#.why did i misspell prosthetic.
legofemme · 1 year
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Dragon i dont . Actually have yet but i WILL. Her name is nadakhan as a joke (She is a soul stealing, wish granting pirate. You get the joke. You laugh)
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danksy-ns · 6 months
Zay and Ren reconciliation :
> full scene written under the "keep reading" button !
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> The scene is written in collaboration with the amazing @turtldogladee !
> It's been 1 year and a little more since they last saw each other, when Ren broke up with Zay. The turtle still doesn't know to this day why it happened. Zay tried to move on but still feels hurt.
> The scene happens a while after he lost his leg, he now walks properly with his prosthetic leg. At this moment, he was running errands for Donnie in the hidden city.
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Zay moved to the door, but found a familiar face in his way. He stopped short and stepped back, as if to verify he was really seeing him.
“Hey, Zay.” Ren waved at him awkwardly, and even dared to smile. Zay’s insides twisted. He thought about pushing Ren out of his way, but quelled the urge. He didn’t like that it came from a place not rooted in anger.
He didn’t want to admit he still felt hurt.
It must have shown on his face, since Ren dropped both stupid gestures and turned solemn. “Yeah, I-I get that…You got a minute?”
“For what?” Zay asked. After the last minute he was asked for, he didn’t feel keen about giving another one to Ren ever again.
“To talk.” Ren’s ear twitched and he palmed the back of his neck, staring to the left, up, down, obviously avoiding eye contact. Zay hesitated. What did Ren have to be nervous about?
“Please, Zay?”
“Fine. One minute.” Zay relented, despite all the clamoring in his head to tell Ren off like the misspelled tattoo of a man he was.
And so there he was, sitting on a cold park bench, miserably waiting to hear what he had no reason to expect would be an apology. Maybe he hated himself. Why else would he have agreed? Because he was stupid. Desperate.
And Ren still hadn’t said anything! Why?!
Zay’s heart pumped so hard with anxiety, he thought he might hack it up right there onto the sidewalk. This was so, so incredibly stupid. He didn’t want to be here. He didn’t want to hear what else Ren had to say.
“I’m really sorry for how things went down, Zay, truly.” 
Zay laughed and snapped his teeth together to silence it, scaring even himself with how manic it sounded. “The fuck you are.” The fuck he was. If he was sorry, then where was he for the last year and change? Where was the sorry he needed to hear when he was crying his heart out alone in his bed, hiding the noise in his hands so his brothers didn’t hear, tearing himself apart in search of the flaw that made him unwanted?
He craved that sorry. Now that he had it, he wanted to break it over his knee and throw it away. “What’s your next line? I deserve someone better? Thanks, but the people who actually care about me have already let me know." 
“You do deserve someone better !” 
Zay was on his feet. And shouting. Embarrassing. “Well, maybe I don’t give a shit! Maybe I just wanted you!”
He shook with it, the intense emotions that leaked out despite all his white knuckled effort to keep them in, summoned by Ren’s godforsaken presence. He looked at Zay with the gentlest eyes and most sincerely guilty gaze, still sitting on the bench. “I wanted you, too.” Ren said and Zay stepped back. 
Is he toying with me ? 
Zay balled his hands up into fists but willed them to stay at his sides, docile. He had agreed to talk. “Then why?” 
“I couldn’t stay with you.”
“That’s not an answer! You know what? I’m out. I don’t need more of your bullshit clogging up my life.”
Ren stood up. “Zay, wait!” 
“No! I don’t want to hear anything you have to say!” 
Zay turned away but something tugged him back. He looked down. 
Ren was holding his wrist. 
Zay’s skin prickled all the way up his arm. Exhilaration flooded him. 
He missed Ren’s touch. 
Disgust oozed around his hand. 
He shouldn’t have missed it. 
Outrage burned behind his eyes. 
How dare he. 
Zay leaned back against it and got ready to break free and unload everything, but Ren opened his fat, stupid mouth and blurted out, “I was trying to protect you !” 
Ren got lucky. He found one of the few phrases to cut through the red haze. “You have ten seconds to elaborate.”
“Big Mama was gunning for you. She wanted me to help her. She was gonna use me, but I wasn’t gonna let her do that.”
“What?” He blanked on anything else to say. So many reasons had plagued him: his past, his personality, his appearance but never that. He never thought Ren would’ve been motivated by… 
Ren’s voice pulled him out of the spiral. “She knew we were together. She was just waiting for a chance to use it to her advantage, and when you left the Nexus, she tried to make me— I mean, she wanted me to…”
Zay twisted his hand until he could get a grip on Ren’s and pulled until the distance between them was closed and Ren had to look him in the eyes now. 
Ren ducked his head to not loom. He looked so beaten down. Zay reached up and brushed his hand against Ren’s cheek, his heart twisting when his ex just leaned into it so openly. “Did she hurt you?” He asked, scared of the answer. 
“No,” Ren murmured and covered Zay’s hand with his own. Now he’s got both, so Zay was stuck but he didn’t feel like that was a reason to panic. “She threw a tantrum, made some threats but nothin’ came of it.”
“Oh, I doubt that’s all she did! If she hurt you—“ 
“Once she knew you weren’t coming back for me, she gave up. I’m okay. Really.” 
“I thought you were the world’s biggest jerk this whole time,” Zay’s throat felt dangerously tight with some kind of feeling. Ren took both of his hands and held them, like they were something sacred, and hovered close, their foreheads a breath away from touching. “Why didn’t you say something, Ren?”
“And unleash the beast on her? You’re amazing, Zay, but her- she’s terrifying and she would’ve put you in a cage the second you set foot in the hotel. I couldn’t let a confrontation happen.”
Zay's chest compresses at the way Ren’s voice hushed around the word terrifying. 
Ren started to ramble. Zay could feel him shaking, all the way down to his hands. “You took too much from her. She wanted to take everything from you. You would’ve ended up in the Nexus or worse until—“ 
Ren went quiet, like saying it out loud was too much, too real, too close. 
He spoke in barely a whisper next. “I panicked. And— and I hurt you. I knew if I did, you’d stay away and without me around, you’d be safe. You’ve been through enough already.”
If you only knew. 
If you’d been there,you’d know. 
He couldn’t undo so much hurt over so much time in a one minute conversation. 
Zay stepped back and slumped onto the bench, right where he’d started. He felt stuck. His head was clogged up with starchy cotton. Dark thoughts brewed. 
If Ren was protecting him, who was protecting Ren? 
Not me. 
Failure tasted like metal. 
Idiot. Stupid, useless fucking loser, he needed you !
Zay grunted, choked on the internal vomit his brain was retching up all over the metaphorical carpet. 
“I’m sorry.”
“You said that.” 
“I mean it. I’m sor—“ 
“I forgive you, now stop.” 
“Do you?” Ren asked and the tender concern in his voice, god dammit, it sank deep into Zay’s soul and his throat slammed shut and his eyes burned. 
“Ye-ah.” He said and cringed inwardly at how deafening the break in his voice was. “I blame Big Mama. Not you, Ren.” 
“It’s nice to hear you say my name and not be upset with me,” Ren smiled and held Zay’s hand a little tighter, and a little closer, like he was thinking about getting cozier. 
“Who says I’m not still upset?” Zay asked hoarsely, only half serious. He ignored the traitorous, warm tears slipping down his cheeks without control. “Do I look upset?”
“You look like you need a hug.”
Faint cedar, something sweet, something familiar finding its way home after too long. Zay hauled in a deep breath and every sob he tried to choke back flooded out against Ren’s shoulder. 
Ren hugged him tighter, and Zay held onto him ruthlessly, projecting all his will out to the universe that this wasn’t going to be a last hug. He missed Ren so much that his skin ached with it. Then the bastard moved his hand and cradled Zay’s cheek and the ache fled into the ether. He melted. He absolutely, thoroughly, hopelessly happily melted. 
Ren laughed, like he knew exactly what was up. 
They didn’t budge for an undetermined amount of time. They weren’t counting the seconds; they didn’t care to. They stayed for as long as they wanted, and it was left at that. 
“Ren,” Zay muttered, idly petting his thumb over the ivory spot pattern above Ren’s jugular. 
“Mhm?” Ren leaned back enough to look at Zay and they locked, sharing the air between their breaths, seeing the same thought in the others eyes. What follows a hug? 
Zay’s phone chimed loudly and jolted them both out of it. 
“Is that important?”
“It better not me.” Zay growled and checked his phone. “It’s not.” Fucking Leo. “No, don’t— ugh.” And Leo was calling him now. 
“Dude,” Zay said when he answered. “Crazy people wait longer to call after an unanswered text.” 
“Where’re you at ?”
“The Hidden City. Is there a reason you’re calling?”
“Grumpy gus–”
“Leo,” Zay said warningly, hinting at him to get to the point.
“We were just wondering what the hold up is. Also, Donnie wants his stuff. Everything all good ?”
Zay had a feeling Donnie was standing right there asking about it, too. He looked at Ren and mouthed sorry at him. Ren gestured like he was asking if he should go. Zay quickly grabbed the front of his flannel to keep him in place. “Everything’s great, just don’t call me for, like, half an hour.”
Ren huffed.
“Two hours. I’ll be back home before Donnie starts climbing the walls.”
“Two hours?! Zay, are you sure you’re okay? I can meet you. Super reliable, remember ?”
“No!” Zay said far too quickly. Ren muttered smooth and Zay elbowed him to shush. “I just had something unexpected come up. I’m a big boy, I can handle it, so you can relax.”
“I’m just thinking about if something happens and you’re alone…”
“One, thank you for worrying about me, Dad.”
“Two, I’m not alone.”
Ren took his hand and Zay swore he felt like a warm sunbeam just opened up above him. “I’ll see you soon. Bye.” and hung up before Leo could cram another word in. “Sorry about that.”
“That’s okay. He sounded worried about you.”
“Ugh, I swear, he’s one step away from cutting up my hot dogs for me. He means well, though. Do you think I should get him a cat or something?”
“A purse dog should fill the void. So. We got two hours before your curfew. What do you wanna do?”
“I don’t care, I just wanna make you pay for it and it’s gotta be somewhere inside because it is fucking freezing.”
In two seconds, Ren shucked off his jacket, dumped it on Zay’s shoulders, and excitedly led him towards the nearest source of hot drinks, joined by the hand.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 1, Poll 13
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave here.
Jedidiah A.A. Martin-Camp Here and There
refuses to label his sexuality but BOY does he like men (looking at Mr Sargent for this one :3) also has ADHD! but its not known how attention deficient or hyperactive he is
also is a stupid cringefail loser who I want to push down a slide that's been fermenting in the sun all day during summer <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Raised in a religious yet wealthy household, Jedidiah Abraham Adonias Martin--also known as "Jed", "Jeddie", "The archivist", "The clockmaker", or various misspellings and mispronunciations of his name--refuses to label his sexuality, but BOY does he like men (looking at Mr Sargent for this one), and also has ADHD! He may have dropped out of medical school and is "too repressed to write poetry", but he's still one of the camp nurses, alongside Sydney October Sargent! After talking to a bunch of birds, we found out that Jedididididiah will die on a Thursday (not a spoiler as of writing this). It has also been confirmed that he has a photo of Sydney on his desk (aww) and he plays D&D. Oh, and he's terrified of all things shelled. Would you like a snail as you think about voting for this loser? (affectionate)
Submitted by @spud-the-stupid
Ballister Boldheart-Nimona (Film)
He has a boyfriend (and then they have a sort-of-breakup but they're back together by the end) and he has a prosthetic arm.
He’s gay and missing an arm.
He’s explicitly gay, in love with a man. He loses his arm then builds himself a prosthetic while on the run like a badass.
His boyfriend cut his arm off :( he uses a prosthetic now. His arm got chopped off after being falsely accused of killing the queen, he spends the rest of the movie with a prosthetic metal arm. His arm was also chopped off by his lover, Ambrosius Goldenloin, during said false assassination.
Canonically has a boyfriend and built his own prosthetic
Qualifies by both being canonically disabled (amputee) + canonically gay
Please plz plz vote for him
His boyfriend cut off his arm. He made himself a prosthetic. He used his arm to block someone’s sword. He kissed his boyfriend. He has sad wet cat eyes, which isn’t relevant but still. He has them.
He’s so GOOD even though he’s having like the worst day ever (specifically talking about movie but webcomic also applies). He has the biggest wettest eyes how can you not root for him????
People love him! He kinda looks like a sad, poor little cat. A real soggy wet kitten man.
Let's see. He and Ambrosius are lovers, or at least boyfriends, from the moment they're introduced. Ballister gets his arm chopped off by Ambrosius during the false assassination. Ballister spends the rest of the movie trying to convince Ambrosius and the kingdom of his innocence, with a metal arm replacing his missing one. It originated the phrase "Arm Chopping is not a love language!" Did I mention he's a main character too?
Is a science nerd, built his own prosthetic arm with his non-dominant hand, accidentally adopted a trans chaos demon of a 1000yo being
A knight, Nimona's best friend and father figure of sorts, but the plot mostly revolves around him- Ballister is framed for murder and has to hide while trying to figure out who framed him and how to prove he's innocent. Nimona becomes his sidekick (he didn't want one, she just showed up at his place one day like a very chaotic stray cat) and together they form a great duo against the corrupt government. This is complicated by Ballister's ex Ambrosius, who accidentally cut off Ballister's arm and is a bit brainwashed by government propaganda. Oops. You should watch Nimona it's great 💞🦈
Submitted by @foulfirerebel (fifth person) and at least 7 others.
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abarbaricyalp · 1 year
Angel in the Centerfold
Rated E // 8.6k words // AO3
Professional baseball player Sam, professional rugby player Bucky, a sports magazine Body Issue, lots of unresolved history
The dummy copies came in a few days before the debut and dinner. These were the kinds of things people could point out a misspelled name or complain about a bad photoshop job. It was also where publicists could leak out interview details and athletes could accidentally post a snippet of a picture to social media. It may seem like a parasitic relationship with the magazine, but that early-access attention and buzz helped sell more copies than the prestige and history of the issue.
Sam hadn’t looked at it yet. He’d grabbed the mail before running out to a practice and left it in the kitchen. He was not surprised to come home and find Riley flipping through it. Well, flipping might be generous. He was staring at one page with a fine eyebrow raised intently.
“Did they edit out the gap in my teeth?” Sam asked, setting his things aside and dumping his keys and earbuds by the door. 
“You made such a fuss out of it the one time it happened, I don’t think anyone else will ever make that mistake again,” Riley said drily.
“And I’ll throw a fit again if it ever does.”
“Can I go to the dinner with you?” he asked suddenly.
Sam looked up at his friend with, first, delight and then apprehension. “Why?”
“Well, you just said everyone would be there, right?”
“Should be. It’s part of the contract. Minus, y’know, professional commitments or whatever.” Sam eyed him warily and tried to see what Riley was staring at. Riley snapped the magazine shut.
“Good. Let’s go. You’re right. I should see some of the guys again.”
“Give me the magazine,” San demanded, swiping for it around Riley’s shoulders.
Riley kept it out of his reach for a few seconds before he hissed and ducked his head out of the way, handing the magazine off in favor of getting an ice-pack brace for his neck. “You’re on page 43.”
Sam flipped to the page. Stared at himself, blushed, then stared some more. They’d used both pictures that Sam liked, one on each page of the spread while the interview ran down the center columns. He skimmed that for inaccuracies too, though he had a publicist for that.
“This looks fine. Why are you…” He flipped the page and came up short.
Grinning back at him was a ghost from the past. Sam’s brain was only supplying thighs thighs thighs thighs thighs thighs thighs thighs as a running monologue, so he wasn’t sure he was really staring at his first college boyfriend. Except that wasn’t really true either. He’d know Bucky with his eyes closed probably.
Bucky’s professional career was even more twisty-turny than Sam’s was next to Riley. He’d moved across the world to play rugby of all things, had played professionally for a few years, had an accident that lost him his arm, played in a para-league for a few years, and then petitioned to be allowed back into the professional league. He’d moved more to keep playing rugby than Sam had moved to play baseball.
They hadn’t kept up with each other. The break up was…not bad. The fully-expected couldn’t be bad, could it? But maybe that was the issue. Maybe neither of them really expected the other to go pro or to move so far away. Maybe they’d been hoping it could all work out for them. But it hadn’t and they’d parted a little coldly and distance and fame were a hell of a thing. Sam had thought about reaching out when he’d heard about the accident, but it felt hollow. Bucky didn’t reach out with Riley’s a few years later.
And now he was staring up at Sam with a wide grin and a wink. The image was longways across both pages, like a damn centerfold poster, and it made him look even taller than Sam remembered him being. He was broad as hell. He’d always been muscular, but in a contained way. Now he looked like a tree. In the image, he was wearing his shiny metal prosthetic. Two straps criss-crossed over his chest to hold it in place. It made him look like a gladiator. He was holding the ball over the important bits, but that absolutely did not hide any part of his thighs.
He had not had thighs like that in school.
“Yeah, that was approximately my reaction too,” Riley agreed and Sam startled back into awareness. He didn’t want to know how long he’d been staring at the picture or how slack-jawed he’d been the whole time. “You have to take me to meet him.”
“No way. I had no idea he’d be there. I mean, I didn’t even know they brought in international players for this. Hang on, maybe I can convince someone to have batting practice with me that night.”
“Nuh-uh. No way,” Riley said quickly, snagging the magazine back from Sam. “You’re going to that dinner and you’re gonna talk to him.”
“I don’t want to talk to him,” Sam said, reaching for the magazine again, though he wasn’t sure why.
“You’re the one always talking about how healing it’ll be for me to talk to the guys. To put some closure on my past and open a new doorway for the future.”
Sam grimaced. “It just sounds corny when you say it.”
“Trust me, Sam, it sounds corny when you say it too,” Riley laughed. He rolled the magazine up and stuck it in the back of his waistband. “Call Mel. Tell her you’re bringing a guest after all. She’ll be happy to hear my name.”
“She hears your name all the time,” Sam grumbled. “When I’m complaining about you.”
“Call,” Riley said. “I wanna hear you say it. I wanna hear the confirmation that we’re going.”
Sam glared at Riley for a few extra seconds before he snagged his phone from his pocket and called the publicist.
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vapolis · 1 year
To answer your question at least somewhat i decided to not use anon cause why not.
Ok...so i have a male one and a female one, infos are following
Male: Levin, 6'5 with chin lenght wavy grey hair, tan skin, athletic body and cold green eyes, two prosthetic arms.
Stats: Disturbed/Sarcastic/Ruthless/Charming/Sinner
Figthing: Fists and Melee
Romance: Deliah
Female: Felicia, 5'1 with long straight white hair, pale skin, petite body and warm purple eyes(originally green eyes, due to an illness she lost her eyesight and needed new eyes, which were sponsored by her brother)
Stats: Sane/Genuine/Merciful/Charming/Saint
Fighting: Guns and Melee
Romance: Jax
Fun Facts: Levin is the younger sibling by two years and is actually her half-sibling(different fathers, tho both just left their mother alone during the pregnancy). Levin always got in trubble during their school time, but thanks to his sister being in the student council managed to not get expelled. Levin absolutly despises Jax, cause he thinks he needs to protect his sister at all costs and Jax being...well Jax...is a danger.
Side note: I had absolutely fun writing a bit about my mercs, hope that was not to much(if there are misspellings i am sorry i am just very tired) :)
ohhhh that's so interesting!! love that bit about her eyes and her brother sponsoring them! probably through his past work for orla or different jobs, right.
I love the contrast between them. a calm/loud and sinner/sant sibling pair reminds me a little bit of oras & ophelia (who yall will meet next chapter). levin not approving of jax has me laughing as well 😂 I think felicia can take care of herself there, but classic sibling move.
the school lore is also very interesting. I never thought about what kind of things the merc would have gotten up to in their teenage years. getting expelled is probably one of the things that most likely did (almost) happen to all of them.
thank you for telling me about them!!
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
acta, non verba
captain america: civil war: part iii
summary: you’re not going to lose another family.
wordcount: 4.5k
warnings: cussing, violence, arguing, familicide, death, guilt, brainwashing, manipulation, me not knowing how to conclude this
series masterlist
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This was not the situation you planned for. When you started explaining to Barnes how you’d signed up for experiments, you’d expected him to shoot you, or fight you at least. But instead, he’d told you it wasn’t your fault, and now you were on a quinjet with him and Steve, landing in Siberia to fight some doctor.
You checked your phone. Tony had texted you a few times.
‘Oh god you’re on that quinjet aren’t you’
‘Rhodey’s suit fell. He’s alivebut we’re rufhaing him to the hospiatl. I’ll updatw when possible. Stay safe kid’ You stared at the text, deciphering his misspellings.
‘His lower body’s paralyzed. I’m gonna make him some prosthetics’
‘The rest of Cap’s team is being sent to the Raft. Did you see that in the Accords?’
Your eyes widened, brain running into overdrive. Was Rhodey okay?
“The team’s being put into the Raft,” you muttered, standing.
“What’s that?” James asked, walking toward you as you projected an image.
“High-security prison in the middle of the ocean. It was a clause in the Accords.” Steve hung his head as you explained. You’d chewed your lip raw over the past few hours, and tried your best not to further hurt it.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry about all this. You warned us and-“
“It’s alright. Just help me fix it, okay?” You sighed, too tired to argue anymore. The lack of rest and abundance of stress was cracking your mind, thoughts loud and unorganized.
“How’s Rhodey?”
You glanced away. “Paralyzed. Waist down. Shattered spinal column.” Steve sucked in a breath, turning his attention back to the controls.
The jet descended without a problem, snow drifting up around the engines.
“I need a gun,” Barnes muttered to himself, going to open Nat’s weapon’s shelf.
“I wouldn’t advise touching hers, James. Grab one of mine instead. The case to the left of hers.” He nodded and grabbed a machine gun that you hadn’t touched in months, inspecting its condition.
“Why don’t you call him Bucky?” Steve whispered to you, opening the hangar.
“I don’t know,” you said. “You always told me it was, like, a friends-only thing. Didn’t wanna intrude.” You shrugged and sheathed your sword across your back, listening for the click to confirm that it was in place.
“You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?” Steve asked his friend. It was a test, poorly hidden. If Barnes noticed, he didn’t comment.
“Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?” At Steve’s chuckle, he smiled.
“You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead,” the blond teased.
“What was her name again?”
“Dolores. You called her Dot.”
“She’s gotta be a hundred years old right now.”
“So are both of you,” you interrupted with a grin. “Let’s get this show on the road so I can make lasagna for team dinner.”
As you all stepped from the quinjet, the conversation continued.
“You do team dinners?” Barnes asked, not bothering to shield his face from the wind.
You nodded as you came to a pair of open doors. “The original agreement was that we take turns cooking, but that was annulled after Rogers over here nearly burnt down the kitchen.” He laughed, quieting as Steve peeked in the doors.
“He can’t have been here more than a few hours,” he said. You recognized the “Captain America” voice.
“Long enough to wake them up,” James warned, clutching your gun a little tighter. Inside the dark building, you three descended an old elevator, each guarding the others’ backs.
You stalked behind them, twisting your sword in your right hand, a gun in your left. Each dark corner was a risk. Every noise a warning.
As the two super-soldiers started up a set of stairs, a loud thud echoed behind you. You were in the open, but simply approached the sound. An assassin wouldn’t make that mistake.
The door creaked before a light shone through. Tony.
“Oh, thank fuck,” you muttered, watching as he opened the doors all the way. He opened the helmet and continued walking forward despite the gun trained on him.
“You seem a little defensive,” he called as you stepped toward him.
“It’s been a long day,” Steve responded, shield still up. Tony glanced at the man aiming at his head.
“At ease, Soldier. I’m not currently after you.”
“Then why are you here?” Steve continued.
“Could be your story’s not so crazy. Ross has no idea I’m here, I’d like to keep it that way. Otherwise I gotta arrest myself.”
“Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork for (Y/N). It’s good to see you, Tony.” He finally lowered the shield.
“You too, Cap. Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you’re killing me,” Tony called to Barnes. “There’s a truce here. You can drop… Is that (Y/N)’s gun?”
You wiped your eyes. “Look, it’s good to see you two joking again, but can we get a move on? I hate this place, gives me bad vibes.”
“You’re in a HYDRA facility, and your best description is ‘bad vibes’?” Tony asked as the four of you moved on.
“I’m running out of snarky remarks after the superhero custody battle that just happened,” you groaned, eliciting a few chuckles.
“Aren’t you a lawyer?” Barnes asked.
“Not that kind,” you stated, holding your hands up. The lighthearted mood darkened as you entered a larger room, metal supports arching and twisting. A few fluorescent lights flickered, casting sickly yellow light across the floor.
Six cryo tubes were stationed around the room, fog pouring from their vents. As you got closer, you peered into one. The Soldier was inside, and she was…dead. A bullet wound straight through the skull.
“If it’s any comfort, they died in their sleep.” The false interrogator’s voice echoes over dusty intercoms.
“Did you really think I wanted more of you?”
“What the hell?” James asked, once again readjusting his grip on your gun. If he held it any tighter, it’d crack. Then again, you didn’t really need it.
“I’m grateful to them, though. They brought you here.” A light flickered on, revealing the man behind the voice. Tony and Steve were quick to attack, but the glass window merely deflected the blows.
“Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.”
“I’m betting I could beat that,” Tony shouted. He and Steve began circling one way as you and Barnes went the other.
“Oh, I’m sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you’d never know why you came.”
“You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?” Steve asked as he approached the window.
“I’ve thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you’re standing here…I just realized… there’s a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. How nice to find a flaw.” The man chuckled.
“You’re Sokovian. Is that what this is about?”
“Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I’m here because I made a promise.” You joined Steve, peering into the window best you could.
“You lost someone?” you asked, sympathy edging into your mind.
“I lost everyone.” You nodded. You had felt the same bitter anger when you’d discovered your family had died. Your first suspicion was that it had been a hit, and you were hellbent on revenge. You were ready to tear and break and kill to avenge them. But you can’t kill a house fire.
“And so will you,” he promised, boring holes through your head with his stare. Pressing a switch, a computer screen blinked on, date displayed on the screen.
December 16, 1991.
It was the same date as the mission report he’d asked the Winter Soldier for. It sounded familiar, but you couldn’t remember why…
“An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That’s dead. Forever.” The same lesson SHIELD had taught you. The very tactic you employed in toppling regimes. Target someone on the inside, turn the group against each other. This doctor, whoever he was, had played an elaborate game of chess with the world as his pawn.
Surveillance footage started rolling, and Tony took a few double-takes, staring at you.
“I know that road.” Why would he recognize a dirt road? What was so goddamn important about December 16-
“What is this?” Oh.
In the footage, a car crashed, motorcycle zooming past it. It doubled back, the rider stepping around to the driver’s side. A man stumbled from the car.
Howard Stark had died on December 16, 1991 in a car wreck on the way to the Pentagon. His wife Maria had also died. But this wasn’t just a car wreck.
Looking back at Barnes, he met your gaze.
“You need to run,” you mouthed to him, glancing at the several exits. He shook his head.
“Help my wife.” Howard’s voice crackled over the old film and your heart stopped. As the Winter Soldier lifted him from the ground, he spoke again.
“Sergeant Barnes?” As the Soldier punched square in the face, knocking him out, you took a shaky inhale.
“James. Get out of here, please,” you pleaded, hoping to avoid the inevitable. The man next to you stayed firmly in place.
“Howard!” Maria’s voice was as desperate as yours, and your hands shook. While Tony had harbored a dislike for his father, he’d always spoken so highly of Maria. As Tony stared at Barnes, you wished she’d died from the impact of the crash.
The Soldier stared straight into the camera before shooting it. A final bullet to your gut as a farewell from HYDRA.
As the screen blacked out, you raced over to Tony, trying to separate him and Steve. He jumped to attack James, but you and Rogers both grabbed his arms.
“Tony, please.” You were doing a lot of pleading today. He ignored you to stare at Steve.
“Did you know?”
“I didn’t know it was him.” He was never a good liar.
“Don’t bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?”
At the confession, Tony let go as if Steve was on fire. He tugged you with him, never breaking eye contact. As he shook his head, you thought maybe, maybe, you could talk him down.
Instead he backhanded Steve, sending the super-soldier tumbling. Barnes was quick to aim his gun, but was disarmed.
The doctor behind it all stepped back from the window with a smug grin. Fucking psychopath.
Tony flew past, preparing to blast the ex-Soldier in the face when Steve threw the shield. The two began to fight again, matching blow for blow as you watched in horror.
There wasn’t a way to de-escalate this without putting yourself in harm’s way. Help one and the other turns on you too. Was this what Sam meant when he told you about the day he lost Riley?
“It’s like I was up there just to watch.”
This was different. It had to be. Taking a running start, you slammed into Steve, knocking him over before whirling around to knock Tony flat on his ass. You frantically aimed your gun, not sure what to do now that you were in the middle.
“Tony, it wasn’t him!” you yelled, still turning in a circle.
“Move!” he yelled, soaring upward.
Tony blasted Steve and threw handcuffs that wrapped around his ankles. As soon as he saw them land, he was back to trying to kill James. A deflected missile crashed into a metal pillar. Steve was quick to break free and jump back into the fray.
As the building crashed around you, you ran to find the other three. Even if they were superpowered, they couldn’t survive the collapse.
You saw Barnes running, Tony barely missing his head with a repulsor shot. He slammed a control panel and the roof began to open, cold wind filling the underground base.
You leapt over rubble to him, raising your hands when he assumed a defensive stance.
“Take this, run. I can’t let him do something he’ll regret.” As you were about to pass off your grappling hook, Tony fired again, shaking the platform you were on.
He kicked Barnes across the gap, and you winced as he slammed onto another thin platform. Praying that Tony would hover for a moment, you jumped down, landing square on his shoulders and briefly weighing him down.
“Fucking run, James!” you shouted as Tony scrambled to push you off.
“I don’t want to fight you, Tony, but you’ve gotta stop,” you screamed over the whirring of the Iron Man suit.
He landed before undoing his helmet.
“He killed my mom.”
His tone was cold, nothing like the man you’d come to know over the past eight years. He was gone before you could stop him, following after the two super-soldiers.
You cradled your aching legs, anticipating the bruises that would come with having landed on a metal suit while wearing cargo pants. You definitely were out of commission for a while.
As the three continued their ascent, you stared at the ground. No better time to look for answers than when your friends were fighting to kill one another. Reattaching your grappling hook, you descended onto the rubble and ran down the nearest hallway.
If there were files, you could maybe find one on the Winter Soldier and prove to Stark that he and James Buchanan Barnes weren’t the same. Your feet ran on buried memories, taking you to a dark room. The doctor could be anywhere.
An explosion from a nearby room shook the building. You readjusted your footing, and hesitantly switched on a flashlight. Lots of physical files. Great.
Most of the boxes were in Russian, labels mainly revolving around missions, but one with english letters caught your eye.
‘James B. Barnes’
As you lifted it to your eye level, you read the description of the box’s contents.
‘Detailing the control and history of Sergeant James B. Barnes under the Winter Soldier Project.’ Perfect. You tucked the box under one arm as you further perused the shelves.
You screeched to a halt in front of a box, fingers tracing each letter.
‘Ворон’ Raven. Or Crow, depending on the translation, but you understood. This was your box. Rather, boxes. There were at least a dozen.
Another blast shook the ground. You guessed they were still going at it on the floor under you. God, HYDRA could brainwash people but couldn’t afford thicker walls? Cheapskates, the whole lot.
You sighed as you scanned each box, reading the mission dates. These were better left untouched. You didn’t want to know what you’d done under their control. Maybe it was childish, but you preferred to avoid weeks of guilt. You were very much content with burning this room and every box in it to ashes.
At least, you were until you came across one date.
May 28, 2004. The last mission you’d gone on before your family died. After that, you taken a break, only returning to SHIELD when you realized you needed money to continue law school. You’d quit the experiments and favored short missions.
The box was light, containing only a few papers and a USB. Did you really want to see the monster behind your mind?
“Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back,” you whispered to yourself as you approached a dusty computer. You knew it had to be ancient, but HYDRA tech had a penchant for lasting.
It burst to life and you ran a hand over the screen, shaking away the dust coating your hand.
A younger you sat in the same chair that the other Winter Soldiers had sat in, posture rigid and eyes staring right at the camera.
“Soldier, mission report.” The unfamiliar voice had a thick Russian accent, but you supposed the English was so Pierce could understand.
“Mission successful, sir. Targets eliminated with no evidence. No alarms were triggered.” It was odd, seeing a teenage version of yourself so emotionless. It was like it was a completely different person.
“Sir? Why did I… why did I have to…” past-you took a deep breath. “Why was I sent to eliminate them?” A glimmer of humanity behind your cold eyes.
“They were trying to hinder these experiments. If they weren’t eliminated, you wouldn’t be able to reach your full potential.” The answer came easy from the man off-screen. On screen, your brows furrowed, lips pursing in a habit you still had today.
“They seemed familiar. Can I know their names?” Evidently, he was done answering your questions and yelled for guards. They dragged you from the chair with ease, leading you away. The man then walked into frame, holding up a file.
Your stomach turned at his cold stare and your finger twitched toward the USB. Maybe you could just unplug it and stay oblivious. You had a bad feeling about this.
“All four targets were successfully eliminated. The Raven was extracted from a safe house with no injuries and doesn’t seem to be coming to yet. No articles have been written, and SHIELD has not yet been alerted to the situation.”
Your breath hitched in the dark room. As he flipped the page, you waited to hear the names of the people you’d killed. You’d have to visit any family of the victims and apologize, try to explain.
“Target names: Elise (L/N), age 45. Donovan (L/N), age 47. Vivian (L/N), age 15. Jacob (L/N), age 11.”
Your screams echoed through the building, even if you didn’t hear them yourself. Tears streamed down your face as you choked on your gasps.
You were the killer. You’d been a fool to think that a house fire could take out two SHIELD agents, a fool to pretend that you didn’t know better.
When they saw you storm the house, did they welcome you? Ask what you were doing when you stalked forward with a weapon? Did they fight back? Did you hesitate when they screamed your name?
“(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” You could practically hear them.
“(Y/N)?” The hand on your shoulder jarred you and you scrambled away, knocking over a chair. Steve and Barnes stood over you, concern washing both their faces at your panic.
“Don’t- don’t touch me,” you whimpered, curling in. Barnes glanced at the screen and sighed, casting a pitiful look back at you.
“What did you see?” He thought it was about him.
“I- I killed them,” you sobbed. Steve knelt down, but you flinched away. “I’m a monster, Steve.”
“What? Who did you kill?” Flashes of memories flooded your mind. You helping your siblings with math as your father cooked. Your mother was talented in many activities, but not so in the kitchen.
“Mom. Dad. Vivi and Jacob. Oh, God.” You fell into sobs again as Steve’s face fell.
“Oh, no,” he whispered, turning back to his friend for a moment before trying to pull you into a hug.
“Please don’t touch me,” you tried, falling into the embrace anyway.
“We need to get Tony,” you heard the blond mutter.
“Right after we all beat each other up?” They’d done what?
“Yeah, he knows her better. You stay here with her and I’ll try to get him.” He pulled away as you continued crying. That stupid fucking recording was probably still rolling. You barely registered Steve leaving and Barnes sitting next to you, leaving at least two feet between you two.
He sat in silence for a while, unsure of what to say. What was he supposed to say? How do you comfort someone that just figured out she murdered her family while trying to help him?
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. You nodded.
“I am too.”
That was all that needed to be said.
Two sets of footsteps came running, the two leaders of the Avengers turning a corner and into the room.
“Kid?” Whatever fight had happened was evident. Now that your eyes were clearing, you saw the various cuts and bruises on all three men. Tony’s helmet was shattered. Steve’s shield was missing.
You stared at him as he sank to your level.
“Kid, Steve told me what happened-“
“Do you blame me, too?” If he held so much anger against James, he had to feel the same about you.
His silence was telling.
“You’re lying.”
“(Y/N)-“ You turned away, picking up the discarded box on Barnes and shoving it into his hands.
“Don’t talk to me, Stark.” You stumbled on your feet, legs shaking under the weight of your conscience. Your head spun.
“I need- I need to go…” Your voice was heavy.
“Where?” Steve asked, leaning in.
“I need to go to their… graves.” The word was bitter. He and Tony both stepped forward, glancing at each other with distrust.
“I’ll take you. These two need to get out of my sight before I come to my senses and-“ You shook your head.
“I can’t lose two families in one day. Please.”
Tony stared at you like you’d grown another head.
“Kid, he killed-“
“If you really think he killed your parents, then you think I killed my baby sister and brother,” you spoke up, voice raising. “Do it, Tony. Tell me what I already know you think. That I’m no better than whatever thing HYDRA made out of me.”
He sighed. “You know I don’t think that.”
“Do I?”
“Fine. We take you there, and then what? They’re still fugitives.”
“You let me do what I wanted to do from the beginning.”
Steve spoke up again. “(Y/N), that’s a lot of work to take on right after you figured this out…”
“Please, let me do something good,” you asked teary-eyed. He hung his head, stepping toward you again and patting your back.
“Where were they buried?”
Outside of the base, T’Challa revealed he’d overheard the whole thing, and was taking the doctor to be tried in court. You broke into tears again when he apologized for your loss.
The hours in the quinjet were even worse, with the three men doing their best to avoid each other and comfort you at the same time. By the time you touched down near a cliff side, Rogers and Stark had argued five separate times, you’d cried twice, and Barnes had very reluctantly patted your shoulder.
You were almost relieved to leave the tension behind when you set foot on the lush grass, starting toward the stone memorial.
What had been left of your family was cremated, a small funeral service held before you’d scattered their ashes over the cliff.
You traced their names as you sat before the large carved rock. You brushed some dirt from Vivian’s name.
“Hi. I guess it’s been a while since I’ve been back here. Sorry about that.”
“So, I figured out what really happened. I- I’m so, so, so sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t visit more often, I’m sorry I agreed to those goddamn fucking experiments-“ You ripped up grass and threw the blades.
“Sorry, Jacob. I know I shouldn’t cuss around you.” You paused, eyes tearing up for the umpteenth time.
“I wish you’d fought back. You could’ve won, ya know? I wasn’t very good. You let me… and that makes it so much worse. Why didn’t you just fight back?” You composed yourself before continuing.
“I’ve spent the last few months looking for the ex-Winter Soldier. He’s the reason I did those experiments, remember? I can’t remember if I told you that it’s Sergeant James Barnes, Cap’s friend? Vivi used to think he was so hot…” you laughed. “She must’ve shown me the picture 20 times.”
You glanced back to where he, Steve, and Tony stood, keeping a respectful distance.
“He’s pretty cute.”
“I know you wouldn’t want me to dwell on this, and, honestly, I don’t want to. I know you forgave me twelve years ago. It’s still gonna be a while before I fully forgive myself, though.” You could practically hear your mother, ranting about how you always held onto things long after they’d been fixed.
“I know, Mom. I promise I’m working on it. It’s just hard to not feel responsible… I technically am. Barnes didn’t have a choice, but I chose the experiments and…” You choked back more tears.
“Damn, you’d think with how many times I’ve come, I’d stop crying,” you chuckled, wiping your eyes.
“I just wanted to stop by now that I know the truth. Wanted to apologize for everything. God, I’d do anything to have you guys here right now.”
“I love you all, okay?”
After three visits, you’d gotten used to not receiving a response, but this time hurt more.
Watching as you rose to your feet, the trio behind you made awkward conversation.
“Did you ever come here?” Steve asked as he watched you stand. Tony shook his head.
“She told me about it once or twice. It’s a nice area.” He could picture the house that once stood where the memorial now was.
You stepped away from the stone, walking back over to the group.
“How are you?” You shrugged.
“Can we go home?” Tony hesitated, casting a glare at Barnes. Finally, he nodded.
“What are we going to do about the Accords?” he asked. Steve shot him a look of disapproval.
“Listen, just because shit like this happens doesn’t mean that we get a break. You and your war buddy over there are still breaking the law, and (Y/N)’s the only one who can fix it.” You knew he was right, but you needed some time.
“Tony, can you call Ross for me?” He stared down at you before agreeing. You took his advanced phone in your still-shaking hands and put it on speaker. You cleared your throat and did your best to sound confident.
“Secretary Ross.”
“Agent (L/N). To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Two things, actually. One, I’m petitioning to get pardons for Sergeant James Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, and Wanda Maximoff.”
“Funny, (L/N). Barnes and Romanoff are on the run, Maximoff’s in prison. You don’t stand a chance against the UN.”
“I didn’t call for a chance. Second, I want the Sokovia Accords nullified.”
“You can’t make that demand.”
“I think I can. I’ll see you in court next month.” You said with a sarcastic grin, hanging up before he could get in another word. You dropped the facade as you handed the phone back to Tony.
“I know what you’re doing. Stay busy and ignore the actual problem,” he stated matter-of-factly.
“I know.”
“It’s not healthy.”
“I know.”
“You really shouldn’t-“
You groaned. “Are you a therapist or an Avenger?”
“Stark’s right, you should deal with this first,” Steve agreed, waving to your disheveled state.
“Too bad, Rogers. I’m already scheduling meetings.” You tapped away on your phone.
“Why are you so hellbent on the team staying together?”
“Listen. You guys are the first family I’ve had in forever. And today I found out that I’m a child-murderer-“
“You’re not”
“-and I’m trying really hard to prevent losing another family. So just… cooperate with me, okay?”
You slipped your phone back into your pocket and looked back to the quinjet. You’d deal with the self-loathing and recovery some other day. Time to get down to business.
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a/n: hnnnng, okay so i know the ending is a bit sloppy and the whole mental thing doesn’t quite make sense yet, but i promise it will soon. i honestly don’t know how to feel ab this one but i’ve had that twist in mind forever and really wanted to try and integrate it. sorry if this is bad, hope you enjoy anyway! <3
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hermitcraft-au-time · 3 years
Another au for the hybrid theme!
Canon mob hermits are experiments. That will explain lots of things, why Jevin has bones, why doc has prosthetics (is that how you spell it?), and why Cleo has a lot of stitches. They get scared really easily and touch is a big no no.
Feel free to add more. Sorry for if I misspelled anything or if my grammar is horrible it's currently 2 am.
Please sleep bro 🙏
The MAE (Mob amalgamation Experiment) consisted of multiple teenagers and young adults of different species being tested on in very un-ethical manners to create perfect combinations of Mobs and humans.
These events consisted of but where not limited to:
Forced to fight to the death for resistance training.
Blood and bone withdrawal
Being forcibly shocked back to life after being murdered
And excess, unprotected inhalation of redstone (in this au redstone is toxic if you do not take the right safety procedures).
Many of the victims ended up as "scrap" and where made to work until they dropped by cleaning up excess waste of experiments, this was to serve as much as they could in their final days as many of them dropped dead after the amount of neglect and abuse.
There were few survivors and the ones we now know of go by:
Cleo,???: 19 at the age of experimentation. Was a normal human who was murderered, brought back to life and fossilesed to live forever. She is also known as the "dead girl walking".
Jevin, Iven: was 18 at the age of experimentation. Also naturally human. Went through bone and blood withdrawal. He was forcibly fused with a slime and his transformation was slow and icky. Originally he was supposed to turn into a perfect solid, slime, being able to hold a human form. That did not happen. He is still flesh toned but his skin is melty only held up by several bandages. His few bones are visible underneath the cheap wraps.
Doc, Ungetum: 16 at age of experimentation. Came from a creeper family. Was forced to inhale redstone to become resistant and also had been put into machinery that tore his limbs off. His limbs were then replaced with prostetics.
They all banded together to get out of the facility and were picked up by Xisuma void. An investigator against the MAE.
None of the other hermits know of their past.
Not yet atleast...
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ncvcmbcrflush · 4 years
It is 1am and i just finished s2, so this is gonna be long and rambling and misspelled and im sorry okay?
I am not thrilled with the writing of klaus this season, can I just say? They completely undid all of his substantial development in s1, while also removing a good chunk of his positive qualities.
There were scenes where s1!klaus shined through (any of the scenes with Allison and vanya, mainly, and i was really worried abt the scenes with bby!Dave but they were handled really well imo) but those scenes were vastly overshadowed by the unnecessary cruelty? Why did they make my boy so mean this season, I am asking this question for real. S1!klaus was wild and a disaster and heartbreaking, but he was also so kind, and willing to grow as a person in ways that his siblings actively avoided most of the time.
How do you go from beautifully empathetic s1!klaus crying in response to his abusive father's suicide, protesting luther locking up vanya and later being so adamant that they take vanya back in time with them that he literally clings to her feet, to s2!klaus who seems to not care much about anything or anyone at all?? The man is dead in heaven with his father telling him point blank what a let down he is, and he still has enough love in him to cry for him, but 3 years pass and suddenly he doesn't shed a tear for his brother who just died saving their sister?? They took away so much of his emotionality and I do not understand why.
S1!klaus also absolutely would have been open to trying possession with Ben imo, and we could have avoided the intensely uncomfortable possession sequence, which should not have been played off as a joke because it wasn't funny at all, and instead just highlights how little autonomy klaus actually has- but that is a rant that needs way more brain power and research lmao.
S1!klaus also would never have hid ben from his siblings, after spending literal years telling them that ben was there with them??? He would not have done that.
And the scene where they try to save vanya was intensely ooc in my opinion- even high off his ass klaus is quick to react and jump into action- helpful or otherwise (throwing the fire extinguisher, improvising at the prosthetics lab for 5, trying to save luther in the club, running into the theater when they hear gunshots despite having no idea how to use his powers offensively, even in s2 when he finds allison at the protest) and I refuse to believe he would need to be pushed into trying to save vanya, who he has put his life at risk to save before.
The cult thing will be getting a post of its own because I have so many feelings about that whole deal but I again, am too incoherent currently.
I loved him and allison so so much, and he and vanya just break my heart together bc they are such opposite sides of the same coin and the show doesn't seem interested in exploring that whatsoever? I was a bit bummed to not really see him interact with the boys at all though. He and Diego seemed pretty close in s1, 5 and klaus have some good scenes together, and he and luther had some good interactions at the end of s1 as well, and i wish they had kept going with that.
It just feels like they were so busy with the others, and klaus got lost along the way. We do nothing with his powers except for the possession thing, like literally besides ben and the two ghosts at the very end of the last episode klaus doesn't use his powers at all during the entire season! I loved watching everyone else kind of come into their own, but that just never happened for klaus this season- if anything, he devolved.
And I think as a side effect of fucking up klaus, they fucked up his relationship with ben, and the other boys to a lesser extent, as well.
S1 ben and klaus is what i would expect from a pair of siblings stuck together for 17 years- nagging and sarcastic and judgemental but also loving and close and they work well together. They are both dumbasses who do things like play patty cake to test ben's tangibility, and decide that tossing a bowling ball is a good way to prove that ben is present.
S2 ben and klaus are entirely antagonistic; more in line with luther and diego in s1. I have seen lots of comments saying that anyone upset with ben and klaus's dynamic in s2 doesn't have siblings, and to that i have to say- people who think their dynamic in s2 is normal don't have abusive parents. There are lines that you absolutely do not cross, and comparing a sibling to your abuser is one of them. And you don't need to have siblings to know that dismissing the death of a loved one like, isn't a good thing to do? This is especially jarring given their relationship in 2019 and as children- there is no set up for this kind of behavior from either of them.
And the others were just so overall dismissive of klaus in a way that goes beyond just sibling annoyance. During the family dinner no one bats an eye when ben jumps into him, causes his body to jerk around, and literally says that he's ben?? He lies on the floor of the elevator looking like death and we don't so much as ask what's wrong? Klaus pukes out the contents of 7 fully grown humans practically and no one offers a tums, or a ride to the damn hospital?? Like wasn't diego a fuckin cop, he should know that none of this is the result of an overdose??? As far as i can recall,, klaus doesn't even use drugs in this season? We see him drink but that's it unless I'm forgetting, which is entirely possible since it is now 2am lmao. And they just play it off as jokes, we are meant to find this funny?
And just like, he wasn't involved in the actual plot of this season much, if at all, besides being a largely unwilling catalyst for ben. Nothing would change in this season if they had cut him out completely, and i really hate that.
I'm not upset at all really- despite sounding upset and writing a long ass rant lmao- the let down of one character doesn't ruin the season for me, and honestly, given how other shows have failed me this year (looking at you, the politician) , i count this season as a win overall. Luther especially has changed so much for the better, and he was probably the highlight of this season. I'm just bummed because klaus was s u c h a good character in season one, easily one of the most interesting characters, and they did nothing with him this season.
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Choices - Tyler Seguin/Jamie Benn - Part 29
Word Count: 2,259
POV: Reader
Warning: Language
Notes: Back by no one’s demand...haha I’m not sure if anyone wants this back or not, but I promised I’d end it so here we go. There will only be a couple chapters left. As always, you’ll have 48 hours to vote, you can vote by commenting or sending it in on anon. Voting will close at 8pm EST on July 2nd. Happy Reading!
Choices Masterlist
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You sat in Tara's kitchen just looking around. It was an open concept, so it gave you a view into her dining and living room as well. Her place, wasn't lavish by any means, not like Tyler's or Jamie's, but it did speak of someone that was well off or at least scamming enough money off of people to buy nice things. The place was neat and meticulous, nothing was out of place; which seemed odd for someone with a one and half-year-old. There should be toys lying around and a baby gate on the stairs, yet none of those things seemed to be anywhere.
 What was interesting, was that the prosthetic maternity belly she'd had on the other day lying on one of the dining room chairs. "What do you have that for?" You blurted out before you could even think of what you were saying.
 "Um…oh…I don't know what you mean. Do you need water or something? Should I call an ambulance?"
 Oh shit, you forgot you were supposed to be in pain. "Oooo," you moaned slightly. "I feel like it's getting a little better resting, and you know focusing on other things. Which is why I'm trying to figure out about that baby belly." You groaned again, hoping she would answer and help take your mind off of things.
 "Oh…um…that old thing. You see…I wanted to be an actress…Yeah, that's it." She said basically giving away that she was making this up as she went. "I had this role a long time ago, that I needed for it, and well…now a friend wants to borrow it. So I have it out for her."
 It would've been a plausible excuse had you not already seen her scamming that man the other day or the fact that she'd stammered her way through that excuse. You also had to wonder if the 'friend' was Kathleen. "Oh wow, being a mom must have really put a damper on things."
 "Yeah, it's really set my career back." She rattled off more easily this time as she settled into the lie. "There's just no time you know."
 You really weren't sure if she was asking or not. "I get where you're coming from. I have no idea how I'm going to do it. You know with leaving Tyler and all." She nodded, so you continued. "Like how do you keep this place spotless? I really need to know your secret. My place is a mess since I haven't felt like unpacking. I can't imagine what it'll be like with the babies."
 "Oh…well…you just have to do it when you can." She paused when you cocked your head to the side looking for more of an explanation. "I'm just a really active person I guess."
 You knitted your brows together because no mother was that active to have all her baby's stuff put away. Tara had given you enough information. Granted, you had no physical evidence but it was enough to go to Tyler with your suspicions. "I wish I had your stamina." You got up then. "Thanks for letting me sit down; I really think I just overdid it. I feel much better. I won't trouble you anymore. I know you were on your way out."
 "Oh, it was no bother. I'm glad your feeling better." She walked you out to the door, following you out.
 "So, I guess I'll see you around the neighborhood sometime then?"
 "Oh…uh yeah. I'm sure we will."
 The two of you walked to the end of the drive. "Thanks again. Maybe we can exchange numbers and get together. I'd love to meet Christopher sometime. You know get some real baby experience. It's been a while."
 "Yeah, next time I see you." She said opening the car and getting in. "I'm really late right now." You moved out of the way as she backed out of the drive and waved goodbye. You rolled your eyes as you made your way back to your vehicle which was parked out of sight. You knew she'd never exchange numbers with you, mainly because there was no Christopher to meet.
 By the time you got to the car, you knew that you had to tell Tyler what was going on, but you also knew that Jamie would be upset with you for doing it. You hated that the thought crossed your mind, but you knew that you had to meet Tyler without Jamie knowing. The problem was how. Jamie was practically attached to your hip when he was home and after being on the road this long you assumed it was going to be worse. The only thing you could do was head to Tyler's house and wait for him to get home.
 You shot a quick text off to Jamie, saying that you were out doing some shopping for the baby and would be home shortly; then you headed over to wait for Tyler. You parked in the driveway, just scrolling through emails when one caught your eye. It was from the paternity testing site that you'd used. You didn't have time to open it though, for Tyler's car pulled in beside you. He glared over at you through the window, before you both got out. "What are you doing here (Y/N)? I thought you never wanted to see me again."
 "We have to talk Tyler."
 "Apparently, we'll be doing that through our lawyers from now on." He slammed the car door shut with such force it made you jump.
 "Look this isn't about us." He started to walk away, so you blurted out. "It's about Christopher." That made him stop.
 "How do you…I mean…what…" He gave up then, you could see it on his face. "You better come in."
 You trailed him inside. The dogs greeting you like they hadn't seen you in months instead of days. Though you wanted to give them love and attention, now was not the time. Tyler reached into the fridge and grabbed a beer, cracking it open and taking a long swig out of it. "Do you want anything?"
 "Just a bottle of water please." You took a seat at the island like you had so many times.
 "So how do you know about him?" It was a simple question yet such a complex answer.
 "Remember when I said that the first sonogram was canceled." He nodded. "Well, I lied."
 "Jesus, (Y/N), you were shutting me out way back then?"
 "It's not like that. I hadn't planned on it, but I saw you in the parking lot with Tara and I recognized her." He winced, yet you could see him understanding why you'd cut him out of the appointment. "Once you left, I ran to talk to her. She told me that she'd had your child and you paid her to keep quiet."
 "Listen, I can explain."
 "No Tyler there's more, let me finish." He stayed mum then. "I was hurt and angry, and if I'm being honest; I still am, but we can deal with that later." The questioning glance he shot you made you keep going. "Other things started to not add up. I saw Tara with Kathleen, and then I ran into them at the coffee shop." You could see the news that the two knew each other, was something he didn't know. "Something they said, it just didn't sit right with me." This was the part you knew he wasn't going to like. "So while you were gone, I broke into your place." You ducked your head kind of sheepishly at your actions and waited for him to yell at you.
 He didn't. "Look (Y/N), I don't care that you were here. This place was always meant to be ours, but I have a feeling there's more than just that."
 "Oh, there is." You added quickly changing the subject back to the matter at hand. "I found the paternity papers. You know the ones Tara gave you and the ones Kathleen blackmailed you with."
 "You mean in the safe?" He was mad now, but you had a feeling it was more about the engagement ring that was in there and not you breaking in to find the documents.
 "Um…yeah. But look, Ty, the papers don't match." You pulled out your phone and brought up the photos. "There's a slight difference. See right here the fonts are off." He peered at the pictures, squinting in an effort to notice the subtle difference. "And here, the address is misspelled. I know it's hard to tell flipping back and forth, but if you put them side by side." He took off down the hall to his bedroom and you followed. It wasn't long before he had the documents out, to see if you were correct.
 "Fuck me, you're right."
 "The signature's even a tad different. See the S." You pointed out to him.
 "Ok, so this means that one of them is lying."
 "I think it's worse than that Ty." He pulled his head back slightly as if he couldn't believe your words. "Let me ask you something. Have you ever seen Christopher?"
 His hand went to the back of his neck and he dropped his head down so he didn't have to look at you, a tell-tale sign he was nervous, only this time you knew he didn't want to admit something to you. "No, no I haven't. It's just…" He went to tell you his reason why but you stopped him. There would be time for explanations later.
 "I don't think he exists Ty." His head snapped up to look you straight in the eye.
 "How do you know this?"
 It was your turn to be ashamed now. "I went to her house. Well, I actually followed her and Kathleen first. I found her pulling the scam on someone else. She has a prosthetic baby belly and when I was inside there's nothing there that says she has a kid, not a bottle, rattle, anything."
 You saw him processing the information and what a toll it was taking on him. He sat down on the bed heavily, papers falling to the floor as he did. "You mean all this time; I've been paying for my son and he just doesn't exist." You hadn't expected him to take it this hard; though it was a lot to digest.
 "I don't think he does Ty." You sat beside him then, rubbing his back in a soothing motion. "I'm so sorry."
 "I don't even know what I'm feeling right now. Like part of me is relieved and, yet...I feel sad." He looked over at you then. "I could never really acknowledge him, you know? When she told me, all I could think of was that was the reason you left me, and every time I thought about him…" He exhaled a heavy sigh. "God I can't even say his fucking name."
 "It's ok Ty. I get it," and you did. You realized that Christopher was just an extension of your failed relationship and would always remind him of that one night he fucked up. It made sense when you looked at from his point of view, but it didn't make the fact that he lied about sleeping with Tara any easier on you.
 "What am I going to do?"
 "Well for starters, I think you need to ask Tara for a paternity test. Someplace where you all can go and get tested at the same time. That way she can't trick you in any way. You'll know then if she's telling the truth because she'll have to bring Christopher with her."
 "Yeah, yeah," He nodded. "That's a good plan. Where did you go?"
 "Well mine was mail in, but I think they have a place here in Dallas. I just got an email from them." You pulled the correspondence up on your phone, flicking it open for the first time. "What? No? This can't be right?"
 "What? Is something wrong?"
 "It says here that they mixed up my paternity samples and gave me someone else's by mistake." It started to sink in then. Tyler may not be the father of your unborn children. "Oh my god." You could see the confusion written on Tyler's face.
 "(Y/N), what does this mean?"
 You'd said so much this afternoon to him, you didn't know how to break this news, but you still had to do it. "I don't know if you're the father of these two babies." He pulled back as if you'd slapped him across the face; he was so stunned, but then so were you. You had so many questions, but the foremost thing in your mind was you had to tell Jamie. You got up, ready to head out of the room.
 "Where are you going?"
 "I have to tell Jamie, Ty. He has to know the truth."
 "I don't know if that's a good idea."
 "Why not?" Honestly, you couldn't see any harm in this news. In fact, Jamie would be ecstatic.
 "What if you get his hopes up, just to be let down. I know he loves you (Y/N). Cause god knows I still do. Don't crush him, if you don't have to." You sat there weighing your options, not knowing what to do. Part of you knew Tyler was right, but it just seemed so wrong to lie to Jamie.
  Your turn to make a choice!
A)     Tell Jamie the truth, he needs to know.
B)     Decide to get a paternity test with just Tyler. Once you know the results you can tell Jamie.
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nite-shay · 4 years
A Helping Hand - Todoroki Shoto x Reader
Idea: Character finding out their S/O has a prosthetic limb. (Think automail from full metal alchemist).
Sorry for any misspelling or grammar mistakes. 
Todoroki Shoto x Reader
You sighed as you dropped your duffle bag on the floor beside your bed before flopping on to the soft mattress. The dorms were usually busy this time of day. However, the week-long break just started, and most if not all of the students rushed out as soon as the last bell of the day rang.  You were one of the few who decided to stay behind.
That choice was coming back to bite you in the ass. Hard.
If you had gone home, you could meet up with Hatsume, and she could fix this issue you were having. 
With a heavy sigh, you sat up and started rummaging through your bag in search of the object you needed fixing. Your mechanical arm had gotten damaged during your spar with your classmate, Todoroki Shoto. 
Today's assignment was to work on hand to hand combat something you excelled but not your partner. The fight had been going well; however, the fighting was making the class run a bit longer than it should have. So to speed things up, Aizawa allowed quirk usage about halfway through the match. With one final powerful attack, he managed to trap your arm, along with most of your right side, in a mini glacier of ice, thus ending the match and class. 
You knew you were in trouble the moment you felt the cold bite of the metal parts against your fleshy shoulder. Even after he thawed your arm, you weren't able to move it. You rushed off to the support class, as soon as you got changed, praying your friend got caught up in working on a new baby and delaying her departure.
However, you were not that lucky. 
And now here you are with only one arm. 
 It was going to be a long week. 
Instead of lying in self-pity, you decided you might as well try to fix it. It already didn't work, not like you could do anything worse to it. Grabbing your duffle bag and other tools, you headed over to the dining area. The dining table would give you the room you needed, plus it had better lighting. It didn't take you too long to get everything transported, and your work area set up. 
With earbuds in and the volume at a comfortable drown out the world level, you got to work. 
While you weren't the brilliant support tech that built your arm, you could handle a few basic repairs. With no one else being here, it wasn't like you had much of a choice. You even asked Power Loader for help, but since it wasn't his expertise or handiwork, there wasn't much he could do. He did, however, offer full access to the shop and any tool you may need. 
Slowly but surely, you started to disassemble the outer layer of your arm. Between the music and the project in front of you, the world around you slowly vanished. 
An hour later….
Todoroki was making his way back to the dorms after visiting his mother. While his classmates and most of the students left earlier that day, excited to see their families, he decided to stay. He did not share the same excitement when it came to home visits. Though he would miss his sister's cooking. Even the best chefs at UA didn't hold a candle to her home-cooked meals.
As he made his way through the back doorway of the commons area, he was surprised to hear noises… He thought he was the only one left... 
Was that drilling?
Curious, he made his way to the dining area where he could see you hunched over something on the table. 
"(L/N)?" He called out. Thanks to Midoriya and the others, Todoroki was becoming more … vocal with the rest of the class. You were one of the ones he would talk to the most. Mainly because Aizawa assigned the two of you together for training and assignments fairly often. He never understood his reason, but the bi-color haired boy didn't care. He preferred working with you more so than some of his other classmates (*Cough Cough* Bakugo).
Today the two of you had a mock battle during last class. He enjoyed sparing with you; your skills made it a challenge for him. But it also allowed him to be near you without making him feel awkward. He didn't understand why but he enjoyed your company. The battle had been primarily one-sided, with you in favor of winning. That was until Aizawa allowed quirk usage. While you excelled in close range combat, your quirk suited to defend against his long rang ice attack. He quickly overwhelmed you, ending the match.
Soon after the match, he saw you quickly gather your things before running off towards the school. He figured you were in a hurry to leave for the break like everyone else, not to rush back here.
"(L/N) "He approached you slowly, trying to get your attention. You had changed into a pair of black pants and a red tank top. He could also see a folded white rag sitting on your right shoulder. The closer he got, the more he could see what you were working on, some machine parts and hand tools laid scattered on the table. Your seemed foot bouncing an unknown beat as you sat there cross-legged in the chair.  
His upper lip twitches in a slight smirk as he studied the determined look in your eyes. It was the same one you had when you were studying or working on something you didn't quite understand. 
It was cute.
Taking a steady breath, he finally reached out and gently touched your exposed left shoulder.  While he still wasn't one for touch, with you, he didn't seem to mind.  "(L/N)." 
"Shit!" You jolted from the chair you were in. Unfortunately, your legs got tangled upon themselves in your rush. Your habit of sitting cross-legged was going to be the death of you one day. Falling away from the hand that had seemingly came out of nowhere, you braced for the impact as your metal arm wasn't currently attached to help break your fall. After catching the wind that had been thoroughly knocked out of you, you look up to see heterochromia eyes. "Oh... hey, Todoroki... what's up?" You grimaced in embarrassment. Of all the people who could have seen your startled cat impression...
Guess it could have been worse... It could have been Bakugo... He’d never let you live it down...
"Sorry… I.. didn't mean to scare you…." He wasn't expecting you to be as startled as you were, so he was slow to respond. His eyes quickly checked over you for any injuries he might have caused.  "Are you…" His breath caught in his throat as he watched you maneuver yourself to face him. 
Your arm…. There weren't two… just one….
Where your right arm should have been… was nothing…
Something glimmered out of his peripheral vision. Glancing over from you, he saw what you were working on. It was an arm… A mechanical right arm… 
"It's uh... Ow… it's fine...:'' You quickly got up from the floor looking at the stunned boy who was glancing between you and the arm on the table. "So.. uhhh… I guess you aren't going home for break, or are you waiting till tomorrow…" This was awkward. You hadn't told any about your arm. 
The teachers knew, but that was beyond your control, and well, ok Midoriya and Bakugo know, but that's only because you grew up with them, so it's hard for them not to know. 
"No. I decided to stay here for the week." He regains his composure before turning his focus solely on you. 
"Oh.. well, uh… same here. I hope you don't mind the company." 
"Not at all." He shifts a bit before asking. "Are you having issues with your…." He trailed off. 
"Oh yeah. It umm.." You cleared your throat before smiling a bit at him. After working with him for so long, you were getting pretty good at reading him. He was uncomfortable and wasn't sure how to proceed. "My arm stopped working earlier today. So I was trying to fix it." 
How did it get damaged?
How did he not know about your arm? 
How did you lose your arm in the first place?
Was he making this awkward for you?
Should he leave? Should he stay?
So many questions ran through his mind. Uraraka and Yaoyorozu had been working him, so he didn't just blurt out his thoughts as much anymore. Well, he still did with Bakugo, but that was for fun. The girls called it 'reading the room.' He wanted to ask you every question that came to mind, but he didn't want to offend you. 
"Do you… need assistance?" He finally settled on. 
"Oh. Yeah!" You beamed at him, making him blush slightly. "As corny as this sounds, I could use a hand." If you hadn't been staring right at him, you would have missed that small twinge of his lip. It was a smile. 
You went back to work as Todoroki sat across from you, silently observing your work. 
While you were comfortable with his silence, you could tell he was not. He had questions, hell anyone would, but he didn't seem sure how to ask or how to start the conversation.
Looks like you would have to take the lead on this one. 
"Can you hold this for me?" You point to the forearm panel with your screwdriver. He followed your instructions flawlessly. You do this a few more times, and this seems to ease him some until he finally began to talk to you.
"Do you always do the repairs yourself?" He quietly asked. 
"No. Typically, Hatsume does, but she left already. It was her father that built my first arm, but this one is her handiwork pretty cool, huh?" You grinned. You were proud of your brilliant friend, as crazy as she was. You have to remind her every time she has a new idea for her baby, that you need an arm, not an arsenal. 
"It is… impressive." 
"Ah, ha!" You announced as you pull out the damaged piece of machinery that was the cause of all this trouble. "There you are, you little bugger!" 
Seeing you smile in victory as you held up the small component made Todoroki's heart skip a beat. The part you held looks almost industrial grade. It made him curious about what could have caused it to become damaged. 
"So how did it become damaged." He asked without hesitation. 
"Oh… well, you see the water spots here." Sitting the item down, you point to the parts you were describing. "It happens when water or moisture gets in it. That caused the gear to seize up, and the rest cracked when the temperature around it rapidly changed." Your description of the damage reminded him in the way of Midoriya. The way he would mumble through his thoughts. 
Water moisture….
Rapidly changing temperature….
He was the one that damaged her arm….
"I really am the hand crusher..." He sighed as he mumbled to himself.
"I'm sorry, did you say something?"
"My last attack… caused your arm to break… didn't it?"
"Yeah... It did..." 
"My apologies… if I had known…"
"If you had known, you wouldn't have attacked me like you did."
He nodded, and that caused her to sigh before putting down her tools and looking directly at him. 
"Do you think of me as weak?" You kept your tone neutral, not wanting him to take your question the wrong way. 
"No, you are one of the strongest students in our class." His response was honest and quick. 
"And now that you know about my arm. What are your thoughts? Would you have gone at me like you did?" You inquired. 
"You… are still one of the strongest.. and no, I would have aimed somewhere else... "
"And that's why I keep my arm a secret. You would have held back."
"But, I damaged it." 
"So what, it can be fixed." You shrugged
"Look, I don't need people to hold back on me. I need my friends to come at me with everything they have. Because I promise you this, a villain won't hold back. If they see my arm, that's where they will aim." This wasn't the first time you've had to explain this. 
He was silent. He understands your reasoning… somewhat but didn't like it...
"My friends will make me a stronger hero…"
"Your friends?"
"Our friends make us stronger…. I don't think I would have learned or gotten as far as I have without them…"
"What do you mean?"
"Every day with a friend, whether it's in class, just hanging out or in a match, you learn something from each other. The stuff you learn helps you along the way... Take my arm, for example…" You smile. "See, I know these three guys. One is a loudmouth with a foul temper, the other one is observant and kind, and the last one is stoic and very thoughtful. Without them, I would be like my arm was when I first got it, just an arm, nothing special. But thanks to them, I'll become more." You began pointing to different parts on your arm "Sparring with Kat, made me improve its resistance to shockwaves and heat. Thanks to Zuki, I improved its strength and impact resistance." You then grab the small part that he had damaged "And thanks to you, my arm will be stronger against water and ice.  Like I said, my friends make me strong. And I'm not just talking about physically either. My arm is just a physical representation."
He thought long about what you said. Your thoughtful words reminded him of Midoriya, but they're straight forward… a Bakugo trait, no doubt. Suddenly Aizawa partnering you up together made sense. 
But there was one thing you got wrong. 
You were special...  
No matter what...
"So… are we friends?" He managed to ask before he could blurt out his actual thought.
"I'd like us to be… if you want..." You nervously fiddled with the part in your hand. You didn't mean to just blurt out everything you did, but it was too late now. Hopefully, he wouldn't read too much into this. You honestly wanted to be more than friends but, he would need time. You know that. This wasn't something you could rush. 
"I'm not an easy person to be around…"
"Come on, I made friends with the Katsuki Bakugo. I think I can handle you." You chuckled as you extended your arm and balled you hand into a fist hand balled. Todoroki had seen you do this with some of your other classmates. It was a fist bump. "So what do ya say?"
"I'd like that…" He gently touched his fist to yours...
From that day on you, two were inseparable and unstoppable. 
Bonus bit: 
"I'm telling you! Something is really strange about (L/N)." The electric quirk user emphasized to the rest of the group. 
A grumble shut up came from the explosive blonde as he and his redheaded lover walked in front of Sero and Kaminari. 
"Did you not see the tools in her room?" Kaminari continued 
"Yeah! How about the can of metal polish? Weird…" Sero noted.
"Maybe she just builds models? You know like cars, planes or something?" Kirishima chimed in, hoping they dropped the subject that was clearly angering the boy beside him. But to no avail, the two guys behind them continued their conversation.  
"What the hell kind of model do you build with those kinds of tools?" 
"Dude… What if she's a robot?"
"A robot?"
"Yeah! What if she's a robot, and she's here to replace us all with robots!!!"
"You guys really need to lay off the late-night SciFi movies…" Kirishima could see the vein on Bakugo's forehead start to throb… Though the redhead was tempted to let his hot tempered boyfriend go after his classmates, he liked (L/N) and didn't appreciate them talking about you like that, but dinner and a movie sounded better than trying to hide two bodies tonight.
The Bakusquaud composed of Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero were making their way through to the dining area. They just opened the door to see you fist bump with Todoroki. Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima and shocked to see you two sitting there, but Kaminari and Sero are more shocked by what they see on the table.
"AHHHHHH SHE REALLY IS A ROBOT!!!!!" You turn just in time to see two streaks of blonde and black hair run down the hallway to the safety of their rooms.
"You make the strangest friends, Kat….." You teased.
Later on…
Bakugo is upset that you are now friends with Todoroki… also slightly upset about your arm but doesn't show it.
Kirishima is shocked by your arm but brushes it off. He tells you later that it makes you look manly and wants to arm wrestle you once you get fixed.
Bakugo and Kirishima fill you in on what Kaminari and Sero were talking about. You laugh but then take this chance to terrorize Sero and Kaminari a bit. Mainly using a remote arm (One of Hatsume's prototype 'babies' she gave you a while back) that would walk around like thing from the Adams family) for a bit before tell and proving to them that no… you're not a robot…  
Thanks for the read! If you want see the other stuff I’ve done, click the link bellow!
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roswelldetails · 4 years
RNM 2x10 - American Woman
SECRETS OF THE PAST — After uncovering a cryptic message from the past, Alex (Tyler Blackburn), Isobel (Lily Cowles), Max (Nathan Dean), Michael (Michael Vlamis) and Maria (Heather Hemmens) set out in search of answers at the reservation where Alex’s mother grew up. Meanwhile, Cameron (guest star Riley Voelkel) encourages Liz (Jeanine Mason) to reach out to someone from her past after Auturo (guest star Carlos Compean) gets detained. Marcus Stokes directed the episode written by Rick Montano & Vincent Ingaro & Jason Gavin (#210). Original airdate 5/18/2020. 
Tripp brings Louise to the Reservation in a body bag where the Navajo doctors are able to save her life.
"Your message said that you were gonna bring two women that would be no trouble.  This looks like a lot of trouble."
"I must have gotten the codes wrong."
"No, don't give me that Manes man nonsense. Not here in my own home."
"Her name is Louise. I promised her friend Nora I'd protect them. My brother triggered an ambush before I could get them here. And Nora…"
"Wait, what does the Air Force want them for?"
"They're not from around here. They're from...up north."
"Yìiyáh. No. She can't stay here… What if your brother comes here and finds a fugitive.  I can't put my people at risk for a white woman."
"Please. You're the only person I trust. If she doesn't make it, it was all for nothing."
"I'll have you remember that I was the one that saved your ass in Okinawa. I don't owe you anything. I'm only doing this because you're my family. And because I'm a damn fool."
A few notes on this scene:
--I don't know why Tripp pretends he got the codes wrong.  Unless he's spiraling and talking about the timing of the attack.  But it seems like he means the message that he was bringing them to the reservation.  Clearly things didn't go according to plan.  Though, it is always possible that we're still missing bits of the story.
--OG Easter Egg.  "They're not from around here.  They're from up north." For anyone who didn't watch OG, this is almost exactly how the exchange went when Max told Liz he was an alien in the 1999 pilot.
--Yìiyáh - I found nothing on this word.  I'm assuming that it's a curse word or general exclamation of negativity, but literally got zero results on google. It's possible, of course, that it's misspelled in the captions.  There were a lot of errors in the captions in this opening scene.
--While there really isn't any overt statement that Alex is half Navajo and this town is part of Navajo Nation (which has been in the news a lot lately and therefore is a good place in this country to be aware of), there's lots of clues or subtle enough statements that I feel like it can be accepted as fact, since: Harrison is a codetalker, the necklace is Navajo, tsela is a Navajo word. So I did a little peeking and it could work.  The closest Navajo town is about a 4 hour drive from Roswell.
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Navajo Nation: 
(side note - Navajo Nation has extreme poverty but also is utterly gorgeous. And the Tribe gets income from tourism. Just a few places there that I'm dying to go? Monument Valley, Antelope Canyon, Shiprock.  Check it out.)
Liz comments on Max's irregular heartbeat, with literally no acknowledgment of the fact that she's straddling him and has a history of causing his heart to race...and other forms of lack of control (think 1x03).
"I'm excited about this though. You know Alex dug up all that info on our bio Mom. You sure you can't come?"
"Got to take my dad in for his blood tests. I want to check on Jenna too.  Cannot believe she's back in the hospital again."
"She's been in pain for weeks. I have no leads on the mysterious hunting van, and Charlie hasn't made contact."
"Hmm. To be fair, I do hear that phone service is a little spotty in flying saucers."
"Okay, I get that. You think my alien abduction theory is bogus."
"I know you're worried that this has something to do with you, but I don't think this is an alien thing."
"Cam and I had fractal burns on our necks. We had no memory of what happened. That's alien stuff. I just want clarity on something."
--Note that it's past time to abandon all hope of anything resembling a defined timeline for this show...once again we have weeks passing between episodes. This is the second time this season that the time passing has only been generically described as "weeks".  It's been at least a year since Liz came back to Roswell (per her conversation with Diego), but a year would be summer (late May or early June, specifically), and in this episode Isobel mentions that it's winter (which would be a year and a half).
Maria's pitch:
"In conclusion, esteemed members of the Roswell Tourism Board, while the Pony is normally a sanctuary for locals during CrashCon, I think that my plan to turn it into the Contact Cantina Pop-Up Bar will be a hit with alien fans."
"We're talking more money than we first speculated, aren't we now?"
"You know, Mayor Bernhardt, I forgot to tell you about our new morning cocktail… It's coffee, vanilla cream, and our best bourbon. Let me get you a double."
Note: so this is the famous Mayor Bernhardt. Funded by the Long family. Doesn't like immigrants. Had a racist relative who wouldn't give first prize to the black man.
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Maria's vision…
Herself, younger, sitting at the Pony bar. 
"You have to let me go! You're just crazy! And I'm trapped!"
And then she runs from the bar crying.
She's not wearing the necklace.
Describing it to Michael:
"I had a vision, but it was more like a memory. Of a fight I had with my mom when I was younger."
Isobel interrupts Michael and Maria to pick them up for the road trip. Just a few relevant excepts from this scene:
"Pack your bags. We're going on a family road trip."
"Is this why Max wanted the day off?"
"In the photo of Max and Isobel's bio Mom, there was a water tower. Alex recognized that water tower from the town where his mom grew up. You should come with us."
Alex and Forrest talk in the Crashdown:
"Hope that limp isn't from a paintball injury."
"Nope. Those bruises have mostly healed. I just got a new prosthetic. Takes a minute to get used to. You working on your book?"
"I write my book on my computer.  However, I write my angsty emo poetry in an angsty emo journal."
"I'm actually working on some poetry myself. Well, song lyrics, technically. It's a lot harder than it was in high school."
"Yeah, writing was easier for me when I was a kid too. Feelings...we bury 'em now. You just got to find that thing inside of you that doesn't have a voice. Lend it yours. You know? Listen, I have like, zero musical talent, but if you need help with the worst part, we could, uh…"
"Actually I'm leaving tomorrow for a few days to go talk to some recruits."
Michael interruptus, and the conversation goes casual.
--What happened to "angsty nerd isn't really my type." Or...was it FORESHADOWING!!!?! 😂
--Oh hi there clear shot of Forrest's clearly Deep Sky logoed ring…
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Cam has been having debilitating migraines that have been keeping her bedridden since the abduction.
Nurse Kate is a badass. she tries to keep ICE from getting into a patient's room. Liz hears her and hurries to the waiting room, where there's more ICE activity. Liz panics and tries to get Arturo out of the hospital, but she caught the attention of the ICE officers. However, Liz knows her rights.
"He has applied for his green card. I'm his sponsor, okay? This is his G-1145 right here."
"You can show that to the court."
"It's okay. Call the lawyer."
"No. He is a diabetic. It is illegal to detain a patient."
"Exigent circumstances. Move."
"No. Hey, this is an unconstitutional arrest and the ACLU will be all over you."
"Elizabeth, we respect the law in this family. If you're in trouble, who will take care of the mouse?"
--G-1145 is a request for confirmation that your green card application has been accepted:
--The timing of this all. Liz has been prepared for this moment all her life and would fight it to the point of getting arrested herself, if not for Rosa. Rosa's safety is the only thing that convinces Liz to step aside.
--As an only semi related note, this is a really interesting contrast to how they wrote Jeanine's character out on Grey's Anatomy.  
--Also feel like it would be remiss of me to not point out Liz's reactiveness and fightinf mentality is mirroring how Liz initially reacted to Max pulling her over in the pilot.
"Okay. So the Deputy on call says there's one detention center in the county. Here's the info."
"He doesn't have anything left in Mexico. No one. Nowhere to go."
"You can't think like that right now."
"I think like this always. Rosa and I used to recite our escape plan for if our parents got deported and we got separated in foster care. I begged my parents not to tell Santa where we lived because I was afraid he'd ask for papers. My whole life was built on a fear of this day coming, and it's here. If I'd have kept better track of his health, he wouldn't need these tests. I should have made him move to California. I thought we were safe being outside the hundred-mile zone, but after this election I should have known better. And I should have made him wear a sweater this morning because it's freezing out there. And what if he…?"
"...okay think. Is there someone we can call?"
"Kyle's at a conference, but I can have him call his mom."
"Do you know anyone with some real power? You know, Federal muscle?"
Cam gets dressed to take Liz to the Detention Center and Liz calls Diego for help.
The road trip group arrive at the reservation and meet Gregory Manes.  He says he remembers them all from high school.  He takes Max, Michael, and Isobel to learn about Louise while Alex and Maria go jewelry shopping.
Meanwhile Gregory is taking the Pod Squad to Louise's grave, but pauses for some flirting:
"You're still the Isobel Evans who convinced the basketball captain to pull four different fire alarms to get out of AP Gov, right? Yeah, legend. Here she is."
"Oh my God, it's covered in flowers.  It's winter."
"Rumor is they grow year-round unattended. She was a healer. I'm told she helped with trauma, addiction, that sort of thing. All without speaking."
"This another grave?"
"She was pregnant."
"Louise arrived gravely injured. And the baby didn't survive.
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--Louise died the same day the Pod Squad came out of the pods, confirming that she is probably the old woman on the reservation that was described in 1x09.
--Michael found the mysterious purple flowers growing on Louise's grave.
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Alex and Maria at the trading post.
"Are you okay? Seem a little off."
"I had a vision during a meeting this morning. It almost cost me a deal that could save the bar. Maybe I should just wear the necklace. Go back to being a social media guru. Slash barkeep. Slash magical trope in our redneck mayor's fantasy."
"So why did you really come today? Your ideal day off isn't fighting for the radio silence with Isobel Evans, so…"
"This is the back of my necklace. The word stamped in the silver says Tsela. The necklace is Navajo, so I thought maybe that was the jeweler, but no one I've asked here seems to know who made it. I just want answers."
"Well, there's a ton of silver jewelry for sale here. So why don't we just keep looking for something with the same stamp?"
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Pod Squad sharing a bottle of acetone by Louise's grave.
"Noah said our planet was war-torn. But the hell they found here can't have been worth it."
"Do you think that Louise's baby died from her injuries or do you think maybe it was never going to survive?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I was pregnant. When you died. Obviously I'm not anymore. I just can't help wondering if that was my last chance. Assuming that humans and aliens can't procreate because they're different species. Maybe that little baby wasn't viable."
"You almost died during the abortion, didn't you? I could feel it. Noah almost killed you again, huh? Oh, I need a minute."
After Max leaves Michael offers to be a sperm donor for Isobel if she ever wants to have a kid.
Liz at the Detainment Center
"It's Ortecho. Arturo Ortecho. He's my dad. And he needs gliclazide and beta-blockers. I brought both."
"We can't take contraband here, but there is an infirmary on-site, if he's here."
"You know, out of curiosity, did Nebane Abienwi visit an infirmary before he died of a brain bleed in your custody? What about Johana Medina León? She was 25 years old, okay? People walk through those doors and they die...Who's your supervisor? You need prior approval before conducting enforcement in a hospital. There was a compliance memo."
"Right, a memo, which is just like a law only not. Unless you calm down, I'm gonna arrest you for obstruction."
"Okay, Liz, maybe sit down.  Sir, I'm Deputy Jenna Cameron, and we appreciate your interpretation of your guidelines, but we have an urgent health concern about an inmate here, if you just wouldn't mind checking the system."
Jenna goes with the agent…when she returns...
"Do you have a court case next week for a vandalism charge?"
"What? Yes, but I didn't do it. I'm just gonna plead guilty and pay the fine. It's nothing."
"They denied your dad's green card application because of a misdemeanor on your record. You can't be his sponsor."
Jenna's headaches overtake her. Meanwhile, the ICE agent comes back with news:
"Here just came up. Ortecho is being transferred to El Paso for his deportation hearing. You can see him there around Tuesday."
--Liz's misdemeanor is taking the fall for Rosa's vandalism from when she was arrested by Sheriff Valenti in 2x02.
Gregory takes the Pod Squad to see Harrison who is on his death bed.  Manes boys are always welcome here, the woman tells them. Harrison is the only one Louise ever spoke to on the reservation.
"He met my great uncle Tripp Manes fighting in WWII.  Harry was a code talker."
Michael gets Gregory to leave with him so that Max and Isobel can go inside of Harrison's head. Their conversation:
"You look like her."
"Harrison.  You look different."
"That was a lesson I learned from Louise. How to take your mind to a better time when you're in pain. Come on. I haven't seen the sky in a while. I'll tell you about her...I taught Tripp the codes in the Pacific. That's how we set up the rescue. He was supposed to snuggle Louise and Nora here, but the plan fell apart."
In the past between Harrison and Tripp:
"You've changed. The man I met on that ship obeyed orders."
"Guess I saw what happens when good men fall in line with bad orders. I'm a Christian, Harry. When evil itself tells me to kill a woman with child, I disobey. Even if the evil looks just like my brother."
A nurse rolls Louise into the room in a wheelchair.
"Did you find a family for her?"
"There should be music where you take her. I think she's a dancer."
"You can give her a house full of music, Louise. Nora wanted me to protect you so that you could protect the child."
"No. He's coming for me and I can't even move. No. When the devil comes, I won't be able to fight for her. Please. It is hard to be a woman on your planet.  It's only gonna be harder still for her. Roy Bronson believed in meeting hatred with compassion. And I want her to be like him. A light in the darkness. A little star on the ground. I want that for both my girls."
"Where did he take the baby?"
"Can't say."
"No. Tell us where our sister went."
"She isn't your sister. Louise rarely spoke, but when she did, she spoke of two daughters. Two stars on the ground. She had no sons. You aren't hers. You came from something else...She lived for decades longer than she should have, trapped inside of a body that could no longer dance, waiting for a sign that you would be all right. She loved you."
Jenna wakes up back at the hospital.
"I asked them to run a new test. Your headaches are spinal headaches. Because there was a hole torn into your spinal cord."
"I'm sorry, what? My kidnappers gave me a spinal tap?"
"Do you mind signing off so I can look at your tox screen?"
"Yeah, of course, but, Liz, you don't have to do this, okay? Your dad, and…"
"I need a distraction. I can't leave for El Paso until tomorrow, and they're not letting him have visitors other than his lawyer until Tuesday, so...thank you for being here. You used your privilege to help me. I'm furious that I needed it, but I needed it."
--Reposado is a type of tequila
--Spinal Headaches:
Isobel and Max on what they learned from Harrison:
"You've always been different than me and Michael, okay? Always. You were the leader. From the start. I mean, you're the special one. You're the healer."
"I was. Now I can't even sneeze without my heart skipping a beat. All my life, no matter how weird things got, I never felt alone. Because I was your twin. Maybe I'm different. Maybe I'm a freak...I can't stop thinking about being chained up when I was a kid. It didn't feel like someone bad chained me up. It felt like I was the someone bad."
"Max, you're not dangerous."
"Saving people destroys me. But killing Noah? That felt good. I was high. And whenever I think about what he did to you, I want to chase that high. I wish I could kill him a thousand times. Louise mentioned the devil. Maybe something evil was chasing them. And maybe that something was me."
"Okay. I want to show you something. You see this hand on her shoulder there? See, Michael thought it was just someone who got cropped out of the photo, but no. Any female would recognize that body language. She does not want that hand on her. Louise said the devil would come. I think something evil was after them, but it wasn't you. I want to find out who it was."
Alex and Gregory:
"Hey, I just wanted to say thank you before we go. I also feel like I should congratulate you on getting out."
"Of the Navy?"
"Of the family. Getting out from under Dad."
"You got to break free of him, man."
"Do you feel free?"
"I don't think I get to be free until you are, Alex. You know, you're my brother. I wish that I would've stood up for you more."
"You know, I think he's actually getting a little bit better. It's like the stroke melted away the psycho in his brain or something." 
"If you can forgive him you should. Cast off the stone. Let me hate him for you. I owe you that much."
Back at the trading post with the whole road trip group.
"We scoured the store for jewelry that said Tsela on it, but nada. Although I did manage to spend an entire week's worth of tips anyway."
"Yeah it was printed on the back of my grandmother's necklace. I thought I might find some answers here."
"Well, apparently, it is Navajo for star on the ground. So, you guys ready to go?"
"Star on the ground.  Maria? What year was your grandmother born?"
"Uh, '48, I think?"
"Was she adopted?"
"Yeah. Oh my God."
"Your grandmother was my sister."
Note: The direct translation of Tsela is stars lying down. Interestingly, it's often a name in Navajo. When I googled it, the top results were names for Navajo boys.
Diego and Liz's conversation:
"Diego, I never would have reached out if it weren't an emergency. Thank your mom for me."
"The Senator was more than happy to call in a favor. She's always liked you."
"I like her too. We need more people like her."
"Look, we got lucky your dad got out at all, much less without an ankle monitor. And you pissed a few people off back there, so it's not likely that this is the end for you. Who's your lawyer? Or should I make some calls?"
"No, you've done enough. After what I did, I can't even believe you listened to my voicemail...How did you get here so fast?"
"I was at the airport in Phoenix when you called. Just had to reroute real fast."
"And how have you been?"
"Well, my fiancée left me. I'm kidding. No, I'm seeing someone.  It's getting pretty serious, so…"
"Good. Me too."
"Good. We can be friends...And don't take this the wrong way. Please tell me you're not wasting that incredible brain of yours writing alien hamburger puns."
"I am working on a few projects. Nothing I can talk about, but, I'm not wasting anything."
"Well, all the coolest studies make you sign NDAs anyway, so…"
"You know what? There actually is something...Do you know what butyricol is?  Worth a shot. It's this chemical I found in my friend's tox screen. I had never heard of it."
"Maybe you're slacking, Ortecho."
"I am sorry, it has only been a year. Did you literally forget everything about me?"
Note: I'm very pleased to say that when I googled butyricol, half of the top results were RNM related.  Definitely not a real drug.
Malex fight in the bunker:
"We're closed!"
"Hey, that alien console piece that Jim Valenti left me...You still have it?"
"No. I sold it on eBay."
"You didn't attach it to your console."
"I tried. Doesn't fit."
"So, Tripp left this for my dad before he died. My dad thought it was a code, but this is a reference sketch of this exact piece. My dad's been looking for this thing for 30 years and Jim Valenti had it all along...I'm gonna give it to him. I want to see what he does with it once he's got it. Look, if it didn't fit in your console, then it fits somewhere else. My dad could lead us there.""Your dad hunts aliens, Alex. He'll lead my family right off a cliff."
"I've protected you so far. That's not changing. Besides, he's different these days...I don't trust him, Guerin. I just…I'm asking you to trust me.""When we were kids, you believed people were good, despite humanity doing everything to prove you otherwise. And, God, I loved you for it. But what was charming when we were 17, it's just stupid now. How do you not see that? You believe there's some good in your father?"
"Yeah. Yeah I do. God forbid I have faith in people who don't give me a good reason to."
"That's not fair."
"No? Why is your hand covered? You miss your injury because you want to hurt. Your anger made you feel safe. I will always hate my father for what he did to you, but I don't want to live in that toolshed for the rest of my life. I don't want to walk around thinking that people don't change, that one day everyone's just gonna let me down, 'cause I am not building a damn rocket ship in a hidden lair. There's one way for me off this planet. And I need to believe in a reason to stay. I promise I'll keep you safe."
"Can't let you leave with that."
"What are you gonna do? Fight me for it?"
And then Alex leaves and is kidnapped. Hit over the head by an unknown assailant. The note from Tripp blows away.
Max and Liz are talking back at Max's house while Max drinks a lot of bourbon.
"You know, you never told me why your parents immigrated here in the first place."
"My dad wanted a family, but not in Juárez. There was no opportunity, no money. Women were disappearing there all the time. He didn't want my mom to be one of them. So he fled. You're wondering why your family came here."
"If I even had a family. I know so little about my own story. And the parts I thought I understood are just unraveling."
"Max. Family is the one area where I am certain that biology does not matter. Look, when I found out that Rosa was only my half sister that didn't change anything."
"This is different...There are only three of us on this planet, as far as we know. I mean, feeling disconnected from them makes me feel completely alone."
"Completely alone? I'm right here."
"When you needed a rescue today your Mensa society, old money son of a senator ex was there to answer your prayers. I couldn't even answer a call. You didn't need me."
"Oh my God. Okay, so would you prefer that I did need you? Would you prefer to come home to find me crying into my dad's windbreaker so that you can swoop me up and drive me to El Paso for his deportation hearing in the morning?"
"That's not fair. You wanted me to talk about today."
"Yes, okay. I'm sorry. I want you to feel better."
"Well, you think maybe you could go back in time and not meet someone as handsome as Diego? Seriously. He's like if someone mixed a cologne ad with a Kennedy. It's ridiculous. I will never feel adequate again."
"You're wrong. Max, let me be clear. You are objectively better in bed...And I never woke up on a Sunday morning to him singing Hank Williams in the shower...He never snuck unreasonable tips into my dad's checks. Or quoted Henry the Fourth. Coming home to you at the end of my worst days and my best days is the only rescue I need."
I actually found this background on the Ortechos to be fascinating.  In case you don't know Juárez is a pretty big city directly opposite the border from El Paso. It does have some huge crime issues. But it also is one of those border cities where the border is a little thinner. Like San Diego and Tijuana.  People live in Juárez and work in El Paso and vice versa.
If you want to see a really dark & gritty portrayal of Juárez, I'd highly recommend you to check out the American version of the show The Bridge.  Which literally deals with an investigation related to disappearing women.
Isobel and Maria at the Pony:
"She looks so determined."
"Yeah, neither of us would be here if she hadn't been. You know she was paralyzed 50 years and she still managed to use her powers to help ease troubled minds. You know how hard that is? To take on someone else's suffering? I mean, it doesn't just disappear. She would have been carrying all of that."
"She suffered so much loss."
"I don't know how to be worth it."
Michael on the bracelet.
"The beads are made with pollen from the alien flower. I found another plant growing at Louise's grave. Okay my working theory is that they grow from alien remains. There's this UFO lore about that Libyan desert where the flowers have been discovered before. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to. I know better than to think I can save Maria DeLuca. I hope you decide you can save yourself."
Max is still drinking after Liz went to bed.  At 4:04am Diego calls and wakes her up. 
"I made a call, about that toxin in your friend's system. Butyricol. It's a drug. It's a memory eraser. It was developed by a private organization and purchased by the military for weaponization. There's no approved application outside of violent combat."
Liz tries to call Alex, but he's too busy being unconscious in the back of his SUV.  So his kidnapper pockets his phone.
Max has a memory flash. There's fighting, weapons clashing, a woman's voice...all while he's chained down in the cave. Louise appears and kneels down to touch his shoulder.  He looks afraid, but she's trying to comfort him (even though she has blood splattered all over her white clothes). She smiles and nods and then cuts Max free of the chains with her alien weapon. She offers him her hand, but before he can take it a figure in white appears and he and Louise fight. Max cries out and hides his face.
Present day Max is visibly shook by the flash.
1.  Shelly Fairchild "Worry No More"
2.  Powerslide "Just You And I"
3.  Will Fox "Against The Tide"
4.  Tommee Profitt feat. Sam Tinnesz "Bullet With Butterfly Wings"
17 notes · View notes
tickleficcatalogue · 5 years
Marvel: The Avengers Masterpost
Non-Serious: Strange proves to Tony that he can be non-serious. Ticklish!Tony
Not Marijuana: Peter Realizes that MJ’s name is definitely slang for weed. Ticklish!Peter
Passion: Wanda takes the time to explain to Vision what ticklishness is. Ticklish!Wanda
Never Stop Being Awesome: Peter is feeling down so the reader comes over to cheer him up. Ticklish!Peter
Belly Rubs: A grouchy T’Challa receives a ‘belly rub’ from Tony. Ticklish!T’Challa
Home: Reader is Loki and Thor’s sister, sibling banter and teasing ensues. Ticklish!Thor
A Horrible Trade: Reader is Loki and Thor’s sister and decides to steal Thor’s cape. Ticklish!Thor
Good Night Kiss: Loki and Thor attempt to convince reader!sister to let them give her a goodnight kiss, they are her older brothers after all. Ticklish!Reader
Titanium: Reader is Thor and Loki’s sister and the God of fear. After a battle, tickly events ensue. Ticklish!Reader, Ticklish!Thor, Ticklish!Loki
Captain, Captain, Cat: Reader and Tony dress up as Cap for Halloween, Steve goes as a cat who’s gives particularly good belly rubs. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Reader
Web: Reader decides to count Peter’s freckles. Ticklish!Peter
Becky and Sad: Sam buys Bucky a birthday cake that happens to have an embarrassing misspelling on it. Ticklish!Sam  
Only Monster That Matters: Wade helps out a touch-starved Peter. Ticklish!Peter
The Perfect Outfit: Tony buys T’Challa a cat onsie, and of course there needs to be photo evidence. Ticklish!Tony
No More Twister: Peter is showing off during twister, so Ned and MJ take it upon themselves to humble him. Ticklish!Peter
The One Thing All Gods Fear: Reader is Thor and Loki’s sister, more sibling shenanigans. Ticklish!Reader, Ticklish!Thor, Ticklish!Loki
When It’s Christmas: Tony hates Christmas, so Pepper decides to cheer him up a little. Ticklish!Tony
Completely Human: Reader is Steve’s sister, Steve and Tony decide to help the reader with her tiredness the morning after she goes on a mission with Peter. Ticklish!Reader
I Hear Music: Reader is Steve’s sister, sibling shenanigans and tickling ensue with the help of one Tony Stark. Ticklish!Reader, Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Tony
Two Hours and Twenty-Seven Minutes: Reader is Steve’s sister and is having some existential/suicidal thoughts, Steve takes her mind off of her immortality and lightens the mood. Ticklish!Reader
Happy Birthday: Reader is Steve’s sister, after a tough battle the Avengers help her celebrate her birthday. Ticklish!Reader
Both Of Us: Reader is Steve’s sister and breaks Tony’s TV, a chase ensues. Ticklish!Reader
New Friends, Old Memories: Peter lets slip that he’s ticklish. Steve and Bucky take the opportunity to mess around like old times, only Steve’s no longer the one on the receiving end. Ticklish!Peter
Offshooting: Peter claims you’re ticklish, and you’re in denial. Tony steps in to help clear things up (also featuring Thor and Steve). Ticklish!Reader 
Theft: You have no idea why you decided to run off with Bucky’s metal arm. Neither does he. You also have no idea how to outrun him. Chaos ensues. Ticklish!Reader
Impulse: You’re in a massive ‘Lee mood, and Peter sees you trying to tickle yourself. Things go marginally less awkwardly than expected. In which you and Peter are best friends. Ticklish!Reader
Weekend Disroutine: Peter is exhausted, sleep deprived, and in denial of both of these things. A few of the Avengers decide to help him out (also featuring Tony, Clint, Bucky, and Steve). Ticklish!Peter 
Ammunition: Tony keeps trying to make conversation whilst you pack up after a lab session, and you don’t know how to answer his questions (also featuring Bruce and Peter). Ticklish!Reader
Sunset: Thor keeps trying to calm Bruce down, until Bruce realises maybe Thor’s not trying to. Ticklish!Thor
Lego: Peter finds out you like being tickled. Ticklish!Reader
Challenge: Steve puts up with a lot as one of your best friends, but you wish he could put up with you trying to ambush him without immediately turning the tables. Ticklish!Reader
The Winter Jogger: Bucky swings by your apartment after a morning exercise session with Steve, but the Winter weather and his prosthetic make for a rather chaotic visit. Ticklish!Reader
“It’s three in the morning”: You’re staying at the Avengers HQ with Peter, and wake up to grab some coffee. But it seems you might’ve woken him up. Early morning chats and lots of fluff ensues. Ticklish!Reader
“You have five seconds to run”: Tony and Peter are working in the lab, which is always a recipe for disaster. Ticklish!Peter
“Are you Scared?”: Cloaks stir up all kinds of trouble, especially according to Tony. Ticklish!Tony
“I can’t believe I just did that”: Things are pretty dull on the Asgardian battleship, so Thor turns to his friends for entertainment. Ticklish!Bruce
“Was that a giggle?”: Ned finds Peter’s new spiderman suit amazing; but it’s hard for Peter to appreciate it when Ned keeps poking him whilst he wears it. Ticklish!Peter
“No, not there! Anywhere but there!”: In which Peter makes one too many science jokes in the lab with Tony, and Tony decides to investigate something he’s overheard. Ticklish!Peter
“I’ve never been more embarrassed in my entire life”: Tony decides his sparring session with Peter needs a little mischief, and Peter decides sparring was a mistake (also featuring Strange). Ticklish!Peter
Boundaries: Steve finds out you’re ticklish, and your attempts to dissuade him from tickling you are failing rather miserably. Ticklish!Reader
Bittersweet: In which Peter tickles the reader half to death and they ponder whether this betrayal can be forgiven. Ticklish!Reader 
Class Project: No one’s too old to play pretend, right? The answer is yes. You, Peter, and MJ don’t know this, though. Ticklish!Peter, Ticklish!MJ, Ticklish!Peter
Sleepover: A simple disagreement at Peter’s apartment escalates into a rather one-sided tickle fight, which results in some unexpected discoveries for both you and Peter. Ticklish!Peter
Summer Sledding: Peter, Morgan, and Pepper are over for the afternoon. Scott just so happens to be making up for some lost childhood time with Cassie via reconstructing an old classic. Ticklish!Peter
The Spider’s Out Of The Bag: Peter’s been pushing himself in every aspect of his life, and he looks like he’s gonna collapse out of exhaustion. While giving Peter a needed massage, Ned finds a way to convince his friend to get some rest. Ticklish!Peter
A Bit Of Trouble: Bucky’s arm is malfunctioning, and it’s causing him to rip off all the doors in the tower. So obviously, Tony offers to help fix it. Ticklish!Bucky
God Of Static: Thor teases Bruce with the power of electricity. Ticklish!Bruce
Swatting More Than Flies: Sam and Bucky get Peter a fly swatter as a gag gift. Ticklish!Peter
The Way Things Were: Steve and Tony reminisce. Ticklish!Tony 
Twinsies: Pietro wants Wanda to admit that he’s the best. Ticklish!Wanda
What’s The Matter Kid?: Tony spends some time with Harley. Ticklish!Harley
Time To Go: T’Challa is stubborn, Tony has a cure for that. Ticklish!T’Challa
Not Touching: Sam won’t move his seat up so Bucky establishes that he is definitely not touching Sam. Ticklish!Bucky
Musical Bros: Natasha and Tony share a love of musicals, Steve finds out. Ticklish!Natasha, Ticklish!Tony
Forts and Snowball Fights: Winter time fun means snow forts and snowball fights, fluff, and tickle fights! Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Steve
Fun: It’s Bruce’s birthday. The Avengers just want him to have fun. Ticklish!Bruce
Never Have I Ever: The Avengers play a game of Never Have I Ever together and discover that Tony is very ticklish. They take advantage of this fact. In a fun way. Ticklish!Tony
Science and Laughter: A few times when Tony tickles Bruce in the lab, and one time that Bruce tickles Tony. Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Tony
Secret Sketches: Tony convinces Steve to show off his art. Ticklish!Steve
Sun and Sand: Steve and Tony go to the beach. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Tony
Technical Difficulties: Tony’s having a wee bit of trouble with his phone… being a good friend and lab partner, Bruce decides to distract him. Ticklish!Tony
Too Much Stress: High School AU. When Steve is stressed about exam results, his friends decide to ‘distract’ him. Ticklish!Steve
Иногда Yмный: Tony is sometimes smart. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bruce
When You Wish Upon A Star: Peter won’t get out of bed. Enter Tony Stark. Ticklish!Peter
Normal: Being the sister of the world’s greatest hero has its advantages and disadvantages. While attempting to do something a normal teenager would do, things go wrong, and it takes a Captain America and an Iron Man to make you feel better. Ticklish!Reader
Remember When: Bucky finds you awake and upset one night. Ticklish!Reader
Bucky, You’re Not Punny: Bucky thinks he’s funny. He’s really not, but he still gets you to laugh. Ticklish!Reader
’S’ Is For ‘Steve’: Steve told you not to get that tattoo. You got it anyway. Ticklish!Reader
Call It Magic: Your fear of thunder drives you into a certain God’s arms one night. Ticklish!Reader
Happy Birthday, Old Man: The one thing you shouldn’t do on Steve’s one hundredth birthday is call him old. Ticklish!Reader
Pillow Fights and Budding Feelings: Tony calls the Avenger his family out loud, Steve pays Tony a visit to help Iron Man get out of his own head. Ticklish!Tony
The Untitled Story of Ridiculous Feels: Tony finally confides in Steve about the events that occured in Iron Man, the next morning, Steve wants to make sure Tony doesn’t regret it. Ticklish!Steve
Beginning of Something Else: Steve and Tony are mutually pining, finally they decide to do something about it. Ticklish!Tony
Club AU Part 1: Tony works at a club oriented to a very specific clientele. Ticklish!Tony
Favorite Games: Pepper reveals how she keeps Tony under control. The Avengers are totally on board with this. Tony is just done. Ticklish!Tony
Berry-gum Owes Me A Fic Now: Tony is being sent on an undercover mission. Steve finds his disguise absolutely adorable. Teasing. Ticklish!Tony
Another Untitled Thing For Berrygum: An exploration of Natasha and Tony’s bromance. Ticklish!Tony
The Harry Potter AU: Steve perfects “Rictusempra” (NSFW). Ticklish!Tony
MINIFIC: Tony has been teasing Steve. Raspberries. Tame. Ticklish!Tony
Oh God I’m So Tired: Pre-serum Steve and Bucky always feel the need to tease each other. Ticklish!Steve
In Which Loki Is Actually Mildly Useful (for once): Loki turns Steve into a cat. Tony wants to snuggle, but Steve’s fur presents a problem. Ticklish!Tony
Girls Night: Pepper wants to hang out with Natasha and Tony doesn’t know how to interact with humans. Ticklish!Tony
Prelude: Steve loves the sound of Tony’s laughter, so he takes every opportunity to hear it. Ticklish!Tony
Discoveries: Steve mildly injures his foot. Tony is all about helping. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Tony
Overdone: Tony gets a little too enthusiastic regarding Christmas. Ticklish!Tony
The Feathers series: The team finds an alien with a very specific set of feeding needs.
Stark vs Alien: Ticklish!Tony
Stark vs Rogers: Ticklish!Steve
Stark vs Feelings: Ticklish!Tony
Capture series: When you’re trapped in a HYDRA cell, there aren’t that many methods of entertainment.
Capture: Ticklish!Tony
Capture 2: Ticklish!Steve
Capture 3: Ticklish!Tony (NSFW)
Accept Me: Tony has a question and Steve tickles it out of him. Ticklish!Tony
Cheer: Tony is sad. Natasha and Steve are not willing to put up with this. Ticklish!Tony
Frame By Frame: Snippets from the lives of Rhodey and Tony, growing up together.
1: Ticklish!Tony
2: Ticklish!Tony
3: Ticklish!Tony
4: Ticklish!Tony
Flashbacks:  Rhodey tells Steve about Tony’s past, Tony has a larger circle of people he can trust. Ticklish!Tony
Day Off: Tony, Bruce, and Steve are having a lazy day at Avengers Towers. Tony’s out of it and Steve wakes him up with the help of Bruce.  Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Steve
I Believe It’s Called Being Ticklish: Loki got yelled at by his father and goes off to sulk in his room. Luckily, his big brother, Thor, is there to comfort him and to get him smiling again! Ticklish!Loki, Ticklish!Thor
Bucky’s Secret: Bucky is angry and jealous of Steve and his new body. Steve tries to convince him that it isn’t that great to be him anyway by exploiting his weakness. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Bucky
A Friendly Conversation (Part 1): The Avengers are on the hunt for the Tesseract. Before they find it, some acts of friendship and boredom are displayed. Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Tony
A Friendly Conversation (Part 2): The mission was moderately successful. They didn’t get the Tesseract but found the next best thing: Loki. They talk with him to try and figure out what his plan is among other things. But the interrogation goes off target once tickling is brought into the picture. Ticklish!Loki
A Baby’s Day: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are de-aged and Loki helps babysit! Ticklish!Thor, Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Loki, Ticklish!Tony
Maybe It Wasn’t So Bad: Loki finds out that he’s not a proud Asgardian prince, and rather that he is the son of the Frost Giant king, Laufey. He starts out completely devastated, but then realizes that it wasn’t all bad. Ticklish!Loki
Tickling, Toads, and Trickery: The Avengers chase Loki around the heli-carrier, which results in tickle fights and a vengeful Trickster. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Clint
Sleep: Thorki fic. Late at night, Thor observes his brother and lover while they sleep and he finds all the more reasons to love him. Ticklish!Loki
An Average Asgardian Saturday: During Loki’s parol time after the Battle of New York, him and Thor act like brothers again and explore the castle in Asgard. Ticklish!Loki
What Started Out As Science: Tony tries to get Bruce to sleep someway and somehow… even if it includes some major mothering. Ticklish!Bruce
Making Him Laugh: Tony takes notice of the fact that Bruce never laughs. He makes it his job to get a smile and a laugh out of the guy, even with some persuasion. Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Tony
Heart In The Morning: It’s Bruce’s job to wake the billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and he has his methods. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bruce
Rushing for Gratitude: Tony tries being open and friendly with Bruce since he stays in Stark Towers with him, and he volunteers to make life as easy as possible for him. He takes measurements of Bruce and fools around with him. Bruce rushes to thank him afterwards. Ticklish!Bruce
The Super Awesome Tickle Fight: The title says it all, the Avengers have a tickle fight. Ticklish!Thor, Ticklish!Clint, Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Tony
The Battle for the Remote (Original): Tony and Bruce have a cat and mouse chase around Stark Towers. Hilarity ensues. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bruce
The Battle for the Remote (Alternate Ending): Technically a second part to the original one. Tony and Bruce have a cat and mouse chase around Stark Towers. Hilarity ensues.
The Battle for the Remote (Post Alternate Ending): The continuation of the second part of this series, also the last. Tony and Bruce have a cat and mouse chase around Stark Towers. Hilarity ensues. Ticklish!Bruce
The Hawk’s Weakness: Clint gets himself into a ridiculous situation, in which a delighted Tony Stark finds him. Ticklish!Clint
MISSION: Science Bonding: The Avengers meet up to figure out a way to get Tony and Bruce to talk and interact with each other. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bruce
Can’t Sleep: Bruce struggles from lack of sleeping. Thor offers his help because maybe together they can figure out a solution. Ticklish!Bruce
Tickle Interrogation: The Avengers need to know where the Tesseract is. Thor knows just how to get the information from Loki. Ticklish!Loki
Doctor/Patient: After defeating Loki, Tony and Bruce go back to the battered Towers building and give each other check-ups, exploiting some ticklish spots.Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bruce
Camping: Thor takes Bruce on a date in the woods. A night filled with tickle fights lies ahead. Ticklish!Bruce, Ticklish!Thor
Persuasion: Thor asks Loki for his help in facing Malekith. When Loki declines, Thor might have to take “drastic” measures to get him to agree. Ticklish!Loki
On My Side: Bucky and Tony have avoided each other for a long time, but when they come face to face, they settle their differences in the most childish way imaginable. Ticklish!Bucky, Ticklish!Tony
You Gotta Get Out More: Bucky getting a metal arm-repair from the billionaire philanthropist which comes with some tickly adjustments. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bucky
Comfort, Dance, Fireplace: Tony takes Bucky out on a date, they get drunk, and fun begins. Ticklish!Tony, Ticklish!Bucky
Not Here: Post Ragnarok, Loki and Thor attempt to be brothers again. Ticklish!Loki, Ticklish!Thor
SERIES: Airplane: You are on Tony’s private jet with Peter Parker for a mission, he finds a little secret of yours and decides to exploit it with the Avengers. Ticklish!reader, Ticklish!Peter
Always Have a Plan: Reader is teasing Loki and he has enough and wrecks her. Ticklish!reader
Bane of Your Existence: Peter finds out that the reader gets flustered when he says “tickle” or wiggles his fingers, and a lot of teasing ensues. Ticklish!reader
Bathtime: Tony’s guilty pleasure are baths, but he refuses to let anyone know about it. One night as he’s relaxing in the tub, Steve barges in and decides to annoy Iron Man for a bit. Ticklish!Tony
The Best Little Sister: Loki comes into your room extremely upset about something and as his little sister, you know exactly how to cheer him up. Ticklish!Loki
SERIES: Bully: You are the school bully but when Peter Parker finds out your secret and breaks down your cold walls, you two start to fall for each other. Ticklish!reader
Catch a Laugh: You’re re-recording some audio for the movie and you run into trouble with a particular scene. Thankfully, Tom knows exactly how to overcome that. Ticklish!reader
Classroom Jokes: Peter sits behind the Reader in math class and pokes her back to get her attention, he realizes that her back is ticklish so he starts to tease her about it while Reader tries to stay quiet in class. Ticklish!Peter
Costumes: It’s Halloween and Peter wants Tony to wear a costume. Tony, however, has a different idea. Ticklish!Peter
Game Night: Steve is aching to play some games with his friends, but they’re all stuck on their phones. If there was only a way to get their attention… Ticklish!Steve
Halloween: “Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.” Peter wants you do dress up with him for Halloween and you refuse, but he gives you compelling evidence on why Halloween isn’t so bad. Ticklish!reader
A Healing Touch: You have the power to heal yourself and your fighting skills are rather extraordinary. While the Chitauri is invading New York (again), you are seriously injured and Steve is concerned about you. Ticklish!reader
Hot Chocolate: Reader finds out that Peter’s ticklish and tells Tony about it, he chases and tickles the reader for revenge. Ticklish!Peter, Ticklish!reader
Make Me Laugh: Reader teases Peter for laughing at everything and he challenges it with, “No I don’t! Go ahead, make me laugh.“ Ticklish!Peter
My Secret Powers: You are a mutant who can feel what others are feeling, and the Avengers enjoy taking advantage of those powers. Ticklish!Peter, Ticklish!reader, Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Tony
Nerd: “You’re a nerd.” Peter is ashamed of his hobbies and interests, but Tony makes sure he knows that he’s not alone. Ticklish!Peter
Panic Attack: Reader and Peter Parker are dating, and reader has a panic attack in the middle of the night because of too much stress. Ticklish!reader
Pinky Promise: You played an innocent prank on Steve Rogers but ended up finding out about his little secret. Ticklish!reader
Present: “Show me what’s behind your back.” Peter has wonderful news about his science project and you make a little gift for him. Ticklish!reader
Smile: “Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.” Wanda is using you as a model for her painting but you’re struggling to hold a nice smile. She finds a way to help you out. Ticklish!reader
SERIES: Snatcher: You are a mutant who does petty crimes for clients to afford food and shelter. The newest gig doesn’t go as planned and Tony Stark offers you a position at the Stark Towers. This sparks a brand new life for you. Ticklish!Reader
Snowball Fight: You have a very one sided snowball fight with Loki and Thor. Ticklish!reader
Tradition: Peter Parker still gets nervous around the Avengers so Steve helps him relax. Ticklish!Peter, Ticklish!Tony
Training: Reader has a little sister relationship with Thor and she’s all whiney and childish while she’s training so Thor tickles her to shut her up. Ticklish!reader
The Wild Creature: Reader gets playful and attempts to tickle Peter, but due to his Spidey strength, he just wrecks her. Ticklish!Peter, Ticklish!reader
A Little Wrapped Up: Peter gets stuck in his own webs, so Tony tries to help. Ticklish!Peter
A Rare Day Off: Clint and Natasha spend some time together on a day off. Ticklish!Natasha
A Ticklish Winter Soldier: Steve and Tony help Bucky de-stress. Ticklish!Bucky
Hard Work…and Some Play: Steve and Peter are paired for sparring on a training day and Steve needs to find some way to get the spider pinned. Ticklish!Peter
Horrendous vs. Hilarious: Steve gets stuck in a suit, and of course the suit starts to vibrate. Tony is thoroughly entertained. Ticklish!Steve
In These Dark Days: Peter is having a hard time and Bucky understands, so he tries to help the kid out. Ticklish!Peter
Itsy Bitsy Spider: Peter’s having a bad day, so Tony does his best to cheer him up. Ticklish!Peter
Lovers and Laser Tag: Bucky get Steve during laser tag, so Steve punishes him when they get back home. Ticklish!Bucky
Sequel to Lovers and Laser Tag: Steve’s Turn: Steve tries to sabotage Bucky during laser tag, so Bucky gets revenge. Ticklish!Steve
Seriously You Two: Tony helps Bucky and Steve get together after having to hear about both of them pining. Ticklish!Bucky
That’s More Like It (Continuation of Seriously You Two): Bucky and Steve finally go on their date. Ticklish!Bucky
So You Like It: Bucky wants more with Steve, and he also realizes that maybe he likes tickling, but not at a great time. Ticklish!Bucky
Spiderling’s Crush: The Avengers convince Peter to spill the details of his crush. Ticklish!Peter
Super Spy vs Super Soldier: Natasha and Steve have a new favourite game called ‘catch and tickle’. Ticklish!Steve
Welcome Home, Spiderling: The Avengers go out of their way to make sure that Peter knows that he is a part of the team and he should try to destress a little. Tony wants to focus on the destressing most of all. Ticklish!Peter
You’ll Pay For That: Reader pranks Loki, Loki can’t let the reader get away with that. Ticklish!Reader, Ticklish!Loki
Wrestling Through Time: From pre-serum to post-serum to present day, Steve and Bucky have always had their fair share of play fighting. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Bucky
Not-So-Close Shave: Tony and Steve tease each other in Tony’s lab. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Tony
There’s Growth in Pain: Steve helps Bucky figure things out and deal with his guilt. Ticklish!Steve
Shield Stealer: Natasha steals Steve’s shield. Ticklish!Natasha, Ticklish!Steve
Fallen Spider: Peter takes a fall, so Tony gives him a little examination. Ticklish!Peter
Overwhelming: When Steve gets overwhelmed, Tony distracts him to help his boyfriend relax. Ticklish!Steve
Kinks: Bruce really should of minded where he put his computer. Especially when working with Tony Stark. Ticklish!Bruce
Nights When You Can’t Sleep: Everytime Clint can’t sleep, he always calls Natasha to come stay with him. Each time never fails to brighten up his sleepless nights. Ticklish!Clint 
Biology Of A Spider: Just the thought of Ned tickling him can get Peter giggling, Ned uses this knowledge to his advantage. Ticklish!Peter
Playful Profanity: Steve makes fun of Bucky’s old age, so after a frantic chase, Bucky dismantles Steve with his fingers in front of the whole team. Ticklish!Steve
Not Like Other Girls: MJ is always taking Peter by surprise. Ticklish!Peter, Ticklish!MJ
Intern Interrogation: MJ questions Peter about his internship. Ticklish!Peter
Spidey-Senses: Peter’s two friends learn a lot of new things about him. Ticklish!Peter
The Bored Web-Slinger: Peter wanders around the Avenger Tower on a particularly boring day, until he gets sucked into Bucky and Steve’s shenanigans. Ticklish!Steve, Ticklish!Peter
The Golden Retrievers: Nothing is normal the way it was before the snap, but the Avengers are much closer afterwards, and an unlikely trio of excited pop-culture lovers emerges. Ticklish!Peter Parker
A Far Too Sleepy Spider: Tony needs to find a way to wake Peter up, because apparently, the kid could sleep through a hurricane. Ticklish!Peter
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6inchicon · 5 years
Bucky Barnes X Borrower reader
(I’ve never written Bucky before so please give feedback. I’ve also never written a single one-shot before and it feels weird lmao so I might make a part 2)
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Bucky’s apartment wasn’t much and it certainly wasn’t the best in the complex, but he made the most of it and that’s what you appreciated. He was an odd human but easy to borrow from. There  was always food laying about and the human wasn’t home often. He didn’t follow a schedule but depending on when he left, estimating how long he’d be out was effortless. Today, he was out on his normal run and would be gone longer to get groceries, making now the perfect time to stock up.
Though easy, it wasn’t simple.
The thing about this human is that he’s an overly observant freak. Nothing in this apartment is disregarded. To borrow right after he bought food would be the ultimate no-go. A word misspelled in an article he isn’t reading? He notices. More chipped drywall than usual? He sees it. The breeze from the closed fridge is 1 degree cooler? He feels it. Once while borrowing you had bumped into a mug and just barely turned it from its original position. When the bean came home, you watched from your hole behind the fridge as he studied the mug intensely. After his staring contest, he took one finger, and turned the mug back to it rightful place before walking away.
Every since then, you’ve been quite strict on how carefully you borrow.
Your borrowing trip today was more than successful so far, with over 30 minutes of being home-alone left and your bag filled, everything was going your way. All you needed was some bread and you could be on your merry way.
The loaf sat on a plate right in front of the toaster giving you easy access. You walked across the counter to reach it and started picking at it, never grabbing to much from the same place. The sound of stomping outside alerted you and you quickly shoved that last piece of bread into your bag. You were preparing to sprint across the counter when the front door swung open and slammed closed.
“Oh no” you whispered, jumping back at the loud noise. Immediately you searched for a hiding spot. A fools move. You’ve been on this counter a hundred times you knew it from the back of your head.  You ran to the bread,  and did a circle behind it. You ducked and rose back up, It was too short to hide behind. Over by the entrance you saw the human slamming his head against the wall, grumbling quietly to himself. He’d return home with nothing but a newspaper in hand and his heavy breathing added to your fear factor.
Something was wrong. The human had never come back so early and always completed his task before returning. Today he looked exhausted, he was breathing heavy, and from what you could see, was covered in sweat. He was thinking about something and it was obviously frustrating him, but what?
As concerned as you were for him, you were more worried about getting back to your hole without being caught. Right now the human’s back was to you and he seemed more than occupied with his thoughts. If you were fast enough you could at least make it to the other side of the counter, once you get to the safety zone by the fridge, being seen would be the least of your worries.
You can’t run across or else he’ll hear you, but also can’t walk or you won’t make it in time. What you needed was a steady yet quick pace that matched the jingle of your bag to his heavy breathing and—
Oh fuck
Bucky began to move away from the wall and face the open room. You staggered back a little and froze, his back was only partly to you now. If you didn’t move then maybe he wouldn’t notice you and then you could wait for him to walk away.
You watched him unfurl the newspaper in a stiff manner, holding your breath in the few seconds of silence before he turned the page.  It took nothing but a meer glance at it for him to slam the newspaper onto the stove top and the folded papers scattered across the surface. Internally, you were screaming, but it took every bit of strength you had not to react outwardly. Slowly you slid your bag of your body and backed up until you hit the toaster. There was no way you were going to make it to safety while carrying your bulky bag, you would just have to leave without it and hope for the best. It was one thing to be caught by a human, it’s another thing when they’re in a mood. And this one was angry. To escape from him with your life would be a miracle but you hoped you wouldn’t need one.
You had it all planned out, on the count of three you would take off while his back was still to you and safely return to the comfort of your hole in the wall.
You closed your eyes and bit your lips out of habit.
Bucky flailed his arms in the air with no sense of purpose but from frustration as he growled.
Along with your first step Bucky slammed his hands onto the stove top and aggressively  swiped everything into the air. Again you were frozen in your tracks and the ceramic mug that shattered on the wall close to you sent you reeling. You ran to the corner between the toaster and the wall, praying that God would give you the strength to squeeze behind the toaster.
Through your watery eyes and the falling papers, you watched the human walk over to the fridge and then rest his back against the counter next to it. His fist balled tightly then gripped the counter.
No no no no NO
Impossible. There was no way for you to escape now and you were out in broad daylight. His elbow laid on the counter and carried his weight, blocking your only path back to safety. The fact that you hadn’t been spotted yet was terrifying...What will he do when he does see you? You could only begin to how he’d take his anger out on you. This is just a recipe for disaster and God is cooking up a storm.
The human’s head hung low and his eyes rolled back. With a heave he began muttering;
Over and over again to himself.
“Why are you everywhere? Who are you?”
He lifted his left hand and removed the glove from it, revealing the metal prosthetic. You stared at it with awe, only briefly forgetting your fear. Even inside the apartment he rarely took his glove off, but today was different. He gazed at his hand and huffed with a hint of relief before running it through his hair. His arm was a lot nicer than you thought. Its gray color reflected what little light lit the room and its shine displayed how smooth the metal. Watching him flex his fingers was a show, you would never guess something that looked so solid could be so flexible.
Still lost in the wonder that was his arm, you didn’t notice his biological arm tense, releasing his grip from the edge and balling it into a fist before it slammed on the counter. A small gasp escaped your lips as you fell to your knees and you could hear the human immediately turning his head to look at you.
Oh no
You snapped your head up, allowing your wide and terrified eyes to meet his.
His demeanor changed instantly as the frustration was replaced with confusion and a soft gaze.
“Oh my god,” You whimpered, slowly standing up.
“Oh my god,” He whispered back in an unexpectedly silvery voice.
His whole body turned towards you and his eyes sized you up. He took a step forward and you backpedaled into the same corner.
This was it… Cornered, by an angry bean, with nowhere to run or hide. You had been so careful these past months, being seen was in no way your fault but bad luck. Unfortunately, blame wasn’t going to save you from the wrath of a human. Tears returned and brimmed your eyes as you watched him continue to step closer until he towered right above you. You wouldn’t have dared to break eye contact but couldn't help but wince and cower as he leaned forward and lifted his hand.
“Please!” you cried, blocking you face with your arms and squeezing your eyes shut.
“Please.. Please don’t hurt me…”
His hand retreated— not that you noticed —and he crouched so that only his head was visible to you. He watched the tears spill from your eyes momentarily as you sobbed with hushed cries before he began.
“Hey, hey, hey,” his deep voice surprised you, making you jump and look at him.
“It’s okay… you speak English?” Quickly you took your sleeve and wiped you face, nodding in reply.
“You got a name, doll?”
You lowered your arms to your shoulders to reveal you face as you continued nodding. “...Y/N” you choked.
“I’m Bucky,” he offered. You already knew his name though. When he first moved in, the first few days he was non-stop repeating it to himself.
“Bucky, Bucky. My name is Bucky. I am Bucky. James Buchanan Barnes. Bucky”
“It's nice to meet the person who's been eating my food.” While he smiled, your heart dropped.
“You-you— “
“You aren’t exactly the cleanest with my bread,” he interrupted, motioning his head to your bag on the counter with bread crumbs falling out.
Your cheeks flushed and you trained your eyes to the ground. “I-I I am so sorry, it won't happen again. Please just let me go and I won't come back, you won't ever have to worry about it again and you’ll never see messy crumbs from me again. Please don’t hurt me; Just let me go please—” Tears swelled in your eyes again as your rambled on with fear. You didn’t see as he reached for you again, but instead of a hand it was in pointer finger.
He lifted your chin up gently, which quite frankly, being touched by him no matter how soft was going to scare you. He forced you to look him in the eyes as he wiped a tear of your cheek with his thumb. “I’m not going to hurt you. I don’t care that you ate some of my bread. I just wanted to know who you were. I knew you couldn’t be a mouse, too clean and organized and, well, here you are… So you have to explain, what are you?”
He withdrew his hand to slick hair behind his ear..
“I’m a borrower…”
“Like that kids stories?”
“...sure?” He chuckled
“What’s an American borrower doing here in Romania? That's a long way for someone like you”
Your voice hitched, forcing you to take a deep breathe. “A few months ago, I hitchhiked in someone's bag… few hours later and here I am.” He huffed another laugh. That was a good thing right? He hadn’t attempted to hurt you or put you in a jar yet, maybe he would let you go and you could plan your move to another apartment. Or maybe not.
“I’m sorry if I scared you earlier. I'm guessing you saw most of that?”
You nodded hesitantly. If you weren’t stunned with fear you might have asked him about it.
“Yeah…” He pursed his lips with a huff and tapped his fingers on the edge of the counter.
“Well,” he scooped up your bag and dangled it in front of you, “this is yours, no?”
You nodded and he moved the bag closer to you in offering. Your eyes flickered between his and the bag unsure of the offer, when you finally took it he pulled his hand back and stood up.
“I won’t keep you any longer. You can leave.” He said as you reexamined the contents of your bag. Instantly you looked up to him with wide eyes, was he  letting you go?
Your mouth hung agape for a few moments before you could express a breathy “Really?”
He face was sure as he nodded. “Yes, See I’ll even turn around.” He did just that.
You were blown away with shock. You slipped your bag over your shoulders and began to jog across the counter.
“I know your people have a rule about leaving once being seen.”
You slowed your pace as he spoke.
“All I’m saying is that you don’t have to go. I don’t mind your being here. You’re good at hiding and being invisible, I’ll give you that. A spy from birth. Just don’t let me catch you again.”
By the end of his speech you had jumped in the space behind the refrigerator and began crawling down the wall with your back pushed to the fridge to keep from falling.
Bucky listened intently to your movements. He smiled when you entered your hole behind the fridge and stopped. He knew you were thinking about his proposition to stay.
“See you around, doll.”
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nitewrighter · 5 years
Can we have interactions between the Marsey kids? Lololol I'm imagining them being like: ok where were you never worry me like that again, also you're an idiot.
Jai: And anyways, that’s why Donatello is the best Ninja Turtle. Any questions?
Soledad: Uh.. yeah, did you seriously put together a power point for this?
Tiwa: Also you keep misspelling and mispronouncing ‘Leonardo.’
Jai: For the last time, if I’m saying ‘Donatello’ aloud, I’m not mispronouncing Leonardo.
Soledad: *putting makeup on Jai*
Jai: Why are you putting your makeup on me, again?
Soledad: You’re closer to my skin tone than Tiwa.
Jai: Why don’t you just put it on yourself in the mirror?
Soledad: *dusting on highlighter* Because I always unconsciously try to make myself look as pretty as possible when I’m putting on makeup. You’re a better reference for how the makeup looks with Resting Bitch Face.
Jai: *grumble*
Soledad: Does it freak you out sometimes?
Tiwa: What, the ‘Supervillain Grandpa’ thing, the ‘Ex-Supervillain Great Aunties’ thing, the ‘mom and dad have that hero/antihero/villain thing,’ or the ‘you’re going to have to look after a multimillion dollar prosthetics company that’s gradually shrinking as decreasing war makes prosthetics less and less necessary’ thing?
Soledad: I was going to say ‘how many grapes Jai’s fitting in his mouth’ but I can see you’re kind of stressed right now.
Jai: *mouth full* 29!!!
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llamaswrites · 6 years
Fandom: Overwatch
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Doomfist: The Successor | Akande Ogundimu/Lúcio Correia dos Santos
Hana said it took twenty-one days to form a habit.
It should have been simple to do.
The universe only gave him four days before everything went wrong.
Read on AO3 here.
It was yet another of Hana’s spontaneous theories and, like most ideas she came up with unrelated to battle tactics (either in Starcraft or actual combat), it was completely awful.
“It’s really simple in theory,” she told Lúcio through a mouthful of chips and ice cream. It was a combination that he always found awful, but it made appearance any time either of them had something go down that required ‘bestie time’, as Hana put it. “You just need to stay so busy that you can’t think about him. Eventually, you’ll just forget to think about him. They say it takes twenty-one days to form a habit. Think you can do it?”
Hana didn’t know much about Akande, other than he was exactly Lúcio’s type and managed to severely bruise his fragile heart. She didn’t even know his name, because he’d never told her and she’d never asked. It was the unspoken rule when they got together that the other person didn’t pry, to just let everything flow out naturally.
This time, Hana perched on the ratty old couch she’d found in the depths of Watchpoint: Gibraltar, after having put on something awful (anime, probably) on the holoscreen at the front of the room. Lúcio sat on the floor with his back against the couch, letting Hana comb her fingers through his recently cleaned hair. After a lot of practice, he was comfortable with her helping twist his hair back into locs.  
It was hard, sometimes, to reconcile this Hana with the one he went on missions with. When she was out of the MEKA, she was bright and happy and spontaneous. In it, she was cold, calculating, and brutal, everything she trained to be as essentially a child soldier.
“I’m going to bet that’s worked for exactly no one ,” he told her, eyes trained on the screen in front of him but not really watching. “How do you come up with this stuff?”
“I don’t,” she said, but then backtracked. “At least, I didn’t come up with this. It’s something 76 mentioned to me once.”
“You should leave that poor guy alone,” Lúcio mumbled, and then asked “What did he have to say? I didn’t think he really had anything or anyone outside of just being an old soldier past his time.”
“You tell me to leave him alone and still want to scoop? I don’t think that’s fair!” She tugged on a completed loc playfully.
“It’s not like you’re going to leave him alone anyway. Just spill!”
He expected Hana to spill immediately, like whenever she had a juicy piece of gossip about someone on base, but she hesitated. “I’m not really sure if it’s my story or whatever to tell, but...I found him one night when I was exploring, out near the big beacon that acts like a lighthouse over the straight. His visor was off and he was slamming back this cheap ass beer. I asked him if he wanted to have some company, to share some war stories and beer because I had some too and god knows none of us are getting therapy anytime soon and he told me, ‘That’s not why I’m out here’.
“He let me join him though, and few beers later he started talking. Said that back when he was the head of this whole shindig, he had a person that he was really close to, that he fell in love with. He never told them though and they died when that base blew up. He told me that piece of advice, though. Said that’s how he got over it. Maybe it’ll work for you.”
“Did he ever say who they were?” Lúcio asked, curious.
“Nah,” she said, flipping a finished loc over his shoulder. “But hey, his advice has to be worth something. He’s got way more age and wisdom and senior discounts than we’ll ever have. He probably knows what he’s talking about.”
He hummed softly in agreement, but couldn’t help imagining 76 up on that lighthouse tower. Hana probably didn’t realize that if he was up there mourning by himself that his tactics for forgetting hadn’t worked after all. Maybe his advice had worked once upon a time, but obviously something or someone recently dragged every bit of thought and obsession and grief back to the forefront of his mind. Lúcio didn’t plan on taking Hana’s advice, at least not originally. As was the case with everything in his life, but especially concerning Overwatch, trouble soon followed.
He told himself at first that he wanted to know more about Akande because he needed to thank him for the research and schematics left behind on the holo tablet. Not because, he scolded himself, he was still enamoured with the man despite not seeing him in over two weeks and despite the lack of any further promise. Searching for him on the web hadn’t been his immediate course of actions because it felt weird to search for someone he’d been so...personal...with in such an impersonal way. Lúcio was afraid of what he’d find, afraid that his experience that night would be far from unique, even if nothing was promised to make it that way. He soon found that with Akande, that should have been the least of his worries.
Instead, he checked the message Akande left for him on the datapad, hoping for some overt contact information he missed on his first glance through or clues in the metadata. The message itself was as unhelpful at it had been before. Checking the metadata was no better; it was as if someone had taken a sledgehammer to it, leaving it utterly unsalvageable and utterly useless. It was too much like recovered data from old watchpoints and Talon bases, deliberately obscured and damaged to hide the fingerprints of individuals long gone, or long damned in their pursuits.
Lúcio chose to look past the oddity. Surely Akande had his reasons for masking his digital trail. From his knowledge to his (too) expensive suit to the small red plates on his head announcing the fine intraneural nerve wiring to his prosthetic, it was clear he was someone , someone who dearly didn’t want to be found trivially. It should have scared Lúcio more than it did. He wasn’t prepared for how hard the fear and realization would hit him.
It had been entirely too easy to find out about Akande on the web. Lúcio thought that he misspelled his name at first because surely this couldn’t be the intimidating but gentle man he met. A quick check of the message of the datapad confirmed he had it right and a hard, cold lump of anxiety settled deep in his gut. He steeled himself and clicked on the first biography page that popped up. His eyes lighted on the picture and the lump immediately shot up into his stomach, nausea rising quickly. He threw the datapad (the same one from Akande) violently away from him and dashed to the bathroom to lose his lunch. The datapad landed on the bed’s comforter and was fine. Lúcio’s emotional state, however, was not.
Lúcio could honestly say before he saw Akande’s picture that there was not much he regretted in life or, at least, nothing he regretted deeply. He mourned deeply those lost in the revolution he’d started, wished there had been a better way, but he knew his regret would do nothing to change the past and only dishonor their memory. He didn’t really regret the actions that led him to lose his lower legs; after all, he wouldn’t be the same person or have all the same friends today with them.
After emptying his stomach, he rested his head back against the wall. He realized, panting slightly, that this was his first true regret. The only person that could reasonably be worse in this situation might be Gabriel Reyes, if he ever really was a person when he was still in Blackwatch (there was still so much he didn’t know or wasn’t privileged to). Or maybe Widowmaker. Still, Akande -- Doomfist -- was terrible in his own right. He killed so many in his rise to power through Talon; more still would be lost Talon’s warmongering efforts succeeded. He was the antithesis to everything Lúcio stood for in his life and Lúcio had let him see the most vulnerable part of him, both personally and with his tech.
The memory of being touched gently by Akande, by the same hands that killed so many, flitted by in his brain and Lúcio smashed his head back against the tile wall, quashing down the nausea that rose violently in him with pain. He took a few deeps breaths and tried to center himself. Maybe this wasn’t as bad as he was making it out to be. After all, Aka-- Doomfist certainly hadn’t mentioned to anyone what had happened between them and if he did, it hadn’t gotten out. Maybe this was just another passing thing for Doomfist or at most, some manipulation on Talon’s part. He couldn’t let it get to him. He wouldn’t.
The keypad beeping faintly in the distance was all the warning he got before Hana barged into his room, 76 in tow with a tray of food. Apparently in his internal angsting, he missed dinner. Hana joined him on the floor of the bathroom without hesitation, smoothing his locs away form his face. 76 positioned himself in the doorway between the bathroom and bedroom with the tray balanced on a single hand, obviously irritated by being dragged along but still not leaving.
“You never miss dinner, are you sick?” asked Hana. Lúcio shook his head and smiled weakly at her.
“Nah, I’m not sick,” he said and tried to stand up. Hana pulled him back down to the cool floor.
“What’s wrong? I know something’s wrong. Is it him?” she asked once more. Lúcio glanced up quickly at 76. The old soldier seemed to be unimpressed by what the youngsters before him were talking about and studying the room around him. An arched eyebrow above his visor, though, cued Lúcio into the fact that 76 was actually listening to their conversation.
“Um, kinda,” Lúcio admitted quietly, trying to prevent 76 from listening in. It probably didn’t work; super soldier hearing made having private conversations near impossible. “Just...I think I need to take your advice, for once. I’m driving myself nuts.”
Hana helped him to his feet and together, they stumbled back into the bedroom. His prosthetics feld like dead weight as he settled back onto the bed. Hana relocated the tablet to his bedside table, where 76 also placed the tray of food. 76 averted his gaze when Lúcio undid the locks on the prosthetics but Hana just leaned on his shoulder, entirely used to seeing his legs off and knowing it just made everything more awkward if she ignored the elephant in the room.
76 took up post by the door, clearly waiting for Hana as she whispered to Lúcio, “Love sucks. It gets better though. I promise.”
“It’s not, uh, love and thanks. For the advice. And for dinner.”
She pushed herself off his shoulder and off bed. “No problem! Text me if you need anything else. And hey, maybe you should start taking my advice more often.”
“You had a good idea for once?” rumbled 76’s voice finally. “The world must be ending.”
Hana pouted at him with crossed arms as he poked roughly at the keypad to open the door. 76 waited outside in the hall as she hugged Lúcio.
“Can it, mister,” she told the old soldier as she joined him in the hallway. “Besides, this bit of wisdom wasn’t one-hundred-percent Hana Song Certified. If it goes topsy turvy, it’s your fault.”
The door closed, but Lúcio could still hear the indignant, “My fault?” from the other side as he flopped back down the bed. For some reason, he had a feeling that sleep would not come easy.
Everything that could go wrong, did so like this:
Hana said it took twenty-one days to form a habit. Simple enough, Lúcio thought. Overwatch always had a plethora of missions available, ranging from escort situations to active combat situations. He signed himself up for the most mind numbing missions he can find after he fails to not think of the night in Rio for a week straight. This will work, he told himself.
And it did, for about four days. Four days of pushing himself to the limit and falling in his bed or a cot every night, absolutely exhausted. Four days of getting up, showering, and throwing himself back into his work, healing and guiding and fighting with blood making his skin tacky.
His life hadn’t been this intense since living back in the favela under Vishkar. These missions were the most extreme Overwatch had to offer, the ones that were always waiting for one last brave soul to make them a reality. Lúcio found himself crawling through vent ducts and scorching under the heat of the Cairo sun, all in the name of justice (and keeping his mind off of Akande). He didn’t even realize his plan was working.
Everything went wrong, starting like this:
They’re up in a satellite state of Russia and the air was cold enough to make breathing physically hurt. The sun, just starting to set below the horizon, did not help the temperature at all. The mission is in an area that could be described as a slum. Each shack was built out spare parts, whether from the siding of trains or the hulls of Volskaya mechs and rats, more impervious to the cold than Lúcio was, ran underfoot.The streets were narrow and wound through it in an almost non-Euclidean manner, making it all the more impossible to avoid the sharp icicles hanging from the tin ramshackle roofs. If not for the cold, it would make Lúcio miss his favela fiercely.
There was a definite sense of poverty, yes, but also a feeling of community and belonging. Everyone here knew each other and each other’s business, which made the Overwatch team’s presence all the more glaringly obvious. Their objective was a specific omnic living in one of these shacks, particularly escorting them to safety from the harshly anti-omnic groups circling like sharks around the neighborhood. Omnics were exceedingly rare in Russia, though this omnic had managed to survive long enough to see many others of their kind to safety. Now, only they remained, trapped by those wanting to prosecute them for the crime of protecting others. The community didn’t know or trust their intentions to help, though, and so hidden the omnic remained.
Today’s squad was smaller than their usual six man. He was accompanied by Soldier 76 and McCree, of all people and was dismayed when neither man seemed very bothered by the cold. They split up early on, to gain more ground, and Lúcio found himself quietly skating through icy alleys, followed only by the quiet hum of his sonic amplifier and the stares of the slum’s residents. There was at least a clue to where this omnic might be in the form of some sort of symbol painted on the upper left of their door, but that was according to the worried omnics this one helped. Still, working on old information was better than none at all.
He barely turned a corner when an explosion nearby rocked the slums, causing some of the icicles to fall from the eaves, shattering on the ground melodiously. Lúcio quickly backtracked to the alley he came from in search of better cover, hand reaching up to the comm in his ear to consult his team about what just happened.
76 only had time to growl out, “Talon, Reaper,” before the rest of the icicles crashed down in a cacophony as something heavy landed behind him. Lúcio froze, heart in his throat and his skin prickling up from something other than the cold. He had a feeling that, if he were to turn around, he would know exactly who was behind him.
Everything went wrong because Hana’s plan couldn’t possibly account for Doomfist finding him in the middle of a mission.
Once, he read that the now extinct wolves in America proper would refuse to look at or acknowledge humans when they were caught in a trap. Sometimes, a wolf would twist itself around in a trap if that meant not looking at a human nearby. It was as though they thought trouble didn’t exist or would go away if it wasn’t acknowledged. He didn’t understand it then, but he did now.
“We meet again, Lúcio Correia dos Santos,” rumbled a voice behind him. Lúcio willed his knees to not give out and turned around finally, knowing that not facing an enemy was probably the stupidest thing he could do, next to being intimate with the same enemy.
The next stupidest thing came out of his mouth a moment later and he wanted to slap himself. “Just Lúcio is fine, but you know that.”
The corner of Akande’s mouth twitched up into a smirk as he approached Lúcio. The way he moved reminded Lúcio of some sort of big cat stalking its prey. Any other time it might have been a flattering comparison, but in this case…
The prey was a rather idiotic frog.
Lúcio skated smoothly backwards, intent on putting some space between himself and Akande--Doomfist---he really needed to stop conflating this man with anything but enemy . He hoped Doomfist wouldn’t force him to wallride to escape, as he knew there was another wall fast approaching behind his back. Escaping that giant gauntlet while having little control on a wall other than forward was not Lúcio’s idea of a good time. Really, Lúcio ought to just flee but some stupid part of him wanted to know why he was sought out specifically.
Thankfully, Doomfist stopped. Still, his huge frame filled up the narrow alley to the point where Lúcio could barely see past him. In contrast to the images he saw in his earlier search of the Talon, the mountain of a man actually wore a shirt, with one long sleeve that nearly extended past his free hand and the other tied up above his gleaming gauntlet.
“I am glad to see you once more. You were not on any of the usual missions you take for Overwatch.”
Lúcio’s first thought was that, duh, he wasn’t on any of those missions because he was trying to avoid the man, whether it was actually encountering him or simply thinking about him. His second was to question if Akande was actually looking for him . Was the man actively stalking Overwatch just to talk to him? Subtly, he muted the comm in his ear, listening with only half attention as 76 screeched commands into their line like a hoarse, old crow .
“I have to say that, uh, I’m not really that glad,” Lúcio as he shifted his weight back and forth on his skates and studied the eaves. They were just tall enough that wallriding might be possible to get past Doomfist, but there would be a problem if he wanted to launch himself on top of the building due to the eaves.
The smirk dropped instantly and Lúcio felt his veins turned to ice. Happy Akande was terrifying and intimidating but this was on a whole other level. He wasn’t sure if he would be more intimidated of Reaper if the ghast decided to show his face right then and there (it was doubtful though, if the traded gunfire between a pulse rifle and shotguns in the distance was anything to go by).
“I must admit, I thought you might be slightly more cordial, especially after how our first meeting ended.”
Nope. Nope. What man experienced in modern combat would ever say that in the possible presence of comms that either side could hear ?
“Yeah, no, not after what a quick search of you brought up. No way.” Peeking down the other alley revealed a McCree rolling by like a tumbleweed, quickly followed by gunfire. That was a definite no.
“You did not realize who I was.” It was not a question. Lúcio glanced back and met Akande’s gaze levelly. There was no referring to him as Doomfist anymore, not with his insistence of talking about that night.
“No,” he said. Akande huffed out a laugh and shook his head incredulously. The slight movement caused his giant gauntlet to gleam with the weak rays of the dying sun.
“I see. So you make it a habit then, to let total strangers make modifications that could leave you helpless? To let them bring you to the end and--”
“Could you not?” Lúcio interrupted. “Go there, I mean. To answer your question so you will stop coming back to that, no, I don’t. Now if you could stop mentioning that night, I’d be super happy because I know we both have active comms and I don’t particularly want an international syndicate knowing the details of what I do in my free time.”
“My comm is muted,” Akande said. “I assume yours is the same.”
The gears turned in Lúcio’s head, though he was quickly brought out of his reverie by another explosion, this one closer than last time. Helix rockets, maybe?
“Your team doesn’t know either,” he said slowly.
“Yes,” said Akande.
“You’re not here for Talon reasons,” Lúcio clarified and then asked, “Why are you following me?”
This gave Akande pause.
“This is not entirely Talon related, no,” he said. “I saw a kindred spirit in you that night. One who knew what it was like to fight and rise above, to overcome and be better for it.”
“So, what? You think I’m just going to follow you back to Talon because you helped me out that night? Because I fought in a war and came out on the winning side of it?”
“I did not think it would be so simple as that, but in essence yes.”
A harsh laugh rang through the air and Lúcio realized it was his own. Even Akande looked surprised.
“You really must think I’m some sort of idiot.” Akande tried to object, but Lúcio continued speaking over him, fueled by a level of anger he didn’t know that he possessed. “No, seriously. Did you really think I would be, what, seduced by you into joining Talon? Just because I fit into some part of your weird philosophy? Let me tell you a few things.
“I’m not better because of what happened with Vishkar in Rio. Just because I don’t regret my actions doesn’t mean I want to go through it all again, that I can say I’m better for everything that happened. I don’t know how you could think anyone could be better from losing their legs, their family, everything in their life, from watching children and their parents die from the labor they were forced to do or the beatings from being out past curfew. Even worse is seeing people die in the name of a cause you yourself have spearheaded, before they could ever know a better life.
“You think I’m better for that? That they’re better for that? You can seriously fuck right off with that ideology and take your rich boy self elsewhere because I’m done here.”
Lúcio rushed towards Akande and started to crouch to begin his jump. Akande, seeing the change in posture, lunged for him but missed him by inches, hurtling towards the other end of the alley with the gauntlet. Homefree, Lúcio continued to wallride and flipped around to watch as Akande pulled up short of crashing at the end of the alley before backflipping off a wall to land in the larger street.
“Lúcio, wait!”
The first shot, he reasoned later, didn’t make its mark because Widowmaker wasn’t anticipating the manner of his exit from the alley. Still, it shattered the green plexiglass of his goggles and caused him to land off kilter, not entirely balanced on his skates.
The second hit him, but also not in its intended place. Akande, having realizing the gravity of the situation far before Lúcio did, lunged out of the alley and tackled him into the ground. Still the sniper’s bullet found its way into his right lung, entirely too close to his heart. He wouldn’t know that until later, though.
Lúcio’s world seemed to grind to a halt. Some part of him dimly registered how nice and warm Akande was over him, especially compared to how cold it was. Another part registered Akande yelling into his now unmuted com, ordering Widowmaker to stand down as he was pulled into the man’s lap, while his own comm screamed in his ear.
Akande ripped off part of his sleeve and balled it up. When he pressed it against the wound on Lúcio’s chest, the pain finally cut through the haze in his mind.
He’d been shot.
Pain crawled through his chest like fire and he couldn’t suppress a whimper that came out even more pathetic than it should with a pierced lung. It had been so long since he was last shot -- usually his blades were quick enough to keep him out of the line of fire. It was a familiar enough of a sensation to know that something was very, very wrong with the way pain flowed through his body.
Akande murmured apologies as he cradled Lúcio’s body and kept the cloth pressed to the wound, though it was quickly apparent it was doing nothing to help. Lúcio smiled and tried to laugh, even as he failed catching his breath. There were worse ways to go than been looked after by a really attractive guy he thought and he must have vocalized it because Akande ruefully chuckled as he raised a hand to cradle Lúcio’s face. It was getting harder and harder to keep his eyes open and the hand that was cradling his face soon turned to striking it lightly, probably in an attempt to keep him awake.
He heard footsteps quickly approaching and suddenly, the pain cut to a fraction of what it had been. Lúcio found the strength to crack open his eyes and he saw Akande still looming over him, tense and lit by a warm yellow light. Lúcio let his head loll over to the side and saw 76 crouched by them. That explained the light, most likely from one of the soldier’s portable biotic fields.
“I’m not going to kill you,” 76 said quietly. “I’m not even going to tell anyone about this. I’ve been through this same thing. Just please, give him to me. We can still save him from the venom.”
Venom? Was that what was making this so painful?
Akande hesitated, before gently lifting Lúcio up from his lap and letting 76 take him into his arms. The cold leather of 76’s jacket was significantly different from Akande’s own natural warmth and Lúcio shivered violently. Akande’s hand stroked the side of his face gently and Lúcio leaned into the warm touch thankfully.
“Take care of him,” Akande told 76, who inclined his head slightly in response. The soldier shoved the biotic emitter in his pocket and took off running. Lúcio didn’t make to the ship before losing the fight to unconsciousness, but he was awake long enough to hear the tell-tale boom that announced Akande’s takeoff with the gauntlet.
It took three days for Lúcio to wake up completely.
In the meanwhile, he woke up for seconds or minutes at time.
Once, he woke up to Hana tying his hair back in a scarf, considerate of the way it went absolutely bonkers whenever he slept or neglected to take care of it. Her face was puffy and red, probably from crying and she stroked his face gently when she saw that his eyes were open.
Another time, he saw Zenyatta meditating in the corner of the room, lit only by the afternoon light filtering in through the blinds. The chiming of the orbs around the omnic quickly lulled Lúcio back into unconsciousness.
When he finally awoke, the room was empty save for 76. The old man sat in a chair in the corner where Zenyatta previously was, snoring beneath a magazine that lay on his face. The room was darkened and from the lack of light outside, Lúcio could guess it was well past the time any decent person should be awake. Sore and conscious of the too-tight bandages that swaddled his abdomen, Lúcio carefully sat up. He was surprised when nurses didn’t immediately swarm in with the pick up in heart rate, but it was night after all. He noticed that someone had taken his legs off and it irked him slightly that they weren’t in sight.
He tucked a stray lock of hair back into the scarf and dipped his head to his chest to inspect the wound, or what little he could see of it. Purple blood vessels, so dark they were nearly black, crawled out from under the bandage, clearly damaged by whatever the bullet was laced with. It would be a long while before he was completely recovered. With the wound so close to his heart, he was lucky to even be alive at all. Sighing, Lúcio pulled the covers back up over his chest just as someone entered the room.
The omnic clearly wasn’t a nurse. His (because this was probably the most masculine omnic Lúcio had ever seen) expensive suit looked extremely out of place in the hospital and he wasn’t the standard build that any of the nurses probably were. In contrast to most omnics he knew, including Zenyatta, this one had custom sculpting done on his frame to give him a more human-like appearance, belying that he was something outside of the range of the common omnic. Lúcio also noted with some disquiet that all of the omnic’s vital lights were red.
Could this be the omnic they tried to rescue in the slum? God, he hoped so. His luck lately would have this mystery bot be entirely bad news.
“Ah good, you’re awake,” he intoned, mechanical voice belying an accent that was, again, entirely by choice and out of the common range for most omnics. The omnic placed a wrapped box, presumably a gift of some sorts, at the foot of his bed with many more Lúcio hadn’t noticed before.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t recognize you,” said Lúcio. The omnic chuckled darkly.
“That is good,” he said, “for both you and me, but irrelevant nevertheless. I am here on behalf of a mutual friend to check on you and deliver a gift.”
Lúcio eyed the omnic carefully. He was starting to have a few guesses to who this omnic might be and quite a few of them led back to the hole in his chest.
“How...exactly did you get in here?” Lúcio asked and glanced at 76, who still appeared to be quite passed out but still breathing. “Overwatch’s security is pretty good and if I don’t know you…”
“Their security can be the best in the world but it’s not going to stop the owner of this hospital from walking in whenever he pleases.” The omnic tapped at the datapad on the wall, pulling up Lúcio’s charts and examining them. “And don’t go looking for my identity either, you won’t find anything worthwhile there.”
Another glance at 76. Another snore.
“Did you, uh, do something to him?”
“Just a mild sedative in the coffee creamer. Don’t worry, he’ll wake up eventually.”
“So, if your...friend....needed to know how I was doing, why not just check my records through the access you already have?” Lúcio asked and the omnic turned away from the datapad with a sigh.
“Do your questions never cease? And you never ask the right one...Humans, even the more intelligent ones, are astoundingly illogical sometimes. Seeing the records was not enough to assure his heavy heart, though I’m not sure what my presence here will do in regards to that. I will say though, you are looking remarkably well for being on the receiving end of Amelie’s gun.”
Everything clicked at once.
“You’re from Talon. Akande sent you.”
“Finally, some sign of intelligence. Yes, he did. For some reason I’m failing to comprehend at the moment, he has stake in your continued existence. Now that I’ve seen sign of life in all your lacking faculties, I shall take my leave.”
And like that, the omnic strutted out of the room just as suddenly as he had arrived. Dumbfounded, Lúcio could only stare at the small present, wrapped in red paper, sitting out of his reach at the foot of the bed. Everything was spiralling out of control. The night with Akande should have never left the hotel, but now it landed him in the hospital. Overwatch probably thought that he was compromised, Talon was probably looking at him like he was a piece of meat, and now everyone would know how much he messed up.
A short time later, 76 startled himself awake with a snore and then proceeded to act like he’d never been asleep in the first place. Lúcio didn’t enlighten him as to their curious visitor and soon enough, 76 was replaced by a weepy, but happy, Hana. With her, she brought the datapad from where he had abandoned it beside his bed. He left it closed and let her chatter away about what was happening back at the Watchpoint. Being the friend she was, she immediately picked up on his quietness though he initially tried to wave it off as a reaction to recovery and the drugs they had him on.
“76 told me what happened, you know,” she said quietly. “As far as I know, he didn’t tell anyone else. You can talk about it if you need to.”
He shook his head and his gaze caught on the box at the end of the bed for what was probably the thousandth time. Tracing his gaze, Hana grabbed it.
“You keep looking at it,” she explained as she dumped it in his lap. It was heavier than he thought it would be. “Just open it. I think I know who it’s from.”
Sighing, Lúcio carefully untied the silk ribbon binding the box and lifted the lid. Inside was a poncho of some sort, made from tan lengths of woven cloth with green stripes running parallel to its length. Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be little stylized frogs embroidered upon the cloth, hopping the length of the stripes on the front of the fabric leading up to what Lúcio presumed was the neck hole. The reverse side was lined with a heavier cloth, softer than the top fabric by far.
“It’s neat,” said Hana as she reached out to run her fingers over the texture, “but what is it?”
“I’m not really sure either,” Lúcio said. “Look, you can take off the lining.”
“It looks really warm,” Hana murmured as she smoothed her hand over the soft lining. “Which is good, you’re always shivering unless you’re south of the equator! He probably noticed too.”
Lúcio said nothing and traced the outline of a frog. Hana watched him mope for a moment before she snatched the gift from his hands.
“You should wear it!” she announced and fed her hands through the fabric, presumably trying to find the neck opening to shove it over Lúcio’s head.
“Hana, no,” he objected. “I’m fine. Also I have no idea how to wear it.”
“Hana yes,” she said, “and we’ll figure it out together. Hold still!”
Luckily for Lúcio, Soldier: 76 chose that moment to wander back in the room with Efi, a hand on her shoulder. Probably to keep her from excitedly bouncing on the balls of her feet, something she almost alway did when she came to see him.
The hand failed to keep her from tackling him.
“Lúcio!” she cried as she barreled into his chest. Lúcio nearly bit through his lip to keep from crying out as her head smashed into the bandages on his chest. “I was so worried but everyone else at Overwatch said you were going to be okay but the mission details said that both Widow and Doomfist were there and oh my gosh I can’t even begin to imagine what happened, you should have taken Orisa with you--”
“Efi, it’s alright,” he reassured, prying the small girl from her tight hug around his chest. Efi didn’t seem to notice him gritting his teeth. “It all worked out okay. We’ll try to take Orisa next time, okay?”
She nodded solemnly and added, “She would have been able to kick Doomfist’s butt. Then he wouldn’t be able to hurt you or anyone else.”
Lúcio looked up guiltily to meet Hana’s pained gaze (and 76 too, if he’d actually been able to see past the visor).
It was funny how the most innocent phrase could just punch through him like a bullet.
Thankfully, Efi was distracted by the gift in Hana’s hands.
“Oh! An agbada! Can I see it?”
“Is that what this is?” Hana asked. She handed over the folded fabric to Efi, who sat back at the end of the bed and unfolded it. She traced the pattern and giggled when her fingers found the frogs.
“Yup,” she said. “It’s a super common thing for men to wear in Numbani. Or really, any Yoruba guy anywhere. Where did you get this? It’s really cute!”
“Um, a friend gave it to me,” Lúcio admitted.
“A guy friend?” asked Efi with a sly smile and Lúcio felt his face start to burn. She laughed. “It’s okay, I can tell. With the way that this was woven, I can almost guarantee a guy made it. Here, let me help you put it on.”
Lúcio leaned forward as much as his bandages allowed him to let Efi slip the agbada over his head. He was only able to get one arm through a sleeve for fear of snagging his IV, so he elected to keep it slightly wrapped around his abdomen under the cloth. Efi tugged the agbada into place, consequently dislodging the breathing tubes from his nose.
“Oops, sorry!” she said as he fixed them. “But really, you look pretty good. You’re not quite tall enough to be called agunt'asoolo, but it suits you anyway. Whoever made this for you really put a lot of care into it.”
“Yeah...he did.” Lúcio mumbled as he ran his free hand down the front of the agbada. This was physical proof of either how smitten Akande was with him, or how desperate Talon was for him to join them.
He wasn’t sure what was worse.
“I’d still wear something underneath it in the future,” said Efi, oblivious to his turmoil. “It’s really meant to be an overcoat of sorts. Maybe Orisa and I will make you some beads for your hair to match with little speakers in them. Don’t you think that would be awesome, miss Hana?”
Hana nodded with a tight smile on her face. The look she shot Lúcio plainly said we need to talk about this soon and Lúcio averted his gaze back down to the agbada. 76 was not immune to the tension in the room and checked an imaginary watch on his wrist.
“Five more minutes, kiddo,” he growled out. “He’s not going to get any better with you playing on him like a jungle gym.”
Efi plainly struck up a pout. When her parents let her visit Orisa back at whatever watchpoint she currently based out of, the pout was the demise of nearly anyone around her and she was consequently able to get away with murder.
Nearly everyone, except for Ana and 76.
Soldier: 76 stared down the small girl and when it became apparent that he wasn’t bowing, Efi turned her attention back to Lúcio, chattering about some of her newer plans and his concert schedule. When finally 76 determined her time was up, she hugged Lúcio tightly (and no, he wasn’t going to admit exactly how much it hurt, it was humiliating that the strength of an eleven-year-old’s hug made him want to cry) and hopped off the bed. It was Hana who escorted her from the room this time, leaving 76 and Lúcio alone in the small room.
Lúcio shrugged off the agbada and folded it carefully as his nurse finally came into the room. 76 took it from him and set it by the holopad at the side of the bed while his nurse ran through his vitals and started a new drip of medicine going.
“You’re going to be out like a light here in a few,” said his nurse, “so you may want to do whatever you need to before you’re dead to the world again.”
His nurse helped him walk stiffly to the bathroom and after settling him back down in bed, left. 76 settled down in the chair beside the bed and Lúcio prepared himself for a lecture. The old man said nothing, though, as Lúcio fussed with the scarf around his hair (hopefully Hana was up for helping him redo all of his locs once more). Finally, the soldier let out a sigh.
“You’re not the first to do this, you know,” he said, “and you’re definitely not going to be the last.”
“I’m not exactly doing anything,” Lúcio told him, trying to keep the snapping edge out of his voice. “Really, I’m trying not to do anything. But...but…”
He shook his head and immediately regretted it as dizziness sucker punched him from the movement. Obviously, the meds were kicking in.
“But he won’t let go,” 76 said. “And really, I don’t think you’re ready to let go either. Kid, you look like a love sick idiot anytime you so much as see that thing he got you.”
Lúcio flopped back on the bed and huffed.
“So?” he finally snapped, feeling more than a little immature. “So what? Are you going to take me off mission rosters because I’m compromised? Remove my agent status?”
“I’d be a hypocrite if I did,” said 76 and Lúcio stared at him. “Again, you’re not the first to do this. You have a good head on your shoulders and I don’t think you’re going to be leaping to join Talon anytime soon, or give them too much information.”
“So why bring this up, then?” Lúcio’s words came out slurred and his mind struggled to gain traction. He wondered if he’d remember this discussion the next time he woke up.
“I just…” 76 sighed again. “I just don’t want to see you making the same mistakes I did. There’s two sides to this, there always is. Don’t do anything stupid but…”
76 reached up to the visor as if to pinch his nose but settled for running his fingers through his white hair.
“Just know that there’s more to life than fighting, okay? If there comes a time that you’re starting to doubt if you’re in the right place, don’t ignore those doubts. Listen to them. It’ll serve you well.”
76 stood up and reached out to lightly ruffle what he could reach of Lúcio’s hair.
“Take care of yourself, kid. Get some sleep.”
Lúcio watched with drooping eyes as the old soldier marched out of the room and thought back to his encounter with Akande. The face Akande had given him when Lúcio ripped into him was one of a man who, for the first time in his life, doubted the ground on which he’d built his life. 76’s words echoed in his head as he gave into the medication and spiralled into unconsciousness.
He sincerely doubted that he was the one having second thoughts about where he was in life.
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redrikki · 7 years
I'd like to hear a commentary for Nothing To Write Home About, please!
I started writing this after a half-joking conversation with @flaminganakin about how a pen pal would revolutionize Anakin’s life. So far there are three chapters. I have a terrible history with WIPs, but I hope to complete this one. Just don’t ask me where it’s going. You can read it here. DVD commentary on the first chapter below the cut.
There was a message from an unknown sender waiting on Anakin’s com channel when he finally stumbled into his bunk after three straight days of fighting on Muunilinst. According to the time stamp, it had been there for awhile, but he must have missed it under the constant barrage of orders and battle updates of the last few days. Anakin could barely keep his eyes open, but his heart raced at the sight of the blinking notification. Padmé. It must be from Padmé. Who else would be writing him from an unlisted com frequency?
The man’s life is shit and he just wants to hear from his wife alright?
It wasn’t from Padmé. Anakin, it read, you hardly know me, but your mother would have wanted us to look after each other. I know the Jedi are involved in the fighting. Are you alright? Please, don’t be a stranger. Cliegg Lars.
Cliegg Lars? Cliegg Lars?! How did he even have Anakin’s com frequency? Anakin certainly didn’t remember giving it to him. But then, he didn’t remember much about that last trip to Tatooine. Just the rattle of his mother’s dying breath, the weight of her body, and the stench of burning flesh as he cut down Tusken after Tusken. The rest of it was lost in a haze of rage and grief and sand.
For a moment, Anakin wanted to ignore it, delete it, smash the comlink on the floor. He didn’t need this reminder of his failure as a Jedi and a son, not when he’d just spent the last three days failing over and over again to protect his men. No, Anakin didn’t need this, but maybe Lars did. His mom always said that the biggest problem in the galaxy was that no one helped each other. She would want him to look after her widower.
Both Anakin and Cliegg enter into this relationship believing it’s what the other person needs. My goal is to have it be of benefit to both of them. Cliegg feels helpless and unnecessary within his family, but Anakin helps him to feel useful again. For Anakin, Cliegg is a source of alternate views and paternal support without all the baggage and agendas he gets from Obi-Wan and Palpatine. 
Yawning hugely and struggling to focus his eyes, Anakin sent out a quick reply and feel asleep with his boots on.
Poor boy is so sleepy, Can’t you just picture this? He’s lying on his back and snoring with his mouth open.
Cliegg woke alone to the smell of caf and frying eggs. Lying with his eyes closed, he imagined Shmi must have gotten up before him and started making breakfast. But when he reached across, her side of the bed was cold. A few of her dark hairs still clung to her pillow, but it had lost the shape of her head. His wife slept in sand now and Cliegg would sleep alone until he joined her. He let his grief wash over him, then pushed it aside and started his day.
Haha, ow. I think Cliegg genuinely loved Shmi. I’d like to believe that they fell in love and then he saved up to buy her freedom rather than something more sketchy, like him buying her and then offering her freedom if he married her. This story runs with the more romantic rather than creepy version. 
In the kitchen, Beru puttered around the stove while Owen methodically shoveled forkfuls of egg into his mouth. He grunted a greeting as Cliegg floated to the table on his power chair. Since Cliegg’s injury, Owen had taken over more and more of the farm work. He needed to eat fast if he had any hope of staying on top of it.
Shmi’s death and Cliegg’s maiming hit the family hard, not just emotionally, but economically. They lost two valuable workers. I imagine it caused Owen to speed up his plans to marry Beru, just so they could have someone to replace Semi’s missing labor. 
“Good morning,” Beru said as she set a plate and steaming mug of caf down in front of him. Cliegg took a sip of the caf before digging in. The eggs weren’t quite like Shmi’s, but the caf had just the right about of blue milk mixed in. Beru joined them with her own breakfast a moment later. “There’s a message for you on the comm channel,” she said as she settled down on the bench next to Owen.
“Really? Who from?”
“Anakin,” Owen grumbled between mouthfuls. “Days late and a few hundred credits short as always.”
Canon gives us zero clues as to how Owen and Beru viewed Anakin. Like, Owen feels Luke being like him is unfortunate, but that’s about it. I decided Owen would vaguely resent him because a) drama, and b) it kind of made sense. Owen clearly loved Shmi, but Anakin was her kid and he knew he could never compete with that. 
Beru frowned at her husband, but Cliegg just sighed. After years of Shmi’s stories about her sweet, talented boy, the strange young man who had walked off into the desert and came back with her corpse had been something of a disappointment. He’d fixed every broken thing on the farm, but had barely spoken to any of them. What Cliegg chalked up to grief and shock, Owen put down to Jedi pride and standoffishness, and no amount of tutting on Beru’s part would change that. Cliegg had hoped that maybe getting to know Anakin would. It had been a disappointment that when Cliegg reached out and the boy never reached back.
“What does it say?” Beru asked, leaning forward to get a glimpse as Cliegg pulled the message up on a data pad. He read it over, then read it again, and a third time just to make sure. Weren’t the Jedi supposed to have educated the boy? Shmi had been a slave her whole life and she wrote better than this.
Anakin’s writing is usually much better when he isn’t literally falling asleep. In fact, he tends to write very formally. He was teased mercilessly about his manner of speaking when he first arrived at the Temple and is, as a result, hyper aware of how he uses language. That’s why he often comes off as stiff or awkward when nervous, upset, or around authority figures. See, and you thought it was just George’s bad writing.
“Well?” Owen put his fork down and joined his wife in trying to sneak a peek. He had a man’s shape and bore a man’s burden, but, by the suns, he looked just like a boy at that moment.
I went with ‘by the suns’ because Cliegg needed something to swear by and there’s literally only one mention of god in existing canon. I figure what people swear by varies from planet to planet. No one on Tatooine seems to know about or have use for the Force, so that was out. The suns would have to do.
Cleigg chuckled and read Anakin’s message aloud, word for word as he’d written it. “Sorry. Tired. Three days fighting Muunilinst. Lost rt arm Geonosis. Hop u r well. Anakin.”
Autocorrect kept trying to fight me on Anakin’s message. 
Owen and Beru blinked at him as they tried to process Anakin’s incoherent jumble of a message. Owen took a long gulp of his caf to help and shook his head.
Beru’s fork clattered on the table as it slipped from her fingers. “He lost his arm?!” Beru exclaimed. She pulled the data pad from Cleigg’s hand to read it over herself. “He lost his arm and they sent him fight?” She slapped it down on the table with a bit more force than necessary.
The Star Wars universe has some pretty miraculous medical technology, but it’s pretty unevenly distributed. As a Jedi living on a core world. Anakin had access to high-tech prosthetics where a poor farmer living in the middle of no where like Cliegg almost certainly didn’t. It greatly effected their health outcomes. 
What? Cleigg pulled the pad around read the message again. Lost rt arm Geonosis. The fighting there had happened just after Anakin and his woman had left, a little over a standard month ago. Even with all the medicine a Hutt could afford, there was no way he’d be well enough to tie his own boots, let alone fight in a war. Yet, from the sound of it, that’s just what he was doing. The Jedi had promised Shmi that they would take care her son and provide him with an education. Based on Anakin’s message, they’d done neither. Well, someone needed to look after this boy and it might as well be his family. Cleigg Lars set aside his breakfast and began to write.
Man, I misspelled Cliegg’s name a bunch of times in this. Whoops. Well, I’ll go back and correct that on the original. My bad. 
Cliegg is right about the Jedi having failed Anakin, just not in the way he understands. By the end of this, I hope to have Anakin realize that fact too and do something about it. We’ll see how it goes and how I get there. 
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