#*moves the bag out of the way focuses on her majestic face*
bapplenana · 1 year
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Gwendoline Christie with her Fendi Peekaboo
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rizsu · 10 months
geto, above all, will do anything for his little girl. whether it's spending hundreds on a ridiculously large bouncy castle or a miniature designer bag. whichever fits her wants at best, she'll get it. but there's just one peculiar thing geto finds himself not being able to give her: the answer to her question.
with every ounce of his attention focused on the teriyaki chicken, he tries to quietly prepare a simple meal for dinner. right now, you're participating in your daily naps which lead to daddy-daughter alone time. a four-year-old girl keeps him company during the hard times without your presence.
if only geto knew how many questions a child can throw at him under a minute. he responded to most of her questions automatically, however, there was just one particular question that rendered him answer-less.
"daddy, why do you like mommy?" a harmless question. it doesn't reek of any deeper meaning nor was it meant to throw geto into a spiralling abyss. but why does he like you? when did he fall in love?
he wonders whether it was because you looked at him up and down as if he said the world's most offensive thing or maybe because you accidentally slapped him when he snuck up on you — actually, he vividly remembers and will continue to be embarrassed by that.
it all happened like this: you were waiting for the vending machine to deliver your snack. obviously, you were minding your business, but someone else wasn't. it took nothing but a left turn for geto suguru to stop in his tracks. as if mischievous music had been cued, geto smirks to himself. he has discovered his plan and his victim. no, he doesn't know you, nor do you know him. he's just very, very bored and needs entertainment.
geto sneaks his way to you. his posture was oddly cartoonish for his age: large, quiet tiptoe steps, hands brought up to his chest, eyes squinted for extra focus. according to the getology sugurist chronicles, one must imagine themselves as silence to achieve ultimate silence. real gangsters move in silence, they say.
"hey—" his sentence was unfortunately cut short. the sudden physical contact against his face left him breathless. he dares for whoever slapped him to not — oh!
is this what they call romance? "first love at sight" or whatever the hell satoru said? whatever it is, he's blushing. geto didn't expect such a beautiful, majestically shocked, and a tad bit disgusted lady to be bestowing him with her gaze. right now, as of this moment, he feels like saying, "haha, no girl has ever hit me before," but he won't. he has his own limits for cringing.
"sorry, i got startled," you apologized, reaching your hand out to soothe his cheek.
as if it's a default reaction, geto steps back. "don't worry, it's okay."
"please, let me treat it. it was my fault," you insisted.
"no, no. i'm okay, really."
sighing, you hand him the snack you ordered from the vending machine. "then take this."
and from there, the story of his love with you became history.
whirling himself out of the flashback, geto redirects his attention to his daughter. truly, he doesn't know what exactly made him love you. from the slight crush to marriage, geto's fell in love over and over. there's not just a single moment that hooked him to you. it was just you. not a moment, not a memory. just you. but of course, he isn't going to get sentimental with his little girl!
choosing to go with your first encounter, he answers her, "your mom slapped me and i immediately found her attractive."
"oh.." a confused look dawns the four-year-old. her head tilts to the side, eyebrows furrowed with lips twisted to the side. is daddy crazy? she can only wonder to herself.
geto's amused by her reaction. her confused look is replica to yours — kind of makes him miss you, if he's going to be honest. but as stated in the getology sugurist chronicles (2), one mustn't awaken the slumbering mother hen. he learnt from experience.
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austinbutlerslovers · 6 months
Wondering if you would do this as I love wil Ohmsford from Shannara chronicles maybe him and the reader are at the lake and the reader goes in for a swim and wil joins her and the end up admitting there feeling for each other and it’s ends with them having sex in the hut
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Am I Causing you Pain
Label Mature 18+
Summary Wil is hesitant to get close to anyone, except you. When you meet him at your usual rendezvous near the lake a series of unfortunate events befalls you. As you continue to suffer bad luck Wil steps in to save you each time without hesitation. The more he takes care of you the more he realizes he has hidden his feelings from you far too long and seizes the opportunity to release them caring for you to completion in his hut.
💝Romantic Smut 💝 Fluff•friends to lovers• graphic injury• wound care• foreplay•virgin smut• first time •missionary•pull out ejaculation •after care•fluff ending.
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•The rarest unicorn 🦄 of all, Wil Ohmsford smut! 🧝•This is a full bodied friends to lovers story. •Story based on Wil wanting to be a healer •You are his best friend in the village •Light timeline change/ Wil lives alone/ hut description/short hair requested. •Soft romantic journey with hard smut •Pics of Wil sprinkled throughout because he’s so majestically beautiful
Inspo: 💝special request @jessica987
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Am I Causing You Pain?
You wander through the forest on a familiar path you’ve traveled a dozen times before. You hear the waterfall before you reach the clearing and see it powerfully cascading down the rock face. You take a glance all the way to the top noticing the ominous storm clouds forming in the distance. You might not be able to stay at the lake today if it rains which would completely ruin your chances of seeing Wil.
You and he have arranged this same meet up every few weeks when you run in to each other collecting supplies at the open market.
The village you both lived in was very mundane and small you both grew bored with the limited ways for young people to seek enjoyment there.
You are both roughly the same age he a year older. You grew up together never having left more than five miles outside of this place. He is your closest friend, though he prefers to be left alone you are the only who seems to be able to get close to him.
He lives in a hut not far from the waterfall and has never shown you exactly were. He hated living in the close confines of the village so moving here made sense for him to be at peace. He always said he never really felt like he fit in and you believed him.
You look around ensuring you have arrived to the lake before him and change in privacy tying tight your usual strips of cloth on your body to protect your modesty and placing your folded clothing on two large rocks.
You quickly enter the water wading all the way in until your feet no longer touch the bottom it’s colder than usual. You dip your hair back and splash your face a few times focusing out in the distance as you see the movements of Wil at the shoreline. He’s already ridding himself of his boots and slipping his shirt over his head peeling his pants down and standing up his firm muscular body only covered by cloth shorts.
You smile admiring his beauty lifting your hand from the water to wave at him as he waves back. Even though he prefers to be alone and is resistant to change you can’t help but notice he has the chiseled defined body of a warrior and the regal flair of a king. Each time you lay eyes on him he looks back at you with a spark of something more than admiration though he is quick to change it.
You watch as he places his clothing in his shoulder bag with his boots against a tree and walks from the shoreline into the deeper waters to meet you. His face is so focused and stern as he swims.
When he gets closer his handsome features warm into a smile his eyes light up as he reaches you “I’m glad you came, it looks a little ominous today“ he says glancing up. “I’m freezing Wil the lake is much colder than last time” you say smiling at him through slightly chattering teeth.
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He surprises you not wanting to see you suffer and wraps his strong arms around you hugging you to his chest. You both try to avoid eye contact with pleasant smiles as you tread water together enjoying the warmth of each others closeness for the moment.
Droplet suddenly begin to patter across the lakes surface “Oh no my clothing!” You exclaim both paddling quickly to the shoreline to save what you can.
As you reach the bank you are being pelted heavily by rain. You find your clothing and shoes soaked on the rocks where you placed them.
You are so dismayed as you collect the sopping wet items in your arms.
You look over at Wil looting through his leather bag all of his items still dry thanks to the coverage of the trees. He gets dressed remaining untouched by the rain beneath the canopy of leaves and branches above him finishing by lacing his boots.
He looks over to see you shivering nearly naked and holding your wet clothing in your arms, his heart drops. You are unsure what to do unable to walk back to the village like this.
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“Come with me I don’t live far” he gestures. You follow him into the tree line as you walk into the woods barefoot you immediately step your full weight on a jagged sharp stone “Ahhhh” you cry out in pain the stone pierced you intensely. You look down and turn over your injured foot revealing a deep gash that begins heavily leaking blood droplets all over the ground.
Wils eyes grow wide once he realizes what’s happened. “You’re hurt!” He says rushing to kneel down infront of you placing his hands to check your foot, it is a very deep cut he looks up at your shivering form holding your wet clothing and boots.
He stands and opens the flap of his shoulder bag removing the contents into his pockets taking out his facial scarf placing it over his shoulder and collecting the wet clothing from your arms replacing them inside.
He kneels down and you lift your leg as he ties his scarf around your foot in a makeshift bandage to hold the bleeding. He turns kneeling offering his back “I can carry you, I don’t want you walking on that injury” he says over his shoulder.
You take up his offer and climb onto him. He has his bag across the front of his chest and your arms draped over his shoulders. His hands slide under your bare thighs holding you firmly against him as he begins to walk. You take a deep breath trying to relax, the placement of his hands making you feel things, intrusive physical thoughts you’ve never had about him before clouding your mind.
“I’m so sorry about all this” you say in his ear trying to refocus as he carries you. He doesn’t mind at all “No need to worry I have all my Ingredients prepared for vegetable soup at home for us, I usually eat alone so this is a treat for me” he smiles at you over his shoulder.
You begin to study his perfect jawline and broad muscular shoulders and his pointy elf ears you’ve always wanted to touch. You never noticed how tall and strong he is carrying you so easily, his innocent angelic features always distracting you from the fact that he is a young man now and you are constantly trying to stifle the feelings you’ve recently begun having for him.
It doesn’t help that at each step he takes your inner thighs bounce against his lower back, you try to focus on anything else besides the friction of your body’s rubbing together. This is the longest you’ve been so close. Whenever you touch more than a brief moment Wil is quick to turn away.
He continues to walk under the canopy of trees keeping you both dry as it rains. You come to a clearing with a meadow his hut centered in the distance. He lets you down, as you step on the grass it’s so flat and shiny and soft you squeeze your toes into it. He smirks looking over at you enjoying your little moment.
You step forward from the tree line into the meadow clearing and look up to the sky, the rain has stopped. “Wil look a rainbow” you say excitedly pointing up as he joins your gaze
“It is really beautiful” he says looking down at your face instead. You’re staring up in awe at the vivid colors. You’ve never seen anything like it this close. Wil sees a rainbow here every time it rains and he finds you even more alluring to look at.
He takes your hand to grab your attention noticing your lips are turning blue. “You need to dry off and warm up and I’ll need to mend your foot” he says glancing down at it with concern.
You completely forgot you are wearing tied wet strips of cloth with almost your entire body exposed and your foot bleeding. He makes you feel so comfortable in his presence you forgot it could be considered immodest.
You follow him across the meadow up a step and into his hut. As you enter the doorway It’s very colorful and spacious inside. His walls painted indigo blue with birch wood floors. Everything is arranged neatly in the space with lots of hanging light catchers made from tiny pieces of glass casting beautiful shimmers of light around the room.
He has dozens of books on healing tucked neatly in a tall bookshelf by the window. His bed is in a nook at the back of the hut covered in a sheer curtain canopy draping from the roof, the mattress covered in a thick colorful quilt. A sky blue reading chair and table are under the window at your right.
He has dozens of species of small plants shelved in a large box garden window on your left. Little notes of descriptions are sticking out of each one. You walk over and lean in smelling the yellow one that you think is the most beautiful you read the note on it in his handwriting -“marigold”
Wil works behind you gathering chopped wood from a pile near the door he places a few pieces in his wood burning stove at the entrance. He starts a fire and sets a kettle on.
He walks infront of you to the back of the hut kneeling down at the foot of his bed opening a large trunk, he sifts through the items holding up one of his full sleeved winter shirts and a long piece of fabric that could be used as a scarf.
He walks back and stands in front of you “Please get changed I’m going to get some rope and hang your clothing, I will take the vegetables I prepared and cook them outside.” He hands you his clothing and gathers the basket of chopped vegetables with his shoulder bag and quickly leaves you in privacy.
Once the door closes you untie your top, cupping your breasts they are freezing , you untie your bottoms and pull his shirt over your head it falls just covering your modesty with one shoulder peeking out. You take the scarf and tie it around your waist making it a skirt.
You head outside to help him with his tasks. Stepping out into the meadow you see a large pot hanging over a fire boiling the soup. He’s attached a rope to the side of the hut and the other end to a tree he’s wringing out and hanging your wet clothing.
“Wil I can do that.” You rush over before he gets to your undergarments face flushing as you take your top from his hands wringing it and tossing it over the line. He sees you can take over and heads back inside to remove the kettle from the fire.
He picks an assortment of his herbs from the box garden window grinding them with a pestal and mortar adding in the boiling water mixing it into a salve. He goes to the bookshelf and grabs his mahogany chest full of his medical supplies arranging what he’ll need on the table near the reading chair. He returns outside to see you’ve finished hanging your clothing.
“Come inside and Im ready to mend your cut“ he says and ducks back in.
You walk in and see him standing at the table focused intently on threading a needle
“Sit here“ he gestures his head to the reading chair.
He’s so serious when it comes to healing and medicine you look at his stern face deep in concentration and smile admiring how he must really want to be a healer. “What is all of this?” You say looking at his supplies neatly arranged on the table in front of you.
“I want to make sure I mend your foot properly, I’ve been studying healing and medicines for quite some time, I want to practice some things that I’ve learned to help you” he says finally lancing a knot in the eye if the needle.
You sit down in his blue reading chair and he kneels in front of you maneuvering directly to the bottom of your foot. He sees there is blood already soaking through the bandage. As he unwraps it the blood begins dripping once more indicating to him the cut is deep and his assumption is correct it won’t be able to heal closed he will have to sew it shut. You look around the hut at the floor and realize you have left little red footprints everywhere “ Wil I’m so sorry about the mess” you cover your mouth in embarrassment.
He dips a tiny cloth in the salve he’s prepared and rubs it into your cut cleaning it out “ Ahhhh” you cry out gripping the chair it’s so painful . “That’s alright “ he says his vibrant blue eyes finally flashing to look up at you kindly. He continues to clean around the wound
His fingers feel so cold and delicate as he works to care for you. He puts a cloth beneath your foot to catch the fresh blood droplets releasing from the disturbed gash.
Looking at the size of the injury he realizes what he needs to do will be quite painful for you. “I need you to lay on my bed” he says wrapping your foot in a makeshift bandage and assisting you there. He pulls open the sheer curtains and you crawl on top of his soft bed laying down on your back with your hands resting on your navel.
He collects his needle and sterilizes it by fire, burning it over a candle at the table. He sits on the end of the bed and you part your legs wider making space for him. He sits closer in between them holding your foot with the injury above his lap. He steadies his hand, the needle has cooled and is ready to be used for his purpose.
He removes his makeshift bandage from your foot and goes right to work. Holding your foot steady he pierces the needle into the top of the cut. Your eyes widen and your body tenses It is one of the worst pains you have experienced in your life. You squeeze your eyes shut and grit your teeth but you are unable to stifle the scream that erupts from your throat . “AH Wil it’s so painful” you cry out as he lances the needle you feel the thread hot as if it is burning as he pulls it through. “WIL…. “ you speak up again chest rising and falling eyes almost in tears “ how many times do you have to do that? “ He eyes it “12“ he responds. You let out a disparaging moan and cover your hands over your face.
He wants to comfort you somehow. Based on your reaction It’s slowly dawning on him you will probably pass out unable to endure this type of pain. “You are a really brave girl” he says piercing the needle in a third time you cry out and tremble as it turns into a sob. He pulls the thread through it feels white hot, your gash now throbbing painfully as he works.
He tries not to focus on your screams and cries it’s already distracting him so much, he knows he needs to pull these stitches right. He works expertly piercing and pulling the thread through as quickly as he can until it’s taunt the top of the gash now sewn shut.
Ha talks to distract you as he continues “I was really excited you came to see me today and I’m sorry this happened to you, I’m going to mend it right you’ll only have a scar as a reminder “ he says glancing into your eyes with a soft smile to reassure you.
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He turns his attentions back and pierces the needle into your foot again. Your body goes into shock you lay your head back and start sobbing the tears rolling from the corners of your eyes down your cheeks the pain now unbearable. He almost stops hearing you cry like that he wants to hold you and tell you it’ll be alright comforting you and letting you rest, but he cant he has to finish his work.
You never imaged having him mend the wound would be more painful than the cut itself. You wetly blink your eyes staring up at the roof. This time when he pierces the needle into your foot you don’t let out a scream your body only winces involuntarily.
You lift your head up watching him delirious from the agony which your body is changing into something else. You feel like you’re floating
He’s in pure concentration on your foot, his slender fingers expertly sewing. He’s going to stitch you together like a piece of fabric. You lightly laugh finding it a little funny.
He looks at you his face showing concern. “Are you alright?” his words echoing. When you don’t answer he refocuses on your foot you see him drive the needle in again everything goes black.
“ Are you alright? “he asks a second time because you are neither laughing or crying there is only silence. He looks over at you as he finishes threading the last stitch. You’re completely out.
He ties the knot and rips the thread. He admires his work 7 perfect stitches and 13 pierces of the needle down your delicate foot. He stands replacing your legs together on the bed.
He applies more salve on the cut wrapping it with a clean bandage. Going into his trunk he retrieves a blanket placing it over you neatly and wets a cloth wiping away your sweat and tears.
That’s when he stares at your beautiful face and his heart swells. Your eye lids are moving rapidly as you dream. He kneels next to you and takes your hand in his “I’m so sorry I hurt you, and I’m sorry this happened because you came to see me, I care for you deeply I never want anything to hurt you like this again”
He expresses his hidden feelings as you sleep finally unlocking something inside of himself he’s been keeping closed for so long. He lovingly presses his cheek on your hand before placing it back on your chest. He leaves your side to finish cooking the soup as he waits for you to come back.
The sound of loud crickets chirping and the cracking of the fire in the wood burning stove wakes you up. Your eyes fly open its night fall and candles light up the room around you. You sit up realizing you’re still at Wils place and your parents will be worried sick in the morning that you haven’t returned from seeing him as usual.
“Wil!” You call out feeling scared that you might be alone. You hear him approaching the hut and enter. He has a somber look on his face that turns into a smile seeing you awake. “You were out for a few hours” he says coming to sit on the edge of the bed “are you hungry?” He asks. Your stomach is completely empty you nod vigorously. He smiles at you warmly “Come sit outside with me“ he says taking your hand.
He helps you walk out of the hut down one step to the ground. A thick quilt is in the grass with two pillows. He sits you down on the quilt and takes the ladle into the soup pot hanging over the fire pouring you a bowl. He brings it to you and lays down at your side his hands behind his head peering up into the night sky.
You blow on the soup cooling it enough to eat, the flavoring is excellent and you eat quickly so famished sipping the last drops and setting the bowl on the grass next to you away from the blanket. You look over at Wil still gazing up breathing gently.
You lay down next to him, looking up as you gasp in awe, there are stars everywhere covering the entire expanse of the sky. He looks over at you and smiles. “I knew you would like this because of how excited you were about the rainbow today” you look back to him gratefully your eyes already telling him what he needs to know.
You gaze up at the billions of stars and feel so small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. You look over at Wil relaxing, he has such an impressive presence the way he carries himself with purpose, how he’s naturally so intelligent, and he always knows exactly what to do when a challenging situation arises.
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“ Wil… there’s something special about you”
you say breaking the silence, it’s hard for you to explain but you try.
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“I’ve always known you were different, I believe you have what people call a destiny in you that everyone will admire even more than this entire village…. you …you should leave this place and discover if you have a greater purpose..”
Your heart breaks knowing you might never see him again, but also knowing he has something more to offer the world. He thinks for a while and smiles releasing his hand from behind his head and pulling you gently onto his chest.
He places his hand on top of your head raking his fingers into your hair comforting you both.
“I will leave one day” he says staring back up at the stars. “I understand I don’t belong here but it’s the only place I have ever called home “
“What will you do when you leave ?” You ask curiously.
“I want to be a healer” he says trailing his fingers down your neck to your shoulder and caressing his fingertips there softly relaxing you even more.
You smile suddenly realizing he’s letting you in, touching you intimately without turning away, it is something he has never done before. You have a little feeling he wants more than a friendship with you and it sparks a burning question in your mind.
Please Take Me
“Wil when you leave here can you take me with you?” You ask as a shooting star streaks across the sky. You close your eyes wishing on it that he says yes. He shifts over on his side looking directly at you. “I’m planning to take you with me” he says softly, his thumb strokes your chin as he leans in closely to your face hesitating then planting a gentle kiss on your forehead eyes transfixed on your soft lips after.
You lean in and kiss him without reservation. It shocks him to the core, his lashes flutter as his eyes close giving in to you. He’s never wanted to kiss anyone as much as he’s wanted to kiss you in his life, a new sensation swells inside of him as you brush your lips together passionately kissing under the stars.
His blood begins coursing through his veins down his groin hardening his length. He quickly rolls on top of you. His eyes soften as he looks into yours he focuses on your mouth leaning forward and pressing his plush lips to them again feeling like he’s in a dream.
His kiss is harder this time and he prods his tongue between your parted lips wanting to taste your mouth. You bring your hands up holding the nape of his neck, your body begins tingling from his deeper kisses making you let out a whimper against his lips. You dig your fingertips into his hair.
He lifts from your body and pulls you onto him standing up carrying you easily. You wrap your legs around his waist as he takes you inside. He pushes the door open and brings you to his bed. Opening the canopy curtain with one hand and laying you down with the other. He makes quick work of removing all his clothing and you do the same nimbly discarding your shirt and makeshift skirt. He climbs into bed with you and lays at your side.
He rests on his elbow eyes wandering and admiring your beautiful naked form. You can’t help yourself as you look back at his perfectly toned muscular body, you start to trail the tips of your fingers over his chiseled six pack abs down to the patch of hair on his lower stomach, just above the spot your hand is curious to touch the most, his large throbbing cock you stare at in disbelief.
“Can I touch you?” you ask peering into his eyes. It’s what he wants more than anything the tips of his ears and chest reddening as he nods “Yes” he says voice faltering from arousal. Your fingers slowly trail down and wrap your hand around him for the first time.
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A gasp escapes from his lips your fingers feel so delicate on him as you explore the veins of his shaft softly trailing up and squeezing the tip making his abs tighten as his cock twitches in your hand. He sees the curiosity in your eyes already knowing you’re a virgin, which is why he has never wanted to sexually awaken you before. “Have you…had sex?” He asks to make sure, trying to calm his breathing. You shake your head no.
He tries to refocus his heart now beating heavily in his chest he starts doubting himself unsure if he’s making the right decision to take you as your first. You see the conflict on his face and spread your legs apart for him “Please take me Wil” you whisper.
He wants to deflower you immediately overcome with arousal. Leaning in close he guides his hand between your legs and slips his fingers through the soft lips of your wet folds rubbing into them gently. A moan escapes from your throat as you lock eyes with him, never having been touched like this before and feeling a new sensation blossoming you never knew existed.
He kisses your mouth as he parts your folds gliding his fingers up and down between them until you are soaking wet for him. He carefully slips two fingers inside of you all the way to his knuckle. You feel I slight pinch and gasp against his lips but it isn't too painful.
He keeps his fingers inside curling them softly against a certain spot that has you seeing stars, his passionate kisses never leaving your lips. He wants to stimulate you as much as possible to give you the first orgasm of your life on his cock.
You start to pant into his mouth and clench on his fingers from the stimulation. Sensing the increase in your arousal he climbs on top of you settling his weight between your legs. He gently slides his fingers in and out of you as you close your eyes and softly moan from the euphoric feeling of them dragging against your tight inner walls.
His fingers are making squishing noises he's gotten you so wet, your thighs are soaked. You feel something inside of you shift wanting to be even closer to him you open your eyes seeing his angelic face above you and bring your hands to trail down his strong broad shoulders settling on his lower back. You pant heavily enjoying the intense feelings he’s causing to course through you but not knowing what you should do.
He slowly removes his fingers from you and replaces them around the base of his hard swollen cock. Lining himself up with you he hesitates “Is this what you want?” He asks breathlessly, needing to know your answer before he will go any further.
“Yes Wil” You say gazing into is eyes conveying your deepest desire for him “I want you so much” you say pulling his lower back making him inch forward.
“Then take it “ he says releasing the hold around the base “ take my cock it’s yours ” he confesses.
You are flooded with so much sexual arousal you immediately take over pulling his shaft forward and gently pushing the head of his cock against your tight entrance “Oh!” You cry out your eyes gently rolling back as he penetrates into you, both moaning as he sinks in burying so deep he breaks your virginity the burning ache forming as he stretches you out around his large size.
You whimper then cry out clenching tightly on his cock making him gasp and completely stop inside of you.
He thinks about pulling out the concern is written all over his face. "If im hurting you I’m going to stop" he says “Am I causing you pain? Do you still want this?” His eyes are searching yours wildy for the answer.
You gaze back into his striking blue eyes reaching up tracing your finger over the pointy tip of his ear “ I want this Wil“ you whisper. “It’s just all new to me I don’t know what I am supposed to do” you admit.
His cock pulses inside of you with excitement he loves so much what he’s about to make you experience with him.
“Just relax for me and let me take care of you” he says reaching down between your body’s finding your wet nub and gently rubbing his fingertips around it.
You start to moan differently as you feel sexual pleasure begin to form inside of you for the first time blossoming open like a flower you stare into his eyes with astonishment. You are so full of him and wanting more the dull ache dissipating as you relax around his size nodding for him to continue.
Your small whimpers soon turn into moans of pleasure as he rides into you, gently pulling out with each thrust before softly returning back in. “You feel so good on me” he breathes. Your face in pure bliss beneath him with how he’s completely dominating your body.
He increases his pace to make you orgasm amplifying his thrusts wetly smacking his hips into you rocking you with each deep hit of his cock. He's so powerful you tilt your head back overwhelmed with pleasure and just let him take you.
Your vision blurs as your breaths increase, panting so hard you suddenly feel your self clench around him an explosion of intense pleasure rips through you making you shiver and moan loudly for him as your walls flutter tightly on his cock and he rides you through your first orgasm.
“Ughh..Wil… you feel so…incredible” you moan out tears brim and fall from your eyes. Your toes curling as you grab the sheets beneath and he continues his powerful thrusts into you making you his.
He lowers his chest on yours wiping your tears away with this thumbs as he slows down his thrusts “you took me so well” his voice is deep and full of lust “you’re perfect” he presses his mouth on yours in a hard kiss full of his compassion for you.
He releases his kiss and increases his thrusts wanting to cum hips smacking into you as he presses his forehead to yours panting against your face and catching your mouth in hot kisses, when you feel too good on him.
As he’s about to cum his breaths shudder into your mouth and his thrusts falter. He lifts off of you quickly sliding out, his hand wrapped around the base of his cock as it begins to pulse he pumps it over your body as you stare at him in awe.
His plump lips open, his pupils are blown wide and his chest heaving as his abs constrict, he vigorously pumps his cock as he finishes spreading a silky warmth across your naval.
His body immediately softens as he releases his cock, chest is still rising and falling as he breaths heavily staring into your eyes full of complete satisfaction.
He squeezes your thigh tenderly before leaving the bed to grab a cloth. He carefully wipes down your naval cleaning off all of his sperm.
He discards it in a small hamper near the trunk and blows out all of the candles. Once the hut is dark you see the outline of his naked form in the moon light his cock now soft as he slips back into bed with you.
Pulling down the quilt you both lay on the sheets bringing it back up to chest height laying together face to face. “Are you alright?” He asks with a light concern stroking his hand through your hair “Yes of course Wil” you smile at him your eyes full of intense unyielding love. You've already fallen so hard for him vowing never to leave his side after what he made you experience.
He kisses your lips and pulls you into him resting your head on his firm bicep, your cheek is pressed against his chest as you inhale his scent of soft chamomile and sweat. You blink heavily until your eyes remain closed and you pass out.
You awaken to the sounds of loud birds chirping around the hut soft rays of sunlight just creeping into the windows at dawn
Wil is gone you touch the mattress infront of you where he slept and sit up startled he isn’t there, your clothing is folded neatly at the foot of the bed.
You get dressed and rinse your face using a glass jug of water in his kitchen space. Sitting in his blue reading chair you find it challenging to put on your second boot. The swelling and tenderness in your stitches making you wince as you stand up and bear weight on your foot.
Walking slowly you head outside putting less weight on the injured one. Wil is returning to the hut carrying a basket on his arm. He hands you an apple from the top “ breakfast?” he says smiling. You take it from him and eat “We need to return you to the village now I know that everyone is looking for you” he says and you nod in agreement. He puts the basket of full of apples in his hut closing the door behind him.
You begin the long trek back to the village. After a few paces across the meadow your already not feeling well your foot squishing painfully in your boot on the fresh stitches. You slow down and Wil keeps your pace.
As you reach the treeline and the ground becomes firmer you are practically limping and dragging your other foot. He comes to kneel infront of you “ I have to carry you it’s too soon to walk this far”he says, you climb up and rest against his back relieved and exhausted from the pain. He carries you the rest of the way to the village.
As you pass by the water fall this time the sun is shining brightly over it and you smile thinking of how differently the day would’ve gone If you had swam together and gone home like usual. Never experiencing sex for your first time with him. You press your face into the leather shoulder of his jacket smiling remembering all the things he did to you last night as he carries you. Then another thought slowly creeps into your mind.
“Wil if you were to leave, when would you plan to go?” you want to know if he will actually leave the village after what you said.
“I think in a few weeks time when your foot heals, I want to leave the village with you” he peers over his shoulder at you smiling knowing you want to leave as soon as possible with him. You lean forward and press a kiss against the shell of his pointy ear “I’ll be ready” you whisper smiling.
After a long while you finally emerge from the forest to the large valley filled with dozens of small cottages. A large archway welcomes you with an awning that reads “Shady Vale”
🪴END 🫐
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
She is angry at Steve, she’s spiteful of the marriage that he forced her into but she doesn’t hate him. She finds that she can’t truly hate him despite what he’s done because that autistic type that she met at art school is still there—though its wrapped in a deadly shell
Please show us a glimpse of the autistic type Steve that reader has had the privilege to experience... I'm dying to see what made her attracted to him in the first place... I love a softie Steve with angsty shell.. was he like a cute handsome guy with a shy smile, let her sit beside him in the class??
How soft does he go for her? Literally this is killing me with anticipation🥰🥳
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“Our live model for the day is a student of dance and music at the school. She has been dancing since she was four and has spent most of her formative years until university dancing and playing the violin as well as the piano.” The professor may have been speaking but Steve was focused on the live model who was standing at the front of the room.
His eyes were settled only on her as she dropped her bag to the floor and slowly unzipped her sweater to reveal the bodysuit she had on beneath and delicate fluttering skirt. Her hair was pulled out of her face and secured with a light coloured scrunchie bound to keep everything together.
“Y/N L/N.” the professor announced her name and Steve had stood from his stool and peered around the canvas on his stand, his blue-green eyes taking in every inch of the delicate little songbird that was bent at the waist and stretching.
He felt every part of his body respond from the rush of blood that shot south, the twisting jerk of his heart when it began fluttering endlessly, and the state of his mind that was focused on commuting your image to memory.
“Y/N is going to be doing four traditional dance moves and you can choose one of four to sketch. Every few moments Y/N will switch from one position to the next allowing you to get a constant influx.” The teacher had clasped her hands and stood off to the side as you stepped up, and had struck the first position you had chosen.
“Arabesque.” Steve heard you speak as he saw you move, gracefully raising one hand while the other was bent behind you and straight along with your right leg.
“Elevé.” You had dropped from the first position you chose to the second, where you had risen from the balls of your feet to stand on the tips of your toes with your arms bent and your fingers grazing your waist.
“Passé.” You had shifted again, resting on one foot while the other was bent and pressed against the inside of your knee, both your arms raised above your head until your fingertips touched.
“Glisse.” You had completed your final move with a soft glide that had ended with you bending your knees out in a position he had thought was fifth.
“The four dance positions you can choose from,” the classes professor had spoken while the sounds of charcoal and sketching pencils had already been picked up.
Steve watched and waited for you to begin the first move you had shown the class, choosing the elegant position because of how it had made you look. You looked breathtaking, almost as if you were truly a fairy-like creature coming to grace their world with a little of your majestic charm.
He found himself paying more attention to you and the way you effortlessly passed from one move to the next while harbouring the appearance of some otherworldly angel.
Steve had to mentally throttle himself to regain focus on what he was supposed to be doing currently, and started to stroke the charcoal against the canvas. His touch was soft and light when he sought to capture the image of you in your arabesque position.
He had worked intensely to truly capture your likeness in all its beauty upon the canvas. Steve had raised his head and studied you, he watched you as you rest for a moment, your eyes fluttering closed and your back arched as you stretched behind you.
You were graceful, you were breathtaking.
“…a five minute break. Grab some water and take a few minutes before returning.” The professor had spoke, and Steve was on the move.
He had set his charcoal down and stood from the stool, directing his attention upon you and your image as you bent to rummage in your bag. Steve had spoken to no one, not before he had approached you and stood a few feet to the left.
Despite everything he was, everything he was going to be, he felt bashful. He felt heat rising in his cheeks, his throat tightening the longer he had stood there trying to break the silence.
“You’re talented.” He finally confessed, and you had raised your head with a small airy sound of surprise falling from your lips.
“Oh,” your eyes had grown wider at the broad and strong appearance he had cut, “t-thank you.”
Your hand stilled when you found what you were looking for, and as you stood Steve had stepped forward. Your eyes had grown as wide as they could when you cranes your neck and looked up at him with parted lips and an air of surprise hovering around you.
“Grant,” he held his hand out for you to shake and you’d placed yours in his.
“Y/N.” you had allowed him to shake your hand, and he could see the observational queue of you noting the difference in the size of your hands. “L/N.”
“You’re a beautiful dancer. You move so fluidly.” He had complimented you and your technique, gauging the response to his praise and the soft flutter of your eyelashes as you blinked.
You liked the praise, at least you liked it from him.
“Thank you, again.” Steve had felt the loss of your hand and the step back you had taken as the professor urged her students to head back to their seats.
Steve had turned and walked away, taking another look over his shoulder to where you were preparing for your chosen second position. He had gazed back at his canvas, as the work he had captured and then he felt his lips tugging into a smile.
“This won’t be the last time I draw you, little ballerina.”
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free-pancakes · 3 years
Prompt - villain Hange. Marleyan or from Paradis. Hange is against the survey corps. Levihan fight each other and have an enemies to lovers type of relationship
this was a def a challenging prompt, anon! hope you like it!
A tall, messy haired titan shifters with glasses. Levi had encountered her just two times before.
The first time had been the day the Scouts had chased after the traitors—Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover, who had captured Eren and Ymir. The day Eren yelled and the abnormal titans began to attack Reiner and Bertholdt. The day Erwin lost his arm.
At the end of all the chaos and everyone began riding horses in retreat, Levi stayed behind to make sure everyone had escaped safely. He watched as the armored titan, Bertholdt, and Ymir trying to fight off the abnormal titans who suddenly began attacking them after Eren commanded them to. Levi almost... felt bad for them, conflicted feelings bubbling up inside as they were once considered his comrades.
However, as Levi turned around, he saw another titan—one he had never seen before. The titan took the form of a wolf, oddly majestic for such a monster, it’s shaggy brown fur lighting up with a subtle sheen of gold from the setting sun. It ran towards them, and Levi took his chance to capture its shifter. He launched himself out towards it, at the advantage as it didn’t see him coming. He fought with it, and the wolf titan put up a good fight, until Levi finally cut at the nape.
Messy brown hair tied up in a ponytail, she looked at him, desperation showing in her brown eyes surrounded by titan marks. Levi was almost dumbstruck as he looked at her—beauty catching him quite off guard. They locked eyes for a moment, and time seemed to stand still as they stared at each other for the very first time. Before Levi knew it, the moment had ended, and the shifter had brought her hand up to her mouth, electrifying light shining, the explosion of her turning back into a titan blasting Levi far out of the way. He could only watch as the wolf jumped bravely into the mess of titans, pulling out Reiner, Bertholdt, and Ymir out safely by its mouth. It ran away, but for a brief moment, Levi watched it turn its head around as it sped off, taking one more look at him.
He wouldn’t hesitate next time, he thought. It was invaluable to the Scouts to catch a titan shifter who might talk to them.
The second time he encountered her was during their attack on Marley, many years after the first time they crossed paths. This time, their fight was much more fleshed out.
Levi encountered her alone, as her wolf titan form ran around, seemingly trying to defend both the jaw and cart titans, who both seemed to be severely injured, maybe even on the brink of death. Levi came in quick like lightning, aiming for its nape. As he sped down, somehow, she matched his inhuman speed, wiping him away with a swipe of her tail. Levi caught himself by his feet on a nearby building, launching himself back at her. Back and forth they exchanged blows, both of them so skilled at their movements that it almost felt like a choreographed dance, each of their hearts feeling like they stopped beating as they held their breaths, unsure as to who would make it out of there alive. Levi was impressed, and it made him that much more determined to capture her. Levi came back at her, sure he'd aimed himself right towards the nape, but was shocked as he stared at her human form, throwing him off. A smart move--she had emerged from the nape herself this time to surprise him. He was moving so fast that he couldn't change trajectory, and he didn't want to risk killing her since it'd be the smart move to capture her and bring her back to Paradis. He faltered, holding his blades back, but was met with a strong punch to the face. Levi felt the blood rush to his face on impact, and he fell to the ground.
The blow was quite strong, and Levi saw stars as he watched her jump upon the lifeless titan bodies, grabbing Pieck and Porco from the napes of their titans.
He was out of commission, laying on the ground trying to catch his breath and calm his spinning mind, and once again, he watched the shifter run away with the two, Porco on her back, Pieck in her arms. He watched her turn and look at him again, this time, seeing what might have been sadness in her eyes, but also a strange sparkle of curiosity as she stared back at him. The moment ended as she turned around and continued to run to safety.
And now, this was the third time he encountered her. Levi lay in the grass, his wounds from the explosion with Zeke oozing blood all over his face. He was falling in and out of consciousness as he stared Floch in the face, who held him at gunpoint. Levi thought this might be his end, but suddenly, he saw a flash of yellow light, and then, all the Yeagerists were gone. He felt himself being carried quickly into the forest. He couldn't make out who had saved him, but whoever it was felt warm, and he oddly felt very safe as his vision gradually went black.
Levi woke up, a dull pain all over his body. He felt bandages on all of his extremities, and what felt like stitches across his face. He turned to see who was sitting next to him, the person who had saved him from what seemed like his inevitable death. His vision blurred until it finally focused on a weirdly familiar figure. It was...
"Hi, Levi. You're finally awake! You had me pretty worried."
Levi's breath hitched in shock--he felt his heart raced as conflicting feelings rose from his chest, knowing she was his enemy, yet, for whatever reason, she had been in the right place at the right time, and saved him. Levi tried to sit up, but quickly felt dizzy, and felt her hand on his chest, urging him to lay back down.
"Easy, shorty!"
"...What the hell did you just call me?"
"Shorty! Yknow, cause you're short!"
Levi felt a twinge of annoyance shoot across his brain.
"What the--I'll... I'll kill you right now!"
"Oh no, the little Shorty is gonna kill me, I better run, huh?" she teased, followed by a huge laugh.
Levi was thrown for a loop, a mix of emotions swirling around inside him from annoyance, to anger, to strangely enough, comfort. Despite being pretty annoying, her presence was warm. It put him at ease--at least in a way that no enemy had ever before. He watched her smile at him as he lay.
Coming to think of it--in all the times he encountered her before, she had never attacked him directly. Only in defense of her comrades. Every time, she was there to save people, and ran away. He found that to be quite strange considering this wasn't the case with any other Marleyan he had encountered so far. And this time... she had saved him. An enemy.
"Why, what, Shorty?"
"Okay, stop calling me that... four-eyes."
"Oooh a nickname for me now?" She asked excitedly.
"Why are you here? Why did you..."
"Save your butt?" she said matter-of-factly with a big grin at the end.
Despite his annoyance at that, Levi nodded his head in agreement.
"Well... you seem like a good person, Levi Ackerman. Despite all the rants I've heard from Zeke. He thought you were dangerous, and I mean, rightly so based on what you've done to him. But! I knew you had a good heart. And I think you proved it a little more to me over the past few days."
She laid a fist on his chest, right over his heart.
"You were in and out of a fever for a few days and I'm not sure if you remembered but, we did talk a lot."
Levi was surprised, and wondered what they might have talked about--he truly didn't remember any of that. She could have been lying... but her eyes looked pretty genuine. Whatever he said clearly allowed her to feel like she could trust him.
Levi had a million questions, but his mind was interrupted as she crawled towards him.
"Looks like you can probably handle yourself from here. I left some medicine in that bag over there, and there's some food and water I have stashed for you in it as well."
Suddenly, he felt her face achingly close to his. And he felt, a small kiss on his forehead. And for whatever reason, he felt calmness fall over him. She stood up, and began to walk away.
"Wait--" Levi felt himself say, surprised at the amount of longing and desperation in his voice.
She stopped without turning around.
"My name's Hange. Hange Zoe." she said, as though she read his mind.
"Hange..." Levi said, feeling warm as her name rolled off his tongue—as if it was the name of an old friend.
"Maybe in another life, we could have been friends, Levi."
She turned, and felt a surprising amount of emotion build up inside her as she locked eyes with him. He looked sad to see her leave.
"Or maybe well... if both of us survive all of this..."
"I'll find you, Hange."
She stared back at him, her mouth slightly agape in surprise. After a moment, she felt her lips curl into a smile, unconsciously.
"Okay, Levi. I'll hold you to that promise. And if that day comes... I'll tell you everything you said to me in your little feverish state," she whispered with a grin.
And with that, she turned, disappearing into the forest, leaving Levi staring at her long after she was out of sight.
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xtrashmammalstefx · 4 years
How To Piss Off An Old-Fashioned Ghost (A Zak Bagans SMUT!)
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WARNINGS: Smut, cussing, all that jazz.
Special Thanks to: @xcazzax​ who never fails to give me ideas and inspire me to write shit like this. 
We were about to investigate the mecca of haunted hotels. The one place you go to and know you made it as a paranormal investigator. The majestic and infamous Stanley Hotel.
To say the guys and I were ecstatic would be an understatement. I swear you would think we were kids at Disneyland we were so excited. So much so we agreed to take a different approach to this one.
You see normally we’d investigate a place for one night, take a quick nap, and then be on our way home or to the next haunt the next day. For this one though we knew we had to do it differently. After all many people purported having things happen to them during the night whilst everyone else was asleep. So we got ourselves the most haunted rooms and were gonna sleep there the whole night with night vision cameras recording us the whole time.
“Ready to get it on with a cowboy?” I asked Aaron as we were being checked in.
“You know he only goes for the ladies right?” he said. “As in he’d probably react more to you than my bearded ass.”
“Yeah but…”
“Uh, Y/N, did you want your own room or..?” Zak asked.
“I told you I’m not chickening out of the plan,” I said.
“Plan?” Aaron questioned.
“Remember when the guide mentioned Mrs. Wilson having shit fits when unmarried couples share the bed in her room?”
“Oh…” Aaron nodded. “Wait...since when are you and Zak a thing?”
“We’re not,” Zak said. “Which will only add fuel to the fire.”
“Exactly,” I smirked.
“This isn’t an excuse for you two to bone is it?” Nick asked.
“What? NO!” I snapped at him.
“Dude! We’re literally gonna be in front of a camera the whole time!” Zak said starting towards the elevator.
“Yeah ‘cause sex tapes aren’t a thing,” Aaron said. I smacked him on the arm as we stepped into the elevator.
“Dude this is strictly work. As in we plan on remaining professional at all times,” Zak explained. “And the same goes for you two, alright? No scratching your nuts or your ass in front of the camera.”
“And for the love of GOD let’s hope none of you wake up with morning wood,” I added. All three men raised an eyebrow at me. “Oh come on last thing anyone wants is for our careers to go down the crapper all because you all woke up and revealed tents in your pants.”
“She does have a point there,” Zak said shrugging.
“Pun intended,” I muttered making them burst out laughing.
Later that night Zak checked in with our guys while I made myself comfortable under the sheets.
“All good here bro,” Aaron said over the walkie.
“Yeah everything’s good to go here Zak,” Nick added.
“Alright see you in the morning,” Zak said putting the walkie down. He got under the sheets beside me and turned off the light. “Ready?”
“Let’s do it,” I whispered. Zak laid down and I draped my body over him. “Night babe.”
“Night, gorgeous,” Zak said leaning down. His lips pecked mine. It sent a jolt through me; as though his lips had finally found the home they always wanted. My heart drummed in my chest as Zak deepened the kiss.
As his lips lingered on mine he wrapped his arms around me and flipped us over so that he was on top. I pulled back and chuckled. “Babe it’s late,” I said as Zak peppered kisses on my neck. I moaned. “We’re gonna get a noise complaint!”
“Only if you’re too loud,” he said bringing his lips to mine. I ran my arms along his bare back pressing my body closer to his. I guess our act worked a little too well, for not even a moment later Zak screamed. “GAH FUCK!”
“What’s wrong?” I asked as he got off of me.
“Something scratched my back,” he said. “Oh fuck!” He was suddenly tumbling over off of the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. I switched the light on and joined him.
“You okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, Mrs. Wilson just nudged me off the bed,” he said.
“Turn around so I can document this,” I said before running to get a camera. Zak turned his back to me the second I got back. “Holy shit.”
“What?” I took out my phone and took a picture of it. I showed it to him and the blood left his face. On his back were three intense scratches. Tiny droplets of blood spurted out of them. “SON OF A BITCH!”
I grabbed my toiletry bag and dug out bandages, a small towel and alcohol. “Bite the blanket,” I said sitting in front of his back.
“I’m gonna clean them up,” I said unscrewing the cap. “Bite something before people call the cops on us for murder.” I poured alcohol onto the towel and ran it down Zak’s back. Thankfully he listened and bit down on the blanket so rather than a scream he let out a muffled groan. I blew on the wounds gently then applied the bandages. “Okay you’re good.” I put my first aid stuff and the camera away and checked the night vision cam. It was still running smoothly and caught every single moment of the attack. Once I was done I put the night vision cam back in place and rejoined Zak.
“I think I’ll just sleep down here the rest of the night,” Zak said.
“Alright, um, night I guess,” I said before pecking him on the cheek. I switched the light off and started standing to get back into bed.
“Y/N?” Zak’s voice made me freeze and turn back.
“I know I shouldn’t but…” he never finished what he was saying. Instead he leaned in and crashed his lips to mine. The same jolt I’d felt before was back, only this time it was stronger. My whole body melted into his and we laid back on the floor.
“Do-Do you think we could…” I said as he sucked on the skin on my neck. “I mean with the camera right there?”
“Camera’s aimed at the bed,” Zak said. “As long as you don’t make too much noise we should be safe.”
I smirked. “No promises, Bagans.”
He kissed me one more time before helping me off with my shirt. We tossed aside along with my shorts, and panties. Zak’s lips pecked at my breasts. His tongue flicked at my nipples causing a moan to escape from my lips.
“Remind me to apologize to Billy later,” I said.
“I think I’m just gonna have to edit this footage myself,” Zak chuckled. Feeling more excited now I reached down and started nudging his pajama bottoms down. Zak got the hint and pulled them off; his length springing out hard and thick, just like the rest of him.
“Mrs. Wilson is gonna kill us,” I laughed.
“You forgot to ask me if I give a fuck,” Zak said lining himself up with my entrance. “Which, by the way, I fucking don’t.” He pushed in.
I held on to him as he moved inside me. The feeling was something out of this world. I mean sure, I’ve been with other people before (as I’m sure Zak has) but none of those experiences compare to the one I was having with Zak. It was like my body was made for his, and vice versa. I thrill of it only added to it. After all Zak wasn’t exactly the ‘fuck on the job’ kind of guy; on the contrary he was professional at all times. So seeing this change in him now...it felt kind of ballsy...like we were kids again breaking the rules.
Apparently Mrs. Wilson thought the same. “OW FUCK!” I screamed after feeling a sharp pain in my arm. Zak froze.
“What’s wrong?” I pulled my arm back and touched it gently. When I pulled my fingers back they were slightly wet.
“Mrs. Wilson punished me,” I said. I felt him brush his hand on my arm.
“That bitch!” he cursed.
“It’s okay, just-just keep going,” I urged him.
“You sure?” he asked.
“I need to cum real bad so yeah I’m sure.” Zak started thrusting again.
A few minutes later he groaned. “Please tell me that was you,” he said.
“What was me?”
“Fuck!” he groaned. “Mrs. Wilson just scratched my ass.” I fought back a giggle and instead addressed the old bitch.
“Alright if I say I’m going to marry him will you please stop?” I asked Mrs. Wilson.
“Wait what?” Zak looked at me shocked. “You serious right now?”
“Zak, I’ve loved you for so long,” I said. “And, if you’ll let me, I very much want to spend my life with you.”
“I want to spend my life with you too,” he muttered.
“So...does this mean we’re officially engaged?” I asked.
“I-I guess it does,” Zak said.
Very well… I heard someone whisper.
“Did-did she really just give us her fucking approval?” Zak asked laughing.
“I- I think she did,” I chuckled furiously before getting back to the other subject at hand. “Now are you gonna fuck me or do I need to see if Billy is available?”
Zak stopped laughing and growled furiously. “You’d have to be insane if you think I’m gonna let another man fuck you instead of me.” He started thrusting harder, and angrier. He was so wild with rage that his cock hit me right in my sweet spot.
“Huh you like it when I fuck you there?” Zak asked before hitting the same spot again.
“Fuck baby, yes yes yes,” I moaned. “Right there, right there, right there.” Tension started to brew within me. “Fuck I-I think I’m gonna…” My body tensed up and I tightened around his length, damn near screaming his name.
My body trembled as I came down from my high and as I did Zak tensed up and I felt him twitch inside me. He groaned as he emptied himself inside me. Once he was empty he collapsed beside me.
“Who knew pissing off ghosts could be one hell of a turn on,” I said breathless.
“Pretty sure that was the best sex I’ve had in my life,” Zak said equally breathless.
“I know that was the best sex I’ve ever had,” I said.
We passed out soon after. The next morning we met up with Nick and Aaron in the lobby.
“So how’d your plan go?” Aaron asked.
“Amazingly,” I said blushing.
“Really?” he looked at me curiously.
Zak then approached us with Billy in tow. He wrapped his arm around me and pecked me on the forehead.
“See, I told you it was just an excuse for them to bone,” Nick said.
“Dude during an investigation, really?” Aaron judged us hard.
Zak and I just snuggled into each other and flipped him off.
He judged us still a year later as we enjoyed our wedding reception.
“DURING AN INVESTIGATION!” he went on and on.
We ignored him though and just focused on each other, soaking in the love we felt as Mr. And Mrs. Bagans.
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
coin flip I — jhs
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Plot: A trained spy and assassin has to choose between his power-hungry brother and the benevolent Queen he’s falling in love with. 
Pairing(s): Butler/Spy!Hoseok x Queen!OC (Name: Rosyne) 
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Word Count: 10k
Genre: Royal | Angst | Smut 
Tags & Warnings: angst, nudity, explicit smut, pregnancy, hidden pregnancy, violence, minor character death 
Authors Note: fiNALLy managed to get some time to repost fics again. I know a few people really wanted this back so I hope you like it! 
The scene in between these ‘ ***** ’ are flashbacks. 
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Kingdom of Wisteria took down their bright lavenders and hydrangeas, replacing them with wilted flowers to mourn the death of King Eirin. Instead of the vast streets of purples onlookers now welcomed browns and ash from the scared fires to send the royal spirit off to his rightful place in the afterlife. Though even with all these ceremonies, one question always swirled in the peoples’ minds whenever a leader died. When will the heir take her throne?
Rosyne has her legs hidden under her long, black dress as she sits on the cold wooden floors of the throne room. The black veil still over her head creating a safety blanket from the world. White handkerchief crumpled in her hand had light stains of pink from her makeup while the empty deep purple velvet throne towers over her even though it was a few feet away. “He left me too quickly.” She sniffles. “I don’t even know what happens in a coronation.”
Behind her stood the crown princess’ trusted butler and close advisor, Hoseok, hands clasps together as he watches her break down in front of him. “It’s just formalizing what you’ve already been doing.”
She scoffs lightly. “And what’s that?”
“Being a leader. You were a kind and just princess. All that’s changed is the title.” Hoseok raises his shoulders.
Puffy, teared out eyes stare up at the throne again feeling her head ache just by looking at all the history. All the responsibility riddled in that piece of jewellery. “A Queen has to be more than kind and just. She has to be—brutal but passive. Fearful but loved.” Rosyne couldn’t help but wince at the confusion of it all, eyes closing to calm herself down.
Letting out a defeated sigh, Hoseok takes a few steps forward and sits down on the floor right next to her until their shoulders press against each other. “That’s why Royals have councils. To ensure you’re making the right decision.” He lowers his voice to a soft tone, leaning in, a light scent of rose lingering from her clothing. “Right now, the kingdom is vulnerable and it needs a leader more than any time ever.”
“That’s not making me feel better.”
“Well…I’ll be there by your side if that helps.” Hoseok presses his palm on the floor just behind her so he could close more distance between them. “Does that feel better?”
Rosyne turns her head causing their noses to brush despite the veil between them. “A little.” She smiles albeit with a tad bit of exhaustion.
Expression softening, Hoseok gently tugs at the veil to push it over her head so he could see her face properly. The corners of his lips stretches into a grin. It was strange to be this close to one another in the throne room of all places when their usual locations were her bedroom or her private quarters deep in the garden. A sense of adrenaline and freedom rushes through him. He leans in and presses a gentle kiss on her lips, brief but it still warmed his entire body being able to touch her so freely.
Whatever nerves twisted under Rosynes’ skin quickly melted as their lips touched. “I need to find new allies.” She mutters almost in a whisper due to their close proximity. “Wisteria might not be in trouble right now but news would have spread that a new inexperienced royal is on the throne.” Her gaze moves to face the throne again but Hoseok keeps his on the crown princess.
“Where are you thinking?”
Rosyne shakes her head slowly, taking a deep breath. “It’s hard to tell. No one’s reached or contacted the kingdom yet.”
Hoseok brushes away the loose strands from her face, tracing the back of his fingers down her temple. “We’ll figure it out as we go.” Fingers sneaks behind her neck as he took advantage of their lonesome and pulled her in for another kiss.
Unfortunately he spoke far too soon when the double doors of the throne room thud open. The pair immediately detach prematurely and shift away from one another so they sat at a decent distance.
“Your Majesty…”
Rosyne looks over her shoulder and sees Kiku who had her hair in a neat bun, black gloves and physicians robe. “What is it?”
“Are you ready to give a private farewell?”
It didn’t dawn on her that she had to face him again and say goodbye. Finally coming to terms that it was her turn to take over the kingdom. Whether that was an exciting moment or a terrifying moment was still up for debate.
Moonlight peeks through the trees, light mist forming from the cold as Hoseok tightens his grip on the thick cloak adorning his body. Curling his palms he blew hot air onto the skin trying to keep himself from freezing to death. If he could just go back and sleep again, feeling Rosynes’ warmth against him while her breathing soothed him back to relaxation.
Can’t think about that. Not here.
Padding deeper into the forest, the trees starts to thin out and he catches the grey stone hugged by green vines and moss. The ground beneath looked like it used to be a gorgeous floor but now the soil consumed back to its original state. Or least a broken type of it. Once in a time, this used to be a majestic palace. But nature takes everything that dies and renews with its own beauty.
Rosyne would love a place like this. She would want to plant flowers in the soil and turn into a garden for people to admire. She was good at it. Bringing more light into something that was broken.
Much to his discontent, Hoseok had to push down those warm thoughts when he saw the three cloaked figures standing in the middle of the former hall. As soon as they heard the twigs crunch, their bodies turn to face him.
“What’s the news?” Namjoon, standing in the middle speaks.
“I’m fine, thanks.” Hoseok retorts.
Namjoon didn’t look all too happy about the response so all the male could do was sigh and dive back into professionalism.
“The King is officially dead. Rosyne will be taking the throne soon.” He doesn’t keep any emotion in his voice. Almost like a tranquil creature unable to feel but only take orders and provide information.
“But she will be looking for allies.”
“Not a bad decision.” Namjoon nods to himself. “Not a good one either.”
“The kingdom is always the most vulnerable when royals are moving from one to another.” Hoseok wanted to leave. He wished he could run away right now and warn Rosyne but he felt a heaviness on his shoulders keeping him grounded.
“Especially with a soft Queen like Rosyne.”
Hoseoks’ expression hardened. “We shouldn’t mistake kindness for softness. It can be powerful tool.”
“That’s why your influence on her is so important.” He walks forward and holds onto his shoulders, squeezes it gently. “The way she dotes on you and your opinion will come in very handy, Hoseok. Bonus now that you’ve bedded her already.”
“I didn’t bed her for that purpose.” His gaze burned into the male.
“Of course you didn’t.” Namjoon chuckles. “But it still happened and now she has a connection to you.”
“Perhaps we should not speak of the Queen in this manner.” Seokjin speaks up from the right, looking a little concerned at how loosely Rosyne is being spoken of. Something Hoseok always admired about their oldest brother.
Namjoon only grins in response clearly not taking the warning seriously by any means. “Alright, I’ll stop.” He speaks as he glances over his shoulder before facing Hoseok again. “You’ve done well, my friend. Be ready for our arrival.”
Friend sounds a lot like puppet when Namjoon speaks it to him. Not that Hoseok could be angry at it. It was the truth. He was his damn puppet.
“I’ll be ready.” Hoseok lies one more time.
Tiptoeing through the wet ground, he tries to avoid the twigs and dry leaves as best as he could. Hoseoks’ hair was damp, matted to his temples and his breathing, calm and patterned to his control. Eyes fixates on the majestic creature. Golden pelt with transparent antlers gleaming against the sunlight and forming rainbow patterns. It really was pretty.
His stomach then rumbled violently, twisting and reminding that it wasn’t that pretty. Pretty things always faded in time. Hunger didn’t. So Hoseok pulls on the tight string until it reaches just under his eye. Closing one of them, he manages to perfect his aim. Heartbeat slowed to his command.
Waiting for the right moment.
The creatures’ head shoots up, lilac eyes fixates on their hunter. Almost as if it knows that it is time to die. Circle of life.
“Stop! Don’t!” A high, shrill voice echoes through the trees immediately startling the deer.
Hoseok pushes the bow back watching a figure standing before him, shielding the creature as it ran off deep into the forest. He watches it hopelessly disappear amongst the trees. His stomach rumbles to the point of pain. “Thanks a lot.” He groans.
“You can’t just kill a gold deer.” The voice now moves to something soft and smooth. Like silk underneath his fingers.
Hoseok eyes finally focuses on the figure, his tongue almost clips. Long, beautiful brunette hair with deep violet eyes. A waft of lavender radiating from her body giving him some kind of warmth in his chest while her lips, so soft looking and pink tinted. “I do if I need to eat.” He replies albeit with less annoyance.
“Gold deer’s are very rare…” The beautiful lady speaks again with a patient tone. “…almost extinct.”
“So?” Why did he feel so goddamn bad saying that?
“So they are part of this forest’s ecosystem we can’t kill them.”
“I’m still hungry.”
She sighs, reaching into her brown satchel and pulling a white bag. “Bread and cheese can suffice, yes?” The beauty hands the bag to him. “What’re you doing in this forest anyway?”
Hoseok feels even more guilty for being angry when he smells the freshness steaming from the food. “I’m here for a job.” He speaks softly.
“A job?” She tilts her head, closing her satchel.
“The princess’ butler position.”
The beauty’s head moves up quickly in curiosity, eyes glimmering along with her golden skin in the humidity surrounding them. “You want to work for the princess?”
“Yeah.” There was a reluctance in his voice but he hoped the girl wouldn’t notice. “She’s always had a good reputation.”
“Like a pushover.” She scoffs walking over to the flower patches the deer was standing next to earlier. Tiny spots of pink and yellow crowded amongst weeds.
Hoseok quietly observes her small actions as she crouches down near the flowers, merely caressing it like she was checking on it. “She’s arranged the most alliances ever known in royal history before even becoming Queen. Lessened crimes. All through her diplomacy.”
“You seem to have a high regard for her.” Her words were more of a mumble but Hoseok manages to catch them.
“Good future Kings and Queens are hard to find.” Hoseok sits down on a nearby rock, unwrapping the white bag taking a slice of cheese and taking a small bite. “It’s nice to know we’re living in a time of one.” His stomach twists again in intense satisfaction from being hungry for so long. The nutty flavor of the food gracing his taste buds.
She leaves a small silence between them while her eyes admired the flowers again. Hoseok could have sworn that she was reassuring them that no deaths were made on these grounds. Something about that thought causes him to smile.
“I’m sure the princess would be happy to have you.” He heard the smile in her voice.
His stomach began to tingle with something other than hunger.
Morning faded with a slight chill but the sun was strong enough to bear it. The closed circle gathered around in the throne room along with a new banner colour hung on the pillars. Rosyne couldn’t recognize the sigil of the Raven. Maybe a lost or a very small kingdom that wasn’t taught in history books too often.
She relaxes herself on the throne even it still prickles at her back. The last time Rosyne remembers sitting on this chair, it was when her legs couldn’t even reach the floor. When ruling the kingdom seemed like a fleeting goal just hovering over her head. Rosyne reaches out slowly and finds familiar fingers locking onto hers.
“You’ll be alright.” Hoseok whispers the lie to soothe her, even for a few seconds. His heart pounding through his ribcages and clenching so tight it made it difficult to breathe. This was what you set out for. The ultimate goal.
Once the double doors open, their fingers separate as they watch seven figures walk into the throne room, bursting in shades of black, red and white. Two figures in the middle, a man dressed in a velvet red coat while the woman was wearing a white, diamond encrusted gown. The woman has a slight limp as she walked if Rosyne focuses enough.
Blond hair a little over his left brow, the man in the middle—who she assumes would be King Namjoon—speaks with a soft smile. “Good morning, Queen Rosyne.” He bows a little. “I am pleased that you agreed to meet me.”
“Making alliances is always a good start for a peaceful world.” Rosyne smiles, deep violet eyes popping against the lavender dress she adorned.
Namjoons’ grin widens. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”
As much as Rosyne wants to keep the pleasantries going, she knew no King or Queen ever liked wasting their time far too much. “What are your terms then, Prince?” She keeps a decent smile on her face.
“My kingdom is small.” He presses a hand to his chest. “However my military power and ancestral influence runs deep and vast.”
“Yes I’ve heard your numbers surpass many kingdoms.” At least that was the minimal information Hoseok gave her in the short amount of time they had.
Hoseok takes in a deep breath and holds it in his lungs as Namjoon leaves a silence in the throne room. He tries his best not to face Kiku even though he could notice her glance towards him.
“—I might have to ask for a certain—proposition.”
Rosyne narrows her gaze but keeps a certain softness to her expression. “Proposition?”
“My spymasters have seen many whispers about possible threats and assassinations on your Majesty’s life.” Namjoon gestures behind him towards a honey blond man with plump lips and smaller frame. With piercing eyes like his, Rosyne assumed he could catch anything out of place. “If I handed my forces to you then it may help a worst case scenario.”
“I appreciate the protection.” Rosyne grins giving him an acknowledging nod. “But what must I give you in return?”
Hoseoks’ fingers twitch still feeling her touch warm on his skin. So warm and comforting, bringing him all the peace he ever wanted. Then something twists in his stomach when he notices Namjoon take a breath to speak again.
“Your throne.”
Rosyne couldn’t even catch the council bursting into their baffled murmurs. Her body grew hot, fingers trembling against the wood of the chair arm but she tries to maintain a calm face. She was not connected to the throne by her hip. The only thing connected to it that she loved was her father but he was gone.
“Care to elaborate, Prince Kim?” She tries to drag it on a little more. Maybe breathe in for a while longer to calm herself.
“You will have the title as Queen…” Namjoon waves his hand. “—but I will need to take the reins if we were to protect this vulnerable kingdom effectively.”
Her kingdom was vulnerable. Military forces lesser than it usually was. If she disagrees and disrespects him somehow then there was no telling whether Namjoon will take it by force. Which would bring her back to the original fear in her mind.
Rosyne gulps down before immediately giving the male a kind smile. “Give me some time to think about this.”
Namjoons’ grin stretches wider. “Of course, Your Majesty.”
Rosyne tries not to rush out of the throne room too fast. She manages to keep herself steady until they reach the hallway, her body loosens. Back rests against the wall as her chest rises and falls, deep breaths stuck inside her lungs now pushing out in light heaves. Hand came up to her belly trying to caress it gently. She had no choice. There was no choice.
She notices a figure coming towards her until he stands in front of her.
“Very forward request.” Hoseok comments towards Namjoon, foolishly trying to keep a farce when the confidence inside him was slowly crumbling.
“Yes it was…” Rosyne breathes out. “…but—”
“Hoseok…” Rosyne swallows down the light lump in her throat. Her fathers’ words replying in her head. She needed to protect this kingdom. What if that meant giving it up for its’ own good? “I might have to agree.” Her voice rung low and almost meek but Hoseok always catches her voice.
“What?” Part of it was pretending but a small part of him still wonders. What would make her agree to giving the kingdom away?
“The kingdom is vulnerable, you were right.” She sighs, reaching out and holding onto his hand again. Whenever the heat gets to her head Rosyne finds momentary peace playing with his fingers and watch them intertwine with her own. “Now more than ever. We need their help.”
“He’ll take over the kingdom, Rosyne.” Desperation laces in his tone. There was this strange corner of his mind that wishes the woman would fight more, thrash and claw at anyone who tried to defile the soil she ruled. But Hoseok knew Rosyne wouldn’t. She cared too much for her own good to let blood stain her palace walls. God, he hated it. “You’ll—you’ll be put away.”
Rosyne stammers lightly before biting down her bottom lip. With a shake of her head, she speaks. “I don’t see another choice right now.” Eyes flicker up to meet his gaze searching his concerned expression. “But I’ll only do it if you think it’s right.”
Breath hitches in his throat for a moment. “W-Why me?”
“I don’t have a lot of advisors aside from you and Kiku.” Rosyne chuckles nervously. “And Kiku told me to do what I thought was right.”
Almost as if fate carefully chose how to torture Hoseok the most. Instead of letting Rosyne decide for herself, now it was on his shoulders. His fingers tightened around hers—as a silent way to apologize for what he was about to do.
“I say agree.” Hoseok presses his lips together immediately.
Rosynes’ expression softens as she nods. “Okay.” A small smile tugs at her lips and Hoseok wants to take it back.
He really wants to take it back but the Queen was already loosening her grip from his hand and walking back to the throne room.
“I’m so sorry.” Hoseok whispers once she disappears.
Back at the throne room, Rosyne notices that the woman in the white dress is now sited on a chair. She smiles a little assuming Kiku must have noticed her in pain and brought in a seat for the remainder of the meeting.
Once she stands in the front of the throne, the attendants in the room fade to a pin-drop silence. All eyes fixate on her with an air of anticipation and some maybe a little fear.
Rosyne takes a deep breath. “This kingdom is my home. I grew up running around this very palace while my caretakers kept telling me that one day it will all belong to me.” As she examines the faces, the fear is still there curdling in the depths of their gazes. “Every monarch has to make difficult decisions…” She licks her lips. “…even if it means having to step down from power.”
The council began murmuring again, still in their shocked tones. Kiku, on the other hand, looked rather calm giving Rosyne an acknowledging nod to reassure her. She was going to be by her side no matter what.
“Your Majesty, I hereby hand you over the kingdom of Wisteria.” Rosyne clasped her hands together, raising her chin a little. “I trust you will give it the nurturing, love and protection that it deserves.” She expected the council to argue more. Maybe the murmurs to grow louder but they stood silent, the air of anticipation now fading into full shock and lack of belief.
Hoseok caught Namjoons’ glance towards him. Maybe sometime in the past, he would have loved to see the look of accomplishment on his brothers’ face but right now all it brought him was dread. He averts his gaze and hangs his head down to the floor. They succeeded. Yet victory tasted far too bitter on his tongue.
“I promise you, I will do the best I can to ensure Wisteria thrives for ages to come.” Namjoon bows again, indicating that it was the last time he will ever do so.
Sun blazed as morning faded into midday when Rosyne walked out into the gardens with Hoseok following behind her. Dark curls bounce as she walks though the flowers like a gorgeous nature faery in her loose georgette lilac dress. Much time passed since he got accepted as the butler for the princess. His cheeks still burn at the memory of staring at the same girl from the forest being announced as Princess Rosyne.
“How many people do you fool with that whole girl in the forest thing?” Hoseok breaks the comfortable silence, attempting to catch up with the princess she seemed to be flying through the garden.
Rosyne chuckles a little. “It’s not a play. No one really asks when I’m out walking.” She shrugs.
“Then people are a little stupid.”
“Are you calling yourself stupid?” She looks over her shoulder, a cheeky glint in her eyes.
Hoseok couldn’t control the grin stretching across his lips. “Where are we going anyway?”
“One of my favourite places in the palace.” A smile was evident in her tone as they walked further into the depths of the garden.
Finally Hoseok notices something glimmering under the sunlight, almost similar to the antlers from the gold deer he almost killed that day. Past the hedges shaped like faeries and mermaids, they come in view of a majestic building. All the walls made from clear material that welcomed the sunlight forming rainbow patterns on the surface. Inside he noticed trees and bushes along with some birds flying around inside the establishment and as they walk closer, he could hear the rush of water from inside. “A greenhouse.”
“I basically grew up in this place.” Rosyne smiles at the building with her aura bursting in colours of joy.
Walking inside, Hoseok realized where the water sound was coming from. The large fountain perched in the middle while some tiny ones hiding in the bushes. A rush of cool air brushed through his clothes giving him a slight refreshment.
“The maids would help grow crops and flowers.” She reaches out and caresses some of the banana leaves next to them. “The crops grow much faster because of the controlled environment and I can give them to the people whenever their harvests are minimal.”
Hoseoks’ heart jumps at her words. “You do that for them?”
“Well just the city itself.” Rosyne shrugs as if this act alone was not enough kindness. “I want to make two more on each side of this one…” She gestures to the sides as they walk closer to the fountain. “…so there can be more for the rest of the territory. Especially with winter coming around.”
“That’s—a wonderful thing to do, Your Majesty.” As his heart jumps, a strange warmth spread across his belly almost overwhelming him to smile because the energy was too much inside him. How many kingdoms would revolt just to have a monarch that could care for their people this much?
Rosyne smiles shyly before shaking his head. “It’s not anything special. Royals take care of their people.” She sits down on the edge of the fountain. “I’m not much of an expert warrior like my younger sister is so I do this.”
“It’s still amazing.” Hoseok defends as he sits down next to her. “Fighting isn’t the only thing a royal needs to do.”
Rosyne has the slight urge to rest her head on his shoulders but quickly refrains. “Thank you. And call me Rosyne, okay? Can’t spend your entire life calling Your Majesty, you’d probably go insane.” She giggles.
Walking through the hallways pungent with the scent of medicine, Yoongi made sure to keep his steps quiet and careful. Although he felt a tinge of worry when Minnie told him that the pain on her leg kept worsening. Finally he stood in front of a red wooden door, reaching up to knock until he hears some murmurs.
Leaning in, he manages to recognize the Rosynes’ voice through the wood. The words then materialized and—
Yoongi quickly shakes his head and opens the door to see Kiku, the Royal Physician looking over her shoulder while Rosyne stood adjacent to her looking at him with wide eyes.
“Can I help you?” Kiku asks with a hard expression, standing up from the chair.
The black haired male glances at Rosyne, giving her an acknowledging nod before facing the physician again. “Queen Minnie needs some medicine for her leg. She hurt it during the journey to the kingdom.” Yoongi tries to keep his voice calm and steady even though his fingers trembled just a little.
“Alright.” Kiku’s voice didn’t change as she gazes around the table before walking over to the one full of closed potions and Bunsen burners. “Did you forget to bring your Physician?” She asks without facing him.
“The pain got worse and Seokjin suggested that you might have something stronger.” Yoongi explains.
“Is it really bad?” Rosyne asks, a concerned expression twisting her features.
He quickly smiles to reassure her. “Your physician is known to be the best so I’m sure she’ll be in good hands.”
Kiku hums attempting to stretch her lips out in an attempt of a smile before handing him a baby blue liquid. “This helps to alleviate pain and if it’s just muscle problems, it could also heal some of the damage.” As Yoongi accepts the vial, she clasps her fingers to herself. “If anything gets worse, just bring her to me and I’ll check it personally.”
Yoongi nods. “Thank you.” He gives a decent bow to Rosyne before turning on his heel and walking out of the room.
As soon as the male disappears out into the hallway, Rosynes’ smile fades into concern. “Do you think—”
“He might have heard.” Kiku replies simply. “Look, if anything gets funny here—I’m telling them. And I’m not asking, Your Majesty.” Despite her voice being soft, it still had a firmness to it. “Magic should not be used with such a condition for a very long time…alright?”
Rosyne sighs. Of course she knew it was wrong. Maybe before it was okay to keep it on the down low but it had been dragged on for too long. So all she could do was nod.
“Master Min…”
Yoongis’ stomach jumps when he heard the eerie voice again. Turning around, he saw the Physician walking closer until a chill ran down his spine. “Lady Kiku…” He raises his chin and looks her straight in her grey-ish toned eyes.
The corner of his lips twitched before she speaks. “I know you heard our conversation.”
“Don’t recall doing that.” He shakes his head, attempting to keep a solid stance, unblinking and keeping as much eye contact as he could. Even though the words kept replaying in his head.
“I’m assuming you’re going to tell the new pretend king, yes?” A sense of bitterness intertwined in her usually calm tone.
“He is King.”
“Sure.” Yoongi had to admit Kiku had a good talent in rolling her eyes the most subtle way possible. “Back to the point at hand I would highly advise you to keep it our secret.”
“And why would I do such a thing?” Yoongi gives a slightly mocking smirk, tilting his head.
“Because I’m sure King Namjoon would not like to hear what his most trusted advisor did to his wife.” Kikus’ expression once again unchanging.
Yoongi feels his body burn and his stomach twist. The grip on the vial tightened until his knuckles were white. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His jaw tightens.
“Multiple nights, yes.” Kikus’ lips curled into a faint smile, now mocking his previous confidence. “Whenever Namjoon is too busy to come to the Queens’ chambers. All those things you whispered in her ear while she tried not to scream in pleasure.”
Gaze darkening, he stomped closer to the woman, body heating like a volcano. “How the fuck did you—”
“It’s an ability of mine. I can see, feel and even smell anyone’s darkest secrets so long as they look me in the eye for a period of time.” Kiku searches his eyes even longer. Much to her interest, Yoongi still didn’t move his gaze away. “It’s funny to see confident men trying to stare right into me thinking they’re in power when really they’re giving me everything to destroy them.”
Yoongi scoffed. “If you can do that then how is it you never expected Hoseok to go behind your back and bring Namjoon here?”
“Because his betrayal technically wasn’t his darkest secret.” Kiku gulps down but even then one had to really focus on her movements to notice. “Every magical ability has a twist.”
Yoongis’ expression softened in slight curiosity. Hoseok hadn’t spoken to Namjoon much ever since Rosyne agreed to give the Kingdom away. Maybe their brother did not feel too happy about betraying the Queen.
“So if I keep my mouth shut about your lovely liaisons with Queen Minnie…” Kikus’ voice pulled him back into reality. “…will you keep your word on being quiet until Queen Rosyne and I are ready?”
Kiku nodded with a proper smile, making her grey-toned eyes look even more deadly. “Pleasure doing business with you, Master Min.”
The searing pain on Minnie’s ankle faded into the dull throbbing after the potion Yoongi gave her which thankfully allowed her to walk to the window. Eyes trails across the gorgeous view of the kingdom, accents of purple from the lavenders. She loved how this place was true to its aura of purple to match their name.
As a child, Minnie used to read about the first Queen having anxiousness every single day so she would decorate the entire palace with lavender. Then on the whole kingdom would design their houses with the same flower for their monarchs would feel at peace.
Footsteps tap against the wood making her ears prick up. Before she could turn to see, a pair of arms wrap around her waist pulling her body close.
“Are you impressed?” Namjoons’ voice tickles in her ear, lips brushing against the shell.
Minnie sighs. “I’m not sure.”
“What do you mean?”
“It just…” She shakes her head. “…it seems like we’re pulling a kingdom from under her. Instead of actually earning our place here.”
Namjoons’ body stills for a moment but he continues to press light kisses on her earlobe. “She agreed to giving us the kingdom.”
“Not willingly though.” Minnie caresses his forearm as it tightens around her body. “Rosyne looked—desperate and scared. It doesn’t feel right.”
Namjoon moves down to the crook of her neck, lips parting now as he lightly suckles on the soft skin. “You worry too much.” His voices mumbles a little.
Minnie closes her eyes for a moment feeling his teeth graze. She knew all too well he wasn’t going to listen to her far too much in this mood. “Someone needs to.”
He let out a deep breath opting to rest his chin on her shoulder. “The law in states if the Commander and Queen both sign to giving away the kingdom than it is respectable to do so. Queen agreed because she’s smitten for Hoseok and the Commander—” Namjoon scoffed. “He looks like a sweaty, old fool. They’re all gullible idiots, too nice for their own good. But what we’re doing still isn’t wrong.”
Minnie gulped down, still unconvinced no matter how he tried to make it look okay. Even the Commander being a timid, old man was beyond confusing. Though her thoughts were pushed down when she felt his palm trail down between her legs, cupping over her clothing. His lips latch back onto her neck, suckling on the skin to a point where it ached causing a light gasp to hitch in her throat.
“Now stop worrying and let me help you relax, hm?”
Sun dipped down fading the sky into a mixture of purple and orange hue while Rosyne scratched the pen across the paper. Hair tucked behind her hair while she has her comfortable soft white dress adorned on her body. Namjoon made sure to keep her out of as many meetings as possible while Kiku would update her on certain things by chatting with some of the members.
Though she didn’t care. The only thing swirling around her mind was what Kiku told her after talking to Yoongi.
Her heart sunk deep into a pool somewhere, drowning and screaming for help but Rosyne’s whole body looked calm. She kept writing on the paper trying to swallow the lump in her throat.
The door clicked open but she didn’t move from her spot on the bed. Footsteps echoed ever so slightly onto the walls.
“Are you doing alright?” Hoseok speaks first, watching the woman writing something down while calmly sitting against the headboard.
Rosyne hums in response.
He walks to the side of the bad and sits down on the edge. “Do you need anything?”
“What was I doing wrong?” Her words linger in the air, thickening it a little.
His brows furrow. “What do you mean?”
“Usually when—” Rosyne sits up a little, putting her book down. “…when people band together to take over kingdoms, it means the monarch must be doing something wrong.” She played with the fabric of the blanket. “What did I do?”
The air grew thick, making it uncomfortable to breathe as Hoseok shifted a little on the bed. Unsure of whether to move away or closer to console her. “You did nothing.” He mutters. “You’re—” So much better than them. “—a good queen.”
“Then why did you continue spying for them?”
Hoseok felt like all the air in his lungs disappeared leaving him unable to move at all. His mouth was agape looking over at the girl and finally seeing how reddened her eyes making the violet look dangerous almost. At least it would if she didn’t look so heartbroken. “Rosyne…” He reaches out and tries to hold onto her hand.
Rosyne pulls her hands away and hugs her knees to her chest. “Kiku told me that you were the one who alerted them of the kingdoms’ vulnerability—my vulnerability.”
“I really didn’t want to do it.” Hoseok persisted to shift closer until he completely sat on the bed with her. “Please–please believe me.”
“But you still did.” She shakes her head, eyes flooding with fresh new tears. “All that talk of staying by my side…everything was a lie.”
“No. Not everything.” Hoseok reaches out to hold her again. Give her some kind of comfort as he held onto her shoulder, hand cupping her cheek and wiping away tears trickling down. “I did do it to protect my brothers, yes. Namjoon had a goal and I wanted to help him reach it but—” He leans in, cupping both her cheeks so she could look at him. Even though staring at her features contorting into one of pain made his heart drop. “—what happened in our private moments—the bathhouse, everything, that was me, okay? It was all me.”
Rosyne pushed his hands away gently. “Don’t lie, please.” She sobbed out in such a weak tone. No wonder no one complained when she stepped down from Queen.
“I’m not lying, Rosyne.” Hoseok had to grip onto the fabric of her dress as his breathing grew shakier. “I’m not lying, I promise—I’m so sorry…” He whispers dropping his head down on her shoulder, sniffling lightly. “That was all me. I wanted to be with you.”
She winces wanting to push him away so badly but it felt so comforting. So annoyingly comforting. “I wanted to be with you too.” Rosyne swallows down the painful lump in her throat. “Please get off me.”
Hoseok nudges his nose against the crook of her neck for a moment before pulling away with his head hung down. Fingers curled up into tight fists as he brought them back onto his lap. “I—”
“I need to rest.” Rosyne shifted away and rested back on the headboard.
Deflated as his heart sunk down to a pit, Hoseok forced himself off the bed. “Okay.”
Steam exuded from the large body of water, beautiful paintings of faeries adorned on the walls with lilac pillars and golden lining. What added to the ethereal atmosphere was Rosynes’ bare body, damp hair slicked back and her skin a little flushed from the heat. Hoseok pads further into the bathhouse, pushing the curtain closed behind him.
“I heard Gaia is going to be anointed another position.” He spoke though Rosyne didn’t seem to look startled at all, delicate fingers brushing over the heated surface. “No one’s been notified yet though.”
Rosyne turned around completely now, dipping down further so the slightly cloudy water blurred out her chest. “Yes, my father wanted to keep it on the down low for a while.” Her eyes practically shimmered in the light. “She’s being training for years.”
“You two make a strong pair for the kingdom.” Hoseok nods, hands intertwined behind his back.
“This is a place of relaxation, Hoseok.” Her voice dwindles down to a softness slightly different to what people heard out in the streets.
Hoseok couldn’t control his eyes flickering down to her chest as she ‘accidentally’ stood up a little more. Heat curdles in his lower belly. “I can see that.” His tone rings a low growl right from his core.
“That means you can stop being the butler for a little while.” Rosyne moves a little closer to him until her head moves up to watch him towering over her. “Come join me.”
The room was so warm and her voice was so welcoming. It would be very soothing to just take his clothes off, soak his body into perfectly heated water with a gorgeous princess in the water with him. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He didn’t sound convincing at all.
“What if I drown?” Rosyne pouts.
Hoseok smirked, pupils darkening as his gaze fixates deeper into her adorable yet alluring gaze. “What if someone sees us?”
“The man who had the gall to shoot a golden deer scared of someone peeking into the bathhouse?” She raises a brow, tilting her head.
With a light scoff of amusement, Hoseok noticed her stand up a little more. Something jumped in his stomach when he almost spotted her breast before she dipped down again as if silently teasing him. Then he began shrugging his coat off earning an accomplished grin from Rosyne.
Stripping off of all his clothes and carefully walked down the stairs. The intense warmth broke through the icy layer of his skin. As Hoseok moved deeper, his body melts and loosens in the comfortable burn before he sinks until he was neck deep into the heat. A light sigh passed his lips.
“Better?” Rosyne asks in such a soothing tone, he could’ve fallen asleep right there and then.
Instead Hoseok hums in response, ears pricking up as the water moved around him. He watched the princess move to the side slowly. Her beautiful features glowing and flushed but she relishes in it with her eyes closed and body, slowly swaying.
“You like it here, don’t you?” His voice echoes a little against the surface.
Rosyne smiles. “From the moment I wake up to the minute I fall asleep, there are eyes on me. Noise everywhere. Responsibilities from each corner.” She tilts her head, waving her arms gently in the water again. “This is the only place of peace I have.”
Hoseok looks around the room. “Better place than any.”
“No one’s allowed to disturb me in here.” She mutters with a slight smirk in her voice. “It’s liberating.”
“I disturbed you.”
Rosyne suckled in her bottom lip before those gorgeous eyes flicker up to meet his gaze. The violet in them faded into an almost black tone. “I wanted you to disturb me.”
Hoseok chuckles albeit with a slight shakiness to it with the way she was looking at him. He always when she was excited but those eyes and the way her lips parted—his fingers were trembling under the water. “Don’t I count as noise?”
Glistening lips stretch into a smile as she trails closer, steam radiating from her body. “I like your noise.”
Their faces inches away from one another, lips so close all Hoseok had to was lean in a little more. Just a little more and he could feel her soft flesh. This is too far. It’s going too far. All he had to do was befriend her, just befriend at best. Maybe a thickly laid trust but not this. This wasn’t a mission though, was it? Hoseok willingly dipped into this pool because she asked. Not because of some deep goal he needed to achieve.
Because she looked at him with those damn eyes and asked in such a warm, sweet voice. He was dipping in this pool, body melting and head spinning because he wanted to listen to Rosyne. He wanted her excited, eyes losing all of that ethereal violet shade. For her to smile and feel her body closing in on him. Fuck he wanted it.
It only takes the princess to move just another small inch before Hoseok leans in, brushing against her warm lips. He feels soft palms gently press onto his bare chest causing a tingle down his spine. He wanted more. The kiss was too soft. Hand raises from the depths of the water, he cups the back of her neck and pulls her in closer.
A small gasp hitches in her throat, mouth parting for him to explore while her hands move to his shoulders. His hot palms moves from her drenched hair down to her bare back. Rosyne shivers a little even in the sheer heat surrounding them before she feels him press their bodies together.
Hoseok breaks the kiss for a split second before pecking her lips again, trailing down to her chin to her jawline. He grazes his teeth gently at first relishing in the light moan passing Rosyne’s lips. Then he bites down the soft, delicate skin. He feels her fingers grip at his hair causing him to groan against her. When he pulls away, Hoseok couldn’t help but smirk seeing the reddened mark adorning the beautiful princess. Placing a kiss on top of the new wound he moves down her neck, biting down the crook again.
Rosyne lets out a small giggle before gently pushing their bodies onto the stairs. Her legs floating a little over his lap. She smiles at how flushed Hoseoks’ lips were, thumb grazing over the bottom one as he kisses the pads of her fingers. Moving her digits down his body, her fingers wrap around his member causing a light huff of breath to leave him.
She raises and positions herself at the tip. As Rosyne lowers, her grip tightens on his shoulder, breathing a little ragged feeling her walls stretch to a slight ache.
Her movements were slow and a little careful but Hoseok has all the time in the world to watch how her features soften, relishing in the new fill. His legs feel like jelly, his entire length beautifully swallowed by her wet heat. Hands move to her hips gently not wanting to force any movements when Rosyne still tries to adjust.
Rosyne slides up just halfway before moving down, the ache now subsiding completely leaving her with the pleasurable fill. She slowly bounces up and down feeling a warmth coil in her lower belly. Her core swallows his entire length again as she grinds against him, rubbing against her throbbing nub as a moan chokes out of her.
Hoseok watches her move, fingers pads now digging into her skin as she pleasures both of them in such grace. He leans in to press more tender kisses on her collarbone. A light groan emitting under his throat as he felt a heaviness between his legs. One of his hands move up to cup her breast, skin still so warm and inviting, his thumb grazes against her nipple. Lips reached up to kiss her earlobe. “You feel so good, sweetheart…” He tries to thrust up into her, hips crashing against each other earning a shaky whimper from the princess. “So good.”
Rosyne tries to reply but it only comes out in tiny, staggered moans as she feels Hoseok meet with her thrusts, water thrashing around them. Her arms wrap around his shoulders tightly, whimpering in his ear. The heat constricted inside her, desperate to release, fingers dragging down his chest. “I’m—” She breathes out. “I’m close…” Eyes close shut as the ball kept tightening, burning and aching for more.
Before he could utter another word, the heat rushes through him, body shuddering underneath her, heaviness spewing out of him and filling the beauty. Hoseok feels every inch of him being filled with warmth, slowly pulling him into a ecstasy induced trance. A faint smile curling on his lips, he watches Rosyne keep moving on top of him, his sensitive skin aching a little from overstimulation but he didn’t want to stop.
Her whole body convulsed as she felt something warm filling her up, bursting the ball in her lower belly. Pleasure exploded to each crevice, each veins as she grips onto his shoulders trying to keep steady. Her head feels heavy, hips jerking whenever her nub touches his skin. Rosyne rests her forehead against his as her chest rises and falls slowly to a normal speed.
“Was that relaxing enough, princess?” Hoseok gives a toothy smirk, peering at the beauty through hooded lids.
Rosyne giggles breathlessly before pressing a small kiss on his lips. “Very.”
Early in the morning, Rosyne forces herself to walk out of the palace and take a walk through the city in her cloak. Most of the people looked over at her and smiled, giving a decent bow. It was good they were happy. That’s all that mattered at the end of the day. She smiled back at them to somehow ease the tension.
Though walking deeper through the stalls of clothing and scents of spices, she stops hearing grunting and yelling. Rosyne quickened her pace walking towards the sound until she found a couple of guards trying to drag an old man across the ground while he thrashed around.
“What’s going on here?” Rosyne’s voice immediately halted the guards’ movements. Both of them stared over at her with a slightly confused expression while the farmer, Daehyun quickly stood up and straightened his clothes up.
“He’s not paid his taxes.” One of the guards answered, gesturing to the farmer who grimaced.
Rosyne’s brows furrow glancing over at the farmer. “Daehyun, you’ve always been able to pay taxes before.”
“Not anymore.” He scoffs. “Ever since that sod got on the throne, he’s raised the taxes. Saying it’s for military efforts.” Bitterness spewed out in every single word when he spoke about Namjoon.
“What?” She winces. “Let him go.” As soon as Rosyne gestures, the guards gave her a bow and walk off to their posts. Namjoon wouldn’t like that loyalty but that still didn’t change why they were here. “I’ll need to speak to the King to address this problem.”
“Take your throne back, Your Majesty. That could help.” Daehyun had a kind tone but it still tugged at Rosyne’s belly.
“I wish that could help right now.” She whispers to herself.
He knew. God Hoseok knew something was going to go wrong. With the way Namjoon held himself once he sat on that throne, the air of confidence when he had the first taste of pure power. Of course the first thing he does is strip more money from the people in the city. One the many things good Rosyne enforced as the princess was to minimize the military funding so people could have more food and other facilities.
It made the kingdom thrive with rich harvests, people with full bellies and roofs over their heads without worrying to death about their debt to the monarch. King Eirin obviously hated the idea at first but eventually pulled through when he saw how happy and bright his kingdom was because of his daughter.
Now it was all ruined.
Hoseok watched almost with a glare as Namjoon relaxes on the throne, kissing the back of Minnie’s hand and leaning in to whisper something. Eyes flicker over to Yoongi and find him averting his gaze to the door. “You need to be careful, Namjoon.” He interrupts his little flirting.
Namjoon narrows his gaze, lips still hovering over Minnie’s skin. “Why is that?”
“If you keep drastically changing rules then the people will start revolting.”
“They love their princess but I’m sure it’s not enough to revolt.” Namjoon scoffed.
“Love can be a dangerous tool.” Hoseok looked over at Yoongi who now had his eyes completely locked on Minnie. “Don’t underestimate it.”
Brows furrowed, the king stared up at his friend. “Since when do you have such high regard for love?”
Hoseok sees Rosyne’s smile in the screen of his mind despite trying to push it down. It was useless though. Despite their slight tension, Namjoon knew him well. Far too well. He noticed the other male’s expression soften into one of recognition.
Namjoon breathes out a chuckle, leaning back on his chair. “Who’d have thought? The man who wouldn’t even blink after killing.”
“I killed for you.” He tastes something sour on his tongue causing him to grimace lightly. “Not for myself.”
“And yet you doubt my ability to run this kingdom?”
Hoseok shakes his head. “I never once doubted you. But I’m still concerned.” He looks down at the male who has his head turned to his side to listen. “One bad move always leads to another.”
Namjoon takes a breath to reply but the double doors open, breaking through their thick tension. A burst of lilac and black step into the throne room. “Lady Rosyne…”
Rosyne notices Kikus’ light sigh from the corner of her eye at Namjoons’ address. If she couldn’t control her emotions then Rosyne had no chance. But she tries anyway. “I would like to offer a plead on behalf of the kingdom.” The double doors close gently behind her before the room fades into silence.
“What is it?” Namjoon waves his hand, allowing her to continue.
“The taxes. Why have you have raised them?”
“You handed me this kingdom for protection…” He gives a small, forced smile. “…military is your first line of defense.”
“My military—”
“My military…” Namjoon corrects.
“Your military is strong enough as it is.” Rosyne maintains her calm tone though her fingers trembles as the seconds go by. “The taxes were there to ensure stability so that the farmers could pay within due time.”
“Well it’s not enough to strength the military further.”
“We have an abundant amount of funds in the vaults, I’m sure you can spare some.”
“And risk a drop in our funds?” Namjoon winces slightly.
“That is what military does.”
“With all due respect, my lady…” He leans forward, resting his elbows on the armchairs. “You don’t have any fighting experience, nor any time on the battlefield. I’m afraid you can’t have a say in what military can and cannot do.”
Hoseok tightened his jaw, shooting glares to the back of Namjoons’ head. Somehow it angers him more seeing how patient and calm Rosyne looks. Not at her but him. This kingdom deserved her. She deserved so much better.
“I have experience in running a large kingdom…with all due respect, longer than you have.”
“And yet I’m here sitting on your throne.”
The room rushed with icy cold air, so harsh it makes all of them shiver except for Kiku and Rosyne who stand still and calm. Hoseok could have sworn he saw the sun disappear for a few moments. Their breaths coming out in steam.
“Kiku…” Rosyne whispers, immediately holding onto the physicians’ hand.
In seconds, Kiku let out a deep breath and the room brightened with the sun again and the people meet the comfortable warmth of the day.
Namjoons’ breathing now sounds shaky and a little ragged almost as if he was fearful. “Alright, I’ll lower the taxes…” Maybe he was. “…on one condition.”
“What condition?” Rosyne asks, hand tightening around Kikus’ to keep her calm.
“I want you to take a ride around town…” Namjoon has a careful gaze on Kiku but he quickly moves back to Rosyne before his heart feels like freezing. “…ride around town without clothes on.”
“What’re you doing?” Hoseok whispers. His body heats up faster he realizes, nails digging deep into his palms until he almost broke the skin.
“Trying to prove who the monarch really is.” Namjoon replies in a low tone before facing the former Queen again. “Do I have a deal?”
Rosyne has her hand so tight around Kiku that she could feel ice from the physicians’ veins shooting up inside her. “Will you lower the taxes?”
Namjoon attempts to give a kind smile but it all comes to be malicious and mocking. “I’m a lot of terrible things but I keep my word.”
“Then I’ll do it.” Rosyne must have been hurting Kikus’ skin at this point but at least she could feel her trying to keep it down. Light rushes of ice shoots up her arm.
“No…” Hoseok speaks in such a meek tone. “Namjoon…brother, please…”
“Thank you for your cooperation.” Namjoon ignores before sitting back on the stolen throne again with an air accomplishment and relaxation.
It all happened so quickly that Rosyne feels her head spinning when they ran towards the King’s chambers after the news. Even as she sat down next to the bed, eyes actively avoiding the blood soaked bandages, her head kept throbbing incessantly. This was too soon. It’s happening too soon. “Father…” Her voice shakes.
“I’m alright.” His father chuckles albeit with a wheeze in his breath. “I’m alright, sweetheart.”
Standing at the corner of the room, hair in a mess and her arms aching, Kiku feels somewhat comfortable looking at the King in this manner. To the eyes of the world, he was ruthless and cunning. Only to the eyes of his daughter the man softened, reminding her that love showed itself in so many strange and different ways.
“You’re not alright.” Rosynes’ lips quiver. “We both know that.”
Eirin’s smile fades for a moment but he pulls it back again. “This—was going to happen eventually.”
“Not if you didn’t go to that hunt.”
“I couldn’t just lie and wait for it to happen, my dear.”
Rosyne hangs her head. “I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t say sorry.” He taps her chin to make her look at him again. “Never apologize for your kindness. A lot of people like telling kind people that they’re weak or unworthy. Let them think it…but always remind them who the true ruler is.” Eirin notices the inhibition still glinting in his daughter’s eyes but finds comfort when she nods.
The King then turns to the left and gives a soft smile to his youngest daughter, Gaia. “You, my child, are going to destroy so many powerful people one day.” He muses.
His comment earns a small, sad chuckle from Gaia. Her cheeks still so flushed, eyes brighter than ever and full of youth despite the things she has seen and done.
“You will protect your older sister, won’t you?”
Immediately Gaia nods. “To the death, I promise.”
Rosyne doesn’t look all too happy about that promise but she stays quiet nonetheless.
“Now…” Eirin grunts a little. “…you girls go off.” He waves his hand weakly, smiling at the both of them. “Get some rest while I rest my eyes as well.”
They both knew what that meant. As much as it would be relieving to protest till their lungs ripped apart, there was no defying the force taking their father.
Gaia gets up first, walking over to Rosynes’ side and gently holding her arm. “Come on.” Her voice was deep but still comforting.
Rosyne pushed herself back to her feet before following the two girls outside of the Kings’ chambers.
“I’ll go check on the patrol. Make sure you get some sleep, okay?” Gaia rubbed her sisters’ shoulder, a light dullness to her gaze. The youngest always tried to keep herself contained with work whenever something went wrong.
Rosyne wonders how distant she would become once the news was confirmed.
As Gaia walked away, Kiku searches Rosynes’ expression. Much to her distress she could only see fear and pain. Some part of her selfishly felt relieved that she couldn’t look into her eyes. She feared of what they might tell her. As if the Physician didn’t already know. “You didn’t tell him.”
“I couldn’t.” Rosyne whispers. “I don’t know why it’s so hard.” Maybe she didn’t want to believe it. Maybe dragging out the news helped her believe that she had more time.
“What about Hoseok? Have you told him yet?”
Rosyne shakes her head. “What’s wrong with me, Kiku?”
“If the secret gets out at the time of the King’s death, you’ll be dead.” Kiku replies simply. “Nothing’s wrong with you. You’re doing exactly what a lot of Queens should’ve done in the past.” She takes a few steps forward and places a hand on her shoulder. “But you have to tell him. If no one else, he still needs to know.”
“I know…” Rosyne mutters weakly. “Once—” She swallows the lump in her throat. “Once the funeral is done…” Her voice dwindled in such a weak whisper as if she didn’t want to make it too real by saying it out loud. “…I’ll tell him.”
“Your Majesty…” Kikus’ voice calm, deathly steady voice rung into the room. Even when the council looked so much different they paused whatever they were doing to look over at the woman coming to stand in the center.
Hoseok knew they could all feel it too. That sense of chill and dread running down their spine when they faced the mysterious Royal Physician. Even as Namjoon took power, it seemed like his friend wanted to actively avoid interacting with her. Right now as well the new king tried to avoid looking into her eyes.
“Yes, Kiku?” Namjoon sounds…so kind.
Fear does that to people.
Kiku leaves a small pause for the council to really drown themselves in the feeling of dread. It even smelled like fear. If fear smelled like fresh snow. “To prevent any sudden surprise during —” The room could have turned to ice as the cold grows thick around them. “—the ride to town. I would like to inform you that the Queen is with child. Of seven months.”
Hoseok always hated how casual she was with news. Maybe it wasn’t being casual. Rosyne told him the things Kiku went through growing up. ‘People do horrible things to people they can’t understand…we’re similar that way.’ To this day he hated that conversation. No one understands the fear and dread that Kiku radiated because of the dark secrets she has in her head while no one understands the goodness and selflessness in Rosyne’s heart.
People do horrible things to people they can’t understand. He was one of them, wasn’t he? Just like Namjoon.
The thought running in his head managed to distract him for a time until a heavy heat settles in his gut masking the chill. No. No, please.
Hoseok knew Rosyne was sick for a time; vomiting, eating berries with bread and craving meat when she hated it before.
“She doesn’t look any different to me.” Namjoon asks with furrowed brows.
“The day I discovered her pregnancy, she asked me to use an illusion enchantment to hide it once it starts to show.” Kikus’ expression didn’t change nor did the cold in the room. “Though I told her to stop so the physical symptoms will start coming back.”
God…he’s so fucking stupid. Hoseok should have known.
“Well thank you for the information—” Namjoon leans back on the throne. “But the Queen has agreed.”
Hoseoks’ head shoots to look at Namjoon, forehead knitted and the burn in his gut now directed into something else. “Namjoon—”
“A deal is a deal, Hoseok.”
Hoseok tried to glance at Yoongi for some kind of silent help and even he knew, this was wrong. The way the older male’s brows furrowed and lips parted almost as if he was trying to hiss. Even Yoongi knew this was very wrong.
Minnie looked…absolutely livid. Eyes almost reddening as her fingers tremble causing her to grip onto the arms of the chair. “You need to call it off.” The queen speaks this time breaking through the tense silence.
“My love, some compromises need to be made. I can’t just give her what she asks all the time, it makes me look weak.” Namjoon, as always, softens his voice when he speaks to his beloved.
“All she’s asking is for the taxes to be lowered.” Minnie mutters in disbelief of her husband. “Your kingdom will not be harmed by that.”
“General!” Namjoons’ voice booms across the room causing Minnie to flinch a little.
A man dressed almost rusting armor and skin glistening in sweat scuttles over to the area and bows down to Namjoon. “Yes, Your Majesty.”
Oh? Oh okay. Hoseok’s brows furrowed but he stayed silent.
“Does the military need more funding?” Namjoon asks.
“Y-Yes, it does, Your Majesty.”
“What will happen if it’s not funded?”
“Then we will run out of weapons a-and armor.” The ‘General’ looks around frantically at everyone in the room, teeth clattering a little while he recited something out of a script. “And the k-kingdom will be vulnerable.”
“Thank you, General.”
The sweaty man bows again, with a proud smile on his face before stepping back. Jimin quickly steps away from him and closer to Yoongi with an annoyed grimace.
“You’re asking a pregnant woman who never did anything wrong to you, to strip naked and ride around town in her condition.” Minnies’ voice shakes with anger. “You’re not a King, you’re a fucking tyrant. And it’s going to bite you back soon enough.”
Namjoon kept his gaze on the woman before facing Kiku again. “The deal will go as planned.”
Hoseok expected Kiku to say something. Do something. This was wrong.
It was different, the way she looked at Namjoon. Like she already knew how to destroy him from the inside and out.
Though when Kiku looked over at Hoseok, his heart stopped beating for a moment.
The chill was gone and all he feels is this intense heat from his toes to his head, burning his insides until he lost all the air in his lungs. Shit, Hoseok could feel it ripping him apart.
Kiku was furious. Her expression didn’t change much but her eyes screamed only one thing right at him.
This is your doing.
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next chap >>
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soymilka8 · 3 years
americano - hwang hyunjin
pairing: hwang hyunjin x female reader !
word count: 1.5k words
genre: fluff.
warnings: none
synopsis: hyunjin loves his americano, you were simply the one who made it.
i miss hyunjin so very much AHHH.
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she was a barista, he loved coffee.
can anybody make it anymore obvious? coffees are meant to be enjoyed whenever. cold may the sky be, or warmness may the gods bring, the only point here is that you could never go wrong with coffee. after all, there were tons of ways to enjoy them and decorate as you please!
they've always been therapeutic for the young woman— the coffees she'd make were her pride enjoy. a little too proud she was, always keeping coffee beans close to her, even in her own bag. if a zombie apocalypse ever were to come, the first thing that'd popped into her mind would be none other than coffee.
how she'd bring a stash near her basement for easy access, or how she'd save up money for an espresso machine all for the sake having coffee during the terrible reigns of walkers; all those were common thoughts inside her brain.
though some might say she was a bit too attached to her coffee beans and machines, nobody was fronting enough to say anything about it. after all, the young woman made peoples’ coffees taste like magic! complain as they might like about her rooted passion for the drink but whenever they get a sip of their order, mouths would be quickly shut by the drink alone.
her eyes were like hawk as they swiftly worked their way around the station. hands followed her every movement as jittering and clattering could be heard throughout the small café she worked at.
a small café it was, with minimal decorations and very few people crowding the building. no wonder. the café was pretty well hidden after all, far away from the noisy parts of the city. the only noises that occured day to day were her voice, a few chatters of the people, (an old couple being her favourite) and the slight vibration of their every action.
it had always been like this, really. she'd serve a couple of familiar faces their coffee, well acquainted with them as they frequented the building, and a couple of newcomers whom have yet to see the place would also drop by and order their own. she always treated them the same, serving them their drinks and specialties sometimes even with a little twist of her own to spice things up. nothing a little surprise couldn't handle.
although she wasn't quite certain why she paused her actions upon seeing a certain someone.
she totally wasn't guarding the door from time to time, afraid that a sudden bandit may come because of her intense overthinking skills— no. it wasn't any of that, rather, she just happened to have glanced a quick moment at the door and she saw a man.
a man, people might say. a normal, human being.
but her eyes sparkled upon seeing him enter. he was just so majestic. the way he carried himself inside the small café made it feel like he was the star of the show, and that the café was the background. it didn't help that the outfit he was wearing caught her eyes, too.
boots, pants, black turtleneck, long brown coat— with the captivating face being the cherry on top. he was attractive, there was no denying that. maybe if she were to ask his number, something might blossom—
no, of course not.
she couldn't bother. the woman idly rolled her eyes at herself for being so idiotic, now halting her attention away from the man who caught her attention, and continued on working on a teenage girl's latte. it was stupid, to even think of the fact of asking his number.
for one, she'd never reckon herself to want to grab anyone's attention right from the get-go. she never believed in love in first sight and she most likely would have never if not for the man who just entered so gracefully. two, she was a barista. it would have seemed weird if she was to ask his number upon entering, or worse, she might make him uncomfortable.
and she wasn't up for any of that.
now fighting the urge to glance at the man's visual once more, she bid a small thank you to the teenage teen and coughed abruptly, mentally preparing herself for what's about to come. act normal, act normal, act normal.
“hi, what can i get for ya?”
not bad.
“good afternoon,” the man smiled ever so softly, “can i please get um... an iced americano?”
boom. okay maybe acting normal wasn't such a good idea after all. not when his smile is so angelic it would send you to the gates of heaven! the small tug of his lips in an upward motion, the formation of crescents on his eyes as he smiled so delicately; it surely was hard for the woman not to woo.
“sure, anything else?”
“hmm... can i maybe get a hazelnut croissant?”
she nodded, “and one hazelnut croissant, that's it?” and looked up. the man reciprocated her actions, and she told him of the price. “um... can i please get your name?”
“hwang—” he smiled again, “hwang hyunjin.” she tried nodding albeit hesitantly as she twisted her heels in slight terror. her back faced him, he didn't know she was quite literally squealing inwardly and maybe even outwardly, who knows.
or maybe he did.
she faced him once again after pretending to have been doing something, mindlessly working through the cashier's register. she tried her best not to pay as much attention to him, though of course, it was hard not to when the beautiful man was staring her down.
“here,” she handed him his change at the small placement box beside her. it was rather frustrating her boss had to add the box for she was not even given a chance to accidentally hold his hand. the man named hyunjin nodded, walking away and sitting himself down onto one of the chairs as he minded his own business.
yeah, she hoped she'd be able to make his coffee properly.
the first few seconds were fine— weird even for the young woman as she made the man's americano. she'd have never thought she wouldn't be as distracted as she thought she'd be, even focusing more than normal at the task at hand.
that was until when she briefly glanced at him, he was already staring at her.
she flinched slightly, trying her best to work on the beans and not paying her any attention. she was sure it wasn't her imagination, he'd really been staring, pretty intently as well. like he was watching her every move with slight... interest. like he was fascinated with the idea of coffee— or maybe just his americano alone. nevertheless, it was enough to make her fuzz with timidness.
“one iced americano and hazelnut croissant for hwang hyunjin?” his name rolled of her tongue so smoothly. the man rose from his seat, strutting his way towards her with the same smile he had given earlier only this time, it was directed at his americano. she could tell how much he loved his americano,
“here you go,” she handed him her drink, he took it, and for the first time, their hands brushed against each other. it was only a brief contact, but the sparks it had initiated were intense. maybe she was just being dramatic. “thank you.” he had said, about to take a sip of his americano when he'd caught on to the writing on the back.
his name was written on there, sure, but there was another thing hyunjin never would've thought he'd seen on the plastic. it was numbers. and if he was to guess, it would more or less be yours.
surprised, hyunjin took a look at you. your face was that of a grin as you handed him a call sign, indicating him to call you if ever. it was bizarre how your hands just had a mind of their own, recklessly adding your number in as you wrote hyunjin's name earlier. you've told yourself countless times it would be impossible.
though it wouldn't hurt to try.
“i make good coffee.” you said sheepishly, scratching the back of your head. hyunjin was slightly appalled but even so, he smiled in the most heart-warming way ever as he nodded at you. the silence remained for a few seconds until you looked at hyunjin, only to see him once again staring back at you with eyes that held such interest.
his smile had widened, the moon on his eyes bending even more as his face scrunched up. he looked so adorable.
and without a second word, he walked away towards the door about to head out. you'd have thought he rejected you if not for the promising smile he held on his face just a few seconds back.
but as the night came and the café went to a close, he messaged you that night, the words still stuck to your brain:
“make me coffee some other time, princess ;))”
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kur0m1bab3 · 3 years
This is so freaking old....if you like it though lmk if I should continue it and make it a fic<3
Cw: Tooth rotting disgustingly sweet fluff, iwa is ooc in this, readers race isn’t specified but reader has brown eyes and curly hair:), fem pronouns (she/her)
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The habituated essence of perspiration was abounded in the air. Water droplets trickled down the shaft of pine needles and settled in whimsical droplets on the fronds of moss, that concealed the umber color of the once visible tree trunk, now shrouded in succulent vegetation.
The smell of sap encased the hazy senses of the teenage boy, who dared venture into the illustrious temperate biome. The soles of his bare feet kissed the spongey, damp forest floor with calculated steps. His feet slowly becoming one with The terra, as each step he took, saturated the ground even more. Dew from the morning of ,hitting his face softly, creating a misty allusion about the young males face.
It was around dusk, from what Iwaizumi had presumed, his awareness of time being mitigated away, with each stroke of the hour. Crickets and other lively arachnids could be heard, singing their oh so gracious thanks to mother nature, in a low humming harmony.
Iwaizumi was on a mission, you could tell by his movements. Hushed, rapid and calculated. His eyes were focused ahead of him, darting from side to side occasionally, to scope out the oh so familiar forest he became accustomed with over the span of several months.
Iwaizumi was determined to reach the pond by dusk, even if it was the last thing he did. He had left any means of communication back home, he knew that by now his older brother was freaking out, and had probably already issued a missing persons report on the teenager.
But frankly he could care less. He needed to see her, no he had to see her. It had been days since he had last bestowed his eyes upon the girl he was so hopelessly, desperately in love with.
Looking back Iwaizumi chuckled a bit, noting how when he met her, his life did a complete 360.
Being the new kid was always a pain in the ass, on top of being a military brat under the guardianship of a somewhat tin foil hat sergeant, he had the pleasure of calling an older brother. Moving from place to place wasn't ideal, Iwaizumi’s social skills being shot from the beginning unfortunately enough for him.
He was hoping, praying, that his last year of high school would be merely the same as the previous years. Going unnoticed, only to move half way through the year like always.
But of course, for Iwaizumi Hajime things could never go as planned. Here Hajime was, begrudgingly making his way up the neglected moss stone steps located a few feet behind the school. It was routine for the teen, eat lunch up where there was an abandoned gazebo, maybe even skip the rest of the school day, and ponder on what his life was.
His olive eyes traced the crevasses littering the tattered down stone, his movements rooted in a deep muscle memory. Iwaizumi was a scarily good observer, Always watching his surroundings, waiting for a next move. Which is why Hajime jumped in complete and utter surprise as he lifted his head, eyes coming in contact with an unfamiliar pair of pretty brown ones.
A stiffening silence sauntered over the damp air as the two unfamiliar strangers stared at each other, each one as surprised as the other. The girl sitting in front of him had a mass of curls framing her face, a stark contrast to the pin straight black hair he’d grown so accustomed too.
Her skin glistened almost majestically against the slivers of light peeking from the heavily decorated leaves of the willow tree. Her cheeks were puffed up with food, chopsticks comically sticking from her mouth as little grains of rice littered her cheeks. If the situation wasn’t so dense he would’ve laughed at the girls messily adorable nature.
Her glasses drooped down onto her nose, eyes peeking under the rims of her glasses widened in surprise as she gazed curiously at Hajime.
No one made a move to move, just curious, nervous stares being exchanged. Iwaizumi watched with curiosity as the girl looked between him and her hello kitty bento, a look of ponder washing over her face. Without missing a beat the girl placed her chopsticks on her bento, leaning over rummaging through her bag, which Hajime guessed matched her bento.
A look of relief washed over her face as she held out a neatly wrapped onigiri with both hands stretched out towards Hajime.
Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow in amusement, stepping closer to the girl as she gestured towards the standing male.
“It’s my last one...I was going to save it for later but my mom would probably be mad if she found out I spoiled my dinner for a rice ball..” the girl mumbled out.
Her voice was soft, if you weren’t listening well, it would’ve blended in with the symphony of nature. A small grin stretched over Iwaizumis features as he slowly made his way over to the girl. Her eyes were trained on her lap, her body fidgeting nervously as she waited for Hajime to take the offering.
Iwaizumi huffed an amused breath through his nose as he gently took the warm rice ball from her hands.
“Thanks” he answered shortly, taking his seat directly in front of the girl. She lifted her gaze, a small surprised smile spreading over her face as she bit the inside of her cheek.
“You....you’re Iwaizumi right? We have the same chemistry class together...I normally see you eat lunch out here by yourself, I..I just thought maybe today I could keep you company...” the girl said sweetly. Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow, slowly scanning the mystery girls face.
A panic look washed over her as she defensively waved her hands, eyes widening dramatically.
“I-I’m so sorry! That was p-probably really weird of me to say and I-“
“Calm down” Iwaizumi snickered, barking out a laugh at the girls flustered nature.
“What’s your name?” He asked smoothly, hands working on tearing the plastic film away from the rice ball as he awaited an answer.
The girl pushed her glasses up onto her nose, fingers fiddling together nervously as she cleared her throat.
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unabashegirl · 4 years
Could you do one where reader and David grew up together and are now together and there doing a mukbang with Josh and he asks them questions??
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Author’s note: I can! Sorry, it took so long! I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think! 
“Holy shit. This is a shit ton of food” David chuckles as he moves toward the table where Josh has begun setting out the different dishes that he had picked up. Josh had arrived only ten minutes ago. David was just ending a conference call about an upcoming show when he strolled in with the numerous, brown paper bags from Chick-Fil-A. 
“I just couldn’t hold myself back. This video will be legendary” People have been begging for this particular video since Josh’s first upload and the time was just right. Everything had fallen into place with the announcement of the couple’s engagement. 
“It smells ready good,” He glances at the different boxes as he settles on one of the stools. “Did you get any drinks?”. 
“I did. I got us milkshakes and a soda. You know — just in case” Josh shrugs as he throws the bag on the floor beside the table. “Now— where is your queen?” David chuckles as he looks down at his phone. 
“She should be about to —” Her sudden appearance interrupts his words. They watch Y/N make an entrance from the viewfinder. She takes her sunglasses off her head, tosses them in the purse, and plops her purse on the bench by the entrance of the house. 
“Hi, guys! I am sorry I am late” She bends down to slip out of her high heels. 
“There she is! Please look at her! How do you manage to look so majestic every day?” Josh compliments her, turning his head to get a full view of her attire. She wears a white suit, with an oversized jacket and a grey spaghetti strap crop top under. At a simple glance, she doesn’t look like the fiance of famous Youtuber star — David Dobrik. She looks sharp, professional, elegant. The type of woman that only dates billionaires and travels to Paris on the weekends just to shop. 
As David gawks at Y/N through the viewfinder, he thanks the universe for putting her on his path. After three years, she still manages to knock the air out of him with a simple look. He even gets butterflies in his stomach to this day and he hopes it never changes. 
“It’s my job” Y/N works in the high fashion industry, rubbing elbows with fashion icons like Olivier Rousteing, Virgil Abloh, Donatella, and many more. “Do I have time to change?” She wraps her arms around Josh and gives him a warm squeeze. 
“Why? You look great!” Josh argues as he hugs her back while facing the camera.  
“White suits and greasy food don’t mix”  Y/N explains as she bends over and kisses David’s cheek. “Hi, babe” David clasps her hands as they slip down his shoulders and onto his upper chest. He turns around on his chair to face her, wanting to get a good look of her. 
“How was your day?” He asks after he has pulled her down to a quick kiss. His thumbs gently stroke the front of her hands. His fingers run across the oval diamond-cut engagement ring that he has given her recently. A smile grows on his face as memories from that night swamp his mind. 
“Busy. Let me go change. I won’t take long” She reassures the boys before ripping herself away from David and running back to change into a comfier outfit. 
“How does it feel to be engaged?” David and Y/N had announced it to the public only a few days ago. Their social media platforms had exploded with speculation, opinions, and excitement. People had already started making assumptions about the date and the location of the wedding. 
“It’s nice. It’s exciting. Well, you know” Josh nods as he remembers when he had just popped the question to Paige. Before Josh can add anything else to the conversation, Y/N quietly walks back into the living room, wearing a sweater that David can recognize as his and some biker shorts. 
“The future Mrs. Dobrik, guys” Y/N’s cheeks flush as she jokingly bows and Josh claps loudly. She takes the vacant seat between the two men. 
“Chick- Fil- A” She gasps at the sight of the mouth-watering food. “Great choice, Josh” Y/N says so, gently patting his shoulder.
“A little birdy told me it is your favorite” Josh winks at David as he starts opening the little boxes. “Now—I have a bunch of questions for you two while we eat this meal” 
“Okay,” David nods as he doesn’t waste any time in digging in. 
“You guys met back in high school right? Tell us about that” Y/N is in the middle of dipping her first nugget into a sauce whilst David has already taken three bites out his sandwich. “Y/N, I got you a vanilla milkshake”
“Thank you” She beams, reaching out for the cup. 
“Y/N hated me in high school” David blurts seconds later. 
“Babe!” She gasps, playfully slapping his chest. “That is not true and you know that!” David laughs lightly, his hand casually slipping under the table, giving her thigh a gentle squeeze. 
“We met during our junior year of high school. Natalie introduced her to us” Y/N spent her days studying and taking part in extracurricular activities that mattered. Meanwhile, David spent his time fooling around with his friends. 
“Oh, so Natalie was sort of your matchmaker?” 
“Yeah. She wouldn’t have spoken to me otherwise” Y/N pouts at David, “and I don’t mean it in a bad way” He rectifies, “She was just really focused on her school work. She was way more mature than I was. Although I had a huge crush on her” 
“That’s sweet” Y/N pecks his cheek making his face flareup. “We grew close, up until senior year when I went off to college”
“I moved here and we sadly drifted apart”  David even asked Y/N to move to California with him, and for a second she had considered it. That was until her parents found out about her plans and threaten to stop talking to her if she didn’t attend college. 
“At least everything worked out at the end. David, when did you know that Y/N was the one?” David wipes the corners of his mouth, finishing to chew down his food, taking the time to answer. 
“This is going to sound corny, but for me, it was when we ran into reach other after so long” David had traveled to New York for work and had run into Y/N. She had just started working and was fresh out of college.
“That makes sense. It was kind of a meant to be sorta thing” David nods along as he steals Y/N’s milkshake. “How about you Y/N?” Josh settles down his phone on the table after scrolling through his last Youtube video where people had asked questions for them. 
“We had started calling and texting each other almost every day.  I got sick while I was in New York. I just felt like there was something seriously wrong with my health and I had no one around. I called him that night and told him I was considering going to the hospital. He took the next flight out and took care of me” She would never forget the feeling of relief and instant comfort he brought her the moment he turned up on her doorstep. She ended up having pneumonia and was confined to her apartment for almost three weeks. Having David around made it much more bearable. 
“Why haven’t we heard this story before?” Josh questions, he had known about them casually running into one another in New York, but never about this. “it’s so romantic” he giggles. 
“I don’t know” Y/N smiles. She can only guess why David hasn’t told the boys. It made him seem like a big softy. “I am so full” Y/N pats her tummy as her shorts had started feeling tighter. 
“Amateur,” Josh says to the camera with a smile. 
“ She is tiny. What do you expect?” David jokes earning a playful shove from Y/N. “She can barely reach the top cabinets with her heels on”  He always finds it incredibly cute when he catches her standing on her tiptoes with her arms fully extended over her head. 
“You are very short Y/N” Josh laughs along with David. 
“I know! You don’t have to point it out!” She pouts, reaching out for a water bottle. David drapes his arm around her waist from behind, kissing her shoulder to hide the goofy smile that she has managed to put on his face. 
“What is something that David does that bothers you, Y/N?” David smirks at her as he waits for her response. 
“I hate he won’t let me buy him clothes or style him” He throws his head back as he laughs heavily. ”he is already so handsome think about how good he would look?”
“I knew you were going to say that!” Y/N giggles, shaking her head at her fiance and his stubbornness. 
“Why don’t you? Don’t you think our beautiful queen knows enough about fashion?” Josh frowns, teasing his close friend. 
“It’s not that! I just don’t know if I can pull it off!” David loves how she always looks impeccable and out of a runway, but he isn’t confident enough to dress any differently. Comfort is also another thing he values in his wardrobe and most of the attires don’t look like you can nap with them on. 
“David, what about you?” 
“The AC” The couple exhales loudly, rolling their eyes at others causing Josh to laugh. “She is always turning the temperature lower. It feels like the north pole in here” 
“That’s what is for, babe! To COOL the house” Y/N turns to look at Josh, “Sometimes is hotter in here than outside. I am not kidding” 
“I believe you” Josh nods knowing from experience that David hates feeling slightly cold. 
“Why are you always taking her side?” David points out as the three of them laugh at the way the conversation is going. 
The teasing continues until both men are stuffed with food and Josh finishes asking all essential questions. Josh says his goodbyes, hugs each, and congratulates them one more time before departing. 
It’s late at night when David strides into their bedroom after finishing some work with Natalie. The lights of their bedroom are off, she is tucked in bed with the comforter up to her chin. Y/N wears her glasses as she holds her iPhone close while typing an outgoing email to her assistant— reminding her to pick up a birthday gift for a photographer friend. 
“I’ll never get tired of seeing that ring on your finger,” He remarks cheekily, closing the door behind him. She smiles, looking up from her screen to get a good glimpse of him. 
“Good because I am never taking it off” His indecisive ass had taken five months to pick the ring. He had taken Natalie, Erin, Corina, Suzy, Carly, his mom, and sisters, on multiple occasions to look for rings. They were starting to grow tired when he finally found the perfect one. 
“Good because you are mine” He jumps in bed, in search of a good cuddle. His arms wrap around her pulling her towards his side of the bed. 
“I can’t wait” She mumbles as she nuzzles her face into his chest. 
“Me neither” They had decided to wait for a little while before tying the knot. They want to take their time and properly plan their wedding. Y/N already has so many ideas including the design of her wedding dress. “Are you excited to start planning it?” David tugs his other arm behind his head. 
“I am. We have to plan what you will wear too” 
“Black suit. No doubt” He immediately answers without any hesitation. 
“Thought so” She rolls her eyes, imagining how handsome he would look in an all-black suit. 
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highonchocolate · 4 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter One
First: You are here   Previous: None   Next    Ao3
Trigger warning: Name-calling and Physical Assault
Smack!  The sound of a fist colliding with flesh reverberated through the air. Marinette felt her head snap back from the force of the blow, as the warmth of her blood traced its way down her face. Its sharp iron tang filled the air as Alya and Lila looked down at her, lying on the floor, and laughed. 
Their insults filled her ears as she curled into a ball and tried to protect herself from the verbal and physical assault.
Bully!  they cried as they descended on her in a fury.
Loser! A whispered insult as they tripped her in the hallways.
Unlovable.  A sneer when they saw how she sat alone
Worthless they laughed as they kicked her in the ribs.
Liar! They screamed when she tried to plead her case.
Useless  they hissed when she refused to help.
Their words filled her ears and marched in circles around her head, drowning her in the deep red tsunami of sorrow and cruelty. 
Adrien had a photoshoot, so he wasn’t there to reign them in. They took full advantage of his absence to rough her up as much as they wished.
Blow after blow, kick after kick, she laid there, eyes closed, taking the hits. Completely still, and utterly  numb .
The sharp crack of her broken wrist, and the sickening crunch as someone stomped on her leg were the only signs that indicated they were still there. She didn’t even bother opening her eyes, even as the sharp pain of thousands of knives stabbing her leg, and spearing her wrist worked its way through her body. 
She knew what she would see.
She didn’t think she could take their harsh glares, and scowling faces. Not today.
Eventually, they got bored of pushing her around and using her as a punching bag.
They left her there, lying in a pool of her own blood. Alya and Lila high-fiving each other as they headed off to the park. The rest of them followed, chatting about various extracurriculars, and (in Alix and Kim’s case) discussing their latest bet.
Triggering Scene Over
It was hours later that Marinette found the energy to open her eyes.
She could hear Tikki fretting and flying around her worriedly. 
Her fingers twitched, sending sharp lances of pain up her arm.
As she opened her eyes, the faint buzzing in her ear solidified into words.
“-rinette! Mari! Wake up, please!” Tikki’s voice was heartbroken and terrified. “Oh my precious bug,” she cried “what did they do to you?”
It was not a question. It was the lament of a kwami, broken at the sight of her Chosen lying so lifelessly on the ground.
Her blood had crusted on her face and in her hair. She could feel the cold liquid seeping through her shirt from where she lay curled on her side. She laid there for what seemed like days until she found the energy to try and speak.
“...Tikki?” She questioned. Her voice a faint whisper. She wet her lips, ignoring the sting as she brushed the cuts on her mouth. “Tikki? Can you hear me?” She tried. Marinette’s head was pounding from the sudden noise, and she saw black flecks in her vision. Little dancing spots in the air that were slowly going larger. 
Oh Marinette! I’m so sorry this happened to you! Yes I can hear you! What do you want me to do! I can call you parents if you want! Do you want me to? Here let me get Kagami and Adrien and the rest of you team...” Tikki’s sudden frenzied rambling faded with her vision as Marinette tried to respond.
“Team.” She croaked out. “Tikki, get...team” She thought she might have responded, but she wasn’t sure. She suddenly felt very tired, Maybe she could close her eyes and just rest them for a little while…
Chloè had been relaxing at her daddy’s hotel when her phone rang. Leaning back on the plush leather seats of the sofa, she flicked her gem-encrusted sunglasses up off her face and reached over to her phone. She scoffed at the idea that someone would be stupid enough to interrupt her relaxation time, but then immediately smiled at the contact that flashed on her screen. “Maribug!!!” She chirped, waving her hands around wildly. “How are you? You’ll never guess what my daddy said-” 
“Chloè?” Instead of Marinette’s low, sweet voice, Tikki’s high pitched and worried tones greeted her.
 “Hey Teeks, what’s wrong? Is Nettie okay?!” Chloé questioned. Her bright smile shifting into a frown at the sound of the Kwami instead of her friend. 
“No! It’s not okay! Lila and everyone beat up Marinette! You have to help her!!” Tikki cried.
Chloé’s eyes blew wide in shock. “Of course I’ll help! Oh poor Mari…” she trailed off, mentally running through all the disasters that could have occurred. Snapping herself out of her downward spiral, she jumped off the couch and ran out of the hotel, phone in hand.
“Tikki,” she asked firmly, “can you tell me where you are?” “Of course!” The Kwami squeaked “We’re in the locker room at school! Please hurry, she’s not responding to me anymore!”
“I’m on it! Let me text Luka and Kagami. We need to bust that alley cat out of his photoshoot and go rescue our bug!” The blond heiress cried, tapping away at her phone.
“Oh thank you Chloé!” The Kwami responded, nearly crying with relief. 
“No problem. We’ll be there in ten!” She responded determinedly. 
Hanging up the call, she immediately texted Luka and Kagami.
QueenofMean: Code Pink
QueenofMean: Mari’s in trouble
SnakeyBoi: What?! Who didn’t it to her? 
SnakeyBoi: *did what 
HissIAmADragon: Who hurt our Mari-san?!
HissIAmADragon: They will taste my blade!!
QueenofMean: Do you even have to ask? It was the lying witch.
QueenofMean: She’s ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!
QueenofMean: Now come on! She’s not responding to Tikki. We need to get Adrien out of his photoshoot and then head for the locker rooms at school.
SnakeyBoi: I’m already halfway there.
SnakeyBoi: Before you ask, your girlfriend’s with me too. ;)
Rolling her eyes at the idiocy of her friends, Chloé stuffed her phone into her pocket and ran towards Kagami and Luka’s figures in the distance. As she caught up with them Kagami turned to face her as they ran. “Adrien’s at the Louvre for his shoot. I told my mother that Mari-san was in trouble, and she said she would notify Gabriel.” she informed her.
“Your mom didn't yell at you? Impressive.” Luka responded, huffing out a laugh as they sprinted for the landmark.
“For your information Luka, my mother loves Marinette, and was willing to let me go once I informed her of the situation.” The fencer responded, not even sparing him a glance.
Chloé’s feet ached in her heels, but Marinette needed her! She couldn’t stop for some measly foot pain! Catching sight of a familiar blond head of hair, she raced even faster towards him, Kagami and Luka hot on her heels.
Adrien opened his mouth to ask what was going on, but even as he began to speak Chloé was there, grabbing him by his arm and dragging him away from his photographer. Kagami and Luka jogged in front of them as they raced towards the school.
“What-what's going on?! Where are we going? What are we doing! Does my father even  know that you guys have dragged me away?!” Several questions spilled from his lips as she towed him towards the school. Rolling her eyes at his idiocy, she opened her mouth to respond.
“-Lila and her gang beat up Mari. The school. Getting Mari to the hospital. No.” Kagami answered for her, deep brown eyes focused straight ahead. The fencer’s answers were blunt as always, but the tiny waver in her voice betrayed how worried she was for their friend.
To  Chloé’s utter annoyance, Adrien immediately stopped in his tracks and stood stock-still. He paused for a moment, gaping at nothing in particular, before a startled cry escaped his parted lips. “WHAT?!” He yelled.
Chloé glanced over to see his normally bright green eyes darken with feral anger.
“I know. I’m worried too. For now, we just need to get her to the hospital and tell her parents.” she snapped, brushing away tears with the back of her hand. The other tightened in a vice-like grip around his arm.
She heard him take a shaky breath as she continued to run. Pushing herself to go faster and reach their friend. There would be time for tears later. Right now their priority was Marinette.
As they sped up the stairs and into the school, Chloé caught a glimpse of a sausage-haired liar walking away from the school. Ignoring the liar, she opted to race up the stairs towards her friend.
It was a sunny day at the Louvre. The sparkling glass pyramid rose majestically in the background as the sunlight glanced off the clear panes. Adrien had been standing in the light in front of the famous landmark when Kagami, Luka, and Chloe came running towards him with matching expressions of cold determination. Kagami and Chloe both had tears in their eyes, and Luka was glaring at his phone in pure, unadulterated rage. Even though he knew that look wasn’t directed at him, Adrien still shivered in fear. Whoever had made the calm, laid-back musician angry was  not  someone he wanted to meet.
He opened his mouth to ask what was going on, but even as he began to speak Chloe was there, grabbing him by his arm and dragging him away from his photographer. Kagami and Luka jogged in front of them as they raced towards the school.
“What-what's going on?! Where are we going? What are we doing! Does my father even  know that you guys have dragged me away?!” The torrent of questions tumbled from his lips as he quickly pumped his legs to match their pace.
“Lila and her gang beat up Mari. The school. Getting Mari to the hospital. No.” Kagami responded, her deep brown eyes focused straight ahead. Her answers were blunt as always, but the tiny waver in her voice betrayed how worried she was for their friend.
Adrien stopped moving as his brain tried to compute the information. Mari..was beaten up? She had to go to the hospital? What about her parents?! Did they know?! All these questions were running through his head as he tried to voice his concerns in a dignified way. The only thing that came out was “WHAT?!”
Yep. Nailed that one, Agreste. He thought to himself.
“I know. I’m worried too. For now, we just need to get her to the hospital and tell her parents.” Chloe snapped, brushing away tears with the back of the other hand. The other tightened in a vice-like grip around his arm.
He took a shaky breath and tried to reel in his racing thoughts. Right now their priority was Marinette.
As they sped up the stairs and into the school, Adrien caught a glimpse of sausage-haired pigtails turning the corner towards the subway. He clearly wasn’t the only one, as he noticed Luka was fingering his guitar in a way that indicated he was going to bash someone over the head with it, and saw how Kagami's hands twitched towards her fencing sabre. Reaching the locker room, Luka nearly ripped the door off its hinges in his desperation to get to their friend. They ran inside and stopped short at the gruesome sight awaiting them. 
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skzsauce01 · 4 years
Normal Pt 1
Description: For more skilled maneuvers, dragon shifters need a rider to help them out. After rejecting multiple riders, Hyunjin, a traumatized and handicapped shifter, is assigned to you. To add a cherry on top, you’re deaf, so how are you supposed cast spells to free him from his limitation, let alone the anger in his heart? Some HTTYD influence.
Warning: none
Word Count: 3.8k
Pairing: fem!reader x dragon!Hyunjin
Pt: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5
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“You have got to be kidding me.” Hyunjin can feel his eye twitching as he looks at you, his new rider. If he’s being honest, he’ll admit that you look familiar, but it doesn’t make him hate you any less.
“If you have complaints, then maybe you shouldn’t have mistreated your previous rider until he quit,” the professor seethes and begins walking away. “Remember, this is your last chance or we have to expel you.”
“Professor. Professor!” the young dragon-shifter calls, but his pleas fall on deaf ears. With a sigh, he turns to you, the one with literal deaf ears.
“Stay out of my way,” he growls and pushes roughly past you.
You tilt your head to the side, unable to comprehend his moving lips. He seems displeased, but still, you want to make a good first impression, so you run up after him and offer him a red pouch.
“What do you want?” he frowns.
You open the bag for him to see the appai berries inside, his favorite fruit. 
“Oh, wow, for me thanks!” he grins happily, making you smile as well. You beam at him as he takes the gift from your hands. However, you don’t expect him to then spit into the bag and shove it back into your face with a scowl. 
“You really think I’d say that?” he scoffs and continues stomping down the halls of Sheng Academy, shaking off the feeling that he’s seen you somewhere.
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“A deaf handicap! Can you believe it?”
“Hyunjin, calm down,” his friend and roommate, Changbin, sighs.
“Easy for you to say; your rider is head prefect,” Hyunjin grumbles at the other shifter.
Changbin just lets out another sigh and focuses his attention on his dinner.
“Who says we need riders anyway?” Hyunjin continues. “We can fight and fly perfectly well without them!”
“You know that isn’t true.”
“I’m a Twilight Terror,” he hisses.
Changbin rolls his eyes at the mention of the superior dragon breed. “I’m going back to the dorms now. You should find her and get some practice in before the great ‘Twilight Terror’ falls face first into dirt in class tomorrow.”
“Like claws I will,” he curses while taking the unfinished custard from his friend’s plate.
It appears that you have the same idea as Changbin though. As soon as Hyunjin puts his tray onto the collecting belt, you walk up to him.
‘Practice?’ you sign. 
“I can’t understand your stupid hand dance,” he snickers and pushes your forehead backwards with two fingers.
You figure out what that meant, so you pull out a notepad and write your question onto a sheet.
With the same cocky smile on his lips, he leans down towards you and exaggeratedly replies, “Nnnnoooooo.”
Despite his answer, Hyunjin makes his way to the training grounds after he has lost you. It is actually a commonality for him to practice whenever he has a chance. By himself, that is.
“Face first?” Hyunjin mocks. “We’ll see about that.”
After a quick chant, the pendant around his neck glows and turns him into a gorgeous, deep purple reptile. Hyunjin lets out a majestic roar and takes off into the air.
He loves the feeling of the night air under his wings and the feeling of control as he maneuvers around the training course. Over the horizontal beam, around the rotating spikes, toss a fireball at the target, through the-- Bang! His tail accidentally slams against a pole, sending him face first into the sand below.
“Claws…” Hyunjin groans internally, picking his head off the ground. 
Fustratedly, he thumps his useless tail against the ground repeatedly until he feels an extra weight trying to hold it down. When the dust cloud he created settles down, he nearly gasps when he sees you clinging onto him with wide eyes.
You shake your head and make a thumping motion with your arm. ‘Don’t hurt yourself,’ you sign regardless of his understanding. 
Hyunjin blasts a breath of hot air into your face before flinging you off of him and flying away as quickly as he can.
Once alone again, Hyunjin curls up into himself and paws at his left tail fin, or rather, the lack thereof. He can still remember the day he lost it like it was yesterday. He can also still remember the man who took it from him. The man he called his rider.
Hyunjin knows deep down he cannot maneuver as fluidly and precisely without the spells of a rider even if he had a functioning tail, but he would rather keep trying every night by himself than admit it. Speaking of spells, how are you, a deaf rider, supposed to control him? You probably cannot even enunciate the most basic of spells, he realizes with a scoff. He realizes his hypocrisy when making fun of your handicap when he has one as well, but he would rather disregard that thought too.
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“We’re going to be having free practice for class today. Remember, the New Year Race is in just over three months!” your professor announces. 
“Are you competing this year?” a she-dragon asks, bumping her snout against Hyunjin’s wing.
“We’ll see, Hye Ji,” he replies, hiding his tail even further between his two front legs. Hye Ji sighs at the response and flies off with her rider to find a training spot.
You cannot tell what the dragons are saying even if you can hear, but you can clearly see her intentions. You give Hyunjin a suggestive nudge, and he growls dangerously at you.
“Now, now, Hwang,” your professor chides. “Be nice. Maybe L/N can take you to the Race this year.”
“I don’t need a rider--”
“I’m sure you don’t.” Turning to you, she signs and vocalizes, “Ready?”
You nod, but Hyunjin lets out a grunt. To no one’s surprise, he starts to stalk off. As he does so, he feels a sudden weight overcoming his head, causing it to drop onto the ground and halting his movements. Angrily, he turns to the professor for using a spell on him. To his surprise though, her necklace wasn’t the one glowing; yours is. 
“How?” A spell like that is difficult and even more so when used on a dragon who has not accepted you as its rider yet, not to mention the even greater increase of difficulty due to your inability to have even heard the words to it before. Still, the white shine of your pendant is unmistakable.
After you release your spell, his curiosity bests his pride, so he stays where he is, watching your every move. You walk over to give him a few gentle strokes along his side-- a friendly, and non-invasive spot to pet.
‘I’m going to get on now, okay?’ you sign. 
Your professor translates, and Hyunjin lets out another grunt and flies off.
“What did I expect? I really hope he comes around before he can’t graduate,” your professor sighs and goes to check on her other students. You’ll figure it out, she hopes.
Flying alone makes him feel weightless and free. Although your earlier spell was impressive, it scared him, knowing there is someone who can control his muscles like that. So what if he isn’t able to make quick turns or fly in the same spot? He is a Twilight Terror; he can just blast away anything in his path.
He flies towards a nearby pole to prove his point. He gathers all his frustration and insecurity into a ball of plasma and condemns the approaching obstacle into obliteration.
Wait. Approaching?
Hyunjin’s eyes widen as he realizes that the pole is only one of many rotating ones on a gear-like contraption, and the next one is coming faster than he can react on his own. Suddenly, his muscles feel a sharp burst of energy and pivots his body just barely under the incoming barrier. His tail is left behind, however. It jerks uncontrollably behind him as the situation becomes more dire. 
Hyunjin lets out a worthless roar in your direction, demanding that you get your spells together quickly. You cannot hear him, but you understood his message. Honestly, you are disappointed with your lack of ability, but you simply are not used to working with a dragon with only half its fin, especially from a distance. Still, that is no excuse for you not to be able to save him. 
At the last Hollywood-like second, you manage to get Hyunjin out of harm’s way. He looks at you incredulously before flying a clear path towards you and turning human just as he lands. It’s only then that he notices how pristine your white riding uniform is. The underside of your coattails, the area most easily burned during fights, flaunt a brilliant crimson colour. Either you’ve just purchased the outfit or you are just that good at riding. 
With your professor gone, Hyunjin snatches the notepad from your coat to communicate.
‘How did you conjure spells like that?’ he scribbles and pushes the words into your face.
You take the pad back. ‘Let me on your back and you’ll see.’
Hyunjin scoffs at the idea. ‘Why didn’t you use them on me last night?’ he asks, referring to your rather pathetic attempts of holding his tail down with your physical body.
‘It wasn’t time yet. I don’t control dragons when I’m not supposed to. That’s abusive.’
Abusive? Hyunjin narrows his eyes, unsure whether or not you are lying. Why not use your powers when you have them, especially when you can control dragons who haven’t sworn their loyalty to you and from a distance no less. 
‘Who are you?’ he decides to ask.
You smile when you read his words. Eagerly you scribble your response. ‘Your friend who’s going to take you to the Race!’
Hyunjin rips off the page once he’s read it, crumples it, and tosses it at your black boots. “I’ve not entered that thing once in all the years I’ve been here,” he snarls in your ear, not caring that you can’t hear him. “No rider has ever been able to be my rider, let alone a friend.”
As he tries to walk off once again, you pull on his sleeve.
“What?” he whips around angrily.
You reach forward to press something into his mouth. It doesn’t take long for him to recognize the familiar sweetness of an appai berry. You hand him the page he threw at you, now with the words ‘good work!’ written on the back, and walk off the practice grounds, leaving him behind this time.
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“Where did you get that?”
“Get what?” Changbin asks, popping another berry into his mouth and swirling his blue necklace around idly. A familiar red pouch sits besides him.
“This!” Hyunjin exclaims as he snatches the pouch before his roommate can grab another one.
“Dude, chill. It was just hanging on the door knob when I came home. Are they yours?”
“No,” he replies curtly.
“Hey! Then give them back!” yells Changbin after his friend as the latter makes his way back out again.
It doesn't take long for Hyunjin to find your dorm room. The look of excitement across your features when you open the door to see him only fuels his anger. 
“What is this?” he yells. “You think bribery is going to work?”
Your blank stare causes him to drag his hand down his face in frustration. Without a choice, he writes on your white board, ‘I don’t want any of your bribes’ and tosses the pouch at you.
You grab his wrist to prevent him from leaving as you write, ‘If you don’t want bribes, then earn it.’
“What?” he vocalizes. You understood that.
‘Earn the berries like you did today.’
‘This is ridiculous. I’m not a child.’
‘Then think of it as an add-on. You want to know how I work my spells, don’t you? Just try letting me on you, and you’ll find out AND get appai berries. It’s a win-win.’
‘Don’t you get it? I’m NOT letting a rider on my back.’
‘I’m not asking you to swear loyalty to me. Consider it a favor.’
‘And what makes you think I’d do you a favor?’
‘Because we’re friends! :D’
Hyunjin wipes away your emoji with his hand. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
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For the next few days, while you are trying to coax him into a ride, Hyunjin has been trying to figure out your spellcasting methods by himself in the library. By his reasoning, there aren't too many riders who can control dragons who don’t let them, so the school journalists must have done an article about you somewhere sometime during your career at Sheng.
“Changbin, can you get the door?” he calls with an arm full of borrowed newspapers and magazines.
“Yeah, sure. One second.” 
“Thanks,” Hyunjin nods once the door swings open. He nearly drops all the manuscripts once he sees who else is inside the room though.
“What is she doing here?” he gestures accusingly at you with his head.
You wave innocently at him then beckon Changbin to sit back next to you.
“I’m helping her sketch a blueprint of a model of your tail so that she can practice on it since, you know, you won’t let her practice on you,” replies Changbin.
‘Thank you,’ you sign.
‘My pleasure.’
“You sign?” Hyunjin scoffs.
“She’s taught me a few things,” the other male shrugs. ‘He’s such a soggywog,’ he signs to you.
You giggle, which surprises the Terror since it’s the first sound he has heard from your mouth. It’s more pleasant than what he imagined a deaf person is able to muster, but again, it’s another fact he would rather not dwell on.
“What did you say to her?” he demands, to which his roommate shrugs and shares a knowing smile with you.
‘I think it’s about as good as it can get,’ Changbin writes, turning back to the blueprint. 
‘I’ll get to building it then,’ you write back and give him a quick hug as thanks before signing your goodbyes.
“You two sure got close,” Hyunjin notes as his friend closes the door behind you.
“She’s nice, so why not?” Changbin conjures a red pouch of berries from seemingly nowhere and starts munching on one. “They’re mine this time. Hands off.”
Hyunjin waves him off and spreads newspapers on the desk you have just vacated. “Anyway. I’m trying to figure out how Y/N is casting her spells. Want to help me?”
“Nope! She’s also going to constrict half of my tail and practice riding me, so I’ll find out sooner or later.”
“And I don’t suppose you’ll be telling me afterwards.”
“You’re so smart, Hyunjinie~” he coos mockingly.
“I’m telling your rider you’re cheating on him with another rider.”
“Oh, Chan already knows,” Changbin tells him. “He’s riding with her in case something goes wrong.”
“When did this happen?” the younger one wonders aloud.
“When you were busy avoiding your rider,” Changbin answers. “Not that I understand why. She’s so nice and pretty.”
“She’s not my--”
“Oh right, it’s cause you already have Hye Ji!”
“Seo Changbin!”
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Hyunjin isn’t curious about what you can do about a broken tail like his. He isn’t! The only reason that he is hiding in one of the corners of the practice grounds is because he likes it there. Yeah, totally!
He sees you and Chan step back from Changbin as the dragon takes on his reptilian form.
‘Beautiful,’ he sees you sign towards the Death Fangs and get started fitting a contraption that will constrict the movement of the left half of his tail.
Chan helps you up and then gets on behind you himself, and your white necklace begins to glow as Changbin lifts up off the ground. Hyunjin frowns when Chan laughs upon figuring out your trick. Your lips are moving but not in a way the common spells would require them too. If you aren’t saying the spell words, what are you saying? 
Just then, your magic flickers a centimeter too far to one side, sending Changbin into a spinning spiral. Hastily, you pull on a string to release the constriction and increase your magic to steady the dragon. Chan helps, and a mix of blue and white ribbons of magic surrounds the three of you until Changbin is upright again.
During your increase in powers, Hyunjin can make out your chants. No, not chants, singing! How has he not noticed how you place a hand over your voice box to feel the vibrations as you ride? Rather than using different words for different spells, you use different frequencies! 
Chan has Changbin land with his arms around you much tighter than they were before the accident. Given the possible outcomes of what just happened, the tightness is warranted, but not in Hyunjin’s opinion.
‘I’m sorry,’ you sign once you have dismounted. 
‘No worries. It’s why we’re practicing,’ Chan assures. 
Of course the prefect knows how to sign too.
Changbin lets you reattach the constriction, and you are in the air again in no time with Chan right behind you. By the end of the session, you are able to maneuver Changbin through the easy course without any incidents. With satisfied nods, the three of you decide to make your way to the dining hall for dinner together while Chan bombards you with questions about your technique.
Hyunjin steps out of his hiding spot after you have left nothing but the memory of the white of your uniform behind. He doesn’t even realize how sore his legs have become from standing in the same spot for so long until he moves. Something about your riding is that enchanting that he forgets just how much time has passed. He wonders how you haven’t been able to find a single article about you yet.
“Hye Ji? What are you doing here?” He whips around to face the yellow dragon.
“Just out for a little air,” she replies with a sweet smile. “Want to fly with me?”
“I, uh, just finished training. I was just heading in for a shower,” Hyunjin lies.
“Come on, just a little bit?”
“I’m really tired, sorry,” Hyunjin tries, unconsciously moving the muscles that would hide his tail behind his back if he had one at the moment.
“Then I’ll carry you!” offers Hye Ji. “I tried it with my girl friends once. It’s really fun.”
“Your rider’s not here!”
The girl shrugs. “We can take the easy course. Come on, please?”
Before long, Hyunjin finds himself on top of the dragon fifty meters above the ground. 
“Hold on!”
She is right about one thing: this is really fun. Until they fly a little too close to a beam for his liking.
“Watch out!” Hyunjin yells. 
If he had been flying by himself, he would certainly not have been able to avoid it. Just then, he imagines you are sitting behind him, taking him from harm’s way as Hye Ji swoops naturally over the pole. Then suddenly, he is you. He is seeing the exact path you took not minutes ago with a broken tail swaying in the wind behind you. He looks to the side at how comfortable Hye Ji’s wings are without having to compensate for an imbalanced tail. 
He then closes his eyes and feels the wind blow effortlessly pass him. It’s a nostalgic feeling-- one he very much enjoyed years ago. He remembers flying without a care of where he is or where he’s going. He remembers flying without having to prove anything to himself or anyone. Most of all, he remembers flying with the laughter in his ears. Laughter from his--
His rider.
The thought jolts Hyunjin’s entirety. Being unaccustomed to riding, the motion jerks his body to the side of Hye Ji where he loses his footing and slips and begins an all to familiar journey to the ground. 
He chants the transformation spell to soften his landing with his wings.
“Beautiful,” Hye Ji breaths at Hyunjin’s deep purple scales. “I-I mean, I’m sorry about dropping you!”
The male shakes off the dust and returns to human form before she can see his tail, especially after she has just witnessed him face planting into the floor. Again.
“It was my fault,” Hyunjin says with a shake of his head. “I think it’s time I go back for that shower.”
“Wait! Don’t you want a ride? The dorms are very far from here,” she offers.
“No thanks. I’ll walk back.”
“I said I’m sorry!”
Hyunjin turns around to give her a small smile. “Don’t worry. It wasn’t you; I just have a few things to sort out myself.”
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“I think I’m in love.”
Hyunjin raises an eyebrow at his roommate who’s sprawled across his bed. “Just from one ride?”
“She’s just… that amazing, you know?” he sighs exasperatedly.
“You’ve fallen one too many times today, haven’t you?”
Changbin sits up. “I’m just kidding, you know.”
“Good. You had me really worried there for a second,” Hyunjin chuckles with a shake of his head and turns back to his math homework.
“You don’t have to worry. I’m not going to play Chan dirty like that.”
Hyunjin looks up at his friend. “What about Chan?”
“S-M-I-T-T-E-N. She’s going to be in a lotta trouble with his fangirls. You know, since he’s head prefect and all.”
“He’s known her for one day,” Hyunjin objects with the shake of his head.
“At least he doesn’t avoid her like the plague.”
“I’m not trying to cozy up to that rider.”
“YOUR rider.”
“She’s not my--”
“Seriously, Hyunjin?” Changbin snaps. “How long are you going to go about that idea? You realize that riders get graded on how well they control their dragons, right? You might not care about not graduating or whatever, but have you thought about them? Do you know how many riders quit this school because they’ve been paired with you and your attitude? Do you realize how many of their hopes and dreams you’ve ruined?”
“Yeah, sure your future isn’t what you want it to be because of your tail, and I’m guessing it’s some rider’s fault, but don’t you see that you’re doing the same thing to other people?”
“So what if I’m projecting my pain onto them?” Hyunjin retorts. “I’m a selfish, vengeful, futureless dragon. Maybe I should drop out myself to spare some rider from a poor, unfortunate fate of flying a half-tailed lizard!”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“You’re right, it’s not. You just want to protect your rider’s little girlfriend because she’s strong and pretty and bribes you with berries.”
“No, I want to protect you, Hyunjin,” Changbin states plainly. “Y/N is unlike any rider I’ve ever seen before, and I really think she can help you feel like who you were before. Just give her a chance.”
Hyunjin opens his mouth but is unable to find a counter reply. Changbin sighs and ruffles the younger dragon’s hair before heading to bed.
~ ad.gold
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amanda-teaches · 4 years
Til Death Do Us Part? (2)
Series Summary: At a work party with your best friend, Dean, you panic when your new boss asks if you’re couple. Lying to protect your promotion, you wind up fake engaged before you can take it back. When Dean agrees to go along with your lie for a weekend retreat, you end up finding something neither of you had bargained for: love.
Chapter Summary: You and Dean arrive at Mountview, ready to begin your weekend of being a “couple”, but you’re the first ones there. So, you take a little activity detour, and some feelings start to surface.
Pairing: AU Dean x Reader
Square filled: Horseback Riding for @spnfluffbingo
Word Count: 2137
Warnings: Fluffy flirting with an undercurrent of angst. Some sad memories and romantic misunderstandings softened by a whole lot of Dean.
A/N: Here’s Chapter 2! We’re catching some feelings, you guys. It’s cute and I’m not even a little bit sorry about that. Let me know what you think! I’m hoping to have a chapter up every week, if all goes to plan, so I’d love to see your thoughts on what happened and where it’s going. Tags are open for this series!
Til Death Do Us Part? Masterlist
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Dean went full-on method actor for your trip to Mountview the following weekend.
It was early Friday morning, and you were already waiting out front for him, eager to get this disaster-in-the-making of a weekend over and done with. The more you thought about it, the more you knew something had to go wrong in this lie, being “engaged” to Dean. But, you also knew it was too late to turn back now.
As soon as you saw Dean pull up to the curb, you grabbed your bag from where it was sitting by your feet on the front porch and stood up. You took a step towards the Impala but faltered once Dean opened the car door and stood up, your mouth falling open.
He looked so damn gorgeous, it felt like all the air had been sucked out of your lungs. 
He was wearing a white dress shirt, the cuffs rolled up to his forearms and the top button undone. It stretched across his shoulders, highlighting the muscles in his arms as your eyes traveled down to the accompanying crisp blue slacks and black dress shoes. You let out a ragged sigh. He looked like a damn GQ model, and, since you were used to always seeing him in jeans and a flannel, you were wholly unprepared for it.
He noticed you gaping and stopped on the walkway in front of you, looking down at his outfit with dismay. “What, too much?”
You swallowed, finding your voice. “N..o,” you stammered. “You look, um...good. I just, I wasn’t really expecting you to dress up,” you continued, trying to cover your reaction. 
He grinned, holding his arms out, either missing the unsteadiness in your voice or choosing to ignore it. “Yeah, well, we want to impress, right? May as well look the part. I figured my character would dress for success.”
You laughed, his humor bringing you back down to earth. “Your character, huh?”
“Yeah.” He scrunched his face together to look extra serious. “Dean Winchester, fiance. He’s a very worldly guy, you know.”
“Haha, I’m sure he is.” You placed your hand on his shoulder gently, your smile turning encouraging. “But, you should really just be yourself. We’re already going to have to lie about being a couple all weekend, we shouldn’t complicate it anymore.”
He frowned, grumbling a little. “I guess you’re right…” he admitted, begrudgingly, like a kid who had just lost his favorite toy. “But, can I keep the clothes?”
“Yes, you can,” you agreed, chuckling freely. “Dean Winchester, fiance.”
You started to walk past him towards the car, but he grabbed your hand, pulling you back. “Oh, that reminds me.” He dug into his pocket, pulling out a ring with a gorgeous diamond on a simple, silver band. “It was my mom’s.”
Your eyes widened, your mouth dropping open. “Dean, no, that’s too much. I couldn’t use something that important.” You pulled your hand away to stop him. “We’ll just say the ring’s still being resized again.”
“No, no,” Dean insisted, grabbing your hand once again and slowly slipping the ring on before you could protest. “If we’re doin’ this, we’re doin’ it right. Besides,” he continued, using a free finger to gently tip your chin up to meet his eyes, “I think my mom would’ve really liked you. She would’ve wanted you to have it.” He paused, his eyes shifting into something you couldn’t quite place. “I mean, you know, for the weekend.”
“Yeah,” you whispered. Your heart flipped as you looked down at the ring, Dean’s fingers splayed out beneath yours. “Just for the weekend.”
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You arrived at Mountview two short hours later, your time in the car seeming to speed by with easy conversation and cheesy jokes. Dean guided the car to a stop in front of the majestic looking chateau while you stared out the window, taking in the view. It was an all-inclusive resort, one of the most exclusive mountain retreats in the area, made up of three, gorgeous, expansive floors, with spa services, tennis courts, pools, every amenity you could possibly ask for.
You were nervous as hell to pull this off, but you couldn’t help but be more than a little excited at the prospect of getting to spend the weekend here. There was no way you’d be able to justify the expense on your own, so this was probably your only chance to experience such luxury. Despite the circumstances, you decided you were going to be determined to enjoy it.
Opening the car door, you stepped outside while Dean grabbed both your bags from the trunk. He looked back at you, tossing a wink your way before heading towards the lobby doors as you followed.
Once you both made it inside, you took the lead, walking towards the giant, mahogany front desk, where you were greeted by the excessively cheerful woman standing behind it. “Ms. Y/L/N, welcome to the Mountview! We are so excited to have you and your fiance joining us for the weekend.” She looked down at her computer screen, her fingers typing furiously for a few seconds. “You’re a little early, so it seems as though we’re still putting your room together.”
Room, as in singular. Shit, you hadn’t even thought of that. “Um, actually…”
“That’s no problem at all, right, honey?” Dean asked, slipping his arm around your waist and pulling you close. “We don’t mind waiting.”
You stiffened at his touch before remembering it was all just an act. Fighting every instinct inside you to lean into him, you nodded. The clerk grinned broadly in return. “Fantastic. It should be ready in a few hours. It doesn’t look like the rest of your party is here yet, but you are welcome to enjoy some of our lovely amenities while you wait. We can hold your bags here at the front desk.”
Dean’s eyes lit up. “What kind of amenities?”
You relaxed into his touch as the clerk rattled them off from memory, his mere presence managing to ground you. His full attention was focused on the clerk, but you knew he could feel you because his hand began to move slowly up and down your side in response. You assumed he was probably just playing up the couple angle for your audience, but, damn, did it feel good. Natural even.
You looked up at him out of the corner of your eye, smiling at the goofy, excited look on his face at all the amenities she was describing, when you heard the clerk mention horsebacking riding.
“Horseback riding?” you repeated, straightening up. Now, it was your turn to get excited. “Like, with real horses?”
Dean chuckled under his breath, but the clerk just looked befuddled. “Yes, ma’am…” she responded slowly. “They’re real horses.” Dean started to chuckle again, but you elbowed him to shut him up so you could listen to the clerk. “We have a stable out back behind the tennis courts with trails extending for miles.”
You looked up at Dean, your eyes lighting up like you’d just walked downstairs on Christmas morning. “Dean, can we go riding?! Please?!”
He smiled softly at the glee written all over your face and nodded. “Sure, babe.”
You beamed, taking his hand in yours. Getting the directions from the clerk, you left your bags with her and pulled Dean towards the doorway. In just a few minutes, you were standing outside the rustic, wood-paneled stable, breathing in the fresh air. Dean slid open the heavy barn doors, and you rushed inside, moving directly to the horse stalls that took up the length of the wall to your right. 
Dean followed, standing behind you as you ran your hand down the mane of a gorgeous, black mare in the front stall. “I didn’t know you liked horses so much.”
You laughed. “Maybe that’s because we live in the middle of a city with the nearest horse stables about 43 minutes away.”
He poked his head over your shoulder, raising an amused eyebrow at your exact estimate. You smiled and looked down, a little embarrassed. “I may have researched it once or twice.”
He smirked and wrapped his arms around you, pulling your back against him. “So, what is it with you and horses anyway?” he asked, dropping his chin to your shoulder to look at the mare standing in front of you.
You bit your lip, resting your head against his chest. “When I was little, my dad and I used to go riding.” He tightened his hold on you, knowing your dad had died when you were just a teenager. “Every so often, he would drop everything, no matter how much work he had to do, turn to me and say ‘Today’s an Y/N day’. He’d ask me to pick anything I wanted to do, and I, always, without fail, picked horseback riding at this little family-owned stable by our house.” You closed your eyes at the memory, laughing. “I remember he always pretended to be completely shocked by my choice, even though I always picked the same one.” You opened your eyes and turned in Dean’s arms, your eyes filling with sadness. “I haven’t gone riding since he died.”
Dean stared at you, his gaze intense and filled with concern. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
You shook your head, blinking away tears. “No, no, I want to,” you said resolutely. “Riding with my dad is one of my happiest memories, and I don’t want to run from that. I want to embrace it.” You swallowed, your eyes darting down to the buttons on Dean’s shirt. “I want to share it with you, Dean.”
He was quiet, and, for a moment, you were worried you’d freaked him out by crying over horses, of all things, but then you felt his chest rumble with a soft laughter. “Well, what’re we waitin’ for?” he announced, excitedly throwing his hands up over his head. “Let’s get our cowboy on!”
You laughed and followed him into the tack room, a gigantic smile splitting your face. In no time at all, you’d saddled up two horses with Dean’s help, and the two of you were heading out onto the trail leading up into the mountains.
Your ride through the forest was filled with carefree talking for a while before the trail ended, opening up into a wide, open meadow. The grass was laid out in front of you, sunkissed, expansive, and impossible to resist. You glanced over at Dean, grinning mischievously. “Race you!”
You took off before he could answer you, urging your horse on with a squeeze of your knees. You heard a strangled shout from behind you, but you kept going, laughing at the feel of the wind on your face as you lengthened your lead.
You streaked across the meadow, but Dean quickly caught up to you, pulling his horse up alongside yours. He turned to you and frowned accusatorialy at your head start, but you just winked and grinned at him, galloping even faster so you once again pulled ahead, reaching the edge of the meadow first.
“Ha, victory!” you bragged enthusiastically, guiding your horse to a stop under a shaded grove of trees. “In your face!”
He was out of breath when he gently tugged on the reins, signaling his horse to come to a standstill next to yours. “Cheating victory,” he emphasized, but you could tell by the amusement dancing in his eyes that he wasn’t really mad. “I demand a rematch.”
You leaned in closer to him, so that your saddles were side by side, your bodies almost touching. “In your dreams, Winchester.”
His eyes darkened and dropped to your lips, and suddenly you were aware of just how close to him you really were. It wasn’t an unfamiliar position, but with the way he was looking at you, coupled with the sweat gathered on his brow and the way his chest was rising and falling from the ride, it felt decidedly different and infinitely more charged than you were capable of dealing with.
You straightened up, pulling back from him and the moment, and cleared your throat. “Um, we should probably be heading back. The others will be here soon.”
Dean hesitated for a second, looking a little dazed, before his eyes refocused, and, it broke your heart a little to note, became much more guarded. “Yeah,” he agreed softly. “We probably should.”
He turned back towards the stables and nudged his horse into a trot without another word, leaving you to follow. You stared after his retreating frame, sighing as you realized how close you’d actually come to kissing him, and, even more, how much you’d wanted to.
It scared the hell out of you.
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Forevers- @atc74 @babypieandwhiskey @be-amaziing @carryonmywaywardcaptain @deans-dirty-writer @deanwanddamons @deanwinchesterswitch @dolphincliffs @edgeofreality35 @emoryhemsworth @focusonspn @hannahindie @heyitscam99 @impala-dreamer @impandagrl @karikatz12481 @katymacsupernatural @maddiepants @masksandtruths @mrsdeannafuckingwinchester​ @mysterious-398​ @ohmychuckitssamanddean @pinknerdpanda​ @roxyspearing​ @spnbaby-67​ @squirrel-moose-winchester​ @wi-deangirl77​ @wonderfulworldofwinchester​
Dean Tags - @adoptdontshoppets​ @akshi8278​ @alexwinchester23​  @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @flamencodiva​ @squirrelnotsam​
Til Death Do Us Part?- @vicmc624​ @wayward-gypsy​ @compresshischest09​ @lottieellz101
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glottia-arts · 3 years
For the honor of the Captain
Man, this took a lot longer to finish than I expected, having to deal with internet issues (I'm gonna write on my comp from now on instead of google docs), focus, and lack of ideas of how to get from point A to point Z.  I apologize for the million year wait, @emizel, but this fic is finally finished! It probably wasn't worth the wait, but I still hope you enjoy regardless!
For anyone else reading, this is an AU for emizel's and my plot for MediEvil. Everything's mostly the same for this universe, the only difference is, is that emizel's character, Hilda, wound up turning into the Boiler Guard, Hecate. She is also very AU-ish on her own since this was my initial idea I had for her, but even though it's not the canon for the exact AU, emizel still encouraged my idea of this.
Warning: Character death, but they're already dead so does it entirely count?
Word Count: 4,344 _____
It was hard focusing on the task presented, worrying for the other residents of the castle. It was announced hours ago that Sir Daniel Fortesque approached the lair, having overtaken the fleet captain’s ship. The would-be hero was on a winning streak that far exceeded their own, and it was downright pitiful how he lucked out against Zarok’s army. Today, that would end. At least, that’s what Hecate hoped.
Her gaze had shifted to the gate several times during hers and Zarok’s preparations to shift into the last stage and conquer Gallowmere once and for all. The mechanical mage couldn’t help her actions, anxiety plaguing her mind on who would come from that entrance. No one was allowed in other than the Captain of the Boiler Guards, requiring to report his success. Sir Daniel, the blighter, would not adhere to such rules.
Kesten was strong, she’s always known this despite denying the concept in the beginning, but he’s lost several times over to that skeleton. This previous time he returned from the repair bay, there was a notable mark Fortesque left on the guard’s chest. The thought infuriated her once more, mixing with fear for the captain. What sort of powers had Fortesque obtained to harm her captain?
Hecate stumbled in her work, somewhat embarrassed from that silly mishap. Why was she thinking about it in a notion other than following under him? Her arms grew a little hazy in her flustered state, berating herself for such thoughts. Though she tried to ignore them, she couldn’t help but focus on it now.
Brief memories of their time serving under Master Zarok together filled her memory, her boiler growing full with happiness. The happiest she’s ever been since her creation has always been with him. Even before they began interacting outside of business, those times were special to her as well, no matter how dull.
Her furnace burned hotter, imagining how many more memories they could create when Zarok finally seized control of Gallowmere. It was a grand task and though it would be sometime before they could have peace to themselves, she relished the idea of relaxing with him. No hero’s to worry about and a brief respite from orders sounded heavenly to her. Perhaps they should venture out on their own accord for some alone time, with Zarok’s permission of course.
The sound of chugging metal caught both hers and her lord’s attention; Someone was coming by train. Hecate couldn’t run fast enough to the balcony to look at who arrived, her professionalism long forgotten. Zarok followed her at a much calmer pace, a barely audible chuckle escaping him prior to reaching her side.
“I believe that is the quickest I’ve seen you move yet, Hecate. You must be excited to witness the results of our defenses.”
If he wished to call it that, sure.
It felt like centuries waiting for her master’s creation to halt, her eyes glued to the opening as footsteps sounded off. Something dropped in her core, noticing the silhouette emerging from the shadows was not that of who she hoped for. Entering from the darkness and stepping to the center of the chamber was Sir Daniel Fortesque, scuffed up, but still roaming the earth.
Zarok disappointedly muttered to himself, “So Kesten failed again I see. I suppose it cannot be helped.”
Hecate struggled to hear her Master through the fog that now clouded her mind, her focus solely on the knight below them. Even the movements he made while addressing the hero and thereafter hardly caught her attention. Her boiler grew scorching hot the minute she caught sight of something that did not belong to Fortesque as he moved around; one of Kesten’s knives hung on the skeleton’s waist.
Her fists clenched as she placed them on the balcony to lean over the ledge.
Why does he have that!?
She was brought out of her anger at the touch of a hand, reminding her of her position and company. Standing tall, Hecate did her best to remain calm in front of her Master and the enemy. The idea was good on paper, but nothing could quell the rage boiling inside.
How dare he keep a trophy of their battle! He continues to mock Kesten, even after defeating him.
It disgusted her to witness the false hero carry that on him, only to have it as a prize. She watched as the blade went unused against the Fazghouls, only using that chalice to keep his summoned spirits afloat.
Coward, won’t even fight his own battles.
A flaming chain shot out at the cur, forcing him to dodge and her eyes to keep up with his movements. With the Fazghouls defeat, Master Zarok’s very last line of defense appeared; Lord Kardok.
Hecate knew the champion had seen the item when he sent a glance her way. She stiffened at the unwanted and unneeded attention and pity, feeling as if she’d break down from his gaze. Kardok must have picked up on this, returning his attention to his opponent and begun unleashing an unhuman assault of fiery madness upon him. She could tell he was just as furious over the news of Kesten’s loss as her, albeit for a different reason. He didn’t shy away from letting the hero know his own hatred in the form of several lashes.
The skeleton struggled as the attacks struck him but nevertheless managed to survive. Just when she thought Lord Kardok might be winning, the enemy pulled out a glove and channeled a lightning attack to push him back.
Clenching her fist, Hecate went rigid.
That must be the weapon that gave Kesten that mark.
It made sense. Lightning was one of the few substances that left scorch marks, especially on a Boiler Guard. The woman doubted he had any explosion inducing weapons on him, but she shouldn’t underestimate him; it was a mystery how he damaged Kesten until now after all.
In the brief respite, Dan downed a potion of some sorts even with Kardok’s soldiers coming to aid him. They were swiftly defeated with that accursed blue sword of his. Lord Kardok, not having gone against him before, was left unaware of the weapon’s strength. A briefing on it differed from facing the blade himself, and he more than likely believed he could handle it. His horse on the other hand…
Circling around towards the hero to ram him, Sir Daniel evaded the undead with a somersault. The sly cur put enough force into his arm as he went, the large blade colliding with the horse’s limbs to send the once majestic beast crashing to the ground. A loud cry fell from the pair’s mouths on their impact, a small pillar of fire following the collision. Cunning as the knight was, he knew to stay away as Kardok’s horse stood on fractured bones, ready to continue. The larger skeleton hit the ground with the mace ball, an enormous wall of fire shot at the hero, knocking him to his knees. Galloping to the now kneeling skeleton, Kardok’s horse was ready for revenge, leaving fire in their wake. Now on top of Fortesque, the creature released an angered neigh as they raised their hooves to bring them down on their enemy. Fortune continued to grace the skeleton, once again dodging the attack. Lucky for them, it positioned Sir Daniel point-blank to the horses flaming legs. He avoided the initial attack unscathed, but the burst of hellfire erupting from the stomp got him, sending the skeleton up into the air.
Yes! Lord Kardok has him!
With the skeleton defenseless, Lord Kardok began twirling the flail in his hand, murder looming in his eyes.
Perhaps he could never defeat Kesten, but destroying his ender would be the next best thing. She thought a little somberly.
Making his final descent, Sir Daniel still refused to give up now fiddling with his pouch. Kardok noticed this and flung the chain with as much force as possible, sparks of light radiating from the tool. The airborne skeleton glanced to the oncoming weapon, panic setting in with its speed, forcing him to feverishly dig through the bag, finally producing three daggers. With a flick of his wrist, a blade sped to collide with the spiked ball, another following to deter its path, and the final one to knock it in an alternate direction.
Hecate watched this all take place and was baffled that someone with one eye had the precision to achieve the accomplished task. Yes, she and every worker that mattered around here lacked physical eyes, but they didn’t require them.
She knew Zarok was stunned as well, his own body now bending over as he clutched his head with his free hand.
Unseen to the horsemen was Daniel’s hand reaching into his quiver, pulling out three glowing arrows.
Hecate knew what that meant.
Warrior pride be damned, she had to interfere. Her magic traveled faster than Zarok’s and though she required time to generate real damaging spells, a quick one should still at least halt Fortesque’s assault.
Her right hand gripped her staff and- wait… why is there nothing? Panicking, she looked to her hand to see it void. Head shooting in every direction seeking the metal rod, Hecate froze.
It’s in the other room near her station. She can’t run fast enough to get it either!
Head snapping towards the arena, time seemed to slow as Sir Daniel fired an arrow. Hecate felt sluggish as she bolted to the edge, trying to yell out for Kardok to move. Only, she was too late. The projectile had struck and created a blue explosion, merging with the red flames of the skeleton and his steed. Another arrow struck, further increasing the mass. The mage nearly dropped to her knees as the last arrow struck, a thundering cry echoing from the arena as Kardok went up into magical flames. In an instant, Zarok’s champion was no more.
She stared at the spot where her ally once stood, unbelieving what she watched. Zarok’s best warrior was incinerated. His greatest soldiers were gone. The elite guard he had so painstakingly created had fallen. Who’s to say what happened to everyone else in the castle.
Her mind went to Scrap, recalling the other Boiler Guards gave them an important task to carry out. What the mission was, she had no inkling, but her emotions plagued her still. Something wanted to escape from the openings of her eye plate. The shadow of the feeling brought a sense of questionable nostalgia. She has never experienced this before, yet it seems so familiar.
Dead eyes shifting to Fortesque, she nearly saw red. He made a safe return to the ground and was storing his bow away, eye looking to Zarok.
The wizard slammed his staff down in frustration. “Bugger! Right then, that’s it! I’ve just about had enough of your meddling!”
As he spun to leave, she called out, “Master Zarok, wait…”
He paused, a hint of annoyance in his tone. “What is it, Hecate? Can’t you see that I’m in the midst of something?”
Slowly facing him, she squeezed her hands, hardly feeling them anymore. “Let me fight your enemy, milord.” Brow raised, Zarok’s mouth down-turned further, unconvinced. Continuing, she did her best to not rattle. “Please… I can take him. You shouldn’t waste your valuable time on him, sir. My magic will destroy him before you know it.”
His dark eyes cast on the floor, gripping his chin with his free hand in thought. “You do have the best means to dispose of him… but you severely lack the speed which Kardok and Kesten possessed.”
Hecate flinched at the mention of Kesten’s name but continued. “I need just one hit and he’s easy prey. He’s tired from battling as well, Master, more vulnerable to mistakes.”
Zarok continued to stare at the floor, and she was thankful the skeleton below didn’t scale the wall to come after them. Her Master was good for split decision making, but right now he was struggling.
A few seconds later he sighed, reluctantly nodding. “Alright. But the second I find you unfit to battle, I am stepping in. With Kesten out of the painting, you have no means of protection.”
Her voice was lost to her, bowing in response before treading to the rear chamber to retrieve her staff. Picking up the forgotten rod, she clenched it so hard she was hoping to leave a dent. Her strength was not like his though. A small sob made it past her throat. She couldn’t focus on him right now, she had a skeleton to exterminate.
Reigning in her emotions, Hecate descended the stairway to the corridor that led to the arena. Blanketed by the dark, Sir Daniel did not see her, but she could clearly see him. Her ire reignited anew, and this time, she did not have to save face. Lingering no longer, she strode into the light with her staff in hand, preparing a spell. Might as well get a head start with a powerful one.
Sir Daniel’s unwavering sight now set on her fed the fire further. Surprising her, he stowed his regular blade on his belt, making no move to draw any of his other fancy weapons.
Was he already giving up?
Almost laughing to herself, Hecate shook her head. Sir Daniel knew how to tick her off. “Is this some game to you, Fortesque? You dare mock not only me but the other warriors you’ve fought within the castle walls! Draw your weapon!”
Shaking his head, he replied with near incomprehensible speech. “Nuh-uh.”
Furious as is, she was inflamed now. Literally. Sparks of fire radiating from her boiler. “I don’t mind an easy win, but it is disgraceful to those who fell if you don’t show me the same respect!”
The skeleton shrugged as he kicked the ground, seeming uninterested in what she had to say.
Magical attack nowhere near its full potential, Hecate aimed the staff head at him. She would have liked some form of a challenge and sweet revenge, but if he preferred to play that card, she’d send him back to where he belonged.
“Fine! Burn in hell, Fortesque!” Without as much of a warning, the blast of vile magic soared to him.
Sir Daniel’s attention finally drew to the speedy attack, sweating bullets by the looks of it. It was too late for him. He dug his grave with the lack of regard.
In a completely unexpected turn of events, he drew Kesten’s knife at the last second, a sense of fear following.
What was he doing!? She wanted to recover that after he perished, she couldn’t recover ashes!
Her thoughts were put on a screeching halt in the next minute; Sir Daniel had used the knife and sliced her spell in half, both parts disintegrating in on themselves.
Dumbfounded was an under exaggeration: What the hell happened!?
Apparently, he had not expected the results either, glancing in both directions where the fragments of her attack passed. Once it was confirmed he had in fact deflected the magic, his posture was more jovial as he shot her a smug look.
“Where did you get that knife!?” Both combatants focused on Zarok, his pale complexion somehow even paler. “Forget that, where did you learn you could do that!?”
Attention drawn to the skeleton, he twirled the weapon, shrugging.
“Hecate, you need to be more cautious with your attacks! That knife was enchanted in the event your magic ever grew out of control. It can destroy or deflect your attacks!”
Her head could not have angled toward Zarok any faster. “It what!? Why did you not tell me this before I came down here!? Actually, why was I not informed of this prior!?” Catching herself, she hurriedly added, “M-Master Zarok, forgive me, but it would have been nice to know everything about my partner’s artillery!”
“Now’s not the time for this conversation, Hecate, it was a ‘what if’ scenario. I didn’t expect the fool would use Kesten’s knife, let alone the enchanted one. It was hardly worth mentioning.”
This was knowledge she should have received at an earlier point. Like a few decades earlier! Why didn’t Zarok trust her with this information? What else was he hiding from her? Was Kesten aware he had an enchanted blade?
“I recognize that look Hecate, but you need to focus on the battle. Unless you call for my intervention?”
“No, sir. That is unnecessary.” A small amount of venom underlined her words, still not thrilled at the secret.
Footsteps began approaching, dragging her focus back to her foe. Taking aim, she flung another mass of energy at him, much weaker in contrast to the last. As before, Daniel deflected the blast with the knife. Panic overtook her as doubt set in for her abilities. She was better than this! Hecate began firing multiple spells at the skeleton as she backed away, desiring to maintain the distance in between them. Every attack cast was diverted or dodged as he advanced, her precision further faltering.
He was so close now.
She was unable to send an attack out as he was practically on top of her, slashing the knife straight down. Thankfully, she still had enough common sense to use her staff and block the attack. Much to her surprise, there wasn’t much force behind it. Hecate knew Sir Daniel was putting his all into it, his body tense from applying as much pressure as possible.
A wicked smile formed on her ‘lips’. The earlier fights exhausted him, leaving her the stronger of the two. How pitiful.
Humoring him, she gradually kneeled to one knee, pretending to struggle in their altercation. Almost leaning down to both, Hecate flipped the tables; pushing off her hind leg with as much force as she could, she effortlessly threw Dan off his footing, making him backtrack to catch his balance. Staff now free, it was used to strike at Sir Daniel’s legs, knocking him to the ground. She slammed the end of the object onto his torso to keep him in place, adjusting her hold as she approached.
Laughter burst from the balcony, almost camouflaging the sound of the train making its return. Hecate could only assume it was reinforcements, but she chose to ignore it in favor of her prey.
“My, my, how the mighty have fallen. I expected more of a fight from you, Fortesque, but I see my colleagues had all the fun.” She channeled her magic into her staff, the action not unnoticed by the hero. “I would have preferred a fair fight,” The skeleton eyed her incredulously, but she continued, “but I understand with the weapon you carry, it wouldn’t have been much of one. It’s a shame it all has to end like this. I was dying to disintegrate you piece by piece, make you wish you were never reanimated. I suppose we can’t all get what we desire in the end, no?”
The train outside stopped, unknown metallic sounds following, echoing into the night and room.
Staff nearly charged, Hecate felt more enraged as Sir Daniel looked to the entrance, a smile forming on his boney face.
“What are you staring at!?” His smug eye glanced back to her as soon as the creaking stopped. “You’re about to rejoin the dead and you have the nerve to smile at me like that!?”
Shocked at the interruption, she lost all concentration on her spell.
That voice…
Slowly, Hecate’s head twisted to the entrance, eyes unbelieving. “Kesten..?”
Low and behold, standing proud as ever with his firearm was the Captain of the Boiler Guards, Kesten. Several pieces of armor were missing, particularly the entirety of his left arm and parts of his legs, and was banged up to hell, but here he was. Standing. Still alive.
Her body shook, relieving pressure off the skeleton beneath, the conflict essentially forgotten.
“Well, well, you survived I see, Kesten.” The commander’s attention diverted from her to their Master. “But my oh my, you were in quite the brawl, weren’t you? I’m impressed you’re still standing with all that grime and incisions to your plating. Hecate was about to finish up taking care of Fortesque-”
Zarok was cut off as Kesten swiftly held his gun up, firing at the Wizard. A yelp sounded from him, dodging in the nick of time but not quite escaping the bullet. A string of blood escaped the wound that was now present along Zarok’s left cheek.
Hecate stared at the Captain, shocked at what he did. Zarok, likewise, slammed his staff down.
“Kesten! What has gotten into you!? Fortesque is your enemy, not me!”
Smoke now evaporated from the blunderbuss, Kesten lowered it. “I will fight your battles no longer, Zarok. You’ve used Hecate and I for far too long in this selfish game of yours to control Gallowmere.”
Appalled, the Wizard sneered at him. “What are you getting at, Kesten? I created you two and I can dismantle you both if I so choose!”
“I believe you’re aware of what you stole from both of us, Zarok.” Angling his head in her direction, he spoke words she didn’t expect to hear. “Captain, your orders!”
Still stunned, it was easy for Sir Daniel to knock her staff off himself and roll out of the way into a standing position. Dusting himself off, the skeleton shrugged.
“I think we know what the end goal here is, Kesten.”
Kesten nodded before truly focusing on her. Hecate struggled to pay attention to either of them as she backed up, confused more than ever. What was happening? Why was Kesten acting so strange? Why was he being friendly with their enemy? She didn’t understand.
“Hecate, don’t just stand there, kill them!”
She froze at the command, clutching her staff tight.
Kill… Kesten? She just… got him back. Surely he was jesting… right?
Hecate stared at the Boiler Guard, conflicted. She received direct orders from the Master, but this was Kesten. Could she bring herself to go through with it? To kill the one she grew so fond of?
“Hecate, don’t listen to him, he’s been manipulating us this whole time.” Zarok sent a green bolt of magic his way, sidestepping it he was forced to glimpse between both magic users.
“Be quiet, you malfunctioning miscreant!”
Smoke wafted from Kesten, the telltale signs of anger rearing its head. “I’m working better than ever without your mind control spell plaguing my mind you wretch!”
Another blast of magic fired and missed, this time on Zarok’s account. “What would make you assume such a thing, Kesten?” A brief pause before the wizard began cackling and gestured to Dan. “Was it that good-for-nothing knight over there? I knew he had a way with words, but to fool you? I’m appalled you believed such drivel.”
Smoke exploded out of Kesten’s boiler and even his unarmored arm started to dissipate into steam. Verbal anger was one thing with the Captain; frightening and something to avoid at all costs. This new silent rage spoke of danger, putting Hecate on edge.
The Captain appeared normal, but he had changed in so little time. It was like he was someone else. Did Kesten speak the truth with mind control? Or was Zarok correct in Kesten’s impairment?
Hecate weighed the facts and all sources pointed to…
With an iron grip on her staff, she channeled magic into it. Fear and anger coursed through her body, adrenaline high as her head snapped to Sir Daniel. His expression grew nervous once more, holding his hands up in a placating matter.
He murmured out to Kesten, seeking to gain the Captain’s attention while also not trying to set Hecate off.
“You… this is your fault.” Now it was her turn to slam the end of her staff down, the action causing the tip to glow brightly. Unable to stop a palm from moving, she gestured about while yelling at the skeleton. “Everything was fine until you returned from the grave! We would have conquered Gallowmere and not lost anyone without your interference! You destroyed everyone I knew! Damaged the Captain!” She took aim, unhearing the fast footfall and explosions going on behind her. “I won’t forgive you for that, Fortesque! For my Captain and Zarok’s honor, I will destroy yo-urk!”
Sharp pain in the backside of her boiler forced her to preemptively fire her attack, missing the undead by just a fraction. She hasn’t experienced this kind of pain since her early years, back when she believed she could handle everything without Kesten. The woman couldn’t even move her body, it hurt so bad. Still, she forced herself to twist her head and see if she could make out the offender. Her body began to shake more beyond the physical injury.
Towering behind her was Kesten, leaning over some but still shadowing over her. With his close proximity and the green and black smoke that billowed from her body, she already knew what had caused the suffering. He had stabbed her in the back with his knife.
Zarok’s ranting and cursing was audible, but no outside sounds registered. All senses were hyper-focused on the Captain.
Pain erupted once more as she felt the knife leave her, but it stung nothing like the silence of the other Boiler Guard. The discomfort grew as she stumbled to her knees, unable to look at him further. Her staff dropped in favor of curling in on herself, clutching at her midsection. The effort caused the injury in her back to ache worse, but she did not care. The sting of betrayal brought a distorted choke from her.
Another chill shook her frame as she heard a soft click, followed by the barrel of a gun pressing to the back of her head.
Every sense all but faded away, her concentration on the weapon. One thing she thought she might have imagined was the soft words of “I’m sorry” before everything went dark. _____
Part 2 Part 3
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five-rivers · 4 years
Phic Phight Phic!  Based on a prompt by Alexa Piper!  
The observatory had been de-funded and shut down almost a year ago, a result of light pollution from Amity Park, the frightening proximity of ghost attacks, and all the scientists quitting when the Guys in White shot a missile at it while chasing Danny, breaking the mirrors of the main telescope.
Good times.
Still, the observatory was a good place to go stargazing, and Danny had sort of made it his unofficial haunt. It wasn't as if anyone was using the building, after all. No one minded if he brought in some of his parents' old computers, or replaced the telescope's mirrors with his ghostly ice. He wasn't bothered or harassed when he brought in his old mattress and sleeping bag, or when he brought in a mini-fridge he'd gotten for cheap at a garage sale and one of his parents' prototype ecto-converters.
It was nice, to have a place he could go. Somewhere to hide if things went bad. Somewhere he could bring his friends, or just be himself.
He taped another star chart to the wall. He'd found this one in the bottom drawer of one of the desks at the bottom level. It was a bit ratty around the edges, but it had cool retro vibes. He smiled, smoothing it out.
He really loved space, loved astronomy, loved the stars. He couldn't get enough of them, even here.
On some level, he knew his ghost half had latched on to his love of space. His thoughts of the stars had the same vibrant intensity as his deep-seated need to see his people happy and safe. Heck, if he was stargazing while in ghost form, he'd wind up with constellation-shaped freckles. He didn't like to think about that, though. The fact that he had Obsessions. He never talked about it, even if he was sure Sam, Tucker, and Jazz could see it. The idea of his... ghostly needs being used against him scared him too much.
But, when he was here, or when he was with his smiling friends and family, it was so easy to forget all about that. So easy to be happy himself.
So, he did.
He floated himself back onto his mattress and sighed. Being at home was too stressful right now. As he did with increasing frequency, he planned to sleep here, tonight.
A patch of night seeped through the ceiling of the observatory and blended perfectly with the star charts hung on the walls. It crept, silent, to pool in the shadows under Daniel Fenton-Phantom's makeshift bed.
Nocturne had been watching this place for some time. At first, he thought to make it his new base, after his foothold in the mattress factory had been discovered and dislodged. After all, a ruined observatory fit with his theme.
He had, however, been surprised to discover that Phantom, of all people, had claimed it as his own.
The younger ghost hadn't shown any signs of being interested in space before. It didn't fit his theme, which was entirely based on comic book superheroes. Still, Nocturne could recognize the signs of a dual Obsession as well as any ghost, and better than some.
A thin line of mist escaped Phantom's lips, and his eyes flickered open. Nocturne struck, pushing him back to sleep. He had done this several times, now.
He had tried trapping Phantom in dreams once or twice, before finding the observatory, but somehow the little brat always seemed to find a flaw in the dream and wake himself up. He had tried attacking him while he was held under, asleep, but, again, Phantom woke up. It was intensely frustrating.
But, now, with him sleeping out here, alone, most nights, Nocturne had a freer hand. He had more time to work with, more time to be subtle. To be delicate.
It was fortunate that Nocturne's theme and Phantom's second Obsession meshed so well. One could almost say that the stars were smiling on Nocturne.
Nocturne was certainly smiling on them.
He touched one tendril of darkness to the back of Phantom's neck, nurturing a dream, and slipped another under his twitching eyelid. If everything went well, he would test his progress tomorrow.
Danny shivered as his ghost sense went off as he stepped into the school building. He groaned. He'd been hoping to make first period on time today. If this was the Box Ghost again, he was going to snap.
He ducked into the bathroom, went ghost and-
-it suddenly occurred to him how nice Venus would be tonight. It would be almost at its furthest possible distance from the Sun, as viewed from Earth, so it would be bright. The moon would be new, too, so the seeing would be even better. It would be a great time to try out the telescope, he was pretty sure he'd fixed the hydraulics. He could see it in his minds eye-
He blinked, hard. Wow. He'd never zoned out that hard on the way to a ghost fight. In class sure, but... He shook himself. He had things to do.
The results, Nocturne mused, weren't exactly impressive, but he had expected that. It would take time for the seeds he had planted to come to fruition.
He watched Phantom dance through the sky, fighting Ember, and gave the metaphysical string that currently tied Phantom to him another little tug. Phantom didn't slip into a daydream, didn't even pause in his assault, but he saw the moment when Phantom's focus wavered, and Ember did, too.
Oh, this was going to be fun.
Danny had stars on his mind today. It seemed like every time he blinked, there they were. His focus was trashed. How could he concentrate on the French Revolution when the history of the stars was so much longer, more violent, more dramatic, more majestic?
Maybe he had been spending too much time at the observatory. But he deserved something for everything he went through, didn't he? He could treat himself now and again, right?
"Are you feeling okay, Danny?" asked Sam.
"Y-Yeah," said Danny. "Just a little tired, I guess."
"Right," said Sam. "Have you been sleeping at the observatory again?"
"Well, maybe you should try a real bed tonight."
"Maybe," said Danny, not wanting to commit when his parents could be brewing who-knows-what in the kitchen sink again.
Sam gave him one last concerned look before turning down her street. Tonight was a patrol night, but she wouldn't be joining because she had family over.
Danny chased the ghost beaver who, until a few minutes ago, had been merrily chewing down telephone poles, through the storm drains under Amity Park. They burst from the ground in a relatively dark residential neighborhood, and Danny had to stop for a minute to stare up at the sky.
He'd never be able to get over just how beautiful the stars were.
A human shrieked in the distance and Danny cursed as he realized the ghost beaver had gotten away.
Alright. Enough was enough. Danny wasn't always the most focused person, but the past couple of days he had been a total space cadet. This couldn't continue. He couldn't let his hobby get in the way of saving people's lives, and that's what it was doing.
Fine. No more indulging himself. No more nights at the observatory. No more astronomy books. No more space documentaries. No more stargazing. Not until he could get himself under control.
If the Phantom hadn't been such a thorn in his side, Nocturne would almost pity the boy.
As Nocturne watched from a distance, it became obvious that Phantom had no idea how to manage his Obsessions. Nocturne had to wonder if he even knew what they were, with how he was behaving. His ignorance was, well, painful. Clearly, the boy needed some kind of instruction.
Well. Nocturne could provide that. Later. In the meantime, this just made it easier for Nocturne.
After all, you couldn't stop yourself from being hungry by refusing to eat.
"Danny," said Tucker, gently shaking his shoulder. "Hey, man, are you okay?"
"Uh?" said Danny, peeling his face off his hand. "What? What's going on?"
"School's been over for five minutes," said Tucker.
"Oh," said Danny, blinking. He'd- He'd missed all of class. Not really a loss, honestly, since it was history and Pluto was a fascinating planet with-
No. Stop that. Stop.
"Is something bothering you?" asked Tucker.
"I don't know," said Danny. "I just keep zoning out. I don't know why."
"Could it be, you know, a ghost thing?"
It certainly could. In fact, Danny knew perfectly well it was a ghost thing. Specifically, his ghost thing.
He forced a smile. "No, I don't think so. I probably just have ADHD or something." What would his friends think, if he couldn't even control his own mind anymore? He'd always been troubled by the thought of his friends finally realizing what a freak he was and abandoning him, but now even the slightest hint of risk in that direction seemed untenable.
"If you're sure," said Tucker, dubiously. "I mean, you're the expert."
"Yeah," said Danny.
"So, feeling up for the Nasty Burger?"
"Yeah, let's do that."
Nocturne glided from shadow to shadow, just out of range of Phantom's annoying ghost sense. This would be the moment of truth. The moment he found out whether or not all his planning and careful preparations payed off.
Finally, he loomed up, over the three teenagers, and pulled, hard, on the strings he had tied to Phantom. Phantom gasped and froze, but then relaxed, just marginally. Nocturne saw tiny stars flare to life in the dark space of Phantom's pupils, and then that darkness expanded, pushing at the boundaries of Phantom's irises.
Then one of Phantom's little human friends started shouting at him, shooting at him. Nocturne's lips curled these humans had put him through quite a bit of trouble during his first attack on this city. It was time for some payback.
He seized the more annoying of the two in one hand, bringing him up to eye level. "Well, now, what do we have here?" The human screamed.
Abruptly, he felt his hold on Phantom slip.
Curses. He had moved too soon.
Danny hung in the air, hands on his knees, panting. He had driven Nocturne off, barely, but... He put a hand to his face. What was wrong with him.
"What's wrong with you?" shouted Sam, echoing his thoughts. "You just let him grab Tucker!"
"Sam-" said Tucker.
"No, she's right," said Danny, drifting down and returning to human form. "I don't know what happened. I'm sorry."
Sam frowned, heavily. "I know you've been going through something this past week, Danny," she said. "But, really. I hate putting all this on you, but... I mean, you're the only one who can fight ghosts like Nocturne."
"We're here to help," said Tucker. "But we can only help if you let us."
Danny looked down at his feet. He had doodled little stars all over the white parts of his shoes, so that didn't really help.
"At least talk to Jazz," said Tucker. "I know you don't like to, but... She does know about stuff."
"You think I'm going crazy?" asked Danny.
"No," said Tucker. "Just, maybe that you need to talk about things."
"You don't have to tell us if you really don't want us to know," said Sam. "We all know about secrets, but... This is hurting you."
"Alright," said Jazz, after Danny finished explaining. "I think I get what you're saying. But, um, are you sure this is you?"
"What do you mean? I'm definitely the one spacing out."
"Yes, but... This just feels like something Nocturne would do. You said he was the one you were fighting?"
"Yeah," said Danny, picking at the ruffle on Jazz's pillow. "But I was doing this before he showed up."
"Before you saw him show up," corrected Jazz.
Danny glared. "Why are you so against it being my fault?"
"Why are you so insistent that it is?" countered Jazz.
Danny shrugged, trying to put as much anger into the gesture as possible.
"What if," said Jazz, steepling her fingers and leaning forward in her desk chair, "we try triggering whatever it was that made you, um, space out?"
"What? No!"
"I'll be right here to snap you out of it, or whatever," said Jazz. "Then, maybe, we can figure out what's causing it."
"I know what's causing it!" snapped Danny, slamming the pillow down on Jazz's bed.
"Oh," said Jazz, blinking. "You do?"
"It's because I'm a freak!" he said.
Jazz's face fell, though she tried to cover it up. "That's Spectra talking," she said, sternly. "You aren't a freak." She reached towards him, and put her hand on his shoulder. "You're my little brother, and you're a hero."
"But this is getting in the way of that," said Danny, fighting back tears. "I almost let Nocturne hurt Tucker."
"But you didn't. And you'll always be my little brother, no matter what."
"It's- it's still coming from me, though," said Danny. "Because I have Obsessions." He rubbed his eyes, even though they were still dry.
"Well," said Jazz, "we'll just have to figure out how they work, then, won't we?"
Jazz watched as Danny squared his shoulders and stared resolutely at the wall. It had taken some convincing, but Danny had agreed to try and trigger an 'episode.' Jazz thought he might be dissociating, or experiencing some kind of fugue state- But, at the same time, she knew those were both pretty extreme diagnoses, the conditions the sort of things that would wind up in thrillers, and the truth was probably something less 'exciting.'
"This isn't working," said Danny.
"Well, maybe that's a good thing?" said Jazz. "But... Try to think about what you were thinking about when it happened before."
Danny grumbled. Slowly, though, he began to relax.
Jazz tilted her head. There was something off about his eyes. His pupils were growing larger. Too large. She frowned. He should be in pain from the light at that dilation. Her own eyes widened. Human pupils didn't get that large. Or that sparkly.
She scooted back, just a little bit.
The black spilled into his sclera, then out of his eyes altogether as it reached his lower eyelids, dripping down his face like tears.
Nocturne started with surprise as Phantom gave their link a tentative tug. Then he smiled, taking up the slack. Perhaps he hadn't overreached after all.
He reeled Phantom in. When the child was looking for dreams, it was easy to lure him in, to trap him.
Now... First thing. Those eyes. Keep them filled with stars. Then, if the boy was going to be his sleepwalker, he had better look the part. That raggedy old outfit would never do. Might as well make him pretty, paint his skin with stars, dust them through his hair.
There. That worked.
"Sam?" said Jazz, her voice crackling with static over the phone.
"Yeah? What's up?" asked Sam, sprawled on her bed. "Did Danny talk to you?"
"Yeah, but I think I screwed up."
"Hey, don't worry. He doesn't stay mad at people for long, you kn-"
"No, no, it isn't that. It's a ghost thing."
"Well, we sort of figured it was related to his ghost half."
"No, I mean, as in mind control, Sam. It's a mind control thing. He like, got stars, like Nocturne all over him, and his clothes melted, and maybe his eyes, too? I'm freaking out here, Sam."
"Okay, okay," said Sam. She was no longer lying on her bed. The dress box she kept her heavy anti-ghost ordnance in was open on her braided rug. She needed something that could do damage but not permanently hurt Danny... tough call. "What are you doing right now?"
"Gearing up," said Jazz. "I'm freaking out, not totally irrational."
"And where's Danny?"
"Jumped out the window. He's in human form, Sam, and he's dripping stars. His footprints are black. He's leaving puddles. Puddles of stars. I hate this so much. I'm going to end Nocturne, I swear."
"No complaints here," said Sam.
This was amazing, walking through space like this. The stars sparkled. Nebulae intersected his path like veils of light. The planets orbited around him, like a celestial crown. Something thick and wet dripped down his face, but it didn't matter. The stars danced. He wanted to touch them.
Tucker was already asleep. So was half the town, all of them just keeled over in place, black and starry hand prints on their shoulders, faces, and backs.
Danny had been busy. They hadn't seen Nocturne yet. By mutual agreement, Sam and Jazz were avoiding Danny and looking for the real culprit.
This was, however, hard to do when Danny stepped out from an alleyway, right in front of them, an absent smile on his face, his eyes fixed on something overhead.
"You go," said Jazz. "You have more experience than I do. I'll distract him."
"With what?"
"God, that's cheesy."
Sam turned and ran back the way they came.
Jazz cursed under her breath as Danny slowly walked towards her. Either this was going to work, or it wasn't, and, if it did, she was going to feel terrible because she knew Danny was insecure about his ghostly qualities, and-
Right, he was getting closer.
Jazz took a deep breath a screamed.
Something echoed through the space around him. He frowned. That wasn't right.
The sound came again. This time, he recognized it as a scream, but-
You couldn't hear things like that in space.
You couldn't walk in space, either.
In the scream was a cry for help.
The illusion crumbled around him.
"I'm so sorry, guys," said Danny. "If it wasn't for me-" He wiped away a tear with the heel of his hand. "You all could have gotten hurt so bad."
"But we didn't," said Tucker.
"It wasn't your fault, anyway," said Sam.
"But it was. If I wasn't like this, if I didn't have this weakness, everything would have been fine." He clenched his fists.
They were meeting in Danny's room today, as the most parent-free indoor space currently available to them. Nocturne had yet to be found, but they were pretty sure whatever hold he had over Danny had been broken.
"Hey," said Sam, "we've all been there."
"I've been there twice. I'm useless."
Jazz met Sam and Tucker's eyes over Danny's bowed head.
"You're the least useless out of all of us," said Jazz, "and I've been doing some research, before this happened, I mean, about ghost psychology. I know I don't understand what you're going through, but maybe I can help?"
"I don't know," mumbled Danny.
"Or maybe you could talk to Frostbite? Or Dora?" suggested Jazz. "They're ghosts, and they have Obsessions," she felt Danny flinch under her hand, "but they're still good, right? And both of yours- both of yours are fine. Nothing evil about them."
For a moment, Jazz worried that she had gone too far. She knew Danny didn't want to talk about that, not directly, so why did she bring it up?
Danny groaned. "Why do you always have to be right?"
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curiousconch · 4 years
Two Old Friends
Chapter 3 of Ricochet (An Open Heart AU).
Catch up here: Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Chapter Synopsis: As Bryce takes Heather in, a facade that he has blocked out for several months begins to disintegrate.
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x MC (Dr. Heather Song) | Bryce Lahela x MC (Dr. Heather Song)
Words: 2.3k+ | Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Romance
Rating/Warnings: None for this chapter, it's pure fluff! (Yay!)
Author’s Notes: Majority of the characters are owned by Pixelberry, except the main character Heather Song. I was listening to Maybe this Time on repeat when I wrote this chapter, I think that song encapsulates it perfectly.
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8 months ago
Bryce Lahela was stoked to have been assigned the Ed Farrugia case. He dreamt up of an opportunity like this ever since he graduated top of class from Stanford Law School. It wasn't out of self-ambition, it was part of his grand plan - to go opposite the direction of his white-collar criminal parents.
At first, Bryce's parents was overjoyed when he told them he's pursuing a law degree. It never occurred to them that it was all part of his scheme.
He soldiered on through law school, bagging an internship in the San Francisco DA. When his efforts to build his network provided an opportunity in Boston, he didn't hesitate to pack up his bags and fly across the country, farther away from Hawaii than ever. It was a big risk, but it eventually paid off given how his career imploded once he got the job.
But perhaps the most memorable experience was when he told his parents that he was to become Boston's newest ADA. They were nothing but furious, there were no counting the amount of expletives he heard that day.
No turning back, mom and dad.
The timing to tell them couldn't be more perfect, because it was only a week after they turned over his trust fund, a "graduation gift". He knew it was just a bribe for him to do the dirty legal work to keep them away from prison for free.
After toiling for so many years, he was more than ready to abandon his past behind and start his life over. More than it was revenge, it was Bryce's sweet and merciful justice. No more crosses behind his back, marking him as his parents' criminal son.
That wasn't his reality anymore. So he focused on work and did his best to shine. And shine he did. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he was no longer a criminal. In an ironic twist of fate, he was the one putting people behind bars. And he relished in every win.
However, being the Chief DA's golden boy wasn't providing him the opportunity to build new friendships. Although he tried to make friends with his colleagues, he began to be seen as a threat. So for the first year in the big city, he spent his free time partying hard. With his quick rise to fame, everyone wanted a taste of the majestic Bryce Lahela. He didn't hesitate to throw himself into the throng.
And in that fateful sunny morning, he felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. He built the foundations of the State versus Perry case over the weekend, not even taking a single drop of alcohol. With the help of Agent Aveiro, he collected mountains of evidence for his breakthrough day at court. He knew his case was airtight. Today, he plans to put the cherry on top.
Pulling off his sunglasses and tightening his slick striped blue tie, he grabbed his suitcase from the passenger seat and got out of his car.
He strode into Edenbrook Hospital with confidence, getting glances from several attendings and nurses as he walked the hallways. He smirked at each of them back, wondering which one he should make of a mission after he wraps up this case. God, these doctors are hot, he thought, as he slid into one of the elevators. He punched 7, and the button lighted up.
Once he arrived at the right floor, he followed the directions pasted on the walls and eventually found the diagnostics team's office. As he neared the sliding glass doors, he heard an exchange of voices in rapid succession, as if they were discussing something important. As he raised his gaze through the glass, he saw two female doctors and two males. His eyes automatically landed to the young brunette, whose hand is on her waist as she listened intently as the others debated.
His brow quirked a little, a fit of curiosity fleeted through him. She was prettier in personal. Television didn't do her justice.
Immediately shaking off the unnerving attraction, he tapped gently on the glass door. All doctors turned to him. One of the male doctors with piercing blue eyes let him in, he later found out that he was the world-renowned diagnostician, Dr. Ethan Ramsey, the head of the team.
"ADA Bryce Lahela, I'm here for Dr. Heather Song?" he walked into the room exuding confidence, burying the distracted innuendos he was currently having.
In response, she moved forward and offered her hand, smiling brightly at him. "Dr. Heather Song, at your service. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Oh, I bet you do.
He answered mentally, stepping closer to look at her soft features. He took her hand and shook it, returning the warm welcome with a smug look in his face. He couldn't stop thinking about her ever since.
He spent almost the whole day with her, going through her testimony in detail. She spoke in a very confident manner, ascertaining every small observation she made about Travis Perry, and how he raised her suspicions. She also walked him through how she confirmed her theories, and how she decided to report this to the hospital's chief. He was amazed with the way how she mapped out every step, and acknowledged how her actions made the case straightforward and uncomplicated. Certainly controversial and sensational, given that it was involving one of Massachusetts' senators. But getting up close and personal with her that day made him realize that like him, she was at the top of her game.
She was professional and insightful. Bryce was also impressed with how she carried herself. Graceful and poised, yet fierce and tenacious. There were a lot of times that he thought he was hearing himself in the way she talked. And for that reason, he like spending time with her.
Over the course of the next few months, he spent more time with her. It was the perfect opportunity to keep in touch, as she was the star witness after all.
Beyond work, it was easy for him to befriend her. She was warm and open, sensitive and caring. Eventually, she introduced him to her exclusive group of doctors, who readily welcome him.
But he admired her more when she made it her mission to help him with his runaway sister. She went out of her way to spend time with her, bridging the gap between the siblings.
That was when he irreversibly opened up to her, telling her about his past. Making her see through him, who he really was.
And the way that she embraced it without inhibitions was a breathe of fresh air. He never knew he needed someone like her in his life, the one thing to complete his do-over.
It didn't take much for him to he admit to himself that he adored Heather. He felt a deep connection to her, something he never felt for someone else.
But in a sudden turn of events, the hopefulness he had turned out to be just a mere figment of his imagination.
He learned about her relationship with Rafael. Once he saw the way she looked at him, he knew it was time to draw the line.
Ever since, that was all he thought it would be between them - an unexplored and faraway frontier.
Gradually, his presence in her life became nothing more but group hangouts in the form of brunches or night outs in Donahues. He learned to withdraw whenever she and Rafael was around, cautious to not let others know about the way he felt. He himself went back to his string of one night stands.
He kept her at arm's length, repeating to himself that he was contented with the friendship that they had. Yet when he was finally learning to ease her out of his mind, she came crashing back in.
Present Day
With warm bowls of noodles in front of them, they caught up with each other's life. Bryce poured them both a glass of white wine to chase down the saltiness off of their taste buds.
"Hm, this certainly is an upgrade from that cheap bottle you had the last time," her mocking voice freed him from his thoughts. He grinned at her, leaning towards her.
"Oooh, I'm not liking your arrogance. Being junior fellow got in your head already?" he teased her, sipping from his own glass. "Has all of your student loans been paid off so you have spare money to buy your own fancy wine?"
"Certainly not. I think you're the one getting ahead of yourself, hotshot. That plaque hit you in the head and made you forgot that you're a just a noob?" Heather quipped back, her index finger pointing to the square-shaped glass on one of the living room shelves.
"Psh. It's not like my colleagues skip a day to remind me of 'my place'," his one hand mimicked air quotes, feigning a look of disgust, invoking a genuine laughter from her, her skin illuminated by the late afternoon sun as she glowed in delight.
They went at it as they ate, exchanging insulting banters, trying to one up each other as they went. It was just the way they were, at ease. Two old friends who loved their careers first, always putting their self in second place.
It was the first time in months that they were together alone, Bryce realized now how much he missed spending time with her.
He didn't want to spoil the mood, but he couldn't shake off his interest on what went down between Rafael and her. He waited a few more moments as they settled into a comfortable silence, running out of casual jokes to throw at the other. He drew a deep breathe, taking up the courage he needed to raise the sore subject.
"So, you and Raf huh?"
He saw her flinch and his heart irked a little. Her hand shivered as she set down the empty glass and grabbed the bottle of wine to refill it.
"He wasn't what I thought he was," she swirled the contents of her glass once it was full, looking distracted. "Apparently, it only took him less than a month to reveal his true self." Bryce nodded opposite her, as she shrugged casually. He saw her bite her lower lip, and instantly felt the hurt she was going through.
Without second thoughts, he approached her and opened his arms, inviting her in.
After a few excruciating seconds of hesitation, she finally leaned in and received his embrace, tears falling. She didn't think there was any left, but Bryce's offer of solace was a comfort she didn't think she needed. Her dams of pain overflowed once again, and with the horrible scare that happened this morning, her resolve to put up a brave face in front of everyone crumbled.
"You know I'll always be here for you, Heath," he whispered to her, his senses being flooded by the familiar jasmine scent of her perfume.
"I know, thank you for that," she replied in a hushed voice. "I'm just... just tired of it all, Bryce, I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't be. I got you."
He just held her, wishing so hard that one embrace can take all of her fears away. He closed his eyes, letting his beating heart speak for the rest of his unspoken emotions.
He tried to soothe her as he brushed her hair, rubbing the palm of his hand on her shuddering back. His grip tightened with her every sigh, pulling her ever closer.
For the first time in months of keeping his distance, the feelings he had for her, those he tried to bury deep within his heart, started to resurface. He was feeling the way he felt way back then.
In between her deep sighs and sobs, a flood of regrets raced through his mind. His chest constricted, as his thoughts lingered on what could have been.
If I hadn't left her alone. If I just fought for her the first time. If I just have been brave enough to let her know...
But he knew he couldn't what already happened define what should be and what it will be. Just like he dealt with his past, Bryce knew that with enough willpower, he can turn it all around.
He focused forward. A rush of possibilities, a promise of a future, it overwhelmed him.
Maybe this time, it'll be more. She's free now. Maybe now is a better time than before. Maybe now, it won't have to end. Maybe this time, he wouldn't need to let her go.
His heart burned with a fiery resolve and determination.
That late afternoon, when the setting sun's light began to shine upon his face, he decided.
Even the smallest of maybes was more than enough for him. Bryce was willing to risk it for her.
TAGS: @choicesficwriterscreations @ramsey-lahela
@eleanorbloom - I hope I'm doing Bryce justice 😬
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