#*flails arms* this is the first thing my brain has let me finish in MONTHS so. not ignoring my other stuff i swear peeps
sanguineterrain · 2 years
Helllooo, I had a thought about your No Such Thing universe... after Bucky and Reader get together, is there any run-ins with mean sorority girls? Maybe Bucky is picking her up after the newspaper meeting?
*throws glass* another! i was quite inspired by this one anon, so here ya go <33 smidge of angst but 98% fluff.
(brief mention of anxiety)
"So that's pretty much it for today," Jamie decided, closing her famous Book of Assignments. "Any questions?"
Gina Marcelino's hand shot up, bracelet glittering as she waved her fingers. Jamie's face remained neutral, a self-control you'd never quite managed when facing hellspawn, and she patiently called on her.
"What's up, Gina?"
"Ummm," Gina began, drawing out the syllable, "I was just wondering who'd be assigned the sports column this time, since Y/N can't do it."
"Who said I can't?" you retorted. "I did such a bang up job the last time, Gina. No plagiarism necessary."
To your surprise, she smiled, flipping her hair behind her shoulder.
"Well, aren't you dating the running back now? It would be a conflict of interest. Unless, of course, it's not a serious thing."
"It is a serious thing," you replied and Gina shrugged.
"Okay. See, Jamie?"
"Gina, I appreciate your concern, but football season is a long ways away, and we've already got someone covering the soccer and volleyball teams. Alright, is there anything else?"
When no one else spoke, Jamie dismissed you all. You packed up your things, slinging the bag strap over your shoulder. Your phone dinged, Mr. President popping up on your screen. Hey, I'm outside. Feel like takeout? :)
"Congrats on your relationship, Y/N."
Gina stood in front of you, the only obstacle between you and the door. She was flanked by another friend of hers, one you didn't recognize, but judging by the way she was looking you up and down, that was probably a good thing.
"Uh... what?"
Gina scoffed. "It's a big deal. Like, nobody thought Bucky Barnes would settle. But you were different. Somehow."
"Are you, like, super rich or something?" her friend asked.
"No... I'm exactly the way I've always been. No secret fortunes or long-lost royal relatives."
"See? I told you," Gina said to her friend. "Y/N's totally regular. Nothing special."
"Get to the point, Gina," you sighed, hand on your hip.
"Shayla was just curious about who you are," she explained, voice unusually cheery. "Her sister is totally in love with Bucky and they're heirs to the mustard dynasty."
"Like the thing you put on sandwiches," Shayla said, as if you were five years old. "Our great grandfather was one of the first to package it."
"Oh. Cool, I guess."
"Yeah," she echoed, sneering. "Cool."
A pit in your stomach began to form. You squared your shoulders, going around them.
"I need to go. Gina. Princess Mustard."
"Bye, Y/N!" Gina chirped after you.
You closed the door, jogging down the steps to outside. It was finally properly warm, warm enough for you to pull out the tank tops and t-shirts. Bucky beamed at you from across the path, jogging up to you. You smiled back, cheeks feeling a little gummy.
"How was newspapering? Did you awe everyone with your amazing writing skills?"
"Um, it was fine. Normal, regular. Nothing special."
"Okay," Bucky nodded, smile no less bright. He kissed you sweetly—Bucky's kisses were always sweet, and always pulled you in. "Didja get my text? Sam said there's this new Thai place that just opened that he and Tasha really liked."
"Oh. Yeah, sorry, I was talking to someone upstairs. Um, Thai sounds good."
You glanced down at the Star Wars shirt you'd borrowed from Bucky’s drawer the first month into your relationship.
"Should I... should I change?"
Bucky tilted his head, like perhaps he'd misheard you.
"What for?"
"To look nicer. Since we're going out."
"Are you saying my New Hope shirt isn't fine fashion?"
"No, it's cute... I mean, you know I love it."
"Hey, I'm only joking," Bucky cut in gently, smiling confusedly. "What's going on, doll? Something happen?"
"No. No, it's fine. Sorry, that was a stupid question." You tittered, taking his hand. "Let's go."
Bucky called in the order after you looked up their menu. You were quiet for the whole drive, Bucky keeping up most of the conversation. You chewed on a cuticle, leg bouncing until he rested a hand on your knee.
"Sure you're okay, Y/N?"
Bucky had parked. You hadn't even realized.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." You tried to smile reassuringly.
"Okay. C’mon, order should be ready. Sam said they work fast."
You didn't make a move to unfasten your seatbelt. "Do a lot of students come here?"
"Uh, probably. Since it's so close. Why?"
"No reason. Just... wondering who we might run into."
"Well, I doubt there'd be a ton of people since it's a weekday,” he reasoned. “And the place is small."
"Oh. Right."
"Do you want me to go in and you can stay here?" Bucky asked. "I know you interacted a lot today."
You'd explained it to him, once, after declining an invitation to a birthday party. Your social battery drained much faster than his. Too much stimulation ratcheted up your anxiety. Bucky had sympathized, explaining Steve was similar, and had been so for their whole lives.
He didn't know that wasn't the reason for your hesitation today. Bucky was simply being kind and thoughtful, like always. The pit in your stomach grew.
"Okay," you agreed weakly. "Sorry."
"No need for apologies, honey. Be back in a bit."
He pecked your cheek, and then you were alone.
You'd never actually discussed the future of this relationship, technically. It'd never occurred to you to do so. You'd assumed Bucky was in it for the long haul, like you. Perhaps the way you'd gotten together was unconventional, but that didn't mean the foundation was rocky.
You chewed at another cuticle. What if you were just another girl Bucky was getting out of his system? An urge to quell before he graduated and actually had to think about settling down.
You blinked. Whoa. That was a heavy thought. Settling down? Why were you even thinking about that? You could barely make a doctor's appointment without your heart rate picking up. It was way too early to be thinking about anything more committed than that.
The door unlocked, and the smell of food suddenly filled the car.
"Back! Sam was right; they're working like Fury's running the kitchen."
Bucky gave you the bag and you accepted it, on autopilot. You fell silent again, picking at a loose thread on your shirt. 
You jumped at a hand on your cheek. Bucky immediately retracted, fully concerned. He set the food on the dashboard, leaning forward. 
“Okay. You’re unusually quiet. You didn’t even comment on my terrible dad joke, which you always have something to say on. What’s goin’ on?”
“You’re a good guy, Bucky,” you blurted.
He blinked, concern morphing into tender bewilderment. 
“I... thank you. You’re the best, but you know that,” he smiled.
“And you grew up well,” you continued. “Steve said you lived in a nice house.”
Bucky’s smile began to slip. “Well, I guess so. We ain’t the Rockefellers, though. Sweetheart, where’s this going?”
“I mean, what if you meet a mustard heiress? And you’re with me? Maybe your mom would prefer you go with her, be the next mustard king, which would be understandable, but—”
“Whoa, whoa. I need you to start over, honey. What are you talking about?”
You crossed your arms, looking away.
“Remember Talia?” 
“Yeah. I do.” You didn’t need to look at him to hear the grimace. 
“She comes from a nice neighborhood too. An even nicer one. I don’t.”
Bucky sighed. “Y/N, she and I didn’t click. Like, at all. You know that. But more importantly: d’you really think I’m so shallow?”
You winced at how hurt he sounded, meeting his gaze. Bucky spent a lot of time being taken at a first glance. You knew that, had figured it out the first time you’d met. 
“No. No, I don’t, honestly. Bucky, I don’t think that of you. I—this is so dumb. I shouldn’t have let Gina and her friend get in my head, but they said I’m ordinary and... I am, you know? I am ordinary, and I started thinking maybe one day, you’d want more than that, and I’m thinking too far ahead, like, we’re not even seniors yet, but I just—”
“Y/N.” He angled his body to you. “Sweetheart. Okay if I talk now?”
You nodded. Bucky’s expression softened into the fondness he reserved only for you, the look that always warmed you to your toes. 
“First of all, you’re anything but ordinary. I think we’ve got a pretty extensive history to prove that. Now, I’m no fancy English major, so I can’t wax poetry, but the way you make me feel is how I always want to feel. Being with you is incredible. God, I mean,” he laughed, disbelieving, “how many people would give me a play-by-play of the game? With notes!”
“Oh, God,” you groaned, covering your face. “I can’t believe you didn’t kick me out.” 
“Are you kidding? That was one of the cutest things ever, honey. And even if it wasn’t, I’d never kick you out.” Bucky gathered your hands in his.
“You are such a cornball.”
“What can I say? You bring it out in me.”
“Sorry I doubted this. Doubted you. Pretty silly of me," you sighed.
He bumped your foreheads together, the tips of your noses touching.
"I know this, you and me, is still new, and I know the reputation I carried, and what kinda impression that gives," Bucky started. "But I promise I'm not going anywhere. And I hope you can trust me on that, Y/N."
You nodded, putting your arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. Bucky returned it the best he could over the console, kissing under your ear. You squirmed like always, that spot ticklish, and he chuckled, rubbing your back.
“It’s not silly. I mean, your fears aren’t going to come true, but that doesn’t mean they’re not valid. We can feel things that aren’t grounded in truth. Brains are powerful.”
“Okay, where did you learn that? You sound like Wanda. Have you been secretly sitting in on psych lectures?”
“Yep. They unlock the windows before class and I scale the wall like a super spy.”
“What happened to being able to get in anywhere, hotshot?”
“Can’t go around flaunting my privileges, darlin’. I have a strict rule about that. Only break it for impressing people I’m in love with.”
“Yeah?” you asked, unable to help your grin. “You’re in love with me?”
“Sure am. What’re you gonna do about it, L/N?”
“Hm. Well. Suppose I’ve no choice but to love you back, Barnes.”
“Together for the foreseeable future, are we?”
“Mmhm,” you agreed. “No ketchup royalty here. Just me.”
Bucky tutted, cupping your cheek. “It’s never just you, Y/N. And I’m glad. Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
272 notes · View notes
cayofdreams · 4 years
Down with the Monocracy
(Bratty!Fem!Reader x Bakugou)
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Summary: Reader has had a FWB relationship with Bakugou for the past 4 months due to her monstrous sex drive. This relationship however, comes to a brisk end when reader seems to get a boyfriend. Frustrated at your now weird behavior towards him, he decides to get to the bottom of it...in his own way. 
Words: 7.5k
Rating: 🌊 Explicit, Smut
Warnings: cursing, bratty/stuck-up reader, implied cheating, heavy orgasm denial, fingering, dirty talking, spanking, degrading, slight breeding
Notes: Hello! This is the first fanfiction I’ve wrote in close to ten years. Its much longer than I intended for a first fanfic but I was desperate to get this out of my brain. I’ll probably chill out and do drabbles for a bit lol. Feel free to give me feedback as I’ve become more-so used to writing research and analysis papers, I wouldn’t be surprised if my fanfic writing is a bit wonky. Anyways, enjoy :-).
*H/N – Hero Name
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 Harsh pants filled Bakugou’s dorm as the both of you tried to stay quiet.  Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero were in the next room playing video games. You could occasionally hear them shouting at one another, a signal that one of them had lost or died in the game. Uraraka, Tsuyu, and Yaoyorozu were in the commons watching some sort of K-drama. You’d hear one of them let out surprised gasp or a giggle in reaction to whatever romantic scene transpired on the screen.
But these outside noises would leave your mind just as quickly as they’d come in due to the pleasure that was currently surging through your body. You were seated in Bakugou’s lap, faced towards his desk, grinding away at his cock trying to chase that pleasure to the maximum. Your hands clutching at the notebooks and flailed papers on his desk. A reminder that once again you guys could not study together for 10 minutes without needing to exhaust the filling sexual tension. Bakugou’s hands were grabbing at your hips, his grasp getting tighter as he got closer and closer to his climax.
“Oi…hurry up and cum..I have somewhere I need to-“ You couldn’t finish your sentence as Bakugou suddenly thrusted upward into you. Immediately you clasped your hands against your mouth to stifle your moans. He smirked at your weak attempt of rushing him.
“Surely…you’re not rushing me.” He lifted you up by your hips so that only the tip of his cock was inside you, before slamming you back down. “When your insatiable pussy is the one who started this.”
You didn’t know if he was talking about your lewd relationship in general, or just today’s scandalous activities. You assumed the latter. Waiting until you could stifle you moan enough to make a sentence, you responded. “…wasn’t me. You kept-“. He slammed into you again. You paused as you held back a groan that so desperately wanted to escape from your throat before continuing. “Kept…feeling up my t-thighs.” You flattened your palms tighter against your mouth as Bakugou increased his pace.
“Hah? So a little graze against your thighs…” He began as he traced his fingernails up and down your thighs. “Gets you like this?” A chuckle escaping him as he watched you struggle to keep your voice down as his cock continued to roughly glide in and out of your trembling walls. You didn’t respond. If you opened your mouth now, there’s no doubt that your classmates would hear the voice that represented the erotic things Bakugou was doing to you in his dorm.
“If your highness wishes me to cum, you better fucking start putting in better work than what you’re doing right now.” Bakugou slapped your thigh as if he were slapping a horse to get them to go faster. You winced as you gripped at the edge of Bakugou’s desk to better stabilize yourself. As soon as you started riding him at a more fierce pace his hands slip up to cup your breasts under your bra. He pinched at your nipples, making you let out a lewd noise that had you worrying if your neighboring classmates heard it.
Bakugou noticed you shoot a glance toward his door, listening to see if you’d been found out, and sucked at his teeth. “You worried about those dumbasses hearing you?” He got up, still inside you, and pressed his hand on your back so that you’d be face down on the desk and ass up in the air. Jutting his hip toward yours, you grunted behind gritted teeth as he leaned over so his lips traced just over your ear. “Hearing what I’m doing to your pussy?” His fingers massaging into your scalp before gripping tightly into your hair. “Fuck those extras. Let them hear.” Moving the hand that was on your back toward yours that were still tightly pressed against your mouth. He pried them away from your face, bringing your arm back so that he could use it as a reign when he began to fuck you. He straightened back up to steady himself firmly on the ground.
“Wait- Baku-! Hnngh!” Bakugou started to rhythmically jam the entirety of his cock inside you. Laughing at you as you struggled to not add on to the lewd noises your sopping mess was making.
“Fuck! L/N!” A hard slap came down on your ass cheek. The pleasurable pain causing your slippery walls to quiver against Bakugou’s cock. Your free hand roaming around the surface of the desk, now crumbling up homework papers under your fingers. “You like this? You like almost being found out by those shitty extras? Fucking pervert. Why don’t you just scream like you want to? I know you’re about to fucking cum.”
Your lips curling in under your teeth, grunts becoming louder and louder as your orgasm approached. The growls of the man behind you adding on to your auditory pleasures, drowning out the yells and cheers of your neighboring classmates. But it was getting harder and harder to hold your voice back, and Bakugou seemed to not give any care as his thrusts got deeper and more forceful.
“Fucking scream, L/N. I want to hear it. Imagine those dumbasses’ faces when you walk out there. Knowing what lewd shit you were doing with me.” He let go of your arm and reached around to wildly circle your clit. “And you portray yourself as some kind of princess. Fucking bullshit.”
You couldn’t hold back anymore. Even as your hand quickly went back to cover your mouth, it wouldn’t be able to hold back the suppressed groan you’d soon let out. “I said fucking-“ Before he could let out his demand the loud exclaims from the adjacent room poured into Bakugou’s. Another loss. Or win. Who gives a shit? All you knew is that those yells allowed you the opportunity to loudly moan Bakugou’s name to your heart’s desire as you finally reached your orgasm.
Bakugou would’ve called you out on cheating if the quivers of your orgasming walls wasn’t forcing him into his own intense wave of pleasure. “Oh shit…L/N…gonna cum. Fuck-“. He let out a couple more rough thrusts before spilling his seed inside the condom. You felt his cock pulsating, a weirdly pleasurable feeling as you were winding down from your own orgasm. Bakugou slipped out of you and slumped back in the chair and you soon followed, falling back into his lap.
Seeing that you were exhausted, he lifted up your leg so that he could reach down and slip off the used condom. Tying it in a single knot at the end and tossing it into the trash nearby. He let his hands softly feel up your thighs and squish your stomach, comforting you as you regained your breaths.
“You imbecile. We could’ve been found out, for real.” You said, pinching his thigh, too tired to hit him.
“Shut up. It doesn’t fucking matter.”
“It WILL matter if there’s ever a headline of us. ‘Upcoming pro-heroes, Ground Zero and H/N CAUGHT fornicating in the dormitories.’ You waved your hands in the air, mimicking a hysterical news reporter.
He chuckled into your back. “You fucking wish you could be in an obscene headline with me”. You sucked your teeth at him.
“Are you still going somewhere”
“Are you sane? Like I can move right after that.” You turned to look at him. “Make me some ramen. And don’t add a deadly amount of spice to it, either.” You got up and grabbed some tissues and started to wipe away the seeping wetness off your crotch and thighs.
“Like I’m making you shit! Make it yourself!” Bakugou got up and repositioned his shorts around his waist. Before he could grumble anymore, you placed a kiss on his cheek causing him to turn a deep shade of pink.
“You shouldn’t rebel. It just takes away from energy that’s better spent making that ramen.”
“Honestly, just shut up!” He turned away towards the door but you could still see the pink on the back of his ears.
You chuckled at the slam of the door, your smile widening as you heard him fumbling around in the kitchen.
But the time Bakugou returned with two hot bowls of ramen, you were knocked out asleep.
“…Fucking stuck-up vixen”
You sat in the karaoke room with Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Jirou, making you the 5th wheel. But only temporarily, as your friends had supposedly invited a cute guy from a rival hero school to be your date for the evening. You loved being courted by attractive guys, you were a queen after all, so naturally you didn’t turn down the blind date. Though you must admit, since starting your friends-or rather, rivals-with-benefits relationship with Bakugou, you didn’t go out with guys much. You didn’t really see much of a need since your sexual appetite was being satisfied. Bonus points in that since it was no-strings-attached you didn’t have to frolic in romance, leaving you time and energy to concentrate on your hero studies.
“Are you excited, Y/N!? He texted me saying he’s on his way!” Mina was definitely more excited than you were, but you were waiting in anticipation none-the-less. Apparently Kaminari knew the guy, which worried you a bit since Kaminari was a dunce when it came to most things. But after Mina and Jirou reassured you the guy was definitely your type, you became more okay with date.
“Yeah, I suppose. Tardiness deducts points, though.” You playfully declared as the door to the karaoke room slowly opened.
“Aww…don’t be so strict with me, L/N. I’ll cry before I even properly meet you.” You heard a young man say as he entered the room. As soon as you looked at his face, you felt heat rise to your own. He was nothing less than exquisite. You’d never seen hair so soft-looking and flowy, skin so smooth and obviously baby-soft. A piercing pair of eyes that you were scared, or maybe hoped, could see straight through your clothing, into your soul.
“It’s okay if you cry. I like seeing cute boys cry.” You smiled with an obviously feigned innocence as you picked up your drink and sipped from it. He smiled seductively as he sat down right next to you, not leaving any space between your bodies.
“Seijirou!” Kaminari exclaimed, reaching over to fist pump your date. “Glad you could make it, dude!”
“Kaminari, long time no see. We need to have another jam session before we graduate.” The boy named Seijirou cooly stated, returning the fist bump. “Of course with L/N now joining us in the studio” He returned his gaze toward you. “I’m sure her alluring beauty and energy will inspire me with some great melodies”.
God, his coy smile could lead you straight into hell. How hadn’t you met him yet? You almost wanted to curse Kaminari for not introducing this stunningly attractive man to you before.
“Kyaa!! What a natural romantic!!” Mina shouted slapping her hand excitedly on Kirishima’s thigh. “Right, Eiji?!”
“Haha, yeah, babe.” Kirishima replied, taking Mina’s hand in his own to keep her from bruising his thigh.
Jirou reached over to grab the tablet that connected to the karaoke room’s TV screen. “Okay, guys lets get down to jamming.”
“Yeah!” Kaminari wrapped his arm around Jirou, pulling her into his chest as she picked the first song.
“I sure hope your voice is to the same standards as your face, Seiji.” You seductively challenged, looking him right in the eyes.
“I hope so too, I need to earn those points back.” Seijirou replied, his finger tracing slowly on your hand. You chuckled, holding his hand in yours now.
Jackpot, baby
After a long and tiring session of belching out everything from cute idol songs, to screaming death metal, it was time to head back home. Everyone was laughing and joking with each other as you all walked back. Everyone was also hand-in-hand with their respective partners, including you and Seijirou’s. In fact your hands had never left each other’s grasps since they first joined at the beginning of the karaoke session. You and Seijirou walked a few steps behind everyone, wanting to mimic any kind of privacy in order to soak in each other’s presence. Kirishima looked behind and noticed this, squeezing Mina’s hand to alert her as well. She grinned ear to ear at the lovely display of romance unfolding.
“Hey, F/N! Are you going home or….will you be continuing your date in private?” Mina winked at you, not at all trying to be discreet about her intentions.
“Oh. I guess I didn’t even think about it”. A total lie. You’d been strategizing how you’d cleverly get into bed with Seijirou since you first heard his pretty voice sing.  You wanted to know how he’d moan. How he’d make you moan. If he’d be better than Bakugou.
Woah, how did he cross your mind? You hadn’t even thought about him all night until the potential for good sex crossed your path. But thoughts of him dissipated with the sultry voice of Seijirou.
“I surely don’t mind the extra company. I’ve been dying to share my tea recipe with a worthy guest.” He squeezed your hand. “It’s a special recipe. Made especially for when my throat is sore from an awesome jam session..or when…” He looked directly at you. “When anyone’s throat is sore from using it…extensively.”
Your panties were drenched at this point. Not that they weren’t a bit damp the entire evening. You needed this mysteriously seductive man’s cock inside you. Now.
“Sounds like some delectable tea.” You bit your lip. Seijirou chuckled at you.
“Shame I didn’t bring my car, I’d hate to make you walk all the way back to my place”.
He has a car, too?!
You could throw your panties at him this very moment.
“I don’t mind walking with you, Seijirou.” You smiled up at him, squeezing his hand back.
Catching the mood, the group separated from the two of you, but not without the cheers of Mina encouraging you.
Of course, the two of you didn’t make it to his place. It’d take too long. You needed each other now. So you opted for the love hotel that was only a couple blocks away. As soon as you and Seijirou stepped into the erotically designed room, you jumped on him. He caught you, and you wrapped your leg around his waist. You drowned in each other’s kisses, wanting desperately to become one with each other. You for one, could not wait to see how Seijirou could maneuver his away around your body like he did with your mind.
Tapping your pen away on the notebook in front of you, you struggled to digest the information in the textbook. Not even knowing what to highlight anymore, words became more jumbled and muddled as you tried to continue reading. You couldn’t concentrate at all.
Sighing in annoyance, you got up from the common room’s table and went to make something hot to drink in the kitchen. Everyone was most likely asleep by now, but since you couldn’t seem to do so you decided to force yourself into exhaustion with some late-night studying. But unfortunately, despite feeling wide awake, it didn’t seem to help you focus any better in regards to studying. You were never a “studier” anyways.
As you waited for the hot water to boil, you scrolled through phone trying to find an entertaining distraction, settling for the digital magazine of your favorite fashion designer. You didn’t even notice Bakugou stroll into the kitchen
So startled you almost dropped your phone, you turned around to see the owner of that voice.
“Fucking, hell, Bakugou. You scared the shit out of me.” Clutching at your chest, you tried to ease down the erratic beating of your heart. He always found a way to get an expletive out of you. Bakugou slightly pushed you against the counter to  get a better view of your backside.
“Nah, you’re good” Smirking, he went to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water as you rolled your eyes at him. “What are you even doing up anyways? Taking some dumbass selfies?”
“Well, if you’re so interested in the affairs of L/N F/N, I’ll have you know that I was actually studying, like the non­-dumbass that I am”.
“Sounds like something a dumbass would say.” Taking a swig from the water bottle, Bakugou took a glance at your side profile, also noticing how revealing your pajamas were. Your pajama shorts were barely covering your plump ass, and the flesh of your thighs slightly spilled over the tightness of your thigh high socks. What the hell were you doing walking around the common area like that? Surely you were waiting for him.
He took a last sip of his water and pinched at your upper thigh.
“Gyah! Bakugou, what the hell?” Your annoyed face being 110% worth the cute noise he was able to force out of you.
“Why are you studying out here? You know you could’ve asked me for help.”. His fingertips still lingering over your thigh, faintly tracing over your skin. You sucked your teeth and lightly pushed his hand away.
“No, I couldn’t’ have.” Your phone buzzed at seemingly the right time; before temptation would get the best of you. You smiled at the recent text message you received, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Bakugou.
Raising an eyebrow, he watched you with suspicion before he made another attempt. This time, he made a squeeze at the squish of your waist. “Oh yeah? And why is that?” You grabbed at his wrist in protest but it only made him dig his fingertips deeper into your flesh. “I know you have needs, Y/N. You haven’t met up with me in the past few days, either.”
The fluster showing on your face didn’t help your denying, but you still tried to step away from him; a fail. He completely closed the distance between you and leaned down toward your ear.
“It must be so hard to contain it right now. Those slutty impulses of yours.” He grinned at the way you bit your lip trying to fight off the urges his voice was erupting in you. He knew his effect on you. “So how about you just accept the favor I’m so greatly offering to you and drop those soaked panties and bend over the counter so I can ram this cock into you like-
“I’m seeing someone!” You exclaimed, possible a bit too loud. Bakugou glanced at you as if trying to see if you were really telling the truth or not. You met his gaze with a stern expression. “I’m seeing someone.”
Slowly Bakugou let go of his grasp on you and stepped back. “You fuckin’ serious?”
Slowly nodding your head yes, you straightened back up to continue fixing your drink.
“What fucking psychopath would want to date you? Are you sure he’s real?”.
“I know this may come as a shock to you.” A sly grin appeared on your face. “That I could humble myself enough to share my precious time and energy with someone-“
“Oh, just shut up, already.” Bakugou sat his water bottle down on the counter, looking at it as if thinking deeply about something. There was a momentary silence before you broke it.
“Are you mad?”
Bakugou scoffed at you. “And just what exactly is there for me to be mad about?”
“Well this commences the end of our relationship. You’re no longer a concubine. Perhaps you’re wondering what more to life there is? Oh, maybe depressed is the word I was looking for.” You put your hand to your chin, feigning concern.
“As much as I’d love to shut you up right now with a cock down your throat, I’m quite happy this is over.” He moved to put his water bottle in the refrigerator. “I can finally put my stamina towards training instead of wasting it on that monstrous sex drive you have.”
“And with that, the counsel dismisses you.” You smugly took a sip from your drink.
“Oh, shut up. I’m going back to bed before I commit regicide.” Bakugou put his water bottle back in the fridge and walked past you towards the hallway. “Good luck on your ‘studying’, your highness”.
When Bakugou was long out of your sight, you heaved out a long sigh.
A couple weeks had went by and honestly Bakugou was beyond frustrated. He didn’t really think you had it in you to avoid his presence for so long. You usually couldn’t go 2 days without coming at him with some kind of ‘You agreed to be my concubine…so fucking perform!’ bullshit. With his pride, he’d pummel someone like you into the dirt. But immediately after saying something like that you’d palm against his growing hardness before lowering your head to his crotch. And you’d  adorn the most lustful gaze. A gaze that told him that he was the only one who could satisfy you.
‘You’re supposed to be pleasing me, but I guess queens have duties too…’
Honestly you were such a fucking brat. Acting all high and mighty and then becoming a filthy wench only moments after having a cock shoved up you. But he lived for it. The challenge of getting you to finally submit to him during sex would drive him crazy. That blissful face of pleasure. Those lips that would call out for him to go faster.
Maybe he’d be willing to let you go if you weren’t being so goddamn strange around him now. Not only were you being more distant around him, whenever he so much as brushed up against you your face rose with obvious arousal. Your lips would slightly part as if you’re about to let out a moan- but then you’d scold him for being so close to you.
‘Can’t you back up? I can barely hear my own thoughts with your vulgar presence around me’
That sort of thing would happen multiple times and especially during training sessions with him. Whenever you were opponents and Bakugou had successfully won and had you pinned to the ground, you looked as if you were on the verge of orgasming. And then as soon as Aizawa blew the whistle to end the round, you’d quickly run away with an annoyed look.
One time he had approached you, asking what the fuck your deal was, but you quickly dismissed him.
‘Maybe I’m just so pleased with my boyfriend that I literally can’t go a minute without thinking of him. I can’t help that you’ve never made a girl feel that way.’
Were you teasing him? Did you even have a boyfriend? If you did, why did you have a face that seemed as if you hadn’t been fucked properly in years? If this boyfriend of yours was so bad at sex, wouldn’t you have dumped him? Before the start of this rivals-with-benefits agreement you’d told him of the time you kicked a guy out in the middle of fucking because he had “no idea how to fuck his royals”.  
He’d really think your boyfriend was fake if it wasn’t for the fact that one time while sitting beside you, he saw you receive a message from someone with a heart by the name. And then you’d smile to yourself before pocketing your phone.
Fuck. Maybe this guy really was that good.
No one could please you the way he did. He knew it. It was an irrefutable fact. He’d get down to the bottom of this. He’d make you realize who you really belonged to.
Bakugou grumbled at the unfinished homework on his desk. He couldn’t concentrate due to your stupid antics. He pulled out his phone to send you a text.
“What are you doing?”
Five minutes had gone by and he was already starting to regret his act of impulsivity. You usually took a while to respond but for some reason this time it was really irking him. He got lost in senses of regret before he heard his phone vibrate.
“Getting ready for my date.”
He scoffed at your reply.
“Oh, with that fake boyfriend of yours, huh?”
A couple minutes went by before Bakugou received another reply. This time it was an image. Opening it, It was a selfie of you in what he assumed was your date outfit. You always dressed exquisitely outside your school uniform and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t appreciate your sense of style. But right now, that appreciation was manifesting into lust.
Fuck, you didn’t have that big of breasts but why were they looking so plump, now? The dress you were wearing teased your collarbones and Bakugou might as well had been drooling at this point. Not replying after a couple minutes, stunned by your posh appearance, his phone vibrated again.
“I don’t get dressed up like this for any commoner. Now why are you disturbing me?”
He wanted to reply with a “Fuck you. Nothing, dumbass”, but he held back.
“I want my fucking manga back.”
A silly demand, he knew. But it was the only thing he could think of to get you back within his grips. Hopefully you weren’t too suspicious as it had been a few weeks since you borrowed his manga to read.
“Ugh…I suppose I can take time out of my meaningful getting-ready time to drop off your little comic. I’ll be there in 20.”
A smirk shaped the lips of Bakugou’s before he brisked his way to the shower in preparation for his plans.
Bakugou had finished putting on his clothes and was now tidying up his room in waiting for a knock at the door. But you were always so rude so instead he was alerted by the sudden swinging open of his door. Before he could yell at you he became entranced by your appearance.
The dress you were wearing hugged you in all the right places and came to a seductive stop slightly below the round of your ass. The plush of your thighs were teased as the start of the top of your opaque socks once again molded erotically around your flesh. It seemed you also had a bit of makeup on as your e/c popped out beautifully from your dark eyeliner.
But you were also entranced by his appearance. You could tell he just took a shower because the smell of his soap traced provocatively under your nose. He wasn’t even wearing anything special, a black long-sleeve top that perfectly fitted his biceps, and a pair of black shorts. But fuck, it was driving you crazy right now.
“Your comic.” You coldly tried to hand it to him, trying to not appear as aroused as you felt.
“Can’t you fucking put it back on the shelf. That’s where you got it from, isn’t it?”
You clicked your tongue at him. “Troublesome.” As you walked past Bakugou to get to the little bookcase above his desk, he watched you. The stride of your hips as you walked had him licking his lips behind you. As you put the manga back on the shelf, he walked up to you so there was no distance between the two of you. Before you could protest his proximity he interrupted you.
“Put it in the right order.”
“What?” You looked back at him confused and irritated. Why was he getting so close to you? Why did his voice sound so intoxicating?
“I have my manga in order. If you pay attention, you’ll see there’s a number on the cover. I believe they teach little princesses how to count, don’t they?” Bakugou once again took notice of your look of arousal spreading across your face. You sucked at your teeth as you hurriedly turned your face away from him. Even after you put the manga in his preferred place, he hadn’t moved away from you. You were starting to get antsy.
“What are you trying to-“
“Where are you going?” His red eyes were fixed on your face, more specifically your lips.
“I told you, a date.” Your fingernails scratched slightly against the wood of his desk. You were overwhelmed with frustration. With desire. But you couldn’t give in.
“Yeah, but where?”
“A restaurant.” Still avoiding his intense glare, it was becoming clear to you that Bakugou had plans as well. And that those plans would involve you.
“Oh. Must be fancy. Considering you look pretty good right now.”
“Hah! I don’t need you to tell me something so obvious. Only someone with my caliber of beauty could make a cheap dress like this look so go- Mmmph!” Suddenly Bakugou had his lips smashed against yours. Damned be your libido, your tongue wasn’t denying him. Your desires were beginning to take over you as you swapped saliva with your rival.
After a few moments, your hands pressed harshly against his chest to get him off you. A chain of saliva still linked the two of you. He licked away the connection with a smirk before pulling you back close to him. He turned you around slightly so that your back was pressed against his chest. One of his hands holding you in place by squeezing at your waist, the other rubbing against your inner thigh.
“The hell do you think you’re doing?!”
“I don’t fucking get it.” His slipped under your dress to rub against your now dampened panties. His palm rubbing slowly against your wetness. “You say that your boyfriend is good at fucking you, yet here you are drenched from a measly kiss from me.”
A moan escaped you as your hands gripped tightly against his wrists trying to pry away from him. You wanted to give in so bad, but you had something to prove. You couldn’t disappoint your ego right now.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you haven’t been fucked at all since you ended things with me, your highness.” You whined at his sarcastic nickname of you before your pride came back.
“You’re wrong. I’d say that I hadn’t started getting properly fucked since ending it with you.”
“When was the last time you guys fucked, then?”
“Last night! He pleasures me every night! More than you to say the least!”. You were losing your dominance quickly, assuming you had any right now. The slow stroking of Bakugou’s palm against your covered folds had you letting out whimpers.
“Oh? Is that so? How about this? If you don’t beg for me to make you cum within the next-“ Bakugou paused. “When’s your date?”. You bit your lips between your teeth ignoring him. Not pleased with your silence he dug his fingertips into your waist. You shut your eyes and let out a loud hum in your masochistic pleasure. “I asked you a fucking question. When is your date, L/N?”
“Seven! Fuck, its at seven!”. He loosened his grasp as he checked the clock on the desk.
6:28 P.M.
“Oh that’s not that far away, but I like a challenge.” His voice rumbled against your ear. “Then if I don’t have you begging to cum within the next 20 minutes, I, Bakugou Katsuki, will get down on my hands and knees and kiss your feet.”
He was being completely unfair. 20 minutes? That’s a long fucking time to hold back an orgasm, especially when it’s this guy trying to get you to reach one. But the thought of him kissing your feet flared your insatiable ego. You’ve lasted without cumming before, and you’d do it again to see Bakugou be put in the place he so rightfully deserved.
“So what do you say, your highness?”
“-my whore.” Your breaths settled as Bakugou looked puzzlingly at you. “Say you’re nothing but a whore for the royal L/N F/N while you kiss my feet and I’ll agree.”
“Tch. Fi-“
“And! I’m going to record it.” You were testing the waters now. But if Bakugou could handle any of the game he was talking right now, he’d surely agree.
“Fine. Then we start right now.”
You nodded in a rare display of compliance. Slowly, Bakugou began to rub his fingers against the crotch of your panties. He was going achingly slow, but you weren’t going to complain. The slower he took, the more time would be ate up. Was this his plan? To just go achingly slow for 20 minutes hoping you’d ask for him to speed up?
You tried to focus on other things while Bakugou slowly rubbed away against your now wet panties. Looking away towards the desk, you thought about math equations. Complicated math equations. Math equations that could help solve the mysteries of our galaxy. Bakugou noticed your attempts of distraction and grinned, placing a soft kiss on are the area that your shoulder met your neck.
“Whatcha thinkin’ about?” The coarseness of his voice vibrating against your neck, taking you out of your mathematical universe.
“Your face after I upload that video on the internet…” You gasped at Bakugou’s sudden increase in pressure against your clothed vulva. He was still going pretty slow but you could feel the pressure cause your clit to swell. “And how…everyone is going to see how pathetic you really are.”
“Tch. You sure are good at acting sadistic. Too bad I’m the only one who knows what a fucking pig you really are. I’ll be making you admit that in just a few minutes.”
Before you could retort, Bakugou’s fingers started making increasingly faster grinds against your underwear. It was starting to become a challenge for you to not give in to the pleasures.
But then it suddenly clicked. He only said you didn’t have to beg, not that you couldn’t cum. Smirking you let your pleasure take over you, now softly moaning into the air. Waves of an encroaching orgasm began to fill your stomach and when you were about to finally go over the edge, Bakugou retreated his now slick hand away from you.
You quietly whined at the lack of pressure before steadying your breaths again. You stayed silent, adamant about not begging to the man behind you to finish the job.
“Oh…you’re pretty tough, huh? Lets see, it’s-“ Bakugou took another glance at the clock. “6:33. You only have 14 more minutes to go, princess. I believe it’s only fair that we kick it up just a bit.”
You smugly chuckled at his challenge. “I was wondering when you were going to make this diffi- Hnngg!”. Bakugou had moved the hand around your waist to tightly grasp the locks of your hair, turning your head to face him. Taking a moment to look directly at your grimaced face he smothered his lips onto yours, ravaging your mouth once again with his tongue. The fingers at your drenched panties increasing to a much faster pace.
You moaned loudly inside his mouth as you felt immense pressure build up inside you once again. You tried to wiggle your hips away from him but he placed his leg between yours, locking you into place. Struggling to breathe, you gripped his bicep in preparation for the orgasm once again approaching you.
Bakugou released your mouth as he once again removed his hand from between your hips. You now whined louder in protest.
“You got something to say?” He asked as he nibbled against your ear. You shook your head profusely. “I guess you really do like challenges, eh? Probably more than me.”
Bakugou lifted up one of your thighs so you’d place your foot on the edge of the desk. You hadn’t yet came down from your first failed orgasm before he sunk his hand into in your underwear and viciously circled around your clit.
You were moaning uncontrollably now, not caring if classmates outside Bakugou’s room could hear you. Chuckling, Bakugou bit down on your neck before licking away at the bite marks.
“Fuck! Bakugou! I-I’m gonna-“ You whined loudly at the repeated lack of friction between your thighs.
“You’re gonna what now? I don’t fucking think so. You haven’t let out a single beg. You know the rules.”
Your eyes watered as you unconsciously rubbed your thighs together trying to get yourself off. Failing, you had no choice but to let your body come down from its high.
As soon as your panting softened, they picked back up again when you felt Bakugou slowly stick two fingers up your sopping pussy. His fingers curving just right to lightly massage against the sensitive sponge inside you while moving them up and down in a quick motion.
“Hahh… Bakugou…”You groaned in pleasure. Too lost in trying to chase an orgasm, you hadn’t cared when Bakugou used his other hand to rip open your pretty dress. He roughly massaged at your breasts while burying his head in your neck.
“No bra? No fucking way you weren’t prepared for me to fuck you today.”
Your constant moans prevented you from replying. Bakugou pinched at your sensitive nipples while sucking harshly at your neck, leaving a bruise.
“You wanna cum, princess?”
“Yes! Yes, please!! Please let me cum! Fuck!” You gave in to his challenge, but it’d be worth it. You knew this was going to be the most intense orgasm of your life. So what if you sacrificed a bit of your ego?.
Just when you thought you were about to enter heaven, the fingers that were inside you slipped out.
“Hnngh- Nooo!! Please, Bakugou. I’m begging, I’m begging!” The tears that were settled at your eyes, trailed down. Your thighs trembled as you once again tried squeezing them together to satisfy you.
Bakugou smirked silently. Instead answering you by dragging you to the bed and pushing you down. He ripped off the rest of your dress before he spread your thighs apart to take a good look at the mess he created between your hips. The way not only your voice, but your pussy was begging for him made him want to give you everything you wanted.
But, no. You needed to learn a lesson. You’d remember what happens when you fuck with him- or don’t fuck with him, rather.
His gazing taking too long, you called out for him again. “Please, Bakugou. I want to cum. I wanna cum so baaad…”. You placed your hands on his that were digging into the flesh below your knees, trying to get him to take pity on you.
“I heard you the first time. How do you want to cum? With my fingers, my tongue, or my-“
“Your cock! Please, I want your cock!” Your hands now gripping tightly onto his. “I’ve never wanted something so bad before, Bakugou, pleeease…”
“You’re begging for my cock, huh”. He pulled down his shorts so his cock could spring free.
You nodded with no hesitation. Deciding not to tease you for now, he sunk inside you in one swift thrust, thanks to your abundant juices.
“Hnngh, yes! I’m gonna cum so hard! Gonna cum all over your cock. Oh baby… Gonna cum so hard for youuu…” Your moans turned into gutteral groans as he plunged deep inside you with every thrust. He made sure the tip of his cock was stroking right at your g-spot.
As he picked up the pace, you swear you could sense your pupils dilating as an orgasm approached. You could see the pearly gates of heaven and then-
Bakugou slipped his cock out of you. Leaving you a whining mess.
“Whyyy?! ? Y-You said I could cum. You said if I begged I could cummm…”. You were sobbing at this point. “What do you want? I’ll do anything, Katsuki…”
His cock twitched at the first time of hearing you say his name.  “Say you’re a whore.”
You looked up at him as you hesitated. He coerced you with the teasing of his cock against your entrance. Sniffling, you did what you know your pussy would want you do to.
“I’m a whore.” Your eyes shut trying to hold on to the last bit of dignity you had.
“And? Fucking look at me when you speak.”
The intensity of looking into his vermillion eyes made you want to cower away. But you did as demanded. “I’m a filthy whore for Bakugou Katsuki.”
“And only me?” He dipped the tip of his cock into you and you forgot what even the meaning of dignity was.
“Yeess!! Only you! Only Katsuki! I swear it! I swear it on everything, I swear…”
“Your boyfriend?”
“I-I…” You trailed off and Bakugou started to slip back out again.
“You know I could do this forever. I made sure to jack off a few times in the shower. Let’s find out how long I leave you in this state.”
“Nooo! I don’t have a boyfriend! Fuck! Damn you!”
“Ahh…so he was fake?”
“He wasn’t fake…He was real. But h-he broke up with me after a week or so. He said he couldn’t keep up with my sex drive. Told me I was a-a nympho… So I yelled at him about y-“ You paused, hesitating to keep going. Bakugou just stared at you, not afraid of leaving you like this if you didn’t finish. “About you…”
“Me?” He leaned down to kiss your forehead, praising you for telling him all this. “And just what did your highness say about me?”
“I said if a rugged commoner like you could satisfy me, then he should be able to, too. So he called me a slut and left.”. You turned your head away, too embarrassed by the sharing of your breakup. “How dare he speak to me like that…”. Bakugou took hold of your chin to face him as he leaned down and kissed you on the lips. He wiped away your tears with his thumb and continued to stroke your cheek.
“You’re not a slut, F/N.”
You chucked. “I’m a whore but not a slut?”.
“I didn’t say you were. You did.” He slipped back inside you, making you moan once more. “Besides, you’re only like this with me, right? I doubt he was making you feel the way I do, anyways. Not with how pathetic he sounds.”
“Yeah…no one can make me feel this good.” Your mouth gaped open as Bakugou began steady thrusts inside you. Your ribbed walls clenched around him begging for more. “Lets cum together, okay?” You placed each of your hands on his cheeks. “I wanna cum with you.”
Entranced by your sudden displays of sweetness, he plunged his cock deeper and faster into you. You slipped your hands into his hair and tugged as you felt your high approach. Your moans sounded more high-pitch and angelic as Bakugou leaned down to kiss your neck. He could better hear your beautiful sounds in this position and it was pushing him closer to his own climax.
His thrusts became more erratic at his impending orgasm. “F-fuck, F/N. I’m gonna cum- I’m gonna cum so deep in your pussy.” He layed multiple kisses along your neck. “I might just give you a little prince.”
“Oh fuck! Katsukiii…Katsukiiii…” You tugged his hair tighter. Your long-awaited orgasm finally washed over you. It seemed like it could never end as your walls twitched violently against Bakugou’s cock, making him lose himself even more.
“Me too, F/N- me too. Fuck!” Bakugou pumped his milky seed deep inside you and you could probably cum again just from the hot feeling of it. When it seemed his cock was drained, he allowed himself to collapse on top of you.
You slipped your hands under his shirt, caressing your fingers along his back as you regained your breathing. “You didn’t cum exactly when I did. I’m deducting points.”
He chucked beneath into your neck. “Fuck your point system. I’m rebelling against your shitty monocracy.” You gasped, feigning offense. He kissed you on the lips before turning his body to lay beside you.
“We should..uhh…probably go get a pill, right?”
You sent a confused look at him. “Bakugou, I’m on birth control.”
He shot up from the bed with shock. “Hah?! So why had we been using a condom?” He frustratingly gripped at his hair. “I could’ve been fucking you raw this whole time?!”
“Well I figured you used them because you didn’t trust me.”
“What?” He looked at you before turning his face away trying to hide his blush. “Of course I’d trust my girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?! This hasn’t been discussed with the counsel!”
Bakugou leaned over you, his forearms resting on either side of your head. “I believe I said I was rebelling against your shitty monocracy, F/N.” He pressed another kiss on your lips. “Who else is gonna put up with your stuck-up attitude and inhuman sex drive?” He layed back down beside you and pulled you into him, kissing the back of your shoulder.
You twisted your body to face him, looking directly into his eyes. “So you fell in love with the enemy?”
“Yeah, your highness. I fucking did. Gonna execute me?”
You shook your head and kissed his nose before burying into his chest. The up and down motions of his chest relaxing you, beckoning you to sleep.
“I did too.” You whispered softly, Bakugou had heard you though. Holding you tighter against his chest, the exhaustion and your comfort drifted him to sleep.
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astridthevalkyrie · 3 years
summer rain: chapter 3
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Your days in the Training Corp aren’t too out of the ordinary. You make friends, you train hard, and you eat dinner every day.
Oh, and you’re also hellbent on getting revenge against Humanity’s Strongest Soldier.
Chapter 2, Chapter 4
You don’t keep your promise to yourself. Very unwillingly, you let Lieutenant Levi catch out after hours again, a few months later, in very different circumstances.
The day goes pretty well before the incident, actually. Nothing extraordinary or painful happens, and you even get Grumman to tell you in that gruff voice of his that you have good form. A good day deserves a good night, a nice farewell. It’s the end of the week, and since tomorrow is everyone’s day off anyways, you decide you want to have a little fun.
The usual suspects want no part in it. Millie doesn’t support sneaking out of the base, Ricky is too busy studying, and Stephen cannot stay awake past dinnertime and is always out like a light. Traitors, the lot of them. There’s absolutely no fun in sneaking out alone, so you start asking around. Surely there must be someone who feels as cooped up as you do.
And that’s how you find yourself in a bar with Traute and Nifa.
It’s an odd combination, you know that much. Nifa is bubbly, bright, and speaks very loudly when she gets drunk. Traute, on the other hand, has a glare that turns out to be helpful to ward off any amorous intruders, but when directed at you, it can be scary. She doesn’t drink at all, giving you a hard stare when you ask her if she wants anything. You only have a single glass yourself before getting up to do what you really came here for - dance.
You start off slow, the alcohol leaving your brain just a bit fuzzy after not drinking for such a long time. The musicians playing on the stage at the side sweeten everyone’s ears with a gradual but energetic melody. You grab a random man’s arm, swinging into step with him. He complies with a hearty chuckle, and now you have a dance partner. In turn, he grabs his friend, who grabs theirs.
Claps and cheers fill the air. You feel the heavy steps under you as your arms flail and you spin, right in the center of it all and enjoying every last second of it. Your hair bounces around you, falling into your face. Someone grabs your hand and tugs you into a waltz. Eventually, dancing turns to jumping, but you don’t care, you live for every second of this. The dancing, the music, the crowd, the sinful act of sneaking out and getting so handsy with everyone. The music is only egging you on.
Your hands are in the air, twirling for all you’re worth. The crowd is cheering you on, the melody is reaching its peak, the room is spinning, and you raise a leg up to finish with a grand pirouette and a wide grin.
The song finishes and you stop to a resounding wave of applause, your arms still thrown in the air.
Right in front of you is Lieutenant Levi, and he does not share the crowd’s enthusiasm.
You stay exactly in the position you are, hands frozen as though he’s caught you. Maybe it’s the wine, or maybe it’s the absurdity of the situation, or maybe it’s that he somehow went to the same seedy bar you did and caught you dancing and is now listening to your admirers enthusiastically shouting for an encore as the next song starts playing. Whatever the reason is, you start laughing.
He looks funny, with his bored, fed up expression. Why does he always look like that?
Sighing at your disorderly conduct, he beckons you forward with one finger. Feeling particularly pleasant, you follow him out of the crowd, pausing only to bow with a flourish to anyone who looks at you. Apparently, Lieutenant Levi does not appreciate your desire to please the crowd, because he grabs your arm and shoves you out of the bar. You giggle, hands flying up to cover your mouth.
“Who did you come here with?” he asks, and you waggle a finger.
“I’m not telling.”
“It’s your little quartet, isn’t it?”
“I’m not telling,” you repeat, taking a few steps back from him. You have no desire to get enthralled in him once again. The last time replays in your mind enough times as it is.
The lieutenant gives you a hard look. You try your best to match it, but you end up breaking out into giggles again, the giddy feeling too good to leave you so soon. He sighs.
“You’re drunk.”
“Ooh, so clever.” You smirk, completely unbothered. He doesn’t look too mad, and you’re not worried about Traute or Nifa either. They’ll find their way back. And now you have an escort! It’s truly a special night. “I’m not, actually. I’m no lightweight. I just feel good.”
“That won’t last long,” he promises, “you just ruined my plans. Instead of having a drink, I get to babysit you. So rest assured I’m going to make your life hell, (L/N).”
Your voice unwittingly comes out in a whine. “But you already do that.”
He sighs that sigh again, placing a hand on the top of your head to spin you around and push you in the direction of the base. You laugh loudly, finding his exasperation hilarious until he gives your temple a painful flick.
“Fucking brat.”
“Ooh, you’re infuriating.” The good feeling is still there, but it’s a little more bitter. He just has that natural effect on your emotions. “You make me so mad.”
“Likewise,” he responds dryly.
The lack of engagement in his voice only serves to make you more sour. For a few minutes, you remain quiet, the two of you walking side by side. More than once, his knuckles brush against yours, but you pay no attention to the contact. You’re simmering in quiet annoyance, months of being thrown around, embarrassed and disrespected all coming to a head now. The liquid courage you consumed earlier doesn’t help either.
“Was it ugly?” aren’t exactly the words you wanted to say, but they’re the ones that come out.
You look at him, an uncharacteristically vulnerable look displayed on your features. “My smile. Was it so ugly that you just couldn’t stand it?”
“What are you talking about?” He’s raising a brow at you, the breeze playing with his collar a bit. You realize this is the first time you’ve seen him out of uniform, in only a simple white buttoned shirt. He looks nice.
“The day we met. The first day of training. That day.” You wave a hand to make him understand. “You didn’t like my smile, so you...did what you did. And then you did it again later. That was mean.” There’s a pout on your face now, as you remember all his past transgressions. “It must have been an ugly smile if it made you act like this.”
“What are you trying to say?” Levi looks irritated. “Spit it out, (L/N).”
So you do.
“Why do you hate me so much?”
He looks at you, really looks at you, and yet he doesn’t halt. He merely scans your questioning face, your downtrodden expression and the downward direction of your lips. You’re not trying to be difficult this time, you’re really not. You just think that you have a right to know just what you did to make him constantly come after you. Maybe once you hear it, your ridiculous attraction to him will stop.
“What makes you think I hate you?” he replies, genuinely, honestly, and your heart clenches. Before you can reply, he goes on, “I wouldn’t be training you if I hated you. Wouldn’t put up with your annoying ass presence all the time.”
Not sure what to do with such a backhanded compliment, you press on. “So what, you like me? I’d hate to see how you treat your enemies.”
“You would hate to see it,” Levi hums in agreement, and leaves it at that. There’s no confirmation as to whether or not he likes you, which you take to mean he merely tolerates you enough. That does nothing for your feelings. Oh Maria, you can’t actually believe you’re entertaining the idea of having feelings for him in the first place. There’s an attraction there, sure, in a if-he-asked-you-to-sleep-with-him-you-would-probably-say-yes kind of way. You can appreciate his features, you can admit that he’s ridiculously attractive (for a midget). But it doesn’t go deeper than that, and you know now that it doesn’t go deeper for him either. You’re a thorn in his side, who he begrudgingly agrees to train out of some sense of duty. That’s fine. Except…
Except your fascination with his eyes doesn’t just stem from you good you think they’d look above you. It’s been the same thing since day one - there’s just something about him you crave. His closeness, his attention. He’s interested you since the beginning, and you just don’t know why. It looks like you won’t ever find out.
“Hey.” Levi flicks your forehead again, ignoring the glare you throw his way. “You’re thinking too loudly. Cut it out.”
You cut it out.
Not even a whole minute later, he asks, “What were you thinking about?”
He just can’t make up his mind, can he? What an adorable little sadist.
For maybe the first time since you arrived here, you think carefully about your words before speaking. “I was thinking about something that happened once back home.” When he doesn’t say anything, only raises a brow, you continue, “Millie and I went out this one time, with this guy I liked but was too shy to tell. It was pretty late, and I was really tired, so we got separated somehow. I ended up in front of this large mansion. Large, large. Like, I grew up there as one of the richest girls on the block and I still thought it was huge -”
“Get to the point,” Levi grumbles, and you smirk at his impatience. You really do think he should hear this one.
“I knocked on the door, and these two women opened it. I told them what happened, and they agreed to let me stay the night. So I ate dinner with them and then -”
The lieutenant just isn’t content with letting you tell your story without interrupting. “You actually went in? That’s so fucking stupid. Not to mention dangerous. Why didn’t you just try to go home?”
“I’m scared of walking alone at night.” You wave your hand dismissively and hurry on before he can chide you further about how unsafe it is to trust strangers. “So anyway, I went to sleep in one of their spare rooms, but in the middle of the night...I heard something. A scratching sound. It freaked me out.”
He scoffs. “I would guess you got murdered after that, but since you’re here, I guess we weren’t so lucky.”
You look at him crossly. “Ha-ha. No, I made it through the night. I asked them about it the next morning -”
“And then they killed you.”
“No. They told me they’d love to tell me, but they couldn’t, because I wasn’t part of their secret society that they had built the mansion for. So I left, but a month later, I ended up getting lost there again.”
“You’re fucking useless.”
“Shut up.” You’re not sure where you get the gall to tell him that. “I stayed the night again, I heard the scratching again, and I asked again. But they said the same thing. So I said, screw it, I really want to know, I’ll join the secret society. They tell me that first I need to tell them how many houses there are in Stohess. It doesn’t have to be exact, but it has to be close.”
Levi’s brows are furrowed in concentration. He shakes his head with a frown, clearly running it over in his head. “I can’t see how you could figure something like that out. It would take you ages to walk through every single street and count all of them. Why would they need to know that anyways?”
You shrug. “Haven’t the faintest clue. But remember I said there was that guy I liked? His father is actually a mathematician, and the man’s a chip off the old block. So I go to him, and he helps me out. Approximates the shit out of it. I thank him with a kiss and then go to the mansion, and give them my final answer.” You lick your lower lip, basking in how intently Levi was listening to your story. “They said I was close enough and that they could finally tell me where the sound was coming from. They lead me to a gold door, and give me a gold key. Actual gold, Lieutenant.”
“Fascinating,” he mutters sarcastically.
“It is,” you agree, humming, “I open the door, but then there’s another door. This time it’s silver.”
There’s deep confusion in those grey eyes. Something is very thrilling about having him hang on to your every word.
“They hand me a silver key, and I open the silver door, and then there’s a bronze door. At this point I’m really irritated, but they give me a bronze key and promise that this is the last door. So I put it in, unlock it, and open the door. And then I finally see it.”
You’ve arrived at the base. Snapping your heels together, you press your fist to your chest and salute. “Thanks for walking me back, Lieutenant. See you tomorrow.”
“What?” His eyes narrow. “Finish the story, (L/N). What was making the sound?”
You gasp in mock surprise, scandalized. “I can’t tell you, you’re not part of the secret society.”
If only you could capture his face in this very moment. It’s as though he goes through all the stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance all in one second. His mouth falls open in surprise, and you burst out laughing, pointing at him gleefully.
“Ooh, I got you so good!”
Levi gives you the dirtiest look you’ve ever seen, which only serves to make you guffaw even louder. You grin broadly - it feels so amazing to one-up him, even if it’s in this brief, stupid exchange. He can take this as your revenge for flustering you in the hallway a few months ago. Just who did this man think he was playing with? You are the product of the bitches and bastards of the fakest place in the world, so yeah, you can tell a story, and you can act your heart out. In fact, what were you doing here in the military? You should’ve joined a traveling theatre group, now that would have put your many talents to good use.
“Your sense of humor is shitty,” the lieutenant informs you flatly. Oh, you beg to disagree. “Laughing at your own jokes doesn’t make them good. So it was all fake, then?”
You do your best to control your giggles. “Y-yeah. I don’t just sleep over at random mansions. And I’m not scared of being alone in the dark.”
“All of it was fake?” he asks again, and this time it’s your turn to be confused.
He tsks, whether at you or himself you’re not sure, then lets out a tired sigh. Sparing no further pleasantries, he orders you to bed, warns you not to be late tomorrow, and adds that he’s looking forward to the fresh hell he plans to inflict on you. You salute again, just to be extra, then start walking to the female barracks, still laughing to yourself. Hopefully this won’t seem like a hazy dream tomorrow. You got him, you really got him.
Just before you change into your nightgown, a fleeting thought pops into your mind.
Was the reason the lieutenant double-checked that the story was fake because you mentioned that there had been a guy you liked? No, that was ridiculous. He probably just wanted to check that his subordinate that he was investing so much time in wasn’t a complete idiot. But the thought is stuck in your head now, and you fight back a smile, burying your face in your pillow. Maybe you are a little drunk, but you could go back to hating him in the morning.
It’s astonishing to you, but you’ve actually improved. Gone are the days of your legs aching after running a few measly laps. When Rashad attempts to pin you down, you can flip him over and hold him there. The ODM gear starts to feel more natural, and zipping through the air is slowly becoming muscle memory. Even the swords feel just right in your hands, although it’s weird that you could run out of them and then have nothing to defend yourself with. Oh well, you don’t plan to be in that kind of situation anyways.
You hate to admit it, but Lieutenant Levi’s training is paying off. It’s not something you realize until you learn, with a start, that you are in the top ten. Number six, to be specific. Ricky mocks you endlessly for being one of those people who say they don’t care when they in fact care very much, as though he’s not two ranks below you.
Without telling Millie, you send a letter to your mother, telling her about your achievements.
Sorry for taking so long to write. I wasn’t so sure you wanted me to. I still don’t know. But l wanted to tell you that I’m doing well here. I’m number six in the ranks. Isn’t that cool?
Millie’s doing well too, although I’m sure Mrs. Shackel keeps you updated. We have these two boys who follow us around like annoying flies. One’s from a village in Rose, and the other’s actually from an outer city of Wall Maria. Don’t worry, I don’t plan to marry a poor boy. I’ll find someone rich to settle down with eventually.
I hope you’re taking care, and I hope Grandma is too. Her condition hasn’t gotten any worse, has it? If you need me to send something from here, I’ll do my best to see if I can find it.
I wish I was the kind of daughter who could write you a longer letter. Sorry, Mama, but I’m not sure what else to say. Who knows if I’ll see you again?
Lots of love,
“I” - huff - “need it.”
“I” - huff - “will” - huff - “kill you.”
“Tch. You’d try.”
“Just give me the water, please.”
“You still have a lap left.”
“I’ll do it, it’s important to stay hydrated!”
“Do the lap, then you get the water.”
“If you don’t give it to me now, I’ll faint.”
“Then I’ll leave you out here.”
“You wouldn’t - well, you would, but you shouldn’t.”
“Don’t want to. So get to it.”
“God, fine!”
“Now can I” - huff - “please have it?”
“I don’t know, can you?”
“You are such a -”
“You talk too much.”
“Oh my” - cough - “God. Are you trying to choke me?”
“You wanted the water.”
“To drink, not for you to shove down my throat and waterboard me with!”
“Ungrateful wretch.”
“What are you, a charming prince from a novel?”
“Yes. Now drink up, my bratty duchess, we’ve got more work to do.”
There’s dirt on your face, your sleeves, and your shoes, and yet you stay still, with a small grin on your face. You’re lying down, facing up, hands pressed up against the ground. To anyone flying above, you’d blend in with the dirt perfectly. Or at least, that’s what you’re counting on.
Somewhere out there, Ricky is on the hunt looking for you.
Your gear lies hidden a few feet away, since you didn’t want anything chunky to ruin your brilliant camouflage. Obviously a good long wash will do wonders for you later, but for now you stay quiet, ignoring the filth on your otherwise pristine self. The forest is quiet, with the light chirps of birds that you’re sure are very cute but would take a shit on you if you stay here too long. You breathe in and out quietly, stomach tense as you wait to see if your plan will work.
The wait isn’t long. You hear him before you see him, faint clicking sounds that his ODM gear is nice enough to alert you with. Pressing down into the ground, you hold your breath and close your eyes halfway, convincing yourself that you’re part of the nature that surrounds you. If you believe it hard enough, maybe this will actually work and Ricky won’t spot you.
After a second that feels like an hour, you hear him fly away and you breathe easy, running a hand through your hair.
Only then you feel something brush up against your finger, something hairy that’s crawling up your hand -
You let out an ungodly shriek, jumping to your feet. The poor bug that crawled onto your hand is flung off as you thrash your arms this way and that, smacking your skin just to get it off, get it off, get it off!
For all your efforts, Ricky hears you scream and immediately zooms back, chortling. He lands down in front of you, placing his finger on your nose as soon as you calm down.
“Found you.”
You sigh. This extreme version of hide-and-seek may have been a bad idea.
Millie has her head in your lap, a map in her hands as she shakes her head. Apparently there’s something marvelous about the document, since she can’t keep her eyes off it.
“I don’t think I ever realized how large the space is between the walls,” she mutters, “there’s so much distance between Maria and Rose. It didn’t feel that way when we came here.”
“Yeah,” you hum, absentmindedly tracing designs on her cheek, “makes you wonder how different people get the more inward they go.”
Millie’s nose wrinkles in concentration. “Stephen has a slight accent. Have you noticed?”
“Mmhm. He does good work hiding it, though. It’s hard to pick up on it unless he has to roll his r’s.” You try snatching the map from her hands but she holds on tightly, scolding you over trying to give her a papercut. Well that’s hilarious, considering the two of your are covered in scratches and bruises all over, but that’s Millie for you, always striving for the closest thing to perfection she can get.
You lean your head back against the bark of the tree, leaving her to her observations. It’s been a while since the two of you have gotten to hang out together, away from everyone else. It’s really no one’s fault, you’re both busy and it’s not like you haven’t already spent most of your lives together. Millie has her studies to religiously focus on, her rivals to crush, and apparently her maps to drool over. Meanwhile, you have friends to playfully compete with, horrible doodles to draw next to your scribbled notes, and your mind is strangely preoccupied with…
“Look, it’s your best friend,” Millie said noncommittally, nodding her head to the right.
Deja vu hits you like a merchant’s cart. You’re sitting under the same tree, he’s walking in the same direction. When he catches your gaze, you decide to complete the scene and give him a bright smile and a friendly wave.
Levi stares at you for two seconds, and then rolls his eyes and keeps walking. You bite your lip, just slightly amused.
It’s an improvement.
"(L/N), you’ve got a letter too!” are the words that shake you out of your sleep haze in the morning. You jump up, pushing past the others trying to get their hands on their mail. Reginald, the man who's nice enough to put up with this crap once a week, thrusts an extremely fancy envelope in your hand. Your name is written on the back in your mother’s expert penmanship. You eagerly walk back to your seat, ignoring the glares and eyerolls from some people who obviously weren’t getting their letters in pretty envelopes.
You sit back down at the table, opening the letter with extra care. It’s from your mother, and that makes it precious, so you want to savor it the best you can. Across from you in her normal seat, Millie raises a brow.
“Your mom wrote to you?”
“I wrote to her a few weeks ago. Just wanted to catch up,” you say quietly, not meeting her eyes, “I’m surprised she wrote back.”
Next to Millie, Stephen’s brows furrow. “Why wouldn’t your mother write back to you?”
“No reason,” you answer quickly, “she’s just a busy woman.”
With your friends’ watching your reaction carefully, you unfold the piece of paper, beginning to read.
To my darling daughter,
You say you don’t write much, and yet it gave me a headache just to read that much. You know that I like to be organized, so I’ll answer your unwanted letter point by point.
It’s certainly wonderful that you’re sixth in the ranks. Perhaps that means you’re the sixth least likely to die? Maybe the next time I hear from you, it’ll actually be from your commanding officer telling me how special you were, but how that didn’t stop you from meeting your terrible end. Hopefully there’ll at least be a small pension that comes with it.
Mrs. Shackel and I met for tea last week. She told me you were being personally trained by the best soldier in the Scouts. I have an idea - marry him, someone with such a valuable skill set surely isn’t poor, and is much better suited to your tastes. That way not only will you leave me without a daughter, but you’ll also leave the poor man a widow as well. Would that satisfy your cruelty, dear?
I am taking care. Grandma is taking care. We are doing fine without you. We don’t need anything from you. I don’t think we ever have. Had I known I was raising such a manipulative, heartless girl, I would have prayed to that ridiculous church that you die during childbirth. Unfortunately, Sina did not give me the good instincts to run a knife through you the second you were born.
Please do not write again.
Lots of love,
Your doting mother
“(F/N),” Millie starts immediately, taking in your stricken expression. She must have a good idea of what the letter says. “Forget about it, she’s a -”
You clear your throat loudly, standing up. Stephen looks worried, but he also seems unsure as to what to do. You don’t want him to do anything, hell, you don’t even want Millie to do anything. You want to get out of here. The room is suddenly suffocating. Your eyes are stinging but you are damned if you’re going to break down in here, so you only shake your head, unable to form words. You wave a hand at Millie, hoping she gets the hint not to follow you.
Without looking at anyone, you rush out of the mess hall. Despite your determination to wait until you’re definitely in a secluded area, tears start flowing down your face the second you step out. With an ugly, pained sob escaping you, you break out into a run.
Now that it’s getting a bit chillier, the cold bites into your eyes, making them water even more. You stop running after a few minutes, in the middle of the grounds. With everyone still having breakfast, there’s no one here yet, and you take that as an invitation to drop to your knees and start crying in earnest.
Why did she have to be so cruel?
You’re not a crier, you’re really not. An avid complainer, sure. A whiner at times. Definitely a sore loser. But you don’t particularly get any catharsis out of crying like so many other people do. When it comes to your mother, though...she’s just always known exactly where to strike her punches to turn you into a helpless little girl again. She can make you start blubbering so easily, and you hate that she can control your emotions even from so far away.
So you read the letter over and over again, until you’re mouthing the words on your lips that taste salty from the waterworks coating them. You’re trying to be quiet, but it’s beyond your control. You’re sobbing and wailing, and showing no sign of stopping.
There’s a quiet rustling beside you as someone walks up, and you shut your eyes tightly for a second. “M-Mil, I’m fine, I swear.”
“Are you?” Levi inquires, and you choke on a surprised sob, swallowing the embarrassing sound at the last second. Furiously wiping your eyes, you make to stand, but he crouches down instead.
He’s been in close proximity to you before, but never like this. Right now he’s near enough for you to reach out and touch his cheek if you so desired, but far enough that he’s not overwhelming you, and yet you can see the pores on his cheeks, the individual lashes lining those gorgeous grey eyes. You wipe your cheeks angrily. Great, just great, this incident will set you back several months on your plan. As though he was someone who needed to see you in such a vulnerable state.
The lieutenant outstretches his hand expectantly, and you’re not sure why you give him the letter so easily. You watch as his eyes scan the cruel words.
“I know,” you say before he can speak, “I know it’s not a big deal. But she’s my mother, I just - I just wanted her to - I thought she could at least be a little proud - “
You don’t realize another tear has rolled down your cheek until he brushes his thumb across your face, wiping it off easily. God, he must think you so weak. You wouldn’t be surprised if he decided to stop your private lessons right here and now.
But when you look at him, there’s no condescension on his face. There’s not even pity. You can’t place it. To an outsider he might look angry, but after knowing him for almost a year, you know that’s not it. It’s something strangely...protective. Fierce. You never expected him to look at you like that. You don’t know what to make of it.
“Stop crying,” he orders, not unkindly. It could be taken as a request. “Do you want to keep this letter?”
“I - I don’t know.”
It seems your body is more obedient than you are, because you stop tearing up, and when you wipe your face again, it remains dry.
“That’s it,” Levi murmurs, as his hands hold yours, warming them up. “Personally, I’d rip it to shreds. But that’s up to you.”
What’s going on? He’s being...well, he’s being nice. He’s never nice. He’s not always unpleasant, and he indulges in your silly banter, but he’s never been so...soft, especially not with you. And just why are you so easily warming up to him, going as far as to curl your fingers around his? Is it because his hands are warm against your cold ones, or is it...is it because…
“I want to keep it,” you blurt out, partly to keep yourself from the unwelcome thoughts inside your head.
He nods. and then gently grasps your arms, bringing both you and him to your feet. He places the letter in your hand, and then proceeds to brush the sides of your uniform off. It’s rough, but you’re emotional and this feels like the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for you.
“Thanks,” you breathe. It’s hard to say, but you spit it out anyways. “I - I don’t know what to - thank you.”
Finally, Levi looks like himself again, because he rolls his eyes and mutters, “I just picked your lazy ass up, (L/N), don’t look so fucking grateful about it.”
You smile softly, but he looks away, obviously feeling awkward. He truly goes through moods like he’s trying on different outfits, the weirdo. You decide that just this once you can spare him - besides, you need to save face too. You turn around, intending to walk away.
The lieutenant grabs your hand at the last second. He grips it tightly, keeping your arm outstretched. If only your heart could stop lurching like this, it’s not as if he’s going to pull you in for a kiss - he’s not the type.
“From now on, if you’re going to cry, you’re only going to cry because of me. Understood?”
You swallow the lump in your throat. “Yes, sir.”
He nods, satisfied, and lets you go.
You can’t believe you’re doing this.
In the past year, you’ve been to Lieutenant Levi’s office once, maybe twice or thrice. Either you had something to tell him (like how you couldn’t train due to severe emotional trauma, which was usually denied), or he led you there himself, to quickly grab something. How come he gets an office anyway? You’re pretty sure one has to be a captain or section commander to get their own space, and Levi is neither. You suppose being humanity’s strongest comes with its own benefits, even if it is an unofficial title. He gets to enjoy the finer things in life. Lucky him.
Anyways, you hadn’t planned on showing up here after hours, and certainly not with a steaming cup of tea in your hands.
Swallowing every bit of your pride, you knock on the door. “Lieutenant?”
No answer. You knock again.
And again.
It’s right as your knocks get just a touch louder that you hear him groan, “I’m coming, just hold on a second.”
When Levi opens the door, you take the quickest second to note that he looks how he did the day he walked you home, dressed in casual clothing. Realistically you know that no one stays in their uniform all day, but it’s still jarring to see him out of it. Someone might mistake him as approachable, although that ridiculous notion would quickly evaporate when they got a good look at his face.
He gives you a quick annoyed lookover, clearly waiting to hear your reason for disturbing him at this time.
“Chamomile,” you say with a grin, thrusting it forward, “Helps you sleep.”
He gives you a long, deadpan look.
“Who asked you to make this?”
“No one asked me.” You let out a puff of air to blow the loose strands of hair that have fallen out from your bun into your eyes. “I’m being nice. As thanks for...you know. Just take it.”
Levi doesn’t take it, but he does turn and go back into his office without closing the door, so you take the invitation and slip in, shutting it behind you. He slips into the chair behind his desk and you make yourself comfortable in the one in the front. There’s important looking documents all over, but there’s an order to them - a method to his madness. There’s not a single pen out of place. Of course, this is your obsessive compulsive midget who organized it, so you can’t expect anything else.
You slide the cup across the desk, where there’s another cup of tea already half empty. Oops, you’ve accidentally fueled his caffeine addiction. “That doesn’t look like chamomile.”
“It’s not. Just regular black tea.”
“Won’t that keep you up even more?”
“That’s the idea,” he says calmly, relaxed and leaning back.
“Wow, you’re a proud insomniac.” You shake your head in a disappointed manner. “If it were me, I’d at least try to sleep.”
Levi gives you a little glare, then pushes aside the paper he was working on to pick up your gift. He peers at it, looking a bit tired all of a sudden. It’s as though the day or the month or the entire year is catching up with him, and his eyes flicker to your eager face before he lets out a long sigh, raises the cup and brings it to his mouth.
Almost immediately he gags, slamming it down as his face scrunches up in disgust. “What the fuck, (L/N)? This is shit!”
Well, excuse you. You’re not a professional tea sommelier, and this isn’t some dainty cafe.
Still, you wince, crossing your arms and curling back into the chair. “Sorry. I’ve never actually made tea before. I’m not a fan.”
“Let me guess,” Levi says in a scathing tone as though you just admitted to cold-blooded murder, “you drink coffee.”
What an ignorant thing to assume.
“I drink milk, I’ll have you know.” You snap this at him, only realizing a second later that it’s not really something to boast about so proudly.
Something he clearly realizes as well, because he’s fighting back a smile and failing pretty miserably. “You drink milk.”
Well, there’s no taking it back now. “Yes.”
“It makes your bones grow strong, okay?”
He laughs at you, leaning back in his seat. “Of course it does.”
“Don’t make fun of me, it does!”
You bite down the comment that comes to mind, which is that he must not have drank much milk otherwise he’d probably be taller. You’re here to be nice, you remind yourself, even if he’s being his usual infuriating self. There’s lots of nice things you can do, like...like…
Oh my gosh, are you the mean one in this relationship? No, that’s impossible.
“Looks like you have a lot of work,” you say, gesturing to the piles of paper on his desk. “Want some help?”
Levi raises a brow at you, as though to ask you how much help you possibly think you could be. That’s fucking rude. “No, I wouldn't want to waste your strong bones on some boring paperwork.”
It’s your turn to glare. Maybe focusing on his totally wrong opinions about your choice in beverage will help you ignore the fact that the two of you are sitting, dare you say, cozily, in his office. He’s not kicking you out, he’s indulging you in conversation, and he’s even taking another sip from the supposedly terrible cup of tea you made for him. Sure, he grimaces after drinking it, but he’s not throwing it out. That’s...something.
Your relationship with the lieutenant is quickly becoming something dangerous. You’re enjoying his company a little too much lately. You’re thrilling in his laughter too often, you’re drowning in his eyes an unhealthy amount. It could be chalked up to the fact that you’ve just grown accustomed to him, since you see him so often, but you know that’s not it. The more likely explanation is that you just have such low expectations for him that the second he shows basic human decency, you mistake your surprise for some newfound affection for the man. You want that to be the explanation, at least. The alternative is too awful to think about.
“So,” he begins, and you think you’re about to be kicked out until he says, “shitty mom. What’s that about?”
You sigh. That’s about the only conversation topic you don’t want to breach, but you suppose it can’t be avoided. “Typical rich girl problems. She wants to use me for her own purposes, so she’s not happy I got up and abandoned her. Plus, Dad died outside the walls, and she’s not really a fan of me following in his footsteps.” You feel comfortable telling him this much.
Levi looks thoughtful. “Do you plan to die out there?” He’s not fazed by your blunt attitude at all, which is kind of refreshing, actually.
But the question is still...well, how do you answer that? How do you answer it without disappointing him? And why does it matter if you disappoint him? You don’t have the answer to any of these questions, so you only shrug and avert your eyes, letting them drop down the floor. Your goals are your own, and he doesn’t need to know them. He doesn’t pressure you, only hums in understanding.
“I’ve really never had a cup of tea this bad.”
You smile, grateful for the change of topic. “No one’s forcing you to drink it. Lieutenant.”
“Insolent brat, you go a whole conversation and then add the title like you’re doing me some kind of fucking favor.” He’s good at avoiding the topic too. Your eyes light up, and you lean forward.
“Pardon me, sir. Lieutenant Levi. Your grace. My prince charming. The duke of destruction. My deepest apologies.”
“Not forgiven.” He smirks, thoroughly entertained. “Try harder.”
“Make me.” The response slips naturally through your lips, inviting and seductive.
Oh for the love of Rose, you think to yourself, please shut the fuck up. It’s like the second you resolve to keep things neutral with him, he sets something up so well that you have to say something borderline flirtatious. It’s just too easy with him. You lose all semblance of self control, and always end up saying something stupid.
“Should I?” Levi muses, a gleam in his eyes now. “Your mother did suggest that you marry me. Maybe I should take her up on that.” He leans forward with a cruel smile, as if the idea is perfectly enticing to him. “Would you finally be a good girl and listen to me then, (L/N)?”
You freeze, mouth falling open. You had really, truly forgotten that your witch of a mother had included that in her oh-so loving letter, and that he’d read it. Holy hells, the universe wouldn’t be satisfied until the man in front of you had humiliated you in every way, shape and form. And this right here, this is exactly the fucking problem. He never stops you when you unintentionally flirt with him - most of the time he ignores it, and other times he encourages you and you daresay he flirts back. To mess with you, of course, none of this is genuine, but it makes the butterflies in your stomach freak out either way.
“Probably not, sir,” you force out when you find your voice, “I’m actually not looking to get married at all, so if someone did make a wife out of me, I’d fight them tooth and nail.”
He snorts. “Of course you would. Have to make use of those strong bones somehow, don’t you?” This fucking midget, he somehow musters up the audacity to leave you flustered and then moves on and pretends like nothing happened. What an asshole.
“Oh my God,” you groan, “leave me and my milk alone, caffeine addict. Seriously, I know it’s bad out there, but it can’t possibly be bad enough for you to act like such a hardass all the time.”
Levi pauses, the sharp retort that he was surely about to fire dying on his lips. There’s a brief flash of sadness in his eyes, and you bite your lip. Fuck, maybe you’re the one who crossed the line this time. You have a quick apology ready to go. but he speaks before you get the chance.
“For your information,” he says coolly, “I’ve always been like this.”
Well, that’s interesting. He’s not wartorn, just a grump? No one is just negative all the time for no reason, they have to have been screwed over by life somehow. You can’t take his claim at face value, you just have to do some more digging.
“And why is that? Rough childhood?” You snap your fingers, invested in this new guessing game. “Orphaned as a baby. Cast aside by a sibling.” Your eyes sparkle mischievously as you grin. “Abandoned at the altar by your long time lover. She left you for your cousin!”
“It’s past your bedtime,” Levi says, standing up, “lovely of you to drop by, but you better get going.”
The cup that you gave him is now empty.
“Injury. Business deal went wrong.” He pulls you up by your arms, ignoring your scientific hypotheses. “Your favorite pet died. Ooh, I know, the company your father left you in charge of went bankrupt! Wait wait wait, Levi!” He’s pushed you out of the room and has a hand on the door, but before he can close it, you place your palm against his chest, looking at him very seriously.
“Is it the altar one?”
“Why do you need to know?” he asks, seizing your wrist to take it off.
See, this is what you mean by setting you up perfectly. It’s his fault, all his fault. “If my betrothed has a scandalous past, I think I have a right to that information.”
Levi shoves you out and slams the door shut, leaving you beaming as you begin to jog to your dorms. That’s another point for you, and now that you’ve paid him back for comforting you earlier the two of you are even, and you can return to planning for the battle that he has no idea he’s participating in. The stars shine brightly that night, and you sleep easy.
“Look, they’re back!”
Everyone ignores Grumman’s instructions to stay right where they are, an action they’ll probably pay for in blood, sweat and tears later. The Scouts are returning from their latest expedition, finally. Everyone around the base is always tense when they leave, and now people can rest easy knowing that the next one won’t be for a few months. There’s apprehension in the air - as of right now, no one knows who made it back and who wasn’t so fortunate. You feel a twinge of guilt at the relief that you know the only person is the Survey Corp that you care for know is the most likely to have survived.
Sure enough, there he is next to Captain Erwin, looking weary as he gets off his horse. You’ve pushed forward to the front of the crowd of cadets, all scanning the crowd. You find yourself sandwiched between Ricky, whose long legs make it easy for him to keep up with you, and Petra, who is sighing with a dreamy smile on her face. You follow her gaze, confused.
“What, one of them bring back some food?” You crane your neck to figure out what she’s looking so lovingly at.
“No.” Petra points discreetly, and you follow her finger. “It’s just, he’s rather handsome, isn’t he?”
“Who, Erwin Smith? I mean, I guess, but he’s not really my -”
“No, (F/N).” She shakes her head fondly. “Lieutenant Levi. Don’t you think he’s extremely good-looking?”
Next to you, Ricky barks out a laugh, and you elbow him as you utter with the grace of someone who hasn’t been fantasizing about Levi’s eyes since the moment you met him, “No, not really. You can do better, Petra, trust me.”
A soldier rides in late, his face panicked and sweat trickling down his face.
“Oh, come on, I know the two of you have your differences, but even you have to admit that -”
One second, you’re chattering with Petra and wrestling Ricky with one arm as he grinds your foot against his.
The next second, your ears are ringing with the words that the soldier screams as loud as he can.
“The titans have broken the outer wall! They’ve gotten into Shiganshina!”
In a single moment, everything you know and hold dear changes.
All at once people are shouting, screaming at the poor soldier who delivered the news to explain. The titans have gotten into Shiganshina? How could they have? Is he out of his mind? Who sent him? How many drinks has he had? What does he mean, they’ve broken the outer wall? It’s a wall, it can’t just be broken, so what does he mean? What is he talking about?
It takes you a minute to notice Ricky has completely frozen next to you. His hands are trembling, and he’s mumbling to himself and shaking his head, as though this is a nightmare and he just needs a good pinch to wake up.
“My - my mom and dad, and my sisters,” he’s saying. “They’re not...they can’t fight titans, they’re not soldiers. They need...need help…”
With a terrifying realization, you remember that he’s from Shiganshina. You’re grabbing his arm to steady him, words of reassurance getting stuck in your throat. You don’t know what to say - you can barely control the consuming fear growing inside you, let alone soothe his.
In the next few seconds, Commander Shadis has learned everything he’s going to learn from the messenger, and he lets out a scream you will remember for the rest of your life. The order that’s delivered to you on humanity’s darkest day is simple.
“All Survey Corps members will refill their gas and restock their blades immediately! I want you all back on horseback in five minutes, you hear me? We are riding back to Shiganshina right now! All cadets and other personnel at this base are to gather the rest of the horses and get behind Wall Rose to assist the soldiers there with the refugees! Is that understood?”
He’s met with the chilling cries of at least a hundred people shouting, “Yes, sir!”
Your voice was not among the people who answered. As people run past you to prepare, you run forward, because suddenly you’re scared. Suddenly you’re not so sure that he’ll come back. And you can battle with yourself all you want later, all that’s important to you right now is getting to him. Even as you see tearstained faces pass by, you keep running, because you have to catch him before he goes, you have to -
You catch up to him right before he disappears. Steely grey eyes meet yours as people rush past you, no one sparing even a second glance to the two of you.
For a second, he’s surprised. Then he turns cold, and hard, and you know that many people are about to die. And he’s going to have to witness every. Last. One.
“Is there someone in Shiganshina you need me to look out for?” Levi murmurs, with all the softness of someone who might be riding out to his death.
No, you want to scream. Ricky’s family, maybe, but you don’t even know what they look like, and he’s going to have to worry about saving enough people without you placing an extra burden on his shoulders. No, it’s nothing like that, you just want him to...you need him to...
“Be careful,” you manage to get out in a foolish, rushed request, “please be careful.”
Shock makes its way to his features, as though he thinks it’s out of this world for someone to ask him to stay alive for his own sake. Your heart clenches, but you’re not leaving until he promises you he’s going to come back.
“Levi!” Captain Erwin calls. You don’t have any time left.
Even before he speaks, you know that he’s not going to make you the stupid promise you were hoping for. He’s not flowery, and certainly not one to feed you bullshit. No, he’s real, the realest person you’ve ever known, and his answer is going to be as authentic as he is.
“I’ll do my best.” Levi pulls away from you. “You be careful too, (L/N).”
With that, he breaks away from you and is lost in the crowd.
You don’t even realize you had been holding onto him until your hand is left feeling bare, reaching for him in an endless sea of soldiers storming to their doom.
ohhhhhh, i’ve been waiting for this for a long time. surprise, things are happening!
mommy dearest is rather harsh, isn’t she? reader’s no sweetheart herself, but damn.
yes, there’s a slap on titan reference in there.
poor carla is getting eaten right about now, and reader is here having a moment. sigh.
comment and let me know what you think!
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tastyykpop · 4 years
𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛-ρ† 2
Pairings: enemy, student, barista!jaemin x student, barista!reader, (very small) taemin x reader
Suggestive, slight angst (you have to squint), fluff
<previous- next>
Warnings: dom!jaemin, brat!reader, brat taming kinda, possessiveness, degradation, praise, thigh riding, choking a lot, pet names, jealousy
a/n : here we go again👨‍🦯
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"Is it true? Her and jaemin?" Students whispered amongst themselves and thats all you heard today, wondering why they were even talking about you and him. It was strange really, jaemin was nicer and there were very little pranks and even then, they weren't as bad as what they used to be.
"Y/n! Oh my god I can't believe it!" Yeri jumped with a smile plastered on her face, "Are you and jaemin together?"
You twisted your face in confusion. Is that what people think? "What!? No! Where did you even get that from?" You questioned.
Yeri smirked and leaned closer, "I heard from jeno that you both fucked." She leaned back, "is that true?"
"I- well thats not entirely wrong but what does that have to do with him and I dating?"
"Jaemins been nicer with you and there's rarely ever pranks. I mean, anyone with a brain could tell that something is up." Yeri pointed out. She raised an eyebrow as you glanced around, making sure no one can hear you.
"Okay yes me and jaemin did have sex, but seriously we aren't dating. And I'm just as shocked as you about the way he's acting." You whisper-yelled at your friend. She mouth fell into an 'o' shape as she nodded, then attempted to walk away until you grabbed and brought her back, "wait im missing something." You squinted, "please dont tell me everyone in the school knows."
"Okay I wont." She shrugged and tried to walk away again but your hand gripped her arm tighter, "Ow, did you get stronger?"
"Yeri I'm serious! No one was supposed to know and now everyone knows!" You slowly let go of her and stared at the ground, "i swear Im gonna kill that boy!"
Yeri snickered and patted your shoulder, "Dont you mean fuck him?"
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Order after order, customer after customer, you began to wear down after a hard days work. Irene stayed for a bit at yours and jaemins station to help since it was so busy. And it still wasn't fast enough for all the orders that just kept coming. It felt like you weren't going to finish and the shop closed at 8:30, it was currently 8:17.
"Ugh why is there so many orders at this time?" Irene groaned from exhaustion, jaemin snickered.
"Just be happy we get payed after this." He said and you all agreed.
Everything seemed to suddenly slow down at the cafe as it was beginning to close. Only a few orders were actually left and after that, you could close.
Irene and jaemin cleaned up the stations. Of course Irene left first afterwards, and you counted the money at the register. And since youve been working here for almost 2 years, counting money was just as easy as walking. But since its been super busy today, it took you a while to count some of the coins. Only once while you counted did you mess up, but you brushed it away and started again.
"Can you be any slower?" Jaemin commented, having just finished his part.
Putting the money away after counting, you put your hands on your hips like a mom scolding her child, "Whats the hurry all of a sudden?"
He only giggled and ruffled your already messy hair, "I wanna spend time with my baby."
You tried your hardest not to blush.
"No way." You swatted his hand off your head.
"And why not?" He quirked an eyebrow as you and him walked to an empty table in the cafe.
"Cuz you told jeno what we did last night and now the whole school knows. I'm kinda mad at you right now." Groaning, you hid your head in your arms trying to avoid his gaze.
You couldnt see him, but you heard the sigh and knew he was pouting at you, buy you didn't bother looking up.
"Why can't I brag about how good you were?" Jaemin questions, leaving you to groan louder.
"This isnt what I wanted..."
The boy shifted in his seat and pulled your head out your arms, his hands holding the side of your cheeks, "then what did you want?"
Your cheeks puffed as you tried to find the right words, "...to not have done what we did last night."
"So you regret it?"
You shrugged.
Jaemin leaned back and stared at you with a cold face. He has a hint as to why youre now suddenly saying this, not only because of him telling his friends, but also because of his past with you. If he wasnt pranking you, he was making fun of you, if it wasn't that, he'd make you flustered with his words or actions. Jaemin was annoying, yes, but your reactions were priceless to him. You got annoyed by jaemin and you hated him. He didnt blame you even after all this.
"I guess im not really mad at you telling him, just more confused on why you had sex with me." You started playing with a strand of fallen hair and waited for his answer.
"I did what I wanted to do from the beginning; fucking you dumb. If you think there's another reason, there isn't." Jaemin crossed his arms with a half smile.
You stopped playing with your hair and glared at him, "No no there has to be more! You're way to nice to me now for that to be it!"
"Do you think I like you?" He suddenly leaned forward. You didnt bother saying anything and sat back in the chair, "Why would I like you?"
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Its been a week since your last interaction with jaemin. Literally. Theres been no pranking or anything. It was odd, but you couldn't stop thinking back to what he said when you both were alone in the cafe. Something about that kind of stung. You dont know why but, you thought maybe, just maybe, he'd actually like you. And maybe, jimin was right about about you liking him.
"Hey how was work?" Jimin asked getting up from the couch. You noticed taemin was here too and it wasn't surprising anymore as he's been coming over recently this past week.
"It was a bit busy actually." You smiled, nodding your head in taemins direction to acknowledge him and he smiled in return. Cute.
Jimin came back to his seat on the couch and handed you and taemin a clas of iced tea, "Jaemin didnt do anything again huh?"
You shook your head, "You don't understand how weird this is. Like he completely stopped interacting with me." You sighed taking a sip and seat next to taemin before ranting again, "Wait...oh my god! Did I get played? Was he really just trying to fuck me this whole time?"
"Fu- what?" Taemin zipped his head at you.
"Its a long story-"
"No its not," jimin cut you off, "basically hes kind of a bully to her and hes always doing pranks and saying some provocative things, but magically," he started flailing his hands, "jaemin started being nice, said he wanted to 'fuck her dumb' and then she was in his bed."
"....so you just...let your bully fuck you??" Taemin squinted his eyes at you and you nodded slowly. "Interesting. "
"I dont even know why. Like it just happened." You stuck out your bottom lip and laid you head on taemins shoulder, "I can't believe I did that..."
"It was bound to happen." Jimin sipped his tea.
You lifted your head slightly off of taemins shoulder and stuck your tongue out, "You know what fuck you!"
"You both are like kids." Taemin said, moving to get up.
"Hm?" Jimin looked up from his iced tea, completely obvious to what taemin said and taemin shook his head.
"I need to get back home. Jimin don't stay up too late." Jimin whined at his friend as taemin got up, "y/n, be good." You gave him a thumbs up and watched as the black haired man left.
"Jimin hes cute." You frowned.
Jimin rolled his eyes, "tell him that next time then."
You rolled over so now you were laying on jimins lap and he gave you a look of disgust, but you ignored it, "Mans is too cute for someone like me to say something."
"Dude he literally called you cute the first day he met you." Jimin said a matter of factly.
"How do you know he wasnt lying?"
Jimin scoffed, "Taemin lying? Thats like me and you dating. It just doesn't go together."
"I dont know if i should be offended or happy." You glared.
"The latter." He averted his eyes from yours and continued watching the show on t.v.
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2 classes in and your were already tired. If you hadn't had stayed up so late with jimin, crying over some k-drama, maybe you wouldve gotten a good night sleep. But because of that you looked dead. You didn't even try to look your best this morning, only throwing on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and brushing your hair back. You thought you looked okay to some extent at least. Maybe not your normal self but at least you were presentable.
There's was only so much you could handle in your class right now too. Trigonometry was definitely not your strong suit and you wondered how you even got in this class.
People were hunched over doing their work and you were struggling with question one. It was a bit embarrassing. You looked to your right for answers but they were just as lost as you, so your left was your next move.
"I dont appreciate you cheating off my paper y/n." Jaemin whispered, making sure the professor didn't hear him.
"Sorry I'm just confused.." you grumbled, placing your pencil down, jaemin gave you a look.
"Maybe if you used your head you'd get it."
"Im not dumb jaemin."
He exhaled and rubbed his face with his hands, "Come over later ill help you."
You looked at jaemins partially completed paper then back at your blank one. You needed this if you wanted to pass but you also didn't want to be with jaemin at the moment and you weren't too sure what tricks the boy had up his sleeve.
"I dont think-"
"It wasnt a question." Jaemin then went back to his work, ignoring whatever protest you had as you were about to open your mouth.
It was at this point you even planned on not going later. The only thing is he really didn't like being disobeyed and you found him a bit scary when mad. It wouldnt be right to miss out on him tutoring you anyway because jaemin was a smart guy. With his help you should be able to pass easily given a few months.
The professor ended class a few minutes early. Jaemin and you both headed to your next class when someone tapped on your shoulder, making you curiously turn around.
"TAEMIN!" you leaped up and hugged the guy around his neck as he giggled with full cheeks. "What are you doing here?"
"I changed colleges since it was closer to where I was living, but I didnt realize you were here too!" He beamed.
Jaemin stood watching you both converse and giggle over small things. He wanted so badly to drag you away from taemin but he knew you weren't going to like him very much after that. But something about the two of you laughing and subtly flirting didnt sit right with him and he didnt know why. It wasnt jealousy because why would he be jealous with you? He didn't care about you in that way. So why was this making him angry?
"Y/n lets go to class." Jaemin interrupted the two of you.
"You can go ill be in shortly." You brushed him off as if he was nothing and began talking with taemin again. Jaemin despised it but listened to you and walked away.
You were happy taemin came to this school because now it gave you a chance to get closer with him. It was definitely the small crush that grew over the week that made you feel like a 14 year old girl whenever he said something remotely sweet.
Taemin and you stood just outside of the classroom door and you gave him a quick hug and good bye before heading into the room with a big smile.
Jaemin stared at you as you walked up the steps to your seat that was a few feet away from him. The smile plastered on your face made jaemin see how much of an impact taemin really had on you.
Seulgi and sana kept glancing back at you, snickering here and there. Something your not fazed by it anymore. Probably them planning another prank or something. You also felt another set of eyes behind you and looked back to see jaemin glaring at the back of your head. Wondering why he was doing that, you crooked your head to the side then faced the front again after not receiving any response from him.
Ten minutes passed and the professor never came. Students were still all around the room talking to each other and the room was noisy. You decided to just ignore everyone and focus on any work you could, everything other than trig. You were saving that for jaemin.
"Hey nana," jaemin looked away from you and gazed up at seulgi who was now standing in front of him, "theres a party later at Wendy's and joys house. You coming?"
You put the pencil down and started biting your nails, wondering what he would actually say, not that he would ditch on you, but still.
"Im working later." He simply said, seulgi rolled her eyes playfully.
"Ill come pick you up after just bring clothes."
Jaemin raised a brow, "ill be too tired to go."
He was starting to get on seulgis nerves as she grit her teeth, "Then ill come over after school."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes wondering why she was trying so hard. Clearly the boy didn't want to go, or at least go with her. You didnt understand how she couldn't see that.
"Can't im helping someone with trig after."
She leaned over his desk, jaemin not really fazed by anything as she kept coming closer, "I have a feeling you're lying nana."
"Why would I lie?" He replied stoic. "Y/n is coming over for help."
Its the way that literally everyone in the room looked back at jaemin and you. Such a weird pair. Now they really would be questioning the two of you.
You anxiously looked back at him, seulgi was up in his face, nose flared, jaemin remained still and not intimidated by her or the class. But you were ready for someone to say something.
"Whats with you and y/n all of a sudden?" Seulgi asked. You could tell she didn't want you to go over his house, that was pretty obvious, but its not like she could stop you.
"Nothing, she just needs help in trig."
The class was still silent, even after a good 30 seconds. Now you just wanted the professor come in and talk about some WW2 stuff so people would ignore this. But your were pretty sure your professor just didn't want to teach and stayed home for the day.
"You dont need to help her." She faked a smile when she glanced back at you. "Shes a smart girl."
Jaemin was just about ready to get up and walk away, "I want to help her pass, now I do believe your seat is over there." he pointed over to the middle row of seats, just a few before yours. Seulgi actually took the hint and walked away. Her eyes were trained on yours and she looked as if ready to say something but decided against it.
God, now you just wanted to leave.
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Jaemin placed a notebook and an open textbook on trig in front of you. His eyes watched as you hesitated to do your homework. You would get ready to write then lean back in confusion. For you, something was just not clicking with the whole trigonometry thing. You even started to wonder why you were taking it.
"Look this is what you have to do." Jaemin sat up and took the pencil out of your hand and went through the steps. Despite him being shockingly good at explaining and teaching, you found yourself lost at his words and just started staring at his side profile. Admittedly, you had to say he was pretty. And his lips as he was talking made you hypnotized. They looked soft and you wondered if you'll ever be able to feel them again.
"Repeat what I had just said."
You snapped out of your thoughts and hesitated, looking back at the paper then slowly began going over what you remembered until you started stumbling over your words and then stopped when he placed his hand on your thigh.
Jaemin exhaled loudly, sounding very disappointed in you and the only thing you could do was wait for whatever he had to say, "Why aren't you paying attention to nana?" His voice remained the same, but his nickname was a complete contrast.
"Im sorry I was distracted..."
"Distracted." Jaemin raised an eyebrow, "Theres nothing here to distract you."
Although you wanted to say he's been distracting you, you most certainly didn't and spared yourself the embarrassment.
"Y/n whats distracting you?" Jaemin set aside the pencil and gave you his full attention. Yet you remained silent and let him figure it out himself. But he knew, you were pretty easy to read. This is why he tapped your thigh, trying to get an answer out of you.
"You already know. Why do I have to say it?"
"I wanna hear it come out of your mouth." Jaemin shrugged.
"Jaemin..." you mumbled staring at your blank notebook, "Can we just move on?"
"Say it first." Consequently jaemin only made things worse by moving his hand up and down on your thigh in a taunting manner. One way or another he'll make you flustered.
"Youre clearly the distraction now can we please move on. We only have an hour and a half until work." You blushed.
A playful smirk found its way to his lips as he hummed in agreement. His hand still rested on your thigh and he once again tried explaining the problem in front of you. Granted, your phone went off in the middle of his second attempt of explaining.
"Taemin texted me hold on." You reached to grab your phone but jaemin was faster. He took your phone and threw it on the bed behind him.
"Pay attention." Jaemin had said. But you decided to be a bit stubborn and decided to get up and grab your phone, but jaemin had other plans. Hence why now you were stuck in a death grip on his lap with a hand to your neck. You couldn't see his face, but you knew it was cold. Jaemin didn't like to be disobeyed even for a second. "You only listen to me when I make a move, so do I have to keep you in this position for you to do your work?" You quickly shook your head and tried to wiggle out of his strong grip, but jaemin wouldn't let you go. Particularly because he figured you'd try and grab your phone again, which in that case, wasn't going to happen. If you so desperately wanted to pass, hes going to make you pass. Jaemin doesn't care even if he has to go as far as disciplining you either. As long as you pass, he'll be fine.
"You dont want to disappoint nana right?" You shook your head again. "You have a voice, use it."
Jaemin hummed and let go of your neck, still keeping you on his lap. "Now be a good girl and listen. This is the last time I'll repeat myself."
So then you listened. Certainly because jaemin would not hesitate in making you regret any decisions you had.
After his third explanation, you understood the whole process a bit more and began doing your work. Jaemin was happy to see you do the problems, only pointing out a few mistakes, but praising you after for getting them right. You'd try your best not to smile or blush by putting your head down or looking away. Jaemin found it cute and couldn't help but smile himself.
"Lets get ready for work." Jaemin tapped your thigh for you to get up then he made his way to the closet to find clothes.
"Do you have a white t-shirt I can use?" You asked and jaemin threw you a shirt. Luckily for you the dress code was white on top, black on bottom so you didn't need to worry about the pants.
The both of you changed swiftly, not really caring about each others presence as you've already seen each other naked.
Without warning, jaemin dragged you out the his car, not bothering to give you a chance to say you wanted to drive yours. And you both were off.
It was a silent car ride besides the soft music playing on the radio. Jaemin kept you occupied with a hand resting on your thigh. He had a nice hand, you weren't gonna lie, but besides you gawking at his hand, it really did keep your mind focused. Not even the streets filled with so much activity could make you stop staring. It came to the point where you ended up grabbing his hand and played with his fingers.
"If you like my hands so much maybe I should use them on you again." Jaemin said, your breathing stopped for a second and you faced him.
"I just... find your hands nice thats all. Nothing sexual nana." You emphasized his nickname with a mocking tone. But in reality it was a very lowkey sexual desire to have him feel you up again, or even finger you. Whatever it was, you didn't want to admit it.
Parking the car, you and jaemin went inside the cafe to find it was again very busy. Irene was at the register helping a customer with their order and when she glanced up, you could've sworn she saw a ghost.
She finished the order and looked between you two, "Am I missing something?" She asked, pointing a finger at you guys as if accusing you, "you never come in together nor even walk inches next to each other."
"Y/n was at my house because I was tutoring her for school, so I drove her here too." Jaemin responded and you nodded in agreement. Still, irene found this crazy.
"Okay...just get to work then..." she squinted her eyes. Jaemin was the first to get to the stations, followed by you who made sure to look at the orders on screen.
After a while of making coffees, teas, and such you decided it was time for a break, so you asked irene if you can just take a seat for a bit to which she said yes.
Only a few tables remained empty, you took one near a window so you could see what was happening outside. Nothing different. Some teenagers fooling around on the sidewalk, couples passing by, and people rushing to get to their jobs. Meanwhile you never noticed someone sitting in front of you until they blew into your ear.
"Ahhh, what the fuck taemin!" Frowning at the sudden intusion, taemin laughed at your shocked face and sputtered many apologies. Many of which you knew he didnt mean.
"How long have you been sitting there?" You leaned over the table asking.
Taemin naturally leaned over too, getting closer to your face, "Just got here." He smiled, "I texted you that I was coming but you never replied."
You pouted in realization that that was when jaemin decided to discard your phone on his bed and not allow you to get it back. "Sorry I was being tutored for trig."
"Its fine." He pinched your cheeks, the smile never left his face once he finally saw a shade of red on your cheeks. Moreover, the two of you kept conversing for about 5 more minutes. Taemin talked about how jimin was bored all day from not seeing you at home so he went over to comfort him. You chuckled at the thought of jimin sadly laying against his friend and playing video games, trying not to feel bored. It made you happy that you had that kind of impact on him, knowing damn well no matter how much he said he said you weren't fun, that was a lie.
"I have to go. I'll make sure to come by later." With that taemin and you stood up and gave each other a hug. What surprised you was the lips on your cheek, giving you a bunch of butterflies in your stomach. "Bye y/n." Taemin winked and walked out the cafe.
Alarmed and flustered by what happened, you steadily walked back to the counter and just stopped there.
One might consider that to be a cute thing to see in a cute little cafe but jaemin thought otherwise and he was quite literally done with this.
"Come here." Jaemin made a finger motion to you and took you to the back of the cafe, away from the bustling people. "Whats with you and that taemin dude?"
"Why do you care?" You tilted your head up at him with a smirk. If you can manage to successfully push jaemins buttons and walk away with it, this would be the best day ever.
Jaemin took your chin in his index and thumb, bringing your face closer, "I asked you a question. I expect an answer."
"I dont have to answer if I dont want to." You tried swatting his hand away from your chin but he only moved down to your neck, causing you to gasp at the sudden squeeze. Basically, jaemin was choking you out of jealousy. "H-hes just m-my friend." You stuttered as you told the truth expecting jaemin to now let go, but he only softened his grip.
"I hate him."
"You dont know him." You mocked back and jaemin lazily rolled his eyes.
"I dont care if I dont know him I hate the fact that hes with you." Jaemin growled, letting your neck go.
You took the chance to let out a laugh at his frustrated face. This was entertaining to you and for once you had the upper hand, "so youre saying you're jealous?"
Roughly, jaemin slammed your back against the building with his face only mere centimeters from yours. You could smell the scent of mint in his breath too. "Maybe I am." Jaemin pushed a knee between your legs. "Shouldnt mess with my girl. And you shouldn't have let him kiss your cheek." Jaemins lips hovered over your lips. His hands harshly gripped your hips, moving you them over his thigh. Hearing the sound of you moaning out in shock, jaemin captured your lips in a kiss, a rough one at that.
His anger was through the roof and he showed that. "Youre mine and only mine. I'm the only one who can touch you like this, kiss you like this." Jaemin kissed down your jaw, still grinding your core on his thigh. You tried silencing your whimpers by biting your hand, but jaemin was quick to stick his fingers in your mouth, causing you to gag and choke.
Without a moments hesitation, jaemin pulled away from your neck to watch you suck around his fingers and he laughed through an angry aura, "If only taemin could see how much of a slut you are for me, maybe he would back off." You whined around his fingers and he pushed deeper down your throat. Your hips stuttered a bit, but kept moving forward, trying to get more friction.
"Such a stupid little girl for nana." Jaemin ruthlessly began fucking your throat with his fingers, "Are you gonna cum out here? What if somebody walks out and sees?" Your eyes rolled back and jaemin hummed still keeping the pace with his fingers and helping you move your hips. "Aww but I bet you wouldn't care. Since your so eager to cum and all." You gripped his wrist becoming more and more desperate to reach your high. Indeed you were so close that you started seeing stars, but jaemin pulled his thigh and fingers away.
"Were you about to cum?" He laughed in your face sadisticly. Your face heated up in embarrassment. "Stupid girl."
Cooing at your red face, jaemin brought you into another kiss, much softer than before but enough to know who's in charge.
"Lets get back to work, yeah?" Jaemin tapped your cheek with his two fingers and walked away leaving you hot and bothered.
Naturally you wouldve followed but you literally almost came in your pants just outside of your work. What were you thinking letting jaemin do that to you? And why did he have such an affect on you to the point that you forgot about what happened with taemin. You couldn't stand out here any longer and went inside. Jaemin was calm as if you didn't almost just get off on his thigh and sucked his fingers off. God this boy was doing something to you and you couldn't take it!
Working next to him seemed even more difficult. You were a hot mess, plus you were horny and honestly jaemins existence wasn't helping. And now, especially now, you realized that lasting until 8:30 was going to be a train wreck.
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The school day was normal, yeri was hyper as always and cracking jokes making you spit out your banana milk. And her constant teasing about jaemin was nothing different. Of course you told her what happened the other day, she's your best friend, and she was blown away. Yeri wasn't expecting such news to be dropped on her like that and you couldnt blame her, only shrugging your shoulders and sipping your banana milk.
Stopping mid sip, you saw the boy you were subtly looking for; jaemin. Your reason? Well even you didn't know but your for sure were going to come up with something.
For the past few days jaemin never left your mind. Even when you saw him he always lingered. You could say you missed him. Besides that, taemin was never on your mind anymore. Just jaemin. It was like your mind needed him.
So you got up from your seat, yeri looked up confused and watched as your legs took you to your destination. Your heart was beating rapidly and you weren't even sure how this would go. Either you'll die from embarrassment or be the happiest girl alive. It was the anticipation.
You sucked in a deep breath once you got to him, jaemin peered up at you with curiosity, some other students even found your boldness interesting, until you spoke, "Wanna go out with me?"
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luninosity · 3 years
And one more @evanstanweek ficlet for Day 4! Prompt: first times, which my brain decided was...Chris’s first time kissing a guy? (Seb. He’s kissing Seb. It’s wonderful.)
Read at AO3 here - 1,060 words of kisses and emotions in a hotel room! - or read on tumblr below! No warnings or real sexual content, just kisses and implied upcoming sex, probably.
Chris has not, in fact, kissed a man before.
 Not seriously, at least. He’s kissed fellow actors, jokingly, goofing around; he’s kissed the occasional family member, especially as a kid. So there’s that.
 He’s kissed a lot of women. It’s not, in theory, much different.
 But this is Sebastian, and this is important; this is the most important kiss of Chris’s life, here and now.
 He’s just tried to explain that he’s never done this before, and Seb had looked surprised, and then thrilled, smoky grey eyes all intrigued; Sebastian had said, “I’m seriously your first?” and Chris had blurted out, “I mean I’ve had guys—I mean I’ve done stuff, y’know—I mean I know I’m into guys too!” and Seb had stared at him for a second or two and asked, “What, exactly, does stuff mean in this context?”
 Chris had groaned. Flailed. Guys he’s had crushes on. Guys he’s sort of accidentally cuddled up with on his sofa, and maybe things felt really nice, in the pants sort of way. Guys who’ve offered to get him off, to blow him, usually at a party, maybe both of them not drunk but a little laid-back, loose, relaxed.
 “Oh,” Sebastian had said, immediately after that. “Okay. Stuff. I mean, I went through the whole getting on my knees for hot and hopelessly straight guys phase, so I sort of get it, if you just want me to do that again—”
 “That’s not what this is!” Chris pleads now, desperate. “That’s not what we’re doing! I just meant—it just, I don’t know, never came up! I mean kissing! Never came up! But I want to! I want to kiss you!”
 Sebastian’s laughing by the end of this speech, not loudly but with those precious little crinkles around his eyes. “Relax, Chris. I believe you. You want me to know you’re seriously bisexual, and you seriously want to kiss me.”
 “Yes? Please. Kiss me. Um. If you want to?”
 Sebastian laughs again, soft and fond. “Jesus, Chris. I fucking love you.” And then he leans in, one hand catching Chris’s face to draw him in too.
 Sebastian’s lips are soft, and his stubble’s lightly scratchy. He tastes like mint over coffee, because Sebastian’s considerate like that and also loves coffee; Chris had caught the scent of mint and sweetness when Seb had stepped inside his hotel room door.
 They’d said they’d run lines. Rehearse. Practice.
 They’d both known this was coming. They’ve been knowing it—in looks, touches, prickling tingling quivering awareness—for months, even years. Since that first-ever reading together. Inevitable. Always happening, always going to happen, always under the surface, already here.
 Sebastian’s tongue slips across Chris’s lips, into Chris’s mouth. Chris wants to beg for more, wants to be explored and discovered by Seb. Sebastian’s more experienced, he knows, as far as kissing men, and Seb’s gently confident, curious and questing, learning Chris’s reactions. Chris wants to give him everything, and it’s a strange new world, familiar and not: it’s kissing, and it’s kissing Seb, who’s amazing and perfect, and yet the angles are different, the line of Seb’s jaw’s masculine and enticing, the chapstick he’s wearing is the same one Chris uses, healing and unscented.
 Sebastian sucks a little at Chris’s lower lip, teases it with teeth, glances at Chris’s face. Winds a hand around the back of Chris’s neck, and presses himself closer against Chris all over, right there in the middle of the hotel room, where they’d taken steps to meet each other.
 Chris groans. His body sizzles with sparks. He’s moving before he can think: one hand sliding along the firmness of Seb’s back, finding Seb’s ass, squeezing. Sebastian gasps, but whispers, “Yeah,” and heat simmers along Chris’s spine. Seb likes being gripped by him, fondled, caressed. Yeah. Yes. More.
 He’s kissing Seb back now, discovering in turn. Something shifts, changes, stirs; it’s Chris’s tongue licking into Seb’s mouth now, venturing further, asserting control. Sebastian arches against him; Chris bites at his lip, the way Seb did to him. Sebastian moans softly.
 “Oh,” Chris breathes. “Oh, you like that.”
 “I…yeah.” Seb blinks at him, eyes all dark and wide and beautiful. “Yeah. You’re pretty good at this.”
 “Never said I didn’t learn fast.” Chris nibbles at the corner of his mouth, this time; then kisses him more deeply, tongue plunging in, almost a thrust. Sebastian likes that too, from the way he moves against Chris; Chris grins, lets Seb feel the grin, thinks about what he’s liked and what he’s tried before, and what Seb seems to enjoy.
 He trails kisses down to the underside of Seb’s jaw, marveling at the faint rasp of hair in contrast to soft skin. He finds Seb’s throat, and presses a kiss there: sucking, biting, more pressure as Seb moans and tips his head, giving Chris more access. Chris ends up steadying him slightly; Sebastian’s legs seem shaky.
 Seb whispers, hands on Chris’s shoulders, “So fucking good at this.” He’s adorable: kiss-flushed, hair rumpled, lips pink. A pink mark decorates his throat, not badly; it’ll fade, Chris guesses.
 He kind of doesn’t want it to. Or he does, but only so he can do it again.
 “So,” Sebastian sums up, breathless, smiling, in Chris’s arms. “Good first kiss?”
 “The best,” Chris says truthfully. “We should do it again. Hey, Seb.”
 “Yes. So much yes. What?”
 “You said it,” Chris explains, brain having caught up. “I forgot to. But I do. I love you.”
 “I—” Sebastian’s mouth drops open. “I did say it—I just—it just came out, Chris, I do, of course I do, I mean it, but—don’t think you have to say it, just because I—”
 “I love you,” Chris says. “Sebastian Stan. I love you.”
 “Oh,” Sebastian says, or at least his lips do. The syllable looks like a kiss.
 “I love you,” Chris tells him once more for good measure. “And I really want to kiss you again. A second best-ever kiss. All the best-ever kisses. We should keep on having the best kisses, for, like, forever. I love kissing you.”
 “I love you kissing me,” Sebastian starts, but doesn’t finish, because Chris’s mouth lands on his at the final word, and they’re tangled up in each other and laughter and kisses, the way Chris always wants to be.
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Squeals and flails! Your writing is so good! Have been stopping myself from asking for continuations of pretty much every piece, especially the childhood, omega Lao Wen going into heat and possessive Ah Xu ones! Could you write a 5+1 fic with five times Ah Xu dotes on his Lao Wen, and one time Lao Wen is sweet to Ah Xu please? Was thinking that the first moment could be Wenzhou stargazing with Lao Wen falling asleep in Ah Xu’s arms and then Ah Xu hugging him closer? Thank you!
A/N: So this is going to be a 3 + 1 instead of a fiver because I’m sleepy and I want to finish this before bed haha... Sorry...
1. It’s a little too late in the season for them to be indulging in a spot of stargazing on the roof of the Manor, but Lao Wen had complained that they’d barely had any time alone (lies; they’ve stolen plenty of time alone because his ass sure as hell remembers those times alone) and had pulled out his trump card of telling Chengling to gather the kids for a spot of camping out in the plum forests as a form of cultivation exercise.
Zishu isn’t sure what sort of bribery Lao Wen had promised the brat, but he hopes Chengling bargained hard for it.
So, here they were. Up on the rooftop, wrapped up in their cloaks, passing a bottle of pear blossom wine between them as they watch the heavens twinkle down at them. In the distance, Zishu can clearly see the dull glow of the firelight and he feels assured that the kids haven’t gone too far.
“Ah Xu, pay attention to me,” Lao Wen harumphs, wriggling himself into his arms with a laugh. Zishu wraps his arms around him, burying his lips to the crown of his head and kissing him there with a smile. 
“I’m always paying attention to you,” He says.
It takes Lao Wen a beat to reply and when he does, it is a quiet but fond, “I know.”
Under the moonlight, they enjoy each other’s company; reminiscing of their first time stargazing together and all the hijinks that night had entailed. They talk about the progress of the disciples, about Chengling and his upcoming trip to Nanjiang to visit Luta, about the extension they will need to make for the new students that are coming next month.
It is about an hour into this when Zishu realises that Lao Wen has fallen silent. Worried that he may be struck by a bout of strange moods again, he looks down only to find that Lao Wen has fallen asleep in his arms. 
Smiling, he adjusts their cloaks so that they’re bundled up warm in the night chill. Curling a touch to Lao Wen’s cheek, Zishu settles in against him.
2. When Lao Wen sulks, he doesn’t do it in half measures.
Chengling winces at him in sympathy before backing away slowly like he is trying to escape a spooked tiger. In a way, Zishu thinks that this situation probably warrants a strategic retreat of some kind. 
Still. He glares at Chengling’s winning smile as he darts away to safety. That little traitor.
“So when were you planning on telling me that Lord Seventh,” Here Zishu notes that Lao Wen spits the syllables of Beiyuan’s title as if rolling something extremely distasteful in his mouth. “Was coming to visit?”
He mulls over what to say; well-versed as he is in taming Lao Wen when his darkest impulses flare to the fore, Zishu needs to weigh the next things that come out of his mouth before he digs this grave any deeper.
“Or were you not planning on telling me at all?”
The thread of hurt in those words strike true in twisting his heart. Looking up at where Lao Wen has his back to him makes it worse and he hurries across to him, pulling him into his arms and peppering kisses over his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, his brows, the plush heat of his lips, as he seats both of them on the divan. 
“I really was going to tell you, I promise,” Zishu says, brushing back his hair. Letting Lao Wen nuzzle against his throat, he sighs. “I know how you are when Beiyuan visits and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable with him being here, but he’s one of the few people in the world who knows me as well as you do. He’s a friend and there are times when I just want to have my friend with me.”
“I don’t hate him...” Lao Wen mumbles softly.
Zishu has to laugh at the blatant lie. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together can tell that Lao Wen gets an eye twitch or two when Beiyuan and he exchange some inside joke or two that excludes him. It’s such a little thing; petty by the standards of others and Zishu knows that he isn’t actually jealous or trying to be controlling, but is instead curious and yet dreading all the secrets that Beiyuan may let slip about Zishu’s life before him and all the persons that came before.
Now, that he is jealous about.
He doesn’t say anything to the contrary, merely pull Lao Wen tightly against him. “Alright, alright, if you say so,” He says agreeably, peppering kisses to his husband’s cheek.
3. Absence, as those who claim to be wise, would say, makes the heart grow fonder.
What Zishu finds is that it makes him a fucking misery to be around.
Chengling had long since given up in trying to coax him into some sort of reasonable mood a good week ago and had taken off in the night, leaving a note to say that he will rendezvous with him in another week. That disciple of his is getting better at picking up the subtle things that people are telling him without saying a single word.
He downs another cup of wine. 
It has been horrible to travel this far without Lao Wen. He’d had to contend with constantly looking over his shoulder for a smiling face and the quick-fire wit of his beloved. He has had to draw upon every self-control he had in him not to scream at the Sect Leader they were visiting to further their alliance.
Zishu fumes and drinks two more cups in quick succession.
If Chengling isn’t back in time and if he has to delay his trip back to the Manor just to wait for his silly disciple, he will absolutely without a shadow of a doubt, leave the idiot behind to fend for himself.
He’s done his best to equip the kid for surviving in the wild. No one can fault him for wanting to run back home with the stash of wines he had found on his travels. Zishu had bought them to share with his Lao Wen of course; there were some well-loved flavours and then some others that could be considered rare enough that a former Lord of the Ghost Valley would definitely find delight in the taste of.
Zishu finds himself calming somewhat at the thought of laying out his gifts for Lao Wen; of how those beautiful eyes would widen at the sight of all the wines, of how his lips would curl in a smile as he tastes each and every one of them, savouring them in the only way a connoisseur can; the sounds he would make in his enjoyment that could only come from a place so deep in pleasure--
No, no, no. Zishu is not going there tonight. He downs three cups and sighs. He’s already rubbed himself raw from missing Lao Wen this entire trip. If he does anymore, he’ll probably...
Yeah. Best to just save it til he gets home to his beloved.
Lao Wen likes to think that he is an attentive husband. Certainly, Ah Xu has never wanted for anything when he was with him. Be it in bed or outside of it, he loves to cater to his beloved’s needs. 
As such, when it comes to his birthday, Lao Wen will die before he admits that he doesn’t know what to get him.
In the end, the answer comes simply. 
After the birthday dinner with the members of the Manor, he steals Ah Xu away for a bout of kisses that leave them both weak-kneed and aching jawed. “Get into bed. I’ll bring you your gift,” He says, hands on Ah Xu’s slender waist. Smiling, he swallows down his moan, licking the taste of wine and good food off Ah Xu’s tongue. “You’ll love it.”
He watches his husband stumble back, eyes a deep desire dark.
He cannot wait to see how his Ah Xu unravels when they put into play the little gift he had custom made for him; an exquisite jade that sits on a bed of silk in a lacquer box, hidden in the folds of his second-best robe. The same jade he may or may not have spent a small fortune in carving into the shape of his own cock. 
If he was being honest, this was an entirely selfish gift to be giving someone else on their birthday, but what does he care? This is something Ah Xu and himself can utilise over and over again, and this was something that could be the first of many to come. 
Absently and with glee, he thinks of the day he gets to help Ah Xu model for a jade phallus of his own. 
Oh, Lao Wen is going to have so much fun tonight.
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remys-lucky-franc · 3 years
Remy x MC (Queen of Thieves) - Kissing Prompt #14
This is the final ‘kiss prompt’ that I have on my request list. I’m sad 😔
I’ve really enjoyed working on these - this wee challenge got me back into the habit of writing regularly which is so nice as I’d been doing ‘sit and stare at a blank page’ thing for months, thank you for inviting me to join in folks.
Prompt #14 - a kiss so desperate that that the two wind around each other, refusing to let go until they are finished - requested by lovely @mcira for lovely Remy
It’s a sort of a ‘good heist goes bad’ alt-version of the ‘first ever kiss on film’ heist from Remy’s S1. Also, I relocated it to Barcelona because Paris is too inland 😂
Written from MC POV.
Word count ~6100 (marked #long fic if anyone wants to filter it away - adding ‘read more’ isn’t reliable - don’t want to clog anyone’s dash x)
TW: drowning / broken bones
I curse, scrambling to keep my balance as the yacht lists suddenly to the right; my arms flailing, thrown backwards trying to grip at the doorway to stay upright. I collide with it and stretch my hands out to save myself as I hit the ground awkwardly: the crack from my arm makes me feel sick to my stomach. Furniture shifts. Decor clatters to the floor. Lights overhead flicker violently. What the hell was that noise? Something has gone very, very wrong.
—-24 hours earlier —-
Remy and I have spent well over a month on this con now, establishing and ingratiating ourselves with the obnoxious specimen that is Parker Vos. Ugh, even his name makes my skin crawl. Tonight we’ve met up for some drinks: Parker’s idea. Remy’s positioned himself between Parker and I at the bar of the plush cocktail lounge and I watch on as Parker charges his glass again, loudly laughing, clapping his hand on Remy’s shoulder. Remy clinks glasses with him, smile jovial, eyes full of myrth; swallowing down the liquor to perfectly conceal the bile I know is steadily rising within his throat. If there is anyone who dislikes Parker Vos more than I do, it’s Remy Chevalier.
Watching Remy work a con has been quite an experience. He knows instinctively what people want to see and hear - oftentimes even before they know themselves. He reads their body language with practiced ease and plays his part to meet The Gilded Poppy’s ends: a master of assuaging insecurities or fuelling egos. And I have never known an ego like Parker’s. He’s spent half of the evening acting like Remy’s his long-lost best friend, and the other half undressing me - his buddy’s ‘wife’ - with cold, soulless eyes.
Parker’s on his feet, moving to refill my champagne flute but I move my hand to cover the top, opening my mouth in a half-protest.
He grins at me as I giggle, “I shouldn’t - I’ve had too much already-”
Tutting and moving my hand away from the opening of glass, he pours another generous serving of fizz. I make a big deal out of rolling my eyes at him and exclaiming that’s he’s ‘such a bad influence’. Inside I’m far from smiling - I hate guys who behave like this.
Parker doesn’t seem to want to let go of my hand, his fingertips trace my palm casually, an amused, self-satisfied grin spread over his face. I feel colour rising rapidly from my chest to the tips of my ears and Parker raises an eyebrow at me - clearly delighted that he’s gotten me flustered - but it’s not his touch or his gaze that’s set me alight. It’s the way that Remy’s eyes burn into me from the next seat, flecks of gold and green glitter like fire and the mask he wears is one that I can’t quite decipher, the only clue to his true feelings being the exaggerated bob of his throat as he continues to pretends he’s oblivious to the game Parker’s playing. I simper as I extract my hand from Parker’s to toast our glasses. I know Remy and I aren’t really married, but Parker doesn’t: this guy really has zero shame.
Remy’s seamlessly switched to wearing a playful smirk as he reaches across me, clinking all three of our glasses together, “Ma cherie, the bubbles are going to her head, Parker - look how flushed she is!”
His free hand reaches up affectionately cupping my cheek and I feel myself sink longingly into his gentle touch, his daring wink makes my heart stutter as Parker drones on, boasting about only ordering the very finest champagne for his friends.
A short time later, Remy excuses himself and he hasn’t even reached the bathroom before Parker has slid across to occupy his stool, angling himself into me just a little closer than could be considered appropriate. He’s such a snake, it takes all my energy to fix a sweet, naïve smile on my face when his hand comes to rest on my arm; the way his touch makes me feel compared to Remy’s is so stark in its contrast. He’s watching my face intently as he smirks at me - always bragging about his wealth and possessions, always looking for any sign that he’s impressing me.
He’s acting shocked that this is is the first time I’ve been to this particular bar, given that it’s one of Barcelona’s hot-spots, wondering out loud why my husband never brought me here before now. I sip daintily at my glass as I tell him this sort of place is generally outside of our budget, that it would only ever be somewhere that we’d come for a special occasion. As Parker nods, sacharrine-sweet condescension guising as sympathy, I think about how Remy was absolutely right when he told me he reckoned Parker gets a real kick out of feeling like the Alpha Male in any room and I lean into it. He’s back onto his favourite brand of champagne again - asking me if I ever tried it before tonight. I have, but I play along, feeding the narrative, telling him exactly what he wants to hear: Remy would be proud of me.
I shake my head wistfully, “It’s really delicious, it’s such a lovely treat to have something so decadent. I can understand it being your favourite, Parker - you have really good taste.”
He sighs, looking almost troubled, “You know it makes me sad that a girl like you can’t have everything her heart desires. I’ve got cases galore of the stuff on my yacht. I have it brought in directly from the vineyard just outside Epernay.” He pauses, quirking his head at me, “Say, have you ever been on a yacht?”
I think about what Remy’s always tells me about the best and most convincing cons: they stick as closely to the truth as possible. I feel a genuine smile blossom as I tell Parker about the little sailboat my grandfather had and how I loved spending time on it with him when I was a little girl. I can hear the warmth in my own voice and I know my eyes are sparkling as I think about those happy memories, but rather than ask me anything about my grandfather or my childhood, Parker patronises me and uses it as another opportunity to play ‘The Big I Am’. He chuckles as he tells me that wasn’t a real boat, then reels off what sounds like the manufacturer’s sales pitch for his top-of-the-range, fully customised yacht. Heaven knows, I really want to punch this guy but I nod, maintaining my rapt expression - all wide-eyed and utterly impressed. As he drones on, my brain wanders thinking how the same conversation would have gone sitting here with Remy instead.
Parker’s incessant boasting continues as he drawls about how much he would love to take me out on his yacht, “I think a girl like you would appreciate a boat like mine you know, and you’d look so good on it.”
Such. A. Creep.
I shoot him a rueful smile before biting my lip and looking down at the my hands. My fake wedding ring sparkles up at me under the low lights of the bar. I can feel Parker’s beady eyes on me watching my every move like I’m his prey. I fidget with the golden band and I know I’m working this con just right when he pushes my hair back from my face and tips my chin upward to look at him. A grin slithers across his face - poison hidden just behind the facade.
“Why don’t you come on the yacht with me this weekend, baby? You can have as much of this champagne as you like - I’ll show you how you deserve to be treated.”
I don’t have to fake being a little taken aback: I know it’s been our objective to get on that yacht, and I knew we were reeling him in, but the blatancy of his invite still knocks me off guard!
I glance towards the bathrooms and see that Remy’s making his way back across the bar. I use the shock of the invitation to my advantage, worrying my bottom lip between my teeth as I tell Parker, “Remy’s coming back.” I look up at him through my lashes and breathe, “Parker, I- I don’t know? It sounds amazing, but honestly, I’m not sure I should.”
Parker searches my dark eyes, voice smug, so confident that his charms have me falling for him; that he’s so irresistible I’d be ready to betray my husband with him, “I think you do know. You just don’t want to hurt Remy, because you’re a sweet girl. But I’ll make a deal with you, I’ll send you the directions to where she’s docked - and I’ll be there waiting. If you come...”, his thumb brushes across my lips and I draw in a sharp breath while my stomach lurches. His voice lowers as he stares at my mouth, “I’ll show you, I can give you everything you ever wanted and more besides.” Then he’s gone, quickly slithering back to his own bar stool, duplicitously clasping and shaking Remy’s hand as he returns, as though he didn’t just proposition his wife.
Remy fumed about the audacity of Parker Vos the whole way back to the penthouse last night. And I thought he disliked the guy before... I’d hate to see how Remy would react if someone hit on his real wife because he is the most convincingly jealous fake-husband I’ve ever seen. And his attitude towards our mark got even worse when Parker text me with the coordinates for Port Vell Marina.
When we got back we debriefed Nikolai on all of the night’s events and came to the conclusion that me going to the yacht alone was not an option. I argued that I was more than capable of handling him but Remy was adamant that Parker was an entitled creep and it was too dangerous. Nikolai agreed with Remy, and when I huffed that he would trust Vivienne to fly solo, I have never seen him look more annoyed. He barked at me that he it was his decision, his responsibility and he refused to put any member of his team into that position alone, especially where there was no option for back up if things started to take a wrong turn. As much as I hated to back down, I knew from his tone that he was being completely honest and I should apologise and accept his decision. We spent the rest of the evening coming up with our next move - for Remy and I to arrive at Parker’s yacht together.
We arrive at the beautiful Marina at Port Vell the following afternoon and I don’t have to feign how impressed I am. It is absolutely stunning - the sun dapples the turquoise blue waters while every gleaming yacht is sleeker and grander than the last.
Remy’s holds my hand firmly as we head towards Berth 26 where Parker’s imposing yacht is docked. Our play this afternoon is that I was heading out to meet Parker when Remy asked where I was going and I couldn’t think of any reason for him not to come along that didn’t seem strange or suspicious.
We reach the yacht and I see Parker. The irritate look on his face is replaced in an instant as he wraps us both in a friendly hug, before ushering us onboard. As he takes my hand to help me up the steps, he shoots me a look as though to enquire ‘why the hell aren’t we alone?’ and I drop my head like I’ve never been more deeply disappointed by anything in my life.
Remy has Parker chatting about the spec of the boat and I fear that he may never shut up about it. We spend at least fifteen minutes in the cockpit as Parker regales us with tales about how he got rid of his last captain, how he prefers to sail the yacht himself: bravado, bravado, bla bla bla. My cheeks hurt from the fake grin I have plastered across my face but I really lose the will to live as he places a captain’s hat on my head, cracking a joke to Remy about female drivers and saying that if I felt brave enough, he might even let me steer later. As we walk I ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ where appropriate, observing the ostentatious gold fixings and over-the-top ornate features and I conclude that no amount of money can buy you class.
When we eventually reach the sun deck, Remy raises an eyebrow at me, “Oh. Ma cherie, I think we may be intruding. Parker, were you expecting other company?”
I cringe as my eyes land on the biggest bunch of roses I’ve ever seen, sat next to a bottle of the same champagne we were drinking in the bar last night. I know Parker is a truly awful person, but I can’t help but feel a little sorry for him. His cheeks colour lightly, clearly having forgotten that he paid someone to set this up for him and his mouth works hard at opening and closing for a few painful seconds before his brain catches up, “Oh! Those? A ‘friend’ of mine was supposed to join me a bit before you both arrived. Then I thought we could have some drinks together, all four of us.”
Remy nods, his expression neutral, but eyes sharp, “I see. And they’re running late?”
Parker shrugs, eyes flicking to look at me as he lies, “She cancelled at the last minute. Something else came up.”
Remy wraps his arm around me making a show of planting a soft kiss on my cheek, his sympathetic words juxtaposed to the smirk apparent in his tone, “How awful, cherie! Good old Parker’s been left in the lurch. And after going to all that trouble too!”
I grimace, “I’m really sorry to hear that, Parker.”
Parker clears his throat, snatching up the champagne bottle, “Yeah. I’ll grab us some glasses.”
As he heads inside, I dig Remy in the ribs with my elbow and hiss, “What the hell was that?!”
Remy grins, his face full of mischief, “It’s obvious that I suspect there’s ‘something going on’ here”, he gestures between me and the roses, “and if he knows I’m willing to fight for you mon couer, it makes you all the more attractive to him...”
Knowing he’s right, but hating it, I pull a face.
He winks at me, “Plus, your Remy wants to have a little fun making him squirm.”
We set sail a little after two-thirty, and as the afternoon progresses, it’s not just Parker who Remy is making squirm. Aside from a variety of vaguely passive aggressive jokes about being stood up and dating disasters - at one point even suggesting that I set Parker up with one of my friends, Remy is possibly the most tactile he’s ever been with me during this con: his hand is either holding mine, on my knee, or touching my face at every given opportunity. And his strategy is working because every single time Remy’s hands are on me, Parker’s eyes follow.
I know it’s all for Parker’s benefit but I just can’t help the way my heart races when Remy touches me. I have to keep telling myself it’s just for the con - all a part of his strategy. I repeat it over and over like a mantra: ‘It’s just for the con. It’s not real. It’s just for the con.’ But it feels so good. So real. And I want him so badly my chest aches.
Part of my role on today’s outing is scouting out the location of the reel of film we’re trying to steal. We’ve long suspected that it’s somewhere on the boat. So while the men continue to drink and chatter, I excuse myself and head to the restroom, getting myself deliberately lost in the labyrinth below deck. I’m fascinated by the amount of cool and interesting stuff that Parker owns despite being an uncultured jerk. I wonder if he has any genuine interest in any of it at all, or if it’s entirely for bragging rights and to impress other people. The further I wander unrestricted, the more I marvel and get to wondering just how rich Parker actually is? It’s so unfair - he deserves pretty much nothing that’s aboard this floating treasure trove... Then I see it - a can of film inside a glass case! Surely that’s got to be it? I quickly check the case, it’s pretty secure and looks like it’s inbuilt to the wall cabinet?! That means... This must be it - the first kiss ever recorded... I beam from ear to ear as I think about how excited Remy is going to be when I tell him!!
Unbeknown to me, upstairs whilst Remy and Parker stand at the railing staring out into the glittering dark blue of the Med, Remy decides to lean a little further into his role of suspicious and jealous spouse. Remy subtly turns the conversation from small talk to a grilling before Parker even realises that he’s walking into a trap, “It’s a shame your friend couldn’t make it, Parker. It would have been lovely to meet the woman who’s caught your eye... You were hoping that the four of us could have drinks together, right?”
Parker nods, sipping at his glass.
“But you didn’t know I was coming?”
Parker laughs, deflecting, “Uh, yeah! I got that wrong, I thought you were otherwise engaged. I’m so glad you could make it, buddy! It’s always great to see you!”
Remy cocks his head to the side, face still open and neutral, like he’s trying to understand, ”Sure, I’m glad I could join. But I’m confused? You were planning on the four of us drinking that champagne, oui?”
Parker clears his throat, suddenly realising that Remy might actually not be as much of a mug as he’s taken him for.
Remy continues, face visibly hardening as he speaks, “From where I’m sitting, there’s no mystery lady, and no Remy? And - well - that just leaves you and my wife sailing around the Mediterranean with a bottle of champagne and a big bunch of roses, Parker.”
Parker waves his hands in the air defensively, “Wow, Remy!! Slow down - I don’t know where you think you’re going with this, but you’ve got it all wrong! You’re putting two and two together and getting five, my friend!”
Remy huffs a bitter laugh, his voice now dripping with sarcasm, “Oh, five? So, I have it all wrong that my wife was halfway out the door to come here, to be with you, alone? Seems convenient that your lady-friend mysteriously couldn’t make it at the last minute? The one I’ve never heard you mention before? Please, explain it to me, Parker. Because it looks to me like you’ve got designs on my wife.”
Parker stutters to find an answer for a second before the yacht jolts violent throwing both men to the ground.
I cradle my arm to my chest and grit my teeth as I clamber back onto my feet, nausea washing over me as I try my best not to move it again. Safe to say I don’t need a medical degree to tell me I’ve broken something.
After that god-awful metallic grinding, groaning noise everything has gone quiet. Eerily quiet. The normal lighting has gone, but the emergency lighting has kicked in casting a sickly green hue all around. I need to get back up to deck, to see what the hell just happened, to make sure Remy is ok!
I move towards the stairwell door and as I wrench it towards me, I’m met with a rush of cold water that makes me gasp. Oh this is bad. This is really, really bad. I stare at the fast-moving seawater spilling in, swirling around my feet: I’m rooted to the spot as panic rises rapidly in my chest. I’m not sure how many seconds have ticked by when I hear the roar of my name. Remy. I can’t see him, but I scramble towards the sound of his voice and call out to him, “I’m down here! Remy! I’m here!”
Water is rapidly filling the space below deck as Remy throws open the door of the opposite stairwell. I lurch towards him, sloshing through it, my limbs twice as heavy and struggling to stay upright against the slippery surface.
Remy wades through the corridor to reach me, calling to me, “I’m coming, cherie, it’ll be ok!” As we meet somewhere near the middle his hands grasp my shoulders as he gives me a quick once over, brows knit together when he sees how I’m holding my quick-swelling arm, “Merde! Is that broken?!”
I wince, nodding. The pain radiates from my wrist making my fingers tingle and my head buzz. Remy’s got one arm around me and he’s gripping at the walls with his free hand, moving us steadily toward the stairwell he came down: the water’s around my waist now. He keeps repeating, ‘it’s ok, it’s going to be ok’, but his usually calm voice jitters and I’m not sure if he’s saying it for my benefit or if he’s trying to make himself believe it. We reach the stairwell and Remy ushers me through the door. The tilt of the yacht makes it hard to climb the steps, but we fight to ascend. Up. Up. Up. We’re around half-way when the yacht jolts unexpectedly again; Remy grabs for the wet handrail. Every muscle in his body strains to keep us in place, to somehow stop us from careering back down the staircase. I feel lightheaded from the way my damaged arm jerks as he catches us, but it’s better than the alternative of plunging back down into the murky water. We resume our climb and make it up the final steps together. Only at the top do I truly appreciate the incongruous angle the yacht lists to, and start to properly grasp just how deadly this situation could be. The sounds of straining metal and hissing water fill the space around us and I’m scared. More scared than I’ve ever been in my life.

We scramble our way out across the badly-angled yacht, clinging to the side rails for purchase as we move: we need to get off this boat. It can’t end like this. In the time I’ve been below deck, dark clouds have rolled in and the rain pelts down on us. As we reach the side of the yacht, and I suck in a deep lungful of air trying to black out the pain radiating up and down my arm. Trying to steady my nerves, I tell myself, ‘We just need to get on the lifeboat, getting upstairs was the hardest part. Come on, you can do this - you can do this! We’re almost there, it’s going to be-’ But my silent pep talk is cut short and a sense of dread floods through me as I watch Remy surge around and around, a hand raking through his soaking hair as he yells,
“He’s gone! That bastard! He’s left us!”
Remy’s hanging over the side, trying to locate Parker, frantically yelling his name out into the dank, misty distance. But it’s useless - he’s long gone. Fresh panic rises as what that means sinks in: that snake abandoned us and the sinking ship. And he’s taken the only life vessel with him. A storm’s rolling in and visibility is poor. We’re miles from the coast without another boat in sight. The water this far out isn’t frigid but it’s still cool enough to catch hypothermia without the right clothing if you’re in it for a couple of hours - but we’re likely to end up in there because this yacht is going down. I’m not sure how long I could tread water for with a broken arm? I choke back my horror as I realise - I don’t think we can’t make it back. He’s left us out here to die.
Tears silently streak my face, mingling with saltwater and rain as I turn to Remy. I feel like I’m moving in slow motion, but he’s the most animated I’ve ever seen him, his hands shake and he curses as he pulls useless items out of one of the inbuilt storage benches, tossing them onto the wet deck behind him. I tug at his sleeve and rasp, “There’s no way off, is there?”
He refuses to meet my gaze, yanking his arm away from me, rummaging deeper, muttering in frustration. But I refuse to be brushed off, not now. I pull on his sleeve again, “Remy! Just, stop.”
He whirls on me, his usually smiling eyes are wild as they meet mine. And before I know what’s happening, right there on the deck of the part-submerged yacht, Remy pulls my face to his, mouth crashing desperately into mine. I gasp at the sensation of him. Rough. Passion-filled. Real. His lips spill every frenzied confession I ever wanted to hear and I’m losing myself in him; rapt in every disclosure. The surge of emotion between us swells my pounding heart and fills my soul, a choir with one refrain: he loves me, he loves me, he loves me. My body breaks into song - lyrical, a groan against Remy’s supple lips: rejoicing, dancing, dopamine-high. A million melodies, harmonies, symphonies rush through us as we cling to each other against the stormy saltwater spray. His touch is electric, flesh warm against my skin, deft fingers knotted in my hair drawing me close. Closer. So close I feel two heartbeats pulse through me like an orchestra nearing crescendo. I’m soaked, hurt and terrified, but somehow I’ve never felt more alive than I do right now, exalted in his arms. My hand grazes over the stubble of his jaw, the high arc of his cheekbone: my fingertips trace every beautiful feature, mapping every crease, every dimple. If this is our coda, if this is how it all comes to an end, I want to succumb remembering every delicious second of this kiss - every sensation, every caress, every breath, every poetic unspoken word. I want my finale to be us.
Our kiss ends breathlessly, foreheads touching: both unwilling to part. Remy’s lips hover over mine like we’re magnetised. Green eyes search my own as I gaze upon the face I love through dark lashes, trembling. I cover his heart with my palm - I never want to let him go. Seconds tick past that feel like minutes until he finally breaks away and I gulp for air. Bereft, my body aches for him.
Remy’s rifling through the storage benches again, items shoved from side to side, thrown and discarded until he shouts triumphantly, flare gun in hand! Slick hands fumble to load the cartridge, then he steps away from me, pointing the gun above his head, firing high. We watch as a plume of intense fire illuminates the sky above us, a beautiful SOS, hanging in the air before slowing making its descent to the sea.
The stricken vessel below us strains and groans as Remy grips my hand in his, “We aren’t going out like this, cherie.” He says it with such conviction and determination that my heart stutters. My eyes widen as he brandishes a life buoy at me. “There’s only one.”
Why am I not even surprised that a jerk like Parker went for 24-Carat light fittings but scrimped on the most basic of safety features and maintenance? I shake my head at Remy, fear threatens to take over, “We’re not jumping?!”
Remy exclaims, “We have to! We can’t stay on ‘til it sinks, it’s too dangerous! We need to get as far away as we can. We jump together and I promise you - I won’t let go of your hand. Ever.”
A cacophony of glass cracks and metal tears. Engineering crumbles against a backdrop of smoky neon as we huddle together at the edge of semi-capsized yacht. The rain continues to drive against us, and I understand why we have to jump, but I hate that it’s the only option. My hand fits inside Remy’s and he squeezes it tightly, my pulse racing as we count down together from three, two, one...
As we hit the cool water I cry out, pain seers through my busted arm and makes the world seem dull and frayed around the edges. Everything under water is eerily dark and silence rings in my ears as I plunge beneath the surface. In those seconds it feels strangely peaceful. Serene. My mind, so busy moments before, is a blank. An instant sedation - each nerve numb: novocaine static. It’s not until I feel Remy jerk at my hand, still firmly clasped in his, that my brain reconnects. I kick my feet and follow Remy upwards, breaking the waves, choking and gasping for air.
Remy manoeuvres the life buoy between us, urging me to take hold, his hand cupping my cheek, pushing back my sodden hair, eyes raking over me, “Are you ok??”
I cough and splutter as I nod my head at him: I’m fine. Remy doesn’t look convinced, but he doesn’t argue with me either. He takes charge of getting us away from the yacht and I follow him blindly, feeling dazed, clinging to the buoy. Minutes later, the yacht goes under and the rapid movement of air and water sends pieces of debris swirling perilously to the surface. A watery scrapyard bobs around us.
I feel sick and dizzy and I’m so cold that my teeth chatter. Did anyone see the flare? Is help coming?
Remy repositions himself and wraps both arms around me as we float aimlessly together. I don’t know how long passes, but every so often he says my name and jolts me to keep me awake, and honestly, I’m trying, but it’s so hard to keep my eyes open. I tell him I’m trying, but I feel so weak. Remy says I’m in shock and I mumble, “That kiss was the best shock I ever had.”
I feel the rumble of his laugh roll through me, and then his lips meet mine again. Soft this time. Slow. Tender. His affection washing over me. I feebly smile and sigh into his kiss, his comforting warmth surrounds me. His touch is like a beacon in the bleak dark water, keeping me focussed, keeping me hanging on. The situation is desperate, but at least I’m with Remy.
As time swirls past us, I drift in and out of consciousness, pulled back a final time by Remy shaking me, “Listen!! Do you hear it??”
I startle and try my best to concentrate... Then I hear it, a horn blasting. Someone’s coming! They must have seen our distress signal. Remy’s swimming as fast as he can for both of us, moving our heavy, tired bodies in the direction of the sound until we finally see it. Remy yells until he’s hoarse, waving, whistling - anything to attract their attention. As the vessel approaches, I hear rough, deep voices yelling in Spanish but my head’s too fuzzy and it’s fast for me to understand. Remy is shouting back at them to take me on board first, and before I know what’s happening, I’m being lifted - strong hands grip under my arms as I cry out for Remy. They pay me no heed: saviours in oilskins wrap me in a foil blanket, checking me over, patting my cheek and trying to get me to focus. I struggle to evade them, “Where is Remy?? You have to help him!!”
They won’t let me stand up, won’t let me move! Agitated tears blur my vision - they need to get Remy out of the water. And then I hear his voice and relief consumes me. The fishermen part to let him reach me, he’s dripping all over their deck and he looks so pale, but he’s here and we’re together. He throws his arms around me, clutching me close, face buried in my neck. We cling together, exchanging sweet words, counting our blessings and relishing the feeling of each other. A tall, thin, official-looking man wraps a second blanket around Remy’s shoulders, talking into his ear. Remy nods to him and then suddenly we’re moving below deck, to somewhere warm and dry. My good arm is around Remy’s neck, the other gentleman walks slowly by my other side, hand hovering to support me as my legs wobble. They give me a towel for my hair and large hooded sweatshirt to change into - Remy helps me and the feeling of the clean, dry fabric against my skin makes me want to weep. I sit on a makeshift bed, exhausted and sore, my head buzzing. Remy hasn’t changed into the fresh clothes they’ve left for him yet, he shivers but refuses to let go of my hand - as though he believes I might evaporate if he does.
The sailors tell us the coastguard is on their way and it won’t be long til we’re back on dry land. I can’t wait for my feet to be firmly on the ground. Remy asks the sailors for something to drink, but they refuse telling us not until we’ve seen a doctor. But Remy insists and eventually they relent, giving us both a large brandy. I swallow it down, grimacing at the taste and the burning sensation in my throat. I lie on my side, cheek pressed against a soft cushion, still shivering. I cradle my swollen arm to my chest, rising and falling as I struggle to come to terms with everything that’s happened today. Remy’s finally in dry clothes, and has crawled into the space by my side on the bunk. It’s going to take a while to process all of this, but it feels so nice to lie here with Remy gazing into my eyes, bodies close, to see him smile at me. I feel drained, but calmer now I’m near to him. I reach out and trace his features, just as I did when we kissed on the yacht a short time before; his stubbled jaw, the curve of his cheek, the little dimple that appears when he grins at me. He catches my fingers in his, and presses gentle kisses to my knuckles, to my palm, his other hand smoothing out my damp hair, “I promised you I wouldn’t let you go. We’re safe now. Your Remy’s here, it’ll all be fine mon coeur. ”
—- 24 hours later —-
Leon pats my knee affectionately as I slide into the passenger seat, “Ready to go home?”
I nod and thank him, as Remy reaches over the headrest, squeezing Leon’s shoulder, “Merci, Leon. Thanks for coming back to drive us.”
Leon meets Remy’s eyes in the rear-view mirror, brows tight, looking perplexed, “It’s no problem. I still can’t believe Parker just... Left.”
Remy shrugs, “I can. Proves he was exactly the type of person we steal from.”
I sigh and scrub my hand across my face, “Except we didn’t steal anything from him, Remy. Everything’s gone. The film, lots of really amazing sculptures and artwork - all at the bottom of the sea...”
Remy shrugs, “But you and I aren’t at the bottom of the sea, and that’s what’s really important mon couer.”
And I know he’s right, but it just seems like such a terrible waste, that’s all. I suppose it might be better that no one has all of those treasures, than Parker hoarding them all and appreciating none of them. It was all just ‘stuff’ to him, for bragging rights, nothing more. Someone so shallow didn’t deserve any of-
Leon makes me jump, chuckling while reaching across me to clip my seatbelt in, exclaiming, “What’s this?!”
I glance down and see black Sharpie ink on my plaster cast. I lift my reset arm, and tilt my head to see it properly, there are two doodled little stick-people, one with my initials, one with ‘RC’, surrounded by sweet little hearts and the words ‘je t’aime, toujours ’ scrolled below. I feel my heart leap as I take it in. My cheeks start to colour as I stammer, “I don’t know- I- When-?”
Leon’s sporting a knowing smirk at Remy’s reflection, “To commemorate your fake marriage? Because there’s no need for you two to pretend anymore, right?”
I twist round in my seat to look at Remy who simply leans forward and cups my face in his palms. His eyes gaze into mine, face open and honest - no mask in sight. He meets my lips with a warm kiss as he confirms, “I’m done with pretending.”
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oneofyatosfollowers · 3 years
Yatori Week 2021- Day 4
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32090953/chapters/79500055
Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13905660/1/Yatori-Week-2021
Yukine was in the living room studying for midterms when his dad busted the door down and flounced into the room.
This was a common occurrence, as this man was not his biological dad, but rather a once concerned neighbor that adopted him and was therefore hardly a decade older than the teen. There could be many reasons why his dad, a man named Yato, was excited:
He saw something to do with Capybaras
He got an extra sketchy side job for pocket change
The weather was nice
He bought junk with said pocket change
Anything to do with his beloved girlfriend, Hiyori
Based on the way the young man skipped into the living room, high on cloud nine, Yukine could only assume it was the last option. With sigh, Yukine closed his textbook and readied himself to lose the rest of his study time. Yato tended to talk about his girlfriend for hours on end, like he’s never seen nor heard of them before her, and Yukine would not be able to focus. Now, Yukine liked his dad’s girlfriend. Loved her in fact. His dad was her art tutor- and class nude model- in college since she struggled with the subject as a medical major. Eventually she had become Yukine’s tutor in everything else except math, which was reserved for his dad. It was unclear if Yato hired her, or she did it out of the kindness of her heart, or the two just wanted to see more of each other, but Hiyori wormed her way into both their hearts.
“What?” Yukine drawled. His dad was a whirlwind of smiles and flailing arms as he tumbled towards Yukine. Used to this too, the blonde simply waited for Yato to sit directly in front of him without knocking him over. Yukine blinked as his dad struggled to find the words to communicate in a language they both understood. It tended to take some time, as falling in love with Hiyori Iki was a grand affair that wrestled your heart and tied your tongue. She tended to have that effect on people, as most kind-angels did. However, when all he did was wheeze and let out a strange coo mixed with a whine, Yukine couldn’t help but scoff and roll his eyes.
“I did it!” Yato beamed.
“Did what?”
“I finished that old lady’s kitchen and finally got enough money!” He burst. In a fit of laughter that strangers might have thought was madness, the young man rolled onto his back and kicked his feet. It took a moment for Yukine to realize his theory was somehow wrong before he crawled over top of his dad.
“What-ugh,” Yukine slapped away the hands that covered the man’s face, “what are you saving for? You never save money. I’m surprised we haven’t missed any bills yet.” Hands away his face, his dad’s bright blue eyes stared into Yukine’s hazel, full of unbridled joy . That was hardly a good sign; Yato was known for extravagant plans that he got far too excited over. Especially when they failed more often than not. Honestly, Hiyori was a saint for staying with such a spaz.
“That’s the thing!” The man gasped. He didn’t wait for his son’s answer, leaping to his feet to dash into the kitchen. Meanwhile, Yukine was rolling his eyes, of course it was about her. Yato ran back to his spot on the floor next to his son.
“Our two year anniversary is coming up in a few weeks and you know it’s around that time! The age, the lifestyle, the current situation,” he swooned, “her parents and Kofuku and Daikoku!”
“What. Are you talking about?” Yukine groaned as he kneaded his forehead. Just because his dad was capable of speech, didn’t mean he used it properly.
“I want to propose,” he said, “I want to propose to Hiyori.” The three magazines that he clenched in his hands were squeezed so tightly they crinkled. This time it was big blue eyes that watched Yukine struggle to find words. Yukine sucked in air, swallowed, stared, opened his mouth with nothing to come out, blinked a few times, then swallowed again. The logical part of this brain just shrugged, this was the obvious next step. They loved each other, were old enough, and that was usually the point of dating, what it led to. It wouldn’t change their day to day. The emotional side was shocked, blindsided, and completely convinced this would change everything.
Just the word ‘proposal’ was heavy in Yukine’s mind because ‘proposal’ led to ‘wedding’ which means ‘marriage’ which equals ‘family.’ Not that they weren’t already a family, they moved in to Hiyori’s place a little less than a year ago but that was a financial decision if anything. The more childish part of Yukine, the one that had originally protested the relationship and acted out during the first month of their dating, feared that this would take away even more of Yato’s attention. Because the fact was that marriage led to more children. But Yukine knew better than that by now. On the other hand, families, something Yukine had once before Yato, left a sour taste in his mouth. What’s more, this would without a doubt make Hiyori his ‘mother’ and this would mean Yukine wouldn’t just have a ‘parent’ but ‘parents,’ functioning ones that both loved him.
That last thought resonated in Yukine’s chest. Yato and Hiyori loved him very much, unconditionally, and he loved them. They were already a family and Yukine- Yukine wouldn’t mind calling Hiyori ‘mom’ if she ever wanted to adopt him. But most importantly, Yukine finally let his eyes drop from Yato’s and fall to the magazines. They were all for different jewelry stores, the outlines of their pages lined with little color tabs. Yukine could imagine they were covered in little notes and doodles from long before this moment. Most importantly, Yato deserved this. He was a single, smart, and kind young man that worked his way from the very bottom. Even Yukine was old enough to understand that for someone in that position- an impoverished college student- that Yato had taken on a lot, adopting him. It couldn’t have been easy to find someone. Someone as genuine as Hiyori who loved him just as much. Yato deserved this and he deserved to have Yukine support him. Which Yukine found that he truly, truly did.
“That’s great,” Yukine finally said. His voice cracked from the emotion and worry flashed across Yato’s face. But with one sniff and a genuine smile, Yukine showed that he was happy for them. The two dissolved into excited giggles and laughter, eyes blurry with emotion.
“I want you to help me pick it out. I want you with me when I buy it and help me plan the whole thing! I want you to be there with me, I need my kiddo for support,” Yato confessed. Blinking away the moist sheen, Yukine nodded once with a wobbly smile. His dad laughed with every ounce of giddiness and happiness that Yukine felt.
“Originally I was going to make one-”
“No,” Yukine said offhandedly as he wiped his eyes. Yato waved his hands and put down the magazines.
“I know! I know. This is super important and Hiyori deserves the actual ring. The best of the best! I can’t keep getting away with handmade gifts,” Yato said as he opened to a tab in each of the magazines. Yukine eyed the objects he circled and crossed out, writing everywhere.
“You make great hand-made gifts,” Yukine muttered as he fiddled with the cuff of his hand-made christmas sweater. His dad looked up to him, down at his hands, then back up with a smile.
“Well, I was thinking of making her golden knucklebusters, with diamonds of course, as an early wedding present.” Yato huffed.
“She’d like that a lot,” Yukine laughed, “just don’t let her parents see.”
“Oh god no! They already hardly like me.”
“They like you.”
“Yeah, cause I fix their house for free. Redo their kitchen,” Yato mumbled, “I hope they approve of this. I already asked them but the dad seemed more on board with it than her mom.”
“Hey,” Yukine nudged his dad, “that’s a good sign. At least you asked first.”
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right! This is good! She just needs to say yes.”
“She’ll say yes,” Yukine huffed with another roll of his eyes. Despite himself, even Yukine felt the small spark of fear at the possibility of Hiyori saying otherwise. They flipped through the magazines for a couple minutes longer, Yukine balking at the prices and mental math of costs per month.
“Ah!” Yato suddenly shot up and grabbed both of Yukine’s hands, knocking the book out of his hands.
“H-hey!” Yukine sputtered, wincing at his dad’s sweaty hands.
“But you can’t tell anyone!” Yato insisted, “this is a surprise. It has to stay a secret. Okay? Don’t tell anyone. Okay?”
“Okay!” Yukine finally yanked his hands away.
“You promise?” Yato urged, leaning even closer. His son shoved his face away and picked up his magazine.
“Yes! Yes! I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
They really were made for each other, Yukine thought a couple days later, like soulmates. Once again he was at home, heading to his room after Yato dropped him off. They had a family dinner later and Yukine wanted to chill at home with Hiyori while Yato went to prepare for the proposal. The house was quiet when he walked in so Yukine slipped the quarts of ice cream in the freezer and made his way to his room. Hiyori must be in bed. She hadn’t been feeling well recently, getting nauseous everyday for the past week. All those thoughts went out the window when, on the way to his room, the bathroom door cracked open and Hiyori’s head popped out.
“Yukine!” She hissed, “Yukine!” If it weren’t for her eyes being so wide and pleading, Yukine might have felt a bit more embarrassed by the sight. He stopped short in the hall.
“What’s wrong?” He said immediately. First she looked nervously off to the side, then to him, then up, then behind her, then back at him, letting out a whine disguised as a hum.
“What?” Yukine asked, a bit more nervously now. Still finding it difficult to answer, Hiyori’s arm slipped out and waved him over. Fearing she might have a broken bone, Yukine took one look at the house phone then walked over to the bathroom door, heart in his throat.
“Are you ok-ay!” Yukine squawked as the front of his shirt was grabbed and he was yanked into the bathroom, the door slamming behind him. He quickly glanced behind him, at the barrier, then back at his friend. She looked nervous, which made Yukine nervous. He would even say she looked anxious, scared, but the air buzzed with an excited tension. In front of her, Hiyori played with her fingers as she struggled to meet his gaze.
“Hiyori, are you okay?” Yukine finally got out. She looked okay, well not ‘okay’ okay but physically safe. The sweat that beaded her brow and the way her knees almost knocked together said otherwise.
“Um,” Hiyori looked up then down, “yeah, yeah, I’m okay. I- I think so?” Terrified at the thought of anything bad happening, Yukine quickly approached her with his hands up.
“What happened? What’s wrong? Do you need me to call Yato? We should call-”
“No!” Hiyori blurted out, causing Yukine to flinch. At this point he was almost shaking, Hiyori was rarely against calling Yato, especially during emergencies. More than just being the man of the house, Yato knew everything! He was calm and cool under pressure and could take on any problem without delay, dropping everything to help. Yukine certainly didn’t want to deal with whatever this was without at least telling his dad. Seeing the panic bubble, Hiyori reached forward and gently held Yukine’s hands like she often did during these times.
“No, no, no, it’s okay! It’s nothing bad! Nothing’s wrong!” Hiyori comforted, “I just got worrie- excited! I’m nervous about something and I wanted to tell you in private. It’s okay, nobody’s in danger,” her words quickly calmed Yukine back down.
“O-oh, okay,” Yukine nodded, “so, so what’s up?” He stuck his hands in his pocket to hide their shaking while Hiyori went back to fiddling with her fingers.
“I have a, uh, surprise! For Yato. And I, uh, wanted to hear your thoughts first.” She stammered out. This was rather confusing, but Yukine was relieved to hear that was all it was. Maybe she had a big anniversary present planned that she wanted his opinion with.
“Oh okay, what is it?”
“Well it’s not an ‘it’ exactly. It’s more of a, uh, uh, thing? Not a thing! It’s not a thing! I’m a thing? I’m something? I-I-I have something to give to Yato. And you? The family. My family too, you know, once I tell them. I’m just not exactly sure,” Hiyori babbled just like her not-yet-fiance, looking all around. Yukine resisted the urge to roll his eyes- he stopped doing that to her ages ago- and he refused to rush her.
“It’s okay,” Yukine offered a smile, “I’m sure whatever the thing is, Yato will love it. You know how sappy he is, he’ll love it cause it comes from you and you mean it.”
“Haha, yeah,” she didn’t sound too convinced and Yukine worried about why.
“I mean it, he will.” Yukine tried again. This time, Hiyori seemed to get rather bleary eyed and she hugged herself.
“Maybe not this time, Yukine, I’m just not sure. I mean we talked about it but it’s too soon and- who knows- maybe he won’t?” She continued looking around the room, biting her lip. Yukine was still an awkward sort of a teen and not very good with crying young women so all he could think to do was squeeze her hands.
“Don’t say that, Hiyori, there’s nothing on this earth that he-”
“I’m pregnant.” Her confession rang throughout the empty bathroom, echoing against the tiles and Yukine’s ribs. The boy’s mouth clicked shut as all those images he’d imagined, with Yato fawning over another child that was actually his, flooded in. When Hiyori sniffed again, the pictures shattered, leaving a frightened young woman holding her stomach.
“Yukine, I’m pregnant,” she repeated. Swallowing Yukine let his hands lightly rub her arms up and down.
“That’s,” he breathed, “amazing.” The honest wonderment he felt bleed through his voice and Hiyori looked up at him, eyes shining with pure hope.
“Yes,” Yukine promised. They deserved to be happy and experience having a baby and raising them with all the love and care they gave Yukine. After all, they already saved his life. What more can he ask of them? Once again he found himself blinking away the moisture in his eyes, Hiyori trying to do the same.
“But, what about Yato? Do you think he’ll,” Hiyori bit her lip and Yukine struggled to find the words and push away any jealousy he felt. Of course he wanted to be Yato’s one and only, for the man to never have kids of his own cause he had Yukine. But that was as selfish as it was stupid. Yato had a lot of love and Yukine knew he was no different than a son to him. Yato would never abandon him for something he deemed better and Yukine would be there to support him. Both of them.
“He will absolutely love them,” Yukine assured her, letting out a dry sob, “he’ll make the best dad.”
“Well, hehe, I think he already does?” Hiyori wiped under her eyes and Yukine found himself laughing.
“That’s right!” Yukine said, joyfully, “he’s the best.”
“Yeah, he is. The best I could ask for,” she murmured happily. The room was considerably warmer, lighter as Hiyori set her palms gently over her abdomen with a soft smile.
“Now I just have to tell him,” Hiyori said, “and my parents.”
“I’m sure they’ll be happy too,” Yukine sighed as he leaned against the door, “you haven’t told them yet?”
“No, they’re old fashioned and I would rather tell Yato first. So you can’t tell anyone!” Hiyori suddenly stepped forward with pleading eyes.
“It’s a surprise! I want to tell him on our anniversary but I really need you to be there as support, so you can’t say anything, okay?  Promise me you’ll keep it a secret!” She begged. Yukine gave his answer before he could think, not realizing until later what it would entail.
“I-I will! I’ll be there! And I promise I won’t say anything!”
The anniversary dinner reservation was booked at the restaurant Yato took Hiyori to on their very first date. It stood on the corner of an annual festival that followed the date and where Yato often took them every year since. In the car ride, various levels of anxious excitement is so palpable one of them could cut it with a knife. The excitement mostly came from the two adults in the front seat. Yukine, who sat behind Hiyori, was the majority of the anxiousness. Both hands were stuffed firmly in his jacket, balled up in his right hand was a little box protecting a diamond ring, his left was gently pinching the image of an ultrasound. He kept trying to rip his hands out of his pockets, worried about the cold sweat ruining such valuable commodities.
“So Yukine, are you excited about the festival?” Yato peaked at him through the rear-view mirror, smiling gleefully. It was unclear if his dad noticed Yukine’s flinch, but he quickly shoved his hands tight in his pockets and tried a smile.
“Y-yeah!” His voice cracked and Yato let out an awkward laugh. In the passenger seat, Hiyori turned around to look at him with an equally wobbly smile and a nod.
“We’re glad you can come with us to dinner this time,” she said, “right Yato?”
“Sure are! Soon you’ll be too old for us to force you to come on our dates!” Yato laughed. Even with the implication, the air in the car was considerably lighter. Yukine found himself laughing too, secretly knowing that there would never come a day he would need to be forced. While anniversary dinners were different, dinners with your parents hopefully lasted forever.
“Yato!” Hiyori chided through her giggles, giving him a good whack on the arm. The family continued to snicker as Yato pulled into a parking spot. He ran around the car to open the door for his beloved, taking her hand and helping her out. Yukine’s amusement sank like a rock when both the adults gave him a pointed look and a nod, he was reminded of what was to come. Giving his name, Yato could barely contain his excitement as the waitress brought them to a raised booth in the back.
“Yato,” Hiyori said with a light gasp. It was unclear if she noticed that this booth was the only one with fake roses strung up along the back but Hiyori wore a look of awe as she sat down on the other side of the candle.
“Two years,” he sang in reply.
“Yukine, you can take off your coat,” Hiyori suggested.
“N-nah that’s okay!” Yukine said. Both of them must have understood the implication because neither of them pressed it. They took a glance at the menu and eventually, the waiter came to take their orders, offering the most expensive bottle of champagne that Yato had already paid for.
“Oh, uh, no thank you, I’ll just have water, please,” Hiyori asked as she shut the menu and handed it to him. Yukine watched the waiter flash Yato a lost look who just nodded as he handed his own menu.
“I’ll have a colosi,” Yato said. The meal picked up quickly after that, the three of them ordering good dishes. Shortly after they started to dig in, the violinist Yato had called from college- a man with glasses named Kazuma- came over and began to play.
“Mmm!” Hiyori slurped down her pasta, “this is our song!”
“Hmm?” Yato cocked his head.
“Our song! You know, the one they played at the after party for the art exhibit? Our first dance,” Hiyori said. She ducked her head, looking suitably embarrassed until Yato hummed.
“I remember! Of course I do,” Yato smiled, “best night of my life.” Love in the air, they finished their meal, sharing a dessert Yato treated Yukine too. Once the dinner was complete, Yato distracted Hiyori long enough for Yukine to run and give Kazuma a tip and the next phase. Then Yukine jogged after them, the three of them walking out into the festival. Hiyori, rather obviously, tugged Yato off to the right. The woman on track to being a doctor was clever enough to know her romantic boyfriend would be taking them to the spot of their first kiss. Of course he did that every year, but Hiyori hoped being in such a nostalgic place would help the news to be received more positively.
Still, the two of them put a lot of effort into making sure Yukine felt included. Part of him thought this was just done out of gratitude for his help, but they’ve taken him here more than enough times for Yukine to understand they just wanted him to have fun too. Of course, this was still part of Yato’s extremely detailed plan. A handful of the game stands held certain prizes that Yato planted for the proposal. So far, Yato carried a hand-made scarf that mimicked something Hiyori used to wear while they were dating, a small wooden house that was used in sketch class, a box of sparklers, and binoculars. Currently, Hiyori was selecting another prize Yato and Yukine won for her by playing darts. Based on Yato’s instructions, the man offered Hiyori the prize box of fake jewelry, one of which was real and hand made. Knowing her, she would notice the pink-flowered charm and select it.
“I’ll have to go back for that bottle,” Yato sighed as he watched his love look over the options.
“I can go back and put it in the car,” offered Yukine.
“No, no, no, I need you here with me,” his dad looked at him, “I can’t do this without you.” He sounded confident but his eyes were so scared that Yukine couldn’t help but nod. Yukine had made a promise to himself some time ago that he would protect this eccentric, kind-hearted man that saved his life, from others who would try to take advantage of him or go out of their way to hurt him. Just like Yukine once did.
“I have tissues in case she says no and I put the ice cream in the freezer for you.”
“Haha! That’s my boy,” Yato let his fingers noogie Yukine’s hair and they laughed. The moment of truth was upon them. As Hiyori came back to them, showing off her new bracelet with the claim that it was something Yato would make for her. They walked to the edge of the street, the overview circling out over the park with a fence and benches. Yato handed the house and sparklers to Yukine, wrapping the light scarf around Hiyori’s neck. The fireworks would start in exactly seven minutes and Yukine still had both objects in his pockets.
“Yato,” Hiyori suddenly said, “I need to talk to you.” She looked at Yukine who stared back at her with wide eyes.
“What is it? We can talk here, you know,” Yato tried to get Hiyori to come towards the railing, but she remained firmly where she was.
“I just decided that I want,” she looked around, “some cotton candy!” Hiyori frantically pointed towards one of the mini carts.
“Wha-? Right now?” Yato’s shock and fear cracked his voice but he quickly tried to cover it with a laugh.
“How about after the fireworks? They’re going to start soon and you know how much I like-”
“Please Yato?” Hiyori put her hands together and cocked her head. From the middle of them, Yukine sucked air through his teeth and looked at Yato. Those were the big guns, Yato rarely said no to begging.
“Uh, um, okay, Hiyori. One-one sec!” Yato started towards the treats, “come on, Yukine!”
“No, no! That’s okay! Yukine can stay with me!” Hiyori insisted. She smiled when Yato just sputtered then ran off to retrieve the sweets.
“Okay, give it to me,” she frantically hushed.
“You’re going to do it now?” Yukine gave a quieted exclamation.
“I have to! I can’t let this continue without him knowing!” Hands shaking, Yukine handed the ultrasound to Hiyori who stuffed it under the top layer of her shirt against her spine. Once glance at the clock told Yukine there was four minutes until the fireworks would light up the sky and Kazuma would light the sparklers next to the matching mini wooden house just below them.
“Okay! Okay, here!” Yato ran back to them, “here you go, Hiyori!” He handed her a pink mass of sugar, shoving it in her face.
“Wha-! Yato!” Hiyori sputtered. As she struggled to get the sugary treat out of her face, Yato dove his hand in Yukine’s pocket and plucked out the ring.
“Heheh, sorry,” Yato said as he stuffed it into his pocket, “I tripped?” he offered as she moved the candy out of her face. As Yato smiled awkwardly at Hiyori’s narrowed eyes, the first firework of the night boomed in the sky. Slack-Jawed, the three of them looked up at the sky, then back at each other.
“Ah! It started!” Yukine gasped.
“Let’s go get a closer look Hiyori-”
“Yato, I have something for you!”
“I have something for you too, but, uh, it’s over here. So let’s go over here!” Yato was quicker, and louder, than Hiyori and managed to grab her wrist and pull her towards the railing. Deciding that his job was done- and that he didn’t want to really get caught in whatever was about to happen- Yukine chose to stay a couple feet back.
“Yato, I- '' Hiyori's words were caught with a gasp as she looked over the railing. On the stone patio that surrounded the park were a bunch of pigeons eating the seeds Yato had Kazuma put down just as they left the restaurant. Feeding pigeons was something Yato did a lot in college and one of the places Hiyori would find him sketching before they started dating.
“Look at them all!” She gasped at the massive heart made purely out of hungry pigeons. In the center of the feathered shape was a small note, leaning on the matching mini home, with fancy calligraphy made clear by the sparklers that were stuck on either side.
“Is that a note?” Hiyori squinted, “I wonder what it says.” She looked at Yato when he cleared his throat.
“Why don’t you use your binoculars?” He offered them. Hiyori didn’t seem to think much of it, taking them and leaning over the railing.
“It says ‘Will You Marry Me?’ Aw I wonder who that’s- for?” Hiyori’s sentence fell off her lips, drifting through the wind as she lowered the binoculars and turned her head. Yukine watched her eyes drop to Yato on his knee, who was gently holding up the box and the ring. When she gasped, eyes growing wide, he nudged the box up higher and cocked his head with a forced smile.
“Will you?” he asked. It took a moment but Hiyori finally moved, closing her mouth and blinking rapidly.
“Yes,” she breathed.
“Really?” Yato sprang up with a gigawatt smile, Hiyori laughing at him.
“Yes! Yes!” She professed, bouncing up and down with Yato. Quickly putting the binoculars around her neck, Hiyori quickly grabbed Yato’s face and they joined in a passionate kiss. From his spot, Yukine found himself bouncing on the balls of his feet and clapping with the few people surrounding them. Through their love-sick laughter, and Hiyori’s many kisses, Yato took her hand and raised her to the ring. Before the rock could slip onto her finger, Hiyori jolted, finger freezing.
“What is it?” Questioned Yato, terrified at the way she took her hand back.
“Before you give me the ring, I want to give you my thing,” Hiyori said. Her weak words were slightly drowned out by the fireworks display and chatter of the audience but Yato just nodded with tight lips. Eyes downcast, Hiyori’s fingers slipped under her shirt. Then, she handed the ultrasound to Yato who blinked at once before he gently took it. Yukine watched him stare at it, almost incomprehensibly, for a little longer than necessary. Yato blinked again, turned it around and blinked once more. Adam’s apple bobbing, Yukine watched Yato’s lips say something that was too quiet to hear. Hiyori nodded, a jolting movement, trying to force a smile around her wet eyes. This was it, Yukine thought, they were a little family; a mother and her future husband. Yato was a husband, a father, a man of the house. Yukine’s clapping hands stopped and gripped his shorts.
Yato suddenly got his breath of life back, his head jolted up and he looked to Hiyori with an open jaw. He couldn’t force it close until he tackled her into a hug, holding her head and waist so close, like she was the only thing keeping him standing. Whatever Yato said convinced Hiyori it was time to slip the engagement ring on her finger as they squeezed each other tight. Their laughter sounded again, overshadowed by the fireworks and sounding considerably more breathless than before. Lit up by the dancing colors, Yukine watched them alternate between laughing, talking, kissing, and pointing at the objects in their hands. Just as Yukine’s happiness was starting to be completely overshadowed with loneliness and isolation, he watched both of them point at their gifts then turn and face the blonde.
“Yukine!” They cheerfully called his name, arms open to welcome him into their hug. Heart leaping for joy into his throat, Yukine ran forward without a thought. By the time their arms wrapped around him, holding him tightly against their bodies, Yukine’s wet laughter was bubbling out of his chest.
“Yukine! You double player you!” Yato exulted.
“You did such a good job!” Hiyori complimented with tears, “thank you so much!” The family gave another tight hug before pulling away.
“We really couldn’t have done it without you,” Yato sighed. He kept his arms around their shoulders, holding the ultrasound up against the sky, the three watched the final colors of the fireworks illuminate the tiny bundle of life that would be greeting them soon. As the final boom pounded against their beating hearts, Yato finally gave it back to his fiance.
“I’m glad it all worked out,” Yukine said, mostly to himself.
“Are you sure?” Yato asked him.
“We just want to make sure that you’re okay with all this,” Hiyori started, “we know this is a lot and we just want to hear your thoughts about all this.” She gestured to everything but when Yukine gave them a blank look, Yato put his hands on Yukine’s head.
“Our family is getting a little bigger, are you happy?” He asked softly. Warmth spread throughout Yukine, building in his heart and fanning the heat behind his eyes.
“Yeah,” Yukine breathed, “I’m happy.” He blinked and let out a hum of a laugh as Yato and Hiyori smiled at each other.
“That’s great because we have something for you too,” Yato grinned.
“For me?” Yukine blinked. What could it be? What more could they possibly give him?
“Yes, a surprise for you too! Mostly from me to you,” Hiyori offered. When she looked at Yato, smile matching his, the three separated and Yato lifted his top shirt to reveal a folded packet. He handed it to Hiyori who handed it to Yukine with a shy smile.
“If you want,” she tacked on. Yukine kept his eyes on her as he unfolded the paperwork, already knowing what it was before he looked it at. It was so familiar, nearly identical to the one Yato gave him so long ago, the one that now sat in a protective folder in Yukine’s bedroom.
“You want to? Adopt me?” Yukine asked. He squeezed the papers tightly against his chest. Unable to say anything more, Hiyori pressed her trembling lips together and gave a short nod, a couple tears falling from her eyes. He was back in her arms just as she opened them, sniffing against her collar bone.
“Is that okay? Will you have me, Yukine?” She tearfully asked as she brushed his bangs out of his eyes.
“Yes,” Yukine cried, “I’d love that. So much.” He had a mom now. Not that woman that gave birth to him, a real mother figure that loved and cared for him and his dad properly. He had parents.
“See?” Yato sniffed, “I told you he would gladly welcome you into the family!” He tried wiping the tears from his cheeks but it hardly made a difference.
“The family?” Yukine repeated, feeling the word on his tongue.
“Of course! Can’t be a family without you, kiddo!” Yato insisted. He pulled them back into a hug, each of the gifts to each other- sealing their love and connection- squishing under the force of their laughter. They came together in a rather unconventional way, and they were nothing Yukine imagined for himself, yet they were everything he could ask for.
His parents.
His family.
13 notes · View notes
Follow My Lead | Tom Hiddleston x OFC | Chapter 3 | Hello my sunshine boy
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A/N: This will update every Thursday.  There are 13 chapters.  There are all sorts of kinds of D/s relationships.  This is the one I choose to write this time.  
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Vivian Swann)
Summary: Tom and Vivian have both been unlucky in love, searching for something outside of the bounds of a typical relationship.  When the two of them connect via a dating app, Tom is introduced to the idea of being submissive to Vivian.  Which is the one thing he never knew he needed.  Under the firm hand of Vivian, Tom learns what it means to submit and Vivian learns what it means to be in a loving dominant relationship.  But not everyone seems to understand what they have and the best intentions can destroy the strongest relationship.
This Chapter: Tom and Vivian slowly move forward and Tom discovers a thorn in his side named Benedict.
Warnings for story: Dominant/submissive relationship (sub!Tom), lots of smut including but not limited to: vaginal sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), edging, denial, teasing, use of restraints, spanking, multiple orgasm, anal play, use of toys.
Taglists are open!  Please let me know if you wish to be added! Thank you for reading.  
“You are positively glowing, Viv.” Her best friend Ashley commented as they sat down for lunch that Monday. “Don’t tell me you finally got laid. What has been seven, eight months?”
“Twenty-two, but who’s counting?” Vivian snapped back.
“You.” Ashley stabbed her fork at her. “So if it wasn’t sex, then what? Did you find a new esthetician? You have to give me the name. My pores are crying.”
“I found someone, but not an esthetician. A boy.” Vivian responded, coy, not wanting to reveal too much after just one date.
“A boy?” Ashley clapped her hands together in excitement.
Ashley’s perpetual joy could grate on Vivian’s nerves on worse days, but as her best friend throughout law school, she couldn’t imagine her life without Ash. Vivian shot her a glare.
“Yes.” She stabbed at her salad.
Ashley’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. “You mean a boy boy?”
“Possibly. We’ve only been on one date.” She held up a finger. “Before you ask, a normal ‘vanilla’ date. Dinner.”
Viv smiled. “But there is a… a… quality about him. So full of life and stinking positive. It’s intoxicating.” She shivered, remembering that kiss.
“Anything else?” Ashley blinked at her, knowing there was more to tell.
“He is also drop dead gorgeous and an amazing kisser.”
“Details, or it didn’t happen. First off, tongue or no tongue?”
“Not telling.”
“Boo.” Ashley pouted. “Give me something. What celebrity does he look like?”
Vivian stopped chewing to stop herself from choking. What a loaded question.
“Tom Hiddleston.”
“Ooooh,” Ashley cooed. “He is so hot.”
“But enough about me,” Vivian changed the subject before Ashley pushed much further. “How are things with Eric?”
Ashley poked at her food. “Things are not. He ghosted me a week ago.”
Vivian’s phone buzzed. It was Tom. She said a silent prayer that she had labeled him in her phone as T and not his full name as Ashley leaned over to read the message.
Thinking about you. Already finished one book you recommended. Thank you for that. They have been most helpful.
She smiled at the message.
“Is that the boy?” Ashley craned her neck. “Let me see.”
Vivian flipped the phone around for her to read.
“Awww. He is just the cutest. When are you seeing him again?”
“He is calling tonight and I imagine we will make plans then.”
Ashley danced a bit in her chair. “I can’t wait to meet him.”
Tom ran double his usual miles that Monday morning. His body and brain were a jumble of nervous energy. He felt well… as giddy as a schoolboy. A feeling which had eluded him for quite some time. Once he returned and showered, he settled onto his couch with the second of the books Vivian suggested while listening to some music at a low volume. He ignored the buzz of messages on his phone until he finished the book.
Three missed messages and one phone call from Benedict. That man was like a dog with a bone for meddling and prying into Tom’s personal life. This had only gotten worse since Ben married and had kids. Now that he was coupled up, it seems Benedict was intent on getting Tom to the same status. Tom didn’t have the time, guts, or inclination to explain his desire for a relationship less ordinary. And reading those books only confirmed Tom’s suspicions about what he wanted.
He ignored Benedict and instead typed up a quick text to Vivian. She should be at lunch around now. While he waited for her to respond, Tom grabbed a script from the table and flipped it open. He wasn’t sure how he felt about starring in another period drama, but he promised his agent he would let them know yes or no by the end of the week.
There was a knock at his door. Tom opened the door. Benedict pushed his way into Tom’s home.
“You don’t write. You don’t call.” Benedict’s arms flailed about.
Tom frowned at his face. “Come on in, Ben. I’m not busy at all.” His voice oozed with sarcasm.
“If you answered your phone, I wouldn’t have to barge in like this. Hello.” Benedict continued to pace the floor.
“Hello.” Tom replied. He glanced into the living room and saw his stack of books in plain sight on the sofa. “Now what is so urgent it required you to come to my house in the middle of the day?”
“How did the date go?” Benedict flashed a gigantic smile at Tom.
Tom groaned and walked back into the living room. He shoved the books out of sight under a table. Benedict flopped down in their place.
“I’m not telling you.”
“Come on. I would tell you.” Benedict continued to smile as though he was a maniacal clown.
“Fortunately, I’m not you. Now if you please…” He gestured for the door. “… I have work to do.”
Tom shoved Benedict off the sofa and towards the door.
“Please something. A morsel. A tidbit.”
“Not even a scrap.”
“A name?” Benedict called out, a Hail Mary effort to extract something from his best friend. He can’t ever remember Tom being this tightlipped before.
“Last name?”
“None of your business. Goodbye Benedict.” Tom slammed the door in Ben’s face as he opened his mouth to say something.
Tom slumped onto the couch and stared down at the script he was reading. His phone buzzed.
Thinking about you too. Glad to hear about the reading. Talk to you soon.
Tom smiled and double checked to make sure his alarm was set for 10:55 that night. With a sigh, he grabbed the script and continued reading.
Vivian didn’t get home until almost 10:30 that night. The paralegal in charge of organizing the documents for her deposition tomorrow had up and quit, and she spent most of the day along with three first-year associates getting everything in order. Her body ached even after a quick shower, her brain was buzzing. It was also like that the day before depositions. She made a cup of tea and then settled into bed. Vivian tried reading, but her brain wouldn’t shut down. She didn’t keep a TV in the bedroom.
Her phone rang. Tom. Right on time.
“Evening, darling.” His voice smooth and rich. Vivian’s shoulders relaxed. “How was your day?”
“Long. Yours?”
“Boring. Would you like to tell me about yours?”
“I don’t want to burden you.” Vivian pouted.
“I would be happy to listen.”
She perked up a bit and ranted about the kerfuffle that afternoon. Tom listened intently, interjecting words of encouragement along the way.
“It sounds like the whole thing is in your capable hands. I was wondering…” He paused. “Never mind.”
“No, what were you wondering about?”
“I was wondering if you would like to come over to my place and I could cook you dinner on Thursday.”
She smiled. “I would like that.” There was a pregnant pause over the line. She could sense his shyness and nerves through the phone. “Was there something else you wanted?”
Tom sighed into the phone. “Perhaps we could try a few things. Nothing sexual.” He quickly added. His stomach twisted into knots.
“I think that could happen. How about tomorrow I email you a list of some possibles and see what works for you?”
“Thank you. I would like that very much.” The pep in his voice returning. “I don’t want to keep you awake.”
“I wasn’t sleeping. I can’t get my mind to shut down.”
“Have you tried reading?”
“I can’t focus.”
Tom hesitated. “I could read to you.” His voice quiet.
“You would do that for me?”
“Yes. Would you like me to read to you?”
Vivian’s body warmed over. “I would like that very much.”
“Let’s see you’re reading Anna Karenina.” She could overhear shuffling as Tom moved to his bookshelf to find his copy. “What chapter?”
Tom thumbed through the pages until he reached the spot.
He cleared his throat before he began. “After dinner, and till the beginning of the evening, Kitty was feeling a sensation akin to the sensation of a young man before a battle. Her heart throbbed violently, and her thoughts would not rest on anything. She felt…”
Tom got halfway through Chapter 14 before Vivian dozed off, her breath heavy and even over the phone. Tom ended the call and headed to his bedroom to sleep himself.
Vivian woke up early the next morning feeling refreshed. Her phone lay next to her on the bed. With a stretch, she rose and set about making breakfast and a cup of coffee. She hadn’t planned on falling asleep during Tom’s phone call, but his voice soothed and slowed down her brain. Which reminded her to open her laptop. She shot off a quick email to Tom giving him some ideas for Thursday.
This is a list of what may happen, not will happen.
Shirt off (you)
Pants off (you, underwear stays on)
Referring to me as “ma’am”
symbol of ownership (cuffs/collar/leash)
Hair pulling/tugging
Pet name for you (boy, puppy, etc.)
She requested he let her know and to add anything for discussion, and they could talk about it more tonight. She requested he call again at 11. Vivian then clicked send and readied for the day.
The first thing Tom did when he woke that morning was check his email. He found Vivian’s and opened it.
His eyes widened as he read the list. He hadn’t thought about the idea of “ownership” yet. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for that just yet. But the kneeling, petting, and titles all sounded exciting. He shot back a response, letting Vivian know his preferences and then headed out for a run.
Vivian responded to Tom’s email during the lunch hour, saying they could talk more about it that night. She spent the rest of the afternoon in ongoing meetings on a new corporate fraud case her firm just took on.
Tom read a few scripts that morning, one a drama based on an obscure book he never heard of and another a romantic comedy. After a quick lunch and more pressure from Benedict via text, Tom grabbed for the third book Vivian recommended to him. He glanced at the title Leading and Supportive Love: The Truth about Dominant and Submissive Relationships by Chris Lyon. As he delved in, Tom realized how woefully inadequate his own research had been.
The more he read, the more Tom wanted this. How he wanted to surrender and submit within a lovely romantic relationship. He had always been attracted to strong women. However, Tom found time and time again that his girlfriends looked to him to initiate. And not just sex. And with that, the relationship soured as resentment and disappointment permeated on both sides. He resigned himself to settling, convinced what he wanted didn’t exist. and then he discovered the dominant/submissive relationship community. Too scared to hunt out a pro-domme, Tom settled on the dating profile on a vanilla website.
His alarm rang at 10:55 and he grabbed his copy of Anna Karenina and settled onto the couch to call Vivian.
Vivian settled into bed ahead of Tom’s phone call. She planned on asking him to read to her again. He called at exactly 11 again and she wondered if he stared at his phone waiting for the minutes to count down.
“Hello my sunshine boy.” She greeted him.
Tom smiled. “Sunshine boy?” his tone not accusatory but questioning.
“Because you are as golden and bright as the sun.”
“I like that. I enjoy being your warmth and sunshine.”
“Good, because it’s your pet name now. Speaking of…. Thursday.”
“Right.” Tom squirmed. Thursday was a big day. “Tell me how it will work.”
“So we will establish the rules and protocols tonight, and they are in place until I leave. Anything on the list is fair game. I expect you to comply with my requests. If there is anything not on the list we wish to explore, consent and discussion will happen beforehand. If at any point, you feel uncomfortable and wish to disengage, you can use a safety word. What would you like your safety word to be?”
“Sushi.” Tom responded. “That all sounds fine. And I should call you…”
“Ma’am for now.” She smiled. “Now will you read for me again, please?” Her tone gentle but firm.
“Yes, ma’am.” he tried it out. It felt nice. “Where did I leave off?”
Tom grabbed his book and flipped it open to where he marked his spot with a bookmark. “That must be Vronsky, thought Levin, and, to be sure of it, glanced at Kitty. She had already had time to look at Vronsky, and looked round to Levin. And simply from the look in her eyes, that grew unconsciously brighter, Levin knew that she loved that man, knew it as surely as if she had told him so in words.”
Vivian dozed off soon after Tom began, and he ended the call before falling asleep on the couch himself.
Wednesday seemed to drag for both of them in anticipation for Thursday night. Tom busied himself with cleaning his house, which had grown cluttered now that he was back living there full time. In between the mopping of the floors and shoving a third load of laundry in the washer, Tom finished up the third and fourth books Vivian told him to read. He had two left. Tom also made a special trip to the store and gathered the ingredients for dinner. He was tempted to make Bolognese but thought Italian two dates in a row might be a bit much and instead settled on a lovely roast dinner with all the fixings. Tom even went so far as to call his mother for tips.
“Trying to impress a girl, I take it?” Diana Hiddleston mused as she explained how to make Yorkshire pudding.
“A woman, Mother.” he corrected her. “She’s not just some girl.”
“Clearly if you are contemplating baking for her. I hope she is worth all this trouble.”
“It’s no trouble.” Tom scribbled down notes in handwriting he was certain to be unable to decipher later. “Now for a pudding…”
Diana chuckled as she listed off a few simple recipes for Tom to try.
Vivian left work two hours early on Thursday in order to get and ready and head over to Tom’s in time. He texted her the address that morning. He continued to call her at 11 and read to her every night. It was a small comfort, and she looked forward to it every evening.
Her fingers ran along the clothes hanging in her wardrobe, contemplating how dressy to go. She lighted on a long floral cotton maxi dress with a high slit on the side. Vivian paired with a wedge and a light jacket and grabbed her phone and purse before catching an Uber over to Tom’s.
Tom couldn’t remember the last time his palms sweated before a date. But they were and causing him to bobble in the kitchen, nearly dumping all the roasted potatoes on the ground. He was just pulling out the Yorkshire puddings when his doorbell rang.
Tom sprung into action, running to the door, shedding the apron along the way and smoothing down the front of his button-down shirt. He opened the door to find Vivian standing there smiling.
“Evening,” he started, smiling. “ma’am.” he added quickly.
“That’s my sunshine boy.” she responded, stepping into his foyer. She grabbed him by the back of neck and kissed him. Tom’s hand landed on her shoulders. She pulled him forward twice by the neck as they kissed before releasing him.
“Allow me to take your jacket, ma’am.” Tom moved to behind Vivian and waited until she nodded before slipping it off her shoulders and hanging it on a nearby hook.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Care for a tour?” He extended his arm towards the living room.
“Lead the way.” She reached out and held onto the back of his neck before sliding it down to the small of his back. He shivered at her touch. “Okay?” She checked in with him.
“Fine. I just… I’m not used to people touching me there.” he replied, shy and self-conscious.
“If it makes you uncomfortable, use your word.” She used her other hand to smooth down his hair.
“Yes, ma’am. I like it.”
“Then I’ll keep doing it.”
Tom smiled as she smoothed down his hair and he continued with the tour. Vivian took in every inch of Tom’s home. It was clean and well furnished. She enjoyed the large bookcase covering an entire wall in his study, along with an impressive DVD collection. She spied a few family photos in the bedroom on the dresser in front of his king size bed. They returned to the kitchen right as the oven timer went off.
Tom stepped away and grabbed an oven mitt and pulled his tart from the oven. Vivian glanced over his shoulder to see a full roast dinner, Tom had gone all out for her.
“I’m impressed, good job.” She kissed his cheek.
He blushed at her praise. “I may have gone a bit overboard.”
“Nonsense. Now get me a glass of wine please.” She directed before sitting down at the table Tom had set.
“Red, white, or I have champagne, ma’am?” He stood by the fridge, waiting.
Vivian wrinkled her nose. “Champagne makes me sneeze. Red.”
Tom nodded and grabbed a bottle from the counter which he opened and poured them both a glass. He handed Vivian’s hers first before setting his on the table and returning to the kitchen. Vivian slid his glass over to her side of the table and sipped hers. Tom had great taste in wine.
He returned to the table and set her plate down for her and then himself before sitting. Tom glanced around for his glass of wine.
“No wine for you tonight.”
Tom opened his mouth and contemplated his next words as Vivian sipped her wine, staring at him. “Yes, ma’am.” He sounded disappointed but pulled his glass of water close.
Vivian reached out and stroked his arm. “Don’t worry, my sunshine boy, there will still be plenty of fun to be had.” He perked up a bit. “How is your reading going?”
Tom finished chewing before answering. “Great. I am on book number 4. Just two more to go and then my 500 word essay. May I write more than 500 words?”
“Yes, but no more than a 1000.”
Tom nodded and Vivian tucked into the roast. It was juicy and seasoned to perfection. “Whose recipe did you steal?”
“My mother’s.” Tom replied. “Excuse me for a moment.” He stood and left for the kitchen, returning with a gravy boat and the bottle of wine. He held up the gravy. “May I, ma’am?”
“Yes please.” She held up her plate to close the distance. Tom poured a healthy amount of gravy on the plate before serving himself. “And your work? Your scripts?”
Tom sat back down. “Tedious. If I am not playing a spy, they want me to play a stuffed shirt in a cravat and waistcoat.”
“I bet you are dashing in a cravat and waistcoat.” She smirked at him, aware Tom would be dashing in a potato sack and tissue boxes.
“There is one that caught my eye. I wondered if you like to take a look at it.”
“What kind of movie?”
“Romantic comedy.”
Vivian giggled. “Do they still make those?”
Tom narrowed his eyes for a moment. “Yes. Would you like to take a look? Ma’am?”
“Maybe later.” She sipped her wine. Tom held the bottle up. “No, thank you. I have work tomorrow.”
Tom nodded and set the bottle down. “How are the depositions going?”
“As well as can be expected, but this case isn’t won or lost through depositions.”
“How is it then?”
“By who blinks first.” She deadpanned. “And I am a world class champion in staring contests.”
Tom shook his head, taking his last bite of potato before standing to clear the plates. “Remind me never to cross you.”
Vivian leaned back in her chair. “I guarantee in six months you will beg me to punish you.”
She chuckled as the plates clattered in the sink before he turned on the water to let them soak during dessert. Vivian enjoyed pushing when the mood suited her. And Tom suited her just fine.
He returned with his Bakewell tart, two plates and forks. “I noticed you didn’t eat much of the chocolate dessert on Sunday.”
“It was fine, but not my favorite. Thank you for noticing.”
Tom cut up the tart and served up a small slice to Vivian and took a larger piece for himself.
“Don’t you worry about gaining weight?” she questioned.
“I run at least three miles a day, although since I met you that has doubled. And I have a fast metabolism. It is very hard for me to put on muscle mass. Ask my trainer.”
“I just might.” She took a bite and moaned. “Delicious.”
Tom licked his lips and took a bite, moaning. “That is delicious.” he mumbled, his mouth full.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” She pointed a finger at him.
“Yes, ma’am. Sorry.” He covered his mouth and swallowed.
“You don’t need to apologize, Tom.” Vivian reached out and rubbed his arm. “Fix it the next time.”
Tom leaned into her hand. “Yes, ma’am.”
Vivian ate most of her dessert while Tom polished his off.
“All done?”
She wiped her mouth and finished up her wine. “Yes, thank you. That was delicious. I need you to cook for me more often.”
Tom chuckled as he cleared the plates. “I’ll keep that in mind. If you like, you can take a seat in the living room while I clean up.”
“I’d rather stay in here with you.”
“Of course.” He hustled over to the sink and turned on the water. He rinsed the plates and utensils while Vivian sat at the table and watched. She took the sight of his backside in the jeans he selected for the evening. Very nice. She couldn’t wait to redden those cheeks when the time came.
She stood and joined him after Tom put away the leftovers and turned his attention to the pans. As he scrubbed, Vivian came up behind him and petted the back of his head and neck. He leaned against her hand and Vivian swore he purred.
“That feels nice, ma’am.” he hummed, but not stopping his washing.
“Finish up and come to the living room, sunshine boy.”
She tugged his hair once before releasing his hair and walking out of the kitchen. Vivian surveyed his DVDs while Tom finished up. She could hear the water turn off and the pans clanging together as he put them away. Vivian remained standing.
Tom walked into his own living room as though he were a stranger. His hands fidgeting in front of him.
“I won’t bite, Thomas.” she smirked. “At least I won’t bite tonight.”
Tom gulped and shifted his weight. “Yes, ma’am.”
She circled him like an animal on the prowl. Her fingers ran along the width of his shoulders. He shivered again. Vivian stopped and took a step back.
“Are you still doing okay?”
“I’m fine.” He glanced over his shoulder at her. “Please don’t stop.” His blue eyes begged her to touch him again.
She nodded and slid her hand down his back before bringing it up his neck and into his hair.
“Take off your shirt.”
Tom hesitated for a moment before unbuttoning his shirt. He pulled it off and tossed it onto a nearby chair.
“Fold it and place it on the table.”
Tom’s mouth dropped open, and he stood still. Vivian walked in front of him.
“I don’t enjoy repeating myself, sunshine.”
Tom scrambled into action. “Yes, ma’am.” He folded the shirt like they would in a retail store and then spun in place. There were three tables in the room.
“The small one with the lamp, please.” Tom sighed in relief and placed his shirt down.
“On the couch, on your back, hands behind your head.”
Vivian leaned down to unbuckle her wedges, slipping them off and placing them by the armchair. Tom positioned himself on the couch, taking up the entire length. Vivian licked her lips at the sight of Tom. The hint of chest hair. His Adonis belt and treasure trail. She made a mental list of things to do in the future to Tom.
She hitched her skirt up to straddle Tom’s torso. “No touching.”
Tom nodded eagerly. “Yes, ma’am.”
Vivian leaned down to his face, her hands slid up his bare chest to his neck. One hand pressed Tom’s shoulder into the cushions while the other cupped his cheeks. Her thumbs ran along his sharp cheekbones before reaching the temples. Vivian’s fingers laced into Tom’s hair and then she tugged him into her.
Tom’s lips sighed into her. Vivian took the opportunity to slip her tongue into his mouth. He wiggled underneath her but his hands stayed behind his head. She pulled back and Tom leaned forward, wanting more.
“Do you want more?” she teased. Her hand firmly in his hair.
“Yes, ma’am.” He panted.
“Beg.” She tugged his head towards her, stopping just short.
“Please!” He begged not only with his words but his eyes too. “Please kiss me, ma’am.”
She tugged his head around again and pressed her lips against his. He breathed into her and she slipped her tongue in again. Tom did the same. He wiggled underneath her again. Vivian stopped, and shifted her position, her knees on Tom’s chest, her toes teasing along his crotch. His pants tenting from the feel of things.
They continued kissing like that for some time and Tom stopped wiggling. She pulled away, Tom leaned forward, wanting more.
“More, please, ma’am.” he pleaded.
Vivian pushed off of him. Her hand skimmed along his cock. It twitched under her touch and Tom moaned.
“No, not tonight. Sit up, please.” Vivian stood. Tom sat up, his lips swollen. His eyes glassy.
Vivian sat down at one end of the couch and settled in. “Kneel.”
“Yes ma’am.” He slid down the couch to kneel on the carpet by Vivian’s leg. “Never imagined anyone would say that to me.” he commented.
“Get used to it, sunshine.” She smoothed down his rumpled hair. He leaned against her legs at her touch, pressing his side against him. Vivian smiled as Tom hummed while Vivian continued to stroke and pet his hair and neck. She scratched his scalp, and he gasped.
“You’re such a good boy, sunshine.” Vivian purred. “My good boy.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Vivian looked around the room and spied a small bookcase stuffed to the brim with books.
“Read to me, Thomas. Please”
He stood, not ready to miss out on Vivian touching him. He reached for Anna Karenina. Vivian touched his arm.
“No, something from your bookcase. Surprise me.”
Tom walked over to the bookcase and examined the shelves before selecting a small notebook.
“It’s a collection of poems.” he offered, he ran his finger along the spine.
“Perfect.” Vivian beckoned him back. “Kneel and read to me, please.”
Tom’s face lit up, and he resumed his position, head leaning against Vivian’s lap.
Tom cleared his throat and Vivian’s hand laced back through his hair and his shoulders relaxed. “Leda and the Swan by William Butler Yeats.”
“Interesting choice.”
“A sudden blow: the great wings beating still Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill, He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.”
After he finished the first poem, Vivian asked him to read another and then a third. His eyes closed as her hands continued to smooth and stroke his head. Tom’s body hummed. He felt… safe. Like he was home and everything would be alright.
Vivian feared he had fallen asleep. “Thomas?” she whispered.
“Yes, ma’am?” He turned his head.
“You okay?”
He nodded. “Better than okay.”
“Stand up, please.” Tom stood. “It’s time for me to go home. Walk me to the door.”
Tom’s head dropped but nodded. Vivian lingered by the front door. Her finger drawing intricate circles on his chest.
“That was…” Tom’s chest heaved as he put Vivian’s jacket on her. His body ached as though he ran fifty miles. Tom’s brain felt fuzzy and heavy. His heart full and content.
“Yeah,” Vivian finished his sentence. “For me too, sunshine boy.” She reached up and cupped his cheek with one hand, he leaned his head into her, wanting to kiss her palm but not daring to do so.
With her shoes back on her feet, she stood almost as tall as Thomas. She pecked his lips, soft and sweet and Tom returned the kiss in kind. Her stomach fluttered.
“I would like to do this again.” Tom commented as they parted.
“I was hoping you would. How would you feel about having a kissing date on Saturday night? I’m afraid I’m busy tomorrow.”
“What’s a kissing date?”
Vivian pecked his lips and rubbed his neck one more time before opening the door. Tom stumbled forward, craving her skin on his.
“I’ll text you the protocols tomorrow morning. Sleep well, sunshine.” One more kiss and then the door shut behind her.
Tom leaned against the wall, clutching his chest. He didn’t know if he would last until Saturday.
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The Rabbit of Night Raven: Chapter 1: Demons in high places. Pt 1
A collection of drabbles of Valerie and boys, the story takes place after the Diasomnia arc.
"Read pages 46-55 for tomorrow's quiz, otherwise expect immediate failure and remedial classes. You are dismissed" "Meow." Stated a familiar elderly teacher and his cat. One-by-one students were standing from their seats and filed out of the door.
"Gyaah! Finally, it's over. But studying all that sounds so boring." Cried a familiar black and blue trash cat as he slumped over the desk. He felt himself getting picked up by a soft pair of hands whose fingers began scratching under his chin.
"Aww. Don't be like Grim. If you want to be the greatest wizard, then you have to attend class." He felt the fingers gently bopping his nose before swatting them away. Valerie giggled at the sight of Grim feebly swatting away her fingers. She opted to cradle him to her bosom.
"Don't treat me like a pet henchwoman!" He cried but purred at the sensation of her fingers gently scratching his ears. The girl internally squealed at his cute expression.
"Are you done babying him now? Come on." A familiar voice called out to the girl and turned to the source, her first and best friends in Night Raven, Ace, and Deuce. The two boys were glowering at the monster who was engulfed by the girl's bust, but luckily for them, the girl and her monster did not notice.
"Yes, I am." She re-adjusted her bag and walked with them outside the classroom.
"So princess, we're heading to clubs; don't miss us too much." Ace teased and playfully pinched her cheeks. Valerie grimaced at the gesture and rubbed her cheek once he was done.
"I won't, besides at least I can take a break from your lack of brain cells." She smirked at their indignant expressions.
"Hilarious princess. But you still have to deal with Grim." It was Ace's turn to smirk but directed it to the vexed monster in her arms.
"What's that supposed to mean!? I am the great Grim, don't you dare say I'm unintelligent!" He was ready to blow a stream of fire towards Ace if it weren't for Valarie scratching his ears to calm him down.
"Grim, if you start a fight, I'll limit your cans of tuna for 2 months" She smiled, but the cat monster saw through the girl's mask, a sense of dread blowing a cold chill down his spine. Defeated, he let out a whimpering "Sorry."
"Great, now that's outta out of the way, we can text you when we're done." The atmosphere lightened up as Deuce's voice, with the girl returning the comment with a smile, "I have a new movie we could watch, maybe later tonight?" Deuce finished up, walking up to the girl, he places a palm on her shoulder.
"Jack, Epel, and Sebek can't come. They said they got caught up with some dorm stuff, so it's just us."
"Tonight it is." She remarked, giving the two a peck on their cheeks as she playfully walked out, causing the onlookers to eye the now blushing boys with an envious eye.
The brunette happily hummed as she walked out of the school, and as she made her journey to Ramshackle, her thoughts drifted on how everything was now.
It's been months since her arrival in Twisted Wonderland, and honestly, she loved every second here. Don't get her wrong she missed her family and friends back home and wishes to go back. But she secretly desired for the crow to give up on his research if he did any that is, she loved it here too much, and it was beginning to feel like home. Surely her loved ones can live without her...
Valerie shook her head at the ridiculous thought. What was she thinking? Of course, they would miss her, she has to stop those ludicrous thoughts, she has to go home someday. 
"Valerie, we're here." Grim's voiced snapped her out of her head. Apparently, she was so focused on her thoughts, she nearly crashed into the gate.
"O-oh. Thank you, Grim. I didn't even realize we're here."
"Tch, honestly henchwoman, what will you do without me?" 
She laughed heartedly at his comment, but before she could step on the porch. She overheard a crashing sound. Both students froze. Valerie could feel Grim shaking in her arms from how loud it was.
"W-what was that!? I-I mean, I'm not scared, but where did it come from?" the poor monster tried to brush off his fear, but it was apparent on how violently she shook in her arms.
"It came from the back, let's go and check." He blanched at her words and started to squirm when he felt her move.
"Are you crazy!? I mean, I won't have a problem fighting it, cause no one is a match for the great Grim. But you? You have no magic!"
"I know hand-to-hand combat."
"Even so, you'll be obliterated!"
"Oh, look, we're here." Grim had to do a double-take on her words. Sure enough, they were in the back of the woods, and lo and behold, a large crater stood amidst of it.
"You have no self-preservation." She didn't respond. Instead, she peeked inside the crater. But the sight left both the girl and monster were dumbfounded on what they've discovered.
It was a young man, he appeared to be in his early 20's. His midnight blue hair was in disarray and matted with dirt, his bronze skin was littered with various scars and wounds. An ugly gash was near his forehead and bleeding profusely. His clothes consisted of a white dress shirt, a red vest coat, and khaki pants were torn and stained with blood. He was also missing his shoes.
"Oh my gosh!" The girl dropped the monster in her arms and rushed inside the crater and quickly hauled the young man onto her back, indifferent to the blood staining her clothes. 
"Grim! Go back to the house and tell the ghosts to prepare a medical kit, and hurry!"
"Are you seriously going to take him back with us!? What if he's doing some shady business? Or some kind of criminal?"
"Then I'll have the great Grim to protect me. Besides, helping others is the duty of a human being, regardless of their background." Grim sighed but did what she told him. Not before muttering 'how a reckless human she was' under his breath.
Valerie huffed as she tried to balance both her weight and the stranger's as she tried to get out, which proved to be difficult due to how deep the crater was, which caused her to slip from time to time. But thankfully, she managed to climb up and run full speed back to Ramshackle.
The door was opened once she got there, and the short ghost came to helped her carry the man to the couch. The ghosts and Grim were waiting for them in the lounge, the medical kit was on the table.
"Jeez, who did he pissed off to get such a beating?" The skinny ghost commented as they watched the two placed the man on the couch.
"Thanks for the help, Bennett." The ghost merely tipped his hat and smiled.
"No problem, kiddo."
"Gerald, please go to my closet and get some clothes. An oversized shirt and a pair of sweatpants will do." The skinny ghost saluted and went upstairs.
"Wilbur, please fetch me a bowl of water, soap, and a towel from the kitchen." The stout ghost nodded and did what he was told. Valerie painstakingly proceeded to remove his clothes. She winced on the number of wounds inflicted on his body. What did he do to deserve such a severe punishment? 
Her heart stopped when she caught the sight of his right leg. It was gruesome, it was a third-degree burn, the skin was in a ghastly shade of black, the skin was so dry and leathery that flakes were falling off. She nearly cried at the sight of it, but she pulled herself together. Now is not the time.
Wilbur was first to come back with the things she needed. He winced at the sight of his leg. She sent him a grateful smile and began her procedure. She gently washed his body, thoroughly removing the dirt from his body, before she patted him dry. She carefully treated his wounds and wrapping them tightly with the gauze.
"So... Are you planning to tell the headmaster about your discovery?" Bennett inquired as he watched the girl sipped her tea.
The residents of Ramshackle were situated in the kitchen, discussing what to do about Valerie's unconscious guest, and whether or not he can be trusted. Valerie, currently sitting on the counter with a mug of tea in her hand and Grim on her lap, petting his fiery ears. 
"Of course I am, and knowing that crow. He'll probably milk money from him as a reward because one of his students saved his life. Because he's so gracious." She stated as she sipped more of her tea. The sarcasm on her voice was heavy when she spoke the last sentence.
"That guy will gladly take money for himself, and say it's for the school," Grim chimed in.
"But still. I'm bothered about not knowing who he is. He could be a dangerous criminal for all we know." Gerald voiced his thoughts.
"That's what I told her! But no! She refuses to listen to the Great Grim and decides to be a suicidal maniac." The monster exclaims while waving his arms for emphasis. She flicked his forehead. 
"Grim, we can't just leave him there. We live near a forest remember? Who knows what monsters are out there." The stern look she gave made him freeze. Before anyone could utter another word, an unfamiliar voice made Valerie dropped the mug from her hands and spilled the boiling liquid on the floor. Everyone's heads snapped towards the lounge.
"THE FUCKING HELL!? WHERE THE FUCK AM I!?" The sounds of crashing furniture, broken glass, and vulgar words filled the atmosphere. Scooping Grim on her arms, they all swiftly made their way to the lounge, to find their guest on the floor.
It looked like a hurricane pass through. Furniture was overturned, pieces of glass were littered around, and the man was on the floor flailing around like a fish out of water. The blanket that Wilbur provided for him was now acting as a straitjacket.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck! You've got to be bullshitting me!" He let out another flurry profanities, before noticing his bewildered audience.
"Oi Sugar tits, get me out of this."
They were truly surprised by the man, but for different reasons.  Grim was amazed by how fast he recovered and how he managed to get into that position. The ghosts and Valerie were... Appalled by his choice of words.
"Young man, you should not talk to a lady like that!" But he merely rolled his eyes, annoyed at the ghost's nagging.
"Whatever the fuck grandpa. So anyway, get me out of here." Valerie quickly snapped out of her stupor and gently placing Grim down before helping him. Carefully, she placed him back to the couch before untangling the blanket from his frame. 
"Thanks for the help, Sugar tits." Upon closer inspection, she finally noticed the details on his face but was too busy saving his life. He had lovely almond-shaped eyes with long lashes, his left eye was taffy pink, while his right was cornflower blue. His surfer hairstyle complimented his diamond-shaped face. From his sitting position, she can tell he could possibly be Azul's height. He had pointed ears, which made her briefly wonder if he was a fae like Malleus and Lillia. 
The man stretched his arms but winced. He finally took a good look at himself and let out a low whistle.
"Damn, the fucker did a number on me. But you did a pretty good job in healing me up Sugar tits, even if you did a fucking sloppy job at it." He remarked, flexing his fingers.
 Valerie frowned, what was with this guy? He was starting to remind her of one the pervs in and out of school. She counted in her head to calm herself, before asking the question that was in everyone's mind.
"Excuse me, sir, what's your name?"
He looked at her in disdain, as if she made a joke that so awful that she needed to shut up. She wondered if she insulted his pride, but, oddly he chuckled and slung his arm around her shoulder.
"Good joke Sugar tits. Pretending to know who I am hilarious." He gave another mirthful chuckle and brought his hands up to her head to play with her bow. But, she slapped them away before they could even reach. He sat there stunned, eyes wide and mouth gaping as if no one has done that to him before. 
Valerie's lips were pressed into a thin line, her expression was calm. But everyone in the room, including the heterochromatic male, could feel a shift in the air. The aura surrounding the girl was foreboding, and her eyes were locked on him, like a predator watching its prey to make a mistake and go for the kill. Finally, she spoke.
"No. I do not know who you are."
The silence was thick as fog, the noises within the house seemed more prominent as the rest of the residents stared at two, giving uneasy glances to one another. Grim, who has been with her since the beginning, has known what her anger is like. He shivered at the thought of her hellish gaze and silently prayed to the Great Seven to let this man survive.
Her opal-Esque eyes held burning fire as she stared down the man. Her body tensed up, legs twitching erratically, waiting for him to make any reason for her to kick him in the gut.
The man studied her face to know if she's joking or not. Once he confirmed she genuinely doesn't who he is, his curled up in amusement.
"The name's Amane Mania." She sighed, at least one problem is out of the way...
"So I'm guessing you want your reward huh? So what do you want? Money or a fu-"
Amane didn't get to finish and suddenly collapsed on her. Stunned, she peered behind him to see Bennett with a cane on hand and a mildly irritated look on his face.
"I could have done it myself," Valerie grunted as she carried the unconscious man again, but this time to one unoccupied but clean rooms of Ramshackle.
"I know you could, but I couldn't stand his attitude anymore," Bennet grumbled.
"Yo, Val we're h-WHO THE FUCK IS THAT!?." Ace exclaimed. She turned to find her friends gaping at her in shock, more specifically at Amane.
"Guys! Don't be so loud, I don't want to wake him up." 
"H-Hang on I'll help you." Deuce scrambled to get to the stairs with Ace following behind, once he got there. He grabbed his legs and began to make their way through the hall.
They came across one the doors and she gestured Ace to opened it. Once they were inside, they dropped him on the bed and Valerie covered him with a blanket. Quietly as they could, they walked out of the room and made their way to the now cleaned lounge.
"Okay who the fuck was that? and why does he look like he went through a war?" Ace questioned.
"Grim and I found him in the back of the woods. He was laying on a giant crater and I brought him to get fixed up. Then he woke up and started to call me Sugar tits-"
"He called you what!?
 "And Bennett him in the head. You guys know the rest."
Deuce took a deep breath and tried to organize his thoughts, before speaking.
"Valerie. You mean to tell us you brought a stranger to your home, who doesn't seem to have any respect towards females and healed him?"
"Yeah, that's it." He sighed.
"Valerie, as much as I admire your selfless nature, but you should be careful with strangers. Especially when you get people like that and don't know their intentions."
"Come on guys. You witness me took down people five-times my height. I can take care of myself."
"What he means Princess, we don't know what kind of magic he does or what he's capable of using." Ace injected.
"Well in that case. I'll just use a potion on him to make him feel weak. Professor Crewel already taught us that so I know I can make use of it."
The boys could only glance at each other in worry.
Amane felt a throbbing pain when he woke up.
Grunting, he sat up and held his head. He hissed when he grasped the side where the was gauze wrapped. 
"What the fuck was that?" He mumbled, before taking note of his surroundings. 
He was in a bedroom and spotted a first aid kit near his bed. He gazed down at his body, he was sporting a black shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants.
He tried to get out of bed but hissed when tried to move his legs. The pain was agonizing. He pulled up the right part of the pants and perceived how heavily it was wrapped.
He clicked his tongue. The bastard really went all out, and he was going to bring the pain back tenfold.
The sound of the door brought him out of musing. The girl was back with a tray of food, two boys one had ginger hair and a heart mark while the other had blue and a spade mark, and a weird cat monster of her shoulder. There was clear mistrust on their eyes when they stared at him.
"Glad to see you awake." she offered him a smile and placed the tray on his bedside. He scanned its contents. An egg and chicken fried rice. He knitted his brows and faced her.
"You ain't gonna poison me, are ya?"
"If I wanted you dead, I would have just left you in that crater." She asserted. She sat down on a chair next to him with boys leaning against it, and the monster stretched itself on the bed.
"Besides." The monster spoke, a male by the tone if it's voice. "She's too much a goody-two-shoes to let anyone die. Unless they pissed her off too much." Amane raised a brow on the last part but said nothing.
He took the bowl and brought the spoon to his mouth. He hummed it was pretty good. He began to devour the whole thing, finally realizing how hungry he was. He placed the bowl back once he was finished.
"You're a pretty good cook, Sugar tits." He licked lips in satisfaction. The girl, surprised by how fast he finished the food, narrowed her eyes. The boys scowled at him.
"Could you just ask me my name, instead of calling me that?" The exasperation in her voice was transparent. He raised a brow, but his lips curled in a teasing grin.
"Why should I? When that name fits you so well." Eyeing at her ample bosom. He snickered at how red her face is. She was so fun to tease and seeing the looks on those guys was priceless.
"Ow! The fuck!?" Pain shot through his body, clenching his teeth, he found her adding pressure on his wounded leg. All with an innocent smile on her face.
"Oi Sugar tits quit that!" He let out another string of curse words when she pressed harder.
"You know what she wants." The ginger boy's deadpan voice rang out. Another yelp of pain came out when he felt she dug her nails on his leg.
"Okay! Okay! What's your name!? Fuck." He sighed in relief when she stopped but glared at the still smiling girl.
"Ugh. What's you're name?"
"I'm Ace." The ginger started.
"Deuce." The navy waved.
"It's Valerie, and this little guy is Grim."
"That's the Great Grim, Henchwoman!" She playfully stuck her tongue out, while Grim growled. Valerie returned her attention back to him.
"So. How are you feeling?"
"Besides having a helluva headache, and nearly losing my leg. I'm good."
"That's great. Cause you need your all your sanity on what comes next." This confused him greatly. He was about to ask what she meant when the door slammed open.
 There stood a man in rather extravagant clothing and a crow mask. As soon as his eyes landed on Amane, he visibly froze. Mouth hanging wide.
"No.." He whispered
"Long time no see Crow shit."
"Sir, are you okay? What wrong?" Deuce glanced at Amane who looked like he wanted to laugh. He ignored his students.
"You look tacky as usual." He flinched at his words.
"I see you’re as rude as ever."
"As if I care. You old crow." 
"The nerve! What would you're parents say about your attitude?'
"Probably nothing."
"Such insole-"
A loud cough broke their dispute, and turn their attention to the sole girl in the room.
"Headmaster, don't you think instead of lecturing him about how to respect authority. Shouldn't you be focused on his well-being?" She gave him a pointed look, the man coughed.
"A-ahh. Yes, of course." He cleared his throat.
"I see Ms. Kemonohito has taken good care of you. It warms my heart to know my students are capable of such compassion and selflessness. Ah-huh huh!."
Aman arched a brow while the other four just sighed, already too used at this display. Crowley quickly regained his composure.
"So please tell me, how he ended up like this?"
She told him everything from the beginning. Crowley nodded once in a while. After she finished, he had a contemplative look on his face, or at least she assumed it was one with the mask and all.
"Hmm, how strange." He turned his attention to students.
"All of you come with me for a moment." Crowley quickly stood up and made his way to the door, gesturing his students to follow him. They all stood up, silently following him.
"What was that about? You know him or soemthing." Grim questioned.
"Do any of you know who he is, or at least his family." He finally spoke, the serious tone in his voice startled them momentarily but shook their heads. Crowley frowned.
"Oh dear, this quite a predicament. To think he’ll be back here in school." He muttered under his breath.
"Just what so great about his family?" Ace prodded.
"The Mania family is an old crime organization who ruled Twisted Wonderland before Crewel was born. Though they are disbanded and faded in history, their influence is strong. They have many businesses, and still manage to have loyal followers who will gladly do anything for them, and he was a former student here as well."
This information floored them. To think this guy was part of a mafia group and to top it all that. Now Valerie understood why he looked surprised when she said she didn't know him. She jumped when Crowley called her.
"Ms. Kemonohito, I thank you for saving his life. I'm so proud of having such a benevolent and caring student." He cried once more earning annoyed looks from all four of them.
"Seriously. How old is this guy?" Ace grumbled. 
"However, due to his critical condition, and lack of phone. He will remain in Night Raven until he fully recovers." He gazed at Valerie, she frowned. She knew what comes next.
"Which is why you, Ms. Kemonohito will let him lodge here until he recovers. I cannot ask the dorm leaders due to their duties, and the infirmary is full due to the last Magift practice."
"I have no choice do I."
"Unless you want me to cut off the dorm's budget, then no." She sighed.
"Fine, I'll do it." He beamed.
"Wonderful! I shall inform him right away." He went back inside. Grim glared at his back.
"Grrrr. This again, whenever something happens we always get the short end of the stick! Why can't he be useful for once in his life!"
"The day he's reliable is the day I go back home."
Which she secretly hoped that it never happened. They returned to the room, Crowley was already finished explaining to Amane about the situation, who couldn't decide whether to be annoyed or amused.
"I can assure that Ms. Kemonohito is a gracious host such as myself, will surely make feel right at home!"
"Oh, I'm sure she'll be a great host. Huh, Valerie." The way he said her name, made her instantly wary of him. Even more when he turned to her.
His smile was borderline sadistic, and his eyes held a mischievous glint in them. Valerie felt a shiver up her spine, oh Great Seven, please save her soul. She can already tell that this guy won't make it easy for her. Ace and Deuce scowled at him and formed a wall between them.
"Splendid. I'll be off then." With a flourish, he vanished.
"Still a weirdo I see." Amane stared at the spot where Crowley vanished.
"Yeah, you'll get used to it," Deuce assured, scratching the back of his head. He turned to Valerie.
"So. Still up for that movie?" She perked up at his words, but before she could say anything, Amane beat her to it.
"Umm. Hello~ Are trying to exclude me? How standoffish of you Ms. Kemonohito. What would that crow say once he learned that you are being unkind?"
He had raised a single brow and propped his face to his hands, all with a shit-eating grin on his face. Ace fumed.
"Hey! You don't own this house asshole! She can do what she pleases!"
Amane turned to him, sporting a bored look on his face as he studied him. Seconds after, he had a lecherous smirk on his face.
"Why hello~ I didn't get a good look at you earlier, but now I do, I gotta say you're pretty hot. Say, after I recover, why don't we booked a love hotel hot stuff~" He purred as he licked lips and eyed at Ace's bottom with such fiery hot intensity.
Ace flinched at his words and shivered when he stared at him with such hunger. Amane then turned his attention to Deuce, who also trembled at his wanton gaze.
"You're not so bad too handsome. Maybe we should do a three-"
Valerie coughed loudly to get everyone's attention.
"Uhh...Why don't we get set up the movie here, Ace go and help Deuce get the projector, while I get some snacks. Grim, you stay here."
The boys briskly walked out before sprinting away from the room. Valerie trailed after them, ignoring Grim's protests. She found them hastily getting the stuff, both having shaken expressions.
"What the actual fuck was?" Ace was carrying an extension wire and mini wireless speakers.
"How...How could someone be so...Shamless." In Deuce's arms was the laptop.
After getting everything they needed. Wordlessly, they made their way upstairs and found Grim struggling to get out of Amane's grip, who was squishing his pink paws.
"Aww, aren't you a cute little piece of shit~"
"Fgua! Put me down ya weirdo!"
"Ahh. So mean."
Ace snickered at the sight, he would have laughed if Deuce didn't nudge his ribs. After setting up everything, Deuce showed them the movie. It was a comedy, Cater suggested it to him. Then he pressed play.
It wasn't even twenty minutes, and Amane began to make licentious and snarky comments about the characters, and the general plot of the movie. He called them out from their costumes to their acting. The boys covered Valerie and Grim's ears whenever he made a perverted comment.
"Dayum~ Look size of that guy. Bet he's packing something bigger." 
"Seriously? How the fuck people find that funny? Even burning trash has better humor."
"How much longer is this movie. It's fucking boring!"
As much as boys wanted to beat the shit of him, they can't due Valerie holding a vice grip on their arms, a silent plead to not to do anything stupid, lest they get in trouble. They grudgingly oblige but cast resentful glances at him. After the movie, the boys were very hesitant to leave her but assured them she'll be fine.
"I dealt with overblots. I can handle a rich boy."
That didn't reassure them but eventually left because she reminded them of  Riddle's curfew. After waving goodbye, she was headed to her room, when...
"Oi Sugar tits! Bring me another pillow!"
(A/N: I decided to make this a two part chapter)
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shrinkynatural · 4 years
Finally, a bathing scene between the totally not tiny bard and his massive oak tree of a witcher.
And because I’m not great at giving individual thank yous, I’d like to give a big, all-encompassing thank you to everyone who’s read these and liked them and reblogged them.
The rest of this unnamed self-indulgent mess can be found here: (1) (2) (3) (4)
It has been nearly a whole damn month of nothing but shallow streams barely good enough for washing up in, and the river is the greatest blessing Jaskier could ask for in these circumstances. Clear water, a slight current but nothing that will carry him away, and Geralt-approved to not contain any drowners or other dangerous creatures that might want to eat an unsuspecting bard.
One finger hooks into the collar of his doublet, stopping Jaskier’s run to the river as effectively as a whole hand. Everyone knows he’s always a slut for dramatics so he lets it act as a yank and falls right back into Geralt’s bulk with a very startled yelp. “But Geralt, you said--!”
"Camp first, then we bathe." And because he thinks that he's in charge Geralt doesn't even wait for confirmation, he just slides his finger from Jaskier’s neck to his back (the bard doesn’t shiver, he doesn’t) and nudges him to stand on his own two feet. Then he moves away and takes Roach's reins to lead the mare back into the trees to find a decent area to set up camp.
Jaskier does follow after, but he makes sure that he states clearly just how cruel it is to offer him such a treat only to rip it away. "I feel I have an inch layer of road dust and sweat baked over me like a crust, Geralt!" He doesn't get any response which makes him think Geralt's rolling his eyes at him.
It is the fastest he’s ever helped set up the campsite, gathering wood and separating their bags after Geralt unloads Roach. Some of those bags are heavier than they look so after Jaskier nearly fell under one containing an assortment of witcher potions it was a task permanently assigned to said witcher who spent hours mixing them.
As soon as he drops off the last of the firewood Geralt waves a dismissive hand toward the river and Jaskier doesn't have to be told--gestured to?--twice. Lute and bag down, cloth and soap in hand, and he's practically running to the water's edge. He strips out of his clothes and sets them aside to wash them up later and then he wades in, shivering just a little. Jaskier dunks himself completely and then retreats a bit so that he can lather up his soap and finally be clean. Just the first swipe feels absolutely glorious and he starts humming a tune that turns into a jaunty song he washes himself in time to.
"You shouldn't sing in the river," Geralt says suddenly from behind him and Jaskier lets out a sincere yelp as he turns around. The Witcher is at the edge of the water and taking off his own clothes while regarding him with a raised eyebrow. "A siren will hear you and come take you away."
That shuts Jaskier up and he looks wide-eyed at the water around him. “But you said--!” When he turns back to Geralt he catches the smile before it's schooled away and his jaw drops. "You!" He waves his wash cloth at him with pure indignation. "Is that a joke? Are you trying to scare me off so you can have this whole river to yourself? Joke's on you, I'll gladly be carried off by a siren if it means I get to have regular baths. We'll sing lovely duets together." He sing-songs the last part, amused at the play at humor now that he isn't worried about river monsters coming after him.
Geralt snorts and sets his clothes besides Jaskier's before walking into the water. He goes downstream a few yards, which Jaskier appreciates because he just knows that some of that monster blood and guts don't come off completely from a quick scrub in a little stream. He's in up to his chest almost and Jaskier attempts to be a polite bathmate and not stare, but he can't help taking little peeks at what he can see. He's a young, healthy man with an active appreciation for the human form and Geralt is just...absolute perfection.
He finishes washing himself up and scrubs his hair one more time just because he can. With one of those illicit peeks he spies the bland-looking, non-perfumed brick of a thing that witchers apparently call soap clenched in Geralt’s hand. It’s offensive, really, what’s the point of finally being clean if you don’t smell nice after? The awful thing barely even lathers and the foam is half the fun!
Jaskier hums to himself and makes up his mind then and there. He’s clean and feeling so much better for it, the only thing that would make it better would be if the water were hot and he’d get to retire naked to a soft mattress with silken sheets. Since that’s not going to happen he decides he should at least get Geralt smelling sweet and fresh, too. As much as he enjoys curling up to the witcher on cold nights, he far too often ends up with his face closer to his sweaty armpit than he likes.
“Oh, Geralt!” he calls over to him and starts to wade through the water toward him. “That stuff isn’t doing you any favors at all, why don’t you try this? It’s something I picked up back in--oh shi--!”
Between one step and the next, the soil of the riverbed drops out from beneath his feet. It’s so unexpected that Jaskier goes right under and loses his grip on his soap and wash cloth as he flails around trying to figure out what the hell happened. His feet do touch bottom and he kicks himself up, breaking the surface of the water with a sputtering curse before he goes back under.
He does this twice more before there’s a log of an arm right in front of him and he wraps his arms around it and clings on for dear life. He spits and coughs and wastes entirely too much breath on cursing the unpredictable wilds. Jaskier shakes his head roughly and blinks water out of his sore eyes to squint up at Geralt, who is just standing there…in chest-deep water and of course, he’s a fucking idiot. Of course he’d be standing in a deeper part, the massive bastard.
“Don’t know how to swim?” Geralt asks, seemingly content to keep his arm out to keep the bard afloat. He does look concerned, at least Jaskier thinks he sees blurry wrinkles on blurry-Geralt’s forehead. “Are you all right, Jaskier?”
“Why would I know how to swim!” He shrieks it a little louder than he intended, but his pride is wounded and he lost his expensive soap and it’ll be months before they’re in a city here he can get another one. He just wanted to do something nice! “Now my soap is gone and I’m going to have to use that awful stuff you use and I’m going to smell like some..some..”
Geralt brings around his free hand and nestled up against the plain brick of soap in the middle of his broad palm is not only his little bar but also the cloth, which he offers to Jaskier. He isn’t even hiding his big, dumb smile now which means the look on Jaskier’s face must truly be priceless.
“You saved it,” Jaskier states, his brain doing backwards somersaults as it recovers from all this emotional whiplash. He makes no move to take it or let go of the arm that is his lifeline. “Oh. Thank you. Would you like to borrow it?” Now Geralt looks surprised, which makes him hasten to add, “It’s only that your soap is so boring, really, and I thought you might like to try it. I don’t mind, that’s why I was coming over to you but now of course it could be my thanks for you once again saving my life. That’s convenient, don’t you think?”
“It’s too strong,” is all Geralt says in reply as he slowly starts wading back to shore, Jaskier being carried along like a stick.
“Too strong?” Jaskier gasps, offended, and tries to twist himself so that Geralt can see and truly appreciate the look and see his wounded look.
The witcher doesn’t even look down. “Most monsters and creatures have a good sense of smell, why do you think I always try to leave you back at camp?”
His automatic response is to flail and he drops under the water for a brief moment before throwing his hands out to grasp Geralt’s arm again. “I do not stink!”
“It’s a nice stink, which is why it’s a poor choice for hunting. Are you going to stand up now or am I to drag you all the way back to shore?” Geralt has stopped walking, which Jaskier finally notices. And from his position floating on his back in the water he also notices that he is now about hip height with the witcher.
If the water were just a little lower…Jaskier shakes the thought from his mind before it can settle and he embarrasses himself even further. Still holding onto Geralt’s arm he pushes his legs down, feet pointed and toes searching until they finally settle in the dirt. He’s in up to his chest here and resists the urge to climb to safety up Geralt’s back; Jaskier knows he can’t get away with that too often and he doesn’t want to run out of chances so soon.
“Can I at least wash your hair?” he blurts out before he can change his mind. He can see Geralt tilting his head back to roll his eyes but he continues on anyway. “It’s just been so long since either of us have had a good bath and if my hair was awful then your gorgeous locks must be in a very sorry state. Your habit of ending up covered in blood and guts does you no favors. And it’s easier for someone else to get the back. Please? I’ll even use your awful soap.”
“How are you going to wash my hair?” Geralt asks in an exasperated tone, looking down at him. “I’m not putting you on my shoulders.”
Jaskier gives a relieved smile because that isn’t a no. He takes the lead now, keeping his grip on Geralt’s arm and leading them farther into the shallows. “You sit your precious bottom down and I wash, that’s how.”
It always surprises him when Geralt lets him drag him around, how for all his huffing and humming he lets Jaskier take him to where the water is shallow enough for him to sit and let him get a good look at that long white hair of his. This is the only time when he’s actually taller than the witcher and even now it’s just barely. The hair actually looks quite clean, if tangled, but Jaskier’s not going to say so and lose this opportunity.
Geralt holds out his hand with the soaps and cloth in it and Jaskier takes the plain brick and the cloth despite his temptation. He did promise and he can be patient and take his time when he really wants to. The cloth helps lather the soap and he works it all through Geralt’s hair, using his fingers to get through the thick locks down to the scalp. He doesn’t chatter on but he does hum to himself as he focuses on his task.
In this part of the river Jaskier is only submerged up to his thighs so every now and then he catches a chill as a breeze blows through. It’s not the most pleasant but that doesn’t stop him from carefully working out each and every tangle until his fingers run through Geralt’s hair from scalp to end perfectly every time. There’s just so much of it and he longs to brush it and braid it; it’s not fair that it’s always so far out of his reach.
“All right! I think I’ve got it all, go on and dunk your head.” Jaskier pulls his hands away and Geralt leans forward to put his head under the water and runs his hands through his hair to get all the soap out. Then he sits up quickly, whipping his hair back and splashing Jaskier with enough water to have him sputtering again. “Is that the thanks I get for doing something nice! I can’t believe you, Geralt, the sheer nerve.”
Geralt glances at him over his shoulder and the next thing Jaskier knows a hand is grabbing his ankle and all too easily yanking his foot out from under him so he falls under the water. When he surfaces he gives him such a glare that immediately softens at the witcher’s quiet “Thank you, Jaskier.”
“Fine, I forgive you.” He knows he’s also terribly easy when it comes to Geralt. Something about that eternally grumpy face makes it impossible to stay mad at him. “If you ever want to return the favor you’re more than welcome.”
That gets a huff of laughter as Geralt stands, handing over the little scented soap bar he’s still holding in one hand while he rests the other on top of Jaskier’s head. The massive palm curves easily over his crown and his fingers curl against his scalp in a way that makes Jaskier’s knees weak. “I would crush your skull if I attempted that.”
He takes his hand away and takes his own soap back before walking past Jaskier to the bank. The bard doesn’t know if he’s joking or not, but either way he’s damned if he isn’t going to do his best to get those thick fingers in his hair before the year’s out.
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myherowritings · 5 years
Into Your Arms
Overview: You’re prone to tripping and Todoroki is prone to being there to catch you. Or, in which you’re a bit of a klutz and, for a reason he can’t explain, Todoroki wants to make sure you never get hurt.
Pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2,670
Warning(s): None! Just fluff overload.
Author’s Note: This is for all my fellow clumsy folks. (Join the club!) :P Hope you enjoy!
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Over the course of the school year, Todoroki had progressively grown accustomed to your clumsiness.
The first time he noticed you was on the first day of class during Aizawa’s Quirk Apprehension Test. Like most of your other classmates, you flew through the series of physical tests with graceful ease, demonstrating impressive control over your quirk. During your battle against Jiro and Kaminari, Todoroki begrudgingly had to admit your tactful skills were something to take note of as well.
Which is why it was only natural for him to wonder how someone so talented on the field could trip over a flat surface the moment they entered a room.
He considered it a skill in and of itself.
Within the first few weeks of class, Todoroki developed a sort of sixth sense whenever he was around you.
He noticed the way you put all your focus on the person you were talking to even while walking in crowded area, never realizing you were less than an inch away from crashing the side of your hip onto the corner of a desk. (Todoroki found himself moving the desk out of your path seconds before you could hit it, despite the fact that he had to make his way from the opposite side the room in superhuman speeds. You never seemed to notice. The rest of the class did.)
He also observed the way your eyes widened a fraction and your arms flailed out as you felt yourself about to trip. (In those moments, it took all of his willpower not to use his quirk to freeze you in place before you could fall. The one time he did, Tokoyami thought Todoroki almost hurt you and proceeded to threaten Shouto in your honor.)
One day, you and Todoroki arrived at U.A. around the same time--both uncharacteristically later than the rest of your classmates--and proceeded to walk to homeroom together.
“Morning, Todoroki-kun!”
“Good morning.”
“You’re running late today, too, huh?” you asked, matching his step as the two of you paced down the hallway. “Busy morning?”
Todoroki thought of the argument with his father that went on for longer than usual. “You could say that.”
You nodded. “At least we’ll still be earlier than Aizawa-sensei.”
The conversation carried on as you moved to the topic of breakfast foods--you talked so fervently about the arbitrary topic even Todoroki found it hard not to share your interest.
By the time the two of you walked into class, you were still in a heated debate about natto (he thought it was something every breakfast should consist of and you decided he must’ve been deprived of some good tamagoyaki) when Todoroki felt you beginning to walk wayward into Aoyama’s desk.
He didn’t want you to bump into it, but kicking the desk backwards with Aoyama seated on it didn’t seem like an action he’d think you’d approve of.
So instead, he maneuvered you aside-- One hand resting on your hip, pulling you towards him and away from the desk, and the other gently on your shoulder, steering your path straight. Todoroki made sure to not let himself linger, but it was too late. The rest of the class noticed and all conversation stopped to stare at you two.
“Careful,” he said, his face skillfully passive.
You blinked in stunned silence. “T-Thanks! I guess I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking.”
“It’s okay.”
He wanted to say something else, but he didn’t have the words.
Instead, you both headed to your respective seats as Todoroki tried to ignore Kirishima’s so-called whispering as he walked down the row.
“Pst, Todoroki! You and Y/L/N, huh?”
And while he was able to ignore Kirishima’s antics, Todoroki wasn’t able to ignore the small, yet embarrassed, smile that made its way to your face.
He couldn’t help but smile back.
- - - - -
After the events of these past few months with villains at every turn of the page, you were happy that an exam has been the only thing keeping you and your classmates up at night lately.
It was a late Sunday night and you were at Midoriya’s dormitory with a group of friends, studying for your mathematics exam the next day. Tsuyu and Iida brought a handful of snacks to share with the group, but even they weren’t enough to keep your brain from going off topic every few minutes.
“So, we use the Law of Sines when we know two angles and one side of a triangle, or when it’s SSA?” you said as you tapped your pencil against your notebook, staring down at your notes.
“Precisely,” replied Iida with a nod.
He’d been patiently helping you with the same concept for the past twenty minutes, but you just now began to understand it.
“And SSS and SAS is for Cosine Rule?”
“Correct again!” He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and beamed. “Great, now that everyone understands those rules, shall we move forward to trigonometric identities?”
This earned a groan from you and Uraraka.
“Wait,” you cried as you rose from the floor. “My brain isn't awake enough for this-- I’m going to make myself a cup of coffee first. Does anyone else want one?”
“I’m good, thank you!” said Midoriya.
“Coffee? It’s almost midnight,” Iida exclaimed, a bewildered look on his face.
“But we’re only halfway done with the material! I need to stay awake.”
You returned his stern look with one of your own. He sighed. “Fine. I suppose we could use a study break while you get your dose of caffeine.”
Smiling, you sent him a thumbs up before heading to the door. As you reached the handle, you paused.
“Todoroki-chan, do you want coffee? Or maybe tea?” you asked, looking down as he sat cross-legged on the mat.
He glanced up, with a tilt of his head. “Thank you, but I’m okay. Would you like me to accompany you, though?”
You laughed but shook your head. “It’s only one floor down; I should be fine.”
“The last time you said that, you had to go to Recovery Girl for a rolled ankle.”
“I’ll be careful this time!” you promised, letting the door shut behind you before he could get out another word.
It was sweet of Todoroki to be worried for you, but you were perfectly capable of making coffee by yourself--no matter how accident prone you may be.
After waiting for the coffee to brew (all the while thinking of how convenient making udon and miso would be if you had Bakugou or Todoroki’s quirk), you grabbed your mug from the communal kitchen space and poured. When you dumped the contents out of the coffeemaker, you placed your mug at the edge of the counter and grabbed the cream and sugar.
You needed at least one and a half spoonfuls of sugar in order for your coffee to be palatable.
But while you were humming to yourself, things took a quick turn for the worst.
As you were reaching for the creamer behind your coffee, you felt your elbow brush against the handle of your mug. You held your breath. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. With eyes wide, you attempted to catch it before it hit the ground.
The good news, you caught it before the mug shattered.
The bad news, all its steaming hot contents poured onto the hand you caught it with.
“Shit!” you yelped, dropping the mug in shock as you cradled your right hand against your chest.
Swearing under your breath, you ran over to the sink and held your pink-tinged hand under cold water to soothe the burn. You wanted to stay under the faucet forever, but you knew your friends were waiting for you to continue studying.
Sighing, you cleaned up your mess and quickly headed up to Midoriya’s room, coffee-less and with a discomforting burning sensation in your right hand.
When you entered the room, Tsuyu was the first to remark, followed by Todoroki.
“Did you forget your coffee?”
“What happened to your hand?”
You blinked. How did he notice so quickly?
“I didn’t forget my coffee, no,” you told Tsuyu with a nervous chuckle. “I finished making it, actually. But then it fell off the counter and I burned myself trying to catch it.”
Tsuyu’s eyes widened but you quickly amended your statement, shaking your head as sat back down next to Todoroki.
“I’m fine, though!” you said, holding out your pinky in her direction. “It’s just a little burn; it’ll probably be gone by tomorrow.”
Satisfied with, but still skeptical of, your answer, Tsuyu nodded and proceeded to ask Uraraka how to do a certain question.
“Can I see it?”
You jumped. His voice was so quiet you barely heard him.
Turning to Todoroki, you offered him your hand with your reddened palm face down. “It hardly hurts, I swear. You don’t need to--”
He enveloped your right hand between the two of his and brought it to his close to his chest.
You flushed. The conversation in the room stopped. Todoroki kept his gaze on you.
“Wh-What are you--!?” You broke off with a startled breath when you felt a soothing chill followed by a comforting heat. “Oh.”
The careful balance of hot and cold on your slightly burned hand felt so relaxing your eyes fluttered shut, hardly registering the looks of bewilderment from Midoriya, Iida, Tsuyu, Aoyama, and Uraraka. Minutes passed and Todoroki still held you hand, only releasing after a long, cool exhale.
You swallowed.
“Does your hand feel better?” he asked.
Nodding fervently, you tried not to think about how you wished he hadn’t let go. “Much.”
“I’m glad.” Without warning, Todoroki stood up from beside you and you felt the absence of his warmth. “Now, wait here.”
As he left Midoriya’s room, you glanced at the others with the same confused look on your faces.
“What was that about?” Izuku wondered with a scratch of his head.
“I don’t know, but it sure was adorable!” said Uraraka, squishing her face between her palms.
Iida stared at the door then back down at his textbook. “But where did Todoroki-kun go? Hopefully he doesn’t take too long; we still have a whole chapter to cover.”
Aoyama sighed, resting his arms behind his neck as he leaned against Midoriya’s bed frame. “Don’t be oblivious, mes amis. He’s getting Mademoiselle Y/L/N her beverage, of course.”
Before you could deny that outrageous claim, Todoroki walked into the room with a mug in hand.
You gaped. Aoyama sent you a smug wink.
Todoroki sat back down beside you before offering the drink. With your non-burned hand, you graciously held the mug. It was lukewarm to the touch and aromatic to the smell.
“For me?”
He nodded. “Two pumps of cream and one and a half teaspoons of sugar, right?”
You blinked. He knew how you took your coffee? “Right.”
“I wasn’t sure if you drank dark or light roast,” said Todoroki, looking down at the wooden floor. “My apologies. But I made sure to cool it down to about 120 degrees so it can’t scald you.”
You heard the pounding of your heart from your ears as your stomach filled with butterflies. What was this feeling? You shook your head.
“Thank you, Todoroki-chan,” you said, touched. “It’s perfect.”
“But you haven’t even tried it--”
Uraraka flicked Iida on the back of the head before he could continue.
“Hey! I mean-- You’re right. It is perfect.”
Laughing at your friends antics, you turned to Todoroki with a smile. He had a content look on his face as he witnessed their interaction before glancing at you. You took a sip of the drink and peered at him from the top of the rim. The contrast of the sweet and the bitter, earthy taste filled your tastebuds, causing you to sigh.
“Tastes better than the ones I make for myself!” you pouted, wondering how he was able to make a perfect cup when he never drank coffee himself. “You’re just the perfect guy, aren’t you?”
A flush made its way to Todoroki’s ears, but you paid it no mind, instead grabbing your pencil with your right hand.
“Ouch,” you hissed, retracting your pencil and glaring down at the angry pale marks on your still reddened palm. Maybe you should get an ice pack and some painkillers.
“Y/N? Are you hurt?” said Todoroki, a frown clouding his face.
You shook your head. “Just my hand from earlier.”
“Is it still hurting?” He gently took your right hand in his left, worried lines between his eyebrows. “Here-- Let me help.”
Before you could say anything, he laced his icy fingers between yours and sent a mild chill to his palm, instantly soothing the pestering burn from the earlier scald. This time, even after a few moments had passed, Todoroki didn’t let go.
Instead, he kept your hand in his for the remainder of the night, the occasional brush of his thumb sending shivers up your spine--and not from the cold.
Needless to say, neither of you could focus much on studying.
- - - - -
Tonight was the night of the school dance and, much to no one’s surprise, you were running late.
When you arrived, the dance was in full swing, with all the classes mingling together to celebrate the end of a school year. But in a sea of obscurity, a certain duochromatic student caught your eye from across the room.
As if Todoroki could sense your presence, his gaze found yours in an instant, raising a hand in greeting with a subtle smile.
That was all you could think as you walked over to him, eyes never leaving his face.
He looked stunning.
So stunning, in fact, that you hardly noticed anything else. Including a wayward balloon that made its way to the side of the dance floor you were walking along.
You also didn’t notice that your heel caught on said balloon until it was too late.
With a small yelp, you felt yourself slip backward as the rubber rolled off your shoe, arms flying out in an attempt to grasp at the table next to you only to miss by a fraction of an inch.
Closing your eyes shut, you braced yourself into a position that would soften the impact of the fall that never came. Instead, all you heard was a soft woosh of rustling clothes and an intake of breath as two muscular arms wrapped around you.
A beat passed.
You opened your eyes.
“Careful.” His voice was deep next to your ear.
“Shoucchan,” you said, a little out of breath. “Hi.”
You heard the amusement in his voice. “Hi.”
Todoroki helped you upright onto your feet, but kept his hands lingering on either sides of your waist. Spinning around to face him, you touched his cheek with a smile.
“How do you always do that?”
He raised a brow.
“How do you manage to cross the room and stop me from falling in such a short amount of time?” you wondered with a hint of awe. “Do you have another quirk no one knows about?”
Todoroki exhaled a laugh as he tugged on a strand of your hair. “Baka. No. I just learned to be on high alert when I’m with you. Especially when you’re in heels.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, but couldn’t deny anything.
“Maybe that’ll be part of your tagline in a few years,” you teased. “Pro Hero Shouto: Saving the world from villains, and saving his girlfriend from her own clumsiness.”
Todoroki froze slightly before relaxing, the corners of his lips tilting upward. “Girlfriend.” You quirked a brow at him but he shook his head. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing that.”
“Good. Because I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of being that.”
Pressing a chaste kiss on your forehead, Todoroki hummed. “Good. Then you have nothing to worry about.
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thatsadbietch · 4 years
Well... Its Out There, Now
Summary: One of your adventures while performing daily tasks on BoneZone, the Island you inhabit with several villagers, including one of my favorites so far, Keaton.
Word Count: 3,312
A/N: The first Animal Crossing fanfic I’ve ever written about the first Animal Crossing game I’ve ever played! Fell in love with it immediately.  Purely wholesome fluff, some coming out stories involved that are definitely not cannon.  I hope you like it!
Suppose I should mention, there’s some cursing, but otherwise totally G-Rated
Feedback is always appreciated, I’d love to be a better writer.
“Here’s to another morning… Calm… serene… kinda dull…” You said to yourself, waking alone in your rented house on BoneZone.  You had jokingly shouted out the name during an island meeting, but the innocent villagers decided it was unique and loved it.
“It’ll be a fun story when I get visitors,” you thought at the time.  But you’d been on the island for a few months now and has had no visitors, just mail.  Which was better than nothing, but you missed your family, your friends…
“Think of it as a vacation, he said,” You mocked as you got dressed.  That is what your brother had said before you boarded the plane, headed to this island getaway, which you originally thought to be just that, until you became the island’s representative.   But, admittedly, it was nice not being in school, or employed in some office somewhere while still having a nice living space and food on the table.  Even the villagers have taken a liking to your and seemed to be Tom Nook’s right-hand person when it came to island matters.  You just wish someone, anyone of your friends or family could have come with you.
Anyway, you walked into your living room and was greeted by Russell, your pudgy cat.  At least you got to take him.  He released a pitiful “Rrreow,” as he does every morning before you go out to pick up debris and pull weeds.
“Russ, you know by now I do this every morning and I’m back for lunch,” you reminded as you filled his food and water bowls, as if he understood.  “I love you and will be back soon.”
With that, you headed out, making your rounds, greeting the villagers you came across.
“Yo, hoohaahaa, what’s up?” Louie, the fitness-enthused gorilla called, jogging past.
“Hey, Louie!” you called back, and glanced at your phone.  8:13.  He was probably on his 28th lap by now.  22 more to go.  “Make sure to stay hydrated.  We don’t want a repeat of what happened last week.”
Louie actually stopped, scratched the back of his head, and blussed.  “Yeah… I was pretty lucky you happened to be in the orchard that day.  You’re the best!” He called out, and continued his work out.
“He’s crazy,” You said to yourself, shaking your head.
“I’ll say.” You jumped, looking to your right to see Keaton snickering.  A bird with vibrant blue and yellow feathers shouldn’t be hard to spot, but dammit he managed.  The two of you hit it off pretty quickly, and his company became comforting, especially when you faced some serious homesickness.
“I don’t want a heart-attack today, Keaton.” You stated and crossed your arms, but a small grin gave away how amused you were.
“I would never do such a thing, friendo. Never. Now, scare you for my own entertainment… that, I would do.”  You raised an eyebrow.
“Hey, you want a deal on that house expansion or not?”
Keaton put his wings over his heart. “I’m hurt, that you would stoop so low… with me of all people.”  You gave him a gentle nudge.
“I’m teasing you, feather-face.  But, if you wanted to make sure that deal comes through, you could help me out this morning. I need to pull weeds, tend to the garden…”
“Hmmm,” he exasperated, “Walk around the island with my bestie and share gossip? I think I can manage.”
They first made their way around Resident Services.  Kicks happened to be by Resident Services today, selling his shoes and bags.  They stopped to look a bit; You found a bag that you thought to fill with other items and send to your family as a care package.  For now, you slung it over your shoulders, and they continued to the beachside garden, and began pulling weeds.
“So, when do I get to meet the folks? The friends? Or are you actually on the run for something and can’t go back home?” Keaton asked teasingly.  You rolled your eyes and shook your head, the signature expression.
“Whenever they visit.” You said simply, knowing that Keaton meant no harm, but you missed them the more they were mentioned.
“What about you? Anyone here catch your eye?” you grinned.  For once, you saw Keaton hesitate, and he stopped pulling weeds for a moment.
“Hey, if I said something wrong-”
“No, you didn’t. I was just thinking…” he said, casting another uprooted weed aside.  The two of you walked over to the river to rinse off.
“You can tell me. You know the golden rule, we share other people’s gossip, not ours.” You joked, bringing barely a half smile to his face.  They stood and continued to the main garden, where the villagers collaborated to produce hybrid plants.  The two sat on a nearby bench, deciding to take a break.
“…Y/N...” He said, almost whispering. “I do have my eyes on someone… another bird…”  Your eyes widened.
“Is it Piper? You never told me anything!” You would have exclaimed, but in whisper form.  Even so, Keaton flailed his wings and shushed you.
“NOOO! She and I are just good friends.”  You raised an eyebrow.  “You suuuuure?”
“Y/N, I’m trying to be serious here.” The smirk quickly vanished and you nodded.  Keaton brought his knees to his chest, not unlike a scared child during a thunderstorm.
“…it’s… Wilbur.”  You breathed a sigh and chuckled a little bit, infuriating the bird.  He stood up quickly.
“I TRUSTED YOU, Y/N! And you’re sitting here, laughing at me and-“
“HEY, chill, unless you want to wake up the island.” Keaton sat back down.
“I honestly wasn’t sure what I was expecting… But Keaton, bottom line, relax.  I don’t care if you have a crush on Wilbur.”  He tucked his knees to his chest again and looked you in the eye. “Really?”
“Dude, half of my friends are gay.  And regardless, I don’t love them any more or less based on who they love.  People like to make this complicated.  It’s really not.”  Keaton just looked at you for a minute, and sighed, and nodded.
“Well, is there something else on your mind? You’ve never been this quiet for this long,” You jested.  He gave you a smirk and a sideways glace before hitting your arm. “Shut up.  It just feels nice to get that off my chest.  Thanks, wingo.” He said, and turned to wrap his wings around you in a hug.  You squeezed back, though had a mischievous glare still in your eye.
“Just don’t say anything too early.  I had Bells on you and Piper.” Keaton gasped dramatically (yup, he’s back) and exclaimed, “HOW RUDE!” before pushing your away from him and off the bench.  You cackled the entire time, and once Keaton started laughing too you grabbed onto his legs and dragged him down with you.
“Oh, that’s it! Chores be damned, it’s go-time!” You sprang up before he finished his threat and ran, both careful to follow the path and not ruin the flowers (all the villagers would be upset, but you both would have surely faced Dobie’s wrath).  Once out of the garden, you made a beeline for the river; you had your retractable vaulting pole thankfully.  You dug it out of your pocket, pushed the button that released the pole, and vaulted over the river.  As you retracted and returned it to your pocket, you turned and saw Keaton on the other side.  You blew a raspberry before calmly strolling away.  Keaton would not be defeated, not like this.  He backed up a bit, enough to get a full sprint toward the river before jumping.  That and one hard flap of his wings got him across the river. 
You were content catching your breath, walking along the beach, until you heard footsteps.  “Oh, this must be Louie’s last lap.  Good for hi-“ your thought was interrupted as a set of wings took your around the middle, tumbling onto the warm sand of the shore.  You landed on your back, but before you entered full-blown attack mode you looked up and saw Keaton strattled over your and laughing loudly.  You couldn’t help but to laugh too, and tried to topple Keaton over.  However, he took your wrists and planted himself more firmly to the sand, still giggling light heartedly.
“Oh, I don’t think so.  You were super rude earlier.  I think it’s time you apologized.”  The only human on the island rolled their eyes yet again.  “I was teasing you, dude.”  He shrugged, but didn’t budge.  You sighed.
“Oooh fine.  Keaton, I’m sorry about the joke I made with Piper and Bells. Happy?”  Keaton smirked.
“Almost.  Now, you have to tell me a secret, since I told you a big one about me.”
“Are you joking?”
“Does this face look like it’s joking?” You paused.  Keaton glared, knowing there was a sarcastic comment just dying to come out.
“Y/N, I swear-“
“No, but it looks like a punch line!” you giggled at your own joke as if it were the funniest thing you could have said.
“WOW, you’re on a roll today!” Keaton exclaimed, amplifying your laughter.  He wasn’t a dumb bird, he knew there was a reason you spent so much time by yourself, even after meeting and getting to know everyone that’s moved on the island.  In fact, greeting new villagers was your job, and yet you were still holding something back.
“Come on, you aren’t getting up until I hear some spilled tea.  Let’s go,” he demanded, but you shook your head defiantly.
“I don’t have any secrets for you, Keaton.  I’m a pretty open book.”
“That so? Then why are you still trying so hard to get me off of you?”  For having nothing to hide, you were trying awful hard to get your wrists back.  So, you wracked your brain for anything unrelated to “spill,” but just didn’t have anything else.
“Now who’s being quiet?” Keaton playfully mocked.   You didn’t know what else to say, so you blurted, “I have three tattoos!”  Keaton looked blankly at you.
“I know that.  And even if I didn’t, that’s not a great secret.”
“But you’ve only seen two.  How do you really know?” Silent blank-staring.  Keaton then noticed the bottom of your shirt rose slightly from the struggle.
“Y/N, hang on, I don’t want the sand to burn you,” he said, releasing a wrist as to fix it.  However, when his feathered fingers stroked the exposed skin, you jerked and instinctively grabbed his wrist.  He was shocked at the suddenness of your movements, but then it clicked.
“Oh, honey… that’s the kind of secret I’m talking about…”
“Keaton, NOO-“
“The kind I can totally get behind using against you.”
“Keaton no means no-AAGGH, no-ho, KEEHEEATON!” Safe to say, you underestimated how strong Keaton was.  He quickly freed the wrist you caught, held both of yours in one wing and held them to one side, giving him free reign to glide his feathers over your now more-exposed hip bone.  You brought your head to your hands and hid your face while you cackled endlessly at the ticklish sensation.
“STAHAHP, KEHEATON, pleaaAH! HAHA!” Keaton smirked at your desperate attempt at coherent English, as he went from gentle gliding to pinching your hip and working his way up and down your side, while you frantically and flutily kicked the air behind them.
“You, one of the reasons I liked you was because you and I can pick on each other..  But now, knowing this, I know juuuuust how to bring you down a peg!”  Your hiding in your hands didn’t go unnoticed, nor did the fact that aside from hiding your face, you weren’t making any real effort to get away from him.
“You want to know what I find funny?” He asked and paused so you could answer.
“Really *huff* bad *huff* dad jokes.”
“Despite it all, I don’t think I’m going to break your sarcasm,” the bright bird replied with a blank expression.  “Anyway, no. I think it’s funny that you’d rather spend your energy hiding your face than stopping me~.”  You didn’t say anything, but your cheeks flushed a deep red, and you attempted to hide your face again.
“Nuh uh, none of that!” he exclaimed, and rather than just holding your wrists to the side, he lifted them above your head.  “There’ll be no more hiding for you~.” You shuddered in anticipation, and witnessed mischief take over Keaton’s facial features.  If he and Wilber ever got together, you’d have to remember to properly warn him about Keaton’s dark side. 
“Though, I’m willing to make a deal with you.”  You sighed and relaxed… while you could.
“What kind of deal?”  That glint in Keaton’s eye… you were all too familiar with.  He’s not done.
“I think this is a fantastic secret you’ve shared with me… whether you meant to or not,” he started, and glided his feathers across your exposed skin, from one hipbone to the other.  You clenched your fists and gritted your teeth to try to maintain some form of composure now that you couldn’t hide your face.  Keaton chuckled and continued.
“But anyway, I still don’t think it quite adds up to mine.  I think I need to know which places will wreck you.”  You tried to feign disbelief.
“You don’t think I’m wrecked now?”
“No, I think you were surprised. And I think there would have been a lot more of a struggle if I were onto something. Now, don’t get me wrong, I think this-” He suddenly grabbed and poked at your hip and sides, causing an explosive cackle “-is effective.  And adorable.”
“Fuhuhck off,” you replied casually, then froze after seeing his surprised face.  Then you realized it was the first time you’d ever said that to him.   In jest, of course, but Keaton, ever the dramatic one, played as though he’d never been more hurt or offended.
“Oh, I was going to give you the option to tell me.  But that chance has been blown.” He began sinisterly. “I’ll just find out myself.”
“Wait no Keaton I didn’t meheheAAAN IIIITT! NOOOHOHOHAHAHAA!” You couldn’t speak clear enough, and had no way of covering your face, but you still tried to contain yourself enough that he might get bored, or think all of your ticklish areas were about the same.  But you were never a good actor; and he had already decided to begin his onslaught again on a bad spot.  He kneaded in the middle of your rib cage, resulting in complete hysterics.
“Well, lucky guess!” he exclaimed, switching between this spot and your underarms randomly.  It was as if you’d never reacted to such a ticklish onslaught before.  “Right? Did I guess right?” he tormented, and he chuckled to himself as You frantically nodded and grabbed his wrists instinctively.
Soon enough though your laughing grew silent, and Keaton figured you’d just about had enough.  He relented and let go of your wrists, then laughed when you didn’t move them from over your head; you just remained still to catch your breath.
“It’s *huff* too early *huff* for this *huff* shit.”  Keaton cackled evilly.
“Gee, I wonder what discoveries I’ll make if I just, ya know, turned around and tried the other half of you.” Your eyes widened and summoned at least enough strength to shove him off, and turned to run until you was jerked backward:  Keaton had hurried and grabbed the bag you’d bought earlier that was on your back and used it to catch and knock your off balance, forcing you on the ground, lying face down. 
“Damnit!  That care package cost me more than just Bells…”
“Your folks and I are lucky you’re so thoughtful.” Keaton played, clearly enjoying himself.
“Oh, shut the hell up.”
“Wow, grouchy.  Bet I can fix that, though,” Keaton teased, and You braced yourself again…  But nothing came.
“… on second thought, nah.” Keaton said while standing and offered his wing to help you up.  You looked up at him skeptically, and took his wing.
“I decided you earned a break.  Plus, that reaction was gold, I know you’re hiding something else, and I’ll try to find out what when you least expect it.”  He said triumphantly, though still sporting a sinister glare.
“Oooh, that’s dirty,” You replied, but couldn’t help but grin.
“What? It gives you a chance to enjoy yourself unexpectedly, too, ya know.” The red glow still played at your cheeks, even after you’d caught your breath.
“I don’t know what you mean.” You said sourly with your arms crossed.
“Oh,” Keaton started as they continued along the shoreline toward Bertha and Elise’s houses, picking up shells as they walked. “I’m not oblivious, friendo.  If you enjoy something and no one gets hurt, there’s nothing to be embarrassed over.”  The statement did NOT help, as you turned away again, feeling the heat intensifying on your face.  Deciding he wasn’t helping, he tried to change the subject.
“So… what do you think my chances are with Wilbur?  You fly a lot, have you talked to him much?”  You peeked over at him, and decided to set your shells down and sit in one of the new beach chairs you’d placed a few days ago.  Keaton took the one next to you.  You shrugged before responding.
“He seems nice, but I’ve never gotten a vibe as to his preference.  I could talk to him more, be your wingmate.” You offered, wiggling your eyebrows at the colorful bird. Keaton beamed.
“You would?? I’d really like that, wingo! Thanks!”
“It’s no problem.”  Even carrying on normal conversation, Keaton still had a feeling something was still… off.
“Hey, wingo, there are no hard feelings about earlier, are there? I mean, I was just playing, that’s all, I didn’t mean-“
“You’re okay, Keaton,” You stated, finally turning to face him.  You were actually smiling, albeit kind of sadly.
“You’re right though, from earlier.  I was caught off guard, I do… actually… enjoy it… it’s hard to admit.  I’ve never told anyone about it.”
“Are you for real?” Keaton asked.  “What are you afraid of? I’m sure no one that loves and cares about you would think anything of it.  At least no more than your usual weird.” He smirked.  You shot him a glare, but smirked back.  Your face returned to one of indifference and took a deep breath.
“I know that.  I just have a hard time talking about it.”
“Why?”  You remained silent for a bit.
“I don’t really know.  It’s just a… thing.  I don’t know.”  Keaton thought about it for a second.  You looked back over.
“Really, you don’t have to worry about it.  I’m not sure when I’ll see any of them again anyway, with me trying to get something started for myself here and all, so…  and it’s not worth all the thinking.” 
He was clearly not listening, and proved it when he turned and said, “Ya know, the news is a thing.  Music is a thing.  There are a lot of things that you don’t have a problem talking about that you like, right?”
“Well, yeah, but-“
“No buts, I’m not done,” he remarked sassily. You snickered and let him continue.  “My point is, maybe you should just think about it as if it’s one of those types of things.  And from what you’ve told me, you have decent enough people in your life to listen without passing judgement.  And if anyone does… well, another thing is this side of me that hardly ever has to come out, but it will for you, friendo.”
“…oh,” You remarked.  Don’t piss off Keaton.  Got it.  He laughed again.
“Does any of that make sense?”
“Yeah.  I think so.  Maybe I’ll approach it that way next time.”
“Good.  And let me know how it turns out.  Because I love it when people tell me I’m right.”
“Oh, fuck you.”
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH20
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4,714
- Author Note: I think i am going to change the time of my update, it would be around Sunday or Monday (MYT) , i am so busy with works :< and not to mention i have finished this fic since it is an old fic of mine ^^ so i dont have to worry about writing block ,(that answers my cliche writing, this was written in 2017 ) thank u for reading :(( idk that there are people reading this, but thank u <3
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Chapter 20
“WHAT THE HELL MIN YOONGI? YOU- OH GOD-ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?” Seul yelled as soon as they were inside Yoongi’s room. His eyes stared boringly into hers indicating how he was not affected by his earlier action even a bit.
Seul paced back and forth in front of Yoongi while raking her brain to make sense out of this. Her first curled up into a fist as she tried to contain her anger inside “YOU MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR CARELESS ACTION!” she grinded her teeth together with a dangerous glare at his way.
“Responsibility? What kind of responsibility?” his brows quirked in amusement and soon a devious smirk spread on his face. The tone of his voice was mocking her. Yoongi would never leave her alone, that’s for sure. He had gone through to this length just to ignore his feelings for Seul, yet it came to no avail. It was best to be himself, because after all that was his new year revolution.
“And it is not a careless action” he argued.
“THEN WHY ARE YOU KISSING ME WITHOUT MY PERMISSION? THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME! We still haven’t talked about the kiss that you stole from me before?” she was boiling inside, and he could see her cheeks were tainted red.
Yoongi cleared his throat “I don’t have the answers with me right now” the answer got Seul ticked off even more. Rude, Min Yoongi.
“Are you being serious? People don’t kiss just because they feel like it. You are crazy Min Yoongi!” she snorted.
“I swear I don’t have the answers with me right now. I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY I KISS YOU!” Yoongi defended himself eyeing the younger girl intensely.
Seul had a disbelief look “YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY, AND YOU STILL KISS ME?”
“Need I to remind you... this thing started because of you. You were the one who sexually harassed me first, or can I say in polite way... You kissed me” he rolled his eyes.
“Right, I kissed you because I need to save my ass unlike you. You kissed me for what? Revenge? Or do you have feelings for me?” she rubbed her temple easing the tense on her forehead. To Seul, Min Yoongi is confusing as hell not that she could read through him. He was too mysterious. His blank expression was not helping at all, only add to the pain throbbed on her head.
Flustered Min Yoongi clenched his teeth together getting annoyed over Seul’s little interrogation “If I have feelings for you so what?” he snorted sarcastically.
“WHY IS IT WRONG? You out of all people have no right to question my feelings”
“I didn’t say I like you. I said If I have feelings for you which appear to be none” his words stabbed her heart making her glowered in annoyance. “Then good, because you are annoying me” she flailed her arms to her side with a soft huff.
Yoongi hissed under his sharp breath, letting the anger inside him to subside “Look, we really have to stop meeting like this” he murmured.
“You have to stop kissing me first, then we will stop meeting this way” she sassed.
“I told you I don’t have the answers to why I am kissing you god, why are you so pushy?” Yoongi deadpanned. Watching how persistent Seul was to get the answers to her equations, he did not want to give stupid reply just yet or else everything would turn upside down over night.
“I am not being pushy, I have the right to know. You are kissing the lips that owned by me not by someone else. It is only logical to question your motive. So, tell me Min Yoongi-ssi” Seul straightened her body as she built her confidence to look straight into his eyes “Are you making a move on me because if you do, I will reconsider it. That is if you ask nicely and being bluntly honest to me” she raised her brows waiting for Yoongi’s reply.
This girl really…Why am I getting cornered. Yoongi groaned in frustration.
“I am not making any move on you”
“Then, first explain the kiss” Seul was determined to settle this shit between her and Yoongi. The things had been circulating for months, and his unexplainable actions after the first mistake that she committed only bring more harm to her heart. She no longer wanted to live her life this way.
“Do you want me to kiss you again? Why are you intrigue by the kisses!” Seul clasped her hand over her mouth instantly upon afraid that Yoongi might make any move on her again. She was not ready to feel his lips hovering over hers again. That sinful mouth of his brings more harm than good.
He smirked unknowingly at her reaction, giving him an upper hand to win this mouth battle. Much to his surprise Seul caught up too soon when she fired him back “Just because you are a horrible kisser” she lied. Yoongi is a good kisser even better than her. She just did not want to admit to it because by admitting to her subconscious it simply mean she’s accepting his action.
And, it would be a bad move.
“What a foul mouth for such a tasty lip”
Her eyes rounded with sheer embarrassment. “Tell me or I am going to scream and let everyone know you are trying to take advantage on me” she threatened to cover up her embarrassment.
“You won’t dare”
“Don’t push me” her eyes now meeting his again into an intense staring competition. None of them wanted to back away since it will only taint their egos.
“Then do it” crossing his arm, he kept his gaze on her as she moved backward with a playful smirk before opening her mouth ready to scream. Pinching his eyebrows together, he looked displeased by her determination and he knew Seul would not back down that easily.
Yoongi hated the idea of attracting unnecessary attentions from the members outside considering the stunt he pulled in front of Taehyung and Hoseok moments ago. Seul is a real troublemaker. “SHUT IT BEFORE I KISS YOU AGAIN” scowling angrily, Yoongi made his way to where she stood.
To her surprise, her empty threat put his stop at halt. Yoongi was standing still holding back his anger as he rubbed his hair making him 100 times sexier than he was.
“Fuck..Fine..You are different, it triggers my curiosity” she tilted her head demanded more answers from him only to receive a death glare from Yoongi. He continued nonetheless “The kiss is not just a kiss. I might.. I repeat, I might feel something else whenever you are around. Ugh fuck, ever since that day I couldn’t get you off my mind. I tried but the thought of you and the kiss that we shared was affecting me” he shoved his hand inside his pocket coolly. It sounded like he was professing his love for Seul, however he did not want to sound desperate and creepy.
A heavy lump on her throat made her breath hitched for a moment, as Seul responded changing the tone of her voice “You might, and it doesn’t mean anything right” she mentally screamed with the possibility of superstar Yoongi fall for her.  
He glared “I made it clear earlier. I don’t know” Yoongi blurted out with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“When will you know?” she chewed her lower lips nervously.
“Stop asking question! I DON’T KNOW”
“This so-called talk is not working. Now, out you go” Yoongi motioned Seul to the door with his hand. Never in his life to feel this affected by a simple girl like Seul. Barely did nothing there only to tease him with her sassiness that equally good as him tainted his ego. Before he succumbed into this rainbow thoughts that he had for Seul, this girl must be push away from him for the time being.
Her dominant side was severe.
For the first time in his life, he was intimidated by a girl.
“Are you chasing me out?” she gasped dramatically.
Yoongi rolled his eyes, “I am so done with your shit” he turned her body facing the door as one of his hand twisted the door knob, lightly pushing the girl outside. Seul almost tripped on her own feet, however Taehyung encircled his arm around her waist swiftly making sure her face would not kiss the ground.
A loud slam from the door behind them made her eyes squeezed tight until Taehyung’s not so angelic voice but still angelic to her ears brought Seul out of her dreamy state “Are you alright? What happen to you and hyung inside?” he asked worriedly.
Seul balanced herself with the help of Taehyung and sighed heavily “I am fine. Thank you. Your hyung is not keen of having people inside his room, doesn’t he?” she chuckled nervously to ease the awkwardness between them.
“Mmm…. I think he can be pretty aggressive when it comes to protecting his personal space”
“Right..” she muttered weakly after using the last ounce of her energy fighting Yoongi, she felt her mouth dried from the dreadful banter she had. Thankfully, she was so close in finishing her task for the day. Seul wanted to leave as soon as possible. The presence of Bangtan’s members in the house were suffocating her. Neither Hoseok nor Taehyung dared to bring up the things that they witnessed earlier which was a good thing.
They should ask Yoongi but not her.
Seul was not in the right mood to digest anymore Min Yoongi issues in her mind.
“Are you sure hyung did nothing to you inside?” another angelic voice almost similar as Taehyung but only this guy had a soothing smile on his face. His smile alone helped to calm down her racing heart.
Seul returned his concern with a warm smile “Thank you Hoseok-ssi. Nothing happen so don’t worry” Hoseok nodded.
“Hoseok” he corrected before continued, “This formality makes me feel uncomfortable. By the way, I still have to thank you for taking care of me last time. Thank you, Seul-ah,” his friendly tone was so welcoming and Seul grew fond of Hoseok’s presence in the room.
“Don’t be, I really hope you feel much better Hoseok. You look pretty worn out that time. Don’t overwork yourself. My mother really flipped out upon hearing the news” Hoseok chuckled gleefully, pressing his lips together showing his gratitude once again. “Oh, can I continue doing my job? I had enough dramas to deal in one day so allow me to complete my job before I leave” she glanced at Taehyung and Hoseok as if seeking for their permission.
Taehyung finally broke his silence “I will do my own laundry so go straight to your last task” he suggested.
“Are you sure? I am paid to tend this job. That is not good idea Taehyung” she found herself calling his name a little too friendly and dropped the formality without she realized. Not to sound overly confident, by the end of the day everyone would make her call them by either their names or ‘oppa’. Therefore, instead of going through the same process all over again she would gladly do it to avoid any problems in the future.
He shook his head frantically with his cute signature smile once again taking her breath away. Why is he so unreal? Seul complimented mentally. She had decided to comply to Taehyung’s words and went straight to clean Jungkook’s room. The maknae shared it with no one but still the room was in huge mess.
Jungkook owned two computers and there is music equipment at one corner filling up the room. A small space for him to sleep had clothes scattered messily on it. Seul made a mental note to place a small laundry bag next time so the youngest of the group could store his dirty clothes inside it. She wondered if he even slept on the bed, it seemed to her Jungkook would be the type of guy whom fell asleep on his chair after some long dreary game sessions. After making sure Jungkook’s game controller were placed neatly on the table, Seul made her way straight to the kitchen.
Jimin told her in advance to not cook today since Jin and Jungkook would come back with groceries. The eldest man in the house insisted to cook them good food today therefore Seul took out the side dishes like kimchis prepared by her mother this morning into their fridge.
Smiling to herself, she was relieved to see everything was in order and squeaky clean.  Seul decided to leave since she’s late to work already. Stood in the living room was Jimin with his stupid cute dorky smile, “Are you leaving already?” he whispered almost inaudible, yet she managed to catch it.
“Yes I have to get to work. I will see you around Jimin”
“Seul wait” Jimin pulled out a cute box from his pocket and handed it to her.
Confused, she took it hesitantly “What is this Jimin?”
“A Christmas present, I wanted to give it to you but I didn’t get to meet you..I hope you like it” he exclaimed shyly. Jimin put a lot of thought in purchasing the gift because knowing Seul, she might feel burdened by it. To see her beautiful smile as she admired the presents in her hand made this thing less awkward.
“Thank you.. I don’t know what to say. It is…wow..Thank you Jimin” her cheeks felt hot over this simple gesture by a guy like Jimin. Do not overthink, he is a nice guy. He did this because he feel indebted that I am cleaning their place. She assured herself to not get ahead of herself.
“Your welcome”
Human emotions are funny and can be pretty confusing. In his case, Jimin was unsure of himself. Did he do this to befriend Seul or for his personal gain? What was his personal gain again.
A day without phone meant the death to Seul. She thought she left it at home even though after a thorough search, it was nowhere to be found. She looked for it everywhere at her home and workplace, well except the boys’ place. Would it be possible that she dropped it there yesterday?
As much as she wanted to check her phone at Bangtan’s place, she feared the boys would be home at this time. Even though by having one of the members contact gave her an advantage, but she could not remember Jin’s number at all. How’s she going to contact him?
Groaning in frustration, Seul rested her chin on the table murmuring unclear protest in process. She screwed up big time. This was as frustrating as the night Mr JK left her hanging with the new year kiss. It had been a month since the incident, yet he’s nowhere to be seen.
She put a false hope on him.
Seul planned to confront him the next day after the incident, however to her dismay he did not show up like he usually does. She waited and waited until the shop was about to close, only to disappoint her even more. Shut it. Her main concern was supposed to be for her lost phone not the lost Mr JK.
The sound of the bell from the main door rung diverted her attention towards the next customer. She stood up getting ready to give a deep bow but instead she’s welcomed by the sight of familiar figure. The infamous Mr JK stood before her in his black sweater, black coated jeans and black snapback completing his fashion along with his signature black mask making him to appear like a fugitive.
Their eyes met, and it rendered her speechless. He lost so much weight in comparison to the last time they saw each other and for an odd reason her heart ached in response upon witnessing this. She had been missing him to be honest, however she tried not to overthink about it since it only pain her.
Jungkook took few slow steps towards Seul not breaking their eye contact, his feelings were raging inside. Day by day he wished to see Seul again just one more time to tell her how much he missed her. As if the world stopped for a moment, Seul found herself was drawn into Jungkook’s intense gaze.
She felt small and was a little conscious over the look that he gave her. Her heart pounded against her chest raging to come out by anytime soon. Within a second, Jungkook was standing in front of her like a perfect sculpture gazing down at her face making her squirm a little due to the intensity. His arms were soon wrapped securely around Seul tugging the shorter girl into his warm embrace.
Her lips agape in wonder, embracing her own thought. Seul small hand found her way to his chest, as she clutched onto it, burying her face in his chest. “I miss you” he murmured lowly. His hand moved up to her torso then, holding her in place at the waist as he took a moment to enjoy holding Seul in his arms.
Her eyes were brimming with tears, and it gave her a roller coaster feeling. Yes, she missed him. Yes, she was mad at him for leaving her just like that. Yes, she was happy to see him again. Yes, she was confused of herself.
How’s she going to survive 2017 if she failed to sort her own feelings?
Jungkook pulled away after a moment, running one of his hand to give a soft caress on her fluffy cheeks “I am sorry for disappearing. I should have come sooner. I was too caught up with my job, I couldn’t find time to see you” he confessed.
“Why..are you doing this to me. You left me without any words. Do you think that is funny” she gulped the heavy lump on her throats as she was aching to bawl her eyes out this instant.
“I really wanted to see you Seul, I am sorry for leaving you without any word. That night was overwhelming I pondered upon it hard these past few weeks. I started to question us” his whispers were genuine giving some sort of conformity to Seul.
Seul blinked her tears away, looking straight into Jungkook’s eyes “You cant just barge into someone’s life, make them feel special and then leave” she looked as if she would cry, shaking her head again as her lips quivered piteously.
Jungkook looked on her tears with eyes full of regret, he had hurt his woman, and this was not right the thing to do when it was started to fall to its own place. He glanced around the store making sure there was no one there since it was almost 2 in the morning, luck was on his side. There was another part time worker with her, to their sheer luck he was cleaning the kitchen behind leaving only the two of them there.
“I am not barging into your life just to make you feel special and then leave Seul. You are special and important to me. I want to make things real between us” he exclaimed while one of his free hand loosening the mask covering his face.
His determination really got him, and this was the perfect time to reveal himself to Seul. If he’s planning to take this thing to the next level, firstly he must unravel the secrets and started sharing it with her. This girl deserved the truth.
Daringly, he leaned forward, left hand stroking her cheeks lovingly as he finally pulled down his mask revealing his face to Seul. Her mind froze as soon as her eyes landed on Jungkook’s face trying to decipher the image once again.  She could not bring herself to say this aloud even though she was confident it was the same person that she assumed it to be. Even without his makeup, she remembers the details on his face. From that perfect jawline aligned beautifully along with the scars near his cheekbone was the real evident to feed off her curiosity.
“Jungk-“ Jungkook didn’t need further encouragement as he reached for her face, caressing his thumbs over her pouty bottom lips, before locking her lips with his. Seul’s grip tightened on his shirt, allowing herself to melt into his kiss.
His tongue probing and stroking her inner warmth dizzying Seul. The kiss with Jungkook has always been so intense as if he’s pouring his heart and soul into it. Even though after learning the truth Mr JK was Jungkook all along, she couldn’t help but wonder how an introvert guy like him had the courage to make a move on a stranger especially a woman this way. He stepped out from his comfort zone just to convey his feelings.
Jungkook gentled his mouth, softly nuzzling her lips before finally pulling away. She stroked his neck, breathing softly against his lips as she opened her eyes once again meeting his sparkling gaze. Seul would never be tired staring into that innocent doe eyes.
“I am Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you” his soft chuckle was adorable.
Seul still couldn’t believe that Mr JK is the Bangtan Sonyeondan’s Jungkook. Now that really messed up. Technically, she had a short so-called fling with one of his members, would it be bad to kiss two best friends at one time though she was still unclear with her own feeling for any of these guys?
“Jungkook…I think we need to talk” she threw him a worried glance caused the latter to shift uncomfortably. He despised that look, it meant he was about to get rejected. That was the sole reason why he was hesitated to reveal himself to Seul. He did not want to push her away from him. Due to his glamorous life, some people in his life included his best friend started to drift away from him because of his fans. Some fans could be a little too possessive making it hard for him to appear in one photo with his friends without hurting the other party.
Therefore, it was rare to see him being photographed with others other than his members. Jungkook would only appear in a group photo and in rare occasion he would post his personal selfie for the fans. Other than that, he lived his life under the radar.
“Jungkook…Seul…” the familiar voice caught them off the guard shifting their attention toward the individual who had a solemn face at the door step.
“Jimin hyung…” averting his gaze from meeting Seul, Jimin felt the anger bubbled up inside of him. Rather than anger, he would call it as jealousy. Seul face hardened as she cursed in her head not liking this thing a bit. Crossing her fingers, she hoped nothing bad happened today.
“How long have you been standing there?”
Jimin scoffed as a sign of disapproval “Long enough to witness your romantic adventure” the tone of his voice confused the latter.
“Hyung.. do you know Seul?”
His eyes fell on silent Seul, as he strutted slowly to their direction “She is our caretaker, Jungkook. Does Ji Seul even rings a bell in your head” Seul did not dare to look at Jimin knowing his nasty glare was basically ripping her sanity, full of hatred and anger.
Jungkook gasped “WHAT? SHE IS OUR CARETAKER?” his pitch raised an octave higher. “How can I not know this?” he mumbled to himself registering the information that he heard.
“Of course you don’t. She is sly as fuck. Alluring everyone into her own little world, making us liking her one by one” her head snapped, looking at Jimin with a disbelief look. His accusations were contradicting to his action toward her previously.
How can someone change so drastically?
What change him?
Bewildered Jungkook was alarmed by Jimin’s choice of words. The hyung that he knew would never use inappropriate words unless something ticked him off. In this situation, he did not know why Seul’s presence angered the older guy.
“The lips that you just kissed was the same lips that kissed Yoongi hyung” Jungkook face contorted in pain, everything that he heard today overwhelmed him.
Jungkook croaked softly “Hyung…what is this all about” he inquired.
“I heard from Tae and Hobi hyung. Yoongi hyung and Seul have kissed before and apparently it isn’t their first time” Seul felt tears in her eyes. What did she get herself into? The soft and sweet Jimin was no longer there.
“So Jungkook tell me, will you let yourself being fooled by a bitch like her”
“HYUNG! DON’T SAY THAT! She doesn’t even know my name and face until today! I made the move on her first”
“Does she not know you? Really Ji Seul?” Jimin chuckled bitterly.
“If I had known it is Jungkook, I would never get involved with him” Jungkook heart was stabbed by her words though he knew she didn’t mean it. She was hurting. It was crystal clear.
“All you woman says the same thing. Lies after lies”
“Tell me what do you want me to do Park Jimin! I don’t want to be dragged into your stupid world, I am doing this for my mother. My crappy luck brought me to you guys and it never stop since then. I wish for once everything works normally just the way it used to be. I live a decent life before all of you come into the picture. I made it clear that I wanted this relationship to be strictly professional. But you guys were pushing me to the edge leaving me no choice” her tears slipped. Jungkook watched her with a heavy heart and his urged to pull Seul into a hug topped his loyalty for Jimin.
“I learned to accept all of you. I made new friends from this, Jin is a good friend so does Namjoon. Yoongi is confusing but it never dawns on me to plot any mischievous plan to seduce him. I enjoyed Jungkook’s company because for once I have someone real to talk to instead of my family and best friend. I may not know Taehyung and Hoseok that well, but they make me feel welcomed and appreciated. And you Jimin…I thought we could be friend…Guess I am wrong” she choked on her own tears, tearing Jimin’s heart apart.
What have I done. Jimin clenched his fist.
“Seul…” Jungkook was about to utter something but was cut off by new presence in the room.
“You fucking screwed this up Park Jimin” Seul mustered her strength to look up searching for the source of the voice. Jungkook and Jimin followed her gaze to the welcoming sight few metres of them.
The squad is here.  All of them.
Yoongi’s eyes flared up in anger, and his expression was unexplainable. Obviously, he was displeased to see his girl got hurt. Now, he’s referring her as his girl, this need an explanation.  Stood beside him was calm Namjoon and Jin, throwing their sympathy glance at Seul. Not to mention, when their eyes collided with Jimin it turned into a hyena glare making the younger guy to shrink in fear and guilt.
On the other side was Taehyung with an unamused face, shaking his head mentally judging his best friend for taking such rash decision. He was not supposed to tell him about the kisses, he did not expect Jimin would act thing crazy.
To answer that question, the only possibility would be Jimin had a feeling for her.If that is the case, his action was an act of jealously.
“What are you guys doing here…” Seul grumbled.
Hoseok retorted “We heard everything. We are here to clear up the mess”
“And this is will be a long night. Pack up, you are coming with us” the leader ordered with a stern voice.
  This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved
16 notes · View notes
willow-salix · 4 years
Day 100 of Isolation on Tracy Island and I'm writing this as a continuation from yesterday because I didn't have time to finish it then. And yes, before you ask, I am talking to Gordon again, because it was actually quite sweet in the end.
You know what it's been like during lockdown, everything has kinda blended into one longass day? I’ve lost track of dates, lost track of days in general, all they are is a number now, I know this is day 100 but I couldn’t tell you the month. Apparently it’s June, who knew?
We walked in after our little submarine jaunt and Gordon made his announcement. Scott popped his head around the door, looked panicked for a second and then vanished. Two seconds later John was forcibly shoved through the door into the kitchen with us. He stumbled and flailed for a second then pulled himself together.
“Hey, you’re back, I missed you!” he pulled me into a hug but I was wise to his moves and noticed the gesture he made behind my back allowing Virgil to sneak out from behind the breakfast bar and make a run for it.
“OK what’s going on?”
“Really?” I pulled back to hit him with a warning glare, just a little one to let him know I wasn’t appreciating the fibs. “Gordon said he was distracting me.”
“Well, Gordon is an idiot,” John shrugged, “I wouldn’t pay too much attention to anything he says.”
“Hey, unfair!”
“Accurate,” I agreed. “But unfair. Now spill it, Spaceman.”
“OK, fine,” he conceded, holding out a hand, “come on, follow me. You too, Gordo.”
He led the way up to the lounge where there was a hive of activity going on. You know in those old cartoons where everyone is dashing around and someone walks in and they all stop like they have been freeze framed, mid activity, just staring at you like you’re a three headed alien dancing with maracas. Which I wasn’t, I can assure you.
“Gahh, she’s here!” Alan yelped and they all came back to life.
“Happy birthday!” they choroused.
“You what now? Who’s birthday is it? Oh my gods, did I forget someone's birthday? Wait, is it August already? I’m so sorry, Virg! I suck! I’ll make it up to you.”
“It’s June,” John reminded me.
“It is? Who’s birthday is in June?” I flipped frantically through my mental rolodex of family rubbish and came up empty.
“Love, it’s your birthday.”
I snorted. “I think I’d know if it was-” he showed me the date on his phone, “-my birthday,” I finished. Dang. “I can’t believe I forgot my own birthday.”
"Well, you have been a bit distracted lately," Jeff laughed.
“We’ve all chipped in to help,” Scott told me, handing me a glass of something blue with an umbrella in it. “Better sip that carefully at first, MAX made it, Brains has been teaching him to mix drinks and he’s insisting on being our bartender today.”
“We have presents,” Alan grinned.
“And I made a cake!” Grandma smiled, gesturing to the coffee table.
“Oh...oh you guys are amazing,” I sniffed, feeling tears brewing.
“Quick, John, waterworks at 3 o’clock,” Virgil laughed as I was dragged into another hug.
“Nope, crying is not allowed,” John insisted, petting my hair.
“I can if I want to, because apparently it’s my birthday,” I mumbled against his shoulder.
The tears didn’t actually last that long, just long enough for me to mark my territory by getting foundation and mascara smears on his shirt. I’m a woman, it’s what we do.
Everyone gave me hugs and someone put on some music to 'really get the party going' although it was something call Gangnam Style so I think it was Grandma, she was doing a very weird dance to it too.
My mum called during the cake, which gave me a perfect excuse not to eat any of it (thanks Mum) and I promised that I’d visit them the next day.
The drinks that MAX mixed were...interesting, mostly palatable, very strong and they led to some very sloppy karaoke numbers that Scott and I started but the others helped to finish.
Someone had managed to get off the island and pick up take out and yes, Alan had been right, there were presents.
It turned out that Virgil had been borrowing my things to work on a witchy tarot card themed painting for the wall of my office, Alan got me a years membership to Cavern Quest (I think that’s more for his benefit than mine) Gordon got me a Thunderbird Four bath toy, Scott bought himself a new hoodie so I could keep his (Yay, but it's bold of him to think I won’t steal that one too) and John unfortunately didn’t get me the kitten or the hamster that I wanted but he did get me a cute little moon necklace and a promise of another present later, so I’ll forgive him.
I’m writing this a little worse for wear and all alone apart from Alan, Jeff, Grandma and Kayo.
We were all slumped around the breakfast table, sipping coffee like it was our life’s blood and trying to force some toast down into our rebelling stomachs, my head was pounding and Gordon was SOOO LOUD.
“Urghhh,” I groaned, “turn that off. Whatever it is, it’s bad for me right now, " I tried to burrow my aching head under Alan's arm but it did nothing.
“It’s the emergency line,” John answered, sitting up straighter.
“Emergency line?” Scott shot upright too.
“Is this it? Do we have one?” Virgil asked, starting to smile.
John nodded. “Yep. Guys, you’re going to the Bahamas.”
Everyone scrambled, looking so dang happy to be moving again, to have a purpose again, taking off at a run for the lounge and their launch chutes and John to five to coordinate.
It looks like the world really is starting up again even though it is hard to think about. We’re used to being a bit isolated here and cut off from the rest of the world, but this has been a long lockdown and no doubt about it, it’s not completely over, not by a long shot.
We still have to social distance, we still have to wait for a call from the local authorities giving us permission to enter their country rather than just going wherever we are needed, but it’s progress.
This will be my last regular update for a while, it’s been an interesting three months and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed sharing our daily lives with you all in more depth, but now we need a little time to ourselves.
But don’t worry, I’ll still share the best stories with you all, I’ll still tell you all when something ridiculous happens, because let’s face it, it’s us, it’s a foregone conclusion that things will never be quiet here for long.
So, until I have something else to share, here’s a big thank you for spending time with us every day, for reading about our crazy lives and for laughing along with us (and crying with me too). Remember to stay safe, don’t take stupid risks, look after yoursleves and those you hold dear.
International Rescue are never far away, if you need them, just call, any frequency will do, they’ll hear you.
Bye for now.
(( Don't worry, I've loved doing these and will continue doing a diary for Selene as it was such fun. Isabelle did another picture to accompany this one, so here's the latest family portrait))
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Yes Master
A/N: This is the first fic I have written for tumblr and it was heavily inspired by a dream I had the other night. Enjoy.  Levi/MC/Solomon Warnings: NSFW, threesome, vaginal sex, anal sex, degradation kink, praise kink, voyeurism.  
It had been six months since you had started your relationship with Levi and it had taken you a lot to get to this point. When you first arrived at Devildom you had nearly died at the hands of Levi because you pushed it too far trying to get your pact with the third brother. He was so envious that you, a normie knew more about his all time favourite series that he couldn’t stand it and he had lashed out at you. When he realised that you also loved watching anime and playing games, he had invited you to come to his room so that you could watch the latest episode of the current anime he was watching, he was fully expecting you to turn him down because why would you want to spend time with a yucky otaku like him when you could spend your time with any one of his brothers, so imagine his shock when you accepted. The poor boy had nearly died right there. What had started out as a weekly gaming night or anime marathon turned into you spending all of your spare time in Levi’s room. The two of you quickly becoming inseparable, much to Mammon’s chagrin. The whines of “why are ya always with Levi? Why don’t ya spend time with your First man for once?” and “hey Human! why are ya ignoring THE great Mammon huh? Don’t ya know what ya missin’ out on?” being constant background noise in the house. Not that you cared, you loved spending time with Levi. Things just felt so easy and so right when you spent time with your best friend. Over time you started to feel more for the shy demon who you called your best friend, however you were reluctant to admit your feelings as you knew he was so insecure that he felt unworthy for any attention, you knew that in his mind it was an absolute miracle that you were his friend and that he got to spend all his time with you. You didn’t even know if Levi shared your feelings and you didn’t want to destroy what you had with Levi so you felt like it was the best course of action to just keep your feelings locked away and you had vowed to never speak of it. Until Asmo got involved that is, because of course the avatar of Lust would pick up on your unspoken feelings. One day whilst you were walking down the hallway making your way to Levi’s room for yet another anime marathon Asmo called after you “___, sweetie!” God, you really did not want to deal with this right now, you already knew where this conversation was going to go yet you didn’t want to seem rude so you stopped and asked “hey Asmo! What’s up?” you watched as the biggest, most mischievous grin spread across Asmo’s face before he innocently replied “oh nothing much, I was going to invite you to my room so we could have a spa day, but seeing you out and about I assume I’m too late and you’re already on your way to see Levi?” as he finished his question he leaned in closer to peer at your face. You immediately tilt your head down, trying to hide from him, already knowing that the slight blush that was beginning to colour your cheeks would not escape his notice “yup! We’re going to watch that new anime that Levi has been super excited about watching” you speak as quickly as you can so that you can get away as fast as you can. Asmo realises this and says “so…Levi huh?” Your head shoots up, eyes wide as your mind reels. You hiss “Asmo! Shut up” before you quickly drag him into an empty room “just what do you know?” you question him immediately. He smirks before saying “well I know that you like my older brother and that you are refusing to mention it to him.” You groan before Asmo continues “if you like him so much why don’t you confess to him?” your eyes widen again before stating “but As, what if I tell him and he doesn’t like me back? What if I ruin our friendship? I would rather stay as we are than lose him” Asmo just smiles, places his hand on your arm and says “I see how he looks at you, you are SO much more than just a friend to him. Although I will admit that he is a little on the shy side so you may need to make the first move sweetie” he winks and then flounces out of the room leaving you with your head spinning with all that was just revealed to you. Levi likes you? As more than a friend? you get jolted out of your thoughts by your D.D.D buzzing, when you look at it you see a text from Levi “where are you ___, the show is starting in five minutes!” you internally curse, this is not what you needed right now. You felt the overwhelming want to ditch but how could you do that to your best friend? He would hate you. You would just have to go and try and act normal, once the show had started you hoped that everything would be fine. You took a deep breath and continued down the corridor to Levi’s room, knocking once before entering. You took note of the two beanbags on the floor next to each other, this being your usual set up, Levi already seated in one with the snacks surrounding him. He looked up when he heard you enter and he grinned “___, you finally made it! I started to worry that something had happened to you!” he patted the beanbag next to him “here, everything’s  ready, now just to wait for the show to start!” You grin back, albeit slightly strained, as you tried to act as normal as possible “Hey Levi, sorry I’m late. Asmo wanted to ask me something about our Human Studies Class so got held up slightly” you made your way over to your beanbag, settling yourself before you realised how close you two were. Were you always this close to one another? You felt your heart begin to race slightly but thankfully Levi didn’t seem to notice. He replied “ah that’s okay, you’re here now. So you excited for this?” he passes you some snacks and moves slightly to get more comfortable. Feeling more confident that you were passing off as natural as you could, you smiled and replied “yeah, should be a good one” you then turn your gaze to the telly and say “oh! It’s starting!” you turn your face slightly so you can see Levi get drawn into the show and you let out a small sigh. Thank God you think, now you could relax. Except you couldn’t. Your mind was still racing from the admission that Asmo had left you with and you couldn’t stop thinking about it, you started playing with your hair unconsciously. Suddenly all the background noise had stopped, you noticed very slowly that the show was now on pause and then you realised you heard Levi calling your name. “___” you slowly turned to see Levi with his gaze on you “is everything okay?” he questioned and you could hear the worry affecting his voice, you tried to act natural saying “yeah I’m fine Levi, why wouldn’t I be?” You watch how he quirks an eyebrow at you before saying “well you’re playing with your hair and you only do that when you’re worried about something. So come on, tell me what’s bothering you?” You couldn’t believe it, he had noticed your nervous habit even when you didn’t realise you were doing it. You took a deep breath again, time to come clean. “so, I hear that you like me” you tried to sound as calm as possible, Levi’s eyes widened as he started stuttering “I-I…Where did you hear that?” Okay, he wasn’t denying it…was it true then? You looked down slightly and said “Well you know how I said that I met Asmo in the hallway? And he was asking me about our Human Studies Class? Well that may have not been entirely true” You didn’t look at Levi but you didn’t have to look at him to feel how stiff he had become “Asmo you fucker” you hear Levi curse under his breath, you look up briefly and see the blush staining Levi’s face. You decide to put you both out of your misery and whisper “so…is it true?” Levi begins to flail, eyes shifting all over the place, he was doing his best to look anywhere but at you “I-I…” You knew you were getting nowhere fast, and would have to take it up a notch. You stand up and move to straddle Levi, once you have settled on his lap you feel him stiffen even more, as if even breathing was out of the question. He looking away from you, so you reached out placing your hand on his cheek then sliding it down so your fingers were gripping his chin ever so gently. You feel him gasp but he still doesn’t move, so you slowly move his face until you catch his gaze “Levi, talk to me. Is it true?” he can’t say anything at this point so he just settles for a nod “can I tell you something Levi?” you whisper, not wanting to scare him. He nods again and very brokenly whispers “you…can tell me anything ___” You close your eyes for a second to gather your courage, when you open them back up you gaze into his eyes as you tell him “I have liked you for a long time Levi, I’ve liked you for months. But I didn’t want to ruin what we had so I thought it was better to not tell you. I was so scared Levi, but I’m not scared anymore, I need to tell you how I feel even if you don’t feel the same way.” Suddenly Levi’s face gets closer to yours and your words get cut off as he presses his lips to yours. It takes a minute for your brain to catch up to what has just happened. Levi is kissing you! And it feels absolutely heavenly. He starts off extremely gently, pecking your lips before he suddenly starts kissing you with more and more passion. You lose all track of time, focused only on the feel of his lips against yours nipping and sucking, you only end up breaking the kiss so that you can take a breath. Levi presses his forehead against yours and whispers “I was exactly the same ___, I was so scared. What if you didn’t like me, I am a yucky otaku after all. But I love you and I can’t try to deny it any more” you move your face away so that you can give him a kiss on the forehead and you giggle “Levi, if you’re a yucky otaku then so am I. We can be yucky otaku’s together, if you would like to be that is?” Levi lifts his head at your words and when he smiles at you, you had never seen such a beautiful smile in your life. “I would like that very much” Levi whispers before kissing you again. Your relationship with Levi moves pretty quickly, within the first week you had gone from kissing to having sex on a very regular basis, and what with Levi’s penchant for hentai there were very few things that you two hadn’t tried. You were both very experimental and willing to try anything at least once.  --
It was very rare occurrence for any of the brothers to see the two of you separated for any length of time longer than a couple of minutes but today was one of those days. Levi had been summoned by Diavolo as he was required to train the newest recruits of the Hell’s Navy so you had a free day. You spent some time with each of the brothers, taking time to catch up with them all. Your last brother to spend time with was Asmo as you knew full well that he was planning a much needed spa day, you made your way to his room and when he answered with a “___, sweetie” you couldn’t help but grin, you were ready for your pamper and gossip session. Asmo took you by the hand and led you straight over to the nail bar section of his room so that he could paint your nails, as soon as you were seated he moved forward slightly and grinned before saying “so…spill the beans, I want to know everything and don’t you dare hold back on me!” you instantly felt the blush spread across your face and you were sure it was beet red, you try and change the conversation topic to absolutely anything else but you knew any attempt was futile. “___, come on, you can tell me anything, I won’t judge. At least just tell me that you’re having mindblowing sex with my brother” your jaw dropping and your face turning an even deeper shade of red, you hiss “Asmo!” he just giggles at your reaction and says “I’ll take that as a yes, mm~ “ he then goes onto say “have you guys tried using magic yet? Sex when magic is involved is amazing, you will need to try it!” You thought for a moment and came to the decision that you would bring it up with Levi later, you guys had tried pretty much everything else so why not give magic a go? Once you had made your decision you then turned your conversation to any other topic of gossip that Asmo had picked up. Later that evening Levi had finally gotten home, you immediately greeting him at the door and giving him a quick kiss and wrapping your arms around him. You felt the tension seep out of him as he reciprocated your actions, after the long day he had training the newbies he needed the feel of your arms around him, he was in heaven. You took his hand and led him to the dining hall, the family dinner was chaos as per usual and once everyone had finished you went back to Levi’s room to spend some time with your favourite person. Once you had both changed into your sleepwear he settled into his bathtub bed and you nestled into his arms, placing your head on his chest and interlacing your fingers together. You feel Levi tilt his head down until he is pressing his lips against your temple, you smile at the sensation before deciding now is the time to raise your questions “Levi?” you slightly tilt your head back so you’re looking at him, “yes ___?” Levi mumbles into your temple, without opening his eyes. “I was talking to Asmo earlier and he mentioned about how amazing using magic when having sex is” at this Levi opened his eyes and gazed at you, “w-would you like to try?” he asked, you nodding in response. Levi hugged you slightly tighter and said “then we’ll talk to Solomon, he is the best person to ask when it comes to anything magic related” you smiled and buried your face into his chest, whispering “thank you” before slowly drifting off in your lovers arms, Levi stroking your hair and smiling at your peaceful face before also drifting off.
 The following week you made your way over to Purgatory Hall to see Solomon, he answered the door as soon as you knocked “___, Levi, what are you doing here?” you smiled at him and said “actually Solomon we’re here to see you” he looked shocked for a split second before inviting you inside and leading you both to his room. “so…what can I help you with?” he asked, you shifted from foot to foot feeling slightly awkward but you took a deep breath before telling him “so Asmo mentioned how good using magic whilst having sex was and we thought you would be the best person to talk to regarding that topic.” He nodded seriously before telling you that there were two ways you could go about it, either he could place a spell over the two of you or you could each drink a potion. “both of these options come with side effects so I will have to be nearby in case anything goes wrong or either of you need help” Levi and yourself exchanged a glance, you were not expecting this turn of events however you both couldn’t get the idea of a new experience out of your head so you agreed.  You all talked for a while over the best option for the two of you and you agreed on a potion, “the potion will take a week to make so you’ll have to come back then” you and Levi both smiled at him and thanked him before heading back to the House of Lamentation. The first time you took the potion, Solomon was in the same room in case anything went wrong, he kept himself busy whilst you two enjoyed the added influence of the magic, it was everything Asmo had described it to be and more, and the two of you were hooked. You made an agreement with Solomon that you would be partaking in this particular activity again. The second time you took the potion was just as amazing as the first but this time you couldn’t help but notice the bulge in Solomon’s trousers, it seemed he was getting just as into the experience as you were, when you had made an off hand comment about it and how you could help him out he shrugged you off, telling you that he was only there for your safety and he was fine. When you got back to the House of Lamentation you made a point to talk to Levi about it. “Levi?” you questioned, “yes, ___?” he noticed you fiddling with your hair once again and grabbed your free hand “what’s wrong?” you hesitated to answer for a split second before realising this was Levi, you could tell him anything and he would never ever judge you so you decided to speak your thoughts. “what would you say if we were to invite Solomon to join us the next time we go over there? It’s just I noticed that he also seemed to be getting into it” you felt Levi squeeze your hand and he said “I just want to make you happy ___, if you want to give it a try then we’ll give it a try.” He then bundled you up in his arms and kissed you on your forehead, you wrapping your arms around him in return “Thanks Levi, I love you” he smiled at you and whispered “I love you too ___” -- The following week when you had gotten to Purgatory Hall you told Solomon that you wanted to have a talk before you started, he seemed surprised but agreed. “Solomon. Levi and I had a talk after our session last week and we agreed that we want you to join in, if you felt comfortable with that of course” his jaw dropped at your revelation, “___, are you sure?” you nodded. Solomon said “if we go ahead with this I’ll have to make some adjustments” you quirked an eyebrow and questioned “adjustments?” he nodded, “I’ll have to increase the dosage slightly as I’ll also be taking a potion but mine will act completely differently. Mine will act as a dampener, meaning I will be able to go for longer. Whereas yours, being slightly altered would mean that the two of you would experience multiple orgasms as it will extend your stamina.” You take all this information in and nod your understanding. He grinned and said “so if I make those adjustments now are you ready for what will come?” both you and Levi glancing at each other before agreeing. A few hours later and the potions were ready. You each drank your potions and waited for the effects to kick in, you knew it was working when you felt the slight warmth grow in your belly. You straddled Levi’s lap and began to pepper his jawline and cheeks with kisses before he gently grasped you by the chin and pulled you in to place a kiss on your lips. He smiled slightly before kissing you again but slightly harder and nipping your bottom lip, when you gasped he took the moment to slide his tongue into your mouth and kissing you even more passionately. Whilst he was busy kissing you like his life depended on it he was also sliding his hands up and down your body, caressing your hips and your thighs. He slid his hands upwards and toyed with the hem of your shirt before running his fingertips across your stomach, you moaned slightly and he responded by slipping your shirt off before continuing his ministrations. You reached out to slide his shirt off and once it was off you ran your hands down his chest, Levi reaching behind you to unclasp your bra and then slowly slid it off of you before throwing it across the room. He broke off your kiss only to leave a trail of kisses down your neck and across your chest before taking one of your nipples into his mouth, his free hand gently squeezing your other boob, pinching and rolling your other nipple between his fingers. You arched your back and moaned at the pleasant sensation, heightened by the aphrodisiac effects of the potion you had taken. You reached down to rub Levi’s cock over his trousers, feeling how hard he already was, you then tugged down his zipper and unbuttoned his trousers before lifting yourself off of his lap slightly so you could begin to roll his trousers down his legs, he allowed you do so, whilst beginning  to take your own trousers off. When you had freed each other of your clothes, minus your underwear, Levi lifted you into the air so you could wrap your legs around his waist, he walked over to the bed before laying you down gently.
He kissed down your body, making sure to kiss every piece of skin he met, when he reached your underwear he kissed along the waistband of them before licking the same patch of skin he had just kissed, you arched your back moaning and whispering “Levi…I need more.” He looked up at you, pupils blown with lust and desire before he quickly moved your underwear to the side so he had access to your pussy at last. He licked his lips and kissed your thigh before he licked a stripe along your folds, watching as you trembled slightly at the pleasure you were feeling. Suddenly you heard a moan from across the room, both you and Levi turned to see the source of the noise, seeing Solomon rubbing his cock through his trousers. Solomon hadn’t yet realised that you two had noticed him so when you called out “Solomon” he immediately flinched and stopped his ministrations, even though you were across the room you could see the flush creep across his cheeks and he tried everything to not look at you out of embarrassment that he had been caught. You called his name again to gain his attention and when he finally looked up to meet your gaze he saw the looks of pure desire both you and Levi had on your faces. “Take them off” he heard you say, who was he to deny what you wanted? He immediately stripped off his shirt and trousers and stood where he was in his boxers, his cock straining against the fabric. You patted the bed next to you to signal that he should come closer to the two of you, he slowly made his way to the bed and when he finally reached it he sat on the edge but made no move to touch either of you so you took the initiative and reached out to take his hand. Solomon’s eyes widened slightly when he felt you take his hand and watched as you guided it to your breast. He immediately started massaging it and rolled your nipple between his fingers, he grinned as you moaned at his touch and arched your back into his hand, meanwhile Levi had stopped his ministrations so he could begin to strip you of your underwear, once he got them off he flung them across the room so that he could dive back in between your legs. He licked and sucked at your pussy before moving to suckle on your clit, feeling you beginning to tremble again he knew you were close and moved his hand to your other breast, flicking at your nipple whilst drawing a figure of 8 on your clit with his tongue. In a matter of moments the coil in your belly had started to tighten and you moaned “I’m going to come” as soon as you had said this you felt yourself come undone for the first time that night, once Levi felt you coming down from your high he looked up and licked the fluid that was around his mouth before leaning over to kiss you. You reached out to touch Levi’s cock, rubbing him through his boxers, Levi moaning into the kiss, you gazed at him through half lidded eyes “take them off” you whispered, then you turned your gaze to Solomon, “you too.” The two boys standing to remove their boxers before settling back on the bed. You sat up so that Levi could sit behind you and prop you up against his chest, Solomon sitting in front of you reaching out to move a stray piece of hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. You reached forward to touch Solomon, swiping your thumb across the head of his cock to spread what precum had begun to leak out of his painfully hard cock. You slowly begun to move your hand back and forth, pumping him. He moaned at the feeling and begun to buck into your hand, feeling this you began to move your hand faster, he whispered your name “____, please, faster” you obliged and when you began to feel him twitch he suddenly touched your hand “stop.” You immediately stopped but quirked an eyebrow at him, “I don’t want to come yet. It’s more pleasurable for me to wait as long as possible” you nodded your agreement. Solomon spoke again “can I take the lead?” you exchanged a look with Levi, who nodded once at you to let you know he was happy to do whatever you were happy with, “okay” you agreed. Solomon pulled you up from the bed and asked Levi to also get up, once the bed was free he walked across the room whilst telling you to get back on the bed but this time you were to be on your hands and knees with your arse in the air. Whilst you were getting into position you heard a drawer opening from across the room, and when Solomon came back he gently moves your hands to the headboard and ties them to the bar with a silk tie. He then moves your legs apart and repeats the process, tying your legs to the end of the bed, tight enough that you can’t move too much but loose enough that you are comfortable. Once he has got you into the desired position he signals Levi to come over to the end of the bed. “Now Levi, I want you to listen to what I want you to do and you’re going to be a good little slut and do it, you understand?” Levi’s eyes widen slightly as his breath hitches, nobody, not even you had been this direct with him and surprisingly he liked the feeling of being talked down to. How had he not realised this before? He nodded, however Solomon said “use your words Levi, do you understand?” Levi swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing, before he answered “yes” “yes, what?” Solomon replied, “yes Master” Levi responded. Solomon grinned whilst sliding his hand down Levi’s back “that’s better. Now I want you to turn into your demon form and I want you to fuck her with your tail. Do you understand?” Levi nodded “yes Master.” You felt the aura of the room change as Levi shifted into his demon form, Solomon looked him up and down, appreciating his true form, in particular appreciating his tail. Solomon reached out and caressed the base of Levi’s tail “Good boy Levi” Levi moaned at the feeling of one of the most sensitive parts of his body being caressed but the feeling of that mixed with the praise spilling from Solomon’s mouth, made Levi’s cock twitch. Fuck, he enjoyed the feeling. You shift slightly on the bed feeling yourself getting wetter at the thought of Levi using his tail to pleasure you. It wasn’t a new thing for the two of you, but you didn’t do it as often as you would like; Levi preferred to stay in his human form as he was slightly insecure. Whenever he was in his demon form he always recalled how he nearly killed you and it terrified him, he didn’t want to scare you and he always felt as though he could easily lose control when he was in his true form. You tried multiple times to reassure him, telling him that you trusted him and you knew he wouldn’t lose control but until he was absolutely sure that he wouldn’t lose control around you, you were happy to wait until he was comfortable to be his truest self around you. “Go on then, I want to see you fuck her” Solomon says, Levi stepping closer to the bed and reaching out to touch your back, “No.” you hear Solomon stop Levi, “I only want you to use your tail. You cannot touch her and you cannot touch yourself.” You hear Levi groan, you knew how much Levi loved touching you, running his hands up and down your sides, grabbing your arse, rubbing your nipples, Levi loved it all. This was going to be torture for him. You feel Levi’s tail touch your ankle and you shiver with anticipation, you feel him slowly slide it up and down your leg, mimicking what he would do with his fingers if he were allowed to touch you like he wished. You moaned at the sensation, “Levi…more, please.” All of a sudden you feel fingers touch your face and your face slowly moves to meet Solomon’s eyes “not yet, princess. Levi is going to take his time” both you and Levi groan simultaneously, you both needed more, the potion in your system making the feeling of need that much stronger. Solomon knew this and grinned before moving away slightly so he could take in both of your forms. Levi moved his tail closer to your entrance and you immediately pushed your arse back to try and meet it faster but stopping once you feel Solomon run his hand along your arse cheek “ah, ah, you’re being incredibly naughty ___, do you need to be punished?” you shook your head, “no” you whispered. “no?” Solomon questioned, you knew what he wanted to hear after hearing this exact exchange earlier between Levi and Solomon. “No Master” you felt him continue to caress your arse cheek whilst saying “good girl ___” he then removed his hand and you almost whined at the sudden loss of contact but then you felt Levi’s tail move slightly closer to where you wanted him and all you could think about what Levi’s tail inside you. “please, oh God, please. I need more” you begged, you heard Solomon sigh but you could hear the light-hearted tone tinged throughout it. “okay Levi, you can give her what she wants” Levi had never moved so quickly in all his life, pushing the tip of his tail into your entrance, you moaned at the feeling and you heard Levi mutter “fuck” when he felt your walls flutter around him. This was heaven to him. He moved his tail back and forth at a leisurely pace, not wanting to go too fast in case he hurt you, you could feel the warmth in your belly beginning to spread again but it still wasn’t enough. You rocked your hips back onto his tail, setting the pace that you needed to get you to the edge, you were teetering on the edge of your second orgasm of the night you just needed that little extra push to get there. You heard a moan coming from Solomon and when you glanced at him he was pumping his cock, he hisses “you filthy little sluts, you like other people watching you hm?” Levi sped up slightly and hit the spot which made you unravel, as you screamed and your pussy spasmed around Levi’s tail he gasped as he came all over your ass and thighs. Solomon walked over to Levi and stroked the base of his tail again and Levi’s cock twitched, he just needed to be touched. He moved his hand to grab his cock when Solomon grabbed his wrist with his spare hand and hissed out “you naughty slut. Did I say you could touch yourself?” he questioned Levi, Levi shaking his head “no master. I’m sorry I won’t touch myself” Solomon grinned, “good boy, continue to fuck ___ with your tail and maybe you’ll get a reward. Good boy’s get rewarded don’t they?” Levi moans at the praise before continuing to thrust into your pussy with his tail, Solomon reaches down to play with your clit, lazily flicking back and forth and an excruciatingly slow pace. “Solomon, please, faster….I need more, please” you begged again, Solomon picked up the pace slightly but it wasn’t enough, no where near enough. Solomon with his free hand caressed your arse cheek before spanking you quickly; enough to slightly sting but not hurt, just enough to give you that extra bit of pleasure, when you moaned Solomon whispered “do you like that my little slut?” and spanked you again before rubbing over the spot “yes Master.” He picked up the pace on your clit and with the sensation of Levi’s tail and Solomon’s fingers you could feel your legs trembling and you could barely hold yourself up, you felt yourself come undone for the third time that night, crying out in pleasure. Solomon instructs Levi to stop, he then unties you from the bed and lays you down so your back is to the bed, he then ties you to the bed again and tells Levi to go again. Once Levi has begun to thrust his tail in and out of your pussy again Solomon moves behind him, stroking his tail once more; Levi moans and thrusts into you faster. Solomon whispers “you’re such a good boy Levi, getting ____ to come three times just from your tail alone. Do you want your reward now?” Levi nods silently, too turned on to say anything more. It is taking all his control to not immediately cum again from the praise he is receiving, his cock throbbing and weeping precum. Solomon slaps his arse before saying “what do we say? I wish to hear you tell me” Levi licks his lips before answering “yes.” He receives another slap saying “what was that? You need to be louder. Tell me what you want” Levi says “yes Master, I would like to be rewarded.” Solomon grins then reaches around Levi, and gently touches his cock, he begins to slowly pump him. Levi gasps at the sudden sensation and unconsciously stills his movements, he needed to be touched, his cock was aching from the need and now he got what he needed he couldn’t help but buck into Solomon’s hand. Solomon heard you whine at the sudden loss of movement and so he stopped pumping Levi’s cock, he gently squeezed Levi as he hissed “Did I tell you to stop?” Levi whimpers “no Master” before continuing to pump his tail in and out of your pussy, groaning and cursing as he hears your moans signalling your imminent release. When you finally cum again, Solomon says “Good boy Levi, I think it is time you are properly rewarded.” Solomon unties you from the bed and instructs Levi to sit down, he manoeuvres you so you are sitting on Levi’s lap seeing as you cannot move yourself. You hear him whisper “Good girl ___” and he quickly kisses you on the lips before asking “are you ready princess?” you nod. Solomon tells you “I want you to kiss Levi” so you do, kissing him softly before he licks the seam of your lips asking for entrance, once you open your mouth your tongues are twining together and you are kissing each other like your life depends on it, only breaking to come up for air. You feel Levi’s cock pressing against your belly and Solomon immediately lifts you until you are hovering over Levi’s cock, Solomon then helps lower you onto Levi, witnessing your face contort with bliss as you feel your lovers cock completely fill you up. Levi begins to rock himself into you, whispering his adoration for you and telling you how much he loves you, suddenly he feels Solomon caressing the base of his tail once again and the sensation is too much. Suddenly you find yourself laying on your back with your legs over Levi’s shoulders and he is pounding into you, you feel his tail rub against your arsehole and you can feel how slick it is from your essence from before. Slowly Levi pushes his tail into your arse, making sure that you have adjusted to its size before moving, he thrusts in and out, matching the pace of his cock also pounding into you. Solomon walks across the room going into the same drawer that the ties were in and grabs a bottle of lube, he walks back over to the bed and sits behind Levi. He squirts some lube onto his hand before swirling a finger around the rim of Levi’s arsehole, Levi gasps at the contact but doesn’t stop what he is doing. Solomon slowly pushes a finger into Levi, stretching his hole, he moves it back and forth slowly before adding another finger and scissoring them getting Levi ready for his cock. Once he deems Levi ready he lines himself up and pushes inside Levi, listening to his broken gasps and allowing him to get comfortable with the feeling of Solomon’s cock inside him, before he slowly rocking back and forth. “Fuck.” Levi curses, he then begs “Harder, faster….please, just fuck me Solomon” Solomon listens to Levi’s wishes, pulling out far enough that just the tip of his cock is still inside before he slams back into him, causing Levi to slam deeper into you. He keeps up this brutal pace, setting the pace of how fast Levi is slamming into you until you all come with a cry. Levi and Solomon slump forward but make sure they are not crushing you, you and Levi both have tears streaming down your face with the sheer amount of pleasure and ecstasy you feel. You hear Solomon whisper “you both done so well, I love you both so much.” Then you hear him pad away to the bathroom to get cloths so he can clean you both up. Once he has cleaned you all up, whispering his praises all the while, he picks you up and moves you so that you are wrapped in Levi’s arms. He then moves to the other side of you so he can wrap his arms around both you and Levi, whispering how much he loves you. You all fall asleep wrapped in each others arms and feeling on cloud nine, you couldn’t be happier, laying here with two men who absolutely adore you and you adore them just as much. This becomes a weekly occurrence and you couldn’t have hoped for anything more.
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