#*I just want to shake the writers a bit ‘PLEASE HANDLE HER PROPERLY!! PLEASE*
radioscientist · 9 months
I have… complex Thoughts about Boa’s introduction
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
WOAH WOAH is your MHA reqs open?? So I wanted to request a Todoroki x Reader Angst where Todoroki sees his s/o getting stabbed by a villain with countless sharp spears like in Chiaki’s death video in danganronpa along with 1-A and just loses it? I’m sorry I’m craving for angst rn ✨✨ also love your writing and remember to stay safe <33 💕💗
My requests are open yes!! I have actually missed receiving them (and tbf I’m prolly not getting them because I’m doing daily updates on History of Us hahaha). So thanks for the request anon. I’m also really touched that you love my writing 🥰 I hope this lives up to your impression of me!
I had never seen danganropa but I just looked up what you were talking about and w o w I am in ✨pain✨ 🥲 I’ve got you anon. It’s going to hurt but I got you. Did I drag out (y/n)’s last words? Yes. Would they realistically already have died before saying all that I have them say? Probably. But this is fanfic and if movie writers can do it then goddamn it so can I!
CW for angst, somewhat graphic description of major character injury and death (reader), non-major character death, and canon typical violence
Nothing has been the same since the fall of the hero commission and the loss of faith in the Symbol of Peace’s generation of heroes. It’s been two years since Shigaraki wreaked havoc and Dabi exposed Endeavor’s crimes. As pros unused to that level of violence retired or quit, hero class students have been forced to step up and fill in the spaces they left behind. As a result, even as their faith in the pros waned, the public started to see the students as a beacon of hope. All Might, they whisper, spoiled the current generation of heroes. They argue that Endeavor is now too old to keep up, that Hawks and Mirko are too burdened by their mentors’ failures, and all the heroes aged in between are too used to the relative peace of the golden era to be effective. These current students though? Students like the famous UA hero class A, now third years who’ve already seen so much? They are the new hope. They’d grown up in the fires of a post-symbol of peace era and as such they are the only ones who can drag society out of it. It would be flattering if not for the overwhelming pressure that comes along with it.
Shoto thinks he would have been crushed beneath that pressure if not for you.
The two of you had started growing close your first year during the provisional license exam make up classes. Spending so much additional time together over the weekend had allowed Shoto to slowly open up to you until a beautiful friendship had blossomed. Even still, both of you had secretly yearned for something more. It was only after the destruction of Jaku City and the Todoroki family secrets were aired to the whole of Japan that the two of you finally acted on your feelings. You’d been such a source of support for him afterwards that eventually he hadn’t been able or willing to hold back any longer and had confessed his feelings to you late one night in the dorms. The two of you have been together ever since and fully intend to open a hero agency together after graduation. He knows the two of you are still young but sometimes when he looks at you with your blinding smile or when you’re sleeping peacefully beside him, he swears he can hear wedding bells. If the civilians of Japan can consistently forget how young you all are as they urge you to take over for the pros, then it seems only fair he should be able to forget too.
His mother was ecstatic when he asked her about engagement rings. Endeavor had said it was too early, that marriage is too large a commitment to make at 18 years old, but Shoto insisted and eventually a compromise was reached. He’ll wait until after graduation but then he’s determined to make you his forever and always.
It’s an otherwise normal Saturday afternoon in the dorms when Iida and Momo get an urgent distress signal to gather the entirety of the class and head into the city. A large group of ragtag criminals, determined to become the next League of Villains, is terrorizing Musutafu and the number of casualties is climbing rapidly. The other heroes usually responsible for that area had been called away to handle a different disaster and all attempts made by the civilians to defend themselves had only led to more chaos. The entire class mobilized in seconds. Calls like this aren’t uncommon now. The villains have been banding together more and their bloodlust seems to have grown exponentially with civilians’ continued lack of trust in the current pros. By the time you all arrive to the scene there’s no time to waste. “Be careful,” you tell Shoto, carefully running a hand through his hair before resting it on his cheek. He brings his hand up to cover yours before promising, “I will.” He presses a kiss to your palm but before he can do more Bakugo sharply barks “Hurry it up lovebirds we got a fucking job to do!” before racing off. You both know he’s right. “I love you,” you tell Shoto. “Love you too,” he promises before you both steel yourselves and then take off into the fray.
It’s an absolutely grueling battle. Every time someone takes one villain down, another comes to take their place. “Pinky! On your left!” you call out, causing your classmate to sharply turn. Mina just manages to dodge a punch one of the villains throws her way and swiftly counteracts with an attack of her own, calling out a thanks. There’s no time to breathe though and almost as soon as you’re done warning Mina, you have to dive in to keep another villain off Ojiro’s back. It’s chaotic but slowly you’re starting to pick away the forces as many of the remaining villains start fleeing. Once it looks like they’ve all retreated you instinctively look for Shoto, having not seen him since the fighting had properly started. You catch sight of him and heave a sigh of relief. You call out his name to catch his attention and although he initially offers you a soft smile you notice his eyes suddenly widen. “(Y/n) behind you!” he calls out.
Every moment after that seems to happen in slow motion.
You turn around just in time for a spear to fire clean through your shoulder, knocking you off balance. You start to fall backwards but before you can even hit the ground at least a dozen more rise up from the asphalt and impale your body. You hear Shoto’s broken cry of your name but it sounds so distant to you. After a moment stuck in place the spears suddenly drop back into the ground. Shoto is next to you in a second, pulling your broken body close as you bleed out. One of your other classmates tries to call for medical support but all he can focus on is you and the sheer amount of blood you’re losing. Shoto knows his training. He knows that when a victim has been stabbed it’s crucial to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, but how can he when there’s so many fucking wounds. “You’re going to be ok. You’re going to be ok. You’re going to be ok.” He says it over and over again like a mantra. It’s both a plea to you and a desperate attempt to deny the harsh reality that the love of his life is bleeding out in his arms.
You press a bloody hand to his cheek, looking lovingly up at the man you’d do anything for, and shush him quietly. “Sho,” you rasp, voice already weak as your body tries and fails to cope with your injuries. “Don’t,” he warns. “Sho, baby, look at me,” you try again but he shakes his head, shutting his eyes tightly as tears start to run down his cheeks. “Please?” you ask and he can’t deny you, never could, so he opens his eyes and looks down at your glossy ones as you fight to stay awake just a little bit longer. “There they are. I always did love your eyes,” you tell him wistfully as your thumb strokes his cheek, smearing your blood there, though you don’t seem to notice. “You can’t leave me. You have to be ok,” he whispers but you shake your head. You can already feel yourself fading and with medical attention still several minutes out at least you know there’s no fixing this. “I need you to promise me something,” you tell him. “Anything,” he replies immediately and it brings a sad smile to your blood stained lips. “Promise you’ll find someone else after me,” you say and the scandalized look on his face would have probably made you laugh under different circumstances. “You’ve got too much love to give to let it die with me,” you tell him but he shakes his head again. “I could never love anyone else like I love you,” he swears and he means it with every fiber of his being. You chuckle wetly. “You always were stubborn. Fine, then promise to never forget me,��� you compromise, tears welling in your own eyes now too. “I couldn’t even if I tried,” he swears before leaning down to press one last kiss to your lips. He can taste the tang of iron and feel your tears and his mingling on your cheeks. “I love you,” he whispers against your lips as he pulls away, but for the first time since he first said the words to you, you don’t say them back. “(Y/n)? Baby, I love you,” he tries again, pulling back to look at you properly now. Your eyes remain shut, your hand falling limp from his cheek, and when he looks to your chest the rise and fall of it has ceased.
Devastation claws up through him like a rabid animal, tearing him apart as his whole world shatters around him. He feels his grief like a physical ache in his chest, radiating out to each of his limbs as if every cell of his body is violently rejecting the fact that you’re gone. “Todoroki-kun?” Midoriya asks cautiously, putting a gentle hand on Shoto’s shoulder. Shoto’s head snaps up as he cradles you closer, as if scared your body will be taken away from him too. Before Midoriya can say whatever he was going to, Denki’s voice cuts through the tense silence. “I got him!” he crows, shoving the villain down to the ground in front of his classmates. Shoto’s eyes land on the villain and instantly his grief twists into a searing rage. He gently lays your body down but his eyes are cold and lethal as he stares down the man that took you away from him. Midoriya realizes what’s happening a beat too late and by the time he reaches out to grab Shoto, the grief stricken man has already launched himself at the villain and grasped hold of him. His right hand closes around the man’s throat, ice wrapping around it like a vice grip. He’s vaguely aware of his classmates calling his name but he doesn’t care. This man stole the love of his life from him. For that he will pay. Before Todoroki can finish the job he’s suddenly being yanked back by Midoriya and Bakugo. “Let go of me!” he demands as he fights against their hold, ignoring their warnings and empty platitudes. He manages to wrench his left arm free for a brief moment and that’s all he needs. His flames shoot out, preventing Midoriya from getting a good hold of him again, and the man who murdered you goes up in flame. His howls of pain echo around the buildings around them but the sound is music to Shoto’s ears. Let him suffer. It’s a fate he deserves.
His classmates watch on in stunned horror until the villain is burned down to ash. As his flames die out so too does all the fight seem to drain from Shoto as the crushing grief returns. Bakugo let’s him go once it’s clear he’s not a threat anymore and Shoto uses his freedom to drag himself back over to your lifeless body. It’s not fair. You’re so young. He’s so young. Why was this fight even you all’s responsibility in the first place? He’s been excitedly planning his proposal to you for weeks. Now he’ll have to plan a funeral. The thought makes him physically ill and he has to turn to the side as bile climbs up his throat and he retches onto the asphalt beside him.
How is he supposed to go on without you?
Midoriya returns a hand to his shoulder as the paramedics finally arrive. It’s too late. Far too late. One of them approaches cautiously and like a dog protecting his master Shoto immediately lashes out. “Don’t you fucking touch them,” he warns, eyes cold and voice lethal. The paramedic jerks backwards, his hands up in surrender, as he cautiously looks to the other class A students for advice. They have none. They’ve never seen Todoroki like this. They can’t even begin to imagine what he’s going through. It’s Eijirou who steps up in the end. He approaches Shoto carefully, as if his classmate is a feral animal, before kneeling down to his level. “They need to take (y/n) to the hospital on that stretcher over there,” Kirishima tells him carefully, jerking his head in the direction of the waiting ambulance. “Can you carry them there for the paramedics?” he asks. Shoto stares at Kirishima blankly as if trying to process his words before slowly nodding. “Ok. Let’s go then, yea?” Kiri asks. Another nod in response before Shoto carefully gathers you into his arms. He ignores the way your body has already started to go cold as he carries you over to the stretcher. He tries to pretend they’re just rushing you to the hospital, that they’re speeding you over to recovery girl and in a few hours time you’ll be tired but cheery, teasing him for being so worried about nothing. But as he lays you down and then watches them zip you up into a black bag, he knows it’s a hopeless fantasy. You’re gone and you’re never coming back.
A few days later he sits in a black suit with a black tie and a silver chain carrying an engagement ring around his neck. He leans against Fuyumi, who sits on his left side, while his mother grasps tightly onto his right hand. Behind him Natsuo rests a steady hand on his shoulder. His father hovers nearby, unsure how best to offer his support or if his support would even be welcome. They are the only thing that keeps Shoto from falling apart. When the time comes, he stands on shaky legs and approaches your open casket. At first he’d been insistent he wouldn’t look, but his mother had argued his last image of you shouldn’t be your broken body, riddled with holes. So he looks down at you, pieced back together by some mortician, lying motionless in the nicest outfit you own and he traces every detail of you. He tries to patch over the memory of you broken on the ground that haunts him every night since it’s happened with this image of you now. He pictures all of the good and beautiful moments you’ve shared together, let’s them swell in his chest until they’re too large to contain and pour out of him through his silent tears. He leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your too cold forehead and mumbles to you again his final promise:
“I love you, (y/n). I’ll never forget you.”
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janeyseymour · 3 years
Have You Been Taking Care of Yourself?- a fanfic
prompt: Have you been taking care of yourself?
WC: 2044
It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for Jane Seymour to be seen around the house, around the theatre, around the town doing what she could for others. It was very rare that she ever took the time to take care of herself, although she would tell you that by taking care of others she was taking care of herself. 
“Okay guys,” Jane addressed the group as she loaded the dishes from dinner into the dishwasher. “So, tomorrow we only have a night show- no matinee. I’ll clean up around the house in the morning, but then I promised Val I would help out at the library for a little bit- you know just clean up some of the children’s sections and organize a bit. You know how kids can get.” 
The blonde closed the door to the dishwasher before forgetting that she didn’t put in the dish detergent. “Do you think you could all manage to get to the theatre on time? Because Joan wants to run that new little lick that she thought would go well in my song before we put it in. And then the next day, I think I’m going to volunteer at the food pantry in the morning before the shows, but I was thinking we could all have dinner after? I’ll cook. And oh, Kat: don’t think I’ve forgotten about that shirt I told you I would embroider.” She closed the dishwasher once more, this time loaded with detergent before pressing the start button. Turning to her family, she put her hands on her hips and looked at the youngest. “I’ll do that after the show tomorrow.”
“You sound like you really have your days planned out for the next few days,” Catherine noted diligently.
The third monarch grinned. “I like to stay busy. Now, I’ve got to go to my room to coordinate a few things for tomorrow with Val, but I’ll be sure to make my rounds before I head to bed. If you need me, don’t hesitate to knock, yes?” The other five queens nodded their heads, watching in wonderment as the woman dressed in grey made her way up the stairs.
“Does she-” Cathy started.
“There’s no way she doesn’t,” Anne finished.
“She’s well aware that Edward's birthday and her death day are coming soon. She’s doing what she can to distract herself,” Catherine stated as if it was obvious. “She isn’t ignoring it, although she’s doing her best to try.”
“How are we supposed to help her?” Kat wondered.
“I suppose we just let her live. If she wishes to distract herself, then sobeit. We just have to be there when she breaks.”
“I think we can do that,” the fourth queen affirmed.
A week had passed, and Jane was still on the move- desperate as ever to get her mind off of her son and her untimely passing. Only, it was getting harder. 
Any time she slept now, Edward haunted her dreams. Sometimes it was his birth all over again, the feeling of a three day labor returning. Other times, it was as though she was an angel watching over him as he mused his wishes for his mother to come back. Once it was the blonde boy confronting her angrily over her death- how could she leave him with such a horrible father, and wasn’t she supposed to be the first woman he would ever love; but he would never get that chance since she had the audacity to slip away from him before they could properly meet. 
The blonde had been making meals for the queens for days now- something that each of the other queens knew was Jane’s way of coping. The third queen was already in the kitchen cooking or baking more than the others ever were, but it was more and more that the house smelled of something sweet being baked. Jane never ate any of it; she gave it away instead to those that she loved: her family, the food bank down the road, those at the theatre she thought could use a pick-me-up. The thought of food at this point made the woman nauseous. Not knowing if she could stomach the food, she had resorted to supplementing with a protein shake before continuing on with her hectic days she had planned. 
“So, are we going to ignore Janey’s death day like she is or...?” the second queen questioned after the silver queen had excused herself from the table that night. Edward’s birthday had come and gone, and it seemed as though Jane was doing just fine.
“If this is how she’s coping with it- I know it isn’t necessarily healthy- but who are we to try to get her upset over it?” The writer wondered aloud.
“I’m not sure she’s coping with it very well though,” Kat sighed into her hand, half asleep. “Last night when I went to her room, she was wide awake. I didn’t think she’s been sleeping at night, so I stayed awake all night. She was awake too, until like five in the morning. I could practically hear the gears in her mind turning. Once she fell asleep, I did too, but when I woke up she wasn’t asleep anymore.”
“She was downstairs and saw me out for my run at six this morning,” Cleves muttered. “Has she not been sleeping at all these past few nights?”
“If you’ll excuse me, I think I have to go talk to Jane.” Catherine pushed herself up from her seat before beginning to make her way out of the room.
“Don’t you think-” Parr started.
“Querida, whatever is happening is far more unhealthy than Jane just letting herself break. Someone needs to talk to her,” the gold queen stated triumphantly before continuing up the steps and towards the grey room.
“Jane, love? Can I come in?” When the first queen heard no response, she assumed that the third queen was finally getting the shuteye she needed, but her light was still on. Turning the knob and letting herself into the room though, she found a puffy-eyed Jane Seymour awake and trembling.
“Oh honey,” Aragon sighed as she made her way across the room.
“I thought I could handle it this year,” the blonde winced as she busied herself with folding laundry. “If I just continued on like it was any other day, I thought I could handle it.”
Catherine plucked the shirt out of the trembling woman’s hands before folding it and placing it in the pile. Grabbing another, she asked, “Have you been taking care of yourself? Like, really and truly taking care of yourself? None of that ‘by taking care of others, I am taking care of myself’ shit.” Jane shook her head defeatedly.
“I haven’t slept more than two hours a night in the past two weeks, Lina. Every time I close my eyes, all I see is him.”
“Him?” The gold queen froze, the pants in her hands half folded.
The silver queen looked at Catalina for the first time since she entered the room before solemnly whispering, “Eddie.”
“Oh honey.” The pair of pants having been dropped to the ground, the elder queen embraced the third with all the love she could muster up. “You must be exhausted.”
“I am,” the younger monarch’s voice broke a little as she buried her face in the other’s shoulder. “I haven’t been able to eat either. I don’t think I can stomach anything at the moment, and I haven’t been able to since three days before his birthday.”
“When you went into labor,” Catherine sighed, a wave of sadness twinging through her for her friend. Jane nodded. “I’m so sorry, love. Why didn’t you-”
“Because I knew you would all dote on me, and I just don't know if I could handle that again. It’s like it makes it worse when you do. All that swims through my mind is Edward and the fact that I-” the younger queen pulled away from the woman dressed in yellow before mumbling, “-I failed him. I thought if I could take care of others, it would help me like it usually does but...”
“Querida, this is a completely different situation, and you did not have to go through it alone.”
“I’m sorry,” was all the troubled woman could breathe out.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for honey. But instead of taking this all on by yourself and constantly caring for others, why don’t you let us take care of you for a change? Nothing has to be out of the ordinary.”
“How would we even do that?”
“We treat it as though you’re on your period. I’m assuming you’ve been having phantom pains that you’ve just been ignoring?” Catherine voiced. When Jane meekly nodded, the first queen all but scooped her up into her arms and placed her in her bed. “I’ll be back in a few moments.”
“Please don’t leave me,” the blonde whimpered out. 
“I won’t be but a few minutes,” she assured the woman in bed. When she noticed the pout that was beginning to grow on the younger woman’s face, Catherine pulled out her cell phone to text Kat. “What if I had Kat come keep you company while I just do a few things downstairs? I promise you I won’t be more than ten minutes.” Seeing that Jane seemed content with the plan, she asked the fifth queen to come keep the third monarch company for a few minutes. 
“I’ve been summoned?” the pink haired queen joked before sliding onto the bed next to her maternal figure. When Jane grimaced in pain, Katherine immediately backed off.
“No, no, please come here. I’m fine.” The blonde waved a hand dismissively. “Just a bit of cramping, but nothing will stop me from-”
“Say no more Mum. You just tell me if you get uncomfortable, and I’ll help you in any way I can,” Kat told the woman gently.
Satisfied that Jane was finally taking a moment to rest, Catherine made her way out of the room.
When Catalina walked downstairs, she heard the television playing softly, but all eyes were on her.
“So?” the television show now forgotten about, the four women on the couch were staring at her curiously.
“She hasn’t slept more than two hours each night since three night’s before Edward’s birthday. She hasn’t eaten much since then either, unsure if she could stomach anything other than a light protein shake in the mornings. It’s no wonder she looks like absolute hell: the malnutrition along with the lack of sleep would have anyone looking like a zombie.”
“And yet she still looks like our Janey, although a few pounds lighter if I do say so myself,” Anne noted.
“Her sweater did look a bit bigger on her now that you mention it,” Cathy added on.
“So what are we doing about it?” Anna looked ready to help in any way she could.
“She doesn’t want us to make a big fuss over it. Says it makes it worse than it already is. I told her we could handle it like we handle any particularly bad period for any of us.”
“I’ll go get the heating pad.” Cathy stood from her place and headed to her room.
“I’ll make some toast,” Anne replied and made her way to the kitchen.
When Catherine gave her a stern look, Cleves sighed. “I’ll go cut up some bananas for the bread and make sure Boleyn doesn’t burn down the house making toast.”
“Very well. I’ll be in Jane’s room.”
That night, Jane slept peacefully with her five housemates by her side. For the first time in three weeks, the blonde queen was able to close her eyes without being harassed with terrible thoughts flooding her brain. Instead, her dreams were pleasant: a young blonde boy, a striking image of Jane (no Henry could be detected in this boy), enjoying the day with his mother- the five other queens included.
When the third queen woke up the next morning, she was greeted with a breakfast made by the house’s very own Catherine of Aragon. At her place sat a note:
Take care of yourself, and when you can’t: Let us take care of you.
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m0e-ru · 3 years
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eight months in somebody actually asked me abt visualive instead of me immediately annoying ppl about it without former notice. I might actually write properly for once 😳😳😳
OK OK!!!!! In this essay I will.... I will.... Visualive Adachi.... Visu/BURSTS INTO TEARS/
OKAY OKAY for real I just care Visualive so much (as someone who can’t fully understand Japanese AHAHA)
First I’ll add some foundation about what Visualive really is, then I talk abt Adachi in the latter parts of it because this is technically the first time I’m properly talking about this hehe 🐿
T....table of contents???
Visualive the Evolution
Masami Itou
Visualive Adachi
Visualive the Evolution Adachi
Terms and Legend
VL - Visualive
VLE - Visualive the Evolution
stage - shortened for “stageplay”
面白い - omoshiroi (it’s just that specific)
Yuuya - VL Hero name
Hayato - VLE Hero name
Baba - Hero
Masami - Adachi
Taniguchi - Dojima
Saotome - Daisuke
Mamiya - Izanami
I add honorifics but sometimes I forget the hyphen intentionally or unintentionally I’m sorry if it makes it hard to read lol
all links have automatic timestamps for easy viewing. i mean. i hope the timestamps work
VISUALIVE “Persona 4.” A stage adaptation of SMT: Persona 4 by Atlus. It adapts the first part of the story, from the hero’s arrival to after recovering Mitsuo Kubo from the TV world. It also ends on a cliff hanger, showing a teaser of Shadow Naoto being projected on the screen.
It takes up a speedy recapitulation of the hero’s spring life, before slowing down and showing in depth his school life in summer. A day before Morooka-sensei’s death, there is a little skit with Kou, Daisuke and Adachi. The hero walks into the conversation before the two other boys leaving, and Morooka-sensei walking in on the student and detective. The next day follow’s the teacher’s death and the Investigation Team (IT) begin investigating their new lead.
From the words “visual” and “alive,” the niche of this stage was meant to be the fusion of live acting and visual digital projections. All seen from the stageplay with the colorful cast of actors and CG animations being projected on the screen. This offers an opportunity for characters to summon their personas, perform cool visual effects, change the backdrop, or even confront their own Shadows.
Performed in Sunshine Theater from the 15th to the 20th of March 2012. The screenplay was written and directed by Shintaro Asanuma from the theatrical group “bpm.” The video production produced by Shutaro Oku, a film director and visual planner. He later takes over as director for VISUALIVE THE EVOLUTION, the sequel stage. The stage music was produced by Shunsuke Wada, with a special show exclusive vocal track sung by Shihoko Hirata.
On this note, I haven’t seen any sort of original soundtrack released for any of the stages and I’m SO SAD. The last song in Mitsuo’s boss fight was such a BANGER and literally EVERYTHING ELSE Marvelous, Wadasan please take my MONEY
Regarding the cast, there were some special accommodations for Teddie, Rise, and Nanako, all of which did not have live actors at the time. During the casting, actors for the three characters could not be found or simply left the directors unsatisfied they couldn’t cast anybody. An exception for Rise, who was able to have a live actor in the sequel stage. It has been stated that there weren’t any “pretty boy” actors that fit the “Teddie Criteria.” While there weren’t any child actors that were believed to portray Nanako well.
Teddie was only ever seen in his bear costume while Rise was busy talking through a call, all voiced by their video game cast. Nanako has never appeared on stage, only being scarcely mentioned in the script. Again, this is different in the sequel stage where her role was extremely important and was shown as a screen projection.
VISUALIVE “Persona 4” THE EVOLUTION. A sequel stage. Beginning abruptly in the middle of Shadow Naoto’s boss fight, the story continues from there until the “true end” of the game’s original story. *Certain characters are introduced while others have been reintroduced. And on a personal note, when it’s all comedic in the beginning, it’s all for what’s coming right after.
I don’t know if I’m salty or just find it really funny AHAHA I might go talk abt it some other day with more context ehehe
Performed in The Galaxy Theater from the 3rd to the 9th of October 2012, only a few months after the PSVITA Persona 4 Golden release, which is July 2012. The screenplay was now written by Jun Kumagi while directed by Shutaro Oku. And music production finally taken over by Shoji Meguro himself.
HAHAHA this is starting to look like a wiki page. moving on. I might start rambling rn
(warning LONG !!!! aaa,,)
My thoughts on the stage adaptations. For the first Visualive (VL) I believe it’s pretty close to canon! I enjoy the characterization and how much love and care was present when handling the entire production.
Actors were busy playing the game itself, wherein a PS2 was present in the practice room. Along with magazines and game guides explaining the game’s story and the characters itself. Actors performing together and even improv acting together to get a grasp of their characters. All of them knowing well of Persona 4 as a well loved game, delicately handling their characters and hopefully performing them right while making the audience happy.
The staff taking care of each other while the director and video producer, Asanuma-san and Oku-san, working together well to make their vision into a reality.
The same thing happened with VL the Evolution (VLE) and literally every other good stage. Except... I feel the script kinda got out of hand with too much liberty where it feels a bit more disconnected from canon. But! It makes up for it in its content, whether comedic or (INCREDIBLY) dramatic! It’s great as its own story at that point. So in this case, I like to take the first VL and get to connect it canon, while I don’t know what the hell happened in VLE to the point I’ll just enjoy it as its own content.
These opinions deserve its own essay, post whatever bc I have SO much to say abt this. ANYWAY. VL ADACHI
Tohru Adachi is portrayed by Masami Itou (伊藤マサミ), a screenplay writer, director and an stage actor himself. He does have a single character voice role along with a fellow troupe member in the same franchise, but mostly works as the former three. He is part of Asanuma-san’s entertainment group “bpm.” On a similar note, Masashi Taniguchi, Dojima’s actor, was also part of their group from 2011 to 2016, which may explain their good synergy as the boss and the bumbling fool dynamic. I mean, somebody’s gotta get hit in the head every few skits.
With Masami-san being an important part of the cast, he doesn’t appear as often as Taniguchi-san in backstage content like the VL bonus disk or the official blog. Mentioned in his own personal blog, he had been busy with his roles as assistant director (I am assuming also for VL).
Also fun to note, because his role is mainly comic relief, he has been using his liberty to change up the material almost everyday making each performance exciting. This also leaves some other actors jealous of his freedom in his role, such as Saotome-san, Daisuke’s actor.
VL Adachi really has a... how do I say this? an adorable speech pattern (THE SAME SPEECH PATTERN THAT DROVE ME MAD TRYING TO DECIPHER I THOUGHT YOU WERE A CITY BOY OSSU OSSU MY ASS /shakes you violently/). Overall, he really fits the loose lipped bumbling fool, and his accent really makes him seem more casual and invested. What I’m saying is... VL Adachi either actually has genuine empathy or he actually has more energy to fake it (compared to some other edgelord. i mean you saw my p4ga analysis. I’m sick of him lol ahaha).
One of my favorite ways to explain this (OTHER THAN CHAIR CAR ADVENTURE MY BELOVED WE’LL GET TO THAT LATER) is the rice field scene with him and Dojima. It’s overanalyzation time 🎉
While investigating, Adachi whines about being tired while Dojima smacks him in the head. In this case, it’s established that Adachi doesn’t want to be there, yes? It’s the country, it’s hot and it smells like green.
"Ah... Dojima-san..! Why don't we take a break? (...) There really is nothing out here... Is the criminal still even here at all? (...) I wonder if I've passed being a rookie yet. Haha, but this city doesn't even have convenient transportation. I can't go to leisure lands (recreation, amusement parks, arcades, ect.) and head home at all."
Adachi then tries to tell Dojima a story. “when I got to this city after being newly assigned, I met an interesting guy (...) Yeah, I remember that the cherry blossoms haven't bloomed yet. So, I was driving my car and got near the station and--” Dojima gets a phone call.
Adachi politely puts his hands down waiting for his boss to finish so he can finish the story. Again and again, Adachi attempts to talk to Dojima about a story he’s so persistent trying to tell someone about. It was so 面白い that he would find someone to talk to about it. Even being polite and patient enough to wait for a chance to speak. He even gets fed up with it and blows up in front of his boss, clearly irritated he’s not given a chance to talk.
Sure, it could be Adachi feeling fed up like a normal person where someone agreed he to listen to him, before being constantly ignored. Or Adachi trying to be a more annoying whiny brat, depending on where you look at it.
If the story wasn’t too “interesting” to Adachi, he would’ve just brushed it off and stopped talking to Dojima entirely, or start up new small talk, or even complain some more. But no, he had a story he wanted to voice out so bad that he got irritated that the one person in the vicinity couldn’t listen to him.
Only after Dojima told him to continue their investigation elsewhere did Adachi finally stop and focus on something else. Maybe that story was for another day, or maybe it was never meant to be told.
What if it was just original (game) Adachi? He’d find a way to squirrel out of the investigation as usual, or push Dojima to “investigate” elsewhere. “Hey boss, don’t you think it’s hot? Why don’t we go elsewhere? We’ve seen this place too many times to count and I doubt anything new’ll turn up. How about we take a break at Junes, y’know? Where it’s cool? C’mon boss,” something like that.
og Adachi is just really annoying and silly to me. Some grown man thinking he can freeload because he never gets anything out of putting in more energy and effort? I don’t care how tall he is, I will smack him in the head.
Yeah VL Adachi whines, too, but at least it doesn’t look like he’s going to escape and waste his time somewhere else. He just sucks it up stops trying to leave the situation.
Or maybe I’m getting this all wrong and VL is exactly the same and my rage just gets dampened because of Masamisan’s execution of character hmm...
SO. What was his story about anyway? The one he really wanted to share to Dojima?
I mean... it’s obvious enough
First day in town? Spring? Actually mentioned driving a car when literally out of every single persona 4 media at the time was there not a SINGLE mention of Adachi having a car OTHER THAN the same stageplay it’s being mentioned in?
A story, from somewhere around uhh four? five months ago? was something that he remembered so dearly and was willing to share despite it obviously embarrassing him even if he puts the blame on a certain somebody in the same story?
Or maybe it’s because he really had nothing to talk about ever since he realized all his stories from the city weren’t actually that funny or interesting in the first place.
BUT then that would mean out of all the things he could talk about—more whining, complaining, complimenting, small talk—he insisted about talking about this story in particular.
Okay, look. I’m just. Just. As someone who talks too much, of course I have things I actually want people to hear out of all the bullshit that comes out of my mouth. And if the thing I actually want people to listen to doesn’t even get heard, I’d go mad.
Sure, Adachi’d be fine when his complaints or intentionally unfunny jokes get brushed off. But a story of a guy that he thought was so funny, interesting, 面白い gets ignored, he really blew up, even just for a split second, maybe.
And ALL the things that happened in that story—on his first day in Inaba! His car got dented, he had to deal with a weirdo dumbass employee that knew zero personal space, yelled in his ear, who didn’t know how to do their job, got his station reputation messed up on the first day, got his ass grabbed, got (unintentionally?) mocked for his lame stories, and got his car dented for the SECOND time. Probably MORE
And he STILL wanted to talk about it /punches through concrete wall/
yes I’m overthinking about this of course i am
This little tidbit of VL Adachi kinda makes me go insane sometimes—his entire characterization in VL in particular. It was really refreshing to see and how they included both of his characters in it, his facade and how irritated he is of a lot of things underneath. And how flexible his character is immediately working with other characters when there’s sudden improv to balance the situation. Like him and Dojima, Morooka, the attendant, or even Yuuya (hero) himself.
I’ll take Taniguchi-san’s messing around in the VL bonus backstage disc in place of Masami-san being so busy he couldn’t appear in it as often as other characters.
For stagetime that lasted for fifteen minutes or less, my appreciation for VL Adachi, even if he was just comic relief, really rocketed. I say VL, bc Adachi the edgelord he’s supposed to be in literally every other media is something I analyze separately.
I haven’t even gotten to VLE oh my GODDDDD
Like I said, I don’t really regard VLE close to canon but as something to be appreciated for what it is by itself. But the way Adachi was characterized there, in or out of character, still struck me.
Yes, there was his strange fan-agreed-canon which is,,, now canon obsession with cabbages (not that that’s a bad thing lmao). There was also him being a lot more jumpy and intimate in a clowny way, patting people on the shoulder or even downright hugging them just to mess around. Even FORGETTING who the same goddam loser who grabbed his ass almost a year ago is. But like, can’t blame him they literally changed their actor (and screenplay writer) AHAHAHA
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ha... no more comedy, only dorky sword fights now
(speaking of sword fights I think it’s a fun thought how Mamiya-san [Izanami, also one of the youngest in the cast] admitted it was his first time doing sword fight choreography and even thanked Masami-san and other staff members for guiding him)
One thing unintentionally in character was Adachi accidentally nabbing the sushi overdosed in wasabi. Masami-san didn’t actually account for a joke sushi and didn’t immediately eat it—until Taniguchi-san (who also made Dojima go off his shits compared to VL) jokingly yelled at him and even riled up the audience for him to eat it. He even went off stage to get water just for him to eat the goddam sushi.
And Masami-san did! (kinda choked, but he’s fine).
Continuing from the same scene, while being overly giddy about sushi dinner (and I mean overly--he was singing about it while hopping to the Dojima residence), he tried to remind the two, Dojima and Hayato (hero), that Nanako was sleeping. Probably where she was sick if the scene was translated from the game.
And... the dramatic parts of VLE
Adachi was the one who reported to the IT that Dojima was chasing Namatame in the rain. While Naoto was discussing Namatame’s journal entries, Adachi, as giddy as he is, took it from Naoto’s hands and reveled in the discovery of evidence so childishly(?). He even ran to Dojima when he began regaining consciousness and immediately called the nurses to help him wheel Dojima to the ER.
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Then, The Hospital Scene™️, right after Nanako flatlines.
Adachi, who recently walked into the scene, immediately worries about Dojima and IT who were ALL crying. He looks down, devastated—before yelling how Dojima’s heading to Namatame’s room.
He yells in terror and the same grief at his injured boss, all while running past and even jumping over children, who fell to the ground sobbing, to get to him. He continues yelling in a pained fashion while immediately reprimanding Dojima to stop. He gets carried by the collar before being tossed to the ground at Hayato’s feet, all while being pat by the same boy.
Dojima makes his speech about how unfair it is for the ‘killer’ to be alive when his daughter isn’t. When he finally falls to his knees, Adachi rises from the ground, humbly saying he’ll do his best to take care of Dojima (or something like that I’m in tears I literally can’t do VLE’s hospital scene i h8 this). He finally starts crying along with everyone else, being pushed away again but still tries again, trying to usher his boss away from the door.
With the help of the guard in front of the door, they all disappear off stage
please... I know this scene doesn’t need that much translation because of how important this scene is in the entire story. and I know my narratives aren’t enough so just,,,, just watch it please it’s so much more than this. everyone’s acting was just spectacular
So, after the IT (YOSUKE. JUST YOSUKE. good job Mae-chan) stop themselves from k wording Namatame, it was ADACHI who reported Nanako’s miracle recovery. He ran to the same corridor where they all cried in, even panting and falling to the ground in relief trying to report the good news. Then he pats Hayato on the shoulder and says he’s going to Dojima.
With this... /slaps roof of half of VLE/ ALL of this....adachi.... adachisan.... he Cares™️..... holy shit.....
now. comparing to the game. do you even remember what og Adachi did? did he.. even do anything?????
NO!!! he just stood there!!!! being a bumbling fool but.... inappropriately!!! man. he didn’t act concerned enough.
adachi: /walks into a bunch of kids crying outside a hospital room/ “lmao why tf are y’all crying? did uhhh what’s her face uhhh nanako. did she d word or something? rip, I guess lol” LIKE????? CAN YOU IMPLY FASTER
and then he’s like “wgat hmm Where’s Dojima-san Heading Because That’s Not The Way To His Room 🤔” and only when he’s asked he actually mentions he’s heading to Namatame’s room and still needs to get choked by a first year for the room number like..... zero consideration
and his boss??? where his daughter he loves so much just??? di*s???? and he’s so devastated he’s doing what he can that very moment while he’s so numbed of thinking of the consequences???? And adachi goes “uhh boss that’s illegal” LIKE. BITCH. /punches through a concrete wall but harder/
And??? His confrontation scene??? Like, I know they mashed it up w his tv confession scene to save stagetime for other scenes BUT IT WAS SO MMBMBMBMMGN /gestures in a good way/
UM?? guy behind everything??? in a vulnerable area where he could easily get physically assaulted bc hes not in the tv world w his persona?? Trash talks women like he absolute misogynist he is??? getting yelled at by a bunch of kids and YELLING BACK IN THE SAME AGITATED MANNER even TAUNTING THEM then and there to GET HIS ASS?????
og Adachi was such a pussy he got caught and just scurried off into the TV world where he ended up having powers like...ok....scared of getting beat down by a bunch of highschoolers unless you have powers...ok....
he only taunted them to get him when he was in the tv world too.....he rlly couldn’t say shit in the real world huh... lol
(yeah yeah this shows how VLE Adachi knew abt his TV world powers which would make you think if he ever went into the tv world and came back out alive. Or he’s really just a badass who doesnt give a shit abt anyone’s opinions and CAN beat anyone’s ass. i have a separate thing abt this but bc i like to laught at vle rather than overthink its own lore i might. not. idk lol)
and ??? VLE Adachi can??? He can swordfight??? he doesn’t even NEED a gun—he even reflects bullets w his blade (but apparently he can still get slapped by a flying fan more often than any other attack). His fight choreo was just...so poggers. He’s like short villains done good—like??? he’s short compared to everyone else!!! but he makes up for it for stuffing all the energy inside him while is bursts out making him him the over energetic gremlin he is!!! go VL adachi!!!!
(am I low key making fun of Madono-san in the TUUSH stageplay I’ve seen four minutes of? maybe)
OK!!! Yes I was gushing abt Masami-san again back to Adachi.
It’s portrayed that while not being afraid to admit his crimes, he also goes out of his way to be a bastard and have the gall to get a bunch of kids to fight him, one on eight. He can use a katana, probably a narrative dark reflection of the hero, Hayato which I thought was nice—and he can fight!!! It also shows his persona, yes, but...it doesn’t make it clear if he’s overwhelmed by his Shadow like in the game, where his eyes were yellow and he was emitting a dark aura.
But it gets interesting how he sees he’s getting overwhelmed and starting to lose his edge towards a bunch of kids. He falls to the ground even banging the floor like a whiny brat while literally the IT tries to tell him to turn himself in. Again, like a brat he tells everyone to shut up—before getting incapacitated. While some of the IT rejoice, he bolts up unaccepting of his defeat—before getting hit in the stomach.
And his words from when he drops his katana, “Why..?” He grabs the foldable chair against his stomach, and with a remorseful look in his eyes, he says “I’m sorry..!”
THEN HE BACKFLIPS—then Hayato slashes him.
In a tone of disbelief, he goes “no way...” and collapses to the ground, being possessed by Ame-no-Sagiri.
Blah blah blah then Teddie rockets himself into the eyeball spy cam and then they both explode aaaaa
Teddie survives but I really don’t know where Adachi went. Not even a mention by Dojima if he turned himself in or was ever found—or I need to review VLE for the 48274827482nd time hehe
WHOO then the whole cast appears for the dance number at the end of show YAHOO
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19 notes · View notes
Sentences: #17 & #21
Situations: #8 & #19
Locations: #9 but I prefer something where you actually get held kidnapped
Words: #5, #13 & #19
Sara Lance x Reader (they are together) where Reader gets kidnapped and Sara saves her? You killed me with the last one but I love angsty shit so.. Dear favourite writer, please make me happy and shatter my heart into even more pieces 🤣
awww favourite writer?? for serious?? i absolutely adore you, my dear, and my biggest apologies for shattering your heart (not just last time but this time too)
Hope this is... ?? something close to what you wanted!
sara lance x reader
tw for blood and injuries and description of a seizure, also kidnapping and stuff in that vicinity
prompts: photo, scissors, shirt, basement, kidnapped, injury, “If you leave me here, I’m gonna haunt you until you join me”, “What are you waiting for?” 
Sara’s smile was like nothing you had seen before. You loved it when she smiled, it always put your mind at ease, and any smile you were the cause of was your favourite. The best ones were from your bad jokes, or when you did something sweet just for her.
Making her smile was something you held close to your heart, and although it was easy most times, getting a smile from her when she was in a bad place seemed to help her get out of it easier. You were in love with her smile, her eyes, the way she was a real life hero.
It was the last part you were clinging to at the moment, hands bound tight behind you, squinting in the low-lit basement you were being held in. It was your second day there, maybe your third at a stretch. You had been given maybe two glasses of water since your arrival, always by hidden faces, for which you were grateful. 
They had a purpose for keeping you, their intention wasn’t to kill you, at least not at the present moment. You tried to keep Sara’s face in your mind, her smile stretching across exhausted cheeks, eyes creasing as the smile overtook her entire face, a content laugh rumbling into your ear as she kissed you good morning.
The sun always caught her hair in such a beautiful way, lighting her up all over and showing the true nature of Sara, exactly how you saw her. You wished you were both there right now, tangled in sheets as your laughs echoed down the hall, teasing comments thrown between soft kisses.
She was the only thought you could hold onto, the only way to escape the hell you were in. It was nothing compared to other hells you’d been through before, but she was always there beside you. This time, you were completely alone.
Blood had soaked into your jeans and borrowed shirt from the various wounds you had gained between the kidnapping and your current location. You could feel the pain searing through your forearm for the first however many hours it was, pain now a mere ache compared to the original agony.
You predicted a fracture, but hoped for a sprain. Neither would matter if you weren’t found soon, the blood that seemed to not be clotting making a bit of a mess on the floor of whoever had torn you from the arms of your lover in the middle of the night.
Leaning back into the wall behind you, a grimace crossed your face as you took a deep breath. Inching your bound arms down your back, clenching your lips to muffle the cries of pain as you struggled to bring your arms beneath your legs for the twentieth time.
With a final struggle and gruff shout, you pulled your arms under your feet, now tied in front of you instead of behind. The zip ties that held your wrists together had been tied far too tight, your wrists and hands going purple from bruising and struggling, not that you were surprised. One arm was a little darker than the other, confirming your fear.
Your arm was definitely fractured, you could see the distorted shape of the bone beneath your skin, having to hold down the disgust as you quickly looked away. God, you wished Sara was there. Of all the injuries you’d had, this was the most painful tied with the grossest, the dried and fresh blood from your injuries mixed with basement grime.
‘Come on, Sara, what are you waiting for?’ you muttered, leaning against the wall and softly setting your arm down on your lap.
On the WaveRider, Sara’s eyebrows knitted together as she tried to maintain her composure in front of the team. A photo of your current predicament had been beamed to the ship, and Sara hadn’t said a word since. Nate had immediately started talking you up, reminding her how tough you were, and how well you could handle yourself.
Sara sighed with shaking breath, reaching her arm out to Nate’s shoulder in appreciation. With a solid glance at her team, Sara started dealing out assignments. Gideon’s worried head appeared before her, concerned with her captain’s wellbeing.
‘Captain Lance, is everything alright?’
Through clenched teeth, Sara nodded. ‘Yes, thank you, Gideon, I just need to find my girlfriend. Can you help me analyse the photo?’
‘Of course, Captain.’
Sara spent hours pulling it to pieces, scouring every inch of the room and trying to overlook you in your state. When she did all she could with your location, she finally turned to you for clues. Blindfolded, straight-faced, still in the same outfit but much filthier and bloodier, she reached out to your photo.
‘I’m going to find you, Y/N. Hold on just a little longer, I’m coming.’
It was no secret she blamed herself, distracted in the moment you were snatched. They had planned it well, whoever they were, knowing exactly how to seperate you both just long enough to strike.
You didn’t know how long it took you to pass out, or whether it was the pain or the lack of sustenance. Your dreams were a mix of pleasant desires and harsh realities thrown together, jolting you awake, only to find yourself somehow still dreaming.
Sara kneeled in front of you, panic-stricken as she checked you over. ‘Oh thank God, I was so worried!’
She wasn’t one to hug, usually grabbing your ass or your hand for her public displays of affection, but this was something you needed to realise she was actually there, actually holding you, and saving you as always.
Pulling a pair of scissors from her thigh holster, she cut you free and cupped your cheek, staring softly into your eyes to make sure you could hold on until reaching the ship.
A loud crash sounded upstairs, and your eyes adjusted to the light in time to see the features of your girlfriend’s face properly. Her eyes were dark, she hadn’t slept or changed clothes in the days you’d been gone, and there were incalculable bruises on her knuckles and forearms. Sara started to run for the stairs to take down those she’d slipped past, stopping as you called out to her.
‘Sara, if you leave me here, I’m gonna haunt you until you join me.’
She turned with a smile, and it was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. ‘Nice try, but you’re not going anywhere without me again.’
Dazed, a smile crossed your face, eyes rolling back into your head. Sara reached the top of the stairs before realising something was wrong, watching you slide down the wall as your body began to convulse.
She scrambled back down the staircase and slid on her knees to your side, tearing off her jacket and quickly placing it beneath your head.
‘Legends, get your asses in here,’ she shouted over the comms, panic filling her voice as the team flooded the house. Sara didn’t know what to do, but she knew she wasn’t leaving without you.
taglist: @marvelfansince08love @mymarvelwomen @imnotasuperhero @natasha-danvers @veteranwerewolf95 @liziehaswritersblock @dynnealberto @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​
send me a prompt?
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sombreboy · 4 years
Love Maze »18
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Previous  » Next Series Masterlist ▎ 18+ ▎ pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook ▎ genre: School AU, crack humor, smut, angst, ETL, slow burn, fluff. ▎ word count: 7.7k ▎ ch.warnings: profanity, angst, jealousy, violence, blood, mentions of hospitals, yandere side character is back and he's CRAZY
Co-writer: @velvetwicebang​​​​ ♡♡♡
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The following day was huge, today was the big game that they've prepared for forever! Jungkook headed out early, leaving Jisoo's home to head over to his own to grab his backpack before heading to school for the last morning practice. This afternoon was it; he had to be in his best form to perform well. Kook made his way to the locker room to change, a bit earlier than everybody else. He wanted to warm up properly, and give his all in the last practice. He loved the thought of competition, excited to show off the endless stamina he's spent countless hours building up for.
Taehyung stalled, lingering close to Jungkook like a pest just waiting to pounce on the opportunity to talk to him.. He waited and waited; until the opportunity never came. “Fucking pussy..” Tae self-loathed, watching as everyone else was quickly ushered out of the locker room by Namjoon.
“Tae, come on! You too.” The Captain was stressed, anyone could see that. Deciding it was for the best to not make a fuss, Taehyung obliged and kept to himself. The elder glanced over at Kook a couple times during practice, wondering how he was doing. Maybe he’d be able to get a hold on the younger before the big game tonight. Tae held on to that possibility.
Jungkook wasn't blind, he could tell that Taehyung's eyes were on him more than usual today. It was weird-- he'd been completely ignored for what felt like forever. Maybe he was just imagining things, however... That must be it-- nerves. He shrugged it off, overthinking was the last thing he needed to do today.
Practice went great, Namjoon praised the guys with a lopsided smile-- the stress and worry was evident, but he was confident in his players. He dismissed the members, Jungkook grabbing his water bottle by the bench to chug it down as he wiped his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand as he resumed to head down to the locker room, the other guys not quite there yet as they stayed around to calm Namjoon's pre-game nerves.
Well, except Taehyung.
Taehyung’s quick, determined strides gradually lost their momentum the moment he pushed on the locker room door, nervous to see Jungkook’s face after what took place between them.. Suddenly, his confidence was equivalent to sand in an hourglass as it dropped by the ticking second. There stood the younger, completely unaware of the motive behind Tae’s hesitant, inclosing steps. He tried not to think about what he was unknowingly exposed to yesterday evening, but Taehyung couldn’t just.. ignore the imprinted image of Jungkook‘s lips molded against someone else’s. A girl. Hell, he couldn’t compete with that.. The elder inhaled a deep breath. “Uhm.. can we— can we talk?” His Adam’s apple nervously danced underneath his neck. “Please?”
Four words. It was the first four words Koo had heard from Tae in weeks.
'Can we talk, please?'
Kook swallowed tightly. Now he wanted to talk? Was ignoring him not enough--now he suddenly wants to talk. "No." He says. There was nothing he imagined that he wanted to hear. He couldn't afford to lose focus, and Tae would definitely not help with whatever he had to say. Kook turned his back towards the elder as he began to change, hoping that would be enough to be left alone. Fuck, this wasn't good. Taehyung had slowly already creeped his way into Jungkooks brain.
Taehyung’s self-confidence deflated on the spot, his disappointment instead peering through the cracks. He’s a fucking idiot. W hat else was he expecting Kook to say? Yes? No matter the initial letdown, Tae wasn’t one to give up easily. “Look, Jungkook— I hate not being able to talk to you.” His piercing gaze roamed over the younger’s bare skin, wishing the two dimples on the latter’s lower back were a pair of eyes. Taehyung wanted Jungkook to listen to him, to see his strained efforts to try and fix the deep shit they were in.
He caused it; he had to end it.
“I-I miss us.. you.” The elder glanced down towards the ground, suddenly wishing Jungkook wouldn’t turn around. If he’d just thought about it for a second longer, Tae wouldn’t have broken up with him. It was an impulsive decision— and fuck.. did he regret it.
Jungkook froze as soon as he pulled the hoodie over his torso. He couldn't believe what he just heard.. was it a dream, where his mind was playing tricks on him? The younger took a deep, slow breath to keep himself together, but it was easier said than done. He really wished Tae wouldve said those words earlier... much earlier... Before he went to Jisoo-- fuck... Kook felt his guarded exterior slowly being chipped away with every piercing word coming off the elders lips, and the mere thought of this was terrifying. He felt guilty, for a part of him wanted Tae back too. A big part. "I... I can't. Okay?" He didnt sound so sure. All he knew was that if he didn't keep his guard up; he'd crumble. And today the game was his priority. Jungkook turns on the spot, regretfully as he saw Taehyung's gloom stance. He seemed sincere... and that only made this entire thing so painful. Fuck, he wishes he could just... hug him. "Tae..." the name was unfamiliar on his lips once more, stepping closer to the elder. He looked a bit different than before-- but before he could say anything else, the rest of the boys came rushing down-- however they came to a halt as they saw their two golden boys in a rather tense situation. Taehyung with his head hanging low, and Jungkook looking absolutely distressed through his doe eyes. The very moment Kook heard the guys, he withdrew the hand he had extended, instead using it to grab his backpack and wordlessly walk away, pushing through the doors with his shoulder before heading towards the dining hall without waiting for anybody.
Jungkook missed him too.. and it was fucking terrifying. Why does Taehyung have this strong grasp on him? He shrugged as he went to sit down in his usual spot in the dining room, rubbing his eyes in annoyance, and an attempt to clear his vision. Game. Game. Game.
It didn't go that well.
Taehyung blankly watched the younger scurry out of the crowded room, ignoring his friends’ careful attempts at squeezing an answer out of him.
“You guys okay or..?”
He turned to look at Yoongi, not bothered to include a verbal clarification. The mint-haired male’s flat expression fell. He was visibly struggling to come up with anything remotely comforting as his palm glided over the sweat on his nape.
“Tae, please.. we need you here for the game, alright? Joon’s already stressed out enough, it’s the least we can do.” Yoongi’s never been in love, but it didn’t take a genius to know Taehyung was hurting because of it. He wasn’t aware of what happened between his friends, but he hoped they’d be able to put it off— whatever it was— until later; after they'd secured their anticipated win.
The rest of the day during school was dreadful, Jungkook couldn't stop replaying the simple words that Taehyung had told him this morning. It was confusing, to say the least. Why'd the elder have to put this on him now? Focusing in class was an impossible task, the one thing his mind tunnel visioned on was to win the game. Nothing else. He'd sacrificed way too much of himself to let this be a flop. As classes ended, he had some time to kill before he had to go prepare himself, so he opted to go for his trusted vending machine to get himself his favourite sweet, explosion of chemicals in the form of banana milk. With a straw pressed between his lips, he headed to sit where he usually would outside the building by the stairs, fishing his phone out to open his text conversations. He'd still kept the one from Tae, hovering over it with his thumb before opening the thread. The latest message was the one that ended their relationship, just after the previous text that was a promise of them meeting after class to fulfill their needs.
Kook sighed, shaking his head as he internally scolded himself for even going through this memory again. He wondered why Taehyung suddenly changed his mind.. and part of him knew he had to find out eventually.
The day’s blinding light converted into darkness, the sun’s blazing rays nowhere to be seen as seconds turned into minutes, and minutes progressed into hours. The overfamiliar gymnasium gradually filled up with animated students and proud parents, each one there to support and cheer for their respective team.
Taehyung was hidden away in the locker room along with everyone else, partaking in some last minute stretches before it was time for them to confidently walk out into the lion’s den. Tae was sure tonight was the most packed it’s ever been, the muffled commotion reached his alert ears from where he stood, the faint buzzing swelling to a roar.
Well, it wasn’t that dramatic.. Big crowds tended to spike up the elder’s mild anxiety, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.
Taehyung’s hooded eyes were glued on Jungkook, replaying earlier events until it didn’t sit right with him. He wanted to make things right between them— for the game’s sake, and for theirs in the long run.
“Hey, Jung—“
“Jungkook? Hi!” Jisoo greeted with a beaming smile, seeming relieved. “I was dreading coming in here.. didn’t want Yuna to see any naked guys..” The woman awkwardly chuckled, gently withdrawing her hand from the little one’s big, curious eyes.
“Is that a baby?!”
“No, Hoseok, it’s a dog.” Yoongi sassed with a roll of his eyes, following behind their friends to greet the newcomer. Jimin and Hoseok seemed extra infatuated with the chubby little human while Yoongi kept to himself, trying to act unfazed by Yuna’s incoherent babbles. Namjoon and Taehyung however.. Both were wide-eyed.
“Jungkook, who’s this?” Jimin’s plump lips twitched up into a smile, curious about Kook’s friend. Jisoo’s fingers sneakily grazed over the younger’s strong, naked biceps. She tried to be slick, but failed. Jungkook looked extra good in a pair of jersey and shorts..
Meanwhile, Joon and Tae lingered in the corner, watching the situation unfold with narrowed eyes. While Namjoon glared at Jungkook, Taehyung glared at Jisoo.
Jungkook's eyes widened at the surprise, expecting her to be out in the audience rather than... well, in their locker room. It didn't fail to make his lips tug into a toothy grin though, giving Yuna's small nose a little boop of his finger before turning to Jisoo. ''Hey,'' he smiled, noting how Yuna relished in the attention of his hyungs. As they asked him, who the hell this girl was, he took a long second to think. They weren't something, but they also weren't nothing. ''She's my friend,'' he settles with this explanation, ''Lives next door.'' He didn't like to go too much into details, that's all they needed to know.
Jisoo merely agreed in the form of a nod, discreetly confused about where they stood. Now that the question was innocently brought up, it got her thinking.. They’ve kissed, fucked (sometimes more than once on the same day), spent almost every waking day together.. it nearly checked off all of the requirements for a relationship. It was a tricky situation, and alike Jungkook, she barely went into clear details— only useless rambling. “Anyways, I didn’t bring you the fancy sign, I know.” She joked with Kook, turning the locker room into her personal stage as she acted disappointed in herself. “But..” Jisoo looked around, making sure no one was in their point of hearing. “When you guys win, I’ll reward you with whatever you want. You know, to make up for it.” The woman stepped back, her usual smile decorated with the exhilaration of tonight’s possible affair.
Taehyung was fuming... He couldn’t bear to see the two of them together after what he came across the other day.
“They seem close, huh..” Namjoon noted with barely any emotion in his voice, arms securely crossed over his chest. Tae, who stood next to him, simply scoffed. “Yeah, they’re close alright.”
What did Jungkook see in Jisoo, anyway? Sure, she was nice.. caring, compassionate, pretty— all nice qualities. Taehyung only angered himself further. The woman was the perfect person for him. It got Tae wondering why the fuck they haven’t gotten married and birthed ten more perfect kids yet. They were so.. loud with their affection, it was annoying.
“Uhm, I mean, how close?” It was obvious Namjoon was jealous, no matter how hard he tried to play off his feelings.
“I caught them kissing. That’s how close.”
“W-what?” The elder’s hands unknowingly clenched into fists, not believing what he’d just heard.
Is that why Jungkook got so angry that one time..? It had to be.
Jungkook smiled coyly at Jisoo as she stepped back, stretching his back for the final remaining minutes. ''I'll look forward to it. Go get a seat before they're all taken!'' he jokes. But truly, there were a whole lot of people. Before Jisoo left with Yuna, she looked at Jungkook over her shoulder, meeting his eyes with a small smile. He waved vaguely as she disappeared out of view before turning back to his hyungs, not aware of the stares he's getting from Namjoon and Taehyung.
''Alright, let's do this!'' Hoseok chimes, working together with Jimin and Jin to bring the group together into a hug, smushing Tae and Kook together involuntarily, Joon as well in the mess. As if it came naturally, Taehyung’s arm wrapped around Jungkook’s smaller waist as their friends huddled together. While everyone else’s was on each other’s upper backs, Tae’s instincts just had to kick in at the wrong time. By the time he’d noticed, Joon’s body had practically locked him in position. It would’ve been awkward if Tae attempted to squeeze his arm out in the middle of Jin’s hushed ‘poetically powerful’ pregame speech, so he let it be. The taller nervously glanced at Kook from time to time, swallowing down his remaining panic. Taehyung’s bigger hand gently squeezed at Jungkook’s hip, his fingers digging lightly into the fabric of the younger’s Jersey. He missed having him this close... All of this unfolded in the midst of Seokjin’s uplifting words, so it was no surprise when Tae had no idea what his hyung had said by the end of it.
Just like Tae, Jungkook was unable to focus on anything that Jin blabbered about, the one thing he was hyper focused on was the close proximity of the elder. The way his strong hand wrapped around him-- the hand that applied pressure on his hip... It brought back an emotion that he thought he'd finally gotten rid of. Oh how foolish he was. He craned his neck forward, his long curls hiding the expression in his eyes, while his lips barely parted in a quiet sigh. He missed having him this close too...
As the group finally withdrew, giving the boys the much needed space and cheers coming from their hyungs, Jungkook felt like he stayed in Taehyung's arm for a second longer than he planned to, quickly pulling away to roll his tongue inside of his cheek. ''Alright, guys.'' Namjoon announced as he gave every member a pat on the back as they headed out towards the court-- well, until it was Jungkook walking past him. A glare shot his way, but the younger didn't take notice of this, instead fighting his internal battle of trying to suppress his thoughts to focus on the game.
Taehyung quickly followed behind Kook, itching to close the distance between them once again. Now that he’d gotten a taste of what he used to have, it was incredibly hard to pretend to hide his true feelings.. The urge grew more intense when they jogged into the packed court, peers’ blaring shouts of encouragement making Tae want to curl up against his ex-boyfriend’s chest and wake up in a more serene location. The younger’s bed, perhaps.. The thrill that used to overtake him at the thought of tonight’s game was no longer alive. He found the atmosphere suffocating, and the roars annoyingly unbearable. The elder didn’t know why he was extra sensitive to the loud noises, but he figured the constant buzzing in his ear was to blame. The piercing sound had yet to subdue, and it didn’t plan on leaving anytime soon.
Before the major game began, each team was given a few minutes to practice their free throws. Taehyung jumped in line behind the younger, building his confidence to lean towards Jungkook’s ear. “I miss you, and I’m sorry.” He whispered. It was killing him not knowing what to expect.. Did Kook want him back, or not? The elder lingered in that position for a second longer, only moving when the string of players did. E ven then, Tae remained close to Jungkook. He didn’t worry about the audience’s stares from the stands, or the questions that might pop into their heads. The rare moment Taehyung wasn’t so caught up in strangers' wandering eyes, was when he desperately needed to be. If he’d been as attentive as before, he would’ve easily pinpointed a certain devilish glare from the crowd.
Jungkook kept his eyes focused forward, however he was listening to every single word that went into his ear. Tae was way too close, in front of all these people... "Why are you telling me this now?" Kook glanced over his shoulder for a mere second to glare at Taehyung, but just as quickly returned to focus on the line as it moved. If there were ever a worst possible time to discuss their breakup, this was it. But Taehyung seemed desperate. And Jungkook slowly grew too unfocused for his own liking. He'd worked too hard for this game to let it go to waste-- and he didn't want to talk about this. Not now. Before Taehyung could say anything else, Jungkook leaped forward with the basketball in his hand, relieved he was able to remove himself from Taehyung for the moment.
Taehyung momentarily paused his ‘trying to win him back’ speech, piercing eyes glued onto Jungkook until he was caught off guard by the basketball thrown at him. Getting in position, Tae aimed for the net. The elder was surprised he made it, his focus was on anything but the game. He carelessly threw the ball to the person behind him, jogging back to a single line formation. “I’m telling you this now because I should’ve done it a long time ago.” Taehyung resumed, standing a little too close to the younger. “Jungkook, I’m sorry. I-I freaked out over nothing, I didn’t think any of this shit through.” He hesitated after a few seconds, “I still love you, so much.. I don’t want to just.. throw that away..”
Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest, grasping at his own biceps to practically hold himself in place so he wouldn't turn around to look at Taehyung. He felt his emotional walls crack, the emotions seeping through was not what he wanted as he was in front of this many people. He took a deep breath through his nose, shoulders visibly tense as he took a moment before he replied. ''But you did. More than once.'' Kook's focus on breathing slowly brought him back down to earth, building those small walls back up to remain as stoic as possible in front of the audience, taking a short step away from the elder as the line moved once more. He just wanted the game over with at this point.
The elder’s shoulders sank along with his confidence. The last thing Taehyung expected was for Jungkook to give in easily, but he also wasn’t anticipating the latter to be so vigilant. Then again, Tae naively played with his feelings countless times. He knew the younger was only trying to look out for himself— and his bruised heart. Shit.. it hadn’t fully sunk in until now. Taehyung fucked up. Bad. He was starting to doubt there was a solution to their problem. “No, you’re right.” Tae kept his distance, not wanting to make Jungkook uncomfortable. “I did, and fuck do I regret it. I just... I really miss you and—“ The timer in the scoreboard echoed throughout the large gymnasium, cutting Taehyung off mid sentence.
He had a feeling this was going to be a long night..
Jungkook turned to give Taehyung a glance before he headed towards their side of the court with the team, an unnamed emotion in his eyes before it slowly morphed into his focused persona when it came to basketball. As previously mentioned, the younger didn't come here to play around. He was here to win. He's prepared for this match with his entire being.
The teams gathered in each side, Jungkook and the others in a large circle as Namjoons eyes roamed the players. "Okay, this is it. Put your everything into this game.." he paused when his eyes flickered to Jungkook, a hidden glare thrown his way before they go back to the rest, "Let's get it!"
"Let's get it!" The rest of them cheered before getting into respective positions.
Along with Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook— Tae was one of the first players sent out into the bustling court. It was during moments like these that he wished he was a benchwarmer. Taehyung lacked his usual spirited determination. The elder’s pregame jitters were fully hidden behind his worrisome exterior, and catching sight of Jisoo silently cheering for Jungkook to do his best in the form of an encouraging fist only provoked Tae’s sullen expression to harden. Turns out he wasn’t the only one who saw, Namjoon was one step ahead of him.
“Jungkook!” Joon shouted, seeing how the younger stalled to get in position, likely because he was drawn to Jisoo’s cute antics. “Hurry up, you can talk to your girlfriend later.” He spat, gaze lowering in response,
Jungkook knew how he felt about the older woman, how could he do that to him? Kook's eyes widen before they squint in confusion, completely caught off guard by Namjoon's sudden words-- that were definitely laced with something. He knew their captain had a crush on her, but he also kind of fucked it up himself. "What? No, she's..." he was interrupted by the buzzer going off, shifting his gaze from his captain to the one thing that he wants to focus on; the damn ball.
Jungkook was doing well as expected, his attacking role perfectly suitable for him. However, whenever his captain got the ball, and he was in a free position to get a perfect throw, he was surprised to see Joon ignore him, glare at him or simply just pass somebody else. What's his problem...
Further into the game it was getting close to half time, and Jungkook was growing frustrated with the way he was being treated like this. He was barely able to play properly when his captain's childish antics kept happening.
"Joon!" The younger hissed as the first break finally rolled in, "Why do you not give me the damn ball? I had several perfect throws!"
“Several perfect throws my ass..” Namjoon spat under his ragged breath, disregarding his empty water bottle before briskly turning around on his feet. He came face to face with Jungkook, the anger in his eyes having yet to subdue. “You were practically out of it throughout most of the game, Kook!” Namjoon’s voice swelled, garnering the attention of a few of their teammates. “You were staring at Jisoo! If I passed you the ball—“ The captain cut himself short, biting down on his tongue to prevent anything he might regret from coming out. “If your girlfriend’s gonna be too much of a distraction, don’t bring her here. We can’t afford to lose this game because of you.”
Jungkooks temper slowly started to build, eyebrows drawn together as he stepped closer to Namjoon, "What's your problem? She's not my girlfriend!" He hissed, huffing through his mouth to move the sweaty bangs out of his eyes. "Are you serious? Lose the game because of me? You're the one who's not letting me get remotely close to the fucking ball!" His eyes were squinted, the obvious flare of his temper burning up too quickly-- the audience murmuring in confusion.
"Hey, calm down" Jimin tries to ease the situation, but they all know the younger's anger was like a rollercoaster.
"No, it's not fair!" Jungkook closed the distance further between him and his captain, making sure only he hears his next words, "Stop acting so childish."
Joon had to scoff. “Yeah, okay. Get away from me, will you?” He harshly shoved Jungkook by the chest, drawing the attention of Taehyung who moved quickly on his feet.
“Namjoon, what the hell— back off.” He stood in between them, momentarily breaking the heavy tension that linked them together.
“Why are you still standing up for him, Tae? You caught them kissing. Jungkook moved the fuck on!”
Taehyung’s facial expression flickered to one of hurt, his clenched fists slowly coming undone as Joon’s eye-opening words began to slowly sink in.
Was it.. was it possible? Jungkook moved.. on?
Namjoon’s chest heaved from a mixture of irritation and exhaustion; not knowing how to come down from it. He’s never been this angry at someone, much less a close friend.
Jungkook clenched his fists hard, the veins in his lower arms prominent. His body slowly moved, as if gradually his anger was fueling him up to pounce Namjoon. But as he took a step, he was held back by Yoongi's hand on his shoulder, out of all people. "You should take a break."
The coach approaches in the same moment, agreeing, "Jeon, you will be dismissed for now. Go take a break."
Jungkook's eyes widened, "No way. I need to play!" He turned to Namjoon, annoyed by the fact that he didnt protest, but simply agreed as well.
A disappointed Huff pushed through the younger's lips, shoving away Yoongi's hand from his shoulder before scuffing past Taehyung to head out, towards the exit to go sit outside on the stairs. He needed some fucking air. U nlike everyone else who brushed off the players’ hostile behavior towards one another, Jisoo stayed behind to watch Jungkook storm out of the gymnasium. Alike everyone else, she saw the small feud unravel between him and Namjoon. It worried her— made her feel like she was to blame. And by the look on Joon’s eyes whilst he stared up at her, the woman knew she had a reason to be alarmed. Jisoo sighed to herself, disappointedly shaking her head before she broke eye contact. Adjusting a fussing Yuna on the baby carrier, she carefully made her way down the bleachers, on the lookout for Jungkook.
“Namjoon, where are you going? Come back here!” The coach called out for him, noting how Joon‘s feet were already moving on their own. Namjoon clenched his jaw, but he listened nonetheless. He wanted to go after Jisoo, but the woman was already out of sight.
“Jungkook..?” After a couple minutes of walking around the unfamiliar hallways, Jisoo finally came across the younger man. He was sat by the stairs out front, relishing in the night’s breeze. She bit down on her lip, wondering if it was for the best if she left him and his thoughts alone.. But she couldn’t, she cared too much. Jisoo didn’t know where they stood in terms of a romantic relationship, but the younger was undoubtedly a friend. The woman cared for him like a mother. “Hey.” She sat down next to him, the faintest of smiles grazing her lips. “Nice job out there— so far. I knew you’d do great.”
Jungkook turned his chin to look at her, his clenched jaw softening at her praise. ''Thank you.. But..'' He sighs as his shoulders sink with his next words, ''I don't think they'll let me play anymore. Namjoon is being an ass... With all rights, I guess.'' His eyes meet Jisoo's, a lopsided smile tugging at his lips, ''He obviously still likes you, so I suppose it's not surprising. But I wonder how he suddenly just... assumed you were my girlfriend or something.'' He ran his long fingers through his damp hair, leaning back on his elbows whilst looking up at the sky. It felt weird, really. He couldn't get the thought of Taehyung out of his mind. ''And Taehyung was acting weird too.''
The sound of Jisoo’s muffled giggle disrupted the small pause of silence, “Kim Namjoon is being an ass? Are you sure we’re talking about the same Joon?” An unknowing smile tugged at the corner of her rosy lips. Temporarily dismissing the hurtful comment he spewed in the past, the dimpled boy couldn’t hurt a fly.. The fond image of Namjoon was soon replaced with Taehyung. Jisoo turned her head towards the younger, curious as to what he meant. “Weird? How.” There was a question that lingered at the tip of her tongue, and if she wasn’t so desperate to receive answers, the woman would’ve done a better job of suppressing her curiosity. “Jungkook... do you love Taehyung?”
Jungkook felt his chest tighten at the question, keeping his eyes fixed on the nothingness of the sky. ''I know I did.'' He let his elbows give in, now laying down on his back fully. ''Then I thought I didn't.'' A nother long pause passed by as he seemed to sink into his own thoughts- ''Fuck, I don't know... He's a constant push and pull.. He kept coming at me at the worst possible moments during the warmup to tell me he misses me-..'' He stopped himself to groan in annoyance, just talking about it made him feel the frustration of his feelings, covering his face with his hands.
Jisoo simply nodded, allowing her fingers to comb through Jungkook’s sweaty hair. “Jungkook-ah, love is not something that can just.. go away.” Looking down at him, she made sure the ground was relatively clean before meeting Kook at his level. The hand that laid closest to him engulfed his significantly bigger one, communicating her empathy in the form of a gentle squeeze. “What made you fall in love with him?” A hint of bitterness lingered behind her otherwise sweet words. However, Jisoo was curious, she guessed some closure would be nice.. Turning her head towards him, the woman broke out into a small grin. She snuggled close to Jungkook’s chest, Yuna’s soft exhales of breaths the only muse throughout the quiet night. “Tell mee~ don’t be annoying.”
Taehyung spent minutes searching around the darkened school— searching for Jungkook. He was fucking worried, it was unlike the younger to storm out of, well, anything. When he was about to walk past the entrance, Tae pressed the brake. It was Jungkook and Jisoo... Laying together, they seemed happy. The elder hid behind the wall, chest tightening into a knot at their close proximity. Why didn’t Jungkook push her away? Why did he move on so quickly.. Taehyung couldn’t stand it, he was practically putting himself through hell by lingering around, waiting for his suspicions to get proven true. With his jaw clenched, Tae walked away. He needed some time alone, time to think. He advanced into the only space that was vacant, the locker room. Sitting down on the bench, Taehyung hid his face in the palm of his hands. “I’m a fucking idiot..”
A long silence followed after Taehyung spoke out loud to himself... Until a soft chuckle echoed in the locker room, a tall stature with wide arms crossed over their chest. ''Yes, you are...'' Their voice was nothing short of hostile, stepping closer to Taehyung before coming to a halt, a piercing stare burning holes into the male. ''Why do you have to keep bothering Jungkookie? He doesn't want you.''
It was Ash.
He'd kept a close eye on Jungkook for a while, watching his relationship with Kim Taehyung go back and forth. Apparently, they were broken up for a bit now, and it was perfect. He'd planned to approach Jungkook after the game, proudly cheering for him in the audience. But the hurdle being the male below him kept trying to come back, bothering his little Kookie, who looked annoyed and upset down on the court. Nothing irked him more.
The intrusive, unforeseen voice pulled Taehyung out of his daze. He quickly looked up, no longer seeing pitch blackness— instead he saw red. What the hell was Ash doing here? He’d been deaf to the inclosing steps, even more surprising the sound of the door opening. How did the other know where to find him? “I didn’t fucking ask for your opinion.” He hissed from anger, the sight of the other male being enough to spike up his alertness. Taehyung stood up from the bench, meeting Ash halfway. “Why are you so goddamn obsessed with Jungkook’s every move? You don’t need to speak for him. If he doesn’t want me, he’ll tell me.”
Ash's shit eating smirk grew, but his eyes were filled with anger fueled further by Taehyung's attitude. He took a slow step closer, arms falling to his sides as he clenched and unclenched his fists. ''I have to look out for him. His entire body language screamed uncomfortable when you were all over him during the game.'' he hissed back every word laced with mocking anger, ''I hate how stubborn you are, just leave him alone if you know what's best for you.''
A scornful, amused chuckle slipped past Taehyung, who further challenged Ash by stepping up to him. “You have to look out for him?” Tae’s broad shoulders vibrated, a lopsided smile beginning to pull at the corner of his lips.
Who did he think he was..
“What, did he order a bodyguard or some shit?”
He forcefully pushed Ash by his shoulders, prompting the latter to widen the space between them. Being close to him made him sick. Every time he looked into his devilish, hollowed face, Taehyung was reminded of that night. The night he gasped for air whilst he ran through the dim streets, praying for nothing but Jungkook’s safety. What kind of desperate psycho would force someone to sleep with him? Just thinking about it angered Tae. “Yeah, whatever. You’re fucking crazy, you know that?” With one last glare his way, Taehyung purposely bumped shoulders as he walked past him. “Jungkook will never love you.” That was the last thing he reminded before aiming towards the door, suddenly missing the crowd’s spirited roars. Anything to not be here with him.
Ash crooked an eyebrow, saying nothing as he turned to watch Taehyung attempt to leave.
No. No fucking way.
The crazed rage burning within Ash's being was taking over. He had to make sure nobody was in his way to reach Jungkook. And Taehyung made a huge mistake by facing away from a guy like this. A man with nothing to lose-- and only one thing in mind.
Get rid of the obstacle.
Ash didn't hesitate as he practically sprinted the few steps forward, triggered by the other males last words. He grabbed Taehyung by his hair, tightly tangled between his fingers as he forcefully dragged him down, not caring about where, so he opted for the nearby sink. Taehyung's head collided with the hard surface, almost knocking him out in one go. "He doesn't have to love me yet." He growled, "all that matters is that he doesn't love you."
Ash tugged at Tae once more, lifting his head up only to bring it back down against the sink again. And again. And again... until there was blood staining the sink to the floor... Ash eventually stopped when he felt Taehyung's body weaken its struggle in his hold, throwing the man on the tiled floor with a thud. Staring down at him, he scoffed as he wiped his hand on his shirt, thankful he decided to wear black today. "Crazy for Jungkookie, maybe..." he mumbled before removing himself from the situation, glancing over at the bloody male before stepping out of the locker room. He hoped to never see this guy again.
Jungkook had poured out his emotions to Jisoo, time flew by quicker than he thought as he realized he should go back. "Jisoo, I gotta go... uh..." he rubbed his nape as he sat back up, "thank you for... listening to me. And cheering for me." He glanced over at Yuna with a fond smile, "and little one too."
“Yeah, no problem.” Jisoo stood up with him, “I should probably head home, she’s out.” The woman reached down to pick up Yuna’s carrier, trying not to make any bothersome movements that’ll wake the sleeping girl. She was in a deep slumber. Her chubby hands were balled up into small fists, and her pouty lips were parted whilst soft huffs snuck past them. Yuna looked absolutely adorable. As both of them took their time strolling through the empty hallways, Jisoo’s eyes widened when they fell upon Namjoon. The man looked.. distressed? It seemed as if he’d been running around the place, unstable gaze flickering between the two.
“Joon? What’s wrong?” The woman furrowed her brows, her caring tone easing Namjoon’s nerves from whatever the hell it was that took a burden on him. Ungluing his sharp glare from Jungkook, it didn’t take much for Joon to give in, gaze softening at the sight of Yuna.
“Uh.. do you know where Taehyung is? Coach told me to look for him, game starts soon.” Naturally, Jisoo turned to look at Kook, confusion swirling within her eyes. “No.. we haven’t seen him. Have you looked long?”
Namjoon answered with a quick nod of his head, naturally thinking of the worst. Did Taehyung leave the school? They needed him there, especially now that it was a close tie.
“We’ll help you look for him, don’t worry.” She supposed it wouldn’t take awfully long, Taehyung had to be around here somewhere.. “Let’s split?” Jisoo’s gaze flickered between both boys, waiting to see what they thought of her last-minute idea.
“Please.” Joon sourly muttered under his breath, wanting nothing more than to divide Jungkook and his noona. They’ve spent more than enough time together, a few minutes on their own shouldn’t be a challenge.
Jungkook felt his chest tighten with worry, and partially in annoyance. Why would Tae out of all people risk the game like this? He wouldn't. "Yeah, I'll check the locker rooms." Kook agreed, waiting for the confirmations of the two before no longer staying around to waste time.
As he headed down to the locker room area, he checked other rooms and bathrooms on the way. Kook clenched his jaw in annoyance; why'd Tae disappear like this? It's a dick move as always, Taehyung is a fucking-- "Taehyung?" He didn't recognize his own voice at first, but it was. Jungkook had pushed through the doors to the locker room, and was met with a bloody mess on the floor. And in the middle of it, an unconscious person. "Taehyung!"
Was that really his voice? It sounded so desperate and hoarse.
He rushed to drop to his knees next to Tae, not bothered in the slightest about the puddle of blood he's sitting in, nor does he care that his hands are stained with the way he grasped the elders body, gently picking him up to hold him close in his arms, cradling his face to get a good look. Leaning in, he placed his ear close to his mouth, relieved when he felt the small huff of air. He's alive. But it was weak. Kook kept holding his ex boyfriend close, using one hand to pick up his phone and text Namjoon.
Instead he texted the group chat.
To: gang gang 🏀 Help! Lockers
As soon as the text was sent he returned to look at Taehyung, every single drop of anger towards the man practically evaporated, and were replaced with everything else. Worry, anxiety, sadness. Love. Jungkook felt as if he would fucking die if Taehyung did. "Tae, please... Hold on." Kook sobbed out, holding the elder close.
Namjoon stayed relatively close to Jisoo, peeking his head inside every door, hallway, janitor’s closet— anywhere that could serve as a hiding spot for Tae. They were desperate, even opting for searching in the girls’ restroom.
Where the hell could he be?
When Joon thought about calling the younger’s cell for the millionth time, his phone’s buzzing chimed in his pockets. “Noona, it’s Kook.”
Quickly, the woman advanced to his side, the brightness of the screen casting a harsh light over their troubled expressions. “Locker room..?” Not stalling any longer, Joon took Jisoo by the hand and led her towards the familiar room with quick strides— “Jungkook, we’re here— holy shit!”
Namjoon’s squeamish heart picked up at the bloody mess in front of him, standing still like a statue until Jisoo’s shaky voice snapped him out of it. “Joon! Call an ambulance. O-oh my god..”
It looked bad. The pile of blood only grew in size, bright in comparison to the color of Taehyung’s skin; ghostly pale. The boy appeared to barely be hanging on. The gushing, scarlet liquid luckily seemed to lose its momentum now that he was turned upwards, but the stream on the dirty floor was a big loss.
“Kook? Why did you text-“ Hoseok’s cheery voice was cut short by a sharp gasp, tightly clasping a hand over his mouth. Jimin and Yoongi shared a look of pure worry, the sound of Namjoon’s nervous stuttering over the phone whilst he gave the person on the other line the information they needed sounded weak compared to their loud breathing. Seokjin rushed to Jungkook’s side, attempting to pull the latter away. “J-Jungkook-ah, it’s best if you let him be, it— it can cause more harm than good.”
Jungkook's vision was blurred by the constant flow of tears, blinking harshly to attempt to regain some grounding. Jin's hand helped to bring Kook back down, however the sight of all the blood only had the younger's anxiety growing, his body reacting without his own say so. He couldn't let go of Taehyung, there was no way.
"Jungkook, you need to let him go." Seokjin repeated, carefully trying to pry the younger's arms open. It wasn't an easy task, but as soon as the ambulance arrived they finally managed to; but only because Jungkook helped to put Tae on the transporter. They put Taehyung in the vehicle, several nurses already working on examining and treating him as another seemed to be making notes about his condition. Jungkook pleaded that he wanted to come with, but was denied. They said he could visit the hospital-- what kind of bullshit was that? The very second the ambulance left, Jungkook hadn't realized his own condition. He was a crying, bloody mess. His legs and outfit was stained with the elders blood, eyes bloodshot and glassy from the constant tears.
Slowly, the group of hyungs approached their youngest, worry and sadness in their eyes. Both for Taehyung and his safety, and for Jungkook. "Hey," Yoongi suddenly said as he wrapped his arms around Kook, not caring about the mess. One by one, every single one of his team had joined in the group hug, holding each other tightly. Jungkook's breathy sobs grew louder, but he had his hyungs keeping him together this time. A large crowd of students, parents, teachers— everyone that was originally there to enjoy an innocent game, gathered around the commotion. The sound of the ambulance’s loud, ear-piercing wail struck them as serious. And it was; people’s heightened gasps emerged at the quick glimpse of a team of nurses run through the halls at the speed of light, transporting a gory Taehyung from one end to the other until he was securely placed in the vehicle.
“What happened?”
“Who was that?”
“It looked serious..”
Muffled talk spread like wildfire, and some aimed their shitty phone camera at the centre of the action.
Yoongi had to hold himself back from freaking the fuck out, instead hugging Jungkook closer, shielding the boy’s frail emotions from unwanted eyes. Had humanity stooped that low? Why in the hell would they point a camera at them..
“Jungkook, your Tae’s strong.. he’ll be okay.” Jimin softly assured, even though he himself wasn’t too sure. Tears welled up in his own glassy eyes, but they didn’t need him breaking down as well. Jungkook was an emotional mess, he needed them the most.
“Come on, w-we’re going to the hospital.” Namjoon said, pulling away from the group hug to dig for his car keys, not caring about the unfinished game.
Jungkooks body felt heavy, unaware of the commotion around them as all he could think about was Taehyung. The moment he saw him on the floor kept replaying in his mind, the uncontrollable quivering of his body only held together thanks to Yoongi and Jimin as the others pulled back, still remaining close around them to serve as a human shield for the cameras. Kook did look like shit after all. But he couldn't bring himself to care.
He just wanted to see Taehyung.
The very second Namjoon said they'd go to the hospital, Jungkooks glassy, reddened eyes looked up at him, his hyungs leading him behind the eldest towards the truck. At a time like this, Namjoons dad truck surely was a blessing.
Jisoo heavily insisted on going, wanting to keep a weak Jungkook company but was reassured that she’d be in the loop on Tae’s condition.
"Noona, we’ll keep you informed.” Namjoon started the car, convincing her to drop it.
The mother had Yuna to take care of, it was late into the night.. it was best if she didn’t throw herself into this stressful situation. It was taking an emotional toll on everyone, especially Jungkook.
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
39 notes · View notes
darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
Winx Club Season 3 Thoughts (4kids) Part 1
(This began about half a year ago and I have only picked it back up recently. I haven’t changed anything from the thoughts I had back then. Also this covers the episodes up to 3x13.)
Okay... I have finally reached this point. I’ve been dying to watch season 3 for the last, like, 4 months and I had to put so much willpower into restraining myself so that I could rewatch the whole series properly. And now that I am finally here, I am nearly shaking with excitement because yessssss! It’s finally time for Enchantix and Valtor. I am filled with glorious anticipation (though, also a bit wary since I do not like the resolution of this season’s arc from what I remember) and so ready to dive in. Here we go:
- Oh, damn! Summer vacation hasn’t even started yet? Wow, um, okay, I guess. I need to update my timeline a little bit.
- Seriously, there is Bloom and Sky drama and they won’t even tell us what it’s about? You’re just gonna shoehorn more stupidity in this just for the sake of it? Why am I even surprised?
- Damn, Layla absolutely killed those moves! Well, before Kiko fell on her and they all fell to the ground but that’s another thing. That was some next level coordination and acrobatic skills. I can only watch in awe and wish I had even a tenth of that.
- Why did Stella think she wouldn’t have a Princess Ball? I hope she doesn’t think that her parents think she’s a failure as a princess. And aww, poor baby. She’ll be so sad when she learns that her father is getting married to Cassandra instead of getting back with her mother.
- Seriously, what idiot looked at the Trix and went “Ah, yes! Let’s send Icy, the witch of ice, in a dimension of ice. She’ll be all contained there. Absolutely guaranteed. 100%.” Will you people wake the fuck up, wake your brains and start thinking for real ‘cause you’re definitely not doing that now. Also, let me just say that that was a big leap from Lightrock monastery (or whatever the hell it was) to the Omega dimension. I guess going after the ultimate power is much worse than the Army of Decay. That or the writers have no concept of how to make the punishment fit the crime.
- Poor Darcy and Stormy. They don’t seem to be handling the cold very well. Also, something about Stormy’s line that they’re probably talked about at Cloud Tower is really clawing at my mind but I can’t quite put my finger on it yet. It just sounds like... like she’s not really doing that for the power rather than for the attention and recognition which just starts all sorts of thoughts in my head and none of them lead to anything good, They all make me feel bad for the Trix, though.
- I’ve been dreading the whole thing with Chimera but that scene in the pizza place wasn’t so bad. And Winx tried to be friendly. But Tecna’s “Snap” was hilarious. The girl isn’t taking shit from anyone. I like. XD
- I am not really a fan of the dresses they were trying on but I like the idea of a magical thingy that changes the clothes for you instead of you having to do it manually. Can we get those, please? (Chimera’s “Later, losers” really reminded me of Mandy from Totally Spies btw.)
- Stormy and Darcy aren’t quite handling the ice skating. Also, damn, that snake froze Stormy’s magical beam. That is... freaky... and scary. It looks like they’re in a bit of a pickle.
- And here is where the timeline doesn’t make sense. If Marion and Oritel trapped Valtor in Omega before they proceeded to battle the Ancestral Witches, then how does he have a plaque with his name and sentence on it? That doesn’t make sense. Who had time to sentence him? Unless I got something wrong, then this is not legit.
(- Let’s make one thing perfectly clear. I will never refer to Valtor as “Baltor” or to Marion as “Miriam”. It is just not going to happen.)
- “Frozen dude” I can’t. XD That was kinda a good plan the Trix had there, though if Valtor weren’t so powerful, it wouldn’t have worked because the snakes would’ve killed him and then them as well. But hey, they’re in luck because...
- Holy shit, look at those powers! He totally destroyed the snakes before even working out the kinks from his shoulders. I love the blue color of his magic. I think it makes sense. I am so done with the show not addressing how shitty it must be to be trapped and completely still AND frozen for seventeen years. Instead they just threw in a line about it that only made him look more evil and I will be forever mad about this, thanks. (Can I at least hope that the Trix learned a bit from the whole Darkar experience? Probably not but Icy’s line about Valtor not giving them orders is still giving me hope that will only disappoint me later. (Also, Valtor seems very contained here considering all the rage he has later on. At least he starts out looking more normal.))
- Awww, those puppies were really cute! And Stella and Bloom were so quick to the rescue! That was really sweet! (What the hell was up with Chimera’s powers, though?)
- Oh, I loved Icy’s idea with the snake. It was so clever. And Valtor is already at it with the possession of mermaids. A true demon indeed. I love him.
- I actually like Stella’s pink dress more than the red one. Also, I like Musa’s long hair but it is very weird to me after I just saw her with the short hair, like, five minutes ago.
- Yeah, Sky’s there. Great! Moving on. Brandon was really trying to mess up Stella’s hair, huh? XD Oh, and Musa and Riven are still dancing around each other. (I’m so sorry for this.)
- That rescue was cool. And Layla with the little girl. But why didn’t she just fly to the shore and felt the need to surf instead? That has always puzzled me greatly. She is such a responsible princess, though. She immediately went when she was called upon. Precious!
- Okay, but that looks like Valtor is literally sucking out their souls, wtf! This is so cool/freaky and I am so here for it.
- Um, I don’t like the way the Trix are looking at Valtor. I know he’s powerful and everything but can they just not crush on the weird guy they’re teaming up with every time? Their flirting is just so awkward. Also, can we see them teaming up with a woman for once?
- That moment when you take over a fucking planet (well, not quite but he’s going for it) and you’re like “Damn, I hate being so weak. I need to take my power back”. How much more power? What the hell? I mean, of course I love him but they’re making him so overpowered and they will have to tear him apart later in order for Winx to be able to defeat him and just... can you not? Tone it down a little now so that you don’t have to ruin this actual perfection later gdi! Also, why the fuck would we get a normal motive when we can just have “Power!!!! MORE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Give me a good fucking motive dammit! Or at least explain why the fuck he wants that power!
- Awww! Can we talk about the fact that Radius is so open and welcoming to Bloom? And he knows how much she means to Stella! That is so adorable, I’m gonna cry now.
- Stella is such a supportive friend! She let Bloom into the hall of the universe (that is the coolest thing ever btw) and she was quick to reassure her that Oritel and Marion are alive. And she should know how this thing works so... I love how “it showed them standing” means “they’re still standing” as in “they’re still alive”. That was cool.
- Ahh, he straight up walks through walls. Creep. XD (seriously, that is the least troubling bit about him tbh)
- Did Chimera know who Stella was back at Magix? That would be weird because why would she do anything that would leave her in a position where she needs to kiss up to Stella?
- Stella woke up at dawn? She’s serious about this thing. And she totally dumped Bloom out of bed. Brandon should watch out in the future. Stella can get you out of bed whether you like it or not.
- Chimera was “finger-painting with food”? Umm... Am I the only one who thinks this sounds weird? And perhaps like Cassandra should’ve paid more attention to her as a child?
- Okay, Valtor is smooth. Of course, he simply wants to make their desires come true. I mean, an obvious lie but at the same time it isn’t because he really did give them power. So... nice move there! Also, I love that Cassandra was smart enough to ask what their end of the deal would be (it’s obvious enough but you never know when some idiot will forget to ask about that) and that she didn’t take Valtor’s hand. It could be read as her being a snob (which is probably at least partially the reason behind it) but it can also be read as her being mindful of him despite their “alliance” and refusing to trust him completely which is a smart move.
- Did Cassandra have magic before Valtor? Her ring seemed to be magical but did she have powers herself? So according to Wiki, “Valtor gave her more potent powers” so I’m assuming that means she had some before that. I was leaning towards that but now I am accepting it as canon.
- Is Valtor’s messing with the second sun what caused the shift in atmosphere and the rain? Damn, very symbolic you guys. It never rains on Solaria but Valtor shows up and boom! It’s raining. Both literally and metaphorically.
- I can’t help but notice how Valtor is only surrounding himself with women. Calm down there with the harem, will you? But on a serious note, I think it does make sense. He most certainly grew up surrounded by women and I would imagine his ego and his quest to be the most powerful wizard kind of get in the way of any male partnership. (Proof a - Griffin, proof b - the Trix. I think you get the idea.)
- Poor Stella. So I get why she’s upset but she’s also being a little selfish here and not taking into account her father’s feelings. I really want to see what happened there, though. If Cassandra didn’t have any good qualities, then why did he decide to marry her? That would make him a complete fool and, let’s be real, he’s not. But it could be that she deceived him. Her facade was holding up well when she was giving Stella the necklace the previous day.
- I can’t with Brandon, though. I see it is time for Sky to be the wingman now, closing Brandon’s jaw and urging him to give Stella the gift. Nice! (Also, poor Flora. Stuck there without Helia XD (But didn’t Tecna say that Helia confirmed he was going in the previous episode? Why isn’t he there?)) Why are Brandon and Sky in their Specialist uniforms, though?
- I really liked the fact that Radius said “My princess and yours.” I think it was cute. And the dance! And his worry for Stella! He is a great father.
- How old is Chimera? Bc she called Stella “big sister”. Damn, long nails, though! And that was some magic!
- Okay, Radius was spelled but what about the guards? “Our princess could never look that hideous”? Oh, so it is just Stella’s looks that matter to you. That’s great to know... Assholes.
- Aaaaand... she fell out the window. (What was that magic Flora sent at Bloom, though? Was it to help her speed so that she can catch Stella?)
- The rain is anti magic? Valtor really pulled some shit there.
- “All boys are like that”, really? If you really believe that, then why are you all over Riven, Musa? I get why Stella is worried that Brandon won’t like her like that but Musa’s point is just... no.
- Yeah, let the boys handle it because we’re useless without our powers. Feminism at its finest. And a great message to send to all the little girls watching this show who DON’T have magic. Just fucking splendid!
- Aww, at least the dogs recognized Stella. Dogs are great!
- Stella sneaked out to go to parties? Nice. XD Also, anyone else notice the sparkles? Her outfits were always sparkly. At least the royal ones. Idk why I’m saying this. It just struck me.
- Rocks, then spiders. Amazing! They’re in all the trouble. But Tecna is handling this with some wits and gadgets, and just the tiniest bit of magic that you could literally replace with a knife or something. See? Not useless without magic.
- Aww, Stella saved them from the leeches. (But what was up with that? I don’t think leeches make you unconscious. Unless they were some magical leeches that were draining their magic.)
- Okay, I am not quite sure what is happening with the Trix. They were making digs at Valtor but then they start looking at him like that. It’s obviously just because of the power but still. I’m not a fan. Also, didn’t the Trix learn that they can’t beat Bloom?
- Put an illusion spell on Brandon? Shouldn’t that be a no-no? Like, no spelling the boo?
- Weather spirit? That’s proving to be a real problem.
- Okay, I cannot stress this enough but that last part was sooooo stupid. You have fucking instruments in the ship but why the fuck would you check that and get it back up when you reach the lowest possible point when you can instead go blindly into it and rely on Bloom’s gut? Use the fucking tech gdi! Yeah, now you remember the instruments, after the deed. Instead of doing it while you were performing the maneuver.
- Those griffins? Damn! Those things are huge. And those were the little ones. Griffin is named after one hell of a creature. Also, I couldn’t help but notice the parallel there between the mother griffin trying to protect its chicks and Griffin trying to protect her students and getting extremely mad when the Trix attacked them. She totally is a mama bear.
- Poor Stella, feeling useless. Okay, but if Brandon thinks she still looks like she did before, then what does he think the spell did to her? Why does he think she can’t turn into a fairy? Also, didn’t he see what she turned into back at the ball? None of this makes sense.
- And Brandon is ready to jump off the ship for Stella. She definitely doesn’t need the spell because this guy is so in love.
- I’m not a fan of the “girls only” thing. Come on, guys! Brandon is clearly here to stay.
- Look at Brandon being all supportive boyfriend (and understanding, too, since he isn’t mad about getting spelled). And the others’ words... I’m tearing up. Oh, and poor Stella who thought everyone only liked her because she was pretty. (And judging by the Solarian guards’ words, for a good reason too (I’m just about ready to go on a killing spree on her behalf).)
- I love that Brandon only gave her the gift (hey, that’s a mirror, right?) when they thought it hadn’t worked. He was there no matter what happened and I just love that!
- First day of school? Bruh, how short was that vacation? Wtf?
- Omg, Stella and Musa’s teasing. Also, plants that write books? Damn, okay.
- Oh, hey! Musa and Stella have new friends. Poor Nova, though. She was scared to tell Stella what was up on Solaria. And it looks like the situation is very bad. Though, they were just letting Stella be serious and responsible and then they had to bring in the “being jealous of Chimera” thing. Nice one, you guys.
- Griselda is rooting for less school work? That is kinda out of character. And so is Faragonda’s idea about the Enchantix too. (Also, don’t come at me with this bullshit that earning Charmix was the goal of the second year. They didn’t even know what the fuck a Charmix was halfway through the year.) And this is further supported by what she said next that the Enchantix will find them when they’re ready. And what if they aren’t ready yet? What if they’ll be ready two years from now? Also, wtf do you mean that they’ll stay exactly as they are if they fail? Who put an expiration date over when you can earn your Enchantix?
- Stella’s reaction about Chimera, though. I mean, I understand, I wouldn’t want to save her either, but still.
- I’m not trying to be a bitch and it is probably the translation that is stupid but the way Bloom’s thoughts went she was pretty much saying “Why did everyone from Sparx disappear before I could save someone and earn my Enchantix?” Again, this is probably just the translation since the imagery of the destruction of Sparx suggested that she was mourning the tragedy but it did sound wrong.
- So does the Council do anything at all? Because the way Layla is telling it it sounds like they’re there like “Well, too bad for Tides. Also, sucks to be whoever he’ll attack next.” Also, if Valtor was defeated seventeen years ago, why wasn’t there a fucking reaction by someone? Layla’s parents must have already been rulers of Tides at the time so they must have known what was going on politically speaking (especially considering that there’s a portal from Omega to Tides). None of this makes sense... Again. (”Creature named Valtor”? Interesting. This isn’t a mistake since he isn’t quite human so... the writers are dropping some hints.)
- Why does Omega have an exit? What, you go and collect the convicts after they’ve served their sentence? No, I really can’t comprehend what’s the point of an exit portal. Isn’t the idea of a prison dimension for the prisoners to be... trapped?
- Hey, don’t dis Stella just because she’s worried about her own planet. (We really didn’t need that flashback but it wasn’t so long so whatever.) At least Layla is being understanding and supportive despite everything she’s going through herself.
Cassandra is really using the magic from Valtor, though, isn’t she? Poor Radius. And all the people who are loyal to him. And Stella for having everything taken away from her, including her father. - This part is in the wrong place but it’s true regardless.
- Just teleporting in the middle of a palace. Damn, those things are so easy to invade. They all have to invest in security. Seriously, some teenagers are breaking in with tech they invented themselves (and yeah, Tecna is the fairy of technology but still). You need a better security system, trust me. If they had it, Valtor wouldn’t have been able to sneak around the Solaria palace. Or the Isis palace, for that matter (but I’m getting ahead of myself.) Also, given the problems they faced on Solaria and those they’ll face on Eraklyon, I’d say it is a lot harder to break out of the palaces than it is to break in, which is still important but if getting in was harder, there would’ve been no reason to work so hard on keeping people from getting out, is all I’m saying.
- I am pretty sure those frames where Icy is twirling her hair were in a previous episode too. Recycling animation, I see. I would cut them some slack on account that that was 2006(?) but no, people were actually drawing good animation in 2006. The first episodes of Tom & Jerry had better quality animation back in the early 1940s for heaven’s sake. They’re just not trying.
- It’s Magic Winx time! I am really trying to make the most of those last moments we’re seeing their initial transformations. I’m thrilled about Enchantix but I’ll also miss their Magic Winx forms.
- “Fairies. They’re always trying to help others. And what’s funnier is that they actually believe it is the right thing to do.” This, right here? Giving me some major feels. I am probably reading too much into it (can’t help wishful thinking now, can I?) but this could very well be about Faragonda helping Griffin escape the Coven and saving her from the Ancestral Witches and Valtor’s wrath. He probably just meant it in general, but I now have a new headcanon (sort of).
- Aww, look at Griselda. So caring, so worried about them. They almost blew their cover there. But why use Kiko when there are five pixies even without Piff? Also, how the hell did Griselda buy that? But aww, at Kiko and Stella, too!
- Can I ask why in hell did they just turn around when they saw the wave and tried to outfly it when they should’ve just risen higher in the air and they would’ve been out of reach, the wave passing underneath them? But no, they can just do that other thing instead and take their chances with the possibility of drowning. Epic levels of stupidity again.
- “That wave was kinda refreshing.” I wonder if you would’ve thought that if someone had died.
- Was releasing the other prisoners Valtor’s plan? I don’t think he was planning on doing that. I mean, as a consequence of his actions, yeah, but I don’t think he was deliberately trying to do that.
- Bloom is getting visions now. Why couldn’t she sense that Valtor was there when he could sense her? I mean, didn’t she feel something through the Dragon Fire even when Layla wasn’t talking about him?
- That shot of Icy and Darcy facing each other while a current is waving their hair is absolutely fucking aesthetic. Can I get it printed?
- Oh, he only gave Icy powers? And I am not sure how to react to that scene. She was talking as if she was looking at a relationship with him. Also, why are they there when they know that this isn’t going to end well? This scene is on some other plane of logic that isn’t even anywhere near the one I’m on.
- Why are they so surprised that the Trix are there? Layla already told them that the possibility of them being with Valtor is big. They should’ve known. But damn, that bolt of magic just went straight through Flora’s chest. How is she not seriously injured?
- Why do the Trix suddenly turn very stupid when it is convenient for Winx? Darcy and Stormy are smarter than that. Maybe it could be considered their pride clouding their judgment but still. It didn’t feel right.
- “Does it look like I’m out of the way?” XDDD
- Why didn’t he just let Bloom drown? Problem solved. But no, he’s gotta have his “moment”, his “villain speech”, his “villain honor”. Bullshit. And in the end when she became too strong for him to defeat, he was doing anything but being honorable. The hypocrisy.
- Okay, but to be fair it wasn’t Icy’s fault that they decided they’d won and Bloom turned her back on the battle.
- Holy shit, he just exploded like that! I still can’t understand how he’s so powerful and keeps getting more power. Really, how did they even defeat him? Oh, that’s right, the writers completely tore him down. Jeez, almost makes sense.
- Oh, no, poor Layla! I think that is one of the cruelest things anyone has ever done in the series. And it is, of course, directed at Layla. (Yes, I am looking at the fact that Ogron stole her chance to save Nabu and saved a flower with that magic instead.) (Damn, they’re all so short compared to Valtor.)
- Stella somehow got away with using the pixies again. I don’t know how she keeps doing it but damn. That should qualify as skills.
- It is very sweet of them to hold Layla and help her but I think they should’ve offered a more... extensive hold on her. What I mean here is... Story time. We did some exercises in Cognitive Psychology since our teacher said that there’s a high chance we’ll be working with people with sensory disability. So she separated us into pairs and made one of us close our eyes and trust the other to lead them through a course of obstacles. And I have to tell you that I did not feel secure at all when I was only being held by the hand. Our teacher did something similar with us but it was her who was leading us and she had an arm around my shoulders PLUS holding my hand and it felt much better and safer. So what I’m saying with this is that Layla is most certainly freaking out here and she is very brave for not showing it (probably because she doesn’t want to be a burden) and also making steps on her own in her attempt to reach Tressa. That is absolutely impressive and we should all be proud of her. And she’s also ready to fight. She deserves all the hugs and love, and support in the world.
- I’m pretty sure that spell for breathing underwater undermines the whole Sirenix thing in some way but I don’t really remember what was up with that so I won’t be putting that in the plot holes column just yet.
- Flora is swimming like a little froggie. XD And Musa is swimming like a mermaid. Btw why do all the mermaids have this unnatural angle in their tales as if they have legs and have only put on a mermaid costume over them?
- And Stella finally fucked up. I am really curious what the hell she thought she could do. Go to Solaria and what? Get arrested? Not to mention that she was alone. Stella, honey, use those brain cells. They’re there for a reason. I know you want to help but this isn’t the way.
- Since when do corals grow so fast? Calcium carbonate can’t just multiply like that. Get your facts straight, writers. I guess you could explain this with magic but the way it is animated makes the coral look like it’s seaweeds. It looks soft and fabricy instead of solid as it actually should be.
- Aaand Layla is kidnapped. She’s probably terrified at this point. Poor baby needs a hug and months of therapy.
- I don’t understand why you need bravery to cut through the bars of a cell but okay. Attacking a kraken does, in fact, require bravery, though.
- Let’s cause a cave in, kids! It will be fun. And the chance of dying is just about, oh, I don’t know, BIG!
- Why didn’t Bloom make the stupid shortcut sooner? It would’ve been useful when they were running from the kraken.
- Omg, Imma cry. It’s Enchantix time! Despite everything she’s been through, Layla chose to use the healing magic on the queen. Question though, couldn’t they just... wait until the next sunset to heal her too? Or was it a one-time thing. I think the Bulgarian dub (so RAI) said it was a special sunset that only happened once a year or something like that. Which made more sense tbh.
- That line in the end kills me, though. Layla sounds like she’s lost all hope. Poor baby! You can’t really blame her. But did her parents learn about this? Why didn’t they try to get someone on Tides to heal her? Surely her mom or someone else should’ve known about the fairy powder.
- Another realm that will have to get acquainted with clouds. But damn, what a team they make. (Also, all the realms that are designed after Asian cultures are always so... harmonic... At least they were before Valtor.)
- The moment when Layla heals herself with her fairy dust is so powerful! And Griselda was so happy!
- Eraklyon is 1000 years old? I feel like that is little, but at the same time a lot. Idk.
- Icy was so mad. Is that some jealousy I’m detecting here? (Also, Stormy’s face at Darcy’s suggestion that Valtor may be crushing on Bloom, I can’t. She even had sort of a shudder run through her, lol.) But still, brave to yell at him like that considering how much more powerful than her he is. The Trix are the epitome of “I do what I want” and I love it.
- It’s the defense system! Idk why I like it so much but I do.
- Why do I feel like Stella and Griselda have sass matches in every class Griselda teaches? Lol, I want to witness those. They’re bound to be epic. But also, why store so many important and powerful spells in a school full of inexperienced students and risk all their well-being? This just doesn’t make any fucking sense. Again.
- Why do I have a feeling that it isn’t a good idea to let students arrange the tomes in the restricted vault?
- You see, this is why you don’t let them organize those books. Because they accidentally release a monster in the library. And of course they’re gonna send Layla, who is currently their strongest member, on lookout duty instead of having her deal with the monster with her Enchantix. At least they were smart enough to protect the books. Well, at least they learned that books can hurt you. In more than one way.
- Here comes the bullshit with Diaspro. Just let her move on from Sky gdi! Also, I love how she wasn’t really bothered by the fact that Valtor just walked into her room like that. Yeah, she was raging at him to get out but did she even blink at the fact that he managed to get in there at all? No? Why would that surprise her, right? She’s all busy being bitchy so that doesn’t even register.
- Stella and Layla have a tough case on their hands. Poor Tune. She looks like she can’t handle this anymore. But I think Bloom is the one at the biggest disadvantage (though, walking with a single book on your head isn’t actually that hard, come on). But she actually managed to master enough stuff in such a short time. And they’re going to the party. (Not that that will end well but regardless.)
- I love how Bloom didn’t even react to the fact that Faragonda knew her parents and hadn’t told her all this time. I would’ve at least asked why. But again, details just don’t register for these guys.
- Why is it that in Bloom’s dreams it is always her friends who are taunting her. Your friends taunting you or abandoning you every time you dream about them is not really normal. (They do draw a lot of dream sequences, though, and I gotta say that they are pretty straightforward, very direct and less symbolic which... fair enough, but dreams aren’t always like that. Also, all the dreams they’ve drawn are logical meaning that everyone is doing things they could realistically do in real life and transitions from places are also smooth and physically possible. Most dreams aren’t like that because the part of the brain that is responsible for logic isn’t active during sleep. Which is why I’ve been in a different town and then walked straight into my room at home without any transition whatsoever. And yes, I get how more simplistic dreams would make sense considering it is a kids show but dreams are of special interest to me so you get this psychological/writer rant-y tangent. This may also be due to the fact that I recently watched a killer dream sequence (not quite dream, it was a hallucination but a “guided” one and it was essentially following dream logic so...) and I am still hung up on that.)
(- A sidenote here: I think that the reason Layla wasn’t in the dream is that her planet is also facing the possibility of destruction currently and that makes Bloom feel like Layla understands her even if she already got her Enchantix. And that was why she was both sleeping on Layla’s lap and not seeing her in the dream.)
- Bloom already met Sky’s parents. I mean, I get how she’d be worried around those two but they already liked her in season 2. So why is that here?
- Stella is so done. You know, I would’ve preferred it if they’d let her focus on the fact that her father is under a spell rather than on her title being given to Chimera. They’re making her more worried about that rather than about her father. (At least Layla is showing off her dress. She didn’t get to do it last time.)
- Oh, god, it’s drama o’clock. Seriously, he was just dancing with you and telling you he loves you. Who changes their mind like that? He’s been with her for over a year now. Why would he just do this out of nowhere without any warning signs? All of this is just so stupid.
- Yes, thank you, Stella. Please do go ask for an explanation. And Layla being angry for her friend too. Good.
- Finally someone realized he’s spelled. Of course he is. Why would he call them witches otherwise?
- Valtor has an interesting way of spying on people. I don’t agree that Diaspro will fit in with the Trix and they shouldn’t have reversed her season 2 character development like that. When will they learn, really?
- Layla’s morphix barrier is so powerful.
- “Even if you are spelled”? What is that if doing there? Of course he is spelled! He’s acting like a rabid dog and I think for two years now you would’ve noticed if that was his personality.
- Poor Flora. They had to get the dragons. But aww, Brandon is so ready to do what only a responsible best friend can and smack some sense into Sky.
- Why did the pilot listen to Cassandra? I know she’s acting like she’s queen but she’s not. You can’t just abandon your king like that no matter who else is giving you orders, what?
- When exactly did the spell on Radius break? When Cassandra abandoned him or when he saw Stella lying unconscious?
- That was so brave of her, just standing against the dragon and not caring about the danger, only about her father. And now she’s got her Enchantix. I always loved Stella’s Enchantix. It’s so pretty. Look at her! (Where’s my Enchantix song, though? Now I am absolutely certain that they’re showing RAI dub in Bulgaria. I want my song back. :/ I love it so much and I want it back!)
- (Okay, picking back up where I left off about half a year ago.)
- I liked that they showed Bloom laughing at Kiko’s antics despite her being upset. It makes it more realistic than her just being sad all the time and not showing any other emotion.
- Why is it that what happened on Sparx seems to not be general knowledge? I mean, the whole planet died! There must have been a public statement out of the Council explaining what the hell happened and that the threat has been contained. Why does no one seem to know anything about that?
- I like the fact that there are bigger consequences of what happened on Eraklyon than just relationship drama. Makes this a lot more interesting.
- Look, I am not a fan of Bloom at all but I wouldn’t have wanted her removed from the school. I mean, Alfea is Valtor’s target with or without her anyway to give a logical argument at the very least. And she also deserves to be protected if Valtor is after her and not kicked out to deal with it as best as she can. It’s not fair to want her out of there just because there is someone out there to get her. They should be concerned with protecting her along with all the other students instead of trying to feed her to the wolves. Not to mention that if they want Bloom out, they should also want Faragonda out of there since she is a target of Valtor’s as well. But no one dares say that, right? I am just so over this!
- Why are we doing the voice over again?
- Vanessa and Mike are the most precious parents ever and I love them so much! (Pls, don’t ruin this with the live action series.) And also, when will Bloom stop acting like Sky has any control of his behavior? I am glad that Vanessa brought up that time Darkar brainwashed Bloom. A good way to slap her in the face with the truth delicately.
- Aww, Brandon is being such a great friend! And Stella is doing her best to be a supportive BFF as well.
- I agree with Riven on changing the operation’s name. And he was being a bit of a jerk there. Especially considering that he has been in Sky’s shoes as a brainwashed puppy for Darcy. Though, that might actually be what is driving his words. Maybe he doesn’t want to admit that he was outsmarted and spelled by Darcy and that is why he is maintaining that Sky might be choosing all of that of his own volition. (Though, that might be a bit too deep for the writers.) And he did agree to drive them, after all, so he must be saying the truth about not wanting Bloom to get disappointed.
- Why did they have to reverse every last bit of Diaspro’s character development?!
- “Is this a ‘no parking’ zone?” XDDDD
- Brandon truly is the best bf and BFF and I cannot stress this enough. I love him!
- Well, took you awfully long to put two and two together. But at least this drama is about to close. Thankfully, since I don’t think I could have taken much more of this.
- Of course, they get caught. Did that punishment ever happen? I mean, considering what is coming in the next episode, I don’t think we ever saw any consequences for that.
- I get why the news of an arranged marriage can be distressing but I think that Layla was a bit too quick with that “my life will be ruined” evaluation. She could’ve tried meeting Nabu at least before deciding it wasn’t going to work out. Especially considering that it was working out (until they fucking killed him off).
- (I will probably be talking a lot more about Griffin and Valtor than is necessary. What can I say? When your OTP only gets about five scenes together, you have to make the most of it.)
- Aww, poor Stella, feeling so worried for Brandon! But seriously, why didn’t they think of checking the intergalactic news or whatever? Shouldn’t that be... idk, their first move? Even I thought of that and I don’t even live in that universe. Come on, guys! Use those brain cells!
- Valtor is such a primadonna, I can’t even. Yeah, how dare this place he has completely taken over and pushed to the verge of destruction be so lame and not entertaining? Lol at the line about the spell protecting Cloud Tower from dark magic, though. It will never not be funny.
- Sidenote: Is Griffin the only person in the universe who’s named Griffin? I know that the fact that it’s Cloud Tower would make him think it was her but it could still be another witch named Griffin. You’d think that in the whole universe there would be another witch sharing that name.
- Okay, but that scene made the witches look kinda incompetent. I know they are just students still but they must know that shapeshifting is possible and in that case you shouldn’t invite animals inside either because they could turn out to be the menacing wizard that’s threatening the entire magical dimension. Just saying.
- God, I really hate it when they do things like that. Can we have magic users actually sensing magic and not being caught completely by surprise when someone teleports in their room? Especially if they are the headmistress of the most prestigious school for witches? I mean, she is supposed to be powerful. She should have sensed him or something. I am not saying that that should have given her more of a fighting chance but she should have at least felt his magic. Considering that they used to be partners.
- How do Ediltrude and Zarathustra know Valtor? I’m just curious for more backstory.
- This show has a dreadful way of including flashbacks. I mean, Griffin should know damn well what the hell Valtor’s talking about but they couldn’t find a better way to segue the flashback into the episode so we get that super cringy line instead. I would’ve also really appreciated it if those flashbacks were less stylized. Although - and now I am going on a Griffin x Valtor rant despite having said this before - the way it is animated it looks like they did convergence. And Valtor saying that they were unstoppable when they combined their powers supports that. And all of that, in turn, supports the idea that they were together. Especially since Griffin changed her mind about the whole thing which would mean that their interests in a magical plan weren’t all that aligned and you need sync for a convergence. (And who would prefer the idea of them being just work partners when you can have the moral dilemma of love vs conscience instead?) Anyway, yeah, really not a fan of that part with the snakes because it doesn’t tell you shit about what actually happened and I highly doubt that the Ancestral Witches conjured serpents to chase her. It could have been a good way to show once again how horrible they were but they just wanted to cop out of actually putting any effort into any of this.
- Now that I am done with that rant, I just want to say again how in love I am with young Griffin’s design and especially her hair. It is so long and purple and I just can’t! Also, headcanon that that flower hairpin was a gift from Faragonda. Also also, Darcy could be a spitting image of young Griffin. Just an observation.
- Of course, the magical barrier also protects from rain.
- Oh, boy, here comes another rant. “Why are they attacking us?” Seriously?!?!?! And that coming from Winx who were on Tides and have had two of their closest people brainwashed by Valtor? I mean, are you really that fucking stupid?!?!?!?!?! How hard can it be to put two and two together?!?!?! Honestly, I am so done with all of this!
- Well, that barrier didn’t hold up even for a minute. I know Valtor had all the witches brainwashed but how powerful can they be? Isn’t that barrier supposed to protect them from big threats? It gave way as if it were a house of cards.
- I love the way Faragonda just blasted Valtor through all of those trees although I wish they would have done more with that battle. They could have shown some more advanced spells instead of Valtor and Faragonda just blasting each other. Yeah, he turned her into a tree but we never actually saw how any of that happened. That could have been an epic battle if they had decided to show more of it.
- Yeah, this makes perfect sense. The barrier that all the teachers made together with an ancient spell didn’t hold up but the one Palladium put up with SOME of the fairies is stronger. How does that have any logic? The teachers are supposed to be a lot more powerful and therefore create a stronger barrier. I am so done with all of this nonsense.
- Poor Galatea. Though, I must agree with Icy that she is obviously new since she thought she could defeat the Trix by herself. But her idea to send a message to Musa was good! The one to run instead of fly out of there - less so.
- Yeah, Tecna just stopped a convergence between Icy and Stormy on her own. How does that make any sense?! Winx are way too powerful for the Trix to defeat them even without their Enchantix and none of this helps the tension of the season. I mean, can we have some proportional powers in order to actually have any stakes? They were so much better at that in season 1.
- Darcy, I love you, baby, but how could you set a library on fire? I am in pain. And also amazed by the stupidity once again. Why would a fire on fire attack put out the fucking fire, Bloom?! How does that make any sense?! Oh, and Galatea’s decision to rush back for the books was absolutely fucking idiotic. I get that she wasn’t rational at the moment and probably felt guilty for the whole thing but come on! This is a whole room of books! How did she think she could save them all?!
- Musa’s Enchantix is beautiful but I am not sure it was worth all the bullshit they did just to let her have it. Not to mention that there was absolutely no damage from the fire at all. And, of course, fairy dust can just generate new wings. Yes, that makes perfect sense, why are you asking? (Okay, I am actually going to give that a pass because fairy dust and fairy wings are both magic (and the dust comes from the Enchantix wings).)
- I am actually kinda amused by the choice to start off the episode with that shot of the grounds of Alfea smoking after the battle.
- “Lucy, why did you attack us?” REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! How much more stupid manufactured drama are they gonna shove in this?!?!?!... Oh, wait. That is so that we can have Mirta go to Cloud Tower bc that’s a plot device. Nvm it doesn’t make any fucking sense for any of the fairies not to know why the attack happened, especially since Faragonda is missing so they must all know about her battle with Valtor and that he’s behind everything. And then she even asks if Valtor made the witches do it? Well, of course he did, you absolute moron! I cannot with this anymore.
- Lol, Valtor just feeding the Trix’s fight and giving them stupid assignments to keep them off his back is kinda hilarious but it would have been better if they weren’t so ready to fall for it. Come on, they can do better and everyone knows it!
- Yeah, “an unbelievable battle” (Valtor vs Faragonda)... that we saw nothing of. Thanks, writers!
- I swear, the only reason Locket is less annoying than Bloom is that she’s actually smaller in size (and the writers don’t hyperfocus on her).
- Flora’s powers are really cool but why was there so much wind during that spell? It looked a bit too violent for Flora with the way all the trees were bending so intensely. And the trees were scared? Aww, that’s... a lot of things, actually. But anyway.
- If Mirta was going in Cloud Tower, why was she walking away from it? The positioning in this scene makes no sense.
- They literally just wasted almost an entire minute on the pixies that were doing nothing of importance. They could have used that time for something actually meaningful and interesting.
- Okay, I always thought that the green (bluish) and purple monsters were Ediltrude and Zarathustra but I don’t think I have seen anyone else catch on to that. I mean, it would make sense because Valtor’s mark turned the mermaids on Tides into monsters as well. But on the other hand, the witches of Cloud Tower were also marked and didn’t turn into monsters. Though, I bet that was just so we could have the drama of “why are they attacking us?” when the fairies recognized them because they might not have if the witches had been turned into monsters.
- Well, the Trix stood up to Valtor about that guard duty at least. That’s more like them.
- “she claims to be a fairy born into a witch’s body”? I never understood that. Mirta has a fairy form. So if she has a fairy form but is born in a witch’s body... What’s the difference between a fairy’s body and a witch’s one if not the fairy form? Which she obviously has?!?!?!
- Yeah, a door just opens by itself and Lucy is right behind it and Mirta falls for that. I mean, doesn’t the level of convenience tip you off that it’s a trap? Basic logic, people! Is that too much to ask for?
- Here they had to start doing the convergence before Valtor’s spell ruined it and Bloom touched Stella with no problem but later it turns out that Valtor just blocked their ability to touch. Yeah, right. I am not buying that. It wasn’t animated in support of it, sorry.
- Oh, wow. They even managed to hit Valtor with an attack! I’m amazed. However, they’re not anywhere even close to being on his level of power so, again, how did they ever beat him?
- Oh, I noticed the pentagram now! I never saw it before.
- Well, of course, Griffin is trying to escape. What did you think? That she’ll sit idly by? He knows her and he already knew she would try to escape as evidenced earlier. Why is he surprised?
- Okay, so “blocked our ability to touch each other” is actually “blocked our ability to hold hands” which is different. Just saying. And also, since when do they need to touch to do convergence? They were doing convergence without touching just fine in season 2. I maintain that this whole thing with the convergence is a load of crap because they had no idea how to put them in danger otherwise.
- What are these mummy hands and where are they coming from. And of course, Mirta shows up in a last second save. You know, I can see now how she fell for that trap earlier. Everything in this series is too convenient.
- If Valtor could do the reflective spell on Griffin’s cell door, why didn’t he just go for it the first time to eliminate the headaches she caused him with her escape attempts? Oh, my god, does anyone in this show have any brains?!
- They could have tried the fairy dust to save Griffin in this ep instead of waiting for 3x14. But again, no fucking brain cells, man.
- When will they learn that if a thing attacks them right now, there’s a big chance it was spelled by Valtor? I am really so over this. And “the old one”? Really? She’s not that old.
- Yeah, Mirta isn’t an Alfea student. Why would she care to go look for Faragonda along with Winx? We can just send her home, right? No problem.
- Hey, that’s Nabu.
(- Okay, enough about this episode. I gave it enough time and nerves.)
- Lucy was spying on the pixies? I have never noticed that. And she turned herself into a snake? Okay, that was really cool. How have I never noticed it?
- I am so over Valtor and the Trix’s bullshit. They are all so transparent, it’s ridiculous.
- Well, that’s one of the few times we’ve seen Stella’s ring lately. She used it a lot more back in season 1 and I have started missing it.
- Yeah, Flora’s sister is not Rose. She’s Miele. Sorry, 4kids.
- Why did Flora ask her obviously-too-little-for-any-of-this sister to talk to the elders instead of her parents?!
- How did Stormy create harpies out of lightning? Was this some sort of Frankenstein thing, except she didn’t even have a body to run electricity through and just materialized the entire damn harpies out of her magic? WTF?!
- Lol, Stormy’s harpies first went for Musa? Yeah, it’s obvious they’re Stormy’s. XD (Why does that harpy look like Lucy?)
- No one can fly through the winds. 3 secs later - Stella, Layla and Musa are flying through the winds. *facepalm* They aren’t the only fairies in the whole magical dimension to have Enchantix, you know? Surely, there are also fairies with Enchantix on Lynphea, which means that there are people who can fly through the winds. Why does this show insist on contradicting itself so often?! (The talk about the Enchantix wings was cool, though.)
- Stormy really needs some anger management.
- My first thought when I saw the sage of Lynphea was “Lady Gaga” XDDD (Also, Alfea, Lynphea... chill, guys.)
- The story of the Black Willow has always been my favorite part of the lore for the Winx world! I loved it ever since I first started watching the show and it’s still holding up!
- Why is Darcy so behind on what Icy and Stormy are doing?
- Aww, Flora is so careful with her sister! And she knows her so well! She totally knew that Miele would want the ladybug to go faster. She’s a great big sis!
- Omg, a cat fight between Icy and Darcy? It’s hilariously bad but I gotta say, they probably weren’t trying to hurt each other truly since they mostly refrained from using magic. And I love the fact that they realized they are fighting over a guy and it’s stupid. Plus, Stormy really isn’t so bad at all and only needs some anger management. Out of the three of them, she always seems to value the presence of the others the most. Just... not in a “friends friends” way. XD
- Bloom was really going to just touch the water and totally forget what they were told and also turn herself back into a kid. Nice one!
- Ouch, poor Stella. She ran face first into that column. But I gotta say that I love how both Bloom’s face and intonation switch to “fuck you” even though she’s frozen to the wall.
- Hey, that thing about Griffin’s Nature Studies class kinda aligns with my headcanon that she loves plants. If you know how to make an environment thrive, you’ll also know how to ruin it. And of course, Darcy aced that. She just loves to ruin stuff and I love her. Also, loving the Trix much more now that they’re back to being a totally evil team!
- Holy shit! Flora just attacked Darcy physically! I am speechless! I did not see this coming. This episode is truly delivering on the action! It is much better than the previous one and the threat is more real. I like it!
- Oh, damn! Flora is really mad to dish out plants that are trying to swallow them! Oof, this is getting really intense and I am loving every second!
- Why are they talking underwater?
- Omg, poor Miele. She thought her big sis would die. Honestly, the Trix deserved to have their butts kicked here just for doing that to her. A sidenote, though - Why do the Enchantix transformations start up with makeup change? That is hardly a priority, seriously!
- Miele should have gotten her Enchantix, too, for taking that blow for Flora. Which btw is stupid because if the blast was supposed to “finish off” Flora, Miele should have been hurt badly but she was just fine.
- Well, of course saving Faragonda is up to Winx, THE STUDENTS! Why would any of the teachers actually try to save their boss?! That would be ludicrous.
- Oh, so Saladin is three years older than Faragonda (and Griffin)? Also, “a social call”? Plus, the way Faragonda was talking about his past visits? Yeah, that was not a friendship when they were young. (But I just burst out laughing at Faragonda’s expression when she said she had to wake up Layla. She looked so terrified and it was just a tad over the top for her specifically.)
- Stella was dreaming Brandon had wings and they were flying together? Aww, that is so romantic!
- Aww, Layla and her dad are going to fight together! That is so precious! I love that some of the adults are finally taking action here. It was about damn time!
- The Trix look positively upset by Valtor’s idea to just let the mermaids die. It may be because in a way they are also his minions and if he has no problem leaving his minions to die, then they aren’t too safe either. Though, it seems like they want the people to live but they don’t care that the planet will die. It’s a little weird.
- Stella went to rodeo camp? Man, they really do have cowboys on Solaria, huh?
- Rescue vine? But aww, the way Flora caught Stella was really cute!
- Lol, I guess the Trix aren’t satisfied with the home cinema special “Watching your mortal enemies get obliterated” and wanted in on the action! Well, in a manner of speaking, Valtor saved them by keeping them from going to Tides (although it didn’t get destroyed but they thought it would so it kinda counts). Guess, they’re still useful to him.
- Omg, Layla and her dad teaming up is absolutely great! We needed to see more moments like that and it was totally possible considering that a half of their fathers (counting Oritel) are warriors. And I love that Teredor thought of freeing the mermaids from Valtor’s spell. I thought Winx would have thought of that by now but apparently they still can’t get used to the fact that they have fairy dust now and it can remove Valtor’s mark.
- I still don’t get the need for a portal to Omega. There is obviously another way in because the Trix weren’t dropped in through the portal on Tides. So why leave a portal? This is stupid. Also, I knew the scrolls would get sucked in. It was just too stupid for them to pass up on.
- Okay, it was sweet that Bloom and Layla were ready to sacrifice themselves but why was Tecna able to go near the portal when they weren’t? Also, why did she get her Enchantix? Faragonda said they had to sacrifice themselves for someone from their own planets. Tecna isn’t from Tides!
- Musa seemed the most upset, though. Not that the others weren’t. But Musa was the one that flew in in an attempt to help Tecna and then just banged on the ground like that. Poor babies. All of them. (At least the Trix are happy... for now.)
Part 2 is here.
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Saving Each Other - Klaus Hargreeves
Request; Not today, just trying to get over writers block.
Summary; Y/N has known Diego Hargreeves for a few years after he caught the person that killed her family. After that, Diego took her under his wing, keeping her away from his family, and kept her close. Now, the killer’s back for her and Diego enlists his family to help. (Y/N is of similar age to them but Diego wanted to keep her safe)
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Living with Diego had been interesting to say the least. He wanted to have me close at all times, meaning I went everywhere with him. So I started making myself useful, I manned a police radio and helped him figure out where to go.
But today, today he had to see his family. His dad had died and they were all going to the house. I hadn’t met his family yet and this hardly seemed the time to do it, I wasn’t even sure if they knew about me, they weren’t exactly close.
So I’d been left for the first time in years, four years to be exact. I was enjoying the freedom to be honest.
Well, until I heard something crash. I checked my phone to make sure it wasn’t Diego. He always text me when he was coming back so I knew who it was.
“Y/N, I know you’re here.” 
That voice. that was her, the one that had killed my family, she’d found me. Thankfully, Diego had a few hiding places I could use. Once I knew I was safe, in one of the places he’d soundproofed, I called him.
“Y/N, what’s up? Are you okay?” He knew I wouldn’t call him unless it was important.
“Diego, she’s...she’s found me. I’m hiding but I need you here, please.”
“On my way, don’t move.” He hung up the phone. I was waiting for about 20 minutes according to my phone, but what felt like forever. I heard a loud bang upstairs, which was followed by multiple crashes.
After about 10 minutes, someone tried the door. I picked up the bat, one of the few weapons that Diego had hidden in here, just in case.
As soon as I knew it wasn’t Diego, he was far too tall for him, I swung the bat. 
Whoever it was, grabbed my wrist, stopping me. I tried to fight back, but they were too strong, and managed to get me in a position where I couldn’t move.
“Are you Y/N?” A male voice asked. So it wasn’t her after all. 
“Yeah, yeah that’s me.”
“I’m Luther. Diego’s brother.” He explained, making me calm down. Diego had talked to me about his siblings before. “We were sent to search these rooms for you.”
“Where’s Diego?” I asked, as he let me go, he could see I’d calmed down.
“Upstairs, come on. I’ll take you to him.”
I nodded, and followed Luther up the stairs. He yelled to let everyone know he’d got me.
As soon as I saw Diego, I ran at him and hugged him. “Hey, hey. You’re okay.” He assured me, wrapping his arms around me. “She won’t hurt you again.”
Once I knew he was okay, I let go and noticed the body on the floor. He’d killed her, she was wearing a black and white suit. Who was she?
I was pulled away from the body by Diego and finally noticed that as well as Luther there were also another four people in this room. But one of them was really young.
I thought Diego said they were all similar ages, what was going on?
“Hi, I’m Allison.” The taller of the two girls said. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you too.”
“I’m Vanya.” I was surprised that she was here. From what I’d heard, she’d released a book that none of the others liked and didn’t talk to her. Then again, her dad had died too.
“And I am Klaus, the best one.” He introduced himself with a flourish, making me laugh. He showed his hands which had Hello and Goodbye on them.
“Okay, that is cool.”
“See I told you.” He boasted to the others.
“And I’m Five.”
“Five? But I thought...” I trailed off, looking at Diego. Five had vanished years ago.
“Yeah, it was a surprise for us too.”
“Look Y/N, I know she’s dead but she could work for someone.” Luther said. “I think it’s best she comes to stay with us.” He directed this bit at Diego.
Diego nodded in agreement. “Go pack some stuff.”
“I’ll help.” Klaus exclaimed, following me. I led him to my room and started packing what I would need.
“So why are you living with Diego?” Klaus asked, jumping on my bed. “He wouldn’t tell us.”
“And there’s your hamatia.” I chuckled, packing my things, including my guitar. I remember Diego saying Vanya played violin, music may be a way of getting to know her.
“My what?”
“Your fatal flaw. The one thing that ruins you.” I explained. “I mean you’re funny, you have the cool thing down, you’re cute but you’re also very blunt.”
“You think I’m cute?” He smirked. I rolled my eyes,of course that’s what his focus is.
“I’ll make you a deal. Tell me what your power is and I’ll tell you my story.” I bargained. “While I know the story, Diego has never told me what any of your powers are specifically.”
I had just finished packing, as Klaus sighed. He patted the bed next to him. “I’ll only tell you mine, no one elses.” He said, making me nod. “Did Diego ever tell you about Ben?”
“He died, right?” Klaus nodded.
“Well, I can talk to the dead and Ben is pretty much with me 24/7.” He explained, producing a bottle of alcohol. “But enough of this keeps it at bay.”
I felt sorry for him. Seeing the dead must not be fun, no wonder he tried to keep away from it. “That sucks.”
“Hey Y/N, you ready?” Diego popped his head around the door. 
“Yeah we’re coming.”
“Klaus, stay with her. you two are coming back with me.”
“I wanna get sober.” Klaus sighed, after Diego had left. “Talk to dad, see what happened, but it’s hard.”
“I’ll help you.” I offered. “I may not have powers, but I can tie you up and leave you.”
He laughed. “It’s worth a try, I guess.”
Once we got back to the academy, we convinced Diego I’d be better with Klaus so all the others could help, especially since Vanya had disappeared after leaving my house.
Me and Klaus found an empty room, where Luther helped me tie him up. “Don’t let him leave. If he needs the bathroom, here’s a bucket.”
I took the bucket off Luther and sat down. “You don’t have to stay.”
“I know, but I am.”
As I said, I stayed with Klaus the entire time, only leaving the room when he needed the bucket, but even then I was just outside the door. It had been a few hours and everything seemed to be fine. 
Klaus seemed to be doing a lot better and Luther had come to us. He wanted everyone in the drawing room, me included. Once we had everyone except Allison, she was resting after Vanya had attacked her and she couldn’t speak. He led us down some stairs, for us to see Vanya was trapped in a sound proof room.
No one, including Allison who had appeared, agreed with her being in there but Luther insisted. We had all left and Klaus was trying to convince people he was sober.
Since everyone was busy, I told Diego I wanted some time alone and I was led to his room to relax.
Today had been exhausting, nearly getting killed, meeting all of Diego’s siblings, staying with Klaus while he was withdrawing and learning Vanya had powers all this time. I needed some rest.
I lay on Diego’s bed and shut my eyes, I was starting to drift off when the house began shaking.  What the hell was happening now?
The wall began to crack and fall apart. We had to get out, everyone had to. Knowing the guys could handle themselves, I wanted to find Pogo and Mom, as they may struggle.
I’d met them both when I had arrived, and they were both so lovely. I headed to the drawing room to find Pogo had been killed. Who had done this and what was going on?
I shook my head, I could ask Diego or Klaus later, now I needed to find Mom. From what I’d heard, Mom was usually in the kitchen, so I headed down there.
I couldn’t find her and went to leave, but the kitchen started to fall apart, I narrowly missed a bit of the structure falling. I managed to get into the corridor where I heard my name.
“Y/N, Y/N, where are you?!” It was Klaus. 
“I’m here! By the kitchen!” I yelled.
I heard him run towards me and headed in the direction of his footsteps. 
“We need to go now!” He grabbed my hand, running with me. As we were running, the ceiling began to collapse and Klaus pushed me aside, saving me.
I didn’t even have time to thank him, as we ran outside. As soon as Diego saw me, he ran to me, hugging me.
“Thank god, you’re okay!”
“I’m fine. Klaus saved me.”
They all seemed shocked by this information and Klaus didn’t really take credit, just brushed it off. 
I asked Diego what had happened, turns out Vanya had done this with her powers, and Five revealed she was gonna cause the apocalypse.
Everyone agreed to meet at a bowling alley and I stayed with Klaus afterwards.
“Hey Klaus, thanks for saving me.” I smiled. “Kinda like we saved each other. I helped you get sober and you saved me from getting crushed.”
“Yeah.” Klaus replied, letting out a nervous chuckle.
“Once Vanya has been stopped, I’d like to thank you properly. I wanna take you out for dinner.”
Klaus sighed. “Look Y/N, I can’t lie about this, I didn’t save you.”
“I don’t know how, but it was Ben.”
“Ben’s dead, Klaus. How did he?” I was so confused.
“I don’t know. The other day, he punched me and I felt it.” He told me. “I think my I’ve only just scratched the surface of my powers, it’s why I need to be sober, to know what else I can do.”
I leaned up and kissed his cheek.
“That was for being honest and wanting to get yourself sober.” I smile. “And I’d still like to take you on that date.”
“A..a date?”
“Yep, but we’ll talk about that later.” I grinned. “Let’s go save Vanya and the world.”
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timelordthirteen · 4 years
In All Things 22/?
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Mr. Gold/BelleFrench, Explicit (eventually)
Summary: A Rumbelle arranged marriage AU.
Chapter Summary: A celebration is about to happen, and Belle’s day has many surprises.
Notes: For my August Writer’s Month prompt #5: Come with me. This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but plumbing issues had other ideas. Sorry for posting late, this has been done since last night, but life is being a jerk right now. This is Belle's dress, for those are interested.
Belle slept later than usual the next morning, and awoke to such sounds as she had never heard in her time at Thornhill.
There was a buzz and bustle to the entire house as if the walls themselves were vibrating with energy. She could hear staff passing up and down the main hallway and stairs, a step thumping of shoes and boots, and when she peeked outside, there were men with shovels clearing off the patio space and setting up braziers. Confused, she rang for Astrid and hurried to her washroom, finishing her morning wash in record time.
Astrid came in, hair already falling loose from her cap, with a breakfast tray. “Morning, m’lady.”
“What’s all this?” Belle asked, undoing the braid she usually slept in. “I was going to eat downstairs with everyone else.”
“Oh, they finished over an hour ago,” Astrid said, placing the tray on the table at the other end of the room. “Everyone was up early this morning.”
“I see.” Belle sat down, still combing her fingers through her hair, while her maid poured the tea.
“Will you be wanting lunch here as well, m’lady, or maybe in your book room?” Astrid asked, setting the tea aside and taking a plate of winter berries and apples off the tray. “I think Lord Gold will be eating in the library downstairs, if you’d prefer that.”
Belle huffed. “I would prefer to know what is going on, I feel like I’ve missed out something.”
“Oh!” Astrid’s eyes went wide and she clapped her hands together. “It’s the Solstice, did you forget? There’s a party tonight, and everyone's invited!”
She blinked. “Everyone?”
“Yes! As I understand from Ms. Potts, a few people from Lamton -
“Lamton?” Belle interrupted.
“A small village just over the hill to the east,” she explained. “It’s where most of the supplies come from. And then there will be a friend of Lord Gold’s who comes every year, and all the staff.”
“The staff?”
“Yes, ma’am, Ms. Potts said the Master always insists on the servants celebrating too. That’s why everyone started early, so they can be done in time for the feast. She says they set everything out on two big tables, and everyone eats and drinks whatever they like, all night long.”
Astrid’s enthusiasm seemed to increase with each word, until it bubbled over and she broke into a large grin and spun around, flaring out the wool skirt of her work dress. “Doesn’t that sound just delightful?”
Belle smiled and laughed, feeling her own excitement growing. “Yes, it sounds wonderful!”
After breakfast, she put on her blue dress, an old favorite, and headed downstairs. She wanted to be involved with the preparations in whatever way was required or needed, but after speaking with Ms. Potts and Jefferson, she found there was nothing for her to do. Everything had already been seen to, all the plans made while they were in Avonlea, and she needed only to wait for the festivities to commence. Even Cameron was busy at present, finishing up some papers so he could be free the rest of the day.
She’d never not been involved in planning an event such as this, handling everything from the writing up the order for the food, to sending the invitations. Everything being done without her, and no one needing her made her feel out of sorts, and she retreated to her book room. Tucked into the window seat overlooking the garden, she moped by herself, and wondered if she’d brought anything suitable to wear. It didn’t sound as if it would be quite the grand gala they would have in Avonlea, or at the palace, but she felt she should look her best as the Lady of the estate.
That Gold was inviting some unknown friend was intriguing as well. He hadn’t spoken of anyone in particular, but it seemed silly that he would only have Jefferson and herself to count as friends. Maybe this was someone who was less a friend and more an acquaintance, or perhaps a party he was seeking to do business with and so extended an invitation. Her father had done so numerous times, usually with positive results, though not so often in recent years.
She liked being useful, having something to do each day, and it was hard to get used to things being done for her in her new home. Avonlea would be turned over to her soon, she reminded herself, and she supposed then she would have many more things to do. Maybe even too many. But for now, all she had was her book to read, while the rest of the house ran to and fro.
She wished that Cameron had informed her of the plans for the Solstice, or that she had thought to ask. Last night, when she had already been considering it, would have been the perfect time to bring it up, but there had been more pressing things to discuss. She felt an odd warmth wash over her at the memory of her conversation with her husband. The whole setting had felt intimate and cozy, and it reaffirmed her conviction to trust in him.
Telling Jefferson first hadn’t been a bad idea exactly, but it hadn’t been how she wanted things to go. Once things settled down, and the business with Avonlea was taken care of, she vowed she would sit down with Cameron and tell him the whole story, the embarrassing and personal bits included. He deserved the whole truth, as best as she could tell it, so that he understood what a favor he had done for her in arranging their marriage.
Kissing Cameron, however, had been a strange impulse. In the moment it was the only thing that felt right, that conveyed what she wanted to say with the simplest act. When she’d touched her lips to Jefferson’s cheek, it had been brief and meant entirely as friendly affection. Though she had done the same to Cameron, and meant it in the same way, it had made her flush and jittery the whole way back to her room. His face was warm from the fire, and dotted with the faintest hint of whiskers that pricked her lips and made them tingle. She wondered at his reaction, how his eyes had softened in a way she’d never seen before. He had been entirely open to her in that instant, trusting and accepting; she could have asked for anything, and he would have agreed. It was such a strange sensation, and she didn’t know how to consider it properly.
A hard thump sounded from the corridor, shaking Belle from her thoughts. She climbed down from the niche, but before she made halfway across the room, the doors opened to either side and Astrid came in. Behind her, two men stood in the hallway to either side of a large trunk.
“My Lady,” Astrid exclaimed, “you must come with me!”
“Why, Astrid, what is the matter?”
“Nothing’s the matter, but you need to select a dress for tonight.”
Belle blinked in confusion at her maid for at least the third time that day. “I - I was think I’d wear the green with the lace, but -”
“Oh, no m’lady, not one of your old ones,” she admonished, smiling. “One of the new ones!”
Astrid came forward and took Belle’s hand, the excitement of the day overwhelming her usual sensitivities regarding her station, and pulled Belle towards the hall.
“A whole trunk full of new things!” she said. “They arrived this morning, just in time.”
“But -” Belle started to say, allowing herself to be led out into the hall and across to her bedroom. “But I haven’t seen a tailor for anything new. We haven’t - I had not -”
The men picked up the trunk by its handles on either end and hefted it behind them, setting it down where Astrid indicated and then dismissing themselves from the room.
“Astrid, what is going on? This whole place is crazy today!”
Astrid beamed at her, unaware she was still holding on to Belle’s hand. “I know! Isn’t it marvelous!”
Belle let out a short laugh and shook her head. “It might be a little better if I stopped feeling like I was having a strange dream.”
Astrid giggled and moved to the trunk, kneeling down to heave it open with what looked like all her strength. It was indeed large, and strapped with thick metal across the top and sides, as though it needed to withstand traveling a great distance. Belle walked up behind her, peering inside, and gasped when the first item was pulled out. Cameron had promised her that she would have some new clothes after she came to Thornhill, that she should have new things in her new home. This must be him following through.
Astrid stood with the dress in hand and turned around. “What do you think?”
The gown was a light blue, a near perfect match for the flowering bushes that lined the carriageway up to Avonlea. The front was covered with intricate ivory lace and bead work that wound its way up the shoulders and over the little cap sleeves. The neckline was very high, going all the way up where it would wrap around the base of her throat with a small collar, but the back was open, exposing several inches of her shoulder blades. Below that the bodice was laced up with a stiff ribbon in a matching color, and was both a way to secure the dress as it was visually appealing.
Belle was speechless.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Astrid asked as she turned the dress and held it up to Belle. “You should try all of them on to decide, don’t you agree?”
She nodded and grinned, taking hold of the dress and pressing it to her front as she met Astrid’s eyes. Astrid wasted no time in shuffling everything into the attached dressing room, and taking all of the dresses out of the trunk to lay over any available chair or surface. There were six in all, including the light blue, in a variety of colors and fabrics. All of them were pleasing to her, though she reserved some of her judgement until she saw them on her body.
Astrid insisted on trying the light blue dress first, commenting that it would match Belle’s eyes as she worked the lacing at the back. The outer layer of the dress was light and sheer, while the one beneath was a shimmery satin, and the skirt looked like it could easily accommodate a petticoat if she chose to wear one. If she didn’t it would still be wide enough for her to walk comfortably.
The silky material slid over her underclothes and down her legs, making her shiver with its feather light touch. The gown fit perfectly, and she marveled aloud at how Cameron would have known what dimensions to give its maker.
Astrid smiled up at her knowingly. “Lord Gold asked me to give him one of your dresses that I thought fit you well, and he took all the measurements himself to send to the tailor. I think they must have used them as a template to make all of these.”
She stared wide eyed at her image in the mirror. The gown was some of the finest tailoring, the likes of which she would expect to see at the royal palace, and nothing like she’d ever worn, even before Avonlea’s financial woes. She looked and felt almost regal wearing it, and worried that it might be too formal and too ornate for this evening’s celebration.
“It’s - it’s beautiful,” Astrid muttered. Then she straightened and stood next to Belle, looking at the reflection in the mirror. “You’re so beautiful, m’lady.”
Belle blushed furiously. “Thank you, Astrid.”
“Ready to try the others?” Astrid asked, smiling and biting her lip.
She nodded readily, and pointed to an empire waist dress in a deep, forest green. “That one next.”
It took them two hours to try all of the gowns, and pair them with various hair clips and jewelry. Ultimately, Belle settled on the first one, the light blue that made her feel so special from the moment she put it on, with a gold and pearl set of combs to pull her hair back from her face, showing off the pair of small teardrop pearl earrings that had belonged to her mother. The simplicity of her accessories wouldn’t detract from the dress, but complement the delicate beading.
She stood in front of the mirror while Astrid put up the new dresses to hang in the wardrobe, turning from one side to the other and admiring the way the skirt moved. The bodice was laced tight, but it didn’t squeeze or restrict her breathing. She thought she would be very comfortable all evening, and hoped even more than there might be some dancing so she would have a reason to twirl about in her new gown. Idly, she wondered if Cameron would like how she looked in her new clothes, and if this is the dress he would have chosen for her to wear tonight.
“M’lady?” came Astrid’s voice from behind.
The maid looked worried and almost sheepish, like Bae when she caught him doing sneaking extra sweet breads or tea cakes.
“Yes?” Belle shuffled around on the dressing pedestal in her stocking feet. “What is it, Astrid?”
“I wanted - I mean - I - I’m sorry.”
Belle frowned and held out her hands, beckoning Astrid closer. “Whatever for?”
“For interrupting you and Mr. Jefferson the other day. I didn’t mean to barge in like that, I - I thought you’d be alone.”
“Astrid,” Belle said softly, taking Astrids hands in hers. “There is no reason to be sorry. You didn’t interrupt anything.”
“But - but you, um, you kissed him.”
She laughed lightly. “On the cheek, as friends, that’s all.”
“He’s been nice to me, and he’s a good listener.”
“Yes,” Astrid agreed. “He’s a very nice man. So is Lord Gold, I think.”
Belle nodded. “Yes, Cameron is - is very sweet as well.”
“Forgive me, but -” Astrid’s mouth twisted and she squeezed Belle’s hands. “I - I don’t mean to pry, but you don’t - I mean you and Lord Gold don’t - don’t um -”
“Don’t share a bed?” Belle finished for her, immediately flushing with embarrassment.
“Yes, ma’am,” Astrid replied, looking down at the floor. “I know I shouldn’t ask. I”m sorry.”
Of course Astrid would notice. Not once had Belle asked for any of her things to be taken to her husband’s bedroom, or vise versa, and they had never been together when Astrid came in the mornings. She should have known Astrid would expect such a thing, and she hadn’t thought to explain to her that things might be different.
“Don’t be sorry.” She lifted their hands, urging Astrid to look at her. “I should have told you sooner. It’s - it’s not that kind of marriage.” At the maid’s frown, Belle bit her lip. “We’re, um, we’re friends, and - and partners, but we don’t - we won’t - share a bed. Do you understand?”
“I think so, but - I don’t suppose it matters as long as you’re happy.” Astrid smiled at her. “Are you happy, Belle?”
Belle smiled in return, her eyes tearing at the corners. What she had said to Cameron last night was only a half truth. She wasn’t unhappy, far from it. In fact, she felt she was quite the opposite.
“Yes,” she said softly, her throat tightening. “I am very happy.”
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Catching Up Part XI
A Joe Mazzello x Reader Fic
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Summary: Reader is a writer for an entertainment news network and after Joe comes in to do an interview, they reconnect. Unexpectedly, they’re having a child together.  
Word Count: 2.9 K
Tag List: @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @jennyggggrrr @somethinginthewayiam, @grandaddy-roger-trash, @rogerloveshiscar, @hopefully-aesthetically-pleasing, @danamaleksworld, @mrsmazzello, @reedusteinrambles, @rexorangecouny, @caborhapch, @kurt-nightcrawler, @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls, @queendeakyy, @hotttspace, @anxious-diabetic, @someone-get-a-medic, @psychosupernatural, @lizvxx, @cobra-anon, @anotherhystericalqueen The story’s almost over, but it’s not too late to be added to the tag list! Let me know!
A/N: This chapter is super fluffy. But, once again, setting some important stuff. Little Joey is arriving soon! Also, special appearances from Bri and Rog in this one :)
Part I  Part II  Part III  Part IV  Part V   Part VI Part VII  Part VIII  Part IX  Part X
Part XI here we go!!!
You were free of Nick, but you could not force yourself out of your anxiety about cameras. You were doing so much better now. You were at a point where Joe - but only Joe - could take your photo. After you got your closure with Nick, you allowed him to post one of you onto his Instagram. It made you nervous, and you wondered if people might discover your old shame, but you pushed that all away. Joe posted a photo of you, holding your little bump right after he’d made you laugh. It was a great shot.
That was something that helped. When Joe made you laugh, you were immediately relaxed, almost unaware that he was taking a picture at all. He knew just how to make you comfortable enough to get an amazing one of you. Even you couldn’t deny they looked good.
His captions melted your heart as well. The first photo he put up that included your face read: “This is my beautiful girlfriend. She’s amazingly brave, talented, and smart. She’s also giving me the greatest joy of my life. Y/N, I love you. I can’t wait to see our son grow up guided by the greatest mother in the world.” It got you choked up.
Everything would have been perfect if it hadn’t been for your pregnancy making you feel sick and tired all the time. Your headaches were pretty intense, and you still had nausea. You also had swelling around your ankles that you were positive couldn’t be normal. You had a doctor’s appointment before you would leave for Los Angeles, and you made a note to tell Dr. Barrow your concerns. Joe wouldn’t be going with you because he’d be in London for the UK premiere of BoRhap. You promised to send him a picture, though.
You weren’t sure you liked Dr. Barrow much. When you told him about what you were going through, he insisted it was normal pregnancy stuff. He seemed a bit uninterested and overwhelmed by the fact that he also had Dr. Jones’s patients. You felt completely dismissed and unheard.
“Dr. Barrow,” you said. “I don’t think you understand. These headaches are splitting -”
“They’re always ‘splitting’ to you ladies, aren’t they?” he returned with a tired wave of his hand. “I assure you, what you’re going through is normal.”
You frowned. “And it’s still okay for me to drive all the way to LA?”
He nodded. “Of course. As long as you get plenty of rest and continue to take your prenatal vitamins, you and your baby will be fine.”
You felt a little uneasy about him, but took his word that you’d be fine. That afternoon, when you told Joe about it over FaceTime, he seemed concerned, but unsure how to handle it.
“I guess we have to trust him,” he said. “He’s the professional.”
You shrugged. “I suppose so. Hey, do you want to see the picture?”
“Of course!”
You held up the sonogram. “Behold, my love, your child.”
He chuckled. “Aw, he’s amazing! I miss you two.”
“We miss you too,” you replied. “But I’m sure you’re having loads of fun in London.”
He began excitedly telling you what he and  the guys had been up to. You smiled and listened carefully, laughing a few times. Your hand rested limply on your baby bump, phone dangling from the pop socket. All of a sudden, Joey gave a mighty kick, knocking your phone right out of your hand and it slid onto the bed.
“Joey!” you gasped, poking him gently. “That was rude!”
“Baby?” Joe’s voice came from somewhere in the covers. “What just happened?”
You picked up your phone and held it properly. “Your son just kicked the phone out of my hand.”
He laughed. “Wow, he’s a strong boy.”
“This is hardly congratulatory behavior,” you returned.
“Is he still moving?” he asked. “I wanna see.”
You lowered phone to your protruding belly, and focused the camera so he could see Joey’s little feet popping up. Joe gasped.
“It only gets more awesome every time I see it!” he said.
“Do you miss your daddy, Joey?” you cooed to your belly. “I miss him too.”
“I’ll be home soon,” he said as you brought the phone up to your face again. “Just one more day and then I’ll be on a plane.”
Shortly after, you said goodnight and tried to get some sleep. It felt awfully lonely in the house by yourself, but you took comfort in the fact that Joe would be home soon. Then you would start your first family road trip.
You followed the premiere coverage from your desk at work. Several people were watching, since you worked in entertainment. Emily sat with you, shaking her head in amazement.
“I can’t believe you’re going to the one in LA,” she said. “It looks so glamorous.”
“Or terrifying,” you said with a gulp.
You could see all the cameras and flashing lights as Joe and the rest walked down the carpet and into the theater. Your heart gave a nervous flutter.
“Oh, Joe’s talking,” she said. “Turn it up.”
You did so and you caught that the reporter was asking about you and the baby.
“Yeah, Y/N is doing great and so is the baby,” he said, beaming. “I’m so excited, I feel like I have so many blessings right now. Between this film and having a family, I just...I can hardly believe I’m so lucky.”
“How did you meet Y/N?” the reporter asked.
“We actually knew each other as kids!” Joe told her. “Fourth grade. We were friends and then she moved away, but we found each other again through work.”
“Wow, that’s amazing!” the reporter said.
“Right?” Joe agreed. “Where’s our Hallmark movie?”
She laughed. “So, are you two hearing wedding bells?”
“We’ve talked about it, and we know we want to commit to each other,” he said. “No plans to bite that bullet just yet though. We’re focused on getting the baby here.”
“That’s a good thing to focus on,” she said. “Thanks for talking with us, Joe. And congratulations!”
“Thank you!” he returned and walked over to the next camera.
Emily sighed. “The way he talks about you is so sweet. I mean, his eyes just light right up. That must be so nice.”
You smiled. “It’s wonderful. He’s wonderful.”
Forty-eight hours went by, and before you knew it, you and Joe were on the road, heading west to Los Angeles. Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be able to stop and sight see because you were on a tight schedule to make it there in time for the premiere. Even so, Joe made it fun. He told you a bit about LA, since you’d never been before. Nervous as you were about the premiere, you were excited to be there with Joe.
The night of the premiere came. You and Joe were staying with Rami and Lucy. You honestly considered pretending to be ill to get out of it. You were so nervous, your body shook. Lucy had to help you into your dress and do your hair because you were just unable.
“Y/N, if you can’t do this, you don’t have to go,” Lucy said gently as she laid a curl across your shoulder. “Joe will understand.”
“No, I promised him I would,” you insisted. “Besides, like Joe always tells me, I can do anything.”
She smiled. “You two are adorable.”
“How do you do this, Lucy?” you asked. “What a good trick to keep in mind?”
“Focus on one thing at a time instead of the big picture,” she advised. “That way it doesn’t seem like so much. Stick close to Joe, and you’ll be alright.”
You nodded.
When you met Joe and Rami downstairs, they both gaped at the two of you.
“You look wonderful,” Rami said to his girlfriend. “You both do.”
“Lucy looks wonderful,” you returned playfully. “I look like a planet.”
“Hey, that’s my girlfriend you’re talking about,” Joe said, feigning offense.
You all chuckled.
“You look beautiful, baby,” he said seriously, kissing you on the cheek. “I love you.”
The four of you headed out to the awaiting limo to take you to the theater and the premiere. You felt so on edge that even a bump in the road made you grip Joe’s hand tighter. You hadn’t gotten to try having other people take photos and videos of you, and you were unsure if you could handle it.
“Fuck, I wish I could drink,” you said under your breath.
Joe laughed. “I wish you could too. I’m pretty sure you’re breaking my fingers.”
“Imagine what it’ll be like during childbirth,” Rami joked.
“Oh please, childbirth isn’t nearly as bad as they make it out to be in movies,” you said.
“You’re not scared, Y/N?” Lucy wondered.
You looked at her and shrugged. “Not really, no. My body is made to do it. And with an epidural, I won’t feel much besides pressure.”
She looked impressed. You gave Joe’s hand another nervous squeeze.
“I’m gonna check your pulse,” he said. “You still have feeling in your fingers?”
You nodded. “So far.”
“That’s good,” he said gently. He pressed his fingers to your neck. “Definitely got a quick pulse, but you’re doing so well, baby. I’m so proud of you.”
“I hope you’re not speaking too soon,” you muttered.
“I’m not,” he told you. “We’ve arrived.”
The car came to a stop. You sucked in a breath and looked wildly at him.
“You guys go,” he said to Rami and Lucy. “We’re right behind you.”
They shuffled out of the car. Joe took your face in his hands and held your gaze fiercely.
“I love you, Y/N,” he said. “Everyone here loves you. You got this. Stay with me.”
You nodded. He placed a swift peck on your lips. He moved so he could exit the car first. When he opened the door, you gulped. He stepped out, and you briefly considered telling the driver to go and take you with him. But you would not abandon Joe. Carefully, you scooted to the door, sticking one foot out and letting it hit the carpet. You reached out your hand, and Joe’s found it. You held your swollen belly and Joe practically lifted you out of the car.
The roar was deafening. The cameras clicked, reporters shouted questions, and music blasted from somewhere else. You held Joe’s arm and took a deep breath. The car pulled away as you stepped forward and you were forced to resign yourself to it.
You glanced at the cameras and felt your stomach drop. Joe’s arm secured you around your waist and you met his eyes.
“Stay with me,” he said again, and kissed your temple.
You let him lead you down the carpet closer to the cameras. Joe walked up to the first reporter, who was from the LA office of Everything Entertainment. You beamed at his consideration. He thought that if you knew the company you were talking to, you might feel more comfortable.
“We’ve been dying to see your beautiful baby mama up close, Joe,” the reporter said before grinning at you. “You look stunning.”
“Th-thank you,” you managed.
“How far along are you?” she asked.
“Just over six months,” you replied.
“Really?” she gasped. “You seriously look great to be six months pregnant. When’s the due date?”
“February 20th,” Joe answered.
“You guys excited?”
“We’re positively giddy,” he said.
The next few interviews went similarly. You found yourself relaxing more and more each minute. Everyone told you how great you looked, and you let yourself believe them. The security of having Joe beside you made you feel at home. Then, you saw two people who made your heart skip a beat: Brian May and Roger Taylor. You slapped Joe’s arm with excitement.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Holy shit,” you breathed, nodding your head toward them.
“Oh, yeah, let’s go say hi,” he said, grabbing your hand and taking you over.
They were talking to the rest of the cast already so you were grateful you could blend in. Joe clearly wasn’t letting that happen.
“Bri, Rog,” he said. “This is Y/N Y/L/N. My wonderful girlfriend who is having my baby.”
They both shook your hand and smiled kindly at you. You opened your mouth to say hello, but at that moment, little Joey kicked out once more. You gasped and clutched it.
“You alright?” Joe asked.
“He’s kicking,” you returned. “I guess he wants to say hello too. You guys wanna feel?”
They both agreed and placed their hands softly on your belly. You could hardly believe the founding members of Queen were gushing over your baby bump. They also told you you looked beautiful.
“A little boy, yeah?” asked Roger
You nodded. “Little Joey!”
“Very sweet,” said Brian. “Congratulations, to both of you.”
He hugged you and kissed your cheeks. Roger followed suit. Now you really thought you might faint.
Ben came bounding over to you suddenly. He embraced Roger first, then Brian, and then he practically tackled Joe, kissing his neck. Joe laughed, clapping Ben on the back as they swayed together for a moment.
“I missed you, mate,” Ben said.
“It’s been like five days,” Joe returned. “But that is five days too long, huh?”
Ben nodded and then came over to you. He grinned and rubbed your belly as he hugged you.
“Hello, beautiful,” he said.
“Hi, Ben,” you returned.
“You feeling alright?” he wondered.
You smiled and nodded. Gwilym came over next and greeted you just as warmly, though without nearly knocking Joe off his feet. He also kissed your cheek.
“Hi, Y/N,” he said. “You look so lovely. How’s the baby?”
“He’s fantastic,” you said. “Thank you for asking.”
Allen approached next, extending his hand politely before introducing himself. “It’s great to finally meet you in person!”
“You too!” you agreed.
When Rami and Lucy joined, the photographers started yelling, desperate for a shot of everyone together with Brian and Roger. You started to back out of the frame, but Joe and Ben each took one of your arms and forced you back in. You giggled and accepted it. You truly didn’t think this night could get any better.
The movie was fantastic. You were a sobbing mess by the end of it, because they told the story well, and you were so incredibly proud of these people who had become your friends. You felt it was a great success.
The afterparty was also so fun. Originally, you had planned to go back to Rami and Lucy’s, but Joe insisted on going to the afterparty. He said it was going to be great and you needed to be there. Rolling your eyes, you indulged him, but you really did end up having a great time. They got Queen karaoke going, and Joe was perhaps the most enthusiastic of everyone.
“If I could have everyone’s attention for a second,” Joe said, when  the party was in full swing. “I have a little dedication I’d like to make to my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N. This song is called Misfire and it’s written by John Deacon.”
Everyone laughed, including you, but the music didn’t start.
“I’m kidding,” he said. “I’m not singing Misfire. But, Y/N, if you could join me up here.”
Rami helped you to your feet and onto the stage. Your heart was beating wildly as you felt the room of eyes on you. You turned to Joe, holding his gaze.
“Y/N,” he said, and you saw tears begin to form in his brown eyes. “This is a really special night, for a few reasons. First is the release of our wonderful film, Bohemian Rhapsody. Second is...well...I love you so much. More than I ever thought I could love a person. And you’re giving me something that I can never even hope to repay you for. Our son.”
“Joe…” you sighed, choking up.
“Hold on, I’m not finished,” he said. “I knew from the minute I met you - back in fourth grade - that no matter what happened, we’d be together. It was just a physical law of the universe. The years and geography kept us apart, but we’ve certainly done a lot of catching up since then.” The crowd chuckled. “I don’t want to waste any more time.”
He sank to one knee and your heart leapt to your throat. He pulled a ring from his pocket and held it out to you as you - and everyone else - gasped. The ring was beautiful. The stone was not a diamond, but a pearl. It was unique, like you and Joe, and your story.
“Y/N,” he began again. “Will you marry me?”
You could barely form words. Your brain buzzed with elation. Slowly, you nodded, tears falling from your eyes.
“Yes!” you finally choked out and he slipped the ring on your finger. “Oh my God, Joe, yes!”
He leapt to his feet and pulled you in for the kiss of a lifetime. This kiss was the seal of your promise to each other. The people around you erupted into applause. Ben whistled loudly. You and Joe came down the steps together, immediately getting hugs and kisses from your friends. But nothing else mattered when you locked eyes with Joe again. He was it for you. Your whole future. Your whole heart. Everything was just you and Joe.
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dvp95 · 5 years
hang on just long enough
pairing: dan howell/phil lester
rating: e
warnings: none
tags: public sex/blowjob, pwp, porn w/ feelings, that’s all this is
word count: 1,700
summary: Phil is meant to be the impatient one between them. Bingo squares: groping + public sex + 2010 (writer’s choice)
read on ao3 or here!
Phil knows he isn't going to win any awards for patience in the near future - he grazes while he waits for dinner to be ready, jumps in the shower before the water has warmed completely, gives up on games if he isn't having fun - but he's got a leg up on a bored, horny Dan.
In most situations, Dan has the type of handle on his self control that Phil could probably have, if he tried. He just doesn't see the point. Instant gratification is pretty great, and there's no reason to keep doing something that's not fun just because it might get fun later.
In this specific situation, Phil will happily take home the award for patience of a bloody saint.
"Dan," he whispers again, for the fourth time since they sat down.
"What?" Dan responds innocently, also for the fourth time. His hand stops its path up Phil's thigh once again, but it still doesn't retreat.
Phil doesn't know what to say, exactly. He's not sure if Dan is doing this to be a tease or if he's doing this to be a dick. As with most things Dan does, it's more likely some combination of the two. Phil's eyes flicker away from Dan, pointedly looking at their surroundings.
Dan had dragged Phil to the back corner of the bus, which hadn't seemed strange at the time. Now, Phil is wondering if that was calculated.
They don't have a lot of company on this bus, which is nice. It's early in the morning, still dark outside. Way earlier than Phil would have preferred to be up if there hadn't been the promise of a sleepy Dan waiting for him at the train station. There's an elderly couple behind the driver talking to each other quietly and a uni student still in club gear staring blankly out the window a few rows ahead of them.
Nobody is paying any attention to them at all.
While Phil is looking forward, Dan has decided to start moving his hand again. It's definitely intentional, whatever Dan's puppy eyes try to say, Phil just can't figure out what the endgame is here.
"Dan," he says quietly, because maybe the fifth time is the charm. "What are you doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing?" Dan asks, matching Phil’s volume. The faux innocence gives way to pure, unadulterated cheek. He's dimpling when Phil gives him a Look. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too," says Phil. He's already said as much at the station and over a shoddy wifi connection for the past three weeks. He's missed Dan so much it aches in his chest, like he can't breathe properly in the time between Dan's visits.
"Yeah," Dan says. His large, warm palm creeps further up Phil's leg, fingertips brushing Phil's inseam. "But I missed you."
Phil's heart pounds in his ears. As nervous as he is, his body is still reacting to Dan the way it always does, always will. He glances at the student again, who is completely in her own world.
"Dan." It seems like that is all Phil is able to say. "This is so stupid."
"Yeah, and?" Dan huffs a laugh, brushing his lips against Phil's jaw and flexing his big hand and, yeah, now Phil's dick has definitely gotten the memo.
"There're, like, other people here," Phil whispers. He already knows that Dan doesn't care, and the little shrug he gets in response just confirms that.
"They're not looking at us."
"Yeah, but," Phil says, then falters. Dan's palm is pressing against him through his jeans now, the touch familiar and new all at the same time. "But, we'll be at mine in like half an hour. So you could just... wait til we get there."
Dan is usually very good at controlling himself, better than Phil by far. Phil will eat an entire bag of marshmallows while he waits for a pizza delivery and drink his coffee as soon as it hits his mug.
Right now, though, Dan doesn't seem interested in waiting. He's restless from the long, late-night train ride and the evident desire to be touching Phil in any way possible.
"Tell me to stop and I'll stop," says Dan. As much as he's been teasing, there's nothing but sincerity there.
Phil feels a swell of warmth for this beautiful, clingy boy. He makes a big show of sighing before he worms his arm out from between them to pull Dan closer by the waist. He noses at Dan's ear, the metal of his piercing still surprising Phil whenever it touches his skin.
"Just... make it quick," Phil murmurs directly into Dan's ear. He feels Dan shiver, try to squirm away from the feeling instinctively. "Or I'll have an anxiety attack, for sure."
"Oh, will you?" Dan snarks.
Despite the sarcasm, Dan doesn't drag out the teasing any longer. His big brown eyes flicker over the other passengers, the driver, before he folds his lanky body half onto the floor. He has to kneel sideways to fit, his stupidly big feet poking out in the aisle. Phil’s torn between amusement and arousal as Dan starts working his flies.
"Oh," Phil breathes. He didn't expect that.
Dan snorts lightly and shakes his fringe out of his eyes to give Phil a surprisingly fond look. "You'd rather get jizz on the seat? Your jeans?"
"Definitely not," Phil says on a huff of laughter. He slumps a bit lower in the seat and angles himself diagonally to make it easier for Dan to pull his cock out of his pants, and that's a goddamn weird feeling all on its own. Phil is pretty sure his dick has never been out in a public place, doctor's offices and locker rooms notwithstanding.
Luckily, his dick isn't out for long before Dan curls forward and takes it in his big, warm mouth. Phil's eyelids flutter, but he can't close his eyes and get lost in the feeling the way he can when they're all holed up in his bedroom. He bites at his own lip and holds Dan's long hair out of his face for him. He splits his time between looking at Dan and making sure nobody is looking at them.
It's been too long, honestly. At this exact moment in time, Phil doesn't know why they don't spend all their time together with his cock in Dan's talented mouth. He likes it almost as much as Phil does - his eyes have long since fallen shut and he's making tiny muffled noises that Phil wants to care about, but he just can't bring himself to.
Nobody's listening, anyway. The noises that the bus itself is making are louder than Dan, and Phil is keeping his eye out for anyone turning around.
Dan opens his eyes as he takes Phil deeper, and Phil swallows a groan with the ease of someone who has lots of practice keeping quiet. Dan's tongue presses against the underside of Phil's cock with the soft vibration of a moan that doesn't reach Phil's ears. Phil thanks his lucky stars that he's lived in enough thin-walled places to be confident that he won't make any sounds he doesn't want to.
With anyone else, Phil might be embarrassed by how quickly he gets close, but this is Dan. Dan has brought him to the edge a hundred times since that first weekend, knows exactly how to make him fall apart. Besides, they can't exactly take their time right now.
Phil tugs lightly at Dan's hair in warning, and Dan closes his eyes again as he sinks down even further on Phil's cock. He doesn't risk taking it too deep into his throat, not with the noise that usually elicits, but Phil doesn't care. He could probably come even if Dan just sucked slowly on the head of his cock for hours, that's how wrapped around Dan's finger he is.
He tastes copper as he reaches his peak, teeth digging too sharply into his lip, and he can't quite muster up the mental capacity to care.
Dan blows him through it and then lets Phil's cock slip out of his pretty lips with a grin. He gets back into his seat with a little difficulty, the bus seats not really built for people of their height at the best of times. Phil has enough presence of mind to tuck himself back into his boxers and zip his jeans.
The sky outside the bus window is still dark. The dawn hasn't even broken yet, and Phil has already done something he never imagined he would. He wonders if Dan plans to keep this energy all week, because he's not sure his heart can handle that.
"So," Dan says, slow. He's smirking and curling close to Phil's side, so pleased with himself that it's radiating off him in waves.
Phil yawns. Only for Dan would he get out of bed in the early hours of the morning that he normally only sees when he stays up too late watching scary movies. The orgasm has made him even sleepier. "So what?"
It's a little funny how quickly Dan's expression falls into affront. "So...?" he says, pointed.
"I'll get you back at home," says Phil.
"What?" Dan squawks. For the first time, the uni student looks behind her with a perplexed expression. Phil gives her an awkward smile before he turns back to Dan.
"Not like this was my idea," Phil points out. He has to laugh at the abject horror on Dan's face as he realises that Phil really, truly, has no intention of getting him off in a public vehicle. "Don't worry, I'll make it good for you. Maybe after a nap."
Dan scowls and tangles his fingers with Phil's, the grip a bit too tight for it to be a sweet gesture. "Selfish prick."
"Impatient brat," Phil shoots back, and then they're just. Grinning stupidly at each other.
Maybe Phil's worse about waiting for things, generally, but it makes him happy to see how much Dan hates waiting for him, specifically. They don't need to live in the too-long moments between visits much longer and Phil, for one, can't wait.
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this-solaris-life · 4 years
Request:  "A jealous Kit that possessively claims Ming in public" Writer’s Notes: A Belated Valentine’s ficlet! 
 Hearts on Your Sleeve Event - where the school sells sticker books of hearts for charity to put on the people they like or admire. The participants are given a pin to wear that let's people know it's okay to put stickers on them. One can buy 1 large heart that's adhesive for the a little bit extra. Removing the pin let’s them know to stop adding hearts. 
Refs: Kit’s Glasses 
“What do you think, Kit?” Beam asked as he switched to the other book in search of the answer. A rare treat that the day wasn’t too hot and they were outside studying for the upcoming lab exam. The breeze rustled some of the pages making one come loose and was about to go airborne if Beam hadn’t caught it. He frowned looking up to see that his best friend wasn’t paying attention. He was however glaring at his phone. Kit’s grip on the phone is so tight it's making his knuckles white. 
The screen is low enough that he’s seeing a video being played on Kit’s twitter timeline. Beam tries to remain calm because this isn’t how he’d wanted to spend his Valentine’s Day at all. But he’d gotten up out of Forth's bed a little bit after the engineering hazer to meet Kit to study.  Pha having already told them he was going to be with Yo all day. Now, if this is what his friend is going to do then he’s going back to his boyfriend’s dorm to wait for Forth to finish his hazing gathering and classes. 
“Kit?” He tried again to get the other man’s attention. Beam sighed heavily when he still didn't get a response. The next time he waved his hand in front of him scoldingly calling his name,“KIT!” 
“What?” Kit barks, finally looking up from his phone. 
“Are we going to study or are you going to break your phone?” Beam sasses.
After a few moments, Beam watches as a blush starts to form on his best friend’s cheeks before he angrily shoves his phone in his messenger bag. 
“Study.” Kit says sheepishly making Beam roll his eyes. Clearly, from the aura that Kit is putting out, that they aren’t going to be properly studying until he talks about what’s going on. Beam knows his best friend and the only time that he truly clams up is about his brother’s or Ming. So, considering the fact that Kit’s gnawing on his bottom lip trying to pointedly not pull back out his phone like a phone addict, his guess is that it’s Ming. 
“What’d he do?” Beam asks.
“Nothing.” Kit quickly answers reaching up to adjust the golden frame glasses he’s sporting. Eyes too dry for the contacts he normally wears. 
“Okay, then you won’t mind me checking my twitter for a moment?” Beam states picking up his own phone to check to see what’s upsetting Kit. 
“I don’t care what you do. I’m out.” Kit says huffing as he quickly gathers his things before hurrying away.
“What the…” Beam sputters watching Kit’s retreating back. Usually, Kit would stay for the teasing and they’d eventually talk it out. Now, more curious than ever, Beam went to his twitter then over to Kit’s, and that’s where he saw the cause of Kit’s behavior. Chuckling he decided that Ming and Kit could handle this on their own. Beam grabbed his stuff and headed for his boyfriend’s dorm room. He’d study there till Forth got back.
Kit was still shaking with anger when he stepped out of the canteen. The sight of all the hearts and roses reminding him off the videos he’d seen. He knew that N’Chiffon hadn’t meant to upset him when she tagged him in her post, and he wasn’t upset with her. He’d thought it was sweet that she was showing Ming and the charity support. However, he’d tapped on the hashtag that she posted with it,  #MingofmyHeart, and he felt his green eyed monster starting to wake in the back of his mind. Because of course the very first post that comes up afterwards would be the one from N’Sunan. 
She’s got the biggest smile on her face, thanking him for letting her give her hearts to him, as she puts three hearts on Ming’s shirt. One near the pin that’s over his heart, one on his shoulder, and the last one of the collar of his white button up. Then she leans in like she’s about to give him a kiss on the cheek but Ming moves stopping her from doing it. She smiles though with a wink before the video ends. 
He stills almost to the parking lot in the courtyard, releasing a shuddering breath. Kit knows that he needs to calm down before he does something he regrets but he can’t get the video out of his head. Seeing that one of the picnic tables is available off by itself, Kit makes his way over. He tosses his messenger bag on the table, sitting down. Kit lets out a frustrated sigh as he takes off his glasses to rub his face. He’s only there for a moment before he hears someone approaching him.
“Beam, I don-” Kit starts putting his glasses back on to look to see who it is. He stops though when he sees that it is two juniors that are selling the event stickers. He musters up a thin smile before speaking, “I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
“It’s okay, we were just wondering if you wanted to buy some stickers for the event?” One of the juniors asked while the other held up the stickers. A look of please help us by buying these so we meet our goal on their faces. Kit was about to say no when an idea popped into his mind. His green eyed monster preening. 
“I’ll take one of the big hearts.” Kit says pulling out his wallet from his bag. Happily the juniors give him the sticker and take their payment before going off to find their next buyer. Set with a new purpose, Kit digs out his phone to find out where his boyfriend is. 
Ming was sitting in the canteen of the medical faculty hoping to have found his boyfriend. However, all he managed to do was incite some rather happy fans wanting to add their stickers and take pictures or videos of them with him. He inwardly sighed wishing he’d just called his boyfriend before coming all this way. It was about the sixth picture and thankfully the girl had stepped away when he heard the person he’d been seeking out’s voice. 
“Hello, my heart.” Kit said with a bright smile sitting beside him. A look of mischievousness in his eye that made Ming heart start to race. A feeling of anticipation spreading, making it a little harder to breathe. He couldn’t help but look him over. Today, Kit didn’t have class so he was just in a regular heather v-neck t-shirt and dark wash jeans with a tan light jacket. He looked good and Kit was sexy as hell when behaving boldly. Which of course made him melt. It was rare that Kit behaved this way in public.
“Hello, Kitkat.” Ming replied, a blush forming on his cheeks. Kit reached, running his fingers up the back of his nape, gripping his hair. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Kit said as he leaned forward, while using the hand palming Ming’s head to guide him into a kiss. It wasn’t one of Kit’s normal pecks on the lips. No, this one had depth and the feel of the swipe of Kit’s tongue to his bottom lip had Ming forgetting the world existed.
The sound of swoons and camera shutters reminded him of their audience when Kit pulled away. Kit chuckled low when Ming tried to chase his lips for more. “Uh, uh.” Kit teased letting go of the back of his neck. The other hand coming up to press one of the larger heart stickers onto his slightly kiss swollen lips. 
“Be here at four.” Kit grinned, tapping the heart on his lips teasingly, then reached down taking away the participation pin off Ming’s chest. “Don’t be late.” He warned playful getting up and sauntering away. Ming sheepishly took the heart off his lips. His cheeks heating up seeing that it had the hotel room number they last shared on it. 
Read more of my prompts in my fic, These Moments Here with You
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rhabakoli · 5 years
Infinite White - 8
The text Fenja translates is the letter Gandalf writes about Aragorn (i think to Frodo? not sure rn), per @finnickfoxes request. And since I am a true dumbass, I actually translated it myself, instead of just look it up. But I like my version better anyway. 
Previous chapters here.
Trigger warning: space talk. Anyone disagreeing with me will be blocked. 
Taglist:@dreamwritesimagines @i-am-always-famished @marauderskeeper @superwolfchild-fan @thescarsweleave @cgn-99 @alicedopey @alwaysadreamingoptimist @atlas-of-the-world @finnickfoxes @rmwest9 (i’m just gonna tag u now, scream if you don’t want to) 
“So, how’s his family? Did they suspect anything?”, Maeve asked. They were carrying their trays to their usual table, finally catching up with each others lifes. 
“They are nice. A bit touchy. His uncle asked me if I know UNO, and then he kinda… welcomed me to the family?”, Fenja answered and then shrugged. 
“They have quite a low standard to meet. They’d love you.” Maeve gave her a sour look, kicking at her. “You’re lucky my hands are full.” Her friend just grinned cheekily and dodged her half-assed attack. The mensa was filled with chatter, the sounds of dishes clattering and the occasional discussion escalating. “And did they say anything about your breakdown?” Maeve sat across her, cracking open her coke and taking a sip. “No, I don’t think they know.” Fenja halted, then looked up at her roommate. “Well, I think his mom might know. But she didn’t say anything.” Mave nodded and took a bite from her lunch. “That’s good, isn’t it?” Fenja shrugged, gaze focused on her plate. “As long as I don’t have to explain it to everyone, I’m fine.” “I think your man will be glad to do it for you, if you asked.” Fenja carefully tasted her soup, trying not to burn her tongue. Then, as she processed the words, she raised an eyebrow at Maeve. “Who?” “Ragnar.” “Ah.” She smacked her lips together, blissed out expression on her face. “Goddamn, that soup is delicious.” Suddenly, her spoon came up, pointing across the table, almost threatening. “Also, he’s not ‘my man’, where even did you get that from?” “He’s not?” “Nah.” Maeve shrugged, then ogled the bread on Fenja’s tray. “Can I have some?”
The lecture hall was packed, every single seat taken. Some poor souls were even sitting on the stairs, eager to listen in and maybe find some validation, and inspiration - who are we kidding, mainly they just wanted to hear that it would be worth it all and it’d get better. Fenja was sitting all the way up, last row, glad to even have found a seat. Half the literature department was here, some journalism majors too. “I heard she’s only doing this, because her husband is a Ragnarsson. Otherwise she’d never have gotten the spot.” Fenja scoffed, as she pulled out pen and paper, ready to take notes. Unfortunately, her neighbours heard her and turned. “You have something to say, honey?” Her eyes grew round, she twisted in her seat and shook her head. “No, sorry, I just misheard. I thought you said she only got the lecture because her husband’s a Ragnasson.” “Well, I did.” The guy leaned his forearm onto the back of his seat, his body angled towards her, chest puffed like a bird ready to dance. His friend mirrored him, twirling her thick long hair around her finger, smirking. “Which doesn’t make sense, to be honest. She’s been holding lectures and seminars even before she’d met him, so implying she’d need the help of a rich man is not only wrong, but also degrading to her, her achievements and other authors and writers that have made it by themselves.” He wanted to throw another comment in, probably just as entitled and ignorant as his first, when Fenja raised a hand to stop him. “I’m not interested in fumbled comebacks dragged from your misogynistic fathers mouth, so, let’s leave it be, yes?” “Listen, bitch-” “You better think of a new beginning for that sentence, because I can promise you this is not going to end well for you. I know for a fact that the dean is quite the feminist, and he does not tolerate such behaviour at all. I’d pull my head out of my bum, if I were you, because your view on the world is growing a bit old, don’t you think?” He opened and closed his mouth, looked like a fish on the dry, skin flushing. His friend was looking on with big eyes, absolutely shocked anyone would talk to him like that. “You will regret this-” He finally found his voice, anger radiating off him. Fenja sighed. “Listen, you educationally handicapped amoeba. I am not going to regret this, even if it gets me into trouble. Because I know for a fact, while I will have to sit through a serious conversation on properly handling my anger, you’ll have to face an angry dean about the way you view women and I bet you’ll get to go to a couple very educating lectures, which I doubt you’ll get credit for.” They now had enough, they were storming off, the girl tutting over him, while he almost rammed into Ragnar, who took a step to the side and watched them go. “Hey.” He gestured over his shoulder, into the direction the two asshats were fleeing. “What was that?” Fenja shrugged and sat properly, facing forward. Some of the professors were gathered by the podium, talking. She tried to get a good view, but a rather tall professor was in the way. Wait. She knew that back from somewhere. Also, that manbun beat her in UNO just last week. Ragnar sat next to her, typing away on his phone, when she poked him violently. He really felt that, even through the fluffy sweater he wore. Gods, did she have pointy fingers. He hastily grabbed her wrist, holding it so she couldn’t attack him again. “What?” “Is that your Uncle?” He followed her line of sight, chuckling. “Yep.” “What’s he doing here?” “He’s teaching, princess. He’s specialized on Viking history and Nordic religions.” He laughed at her face. Her mouth stood open, eyebrows raised and her breath left her with a silent “oh.” “By the way. Auntie asked me to tell you, that she’s in town all week, and I am supposed to drag you to dinner, so you can meet her.” Now, that really got her attention. “What?” She pointed down to the podium, where a small, dainty woman assumed position and straightened her papers. “You mean that auntie? The amazing, famous author/Journalist?” “Yep.” He’d really get himself bitch-slapped one day, if he continued to play down such important, impactful events. Fenja flailed in her seat, almost falling out of it. “You can’t just - what, I -” Ragnar caught her arm, pulling her back up like it was nothing. “Calm down. How about dinner this friday. Whole family will be there.” “Is that supposed to help me? In any way?”, she asked, her tone suggesting how it definitely did not help. “Bear too.” He grinned at her, chuckling at the speed at which her expression - her whole demeanor, really - shifted. “Okay.”
Down at the podium, Gala cleared her throat and welcomed them, introduced herself and explained why she was holding his lecture. Ragnar knew all of this, he had only come up here to deliver his aunts message. But Fenja was so cute, all attentive, eager to soak up whatever knowledge his aunt decided to share. How she sat there, focused, scribbling down notes and questions for later. She did it on seperate sheets, organized and thought-out. He watched her profile, let his eyes roam over her figure, how she was wrapped into a hoodie at least two sizes too big, how she had a foot up on the seat, and an arm wrapped around her knee, leaning into it. How she ran the flat of her thumb’s nail over her lower lip, - left, right, left again - lips slightly parted. He licked his lips, swallowing and then promptly snapped himself out of it. Shaking his head over his creepy staring and suddenly, uh… not-friendly mood, he turned to watch Gala talk about the struggles of writing, writer’s block and solutions that helped in her experience. The lecture took about an hour, with a Q&A session added. Here too, Fenja listened closely, checking questions already answered and noting them down. Ragnar caught himself staring again. He always had felt the need to kinda protect her, keep her close, in his arms, but- oh boy. Oooooh. He leaned back against the chair, crossed his arms and stubbornly stared ahead, until his aunt excused them and everyone was leaving. He’d have to talk to someone about this. Crap. Someone help him. He must have made a sound, because Fenja looked over, concern on her face. “Is everything okay?” “Yeah, I’m good.”
** “Okay, so, I’ve got some examples I need you to translate, please.”  Ingrid laid down papers in front of Fenja and sat. “We’re gonna implement this in the program, we need to get clear on pronunciation and grammar and stuff.”  Fenja looked down at the paper, then back at Ingrid. “That’s your example?”  “Yep.” This whole family, for real.   “Uh, you’re not gonna get accurate, actually used German that way, right?” It’s from Lord Of The Rings. The hell.  “It’s not about that, it’s just an example, a start. It’s about the words, not what it means in context.”  She nodded, then held her hand out for a pen. “You want me to do it on paper?”” Now it was Ingrids turn to shrug. “However you’d like, doesn’t make a big difference.”
It didn’t take Fenja too long to translate it, even when using old German, plush and polished words, to keep the feeling of the original. She caught Ingrid’s attention, as she put her pen down and leaned back in her chair. They were seated in the Ragnarsson library, spread all over the place with school stuff, research, Fenja’s papers for her essays and Ingrid’s paperwork for the Linguae Populi. “You wanna read it?”, the girl asked, and promptly put her chin into her hands, abandoning her work.  “Sure.” Fenja cleared her throat and took a deep breath.   In a sure, but soft tone, she read aloud:
“Nicht alles das Gold, funkelt; Nicht alle die wandern, verloren; Alt und stark nicht verdunkelt; Wurzeln in Tiefe nicht erfroren; Feuer aus Asche entsteht, wie Licht entspringt dem Schatten; Soll zerbarste Klinge nun heilen, Krone wieder auf Königs Haupte weilen.”
Fenja felt slightly uncomfortable under Ingrid's attentive gaze; she raked her fingers through her hair and looked down at the paper. “It's probably not perfect, and certainly not even close to the original translation, but I tried.” The girl stopped her immediately, waving a hand through the air and shaking her head adamantly. “no I'm sure it's absolutely fine.” “Sounded fine to me.”, Came from the door. “Dad!” Ingrid uncurled her legs, bound over to her father like a puppy and dove into his arms for a big old hug. “I didn't know you'd be home today! I thought you had a work trip to Ontario?” Ivar stroked his daughter's head as he looked down at her. “I sent your Uncle instead. Gala has some business there, so he'd have gone there anyway.” Piercing blue eyes fixed Fenja ij her seat, while Ingrid took her fathers free arm and pulled him over. “You speak german?” Fenja nodded, intimidated and shy. “My family came over during the war, and they never let anyone lose touch to their roots. They expect you to be fluent in german.” Ingrid pulled the paper with the translation over and showed him. “That's from Lord of the rings. She's a nerd.” “Then you must like her, no? Two peas in a pod?” He grinned playfully, his calm exterior and the way he bantered with his kid, put her at ease. He wasn't bad, in any way. He was just so… tall, and broad, and had this very hard and cold aura, if he wanted to. They talked for a while. Ivar asked her more about her family, if they came before the war, or if they lived through the harsh times there. Fenja tried to answer, even taught him a couple of words and phrases when he asked for it. Turns out, the big bad Ivar Ragnarsson was a very curious and eager-to-please puppy dog. Now it was obvious, where this part of Ragnar came from. Those two were so much alike.
Ragnar was minding his own business, concentrating on his work, as a body fell into the spot next to his and a phone was shoved into his face. “LOOK AT THIS!” He did. “What am I looking at?” Fenja grinned, eyes alight with excitement, her whole body vibrating with restless energy. “That's a photograph of a black hole!” She sounded so proud, you'd think she made it. Without having to prompt her, she started into an extended rant, explaining how and when, how big it was (very), and how she really wanted to go visit it (so damn much), and how it looked like Sauron’s eye (It really did, wow), and ‘what if there is some kind of alternate universe where hobbits exist and the black hole is actually a way to go there, or to look into other universes?!’ “You want to visit a black hole.” “Yep.” “You think it’s a way to an alternate Hobbit universe?” “Yep.” Ragnars eyes were skipping over her face, taking in the scrunched nose as she smiled, the tousled hair from her run over, the healthy color of her face, the twinkle in her eyes. She was so cute, this excited. So open, so warm. It was a glimpse of how she could have been, if her parents had survived; she'd be way less inclined to shut others out. He also noticed how close she was. Her arm was wrapped around his biceps, her front pressed into his side as she leaned against him, essentially hugging his arm, while she was still holding the phone up, her elbow on the desk in front of him, his forearm trapped under hers. “You’re crazy.”, he shook his head.  “That’s my best personality trait, that are you talking about?” “But I’m coming with you. No way you’re gonna survive there. Either you’ll eat yourself to death, or you set one foot there and collide with some monster.”  “It’s settled then.” She let go of his arm, laid her own arms and head on the table, face towards him. “Now the only things left are contact with aliens and society’s realization regarding Pluto’s wrong degradation from planet status.”  Ragnar knew better than to dive into that discussion. She was very passionate about space. Instead, he plucked a hair hanging from her lashes.  “But what if there are no aliens?”  Okay, he was weak. Don’t judge.  Fenja groaned, but didn’t move much. “People who honestly believe that we are the only ones out there, are either very stupid, ignorant, or just plain scared. I can respect scared cucumbers, because that means on some level at least they agree that we can’t be alone, that’s just not logical.”
They fell into a comfortable pattern, Fenja ranting, Ragnar working. Sometimes it was the other way around, sometimes it was almost completely silent between the two of them. It was like a bubble, a safe haven on campus. Other students usually tended to avoid the two of them, because rants could happen just about any time, and those two got really passionate, including flailing arms and sometimes even thrown pens. So, their table was a corner-table, but other than them, there were no others in close vicinity. 
No one wanted to be part of… whatever they had.
Part 9
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confusinglump · 5 years
Instant Family?
Title is not that great, hell even the story might not be that great. But I'm giving it a go. Once again, I'm not a great writer but this has been rolling around my head.
Henry had laughed so much tonight, his cheeks still hurt. A very competitive game of DDR (dance dance revolution) with Elsa and her kids, turned into the silliest dance party he's ever been too. Furniture had been pushed to the side so Elsa could properly teach the kids how to dance the running man. Henry dared not to get up and try that at all, he'd need more than those two beers at dinner to even attempt it.
Henry loved the energy and closeness of her family and they welcomed him like he had been a friend they've know for years. Henry admired they way she handled the kids herself. She didn't sweat the small stuff and she understood they are great days and others where its okay to have cereal for dinner. The excitement surrounding them was so infectious that he found himself often walking over to their condo after the gym. He felt completely accepted and it reminded him of his home back in Jersey.
Though at times his heart felt heavy, he longed for a family just like this. Rambunctious kids running outside with vivid imaginations. He imagined someday rolling out of bed on a lazy Saturday morning to the smell of chocolate chips waffles and bacon. Hearing the hushed squabbling over how many pieces of bacon they could sneak before setting the table.
Five year old Isabella had let Henry in on the bacon heist that occured every Saturday morning. It was cutest thing to see Isa explaining to him that he should probably use his superman powers.
"Henry you gotta be super duper fastest!"
Henry smiled at the seriousness in her tone. Isa had even offered to distract her mom if he needed help, since he didn't have the suit on. That was his first of many Saturday morning waffles.
Henry was caught off guard with the screaming excitement of Elsa and kids when Push It by Salt n Peppa came on. He couldn't help but smile at how free and in the moment she was. He laughed loudly and shook his head, when Elsa started shimming her shoulders and shaking her head. Strands of her hair were coming out of her loose ponytail, her eyes were closed and she smiled bright. it tugged his heart when he saw her in these joyful moments. The kids fed off of her energy, 5 yr Isa was mimicking her mothers rhythmic movements. He was surprised and impressed that even 12 year old Marco was dancing.
Elsa danced hopped her way over to Henry and made a big show of of using her air lasso to pull him to her. Henry let out the biggest laugh at her silliness. He shook his head but rose to his feet and rolled his shoulders along with the music. He hadnt felt this carefree in long time. He was loving it.
**"Alright, alright niños, its time to get ready for bed." Elsa called out as she shut off the speakers.
His favorite chorus of "But mom" started.
Elsa laughed and shook her head.
"Sorry guys tomorrow is another day, go get ready for bed I'll clean up."
The kids grumbled as usual but listened anyway.
Henry sighed, this only meant he had to leave soon. He already missed them. He thought about Elsa a lot, envisioning waking up to her morning kisses before the hustle and bustle of getting the kids up for school. He could see himself teaching the kids rugby, proper soccer and maybe taking them camping. He wouldn't mind a few princess dress up parties or helping Isa sell all her troops girl scout cookies either.
At first when he meet the new single gym member he tried to be completely charming, hoping to ask her out.  But a little self doubt crept up on him and he lost his nerve. Later he heard through the gym grapevine that Elsa wasn't ready to date. That stung a bit, he definitely felt a spark when they talked.  Then he learned that she was divorced with two kids and that threw him for a loop. He wondered if he was responsible enough to date a parent. Dates would require extra planning so anything spontaneous might be out of the question.  He supposed it was for the best. If they had started dating and it became serious how could he leave her and her kids for months at a time. She would need someone more present right? He couldn't do that to them, so he kept his feelings towards her to himself. And hoped she wouldn't catch him staring. Instead he settled for friendship and greedily accepted an open invitation to her house anytime.
Henry started moving furniture back and picking up pillows off the floor while Elsa swept up a bit.
"You don't have to help me clean up Henry."
"I really don't mind."
Elsa beamed and it made his heart beat a touch faster.
He was lingering a bit after saying his final goodbyes and wishing Isa a goodnight. Marco would always pound his fist and Isa would raise her arms so he could carry her into a big hug. Sometimes he'd make silly faces just to hear her cute little giggle.
Elsa felt her stomach in knots, she felt hot, sweaty and completely nervous. Last time she walked Henry out she gave him small peck on his cheek. She hugged him like always but he smelled so delicious and when hugged her a little tighter she just went for it. She was definitely sure he thought it was just a friendly peck. There was no way he'd be interested in someone like her, right? But oh god did he make her swoon everytime he offered to throw the football around with Marco or when he'd set up a little tea party fort with Isa. He was completely sweet and patient with them. He didn't know how much it meant to her that her kids got to see a how caring and understanding a man could be. Marco really looked up to him, always eagerly taking in any advice Henry gave him.
For almost a year they've known Henry and her feelings for him seemed to triple each time he was around. He always offered a sympathetic ear and encouraging words. He was so tender sometimes it felt like her heart was going to split. He was such a goofball and she was sure that not everyone knew that side of him.
The kids had already rushed off to bed and that left both of them standing around awkwardly.
"Walk me out?"
"Of course."
She lead him down the narrow hallway to the front door. Elsa opened the door and as Henry passed in front of her he playfully nudged her shoulder.
"Everything okay Elsa?"
"Oh, um yes. I'm just tired."
"Are you sure, do you need anything," his voice a little more serious.
"Hmmmm, maybe next time you can bring Kal? I'd love some fluffy cuddles."
"Ugh, Kal gets all the attention!"
"Oh stop it, you know we love you too!" Elsa laughed.
Henry laughed along but he felt giddy about her saying "love" even though it was in friendship kinda way.
"Come here," she said as she opened her arms.
And this was his favorite part of the night.
This time he leaned down wrapping his arms around her waist and she quickly wrapped hers around his neck. She whispered in his ear, "thanks for coming over" and he squeezed her tighter hoping for a repeat of last week. He felt her turn her face and gently kiss his cheek again. His body felt like it was vibrating and he swore he could feel her heart beating out if her chest. Henry pulled away slightly to look at her, he smiled a her blushing face. He saw her eyes glance down at something, his lips maybe? She bit the corner of her lips and slowly pulled him back down to her. Henry then felt her soft lips kiss his once then twice and finally he kissed her back. Her lips parted and he hungrily kissed her, he hoped she could somehow feel how he felt about her. Elsa moaned into his mouth and Henry gripped her hips. She pulled back breathlessly, her chest rapidly heaving. Henry felt a jolt of sensations, his body feeling cold and hot with a flush around his ears.
Elsa was in some kind of euphoric state and suddenly she felt freezing wave of embarrassment rush over her. She quickly pulled away, stuttering an apology.
"I, I don't know what came over me. I didn't mean to, mean to...I'm really sorry Henry." " You should probably go," she whispered.
Henry was completely confused as to what was happening now. Did she regret kissing him? She wasn't even looking at him.
"Elsa, can we talk about this for a minute."
They both turned to see Isa rubbing her eyes walking towards them.
"Can we talk about it tomorrow? I'll call you" she whispered.
"Mommy, come read to me please."
Elsa quickly scooped up Isa and turned back to Henry pleading him with her eyes.
He wanted to stay, he wanted to tell her he'd wait outside if she wanted, so they talk tonight.
"Please Henry."
The looked she gave him broke his heart, her eyes were starting to well up her nose getting a little pink.
"Okay. Tomorrow?"
She nodded, feeling relieved.
He closed the gap between them and hugged them both.
"Goodnight princess."
"Nite Henry."
He kissed Elsa's cheek and walked out the door.
*** FYI DDR is still awesome and so is Salt n Peppa. Push it, push it real good🎶🎶🎤🎶🎶
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softjeon · 6 years
Through the Veil | Pt. 6
• Pairing: Yoongi x Jungkook • Genre: Angst / Fluff | demon!AU (→  Gifset Trailer) • Words: 9k | Co-Writer: Cat @cassiavioletblue​ ↳ (AO3) • Disclaimer: mentioning of alcohol and violence / death / graphic content
↳ Jungkook is pretty sure that he is a normal human being, but he is also sure that this book, he got from his grandma, is a cookbook. So when it turns out that the words he's reciting are not to cook some tasty meal but to summon something from the depth of the underworld - then maybe there are a few more suprises for him in stock. « previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter »
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He had flown faster that he ever had before but you couldn't just transport yourself to hell like you could do on earth, so he had no other choice. He was gasping, coughing, lungs burning and clothes soaked with Jungkook's blood when he stumbled onto Persephone's forecourt, collapsing into the dirt and wings tumbling into a mess of feathers and dirt.
“Persephone!” He yelled, not even caring for decency or addressing her properly or for the hellhounds that could be around, just waiting to attack any unwanted guests. The goddess had noticed the return of her demon right away, had felt his presence. A smile appeared on her lips, as she closed her eyes, listening to his pleas. She followed his call slowly, walking down the stairs of her palace with mindful steps, taking her sweet time until she stood right in front of her demon.
“I see you have returned,” The goddess said and kneeled, to look at the bleeding boy right away. Just when she reached out for him, wanting to push a strand of hair aside, to take a closer look Jungkook gasped loudly, coughing and curling in on himself. A painful scream escaped his lungs and his breath came in short pants. Jungkook couldn’t focus, couldn’t see what was in front of him as he tried to pull himself closer to Yoongi, stammering his name quietly.
Out of a sudden a loud yowling sound came from one of the hellhounds around and the goddess looked up, feeling the air getting thicker around them, the temperature cooling down. “Death is coming,” She whispered, turning her head to Yoongi again.
“Help us! Please!” He was beyond begging, desperation laced through every word. He was holding onto Jungkook so tightly as if he could keep him alive if he just held him together. Or as if he himself would fall apart the second he let go. “Please, I’m sorry for vanishing, I couldn’t - I’ll explain everything, I’d do whatever you ask later just please, please, keep him safe! Don’t let death have him! It’s not his fault! It wasn’t his time - I - I’m sure I fucked up his timeline somehow just please - do something!” Yoongi shuddered violently when he felt death approaching.
They had crossed paths before, not like this, but Yoongi had seen him from afar, from the safety of the distance and an aerial point of view. He had seen the hood, the dark cowl and the blackness underneath, first thinking that it was shadows covering up deaths face. Until it had looked up. Even from that far away Yoongi had felt the cold creeping into his heart and making it clench. There were no shadows or darkness covering death’s face. Its face was the darkness. Just like its voice was the silence. Not just any silence and definitely not the comfortable one. You would know when death spoke because it was a silence so thick, so potent you felt like you had gone deaf during those seconds, until he stopped speaking and you remembered what hearing was again. Yoongi had been scared, he hadn’t admitted it to himself back then but he admitted it now. But he was only scared for Jungkook, scared of losing him. Not for his own safety.
So he stayed where he was, holding Jungkook tight, gently rocking him back and forth as if he was an injured child that just needed comfort to get all better, all the while trying to feed the younger all the energy he had. It didn’t work. It was as if the connection between them was brittle and full of holes, most of the energy trickling away uselessly. And his source wasn’t endless, he only had that much to spare before he would start dying himself. Also his energy was that of a demons and it was like trying to run a car with a wrong fuel, one could maybe dilute it with some other source a little, but as soon as the real source of fuel would go below a certain level or the percentage of the wrong fuel was too high - then it could mean damage beyond repair.
Persephone cocked her head to the side, looking from her servant down to the boy, who was shivering. She felt the love that Yoongi was radiating, the fear and the hope he had in her. The goddess had seen where Yoongi had been the last weeks, had observed him closely, seeing the way that angelic boy made one of her strongest demons fall in love. She had never imagined it to be Yoongi out of all people. He probably didn’t even knew it himself, yet.
A smile appeared on her lips and she nodded. “You are in my debt, Yoongi,” She stood up and turned around, just when death stood in front of her. The goddess greeted him with a bow of her head. Yoongi shivered, the presence of both a goddess and death itself too much for his own being. He couldn’t imagine how Jungkook must feel.
Jungkook weakly blinked his eyes open, his bloody hand reaching out for Yoongi when he felt a snap and a painful ache. He wasn’t aware of his surrounding, nor did he notice who was standing next to him, because Jungkook was using his last strength to focus on the demon. “Yo- your wings, Yoongi,” Jungkook stammered, his whole body shaking, “-are dirty, ‘cause of me.” Another snap and Jungkook screamed out, before nothing else but whimpers escaped his body. “I…I can’t feel...y-you,” Jungkook coughed up some blood, “Don’t…don’t leave me.”
“Shh.. sht..don’t worry, it’s alright, baby... it’s alright…,” His voice was trembling so much and Jungkook looked so far gone that he was certain the boy wouldn't hear him at all. But he still kept talking, still kept trying to soothe him even though he had no idea what he was even doing or if there was the slightest chance of being able to save Jungkook.
Persephone turned around and with a whip of her hand she made Yoongi tore his gaze off Jungkook and look up at her, “Death and I, we came to an agreement. So it is possible to safe your little friend.” The word ‘friend’ had a certain tone to it that made pretty clear that she knew how important the angel-boy was to Yoongi. Which made her next statement so much more cruel, “But I am not quite sure why I should ask death to do as you asked. I mean it’s not like I care about him anyway. Tell me, why should I do it exactly? What are you offering me in return, demon?”
Yoongi’s eyes went wide when his heartbeat went into tumbling from the pure joy of knowing that he might be able to safe Jungkook from certain death to the sheer horror of maybe losing Jungkook nonetheless. “I.. I can…,” His mind was utterly blank. He couldn't offer himself because he was Persephone’s anyway, her servant once and for all. He wouldn’t offend her by offering her what she already owned. But he had no idea what the goddess might want. He knew that Jungkook’s time was running out, he could feel it in the way Jungkook lost blood faster than he could feed him with energy, slowly but surely the sand in Jungkook's hourglass came to an end. “No matter what it is you want, no matter what you want to have. I promise - I swear that I will do everything , anything within my power and beyond to get it for you! I don’t care how or what or when, I will get it for you if it's the last thing I’m doing. You know me. You can always kill me if I try to wrong you. There’s nothing you can lose from this, just...just winning. Just...please. Please make him stay alive!”
Persephone smirked at Yoongi’s willingness to do anything to save his love. “I want the angels book!” The goddess ordered and when the demon nodded, she walked around to him and let death do his part. Jungkook had fainted over and over again, holding onto the last bit of strength he had, when he noticed the cold air and he instinctively wanted to scoot closer to Yoongi, seeking for the warmth but he didn’t move. He couldn’t.
Persephone put a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder and spoke softly, “You have to let him go or else death can’t help you. He will be okay, I promise.” Despite knowing he needed to act fast and that he had no other choice than trusting the goddess and her deal with death blindly he couldn’t get himself to let go of Jungkook. His fingers trembled, heartbeat stuttering like a broken engine at just the thought of leaving Jungkook in deaths hands he was unable to move until Persephone placed her hand on his shoulder. His muscles went lax immediately, as if they weren’t his to control. He watched in agony as the dark figure took over from him, cradling Jungkook in its arms and handling him like a rag doll. Jungkook’s head fell back, baring his throat and Yoongi whimpered pathetically. His body was slowly turning numb from the cold that came with death’s closeness and irrational he wanted to put a jacket over Jungkook to keep him from being cold too - while there were greater risks for the boy’s life than that right now.
Yoongi watched as death leaned over the lifeless boy, the darkness under the cloak swirling as if it was alive - and then it enveloped Jungkook's face. With dread the demon realized that death was kissing him, pushing the soul back into his body or breathing the life back into him he didn’t know. He only hoped that what he just witnessed wasn’t the creature sucking the soul right out of Jungkook or else he was swearing on his soul he would lay the underworld in ashes to take revenge for his love.
“Oh, he will eat him,” A croaky old voice said and danced around Yoongi, followed by another who was swirling around on one foot, singing a song way out of tune. A third one appeared under Yoongi’s wing, her eyes were hollow, and she screamed as if she was the one aching. Yoongi had jerked violently when the voice had appeared suddenly out of nowhere so close to his ear. He hated the witches with a passion but it made sense that they were here. They had been around for practically forever, so whenever something interesting happened they made sure to experience it first hand. And apparently they were mostly excited by pain and suffering. So Jungkook in his half-dead- state must seem like desert to them. “So tasty,” One whispered in Yoongi’s ear, while one was looking up at death in awe but she had no eyes either. “He will take him, he will take him,” She repeated over and over again, when suddenly a bright light was illuminating the scene, making them flee as fast they had appeared. Even Persephone was shielding her eyes.
The goddess gasped, watching how Yoongi screamed out out of a sudden, clutching his heart in pain. Suddenly everything was too loud. He could hear the giggles of the grey witches in the distance, Jungkook’s scream, the pain and the love. He could see everything flash by his eyes, every little detail, every moment up until he had seen him for the first time. The bond was repairing itself, making itself stronger and was pulling him back in. The demon felt like a plaything, tossed around between greater powers that he had no idea how to deal with. Nonetheless he stayed were he was, ignoring his own helplessness and pushing down the fear because he would go with anything as long as it made Jungkook better.
Persephone watched in interest before walking over to death, who offered Jungkook over into her arms. Watching how the boy was glowing made her smile. This was powerful magic, and she wondered how the boy had been able to work this kind of powers. Despite all the blood on his clothes, his skin was full off color again, his cheeks were rose dusted, and she could hear how the heart was trying to beat again. Walking over to her demon, she carefully kneeled again. She gave Jungkook over to Yoongi and observed carefully. She had never seen a bond quite like this.
When Persephone allowed him to hold Jungkook again he immediately latched onto him, doing his hardest not to start snarling with death still around and the witches somewhere near. He was too afraid to check for the boys pulse, still shaken with how he had sensed it fading before so he kneeled there awkwardly, body trembling from everything, the emotions, the sensory overload, just too much in general, until he could feel Jungkook breathe again.
Jungkook gasped forcefully, his eyes wide in fear, choking on the first deep breath he took. His heart was beating wildly against his chest and his mind was racing. He screamed out, wanting to get away from whoever he was holding, not realizing it was Yoongi only seeing the pain and the fear in front of his eyes. But he was so weak, couldn’t even try, couldn't understand what had happened. Jungkook screamed out for Yoongi, his vision still blurry making him feel dizzy. He screamed out for him to help him, to not leave him but even his voice was too weak, and it was reducing him to a shivering, crying, cold mess.
“Jungkook..Kookie…,” When the younger didn’t listen, didn’t see, him although he was right in front of him and still holding him to his chest his heart ached painfully. There was confusion written all over Jungkooks face, the panic and pain literally blinding him and so Yoongi took unusual measures to calm him down. He leaned over him and started to kiss his face, just a brush of his lips but he hoped that it would pull him out of his shock and help him come back to his senses. Maybe the underworld was what was making him shake so much or it was the contact with death or the almost-dying but Yoongi swore that he would make it better, that he would help the younger be ok again. He had crossed so many lines tonight there was nothing else holding him back anymore, no caution, no fear or insecurity. He would do whatever Jungkook needed to make sure that he felt safe and loved and as alive as he still was.
Jungkook stilled, closing his eyes on instinct when he felt the familiar warmth on his cheeks, nose and then his lips. His breathing got a little calmer, though his heart was still beating hard against his chest. Jungkook snapped his eyes open just when death disappeared, and Persephone turned her back on Yoongi, strolling back into her palace.
Jungkook stammered, the words not really coming out, his whole body shaking as he reached out for Yoongi’s face, “Wh- what happened?” The tears were falling down his face so quickly, there was no time to stop it, so Jungkook curled in on himself, his arms tightly wrapped around Yoongi’s neck. “I’m…scared,” Jungkook whimpered weakly.
“Sh...shst, it’s fine you’re safe, it’s okay, you’re ok, Jungkookie,” He let the younger cling onto him although the tight grip was painfully digging into his neck. “Take a breath, just breathe through it, baby, I’ve got you. Nothing will…,” His voice broke, how could he tell him that nothing would happen to him as long as Yoongi was around when he had let Jungkook get stabbed about twenty minutes away from the apartment?
“Nothing can hurt you any longer. I’ve got you. You’re safe here...now,” He was keeping his mouth shut about where exactly they were on purpose and also what had been done to keep the boy from dying. There was no point in shocking or traumatizing him further, he would tell him where they were later when he was better, calm and stable enough to not risk getting heart failure from pure stress. He couldn’t imagine what he body must have gone through. But the blood on his clothes still spoke for itself. “Can I pick you up, sweety? I’d like to get you to another place where I can clean you out. Would that be okay? Or do you wanna stay still for a little while. I’m not sure if you’re dizzy...How are you feeling, Kookie. Is it...can you talk?”
Jungkook nodded, his voice only a whisper, “Y- yes.” He could feel how Yoongi wrapped his arms a little closer around him, lifting him up and Jungkook hid himself in the demon’s neck. He felt so weak, not really able to move a muscle. Jungkook was sobbing quietly, feeling so utterly helpless. The warmth of Yoongi’s body was keeping him warm and he was soaking in it like a sponge. Jungkook had lost so much blood and even though death had fully restored him, his body needed to get back into its normal state. He could feel himself drift off a little, his head nodding away but Jungkook jerked up again only to let his eyes fall shut again.
When Yoongi realized how weak the other was, drifting in and out of consciousness he was cradling Jungkook closer towards him, stabilising his head like one would do with a little child so that he couldn’t strain his neck. He softened his steps, trying to balance out his movements as much as possible so Jungkook could sleep. Flying wasn’t an option. He had lost too much energy when trying to heal Jungkook, he could barely walk. But he tried to not let it show. And the pure relief that he felt over Jungkook being still alive and with him helped him push through the exhaustion. Still he was incredibly glad when he finally reached his cavern. It was dark until Yoongi stretched out his wings as far as he could, activating the bioluminescent lichens that covered most of the walls. Of course there were also homes that looked more like human houses or palasts in the underworld - Persephone's place was light and bright and completely like the temple she had lived in on the surface - but Yoongi’s had this cavern like forever and he didn’t mind living in it. He hoped Jungkook wouldn’t be horrified by it. Especially because the water in the lake in the inner part of the cavern was cold and deep and dark like a subterranean lake in the human world would have been.
Jungkook woke again when he noticed the darkness surrounding him and he panicked for a second, jerking up before he relaxed again, feeling Yoongi’s presence still around him. He blinked his eyes open, focusing on the new surrounding. “Wh-where are we?” Jungkook murmured, wiping away a few off his tears when he suddenly had a really bad thought that he didn’t dare to speak. Instead he sobbed against Yoongi’s shoulder, crying out because everything just hurt, and he felt so dirty, letting Yoongi move him like a doll.
“We’re home. At...at my place. I know you’re not used to live like this but it’s convenient and…,” Jungkook’s silent tears fell onto his skin and he stopped when the younger started sobbing, “What is it? Are you in pain? Are you hurting? I can try to heal you...or at least numb the pain. Just let me got you to the bed, I will take care of it, hold on, please, just a little while longer. Can you do that for me please? I know you are strong so...please hold on for a little while longer.” There was no way that he would be able to take away Jungkook’s pain completely or else he would have done that already, he had lost too much energy. But if he wanted to continue to carry Jungkook he needed the last bits of his strength. If he wanted to take care of Jungkook then he couldn’t lose what kept him conscious. But he could clean the younger up, then let him sleep - and then form his dreams. Not to feed but to send him beautiful, relaxing and comfortable dreams that would have him resting under perfect conditions.
“N-no I’m not hurt…anymore,” Jungkook said, still not understanding himself how that was possible. He gulped heavily, gazing back at Yoongi when he spoke up, “Am I dead? Is…is this why I’m here?” Jungkook sighed in relief when Yoongi shook his head, repeating his words and telling him he was in the demon’s home. Jungkook let his gaze wander around when Yoongi carefully put the boy back on his own two feet. He was struggling a bit at first, but Jungkook got back his footing and held onto Yoongi’s shoulders to keep his balance only letting go when Yoongi made him do so to pull the shirt off of him.
“I will tell you everything in detail after you’ve rested for a bit. You’re really exhausted, aren’t you? Let me just take care of everything else,“ He opened Jungkook’s pants, carefully pulling on the material that had almost become completely stiff and crusted over with dried blood. When he had managed to pull both Jungkook’s pants and boxers over the boys narrow hips he guided him to sit so that he wouldn’t fall over with standing on his own and Yoongi could remove all of his clothing more securely.
Jungkook whimpered when he felt Yoongi pulling down all off his clothes, a blush creeping up his cheeks, but he was too much in a daze too fight it. All off his clothes were soaked in blood anyways. Jungkook looked up at Yoongi with big, vulnerable eyes, wrapping his arms around his chest, not noticing the dark marks that adorned his skin where the knife had stabbed him. All he could feel was the dirt, the dried blood and the fear in his bones.
As a demon Yoongi didn’t really have a concept of ‘decency’ the same way Jungkook had and so he didn’t think Jungkook could have something against being naked considering it was a non-sexual context and all Yoongi was doing was cleaning him. While Jungkook had stood up for the demon to better get a grip on his body and hoist him up Yoongi himself had only gotten rid of his shirt  - not because he wanted to cover himself up but because he would have time to clean himself properly later when Jungkook was asleep and getting the other to that point as quickly as possible was his priority right now.
Jungkook hid in Yoongi’s neck the moment the other lifted him up again, carrying him into the water. Yoongi warned the younger with whispered words about the cold, letting him adjust to the temperature. While it held the risk of lowering his blood pressure it also could help to numb the pain a little so Yoongi didn’t try to heat the water up like he otherwise might have done. Jungkook whined nonetheless when Yoongi let him down, the cold creeping into his skin and Jungkook was seeking the closeness of Yoongi instinctively. Jungkook bit his bottom lip to try to stop the twitching and keep himself from shaking. He let out a deep breath, his eyes met his dark, intense ones. The younger one let Yoongi wash most off his body, his hands carefully caressing over his face, removing every bit off bloody detail.
When Yoongi had cleaned Jungkook of blood and dirt he carefully tried to clean the stab wound itself who had healed over quickly but was still visible in the form of a deep scar right where the knife had sunk in. Around it were some ugly dark lines and Yoongi tried to cleanse the skin with pure water over and over again until he realized that it wasn’t dirt. The marks had seeped into Jungkookies skin, staining it permanently. A shiver ran through his body as he figured out what it probably was.
‘Touched by death’.
He had heard about this, about people having marks when they had gotten too close to death but he had thought it to be the kind of rumors that even mythical creatures liked to gossip about. Just that it wasn’t that, a rumor. It was painted sharp and clear into Jungkook's skin. Yoongi was only glad that Jungkook was too out of it to notice anything but he dreaded the moment when he would have to tell him what had happened and that there were visible signs left on his body. Even with him having a little bit of angel in him, Jungkookie was still mortal after all.
Yoongi had taken care of Jungkook so carefully, as if he was scared the younger one could break any moment again. The cold water had waken Jungkook up a little more and he reached out for the towel himself when the demon had wanted to dry him up. “Please,” Jungkook whispered, “Let me…let me do that. Can you…get me some water?” When he saw the hesitation in the other’s eyes, he tried a faint smile, “I am okay, please…I just need a moment and I am thirsty.” Jungkook really was, it felt like his throat was burning, making his voice raspier than it normally sounded.
Yoongi was hesitant to let him alone but as Jungkook kept on asking he thought that doing as he wished and getting him some water couldn’t be as dangerous as stressing him out and upsetting him if he continued to refuse him a few seconds for himself. He regretted that decision right away though. When Yoongi came back, the demon found him covering his face with his hands whole body shaking with his sobs. He had put on the pants the demon had laid out for him and when he had wanted to pull over the shirt, Jungkook had noticed the scars. The black marks making them even more visible. He sunk in on himself, only gazing up when he could feel Yoongi right before him. “I feel…so weak,” He stammered, “I’m so tired, I am so sorry. I can’t...”
Yoongi felt the tears prickling in his eyes at how broken and completely lost Jungkook looked and he tried his hardest to appear calm and collected. Jungkook needed him for support and as someone to lean onto. He could break down later when he had made sure that Jungkook was okay but for now there was no time for letting himself get overwhelmed with emotions.
“It’s ok, Jungkookie, I know it’s a lot right now. But try not to think about anything, please. I’ll explain everything later and you can ask or tell me whatever you need. Really, I will answer all of your questions and try to ease all of your fears, I promise. But for now let's get you to bed, okay? You’re gonna drink some water, I’m gonna get you a fluffy blanket and then you’re gonna fall asleep, safe and sound. You’ll feel stronger when you wake up. That sounds like a good plan, doesn’t it?” He tried to be as convincing as he could, gently pushing Jungkook in the direction of the room that held his bed, following deeper into the cavern.
Jungkook stumbled along, nodding absently but so thankful for the presence of the demon. “I trust you,” The younger one stammered, meaning every word of it. He did. He knew that the demon would tell him what he wanted to know as soon as he was rested. Jungkook could feel it in his heart. When Yoongi stopped in front of a stone ledge, the younger one cocked his head to the side. He took the water from Yoongi, not minding that it was in a little bowl and drank it before he said something. “It’s stone,” Jungkook simply stated but sat down nonetheless. It felt rough and nothing like his bed at home. “Yeah, it’s stone,” Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, half trying to defend his living conditions, half feeling guilty for it and apologizing. “The under…,” He bit his tongue “Where I life getting a comfy home isn’t a guarantee and I don’t mind it. I will try to get you something better for tomorrow or create it if I have to. So you won't have to sleep like this for long.”
“Will you stay?” Looking up with his doe eyes, Jungkook’s voice was pleading for Yoongi to keep close to him, “I don’t want to be alone.” Yoongi’s eyes grew soft when Jungkook asked him to stay, voice small as if he wasn’t sure Yoongi would actually do it. “Of course I’ll stay if you want that. I’ll have to get up later to clean myself too but apart from that I plan on staying the whole night with you and making sure that you’re okay. So, don’t worry. No one can get to you. Not tonight. I promise.”
“Okay,” Jungkook simply said and made himself comfortable as much as he could on the cold stone. His mind was drifting off the second he had closed his eyes, that’s how tired he felt, not even waiting for Yoongi to get next to him. Jungkook pulled his legs in further, his hand under his cheek as he was starting to dream, but before any nightmares could sneak into his mind, Yoongi was next to him, making sure all he felt was warmth and safety. Jungkook sighed snuggling in closer to the demon’s chest and since he was laying next to the other in his dream as well, right in the middle of a beautiful, blooming meadow, with the blue sky surrounding them, the boy didn’t even notice when the demon slipped out of ‘bed’.
Yoongi waited for Jungkook’s breath to even out before he gently took a look into his mind. It was incredibly easy to manipulate him, mind as vulnerable as his body right now. It made him hesitate to leave the younger alone because if he could do it as easily then someone else would be able to do that too. Someone who might not have an interest in sending Jungkook calming, relaxing dreams that made him feel better and forget the pain but...Incubi maybe. Or Night-mares (not the bad dreams, but their embodiment, the one with a physical form, that sat on your chest and who gave ‘bad dreams’ their name). But he was feeling horrible with Jungkook's blood on his skin so he took a deep breath and sneaked off to wash himself in the cold lake. Jungkook turned on the cold stone, feeling a bit restless without the demon and the normally comfortable mattress that he had at home. He pulled the blanket a little closer over his body as he was missing the warmth of Yoongi’s body next to him.
Yoongi cleaned himself quick and roughly, scrubbing at the skin until his former pale complexion was red and raw. But no matter how often he cleaned himself he still felt as if the warm blood that had been seeping out of Jungkook's wound was running over his skin constantly. He shivered from the cold when he got back, taking the next best clothes to get something warm and then cuddling himself under the covers with a few inches between him and Jungkook to not scare him off or awake with the cold. Jungkook felt his presence nonetheless, cuddling closer as if Yoongi was what he was searching for in his dreams. The dream kept him safe though and he was happily picking flowers, making a little flower crown to keep himself occupied in his own dream. Jungkook gazed up when Yoongi stepped next to him again and he smiled innocently. When Yoongi kneeled down beside him, Jungkook put it on his head, surprised that the demon let him do so willingly, because even in his dreams the other was mostly hesitant or at least gave him a comment about something, making the flowers wither, but not tonight.
When Yoongi laid down beside Jungkook again, the younger one reached out for him, whining quietly in his sleep mumbling something about wanting to be closer. Just when Yoongi was pulling him in and on his chest, Persephone appeared right next to the bed out of thin air. She was hovering over the ground, not there but just a projection of herself, a ghost-like form that she used sometimes. “My demon,” Persephone said in a whispery sing-song tone, “I see you have your companion back.” She let her hand hover over Jungkook’s body, and the young boy instinctively hid his face in Yoongi’s chest. “Tomorrow,” She said gazing at the demon, “Bring me the book and your debt will be settled.”  Reaching out for Yoongi this time, she let her hand caress over his cheek and leaned in to kiss the demon on his hair. Yoongi could feel the energy rush through his veins and he bowed in faithfulness. “You’ve been very brave today,” She whispered before she disappeared again.
Yoongi was caught between exhaustion and relief, sleepiness and too much adrenaline in his system. Persephone's visit seemed like a dream and only when he felt her ‘gift’ replenishing his life energy did he realize that she was actually there, checking up on them with the kind of curiosity that was entirely her; child-like wonder, devoid of moral rules and entirely unpredictable in its manifestation. Yoongi tried to stay awake a little longer, in case she came back and wanted to see what exactly about Jungkook was so special but now that his body was healing and warm and relaxed there was no way he could fight sleep.
Jungkook didn’t know for how long he was sleeping and he didn’t care. His body needed rest and the time to fully heal. He only woke up from the uncomfortableness of the stone beneath him and jerked away when he remembered parts of what had happened last night. Jungkook carefully got out of Yoongi’s embrace without disturbing the other’s sleep and got up, looking up in awe as he saw the beauty of the cave. It was far more mesmerizing in daylight and Jungkook let his gaze wander over all the stalagmites and stalactites that were decorating the cavern.
He kept wandering around, seeing the lake shimmering beautifully under the light. Jungkook kneeled to dip his hand into the cold water, before he walked further where the light was coming from. At the opening of the cave, Jungkook gasped when he saw over a beautiful landscape. His mind still couldn’t comprehend where he was and maybe Jungkook just didn’t want to say it out loud... though it was very obvious.
It took Yoongi about as long to wake up as it took for his subconscious to register that Jungkook had left the bed. He pushed down the terror that attacked his senses immediately, refusing to let his mind wander down ‘what-if’-lane (What if death got him after all? What if Jungkook got scared and ran out blindly, being picked up by the very next creature who had him as his next meal? What if...) He had scrambled to his feet, throat too tight to even call out for the boy, walking to each and every place inside of the cavern that he had been to yesterday with Jungkook by his side, meaning the younger might have remembered it and went to it alone for some unknown reason. The longer he searched, the faster did his heart beat against the inside of his ribcage and the quicker he was walking, almost running, around. Finally, at the end of his wit and ready to go and search for Jungkook in the whole underworld he saw a dark, Jungkook-shaped silhouette standing at the entry of the cavern, faceless against the bright light that came into the darker cave. He relaxed visibly, taking it slow, now that he knew the boy was safe, trying to figure out what exactly he was doing there.
Jungkook was looking up at the sky, or what supposedly should have been the sky when someone or rather something was flying close over the cavern, letting out a screech that was painful to his hearing, making Jungkook jerk back in surprise bumping right into Yoongi, which made him scream out in surprise. “Yoongi!” Jungkook said a little out of breath as he took a few measured steps away from the entry. Jungkook looked at the demon with big eyes, “Am…am I in hell? Is this hell? You said this is your home, right? Am I dead?” He was panicking the moment he had said it out loud and he reached out for the demon, “Why am I here? Where am I?”
Yoongi placed his hands left and right on Jungkook's shoulder and tried to keep him still because he seemed awfully panicky. He had no idea what high blood pressure would do to his wound and if death would come to save him again if it got serious. Probably not.
“No, you are not dead. And you are not in hell. Technically. Not...really. It’s the underworld. Hell is like...how should I explain it…it’s like one floor below? Just with energy levels? It’s not nice there. Here in the underworld - like you don’t need to die to be here? While it’s necessary if you want to go to hell. Except if you are a demon. Or use magic. Or… well, it’s complicated. But I can definitely tell you that you are alive and safe and with me. I didn’t lie when i said that I’ve taken you home with me. This is my home.”
Jungkook gulped heavily, trying to comprehend everything Yoongi had said. The thought of being in the underworld felt a little bit unsettling and Jungkook moved a little closer to Yoongi. “What happened yesterday?” Jungkook asked carefully, the memories off the pain and fear flooding his mind, “Why didn’t I die? I couldn’t feel you anymore? Why did you bring me here?”
Yoongi bit his lip, contemplating how much he could tell Jungkook without shaking him even further. Although his voice was stable his widened eyes and the light tremor in his form gave away how fragile Jungkook was right now. Yoongi had no idea if there were any specific aftereffects of almost-dying but he was pretty certain that it would fuck with your mind and body alike. “Why don’t we sit down first, hm?” He didn’t want to prolong Jungkooks state of confusion so he plopped down right where he was, reaching out for Jungkook's hand and gently pulling him down with him. If Jungkook was sitting he couldn’t faint - or run - that easily. Who knew how he would react.
“The short version is: You got stabbed. I don’t know why they chose you or what they wanted from you but whatever went down in their crazy heads it doesn’t matter anymore. They can’t hurt you ever again. They’re dead. Your injury was...pretty serious-,” Maybe if he avoided words like ‘fatal’ or ‘deadly’ he could make it sound less serious, “- and I couldn't heal you on my own so I took you here. I never told you what exactly I did before you...before I met you. I was in service of Persephone…you might know her as a goddess, there are lots of stories around her, about her relationship with her mum and Hades and pomegranates - just don’t ask her anything about that if you meet her, please, she can be sensitive about that stuff. No one likes to be reminded of your mistakes. Anyway, I asked her to help me save you. And she did. But she asked of something in return. And even though it wasn’t really my place to say yes I did. Because I was afraid of losing you. You understand that, right? That I didn’t do it to hurt you but to save you?”
Yoongi had hesitated to say it out loud because he knew that Jungkook had loved his grandma deeply and still did and that anything of her that he still had was special to him “She wants to have the book. With which you summoned me. You...can’t really do anything with it anyways now that it’s gone blank, right? And...I’m sure you can... I don’t know...look at it? While we’re here? Maybe?” He was rambling but he dreaded Jungkook’s reaction, afraid the younger might start crying or yell at him or tell him he hated him for what he had did. And he hadn’t even mentioned death and its involvement in all this yet. When exactly had he started to care for Jungkook's opinion so much? Since when was he more afraid of hurting Jungkook than offending Persephone? This was a dangerous development and he sure needed to watch his steps.
There was a lot for Jungkook to take in, his fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt nervously while he listened to everything the other said. Jungkook had heard of Persephone before, had read about her in school but it never crossed his mind that someone like her exist. Well, he hadn’t thought either that demons did exist or angels for that matter. Jungkook didn’t notice the tears that were falling until they fell on his cheek and he hastily dabbed them away, bringing up his shirt in the process. He saw how Yoongi’s eyes shifted downwards for a second again and it reminded him of the scars that he had seen last night. Jungkook got on his knees so he could look at his stomach more closely, letting his finger trace over the dark mark. “Is this… is this why I have this? The dark mark, I mean?” Jungkook shook his head, the memories flooding back into his mind. It could be the only explanation, while he couldn’t remember a third person with him. He couldn’t remember death, was too far gone to notice him in that moment. Only remembering the feeling of being so cold, feeling so utterly helpless had made itself a home in his heart. So, the only explanation he had was that it had been some kind of dark and strong magic.
When Yoongi told him what he had promised Persephone, he just nodded his head. Of course he was sad, but he had other things that reminded him of her. He wasn’t mad at the demon, there was something else on his mind that bothered him way more. “Yoongi, you could have been free?” Jungkook said with big eyes, shifting a little closer to his demon. He reached out to cup his cheeks, making him look up, “You could have just let me die…and be free… You’re a demon! You….,” Suddenly the tears came fast and Jungkook was searching Yoongi’s eyes, his voice barely a whisper, “Why?”
Yoongi was taken back at Jungkook’s suggestion. And then he realized that the younger was right. Not that long ago he would have done anything to get free and was even considering getting Jungkookie in dangerous situations to get him harmed and possibly break the bond with that. But then, when he had actually watched him dying the bond hadn’t even crossed his mind. Only the horror about the younger one ceasing to exist had filled his senses and he had known for sure that he would do whatever it took to stop that from happening.
“I.. I don’t know?” He stumbled over his words and then realized what he had just been saying and that Jungkook, poor, sensitive Jungkookie could take it wrong way so he added, “ Of course I know why I saved you, I just wanted to make sure that you don’t… I mean you haven’t… I wanted…” He had wondered before when exactly he had started to care about the boy so much but it was even more difficult to explain that to Jungkook. Because if he was honest he didn’t understand it himself. He wasn’t supposed to care that much. And especially not for the reasons he did. Maybe if he had saved Jungkookie to get to taste his soul himself, that would be a demon reason to save him. But he would be lying to himself if he said that this is why he had done it. Suddenly his world revolved around Jungkook as if it had always been like that. When he woke up his first instinct was to look for him and when he fell asleep and Jungkook wasn’t with him he was aching to feel the youngers body by his side. His warmth. The comfort it brought to simply know that he was there. Jungkook was...so much more than just some random human being. And not because the angel blood thing made him special. To Yoongi he was the most extraordinary person anyway, angel blood or not. In the end he just looked at Jungkook a little sheepishly, confessing, “I guess I was scared about how it would feel to be without you. So, you could say I saved you for entirely selfish reasons.”
Jungkook let one hand caress down Yoongi’s neck while he wiped away the few tears that had still spilled over away, “Well…I’m glad that you did.” Biting his lip, he averted his gaze putting his hands back onto his knees as he tried to look everywhere but Yoongi. “You can take the book. It’s okay, I am not mad, really,” Jungkook reassured the demon, kind of wanting to fill the awkward silence between them two. Yoongi liked him. Jungkook’s heart was skipping a beat and he almost forgot how to breathe.
Before he could think about it too long, Jungkook jumped into Yoongi’s embrace with that much enthusiasm that it made the demon fall over and on his back. Jungkook hid his face in the crook of Yoongi’s neck, trying to fight the urge to cry again. Instead he placed a soft but quick kisses on Yoongi’s collarbone, then his neck, jawline and cheek before he smiled at the demon beneath him.
Yoongi couldn’t just watch Jungkookie cry like this so he was about to reach out when the younger chose to hug him that exact moment. Yoongi had made a surprised little sound that broke off when he landed on his back and the breath left his lungs because Jungkook landing on him made it a little difficult to breathe. The kisses he got made up for it though.
The demon didn’t dare to move a muscle while Jungkook kissed him in a way that could have been considered sexual or teasing if the younger wasn’t as utterly innocent as he was. Yoongi knew that he shouldn’t read too much into it and that it was just Jungkook’s way of seeking skinship and closeness, no intention behind the kisses but to show Yoongi his joy and gratitude. He shouldn’t act on it. Like at all. But he only had so much self control. So when Jungkook was about to pull back he kept him from moving away with a hand in his hair and another one placed on his lower back, pulling him back in gently and kissing him like he had wanted to for a while: on his lips, insistent, with as much pressure that the younger opened his mouth a little and let him in.
Jungkook sighed, loving the taste of Yoongi’s lips way too much. He felt like he was getting addicted way too fast and he couldn’t control anything anymore. He was Yoongi’s to do with as he pleased. A moan slipped from his lips and Yoongi gracefully pushed Jungkook around, caging the younger one in. Opening his eyes, Jungkook let his hands wander up to Yoongi’s chest, biting his lip in excitement this time. Jungkook couldn’t help but giggle when the demon leaned in again, kissing him so hungrily and the boy felt like he couldn’t breathe and Yoongi had the air he needed to survive. He needed him. Close. Way closer. The pleasure rippled through him way too easily, making his cheeks flush red. The bond was pulsating between them, sending sparks through their veins.
Yoongi groaned low in his throat when Jungkook kissed him back, giggling and carefree as if it was a game to him. It was difficult to resist him when he was initiating skinship - but it was kinda impossible when he reciprocated Yoongi’s kisses so eagerly. The demon was trying to hold back as much as he could and still he wanted more and more...
“Don’t do that Jungkook...don’t kiss me back when you don’t want me to seduce you properly. Someday I might not be able to stay rational and then I’m gonna show you what pleasure feels like. The kind of pleasure where you’re gonna end up in ecstasy,” He closed his eyes for a second, suppressing a shiver at the thought of Jungkook below him, arching up against him, heady with lust and arousal, looking so sinfully perfect like this, willing and needy…
Jungkook was breathing heavily underneath the other, pulling him in further. “Maybe I want you to,” His voice was barely audible and Jungkook closed his eyes, when he couldn’t help but giggle again, hearing the desperate groan coming from Yoongi. It sounded so low, so breathy, so…so hot. “Yoongi,” Jungkook whispered his name against the demon’s lips, feeling dizzy from the pleasure and the heat. When the demon kissed down his neck, letting his tongue trail over his sensitive skin, Jungkook jerked his eyes open, moaning and arching his back into Yoongi’s body.
“Fuck!” Yoongi couldn't help but curse under his breath when the hard planes of Jungkooks body pressed against him like that. How could someone be so utterly sweet and oblivious to what exactly he was doing to Yoongi? Who allowed him to act like this and handle his body so unreservedly sexy when Yoongi knew damn well that the absolute most Jungkook had done with anyone before was making out behind some school building? Except this here of course. And if he wasn’t careful then Yoongi was about to broaden Jungkook’s horizon a little and…
The second he felt another magical presence appearing he stretched out his wings, shielding Jungkook with both them and his body, rather risking to get injured himself than watching Jungkook bleed again. When nothing happened he only warily disengaged from Jungkook, turning around to see who had appeared at the entry of his cavern. With an amused look on his snout there was one of underworld inhabitants standing leaned against some stalagmit and waiting for Yoongi to get up and properly greet him. Yoongi growled at him and deemed that proper enough.
“What do you want?” He spat at him and only then noticed the confused look on Jungkook’s face. Right. Jungkook probably didn’t see jackal-headed-creatures on a daily basis. The creatures fur was a shiny black with some lighter fur pattern around his eyes and throat. They looked friendly and amiable but Yoongi knew better. They had claws just as sharp as his and those jaws could rip a persons head right off if they wanted to. That’s what made them Persephone’s favoured messengers; they were easy to send and easy to talk to but if something went wrong they could handle it just as casually. “Don’t worry, he won’t harm you,” He whispered as quietly to Jungkook but from the amused glint in the creatures eyes he had heard him anyways - and they both knew that if Persephone would decide to change his mind Jungkook was a very easy prey for someone like him. Jungkook’s heart was beating wildly and he had reached out for Yoongi on instinct, having a tight grip on his shirt. He nodded anxiously, still lying underneath the demon.
“I’m coming to tell you to get the book. Preferably an hour ago. Her majesty is waiting,” It was strange to see human words coming out of the furry snout. Normally they spoke the universal language all the creatures in the underworld spoke but apparently Persephone had told her servant to show consideration for Jungkook and speak the boy’s language. Honestly Yoongi prefered the rough barks and dog-like jips that suited the jackal-headed creatures the most. The human body they sported couldn’t be blocked out then but at least the language matched the face.
Jungkook looked up at the creature with interest and fear simultaneously, before patting Yoongi’s chest, as he motioned for Yoongi to sit up, feeling quite uncomfortable to look at the other from down there. He quickly cleaned the dirt off his pants, but still kept close to Yoongi. “We can go and get it,” Jungkook whispered quietly, looking up at the demon, “And then you can travel back here, bring the book to Persephone and…and then come back home?” Jungkook was asking carefully, not really sure if his suggestion was something that Yoongi was considering as well. He wasn’t sure either if the bond was strong enough to manage the distance for a little while if he was at home watching a movie until his demon would come back from the underworld, but before he could think about it further Yoongi crushed his dreams of simply going home right away. “What- what do you mean I can’t come home with you?” Jungkook’s eyes flickered from Yoongi to the Jackal, fearing that he would have to stay with the creature.
“I’m sorry Jungkookie, but you have to stay here. You don’t remember but passing through the entry of the underworld is not like walking from one room to another. You were closer to death than to life anyway so your body didn’t really mind. But leaving it, you will feel it. And it won’t feel nice. I would prefer for you to be entirely healed up before you do that. And...I guess Persephone wants to take a look at you too. I wouldn’t…we shouldn’t just go like this. Would be impolite, you know? She’s a queen in here after all. We should do it the right way. Let you get better, let her check up on you and then I’ll accompany you back to your world and your home safely. How’s that sound, hm?” He really hoped Jungkook wouldn’t start to panic now that he had practically told him in nice words that he was trapped here before Persephone let him go. But it was a safety and precaution thing. Everything would work out perfectly fine. He was sure of that.
A/N: I think mondays are now my preferred update day for this story lmao. Thank you again for reading. I know we always say the same things, but we are so honored and sooooo grateful that you keep up with the story and all our stories in general. It keeps us motivated and going!! Thank you so much! Now...let’s see for how long Jungkook has to stay in the underworld and if they finally can have some peace...or not. ;)
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An Old Friend Long Thought Dead for @LisaFlowers
This is my fic written for The Witcher Secret Santa 2018. My giftee was @lisaflowers
I wasn’t too sure of what to write. I originally planned to write a fic involving Avallac’h and Ciri but I was very unsure of how to write that pairing, specifically Avallac’h so instead I went for this. Sorry that it is a bit late. I had some writers’ block with this. I really hope you enjoy! :)
When Ciri took a contract to kill a monster that had taken up residence in an old cemetery, the last thing she expected was to see an old ally. An old friend.
Her travels as a young Witcher had taken her to lands far away. But every Witcher grows tired and weary of the path eventually and needs a break. She had traveled back to Toussaint to visit Geralt and Yennefer in their new estate. But while riding through the vibrant and rich lands, a farmer had stopped and asked for her help. Disturbances had been happening in a nearby cemetery. Strange noises and occurrences had become more and more frequent in the area. And a hooded figure could often be seen coming and going late in the night. The farmer agreed to pay Ciri generously for investigating and taking care of the issue.
Ciri first stopped in a village to properly prepare for the battle that may ensue. She handed off her swords to the blacksmith to have them sharpened and headed into a cute little alchemy shop to resupply her herbs and potions.
As the sun set, Ciri headed back out towards the Mere-Lachaiselongue Cemetery. She arrived just as the sun fell beyond the mountains of Toussaint. Ciri climbed up on a small perch and began to meditate and watch for the hooded figure that she was warned of. With the assistance of the moonlight, Ciri was able to make out a small bat flying towards a crypt. Ciri was quite shocked to see the bat transform before her eyes into a man. She couldn't make out a face but she could faintly see a fang glisten in the moonlight. She stealthily drew her silver sword, freshly coated with vampire oil and closed her eyes. She focused her powers and teleported in front of the creature, pointing the blade at it's chest.
"State your business!" she shouted.
The creature, now clearly a man threw his arms in the air before replying, "Is this how they teach you to greet old friends up at Kaer Morhen?"
The voice sounded familiar to Ciri but she could not pinpoint from where.
"Who are you!?"
"Yes, I suppose you wouldn't remember," the vampire said, offering his hand to shake. "Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy. But you can just call me Regis."
Ciri lowered her sword but her guard stayed up. "W-what? R-Regis? No, you can't be. Regis died. Who are you really, Doppler?"
"It's me, Cirilla. It's Regis. I have been...regenerated. It is quite a complicated story. Please come in and I will explain," he said while gesturing to the entrance.
"Into where? This tomb?"
"Oh! Yes, my apologies. I should explain this first. I've made a little home for myself here. Tensions are high in Toussaint at the moment. Quite a lot of vampire sightings. I figure it best to stay out of everyone's way. What better place to lay low then in a cemetery?"
Ciri was wary but accepted his invitation none the less. She figured she could always teleport out if the need arose.
Regis led her down a stone staircase, past several alcoves, many of which were filled with caskets and cobwebs. "Wow, this place is really to die for," Ciri joked dryly.
"Ha! I see you've Geralt's sense of humor as well."
The staircase led to a large room. The space was dimly lit with old melting candles and bookshelves lined the walls. An apothecary table stood next to an alchemist's stand with a cauldron nearby. Manuscripts and lab notes were posted on the walls. In the corner there was a small bed and bedside cabinet.
"Surely there has got to be better places to hide out then here."
"Maybe so. But I quite like it here. Nice and quiet."
Regis prepared two bottles of mandrake hooch for them and sat at his dining table.
"Mandrake hooch," Regis explained after seeing Ciri's inquisitive gaze. 'Made from the finest mandrake roots Toussaint has to offer. I'd just sip it if I were you. Even Geralt could barely handle it."
Ciri's ears perked up at hearing Geralt's name. "Geralt!? You've seen Geralt? Why had he not informed me that you were alive?"
"Probably didn't deem it important at the moment. We only reunited recently. He has been extremely busy as of late. Well between the hunt for Dettlaff and getting his vineyard up and running. Not to mention all the women he has to deal with. That man brings out fire in women that I have never seen in my hundreds of years alive on this planet."
Ciri could tell that Regis was rambling but hearing him talk about Geralt brought a smile to her face so she simply listened.
"The Duchess and I get along wonderfully for years, Geralt shows up and one week later she is sending the beagles after us. You think after all these years with Yennefer that he would know when to tie his tongue but no. To tell the truth, I quite think he likes being yelled at by beautiful women. A fetish maybe?"
"Okay! Okay!" Ciri chimed in, not wanting to hear about her father's fetishes. She already knew of the unicorn and that was more than she ever needed to know about what goes on in Geralt and Yennefer's bedroom. "I believe you were going to tell me how you came to be alive and well."
"Ah! Yes, my apologies again. I rarely get the chance to speak so freely."
Regis regaled her with the story of his regeneration. He told her of Dettlaff, how he had found Regis' ashes and after much time, energy, and blood had been able to bring Regis back to life.
"I suppose I should thank you. You played a major role in saving Yennefer and I. I truly owe you my life," Ciri said sincerely.
Regis waved her off, "Please, I shall tell you the same thing that I told Geralt. No one twisted my arm. I accompanied Geralt to that castle under my own free will and I would do it again. That is what friends and loyalty are for."
Ciri smiled genuinely at his words before adding, "Still I feel quite bad about it. You lost years of your life. And all the pain.."
"No matter. I am here now and that is what matters."
They clinked their glass bottles together and took a big sip each before Ciri continued on, "So how long have you been back for?"
"I do not know for certain. When you live for hundreds of years, eventually you just stop caring about time."
Ciri nodded and took in his words. The outlook on life for a vampire was much different from her own. She was lost in thought before Regis spoke up again, "You asked me a question, now may I ask you one in return?"
"Of course."
"What were you doing here in the first place?"
Ciri considered her words carefully. Not wanting to offend Regis. "I took a contract from a farmer nearby. Said some strange occurrences had been happening around the cemetery and wanted me to take care of it."
Regis thought on her words before speaking again, "Well, I am glad you were the one to come along. Someone else taking that contract and this night could have taken a very unfortunate turn. I must be more careful with my experiments. Or perhaps it is time for me to move on again."
"Oh no! Don't go. I will inform the farmer that the issue is no more. As long as you don't make too much ruckus you should remain unbothered."
"That is kind of you, thank you. One less mess that I need to clean up."
They talked for many more hours, until Ciri was sure that the sun had begun to come up outside. They talked about their travels and Ciri's great battle against the Wild Hunt and the White Frost. Regis jotted done notes about her experiences. Planning to research them further and expand his education. He told Ciri of the class that he used to teach at Beauclair University and of the class he planned to teach once the University was reopened.
"Well I should be going," Ciri eventually said long after their bottles were empty. "Geralt and Yennefer will be expecting me later today."
"Give them my regards, I must visit soon as well."
"I'm sure they will be glad to hear that you are in good health."
The pair embraced and Regis gave Ciri some concoctions for the road before she set back out.
Ciri informed the farmer that issued the cemetery contract that the threat was taken care of but refused payment. He was confused but Ciri waved him off. Seeing Regis again was more than payment enough.
She continued back on the path. In the large village of Francollarts, Ciri purchased a white mare from a kind woman and named her Kelpie. Giving all of her horses the same name seemed to be another habit that she picked up from Geralt.
Ciri climbed atop her beautiful horse and headed off towards Corvo Bianco. She was extremely excited to reunite with her parents and explore the beautiful Duchy of Toussaint with them further. She also made a note to give Geralt a right hiding for not mentioning Regis was alive.
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