#-life to have 0.1 of what they do and they get all their earnings from us. that’s how celebrity culture works. we’re the consumers and it’s
aengelren · 27 days
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life after seeing people start waking up and stop idolizing elitism and celebrity culture, feeding their pockets while the working class and third world countries suffer..is the human revolution near?
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anrisimps · 8 months
(part 1)
I don't think Im ever gonna finish that lsh and cjs transmigrating into lcf fic so Ill just put my half baked au + unhinged ramblings here
-Deruth and jour died. Twins were raised by Marquis Stan (for...reasons). That was why Roksu ended up the way he is right now
-Roksu also blew up the entire Stan territory when he came of age and that earned him his infamous reputation.  
-Roksu is the cold, aloof Northern Duke but he is also a pyromaniac at heart. (Alver was not amused) 
-He is also ,essentially, a corporate slave like lsh and cjs which helps enliken him to them.
-Lsh got over his morality pretty quick and gets selective blindness in front of Roksu's various bouts of insanity later. Cjs had a thing for crazy northern archdukes so he was having the time of his life
-They forcefully make him sleep and eat food all three times a day. (krs really didn't wanna eat but the puppy eyes got to him) 
-Eventually he gets used to the sleeping sessions so much that he cannot sleep when they leave so he asks them to stand in his room. To his annoyance, he still cannot sleep and lsh jokingly asks him if he wants to hear a lullaby. 
Krs : Do I look like a baby to you?
Lsh : (internally) yes *starts singing all the lullabies he remembered*
Krs : *Out like a light in 0.1 sec*
-They help him bathe and get dressed too.(wrapped him up in a bathrobe and then placed him on the bed, telling him about the itenary even if he already remembers everything as they slowly dry his hair and then help him dress up. Krs lets them bcoz their voices are surprisingly soothing and he gets to sleep longer this way)
-Cjs's eyes gleaming mischievously when krs almost purred while his head was being scratched. Krs, who had initially argued that he had no time for such useless things, froze. He later had to get a lot of head scritches and scalp massages after that.
-Drunk Roksu calling lsh hyung. Lsh nearly trips in response. (He came back home drunk from a masquerade at the royal palace and made it everyone's problem. Lsh and cjs had the time of their life though)
-Og!cale comes up one day to meet his lil brother to check if he is still alive or not, only to find him cuddling with his butler and aide (what the fuck, Roksu????!!)
-He ends up in a staring contest with the two hounds who were clinging to his precious little brother, annoyed that someone dared to disturb their private time. (Cale's hand twitch and move towards his sword when cjs smirked proactively at him as if he was taunting him) 
- Cale looked gobsmacked when he saw Roksu's ears flushing when lsh and cjs were squabbling over who gets to feed Roksu. He gets so annoyed that he shoves a spoonful of food in his brother's mouth, earning a stink eye from everyone in the room but does that stop him? No.
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A minority group of people seem to have taken a live action role playing game their community played together and have expanded it into the world at large and to bizarre,baffling nonsensical success. They have somehow gotten a chunk of the world at large to play along 100%.
They take up the causes as vehemently as if was their own. They take on the mission from the community game runners and earn reward points as social justice warriors and get "in game" rewards in the way of followers and shares on social media among other things.
The ones that started the game takes the LARPing comparison to another level by having those that play along adapt their language. They have them call them pronouns they choose then take it to the next level by inventing words to be called. It's akin to the star trek fans like me that take it a step further and learn klingon. Only in this "game" that has entered reality they've had the use of their language become law in places in the world. Meaning many many people are going along "playing along" to a ridiculous degree. It's a great example of the social justice warriors going the extra mile to be on the side of "the good guys" and doing what they have to do to keep gaining their social XP.
Now here is where the LARPing hit a whole new level of distorted reality. People, in order to keep playing and earning XP, had to accept that a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man. They can become these 100% just by deciding they are the other gender and nothing else. Now. Had this been rule number 1, many of the social justice warriors might not have been on board. But with it starting with baby steps. Starting with them getting into a pot of room temperature water then applying the heat they have been accustomed to taking non traditional stances and getting the rewards from doing so. The leap to this last rule of the "game" though still a big one has been shrunk by the steps to get there. So now otherwise normally rational people are agreeing that men are becoming women biologically and all other ways 100% just by deciding they are now women. You see any debate on this subject and someone will usually pipe up with trans women are women. Now that's fine if it is applying to what they wanna be referred to in society or treated like in their personal life. But what it's being brought up in reference to is men going into women and girl's bathrooms, women and girl's locker rooms and men competing in women and girl's sports after they "transition".
The fact that men have advantages in sports are well documented if you look at any non biased study of men and women in sports. Testosterone gives an edge. Build. Body shape. Muscle size. Reaction time to name a few. Men are being destroyed by men in sports then "transitioning" to enter women sports only to break their records, win their trophies and rank them out of spots they worked their hearts out for , earned and should've obtained. But to stand up for fairness for women in women sports gets you seen as a bigot. It's another way the players of the "game" get XP by attacking you. It's madness.
Here is the true atrocity with giving into the fantasy that has come with believing the distorted reality this "game" and it's rules have brought us. It is quite literally poisoning and destroying children. Kids as young as kindergarten are being taught their sex isn't the same as their gender and they are expected to understand this when most adults don't. Before this stuff permeated the media 0.1% of the population was trans and it was mostly male to female and it mostly started really young. Now 2% of high schoolers are trans and it's many female to male. That's never been the case. But what has always been the case is teen girls have always been more susceptible to social pressures. They are more likely to become anorexic, bulimic, cutters etc when those around them are. The studies also show that if leave a teen alone with body dysphoria at around 18 or 19 they'll usually identify as homosexual but they will settle into their physical body and be fine. But because of this distorted reality that gender is a construct not a biological fact, kids as young as 11, maybe younger are getting puberty blockers, hormones of the other sex and around 16 surgeries to remove their breasts as well as surgeries to remove their reproductive systems. Somehow minors who aren't mature enough to get a tattoo with a parents signature because they are too immature to pick something to be on their body permanently yet they can make decisions that will alter their body physically and functionally forever. That makes zero sense.
The saddest part of this social pandemic that's attacking teen girls is when they go to professionals for help this new reality has tied their hands as well. Psychologists and medical staff can only offer gender confirming treatment and advice. They ultimately have to confirm the patients diagnosis. A psychologist can't even suggest they do therapy and be sure it isn't other issues. That defeats all the purposes of therapy or even medical professionals. The patient should never be the end all and be all for their care. So what we have now is over a thousand law suits in the UK by people who have been through this system. Have transitioned and grew up to regret it and we're seeing it happen now in the US. And when these people who were taken in by the social pandemic, confirmed every step by the warped reality society and sent through the medical conveyer belt of gender alteration come out against the stupidity of it all they are told to be silent. To shut up. That they will discourage real trans kids. How insane is that?
I'll end with this. If you have to silence someone's truth. If you have to hide facts. If you have to change reality and lie to get progress in your movement. You might wanna take a better look at your movement and what's fueling it!
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alexiessan · 4 years
Senses - Chapter One - Soulmate AU
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Happy birthday to me! As a gift from me to you, here is the first chapter of my new story! It's more mature than the other one, so be sure to be careful before you start reading.
This work was inspired by Sense8. The soulbond works the same way as in the TV Show. I've tried to explain it as best as I could in chapter 2, but I don't know if I succeeded. If you've watched it, you'll have no issue. If you haven't, it's a good TV show but it's not for everyone. If you're under 18, I don't recommend you watch it as there are violence and graphic sexual content in it.
In this story though, there is no graphic sexual content. It's implied, just like in Never Alone. But there are graphic depiction of violence and blood at some point, I'll warn you in the notes at the beginning of the chapter of course.
TW: Marinette has a bit of a panic attack in here, but it's really short!
Summary: Marinette never thought that she would be among the 0.1% of the population to have a soulmate, and yet, here she was.She wasn't ready for her life to change drastically because of it.
The first time Damian heard about soulmates was when he was fourteen-year-old. His mother never mentioned it when he was a child and neither did his father nor any of his brothers when he came to live in Gotham when he was ten.
The reason he never heard of it was simple: only 0.1% of the population had a soulmate. Which meant that the chance of him having one were close to none.
While soulmates were common knowledge, it wasn’t particularly talked about because of the rarity of it. People weren’t jealous of the very few who got one, but there was a curiosity about this topic.
So, when Damian first saw a girl in the dining room while he and his family were having dinner, he was more than surprised. No one should be able to enter the Manor unnoticed.
“Who are you and how did you get in here?!” he asked, or rather, demanded in a cold tone.
The girl jumped as if she hadn’t noticed him at all. She turned around, her eyes landing on him and she squealed, letting the sketchbook and pen that were in her hands fall on the floor.
“What- Who are you?! And how did you get in here?”
“I’m the one asking the questions.”
His family looked at him before looking around. Dick left his seat to approach him.
“Who are you talking to?” he asked softly, as if afraid to startle him.
It made Damian frown. He didn’t need his oldest brother to treat him like he was going to break down if he were to talk louder than that.
“I’m talking to this girl who somehow broke into our house.”
The girl scoffed. “Excuse me, but it’s the other way around. You’re in my house.”
The youngest Wayne stood up, hitting his fist on the table.
“Stop with this nonsense. How could I be at your house when you’re clearly in mine?”
There was a soft gasp coming from behind him and Alfred came behind him, resting a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down.
“I think I know what is going on, Master Damian. And there is no need to worry.”
“No need to worry,” the pre-teen exclaimed, turning around to face the man. “A girl just broke into our home and you’re saying there is nothing to worry about?”
“Indeed. Because there is no one here.”
He went to argue, to tell them that there was obviously a girl around his age right in front of them, that he wasn’t going crazy. But when he turned around, the girl was no longer here.
“What- where did she go?”
“Master Damian, you were the only one seeing her.”
Damian scowled as he faced Alfred again. “How is that possible?” he looked at his brothers and his father who were looking at him in worry. “I’m not going insane!” he defended.
“No one said you were,” answered Dick, but there was an edge in his voice that said otherwise.
“You didn’t but you still think there’s something wrong with me.”
“Well, you did see someone no one else saw,” started Jason.
Tim remained silent, as did his father, probably trying to understand what was going on.
“But Master Damian is not going insane,” Alfred stated, still as calm as ever. “He just met his soulmate.”
There were several gasps around the table, and the look of worry disappeared from the members of his family’s faces, to be replaced by a look of understanding.
“What are you talking about exactly,” he asked, feeling calmer now that there was an explanation about what just happened, even if he didn’t fully understand it yet.
His father cleared his throat. “I’m not surprised you didn’t hear about soulmates until now. Talia probably never saw the use to, and I didn’t think about bringing it up.”
The middle-aged man took a bite of his meal, swallowing before continuing.
“It’s not common, but some people do have a soulmate out there. I believe it’s only 0.1% of the population, if not less.”
He fell silent, disregarding his meal as he contemplated how to explain this particular topic to his son. Never did he think that he would meet someone with a soulmate. Because, yes, it was that rare. Never would he have thought that his own son would be one of the people having a soulmate.
But it was a good thing, Bruce thought. His son, who had so many difficulties trusting others and befriending people, was blessed with someone who he could trust with his life.
He knew it wouldn’t be that easy. That Damian would scoff at the idea. That he would probably be rude to the girl that was assigned as his soulmate when he will see her again. That it would probably take years for him to give his soulmate his trust.
But she would be the one he would trust the most, one day.
“When you have a soulmate, someone that was decided to be your perfect partner by the fates, they appear to you from time to time. Either you’ll see them where you are, or you’ll appear at their location. They’re not really there, but you’ll sense them all the same. You can touch them, interact with them, but you can’t have any interaction with their environment.”
He sighed, feeling that his explanation was not helping at all.
“There are, sometimes, body switches. You don’t always control them, especially in the beginning, but you can learn to. The… uh… ‘apparitions’, let’s call them that, will be random too until you learn how to control it.”
Bruce massaged his temples, trying to remember what he knew of soulmates.
“Oh,” he began again, “if your soulmate speaks another language, it will be automatically translated to the one you speak.”
He finally looked at his son in the eyes, seeing him frown. “Basically, your soulmate is the other half of your soul. Your one true partner, the one who will never betray you. Congratulations, Damian.”
His other sons smiled at their younger brother, taking their turn to congratulate him, but the pre-teen only frowned.
“What’s wrong?” asked Bruce, even though he knew exactly what his son was thinking.
Damian scoffed. “I don’t believe in that. Who can decide who to trust but me?”
Bruce sighed, crossing his arms. “I’m not saying that you have to trust that girl immediately. You are soulmates, yes, but it works like every other relationship. With work and efforts to get to know each other. I know your trust has to be earned. Well, so be it. Just know that, as your soulmate, whether you like it or not, that girl is here to stay.” Bruce smiled. “She was chosen for you.”
Damian scowled, and Bruce let out a laugh. “We’ll see where it goes. Don’t think too much about it.”
Bruce was about to go back to eating when Damian finally spoke up.
“If she appears at random times without any of us having control of it, my identity will be compromised.”
Bruce froze, as did his other sons.
He had thought of that, of course. There was no hiding something that big to a soulmate. And while he didn’t like the idea to trust someone he didn’t know with his son’s identity — and his own and his other sons’ too — he had to believe that the person assigned as his son’s soulmate could be trusted.
After all, not a lot of people could be his son’s soulmate.
“It will. And we’ll have to bear with that. Since it’s your soulmate, it means that she is someone you can trust, even if you take a long time to trust her because of your issues.”
He sighed.
“I don’t like that our identities will be compromised, but we can’t do anything about it.”
“I can always threaten her.”
Jason laughed. “That’s a very bad way to start any sort of relationship, brat.”
They all returned to their dinner silently, all worried about their identity.
Especially since there was nothing there would be able to do about it.
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Marinette was having trouble breathing. Her vision was turning black the more it lasted.
She was having a panic attack, she realized, like an afterthought.
She tried touching things around her. She found the sketchbook and the pen that had fallen on the floor earlier. She felt a piece of paper too — one of Adrien’s pictures she has been getting rid of, she realized — and the wood of the floor.
But it was Tikki’s voice that made her calm down.
“Marinette, you’re okay. I’m here and you’re in your room. Nothing can hurt you here. Listen to my voice, alright? Breathe in… Hold it… Breathe out.”
She listened carefully to the kwami’s instructions and after awfully long minutes, she managed to calm down enough to breathe.
“What happened,” the little god finally asked, her voice soothing to Marinette.
The dark-haired girl took a deep breath before looking around, making sure that the boy from earlier was truly gone.
He was there, just like that, coming out of nowhere, and gone the next moment.
Marinette wasn’t stupid. She knew what it meant. She had heard about soulmates from Tikki.
She just didn’t think that she would be one of those people with one. It felt so surreal.
“There was a boy here just five minutes ago.”
Tikki frowned.
“But there was no one…” she said before her eyes widened. “Oh! You’ve got your first contact with your soulmate! Marinette!” she exclaimed, flying in circles as she expressed her joy. “That’s amazing! You have a soulmate.”
Marinette said nothing, frowning as she looked around in her room.
The photos of Adrien that have been hanging on her walls were now on the ground sorted in a pile, waiting to be thrown out.
Marinette fell in love with Adrien almost a year ago, when he gave her his umbrella.
She had changed so much after that, obsessing over him like she has never obsessed over anything before.
She had had photos of him on her walls. His schedule too.
And yet, she hadn’t seen anything wrong with it at the time.
It was only when she had this weird double date with Luka, Adrien, and Kagami, after dragging Luka in this, did she realize.
Her love — no, her obsession — for Adrien wasn’t healthy. She was becoming a stalker and trying to sabotage other people for her own gain.
She was so focused on Adrien that everything else came in second place.
She didn’t like who she was becoming. Marinette didn’t like herself anymore.
And wasn’t it important to love oneself? Or to at least, to have some self-respect?
But Marinette didn’t like nor did she respect herself when she was in love with Adrien.
So she had to move on for her own sake if not for other’s.
She had taken down his schedule first. Then, it was the pictures, little by little.
There was so much of them that it took her a few days to take them down completely. School, homework, and her Ladybug’s duties left her with little time for anything else.
It was one in the morning right now, on the weekend that she finally took down the last of the pictures. She wasn’t tired yet so she had decided to sketch a little.
And then, the boy appeared.
Marinette was only now trying to move on from Adrien. From a frankly unhealthy crush — which made her wonder why her friends were encouraging it in the first place — and it was difficult, but she had to do it, to find herself again.
And somehow, the fates decided that it was a good time for her to introduce her to her soulmate.
No. Marinette couldn’t do this.
What if she became obsessed once again? What if she was actually insane and would obsess over anyone she would feel attracted to?
She wasn’t ready for a soulmate.
Deciding that it wouldn’t do any good to keep all that to herself, she told Tikki everything she was thinking.
The Kwami looked at her with this smile that reminded her so much of her mother.
“Oh, Marinette,” she sighed softly. “You’re not insane. Don’t be afraid of love because your first experience wasn’t a good one.”
“It was unhealthy, Tikki,” the blue-eyed girl interrupted.
“It was. But it’s also my fault. I didn’t tell you it was, and you were only thirteen when you fell in love with Adrien. You didn’t recognize an unhealthy behavior yet. I should have told you. But you realized that you didn’t like who you were becoming and decided to change. It’s a good thing. You’re admitting your errors and you’re taking your responsibilities to try and correct them.”
She flew to Marinette’s cheek and give her a little hug.
“And I’m proud of you for that,” the little kwami said. “It was the first time you fell in love. You got a bit excited. To the point of obsession, and obsession is never a good thing. Never. But you’re moving on from that. Now that you know it’s wrong, you won’t do it anymore, I know it.”
The fashion designer nodded, reassured by her friend’s words.
“I…” she hesitated but continued when Tikki nodded at her. “I still don’t want a soulmate… I mean… In theory, it’s amazing. My other half… The one I will trust more than anyone else in the world… But I don’t want to be forced to love them.”
Tikki laughed. “You won’t. The bond is just introducing you and, yeah, it will force you to spend time together with the apparitions and the switches, but it’s just saying: ‘Look! Here is the perfect person for you. They’re right here! Now, do what you want with this knowledge.’ You will love them because you want to, not because the bond is forcing you.”
The designer looked away, still skeptical.
Tikki smiled. “I understand your skepticism. But you’ll see for yourself.” she kissed her holder’s cheek. “Just keep an open mind, okay?”
“Alright.” Marinette sighed, getting up and gathering Adrien’s pictures. “Okay. Time to move on,” she said determinedly.
And she threw the last pictures in the trash.
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@justafanwarrior​ @animegirlweeb​
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kerosene-insomniac · 3 years
To Be So Lonely
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku
Warnings: Strong language, sexually explicit smut, violence, alpha/beta/omega dynamics, cancer sub-plot, major character death {not bakudeku}
Word Count for Chapter: 2,791
Summary: Midoriya Izuku has always wanted to be a musician. Something about the lyric working with a melody to convey his feeling just made his heart race. After his father died when he was three, Izuku has always relied on his mother. She worked two jobs to care for him and always supported his dreams. But when his mother is diagnosed with breast cancer just after he graduated high school, Izuku has to shift his focus. Now he’s working two jobs and takes care of his mother with the help of his gay neighbors. 
In an attempt to learn self-defense, Izuku takes a few classes at a local gym. It’s there that he meets Toshinori Yagi, an older beta who used to be a professional heavyweight boxer. Yagi notices Izuku’s potential and encourages the small omega to eventually go pro. So, in order to make more money, Izuku eventually agrees.
Bakugou Katsuki has only ever wanted to fight. Orphaned as the young age of four, Katsuki has been fighting to live for his entire life. Fighting is all he’s ever known. After fighting underground for a couple years, Katsuki is noticed by Todoroki Enji. The older alpha takes him in at 19 and names him the official successor of his legacy (especially since all of his actual kids hate him). 
Now, Katsuki is 25-years-old and the professional heavyweight champion.In a whirlwind of events, Katsuki meets Izuku in the unlikeliest of places. He watches the small omega perform and can’t help it feel extremely protective and absolutely enamored with him. The older alpha gets to meet him and say goodbye without even learning the omega’s name. Katsuki isn’t sure that they’ll ever meet again.
 That is, until Katsuki officially meets Izuku at a professional lunch with his manager’s rival.
The one where Katsuki is a professional alpha boxer with arrogance issues and Izuku is a stubborn omega that’s way little too reckless with his well-being. With a wacky cast of characters (including three idiots, a manly best friend, a traumatized bastard with daddy-issues, and many more) absolutely hell-bent on getting them together, neither men can seem to catch a break
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———- Continue Reading ————-
{0.1} Sweet Like Honey
“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton
“C’mon, Bakubro! Smile a little!”
Katsuki scowled even more as Kirishima dragged him towards the run-down bar. On some level, he wants to be here and have fun with his friends. On another, however, he knows that he’ll have to deal with a hangover tomorrow.
And fuck that.
The shitty bar smells vaguely of coffee and beer, as well as a mix of pheromones. It has a decent amount of people inside, but not enough to feel overwhelming.
“How did Pikachu find this shitty place?”
Kirishima gave him a look, as if he was a scolding parent. “His boyfriend actually did. It has live music and decent alcohol.”
Katsuki huffed, pulling his hood over his hair. “Who the fuck would want to court Pikachu? He’s annoyingly dumb.”
“Well, not everyone thinks that.”
Before Katsuki can argue, sweet-smelling arms wrapped around his neck.
“Blasty!! You made it!” Mina screeched, already smelling of red wine.
Katsuki growled, immediately pushing the omega off of him and towards her alpha. Kirishima caught her easily. “Don’t touch me, Raccoon Eyes! Ever hear of personal space?!”
Mina giggled, whispering loudly into Kirishima’s ear. “He’s so grumpy already.”
“I know. It’s pretty funny.”
Katsuki bristled, baring his teeth. “Fuck off, Shitty Hair!”
Kirishima chuckled, ignoring Katsuki directing them further inside. Closer to the bar was Kaminari and a purple-haired beta who obviously didn’t get enough sleep the night before.
The audacity.
Kaminari glanced their way, his face lighting up. “Bakugou! It’s nice to see that Kirishima-“
“Shut it, Dunce Face.” Katsuki grumbled lowly. “I’m just here to babysit you idiots.”
Denki shrugged, taking a shot of something that smelled suspiciously like Fireball. “Whatever you say, Bakugou. Hitoshi is already our babysitter for the night.”
The purple-haired beta blinked in Katsuki’s direction, taking a sip of his water bottle. He looked like he was silently analyzing and judging Katsuki, which immediately made the older alpha bristle.
“Calm down, Blasty.” Mina snickered, leaning against Kirishima. “You scowl too much.”
Katsuki scowled even more, watching as everyone ordered drinks.
Kirishima glanced at him, offering a sympathetic smile. “Just chill, Bakubro. Shinsou says the live music is really good!”
That’s unlikely.
“I know the performer.” Shinsou murmured, still studying Katsuki. “He’s a childhood friend.”
Katsuki ignored the insomniac troll doll and took a seat next to Kirishima. “This better be good, Shitty Hair. You know how I feel about music.”
Kirishima nodded, accepting his drink from the bartender. “Well, Jiro also speaks highly of the dude. She’s as serious about music as you are, so I’m sure he’s pretty great.”
That’s a little reassuring.
Before Katsuki could speak again, a small voice came from the stage.
And god, Katsuki’s interest immediately heightened.
A small man climbed onto a stool with a guitar in his hands. He had dazzling green eyes and a head of green curls that made him look soft. He was wearing a grey hoodie with ripped skinny jeans, making him look even cuter.
And the freckles.
Katsuki took a deep breath, immediately freezing as omegan pheromones washed over the small bar.
Chocolate and cherries.
He’s so screwed.
“Our first request of the night is called ‘Save Yourself’.” The omega murmured, his voice sweet as honey.
The small omega started strumming a dingy guitar, making it look effortless. But Katsuki knew better than to assume.
It weighs heavier on one's heart
I could tell right from the start that sweet ones are hard to come across
Well there is more than meets the eye
A heart like yours is rare to find
Someone else's gain will be my loss
“Holy shit…”
For once, Katsuki could agree with Pikachu.
Shinsou chuckled lowly, earning glances from everyone else. “I’m glad that you think he’s good. I’ve tried telling him that, but he never wants to hear it.”
“He’s adorable!” Mina squealed, almost a little too loudly.
Katsuki gave her glare, which didn’t go unnoticed by Kirishima. In fact, the red-haired alpha grinned and followed Katsuki’s gaze.
Woah, woah, oh oh
Oh woah, woah
Woah woah oh
Hey hey
Well little things that make you smile
Dancing barefoot in the dark
If only I had strength to change your mind
Oh for what you need
You will not see
Choose your words before you speak
Can you see that all you've got is time?
Katsuki couldn’t fucking breathe.
The small omega sounded soft and sure, obviously confident and lost in the song. A stray curl rested on his forehead, moving as he strummed the guitar.
Whatever it was about him, Katsuki couldn’t look away.
Woah now
Save yourself
Oh you save yourself
Oh darling save yourself for someone else
Yeah, save yourself
Oh darling save yourself
Oh won't you save yourself from someone else
Don't give in to their feelings
Don't give in darkness and faith
You should be safe, yeah, with someone else
Tell your secrets to the night
You do yours and I do mine
So we won't have to keep them all inside
Oh, for one so pure
Count these off
Let your feelings take control
Hold on to the world that he's begging for
“What’s his name?”
Shinsou looked at Kirishima, almost as if he was bored. “He’s not comfortable with me telling people. He’s a very private person.”
Mina pouted, whining slightly. “But he’s so good! Wouldn’t he want people to know his name?”
“He’s going through a lot right now.”
Katsuki glanced at Shinsou, immediately meeting the beta’s gaze. “For once, I agree with Raccoon Eyes. Private or not, he’s obviously good enough to go somewhere with a voice like that.”
The beta raised an eyebrow. “I wasn’t aware that you complimented people, Bakugou. Not everyone is a cocky boxer with arrogance issues.”
Ex-fucking-cuse me?
“At least I know how to fight, you knock-off troll doll!”
Shinsou blinked, obviously unaffected by Katsuki’s words. “Just because you’re a professional boxer doesn’t mean shit, Bakugou. If I remember correctly, you were underground once.”
Katsuki glared, scowling harshly. “Underground?”
“He’s an underground boxer, Bakubro,” Kirishima murmured, looking amused with the whole interaction. “He’s pretty good.”
Katsuki focused on the musician again, obviously pouting.
Woah now
Save yourself
Oh won't you save yourself
Go on and save yourself for someone else
Yes darling save yourself
Oh won't you save yourself
Go on and save yourself for someone else
Woah are you going to break?
Are you going to break?
Woah aren't you going to take me?
Yeah are you going to break?
Are you going to break?
Are you going to break?
Woah what's it going to take?
Yeah, are you going to break?
Are you going to break?
Are you going to break?
Are you going to break?
The small omega strummed the last few notes, his voice cracking slightly as the last lyrics finished. He shyly smiled at the crowd, using his bandaged hand to brush his curls out of his face.
Katsuki watched with narrowed eyes as the small omega talked with the crowd, obviously trying to take more requests. Something about him was off and it made the alpha slightly suspicious.
Why does he look like that?
“-and thank you for coming out! Goodnight!”
Izuku waved at the crowd as he exited the stage, his heart in his throat at the small amount of applause. His guitar felt heavy in his small hands, matching his equally heavy shoulders.
Music doesn’t have the same relief it used to.
The small omega chewed on his bottom lip anxiously as he placed his ratty guitar in it’s case. Izuku had saved up two summers worth of money to buy it, so he definitely felt more attached to it than most.
“Here’s your tips, Midoriya.”
Izuku snapped out of his daze as the female omega handed him the money, his pretty green eyes looking a bit grey. “Thanks, Jiro. I really appreciate this.”
Jiro smiled warmly, her dark eyes completely gentle as she watched him place the cash in his case. “It’s no problem, Midoriya. Tell your mom and the dads that I said hi!”
“I will!”
Izuku waved goodbye and made his way towards the exit. Hitoshi normally waited backstage to take him home, but he’s currently on a date with someone. It wasn’t like Izuku was afraid, but walking alone at night did give him some anxiety.
After all, Izuku is an omega.
In their current society, it was extremely easy for omegas to be victimized. They were completely at the mercy of outside forces, which caused a lot of weaknesses. Dominant pheromones from an alpha could completely shut them down and make them vulnerable to orders.
Alphas didn’t lack in strength like many omegas did, so they could easily overpower anyone slightly weaker than them.
While alphas experienced ruts or periods of extreme arousal, that was nothing on omegas. Omegas experience heats every month, which was a mess of fevers and the need to be knotted.
Ruts could easily be controlled and ignored.
Heats were the opposite.
If an omega was to go into heat while in public, that left them at the mercy of any alpha nearby. An alpha could take what they want, regardless of consent, and not be held liable.
So, yes.
Walking alone made Izuku slightly nervous.
As Izuku walked down the dimly-lit street, he was aware of the different smells. He could smell cigarettes and cheap perfume, all containing a mix of omega pheromones. It was slightly fruity and stale, making his stomach churn.
Don’t focus on -
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”
Fucking fuck.
Izuku’s blood ran cold as someone yanked him backward, grabbing at the soft skin of his cheeks. “I’m just walking home. I-I have people waiting on me, so-“
Bright blue eyes locked with his.
“I almost don’t recognize you without the mask, bunny.”
Izuku’s soft green eyes immediately hardened as he shoved the drunk alpha off of him. “Don’t touch me, Dabi. We both know that I can kick your ass in or out of the ring.”
Dabi growled, grabbing Izuku by the hoodie again. “It’s a shame you got such a smart mouth, bunny. I might’ve considered marking you.”
So fucking gross…
“Get fucked, Dabi.” Izuku snapped, pushing him back again.
The blue-eyed alpha huffed, causing the intense smell of alcohol to waft over the omega. “Why are you being such a frigid bitch, bunny? Sounds like someone needs a nice kn-“
Izuku pulled his arm back and punched the alpha square in the jaw.
Dabi released him and shot back, muffling a bunch of curses as he rubbed his jaw. Judging from his pheromones, he was obviously pissed off.
But then again, so was Izuku.
“You little bitch.” Dabi growled, standing at his full height.
Izuku scoffed, widening his stance and shifting into an all too familiar position. In the street light, the bandages on the omega’s fingers were much more visible than before.
The small omega clenched his jaw. “I’d stop it with the insults, Dabi. I’d hate to kick your ass again.”
Dabi lunged, but Izuku quickly ducked.
In a quick move, the small omega landed a harsh kick to the alpha’s stomach. It was a cheap move, but Izuku didn’t care.
He’s always hated pigs, anyway.
Before the small omega could move, though, Dabi growled and grabbed him by the hair. He yanked Izuku upright and shoved him towards the wall of the alley.
Dabi chuckled lowly, placing his knee between Izuku’s legs and wrapping his hands around his throat. “You look pretty with my hands around your throat. Maybe I should-“
“What the fuck are you doing?”
The scarred alpha froze, his blue eyes flickering to the entrance. After a few seconds, Dabi immediately scowled. “Mind your business, golden boy.”
Golden boy?
Izuku struggled under Dabi’s grip, feeling slightly light-headed as the seconds continued to pass. “Le-let me-“
“Fuck off, staple-face.”
And just like that, the pressure on Izuku’s throat was gone.
Izuku coughed and gasped as his world adjusted, his green eyes landing on the mess of fighting alpha’s in front of him. The smell of cigarette ash was now accompanied by caramel and cinnamon, which shouldn’t have made his heart race.
Izuku inwardly scoffed, rubbing his throat as he slowly made his way towards the exit. The sooner he got home, the better.
He really doesn’t want to be yelled at by Aizawa.
“I’m sure your dad would hate to watch me kick your ass, stitches. He probably wants to do it himself!”
Izuku snickered softly, glancing back to look at the fighting match.
Dabi was completely unconscious on the ground, nearly overshadowed by the mysterious alpha. This same alpha was dressed in a black hoodie and baseball cap, which hid his face pretty well.
The small omega made a mental note to remember this when he fights Dabi next week. These nicknames were top-notch.
The alpha fixed his jacket, spinning to face Izuku.
Shit. Shit. Abort.
Izuku squeaked and turned to bolt. At this point, plenty of people were exiting the club. Plenty of people would probably help him if he screamed.
“Not so fast, freckles.”
The small omega was pulled back yet again.
Izuku spun around, his green eyes sharp as he bared his teeth in an obvious snarl. “Don’t touch me! I’m not sucking your dick just because you felt the need to play hero.”
Red eyes locked with his.
And for a second, that split second, Izuku felt like the world stood still. Instead of some ugly alpha with questionable intentions, this alpha simply looked annoyed and frustrated.
Not the usual type to defend Izuku in an alleyway.
“What the fuck are you doing out so late by yourself?”
Izuku blinked, pulling himself out of his daze as sweet caramel greeted his nose. “Does it matter?”
The alpha’s eyes twitched. “I think it does. Any omega with a bit of common sense would know not to be by themselves at this time of night.”
“I’m not most omegas.”
Izuku’s words caused the tiniest smirk to dawn on the alpha’s face.
This mysterious alpha was much taller than Izuku and definitely stronger. The hood of his jacket covered ash-blond hair, but no amount of darkness could hide those eyes. And even more so, it was obvious that he had a resting bitch face.
“Hah?! A resting what?”
Ah, fuck.
Izuku blushed bright red, chewing on his bottom lip in an attempt to keep his mouth shut. “I-ignore that. I tend to mumble a lot.”
The alpha narrowed his eyes. “I can see that, freckles. But what the fuck were you doing out here by yourself?”
I’m not helpless…
“I can handle myself. I don’t need your help.”
The alpha scoffed loudly, his scowl becoming more prominent on his face. “Don’t be fucking reckless. If I wasn’t here, Stitches would’ve done worse than choke you.”
Izuku rolled his eyes. “I had it handled.”
“Stop lying to yourself, freckles.”
The small omega clenched his jaw and pulled himself free of the alpha’s grip. His skin felt hot with fury and annoyance, especially since this alpha seemed so arrogant.
Izuku walked out of the alley, adjusting the strap of his guitar case and glancing around. The sidewalk was still full of people, so he was probably safe to finish walking home.
Before he could do so, however, a warm hand grasped his arm.
“Hold on, freckles. Let me walk you home.”
Izuku froze, glaring suspiciously at the alpha next to him. “I’m not helpless, you know. I don’t need a big, strong alpha to walk me home.”
Thank god for sarcasm.
The alpha shrugged, releasing Izuku’s arm and waited to follow him. “I’d feel much better knowing that you got home okay. I don’t want to see your fucking face on the news, freckles.”
Freckles? That’s the best you got?
The small omega looked away from the alpha and started walking home, his heart fluttering in his chest as the smell of caramel enveloped him. Izuku’s never been good with attractive people, though.
Especially alphas with red eyes, which is his favorite color.
“What’s your name, nerd?”
Izuku blinkled, adjusting his hoodie. “I have enough survival instincts not to tell you. Stick to the shitty nicknames.”
The alpha huffed. “They’re not shitty!”
“I’m not convinced.”
Blondie {which Izuku decided to call him} growled in obvious annoyance, easily keeping up with the short omega. “Don’t you want to know my name? I’m sure you’re curious, shitty nerd.”
Izuku shrugged, glancing both ways before crossing a dimly-lit street. “Not really. It’s not like I’ll ever see you again.”
“How can you be so sure of that?”
“Because it’s obvious that you’ve never been here before.”
Blondie gave him a sideways glance, his red eyes glinting in the street light. “I’m that obvious? What gave it away, freckles?”
Izuku chewed on his bottom lip, slowing down as his apartment complex came into view. “If you were, then you would’ve known that I can handle Dabi. This won’t be the last time he tries to kick my ass.”
“So he does that often?”
Izuku stopped in front of his complex, turning to glance at the red-eyed alpha. “More than you’d think.”
The alpha nodded, looking up at the apartment complex. “Well, I’m glad that you let me walk you home. Should I follow you inside?”
“I’m not too comfortable with that, Blondie.’
Blondie froze, shooting Izuku a scowl. “Don’t call me that, shitty nerd.”
Izuku snickered, punching a code into the door and opening it. “Thanks for the entertainment, Blondie. I’m sure that you’ll get better with the nicknames.”
He went inside, leaving alpha outside.
Thank god that’s over.
I’ve caved and decided to cross-post here! I’m loving the community on here and definitely enjoy the responses I’ve received!
All the love love love,
Ash <3
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notwiselybuttoowell · 3 years
We're Stewards of Our Land: The Rise of Female Farmers
'I was always fascinated by getting things out of the ground’
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Sinead Fenton
Grows vegetables and edible flowers at Aweside Farm, East Sussex
Sinead Fenton is on an early lunch break, hiding from the sun. “It’s ridiculously intense, so I think we’re going to call it a day and crack back on in the evening,” she says. Fenton and her partner, Adam Smith, have been putting in beds and getting ahead on groundwork for next year. This year, there will be no commercial crops on the couple’s 4.5-acre plot.
They signed the papers on their farm last November and moved onto the land in March. Around the time they needed to make decisions about how they’d manage their first harvest, lockdown happened. With restaurants and florists – their main clients – out of action for the foreseeable future, they made the decision not to sow seeds but concentrate on opening up the land. “We were going to do it over three or four years, so we’re squeezing three years of work into this year, so we can focus on growing next year,” Fenton says.
She and Smith cut their scythes at Audacious Veg, a 0.1-acre plot in Hainault, at the end of the Central Line between Essex and London. Shortly after volunteering at the allotment in 2017, they heard the project was about to finish: “Naively, with about three weeks’ worth of growing experience, we decided that we’d take it on and get the produce to chefs.”
Smith worked in insurance accounting and while Fenton most recently worked in software and food policy, her background was in geology. “I came at farming from an activist point of view,” she says. “I was always fascinated by getting things out of the ground, but that is a destructive industry. Farming is nicer because I can do something for the system instead of taking everything from it.”
There was a lot of insecurity around the project. Land is contentious, especially in London, and land law is difficult and expensive to negotiate for those with no farming background. “Adam and I are both from cities – I’m from London, he’s from Essex. We’re from low-income families, and we had no access to farms growing up,” Fenton explains. “It’s basically impossible to get on the land, because it’s so expensive, or passed down through generations.”
They got the land for Aweside through the Ecological Land Co-op, which buys fields designated by Defra as only being good for arable crops, then splits them up to create smallholdings. Aweside is neighbours with a veg-box scheme, and waiting for others who’ll transform what once was a 20-acre maize field into a cluster of small farms rich with biodiversity. Now Fenton and Smith have a 150-year lease, and no worries that what they create will be taken away.
It’s not yet a permanent home. Fenton says they’ll be living in a caravan for a few years: “Another part of land law in the UK that makes land inaccessible is that if you want to live on your land you have to go through five years of proving your business is profitable, viable and that there is a functional need for you to live there.” Having livestock is an easy way to pass the test, but because Aweside is a vegan farm, Fenton and Smith need to cultivate and show they use every bit of plot.
It’s daunting but Fenton is excited about having a blank slate to work with. “There’s so much more to food than what supermarkets tell us to eat,” she says, explaining that they’ll grow varieties at risk of extinction, or that aren’t commonly grown in a mass market food system. “Seed diversity and plant genetics are serious issues.”
The three principles the couple work to are: more flowers, more trees, thriving soil. They’re working no-dig, putting compost directly on the ground and letting the soil life mix everything over time. They’re pesticide-free and are counting on the fact that the more diversity they have in the system, especially with a high proportion of flowers to pollinators and insects, the fewer problems they’ll face.
“Socially, economically and environmentally, something needs to change. Things have been done the same way by the same people for a long time,” says Fenton of the farming industry’s need for greater diversity. “I learned to grow on an allotment site where there are lots of different things growing at once. Bringing that approach into sites like this is needed – the industry needs it to keep itself relevant.”
'I'm hoping this will be seen as quite a cool career… even if it’s not’
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Abi Aspen Glencross
Head of grains at Duchess Farms, Hertfordshire
It was, Abi Aspen Glencross was well aware, an odd, even inopportune time to launch a crowdfunding campaign. In June, with the country still locked down, Duchess Farms asked for support to buy dehulling, cleaning and milling equipment. The Hertfordshire farm needed about £16,000, and the money would go towards boosting the production of ancient and heritage grains for making flour.
“A lot of crowdfunders have been for charity or ‘please keep our restaurant open’,” says the 28-year-old Glencross, head of grains – or “senior flour nerd” – at Duchess Farms since 2019. “We felt a bit bad, but we lost a lot of our business overnight when all the restaurants closed and we were like: ‘God, we hope we don’t go under.’ It was quite a scary time for everyone.”
Still, if we have learned one thing from Covid-19, when times are hard, British people get baking. Perhaps inspired by countrywide shortages of flour, maybe invigorated by a new interest in left-field, older wheats such as einkorn and emmer, Duchess Farms sprinted to its target. “We’ve just done some ordering of equipment this morning,” says Aspen, when we speak in July. “It’s been a tough time for everyone but it has cascaded into some beautiful things and we’re just so thankful.”
Glencross’s path to farming was circuitous. She studied chemical engineering, but while her classmates were heading off for jobs at ExxonMobil and Procter & Gamble, she was more of “a hippy at heart”. She decided she wanted to learn more about soil and its role in food production. This led her to Blue Hill Stone Barns, Dan Barber’s pioneering farm-to-table restaurant in the Hudson Valley, north of New York. She spent four months working on the farm and in the bakery, receiving a crash course in ancient grains – an obsession of Barber’s. But the moment Glencross knew she herself wanted to farm came in 2016 in a field in Hertfordshire. She was with John Cherry, who was showing her around Weston Park Farms, 2,500 acres of land he maintains with minimal fertiliser use and zero tillage.
“We were walking around the fields of wheat and I just said: ‘Where does all this go? There’s so much of it,’” Glencross says. “And John goes: ‘Oh probably for animal feed. It’s a consistent market, they’ll take it, it’s easy, even if we don’t earn that much money from it.’ And I was like: ‘This is crazy.’ And that was the beginning of me getting on this grain bender because I was like: ‘Why can’t we grow these grains organically and not feed them to animals?’ So I realised I’d have to start a business, because there were not very many people doing that.”
Heritage grains can be harder to produce in vast quantities – einkorn, especially, is “a bitch to harvest” – but they do have advantages over conventional wheats. They typically have deep roots and grow tall, which means they shade out weeds and do not require chemical sprays. The end product is more nutritious and then there’s the taste. Since 2017, Glencross has run a roving supper club called the Sustainable Food Story with Sadhbh Moore, and Duchess Farms has worked closely with bakeries such as E5 Bakehouse in east London and Gail’s, and restaurants including Doug McMaster’s Silo. “Heritage grains are delicious: when you stop growing for yield and you start growing for quality the flavour is insane,” says Glencross.
Learning to farm from scratch has not been straightforward, but you sense that’s a big part of the appeal for Glencross. “There’s all these decisions the farmer makes throughout the year and why he sprays and why he doesn’t,” she says. “You realise that most people get up, sit at a computer all day and if they press the wrong button, they just delete it. When you’re a farmer, you plant at the wrong time of year and tomorrow it washes away your whole crop.”
Glencross acknowledges that it is almost unprecedented for women to run arable farms. She struggles to name a single other example in the UK. She also notes wryly that men dominate all the farming conferences, saying: “They have a wife but it’s always the men who have written the book and given the presentation.”
With more role models, Glencross hopes things will change. “I’m not cool in any way, but I’m a reasonably young lady,” she says, laughing. “And so when people say: ‘What do you do? Oh, you’re a farmer. Maybe I could do that …’ So I’m hoping that it might become seen as quite a desirable, almost cool career.” A pause: “Even if it’s very much not cool.” 
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hereisleo · 4 years
stardust in our veins/
w/ s.mg x reader
g/ college!au, fluff, budding romance
w.count/ 2814
a.n/ in which upcoming astrophysicist and model song mingi is in a dilemma over the soon to be love of his life. a part of ‘back to school’ writing event with @kpopscape
t.w/ swearing
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“The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
Well, fuck. Mingi thinks his luck is the worst. The one time he needed the universe to make sense of course it wouldn’t. Then again turning to his astrophysics texts for guidance in the matter of love is the wrong place to start. Love doesn’t make sense like the universe, much of it still undiscovered and will continue to remain so. There’s only so much humans can learn and that by no means is little. He’s simply too finite to understand all the ways the universe has to offer. The perks of being mortal in his opinion.
His phone lights up, a notification appears on his screen. Don’t be late, Min! Right, he has to model for his friend tonight. He sends a quick confirmation text, a little cute onomatopoeia of ‘ang!’ Out of place with his stoic exterior yet that’s how he is, best of both worlds. Mathematics and astrophysics. Fashion industry and music. He could make it anywhere he wants to be. Mingi is confident in himself, he knows he has most of the skills set required to pursue all of his dream occupations. So he straightens the loose pages of a printed pdf file and tuck them into its folder. He could buy the textbooks but why would he do that? He likes to eat the rich so to speak. All his earnings go to tuition and he would live smartly to make it through another year.
The chair squeaks in the quiet library and he winces, slightly apologetic at the flinches from students studying in the library. He doesn’t dwell much in it, he slings his back over his shoulder and pushes his chair in, lifting it a touch to prevent the grating noise. He nods at the librarian and mouths his, ‘bye.’ And it’s just him and his little kidney beans, AirPods, pumping music into his ears. He makes his way around the ground, weaving through passing students going to different classes, the stares he receives are not foreign. He’s used to it. He’s always a head and some more taller than the average or maybe it’s his clothes or his colourful hair or the way he carries himself is out of place within the Department of Astrophysics. Mingi looks like someone from the Department of Arts. A fashion or music student. Some would say he’s here because of an athletic scholarship. He is simply exercising his freedom to wear whatever he wants.
Sik-K’s “Habibi” starts playing and he mumbles his curses, a love and hate relationship he has with his playlist. He just managed to distract himself from thinking about love and here he is, back to wallow in his one-sided pining. Pitiful. You’re pathetic, Song Mingi. His strides languidly back to his shared apartment, not too far off from campus, he could take the car but he likes to walk when the weather is nice. He wonders when did he begin liking you. The first time he sees you is in the Arts building when you were fitting his feline-like friend into a stage costume. He thinks he fell for how your brow knits together in concentration as your fingers deftly repaired loose embellishment of pearls on the velvet suit jacket. He vividly recalls how inky the fabric was, similar to the sky that night, Mars was visible from the big window at the fashion studio. He would catch glimpses of you here and there and because of that, his visits to the Arts building increased. His friends caught on immediately and they wouldn’t live it down.
Before he knows it, he’s already punching the security codes on his door. A happy greeting of his name falls short with an amused laugh. Even his best friend could tell, he’s wallowing in his feelings. Mingi whines, kicking his shoes off before unceremoniously taking all the space on the couch. Good thing his playlist has come to its end, he takes out the little kidney beans from his ears and let it rest on the coffee table.
“Love doesn’t make sense, Yunho,” he groans, burying his face against the giant brown bear plushie. A hand pats his head, “Love doesn’t make sense and so does the universe yet you love them the same.” Mingi thinks Yunho has been skimming through his astrophysics texts but highly unlikely, Yunho doesn’t enjoy reading. He sighs and nuzzles deeper into the belly of the soft toy. Hell, he much rather snuggle with you but alas you’re a distant star out of his reach. He could only see you behind the lenses of his telescope. He will make do with the bear and his friends for now. He likes being alone, he likes his space but he hates the feeling of loneliness that comes out to play every once in a while. More often now since he has you to pin over. His friends could only do so much for him.
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Fuck you, Kim Hongjoong. Mingi keeps his head low and skirts around the photographer. You. He isn’t not aware you’ll be shooting him today, figuratively and literally. Yeosang has a shit eating grin on his face when Mingi sits on the chair to get his makeup done. “Not a word, Yeosang,” he mumbles and the grin widens. His friend only wipes his face clean before starting off with a quick skincare. He’s used to this, the gentle toner in white and blue packaging and the light cream patted into his skin. His friend went the length to purchase them specifically for him. He keeps his eyes trained on the mirror, tracking your movements all over the studio, talking to Hongjoong, toying with the navy and silver camera strap. He remembers buying the strap for Jongho when the old one was too worn out for use. It reminds him of the starry sky and it’s now in your hold. He bites his lip, it shouldn’t feel intimate yet here he is almost astral projecting because it feels as if you are holding part of his universe. Stop it, Mingi!
His pseudo makeup artist taps his abused lip with a warning tut, a red stain is smudged lightly before a clear gloss is patted over them so it doesn’t dry out his lips. Yeosang always scolds him for having chapped lips and this time Mingi sports dark smokey eyes, he could see hints of burgundy mixed into the brown shadows. Yeosang gives him a wink before sending him off to change. Hongjoong is a genius for designing outfits and he’s honoured to be one of the models walking in it. He wishes nothing but the best for the clothing line launch to be successful but he would be lying if he doesn’t want to wipe the smirk off the designer’s face right now.
Your fingers graze the skin of his back, his shoulders tensed and he presses his lips together to prevent any noise from escaping his mouth. Fuck this shoot. You’re just pinning his jeans because it’s slightly too big. Mingi wants to run home into the comfort of his bed and screams. Your radiating body heat is so warm and perhaps this is as close as he would ever to touch you, the human embodiment of the universe. He shouldn’t be this hypersensitive yet here he is flustered beyond his imagination. His lungs feel like they are collapsing. You are the 3-degree temperature difference in intergalactic space he learned about. His body couldn’t manage to reach equilibrium. Being around you makes his blood cells want to burst, the lack of atmospheric pressure puts a dizzy spell on him. Mingi thinks you’re an amazing being like the supercharged subatomic particles travelling almost just as fast as the speed of light. There’s only 0.1% difference. Magnificent.
Hongjoong and Yeosang smirk at his struggles. They are no strangers to his ‘internally screaming’ countenance. Mingi would have book it if they let him suffer any longer. He takes one look into the mirror, the long leather coat adds some invisible height to him, he appears taller than he already is and the chunky ribbed turtleneck accentuate his long neck. He glances over to the few more pieces hanging on the rack. Hongjoong kills it with the A/W capsule collection. He couldn’t wait to get into the patchwork trench coat and the purple overshirt that catches his attention since the prototype era. The universe has expanded further into infinity since then.
A gentle call of his name and the barely there touch on his back jolts him out of his reverie, eyes boring into yours almost bewitched. Your hand is right over where his birthmark is hidden under the layers of fabrics. “Mingi?” Your voice. Damnit, it’s so soft to his ears and the way his name rolls off your tongue raises the hairs on his arms. He dazedly hums in response, “Yes, stars?” The composition of a human being is as old as the universe itself, there are stardust running in the veins of mortals. He sees the brightest stars in your eyes. He doesn’t realise what he just called you, the term of endearment he refers you as in his head slips out to be immortalised. Sound waves travel into space and beyond, he can’t take back what he said. Your cheek is hot under his fingertips, in moments of bravery or stupidity, Mingi manages to string together a sentence, “Let’s take some pictures shall we?”
Bless Hongjoong for hooking up the music. He would run away if Taemin’s “Criminal” didn’t start playing. Don’t explode now. One more step to the front of the red backdrop. What foolish action did he do? How did he have the courage to talk to you and more over actually feel your skin under his fingers? He wants to scream and curl up on the floor. I did not just do that! Yeosang gives him a thumbs up for the corner of the studio. Thank heavens for his friends. He lets the electronic beats fill him and he loses himself in the act. His friends once told him, he’s a good actor. Now is the time for him to maximise the skill. A teasing drag of his bottom lip between his teeth, the smouldering gaze as he pierces through the camera lens straight at you just as the lyrics spews, ‘Destroy me more.’ Two can play this game and Mingi finds it relieving to find he’s not the one who is affected. It doesn’t quite make sense to you how he likes you and it doesn’t quite make sense to him how you like him. He’s not built for chasing love but now he knows you do have an interest in him, he takes the liberty to pursue it. He wouldn’t pour his love onto you yet. He has class and he’s not going to do anything that might spook you. Yes, he acts like an idiot sometimes but he’s not an idiot. He wants to make sure if you really have taken a liking of him or if he’s merely a passing interest. He doesn’t like getting hurt.
One wardrobe change and then two, the playlist continuous on, the hours blurred together. Mingi is in his last outfit, lying on the brown leather couch covered with colourful rugs and you’re hovering over him with the DSLR. He gives you, no, he means the camera, his best smirk and provocative lift of his eyebrow. From the corner of his eyes, Yeosang and Hongjoong are curling into each other to stifle bubbling laughter while monitoring all the shots appearing on the computer. The addictive riff of “Teeth” by 5 Seconds of Summer has him unbuttoning the purple overshirt. His friends are slapping each other and he hears you take sharp intake of breath. He is enjoying this way too much and he might as well. If he’s going to explode now is the time. Before the night ends, before the sky lightens, he would explode like a supernova, powerful and bright enough for its light to glow for more than a week. It’s rather selfish of him to make himself linger in your mind in a rather unorthodox fashion but he couldn’t help it, the opportunity is there for the taking. At some point the two nuclei would collide to create a new element, Mingi hopes it’s his and yours.
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The following day Mingi wakes up to a series of texts in the group chat. The sheer amount of caps lock yelling are not anything new so he didn’t check it yet. He raises his arms and lets his muscles sing with the stretch. His feet kiss the cool floor and he makes his way out to do his day off routine. “Morning, Yunho,” he greets, his voice still rough from sleep, it sounds deeper even to his own ears. He hears his roommate rustling about in the living room and feet padding hurriedly to his direction, “Afternoon already, Min! And you can’t say that nonchalantly after what you did last night! You didn’t tell me this!” What did he do last night? Ah, right! He was modelling for Hongjoong, saw you and flirted with you indirectly through the camera lens. Yunho shoves his phone in front of him.
An A-cut photograph from the shoot is attached in the chat by Hongjoong. He was in the half open purple overshirt and sunglasses hanging between his teeth, glaring straight at whoever is looking at the picture. Consecutive texts from his friend group are under it, nothing but praises and Yunho is always first to compliment him. My best friend right there! Following the trail of text bubbles, he finds a short video. He presses the play button and immediately blushes, hiding his face in his hands with an exasperated sound. Last night model Mingi was brave enough to reach for the camera. In fact, he reached past it and cradled your cheek in his palm. “It was for the shoot!” Yunho pockets his phone. “Mingi. You eye fucked the camera through and through. In fact, it’s not the camera, it’s your ‘stars’.” The mirth in Yunho’s voice is enough to draw another whine from him. He couldn’t find fault in his best friend’s statement.
He has to go back in again today and how is he supposed to face you? I should call in sick. Yet with that thought he still works the coffee machine, his body moving rotely and his friend sidles next to him to help him with lunch. He could still sense the excitement radiating from the puppy-like man. An avocado toast later, Mingi is sent out with a cheery, “Have fun!” The little kidney beans are back in his ears, a mellow summer song soothes his pounding heart. The moon peeks between buildings as if to tell him it’s rooting for him. In such an aspect, he thanked the pile of regolith and dead volcanoes hanging in space.
His takes longer strides to the campus ground, arriving earlier than expected, his body understands the excited energy simmering under his skin. To see you standing in front of the Arts building entrance sparks something in him. Don’t do or say anything weird, Mingi. He breaks into a jog, calling your name properly this time. It’s an exaggeration but this is what he thinks being struck by a space debris must feel like. The shy wave of your hand and the sunlight blanketing your skin are enough to set his heart racing. “You look different today.” He supposed he does look different to you. Your encounters with him are always within the confinement of Hongjoong’s studio. You never see him in his casual state, so the messy, half wet hair from the shower earlier, the all sweats get-up he is in and the glasses perched on the bridge of his nose are foreign to you. Hell, you never see him cooing at a soft toy or notice how slow he eats. “Have you eaten yet?” That’s good, Min, that’s a safe question. You nod with a smile, pocketing away your phone, “Just enough to get through the meeting.” Mingi wants to curl up on the floor, what is he going to do with your undivided attention on him?
“Shall we grab something together afterwards?” He curls his hands into fist within the pockets of his sweatpants. What the hell did he just ask you? He needs that space debris to smite him out of existence right now. The endearing shy smile on curving your cheeks upwards has him biting his tongue. Mingi thinks a space debris really has vaporised him, your answer leaving him a stuttering blushing mess. “It’s a date then.”
“The universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
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the-ghost-king · 3 years
Me 0.1 seconds after reading your post about Will being Mothman simp: omg solangelo west virginia interstate dates 🖤 💛
Hey, it’s me again, the napping Nico person. Idk if you’re planning on writing 𝙨𝙪𝙘𝙝 a story but if you did so, I’d love to read it, just wanted to tell you that. Hope you have a great day :)
@napping-nico I hope you have a great day as well! ;)
My apologies for the wait, as always I’ll reblog with the link to the Ao3 version!
Nico and Will go camping, something about tents and stars, Nico talks about military school and how camping was their idea of fun, in the morning they go along the river front and visit the mothman statue and maybe go on the river boat... Theme is it should be written like Ari + Dante staying in the desert overnight in the truck
Nature was something Nico loved, something he respected.
Growing up as a child hunting excursions had been a commonality in his home, they didn’t really need to go hunting; if they wanted fresh game there would have been a hundred men at their door asking for the chance to shoot for the di Angelo’s. 
His Nonno had always liked it, to Nonno hunting had never been about hunting and it had never been about the camping that came with the trips either. Hunting, as Nico had known it as a child, had always been about politics; the excursions a place, a way, and an excuse to make deals.
In Military academies, camping trips were their idea of a good fun time. 
A couple hundred boys and girls hiking out into the middle of Nowhere Forest loaded up with camping gear and taught how to cook food over open flame, and how to assemble tents in just a minute or two. The humdrum of set up, sleep, and take down with interjections and complaints sporadic throughout.
Nico had never minded camping, he found it some sort of calm. He liked the quiet, divine sort of life that nature provided. Nico had stood in front of gods and never felt power quite like that of a large old forest.
(Gods were bright and burning in their divinity, the air around them crackled and your throat was always tight and dry... Forests weren’t like that).
There was something about sleeping on the ground among all the living things, some sort of serene quality to it. He’d lay there among the sounds of his grandfathers disgruntled tossing and turning, and the annoyed complaints of other boys longing for their real beds, and Nico would breathe in the cold air of the natural world and feel something akin to home. 
His chest would expand and he’d feel some kind of emotion in his sternum, like the plants and branches themselves were growing forth from his lungs with each chilling breath in, and they were expanding in the depths of his lungs and heart in a silent agreement of mutual affection and love. 
To say the least Nico had always slept his absolute best outside.
Will on the other hand was a country boy at heart, he’d grown up in the middle of I Live 500+ Miles From Civilization Texas and backyards became camp grounds every spring and summer. 
For Nico camping had always been treated like a fun little activity and Nico had taken it upon himself to find the divinity in each excursion. As for Will, camping was just something you did sometimes. He didn’t have some complex connection to the act of setting up a tent and sleeping inside of it, the closest Will came to anything intensely memorable about camping was bonfires.. But his family was large and they all lived near one another, bonfires were a nightly thing not necessarily a camping thing within his family. 
To say the least, when Will asked him if he’d like to go camping in the middle of Fuck-All West Virginia Nico was absolutely in agreement. Sure he was a little confused as to why exactly they had to go all the way to West Virginia when they already lived in the middle of nowhere Texas, but he was sure there was a decent reason, as a demigod you learned to go with the flow sometimes.
What Nico hadn’t expected was that they would be heading to a quaint little West Virginian campground because his fiancé was a slut for Mothman.  
Nico looked over to Will as he climbed out of the drivers seat of the truck, “Cyrtids aren’t going to fuck you if you manage to find them.”
Will looks at him from outside the car, “I’d be just as happy to let them kill me slowly.”
“That’s my job!” Nico glares at him for a second and sees Will smiling at him happily.
“Well then, you’ll have to protect me won’t you, darlin’?”
“Hmph,” Nico climbed out of the passenger seat and walked around to the bed of the truck to help Will unload the truck and set up camp for later that evening.
They pulled out all their equipment so they could set up their trunk tent; listen, sleeping on the ground in a tent was one thing, sleeping in the open air of the truck bed was another, but figuring out you could combine both of them? Nico had been in heaven. 
They spend the time they work bickering, back and forth with light quips about the things each other had packed and how they packed them. They both had self-satisfied smirks on their faces the whole time, and they unapologetically threw pillows at one another while they were supposed to be readying their bed. 
Some older lady had walked by at some point and with a gasp of shock she’d looked at both of them sadly, “What are your names? I want to pray for you.”
Nico, ever the expert with old people and children looked to her kindly, “Forgive me, why are you interested in praying for us?”
The woman goes on a long spiel about how young relationships are hard work, she starts talking about how from the sound of all their fighting they sure needed a lot of work if they were ever going to love each other properly. She tells them about how she wants to pray for them so that they won’t fight anymore and they’ll be happy. 
When she finishes Nico is trying his hardest not to laugh so Will handles her, “Thank you ma’am, but I assure you we’re just happy to entertain the public.”
The lady has the most offended look on her face when Will tells her that, she picks up her woven bag from the ground and storms off to the sound of Nico’s poorly contained laughter. 
They finish setting up the inside of their tent and locking their food and valuables up in the truck all while still cracking jokes and making quips, “I just want to pray for you and your relationship” Nico says with a mock praying gesture towards Will.
The blonde laughs back at him, “at least she didn’t assume we were brothers.”
Will locks the truck to the sound of his own quiet laugh Nico’s annoyed groan that borderlines on disgust.
"You'll pay for that comment!"
They end up on the Riverwalk around dinner time, they took a break from normal camping adventures like public bathrooms and trying to start a fire so they could instead go look at a statue of Will's oldest crytid-crush.
Somehow the thing was taller than 6"2 Will, almost doubling him in height with its polished glory. It had dark red ruby eyes on either side of its face, and the coloration of the creature had been handled by carving and removing parts of it until it resembled some sort of 6 packed moth.
Nico didn't really see the appeal, but Will found sharp teeth "simp worthy" so Nico supposed if he was happy that was enough.
He seemed in awe of the beast, staring up at it in wonder and awe- maybe a bit aroused too... This was Will after all, the dude was obsessed with that one demon character from the Blue Butler show? Black Butler?
Maybe Austin was right, maybe Will really did have a type.
Will gets bored after a while, and fifty or so pictures later, they decide to head back to the truck, Will blabbering the whole walk back about star gazing and maybe seeing the real Mothman fly by overhead while they do so.
They head back to the truck where there's food to be cooked over the fire, and they eat in their little bed-of-the-trunk-tent that amazes Nico everytime he sees it. The modern world has some crazy inventions sometimes, Nico spent a solid week on their living room floor obsessed with Will's Xbox and how it worked.
The tent was a light orange color with cream accents on it, inside it was gray, and they'd laid a spread of multicolored blankets and pillows out to sleep on. The top part of it opened with a little screened window piece, and up above them there were stars in the sky.
Nico crawled in to lay on his back so he could look out their little unzipped window, and he could hear Will doing something outside before he climbed in behind Nico.
They lay in silence for a few minutes, both of them just lost in the sight of the stars and thoughts of the person breathing next to them. Will turns over first, just to look at Nico, so Nico gives him a taste of his own medicine and does the same.
Nico decides then to take a pillow and hit Will's shoulder with it, "Sap."
He's not angry, it's not an accusation, it's just a fact; Will's a romantic and especially so for Nico.
"Maybe so," He's smiling at Nico, "I got you something if you'd like to see it?"
"Oh?" Nico fakes coy in response and earns an exasperated look from Will.
He hands him something small, places the little trinket in Nico's hands. Nico opens his hands to see little earrings of a dark moth with red eyes, they're silver on the backs and Mothman is painted on the front of them. This version is much cuter than the statue version.
"Thank you," Nico places a kiss to Will's lips.
"I know you don't really like Mothman as much as me," there's a slight pause where they both chuckle, "but I don't know, I thought maybe you would like them because they would remind you of this? I don't know, I sorry, it's just-"
Nico pets a hand through Will's hair, "I love you, and I love them, don't apologize for buying me things."
Will gets a little stressed sometimes to say the least, he had managed to get off his anxiety meds back when they were still at camp, but he sometimes still found himself in spirals. Nico didn't entirely understand anxiety, but he did know what it felt like to feel constantly inadequate, and he knew what depression felt like, and he'd like to think he can help a little.
It took both of them some time together to realize that they couldn't love each other's problems away. Even though they both had been told it didn't work like that, they were hopeful and in love and thought that maybe they could create something different. Eventually they both did come to realize that they just had to hold the other persons hand, and sometimes one of them stepped up when the other couldn't keep up the pace, but it was better that way.
You can't love someone through anything, love isn't a cure, but you can hold their hand through it and remind them that you love them.
Nico pulls Will closer, lets him lay his head on his shoulder, and they stare up into the night sky together. Nico whispers into his ear his own thanks for the gift, and let's his words change into sweet nothings. Talking about how much he loved Will, and when they head back down South how his Mom would be home from her latest tour, and he listens closely when Will tells him about some Mothman documentary that he watched.
And Nico falls asleep some point shortly after Will, he can fill his lovers heartbeat if he reaches out for him, he can feel his life force strong and present. Nico can feel the life ebbing out of the field that surrounds them, he can feel the life that makes the trees grow.
Nico falls asleep, warm, comfortable, and basking in the life around him.
Everything will be just fine.
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jiminsfault · 5 years
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Gamin’ for love 0.1 | jkk
— pairing: gamer!Jungkook x escort!reader
— genre: smut, angst, a little fluff, crack maybe
— word count: 8.5k
— summary: if love was a game, even Jungkook wouldn’t know how to win. Ordering an escort might help.
— warnings: a lot of mentions of dick and pussy, Jungkook being a horny airhead, oral (f), dom!Jungkook, mentions of sex work, name calling, degradation, cursing, protected sex, fingering, squirting, he’s wearing a condom but he’s pulling out, Jungkook being sad, mentions of pathological liars, manipulation, emotional attachment, emotional unavailability, truth hurts should be the title track of this
— A/N: this was supposed to be a pwp but I did an oopsie :~) I hope you'll enjoy! The second part will come out soon.
— Special thanks to Heath (@maptoyoongi​) for helping me so much with this fic, I honestly wouldn’t have been able to do it without her. I love you boo❤️
moodboard | part one | part two | masterlist
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Jungkook often felt lonely. His profession being a twitch streamer meant constantly sitting in his dark room, playing his favorite games and entertaining others, not making for a lot of free time or opportunities to leave the house and socialize.
He rarely got to meet up with friends because of the lack of those, which meant that he rarely got to go out and meet a few new lady friends. After his relationship three summers ago failed at just four months, let’s just say; his soul hasn’t been very happy.
Neither has his dick. 
Granted, Jungkook realizes that he could’ve done a lot of things differently to change the outcome of things, he just didn’t at that time.
He’s sad, to say the least. Yes, he’s glad that he can just turn on his webcam and play video games to earn his pay. But constantly being hunched over a keyboard or a controller isn’t helping the state of his dick. 
The important part of a relationship shouldn’t be just sex, he constantly hears from his best friend, a chaotic author, who’s always screaming about the newest drafts he wrote down on his travel with the subway. A lot about sex as well, so Jungkook doesn’t really get his point there. 
If sex wasn’t as important, why always write about it? 
“It’s just fulfilling fantasies, stoopid!” It’s always the same thing. “It’s not there to be realistic! You can’t just go get coffee and meet a girl that’s willing to go home with you and fuck! It’s not meant to be realistic!”
Jungkook isn’t happy with that at all. He doesn’t have time to invest into a relationship. Neither motivation. The break up three years ago has left him with trust issues after he caught her cheating on him. Seeing the messages of one of his own best friends on his girl’s phone wasn’t really the greatest of feelings.
The reason why his ex cheated on him was because the nineteen year old teenager couldn’t stop playing video games. He didn’t pay enough attention to her, she wasn’t feeling appreciated. So she got it from someone who was willing to give up his time for her. 
But guess what? The twenty-two year old manchild still can’t stop playing video games! And the fact that Jungkook’s stream blew up one day and from then on money was made easily, didn’t help that at all. 
It would just be the same outcome anyway, if he tried to get into dating again. Girls always complain about these kind of habits, not paying attention to them and such. 
“If you just want to get some pussy, then a girlfriend shouldn’t be what you’re looking for,” his friend states. “Fucking pay for it like everybody else does!”
And that’s how that happened. 
It was just a little click, he guessed. The idea wasn’t bad, paying to see some pussy. It’s what he wants and he has the money. 
It’d save time too, no going out and finding a pretty girl to talk to. He wouldn’t get a guarantee for sex from the girls in the clubs or bars either. It’s a 50/50, going out and trying to flirt. 
Jungkook has never been that kind of dude, too, just going up to a girl and flirting with her. He wasn’t even sure if he’d be successful.
So it just made sense to him, paying to get his dick wet.
It’s decided, he thought. He pushed himself off of the couch and made his way to find his phone with a bounce in his step. It was still laying on the kitchen counter, left there from earlier when Jungkook made himself some ramen noodles. The gamer life, he guessed. 
“How do I google this, now?” he murmured into the empty room. Shrugging, he decided to just go crazy and went with the first thing that popped up when typing in ‘escort girls’. 
Is what greets Jungkook instead of their website. He just wants the phone number, goddamn. 
After closing all of the annoying porn bot ads, he finally found the number, copy pasted it into his phone and went on dial. 
“Hello, Aphrodite’s Erotes on the phone, how can we serve you today, Sir?” a warm, female voice greeted him. 
“Uuh, I would just like to pay to see some pussy I guess, hah” Jungkook laughed. How else would he approach this? 
The warm voice giggled, obviously not expecting somebody to order an escort in such a way. 
“Do you have any preferences? We have thick girls, skinny girls, tall girls-” she starts to count out the different varieties of girls, but Jungkook only furrows his brows. 
“I really don’t mind any. Just has to have a cute pussy, I guess.” the woman on the phone hummed in acknowledgement and asked Jungkook to wait a little, she would check for available girls. 
“Would you mind telling us your address and name? We’d send her on her way then. Y/N is said to have the best services we can provide.”
With bulging eyes and maybe already a little bit of a bulging dick, Jungkook confirms his personal information and couldn’t believe he was actually going through with this.
After five years of sad dick life, he was finally going to dunk into the sweet juices of a wonderful female being. A wonderful female being with the name Y/N, who was going to grace his ugly one bedroom apartment in less than thirty minutes, if the woman with the warm voice on the phone told the truth. 
Then it hit him; he still had to clean up. No, he wouldn’t need to make a good impression on this escort but he’d at least want the girl that’s blessing his dick with her presence to be comfortable around his place.
“If I go around in zoom zoom speed, maybe I’ll make it in time!” Jungkook was confident he’d make his chaos disappear before you arrived.
Additionally, he still had to shower as well, he’s been neglecting that a little over the last five days. So that’ll be the first thing, the apartment can wait. 
You couldn’t judge him for that though, he is a very busy man, constantly having to cook up ramen between gaming streams and Netflix marathons.
Yes, he has to admit he does keep himself fit in the gym too, how else would he still be able to move with the way he’s eating? it’s just that he likes to seem like a pig when describing his life sometimes. 
Constantly having a conscious eye on the clock, he was getting himself a little clean around the edges, he blow dried his hair until it wasn‘t dripping onto his white, a little tight tshirt anymore. He threw on his favorite grey sweatpants and went commando under it. He doesn’t expect to need any underwear anyway.
Jungkook was nervous, to say the least. He never ordered an escort and he doesn’t even know if he’s a good fuck; his last time was so long ago, he actually couldn’t remember if he made his ex girlfriend cum that last night. Perhaps that’s why she broke up with him? 
Actually, his ex did tell him that he was the worst fuck she ever had, she told him that if he would’ve at least had a good game in bed, maybe she wouldn’t have to cheat. Yeah, that hurt a lot. Didn’t really help with his insecurities either. Yikes.
There wasn’t much more time to dwell on the thought, his doorbell rang the usual tone and while rubbing his hands around each other he walked over to the door. 
What would you look like? Suddenly he feels like it’s christmas morning and he’s getting the present he's been begging for all year. He couldn't wait to unwrap your beautiful body.
His nervousness slowly began to dwell down and excitement took over his form. He hoped you would be nice, he couldn’t bare if you were mean about his dick or the way his apartment looks. 
Maybe you’d like to watch some Netflix with him? Is that included in paying for an escort? 
Jungkook shook his head, the fluffy, a little longer and still damp hair swinging with the motion. 
Deep breath, in and out. He can do this, it’s just sex. Right? Opening the door in the most casual way he could and leaning against the frame, it is. 
When his eyes meet yours, he’s stunned. You looked breathtaking, to say the least. Your hair was pretty and your make up seemed to be just light and natural, the dress you wore layed smooth across your skin and enhanced your beautiful curves. 
Maybe Jungkook felt his dick twitch a little when his eyes zeroed in on your boobs, they were squished together by the dress and the way it was cut just added to expose them. 
But the highlight was definitely your face, the prettiest girl he might ever have seen just stood in front of him. The way you smiled at him softly and put your hand up to wave at him was cute, but at the same time the sexiest thing a woman had ever done. 
“You must be Jungkook?” you asked, your voice sending him up into heaven, as well as his dick. 
“Hell yeah.” His eyes glossed over as he lost focus while staring at you and he doesn’t realize his reply. What he does pick up is your giggle, god does your giggle sound angelic.
“Do you wanna pay me for standing outside of your door or are you gonna let me in?” Is what ripped him out of his cloudy state.
“Uh.. yes, yeah of course, come in.” At that you took a step towards him and he opened the door wider to make the way. 
A few quiet moments went by as you sauntered around his living room, taking a peek at the kitchen and then turning around to look at Jungkook with an expecting expression. 
“So, where do you want me?” you purr, giving him an alluring gaze and your most subtle smile you could manage. You found it quite funny, the way he was acting. He clearly hasn’t had an escort over before, otherwise he wouldn’t just stand around and stare at you like a deer caught in the headlight.
“Wh- oh, uh,” he stammered. Where does he want you? His gaze crossed the room. Did you not want to get to know him first? 
You realised that he’s unsure of what to do, so you walk over and take his hand in your own to pull him towards the small corridor with two closed doors.
“Which one is it?” practically hearing the gears in his head turning, “your bedroom, baby,” you remind him. His eyes grew big as he got it and hastily nodded in understanding.
“This one,” he pointed and went to grip the door handle to the right door. Opening it, you saw a dim room, the blinds rolled down. It was still enough light flowing in for you to make out the bed, a dresser and a tv on shelves. Decorations aren’t visible except for the silhouettes. 
Both of you walked in, Jungkook went to turn on the light but you stop him. 
“It’s alright.” With a smile you reassure him, feeling his hands shaking slightly. 
You’ve been an escort for about three years, so new customers aren’t something unknown to you. In fact, it’s always pretty enjoyable, the regular customers aren’t much fun anymore. There’s a routine settled already, they know what they want and they know they’re gonna get it. 
So having a big, broad man standing in front of you, still holding onto your hand and seemingly growing smaller with every passing moment, does intrigue you. 
“Should we maybe just talk first?” He suggests. You grin and hold back your chuckle, he surely must know that that’s not what you’re here for. 
“Jungkook, baby,” you purr. “If you’re nervous about this it’s okay, but all I’m here for is to fuck you for your money, you know?” Stating the obvious seemed right. 
“You can go wild, do whatever you want with me. For as long as you’re willing to pay, I’m yours.” That seemed to stir him into motion. He nodded and took a breath. 
“Then.. sit down on the bed, please.” Jungkook knew that he didn’t have to ask, he knew that this was your job and that he could treat you the worst without consequences. But that just wasn’t him. 
In this house, we respect women, Jungkook just wasn’t that kind of man. Yes, he’s got some preferences in bed, but before sex, respecting women always came first. 
As you sat down, he joined you as well, leaning back on his hands and throwing his head back to move his bangs out of sight. 
“Can we kiss? Like, is that alright?” He didn’t want to just go ahead, maybe you have boundaries? But he needed to get over his nerves, he wanted this. He just didn’t expect you to be this pretty, is all. It made him shy to think about sleeping with such a beautiful woman. 
You nodded once, getting ready to straddle his lap. He was surprised from your sudden movement but you could tell that it was very much needed. Helping to spur him on is the least you could do. 
“Say… should I dom you tonight? Do you prefer that?” You murmur. He just gave you the energy, even with his big built. 
“No, I’m not a sub.” With a stern look in his eyes he reached his hand behind you and pushed you towards him. Fixating your lips, he quickly made eye contact to reassure himself if you consent for this and swept your lips in one move.
His lips were soft, tasted like cherries. They were puffy and he moved them agonizingly slow. Gladly accepting the sudden braveness from the man, you relaxed on his lap. His large hands held your waist tight and you felt incredibly small against him. At the image of the tall man, who’s hands started to roam your body, you let out an involuntary sigh. 
Jungkook started mushing his lips against yours, nibbling on your bottom lip. His left hand moved up to your hair, pushed it back from your shoulders and held you by the back of your neck. The other one still gripped your waist, kneading the flesh. He pulled you closer, causing your middle to rub against his crotch while your dress kept riding up, so your panties were even more exposed. He looked down your bodies and groaned when he saw your lace clad pussy, firmly placed onto his lap. 
“So that means I can’t get to know you first?” He dropped the question all of a sudden. You, not expecting any customer to ever prioritize getting to know you before getting off, let out a surprised chuckle. 
“I thought you wanted to fuck me, what do you need to know about me other than my body and my name?” You purr and let your hands run across his broad chest. The perks of getting a young customer from time to time is that maybe, you’ll be able to get off from this too. Jungkook is a very attractive man, his facial features gorgeous and his body built like Adonis himself would be sitting under you. The muscly thighs just spur you on to grind down on him, even through the loose sweatpants, the girth of them wouldn’t go past you. 
As your mind went into detail about how good it would feel when his thighs would clap against your own as he pounded into you well, Jungkook let his hands roam over you more, his right hand slipped from your waist down to your ass and the left situated itself right under the swell of your breasts.
“If you mind it that much, I will at least take my time to get to know your body, then. Go lay on the bed and be pretty, baby.” The sudden boost of confidence and the not missed radiance of dominance threw you off a little, to say the least. He said he wouldn’t be submissive, you just didn’t expect him to be this dominant either.
Before you obeyed him, you made quick movement in getting rid of your heels, assuming they wouldn’t be needed in the comfort of his bed. It was freshly made, as far as you can tell and the covers and pillows smelled like laundry detergent, not too intrusive of a smell. Laying down in the middle, you get comfy and look at Jungkook, who stood up from his place on the edge of his bed. 
With his gaze fixed onto your form, he grinned and pulled his tight tee over his head from behind. The anticipated muscles didn’t disappoint at all, his pecks very much there, chest puffed and you see a happy trail disappear into the secrets of his loosely hanging sweats. 
You wanted to just crawl over there and take him into your welcoming mouth, but the roles were clear and you didn’t want to go against him this early on. Instead, his knee pushed down onto the bed, his eyes seemingly darker and his arousal very clear if you looked at the outline of his hardened cock. Jungkook made his way to you and your breath hitched as he had you under him. 
“You’re gonna be good and let me take off that pretty little dress of yours?” He grinned, taking one hand to slide up and down your upper arm and onto your shoulder. Two of his fingers slid under the strap and slowly pulled it down to expose your collarbone. He bends his head down and let his mouth glide across your skin, barely touching you. Your hands fly up to grip onto his forearms, the tension he built up getting to you. His smile wasn’t visible to you but the little exhale of breath as he huffed amused was still there. 
“Jungkook..” you gasp when his lips finally touch your neck, “please.” Not knowing what you’re asking for, he still manages to excel. Carefully he bites into the skin just under your jaw and pulls it a little bit, kissed it after to heal the stinging. Laving his tongue up to the spot behind your ear he sucked the sensitive skin into his mouth, the fingers that were just resting next to your arm slowly creeping under you in search of the zipper. 
You helped a little bit, curved your back and automatically pressed into Jungkook’s chest with that. He’s warm and his skin seemed soft. He found the zipper and in contrast to his continuous, slow kisses, rips it down quickly. 
He seemed eager to discover more of your skin. 
With more vigor he unstrapped your other arm and, lifting up from his arms, he kneeled above you to shimmy your dress down your body and onto the floor. Your own arms fell down next to you from his movement, but you did not even stop to think of covering yourself up under his burning gaze.
“Beautiful,” was his only remark to this, his eyes roaming every inch of newly exposed skin. Your dress didn’t require you to wear a bra, so all you were wearing now were the innocently beautiful lace panties clinging to your pussy. A groan rumbled out of Jungkook’s chest at the view he got when he zeroed in on your middle. Your arousal was made visible through the wet spot and he dropped his hand down to your hip. His thumb barely ghosted over your lips and you shivered. 
“Need to eat you out, baby.” He stated, licking his lips in anticipation. With a whimper you nodded, strongly agreeing to this. You needed him to do something, anything. He made you this affected, now he has to finish the job. With a look into your eyes he dropped down onto his forearms, kissing your lips eagerly. 
“Wanna touch all of you, your body is so gorgeous,” Jungkook whispered into your ear, taking your earlobe in between his lips but still paid attention so that his teeth weren’t biting down, just grazing the soft skin. You reached up to dive your fingers into his soft hair and settle your hands on the back of his neck.
“Jungkook, I really need you. Please j-just-” you gasped when he pushed his knee against your groin. 
“I wouldn’t call you good, seeing as to how impatient you are, hm?” His tone was clearly teasing, his eyes glinting as he looked at your trashing form. The pressure was nice, but just not enough. You needed friction. 
“Look at you, grinding on my knee like a bitch in heat. I was trying to treat you like a princess,” he shakes his head in a demeaning way, “would you rather be treated like the bitch you are, then?” His chastising voice made your tummy feel heavy, the way he was talking to you making you feel so small. 
“N-no, please.” Jutting out your bottom lip on instinct made Jungkook laugh, you looked unbelievably adorable. “If you wanna be worshipped, baby, you gotta earn it,” he reminded. You nodded, wanting nothing else other than for him to finally do something, but he won’t unless he deemed you behaved enough.
Happy with your compliance, he flashed a toothy smile and bent his head down again to peck your lips, before he kissed down your chin and neck, to the valley between your boobs. With his lips he trailed over to your right breast, circled your nipple with his tongue and you whimpered his name. Smugly, he grinned and took the bud between his teeth to pull at it a little. Your mewls got louder and when he was satisfied, he repeated the actions on your other nipple as well. 
Your breathing started becoming heavier while Jungkook continued to leave sloppy kisses along his way to your tummy and finally, he was at your middle. Not done teasing you though, he started mouthing at your clothed slit, the touch barely there but still noticeable. Your hands went into his hair and you pushed and pulled at his soft strands. 
The sweet moans you let out only spurred him on, he kissed over your hip bone and down to your thighs. The kisses trailed a little bit down to your knee until your trashing increased so much, Jungkook felt like he had to discipline you. So with one quick movement, he lifted his hand and let it collide with the inside of your left thigh. The sound was loud and startled you, but not as much as the feeling. You gasped in shock and your grip in his hair tightened for a few seconds. 
“I said behave, you impatient little slut!” His voice boomed as he looked up at you with sharp eyes. His hand, still laying where he slapped your thigh, started kneading the smarting flesh. Without minding your ogling eyes, he moved up a little and presses his nose into your crotch. He inhaled deeply and fixed you with a strong look. 
“Was just gonna tell you what a nice fucking pussy you have, but maybe you don’t deserve the praise?” He questioned harshly. You keened at his action, loved that he’s all over your body. 
Just as you were about to apologize, trying to get Jungkook to do something, he harshly tugged your panties aside and took a good look at your wet slit. He let out an airy laugh. 
“You’re really this wet already? Poor thing must feel so neglected, hm, pretty?” You blushed at his words, from shyness because of the nickname and shame because yes, you already were soaked without much foreplay. You mewl and try to push Jungkook away from you when he didn’t retreat after a few minutes, but suddenly he delved right in.
Licking a fat stripe up your folds, he left the teasing for another time. With your glistening, perfectly pink pussy right in front of him, he couldn’t have possibly held himself back for any second longer than necessary. He took your mound in like a man starved and slurped up all your juices. Running his tongue up and down your slit and twisting it in figures on your clit made you scream out, your grip on his scalp like iron and your legs squirming around next to Jungkook’s upper body. 
He grips your thighs and throws them over his shoulders, holding you down with his hands on your tummy. He pressed his thumb down on your clit with his right hand and started pushing his wet muscle in and out of your tight hole. He moaned into you and let you feel the vibrations, getting you to throw your head back into his pillows and moan out loud. 
“F-fuck! Like that, please, Jungkook! Oh-” you can tell that he was grinning, his ego pumped to the hill from the noises he coaxed out of you. Even though he’s loving a full face of your pussy, your juices wetting his face from nose to chin, he lifts his head up for a short moment, intently looking at your withering form. 
“So, Y/N what’s your favorite color..?" Jungkook purred before he took another long swipe of your pussy making you gasp in pleasure. 
“Jungkook are you serious right now?” You almost scream out, upset at how he even stopped to circle your clit with his thumb. Looking at him, you saw that he wasn’t going to continue until you answered his question. You exhaled and sank back into the cooling pillows. 
“I like yellow..” he piqued up at that. “Oh wow, me too! I see, we’re getting along very nicely, pretty.” With a wink and that damned grin he lowered his head again, finally soothing the clammy feeling of need on your clit. 
He seemed almost desperate, groaning into your lips as he slurped up your juices, slipping his tongue in and out of you and making you gasp. He continued to hold you down to stop you from squirming up the mattress and you felt like his prey, at loss of your expense and slumping on the bed as you hold onto his hair with weak hands. 
“Jung-kook! Fuck!” Your gasp for him only spurred him on, he pressed his open mouth and flat tongue onto you and moved his face from side to side. “I’m gonna- nhhgg-“ an almost sadistic laugh rumbled through him and you shuddered. You could feel yourself get closer, his nose rubbing into your clit providing extra friction and your breath starts to get short. The heat built inside of your abdomen and you almost got pushed over when Jungkook removed himself completely off of you. 
Left with no touch your eyes ripped open and you stared at his smug face with disbelief. 
“What the fuck, Jungkook?” You groaned. He just laughed, wiping your glistening juices dry on his chin and nose with the back of his hand. 
“You’re not going to cum unless it’s on my dick, baby.” He shrugged, “just to be clear, I decide everything around here.” Not wanting to admit how much you like the idea of him controlling you in such a way, you frowned and let your head fall back into his pillow. 
“Understood?” He suddenly was on you, his eyes dark and lids heavy. You gasped but hastily nodded, whimpering when his unnoticed hand dragged over your sensitive clit. “Good girl,” Jungkook purred and mushed his head into the crook of your sweaty neck, mouthing at your skin and tickling your face with his hair that’s pointing in different directions after your rough pulling. 
After assaulting your tender neck for a few quiet moments in which you were able to calm your breath, he got up on his knees in front of you, grabbing your underwear and, with a little help from you, dragged them down until they were off and tossed away. With a twinkle in his eyes he started soothing his hands up and down your legs. 
“Ready for me?” He asked, his tone soft and hushed. He smiled at you and you were so delirious that you almost forgot your most important rule. 
“Wait!” You sit up with wide eyes, flushing when you realized how sudden you were and saw Jungkook’s doe eyes staring at you in shock. “You.. you need to put on a condom, sorry.” 
Expecting a complaint like from every other customer on how he’s clean and he’ll pull out and all that, you were surprised when he complied instantly and reached out to his nightstand to rummage through the drawer. With a smile he retreated a foil packet and held it up proudly. 
“I just recently went and bought some!” He exclaimed happily and went ahead to rip it open. After hastily removing his sweatpants and boxers, leaving you ogling his hard dick, he was able to pinch the tip and roll the condom over his erection without much trouble, rubbing over the length of it to make sure it’s on properly. You gulped at his movements, can’t seem to remove the image of him at his desk, rubbing one off to some cheap porn he found on the internet. You already knew some of the pretty sounds he makes, groaning deeply when he tucks on his cock. 
“Ready?” He checked in with you, ripping you from your little daydream. But why dream about him when you have the full meal right in front of you? He was more than ready to devour you in any way possible, never have you felt this good with a customer before. You nod, biting your lip. With his size, it would be a tight fit. 
Impatiently but still collected he rubbed his head between your lips, dragging it through your wetness and applying pressure to your clit. You gasped and raised your hips, not wanting to be teased like this when you could be welcoming him into your warmth already. 
Wrapping your legs around his petite waist, you urged him on, “hurry, Jungkook! Just fuck me alrea-“ your words morphed into a squeal with the pressure his tip brought. He pressed it against your opening, slowly making way for him and as you start to swallow him he panted and looked up from where you’re connected. 
“Your pretty pussy is so tight, baby. I can’t fit,” he gasped, shocked with how tight you actually are. It’s a nice snug feeling for him, your walls tightening around him when the first inches finally dip into you. You both moan in ecstasy when he pushed further and your pussy gripped him like a vice. 
Pushing your head backwards and curving your back, you gripped his covers and mewled. “You’re so big, Kook, make me feel so full!” The sentence slips out, wasn’t even practiced. You didn’t have to fake the feeling you had right now, he was fully satisfying you and you had no problem admitting to that.
Ragged breath and slowly working up a sweat, Jungkook held himself atop your figure, pushing his hands into the bed next to you and holding his hips for a little to let you get used to him. 
“Can I move?” He carefully asked, sincerely looking into your eyes. Once again, you just nodded, not able to form any words because he felt so nice inside of you. 
Having your go, he started to pull out and you felt the drag on your walls. With more strength he pushed into you, slamming his hips against your buttocks and making you shift up the mattress a little. You moan loudly, his power took you by surprise and his girth, that stays consistent until the very end of his shaft, filled you completely. He was thick, you already knew that but with the length he has on him his head was snugly laying against your cervix, just kissing it and you clench around him when the tip brushed your spot as he pulled out again. 
Jungkook continued at a slow pace, hard slams into your pussy that dragged on your walls and made you keen. Not able to keep your eyes open, you squeezed them shut and gasped out his name. “Please, take me how you want to, I’m yours to play with. Use me, Jungkook!” You spurred him on, partly for your own advantage. You were close again quickly due to your neglection earlier and with his dick sliding in and out of you, you wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. 
It had its intended effect on him, he fell down onto his forearms and pushed his forehead into your shoulder. His hot breath was on your skin and you moved your hands into his hair, noticing that he enjoyed it being played with. 
“You’re close.” It was not even a question, he already knew how much you want to cum and he knows you’ll be there soon. “Cum for me, baby. If you wanna be a good little slut, then cum.” His commanding tone made you shudder and you reached one of your hands down his body to where you meet, starting to rub at your clit but he catches your wrist in his hand. 
“No touching, I know you can cum just like this. All you need ‘s my dick, hmm?” and fuck, yes it was. With a few more slams of his hips you were shaking around his form, one hand clamming onto his shoulder, the other still in his hair, now pulling on his roots. He moaned heavily into your ear, gasping when you clenched hard and sank your nails into his flesh. 
“Mmh, knew you would be able to do it, so proud of you,” he praised, heaving himself up a little to kiss your lips and lick into your mouth. You whined when he pulled away, chasing after his soft lips. 
With caution he started to move his hips again, building up a rhythm and pushing himself up on his hands again. His eyebrows were knitted together, face full of concentration and he let his tongue slide over his lips to wet them. 
“Such a good cunt, you’re such a fucking slut, letting me fuck you like this. God baby, I’m gonna cum soon.” You moaned at that, anticipating his release, wanting to please him as best as you can. You were already gasping and panting again, nearing your second orgasm slowly. 
“Please, Jungkook, make me cum again” you whine, “so close!” He grinned at that, his confidence boosting with every whimper that leaves your mouth because of him and what he does to you. 
He loved seeing you come undone for him like this, laying under him and grabbing at everything you can grasp. His thrusts were so hard that you needed to hold yourself close to him, otherwise you would just ride up the bed and into the pillows. 
Your hands were clamming at his arms, eyes blurry with tears threatening to fall. Your entire body felt like you were on fire, your cunt clenching around Jungkook and trying to keep him in, milking him for all he’s worth. 
“Such a cockhungry whore. Can’t get enough of my dick, huh?” his hips rammed faster into you, he stopped sliding out and almost didn’t remove himself from you anymore. “Need to fuck until you can’t even think anymore, hmm?” You nod, looking into his eyes and moaned loudly. 
“You fuck me s..so good! Want you to cum on me, cum all over me, please!” You begged, couldn’t handle the pressure in your abdomen anymore. “Jungkook.. pleaseplease!” 
“Ffuck! Gonna cum all over you, baby,” he pushed himself off of you and pulled out, ripping off the condom and quickly rubbing over his cock. He bit his lip, eyes zeroing in on your shaking body and with deep groans of pleasure, let his seed spurt out onto you. The first few shot up to under your breasts, Jungkook kept tugging on his head to squeeze out everything he’s got. Most of his release ended up on your tummy and a few drops on top of your mound. 
Jungkook moved his thumb to rub your clit with it, loving the milky tint your skin got from his cum. You mewled at the touch and pushed your hips into him. 
“Wanna cum.. please..” you murmured, looking into his strong eyes and pleading him to get you off again. 
“Need me to fill up your tiny pussy again, slut?” All but eager you nodded and wiggled your hips with a wicked grin. “Please, make me cum so hard I forget everything but your name, Jungkook.” 
That seemed to convince him, because suddenly he lowered his head again, licking his cum off your clit with tiny wiggles with just the tip of his tongue and pushed three fingers inside of you. You startled and gripped his hair again, pulling and pushing, not sure if you want him to stop or continue. He took the decision off of you and started to curl his fingers, rapidly pushing in and out of you, precisely keeping his fingertips on your sensitive tissue. 
Your thighs started shaking, tears actually streaming over your cheeks and your body contracted fast and hard. You were scared you had to pee but suddenly your ears made a shrill sound and you felt wetness around you. Your sight went white for a little and you felt yourself slump down, taken by a wave of pleasure. You were heaving and moaning loudly and your hand went limp in Jungkook’s hair. 
“Shit, baby..” you faintly hear his voice and wonder why he seemed so far away. 
Slowly your hand started to tingle and you felt yourself being moved around. Your body came back into your control after what seemed like an eternity and when you opened your eyes, Jungkook was right in front of you, still between your legs. 
“That was so hot!” He exclaimed, the short moment where you could see a bit of worry on his face fading and fascination adorned his expression. 
“What the fuck.. happened..” you whispered, in shock. “You squirted! That was sick!” You what? You’ve never done that before! 
Your eyes widen and when you put your hands under where you laid, you feel the wetness soak the sheets. Starting to blush, your first instinct was to apologize but Jungkook made quick work of leaving a kiss on your lips, “no need to be sorry, baby. Best experience in my life, thought it was just a myth!” 
“Guess these are the Gamer perks, huh? Can move my hands really fast,” he smirked and the cocky tone was prominent in his voice.
Without being able to process anything, you only saw his head disappear again and felt him lick softly around your lower lips, still wet with release. “You taste really good, could eat you all day long,” he stated, mumbling into your slit. 
When he noticed you squirming, he figured you were sensitive, so he moved up again. Laying down beside you with one arm around your stomach, Jungkook exhaled and snuggled into the pillows. 
“Let’s shower? We made a mess.” He chuckled, moving to stand up from his bed but you shook your head. 
“I don’t think we should.. uhm..” you weren’t sure how to tell him that after fucking him, you didn’t feel comfortable enough to shower with him. You’re not here for aftercare, just for him to fuck and pay you. 
“Ah well, let’s cuddle for a while then. We can shower later.” Hearing the smile in Jungkook’s sleepy voice hurt you for an odd reason, a bad conscience nagging you. 
“Cuddling isn’t included in service, Jungkook.” You tried to sound serious, cogent but he just put his head on your chest and smacked his lips in a lazy manner. 
“I’ll pay for it. Just stay a little, alright?” You feel bad when you noticed that you really wanted to stay. Not for money, but because his company was very soothing. Thinking about it, never has another customer offered to care for you after they got off. Before you could think about it too much, you pushed him off and sat up. 
“Not during working hours, kook.” There was a cold tone lacing into your words, trying to make it clear where his limits were. Looking around, you only spotted your dress, no panties. 
Deciding quickly, you pulled your dress on, zipping it up only halfways and stood up. You can just get new underwear, but right now you needed to leave before you’d get all soft on him and stay for cuddles. 
Putting on your shoes, you tried to sound nice when saying, “I will take cash.. you kinda need to pay me right now..“ slowly turning around, you find him lying on his bed, one leg propped up and his head resting on his hand. He was looking at you tiredly and only nodded somberly. 
“Right, yeah. Hold on, I‘ll get it.” Awkwardly waiting in his bed room, you fiddled with your fingers. Not after long, he came back with a stack of cash and let you count through it. When you knew you had all the money your work is worth, you nodded and gave him a small smile.
“Alright, thank you, Y/N. Get home safe.” The soft tone made your heart ache, how sweet of him to tell you this. With a little wave you turned around and left the room, ultimately closing the door to his apartment and leaving the building. 
Jungkook was able to hear your steps click on the floor in the hallway, until these too, faded away. 
Yawning, he stretched his spent body, settling on just wiping his dick and lower region instead of showering, too tired to do that much. He’ll do it later at night, after he took a nap. A stream for his subscribers was deemed necessary anyway, so he’d have no choice other than getting up again after a little rest. 
Laying back down, this time with a new pair of boxers on, he tried to get as much sleep in as possible, but you wouldn’t leave his mind. Your noises and your pretty face, that wonderful body of yours and how you’d say his name over and over again. 
You felt so good against his skin and fit perfectly against his body and — was he really swooning over an escort right now? Shaking his head, he tried to think about anything else. 
After tossing and turning for about half an hour, sleep slowly took him in. But your sweet smile and cute voice still hung in his thoughts as he drifted off.
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“Y/N! Your customer’s waiting!” Your coworker and best friend in this little hell of your own stormed in screaming. Rolling your eyes, you finished munching on the olives meant to be served with the drinks. 
You were working almost every day, needing the money. And this customer of yours is one of the regulars, a special guest. He chose you as his new favorite plaything and now you have to suffer. He’s very touchy, very clingy. 
He gets attached once he found a liking in one of the girls and if they want to stay, they have to endure it. When you just came in he already was sat at one of the lounges, talking to his rich friends who also frequent this club. Aphrodite’s Erotes is a famous club for many things. One of the more incautious ones, you must realize, considering that you had a website advertising the escorts, a number put onto it, accessible for everyone.
You don’t know how this club still exists, really. Police has come in often, checking the workers and building to see if they were right in assuming this was a whorehouse. Everytime your boss was able to get them to believe his lies. He’s good at that. Made you believe his lies too, once when you were still hopeful of graduating high school, attending college, building up a perfect suburban life. 
You were silly, to believe the bullshit he was spewing. Luring you in, telling you he loved you. He spent more than a year with you, acting like a sweet, caring boyfriend. And then, when you were fully sucked in, he made you work for him. 
He told you you couldn’t survive in the heights of the academic, education would fail you and you’d end up on the street, throwing your life away. And you trusted his words, no matter how much they hurt you.
When he came in one day, putting on a show of crying, telling you that people were after him and he was to get killed if he wouldn’t come up with a hell of a lot of money in the next month, you were willing to do anything to save him and the love you both have. He explained how he was trying to buy you a ring, make you his and love you forever, but he scammed them and now they want their money back. 
Being the romantic you are, you believed everything he told you.
So you started working in this club, no idea that it was your boyfriend who owned it. Not until after a month, when you gave up all the money you earned for him, he told you. 
You were devastated, crying and screaming. That night you were trying to leave him, his apartment you moved into, but he convinced you to stay. He told you everything was going to be alright and eventually he’d quit running the club and the two of you would run away together. Over time he made you dependent on him. You didn’t know who you were without him, attached but hating it. 
After another month he strolled into the club, a different girl to his side. He broke up with you that day, but you weren’t able to leave. Your boss took in almost all the money that you earn, your piece not enough to afford a living without his help. He’s willing to buy you everything you desire, but won’t let you get away from him. You guessed he found pleasure in seeing you wither away in his own four walls.
Taking the drinks with you on a tray, you put on your best smile and walked out to the lounge. The rich men greeted you heartily with a smile and your client opened his arms to invite you into his lap with a grin. 
You put down the drinks and walked over to him, welcoming him and slinging your arms around his broad shoulders. 
“Y/N, my angel. Glad to see you again.” His eyes roamed over your body, clad in a tight dress that’s riding up your thighs. His big hands smoothed over you buttocks and your hips to pull you more into him. 
“I was waiting patiently for you, Taehyung,” you fake giggled, smiling into his face and making him coo at you. 
“I know you were, little doll.” Very content with your obedience he sank into the pillows of the soft velvet couch and took his cigar into his ring clad hand. 
“Where were you last time we came here? We were asking for you but your little friend said you weren’t in.” Taehyung’s companion, Jimin, asked you with a sceptical look and furrowed brows. He looked intimidating when he wanted to, big rings on his fingers and whiskey in his hand. 
“Had a customer,” you murmur. Even though Taehyung knows what you do, he takes loyalty very serious. You see him scowl when you look over. He tsked and tapped your butt a little. 
“Was he fun? Fucked you good, hm?” He taunted. It was humiliating, to be sat on his lap and pushed to talk about the work you do. Taehyung expects you to tell him that he would always be better, that Jungkook didn’t reach up to his level. but you wouldn’t lie. 
Jungkook was the first guy who treated you like a woman and not just a toy for him to play with. He made sure you felt comfortable and left with an orgasm of your own. Never once did one of the men visiting this club ask about you, your favorite color. It annoyed you at that moment, his teasing wasn’t timed very well, but it felt real. Taking the money afterwards wasn’t an act you were proud of, feeling dirty almost with what you do. And he was nice about it as well. Ugh.
“He did..” you admit, quiet, because you know that your answer wasn’t welcome. The man around you broke into laughter. Mocking almost, they held their drinks up, congratulated you for the good sex. 
“You keep forgetting your place,” Taehyung whispered into your ear, bit your earlobe and chuckled.  You wanted to leave. Just wanted to go home, lay in bed and feel warm. But even there you wouldn’t feel comfortable, living with your boss, not able to get your own place. Home felt like a prison of your own.
“Ah, the man of the house!” Seokjin, another rich man and friend of Taehyung exclaimed. The men moved to stand up, you and another girl that sat next to Seokjin getting up with them. Your boss stood there, smiling proudly when he saw you.
“Taehyung, if I could borrow my sweet Y/N for a moment?” The men exchange a handshake and Taehyung nudged you towards the other, “hope to see her back later, I’m not here to drink and chat.” 
He nodded and took your wrist in his hand. “You got a call, I’ll drive you over.” It wasn’t a nice offer, it was him controlling you, his tone made his intentions very clear. Rolling your eyes, you pull your wrist out of his grasp. 
“No need to. I’ll walk.” Your protest enraged the man. “Whatever, quit being a bitch. Taehyung complained about how you’re not into it enough. If you keep going like this he’ll look for another whore to fuck.” His words felt like a slap into your face. You weren’t willing to keep listening to him, so you turned around and walked to the bar. 
Your coworker already saw your aggravation on your face and gave you a pitying look. “There you go, baby. It’s the new customer from last week.” She told you, handing you the note with his address. “Jungkook, was it?” with a puzzled face, you nodded. Never would’ve expected him to call again, let alone ask for you. 
“Should I give you a ride?” She offered, interrupting your schoolgirl-like excitement. Exhaling, you nodded, thankful that you wouldn’t have to walk or pay for an uber yourself.
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© 2019 @jiminsfault. All rights reserved.
908 notes · View notes
minichedders · 4 years
scar 0.1
pirate!bucky barnes x reader
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You head straight, gaze forward on the black, dark night; sailing away from you. The remains of your ship sunk into the deep depths of the black ocean swallowed whole like a starved man with his first meal.
The dark-haired pirate captain growled and grabbed your hair, pulling your head back, lips pressed against the cold shell of your ear.
“Or maybe I’ll just start with your crew. Make you watch as one by one, they walk the plank each time you don't give me what I want. What do you think hmm?”
“You’ll have to kill me and my crew before I ever tell you anything.”
The pirate smiled, “I wonder if your crew feel the same way,”
He turned you around, his fist still holding tight to your hair. You faced your crew- kneeling on the damp deck, hands tied behind their backs and mouths full of dirty, greasy rags the other crew probably used to wash the floors with. “Which one of you boys would mind if i blow the pretty girls brains? hmm?” the pirate sneered, showing you off to your crew as they all looked at you with pleading eyes. You were all trapped, his crew outnumbered yours, and with no weapons, no tricks, no upper hand you were screwed. You hope had died the minute you saw the black sails; legends reeked the ocean of their death and dread. Captain Bucky Barnes. The Reaper himself has come to collect his awaiting souls.
Whilst faced with the burning question, your crew all hopelessly looked at each other, not a murmur was to be heard. Not that you minded, you knew they had no say. However, you were shocked to see your right-hand man, Thomas struggle to stand up, his leg bleeding and his face half swollen. He stood tall, back straight and his head held high, and even with a gag in his mouth he still managed to shout ‘aye’. 
Tear brimmed your eyes as you shared eye contact, he was your brother of the sea, your counterpart and much-loved friend. Barnes turned his head towards you again, replacing his lips by your ear as you broke eye contact with Tom, shutting them and trying your best to turn away from the pirate holding you. The sensation of the pirates smirking lips against your skin made you heave, you could feel every breath, every movement and every thought, as you knew what he would do next. 
A single shot was heard, then seconds later, a loud thump. You opened your eyes, trying your best to look unaffected to the pirate as possible, but he had already seen your trembling lip and fluttering eyes.
“Goodbye boyfriend, aye?” He chuckled, pulling you even more tightly to his chest, running his silver gun up and down your bare arm; you could feel the hot sensation of the previous fire it had taken.
You whimpered, looking down. You couldn't bear the shame that you felt. With all your anger and all your might, you sent the biggest blow you could muster into the captain's stomach, turning and aiming your knee into his lower regions. Whilst the captain was curled over in pain, you took the opportunity to take the ready to fire gun from his hands and aimed it at him. One bullet, straight to the head. that's all it would take.
You listened closely to the click of the safety, taking your aim and putting your finger on the trigger. One shot and you had won, you would take this ship, have his crew, the legacy of the great sea captain who took down the infamous Bucky Barnes. 
But before you could imagine all the glory and treasure, a cold steal was pressed to your throat, pinching your skin and drawing blood to the surface. A tear left your eye. You could still do it; you would die but you would win.
Alas, Bucky tore the gun from your now shaking hands before you could blink. He took the knife that was wielded by the man behind you, and pointed it straight to your heart, pressing in. His piercing blue eyes look straight into yours, as he spoke- “kill them. kill them all,”
He roughly grabbed your arm, the knife now pressing into your back as he leads you off the deck and down into the quarters. You couldn't hear the screams of your crew, just gunshots and silence.
You reached a dark red door, with intricate carvings on, covered in old grime and dirt when it opened, it revealed the captain's chamber; decorated with the same dark red and black, messy but not quite dirty, smelling of ocean spray and sandalwood. It was nice. For a murderer.
“Now, little girl, you aren't going anywhere until you tell me where captain Rogers is,” Bucky said, locking the door behind him, making his way over to the liquor cabinet where he dropped his knife and replaced it with a glass.
“I-I can't,” You said, already scanning the room for a weapon, a way out, anything. You could use the liquor bottles - but oh what a waste that would be, you couldn't jump out the tiny oval window, the knife was free, but that meant getting closer to the pirate. 
He took a sip of the dark golden liquid and hummed, a smile falling on his lips as he tutted and shook his head, “ and why can't you,” he asked.
“I saw him more than two months ago, he could be anywhere by now. If you would've just listened to me before murdering my crew,” You argued, trying not to raise your voice and show any weakness in front of him. One thing you weren't willing to admit was that you were vulnerable. 
“Then I'm sure it won't harm you to tell me, as you say I could not find him,” he trailed, moving away from the cabinet, and the knife, and walking over to the large king-sized bed. You made note of the now free knife, and also of the dark silk bedsheets that you could almost feel against your bare skin. You slowly began to pace, back and forth between the door and the knife, Bucky watched you with careful eyes.
“And why would I help you? You've just sunk my ship, killed my crew, threatened my life and not even offered me a drink,” you said, your mind moving a hundred mile an hour as your eyes scanned the liquor cabinet, and then the glistening metal of the knife. Bucky sighed and waved his hand in the air, turning around.
“By all means help yourself to a drink,”
You smiled and turned around, grabbing a glass and a bottle, filling it to the brim and just as quickly pouring the contents down your throat. You filled the glass up again and left it on the top, next to the knife. Your hand rested upon its leather handle, the feel of its grip in your palms felt like freedom. It passed with a fleeting moment as you heard the click of Bucky’s gun.
“I've heard about you know. A women captain. Must have been hard to get all that respect and attention, i know what you've done to earn your title, your reputation. I know that men think you are an enchantress, a sea witch, a mermaid. But standing right here in front of me and not even being able to sneak a knife, i must say, I'm a little disappointed.” Bucky spoke, moving closer with every word until he was right behind you. He spun you around to look at him, leaving the knife on the table behind you and keeping the gun pointed forward into your stomach. You face was red with fury and your breathing was hard and heavy, your hands were shaking with the ungodly urge to strangle the man in front of you and claim back your title as a worthy women captain.
“Now, i also know that you and Rogers have, let's say, intimate relations. So i don't believe that he would go more than two months without coming back for a fuck,” He said, he was rough and domineering; his words made you blush and a frown formed your face as you looked downwards. What you had said was true, you hadn't seen Steve Rogers for two months; you were tired of him using you and degrading you because you were a women captain, but you still missed the companionship of it all.
Bucky noticed your frown and moved the tip of his gun to your chin, pointing it up so you looked directly at him; he studied your eyes for a moment, watching you watch him as if he was reading you. He sighed and moved back, dropping the gun to his side and returning it into his pocket.
“Well, you tell me where he last was and ill let you stay on this boat,” he spoke, after a few minutes of silence.
“And you think that's a good deal?” 
“Its either that or I kill you, little girl.”
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padfootagain · 4 years
Girl Crush (VII)
Chapter 7: A Time For Lilac
 Here we go for a new chapter!!! It's getting a little angsty over here… oops?
I'm still very efficient writing this story, so I'll keep on updating it every 48 hours!
I hope you like this new chapter!! Tell me what you think about it :)
Word Count: 2887
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It was the fourth time that this man came to the shop, and seemed to wait until you were available to walk inside and ask for a bouquet. Sometimes for his mother, sometimes for his sister, sometimes for a cousin, but never for his girlfriend.
Four visits in less than two weeks, you were starting to get a little suspicious.
Ever since the brilliant success of the wedding you had planned (that had almost turned into a disaster, but had been saved by your friends), you had earned more freedom in your work, alongside a nice raise. It was still far from enough to even imagine asking for a loan to the bank, but slowly, you were building a little pile of gold. A few years, and you would eventually have a chance at buying your own shop.
But these were days to be planned far ahead. In your immediate future, what needed your attention the most was this man coming again and again to the shop to see you.
Jasmine had dropped by, waiting for you so you could get lunch together. She was chatting with Sandra while you finished the bouquet of a client.
And that's when the mysterious man entered in the shop.
He was staring at you as you waved at the customer goodbye, and you welcomed him with a smile as he approached the counter.
"Hello, miss," he shyly smiled. "I… I was wondering if you could help me get a bouquet."
"Sure, what kind do you want?"
"Uhm… it's for… my colleague. She's just had a baby."
"Oh, one for congratulations then! I would advise… irises of course, they're perfect for congratulations and… some lilac too, to wish a good luck for the next step in life."
"That sounds perfect," he nodded.
Meanwhile, Jasmine was carefully watching the scene unfolding before her.
Because it was so obvious that this man was only here for you.
You, on the other hand, seemed partly oblivious, but not completely. She guessed that you suspected that something was up but had connected the dots yet. She wasn't surprised. You didn't believe in yourself enough when it came to relationships.
"Alright, I'll make you a bouquet with these then… Gareth, right?"
He gave you a bright grin, tumbling on his words a little, because you remembered his name.
"Yeah… that's… that's it. Y/N, right?"
You pointed at the pin with your name on your shirt.
You laughed as you prepared his bouquet, and Jasmine was ready to throw up at how Gareth was giving you crazy heart-eyes…
Five minutes later, and he was leaving with a beautiful bouquet, and you were joining your friend to cross the street to buy some Tacos and eat lunch in the little park up the street.
"You didn't tell me about your secret admirer," Jasmine blurted out as you were taking a bite of your food.
"What do you mean?" you replied, your words distorted as you chewed on your food.
"Gareth! The guy in the shop. He was all mushy around you."
"He wasn't!"
"He was! How many times has he come to the shop?"
"Four times in ten days…?"
"Yeah, he wants to shag you."
"Okay, date you… whatever."
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head, but the thought lingered in your mind.
"Do you really think that though?"
She knowingly nodded.
"Yep, I'm sure. But I didn't think you would be interested…"
"What do you mean?"
"What about Harry?"
You snorted in response, and took another bite of your tacos to avoid looking at your friend.
"Harry is my friend. My best friend."
"Harry is handsome and adorable."
"Harry is my best friend."
She put down her food, sign that she was getting serious. But if you thought that she was going to say something ridiculous, you were completely wrong this time. When she spoke again, her words were wise and concerned, so different from her usual light tone.
"Look, I've known you for years. I know when something is up with you. And I think that you really need to take a decision about how your relationship with Harry is going to evolve. Because you're falling for him, sweetie, and I really don't want to see you getting hurt."
You shrugged her remark away.
"He doesn't see me like that."
"How do you know? Have you asked him?"
You snorted once more.
"Don't be ridiculous! Of course not!"
"Then how do you know?"
You let out a breathy laugh, that sounded a little more bitter than what you meant to reveal about how you truly felt.
"I just know. He doesn't see me like this at all. I mean… look at me! Do you really think that I'm the kind of woman to write songs about? Of course not. It's not me at all. I'm his best friend, and that's all."
"Can I give you an advice then?"
"You're going to even if I refuse."
"Get him out of your system," Jasmine warned you. "Get him out before he settles there too much. Before he can truly slip under your skin. Gareth sounds like he is exactly what you need. Find someone else before your heart settles for someone you can't have."
You thought about it as you chewed on your food.
"I don't know… it feels like second choices…"
"You've just told me that you weren't going to be with Harry, so he's not really second choice, if Harry isn't one."
You nodded.
"I guess…"
"You should listen to me and squeeze the feeling before it becomes heartbreaking."
You chuckled.
"No worries, it's not that bad."
The pinch of guilt in your heart though made you think that perhaps you were lying a little now…
But you chose, as always, to ignore the feeling and look away. Some truths were not meant to be faced.
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Harry was beyond nervous.
He wasn't done with his album yet, far from it, but he had finished this one song that… he thought it was good. He thought is was very good, actually.
But then, he had made it, crafted it himself with his friends and colleagues, and he reckoned that it ought to blur his judgement towards the piece. There was only one way to make sure that he wasn't heading in the wrong direction: he had to ask someone else's point of view. And who could help him better than you?
No, you weren't a musician, but that was an advantage in his eyes. He had spent so long working on this song in the studio, he needed someone who was completely out of the whole process of making music to tell him if there was any good in this or not.
He trusted you with his life, he would do anything you asked him blindly. He had absolutely no fear of you telling anyone about the song. It would be safe in your hands.
He climbed the steps to your apartment too fast, his lungs burning, but he paid little attention to his lack of air.
In his hand was the memory stick upon which he had saved his song. He hadn't told you about it at all, you were simply supposed to spend the evening together. Sleepless in Seattle was on TV, so it obviously called for an evening in, watching rom coms all night through while eating pizza and these chocolate chip cookies you adored. He had a whole bag of those in his purse to get you through the night.
He wasn't surprised to find the door open for him and didn't bother knocking.
"Hi, Y/N!" he chimed, coming in and locking the door behind him before taking off his shoes and throwing his jacket on the back of your armchair.
You were sitting on your sofa, already in your pyjamas, buried under two blankets while reading a book, and he couldn’t refrain the tender smile that made its way to his lips at the sight.
"Hi, Harry!" you grinned up at him, and let him lean down to kiss your cheek before he would settle on the sofa by your side. "How are you? How was your day?"
"Uhm… fine… what about you?"
"Great. Had lunch with Jas. It was nice."
"So… pizza?"
"Pizza," he nodded.
You only needed a couple of minutes though to see that he was nervous, for some reason.
"Is everything okay?" you asked him with concern making you frown.
"Yeah… yeah… uhm… actually… can I ask for a favour?"
He seemed all shy now. What was wrong with him tonight?
"Of course! Anything."
He nervously ran a hand through his curls, messing his hair a little.
"I… uhm… I just… need your… opinion on something."
"Sure! What is it?"
"Uhm… I've just finished this song today… or at least I think it's done but, uhm… I'm not sure is it good or not so… could you listen to it and then tell me what you think?"
Your expression turned from worried to ecstatic in 0.1 second.
"YES! Of course! Oh, I'm so excited! Can I listen to it now?"
He wasn't expecting to see you so excited about it, but then, he didn't know what else he could have been expected from you. You were always so supportive with him.
"Sure, here."
He handed you the memory stick.
"You… don't have to do it right now though…"
But you were already reaching for your computer, so he let out a chuckle and reached for his phone.
"I guess I'm the one in charge of ordering the pizza for tonight," he smiled while dialling the right number.
The song was all there was on the memory stick.
Sign of the Times
So you just clicked on it…
"I'm gonna get some wine," Harry mumbled, jumping to his feet and hurrying to disappear in the kitchen.
He picked up two glasses and one of your bottles of red wine, knowing where everything was stowed, as if he were in his own home. But then, your home was a little bit his as well, just like Harry's large house was a second home to you.
He heard the first notes of the piano rising from the living room, and his heart started to beat so damn fast…
What if you didn't like it? What if you thought it was terrible? What if he had been wrong for the past few months?
His voice rang through the apartment as well, deep and soft and sounding exactly how he wanted it to sound like. Would it be enough though?
On one hand he reckoned that he was an artist, and he had to stick to what he wanted to achieve with this song. He wanted to make a record in which he would be himself, sing songs full of honesty, talking about stories he wanted to talk about…
But then, there was the reality of being good or terrible, and he had lost sight of this thin line between the two after so many hours spent on that one song.
He took a deep breath, and made his way back to the living room to see your reaction, no matter how terrified he was.
The guitar and drums were kicking in as his eyes fell on you. You had closed your eyes, your hand resting on your heart. You seemed to be breathing more heavily than usual.
So… that was the kind of songs he had in his heart, huh?
You felt overwhelmed, to be honest. The song was beautiful, and the lyrics pulled at all the right strings in your heart, and his voice… God, his voice was heavenly.
A thousand emotions crossed your frame as you listened intently to every detail of the song, from the melody to the instruments and the way his voice changed. A thousand emotions because of the song itself, because of its lyrics, because of how Harry's voice carried so much passion it was tearing your heart apart, but also because a realization was suddenly coursing through your veins, and you didn't want it to.
Just stop your crying
Have the time of your life
Breaking through the atmosphere
And things are pretty good from here
Remember everything will be alright
We can meet again somewhere
Somewhere far away from here
A single tear rolled down your cheek, but you were too immersed into the song to brush it away.
Your best friend had made that…
We never learn, we been here before
Why are we always stuck and running from
The bullets?
The bullets
It was his voice speaking such lyrics, and all you wanted to do was hold him close and never let go.
Just stop your crying
It's a sign of the times
We gotta get away from here
We gotta get away from here
Stop your crying
Baby, it will be alright
They told me that the end is near
We gotta get away from here
This realization that had punched you in the guts though, it was so obvious now… You had been right all along.
We never learn, we been here before Why are we always stuck and running from The bullets? The bullets
Of course, you had always known the truth. You had simply done a wonderful job at hiding it right in the spotlight.
We don't talk enough
We should open up
Before it's all too much
Will we ever learn?
We've been here before
It's just what we know
There really was no need to talk about any of this. What an idiot you had been to ever question it, to ever imagine… oh, you were such a silly girl…
Stop your crying, baby
It's a sign of the times
We gotta get away
We got to get away
His voice on the recording turned into almost a shout, hitting a high note, but it sounded almost like a call for help. You were fully crying by now.
It was so beautiful, and you were so… so foolish indeed… unable to see what was right in front of you that whole time.
The song died out, and you needed a moment to open your eyes again. When you did, Harry was handing you a tissue.
"Please, don't tell me that you're crying because you think it's so bad and my entire career will be ruined."
You laughed. He really was the only person able to make you laugh while you were still crying.
He was so stupid sometimes. So… so stupid.
You looked at him as he gave you a shy smile, clearly waiting for you to tell him what you thought about the song. But how could you describe how you felt?
There was one word that fitted quite well though…
He frowned, not following your train of thoughts, but you shot him a bright smile letting out a breathy giggle.
"I'm so proud of you."
His frown turned into a touched smile, and you were quite certain there were tears shimmering in his eyes.
You pushed your computer aside and launched yourself to hold him in your arms, burying your face in his shoulder and holding him so close… just because you needed to let him know, physically, how much you l…
… hell, you couldn't say it, could you? 'How much you cared' would have to do.
"I'm so proud of you," you repeated, as he tightened his own hold on you. "This song is so… I have no words, really. It's such a beautiful song, Harry."
"Thank you," he smiled in your neck, his voice shaky but clearly relieved. "Thank you."
"It's so beautiful. And I'm so, so proud of you."
"Thank you."
He cleared his throat, his voice breaking several times before he could go on.
"So… I'm doing okay, right?"
You let out a laugh.
"I would say you're doing amazing!"
Amazing. Yes, that was exactly what he was. Amazing.
What a foolish girl you had been, how could you even think that he would feel the same? He was so… he was way, way too good for you.
The realization was a punch in the stomach. You didn't deserve him. He was somewhere among the stars and you… were far behind.
He was your best friend, and would remain just that, because there was no way someone like him could feel anything more for someone like you.
Jasmine was right.
Get him out of your system. Get him out before he settles there too much. Before he can truly slip under your skin.
Get him out of your system before he could truly slip under your skin…
You should listen to me and squeeze the feeling before it becomes heartbreaking.
Squeeze the feeling… Yes, that was what you needed to do. Squeeze the feeling until it died out. Until it was nothing more than a memory…
"Alright, enough tears for tonight, at least, until Meg Ryan listens to Tom Hanks in that car," Harry pulled away, drying his cheeks with his palms. "Let's drink to that, huh? To my song?"
You accepted the glass he offered you, giving him a warm smile.
"To your song."
And as your glasses rang together, you knew you were right.
Gareth was a much safer choice indeed…
Tag list:  @ponycake27​ @horsesreign​ @xinyourdreamsx​ @jbluevelvet​@notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss​ @stuckupstucky​@snek-shit​ @suchatinyinfinity​@i-padfootblack-things  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi​@jigsawlover10 @emyyjemyy @addictedtofictionalcharacters​ @staringmoony​@madamrogers​ @cronias13
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splendorten · 4 years
In the bleak midwinter
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Pairing: Doyoung X Reader (ft. Taeyong)
Genre: 99.9% Angst, 0.1% fluff if you squint really hard
Warning: None
Summary: “You can love someone so much...But you can never love people as much as you can miss them.”
Word count: 2,789
Clad in a simple knee length black dress, the wind blowing through the brown locks of your hair, you stood with arms crossed, tapping your feet impatiently on the grey concrete pavement while waiting for your husband who was running very very late. He could forget dates and anniversaries but not this, he knows how important this is to you, and how badly he’ll screw up if you don’t see him in the next 5 minutes. You tried calling him over and over again, but it always brought you straight to his voice mail. Time passed, his time was up. Not bothering- or wanting to wait any longer for him, you swiftly turned on your heels and entered the memorial hall.
You were lounging on the couch with a pint of double chocolate ice cream in hand when you heard the lock on the front door click. He was home. “Darling I’m home” Usually those words would send you flying into his arms/embrace, but not today, not when you were so close to throttling him. He slowed his steps, his smile wiped off his face when he saw the expression you carried. The aura radiating off you was pure ice cold rage, it was as if he now stood in a minefield while facing off with a coiled wild beast, ready to pounce at any time. One wrong move and he was dead. “Darling, are you okay? Is something wrong?” his soft tentative voice floated towards you as he made his way over. You kept your focus on the TV screen, the programme on air wasn't very much to your taste, but anything to keep your mind off your anger towards Doyoung for now. The couch sank as he took a seat beside you, hand coming to cover your own but you snatched it out from under him like his touch had burned you. You stood up sharply and started to walk off till you heard his voice once more. “Why are you like this? I’ve had such a long day at work and I come home having to deal with your and your little tantrum!” You could hear the anger in his voice build up with every word. Is he for real? This is outrageous! He truly forgot what an important today was for you and he even has the cheek to turn this situation on you?
Angling yourself to face him, you didn’t bother to hide the scalding fire burning in your eyes. “Sure blame me! All you care about is your work, you don’t even know what today is do you? You completely forgot how much today means to me!” Matching up to your level of anger Doyoung strides over to you and shouted back “Haven’t I been coming home early to keep you company? Did I not bring you to Hawaii last week? I need to earn money to provide for us!” Doyoung had never raised his voice at you, never. The hurt and shock was evident in your eyes and you knew he noticed how you took a slight step back because in a flash all those anger and negative emotions vanished from his gaze, those love filled orbs taking over. “I’m sorry, I didn’t-” You had to get out of the house or you might just do something you’ll regret, “It’s my father’s first death anniversary today and you completely forgot!” Without waiting for his response you ran out the house. You didn’t see the way he dropped to his knees and tears streamed down his face, or how his arms tried reaching out to you, and you most certainly didn’t know how his heart broke. It wasn’t within his control, missing such an important date was only the first of many more to come.
That night neither one of you got any sleep, you stayed out till dawn while he sat by the door waiting for you to come home. Praying that you hadn’t abandoned him, especially not when his life was a complete mess.
You eventually went home, sure you could provide for yourself without the aid of your husband, but money wasn’t the issue, you loved him too deeply to be mad at him for long. Yes he hurt you but he is only human, you’ve also made countless mistakes alongside him too. Although both parties were talking and everything was back to normal again, none of you brought up that night because neither knew what to say other than apologise for your actions.
“Darling can you go get my laptop in the room and set it up for movie night? I’m just about done with the food” Doyoung called out to you, who was casually lounging on the living room couch reading - or should you say rereading your all time favorite book. Have a little faith, by Mitch Albom. Being unable to tear your attention from the said book, you merely made a sound of acknowledgement to Doyoung before unfolding your legs and making your way to the master bedroom. “Sheesh watch where you’re going or you’ll end up walking into the wall instead” Without turning around you knew Doyoung’s head was coming out of the little kitchen window to watch your retreating figure, so extended your hand and playfully sent him a vulgar gesture over your head. You had requested the contractor to install that little feature so that you could watch your husband work his magic in the kitchen. You heard him click his tongue at your actions and let your chuckle resonate down the hall.
Once in the room, you begrudgingly set the book down on the nightstand before beginning your hunt for Doyoung’s laptop. Thanks to his very successful career as the CEO of Kim Corporation, your master bedroom is huge - you could have a party of 20 and there’ll still be space to spare - and his laptop could be anywhere in the room. Walking over to the glass desk at the far right hand-side of the room, you spotted what you were looking for under piles and piles of documents. Reaching from the front of the table you tried to carefully pull out the device without messing up his work files, but life never ever goes as planned, and you pull out a few extra stacks of paper. Cursing at your clumsiness, you bent down to clean up the mess you’ve made. For a moment, the sound of rustling paper moving against one another filled the silent room. You were just about to leave after setting the files down on the table when one of them caught your eye, more specifically, one that was labeled “Seoul General Hospital''. Snatching the file off the table, you opened it and glanced at the content inside as dread pooled at the pit of your stomach. You were never really talented at science to begin with so it wasn’t much of a suprise when you couldn’t understand half of what was written on the papers, but 1 phrase and 1 name was all it took for you to figure out what was going on, for your heart to sink.
“Mr Kim Doyoung”
“Memory loss”
Suddenly the memories of Doyoung being forgetful, not remembering the times you've spent together over the past month started to make sense. You knew he was a meticulous and organised person who has a great memory, so the chances of him forgetting events, dates nights were close to being non-existent. "Darling did you find my lapt-" the words died in Doyoung's throat when he saw what you were holding in your hands. His medical report. From his spot by the threshold of the room door, he could see the stiffness creeping into your shoulders as you turned to face him with a mask of deadly calm. Your face contorted from a wave of calm, to anguish, to emptiness and finally rage. You couldn't bring yourself to believe that your husband was slowly losing his memories, all that you've been through together turning into nothing more than a speck of dust. The air was heavy as you contemplated on how you should feel, what your reaction should be. Breakdown and cry at the fact that you're going to have a husband with no memories and who might possibly not even remember who you are, or, rage..rage because he didn't trust you enough to tell you what happened, didn't believe after all that you've been through that you'll stick by him through thick and thin. Choosing the latter option, you stormed up to Doyoung, jaws clenched as you questioned him through gritted teeth "When were you going to tell me about this? Did you even plan on telling me? Your life doesn't just belong to you anymore! You can't be so selfish and keep me in the dark!" Your voice grew louder and louder with each word as tears of frustration streamed down your cheeks, chest heaving. When Doyoung didn’t so much as look at you, let alone answer your question, you raised a fist and brought it down on his chest “answer me! Were you planning to keep me in the dark?” Doyoung caught your fist in his hand and looked down at you with tears welling up in his eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” he apologised over and over again, pulling you into a tight embrace, holding you so close to him that you knew he wasn’t letting go anytime soon. You’ll figure things out together, you always do. 
“When did you know?” you finally asked once the both of you had calmed down. Letting out a breathe he didn’t know he was holding, his reply came out as a mere whisper. “The day of your father’s death anniversary.” That’s why he didn’t show up, and now that you know his reason, you felt terrible for saying all those nasty things to him. He went to the doctors...doctors..right, if anyone they’re the ones who can help Doyoung. “Let’s go to the doctors, they’ll know what to do!” you said pushing away from him to look into his eyes. “It’s no use. I’ve asked. There’s nothing we can do.” Shaking your head in denial you grip onto his dress shirt “there must be someone who can help us. Let’s get you a specialist.” You stood up only to be pulled down again “trust me, whatever you think of I’ve already thought of and tried.” Swallowing hard, you build up the courage to ask “How much time before..before you forget me”
“I will not forget you” Doyoung replied as he scrambled to kneel in front of you, holding your hands in his. Ignoring him, you asked once more. “How much time.” Seeing the look on your face, he knew better than to hide it any longer.
“A few months.”
Leaning on the cold metal railing of your shared apartment, you speedily dialed the number of Taeyong, a close friend of you and Doyoung. After a couple of rings, you hear his sleepy voice come through the speakers.
"Hey, what's up?"
You opened and closed your mouth a couple of times, trying to form a proper sentence.
"Is everything okay?" You could hear the ruffling of his sheets as he moved to lean against his headboard. For a moment no words were exchanged, only the sound of both your breathing could be heard as the situation sank in. The news of Doyoung losing his memory hit you like a flood, your emotions were all over the place, and you had no idea how to face this.
"What am I supposed to do" you asked while sliding down the glass panel to the cold ground of your balcony, the ends of your lips pulling up into a sad smile. How can you bear to lose the one person who meant the entire world to you, when your life together was just beginning. “It’s not fair Tae, after all we’ve been through, after all the obstacles that we conquered together. Why this, why take him away from me. Take away my memories too, I can’t bear this pain anymore.” By the time the last words left your lips, tears flowed down your cheeks like an endless river. “I know this is the hardest for you, and no matter what I say nothing will change, but the guys and I will be here together with you. I don’t know what to say to make you feel better and I hate myself for that. Just please, please stop crying. It’s breaking my heart to see my 2 closest friends suffer.” Taeyong’s voice was breaking with every word and you knew that his cheeks were as damp as yours. Gripping your phone tighter, you roughly wiped away your tears with the back of your hand. Regretting what you did or didn’t do these past few years isn’t going to help the situation. “You’re right, I’ve got to be strong for him. He’s going through enough, I just...just wish I can take the pain away, just wish to have more time.” Silence enveloped the both of you, only the sound of passing cars down below playing as a companion to this dark and cold night. “You have work tomorrow, I’m sorry for calling so late. You should go back to sleep, bye Tae.” You didn’t give Taeyong a chance to reply, immediately ending the call. Looking up at the starry night sky, it was as if the stars were mocking you, like a million stars shining high above free of worries, of pain and suffering. Wrapping your arms tighter around yourself, you let the second wave of tears take over. Like the title of your favorite book, you should have a little faith, and hope for a miracle.
Unbeknownst to you, Doyoung was listening in from behind the wall of the hallway. Listening to your every plea to take the pain away, to return everything back to the way it was, to give you the happiness you deserve. Every word broke his heart to more than a million pieces. To see the woman he loved so much suffer because of him was like restraining him and setting his whole body on fire. Doyoung felt like someone had ripped out his heart and stabbed it over and over again, had wrapped their icy cold fingers around his throat cutting off his oxygen supply. He bit down so hard on his clenched fist that it drew blood, and in a feeble attempt to stop the pain he started clawing and pounding his chest. Call it what you will, a mercy maybe, when Doyoung passed out from the overwhelming emotions swirling in his broken heart.
Days passed, weeks passed, you and Doyoung spent almost every waking moment together. Going to places that you guys have wanted to visit since the start of your relationship, spending as much time together as you could before the inevitable happens. Sometimes it could be just as simple as lying in bed tangled up in each other as you talked, feeling the warmth and touch of the other. Savouring the moments.
Today, you had a big day planned for the both of you. Doyoung has always mentioned how he wanted to spend a winter up in the glass igloo resort, and you had called in a few favours to get a booking for the weekend as booking always had to be made months in advance. Looking out the kitchen window as you prepared breakfast, you saw the first snowflake descend. The first snow in years, the both of you love the snow and Doyoung would be so happy knowing that he could play with them up in the resort. Smiling to yourself, you quickly finish cooking breakfast and went to wake your sleeping husband, barely able to contain the excitement of seeing the smile on his face once you broke the news to him.
Sitting down by the edge of the bed, you slowly and softly shook his shoulders, willing him to leave the dreamland. The way he stirred awake was just too cute and you couldn’t resist giving him a peck on the cheeks. However, when his eyes fully opened, you couldn’t help but feel something was wrong. His eyes scanned the room slowly before landing on your figure beside him, he looked confused, lost even. You reached a hand out to hold him, but he flinched and subconsciously moved backward till his back was pressed flush against the headboard. He looked at the room once more before locking eyes with you. That expression...you knew. You covered your mouth as tears streamed down your face, the inevitable has happened.
“Who are you.”
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(A/N: Hello, I know I haven’t been writing much lately, terribly sorry for that but life has been getting in the way>< I hope you enjoyed this short piece of work, and if you’ve made it this far thank you so much for reading! As always feedback is appreciated and feel free to chat me up or leave Asks ^^)
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housebudget81 · 3 years
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I would recommend that anabolics aren't detectable for months though, several will certainly have a very comparable time program to ostarine, relying on the dose and also approach of administration. This does highlight the requirement for many years round out of competition screening. Evaluating techniques have actually been developed and reported for these medications, with several professional athletes having actually examined favorable for Andarine. S.A.R.Ms, or selective androgen receptor modulators, are an unique class of molecules that are being established to deal with conditions that are presently being treated with AAS (anabolic-androgenic steroids). Make certain you are completely knowledgeable about what any kind of SARM you prepare to utilize can fully supply. Pay attention to the recommended dosage as well as the timeframe to use it. Begin with the lowest possible dosage, and afterwards slowly raise it if needed.
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Hcgenerate is also really efficient in boosting the production of testosterone as well as can be stacked together with S4 and LGD. You will certainly be stunned at just how much body fat you are going to drop as soon as you use it in mix with eating in a shortage. There are different methods which body builders can embark on a reducing procedure. They can either do it within an extra extensive duration or within a much shorter one.
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If you are knowledgeable regarding these preparations, you will certainly understand that the affordable price of supplements is a red alarm. Discretion is the primary advantage of getting sports supplements on the net. However you should not fail to remember the rate, convenience, as well as access to a range of items. When it comes to SARMs, you can order them from both Canadian and also international web sites. several UK lgd 4033 ligandrol Sarms authorized physical suppliers for SARMS are supplement shops throughout Canada. These places have an excellent track record as well as have actually gotten on the market for years.
Defining principles that influence antimicrobial peptide activity against capsulated Klebsiella pneumoniae - pnas.org
Defining principles that influence antimicrobial peptide activity against capsulated Klebsiella pneumoniae.
Posted: Wed, 21 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
A complete pct, instead of a small pct with other SARMS, is recommended after a cycle of LGD. While it might not be fairly as suppressive as anabolics, the reductions is a lot greater than other SARMS, therefore, needing a complete PCT. The Lingadrol pure bodybuilding SARMs are similar to the Ostarine in terms of activity but quite different.
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To highgrade labs Shop Uk sarms test base supplement Sarms image that's just how I educate, add this treasure with some MK667 (little endurance - more assisting the additional appetite not go to pure fat). It is not a wonder treatment, but it will enable you with inadequate to reduced incongruity, make gains, as constantly decrease all outside variables and this thing is tremendous.
Fluoroalkylation promotes cytosolic peptide delivery - Science Advances
Fluoroalkylation promotes cytosolic peptide delivery.
Posted: Wed, 12 Aug 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
At Phcoker.com we sell several types of SARMs online, and also all of them are pure, reliable and premium quality. This way, you have the assurance that our items will certainly supply beyond your assumptions. All you got to do is order from us, as well as we will certainly deliver the items to your area within the quickest time possible. This is because they might be combined with poisonous chemicals as a result of a poor manufacturing procedure or quality control. Underhanded suppliers might additionally include weak products to the medications to raise the quantity and also earnings. Mislabelling is one more vice usually done, and also many bodybuilders succumb to it.
Overall survival is expected to be consisted of as a second endpoint, but will likely not be powered or called for to show analytical relevance. " It's not really just putting on weight that you desire, the objective is to include lean muscle mass, and also you additionally need improvements in muscle mass feature. That's the quandary," claims Julian Gilbert, president of Acacia Pharma, which has a product in phase II testing. Presently, only the progesterone treatment Megestrol is removed by regulators to deal with cachexia, when related to HIV.
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Stacking is the procedure where you take numerous kinds of SARMs at the same time to quicken the procedure of bulking, cutting and recovery. SARMs are extremely versatile since you can either choose to utilize them on their own or as part of a stack. along with exercise caused a 50% mitochondrial growth in the muscular tissues, and consequently, the tissues had the ability to produce even more power therefore decreasing exhaustion.
Another earlier stage prospect to just recently come on the radar is Amgen's AMG 745; although no tests appear to be recurring today the company lists it as a phase I candidate. The medicine inhibits myostatin, a development hormonal agent that itself prevents muscle development. Vicus' VT-122 is a dental mix of propranolol, a non-selective beta adrenergic receptor blocker, as well as etodolac, a COX2 selective enzyme prevention. The company believes by synergistically targeting several pathways, cancer-induced systemic swelling can be attentuated and also, ideally, cachexia turned around. A phase II research was started last December in sophisticated liver cancer cells people being treated with Nexavar. The 80-patient study will measure pain, performance status and also lean body mass.
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The body, for that reason, features as if it is in malnourishment setting as well as via this, there is a radical decrease in the body fat. While many steroids in the marketplace may bring about bone wastefulness or loss, SARMs will certainly not. They are really discerning in their action therefore not most likely to hurt your various other tissues.You possibly would not wish to damage your body tissues even if you want others to enhance in dimension. That's the reason many individuals that intend to enhance their performance prefer utilizing SARMs since they will only alter the tissues that result in growth in the size of bones and muscles. Ostarine or MK-2866 (CAS #) is a study chemical developed originally by Merck Inc. and also currently possessed by GTx Inc
LGD-4033is a careful androgen receptor modulator, and also a novel non-steroidal oral SARM that binds to Androgen Receptors with high fondness and also selectivity. It remains in a course ofandrogen receptor ligands that is cells careful, created to treat muscular tissue squandering connected with cancer, severe as well as persistent illness and also age-related muscle loss. It is clear to you that every one of the above-described actions require considerable funds, yet also a lot of time and also job. Reduced selling prices are insufficient for suppliers to return the financial investment.
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If, after sonication, the 'solution' has actually gelled, has a persistent haziness, or has a scum drifting externally, the peptide has most likely not dissolved however is merely finely suspended.
The worldwide peptide therapeutics market is expected to be worth $24 billion by 2020.
In both techniques, the main goal is to protect as much muscle mass as feasible. MK-2866 will certainly aid shield your gains because it is a moderate SARM and also functions well when there is a calorie shortage.
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Just picture what could take place if you went full-bore and were a perfectionist? The only thing I can not do is contrast this to roids - they perhaps better but fuck understands that from as well as what their variation will certainly do! , however I have a regular order with JW Supps due to the fact that, me being human as well as vulnerable to life, these guys aid me with some initiative in the gym, get where I need to be.
It isan excellent medicine for reducing fat and also stay healthy as an athlete. Its everyday use is normally around 10mg for simple recovery from serious ailments or pains. This kind of pure SARMs prevents testosterone that has a lot more anabolic attributes than testosterone itself. People using this pure SARMs has a tendency to dose twice a day, however it is not suggested for the initial users due to the fact that excess usage might establish side effect. In no question, pure SARMs are splendidly made, and the item has been validated by medical professionals to reduce muscle mass or bone pain, mind problems, aggressiveness, and also even cancers. Do not be surprised that various systems can point out a range of functions that this approach provides. This is because; the significance and also benefits to the body system can not be overemphasized.
As the name suggests, SARMs have the capability to pick the particular receptors they are going to bind to. This is a substantial impact when it pertains to remaining healthy and balanced and feeling your ideal while taking such products. You do not have to accept turmoil and negative thoughts within the mind and body so as to get the advantages you desire. The 2nd significant benefit is they do not featured a long listing of dangerous negative effects. It is motivating when you can obtain benefits for your body as well as your mind with SARMs, as well as not have to be excessively worried regarding the damaging components. Peptides function by making changes to the human endocrine system, which includes the pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid as well as various other hormone producing glands. Modifications to this system can have extremely serious results in relation to human development, growth as well as reproductive systems.
This is utilized off-label in cancer individuals, as well as works by enhancing cravings. Steroids are likewise utilized, to develop muscular tissue, yet neither of these therapies promotes reliable development of well operating muscle-- a large obstacle for any treatment. The loss of muscle mass as well as fat can damage an individual to such an extent that the cachexia is the cause of death in several cancer individuals-- up to 20% according to some quotes. It likewise leaves patients less able to eliminate the underlying disease and endure chemotherapy, or various other cancer killing representatives, along with increasingly obstructing day-to-day activities. With PMag the beginning of crazy pumps is fairly fast but no such thing was experienced with LGD. I got approx 5kg mass (fat+ muscle mass) on Pmag as well as have actually not discovered any kind of such body make-up distinction with LGD.
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I started taking these and also I might see gains being made after the initial week. I have actually attempted afew sarms currently and also saw the best gains on these for certain. I do not typically create evaluations and this website does not seem to reward when you do, not an issue, however I have found these reviews helpful to for my very own ends so wished to share the love. Gents, go down the representatives, up the weight and keep the rest periods traditional yet sincere.
. MK-2688 belongs to a class of chemicals called SARMs or selective androgen receptor modulators. Compared to testosterone, the sex hormone, the advantage of SARMs such as MK-2688 is that they do not have androgenic task in non-skeletal-muscle cells. MK-2866 is going through medical tests for and might become medically shown and also accepted for avoidance of cachexia, degeneration, and also sarcopenia primarily in the elderly and also ill populace.
Do humans have antimicrobial peptides?
A wide variety of human proteins and peptides also have antimicrobial activity and play important roles in innate immunity. In this review we discuss three important groups of human antimicrobial peptides. In humans, two classes of defensins can be found: α-defensins and β-defensins.
On issues negative effects, it is good to note that SARMs featured side effects much like various other medications. The SARMs negative effects are light and will hardly ever influence your daily activities. To stop on your own from dealing with serious side effects ensure that you take the advised dosage with the correct time frame. Among the most effective all-natural supplements that can be used along with any kind of SARM to increase gains and recovery is Creatine.
It was discovered by Yuichito Kanno, as well as it is one of the very best SARMs since it is very helpful in weight loss and also obtaining muscle mass without dealing with severe negative effects like liver damages or high blood pressure. Minimize body fat-If you aim at shedding body fat, then SARMs will certainly assist you to burn it in various means. These products boost the body to break down the fat cells with the aim of producing energy.
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iamsunilkaushik · 3 years
What is Affiliate Marketing
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If anybody was asked to name one technique that marketers utilize to make a sure-fire rapid profit on the Net, then most of them would give you the same answer - “Affiliate Marketing”.
One of the most important functions of online is Affiliate Marketing, this is a task that you can easily earn money online.
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Fundamentally, the Affiliate Marketing model means to promote somebody’s product over the Internet. Affiliate Marketing is a commission base act that promotes any company's product or service through its Blog, Website or Social Media called Affiliate Marketing. In return for which the Affiliate Marketing company paid commission to that person on sale of goods or services. This commission can range from 0.1 % - 25 % or even more. It depends on the category of the product. Products to earn by Affiliate Marketing Book- selling, Web Hosting, Electronics, Software, Domain, Website or anything.
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Nowadays Blogging and Websites have become a big way to earn money online. Many people use all the technology to earn money from their Blog, such as providing service, selling a product, AdSense, Advertising, Videos, SEO etc. But today we are going to talk, to make money in a very easy and simple way, we are talking about Affiliate Marketing. If you use a Blog or Website, then all you have to do is to promote or recommend services or products of any Organization or Company using them. In return, the Organization or Company pays you a commission, this commission may be some percentage (%) of that sale or may be a fixed amount. You can get different commission for different goods or services, it is fixed according to the product and these products can be anything like Electronics, Web Hosting, Footwear, Clothing etc. as mentioned earlier.
What is an Affiliate Program ?
The Affiliate Program is used by the Company or Organization that promotes its products or services through the Affiliate Program and to which the company provides a Referral Link to its product or service. Through this Program, Companies promote their products and offer these Programs, for which the Affiliate Program company pays commission for its sales of product or service and through Affiliate Program sells its product all over the world, so that the Company's Branding also takes place.
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If you want to use these programs through your Blog or Website, then you can join this Program. The companies offering these Programs give you a URL Link, which is called a Referral Link, which can be in the form of LINK ADS, TEXT ADS, BANNER ADS, APP which you can place on your Site / Blog in different ways. If a lot of visitors come to your Blog or Website then they will definitely see that Link and if they click on that Link or Banner and go to the organization's site and they buy the product, then you get commission from that organization instead.
How to join Affiliate Marketing Program ?
In today's age, making money from the Internet is not only easy but also safe, just you must have the right knowledge and you can increase your income manifold. It is very easy to join any Affiliate Program, firstly you just find out how much commission you want to associate with any Affiliate Program because you get different commission on different items.
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Always make sure to choose the item whose market review is good and very popular. You have to decide what you want to do Affiliate Marketing, you have the right. You can recommend any product on your Blog Post and also put Affiliate Link to that product. When your Visitor will click on that Link and go to that Site and buy that product, then you will get some commission on the sale of that product, which you can say income from your Affiliate Marketing.
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There are many big companies, which are doing their Affiliate Program. You have to identify those sites with the help of search engines and go to those sites and join their Affiliate Program. Companies providing Affiliate work require some information from you, such as your Email id, Phone Number, Bank Details, Address. The Verification link comes on your Email id and the code on the phone number, from which your information is verified.
Once you become a registered member then you are provided with all the information.
 What is the type of Affiliate Marketing ?
Unattached Affiliate Marketing
In this type of Affiliate Marketing the affiliates also publish advertisements of products and services on their site which they do not know much about. For example, if there is a Blog of an Affiliate
which is about fashion and designer clothes and publishes the ads of a courier company on that Blog, then it will be called Unattached Affiliate Marketing.
Related Affiliate Marketing
In this type of Affiliate Marketing the affiliate publishes or post advertisements on their Blog or Website, which are related to their Blog or Website. If we talk about a fashion Blog and if you see the ads of any fashion brand like Fastrack, Levi’s etc. on that Blog page then we can call it Related Affiliate Marketing.
Involved Affiliate Marketing
In this type of Affiliate Marketing the affiliates post the products that they themselves have used to their Blog or Website. In this type of Affiliate Marketing does not place advertisements or banners, rather, the affiliates refer to them in the content of their Blog and are recommended. For example, if an Affiliate praises the clothes of a designer in his fashion blog whose apparel he has used, it would be a kind of Involved Affiliate Marketing.
 What is E-Commerce Affiliate Marketing ?
E-Commerce is the purchase and sale of goods and services over an electronic network, primarily through the Internet, or the remittance of money or data. These business transactions are either in the form of Business-to-Business, Business-to-Consumer, Consumer-to-Consumer or Consumer-to-Business.
Any E-Commerce company that offers you an online service or product or has a Web-portal of its own, wants to sell as many goods or services through Affiliate Marketing, there are many companies, such as Insurance Companies. , IT Companies, Cloth, Software, etc., which does Affiliate Marketing for their Website, but the companies that use Affiliate Marketing Companies the most is E-commerce websites. The process of Affiliate Marketing of these E-commerce website is called E-Commerce Affiliate Marketing.
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Many online stores run Affiliate Programs and these E-Commerce websites include e-bey, amazon, Flipkart. If you write a blog on any product available on these websites and divert traffic of your site to these sites then you get a very good opportunity to earn money. Suppose you write a blog on fashion and thousands of readers come to your blog, then you can divert that traffic to those sites. 
Some of the well-known E-Commerce Affiliate Marketing website URL are as follows :
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Affiliate Marketing with Flipkart
Link :  https://affiliate.flipkart.com
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Affiliate Marketing with Amazon
Link :  https://affiliate-program.amazon.in
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Matrimonial Affiliate Marketing Program :
If you write a Blog about Marriage or preparations related to Marriage, then you have a very good chance to become part of Matrimonial Affiliate Programs. In today's era where everything is happening online, there are many people who use Matrimonial Sites to find their life partner, then if you become part of the Affiliate Program of these Matrimonial Sites then you can get very good profits. Through these programs you can get up to 100% commission.
Some of the best website URLs are as follows:
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Link : https://affiliate.shaadi.com
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Link : https://profile.bharatmatrimony.com/matrimoney/affiliate_register.php
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madamlaydebug · 5 years
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The Great Awakening has begun ★
Anger, hatred, aggression and fear are the food source of the Archons
The Mainstream Media is the last bastion of the “Deep State”
The real question is how do we become conscious?
We all are Slaves to the System
We all want to be free, healthy, educated and live in a peaceful society
Mass Awakening is the Cabal’s greatest Fear
The awakening is erupting. Being awake comes with a price. It may have been difficult and painful going through the stages of awakening, but convincing others by challenging circumstances and conditions to open the eyes and minds of others is even more difficult. It has become a struggle against time when awake and one sees all the injustices that could have easily been avoided.
It’s very sad to see unawakened people being tossed to and fro, without having a clue as to what is really going on. But even that is an “engineered” shake-up designed by the Deep State. Nevertheless, that should help every one of us to come to our senses and surpass this false reality. Millions are flocking to alternative news sources to try to make sense of what’s going on, stumbling across realities they never considered possible, or could have ever imagined before.
If the truth be known, the awake are responsible for sharing it ardently, but also for doing it with a passion. Not always pleasant, but a duty that must be done. The hour is late and the timeframe we are living in is terrible, the necessity brings forth optimal awareness and swift action. There’s no alternative left.
The world is bankrupt financially, economically, and morally, but through manipulation and deceit, people are led to believe that all is well. It’s absolutely absurd that all the bubble assets are at such astronomical highs, while wealth-preservation assets like gold and silver have been totally annihilated through manipulation. The elite and the media continuously fool the people regarding the state of the world.
Anger, hatred, aggression and fear are the food source of the Archons
The tactics employed are comprised of manipulating economies, trade and the masses through fear: fear of war, fear of starvation, fear of economic collapse, imprisonment and death. This state of mind has directed and shaped global events for centuries and has become the standard operating procedure. This process of enslaving civilisations is contrary to the survival drive of humanity and suppresses the natural instinct of all humans to do good and be kind to each other.
Do not view all this madness from a foundation of fear; this will just make you angry and aggressive, which in turn will lead to violence and a perpetuation of this madness. It is hard to remain calm when faced with the hard truth, but it’s what must be done, in order to safely get through this. Anger, hatred, aggression and fear are the sort of emotions that have led to this madness and it is the food source of the Archons. Stop feeding them and help to change our world view completely. In this way, we will change everything for the better, by changing our way of thinking.
Bear in mind; the real purpose of government is, always and everywhere, to enable the few to exploit the many. The credit money system is a clever way of doing so. The bureaucracy will continue to churn out laws, statutes, codes and regulations that reinforce its powers and value systems and those of the police state and its corporate allies, rendering the rest of us petty criminals. The average citizen unknowingly commits three felonies a day, thanks to this overabundance of vague laws that render otherwise innocent activity illegal. As an example, small farmers who dare to make unpasteurised goat cheese and share it with members of their community will continue to have their farms raided.
The Mainstream Media, the last bastion of the “Deep State”
The Mainstream Media is the last bastion of the “Deep State” organised crime network that, over the years in the past, has infiltrated and hijacked most, if not all institutions. But, their days are numbered and the ensuing collapse will most likely be violent and shocking to all those unaware of what is unfolding.
The principal source of the Deep State’s power is their control of the process of creating and distributing money, i.e. their ownership of almost all of the world’s central banks, and multinationals. They have used this money-power to bribe, blackmail and assassinate people at top levels of power in order to enforce their control. They also control the corporate media and have been using every propaganda tool at their disposal to rig society and markets where necessary.
Fortunately, trust in the mainstream media has fallen to an all-time low and continues to plummet. Much of this has to do with an increasingly aware and disgruntled public: More and more people are able to discern a mainstream media totally lacking integrity, thanks to the rising popularity of the independent/alternative media, exposing the dishonesty.
People are increasingly seeing right through the various media sources with their dogmatic, unhealthy sceptics, shills, trolls, pseudo-debunkers, controlled opposition agents, biasing, filtering and in-your-face lies; intended to sell us the spin of disinformation to keep people ignorant, deceived and helplessly anaesthetised in the world’s matrix controlling system.
The real question is how do we become conscious?
Our overwhelming, uncontrollable mass awakening is what the world’s ruling elite fear the most. Since we greatly outnumber them and their associates, they wouldn’t know how to deal with our vast numbers, even with their advanced technology. As a result, the real question is how do we become conscious?
Since ancient times, under the ruling thumb of the world’s Black Nobility or dark overlords, humanity has been hacked, stymied, suppressed and coerced into submission through mind controlling, soul destroying atrocities. Those unable to see that just about every matter under the sun is a deception, that their family and friends are affected in every way imaginable; those who don’t yet realise the extent to which the dark overlords have us tightly stitched up, are indeed about to experience the shock of a lifetime when this entire fraudulent system comes crashing down. What they have clung to as a reality will soon sink into the abyss of Grand Deceptions.
Simply, become conscious by choosing it. By acting on those synchronicities better known as meaningful coincidences. By acting on that which calls, moves and inspires us. Taking action through listening to our inner voice, coming from our inner being; paying attention to our gut feelings and basic instincts.
Choosing to become conscious means detaching one’s self from the mind control programming; escaping the effects of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual prison matrix woven around us by the Globalist’s oppression.
Breaking free from the mind programming and the imposition of others, with multidimensional consciousness, escaping the dualistic confinements of matter, energy and space-time, anything is possible, and the Truth will be revealed. Creating a driving desire to find out more about the truth regarding what is going on in our world. Seeing that the world is in a mess and we are all plodding along, business as usual, expecting someone else to sort it all out. Most of us are too busy earning money and surviving, as surviving, by design, takes up all our time. Most people cannot seem to see beyond that and that is why we are in this mess in the first place.
We have all been manipulated and played. We have all been mesmerised, hypnotised and turned into consumer-driven slaves. Making money for the large corporations and the 0.1% rich of the world is the name of the game, or so we have been programmed. Each day they get richer and richer, finding new ways, like global warming and CO2 emission taxes, to force us to part with our hard-earned money; they are very clever at it. They know how to manipulate the human mind, they know how to get us to spend our money and we don’t even realise it is happening.
Governments extract far too much money from us, and we use almost all of our time on Earth working for this money. They leave every family with a small amount to spare, while the really wealthy manage to avoid paying their taxes through carefully engineered loopholes.
The real purpose of government is, always and everywhere, to enable the few to exploit the many. The money system is a clever way of doing so.
We all are Slaves to the System
The modern world of industry, commerce, and investment works on win-win software. Only governments with their conflicts, wars, taxes, tariffs, ‘do-this laws’, and ‘don’t-do-that prohibitions’, continue to operate on pre-civilised programming. It is a relic, an institution with a ‘grab whatever we can grab’ mentality.
A trade war is just as phony as a war on drugs, a war on crime, or a war on terror. None are worth fighting for. And none are winnable. It is meant to reward the elite at others’ expense. Nothing more, nothing less. Think of it, we are all, quite simply, slaves to the system! The people at the bottom are paying for the people at the top to keep their lavish life styles. We pay our taxes and any money that is left over is coveted by major corporations.
We are bombarded with adverts continuously, telling us to buy more stuff we don’t need. We are encouraged to spend, spend and then spend some more. We replace everything, even when it doesn’t need replacing. We need to get out of this mentality.
We need to re-cycle, re-use and make do with what we have. We have all been brainwashed into this consumerism insanity. It’s all been smoke and mirrors, mind-games, played out on the world stage, aiming to keep us all in a state of awe and fear.
We all want to be free, healthy, educated, and live in a peaceful society
Our subconscious minds have been conditioned to see only what differentiates us, rather the things that bind us. Believe it or not, we’re extremely similar in all aspects.
We may come from different backgrounds or different cultures, but we all have the same basic values in life. We all want to be free, healthy, educated, to live in a peaceful society and to have access to the basic necessities for survival. That’s about it. Wherever we live in the world. Basically, all we really want is to be happy and healthy.
Instead, we have wars, hunger, insecurity, homelessness, and many around the world don’t have access to clean water and food. And it’s all by design because, people who are constantly “on the edge” don’t have time for self-education, introspection and eventually spiritual awakening.
We all are the victims of mass propaganda and brainwashing. It has reached the point where families choose to believe the media and the governments of the world, rather than members of their own family and friends who have woken up to the truth and are attempting to warn them and awaken them.
The truth can be frightening and that is why people want to avoid it. They would rather stick their heads in the sand like an ostrich, believing that as long as they choose not to look at it, it will not exist. Unfortunately for them, Truth has a way of existing, even in the face of ridicule and denial. It does not need the approval of a counterparty to become legitimate. Truth simply Is. Once you know the truth, you can never go back, even if you want to. The truth cannot be unseen; once seen, the truth stays with you forever. In any event, be assured, the truth will come out in the end, as it always does.
The truth comes at a cost – it will end all the lies and the illusions that people previously based their entire lives on. And that is an on-going process. – Many feel lost and afraid right now all across the spectrum of humanity. This deliberate creation of chaos is designed to do just that. However, parallel and simultaneous to their psychotic designs, a massive arousal of the human spirit is occurring, spurred on by an arising of conscious awareness and a deep sense of growing personal realisation and empowerment.
Most may not recognise these rising, seemingly confusing energetic changes, as being the creative process at work, but it is, THE GREAT AWAKENING. First, preceding this creativity is a destructive process, eliminating everything that is unreal and inhibitive of personal development and progress. These two dynamics work alongside each other.
The Elite see us as their slaves, our sole purpose being to provide them with our energy money, so that they can follow their master plan, bringing about the New World Order.
We have procreated very well and are now, in their view, overrunning the planet, so they now want to cull a large number of us. Hence GMO’s, fluoride, chemtrails, vaccinations and the endless wars; all these things lower our immunity for whatever they have planned for us.
They want us to be in a state of eternal slumber, hypnotised and brainwashed by their omnipresent propaganda and most of us have unwittingly complied with their wishes. But, we are more powerful than them and they know it, which is why they have been so patient. Humanity is waking up, slowly but surely.
One of the reasons humanity cannot grasp what is going on, is because these creatures are so evil, that it’s hard to believe just how vile they are. And people are actually right in their disbelief of these atrocities: human beings cannot be this cruel!
Humans are not at the pinnacle of this diabolical plan, it is a Reptilian agenda, and Reptilians cannot experience positive emotions. They are simply unable to care for others or to experience noble emotions, such as love or empathy. They are driven by fear, hate, rivalry and competition. The truth is far stranger and more incredible than we can imagine, say whistle-blowers like Corey Goode.
Will our mass awakening to the deception produce a turnaround, into a world that makes a difference for everyone? A world where there are no predators, no controlling hierarchy, no blood-sucking vampires, slave-drivers at the top, ruling the enslaved at the bottom. No more fighting for self-sufficiency, because we will achieve everything in the communities we live in.
It is up to all of us to contribute our part.
Source: Final Wakeup Call
LOVE; ONE Inner Light & a New Earth to EveryONE ★
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berniesrevolution · 5 years
The inequality is too damn high. In the United States today, the richest 0.1 percent of the population owns as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent combined. And the chasm between our aristocracy’s fortunes — and those of the average Joe and Joanna — is only growing. Since 1980, the real annual earnings of the top 0.1 percent have grown by 343 percent; the poorest nine-tenths of the country, meanwhile, have seen their earnings grow by a mere 22 percent in that time span. Absent drastic reforms of our political economy, there’s every reason to think that this income polarization will continue apace in the decades to come.
And drastic reforms ain’t easy. In fact, even modestly reducing inequality (and/or ameliorating its most troubling effects) through tax and transfer programs poses major political challenges. For example, while raising taxes on the rich is very popular, transferring income away from the upper reaches of the middle class is less so. Even when broad-based tax hikes are pegged to overwhelmingly popular forms of redistribution, such as universal health care, voters often have trouble swallowing them. A recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that 56 percent of Americans favored Medicare for All — until they were told the policy would “require most Americans to pay more in taxes,” at which point support plummeted to 37 percent. The credibility of this finding is buttressed by the failure of movements for single-payer health care in Vermont and Colorado, where aversion to tax increases fueled opposition. And the unpopularity of tax hikes on the non-rich can also be seen in the reluctance of even the leftmost Democrats to present detailed plans for how they intend to finance their most ambitious redistributive programs.
Bernie Sanders appears to understand all this. Which is why the 2020 candidate is preparing to shift the focus of his economic message away from divisive “tax and spend” liberalism and toward more broadly popular approaches to reducing inequality — like, say, worker ownership of the means of production. As the Washington Post’s Jeff Stein reports:
We can move to an economy where workers feel that they’re not just a cog in the machine — one where they have power over their jobs and can make decisions,” Sanders said in an interview. “Democracy isn’t just the opportunity to vote. What democracy really means is having control over your life.”
Sanders said his campaign is working on a plan to require large businesses to regularly contribute a portion of their stocks to a fund controlled by employees, which would pay out a regular dividend to the workers. Some models of this fund increase employees’ ownership stake in the company, making the workers a powerful voting shareholder. The idea is in its formative stages and a spokesman did not share further details.
Sanders also said he will introduce a plan to force corporations to give workers a share of the seats on their boards of directors. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), another 2020 presidential candidate, proposed a similar idea last year.
Sanders’s plan for giving workers at major corporations an ownership stake in their firms is by far the most “socialist” policy he has ever endorsed as a national politician. The idea is, in essence, a scaled-down version of the late Swedish economist Rudolf Meidner’s plan for gradually socializing ownership of industry by requiring employers to funnel a fixed percentage of their annual profits into collectively owned, trade-union-managed “wage-earner funds.” Meidner’s plan, and all other blueprints for “funds socialism,” is derived from a simple observation, deftly summarized by Matt Bruenig of the People’s Policy Project:
[C]apital ownership no longer takes the form of an individual business owner presiding over an empire, but instead takes the form of affluent families owning diversified portfolios of real estate and financial assets like stocks and bonds. The socialization of those assets into funds owned and controlled by workers or society would thus provide a relatively simple glide path into a kind of market socialism.
(For a rundown on the Meidner plan, and other approaches to “funds socialism,” check out Bruenig’s fascinating proposal for an American Solidarity Fund).
Sanders’s wealth-fund plan would do far more than any of his other policies to reduce the vast disparities of wealth and income that he’s made his name decrying. The fundamental challenge in combating inequality is that wealth begets more wealth. Those who can afford to invest in bonds get to collect annual interest payments; those who invest in stocks or real estate typically see their capital assets annually appreciate. Thus, most years, our nation’s collective capital stock directs loads of passive income to America’s wealthiest citizens. Which means that, even if wage growth hadn’t been tepid for the past four decades, the rich still would have pulled ahead of everyone else, buoyed by the rising tide of compound interest. To put a serious dent in inequality, then, you need to equalize the distribution of capital income (or, ya know, launch a world war).
And yet if Sanders’s plan for worker wealth funds is his most radical and socialistic, moderate voters may actually find it more palatable than his conventional redistributive policies. As mentioned above, raising taxes on the non-rich isn’t superpopular in the contemporary United States. Over the past half-century, conservative Republicans (and, to a lesser extent, neoliberal Democrats) have given Americans plenty of cause for doubting that Uncle Sam will be a faithful steward of their tax dollars. Asking voters to believe that the federal government knows how to invest their income better than they do can be tough. But asking them to believe that they know how to invest their employer’s income better than their bosses? That’s usually an easier sell.
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