#.... also considering making new blog just for following artists i like
kaguya-muneuji · 2 years
... tired. burnout.
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anniflamma · 8 days
This isn't a question, but rather a love letter to your art<3.
Thanks to you, I've started enjoying Greek mythology and the Bible again (I mean from a point of artistic, mythological, historical, and theological analysis; my status with any kind of religion is being agnostic XD).
And I already enjoyed Epic the Musical, but I really love the designs you make, how you empathize with the symbolism and lore of the Gods when designing them, and how you make Odysseus so human with his crude expressions that makes me empathize with him (And he's one of the characters I hated the most from Greek mythology lol)
And then there’s your art about the bible, I have to admit that I tend to avoid the biblical religion because of the weight it still has on our daily lives, the damage it has done from the past to this day, and how they deny it with current hypocrisy (I live in Spain, there the official religion is catholic), but your lgbt drawings have really encouraged me to open the bible and see it from an objective and neutral point of view, and just enjoy it as another book and not as something I’m forced to follow.
Also I didn’t know there was so much LGBT content in the bible XD Seriously, thank you so much, if you had a patreon, I would pay you for the amount of happiness and culture you have given me (^///^)
By the way, reading your posts I found out that you recently experienced an internet drama that has become so popular lately. I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry that both you and that poor artist had to go through this, that human hypocrisy has no limits or shame, and that I agree with everything you say. Just because we like a character or an author doesn't mean we agree with their crimes or ideologies.
I hope you have a nice day<3
Hi! I’m sorry it took me a while to respond! I mean it, I’ve read this over and over, and it makes me so happy. I’ve been thinking about how to respond, but sometimes it's hard to get it out into words.
It makes me so happy that my biggest interests make others interested in it too. Heck, when people ask questions, I get all giddy!
Talking about biblical/christian saints, greek myths, history, different cultural views and changes was kind of the whole point of why I started this tumblr blog. I have so many drafts filled with random info about LGBTQ+ saints..... Now… I post mostly thirsty drawings of greek gods with hairy chests... T.T
And I sympathize a lot when it comes to religious trauma. I consider myself lucky in these matters, my mom is Catholic, and she has her views that I don’t agree with and hurtful. Yet she still supports me in her way and watching my bible retelling animatics, everytime I post a new bible animatic, she writes me: "What have you done to Daniel..."
I also have my hurts and anger towards hypocrisies too, and I guess this is my way of countering that?
LGBT content in the Bible is something that really fascinates me. I think it's important to keep in mind that people from about 2,500 years ago had very different views when it came to gender and sex compared to how we see it today. In a way, the Bible does have strict social gender expectations, and if you didn’t fit in, then you weren’t considered part of that gender. But at the same time, it acknowledges that your sex. I think it’s in the Talmud were it discusses the fact that, throughout the Bible, there were about eight genders:
Zachar: male.
Nekevah: female.
Androgynos: having both male and female characteristics.
Tumtum: lacking sexual characteristics.
Aylonit hamah: identified as female at birth but later naturally developed male characteristics.
Aylonit adam: identified as female at birth but later developed male characteristics through human intervention.
Saris hamah: identified as male at birth but later naturally developed female characteristics.
Saris adam: identified as male at birth but later developed female characteristics through human intervention.
Some scholars even believe that Abraham and Sarah were Tumtum. A Tumtum is not considered to be very distinct but rather flexible between male and female sex/gender—"sometimes he is a man, and sometimes he is a woman." The simple fact that God said Abraham had a womb and from it, he would have children. Some say that this is why he is a Tumtum, while some historical linguists argue that ancient Hebrew didn’t have the vocabulary for male genitalia yet. Both arguments are valid, and I like them both!
There’s tons of stuff I could bring up—Joseph with his princess dress, Naomi and Ruth, David and Jonathan, and the discussions around whether Daniel was a Saris Hamah or a Saris Adam. We know he was called a saris, but we’re just not sure which. And then there's Jael, whose story is filled with a lot of phallic symbolism, and even her name is very gender-neutral.
I think I’m going to end here. I could yap about these things forever! But thank you again taking your time writing to me and I hope you also have a nice day! <3
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foursaints · 3 months
helllo! u sometimes talk about ur mutuals circle and i was just wondering would u like to namedrop them? cos i think i already follow some of them but i feel like they probably all have very correct opinions and good taste and would like to follow them
oh i would love nothing more than to namedrop. in fact i will make you an index of what i admire about them (readmore for length)
@fernhelm <- leading scholar on the black sisters, arthuriana, and the overlap between marauders & ancient greek classicism. we are neighbors and childhood friends irl but that's unrelated
@jewishregulus <- THE regulus black understander & originator of the carrow twins. half of everything i say is paraphrased from the essay length saintsivy dms
@carniferous <- THE james potter understander & creator of nuanced tenderness and melancholy & one of my favorite fic authors before we became friends.... read their theatre-based fic NOWW
@sixlane <- i passed the Premiere Bartylily Understander hat to lane long ago.... we all definitely already know lane of "get him back (read on ao3)" fame but it bears repeating. one of the few fic authors who i stalk for updates. but i also stalk for anon responses because they are always uniquely thought-out and hilarious
@itsjaywalkers <- LAURIEE is one of the best people on here & i scroll their blog like the morning news. the vibe on there is always so fresh and fun and kind and playful (and occasionally searingly tragic or erotic). THE james potter enjoyer on this website. this is the other fic author who i stalk for updates.....
@quillkiller <- jen was my first mutual on here 🥺 (hi jen). our most beautiful resource for Bellatrix Black enjoyment and nuanced discussion of feminist theory. i consider them half of the powerduo of Rarepair Creation on this site (hi kara) that has given us bangers like effiebarty and regtunia and the most searing wlw fic
@static-radio-ao3 <- im embarrassed to talk to mil because their jegulus fic is just genuinely that good. its crazy how every single one reads like a fully fleshed-out romcom novel i would read in one sitting at barnes & noble. another barty understander i daresay
@sugarsnappeases <- THE OTHER HALF OF THE RAREPAIR BUREAU. kara's microfics hit me like 9/11 every single time (that searing bella sirius-death character study? the BARTYLILY DRESS FIC?) and they are another lesbionic understander of women. when people say they want more marauders girls content they should just go to kara lmfaooo
@rottin6 <- can't talk about layla without offering my hand in marriage sorry. princess of the bartylilysphere i rather think... hottest most erotic microfics i've ever read in my life, thank god for the people who understand barty's Trashboy Dick on a cerebral level
@veryinnovative <- we all definitely already know ino but that's okay. probably divinely gifted to come up with the most unexpected & niche AUs that still manage to make perfect sense and hit every single time.
@moon-seas <- KAYY. my favorite artist on here hands-down. a true dirtbag barty understander & they produce the most stunning digital collage-work. a privilege to see
@sommerregenjuniluft <- now where would i be without lune's barty understanding... yes their jegulus microfic porn is masterful but WHAT ABOUT their ability to put barty in the strangest situations ever (he's an electrician?? a circus clown, now???) and have it integrate perfectly with his character. that's good writing babe!!!!
also you should follow @dracure @royalthorned @morsmortish and @katakosmos for more good rosekiller content. we don't talk but I admire from afar ......
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christinesficrecs · 9 months
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These are also very classic but I feel like they're a little more well known. If you managed to miss it, Bones Straining is THE fic to read, followed closely by Reach Out. Also, forgot about this ficlet if you're up for a tiny bit of angst.
The Time Traveler’s Prerogative | 9.2K | Explicit
After the events of “117”, Derek doesn’t magically transform back into his twenty-five-year-old body. Instead, he’s stuck as a sixteen-year-old for an unknown amount of time. So the pack has to learn to deal with it.
Reach Out  | 20.2K | Explicit
In Which Stiles Falls in Love Twice…With the Same Person
Released (From Behind These Lines) | 15.9K | Explicit
Stiles was the first one. He doesn’t know how it started, what’s wrong with the house to make it like this, but he knows that he’s the first of them. The next one was Boyd, then Lydia, then Erica, and lastly, Isaac. It seems a habit, anyone who ever moves into the house leaves someone behind. But no one’s lived in the house for the last ten years.
Until Derek Hale.
See Me In Hindsight by weathervaanes, wishingonalightningbolt | 19.6K | Explicit
Stiles is 18 when he finds out exactly what’s going on in Beacon Hills. He has a few months left before he goes off to college, has a while to help Scott become the best werewolf he can be - and also to get into Derek Hale’s pants. And his heart.
Bones Straining Under the Weight  | 15.6K | Explicit
One of Stiles’ favorite things about life is Derek Hale’s food blog. He never expects to meet the man in person.
Stiles is away at UCLA for school. It may only be a few hours from Beacon Hills, but Derek still only visits every once in while. Suddenly, every time Derek even talks to Stiles, the boy just can’t help but bring up his new college BFF, Tara. When Derek visits, jealousy strikes. And make up sex ensues.
Can’t Be Saved (Not So Frail)  | 16.3K | Explicit
In which Kira is Derek’s ward, Stiles is Scott��s brother, and omega heat cycles are good for everyone.
This Kind of Luxe by horchatita394, weathervaanes, wishingonalightningbolt | 15.1K | Explicit
As they have for almost every US President since the 1910s, the Prime Minister and the royal head of their country pay a visit to the United States after inauguration. Which is why, when President Jonathan Stilinski is elected into office, Queen Talia Hale of Norland plans their trip.
For Love is Not Ours to Command | 18.5K | Explicit
Where Derek's skills at thinking on his feet mean that he and Stiles have to act. For the sake of Stiles' dad, of course, for the sake of the pack. No personal interest interference at all, whatsoever. Right.
Like Heaven Catching Lighting | 41.5K | Explicit
Prince Stiles of Cor has always known, somewhere in the back of his mind, that he was never truly going to marry for love. Fighting it has only made it worse. Now, presented with a choice between two children of the Hale family of Ignis, Derek and Cora, he must make the decision to determine who will rule by his side. If only it were that simple.
Sweet Dreams 'til Sunbeams Find You | 9.2K | Mature
But that’s when it happens. Stiles is on a down stroke when Derek opens his mouth against Stiles’ neck and says, “What do you think about having kids?”
Whispers in the Dark | 6.9K | Explicit
Stiles Stilinski would call himself a starving artist except for the simple facts that he is neither starving, nor does he know anything about art (unless you consider a novelist an artist, which Stiles only does sometimes). So when his best friend insists he accompany him to a show in the city, Stiles thinks it will probably be the most boring evening of his life.
Enter Derek.
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awritingotaku · 2 years
The Unspoken Rules of Tumblr
As explained by someone who joined around 2019
Tumblr for all intents and purposes is not like other social media websites. Think the “I’m not like other girls” but they are not like other girls and it’s for the better. Having lurked around different social media platforms for years, I picked up on the spoken and unspoken rules that make this website more bearable than other ones. So here’s a list that will be important to new users.
Block but do not engage. Yes the rule that is understood by much of the user base and I think actually is one of the reasons why fandoms here are actually not that bad. If you remember any rule off this list, make it be this one. Why is this rule so important? Because flame wars often don’t change minds and it just creates a toxic environment. If you find someone that infuriates you, don’t attack them and just block. If they are really bad and pose a threat to people, collect evidence and do a warning post explaining why that person is dangerous but still block them.
Everyone here is a clown, even the famous ones. There is no superiority here. The number of followers you have often connects to how much of a clown you are. Now being a clown here isn’t always bad, many famous ones here make people’s days with their posts, but it’s not a contest here. In fact, fame is often considered a curse and once you have engrained yourself into the collective unconscious, you will mainly be remembered for why you became a famous tumblr clown.
Please hide your likes and follows. Don’t know how that started but it’s a thing here.
Likes do nothing, instead reblog. If it doesn’t fit the theme of your main blog, make a side blog for your reblogs.
Use tags. Tags are key here for both as a blog runner and blog reader. It allows you to quickly sort through things and see what you posted.
You don’t have to censor words like die or sex. We instead have trigger warnings tags that people can specifically block out if they don’t want to see content with stuff like that.
You want to been seen and see cool things, the algorithm is not going to do that for you. Instead you have to actively seek out what tags and blogs to follow to get the content you want. It’s more human and unlike most social media you gotta interact with people. If your feed is negative, it’s likely due to who you follow.
Don’t have a blank blog, the obvious bot usernames, or default profile pics. We are so used to fighting bots that we will auto block because of these. Some bots if you just try to click their username will get you viruses so we are careful.
Never forget the tumblr roots. Superwholock while often thought long dead still has a lasting memory here. It’s the websites heritage. Also add Hannibal and My Little Pony.
There is no cringe here for the most part. X Reader writers are just as valid as the artists here. We are all clowns because we are on this site.
Be kind and remember, people are just as human as you.
This has been you guide to Tumblr! I hope you enjoy this hellsite as much as I have.
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yoonitos · 6 months
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ㅤㅤHave you ever thought about that place that brings or would bring you peace and tranquility on some special or normal day in your life? Or that place with which you feel connected or identified 100%, either because of your personality or do you consider it as a comfort zone to let your thoughts take you to the top?
ㅤㅤSince I say this; This event will require you to make a moodboard with an image of that favorite and comfortable place that you have already gone to or that you want to visit, whether it is Paris, the streets of New York, the beach, the city, a forest, or whether a landscape of a country or city which you want to visit, just let your imagination fly and I just want you to have fun and make beautiful memories and thoughts when you make this moodboard.
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ㅤㅤꭷ  ࣪   ⊹ㅤㅤㅤℐnformationㅤ🪽
ㅤThis event will end on May 1th , so if I see a moodboard after that date it will not be valid.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤTo hold this event there is no need to follow me (only if you want), you have to tag me when you publish it, so I can see it (either on the moodboard or in the comments of it), comment “joining” and reblogging (either in another account that you have of your choice) and tag 2 or 3 people who are encouraged to do it and finally when you publish your moodbard put the hashtag of my event which is:
#ㅤ꒰͡ ㅤ𝒮𝑎𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑦 𝒵𝑜𝑛𝑒 ℰ𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡 : 𝑦𝑜𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑠ㅤ ͡꒱
ㅤIt's your moodboard, you can customize it however you want, whether your moodboard has an image of your favorite artist or not, it doesn't matter.
ㅤYour moodboard has to be 100% yours, if I see that you copy from another moodboard, I will disqualify it. Also be careful if you are going to use things from other blogs without their authorship or credits, for example, dividers, symbols, bios, gifs, images made by those blogs, etc.
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ㅤㅤㅤꭷ  ࣪   ⊹ㅤㅤㅤ𝒫rizesㅤ🪽
ㅤfirst place:
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ100 reblogs (applies for a post you like) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤmini bios pack (of the topic or singer you like) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ4 headers for your blog from the singer, band or characters you want to the theme or color you want .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ5 dividers made by me (in the color or theme you like) .
ㅤsecond place:
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ80 reblogs (applies for the publication you like) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ3 dividers made by me (to your liking) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤtumblr or ig pack (whichever you like, only one, it's your choice) to decorate your blog or profile (to the taste you want) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤmini symbol pack .
ㅤthird place:
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ60 reblogs (applies for the publication you like) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤmini user pack (of the theme, singer or character you like) .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤa moodboard of the singer or character you want .
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤ30 reblogs .
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ㅤㅤꭷ  ࣪   ⊹ㅤㅤㅤℐmportantㅤ🪽
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤdm me to claim your prizes (please don't harass or spam, be patient)
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤI reblog on my secondary account (@yoonitosrb)
ㅤ۫⊹ㅤI will publish your awards on this @yoonitos account and I will tag you in the comments.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤꭷ  ࣪   ⊹ㅤㅤㅤ𝒯agsㅤ🪽
@japnz , @jazzitos , @tookio , @gigittamic , @wiotas , @thsv , @poeticore , @poemale , @poetiqe , @fairytopea , @v6mpcat , @v6que , @nayeist , @ojiito , @obrigados , @p-oisn , @bambicito , @si-eunnis , @koosuvi , @is2bunnies , @agsthv , @alfaire , @florietas , @gaecoo , @fuckici , @iluvrei , @s-heon , @vg-k , @pommecita , @wonlita , @a-sap , @mjngs , @yeritos , @phuoris , @cupcek , @minslune , @also-web .
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 7 months
Since this is currently my most active blog with some followers, just wanted to say a few things:
It's so incredibly depressing to see tumblr sellout to the whole AI shit and try to pacify users by the opt-out toggle option when it mostly likely won't do jack shit. Tumblr has been doing shitty things for awhile now, but out of all old social media it was a last shabby bastion for various weirdos, including a fandom weirdo like me.
I'm just an old silly hobbyist artist who badly draws fanart of old cartoons, but even the idea that my stuff will help train AI to be better to stealing desirable art of actual artists, whose work is their livelyhood is fucking maddening. Opting out won't help (Sources say data is already available to companies). Deleting stuff won't help (tumblr have access to deleted blogs and reblogs put your stuff in reach too). Using Nightshade and Glaze is not a viable option for me (my old laptop's specks is not up to support those programs, and I'm too afraid to try and accidently fry it and than all my shit would be lost) and even those doesn't solve the problems of all of my old stuff across like 7 sideblogs+my old tumblr account's 2 blogs.
Of course, maybe all hope is not lost for tumblr. There may be solutions and decisions later down the line. But for now I probably won't be posting any new stuff for a bit while I decide if I want to stay on tumblr and be complicit in feeding the insidious and insatiable AI machines.
And as alternatives, I created new account for bluesky, and consider pillowfort and cohost to share my random silly art. Even dusted out my old tapas and newgrounds accounts, and consider webtoons and comicfury to post and archive my few comics. Hopefully I will share links in my pinned post when I set whatever I decide up, even if all of it is so exhausting and depressing.
And hey, if you read this so far - just a reminder:
Opt out on that 'share with third parties' toggle like explained here! - it may do jack shit, but its better than nothing.
Write a polite disagreeing feedback to staff like suggested on this post. - remember not all staff had a hand in this, so no need to be rude, but make sure to have your voice be heard.
Use Nightshade and Glaze to poison your art - if you are an artist and are able to do it unlike me. It may not be sure proof way to stop/kill AI, but it sure shows that artists will fight back.
Use ArtShield - an online lowtech alternative to Nightshade & Glaze, puts a stamp/watermark on your art, invisible to humans but supposedly makes AI think its unsuitable to train on. (edit)
And please, take a moment for yourself. Because it fucking sucks.
So, I'm gonna go take a step back and burrow into some hole and cry for all of those who AI fucks over. I won't be gone forever, but for now I'm too frustrated and dissapointed to do anything.
and ALSO just to be fucking clear
fuck you shitty side tumblr I wish you all a fucking hammer car explosion
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vanessalocke · 2 months
Why is official APH France an underrated character?
Today, I would like to repost a post about France that I wrote a long time ago. Please note that this post does not reflect my current views. Next, this is considered my personal blog, so if you disagree, please click back. And this post will only talk about what I (used to) felt about France in the official version, not exactly the France in my current headcanon and fanfic (even though that is the foundation for today).
[This post is controversial and has a personal opinion. If you disagree, just skip over it. But also because this post is mainly to express my secret thoughts that I don't dare tell anyone, so it's completely hypothetical]
Okay, this is a post about why I like APH France, and why I don't see him the way most people see him.
In short, because his aura looks very bright and when he smiles he is very cute (like the photo below).
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I wonder when I fell in love with him, because it's been so many years, I can't remember. I will never be able to remember exactly how I fell.
Yeah pretty sure when people first watch Hetalia everyone thinks he's the typical sweet badboy, some people even say he's ex f^ck boiz and I'm no exception. But... damn, the more I follow this guy, the more I see his stereotype being wrong.
At this point it should be noted that when I talk about APH France, I am talking about France from 2011 onwards. It must be clarified that in the early days of APH, Hima's expression was quite dark. Maybe at that time Hima drew APH to be satirical or something, so not only was the plot quite ironic at times (and a lot of times he was sarcastic wrongly) but also the characters he built were very... But c'mon, MORE THAN 10 years have passed, just 1 year is enough to change people's way of thinking, let alone 10 years. Not to mention, APH does not have a specific plot or spirit to be consistent from beginning to end, so the later APH compared to the first APH has a completely different atmosphere and attitude, otherwise I want to say that APH has almost transformed into a new shape and only takes the first period as the root to develop. APH later became much gentler, lovely and brighter.
(When I wrote these lines, I still liked APH so I still defended it. Oh, what beautiful old days)
And I'll say it straight out that I didn't like the early APH. I also didn't like the way Hima built his characters in the early stages.
Okay, back to the main point. France is a very special character in APH. Why do I say France, not Italy - the central character, Germany - the king carrying the team, or Japan - the artist’s mother country? That's because when I read the early APH comics, I had a pretty clear feeling that the artist didn't like France.
It's not that he hated him, but he didn't like him and looked down on France a bit. Not to mention that Hetalia is strongly influenced by America's point of view and men often dislike France, think that French people are sissy. Basically, back then the way this artist looked at France was no different from the way everyone make memes "the white flag is the flag of France", "France is useless", etc. It was like everyone feels that this guy is very perverted, very annoying, very colorful, like a vase and can't do anything else. But like I said above, more than 10 years is a long process. Although the entire APH series does not have a consistent plot, Himaruya had a "development" in the way he views the main character he created. Partly because this is a series that takes references from real life and is not completely fiction, it is completely understandable for Hima to change the way he builds or even the perspective of his own character.
That's why later on France had a few solo episodes, all the deep emotions were attributed to France - something that is very contradictory to the "dark humor" stories he drew about France in the beginning. I don't know if it was to "compensate" for Himaruya pushing France down too much before.
Anyway, that's about the background. Below I will list the reasons I like this character:
- As for the character's personality, as I said, France has a very bright aura. I'm not talking about literary history or French reforms in real life, but just in the main story alone, I can see that there's something very... intelligent about him. Not trivially clever, but intelligence like, knowing a lot and understanding deeply. The fact that he is sharp and intelligent is also confirmed by the strip where he holds a knife to Prussia's neck and laughs.
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- Then there's the emotional aspect. From Jeanne d'Arc to Napoleon, it is completely obvious that France is a very emotional person, a bit childishly attached to those he loves. Yes, that's right, he always says "I'm the big brother of Europe" but when he's with people he loves, he's EXTREMELY childish, likes to act spoiled, likes to attract attention (For example, he was cheerfully excited when he was with Lisa or was chased by Napoleon).
- France's way of expressing emotions is very vivid. When he is angry, he will say that he is angry; When he feels sorry for himself, he bites the towel; If he likes attention, he acts like a clown;... but never once has he lost his temper to attack others just because he was hurt. I mean, from all the symptoms I've seen in France so far, I can determine that France can be arrogant, picky, and difficult to please, but I've never once felt like he lost control of himself.
- Yeah sure, when he broke into England's house, was talkative, wore a pink dress and had eyelashes, you can see that he no longer has any shame, but I like people like this. Funny, optimistic and extremely confident.
- He really likes to care and take care of others. This is based on:
1. He is very attached to his previous bosses (as mentioned above),
2, He cooks very well, people who like to cook and cook well are people who like to take care of and see joy from others,
3. On America's independence day, he not only patted America's head but also gave him the Statue of Liberty,
4, Italy often confides in France. France also works as a newscaster giving love advice to others, and he is one of the few people who not only is not afraid of Russia but even comes up to ask about the other person's health,
5. Do you remember the Christmas episode where England called and scolded France? That evening France was alone and looked down at Paris. In the episode about a soldier meeting France and wondering about the life and death of the nation, the ending is also a scene of France sitting and watching the flow of people passing by. France is not only proud of himself, he also loves being close to people and
6, I didn't include this but if you want to take an example from APH in the first few years, there is this scene: when England was so sick, France was really panicked and worried. Even without bringing a romantic perspective here, for me it is a genuine concern between human.
- He is mean, meticulous, and profiteering. Damn him. I don't understand how he can play with Spain. One person remembers that people owe him every penny, one person "Huh? Do I have debt? When did I owe it??"
- Actually... sometimes this guy's EQ is unexpectedly low, especially with things related to England. I don't know how, every time England shows a little interest in him, he always "?:D huh? What's going on? You're planning something with me, right? Let's get to the main point, why are you rambling on?". I don't know how many times Mr. Kirkland has sighed at this guy.
- He is only mean to other countries, but to ordinary people he is very gentle and loving. With women, he has distance but is not impolite.
- It looks radical but is actually extremely conservative. In fact, no matter how much his country reforms and changes, he always seems to be somewhat attached to the monarchy, always recalling his past. Not to mention that he is one of the oldest men in Europe, and he is always nostalgic for previous bosses. As an old man and a secret royalist, it can be expected that France is quite a conservative person.
- That's why the aristocratic blood is deeply ingrained in the personality. Except when he is in a joking mood, every scene of Hima drawing France always has something quite aristocratic. Not the type of strict and meticulous aristocrat like Austria, but the type of guy who wakes up and carries his messy hair out into the street but still looks beautiful.
- France has "an iron fist covered in velvet". He seems very easy-going and pleasant. There are many cases where others just need to beg him a little and he will give in. But in the cases where he said no, it meant no. When he is serious, he is very decisive and does not compromise. One time America broke down and asked for a drink, but he firmly refused (Yes, the fact that America doesn't know how to drink alcohol has been confirmed in official). When he met his idol's reincarnation, he disappeared completely after talking, leaving his idol to live her own life. When he collects debt from others, he is also very decisive LOL.
- He is very beautiful in a feminine way. Beautiful in a feminine way to the point of having to grow a beard and body hair to make people feel masculine. I bet he has endured sexual solicitation from old men.
- He has a lot of part-time jobs, from waiter to announcer to stylist. Was hired by England to be a chef at his place for a while => didn't go to work because of lack of money, but because he was multi-talented => liked to go on strike probably because he was "tired of being too good", because he is afraid that the world is not chaotic enough, because he is bored. He's not lazy, because if he was lazy he wouldn't go to work so much, and with his great body, I think he works out quite hard at the gym.
- Sometimes he's quite silly and weird. America just has a childish personality, but this guy is sometimes inexplicably euphoric. He cares too much about auxiliary things like clothes and hair accessories, but forgets about the main things. He argues with people about silly things. When he fights with people, he asks where the fabric comes from to make such beautiful clothes instead of focusing on fighting. When people asked his opinion, he always talked off topic. When people criticize him, he looks away, covers his ears, and whistles, "The weather is so beautiful today." He also raises dozens of silly birds.
In general, this man is not what he appears to be. He looks like a typical Don Juan but in reality he's mostly just an embellishment, seems mature but actually has a very childish temperament, seems to be sociable but is the type of person who can restore his own energy and doesn't need too much human attention. He doesn't seem to care about his appearance but is actually very proud. He seems heartless and shallow but is actually a thoughtful person. He likes to talk off topic, collect debts, drama queen- no, drama king. Extremely crazy and silly.
This guy's mind is so contradictory and complicated that the more I dig, the more interesting things I find.
And that's why Francis Bonnefoy is loved.
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Ps: let me tell you a little about the Zodiac: Francis is a typical Pisces.
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ok guess its time to make a
pinned post
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or whatever (below the cut)
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enjoy my poasts? show me on cshpp or vnmo (i am currently moving so it is appreciated)
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anyways this is the new home of the blogger formerly known as absolvedGravitas! i got nuked. now im back! i'm a native american genderfluid dyke (she/her) in my early 20's and i've been on tumblr on and off since like... 2014 or so. i'm deeply annoying and i'm not sorry. if you see me using we/us to refer to myself its not a system thing i just like using the royal we. reblog nsfw stuff (mostly artistic nudity) so consider yourself warned.
got my history BA (emphases on medieval Islamicate & colonial studies) in may of 2024 🎉
real name rights belong to mutuals only if you use it and we arent mutuals im blocking you <3
yes i have a nsfw sideblog but you need to ask me for it
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^literally me (my fursona is a wabzhashi/marten)
unless were mutuals i prolly wont answer your dms but my ask box is always open
i dont actively vet followers but know that if i catch you following me as a minor i WILL block you
i'm not gonna type up a whole DNI because they never work but just know that i block very liberally and i dont tolerate bigots. if you believe in transandrophobia/transmisandry or don't like the terms tma/tme we won't get along. i check the dni of my followers and block hypocrites so. make damn sure before you follow that im not in your dni.
if you have "[insert identity label] DNI" (for example, "bi lesbians dni") in your dni we wont get along. go away
also please go away if you're into incest ("fauxcest") i'd rather not associate with you.
my main tags are:
#spinning my web - original posts
#caught in the web - asks
#social spiders - mutuals moment!
#👽 - aliens and space stuff
character tags:
#has anyone seen my wife? - posts that remind me of eldfrithr, one of my D&D characters
#dirgeposting - posts that remind me of my BG3 character Dirge
the main takeaway from this post?
my house, my rules
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I dont owe you anything and if you act like I do you can go fuck yourself. This is my blog and I'll do what I want with it.
this post will get updated if and when i feel it needs to be
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streets-in-paradise · 4 months
Hello sweetie ^^
First, I hope you're fine, that's the most important thing.
Second, I don't know if you're taking request or anything right now but my mind was wandering and that's what came by itself:
How would Achilles reacts to a girl who's considered by everybody as a freak? Kind of like Belle in Beauty and the Beast?
If you feel like writing something, or just voice me your opinion, I'm pretty curious to see what you think about that.
I wish you a lovely day,
Val 🌸
Welcome back, dear Val !!
I'm fortunately fine, recovering from a cold ( can you believe that i catched a cold twice on the same month? Damn climate change lol). The worst part of it is over because at least the fever stopped, so I don't feel misserable anymore, only very congested.
First of all, let me remind you that Troy requests are allways open. I keep this special treatment for it on my blog because it's the one thing I write about that I know can't be found easily elsewhere. Since the very first reason why I started writing fic was finding no Troy fics, I never close requests for Troy.
Now is the time when I have to tell you that our minds are working as one, cause I have thought so much about this Idea you sent me before.
Would you believe me if I tell you that I requested this very same thing to another (now sadly deactivated) blog a few months ago? I never got to see it, because the blog deactivated before getting to my request, but the point is we got the same Idea!!
I'm gonna do this as a headcanon list followed by a short fic.
Mycenaean civilization was prior to the invention of books, most of the knowledge was passed trough oral transmission, usually by men, and the writing they did was mostly in clay tablets. So, I'm going to keep the curious dreamer bookworm aspect of Belle adapted in ways that would fit with the period.
*clicks play on a Beauty and the Beast soundtrack playlist and starts typing with excitement*
Achilles reacting to a Belle-like town's freak:
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-As a start, let's not forget that in Greece he is an invincible warrior and, among the myrmidons in particular, the greatest hero that has ever been.
-He is esentially in the position of Gaston, but without most of his negative traits ( like the anti-intellectualism and chauvinism making him an unlikable dick). Aware of being admired as a paradigm of masculine perfection, he gives the people what they want to see in order to make his legend grow.
-Sure, his arrogance can be insufferable sometimes. The cocky bastard walks in knowing the world worships him, but despite of how badly he enjoys it that's part of his hero acting.
-To a Belle-like girl, he would initially appear like a Gaston given the image that his surface projects. All men wanting to be him, all women wanting to have him, and her looking at the whole thing from afar wondering why.
- Very few close friends and family know him privately ( Patroclus, Eudorus, Odysseus and, of course, his mother). For the rest, he remains a mistery. People adoring him think they know him, but they get to see only what they seek from their celebrity.
-The truth is that he is also a bit of a freak, just no one notices because he is the hero of the place. Achilles may be the most popular guy arround, but he is not a comformist and he loves girls that break the mold. ( canonically in the film, Briseis won him over yelling in a room full of men and cuestioning his morals, remember?)
-Yet, everyone in Phthia is quick to judge you as the great local mistery. Girl in age to find a husband, commented to be the most beautifull maiden in the land, but of undeniable strange ways.
-If you would be found following artists, healers, scribes or travellers, it was never on the hope of finding a husband.
-What you wanted was stories, news and knowledge. In his youth, your father had gone in tons of trade trips and his stories inspired you curiosity for the outside world from an early age. He had educated you by himself through the culture a trader adquires with many years of experience in the profession.
-You had a way with words, and to a sweet look of yours and a kind ask many men were willing to instruct you in whatever topic you would want to know about. Some of the few educated men on the city valued your curiosity and showed themselves genuinely friendly to you and your crave for learning.
-Given that Phthia was famous on the country as a land of warriors, this ocassional bonding with a few intellectuals arround was not enough for you to not be perceived as an outcast. The city lammented behind your back how such beauty was wasted in a weird girl whose fingertips were allways stained of wet clay from all the writing.
-Favorite topic of gossiping on the market, or among the groups of women doing laundry near the river shore, you had became infamous as the small town's rarity. People felt bad for your father, claiming he would end up burdened with a spinster till the end of his days, and attributed the blame to the lack of a feminine presence in the home.
-Everyday their stories grew bigger in their attempt to understand you. Stares would follow you everywhere, expectant for the next strange occurence of yours they would get to witness.
-At some point you began to embrace it and seek to confuse your neighbors on purpose. Whenever they would bring up the unconfortable topic with insidious hypocrite subtility, you would respond cheerfully with some more unapologetical rambling you knew that would bore them so they would leave you be.
-Comments lead Achilles to you, since the ill-famed tales of the scandals your reactions cause are the perfect contrast of his celebrated feats.
-The stories he heard did make you look like weirdo, but he could tell you weren't neccesarily the city's calamity. Just a clever, curious girl wanting to be listened. Patroclus confirmed that assumption admitting when asked that you were the first one showing interest in the verses he had been composing and you both have been sharing poetry ocassionally since then.
-Always keeping his cousin away from it under your expressed request, he even defended you from the unfair accusations whenever he could.
-Achilles is thrilled, and soon starts searching for you because he is very curious about meeting you.
-The noises of a crowded market in the morning don't warn you of his arrival like the merry sounds of girls softening the tone of their voices saluting his name in hopes of being noticed.
-Thinking he would stop there, you ignore that and continue your walk, but a strange panic takes over you when you notice he didn't.
-What could he possibly want from you? Was it perhaps because you were the only young girl who wasn't abandoning her daily duties to mindlessly stare at him passing by? His usual admirors were staring daggers at you, unaware that their disbelief was yours too.
-He is not stopping, so you turn back to confront him first and within the very first face to face encounter he is already giving you THAT smile.
-Not the cocky one of when he is about to repeat for a hundred time the story of one of his victories. The softer, more welcoming one.
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What you considered a defensive attitude was hilariously sweet to him. Achilles knew he couldn't expect any less from the beggining given how used you were to being judged by everyone, but that didn't disencourage him.
Arms crossed and a glance of annoyance, only awaiting for an explanation for his not so subtle irruption.
" May I help you?"
Tales failed to accurately describe your beauty, and anger suited you better than what he could forsee. He almost felt bad for spoiling your morning, if that was how you felt about him.
" Indeed, i'm looking for a talented local poetress whose work I got recommended. "
His young cousin being the only attentive audience of your ramblings would someday bring you trouble, and the day seemed to have arrived.
" I don't do epic poetry, my poems are about the simple realities of common people and I nurture my inspiration on the everyday life ... with brief incursions on romantic poetry. In either case, I doubt it would be good enough for the amusement of a great warrior like you. "
He knew exactly what you were trying to do: extending your explanation in a convulsive language hoping he would get bored and leave.
" I like how you speak, I think I could sit at some quiet spot on the beach to hear you talk all day."
The flirting was becoming more obvious, but you trusted in your capacity to politely get rid of him.
" And what could we possibly talk about, may I ask? At risk of hurting your infamous pride, I must say battle stories don't interest me that much."
Being underestimated hurted his pride, but he understood that to get your attention he would have to leave it behind.
" How about history, art, religion, medicine, poetry, music? I play lyre, but I rarely do it in public. What's your favorite instrument? "
The crushing subversion of your expectations made you feel very ashamed. It's not like you actively wanted to misjudge him, but the arrogant man parading across the city that was his typical public self usually left little space for imagination.
" Actually, I have never been taught how to play any. "
Achilles tucked a golden stand of his hair behind his ear like if he would be seeking for an even better visual range to glance at you.
" We can fix that, If you want. "
Exquisitely polite, and you couldn't believe your ears.
" I would love to! ... But I insist in repaying the lessons teaching you something else in exchange. "
He suspected that the mere sight of excitement in your beautifull face as you would explain deep into a topic that interested you would be more than enough payment for whatever he could show you.
" Polymele once described in horror to me what you told her about the strange mortuary rituals of the egyptians. I suspect she didn't transmitted it with accuracy, because you lost her in the evisceration part. "
You chuckled, facing your guilt.
" Do you really want me to describe it again for you?"
In a subtle move seeking proximity, he offered to pick the small basket you carried to see if you would be receptive of his company.
" Why not? Do you sincerely think it could gross me? Or that I could care for the loosing of your lady-like ways? You natural self seems way more interesting that whatever facade the people reclaims you to try fitting in. "
It made you smile and, to his surprise, you took his free hand in clear acceptance for the proposition.
Becoming the envy of every girl for being seen with him didn't matter to you at all, because you couldn't deviate at any moment your focus from the excellent conversation you were having.
Achilles was full of surprises and he made you crave to keep discovering more.
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Hi! I'm not new to Myka and Helena, I remembered them from the 2010s and now watched the show just for them, but I am new to Myka and Helena fanfiction.
Do you know any more fics like this https://archiveofourown.org/works/957200?view_adult=true or vaguely like this?
Is there a big masterlist of good Myka and Helena fics? I've been reading through their tag on AO3, but there are 1600+ fics 😯 so it'll take me a while to read them. I'd like to read some good ones.
Hi and thank you for asking, anon! That fic is great, isn't it! (clickable version of the written-out link anon sent: Resigned to These Histories (We Exist) by journaliar/@snake-juice)
Anon, as far as I am aware, there is no *one* big masterlist.
Several people in this fandom have made their own rec lists over time, of course, from the very beginning. (The older they are, unfortunately, the higher the chance that some links might not work anymore, but you can still try them out!) I have a "fic rec" tag on my main blog (linked in case you want to know the source; that tag contains other fics too, not just Bering and Wells, but all of them femslash), and here are some Bering and Wells specific lists that I've found going through it:
styrofoamtokyo's list, from 2014
tracybering's list of Tracy Bering friendly fics and art, also from 2014
lonely-night's lists from 2017 and 2018
wibblywobblyida's list from 2021
There's also the Ballet AU, a collaboration with multiple fics and pieces of art, from several of this fandom's best authors and artists; highly recommended, masterpost here.
I'm sure there are more fic rec lists slumbering on people's blogs! So here's my call to anyone who sees this post: please link yours!
I myself am trying to assemble recs on an individual basis. Almost a year ago, I tried to make a list of what has been already recommended through this post, but now that is way out of date, of course.
Beyond these lists, the usual tips for AO3 and Tumblr apply (under a readmore for length):
when you found a fic you liked, click on the author's name and see what else they've written for the ship/fandom, see if you like those too
check if that author's bookmarks are public; those are fics that they liked, and maybe you'll like them too
and then with those fics, you can go to *those* authors' profiles and see what else *they* have written - and so on.
Don't forget to bookmark and/or download these fics so that you can find them again. You need to have a user profile yourself to bookmark fics (and that's not the only advantage; I highly recommend it - and remember, you can set your bookmarks to private if you want).
also, please please consider leaving kudos and comments on fics that you've liked - a lot of authors are still active in the fandom/for the ship, and kudos and comments always help us *stay* active, because they tell us that people still enjoy what we create. Even if the specific fic in question is from the early days of the fandom, kudos and comments are always welcome.
same goes for reblogs on Tumblr, be it the above lists, individual fic rec posts, or posts from the authors themselves with or about their stories.
some authors with a Tumblr blog also have a dedicated "my fics" tag or link on those blogs. Always worth clicking through from an individual Tumblr post to the author's blog, and seeing if something like that is on it - and if the author is still actively writing, consider giving them a follow (and reblogging their fic posts; I've heard from so many authors that their fic posts barely get any reblogs at all to spread the word)
I hope that all or at least some of these tips are helpful to you, Anon - there is a lot of great stuff out there, and you're right, it can be a bit daunting to figure out where to start. And hey, it's always okay to click back out of a fic you find you don't like. No harm no foul, even if the fic came recommended; everyone's taste is different! There is no "required reading" that you *have* to have done to be a fan. You already are, no matter how many fics you've read!
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
Seek help.
Please read this as i'm trying to spread awareness. Before you continue, if this landed randomly on your page, i'm a Jikook blog, you do not have to follow me or disregard this post simply because of that as my goal here is to speak up for Jungkook.
Now back to all of you who know me already, it is nothing new to you that i complained many times before about Tiktok Army. Today however for some reason i'm at my breaking point.
When i tell you that Jungkook is but a sexual fantasy to a lot of "Army" i'm not even joking. This image they're trying to give to Jungkook as him being a fuckboy, a player, yada yada, is getting out of hand. The boy is doing his best to get out of that "baby" image many stick to him but that also doesn't mean it gives you the right to objectify him, some people here are forgetting that objectifying doesn't only happen with women so let that be a reminder to you that it can happen to anyone.
Yes Jungkook is exploring different genre, exploring mature concepts but this does not mean that you can use him for your own sexual fantasies, or make comments about him making him sound/look like a pervert.
It's already bad enough that hater made up a rumor about him that many dumbasses believed without checking how they were trending that Jungkook was a SA'er and now "Army" making comments that aren't helping this sick agenda either.
In KBS the photocards that were gifted to those who attended had "Our Army whom i want to see in 3D" written at the back of it, it should be cute considering how much Jungkook would remind us that he really appreciates Army and is so thankful towards them. The expression simply meant that he wants to see Army in real life, but going ahead and linking it to the meaning of the song.. I don't know if people are aware of the shit they are insinuating with that.
And if you still don't know let me spell it out for you: You are insinuating that Jungkook is asking random people to see them in compromising positions, see them sexually, the people aka the fans. A gentle reminder that some idols had scandals when it comes to ACTUALLY indulging in sexual acts with fans or sexual remarks towards fans that made them uncomfortable. So you over here mindlessly making comments about Jungkook that might be taken so wrongly by people is insane.
Be mindful of what you say, i feel like whatever Jungkook decides to do many people here makes him regret his decision. He decided to share snippets of him at the gym, did a live there: Stalked. He decided to do lives from home: Stalked. He decided to try to interact more with Army's comments: Disrespectful comments. He decided to explore mature concepts for his solos: Overly sexualized and objectified.
There's a difference between being open minded about sex and sexy concepts and actually only seeing a person as that, making it their whole personality. Need i remind you that Jungkook is an artist too? Before you forget that he's just your sexual fantasy, your out of a manhwa wet dream, he is also a singer, an artist, a performer, someone who works hard not for you to only see his dick.
And it's funny to me because these same people would call you close-minded simply for seeing him as a human, you know, something he himself have said before that he too is a human. These same people would call you immature for actually seeing more than just "sex" in him, these same people would call you a kid or a grandma for not making sick comments about him.
All that and they still do not realize that being mature is being completely okay with the fact that Jungkook is a grown ass man and isn't the virgin weeb many can't help but think he is, that he is an adult who knows what sex is and can sing about it if that's what he wants to, that he is capable of choosing the mature concept without making him a player.
I feel like more than other members Jungkook is always the target of so many fucked up things, whether it's rumors, or stalking, or nasty comments, or or or. I've talked previously about how i was surprised during TMA seeing how many people didn't even bother with Jungkook from the beginning, and i'll say it again i thought that i'll have a hard time with both my biases i thought that it'll be a tough competition and i'll be left there not knowing which direction to take just for me to realize that many people never even bothered to vote for him to begin with.
Many people would rather read fictions about him, very sick fictions actually, would rather make Y/N povs on tiktok, make edits about him that would gather some very nasty comments than actually properly support him.
Many people don't even want to support him on what HE himself literally said, spelled out from his own mouth. Many people want to make decisions for him and would fight people who truly care for him and defend him and what he said because apparently to these people what Jungkook said himself is not good enough so they feel the entitlement to decide for him all while telling those who care to "Not decide for him" Ah.. The irony.
Because one more reminder, i will not let you forget that some people are up until this day, still negotiating Jungkook's enlistment and how he can still go later maybe even in 2028 ignoring the many times Jungkook himself said that he will enlist soon, that he can't wait to reunite with the members in 2025.
I don't know where the disrespect, where the audacity, where the bravery is coming from, but seriously Jungkook is way too kind for some people, like.. WAY TOO DAMN KIND. Just because he said he wanted us to be friends with him it doesn't mean that some boundaries are meant to be crossed. Just because he is a man, it doesn't mean it gives you the right to treat him like something that you own, if he was a woman i want to see if those same people would still make comments about him that way.
Men can be harassed too, men can be sexualized too, men can be objectified too. Him wanting to be the grown up that he is doesn't give you the right to mold him into a filthy image out of your own fetishes.
Please have some respect for that man, support him for who he is, not who you want him to be.
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putschki1969 · 3 months
hello, thanks for uploading the audio rip of kaji fes day 1 and 2! is it possible if you make a ISO image rip of the Bluray and create a torrent file for it ? :) we usually download some ISO from jpopsuki just few days after release but somehow nobody have uploaded ISO of kajifes there yet XD
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Hello there. Sorry for the delay, I've been holding off on replying to your question for a while. To be fair, when I saw this in my inbox just a DAY after my response to the Kaji Fes. MP3 ask, I was more than a little annoyed.
It's not like your message is inherently rude or anything (in fact, it's a bit more polite than the usual stuff I get) but it tells me TWO things about you:
You either purposefully ignored everything I wrote in that Kaji Fes. MP3 post or you never actually saw my original post and got the download link from someone who reposted it to another site. If you had made an effort to read my response from a few days ago, you would know that I always planned to share rips but first, I needed to receive my package. People are really out there thinking I have immediate access to everything. That is a misconception! The truth is, just like so many of us, I am at the mercy of endless shipping/customs procedures and have to wait very long for stuff to arrive at my place. Then I need to find the time to do all the ripping/encoding while working a full-time job and also having a life.
You've never actually visited my blog and thought it would be a good idea to use your first time here to make a huge request. I seriously doubt that you are one of my regular followers or lurkers because in all of my years running this blog, I've never ever provided t0rrents so I have no idea where you would get that idea from. Yes, I share a lot of content but I do this by uploading reasonably HQ files in converted formats to Google Drive for archival purposes. Early on, I considered providing ISO files but they proved to be too troublesome to handle on a personal cloud (they take too long to upload/download and use up way too much storage space - I already pay more than enough for my current plan). Also, I wholeheartedly believe that those who want raw files should simply BUY the Blu-rays and do the ripping themselves. You can't have high standards like that and not be willing to invest the necessary money and time. Contrary to what people may believe (based on the content I share), I am a big proponent of supporting artists by buying their releases. My main goal is to make life easier for overseas fans who struggle to overcome the countless hurdles between us and Japanese media but that certainly doesn't entail providing everything in the highest quality imaginable. To sum things up, all you can ever expect on my blog are encoded files which should have high enough quality to satisfy the vast majority of people.
Anyway, enough about that. I have good news! My package FINALLY arrived yesterday. BANZAI! Depending on how busy I am, I will hopefully be able to get the files uploaded by Thursday *fingers crossed*
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nobrashfestivity · 2 years
I hope this does not resonate with some meanness that i do not intend but I feel i should make a brief statement here about who I *Ahem* block.
 I want to say first that most of you are great, real art lovers, people with interesting facts and insights and personal stories that enhance everyone’s appreciation. I’m grateful my followers here are these people, many of you have great blogs that have introduced me to things I didn’t know about,  but there are a couple of things I just don’t like to see here.
Most of these categories are obvious, bigots, hateful speech etc., but something less onerous that does get on my nerves after a while, are people that feel a need to talk about how bad the art is. I know this may seem minor and it’s a free country and all that, but it bothers me on couple of levels to the point where if it keeps on happening, I block the people doing it. I’m sure this is not great offense to them and most of them probably never even notice, but I’ll just explain why, not be grandiose, but to avoid further misunderstandings.
The main issue is a pretty broad internet trend, which is the idea that if you have an opinion, you must share it. There’s nothing wrong with your opinion and in fact i have posted art myself that I don’t particularly like but I find interesting or significant in some way. Thought provoking is a good category itself even if it does not check your aesthetic boxes. But i’d ask people to examine what is supposedly added, outside of ego satisfaction, by showing up just to try to knock holes in something other people enjoy.  I’m not talking here about a discussion. I think discussions are great about why someone likes or doesn’t get something. God knows I have a long list of art I can’t stand and am happy to chat about it. But, what I don’t do is find Jeff Koons paintings on tumblr and reply to them all “Garbage”. As tempting as that might be,  It’s not adding anything and it might be inhibiting to someone from discovering something new they might like, when they have to read random hatred about it. i know it seems like a mild thing but I think it’s good for all of us to remember we don’t hold the definitive stance on art. 
I find this particularly absurd and egotistical when it comes to everyone’s favorite easy target, abstract expressionism. You don’t have to like it! But Mark Rothko painted his last painting over 50 years ago. I guarantee you every learned pro or con is already on the books. Your “My kid could do that” comment embarrasses you, not him. It’s an annoyance to everyone to get these “I’m an artist and...”. Trust me, everyone is an artist, it’s not a special taste license. And, it also brings up the obvious point that, formalistically, your argument on de Kooning has no merit. Basically arguing that the only good painting is the one that really, really looks like the thing it is supposed to represent is, at best, an intellectual house of cards.
So please let people enjoy what they enjoy. I came late in life to certain things  like On Kawara, who didn’t make a lot of sense to me until I saw in person how beautifully he painted. In sense there was a line for me to Japanese art traditions of craftsmanship that I already admired and he was following. It lent weight to his presentation of conceptual art. It became not just the idea but the beauty of the object and that made me love him. 
Mostly, artists are just trying to express themselves and if they don’t do it in exactly the way you prefer, consider chalking that up to a difference in opinion.
As Orson Welles said, “When in doubt, don’t do anything.”
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ophernelia · 4 months
There’s so many people that follow me and have no idea what I do lmao. Not to mention it’s a lot of new people here too, so lemme do an updated introduction!
Helloooooo, I’m Brooklyn! I’m director and artist. I do both traditional art and 3D art. Recently I’ve started making poorly made free cc for TS4 that you can find over on @kiricheu. I post updates on stuff I’m working on here sometimes, but most stuff you’ll see on this blog is for my machinima series, Lykaia. Every single character you see on my page (that I’ve made ofc) is from said series. Most cc I post on Kiricheu is stuff I’ve just made for the series also. I’ve played TS4 for years (since it came out actually. and the sims in general too. My first game was TS2) but since I’ve started my series creating it is the only way I play really. Everything we do over here we do for Lykaia, girl. Go watch it.
Content stuff done, now onto personal stuff! I’m an Afro-Latina who can’t speak Spanish well. (Yes. I am a disappointment lmfao) I’m from Chicago. (Southside baby <3) I’m a research psychologist. I love my job. Proud member of the APA. I’ve lived a thousand different lives already so sometimes I’ll talk about old stuff I used to do. Like modeling, fashion stuff. (I was deep in the industry for a while until I left after getting tired of creeps.) Ummm I’m bi, but I currently have a boyfriend. I talk about him sometimes. If you ever see me say “my son” I mean my dog. Don’t want kids ever. Idk what else to put lol. I like to curse. Like a lot. Idk I’m pretty vulgar, but I try to keep it tame on here somewhat. I don’t consider myself a content creator like that. Just a girl sharing the shit she does, so I do talk my fair share of shit if something bothers me. I’m nice generally though. Unless you say something stupid, racist, sexist, etc. Don’t like racists, don’t like bigots, don’t like copycats. It’s tacky behavior and I will check you, with love tho. Sometimes lol. Idk I don’t bite. Unless you want me to. Don’t tell my man I said that either. Oh! I’m also autistic so that’s that lol. Also incredibly awkward. I also like talking about pop culture stuff too sometimes. So you might see a little of that here and there. I am also very vocal about Palestine and the plight of marginalized groups, so you’ll see a lot of that too. Lots of stuff about the black experience and black activism too because offline I’m an activist. I do a lot of community outreach with a few different orgs! (Proud member of the association of black psychologists. <333 Shout out to them specifically.)
And I think that’s it. Maybe idk. Anything else you wanna know then just ask!
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 11 months
Semantic Error | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter 4
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Based off of Semantic Error (bl) by J Soori Summary: Jungkook asks to spent time with y/n as friends Pairing: Techie inexperienced fem!reader x Artist fuck boy Jungkook Word Count: 1.2k~ Warnings: Nothing really, Jungkook is just being annoying and flirty a/n: This is just a tiny bite of the story since I haven't updated it in almost 5 days... oops. I'm spending time at my sister's house for the next few days but I should be able to work on posting more on Monday :) Read from the beginning
Days after my reconciliation with Jungkook I find myself thinking of the possibility of asking him if he would consider working on the game with me again but that would require me to swallow my pride. I'm not really in favor of that option so I decide to wait until he brings it up... if he brings it up.
I could always put up a flyer in the visual arts department asking if anyone would be interested in joining. I'm saying it here and now, I will never crawl back to him, if he sees that I'm still looking for a designer and ends up being interested then he can beg me to be a part of the project again. 
Either way as long as I get a new one by the end of the week then I don't care who I work with. As long as they have a good work ethic and their character design doesn't suck and they can keep to deadlines and... well maybe it might be a bit harder to find someone to fit the bill than I thought it would, knowing that people tend to be very unreliable and unpredictable creatures. I don't want to go through what I went through with Hana cancelling on me again. I guess the only way to really try to find someone is let people know about it.
Calculating all the pros and cons of what the result might be depending on my methods I decide fliers with my contact information would be my best bet. I'll just place it on some sort of bulletin board and hope for the best. If that doesn't work I'll resort to some sort of digital announcement. Opening the program I plan to use I notice that I've received a friend request on sns. Pulling it up I'm greeted with a follow request from Jungkook which I find strange but I accept it nonetheless. Soon after I get a DM from him in my inbox. 
'Hey pretty, I didn't realize you had social media, I guess this means we're friends now that we're following each other :)' I roll my eyes at his pathetic excuse at flirting.
'Last I checked you followed me, I haven't followed you yet' I say putting him in his place.
'Yet ;)' shit I should've just ignored him. 
'Come on y/n just follow me, I promise my account isn't some narcissistic blog or anything, plus next time we see each other I want to take a picture with you and post it! I like posting pictures of my friends!' he says and I can feel his smile through the phone and I roll my eyes at the thought.
'You have to ask for my consent before posting anything' I reply ultimately giving into him since there's no harm done with clicking a single button. 
'Okay I got it. Hey can we meet up in the library tomorrow? I wanted to spend some time with you. I know you end up spending a lot of time in there anyways so I just thought that maybe we could study together, especially since we taking Chinese together' he says waiting for my permission to give him another place to annoy me in.
'What makes you think I would want to study with you?' I say hoping to brush him off.
'y/n I'm your TA , I've see all of the work you've turned in' he teases.
'What's that supposed to mean?' I ask offended at what he's implying.
 'It means that you write like a child. Plus your accent when you speak isn't the best either. I could tutor you if you'd like ;)' he responds, simultaneously offering his help while also insulting me. 
'Pass' I say frustrated with his attitude.
'I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I just like thinking about what you might look like while you're responding to me. You probably have your brows pinched together looking utterly offended and maybe even blushing from embarrassment' 
'I'm not embarrassed!' I retort.
'Why don't you look in the mirror pretty, I've got you blushing without even being there don't I' I get up frustrated, determined to prove him wrong but to my disgust I see my cheeks with a light dusting of pink. 
'Fuck you' I reply indirectly confirming his suspicions.
"Anyway do you want to meet after the class you have after Chinese?' he suggests.
'Aren't you in that class too?' I question annoyed by the memory of him taking my spot for the second time that day.
'No I dropped the class, there was no way I was gonna stay in it and bring down my gpa, I just wanted to annoy you for a bit' he admits.
'Do you have another class after Chinese?' I ask curious as to what he'll do while I'm in class.
'Oh no I'm done for the day after that :)' he sends
'So you're just gonna wait around for me until my hour and a half class ends and then spend even more time studying together? Don't you have something better to do with your life?' I question, confused as to why he would do that. 
'Not really, I just wanna spend some time with you. I wanna be friends remember?' he send with no hesitation.
Is this what friends do for each other? Waste a whole day waiting for your class to finish just to then tutor them afterwards just because you want to 'spend time with them'?
'You Jeon Jungkook are an enigma' I respond not bothering to acknowledge his continued efforts to establish a friendship with me for some odd reason. 
'Thank you? Anyways what's your answer pretty?' he prods, not satisfied with my evasion of his proposition. 
'First off stop calling me that, second I'll be there from 3-6 are you prepared to stay for that long?' I question trying to get him to rescind his invitation. 
'Yep, I'll make sure to clear my schedule, see you then pretty ;)'
I groan audibly at his antics and close out the app. I guess this whole flyer situation can wait until tomorrow since he's given me a splitting headache from all of this. Who knows maybe he'll bring up the game tomorrow so I won't have to make them or swallow my pride, therefore making him come crawling back to me since he seems so eager to spend time with me. 
Taking a deep breath to clear my mind I decide to go to bed early to prepare myself for the mystery this is to be my day tomorrow. My days used to be the same week to week, month to month through out my life with minor changes to my class schedules since I've been in college but ever since Jeon Jungkook decided to walk into my life it has been anything but ordinary.
I'm used to scheduling things down to the very minute and that has worked well for me. It's set me up for success in my schooling but also as an adult. My life is what some people might call boring but I find peace in my calculated existence. Whereas Jeon Jungkook rolls with the punches and lives in chaos. My world is in black and white and his is in color, my life is routine and his life is creative. Why has someone like him taken an interest in me when I'm the exact opposite. Why can't he just leave me alone? I guess the real question I should be asking is why can't I get him out of my head? 
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