not as vindictive as general fandom makes her out to be. like hell she really said "we could be a throuple" but that gets glossed over real quick huh because we just care about shawn's feelings and how good of a guy he is? a lot of his perfect behavior was just a ton of red flags and i am baffled on how people don't see that.
i actually did not have beef with shawn as a character before the fact he punched a wall and put a hole in it after a scene where it was implied he was going to be hunting jen for sport. and i am suprised it doesn't have more people lost. it's not ooc when you remember his actions in season one. and you're really just looking at someone who likely has trauma around people yelling and saying "hm yeah, i think she did this because i have to see it to believe it." she flinched even when NOA raised her voice at her, of course she's going to be shaken up when a guy shawn's size does it.
truly baffling that everyone else gets good faith analysis and gen pop cannot even think about some of the reasons why jen is the way she is or even think about her actions critically about why she does these things.
jen fox is not perfect. i can acknowledge her flaws but goddamn so many people refuse to acknowledge shawn's.
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Danganronpa 3: Future arc episode 3.
Back to... This.
I regret everything.
.... It was fake....
She's alive!
I dunno whether to be more mad or relieved.
So she's alive but still hurt?
... Nope it's a toy knife and ketchup.
Fuck you guys I got scared.
... Wait whys everyone scared?
My boi!
The fucking emotional whiplash and I've just started this.
Oh they strung him up and oh... Oh fuck.
Of course it's one of the people who was sweet and I liked.
And it makes sense why him of all people.
But still!
Everyone going through it I mean a fake body, and than a real body.
Were they trying to kill Gozu and Asahina? But they can only kill one so that... happened?
Why the red herring?
Makoto hun it's not you're fault.
Kyoko instantly sus of the director. As she should be.
Asahina being the one who's pumped up and ready to go.
But Makoto not so much, it's like they switched moods.
Thank you Monomi for the exposition dump.
Okay so this was designed to be an overseas branch of Hope's Peak.
That later became what it is now.
Also we can just call it the Incident or the tragedy, we don't need to say the full name everytime.
It's a mouthful.
Wait so this means Makoto had ketchup on his hand how did he not notice?
... No yeah that situation was traumatic as fuck it makes sense it took a while.
"No one diess on my watch."
Oh Makoto...its just the beginning.
And yeah he figured out Miaya's forbidden action.
She can't go right.
Which is so random compared to "no running" and "witnessing violence" but fair.
Makoto easing her nerves by sharing his forbidden action with her.
It's dangerous but that's how you build trust in others.
People may think Makoto's preachy but he means everything he says.
And Asahina joining in only adds to that
"Be hit with a punch or a kick"... she's come close.
Way to close.
I love seeing Asahina confident, ready for whatever comes. It's so her and it's nice to see that again.
Hmm... Someone's here...
"I'll lead them off."
"With what, power walking?"
See that's how insults work guys.
Asahina be safe!
And Miaya's going with her.
Which is great but now Makoto is alone.
Makoto who is on everyone's hit list.
... Oh boy..
Seiko is... Pissed.
Yasuhiro is still on roof outside, oh man. He has no idea what's going on inside.
Shame, he could've gotten help but those missles(?) won't let him go.
Kyoko might be older and more polite, but she's still Kyoko.
I like seeing her way, Makoto is in a group that easily shares his weaknesses.
But Kyoko is with those who are guarded, and thus she is also guarded.
Makes sense.
I can't trust you if you don't trust me.
Makoto announcing Gozu's death as "bad news" just makes me laugh.
And finally he gets to explain himself.
Makoto meeting Izuru just a wild concept.
The manufactured hope and the one born of hope.
You know when you think of how Makoto was in a killing game.
Saw how own classmates kill each other.
But still saw goodness, still saw hope in them.
Would later reflect on the memories that were stolen from them that they had shared.
It makes a lot of sense in retrospect why he can see the Remnants as people rather than monsters.
Because he's seen what despair does to a person.
What it can drive them to.
He couldn't save his friends, but maybe he could save them.
In a way I feel like he did it because he wanted to help, because he saw good, saw hope in them.
But maybe also to atone in some way?
They all suffered under the hands of Junko Enoshima.
He had the means to help them he hadn't had before.
It makes sense why did the things he did.
Whether people agree is a whole other story but I'm glad he got to tell it.
Maybe sharing your weakness with people trying to kill you is a bad idea.
But if he wants people to have faith in him, to trust him.
It's a danger you have to take. And one he's willing to do so.
He knows how these things work afterall.
Kyoko's smile after he does so though. Because she knows him, she's knows he would do what's right.
She's not suprised at all.
"Lamest speech I've ever heard in my life."
No asked for your option Juzo!
Also fuck off Munakata.
Makoto knows true despair.
He went to class with them.
Badum tss
He's fallen to the bottom. Both figuratively and literally and bought himself back up to the top.
You're the one who's superficial.
You're the one who says they fight for hope, despite already succumbing and dooming yourself and others into despair.
Juzo not being mad at being left behind but instead saying "go for it big guy."
Idk if its just me but that sure sounded flirty.
... Is Seiko okay?
Soo Ruruka and Seiko seem like they have history.
Okay Seiko's on... Something.
I'm sus of the director but yeah that's Makoto alright.
He believes in what he says, doesn't mean he doesn't know how crazy it sounds.
... Fucking hell someone just threw a chair at Kyoko.
She's fine though.
Looks pissed but she's okay.
Ugh Juzo.
And Munakata's got to Makoto.
Makoto I love you and I get your vibe but there's a time for words and a time to goo.
I don't think you can talk down a murderous Munakata with a sword.
Even you're not that good.
I know it was a killing game but saying Makoto only won because it was a game.
Is fucked.
Also Makoto was supposed to lose that "game", do you not remember the 5th trial?
If Alter Ego wasn't in the system, Makoto would've died in his execution.
How is that not real enough for you?
Also saying that Makoto only won than cos the rules were vague and here they are cut and dry.
But also saying your words and attitude mean nothing because the real world has no rules.
Pick a lane man.
Also yes the real world does have rules.
"You don't know the hell we've put ourselves through to keep people alive."
Not specifically in your case but... He knows the feeling.
Very much so.
It's kinda his whole thing.
You guys need therapy not a sword and a chair.
Of course Makoto believes in his words, to him they aren't hollow. And they've gotten him this far.
Munakata for all your posturing, don't realise you're in the exact same game that you ridicule Makoto for.
Your a hypocrite.
"Exactly. If anyone can do it is you. Which is why I can't allow you to escape.
Your hollow words may spurr people forward, heaven knows to what."
... Boy you got issues.
Ah yes I will kill to destroy despair.
... Where have I heard that before.
Fucking hell.
Okay I will say "how unfortunate, too bad this wasn't a class room trial" is a cool line.
But also fuck you.
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brw · 2 years
the thing is that with his bipolar diagnosis, it makes sense that yellowjacket manifested from a failed suicide attempt or at least a very severe depressive episode because for a lot of people, manic episodes are actually a defense mechanism against depression. I don't know much about the different personalities situation & I think the writers just thought it would be a fun storyline or something but if we read it as psychosis or even schizoaffective disorder, it's really interesting. I wish they addressed how fucked up the marriage was though.. iirc janet said something in busiek's avengers run but hank never addressed it, which is so wrong.
i mean, initially they describe hank as schizophrenic, but the actual way they describe hank creating a completely new identity from an accident / trauma more closely replicates what we now understand to be DID, but obviously as time went on, as our understanding of mental health developed this became pretty much not a thing outside of this issue, but obviously it's good to contextualise where writers were coming from from their poor and sensationalised depiction of schizophrenia & hallucinations.
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(my assumption for yellowjacket is some writer thought he was boring, suggested they kill him off, someone else who liked hank a little more said they should just give him a new superhero identity again, and by combining the two you get the yellowjacket arc. this is purely speculation, so if anyone else has an interview where they talk about this more, let me know)
but yeah, to me, YJ in contemporary comics being caused by hank attempting suicide, failing, and struggling with mania & psychosis makes like. more sense than writers might think & fits in with hank attempting suicide in other comics. like, hank attempting suicide being the catalyst for YJ makes a lot of sense to me and i'm kind of suprised it isn't canon, but whatever.
this is also where hank, by being a product of the 60s and evolving as understanding of mental health & further research evolved, has kind of become like one of the most authentic depictions of mental health i've seen in comics. because i can imagine hank like, getting diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia back when that was still on the DSM, with him describing himself repeatedly as having hallucinations and generally describing symptoms of schizophrenia during Double Feature, and with how much hank being paranoid is a part of Season One. and I can imagine hank getting rescreened after they remove it in the 2000s, and getting diagnosed with loads of different things, which is why we see him taking various meds for depression, PTSD and anxiety throughout the 2000s, until eventually in 2010 getting his bipolar diagnosis. it's a common thing for some people to have issues with diagnosis or getting misdiagnosed or having multiple diagnosis' at once and i think though it wasn't intentional hank having such a varied history with "what's wrong with him" ends up being a really authentic piece on how diagnosis is more complicated than others think.
and yeah, marvel and fans need to do more to talk abt how fucked up that wedding was. i said it before and i'll say it again, the text is before janet and hank get married hank genuinely believes he is his own murderer and he is not hank pym. like canonically he is suffering from a massive break in reality and is having an episode where he's experiencing psychosis and can no longer remember who he is. that is not a man in my opinion in a state where he can consent to getting married. and throughout their marriage, while i love janet, we do see her repeatedly dismiss his issues as being a simple matter of insecurity. she actively ignores parts of him that are clear issues with his health, and at one point literally says to him "you look sad, start smiling more". hank's wellbeing and his health are actively dismissed and belittled by avengers and by janet, but that would of course come at the price of acknowledging hank as anything other than an abusive asshole, so you know.
ultimately what i love about hank is how unmarketable he really is. his mental health issues are ugly, they are obvious, they have ruined some of his relationships permanently, they have a big impact on how he lives his life and what kind of person he is, he has attempted suicide directly because he struggles so much with his mental health and with the impact it's had on him, and yet, the thesis statement on a lot of hank led comics like double feature, like season one, like avengers academy, like avengers a.i., like tales to astonish vol 3, hell, even slott's mighty avengers, is that hank pym is an inherently good person who helps others to the best of his ability. and that's more powerful than either fans or writers seem to appreciate and it just sucks that such an accidentally authentic mentally ill character has the parts where he is genuinely powerful or good be ignored bc of an arc that came out in the 80s like it just sucks a lot.
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taceolsaol · 2 years
MAG 80
Alright, backing it up a bit. First off, thank God for Melanie King and her being able to see through Not!Sasha. I think Jon was slowly becoming more suspicious of her, but I don’t know how he could have ever figured it out. And props to him for actually listening.
The Kind Mother and Distant Cousin statements are horrifying. The idea that ever aspect of a person could change and not being able to see it. Worse though is being the only one to see it. Worrying you’ve gone crazy, only to find an old polaroid that proves what you thought.
I can’t imagine being in Jon’s shoes. TBH, his behavior this season was pissing me off, his pride and paranoia making it so he couldn’t see the truth. But these last episodes showed a lot.
This poor man has been in this position for less than a year and in that time:
-He got the job because the last lady died mysteriously.
-One of his employees got kidnapped by worms and had to live at work for months.
-His other employee ran into “Michael” and it made clear there was danger coming.
-They all got attacked by worms, Jon and Tim having them literally burrow into them.
-They had to deal with CO2 poisoning.
-Martin found the previous lady murdered in the tunnels and Jon logically assumes the murderer is someone who works there.
-Sasha starts acting distant and weird.
-Tim is fucking traumatized.
-Jon is so unused to affection that Martin bringing him tea feels like a theat.
-He gets stabbed by “Michael” after being threatened again.
-His paranoia pushes everyone away who could help.
And the worst part is he isn’t wrong. They are hiding things from him. Martin, poor, sweet Martin, is lying about every qualification he has. This is at least a relief because it’s not that he’s a murderer (and probably explains some if the issues Jon finds in his work). Sasha is hiding that shes’s Not!Sasha with her weird boyfriend. Tim doesn’t seem to be hiding anything, but I do think he’s a bit of a hypocrite. Now obviously Jon’s behavior is the problem with the stalking, suspicion, and going through their lives, but Tim acts like he’s the only one going through it. They have all experienced a major trauma and none of them handle it well.
And then of course Elias. Who only makes things worse. Stirring up suspicion in Jon, almost intentionally making him more paranoid. Pushing Martin and Tim to the worst possible image of Jon. Blocking him at every opportunity. And being the one who killed Gertrude.
That season finale wasn’t what I expected. Leitner was a suprise, but very informative. I’m hoping Jon can see the parallels between them with the arrogance and pride, maybe learn something. And the parallel between Gertrude’s 3 dead assistants and Jon’s 1 probably dead and 2 very in danger assistants is concerning. (Idk why, maybe wishful thinking, but I never thought actual Sasha was dead and I’m holding out hope till I see the body. Enough “should be dead” people aren’t that it’s possible)
And Martin and Tim in this episode are heartbreaking. Tim’s certainty that Jonathan is so lost he’s going to do something stupid (not the actual stupid thing he did to the table). Martin just wanting them all to be okay and finally getting to express to Tim that, “no he isn’t ok, thanks for asking. Yes, everyone being safe and happy is the ideal. Yeah, Jon has been a dick these last couple of months but so has Tim. They all deserve happiness seriously Tim what’s wrong with you.”
And then the murder. Fucking Elias killing Leitner and pinning it on Jon. And of course Martin and Tim are released from “Michael” late enough to only see the aftermath. Tim being unsuprised, not needing any convincing that Jon is a murderer. Martin. Heartbroken and lost at being confronted withthe possibility.
This is getting way too long so some quick observations
-The spiders and webs. In the table, mentioned by Not!Sasha and Leitner, all around the archives, always connected with Jon and Martin. Against the Not!Them things.
-Jonathan cares deeply about Tim, Sasha, and Martin. The obvious fear he feels at loosing them and the pain at having lost Sasha.
-I naively thought Jon was going to reach out for help with he called Martin and Tim in. That was dumb.
-Really, Jon? Destroying the table sounded good to you????
-WTF does “Michael” want
-The archivist becoming less of a title and more of a state of being
-Jonathan belonging to The Eye, hmmm
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pixiedreamer21 · 3 years
Some of my personal thoughts on The Witcher season 2
I gotta say, most people saw the whole Eskel situation coming and I was disappointed when I assumed it but, I can’t say I loved Eskel on the show. Maybe it’s because of fanfics but I always imagined Eskel as the “sweet” one and level headed and he came off as an asshole probably because he was infected but still I was sad we didn’t get to see more but kinda happy
Loved the fact that there wasn’t unnecessary sex scenes. I loved that Geralt turned triss down for the simple fact that he thought Yen was dead and was actually dealing with it along with protecting Ciri. I HATE when shows kill off a love interest and the remaining character moves on right away. But i also loved that Yen and Geralt didn’t jump into bed as soon as they saw each other. And he said in the end he didn’t forgive her for almost hurting Ciri. I LOVE that. I know they’re endgame but I like how they’re moving them. They’re not my OTP but i like where they are heading
I can understand why people ship Tisassa and Yennefer because there was some major scenes for them and I’m happy for people that ship them.
Hated Triss’ hair, that wig deserves to be burned seriously what was wrong with her natural curls!?
kinda loved Yen this season, she was a lot more human to me and she needed a hug. She grew but also made mistakes which i’m totally here for. Can’t wait to see where her story goes. 
Geralt, I like how first and foremost he worried for Ciri and did all that he could to do right by her. Surprisingly I loved his scenes with Istred. He grew too as far as character development but not as much as Yennefer
Lambert and Ciri I love their relationship as well. He gives her tough love that I think she appreciates more than anyone because everyone else is kinda treating her as a doll or a pawn.
Fringilla I liked hearing more about her story and how she became so loyal to Nilfgaard but still craved power. She was so close to getting what she wanted if Cahir didn’t fucki it up.
Ciri was awesome I kept seeing that she was the star of season 2 and she most certainly was! This season really showed her depth and I like her. Does she look 12 years old though?? No, not in those low cut dresses. 
Costumes were Gorgeous this season, only thing I HATED was Triss’ hair, Pavetta’s hair and geralt’s YELLOW eyes
Mixed feelings on Cahir, Francesca, even Reince
We saw Dara (who i love! more than Jaskier) which suprised me 
Okay now the Jaskier and Geraskier of it all
Was I disappointed in the lack of Jaskier on season 2? OF FUCKING COURSE but i was not surprised because we got him probably as much as we did in season 1.
Breaking up song? LOVED “I wrote it from the heart, perhaps a broken one” I just 🥺🥺🥺🥺
i loved the prison song more though I’m not gonna lie i kept laughing
I was also disappointed because Joey Batey kept talking about how Jaskier was darker and not really ruled by his friendship with geralt and I just didn’t find that true...yeah in episode 4, he was the Sandpiper, doing a dangerous thing and saving elves but once Geralt showed up?
They turned him into a bumbling Bard that follows Geralt and the writers threw him for comedic relief and the damsel in distress. When Jaskier went off on Geralt for leaving him on that mountain I was like 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 but once they were on the road and Geralt apologized very half heartedly not gonna lie, he got talked down to and treated like a lackey and not worth anyone’s time. He got dismissed by yergen and Lambert like he was a piece of horse dung.
I really hope they start treating him better next season because if this is how they keep making this character, I’m gonna be so disappointed.
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kaeyasstarlight · 3 years
The New Kid In Town(Langa Hasegawa x Gender Neutral! Reader)
A.N: Ok, so I have really been into SK8 lately(just finished episode 12 at the moment I started writing this) and I just needed to write something with Langa cause he’s my fave in this anime. Anyways, hope you’ll enjoy!
Warning:None :D
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Third person POV:
You had just moved out from Tokyo to Okinawa because of your parents job. You were going to your first day of school today and you were kinda stressed, but I mean who wouldn’t be? You enter the classroom and your teacher presents you to the class.
“So this is Y/N Y/L/N your new classmate. Please can you inroduce yourself.”
“Um... So you already know my name. I’m here from Tokyo and I really like skateboarding.”
Let’s just that this has caught the attention of two certains blue haired and red haired boys. They looked at each other and like they could communicate by telepathy they could understand each other.
“You thinking what I’m thinking?”
“We should bring them to “S”.”
After the class(at lunch) the two of them went to go talk to you.
“Hi! I’m Langa Hasegawa and this is Reki Kyan. I know it can be hard to be the new student but we would really like to be your friends.”
“Woah! You got a lot more talkative than when we first met! Anyways, we really are into skateboarding too and we would like to show you a really cool place!”
“Huh yeah sure!”, you smiled at them sweetly and the heart of the blue haired boy skipped a beat.
“Ok! Let’s go eat I’m starving!”,Reki said.
You guys talked a lot about skateboard and other stuff and Langa was really interested in what you were talking about. After school the three of you went on the Dope Sketch scooter to go to “S” after they got you a pin(it think it’s a pin from what I understood). You had been challenged in a race cause they wanted to know your potential as a rookie and let’s just say you suprised them. When Langa saw you, it’s at this moment he told himself: “That’s it. I’m in love now.”
“OMG! That was so cool! You didn’t told us you could do that!”,Reki said.
“Yeah, I didn’t think you would find it this cool...”
“Of course! You were so sick I couldn’t stop looking!”
You smiled brightly and Langa could have died there, but he didn’t.
They brought you home and said goodbye before you said you would see each other at school the next day. When you were inside your house Reki looked at Langa.
“Ok, I saw that look on your face earlier. You like them don’t you?”,he smirked at him.
“No... Maybe... Yes...”
“Dude! You don’t have to be embarassed! I’m sure they would like you! You’re an awesome and super sweet guy! You know... I know it can be a bit soon but I would have a plan for you to ask them out if you want.”
“You would help me do that?”
“Of course! I’m your friend after all? Right?”
For the next few weeks, they tried to know some things you liked and each day Langa fell even more in love with you each day. After a while, Reki’s plan was ready and he told it to Langa.
It was now the day after Reki told Langa about his plan and it was also saturday. The boys told you they wanted to meet you at the skating park at evening. You said sure without questionning cause it was normal now for you to this with them.
When you arrived, you saw a picnic set and no one was there. You saw a note on the picnic blanket. You go to the blanket to go see the note and it was your name with a heart. You sit down and you hear footsteps coming. You turn your head to see who it is and you see Langa with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hands.
“Langa? Are you the one who set this?”
“Um...Yes. With the help of Reki and the others to.”
He pauses and takes a deep breath.
“Listen, um... I really like you and I would be very happy if you could be my s/o.”
You were shocked cause you had started to like him a few weeks ago too and you were now blushing at his last sentence.
“So, do you accept?”
“Of course! I really like you too Langa.”,you smile at him and he feels his heart beating a bit faster.
He sits down next to you and you eat your picnic in the presence of each other, feeling more peaceful than you ever did before.
“Thanks for the food Joe! I think they really like it!”, Reki whispered/yelled at Joe while looking at you two.
“No problem. I’m always at service for love.”
“Says the one who’s still not in a relationship.”,Cherry responded.
“I will soon!”
“Guys! Stop they’ll hear us!”, said Miya.
“Also thanks for the flowers Shadow.”,Reki said.
Shadow looked away. “No problem. I liked to help.”
A.N: I really hope you liked this confession scenario. It was the first time I did this type of scenario so I hope it’s okay. I hope you have a great/night! See you soon!
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
The Owl House Reviewcaps: Through the Looking Glass Ruins or Be Gus Do Crimes
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Hello All You Happy People! And welcome back to my Owl House coverage.. man i’ts been a hectic.. few hours. Yeah since I was on vacation I didn’t get around to the last review till right before watching today’s episode. And if you came for Lumity.. oh boy oh boy are you going to get it with this week in ways i’ll get into under the cut. Needless to say this is the most Lumity episode yet. We also get a lot of my boy gus in a sequel to an episode I never saw because god insists on punishing me for my episode skipping hubris. So join me under the cut for a full review/recap of this episode. 
We open.. with Gus dispondent and Luz coming by to comfort him/explain the scene that was clearly cut out of this episode for time to the audience: Gus was trying to help Willow with some Pixies, strong like Bill Bixby, but his illusions only pissed them off more and they took it out on Willow who got a wholloping. So now he feels bad and feels bad his illusions aren’t enough. Luz comforts him and tells him it’ll be fine by tommorow. Cue Gus waking up tommorow and cue our theme song. 
 Anyways  Gus is in a funk and lying on his bed depressed starring at the ceiling.... when did Gus become a younger me? Anyways Willow calls but Gus lets it go to his inbox, and we get to see his answering video message, which is the best answering message since....
And Gus used that for his last message. His current one is having a VERY reluctant king introduce him as Gus The Illusion Master. Willow is calling because Gus sent some get well soon illusions that are projecting his overcompesating for feeling he got hurt she politley wants dispelled which makes him feel worse. He summons and destroys them of course but he feels extra super duper shitty. 
So Luz comes by.. to transparently butter him up to use his library card. Yeah apparently she’s been doing this a lot, having now fully realized she has feelings for Amity and AMity has feelings for her and Gus has clearly been their buffer for a while. I’m sure Willow would react with just as much suprise if she could move her face right now. 
But this time Luz just dosen’t need his card to woo a lady, she needs it to look up the human Gwendy mentioned last episode. Frankly Gus probably would’ve agreed anyway: he pray for death but death won’t come anywhere. 
Gus is questioning being an illusion witch. It’s not that he’s not good at it, he’s fan fucking tastic... it’s just with it not being able to MAKE things, he feels he’s less in comparison to other witches and wants to branch out. While Luz is all for trying new stuff, it’s why she choose “all of them” for her magic major, she gets his reason for doing so isn’t healthy. As if to prove Gus’ lack of self worth right, my faviorite extra nearly gets ran over by a thing. If your wondering who that is.. you clearly didn’t see the image up top but as a refresher it’s this lil guy:
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Yes Braxas, that adorable little kid with the fangs made for eating throats and with the voice of an demon that just swallowed several angels. I loved the kid just from design but his adorable scene with Amity clinched it for me. So naturally him getting anothe rmajor scene being adorable and saved by three well meaning teens from Glandus High made my fucking week, which was pretty good honestly. And to sweeten the pot we meet his dad!
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They are so fucking cute.. and terrifying.. but also cutteeeee. Just look at them, LOOK AT THEMMMM. I love them both so much. I just want a spinoff abotu them, their domestic adventures, the sheep they clearly eat whole to steal their sheepy power, all of it. Give me this series disney you cowards! You wasted three minutes of my life with “The Good, The Bart and the Loki” on the promise of an actually funny marvel spoof, you wasted my pateince by making Helen Fucking Lovejoy, the worst simpsons character, Captain Marvel, and you wasted Tom Hiddleston. Give me my teeth monster family show!
Where am I? Ah right, So Gus goes to introduce himself to the cool kids: Brea (Freckled Girl), Gavin (Tall kid) and Angmar (Some yellow creature thing), who are from Glandus High and are going on a quest and invite gus along. THeir also running with their old buddy and current Hexside student Matholomule: aka “That asshole whose episode I haven’t watched because I forgot to”. Yeah a huge oversight on my part and I should’ve figured missing an episode would’ve come back to haunt me and that ghost is in the face. I did read about it though so I didn’t miss anything. He’s also as fond of gus as ever despite the kid saving his lfie and mocks him with Gus planning not to go on the quest due to his self esteem. God he really is a young me.. except black and with a bright future ahead of him. But Luz interupts as she was using the invisiblity glyph to give them space and h ypes Gus up as a super witch and while he really DOSEN’T know any othe rmagic, Luz gives him her Glyphs she brought with her, because she’s prepared dammit, to fake it till he makes.. out with Brea whose clearly into him. And to show Matholmew  up since he sucks and she’s fine with showing up jerks. 
So our two stories diverge and while I know your all chomping at the bit to get to the Lumity Story your just going to have to wait a sec because Gus’s plot is the a-plot, The LUmity Plot closes out the episode, and I want my boy gus to have a chance to shine so
The Gus Plot I”m Sure Most of You Want to Skip But Please Don’t:
So for the two of you who stuck around this plot goes how you’d expect at first: Our heroes brave deadly dangers, Gus uses the Glyphs to cheat his way out, Mattholmule is humilated. The natural order of thigns for a liar revealed plot. We do find out though that Glandus runs on a Survivial of the Fittest sort of doctrine and that Brea wants to make things better by getting the stones. Also she clearly has a thing for Gus. Eh it interupts my ship but it’s fine it’s not like she’s evil amirite? We also find out more about the group: Gavin wants the power up to get his dad’s love and Angmar wants it to build a garden because he’s clearly ont a bad person deep down. 
So our heroes find the target of their quest: some powerful stones that amp up magic. So basically the Power Infinity Stone. Good to know. Anyway our heroes dink around with it till Gus makes a horrific discovery: these stones are on illusionist GRAVES. 
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Sadly what was a budding ship for me becomes a big dollop of no as it turns out Brea and friends are a bunch of assholes. I mean they saved my precious baby angel but i’ts disapointing: I liked these kids and they turn out to be team rocket. That’s never a good feeling. A giant monster shows up to seemingly end the conflict.. but it turns out that itself is an 
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As it’s caster disapates it when Gus tries to counter it with his own monster. Turns out Illusionists were set to guard the stones because since the stones don’t enhance their powers. .because they “can’t enhance what isn’t real”
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Okay this makes no sense to me as ... wouldn’t it just make the ilusions real? or give the caster the ablility to make BIGGER illusions or more convincing ones, like maybe not solid ones but ones with breath or something? It just makes ZERO sense that something that just increases power.. woudln’t simply because “it creates illusions” epsecially given this episode shows just HOW powerful illusions can get in this reality. Did they just not want to break the story by giving Gus the power of a god if he went to this old man to borrow a stone? This area is out of the way, not TOO far from bonesburough and clearly these stones are there if he truly needs them so their not any less of a plot hole if they have ot prepare for a big fight, have time to get them and don’t. This entire part of the episode just takes me out of what is already a decent if fairly well trod plot.
Gus gets tied up by the threeasslbellros and is depressed he seemingly can’t do anything.. but he gets help from an unlikely source: Matholomule whose not only super not happy to be back into the same bullied dynamic with is old “friends”, but despite not being able to show it he DOES genuinely appricate gus and the lesson that he taught him: that even “weak’ magic can be strong. So with our heroes free they need a plan. The Old Illusionist has a pretty good one...
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I’m not even joking.... that’s the episode’s joke. I wish he had, I love dogs even terrifying ones. But no, Gus has a better idea.. and procedes to show why you do NOT fuck with the illusion master.  He starts small first though, using the facts he learned earlier to lure Brea’s minons away with a butterfly and Gavin with a mustache because that’s apparnetly what their dad actualy looks like
Brea isn’t fooled.. but gus COUNTED on that and pulls a full fucking Thanos in Infinity War.. okay he dosen’t make her die by dust cloud but he does pull the EXACT trick Thanos did on the guardians, crafting an area wide illusion of zombies, spooky atmosphere and Brea herslef crumbling to dust and turning to a statue. 
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I didn’t know he had it in him. And he does this WITHOUT the mind stone, meaning it was all under his own power. I shoulld’ve realized he was capable of this though. Mastermind is able to do a LOT of stuff over in X-Men, currently part of X-Corp, I just didn’t think Gus could go this far but he did. The Illusion Master points out that Gus has a keen eye for people and detail.. and he coudl be a master himself. The master decides to bury the graveyard but gus offers another solution: he and Math will come back on weekends to help shore up defenses. The guy likes that, and the tow are KIND OF friends now. A happy ending. And as for me.. eh I already have my other ship ready for gus. I think. I’m not sure he’s 12 anymore. (Shrugs) Frosta will just have to find someone else I dunno. Okay let’s get to what you came here for
What You Actually Came to See:
So we transition from Gus being pretty fucking ungodly powerful when he wants to be to the Gays Winning even more as Luz watches Amity wrap up story time for the day watches Amity with her hair down and finds she really REALLY likes it while Amity bargins with that kid from the season 1 credits to read her whatever she wants if she gets her hair tie back. “Yay i’m going to learn how to summon the dark lord!” Well Dormmamu DOES love to bargin but I think he’s a bit busy at the moment little angel. 
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And why yes that is a planet sized Dormmamu and why yes you may void your bowels now. Thank you. Eh maybe she’ll get to meet the guardians of the galaxy and ride on his giant planet head. Who knows? And again yes Dormmamu really is fighting the guardians of the galaxy. Things like this keep me young. 
Anyway it’s then that the disaster bisexual twins notice Luz drooling and interupt her for their own personal amusment. Also Amira is riding Edric piggyback for some reason. 
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Since this is their first proper apperance this season I can say I love these two big shits. Especailly now they’ve gone from being unintentional bullies to loveable tricksters genuinely looking out for their sister and new friend/sister’s crush. Dosen’t mean they won’t needle poor luz though Luz: You here to pick up Amity? Amira: No looks like you got that covered.  Edric is actually here for skincare he has a date with.. someone. They don’t specificy gender: could be a boy, a girl, gender fluid or non-binary. This show is progressive as fuck and the twins both strike me as bi or pan as shit. He also apparently accedently texted a poem to his date’s mom something Amiria REALLY needs to stop telling people. I do like how the two have slowly developed their own personalities though: Amira’s a bit more mature but also willing ot turn their antics onto her own brother, and Eldric’s a bit goofier if still suave. I like it.  Once Amity actually enters the scene and sees Luz the diaster twins make tracks to go do something.. over there. The not even remotely ambigiously gay duo make eyes with each other and blush and i’ts very adorable before Luz gets to the point: earlier before oggling amity she searched “Human’ in the library computers... crystal balls.. same deal (We also found out Movies exist in this universe and god do I want to see one before the series is up. ) and found out that the Human Gwendolyn mentioned (I thought it was the library because the weekend I watched that episode was very tyring), living in Bonesborough donated his journal. And no he didn’t have 6 fingers. Sadly we’re not getting the obvious crossover yet. 
Anyways, the good news is they have it.. the bad news is it’s in the forbidden stacks. The worse news is ironically enough Stacks does not work in the forbidden stacks so they can’t rely on the stump kids for help. The forbidden Stacks are the domain of Amity’s boss and head librarian Malfus, who on the outset looks like some creepy glowy eyed abomnination thing. Amity agrees but tells Luz they have to be extra careful or she’ll loose her job. Because this is a job now and not just something she does on the weekends. I dn’t know and your about to not care. 
So the two have to sneak around silently and get some ship tease having to duck down, then blushing like crazy then talking things over, as Amity is worried they’ll get fed to the Book Worms.. which Luz , while pointing out in the human world “is a cute term for nerds”, is experinced enough at this point to get it’s some horrible blood eating creature. 
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But Luz offers to show Amity around the human world.. and thus makes it VERY clear both just how MUCH she values her crush, and that she has no intention of abandoing those back in bonesborough when she gets home. She’s just worried about her mom.. whose currently at home with a doppleganger she knows nothing about because this season is plotty as hell and I am here for it. 
Anyways our heroines continue their journey, which as @jess-the-vampire​ pointed otu was framed as some epic indania jones style adventure in teh solicit for this episode. .but is really more about two teenagers grappling with both their feelings for one another and their tendency to do really dumb shit because of those feelings. Case in point upon finding a mouse ate everything Luz screams in frustration and their found. Malfus reaction is understandable. 
Actually his reactoin... is easily the funniest joke of the entire series so far. And I don’t say that lightly this series is funny as hell.. but my god the timing on this one... Malfus turns his gaaze toward them shrieks out Amity’s name.. then hard cut to him talking about how disapointed he is to her like he’s Mr. Vandriesen.  So yeah Amity’s fired and not happy about it and Luz blames hersef.. and has become clear now that’s a pattern: Luz blames herself for EVERYTHING: For being trapped here, for Eda being cursed, for this very gay shenanigan. It’s honestly a clever turn for the character: things like being an outcast at school, her mom turning her back on her, the various slipups she got into SEEMED like it just sorta slipped off.. but it didn’t. It all gunked around her heart till it started eating her alive and we’re seeing that now. 
As someone with both autisim and anxiety.. this honestly hits REALLY close to home. I did have a better school: mine at least TRIED to help.. but at the end of the day the program I was in had teachers who while they WANTED to help me, mostly had to try and get me back to class rather than tackle the roots of my anxiety or rage issues that were causing my freakouts. Luz dosen’t even seem to have THAT: her school just wants her to “be normal already” when that’s clearly not an option for her, and I feel her acting out and the abundance of snakes is her simply not getting it and simply getting punished over and over instead of actually trying to reach her as a person. It’s not like she didn’t ge tinto trouble at hexside too, but the diffrence is bump eventaully listened: he let her back in then gladly changed the tract system simply because it made logical sense to. Bump actually invested in Luz as a person instead of just a problem to solve. Her whole life.. that’s what Luz has been to people and no wonder she feels like that. Evne Camillia, who i’m sure has TRIED to be nice with her.. just wants a NORMAL daughter. I’m not saying Camillia is a BAD person, she’s a single struggling mother with a unique and somewhat difficult child... they clearly love each other.. but instead of understanding her she tried shoving her in a box and got a doppleganger out of that box instead. She so dosen’t try to understand luz.. she can’t see a replacement for what it is. No one before Eda really TRIED to understand her so it’s no wonder when things go terrible Luz blames herself and ONLY herself. 
Amity dosen’t accept this though and points out it was her choice... but isn’t that much more healthy, wondering WHY she does Dumb stuff around luz and wishing she didn’t... and Luz admits she does the same.
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Amity gay panics and runs away from the situatoin. So after we finish up the other plot we cut to that night where Amity’s in her room with the diaster twins, with Edric apparently fiddling with some pimples and Amira comforting Amity whose still at a loss, admitting these feelings are new and scary. And that’s.. shockingly and refreshingly realistic. Romantic feelings someitmes can scare the shit out of you. Amity is also confused as she never USED to be like this.. but Amiria ponits out the obvious: Sure.. but she wasn’t HAPPY like hse used to be. Luz makes her happy and made her a better person. 
As if on Cue Luz shows up at the Window, beaten to all hell and having gotten Amity her card back. As it turns out Malfus isn’t unresonable.. he just made her go through some trials that involved sorting books and taming the paper dragon. Awww.. now I want to see the paper dragon. She also understands if Amity never wants to see her again and leaves. Amity is abssolutely touched by this.. and when Amira asks if she wants her roots touched up.. Amity decides against it. She goes not with Green, the color of her abusivie waiters nightmare of a mother or her absentee enabling dad.. but of HER. Of abominations.. and of Love.
So yeah Amity has a whole new hair style complete with having her hair down and it being a light purple. Looks neat, took some getting used to. So Amity goes to talk to Luz, and tells her what she did was sweet etc with Luz happy to have her back but bemoaning the fact the mouse ate all her book. Turns out though said mouse is an Echo Mouse, a mouse that literally eats the contents of books and can play it back. 
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As such it plays back the first chapter in a REALLY beautiful paper cut out style. I’ve always loved this style of animation, it’s always so beautiful and jarring in just the right way and always makes things look extra awesome for flashbacks or exposition. 
So we find out the first visitor to the Isles was Phillip Whitbane, a gentleman who stuided throughly and by the time of making the diary, had gone on a quest to construct a way out. He was clearly enchanted by the place, though if he got home remained a mystery. What isn’t.. is that HE made the door, and the diary, which he donated as a thank you for the denzins of the boilling isles helping him, is his record of HOW. Luz has a way home. 
Before we move on to the biggest moment, yes bigger than conforimation there WAS another human, naturally everyone assumed Phillip was Bellos including my good friend Jess. As usual with this sort of thing we talked over the hell out of this. Jess still thinks it’s Belos, as it matches up perfectly and while Phillip has a diffrent va... the creators aren’t THAT stupid and knew we’d check that. But the voices are similar. 
A lot of people though think Belos is Phillip’s descnedant and I agree.. just not in the way some are saying. Some say Phillip had a child on the isles.. I disagree as even if it was century’s ago a half human would’ve been SOMETHING people woudl’ve noticed and Belos came out of NOWHERE. He’d have to have killed his entire family to hide it, which is possible.. but I have a better theory: Belos is Phillip’s HUMAN descendant. Phillip made it home, wrote of his journey and simply kept the door. Given that would’ve been the 1600′s, that means Belos likely got obessed or curious abotu his ancestor and his tales and 370 years later, found the door and went there himself, likely leaving the door in the ruins of Phillips house, as Jess expertly pointed out a fact I missed: that the place Eda found the book was NOT her home, meaning wherever it was wa slikely repurposposed by the healing coven and Belos simploy didn’t make a stink about it because he didn’t want to tip his hand or simply coudln’t find the door , it being lost in the 50 years since he go there. There’s a lot of vagueties and either theory works, I just wanted to throw mine into the ring. 
So with that Luz is happy to have both a way home an da new friend.. and we get to the moment we’ve been waiting for: Amity tells luz “You always have a way of getting into people’s hearts”.. and gently kisses her on the cheek. it’s fucking precious, it’s magical and it’s oh so sweet. Not too much too soon, but still just enough to show yeah, this is finally happening and to make it WAY to clear to easily avoid what’ she feels. Eldric approves the “bold move” and Amity.. naturally goes back int ogay panic mode saying “goodbye forever” and asking why she did that while Luz collapses in a lovestruck heap. I couldn’t of planne dit better myself. Fucking perfect. Also the episode just.. ends right there. I don’t THINK the next episode will follow up on this right away. but given it does take place at hexside there’s HOPE. Even if i’ts mostly about other stuff. But just.. HOLY FUCK was that adorable. 
Final Thoughts:
Also this episode was pretty good. While Gus is my boy... his plot was sadly pretty stock and while I didn’t see the Glandus Trio’s betryal coming, I SHOULD’VE as the “I want to make it a better place” line was WAY too vauge. Still it was a decent enough plot that showed off Gus’ strengths as well as Isaac Ryan Browns, who REALLY gets to shine with this one and show off his new voice. Matholomule ending up an ally instead of a fuckwit was also a nice turn.
The real show of course was the Lumity subplot... it was just a really nice, emotoinal, adorable ride, with great suspense, the best gag of the series and genuine, honestly written romantic tension. Robles and Whitman just have pitch perfect chemistry and getting an episode essentially just the two of them showed it off to the best it’s been so far, and the payoff to it was utterly adorable.  This isn’t just a delightfully visable queer romance from a company that is homophobic on a regular day and a creator who fought hard to make it happen.. it’s just a well written relationship in general: there’s no drawn out will they or won’t they crap or misunderstandings or any of the usual relationship pitfalls: no “Oh they wont’ be intresting together” bullshit. Just a well written, chemstiry filled realtionshp built up slowly but surely till it finally bubbled over here with more room to grow. Amazing stuff. 
Next time: Golden Guard Episode! I know one person who will be excited.. and two because i’m also excited. 
If you liked this review and this accurately reflects your need for more content from me that’s owl house or disney related in general. 
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misstrashchan · 4 years
RWBY V8 CH12 Initial Thoughts:
Yes yes I'm late watching the new episode don't look at me. Also @tumblezwei thank you thank you for showing me how to put the read more bit on posts, I can finally put it to good use.
Figured I might as well do a reaction/initial thoughts to this episode since I haven't done that in a while, so here goes:
- Man Ironwood is just. Super overcompensating with his Gun-gun.
"You've done the right thing."
"I have. Feels weird"
-I'M SORRY THAT WAS THE BEST LINE OF THE EPISODE HANDS DOWN. Just. The sass. The growth. Kicking Ironwood in the face while cuffed (does she have experience doing that? Fighting while arrested? It kinda looked similar to Mercury's fighting style too.) EMERALD I LOVE YOU.
- Ngl I feel extremely satisfied that we can finally FINALLY put the "Winter is Totally Going To Be A Villain" theory to bed after this episode. Not that I didn't used to see the appeal of it myself, but v8 made it increasingly clear that wasn't where her arc was headed. Also Schneebling reunion on the horizon? Pretty please???
- *Sees Oscar riding on the Chimera summon with Winter*
*Remembers Oscar riding with Yang on the hoverbike in episode 2*
My Snowpines/Rosegarden shipping ass: Gee Oscar, how come you get TWO big sister-in-laws?
- Small thing but it's always nice to see team ALPN fighting together. I know a few Oscar fans were freaking out about Penny potentially replacing Oscar as their teammate, but like I thought that wasn't really something to worry about. *gently bonks Oscar fanbase* Sillies.
- I'm a little suprised given how Ironwood is the Big Bad of the Atlas arc how quickly he went down, without much dramatic flair or further esculation, but I am so glad Winter got that last awesome shot on him. (and that Oscar managed to get a few jabs in too) And like. He's still alive in jail. So who the hell knows what we're gonna do with him now. Take him to Vacuo along with Jaques apparently. I'm sure that'll go greeeeaaat.
- Ambrosius... after a quick google search the name apparently means "Divine" or "Immortal" in Greek. Hm. Unlike Jinn, not a specific reference to a mythical being, at least not in name, but I'm sure people are already theorizing on that front better than I could. Similar blue/gold design too. So maybe they're all Djinns in a sense, since they grant your desires, but split into four focusing on a specific kind of desire? That works. Anyways, super fun character and I hope they make more use of him. Like, because I wanna see more of his personality and also Oh my Gosh the Things You Can Do With His Powers are Basically Limitless as long as you're smart about it (hint hint get the CCT active around Remnant but Better)
- And gosh were our girls smart. Weiss working with Whitley to get the schematics and coordinates for the exact points of evacuation that they had originally planned out for their ships to create portals to the Vault/Central Zone (?) to Vacuo, Ruby puting in careful thought and wording about creating a copy of Penny with the existing robot parts from her to let the girl who was always there underneath remain and leaving the copy with the virus to self destruct, with Penny's designs for reference, they absolutely did their homework. Of course there was the risk of if Penny could exist without that physical form, but of course they all believed in her.
- Self destructing Not!Penny crawling towards the real Penny is super creepy and hopefully something she doesn't have nightmares about
- Of course the first thing Penny does when she realises she's a Real Girl is hug everyone so she can experience the joy of Real Normal Warm Hugs.
"Are hugs always this warm?"
"Yes, Penny"
-MY HEART. No actually back up, back up, the Nuts and Dolts shipper in me is singing rn, because all the times Penny has been hugged by Ruby this volume and only now is she actually able to actually feel that hug. Like, the sentiment and emotional support of it was always there and obviously appreciated by her before, but like. Now she can FEEL it.
- I'm super happy for Penny and seeing her back to her cheerful adorable self is Delightful, but at the same time I'm now really worried for her too. She doesn't have to worry about the virus anymore, now she's a regular meat person, but here's the thing. She's a regular meat person. No more rocket boots. No more lasers. No more in built swords attached to her body with strings. No more resistance to harsher elements. No more night vision. Obviously she's still the Winter Maiden, so she's still a force to be reckoned with, and she has RWBY with her, but she's still a rookie maiden that is massively vulnerable right now. She's vulnerable in her new human form to anyone coming after her. And like. Things just feel like they're going too smoothly...
- Speaking of, hello hello my ominous darling Cinder. Just like last volume, when things seem to be going too smoothly, there you are. So Watts cut off Jaune's broadcast and all other communications in the kingdom, and I'm guessing Cinder's jumping in those portal spaces with Neo to come after Ruby and Penny? That along with the "Do Not Fall" warning seems... yeah something's gonna go terribly wrong by the end of this volume. Salem, Ironwood, Mantle, Penny... All these loose ends are just being dealt with so quickly and neatly for me to be fully comfortable.
- tfw you've read Before the Dawn and know that Vacuo was already struggling with refugees coming in since Atlas had closed its borders, Vale was overrun with Grimm, and Mistral had its defences spread thin already being the widest reaching kingdom, along with Leo, Hazel and Tyrian denting it even further in offing all the huntsman and huntresses, and Vacuo's people are already pretty stingy with outsiders, and if there are thousands coming from the kingdom that closed it's borders and ordered an dust embargo... oh boi the Vacuo arc is gonna be a doozy.
- I know it's probably too close to Atlas and therefore Salem, and we need a convenient way to segue into the Vacuo arc, but couldn't Argus have been an option for the portal evacuation? At least, as well as Vacuo?
- OH FUCK YEAH I FORGOT THEY MENTIONED THE WRITERS SAID V9 WAS GONNA BE A DETOUR AND WASN'T JUST GOING TO BE JUMPING STRAIGHT TO VACUO. So like. Are they gonna get lost in a void of time and space? Are they going to jump through time by accident? Or just in space? Both? If you fall do you just end up randomly in the middle of the desert, far from Vacuo? And v9 is just going to be RWBY trekking through the desert? Similar to v6 after the train crash? So many questions.
-Hmm. Torn between Cinder going after Penny/Ruby with Neo in the vault space, or potentially being confronted by ALPN+Emerald... JNR+Emerald seems more narratively fitting, but Neo seems deadset on her and Cinder killing to Ruby...
- I wonder if Qrow is gonna confront Ironwood while he's in jail... Role reversal of the start of the volume. Or maybe he's just going to consider it worth his time.
-Taking all the established Atlas characters right with us into the Vacuo arc seems like it's going to be... A Lot. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if team RWBY really did end up jumping in time in V9 to fast forward on the two city populations integrating with one another, like maybe by a few months? Idk I'm just spitballing. Initial thoughts and all.
- Last point but the hooded cowl is such a great look on Cinder. Love it.
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renohasbigtits · 4 years
Mpreg Ignis (FF15 Mpreg Headcanons)
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: Contains Mpreg (Male Pregnancy. Don’t like? Don’t read!)
(Side note: this takes place in the alternative Ending of Episode Ignis, 2 years after Noctis goes into the crystal. I know it’s ironic that I’m using a blind Ignis Gif but I thought it looked cute. Shut up!)
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• This Man is very observant.
• he’ll noticed changes right away towards his body.
•like when he gets suddenly sick to certain smells, gaining some weight, even tho he works out regularly.
• however, it isn’t until he goes to the doctor, he is giving some news; he is Pregnant!
• at first, Ignis wanted the doctor to repeat themselves, thinking he heard them incorrectly but the doctor just smiled while replying with a “Congrats!”
• he usually isn’t lost for words but this was one of the few times.
• he tries to contact the person who he suspects is the baby’s other parent, but to no avail.
• he isn’t sure what to do at first. He wasn’t sure if he was ready since he has to prepare for Noctis’s return.
• but for awhile, he keeps it a secret. For now.
• around the estimated 5 week mark: he starts having morning sickness, and him still having terrible reactions to the smell of food, didn’t help much.
• he starts getting frustrated with the baby’s other parent, he really wanted to talk to them to figure out a plan for their unborn child but they never answered.
• Iggy’s “partner” was a serious hunter. They usually go on long missions. And by long? They mean MONTHS! But They still made time to call Ignis.
• He realized that he’s on his own for now.
• he now obviously, can’t hunt huge Daemons anymore, for his own personal and his unborn baby’s safety.
• he heads towards the doctor as much as he can, to check up on the baby. One time he hears the baby’s heart beat. He immediately falls in love hearing his future child’s heart beating.
• Now he wants to keep the baby. With or without his “partner”.
•around the estimated 6-7 week mark, he hears horrible news.
•his “partner” died in the middle of a touch battle with Daemons. Which is why he’s been unable to contact his “partner”. Ignis is devastated.
•He knows that he has to rise this baby. For his “partner”.
• some time around the 10 week mark; he notices that he’s growing a bump in his stomach. He couldn’t more happy knowing that his baby was growing.
• by this time, he’s already told the people close to him that he was expecting, everyone has had a very positive reaction and congratulate Iggy.
• When Prompto returns to Lestallum, Ignis tells him that he’s Pregnant. Prompto, either shocked or excited, probably both, passed out (rip lol)
• he promised Iggy’s that he would help me however he could. Ignis appreciate it.
• Prompto starts taking pictures of Ignis and his baby bump. True photographer at heart ❤️ 
• around the 11-12 week mark; Ignis asks Monica to help him, which she gladly accepts. She does the heavy stuff, since that is dangerous for Ignis, who is getting bigger.
• of course, Ignis has experienced cravings but tries his best to control his diet, as he often does. (tho if you ask me, he probably gave in but won’t admit it lmao)
• When Gladiolus arrives to see Ignis (already hearing the news that his friend, is Pregnant) Gladio had to look a few times to make sure he was seeing it correctly. his friends baby bump, much Ignis’s embarrassment.
• but other than that, he is really supportive and promises to help Ignis. (Let’s skip a little shall we? xDDDD)
• around the 20-21 week mark; Ignis felt his baby kick for the first time, tho a little uncomfortable, he already feels like he’s close to his baby.
•By this time, Ignis no longer hunts, not just because he’s getting bigger, but because he was tired.
• Ignis was getting more tired, not moving as much since when he did it felt d r a i n i n g.
• on the bright side, he wasn’t getting sick as much.
• Gladio and Prompto helped bring in some gil (Praise these boys)
•around the 28-30 mark, Ignis was getting more excited about his baby’s arrival. (sorry that was short lol)
• lris bought many cute baby clothes and even helped decorate the baby’s room. Tho it was small, it was beautiful.
•Oddly, Ignis didn’t want to know the gender til after it was born. He wanted to be “surprised” as he puts it. 𝘚𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘭𝘳𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 -_-
•Ignis also has become more motherly around  Talcott and other kid’s for that matter. (at this point he doesn’t give a f u c k about the mom comments anymore)
• Bitch he’s a MOTHER! NO DRAMA! 🤏🙄
• One thing everyone around Ignis can agree on is that; Ignis has become more Moody. Not much in rudeness (I mean have you met Ignis?) Just irritability.
•around the 35 week mark; Prompto managed to convince Ignis to do a maternity shoot (ooooo)
• tho Ignis pretended to be irritated, he actually was enjoying it. The pictures turned out adorable. Ignis privately asked Prompto for  physical copies for the pics.
• 37 mark; 9 Months Pregnant. He was almost there! Of course, he can’t physically give birth, at 39 weeks, there going to be a planned c-section.
• when asked if there was any baby names, Ignis replied, “My lips are sealed.” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳 👁 👄 👁
• 38 weeks (yeah I’ve pretty much gave up at this point); Ignis felt some minor pain. Eh he’s felt worse (literally!) but as time goes on, the pain worsen. it got to the point where Ignis started taking deep breath’s.
•A week early, Ignis was in labor!!! (weeeeeeee wwoooooooooooo 🚑)
• Monica, seeing Ignis bend over for support knew it was time. Rushed him immediately to the hospital.
• several hours later (am I annoying you guys get with my puns yet?)
• A baby girl was born! (You change it if you want to but I really want it to be a girl 🥺 👉👈)
•The baby didn’t really look like Ignis, she looked a lot like her other parent who, sadly she’ll never meet.
•holding her for the first time, Ignis teared up, holding his little angel in his arms.
• “it’s you and me against the world.” Ignis whispered in his daughters ears.
• A week later, Ignis finally got to take his daughter home.
• Boy, people really fell in love with her.
•cid was basically a great-grandfather xD
•Prompto...Aww prompto was basically cooing her. Taking as much pics of her. (BEST.UNCLE.EVER)
• 𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘴𝘥 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘰
• (and you bet he’s gonna bring the baby every time he’s going to see Cindy wink wink)
•Gladio, jokingly replied that they now have “another Ignis around.” While lris happy that it was girl. (she needs friends but so do I)
•About that Comment Gladio made, he honestly wasn’t far from the truth.
• As she got older, she was quiet and reserved but extremely clingy to Ignis.
• As he looked at her, Ignis couldn’t help but feel like he was looking at his former partner all over again. He truly misses them.
• Oddly Ravus really grew to love the child and The child grew to love him. She constantly asking Ignis “When’s Uncle Ravus coming?”
•Ravus became more playful and Calm. Maybe she reminds him of Luna.
• ........
• Year’s Later, When Noctis came back and brought back the light, and survived, Ignis knew he had to get them to meet.
• When Noctis met his 8-year old Niece, he teared up. He felt so guilty for missing out on so much of her life.
• Ignis, now working full-time at the Citadel, has to take his daughter to work with him, by Noctis request, so he could spend some time with her.
•Ignis felt a like proud Mother.
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(Sorry that it got cheesy at the end, I was having too much fun 😅 I hope you guys like it! I’m suprised that there isn’t really any Mpreg Ignis. Maybe because he’s hard to write? Idk. But hey! If you want something done right you Gotta do it yourself!)
Also please be nice about it in the comments this is my first Mpreg headcanon 🥺👉👈 (constructive feedback is welcome obviously)
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mallowbees · 4 years
Lookook look. I love roman, i do i really do. But k i swear to god when he laughed and made fun of janus trusting them with his name when he was at his most soft and vulnerable i juat about thREW HANDS WITH MY COMPUTER SCREEN O WAS SCREEEAAAMING--
Thats, yeah!! I actually didn’t have much of a reaction to that one! It was horrible of Roman to say ofc but like, it wasnt?? Particularly surprising? Like everyone that episode was in emotional termoil and all said things because of it but roman, thats his defence reasonce- His sense of what was suposed to be right was threated the entire episode, he was trying so so desparately to be like ‘yes, patton is correct, of course.’ and when it seemed like thomas and logan were like hey im not sure about that he asked to hear what was right then, but patton only convoluted it more so he’s getting more and more wound up and making more and more jokes out of things and intergecting more because this is the guy who is desperately trying to be the good twin and do the right thing as morality deems it, and when morality is confusing the hEck out of thomas and wrapping circles around himself trying to explain his reasoning, roman is freaking out because!! what the fuck do i do then!! because he literally does not have a moral compass!! he is purely relying on pat here and it doesnt seem like pats right but he has to be hes the morality!! and theyre arguing and not arguing and you can see him getting distressed and trying so hard to understand because hes so desprate for pat to be right because he needs to be right!! hes the good twin!! and thats being threaten??? and bringing up the call back choice repeatedly and saying ‘oh it was good!! but it doesnt matter if u did it for a bad reason’ and all that stuff and like!! train wreck roman here is given, if true, the morals hes been following are wrong so hes wrong, his drive and reasons are selfish so hes holding thomas back from being good, and deceits who hes so sure ‘oh this one is the villian, okay yeah!!’ and is like no no im in the right here actually and thomas is agreeing?? this man is so threated and he just, turns back to the pre-aa roman, slaps up a shield as he jokes and insults and goes for the throat, because thats what roman does when hes threated! Romans never held punches, and you could literally watch that building up as everything he thought he knew is being torn down so he cements himsewlf in what he does know how to do- Which of course obviously that was a Big Bitch Move, but it wasnt suprising, it was exactly what i would have expected from roman in this kind of situation- Self defence that takes three steps over the line, which hes probably gonna have hell to pay in apologizes later
On the other hand though!! Deceits responce comment!! THAT suprised me!! Sure hes jabbed and sneered but never cut, and he hit the one spot the hurt roman the most, comparing him to remus and calling him bad, because what roman said HURT, i wasnt expecting it because deciet is this sly fly snake guy with his persona up but with it down and vunerable we actually got to see that hurt this time, because roman did the worst possible thing he could have possibly done when this man has been trying for so long to be part of the conversation and has this exagerated sly villian persona and thomas says he wants to accept him and deceit offers the heaviest possible trust he could give them in exchage for theirs, and roman laughs
I love them both and still do but woo boy is there apologies due on both ends jesus christ
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schibi12 · 4 years
Review/Reaction for "Let's Get Dangerous!"
Sorry for posting this a bit late i tried to post these a day before the new episode but this being an hour long episode and i got a really busy week it took its time to write but know its here so enjoy!
This post is gonna be long, longer than my usual posts, not only because it’s a 1 hour special but im gonna be fangirling real hard even though i haven’t watched OG Darkwing Duck so take this as a biased or unbiased review, but still this episode was amazing, everthing was so on point the story, characters, animation, music, action, comedy, etc., everything was great so Let’s Do This!! And LET’S GET DANGEROUS!!!!
Spoilers!! Read at your own Risk!!
Love that intro of Launchpad narrating their entrance to St. Canard, Dewey and LP accidentally revealing Darkwing's identity to Huey and Louie and Scrooge forgetting to turn off the laptop on his video call with Bradford and Darkwing failing to glide like Batman everything was great and then we get the titlecard no theme song oh it was perfect.
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I like Taurus Bulba's introduction like we already know he is a villain but i like that he is this friendly and knowledgeable to Scrooge and the kids which can be seen as kind or a bit stalkerish once they reveal his true intentions.
I love Darkwing's hideout, all the gadgets, the super computer every little detail i love it,and that Fenton helped him and that Drake is oblivious to Gizmoduck real identity is just funny.
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I love W.A.N.D.A. her sarcastic tone and i especially love that she is voice by Jameela Jamil who also voices Gandra Dee, but i like that she kept her accent.
Of course there is no crime in St. Canard they got the best mayor, and im glad that Owlson finally got a job where she is respected.
Ooh Huey is getting is suspicious of the RAMROD and of Bulba and ew Haggis sounds kinda nasty not gonna lie.
No crime kind of an awkward situation but at least Darkwing had the decency to finish the job for them. Ooh we get to see Gosalyn damn she can hold her own, oh my gosh i think we all have the same thought that the first triplet to be arrested would be Louie, and of course Scrooge doesn't remember Darkwing at all. Interesting Bulba is on DW side but not for long. Damn Huey that hat is like Mary Poppins bag.
They made a set for Dewey Dew Night, these pics of DW and i need that cookbook in real life.
And Gosalyn i love her design, personality everything and Stephanie Beatriz did an amazing job voicing her she had big shoes to fill and in my haven't watched OG Darkwing Duck opinion i think she is a worthy sucessor and a big plus that she is Latina and i love the reference to her original design
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And honestly i thought that Dewey was gonna be the last of the kids that she would form a friendship with, so i was genuinely surprised when they teamed up and i loved that they related with the whole mystery of a missing family member a nice callback to the 1st season, and i love that Dewey is trying to make a catchphrase for her.
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Of course DW is gonna help her but i do like that Launchpad is the one who encourages him to help Gosalyn, nice shot of all them driving DW motorcycle but where is Dewey in the motorcycle WHERE??? Huey knows he knows Bulba and tell a parent or caretaker how to educate their children, Did Darkwing just dislocated his jaw ouch! and nice hiding spots guys, that’s a really big and heavy book.
Taurus what a good liar and yeah some nice teamwork from Dewey and Gos!!! And that’s a lot of papers and plans for one machine oooh this episodes ties up with the whole missing mysteries plot wasn’t expecting that and wait so that means any Disney Media is an alternate dimension/universe so maybe DT17 is a universe where Mickey Mouse doesn’t exist ok crazy theory aside i like the explanation they have for the RAMROD and the whole dimensional stuff.
Caught in a lie Taurus Bulba!! What a jerk he just hit a child what is wrong with you (well he is a villain so why am i surprised). Good Guy Launchpad helping as always. Some more good teamwork with DW and Gos! Oh my the Fearsome are Fearsome indeed and what an entrance! 
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So like i have said many times i haven’t seen OG Darkwing Duck so i have no reference to compare or critique but as their own version i really liked it their design. personality and etc., everything was good with these 4.
Come on DW you already breaking down and you haven’t even fought anyone. Aw Fenton/Gizmoduck has his own kind of Iron Man Hud and geez so rude DW. Hey Bonkers another Disney Afternoon show i haven’t seen (im gonna get my Disney Fan Club Card revoked after this post). And aw Launchpad is making another Adventuring Family and Oh my Ducks!! LP is the uncle he has a lot to live up to.
Oh so he is a part of FOWL i was kinda suprised not gonna lie, oh Bulba gone rough and kinda crazy, and the kids with Bradford what an odd team up and of course Louie can pick locks,The chase scene with the Quackerbot and Liquidator and DW and Co. was great, was that a Sonic reference? and that scene with Bushroot was suspenseful and  creepy as heck! That saxophone solo was hilarious. Duck boys getting suspicious especially Huey.
Did LP broke the 4th wall?!?! Aw what a funny and wholesome moment with Gos and LP.
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Aw is DW is doing the best he can for Gos, aw what a sweet tender moment im not crying your crying LP is crying. LP made pancakes what an uncle and ouch DW can take a beating.
What a reference to OG Ducktales this was really unexpected and hilarious!! And i really like Dewey’s sarcastic tone at Bradford. Holy cow the boys know about FOWL and they are in ther classic design Oh bother!
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What a plan LP kind of dumb but it worked. And what a nice message of LP about what it means to be a hero wise words my dudes. And what a fight it was amazing great references, action-packed, clever and funny it was beautiful. Oh those references to OG Ducktales good stuff. 
Aw poor Gosalyn having to make the ultimate decision the animation, music and voice acting were great and you really feel for her and i gotta be honest i cried in this scene.
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Oh snap!! Scrooge knows about FOWL now!! The tables have turned for this season!
And aw they formed a nice found family and Launchpad is an honorary member of team uncle!
Amazing episode everything was so good this is the perfect pilot for a Darkwing Duck Reboot, Disney if you don’t do it you’re crazy.
This episode was greatly balanced i liked that it wasn’t all Darkwing Duck but it also followed Scrooge and the boys and it all perfectly meshed together with the whole FOWL plot line which i wasn’t expecting at all but it was an awesome surprise and i honestly don’t know what to expect for future episodes or the season finale.
Overall a perfectly made episode funny, clever, action-packed, great character interactions and great introduction to Darkwing Duck universe for peeps who haven't seen the OG like me and others.
I give this episode 5 out of 5 ducks.
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thedreadvampy · 4 years
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So this was sent to me by @atiredpan weeks ago when the White Jon conversation was very live and I'm posting it (belatedly) with their blessing (they didn't want to put it up publicly and have it seem like an attack which I really very much appreciate but wouldn't have minded) and I percolated for a few days and then got very busy for a few weeks. Response follows.
So I feel weird about how I'm responding to this stuff, I'm launching rapidly into taking about/explaining my own experience in a way I'm worried maybe comes across as a direct comparison. It kind of feels like I'm talking in a way that's like brushing off your experience and saying OK BUT HERE'S WHY I'M RIGHT and that's not what I'm trying to do, it's just that there's not much I can usefully add to what you've said - you know your experience better than I do, and I'm not gonna go around trying to read into it or reexplain it. So I'm going to talk about where I am/have been coming from, but not with the intention of countering your points, all of which I think really resonate.
First off, the post where I was like "Jon is white and if you disagree you're Wrong" was, unreservedly, just a shitty post and I'm not suprised it upset a lot of people. I'm really very sorry about that, it was thoughtlessly written and pretty stupidly posted.
I totally get that my whiteness has fed into how I hced Jon (and as I think I've said before I saw Jon a certain way well before I engaged with any fanworks, just as you did). There's a lot of reasons I imagined Jon as white from pretty early on, a non-negligible one of which was like...That's Jonny. This is a podcast by Jonny, about a character with the same name and mannerisms as Jonny, and Jonny is extremely white. It would have felt weird, when I was listening to TMA as a Friend Podcast, to stick a brown face onto what at least appeared at the time to basically be a self-insert character of my white friend. Now that's a really personal thing informed less by the story and more by the circumstances under which I've interacted with it, but it certainly laid a baseline. I didn't really have a clear mental picture of Jon (or most of the characters) for a looooooong time (for an artist I'm really not a very visual thinker) but I had a few sort of mental sketches (Jon is short white balding and awkward, Martin is tall biracial and scruffy Basira is fat and somali Melanie is my friend from work etc) which I developed a long time before I encountered fanworks.
I saw the alienation you mentioned and I connected it to class and gender, not race, because I’ve met a lot of cis men, white and otherwise, who interpolate trauma, class insecurity, insecurity about their own abilities, and so on into withdrawal, denial and snappiness. So for me I had an interpretation of that element of his personality which was pretty much race-neutral, and then I had these existing cues leading me to assuming he was white (largely that Jonny is white, but also wee stuff in the story that...it’s not like anything substantial enough to remember, let alone justify, but there were certainly interactions that pinged whiteness for me personally)
There are actually iirc a few throwaway references to Jon being promoted above more qualified candidates throughout (or at least I thought I knew that before s5), but the time I decided I thought White Jon was an obvious conclusion was of course the conversation where Sasha expresses frustration about it. and the context of that conclusion (at least as far as I can see) wasn't "people of colour can only exist in subservient positions/defined by oppression" but was informed by two things that were going on with my life around the time that episode aired
I had been having several conversations with friends of mine (and largely friends of Jonny's) who work in London in the museums/archiving sector and who are the only women of colour in whole departments or even whole museums, and who experience so little career mobility compared to their less-qualified white counterparts (we're talking about women graduating top of their class at Oxbridge with anthropology or library science masters and stellar original research, with a decade or more of impeccable work experience and acting up, being left in internship and low-grade positions, while white men who "fit the culture" but have 0 museums experience sail into upper management positions and then stay there until they retire). So I'd come almost directly from these conversations into what to me sounded like exactly the same gripe in TMA.
I'd been at that point working for about a year and a half on co-coordinating the anti-oppression committee in my workplace, which was a very Good Progressive Activist Charity with Good Lefty Principles, and over the course of experience sharing and discussions both with colleagues of colour and along lines of wealth, disability, class etc, I was very much confronted with the realisation of how much 'being adequately qualified' meant different things for middle-class good-university white men vs much more highly skilled and hardworking women of colour or people of different class and wealth backgrounds. Obviously I'd known that before in principle, but not really having been in Salaried Workplaces (as opposed to like. service and retail hourlies) I hadn’t got so up close and personal with it. So that was also very fresh in my mind, this like...big substantial experience of how Good, Well-Meaning, Caring, Thoughtful, Woke white men just........did not need to think about this. at all. and were startled and discomforted to face it. and that this was also true of most white middle-class women. and these conversations were really carved down the middle between white middle-class European women saying ‘this is such a surprise when we have such an equitable hiring policy and diverse staff, that there’s this gender gap’ and women of colour in the room wearily saying ‘yeah, there’s a gender gap, there’s always a gender gap and it is always a racialised gender gap’ so yeah I was definitely thinking about the intersection between being passed over at work because of gender and because of race.
The point about Tim is interesting because I think for me what’s getting lost is that I don’t think Jon is entitled as like...a Character Trait. He’s not like...Toxic Masculinity Man. He is very anxious about boundaries and about his own capacity to do harm. But it has to be pointed out to him where he’s doing harm. He doesn’t notice where he’s been unfairly advantaged, and that’s to me much more reflective of most people’s relationship to white or male entitlement. 
As I say, that exchange with Tim and Sasha cemented the Jon Is White hc in my head specifically because it was so reflective of conversations I had had with women of colour working in similar workplaces, about white men, usually about white men they generally liked or at least didn’t have beef with beyond their unfair advantages. 
It seems odd to me to frame ‘bitching about your boss on your friend’s behalf to make her feel better’ as more similar to white entitlement/white privilege than any of that tbh? That’s just...being friends with someone? 
Anyway I recognise that it’s not white entitlement to accept a job. Obviously it’s not, it’s just sensible under the circumstances, you get lucky and you grab it. For me my sense of Jon as white-because-of-this is not “he took a job he shouldn’t have taken,” it’s more about his obliviousness to the impact he has on others, and also primarily how people react to him. The interaction between Sasha and Tim is saturated with the of course it would be him I mentioned above, but even before that he walks through the world not expecting to have to think about anything but his conscious decisions, and he’s caught aback when people see him as out of place or as having power above his station.
I think it’s impossible to extricate ‘this is where my head was at’ from that interpretation, and also like obviously my own whiteness is a big factor. And not just my own personal whiteness but the place I grew up (which was 98.3% white) and the world which reflects back whiteness. So this is in no way intended as a bolshy This Is The Correct Headcanon the way my Bad Post was bc examining it I’m like...yeah I mean this is about how I personally interpreted this based on where I was at at the time. But I do feel like there’s some communication gap in what it is about this unqualified promotion thing that pinged me - it’s not that All Bosses Must Be White And All Brown People Must Be Downtrod, it’s something quite specific about the tone and tenor of the interactions around the getting-a-job.
But also? Idk. Kind of unrelatedly, and people obviously should feel free to disagree with me on this, it feels kind of off to frame this as defaulting to a white Jon? I sort of think that my idea of Jon as white is very much not ‘white until proven otherwise’ - part of the reason for my original strident tone was that I felt that I was being expected to drop a headcanon I had for specific reasons and default to the fanon version of Jon without actually having any reason other than ‘this is how the community thinks he should look,’ and without really understanding anything about what that means, and while obviously defaulting to a non-white headcanon isn’t like...entrenched in the way that defaulting to a white headcanon is, it does seem to me like this is perhaps part of why white fans slap brown skin onto a character without thinking into what that means or why they’re doing it.
The thing I’m struggling with as regards my personal headcanon here is that I could decide to only ever draw Jon as Fanon Jon, but it wouldn’t be because I had strong reasons to see him that way, it wouldn’t be the same as why you see Jon as brown, or why I see like...Melanie as Indian, it would literally be Default To Standard in a way it isn’t for you. And I don’t feel that I have Defaulted To Whiteness, or where I have it is for reasons specifically to do with Jon (I visualised Jon as white because I visualised him as Jonny, who is white), not because I think every character is White Until Proven Otherwise. Like, my reasons for understanding Jon as white may be bad reasons, but they are reasons, not post-hoc excuses (I can’t like...prove that. but I know it to be true at least on a conscious level). I didn’t go Oh Jon Is White Because Everyone Is Unless I Have Reason To Think They Aren’t, Hooray, Here Is A Post-Hoc Justification For Why It Isn’t Racist To Think That. So while I am totally on board with the idea that it may be shitty, harmful or poorly thought through to hc Jon as white, I’m not sure I can fully see it in myself as being default. But I do understand that that isn’t necessarily what came across in my original short post.
Honestly, the reason I took issue with Fanon Jon and Fanon Martin in such a bolshy way in the first place was that I didn’t get why these characters were universally seen as Asian and white, respectively, and had such strong and consistent fanon images, when none of the other characters did, and when I was seeing people drawing people like Sasha and Melanie and Tim as white way more when in my mind there was no reason to assume they were white. On an emotional level I guess I think either there’s Fanon As Lore, or there’s no fanon (and I prefer the latter) and my discomfort came from the place that the one character I absolutely saw as coded as white in the core cast had this one really specific Ambiguously Brown Fanon Look (which from what I’d seen at the time didn’t seem to be like...backed with anything or coming from any personal interpretation for most of the white fans I was seeing on like Twitter and Tumblr) but white headcanons are everywhere for characters like Melanie or Sasha or Georgie, who seemed to me to be unambiguously people of colour, or characters like Tim or Martin (who could perfectly reasonably be people of colour and who I hc as Rroma and biracial respectively)? I don’t know, it’s difficult to express, but I find it frustrating.
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